THE ITITSBURGH GAZE? R PUBLIBRED BY WRITE & CBS r1,977.111s VROU MO 61081,11210, V;, X 450, • -----= 1 4 ,7'inve imam are eareedlY 1t 4 1, 4 1.4t4 .14.. "" ,. 30 nth facers before sT if irj.'m — to r , phaoha fed timC rdid ,.. .. nr .ouill ordered out kl■ evend mended ie;Few Forts PhWdei Pad Boston, - Led h f j b l. 4"nd U lnlv " "" ""u' V -I. 7,:ovvv:•ia—Advertlaw Eirrovisilvvau _ Nora isent. , altd nboeFti..... Jamie= Milted lawn Oahu% spiced sad fer. irw t.haoswilowawciat.Lirt.—dlabeetiptiellw fot..ah mica will Co wowed and forward tl a ssisloasaeolmva — clabserioaew and admit,* 10e2111 Wahl received sad fetwaided free of owarfrois Ude °gm! , , . COOMUTI Dear aossrts.—mdvardeeenensts .ormaset, for thlo papa, will be resolved sad ormerde.... l from Ildo ease. osioiosuvrAdiiiirmo irTATis 110111 MT _ • 39811 US DUNGAN. ntptek*Cosary. Iroa annuli IxIOAL. HICNM , W. ISBYDERI JI ga , on 4111 Coy. illoPpaYY s 1. II r o +D r HOOK, AIM WaalalngtoaCcroaty. Astlenasolla asallindlgissinatleas Oar /11.114hany Contr. Tacoa.als cat, Assamearr. rn mon mato, Warr nen =.m% SVIII As. nzmar, AMES .oABOTlffili3, 7011 MORON ROBERTSON, Pitobcflg . T. J. DIGHAK LA.VT 54 . Cleir- R: C. WALKER,Elisabeth. JOHN ACCLUSIXT, ROW, JAMB MPS, Einamial. • rimivra• Anwar, FRAN= 0. FIINEA MOW.- -888 BOYLES,North Farms. ann.K l 4 WM. ISWeit U W" rotary D. N. Do wtrisir, OLIO cress Imo nos rou lACAI. bignEß; xst,WELPEFC NEWS, ka Thl asmirlielil Ball Reid &ad Br. ig3iikkr • Hope x ones a mime to metal to subsea. to Mistook era salleeutoomparty. he has to coreider whit the work will cow, whetter It will pay. aniiihietha the teem to complete It promptly be pro. mud. Oienutse no man of seam will put money into s railroad, anti' the neeetwary iegislatlon to au. Marisa Its construction has been obtained. Mail a careful lestrumentsl array, location,• and estimate of wet, here been made by a ono: potent and distaterested engineer ; the safest air tartan by which to hum in opinion of the expense of the wadi, nit* Mem= the same oat per malls as that of some similar weak, reacting throng% • country of tome general character and theca' of which is knows., Noy, will reseal to the Hemp!kid tallresd, is well 'mown thin en engineer employed to wiske • preliminary examination remain to repast 1.2 favorably as the truth wall puntii; and 'this no doubt is the case With the recent report of Mr. Jonathan knight, ince adMlts that he twiner ailed nor rierveysil the ground. . The railroad, he says, will strike the Stale nee of Virginia ism ihe 13th toile poet from Wheel a the national toad ; end yet he estimatestke named distance front that point to Wheelies at only Its miles. If his othereationeesof disunite are made like this, We thiek. they win, be fiend far short of the flit. The country la way rough and hilly; hat even if the detente should not exs seed the turnpike; distance of fifteen mike, how is the right of way to be obuda The menosho refined so often to pant to Bald• more the right of way'to Parintsbanth, will not give to Greansbingh the right of %%eel ing. Mr. Knight estimates the distaste from Wheel theta Washington at 33 Wks. and from Wash* legion to Greensburg at 49 miles, making the whole distance 82 muea fiat tithe Idooongelis. In he made as examinations ; sad yet, on the pert of the tine that he did examine, he proposes grades of 80 feet per mile, and sto Ina than fa, wank the "honest of which will be wore than 1000 feet long. Truly Mr. [night's touts is "a route of bridges and gannets," and the con at its conseumion and repairs would be conesponding ly greet. .Why_he should estimate it to cost so math leas per wile than Weir roads ia a similar country he does not inform as. Mr. Ito. Edgar Thompson, the Chief Ermine? of the Pennsylvania Rail Bead, animates the eon of the western division of that road, from Pins burgh to Johnstown, a distance of 78 miles, at Vie 215,002, or 231,t300 per mile ; and 'yet Me line, although it crones the country, crosses no rivers, inapt the Coneemugh whale It is • small atteam. Mr. Knight'. line not only mews a very rough country and various creeks and MUM, bat 11189 the Youghiogheey and Monongshele riven, sad yet he estimates the whole cost of the lieumneld railroad at only 826,200 per mile. ee fee 8J =BM $2.1730300. If work less no worm than Oates the Pena Sylvania ranted, now ender contract ant in pm. geese, It. con, for 62 miles, at SUMO per sae, would be $2,863,800, cc $680,600 more than Mt. Knight'e estimate. Mendelian the risers that have to be bridged, and the great uncertainty ia tunnelling. we may safely say that the week can. not be accompUshed for less than three milliousof dollars. With no right of way is Virginia, and with as populous city on the tine In pennaylvenisove may well ask where Is the money to case Gem kir seri • project es this I The , Intettigent Armen of • Washington imam will think twin before they vote to tax their farms to contemn nth a mirk for the purpose of carrying; their predate to Greensburg ; when a line of =dente length and comparatively easy constntraktawilleonneetthem with the Metropolis of Westin Pennsylvania al Pittsburgh. • reference m the Bemplield Unwed as pan of a grand trunk line, the argameut of Mr.Klight is mom spectate than sound. The main thoroughfare rsilreads of ow country are mainly sustained by their way business; Mks that away from them, sad their "Melts would be skrest valueless. -This is • eonaideranion toe often overlooked . .On the railways of Great .Britain the avenge distance travelled *by ...a _ passenger Is shout sixteen mites ;we donut know the avenge to our country, but it is mobility not far from twenty Wiles. • • . It is by no means certain that the shoaled yes sable railroad between two 'distant mints will be the meet profitable. The grades end curvatures, the cost of communion, and the amount of best; ens to be commanded mast all bei tonsidered..... Distatioa la not an accurate mean:sof time, *en acme 14101 an engine can restyles as feet fah • anal safety as it can, upon others. Then with regird to expense, it takes sic engines to ante as many tone on • need. at eighty feet per mile, as ass engine can draw upon a loveL Far about one million of dollars a food niarteil, generally on a dead level and with very moderate canes, can be made aims the °Monne from . Beaver, by Wellsville and finuienalle, to Bridge. pun. oppoefte Wheeling. The distance wM be about 69 miles. From Pittsburg to Benrec. 23 miles, the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad will be opened tux[ irapillltt. with • Ley like the Henan river railroad, adapted to speeds of forty . miles en hour. At an average speed co the river reed of IS miles an hour, the distance fromiEridgineet, wpm. site Wheeling, to Pittsburgh, can be rim fa three hours; and from Pittsburgh to Gosetudoollb, thirty one miles, by the Permanent's 'Railroad, attwenty dye man an how, will re q uire one how sad • Mr. Knight estimates the time afore hours from Wheeling to Oreeriaburgh, by his proposed named abridges and Mattel*, bp foot grades, and men of 600 feet radius. The time aaved is indeed tri ';'.4 ding, and it itiotald be remembered,is this weneo. Lion, that the Wheeling bridge istattrely tiniklar valkoad youlassen, and. that the sword of netios may cut it down before anOther year. , • ' The river road fa sans to , tie made, and the Int twenty dee miles of It ampler on rapidly to-tom. velem._ pier greettenrced companies are inter ested in the enterprise, to win the Central; the Ohio and Penesylesnis, Me Wellsville, the Mei. beuville, and the Ccdtmlbus and Wheatley. The interests of all of them .demand its canner tin; It will have seeing of towns &keg Ma wilds t ine, and in bittionewill be Wan" alt mine . . , i°44o4 : iv t!" f iOd° tiv e cal** n e gcf r i' Y Mr• earefolly.ww4ds metiiontirg this rail road by tlrs_ nadimal. Waste alms theriver took, and s.O that , travellen willnvglealwura by. Hempdeld ridlroid, because tho steam boats go very I !Iciarly lialween Wheeling mid Piusbargh If Vitglllll . L shinuld ever gips the right of wag to the necapfield rtailon . and wiles shouldlin found spectalativee td . pat 1 0Y.i.loier in 4 they mint do it with this competition staring them Lathe ace. great Central Enitread, from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh to Si, Louis, does not piss through Coloratura and Cincinnati. It runs over the high level table land* of Ohio, and passes one hundred sncaik . of 'Cincinnati. It does not make • great Amour to the south, and descend to the Ohio river at that eity, foe the purpose of climbing from. it Ant hrusdred feet, to reach the tablelands nein. It leaves the Ohio at Beaver, sad main. tains / 6 blab level until it strikes the niOiNiPp.i. Attwenty Ave miles an hour, bet little over twen ty four hoortwill be required tobris6 a r***enber .from Ht. Louis to Pitraburgli; and ihe links or dus loss line are fur filing up. Mr. Kai& admit that the Ohio and Pennsylva. nia Inbred is the right rota to rorthern Ohiomid the Lakes, to :Cleralande Su•luvhY, 'Toledo, and Chime; but be deign a saving of thirty seven milea~ em aarred danumi bylhe Hemplleld rail. road,. form Philadelphia to central and southern Ohio. Erna if this were ap, the dieimce equated 1 . 