==E BY MAGNUM TELEitin. “ZPuAI...CIaP & TILLZWILketIiD #OFOTtiE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : CONGRIZIMIONAL: WAsuismois, August 24. , Senarr.—The Senate's got in seeiton to dog. Rorer—Mt !oiled ranee an inetteetoll elton to Introduce • rt,toilBloll 3 •psovidlog ion chant to Ito commodste the repot:lts of the Glair, in front of We Clerk's aeak. '• • • Mr. E0111:1P. et Ohio; otjected tofu receptioa. The thaw Med Pent Into Cenci:niece of the Whole an thershde of the Union, and resorted the ' eonederstion of. the Civil and Mplotnene The itesn'thalirk appropriations for estarles of Ittspeetorie.f Muss; Mae under consideration. It was opposed by Mew, )nuke de BM:reit and ad *Mated by I - MLitt:l.: It was kindly adopted with an amendment by Mr. Schenck. 4r. /ilaraisho minted so an amendment to the , item saw/king a perpetual Jesse from the city or Utica, New York, for the use of the rooms of the U. S:Coort, it St 2,007 i that'frahoo be sp. propriated Lir the IL L. District Coos, at Marietta, 1,3 u.. The amendment to tee amendment was adopted. Mr. Booth mooed to strike out the amendment as amended. Mr. 111111erd moved to amend It lumber by ad ing $12,000 fora similar lease at Milligan:mil', Ala. bir. Han!son renewed his arnecament atiehtly chapged, afters de bete by Htthard, Ramsey, Flu, *bon, Boner, and Holmes NMEGII= Mr. Haymond those& O amendment aulhor4. hag the Secrentiy , of tbo Innittor to ,app4 Haralson's tuasedmett to all adl places where U. S. Politt morns are needed; He spoke to Mom of Ms assendinent. Mr. Mattison spoke in explanation of the Utica i. Mr. Hainnend'e amendment was thee adopted. AU the tection6 ci tne teli were acted on, and $ ha past ono the llama atijnitned. GREAT EXCITEMENT 1N HARRISIIIIRGH HAHYLLCHOa, Aug. 24. , Oar town belbeen the scene of great ex catmint yesterday and to day, on account of tee arrest and culmination of three black fugitives from Vies • its Yesterday the court was engaged all day in the examination of the negroes on a writ of Reece. , Corral. .1 hey were enarged with bone elealaq, ' btti were in reality fugitten slates. No decision ..was made yesterday, but thin morning lodge Year ton decided that the stealicg of a home by a &aro for the Fiancee e f escaping, was not et ermaine of. ' knee under the taw for tes:aiMiCifugitive slaver. I an 1 consequentic be ditcharsca them. The slaves 1 who at Ousel ushered out of the prieon door, but" kid no sooner tea ched the &meet, whenahey were seined bY thetrinarem; and a batik ensued be. Matt teem. Ana, a writes struggle, two of the ifilees were finally hand culled, but one of them 'made hie escape. . • • The court hag just Mined a warrant egalnst the owner. and all engaged in the affair, for Assault and Battery; with mite. tine* to excite • riot. The islices and their owners *tenon; in jaiL. - . • i • ' The coati tat edso ordered the Seetiff to employ i a pa e Ili, for tee purpese .ef...disperaing at all a hazards the mob now nseemblg44n front of the prise n. The rioters were attested, and the mnituy call '... ' .3 0 CUT. If o'er ohm, P. M. 1 Ten re e amine,' have becti alleged for trying ' to incite a no:. The slaves tyro In number, are in °rhea.. The asocra of ftehtlaves Tied other per tons engegcd in reel:Wag them, after their cos. charge by me Gems are ewe beforeybe Cote oa . a Orly of Habeas Corpas. The two •elaret are The rod lefure tte prior:4lva been oropersed bi the military, clted at.: utdcr. Genre Bader, sod Oa:flown IN mxbmiugiu =elute it. wouted rialetneta aud order. • nom CUISA—ARRIVAI. OF THE OHIO New Tose.. Aug. 24 The troltedristes Mail S•ettreer Ohio,- Liens - tenant James Findley Sshecek; U.S. Navy Con =meet, wised at New York this mar&egothert ty before 3 o'clock, tree,. Havana, and New Or. tears. The Otto left Havana on the morning of. the 16th inst. The GeerOt !tem N. Y. arrived on the morn ing of lie same day. The Falcon form Ciarics arrived on the 15th, and was to Bad the lt.h (or N. 0. with a large number cf passenger.. }Lavaca is perfectly tole!. The excitement of the in90.11:1TI hot entitely died sway, and the *ob ject to seldom nr. Mince!. The officers of the Qr.org;ena and Susan L sod are yet in elate ton gues:tent, bat it la the Oiniop there, that they will soon be relea 'rd. 'what thatanding the report Its ell , enlation that they were , condemned to be shot, which to without foundation, being 'Merely velbaL Foreigners ore bow ntowedto tend without oba taining a Derma. ; Died at Sea, on board. the Ohio, leteph Taylor, Et q;ertsident of NewjOrleans. INDIANA ELECTION. ngast The Itteasernts in Indiana base .59 majority in the Constitutional Convention, and 45 on joint bal. lot in the Legg store. - . . • • MISSOUIU ELECTION. CINC*I(I7I. Asig. 24. The 81. Louis ftepublican re:gards it as certain Olt the Whigs have elected four out of five Cote . "recce:leo. • - FROM Wg9HINGT ON. •.• WASELNOTOM, Aug. 24. Secretary WEennao has lett tbia at) for his residettert in WasSiegton, Pa, pante , on pri vate buteeto, but particularly on accouer of big beallt4 which hu been very much imputed. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. _ Pennant', Aut. 24. :The travel train on the licnriebro and Pembina 1- railroad was tbrov:•o from the.track this in Cambariand, trilling four Irishmen. and severe. ly thriting several otbera.• Same : Cannel survive. The student v:aa ennead by timbers and atone be. ieg malicieualy placed on the tack. Nrw Yam, Aug. 24.. The ;Pacific smiled - to day at soon, with cighty gwascogers. . FIRE AT MONTREAL. Moavacaa, Ace. 24. A dreadful Ore occurred here - Int night to the St. Lai/ream aahurFL Several acres in extent am IC reins,. and 100 to 125 room" deem - std.— The bas lo estimated at 5200,000. . • r; :i i:. PHILADELPHIA tdAttiCET., . FAttatucUrati.., Aug. 2t The weather has been cool and pleasant. Soli pbes of :breadstuff.. 4/0 arriving freely, but prices generally are well sadained. lit groceries them MS been less antmatiou, owing to the advanced Mocks cif Coffee and Soper, and the high prices • demanded. • • Wool condones in demand et fulprices. FlouP—Remipm Lave rather increased diming the bait week, both from the interim of the Suite, and (rote Pittsburgh. hot they are mill quite mod. crate. ,The mocireontutues monk reduced. and holders are firm. The week's sales amount to 15000 Mils at $5 sser, 37 lot common and good brands; sad $5 44stss 75 far select' and txtra.i— The inspections 'of the week amount to 10,133 Grain—Corn has partly recovered. from the de. dine enperienced in the early part of the week, with sales of Pelott.'N'elloW at 65, and of South ern at $69 per linabeL - Gmderies—The meek of Corea Is now tench reduced, and prices bale farther advanced fall le per lb.: _Sales cf Blase 910101 e -for fair quiditT. I and He forprimc; 91 !Asmara at 9,931 c; St. Co. minim 94 Marv:dim 01 on time. - St. Domingo 81 On tweet's ante., 5,150 Mm. The ads watenin Sapp+ Ca sustained; stock' WV emceed. l ingly Ugh, and ale rates demanded milted open!. • twos.' Sales cf Cuba as 6 181, of P.m* Rico at $6 50MB Oil, and of New Orleana at wean( is, and of Cuba brown at 9625 17 06 per cwt ' ad titan. The total Armin, as tea amount to 1040: blida,iand 1103 boxes.. For Holum, prices are; Sides of old crop Cientoges 25e, and some' Cuba. at 2•3033 e. per gallon, an' .• . • , PrOvislocs—Theldemand for Pork is limited, with gale" at Mesa at MO 75, 4 months, including one let at Si 0 50 per. 61'; cub.`- Sales of salmi spectedWestern Mesa at 510 23 Prime is held at $6 7553. Coit packed Men Beef mill in lola for snip atoms at 513 505513 per bid, of Bacon, the stock labeconlm redeem', and prlcosare firm Salm; of llama at 7L3toe tor arty smoked and fan cy Western. Laid Is but little inquired for, 570 to f.OO tegs Auld at 71c. Barmen. are held at 77, bat sates are limited. Punter is fit rather tamer dreariv., v-ith sales in bbla and logs at 1014111. 'Cr.ceso di limited request et former rams. . • oh—Linseed in held firmly at 527... In mks and barrels. Noltxthes saki of lard oil have Puns- Tobacco—The market Is firm;-in consequence of the unfavorable ticecionta of the growing crops, 1 bet the sales arc, Wool—Receipts' aro falling offP, as the great, 1 portion of the soppij from tte West, designed far this marker, have alrevdy ,been receivtd.— There bas been an active demand, and the ad. 'mmo "notimd last week, 03 the lower grades, 1 has Men folly rmataleed. — The sake rani up 180,000 lbw, of varmint arader, witble the MOPS of 031` littotattoro.• The stock la the hands 01 deal. era la now lunch reduced, , , . _ Whiskey—So ppLes 'are titer ket if lees active. NEW-. YORE NIA KEY. •••• ' Now Year, Aim. 24. , . NOON JIPOOT • Floor—The advance of Freights has checked . • T tranuetions, and the market iii heavy. Tho de. • ' mind for the East std borne trade tins fallen off, • - i and qnotatlims ars, for old mixed, Stem 'Western • , ' comma, 14 25 aB4 374•1 . PO common and 1 1 straight State. 54 Thai f,O; 00 and New Nikki. i time $4 0935 OR Gram ee, 35 2ealf•s 44 . per LW. 4 - GriM—New Wasal is ticavy,'sid poxes aro fa- Taring buyers Corot' less antics, the market befog fall. and • • prices am drooplas, Wcstertimixed is quazd at • Elle per bushel. . . - • • , it Prosisiona—Po is • joist:lye,. bat prices,aro . , ! without than;. . ' , 1 . • •—• i• • :.' i •• .•• . Lard La to fair request, , ana ittCady at claw, for I Ipit=o.• „ dracerier-Sugars have in upward tendency, Ent are not vergaclivo • Cofools in fair requestat an advance of to ? per le, within the past week. There la also some movement in ?dolmans, and tatt has mid aa high all Ws per gallon. A cargo of sweet sold at 23: per gallon. Hide■ are firm, and the demand continues good. COiYINIERCIAL 'RECORD. PITTSUU RUR RI 0A RD OD TRADE &!D zretcruures. =moos. COMMITTEE FOR AUGUST. ICIOOI C011011110.3.—•C. W. ■IC11Sl0\••••5. 