The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 24, 1850, Image 2

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    THE rITTSBIT 011 'HYR49I.F:
PUBLISHEt, at .VEll rk. a LX)
11:rAincirgthoog ere gone-oil
their favors hQatyi 5 r. ft, had:.. inthid ""
peactielble. 'Adrorthaethentr hot inserted fora ore,
Lod tir*rarill luranably t, etweed until ordered oat
IVIII Pautaa is Agent for this paper at hi.
evert' higencie. in ilea, Sort. Plall t adelphia, and
Dolton knit entharized to reoeiro sob.cription.
Boston, •
llnfuhrtruta Neent Annuehat—Advernw
memu stbotriptions te the Nowa. Amerieen and
United fiahnua, YhitadelplOe,recelved Ind for
warded .wthje &Lee.
OD. • • =rota /ZOO itaCtiLL LIST —Subscriptions
for WI va.gble rer, will received and forward
.d ß f ar. ' rr:IVA I' w% am—gee advertise .
guenislbr this paper receired and forwarded free of
charge . film this office.
I' . .CiacCl:trrl DA.R., from rra—Advertlreenents
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PDX NMI I. ettilt WI.. ' •
. , , Backe co ony.
.Olt /MOM.. NI N mt,
`'. li F.N 9 IN ±te V .1) Ell ,
.: •vt* Kt," It, ......URAL.
JO 86!' Ii I, ....ttilltlON,
- 4.111V,•,,,.1011C0unty.
/Matt nsi Wls I g Nomination, t •
ALL.sheni County.
ma. relit asco. co, cans,
saOlllA9 11. UOWE,
2011121122 2101102, nnan nun C 011611,12,
02 2111221011.
T. J. MOHAN, Lower St Clair.
R. C. WALKER, Entabett.
JAMES-MEE. Somwgeo.
EF.ENSZER novr i ai, North Fayette.
NM FLYNN, Lower St.;Clmir
corn! 00111. Ton,
.Ipeakleg of tba C<IIII2S of the Fine Ward, Al
legheny, we itiadaertectly 'From Fuarth Ward.—
The reader well male the eorreetign
To raiNSW Your. Peuiso ni Pus, --
Out riven are now in a good ruge jur navigatioo,
and from the lateness of the aeasori l ? and the Ire.
quent abowem, there Is cart) , rearrise to expect a
cut/nuance of L good
et age of water throughout
%ha (all. This has been a very remirkahlo season;
the navigation never being hindered for a day. The
Eutero Preis will confer a favor poilt many of
their readers by boticiocthis matter.
Great Erneliantest In the EitabHalted
Our modem have men frequent., otkes in our
foreign extracts, of what,. it called( de Gorham
Ciao, which '.1.15 violeroly agitatiag \ , the' English
Church, tiut fow of them ILIO pro aware of the
satinet merimof the question. We ayail ouraelver
with .pleasure, of the opport silty to presentthem
with a vary iotaigitolc and enceiget account of
rho ditgealtg,, Which we find in the Now rod
Currie Eaguirer:
The great Itticah tin Case," as it is usually term
ad, is daily engligirg more and more medic: alien
lion in England : : It has ex cited diep and wide
spread aphelion, and threatens very serious eon
SeqUenewi 'to the Couich E.ioldishment . A
ornutiderable :motion of the National Church,
eminent tier their learning, their piety and their
energy, are now taking muck the - mule noun=
destine the governme 4; that the 6re hundred pro
testing clergy of the Part- of Scotland occupied in
1812,before their accession. •I An event oleo touch
troponarieb, both its poldieal and "rellgove bear-
Ingo i ong ht nottobe ink sic no:lcel.-of coarse it does
not become as teen press soy opinion to regard to
the mentinf the ccontroveray, but we will give a
Very lute( sketch of the bintory of the case.
The Rev." George C. Gorham. a cieramou 01
high stmiding, who had ministered in the diocese
of Exeter for neatly th r.y years, not long since
leaned a svorkentitled the" Effiearynjßaptiam."
in which he toot very strong gremodo w eitinst the '
doctrine of the, Church commonly kin,. as that of I
Baptismal Regeneration. His views, 1 course.
• mat the disapprobalion of the Bishop of Exeter,
who has long been distiegnished far his great nest
.in vindicating libgb.ChUrch principles. Mr. Gor
ham was presented by the Crown with the vicar—
age of„BranafJed Speke. The Bishop, after •
personal examination orate candidate, refoaed to
indent him, on the ground that his belief In the
docarioal point above envied tn. was not that or
the Church oh England. ht, Gsrharn carried hts
anon loan Court i• h, the hiP , est eLekaws-
LiCaltrtbaual In the tingles, tad, ales a very shle
arignment. It was deckled to fever of the 13 shop.
'.Not disheartened, the criedhlato appealed to the
Jodie's] Committee cf the Privy Con ii•til. Thu
tribunal, after moon eon-tee...a cud with th.-
concurrence of the two Archbithops of the realm.
reversed the former decision. The Bishop „was
thereopijn served with an order from the Arch
bishop of Caiterbuiy to Induct the candidate. Thi.
he declined to dorm the ground that the queetion
• was • palely eceleliaatteal one and that the Privy
Council bad no jurisdiction in the Case. lie ap
plied to mho Court o f Common Pleas for a rale of
prohibition against the judgment. Thin applica
ttoo all long argument was dismissed. - The
Bishop continued to try one legal expedient after
another,lbut all In vain. The judgment of the
Council rood grin. BOt though vanquished.
Healy of Exeter was not anbined. He has Only
• refused to Invest Mr. Gorham with his benefice,
and stoutly protests against the Arehbwhop's em•
*ling Ma high commission to perform the act,
. declaring that he will not hold communion with
any &poultry, however high, who shall be guilty of
adherence! a procedure. The Bishop is not a man
to flinch from his purpose. The daring and torn
e hese signally displayed 'in the prosecution
a d imprisonment of the Rev. James Shore, for
• ding from the Eitablithment, will not desert
hint now. He will deknd•what he considers the
• Inalienable preregativi• of the Caurea to the last
•. extremity. And on the other hand the Archbishop
has pledged himself too deeply to:retract. Sup
ported-by the demotions of all the cavil tribunals,
be will, undoubtedly, in dna time, p-occed to the
cairns of Mr. C Gorham lnto the benefice of
i 5.03
cdSpelte. ' The clergy of the Establishment
fast arraying themselves on one aide or the
A great meeting, to favor attic, Bishop of Ex.
gm, !most been held in Loudon, attended by
More than two thousand persoes. To give the
er Importance sad solemnity to the oecation,
th meeting wan preceded by the celebration of
th Communion In several of the principal city
e archer. Amongst the speakers an the platform
the Bishop et Both and Well.. Archdeacon
ilberforce, Aschdeacon Thorpe, Rev. Dr. Pos
t ' , Earl - Nelson Lord John Manners, dgc. The
.: gunge of, all the speakers, though decorous
marked with greet earnestness. The inter.
1 nee o the emit tribunals in the- earn of Mr.
0 am woe condemned as an act tette greatest
' In Once and indignity' to the Church, and a loud
mend mu; mane for the restoration of the an.
Synod, and the adjediuslon of spiritual mo
b, Ersoleglasucal Courts exclusively Contd..
le was said by different speaker!, about re
' .if necessary.. State endownments - and
thdrawing.from so establishment that had to
atibmlt to such usurpation. A protest sealant
the laduction of Mr. Gorham was unanimously
Alopted, and also an address to tits Archbishop
a wing that with God's help they would never
deice in th e decision of the Privy Commit
petition to the Queen appealing to the awe
arta, resolutions pledging themnelves to vied,.
the ancient rights of the church and an •d
-drew of thanks to the Bishops to Scented for their
agtopethy and en-operation were likewise adopt
ed. hider' by the spirit of the Mahon of Exeter
and by the spint of these his supporters, the con
troversy will surely he momentous. and may per
haps shake the. Establishment to us very (panda-
What is tinned the Evangelical portion of the
Egli Church. is &together opposed to the pro.
s weeding' tithe Bishop of Exeter, to the Gorham
case; bet It is a lode singular that the Energeti
csl party in the Ptunien Church, at their late
Annual Conference voted an address of - congus.
elation and rapport to the Bishop is Exeter for
thew same proceeding. The anomaly we sop
mie is explained by the feet /bet in ?mods the
Church la most grievously eubject to the central
Mute State, and, naturally sympathises with any
afoot made by the Cherch of England to maintain
an Judependent authority. It is in no condition
Intone take a mend against the Government to
keine because, having so slight a hold upon the
support of the people, at confiders the public en
dowments absolutely requsite to its welfare if
not to Its very existence. Yet it can consistently
applaud' an ethlesbisucal demonstration against
the eivitigwer ins bett er favored land.
' • 'rue Mansura, rat t ENALAND.—Mr. Mackay, o r
England, who his !nixed hatch with the Mormons
in Liverpool, boo Publiah L lcaL in the London Morn
, - i n . Chioltiolo, a full animal,. of the sect, many of
i wham acdry emigrate. to this country. Hu
111112 they you ,.*fan emigration fund of three and
, a half torts of Callfon*s gold.:.
• It appear" that the Mormon emigration from
Eugtoad fcg the last ten yearn, has Amounted lc
Deady 14000, and that, .during the past yew, A
IMICIAA WlClO.L.cooisting' clstedy of formers and
.. ni echnides,pf a suraior . Cillth f tßin Lan cash ire,
TorkshiricWaleic ilia ifiti7r;iiithern paws pf Sew
'.. land. ~T eti, growth pi biatarja'n‘on, ii r ,,z,7,.
- . Macirty, "rapid as it urns, is not to ; he °compared
.'. . withltas rue and growth of hioratouism." Mr.
Marbly LI ItodorWirat. mialaketh
1 7F91r
'cotewibleiettorthirauslaigh Gann.
' Wssirmerott, Augustlth, lslo .
/ ate well nigh wow aoin and wearied oat,
which in my apology far the frretrolioilY °ft/gm ''' .
respondence for some weeks past, as well au for
iii."Werit of pith and vigour. I did not unite
Yesleiday, not became there Was not quite sat •
dent material for a letter, but because my fingers
refused their °Mee, and my held reeled soft the
broils were too rine!' for Mu hollow of the Minis
tun, in which nature has deposited:lt.