0„ it,(FirTitii would show a different result; taker aids about twenty Ilive Ilia es to the length of d .,,,,g e ulti mote, by computing the distance by ed, instead of by Loudonville and Mount 5 r,,,,,,nu and he &muss hie favorite line by calling g alp 110 miles km Wheeling, over the hilly country, by Zanesville, to Columbus. We are vidureatialled that the best room to Columbus and Cincinnati is by way of the Ohio and Pennsylvania, and the Columba and Pittsburgh Radronds. Oar uncle is already too long, but our faces and argu ments are by no means exhameted. . . Tlct Senate Is sow dolig up its work with con dilatable rapittty. The Fugitive Slave Silt ma, dually paned. Of Its exact chancier we are 'uttabWrxijudge from the talevaphie report. It i, not probable, however, that it is such a tutees ail tuesiartihthe approval of the people at the North, ar that It will be of much benefit to the alavehold. ars, even lift becomes a law. But what a mass of work h before tie House. where all seems to be tea state of chaos. The result Of the Minna lave Hdb in that body, to exesedingly doubtful„ and we think there is not any probability of a speedy adjournment. We comet nee that the question which has occupied Coupes's for seven monde' put Is any nearer ad. jusmanot than ever. Noma of Jcors.—A diwingnished end trained Jew, of ismstetdarorldr. 'sins Do Costa, computes the whole number or rows in the world at from tivoloseven millions. Re estimate, that there ere only .fifty thousand in the United States, where their condition is, in all respects, better than in any other country, except, perhapi, Turkey. Corns fhtor.--The first bale of cotton of the:new crop, was sentinel at New : Ode.ns this pew nab later than 12.14 pear, bat the Crescent thaws by statistics that this is ILO indication of the character of the crop. Some years, whoa the re ceipt was early, the crop was short, and at others, the reverse took place. Kerma 1413 Excrrxxrci bibs Smith, formerly of Lemma county, di.d a fent , ' drys aintie at Denville, P... under cimom etaites leadiag to a suspicion that abe was the sic. dal; of a detwatd outrage. Bet death bed deolceures said tbe anew of a lawyer named llnolny and Wm. EL Crandall, a pkyalcian of the town to wb.ell sbelormerljliv.d. Crandall bas been committed to the Blooriabstrgh Elmira on Now rh•'•o , —Thoofh there we oeir9oo patents In the Charity hospital on the Mt itnie weakly number of &labs sof:mane lobe remark 44twntall. The deaths for the week were 33. There In no cholera or yellow fever in the hospital . . . Rem Rosso mom Comm, va Dcmcittc.—lt stared in the Buf&lo Conner, on the authority of Kr. Stem, one of the comma= of this rood, that it will be finished and humming order by the is May, lfra. Mr. Cassias M. Clay is again agitating. lie at dowsed an audience of four thousand cinema Of BRIM County, Ohio, an the 11S instant, being the anniversary of the Ws:sandal mine ipatiou. The mesitiag was attended by riwn of all paniea A re- Qantas win unanimously adopted to opposo the prolavuulksm of irive," at 011 1100t0—al elt place. —by all hononsblefinteam—against all our compromise—and to the lan extremity. LIM= TZO3I Sot. Arannrr $170113 TO ET, T RAZZ, or Wnuon4-The following letwr appen the British Ramer; of July SOtb, uld was =luta b bir. Dames, Mareli 2Ebb. h will interest tbe Cbri tiara poblie much obliged to you for your labor alone . : in allowing mato apeak to the people of Wales in their awn tounge;pind I hope that you will COllllll. mall y ace evidened that your labor is not to yam.— To bopermitted t4speak to your people is ea honor whisk l by nomess araicipsted when I began my War, at I bad I* on then that my book would ever M . the great width. ."I am diewourodear to the end of the Nelll meat, and to tie aid of my labors in endeavorin,g, in this way, to egidain theScriptunmi I have jtn.t finished a wort eclat eiri, thoegh it willnot be pablishied for somedime totem, and am about half way through the haply of Revelations. and, when dim wets are seta forth to the world, if they eyer are, I shalt feel that my work, in this department of labor, a coded," for I do not. now contemplate the preparation deny other wank on the Scriptures. I idatedd have been clad, if I could, to hive prepar ed a work an dm Peshm g but the whole seems to me to he so great and &Bleak, that I do not cow think of atktmiaktg it. Kure Satrarmers or Um,o, Stem Sroacs.— Government stores to the Value damns than 540,- 000 Were shipped on Monday, from New York, for Seats Fe, El Paso, and New Masten, designed for the trailed States troops. They were securely peeked in ken - hood. sash and boxes, and have bon fannarded to there destination via SWUM and St. Lads. The shiptiant weighed upwards of 35 tam 'Tie Charleston News, on receiving intelligence of the ergroweitent of the California Bill in the Senate, calla for a convention of the people of the 'stairs States. It says— . . few words be spoken—a single resolation be pawed. Let it assert that the right to hold slaws islet:red under the Constitution. That the cpseeion was settled on the. Memel line. That it to remain settled there. That we will snake eo farther cantproarrea." . Httntrw • ••• • asst. CorriTartozi—This body adjourned enThanolity last: thiamin cum. 1 Mewed on Meg* Honda, fa Tune. No doubt the Embers were greatly sided by the result el OsastantiettilEMlVlntiOne In, other States. They have tether revised the old eotiatinotkin than made , 1!. DM OW HOlnatila4 exenaption aid an Elective Judicia. El are susteng the Ow thanues. There is to be no ladepeadeen &Memo Conic but eight Eireann With elm .taft• elected In etch. Ham comty. of taatiftts has tour terms of cm= • pun • Tie • of negro outrage la .lo be submitted to the le; Whine may become cit. meat. A' to mkt to popular vote the gnestba li ' or not gemming the sale of ardelit 'pints wee 'voted. The legislature ism. . quiredwithla live eats to mtablish hue common achtelmo be kep open three months to each yew, lad abeam as practicable to establish • , Mate Agricultural School, mulog apart the twcii, ty.two maim of elapsing loads for its support. The convesition provided that every eau., paper publiteiag the Conant:atlas should have tra for it. A good quarrel attended the close el the 'lento:, Mr. Mothellmd, embL C. and candidate for Om 11. S. Senate (a place of Mr. Fetch, chairman of lbs anninittee ea phiaseokgy, . was accused of aliglali t lia Homestead Exemption provistoo, by =Wag the duty of the legistanrre to exempt 1141 eft" On OM, acres Instead of not tar, and was jag!, assUgated lbo the Wok. How this paint wee easily muted we Mb not talon:ea d. The Ounsthustion, as finished, was adopted by • ems at 59 to 11. It Is to be accepted or rejected by the people in November next. 601111401 QUITMAN, NA 111.testestrei.— -The New. Orleans Commercial Bulletin UUNCINI a ridie dace paragraph which bald= extensively coon. Bred through the prow, Eating that the Governor of Lantana had made a requisition on we Gov. error of Miadmippi for hhaself, to answer the indientonst Fomented against him by a Grand Juryhi New Orleans. The Bulletin thus puts a vidosi in Oda, and other absurdities: • We mamma sorry one knows that the prose.. dos adman Governor Quitman is on the pan of the MOW SMMM, and, of course,in a Federal Court, end Oat, cemequently, the Sum authorities haring oaten to do veld' ' th e beimese: Tbe process to b i ugapearnor Quitman mem the jurisdiction- of the Onipd Paws Cowl for the Eastern District of Louteisamowlll bar far the latter to Mar its Warrant and planed la tlmi Mika( the 4:T.S. hrirsbal of Idle sisaippi, which nude will, of course, be adopted ut rho proper limes s/Mild Goe- Quionen sot be till. tia~valantaully m ootneforward i and meet thelvery grays dome which- las bon preferred against FIF;;W=M vico N 6 ' l Te0"40.0 Zi - Th. Diflt enJ t q lr tW Fortugal-L'estu,,L n . .t.rolog—Thaddetta Ste. Sens Slayea.; I or, ortEe C.c.atrantac oa F.areign loahe , hvitttailte .nong.ty. dapc:iasettai theroo,:ent, had `=ccrptcd the 00.1 F rrittl: ' l\3l ‘ UgGe:c CiDven, rder oQU:seOf the psivatiner - 13.5.:, Esser, etroas. 