0. LOOZI , Orrice Prrrsatitos Gacatre. At.hdor ktotolog. August gust YO. tea. The market on &woolly mamtested a fair degree of neUtiry, and qbotatiops were generally the same as given to Oor fait report. FLOUtt—The market on Sattqay ruled aboat the same ...daring the preceding days of the week. We note sales of 040 Ibis good brand s. I. Ohio Floor, en the wear, at .14.0 p 111. Oates from store it dray load tote, at 51,0704,4 g • btL 'GRAINI—SaIes of Wheat on the wharf :on FrblaY. ansountod to some 803 bal. at Hoe, which may beam° as about the ruling price. Corn Is lb fair request, "." 015 e; Rye at bibs, and Oats from 332131 e, Roos Gat hands. GROCERIES—We notice a continued firmness lir the Grocery market. Owing to Mead...tin the east. and the very light troche here. COSIES has Improved vs. IT materially In this market, and Is generaill held at 12 01 21 e • b &Rai couunies vary he, and tolt. my", at moderato supplies. li 0 Maltese, is aglting at3lo3de, and a II do, at 450 • gall- &ay. of Men at liosc, in ter . BACON—Is in good demand at fall prices—say, for prime bagged bores, Be: bitty western sugar erred, 9. '010e; and plain do, at 71e ♦ W. Soles of Sides at fiIIIP SI, and of Shoulders 401te r CllRESS—Receipts are coming in more freely from he Western Reserve, and supplies have increased Price. range from dieGle, se In quality. Welisßyre.e.Tbe market is fairly supplied, with rales Of rectified at 24023 e, rash and time. TOBACCO—SoIes of wee tern leaf as 4lOSln ♦ IS TALLOW—fieridiea are swells arid we may quote nominally, a: 7011,2 SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of roßln soap at 4 0401 of Star Cant:lem at 1t20 , 214; nomad tallow, 104: and cootitton dipped at De ♦ lb. • New Coes - run are —The Philadelphia bitnth Amer ican, of the lila , says We were shown yesterday a new counterfeit Al On the Delaware City Bank, and understand that the'countarfeiters were cartel sorer... td, within (be last two days, putting lin circulation a large neither of theta The general appearance t f the tole la bad—the engraving being bat poorly cremated; ad printed no centso paper. fly comparing it with —.tine, as it is truth leg• '- the genuine, as it is :retch less in dimension, the most mnpenenced cannot fall In detest it." _. . .. . . Precut-11W following i? the amount of specie held by the Banta and Seb-Treasoy . in New Vert : Bents ----- 112,C50,003 att Treastry ....»-... .5600,ta* lIME=E larrease —•••• —=—• • {2230000 will b peen Iron the abate, that the =want ha increased a minion and ► (lemmas to teas thati tw. . months, o:withstanding the large amount we bay. be. exporting to turope. Fifteen million is the feet en =Wan 01 Coin ever before held at 0114 time in th: thy: , • The following Is a table artist specie bald at ftur c the moat usiponitat points, irstualy, IRS. anti Jsas R.. of Banks of Flank of not of N OW.. N. York Prance. IPArgland. Jan. vig—tkitr...4:l) 7,a13,00 , 5:!,51.0.000 71, 0 ;49 5 0 June l Oik..k:r 7.1t,713 13.tqe,1.12 61,11.1.34 , 0 81,161,491 Ltereme• • •-• • • •••EIS GG.3412 V,Y72 WO 10 ltl3l-31 rh es it wall he seen that Cain is not only tactetunna in Now Yore. but m London and Pans • lumbar in crease is apparent. At Near 0g1e ... sheer le • dime nidos meet et the enotmer BG11•011.ornen bill. bated on mope ate etcosily consented, as compared with too winter, when the movements af Cotton atrord them the pelmet 13= Rto Jotinnto, July I, IPSO. • The accounts from Europe and the United States have calved prices to give way, and the wiles have been to n <call deraLls extent, thief!, for Eaton, at bi10P0.733i1:012 bopenor,4tEhal good retied low, 3:1 , 00, Pclt* hood trot. The teteipia have been very model , to, and the stock. thdueed a tr., bags, mostly firth- Lary ant chit dy new-,-The Fienoun Is n so fur ad vanced that we can .peat with certain ow ty as to the provable result of the non eon+, having taken cleat pains to obtain Correct MGM:O2OOIi •.. The cop teem the toonotalro,nanally.o.soXo bap, wilt net exceed 10,01 U, and is of net poor quaint, en tirely anGt too tie United Staten he crop Chore the amentaim wall i.e only a regular one, uta the qoattm gotta filenor to the last; tsdyang from be few samples lost nowt., *La trem Me reports from all the districts. That plamcma re call laity at securing their mops,. having no old Coffee to cepa dean, the receipts 14 , 1/1 be 1211 trilltog ill A osyst, nod a as the apnoea •r yowl r i tidies, that the shipment from Jaly in to Jan. 10,15.5‘; w.ll nut exceed these of the rams period of IBM, my °MAU) bogs, whica would mike the total export of .1830 only 1 ltb.rW bake. We feet very confidenth atll not paaalol.ll,eue bags. Anode, power:tit mama why ,vnil not cocotte forward freely. to the low prier at nrevent: the ore...idly Flammr pre frrnig to keep it bank (Jr titanic rotes liner in the Knloll. In oar circular of Ist April, we estimated din new Col re , 'MOM prier to lot. of July at 75,1%0 Lags, the uo:Pity does not exceed 50,1tObega, and the meting. , AJuly we do not estimate over 1,5t1/ tiet day. ug. and Sem. there vull . be no obundance, nenher untany good magnesite iMinined Inc the Ltialtd Stale! il then It is a remarkable ram, !bathe exports to the Vnited Stat., dmeig Apnl, May and hum have iteerventy 40 Cy rent of - the mionttly exported in 11.4.5 end Into daring the same petted, being 11,5_1 bgs aye, mg,l month, amine 67,517 To kitten.* the upon has been but to Y et F.ont present appearance the export/taint ot July and o ugetet MI. year will tot be tome Mon Ce le cent. of the twill ones The total cx Intl in June woe bas, of which 15 P.i3 went to the 1311.11 ed Mates. •• tollolot : Last a amait. 1319, 34.6 , 1 lanna.y,lKSO, 161,37; Febiusti,2l,Cll2; 31arch,I.U.I1G: Apt 914; May, rie lA% Jam, 19,91 e; tl. TJ SDI. Same pcnod, 018, Decrease i 9 111 mouths, 1 DB&9 PITTIIIIIIABH COPPER aoLLiso THE undersigned haring completed their Milling Mill are prenared to MI promptly all orders for Mime: and other Manufactured Copper at ally te• quier.d sines. Made from the Copper of the era SlLas, Lake:nperlor. ThiMetal ha. been thoroughly tested by mama tent acionnfie min an the servte e or the Government, and pronoanced superior In density, strength, and tenacity, to any in ate, and is mock preferred ior the akaasteepart at Ordnance and other purpose.. It is tberelata Confidently recommended as a aupe. riot •niele, tut all uses, Vestry in market And we .enspectinily solicit the attention of purchase,. and others to this nor branch of home mandfacittre. •. At preent the Warehoase is Noe Commercial Row, Liberty street .0 C.O. !LOMA' & CO Alssr Asa SPFsasszs, try her Seat LI lend, Yran cis IR. MeCosh In the Conn of Common Pleas of *Neel GIIT Coon. I No. 102 Muck Tenn IMO. Libel ear slvoree. Elebyre en to Oh Monday of Marco, lEso.Relented N.S. J. Alias &bee. to 3rd Monday of Jane, ledo. Helmand N.E. Taxies AleFearlars t ale rap:name tame mewed ice hereby =died and masked to be and op. pe C ar before the ourt of Con Flees for the eosin iv of Allegheny. to be held at i mm lt o udrarch, on the fourth Monday of Octobernen, to ton,. the libel and Cmaslairo of we Libellanthimy Ass McFadden. le the above ease, end show' cense, if any you have, why the tisk d should not. be divoreed on the bootie othliwieumis agreeably to the Act of General A...01y in sock casnotade and provided: Wltnees my hand end Weal this 6th de of listout., C. CURTIS, glut Sherif cif Alleglurri Consug. To fairies McFadden, the reeyondent okra naafi Take notice that pursuance of a rule of mid Court In the above ease—the depositions of wimeasee la behalf of the Libellant will be taken in the office of Thomas Steele keg., en 4th sweet, In the city of Pau. berth, a', Friday the 20th day of September, PRO, be. moose the hours or 9 A.M , and 5 P. M.. and from day to aa7 tilt all the oe r ocrsof ILTLIMII2O7 shall be taken; sail at the ,Ctee of Jones liteC.ltend, H.q., to the Dworgh of Co itoosboogh, in. the teem of Washirg ten, on Friday the 12th day of Reptember, between the - boars of 9 A. ht and 5 P. M, when and where you may snood If yon ace propor. PATT , IN t ILUEEP7IILL, Libellant's Attre. age 3 1050:4tdd Jamts McFadden: GLOUCRISTEIL 1.1101 Gbroxster, N. J., murky chants P4ilarA/lAies. sobtetibem having made extensive alterations JL theirworks, arOl3OllV pfeilatta tO receive orders or all kleds of trfATIONARV and MARINE: EN GINES,ISOILEItS, LOCOMOTIV&A,SUOAR HILLS and leery description of MILL WORK. exe Alm, cuted or with de sp ders fur atch. IRON and BRASS CASTINGS Ilseirix secured the valuable strlder. OLIN. Damp meemmor, as Superintendent, who has been for Roe - yearn foreman in ihr Iron Works ofJohn Watchman, noir the Vulcan Worts, Bahlmore;tand for twelve erus saperlarendent of the Mohawk and Hodson and she thh, e , and be4,...estsuly Roll Roads, N. V..) they feel conlldent that all orders entrusted to them will be faittirully executed. Haulm( an es tr raise Whsrf torrent of their Work:, it will afford a we hrubor ior all Marries of stem Imams that May ;minim-repairs during the winter. C. hl. & J. U SITER Gloucester July . 07, tp.T.:_-/Y 3 C" 4 *! , YAP rS. 7 7- Joigli RIMS'S spool. au.m, • '• for &rein, - F rtiZtisl ' t% rrn y ar7=l; ,ntide"L!..*."l',flif a the been moth, and for *longtime wonted. It heikalwsys been matter of .10:Whillent,Lhat whilst the etrlnro. [Miele of [...Won, wss consemeaty epooled for gene ral, ose—Silt; cc much more valooble, should bane been supplied in Skeins, trout which es meek uotible, _vexation. and lops um arisen. The didlenhy has alien he overcome, the public is offered a good article, handasenely pot op in • coo eValent form far domestic use- The only olttiction caged against this article is the liniment smolt ruentity ou each spool. This la e &tile of dexplaine. Enid' la warranted to contain t o yards Sil while the ordinary . tecio, at the sat price, kits tom an sneermin quantity. espying from IS tit yenta.' Tte Spool &A Is roc dy for ow at the time of vur <ham, and 4 Only - needs a trill, to convince the Most site t a ct 61 . it 4 anerson7 in qv afar. Independent of site So". Convenient arm In which It Is furnished, it has 'mem attenuant over the Skein, as it does away with We tedium of winding, the yessition of tautens, and tha hoax *fume in prep ti for nee. 9 utd.a7 WM. 11. 