The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 21, 1850, Image 3

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1/./CPUILTELD t ristaiLurcArita.o
afturvAL OF TllE'STitthllllll
E It O.P A .
itar.wax, Aug. 20, A M.
The lAILeh rtearner Europa arrived here this
morning, from Liverpool, whence she nailed on
Saturday, thu 10111 ins? ,at It o'clo,k, A. M. She
reached this port la 11 , last erenlrP, and tailed
for Boston at 1.21 k.
Licenrcaor., Aug 2,
Co'l7oN—Tbe market lion been Tort, during
the Week, and all Atnerieno dearriptinlta lent ,
fair, havo.iccedeil 1 penny. This total sales of
the mock nruotdd 10 1,9,000 hetet, of which apecu
laws took 27,01/0, and operators 1000 bales.
The aterintatop Atlanta, arriaed nt Liverpool
at _midnight an Tuesday this Gil' tau, bler sun
ning time from dock to dock, ten days and eight
Gardner Nr Co'4 Circular, of Angled fedi, rays
' . The we Iher Las been shevery and variable.
1 here are large arrive aof Wheat front Southern
Europe, and the Upward tendency Bum caused on
the one hand, hu been coonterbalaneedon mho eth
er, and praxes reantru pretty nearly no irefore, for
Wheat and Flour.
Indian Corn, intltrene,l by the report of the pota
to blight, has adiianced Lid to Is per courier.
Of Brei, r a lee are fair, ire full prim.
Pork is dud, hut prima, without el,o o ea
Bacon i , inactive demand, at and advise., of mid
o Is per ewl, iv, low qualities. of Other de.eriptlOnl,
an- stock is much redireed. Siwalik, aro starer,
and command full prieex. -- t 4 mi roe w i thout o n .
provemeut. Cheese iodn.
— bard conmiattil.Ms n:2.
Hire is dull at Ifs a ISA IA per cot.
Colfer-isdielia sale at decravilng rates. '
Sugar in the London and Liverpool mark e t s is
into-titre, though priers have improved.
In Woolens u , largc business has been doing al
improved pricey.
Tea is an improved demand for all common
C.tnt , trt.t very lull prices. trtflete, hove
rd.:armed 1 penny. No clmnge in given.
Consols clue.' !wady through mho week, at
1-1; 1-tea la, 7.ti, nerd Friday. Wn..ja they receded to
lid SR . There has been a fair demand fur U. S.
Stork!, U S Fives , IhXt, are selling at :x11.2 a
ut U. S 1111 a 111/ 1-2 Do, BA , .
11115 1-2 n Int. 11:071, 1(17 24 a !Mt 1-.1. New
fork 191.3 Ins n ItKt. Penn. Five, of al.y
Ohio t3ino9, 1:575, IIMI. Canada Sixes, 1;7.41011.4
a 1021 2.
11usiners-in that hlanufacturinadormictscontinues
brisk. The prospect of an abundant barren es
generally aild, except for potatoes, for which se.
notio appr. Wooden. beltin to bo felt. The rot is
reported to be spreading in abermiath of Ireland.
W.suutown, Aug 20
Szetarr. —The Senate took up the bill tar egg,.
hotting a lifie glt mail ateamers between No Or
leans and Vern Cftli,it was postponed (or further
ennridoratien In morrow.
The eonalderstiou of tho fugitive clove bill,
was resumed. Mr. Pratt, moved to amend the bill
t adding provudens for the rayeceut bytho U. S.
of the- value of escaped slave% not delivered op.
Mr. Underwood goo notice of n.sobstante
the entire bill..whleh woe ordered to be printed.
The §nortte then adywirned.
Mona—Mt. Thurston, Item Oregon, present.
cd a memorial from the Leglelainie of Oregon,
proyleg for a donation of public lindai which was
The Hon', then, in Committee of the Whole,
took op the Clad and Itipl.mtatie appropriation
bill various amendments to winch wezo actzd
On motion . of Mr. itsslty, it was agreed that
when the •slhry of Collector of Customs is not be
low 82,500, he shall receive no rompeounen as
aupertatendsat cf the light houie, or as tlisburs.
tog agent. I
Tile Committee, then epee. swathe Hausa ad
lion. Jere° Mdler, S:cretery of the Cirt
wealth, under Gov:Stunk, died et heft pest 12
o'clock., to day, of congodinn of tho
Tic Board of licalth Imre compiled a report of
the rounahly, f,nm the appearance of cholera this
rummer, 3Uoo I•r, to the Ir/a, of Atatu,t, teem
Which it •ppeats mat thn total uttmln r of death,
wan 2,752, of which MO di•doltholers; of the
Wholo comber of which 1,5:t0 'were children un
der tire year. ol arc, and 5 ; 5 died out el the city.
New Your., Aug. TA.
Advice. (rem Porto Cabello, have been received
is the 11th townie—all is quiet in that cavalry.
woe thought that Zatman would bo elected Prci.
•• • .
We have,advieel Prom the ftlo Grande to the
2tth Ii lb stated Om .the Governor had
made. emeoromloo with "[lron Iletmay, whom
It was onraijre ported would involve the country
in war wild Iturnoa Ayres.
Thu yelloW firer wit• trying I - cottony among the
Fmorit oviadrott at Montevallo.
l'int..anaLmrta, Aug. 20.
A gambler named Bard, who resided in Ken.
arneton, trpt Wore in Filth greet, above
sixth, wee Wxylanl I as, evening,
ma leaving, his more, and tubbed to tho'heart.—
Be died instantly, and his remains were carried
home. He was carrying homes hoz enntainira
about 130 watches, who h were melee. Tau mur
derer, line not vet been arrested.
PII I 1./i DIL fall I A MAI:Ker.
Pnn.AnruntA, Angupt
Floor—The market Is quiet, and pukes are
',tomtits maintained; asks 600 Mitt for shipment,
at S 5 971 per lilt, for fresh, $5 25 Per old Mock,
and S 5 75 for 4 vrs.
Grain—The, is a lama amount a( Wheat of•
ferule, with plus of rola burthela new Southern
and Tenon at SI Itf.ll - 15 for red, and $1 20 for
wnite, per' linchtd.
Whisker-Is seling in bbla and hhds at 2Si per
Nr.w Yoar, Avg. 20
But corn merelalTY, tpie morning.
Thy bad weather, and rho momentary expectation
. of the pieta:rap, acme from Halifax, chocks trine
Cmctunaut, Anglia 29.
Whinltcy has t•ligt.4 advanced, with Wei at
22 fOni atlloo.
Floor—Salen were freely made at 53.600165
Far tol.
Nn stirs of Proviu!nra,
Unx.crica are without change.
Tho river is anaionery. The weather fa cicudy.
and opprevlvelv warm.
Associated Firemen's limulance Com
piny of the City of Pittsburgh.
CAPIrAL 8200,000.
THE Company is now prepared to Immo ottainst
MIRK' ond M A RING RISK. of 01l kindt
°Pr, Sr! opd :Sart y, lari/Litts natl.
• r J K; Wort bend, Cody Cotter:on, Wm. A. Hill,
R.ll. Collins, R. It. ntstopton Jooltott Rhodes, We,.
.1. Kamm, Cstmard Can t
linawrod. U. C itastryet, lb.. pont, w m vOrmeal,
waglatdly •
Dr. Rises Celebrated Remedies
TIR. JACOB S. iIfIF.E., the discoverer end sole pro.
ite printer of dimet popular and beneficial
aredoeince,.d Rhin a m
Inventor of the celebrated
imunottent Ice Inflating the Lunn, In castling . ears I
of throttle disease* was a student of that eminent
physielm,• Donor . Physic, and Is a graduate of the
- liniernity of 'ennityls. Is, and or atitty yenta since
bat been emcee.* In the investigation of disease, and
the mitred.* of remedies thereto.
Thmath the one of hie inaating tubd7to Connect°b
with his Proplrrisctic limpet* other of his remedies.
tin his gained an unpantic led eminence in curing
them' dreadfal and total maladies, Tuterculer Con.
...pilot, Cancers, Foto/We, abcorentlta, Anima,
Parer and Agee, revere of ail kinds, Cistonie.Eryt
elyseiss, and ail thole obstinate diseases pegalialto
*males. !lactates...7 tom ofdistimerwashes tinder
the gee of bin TEOOOIIIOO, to which immunity is heir-,
not by the use of one eompound only. for. *but is 10.
• comparille sin l'hyriologlcal Law, but hy the use
of his remedies, adapted to and prescribed for each
mealier form at disease. •
Da Rom'. Toole Alterative Pills, when used are
invariably acknowledged to Le superior to all othet s
a e a purgative or liner pill, mmtuselt male, terse
the bowel, perfectly free tram .cortiveneng s• also
* hie (Alden Pills is admitted by the faculty toposeese
peculiar propertica adapted to female diseases, but
being satisfied but a Lore tout to scidielent to establish
what her been 001,1 in the nilhils cif the most skeptical,
The afllieted are Invited to cell upon the 11110111.0111 d
. pro ,, ;;; ; tr,al.4, 0101 of the Doctor's pamphlets, tiring
*detailed nes 00)11 of each remedy and its application.
kor aatejty the fallowing *gem...Well as by most
druggists thooniltout the rottn.y,
!Primme...her Pr ea, 11 Wend 01reet, POW:argil;
J Tow n , end. dtu4gist, 45 Mattel st, tin;
Lee A. 00tt l 01111; 110 titan the P. O. Allegheny Ott
tea Park ley. Patlington, Prager to,
J.`lllEll l Oll, FllllOll Valley; 'do dot
,tdame, Mager, do doi
-_-.--- -
MIIR an iercigned having , completed their Rollie,
kuir.r,• prepared to bil promptly all order, for
brasier abd other hlantaaeturell Copper al Arty te.
golfed - 81ide r Intro the Copper of the Cliff Alum,
inheac tato' haTle. I n •
thoroughly tested by romper.
'Mat ackeeleke rama In o,e...crater of the Goverommati
tel pronourtocal warrior In dcwitr, atroegth, , th.
tritteity, ad any ar. a much preferred /or the
loarmatettire of MO W a le l
purpose ,
Otis therelotateerfialy seeommended as a attae•
riot- stuck, tar All mO V, to and le market And WO
r^l'krthdlY /taloa:4 catcall. of purchasers slid
alters to Oda maw bra, ef/..l{annufneture
Aim:cot the Warel, oom is h Commercial Flow,
Liberty street-- -reemk— Ava•tittsgEs *
A. FNALL ISAUSF. on Prsdc Orret,
.u 46
To the Clikkesei Lei All. h o 7 ClIty.:111
..& BOX foripo On
efore erelt. ter C
R al obii, MB,
flour, is It fon lbe.Ter k nson,
Fellers! atreel..-..7,iire M ptoineily Fee.
pllee. Inrie - - 151Y,11TanTlik IVOIII,IL
VliAsl,llkkblrftria*--k—,gene irein n t
earbeee6raudshonKlially en 1.61 and far rale by
, ibeqte „:` • ea.Ltas &
, •
• arm mum:Lir/I Lulu..
=Dvlew of Um
7011 1001 waxy LOU. 1110.
fitINIERAL RlZlAltlitt—Tae mouton., dating the
Piot meet ham been cooler and mote plegmany which
admonishes as of the near cpproorb Of the Rota=
mama. We none., • ~lightly improved feeling in tho
general market daring the week pmt closed, and we
anticipate a vaunt! change for the better, until the
barrfall trade .Loll have fully opened upon ~.,ringing
with it 111 tint wanted activity and bottle, which im so
cheering to the inun of butane..
