The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 26, 1850, Image 1
ES ABLISHED IN. 1786 rususuED BY - Wl4 IT E; 4 0 Wirtz sai•suaati Timin rrurt in= nova TO Daflaps pat maw& Tri.eer ;SAO 'Weakly, 1a aavaaae)-- —• , t•Pg " • D. Clal?s,at a redated Rai CI ADVLSTURIfiIIi LOILEFID UrON sr Ty i rrivasonan, Paw's. on. Seth, DO Dui of Nonesiefl or lam) .n.l iletilos*—••••••• '••••••••••••10,30 Ona Sear te, sub addhleast inanition. • • OM Da esa Irsek-•-•--•-••••••••••• , 473 Ireek••••••• . 3,00, tens, weeks.— ADO Do. too months* -1—•-•••• Dc. t e lambs ODD Do. Dar igonch..---4--• Dip Do, six month.— ISAD sumnho.•-• Minding Oint (a lines or less;) per ennui , wick One Mame, changeable at pleasure (per an. nam) azelaelve of the peper— rl,OO Per ash additional pure, inserted peer one Mouth, ana for mei additional aware Inserted ander the year. ty rales, half pries. ' , Advertisements ereeeding I minus, end eat over Mewl lien, to be clouded 1.1 nonzero and a halt Pablishers eat anemmtable far Ind advertisements beyond the iunimat charged far their pebliention. Annoanciser candidates foe nines, is be charged the • same as other ad.rumments. Advsnieeteents not marked on the copy for o erred sea amber of Ineeniger...lllhe eomiFeed till forbid, zed paymetueraogsd neer& w . pnrilegot of yearly advertisers will bs tangoed AgWITm their regular barium, ud all other advt.. Watteau of ptrialning to their regal.. bupten, a• agreed hoot bepaid tam. .• • • •• • • All adrertiniunto for ekaritabig inatiodlons, 6tht and reovules. mod, mulatto and other public Bletung., a ch like, to be chatted ir 'drum Write, payable's:Belly Marringintiotices to be charged 60 cents. Death notices insertedirithoutcharge,nnlen enema graded by (enema invitations or obltamg - nodeev, and when so aecompamed to be: aid On. • Regular advennersi and ll otters vending. costae. nientions,nr re_tedring notices designed to call to. don to Fans, blistrees, , Concensii or any publle enter salerooms, where charges are made for adenuance— all notices or private : asaociatione-revell signed to call &menden to ;memo enterprises catcall, ted or encoded to promote indl widget interest, eon on. ty be Manned erithille undoweandlne NM the same into be paid for. If Intended lobe mooned Is the lo cal consent, the same will be ehstged, ot , Ne rate el ~otleas Man 10 cent@ per WM: Bishop or Fist Notices to be etiersei irlpto plea, Tavern LicenaoTedtions, VI each. Legal and Median' arlyenlotme eta to be charged at hil poem 5 • • - Real Estate Agents , sad Anetlittleere sdrettlee.; meats not to be classed under yearly - rates, bet lobe allowed discount of thirty three and ellilikird per emu. from the amount of Ws. • • wozot. - o- 01 tat-waccur-.21114.11T PIPZIM One &intro, three insentions• • 15* • - Do. each additional insertion-. 27, asnrrirrennorms ta wenn tali: One &pare ; 110 I.lcies,yone etc. De. each addititatal interdoce.-.15 AA %imam& advertisements in ba paid In advance. WHITE It. 00, Quetta. - , • ; , • : L - IIARPER, PAL M. AI. RIDDLE, iauncad. i••• tr ' • JAMES P; BARR &CO Cereidit& FOSTER c estarnmt,litipackr JOS. 8 NOWDEta, Mercury. /ACMBIODL..4 AcoetleMU HIRAM CAINT, Encino, Tribal*. Perelman's, De&-,1,1940. CARDS. JOSS A. PAILICIXAOII4 : ALDERMAN,FIdb Ward, Pam. smart, betareara O'Hara and Walnut. All bsdadut pa:aptly at turded , : ..'tear ALICIARDZIEL E. N1T47,111016 A ITORNISt AT.LAW—OIIer, On Pounk .wet 0b. , . Wool. lade . DAVID C. TDVIILIN ATTORNEY AT' LAW, and Cosorolsolonar for YourisylvanlNlSl. Lapis, M. . • . . All commualcatlou raw" .11.1111:11 F. IMAM, • - A TTORNEY LANIF—.OOee. on Foull street, betwasa Anuadeld and Grant, Tittabargt. • tla-ty COMM! ATTOILNEY aul Collimator at Law, and Comma. donor for the Stant of PeonerlUarda, SL Loafs; No., Cato of Pittobutet.) Ileferenem-•Pitlabarglo Ilan. W. Forward, Flaw aao t. Miller, WCandleesk McClure, John E. Perko, Blesello l 9empie; McColl& Co m. aniUkty B,II3WELL oaw4nnlarot IZRODAN .141, (Aug v fa, Pa.. (Misih's Ferry Post OfSet) Havlad pernianintly lewd at UM plane, a new and labatannal Wharf Batt, M ren prepared b re tries and forinAl pranyedge all Wiliam the river; 'and Pauly ar4 Barret re 0114, „s . t Co. Olaseenr,lant yr. z. wooneraw-•—•—•--neun la r aar4e. - a MULCT. WOODWISD CO, Wholesale Oro. I elm, No= liarketn, Philadelpha. PlusbarchiLllrali Works. • ENTIETT, BERRY ICO, Manua:weenie Sedi B Alkßleoeldng Pollen, Module am flepluale Raids. Watehoue No -, Woe: onset, below Ferry, eb.10•17 • • e Bra.. lieerWteltee. • BRAUN & RElTER, , Vbelftele and UtW Chait.- corner 0(1.1b47 Wbi St Cleir alVet% rift. a:th Pe aPI JohnCrain • VV. S. Simmer. - l ama & sigiNray Forwarding s.nd Comma:Liao holntkot Pittsbarih. apl • - CA. oi!ifil/LVA CO, p ing . r d,,, doafon itigrglots, Canal .Basts, Pittsburgh, n fteff, Wal sal Comodosion an Ponraniin rohoot, No. 41 Pitt. 4.1 In lietsey---dff. • F l4 .dolf LK. Fleming 1111131110 71,14111111113 dh CO, ommiggioN USLCHANTS.—For the We of c Do- COUDII Goods; aloe, deolenio kinds of Teitenrnotoologo, No In Wood it, 4th dot ft= Fiftli,Phhonfh. • ileferonee—bleto. Wm. £.lllll di Co, Banker. 11•1311.1 : BIRO aIRVIN, .m.snssioN ISROFIT and M Meter., iNeeeondreei. PmANobS B rgh. =ELM EXCHAIOE BROKERS, S.S.Cor ar Third and Marla du. TW." I " AT more isscut. 11111.7/7i..13111 //WO I. MINTIT - ; - Eerterlsairrr, e t : l2 o an uh ,, Ptodiare at: rTlii.itla.aeurNo.'37 Wood 4t, hempen ta Id street& . : O at - .••.-. U. ORWARD GEORG E. ARNOLD-k. CO. &MEL, IN 111311:111.110VOUS, VANS NOISS, kO: N ., 74 F oo roors, nes! door u the Dial of • warn w. mogul woutozaviir,WOß 13..'apianszvga a £O., c u EsEria,4l4lBBtON and Forerareqvg Me ooDUS Maim, No Stal Nautio awn% IT — Lrilo u lul r U , Diarpety Lent) ti's 61121111%kt Moralwat, On • Oho salo of . A1; ... ..i.k.j2 WO* ÜbMT• oopodio ath R A :py, illl a Os, laneeriasors lai 41twoad, g.... a Coniariwnent sad Forwarding War. dealt FlUsbargh giuntraillairld Owen, Fri:minima. ll._ ' ' =kW • - - 7 -- Thi rici - MILUSLII/klaor ~ , YORE, 4,41 , :;.." A= `...1 Mitt,) t 1 c a n ft p„, tho and Bordn. Window Shades. Firs p,i e a w hil- t -WriinLlZtinglWrap - Pag=tly. wont aide, iittativrAi Pa. tabu " 051 iiffitll °LAIN NlFOlittar 7 • .• g ofim Wi Ws of the Ira of Ckaintiere,dg• a. law a weal& reepeetrially Inform the °Wens , 1 a a..., t o public genatallr i tkas be will silll eon of to L es tter Green tilww buldnen,ln all /Ur a.ack e til prelared to VI ail 014e7 RA/ Apollig. ea&lie•Asnle BP waif, Feirtera,l l. Z . o , ehli de. So., nodule. HI. ware is Ni SI k.,lierween Mat it Mersa so. iT 24 :d 3 w ' ' ItNINO-RbilrWareiiiiiigairwri Ille _ A I ~ i &ads, Paints, ON. Varnishes. &e. No. al weist, ono doer Boa* or Dinernd Alley, Fittlu ' apa a Ii.LL, %Vlioleametirorier, Communion ii 1, and dealer In Prods.. and Pittabaub Yana e. Noel Wauw et, Pinsbarglt. op' -.- - isiia m ,' ,4 , 0,4 who zyr e d=r , g 4, 1 aDrkid% end Utters la Pradees,loB.44 1 Wont streets, pinsbersir. . Sere I JRVrth.--..-... —JosephDa wont VORTII & CO., Wholesile Greet nr o and Jea far Ilseenl Powder Co., No. S 7 Wood st., . . deby ~, , '' ' n— PCIWNSND, Orsagen sad • - I I Mesta w., three doors above Third Plus ..._ lowe matronly en land a well octet a sst r io i` i f the ben and freshest Idedrelawhw eh he pr 7 as Out ma teuoaabla tem. ?hp 'dans gases, will he Pronns attended tn, sap , i ni.iipe th ey MY ultremau Iffo el ' 1 011kilbrintiglartinialS Wllbsasurraft 10 rPar.4....dorj°l:, b 4. g ,! l!zli t t34luur r, l,l4l .. 6, 5ap.,. 0 . 1 ... 4.1/L dad) vuisee4 l,. '..'" ....,,,,-..,., ,o .. - . A • i ii, k2* ll 4 :lYll, 1'11g0 ....' lesi44;3l4l2 ls 3A dd 4Aftenum . Isrelueiwnsbil -Dealers , • itl , llloor!liiit.A. 1 11 H4OlOlOO ii.lf ,On MII M II 7 !.i i FP! , - - towns, elitsb .1 4 . .-•,:.,.,'.-....-..,. .p, . tICWATI" . .essot taj...4441; C4 66 ai!' 1 • VAtileal4 ' . It- 11/4-CA0.10.4.,- . tALlMedwoluAl PlAslittitillimAlNlA • llArrty and EWA smock Vidiaratth PA, lift O. A. CAW) figii•Agent Ogee** EWATA IttrAltim Use to, •)3extrr n TAANO-0111te, , I* Amer eir Wild abA like dia NA* .." , inl4 ,, ' ilte4 A, 4firrii‘ON, 1kANkm.431 6,1 0111 9 units Italchisan,A, Os, ClosusWiloa War sich ;My= ef,ViA Si: LintlJ Maud Sipe, .11alar . T. ai wort end VII AlitA atANAL,Ptaspicait. "•- Trz s co, •' leppe unimweitat.moir.v a. BWetilMit' /Wormy, as ddso!)•Side 3d at. '4l °Malts eit. - curler Haul, Pittsbunbs ssfilistas Wad presoptirsd-Osilectladdi is.W!/ I ' ll .SYF‘h: V Gross OClllUrViittzi (.. THE BUSINESS CARDS. ioam. R.BIEII4R, •Waolesalo and Retell dealer J In Mule and Ala•lcal Ingram:tents, School Boou. Paper, Slates, Steel Pena, gains, Printers` Cards, and Stationary generalty,No. ill Wood ot4PUtobargh. In. Ranhewed or taken Mullin., ole CANFIF:LD, (bun of Warren, Ohm,)Coenlo. ,reac i t ' rn 11; " ;n7lreee ' tle t t rt" le Vitfer .h , Pec.-+ Ad,: and Wenem Prodnee generally. Po Wulta army between Stalthleld and Wood, Piusbargh. lER & JONM Forwarding and Commbalea !der. chant., Dada. in Produce sad Pittsburgh mum= e tattered articles, , Mail Burin, near 711.1. apd (PLAIN Jr 11.1.. PITIIIIIIIIOI4 PA. K very NNEEDY, CIOLDS - ic CO 3 -- litacafaetarers ve egweler44 Beettlag, Carpet Chain, Coe Tw BaWinc . 2 .. ' • • 1.10.1 y • S. 0. ITOOKTON. lt . = Joluestos &Stockton. BOOKSELLER, STA , =NEL PRINTER, and BINDER, cars . of aka and Third stzta, Pluzeorsti, Ps. MODIC I.lllsbvtigh City Claim Work& W. 0V1C4111013/1111 & CO." • UFACITHERB OP WINDOW GL AS 8. -NaN ■ Hulett street, between Flint sad Second, ragut 4". 112;4411Eg Wm. ltfiller Phil.L • C. W. Ricketson t Plnablugh. ILLER k. RICICMON. Wholesale Grocers, and. WA Importers of Brand lea Wines and Beams, Nos. SW and 1:11, confer ef Laberty and Irvin atoms, Pitts burgh, Pa. on Irn, Nails, CO=lll'l=l4 de...te.,COW. Y i rta . atl had, JobeAEGU. James D. AMR %Venus C. Roe. TiAcGILL.9 ROE, WbelesuleGrocers .4 Commis- LVA 1111013 Illexhanta, No DM Liberty - St, Pittsburgh • .P. rlTTSßWitatrintliV 7 Worliiitir 7 / 1 385 - IEIPitiFIO 'AND /ALE FACTORY. MAI r ose, " . 0811 It. Immo. Jack!qtriaai lUr ANUFACTUREIIS of opting and blister steel, MU - Omagh Stoeloiteel pitmen swings, cozen and ellp spnogytimatered iron axles, and dealers in goal' !cable castings, fire engine ismp%and conch Wallis rnexel>. Cornet orltoss mid Front sts., Pins!". , WHEW. Wit.BON, Portrait and — MiTuature Painter. Rooms, corner et PosiOtßee Alley and Fourth civet, entrant.