110RmTMANN & SON SI North Third st, Philadelphia; IIuitSTAIANN, illiOctla CO Slaiden lane, New Took. SaleAgento . l lful, tad the mar - Jy.deod2nl &co. TOBACCO CDIABISSION 19B&cIIA T& No. 41 Nona Water 11trect k N. 14 Nem* Whanrea A. l:Branstor- I.IIILADELPIII4I Fovea 1-1.1 a. s 3. A.W.aara ma Pialgagaii ss Moro. ONE Box, etylo htd Benet O. Wood, PittAntall. One Hanalei masked Charles Deulhetrf the. berth; The cro4ers Till` please call and ehettret, and tale that sway. , the 4013.. - WALLINGFORD &CO—! jt(TOOL Siitti , t(7ATUATWEIiIiatIF -7 1FLD IV • Isseeettal hattetilefferpeithesburp,of tight width tat sub. whicit they Will ant Du low. I== I PORT OF YITTSBUROR. Ems—There were 3 feet 3 Inches In channel, by • etal emit Jai esteem' at desk, arid felling. SCwept—Our leaden will perhaps recollect thst we pobliehed, It few dare ego, an ROMS ore Ger- mart, named Floffer, who had hung himself to the ram, of his house, lateen mtles out the Enter i ng Rand. His t silkily at firrOwished to conceal the CllOrt of ht• death. tot or he and hie wife had het lived eery ! hartmanoust) together, ietteptetons that he bad met la Ith foul luny, were rained, the more cup ! edially or ! on the day of Ida tleath,,Mr. 8. had ettehtlod a earn? ! meeting. and did not appear to he unwell. The cocc i nee woe accordingly celled in, and rth inquest was held over the Italy. The father of the deceased twi tted that he lonic. Urn down, and described theme. I tier m which he was hanging, to. The jury, Mler the eminant). of amimal other withesses, found "dint the a as.tl Moder had committed suicide." ATee:peopie th the nrightunhavi were not, however, .nose, J. They were still of the opinion Mat Stoder hod mot with fuel Pixy, and tumors of the Most helrt lisle Uescripron relative A the lather attic. deceased, and has Wile, were citrukaled. The coroner was sent tor on bauoJey, to earth ne Me body and hold sport moment exammution, Lut - be rucceeded plovig nto the •attefeeme of CI poetic., Met the verdict of the ;•ty ,••• • tort one, and we hope thin this painful BOATS LEAVING Tilt! , DAY. r rnhent teal now Lc allowed to rest. MONONGAHELA ClTV—Vouridoxhiny, e v. [trine. Waver. Putuoni Peebles, Eaxibc Atlantic]' PITICIZOII, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobi, Brownsville. Vie ikiikhany. fittriunic, bl orongitelo City Thos Sion, Miller, I f t•ton, iskopper,.tlonerll,lVbeeling. Wnshinitnn, Martin. Louliville. ks,niva, Wilkins, Cineinnau Platen, Gorsoloy, Clint mitt. Okla, Slava, Onninnatt. Pilot Nog, Divot, Itockiniport, IDEPARTFJJ blichiPnOri erl ; Beaker7 Carnden,lHendriekso•, AleKeesport. Fashion, Feet.les Elctibeili. Hanle,. Jacobs, Brownsville. Arlantie.Yarkinton.l l rownscilla. • y gg riegheny. lisnarme, Mononenlieln City Allegheny Clipper, Waierson, Wheeling. Wave, Shaffer Reveille, Rees, ' Wellsville. Camden. Hendrickson. Cashier, AIcAIUIkn, %Vbeeling. Genesee. kloore, Cincinnati. Kato Fleletrig, W dams, Cinetnanti. Pero. Bute, PI Loins. ZAN ESVlLl.E.—Etnpre•m, 4 P. PL. WIIEELINCI—Shit per, 1L... r. lIIIPOLLTIS ILIVER. t ound with hat throat col, lying di ad in • house BFAF.R—ira Minuomi-2551 feet butihiir, I. Wit known to the " Lager Beer IL Ulu,' in Diamond limos lit ha. starch, Wm Dyer, 10 do du, J Jordan; i do do, l Panora; It do tip, .1 Wm, & Co, tin do. DM • 1 bete'. Wood at. and the Diamond, .ell. 666 "' "6 ' 16; 12" 6° ' 3 R '''' 6 ' 3.66 ' "6' Jar Two Germane who had been lhaluiture when home, Rhey, Mathews & C0:44 hs J C 111 J• well: . 1 3 boat , candle., 10 do sitter-10m, Wirt & Fosslllneyer coma in, testified that ho went ep Candles& 30 boa cmese, Canfield; 42 do do, Carson a McKnight. is situ to the room where they wero tutting, and Pre Bursa—ld lama eheero, &It VoCafe ceon. requested than lo give him a lodging lot the met:. 30 do do; Lambert S .10010 n, 4da 00, '010" Co, sllls they told bon they could not do, and advised Mils saleroom, J& R Floyd; do do, R Dattell; ludo do. Smith & eioetain Ndo do, Shover & boric, cha him to go to hue hoarding house. Hu mold that hie his cheese,A Mils oil, 4 ohs pcml ash, .1 11 Carcield, I con countrymen had hi, J 13 Canfield. Mooted him badly, and 6u duct oltofttl ter wcs so strange as to soggtot the P. C. It We coosits-11 Lb, Stewert .2t. Sill GI do do, Efsgaley & L. 13 co, 32 do do' idea that he was not in bus Mace. He then WM. 0 Blackbo, do do, J Richardson, 15 Jo F R Dmiyo; ro tti cd, at. d weal doom stairs, the Germans looking oat Wick 1 31 f C. 0,150 ; 11 ' 3 ' ' , amber. J " 13 ; 3 1 .' 13, of the window, lo ace that he left the home, labial Elm" watt., Yoaur. Ihwecn s Ihunk<tg sn:e ft latch,. he „d no , do. In a rata momenta they were SUNFISH—P. CANID4I-1 COO bbl. Rohr. Dilworth; VG do do. V Mid. tob. t Ik Livorti; al do do, Clark it Thaw. 14 do do, t bhi batter, J. A Roe; 3 oaks wow, CI Phillip.. WHEELING—P. Au.sait.ar WAe g ware, Clark .4. Thaw; k 7 bile glour,'lllcClarcan A. Co; 2 bre, Hake, 2. ForaylL. P. Rhysti...-5 plies, Baker & Forsyth: J elot ba ton, J Jordan. no hbl. tl.r. Brown tr. hit tpstr , e4: hd , a paper. W P Marshall; Si dodo. Vlneetly; I'," rt. wheat, Wilatarth & N0b1y;,3010,04 lino, Leech 0 CO 6 bbls frtol, Armstrong & Coster; I sack wool, Clark A Thaw. IMPORTANT TO TOR AP PLICTLID Dr.. Et se's Celebrated Comedies. R. JACOB 8 ROBF., the diecoveter and .ole pro. D Raclin of these most popular and beneficial medicines.. .1d also the Inventor of be celebnite d instrument fot Inflaung the Long., to edecting a our of blitanic diseases. was a. student of that enen p_hysielan, Doctor Physto, and Is a graduate o mt f the University of Yettitsdfiranla, and for thirty years since has been el . :aced In the ineesuga mu of disease, and. the application of remedies thereto. Throoth the e.e of Lis inflating Labe. in cotreconn with his Prop hylacuctid rap and other oi bar rented., be has gained an unparale led eminence ut theme those dreadful and fatal maladies. Telemeter Con- soy:option, C.C., Fero:Ws, Navarraturn. "tette", Fever and Ayr., Fevers. of titles, Chronic Ery sipelas, .d all those oltittutate ditestea roeulmr to female. Indeed every formed dieeare vanisher rier!er the also of his ,CCICI;Ittti, to which humorist, is heir— not by the toe of one nomprund only. lot ts in compatible wi b l'hysiolsgitau Law, hot iiy the are of hi, remedies, adapted to and preen. toed rot each peculiar totes ni Macaw. Or. Rose', Toole Alterative PIIIe, when used are rovariably adore..lndeed to ha utt,trie t other. tia purgative or liver pill, inasmuch n,11,) levee e bowels rie, tfeetly free Ineseostive. • Mtn hi. Golden thlt•is admitted by the recoils ~esa, prosei• mraltar properties adapted hanalc direarvs, helna satished dial a hare trial is surfs cut to ....tab... what hem been said in then:laden( •h: most titt.pllcr I. The afflicted are tsar lied ira call ..: ,, tlttte tt , t,tt , ant Pcurvre (gran.) ore of the D0C:07 . . pcon •!‘.• It. grrlttit •detuf IterttOM el: encl. remedy and its apr:icrt,on &or sole by the inllciwore .genes, as well a• by mug , draggists throvahnut the armory J troboosoniker A 1.., 24 Wood street. Pittohork 111 Townseno. etuettat. 45 Market Lee Sort' . . .PL.dettchdtx, 'Co or the l' l/..1.1!•thd7 URA ot. bal:dletod. EUnen•Va!loy, do 0, dim,. Llesi,r, do do; ly Valuable Coil! Prqu ty of Aura,. ON TUESDAY Morning Septranaer ',it. at II is' • cloak, a the Ca-asencresal 'Salem room earnrr nI la oaf and Fifth meets, an' d A tract at Lard saaaard an the Fara ante nt Mocsoligahella Hive% Ithaca font macs ahoae Manua gabstweay. (namely ouveleal and Ilan? 111antailaing al oat 83 Arm. anr half al it Culaaallen. alatala lard al raann- attn. , (rude Ma - chinas id ems., item War P..e Coal Works. The Pir opened fa. oral•ly le-rked for draining and go:WWII:la. Veto or Coat tear feet in depth. and quality Volr nspettat. Title fndlapvtd.le, and a:ova credit grth pren on pan of the p unlase money asaStartaTadqtag P DAVIS. tom • Pt& NEIT'S BITTERS Creates atealthy action throoshoot the body, rettore the appeme i 'enual.le the eirculatton. rote tone and energy to the aye a, and ertale a paver .01r...tr ance to disease m alias forma, rarely to heionotmed 'rimy will perform • speedy and permanent rare el Dyspertia, ladinterrintah Plamlennr. 1/:11C1, /eh , Ltnet Complaint, and all the Irana or symptoms com monly Called Denney affeetion. {VIII by imoatilialeiy reLoyed by the of this maid noble compound, ireieh is portly vegeta:44, ishil adoplod to .11 aces sad cord/bona. Will And IA the. dehette eel pa:atahle pepere.e.e. • combination of Teiee, Alta 113' ise mug Apersset qun!k• poe•Aady.edeptell rotten . 7 .0 tr..e. Tiros pecitte ae.ien that i• Cruel , . h.. On lb , : I Oinr sad Legestiee (kettle, renerte it. roe.; tete AWadnte for FaVgl Aral Ague. and Mite. nee Typtut revers. Dean Stit I burr used the uniele or rt nnc and home derived great ten , ti, limn ;berm. I Lose ban subject for years pa. to itie . Fever mil Ague, but since Me introduetion of your Urn.. I have erairety emaped my usuil a:Mop, and eon erns coubilence recommend Item scone of the best Toasts in tee. Me Da.a.a It giree m meth pleasure to gate, tbat loble e h my has been et ie et trtmb• led arming from Inaction of the Liver boobee r tirely overcoole, sod eared by the oec of rove invalu• able prep...moo or Bitters, tool for your tininess reeornmenilms them, virtue accept my Manes. Fyne obechrot 'ermine C. L mane, Agents, William T. Bret. & C0.,119 ILL t root Street. New 'York, Foe rah by - aagferamin IL SELLERS. LAN ALPINE--t —1 ease rood from meta, facturtra and so, We by II LEE 31 Lawny it OLAISKI.T COATINGS-3 CM. mectreti for Eliseo at maaafactarefa pne.. JIM LEE _ C1A551&1 , . ,,, 51-1 case fancy reed Cot sds kl 031 II LEE 113 ED FLANNEL—Iease meld on conrwriment: by IN I yut ' U I.CE Q:Tigil - bECS ' ilL — & — frili - - - ii enses on Mind, for li, sale low to close sonognment by li LEE IDED /ILdifilifiltS-2 ewes jost we'd for sale by LIII ROI ..._ H LEE T ioucx , i FAN AW --- .' , &—Ei — roii , .. A.; : c t ,uv i tii , s oy Jon ra Wood lit SutiAß EWA /1101..1!