1 O artitttattelr,•actlhad proposed either the ?regd..' er • Fnitnag, * yr king - of Swedtia, es the mfeM , l o•dirnating wilhanoess - to acquicat•o In t he elto.ce ofeither„ by Pormeal..Thera was Immo dmlumaa?l: the alleged threats antler which the Govenatztentof,Portnial. had misdated to the par meat of othor k'aiotti bealde that growing out, of the ant: of the Armstrong. The fact is, no threats Were used, nod • no 44 , 3WPZ:XatiOil-Of Tore, won Made. Tao altmerpou Cbargo erns Understood, by the r first minister of yortegal,to have, advanced menaces of employieg coercive meets, la tht; mimeo Or e, person:3 inlervlow subsaytieEtiy to the presentation o S his tilttnialent in no edictal dis patch. The.. neat, May e. w¢µ., corm:Tonne rov passed betWeSa ' ihe . which AC: micisner gave ,h,a, .rep/cantons of . the eonverran lion, and destre4 Ord rednrildlo• writing. Mr. Clay replied that nothing had been farther from bin intention than to threaten n rc,ort to forcible mare.. Notwithstanding this dire cleaner , the ors tppreb en..inh tee tot t‘cetl gener• ally warranted, and it is prcitabli, that the arrtvni Or two or three 421encup Vc,•ele of aver la the Tagus, cantribtced to keno con,,d'usiee. Tie. Chairman of the Committee, Mr. hleflternand . captained this torlaine, by authority. Clot the op pearart cc oh the Independence nod Mississipie frigates, in too pot; or L•sbon , wen not designed to intimidate the. Goverameut ;aloe comp:la:me with our demands., The selection Of the king of SO, den en a ref. tree comas Iron P.riegil, and to accepted, with su Invitstionto Choos: between that monarch and the President of France. It rs rhodniti that the Portuguese Gav6.umcut have thought tee difficur g with the United Slilen of so gravo a character as to regains them to confer upon their Charge besethe hi; her grade and fuller poWers of a 0.. Nter of the first elate. Mr. Bayley, to day, moved the additton sum of 315,010; io the appreptintons for foreign intercourse, to permit of the dispatch of new rep. resentatives of thin,le,ovornattent to .Spaln, Engen der, Nicaragua, cad another South American Foyer, in the olio, of the vntlemen now accred ited there, who have returned, or arc about to re-. ten home., The Canamittee consented, after irk very abort egeharthee, glut paused the nom,. Bat little progress coos made with the pending 101 l is the House, to day, and A adjourned at three Though the matter seems scarcely worth referring to, Thaddeus Stevens dugraced !march' and the House, by drugglng ins o the discuasion on the Porto. geese a trair, a moat irepernacut and aeurreutis as sault span the correApendents for nosvapapers.• whom he denounced a. , a "mite:nide race of liars." A more unwarranted and gratuitous denunciation of at . whols , c!ais of men. I bever litard. In nip opinion, ao long an the kloc,is edema upon its floor thee interned:me occurs at. Intel:We:4re. between its owe b.:4y oat the peop.e, it is boiled to protect them from Irma m.O nt It a. h;.mardr.c. tuna is pretty well known to your readers, by this lilac, that I artsno re.pecter ot persons. boon nit -ne than once 00:n100.01nd Mr. Steven,' nblllly and fidelity to, whit I believe to he. the -canoe of tree. dons. I have, al the .arse tem., soot that I mansid , ered its style of epeatong towards "pponentsm dc• bate, not.", ynurl tante. I have 1 , 0 , V m sap, lhut tt 13 highly I.l,k:relit:able as inn Fit n•e. and to Isesuppreseed. The cal - cares again. 0,,,01 and gentlemanly pr,pr y, v bid, nv 1/ - 010.01V pOrpeni l e l , 04111101 he ro:cerned without lova". :he bons¢ inte.geuaral coutemp!.. i , aubrait there reelects trom. Thnd the descretion of the Editor. and not chjem tc itiosUppre,4lon or 110,140,,n0n 01 . :hoot 1.4011.0. nod nod :nereaSing et.irantte. n,.tite g io ultabitity. ••• The Settate, alao, La. alentontdratint! :a a meat tor! -.Able tnannerota ilivtlidettey. It la, betas three ays tletatlinz ttt rtrerullion, by Mr Pratt, ot Md.. to payout w the t S Treataury the vtutte of ,114,1 J rugaieen as nay bet be delivered up to bee own ers on a avrtaitt .wt leu - al rout' and act do 1.,. !ion 10 tahed. It tatty be nodetlil !lee the northern democrats turned here bacts, tnt Ittorddy riper then autathern friettdv, oa the titteadton tat tr,at by jury. Gat,e:uven roe, were gteen (lir It, nod thee!, by northern Warr.. I believe. however, for I have out the cute" by Me, .that Mc :711.1111,/11 MOO,: a.: tty al•.eathea , f .edli ada! 1,,0,,dred he pa!! icv ot la, r Ow, lt !licL ,1 we 0.1• e„ G; The Sca 14 . 011thf. C u. Gaged tau bi t.. It wll. eomplene 1 . 71 rnenvne.. re:ative wh.e.i. have ..b-.0.4 , 1 the attention ut Eh.. branct. of Congre, for nit. worth.. JCAIC3 A new Method of males beasts' It it riled a system of Ige7hasical or uses, medicine—a Cines,pstkir, or the tore of &erste, by epee fir active sod Passive movement. Ii In. been par tised for forty years on tockhotm,and is this year,. for the'firat time. beaming preeminent in England. There la a seed pamphlet on it u.,;er the chore , title, by George. Tbe method osesiets to sopiy• fly external motions, paslll , te and amen eXeruito. , to the Indy ; and in , fer.:dtring thcse rnapcs cal, that you can ornate on the salines inward organs, sir on parts of toms epee:b.:l:ly. Friction, psEurc, yMPUitSiOP, lip.l.ton, tire al mires use of; and the science hr. so (sr ttilvseref,l, that already to many on a thoussnd dtllsremt movements lave been devaed for tan purpose ed enimey, sod jog ging the fstilh; pails aid 0 .1 .4 ere or - thin. There are rhos largesse. of nudger te rern'wl h sin, liner, sp:acs, rind all their s‘g.crted Julies The effsciaiauduced •N,reve the pine, and stomp it Mina Ili am! entree: II fit eletelsc., cobtac, admoattion plumed tato devil,, whereby disease is literally for the fi•it tune, handled- One impor tant general trine winch scant, Pent it that operations Item without are propagated benne; end that by aeicattlin I.IOC/tette , you can aced I,: messages to peril:icier parts, 1. btrAl ere received and hoard jest where toy arc wetted, and me where, else. This pactino rceun.see motion fn. Melia: time as an impOrtant e'er:mat is the living lame, add.. throws Mt: rhemiral and molecular views, wir.fM arc dead and chaotic, into the bark ground, Iringing f. - irward the phynlcsi and chastest, wh.eli are large enough :a be ii•ing; and Emending apes them a method of recitation. II is Maar ksh;e that this ;tying hold fettle Mobility r f the fame elanes from a S:nede,, the Poet.' What a delightful mode of cure to I precut suf fering. Mt attack of acute rheumatism: We anted come week+ eta, Int: the Cotton Factory. of Werner, Brown & 00. nt left env smuts stop manufacturing daring the renter mt.:NO— VA' thembi •Inge number pr yea werdd Inkthrowa out of eel i,lay,,aad 10 revernrd td 'he edam, attributed i to tratln4h pine acute., gad the low ferric nn impartrd Wida — eak of ano eon remits of the lroccdoce Tariof I h i b. That the mania - dew:ern nottbl Om br;rg thr fabrics Into merlet et thin urn, and dtspesc e' them, except V n I ,, eer - eat,, , raan ,, v tety'rearla• ded losuepend ar,d did ro on law, Sot. uniay—preterting to do nothing tidal to •• make out of pecked." This statement! none pronounced at the nmer;by the ionok,co paper of tie place, and by the Pin.. burgh Pose, as futte,, with no ordinaryird thurteh of ellen:en that the :aill war) not amp• ped on nerount of "wharf orrti . a,"— , ,nt. on the °unitary, in co,l3,Neanace of the twat atel0,1:l of alone , / making, tie prepr:etn, ,:nduerd Is. stop to enbrri..e the lerll,ltng and add roaehmed y." That tise,mt:l has wade ,n,,bey, we are no: O petted tO ndettio? - -if 't rea:lx -0 • a Der 1,2 m. not of the cApttsi we ptepr,dots would b able to make tech Improvements every year—but -that the mill hos L,,it making moderate prelim tor the past thtee. menthe, or that On real ObJevl in Menefee the tutli was to coke improvements, is 4nent rldienicusly In 1. - .• The fieei trade advocate/1 mop duabt this, bot we have been to 146re:toil by one of the proprict tore, And it is very ri1b..01210114 1.0 suppose tau he knows math about h e awn nuniners, Cho emit of the stoppage Of the 'wild then the public, Or any Journal befit or einEWherc. To preen the Flregnint, anti to eattiblirdt what we have slid ptevitutely,We..wifl Plate a few fleas as to the einso of the decline, on the part of the proprietor* 01 the Cotton PaMoryi to manufacture rat the preohot time. For ittalatme;broWn raenimit of which thice yare. wild uphill v,no - fogad ;have been sold fur some months pa't in the ea•tern cit• fen an haw too '75 retrii psr yard. and on eight and ten mo.,lba er.m.t The entrmatrion . for ret , ing ie live pet coal., and the threonot far caeli is thessmo —which 4 . 11 szt.the three yardsof anode being 20 cent, Cotton hen hens worth -to elan 131 neon, bitted. Ott 1110 I{POOrltillolo*lll7.l,Ce for wrote I , fii . arn (nut nail ft 12 per conL,) —t , aving the trianefobners • for faidang, three yatila clo:h, Aor ply , 'A( aed one heal/ per pant: . 11114 pli , r burgburg interim on , la , ton mil, w,cit nod inn: orniernintnll.7Pnr , Inr laWr, A,r iptuttnntsi f.irindiniduatieninen, and the niirinun coniirgent expennen in inniiiiinciur. nig? That it will, no reasonable min will con. tend. What has bir,aght such a Mato at trauninctur. tog about? What haa'mada it tioacasary fur the 46.nntaitifii: wannfactnt• 'i ' L eg thtiddialimeutini twat:tidal, lath:newt It fs tic" bbithatrg eiteniai the inditeet influence of thitievtrible toned anon the eintritry by the liiniifoCo - Coupes.; of 1616--the nompeution vita tathign , leiricand estate, and the want era Pmwdity ! ElslCnoneta.