* on Fourth at, near Marker. deed-dtf asamisidea ilershamts. lITO. 31 Old Levan at, N Orleans, kern tonatantly or, band a large assortment of Brildies of the fall ow iug brands. strtuati They oder for sateas agents for J. 'Durand k Co, llordeaugois: Maelorl.J•ttt.. 4 . , rand k Co, {Arm J J Donau, Cognac, A de an te:an, Blesillec M Ade ondore, Jean Louis. &e, kt, also, Anchor Ma, Bordeaux Red and White Wines In taste and e lona, selected with care byJohn Darand Co; Imaides Champagne Wine and Bute Burgundy Port. I • feb7-ty• L. nca . m . &SON, No =Mute at. a econd door led. earner of Fourth, dealer. in Foreign and lid Balsa( Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, tank Note. and Spada Er Codeletions , made on all rid principal dna. ' brnaghont the United Stales.. apt 10" Illielallartliet, Ailmanan-015 st.r ,11., third door abirre Scrlthfield, zooth ado. Come d ianetat of all kind* dove with the greautat to ° Cal Eatate 'r e . xmouined,ke. Rgtrlllirrlffri l lArtri:CEl di. 00, .ANUFATORERI O GREEN GLASS WARE, 11j0. VAlattetatreet, Plucks', et, Pc, keep constant ly on hand, ant make to order all kinds of Yale, Roulet, !le. Porter andlaineral Water Bottle. of alt imeter grainy. Partietlar axteation paid to Private Moulds. • ' notlElty ---- ' - 'l.lthographte lastabllalun ant :OF WM. titIaLICLIKANN, Third at, opposite the Post•OfEce, Pittsbargh.--11.01, Landscapes, Wl hands, Shotabills, Lobelso Architectural and Machina Daterings,ltosinosa and Visiting Cards,to.,otarrared or drawn on SWIM, and printed ill colors, Ootd. Bross* or Black , the most aPprored WM, and Li ILL MD" reasonable pnees. ectlatir • W.Ml N ete r Ml E estlo CP Pmdau and - Gottimission merchants, sad dealers in Pittsbarati Maniac area - apt? SOOT. Puma - Thom.irina. lira. a. 101.05500. ROBEIET AWOKE , Ilibolesale Grocer, Reenfying Distiller, &eosin Prodoes, Pittsbenr h bluufae. tares, an 1 all trod. of Foreign and Domestic Wilms and Liquors, No 11 Liberty ironer. On hand a very large h Mock be aold low fo of superior cid Monongahela maistay, whic will r üb. myl • irrnoLtiL. L. L. oYtL EYN 0L DS aSURE Foimeardlog and Conant. JD, *lon Illereinusla, for the Allegheny River Trade, Losierain.Creetties, Prodoes • k'iltabargh, Manatee toresind Chloride of Liam' The highest prke, in cash, pull at all times for . gostruT raga. Com. Penn and Irwin els. apl9 0 BRAT DALZELL A' Co., Wholesale Urocers, R CAmosiisten Iderehents. dealers In Produce and Pillabbset Idannfaeutresi Liberty Env, Pittsberst., U. A. CVNBRAPRUAN, jIIIIIOLESALE GROCER; Prod.., Pomading, VT and Coormisalon Biereaani, and Paler in Pi. bona Kaanfaeltega, No =Mom wee; Plunbargl, Pa QIJACKLETT • k. WRITE Wholesale De•len lo Potalge adri Domenic MT Goode, No. I Wood M2al=2 NI iql4itiai.dl Ta — llle Is ta "Mott askil Produce generally, and Forwarding and CaeingWitin Nenkants, Ho. 43 Water Ointel, PittSbUgh. _ a;117 T. giUXI rrrrusesuz. sons RICOLe, meatus. SE ILLG 9 tr. NICOL% ProdueiPand General Com name* ihist*ltati filoi Libermatreet, Pins ' Math..fip .. esso and Lsrd Oda. sip'? F7 4 10:4 . turotuottsT i co, Wboieeate Gm. F. , .11/dll*-8.114. Commission Merebants, beaters $u Pittsburgh Alanulteturea sod Western Prance, have restoved to tedlr new warehouse, (std 411113d,f Wy:cvstr-roirPront street and Chaucer? ant 7 - • tionsaa nexivowrn, TEA, AND WINE . . MERCHANTS, _Fan side Diamond, Pinatmolh. r app_ /AULD_ ite111.1 , 1151 nCLO Inform the public,taey bare taken lA. ateboar-fam•rty maimed try Alta late Mr. 9.310113= SibOICT, Ili Eetatta area L Ilavtaa a large A' teactlan d ti r : IT , good ' s y to ean u ti i a 4 o ' rta th re. ' tacy ' 4111 'ea attention ta the parehue and vita 61MM t• Roads, Le. • aar7 mui.. TS. N. VT= rann-W.B. W. WATIRJOURAN'& 110/11Pt . . 111 - ROLF:SALE GROCERei, Comminsion and For ‘y • warding Merchant.: &alms in an kinds of Pro duct krituborghManaratittred Articlci; Algoma tor salcol Richmond and - Lynebb.rg Ilansfactured Tobacen. ' mil • Wl[. ATTOB.XIIV AT LAW, - • Butler, PA mull& also itteaft_to.i . :ollFcilln . a and all caber bad , 4.111. J . Rater "" "2stm's L' it R. Floyd, Merl, att • ' W. W. Wallace, do • , • James Mandiall do ltubar dly gar t Co.:Wood at. 1 lan7 ' George Unbar& • ,-11. u;aininsPix&& £ co., itaLV.:IALE am Acted Dealers le Groceries W end Pry Goods, enit Gornanasien Member., No. ineliberly si Pittsburgh, . mit • : .. , ,.10111:11 JitorALMS a CO.. FORWARDING h. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Camd Resin, Perm sum, IlusbarHl. mrti - 77assurs.x. aAvrs al. co. PRODUCE AND FLOUR FAPTOREI, MAW Jiafket, rbilodelphla Aironeco snide, by eftier of the Above, oa consign• meow a( V{Oducet6 eithel turd -- !Vil --- J. D. 1i5ati.....:... «-»- -----. , —.Joba MIL • , . • 'J. D.iVILLIMSII £ CO., .lOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY ti ROC :U% N Pdsiwardlog and Coonalsslon Alareliants, and dealers is Coaatty_Prodoee and Elfishly'''. Alma'. tanoLcoaner of Woodland Fifth atrests,Pilsbargh. -1. D. idaVaY• _ ii." 1"; • BANktits . AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NonliEus corner of Mod dad Third strce WL iioarr, • •:• bowl S. cosauvz, - - W. " T1T1a...,1 1 / 1 1.1ALEY & CO:, Wholesale Grocers; la TY . 4.AdO) Wax( street, Falsbufgh. apt 7 "" D4WS.II, • Wag idattL i Et3 . Et, (snenessors to L Cloonalilldniidgebootort=fre.n, Ni l' , 41 ' 1 Cottos Yards. ltdd Plttsborgh litmoSoctor:s ' :coon' COTas! of Wood sod Witt. • ueots, tUbstllb , `'r t'Af uTCFiCC 1 b WoOkitnie (1000000, . 14. mar i r t ifi4 o till= f nL i W n, Ins mid Liquor log PolOdet, N0..100 Libotty . otroet,tolponito asd BTzth street.) Pittsborgh. • TAT -W.WiLsOliciiir—,7,l-sir 2;p" mid! gargoffy 'Doods,'eorner Ma y rke W t and Fount ntreeloi Pittobotichi Po. N. D.--Watebos and Clock. carefully_ repoired.' • Era WM TOMO. • 7011! I. ii , crlea. WV. lft/UND Co., Dealers in Leader, Irides, TT ke:„ 143 Laberrr Wear- eerily • : UT it IL MCGUTCHCOIV, Wholesale Groc s es, VT doalors in Produce Iron, Nails, Glass, and Pitubsmo fitment:qua goicrAlly,. Liberty streeL 7 fang t = l--""61‘. -- "a" — CsasAKTlitakiAlli T HAVE token WAL.UAER into partnership with MO lASI busiaus, which will from this data tm tarried au ands ntikanrn Of Nen Parker & Co. • • ~ .11411111 PAZ OUT. roueVAIMICIL 41C00•1 GIOCErIi Deaktr. =arnlim WiAsS Oki y• • :mit Reen)fort Whitehr • Commercial Row;Liberir aataafltsnored. P 11/LTIFIMO PALSOM WM. ILL1r:411. W . 14 I. 31p1 .).- .. PALAIO:4 11/INNA All. CO., ' • a c t -- VIVI - . . 'U. noinoY, Hanna & Co.) ;BAN , EXCHANOCUROINIIB, and Outlets , As+ and Demesne Fsehango,.Courtontee 4 . to -Notes, and Apeeto—North.oresh notes, r, , Wood and TOW streets. Carew stow rewired on' daposite..—StgbeCtstekr -tot• sale and nollealons tudentrneuty an tbOadd4♦ (!taws- . lArtlnint4ll Tho,kt a idsmaii . l44,f ds;pisSSlFisjistAlinufsslt' &dint*. Man on eenttlLautenis:Of hp due,ol9 per Ettst, on littoral tenni., . se= Int. A. WC:LI:110r - . tem.& wale ' 0411Mtrite • 9 3 . 110 4 ER. § - ,.. 4I PiTEA.'PEAUEBB; ptg 25e-24.5erpewijappg W. 4 an' ilwart tit a 'o.nrunent nrCinika . thooo deltrun Foreign FIllit• and W. 111.1 intppiled on ins - sw't ' _ .va• PITTSBITRGR ••• ....'..-•...RlllLT:'''''.:i';'..'_6l, 1118CELLANEW HALL. FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 'vms saagnigmni establishment bei pg now con plated and ready for butheauthe proprietor would H.peetfally SUM of the pthile escrow. trems In givins hit &Meilen to the business. to make the hones g a pas end ••comfortable resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh and fur the country generelly. Good attentlante will be in welting, and men ex ertion made to render the eslahlislimont wonky the COILIODOODOO and nevem of an intelligent community. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, guest for Parties. Concert; tectrires, Bells, and pabile meetings, will be 'let by the evening or week, on en liberal tents as eny caber in the city. The DAR and RESTAURANT. equal in style and beauty to any In the world, will be kept funtished with Pare Wines, Choice I.4ars, Cordia/s, Porten, A 1.., and all the mg,, itfrahmenis af the masa. Poultry, Game, Fish, Senn, °Yuen. end Clem., served in in the ICEe. The DINING end CREAN SALOON, being oti the Int goer, end easy or amass, will be constantly supplied with all the es end Delicacies of the warm; and ales, with such substantiate as the markets .Cord. • Boirdbat by the day, week, or year. Armen or Bayport tor Ladle - Ideate or vales. fornudted on short mouse. Gentlemen with their families, visiting the elm Gan. be supplied with refreshments of all kinds many hour Iv the da►. Good Stabling and as extensive Livery Fstablish went is connected with the Hall. Dinner at I o'clock. Brash Cast and Tea at the usual ►oars natranee for Ladles to the ke Creme and Mains Soloon, No ft: SothiSeld meat. ir&:dtf IL 11. VAN RENSSELAER P.. WESTERVELT& SON, WELL KNOWN VENITIAN IIIsIND - 111AVERB, keerroonstantly on hand or make to order the best *mole la their line, at Melt old rand, Na 13 Bt. Clair street; also, No.ed Market street, at coed morrt entrance in the Diamond. Vonninn Shatters made to order, and old blinds neatly re mired. mad W. 41i J. Book Studer*. liVrEare anal eagavd in Um above buiness, comer of Wood asitrnird afro-o,Pittsburgh, when we are prepared to do any work trm tine emit de. patch. We attend to our work:personally, and mut faction will be givens in *old to to ocatuesis and do- Blank Boas mind to any paitem and boned trab atantiol:y. Book, in numbers or . oldbooks boned care fully or repaired. Name. Teton books to trilt letter.. Those that have work is oar lino an invited to ann. Pdces tow argot( Pea= lllaoldma •kov. WlCllTHAN—Mantfactster of all kinds of ooe . ton arid woollen mackuotry, Ala ken? oily, Pa. The above works being now In fall and nneettstal op eration,' am prepared to okescW atm vritl dispssek for all kindr.of machinery la IS WM, arb as pickers, spreaders, card), grinding Ineein.r , relwaYrr drawing framer, spoilers, %knolls, looms, woolen ear,* double or slogle, for marckant or cootrp work, moles, Jacks, /tn.:slide and handlathes and tools in on. oral. All kindr of shanirm tondo to onto., or plans giv an for oaring factories or mills az rvasonanle chirp. Rona . ro—lf.ennedy, MIL & k• & gin.. thannowir Gray BENNETT i BROTHER, .48/ ttNSWARE M AN UPACTUBERS, BleaLlashenee,lemaa PleeSbargheira. Office, No. 37 Water a,: heratews. Marta and Wood, Pstradargit. 411191 LL cotenant, keep on hand agent anon. went et Ware; of our own meneraetere,and sepetior quelay. Wholesale and estotry Mer chants ere resyeetfolly Invited In cell end ex amine for themselves, en we an darn:W.lsd to will elotaper than hemmer before been oter td to the pet.. Ile. cent by 'utilise eonayesled by agree w . or nod reference. will be promptly wend Id to. writ litMlllLlfl . . P.l A. WIIITE & CO., werald respetublly Inform Inthat th. the pablie ey hue erected a mbop on Laceek, between Pedant' and Smidnaky strop. They an now making and ate prepared to rosette notion for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chwourt'll, Oa nache., Buggies, Photon., tr. Re., which from thtir long experience in the manufaintre redo acove work, and the facilities they have,they feel confident they an enabled to do work on the most teapanableterme with thaw wanting articles In their line. Paying panicalar attention to tie selection of mate rial., and haring none bet competent workmen, the . , lave no heel tame in warranting their week. Re theraire tat the attention of the pablle to this mazer. N.Repairing done In the beat manner, and on the mom reasonable terms. MOStf . . . . . .. SOARS% • 1110 . Nt Fa WI 5mr..... Woo* AND &WUXI. PR% AMU roaNTINUIS a manufsetwasdl kinds of MITER: 1,-, TIN AND surxr IRON WARE AI" Wank mink Work. Steam Boats both tro order. 7_pa la] anemics, groe' n to ;tem boot wort. 1 awe on bands a Ine asrortmantoreoppor and Straw Coulee, Tin Ware, an. ke. 13tearobeau Cookrog Slovak Portable Faros, rattans ales—n eery convordant ar ticle for steamboats, Cad:long& ernarrento, or rad read coopudea. Re toroold napoetrally limns steam boat man and others to .11 and eco oar ankles and odour before parakeet's, el seorhere. t7:17 Plat Kaolin. Weeks sag Paratads7. rrrnimroOM. , WIDGET Co, are ln pre , p Pa. ared to balld catOw and Woolen Machinery of every deveription, s as Carding Machin., Spinhi2 Frames, Speeds . Drawing Emmen, Railway Ile Wmpersonpoole Dressing Prunes, Looms, Crud .den, tx. Nirro kc Inn Shafting tamed; all alms of Cast Iron, Pail,. Mange.. of latent penmen Lida and hand Lo and tools Oran kinds. Castings of every deeeno ' famished on show notice. Patterns side to order r Mill Geartng, Iron Kailiny6 lee. Steens Pipe for he • log Pattories, Cast Iron Winslow Sash and tansy Ong, generally. Orders left at the Warehease o J. Palmer Co., Liberty Emu, will lava prompt auen ton. ROM te. Elankstock, 13411 s Co, I. Mooraboad.ln Co., 0. E. Woman, Joho Irwin i dons, Pausbargh ; C. 4 J. FL Warner, Steuheovnla. lanit P 1•210111 far. sabteriber olkrs for sale a Imp and splemild T assortment of rosewood tad mahogany grand te non Pianos, ',lnk and witloat Coleman's etlebosted Zoltan Ausehment The 'above investments are war ranted to be mall to any msnalaemesd ID this Coun try, and will be mold lower than any beaten nom Om KRAL P. BLUME, s wood ed door above ids . . N. 13.—City ronp will be takes at per far a fewer be above aaaertaseas. ley2 . ...WO IBMs k Works SOS Ilsgei THPsabre abet. arms for gala,the BTEihhl BRICK WORKS, above Lawreneeville, cementing • Sums Engine,* Roil/1k Akashi M l csesblef of mansfaeteneg MAO Premed /kicks Ma ne, t or dry clay, as taken from the bank, per day; with three acres of land no the itlieglieny neer, dm which area 111.. and sheds, machine arid clay sheds, wheelbarrows, waeint, shovels, epsdes, Se., every Ming replete to men emcee operations at an hears notice. Pri e, lncl oeim■R the patent tight to me said machine, WMP-1.... payment made caiy. Witham the (and, IMMO. Poe particulars, address . HENRY hIEJ/RITT, No 11E1 Monongahela Home, liVirtmaghlt sad Out Irma MIRE subseribers beg leave to inform the pablm that they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable drug. for Iron Railing, both foe lonises ens cemeteries. Persona gelatin to proton hand. woe paueras will please tall and examine, and jadp fee thenmelves. Railing will be fannaltod at the short est notice, and in the best manner, at tie corner Et Craig and ' Rebecca streets, Alieglieny dirs. assted-iltf A. LAMONT!. KNOX. WILLIAM DlOlllt B frAl leave to inform his friend. and eestemers tbai he is Jest reeei•Log Ids new spring stock of (Mods, emonriting, es anal, all the newest and mom festoon able styles of Cloths, Cassimeram fumy Yawners, sea ton and lines mummer eats, and every article suitable fer gentlemen's IMIT for spring and !summer. It being Impossible to &strike, thobesety, oolong, or quantity of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who an in not of good, cheap, fashionable, and well made clothe., will give him tell, es titre Ls no stork this side of the Alleghenies that can compare with The ready made department Is very extensive, adap ted to all tastes. • , gall road co ntractor, country merchant., and all who lancely, aro panlealarly ft:l.4W to ea , amine the stock before Perchubm, as par icalar at tention Is paid to the wholesale bsWoes. in MU *stab- Lishment. Ever/ article la the tadorioir lino made to order In the soma residortablo and dog wanner, al the ehortast annem corn mixt/ DE partnership herstofbre existing ender the Inn T of A A. C dloolved by the decease of Mr. C Bradley: The business will be carded on by A Smiley, who will settle the balineu of the law bra. REMOVAL—A BLDLur his removed kle Foundry Warehouse from No MY Second mrmd,urNo to Wood street, betarecn First and Second Davidson the war. home, Wel, occupied by O A Berri, mbem ho will keep sonstantly on hied a general assertawat Cl2l, Ingo, Orates, Swum, Cooking Stoves, An. OW ■aaOYL MeIEMILVT, 1111 - ANUFACTOSIER OP OAST STEF.L, and No.l di and No.l Az. , 'Joni 1311stsr Staal. Also—Dear Cast Stool Piles, of an al.solg aad Blookoollth and Shoo gasp s, alwpa on hand and fa r solo, either at his Es- I e Stm..l Works," Mb. on.; F Word, or at the ogee in tto. I ton Store of soLopors a GADBI SON, No 4,T00t of Wood otreet, rluabutgh. =MAIM 011100LAIL We, the •ndersigned, having toad, tetth entire Bal. 'auction, the Cut Steel And Files made by gamut fdeKeltry, at la. Eagle flied Works, Is this elm., take _pleasure in recommending them as equal in quirt) to any ever used by us, of foreign manufacusre. Pittsburg& March 13, IMS. & J 1l 8110ENBEIGER & CO, Pfanafamarers of Iron sadMAR Nein, Pittsburgh, Pa. Iron Pounder. and Idaehinlubc l. MannTOTTEN& Pa. COLEMAN, HAIWAN & CO, hfanataothMeOffigtings,A7.lStl,l3pliag awe and • *kV/IW= -Engine Baden did macaind Cud Itanardeos• ' Fonda Pl DeAT Usbardit • • M Ltri tdddatheutrert Of Otet AUndF F meth Pittaba 4t4 fgh t pa. JOSEP/11 TOMLINSON, Leeent4iTe Engine deulFilp BUS deteragg, Pa. dlistddhLasi3xfgfdrey,lfiudZe 'Wilkens fad war: -.,;rJuslutilk. Anne Dallas if Pnotatitrablp. rinlE beitrien aohoetibors, why Oto litarof Aria; Co., Glass td anafsetweti, was illitiobrod by metal coma!, an De best day of J sly. instant. Ail perarot knowing theteseltes total/ Ana aro so to took a paysient heat. of Go pantos= delay, and all pawns banns ainstUed &tetanus whit said inctoito - Wined to pincer sa t ed Air soultiiitan tontediately. • At&.XANDEII CILUIDEEtIi • • 1 JOHN AGNEW iylaties! • D. fL CHADDEII.I. - -.. lyarl.Whies and Itisaglas OP cats 'own iloportatNti. nlGbls f or making pupae,. cooltstoly on h ind awl tot awls by ttio quart or whottsate,. elks ?es - Ulm nines of 110111111 At LIAWODIDi east *tar DisEtwid. blab,Fgd FedeTal gm" ilillakti,gqi.".!l.l. ~_, k• c"-a~ + F~ ~i - e. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 26, 1850 INSURANCE. par. DFI.AWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCV. COMPANY.—OLfee North Room of the Erekeno, Third street, Philadelphia. Fl2l IMpunci.—Deuldings, Merchandise and other in.! lout :r=idt ; F t ZVI eeloou Coun try , 're ln te " o7 d premi um. a Mamma lanrsesca—They anicolunrelressels. Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, underopen or the assured may dea. Imam Tultarcorrarea.—They also insure merch andise transported by Wagons, Rail Read Can, Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, an the Most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Edmond A. Seeder, John C Davis, Robert Ronan, John R Penrose.. Emu el Edward s Cleo 0 Lelper, Edvranl Darllngum. Isaac R Davie, Wm Falwell, John Newlin. DT R AI Huston, Jas C and. Theopidlos Paulding, H Jones Braces, Henry Olean. Hugh Craig, George Serra', Spencer Mellvain, Charles Hell), 3 0 Johnson, Won Hay, Dr 13 Thomas, John Sellers; Wm Erre, Jr. DIREORB AT PEITSBUROII—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. plata. D. Nintrainn, Beal. Mr Mee of the Company, No. II Water street, Pinsbargh. P. A. hIADEIR.A,Agt. Lib sad HiAIM Ixeurasse. :I'FIE Mutual Li fe and Ileatth Insurance Company of Philadelph i a, IntMonied by the Legislature Persasylvan,Alveb, 184.9. Charter perpetual. Capital,RlCW,oo3. Ramo Low. Clear ace Poston. MCA Colarill7, and full ID per cent lower than the usual rates of Lao Insurance, as the following com parison will show: Th.., a person of the age o fd in suring for RIM far life, must pay in th e Girard Inels— Priormytrania,llo,3o, Penn Mutual, 111.,10q Equitable, ffe . Etteiettet 52,3 A New York Life, WAS; A1bi0n,52,1%, bion,52,I%, Life and Health, Philadelphia, CPI. Inlkerous.