—ild la Is Roodales b., BL James' Refinery, lof wle by l RV HRIIIISSIR & INC lIRAIII, 1121 ' lid Water sweet. ULOUlt—obrif fins Floor for saie by .i: /721 RURBRIDGC & ING/IRAM igurmit Foropore thorny for Summer Qallte,a VT tra low pilot of 121 c pet yard, to fro fecod t gru?re of • MURVIIY b. BUM:11110:LO ASMALL DOI tiE, teltlon Kee 311i011.11 . 1412 it o the Poo °Dee. Add teat t•C. G." ot It It office. SALT PETItli•-•43' gs W b• erode, DO lauding from Cort], for sale by MAUI! DICKEY A CO. • 1717 CANA It V DEED-401bl. 'beef for INOThy lOW • .1 TODD& CO --- - ---- SEW MOOILS I NACW BOOKS I AT - HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT Tem:Erozet, opprmite the Post Office. DICTIONARY of Meebrones•—No 13. liorton Eno krpeare—No 21. Rant'. MerCheaire' Magazine tor Mmo.t. 'Earper's Net , Monthly Magazine for Amnon. - Eclectic Maz_artne :or August. I/erne:erotic HeriC7l . (Of AORt.t Mora.the.fgoo; or Records of o Tooriet • Coortee Lannean, author of Letter. from the. Alle• c Eig Mouni nine. The Iron Math. or Feat one Adventure. of Raoul de lycgelenne.' By Alczamler D 1.11,111, ate./ Colored bras. eeeee • 2.M. Iff URPII FIELD h.vu reccvr4 ..- .In sotto:ant of the wanudl eolora, and of n• a and beaulifal palter:lmi aka, Mato Covnterpanca of va• 'jou+ PflErS. 1004 WINDOW tiLASS—iirztana , W4 amen for 191:1 n 1 , VON BUNt2l.oitt , l a. co_ „.. k:rtlw ~[ IY _ !Sal/JIM:WY & Co Tl, EATlmilinetilityaiiii byrisili by ISAIAH DICKEY & g I Ty I 2 -4 "'" ""w".P;l'lrlimonT„ k co IJIASSES- 70 l,rt. N - br:eansiltlture 1,11 J R AILWWiTII k PEARLS-7 , c•Ztaii.Tiii<l;itorimie 1,1 hp_ B BVI , " bMr.hal.t.,./.4”.-,v,:!.y.r. 11/111 . &—•/13) pieen 7-1 s 1 'rune D.rd bl r oqulto l'ititinft,junt oprned - • SIIACtsI.I7IV it WIIITE J"' • 2•101.1E1R1fIrr-iii.16 by la 0,1 ISAIIII_I2ICKEY h. CO TIAIBINS-o,kcgs Raisins: di rrole. do. In mote, 1" . 1.. and for sale 67 - ENULISII & BENNE-rr. . . flUe ITNb:ALr.4 beroon firm qua , l , Y fur by— . ...tarbtfrf- - 41,71.11 8 P rea'd alt i e r lv, for ea by r 1730 HAIIIMUCi II cuadtra IVIN t.:•-urenor qualltPoi ram:ly ate. la kept earketar.tly on hand br A CULUERTSON &CLOUSE jyyo . ' !VS Libertyli Latk,--su Li6y. & P WILBoN. I 108 - Att7oli - PIAWK , TP ,--15 i i i tos Gl.Au.i-tibulus ussortiti nun , ret. , ,l TT W'S' a vv HAEUAU6II 001/LN-740 La• eli:::T.tp • mitfccti lac sale by lJ h 3 A& UALS- - T 1 pn •elt and Macy Alin, 1 , 1,9 day re S Had a; Pylej A. A. ALA , ION k tX)..3 LOCAL MATTERS OLTID FO TUT rrrristrzau'llilLle:EUZllTTl SUIC,DE—CORONItIeII I:ND - MT:The Coroner held ea inqoest oo•.'.atordey men over the body j of a G. to as named PhiliptFernilmeyer, who wu earrned by a gurahng round, and running down with a motile, tLey found the unfortunate men with his feet an the last of the et Ina atty., up which his body w. lying. A razor was In his hand, Rad his throat was cat, the windpipe and several of the arteries being mvered. The brick s! artery of the left era was also.cut through, end there were Lavern! other wounds about the body. rhyaicians were at once called is, bat he was deed before their attire I. Mr. Bronco., with whom the decreed I,3ard ed, was examined, and swore tl at Fcasilincyrr a ,- erned, of late, to be laboncg under as aberration of mind. Ile complained that some gill had jilted him, and that hie countrymen treated hum badly. Do, ors T. W. Shaw, and Chalk, F. Wdhams, explained the nature cf tbe wound, to the jury, who returned a verdict to the effaet chat the de ceased died nom wounds tedieted by his imp hand. ACC/Dli,rAL DiIOWNINO —tte Coroner held an up;oesi on Saturdey on the body of John Co'lme.• worLonce employed on the Ohio and Penangivanis echoed, who Won drowned while battling in the tibio no., emu Jact.'s bodge. A 'millet of Ace.dontai Downing" wee returned. The on. firion al.. woo :eaveat wire aid two children to lenient in...ad lot:. A We:nitrogen rot Waenas - ra.— Every dap ale necerouty (Jr having a work house erected IS Pltteb..itgfi, becomes aura sod more apparent, tat • ogrartcv rod rlrookeLtte se seem to be greatly 00 , Ol3lOOlette. Then, ace laquently between twelve and twenty common cares bekire. Ike May or m a stoule ireenion. merit Of when, are .OJ3 to poi, opi wr,rn the number brought over from Allegheny; and committed to prison by the earteux magourole-, i• added to the list, the tax payers of itas county tore well be alarmed. It we had it work b lose, a strettg would be effected to two ways, Oral, might reform mane of the lens( inceregible. since thee b • • f 0 Go^y for hard work, and if 10,ed to tlO ttO it prison, they might gee the it werrld be as welt for them t• labor for an honest eenocsol when they were d;reharged. But agaft even it would effect no rektintlattoel,. work 001Itte, r,oootnlcaily rattlatted, would at knot pay is owe el;sauwes, and tail is • matter of emooldres bin imports . ..et. We undenumid that petitions will he tires laird be4ore the nem meeting of the . t•egtela,ure, praying that no latt110110110( the kind may be chartered, and we trout that before another year has passed sway, we may base a work hOtaae 10 elloces,fUtelteratiOr., Wu•txtftll, 1 . : 4 -CAVE —A Stunt.. woman fell, un tstiturdas Morione. (ram the top to the bottom at Sento:tory 1111:, which is at least Iwo hundred feel high. She net, a little bruned, but no boners slier. LFoLen, nod eitstion as .11s reached the around, vise vommeneed tr4,ug the rustbiasplonntict• 'woven:chi l'hoite who -ow the accident, at first pitted her, tad were di-posed to rend, every .sereloe tn their pourer, but her pi-Weeny changed the enrodui of their qrought., old he pollee were tent tor. 'She W . A. 101,11 to the Mayor'. °thee, and locked up ta the watch bout,. CaAstvit.t.l,l. I. July 17th I,se. Ciire Poort Horan—There are at reseal nine ty eight oundtes in the City Pour Souse. being is noire larger noraber than is usual at this time of the, u 1 ! . Aru..—The tar vas very net?) and op ;rendre Ott Saturday. Tut Hamtor FAVII.Y.—Tbn Heron Family win ai.pear again to aught at Wilkie.' Halt. They had a crowded tu tua on Saturday, and as teorlicti , l,:. make Moir last apotarauce to night, we traVe.llll, doubt that a vary large audience writ Vela' Allen. DS:MC=ITM Pux•st Ma"•teos—The primary meetiega ol the Loco Force, held on Saturday etilted accotdiag to the table which we give be* 13, There will be eo opposition to the nomination of Salisbury GT the long term. Thom who voices to be knowing In euch mantel, slum that. the centric between W. W. Dallas, Eaq., and Deem? McClint.tt ,w ill be an exceedingly close one,and it le abnest impnretele nt present to say which will receive the nom [nation for the abort terfit. Mr. Mettt.w Stewart's chances for cbtairung the nomlnaon for prosecuting Attorney are believed to be superior to thompf hisopponent, Mr. lime's B. Sawyer. PITTSBURGH WARDS. lat Ward—William-15 rdoorenead, Edward Mal thew, 2.1 d Ward—John 61 Luiz, Rod). Patterion.-7 laftrut tad fur Dail... 11=1 MEM 3J Ward—Wm M. Edgar, Wm Wbitc. Insiruc. ird for Salisbury, for Oongireas, and Stomas kit Proseeottntr Attorney. 4th Wald —Thorns. A Maori, .T.ta tiers. fgh Ward—O , C 8011, Andrew Scott. lust/vets ed for Ssheoury, for loog ionn,and Dallas for short for s. , itti Ward—John Rea, Jas D Skelly. hair:WO Sur saldottry. 7,0 Ward—Wm Nloorthead, J N MoOlory.— In for Salt:bury. dth Ward—liernard Flann sail) nod—•Raicdr tar. ituoruerrui for Se.Aury and Udlar. oth Ward—Samucl Firming, Jaa M Was.— Irucierl for Sainsbury, Dallas sad S:eararl. I Word—Andrew Barclay. Taos Moffat. In arnad for Sa.abury, Moeltntock, and Btow. 3,1 ‘Verd—larnb Wh3eyol , , Ambito'ld Malta. rer. In.tructed for S.I egury for long term, Dal ton for *bort term. nod tltewut for Proecouung Attorney. 4th Word—Hugh , Thoronyon, A Hays. ItOILDUC; M•nehemer—Jetro-• Sic., neon, Wood., I,lrocleti unaUlttrou.4 i nt b.i.hunt, _ . S:ultb Sitibburgh—lobo -S Hamilton, Petrick instructed unanimously for Salisbury. Bitmlognain—lacn, Macke:tore, J B Alkman. lewructed unaeitutin.ty for Salisbury for long term, Mcantock or .hart tetra, Glboon for Senate. and Sawyer for Proeecating Attorney. • feet Bumusghaln —lobo O.Obrailb, ttt-- Men+. Instructed unanimously for SOllltury. IJoquesne , —Andrew Johnson .Tames °argon,— InWroetell for Salisbury and MCC:k/wk. Lawrenceville— Henry (Inmiday And John lot. frost Instructed !or Dallas. TOWNSHIPS. :On last, so ler as the returns have come in, re- ALLkIIirIENY CITY WARDS Ia Werml—S re lc 'Curb u, L Drone Ron-Ilobes Morrow, It II Kerr. Inatmoted for Salisbury for long woo McC li ntock (or abort' term, Sawyer for Proseeinfog Attorney. Pitt—Sauld Lynch, limes M Porter. Instruct. ed for Salisbury. Lower St Clair—John Gall, ; C Sheer. • lieserve-11 C Sawyer. Alex. McGee. tostrant. ed Mr Sawyer for Prosecuting Ammer. Patton— lisyelidrei, --- McGinley. In. lammed for Stewart. Wilkins—Rot Ott Dsnaldson, 'Francis Wilson. inorunted for Stewart. • win—Stmuel McKee. Finley Carry- In. mewed for Salletnik and McClintock. Cbbinson—islattbow H•ilileon, John H Phillips, Insounted for Salisbruy, Dillu end Sawyer. Der , . St. ma Ford, 8 Black: M , M.o—inftrunted for McClintock. • ' bier—Gcn .1 lit Davis, Dr Wilson. 'lint:met • ed McClintock. JellersonHYtin/isfre; Cabs hfolthenstj.., North Fayette, -A It blonuland, lutotitcheal• for. 1114, ir D. TIOWD .15 14 A.K ER fi,R SA PARILII: A, tNitorder korn.Es, lIAS Mimi 1, ,1 min antlered'. cattng Mpg% the alitella ail CL:TANLYBIS ERUPTIONS: It will effectually eradicate from t h e system and core Salt Rheum: limgwortn.Tetter,Scsl4l4ead. Drops , Sturm Wkite Stulltags, Nines Enl, Pienusdgle Affeettonv, ant? all FKMALF. WlthgkiF.S.Saß And Obstmettetts, errennue, White*, Fluor Athos, Falling of triaiWoma t Nei - lowa Bier Deal Ache, Languor, Potnting Senzatiens, Palpitation o: the Dean. LOW Spina:General Debility, Dyspepsta, Veer Conatilnints, Art It Is - Purely and Entirely Vegetable. ft bas been used with the mo.t amel sueeers by the Protettlipts in New York and New Ilampthire, and the Euelets Slum generally. for many years—and as a general perther of the blood and mugorator of the system—as Genume Family kledsetto and an effi. Cutout , FeltninMetheine has no equal.' The peaty ad efficacy bf the Shaker preparatoos are well known; end :this medicine regtures no long list Of eertlfiestest oat cures to introduce anAla increasing demand for the put twelve years is its best mum• aendation lt it put up In quart bottles, and Is the only Barn. partite that on the Liver, kidneys, and Blood at the lame Mites ' , Wen readers It a I louelaer more vola able to ekety one, parneularly to females. Dr. Maw Y.t parmesan the Oblo rttedlesl College, eau the Shaker orepstadons are only ••luable, ad recommernb them to the pablle. Tbosick and Ulla. educe tegensted to call obtain e pamthlet, end parebasc a bottle of this valuable Family A edicieta De tote sat temttrrfor Dr. B. IL HOWE'S SAILSAPABILLA, and take no other. • Price St per boolc—G lonia for VS. Fc.r sale ny J. A. /otter, J. Schoonmeter & Co., W. Slick, IL W. Bice., J. M. Townsend, &Mohler, W. Jackson, Pittsburg& ; EJhett, Allegheny any; W. Nicelel.ll,7deneartal Ptefakut rill& /antes Pnall A CoN Wheeling, J. IL Paler& n end - E' O. inform, Sr. , Ill'Orm A Kota : Cadiz. Also, for nm by Dtt. S. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors, I College Hall. tleettniati, 0., To whom ell orders most I.* Itddresaed. alty7..i&olcT MISCELLANEOUS. Soldiers arid Widows' Claims. THE undersigned, late Agent Ar put lug United States Pen.iens, a Pittsburgh, will attend to the prosmtution ofSoldri r• and Widows , Clairrla lot Pen. SWIM and Bounty Les .I• An erLeial euerection with the Pitted rulep Gut,- eminent hag made me familiar with tae rules mod Mims, ay well at the tl,ri +10r.,, of the Pension Depart• inent at Washington City. Mang widow". tin& help at Res - Motional-, Soldiers blue claims mat may Let be obtained hypper ap plieroion. J B. CiIi'EHRII; Ogee of IN Robiruon, Firm opposite Me gleyoris Office, rourih Fteset, Jude V, lOU/ itylnidillo I _ . DV , or Plll+lliloll. Aug. lot, 1.C3. THE ElOekholdeco of We PUPA of Pitubargh are hereby noshed that a genend mowing of Stook. holder., will be bold at the llanklag flour., on Taunt. day. the MIL gay of evptenalser met, at ten o'clock, A.M when the charter and th e .eheeecaeled by the /regni ., atate at ltp 1•11 wsoien,will be loid before them toe their greeptance or er t ecden. Ity order of Sloard of Dren, • stoßtl-de.wid3 tiaa tiaAITL dit _ J"LE - `0',,,"a1f.°,72;27.."1;.(P.'".•c•zi 1!...T,111° meet from P4madteld street, to his cad Fund on the torn, of Wood swats arta lavaaaa Anal, Sri... , c 057) over Putrieka lc V a l ley . Elammage Odigeg• trance back , od Mond —where moo Le footi a large end fasttionaLla e.snnment of Hata =leap at reliaged privet, arboluale and retell. Ham awlr to meter dkvvimfl tin)wtt. — lCsirsei oTirellow Doak and Sarsaparilla. rnat 4 - tags spy a:h preomation ettant which It with the Fm of Yellow Moho/re Fl - traet of Cheri, and tho lies= oflit thus maliing lee recite, dy mole thorooglaly efheient than any other ol•ronim leforo pubLe, At the smote hale it I. peteet i, f r ,,, glimihrtal rehon, which ezAnol 01 Olt Other Of this Serselosalla comparods. Then val.4;ll4}liihOmare of poisons! Mercury. Iron, Qoi mite. Arsenic!, and many other mineral ofid melablic 1,0..50ns pi,ter and fort, the ettive bad. of melt of Or ;lama:ion.. 100 Panaceas al' the day. Onyroirs Compound ildtrlitl of Weans. Does and gamanvilla does not tomato a particle of these esibetanees, as any one can easily ascertain by applng the sweetie, tem& 'lto poisons ;nay occasionally remove diorealte, bat they so tbe blond; sod so compimely impreg. 'sato lift Iona; t he nth their baneful etteom that the Ant cold. or fF ,I,rpose, protrfors ryhent, etter.V.l., cod totoeel liiin or tae most cies - ow/isle b!staie, Moil reed,. 11110111 , f eve short Impossible. - and bopeltom. Let all poisonous itarsaparilia nrrfarauno• hbone, and Guysnit's !averred Extraot of Yellow Lock end ..rel a t e , walibito.pozhl, .Aunt., rerirelir to 01:4 pere.y .J 4,0.4. A 1.1111411 Of tlitealle Ilekhl IU plead OWL./ Scrofula, eariterooe Tumor", Critaneoni I:tremolos, Hiles, Pimilaim, or Pcurler on the Vow. ChrOD, Sore Ilea, Tette:, Scaid thud, Merino, ron, Pnlamromem or rate, in tie Port. Or Jolla, Old Old Mabborn Ulcers, Fever Sorel. Illp 611reitted of the rilirne•, Symp. room, Lonnie go, fl-ferpoy. pumcin. Javi.d ice. roe. livenme, Sali.Rimiies,liiirdin..,enf Kids," awl dima:cr arplor firm an oundlciou• tr, of {lerriy• Min,ter'• Sore of the Curet, Pulmonary naections, end an Other meet, teed ing inmerdr Pray trumner. Maar i'oic Fetqlk:o Irrryulorium !Vele oral Nave., 11 , adachr.f;nlicrrd Ile NOM, Los Spirits, L4m. Appetite, Iniria Sum as . Pains in ' Mu hide and fit,oardera,Eurrieure or Wpm:demo, iu Life, Chron ic CommOutlooal Diroricra,alhitallnpureq and Salt Nether of Mil Hived, and .6oneral Tooth roc We System. It I. unrivalled. 4 rune f Ulan:sled Lanlt of nrt.eve yearn otonefing. T. mile mg li an extract of a letter doled hlari.h 47, lea, Dom le. It Perkintt M. D., a highly rerneet. tale phy stoma of Marlette, Otilo Jana Pau—Dwar; Sin I hare antler ny care a yo.g woolen whii. for airmen years, es e been nth feting foam Llerrared Lion., and win., etec l it , been pronounced hark.. by three of out bat unt il . omit.. I took hey Into err itmOyi ard bare artVele. Dub and Sernepanitt treery,•nel un coofident 0.01 the Yellow Dock •ud Sampatilla wall einem...net cure Sho is better In general health than lb. elm ever - .neon lieture, and walks • mils trip. without l eet. or pail- A yea ago the AKA Chnitlell.. i will report the env In doe nue: i Pair, tespitoteite, P. B. PERIONS. . - i Siffii/SULA. . It li•s been. remarked, by ernment men, thee In the v t emO cmelorso el doicate• to welch man Is liar le, i 1 4 them .4 ma tie of Tar], n on rupetngnet, end of *OCR 1,,,,,,,,,.4 e ,, .homer tel to OM ...my of ~,,,a ri v Ott rose pro rest, the nomher and yititty down thatiNtlitekt, or ate retuarkehle ire ourabiluyllo4l .....I•e. !Malay. Scrofula has' aided Me skiii or tee mon eminent phyytia. La thilleounny and In Europa Het there is an exuldouti fox alit luso. in lir Payola Exeunt of yehheeDtekopil ttawmparilia," which le proving It. t etto gerieton i plrcific an the mots tavern tams et An extreMnlittoy cane of Scrofula eared by the tole urn of Donor Oinvouis Conmonod Syrup It wilt be deco by this reerificate Via this stmn hat been a n d the Unmeant of several ceohtemd rit) norms, for ihe pan nigh! Tetra, without derivio g nay bonen!, and hos beau. effecreally cured by the sae of • few kettle of Dr. Day lonia quarnaend ia) rep. . Nay Va., Jane 7, ISIS Da. Gerson—Dear Sir,—Olong to yeas dela er bleb money cannot pay. I am Induced tomato a public our of the be I hire derived from your internal/1e Cleo, I was wryly •diieted wrath a tern. ble Serefulons &masa, hereditary in-eur faintly, which commenced no my neek, aid, cannoning re small. soon teaebed try can, renting into my bead, to o eotendme all over my face, neck, and lower ea. Omar., I boo -me torqued.. o ral to look Upon. At Limn my distr.'s. was to trent that I was enable to of or ha downi and Me di.a. extending intik my cart einieuely aliened my demi og. kly fate was one t ribune.. gore, from which a !Firebug° of matret and serer kept cununoally ann. - rah, People avoid. eat me, supposing I had the small pox, or 20111.0 other infecucus disarm., and I was Cottennently obliged in relingoirib my butte.. Netwithst.ding I had the best method advice. and tried different plane of He. meet, the disosse atinUneed meD. w all I gave np in despair, Fortunately I fe In wall a passenger on the steauthott, while (nettli n g fo rme health, who ' informed me that els .n van aone unite In as had • ' condition as t was, md that La tesier your Syrup he was epeedily Marin I immediately procuted Um ar ticle, catuneecedtsing and nate after having' used teas then six bottles, y am well tin e able to attend to my basin.. . I tend you this attiteersni as . act of make Awe. , poly koplng Mat It tn. name the afflicted ta stet the nght medicine, and thereby ate. than much suffering and eapense i zonal= your ohidient servant, JOI id Q, SPALDING. Cure of as aggraaaudealtof Erysipelas. ll The 'CURS peOlDltal by 'lit. GuysoWs• EILTACI of Yellow lions .d Sarsaparilla re laming. The pa. Vent's general health C0L11.1.1 to Improve after dis ease is temoved. Cat. .e q not Chronicled until time h i . folly toned Mat there e. be no relapse or return of the Litman. Nenwev, illerklßler Cod Feb. ISA 9. P. BEVNIrdr &Co., Gent., It is with great ph -nor° that I write you ntiont thevery bendy effects of your Yellow Look and I. , instplifilla upon my .on, who ha. long been reareaug under that dreedfabloathroma Egy i rkeliti,urith which he wets attacked is IE4I, sod war far attend monds etrended by some of our beat nye...a, woo tried their skill peneveringly for fie u gueethe, wlthekr any troneffernl etrects whatever. lie become reduced to r. perfect xteleten Ile bad ul cer. from brs tun td his knee, which were coonntmlly dirchaddr,r dbreniungiF effensrre matter. Medical serteengtenl obit' Won bellied. Phyricino. raid that hi, Case rodohlinprleo , i—there could be reorder; done tourrest drone terril. gangrennlng 'deer,. My nergh bore end mirr , f iffough , his diosoddion neer et bend. O ne of my ner.hLors, who bed coded a child of veget al. with poor medreine, wulterl me to, make idol odd, win more from the resdeo. derire to de .enuthiut , l while lifel laded, then from any hope of 5S rung relic I procured Orseeortles of your 'Yellow Dock and _ndaredirla.' , and commenced Idiot{ It and or eorr,,,e.hotent, ha commented Ilnplo•ing hc hod cord the thud bottle., and before he had used half overn bonier lie could %kWh eat. Ile to-ed in all twelve bottler, eel by ttotober loot be War perfectly eng r ued, 0 0,47 Ve4ade 01 rue diorase except the nears al removed, and ha remotes re portent health up to the prnMal Wee. Ille recovery. .der the blearing of God, r. chided , nWing to the pre otyooe Yellow Dock , arid Sarrapardin, and [wear° yen that I feel myself ! under snot Obliganana to 700, and to la with pest joy d u n I u jorm y ou of "dad your Borraterrills ha. done i (or my sun. • JAB. RUBSFI.I. tEr None ',nankin °dean inn Op fri large tonic, Contendng a quart, and did town elf the Byron blown iu gm., with the wild. denature of-S. P. Ben nett, err the sonde wrapper. Price 9I per bottle—or bottu for 84.4 11 Id anid,by J. D. PARK. North East corner of Fourth red Walnut street'', entrance on Weiner. it, theetanad, (Ado, to whom all orders most be adders. Carter rho ; Ea, W. ' , John,. &Ca, Water ford; frith Clemons, Croolinvidle; Abel , Terrll, Montrose, Hiram AltzToWanertrßehgn Wen.. bore; L.. Roderick. Callen.hurgt Mee:, Jr, Pitts. hnrdr, corner 01 Market slant enil the Daman& illanitoriv ,AVILW GOODS A s A. MASON A CO., No. G 9 Market street, halm supp Lied the defieleney is their stock, caused by bre, nod It is now rendered eernalete by the r“eipt of ONE HUNDRED AND FIr11( PACICAIMI. of oigr.bk, Goad ai purchased from manufacturers, and large auction sales, at.• rest redaction frame prices of last Spring-owhich will be offered to their:numer ous patrons aceertaistStY It weld be treeless% .n.; tempt us-enutoorato their well suarted'ateeki and, therefore. Mahe the early ate:Mien of their friends and ibe pablicomth the anorance of ano name be ing %Mara to each article. • Tfiti YAK -7 .. 7 15 7 , - 00U • ule or ' • Rua. occulpn Cigars received and fox . W. lIAIULAUGIII. „ • 3.§ . .3 . 4kr51 , .F . ML LAMY 11,1...aglirfoo Uhl P.F.4 Ingo for mile AN )ylf , , • JOHN D 0110 • IPonts; . - . ..„4G cuts Etsoulders; Y. tiewko Oder, 4 calks warted, nowlaading. torinle'br , , wd ¢on, In iwreind 11.3. VOW iiIROWNIt MUCPATIIICK, EAM 8008, soxidts. • , 1850. TAI WEERLI" PACKET FOR BEAVER, GLA SI 6)'V ,AND WELLSVILLF4 The new and draught steamer YOUGIIIOOI7E. NV. liarlumo, mantes. will make daily miss balleCCO Pittsburgh and Glasgow. ifluudays exceuird,t leaving Glargrow at 71k. M.. and Pittsburgh at 31, F. M. . The "Youghiogheny is b. IS inches draught, and can be relied an or a regular packet. throughout the season. For freight or passage spolv on board, or to .11 C PIDWF.LL. Aseist. 111.11 WELL /7. CO., Glasgow. REGULAR%Vi:DIVP.SD/i" - 1' C K • CINCINNATI, Captain WlLitax 3. Eoetrra. Trait splendid boat Was built. by the nd,eri of the steamer lease Newton , others, for the Cincinnati and Pitubstab Packet • trade, and will levve every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, In place of the New ynghtna, No. ii. For freight or passage epply on board, or to song, 1.1 B lil ILTENBERCi ER, Art 11 - 6114311 - 114.11ELA 11.0117 TY. mansA Only 72 1111.1 Bl•Fglag• Via Brownsville and Cumberland to LtaltiMOr• and FaU TO f 41211110112-•••••••••••• • • —••••1110 00 P121.112212111,----•-- 12 00 r i b P l42727l i 2T, '' .l 4„L' xirk "e p. Ilaltimore:l2 hours; deco to Philsne ' 4lsaer phia, l .o hours The evening boot leaves daily, (except thteo Snr.4 ay ws eningv,) nt G o'clock. Passenger. be ;caning on the evening boat, will cross the momtair.• in stages next day, and than avoid night Meet. &COTT none tickets at the Ofbee, Monongahela [loam, Sc M. Charles Hotel. oett4-ty J. MESKISIHN. Arent REGULAR WIIF,FLINIS SUNFIttlf PAela:T. The fast running Bremer WFLISVILLE, . Capt. B. Young, will ran as • regale, packet between Putsbensh, ing, Bridgeport, end Sunfieh,lenving Pawbargh every Monday afternoon, for Wellsville, Btenhenville, and Bridgeport, and every Thursday lan:moon for Stenben. vilts, ,Wiling, Bridgeport, Cortina, end Sunfish Returning, knee. Bridgeport and Sunfish every Toe. , day afternoon, and Sunssh every Friday afternoon. For Begat or passage, apply On tturd.Ot to D WILKINS, Agent. FITTf3DURGII AND WIIUELING SACHET. The stilendio fast running steamer - LOUIS IdpLANE. W. Q. Cli•olyell, G. 8.1 4 ., (iiipritlß'Llod6redr.c. a liter anti repair,) will rim hereafter as a . regular packet between Ptuclargb and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday ) Wednesday and-Friday morning., at P &Mott. For freight cr paysage apply on board, or to land W. IL WDEELER,Agent. FITTBDURGH & WHEELMO r4C - 4E - C. spleodist i litp4r , lniVotentorr W.B. Canavan, waster, haying under. gone a borough repalr.wlll ran here after aa Istalar packet between Ptrsburett and nteeling, leaning Psttsburgh every Monday and Thursday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For 111991 d no puma apply on board, or to ' riot DgETl42;q. MS ,/ls lONl did drauata steamer, Will .seinme—ber regular trips to WheetingthfisdaVeaving Pittsburgh eillaandaY;AN ei1.‘ ,4 .7 and , Fox. day, at I I/o'clock ev A. M. For freight, or pasimee.applyein been!. or to hat" : AF M 'f r “CP . ! 4 C il e. 4L .4 41'4. mut.eiD4tLY rou mosoNGA LLA, ern'. Tke apleadld steamer YULrIitfIOGIIENT, Coot. Ifarloyree, vrltl Icove tar above and •Il intermediate landing", every Jar, al 4'clock, P.M. For frel o zlrt or paeraee aryls on bone!. (ayeFl.42w I.IR MARIETTA AND ZANESVILLE. The splendid steamer JainENTßE...irk: CoCar, master, will leave for the above and all intermedinto ports, . trot day,the ±• la ,nn. of 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or parsage, apply on hostd.or to vrsa IV E WIIFEI,ER, Agt W /ID:LINO PACK±.7. t 1850 .aft paaaer4er 'Wart, REVEILLE. Robes; R. Major. meter, arRI /cave Pirtaherrh <very Tee Tharerai, arta dad,rday seer:dem ter Vs beellna,r.irst ere•oek, A. Dl. Hemming said lease Whrellee ;or Rusentalt eyery Monday, Wednesday, end Friday, St eA. M. ' Otit'33 • FOY: CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIS hit The light dr=c , :r . r lOW• simi i=::Vill ins. mac, will leave for a' rvi - day tcT:pc,tve. po::+ t clay Yi 1.11, fircie.ln'ck: A. 14. For frriet: or pa.F.agr , apply on board, gar - • - . .. ilariaadiL ' fee entirely new and splendid nr-- CCU., ASHINGTON. - ' W. W. Martin, master, will lonie for the al•opp rod ill inotatediate landings on ti.is (ay the 2,4 inst., it 4 r as. For frel6ht or pcsartsC i apply 0 . "1. 4- . S"' —, - • FOR CINFINNAT/ AND ST. LOUIS. Tito apisnilid steamer EatFORT FITT, in 4lillor.nster, Will Icare lot alaive and nil Diorama/in, ports on Das day, do :Fah ins... at IV o`nlock, A. nI• For treigtr paaanoe, apply on hoard. sospo I=2 The s l lewll.l s.euturr 'Moore, ,1: for have u° anterm geoer. edle.cay, me Slth Icn For trrirAt or passage apply on board, or to aorta' J tiEWIGNI JONEA , Aq t REGV LAS P tqltll GII A- SSTEELING RACKET The 4tea - mr nihetrr. trace for the his I„ltTliVsr i4""."'e twtte ..n For Ireipi ;mirage, appiy on boot& noSiti FORDT. LOULD. AND MISSOURI RIVER. v m , r . The nigenditrlva : e r n . nrer from Master, will leave for the above and nil Into landing, on ROG any, in.' mt., at 4 r AI. For treleht or paesimss tr board. torr:3 I .FOR-ST. LOUIS. _. 4i . Thafine 11711fftagta mann, ' fir:011/011. magyar !will leave for the boy!, and all intonian, ' , or, on Tliandly!, the , Y..'d inn, at 10 q'cloni,.& M. andl ! a RAI STRONG k CROZER, Arts. _ _ FOR LOUISVILLF mIenthd steamer RINGGOLD, 4.1 roe, will leave Mr the above nuenardiate porn on Ibis . pastiurely. skny on board aar4 \TI & LOUISVILLE. Acadia steamer master, will leave for the . _tad intermediate lanningi on thig day, , Mimi. al 4 o'clock, I'. hi. For (main or paesoge, apply on mud. ansta . . . . The splendid oats one light draught trtnmet CHATANCIOGA. Ceti'. Ilarvie. pester, leaves for the soave and all uttennettiata pens on thin day, the 9.ota hut, at 9 o'clock, P. N. ' For freight Cr peseede, apply on booed, of to aakT.o G B hIILTENBERGEII. Art FOR CINCINNATI A ST LOUIS . .. . Th. splendid a'camer VERMONT, !lis Intermediate reamer, will leave for above sad ports this day, at 4 o'clock, P. M. For freight or postage apply on board. tops SPEED INCREASED IiMM 1850. laa.k ARUANGICIIIEB T. CTNITRIL RAIL TOAD OPEN TO HUNTINGDON, PA. PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Daily Lints Express Packet Bouts, And Mal Road IDars. (EIOI.I;6IVELT TOR PAIIPIROORR.,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Central Roil Road and PentVa Canal. 240 miles Ruff Road, mid 140 Mil. Canal. Tinic-21 hosil+ Fase-eIIU throngh • The Pottage Rail Rind la plated in day light. Oan after fins date, 110th June,) the Central Roil Road will TOL Iwo Dotty touts ramfrrare Coal from lluntiagdon to Phrisdelpida. The can on the above road end lire Allegheny Portege Bail Stood are ell new, and of the very beat dereripbon in the country, and wall tire Increased speed on the moun tains, pwsongsw go Omagh with ocrpatch. A Pactel Boat will leaveevery morning At ra , clock, mud every crooning of g dame k. For Pmfery, Speed, end Cemtort, this route 13 de cidedly me most preferable novo:in use ID the Eartein Cole. For passage or information apply to btrITCII, hronoftrabeia House; or io I) LE & ECH (10, Crum, Ulric. P. 53.—trir Me Ist Sep:rorber, Inc Cenral Hail Road will he opt n in Ito ifdayaburg, *hen prwrcifrow viii go ihruugh to 93 hoer, Sell 1850 , • BIDWELL 4 IMOTIIER, FORWARDINU MERCHANTU, itocnvsTrn,P.t, ,Emigre PoIntO • 117" MM.. (or lIIDWELL'S YITTSDURCII AND DOSVELAVD LINE; . ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACILEVIii to and slopping between Pittsburek and Rochester by steam boats (did:dean, Lake Erie, and Deaver. ay-Goods rectipted Sad promptly delivered to .11 Filets on ILO CLOOIS and Latta, at the lotir<et sates, Skippers will please direct goods to .Htdwell`sLitte.”