In view ofithe approaching fall trade, we have (or
some tune palmed the usual prc paratlnns on tbb part
of our mcrchstas, to be rently for the annual TPA of
their customers The deniers in Yowl nigh 011311 111 ( 11 C
t. red 11.11.1C1., we particularly noticed in this cennec
Linn. Our wen men, one glass men, in Get all the
riaas branches of mech.:cal industry and shill, tor
which oat city 10 en lastly celebrated, are getung their
warehotises filled, lor the accommcdabon of the conn•
. try dealer.
flur dry gond, dealer, too, are making their venal
preparations, by a general r cplenishtng of their neck',
ea that artth respect to every branch of trade, we hope
that we may not Ire premature in saying to our coon.
try friends what have hither' , been as prompt in their
attendance upon our market for their fall and wteter
e unties, they may come Mt. fall woh an enerring cer
tainty of finding every Mine they may need lot the
eceninmodation of their mpitornera on terms which
cannot fail to induce them to buy hbetallY.
There la another circumstance which we think mull
prove to the advantage of those vititlne our market by
river We allude to the continued good stage of water
in cue t iter. , and the multiplicity of shipping (entities
Which are tittered for their accommodation. The law
stage of water ill the river net unfrequently nerve. au
a - serious drawback to the Mil trade of our City Ihut
rurb, we are happy to mate, is not the case at this
liar. We have had an unusual abundance of water
in the river (or the smaller and medium class Stet.-
boats to inn without interturann; and from the present
latenciun of the Fenton, there la every prospect of nu
0111111•IIVE of venter throughoto the fall amen. The
ylvantages then, latrine from this state orthinge, is
the quick and safe shipment of good, to the rarteue
pawls in the smolt end welt, at rates unustnally low (or
the season.
For all Mao advitniurteds, we, as a commercial and
• Una/donning community should Wel grateful, and
. k forward, with happy assartner, tO n (all tram,
filch, In point of activity and bustle. has been tartly,
f ever Lama witnessed to nor growing and prosper•
as city.
ASIID4 -There Is, trl any thing an Improved leering
in the Ashes meeker, In view of the increased eon
remotion amine the fall season; bat, as ye, we have
heard of no mole tal change in prices. Ke notice
01105 Of five tone Pearl Ash, made op of ditErent lots,
at OClele 41. lb. Sales Of other descriptions have been
to • Imaged eidnt ai the follorateg rates :-Saleralus,
ffiffkki; Potaah; EPPIE Soda At h, 031; and Scorch- r
Ingo at ffkgine 11 , tb, with fan rock* on band
APPLES-We notice the receipt of considerable
lots of Green Apples during the past week, and sales
have been effected on the whoa, at prices ranging
from GSA to SI bbl.
ALE---We have no alteration to notice in yucca -
The brewers nra doing a good basineas, and are able
to well all they can make at SUMO, cork included, for
the better qualifies.
LIAGON There hag, if any thing, berm an ;nip:need
feeling in the Dueon market within the past few day.,
owing to the coolness of the weather, and the grad.
artily dcereatrng elects on hand. Sales Lave been
quite heist fee the season, at the fealowing rates ;-
Western and city eared plain hams, 7971 e; of sugar
cared cativansed,SZPLla; and of pnwie bagged hams
LL Ses:le f• lb. Sales of Sides at &talkie, and Should
er. at .tie P b Pnme city eneed. from smoke Loam
4sold at a slight advance on the ahsve.
We have truth. sales 0(12 eta Shoulders at 41e; of
I. do Items atkie; and of TOO Dr Irazged do, at Co p
b, with an aclette demand.
' 1.15 rrEa—The arrivals of barrel and keg batter
have been very light, and sales nave been barely auf
Scent to admit of comet qaciatieny Previa roll and
ne batter i, in ready demand, at thafflffle O El; the re
tail prier &sing Peavse ffe lb.
fIitOLINIS--We had the receipt of considerable
lots dun; g the past week, and be market Is lately .11p
piled. We notice sales of tirt dozen, at Once* rang.c,
nee..fing nudity; at fft,L50,13 p der
DUCKGPS-We nonce let eaange in prier. The
regular rates to country dealers are gdoltatchkrt Pries.
DEANS-Supplies ate limited, and treks confined to
small h.., at EIOI,IYI Pbus, for the letter qualities
CIICF-ill--Reeeipts Lave Snort more fad, .and are
nonce an improvement to wieldy and price, Sales
ing the week of some UN bk., at prices ranging, for
common tV It to prime Cream, from hl to go P b.-
Inferimgsaltty may be Hooted at dkarde 4P a,
I. the miumfaeterer'a
list of p
Water Goat ler., per bbl
Huller Jo " -La- • se-- 4,75
Dyspeptic do _
• 4,04
Pilot Dread, u 0 7;:5
Sneer Craekers, per lb 7
soda „ -- 7
COTTON SIMISTINGS-We ranee a listener* In
entsbergn manufactured, Peon and Anchor Idols,
dN sate• of No 1 at he, and coamen or Nonatook,
at Tit ir yard
COM/AGE—We note no fartb., tb.anze In rrlrel
Tlr, fnaosin. ate thn Ilanaticto,era vire.;
rope, by end,-- 11e
Vast. Ropr, by cod,—
do eat,— ..... -•
Tarred Rope, by
ent, —•—
Potting Vern,
MR 'ld M,Y;04,51 41 3 . 7 511 .
do e raki,• •• • 11e D.
Wrap, 51,5002,2541:400 F. do,
do g.
Mandl, --- • • •--• 75c ♦ dol.
gyaniced Cordage is Aoki secularly at 12Ie o Oh
COTTON YARNS—The following la • corrected
slot the vestal+ articles ondes thi• bead:
No. 13 al po,ll,
• 14 "• -11.1
..5, COI Per 11, 10
6," 0 • .•••,lo
S. " -• 111/
9, u -Op
• o, " • •-do
10, -do
In 600, ete pee lb
Carpet Cnain,
Coverlet Yarn,
WO; " do
flag I , lllind,•--.....—ind
Ilamno.Nal.2. 7",11
manofaelorer's prite tor
COPPER—The reel, la
coke end ingots inSDI
sneer Correa. rce.—Salc
larlyclrected at Tor, and oh
mend grind at ...WIN for pl
the following corrected list
principal articles awler 101
• of 'hoot topper are feEn"
Id copper at Ifo p El.
• are moderato. and the do
lain and canaaaacd
of prices of some of the
Liquorice m0t.....- 70
" ball. •• • • . jHO:tO
ITye•••• .......
Nlarne.ts C.rb• • . •43030
. .
krrnw Root 11012
Agueforw•---••••1 0 011 Molder Ilmbro 1101 k
tiaras. s caned... • • •'214tr , .. Myrrh, Torkey• • • Vtoso
thi,aro pcm• —2,5002,75 (Id Vitriol— -- •40 r.
de Copavta• • • .350 W " Castor, to !Ms , • •e 2,00
Rairestrine. • lb 1105 " Cassia 75001.00
Canwhor, ref, 40015 " Cloves 111,5negrAm
Chloride 'hoe. ens Lawton 2 54STIMI
Ceeni 4,5001,75 " Perrnt 2,6003.00
Ca•••nal Tsruar 256T21 Opium, Turkey -1,5005,00
cc pr...." . •-• clulnine• • • 1,1001.50
tilos, in bids 1110111 !rhubarb, root • • •-•750100
• • —1•4055 Sal Amonae ..... —lOO2O
Gam Arabic 50070 Sal Smla• •• UP 5
Cspal • •39050 teens.— . 180120
I'riagaconh•..oloso rairtaMe Acid. •• • -11051
Shellee 150I1• Vtinel 1110e•--•.11012
[petite 4502,50 lamwood, bbl.. • • A 0 7
Utharge 51061 Pestle -- 2101
lalep, powdered • •0001,0 Leawood, chipped• ---2,
FLOUR-Prises remain toterehly steady,
further decline, however, from our lest week'. report.
Receipts have been pretty fall,b ut as it has batmen".
ly designed, either for morn& or (or shipment east,
sales On -the wharf bale been comparatively light,
being mslnly confined to lots of 59 to 100 bbls, at SIM!
01,25.hb1, chains at the halter figare, for good brand.
fresh ground Operations from more Imo been eon.
fined to small lots for the supply of the regal r home
consumption, at prices ranging from $1,31 to 51,41 IP
Rn kiiret —We Leer of very Utile doing In Rye
Floor, supplier. are limited weal o wader.'" in,iviry,n
61,1703,50, Lbl.
notice in ceir degree of firmness in thl
morket, with no material eberge in pewee. We net
eCee of Neirnon et 119 p bbl, and 112:1? tier. No
Mackerel, No 2, 811, end N. 3 at sc,ro 11 , bbl
Ilerreng,ta tl bbl.
small way, at 310.1:24, P lb.
g aro the Canal rates fro]
Iher uneettled .
Iltdes • • •
Lard dt. Lard Orl.
Pork. Ltd -•
llnFe r vei , l-- •
FREIGHTS—The 6:Motet
this point ens!, which aro r
Heel; P'bbl.
Ficeswat •• • • .....
& Modica IiCS
.4ktos. Met Pedalo 75c
Tobacco, Ohio— 50c
Do Ky • • !Ac
Tallow 400
Wool • ...... -- • 75 c
Whiskey,bb 55.—• 1000
ahrop Paha-- SO:
I licsno, Rope h. Barra 500
Rivr. Pagrowro—Owing to the filar stage of water
owl the oesireity of freight% the charge• from this
pointweSt ani comparatively low for the pompon. Th•
nominal ratio are, to Cincinnati, 21,3-1.1.0.,."11°,
nrul Rl Louie, 500
•ItUrr — The decor ois fait with tales of fatting,
at 113 2i113,50►
Nu. Rates f Alfnanda, at 161:1rM
0; Ground nula, at lopoom ► Nos; of renew.,
id?4';OtTfltictts, at 709.7; of Cream nuts, at 0107 c; of
Zante cirrints, at 007 f, and of flnalish Walnuts at 7
oikiprifaxes;lo,A riga, 1101 k ft Itt; Lemons, CIN)
iiiiisocos Nat., $6.25 • too.
• ollOcEßlF:477l,orolt a &nen' Snow.", to Gro
oi.iiiticjait.wo float of no ftutoor adtraoeo core our
lastrAr.r• ;non Saler N 0 Setae have boon
Caak.4ooloft Of 01 . 9 / 11 pkde f at Nrfia P O. Fog
i . .
• •
loaf Emu there tea regular demand at 01/10e • lb,
foe the better teatimes- The Coffee market haa been
qakt,wiih rale. of Rto to a moderate cetera, at 1018
'lie. N O Molasses melte.a inn. at 371039,. which
Is about the reps boom of the market. Sales of 13 11
at 15e 4, gallon. Sala of Rico, by the fierce, at 119
5e p
G RAINI—NOiA:ng new boa transpired In the mute,.
Wheat 10 come forward pretty freely, and
sales hare been to • at, extent at fli/Relo • bu, which
o re the present Mina peiees pal 4 by millers. Of Other
Grains the receipts have been light, with moderate
sales from first hands at, for Rye GM. ; Cern 51055; and
pais at 31034 e P bult
aLA3,o_-11fe notice no change to Window. Glass
sales of city brands, a by 10, at 113. 75 ; 10 by 11 at 11,25
011 00 • box.
Country brands are sold at tower prier, nod may be
quoted ma follows .
It by 10 by 15 - ...... --3,7 S
111 by II ---- 10 by 1 4 • 3.70
10 by 11 35M to by 17 --- 3,75
liAY—The receipts of now crop hp by lesion
bow been full, with regular sales at ‘9,500510,L0
ton, at which rate over ICO.wsgon load. have been
IRON 3 N itlLN—The fellowittg le a collected net of
the prises of the 'anew. eats and deecriptions of
Pittsburgh manufactured hen. We glee the outside
rate of price •
lane—Flat liar 210S/e
Round and equate bar• -- • —4/06 c
blend •• • ................. •••• • • • •910310
v Shect• —— • ...... • • • •• • • • • •11
NAM 3-10 to Z) penny • • •
8 in SI penny •
to 7 penny .
" 6 penny..
" 4 P 8647 .
penny - •
groin—Cat, 3 to 4i Inch
“ Om, ato anvil•
LEATHF.R—We notice the usual finanew to Leath•
Y, with sales of Itsßimore role at P.Orretc; and of New
ork [Ole et lefilfic le Ih. For other dcwoptions, the
market ts firm, at fall prices.
LARD—The market continuer doll, with a limited
bithincits, In W.I. and kegs, .6107 e P lb.
1 4 ,11AD—Thcre is • regular demand In the market at
Sitllhe for pig, and Of for bar.
Loan Fin—Tice present cm vga of prices of Lead rtpe
is 1014 e p foal, accordher to sire.
hue. Leap—Axles at 61e by the them, and slop
when cut.
NViirra Ledo—Porn load,. selling at IN, and No 1 at
SI,SO P keg
f..l•lE—Salcs of Lemberthe Limeare , efferted nt1,25
0 ,
filtelllF.R—The following are the Ming:l ,l, f.. loom
the yards:
1 inch Common Boned, rot 1003 feet, 111 re
I tln co do do do 12 CM
I do Cleat Board, do do 9110
11 do do Plant, 1I'M) do 3000
5 do do do do do 4510
Pine Jot., (U MI do II to
11 do do do 1010
II Scantling do 11:7011
Vino do do 11 iv
Slimllea per 14 (10.144) 5 75
41ILS—NVo note loaned gales 01 Linseed at SU, aad
fNo I Lard Oil at 65e V RILL Otter Oil. arc 'nib
oat change.
PONVDtlit—llasard and Dupont Lao Powder maa
be quoted in large quannnes, 54,5; and by single keg,
R 15145050 ► key. Rock Powder at $3,151 10 53.68
r large and small mantitles.
111 GS—The maal raga la 31e P 15. liar /ea ale
•• Iced.
tt, • bal..
SALT—t'alca Ina angular way at $t,43 p bbl, which
is the regularly utalt ❑.hed gra., afloat.
STA Rell-Sales at Glade, (or condoms to Lest,
SPIRITS TOMLIN FINE-Saks to bbl• at 40018
v. gall, flags-bbla titta eltatge.
SPICK-Casaia„:l.l6-e, Cloves, PSPINse, and Nat-
meg, for No. I 111,M lb.
SOAP AND CANDLL—SoIoo o( (coin .o.p at 4
getio; of Star Candles at ?leek; mould tallow, 100
and romnion dipped at Ve I. R.
TAR—Notch Carolina as quoted at 151,0114i1g1P
VINEGAR—no regular rate. tar naed,aider VIDO
gar from Mine, arc VolOic V gall.
WOOL—Tito Wool seaman to now Really' over. with
06= tn ax vm
WlllSfittli—We mune fatt troppfies to tfie maned
cat rates have been confined to moderate attire. toter
ulst trade etenotn, at 2412..%e, for certified.
ALLIGOrf , A 99 19
ISEF.VES -The °Molex* at the yard on blonder
tere qu.te hm ted, which eavaed •n advance on tan
week'. otters. Neatly all were taken by the Hatch
er, et SI ::.1105,5n I nen, net
,11E61 . -:talc. est fair extent were eC:c d elite
IP each, Pecan:lna to qua.),
11,h:+-Very few were oefcrett..d we can repo: ,
ne Fates of c.onteettence
Baaaamoaa, Asir 11, IP3O.
Ctrtle—Theotrannra at Ike seared on Monday mach
ca lint head at llocves, of inlet &LS were told to
oily hatchet, and ICI wale dnren W PollaJelphia.
I'nee• ranged trout $2.:Ca to Q en the knot, ,ataat to
54.5W0 014 47 net, and averagstat 51,C21
Yoga—We t•ate from /APIs ILVAL.
Pm. on rn•, •vg. 13.
There *ere offered al the yard dune' Mersa. weer
aro. 100 hew] of lieN C• 01, of fete! 410 were dny,
en• . - _
to New Vert. 2:tl C.a• r A. Calve., 4EO flogs,!
Si se atufLamen
Reef Cents ate in fait demand, prteas are steady at
C.,50.067 ewt•
Caws I` alves-I'mb Co.w range Rom 523 ta
'punnet', 8130:1; and Dry Como nem lint. 14, eaMa.
Ilnaa are la sand demand a 153,2303,70, .Man la •
light tlOrrneeinent.
Pittsburgh Stocks, sad Monkey Market.
EMleve..., &ages! tv,
The fellneenql• • rerrcit of puce. of work.
with the este, which knee tres.piTe..l dating the peel
Gant of l'inshorgh-Capital, 11,70,000,
Dividend, (Sla y and Nord 4 ♦ cent • • •
F.changa Dank --Capital,sl,ooo,ooD, thy
(May and Nind 4 fr et•—•—• •
Merchant.' and Mane. rrrrrr ' Bank-
Carinal o s4l.Miaa; Dividend, May and
(Tolima Um Co.-Dividend, (Jan. and
Jul y 4 41 . cent • • - S./ 50 501
Allegh en y lirldge Comp.y—•-•. Xi
Monongahela -
Hand htreet " " 50
N. Intierties " 5(1
WeOLPIII in•srnnee 50 11
Ohio 11. l'enthylvmus Rahman!, rlO paid 60
rennaylvania R.ilroad•— •
Pittsburgh Coy tea n• ..... 109, YS VII
Allegheny County to. Ittit V 7 Vb
Allegheny Cut , lean —•—• • • - 100 00 Vol
Dorton Copper Min Co, Dv Mr DJ VI VS
North Amino. " Itt Tl 29
Pittsburgh& Isle Rey.] " ' " paid .73
Ohio Trap Dort Co.— 17 19
Den City Alining Penipany 21 3
Advents*: Mining Co., 14,50D5 ♦ share
Pittsburgh. ..inn. & Lectern& Tel
egraph Co—Csipilal,ll7l,ooo; Dividend,
Aorll,l"4o,l4,rent; attar., &SO 517
Atlantic k . O hio Telegraph Co—Cayital,
&MA% Dalitend, hee share fat
nary, April. and °sleben shares, CO • •
DTOCD B.ll.l7l—The rellowasig sales have been ra
veled to daring the past week t—l'a interims Get
CO. inowl at VA 9 alturc.-300 aha Iron City Milling
Co, at 99,50 ft share.-50 aba Adventure Muting Co,
at 5134 IP .hare.
Ittrem—Theme were 3 feet I inch in channel, by
• tai mark last evening at dunk, and at a eland
hlichigan ' Bees, Beaver.
Feshion, Peebles, linitabeth.
Atlantic Partisan llmmrnavilia.
altic, acobs, tir"ovenirmile.
Yonshiogbany, Ilanepeo, Monongahela City
Tema Penn, hillier, Wellsville.
I.iston, Wheeling.
Skipper, Convrell, Wheeling.
Pens, Bane, Al i.llll.
Kate Sewing, Williams, Cincinstao
MlehlganPries, Beaver.
Camd, IW•ntriekson, MeKeespon.
Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth.
Attlee,. Jambs, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Youghiogheny, Ilartspee, Monongahele Coy
Ware, FbatraT, Welleville.
RaWciligh pen, W.lbrn/k.
Pilot No 2, Duvet, Hoekinsport.
C.anulee. Hendrickson. Wheeling
Ehentaorma. Hants. Lmshiville
Cumberland No 9, Nashville.
Vermont, Ileslett.lll Lasts.
MONONGAHELA ClTY—You‘hsogbeny, 1 r r.
LOUISVILLE—Hammitt, 4 e
LOII IS V 11.1.E—IOnggo1d,1 r. r.
IV I IMLlNG—lonian, 0 •.
WHEELING—Shipper, 10. •. r.
NT LOUlS—Brmaky, 10 ♦. va.
Gno stesme. Ringgold, Cope, will to.
Ibis olytnaun lot bouisvsPc..
rnv LOOIDVILLT..—The fine light draught mean,
Summit, Mason muter. will leave as above this eke
noon at 4 o'clock
Improv•ssms• to Duality.
OR 0.0. BTFAIINS, lateof Llo.don, Ls prepared to
manularturo and Ant Ilion taut 10 nhol. and part.
of ants...pan Section or Anno.phano &tenon Plata.—
TOOrnauta orate
U. residenceut.. whore tha nerve
Offiro and next door to nue May
ar,. bane. Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Rana ro—J. D. hPFaddan. V. IL Raton. lain
V DR. D. Liows,
-iv Dentist. ezrster °Mauna
and Daestar, bessreett
ICIIOOIIII/10111 11011114 1111 STITU2IODIN
C.G. 111.1914EY, 1 . 113 . 1 . . • • —A. W. MARKB.Ether.
Ulhce—No. 41 Water linnet, in the vranthentre of C.
11. (MANY.
r 1 11118 COMPANY la now prepared to insane all
1. kinds."( risk., on booths, nithafacternea t [ntls
therehlindthe in th ere, and in trinsltn sesaela,tin.
An ample guaranty for the thinly and Integrity of
the Intl„ Lion, la afforded In the character of the DI.
rectory *rho are ciusens Cl Pittthergh, lell and
favobly kitown teeth° coirtinnitity for thairpeadenerh
ortelligenec t and integrity.
• 11mm-roar—C. 41_ IluvenY i %Yen
Walter Octant, Hugh 1). 11.4, I 'ward
14 uni t Z. Kinsey, S. Hirbsuo, 9.
Lou L cm=
- -
1[41729 rot rim :rirrananuan DAILY CarlYY,
1 4it.warf , 3 Cor.aindleanotv—TA' Cdarra—
We'will publish in to morrow's Gaulle, a VCIT
I Me , eattell ortiek, written by Dr. Speer, one of
Our meat emioeot physicians, respecting the chat.
era. Ha du guue to a great deal of trouble is
procuring the necessary stalettiCal informai,on,
and we think we can safely say,that moat of our
reader. mill be utoolehed at the small rate el
modality here, as compared with other placer,
where Id, ravages of this duhase have bean of
the mildest type. •
Rumors have been nfa in the country . ' that, the
cholera wasraging with irightlul violent:a in on•
devoted city—that the healthy were almost whol
ly occupied by attending ott the mck,elc." Thews
rumors were, the offspring of our own folly, lose•
mash u wo appointed no Hoard of Health. The
contaquenea was, that the most alarming repent
Were circulated through the country, and Pitts-
burgh has bet thousands of dollars, by not going
to the trifling expense of reporting every coo
which occurred. Hnehatere sod other interest
ed persona, publmhed the grossest fabrications, Mr
and near, and thou purpose was served by ob
taining an almost complete monopoly alike mar•
Wo have Indeed bitterly reaped tho intim of
SIXSI keg.
• 4
. 61,
or own wealtnella, Red we tope that the public
authorities will hereafter, if ay. r • .imilor emet.
saucy should happen, not act en their put penny
arise,and yound foolish' aysiera. h is always best
to Imolai the whole, truth, boldly nod fearlessly.—
That we have had the cholera amongst us, is err
tale, but that the mortality has been ve . ry tribuy,
aad that it hisa Na eaased almost altogether, is
equally certain._
litany Inteatainsaa PATIENT Cali—Trmeem ,
tart Idacntna.—The DIMICI Coon of the United
Mates met yesterday, Judge Imam on the
The ease brought btforo the Court. was an
Attachment, leaned mooted the defendant.,
Messrs. Joseph Willson et al, for contempt of
Court In having, mit is 'hedged, refined to emus
ply with . ispection, granted by the Judge In
vacation, to restrain them from using "Reere's
patent thrashing nod grain winnOinlag machine.'
lames Dunlop, E.g., appeared for the plaintiff,
William Reese, Cornelius Darragh, 39. for the
defeadants, (respectable farmer.) who were in
Court, in custody of the United States Marshal.
The logarithm points were submitted to the
o,,ert by the Dsiondant'n Ce . easel.
Firs—The Defendants deny that tie machines
which they ow, are the UM', Or those described
in the plaintiff's patent.
Second—That the plalatiZ has oo legal VIM go
assignee of Vie patentee.
Third—That the United States District Count
have no power to its.. an 'unarme', without a
previous trial, wherein the title of the patentee
must have berg pronounced good by a jury.
Fourth—Teat the Injunction having been
greeted by a I.l2triet lartga in vacation the order
'Mould have been renewed' by the Paced Court
at the next term.
The Court edjourned, mahout Liming mem to
any cOnalnaiOn an the eubjed, te meet thio morn.
tog at ten o'clock.
Bioasm.--A woman named Susan Batty, alias
Susan Jackson, was &mated on Monday eve.
mg, and committed to prison on & charge of big.
Thome/ a Hoots Down —A con pawed Nteh
ohm tlowmo, wan yesterday toonglit before the
Mayor of Allegheny, on a charge of attempting to
tear a boom to Ohio street down. It seems that
be had built a house Upon leased ground. in which
he kept ■ doggery. Hs tnterest, boareser, was
old out at tittenA's sale, •nd he seemed deternalus
eid not to let the pureenwir take peaceable parses
um. He was bound over too to. appeatance at
the next term of the Court of Quarter Selman,
* Bludgeon —The okekton 01 a human beet
were digging the foondallons P , r a new house la
lialardstown, on Monday eitrrnoon The troh/v probably these et •n
Mac.. Or rive, M.1.111•7511'. Y cry
criminal bintacs. wet dono at th, Mayor'• Office
yeatemhty. Oat? two velem" made the ar(ra?•
ance at the lIIIMPACIg watch returns. One wit
very common Moe la4txd, nod wan committed
to jail (Jr drunkenness. Tao ohm wan a some•
what extraordinar, caw, an far at laud 'es regard.
a his extrema raggertaess, his personal ditalzes.,
Ike., but most a.atraordinari of all, as regards the
tsar, that in sp.!s of his drunkenness, he had still
money enough kit to pay hie find, rhieh ho did,
and gra. discharged.
T. WEATEILI —Thant, in the rionjw nod
inn/ yesterday, the writhe! we. pLan
RAIII.-.Tbn nun, as we writ•, n militia freely,
end them is every prospect or lho river remain.
lay, for some lilac yel, L•a reseal hoc stage of
Fee .el• Ot. AA
me. fed. ed.
the Commercial Journal rt. JPlonriro
The editorial batteries at the Journal wereepen.
rd ant upon Ilecuirapathy, last week. At soot,
however, •S the walla of an opposing fartrems
gait to rise, sad the whistling or - grape" to be
beard, the " knight of the quill," by wale menage
mantra are, made retreat, and they cut abort an
action which he had wantonly provoked, and
which, according to his own " declaration of war,"
seemed destined, rite the wage or r m . to 1.. t
It years. The colomns of the iallrtint are DOW
shut against the discussion of Hotroropsthy. The
people are without hope. They most continuo
to swallow white roger powders," and to be the
dopes of " myriteries" and " wonders," until the
power, of the Journal are suffered to thunder, and
blase, and tear away, at a system that tute tenor
done him harm, want ■ return shot. If tbo
beat a f an actual encounter be too great for the
" knight " himself, let him call out some of his
Medics! Stoll II there be • champion of tho
heroio " oysters, lot him strike for ht slaking
Pi Data.
DII. B. D. 110WKIS
HAS no parellel in permanently curing and math
eating troll ate system nil
It will effeera•lly eradicate -
from the gatrm and rare
h alt kbeiona. Ring rm,Tetter, Scald !lead, Dreyer,
Searcy, While dwellings, King's Bed, Neuraigie
Alfecuone, and all .
F rAmx, WEAKNESsrs
And Obstmenott, itorrentim, Wino,, Fluor
Falling of In Womb. Nervous, Pick Ikad Aebn;
Languor, Fainting rientabons, Falpttation of the
Heart, Izar Fpints, lleneral Dyspepsia,
Leer Complaints. &e.
It I. Palely aad Ti.m Vegetable.
It ha. been used with tho moat sig nal steers. by
the Profession la New York and New Nampalure, and
the Eastern Staten generelly, (or many year.—and
a general putlfier.of the blood and Invigorator of the
oiwelo—ea a Ilene Ine hleditanc Ana an dn.
naeloa• Female Medicine It hu no equal. The purity
and efficacy of We Maker preparations are well
known; and Ills medicine minims no long list of
certificates and cores ta introdue• Ito increasing
demand for the past Melee years Is its best reeom.
. .
It Is put sip le quart bottler, and la the only Sum
remit% that sets on the Liver, Kidneys, and Blood at
the lame uluc. which Feeders It altogether moro vale
able to every one, pnrucularly to itnlliall.
Do. Ifvuey, Protege. In the Ohio Medleal CAllege,
lay. the Shaker pvegmattons AIM truly valemble ; and
recommend. them to the public. The pleb and gaits
ad are requested to call and obtain a pamphlet, and
purchase a bottle of Sus valuable family Medicine.
Be aura end enquire for Do. S. D.IIOWES3 SHARER
SARSAPARILLA, and take no other.
Pnec II per bottle—a bottles for
For male by J. A. 461101, J. Sehoonmaker A. Co.,
W. Black, R. W. Means, I. M. Townsend, J. Mahler,
W. Jackson, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny lily;
W. R. MeCielland,ltlnnehruse; P. Crucifer, Brown..
sills; Jam, Paull lt Co Wheeling' J. 11. Puterwn
and K Morgan, St (Surveil lei 11P0ean A Knox,
Cuba• Also, fur saw by
mt. 5. D. HOWE Pc CO., Proprietor',
I Collage MR Cincinnati, tc,
To whom all o e
d. so must be addressed.
• -
IHAVE for .ale ,• number of bonds and mortgage.,
In Nuns from 1500 to a5OOO, maturing in from ono
1011 years, orb 1.01311/1 Instaltnenta, with bitterest
payable semi annually, ambred by city property
gasJ In value to twice the intoanta for Which they
are reapeetively drawn. 11. SHADY WILKINS,
augli:dll AWy at Law, No 101 Fourth rt.
ntrowberry Plante for Side at Green
wood Gardens.
B111181".9 Prim, 11lovey 4 Seedlings, and Vicuna
The are lite laraaat and belt 011.10.4 Ina{
amongin all the different varretiestnew woo,
Order. addremml to the propileter, Wen blanches.
tar, will receive prompt attmtion. .1 blelablN.
Vor 8.1. y on Long Credit,
A LOT on Wylie wear, nolo Logati, fuel to
front by Itl feet In depth to no alley KO feet wide.
Ala*, a Lot on d epth sooear Fultoo, 44 I ee an
front by WI feet in to onalloy 2a feet rant.,
Apply to 11. BRADY WILKINS,
nt Low, tut Fourth at.
pens School, ander he direction of Mr.d. Mrs. ry.
VV. Noma f .111 be rare
Slow , Federal Street on Illondart September and. A
primary deparuncla, k a twellett of esteem! Inlaid,
ra ease amea added, and corps of tearherstmeured,
se lartroctlono j will now be elven to 'baana;
of ttl ages and attammente. ' "
re, particulars sea r ircalars witicti may be had at
the book armor—or <enroll the Principe, at their
dwelling on federal *area:
Alllllhea7,ing.3lf: • .
Timm or Prrammos. Atm. In,
StoekhoMeat of the flank of Final:lurch a - e
hereby notified that a general mreang of Stock
holder., will be held at the !Uniting House, on Tamm
any, the fifth d.y of September next, at tell &Week,
A.M.. when the thane? meddle echoe .meted by the
Lmirlainte at t r tart meralon,mtll he laid before them
for thnr acceptance or reractlan. fly order of Board
of Din+e•nr.,
lur.,4l&srldS /on. G. 11.1 Poel.
E 4333223
TASTE. WILSON Worn. his friends •nd Mr public
•• that ha has removed 1.10 Nat and Cap Ettsblisle
mint (min Smithfield sweet, to hi. old stand en the
earner of Weed sore, and Inaminil Alley, emend
moryLever Ps weeks lc Friend'. Farhange Ofiire.en.
trance beet. oil Diamond Alley—where may to , found
• l•tee lailanneble awertment of flew C.P•
at reduc wholesale and retail.
Itai• ho on i develtraS
.44115" and Whanaira , Malmo.
T" to
' tiler,glitil, late Agent for paying United
Stoles Pennon, et Pito burgh, will attend to the
proweation of Soldier. and Widows' Chums for Pew
glens tail ltriunly Lamle.
An °Metal connection with the United Strites'Gov
ernment has made me familiar with the rule. and
form.... well tis the &Melons, of the Pennon Depart.
Want at IV•shingten City.
Many widow. nod heir• of Revolutionery Soldiers
hove elan. toot 001 let he ohmined by proper op.
phennon. J B. GUTHRIE,
(Mica of Wm. OIL Robinson, Pq, opposite the
Illgyor's Inflect, Fourth Street, Pittsbargb.
July :IL. 1.50 lirguoSAwlni7 1
Dr. Guy•oltO garnet of Yellow Dock
and lisroaparlll.
nUT up in the largest cited bottles, contain. more
I Dram pure llon,luras Sarsaparilla than any other
prePUttlo.l extant which is chemically combined
with the Extract el Yellow hock, the kit's. of Wild
Cliersy,and the naltlMl of Fir, thus making the reme
mote 'thormlghly olieient than any other Susapal
riga before the pohltr, At the name time it is perfect
ly free from all miss eta) rolmwochteh cannot be said
of any other al the Saraaparilla compounds. The in
rllll.l 'Lbw:2ld beware of poisons! Mercury, Irort,Qat
nine l'otaah, ledlne, Sulphur, Commie, and many
other mineral and metallic polsonn enter Into and
form the active basis of socgrof the ,Sarsaparilla and
Panacea. of the nay. linyonshi Compound Ern.
allelic. Met and Sarsepanlia doe. not contain a
particle of these sulmtances, as any ono can easily
ascertain by applying the necessary tests.
The poisons may oreusionally remove disease, hut
they to vitiate the idond, nod so comb rely impreg
, nate tin whole system with their boneful etfeem that
' the ant cold, or the tint nitwit of disease, prostrate.
the;atient's strrligth' and eabwela Min mr her to the
n y, eger t ioating to amend rends. another ewe
almost impossibm a d hopeless. Lei all poisonous
• liermiparilla prepare one alone, and use Guysolthe
Impreived Mart of 'fellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which is thorolighlk .Sztrinus, recketly harizie.,
rawly vocetatilel Ail itritk Of illretwil yields to
as genial mfluence.
serofnia, Genre,. Tumors, Cetaneonv Eruptions,
Olivineler, 13iloa, PpArplel, or Pimple. nn the Pare,
(h i m., Sore Evert, Tenor, Scald Send, Rheims
tim, Enlargement Or Palm in Vie Sorra or Joint.,
Swelling of the Glenda, (Gaieties, S7phlhtie Symp.
taro, Leathern, Dropsy, Dyripepita, Jaendienf Cow
i g rehga., salt Shrum Alfeetiono of the Kidneve and
doriewo atlal4 Goal an injodielnen ow of !Urina
ry. Mielrlar VOW . TerhG, Wenhearapf the Chest,
Valmonary Agentions, and all oper iitohnsp
nr rnwrarkla C.onraniptinii, Liver Complaint i remalo
irregularitie• arid Sick and Nervnua
Headache, General Ilebility. Law Spain., Low of
Appetite, Night Somata, lining in the Side and
shoulders, 1:11.• urn or Imprailenre in Choi,
flonwitetional Dloordera, and ma • Spring and 041
renher of the Blond, and General Tonle for the
Sawn, It le Unrivillled.
rue// 1.174.0r,7f et! Lambe of n Stern ye ere Pending.
ighg ' o ar, pis Is pi piltxrl of a letter dated March
1,14 ;lcs,llns, 41. U o n hlghly respecta
ble physician of bl.nel ,Oh p.
JOllll Pan— ILlar: Sir I have tinder WV cal. 11
young Worilan fig stpten peon, ho t b ag' ,
1e0r.4 from I:Persica Limbs, and oboes, case Ism
been pronnsneed hopeless by three of oar beat PhY
meta.. I took her Into'fay family, and have used
Gaysntlls Velloys Dock and Sarsaparilla freely, and
am confident Mat Me Yellow lock sold Sarsaparilla
wall KI•el a permanct mire. She as better In general
rAiEL than she lia• over been before, and walks a
tjae. Irllttnt Mutate or pain. A rent Ikco the
toted .1314.2. 1 will report Mc ease in due W.I.
Very er.F'3tfOrl; llptlilPlS.
- . .
It - repaa,..l, by rh‘inent wen, U.t.t in Ptu
railed catadolao of 111/oasee to whiol. Man It liable,
there it arareely one of melt irmmitunce, and of ouch
Internal he
...Seto , .lo, we look tit Inn &meant,
of as origin, tts trmoVoto. pr , the numbs, an.l
tarot, of organalhat It aPerks, or It, remarkable in.
dlitaPittty and extensive fatality.
tterofila hos bailed the din a the: renal eminent
physteinna in (bra country and In Korupa I:ut Mere It
an ana te
ntr lor this ers,it
In Dr liayn's Extract of
l'oooia Pos.; 454 ti,:,,p,r ,- .1.;• INLoch to prOrintt it.
tett a perfer I apeelist hi tot] COOti ~.
, V. 1,1, eters of
.. .. ..
An relmord , nary ease of 1 1 .erotula catod
tote use of Pot tor I.sentt's Compound Syrup It
0 0 1 he seen 1, 5 this eettitrate last th m man he been
ander the treatment of several er'obripr4 phystemna,
let ,i,e p•/‘ ,tab• ) ear., anthem rtetrama any benefit,
and Lay been .1'4,03 , 01y eared In the use of a low
bottle of 11l lca) ton', l'amonund , 0 , my
Naar Noes, inno:',
It. hrYrear—Dear ,o r.—trmtne tore. a dent which
;Imo rartnot ray, lam ..,15,.1 ro nestle a /labile ar
kitomteage-er,t a Ihr I,ene ht I hate eh-I,rd from I nor
Invaltrabie try rap 1 Was orne/y ty,.... 2.1 .e,p, 5 ter,
tile fterofatoa• disram, betrthmYyto in,' fatto.y,
which eon...need on toy Meek. WO, ennttnoinc In
erred en., reached my , 00., ti`mot tno . in) t•emt.
otot ogtrodtott •II eves my tare, neck, and lower ex.
tro.olues. I 1... to. a 0t...-et to too I upon. 1
At um. , my distt ...... W•• trent Mot I Wan • IA11•141" 113
steep or Ixsod thei5,........- 0 strodorg two my
pan asst. •Je, 04 int Itrato rMe (tee see, one
1r05m...• ante, (min limp, • dp.rharae or matter
and c. ale/ ....1,...,:iana ally ...ming out. Peatpe avoid
altar. toppi , Y.rta I ha..l ill., total' poa. Pt mune other
Mfr.... ,1,...e. and I , teal t'Onse.,,,npy et,teed to
r e t,oouMt. or ...woe., Notartilmlits:Sllle I toil too
100 ordeal all We. end toad dill...trot plan. at Ire .!•
Mold. the disease eo.ottitste.ltoprom wore, umul I glum
an tin despair. FortanatelY I /rat in vita a pa. ienaer
hesteastramt, white travalline for my health. who
Wormed me that he ton was at one timn in a bad •
rondo= re• I seal. and that by extort your SY.P b"
To: 7,70 4, 4 1 L r e a 1:111 /If ' ' l ' t. ' n ' n ' l ' n ." o " er .h , a P ll7ll7 " T i tn7 ' lt • S e r ti
ittriot t0...2, tttot..ltlF. I am Wet nod stile to miend to
my Ime,or., I lid t.• L., I, olem , tit os nn art nt
)..le•• , 'Clf 1 ..00 Ot ';:t 1 : .0 . 1 3 - trid.o - . tt.., •rPotted to
Stair 5.001M/iambi FAM , mittr, and Uti.ellY rore 4, , ,,!
Mot n "acting mid ettrero.o
I mason yoar AP 'Vont,
JO/IN 0 'arAt.IIIM)
t',.. ~,f ,p c ,,, , ....dpyter/ 1,1, efhrvcrpele r.
Ton ramm pert....n..11.04/t 10010111 Lattgot of
1.100 , Port anl Par.apapila AO !Wing. 'ln, pa
tient'. yr.,. I tenths enttlifloott to Intr.,. etc, 6.-
e,, I. revuo.....d t titerre net oiltrontoted onlil Unto
to• tutly O•ltt.. tnal rata tit en r:hre or o'..
F.:Poway, t Peel imer Co r Yon le'S
S r Masco tto , Cent., tt is with ascot plextme
that I 'afar sou , the eery happy easels •f your
Yellow , Sort end Sorsapartlla open my .on, who ha.
tang teen sat:en:4 under that dread/el, loaartaine dlr
race. Erytopriar, with wlileb he was attacked in 1t 44 ,
and •••• tor -rectal month. atirsioed hy ens. of our
ben py• , e u. . 0 Surd their kal per•ettrangly bst
her month, without any bror betel elf r Is whalelef
Ile heroine reduerd In It nertert skeleton Ile bed ta
ren front hit hip to la. knee, which were rentatually
di•rharging dotratunely nth-none mister. hletheal
and surrired skill w•• 114 small. toad that
his rate ems Impelet•—there retold I.c hada.* done
marred these Voir., gatnthia alters. My neigh
bor. gni myself thought hi. ime dtwolution near at hand.
One of ray neighbors, echo rodeos,/ a elaid Oi seta.
Ca with your 1eve1...1110 asesheine, sorbed me to,
mate isal of il, nod more from the restless desire to
du aurpriLtdit while hie lotted, than Irmo any hope or
amine Wier, I proeuroil three bottle. of your ulellow
Dock and Sareeperilla.o nod commenced ruling a
Ind to my smonf•laneta, ha romniahred uppro•rng
he had used the third bottle, and before he had used
half Anton bottles he retold walk net Ile used in nll
twelve bottles, awl by October lest be woo (celerity
etAl 0104, terry vestige of the dm,.e except the ar•rs
le removed, and Fe rrinottns In perfect health up to the
prevent time. Ills recovery, under the Menlo, ot
, Gott, t. entirely sector, to the nee of your Yellow Dock
end Sur...amen!, and I assure ycei that I feel myself
under amut oboe anon. to you, and It I. with great MY
that i totorm you of what your Sarsaparilla her done
for my son. Iteepertfally,
renuine unless pat op in large bottles.
emanating a quart, end the rotator tho layrUP blown
thr glass with the written eignalorn of S. P. Sen
nett, on the outside wrapper. Price it pee bottle—or
el !mar. Inc its.
It itt witt t.r J. It. ruse:. North Ibls‘l cornet •
Fourth •nd N% alma Ftteeti, eittraoce on Walnut Ft
Caweinnals, Ohio, to Whole all orders must be adage
C t Urn Fate; W. P.. 111111 0 ,00 k Wale ,
ford; Oltn /k Cletuney, C,..ttneville; Abel Turrel
Alntatnor; Ally,Totranda; Robert Roy, Welt
bore, 1.. Rodertek. Onllen*hyryl Jr. PA
buryh, owner of Al Meet and the Diamond.
EAOLE. GLASS vi-i3iiti6
Vials, Book., anti Flo. m Saner, ttenteli Ale,
hlinetai Water. Patent Medicine, end b%lno Bottles
of every desvmptin; also, WINDOW GLARS.
harps momently on hand a :macro' asontiment of
the C h ain ethel e a AUI/ISTAiII, es the other tlreen
Glass FOClaltle'll are ALL onereo, as is tho custom in
pummel, Tuts FAC(0111, Is WV IN JELL orvaanoth end
will minim.e to operation both summer aid winter.
Orden terpeetfully tolielted, and will be filled on the
oinsom nonce.
tVaislionse, No 111/ Second street, between Wood
and Smithfield atm, Ihttaborgh.
Contra a healthy action throughout the body, restore
the oldies!, equalise the eireotatton, give tone and
energy to the system, and emote a poorer or rests.
Ttec disrasnanti on forms, rarely Co he obtained.
hey will perform a speedy and permanent care of
Nippers., indioestion. Thuotendy, General Debility,
Liver Complaint, and all the train of symptoms row.
mostly celled nerrons affections.
. .
Will be Immethadely relieved by Om nee of Moe Inv
liable compound, which la purely vegetable, and
• to all ages and mond:dons.
Will find in this &limn utd polatabla preparation.
romhinstion at Tome, Allele*. and Aperient own
ties, perttharly •Japted to then systems.
Tho spreifir tenon thin this article has on the Lie
and ihicettive Means r rends re it • complete Antidot
fur revel rind /tette. and Minot. and Typhas Fever.
etI.IhViLLE, L.l. July Mb It.Ll).
nun 910
I have used thr muck of PluneWA glower,
end have deemed meet benefit loom them. I have
been rulocct Ire yearn part to to, Fever end Ague, but
since the ottioducuon of your Bal.", 1 bane entirely
escaped my moml clerk', and can with confidence
env:Amend them .. nee of the beet Tonics In use.
>) graliy yours,
Sm. nw.a, hi no 'I Otb, !MD.
It MVOe me much pleasure to elate, Out the
llyrpepotn with which my lila inut been re long trout.•
led, arising from Inaction or too Liner, bps been en.
tirely overcome, and cured by the use of your lyal. •
able preparation of Bitten, and for your kindnesa In
recommendmg theort,please accept my thank..
roar dedient servant,
agent', William T. Rictc Co., li i and 151 Front
meet, Raw York. For saley
6 augS:ddmin R. & SELLERS.
.114 L. t.. 1111.111 CU&
BRILIV/01 sr. lIARINgat
Traduce and Connnimon Ilityckants,
And dexicno m Plusbargh Alan&facture& Ar&
Nos. 130 and 13 Second
Il•tann Wood.. SmAbratlA, Pntolbur.h.
I. CAROTHERS a: co.,
No 'Wood Plit•burgh.
cei4ettobe cl..flp an ail the print TeJ Cilf Co of the
Vaiss4efsol, .mt.-OT
r at
1850 • ralt.
The new and IL at droushi. Mesmer YOUGIIIOGIIE
NV. Ilarturercotter, will make daily trips between
Pittsburgh at iro.gow 19andays exeeptedd leaving
Glatttow at 7 A NI , and Pitttlto rah et 71, P. PT
The Yourhio ;belly a loot tO metes draught, and
an he tel or as a !earlier pert., thronghout the
region For fidight or passage apply on beard. or to
C Agent.
leTi , BIDWELL in CO., Blestrow.
• Thu splendid boat was bull by the
ow n< ry of the steamer tease Newton,
onot :others, for the Cincinnati and
Pittsburgh Parket trade, and will
leave carry Wednesany, for Clnonnatt, in plate rot
the New 60710 rd, Na. T.
For freight or peerage s t illy on tonstrol,or . !?_
ntritO • 11 IMILTF.NBP.RhohtIi, bat
W—Mlligle Mt.
51 111f11•2
Vie and Cumberland to Baltimore mid
Pies to HALITI1Oilt•—••••••• • ••-•-• , ••••$10 00
no. i . 1111.1.1"1111••••••••••••••-- to W
IIF. warning boat Wave. the wharf, above the
bridge, dully, at 8 o'clock precisely. time to
Baltimore, T 2 hours( two m Philadelphia, 40 hours
The overdue (oat leaves duty, (except Sunday en
enincej in th Passengers 6 &ink. Passenge by teeuing 6n the
evening heat, will cross the mountatte 10Wages neat
day, and thou avoid night travel.
Secure your . ticksts at the Mee, Monongahela
Wow - , or St. Charles lintel.
occit-17 J. MESKIMEN. Agent
The , 44% runninq mourner
' Capt. rt. INII.IWII TIM as aregular
panel below(P,llshuub, Wheei-
Cpoll, aRJ louring l'aNitninth even
Monday afternoon, tar Welloville, tfteutionvilln, and
Eftaavlstfttosil Prey? lintrailay afternoon for Steoten
yip& Wheeling, Iludgeport, Caphna, end Suri4sh
Ftetarning, leaves Dridgeport and Stinfirh every 'Paes
day, and Stinfioh every Friday afternoon.
War freight or paoroge, apply on brier& or to
you D WILKINS, Agent
iusta' TT o enlin.,'Os fast fulmin g slessnge
1 ,f4 l' gfliCiri , IY. A. Ortraell,
111 tor, (Wiring at: Amnon a Dior•
nosh repair) will tan hereafter no a
regular porky between Ditiel 'sigh
and Wheeling, li:tieing l'iloiliorgli cver7 Afrwiloy,
Weilneriloy tool Fs Way allrtalaa, at 9 o'clmt. Foe
freight er romp apply on twinst or to
rn . r.inuntiii fr. %V IIF.ELING i•AcKgr.
malt• The aplestaid & ths”antang afrettorr
NV. S Conlvell, martyr, Laving ender
iiiN ,‘ '4 , 040 , icrnir,y, , ,l I 1.0 . 1..0 .
allot ale it, tagabtf ,meant br . tween Petn•lntrak and
llaccltag, le wring Pits•burgh .v. 9 Mond.) , ..!
'Mayday mammas, at a o'clock.
For Ire)ght or porango apply on boon!. or to
'the fine light draonla runnier,
milai, lONIAN,
Will resume her regular trips to
IN'heeliny, this day, leaving rittelinrah
every Monday, Wednesday, and Fre
day, st 10 o'clock A. Al.
• - • • •
yow wmj,ht r,olutr, sotttly 1 , 11 Lottrtl• or 10
iyc,{ 411AltITRONI,t I.llt(l2F:Ft, Agtw.
••• • •
The eplenlot elcanter
Caro Honoree, will len, tor %tome
And all intermedinte lantlings, every
Oar, at 4 crelork, I'. M.
For (rennin or pnotarr apply on I.oard. Inuel7,l2w
. FiTIL . 1:01:1, , •V'XI.V:
' ' 'Ore iiiienr.ll,l s:r!airrOr •
COI ...Mt, will levy. for the Abel.
Ild oil intermeilinte pens no ri,,,
..16, - . The t9l lorr., er 4 Y. 111 rnr.trively
. Vor (mien. OD j ,, .rk , , on l•rr.rrrl ..,,,
FOR 4INCINNATI rri.1.11116VII.I.l:
The rrlendsd litramrt
Mmron, matter, will !care for the
ri , wore an.l , DternteJ , nle lo A rdrog, 00
4: ,r, rj r, i,le trlbr,st yl 4 dr iorrW, P. at
_roLtreisirl or parregr, apply oil hoard. .0r
FOtt «T. f/MJIH.
Ilea- • .
d i
3,.... . The fine new Ilea draught elev.) ,
Haan., num,. 1011 it'''. (or tb •
.I.ner a nd 1.11 ...meditate rot. ar
T1........1.y. the Val mil. at 111-k . ..rock, A M.
. .
fib . the rptentll.ll , r,v n 3 1.1 1 ,02 dr4.16:
ovY' II ' . me.irr. nrcr ft,the
nr4 pltr•ltale rot. oa
0.1• dkr, tli•J YAM t 1 ,ost.•l, r NI.
apply con 14..trd. nr
rou CIN , INNATI 1 ST 1.011.3
arr Th. rp:rn.lvl , e•nmer
leave 'PT nlmfe
end Inlarrardtele port... dr,. a,
I. U,
rr orz
The huert.. nnd qvuoch nest,.
Wm Dean, inane:. wrll Irnve th.
ail•rer and Intr.:noi.. o
1131• lo o'clock. A. M.
For irer,ld po,n,r npplv err sugF7
p The r. plcnd,d •trnmer
E , tl i crt
d4ir ;Vit .' 111: i at in
u"'"'" T h iAllttiYL i eg7::•. h i L i r . .
p.ll less for the n 1 ver nod all inte
hi medibte polls on 11. day Aug 17, at
For :JO. 0rp,,,,, annls. oil 1.4,1. er to
a n
j Ni5.4 . litZ4 Re. Aim..
FOR NI maim rw AND Y. A 01/Co 011.1.1..
m adp,,,.. Tl.c splendid .oesnier
r o .r, mast..r. will lease lor the Omer
•pd all tnimed..fito parts, on thl•
dor, 11, i, 4.% , .41 I o'clock, er F. 11.
For fre kt ight or passage, apply on hoard. or to
tad W 11 W11E113 , 31. Ari
Fon or. lAlln.
The splendid steamer
Butcher, rammer, will leave Int ihn
s iat i.
aka,. and all intermediate port. on
thin oar, the Inibrinst , at 10 o'clock, A. M.
En, 'wirdt or p•• , apply on hoard, or in
nelli 1) El I 11 MILTENIIERGCP. AV.
Tbe line li,;ht draught fast running
steamer CITIZEN,
Captain Gannloy Will leave for 111.01`e
11 tutenuedrate ports 1110 day, at II)
o'clock A. M.
For firtalo or passage, aptly on hoard lamella,
. _Tho It O draught Cramer
•ta,ft•rjek: Wilk ',ohms., erill leave for arrive
.....,.. •,...• • and inlerrietlial ' e porin,On Ole day,
13. h In, al IV o'elock, 0. 01,
For Weight or passage apply on hoard. _ ring 9
Fort CINCINNATI AND ST 1.001.0. ,
5 ,,,... The aplemlid Gamer
MOOro, /dealer, will laavO for above
unlintermeshate porta en !Ma day, ,
Om 11111 Inc.
For freight or pottage apply on hoard, or to
iitia 1850. BIM
Two Doily Lines Exprrss rocket Boats
(Estcrourityst.r Fen PAseznosse,)
Via the Central Ratl MOW and Penn's Canal_
1140 mike Rail Road, and 140 miles Canal.
Tone-511 hours Fare—RlO through.
The Vorteen flat Road se passed In day light.
ON an after this date, IWO lane,lthe Central Rail
Road will run TWOnano, Telma mama. calm
from Ilunisagdon lihtladelphis The care on am
above road and the Allegheny Po‘tage Rail Road
are nil near, and of the very heat deacription In the
countey, and yeah the Inereiteed speed on the moan:
tains, pasuctigar, so through with despatel.
A Pardee
(that will leave !Very motnlng MO &-
clock vry eventng at B o'clock.
Fo marry, Speed, and Comfort, this to la de
cidedly the Moat prefethisth now In aso to the Engem
Cates For pamage at infannatlnn apply to
W RUTCII Monongahela Ileum,
or to D LERCH CO, Canal Huth
F.F.—On the let September, tho Count Rail Road
aid' be open to 110-lidayshurg, when passel:igen will
go through to 41 hours. tell
1850. gb il i l i
'Deaver Polonj
n'Acenle for RIDWF.II.I2B yrrsni , min AND
17,1.ECE1.A,N1/ LINE; mut , . AND NI VAI1V11.14:
PACKS S; to wing and Onpping between Psnrburcb
and Itnellerter by alerts, boats Pitying., lAte Eire,
and Braver.
(IX lined. receipt. andpromptly delivered to all
player on the Canal. and I.alr, •t the 11,W0Pl rates.
Vh.lipprit OULU direct gond,' tr, ellnireelge
Weiler .1. rttl4inflib.
J. FnmuY,ecy. I R. Alin[ n, Neal.
Will Jr., ;allure against all kinds of rinks,
. A L p L jg. sitin will be liberally adlushod an promptlyA
home institutionmanned b? Directors 'rho an
well known in the community, and who are deter - ad.
'ad by promptnomu and Itherality to maintain the clout
tete? which they have anunnted, as otferiny thu beat
protection to thorn wig, - dreire tO head
Dlsturroxit—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, W.llatler,
'N. Holmes, Wra. Holmes, C. thriven, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. AI. Lyon, Jae. Llppineon, Thos. R.
Lack, JamesM'Anley, Alex. Niumelr, The.. Smut.
inns, No. 91 Watec nncyo.l.llololAse of Spans
A Cu., up stalre,l
No 41 North Water Street re No. 16 North Wharves
A. J. LtVl3so. ( NUL/111E11411A
Enw'o 114tH. )Philad'o.
11 C. LLoCAtuo>•.
)I*. WAWA, 1134
P. W.' GATES":.'
P*TLITLD MAT s. 18474
THESE DIES having been adopted and highly appn
and Philadelphia, are now offered to umnufaquirera as
faience, on the meet perfect reticle in me or meting evil
Their superiority over any other Dies heretofore used, consist' in their '..eating . tt PERNIct
Scucw, whether V or r:citisar thread, by earn pawing over the tree to be cut, which require no swiskies
or prII•1010 preparation, as the dies cut the tted out of the solid iron, whi t e t n i . e t e‘ee i t i n the least;
in their greater durability, tepidity, end perfeetion of work; and its their simplicity and little liability
to get out of order.
Certificates. i
Portanatenta, Aug. 17,18 a
• Tide la to certify that yes bays parehaaad hell:.
tV bales the tight of nips his Want Dies for at-,
tine 1.011... In our opinion,ila Den ars moth -!
tior to any others Rs ate acrotatnted with tot It al
putpooo of cutting bolt..
PnnaniUstarAng. IF4B.
Hama had W Cites' relent Dies in ass in our
establishment for the Int tine =nth, for titling
bolt., we can In every respect recommend them in
the bi,hest bums, as am have laid all others away,
they being so far superior--eonsiMerins there 75 per
cent. cheaper than any others War In am
Penn Wort.. ra.
This Is to terllfy that we bd., puselmied the right
to .o, cad adopted in car bassoon s P W UMW' r.
vent &mow Caner, wpkhwo hiahly approve of. We.
can do roach more work, and me base. it will iro.
pa. in durability end precision, as catch as cconienY
of labor, any dies known to as
14.11alft, TAPKPR t 1110111118.
oth month,Ret day, IE4B.
Naar Vaal, Aag. 19,180.
Having adopted P. W.Clates‘"PateritUleso for gal
ling Italia, we take la:oasts,* in saying, that it mete
than answers our caps-elation!, and Wry no hest.
don in airing it as our opinion, that It fat excels any
other Plan in present ago for cutting bolts.
rr BECOit & OCL
We hese P. W Gates' oraient Nee fer h thing
somws, end the esonotht ss "
sonsidessblo, that we loot upon thek so thassponsa•
Lie to aeon. establishment having uly qoanlily of
threw% l 0
C 1..., May ID, 16411.
tranaasies Smelt, Wrininsaros, are Sept.,
I have purchased ot W. 11. Scoville, for Wert/n(4W
States, Ice right to air In all the arsenals and anon
That loge commodlotia Dwelling House
and Lot, on watch are good Blade and
GA Carriage Iloilo, belngi the property of,
and lone the reside.s of hits lone
gce, situated on Webster st non Seventh
street. For terms, apply to hf d LOWREE
inr2dif Sh) Wylie at.
To L.I.
THE large three Eau Brick Wertheim, Oa WOW,
below Ferry creel, =dog freak WALig ya Viral
Wee 1., op reallnfloble :o=4 rcIFOCIODO.I Imme•
giately. EINOSTO et:
—”AVOL:. , 1 F. LORENZ.
V FOR tl6l.ll—A Lot of Ground chaos on Penn
street, between Hay and Sather, elmotut nlOoltliO3
Oa house Indict now occupied by Blehard 13Iwoda,
having • front of ILS feet, and In depth 130 feet, will b
sold on favorable terms. Tide unexceptionable. Eo•
Quire of C.O. LGU7lll3,4thtynear WOod.
Property tie &Migrant, City COW p ate.
InE tubsenbere OMIT for sale It Iletttet 0 Writ
ILansoitnate Vecesd Cette.ttenan. on
A tgli n nll7=o.
131 of •Ail ,a11b1...N.0n therm:este.
m• 77,1111•07
FAIMILIS dc BROCKWAY, Cornaduton leetebtutd,
Sacramento City, California. Liberal advance.
ratio on eocunimmenui, and all agency Kaduna
promptly attended to.
/11110 STATF. CIibIhIISSIONER for taking De
J miens, Acknowledgments of Iteeda, fte.
Mier—Fourth Duvet, above Smithfield.
rattail , arab Cllty Glatt WOAALIo
171 moicr tkfif.‘, between 1 , 11.1 end Ittecond
rg amen!. Went'. pold to odd rte.. Also
Heelers in FLINT tiLASII, VIALS, ItOTTI‘A, &e.
C 0100•41.10111, 0 C• 14.,
jyrAtf rt 1.001011.0. D. 100000.
von= w ronnensol [wonso.Lrmanom
n. 1V• & CO.,
(ft;COMMISSION and Foomraollna M.
rkano and Flour Dealto, 7.:4llMarligl tact.
l' Oath ipPla l3O
0111.(tiii4 - 11 - 4W thliThir --
Vitl4teNozirtd.WlNE aIEnCIIANTA, east ode of the
tzetd,•nt $0 60 per lb.
Superwrworlitte 71 do.
Toe brat dwporud 1 Cal do.
ptleeil, d•lnag•d, or mama . Teas are lot if pt
e.tabd..havent. IVO
Glarguse, Pa- (noith's Ferry Poo 0(3:col
permanently located al Ottoultra, 14' Aew
on,coubcpolUal hut( vto are prhared to To.
reivc 410 warlord rfootpti, to all porno on tar Over,
and sandy and Mayer of Ohio +Canals. Hit Cu.
litaa/cir, June la.—laid
013.—tin bilis Tanners' Whalo Cld;
3tto brla fanners' Oth
Inti tali, bleached Winter Elephant Oil;
310 Lrla do do Whale Olt;
• N. gale winter Epson Oil;
1W sr* Sperm Candles; for WO by
♦I.I.EN /4 IsmEtii.r.s,
It ideoillisr 93 South %illations, Int l•
PAMP & 4uVl4
rITOULD !he public, they have taken the
Tl' ora ,'boa te rumen' , oreapy.l by the tale hi,
, :lors.ou :who) er,114 ereoped meal. Hearne • large
~I eeournoe•••• •••rehuttae, 11.1 argalkl love. tiro
Thention wpes.,ons Laving goody to roteees. or 'tore.
ey will also ewe eileneole to the pareka.e. .sad sale
01 Nowa Drafts, Iteads, at. rata]
a.LYia 101111011A11113112•
J. Plain•jr,
Agent for tte Penn fe Go. of Neil.
ul tee tVeatcga Iraustartro ..X.plyny No.
U 4 . 2 %% op !moot, rtmtonitl.
with a I Oicoolowy Information, and
.41akik form. WM be (Numbed.
Weir lives for the benefit Or
inr critea end children; creditors rho lures of thou
The whole profits of the Compuy are divided
aleong tun holder. of Lifa
lb* CiredcadA of the pall Iwo years have been eigh
ty ocrceut. each Feat.
Di echoing* Bank of Melaka ...le
GENEHAI. Meek', of the Siookhelders of the
CV Exchange Beck of Eittatienth wall be held at the
Ilanktng Ilona en Mond.), tee inki day otkleptemeer
at tk o'elock, Y. M., for the mace., of constdert
eg and detcrtninieg upon the Act palmed at the late
ers•100 of the Legislature, extending the charter
Dy order or thn Dmelot..
Logan 10. ItSA—AnDtAtd
and CHAS. BALKER have
SWs day associated thenuielnes together, under the
Lon of Sbitatt & Barnes. for the trausecoon of the
Whoirtate Brocety, Produce, and Commission busi
er., to No Ito A 111 Second street, between Wood
end Southfield st.
Pittsburgh, Amon I,lEso.—augl •
S. R. C0,,1 ff . el Third and Mallet an
BAIRD & IltviA,•
No It! Second "mei, Paubergh. .F 7
- -
Cleveland, IN arson and Pittabsargb
Tolsgrapla Company.
punuanee of a revolution of the Board or Dime.
tom of the Cleveland, Warren and Bambini&
Telegraph Company, rednestiny the Secretary torn
out cod canto to he pablished in the neumpapenalong
Mr lute. et: exhibit of the financial and other affairs of
ilit• • ~,,, patty.) virbmit the following Report--
Ile line of Co legraph commence. at Cleveland and
cordon,. •t Pittsborgh,. passing through Mattrin
Faith, Frothlin, Newton bails, Wan., Yoangstown,
and lowell, in the State of Ohio, and Now Cattle awl
Hochotthr, In the State of Pcnnaylvania, at which
points thsrearo odic. located for the receipt and
111111.111•11 , 011 of business.
The whole length of the line is 149 milts—Capital
Mot pet mile, making a total capital .tact at
1692.2514 of which amount SWAM as held by citizens
elope the line, and the balance la held by Cornell 6
Speod, the contrecters. The above amount of lab
octiptions by ciusens, have been paid to Cornell k
Speed, for which the Trustee. have their restipt.
Jetaidtf JEFFERSON BALM, SceretarY.
• -
NEW 8001E81
La by Wilson Manic, AL U., one of his excemors.
role I.lmo cloth.
Railway Economy: ■ Weanse on the new net of
tiwirporl, its menenement, prospect", and relatkins,
commeretel, financial, and social, with an expontion
of the p met wel malts of the tat twain In operation In
the United Kinadein,on lbeContlnenh and in America.
By hionyrim. bardner, D. CI.L.,&e. 1 sof lento cloth
'thel.l.l, Present, and Fitton> of the itcpablle,tranw
t he from the French of A. Pe Lemanine, author of
Phe tirrendists? "hlanotre of my Youth," .11a.
phiici," An. I 'DI Ilmo cloth.
flint. inward Reforms in Lemont& Addressee, and
ether Wriiingc, by Portion Drente!. Is's' / 2 mo eta
The llistoty of the ConfeesMateL 11l lobo Henry
ilopeice, IL D., Bishop of the Ihonese of Vermont.
1 cal I . Ano cloth.
The Conqueitt of Canada. By the nether of ' 110e4O
lotthn (Ethan Wu tbanon, FA.) ,) a volatroth.
C vastO • sketch at a pbyeteal deaerlption of tbe
linthe. Alex Von Ibutaboldtoranslateil frwa
the German by E. C. MI. V vela Illato !loth
Gibboliht Decline and Fall of the FAraitn Empire,
with notes by 11. 11. Wrenn. IlntpeoY eheapadition.
Unto, cloth complain in 0 this at 40e per vol; 4 vols
received tor rate by It HOPKINS
AnollO Building', Fourth et
I MOURN they to sadness. When otter friends
around thee. Conscript's depar.uto and return.
Annie. LAMM. Are we almost there. Low banked
ear. Ile dumb all things well. Neely was a lady.
Silver moon. Grave of Washington. Them but
weunded; the spin!. Round Reim Roy. De mad to
loved 0000 at home. Cheer up my own bnunoLL
Oh, Lemuel. Bring newer Watts.. Elfin Wahl.
Brattleboro Waits. Salutation Polio. May Poll..
Ravel Polka. Jenny Lind Volta. Linda QuickMep.
March from None..
The above et, MO received, and (or Ws by
J It 1,11 LLOR,
aug9 el Wood
A A. MASON t CO., N 0.62 Market Weil, have
CS. tho deficieneyof Ow Met, c••••• 1 by
In., and it lo MOW reeilsied compleia •by the
desirable goods, porchared lonia IMllaintlitata,•ll•
lalgt Cocoon salmi, at • great redaction from prices
afraid tiering, whit h ritl be Geared to Derr newer.
mai patron. accordingly. It innate be °solo. to at.
irrupt to enumerate their yell asserted stock, and
tbereforsonvite the catty atign.ion of Doi. Dreads
and the public, Wlth the assersace at it LOW F 3411 be.
me sauce to each oriiclo -1114
D.mbY LIDO/ ,1 ,41& MAIDAUOR.
eltl•161-10 F WD Common cliors .241
•ved in in the principallsh' ope in New York
hinets; ship sunths,dco., isith. the =most cosi
rte. wide, the sapenbdon of Ms Depattilleat,L W.
Gates..P Olen* Mee for elatin sewer. on motat,ther
brow, been flied in two of tie lane areenale, old
Nand to tip very efficient and eneeltent.
A. TALCOTT, CoL, Offfinearna
MILO Cr Voles a= Dome, h
{Vanuavon, Sepias, tea.
Considering Gene Petented Improveneat for eat
ing melini on moil to, be a 'onside otie,l have, hp
&whinny of the Honorable &crony of the N.
machined of the Attinerys of no Partake, Wan.
mad Flannel 140Wer, , ate riala to make
WI an sold improvement for be U. b. Navy.
JOSEPH aIIITH, Chief Of Bate.
In use also by
Buffalo ,Works, Dm:hie;
Reese l Ashley, Qoebester
Routes & CO, Slosteemar, IN_'
IlaywoOd k Snyder, Schuylkill County;
Blibeck; Now Yorlr
Hogg A,Delamater, 4 Yhoulz,” N. Y,,
IL K. Dunham &Co, New Yolk;
.Deumoud k Co, !Beaumont Works, Bahl
Van Caren ; Roche-star:
Noll & Ayres Pips York;
Allem , Works, dm
Pease Murphy, do;
Wan Plot FO¢Odly;
Nowila Bro, Pktladelphia;
A teats, Breedesbo rub, Pa;
Walwolth & Name, Boman andiNow York
Lowell kluehtue Shop, LOlllO
Amsorkeur Iklanehemer, N
Lyman k Souther, Soloh Boman.
and armorial whom.
. .
P 3 . 30 .
No I biteNl2ls, 10 sets dieik, taps fr I to 0 h,pri. 8350
Nog do B d. hus 10 Flee 90666
0400 de ' 6 ' do fus 1, pries 61110
All ovdors addressed tO P. W. 1.04..,
IL Hanson, No York, E. D.,ldarshall t Co, reds.
delphia, and: IL D. Scoville 1 Saris, Chicago, rev Ms.
End Taps, with of without sac/dues (or usase Was,
will enact with prompt anentioe.
Ceres . May 1980. 14,11:48m
irliL JOAN NAVIIN respectfully aunnunars to UN
dawn) of Pittsburgh, that he bas permanently
oc ) stud himself Io Ws city, for the impose of prao
tieing Medicine Mid Bursary, In all Its undo= brandi
es. Ills office Icon Fourth meet, No IbIL Nosidenos
No Paameat. I.dikerimoT
nit. J. J4dIrESIS °flats has professional serricee•
J..." to the clusens of Idanchesner and simony.
srgae gnd rageence, for the present, In Slosettal*„
In Manchester, unmeant. ly above the U. S. Kann.
In edictal and nunlllemb nom..
.1. GRESN, M. D, formerly of Pniladelphla, utd
• lab of New Lisbon, Ohio, taken plenum to an.
:waning that he ham Nested himself permanently in
Pittsburgh; for the planned Of practising the various
branches of Medicine and Surgery. Calle promptly
attended to at all bard of the day and night. Moe
and Ins/derma No IN Third meet, between Snuthlald
and grant.
Rimmisasmm—E. Monica, F a., Fourth at; P. Kay,
Bookseller and Stationer, Wood wee% {tonally,
Apothec of: and Dttinist, Penn at.
IpIPOILTAAT 0111111101111.
rimits tinier fal li ng Fain Destrolp er, and canal ears
J. for Duns, Soal., Files, Sore and Inflamed Eyes,
Cam. Wpands, Bruise*. lallaznalatary Itheamaum,
Swellinp,Bprains,Bors Nipples, Broken Maul, Ban s
Rheum, old. and lareuirate ems, and MI eratatteoin
as istAtzubawry dLseas“.
ENITARnED 1418 E! t
:Counterfeits of DALLX,V9 EXTRACTOR In Iheethb
thwarting gad the mallet. Shan IECISI as) 011 Would
mum! f fly hogiag the .male to theTIEW DIMS
yea wroo the danger of being Imposed upon by CO.-
terfeas are amain of getting .the Genaine, aag gain,
thuthebYYT,Aath 50 pet rent o Deal e rsvage,
Caution to .
Gran Swanton as ;noticed cool Doak., by au
liennaloas °octagon, who pat up the counterfeit sat[
In a countericit of the old wrapper, mixed wish • lids
boxes of the genuine In cash decor, and thus r&.--2
for We MA minced price! This BUT cKehes many
dealers; bit the cenhding, innocent tamanics, wbri
.es the More., Mocle, pays the penally! Sagang.
pain, dnraghtly Beer. and marks resulUog from scenic
burns, wounds or pores, nod alma km of bre itself,
a nnunp
ate la rola% a r
iag Partlcalasi
Or elle ertl a ln Intel and Injured ruder
re at the to sod enm . ity HAGUE :STREET EX.
to New shorty be blished.
birru4 the NEW ENVELOPIar, the LAN pu GE DUX
M7O. the New Circa a n for 1030.
ark the symbols on the new dtcasi--the Triangle.
Serpent, Lion, San, Hese, and Eagle, arid H. Dallerk
wrinen airmen.
11:j . A.14 danger and - fraud, snd bay Dailey.; 111'
tractor OAT, to the sow maul and won aogim,
11. DALI.HY, gin Broadway, Now Math.
Hmay Samara, Allegheny General corWlsola.,
aide AgenL
Wo..Ttlnan, Agent, Piusboribs
names of 1.. .to. a. 1.0 proem the Dai
ley tralsc,now tile, lien edam the proOliant
selL or I ren) Ali eAtlonac , l seem., will be publiehed
athe papers, as IL guide to the public to steer clear of
4S4a. maylil &owl.
To lowithersa asset W a Mama Dawes.
1, aabicriber respecually Inertea padre intenuon to
his extensive mock of Partemery, Soaps, Silurian
Creams, die., mwhich seven Sliver and two Galeria
Medals base, 'ISMin rho lot ail years, been awardsea
by the Insunues of New York, Boston, and Phtlar
delphia, the latter balmy the only Ofiddan Medals eve.
awarded_ for perfumery enlist In EnraPi or instil
cliattl. •:
1/013.11Va Unlangailin S.M., Clanall. tAhnOnd,
Rom and
universally acknowledged to
be ettlieriat to any Shaving Cream in Um country or
Otatidusen yo. Snauns:—Ucaatifelly transparent,
and pososiwing buddy Sanaa Manua and enolhead
rope/nes; Sarmat.aoss Compound; Ambralaal Slav
lag 'Peden libitum Shaveig Soap.
braintalna TOILS, SnarS—Alstand, Man, tililladaan,
Itoaquet,Poduchio, elate, Patehouly, Omnibus, Float.
leg, Tearwpatent, Chad Od, Windsor, and eirealaiall.
Levurra rot run Ilsummen,str—Rost, laainln,
Wanner de Caroline, Merannieu, Jewry Liad,bleasse
line, Jokey Club, Magnolia, Otamalim, clulmediti
Rout; and many odor simians, In all tasty dilerant
Tonna . %Vasa's—Florida Water, Eau de Tdltarte,
! Orange .Plower Water, and a gnat variety el Co.
toasts and Lavender Waters
' Parrallaltaa. Ida um ilstri—Menaine Dear , . OH,
anneal, .014 ltandolina, Eat Lastrale, Oleine, Com
pound Or Marrow, Ilalr Dyes, Imola and tit powder,
and Philocome, Illetnine, sod Jenny Lind Pomades.
thromratnic Pasesautona—nalsando Elixir, Rose
Toed, Paste, Charcoal Dentrifics, (Moeda°, Tama
Pace, and Tooth Powder.
0 5 ...
Coammum—Ye arable Coametle Zinnia Antaerlisre
for chapped Min Cold Cream of Moans, Croak! dm
Pers., Lip Satre, phony Cream, Ire.
Depilatory I. era, for romoylne anpoullinms hair,
Pearl Powder, Vlnalgre de Reap, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria , !law Composition, Preston Sala, burden,
• great Van.) or Odsla arLtalea.loo nattkarelp ID ISI
......I..thi.ndactllaelSant. '
The subaoriber
. hopea to ntruntalei the reatr i :
which thu oskabluMment nut acquired, by
(.I=earbwiTt: mod
Ir9st i ti no a= b li e l "P e=
wholesale er retail, on y as reason:blatant' sit '4 aSp or
tablishmemin the United States. I •••
, Suceatittr to and (miser Director of the Labenatoni
'1 US Cheanat alma
Mr. Datitita PerfnutinT Is for sale by aUthisprtace.
pal Druggist. in the mantra • mill-diet
(iuummer. swgto
pus sobieriberhaiixig leased tha above well known
Land exerlientestibUshmenh /a row PrePamt to
entertain hts friends and the travelling paella getter
any, In the best manes and on the most reamembas
term U .
MTABLE will at all times be trapplled with every
Ulm/ of the semen—m.lllls BAR with the best of
His Stabling In soy enensivelgandentery amaze
ment his been made for the aecommodMlcak of bre
ansl.lf WM. CLAWSON.
tVILLIAbL4 will open classical and K. HA on Its° fl r:i fd0.34.7 S.V.-..SL
/town dyer J. D. Williams' MON, scrim of Wood
and SUWO.
,• • •
Rev. Wm. D. Hower%l
Hoe. Want II LO.Ti.,
Rev. Dr. Elliott J. D. McCord, Em
Rev. Di. MdJd L . J.l). Wlllteme, EN.
I HAVE, this day,' & sweated Intl ate W. L IL
A. Cloak., in the Wholesale (iroesty and Prodeee
Dulness; the style of the Ides will ha A. Colbensost
&Clouse. 0731 • A. cuLownsuN
a. etrumeseei ft. L cum&
. a. ovidnewracal a cLovaz,
eitE O :5lMll22l and C11911191411401{ Mar.
Manufactured artielciddiS Liberty la, eh=
WILMAR7II Mg NOBLE aro WV reeehrtag
drop whea2, whickle of reperfor quality. TUT
an Dow ittrollet familia with hook Float. Alludes
taa bates will be promptly attended to.
A. A. .:1).!.H.1 CHAMBERS . ,
• 1,...c0.ai5m, Am.switeo.,), •
Wade feeyeetally Inane the enemata of ta less
Who. ee ebe tlepope generally. that they sill
canon* the maafactuee of • •
In all their earietta, at the Old Stand,
No 13 Weed ate lbeWress, Find & Water.
fradaco . • .
MURPUY s BUIRANIFIELD W ave received in Ml
eupply.ei above article; while, bared. KM.. act
bloc, often right width; also, Nee and pink Wtre nett
let cenierinii Claudeliars and Cu /knit. &e. /1110
S AFETY FUSE, i.y Ow barrel or U feel;
POW7IF2-40e0 togs 'Bastin, egtosainrepph,
Leffio's er. Soth's otrinufanoro, for oslo by
Water street •
7 1VD161ty llerabaale.
R superior Daley Vase for 'Dallier,
kegs Itarard , s Massing Daudet; -
1 u.OO
do de Mao raWilar.
;Tao axwaszve ode sea wide apnea
rye at. , . Wei best gaarialsas et W pop
iii.lll 7 . Leave year *Weis, slay will ssesdoe pars
awn.% by Jot DILWOKTLI DOD
jl3ll i - It Woad*
ti " URPHY t BOII,CIrtIELD ban .swivel a lap
Plot abewzralc— faa r ratta, 111
Wr :rwerregadaret.:
tars; ha. 4 Ji ll
LIVE* FIXIS tIIV‘K•-liumaodaltau &haat
j Plias Brick, krawalf
__ •
ab JOHN ItallaDigN Aga°.
anima Lavirmat at IS. seat& '
URPHir & OURCIIFIELD s'ro wefts
&nide of Holm Diem Levee at IS ler fliql
of ito per yet& &h. • Udd teddy of
light do eADs, LUC mai Iget pa pat elm,. WlOl
.11 of all Oa* kr ladles *with ray knit.
. .