The Stale of affairs here in sufficiently perplex.
ley and discorraging . te turn wiser.keads , thmt
claim to PoOtt 000 :. i.liOrejoi of
through the Metric' that veils the, kture quip:um
eyes. All effort was ottidelosiliszipire tbettoPlidid
log clouds to dry, bee AD DO OtherPitypese . thin to
prose that the gloom Is yet too thick t° be penetra•
ted—lonotions wens mailer by W. 1. Brown, and
W. /karma, of Massitchasetts, so make the Sens
ate hills for the admission of California, the organ'
'ration of governments for the territories, and the
— settlement of the Texan boundary, the order of
the day harp morrow,and until disposed of. They
both failed because they proposed to give to other
memures precedence over Californit, which
the friendrof tho latter would not consent to.
It is likely to be true, as the Washington Union
charges, that the President and Cabinet are 'Mora'
Me to immediate adlreirtive action on the Calibre
nia admission, and the Texan boundary bill, with.
out reference to those for the organization of ter
ritorial governments. The two tiro bills can be
passed at this session. and they ought to be. Thu
two latter cannot be, because they cannot be_got
through the House without the proviso. That is
a fined and well known fact. Gen. Taylor der
reveled that onnteet at the beglntag of WO bug
and exciting session, how much more should Mr.
Fillmote decline to enter upon the same egitanon
at the close of It. It Is tree then, as the al.
netts, that the adminirmation is opposed to making
the bills concerning Utah and New Meareo,• tub
ject of contention, while it is deeply' eonaona
that. Mr. Pearce's Bill, and the California Mihail
Bat whether either will p.m is doubtful. It is
believed while I write that the Texan boundary
bill will be defeated. - It finds no favour among
the Northern opponents of the Compromise bill,
because it gives Texas much mere land than that
bill did. The Civil and Diplomatic bill, now un
der cciasiderilion, will probably be paned at the
close of Illednesday'a sitting, and it will then be
a question whether army and navy hills, or the
boundary bill shall be taken up. If TeX.. <Frit's
iv, the bid will be passed or rejected on Thursday
morning without debate. If it passes. Calhors
aim may be looked for about the end of next
week; if it tall, no man can predict the result It
would be foolishness to doubt that Texas is pre.
paring for violent measures. She is raising troops
and doles her bed to arm and organize them the
020 inVaZital of Mexico. What is for the worst fee
, tyre In the case, it ta known that the extreme pro
slavery party in the other Southern States are orb'
log Texas fonzrard to overt acts of treason. by
double promises of aid in money and means,
and thatttity will paralyze the arm of the Na.
I firmatilivernment while the contest shall last.—
We know that a marauding expedition to now 15
process of organization. I cannot perceive how
It is possible that the resource. or promisee of Tex
as cart be made available for fining not an expo•
dition of more thou a thousand. or twelve hon.
dred men, without artillery. With a regular train
or commissariat, Moss might be crushed goo pow•
der by one banallion of Col. Monroe'. disciplined
and well provided regulate. Bel bloodshed most
be avoided. Toe prestige of peaceable and vol.
pointy submi'ssion to the laws moat not be broken.
What are a few millions of dollars (or such an oh
:eel i William Penn made a treaty with an In
diaa Tribe fit a session of lamb. The cloth, and
axes, hatchets, knives, and beads were disgraces -
need and iodated out to them, when the chief said
uo pay was too little for the laud and mimed to
perfect the bargain. The King's Glazers would
have down so arms and compelled a literal fulfill•
meat of the bargain. but Penn stilled their char.
ours, and asked the Red man s how much more
they demacded, and promptly gave more than
was naked. He turned to his folkover• and said,
efriends, the increased price which I have paid for
these lands has satisfied out brethren and neigh.
bore, and has cost me and yen, leas than the Whits
hey which the soldiers iirouli have drank, who
would have been required So subdue them with
fire and ',Word. Thalami Penn's Policy a hen.
Tired and !went) years ago. It should be oars
It should be oars, bat as I said above, all is
eotifirsa, oacertitici. Patriots are seeking
p ,211h1, srtiat,..anta, fanatics mad traitors, aft
p canna dzeuaio6, Clad war, and year. o' Crime.
dieorder;leti ealauial; I cannot tell wt,ieh will t.ri
WAsuria . rox, Aug. 20.
I anderstand that several nominations of no lit
tle Importance, still pending before the Senate,
have. been within a few days withdrawn, aadtha
some others are likely to be. Other., which hay
been confirmed by the Senate, have been super
ceded by new appointments. Among the latter i
she case of the, Marshal of Western Pennsylvania
Alcrander Irvin. It is stated that a brother
of Gen. tnvin his been nominated in bin place, and
will doubtless be confirmed. lam aware of the
TegatiOna upon which Mc appointment of a ma
ceased to Gem Imo has been tbought necessary,
but it is not requisite m stets them. It Is supposed
that tome of the ahsistanM employed by the late
fdarshal.mill be discontiened.
Anderson, Chief Clerk of the War Deputmen
elderlZr r. Crawford, and who flamed ao mond
nonsly In the Oalphin gad other [discreditable af.
fans out of c :e, ham been removed by Mr. Con.
rad. It: was indeed the mitiatory act of the now
Secretary of War.
It would appear as if we were to have stirring
Theretime.. can be no avoiding thee; ff some of
the more intemperate of our Southern brethren are
to be credited. They are now thoroughly tee:dyed,
they say, upon thirty six, thirty or fight.• Well,
they may have the , opportunity to test their valet
mad prowess, though I continue to hope that the
only reward or famishment of their swelling gas.
coutde will be the contempt into which all such
persona fall Immediately after a settlement of MI
fereoces shall have been attained upon a peaceful
and enduring baste- The Om, however, we are
daily informed through the press, and by word of
moult., to already digested and In fair :progress
toward a denanement of civil commotiod and
bloodshed. Tex. hem commenced the deiying
war against iho government of the Union. Sb.
is to be joined immediately after the opening of
the euthalgo, by eight or ten States, Snub Caro.
fins, the mother of treason, leading the van. The
plan is to have for objects, first, the securing to
Texas all her claimed territory up to latitude 4
second, the complete disconnection of Cali.
fornta from the northern free States, by this inter.
position of slave territory and hostile possession ;
the extension of slavery by force of arms and con
quest, over all the regions acquired from Mexico ;
and, ludy, thd establishment of an independent
Socithern milltary and slave power of some sort,
either a con fe deracy of States or on absolute eon.
sithdated despotism. Sorb is a not too highly
colored sketch of the scheme which may be Bath.
et,d from the 'daily editorials la the sectional and
f action n 1 print, the Southem,Prevs, and from a stray
ankle or two, lately appearing in the Union, shad
owing :forth disunion with remarkable distinct.
'Plat the ad xtinitratioo, too, bave an inktingof
serious twentione, teems to be Indicated by the
movement of troops directed upon Santa Fe.—
Probably before the wittier eels in Col. Monroe
of I have under his command' not less than sigh.
teen hundred men, of all arms, well equipped and
provided,' and of the most efficient character. The
recent movement of dragoons, artillery, sod in'
fanu7, westward, from the neighborhood of St•
Louis have attracted great attention to that rpary
lei, and their dextiumion Is admitted to bo Santa
Fe. In case Of an invasion of New Mexico, the
President will hove no abernative, bat must meat
cantata for its defence all the disposable fames o
the Ueited States army, End to that end it moo
be presumed that, if Texas actually proneeds t•
arm, as from the Information me have she seems
to be doing, the next movement ordered will be
the whole tome on the lower AM Grande, placed
them far too protection of the inhabitants, meanie
Fe, and the neighboring districts in moo imminent
danger: In-that ease. amhority will no donto be
given to raise Millais' csmpanbui at the expen.o of
t . ps disia'Staier, for the odic lent protection of the
tower hive' texlements against the inuauding
Indians, until. the .return of their regular de.
• •
There ism political noini here of importance.
Gangrene stud. in eau goo, doing substantially
nothing. The Senate might ho eMpleTing itself
wokOLG. itriegittz 16, ,%ppr-vdiiitYntilill.Tal•
reidy . ent.i 1.47 Fir. olwhirk It is
dawdling swiy . its - linze wilt the Fagitire Slave
Bill..grtich dust lieteted upon by the Reim et
Correspondence of the Pittsbergh Gazette.
New Your, Aug. 20, IEZO.
Bogota mks the hoer et pelmet; and, with-
rare extreptiouß,Euetehadls Oa as actively engaged
ouutcl be cloaked. • POul Crenate, hue returned,
and, Instead of ling dam we have the braciog at
moirphro of er..lbbolicnablfmg people to anticipate
bosforiii. Tge . notithor of merchants who want
aria ',their mires and families, this ts be
lona all preeedent, and, in the shunts of the le
diet ocNew York, Oka, streets wear an unusual
air otAalety, from the. presence of the dames of
every State in . the Union.
Oar neighbors at Brooklyn are now erecting
buildings, upon the site of the great fire, that may
Well be tailed novelties. They are to be situated
under the heights, perpendicular elevation of
seventy feet) and made as strong as granite and
iron can be, combined. When completed the gar
dens of the elegant residences upon the heights
are to be extended over them, theta using the roofs
of warehouses, containing the varied products of
commerce, for gardens for merchants. There has
been commenced at Brooklyn a cotton factory two
hundred feet lout:, upoi: which the tide Bowed
fear weeks ego. In all parts of New 'lark it look
to a stranger, es thoogh there wasat buildlog fe •
upon our population, but, in the Ikea of thia act' •
rents were never w high, or tenements
The effort. to-recover the statue of John C
Calhoun. from the wreck of the Elilabekts.
prove suocesstal. It has been found, and is said
to be in perfect order, and can be raised with lit.
de trouble. A party of men have gone down with
Captain Taylor's submarine armor, for the purpose
of slinging It properly, before attempting to ban It
A very extensive awindle has been discovered
upon Messrs. Rowland S. Aspinwall. Within a
few days drafts to • very large amount have
been presented them, for pavlova, purportirg to
be drawn by Capt. P.; IL French, commander of
an expedition to Califents, which left here over•
land lam spring. These drafts have Leen negotiat
ed throughout Texas, to a large amount, and are
a wholesale swindle, LI Meson. 11. & A. utterly
repudiate any connexion with Mr. French, and
are entirely ignorant of a letter at credit anon
which some scamp has mode inch a fortune.