--a great atonality among cows is returned inleeSt...Lonts tutelage/Hier' to' base 4 , rd in that curwithar the peat three or four I o.:c MRO last ten and .other az witch con. - p in the erica apace or two weeks. Another Nct onc wrocir. Member had l thirty 'sick.' steer, wrier two hundred rows bad been lost h 7 mak-met It and near the city. The Intern. gencer :jscs,: "The discare which. wu at first error...lll6r supposed to be akin to choiersi a Ettldego tied inexplierhie one. The animal, as a gredril role, has been stricken but a feW boor*, when it is teletd . With a violent trembling, follow ed .by a treaknras in the limbs, and his - very short time idie" The diacase at St. Louis, we suppose, is nearly or gaile identical With a line aiehntas which ep. pearml m ilia b:me a few yearn ago. It wan very prevalent, we remember, on the Darby Plana, and alien fatal in a few boars.—Can. Too Ce.vosessiout. - DuartlcrEfretten Jo'. O. Miller —The Western mad of yesterday, bright us returns from the two coerces la the Tmtd Cogressiona` District, from which no re. t tros tad been received. According to these fig ires, librl G. Miller, Whig, is elected Represerms• in Congress from the Tnird Dirtnet, by • •o•jori , y of seventy-elght votes Over James 8. Glee, Thie :E close work.but we do not suppose It wdi be changed by tile offic.4l returns. In most earns, the information was derived from letten Gore she meve• d counties, Rod generally after the vote hod beet • !Helen). nseertrdned. It is claimed that there is an error In the Howard vai., bet even if Ihi, were the ease and corrected, it would neshe no riiffctesee in the general result. Jahn 0. DUb ler is the Whig Representative In Congress from the Third Distrie!.—Se. Louis Repub., Aug. IC. CENI.L'S OF F11.1.011M. —The panics engaged in 1 count farmsthe population of this city have been busily eirp!oyei for some time paw, and, we learn, have ti,arly completed their task. Although the work is not ye! finished, enough is known, we believe, to establish the net that the'popolation of the city will not be far short of one hundred and scaly thousand. The population In 1810 was 102 MI so that the increase will be shown to be nearly sixty thousand. This is truly a gratifying attnement, and is an evidence at once pf the • tn. picily increasing prosperity of our city, as of the resoutces We poititeas to continue 'it. We shall look With Inured to the details of the autistic. -vizored by ••, ' Fathered by tho Su!.Mara/tale, not only In this, .1:1 in all the other parts el the country; and we have no donbt many Interesting facts willlne elicit ed which will add greatly io the stock of public infsrmation, and enable the people to form a Jest and proper estimate of the country and Its wealth. —Bak Av.triran.. . _ Pan.escr Cornea. Mora.—The Moppet Mine in this town, about fine milts west of this village, proves to be ours of the richest, probably, in the known world. Within a day or two, ore of the finest gelidity has been taken from the mine opened by Carron Martin, a few months Wore, coder the direction of the American Mining Com pany. In all probability. Om mine will wield en inexhaustible soppy of the richest ore. We nue deritand that Swill' Sedgwick has neurally been ,Pored, nod refused ten thermal:id dollars for Ms interew in this mine —Litehjfefd (Cl ) Reps/Hiram. R.Ob as see the, ptiApet3.ll of all above mine, we underwent! Out they bate no eemparisoo to than me' toe Litchfield Mining and Mautdactur. lop Wrming, at Litchfield, Snottb Puna, and in e.ra,eh the once lucky P. T. Barnum, and Ida brother, are Inure stockholders. The report. made by Poniewors Hubbard, et Now Haven, sad Tay. l'tpladelphia, show that these mines yield rdero valnahia 'uterus then any copper mines bilk er:o discovered in this country. A quantity of very are amend from there last week. We icriert that full 'maggot wrens ore employed there, red ;hitt the Went:lg to kept op tught and day,— Br ido art Former. lintprovertnenasa Ia Dalllllll.ll. nit G STh:e.RNS, Immo( Bencon,ls prepeted 10. Nt• tare and ett Elart TSITII in tattle end parts at ict, up,.4,lnt or .k . . rporpberic Suellon.Pleten. lot ctt,.. 1,1 itti tatriva nitinerts, einem. the nerve in t• - ttarner nest door to the May t..-e 'A IC iiton. tan 1011. D. MST, o,tt . tlll otPourth ~ tn.! Lbearar, bell/rep .rd Po-ry .4.21-41V,4 KICCOII/1/1011.: 111123 k. 1211tiTITUTIONS f'ITTZENb . - INSURANCE COMPANY, l'ltt•burgh i• C 111 . —•A NS. NIARES,Sz, • 2. so, It VV.aiti atrocu. cla warelowean of C. I! r . pmpare,l :eMame all, goo& et ,lu a ...Wm, kr tryaec.•aran:y for Lon atAlity and loteanty or t• efistatter of Ito De. A.,. art ou,tona of Ps:uburati. well and oTak 1.140 , ru roo.aunity tot thou prade..a. 4. a, • 111....ry, Wm. lingalry, Wes. Lar Jr Duet D Edward 11.14t0r. 131 Ind Itester•d to Eight by lb. P., I nt, I• trtt:moni to the ry , of 0.1 calra t`zt ,,, e,ta. I was fat • t wau •.54 .r r,e ~ 4.1410ec nigh{ rrrely fumbout •ery ;Wu he{ c+ e+ eser leGoernnt a4ti Lit: • s.utLl prospect .1 having It re. ' eee.! oftae sorer:et., tuv tweet:leg physletan it% trustlea •cum or to stow* rollef, 3. rad JUr.l< , tar bp: ,ttt,r eaupuraactuen. I heard of 1, Petroleum about the 111 of April,llsD. led gave aasise tLe reran 1,, the stela Is featured and mJ ,Tes caccpt a bale teneer or *oak ratted I go Put b: lac yy, ANN IRELAND. Am fit , rine - Innen, Plop 54,14:111. h. ti. Li:reit—Am 1 Mee Lem attlietoll with riles for yen irate, nod here tried other remedies, without perm:dant Tel of, until I heard of the Petroleum. I tie IC 4 11.. ed My one boule, and think l mu entirely coml. I Tecos.... at m ali oho aro adllered with litre. I hive known It to ho good for core eyes. ilimu.nail, May id 1,1650. IL C. GAIMUITSON Poe sale by lieyaer 6 Me Dowell, 040 Wood Matti II F. Sailors, :I Wood at; D M Corm Allegheny My; D A kl,dori, Allegheny; Joseph Dooglaer, Allegheny; old, by the proprietor. S. M. LIED, ij Canal Dodo. Demuth al, rittablrack Ogee p! 0410 and realm K. R. Co, Third at Aaginst P,P3211. Ti,. Stool holden of the Ohio and Pena ' s) , tennis Rut Teat Company are hereby notified to pay :tie etrhth innielinent of fire dollar, per share, at the anti of the Compeny, on or before the SALL day of Anima The ninth instalment] on on before the :oth day of `denten...ion The tenth trotteletent on or beton, the WA do r of October ter. Cr 11.1 k tumwilacta the %lb o Jmy Ina WM LAIIMEIIt. Jr -.Treasurer. I,7lll.arrs'• tizautrrot—To Mem.. Kidd it Co, Dragster*, memo! of Wood and F. anti mom% Pitt. burgh. betcrig* Mc honor of caring Indiced the Inver. tor a ,h.g 4 1011.1 remedy to Oltd, It l 0 thilptiblid. he hem dace !through them. It him now bee, below the pabbe (or more thin a year. Ii has berm Intro dazed mm u: teeth.nt et the Union, Where It hag been tried at ho. been pronounced t h e boor remedy for worst clfr i htented. never 0, I#lolo, ~piety. We add the following from hun dred* of •imiltr mstinlonmis.— kt'tld bad a lot of 7cett Vent'fug; mud run roroinmend it as one of the beet atedieloco for worms vre Lave ever had. Dc. Pl'Lane'. Verml lo„ never Lot tolled to produce the deeired croft. "J A. CO.. ELT FO r retie b 7 J. KIDD & CO, No 60 Wood street. sous{-tliotrS FALL 15PORTATION OF HARDWIRE LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 'A OOP REET, Arc now prey stag with a largo and fresh stock of ri,l titan, and AITII,TIL•6 Hardware to offer ir.Mweartottiti kr Mayen. Thosewishing to 5 ,,,,, dt ammo e thou interest by looking •h,ot•gh our tlock, Sr they are tletermiaed to sell on We mast rcato,,abl• Won, angl3 M'CORD dc 00, Iv It o7e raft S !Stinkl ritannine wren & DeeVa is HATS, CAPS & FURS. Coe Wood Pltahata., Plttobutigh, Why,' they. offer a full and complete 24ek M Male, Cops, Vor, 4c , of even/quality mut .tylc, by Wholes gelr and Itoe , l, end MTh., thr attention of their ens theels ohl porchmers gractally, enuring them that y Nolo out! oil the )41)11/.11V./ . ....31,111.. aap,11.13 R. P. TANNER .4 CO., 3110 E WAREHOUSE, 5 Wood at,b.twem Third& Fourth, Iwo now gecelviog then v tk o ety f largo aild.ooputoy F.ll Sto BOOM 8110 i, AND DROGINC AIso,LIONNETS and FLOWERS., all •or the latest stylrfs•Etil osprewly adapted to the western trade. It hat Iwo° selected with ascot can, sod as to sacs and gunny I. out infices.wl b 7. any stork. to be found either east or west. Our customers and was chants goner:lly ate vited to call and examine, all we ore eotettalited t osell on the wort reasonable Also, Goodyear's Patent blabber Shoes of all kinds.. • ausWpdti On Snbbnth morning, 25th Inman, al Pelf put fiii o'clock, Jo ex kV. Maas, nk 114 34 year of tate ego. The iuurral w il l take Place thiailenlieedey, the 2n It tnst okkeek, P. M, from the reildenee el his mother, on Fenn strut, to ,proorn - d egine.rry. Tae friends of the; ruciljaco.Lortlea. • In Meant Ve raga, Ohio, on the 21116 - of - Ansi4i last, inme ANN/. 007 MAX, wtte of Mr. Protest flatlet], lt4e ol thin city. • - • -svuaLues r p.n.romEtli. mirror rtiz - ntabN FAMILY , . Complimentary Benefit for little /gnu. init; Evening, MONDAY, Yett, of August, 7030 , ADRA ND CONCERT, 141 thrt o.pans, with other outertaltnneut. Adwtuion VU't Plapstul 33C: „:...,t: ,7.c.r...