The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 23, 1850, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED , 178 b
win-n, 111.14111.
Dolly:Fre r—..--••—• • ----PM/ per annum.
'M-Weer s. *
Weekly,. In itneWee)..--..... 2,00 44
Do. o Cabs, at a reduced Teta;
lAA CS OP :Armenmustatoi
One Sgor re, (10 lines of Nonpareil or less)
onel itertion•--•--••••-•-•-• • ---10,93
One eller re, each add Wend losertlok• • 045
Do. .one week I,ld
Do. two weeks•—•—•— 0.00
Po. three weeks.— 11,00
Do. one month —•-• 0.00
Do.' • rove months -. too
• ,three 0,03
. Do. , . foot months —•• -•—• 10,03
• Do. Inonths , • • • •;-..;•.•- IAOO
Do. - -twelve menthe.....—.. IP,OO
Blanding Card (6 lines or ten,) per annam• 10,00
One Square • trhanxuble airleacore (per an
num) exclusive of the paper— 0,00
For each additional equate, learned over nee month,
and for each additional square Inserted ender t h e year
ly nuts, half price. '
Advertisements exceeding • equine, and not over
Aileen li e, to be chareed as r. mama a did lr.
Pubrishece not accountable for trent advertisements
beyond the amount charged for 'brio publication.
Annooneing.o•edw. , ..s for mike, tole charged the
tame as odic, advertisements.
Advertisements not`mart ed on the copy for a coed
ited tiainherof Insertions; will he continued till forbid,
and payment exac•ii aecord,
The privileges oryearlyedvertisera 'lathe confined
rigidly to then.. rcaninr Mildness, and all other never.
theme:3o notpthaining to their regular business, as
,peedto - 01. paid extra.
All advertisements for churitable institatlons A re
meanies, ward , township and other peddle meetings,
and seek like, to be changed halfprMe, payable strictly
tr advance. • -
Marriage notlees to be charged 50 cents.
' Death nodeeateserted without charge, enleaatecam
paled by (atm' Invitations or ohltortry notices, and
when IA acerapanted to be pail for. '
• Realer odre nt.'s, and all ott rut seeding cameo
ideation', or inquiring notices deolgued to call atten
dee to Valrs,....tolreet,Ccheerts,. or any pnblie enter
tainment.,charges ate made for almlttance—
ell molten. of private asiosintions--e:rery notice .e.
to call attention to private cow rp nset e ale els
led or Intended top romote Individual interest, can on
ly be homed 'with the enderstanding that the sane
- late be paid for. If intended to be maned Is the to.
oalcoltuan, the lame will be charged at the rate of
set less than 10 cents per line.
*taboo or Fin Notices to be charged triple p rico,
Tavern Liana Nations, Si each.
Legal and Medical advertisements lo be ehat
.. •
Real Estate Agents' and Auctioneers' adieclise
snots emus be elated ender yearly rates, bob to he
allowed dlscoant of thirty three and one third For eat
Dom the amount of hills.
Once , quare, three mreninne• • •-• • • •Ell - :l7
Do. - each additional lnuNon••• 37
aDlrt7l,ol mm IT WZIILTT rare.
One Scare; (10!the . . : )..rne tnsenlop •-:0 cts.
AU traitrient advenieeenents ie be Pahl in advance.
WHITE k CO. Gaze..
— MOTT M. RIDDLE, Jonenni.
JAMES P.TARFt & CO, C4ranie`e.
JOS. SNOW DEN, Lereury.
HIRAM ;CAINE, Evening Tribinuk.
Prrnsiicu, Dec. 1, ISen.
, A LIW,RMAN Fifth Werd, Pena street, bemieen
01Ina and With t. All bottoms promptly at
tended to.
A TTORNF.I , AT LAW—Wilco, on Fourth ,:11.C1
11 above %Vood rnln
p otonguioner (or
Pnrylvonis., St. Loni.,, M.
commentamions promptly =slowed.
ATTORNEY AT LAW-o.lce na Fcrartb meet,
betwetu tkontkfteld awl Gnat, Pstu'aurgh.
A . o he
Cocneellor ut Low, end Commis
ta. Cons tor the Sm. of Pentorylverna, SI. ouis;
UN Salo of Piuthocch.)
Ade renees —Pius Lutz h lion. W. Forword,llimmt
took Miller, 111 , Candlest &McClure, John I. Porte,
Afnellr& Semple, MeCord & oipple-1y
Glasgens. Fes. (Sreiegs Ferry Tag. allies )
Having pormangmly located at Obit plaoc,Oi ncR
and salnitanUal Wharf Coat, are WC propane , ' In. IC*
ud Ba an n n dionda Bpromptly
h 4 i 4 C U
a po ast.. = B rivor,
& Co.
Waggon . /ono IS —Sala
W* 101L0 e. "
W.ll. WOODWAT21..••••—•••..—.1.1 . 111.101LIT.
AGALEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholemlo Cro.
ea Noril Markel l4Phllulelphia. etT.l
Ptstabrargl% *Mali %Vertu,.
of $
Ast,itlesetisr Cowden, hlsriadc di. 'Sulphuric
Adds. Watched., —, Wdtersucct, below Ferry.
!illek Brat, George Reiter.
RAUN it REITER, Wbolonntle and itctati Dru"..
giste, comer olLiberti . and Si Mu street; Pit:.
JedirrA.Cralg. w. d. dat., .
(ladle & SKINSF.R. Forwardint and Cont.i.ddido
N.) at erchaot., Na 20 Market at. Padb a rdh. ap.l
%male cico.w.ramg and tam.lao mission Merchants, Csnril Basin, rktutn , r sn,
CII. Ott/Orr, Wl:nleontolirocer,Conntaimon and
. Forwarding Morobnot.Pia. 411Vater at., Pitt.
linlietsey• -- • Andrei+ nettling R. Kt. Fleming
CmmissioN m RICCI lANTR—Pot the tale of Do
moittetWoolen, and Caton Gott4l; also, fetiefs in
all lands of Tailors' Trimmings, Nol .41 Wood *4 4th
door from Fifth. Pittsburgh. 1
. ..
Reference-44ensra. Wm. A. Rill lc CoOlantkors.
I. Ma= I • 11C. A. MVO._
13A111.0 C S tVZA,
• 0N1105.510N 2.1 v.r.c HANTS and 11111 Broken.
No. 114 4 1 4-eand ottann Pultba , ah. . Ong:
• ILE. Conti,. 4( Third air - I/Varies as,
au: .n.msuerlets az ma's L,acnL
Vfet...Tl, !ant, I. 11.`1M.
inINGLISH•Ik 13' EMMETT, Ont. Ensl ish, Gatlcurber
4. Gc.) - Whidesala Grocers, Commission kind For-
Wardrna Merchant, and denier. In Product uld Pitts ,
Manaractares, No; 27 Wend st, between tod
111 meets.
Mlll, JO si r,TO N, •
_ tin lit, ...±neond a 4 Vitt,l.nrgh. • tar2t •
ZIG/LENOX. COIN, u&rta - NoTis, Ice
.N 0.74, Fourth meet, cicat door to the Baal.
bar2l4_ ' .mrcl-Int
soantr w.ltoincarpot) (wawa. curt:m.3ton
PcaENERAL COMMISSION and l'orararCink Mir
MOM. and Floor Malay, No , 2611arket. street,
adelphm ./JOO
,llol. Cr nod C.IIrIIICO. Merchant, for the hale 0 1
EtneAcan Wooten.. Liberty, °coma• oth nt tebl7.
HARDY, JONES & Ce., I.uc t.vorr Atwood,
Jones Co.) Cozaseitssen and Fa rwardlnk Mee.
Isluets, dealers. in .Pillsbargh Bla.f.tured Goods.
--7---7,W7l.,siessuALL •
(6CCCIoPOS TO COMM. C. /111,,)
I . I . I:ORTER '/x. Dealer in French and Ameriet.P.
per ll.ginys and Dorders, Window Ph=lds.
Priors, !re. Also—Wrillog, Printing and Wasp.
ping Paper, N 0.87 Wood Street, between Fourth street
and Dina,ood rest Mill', j
~ .__febt3 • •
fart - Tsui:Firma cuatss Woag.B.l
,joitx AGNEW, late of the Arm etCharehosrAa
nes , & Ce, would respectfully inform thn ld eat
&Mara and OA:public generally, that be enlisting on
Una, to perry go the Green Glass . butihers, in all -ite
• outride.. and is pretared to All all orders for lOothr•
caries. Fortuna', Minerals, Porten, Viols, to to..
=l , llg to lig , botlnne;:; o
econd , 11 . se . 141 . 41 3 21 ..
Yenittn:Al6fitirii:WW:OrZ-IMUTrgrai-ilO I—'-7-;;•S
er IA Dye Slots, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, &e,
1,3 Wood street, one door , Heath of Diamond Alley
1-fr..LTCVFOIias tirtv - mstietuiti
:Iderehtuq,-and d“ler in Pro,dcre end PitisLarith
•Menefaeleres. • ploul Water at, Pittsburgh. ap4
TSAI/LH IFCHRY t•Co. le tirooen. Com.
111.1.1 Mereitzts, and de.lcnin Producej Nos.*.
Warar. wad IV Front Mrecls. Pittn..”ll th . inma
• John B. D0vranb.............--=.1.1.7 - jairpti, liU wards '•
T a. DILWORTH k CO., ‘Thate.le 'ttnri
Agents lot Ilks.ard Powder Co:, No. 17 Wool et.
• ot. — TtiWNSEND,DruKilit ar.4 — A - notheeSVl
No. 43 Market st.,lhret doors above Thipl st Pius
INTO, will have constendy on hand a well selected as
rrment of the , ' bun and litihest lkledleinos.whleh hs
- ylll sell On the ino,l ressennl.le terms. Medan,
• •orders, will ha prortEntly stended to, and sup.
'a...4 1w with dietieles thny moo rely one...
physietviavrttv.eril.Kionssvill.bli neoorately and
•r.ti tly printed rfoo. toy 1..0/
day or MAL • • • , • : •
;so nth! whet troth and good Perri
& o L oi,cw - D, Wbo Grams, co
Xarebants, sad Dealers in Prodt
....laittreh Mild frtmamt .2.1. 1 •A0tY,
• 7,411 W, streets, ritup;liCi!L. - •• •Ey • • • •
in Pre et date and rittOnral , ..anaraelarel ,
"- DB? of Liberty *IA I.lant Itteen,Pituitmtzttp.:tz
INO . A. CAUGNEY, Agent for ths Lek ,Etta •-•-,
~,,. 14_144?..d.tne.lo,Dett•ertmd the lat.k?•.--(119d.
•• NOW ?Ir tts2tt Sentthheld au; ~ lattli I
•- "—.--'."`"—
"‘" 7i - ff A. 111 3 9 1 101 iiirrcinsos,ft. c;::5.e.i.,,,,t .
....-. , .. eir , , Lino, sestgow. a Coramiggion hi_ ~*ruhsrall'
• r• ARA Agerigtigiltitta Si. de flugsr,,4P-ouur•
.11kbfifusztur and 92 fronterreets, Pittsburgh. -
----" lard •-- - ; ~• ~; , , • ,
i•Y-770 'ERWholesalot
to , •No ood ittsgett etttstomb.
-3 '7.7-B7tWialltefiai
:----- g tirsiNitti..apiricsaor,, Pittsburgh, *III sit .
: a pmm iek•ii Collecttor.., ukWastanitan,FroW ,
gad Gruen cougliah •th..i•_,• • • • -'''. 4
•-•-• •;,...- ..;,.. -.••••trei * ~ ..11EFFLU TO ;
':l' ; i' - ... / 2199-991191,41e1l it Coz...irigi t ;- ;
: , :-. Church a i.roilrgai - •
..,. . high; .]
' • ,-- r•Th T. Mate,'"Air•E ...,,.. ~,..i. i t • groxy , •
JOIIN H. MELLOR, Whoteazle and Retail dealer
in Marie and Musical Instruments, School Boots
Paper, Slates, Merl Pens, Quills, Priaterl Carol, and
stinwtry generallNo.BlWooda4PlErbarab.
IT7- Reiss Autieht or 'atm, in 'ratio
T D. CANF/IMD, Onus of Warren, Ohlo,) Commis
de rileT o i n n til'edstrenrri'll'edse'rfolljaeba"o and
, Butter, Pot and
Pony' Ash, and Western Produce generally.: Water
street, between Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh•
lER te JONE.S.Forwding and Commlse Mar
Motels, Pealent In P roduce ud PitoPenh mane
01w:tar. articles, renal Damn, near 7th at- and
ENNEEDY CHILDS t CO., N.Loor.oron o
I. very superior 4-4 Steeting, Carpet Ch ,P Conon
Twine and ratting. 11 , 304 y
ATE Johnston & Stockton. BOOKSELLER, STA.
TIONER. PRINTER, and BINDER, eer er of
Mar yet and Third meow, Fit.barab.
__ll l . ,, ar
Pittsburgh Clty Gloms Works.
In No hlarket ,trees, between FUR and Reeend,
ID ,. rattleralli attention paid ID odd
NY. ClIDINIXO11•111, s. D11M•24,
D. C/N1111 , 101I•lil, D. WK,.,
Wm. Miller, Pintail. C. W. Ricketson; Pitiabtirgb.
A ILLER to Rim:mom, Wholesale Grocilni, and
tYL Intrwonens or Brindles. Wines and Stgais, Nos.
It: mid 174, corner of ',berry and Irwin strew, Pios
burgo, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yll7lll, to. to., eon,
stantly on hand. apt
John hP6OI. James D. Walter C. Roe
MWILLS ROE, Wholenale Grocers and Commis
elan Merchant., No WA Liberty St, Pittsburgh
PlTT3lluHdir st•tmL—Wokk-A-Nl3—sl.lllNt;
'Mks 1011:0, JOHN V. tm••..
AND - FACTURE:RS of srrrin..,. and blister Mel.
• MIL planes steel, steel plongh stings, coach ai n
fannags, hammered iron axles, mid dealers in mal
eeble castings, fire engine lamps and coach trimmings
generalty,corter of Rota and Front sm., Pittsburgh;
Pa rebns
h4ATTIIEW WILSTN, Fortran and lentTttaTe
INA Painter. Rooms, earner 01 Pan Offlea Alley and
Foart ,, etreet,entranea on Fourth su, near Market.
- 3
d: J. Tondos, Commission Ifierchents.
0. 11 (11 Levee ot,N Orieon,, Leep constantly on'
hand c large inseam , mu( 11mm:into( tin Inflow
g brand.. which they oiler air ooh. as assn., for J.
Durand A Ir% Dardeanc, Mayor... J.EramL .1 Du
rand .t Co. I.afecholie, rorar.o Cognac, A debt ut
kr., A 1. lidevilte, A dr M..moire, Joan Innis. lie.
c Anchor GM, Cordon., itrOand W",ite Wines
,illicare by Jolto Do rune
d. 1, t.e.u.7rs Ornanpagno W...e and Snout ihnommil
Pm.; hi-100
'kr , I.t.MES SON, Non , gl.rcet rt. second door
corner of Four.!. . notelet and
1707.natie 13,;:. of Eteruzugc. 117-71.7.,,,, of Dzposit,
al.: Specie.
ELf — .•iderruuna nade on ail ha principal eines
hruusioln on, United Staten .p 4
IVP 1311(1F A; ASTE:It, , -.Eftee, Forirth
.L 1 o 1071 door strove Strithaeld. - .milt ride.
Conveinneing of all !Inds dont ronit the greatest
ears and I esid accuracy.
Tir e. km] Eatafe eSanti-ed..l
• - - • •
1,1 '.••• 4 Co ..
rorry PL'
. •
Bottles, e. Porter and Mt •••: , Duties el..'
perior quality.
Partieoler attention pan!, .'ri rate Lottida
noirasti y
tat hogrnphle V.etablltslament
(IF tViPi. Third et, opposite Ms
.1.. J Past-Game, Pittsborgh.—Nopa, Landscapes, nil:-
heads, Stowlaills,Lairels,-nacitiwetnral and Machine
Drawings, Doziness anal Vi.iting Cards, he., enemy ed
or draw 0 on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Pron.
or Meek, in the 7•3012 approved style, and at shet
niwrinsibta peters octifrly
R "" • LITILE CO. •o. 192 Ltberly Greet
PillitooFh Who:est/a Grocers, Produce and
Commksinn MercharGe, and dcalers In rittal , nrch
51O.r.affac,o,tA. opl7
..021,13711. enoe. LAY, if-
DO/3 SILT MOURF., 1. holeente Grocer, Crot•tylen
in , oller, dealerio Proclace, Plusbarch ntanurac
11,7'iin't'o rs' ku It or
ili7l. ' I n V e " er ' ;
!raze Gook of socerior old Monougaliele trniskey,
'adorn wet br roW tow for • mo.h.
0....,11,05. L. L. en..
13FXMILDS & SIIEF. Forwarthag and Commis.
ra, lion Merchants, forme Allrplany Maar Trade,
eakra iu Grocrries, Prodnce 1 - itraburlb, Maoafic•
larer,and aTh!oride of Ltme.
„.. . . .
The hielie•tprice, in esb, p aid al all uniss for
country rasa Come Penn and Irwin a ll
Dounnt DALZELL k 7 -63, Wholesale tiineers,
Coninioninn Merchants, dealers In Produce and
Pailharsh hlanidactaren, Liberty street, Plttshares,
Pa. spin
UTfoLFS%LE GRGCEF, Produce , Forwarding,
Tr W c'omml. . lon Merchant and Tkaler in Pin.
burgh 111.41acturcs, No 2N Liberty strseL Plug Lurch,
1.4 /31
Qnne.K.LiriT & WRITE. Wholesale Deolers
Forelen and Dsmesue Dry GaAs, no. 99 Wood
Sfr. W . 11.0/40611, Wool Mire hada, 'Dealers
4n {bur and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Gemini/Awn Merchants, No. La ‘Vatcr !onto,
Pittabaro., - Trron:son. 'cam A 1.., milaTiZni.
SELLia S Nievt.s.t., Produce m‘d General Com
mirelou l'alercharnts, No. 17 Liberty Creel, Parma
burgh. Sperm, Linseed anal Lnrd Od.. apl7
}"i.01 , 1 , DONN:CO(18r G COTNVIaoIeGa le Oro
0. CCM ForraLdamat mad Commimion Iderehants,
riamlear . ll Vitiolaumla Monaa'raciart; nnal Wermrn
..lacc,•hot , remavvi. I car new marraboar.e, (old
Tranal,) No. 3G, earner of Fmul meet mad Cliorlecry
plOlllll5 s ILANVOLLTII.
Slet ude Diarnorml,Plusborgh. ertis
. , RABID, i ,InVIN
TITOITI.DIrdonn the public ; they have taken the
warehouse; formerly 'ocebpied by the late 112 r
&Patrol Echo, tr, 111 :recant' Street Sitting a large
d cortdrodtoas ware:waft, they would hole, Ike
attention orpereene having good* to consign or sweet
They will! else give attention to the purchase and suit
orNetea. brats. Bowls. be. Sax?
S.-Wi - iihonan••R. N. Warerinhoi•W.l2. Waltman.
'• L. , n.,wA.Tr0a.33 A a a. Boat,
"CIVIINLF.S.htirI GROCER& Cm: minion and Fnr
warding Nit rr it • R.; dealert ir iciadc of Yr,.
dime & PiiiMurgh Manufacibied &nick, .4 Ageing
for sale of Richmond and Ly.ehlouTs Inhonfaciared
Tobacco. mrl
_ .
.Thatlcr, Pa
TfrILL alle attend to colteetona and all o th er natl •
yy r.Ess entrusted to him in Butler and Ammon,
eoaanica,Pa. Beta to
IL Floyd, LEFerty 01.1
W. W. Wallace, do
atnes Marshal! do Pittabarxh.
. dl! Tar t Co, :Wood at. 1 Jan',
S. U. Bi,.h. r d. •
5. ger ausaFTELD a. co.;
TorinLit,ALE and . pet..! Denier, to Generates
ttJul Dry. Goods, and Conanntston.licrehentu, ,
No.• 120 r.P,ny at, Pit...burgh. ntrl2
Penn street P.r.rbur h :nen
1 JAMES 144. DAVIS — &
No,2l7lllcr,ci, and 64 Commerce e 4 Phtladelndia.
Adeaner anudn, by either of the above, ou coneinn
nbrtits of Prnd tr. either Down. met
. .
LI D. Wnlituns.•.—. _John ma.
WII I. 9 . ItS . AL.E i ac ,,,, E d IEgA m ILF4II.III:
m ORO , C , E . R.S .A
dealer. In Coa..try_Vtadone and P0n...4., , ei! Manafae•
tarns, corner of Vinod and FAIL anenta. Pinaburgb.
Wiz. 11. William •• • -'I.D. PIOV.I
0.. WILLWIS a. GO.,
; .North FAA corner of Wood •adThivi streeu!,
ol rirratenan. Pa.
S. 1.X.11111VX.,
N. n. r;nnowass. SALMI 6OOIIOI.
114(1ALEY Ak CO, Wbalcaale 6rocora, I)
V . anti 20 Wnoskatrect, Filtunna h. apl7
10111. n. wtnr., 1.011.
Mr/ C 41 , ..711'CANDLY....ittr incaution L&J. D.
Wholenrie Grocer., Forwarding Wnd
Concoission !Merriam:nide:den In iron, NB3ll, (Ann,
Cotton l'aru. and Voastiorgh bisufacusse• general.
Inaornsr of Wood arid Water streets, Viikstairsh.
I eOl7
. .
IV' fr. FL allTeilliLtitEki, F.rn
MY RiittifYing Distillers, and Win, end Liquor
MC (I Also—importers Of Sella &salad:Bleach
log • Punier, No. 100 Liberty street, (opposite 13 , ath
cseet,i-riatbarja. apt?
a! W. WILSON, Wanton, Jewelry,aiiver Ware
V y no d dthoarr . Goodo, comer of Market and
roar. streets. Piltsborßbi Pe. N. la.—Wataeo •nd
Clocks carefully .repaltU. • ap 17
• Taniriatwe. •'UM, D. lireo7lPt
ILITItt. Vcil:ilet tit "Co.i - Dealeni in Leather, Itidee,
•y3' • tce., 143 Littcrtty street. • 1 ! ., 1 5.1,
Pro C doce, fro, Null. Lo
ratSmo flortufootaro gcoorour, LlbAly street
r. HAI% taktat WM. A:4 RR tpte_pertnerAp
me in ley bucinesa, which W11.(0/11 Ohltif br
curled PI undo. the name of .Jahn Parker
Match Let.lbso. • JOIIN
. _
,John rarker..--..—.....-Wll.lll= 4.
131.06",Gyilatri,• Dad". its Pirodoce, .Vofetv
Liveors, Did Illowvaksla
and Rrttija Whis ley.
N 4.3, Con:lintel:l Itow,Llticrtr Wee.
rch. P
.W.1111(611110 PLLXVIt. HANNA. WAITS. 1141
PAL:IIEI4 i1M1(Nk.,4 1 ...CEN , 1
• (Successor. to Ileceo..irenhe'a Co.)
RAAKKilf.4,Exclit.xur..ugorEne,".l 4E. 1 7
ia Folen .d Natasha F..rahrioft., c.
of Deposit re e. Sank Note., ead Spew—North areas
come. et Wood and nip) stream , Cartedt money
...aotred• as dieposite.—`qght.!Ckecks (or dale, nod
pa meal an' the piiaelpal porno
Theit r e d harrr4ehm paid fhiPoiniro and *MOM
• Adis.nces•ande on cop.'sn=lns of P>'odtce,ship
on ILboni terms.. . • .PT 7
lectv..) • • • , Ipgo.znota
' - NVti niCiILtrACF , 4 co.j
4 1 0 j 0i.U.P1.).3 'A.'ND•TE•A
•.-„;'" - ...410 156 l isirsq.iiiiii, alma W• 06 4.
;islacrt.T4*a.47 ala~;a aa+otmteat of Choirs
•hhiji•Wbolassie and enall, /Inlets applied Pa the
irtrOttettas. • -lain
- -
Tins outglitfireitt erublishment being now com
pleted and ready for business, the propriemr would
Hrespectfully solicit a share of the public patronage.
a meld by giving his fall attentiro to the business,
to maga the house a pleasant and comfertahle resort
fur the citizens of PituMurgh and for the. coantry
Goal attendants will be in waiting; and every ex
ertion made to render the establishment worthy the
countenance and support of an ictellicent comeollitlY•
The TWO SPACIOUS tiALLS, fitted fee Parties.
Concerm, Lectures, Balls, ant public meeting, will
be let by the eening or week, Cu as liberal terms as
any otberin the v city.
the DAR and REsTAURANT, equal in style and
beauty' to wry in the world, will be kept furnished
with Pore Wines, Choice lagoon, Cordials, Potter,
Ales, and all the cool, light, rerreshmenw of the season.
Poultry, Dame, Etch, Soup, Oysters, and Clams,
WIMP op in the best style.
the first floor, and easy of access, will be nemanantly
sapphed with all the Luxeries and Dellencies of the
season; and also,wlth Each substantials as the markets
Boarding by the day, work, or year. Bothers or
Borger• for individuals or porkier, furnished on abort
(ieullemen with their fames. vis Uing the city es.,
be supplied wi th refreshments of all kiwis of rtht , hour
5 the div.
• •
Eland Stabling and an eileaaAe Livery Estahliah
!neat It eanneeted with the /lull.
Mance at I o'clock. Breuktcat and Tea at theca.'
• Entrance for Lodi, to the Ice Crum and Dining
S.loon, No ID Smithfield greet.
jc2S:dtf D. 11. VAN DENWFD.A.ER
keep ronatimtly on bond or make to order the
beat •rtieto In their lint, at their old 11. and, No. 11 St.
Clair streep also, et No. CS Plarket men t,.eand story,
entrance in the Diamond. Venitian Shutters made to
order, and old blinds neatly repaired. avid
W. i. 7. GLENN, Book Bloe/ars.
W E C( * % l ll l' l 4 toWli i r o d t s h tr ' ee e rs,7lt b :lTr7tt ' ,..%rre '
we axe prepared to do any work is our lino watt .les
pateh. We a end to our work personally, and son.
faction y. Will be ilea in regard to Its cootneas and d U o-
Ulan) 'Don
tally or ropalro
Tose that ha
I ruled to any pattern and boand ant ,
Ilts in numbers or old book. bound ease.
S. Names put on books in sili kitten
re work in 'oar line ore invited to sail
Plena Dlacblne Shop.
T r, Wiol N—lSlmsfatturer of all kind• of eat •
Eat and notices machinery, Allegheny city, Fa
The above worebeing now it (all and inerest:al eq.
eration, I am pr paced to crenate odors with dispatch
for all kinds o • . 'Amory to my hen, each as willows,
pickers, Spread. re, cards, grin& g insnlines, railways,
drawing riga. speeder., thretails, 10(1.16 woolen
cards, double • single, for merchant or reentry work,
males, jacks, AA. 4 slide and hand lathes taw toola in gane
oral. All kind of shelling made to ordoe, er plans giv
en for smarms.* clerics or mill. at reasonable chaser.
itvga' so-- • ennedy, Childs .e Blaokatoe h, Ball
*. IClre. „nook At Ca ./•• A. t;'.•
RI rmtag • am, tam. Pittaba.rghi) Pa.
Orin, No. 3. Water st,' bosons Maria sad
" • Wood. PuLdruret.
WWILL °lnstantly keep on hood a good assort-
Mteut o Wars; of our own
M manufacture, sind
aapeo hnsltty. Wholesale and eonniry CI
-0..11 re respectfully invited to call and es
amir• for the Selves. as ws are determined to sell
cheaper Monti asset '
its -fora bean otrcrod to the
I e
[D — Oede re as. c by Etaccompanied by the bash or
ood reit. ebbe 1.111 be prornptle attended to. mrt
M - - -
A. Will , co., w o u l d respeeettly Inform
tke pct ie that they hare erected e shop on
Laceek, /mover t Federel arettts.r.d,oky screens. 1 hey
ere now mattand ere preywed to receive orders Mr
every descnyor • or echtclet. Conch., ehartiotN, CM.
reacheerllottw , Photons, F. rdbtri. (NM their
low cettent nee n the maroiatmere of Me •hote wort,
and the (actin,. they •
ha ve, they tin cooLdent they are
e,.bled to do .• on the mow reasonable terms woh
thaw watamg ar .ttee tra their One.
Puyant panic o'sr attention to the seleenon of mate
rials, and havin none rolt eartyetent wortnlen, they
have no. hectmtump n warrehung then wort. We
therefore eat dot attention of the public to this marten.
N. 74 Repairing done m the beet rammer, and on the
most F ehorkable terra. talthtf
Wm—l:auto. L. 1113 &TIMOR
okrafook Noon wan MAILlrr. P:lTS'et oak,
nannutonere all lk Oa of I.I.,CPF:Iit,
TIN AND SLIFI-Z WARE. 41,0, Iflaak•
soruto Work.
Steam Boats built is onle,
Special attertoon mven to .team bom wart.
Havegm !sant • o. fine assartre-at ne Copper mot On.ra
Katlica,Tin Warp, &O. u r amboat Cooking Stoves,
Portable Forges, •ariour star.—a COSIVCJIIf CI &e
-licit for.rmamboart, Callterela entigrectat or rut road
bb Would respect:tally teeny steam boat men and
others to call sad ace oar artielea and pried. before
po rehasing el mmthmet t7:17
Pitt Maculae Works and Foundry.
DIOIDI MUDD I' hCo, are pr 'pared 1. boild Cotton
and 'Woolen .Sachet ery of ea ry description, such
Carding idashmes, Spinning Friona., itpwiders,
Drawing Framed, Railway Dyad.. Warpers, hpoolert,
Drawing rTlll3.l,,Looras, Card Gil ode r., itc. Wroaghi
Iron Shafting turned; all glut of C net Iran. Panics and
Dangers of the Direst pattern., end t. and hand Lashes,
and tool. e'en binds. Castings of every devcitytton
furnished an .bat! noneo. Patterns p_ade to onler for
Mill Gearing, Iron Radling, /an. Stem rtpe for heat
ing Facto - we, Car l Iron Window Sa di and holey Ch..
gentrally. Ortent let% at the Warehouse ofJ.
Palmeri. Co., Liberty ftreet, will Lave prompt aura
• •
Ilefet a Llackstook,u,n tr. Co., J. K. Moorehead &
Co., G. E. Warner, JaLn 2 ro,.n b. Sons. P,Voburgt: , G.
C. 8. J. 11. Worncr..9tvubonvillt. ,anlo
TllEaubseriber odor, for able a large and splendid
W.Ortenent Of TOfeW.HI and renhogruy grand Ac
tion Pianos, with end ;wake. Coleman's celebrated
/Dalian Attachment. The above larimm.ents are war-
Meted to be equal to soy inanutacturcd to this coun
try, and will be sold lower thee any broug at from the
East F. BLUME, No I la st.
MI door r.bove tub
N.B.—City Scrip will be taken at par i.e a few of
he elove assortment. mya F. U.
Stanza Brisk Works for gor s.
1114 subscriber offers (or tale, the STEAII BRICK
%YOU AS, above Lawrrneevinc, cumart. 4 ng
:Menne F:nrone, C Mould ripatOe of
mananictuniig acAlie Premed lout of dry me".
as taken front the limsk,l per day; with three acme al
land on the Allen.beny nver, on which are 4 alias and I
' sheds,:maehine and May •hodi, wiiceltimrews, (racks,
shovels, spades, to. every thing relicnt. n
were operr_uons at an noun stream. Price, incicating
the pot right to net gaol mactitie, 57.0C4X—Imm • of
pstVtnen ent t
made c.a. Without the load, .1.3.0u0. For
partienlets, eddress HENRY MERRITT,
ti_n_lll * No Ile hlonoogahela Boum
Wrought and Cast Iron
TLIE anbaeriners bog leave to Worm the public that
they have obtmned from the Fast all the lam end
fashionable dealg. for Bon Bailing,' both for hortme
.no temeteries. Parkans wishing to procure hand
some patterns will please call and egaintine, and judge
for themselves. be furnished the aliorte
en notice, sal to the bestin.ner, 'the tomer of
Craig, and Rebecca atreeta,Allegheny ott
L4o lo N l :llc , '°z_
• ": WILLIAM DlOl3l ,
EL:; Immelo inform hts friends and customers that
114 talon recelvtruxhir new rpring stock of Goode,
comprising, ea usual, all the newest and roost fashion
gide styles of Cloths, Ciatirneres, fancy Vestums, rot.
ton Mid linen saramer staffs, and every article sortable.
for geralemenhi weir for gonna and summer. It beteg
impossible to describe the bt•uty, quality, orgoannty
of th e stook, the proprietor hopes all-who unit in want
of good, cheap, (nameable, and well made Clothes,
will give blot n •eall, lta there is no crock Wla Ode or
Altrghtintes that can compare with it.
- The ready wide departiusnt is very eXtennivei eillaP
ted trii all Metes.
Rail rend contractors, country merettanta, and all
erholputeltase largely, are p.ttealerly invited to ex
ealerte the stock before purchasing, as pant:tem at
tenUen ispaid to the wholesale business to ale snub
Every entice In the tailoring line made to order in
the in.rfnalourtable and beat manner, at the stablest
and mr.
TIM partnership beretoforo ertistlni under' the ?Um
of A & C dissolved by the ilceea,c
&BUJ:Bradboy. The business will be earned on a,y
A /hadlcy, who will eel.° the bailees, of the late
117.1110VA11—A Bienari bas removid'hi• Poundry
Warehouse from t 1.119 &coed'No It Wood
Mott, between Errs and:Wooed sweets, to lb, wares
house lately oceapied by (I A Carry, when, lie wtll
keep sonsmatly on baud earnersnl user meal of Cr..-
Ingo, Watts, Naves, Cooking Stn ye a, Ac. iyl3
ton! No. 1 Asurriean Slicer Steel. Algo—lleat
Castllteel Folet, Of all olae.; and Illacketsout and Shoe
ffaapa, eaero a no hand and for sole,enher at log -FA-
O. tlleel W0,k,,, 0 ,0'110ra street. Fifth Ward, n, at the
cue in the Lion Btore of ill/LLAIANS A GAREN..
30:4 No 4,'foot of Wood sueet, riUhLurge.
We, the onderelitned, bayingnerd, with entire at.
raised°. the Coil Sleet and Ft en made by Samuel
melielyy, ethic Eagle Steel Wn Ica, in oda eity, tate
ideiaiute in ever.. ~
.sledding them ,
equal in quality to
.1 ever vied by who! for.git us aufgetaye.
Pitiaborgb, Marsh 13, I MP.
1.1 A 111 stow:got:To:Ea & co,
Manufacturers of Iron and NO. Pubiliciegh, Ps.
EN Art . A TlYrflifi,
Icon Foundent and Mathint iii, Patabiirci,, Pa.
hianulactuiers uf fipzulgo, Axles, prang Steel and
. ' ftly to, Pluibnigh, P.
. F tr. W M PAI3IIII,
Edens 13alldays and Machine Curd 111snufseto•
fOra,Pittabbegli. P.
_ . pp
. AP . , A veuroni
rses Ifo P nder
LINDS, Pittsbur
AY A COgh, P
. i liiK, a.
Manufacturers of Iron UndNeill ll 'a,
OSlLlN Yithiborgh,
. .1 f/SEPPSO
Loeadtollge Englhaand Ship Cuddy. Piliaburrli, Pa.
S . Uble hlanufActurer, Mactana and Mullen (Judd
: vart) ~... or. Yntsburet. Pa.
plimoluttors of Pa/Moroi?lp. '
IlLE4girtr„rallip heretofore existing peiweim the
, under the firm of Chrthuberl. Ague.
t uo.GI.s msonfannurs,s, war dhithltrid hy mutual
consent, on tier fast dui , Johf,thstsnL All persons
chewing themselves Indented to *nu, firm an reg.. , "
ed In snAg ment to either Of she ponies, Without
Stilly, and all persons !Saving Unsatilcd accounts with
thin firm, are USSUCLI to present them for 161,11CittEnt
:1713:116Ers - D. 11. CIIAMDEILLB,
Pare Wines and Brandies
" F y." N an on,. sultan's, for tnedietnsl
porpomos, consmorly hantl . •hu hit by
roars or whoiessic, at the Tea and • 10 inn stores of
MIIOICRLS & HaWOOl eut sided Banana Pius ,
March, and Faders! strat i , Allegheny. [GUNN MaeLM.'
Al 2)•
RANCE COMPANY...-Office Northjloont et the
Exchange, Third Weer, Philadelpela
Fax I munteaca—Baddinge, Merchandise and other
Properly, in Town and Country, lammed amine, lots
or .."...teby fire, at the lowest rate of pre lam.
Mamma ISsullUtz—They also Insure Yeshela Car.
Roo. nod Freights, tortio or coastwise, ander open or •
Glob.' Policies, Its the assured maid.... I
0 , 14111, Tususroassrou.—They also lame merth•
anal. transmuted by Wagons, Rail Read Can, Canal
Boats and Steam Boats, on riven and Ishas, en the
moot liberal tenni:
DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal, gamma Jl. Reader,
John 0 Davie, Robert Rattan, John B PeaMltat Remo.
el FeloraNa, Geo G Leiner, Edward Darlingunt. Isere
It Dania Wm Falwell, John Newlin. Dr R
Decor, ,Mlluston
Jag 0 Band, Th“phihut paalding, Jones ,
Dorn enn, Gogh Craig, George Serrill, Bronco,
Mellonin, Charles Kelly,joJohnena Wm clay, Dr
Thomas. John Sellers, Wm Llre, Jr.
Hugh DrAig, • Jobn T lateen.
WILLIAM MARTIN, Prlll , lant.
Rich sun S. Nuursoll4 Beer.
Office of the Company, No. 4.4 Weld street,
Pittsburgh. flart-tf P. A. MADEIRA:Av..
Life sad n.OJib Itumeamitasi.'
I.MM It[hotel Llfb and Health leserance COmpeny
of Philadelphia, treorporaleg by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, Murk "Mg. Charter perpetual.
Capital, 1100,0e4). Rem LoWlll AYR Pirlein-
VelOrt COkretly, and fall YO per call lower than the
usual rates of Life Insurance, as the followiniScom
parison wtll eller: Theo, a person of the age of 20 in.
came for 1100 for life, must paY DI the 01, eId 112,16
Pennsylvania, 111.30, Penn Mattis& 1020] &liftable,
8404; New Eagleod, WAG; New York Lae, *1,20; Al.
blue, 10,40; Life and Health, Philedelptile,
Dtawrosts.—Sarnuel D. Orrick, Cherie. D.lllll, W.
P. Boone, Robert P. Khali, Charles P. Hayes, M. W.
Baldwin M. Rerse, bl. Chu. O. B Campbell,
Lew Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, B. IL Butler, Islwin
R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Coil:hi Vice Pres,
denl—Robt. P. King; Beereiery—Ptancle 111 ackbarne.
Applicatioco will be received. and every laSennation
given by BAIIL. ,
Olhee, Commercial Room?, c IINEZTOOIcareer of
Wood and Third sts, Pittaberth
Tlll3 INSURANCE CO. of North Maarten Will
make perumnem and limited itllll2/11ee on pro
perty in this city and vicinity, and en shipments by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sen. The properties el
this Company arc well Invested, and famish sui
(and far the ample indemnity of all pawn. who
desire to be protected by Insurance.
m7lB WM. P. JONES, Ai—
Fire sad ildsztae laearaise•.
IIE OFFICE of the Insurance Company of North
America, has been removed to No. 141 Front at
cut of Wood.
The ndtertbee, agent for the oboes old and reason
able Company, arid home rouw. on Buildings and
their contents, and on shipments of Merchandise by
Boon. Boats and other vemels.
4/4 W. S. JONES.
Illodern agd datigao illtllllol6.
83, Tam, ST, Pmr•anarn
3. W. W.
tr's7DlF,Z* ,
Rexpectfully Worms tim2E
public ikon be !au
pitted hi s spring mock o
FURNITURE the large. and mos:varied nasottment
eve Sc re e for wale to this city, commit/log enamel
setts r
et Ittettwoon, IlDatioe., and Dem %Tatar.,
Darved, ornamental and plain, suitable for Parlors,
rawing end Red Rooms, MI of which will be void no
the lowest price..
Person. deuding Doweled. or say delotireloo: are
medally waited le widuenntino Lila mock, which
embrace. every description, from the cheapest and
plainest to the mos; elegant and neatly, of Which the
following comprises a pace
Tete a fete Tete a Tete Oman.
Convorstwon Chaim; Elltabotbiao Coatrig
Reetption do Loois XIV do
Tat-n.. do Vadat Nuetne;
M hat lined Toilet Tablas;
Lout. XIV Commodore: Duke of York'. Conch;
00 Sofas with Mud, and liatt•oloth corers
tO Dann., de do do;
40 do. Mahogany Parlor Chaim
10 Irosewoo4 do do;
11 " Ltla Walnut do do;
40 " Cant Prat do;
4 " hialog.y Rooting do;
" Co Plano otoolo
do Marble Top Centro rabic.;
VD do do Warn Stand.;
fit Mahogany Bedsteads;
IS do Wardrobe.;
10 Ula Walnut do;
0 Cherry do.—
X eery large worureat of Common Chairs and mi
n Fklall4llV wo WOOa• to mention.
Ai thr ,,a ! n tea p m ,o l . tax;
. fit u ral m, s i lzton the aborts.; nodes.
P. S.—Cabinet Makers eta be anppßed with Alison.
to! Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneer., at considerably
prier. febll
—•- - - &
Waite Flariuels, all Wool. I.D. Dol.
Rea do do Ulde Dram.:
Yellow do do Fancy CouonadeC all an
Shown 4o do ollarad al Etelotiprloali
Macs . Salaam • ...
duel mita do
(Look Gupta:Ler*.
Farley do
bloodKoper Block Cloth.
Pope, Broom do
Super Green do
Super Twilled do
Soper Bisclt Doe Skin.
Soper Grub Cashmeres.
Soper Brows do Super Block do
Califorrua Blonder.
Scarlet do
Moo do
1)rob do
Groin Dorking.
Brown Linda;
el the M.ollofitelOr•fle
ro-partnersais heretofore ellelr.g between the
et...rape:l, Is the oaten of Constab;a, Burke to
CO, le SIN day diasolved by mettnal coast,. Hearn
Bark , A. Barnes grill nide the bounces of the eoursts,
for saidch earpoet, they are authorised to else use name
of the ootteene. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE,
The anderalamed have Wu day associated the melees
In the mune of BURKE k CARNES. for the petroae
of mann taetunne Flla Pfoof Safes, Ilaaft Donn, tae.
dce , at the stand of J.. late Eink of Constable, Wake
Alto, they will be ple.ed to receive the petron•
art of We caatanscra of that hoes., and their fftends.
In rettnns Item the firm of Constuble, Clarke & Co.,
with sincere pleasure recommend Hest.. Butte &
Earner to the confidence of in filer...d• and the public'.
MAO 4.4:f
j_Tettt lout returned from the Eastern Clues, and 1.
AIX recetwing • large canny of thasertable Good., to
which he respectfully in•nes the atterdlon of thereb
ants and pedlars. No B 4 Wood at fcb4l
TrrAu. PAPER — W, P. Ntsasnstl Is constantly
yr recetsine, (thus We Ida.. ...wad.... in
Near Toth and Phdadeiphia, and also from French
agencies, the newest and am% sPprosed styles of Pa.
pet flacgless, together with Borders, Fire Board
Prieto, and Tester Topa For sale 1883 Wood st, be
threes Fourth stand Pramond alley, (successor to 8.
C. /11114 ap3
- ITl.4.Lit - PAINT-116rla fast reoq per steamer,
Mind too sale by the barrel at single pound at the
Brag, Seed, and Perfumery tVarebense, corner of
Stith add Woodairects.
Plarprattar Ottani SUM •sb.
464 l ' i A g re t' e ' t f . r l' om "' the e raa m ott b u ' re . g . 1%
muds now on the way from New Orleans, and et•
:acted here chic week ; and MI Will slimly arrive
via Ilahlmare pet ships Janiam,Chesapeake, Daman.
Co., and Altar, which will be sold on grovel, as the
lowest mutat prime Moult or approved bill,
Nn Ins Whereat _
T i th E el M uTL ' a l ;e i n ," r, °` 7,l og c = P :ll 7 fi 's tol r e ' Pejo;
and without •Ilogeration, Of fear of contradletiou, by
those who have tested It, plane.. it fur superior to
any other in the market. The consumer need have no
upprehenslon. of soiling carpets, de., as its coo,
position preventr a dart from arising warn being ap
plied, whirl, tour ha done when the Stove le cold
The quantity enquired .0 so little to prodeco a beAn
Wel buena A saving orover thy.peg coot is insured
to thoaonsunters. A coating applied tolittives, Pipets
Ag., when laid any for the summer, Is a sure pre.
ventutive against rest. After having tried It once,
Id It la accessible) no person willnee any Mil the
Flume, Afenchteteztvg Company`, Premien, Chem/.
cat Stove Polish. For sa W le by
ornri Comer of Sixth and Wand streets.
Corner of Fenn-and Ift COM street..
wm. ALEX ANDER d SoNS.Fernielking Under-
Ty tahnrs, where every mete ler Foneral and
Mourning mrpoves can be 1101 on reasonable Wm..
1,11.13 m
MAE Motion market price In Cash will be paid fo
Om differont pedals of Wool, by
P h W Ftfill AUfil
owner , and consignee* of geode arriving by
1 the °Cider IP Portable &vat Line,. will please
tale notice that they writ be required to pay freight
at our warehortae, according to the ipt, benne
the load. are removed. 0 A tdeANULTY &GO
s a a a bia forAlledianca Purpoata.
TN thoo thew, the ahem's artiste lifrogaeutly
1. required. The subscribers have tame on hand for
sale at ow Dollar per bolds, w/hteb they know to be
loattim u w as bought bythemselve• in France, and
u as pure as when bought
Trash Arrival of Otiola• Tams.
MORRIS, & HAWORTH, in the Diamond. bare
Ina received from the importers. another Urge
'apply rdexcehent Black and Gwen tear, which Gel
.re nut retailing from the original chaste at Sao and
76e per lb. They de(/ any In the trade to hem the
gaahty at the pmp. W. le/P.0104 solicit the pub
•ite to compare oar TOM with those purchased elm.
where, at same prthea.
picrontiElieLo BOOK OP THE HEVoi,II
- or Illesuoborts by Pen mid reoeil of the
theory, Sulam, Biography, Relbm, and Traditions
et tbe War for Indepeodetme. By Beeson J. Loreto',
rite Me Enrrovume do Weed by Leming to rfereO
Able], from orisioal eketehee:by the ember. To be
em.PLoe /a abbot 20 Nos. et SSC, for sale be
tui7 ' noreuts
Rome League Btiilii.
(Cheek. and Strip., eery
Mae?' goods.
1 anon' eode.
Red Padding, super do;
Vest geddiag, Donkn..,
TalleraTahea•ubeasy no;
Brown Linens. Sitters's
'Drab Serge, Ensek do, • i 1
: and worsted;
'Reek and White T.p.;
Ithaca Twist, Drab del
Linen Cheeks and Doi*
Stn./Wed cerdSrei Co ton;
Linen Thread, a
senertor truck;
Stilt named Vesungst
IIII•ea Satin do
Brown Holland Sete Silks;
U...., Cravats, Re., &a.
mann., No Is: Wood.
100,000 feel Atleaned Deck Plank;
100,000 feel Coal Beal eliding. Pnr sink by
)r-VI-titt A.m., at t.ww, raulth at.
I''r .1 .....; :
By th• Preild•nt of tea. UmWad btages.
TN p. m:mace of law, L ZACHARY TAYDDR, Pee
t, Wdent of the United States of America, dri hembm
declare and make known. that Wilk WM lie
held at the undeumentonod Land (Mew in the @tate
of MICHIGAN, at the period. hertinaher designated,
to wit:—
At the Lard °Mee at FAULT STE. MARIE, for
the slake Superior District" commenetng 'on Mon
day, the mintennth day of Septethber nom, tor the di.-
petal el pcbllc lands within the following named
townships, vim— :
North ( the dove line, and ern of the printipa/
Towwhip forty five. and fractional townships forty
tie and forty seven of mance tiro.
Towithip. forty fire and levy art. and friwile.°l
townol..p forty seven, of ranee three
Township forty .10, and fractional townahip (Orly
seven, of tweet few.
Townshins forty sin and forty seven, and fractional
uni-whips Orly and film one. of range Rye.
Fractional townships forty seven, forty eight, forty
nine, fitly, nod fifty one, of range sit.
t Townships forty eight and forty nine, and fractional
...whip fifty of range seven.
Fractional townships thirty nine on "Hog Dana."
and forty on "Hat Isla.nd," arid township forty flee, of
tango euthl.
Fractional townships thirty nine and forty/en "Ilog"
and ' Harden" and forty three on thei main
land, and township. fatty fear and forty Lien, of tinge
Fractional townthlw thirty nine and forty on "Gar
den" told "S.quaw" Islands, and township. forty three,
forty foot. and fo, ty Am grange ten.
Fractional townships thirty eight on "Little Beaver"
Island, thirty nine on "Little Hewer" and "Ftotn"
Islands, and forty on "Whiskey" blend, and tristiM
' MM. forty three, forty fear, and forty Bye, of range
Prartiong urtimehip thirty eight on "Call leloa,
ierteortiiP fort; two, and fractional township. forty
three, forty fear and forty hoe, grange Darden.
Frne@onal township forty, oil Ida Mg. land, of
ntnee sixteen.
Erne , one' tnivoships thirty nine and forty on Sr
num and, of range sevents mt.
Fractional to orwhipi thirty e lain, thirty nine, forty,
and forty one, on the main land of range eighteen.
Fractional townships thirty sin en •iSt.mmer. and
"Poverty" bland., thirty seven (including "Bertioef"
Wand and an Melt and thirty eight thirty nine, and
toe:, on the twin land, and townships forty one ,
two, 4.11) forty three, of ranne nineteen.
Fn al unmaships Mary .it on "St Mrerun'."
and "Gall" 'stand., thirty seven on An Islet or" Little
Somtel" bland. thirty eight an Ma tort:lhnd, thirty
nine (InCluding the Isiand insentioas twenty Wren
and twetty eight) and forty, and township forty Mena
on the min land, of range twenty.
Pragmatist township. thirty eight, thirty nice, and
form on the main land, of range twenty one.
AT TIIF. CAME. PLACE. commencing on Monday,
the thirtieth day of Eletamber non, toe On dirt. mg
of pc public lands within the followlng nutted town
ship,. arid frectlonal townships, to wit:—
Nora of the dare /iv, awl west of the principal
Fruedonal townships thirty five and thirty six on
the main iwid, of ranve twenty four.
Fracturnal townships thin' , three, thin? four, and
thin➢ ire, and township Marty sax, of rang ,. twenty
Fractional townships thirty two and thirty three on
Min main hind. and townships thirty foot and thirty
five, of ranee twenty .11
fractional townships thirty one. thirty two, thirty
Three, Miry fon. and thirty five on tte. min land nod
toisihlps ferry sty, forty seven, and forty eight, of
range twenty ans. ,
Frictional toarnhips Mitt, two, Mint . aid
thirty NOVen, and township. thirty nine, forty Mg, forty
seven, and Inny eight, of range twenty eight.
Fractional township. thirty mien, thirty eight, and
thirty nine, and township. tarty one forty two, forty
three, forty fan, forty five, forty sin forty tress., nod
forty eight, of range twenty Mix.
Fractionaltownship. durty ninc, township forty,
fractional township forty oat, to wnthip. May two,
fp nit. three, forty four-ferry five, (nip fern man,
andlicti rithit,and the fractions of •celianf'thirty five
and thirty Os; on oho cap. of Agate harbor, of town
'dVtiiVloodiarioowrif range mini.
othrt ftmr, forty
one, township. forty two. forty Oder, forty fon d forty
five, forty nix, forty anen, and Piny eight, an true-
Uirtal unction ma nn , . and emideen,un 'Traver , 0'
Is tpirruchin fiftY fon, of forign thirty non. dry
AT THE SAUK fl.AChl,enfoutenetng on Moods ,
the foorweinth day el October ntist. for tint disPesal or
the public lands sttunted within the undermennoned
tnevnhi • •nd M ar , (medm town Mips, to
ilrortA of do Moe , nut wen
Fractional tarthahlp forty one. and townships forty
Iwo, forty three, forty four, forty fire, and nay, of
range thirty two.
Fraefional torrOriapit fifty old fifty two, of rang e
thi Fr yrt three.
actional townall.p. fifty and fifty two of range
thirty foe.
Township fifty. of range forty oaa•
FT•GIi.ILI township for.y eight, and WWl:Whips
tarty nine and fifty, or rant. (on, two.
Township foray seven, fractional township forty
eight, •th townthipr forty tune and fifty. of range.
Townships forty seven, fcrty eight, forty nine, and
fifty, of range may four.
linernithlys forty sthen, forty sight, and forty nine,
and frnonnowl township fifty, of range forty fief.
Fractional terror*, forty nine and fifty, of range
rectonal mana:me forty six and forty seven,
to reathip forty eight. and It - acanthi township forth
V ne, of mon forty severe
rtllalo.l torepalapa forty seven, forty oight, anti
forty Line s ."( Manta tarty rigin
Fractional township forty rash. of range forty nine.
At the land entice at l ON lA, nomro<•noonnMon
day, the sixteenth of on
September next, for th e disposal ,
cadre public lands within the ondetmentionth frac•
none lown•bip.
North of the two hat, oral writ of the principal
Section. one and two, Ito cyst La{( sectlon of three,
and eeetlons eleven. tare/ ve, (ourteen,tweety
four, twenty five, anal thirty 1.1.2, In township. nine, of
tango seven
Lands appromated by law for tl.e use of schools,
ml , itarp, or otuer purposes, sr& Le excluded from the
roc offering attic above mentioned land. aril] be
commeiired on the Opt op c.ord, and proceed in
he girder In whialt they no advnitacd, with how
l e ered,
dirpeteh, until th e .bole shall nave been of
fermed, cut the rale, tbeis erne. d But on role .boil be
kept open forger than Iwo weeds, and no ptirmilo
en by el any ci the lend • will be admitted ail Vter
the e.guration Of two weeks.
GI•ell ety hoed. al the .7 uf Warning - ten.
rine tnt tree tut day ea June, Anne Dottuni one thousar.d
curia hundred sued . WV.
. •
the Prclilenc
J. ncrtratrl...
Qtandsmaer a! ite GeerTal Land 06te.
Leery person entitled to the Wetlt of prr.ernotlon to
any of the lends with., the townships and frecuthal
townships %both enumerated, is remelted to establish
the same to the saw...rums or the Heetstor nod at
ceder, of the proper Lund Oak., and mate payment
N erefor es soon ea amble table after seeing this stoner,
and borer: the day epponned for the commencement
of the pelts sae of the lead• embrthire the tract
claimed, ethane'.e such plata end be fattened.
.1. BUrrENrilq.D.
Boanett's Aso•rioan Poultry Book.
Tltini;":“. , ,&wrrleFc4al l ,;;,-imiGnzida. -- nd
General Management of Domestic Fowls ' with no.
JOIBIC. nngina
Donne.,l descrtions and roans from Life.
M. ip D. m
This work will be found to contort • greater amount
of original and ether inlormetion, both practical and
osefal, in regard to Fowl Breeding, teen is eoma!aed.
all other Amman works together It will be
Illastraied with Licari) . Fifty Portraits of the mwt
ettolee varieties of American end Foreign Fowls,
same forty of wroth or. from life. from gra wipes
taken esperdaily int this work, of the most Important
bleeds, nod 'comer of them from fowls very recently
The publishers have sparest no ripens, to bring out
MD work Ina superior meaner, both in regard to the
engrlivihp, the n•rits of the wore, and the general
execuildp of every part ache book. And it le belie,
ed that the work will be found to coolant more Inset&
:al Information to Breeding and 21•Img ng Domestic
Fowls, Ilan any , work Issued to this country.
Pot sale by JAS D L.DCK WOOD.
PIS Bookseller end Importer, tub Fourth at.
j_jll4ll.loLurs COSMOS--CinlnhoiraSltteh of
iv PaYslslDescription of the Universe. B
Iltunho e ldt Translated by Ottle. 2 volt, Moo.
last ravened for sate by.
Bookseller 0. Importer. 101 ronrib s,
.11—.3, :sic , 41 Wood strew.
T offer Mr bale,
1110 pkgs V. 11. Imp. Black
and Gunpowder Teas;
135 bog Tobacco;
;IGO begWO Cofer;
MI/0 1 N 0 Mow n.;
73 bhdabil 0 Sugar;
LOU box!, snorted , Wier
nno b... M. R. Ra'aing
I lOU tam closer do;
15 Igs do do;
I 15 cuts Zmote Currant.;
15 Fol. l'.. Walnuts;
15 do Mud Mars;
IS rte Filbert.;
10.1 do Pea Nuts;
:.0 ho. ahead Almond.;
22 tn. Flock Curdy;
5 eau. Liluori,n;
10 II Nine/pee .1. Regnha
1 WO 01 11.11 Smash;
31.0 Clues;
2 cu. Nutmrca;
3 remota Indigo;
25 case. Leill. Syrup;
25 easel P.pper Sauce;
11.1 cur. Tomato Catup;
6rrand Spice.or all kinds.
CO barrel. powdered and
Won low 4•11.11;
40 hie Pipes;
100 bit 403 p;
100 big CentPes;
lbe cuilbah;
311 brls Tannert'oll;
2D bit ebncohDe;
40 dos [kJ Curdy:
20 cotlt Alatulls Hopei
311 bit dpieed Cbosolsle;
10 0013 Pepper;
6 buts Alspier;
6/0 borilerribei
40 brl6 rmegari
3D 011ee Ceedleinek;
Obi. Starch,
10 Ire. glee; •
10 bits Chalk;
00 &mut Vim
AS •101 i us simenl
, Issursetcred smelts.
Loaf :lava;
bhds Madder,
to 1.r16 Vilauug;
wisormant of Plitoborgh
•can, Va., arch ' s IrOU
I have dmitroctl OF dl the
cr Pills you sent mo, and
- -
um. R R. REArI.bIRR—
.V.I Cough Sleop one Lir
of dot of the Verenifitge.
I have used all your noel
tad have tOeo prescribed
tomuch pleased sue th
es torsi them. Staid me S
to Cut Cecilof the lilacs Pi
fly Medicines in my family,
hem in my pram., I am
cm, end have tented nothing
.toz nf your Vie =aegis, azil
'ills and Cough Syrup.
Rorpectfolly y.
(Faunal of Lauer.]
Tboat highly popular me/
oroprletor I:BELLI:It:a,
, n tho two chins n
ROSIN•LA - fonibrla
!superior oday, roar
ectived and a t ilata by'
101 l
T. T. Jartson.
:diet.. may be had or the
I, 67 Wood 11, tend Druggist.
and vicinity 044
io I extra White - Amin h
able tor soap rnaking.Dat
660 Gaunt Baal, Penn at
WIAKR-1 recetwed for salc by
/YE , " J tr.lllC/ONIIAKFR &C0 _
LVIACKEIREr-1; Eris No Hass, ammo&
for sobs by fr:ILLER & RICHE:MON
170 2ll 3'1!1 Liberty rl
CILARAT—V bis Rocdeou a, ..s Junco filedde.,
3) be. rilargauel Pet Ye" for e"'' by
pig MII,I.t:RA RICKR'IIdo , , ,
wrOoga , Cares,Coniee and Cafe, 311.1 ren'd at
)yam_ A SlAedIN te Ciy , e‘
rcu - .._ nee* YOU. ground, pus., J4ce
Lt. Float, )art reed and for cab:, by
iyeo Wdl A MeCLIIItY: A CO, fda LibetlY
a M lYird r# AluT . 117eoltr Tt
w ae
rtf r re * ren '
twin, remand and for ,ale by
y`d) WM A afei,tirbr;
y NBEEDJI3" - ir - nn... • -
Col, Wood and 5441114
iur WWII & BUSCIIPIELDinrim lb, atlendon of
IV/ the ladle, to LW: extensive assortment of White
Gm:ids - for Pre tea, nor 11.114 of •
Scotch and•Erststrahng
Figured Proles do;
ViO•Orl4 Lawn&
Low Priced Barred Jackonet for momiak dreeses;
fine soft firiioltad do; and a large moonoved Paris
Moeller. wlth colored embroidery; printed J ackonets:
Learns, flatter, &e., at non& Cut CORM Of Fonnb
and Market streets.; lent
Cheap Lawn*.
URPIIY A DURCHFIELDhave received a large
IFI supply of Drers Lawns, very cheap; Ulm myls
brown at Diet light do, in great variety, forint,. trio
Also,enthroidered and printed Muslim and/ackonet,
of nem and Orwell styles and lowest price fm quality,
and north _ emit comer of Fourth and Markerst.
At the One Podes Beare of
Wholossle Rooms, will, on this occasion, he thrown
open for ReTaill. 'roans, and all of their esten.ive
stork will be named to retell purchasers. at discount
of from wil l
to 20 per coal. lets than usual prices
THEIR STOCK OW SILKS Comprise over fees
hundred pieces, and will be sold at an imnleose
Their avonment ofShawl.,DarcaesTimntea, Gren
adine. Foulard Silks, Loamy, Muslin.. ..laeonets,
Cmbr l e., and Ds Goods generalir,
usual olmmd
ant Immediately, so about one half the te.
II elms Fast Colored Lawns will be offered at Pe.
S do Samosa, 10e.
do Noglm de Laines, 10e
Superior and Ammicaa Calicoes,: to& Ile.
300 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs, 6A 7e.
• logo lot of {Wrought Collars, some as low a. Se.
Together with a °bumble ruins of Dow.soo and
Whits Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Waves, Donnem,
he. be.
Making In all one of the most
worked do w n
In Wee ountry, wrich will be worked down to mach
Sawn prxes than at any of their previous Annual
Store will be closed upon Thursday and
iTy l . l May Mith and 3lst, for the purpose of arrang
leg and marking down stock. NO V.111t14711,11 on Pol.
M ivrl
MlPrilr kBUR e, CHFIELD base received a ersp.
ply of 3.4 and 4 4 French Linens for men'. cent.
and ranks, ladies' sacks, boys , and ebildren's wear,
of the most desirable shades.
lltay Invite arention to their large assortment a
Mth'it and Boy. , SCIAINIF.R WEAR, of different me
.ad ell orwhleh will be sold In. 1017
orUIZPLIY &BURCHFIELD have received another
sapply ashore article, and an enabled to op•
ly'alwast any (milt, and CLOT asaitecli and ai the
lowest cash pm., iota
--- ,Vaiant Blair Oil Cloth Covrar.
eXT tiIeCLINTOCK ha. ieeeived this day, at as
V V Carpet Warehouse, No ti Fourth at. Emir Oil
Coth Covent ofvery handsome potato and colon,
to which are Invite the attendee of prachoers.
URRII Y & RUCHFIELD am now airman good.
ITJ. at greatly reduced pnew Lawns from cents
II DPI 1.4 ' Chintz from 'Decals opt Roraima for 111 e;
Plain piack Bemire for teen • Bonnet Ribbons for to
per tied. Ladino ape inuicedou nail and e s uruinu our
ot gem& beano porehaslng alsewhera—
North east roma, of Fourth anti Market me. lal3
DECEIVED im: jtiI• Lye . ! mutt mrtro m tat of
rtnm I,trlieuu
}el3 75 Fourth et
U i ttLi r l y Y k..1 d 113 8 11 . C 9 171E4D I.aue.,•
Uing off osef
greedy reduced prices, mt.—
Buggy do Lad.. • large 4111011.61eng of beantifol
Pi lraltn, ' /acencl;qml Swip, /441inli
A eplendld a:gar:mem of Blatt and nine. Silk.;
Berages !mania and Do Lalars, remarkable cheap;
Beautiful Foulard Silk.. at 371 cents per yard;
Desclutil Belida.. from 61 rents, and upwards;
.tor* bt litOuto sad Dlcaohr.4 Mottos, fie
pei yar. and upirurds,
Bonnet. and Parasol., at greatly reduced price.
Cloth., Cassimerea, and Vest ego. alba best quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large Cork of Ttekings, Apron and
Storung Check. all Istatha; Drown and Bleached
:Meetings end Shut nu,: frith hens; together with
all other oleic" to our line, at oarth tart cornered
Fourth slid Market a tett/
lits , t i s i geead
and figured changeable Aka, dalsac i retveri P ayli:
and quality; super plain imd figured bilek silks; do
battles •nd ; bare. edo lulu, nem ad hand
some; styles; net ate le French, EMgliti, and Ecoich
Laving, in great variety, aridat very. tow p new
plain,t.gured, and satin striped de lain., of all kinds
sad qua /nes; linen latices of all shades and co!ors;
gingham, chintzes. print, to., at north east comer
of Fourth and Market timed, red
A FALL rui ha supply of Black &Ms and ianey col
ored Silk., last received by exprem This morn
ing, at north east corner of Foorie d Market
i3UR . .inkIRLD
Lel and Denim M. D. Wines at very low pines. at
north e skt earner of Fourth arid Market rm. jay
LA - CELO—Estra Inds, =cantos and
I)narrow interning Limes of hest quahty, lost nod
far salt at Nankeen corner of Foonh and Mar.
kit strict. jes MURPDS & BURCHFIELD
flowage., apse Sonnet 11/
CI Pin' a lIIIRCIIFIELD have received ut ad-
Lag drtionai .apply of above goods, incladmg Various
Mlle. of China, Pay.. Altoona, and fimapiptonneur;
htte nod Colored tr hap do; and Ribtroas of all colors
•nd yricear. mayl7
LILtrORCICOPII-40•" r yd. 4-4 Floor Oil Clash,
mat receives; from the factory, and for .de at the
'Nearcrooaa. Nos. 7 8.9 Wood west.
ICOIII4 - IFilf id -- e.OOC/i.
MURPHY k LILIICHEIELD inane the attention
of Mom ...wrung goods for Nionmanst
very fall assortment, Jest received, .salt as
Slack llomtrosiaes,
HotPunatne firdatchipaccas,
Mach Moose de :..Ines,
hloormag Wash Pi.ks,
do Printed Fortionls,
Garage/I, Times, Sicilian Lustre+, Albaornes, Plat
Waal, and pflatad Lawn., Slut laahroldetad d
Eland•l Itibbant, Scarf do, Vella, &a. mayl7
L'• nat.ll COATING-22 pea Oman:wet., assoned
colors, a most denirable article lor rammer tont.,
recta, and now opening by • A MASON'er. CO
maylti 42 Marko, et
riliuuEr 811AW7.2=:8apenor Eaga calmed 'Onkel
shawl, compriring enmson, Orange, Pink, U.
fire end corn colored, pod receiving per expreaa,
add :In en, n
day opening by A A MASON A C')
mny l; 02 Marker
7(1 Blue, Grew, Grt, m
r ra
r Colored Bongo., reed per upiese, art. now
opening by mayl7 A A MARON n 0 •
R A. MASON &Co ines 11. day opeoloo 10 pet
A. V inch Black Oro dit Rhino 1301; 10 poi 21.1
do; 10 pea :11inch do; 0 Pell XI mat do;..d 1 plee
36 loch do. voaylo
400 do z I wdler
LIIICIS Cambric lidkb t W i rides;
100 dos Gents , do do
23 dot do de do colored b urden;
Received this day by A A MASON d CO
_ CO Macke' st.
Osalin.ex LINEN IstilifitEl3-30 pes changeable
Lames, at the catrecon lowlale l af j ae ,s re a, vvgd.
may 10
Irlott and Brown Linens.
bbo pc. 3-4 and :06 pe. Grow. Unenia
Ibb pc. Gray'. llarklay's, 4114 Altrandreo.uperl •
Irish Unarm, rum opcalarr by
"ri" A A 11ASO8 & CO
-- Fr.311 Arrival or Dry Goedi; ---
xIETH are now receiving largo addittion• toour stock
TT- of String aid Summer Dry. Dads, sod ara pre.
p teed to odes an excellent assortment at our usual
tow prices for cash, or approved Credit.
The attention of western dealer. la particalarly re
quested to our goods, as we reel confident of being
this to offer unusual inducmnent• to make a bill will
as. Call and examine at any rast.
mays DM Wood street.
108 !Market Street" (near Ltberty,)
PaNDERS, &a. Aloe,
%Bala Dad Fancy Vastluitir
BANDANNA, and LINEN MMES. • poen..-
.oriole.. ot every •stiety of (Miming..
pldio and figured Ihwego de Loins, anon
) ed color•onst weetved, nod wiling at owl low
tanrl3 A A MASON & CO
) CASES Nat colored Lawns received and tiow
preninr, se liorq at the <stream low pried of It ere
er yard ma. A A MASON & CO
IN lIA - - • • •
.) CASES fast colored Wash.:Le. reed, and nailing
at Id corm per yard A A MASON & CU
rnerdd . CS Markel at
BACON -:o hhd. pnme I.lauldeo; 21 h/d. emu
side., lundwg and 10r..1e by
PA - it AND aPILLOO Oil. N. tr - Tar, iS do pure
Tunnel,' (AI, for vale by
ntligrriii lu rces cedar eared dtled Deefi
rust received and for vale by
I.NSII-5 , 1 bill. No 3
L"ETrERs remaining mWu °thee eddressed to
Ned to—A large asscauneni oi N e w,
!Setts. of nearest it les ; also, plain Wire Netts,
W.I. !Modea, and Dahn nl., received by
EliCabWrEia-S — ailih,Tiruttiy — re seising n sh
peen and black T,11., direct trout the import,.
an Philadelphia, nod have new on hand, at the Pica
butgh nimily Grocery and Tea Warehouse, We Lltn
arty street, an assortment ofevery grade end flavor,
melt as to not to be surpassed mPitteboga. We It.
alit martens., feeling arsured that, on Dial, onr
re.. Will be found equal, tf not superior, to any at the
to the Mt),
'CotU Platt It WHAILd assortmelit - ol
LIR goods, adaptedlor Flops. Bdmmer Wear, of Cob
ton, Worsted. and Woolen ronterlal. ean be found at
- -
Laos, And Edwin:lg.
MURPISY b.. ISLIACIIPIELD hams tecehrml •large
ldelo and Victims Edgings and Lacem
Loom Wort Thread do;
Bobbing do;
Via:enc.:lutes dm
liwiseandisieoriet Edging.;
Do Weeding.:
Figured and plain Nett.: Won do, Se.—tohMb
they tub the at of burrs. i. 3
FatUlt—So barrel. Farmer emu brand,
seceded and fo.ellis by
9 fe. W fin MIAS° d
F ISIY - 30 brie 506112 No 3 Mackerel;
Hera , MI
111MbIla ask' tcr *ale h,
• • ••., •
.I • •
PR0P05A.1.15 YOH. A LOA*.
TUE eleventh and twelfth Wallahs of,ih. 4kaocttn
Genera lAssemhly of this thornlnonseeatth,ntsbde•
"A Supplement W. , wo Act totaled an Acktri create t
Sinking cold and to provide fur the grida 'lnn
certain Wrtingalshment of the debt of the Common
,wasslth andlio.anthoriec n loan," epmvedi the /Os
sdever yap D provides as 'Pow tit
Strertra It 'That theDdleortor Is hereby ~ o
to negotiate a lona for toostra,,j.Thrrep hbrfine.
Thhee Ilandred Thousand' Do tars, tedeetna Alen
thirty yenta from the date or the ettbscripfiolt Stereo:
111 ra , o of lowest riot eieeeding four per center.
per annum payable In`gold and silver, semniutrullii
er n ,. that fin, days of rebto.ry and Asses( of incl.
and exempt from every species of taxation.
Notice, that Proposal,' for said loan will be Peccived—
shall be published In at legal one newspaper in the'
Borough of, Harrisbarg, in the cities of l'lttshrwsh
Lc...aster. and Philadelphie, and in the cities of New
Toth, Heston, end Baltimore, for a jterlod rot • les.
than three mouths before, the °prairie of WA itinoloottals
and b Y letter elsewhere, If deemed =ecstasy. nee
epee the day us isnot for that porpnbe, In .odh notice,
the proposal. shall be opened in the Orte , fiee of the
Goventor, the Secretary of the Cointoonweelth. and
Atellter Ocean!, and the lone shall be awarded tw
tin Ettghest bidder or bidder.. If the amount of the
bids WWI carted the. cum of the said loan !the new
shall be distributed pro femme:room the highest bid
ders, hat if the whole of said loonahall not
m en be
taken the Governor may renew nonce, in the anner
aforesaid, from time leo the whole
shall be anbserlbed. fin
ing cialanal brit.
shill be comideTed; ned upon award such lout..
or any part thereof, certificates with coupons for the
Interest, shall be issued therefor by the Anditor
Saerroit 12. If the said loan shell he anbseribed, it
shall be and it is hereby appropriated for the payment '
and en ingtaahment of the funded debt of this Ccm ,
monwealth now due or to become doe, daring the
peer one dionsand ciiht hundred and (by, and for the
payment of the coot of eighty fi re one hun
died and four dotter. and eighty eight tent., due to
domestic creditors
In plank/nee of the PrOVISIOIIs aforessid, notice is
herebyee, ee, th at proposal • will be recethed nt the
aloe of w
the Seeretnry of the Commorrethalth 'mot
4 o'clock P.N. of Tuesday. the first day of October
um, stipulating fora loan to the Commonwealth. for
the purposes set forth in the said net, of the sore of
three millions three hundred thousand dollars, redeem
. _ _ _ .
able to thirty years from the data of the sobsenntlon
themof, at a rate of interest not exceeding four per
cent per annum, payabie hegold and sliver, Omni
annually, upon the lint days of February and Aug..
of eaeh year, and exempt from ataxy upraise of tax.
Gertihcatiis 01 steak for the said loan, with coupons
for the luternt will be issued In the usual manner and
made traiterarable by the owner, on the books or the
Auditor General's Department.
The proposals will be required to state explletly
the amount offered which shell not in any ease be
leis than one thoothad doltprs, the father Intthest not
exceeding four per teat, and the premium proposed.
Toe State resents the right to accept the whole or
any part of the sum offered mien the rroptras stipu
late to the eontrarl.
Md. for the legit mogt he direct and explicit No
conditienal peopethals will be received.
Upon the zeceptance of the proposalc the money
must be paid into the State Tre. 1 0 , 7, such mamar
as shall be directed by the Getherner.
Certificates of stock will be lamed In such amounts
as may he requested by the lenders.
Tao proposals to be directed, under seal, to • this
office, endorsed, "Proposals far Loon." They w,ll
cot be opened or disclosed until the period for retleth
mg them has elapthd; after which no altentqpn the
terms be admitted.
A L RUSSELL, Georetary of the Cooeth.
&muter., Odee, flanneborg, June 6tb,lB:A.
E.SOLVED by the ficoate and limos of Roprestots-
JD, Deo lathe Commonwealth of ronsyleuna in General
Assembly met, That the Conetitotoo of this Contiatn
wealth be amended to the second erotica 14 the f.fth erode,
ec that it .hall road as !alone The 444. 04 du. *Rm..
Conn, of thy enteral Courts o f Cowen r kan, end or such
other Court, eflje , mrd ate aro er 4414 established bylaw,
shall he elected try 00 gistlifted electors of the Common
entiltjs, to tho comper following, be wy< The Jodgo of the
Surma; Court, by the yttaetl eketon of Dv Conmoo
waltli at lark the Preentent Judgm of the wend Count
of Comm. co, end of sieh °Dort:aorta llecord pan
or .ball be stitablitkod by tog, and •II other Judge, reunited
to be keens , la ilia law hy tho qoaldled .Zenon of the
rummer. dlisrtneover which they are to priside or eel es
Jodie.; and the AasocitteJudgra of the Courts of Common
Plea by D. qualified electors of the eountio rap: minty,
The iodate of o'.o Supremo Conn shell hold offie.e
for the term of fifteen years, iflcy shall eo to g helots
theraselree well, (sub:iect to the allotmeet hen coiler pro
vided for, etahsequent to the filet elootiona the President
Judges of the seeeral Coons of Common Fleas, and o' inch
other Courts of Record es an or LW] be cetabltalod bylaw,
and all they Judge. required lo te {earned in the law, 'ball .
hold their otrime for the . Win of ho yea?", If they
long Debora thenuseree welly the Aesolate Judges of the
Courts of Common Pk. Phan bold their 0110.1 kl I,t
11119 of Ave years, if they shall so long behant theumeleo
wet!: gel of whom shall be commessioned by the Goornor,
boo for soy reasonable nee, 'which shelled be sistECiont
grounds for isepeattonot,the Governor Owl! moon any
of them ott the address of two thirds of each branch of the
Legistalare The fint electiou shall take place a 1 the
paint election of this Commeentradtb nett eller the adop
tion of dos unnidotent, Lod the commeoions pf all the
/odan who may be the. in <Gee AO expire o the tint
Monde, of December tollowing, when the terms ..f the neer
Joulges shell etwonende. The pens.. oho 'hail Untn 4
elected Judges of the Suprema Loon shall bold their ages
of Does: Otte of them for three yeast, ooe foi ton,
cue for vies years, we for teethe years. ant one for fif coo
years, we torso of each to be decided by let by tbi mid
Joi n t,. eons •Per the e'coton coovestient,o-d the to
eutrentided by term to the linen our, Out tio• cormaitaions
may be istmed in accordant., therno. Tie Jodge witdeo
comminiors t will first expiry shall be Chief Johm daring
hie term, and thereafter each Judge whose commission shall
(Int enure shall in torn be tit Chief Junin, and if two or
usciatierion shall ruins on ohs nose thy, the JirdAn
holding limn *hell decide by lot which shell be thecbsef
.113311. f. Aoy neancree, happening by death, restgnateen,or
otherwise, in nay of the aged warts, shall be nth , b7 op
paiotmeot by the Gswenior, to continue till the font Mon
day of Decembersuroodiog Donee, general &olio., The
Judy, of die &epees. 1,02 T/ tad the Pre.idents of its
siveral Coons of Comma.. Pleat eltall,at stated 1132.4 nevi,.
far their urns. ea whoa. , ennymrssiou, to he find by
law, which shall oct by den,itii,lted demo, their ...mince
in Oh tr., tint they theft 'tone tio r.. .r p ran sit se of ntlin,
nor bul b anyth other aka orprofit and tttt Cemmozo:calth,
or under the atternment or the United States. or soy ether
Stab of this 11111. g
. The Jo's of the Supreme roll I
during their continuance in office., redde within this
Coomonowealth; awl the other J edges, during their comma
ono its orate, shall reed. wiihia the tienct or comity for
*bid , they ' , eta ropteliyely
!Spoiler of the Hausa of Iteprewatetiter,
Speaker of the Senate.
Herruburg, January 1553.
I, Fennel W. Putman, Thiel Clerk of the Satiate of
Pensuylvasia, do hereby minify that ttie forgoing re:olottoo,
(\o. In on , be Crane 611, of the prem. ...ston,l entitled
•ilimultsture re lathe to ittis,tidinnt of the consiitutioa,”
—it WI, the same resolutten xbieh IVY agreed by • ma
jority of the membere .heted to nett Ileum of Ste hut
L.egislistum—aDer havirg been del,' torisideeed and di.
cussed, mu tha do&gond to by a majority of the member.
atoned to and serving in 'the Senn of Peonsyleania, at its
present...son, as it est' eppear by their emu gives, on tba
Baal plunge of the resolution. as fliose.,
hore.goting in favor of the peen, of the r.scilailon seen,
H. Jeers Stook.. J- Pone. mravilen, %%. illsain A. t rain,
Jonathan J. Cunningham, Thom. 9 P.m., Elir mos H.
Forsyth Oinks, Frailey, Robert M. Frick, Henry Fulton,
Jahn %V. Owns*. Wilkens Haiku, ham Hug , . Timothv
, Joshua Y. Joan, Joseph Koniamaelter, George V.
Lennon, Maxwell MeCulio, Stelainin !Intone, Beepotin
Matthias,' Hen, A. Mohleitherg, Willisof it Packer,
William R. Sadler, David Sankey Peleg Savery, Coned
Shterser,Rnhert C. blanett, Dantel ' Stine, Ferri. H. Minter,
Jahn H. Walkarotnel Velentine lkst. Swaim-41 - 4s i 9.
Those einirg against the lamas of the nisalmion Wan,
George Dann, Augustus Drum, Lod Alexander Kling—
Nays J. (gatract from the onrea
la iota Donator Rergaszwrairiv”,
Hireisburg, March 14,1x00, :
1, William ink, Chief Clerk of th. Route of Dept,-
mntatiere of l'ininsylmnia, do hereby remit, Dial the fore •
g resolutloo, (No. 10 ro the Senate file, yid fild2ll on
ibe Home Joann' of the prraint teminto
harem relative to the amendment of the tarnstiiation.w.—il
being the mine resolution which was agreed tole, aziajarit)
of the manbere elected to each Hama of the last Legit.-
tore--after baring been daly ronsbiered and diseumed, was
this day egrevd t tiy a majority of the members elieted to
and arring I. the Douse of Depresentatiree of Pennsil
minis, u eta present erasion es win vim, by their toles
giro, on the final prep atolls toolotion, a. leek, me, gr.m.2.
Thom retie g in favor of the waver the naalatido were,
John Acker, John Allisoo,Willierellsker,Debartßaldwlt,
Meld J Beat, Craig Biddle Jeremiah Black, John B.
Bowen, William Brindle, Dan! H. B Brower Jon.R.
Mullen, John Came., Ileury . Chareh, John ff. CeLlyogliarm
Silvester Cridland, B..jaorm O. Valid, William J. Dob
bins, Jason I' Downer, Thom., Donsoue,:Willnim Doom,
Milian% Esrey, John C. Evans, William Eno% A. Stott
Aksmader 11 F.oOer, Aimee Flowers, Benjanin P.
Fortner, Almander o,bbnoey, Thome. D. Grier, Jomph E.
Jomple Gaffey, Dool, S. Haldeman, Urine H.
Hort, Leffett Hart, John Malian William J. Hemphill,
Jolla Hodge, Mary Depict, Lewii Herron!, Weshiogloo.l.
leeks. Nichols Jones John W Charley D.
Robert Klee, Harrison I' Laird, Melina Leech,
Josiah. D. Lest, ewe. Lammed, intro J. Lewis, limey
Little, Jonas R. MiCliormle, Jobs F bliCuffeb, Alexander
C John blibiurtilio, J,l,n bl'Leen, Samuel
Mars, John B Meek, 010,0.01 hleyerr, John Miller, lasyi
C. Motloy. John D. Moroi. William T. Illorim,•hritlilet
Mowry, Edward Niolitewn:Jerob Cherie,
Jnbn 11 rocker, Joeeph C Dowell. Junes C. Bei& John B.
Rhey, Lewis [lnter vamorl ltobmwo Jital B. Bulbar.
lord Glen•i W. neoff lel, Thorax C. Sevaller,
Shaffner, Richard Simpson, Eli Slifer, Wilton flmifflo
W Siam A. timi.b, Daniel Nt Brayed. fl Solider
'Thames C. Stool, David Steward, Charles Stoekwill, Ed
win C. Trona Andrew 10ede. Rouen C. Waller, Thome.
Wain. eulogy D. Wells, Dirans A Williams. Daniel
Zerbey:and John B. MiCalmant. tipeekel —Tem 57.
Those votiog ageing Diepassage of lb. resolution were,
Augusta , K. Cornyn, David Erma - end James M. Porta—
N ay. 3. (Eurset (Tom the Journal.)
1.1711..LL1b1 JACK, DOA.
Fad March 13 IST.
A W. BENEDICT. D.P. Set', of CceonamenllS
I do earttfy !hat the abort and foragado; ts tract eau
correct tot! of the esienal runlet.a of the Uttered As
seab'y. caldled area:elan. relative to al eon d.-
the Coontitutieq't. the same rem.. an file io 014015. a,
lu testmunsy veher.l I have heruceto set my
a,. # heed, and caused to be ached the sad a( the See.
tary's Offme. et Harridantr, this fifteenth day of
Ju., Alma Deeded w. thousand meta hr-adred and fine].
AL. RUSE ELI., *tteretaey of the, c osa . a . erea .al,
YOR the tone.t.ience of the et Use ne, the p top deo
of the Patsburph City Mills 1/AV, placed boxes f
e reception of otders of the folloartng plicej:—
J 1 R Floyd, comer of Birth sod Wood streets.
Ilayward, shoe store, eor. Later ty m Mar . iet sts.
A Melee, store. Third street.
Wilcox,Jr.,drugglrt, cor Fourth & Sccitbfiel&
John F Smith. store, rarrer
Telegraph Office, Foorth Wee.
C Kelly, grocer, Fifth at, corer of Martel alley
m. Orem. atom, Penn sweet, Ninth Ward.
The (lour waccons will call twice or thrice daily
(or orders, and the flour, tee delivered promptly, other
in barrels or seeks—park flour iapreferable for tanilly
use—without charge fee cartage "
' It is plaid that ter
accounts can be allowed, and that drivers can have
an permission to kart dour yclthoulbaYmoll.
We hope the public will be pleased with trw act,
rangemeut, as we shall endeavor to do them justice. ;
mewed WILMARTII k ,
Sarsaparilla Soda S. Lemon Syrup.
20 kegs Sarsaparilla tied a; . .
20 bin do • do; '
20 boxes Lemon Eyroo,omde from pars lemoriJuleoi
JorissCooo4 and for mils by
Kg anaza &luclersori .
: - r ,
•,-1.,. —,..,5:.2::-.v:-.4',...„.
-,- T.ifc - ...±. - :Y'M::::: , ...'; - ,-;,::',
, ....,,.:,_... ~_,, :_,......,.
; oL. xvt.a.
_NO i 9;
.NOW al roman° are Mek anti alibied with di.
I meteor the bladder and klilltOY.o.l l A rhoammi.
talc. in back or limbs, stiffictiMs, old lona, rowan
ace., toe, that they can be cured by taking th e Pow
relearn! You may talk about IM being a nostrum as
mail as yOllptease, but this does not make It so,. for
we proclaim in the fare ohm bonen community, that
I ha virtues which •re not conunned to any other
erred). .The mOll whole racked with pain and maf.
ems from thet.e. can for raw cents. get relief from
ofthe ills enimmarated alone. Reader! It roots
ter) , little to make atrial. This Petroleum is no mil
urt—thi compond, put up for the purposeof impetalng
to the community; bat it is a remedy elaborated by
ho Maize: hand praetor.% and bubbles up from the bo
om Of Icor mother earth in its original purity, and of
ars to hummitY a ready reniodY, a renal.
ind cheap cure.
It las cured Piles after other medicines have failed
'0 render any relief. It has rand Rheurnadsca of long
mantling, and of the worst mad most palatal eharaemr.
.p Cholera Morlms by, one or two dms; It
to. e pid came of Diarrhea, In which every other
.entedy I been of no avail. A. a local remedy In
tarns and iakeim•hi better jhau my medical wow
wound or oinutichlithat-erAntrief. It will ear. chit.
ileitis or rotted hiela Yew application.% undambt•
latimony can be enr o l
of th e truth contained
In th e above ammient by calling on Samuel M. Kier,
CanaLltasin,7th street• or-either of the agents.
Keyser to McDowell, corner of Wood street and
Yuan Alleys R. IR Sellers, 17 Wood meet, D. A. En
act& D.. 11. Cum, Allegheny any, am the agenta
PAUTY—It Is universally conceded that beauty is
morn common In
country than la any other,
trte at the *nu rse time said that in no other noun
usic it lost as so baling au age. Now this is tree
to ettim extent, out the Ices is often caused by ne -
creel. We say 10.11, do not neglect your personal
specannlro. hot mad the falloasSl4, and yeti need non
lack good leek t. Titer ardelea ore scientific
. J et .,, pant.4 have all attained a nigh poeularlty
et hismar... Ear LIVINa Da V.'S, all, NUM!
Soar, for rercnv t ng tan, sunburn, plmpies, blotches,
and Other erupt. o' the akin; the moat pretest eon•
...Sitter of beauty every known. Purchase nothing
PerPordng to tie Nymph Soap, unless tt has my naraa
Jhke. ll•en.'s P[ 1 . 04,11.116f0t im
parting to the most Whoa. colifblegiosi • raiii.t
•filltet.<l.. In nothing should a peruse be mom easw.
Cal than the me of a powder for the ekm, al many of
those sold are very Intarious. My Chinese Powder is
etunpountled ins serenttba manner, ant contains so
ingredient which ean ro“tniT nqnet en loiter.
Mites 114,201 Dunteroar P.n., for removing
superfine. hair. What If MOW unsightly thin hair
upon the rare or arms of a lady. The. article writ
remove it in • sham time, vent:mat the use of any sharp
Ames Daunt Funereal.% Litton liar. D. win
ourtrultaacomly impart to red, white, or gray hair, •
Inautlially black, brew., or auburn color. It will
color the hair re • shorter rhae,'and Mora efecurally
than an hop other Dye, being at the same time iodating.
/140[1:11 6114 L C l C4l.—rt is really a pier
sore in shave with this cream. There is none of rho
smarting Ntllllaaollll.ldly ezpetieneed in the 11•0 of
mot Farms. On the contrary, it leaves the skin smooth
and roll
ellsrped. as an infant's, and tot liable to become
Jet. Meet's Fogg To:ern Pam.—Nett teem hair,
venthinir the rteth were intended as ilta greatest OM..
Inept to the buman face; but when neglected, nothing
is t o disfiguring, or no quickly seen. Alp Hose Tooth
Paste:will impart to the teen a pearly whiteness..
Mesame time keeping die gums firm and healthy.
A/10 on hand, a complete assortment of French,
Illritisb, and American Perfumery and Fans y &stinks.
JULEM ILbUtt., Pe:renter nod Chemist,
1110 Chestnut etreet,'Phile.
For sale wholesale and retail, by Id A. Fabnenteek
Coy and K. E. kiellers, Ilittsbarghl . and .John der.
gent and J. Mitchell. Allegheny INIT. ha. )m—op •
.- ,s , " re - widows he ow Wood vtrem, to
• :ty ' . venni., mane' i
- 4:' .-,, z.....
~ i ii t j a.i .qytiß t 2tral it : k ttr 'l lnedi b.e cal
,ielIA, fl, Nofeemon,ankheen for eome time
, el l,
. 4.4? . .4dt . ‘ •In genera metice, cow condom.
.....A ... -,f r , Ft, \ tin :intention to the troiMmeni of
` 1 4:e.zi......f.: • • Move ppvate and dalleate em.-
..t. l ii.. : t f l i n ' il n e t lp ' e r ti w ert h e i e " pc h c i ltiTryTi=7;
' 1 him- 14 years ...ideal:l4ly devoted
to slttily!A
b e d vment }pa ct s compleinta,(ilannoomat 9
t i me b,;b ee e rent} practice and ha. cured mote pa,
Lent/ than Can ever (all to the at of any pvtvate prar
thinner) emply quailfies him to oSer nantrances of
tp ri eldaermn nu , it i ent, end .. sli:f i li=t • Lave . to at=
Dr. MOM mold intonotkolaalletool with pthrate
diseases ' , each have become chronic byAlme crr ag
tedayaVated by the Iles of ony of the common 1103111111:12. Of
, that their complain. can be radienlilaad Shall
Guth. cured; he having given his cereal attention to
'the treatment ef sorb cases, and succeeded intim:Made
of Instences to curing persons of indo.maation of the
neolt. of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
reedit from those cases where others have consignci
them to hopeless despair. Ile partioalarly invites sach
as hake been lone and unsticeeseelly treated by others
...Resit him, when every sailaractioa will be twee
theory and hole oases treesed in • earefal,therough sat
Intel gent manner, punted out :b7 along expectance,
etaill,and Inv estigatban,which it is impossible for thou.
engaged In kozotol practice of medlctoo to give to
one MIS 4i1.31}.
tlernin or It uptu Brown'l.R.S.*
arileted with I lend to call, as he p aid putts:
Cr to this disc...,
CANCERS al. cored.
_ - - • • •
Skin d!seases; also U arils, eta., mudilly sang
Charges very low.
IL—P:I44I. of either sex living at a Cranes, by
ctUng unr , litennn in wriung, giving all the amps
toms, can o`otant ...sicincs ihrecUoas for use, by
addressing T. DROWN, I. D., post paldoad armies,
ink 4 fes.
UM.House. No. 61 Diamond silty, opposlia ths Waverly
ihililtriSSlL—Dr.lirown's newly discovered am.
.4,11” Rh mietisitt Is a speedy end certain remedy tar
Met painful trouble. It never fails.
tilltee tied Pilaus! Cantsking Rooms, No.1231)1
mend alley, Patiberga, P. The Doctor Is always
I'T Tie nee* ne .e. Rua It lan
ZOO Inn itimmVal.a. ram.... CO. or al.l. ornate
aIWTY non an Wean 57570 Of gas 'goon
oti tunic or Ilia SM.,
Scrofula or Riag's Evil, RlieuMallem, Obstinate Cates
nems Erupunns, Pimples or Pustulation the Farm,
Blotches, Biles, Chronic Pore Eyes, Ring Worm
Teter, timid Head, Ertiergement and Plan of
• the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Flyphilue
Sweetens, Science or Lumbago,—end diseues
Wiring from en injudicious um of Mercury,
titre or Drossy, Faposure , Or imprudence to Life:
Also—Chrome Constitutional Disorders, Ac.
This medicine biu acquired a very extended and
established reputation wherever it has been used,
based entirely on its own merits, wbleb Its superior
leffteacy has alone Doolittle& The unfortunate stain,
i,f hereditary:disease; with swollen glands, contracted
sinews, and bones half curious. hes bee. restored to
health and vigor. The serofulorte patient, covered
with eleers, loathsome to himself and his attendants.
has been rondo whole. Hundreds of persona, who
had greened hopelessty for yams under cutaneous
And glendalw. disorders chronic rheumatism, md
Many other complaints Wringing . from It derentremeet
: of the secretive mama sad the etreoletton, have hoes
fused as it were from the rack of disease, and now,
th regenerated constitution, gladly testify to the
MA.. altos Inestimable preparation.
The attention of the tendert* caSed to the following
smonithing mire, effected by the 000 of Saudis' Seto
'Phis la in certif.'s/oat I hest a colored woman who
has been rtglieted for We ho d uo years with &refute,
Ind ail there inedtes 1 wed h ad no effect in errmting
the progirss of the complain:: on WS, Caftan', she
nstmtly grew worse; and after expending between
'l7O and WO with phwieians, besides using other
.. , ,apatta remedies without mecca; till the disease had
the cwtlinge or her nosewned ap,
sesrunce co various pure of tier braly, and hod d Sunni
ormmenced raccoon la th e rOOl of ter month
In thin dreadful smation. with the prospect
death startll her in the face,' mated ber cam to Dr
Mmosway, tilt Tent for Sandal Sarsaparilla in New
:hems, N•e , by whom I Was advised to use that article
I,nd to My Marl. and that of nef ghbots, to whom
tier cum Was known, slur using four and e hall Mr
paceke was restored to perfect health, and that In the
1 pace of three weeks,. and woe k hie to wort In two
I:weeks from We time, ne commenced taking It.
in snmess of the, truth of this statement. I have
I, erettitto MEI. my name, Wit lath day of September,
alit JOSEPH tarrEa, J. Pm
nbloutll of Nease River, Craven co. N. C.
Ther e. lg la
extract from a letter received
:Wm Br Bevitn,orno hod besdi et:Uteri enamel year.
erith Scrofula. Ulcers, Dyspessio. area rea,..ty
In al/cede:l of the throat and chest.—
'.Bsurrsentte, Va., Dee. 12,1146.
uitlmare. A. B. it. D. Llanra—Before / commenced
nuns your Sarsaparilla, any sufferings eve re almost
atexercestonl my throat seas compUtely ulcerated,
s had a dreadful egg., and them were frequently
weeks together Wet I could dot speak above a welt
per; read end besides, the:Bram:unction front ray threat en
tended to my head, on that my bearir.g was ver'yelloCh
.taipalrcd. After Letting the Saloaparilla a Chart time.
ay bialth gem imprOactl, nod my throat is now test
I stu as
wo e , tre Pons conga end ligetne.s of the cheat as
vet snd ean brie quire ' , le:Wetly. My t h roat
mu teen well about three rumWs, the core of which
sas Leese effeeded entirely hy the ass of your Bana.
mrille Your friend, I,OIIIMA R. BEVAN' ,
The Lilt owing us:menial to the value of the Saone
antic is Item thr Rev Luther Wriyht. enrol teyeers,
Congregational Minister, residing on Noton - sh
IlWoscals, hlnsa.,Zdarets 30,184 e.
uhlessrs. Sands: Cendemen—From what I have el=
from the infintuation I have recce:my .
ecenr.ff him it number of persens of high frapenta•
atcd To. Sarsaparilla, I have not
lie teem donin hut Wet ais • most ye a t a e
that the numerous certßeetes you have recessed
I tu ethency are fully suetained bye xecklence, and
Ith , ofth Matson and utility aro very exteneive,
old aland 111110 need et my humble offons to monies*
em e,qt ell who are &Muted by disease to be.
I. n crietinted won sh e eMucy Rude° wet of your
Matilde csadteine.
of no, gendemen, grattifallY and very remmetfully
core. , LUTII ttiRICIITM,
Pmpared tad sold, wbolessie and retail. by A. B. is
A. SANDS, [Reggio, and Chemsts, Ind Paton luta/.
timer of NeiN Tort. Sold end by Dug.
guts gencrelly throughout the Linired States and Cern,
ado. Price it per Mu:mole bottles Corti
For sale by 1.. WILCoN,Jr., B. A. PAIINESTOC
E CO, and EDWARD FENDLRICII, Pittsburgh. A l le
1 yip, by me, BANTU, ortarnow• inakapow?