—Samuel D. Orrick, Choice D. Hall, W. F.:Doone Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, ' M. M. Reeve, Harker, D., Chas. O. II Campbell, Leitrim Cooper, Rodman Darke, K Kiloliter, Morin ILOope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Preel debt— Robt. P. King; &emery —Franels Elleekburne. Application. will be received. and every information Orme by PAM L. FAHNKITOCK, Art, Office, Commercial BOOMS, Cower of 0017.41 v _Wood and Tlurd so, Pittsburgh FARS AND IS INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE CO. ol North Artielies Cali Make pep:Rennet and limited Intnannee on pro perry in this city and vicinity, and on ablpotellts by Cenal, Rivers, Lake., anal by Sea. The properties at ;tn. Company are well invested, oid Cornish no avail able fond for the ample indentruly of 'all persons who doors to be protected by insurance. sh IS WM. P. JOKES, A gent, 14 Water et. I=l Vitro and Merlins Ins HrOFFICC at the Insurance Company. of North Altlent., has bean rammed to No. 111 Front at eat of Wood. The anbatinher, agorn far the above old and reepon stela Caenesny,will Imo Palms. on Itaddlnss and their contents, and on shipment. of blevetandota by Steam Scats sad other vends ap3 W. P JONFIL lidera aa d JAIME!' W. WOOD WELL, 153, Tam 13T, EITIV.Van• Itespe j et . folly . infonts . s thole politic that be has eons pktod his *prong stock of FURNITURE, the *mass and mos:vaned enactment one offemd for Mole in Ulla city, conoptiring several setts of Rossoroon, hloanoinv, aao Mary IVoottor, carved; ornamental end plain, okapi, tor Parlors, Drawing mid Bed Room, W of which will hp sold et the lowest price.. Personts desiring Farnham of uly description, at. sPettfolly invited to call ander:mine his mock, Which embroceo every desenotiont fniO3 the f1111.L'...1 plainest to the most elegant and costly, of which the following emotion. a pant Tem a Tete Sofas; Tema Tam Pivang Conversation Chaim:. Ellsabethima Connw Reeepuon do Lae. XIV 010 Emmen do Buffet BIM.; WM Nets, Todd T abs Loots XIV Commodore; Doke of Varies Coach; GO BMA with Plash and Bats-cloth covert; SO Dorms, do do do; 110 dos Mahogany Pard3lor Chodo, n • flasemod `•Brb Walnut do do; 40 • Cana Seat do; 4 " Mahogany Reeking dog " do Pomo Stools, 141 Marble Top Centre liable, BA do do Wash giowle; To Mahogany Bedsteodo; 13 do Wydrobes; 18 BM IValmt do; S Cherry do. .ssort . :szite . r , Zm . m . op Chile, and oth- EEory amott Bons (Imbibed on ths shorten pone. 41J ordm promptly attended to. P. hi.—Cobiact Halm eon be supplied with all aorta of Molsogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at considerably resnacted yew.. • tettlS HEILSEY, FLEIIIING ar. CO. uwx 1/ 0 011 •ALLir., PROM TILE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST. ERN MANUFACTURERS' PRICM White F;annels, all Wool. Sloe Drills; Rod de do 11 1 ea Deming; Tallow ass do Piney CononadeE all aro Brown di do *feted at Factory pries. Mack Satinetti Steel Waal do Home League Shimmy Mae do Meeks and Stripes, very Drab 4a heavy gon/s. Wank Quainter. Tailors' Goods. Pansy do Red Pudddig, super do; Fancy Tweeds. Vent ridding, Borkram, Soper Black Broad Cloth. TallorsTvivasE heavy do; Raper Drown da Brims Deena, SilelaN• Soper Green do Drab Servs, black do, a i , Super Twilled do and wonted; Super Black Doe Stun. Illael; and Whits Tani; Soper Drab Cashmere. Blank Twist, Drab de Sauer Drown do Linea Cheek. and Drift' Super Blank do Swan's 6 cord So'l Ont.; California Blanket. do Linen Thread, • Pearled do superior article; Dl.. do ill j lrit i red . Ves d ts . ngu; lhab do Grain Flagging. Damn Rolland s.'g Silks; Drown Dribs; liatioun, Cravats, ise..i.a. At the Alanansetarers• arehossi,l6 , ll27 Wood • Pittsburgh semi IHE esparmankip heretofore exiating between tke aubeeribans,ln the name of Constable, Berta & ,I. this day dieriolved by mutual consent ileum. Barka & Dunes will settle Me Ooziness of the concerti, for which paperse they am authorized to use me name of the concerti. NATIIANI CONSTABLE, " " The ■ndenlgned have MD day us/minted the streltea lit the name of BURKE A, HARAIEM. for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Pthof Vows Doom he. te., at the stand of ,he law firm et Con.table, Rorke where they won be pleased to receive the patron age of the ea &homers of 1111.1 haute and their friends. EDMUND BUDET., TlloldAb DARNED. In retiring from the fins of Constabie, Rorke Or Co., I with Mitre., planar. recommend Mew.. finite Barnes to the conAdenc• of any friend. and the putilie. Feb. 0, Wit. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febl3-dtt HAS Jost returned from the Eastern Cotes, nod 1. rceuving a large variety of seasonable Goods, to match he respectfelfy involve the auscoon of match sets and bedlam. No 54 Wood et. febll IIIiALL PAPER—W. P. Aleessam. is constantly receiving, from the largest asenefaciorics to e r r Fort and Petladelphie, and also from French agencies, the newest and noel approved styles of Pa per Hangings, together erlth Borders, Fire Board Prints, and Teeter Tops. Poe sate at yll Wood st, be. Intro Fourth st and Diamond allay, t•OOtTLIOI to d. C. IlifL) ap3 iiiiWiTroc ieof p.r steamer, WA and for sato by the barrel or single pound at the Drag, Seed, and Pertlansery Warehouse, comer of With and Woodytniets. P N WICICERSIIAhI. -- Maspracts, Patent Soda Ash. 4gA CASKS of the above eelebraied brand and tr . k high test, direct from the manufacturers; lOU casks now on the wily feta New Orleans, and ea peeled here this tweet ; end 314 will shanty arrive via Baltimore per ships holism. Chesapeake, Demm e., and Albin, which will be sold on ernes', at the hmreal market pile. for oath or approved bill.. W N apt? No ltu Liberty et. 0111CIMICIAL ITOVO POLISU lIE Pbania Mansfeetering Gatemen, now offer to 1. the public their Pretuinm Chemical Stove Polish; thawal. exaggeratioa, or ounce contradiction. by who have tested it.iironit far euperior any Gamin the marten Vise earimmerneed have no apprehension. of soiling carpets. an its ern.- position prevents a dust Trot arising when being ap. plied, which mum be dime w hen the Stove is cold The quantity required Is so little to produce • beau. Seel lustre. A saving of over Clip per emit is insured to the roommate. A coating • milled to Stoves, Pipe., Re., when laid away for the nounor, is a sure pre 'recitative against nub After hieing tried it ep ee, Of it to accesitiblet no person will Ilse any bet the Plitenix Manefactaring Company's Premium Chemi. cal Moue Polish. Fur sale by 8 N WICKERSHAM, Corner of Sixth and Wood Comets. PITTIMUI.OII 7101311JR110 11701114 Comer of Penn and St. C 1.,, strteic UTM ALEXANDER A SOW taken,Furnistdng Under- Vir Where ovary amain kr- Funeral and Mourning purposes can he got on teasortable terms. Jyllidnm TO BOAT BOUNDER& 100.000 foot S ea . soned Bea Plank; 100,000 foot Coal BooNlOldlog. For aala b! RONIERT NeKNIOIIT, !Mold Albri2.l7 at ..2v. Fenglk, n. • WOOLI WOOL I k o f to Cub will be paid for the di( not 1115 W ILARBAUGII lirlM Owner. and eoulguee. of good. arriving by tha oCitisene Portable 13vat Lee," arid please tate Mice that they will be required to pay freight at ow' arstahoasa,acearding .to the reeejoy berme liegoods ars mowed. meoutmr co _l7l —" POWS OLD VHDRIOU BRANDT, —boilable/or Media Purpasea. rgtal lAk 4e thu go "s e 4 . 4TrIPA sale at.os* Defoe per baulit7vr • Mr they know to be jetraltSo It wasN by them we In Fienee,'and as parses when bought I MO RIB k. • WORTH, _ Tea .A Wane fdenthstas, east lde strike Diamond. atA!L Presto Arrival of 0 oleo Teams It,fORRIS L HAWORTH, to the Bunton& bare 4101. Just received from the lm ••• ni wafter large inapt? of excellent Black and • en Taos, whirl they am QM tosallap from the wig • al Mama at BM and Doper lb. They defy wry la e trade-to beat the finality as the poet. We •, Ily nolldt the pab• with ore purchased dm. where e t nate cm. 40.10 tair, 41AL FIELD BOOK • F THB RETOLD. • TIO la, ra Mazatlan'. by • a end Pencil elf the ry, Scenery, Brography, • lies, and Tradition, of the War ter Independence. t Boom Lomiog. with Ettfroatess ea Wood' Less* Barrett, altap:oot - Oto mom To be ems la abauBo Neal f3O. ago bY uorstri By the President or the Vatted States. T N . pnrsaance of law, I, ZAORARTTAYLOII, indent of the United States of Antethra, do hereby declare and make 'known. that nubile Wes Intl be held et the undermentioned Land Offieeir the Stela of bile/DOAN, at the periods hereinafter designated, to *in— At the Lard Mee at SAULT ATE MARI!, for the "Lake Seperior District," mammas On Mon day, the sixteenth day of September next, for the di*. petal of public lands within the following named Ps, six:— North of the haw line , and rivet of the printipal meridian. Town hip forty five, and fractional townships forty Six and forty seven of ranee two. Townships forty five and foray nix, and (national township fort" sullen, of tango three Township forty six, and fractional township forty seven, of range four. Townotuns forty alx and (any coven, and (national townships Arty and fifty ono, of range in. Fnetional townships forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, filly, and Ally one, of range six. Township s forty eight and forty nine, and fractional winnable fifty of seven. Fractional township. thirty nine on "flog Island," and forty on "lint Island," and township forty five, of range eight. Fractional townships thirty nine and forty on "flog" and Garden. Islands, and forty ihno on the main land, and townshsps forty four and forty five, of range nine. Fractional townships thirty nine and fir." . .. "°"" den" and...truant.," Inland.. and townships tarty three, forty four, and fluty five, arrange ten. Fractional lownaltlps thirty eight on"Littic Denser" Inland, thirty nine on "Little Heaver" and "front" !Mind', and forty on "Whiskey " bland, and town elevaklpn.orty three, Cony tour, an forty five, of rangy f Fractional township thirty amid on "Gull Island, township forty worn and (mellow./ townships (arty O; n" (oily four sod forty Ore, of tonic weirs. Frani/anal iownship tarty, on the main land; of mists lintel.. . Ftactional townships Missy nine' and (WY on the main land, of range ...liven. Fractional township. thirty eight, thirty nine, lorry, and forty one, on the maul land of range eighteen. lownthips thiity sin on i'Sstorneti° and "Poyerty" Island., Thirty term, lineltnllng - Summer" Island and an Wetland thirty eight, thirty nine, mid lorry on the main land, and townships forty one, (arty two, nn I forty truce, of range nineteen. Vractional townships thirty am, on "St Martini." and "Gail" Islands, thirty seven oil all Islet of iilAttle Summer" (stand, thirty eight on the main land, thirty nine (including the island la sections twenty seven and twenty eight) and forty, and township forty theta on the main lend, of range twenty. Martians/ townships thirty eight, thirty nine, and forty en the Amin land, of range twenty ntte. AT TIM NAME PLACE, commenring on Monday, the thirtieth day of September neat, Mr ttip dem nal .hipsand public lands Iselin the following niarsid toorm .hipt and framional townships, to Wit:— North of tht bast hoer, and seta of tA4 principal ructions! townshlps thirty five and thirty ant on the rem 1,0, of ranee twenty four Fnseuonal tawnshlpe ;him , three, thirty roar, and thirty five, •tut township nutty 4a, qf reap, twenty tire. Fractional townships thirty two and th.rty tarot, on the main land, and township. thirty !oar and thirty fore, of ranee twenty ass Fractional township, shiny one, thirty two, thirty three. t..trty (dog, and thirty fide an the tont n land. and township* fatty si n , km wyen, and (only .4 1, 4. 1 range twenty seven. Fractienal township, thirty to !holy woes, thine wren, and township. thirty nine, Cony six, forty 'even, and lorry eight, of noon twenty nigh. Fractional tostrnallipa thirty seven, thine eight, and shoo' nine, and towaships tarty one, forty two, forty three, tom (oar, forty Eve, forty no, forty seven, aid forty rig h t, of ruing twenty nine. Focusnal towneuiPs :bull nine, township Only , fraction& township (any 01., Intel/44W mrx , forty three, forty four. fatty dye, Cony us, UFO! le w nu, and forty riutthund the fraction. of imellous thlny biro and o.lny.sti, at the napes of Agate harbor, of town ship tiny nine, of range thirty. Fractional townships Oiny nine, ferny, and ferry ono, owositip. forty two, forty three, forty foss, Oro Ger, forty Win (any saran, and forty eight, and noun lion& section, oniutwie Iwo: Inineninn "Trnnn"." island,to township fifty roar, of Wing. Won. On, AT TOR SAW. FLACK comasennics on blondes, the Chaneenth day of October nest, tor Ilse disposal of the paiiiic lands situated withs• the suelansennoorit tolonatinir and fontioall township., to "mo— lts/ea # !At Mee fins, and west If Ma prineipd verridicat. Frattionol toorisioiloray444., .1,14 color:s64ft fortytwo, two, tufty three. (any four, Corry ,1,00, cW Ar.T, of range tkuly two. • Froclional toornstops fifty and fifty two of rano thToi ta irty w roa i r, tip fulty. c: rasp, forty one. Fractional uteraship 1. , ;10.• and orYrnthiPo forty nine and fifty, or ntne• forty .le. Townahip forty seven, fraeuonal township forty eight, !Led tirormacips lofty nine and ftfty, of range forty thtea TOuruanlps- forty *even, forty algal, forty mut, and fifty. of (61.4 r” Orin four toornaloya fort; ~ .arn. forty crubt, and forty and fractional lJgrnskap 64, o; node forty live. Fractional townahipa foray moo ain •fri, al Iron forty IL. Fssettonsl townships (any tax sod tiny seven, township forty eight, Wanness! toonnktp Cony nine, ermine Cony even. Yeast'own townships (any , Cony eight, and folly stinsaistriple finny wins Ernettonal township forty cipt. el range forty nine. At the land ofwee at lONIA, eorsorenctog on Mon day, the sixteenth of September neat, re: ito dispose/ rattle public imtds wohia the uniform's:timid Traci onst enntship. Seetion. one and two, the call half acellon of Swett, anJ towtio. eleven. twelve, thirteen, fourteen, twenty four, twenty five, and thirty ate, In town.hto tone, of nage wiven. Lean. appropriated by law for the sea of school., mintary, or other narrow., will be excluded from the .ales The °terms of the above meaLlooml land. will be commenced on the day. appointed, and proceed in the order in which they are advertised, with con cement dtsparch, avid the whole shall nave been of. (coed, and the males than elated. Itat no sale shall to Cent open 10-ger than two week., and pOIVSIO nu' ry of any of the land. till be admitted aura alter the exptratran of two Weeks. Glen under my gelid, .t the city of Waebieggin. tittothingemh day ofinne, Anno Damlnt one thoumnd eight haugged amd fitly. Hy ths Ymaidegg 1 Borrasvisza, Cesomissioner of the General L2rdlAeo• NOTICE TO PRE-EMPIION CLAIMANTS. Every pert , on entitled to the debt of pre-emption to uty of the lands within the townships and fraentinal towountps above enumerated, is meowed to establish the name w the sadafactson of the Register and Re. coo'' , of theproperLund ttilice, and make payment therefor a. on as proatteable attar metes th is nottec, and before the day appeluted for the commenaament of the. public, nit of the lands embraelag the tract claimed, otherwtho such clam arta be forfeited. J. BUTTERFIELD, • hdidl•aereurfl Committal/met. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS DARNELS. IleasetiVe American Poelacy Book. rpm: P. Ivy Boot and Fowl Breeders . Guide— ' Beret a treatise on tke Breeding, Ratting, arid General Management of Demesne Fowls, with no. melons original demription. and Portrait. (1010 I.lle. Uy John C. ilcunco, hi. D. This work will be found to contain• MAW amis.% of riviginll and other information, both practical and asefol, rn retard to Fowl Breeding, thon is contained in other ...moan works together It will be illintrred with rattly Filly Portraits of the most retiree varlets.' of American and Foreign Fowls, some forty of which ara (rout life, from drawing. taken orpecially fay this work, of the moss Important Weeds, and meow' of Mcni from kiwis very recently 1 17. " p 'd obltrilierli have .pared no expense to bring oat ihi. work In a superior manner, both to regard to the engrawmg., the menu rot the wort, and the general ton everypan .r the book. And It islielior. ed Met the wart will he found to contain more practii eat Information en Breeding and Managing Domesno Fowls, than any work tweed In WM country. For sale by JAS I) LAPIN WOOD, jell Bookseller and H lmporter, 10 1 Fooirth at. umilaDDS-ao:sl6.4=COsnioll; • nkitch of • Phyaleal Description of the Universe. By Al.. W. Iltheboldb Tramieled by pule. (vole, Itbsto. Joel ream.ed fur solo by I) LOCKWfX)I) relf3 Bookseller k ImPorterr, ENGLISH & Nivo i rt 3AL a Gßoc: 13.1 pap Y. IL Imp. Black and fluitpouidee seas; 135 bas Tobacco; 100 be Rio Cores; NM brit N o Wastes; 73 bade N o Setae; 230 bona ***** telt sizes Window 01•44; 40 Litio 'Pipes; 400 LA, ' , asp; 100 bzs Candle.; 3000 lb. Coal44L; 30 LTI4 Tacna.. 00; 00 bs. Chocolate; 60 dos Bed Cords; • 20 evils Manilla (tope; 30 414 Spiced Chocolate.; 00 bags Poppet; bag. Al•plce; SOO int. 11000041 40001 s Vinegar. 30 liates Ca stllevnek; 40 ozs Starch; 10 tec. Rice; 10 brig Chal k; 300 dram Figs; As well att a general Mgantscutacil arucleg. A PRYALCIANI "I HAVE FOUND NOT Hum R. R. F. SELLERS COLIghh Bleep and LI ltl des of the Vermlfage. I have used all year Family lledicinee in my family, and have also prescribed them in my practice; 1 am very much pleased vith them, and have found nothing to equal them. Rend me 8 dna oryourViirmifoge, and 10 dos each of the Liver PR4and Churl Symp.. • , Respectfully yours restract of telleld 1 . .1.411an0n . Thom highly.pop ar metiliineet may be had of um proprietor R h: BLLLERS, 67 Wood at,and Druggists i generally n Iberians elaea endvlelnity. ' ape . DOS/PI—A few tail, A Not ertril, White morn of initialer ottani), satiable fes inaklng,lnet reteived and.Gif iiala by JOHN tIeFILLIENe CO iota :lda Canal Dalle.Pena clapaat—l WWI Aut teem • or .ale bY, la • },lB, J 80HOONIKAERE k tbIOTAAR: - -11 - c7 - m: - 15 for sea by /116 I 80HOONLIIigER & CO rOrifEREL -138 Ws. No 8, btas.; d oie by • KILLER aJU Ma ClLg4Bory - I - • - e 1123 ny ' -rt*T—.2o bra Matsu, "5L Jettlee Medea - • 3 7 bit Margaux; I,mt teal tot wile la ylC - MILLEttIetICKETBO SMSOIMBUT Of Wrench mania Capes,Collan, tad Curs Jut 'Ted al _ IttCo.,& bar.: •au Floor reVa and tale r, a ..jy. t WM - cCLU RG t. CO, I ntibefta USTARD-1 • b fatal Idertion4.llaventel-witti Errent s. ' %.11 tona-pso _ LAND SALES. EE^MM DENT TT, 88, No 1l Wood stmt. kW bat 51. IL Ra.slnc NO bit cluster den 15 kat do do; 15 casks Zanta Currants; 15 bales F. Walnuts; 15 do Llrasil Nutt; 15 do Filbert.; MI do Pea Nu 4; CO b. shelled Almond.; •Ar bat Rock Candy; 3 east. Llauonce; lo al Principe. & Ilega Cigar.; lOW M lialf Soantat; 3 tors Cloves; • 2 cans Natmep; 3 capon. Indira; P.. eases Leman Sympf 2 cages Pepper Saner; 10 eases Tomato Catsup; Unused Salem, of all kinds. 40 baste!. powdered and Loaf Satan 2 bbd. Aladdin; 10 brls Whiling; muirtmoni of Pioaborgh co3o I=EE=2l (ONO TO EQUAL TREM. B aono, V. March 8, leal. I have dtrposed of all the tier RUa you neat mo, and EEEMI DRY GOODS, &c WHITS GOODS WORD ; "Mug" M1711211Y k SIMOHFIRLD tali • the atteadon of the ladies to Stair extensive at senroont at White Goals for Drarses,eonsieting of 1 8 AIN81.2""m:u:; , Embroldosedoi Victoria Lkwag Low Priced Barredqackottet for,tomieg ;hews; fine BIM finished da; and a large eittortateet et Stelae Moillne. with colored embrolderyt Minted lackonetw Lawn., Berea elr. kft, at tun* eurcomer of Fourth gmd Market lamella Jul Clump Lawns:7 • MURPHY &BLIECIIFIELDha4 recelied a large supply of Dregs LAWS}, cony 'Soap; .pas nyla brow, at lac; light do, In greet striety, for 101012/o, Also,embtOldertla end printed Aluefflas imdiaokonet, of neat and newest style. and lowesterriee for quality, and north east earner of Fourth addiMarket as ?HE GREAT SEM 1.4411A1i BALE OF ORY'O'OOB. As the Oa. Pita. Stowe of A. A. MASON & CO, Vtilltirgelo:4 l ,llllhaLtun-odd . .lleft - 7, Wholesale Rooms. will, on this osellislon.l+e thrown open lot EXTAIL 1 . 11.1 h and all of their, extensive steak will be offered to retail purchiurs, at a dimes:int of from to SO per mint. less than usual pneta. THEIR STOCIL OF SILKS Comprise' over fear boodle , ' Plane., and will be told at en Immense alit count. Their assortment of Shawle,BstegeaTieenes, Oren adincs Fondue Silk., Lawns, Slashes, Jaconete,, and Draw Goods generally, will be closed *al ioloadiatoly, al about one half the usual rates. 11 eases Past Colored Lawns will be offered at Pc. it do Unrest., 4 du Muslin de Leine., 10c floperior knolls!, end AmOritOil Calleoee, In& Ile. NA dozen Linen Handkerchiefs, Oh 7c. A large lot of Wrought Collars, tome •g low as Sc. Togelher with a complete varlet? of Domestic and While Goods, Ribbims, Hosiery and Gloves, Donnell, he ke. Meting In all one of the meet exteomve assortments in the counity, we !eh will be marked down to touch tows* yr,es than al any of their promos Annual Sap, The Store viii he...closed 0000 Thinsd•y Pe lay. si.rfoe the M.P... of ....X -anal ing and marking down stock. No VAILIATIon IX Pat. can rer3l A A MASON L CO M=! MURPIIV la BURCHFIELD have received • sap. ply of :IA and 4.4 Fecal, Lines. fee men's caw and seas, ladle.' sacks, boys' and children's war, of the mat desirable shades. They invite attention to their large assortment of Men'. and Hors' MUMMER WEAR, of different roe. W^niti..P4 all 1713 , 140 TO Pf.-2 1 4 1 2`!. _IP.I? _ PAILASO Li 1 PAILL‘SOLI# I URPIIY & BURCHFIELD have received another J.ll. supply of above article, and art enabled es. to sup ply almost any qualit y and color wonted, and at the Jovial rob pric rel.s __Patent Stair Oil Cloth Cover. w SteCLINTOCit has received this dal, at lus • o .if. , lirwhithhhTi Sig TS Fogs* yt„, lor Oil CloilVovenng f Very handsonis patterhs to which we Indio the audition of purchasers. _0,13 14pit v • BUCIIfIELI an am ofertoc 411:11rs lawn. from 6 goorls gi a ll=,7lge. e a - Ptal Meek Barna for ikle ; Bonnet Ribbons force rto j et T‘d rits i 'artra4 call .111711TYIVE Montt east cornet of Foams and Mar k et ars. tel 3 CM==l R. F . ..C , F t LVE .. IIIAIs day fresh fresh as , znj.tvureert! nom of w MeCLINTOCE Jen " Fourth at MVail Pirs' a ntilliCtiF7F.Ll/ kayo • large smelt of Fancy anil W4l* iiouds, 'alai a. at greatly reduced prrces, Barrie de [aims, a large assortment of berlut4fril P. ru ' ll '.; Jacont and Swiss Marlins; A splendid assortment of Black arid Penny hilkr Berages, Lawns and Lie Lariats. remarkably dingy. onia!d Silks, at 371 cants per yang; beablitul C/1104/, MIN te @lmo, sr.d Oriloards; - A large stock of Mourn and Bleached Ildulins,ll4e per yard, and a_pwards, Bonnets and Parasol., at malls reduced prices. Ciotti., Curium:ea, and Veal nib-of the ben quality, remarkably lose. Together with a Inge slack of Tickings;Aoronkind Shirting Checks, MI widths; Brown and Bleached Sheolleke and robin rigs; 414 14elher win all other amities in oar lino, at notch eau corner of Founh and Market et. lrip 41TliSiiii a BURCIIFIELD have law received /IL new aryl* Foulard Silke i very cheap; rich, plan, and livered changeable silks, or almost every style and quality; super plain end figured black silltei do bang. and ounce; barer., de slim, new and hand nun neu rule French, Ilaglishiand Scotch :11,172.hirrL•rrtrd , ; o at= It lad' 1%17 •ad queasier linen Intros of all atisdetand colon; gingham, chintzes, prints, ice, at north raw corner of hoards an d stuns. l Mk led FARTNEEI rupply of Black MM. and fancy col. (trod Silts, jut romMed by repro. thir • morn. 111. north cad corer of Fourth sod Muriel am. RRRa"Mow hallitailflFLD AA"VidiririCtiViitiatiii:l) - siTilirg MI. and Demo AL D. ['atom at vary low prim,. at north out corner of Fourth and Market am MS BObLktIICOLE - LiCal -- illint wide medium and rimming Urn ahem quality, lure reed and for tale at Northeast corm, of Fourth and Mar. tet mrepa led ituarny 4 D /BONFIELD 'Ohsuats mad ifessimll l lllol2a. kill:111PM' lc BURCHFIELD bare neared an Ind ia' delonal .apply good.. lacludlng emboss @mks of China, Pr I, Albans, and Gimp Bonnets Whim and Colored Camp deb and Ribbomotall colon and poemamyl? FabDßoll;erOllF-4M — Ydr4.l Flooroo Cloth, lan reactor.: from the factory, and for solo at the Wareroom, Nos. a 9,W00d avert k H PHILLIPS . 116 4 11 T IRI l tiN1 6 = 1P itibe attention 111lImml Ilrpds for Mournlrie surrises, , Ilcl/ ameirltileettia.t received, men es Mask llombarinen, llombatine Soak Alecto., Wait Sleeve ditLtilibm, Slimming Wash Silk., do Printed Poniards, Bemires, Times, Sicilian Lateen, Attiamomi, Plain Black and Printed Lawn. Black Embroidered do; Bonnet Ribbons, Scarf do, Veil., fa. mayl7 UM NISH COAYiNIi 9 pea Cashmere* amassed O colors, . moat desirable article tot summer coats, meld, and nap ppernns by A A MAS,ON kCO alrasket at friat. eolorerargi Mla, t eom AW rjsing entoson, Orange, Pula, e Green, and Corn P oblored, Just seeming per expri e ss, and Lbie day opening by A • MASON ic mayl7 it Master • 42 0 opening amyl . / P rA lciAlitiN A T .' -- 61. et Dross link*. • A A. MASON ICO are 1h day opening 10 plea 11. 67 gnat Black tiro do Milne Bilk; 10 pea 30 lack do; 10 re, 30 Inch do; 6 pca 34 loch do; and 4 plecea 36 incl. Ja. • maylo I ETI I 11.14171(1 . . {DO do. ladies. Linen Cambric Ildlirs, all price.; 102 dos lipota. do do do tr. do. do So docolored ho rd e, . Received Ws day by • • 111A0014 k. CO ' =grid 69 Market it /AM UtAtT LINEN LuistaEs—o Uwe", at the extreme low price afttlie,.w Tara. maple A A !CASON k. CC Ms pea 3-4 end OM pes 4-4 mown 1.1n6m1 134, per Um'. Barkley% and Alexander's superior Irish Linens, now opening by mail° A A MASON k CO Drools Arrival of Dry Goods. F. are now rem:Ming largo addittions tfritur stock of Spring old Summer Dry Goode, and ace pre. pared to Oder an eiCeient M.OftMellt at 'OW Usual low prices for cub, co' approved credit. The attention ot western dealers h panlealarly to uested to oar goods, as we feel confidant of being able to *Ter unusual indacements to make a bill willi es. Call and examine at soy me. suecKLErr & WHITE, 101 Wood drew.. C. YEAGER, lOS market etreet,(near LlOarty,) . . AMERICAN ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY 000 D lIIOSIERY, RIBBONS- LACES, BLUFF'S, TIIREAVS, COMBS, BirrioNs, sus- PENUEIIg, ac. Alen, Satin wed lease, Vastlurs BLACK 2.N D.FANCY BILK CRAVATS, I'UNGEE, BANDANN - A, and LIMN , / LOAFS, a. Aeneral Iv:moment of VANS, and every variety of tommlnga. NAULICAAM. II LAIN.. CASES plain and Awed Barna de Laing, assoc ./ ed colon, pit reef tied, and selling •I Very low puce, wart' La'w A A MASON & CO CASES (sat colored Lamle received and now apening,selling at the extreme low prier of Oct. ,per yard_ [mart.; A A MASON &CO oxsoulATna. CASES feat colored Ulgshamm, ree'd, and selling el at II centg per yard A A MASON & CO towel ®Markel it. R ACON-46 Mali pima &boulders; el blade clear .. r dres, laudin gasd for oat° by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK. AR AND 011.-1.1 OrbN. U. Tau 13 do pans 1 Tanner. &rule by /9/ 8 .BROWN & KIRKPATRICK. IhD BEA} berm sugar C .- ma — dried Bah 1J jut received and for male by 1116 SV ! LLERS & NICOLS. -50 bad N. 3 Macke:n.l ; • 5 do Here - n5 — ,10 dab, by [418) BELLERN t NICOLB. LET rERS are remaining Intim office addressed to U IRON!' /717 -enf ott.ot, ouch as an not to be autpenned to fantbogn. WO let. ootoporlsoni, feeling - towed into, on trinl.our. Tea, sill bit found equ4 nun superior, to any in am tame puce alb . t - • C 0. : 1Y17 " • • MI. A. IdeCLI.7BO A O I)CYIT t4U , ER —A ,arse• Ossonmen o JUI goods, adapted IbrilbyeSolllMllf" l, Wari'Of Cot• too. Worsted. sod Wookos Ina!Will. CM NI (mod St the s' o " MURPHY IfURCINIFILDL • lasso mad ltdirtagat• • IiKUILPITY a DOILCLIFIELD have received a large .WL assortment of- • Lies and Vlitoria - Edginge sad Lichm , - Loom Work Thread do; Dabbing do; Valetimermas dm • Swiss and I,acrakt Editing.; • " • Do Inserusgm Flawed tad plata Newt: Bleat Silk do,ka,-.o.ita they ask the atteuttod of baYerk 1,3 VCDUIL-do barrels Farmer t Abr., brood, JAL'reoetud ath, far Wa " it iv HeinAuan Cllibit-50 brie No 3 Mackerel; ao brim ht brielmbrl titirm 1113 '-- 41gMt4 , Anicr4 : ::12 GOVERNME.NTA.I. , NHOPOJALS FOR A LOAN. YAilaeleventh and twelfth sections of the Act of the ntentl Amenably of thisConemonviealthientilled Supplement to as Act canned en Antao ermine Sinking Fund and to provide 4)r the gradual and certain extinguishment bribe debt of theCoMnion. , wealth. and to ðerize, a loan," aserroyed the ..thUr day of Kay A. D providesee Seems II That the Governor li/hereby inalhortied le negotiate lows, forme vim of Three Idillisuta Three Htmdred Thousand Dollars, redeemable. to , tinny year* from the data of the intbstription thereof, at • rale of intiest *acceding foal per Mita= per annum, payable In gold and silver, senmannually, dPen the inat d ays of February and August of etch .L"',4 o "a sis e . p . x . eu* pma t Tff., ° l7eat7b o cf=i l 42: hall oa ‘h ini oilseed In at least ono neerepaperr to the' Borough of Harrisburg, in the eines of ,Pitrabsogl,, and Philadelphia and In the cities of New. sere, Gaston, and thiamine,' for alder - rod rot less Yo u three menthe before theopeningoleaini.lnm* and by tenet elsewaere, If deemed neeessary, and upon the day misted for that parposae, is. Web aetiee, the proposals stall be opened .in the P.5en..... Governor 6 Incr.') of the Commonwealth; and Auditor end th• Was shall be aWarded - to the highest bidder or bidders. If the amountaf,tho bids shall exceed the sum of the said loan the tilde' shall be thstributed pm rate amongst the hlghattlf& ders, but /I the whole of said loan she ll not then be taken the Governor may renew notice, la the manner aforesaid, front time to tune, till the whole amount Of said loan ;hall be subscri bed. No eracirriereal bib shall be considered; and upon awarding sack loans, or any part thereof, certificates with view:l2'lb/ the Irterrt shell be loaned therefor by lint diruhtfin General. Surma It If the said loan Mon be enbsaribed, it sb•11 be and It is hereby appropriated for the payment., and ea inguiahatent of the fended debt of this Com monwealth, now doe, or to beeonte due, dyfi ilt Yee , ono iirefend eight hundred and lifty,andfor the, payment o the surn of Cala,' fife thousand one bin dred mul four dams and eighty Odd tents, dad to domestic creditors. . . to perseenee of the provisions afereialdoodee berebr V. en, abet Proposal* .be veeelved at , th7 orGre ot the Secretary of the Cometouweittlt 4 &clot. k P. M. of Tuesday. the Esst doSY qostobet : next, stipulating for • los• dthontentrealdo (et the potholes sot forth (it t aald am. of Wens of let7esto threat 0n40,11',.7, tio theree, at e rate el Interest not eheeedineWper r: n tt n ta . ett p edtt!te•Yebie edd,and. silver, real . p the Seat days or February and Aughlf acacia year, tied egentpt loop every syeetesof *llOB • • Certificates wi l lok Mr the said loan relth coepqni for the llote teat be Maned In theusiallunener end made wanaferable by the owner, on the books of She , nutlaor General's Department, proposals will be required to elate. explicitly. the amount offered. which shall oat In any caw lea than one Moasand do l lerlkthe r i fe elPttestal Dot' .xt S‘liPf SSP PVT COSI %Mr the irehthiro prepomd. The Stkte reserves the right to accept the whole or' lilyput of the sum offered anlenthe propos:ale rtipn , late to the contrary. Bids for the loan mast be direct and explieD ' No condlifonal proposals will be received. Upon the meeeptance of the proposal., the money, moat be paid into the State Manly. in.lnieh Feiner as shall be directed by the Golcrpor, , cct4esti; 4( epee Will lif,lasuell in suoleantocitds as mar be rupleated by, the lender,. ' The proposal. to be direnedoander nerd, to thla otter, endorsed, "Proposals for Loan" Ile, mill, not be Opened or disclosed until the period fat receiv ing them has elapsed; after which no alteration in the terms will be admitted_ - S„rethli OS; SSEI4 5'''411447 4 1 14 Coo' , ei:sAiiewmir "5' "Ow•ukirr, 4.n. i=:=l RELATOR TO tiarlinateaT OF Trot corarntrraers. Milk &SOLVED by the Senate cod Bourn of Ileprenutta- Iliurea of the Commozonedli of PermsYlketts. U.K..' Assembly met, That the Coaslittaboo of this Cconuour. smalls be SEMI.' so the wood Reim or ‘ller fifth article, CChet it shall and as kilo-jot T. .4. ord% of tki miekal Mort. of c 0... .o 4 of mob other Worn of Rased ea are or Mall be edablalted bylaw, shall be eketed by the qualrfied abecton of the Common wealth, Ist the marmer folltemsg, to mil: The kedges of the Sweat COll,l, by the qualified electors or immu wealth al lartn: the ?residua Jedazu of the ...rail Coeds ofrommath flesh ast4 of te4 comm of Record es ass or shall he atiohlished by WY; W all other Judges retkeired to be harped in the lam, hi the qtelilled *lemon of the' rr-Ltlrae'k e. " . falrhlgt.th7fog•UClrts'"la;=ml' Mai l % ois qualified electors .f tbe costar reeperthell. The Jade. of the Supreme Conn shell 1211 dhdr oylosa for the i lorso of fifteza , 47l, s if42:lldLop . i laboeare . tided fop, statee•itpui ob . to the eleellizolTlle pr.= J.diFiortt. emirs! Court,* Cayman Plats, and Ortudt other Coortz of Record as steer sha/11 bonlublahrdlry ,am end all ether Jahn revered to be korzed let the btleottlmil hold th eir alma for the Una of tea years, if they doll ea laza behave themoe'res well; the emaciate Judges' of thy Cotes of Common Pleas shall had Their ollete Err the temp of dm yews, if they stall or load baton amanita W; ml whom shall be emuraiammed by th e Goer bet Am any 'amenable sou, mbleb Pet W enfleieet r . bl dt ll , jl . o htectd, qt. Memo , 05011 of thba th e en of two Ikeda of each breach of lb. Legislature The deco shell take place at the gamma electtoo of this Conommoreeth net Misr the Edo,. two of dus amendmeat, cod the numenramons of all the Jodr. who may be then to <Qum abaft expire ow the firm Monday of December following,' when the term, off.. nem 1:do . c nneacera. The eras rtbl=.z; t ntr ' hree .44la. :afidlo/ • V oCt 32e e r P.N." orm lbr O l en years, the tons of tech in be 4.0014.4 by be by tke mid Jades, as seem after elertem coarmleot, and u' re sell candied by them to the tionnor, that the commileions may be Mend 010 accordant thereto. no - lair *kW madman will dna tl i ,h Ch l= l .7ll 411731 W elltra leen he his the dAmt, Mud if Mt lm h ot two:ONG:as oboll ezpre CZ MIL OM lbaJoilicee hold.; them +ball decide by lot vhltlt be the Chief Justtre. day socauzim, ad by death, nodpelbas, or otherebre, to coy of the ad marts skill be Welly ap. pointotem by the Gortroor, to to till the first Itoo tiny of Decembermacceeding the met panel sleeker. The Judges of the Suo Coed mol the Prcridents of th e noon' Court, of m prem m-lo Pleat shall, at stated limn, raceme for their servos" as adtepette ermppe+wlio.j,?gk 11 ,.4 ebteh 05 7 11 pot Oit ditairahtd ditetei tart acilianera laitilee; shah came fmeor lurquaitseof ore.> morbid any other oSme of profit under thit Commomnalth, or seder the solermang of the Ueated States. or ay altio Sala of {hi. Vaunt. The dodges of the Sttprem• Coe", derma Mete coutinuance to o@u shall nide 'Silo this Cfimmottralth4 044 hog or .lalgesolorest their a.nw: .or.m otkre, .hall nude within the dietrot en coasay fhe leturb they mere respecterely elected. J. S. 111cCALIIUNT, Specks of the House of lleprmentatiem, V. DEBT, Sposker of the Seattle. C 11•111.1, t Ilarnstatz, homey It l / 4 11153. ' 1, Pommel W. rearm Chi Clerk of that Stream of Pronsyryias, do henry certify I tat atergoiag resolute,s , titto. In 4o Me emote file of the valeta melon,/ matted' ttßetolutien relative tom motodatent of thi Conotilatioo it thin lb. same mention which was weed et by of the members elected to oath= Home sr the last bevels tore-alter havirg beta duly . 00esiderod sad mord, war this day agreed to by a serhority of the member. eheeled to sod wee tog to thsßetista of Fame, boobs al AD pr -what, at it will •opywar by their vows Lim as the oast game crib., reeolatmet, as Cottons ic- Tho.e toting to fame orate pa age of the reeolatioatrere U. Jame Brooke. J. "Porter I.lrawley, , W Minn A. MM . , 'emotion J. Coortioghasts, Thane 8 Fermin; Therms O. Fors,tk, lAA** Watley, Robert 31. Fria lieary'Valtes, John W. 0 uttnisey, Willem Rabat, Dan h op.. Toothy. leer, Jetties T. Jones, Lteeph Kowijameher, Ororyw, . V. Lswestew, Maanll McCadia ' &tryst. to Malone, Beryamhe Malaita, Theory A. BOMB:Meek, b. Packer, William a. Badly Davit &okay, Petri B. Barmy, Coond libtater,llabertart ., terrett s Dosed Stag. Farr4D. Merger, Jolts 11. Walker, and Vs Memo Beet. ripeaker-TrastL_. Those toting against the yahoo of the. vesshativot • wine, George Dona, Augustus Onto, and Aktiodet Mot- , Boys 3. (Ea Irma from the Journsi,) • BAM'L WJEARSON, Clerk. In To. noon or R awns, j trrieborg, March 11 155 Q s William Jerk: Chief Clerk of thw.Hatts of Repro. antaboo of Paintylrania, do hereby eertifykhat ths (op. toWJ mabliott INo. 10 Oa Om Smote Me, audlltoßll e dome Journal of the penal wstica) entitled "Ileso latioo misting to the amendment of Ma tomtituriatt."-it briag tits owe nualotioo which was Were to by majority of th e woottem elected ts melt Homo of Sost'Leghle. tord-aftsr having bees tiOy emastarred nod direaard oar this dryt week t by • majority of the members elected to sad enema in ths bloom of Reiresentafiver of Petterjl.: vaaia, at Ito prestot wad... will appear By Bahr Totes, jinn on the finsl yorsge of tharewlothet, a loßotn,,eir - Thom oaths 'Omar of the panne of thsresoldßoo wore . Jobs Mk, John Album, Wt Biota Baker, Reber{ Baltdolo, Davit J. Boot, Craig 'Biddle, Jeremiah Marko Joh A- Bo teen, William Brindle, Dotal IL ID Drawer, Jesett R. Borden, John Cam, Mary MBA, Jam N. Carseme. Stlveher trims Benjamin' O. David, WM=O J. Deb. Moe, James P Doom., Thomas Doom, Dme, %V Mime Frpey, John C. Team, Witham Dram, A. Beott Ableatoder Feather, James Flowers, Beryanain Fortner, Ale:soder °Abney, Thomse It Omer, it:Mph E. tariff. Jew& Garay, Jamb 6t llohlemort, - darts IL' Leffert !tart, Joha Havtiogt, John liodp, Mary Holder, Lewis IlerfordiVrsthfogtooj: Jocks.. lfmlmbia. Joe. John W' &Wpm, Clarke E. Kinkead, Robert 'pa; Cimino.? 'mini, Morrie Lomb, Awake. D. Lem, Amex Leoostd; James J.Loirisi Remy Little,Jonas IL APCliolockdolte P Altenoder C. Illrybeedy, lobo 111 1 Lithlilis, Jobs 11Plem Samuel Mara, Yoko B kivek, Miehall 8ie1..., lilts AI Mir, Joseph' C. Molloy, John D. Marra., Within T. Morino, Isekiel Mow, y, •EdentrdlTieklesos; /mob flinty, Chariot O'Neal . Soho El Tacker, Joseph C Poweh,•James C. Reid, John Wary, Lewie Roberts, Pommel Bahamas; Jolvo ford. °Blasi W. nog. C. Beadle; _Willi.. Bbodber, HkltoN Cows, Eli defer WllialeA. Smith; Daniel M. Bayne. wan.i If. Seeder,' Thomeso, Stool,' David Atm.& Chaeltilltstrkerell, 53. win C. Trace, Andrew Wad.. Robert C:4171014,, Thom., Watson &dewy B. Weis A. , .Wiillime,',Etwhel , Zed:my:mid Jobs 8. M'Calmont, Speaker-Tess Those voting assiott jausgeof the resolatioawsw, Augustus K. Contra, Dmid sm. and /shoo Tertar7 Nice 3. (Kohut from Ms intuit) WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. . Filed lamb 15 moo. A. W. BEINKDICT, Dep.ll.l fCammwwul6 ' " Bacarrat.i Olnot. Pr. LLLLL on: I do entity dud the slaty and romping Is• erode:id cornet not, of dm nolo inal ranolatioo of Um anoint Ai; noddy, ent.Und , Reulatioo rolatln to on ansindennotor deiConstlettion,ll ma the same mama on Sl* En this olena:' on.. lo Woman Ts tweet .1 tows looloode annoy ih hand, and sawed to boalllond the otalonba %Ira , taut* Oaks, at Hortialtury, .filletoth - day, of . Jodi, Anon Moho o thousand O&M hondrod nod My: , -- A. 1.. RUII nm NEl,L,Soordan7 clew COoloothradlln' }eltdlneamtd SZTU& ITAXILV /LOUR:' F fttl=l" - `4l;%%°;egs:it, - ,: . .p. I I t' r . grr r the reception% of ' orders of the rellowl_ gn ti JAR Floyd. corner I Sixth and Wood eireeti? X X tread. mom, PIT- blukel etc. A. Beelen, store, Third street. L WVileoz,lin. dentgleyeorlPetHl BntithGlild. Job, .814lin.enote,cornecHire Tetetrabh 01/16e, Fourth itmet. H 0 primer: InfUlmeLeeenif erMineetiffer Id Gm& inare,Peluk greet, Ninth Went • - • The floor weglone twice or deli foe °edam, azid4wiserilk.dellierre4ploniptly, either In bends ores nhe,,. Judi gmtr itpiefetnblepr NOY, test—nrlthoet blitipn MI( taxmen_ It plain that no atoonnurein allowed, end - drat- drivers bane. no_p_erffiatlon to leave finer without peyment. We hope the will ho rewind wrltlr at , eingnment, navy shall endeam to do thew Waken' ma SO . -WILVARTH JeNOVILIC • Marsapartlla - Soda'&l4ittoisifilyttip.;;. Nikes& Barearilla Sods; • ' !ibexes Lanon eyenponadis Ono pure leanest Ad* Jon ItHewl/0 004 tot cols .I • XX.,len gigigialKal, ;; i• 1, +1 -xvin. Ism; VOL. EDICA - L. .zahawrio,t: • S.'. VNOIV all •If *Bo am 04 ad sothood moulded bladder and t0g..., w o k * wo o , pains ko back orildtba,Utriolkw p. m .; alcerartottbat I k k re . ." o4 vatl rb mktorthi ll V weleam! You may talk about lta w o o . mock as you plug* bat ills does... keit soi we proclaim w Ilte moo Um bonen ... town ow It has tritium tallith are not contalnee woo . remedy,. The mulatto la racked... Vida to boto-z,.i ring from disease; eart for 54 ectMalledltou uy of the Ills enumerated *bore. : my Dols to make 414... or Th 4 Yuman:a h . z,-. • Um master hand at nature, and babbles up from ttetba actin of our mother eanklat its 'decal • gorily, and et, WI to exacting balUtliti 111 414trualoan , u`surtalw, and cha eared peau' ' It has Mu allu'Otblki*edletttik bake !ailed to reader any tulle. It Itakenro Etteantatlato along atamilng, and of the wont widetkist pall:dutchman. ft has mud Cholera kladars - by one or twt/ doses' It bus eared old cues Or Diarrhea, la Which livery Other .KetOetlyj d ita op t : t o tL e t ...Weal • remedy in ' ssd or °1 "..4 OW*. Whetter r ooir at . rt will much& rl ' attutor foamed feet, hi few implication.; undoubt ed • mattmony can be tarniabodOlUe troth contained ,lathe aborts moment by_callingoatiameel bl,.Xlor a . Canal DUD); 1111 ithreitl or eiticroftlikagenta: racpewbltt eernet Or Wood tweet and s'"' A-El- llar.ASTlrlt Is onlversallyboneeded that beal7 la Steen eornmoa In duo Coun l l7,taltn Is any other, wltilept the same time it b said that Iry soother coin try lab last at yoant•ati ate. Now this La true to a brutain extent, not the louts often caused by on - elect.We say to all, do not negieet your personal aphenianee, but read. th e lolloming, and. yen need not laolraood looks..Tbese. article. : are setentibe prer Pinutens, and ban all attlinetin hittipoputanty. lout, ILatratja lslp DIM/. :tag Yvon. Ann Nano Soar for teistoving tan, ettnhtsrm PUmge•ibiotoboa, and gator , e rapt tans at the ektru.tho moot loam eon. mater or beauty every known. ,Puiehaan =eking parportine to he Nymph Soip, has oty name attaehtd. . - : • • . 'Jazaza pniukow calm g na - Ding to the rim.W bilious' complexion , a radiant Veneta In nothing shistad a person tne more care ful than the nee of a gewder,fte,the sane, as many hi those cold are very ituntiorm.,_ 71 I 7 Clunem Powder I. Citamotinded in a scientific manner, and smamina am Ingredient which eanyoesiblynifiiet art injury.' 'JetYa lienn's ORPILATOIi Pawn, for tewo yma euperfletons hair. 'Vhai In. Mara linkif OP& upon the face or atOl• of s lady. The article Will 'remove it in a short time, withgmt the nee of any .harp inatmatera Join, '7/retreats CM1:11).. /UM DU Win lestantantonety. impact, to veil, white,at any hansom, . peintirtillyhteek; b lo t s, or eationt' Color. II will order the hair in a shorter Omni end mote efketailly Mau any other Dye, beam an Ma YAM time JcLes Ilaresss Stump Calmer.—llia Featly age*, ~. lati=nlailanilWthia cream. There to nene Of th e am sensation aruagy' the use of moot Snaps. On the ;time:argot kavell the skin smooth. ayy , fullaPe," and' not liable to Invent:, PLare.4:xi to thtiitelt a mothink thereetherare intended se the greatemorna. meet to tuo henna face; but when nsoleeted,stathl 9 rO'disfiguringi'orstiquieetY seen. • foie Ne TootG Pane will impart to the teethe pearly orhhenese, at • the'mur,e time keeping the gums firm and healthy. Alen ma Itmed, A-complete eau:mei:cleft! et Plena, • F'iU°'‘3-dJUAL%-111.1411,'"'Pl;Tu conk r mer arlrJee=' .I*Chetalltell MOM. Phila. Pointe wholesale end retail, byj B. A. Fahnestoek a. Co., and .1412.11.elletsi - Palsbunrhp and John Sas. gem,and J. Mitchell. Allegheny. City, Pa.. jge--Ma . Mannar too sterna, a, or Stars hWttiltherunatbar,Obstleatis Cwt. atom Eruptions, Pimples or Pustule. the Face, ,Blutehes Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, Sng Worm Sr TenelyStald. 'lead, ..11ilahrement and Palaof Bones, sad Johns, StabboM Ulcers, Syphiltin Bp:Otters, Etelatiee or Lanibego,--and diseases arlstog hoot as iniadiciona ass of Mercury, MI . Rumor Draixy ',- AlsorCLronie ,_LrOorrue• • or Imprudence in Lifm Constitutional Iltsordera-de. Thla Medicine has, ¢red a eery attended and eiMlSlithed repetition whereVer it. has been •itsed, bawd entirely eel its awn merle, which' its wineries, effieuy bas alone !attained. • The mfortneate victim of hereddarrditeue, with tainllen glands, contracted Mimes, and-bocce. half rations, bee 'been teetered or health and vigor. The moralitiess patient, covered• with sleets, loathsemOso blintblf and his %Madams,. has bees and* whole. Rendre& cf persons,who I hod groaned hopelessly for years under entelleOlt• nod glandular disordera, dabble rheumatism, and many other complaints springing lam a derangement of the seoretive climes nod the circulation, have been tamed as It were wont the rani of d i sease, end stow, With regenerated constitution, gladly tesitlY to the deem, of this inettiniable preparation. ..: “TRYTIf IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.o. , Tteattenuon of the reader ill called to the foilerwing liking dare iffented by the use of Sands , Same , oThis la to cora, the , . I have it colored woman who. Imebeten,aftleted for the last dee years with &refills, and ell the remedies Lased tine no Meet in arresting the.progresa ef.thaeomplaint; on th e roman, she eisamareb , grewwordel and after expending between am and IRYO wnhlphyatuae F bends,. sing other ticiptiler remedies without muccess.sill she diftwattad eaten away - the. cartilage or - her nose, made its spa s pearenteentearimm pens of bet hodyond had goody easemeneed its ravages In the (bet orlset Mental. la this' dictated Hiltuatinis.' with thei pre , ipeet o death stating her in:the lane, Cleated her ems to Dr lbeititway, the eggs[ for Sataterbirtspentl• to New ham, . by w , 4 twaeadeisedlo nee that ankle and to my surprite and that of toy neighbors, to Who= het else tau known,' unit using four and a halt bet. treashe waarestoredge penfeereetflth, and that la the pate. of three, weettionnt .wsa. able he work M two weeks (milli., time ao coutinenced titling ft. ni the irsith !of thta statealm, t tome herelleteeillx!ol my name. this ilrityrAzl September, 1547.• - -JOSEPH WC Y. P., ' !!Month AN Name River, Craven en. N. c. SORE THROAT. .Tim followhigia an extract them t letter reeelied from al rElloyan_tanet had been eilletedseveratymara WithSerefulons Ulcers, Dyspepsia, itu,suitt rnannsti as Miamian of thattaberandebeiti— • • • . . . . nilassusenemVa., Dee. 13,1845. A. D. k : 11. Serna—Berore I emum eu eed -114 ineTcdr'. 3 . 4 ..Phrinar AMY allabrings were almost' - pitstmapressiont llama ma, completely ulcerated, „, had, a dreadful obMh; and there were frequently weekttogether that I reabillot %pear above a whhs. • per; and besides, the isifiammignri from my times; ez teadedlo Par htadiiii thitniyhearing Wes very much ilanaired. , Alice latithmtbdAanwrilia ashen thee, my healdi wasilmtoved, and my throallajtow . I eines free Poin emighind lightness of the chest as i .ever I was., endiesta, hear finite distinctly. hly throats has been Well about three month., the cure of which .banbeen effected entirely by the use of your Stein. F ' Tom Wendy, I.oli/IdA IL imyAl 'The following testimonial to the value of the Sarni. , multi% is Irani the gem LhdterWrighloged 781 mars, ' pcmfregatiaaal Elinteter, residing at Mahar, "Weautma.lus, March 80, UM/. !Wessrat. Wein thimleaum—Prom what' have et: Ywiienced, and from She informuloo I have rreeeuy weaved Aroura Caliberar 'persona of hlfl respect.. ,biltrywhot have used ear Sersapatille, 11.. nor'! .the least doubt. et Max is ls most valuablemodlelne,.. I Ind that the rarmerout• Ton kart totel•cd of It. dacha/aro any fltSllkilltd by expel...head . although it. repletion and utili[ty are very este:Wye, and mend In noimed if my hercbte errant! to Mertes. them, meniMilmefar see afflicted by ;disease so be. come sequainted with the Madder and power if „your _ • callable suedlefee. • • • mai IlenlieMenc tratafally ems very rftpeethilly I Yonm... LUTHER WAIUUT” Prepared mid col s ,-Wkolestdei ...tell. by A. U. di and Chemists, itIO Fulton street, I comer af New York. Sold alto by Dreg. , gins gene y throughout the United States aruf Lha eda.,Prlce 1111.rwr beide; Mx bottles fetid. . _ Foraale t• WILCOX, Jr A. PAHNESTOZE , LCO., - aorINDWARDIFENDERIOWFiItabankt.' he.Ll77, 1NE1N.:44..tur....,hip95-aiod!kmesi 1".7.41-11411"4"ehri.4. ilileFilliCal''Dbeiallow°7,l4l:l:l:74LLEY::::',.-'."; r;'.. , e - .... • . ' regul P telytireatyl Wir trit t e lbr tned b"m leal ! ' 4, , ••4 1 !,:- rdokeviost,end teen Cot Some time' „ ~' I.', ', .s \ il i ni t f e ll Prittint. rat CROAT! : ' 4 % 'Vie '' • Mom :.pnv:ie•!ao t d, e de,l= 7 ,l,,,,, . , 4.,plaints to: which bin apperventues ~ and experience Oh aliaely qualify ' • - ~ ~ rd ji1m.,14 years aseldnonsty devoted' -' id iladxtrtmeat o( those complainisAdatitiqamm, S Mail," tad mere riaitled and his euted tune pa. tentathea .etelf (*Ale the lot of ear private vote.: , thleeeltr.yhply ;typifies hies to .See unnerves of .. or4 l l.s4flenekh'end ai tig il acteer .dimm elre= s edri= • Dv. greerh Sioald interim ilea drlldeend- with privets disessebvitiehhava.beeeine entente br time or sr • ri u ti o lle , l4=argl s i c tl . d o w r ouj i olegs=res th. l, , , IkeelitOdi he having even hi. careful 0110.1114011 10 Ike treatment otsneh elms, end saceeeded In hundreds , 0 * tn"llee4 io fleeing parsons of hinsysontion of the Sink of Aka bladders and kindred/. dlstasee erblehoftek , reedlifeom these risen *here 'others have ceneltned then hopeless &Vide, de Perdelel_,..,_ = , ......„Y.A . b fi r 0 :::1' as have been lonfrelVi tllffeerMille i f f.l . ',;;Th t,,,,,, i 1 ;:or, " 1111.1 . ' when mg he a eererer,tao . off:. IntadAte Lamer, pointed. as DT, • lenCe. ~ coo , sulr,and isvestleadon,srldebille, dere si tMei t tl y t:: ~.. 001011ted Int; peeve rip:satins or toson ens desist &Zell/. [[teem. ova Dv Brovep .110 urriso per;. onstufaleted stair= deal SO ttlitpliblpritin .',.C4N.CEK 9 alw .str d. ut ... 2, , F , rdst'ft•ft:,l4 o •4 lll 7 n , ftd i p.m v.iy to*. : -, • , . 1 ~..;.. , st. a.--imEnaftot.lot h r ,ftft i"vaig ft. • distance, by,,,,, V a ti ft e 'hair illsauss fer.vevitutri riving all thee gym. teeny evusebtals asedlelaes wg,is directly. 10, ... ,. 6,.i addISWAt r 81 °W ri f *: D. , p!ftP, l4 o,!lnli mice: i• Vice lON 111 l Daillehnlallir o PPOSltelhe Waverly:. ea.., , ' ~_,, ...,. Ilexenesvierlilheerninvefl7 dneeeVeVisd , reelni.i , ti t brlellellhell.liqff a getlir And pestaist remedy t oe l, • o gr4eAt i z te lnelregt r s iujoin; . 00 ” 1 , 1 F# l o lll / 1 h 0 , -...f", .illoaterivedvrars. , sf, ',grillsto 4 tit plii ~-, ~,' , ..i , , , :;I,%iiivi - ,: t o . „-.4.4. ~,,,,,,..:•,, 1.,...,...1 ..,.. .41..4,, :... 1 :