•4 - 7 - eal 45f r. - :ii. - : P. , 14- t -4,. '. 7 :7"-.4 1 ' 501 I; ''''''' 74. k”" 4''" • =NirilMcp I / A-tfmetu.Towsetta,itgbtanmsht,text got. .11011:autt ottroreriso Wilfred order. Aoply ' . - 11FILMARTII ge„ty . olll.X f ...; City Mille. 141/11XLIT & LURCUEII LO inforth theirrEn=t, eln and buyers . gerienelly that s. th conseghgegm . : 'of workmen being engaged In enlarging ..a tuiprn, .6 their &tore Munro, Limy bans remelted. their io the Siti/Nli Smits of tin building they oceopyoiiiiit the improvementh are finished: Atilt 'they wal he bnppe to ice their cuntalnen u usuar,' had fog th e tremble of walking up stairs, win try and remunerate than Ly salting' them Cheap trixtds. • • ' LEr - kthintnce from FourthStscet nogyl 86w Fall Print. URPHY k• BURCHFIELD have betreceieed apply of neor etyle Dark Foil Prima, toe eo!orr, at 140 per yard. - . unt6 lizta. Family Flour. AFRESH soppy of the [bland Mao clink Flour, a very choice oracle. hiet reed for eale•tiy• CU.211-11DSON 74.CLOlin ' 195 liberty et • - • --- - - Q UrERFINE FLOU —in Ott L.:d for sale! by augla A CVLBEKTSUN CLAUSH. R1.1r. , 1N 9 IJAP--50 bas Nn quit reed inr . iale by au62o ACULDEILTSON e a cLousr. TiliE BRICK- 10 AM in *tore and for sale by JAMPs untzELL . 1, - - _ la Water at non EE-100 bags paw Rio far We by augal Jlll.ll DALZELL LARD 01L—e1 bell Not for sale by aoyell JAMES DA ZCLL • IANNERS , (111,-14 brla for sede by xtura JAMES DALZILLI M A . O O a ;111=73 br . l ,4i s 12 2, j itr u seleelv i to elore DEPPBII SAUCE -0 cares Wells, lier A Pro• tryst's superior, lust Ite'd far sale by - WM A AIeCLCRO re CO MI Liberty st; • QUI•ERIOR OOLONG TEA-1D Of onus...miry fin. 1.3 Mot soo'd and (or sale by the Of cleat or IL, as as it ran be bought west atte mountain.. ams'2l Wlti A tdoCLURG & CO OLIVIF: 01L—Pandeand, Marseilles, & Nsee brands just received aud for sale by _o 06 WM & CO SALERATUS—IOU Lao In Moro and for sale by STUART fc tII LL WO Wood In B ROOMS -GO dos in store sad Int sale by &MA itr INSELD 01L-librls just received and for sale by aardt - BRAUN & REITER Ark:NT BLACK-,15 bat J.atit reed far stil e br "rg W BRAUN & ULMER VAN CV PRINTS-5 ease. near *tide Fall Prints Iv. Termed by ' MACY:LETT & any'L • ;Of Wood It DAL'ON- 4 5 hhils plate Rules, far 'Lido by rIAStitCYFERES,-A few. catty Fancy Cassitaeraat suggi STUART trAtILL • kr bright coleus, run received and fn. rah, by aaß9e A CKLEET & NV UITE Gt./033-6o 61.1 x 9; • • .85 bag b zleg in store and for sale by • =3MM! CIIEEEIE—A moll lot ptimacroomre em ny tom% bTLI Ay .141.1.• VINEGAR - 16 brio old, m .to mold for solo bo at' LI STUART 4 SILL. ATTING-40 bales No I, In ittp . t u a ft nif4or k %tl t r, B Pg 2 l_ %N MlN—Assorted Nos. for mile by ar Y m len/ART SILL BUCKET:L-50 dos Hoaxer Beaten ter sale by as. e 3 SIUABTn SILL DUI CUFlDS—Direrant a 1.., for by ,Ull .o/20 Tr SILL TO/L&CCO-4 3 0 bad asslsl . V . s; " *ogle 114 Librdy - MAL'ta"'—'°lloV,l7.7,A`:kl!`.(lZ'cr,h' turns—leo lirla R. F. in "roe and for sale by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK OFFER—Po bags Rio attiring, and Inn naln by analo BROI , VN te Klftl PATRICK BACON -29 ranks tides sad iNiaulderr far sale by NAOS BROWN & KIRKP A TRICK LOST OIL StIbLAID, A DRAFT dated Ptotbargh, July 21,, fin Tvro Cluottred asol Sevenmen Valiant and bt. Coot, No 110, dn.. to favor of Russell & Lye., and them made payable to Boxer, tiro JAI. & J 1,11,•• 00 Mews. Ilumntarrn h. Co, Podadelpota., by Mt ton Patrick & Friend, Punt:torah. o%a herrn, give odes, that payment of the uttgibal draft has been merited, and a .pheam mealyen and prod. anartdlt RbSrIFI.f. A INNCIt Deelvable Country Itesldeate for Sale. tllEzebterfxr well 'ell, on secommadating Pima, 1 lee property 011 wlnch be now reside.. .two. A41,0,,, e y old Mimetic..., cinnamic; lave acres of around. The ativive propertyis lerwr stocked me. gem,- vim, fruit we., ilooseictrY nui t hei,raaplierrivs,•irovilierriwk, rou aro, de ,than any ground or thee on.. an St ertera Pennsylvania, the proceeds of whirls intinially 5 lead a Lorca ion. There alio on .1, 1 1 1 ,, 1111.1.1., ary verde. to the Souse, a n fatilllg Ai, tog of tile preen water. The siva... ars 6111 . 11 1 ,ed irem north by Lathe, and maw ni waysrout. tom.. of the rn, al that direcoon, and Ire 111•V1i) recta wool, s o t ininoyanevi Tue front t oita handsome Sweet, and caps.: at buoy laid oat Into lois, itedwari hthtcd Our MUG <ll we ruoitne• minable locati.• foe ocuallythat can Lc imagined. ids \\':d g1.111.111N Mitll:llar !lead gs► tars tar Geed Tans. %NORRIS & 11A. , %tiltIII hare ....era the rep, 1.11/ Wiest of ...lhog Na Cerapest 'fear PetaLurgh. It you comp.., their Ire wet =hat yo • perrebaem skew, ere you vol et one. 04;330.k-it, Cr sapenhaly. they are very taWal Iq,ti.e w:•rte • of Melt They toy ahoiethet lot , AlSsis Irons th, Importer. east, asJ a matt.fied arht, very protas, thyre a,e the re.ona th-y air •unlots.l to .11 each excellent Watt of “seen 1 eta at S.: ucr Pupeno, qastiv.its The beakledstespegtrsl •-- Rt e d,, THE TEA 111 sIIKIM. sestet 1.1.“ atar thetc,...h Virrk: r Grape Wow, Gond Poo Plne, Fr a l / 4 75 8 .14 7 t:ol fi tre " ,Tot ,ate U"'? IVOS 10 and 13% ,4••••,1 'treat, between \ Vorl t.ntitantd, •r "Or 1501,1004 qr cbro. s V 11.1: r t k r Inol a. 1 a's an.: , V. t Cote. 50 br.. Nana Catullna sa , bed Faktn SO by. Brawn Tanners' 1.1l1; - 10 uses.. Rite; 35 bad litattad Given 00 b... WOOO PG.O.. 1111 bit II Chae.a.: 40 bitVattern , . 131 bags reppert IS Sege Allman; 30 bed slam 113 412 &ear Bunnell; Ludes Tub), rtskartad 13 dad Reeler., assorted .idea; • U 0 ream, Wmnpina rape, calm..; 1131 03 - 4 Winflor C 1.... asserted, 3 cask. Salern , ll , l 3 ectoon..s F. 1,1313. I tun 31.. L do; bbd. Di add.; 3 ease, Lbranca, Ittether att. a sent& "on mm. at all at3cl In the times'? 1100.nce..4 FEAVIERI3-33Cu lb. int teenrot tabu by auTlll ,}IRIVF.II k 11ARNES (TITER—Iter and kids Int toed tar tale by R anank SURIVER k HARNIFA 11111 brla just ree'd rot ,ale by allr/I SUMER at BARNES SUOAR CURED HASIS-41 earka caucused I atom and for sale low, to e,nte coast:bedew, by JAMES A lIUTCHISON & CU OS Water .t k o' l Fitt .t BACON-1 eavloi Sider; 13 casks f , boulden iri store, for .dc DT ane.4 ... ____JAMES A 111.1TCIIIFON & CO RICE—Id us puma Iwo teed for .1. by augli JAMES A u4cnt.t , ..o:i &CO ril . rAft, PITCH & ROSIN-103 brie N. C. Ur, co b,l. ncoto LO ban Rosin; in unto lAMEWA IIUTCHISON it CO L — --- INSEIFID OIL-9 ba re g pure, liresereld tech' by auger I M1E6.011-150 bis prne,jatt rec'..l for sal. by ..rl4 J 11 CAN FIELD SALEIOIITIIS,ISO bi. Satera..: • 10 cuts nod brla do. for sole by I it CANEIF.LD J UST rted—.l . l , lJ u g I.loy lbsd e o mmo Pc . lar-- .A CZ e tA ..; 110 lb. do dodoon For ..0 by KIDD CO tollsl T ug frWIIALK-10001bs ft r rale j :ll D6,6cc . , GCithlPllol{-7CO lbs toed for ger by ourl4 BLUE VITRIOL-710 lb. for tabs by . 4 14 J KIDD &CO S . WHITINU-50 brU remnintng en hand ansp'.4l. DICi FY.k CU. ==MM CORN a WHEAT—St !Its c orn; 4 b I. Wheat, fn store for toe RIVEN'. MA riots Wi A en riANTOR OIL—o, usls.lll.e• make, m ti for *ale by • BMX, BUCTIIEWS CO aurLl TO TACT, ACOMFORTABLE and commodious, Ltwelhns. Army's 80., Fifth •ircet Apply in JONaq A CO 1141 Front. HIM ZWITPAII.IIIIA HAS beeofneoll utatilivbed and annort todnrienv tor able reinie In terry well provided Wane, from its rein. kahl witolenome and nutrition, quail. ties as a rood or 111 a. healthy as well a dlat for In. Val dr, and alto for e nut... of alowlnrenitdrnii and Infanta. Vane smodesorcookind and ptcpariug II nt• given on the rapper. • Theo. well ken a In the vane It h. never been (1111010etd to any r era in Pittrburgh. The rake tit, era have, therefore tonde ntrangdmentv In bn non nearly *implied i. cli 11, and now o ff . to retail dealers ar islilill , ‘ on more Cnyoruble ter• then it has ever broil .01,1 1 /11 Yitirbiarah. WM A bIeCLIIIIO k CO tin Lib.... .Id JlNG— "tots .• hit Woddli a at <Allem pi _aura _ L 11108AC.3 , -45 k r J. retcred and to anal tag ADDLYG—Tr ad salmis to trade It macro pr‘i oubseribers base been assets, Um sale of Ragas. Patent !Nark B. On 4 are proposed tg. tupply SLc A CULBERT9ONA CLOUS 195 Lthenrstreet p 6 11•1•4 aup.rkit article, 11. .tinny A CULFIERTSrSN CI OUSE ISlA`."rou 1 t`. A CULe ERTITONS;.baIiIIy lj r- ] 47- TX -1 ' do °°'":‘'te`rte'T;tc`Clilr'; ey POT *BO-14 casks pure, a prime article *urn WICIPc & Mee NIMSBII irrERRING-31 teal for sale by JUL au623 WICK lc AIeCANDI.E.e,B CORCHINGS-10 caak•Tor gale by ' augtl WICK & liIrCANDLEAS VEATIIERS—Y lacks fo/ sale by aval %VICK tr. McCAN MASS tll:Yh“° 10 bits ricks rea; het rerAved sad for solo by , aniZl ts eCANDLES9 STkaMA: TI.1&-4o &take Cleveland &dental; 13 Wl* do dq• -••- flbik. do do in pope WICK Fe ItIeCANDLEsts QTAROII-4V Iloubtight's cr." bu Claimer'. do, lor stle by WICK t. MeCAPIDLE4A WiMiiiiLEMEMI t'r 11: 7 11 . 0% rt 4 -11 a3 Mrtsgr .; $ I • " ,;.