. J. C. BIDWELL. Water at, Patsbargli. • • • WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL ISLAM IThrtar. Jr. - Seal. R. MU.NR, Jr., ?reel WILI Amore against all tlaat of mike, FIRE AND MALIN& Litmus. will he liberally aufeated and Orontes}, 21 paid. - • - 2 , L.,,, m ,,,L o niterloo—marlaged by /erectors wbo an Well known in The community, and who aro detanaito ad by ofoolelltese and itherality.ro maintain the char acter which boy hare auemed, as °forint the b oil protection to those wbo aware. to be bleared. ••• . • Duta - leas—R. Miller, Jr., fleta illatt;J. W. Batter,' N. mottoes, Jr., Wet. 0.1101M04 Mame, Geo: W. Jaeloton, Wm. M. I.Yoat Jan / 4 00. 1 h 2 011, Thee: K. Uwe, James feattley,JUca.Nitrucir,Thal.Seott • • Wawa No. 02 Witter aurr.t, .(warehonae, of Spaaa Co. up daina Pttabuyali, TILUN2SLI OftANGTh2 . IUI27I3-2cases - ben blue .. rito sod omit:, and fuze bloc pcniZilutwital;„lme. P. W. GATES' PATENT DIES FOR. CUTTING SCREWS: PATIsIBITZD MAT S, 1E37, .. . . ''.THESE DIES having • been adopted and highly approved in all the ~..,.. i ,hops i, and Philadelphia, are note offered to manufacture., marinista, aliipe,' „ ix ,' .- , t .;,, -...- iii -.,...../ 1 ,.., .- ...L YZ , Iti Ldeuoi, as the mod perfect article 11:1 IL'. or eutung SCIL SA,^l. ,"' .." .-..". v . . , Their argieriority over nny' other pies heretofore wed, eonxirti' in;lhrt,,' H i t , . py ,, ne ., Scareighether V or -e unite threed. by o , :cn rt.tittcover . the no. to , t, ~,,,,h itt, ~, , g or kricriza- pepirati9.l . . ne the die, cut the thread out . et therolid true, yriit i o,,, n r r 1111m.. i T11 . ....1te11• th ... 10 4 . ia their greater durability, rapidity; and perfection id work; end . in their himplieity 4" liule i i a bli ni ,. to get out of atckr. ~ . . . . ... . ~ PUILAIIIaSLLIII, AIM. 17, 164.9. its to certify that we have pare hoed from I'. W. Uue. tharight of lisiog his patent Die. for cot. itta twits. ID Our Opinion, his its are mach tope. rior to aoy others we arc acquainted. With tor this Purpose of totting baha. r MORRIS & CO: Pattrusulits,AuK• Yl. tete. Ih , Me had I. Yr Gates. Yment - IRes an uee in our . s ruthliehmouwor the tat nine months, for tutting hens, we eon In every reect reeve/mad' them in the highest 'term., as tee hone meld nil others away, they being so rar superior—considering thern7s per cent. cheep er Wan any fieie now ill use. RANEY, REARM le RO, • Pertnßrorks, Pe. Moats to certify that Yea have ',Undated the RAU to ti.e, and adopted in cur Urine, P W Geteit Pa. tent Seri, Cutter, which we usably approve of. We can do much mote worn, end we believe it will tort puce in durability and predawn,. much to eeonomY of labor, coy tiled known to ua MORRIS, TARKER k MORRIS.' oth 1130110,,tith day, tab, Nwx Von, Aug. Ih . Oti& Having adopted ' tC Oute.'"Palent Itte, for eat. ling bolt, we Oho pleaaare Iv raying. that tt rare than 11111(9 , t11 our expect...a, and have to te..na. vying II a• our oeielan, that It far excel* aoy other p:an in present ate for euili^g bolo. fY P bIOOR & CO. Mir taw, r. Oct.' 'n'atont Diet , ' for catalog It:rawly notl thr economy of tont.g tiona .o •Cf 7 zoanideL4l4, that warot up:L:1111cm at o di+yenti, bit to every ettaUtiskatent having any quantity a SCITV.III IIIce[IIIMICK, 06011 N m co, Cmuco, M.y 10, I'OU. . oohnant3 1./eNco, WTSRINC,OII, Fopt.Z.l9. Otao purrhayed of W. IL Scoville:Jo , VIIIInd StettS, it. rigit lo utn 1,3 611 nto soornolo and /111.0.- HOUSES, LOTS N AttS, Ivgo Long dtt .)IcCTe!t t near Im . reef la “ _ P= , t , :u:puxlrn arIT fccld. 41,91. n Lot on Wylie rms. nest tattoo, 91 Met In front by 141 feet In depth to no ancy eV feel ande. Apply to ' 11. VP,,kl./Ii WILKINS, nu,¢l.l:2t( Att'y et.Lnlv, IUI Foktnu rt =ECM PNALL holey l`ttde street, In the F.ighth Cl wt,o— , ltem u Apr.l/et thts ufltce. 1.6 TO LET, A NI, pn....ena itnindirdely, lb.:Three Story CI Brick Dueling lion.a. tin W.) Ltberty street, and oprosite Third tt. Al Si, Tie Bettond and Thud Stones o Narehoau No 3 Mai kat street. Entitare of It Q ST(ICUTON, Lionkuilers, ao;ld 41 Market at. . . ' TO LET, . Derelent !loose lin: 1...1... L . 4 anv....,7g Z1..1 ',:l i : a s tud Carriage ifil.e, being rho pro any or, } For and Icon the 'reel.. of 11/ri June ii.lii. gee, eininied en Weggiar et, near ..e.Yealh meet. For i.e., agyilg In lii U LOWIICE ror.,,Rf 7Fo Loa rpHig large tETIe viva Nook Warehoure, on WlllOl. bolo: Ferry rover, running Rota %Vitttar to First stroat on rvarnimble wont. Possession given ilincio dlately. En - slave of F. LORlltsiZ._ VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE ON PEN STTLEF.T FOR SALII—A Lot or liro.4ra slionte on Penn ittslot,tisisvron li.o n itd tdv.rtvig ndinining the bo, g r.fe a:1.1 fotiqvr Ly !diehard tildwarda, hark( afro.; eia fest aril in derit tho feet, vrill ba sold o, favorable lc rm.. 'Foie unonstptionntle. Fn guira of C. 0. 1.04.115, et, near tlisoll ocodl.dtf Properl.7 lea Allocricay Utlty fur r T nE tab:inbers al,r (Ors:tie a namSeto tCme Lots, moat, m tt.e S,rnAl Nerd.heciie vi Common stall:v.l, f , 71C4,V .Cl7i2 I,l(X.lrt of W. Oil. nuy at Lan, ... 1 ;r, alr or of; Ar • CALlPOltriiA ADvs:awrisw.rtli.FsT. PEmus s-. Cr 6ncnlcar.,. Cilf, Ler-r:a made : ea.o 0.1 .I:e.,:^/ p:omptly elltr.ccd X- rtula s, ~.i. T.. canyl3.4fr.vrfial. J. L1A.12.11.150N SI: I.V • .-A7:OII•NEY AT L () 1110 STki i....,•,7,!,;D:mat of Dre.:e,A. r.Th", - o—rourta n.r.:, 2,1101111.15 & 11A.WOUI ' , PEA Als.pN I: :111.1.CIIAN'I'S, o.idt• of 01 , DinnOta. Yxre!lrtaTra.••••• w rarer —. 0 ft do. The ben is portra I 1119 00. Low Trite-2 dagall...2J, or iLfc.r]or T.,• oar eel k , p; 11111.1 e oIL.—%OJ bl!• 7 xnnen , V•17:11e. OA; brlcT.annels' 00, • Ifu hrs Wrsicltea U.atet T7.phßnl • at, l:rl. .10 -JO ‘Vhait. 1,1; 300 gclo wintersNta Cif; DV t,O :peon C. 114.1: for cal. , 1 , 1:e.e.0z:07, • , uu1S WIN: yes - _ _ _ LIFE 4.B . .9IiRILLICE• J. Flnue vi Jr., Agraa Jilt Oct Penn Lift Ixtruraalt. Co. of rfeo. 0 1 :, F wlet all 41,1. i. To MI? 7.1.1:i mr,tl:r.l. • lic~. . at!, iniilV, for. their w .144 , 1 c1^,1 0 ,5 itse. 0: .10.norr. I'Le whole prof,. nt anlang :hrha;nero of ; hr tlvultnnr ,:f !Lc pl. c. ,ns l,nn 4.inln tY prr cc- I tech 8r Irk , of P., t.b.r g i,. ; 3!ene.3l, - va, dul 00.r.t, of o'r;nrk, in-me rLicr- Ing nrd detprunrn..g urcn :Lc ,u‘n, seen°, of toe Ln.rinLyurc, :Le LL,:nr memo(. • By order of the DI rector, IIHOMAR m • ' "" ' •-• t.I • SAIL. P. PUMPER ar..l CilaS uAnNES 1.7 e tee+ day 11. • itteil VICIIVe. J., together, under ihu lima t f r !lathe.. (Dr the !rat...cane ..: the and Cololl.ll •Oa D, nes., on Tin'lal a 11! Second streeh, Lt and tirr.ithEr.l.l st Pittsburgh, Ace est!, le:A.—ace! EAOIO4 01.11.8 S NVOILIC3 JOSEPH D. ABELL, Aff A NUPA CTIMFP. OF G/113EN faASSWARF, LeiVtat lloats, and Vector, ~catch Atc, Mineral NOuter. c Futent ftletiscinc, and V% tee Mottles et every deveriptton, uts:, DON% Ohne:Ss Keeps epos sully co hand a Funeral ea....rune= of the above ertielec• ALB,. STA'rh:, as the othhfOrrett Glass ritClo7l, UR AIL FNITIL. Ulu 0001010 to 1511.1. Cr, 7011irtr.e lola IA 7 , 05113 [VIA. Of rilTlo3, and volt conittlye to opeottca both occulter co d onnter. Order. respectfully :ouutd. and veld La failed en the shortect nodcv. • .• . Wa,rt6mi.e, No 112. "Second suet; bcdvreen Wood and Smithfield s,Pitutnalh. . . . srnv44.l j, „. CHAS. 0•43£3. 'B/1/1/VEZI, 4:I,I3AnZES, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And (tellers' In £itj»l£rg]! Manufactured Articles, I.lerinllB.Vmil;:fic:4l; Iltt.burgh. ne;,l BANKING HOUSE. J. CAROTHERS 5.7•C0., . Ele 15 Wood Psttaborgh! ,cefirtmt i‘IONEY IIECEIVEt) GNI ut:ecisrr Collzettern• mono, all Inc . principal cities at the euril:FUr Clarelaud, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company. I N pureoance of u reeolot:on of the Valor,' ‘bf tame- Wl* of inn Cloaelann, Warren a nd Telegraph Comp tr t ewe.] nu Use ecc re tra Ty to mum out and ctuue to be polCieb coin the newcpupcta a lung the lee, tol exhibit of the fumocial and meet uilimcs of this company. I outnoit the Othluomm Herron:— The Our. of TelcernyM COII3/I.”(p..CA at the veined and terathuates of Lag), 'among Mom eh thomon Falls, Franklin. Norton tholuOVarree.limecodom, and Lowell; to the Site mt Olin ail New la c ti c end Rochuder, to the plate of Pcon•y lemon, at winch points them, one name.: located for dm te•ecipt and oamadmann of bo.into, • - The Idiom Iritettht of Ibo Sec it It , et , —eatatal Stoat, 01 ,, 1 ft athic,thaLing a total ;' t ame ad ita.ft.P4d, qf alma atoostat dal P.thrt•o bi oboe theditte, lino the balance ea ' held Cothqs Speed, lac coutractoth. The above =oat, of toll, • actiptlooi Sr oacae, dtavc taco path to , :omci, Speed, We welch the 'fruatecil:nie ir receipt. 1014.10: Secratari. _ _ LAX!' VIT.& 1111,, Liclute, 1 , - out or his c1 , 44a4,. 'on, 1,41.. 41E44. - . Tint e: j 7 Jo;c000cohy: • treat.* vn the new oat of 11,11, ho onugemout, plolocem, tun teletooolo., c • ool oo,:o.1. Grho.octuo, soon 40C/111, wroth an expco.oltooolo Of a. o,h prhotio,l rve..tio of the raolways In optr.oloon in I oho Von col lioolgolcoo,Ull the Conttnent,dili.llll oloorroc, Uy 1 1 .0:17 , 10 5 (Atte-tier, D. C I.itr. 1 vet. Itoroo c 'alto 11. 0., t,Ptesvoto audio:lllm, of the 11.. publo. Irons. Fr,010.10 of A IXLouau do.or loTtoo licrohooholl,n .. hionottro 01 ovy louse, , A," olto. ph..l,' Soc. 1 von Itorio lion+ ltArtion 11c101too ao locer.urac Addtemht trod other Wtltlfv, by Horace 1, ro.el. y 1 aol 1, no elto. The ll.Floty of the Coule,itonaL It, John Henry ItOlitiosi D. D., Loshop of toe Inoceoft of Vermont. vol 10100 ClOl. The CO rq her tof Canada. By the author of ' Hoene. Ina." (Plant Womortoc, Bur ,ru to . . Bhoo. - eorrooN a Owl of a yhyracal deuerrpOon of the UssiVel . R. By. Alex Voa the (icemen by MI . yl3lO clam Glbboifs Decline ann r all a: cbc 44..11 Liatpe, with amen by ID, H. Miaow]. Ilarper , 4ellvapedama. ciao, cloth, complete to d val. at 441: 4er von; 4 vary reamed for Bale by It 111/PIIINS nap ld Apollo Iltakaure Pmaill at -•• • . 1. 14I tir O .T t lI N tli s e h e o . e - tirc d rf.7: - tic ‘ r l b b i c' u ic " e e io r l i e u n i d t: ..alga Lama, Arc ice M.N. tlatc. Low car. uacth ail wt... I. lifter mac. Graft al .I,VA tro..too. Ircoldeir.lbe Friar. /abed :Sq. Irby. Ire loved abrivar Acme. Cie, to my town I,oltiteti elptiog•Plowir ,••• ti/A .tyaro Sa.batAtio. naval Ptltlka. Jotttly ,LiadYalka. Linda Lbfcltitcp. aboh from Norm*. 'lot WNW* art lull cr.ccirci, and for rale by 111 ll' Ll.Ol, , . , St Woad at *,2, , tri lot v. r 11 , 11,--14 btk.urr aTel;;.;:ii, I...7.coDYLKCAtia, by Is4IAII 41 tn .. . Tr Nutuct: sW:fy maw ',irk .IJ Nrit 4 II A-AA ona..sllyeu ..n. t "'"' w """ 4 ' - I.l=i7l;;Z * Kkit. C Jylll. . •acri • thelletl Cotll.l.thuritol6 . 43c3l4 .tiAlkeazy Clipper. .d tot sa:u 415 /)1W1V:1 a tiIIIKPATBICK- . • D e • . . . ties under the suer/Won of thro 13,,,,,i..t., P. W. Gates'.Talent tiles * for swung sernyesonss,,,,inee having been trieg in tyro of the Isms • anteft.,2 tad found tabe very efficient *Ad eseelleyn. .• ,--, A. TALCUM', col.Orklinsy s, t • Bazaar of Vat afa Deals, • Wasamoros, .j : t • Caaiida , a , a balea• Parented Imptuveruent for Una screws on metal to be a valuable one, I have, authority of the Honorable Secretary of the Nary, purchased of the Attorneys of the Patentee, WaL IL Scowl!, and Samuel Hamer, Pan:, the right to mats and are said noprovenserit for the U. 8. Navy.. JOSEPII warm, Chief of Dorm in IMO 1050 hy • Works, Buffalo; Renee & A•hlen Hochman lionleu & Co, Gloacenter, Y;1. Haywood & Snyder, Schnktkill County: Blineek,beer lork;' iioXr & Delarnater,"Phennit,ff N. Y; B. A. Nola= & Co, New Valli, • Donmend id. Co, Monument Walks, RNA Van Caren, Rochentei; Neu & Ayres hem York, &lbw Wart. do; Yeas< & Morphy, do; , WeriFoint Fouodrff j• Norri, & Ben, rhiludelphic A Junks, Ercedoelni ran, N • Walorente & Naron, itcodon&an - New Took Imre!! Montano Sblin, Lon, AA.tat Co, Mano Nester, N Lyman& Sondlen, iddiun Bddtom and maw:roue at.hool. ; . No t Dachinc,lo sets Mei er. tali& (r to 2 In. psi, rza No a do 6 l do lull P... Non do C ' do ' prtoe $l5O IllAl onlets addressed Di P. Vi. Chicago, G. st 'sail, New Yolt,K .D. Marshall & Co, Phila. del hot, end 11. H. Unsillo &Sons, Chicago, for• Dies .cl Taps, sseh or arilhoni machines (or wIOL. Chea t will meat with prompt attention. Diocsoo. May 1, 'Han, MEDICAL D lt i V2 . o ( lit.yEN . grozn:ly b unnottneue to rho located Howell in this coy, for ll ' iep ' u ' rpo;o7orgo ? mute Medicine and Sarxerp, i n n i l 00.11000 b mn d ir . on. Mir ofiee is on Fourth eves:, No 109. liesldoneo 199 97 ' 999 ' " rtiltot3no7 D R I . o j Ul j e iliar. Eß n S a o o a t r t a h' ne = r e ' , " ta 'd .71 ft 7 OM.. and resideson, for the pace ,t. at Rosedale. Manchcster, noine.hat, aatnio UMari. Ifiaonnl. leikdana BI•dloat ana Surgical Nottee. — ' — TGREhIN, M.G. formerly of Pelladriphla..d . late of Ne:ell-141os; Ohio. take. pleascre i, an. notlecinc that hnista located hlmtelf pentmaently to Psteburga, for the Nigro.a of pracitaing the 'anat, branches of Medicine and Surgery. Collo prorattly attended to at all hoots of the day and night. Olfice and retldenett No 149 Third street, between Smithfield and Grant. Ltarmdtex..-1-; Ptartion, Pr q, Fourth stt P. Way, Bcokseller sod tittmontr, Wood street; It. Kenerwly.' ; Artotrr ear,' Yrnds!. jetndly_ -- IMPORTANT. CLIAZIGIL DALLErB ALAGICAV PAIN EXPRAPTOR: 911118 never failing Pain Destro) er, end eertatn'core ior Burns, Sc taus, riles, Sore and Inflamed Eyes. Col, Wounds, Bruisesi Indium - enter) . Xlietauttlinen. Swellings, Sprain!, Sorri,Nipplesillroken Usenet, Sill lid/went. old end Inve7ervic sown, and till end tntlainvintney discuses. IN A Nu As. LNVEL.OPO AND noxrs OF r,zuen EINLARQrr , sizEl • ',CRI.rIOG. :Counterfeits 0f . .1.7/oLLItiY^ .EXTRAC fo.ll.in sleet. woorroo Hood tloornartet. Shoo tltrot afetou urouhL ptoron!! Ilk - bur t.o thr orticto to 00 ftiFAV DISF-18 you aloud ato tioittar of horny t otporct! ran jby noun, tortrito tar rormitt of ifrOing me 4coutine,{l.ll4;.l, worroyer, tte or al T., cent. on Ilic oiorogot• Cootolorat to D•otler". . (from impovuoit preetmoil upon Deeluta, try on. rerupulous operMort, Who put up the counterfeit mutt' counterfeit uf tile ohi wrapper, raised with o few Mize, of th e r;inuite each tioreahnnil Our oar it • for sin et n icilueed privet 'flair colt ouches Drop denier.; het the innorieuf consumer, eilia urn, the rperiuriethielci, pay:. the per.e.lici ereWerin.p, pain, uni.iphrip tuarr turd marts teautting from :mom. hum., woefl, or fOrCI, mid °flea 1n.,, of life itruhr,, ere iht toncripueneer. cam, In Point& Iliturc•tlng O( one of the motirevereiy born: and ruined rali•r•. ni the late nn)) dicorirram faIIfEET,EXo• PI in I‘heur Vert. Mind the NEW ENVKLUPFS, tint LARG.P.: FOX. ES. end my :1 • c the New Cite - Alit for le:r0. • Mork :he Pymbbiy nn ilw new dresx—iho TrMagt S Serpent, Finn. Sort, hone, cot !Ohmic, and H. Dulley'u . ID - Avnld danor and rrnnt{, and boy Dalley'l Ex. trtztor onnt, In the rinly rRLS4 IL rnII f LhY,A IS !Imre, r an 4 Whelp, xele ?nano, Initsborgh.l N.ll—The nil, of . I)totots who ilrocnto t Artf. ley Snlyeoleve fit,, from camr thotprconetoe tiro ..h, or from his roahrtitrd the pepoto, hs,d guide to the putilitt to neer Oient of onud. • • mat 45 deowimi To Southetn and Western Dierllsa*i., - y)OI;SSEL'S .PUEN11131:1 PERFUNIER.Y. , -Tbn subscriber trspeetfolly invites public attrojteneto. stout: of .l'ertuottery,. firenuto,tte., tetoch seven Silver and two Galileo Ntellalsl!Ml7e. within the lest mix years, been asisniest Ly the Institutes of Nu, York,. bootee, and .I.ltito ticlrMis, We IOOMO Lt.trf the only .15olden Meddle ever aoruclul for perfumery. either In Furore or jn can ntry. Homier:3 rurtvomso 'Stre.orto Cum,. (Mantel!, Ross., und_ Ambrototi.l muvrt.olfS •tt , F mtpertor t 0 sthy `!hoeing Crew In this emtittry or nropc. IIiZOITILNIS ion Sztot,m-rltertottintly truntrutrein t unit mont..smr, hotly Sutton MCCOYr end emollient Pro ,, f'Arsi eurrthoorotts Compound; Ambrostuirryuv ot! Tatien :tittitury Ehooteg oor lloacue, rat-chin; %nth only, Outninnar.Flood n g. Olivb Oil, 'Windsor, ant an, ruera 700 Inn Ilaamorecoma—gran, Janina, aint., de Carolloc, Germ:ruin, Jenny hdret, Mon.:t ont, eta:, %It/Incite. Clelnatan„ eittontalia. Ittaa:, and man:. othdr, vat iettrd, io nil iazty dela:au perfumer. . Tc WAln.—Flotida Water, Eau. Ordr,:le Flo nil Water, add a great oture.:y ot Co. leg," and Lattorinr Watt: , 70v. Tllll thuri—Geonlue Beata Oil,' Antique Oil, Baudoline, Eau Larval., C r Oz crow, 'fair Dyer liquid and in_ powder. Platneorattalidethille, cati'Jenty Lind roulade, OniciraLuto PirpranaztioroLOdt,atrita lio:o Tooth roma, Cantonal licztniftne, Oditann,•Toolli Pone, and Tooth l'owdor. . , • • • • • - - . Coomrncii—Vegetattte Cosine.ne Cream, Amniotic, fer chopped bonus , Cold Cream of Roses, Clew% dp Porte, Lip Salve, Koipogrry IMp:lithiry Powders, for tionormg supgriloott. hair, roar], Powder, Nlnsigrt, Jr Reeve, Aromatic Vinegar, Vicions Slott Comportilon i Preston Oohs, ticontra a stoat rams; of other ortteles, too nometeus to Ite nal:mil in this cilsettiscomni. Tee sabsenbet bares la mmintain the repo:anon which this cstoblieltenent hos ergabad, by dutposain of nothing but brat mac uncles, me rsel!! be harpy to (mulish thosT who may A:54 pancome Limn culler wholesale dr Telma, on es reosonable trims as icy et. toblishment to the United balm XAVIER BAZIN, Successor to and former Theorist of the labs, story of ' EUUS:4II ROUSUEIa 114 Chesnut straw— • Ur. Cod a'.rellinuery is for see by all the prumi pal Dmgassts la the counter. • apl7altyl G a supacu ncprir.7l, T liEstibta f ibCf bayingol , t lecd the aL ova well bow., and excalthut etabllthimant, la now graviton to cistecutin lila frier dannft the truyalthin. paha' aeon] , any, In we ben madder Bad on tha SOU reasonablo Corms. I; nt TABLE win at all times be 'applied with every triteany of the seaan—o•n his Mg with the beet of Liquors. • H. Stabling if very exigneivetiand every . irrangs. mei t has beta mane for the 'aceozamonahon of Dro ves gitof IVNI:CLAWgON. teu I) E. WILLIAM wilt; oion a claosical hod Eng .ll.• hvb Sehvol, oh the hest Monday otstept•ho.lL Boom over J:.1) .Wiltztonv , loom, corner : of Waol and ,setts. _ _. use:is:me. . Be , . tam . tam . D. Lioword, I lion. 'Walter D. . Lowrie Itcr. U. Elliott; J. 'W J. Her. Dr. 31clitl1. - J. IL .iitu , .... 2., , Lt0i1. tv 2: —if . . .. _. ._ co-PAILTNERSII/P. ; . • ••;', IHAVE. thle day, aiikamated - with me 1.11. • • Cleueein die Wnolemie Greeery and .Prodoet - Itn,tineee;' the etyle or the firm will be . A. Culberteen • •." a.eiou... • tjj3l •A. CULBERTSON" ; L.. A. crIACILSONE . [La • . CULIIIE*TgIiEO CLOUSF.. 4 IA7IJOLLSALE IiOCER6 rind Conotalieldn'Yfer:.'' olasits, Preducc, istd Pgulym_ , Marazfac,nrc aruclkeilD3 Laletty t,, • A 43AiLD• VICTILMAI27II x iii:illl4l ewy row r new ' e1..11 w heal, Wiadi. if Of it apotior qO 2l l l l , fly •'; C3ll now forinoh (.111eo with Treia Fluur. .A3OVICti tt.t. [Auto will tm plotr.otly smart:Led to. WILNIA.ItTIi &NOBLE, ' jc..;1,111 GLASS %VMS A. H.. 0 HA-M B ERS , ttisu ctuatarms, Aomrii,k c 4,) I wouhlyetpettfclll7. inform the , CUEOrpats of the late firm the puutte ageralliplu = 1 ,111 dllfille th6Ema Nemo : . • . . W 1 VIALS, BOTTLESto Iq s3tbrirvlnetle% tithe op . btslid, Na 13 Woad eta blitireita Firsts Watt., 13,27;535t Ptosgnita N.tlthg • • 313(1,163tirmat haau ratrived • flat "CPlY,4llatree aettele, white, t s uirki, groess, and blue, of tlgtit width, oleo., tome andPU , coverluesChundelsers and Gus Dalus, • TO c9DITItACTOUS. AFLTY K; US ythe Lure or 31 lett; k. - ." POW tg 131vaer :24aC.b'a tainefactus, for • I lyT) To City 1H PO,UrU ft superior Way Fur... , 23E0 keg; Th ' e l' ele r iltvo34ir •P the above reorde, is this .test_ quzlitT•' Lesiva ToittordertiiTiet, Ittodnulto Ssittui 04• ind Blue Net; fez iiV:Ple . ll;.o,2,,`ubv7K -4 °"' Li4rllio - 1111471111, CII7IIiLD yi al tido of Mown, Dress Lawn of laclag, aim. a Frau t 'VW"." V "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers