The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 21, 1850, Image 4

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    • V i eille
ging Vieille Montages Cocipes7 supply their agents
11 with Hooting and flooring in aheetSlrf feef,frow
ttpunees per peace foot. Ceritim a d in sheets
az7, t 7". of; km radios testae bnifdings and depots.
11Co SheashlnE i 14 s i llr u t.re_t,l ion.l ,, osinees.
.4.71,2421. E t Pastore dl Zinc,
TE, T ww..t.their =nil pars, and frac form adialsurro of Ink., of eny other , substance, and re
commend it for the mannfaetanc or most artieles
the Loewe farnishing 'as it toes not' rout, is not
affected by the action of water, and maple polished,
painted, and APentied•
Informati on mug
Samples. soodels, plans, specifications, and whet
Le had of their agents:—
tifiCuai Mons4leiew lock; 1
Amnion, Rotarss k Co.. Doseetc
f i sxwasesolamen k Co, Plalladelphiai
W. AL 11. Maxie, DalliewreC
exas s.„ThiriSeasorsat, New °cicada:
n x, gesedwent'A York.gen t,
• 2 Jtmo Ne • •
18 800-1 a. Gearren.
a Cuicere se., was BeAtimors tt. r Baltimono,
• Rau fS Godfrey *Son, NiV..,)
ihIPORTEB ofPhoe Pindings,and Dealer in Leather ,
of various hinds: Eaglish and French Kid Nii1111:
French Calf Feld, Patent Leather klororeo, red,
wßite, andpink roans, lining's, de 'La:dem Frenctis,
ghee Knives. Met Blades. Shen THREAD, Bleed
Tack., Mete Nails and Oboe PEGS, of all sire(
E. A. G. having established fhb oboes business In
Daltitnore ' is enabled to ship geode South - or West
with the nimostdespetehi•nd at the lowest pried. •
Alanufacturere, dealers, and all others, may rey
upon obtaining every article In the trade, of the belt
neeldy, end on literal terms.
/131denufeeturer ot Lll., Dad Trees, Shoe Trees,
Cider s, ennuis, Demi Stretched, An. All Orden will
Promptly executed Low prices far each.
Anualogue center a complete An of et,/
de in the trade will be forwladed to those who
may desire it
lll•rniithat near Baltimore ot.Dattimere.
BreAdwray b canner of Malden 'Lame.
Illtlft aztertinvo wrrEi. Lam been leased by th e
sob etiber, SW MIA beep C ompletely
.refilled in
the ma Ottani Manner, Large additions' are now
being ot de, which, when completed, will Mato it the
mower h ates Hotel In New Tort.' lt lathe determl.'
notion 0 th en roprietor, to make It epee, Inevery rep
.peer, th y ther !loom in the United State,, , Ugh,.
eabonis be athetdeelrable and eenual in the city, be
istin th fathionatite part of Broadway, convenient
t It the abbe belittle". pi heti of. am amoral, and
I mesa Grateful int 'he liberal patronage received
from hie women friend., chile at (timberland, Md.,
and more recently at the Weddell Itonee, Cleveland,
(thin, be revectfallysolicltharenewM or thei r ;Wm..
tor Oil new establethment, at New VOA, 0130
beg. to amine them that effort on hie Part shalt
be given teiladMintster to th eir comfort and•plenuctre.
~ .
A. B.
New York, Marsh, leal..—trac„to.ttrn BARNUM.
FO 110 or RIT• U
Glees,' George street, Plymouth, Melo!. The
manager. beg to aequaint their numerous patrons that
tee next Dietribution of Portraits of Rare Monies, 101 l
complies thaw entered fur he forthcoming Grand
Natioaal: Derby Race;
_Ole Camber of there. to be
binned to •USU each class. Firsteleas member
.teend class ditto 14.
_Early apPiteation for the un
appropriated shares is necessary. A party
lag for Rion, than 011,1 share ha. the chance draining
an equal camber bonuses. Those members litho draw
On tram. Portrait. will be presented with the fel
...Wing samat-
Poitrait of Ist class honest. Pd ditto
WlOOO/, or Edo Dome g.. 10,103 1.10,000
" Second 10,000 5,100
, Third Horse 3000 . 4,100
Dirided amongst Starter.-- 0,000 3,001
Non•tertent ' SPX , ' t 3,00
There are , SA boat:stein each ells., that being the
Comber of horses — intered for the race. The Drawing
will be condeeted upon the same legitimate principle. '
as those which eharacterised the late. St. Lodger and
otherproceediaga Fall partieelars of the melt will
be sent to absent member. Immediately diet the de
cision, that each may know kit position.
Sub.tribers centered and scrip forwarded on
iPtefaremluanee.e. Bin. of Fachanre, Drafts., Dane
Notes, Ae . addressed and made payable to the
hlanaging Directors. W. J A fillaZ &CO.
Fire per rent. comminsion to be reduced on the
preeentation'of honasea ,,_. 0 mrle4at
/ 1150 .1 REED HOUSE,
airovrni & HARDER, ProPristars*.
"salsa Square, Erie., Pa.
°MEDAL STAGE OFFlCE—Fasters, Western
and :Southern Stages, None this house daily. Car.
riages to and from Steam and Packet Boats, Grans.
ht. W. Earn, lave of the American Hotel, Erie, Pa.
G. W. Bonn, tate of the Kinsmen 110.1, Ohio,
tlllr Jam... MI urrare Pinld Maga. la.;
DREPARiiii under the ionnedithe care of the In
/ ocelot; and established for pwards-of tidily' years.
Tina elegant preparation recommended' in at
Cues of bile, aeldiumh um, nod Yrvel
the most safe, eau, Y. etfectual form a w h ic h"
Magnesia may, and Indeed the only ono In which it
ought to be exhibited. pouessing all the properties of
the Magee:Jo now in general use,withont being liable
like lt, to form dongeroas concretions M the :Morels,
It Uremia:ly mare, heartburn without injuring the
coats at the stomach, u soda, pima., and their car
bonates are known to do; it prevents the faid:of in
fant. turning "soar; in all cues it acts u a platting
aperient, and is peculiarly adapted to female.
Sir Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms
salable combinations with uric acid calm in emu of
gland gruel,therby euntemeting their inittrions
tendency, when' other NAOMI., and even Magnesia
itself, had failed.
• From Sir Philip Crampton, San, Surgeon General
to the Andy in Helmut
"Dear Sir,Them m ore e no doubt that Mognesia
may be administered lately in the form of•• con.
comnued isolislon than in substance: for this, and
maoy tither reasoloa, I am of opinion that the 'Fiala
Medite. la • very valuable addition to oar IS:merle
Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright; and
Meseta Guthrie and Herbert Mayo,of London, strong
/1 noutmend Murray. Fluid Mayne.* as being in
finitely more gate and convenient than the solid, and
free from the , danger ardendoig the mama= ate at
soda or paw..
For sale bribe imporlar's and proprk-we r ..vula
• H A FAHNIuTtut,R.A-00
Cor. of Wond er Front eta
WOOTICEIs hereby given, that o 0 or about the Mb
ofAprd, this subscribers had muted to Sem. at
Wellsbarg, Va, tollawing notes, ;note
drawn. by. O.A. Martin, payable to oar order, dated
April 11.1 h, at arm/anis, for Prid 61; h note drawn Ly
Johall. Morgan, acme due and time, for Sill 17 and
drawn by John Watt a. Co favor oflohn S.
Martell, and se-endomed by cm, dat e d e April
four months, Or 4174. The aborts notes were never
received by. us,and On. is to caution all persona
against trading for or buying the same,. payment
01 thew has bum Capped, S 4, W 1162.13AUG0
A VERY hirgo and cholec stock of Fresh Spring
..161, anti Rammer Goofs has lust been opened as
Alexander& Darn, No 8.5 Mark et street, north west
corner of the Diamond. .
In calling the attention
rd'of our customers and'
P is Vitt atnek, it affos us great pleasure noise
able to say itembraces G REAT BARGAINSmost every description of goods, as a large portion of
it was purchased at the recent extensive auction miles
In the eastern clues. Our assortment, both of fancy
ud'staple goods,. Is eery superior, and a ff ords ball cash buyers, either lay wholesale or retail, a fine op.
mortuary of saltine huh taste and pante.
New style Foulard silks, vuy cheap; rich plain and
Scored <kappa/do Silks, of almost every style and
quality; caper plain And figured black Mika; do. ba•
r ege• and tissues; barege detains, new and band.
• sate style; nep myle Itreneh,Ertilish,'and Scotch
awns. in great variety, and at very Ow price.; plain,
S gored. and satin striped detains of all kinds an d
gigantism boos lump. of all shades and colors, ging
ham., chintzes, prints, ke.
Super chameleon silk allsw1;• plain and Spired
blark do; plain and embroiderediluint doi fine cab
do. moor plain and embroidered wkito end
eoloredorape die batmen and net d, e rx „ ) ,
A Am as sonmeot. of mulls, narisooky jacoucts,
Swlsses, boob, bishop, lawn.,
- •
0 -oao A-Rend,' b.idr F lorence braldland
!paper tagliall *UMW tronnellt.
- •- -
A Ann monk of asipenot plain and hinted and
Satinannals of all oaten, and qua deo
A hop" ataiutioent of wont French, English
Belgian cloths and eapanaeree of all qualities and
once., to labia we wank! invite the attention of Um
• , DOMESTI. -
Our nett of brown and bleathed meshes, tickiegn,
checks, chambray*, drdlinge, d.c, in my large, and an
the very !emelt prices.
Also, a large lot of table diapers and table eollts,
brown and bleached; Rama and Scotch diapers, etas!,
linen. nanttnn eotten and wool, goods kor men and
boys' weat, I rods 'linens, red, whim, and yellow. dare
eels, .donsestic gingbams, silk ned linen bdkfa and
gloves of all tardy !osiers' and bonnet ribbons, ard.
fiend Powers., ac, to all welch we would respectfully
invite Ike &mem= of wholesale and retail each
buyer,. ALEXANDER k DAY,
may.So SS Market at.N W ens. albs Diamond.
7 7- 11 PP L. if. T/LM/K.Ss
T AM now prepared to fornialt Apple Trees, from the
well known lorsery of Jacob N. Brown. The
trees will he delPiered at the wharf at Pittsburgh foi
$l2 per hundred- .Persons wiallorgoal thrifty trete
a boold loam" their orders soon al the Borg, Seed, and .
Pe rfornary Wareiteme s cornet of Wood and Slith eon
WAYNE IRON WORKS weannous& •
ID/maw, BROWN & CO. have removed to No 124.
D' Waver 81,111 doer below the Modortgattola 'loom
PALMER, HANNA & CO. have !canned their
ExchangeyO4tee to north west corner' of Wood
and Thud arettx. • • anal
C g l o i nfr. C ti , rTbs i iVrTa %/ C o% tWarlTer d to
loofa formally ortypLed by Rudy, yam. & tht
5p34.1 ,
g filldir:2s bas bLoahrigtd &
.•cx arab;
Fbrabr do;
• • 'fdo 6n WOW* & Team dm jasmaarrad'
and for ride by MILLER & RIEKE MIN*
plimit.ilaa /SWAP sad ilalaases.
155 Moir common, fur, a puma Plantation Masan;
IMO oak GOB Planortion 111olarrcu
ki. do" do, on ;nom for al by
70-41P7.,. MILLIEZU intxtrlZS
1417 174 fr. 174 Liborov
RlO COFISL—ZI4 bar, (or sate toy
• • .. .• 41 Water It
Ipp Mk -7 -4 ors tio - rio by
C ., (V112,2EL
(1.! lon too. No sur se tl zRAr_
1111 6 r i v .i to u ff . . , el;l l ; m . tCt i rrato , 7 l ,.
. •• lost:sons k.Sorff ' ry do,
10 tea D.Aficyos do;
pc. enovalscd Beef rounds;
• • ' • .4 , 444.111 do •
FOI salt by U 4.1)1 . 1
VW* ACOTIA otoro aed
for ralo by' InUBISON,LITTLI: A: C.O
No do;
Llbssin Soap . -
0 by.
Jost rsitiOe3 sodtp! sett by • •
/417 , . , MILLEIC4 lIICKEToON ,
iiji:lo - 2 — iii — Rogers• Liverwort end ra.
.I.4lwitlett *altar vale by • J, KIDD&
Co- g4boZ - 73,. a ToirrFieceiiiiirrwo
J KIDD& 00
jell .
r 4 N C'tvi
or k, :114tatto Pia - , no
iirstegNnraC eOttLt
' 'or I ,81.24 S
INW 499. I
1 . 11114.L011,
MO. RB Wood street. jas. received • new a.
.11 sortment or PIANO MUSIC, among which are
the followtor
a dly, d i oLoug d ozm u eeLS... C. Foster.
al T. do.
neily was a Lady, do.
Uncle. Ned, do.
,wine to Ron all bilght, do.
Dolly Day, do.
solthee.lVabling, by Glover.
The Robin,do.
h, Touch the Cord yet onee again.
Sweet Memoir. of Te.
silver Moon.
Lament of the Irish Ensigrank
A New Medley Sone.
Thou haat Wounded the Spirit that Loved no,
The Conscriptht Delianore, by Glow*,
Be Kind to the Loved Ones on Nome.
, TO lame where eerthe is
The Yankee Maid. Dean i
Low , Disk`dCar,Ly Lover.
Do you eve e.r think of m
Slumber Gentle Led,. "
- Jeannie Grey, '
EIS°, Celltunis, 'Wedding, Wreath, and Ihnsy
AVLitir .
Batchelor, Maiden Dello Waite, Concert, Ladles'
Soovenir, Catty, Elvin, _ _ t, s. Lily, Alice, Evergreen, Sant
os. Adieu. and Linty Polka ,„,,,,,
.. _
TibMil TEAR . I I TEAS!! I
WE Cater not low the lista( gmffera.,.. g ,,,,,,,,,m,, r
about Ihmdreds of Chests, Importers, Lange
Capital, Bought for Cash, Ac. -ln fad, we will no,
humbug in any manner or form, we simply incite the
p u bli c to einupare oar Tens with what they purchase
elsewhere; idols the best method we know to awes.
Lela woo sells the best and cheeped Tens in Pints.
We are tow selling
. Good and strong Tea at 40 and =cents per lb.
!A prime article, •73 do do
The best Tea 'livened Into the U. Stain, St
Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Ten we do not
Proprietors of the Tea Market,
East aide of Demon&
I oat World
I. Appleton Se Co, New York, have In course of pub.
in palls, price twenty five cenw'eadt,
of Machine; Bletheintes, Engem Work,ond Res.
ginearing; dimpled for Proems! WorAng
and Show intended for tote Bog.
neermg Pr - ifs:Am
r1TOB I BT:f " ou ti:o " w o m n" ,
_an% will contain
. W .rno.sailn reVia: andupwarow of ale THOU-
S etID LIZXIIIIteIIOtta. It will pewit werking.draw-
WY. deeetiptlialle Grille most important machines
la the United States. Independent of the results of
Ameneatilngennity, lt Will contda complete ptiteli•
cal Beall.. on Mectonles, klachinery,linginc-work,
andlingineerling, with all that Is useful iu morathan
net thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, maga.
tines, and other books.
, The great object andi publication is, to place be.
fore practical men aletteela Deb an amount of
Medalled and Scientific knowledge, In • condenSed
form, as shall enable them to work to the twit adven
tage, and to avoid those unmakes which, they might
otherwise commit. The amount of awful iiiforninuon
Chi, brought in Is almost beyond precedent in
with works. Indeed, there is har dly any an wet
grant its range which not treated wah.such clear
ness and predawn, that even a man of the moot onli•
nary capacity cannot fail of uudersumaing It.and
Ails teaming from It much which it important for
aim to buoys
The publishers are, in short, determined, regardless
e( coat, to make the work as completed peuul.le; and
die hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
procure it as issued In numbers and thus encourage
the enterprise.
The work will be limed in semi-monthly =niters,
commencing in January, 18.50, and will progresa with
whale wularity.
The wart will bad/144ml in SW numbers,
at 13 cents peramitiber end completed within the eh,
agent. year, 1830. A li beral discount will be made to
141? LeTi*v.:"4 WfirlithttrPoungb i ltolstrol.c " e T*" .`1
expense. _
• Opinions of the Press.
"To aurrismerOusAlranfactore Mechanics, Po.
linen, skid Arita/MO it will he a mine of wealth.o—
PrOnidennel MO /None.
Young men, arm yourselves with Its knowledge.—
Ws can vrith enaGdence recommend oar reader. to
posesa theasselres of its smatters as fan as they ay.
pear."—Ameriean Artisan.
"We mhesitntingly commend the work to those en
gaged to or interested in mechanical or scientific per
mmute, as eminently wonky of their examination and
stady."--Troy, (N. f.. 1 Dodger.
"It is testy a goon wore, and the publishers de
serve the thanks at Inventors, I:Masai-51a, and mane
factures, and indeed of the public generally."—N. Y.
'his Dictionary will be highly useful to practical
mechanics, and valuable to all who wish to acquaint
thanselves with tho of invennon in the me
chanic arts."_, Iledturd Daily Mercury.
"Young orachaniesramht keep Ported up in aln
oreuesi a. well es pearl eat knowledge, and the
work snit show them MS how they atand.n—ROSLary
:Masi.) Advertiser.
sWe take% ta be le. the work that scores and hem '
]reds of our linen/gent spec hames bora denied to
aces. Se ample are its damn:Mona, and so tall aud
minute its soccifieattons, that it .eems to as that nny
mechanic. aught contract am markt. itdcseribes, an
the aarag . th of US eetSranrsiaa and Matrattliail..—N. V.
Commercial Adveruser.
Alltnterested mechanic. shined avail them-
Iv of t. adramagas."—.ficanyikill, (Penn.,) Jour
"A work-of ektensive to
aunty and great tm
penance atul value to the rspidly Increasing Lamm.
of the country. We regard the work as examenily
cals.... to promote rho cause of !mienee and the
mechanical arts, and to disseminate valuable infor ma•
tiara on these ...hi...Y.—Fanner andfdeebame.
"Practical 'men in all die vaned walks of mechani
cian. manufactstring taunt)" magi. Am. will
find in this work a venom which P. win be to their
profit to possesa."—Tioy Daily Wiug.
"We have carefally hemmed the numbers, and ham
no hesitation In •aylng that irate the best work for mY
dimes, tradesmen, and scitific men , ever pablith
ed:for mattains minute information on every branch
of the mechanical arts and sciences, espressed in •
style and Language Intelligible to any reader of-ordi
nary capacity."--Gloucencr, (li(ua n ) News.
"We arc sate we are doing the mechanics of Nor
wich and other pans of Connecacut & service by
bringingthe work to their atimition."—Norwich,
(Cann.) Collier.
"It it last swim work as
rnal every mechanic aboald
po neas. , -Prectuan's Jou.
Wo consider hone of the moat useful and important
publican°aa of theme- No mechanic eau afford In be
eritholltio,-NOWare, (N.l.,)Conamercial Courier.
"Illf all the various publics.ns having foe their oty
peel the eltig:thiriOn and onvancentent crone m. -limn
mil ins and seteuerg. noncom we have teen, it sc.
fell of promise. this "—nuffalo ConLiAdy.
"It is the Lest and rheape.t work everegcred to the
scientific end practical engineer and mechanic The
plates are buutifully czecutedashington Globe.
"This great Dictionary is on f the moat useful
works cart published for years, Old the low price at
which is cold makes it atceptable to all."—nouth
'We regard item armor the most comprehensive and
raluable, as well en cheapest, works ever publiithed.”
—Baltimore Advertiner.
"Ought to he taken by every one detlring to keep
p oet with the progress of art and science in every nom
f the labor. of civilised life,"—Rendout Courier.
"it Is designed after the principle of Urelo Dieuona
ry, only that it Is more devoted to the aleehatural and
engineering profesaions, and above all, t •• value)*
accompliohing for America whet Lire has done fee
Engtaad, ae.rlhing Araerielai machinery and
wort. of att."—Seientiac American.
"Iris published In nombero , to• at a price so male.
rate, Woking at what is contained in each number, that
no one who has the least Interest in suck matter,
reed be deterred front procuring it, uod ever) One who
does wo, will End that he has in a eanderanN lona an
aaaaant of Inalrection which would be obteined, If at
all, only by the purchase of very many voluoicw.'—N.
V. Courier and Enquirer.
"*The coraprehenolveness with which the =Weeds
are treated, the admirable manner In whten they are
Rimmed, conspire to make thin one of the most dent
nble worts"—Democrane Review.
this wort Would bele the heeds of every mee o me,
ad manerietarer, especially those who linen
aepinntioos to excel to their respertive
We have caxiefully examined it, with n Twat of
siding It to inventors. To ent we would
strong language of the Bibs. "It IS goal."—
, Inlrratall' Journal.
. rhs Prornaors qf NeurspopeT. throu gitou
chs Unued States awl Uana.da.
IT the foregoing advertisement is inuerted Gem times
dating the year, and the paper contain', li sent to us,
a top? of the wort will be sent graUn In payment.
Commuting no lereetry, suer orAer Mineral.
follovrin; woe given by dm eel,
I. Mated Dr. 1 ooster Reach. the nether of thsgrem
rtemlical work entitled "The American Practice o.
hledicioe and Family Physician."
thrum been made acquainted with the In eredienti
which rompers ideAllimmen Altilleahng "lament
and haying peer:Shed led tested it to 'eventl it
my private prartice, I have hentation In saying or
certtfytng that It is a Vegetable Remedy, coinmsning
on mineral substance whatever; that ingredients
cond.d as they are, and need am directed by the
Proprietor, are, not only harmless, but of great indite,
being n t ruly stientifie Remedy of great power and
cheerfully recommend It as a compound which
done mach food, and which ' , adapted tonic cum of
a great Variety's,' mama. Though 1 have never clue,
recommended or engaged In the sale of saved medi
cines, regard for the tnle bonen, constienuonm, ho
me. character of the Proprietor of this Otn.ent,
and the nine of o f
due-every, oblige meta may du.
mach regarding it. W. New York, April 231,
OURNS.—It is one of the beet things in the world
for Berm
PlLF:S.—Thoaratado are yearly eared by this Onti•
mot. It never hula lo reltef.
i For Tamen, Ulcers, and all kinds of Soma It boa
lfllt ' lhoraf and Nunes knew its value In ease, of
Swollen or Sore Dream, they would &tartly. stool, it.
In such reread used nreonling to dtreettona, It gives
relief Ins very few holm.
•• •
' Arentid the box are directions forming McAllister's
Ointment for Serafino, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
?Mim i Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, (jimmy,
tom Throat, Wont.lutes, Nervous Affeen Palm,, of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma , !Warne.,
llama, Cora., all Disease, of the Skin, Sore
taps, Pimples, &0., Swelling of the Limbs, Sorel,
Rheamatism, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Sore Iledi Or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth fiche. Ague Ia the Foto, &o.
From the Reading Eagle.
Thera was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be ,
fore the public, that bus in BO (bon • Oienel•011 aeCh a
reputation as hlcAlliater's All.llealing or World
gatee. Almoet every person to bas mode trial of it
speaks warmly In its praise. Moe has been cored by
It of the most painfol rtlCOMMiatii, rmotlaer of the pile',
• thin' of a troublesome pain in the tide, a fourth of a
elfin in the limbe, he. If it does not give imme
diate relief, in every ease, it can do no hoary, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er poseesse by We th
salve, we aubmin e following
towahipon this county
cerufteate, f st rom • salve,
Buren of Alaideneriek
hlaldenereek, Berke co., March 30, 1017.
Mews. linter Coi—l denier to inktnn yen that
wee entirely cured of a Beyer., Leon in the back, b ythe
ale of IlleAlbstent Alt-Mealier which I pun
chased from you. lonifered with it for Cain e, bout Pt years,
and at night was unable to sleep. During that unto
tried Canoes remediea, whieh were prescribed for roe
by phyniciansand other pe-rsouthwithoutreertesnasy
miter, and at Int made trial. of thin ter ,, `wilt re
sell f•vorable beyond expectation. I ant now entire.
lyfree from the pain, and enjoy rdeht a peacefel
sethsereet sleep. I hare also toed the Calve sin,e for
tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy
results. Your friend, June Motet:mem.
Role Proprietor of the above mealigine.
Prinetpal Mee, No Pt North Third street, Plait &del
PRICE 115 crams PER BOX.
Aarrra rut Prmsersou.-0. AI rehtiesumh & Co.,
anther Of Wood and Pint sui4 Wm. /set mo. No.
ma Liberty street L. Wilcox, Jr., corner or histkm
'street end the Dimond, abe, corner of Poorth and
Smithfield streets; 7 .11. Cunt, comer of Walnut CIP , I
Penn streets, Firth Wart and said et the Bookstore In -
Smithfield street.,34 door from Seimod.C.
AffeebenpOtyhy H. P. Samara end,. Deoehiss
ny' J. 0. Smith, Dreggist. BlrmingtidmrD. Neeley,
Emu Libeny; IL Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander
4 Yon: Monongehela Cltr; N. IL Cowman & Co, end
Utownsvilte; Alm Berkley, BeaverMa;
John Welker, Jr.. Olsobelb; Bontitight .& Erwin,
Roehreter., lent temilY,
Valuable aid ex tro•lve Water Power to
l.t On favorable terra.
prepared to Jenne the Brow, aer the
Grand Rapid., to art meant eafllerent to propel four
b.p i tp e d purr of mitt mane. The 101,1., it bared
anon a rock foundation, and t tnt. power esin eourp.
Rhintit replied nu both ride, of
tin iv, Th
min of the White River,. well tua W-drarb, can n
he readily furnished nt Rita peter While timber,
in. ore, trud coal, to the marmot obandan and of
aaperior quality, eon be nutty procured through the
same country;
Travr—One hundred dont:art, al!.171 fir now
er &talkie= to propel a innate run of medium . zed.
ea r for a penad of (Owen yen, with the
nxta of renewal On the expiration cf the le•ae, at
lair raiuntion of the power etuproyed. The .ric of die
m e.
ill or ra•nuittetory Inelodod , wallow fortht. r rharge
from the Company. By order of the Director..
ABNER T. EL.1.19,
Bremdent of the W. N. Co.
Vroordrusa, la, May 9, trod moll dam
gY —The skin of many persons is disfigared with
Slight eruptions,. pimple., pi e, hr.. and when
(hi, is merely a disease of the skin, no it is di ninety
nine ernes out of every bandied, it very easily re
moved. Jules Motes Nymph Poop to e jlocsrlY
adapted to disease, of the akin , as ii arts directly
upon th o amble pores which cover surface,'
cleansing them (rain iniputities. and by 11l 1.1621111,
properties healing-and eradicating all ereptiorwand
rendering the ductal Ind roughest skin soil, fair, nod
blot ming.
Persons who have been in the habit of using, ordi
nary soar, will be ssionlsbed at tie beautiful edeet
produced by the Nymph Pnnp. in imparting delicate
bloom. preventing the neck, Ince, or hand. from chop.
ping, al l all irritation , and removing all cram..
O. eruptions. It possesses on exquisite uerikare, and
entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering
tt the only •rtiele which can be used with safety and
comfort in the nursery.
All .those whose faces or necks are disfigured with
pimples, b lotoltes,anirphow, a shobid mike
trial of Jules Hanel. Nyttir.h Snap, rot the pruerietor
positively assures them, that im ut.e render the
moo discolored skin bite, the rougher! ski I smootti,
and the most diseased Orin healthy, pore, and Moons
Jules Havel', Nymph Soup i, the oniy acne le which
will effeetually produce the aluivc rff•ett In to shoe
a time, end the one which is nt the ems time all
POwertal and enntely hartale,. Prepared only by
JULES /IA UHL, Perfumer and Chenuat,
Ctiesat t, Phila.
For sale wholesale and rettn stree
ail by P . A. Fa hnestoelr
4. Co., smd IL K Sellers, Pntabargh; end John Sar
gent and J Mitehell. Alleaheity clip, In. tr,
A GOOD Mahogany Piano Forte, C octave.,
second hand • --• • • • ....... IMO Ott
.0 I handsome upright Piano, with flo ,, Wood
Furnitare and in good order • • • • 11111 Oil
A ORM octave l'isno• • • Ca nu
.A good a We., Piano 7.5 WJt good .M octave Dann, wan handsome form.
75 re
For •ale by
nant I?
III•ta/la alight Light.
k - 4Ertmenvirci; Hie Wooden Float, 1.1.1 'eme ,"•
eolubusul,le, there:,y pre•
rents coitin, !general-ore roping, much 'Fell In in on
brlter doe. Otte table pel 01 the rommon
lamp oil trill loot Nita. Hoar, or non lortber lengla
of time, &ennui oar to the ad.litialiat quantityor 0.1.
lieeei•ell and for cola by JOHN D ftHIR(i),
- •
RECTIVFI), et the Pitt , I.urrh Faun ly Gro•
0 eery and Tea Wgreignige:
5 cages F'n-hit "piers, in tin rens;
do Pinkled do. 11l qt pg.;
sdo do do. to pl. to
The move Fresh Oyster, are ps rnuiled, end pot op
in highly concentrated , otip, encloged to hermetical
ly Reglad cns. and gval keep much tone, thgn thoec
put no in the or.lionry tog,
For sale, arbolegale and retail. Ey
WA! .1 rilcel.lTßi; C..
s. I.tirettl,
Or•tnt Am•ricatt In•ctivittleal 'Work.
r i A 1 . 1 . 1.17T0N A r(l., blew in eobr.,
1• of publirowtv, rt., pro, [P. n . ,' L routsomb, n DICTIONARI if Mut - hole, Alerhurocv
vine Work, aid Fans' e, designed tar Premien!
Working Alen. and thove toten,e,l (or the Eng Meeting
Profession. Edited by "over 111 fr.,
Thin work Is of large near 1,17 e, nett wi&l.oe.inin two
thOusand fotge.,ond of wank of dinar.
Onto. It will pre.ent nod
tame of the inOn. Import rot invel,,n,• in rho Vaned
Slote , Indetwodent Import
the Fv.olt. of American In-
Mec genuity. it will ronntin comptele ornehrni Irv..alive. rat
hanic.. Machinery Eocene 1 art, and I,einnor.
ing; with an thvi uarfol in more theo one ihoo•vtol
'chatters worth of fohn •olotoe., tong extur• th
Intokc Six numbers received, nod n.r E by the
vent, II 1 1 0 1 . 1i1N.S,
71: Apollo ftniltlioev Ricoh et.
,Fte - 7-,f.-..--, - ., -- ii -- ---- 7 .- p
1) I. ~,,,,--.. -±...,„.-.. , i
-..,- , t--- =,l - - ,;
John 11. Mellor, ht Wood litgret, Pittsburgh,
Sole Agent in ‘Vcrfern rrnnapvan,,. Inc the •nle of
elf CI4.I.:RRATI:D
Gram, and Square Piano Porte.,
Di„,:s ...tom ht. nred. •rd to voinnenl tntblte.
Lb that he hag now in•rner, nod .slit rrerire and
Space for antr. non Ihr pre,. fonin.n the Inn,.
ad most desirable .01q . of l'oent. f o rt - t r ue
ogr rrd
nr tide In west _ma thr numbet wOl r..
fob .upp;y of
Superbly earned Rosewood titan, Plano Pere,
tll all Lie rreent lutproecroeut• in no , rharn,ri and
tyle or exteriog
Splendtdly carved Eo‘earno,l aevon nets,. lettnarr
Piano Pones, fin/ailed Enrairman ano-I,nal.
XIV. !nil,
s large stock of all the retinae rtylee of Pio
Fortes, varying in once., from Sr., In 11..0 ah.l
$lO, prepared by Mr. Chletering for the prrrea:
year, (1250
trc.c.fpnraaLt t. I. . .
mr 9
ttrt. c, in lay rltri ucc. i.
Daro , ,•ii he oral ,•ootole thr A ' , Don tio-r
mouton buitneir nt the 00l roro • r ol
Dalai ntrertr• and for whom hr 41v it
wed of the Isbtral patron,* titirott.ot •ortiorr.r.
on the hoar, ADDS U
April nat,
P. fl. DAVIS.
COlOl 22. Or V7,1,1.10E11 1111,1
W ILL on iern, Futenrn • •,1
11010.a:iv Mrrenanaue, i..4.<1[..
hope, y enttvli
L.1(1,11, rnerli conucuannr tttr • .aprort Ro
puroringv• on Illyrnay rr.citticd lbe funaor
Notice to our l'etrons.'
Ilne deport.. of the nepve perlter,
la , . late Jame* 51 Darla,' produce. r“, tareptupp
to the amen—lm,. have her.n tome the TL:
preee,...r. which I,
ter , Infore Thf , hoteac.... cotLettre I 21,
omen and firm va--
/•ktho. Ita vls & Co. l'h/Intle:Tena,
Jour. NI l'lthe.urgh.
The continua:tee of the :vtirn,tsre 00, ta ,
f p rt , e . :lrto ref u7etfullystetellt.l.
If noy ryttont I.
detuand4 rrnittr.t the concern. Lllet are requette.
thran . furil.roll, h.r pm) 1.4.• .1.
apl7. if
,Apt,l 10,'51. 20110 NITA DEN,
ILL ' A. Fallnealoctr. dt, Co.,
WI I OI.I.ISA 1/111 of nren
lVoo4 sire., our, Ira on tw•nraila,, , rn
NO Lhl. Whitior;oo 11.. Cart. Ainlnnion.
no do AllOll.
3.. do :lye Wood., Owl do mane Tsiren,,
75 do Larnpl.ltek; Idol do 1 . , qu0r0... Rnol;
20 do V.I. lied; :WO do tin Mn,.;
do- I .lunlptiori 150 do Hod Ph-rt....1V,
10 do Spun. Drown; (00 ulotnel Mort ,
20 an 1 ellow 0.11 re; 1.. n,
10 do Ifrirn,aonai 000 Jo Kocher :ewer,
O do (loves; 4511 do /thul,nri, Hoot;
:I do Chum. Plower, 400 do an,
1141les Rel. Borax; ..1.0 iln
25 do l',,I;I. Pose;
IS do Pro4tion voli 01. a:dr,
10 do o 0
13 do Chrome. Oncen: 51... I Jo,
sdo do rllow, 100 010 do I.
5 do An. Verna:ion; Inn an 11t0.
404171 . ... ind 100 do do ip:
45 haq• 5.511, Sumac; do an AI c.yrnne
25 1n51,6 Rollie Cork., 210 an Sulplt Z,or ,
75ns Solph. Morph., :din al,
1200 10. Cups Aloe.; 5401 do T.lnis rood,
IWO do 11..1:1,rnin Valnith; 150 410 qui. I,
VIM do Pink Roca, 751/ do I:,
1501 do Tortry 1.11,11,1 75 do I'nel.inent.
PAO do Cream Tanur, 21/ do Ily.l P 01 ...1;
300 do Tartar., Acid; GO .14 Mden,
Ire do .llvu Urri,• do 1200,111 e 1.0.1011
• "nitre ere more thin, in he• yen rind earth
Than ere theater i o( ,u phi lompliy. ,
viRTuEs of this reinartroole remedy, end
the constant application for IL, LO tl,r prone, has induced him tu boor it Pbt tip in !moles won la.
bets and directions for the benefit of the rumor.
Pon PETROLEUM (rein ee on this
<minty, al a depth of four hundred fent, a a ure nii•
dalteraled article, without any etteineral cha p nge. bor
loot WI flows from Nature's Greet Labrotery” 'Chain
coutaina properties remehnig o number of discaves,.is
no longer a matter of unee.rwity. There ore ninny
thongs tn the arcana of tenure, wish, ti known, noel, I
Le of mutt tweeter. in alleviating tattering, end re
otoring the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. LOng before the proprietorthought of muerte
It up in !miles, it Lad a reputation for We cure of
race. The ...nit tool daily u, cells tin it,
and several rentarlmble rums it Ma perm , med
sore milleation or future popotanty and uvula
'vend apPliertunri In thr mire oi
We do not wish to make a how pdrade Of r.enifi
cafes, UN we are vonsettna ittedicini. con sonn
work its way into the favor of Eliot,. who sutler aiiil
W 1•611 to Le healed. Whilst iv.• do 110 1,16/411 tor it a
Universal applivatien a, r,ry t 11,1,,, CV,
'lfni/ rap:that m a m00t... or Chronic Dimon, n if
annealled, Among thew may be enumerated all
diseases of the mottles 0.4,1, such an CR lil,rvir;
BRONCIUTIS, CONSUhI PTION its early enue,i,
Asthma, and aledisenium of the Alf moulage., LIVER
COhIPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, itiarlitra, IMetmes of
the Wm/der and Kidney, PAM. to We 110th
Nemotm DomAsts, Ne u 'Met a, Puloy,lthetlinittler ullit ,
Goat, Eryitlyielta, Triter, Ringworms. Burns,
Weise., Old Sorts, Se., So. In ewes 01 deln•ity re
submit from expoNurc, or long and pentramed rnte• of
disease, Wit medicine will tiring relief. It wall am no
a general ToNic and ALTERATIVE in oath ears,
unpaning Wee and energy Co We whole feline, renter
. ing atm ine lions, opening the sin dealt functions, whir It
and a broken consolutton, egoivin
Increased and renewed energy to all We ns of
Irk! The. proprietor know. of several came of
FILM Wat restates/ every other treatment, get well
arider the um of We rerauktium for n short tame.
The proof ,an be given to any person who desires it.
WI, genuine wiWout the signature of We proprietor.
Nold by the proprietor,
S. M KIER, Canal IlasM. near Seventh vt.
A/3by R SELLERS. fa Wood at;
ard—KEysisa /IVDOWELL,
corner Woad .t. and virgin alley; who're his
reenlmly appointed Acenta
f'l ALIFORNIA 111111111311 61/01:66--Junt reeenred,
:c4 Ca=p 111/wheel, Le, °Meer 0021. N 12 pre Paula
lalmirs nen:l.l=J Alumni hoot.; letionue Bags; a
wale, Tanks, 6 and 12 gaffe., each, Au canteens,
allon each,' I doe fluekekla Money bo w d o o d,j
d =brie do do. The about pod, for sale at Itue Cali.
fainla osaittaa Eauibliansas, awow
, 1850 ataall. 1850
Bpnasfm,,firt le:za p :74l44ly, Lad 41.
J C 14Wtnargh,
1850 &l a =
Pittslotr.o/t to Coteratioar Goa (Yerefernel,
theatre, the rich. awe/ poinslowrotroties of (Adam-
Mona, Carroll. &ark, TitAcaratro; o.hodon,
.111.,,ktogottn, Ltekittg, an d Frantlin.
The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to oar city through this great natural fettled
mute a direct commimiration to the above ae well as
the adjoinlng confutes of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and
Delaware.. -
Pr= this seetton of Ohio, the trade with Ptttalturgh
has been, to a great extent eat of, In Consequence of
the high rotes transponation which nee now re.
dueed In, At and NI per cent.
Boats of this !hie will leave daily, and run through
wiout transhlptfient. The Venal colorant' have
be ll ewed upon th. line nn interest to the onnovve
dented adv.lnges of their
in and thus secured
to the middle pantos. of Ohio in ordering th e! , Rood.
vtlhal interest la tau worm:nee. Agents:
J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL de CO., Glasgow.
C m llo I
nal Pr, , n o r r iv till 0 ;k
Ca H
A linnnnArahana C LAI C
m 00, 0;
r n e
Arter A Nuitiolvv, Honorer, 0.; Ilibbris A Hoary, Mi
nerva 0.: Spanker A Porter. do.; ,Inveph pool A Co,
dal & Bur., Oneida Mills, 0.; V Bever, do.;
leidllrAji TFleArrne73l:lhir,VrTit'n°4:
Alogn,;11.,101.; Wio l 'anrk . ness, do; I
M . Farland Co I' P LOTer, do; Fneh
iinega & iilteintioura tlnlivar, 0.; Willard & Shriver,
;I/ Golf -Ina filsorillon, 0.; Cummins re. Co, ;
John flobinvon, Corm! Milton, 0.; Fenig & Torrey,
Cann/ Dover, 0 ; A Meithary, Honor, 0.; L
itrr. Nerrork, U.; Tdell & Colombo., L 0 Met
terrix, Cleveland, 0 : Rhoden & Green, do. amyl/
Mill 1850 'Maga
Via Pennsylvania Canals &R ai PoOAt Crone,
l Roads.
A rgh
r IN t N
, TK ;
INS A. CO, Canal Buis, Men)
ATKINS, O'CONNOR ,fc Co., 2II7L'HO Market .heel,
o wood 4
IPConnotta h. C o _ . on North .treet, Baltimore;
Btoel, New Vint;
FlLtion A. Ballo, II Dorn , .tree 1, no.torn
/I•vihron Goat, l'llarseilleliettineky;
Mt, Columbia street, Cnietnnatal
E. Wank,
. Nays, l real h. Co., St. I,eia
To Slitirro if Afereloritittte and Prodoot to and
from Thliadrlp4sa, Rohrmare, V Enrit, it Boston..
our route heirs now in line order; are orronerd
In l'n:wltd rood. n•alaive at eirre Intent arreen. We
"Liu.. treieht tree of any eberge hewing pollen. far
'over St,al.lloo, and wall the following ritenstve stork
or Bean. f.rl contolent of riving enure F•Liiiiartion to
ell banner.. entreqed to our earn. Igor boat. ore all
•neor, and commanded lap canto/. of experience, and
entire line 1. conducted on tlO,
01 saGtera harping
and temperance puneirles
INals., Captain. • Mal... Captains
iron Choy, Hagan Pron.ylvaina E Layton,
all St. Letts, Cowden
.Coirmilaii, Sande Col. Howard Ridley
Roth Au., Chaniam Mary I>elierah Sine,
AVin Ado, Penroail FAlrrproic, Karon
Import. hrgiutil• Juniata Itroarn
Boron, Alier eien. Senn, Ihlfa
I:arllnda ItOry 'Telegraph:go IShiele.
Celia Hawkins Point 51,11 BoyhPltuatle
telireßninchtio•npr naltallel7.lipporibley
Arne,. Perry Ohio Bella Kearney
Merulaul hlTolgeo Bunter (tingle
The bar 3Ni...ride 4.41 a Ann J Layion
Sorer. AI Bowel/ TeleFrapli No2On•Ls
Loot Sharp It.rrr Norio Queen Will,
Flappers wall find it to ilanr advent nee to pure e. •
rail. t Ca INNttlI , ATKINS it.Ct
• nini.,lll tonalMoly Liberty pt., Pittanurga.
Tr...portal/on Compagay.
atatta 1850, nia
nr - rtvi.:EN rirrAtuttrai, PHILADELPHIA,
BALTIMORE d. rqrw %%AIR.
Penunlvanw Caaaf and Rod Rona.
T lli: (Nall Gap. iw4go,iii,L;oLliie“iroealiorfcii pat
,iene on., to it," !dna, enables us to carry • largi
quaatlly M'ro4nre and gond..
Tilt' CRIS, Luc I.llle ta awned And t,
eat be the Ilroorn.tota.
-,11 , 1,
HARRIS I.l:Et• • ii. Zun
AIJ.. ¢1 11. r. T..t.a<co
mdrplu, Va.;
. 1 0sCI•11 TAYLOR i &SON,
No 117 Nor,. [lowan! st. Itazia,re,
1.11 - 142 E, N,. 7 W., New Vort
1.1:I.CII a Co, Cu. ltutn , 1 . 1111 , 1
CLARK,/'ARKS h. CO. lita.heater, Pa, Propr'i.
OMee enr Small field and Water at., ParOarait.
Cleveland, Ohio.
rXIIIIS Neel known Line are prepweil to transport
I ',lab: and Paalen•ei, from rrrT , SIIURGII *IA
MA ND In any portit nil the Canal rind Late..
fana net nl nee Line •re ansarproaed in namlaer
awalliy and eal.meay of lbant, experience of eaptaius, ,
act, elheiency of Arent*.
• .
(Ine 24.11erve•etttelisterb•nil1ieve1amIdluty,ron
ning in I. , ,nennon well • Lint. or Steam Hewn be
-1.;'1 (11', I'EZ. of
1 I • ~ e mY rone..r. en.l 1'e , (01., on
nr Mr. Cascl.
ar Iln•ls A C.A . ltnen , tn./. Pa
I ; 0•411,10%. rinso,
1 A I Warren- 11,
A N. l•• Vtion
/ Brayton A Co. Itavnona,
K•nl. l.r.nnr I; A Co. Prnnklin, rt
11 A Moir r.
Whr,ler, Ise A C., Akron, 0,
Chan!nrern, C:nTrfor.l A Co, Cleveland, 0,
C., sand., y , rr .
meats, Toledo, 0,
Willlminr; A Co, Deaeit, Math:
tvaliam. A Co. Shllvnaklr, Wta,
A,urery A Milton, 'tarn., WI,
Groree A g 155,1,,.. Ch,tar.f.
Tl.onnal Cb•cmgo,
Joll,i 7ll.
error, Water and Stnlthfirdal
Z,2=l 1850.
CLAN a r ARKS A. CO, liothexter. Proprietors.
q Pryprtr,orY of tho •rld arell known In
solorna thr ' , Odic that they ate nowll/ Op.
era.,on lot the prylent F ,13, 00: anti /go, cornmenerd
rec., Frrl,bt Pna.rnaho, arloeh Wry are
fd/O Pora,e,l, to all 'Kano on the Cana) and
A .I,c r•tev one of the Homy at the Lola
w,.1 by
to rac .I
eoe ntl},
( at the lann,, below hionongahala
JOIIN A CA urilfßV, Agent,
Wire, co t Water •nd Smithfield Ma, Pastier/Oh
R, nrinln. Ne.v Calle, pa,
Altiehmtr,, &Co. l'itm•k,.
WA, Mole, Shorn,
J h H god, amrp , burg;
%ties. Aelire A. Co. I. reenville,
Win Ihney, Hartnett,
Wm Power, Cnimenavillm
Jobe 'learn h Co. line,
John J 11,1irter A 'a, Data, At V.
Pittsburgh POrtiabla Boot Limo,
rn. iSeEtSl 1 850.:ftta
rms tart. mammal DV ,11.1.711-1.
TO AND ritoß
PITT.MIOR4.II. 1 . 1111. A lg.:1.1'111A, BALTIMORE,
El- IV till:, IP ofroN, hr.
Tn,ißatze.ona, ) TAttrom IProottoo.
P 1.1110.1,1311 PitiMugh.
Tai l ; ' :;7l ' n riTl7,- I t ' , 0M:1%7i hen. " l
rerriaeg and forward., tlerrhandire aid
ni row roe., ant with the pompoms., en,-
: end 'army. sir, ohm. to their agmein and mode
itaimor Velirre tmortopment
,tro led, WWI 11. mom:Nonni .lA*7,lllllll' prolmOthly
of 111 long,
mehamlim and Prodnee shipped ester wert,and
I cur-of hailing forwarded free of charge (or mamas
on, ail Veering, a florae,. Hama. no Intermit di•
remit , nr inarectly f teximboma, that or the owners
maleljr momenta whon flopping their goods.
All rorninuoreationi to the following agrios prompt
ly attended tn.
arket sirei, Plesledelphrs.
Cerner Perin end Wayne streets, Pittsburgh
John Ninth, Ugh & 470, ,, , North RI, ilelt; P. O. Hari
. 1 / 4 01.15 !inane et, ileeinn, W.& J. T. Ter eon
R 11
, South et, New York; Juin. Wheelwright, einem
---- -
!IMAM/ 1850.
Between Pitt Omega an astern C iiiii
The Canal bcnig now epen, we we ready te receive
and forward promptly, produce and merchandaa east
and areri.
Freighte vier-vs at lowert cam charged by :capon
able Itnic.
Produce and increhandrre will be received and for
ar,h rdrli 4,1.1 and we nohow any cha rge lor lor•
aog odvarreti.r, rr , Tria, coortalErin o or 'wrap,
lading torwardt-d, and all direct i ons fetch-
Ily artended to.
Add,. or apply ta, 'NM. lIINGNAM,
anal llamth eor. Liberty and Wayne iiht, l'itothorgh.
No 127, Markel at, between Ith it tat, Phil'.
No IE2, North !Inward at. Usittionre.
Pascua/or atm IL•lalgtainia• OISIOria
aII...NEL/EN Ye CO. Conhaun to bring persona
kfrom any part of England, Ireland. Scotland at
Wales, upon tits most liberal terms. With OM"'
usual punetua/ity and attention to the want, and coni
fers nf ettinugrunts We do cot allow oar paaseligari to
be rubbed by the suriedling towline that infrat the Ira.
porta, a. vin tuba ebarge of thesis the moment they re
port themaelve., and sec to their well being, and Jo
spateh Maui without any detention by the first ahipa.—
We may 1,. Icurlcrsly, ea we defy one of ourymait
o en•
gem to .how thnt they were dammed 4.a Pagra bY
Liverpool, wlitht thousands of other. • tea detained
ni an Id
natlia, until they could be sent an wine anal, at •
eh: p rate, which too (reticently proved their minus.
we Intend to perform our center.. eonorably, cast
Whitt it may, and not art as was the caws len reason,
w,di ether ofileeny—who either performed not all, or
when it rutted their convenience.
Walla drawn at Pittsburgh for an sum from LI to
Liam payable al any of the proeiatial Banks in Ira.
land, England, Scotland and Wales.
Eu rare. .4-Gem re! AE.54
• ;In LW. Lona door Wen.. Wro.f,
p td p : s phsjrNgtlhard,Efupur,
5 elks N E HIM;
Snail On. CM:mu from um,
the most approved Eng
lish and American tountfamarers from In to 21 feet
in width, which will La of to 11l rooms, halls, and
vestibules of any sire or shape.
The undersigned having Imported direct from Eng.
land, his Velvet Pilo and Tapestry CARPETS. These
Carpets, which are of the la•est and most elegant
styles and patterns, and of the most gorgeous colors,
wil in anyl Le sol of the p caste. dat rices Mili
ci eu,
ties. as they ran La purchased
Having the largest assortment of the richest and
most fashionable BRUSeFiLS, IhIPPRIA L THREE
PLY and INGRAIN CA/WE:nl watch far surpasses
in quality and cheapness of
lie a l so
asrortment ever
before brought to this city. lie also throes Steamboat
hien •nd Coach tter/warren to his lar and well
selected emanate, blo . of TRI &MUM; s , and o th ers ticles
necessary in their businesa
The endersigned is also agent a
n d is only Stair Rod
lalanufnetory in Philadelphia, and is prepared to aell
lower Man man be parch ased elsewhere in this city.
is •vr boodle!! - iltnor Goodsll •
Note Sprang nod Summar Dm/ Goods for I,YIO.
A' :,- :4, , :::.1..,.......A.a.,,,d,R.",,,,,:„1,...,,,,i;Azraiv:eb;
sreet, between Third and Fourth, a r e of the
Mu Rev Gres, has rust commenced receiving
and opening one of the most rich. Eplendu/,
end c stenUt we meek. of Poring and Simmer Ilry Goods
ever tittered Inc sale in the Western cenotry. All of
there Imps Ir a Gi.ds arc fresh opened, and 'iveeraeil
per ths last steamers front Frantic and Englaod; as
also Irish Lincs., tamorted direct front Belfast, all
mass bleached, and warranted the pare ante; a there
Linens are all imported by the subscriber, re all
pure nag yarn, warranted. Alm, Irish Linen Daeask
Table Clams, the very beat manufacture; and Irish
Liners lined. of all Souls, imported direct tram Itelfut
by the soliscber, and will he found the real Prinigo.
DRF-43 ()GODS.
New style rich Took Satins, all colors, splendid
grind, black Turk eatlns, •11 prier, nobgoals
['loci glace Silts, all colon, late importation; French
kid tiloves, all colon, the beat imported; plaid black
Amens, per lost Frrierh steamer, new si
b yl, painted
eeee splendid goods. Also, a id large
stork ni whir brick lirevxls Lace. for irimming
Jr e .very flea tonic; plain Hereon in all colon, e
tree Inw , beautilul good.; black Silk Fringe, all
widths and prices, very cheap; French Lawns, me
styles, per last French r itlain black Oro lie
Rhine, high lustre, caper!.steame goods, black figured Oro
De }thine Droved!, rich geoa., French and 'English
i7mihnveres new styles, beastifal goesh; splendid
flared Owen good. for ball dresses: rich embroidered
Swiss Mulls Mr evening dres es, Stens Edging aml
Inserting. the beet aapOried; Silk Timm. in all colors
and aaaaae•, now atyle, plain alai •atin siny'd black
Bereges all pncea, printed Lawna neve sly/es. from
ti to es cents yob yard; flange de Lune, a new article
for ladies' dremes Also; a larae and superb stock el
aew style some. Llonimi Ribbon% the vary beat im
ported, all new.
Canton crape Shawls, all colons fresh from rho Cur.
into House, Turk Satin Shawl., splendid goods, in all
eolora, per lasi steamer, beatalfel changeable slams
oil. Shawl., fresh importation • white embroidered
Canton Crap. Shawl., superb go od.; green embroider
ed Canton Crepe Shawls, so/redid goods; Leptn's
French inside Vinbruidered [toast importation;
Parts painted Cashmere Shards all prices and Otiall
lot ; 111.60• . anus., Caseate MA Sew* In great •.1.
rum; Fceach worked Cape., Colin,. and Calk, al argil
A large Stock of
50 MG. anhewebed Westin. tome 5 to to rent. per
yard; 15 e•w• bleached hlusitua front 1 to I:1 secum
pee reed. It Irish Lthens imported direr: nom
Ihniast, 11 hams Picking, Irons c to 25 eel. per yard;
v a s
bloc Dna, from to Ina cent* per yard, be.
Irides a fall assortment of Sanoner Cloths, Also, Cas
s/tame,Tweeds, Satinet., and Kentucky `cerise
cues dark Calico, fast colored, from 3 to 11" cerise
per yard; eases lloyl A Sons , English Punts, beat
=petted; 5 bales Ramie and Scotch Drapers, extreme
ty low. Also, 11o.ekeeping gGoods of all kinds, very
cheap; Shales Russia Crash, Irmo 51 to 121 ewes per
yard, besides a lugs. moc of Cheek and hialrung
Stripe. Also, Canton Fl.nela, an colon and mns
ties, at low prices, red, w hate, and yellow Flannels,
very cheap; bleached and unbleached Drillings, fall
assortment: 5 eases Mee Mernstack Calicoes, ea
°comely low: black end anbleaceed Table DlliptrN all
prices ; Mrd'aeye Diapers all mines and imalibes,
very cheap; colored Cambric., e assonsisent,
cheaper than ever. 1 bales Burlap., from LT/ to ifs eta
per yard. Also a large stock °regimen Table Diapers
Mummy' Shining- A Nil amortment, very cheap.
The largest and most splendid stock of Parasol.
ever opened by any one house In Pfusbergb, as thus
day received, .no are all of the newest French males,
which, for richness and beauty, rennet be slsed.
A. we k•ve • /ergo lot of these Parasols, will
mid cheaper than 24other boast In th e city can al.
thud to sell the mann. nualliy of goods
'rheaadies are restlully matted to examine these
Parass, they wi ll ec find maw of the Genesi and
newest style. ever imported (root Pnrope. Them
Carew's ere an of the el and mem fashionable
milure, and arc worthy of the atteutton of the
All of the above grads will be sold of at oilmen.
below any "muse in the city; and in order to prove
ties fact, the public will please call and price these
goods, and compare them seith an other brase Mt
city, and be eonvinced of the above y
The sabwriber would here nay to Monomers,. cus
tomer, and the peblic in general, that there an two
other bee hive mores in market street, prriendlng to
cope with the Mg Bee How, which w alone We only
elebrated and tar famed Dry Goods eitieldlshot.t in
Pittsburgh. The aubscriber would therefore say to all
purchaser. of Dry Goode, either wholesale or retail,
that Ore lbg nee thee, on Market stress, between Third
and Fourth, ir nowapemen the largest, rielicat, aid
most splendid mock of spring .11 summer Dry Goods
r err °dated for sale in Pittsburgh
New roe 1654-Ths largest arid most feahion
able stock of notelet. ever opened tn this city, is imit
reeetvcd at th e sign of the Big Bee on Mattel
sincel, between rhinl and Mama streets, where Dry
ikkonn in every description am selling cheaper than
any other house in the city. The pubs well please
take noure that there ore two other bee hive stores ou
Market street, who pretend to compote with the Ili r
Bee Mee, betereen Third and "'earth streets, where
the puolte will had, at all times, the largest and newest,
styles of Dry , finds, fresh opened.
1;r Please taken otice, that the more Is between
Third and Fourth streets, all,, of the BIG BEE 1110 E,
where Dry Goods of every description are selling
CHU AA . than at any otter Imam In the city.
rs. oods. —
AA. MASON CO., de klarkel Greet, between
. Thud and Follett, are now receiving Kluge as
rortnwst of Barege Da Lakin; Persian Cloths, an en
tire bear arliele; Palletnia Crepe Ins Lai., Ac; with
it large assortment of lawns and other Drem Goode,
of the latest stylea and Most fashionable' colors.
(101, F 2 / - bagsp - rinTe - fro
kjeartuus-10 hes mould, dipped, and sterro;
CUalma-150 bee Cream and English Danl'i
Cower-kV dna Hemp and Manilla;
Cassts-50 Maus;
Causes-I barrel;
Clasas-ill M Conntien and half Spanish;
Feni-25 brhothd half bets blackeml,Wel &Orton;
(11.411-541 Las alarmed Wren
11.111-1200 Prime Venison;
118/0 Sugar tared;
Inmost-lUD tbs 8 P andAlanilla;
1-111 dos Ilarrisona thankNs. COPYinfi
MoLsmaa brls N Oriels.%
15 hell bile Sager glean;
Movrease-Mr doe asaorted
filstralsoni,solb. Italian; .
lbs. do
Nam-:eau kers smarted;
I'ie/thee-5 due jam misruled;
:111 bushels baleen;
Ps.e.-50 rear. assorted;
Passim -Ha tbs 11131 , 1V12.;
SOne-So has Honer awl Cast Steel;
Sousa -10 hLd. N Orleans and Clarified;
Tits -181 packsgcs Oren, arid Blatt;
Tobacco-1:U has It, 5, AI lb lump;
10ssu shams-5o 1, ax Eink,•
For sale by . D WILLIAMS Q. CO
mrlB Corner of Fifth and IVowl
Fuk.", FURN! FUltli 22. 4 D e :obocrlbero p
end k g , a , NT i to pp ton g h_ a n n tit tar and Rad Fo . i,
corner Fifth moot Wood on..
No 10, AS. BINGAM,
...rt. New York
' ------ Paper aiming.
Q R ING SELltlfglol4.-IVill be received, by first
kJ canal shipments, • new and choice asoonment of
WWI Paper, of the latest French and Eastent
in gold, chamois, oak, plain and lugh colors.
W. P. MARSHALL, (late S.C.
mrl3 OS Wood street
T'lnEr.etT.7.l l 3.hhlrt:f.ti".'NU tv7."t
s. B. Barhheld & Co., to MN day
eohael. The thinineas of the old anti will be wltied b/
S. 11. Buahheld, at the old gaud, No. rto Libenyatreet,
I'ittaboroh• - S. ILL BUSHEIELD,
hlareh t 1630.
JOHN htettilL.L.
continue the 'Wholesale aad Retail Dry Goods and
Unwary tmbles., at the old mend, No. tlO What) al,
under the lion of 13. N. OUSIIFIEILD at CO . .
Marsh I, thrso,
illAVErr -- laa gay aseeetated:with me, sn the %%d .
eate Grocery, Commiselon, and Forwarding Lul
u% my two Sons, U. N. and W. ft Waterman- 77te
oarless in num Will be conducted ander the style et
z„. W.Stfltilai. Sou, at Me ald 3,1
ter and es Front smash
P 1 4 01411. 'NU kil4 44% LA 3Y.4
J. If. MELLOR, SI Wood onvrt, tar rtrei.ed tdg
fatme.,s , Nee Naar:
Osay east yea see by the truth'. holy light; d
I,J eated to Rev. C Cook. Oh, think net es. love
thee. Blanche Alpen, I lovesheo. Whe d p& p , p r i.„,"
around thee. The cut beneath the bill .. Wert Mon
bat mine. Annie Laurie—Scotch belled. Th. Robin
—tennis by Eliza Cook, music by Stephen Glover.
non but amended the ap rit that loved thee. The
Grave of Waxhinguat. The Irish hipthp,...l , .. pmm.
Old Senban—Hussel. Ile doeth all Wags well—
Woodbury, Widow Msehrco—llussell. The cottage
of ray mother—Hutehinsona. Low backed ear—Lover
Men Walues—complete. The /daubs Bell The
Bridal p} Wedding Polka . . Jenny Lied% American
Polka Lissy Polka Soiree American Potka
Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Orluina' Scottish Polka—
/alien. Salutation Polka. ?lin Polka. Josephine
Polka. Summit Polka. Remould Polka. The Pro
phet Quadrilles—Aleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quadrille.. T he Wreath and Daley Waltata. Ernest. The
Siviw Drover Day—variations by Csamy. Monument.
Sounds from Home. Wreckers Daughter. quickstep.
Louisville Much and Quickstep. Wood up, glajpg.
del , .
— TEr -10
o In
rntsil P°
I ""'"' toNti°
'Reda' 3R17
Ntifti, Vol
Spring Su .1 of
rrlannlort, an, eourrioth
• Erna Soper Royal
Fngliah and Anomie
Superfine, Ihn
perfine Jagratia Curt.,
F.xtra fine
Common, all wool,
I-4, land l Tall Van Car.
I - I, I.d I Twill , d Carp.
1-4, f, I and d 4 plain Car.
List and Rag Carpets,
, 4 Pruned Calton Carpet..
Extra roper patentCberalle
Euperfine do do Runs;
Fine Tufted Rag.;
Taira Wilton
Common do
Tufted Chenille Door Alm;
Sheep Skin
54, 7-4. 64, 54, 4-4 and
Oil Clotby
EXtra primed piano covers
Emboes./ Pluttaoble
Printed woolen le
Embossed Stand
Linen and wonted •
Donut Star Linen;
Turkey Red Chiniseer
Chime Bordering;
English Oil Cloth Table
Brown Linen crumb cloths
Brass Blair Rods;
Stair Mugge.;
Clullet is
late tind Coro Mats;
Alle.l and Skeleton Men;
/v 4 and ilvt Green thl Cloth
for Blinds. '
Risekelviek Diaper;
0-11, -4.14, .d 1 higsjsr,
IS Inch pliant 011 Cloths
for Lairs.
Caner Tcrionori..
Rive and Drab Omar;
Crimson Plu.b;
Coach Chi:Clth.;
Damasks for Lining.;
Iloff llollend for IV.Shades-
T ' re th n . cfirtaii m .p,
Venetian Wind.;
Homing for Flag.;
7-1 and 6-4 Table Llnen;
Raaaia Crash;
Scotels Dlape.;
Brown lOnen Napkin.;
(iceman Oil Cloth Table
From die v,rdedr gdors, m repel Dimas.
Dr. Gisyseells /iiitravt. of Tallow Dual
arid Sarsaparilla.
Curls eonsampdan, &embalm., erysipelas, rhecznallam,
soak, liver compleints, cabal erections, mietts,.sr
htil a d d e d e eMbr
rapt humors rank of blo kidney. 6
to the brad, fever and
m ims , female ' complaints, [enema debility, llnaftdk
itia, less of appetite, headache, eelds, .cabs tae,
travel, night sweats, ebolie *Tatum elections,
palpitation or the limn, bil e ., puma in the side,
dim., hack, ae.
tn mall diseases arising from an Ito.
pore state of the ,blood. or isregadar action of the aro.
In the Vegetable Kingdom, an All.mise Being ha
deposited plants and herbs; congenial loony coustitu
Lions, and adapted to be cure of disease; and to Su
ye getablekingdons does the reason of lam, as well
the instinct of ani ale, turn for antidote. to pain.
The Syrup its a setendfie compound of the Stoat val
sable plants is nature, entirely free from deleteriout
and enervating mineral substances4and as it expel
disease frem the system, imparts vigor and strengthll
An extraordinary ease of Scrofula, Erysipelas and (3
errs, cured:by the sole use of D E C Guysottis
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
Buttortrts, Nov. 17, ISIS
GoTaver. —Sir: I tender my sincere thanks fot
the great' suefit I have derived from the use of your
valuable .7 ruff. I have been troubled very bad wit
scrofulous sore, which made tut appearance on m
chin.ra 1 did not pey much entenuon to it at first, sop
poems d to be notldng hut en eruption that appear
on person% far I It finally begun to inere.e, until
spread to tits :act port of the be.. I applied to •
phy d sician, who attendme all to an purpose. I had
every Ming that m eld be tried. I saw yr Syr
up of Yellow Deck and Saiaapartlla y lad co ou ncluded
to use It, for I thew that Yeitow Donk was eon of the
most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I
bought your Syrup s and from the use of one bottle. I
could see a great change in MY eYetem. I comm..,
mule lt until I was a well MOIL now feel like a
new person; my blood is perfectly - cleansed and free
from all impurities. There is not a question but the
your newly discovered compound Is far superior I
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
Thu certificate is at your disposal to publish if yea
like, and any one yea may refer tome 1 shall be Imp.
py to give them ail the information 1 eau about my
case, do. 1 remain your obedient servant,
Vacuum 11. Jonsson,
113 Market street
The hen female medicine known. The Extract of
Yellow Dock apd icarsapacill• is • positive, speedy,
and permanent cure for all complaints incident to
Its mild, •Itstative Properties render it pecidiarl)
applicable to the slender and delicate constitution ol
the female. It is unrivalled in its effects upon such
diseance an incipient consumption, barrenness, feu
corrhoca, or white, irregular menstruation, incond
hence of urine, nod general prostration of the system.
It iroui ediately rtnnitertims that distressing nem.*
nem mid lasintude so eonntion to the female f
and Imparts an energy mid buoyancy as surprising mrame,
uaey are grateful. We hare evidence on fileselinti
induce. ins mrsneiy to resompiend this medicine it
married people who haws not been blessed with on
Peculate Urea, nr Palling at Da Womb, pf firs
yeellow ars' staD lading,
cured by Dr. Extract GuysolVe Exact ol
YockHantepenne event other
known remedy had been trd enthralr retie:.
WAIII()hot, Fob., D.
This certifies that m ynaT 011,o 11,
e, aged 27 years, !M ha.
been audering ander the y
above complaint far fin
yeah—nearly all of that lima confined to her bed.
have fur four year constantly employa the Gestated
mat talent that rook! be promised thts acetlon of the
country, Withal! any benefit whatovec have also
pureLased every Instrument recommended (or Me
cure of nteh diseases, all of which ply/Yeti worthless.
In We same of logv, I was Indeed by my fnendi
to try Dr. Guys... Veneer Dock and Harsapardla.
which WWI used for four month.. liner she had toed
or for about four weeks. it was endelit to all that she
was improving,hmtl from this time she improved to
ti p, and gutted flesh and strength, unul the dna..
removed, and altoa mow enjoymot mom
expellent health. WoNl. ifilFtrlLT.
We !smog neighbor. nt Wm. and Julia elonfon
know the, t:313 above statement, as to dm richness n
tkiiu r. Monfort, and a. to doe cure being effects., to
yrott'a Yellow Dock and Sersopartile, to be .trictl, )
Brost Coro of Consumption.
flaatl.ll,t, January 1, Mr. Bennett—L/0.81r: The great benefit which I
have derived from lour ll.tmet of Yellow Lodi/ and
liawapurilln, Induces rue, as to set ofjuatice, to mats
the following Atawnient
Atter wasting for two years host general debtlity
which Gamily icroinwtrd u 1 consurniion,l wes iven
up by iny Mende and physicians an beyond the aid
medicine. As • tart resort, I wag induced In try
your Erin., and having limed bat two bottles, ae
cording to your direction., am entirely well. 1
would thereforrd rnrilcoll• meow:lend your unequal.
led Compound the aldieted who desire • powerful
pleawant and aria irmedy. Gratefully your tricnil,
M rrh
None genuine unites put up In large square bottles.
conbuniing • quart, and We name of the syrup Howe
so me glass, With me wt.tten signature or P. lien
nett au the outside wrapper Perce Peel•ottle,
ait !awl. lor 0.5 ,
It is sold D. /Wet , corner of numb and %Vol
.1 streets, Utneinls4ll. OLsesci,cral /kn. for the
South and West, to whom all orders want be Widens
Cirter ♦ ltro , Er,e, W. I'. Judson IL Cra., Water.
forth Olin a Clemous, Cross/nov . 111e; Al,l 3 - orrell
Montrose: Duvet All,, Towanda; Rohert.iloy, Wells
hero; L. Roderick, Callen.hurei L. Wilco., Puni
Imre, eovi er of Market street wad the Diamond.
medicines of the day..
thole. Station, Ohio, bray 2.1,
R E think it right, tor the benefit of men,
to site some farts in relation to )our excellent Pa
rody Medicines.
I .
need your Yersnifuge largely In my own
family, on vial fre-uuently exnellitirge imatuthes
(ray WO to Mot worm.) front two children. I have
also cited your Laver MD and Coagh Syrup In my
family, and they ave, in every historic; produced
the elfeel desired.
A. I am engaged in merchandising, I ant stile to
•tate, that I have yet to bear of the ant failure when-
Your medicines have been used in sny se or ,he
country. In conclusion, I may state that they ore me
med.-tees of the de y, mita • e fie.itned IiSAVe yen
tolerative popularity. Your., re•Feetmlly.
Prepared and sold by FL E. SELLERS, No 73 Wood
true.. and
and sold
Dniggists generally to the two
cities vicini
SEld.rodt - i - KOOTIDO
Medicines of the day.i taeY are
Ilastuars Surion, Ohio, May 1840.
R. E. Seller, : Ithink it right forth° benefit Mothers
to state soma facto in relation to year excellent Flioni.
',have lured y. .r Vermin:toe largely In MY awn two'
Ilyone via..fro -wilily answering for expelling! .ge
Lave also o . qufmtnws (s a ay lin
O rel wont. from two Child.* I
your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup in
my family, and they Lave in every instance produced
the effect desired. •
A. I am aogagrd in tervohmdlidng, 1 am able to
site that Itiovc yet to hearer the first failure where
your niedieines have been used In ''my section of the
country ill eoncluston, I may state Char they are Ws
medicine. el the day, and ate desuncd to have • very
extensive pspulanty Yours, rea.,er
. Prievou..
Prepared and sold by F' t SRS, No $7 Wood
street, and sold by Draggle r. enerilly In the two ci
ties and vicinity.
g . 'l Re:AT iIDRE CT/KITT:A - INT, bp - 4 a
...j original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill.
Snorer C.., Ohio evenly, Va.j ,
March oth ISID.
Mr. FL P- Sellers: Dear eir-1 think io t
a, duty I owe
to you and in the public genera ly, to state ihm I have
been .18.1,4 with the Liver Com Plaint .for a long
time, and so badly that an abcces formedit.d broke,
which tell me in a Very low state. Raving heard o/
poor celebrated Liver Pills being (or sale by A R
Sh•rp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my them
Dr. It. Sunlit, I concluded to arre m
• fair trial. I ' olre-hosed one box, and round thenito
what they are recommended, TIIE nrsr LI
VER what
the USED; and aner taking four boxes
1 Ind the disease bus entirely left me, avid I am now
perrectly well. Respectfully yours,
Wee! Liberty, .lamb IRV.
I certify that I am perennally acquainted %nth Mr
Colon, it ,and ran bear testimony to the truth of the
.have A R SHARP
The genuine Liver }'llls are prepared and Bold by
RES . I.LERS,NnAI Wood street, and by druggists
to the wo clues.
TO THE PURLIC.—The original, only true and gen
uine Liver Pill. are prepad by R ESeller and have
his Haim- stamped in block wax upon the li s, d
or each
hoe, and his eignatare on tho entolde wrapper—.
odium are counterfeits, or base imitation..
__aptU R If SELLERS, Proprietor
UTipccums riIAN EyER
/wit rce'd, an invoice of full iewellcd gatenole.
Waiclie., IS CUTCI.IS lino Caws, which I can eon us
low a. thirty Sony tire dollars, and warranted to
keep good time.
Alwa—A splendid assortment of/IMF-IAV, ro.
pushy the venous and . laiest styles, and best pauen
W. W. WILSON, IVarehansker and Jeweler,
saw saee•• asssks. sod
C IIE Pelee Reduced.
SUDSCRIBEICt Nell blirpratt'a best
quality end high test Glass and Nom Makers
Soda AIM, warranted su parlor to any other brand kt
31 by the quantity of 5 tone or upwa rem for currency or
app: eyed Notes, at four months, or 91 fora less group
reb Liberty street.
HERSEY, FLEISINN & havlng arranged to
IA give their entire attention to the sale of ilunatiFtic
Woolen and Cotton Goods, now otTer their large
stock of Toilors' Trimmings, Vesting., Prenell nod
German Cloths; Cocain, truakorrer,lre. at first tom.
jai tv,Wooti at
131.17ACIIINfi POWDER-20 coati - Jae Musprais
Noes , !mind, a !superior article, for aide by
novo W tr. AI Af ITCIItiILTREE
nyp s CASKS hi umirett,lat Asia, and ID
111 each inr Powder, arrived per ship Oximb Wee,
•nd cow canting On by canal, for sole b
N. o.—They will receive, daring the w in ter, lame
rmll.• •l• Now • Irlo.n•
LP t.$T meld, mH tw
nieguni ein earood G orb Piano
front the celcbraird manufactory of Nouns d
Clark, N. V., hfscipertor tullC, and Very moderate price
For sale by lILEBER
del/ at J, W. Woodwells,
removing Tartar ' Deism, Canker and all
substances destrue dye to the Teeth. It is delietous to
the mete, cleansing the earicalt, healing and strengthen
ing the gum., and ponfying the breath.
For sale, wtolemate and retail
F. ,by
decto R PIRLIXR9 gY Wend et
10 OUR 11,(., kr
t 1 for Wei by fIeRR IiDGILLS to DOE
lIAHD Ult.-20 Las nnsand (o - : aleby
Atol--bR cook o torsolo onTic7 rotion - -
',IMMO ACID—D) boomtiveJ tor 01 %
IDERSIK—S3 Ll* Marne, reed per Dolorell'o Line,
for sole bY pel'OJ JAM FA DA LZELL
E BRICK-10,00U store for role by
BA ' 0 LDERs-tu casks for eatol •
}SRO S& W 11A118A1IGII
1 4 % - 01:11( - ::71YrWS P Floor'
50 WI. extra in, reed oneonsignment,
'ml for sate by 1,261 8& W lIARBAUGH
A ND-40 keg. No ree
!err le b
_ .
WIMAM MLASA—V.4 Via assailed Maas lYal
mceived and far rale by
UIIAR stlgar, a prima artialeja
gime andlor rifle LT
irre A.& W. !MADAMS&
_ -
. . .
24 . 1 „ . e . d At9 Bacon Bid., to 4 ernidan Qt7Lß krgard
rPHE Partnership heretofore existing bmarenj.
J. subscribers, or.Jer the firm of Ihrrloidge;Wilke
CO., yeas thie tiny dissolved by a...1u1l roc*,
The business of, he firm will be nettled by J. W. thi
bridge, or Wm, W Ilion, Jr t cittim of 'atom is 001110
tied to use Mc name of tbs tr rm 1n liquidanol.
W3l. WI Ls...N. Jr.,
LYON, 8110R13 a CO
eb-PA T V.; It 111. IP
T AB. W. Burbridge it Bern. F. Inehninii have Oh
day asiuseisted we:nastiere under the firm of Mr
b ridge itt /flatirons, In transact a Wholesale Grusin
and Sienereil Commission Iroriners, in the hoci.e lately
oceurord be llorFrolre, & Co, tic %Voter IL:
Pittrburo, July I, Itlat--jya
rilnE Ftibseribas nave use day formed a co-partner
i ship under the hero of P Wilson. for the pi,
WPC Of tran.cupg the Wboidrale Grocery and Cla
p:union Ilostocus, at No 20 IVond Comet.
W5l. IVII.StfiN,
Pittsburgh. 1, IPOO—/Y5 PRANK. WIL.ON
Bliklodeoa P 1•130 With two Grated,
'UST received 'at the sten dr •a,„
si superior b octave Melodeon nano. with two tills
o f Reeds, the lain! improvement_ The above . IS
probably the fine.l toned instrument ever otieredllo
sale here, with a hist& finished sad elemet everthr,
for %Kr!, by if KLEMM,
L ifurouNt; rn PER—a Ofill.fale boot paper 11 , 4 i;
511 do do co 1112 M,
5n do do en talrts :
11% , O. sew. printing, 011:171
lop do do do .521:14
no do do, 22g4t;
lon do do do tn.gya
00 65 Mae Envelope, 02152,
20 do Ychow do tals2s,
50d0 Manilla do tinvy,
25 do do do 21.%50)
• 500 Co assorted Wrapping pg.
pm, in core, for sale by JUIIN II 51101.1.0 a
Economy In ',Teas.
DECIDEDLY the cheapest rind best place in Edta ,
harsh to boy Tea is at the Tea Market, east ode
of the Diamond. They sell
Excellent Tea at •• • • • .___gll AO per lb •
Superior Qualtues• —•——• • . , O "fd• " •
The very hest— 1 00
Love priced, damnyed, 117 intrrior Teas rife not kCpi
et this establishment, therefore, whether you so your.
self or Fend a child, you rte 51100 to obtain In gOod
article, net if the flavor of the Tea Is notlapproved i
they readily elf:hence n or return the money.
jyla AlullIIIS do HAWORTH, Propocrors,
Se r . t t i z o l..:ir l uLC v cse , ,; ; No;
ill lola do do;
5 kr, do do,
10 Soirrloy.,
Ovs Mould Condles;
2111.2, , , No larch:
lil/1 pcont Zoo. Wanhhormll;
hlrhe.f. , opr,rior Grron
4:1,00ldy 1.1. do
11,1,1 rhos.rupertur Mirk 'rcol;
5 Ica Dulhold . l oxtro
For rale by 11 W 11.1.1 A &co
ism Cur Wood h. Fifth en.
CIIOCOLATI..---,TiNn. 1 Frogh Chocolnit,
JIM recoiled, and for ^oh; by
/1 1 1 WICK h MoCANDI,ESS,
Johnuin—Aincriran Forin.irT. Eneyelopadia,
Einerson—Trees and Shia!, evo
Hrown—Trees of America, , Vll
Tiro .—Anises In Fruit Culturot,l2inn
GordO to ton rd, linno •'
Mist—Family Kitchen liartiener,
Aliner —l2e American Bee Keeper, tarn Brown—Th. American Poaliry l'ard. urn
11lar.hall—The Farmer and Iland Bonk
Allen—The A inrricau I , aiin Book, 1:!mo
I/owing—Fruit and Froirrre., of America, lump
Vonnit —The 80r..,
ilennet—Tie Poultry Yard, tutor •
For sale by J I) I.oi - K W 001).
Int Coo, st
Anaorloan JOurrOil of Bclorace wad . ARCS.
nolv Duel. b r I'ro( R. Srlliman, prol.
It. Frlli;
inan, Jr • and James II ltopa, II ',en, l'on.
server. 11,1. Joitroal i 4 isetird every iwo months,
irt noinuers of 1;..! rfig, two ...lin
voluine• year cinch with many 1 / 1 { 1 ,11111,1, I: 13
devoird to original articles on Scie.ce and e
Condensed Iteviewo .11,tracts of Mei .... art and
Dikenveries from Fa raw, Periodicals , Nonce of New
recent Scien.
arks Tie filial seri... emir •ol the
1,1 of which is a 7eteral Index In , the 49 volumes
preceding. SiibLen,..tion. a, a pear in advance.
J Ir I . o (;J:Wirrlo,Arrt fur Proprlctors,
lUI Froth
• •-- -• •
Hood Root" for Sommer !Leading.
Drown—T.l.mb F:v•rdnF, t . afterta,nrrmolc 123 n
Taylor—F:l,l.l,d, 2 vel.. P2llte
1791 man— 1.4 c nr...llant,rr,
11 .cleas—r•onioy ann Sol. 2 volr, I 2tn.
Nla..Lay-I . oruiar 1/r1,.... ^ Cola, 12rno
Marvel —Ntralt
17. 1.. 11 —Normal/ Lear', 121...
Shaw—E.,telval I.iterslar,,ltrno.
Prior—Goldmmth'il 1111,GiiCICOCIS 4 rob,.
1 1 1ayn--Na Goat', 12,,0
Tay Jur— Vtrawr
uin l .ol , lt-170,n0, 2 v. 21., Ilmn.
I'm- nal,. by 3221 p 1. 01 11.1*(10D
104 Fouills it
Hooky—deneral I.lterotetre.
lorzy— I . rdamery . Osn and :. I nonfacture.
Innln.nphy in Nate:, I2snn. lLnt
C lnlvar—ArboTi•tny 0114
lALeratirre. 12xno.
Idy.--Lrern.d7e. do:o.
Wynn, Why. I envy in en:iron...
„ 1.
Pierre—?..olund Vtryinta
Alcoa—Leurni . Vorang ntnn. Ittato. new. Neon,. Iginn.
Veriroor—Nlctlern French Lnerulurc.
New/dm.—Human filncneliym.
limmbnlk—Aerytd n 1 Nature.
Droderl y — loogienißrete.n..
114 Pon,tl,
Paige tr -, 7 - c
G WINF: to Reit all Nicht; Ik•dy Ira !Juicy one, /:o down to de Cotton Field; 'Neely w t . aLI d),
Be Rtnd to tho Love,' One• et Homo;
Row thy boat lightly; True Lore, by T. Hood;
Our way acrotY the eea, duets;
A new medley Yong, by B Covent'
Jenny Gray. rhay:e by Muller;
Joy. that wrr. erowntn,, AV,.,Mintr !,Twch;
God ble.r Ow hardy martric;
Cowruc. tey , ttrc. by V,' t r.
Souod: thou
Law Row n 1 ,
o" utorste, roo f var‘ah.o.. br He;a: Co;
Bolted statyy, olka; tdou to r POik%;
Own Crocker Quadrille; LauHyille ve Qatarille;
nesnlie. of Italy; Duet., Trion, Ac.
A large asuortrocht of New JJat,e on, hand. to which
tiltlitlow are mode weekly. For .le b
febZ J MELLOR; hi Wood at.
Cheap btantlartl Magary.
ri-pmrs 111,4 i' lo lll . 01 , ENGLAND le now
lithing by Iltyper & 14W, to 0, Cola fthoh
ral r. at 4
y 0 cent. per vol. Three vol. moeived,
tor e b
11l /P 111 1 ,,,
apl7 72 Apollo Mildina, Fourth et
Nw nookme
EDBuRN: t b oy Voynqe.t.Y Ifermart
Alk, author of .-Typee,"..oora
'Lawry of King Alfred of L'nel.d, by Jacob Abbot
with Lao engranno.
Stdonia the Somata.; by Wm. Meinhold.
nov2l corner Third and Market streets
~, le.rarearthle Worka of Ike ..4.' 4
AND ITS REMAINS; with an neeount
/..1 of a vim to the ethrodrani of Kurth..
tan, •nd the Verilas, or Devil•Woraluppers; nnd en
Inquiry into the Manners nod Art, of the 21
ayrt.. fly And:el Henry Layard, FAq., 10. C, I.
With Introductory Note I I Prot . K. Itoldlooon, IL,
LL. D. Illustrated wah lit piathl and tutor, ond 4.0
wood eat, vala.ovo. "34. fer
"The hook by a ram amount 01 graph,c, vtold, pie.
tar narrative "—Tribann.
"The wort of Layard is tho most promote. contri
bution to the study ot that has appeared for
'l.4,7l;troc:e"exeek in ' inearest the aceOunt of Ntorvrh
.d it, h
ncurne, a, ger. by 111 r. Layard..'—Witahre Lion
"A. we follow the diggers with breathless int
in their excavations, tool ruddriity Grd our:mir e's he.
fore a inastiec Grunt entreil with minute Arent - n[y.
now tithing tes gigaiitte head from the door or :two
yeara, we are ready to cry 4 , 4 with the nplottoshr .
Arabs, 'Wattab, it to Wandceul, bat it to true!' ''
For tale by
Wood 1.4
New Hooka.
lIE WONIK.SI of th.• 1/141 and New Testaanet
I &bled by K I.lprague, I/. t yul Imp.
elegantly bound; to eaqut•itely tlnt.ll,l raawartny,
derrripuoa., by eelvbsatrd , Aza,ri ll4 cl , raymer
ISVANI ELIA, 1 ra. by.,i a tn. , /
and enlarged canton; ilk...tented I.y r..gravinea une
origintil &mem. by Wier. .01. squall' ,v(1, eleaauT
ly bound and gilt. canny vi •nlendid Anita
ala and Gift Book..
Sowrell'a Chun a OM Book of the I 1 Wary of ROM<
TiIIfMCCIIANICti AttrBiTANT, interned for th
uu( ;Carpenters, Whet. Ivrimtim, :Yew
yen, Llumbenuen, Studentm, .and Arum., generally
betug a thorough end ' , mono el Treat., on Ale
non and Me Slitting Rule. By •
D. M. Kuper. A.M. ara
BOisers Treat. on Brock Brom Comemenon•
Ullemlora's Elementary French Grammar, By Pm
Greg of of Brown Univers .ty. I vol. Imno.
Rom/ ger's (keening' Ile brew Grammar, by Conant
Geoc uus' llolmetv box , .con.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables.
l'he linglahrosin's Gr,ek Concordance. I vol.(csus
AnthOn's Classical Petrie,. •
Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Sao.
do do unabridged. 1 vol. 4 m.Bung's Notes and gileallaria au Neer Testament.
Whutely's Ingle.
hloshann'it Ecclesiastical History. 1 -• Is. and 2
vols. (sheen.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1 vol. 15tao.
and 2l.lblo paper.)
Per. Aso Iretaiu at home. 1 I. (Clo th
Scenes whereas: Tempter has Tmump b d. 1 vol.
(cloth nOO paper.)
Alden (' too o Theo'unnoclas tesl Lectures. 1 vol. (cloth.)
lloyer's Fre nett inmary.
ts 1l orave. /M sole by 11 1101L,INS,
00012 Apollo fluOdinas, 'ulJrthstt
Tlse 1./Ida as Time.
A 2112. Ps LOCK NV,II/11, rooker ller toni Tomorter.
No. 112 Maul st. he. (Or •mlc n (ewe ron•
plete, pile recusant, tree
of the edito,n.l nt Oboe valrmirm
Wort, devntert l're•mry anon 01 Uocup, s and
other lull:elate into•ntanot. reboot,. to Pi ear:) . ea.
plormons, petilrmen, and improvement or e county,
•round hood of tee uhto. Icy Nevole Craig,
Esq., of Pittsburgh, t it 2 vuls. bvu.
.1 U. 1.00K) , (Will
1111 MAN LinEitty: A 11istory, wan u sien. of the
Libetty of other Ancient Nations.
It Snontel
Elliott, Ent. Illturtraled Mira twelve <mg rftv Mg., Fie-
Cu l led al Rome. vols., 000., mulatto with Plescott's
Nis:erica! Worts.
Just published and for wile by
JAlllllti IL LOCKWMID, Bookseller ant)
.nor, Wm.) a?ANNVIC-EA1111;1)11Y1TAI.V. tamised
10000. ors. 11111 S. FANNY i:ElCithess YEAH
rendsng . of gill bark lie. Impre•reil Wil.ll
mach higher °potion of IV author than We /44 ierMed
from penaning her otheoyarriongs. it dtsplaysadeepaP
tone of UloLight, United 10 more
'feeling than any other produellon of the fema.e mint
with which we aro aeatilinled.,-I,:arTlVlrrer:•
'lt ia a very agreeable and readalltla book, w tittenll.
Fanny KeMble's best style—bold, ennted nod
Coining. We rer.ommend It to'cittr' reader,. us the e b v ee
publitallon of the sestson."—ReML sins_ .
It enntants the Journal of u %camel ch tout It Europe
and residence, 00 Italyt,and iv one of the. irir im.riarr
dater. tote resting books
Enqiol" the. se nson.”—cour
"A very characteristic book. we have rrml fmn
Ws page to Colophon vr:th ant ibaceti illtcr.l. A VI
yid ptetare of life in Reran. In itirctivecio cieincell!
-eastable."—Rnickerboc• • •
For sale by
JAMI 3 n
no ,is ik, o i cAtucr ~„,
'ln . ' Bo Itlp_.°„
all • rs.
oui er I,nett Itibuoils, , Alno , 3n n
able ia'a 131 Iht° laiceg and Ilan. faith co
& Co,
igttl tl
pankers, Ekehiasagla Broker
•SDDtat tae Iv
;__ AND BANK NO/ Fit.
LIbiLLEGTIONDab,, Notrs and Acceptances
payable in any part of the listion,coUccrad on the most
favorable Mrs&
Pae-lANGE: on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; -100, Cincinnati, Louisville, Uoant Loots and
Nem Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANK PiOTti.j.—Notea on all solvent lollll[l. In tha
United States diacoontrd at the loos, macs. AU Simla
of Foretau and American Gold and edam Coin bought
and sold.
Office No. 53 Menet street, between DI and Ith
Pittsburgh, Pa.
oat& _
DILLS on England,lreland, and Scotland bought
J.J any .101101 al the Current Rates of
Laulla payable In any part of the Old Counineit,
Doha to 11000, at the rate or IS to tbe I.Sterltua,
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA RODIN
SON, Europe. and General Agent, ahem Btht. one
door west of wood. oettrat
h., in Foreign and Dontentlo Rill. of Exam:le , . Car
tifidates of Darman-, Bank Notes mid Coin, ea... , 0 1
3d and Wood streets, directly oppoaike St. Charles Ito.
._malt kitty
1111711ST Oh itll
parebartad at the !markt rata,, by Bila Noting
36 Market
)11.1,11.01P ENCIRAFGE - - - ilight (lecke ou stre•C-
New York,
Philadelphia. and
Constantly for safe bi • N. HOLATIS kSONS.
Z• Market et. 1
Ittpu.nis &. newoarn,
D FoTIFI/NG Illtil7LEßD., and Ten ond Wine
Alerclinntr, Masi sldo of the Diamond', Plush. rhh,
are nosy ohenna it the rely formal prie ,. . for Cosh,
Hee oiled Whisker. (tin and Demesne! Brandy; also,
French Bremdy, Holland (sin, Jamaica Spirts,
don (inn, I rub M. Liskey, Rom. ke• Frrt.tlnnrrf, M•-
del rn, Ono:plume, Claret, Marentell, Tema.
reide and Lisbon rnea. Wholesale& Retail. ova
ECINTING PAP rat —Always on band or mails In
order, dm ratio*, sitea of Printing Paper, Hag
aptitnir Paper; Cnwon, Medium, nod Double Crown
sttraw Wrapping. Paper; Crown, Mediu, 110.1
Double Crown Post Office Paper; Pasteboard, am. dn.
W P MARSHALL, ti 3 Wood at,
Anent for Clinton 314.1.
pOi o
(O. hnoe o
ei2; iyr c
k of
yiromArt IN AMERICA—Her Wott and bet re-
V 1 wood. By Mona J Mclntosh. author of “Chstrins
P-Coanterellairna,” "TO seem nod to be..' 1 vol Milo.
Lauer //ay Patopldela, No 11,,-IM prompt time.
Ily alowas Carlyle..
eg g argans...—alernoirs of Ltfe and Writings of T hos.chit:mere, LE D.:4 1.. U. Prelections on Butler's
Anoli 9, Daley , . Evid ewes of llhrintiardiy, and 11111.
Lettore on Iliviniry,ill, two Inirodueinry Lecture.;
and four Aililregren delivered in the New College,
Ediriurgly. by Thorpe, Chalmers, 11. 11, 4 L. U.
I volllinti.
4t.vm—Lifo ofJohri ColTln, compiled from solhen
lie .ohreedotod portoodorly Iron, hr. cortespontletmea
uy II Dyer, with portrait I vol Unto.
Pod mile by Rift/PICO:S.
holt 't - Si Apollo puildinita, Founh
• Combs! Comb.l
.nrto2t 1 . 0 do do very Arc;
7'l" super EaglisE nom RedJing;
Pocket Combs;
snl" Word "
tithu es.%l nor Ivory;
•. Shell Ante C.orsibs;
" super large lrolfulo;
it yroc u....,:d,;sl4viyo‘uitllort,tit.:liso.odsfax,s,
Huff Llollandl Barr Holland!
qingE (flitl.:—That W. hfcChntoell hag this
iird sovetolen.rn of the Gnext and beat Hod'
M, 1.4 nur Ilollumt, in which he would
and s p ubli c
nail the attculton of Ma cuntotners the public la
jj_ — ,...Varret Ware [looms, 75 Fourth .t.
A tinv very fine GUITARS, just reed from tbo
Ll ro!rbratrO manufactory of C. p Alartin.and for
.r.- ;awl 1 11. AIRLLOII.BI Wood at.
Book Just nsselved.
TIM: Complete %York. of John Banyan;2vola,Ervo,
kr ,:ebvlp. DILlw
J. in I voL IN:lc:ral end Sabbathated; murlnk ollt S. and gli ted6on
chool Geogmphyl
110 V/ work; vol, Mtn°.
Towliza Analymd and Speller.
I.lle of Jona Q. Alamo; by Wm. 11. Seward; I Tot,
trlr .. vy,l
romp: liy Mm. [lemma; I vol,ISno; muslin; gilt.
S4nll.,:rderomm—Kerodens prennbed upon ~.oral
ernzordtv, by Robert South, D. D.; a new edruon, 4
vol.; Iz:eluding Surtlzurnour Dimourves.
Savo --I vol.. in rE, abcep, extra; Evo.
For sale by IL HOPKINS,
.lel.dl Apollo Drdldingn,Fourrl: aL
! ' Jona Xicitotcox . of.. vsyn.
IT s K oZ ' ot ' el I n ' tr d eYnTriZi rei'"ll to
tr A x t ri n b s ' o r l ! lt 1 44 ,d i ru h r n e t h .
and pub!, eneredly, that they have rebuilt tbe EA
' 01,E FOUPetiftV and are now In fail operation, and
hare part or their patterr.s ready for the market:—
A nronect which are Cooking - Stoves, Coal and Wood
stoy e ,, with a splendid ni,ucht Conl Etna, ...hien e.
now Bain-reeding in oUicr cittcct the contain. round
- 4tovc. A 1..., n cheap cool Cooking Stove, well adap-
IP.I for retail fatuities, with a full ucsortuicnt of conn•
anon arid.rcuntel Grates 'ho wuuld porieularly ini .
9;:c ilio attention of pennons building to call at • our
shirchonre before purchasing, and examine &splendid
article of enammelled trrams, finished lit hoe style—
courcly new in this marke,
-'. 15;;Altd&O . 1 , S, No. lei Likc i ra i lLtawsite Wood et;
tc 'NI'
fl s YEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sion of Or Gilt Comb, IN Marketlhitsbargh, Pa.
Fen Ittorehanio, Pedlars, and other's minima
di cod out( ,
cre It to oo rchnso Goods, ore rer,teetfully invited
mum the manure nemronenl of Eng
4, ericoo: French nod German Fancy Goods.
All Formmt Goods at this cstabllohmenk are Import
ml direct hy myself, and purchasers may rely on get
'lk poodle from Net hands. I hove the largest nolo.-
of !kiddies, in the variety line , in the city of
I,o—on of which wil l be solielovs for cosh or
oplano6.. The Stock consists, In part, of
I tlk rlNkr7 an, Gloves, Ribbons.
Crevats, Shoe d Patent Iliretado,flowiag Silk,
d pool Cotton, 'Puree, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nes.
Gold and Silver %Veteflee, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of
Orme,les, Combs and Rued,
Pergursion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clerks, Silk fr.
gaited Pdrses, Spectacles, Steel rens, Illusio Doses,
garve! lines and Baskets.
''findings. ' , althorn and Trimming..
it alai Fanryl.lootint.tomther with niarge yule
of P and le DILI' IiOIM.
C. VE ney .A.liEll in Btn a l so
so agen f orthe celebrated Lan
Mader Coat!,
Great. lemagllah Hamea,.
FT; , ';TrA . i•lt' l tst.llll.lV.?'"s"tara7, i cn'..f7ll . ;
is die lILINUARIAN UAL:sato OP
dorcovered by the celebrated Ur. Boehm, of
Lohdtitt, England, and introduced into the If lilted St . ates
M ader the Inuandiete superintendenhe orate Inventor.
mit er,mordniry succes. of this medleinm. In la.
mire • of Val:tumult disease., warrants the American
Agent in "Mooting for treelment the wer.i possible ea
! senthor con he mood in the community—cases thst seek
relict. 111 cool front any of die common remedies of the
nods have LA , IIKITCII Up by flit most disunguisn e d
inn" on confirmed and mcareble. The Ilungun-
Latil"sn i I,e" cored, and will cure, the most desperate
ef Paso It is no quack nostrum, bet standard Eng.
UAL eirdteinr, of known and 'stab
1: Every Ponily In the United Stave should be 'applied
with D uct Rini-anon Balsam of Life, not only te
counicruct the eoltautnptive tehdeeetee of the eltmate,
hp'. to Inc limed as a 'preventive medicine In all ea.s el
cold., Sought, spitting iof blood, pain in the side and
oh e.,.tiren<ee of the lungs, brocbitic,
slidioulty of Muslims, hrene fever, nght sweets., mane'.
Min andgeneral del:tidy, asthma, lintsnaa, Whooping
.iogt, and croup,
f lerge loltles, it per bottle, with fisll dine
floor Ins the restotation Of Imelda,
' 1'1.1,1111m., enclenang a mass of English and Amer:-
.rortiLeates, and other evidence, showing the ate
eeptellcd umriti of alt. creel Enzitell Remedy, may Le
Obtittyr.l of it Attn.. C.UlllOlllllr.
flit mile by 11,.1FAIININTOCK & Co., earners
st 111.1411 M. 00,1 and IVon.I and CM eta. itteJAwti
'—- • • -
C071.L1-11Z. , VERIAL, COUlill RUP—Temies•
N , I1111:10 Line If!
Porrunetoot, hlareh 27,1517.
R. R. sellers—ln Justice to you end your mem.
parable Couch Syrup, I beg leave to «tate, for the ben
ell of the community, anuli , wife ha+ boeu .ever.)
bones noilieted with a Most Wistressieig rough. I pur
e used, on January last, • bottle Of your Syrup, which
eared a cough of two month.' stand:tog. About one
mn o plo moire, the mush returned, and was ins severe
that. she could hardly move, from weaknets an the
iz,flol; I sent for one bottle ~P' your Cough Syrup, and
o pail of one bottle cored the cough 1 gase the other
ton journeymen who was severely allhetrd, who had,
tool,: hos own words, "eaten e noughrough.eaudy to
yWi oil the people on Pittsburgh," if the candy had
bolan as good or represented.
' ' Atratto KrEVll
errimml and sold by R. 41. SELLER:4,37 Wood
vowel, and sold by Dreggiats generally in the two
.L'I,BROLVDI molsld respect
ehe,:pntsy.odoe::,Tstoyf:tl l e e :
, !s; stood
lete 11l
moot of Venlisan Blinds; also Yee
ammo klhotters are made to or.
der to Um hest Lyle, warren...el
equal to any in the Slimed 23:2:e.5.
Itlrt Co: be removed
i;4ltylng 4 , m. r .‘, o rU cr t e h w e d g ;e7,
tools, rood mood of lhe eLLlnet r,-
- taLlWlLlent.ry
hind, am prepared to fumed,
their old customers, as well as
he pablla tiltms, modi every thing to them too.
Ay,tomp No 4 W4*l Street, Yntshurgb.
JribEkD bils, to mime, tot we.!ell J KIDD& cp
I b ‘ , lt. 1. , 14-10 Otto, to arn f litti ) l7 ,fr. co ,
S.J •• le 17 •
' , JAM • J KIDD &AO"
.. •
lIRJED BEEF—ilium It., sugar euredronoTTA.O,
'LT 'bet of- smoke, ar we by .. P ' '' -- ...- 1•p.
ant- .07.1.1. ERR 4 RAPIER
Wl,;leni(4)"' GLAS S
bl ;P ' VtWip.7.ll; ' ,,T
-- -,c)itN Lilo- —NI4-73 doten ote'll for outi - OPT' • ''
l/ 'jot ••-_- ARMSTRONG A CROZTZt '
riiiikii-441-71.FR-:-.--4(iipiT.l-i-J... alai-7'
V 'jell . i . .-.._ A towricoria & CROZER
L:Ei , - tr:T.: -.---- " -
F- I t.,
- •
its rei'LlWlNlot No It, for sale or
.t nr a loch 3ply Goni,
e, for Fire Entine pOrpooen; Warranted Le
o e
leather in every reopeet. The' fire Jetliner:
or invned to roll anti examine thtrir sot th 4
lubber Dcpot, Non. 7 all) Wood street. •
51 tals 10 1, now Inniiing, and for node
Wntnr k. Front ti.
_ -
I ii6iiii.i.r: Lime.--n bris In mere rule aris 1 .
pliT'ATiii:S-ino;li a renewed fnr sale by ---"-
tjAelliAl l i b r eisiaiiiiiiii`iianiiii . Tie - iii
iii jai . / l 9 k. W lIARBAUGH
civet OMNI erßedeieece for arle
. ,
Pi WM 7