One of the Most important misrtortary enterpris
es of the age to aro progressing under the ans.
plces of the Id. E. Chores, and Is nothing Ice.
than an attempt to rejuvenate and purify the mor
al Golgotha cf this great city, known as the
d Points," made under the auspices of the Ladles
Homy Idloalonary Snotty of the M. E. Church,
has been than far crewned with complete site.
ten. The Mission, under the energetic manage
ment of the Rev. Mr. Pease, has been folly catab-
Milted, and a number of n homes," at the earner of
Utile Water and Cruke Creels rented for a chap
el, work room,School rooms, Ike. it is proposed
to erect a See large chapel as soon as means eau
be secured, and a commodious work sh;p or all
who choose to attend and toll at honest labor, in
Preferean to pursuit:to course of vice. It O dc.
signed to have a tinging !School, to which oral In
struction, varied with tenons I. mode, shall be
taught to all who Can he induced to attend. There
were several hundred parsons at these meetings,
on Sunday, and hundreds that Gould not find seats
stood amend the doors.
The news by the Cunard Meaner of ;be 10th
we. posted on the bulletins this forenoon. bat sot
in time to he used on 'Change, consequently ma ,
bets are ea much affected, though the new. is
not decided enough to depress any oriole. The
Atlantic has beaten al! previous time to Livers
pool, and has made the run to ten day., eight
hours, and twenty minutes, from dock to dock.—
The John Bello here now hard In theo toms,
about summer psanwea,und say, with many &hat
lags of the head, that they home to catch our ship
out, some day next February They will, no
doubt, have an opportunity to me their notes in
all weather., if they eon keep near enough.
Roe. IL F. Bettor will pronounce a eulogy upon
Hoe. &los Wright, at Wait:ridge, Vt„, on the 21,h
inst.., at 3 o'eloch, P. M., when: the cap mono of
' the monument, to the deceased Senator, will be
laid by Geo. Wool. Ex President Van Entree
will witness the ceremonies, besides many other
distinguished friends of the deceased.
The COMM. market Is exneedingly firm and In
mos the seller—Middling Uplands are 121 G lilt;
gales this forenoon Or 600 bolts. Floor is firmer
Akan to day, with a good tome and eaten' ace
mood. and soles of 6COO Ills at St 37 to 150 fat
common to etrateht State: St Ci 4SI la old
mixed Western and ordinary State) St 31 GS t fit
for Michigan; and $5 LO to 5 ill Co old sad new
Genesee. 600 bris Southern sold at SS 25 9 5 31.
Wheat is in fair demand. 1300 bush old prima
Geneses, sold on privre terms, sod 3000 new In
dians( at 1013. Rye is firm at 61 965 r. Corn Is
firmer, with salmi of 19,000 babel* mixed, at 021
9 630, in Blip. C.
Political Information
[hared Slater Senate.
The terms of the following United Siete, Sena.
tors copies in March next, (1551-1
Dernorraisr Trivlrr.
Maine Hanibal Hamlin, ire elected.)
New York, D. S. Dickinson.
Indiana, Jesse D. Bright .
Virginia, James M. Mason
Pennsylvania,. Daniel Sturgeon.
Tennessee, If. L. Tummy.
M1136011f1. T, H .Beaton
Wisconsin, Henry Dodge.
Florida, David f...
Texas, Thomas L Rusk.
Michigan, Lewis Cass
.hllOl,Oll Davie.
Massachusetts, IL C. Winthrop is
Vermont, Samuel S Philips.
Simile Island, Albert C. Green.
Delaware, John Wales.
New Jersey, ' William L. Dayton.
Maryland, Twines 0. Pratt, (re elected.)
Ohio, Thomas Ewing.*
*Appointed by the Executive of the State, until
thane= meeting of the Legislature.
It is probable that the Whigs will gain a SOOOlOl .
10 MlOllOO4. 10 place of Kr. Benton. lie tee other
Stales to erect, the chances of Ims and coin lu each
pally, In the aggregate, are about balanced.
Conversional Elections.
The following States hold their elections for
members of the next Congress (the thirty second)
the present summer and ensuing fail. We give
the number of members to which each Slate is en*
tined, and their political division in the present
Auguit 5
Augunt 5 2
Seper 9 5
3 1
lier 7 5
o 7
14 7
S 11 8
Novem'r ti
South Carolina,
.. . .
Wizoonam, , " 3 1 1 1
Panaylmola, Oct'r 8 8 14 2
Now York, Novara', 5 1 32 1
New Jamey, " 5 1 4
Michigan, " 3 21
Mawachusetts,. " It 4
Delaware, " 12 —I
4 la the present Congress one vacancy.
The total number of members to be elected this
year, it will be observed, In 142, exclusive of the
member from Aikansas, about which we are not
certain, bat we do not observe any candidates for
Congress named in the Arkansas papers. This
will leave the number of members to lx elected
next year 91, including the two from California.
h is probable that the Whigs have gained the 5
representatives from Missouri, and may gain In Il
linois and some other States, but they will loose
largely in New York, as, if the llamicnip MO!,
they PM carry' 5 districts at least.
IN. , York Herald
OVIEILAL WALL4.,OI South Carolin•. has been
writing a personally Outlive letter to Gm. Hoos.
ton, of Texas, beau= the latter in a speech in the
Senate said that Calhoun and Wallace originated
the Nashville Conventlan The letter Is a biller
outpouring of personal Robson, which of course
will not bort Gent Houston, who is kindly noun.
galled to tenni° obaeuritv.
Tug etiolate To Boaaro.--Thri Buffalo Com
mercial Adverther furnishes the fotbwieg caulk
nation crap article which has beck published le
■ number of the papers, to the elect that the Der
partment of Stale had ranted penolmion to Dr
Thomas M. Foote, charge to Bogota. to return to
the U. Stole"
We troth:num, tbat Dr. Foote applied for tem
porary leave or ebsence, with permission to re
turn to this country, some ume !ocelot!' to the
death of General Taylor. The Admlnlotration
homing In contemplation some Important pedant
(bona with the Government of New Grenada,
larch it was desirable should be Immediately at
tended to leave was not granted. Abort the t tat
or Anidi pm:twos to oat oat to Alit to re
turn as soon no the particular busineu be which
he was engaged WWII be completed. Farther
than ttda wo ate not Mimed.
thim—Tlie 'Saluda Far
tory;nesr &lath Caridina, is operated
excitstively by blaeks,',excepting the overseersaud
superintendent, who are men of . grent experience
in manufacturing, from the North. Though at drat
much prejudiced against negro labor, their obser
vation has, if is raid, led them to acknowledge its
equal efficiency with that of white laborers, and, in
some respects, its superiority. A weaver from
Lowell, who has charge of lb. spinningdepartment
reports, that while there in full as much work done
by the blacks, they ore much sore attentive to the
condition: Of-their looms, and appear
, pleased with
the maniPelations which 'theya r m engaged.
Sack-statements have-been male before; but the
seibherii:fictories employ vrbibs Able. notwith
standing.: • •
tArtonixa MAYMOVI 'Cevit—The cave recently
disiovered:hear Madison, Wisconsin, is supposed
to extend under the greater part of Dove and
lowa counties An exploring party lately passed
five days in claming It. They passed over and
among large manes, which proved to be lead ore
of fine quality, spread over an extent of three
miles They found, also, fine copper ore, and
eleven pounds of native silver. Crystals, stelae
, tites, incrustations, des, were abundant, and wa•
'crane sod a lake, which was explored in a ca
ntle, and bond to be 31 feet deep.
TOS Ass, or rue TIUMITORY OF New Mee,
oar—lf the bill paned by the Senate a few days
sioee, goes through the House, will be not fax from
One hundred and filly thousand moue miles.—
The territory will be over three times as large as
the State of New York, which COCIOIhIII forty-six
thousand square miles. The area of Tears, if the
Seaside boundary bill tor that Suite paues the
House, will be about two hundred thousand square
males. The bill establishing the territorial goy.
emment for New Mexico, provides that she
shall be admitted art a State, with or without sta.
very, according as her conatitub on says at the Ilene
she applies for admiral°.
Tuv Mtuvaair Move:arts - Ili to TrAss.—The peo
ple of Teens continue much excited about the Roo
ts Fe affair, and seem determined to take armed
povesstun at once.. Gov. Bell has issued commis
sions for rho raising at troops to persons In almost
every county The following, from a letter of Col.
Thomas M. Likens to Governor Henderson, Is a
Open mm en
"I shrill, by 'drills of a commission which I hold
from Gov. Bell, enroll and organize a company of
one hundred men lot the Santa Fo expedition, on
the 47th tot Should ten or twelve clever (elluvre,
well mounted on moles, from your county, meet
rim on that day,lbey cumuli not he disupyoutted mu get.
ring situations—pie-cue let me kriow.
Anothar is to follows •
`•la übahenca to nn ceder from his Excellency
the Ouvernor, I am commosioned to enroll and or
wantre a full company 4 to number in the aggregate
100 then, lobo received and enrolled respectively
from certain comities, so that ell portions of the
State may participate inn military expedition to
Santa Fe, to support the rights of the State to the
disputed territory_
Therefore, imbue is hereby were to the citizens
of San Augustine county, that ten members wilt bit
, revel veil into the company, if they will meet me in
Shelby villeue Wednesday, the Shit day ol'July Intl ,
and giro me their num..
The company will ho required to °ouch for to
dosonatton by the Ist day of September nett. Thu,
tbn 17th of July,
Of Shelby "
A•the Indtans on the Texan Irondee continue to
be very troublesome, it to very probable that our
new and ewer State had better apply her Intluary
energise to that quarter.
Psorgason Wanrava's Faatu.y.—A paper was
circulated durirg the past wee► among the more
wealthy ciusens of Batton, to now the sum of
E~Oooor to be given to the wde and cluldren of
Prof,sror Webster, to provide for thew and place
then above want during hfe. Pu says the Mail,
and adds
The paper is headed by Mrs. George Parham,
mite of the murdered rest, with the nom of It:/00.
The aubacripttont have already nearly,,tlnotquite,
reached the oropoeed acommt.
Mr Aedreme, the jailer, nays that 11.. Webster,
In hi. opinion, will bold out firm to lon '
be has not eaten to heartily for some unde past—
Hai family .rued him list week, sod remained
with him tat° td o'clock. They are not aware of
the exact time Or !It cotton, but know the 11.7 . to
De fixed- Ao per.cas are otialripil to Tutu elm,
a `Opt ht• latotly, and Cittlllnetl 10, Ip.l/41111
By a private !calor, which we tlawe beta favor
ed wall, through a governs( et repren, we have
reeelved dates from Fort Laramie of July rah,
from welch we make t h e folloadag extract..
v The gold diggers have aildissppeared amongst
the Blark Hilts, with the r xcepttoo of aim and
then one who makes hie appearance, looking an
if he way lost, or nth, • to he too Isle to
tea. The M.Jraloas are hour push , e4 It'Oeg—one
boodre.l r.q 11.1 havihe p..e C t. .I.y. rte..
seta be ahtat eight hoodrrd sad br o r Mention
wagon, Chit grill go out tuivaoaroo to the valiey of
the Salt Lwte. They and average about Low per
, WWI to the wsooo.
The supply tram fee the poet wee exnected In
about live days, end the train of Liv:hipton
Keseaad, for the Salt Late, was also expected to
few days.
CoL Sesser, tooth toe detachment of any men,
• s to leave the F,rl on the kdtb for the Arkansas
where be mill meet the remamder of the Com
mand. From the above, me suppose the Court
Ittartml, letelyto estrum there, had got through
and Alt.:dyed.
Tho vleinity of the Fort, oo the nigbt of the 24th
toms *laded With • ViUteril storm, terrible even 10f
tint open and exposed counuy. The writer think.
old Noab'a •bower wasn't s patching to this, so
Lang to.
A pronseript to this letter gives as gloomy an
coop from the overland emigrants. It says:
v One or two men horn Oregon reached here
two dap ag... and regrew. Mal the emigrants
already begin to stiffer greatly, ch.etly for the weal
of provision.. A large number of their animals
have died this side of the Booth Pare, and many
of the em grants are now co foot.. The writbi
goes on to express the roost gloomy epprebea.
wens &ate:the condition .r many of them to erose.
leg the Sierra Nevada, and coneledes with the
remark that he " experts to hear sorb nceotints
of their solLyinas as will make all good Christiens
any i: prayers." As the writer's means tf
knowing MO condition of the emigrants were am.
pie anti Kato:tato, we attach mock importance to
his .spressione, nod we shall look forward with
great aolieitoile for fattier intelligenee.—St. Inuit
Eq., Aug. 16.
ImproVeakestil la Den Miry.
DR. IL 0. STEARNS, late of Dalton, I. prepared to
enarinlasiore and wet Blocs TWO in ornate and phlta
corsets, upon duction or Atmospheric bastion Plate.—
litturrits, setters the nerve to
exposed Office and residence nail door to t h e Mu
ses oftoote, Fetal), street, Pittsburgh.
Rae.. ru-1. D. loPPsoloten. F. 11. Eaton.. inn
Dentia. Corner OrPOUIth
and - Dictator, betwen
0.114171 u
Present Corsgresr.
Dem. Wkig. F. S
0. G. 11USSIIY, . —A. W. MARKS,B.°4
Otrce—No. 41 Water street, In the Warehouse of •
911118 COMPANY Is now prepared to Mauro al
I kind. of tialim, on boom., manufaemwes, good
merchandise In store, and In trauattu irewiets, tre.
An ample guaranty for the abtlity and integrity o
the Inmitatton, is alfonled in the character of the Di
rectors, who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, well an.
favorably known to'llie coommaity for their prudent
intelligence, and integrity.
Dorscroas-11. G. Honey, Wm. Daimler, Wm. La
inter, Jr, , Walter Bryant, Hugh D. gine, Fdwar
Mucha°, Z. lOnsey, B. Ilarhangb, ff. M. Kier.
I ap30:41
Blind H. d to Slight by the p
S. S Lorton—SW. I wish to bevy teen:noel , to Oi l
medical virtue of the Oil called Petri Seam. I west]
a long time • tnteted with a badly Mattock/ and re
*Ore eye, so snook en as to lore sight entirely for she
three months, both very Mlle hopes of ever recoverit
the eight, and but a engirt prospect ga having it
hewed or the soreness; my attending physic.. me •
onsocceesful in malting • ate, or In giving roll
and mrordee me but little encouragement. I board
the Petroleum about the Ist or April,ll4A, and ga
it • tri•li We mien is, the sight la metered and
eyes well, except • little tender or weak when I .
Out In the nun. ANN UM AND.
Mandeld Cineinn all, May IM,lti.lo.
B. Lorrain—Sir I have been•alillietcd with pit
ior ren years,. have tried other remedies, witho.
permanent relict, until I heard of the Petroleum.
hove and only one bottle, and think I am !Min
eared. 1 recontatenb It to all who are emitted wit 7
File. I have known it to be good for sore eyes.
Cincinnati, May PO, lan. SO. OAKELETSON
Dot sale by Keyser I Me Dowell, 140 Wood mice
II E Dellers, 07 Wood at.; D M Caro, Alts,b.,,, tit
D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph iknaglase, Alleghen
also hy the proprietor, B. M. ICIER,
jy4l, Canal Basin. Seventh at , Pittsburgh
Mee or Ohio and Yortne. IL R. Coe,Third
Prmatraeit, A egusi 3,18.50.
Tull Stockholders of the Ohio . and Pconsylkanin
Rail 'Road Company are hereby tonged w pay the
eighth Instalment of fire dollars pet sham, at the afire
of the Company, on or before the Pcah day of Watt
The loaalmenti 0110 f Were the Roth dey of
&pie bor. The teeth hattehaesi on or balm the
„lash day of October nen
Mr' 'The yth haealateat was called fee on the Nth o
July last-
all,Odif Wu LABIUEII, Jr., Trearrrer.
FALIF - INPOHYIIIOII_ OF "ligidiall: 7
Are now 'nerved with &large had f -nab I,toek of
English, German, and Amertesut Hardware to sure.r
superior inducements to buyers. Then orishiste so
purchase wall promote their Interest by looking
through our meek', iso they sue teterrommt Mull es
the most reasonable terms. eugls
4 1 4 M'CORD & CO,
wbot..ea& Retallldanotacturera t Dealers in
Clor. Wood & Ylrtb qtr., Pittsburgh,
Whereltae liffer>t full init complete tiMeh
Cam Few /114 of own , 4tellty old style, by Whole.
sale and Retail, and inviteethe etteoon of their ens.
temerellpd ildrehosirt perterally,'Oserieg them that
they will sell op the- loorr Aliraloreormes MY.
Pa Wood at, botoroon Third &Fourth,
Are now receiving their very f large and superior FYI
Block o
Also, lIONNETt3 and FLOWERS, all of the tales
styles, and expressly ad•pico to the western trade.
It has been selected tub great care, and as to size
and qua ity . I. not surpassed by any stock to b.
found either east or west. Oar custanten and mer
chants generally are invited to cab and examine,
we •re determined to sell on die most reasonabl.
tenni. Also, tioodyeare Patent Rubber Shoes of al
kinds. augthillf
irreilLsna's Vottarrees—To Month. If thd & Co,
Druggists, corner of Wood and Fourth Streets, Piths
burgh, belongs the hones br unclog induced the inven
tor of this greet remedy ID °Ter . & to the public. This
he has done through them. It has now bean befnro
the public for mare than a year. It has been intro
doted Into all &Tenons of We Union, %Thera It has
been tried It ha. been pronounced the best remedy
for worms ever invented. Families should never
without a supply. We add the
_following from bun.
dads of *nailer testimonials:—
“jloqgyd, Steabea Co, Ky., Saps 0.1847.
.1. Kidd tc Co.—We had a lot a( )co, Vermcfag.
and con recommend d ea one or be beet medicine.
for crams we bare ever bad.. Dr. hl'Lmee Vette/.
foie never has tailed b. produce the desired edett
error mile by). KIDD& CO, No ou wood suet
on Cholera, on the . .I.ld of Au; eel. Anne Malls
W•eas, le the :Oth year of her
no funeral Will leave the re sorence of her fatber
Mr. Cogency 'Weeks, In Whtuakers How, Ousel
Hoek, above Chestnut Street. bray City, eteld Pro
ceed to the .n llogbenf Gegen Ty, thit day, Ausest Vl'
at Jett lock, P M. The Mends of the Latuilr are ne
queeted to attend withont further once.
A. Ilto , ausasll., Pa , fe.h Nay, at II o'clock, A. M
Mr.. alai.. A. lino., vrac of LH. M. M. kook, of Alla
Era.t. D Itaxason Ink preach in the lint no
formed Charch,tlate Da. Black'a,, on Sabbath' atom
tug, 2-S,h, at ICI o'clock, and Uwe W. S. kloaugo
gi, P. al.
ADRAFT doted Pittrborgb, for Taro
Ilundeed and Sevemeen Dollars •ad Vivo Canto,
Clo 115, drawn in favor of (tonsil it Lynch, and by
tbent made payamle to Unbar, Bro.hern Jones, on
blewra Jlatearron a. Co, Pailadedpnia, by Meow.
Paint a Fnend, Pni .bume. We hereto, give Rouen,
that paymrta of tha draft has beca stopped,
sad a naalteate teCe4Vee and pad.
aaart:dlt 11.L.gSELL & LYNCH
Destrabl• COMM, ry Liarldes.. for Sal..
llY..ubncubor will sell, on accorrannelating terms,
rte property'on watch he now resides, between
Alleniseny and 'Manchester. caromittles Ire acres of
grosad. The above property as probably Leiner
stocked with grap Ti nt ,
fruit tree., roosoterTy
bash. T.pOomiesarbenrie• aTpararos,ThuharL,
&a., frau any ground of the same cheat to Western
Pennsylvania, the praceen. of which annually veld
• large tom. Men La al. CO the premises, cn
ent to th e bonne, • fulled *ping of t he
portal water. the pounds arc sheltered irom the
meth by Lill, and mon ...ay. reLnam the miming.
of the cities in Met direction ' and bu &way. flee mom
smoke and annoyances. The front a ill. p.m'' , t.
on a handsome street, and capable of being laid oat
U. leaviag behind oce or mote of the =Olll de.
Itroble locatons tor country reatdencea that can be
magined. WAI
sarri dim
, pitE subserther will offer pahlte sale, on Setae
j day, the 11th day of October eel% a muckier of
TOWN LOTS - tu It Casts, • new remit DA out an the
Sectoeybrons Central Mad goad, twelve mile. coal
of tireensharga and th:r ty mike writ of Johnstown,
sire he host aud ooly itoad Depot es Aar "sport
rs between 'be two placer. It m allotted In Derry
ewnehip, Womoraland coast?. where Rho tom*
teadros Dern L,gonter to New A Irk modest frown tee
Siam Itoad leadiug from Mt. Pleasant to Illaiterlllo,
...waded by a coitus nor carpsteed In Western
Pertna•Oranla fee health, beast), toed water, wales
power, amend, Ouch as coal, Ate J and A drlcaltaral
This place offer. to be one of uno s aalled Importance
In all the sr...nor edgily thtou/h whit). the Central
Rad Metal plow., acd mast sad Well be • place where
marchauss and mechanic. ran Atr4 e•ery Inducement
to the ludispatable blot will be since.
The sale will tale place as the promises, and coo,
metre at le o clack on mid day, When doe atteadasec
and terms of •ale will be made known iv
stor-TeruellPS JACOB MIT.RS
—Wesmor•land IntolhaencerL
Heed Quer term tot Goad Teas.
M " l B .l B oWt ‘ r V gr a Tt i e ' ll " .Zd o'l, l o re " .t 4 l ! es77l;
Pool nosh yea eomporetheit Tea with west you
poroncre rem-erre.. you rot I at o, re let an wt,ge ea
cap•••••,ry Ley oe ye, 0 ttttretio
ea T. , •• they c ols l:er,tl^ , IV. from lie
re t, and a.* *soothed with
punts, these ate thew VO. 111.1 are enabled le act
each excellent Blast or sacra leas •1 toe per it/
:ape nor bealatee— —• • • ...... :he do
Tar beat tardy
—II de
••121 Fist .tale Maki rod
CO MISFIT °tope ••• toe, Good Port Wino, Fre
01 (Mandy, bollard sin, English Um, 1:74be1l
at sea per bottle, for role by
suitivEß & mums.,
11V 014 100 owl 1.34 stemmed arrect, between Wood
and SalMbeld. ostfrr for tale
120 If and qr cbest• V.ll, 4. Pimp & Ril Teed
ner Lie 11b i lb s's and da Va. seaner'd Tobacco,
102 bag• Rio Coffee
20 Mrs North Carolina Tar,
sto bd. Roan;
20 brie Drama Tanner - V(2d;
-1020rece Rice;
bo• Ground 61 opt,
CO Lit White Pipe.,
to tan $1 chocolate:
40 bas Varicasted Sosp;
Unbar. Pepper;
12 hap 411.1,0.,
JUL. rtarrbr
115 de s Bean. Rumor;
m dr r Tube, mooted hate;
IS dr e Reeler., assortrd rime,
15u reams IV rapptee Paper, amorteer,
020 bat Wiodoar Olashaasoncd; Oh
6 casks Saloom.; 0 1.1
0 censor. S. P. Indigo;
ease Metal, do;
0 had, bladder;
11 eases Liquorice;
Together with • general assortment of all article
la the Grocery line. aegli
FATHEIL.4-21.0 lbs joss reed ror sale by
RUTrER-6e6. and brls jest reed for sate by
segle bllßlYEket USSRSer9
PUT ht3ll-2 brio part roe'd for .ale by
Ia IJOAR CURED 11A915-9 east. ean ssss i ,
core and ter mole low, to close eantignroent, Lr
98 Water at & 131 Mimi rt
B A CON -3 talks Sider;
lb casks Shoulders In store, for mbs by
DICE-151es prima lan reed far ea la by
TAR, Pi rm. a. ROSIN-160 brio N. C. Tall
LO brio Patch;
Lo Iris Rosin; in En
11. INSEED OlL—s brls pm, Creswell ree , d by I
e 4 bes prime. Jut e
II 'd for
A site b
E y
e •er J CPIFIL
SALERATIA---110 castsateruiudi
It, aud brig do. (ormale b
au ,I 4 1 0 CANFIEL
JUST rec'd-200 los Cayenne Y
enne Y epp or—Ca
NM lb. Am erican;
IGO Ills do do African:
GO Wood or,
For Bnlo by
lbs frt mat by
yv au6C4 1 KIDD &CO
(1111‘1 CAMPHOR-7:0 lbs for obi by
iITIIIIOI.-70 lbs for sale 6_
J y l/IDD & CO
Intom C hand
t /u oCnOOt.
17 IS Wt H i D ndEKu&lcl)l7
wuarans HALL.
lIBRON FAMILY at the request of • nattier.
on easily of Weed., will give theft. weseellancous
iiettalnownw ter two nightsonly, Saturday atd
itinuday twat, Au, on llh and 20th. The very heel
selections of eosin.. and eentimenbil music will be
prodaced. Vow.. open at o'clock.
Adoiwition ebe, Po:quell! dee. iteg93
CORN fr. WHEAT—b talela Whea Oon4
4 lot, In lone for sa ,
hltaTlW.Wrt k. CO
OuttMl _
'O Blares mate, to store and
for sT s
ea lo RIMY, MATTIO34B & CO
COMFORTABLE, and conunodions
Avery's 110-, Firth MCC. APO] , U.
HAS become an catabnahed and. almost indispenw
able re oresite 121 every well presided IsonlYi
from as remarkably wholerome and natrillent quash
i s ' :tfis7altd o ts fo o r fa lb rtlie b :L i ta a n s ers . o el f i „ n o o w n i d na l' e t a t ai r be%
.d Various modes of cook ink nod PmPerlea
gun, ItVGIII on the wrapper.
Though well known tn the anal, It ha never been
letrodaced to any ettentle Pittsburgh. lbe surbscnb•
ers base, thererare t made arrangements te he an.
stantly supplied watt It, arid new offer. It Or retail
dealers or families on more favorable term, ilia It
has neat been sold at ill Piltabarah.
trs6 Liberty at
ADDING—The vubserieasa have betuf appeiet.
ed agents los the sale a Ittgys' Patent Meek,
eau White Weddlniyand an pupated to supply the
trade at cartage pnces
193 Libsitat—
111050Aeral-45 Ireaa 6 mist, a aaparfor artiala, I
Imewed and for BSlb, by
N u razzallsi,r4oixtv,
F.unaZa print, vile..
TPU'Xi . ' ftarviCK'ZilbeycANDLlM
PRATHER/3—S note for .ale by
MC born :WICK & bIeCANDLM9
F ISEI-60 tel. Villite Flak;
In bee Pickerel;
Jail received end for wile be
QALERATUS-40 clerk, ialevelendallerelnei
15 brle ado , •
L 7
(ziotuu-41 use tionnegto's: .
• 2: Coca ~ do, f or nla by
OANVARSED 11,019—F3 peg reed for Bea by
TAR-IP barrels N. C. TIM
-L. 42 hl brill do; for uhrby
oug73 WICK t btoCANDLESS
Strawberry Plants for Salo at art*
wood Garden.
BUIEIDS Prize, Borer's Seedlings, and Vletoti ,
Tbrre the• ingot and best Savored tre
amongst nit the different varieties now ttnretn.
Orden. tddreewd to the proprietor, West Mancha
ter, will receive protitpt attention. J
MINS Schorr underthedirect,. of hir.'d fiTrir. N.
I. W. ?detest( will be re-opaned In .Colonnado
Bow" Federal Street on Blonder, September 2nd. A
primary department, fr. a number of optional brioch
e. hove been added, and a corps of teachers scented,
no that Instr. done 'ill now be given id scholars
if a.l alien mild stiale, r ment.a.
For porticalais see circulars which may be had at
the book .carer—or eonsalt the Principals at their
dwelling on Federal Street.
Allegheny, ang..2 it
ALL punks who Inputted barium's tech Mr.
Beeoyer within five dap previa. to his death,
Jl•ieh 00.1ted nn the melt of Monday, ind of
uly, are tweccully requated to call immedlattly
at the won of Mr. - Bunn, No 198 Wood st.
rrOMATOE I'll LS-1111h.' compound Extract of
Tommoo. •suballtatc for C.alontrl. on hand and
for sale at favg2l . l WICKRIOIIiIAMS
New GOods I MOW GoOda I
ICLEBER has jaw received a fine lot of Oran
L~lnstrumenv. of the beet manufacture, mite/a
by lam. elf with great case, for this market. seek es
Val. e Trove be nee, Sax Horns, Paglea, Cornet', Tuba.,
lee • also, a flee selection In Neale Doze., playing
MMwand Mire lune., Flatinas rtecordeone, de. to
NO.. peTior 11•011110 and Italian fittings, and gew
ine F:Stilna, four lengths, • splendid
anorn Int Third street.
AVALI. VA PER • isms assortment of. Well
r•rer , Ir. m aid mtliftnrrallilast reetrod tor
the hill trade LI W P bIARSIIALL
XS Wnpi sr
A sovereign remedy tor ely °Me them:natio affection;
Wel knot. and lameness of moatuls ol the body,
tetra., banns, soft., of most kinds, eats, swellings,
sprains, brines, corns, and felons when first taming.
also, ale most convenient and safe sticking salve for
orstigtheoing plasters •nd drills on the feet. -
For sale by to N WICKERSHAM
anon . Coo Sixth & Wood Ha
I:46EPD OIL-15 brls lost received and for sale b!
•uttl7 BRAUN it. MITER
DATENT LILAC!-15b11, last reed for sale by
&era BR&U:11 & REVIVE. -
FNCV PRINTB-8 cues new nyle Fall Prints
art receered by ailecaLF:rr a WHITE
• • enIACKLETT & 41, Illig
11 IN:. Fla; CHL-1,11 rl. to e 6.10 _ yt.
1.4 I scoooroki&Ecto Aco
1111 TE VEIOULLICIN-1 keg met read by
MOM Ski VERMILLION lost moil for oak by
OSE PINK-5 kegs superior for sale by
N .u tig.S. DIL—tO to
j •lr s ta l f .N [L KEßk
LARD DIL-1u bD. to sale by
ALCUHOL-11. , Las tor rale by
TAKEN op Ly the sableriber, treopusing on his
incomes, nett Willtimbarg, on the mad leading
o Itraddoelt's hkeld. • laiddlo. aired Cow, with a
irtto .tope •lont her tact, land part or her thighs.
belly. aud wee grime. lon. malt banta:thpposed to
hoot $0 reel, and triers • Mlle wit. The
owner ti Frtmew, d to 1
tome tied prove propenr, pay
..... 1.1 tote her awe) ,
Wilklas tp., Aug. Ve 1 , 50 --ang2l:4ltavritS
Extra Vas.Hy Willmar
(YONSTANT supplik• of Wertk . • mrperior Fatal
%,./ blew trill be kept for sale by
111 Second st
r)LAIiFLANNF.LS—A Immo mamma.% of Plaid
I Filmset, 0.1 eeeee ive4 and be Bala at nanufar-
Ts lam clam of preferred emirdory of die lard
brut of Meg :loin - , Wsdo & Co., Inn please eall on
the uneetzliro.r. at tae nato at R. Ct. tleK kion.COnlet
at Mmaket tad Third stave, and reeelv• a dividend
on the ini ttttt dee them, by order abbe AVlSlteel.
•noti J.T."—Lr'2ll.*ll.
Toasts Ladll..r L n leinninuutos
Cornet M Peon lit and Barter's upper wing of
Mil Concert Mall building., maritime ea renn Infect,
nearly op.iosite the lischsese Motel
pill!? !ninon — on vein be Re.alponed for the teeep
Yon tic Ladies, on the DIM Mond*, ernes!
Mnis l cPico net,' underthe aupetintendenee of
r. srid DaUtiIITNI4 PijoelPolo of
kr Peens' donainary,Lonneetlie,
For ore Cirenhlllk. apply to the principals.
Rev D.D, D. RCT, Wm. Preston,
Rey. D. a. RiddieD a I Rev. S. M. Dp‘tke,
he.. DialbanbM D. est, I Gen... I Moorti.a4,
W. D. toward, Itiehttd Edwanii, Esq.
UTE ere tront operdng a large assorunent cf Car
PP pets at Oar Carpet Warehease, Eaarth street; •
coastlines In you of the tollonteg varieties:—
hntra Sapethee Tapestry Cuticle;
Engl hit and American Brussels do;
hstra •eperfitm tree pry tampion •
espetilne do din
44, 3 4, and Se Tapestry Irea. Carpets;
StaperAne Inghnun cupola; •
Extra Dee do • do;
Etna do dot
COMM. a. Wool do;
4-I, 34, and a. Minia Ven Carpets.
Alm, Stair ;lode, Win ea
Shades, Mats, Shading
Otl Cloth. than at ft Ur taNelms wide.
The above geode 0111 he Greyed to Mom wishing
to purchase ail price. lower moo Amer offered in thls
tamest. We !Melte the anentiork of all, to call And
examine our nook before parchaving el vembere.
sorra - W. DIcCLINTOCK
CLINTOCI has lost rceeNNl y his Carpet
W. Warehoote, No 23 Foot h atteex,a irewy h.&
sorttseat of Hogs, to which the mi•
motion of pa:pivot.. • au;2ll
101L1CC0.,40 kets6 twist reled for WI. by
'SO hhils for rale by
J HA ., !' g 'rttC
1. Wolin elee s loom 1.T.1 to 1 inch thick. Tha Glace
packing is tired so that 200 degrees Fahrenheit
win not laces and Is superior to ovary thing else,
Es no surstanc low so much elasticity which stands
so Ligh a degree or heat, and may he 'awn about all
parts where pack Log 1s necessary, via :—tdaltbolo
plates, piston rad., steam Johns, stem chew, cylin
der heads. C.c. IYor sale wholesale and rents' by
aur/o 7 & V Wood at
COFFEE—aS zrreas prime Green Rio for side by
INDIA RU BURR LIHLTIN4I-‘Just received , a large
assortment •4 tieitifif Of •1L1101.12 , varying
trout Ai to 15 inches in width, for sale ! filed
N.R.—All Inns sold are guaranteed to the Dwain*:
et to be superior to Leather 111 every respect, and to
Give saustaction. Any Iklts that prove deficient
wSibe see heneed or the money intended. ango7
ILI USE! 110SE!—Warranted to he fat soperior to
Leother,jort ree'd of the above
10, feet 1 loch Hydrant).
. .
Lou do 1 inch , do;
400 do I inch do;
see do II Inch Hotta . H
For sale at the India gabber Dpo o e -
e .l a i II ( PHILLIPS
- • 7 a Wood at
.1 61 I Y Pl4.llll7.—Just tocelved, •ki of superior
L' Family Flour, manufactured by Wm Little, grq
Poland, U., for We
a9r•9 195 Liberty M.
MrPal:lt OIL CLOTH—NW yd. 154 Flirored, of
dotercot patterns, jolt reed for 0010 by
f 6 9 Wood ot
BLACK OIL CLOTH for Coriteee-100 yards 4
bac received and for abla by
aught J t It PHILLIPS
A. TOBACCO-2So boson Manarawared Tobacco,
hand and to %moo, for sale by
• , . •
ATINNO— 33Pbates No I, and a, on band and
for vain by A CULBERNON t CIAWSE •
O.LIOA&C—Loaf, thuslitd, and Petirdetett tenger.
CI kept coxitlantly unbind and for isaleby • •
kept; f A OULDEATISON & tmousr.
I APAN VAHNISII-1 W. 4,• good :article
.. tw
calved by. Sqbelyi J PHILLIPS
W 111,111.0 ea & t s relyaale — W — .
LiOlt E 901 L-1 brl len received Cr We by
; sup) it II PHILLIPS
eid , d'Pessedussablp and Ctipy Eteokai
tOtiaLosn L
p b ,l,`,ll. ° 7 l otf.'i t r
Pitt:_unilt u _....
I Aiie
heny, the aW , aar has appointed the subsetlber asset
Ler their sale is Ibises*, • • _ • • •
Tesebei • sad others VIII he supplied . 1C06156.14
pries, as meted In elsealsr. 311 MELLOR,
el Wood el.
3i CASKS Magritte. Wenchtag Powder, imin re
eelved sad (0r..,. .
W & mrpaliEurais,
übenr .1
I v er— a
„tog. pri
aaa rla,e,
e rt boa; Klee ism receive
Lb •
COFFEII--Itt bap pm. peen Kb far •sla by
• •°O 7 •• •• • 10.14.F.8.5t NICOLS
rrOIIACC6.—SM bite
Rune II •t. Robbnool
J. 10 bits reel, Ilardwood'a o , s; - •
3 cues BarieweAr lb twain .
Itc.tYed mad ffm..l° bl moots
'• • • ftELLF.RB*.
ACKEHEL! ACIKEREL ! f —lCO_ th t ; tr b ls , sum of
ILL Mose larso Na 3 Nackarli 0 41"4 & 004
0 A
COUOre-7Cbtlf JIMI reed forMei t ti o ,: ,: co ", 7
60 Orod 64
for • by • •
At i to '
ISSEUDOD-SCO galls reed for ode
Eitak 7 E—Su lbs mama, for sail, o
Eatati of Elotthow 81 - LorarilloodiTi!d:
ALL parlous Indebted to the old condo are retiatit
ad to MK. hodoediato payment. sod Cote WS'S
duos gloom It to prosent them doly aothentiottett
Sod arilhoot delay, so elder or the Ondetrittood 'ext.
ID Gennms uMalnixoto,
Aciarts for the sale of Soda Leh, Bleaching
Powder., ete., have on hand, and a•censtamis
receiving Meet from the Mum:sewers, We %abase
erJeles or the best and most approved litands.which
they offer to the trade w q•anthles to dait t and at
lowest market rates.
Ofitca of Pitubargh Gas _.
• *spat 17,1E* :
m that S Stockholders Of Me Pittsburgh Gas Company
bpy amified, at the Atonal Meeting of
a Stoekholders the Nechako( Trustees, be
held at the ofilee of the cowpony, in the city of Ihtts.
burgh, on Monday, the reeondday of Septerabdr next,
between the hours of two uld five o'clock, PAM., for
the purpose of alectirg two persons to sem.ll Trot
toes lot said couspouy, for three years. from the said
accood day of aeomber... , -
soon:tar THOS. BAKEWELL. Prot
THE undersigned - hut on band, and la tbladay re
calving from the mannfactarsts, on consignment,
a large lot of Flannels; VII calms, plans ande.barnso;
Al,,s Bed Blkets, Blanket Orating. Heav en C rah.
ens simeres, Bonnet!, and Tweeds; Vidal ho Sold sell
11 , the our or piece, at mansfectorers t price. The
• roseraion of dealers in woollen goods ls
132 Linerry it
FURNITURE OIL OLSYCH— 90 dos gannet/ ma
table, aund, and bona, coven, nonlife tauerna
and prices low, at Nee 7 & 9 Wood ax.
nuclei J & A PHILLIPS
FLOOR Oil. CLOTII-9000 yds 4 4 *tool 011 Clo:bi
900 yds:4
xuu do
t r do
For wale, wtolende and r1 0 1T: ' ,11
ann7€l 7 & 9 Woad ate
TVitnnw,kizti,=°,2 B .l:7l::Ar , LTA
by reamal consent, C
PUS berth • Jely 29,1650.—aibe
yliblelrltY PIO IRUN-70 tons eon Prglron, on
lee, Allegheny Wharf, and for cafe by
awl I Jk R PLAY D
TCOOII . oeconed from tipsy. o Imam. IMO yes
0 Oil Ciotti Grua, th2eteat pauern., for sale by
aorta J t 11 PHILLIPS
Pciltselr„'.. - r,r1,1-H°11117,103 . 14"
MI Ilone roll iserstrantedU k the V 4reliter
atitfaction equal to leather or *elands to
gum. lastlinden Mill he re opened for thirecePtirn
11 of Ads and y smog gentleman, on the Bralgionday,
the see and day of Septeniber neat '
The 3,lan•of rive Asedisay-la-emaprebenelre, era.
beasinKa liberal coarse a( mistreat!on in genie and
ticked fie Learning, the Madelyn Languages, • fall
come of Consinerinal Suldies.acd the various branch.
ea Mel eseentarr English Vacation.
The , Instlintlen is faridahed with the Occasagy
Mops; Globes Physiological., Aetrcesomical,' Plido
Boyblei and - Ch emical Apostatts, by tibial. the
paplle ;
a c re aidg io. t. m ae c =g e. a. ammo Moreggh know-
Cagan. radians.
Wee A Wein, A IS, Instructor in Ina:Latin and
Greek lanmsages.
John Drown, A. M., Instructor in Maiheinades.
Joni a C. Reed, A. M., instruct/a In lite Nateml,
Mesita!, and Moral Sciences.
John C. Schadd, V,, Pretence in Modern Longa.
P. Ds R. Professor In ilea Keeping. •
J. D. William CAD PsofEldlo EDlessof In PFICnmE. h ip .
The Academie Endlee Is on Ferry street, between
Fone.h and lobeny. The Dui ding
tarp, ewe
means, andwwy, end being at ofthe boldness part
of Um city, It is alas and retired, which sandals It •
see y destrable Imam for an laminator' of Leantinu
ICtreolato an a obtained at the book wares in
bath eine.. be Pnncipal can be eatt, at the ike.
, utenty. eastlfedter
SODA AD 11-10 east's . received for wee h 7
iingls B is NV HARtsAtICIFI
i; • 'ESE-75 to ree for We by
• A 14.4--5 e•k. • Cured, and 5 calm common .•
■ re 0 ,21 per steamer Reveille. COT 551 5 by
aoigis 8 k W 11A1k116.110H
LI ERRING-400 bis in store and for ule
se 16 'tl& W 1.1617.13AU1311
HAD -en & tilrift4 Cincinnati Eianr or
Virginiabl Indiana ' do
Scotch eared,
W not M
nooked, &rank by
A 0:11.02t0 &CO
2:6 Liberty at
"" ---1 " C VVe Cn uti=
' • - WM A McCIMRO CI)
SMOII.7D DEEP TONOURS-A fear do: for tale by
"ITEM ISON DAMS —A fear choice Yealson linos
rtaala WM A MoCLURG & CO
Steam Deaf Trimmings. • -
MITE invite the attention of these fanslabing Era
TV Roam to car amortment TrilumittAts,compri
ltta in part of the follorrin
Ml 4 win 7-4 Table Limns, g
I Gun Nepllea,
nucaback Diaper. Seetatt Diaper,
Card Table Covers, Crash, • •
Curtain material of all de. I Kass, are. Om.
Carpel Wareleuart,l3,Fortrtb st.
'Velvet PlliCarpots..
w.I.IeCLINTOCIC In attire atilt for rale the
ir • .. . latlnt aererthett or Velvet Pile tatyei of the
bell and helve,t sly lea ever eat I . ct io
which ire Invite the epeeist rioting
to pure, hon. Weleioeen,T3 Roma, t angle
Gibbed liar:tab .
ASALALL Lot ;4 Gibbed Herring, in "time ante
tot oats by JOHN 111eFiLDEN is UV
.04 Canal Munn
Oft YIRLS. N 63 MACKEREL, Rohn,invecuon,
Jon arrived in prima ordarand Kir We, by
abgl4 Cane 11411,0.
" cid len & L7 Liberty et
IIaCW—SO b. &moll & ilo - b - u r Wii Si Um".
VO bas Cations., do
a) b. Myers' pomd lam p;
In manta ler osao by
amp. di salsa.
MURVIIY & BURCHFIELD are ael li ng.aru add
bundles= sl7lee of above seeds' at reduced
prices. i few pieces Bunn still eoealning that
w.ll be elated mew) , ; sash
MDi PHY s DOILCHFIELD have 'anexcellent
wort:mem of alms. aftiele, Heft and estrk.ot
envie, - color*, including soma of a *erg superior
quality; also, all colorsofChamlegOluthanan. au6l3
1 ter sale by Isaglnj ':WI4 BAOALEY gt CO
NGLISN, Clankal, and alaraeraddepl &hoot
.1I ite•Opeue ea Monday, the 19th fast, at No b
aster sums, u tbo aced of Meath
ON ear. 4.7,101 1, umlaut, • small Ithoeh of Keys
supposed to nave been lost in the sellgttbos boat of
the Pan (Mee, the finder would confer a favor by
Leaving them et this °Mee. asslS
A BIALM, teacher Is fill a trammel . Le the =lend.
.61 testy - depunnetn in the first Ward rabllp
mewl, Allegheny. Au Meminadon *ll tete pate
at the khool:ltonse In said Wald on Tbusday 'lid
Applierlarti, In the mean eme, mey'be Landed In
In my °flee &rectors. N 0136 but expettesteed week.
IA. Lamb* PtesideAL ,
reeetre lf d ' llnd for me bY•
D nag 3 • • B.& W. HARBAUGIL
/. Jam. July, and /mast, now me sel• at Ine per
bar, by R HOPRIre
mar . 78 Apollo Fourth a.
1 , teorieir
A.JI9 onmbors aphis valusble wort
san per No. by N*ll7l
Iss 01,1 or sale b 7 Nen --- 1;110PIClNel
AWN—Shaseeers, war, luerklems tor sale 1)7
/JO .ssay • . & W,HAIIBM11:11ll
'tit/ IC4IJOW 11.1LA88-16111bcxes Eberhearths Win
V do. Olin, Owned dz., be bkid, Cot by
TAra , i,:K
a, rak.—W. F. grAtinuALl. Is eenslen
ly receiving, from the largest nuitutracturnes le
New,Vrnk and Philadelphia, and elm (rem French
Agencies, the newest and nem approved styles cairn
per Hangings, together with Border', Fue Baud
Print., end Tests r - Tope. For irde et iditWood et.,
Mete Fourth stmt. and Diamond Alley, (usteecuor
to C. WM. • • irdii
common heat of Daum. for allsich we are at •
loss bore to &Mont. And aro mutiny that the con
trast Is far from ptednetog a agreeable effect. bat it
may be obviated by the use of 1111.01HALIELId
which will lestastsnootely the. most
and natural looting black, Notre, or Aberrant color.
Irlituttot Inlartrg the hair or burning the These
colon are indelltble, sod are not affeeted by the ar•
800 of heat.tterspiradon or seater . There ate may
Cads of Halt Dye on sale,' bat they'. hare some
material objeettart m their aoel come *pint a loop
Vol. to Paalahe the affect, others homing the halt...Ad
Ain. end taste sleben pat on, give therbair the Issue
of e atom , blarkedstovell• JULES NADEL'S YleOffe
TABLE 'LMIEJD' HAIR DYE is the eitly one which
Itentirely Bee hountite abo r t obieeilett.. vottveoted
entirety handless, and will prodsee a•beavtlfel tut
rottarO looking attain a shorter time than toy other
dye louse. Be mutton. In parchadng, to take non..
wttleh has hot myVAC/Ml ."! am
l e itre
intitadons of Btu celebrated ante ' •
aagli-ilo JULES II ftUEls. leg Mart= et:
Jas. Itaspratt i Seas , /Nitwit Soda lob.
80 A CASED of the' 'bine celebrated brand. port
41.1i . t14JtOre, too th e remainder tearrive Utis and
matmeropmer "Annallteti?"Piarner,” !•13esilaii and
ether snipe, TM Philadelphia endfletuitere, warrant
ed impeder In both wench mat quality ; to any in Ote
mute, for mile at the lemma otter far each and op
proved bills. by W t
aura . Liberty arreet • -
Tatum, Gil Piraala by
BUtilari .
Flagif 0 brls largo No 7 tokerei
otLAtitTri :
k '
°z ennAirctiiiit s oci
B Awri-io ludo azionetandapa
Maw ic Print its.
111 - tats now landing ter We kr_ ;
0 ° 1:e -V"
"is 673i FIVIVIt i a6 it CO
171811 -
ANU • AMU KED TOBACCO -1,;o • " . if
Grant's Vs, Russell illabiaumb My, and oaks
abolee btu* tot nib b_y
trOdeen af the:Utile It Penn. R. R. Co, t
, Plusiburgh. n 14.13,1930. $
IDROPCBALS io wehley will he received by the
sedentigneu anbiTunday, the let day of October,
for the dame of the etoth nes tequired for 'eying
the treat of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Hail 'hoed
gram hence tOtdurallion; o diitanee of lue entles. The
number of tics minted will be stoat one thonsapd
nine kindred per mile. '.:The ties are to be bf sound
white oak or nee oak,aabnct to the lespectien of
the engineer of 'the company! Tiny must be cuter.
a sate, Lets lengths. Ugh fie of sawed timber,
they am to be seven by eight :Inches square; if of
tented tithlerri they are " to be gutted on tee top and -
.bouom to a width of eight luchea. They mutt be
clear of bark, delivered and piled op on the bye as
directed by the eughtedisbusiecn the lust of/unary
and fart of May Peer indders ate requested tO stole •
whet number of dee they moron to deliver, and on
et hat seethe. of the ran road ey bonen to deliver
them They may ptopoaa tor t ee of chestnut or loot.,
lint i avust, they may bit 'mica bacheemeste.
Pooosals are ipso invited for furetriong mud tills
of ohne pine or ohne Oct, to be four by Moe Punes
pu de l ive re d fth eighteen to twenty fonr tut long,
to ben the line of road al *hem,.
W. - 6oniptsori, Jr., President.
: • rodimation.
Y vines of a precept enter the halide of Wm. B
tiVela, I , ,dent , ot lbe Paid of Common Pica
13 rc
and for the Fifth Jedleial aris.rlct of Ponnayrrania, ,
end. Jim. of e DeWitt of,Oyer and 'Demmer, end
General! Sall liScry.lo and for said Diclrict, and
Witham Kerr mid Domed Jones, &ea., Associate
Judaea of th e se cotton., in and for Me Ocunty of
Allegheny. date the lath day of Aetna, in th e Yes ,
or our Lord owe Mid eight hundred and film, and
tome directed, r bolding a Conn of o)er and Ter
Moor and Gene fl Jail Dr live re, •t the COOT; Room
in the city of ?I tobergh, on the Fourth Monday,:
Oemher neat, et It o'clock A AL
Public notice Is, here.) , slate to all /nadir, or the .
Peace, .Corentr.t.and.Cenrables of Allegheny, that,
they he. then and theta, to their proper Tenons, scita
their rolls, records, ingoicilions, eaminationoand
other remerahraeceei: Io dO those Mingo, which to
I their respective oßcer. follicle Ethan sppenaln who
done—end also there 6111 will p tow cato the p dooms
that relearn or may he in 'me jail of maid snooty of
Alieghrov.te be then .end them to prosecute agates%
them as eliallhe jest. ,
. _
Given ender tair hand at Pittaburgh,:thie 16th day
of Aglow, in the year.of net Lord one timecard eight
heodred and EBY, and
,01 th e Cormonamolth the
nap IthdrsamT -'. DARTER r 1111719, vberiff.
ABSPelsrusal Plyeyeaan , a Imasaaasaos Cam.
plan* otter a City of Pllttabwriba
,'OAP/ M 641200.000.
f. E. 410BEHEAD;PreaN—W. W. DALL:49, Seer
TBE Company Is now prepared to Insuie smarm
045re,SeroiPd not sr, Willin:
maniac •'
11. K. Idoanbead,' Body Palterpda, Wm. A.iiin,
LH. Hartley, IL ll.Elmpsaa, .114116111. Abodes. Wm.
M. Edgar Eamat'd nrayg; A. P. Abeam:, Wm cut.
!thawed, B. C. Lawyer, thaa. Kew, Wm - Gorman.
asgl.3:dly •
500 1 ..., y r "Sl= tiAr tvanled ge ocy f roons
upon tan line of the Ohio tied PentNylvanlartall . eo7l
between Pitubargli and the State Idea of Ohio, and
NO more as the line in Ohio. A large limber of
Menthe and Stolle Callers may obtain .enthloyment
it fhe bridge aver die B e beaver al Nell/ 11i1gbtott.
Application may be ' , made to the .eontractere on the
line, or to the Couminyle Superintendent at the New
Plilyhtein Bridge, and information may ho obtained at
the Rail Road (Rne in Pittahurgli. The country la
very healthy, and geed wages etc reguleily paid.
ainclYdler ROBINSDN, Jr., treat
Fo SO arks& It.
W. 8. HAV N,
(Baeceasor to J ebn eteektonj '
Infonas hie ends and the en,
tamale of the. Id ettabll • meat that, hawing
patehased the Prin tag Omen nd Book Bindery of
the .labs firm, he Is prepared to scum with TICIUICBS
and dilpateb, evert deser'pthart • '
Haring had the retariagenaeoCce
mut of
late Mtn lor
troll condd h ent eyf beteg able to I
all who enavlavor him with that
Ankust 10.1140.-sangl&dlot
. a — thr ICI, rale by
eye ' ' WlCltlok BIcCANDLP.teti
FUFASII-7 eases teed sag M 11 64, 1 .011
ace 7
A Bli HOOPS-60 is More clod for sale try
113.1. , 4Lasake beet gnahry, far sale by
DLEACUING rOWD Omits Mammas , beA
LIP trli,Cl per .414 - Delta, and vow oa dos
way by canal, fee
oala the lowest market ode. by
suit & suroneVraab
OAK 81•0011.12110 noaws.
15, Wink PERT IYe;rked Oak Merin Do'arda,
IA) perfectly dry, Lid of • impeder quality
for gale by• B. CLARkE,
augt:MSff Rheap.bur,h.
C BTOCti has tr,etved for •ale, v , l 4ib
Ili. of Gibbons. Ihr•ty o f the ISaelwe end Fed. of
the Mohan EnnPtre•
LS° and Lettere-of Thomas , Campbell, in 2 vas.
Elated by Wet Beattie; hi U,
.Elenteetary Stenches of Memel Phaaisphy. By the
lane Roy. Shiney_Sto th, hi. A.
Lactates on the Attvrieen Feleetio System cf-S•r
pry. fly Bernasido Bill, hi.
Talent an Vernon; • riovet.
The Shoelhts Root, a tile of Ile Seventeenth cea-
ttaar.ticaaa. Searlet Lima, a zottaaes. • By Nathani a el
. ani_
, - •
.u• G ortaka clear Sigma;
g:g Gaul, She alderr,la store, arg.l for
Ids, to elm cargargangeng,p,
a 9 F—to ltt mare, and far Bale be
R is i
001:c N
Lal!(as ins
51 .PoClio2l, jiralxceeived and laT sale by
.1.&%1Es DALZ4iLL
sae; - - 4 Wager at
Bbirtisag Moulins
. • -
141.1PPHY &.'HUHCIIVIKI4I) Lorne parsons 'rent
al. At 601tOnty Moshe& to loOlc at lbw aseortment
of Mew goods... Great cite is then In roleetwr the
very best taste; and as-They boy In barge quazoties
rroto the &senor of tbq ,lattouleatutere, they eon be
.old as the Teri 7ovtest ptiect angS
ur LUTING—re hes ad hood awl foo sale by.
W 49 •• 7 a_ 9 Wood et
•`irIJAH-60 begs Brasil Seger, In con, niTeNi•
4.7 sale low by .ENti LtOtt & 111.BNE
bulikiy—sy Hu . reis Aleut Mills, eau. Flour lost
teed and tor axle by
P. &WHAM:I/all-al.
Fr.ATIIER 4 17600 pounds Ohio Feathca ncetra
and lot .ale by
oaf 9
• ^ -
AM/ MID tlurtml-0 begs bur. do, I
bbl Miley iby able by In &
slay Noce.' Wbod
,bCON - 810kc-55,000 Wa Sides 'toed tor lisle by
0006 S k W BARBA UGH
',III alit Lane 1,,1
i SittlaW SPI , —G3 barrel.
"Q "
" " tor agile Gy
W , W k
OUISVILLE littnels Lime xeccive.t,
IA and for rale by
an-3 ' &W. 11/41111AUGH.
URPHIrA OUIIIIIIFILI.D deal rattly in Wray°
AL utlele,[gd aro prepared .i.o.**Oply. a en petior
article, waaaederin al.& /LAX, and at a lOW price for
avidity. Extra line boson, been. tee'd suet,
" " 1 " "N" q"' c lE' IA MoCANDI
rft-gl torts PI UTar; -
Jl hf bria do, for sale by
lAD VAmSED 11/1115—allees stiiiii7or sale Cis
/a sage • :-, WICK & sCANOLKes
B arMig S-443
'9'" ‘Vit ' lngliAnt Y LEss
SUS-21 eosirs enterltor; •
ZS Lis prilyeris.rd do, for rale by
Pr P Tak . .t E rict i NlnY M .
itOMATIO TOUACCC-127 bx. Olen' ..P.n. ,
, Ak. Arca:Latta Tobtes9 by
h4 ACKE Et— i;
60 tots No 3 low; -
23 616616 do for sale I.y
T KIKD BERIF—t, licreqs Saw Clued C.nyme
.JJ Deer }Wu, a prime 4in cle,*es try
w iti a TE u. ns . 1n . 18 , 1e0.1 for , tale b,
tOgr b lot jl l/20 at
I)HEARING—ICO Dv on bard fat tale by
hirACIERE.I.—No 2 large pat ree2biall tor nib by
abgl2' , .., WICK* MeCANDLYSS
= O. SUOMISS hbdi anon; fa store for tale by
tons tot sate low to sloe coos'•
Cor. F t. Wood st
nn 610
pre. TairENTJNE-30 Ms bT .
►.1.410, AS FA 11.NE810CL & CO
ArLDOIL.-47 br for sale by ,*
0..0 0 731 FitiFF—Gsrtetre bnblaAlers,for eby
0 suet° . El A FAIINECMCK tc.oo
I.OUISVIGLE UMF-51) GW Lime Theellred
tor •ala, BURPRIDGE &
wig) . , MI Water at
r31.011E-40 “Amity reed for rate by
r .• • • • 8&. W lIARDAUGHQ
1117E.L.SE QN Tltba iseveateld at
88 wave leap on hand the above g..s.da,, bovah:
&seedy frost the Importer. and at gnawed' genalnr
alto boo ...POI' Or WelBa (tanza Flazonts re
ceived tate morale,. • mitt!
11 Wed VBLACOita:morning,
Vf Lb ! *lit . ettaq ottoora
attg4•' ' N. East Cornered. &
L IN 8 ' " D . 414 ' 122 M5P&TK by" i co
owe/ . . No Wood Street.
A IIDWAIIUc li t as waned,
" =l)oMb:lalgleTiPt,
REl^/11:191taX,A Cam:mien teeelved end tar , edo
• b ,;mull- -4 YCLICION SULKER 41!.,TcP•
!hatir ceru.IWITA-40 keg*
*F iG07.4 OW* tor , nier tolor,Fy
" Int • , J SCHIN.NMAKER co&
1111/11414=1;73b1;cis ray Le , ad k nsecif
fresSa ssi%te's W.
t i e lA d i r l isib i76 , l / 1 ;11 - :
JP Mut, tild far bale by unima...L,AE.
- 430 ; • _ !Poser st
- . 10 1.1 rtinsipo; stasbritl blvd;
. ID aslt•lP , ' PP , '
To store mi fin bd. ENGLIzII,t BENNETr
• - •
I via& BargoSo4 • ,
t aotoOBosalre Kivu ro,
m 4l x fo iß r sat
VOLSCIC- IIOMBAZOICEld;-1 1 1 1111 PTIY ft Buaell
jUt Mal have rteetoed • oapplroi a bore uud
10" Abutting Alpaetus a.. "407.". mock
Ja plug , of Hamballees.
ctufdPA . ONE-12,Otki
todo Id & ro's
11 d^
Auct fool for ols by NALE4Iit. RICKETsurt
the Brielrn6 depart•
!teen year. put, he
cder eetlefutart to