••• CratIcCANDUS3 stravpturriy Pleifits feri , flale at-13 m . • Arecd Garden. t and but flavored trait . TOTING LA r Tills Srldol under tb dircettort.of Mr.*. Mrs. N. 1 IN Aletcalli xtvpsned do .C.nloarsado- Row' Federal rtirt•et on . . ondol. September god. A' pinnorg derrartinget, a w umber oropnernal branch err taw. been added. arta orapi.of tesekett &mover grt imrtonertons now be. Own togogiOliin a oilages and online* e For partlertleis serr si .oisra phi. 0 . o .° `' tle hook oteges—or edn ..11 Ihk Prtrtelprtls at Stew dwelling on Federal Sire 005411,.. ' LOIN ITCH YE11.94 - ESTATM • - A 1.1 rerttins ergotr 'ett6ted botitteis!milt Mi. 1 - 1. Ectoyer systitio eve 'lva prevlotte 1,. bbittloot/t,. VI i'iCil occurred on th e tett of 111notIny;tho224 of ]alp t 'ket rq.p,eul.:ly xr oretcll to coil latmedlotelf at we mite,ltannt,Ca 1:8 Word Cl. ' INII.. ,I&D1P BAITS!. /'.., , . outl l - 2 '' '' ' , AS 1313CIIANAN:5'"'' . - . , . fiI(ZIATOL 'PILLS-1 Tuctusoe. enbmcltan/ l'Or FR Isla • Isaukt.l 411 v ., eel:append Extraci of ,or Cslame!, on hand and l l ' , .'I,VICKE,RI3iIAAPS • Nirst , ooods 1 . t received a'fine Int ''or 'Urns 1. nem, manufnetnte, selected • re, foe this Muket, turh as t rut; Bngles,Carnets,Tuhno, 01 M orse Boor, , pinging ..1 tinat,Aceordeans, de. de. .'" n Italian t. triage, had gent:. Ann Tune. lengths, n. splendid ,IN 'Ci TIJKG OLDEN HARP. 1111 . 111 yd street. A !erne s••-- Farr' Goads TT RLVIIR Fr fuii Juit 11.11.0r1114 of ihr by In . 2l7tiin'iW ' z reel et Valve Tiolebeer t 1,51114 ett..l 4120, a fine mice., tm , end tblee :1.12.cer; Ft , A1e.... Itetlerft I:rut en lin Ne.apatillin Il elrle girlie e. . . SIGN til ,?gfL.._,..,______ WALL PAPER A Merge ott.nment of Wall ...P.n. from Me tor per roll, Inn for the fat. boar by W P MARSHALL Sti Wood .t V I ItTli , S IsTibaNti SiVLltlf. AND V. bTlftliilirJl2.:NlNG.TAiinah once Wiele— orA strei idnedy eh ie rheumatic affeetions, wes/thesa. and lameness of most foists of. the body, scalds, bores, sorer, of toost onto. swellings, brats.; corns, and 10.3 wised first awning. Also, the most cow:tat:tent and wife sticking salve Ire sttengthenitce.plasmrs and draft-i on the feet: N •tigt2i. 7,Cor. Sixth & Wood eta L """ 12 INkkEED OIL-20 bek for Or by _ J SCEIOONSSAKEu & -LA TILIEST . F: litillbilLLlON I keg Jou ere d by ' iDC iloo:olAKtitt& CO. CIIIIIgE V EllsllLLln c hsi rec_i r sale by I OUNUKER & CO 13 WE PINE-5 kegrropwlior for sssle DyyCO J dettOONALAKER & 3:.ANNERS' O.II.—VJ brlr kr lola by aiwtr I OMNI/NS - IMMO k co •LA_I").,VL - I","‘"';,";troODIALEER & CO ALr;LOOrialiCTbris for urile by lavg22 ' 'l' SCCoONO,TAKCICk co IE:Ai& rAmilyFloiar CtiSTAIST *unpile; or Wrrsh's superior Falai }lour wilt be kcpt for xmle Ly ' ' ai)utuasoN & RAPPERT Second 13L FLANNTILtI—It latie I esortntera of Plaid Fit! ne,jtzll rezeireJ 11.114 for Sale 11! rranubc• Wert prices. II LEE nap l • • ' Lititz'ty et I=l3:= Ttir fi,sl ctn. a prntrit.:43 ciedenre of tfie Int tirin w lllcClukki Wade a co., wall pkane tail • tare of IL C. cbqkion. comer Alarkrt and Thad .truute, and [wive q clnidend 11,e ;tat: VA L., Clem, by order of the Aui~eca. .• =EM=I Young L eat: toe L rir. Corner or Peen et ncl Uerknet alley. twee tiring or ten Caneert Reachunecu on renal street, Ttn.r:r epttestr• I,scetani,e !lota. tr 111 . 3 keine:ton tri)l Ito 1444m/red for the recep fon ni innitca. on the first Monday of nen wont', ptrre.att,r4 under Inc. eupenntendenco of Mr, • v:s DAUGHT , F.R,, low Pno6o.l* of Fel tel. tr'•netranty, Lonovnts, F, r,t, ere elMa.lll.• 0, 001 , 4 10 the PetftetPeitt• 12, D. r...,011, 1), 11 11ev. Woo. Presien, Itte. 0/1 11/.,,11... 1). I Mc, M. Vplt.t.,, / I .e+ 1 Amt. /girl 1/$ rat, Get, J . Moorhead ; . . 1 towz.,"; Fllvennle, t//p.. !Clikr,leta t CRWri;.4•l WE. tr.. ra cp •.131, larret , w.ortroent (C. VV. 9,1. osl 11,1 Cu.,t roetth tt in part of We tolicrorior vartates,—. I..l,l.,erretno Noc.r) Carpet*: Leet`.e aka .ac.crtcau brosrtla Co, Wry ply ree , finp. co de:. • 4.4; 34. awl Tepre,ry Ver.. Carpet.; p. e., n'e.ll., , ,iffew Cat jO. • Ex:, , 00 NYVOt &Silt/erre i7co S`w:,/tr Rids. %Viatlnw thllllC, Mal., 11.11/rj. p l l 'kat • • frt, 4/ Ilseh mete, too , o'fcrt4 io././/n4c vaisbief rn , price, lowet /tom tics ifetta alb rinrictL evire, the otlentltat" Of .11, to call a.c4 intlar our rock tv.ore partba.:ar al•eitt cc, 41.cCLINTOCE DUGS! faros: ' %A; M'CLIYTOCK •.1.1 Li. Com arlsouse s Itio sto ot, scly boff.d rs,sssl of In c..‘,.50 which ,1•C itt , t: oc..,c2ts ta; 1,' , 1 'or eOle by • liaattli, P.M", Ic CO Imp fur tale by mug, Ha ROY, Jo . 2:k> & co Eat' TOTJACCO,-,4 hails nit oak by • '”Fj unitmi . , JUNES &CO Md. RUBBER PACFMed=gfoll des wearing briekarraein front I.Q in 1 inch think. The atone ing Is preps,red so shit 500 degrees Fahrenheit id not agent It. and I. varied , or in every thing rite, rorunu+nee her tin tench einearity or.deb stands high yr degree AP bent, and' may be u,d about all rig wt-re pacaltu necestary; alai.: manhole titer. p. son rods, titrain 30100, Wl= Cbolts, Cirlia epe.AUS. Lt. roc f ajp,WLOICIMIC and null bp• • J k. It PHILLIPS . 7,& d Weal st (113FFE1.1—.. t4ter3 wlrce Green Rio for 'sari bY 10, sutris A'CULnr.tersox k CLOME INDIA Itlitilikat I.II:taING—J en received, a large .laerme ant v( Senn of Tenons varying nom 11. to IS inches in widui. be sate by H PHILLIPS N.D.—Ali 13c1., Sold COr anarameed lathe porches to Le 'evertor to Lather In every respect, - had to give alma von. Any • Yalta tau prove deficient e ient d De the money tee c de d. , • 11, , E! 110niit—WaYinnted to le fax saperior to .I.l..,Leadtcr,la.t recd of the rattan IWO !het I wen Ilydrant; 3.0 do II inch. .do; tat do . 1 tnnh .do; COO to ) inch •Lq; 40 0 Inch Engine lion; at :ha India Rabbet Liccioi of & IL PHILLIPS a. eo 7 & Wood At RED WHISKERS AND DARK HAl R ! —This common [teak of Damn. tot -whkh we ran as lon how to secoam. • And we man eay that thisigoe. trut is far from predttelng an agreeable effect, bat it may be obviated by the use of JUL.ES HAMM celebrated VEGETABLE .LIQUID DYE, which wilt tnuaae on:rusty produce the most Minim& and naiad looking black, brown, et 'obeateltt without Jejuna', the hair er bumiag the thin. Theca colors are Indellible, sod are not affected 'by the sc. Ban of beat. Perspiration or water.. There ern many kinds of Hair Dye on ale, but they atl Uri some material objectroa to their use; some ?mistimes. Wag time to produce the effect, others battling the bait and skin, and somve when pot 00, give the hair th e Imam of •newly blarkedstoref. JULESHAIJEL'S VEGE TABLE LIQUOD thee DYE is the only one which is entirely free from the above oblations, le Innen* entirely bannleva, and will prodace a keintlfal am ' p A terat kohl,* color to a Shatter time than any ether ' dye to nee. Be cautious in parches= take DOII e wbieh has not my name a tt ached, so an =any DATTINcI.- tarot No I, and 3. on hand 111.11 d itanatlons of thts celebrated Meth. LI for sate by ACU Elt NON & CLOUSE .°E249 JULEP MUM.. 120 Cthesmat - • - - - - - - - - - VAIMLY FLOUR—Jun teeeircd, .lot of oupodor I' florally Flour. manufactured by Wm Little, E.q , Poland, 0, tot auk by • A-CULDERTkON k CLOUSE 105 Liberty at. . TWO CIOLIINTIaI OIL CLOTIA-07tt ads 14 Pillared, of %../ alarms patterns, past rea'a far sale, by I & H PHILLIPS augrn . 7 k D Wood at D LACK Oil. CLOTH for Clariluvel-100 radii 4.4 j,) rdiilsd , Just received and Peseta by crigtO J ¢H YIIILLIPS _. rVODACCo-7:n boars Manufactured Tobacco, on 1. band and 4* orntre, for Talc by nap° ' A CLL9b.RI ON'k CLOVSE cJI) i—Lost th ti vh e . and' Powdered Cluga I..)lrebt ecraitardly on bard and for vale by ai4l,vo A CULUERTSON I CLOUSE JAPAN VAR. , 11:41-2 MO, a good t re Arrived 14 , , , laarr.ol J it•PIULLIPS `WEAL , VAII.OrSII-2 brio )un reed larvae br nrarc.o J /I PHILLIPS Ort icvt received for au e tern'JAß PHILLIPS It ancVel rel•PLOIla•li passatil Copy Books. rpm; above Looks hoeing been Introduced Into I nubile I.ed prtvale schools to Pirtsbargh and Alle gheny. the limbos has appointed the subscriber agent for their sale 111 this edy. • Teachers end othert will be supplied at publisher a pnce., a .tined m etreolar. ' J1111.11..L01L, • a ; • • • ' 30 jun to DICE,' =AI nr• 1•6111 eon vilett.i, and for .file by curet SELLERS fr. lIICOLS wIFEEE-,-1( 4 I.E. prime sietlYlt‘thWAile by , ja4l7 SE.I.LERS h ;9c01.3 I , %lA i sx n v. 's r, t' ; :t ru.e•Bunaivs' hl lb lump; Itu,corud mul um. .I.ln by SELI.F.RS & NICOL& ACKER MAVRERia. ( t - , 11.41 1 b• u LYI those g & bo, Cacal .aufcl7 , 1.,C0i1 . 04.5 brio lost reed for tale by AJ IKIO Dlt CO • g, 17 C-/Afilirtif SOAk-10 coleo.tee'd tor We by molt . ' CO .VAIUDfc CO ottoor — tirc.for KIDD& CO L. tnlo at RI ettitte , iv - 47 - Lovilite,,ii.iyd r . A %Lb 'OW !.late me iegttatt. td to out. 'ninon:eau pay ment,ond 0..001V/10g , n.e.etno lit:coca, them, duly ftotboaticated nod wathout to eitheror the'de ' hoed axe- MARY LOWItIE, HARVEY CRILOa .1V A LTER H, LOWRIF- I=ll=lll C=MCI=EI2I AUFFNZIels?&:.?;:nt,' e' .Vad °4 „t.t: b 42:; , t i L i :lf at wilting tarcOt Iron, Or Mpartiketure , .• •F r.)claa ottlie beet and mtt:apppared Iltnyiador. to ae tondo tit gnautnira to wit, and at Isrgreat market totes. at , ,an Geom. ITUE Rodesetigne4 e1....0 . 0,411m1; and a Shis rO - cols tog trod:lige toorortfoturerr,.....afg•maals • largo fol. or 171.100 Also, Vett 'Mfg:jets, itiankst Caoung, Deliver Gods. Caslitheres,'Saunetts and Tweeds; which he Will tell 67 'he co,a or piece, at tostis(aCtorors' prier.. The aLtentron of desiors to tarcod•n goods Lim ited. Ligeny OVA etbai^e Cask. ,cceiVC. - 110C - iale by aa MAO a d o NV ttAIitIAVOLI amommor., - .o6ee of Pittsburgh - dim - TrIE StaektikoMers of the Pi Gas Compaq am hereby nettled, that the Anneal Meeting of We Steeksolders farther Elegaisa •of Trnewwwlll to beld as Me *Mee of the company, In the dry of Patr burgh, on abed,, therecond d my of September neat, Este em the hours of no and amdckok, P.M., tor the 1 urpom of electing two amens to tome tut Tme teCator,eald copany, for Mem years, 6111.1 the mid accord day of September teat. *lea:deer " THOS. DAPEOPELL,PretPt. eeIINITUILE OIL CLOTH-80 dos aseoned cues r elle, stand, and be covet*, beautiful patterns and Prices law, at Nn 7 & 9 Waal a. angle_ J & Li piaLues_ : F L 001! uu uLOTß—=u£ y r . 4 3. l Floor Co* :Ay Ada 6i, ' do co 04 do F. " l 4 io q °l4 " is " d "3'14 ik. II PHILLIPS - TtYWNa OUN7D - RY laTiN-7o bin on E ;tie illrghurr Wharf, and for Wei 0416 , J t noitti . mm pnlllo tit Oil jittik ' Lre . diite%l , for Merry "' Ingle ' - J t H PHILLIPS rEsr Casa Eisstle lips* Hydrpts,isst V seethed for gala JaHfllmW • 7 is • Woad .—All Hose rola is grartsinsd to Ws paers usithaskm tog lo Issabor Of 4/1. fends re. EllioL1s11& CLASSICAL ACADICET. . Insiitetien bare opened for the merlon -1-of lads and yonaggeattlettiasOn th• 11 • 111 • 1 • 1 •7, the second day or Seprember cent. . Tbsplan of thn Andes,' to comply heteere! ear. bracing a liberal coarse of tastmethon 1e Mania and Scienrffie Learning, the Modern Lang...gee, C fall wane e(Cometerthai Studies, end*" onclotta bouts ea or elementary English Erhreatlon.. 'The 111101/11.106 1. farnishot With the mums, Maps' Globes, Phyalologleal, AmroscoalcaL.Pltila sop bleat: and Chemical Apparatus. by *hick the pupils are aided 10 aequlrlag MOTO thorough !moo • e 46 0 of the aubieen of re e• " 7 • • ' • Bosun OP INErrittickioN. Cocoa, Presaw, Wee A Weal. A M., !estrum . In Ills Lana ttxid Greeillthirthergth. fobs Brown, A. 211., !nonvoter in Mathematics. - Rerd,Aleen In Ma Platand. hl earal, son Moral Sele na 'John C. Selland, Ph. D„ ~,- 7 • S ' „ ' Y atelier 1:11 Makin USW. • • pillf. • f • • in g Pet eranaoshlP. • EMI. EI)IFICE. • • • ins on Perry Meal, between , • bid dlog Is lags, CCM* b .goat of the bedroom pint ad, died, whisk readers tt a for aaltualtatlon et Leander. ed at the book yore* la .os Vrmelp erat be 111001 al tba Ae. I anslaNdter g 111.e.501 CREEnE-5 • • reed foe sale by . V &tali Bt W HILIIBAIIOII HAMS-5 token Cu -• an • a cake common Hams read per steamer Re elle, for sale b_y atottil 8 W MA.III3IIXTOM LI ERRING —4CA bag In store and for tale by 24 15 Bt. W ItAIIitAUGH HAMS—Evans t Bari • Claebmatl tag:: pared; - Nacel l e.WU 'a Varna& .• • , Scotch eared, of smoked. for sale by ' MeC1.1711,13 &CO eatls Ca Merry sr • — P.oll.Proterror is J.D.Mime. Pude.. ACADEJAII The Academie Edifice 1 Feerth and .I.lberty. TI Xnercia us, .4 WO, 11611 be orthe eity,ll is gala sod Teiy dednhle loesUon for threal.• e. be oh 'both dues. The Phaelp lidera?. FUED BEEF—Jaa d . O Clll : C7 t ad . Clonal For race by. [aagl6l WM A. MoCLUII.O CO-' Q MOILED BEEP TONGUES—A (min &waits by an4ls • WM tbIeCTAIRO & 00 V awe?? HAMS—A f* ;ill A MILO ' BA H tma CO Bea mem Dealt Wl.=lnit. .. . IXTE Invite itarattentiaa 'or atm - fatcllll4 Steam Y 7 Dona to car assortment sr Tritatminga r coMprim lU. DrVan of the following:- 04 ova 7-4 Table Linea, Linen Napkins. . Madinat Diaper, ' Scotch Diaper, Gird Tab/e Coma, ' Crash, Curtain material of all do- 1 Blatt, Mt. At. • seriptams, Va j IIIeDLINTOCK, . • aval4 Carpel Waretionsa4 72 Fourth it. NAT • MoCLINTOCK has to store sad for tile the lamest assoroacct of Velvet Pile Camel dam ittsivad newest 'lsles 'aver oder d In this city, to which me Invite the. special a teutioa of those 'dahlias. lo parer ue. Weietoota,7s Fear*tt. .aneld Gibbed ' AA SMALL Lot at Gibbed Norris'', In _p rime War. fos rate by JOHN PIePAUPN k CO .04 Cossrd MAIL • lUUHILLS. No 3 MACKEREL, gloaloa iespecuon, JIM arrived in prism order and tor We by JOHN IidoPADEN i CO, 11011 Canal Basin. I fit.--ISteslo•tne'• anar 7 .fI.NL.I.E@tBICYEIFOY :Cu tal.pi.en rrou l leCts-50bid Dossed & Robblion , s be Li p " Cavil:m:lC - • do V) boo Myers , pond imp; In soda and for sale by Noel I MILLER t RICISTFON Bar.ire d. Laises. VerUR PRY A BURCHFIELD ara - aeUlag OW and 1.V.1 bazoleoms styles of above goods az rodueed 'mires. A few pieces Harem Will restaining thu of II be closed oat very low. Small Wilda Glisgblain. lIRPHY t BURCHFIELD haw. u execasal M im,srustent of stave 'mole, Unt and aarh a! chcle.c. colors. Weludl nr gnahtY *I•o, all color. c some hs at obs .n avery sapeiiig lb? .a l olqt [angl3l BAOALEY *CO. J. 111. INITEPB • f r : "MULISH, Om and Nathentadetd School vial Ito Open on . Menday, the 19th inat, at NO 8 iv abater street, at the tread of nevem!' at. I.,mtt ON Sybrd ay, tab mum, • small Much of s. oupputed to have been leafs atate el the Feet Othee, the finder emote eenles slavor by leaving them at Mg GAM' WANTED: • AHALE ALE teacher to Mt a the male pi. . wary departweat • in the Ent Ward rablio 3C4001. Allegheny. 4aataardeadon ',Wetter-place at the School Ilona, tasaid Ward oVreauslay the Idtb:ino . . . Aephcatlena. In be mean erne ' may be handed In •.r of L be &remora. Naze batexpintencial Wadi , ra need apply. A. tAßONT,Ptsaldeal. Allexhe ay, Anvil Ird IPSO —mralclf A •-jAiTAX=RTriFilide him received and for Wen, II 'au 3 ' 8. A. W. HARI:JAI/GM .ARPER'SNEW — AIONTILLYAtiiHARINYEr Jane; July, and August, nom en mile at adepar umber, by , R HOPKINS ' , au'? , TA A • .Oa , , , • Famnb a TAICTIONAR UP MECHANICS, ... , ; 11 • g Am . b4. of tbislall i de Rata rno br e r ale al, nHLYLE'S 'ATTER DAY PASIPPILETS-IYoW ki tolyor nle Nun • R HOPKINS uo.coN—Sbourden, Eltdekimillases for eale by JO) sap! , W HARBAUGH Eibetit t ers Vir t ta nue'. 13 UitITEIDGE INGHRAMT nu.. Pa PER—W. P. A1A8.3 ULLA. i. conslaa W ly receiving,. hone the largest reantraeteries New ark and Philadelphle t and also from Planet Men elem. the newest and roost no:swede:Wes of Pa per Hangings, together with Border., S' tro Ward Prints, and Teeter Top.. For sale at S 3 Wood et, tweed FOUrth autos and Dil=oll4olllo7, (seeeesio/ to S. C. llilll. 171 0 I. - - Jou. Auspratt do ChuU , Patextt Soda Mar , 8 34 CASKS of tbe above celebrated brad. part in store, and dm remainder to snide this end wxt month, per "Aunt Illeh,""Earepa,n "Berlin? and ether Wane, eta Palladelpbla and Baltimore, warrant nd impeder in both Mama and gaalltple any In Ma =Met, for sale at the lowest price for cash and ap. proud bills, by W L K KITCHELT/EZ noet2 Liberty street • • MANNER'S OIL 7 -101 - 1:111 by W P WILSCENI. SUGAItga N.WC. J 8 DILWOETH It CO ALIN-50 brto luxe No 3 llaokensl 11' • 3 , • DILWORTH &CO BAWN—U hodsassortU t r i r E lAr r any co Viratyr &Front etc (.2ALTPIta RE-33 bags am a omits sten 17 1161. ISAIAH DICKEY co bth. now landing for sale by jy3l ISAIAH DIME= I CO gIOFFEE-150bags to Elora for tabs by 9 3 1 Is irali DICERY a CO •••- J SCHOO "KEA • CO AA AN UFACT RED TOBACCO-11i0trazuMW:Ti IRA Gram's Ronan it Robb:wens Vs, sad other cbnice brands for sale by me A CULBERTSON k. CLOUSE • 9100111110 BOAUDI. r, niu VERT Worked Oak Flooring Boards ; ; o u r perfectly dry, and of tn . ( Irjol i mallt) ott:it.ltr t ank. C ,C6TON bas re, rod tors e, vet JA. - orGibbonat I hmoty of the Dean. and Fatol the Semen raw*. .L (a. and Utters of Thomas Campbell is *vela. Flatted by Wm 1), - Elementary Ssetoltes Iderallblltmopky. Uth late Rev. Sidney Smatb, AL ti Lettuces en the AIII•TIOMI Eclectic Bram of (Me. g Tiglat i a, B" r ra .naTtla 4 ;g: The &louder Root, a tale of tie leventsendt ca ncer. The Be t tie, Letter, a romanee. By Nathaniel Ilaa.home. 8A4'614- 2 4 oaska RogeruodilaiO( -7 • 6 Gull clear Rtes; 30 tasks Bhoulden. N Uwe, and . fop Wu low. to close conwolent, by aost; J•31E19 . 1 A 110TORISON • CO Ri e rzi JAMES rtrearnsori & CO th JAMES aus....m id ,' 70 Wawa:. if i lm i t yta iluors—acuit uir - we ENGLISH I FENNNTT CIAPING"-triMilliaVMPZ FOVIDEZ-30aukalitaspnwe trA gwylny,' arrived pet gili a iL k tlik atittl'awarow w way try canal, ter Ask! at UM num ! Vrr & aau.f 11loallguh, th TILT PPRY G BURCIIVIELD laths whom:an* 111 big Shirting Math= to look at their astorttoont of them goals. Great MO Waken in 'chlorin; !h. rely bettsnaltq sad u bay is lug* poomm. 1 from the WWI th e lIIXIIMO4IIII, WY OW PO 014141 U Tog ingo Muir • Pr - PROPOSALS stoll TI DYII. wee of the Obie a . Penn. it. IL Co., Pittsburgh, iteg. 13 .) ,),30 . ) aoresas to wrniet be etcetera by the soderettneet acull'eeee4,lbelettlayo4.ocrober, arse dalbery of the vas ti • entree for taytog - lb. tract ottl the Ohle este PeeTer7tvania tell - beee heel tame th blemblee, 'telexing Me? mike - Th e amberef bee mitred wad be about ace, thouriod able bemired per eels. The ties are la be of eased. > ._. , .the Toet eetitebleat io lee Inspection of "'" the ealtethet et the eeeieeY• ?bn. tenet be eat woh a net, tote length., pt erght het, .1f et seated4baber. 'they ens lo be riven by eight (aches where; 'lf of Wired %lobar, tber are to be alined on Arte rep end bottom M a 'pieta of eight Mem.,. They mot clear of Nut, delivered letrpllest we on thetas ea &meted by the angineer i llmmorm Astro. Mammary 'anst pot otitis, next. Bidders era redeem* to onto what number *Nee they mope* *deliver, and on = yaw sections tithe mil road they propel* to deliver , Um* Theyisay repo* WU* otelmitionar tomirt, • UM Wirt, they may - lbliee ten Mobes.oquare.: Proposals ant Use milted for . tantishlog =mod *Umtata plat Or white ok, to bather try nine inches mmue, and Isom eighteen mlwancr Itbe delivered on the IMO Oman dmatore. ' W. SPOLUIVION, Jr., hosidoni C=2ll , Proclamation. yr 'llion et precept Slam handtetWot. 11 4 :llere,Prestdentof the Conn of Comma tun.; • and for MS Fla Judicial Dirrici of Pennsylve aact Dueler of. the. Coin of Oyer and Timmer, sod General Jail Delivery Is And for and Menet, ant William Yen.. and Punnet. Joon; Deg, Associate illEtve of llet tattle enemy, (mend foe tem erg al Allegheny, doled the IMA day of Mien, in the year of oar Undone Minuend obthltiondred and firm, end to me d ire . caditin, holdlog a Corn of Oyer and t ier - mine, d upla Jail Iklivery, at the Cart House to the elle of Pittsburgh, on, the Fowl, Mooney • October newat lit O'clock A hi POblie neaten hereby {lentil, all /mice. of Wa Peace, Conner . end Conareblee of Anneal, the,, they be that and there, In . then proper refeettil.i.thit • their rolls, record, leguminous eleminatlons - sile .• other remembrance, to" do. th oie things, welch to - - thee respectlrenDere inthelr behalf appertain to be date—end else Mote that will proseelite.the plisonent that non "Ivor may b IA lie jail of said toiletry of • • Allegheny, to be ilea sod them or women attignet • *Mello Widths jest Own ender arr bend at Pittsburgh, !Mb" lila day ofAapan, to dripear of oar Lord we dimmed eight - - honied and and of the Common...lM tbelledt. eloaloglimulT . CAEE/ESCilaTlB,Pberilf. disibolatodl Plionsom , n luaus weepsa. rani of Um City Of Plttabsursb. CAPISAL $200,000. • " - J. K:lllOOll3llKAD;Pteet—W. W. A I Semi r i ffa C rt.n P rialtriz atin t 1 0 041 a!, Stand &my, Witaius Rau. J. K. MoOrthead: Body Patterson, Wm. A, ithi; R. 111 Hanley, IL B. Simpson, Josboa..Shodes, Wm. IC &Isar, Edwiad Gregg,A. P. Anshou, Wm. col, Aingstod, 11. C. IMpunt, Chu. Bow, Wm Cannon. anglavily 1000 LAMORIGUII WANTED: Anes LABORERS Mid a huge somber id bianwtr 411.51 J and Stone Callers, are waiPed brunediaselyi epee the One oldie ONO sibi ennrylvanla itall Read between Pittsburgh and the State Idea of Ohio, end PA more on thelims• Ohio. A large Somber of Mum! and Stone Craters may alai. caroloyment 'lathe bridge era 'the Big *Arcs at New Brighostb Application ;say be made to the, entaZtOrC VISO NW, of to the Compasapoperintendsid at the New t n itniir g l eAllll 2 4 In Plualsoi n gb, p 7re stoantryt miry herahlyi and good wages am resolarly paid. • evAt7Alw W ROBINSON, Jr., Plea's. DIVIOLOTION , OF -PARTNERI 111 P. Irwi eompoaA rilyoo=oVeto.;trag teen ebtai obsebt. JOHNSTON, , Ptetaburgb .Tnly ISIOSSO;y1IYAII7 paurrila i BOOS 1313/Illita, TRE OA.ICEESTiBLISEIMENT. 21080 Mateo aslownfl'ket W. 8: - HAVEN, .•.' • Miecesior 'te:. • lokatton h..Btnetton,i IESPECIT2ULLY hatenawhie.blende and *be ea-- omen et the 'old catablirtunent that,havine parehaaed the Printing Cairn and Book BLoderp of tea Isar Pori ha Is prepared to execute with nautical and dirpatebi every deeeeption of , - B 001( k JOB PRINTINCI•Arna trOOK BINDINa Melia , turd thomanagentent of the Printing depart. tent of the late. finst :{te aeventeen years past, he lode confident ofbetni able to render satisfaeton to all who ntayfavor him with their patronage., ~• Aswan 10,1540.—auglenlItti • • . ''' , V.IY-4en b nspenor Floor for rale . WICK Jr. ItteCANDLESS I; —= AlY—.l , o agile TOOT• 811-7 auks reekt and {or sale by I stet t WIIASBAUGYI Fl7l , 4o—Xto tons ottluntl.od Mt tale fl• !.- • I & d PH3LUP6 7 & Woad st .1•10 bi t t . ta.•rrod.. ar rriaia coeF irisrr. IS ut,lø.b 111.1 ft—a Harrel•lly.hf citra flew hat l ret'd end for nip by uy.3 • . LATHER .-600. pounds Ob. Smiler.. mcalyed sad at Bale by I- i mwAt :mein • . JAY teal Lad. I box do; 1 bbl Banat for tats by W R P WILW IN. ang9 . No re Wood &nem ole by LH lorti ante. • . k W lAREAUGH ; miielt, rant brla to store fro We bT • Wt Y 2.IIYCJIELTBEE VT - PER- r tune prime. al. star% sae for We by. - au IS - 81 all T OUISVILLE ctuwss Etartv,ls - Atm , ecemed j/ and fat kale by • allit.3 • 8. tW. HLARAUGIL • . . . iguartir & BtritCLIFIELL/ deaf taaciTm abie,,,, Jai "Iftle; l . 4. sr.. P!...P*.0 t a aPPOra admin.. arttala,Witaaarsdarxrhaz., and at a aw pica tar polity. Funk Am ammo boons latatwea , d „ su69 WICK & lIIcOINDLESS TAX—ft brit Id 0 Uri It bf do, for 823 e Di • ,; use hi Ia . WICK dWidi,LF,ss lan V Za4E.l3 12028— , 2 221;2.iit0r sale by uas -Jut( a AI cC4siI , LESS BUOM -143E0, Com 13:arms 1 , 2.- by aagl3, WICK & ISMS:DLFIIB SALIO.O.I 3—w tasks 25 -Saleratroi 45:1 pnhenzrol dee fOrIA Issel WICK A hlcCAllyus. OTAOII-14 claim Potash, a fine *nit', sUa by [angel - STICK & 4 VeCo,l+E9s. 11014 AO TOBACCO,44ITii - biieza . . Annul. Tobateo for rn:e •, ' WICK a McCATiL)iS'' • INACIESI6I.-20 brls No a; /5 baa No 2; 00 Das No 3 large; bibrla do fir sae by, aatll FSELLERVI R NIC3LS LHIED BREF—n ttertes Begat Cured Ciwed Bee; llama, a prime web fin Wang , sscLeas & Ntcat s . WRITE El&II-20 kis zen'd tot W e b Ile.o WICK & P - - - VlASH—lllettaktkjitsi, tech/ this day (bale by •apili' . ;1 .WIC K - a 31cahriLSBEI'• DRY HERSINGIICObn on hard for'eal4. aadt WICK& MaCAN lags. M is ACKE .. RILL—No . laswa_ll_ t•cad and folios by WA a tdeCAND.S9 N. 0 1. ,, ,r b5. 7 4,, ! , bid u n rreu3 , 7Er e by' QAWiNATVB,4 Mu ro sale low to OiOlfteinft 101 by . B A FANNFATOCbao antlo. ' Col. Vint & Woo ' • ; r fa; TUrtrietasbit--341 bra ea mile by •¢4O B A PARNE3 I OCPM I &ALI uil.-50 &TN 6r We ter ••• . Li &gin • B A FAHNEEROCVO Q.COICIt SNUFFinetralnbladder :; auFle • B A FAIINEBTOCK,u Llhlk-5 brieCV7 - Lime 4,4 jj tweets BUIBIitIDOB INGlitt • .17 • 11.11Wsuer at: mu.ouit-19 brie "Amity Nuts,' tool for 4 'JO aejB ' • • 8 &Lc , lIARBAU WllBll - Farmhy & BurceiV.. *eye - keep 'on heed the ibove pods, .ht directly (rem the Importer. end +errs:nod IWO Anther apply of Wel& Gdatf T 111.4.48 61 • --I!.ec,epTd :1325 , I" " 1"1 7 1 : 4 ; " rlrrEvt strucHrin .44 ; : N. EMI Come, th glutei sueg • L INSIXD by,,7 — E3CI.IOOI4INAKER CA ' ".0 i. No St Mood Bin 11 A " Au41 , rArr itra. large heavy & sir wtode . I' - 1 SCHOONMALER G • lanD CO a —C.Canta rentlaa4 and tar hv, pee 2 I •HOONMAYEII t C.' Ur. unatl. •uu&—liqsa Or A A • A . 11 , 3 ' A J SGtIOOriILiKEIL & prblUo-41 damn tor sal& low kr . EKIHOOI W sirenbly(lPPT teee ' S. t lIMIDAITGd: ;- 1 liurckut- 41 kev , fr , A, but reennev a 1ber1..4 4 for mak. by J C BID • Vita " =! - O:4IDS- 1 :0 7 / 1 1. 11 t* -- alTsb; rr ni , lanced drudq km:vas ,t , L ia!e by . OWLISH t stripncie I • I can Oil tlipetrielositetl Ibr ale 67 • j 7 6 801100,MARETtly CO LA StiMue.3ll6..B-liitterec e eueen: , OSLO have received ■ supply.; 51 9 a met *Jimmy imeniele 1,9 e 3etelt ured molaceol lembuises. ' • 'be; CkideaPeurifir-fo - batt to do otoom Cces 8131cri,04 • _ _ xto cts. cast rePd3o, 0113 . er orttazettßics.Frsurt Croor, Wafted- VORIOro bond licaztuktattlai Boirooisonoked .Dr. koroalag, ' , kat la. par. care br mom boat Caleb Cope. S t W HARBAUGH layestaiesita, IHAVE Cot We, a mullet of bonds and Immune*, ta mai tram ugo 1s it mauling In from vino raliok la entail Instalmenoh, bft .4 Mot , ,uun,l4, 1,7 eliE prevent Wial-14.1.11V, IP Men Ike Loom. for orkielt they Its teiptetinedy axiom - B, BRADY WILVINE6 ' ' Ait , t sr tAtor. NolOtrourib M . 4I OIOEREfoVOCI brio 1.7 , 1 . ? x 1 i z i,.nr . „ tf riarANULTY*. f ri :k en 4 tbebbfiag bYa jo rY.Cboof, and (Zito by %US. DALZEL4 N 0.70 Wiley at gur.-ag b*Vorl. by . I .• B. ZELf.... .otbz i•uligaw - m--is bids „ir Wer ial stalk upA i lleit BRO ITMEY.7IgANDY, of LH sourefectsfO o(Yoba 1h; r 004 ibmibOoT, of MUMS olatbsos, kept ' Vobbaali " huml b k6IILBERTSON a • web 1 unibl C iiiii:o - 40 - bc - c iMb, bi blabe, lus6 roc eel* by _ ric,., • - SELLatI3 It MCOLS. r 1130 , blas prate Mtbilder• m a n ". sale ti. ' . i ll Wy/LUAU= M USD 011,4ebsk. p a rin r v elalisa uoil • . . r w•s-cumor-0, ,ThOr — abiiralitiiii and widtbi, ;y17 "6"4 ."*lr rll l ill T h bril Li ttl a "di ' hi ._ Reit FIKIAL giZCHAtilils•••MoWeila Exci.aa_g, Wt m u tv p i 111 W bIAKER &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers