ERN DVERTISEIIENTS MOS% KLIMA Pi ZINC. ___,..-. RE Vieille Montagne Company saPPlTthd , n`'" yeah RoolSor and Flooring in antes 3x7fect,tt 11 42 ounces-pa Kura foot. OneolratoL ln a r p aZ II II Or. for Moder pot.lie tmildiago 0.. m... rho:hint, J 4 x 413 melee, fn.. r .. 1 5 ihoo,Wire, Sages mad., r=l nu, - t, u.. - .47 ...mat their metal rare, and frea from 67 me of Iron, or any other sabratnee, and ~,. easionend it fat the 121.322 h 121 , 2 .f 22 0 2 %221.1e1el in the holm furnishing 1M0... " nwts 1, nn affected by the Len= of water, and clay be polined, painted, nd jap. ' --- Plastplen, a rook*anned plan. onoailicationo, and other Information 12224 be had of th eir &gentle— M`Cu. a 8....0., l'iml n _ork - A 22.11•01. Bottom & •-o,..potOrt; NATILOI Thema Leo" rhaLielPhini VI, & H. MeKne, atitbaOrer, erase, Mil/0i1...TM. New Oflefittg Y KILLIROUX, Resideat'Arent, Otte, May 1. 2 ii..gmv , ot.,,Mewr York. niayafed.let : •, . `agog lIIIDIEGS AND LEI/Milian. I , Edward A. Godfrey, 16 Hoses Calvert st, wear Bentßecki rt., Boltz:mom Mate E. Godfrey b. . jr:P . ORTER oftthe FloOmpotnd Dealerin L e a t her, ermines kinds: English and French Kid Skins, It Calf Skins, Patent Leather Morocco, red . , ,7121" and GAO.% ;Zits, VP:11 Rthe Knives. Awl Blades, Stine THREAD, Bleed Tacke, Shoe Neils and Shoe PEGS, of all azes. E. A. G. having established the above hearten it Bulttmoro, (*.enabled to ship goods Routh or Wen with the.rantdespatch, and at the lowest peters. hlsnafattarers, desders, and all ether., may rely upon obtaining terry g a r n e r the trade, of the best et.LOG. sod On terteeM. • Idamdactarer of Lolte,.Soot Treei: o rders rees. Cowes, Crimps, 14.0 t ttrettberr,tre. All will ,r,rompuy executed. Low priers foe cosh. A catalogue containing a complete Llst of every ole In th e trade will be forwarded to those who may desire lc EDWARD A. GODERiIn 69. Calvert Ist. n.flS4k. tear Battle:ore droore. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway, corner of Malden Lane. lIRYITIL has been lemma by the tt~thhmomm.ber, .1 has been complete") e moot e'.l4*(ll nt. net. Large adiitions are nu!! whieh, a hen eamromed , wdi mate 11 for meti ext.:arm ilnle. lo,New York. It is tee nelnrt . owo.r. of t h e proprietor. to make it equal, in mt - ef7. Cr m the United Mums ~ , T o ,ne ~.• m .i.t met dentrofile mod orottol the . t Oro fathomable can el Proadersy • ). outl t bet,. t gt. platee of etcn.eme , tai' • • (Valera' fo. fie ti err `n • " . oro.e 1. emir at the Molded _ n r.- r toroctfally or.. , Of O. new vita _ en ` 4 :_Z L at fon MOSO ULM two,/ r . fr N.... Ma rc . loi-f.,164. •m PI/FITUAIR: VIOLA £lO or L. ••'T s mo sthIREING FOR TRAIT CLUB. I . titanic Plyrnotoh. Fnaland The ..•,nee•o beg to acquaint the. , nouttroot nat cone b., P ar 0 t RaeHu orb] • -b.f.- Loooe't n erod far :hr forth, moo Growl . to oool Roby Rata- the number of shares to be moo , to A t op eubb data. First class member DO, , t o.. AA,. IA Fart. •uol• Re Inc nu „. 00r ttore.1h41 , 1. to .AeOFIarT & patty othaetil , a rot' Wore thin one share ha. OA chance whol amber benuoco. /nom nvouuero Enter std be potaenled watt the fol oaring attn. , — PW{lllll of lot CLISII bon-see AI ditto Wiener or Foot 1t .rue &AIN* ' LIO GO) Stennd Ilteowt•-• t 0.050 • b °DO htrd I tome •• • .w.lo Divvied =map. S"arter.••• • 11.01)0 1,004 • ^ (sort Starter. 4,000 3.01.0 hare are 209 bonus, in each class, that being the gessoer of bones entered for the rare. The Dressing will be conducted upon the same legitimate prinmules u those which chareeterisen the late St. Ledger and other proceeding.. Full particulars of the result "rill be sent to absent members immediately after the de cision, that each may know his posaien• Subscriber, registered and scrip forwarded on re ceipt of a remittance. Bills of Fichange„ Drafts, Beak Note., key addressed .. and made payable to the ManagingDireetnrs. W. LattiF2 fc CO. Five per cent: commission to be reduced on the swerntation often_. surlG-2sn 1150) REED HOUSE, 111150 ILKITLI £ DAUBER, Proprlatora, /hat= Square, Eris, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Earner:l, Western, and ;Southern Sups, leave this house daily. Car. tinges to and from Bloom and Pukes Boats, Gratis. Id. W. Elora, lath of the . erica. Hotel, Erie, Pa. G. W. Baum, tate auto ' ••• • Hotel, Ohio. afillAdOm air Jame Illarrars Fluid ittagnesfa. PftEt'ARED under the immedlart rare of the In mentor; and mablistied for upwards of thirty years. 'nit e 1..% preparation to recommended to all ewes a bile, acidities, indigettion, gout, and gravel, as the most gait, easy, and effectual form in which ---- Magnesia may, and indeed the only one in which to ought to be oxtail., possessing all the propertlre of the Magnesia sow In general use, without being liable like it, te form dangerous concretions in the DOWLIS, It effectually cures heartburn without Injuneg coats of the stomach, es soda potma, nod their on , ' bona. are known to do; it prevents the food of in fant. tenting Noel; in all cares it aets as • pleasing aperient, and fa peculiarly, adopted to female. Pie Ilemphrey Davy testified that this weletlon forms Feeble combinations with one acid web to eases of goat and gravel, Mellor coanteracting their injerionr tendency,. when other alkalies, and even Magnesia Hull; had failed. From Kr Philip Crampton, Bert, Surgeon General to the Army in Ireland:— , °Dear Om—There can be no doubt that Magnesia may be administered more safely in the form of • con counted Marion than In substrate; for this, and many other reasons, I ton of opinion that the Fluid Magnesia to a very valeable addition to our Mawr. Medic. PHILIP CRAMPTON." Pie lames Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and - Mesa. Guthrie lad Herbert Mayo, of London strong ly recommend Murray'. Plaid Magnesia, sgbaing in finitely more sate and convenient than the sobd, mid free from the danger et eedlng the constant urn of soda or pone.. For sale by the importer's and proprietor's mem, B A FAIIHMTOCHA CO MayliS Car. of Wood& Front no. N • - • - . OTICE Is hereby given, that on or about the 2511, of April, the sabseribers had tented to them. at eilsburg, Va., the following notes, rise--A note draw, bi 13. A.. Martin, payable to oar order, dated April II at 4 months, for 8173 drawn a note dwn y Jotut,p organ, same date and time., for 8111 17. and a note drawn by John Wont & Co., in favor o 1 John S. Abate% and re-endorsed by er, dated April 9th, four months; for 8175. The strove notes were never received by us, and this is to caution all persons against trading for or baying the male,. payment Pt has been stopped, 8& W ILA.BIIAUGH maylS PD.E.Sti SPRING i SUMMER GOODS. AVERY large and choirs conk of Fresh 'Spring atul Sommer Goole has hut been opened at Rileßanderß EuVat No Mattel same; north west corner of the Dlarpond. In calling the attention of our enztowera and the public to itis nowt, tt afford. as gnu pleasure to be able to. eny It erebnieer CIREATe BARGAINS In al. mon emery defeeptwo goodr,a• a large portion of u win porehaard at the recent ei(misive auvtion Nth, en nk.sic.rn ' , IC,. ((or ott of "kr.r, an.l rep e,oat te eery utpenor. tea afford, 1.3 ^,b e . . 113, by r - hie o> DRESS GOODS •• • e 1),, y I‘.p:itin re de on.rgeetne dimbyt even' fie • ... • Iplun and dynend plug' alike, , bn i.l: ^ bereao lane nese and band y e ieneb, thiglien, add fxole.. valety, dna at very lola yrieesi • • 111. ipni de faint of al. kinds a, •J. .• o oi a': enades and COlClioi ging .• t :man% Yitdie.. • ',BRAWLS. •Y. ntkvnelcort . plain •A n. %a plain and ambrotlerndThtt et de; Doc nosh. nit do: ..per paid and entb - oiArred white Lod on-d Drai.. - D Ant and-A.^ d..Ye„ WHITE GOODS. ri tam eastottorn.• tr. ntlos naosooka, -elate*, nook., biftinp-la- no. to. BONNETS. FloaSh %. Heady, rll7 Florence braul and toper Enellsh straw non•••• PARASOLS. • toe stock of sayesoo .14 and trinred sill end Jahn Tare paraanto of ...Oar. and ....ditto. CLOTHS & CASSIMERES. A Large usortagent of super haulah, hogltsh and Bateau cloths and. casco:lens of all qualiuna and prlces, to ashica V. solid inottolhe ausation of the teatime. DOMID3_TIC9. • . Dui stock of brown and uleached ticking% cheeks, chambray!, drillings, &e, la very large, and at the very lowestprice. Ala% a large let of table diapers and table c!oths, brown and blenebed; Russia uld Scotch diapers, erath linen. manna COMM and wool •a goods for Into and beye arm, Dub linens, red, white, and yellow dan. nes,' &mettle gingham, silk and linen hat fa' and sieves of all kinds, hosiery and bonnet ribbons, aril. Wad lowers, ac,se all *bleb we would respectfully balm We attention of wholesale and retail , cash Wets. ALEXANDER . ..F.I)AV, as . laY2D Ed Market at-N W coo of the Diamond. . lAM now prepared to farnieh Apple Trees, from the well teem Nursery of Jacob N. Brown.-1%0 iltd , will be debvered at the wharf at Piushargh for •/2 per handraL Persona wreathe good thrifty trees .bold leave Melt enters roon at the Drag, Seed, and Perth:nary Wareham, corner of Wood end cut t sta. apll B N NVICHERSIIA.M ELICEOVAL. _ , WAYNE IRON,WORHS WAREHOUSE. mel OLEN, BROWN A. CO. have removed to No IRO JP Water at, 314 doer Whey the Monongahela ileIM 111;112117Al. P ALMER, HANNA 12.- CO: here recurred Weir Exchange Otte. to earth west corner or Wood sold Third streets. - , assal 2122.162 . 174 cIIWRCI9,O2III7THERS no totoo o to V No 97 water it, kat, In Ir e bowie fonneriy occupied by :g o g o . en 34o, STARdi . - 1-23 bus Itonbriebth ex Much; 13 bra Snubs do; 2 0 bks INO.wg W. • dor out reached end far rata by M.LL.7I, RICEE NON to Plantation In elaasoa lea Mda common, fair, E Praia • Wanton Sugary, Sal oak brl. Plantains Nolalady 70 bypres brl. do „c ad rig, for sale Ay ) ,. 117 ft 174 Lltarty n 1" 1 11 GRANT • t 0 1.0 41 Water n too for sale by AN len II GRANT Watkinius—lo fill OM 1"i0 100 tam by C GRANT 1.1" -- Zrd &11813 F-10 tes tsnaeld's 8 Caned 115.¢.2; 6 tea Idillsr, Brown t Matins do 1 - 1 3o tn. Brans & swift's do; !Dies D. Maav'n do; II to es:massed Beef ro.ds; • • .. 6 us p lain do Fin ale hi UM) SELLERS & NICOI.B VA ADi.VAING—Is bri in non and' ' for silo by Den) ROBISON. LATLE &CO C ( 7115 HO —11 X; • • , man Ckillieubst • EV bast% I do; 60 Oie Not Rodn Hoeft Jut rseelted and rot rale b KIL y LER a lIICKETSON 0 DOS Dr Raters' Darman and T.T. pail/. fi salved and far We by : 3 KIDD & CO DOZ & P. Toarnsend'a Caro . 04.2 —OO lltc arr ay plltlirtMt—iso bTi,NC Tar; • 140 Ufa Piteb,on Tornigranent and Ili dale b• Deg - 86LLE1t8 L NICOLD lJ:TI1e mai 11 tit _ - • • • 131110 IV lELSCRLIMEOR, I " J. Els MELLOR. Si Wood meet, boo lust reedied a new ar aortment of PIANO MUSIC, moat which use the folbrainm Molly, do you Love me, by S. C.Soster. , Olt, may the Red Rose Live Alvray, do. Nally was a Lady, - do. Uncle Ned, do. Go lly wine to Run all Night, do. do. D Day, SoldiereWedding, by Glover. The Robin, do. Oh, Teach the Cord yet ones siraht. Sweet Memoirs of The. Silver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Bong. Thou hut Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thai. The Conscript's Densmore, by Glover. De Kind to the Loved Ones at Home. 'Ti. Home where e'er the Hems is. The Yankee Maid. Low Raektd Car,byLover. Ro yoo cvcr illto of ma Jeannie Grey.P.M Elfin, Ceßytes, Wedding, Wreath, and Vitalises. Batchelor, Maiden, Bella Welts, Conert. Souvenir, Cally, Elvira,_LßY,Aliees oga. Adler,. and Lim TEAS I TRAS.II Into list of palfore,wee.7 ng Vi rE e= 711drewd'he Chests,_lren±reLLarge Capita', Bought for Cash, to • us_ ler? e humbug In any manner or mphu ro vne ado th epalate to compare oat Teae We best o =w .rd oet. kdd ej , ID j o t or. lsewhere; " I. d ekeePest Teas in Pinta. thin woo cells the bft .d le ildd burgh. We are Wand Weems per lb. Good and ern,nd 75 do do A pdath °1 7 , ,,4,.." — r ted Into the U. States, do L :l rd 'h r e p rA . n eir s tac i lbits: v _Zeit r a n tee do not keep. ywrietors of the Tea Market, FAA side of Diamond. Creams Amer A pia. I Co .New Yea. have in mole ofgrab. O li f.m,,jr, pA DICTIONARY arts, pnee twenty Ivo cents each, qtlitnntinm. Xerhanua, Engels Work, mut En; dammed for Prnetwal Worlsnir • /Wan, 'and those immured for Na Eng. neerrng Prgfa r nan. XDITITO ST OUT= rous WORK is of large Bro. sae, and will contain Iwo STIOtISvn roan, and upwards of six not, 'sten tsUrantassons. It will present working-draw ncs and descriptions of the most Important machines to the United estates Indrnendeot of the results o American Ingenuity It will contattreorylete pram: •a . tread as on Mee k attles, Machinery, Er gine,sork with worth t Is useful In morel!. one thoosard °oilers of folio volumes, maga au,s, and other hooka. Ihe g-vet °Nett of this publication is, to place be fore practical men and guldens each an amount or :]-arches) and ecientille knowledge, In a condensed Form, no shall enable them to work to the beet adeser tnso, and to avoid thole mistakes which they might otherwise commit The amountor useful information Ins brought together 111 •!most beyond precedent In mcb works. Indeed. there "is hardly any subject sothin Its range which is a. t treated with sack (neu ters and pre( tsion. that even a man ofthe most ordi nary capacity cennot fail of understanding It, and ante learning from ii mark which it is important for um to know The publishers are, in short, determined, Mulles. ifeost, to mate the work a. complete..., possible; and it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will procure S as Issued to numbers. and thus encourage be enterprise. The work will be anted in semi-monthly numbers, commencing in lansam ISso,and will program with treat regularity. The whole work will be pubtished in 40 numbers, at :3 cents per munherund completed within the ..- .Tot year, LA). A liberal thscotout will be made to Is. Anyone remitting the publishers 110,0 advance, shall moths, the work through the post *Mee free of expense °plutons of the Press. "To oar mammoth Manefaeturerk Mechanics, En gineers, th and (B Attu l.) Jorthal. will be a mine arealth."— Providee, . "Young men, arm yourselves with It. knowledge.— We can with confidence recommend one reader. to possess themselves of its number, as fast as they ape pear."—American Artisan. "We tothesitaungly commend the WO* to those en gaged In or interested in mechanical or seketifie pox thus, as eminently worthy of their eknothathie and stady."—Troy, (N. Y.) Budget. it is trely a great wort, and the publisher, de , serve aberrant* of Inventors, machinists, and mane factures*. and indeed of the public! generally."—N. Independent •- "This Dictionary will be highly useful to practical mechanics, and saleable to all who wish to acquaint themselves with the pee of Invention In the me. chaise tuts."—New Bedford Daily Mercury. "Young mechanics ought to keep posted ap in the oretical as well as Fact cal knowledge, and this work Intl show them lost how they stand.s—lleztotth Mass.! Advertiser. "We take it to be jest the work that thorn and hun dreds of one Intelligent mechanic. hasedesized to poth sess. :to ample ate its descriptions, the so full sod minute its specifications, that it seems to CO that any mechanic might contract any machine it describes, on the arength *fits engravings and bustructioes."—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. `-Ail interemted In moehanico shoed mail the•. .selvo. of IL. utroonageo.n—Sehoylkill, (Peruo.,) Jo. naL , A work of extensive practical entity and Great im ofthe country.d ra nn W o h raapdihy i w nc orreke u a n g I m n i t n e e r n e t s l t y s oractamed to promote the coraes of science and the mechanical arts, and to disseminate vslesble inform'. non on these sebjecu."—Farmer and klechanle. Practical men in all the leaded walks of mechani cal and aiumufacturing induetry) engineering, Jr...will find In min work a treasons which it will be to drain prolt to possess."—Tioy Daily Whig. "We ban carefully punned the cambers, and bare no hesitation in saying that It is the best work for me chanic., tradesmen, and scientific man, ever publish ed, for it contains minute Information on every brunch of the incehanical WU and sciences, expressed in a style and lacriage intelligible an any reader of ordi nary capacily."—Ailoucestisr,(Mass.a.News. "We an sure we are doing the mechanics of Nor wich and other parts of Connecticut a service by bringing the work to their auentiort."—Norwich, (Co..)Courier. possess "It bin. P su recnian's Joet. wok uasrnal. ever7 mechanic shoald Wo consider It one of the most useful and Important pnliticalictis of the age. No mechanic can afford to be without IL"—Neurarn, J.4Commercial CP:thee. ..Of all the various publications having for their ob jyot the elucidation and eavoncerneed of the =Ethan!. eat art. and scieneee, cone teal we have seen, is so full of premier ad this "—Buffalo Com.;Ad v. ‘it la the best and elespe.t work eser altered to the scientific and practical engineer and mechanic. The pints are beautifully exemated."—WnshineulloGillbr• "This great Dicnruary In one of the most useful works ever published (or years, nod the low phee al which a is sold makes n acceptable to •11...—South Cattail:den. "We regard has one of the most comprehensive and vslsable, as well as cheapest works ever poblishni." -Baltimore Adverther. "engin to be laton by cam one desiring inkeep ofwith the provers of art and science in every one of the labors of eivilired lite,ndoot Courier. "It Ia designed afar the principle of Use'. Dicnonn ry, only that it is more devoted to the mechanical and engineering profesalons, and &boa-ail. .aramble ea accomplishing far Allerfea who. - Ere has done for England. vie nesmibing Amennan 'machinery and worts °fart "--Selennie American • . - - - "his published in numbers, aim at a price so mode- rate, Mok int at what is contained in e•ich number, that no one who has the least MICK'S% in such matter., eed be de:erred from procuringd; and every one who does so, will find that he ha. to •a condenred tor,p an ,raount of indruction which wOuld be obtained, t( at the purchase ornery many volunscs.”—N. 'CVonner a• al Ki..quirer l• rho cempreitentiveneo with which the subjects ~ e 'calmed. Me admit-EU manner in which they are diurtna..l, 01111 Fire to make tide one elite meal dna- Worve”—llernmratic Review. .1 his Frlt ihOPid bolo the hoods of every mechanic., in am, and manufacturer. especially Mom who have he :tea atplratines tc areal in their respective hail. ea,cs e have carefully examined it, with a view of , domomuding it to itr.emom To them we would •11 'al Cl, aimed limenexe of the Hitter gooddl— •ultimere Inventory , /unmet. Aroticto to oho Proprta.ars of .Nclospoper. ehroughsut the Muted moo g aad Cancurs. If the foregoing advernaerneni is imerted five ban. • mg the year, and the raper coasting it sem to e copy of the ware will be wet gratis in payment. anls 2VALLISTER.9 OILSITIMENT. CoKtlartrnif no iliOriliry, nor other .11/inerai. p IIF: following testimonial was given by the tole. bated Dr. %Vomiter Beath. theamhorof the great medical work entitled "The American Practice o. medicine and Family Pbysielan." "Having been made acquainted with the ineredients winch compose ItlcAllater's All.llealing Ointment and having prescribed e-d tested It in severe/ eases h .m.ydryr„f.7f:l`.%%7.W. b ltZ, w er.YlT,' no moneraraubstance whatever; that sta ingredients combined as they are, and usedas directed by the Proprietor, are not only harmless, but of great value, being • truly akar. Remedy of great power: and I cheerfully recommend it as • compound which has done much good, and which is adapted to the cure of a groat ninety of cases. Though I have never either recommended or engaged in the ale of sonnet meths eine., regard for the truly honest, conscientioa, hu mane charaeter of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the value of his discovery, oblige um In say ans much regarding W. DRAM, D. D." 1 New York, i 924848. BUIENS.—It Is orw of the best tidos', to as world T Bums. • • • • PlLES.—ThOusands are yearly eared by this Chat. were. It never fails In Wing relief. For Tamers,Vlcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has n* lfiloibortand Names knew Its value lei cams of Swollen or re Breas; the would always apply Ix In smell cases, If used according so direction; it gives relief In Xi very few boors. Around the box arc directions foraging McAllister'. Ointment for Scrotal., Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Teller ChAblaia, Staid Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat, Breathitt., Nervous Affections, Pains, Disease of.the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Aebe, Borne, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore Pimple.. ice., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled orBro• ken Dress; Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face, to. From the Readiog Eagle. There was never, perhaps, a lln. teine brought fore the public, that has in so short a time won sech a reputation as McAllister's All-Ileallos or World Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cored by it of tke most painful theumollsm, another of Mantles, • third of • troublesome pain In the side, a fourth of a swelllngia the limbs, ac. If it does not pee Mme. dime relief; in every cue, it can do no injury t being q ed i i titoo ' ler v'n'U evid ' e • use of the wonderful bootleg pow er peuessed by this salve, we subloin the followum s h i p, from a respeetabl• bin= of hlnidenereek township, In tkall CUtty: • Maldenernk, Rens co., March 33,1247. Messrs. Ritter & Cot—l denim to inform you that I area entimly oared of a severe pain in the back,by the uttt of MeAlllster's All-Healing Salve, which I par clouted from you. !suffered with it for Meet 20 yea% end at night wu unable to sleep. During that tun I tried canon remedies, which - were prescribed In me by ithytielans and other penons,ornhoutreeelving any rellef,And at last mule trial of this Salve, with a re sult favorable beyond expectanott. I uo now entire ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a peaceful and sweet sleep. I have also used the Salve eines for tooth ache end ether complaints, with stroller happy results. Your Mend, /an Roumanian. JAMES ZiIeaLLIsPER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Pringlpal Office, No SS Norm Thin( euret,-Philadel- PRICE 95 CENTS PER nox. . . Mari L. Prrnotraatc—D. A. Fahnesmick COMO/ of Wood and First sts.; Wm. Jackson, No. 910 Liberty street L. Wilcox, Jr., corner of Market street and the Dismond, also con:swot Fourth and Scolthleld streets; J. H. Cassel, corner of Walnut and Pam amts, Fifth Ward; sod sold at the Bookstore in Southfield street, del door from Second. Au,,,beey C 1.7 by H.p. &Moans mid J. Doughiss By J. O. Smith, Drogsyst,fitinninghanu D. Negley, Emir Liberty; IL Rowland, Idelitespon; J. Alerander Son, Monongahela CMy; N. B. &moan k. Co, and J. T. Stokers, Brownsville; John Ltarkley, Seam, Pu John Walker, Jr., rlli.elirr Deufiridh l t Ermln, Renbener. _ feblleentlY 1 2 / I M3* -44 «044 pad W R Chew., ror tal 11 1 . HAMM. MIECLLIANEOUS- Valuable andeLeterssive Se t e , eer !Newer to let•gia favoraldo deems, WABASH N.V.oos,,taccimpAli, non„,,w sellteient to properf th oh e r rand Rapidan , an lambed pairs of WU ps Loudon ie bawd e arrock forthdalloo• and th e power can canoe .flay both std. of the rivet. T. giver. well as the Wabeeh ta n be this as Whits thither, tr. 0., re th e realest abundance, and of .000 e. be easily procured thromah the same rweenr. annum fora pow. :lisathelcKoo4s, for propel i sn o lla r x.ot of medium tined fleet ofrenewal on the expired u of Te dr . e with the falr valaationof the power eoleZted. The aiteofthe 't II tic t+ , l7 theleded;writhout farther tpmthe , ecoPfeiY• By order of the Directors. ° r" ABNER T. ELLIS, Preside= ores W. N. Co. Mil 9.1853. my3l:darn Vueczmnes,l TULES NAVEL'S MEDICATED NYMPII.SOAP. ill The skin of unity persons is dinar:and with l i t h l t s e nTre l l7:ll: l'P o i rarsl=2 tt ' l • . enra h e * ; nine eases oat of every kindred, It Is very . easily re. moved. isles ilaraPs Nymph Soap la expitsnly adapted to diseases of the akin, al It acts directly upon the minus pores which cover its sorfsee, cleansing them from impurities, and by Its balsamic propenies healing and eradicating all ereplloos, and Bring the duxes; and roughen akinWNW.% sad blocraing. Persona who have been In the habit of asinlg e o g rdl . ; p u nneVil;leriymph Sc astonish ar, in C al h p e aring "d adelicate bloom, preventing the seek, face, or hands from chap. Ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all cum.. mu eruptions. It possesses an eel:midis perfume, and Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering It the only article Which can be need viith.aafety and comfort in the nursery. All those whose faces or necka are disarmed with pimple., bbuhes, tin, iy m' ma h Eol , p, b , e as , tit h e ". p i ro 4 ;le u le e r positively assorts them, that it. oar will render the mast discolored skin while, the roughest skin smooth, and the mast amazed skin healthy, pure, and bloom. Jules FlariePs Nymph Soap is the only article which will effectually produce the above effects in so short a time, and the obly one which la at the seine time all powertel and entirely harmless. Prepared only by JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist, let Claimant street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by It A. Fahoestock & Co, and It. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sae. gent and 1. klitehell, Allegheny city, Pa. FUNGOID ELAND PIANOS. AGOOD Mahogany Piano Forte, G octaves, second tud•-- ........_.N106 00 A !winsome uptight Piano, with Rosewood EC invert, 6 octaves, and In good order • • • • 100 00 A plain 61 octave Piano 45 00 A good 6 octave Piano- ....... •—•-- 75 00 A good 61 octave Piano, with handsome form- tam ..... 75 CO • For sale by - JOHN H MELLOR =ay 29 Ol Wood o StIPERCF.PEIG the Wooden Mau, and being le combustible, thereby economise. the oil, aid pre vents jrninon, heretofore to much objected to in ill other floats One tsbla spoonful or the common lamp ell mill last Nine Rowe, or env Anther Ise& of time,. according to the additional country of 0.1. Received end for sale by 3011 N D MOROAN map? • Drwurbt 133:13:=1 RECEIVED,TUBT .., n. a the Pittsburgh Family GM. U 6 eases Fresh Oyeteraln do cans, do Pickled do, in agate; 680 do do, to pint do. The above Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and put up an • highly concentrated soup, enclosed In hermetical. ly sealed cans. and will keep much longer than those put up In the ordinary way. For sale, wholesale and retell, by .• . WM A MeCLURGI it myoo as übenrst Ores& American Mechanical Work. rk APPLETON & CO., New York, have In comae 11 of pubhcatien, Is sans, price twenty bee cents each: a DICTIONAIII if Machines, kleehanies, En euse Work and Entrincerinr, designed for Practical Warhol lien, and these intended for the Engineering Prefesama Edited by Oliver Byrne. This work ie of large Rao dm, and will coutnin two thousand pages, and upwards of six thousand 'llama tins. It will present working drawings and demi*. tins of the most important machines in the United Mates. Independent of the results of American it will canals complete practical treatises on Mechardes, Machinery. Engine Work, and Engineer ing., with all that Is usefulumes. maga:lnesl to more then en thousand dollar. worth of folio vo and other books. Sir [linnets received, and for sale by the aten, It HOPKINS, aptb 79 Apollo Malaria, Fourth at NEW SMOCK OF PIANOS. CHICKERINCPS PIANOS. John 11.91e110r, E wood Street, Pittsburgh 801° As°° CtlicMtror centtia. th° " I° ° Grand and Square Plano Fortes. 'PEGS to Inform him atends and the inimical public. .0 that he has now invokes, and will receive and efor sale, during the present month, the birgest andrast desirable stock of Plano Forte. ever edited for aale to the west—among the number will be found a fall supply of Surrertily carved Rosewood Grand Plum Fortes, with all the recent improvements to mechanism and style of arteries. • • • •- •• . Splendidly ears. Rosewood revert oeta. oinare Piano Far, finished inthe E li sabeth. .d - Lonis EIS. styles With a large neck of all the various styles of Pia. no Pones, varying la prices (ma $273 frid) and SSW, prepared by Hr. Chlekerlog for the per year, OW Parcharent are assured that the prise. of (do. Chick attain Planes have been, and will confiner to be, the same as at the manufactory in liost on.veolonteharre (or transportation; and mill be delivered and .et op to perfect order,. any pan of the city, without charge. 1.7 TFPS oudersigned begs leave to infants the pablte that he has deelitrad basittess la favor of his Bon, H. Davis, who will contralti the Auction and Com munion bounds• at the old stand, cower of Wood and Fifth Bisects., and for whom be would solicit a coot= mance ofthe liberal patronage heretofore bestowed up on the home. JOILN D. DAVIS, Apra 10141850. P. EL DAVIT, PATOCIWOR TO JOAN D. DAVI%) AUCTIONEBE AND CONNIISION 1111311CIIIST cOarrit or woo, LED lino MSc., WILL make sales, on liberal Irma. or Foreign and Domestic Merehandixe, Rusl Estate, atocka, Ibe x and bopot, by experience and clou attention to Lawless, to merit a eontonumes of the support and patroness an liberally extended to the formations. April P,h, LUSO. I== BIGLIAIICE POUT ABLE BOAT LI/E. Tile decease of the wove penises, In Philadelphia, ithe He James hi Davi produce, no interruption to the business—arrangemeum have been made which Involves the same tete.. preemely, which have be:retest.: existed The business is continued under the game name and ion, vim— Immo M Mow A. Co., Philadelphia; Jon, 111 , Feboi P. Co., Potsburgn. The minimume< of the patzenrige of our mall friends u respeetfolty soiteited. If any persons have demands aqua.( the moment, they axe requested to p rscnt them forthwith. for payment. .Piusborgh, Apnl 10,'60. JOHN IiPFADENT, apUitf Survisnottot.._ =ZT TIIOLE3ALE DRIJGGIST7I, corner of First and Wood streets, Mkt for palace favorable terms: 100 bbis Whiling; 500 lb. Curb. Ammonia; GO do Alm 600 do Assofccoda 3141 do Dye Woody WO do Cmde Tartar; 25 do Lampblack; 000 do Liquorice Root; 20 do Van. Red; 300 do Irish Mom; 8 do Camphor; 150 do Red Preeipharm 10 do By Brown; 150 do Calomel Amer.; 20 do Yellow Ochre; 53 do do nog.; 10 do 'Brimstone; WO do Bucher Lerma; 8 do Cloaca; 220 do Rhubarb Boot; 3 do Chas. Ploarerm 400 do Slump. do 14 cams Ref. Borax; 050 do GeolLan do; 23 do Castile Soap; 200 do Bal Rochtele; 15 do Prasaian Blor, 200 do Beidlicr Maim; 10 do Cale, Allan... 050 a do Paved Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 650 do do Blip. Elm; 6do do Tallow; 100 do do U. Arabic 6do am. VeniGlion; 1170 do do Lig. Root 60 mum Band Paper; 100 do do /slap; 13 bap Bled Bomae; CA do do Al:Cayenne; 25 ..IS. Bottle Cork.; Del do Satoh. Zinc; 75 in Balph. Morphia; WO do Bar Tin; 1200 lbs Cape Aloes; WO do Tamarindr; M. do BbChromPorath;lso do Quick Silver; IMO do Pink Root; 250 do Orange Peel 1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal; IWO do Cram Tartar; 2a do Hyd Potash;, WO do Tartaric Acid; 60 do Mace; 100 do U.. Drat; 571 do Granville Lotion. feblsl-darelloiT PRTROLZDIS. OR HOOK 014. "nitro aro more things h n heaven and tank nun are dreams of In philosophy," TmE VIRTUES of thm remarkable remedy, and the constant application for It, the proprietor, has Induced him to have it pnt op in bottles with la bels and directions for the benefit tke public. The PETROLEUM is procured from a well to the eclunty, at a depth of four handred Met, is • pare one. dalterated article, without any chemical change, but jrun as flows from Nature'. Great Labrateryll Thatit Contains properties reaching • clamber of diseasesdis no longer • matter of uneensanty. There are mmy tides in the arcana of nature,which,lf knourn,rnight be of vast usefelems to a 11... Laing suffering, and re• storing the bloom of health end vigor to many a sue font.. Long before the proprietor thought of putting Rep to bottle., It had a reputation for the once of lin eup. The constant and dolly incresanag calls for it, and several rtmarkable cores It has performed, is a sure indication of its Mt= popularity and wide wand application in the sere of disease. We do not wish to make a long pmade of certif. calm, is We are conscious that the medicine non Won work Its way lola the favor of those who miler and wish to be heeled. Whilst we do not claim for it • universal applicanen le everyrdissue, we erd i e s i... tiegly soy that Ina number of (throne Diseases It is ennvalled. Amend these Mrf bet examerated—c/1 dimmer of the roams time & earl as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION finite early &urea Asthma, and all diseases of this., psasages, Walt COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diate.. - Diseues of the Bladder and Kidney Phns iathesSaek or Side, IfereoesDisemm,N Pelsy,lihmenatie Pam, Gost,Erysipelu,Tetter, rum, Barns, Sealde, ...I ts. Wellies, 014 Sores, &a., ke. ems of debility re • waiting worn exposamer kes and ...sed w i ll at disease,thie merlielne will bduff reM.f. I s will em as a general TONICand ALTERATIVE In such eases, m o oning tooohnreenercr Wks whale frame, remov ing obaraetioeslopenlng the sissyish faiietiothoddeh cause disease and bre= eaciadratlim. ..I piling Increased and renewed energy to all Lbe organ. or Ltfel The prophet. know. et several mires of FILES ,that resisted every other treatment, get well ander the use of, the PETROLEUM (or • short time:: 'The preof mut he given to any person who deur. it. Mons genet. the eiduaranf of the proprietor. Sold bythe prow:eon, S. M. KIER, Canal Ruin, near Seventh st; rklot by• IL ERELLERS,S7 Wood coq and—KEYSER & hillfd coma );pad st.eld Virgin alley) wTio ll and his . ...c.d., • meelarty *maimed Akan& eiLLIEOBNIA RUBBER GOODS—hot reeertedi V de Camp Blaoksui 90 clear emus Ulm Po rta 18 pairs Pelt Need ro am [ Boami 3 11 .3 . 3 4 1 _ 333 83 4114 3 iTrZLl l' '„:o:l=atin i zza outlaw do dm, Tie above goods for sale at the Call. brasSaisibilihtoacs Nye od 11034 ' TEMORTATION LINES. • •- 1850 dia2Sall -1850 - ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. v i, A y mils leave reralarly, sad de- J•C BIDWID,L,ItrIt' 44 " : " 421. JAMES COLLINS, do. }Agerala marn BIDWEL ; L & BROTHER, Roehexl. 1850 iwo BIDIAMI.I.OII SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. Fram Pi&thaw& to Celusestus a.d Clevelaxd, tArough the nal. and populous mantle, far Colu biana, Carroll, Storni, needrawas, flmAnetorr, lictiag, and Fraalli re. The completion of the Bandy and Beaver Canal opens up to oar city thraugh this great natural central mate a direct communiciaten to the above as well a. the adjoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Root, and Delaware- .„ From thin .salon of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh hes been, to a great extent eat off, in cormeguenee of the high mtes of transponation, which are now re. dared 10,20 and 50 per cent. Boats of Mi. line will leave daily, and run through without transhipment The Canal company ham bestowed upon:l.llns line an lateral In the unprrea• dented advantages of their chatter, and thus Menrwl to the middle perilous of Ohio In ordering Melt geode by BIDWELL'S SANDS AND BEAVER Lila., an equal intermit in this aavmware. Agents: • J. C. BIDWELL, Pittehargla BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. R C Holmes, Spears Mills, Ohm; • • H• & A Guy, Vililiamsport,O.: George Kemble, Elkton, 0; Carla. & Huffman, do; Hann. °nibs., k. Co. New Lisbon, 0: Arter & Nicholas, Hanover, 0.; flibbets & Hooky, Mb. nen. 0.; Speaker A Poster. do.; Joseph Pool t Co, do.• ; Hull & Bass, Oneida Kills, 0.; II V Bever, do.; C Ilargthal & Co, Malver.o.; R X Gray, Wayne. ngilfsl,sll};;.P.', Reynolds, o jIl l a, " (7 ItPlariuld & Go, Sanoyvil le, Lg . P pi.gre,dm posh. bmgh - P. Sieinbaush, Bolivar ; 0.; A Elbriver, do; .1 Hoffman, Plassillon, 0 • Cummins & Co, do ; John Robinson, Canal Fultori,.'ll3.; Pert**. Torrey, Canal Dover, O.; A Medbury, Roscoe, O.; L. K ner, Keens's. 0.; Fitch & Hale, Col umbus, 0; 1. 0 Mat thews, Cleveland, O.: libcdes A Green, do. may 9 THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL I''OPEN PITTSBURGH TEANBPORTATI4e LINE. ailiala 1850 Vla Pe massy lwanla Canals &Itsill:toads. tROMIIIIIII4I, G , CONNOR, ATVINO tc Co, Canal Bute, Liberty street, Pittsburgh; ATILINS, O'CONNOR t Co, 2422. 222 Market street, CPC11.093 k.C0.,7 North street, Baltimore; F. Mien, New Nork,• ALL ELLIOTI Gamo,ll Doane sweet, Boston: • HILICLIOI GOAT, Maysville, Kent.iekyi Co., Colombia street, Quell:luau; E. Wass, Louieville; RAM, & Co., St. letia. To Skippers of ilfrraandnor and Produce to and Irons Ilniaddpran, Baltimore, N. Fort, I Barron. Our route being now in fine order, we are prep axed to forward goods on above at wry knows pry.. We in an f might/iv* of riny charge having policies for over 1030,004 and with the following exterteive mock , of Beata feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to all business entrusted to oar rare. Our boat. are all new, and commanded by captains of experience, and our entire line is conducted on snip saboant keeping and tooperanat principles. Boats. Captain. Boma.' Captain. Imes Citya Marshall Znatizania gir=atl, Sands Vol. Howard Ridley Cowdyo Roth tent Chatham Mont Deborah Shuts Wm Atkins, Preened Enterprise, Almon Import, MQuado Juniata Brown Boma, Alter Oen. Scott, (lace Garlinda Riley TelegraphNo !Shields Celia Ilawkias Point Mill Boyuada , alliverlmuelGosser Halun'eClipparitaley America Perry Ohio Belle Kearney Mermaid M'Colgan Hunter Ring' la The Foe blQuado Julia Ann J Layton Aurora ArDowell Telegraph No2oavls Look Sharp Berry North Queen Wible Shippers will and it to their advantage to give as • mall. O'CONNOR, ATKINS &CO, meld . Canal Balls Liberty at„ Pittsburg. - "Western Triulapetritiatletia CgmeapaMps - RUM 1850. Mitliat D. LZEOU 4 0011 LINE, BETWEEN PrITSBURGri, PIIILADELPELL, BALTIMORE tr. NEW YORE, By Pennsylvania Canal and Rad Raul. vrIFIE Bonn arid Cm of this Line have been pat to compete order, and with the addition-of sevens new ones to the Line, enables us to carry a tarp quantity of produce and pada. The entire stock of the Line is owned eQ Contra ed by the Proprietor,. HARRIS t LEECH, No 13 South ThW at. And as the Tobacco Waschooac, Dock at, Pbl edephrts e Pe4 .TOSEPII TAYLORA SON, No 144 North lloarard Donors. bld4 OPFIOE.. No 7 West Now Tort; 11 LEF.CII CO,'Cane Berta , Penn at, corl3 Pittsburgh. Ina= 1850. w adi . UNION LINE,. ON TUE Pffill2lo/1 AND 01110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS & CO, Rocheater, Pa., Propria JOHN A CAUGHEY. Arent, Office cm Smithfield and Water sta, Pinshargh. CHAMBERLIN, CRAWFORD & CO, Ars, Claselmtd, Ohio. HIS v IS E Inman Line are prepared to ß Mrpolit C D. Lou:tankers I fro o f and al and Labe,. The facilities of the Lies are unsosyss the Uid to saber, and e guilty e cap of acity gent of Boats, experie n ce or eaptaina ffici nd ency Aa. One/loot lass. Patahugh and Clevelmad daily ran sing in commotion with a Line of Siesta Boats be. !warm PrITSBUR(III and DEAVER, and a Line of Pint flat. Steam Beau, Propellers and Vessels, on Ws Lake.. CONSIGNEE.: Clark, Parks A Co. Scatterer, Pa E N Parks & Co, Youngetown,Ohio; DI LI Taylor, Warren. 0; A A N Clark, Newton Falls, 0; I Brayton & Co, Ravenna, a, Kent, Grinnell & Co, Frxiiiklrn, Cg II A ABR.., Cuyahoga Fails, 0, Wheeler, Lot A Co. Akron, 0; Chamberlin, Crawford A Co, Clevelaad, 0; Hubbard Co, Sandusky, ti; • Peckham A Scott, Toledo, 0; G Wittiams & Co, Detroit, filich; Grinners. A Co, Milaraukie,Wls; Morley A Dutton, Racine, WI% George A 6155 a, Chicago, J Ill; Thoosu Hale Chicago, JOHN CAUGHEY Agent, mfJd comer Deter and Smithfield am iftizal 'lB5O. iIiEL LAME ERIE AND AICIIIQAO LINZ. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS & CO, Rochester; Proprietor. THE Ns-victors of tins did and well known Lino wou Id inform the public that they ar. nose in op. erauon or the present season:rind have commenced receiving Freight and Pastenkerr, Which they are fully prepared to carry Lo all points onithe Canal and LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN, At the lowest rates. One of the Came of the Lin, will be constantly at the luding below Mortorgrahel Mudge, to receive freight JOHN A. CAUC Office, eor Water and Smithfield sts CONSIGNEES: W Cunningham, New Castle, Miteholtree Cs. Pulamkh C Malan, Sharon; J S Sharpabarg; VI irk. Ached & Co, G reenville; Win Henry, Hartstown; Wm Power, Conneanwille, John Hearn & Co, Erie; John J Itollitter Cc Co, Softie, i Pittsburgh Portabisbis t Liao, • nitiMi 1850. gia& ton TO• TIRALMOTTATLOII ON TI/.. TO AIM TROY PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, UriIECTON I Me. Trumus D01111.2.1{, s Tssars a Oleougrog, Philadelphia. t 1 Pittsburgh. rpm: ilanal being now open, the moveless of this long established Line are a. usual at their old stands, receivirg and forwarding Merchandise and Produce at low rates, and with the promptness, eer• Wag, and safety, peculiar to their system and mode of transportation, where iniermediate transhipment is avoided, with the TOOSNOCIO delays and probability of damage. . . .filercbuidive and Produce shipped eastOr west, and Bill of Lading foiorarded free of charge for commie. won. advancing, or storage. Having no Interest di teeth, or indirect)) In sicamboats, that of the oOnera to solely conntlied when shipping their good.. All COM telluications the following agents prompt ly attended to: THOMAS BORDRIDOE, No =Market street, Philadelp hia. TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Comer Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh John ileCallogh k. Co, 15 North at, Balt; P. B. Bari & Co. 23 Doane at, Boston, W. & J. T. Tapseou & I:6 Booth st, New York; Jamen Wheelornght, Cioelo- Ow. tuna BINGRAN'IL TRANSPORTATION LINE, Milani 1850 . 'Between Pittsburgh en astern tae. The Canal being now open, we are ready to receive nod forward promptly, produce and merchandite can and weal. EMS=E; Produce and raerchandire will be received and for. warded east and west, wulinut any charge for for warding or advancing freight, commission or storage. Bills of lading forwarded, and all directions falth. fatly attended to. Address or apply te, WM. BINGHAM, Canal Baldry nor. Liberty and Wayne els, Pittsburgh. BINGHAM &DOCK, No HO, Market st, between eth J SO, Phil's. AB. WILSON, Agt, . . No 182, North Howard at Baltineore. . JAB. iNNOLLAM, .0.118 No 10 West steal, Now York. llARtingli a cZp. PassinitrAr CO . ler saltaaaa• 01ftes. Um. to bring perilous Afrorn soy part of E: " MliTtod, Inland. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their total paneundity sad samtioa to the wants and com fort of ammignetts We do oat allow eurynsengers te be robbed by the swindling mumps that at the eta. parts, as I. take charge or theist Lim =meant their. port themselves, Ma sea to Malt well being, aM do weigh them without any dentition by dm Int Ws.— wa say this fearlenly, as we defy one of en pane*. ors to *bow that they were detained 48 kers by as in Liverpool, whilst thousand. ef other. • ne detained menthe, until they could be Stet in seem ask andl, chap rata 'dna too frequettly prong ewe...D.= We Weal to pelferin one Contracts ocatorably, cost ,What' may and not • sat itawileipe u ", with ether olneets,—who tither performed sot all, when It silted their eenitinienea-• • or Drafts drawn Lin Pittsburgh ley g a p SsisiSts Li is glow, psyabla et any of the_prensetal thke bisd, sUgland,Beetland and Wain. L JOSHLTS. ROBIAISON, - Earopeart sLd Gana' Avnt. WM strata east door bakm, Waedt .1 4 101arit3.47 14 1 171,e d. 412;- IhPU/s7ii 006 .RRuJa:L "71Tral • • 6111":". NIBCFLLANBOITS. =lt= , . J. H. MDT LOH„ 81 Broad s tair, 'mina the • joHorearig 'Nem Mane: i, meals you see ay the unth's holy nein &di... O eared to Rev. 0 Cook. Oh, think not feu I love thee. Blanche Alpen, I lova thee. When other /deeds mound thee. The eat beneath the bine. Wert than Om mine. Annie Laurie—ficatch ballad. The Robin —words by Edna Cook, mesie by Stephen Glover. Than hart wounded the 'glint that loved thee, The Grave of Washington. The Irish blathers Lament. Old Sezton—ResseL He doeth all Wags well— Woodbury, Widow Machree—ResselL •The cottage army mother—Hutchinson. Low barked nr—Lover Mho Wallies—complete. The Manic Bell. The Bridal or Wedding Polk. Jenny Lind's American Polka. Lissy Polk. Soma American Polka. Tip Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The Origin. Scottish Polk.— Joke. 840tation Polka. Plitt Polk. Joseph'. Polka.. Summit Polka. Rosner:ll Polk. The Pro phet Quadrilles--hleyerbeer. Jeney_Lind Quadrilles. Die Wreath and Daley Welt:es—Mrs Ernest The Swiss Drover Boy—varindann by Cumy. Manumem. Bounds from Home. Wrecker , . Daughter. quickstep. Loniairille March and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick ly' CARPET WAREHIONSE, do 75, Fourth 6traa t. T - Ty BOCLINTONC Is war ennslantly receiving his TT . spring et.k a CARPET OIL CLOTHS, Trimmings, As., cob.prising.h? vin Ema R o y yeac:4lll3 air), A English and American /3onsels Rims Superfine Imperial 3 ply n esperins * a Superfine e ingrain Carpet . , ExHug tra super patentellerulle Extr a lin Rite ' Rnperfi s; ne do do Rugs; Common, all stool, Tufted Ruts; cotton and i T op Ven Car. 4-4,# and #Carp. 44, and 24 plain Car. List and Rag Carpets 8-4 Printed Coma Carpets.'. also. Sheep Skin n . , , 84, 74, 04:44, 44 and I Oil Moths; 6454, 44, and 1 Nattier ISinch patent Oil Cloth. for mfr. Cates ystrtnnan Dino and Drab Clinks; Onmson Plash; Coach (n 1 Clothsi Domasks for Linings; Watered Moroi.. ALSO, Bar Holland for WShades; Trabsparent Fteneb tramp. Venetian Blinds; flaming (or Flitgai )-4 and 44 Table Linter Russia Club; Sewell Diapers; Brown Linen Napting Berman Oil Cloth Table Coversi Sam On. CLorm fro Irsh and American remain in width, which will be e vestibales of any size or oh The undersigned having land, hi. Velvet Pile and T Carpets, which are or - rtyles and patterns, and will be said at prices u lo • for in..auy of the eaarern ei Having_ the largest a;;; utast lashloaable 13RUSSE FLY and INGRAIN CART In quality and ebeepoese of before brought wilds city. Men and Coach hlanufeeta selected twornnentofTßl • teceerary In their butinesa. The undersigned I. &None.% for the only Stale Rod Manufaetory to Philadelphia, and Is prepared to sell lower than !an be purchased elsewhere In this city. mrte WM. hItCLINTOCIi. dim Geckle liaw Goodall „ -• Nra Brut. s od summer Dry Goods fo;. 18:A ILLIAII L. RUSSELL, .. .. , jr- Warussun and Scroll Dealer in. British, French, and American DRY GOO D S , Slack,; street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the Ble Bu Hies, has Jul commenced re,viving and opening one of the most rich, splendid, and extensive slacks of Sprinx and Summer Dry Goal. aye, (tiered (or sale In the Welrlefll Country. All of these Imported Goods are fresh opened, and received per the last steamers from Prune and England; as • Irish Linens, imported direct from Belfast. all usu. bleached, and warranted the pore article; these Line are all imported th e anbsariber, and era all ns pure du yens, WMillelt by Also, Irish lanen Deanna ble Cloths, the very best manufacture; and Irish Linen Goods of all kinds, imported direct from Del GU! bthe nbeeriber, and will be found the real Erin-go bgb LADIES' DRESS GOODS. .„ New style rich Turk Salina, all colors, splendid goods; black Turk Satins, all price*, rich goods; black glace Silks, all colon, late importation; French Kid Gloves, all enters, the best imported; plaid black Armadas, per last French steamen new style painted Danger, splendid goods. Also, a uparb and large' mock of wide black Brussels Lane, for trimming ladies , dresses., very fin goods; plait, Bareges in all colors, extremely low, beautiful goods; bleat Silk Fringe, all width. and prices, very cheap; French Lawns, neer Ety lee, per lam French steamer,' plain black Gro De 111 lit li b e l /U:1 gr b ,.."r:, , ii— b ',1. 1 . 5 01mi7:1 4 4 liTz Cullum., n ew,, myles, beautiful . good.; splendul Stared Swiss goods far ball dresses, nth embroidered Swine Malls (at evening; Swiss Maine and lemma, the best Imported; Silk Mime. lli colors and qualities, caw style, plain arid sum atripd black Flanges, an penes; printed Lawns, new Myles, (rota 8 ko VS reeds per yard/ Barege de Lain s, • near swum, for ladies' dresses. Also, • large and superb stock of new style spring Bonnet Ribbons, the very beat lot. ported. all new. BRAWLS, SHAWLS. Cantu crape nu** .11 colon, fresh from the Cow tom Houe; Tad . SsUn Shawls, nlendld good., In all colors, per lan steamer; beautfal b•ngeahle •lana silk Shawn, fresh Importation • white embroidered onCraps ShawbsoMperb go ody green embroider ed Canton Crape Shawls, splendid frods; Lupfn's French made Embroidered Tibet, finest importation; Paris panted Cashmere Shawls, all prim. nd quali ties; ladies' newer Enema awl Scarfs In great ••.- tiny; French worked Capes,Collirs, and Cads, • large LUORIMettt. A Lame Stock of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. CO bales anbleacbcd Alas.& from s to to cents per yard; IS eases bleached Illuslm, from 4 to 121 cents per yard; II cases Bier Lacers, imported duvet from Bellew; II Wes Ticking, tram 8 to YS vents per yard; 8 coca blue ()nil, loom 8 to MI cents per yard; be side.. fail assoruncet of Bummer Cloths. Also, Cam Simms, Tweeds, flatractts 6 l .. m di nl Kenureky leans; 40 eases dark Calico, fast co lored, from 3 to ISI rents tar yard s lar . il . ll7 l l . & . 2 d lonn c tial pe h m Pts ‘k. bo ... st ly low. Also, Ro..ekerpieg Gook of ail hood., very yard; besides a large Cs sures of Cheek .d Shinny Snipe. Also, Canton Montle, all colors and qualm nes, at Low pticesi red, whir; and yellow Fthemels, very cbcap; bleached and unbleached Drillings, NII anottmenn IS eases brae Mernmack Cail[o.4 a y Rawly IMRS black sod suiblearbcd Table. Drapers, all vermye s c he RM ceoyer e D s C m b aels pr a i cefosl l.d assortment, etoesper than ever; 3 bales Burlaps, from IPI to bth eta per yard. Also, • large stock of Cotton Table Diapers. Manners' Shining— A fail assortment, very cheap, PARASOLS:, PARASOLS! . .. - , The largest and most iplendid stook or Parasols eser opened by enLone house In Pittsburgh, is tuts l c day received, and • e all of the newest French styles, which, for nebocm d Denary, cannot be surpassed. A. we have • larva o f of these Parasols, they will be sold ebonies than an other souse In the city can af. ford to sell the same Reilly of goods. The Ladies are respeetthily wilted to climes these Parasols, as they WI:: find some of the richest Sod st newe styles ever Imported from Europe. There Parasols are all of e nchest and most fashionable . . . _ colors, and are worthy of the smut:nett or the ladies. All or the above gthids will be sold off at priers far below any house in the wry; and in order to prose this tact, the public Will please cull and price these golds, and compare them with any other b 0034 in the city, and be eouvinc4d of the above assertion. The saltheriber militia hare sty to his numerous cu.. takers and the public in general, that there aro two other bee hive store I to market street, pretending to cope with the Big Bee Hive, which is alone the only celebrated and fax famed (t ry Goods establithment In Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore any to all pirrehuars of Dry floods, either wholesale or retail, that the Big Dee ißey, on !dean street, between Thiel and Fourth. is now Opening the largest, richest, lied most splendid stock air spring and summer Dry Goods ever offered for de lu Pittsburgh BONNE:DD BONNETS! . 'III3V, Apn; Pitts 6 New Blues son thrilb-The largest and most fashion• able noel of Bonnthe eves opened to this oily. is just received at the Mathis( the Big Bee Hive. on !flatlet street, between Third and Four th Street, , where Di 7 Goods of every derption tun selling cheaper most any other house ID the city. The.petitic pleue tale nodes that Bier are two other bee hive stores on Market street, with(pretend to compete with the Big Bee Hive, between Third and Fourth streets, where the public pion Umu,the largestand nearest styles of Dry Goods, 'TEA opened. Mr Please tale peace, that the store Is between Ttard and Fourth streets, sign of the DIG BET HIVE, where Dry Grads pf every description are selling casual than at any other bonen in the city. apl3 WILLIAM I...RUSSELL. AA. MASON . ai CO, GO Market Med, between • Third ' tire fit large of the ' Clooso M Common and half Sparkish; Fmn-43 briaand b all brts Mackerel and Salmon; Cltua—Rl boa assorted glees; Hana-1200 Palma Venison; 1000 Sugar Caned; Itromo-100 lbs S P and Manillas Ors-10 dor Surinam Blank and Copylny; Nouns= —SO ball N Orleans; '.13 ball beta Baru Bella; Ma nual/m 9odos um nod canisters; Manual/m-0 lbs Italian; Vustactut—Ml lb z do Nada—f:oo kegs assorted; Pinatas-4 donjarswarted; Yunnan—Ml bushels halves; P•1131-5:1 reamssmutted; Pa—ltlO lbs Bordeaux; Saar-30 boa Rosin and Cast Steel; Sanaa-10 hbds N Orleans and Clarified; Tea-00 packages Green and Blank; Tout co-10 bx.s 12,'8, a I lb lamp; Woos BOWIDS-30 dospatent Zink; For sale by • I D WILLIAMSa CO torll3 Corner of PilW and Weed ale. TWRS! FURS! 6111141—Tbo sobratibers 101 l pay r for Coon, Mink, blank Rat, Orar and Bpd Fox, and all kinds of sidopLaig . Pam tho h_fOrat, worn prices. eCORD & CO., . i feb2o owner Fifth and Wood ma. Paper Hanging. SlELEcrioN.—virui be received, by first' Deans! nhipments, • new and choice anionment of Wall Paper, of the latent French and Ensuirn styles, In golds chslools, oak, plain and lush colors. W. P. MAbiItALL, (Tate Hill,) mrl3 eS Wood -street • Dissolarriox. • • . riitt="l3 ° °""' fi l'zle'grgtg g i 3. 3 Thuthfield k e e n .. . ohnzlc d i'll i l., d = l,, r d hr ... : 1 cons.. The trail.. of the oldfurn .111 be wined by Et. V. Darblield, at the old Oland. N 0.1120 Liberlystreet, Plusbargh. - . ' B. 13. BUSHYMD March 41830. , JOHN Heap:. ' ' G. R. IitII3IOIIILD and GEORGE RICHARD will continue the Wholcsala sod WWI Da Owsls sod Grocery Dorian., at the old Gaud No. ea Mena., under the Inn of 8- O. fIIiSIMELD .. boil lUAY MU day assamidegirith me, la the Mimi. aide Grimy, OmmioWe, =I Pommeling busi ness, my iwoemis, R. N. and W. & Waienium. The easiness In tatare will be waddeted Lade; nyle al & WNmaa & Basm, mine old staad,No. 31 Wa wa and a Fent onet. L. 1.1003.41mA* 0 ASOFfh444.l•llrt - GREAT IMPORTANT CRIMICIb CHEMICAL cbustuvrioN From the Violable ;Kingdoes, Se mai Dinsau Dr. chirioWn Dztraot of Yellow Vaal amid liare,part . lla. Cum COGsal9pooo,ll.ololll4 erys ipel as,erys ipel as, rhswamino, gout, liver complaints, veinal affections, lace.. .7' AWN dropsy. asthma, aeurvey, affeetious or the bladdcr and kidneys mercurial diseases, ems rapt• humors, rusk of Moist to the head, fever and cane, female complaint., genend debility, dyspep aia, lots of appetite, headache, colds, earthman., gravel, night aureate, choll A c orgeme streams, palpitation of the bean, biles, pause In the We, it lr chest, beck, Ice. infallille in la disease. arising tram in im pure .taste of the ;blood. or irregular &CLEOO of the .ye' tem. In the Vegetable Klngdom, an All.wiee Being ha deposited pivot. arid herb.; songeniSi Moat cabana none, and 'dented to ha mule of disease; and to the vegetable kingdom does the reason 01 01144/ well • the Instinct of ani Es, mm for antidotes to pan. The Syrup is a scientific composed of the moat vat noble plants in nature, entirely free from deletcriosti and enervatang mineral mbstances,land as it expel disease from the system, Impacts vigor and sneninba CERTIFICATES. An extraordinary case of Serofula,Eryeipcbm and 0 cere, oared: by Om solo use of Dr. Guymon's Cow pound Ely rap, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla. 131100XIXIS, Nov. 17, 1918 DX Genorr—Sin I tender nip sincere thanks for the great '.inefit I have derived from e use of goal valuables_rap. I have been troubled bad wit a wrolulorm sere, which made its appearance on m Chin. I did not pray mach attention to It at fiat, sop pining it to be nothing but an exuanon that appear od person's fu I. It [minty beg.. to increase, until spread to thc sankpart of the head. I applied m • physician, who attended me all to no minnow. I hod tried every thing thin could be tried. 1 saw your Byr• up of Yellow Dock and frensapsuillas and concluded to use lin I kneW that Yellow Dock was one of the vat able articles In the world for the blood. 1 bought y Syrup s and from the use of one bottle, I could see areal change in my system. I continued to use it sold I was a well man. I now feel like a new perpon; my blood le perfectly cleansed and fret from ell Impurities. There is not a qution but the your vie es Wly ilisrovered eompound le far superior any sareloperille syrup ever sol d itertificatc la at your disposal to publish it you like, anti any one you may refer to me. I shall be bap pp /a Via them all tho m formation eau about any ease, e. I contain your obedient genera, Guiana G. Joutreedt, 113 Market street Common Extra Wilton Commbn do Chenille Door Tailed 130 i Extra rimed p i ano eo7crs L•bl' Embossed Plano I" Table Printed woolen Embossed Stand Linen and wastes] Damask Star Linen; Turkey Bed Chintae's; Giant= Bordeang; English 011 Cloth Table Coverr, Drown Linen crumb cloth Woolen Entre ittn.l r Rod.; The ten female medicine known. The Extract of Yellor Dock and Sanaparilla is a positive, speedy, and Ws:anect qure fur all complaints incident to FEMALFZI. D Carpet Jule land'alcugala.4 Im mild, alterative croperum render It peculiarly applicable In die Mender nod delicate constitution of the female. it is unrivalled in ii affects upon suds diseases as incipient corvuruption, barrenness, lea combing,' or whites, Irregular menstruation. Melina pence of urine, and general prostration oldie ~sum. It ima ediately counteracts that dartressing nervous ne and lassitude so common to the female frame, and ss imparts an energy end buoyancy as sorpnsinic they arc gramful. We bums evidence no file which induces us strongly to recommend this medicine to married people 'rho have not born bland with spring. Ahearn end kcletnnitlatt, 3-4 and 4-1 Green Gil Cloth for Blludq Ducketock Diaper; the 1112 ost approved Elms neturers loon 12 to 24 feet calm fit roomy, - halls, tad tpe. deported direct from Eng- Opestry CARPETS. These le In eat and most Merged /I . the moat gorgeous colors. • as they coo he purchased NO, ortseent of the richest end ?.LS. IDIPERts ter— e1.LF61711 Crest, or Falling of the Womb, of lye Y ars' standing, cured by Dr. Guyisottts Extract o Yellow Cot and Sarsaparilla, after every known remedy bud been tried without relief. -at THREE 'ETS vrilleb tar warp:wee lrice, any alsorunent ever ie also IRTite Steamboat trere to his large and are!l dailliCS,andother articles OLIO, Feb., DM. This eertiff es that my wife, aged tl pram, has been suffering under the above complaint fdr fin years—nearly all of that time confined to her bed. I have for four years constantly employed the beat mai lent talent that could be proceed to dos section of ths country, without any benefit whatever. I have also purchased every instrument recommended for the cure of much diseases, all of witieh proved worthless. In the sprint of 1648, I was Induced by my friends to try Dr. Guytott's Yellow Mel and Sarsaparilla, which was used for four months. After the had used It for about four weeks. Ibwas evident to all that Ms was improving, and from this time she Improved rap idly, and gained dealt and strength, mtil the thmass war entirely removed, and she is now enjoying most excellent health. IYM. MONFORT. " We ',cult neighbors of Wm. and Jolla Monfort know that the above statement, as to the sickness; o Mts. Monfort, and •• to tie cure being effected by Ouyaott's Yellow Dock and Santaparilla, to be strictly true. JANE EDDY BARAII ro*sits; ,Oreat Cars of Consumption. Ileum -Too, January 2. lee; Mr. Bennett—Dear Sir: The great benefit wbieh I have derived from your EXtract of Yellow Dock and Earuparills, induces me, as an act ofjustiee, to make the following statement: Alter wasting for two years from restore' debility which finally terminated in consampuon, I was given op by my friends mid physicians oe beyond th . o aid ol medicine. An a but resort, I was Induced to try your Extract, Lad having bond bat two bailee, no. contain to your directions, I am entirely well. leett9 therefore) esellettly recommend year enequale led Compaind to the allitcud who desire a poweTful, pleasant and safe remedy. Gratefullyyour Mend, M. WAITE No. genuine anima pot up in large square bottles, contenting a quart, and the name or• the .prop blows in the eta++, with the written signature of S. F. Sem nett on the outside wrapper. Pnee St per bottle, of she bottle+ tetrad It t• sad br-J. D. Perk, cornet of Foardt end Wel not atreete. thectenett, °lan, General Agent for ti Soudt sod West, to venom all omen meet tro addrese ed. Carer Bro.,Er' io, W. P. Jodaon & Co., Water. ford; Oliu & Clemons, Crosaingellle; Abel Tonsil Montrose; Hiram Mix, Towanda; Robert a ßoy, {Veil. k b lo . r4 , l.. e. Ro ne d r eri or oLCV , lnsbuT ro l s .: , titoz,t n r- d. Pitto. upl7el,rlrLlT S.IALLERA' FAMILY MEDICINE—"They ere lb medicines of the day." qrahant Station, Ohio, May 23, 1222. W Set —l think it right, for the benefit orotbers, to arate tome farts in relation to roar excellent Fa cully Medicine.. I have tared your Vertnifago largely In coy own family. one vial frequently expelling loge gnonlitles (ray lot; to coo worma) from two children. I have •lio used your Liver rills and CoaghtByrup inmy family, and they tare, in every imorne, produced tM efrect...destred. As I am engaged in ruerchanilisiror r i am We to state, that I have yet to hoar of the first Wore where your medicine. have been cord In any section alba country. It. ronelesfon, I may state that they am we mmlicluel of the day, and a.e desuned to balm a eery extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully, W H PINNEIJs. • Prepared and ould bv R. E. SELLERS, N 075 Wood street reet, and sold by Druggists generally in Ow two and vicinity. Je7 i ii..! r.Li_e. •.. fnilll,l , OIEDICInik.--Teey are see 0 Medi Ines ot the doz.." Ilaseian'is Serertots,OhiO, Ally r, ins,. FL E. Et Hers: I think a right fordo benefit of others to suite wore flea in relation to yen ekeellent Fami• ly Med:eine° .. I have tarsi yi sr . Vermitage largmy in my own tarn. Ily, one visa fru...Jenny answering for expellingl ge nonnative ism). I to 200) worms from two ehlldrall have also hred your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup to my family, and they have in every instance prod cud the egret desired. As I MA Jrtgaged In merebsadising, I am able to state that I have yet to hear of the heat faun, where your methane* have been used in myction of the comitry. ' roneruston I may state tha se t they are Ito medicines al the day, and are do tined bays a very extensive pspulanry Year., eon . 11. Pttmvs Prepared and sold by R. r I EktS,No 67 Wood street, and sold by Druggts s generally to the two vi and vicinity. my3l /21_ rogAT CURE /JP - LlVAft — ecigerMlf_t by %.A Imaginal, only true, and genuine Liver P i l l. Some eau, Ohio county, Vs. / March tfith,lBl.9. I Mr. R. R. Seller*: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe to you and ta the public mem ly, to stale that I have been ellieted with the Liver Complaint for a long awe, and so badly Mat an Rhos.. formed and broke, which left me in a Very low mule. Raving heard of year or ated Liver Pill. being for mac by A It Sharp, lit West Liberty, and recommended so me by my phsician, Dr. C. Suuth, I conclueed to onto them • fan I ntl. I purchased on o boo, and found them to •.ie just what they are recommended, THE DEBT LI. VEIL. PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes I find the disease has entlmly left me, and I am now perfectly well Respectfally yours D 11 COLEMAN. , • West ',Melly, Mareh W 1,049. I certify that I ant personally acquainted with %I Calm •:, and can bear testimony to the troth of th• at. , re ..ertiAcate. A R SHARP Tan remmne PIM are prepared and .old by RE 3 1.LER.14, Nair Wood aura, and by druggist: in toe wo chWa. TO THE PUBLIC.—The original only tote and en. nine Liver Pins are prepared by R F....te11er., and have bit name camped In block wax upon the hd of each box, and bin edtealure on the outside wrapper—all where are eountcdent, or hate imitations. _tele It E etILLERS, Proprietor lATATOBLES t—CIIRAPEIt Yll AN EVER ! V V Just we'd, an invoice of fall jewelled ratan We yer Watehes,le caret. fine cares; which I can sell as low as thirty and thirty fire dollars, and warranted to keep good nine. Also—A 'splendid assortment of JEWELRY, coin. prising the various lad latest styles, and beet patterns. W. W. WILSON, Wa •• tchmaker andleweler, e.rn•••••• ••••• DICISPB.ATT , II PATENT SODA A5ll - - - • . • .. Price Reduced. T HE SIJSSCRIBIIIt.I will sell bluspratt's best Node and high test Mary and Soap•blakere. evade Ash, warranted superior to any otherbrand at 31 by the quantity of 5 ions or upwrds for currenc= approved Notes, at four months. or 31 for • less quayin t.), W tr. hl hIrrCIIELTILEE, • je6 Liberty area. - TAILORS , GOODS, AT COST. ,IaESSEY, FLEhIINO & CO, honer deranged to rive their cadre attention to the sale of domestic Woolen and Cotton Goods, now offer their large mock of Tailors' Trimmings, Vesting!, Bench and erman Clalhl, DoMitins, Casslmeres,&e. at first cost. HERSEY, FLE M ING & CO jet Li9,Wood at BLEACHING POWDER - 9 casks las Alcuspralt Son.' brand, a superior article, for sale by novrt W& IC MITCHELTRER 75CASES hluspraW• Soda AA, and 10 casks Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship lazenbridge, and now comma on by eT . l, ,, fo : f l ac4 by irEvratrs N.U.—Thal will reedy., during. Qs winter, lame dinnon•• Nomrlleloslkll anent/ JldetT reC , ,t, elegiut plea Rosewood OOCI. Piano from the celebrated tuanurstilory of Nunes & Clark, N. Y., of superior tune, and very mode rate price. Yor sale by U. KLELIER., dole J. W. iVoadorells. • ILUAIdS` 'YURI( PEAR. TOL . _ VT forremoving . Tuner, floorsy, estate:, imd all sobautuees destructive to the Teeth. the Mau eleaming the mouth, heallnk artdatztegthea- In& the icns, and purifying the breath. , - - tor sale, srLolesale and retell, by d .' • a a saLLERg, 57 Wood at CaOrit FLAAIR- , brio suitable for st hor alskie, - I,Ms! sale by U=d'rl - hl'OlLl3m ROE - .20 Oils rece var - i — aorfor astlils— INM inoT ASH —so co.lis for sale to tioseeout r . m . eni; by (It'll JAMES DALZELL J r KIDDkCO VOW.ME-63 bre prin., reedier piderell'a Line, for sale by - JAT3M.DALZELL F IRE BRICK-10,0CD in store and for sole by S rx -1 ; 11* . 2a r dad for ..le by uetal WOliAnntaaliGll; 95iiii r rquoly OLAtts—vi b mooned Men lest 'received and for code by W lIARDAUGH - - N. 0, lArigar, a rizap &Welt S Mora and for sale by lrel • -x.h W. lIMULAIIOII., 24CASKS Bacon bids,Assll3llMAh eoz m sA4 toilet b 7. - 10-14014# MEDICAL. , arEPOWD OULDERS-21) casks rot We by Sit W. ILMILIAUOII orn e by S S. St HAEBAIIOII hiIFCELLAI4EOIIS, WOTICW, THE Partnership heretofore existing between the 1 subscribers, under um b of Bark...ides, Wilson Co., was tlus day Mssolved by snow consent The business of dos Erni swill be serried by J. W. Bur bridge, or Wm, Wilson, .Irieltber of whom is author ised to use the nano of the funk in Lo Meade. J. W. 81.711.11R1DGE., WM. WILeON. Jr LION, SHORB es O. Pinaboreb, July 1,1950.—#41 TA.9. W. Burbridge & Bard. F. 'salaam have thla 0 day ass:seated themselves order the firm of Bar bridge & loghram to transmit a Wholesale Grocery and Gement , Commission Brotineas,intlia house lately menet.* by Barbnage, Wilson & C 0.116 Water Cl. Pittsburgh', July 1, 1/150.—jya ninE snlneribetst aye th:e dafamed a co-partner. J. ship under the fi rm of W& P Wilson, for the por tage of the Wholesale Grocery and Con, potation Haziness, at No VI Wood !Area. _ WM. N5:ll.SuN,2lc • Pittsburgh,l,lB so— iy 4 PRANK. WILSON 111sled•on — or ltimu •ITST received at the sign of-the Golden Harp, one superior 6 octave Melodeon Piano, enth two setts of Heeds, the latest improvement. The above is . probably the finest toned instrument ever °dared for sale here, with a highly Kolobod and elegant exterior, far sale byBO27IBO27IKLEBER Y • 20 do do no Meat 60 do do do SOUS* 100 do mews printing, 24127; 100 do do do 82Z1t, 00 do do do Was.% 10 do do do 20113, SO do Else Envelope, 20sa5; • PO do Tellow do 20r/So 60-do Manilla do Mad; do •do do 21.198, &XI do assorted wrappings... tows, in suns, for ale by . JOHN fi Wood MELLOR 1.12 et st. Zcoseemy In Was. DCIDEDLY the cheapest sad beat place in Fina bull& to buy Tea is at the Tea Market, east use or the Dimond. They tell Excellent 'tea at —• •• • ••••••••-150 60 per lb Superior Qualities—• t ; --• • • • 0 73 Tho very best— --•— •••• • 1 00 Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not kept at this unthlirbment, thertfots, whether you go your self or wed a child, you me sum to obtain a good article, and If the flavor of the Tea Is not,approved, they readily exchange it or return the money : 1712 MORRIS & HAWORTH, Propitetnrs._ S UN DIIIV3-411 bee extra Crean: Cheese; 10 hf brie No 0 Mackerel; 10 bile do do; 5 kegs do do; bx. &demure: 15 hes Moebl Candles; Mt boo No 1 Starch: • 21 doo patent Zille Washboards; 21 hi chaos eupenor Green TeaG • 4t) caddy bee do do: lb hf chem. superior Black Tea.; 5 tea LinHeldle extra Hants; For sale by J'D WILLIAMS CO. lyts Cor Wood A Filth ate. CHOCOLATE-04 box ett No. 1 Presh — Choeolate. lest received, and for sale by /31; WICK & bIeCANDLESS. GOOD BOOKS VOR DABBERS. JO:mean—American Farmer's Eneyeloptedle, Soo Emerean—Trees and Shrubs, tore . Drown—Trees of America, 800 Thomu—Anterican Fruit Culturist,l2uto Hoy—A Guide t. the Orchard, 19no Dokt—Family Kitchen Gardener, Idmo Miner—The American Ike Keeper, 1140 Broan—The Amore. Poultry Yard, limo Marshall—The Farmer and EmigranPs Hand Beak ~ Allen—The American Farm Book, 12mo Dooming—Fnilt and Frail Tree. of America, Iltuto Yonalt—The Horse. bee Dennet The Poultry Teed, Ithno le For sale by JAMES D LOCIWOOD 104 Foorth at . A mortean Joarmal of Selena. and Arta. CONDUCTED by Prof. B. &Hinton, Prof. B. Silli mall, Jr , and James D. Dars, New Have., Con nectient. This Journal le lamed entry two worths, in number. of 131 pages each, making two octavo volumes a year, each with many illostraziona. It is devoted to ori ginal articles on Science and the Arts Condensed Review, or_ Abstracts alt Memoirs an. Discoveries from Foriegn Periodicals, Notice of New Publications, and a General Bulletin of recent Beier. She Works. The first reries contains 50 voluntes,th - bud of which Is a general Index to the 45 'plum preceding, ft b i sln e rr i ern,4l3 a year, in advance. WOOD, AIM for Proprietor., /elf/ 104 Fourth et. Good Books for ihassrarer Iloadtlag. Burro—Tartish Evening Extortairononu,l2no. Taylor—Eldorado, 2 vole, 12,n0 Colman—European Life and Manners, 2 vols,l2u Dlckena—Domby and Son, 2 vela, Itoo. Mackay—royal. Delusions, Mao. Marvel—Fresh Gleanings, limo. C. o.ll—Norman Ledo Limo. Shur—Ensliah Lltoraturtno. —G Prioroldsmith% Morel coos Works, 4 vols. Mayo—Bleomth, limo. Taylor—Views Afoot, Ifto. Harnboldt—Cosmos, 2 v 015 ,14210. Formic by /AS D LOCKWOOD Jr.% MI Fourth at Docks—(mural Lit112%11.11111V• IttomPerharriery its Use end hiarinfactore. 152n0. &alto... Philosophy of Natare. 19no. Chihim—Aphorism and &cascara.. Hama Shaw—English Literature. Itruo. Danis—Legs ad re. 12too. Bryant—What I saw in California. St. Pierre—Peal and Ylrgicia. 2 vol.. 12m0. Aleon--Lettersw Young men. 12mo. Burnap—Beetinule of Ham. Nature. 11tubb. I/evict:am—Modem Ranch Literature. Butellia—Philosophy. Newham—Human Magnetism. Humboldt—Aspeets of Nature. Draderip—Zeologleal Iteereanons. • For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD led 101 Fourth st PostsVs New ash Sepias 111MeteHess (AWING to Run all Night; Doily Day; Doley Jones; Go down to de Cotton Field; Nally was a Lad), Ake. He Kind teem Loved Class at Home; Row thy boat lightly; True Love, by T. Hood; Oar way acmes theses, dung A now medley song, by H. Covert; Jenny Gray, musk by Muller; Joys that were; crowning, Wedding March; God bless the hardy macr o ,e• Seheylkill Waltr, Conscript's Departure by W. C. Glover, Semeds from Home; Waimea, Steyermarktsebe Co; Last Rose of Summer, easy variattorts by Herm United States Polka; Ladles , Souvenir Polka; Com Craeker Quadrille; LaMantia Quadrille; Beatifies or Holy; [Menai Trios, dm. A large assortment of New Neale cabana-to Width additions are made weekly. Poe sale by fetal J. H. MELLOR, SI Wood et. Cheap Standard lEnstars. ETIUDIF.IS HISTORY OF ENGLAND Is Dour RA. _Wishing by Roper k Oro'., in 61rola cloth and paper. at 11.0 cents per voL Three vole received, and for sale by It lIOFRINS, 417 . 79 Apollo Bnildings, Fourth E. Ma:X=t!l . . . ItEDBUR.Nt Hie Flea Voyage, by Herman hiellvill 11. &COM' of .Typrs,” t'Omoo to. History of Moe Alfred of Esiiland, by Jacob Abbot with don ewer - togs. Sidonia the &remits Virm. 3oliNgrom trrocirroN, rrov.n. earner Third sad hiarketarreets `One of the Mote RessarfeMs (Perri of the Age." IiCrINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; with u account .1.1 of a visit to the Chastain Christians of Kurdis tan, and the Vesidls, or Devil-Worshippers; and an Inuiry into the Manners and Are hf the Ancient As. emus. Ity Austen Henry Layird, FAQ, D. C. L. With Introductory Note by Prot E. Retn.on, D. D. D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and 00 wood eau St vela flvo. 0100,114,ra "Toe twok has a rue amount of Sraptde, vivid, pie. Wages narrative e...-Tnbune. "The work of Layard is the than pronalnent eontri halloo to the study of antiquity, that bas appeared for WoTo e rle r eleels h ?nin I t: 4l. st the account of Nineveh and its Reins, given by Mo. Letyard.e.-Washinvon Intelligencer. "As we follow the diggers with breathless Interest Old, escalade., area soddenly find ourselves be• Lore a mud* figure tuned with minute accuracy, new lifting Its ',th ud° head from the dint of MOO years, we are ready ts cry oat with the utonistied Antbsi L it is wonderful, but it Is Intel"—!w. do g: ill n eby JAMES D LOCKWOOD, welt 63 Wood et. ryes WOMEN of the Old and Mn. Testament Edited by E. B. Sprague, D. D. _1 vol. Imp. eve., elegantly. bound; IS exquisitely finshed engravingh; with demnpdons by celebrated American Clergymea POEMS BY. AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,) a new and enlarged edon: illustrated by engramnsa firms original designs by Wier. 1 vol. square tlvo.,nlegant. ly bound and gilt. Also—kyariety of splendidAmut. ale and Gift Book. Sewelbi First Book of the History of Rome. 1 vol. Mom. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the um of Carpenter. Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw yer., Lumbermen, Student., and Artieans generally: being a thorough end practical Treaum on Lamaism don and the Sllding Role. By D. Si. Kamer, A.M. Boise's' Trcarise on Greek Prose Composition 011endorit's Elementary French Grammar. By Pref. Greene, of Brown University. 1 vol. Ifinto. Rombger's °menu.' Hebrew Grammer, by-Conant. Gentiles' Hebrew Lezicon Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarldunie Tables.. 1 Vol. (sheep.) The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol.(mui. lin) Anthon's Classical Series. Wal•Elet'S Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. evo. do do anabridged. yob to. Barne's Notes and Queetion. on New Testionent.. Where're Logic. Mosheisn's Ecclesiastical Iliitory. 3 vol. and 2 vol. Dheep.) Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. lento. Mummies among the Juan. at Rome. 1 vol. !sloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Bague's Tiamlogical Lecture. 1 voL Bro. (cloth.) Alder'S Prememeiag Bible. Boyers French Dietionary. Smart's 110111t0. For role. by RHOPKINS, novl3 A Apollo Buildings, Fourth et Th• TAIrEs D. LOCKWOOD, Hoek miler and Importer, 0 No. 63 IVoml street, hos for sale Mew copies com plete, (the remainder of tho edition,' of Ods valuable work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and other authentic information relanng to the early ex plorations, settlement and improvement of the eountry around the head Of the .Oluo. By Neville B. Ctliff, EN, of riusburth, in 2 vols. &so. n r - • • rdAN LIRSKIIIe A History, sTnte a view of the Liberty of other, Ancient Nations, Aky Rarangt Km. Illastraied with twelve engfirnegs, ere. clued at Some. 2 vols., Pro:, to:drone with Fratcotge; .• Just published and &resale try ' ..110111.1. D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and -- noyto Im nee, a2Wood TrAiiPAY 12mo. 72 Ms. :DRS, ' DRS, roNyIEVOLE% Yb AS. nee - reading of Ohio' book has impressed'. with a mash higher opinion dila author than ens hadlormed from penman her Other 'ruing.. It displays edeeper: -form of thought, united go more pure womanly grate oi feeling eel, any other production of the female . with Whitt we are sequalited..—Eve. Mirror. . is a very agreesble and readable book,Wrilish In Fanny Kemble• hem etyle—troldi spirited end he• •We recommend it to our readers as the best pahlieation of th e season.”—Ressling Dam I. Ylt connunsthe Journal of a travel thrtmgh Supp e . end residenee In Italy; and ia one of the pleasantest and-mat interestlectmoks.of the wason.47Cour. and R age Kapoire y eletracieriatkibriok. • Will:are read it from title pin Colophon with unabated initreat, A yi W mettle of life In Room. In all rupeeu eminend) meablet.' ,, Kniekerbseker. . • For We by . • JAMIEW D LOCKWOOD. rievlA • Bookseller, Ins. • net, Int Woolf a 301" 111748444 '? " 4 " . ablitytrolear.!_llt4.l,,,l,l2l:=A=l.oo "ft : A 414.Agovg , "4'17, MIME BROKERS. nomass a sots, flanker*. ILi.eltinsifge NOTEB,DRAPTS,ACCEPTANCEGOLD,BILVEX AND BANK NOTE'. COLLEOTIONB.—Dpe... Noma and Acceptances payable in lull Pan of the on the most favorable terms. EXCIANGE on Neor,York, Oldladpkla and Bab. Umore; Cincinnati, Laois - mile, SIAM Lems and Ness Orleans, constantly farads, BANK NMES.,—Noun on all wheat banks is the Untied States discounted sit the lowest rates. AU bads of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coln bought and sold. • .. •. - 11111. Nix BS Mutat strect, 3,4: a n d 4* Pituburgh, PC oat, riTrTlrs: - Fy BILLS on England Ireland, sad Semiarid bane& .7 smarm at the •Carreat Rama of Exchange: Also, Draft parable in any parte( the Old Covatrum,' from ..111 to £fooo, at tho ram en SS to the 15 Sterling, Without deduction or illscoam, by /0:11:1171‘1/0/3Th• SON, Enmpean and flaneral Agent, oleo Sth t: aae door welt of Wood. -*eater 111.1131 Ta1.4.2D 11•11111 , kAERS AND EXCHANGE . BROOMS, Aeolus ID NX Foro4n and Dos:mode Dills of RECtillage; Con outs of Deposim, Bank Notes and Cola, corner of 3d ilittd Wood man, directly oppcodul Obssle• ud. WIISW.MAIN 11/11311, , ' Oho SlissotS, Dank• patshased al the knout nun, Sy N. WILMS t o SONS, 1913 _ 33 !Who Erect: irlatrosorroularn Nos•Nork, Pldltdoliddsand 0311=14 tor sale by N. HOLNIM & SONS. 1913 33 Moshe a. 1 MINEUANEOUS, - - .- .11011.11.111 & 11AWORTII, , RFCTIP4INO DIgTILLERS, and Tea end Wine Merchant,, East side of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, are now offering mare rep lowest prices for cub, Roe fled Whiskey, Gin and Demesne 'Brandy; also, French Brandy, Holland Vin, Jamaica Shims, Lon don•Gli ni -Irish Whiskey, pore, &o . Port, aihem, deira,Chnhpagne, Clam, Muscatel], Wage, Tone rein and Lisbon Wines. Wkolesa n& Retell. cor3 PRINTING PAPPM—Always on band or made to order, tho 'minas Urea of Printing Paper, Rag Wrapping Paper, Crnwn, Medium, and Double Crow n dreg SUM+ Wrapping_ Paper Crown Meal m, • d Double Crown Post thrice raper; Past;board ' Ae. it n e WP MARSUALI, S Wood al, - Agent for Clinton MM.. NOTICsiC. TORN WATT k CO. hove nocioved their stook of Groceites to the opposite sido of Ltber7 N. sPS WOMAN IN ' MERICA—Dm work and hurler git ward. By Marla J Mclntosh, author of ' , Chums & Coantereharmi,o To seem and to be.* I eel Ideso. Lando Day Pamphlets, No 'lv—The present time. By Thomas Carlisle. CastAtalu.—Memoirs of late and Writings of Thos. Chalmers, D Ds L. L. D. Preleetions on Bailees Analogy, Paley , s - Evidencesof Christinnity,and Dills Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures and four Addresses delivered in the New Colleges Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmeis; D. D., L. L. D. I eel ILo. Ca1..v1,-Life of him Calvin, complied from written,. Re sputa* and particularly from bts co rrespondeoccu. Hy Thomas H Dyer, with portrait. 1 col 12mo. For sale by 8 HOPKINS, ap47 - 751 Apollo Buildings, Fourth in. Combs! Combat 20 2. ', T s eupq Poltt 10 do do Imre fine; 11 " !super En Flom ReddLer, IS " " Pocket Combs. - 500 " " Wood ' • 1000 dox axe'd Fine Ivory; 30 4 ' Shell Side Comb.; w t 0 000 g::lll . 7:l l (Nre l embZrey'd end (or rale by feta 0 YEAGE/4103 Market et Duff 1101laadt Darr llO Daadt rinßE NOTICE—That W. McClintock has this da7 reccired several cues Or Me finest and best Usti dowliolland, to which he would mostrespeettolly call the attention of his customers and 'lke public in generaL M7M:I7MI EMlfears. A PEW very fine ODITAEe last reed from the celebrated manufactory of C. P. Mania, arid' for by ianfl d . H. ESELLOR, 81 Wood 1. TIM Complete Works of John Banyan; I vol., Svc, In 1 vol, illustrated; muslin gilt god gall edges. Mitchell's Blbhcal and Sabbath School Oeographyr" a new work; Ivo!, limo. • Town's Analysts mad Speller. Ltfo of John Q. Adams by Wm. H. Sewed; 1 vol, Who; muslin Poems by Mts. Ilemans; 1 ea), latmo; muslin; gilt. Booth's Sermons—Sermons pTeszhed noon several occasions, by Robert South, LI: 114 a now edition, 4 vols. Including Posthumous Disetiorses. Same-4 vols. In 2; sheep, extra; aro" For sale by teb2l B. HOPKINS, Buildings. Faarth at. EAGLE{ FOUNDRY. /ism snenouoli THE uadersigned, =caisson to Aniline & son, beg leave to Wells the citizens of Pittsburgh and public generally, that they. have rebuilt the EA GLE FOUNDRY and are DOM in fall operetion, and have pert of their percents ready for the market:— Amongstarhieh ore Cooking Stove., Coal and Wood 1310• CS, with a eplendld air•tight Coal Stove, which is now supereedin sla p other titles the common rotted Stove. Also, chea coal Cooking litovc,well adap ted for small families, with a full assortment of com mon ind mantel Orates We world particularly in. vile the attention of persons building to call at our wareholue before purchasing, and examine a splendid article of enammelled Orates, finished to fine style-- entirely new in this market. Warehouse, Liberty et, opposite Wood 41.1 attgiflultf NICHOLSON & PAYNE. PITTSBURGH IMPORTATIONS. (1 YEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in CA FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS!' Sign of the Gilt Comb, 109 Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa. tVesterif Merchants ' Pedlars, and whom visiting Pittsburgh to porchaseGoods, are respeetfully lustted to call and examine the °rename usortment of Eng lish, American, French end German Fancy Good, All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direr, by myself, and purchasers may rely on get dog goods from first lands. I have the largest assort ment of articles, in the satiety Roe, in the city of Pittsburgh-all of which will be sold low for, cash or city acceptances. The Stock consins, In past, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Silk Cravats, Shoo and Patent Thrends,Sowirg Silk, Spool Cotton, Tapes, eluspenders,B=lool. Pins, Nee dles and Cutley. Gold mid Silver Watches, Gold/ewe-try, all buds of Bruges, Combs and Razors. Percassion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Cotton Purses, Spectacles, Steel Peon, Mosie. Dozes, Carpet Bags and Baskets. Ihntlangs, Findings mid ?illumines. Toys and Fancy Goads: together with alarm, varie ty of Fancy - , and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER in slid agent for the celebrated Lid,. enter Combs. novl7 12esat roagllsh ftemeay. FOR Coughs, Cold,, Asthma and Consumption: The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the are ads" above diseases, le the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, diticovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London, England, and inuoduced into the United Statea ander the bnmediate superimendenee of the inventor. The extraordinary ilaCletil of this medicine, in the- cure of Pulmonary disco/6u, Wartalltit the Anemic. Agent in soliciting for treatment the wont possible ea ses that cad be found In the community-,easce Batmen relief in vain from any of the common remediee of the day, and have been given up by the moat dbrtinmashed physician. as confirmed and incurable. The Bengali an Balsas has cured, and will care, the most desperate of awes. It is no quack neuron, bet • standard Eng , Rah medicine, of known and established egioacy. Every family in the United Sesta should be supplied with Bachtm's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to comae math. consmnptive tendencies of the climate, he'. to be used as a preventive medicine In all cases of eolda, coughs, "pitting of blood, pain in the side and "but, trritation end serene= of the tangs, breed:this, dtfanulty of bleating, hectic fever, Mght meant, emeei anon and general debility, asthma, influenza, whooping sough and creep, Sold in huge bottles, at II per bottle, with fell dine- Lions for the reatoration of health. • Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Anuri• can certificedes, and other evidence, showing the all eviated merits of this great English Eeracdr, may be obtained or the Agrms, rranaltously. For sale by 1.1 A FAMPOUTOCE k. Co., earner o st and Wood andWoml and adi sta. JundawS SELLERS , IhIPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Tune's NOTHING Lux hi Prrremntan, March 47,1847. 111 r. R. E. Sellers—ln jostles to you and your incom parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to ewe, for the ben -081 of the community, that my 'rife ban been gement times Inhaled with smolt dtstreasing cough. I par chased, to Juntary last, a boulder your Syrup, which cured a eouga of two months. mending. About one otontheloce,lhe en h returned, and was ws severe Star' she could hardly move, from weaknem In MA bremt; I mat for one bottle of your Cough, Syrup, and a part of one bottle cored the cough leave t h e other to • Journeymn who was severely Maimed, who had, to use his own words, "eaten eneuelreough sandy to core all the people to Pamborghp If iltocandy had been es good ea represented. Youro r reopeetrally, AgranDELAlntvig. Prepared and obld by It. 13. SELLERS, 57 tYo od MILG4 nod sold by 'Dm/gists generally _ln the two eine. QaIB ALLEaugary virmirtii mann, - . AND CABINIsT WAttEkoohr. • IJ. A. BROWN would respiea• tally intone the Vic , that he keeps on band , at stand on the west side of the Diamond, Alio gheaymy,. a complete melon meat or Woolen &lads; also Ve olden Elbuttcht are mad, to or. der In the best style 'rammed ......... lir ,lioada2l...tin the, tilited ..... aka tho aid a' . w kat- Having parettued the steel% tools + and' wood efthe cabinet cr. tabllshment Ofßamsay A M'Clei laud; I am prepared In furnish their • old easterners, is well as the Gaelic it large, vith every Mingle their 105 e.... Ag ropy, No Oltlood ,teat, Pitisbargla • 1 . .. N.n, .saaam .... i .l .A. lIROWN. A , .{el7 lY:Dll►,w Ir;cro'rU• co CAreVin` V 1 1/4'" 30 b%1. 6 . 1 nive, Or sale by • • ' J KIDD k;CO a i I L eiM EL ea'%UP"'IJVlatC7 DRIED BEEFIY,OOOIOs same camel :odnes,lu oaten Amokßfarul~ b tatirsm TiiCM.l l l •ire,,, aw. by V V i'lerlC -, • ••• • S W lIARBAIIOII *°llll . J.L2i'l;:t. CRICER • in store, for sale by ONU t GRAZER. • rt.sse • WICK ilot No 4, for taie • WICK TreCANDLESS oast sEcka • • feet or fee 3ply Him U Hose, for FlreEoaido be, eon! to loather lo seep retpeet. •The Ire depart:, 111r1W1 vo invited to at add examine Jae= tuba India gobbtr Depot,'Nos.7 kJ/119.d Street lan •I At 11 PHILLIPS LARD- 61 brle No I, by Wading, am tor we by ISAIAH DICKEY & Jell) ' "Water & Front an 15OTATOES-40b bu reeerved for sale /bit ARMSTRONG A CROZER ThiCObi SIDES 4 essibbilni ssed . Alf 8 t W HAMA GUI f. 94 r k v.... • • erttilV•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers