The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 21, 1850, Image 2

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ts C ounty. , DUNGAN,
- • Of Union County.
los SillartoSiklNWL.
Wasklarion Camay.
Alittsmakamahrau4 VW big Neintuationa for
/1111 . 1*.b.nay Colmar. .
rot nu= iscnico mamma,
Tnontwis S. noWg,
.1:01111 iMnon,,rearrr
CI Wll3lllO.
POT ••111111111LT,
7. J. BIOILAIK, LIMel St. Clan.
I. 11 WALKER, Elmbeh.
nancirrirto Lrrourn,
Wit FLYNN, Lower St: Oak
D. N. COURTNEY, Okara.
Pittsburgh and WashWitten
In morne remarks, in • late paper, in regard to
the liempfleld Rail Road, are promised to the
people of Washington, that if they would Mae
couleurti of the amouniof mosey necessary to
build the Hempilleld Rail Road, ^ •ccording to the
favorable estimates el • gentleman who had mere
ly walked over the ground, we would assure
them of the centimeter' of trait road of more
importance and utility to theln, than the one the,
are talking of building at so great en expense,
The road we refer to, tie Pittsburgh and Wash.
farm midi and wo now proceed to show the
superior advantages to the people of Washington
of such a projeat over the Hempfield.
The Hempdeld Rail Road would pm direct!,
through this town and county, the train merely
stopping long enough to take in fuel andtrater,
and — attach on • freight car. A Pitubtugh and
Washington road would terminate at that point,
and give them all the well known adviuttago
which such • terminus always cooler. upon a
The Heseptleld road would afford no particular
adults/pas to the farmer. of that country, except
for the transmission terms:et of staple arilolce as
wheal, wool, sad pork, on which 'the carriage
might be somewhat less than it Ls now. There
would be no market aferded for the thomad and
one articles which will not bear transportatiot
to •distance. The Pittshiugh and Washington
road would enable the farmers of that county to
come to Pittsburgh with their ponitry,butter,egtS
fruit,gatde• prodnetions, etc., on which a fume,
• will frequently make more in ■ year, than on his
wheat or wool crop.
The Hempfield Rail Road will not benefit the I
rich coal regions la that county, as the canal musi
ever be the scone of trumpcutation of such en
article to the East, and Washington could no
stompite with Wheeling fol a Western market.—
The Pittsburgh and Washington road would sup
ply the towo of Washington with cheap fuel, an;
would open up to Pittsburgh tee splendid coal
region between this city end Canausburg.
There Is no advanuige which the Hempileli
read would give to Washington county, which e
road from Washington to Pittsburgh Mold no
confer, at a far leu expense while thou ale many
arguments in favor of the latter, which win
not apply to the former. The kLempfield road
would connect Washington with Philadelphia—
.° would • Washington and Pittsburgh road, with
a very alight difference In dimmer,. The Hemp.
'field project would connect Washington with
Wheeling. Be would the Pittsburgh and Wash
Laren, tfettended to that point, malt - can as eul_
ly be done In one 0500 as in the other. But •
Weablegtoe and Pittsburgh road would have •
dreaded advantage over the Hempfleld, In con
necting Wubligton county directly with the
Lakes and the great West, by means of the Ohl,.
and Pennaylvaula Rail Road. it would connect
that county also with the canal, which will always
be used tor the treornission of heavy frelg—and
last, though oot tenor, it would bring the farmers
of that county Into the immediate n•ial .borhood
of arrest and growing city, ailordicg them or all
Mies a Mind geed marker fir tire v pro•
ductions of their farms, as well as all the . beoefo,
of rail road oinnections with the l c:lntern cities
it It thus, in every practical point ti view, of !El
prior utility to Washington county to tho Hemp
Add road, pi:awning all the advantage. of that
project, with•othere of a most dui& el and impor
tant character. .
There are other upsets of the doe which
ought to be atiefullp'exerniaed brr the people el.
Wuldngten, bear* they embark in so doubtful e
prefect as the Heropfiold Rail Ronal. Bekrte 'single
step *taken, they mat 'cellist the right of way
through Virginia. It would be superlative folly to
opted their money and incur a heavy debt with.
oats positive certainty that 'the road ciao be ex
Waded to its river terrain, Goo, .Without this,
ware k finished from Glare dough to Wash ingtOn,
or to the Western' line of Donegal township, its
premeds would not pay ear expense of wetting
it, much lees pay the into•rest on its nom, and keep
it is repair. Can lee cratecut of Virginia be ob
tabled This Is a et:onion ;ahrouded to rumen
testy. It is certain that leach a pant cannot be
obtained at present. All Western Vieginia, ex
cept Ohio County, would oppose it from self '
tercet. All the Inßuenee of the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road, decidedly great in the Legialalare
of the &ate, would be hostile to It. And where
would be the interest in its favor I Would the
eastern counties of that Stahombleb are looking for
more SOCalletri eonurounicatkrus to pass through
their own beadars,be Inclieed to Lorna bill through
spinal a Cane opposition to !smelt a rival work
antWleal State! The idea Is preposterous
Lst the effort be tried, and it will be hooted out
of the Legislature, at !east for the present, and for
■ome years no muss Will the sensible people of
Waakingmu embark their means lst so doubtful a
scheme! Wethink not.
• How different is the cane witke rail road from,
Pittsburgh to Varahingtou! Here are no otecutee,
so doubt of success, no gloomy uocertaluties The.
"fork is, in Wery aspect, feasible, useful, end rie
watery. It would be a productive Work, paying
(Si? dividends, and greatly beneficing the town end
county of Wasoington—giving her, as we have
earn abate, all the advantages to be obtained by
the Hempfield Road, and others of ,toll greater an
pittance. Wigwag. involving one half the expense,
it offers mote decided benefits, and its load trade
alone would amply support it, and pay fair divi
Rome of the Wuhilagton paper aro advocating
the propriety of Washutoon Cocutty subscribing
two or three hundred 'harmed dollars to the
lierepbeld project. treitted of risking its mosey
in so doubtful a preject, let the county devote it to
• Pittsburgh and 'Washington Road, and her pea
pie will sever reperitthe out lay. There ion chai
ter cif a highty blend character already to ear
tents!, sad there need be nodeley intim --
meal of the enterprise.
‘7 , fe have said nothing about extending a Pic:
burgh sod - Washington Road to Wheeling, a
'though the iden is perfectly feasible—hee.,..
, ditticulty of obtaining the right of way is an obeli.
de tiot to be overcome without the labor probably
of Tiers—and became a railroad between Pinw
lough and Waibingten is • prodent, judicious, and
feasible scheme in and of itself, without any calf..
batons of limber extension, although n is fully..
pable Mooch extension. When necenery wo are
pottered to_sbow theta Pittsburgh and Wheel.
leg , Road, orator through Washington, to (PI
cheaper, more feasible, and in every aspect • eti ,
ear project than the Hempfield, and a project, too
which will rotes with greater favor with the pro
pie of Philadelphia and the Stockkolderrend Direc
tors ofthe Central Railroad, and one also whch
_ Wjll epee with lees opposition Item the Legisla•
tore of Virginia.
,Our object, however, in these remarks, has been
tti eortemrsto the attention of the people of With
lige= and Pittsburgh wpm bee definite, feasible,
reits9V.,lttieprojecr, which is within their grasp,
'.—tad ostler their COMSOI, sod If the people of Wash• as mob for it es they propose to do
for tblefiempfteld Road, it is trithi” otn'r enfant,
W. ask •cauditi examination of these views by
tile poopte of Washington, both of town sod tNun
iry, arid wears outvimosl, if they gay thom dos
rwelestthey will be of oar orate&
B the . • d the 'Gaze
T e. May the editor tteintebed
into to the other dee ora the enhivl of tbs Tenn
We copied the audit section of tits uncle, Ltd ccco
twat •-d at some length. TWO a , lb" o mbe" of
that paper hays been issued, aid - no notice is taken
of nor remarks, notwithstendingore earneoly call
ed for information on emmin points—{Pox.
The chose appears ill. the Post of yesterday,
is the first we koew of any reply to our article,
the copy _ of the paper containing it failed to
reach on. We shall be glad to inpart . to the ed
itor all Information in our power, with no hope
however, of making atdmpression on one who has
adopted the principles of free trade as a party
'wire, and who for that reason will stick to it
p manufactory ni the country !Mould rot down
msequence'of so insane a palmy.
Correspondence of the Plasbangh Gazette.
Wass - mans., Aug. 17
The Approprlatlone--Progreso 01 bael•
ae....--Olphontaile Appointments—.
Rank nod style to be raised, and rat,
of pay abe
We ha.
ived at the end of the 37th week of
the session. For the last ten days, the House has
been exerting its eloquence and energies in Com
mittee of the . Whole, over the Diplomatic Appro
priate Bill, and the prceipects of its pas.sq., I re
gret to say, is about as cloudy and uncertain as at
the egieing of the week. As I believe I stated
yesterday, Mr. Bayly thinks it will take all of next
week to dispose of it, and verily the facts seem
bear out the opinion. The bill provides about
milltons ft
the general civil espenditurn of the
_lt is badly wanted now, as we ME near the
end of the second month of the quarter, during
which not a dime could hare been legally paid out
The chairman of the Ways and Means, lays he
has a large number of impooant amendments to of.
fen, and the first has not made its appeamace yet.
fact, though the speech making terminated
o'clock on Friday, and the voting in commit
began at that time, we are yet upon only the second
contested item of the bill, that providing payment
for the stolen books, and afier a discuvion under
the 6ve minute rule, ocenpying the whole of the
sluing, the liouse adjourned without deeiding ex.
only how much each member should be permitted
andlinvited to steal. I dignify this particular line
of honorable thieving as literary larceny, which, I
fear, is a much more respectable designation than
in strict propriety belongs to it. The other mum
Kling block wan that other question, the mileage.—
After a day and a quarter devoted to this interest
ing =Mee, tke Hoax found themselves unable ti
agree upon any thing better than the proviso re
ported by the Ways and Means; to wit, that mile
age should be, computed by the mutt mail mete
and that ma member residing east of the Rocky
Mountains should receive more than one thousand
dollars each session, as mileage, and no member or
delegate from the western aide over two thousand
dollars That regulation, therefore, was assented
to. I should not forget that this proviso also pro.
hibits the constructive mileage of Senators, by
which some of them heretofore have managed to
earn two or three thousand dollar between mid.
night and daylight. Let In trine that the honesty
and firmness of Comptroller Whinlesey, wconded
by the reluctant deference of Coogress, to pub.
lie opinion, have corrected that grins abuse_
But think of the manner In which this thirty sev
enth week of the session has been clime!. The
Senate quietly adjourns over from Thursday to
Monday,the House after idling away two or three
hours in arienething like child's play, adjourns at '2
o'clock; fed this too, when emcee every thing re
mains to tie done; when revolution and sedition are
threatened in the Capitol, and rebellion and treason
seem rampant on our borders.
In view of the probability that, an the House per.
sista in gong ma, this bill will drag its slow length
along foe another week, there is some talk of en
tering upon a struggle over the Texas and Calder
nit bile on Monday morning next. I will only say
that! hope that nothing of the kind will be done.—
For the sake of its own mune and respectability,
let the Flame adhere to its work and perfect some
thing. Let the appropenations be passed before they
am !Mil aside, to enter upon contentions that may
perhaps have no end Lathe bid and three pro
viding foe the expenses of the army and navy be
passe .1 at once. Then the decks will he - gimped
forth e final action over the California and boun
dary questions, over the great issue of slavery
extension, of freedom for the territories. This is e
practiml common wow view of the case, which
_ taken by all sensible and moderate men I have
ised with in the Horeeme.pecting
Among the amendments said to be held in rc
serve by Mr. linty, Is one for enlarging, by s con
siderable tom, the appropriations for the diploma
tic expenses of the government. It is conjectured
by some, that this is desired in order to leave a re•
apectable margin for the expenditures that would
necrearily follow the recall of some of our pre ant
forrtgn representatives and the appovament dud,
But I here no tolortnanon Akan, would
say whether this opinion is wrll or ill
d. The committee on Foreign Affairs have load
der consideration for some days • proposition
rum the Stain Department, recommendmg an in.
crease of appropriations sutricient to defray
cost of raising all the European Chargeships to th
grade held by Ministers resident, similar to th
mission to Turkey. The salary of a M /ulster res
deaf is six thousand dollars—of a charge four the
rand fire hundred. The committee declined
recommend the appropnatiou as an item In th
bill, but will probably recommend the passage
as independent set regulation the matter, by who
the higher grade and »tee of compensation will
conferred. )cart•
Conespondettee of the Pittsburgh Garen.,
Now Soso, Aogust
Another of the &atonable mock erita.
Gabel his furnished the staple for conversation
to day, and is really rather out of the common
tonne. It seems that OM of the Clerks of the
Superior Court, not satisfied with hi. pay, has
through the aid of his awe mew, levied contrthu
thins upon ■ gentleman of property, named Top the extent of $30,000, going no lar set,
drive thehomily of Mr. Topping out of doors, 1,
order that they might get a Mlle more money
The method of procedure was the old one, but
the foolish old man was guilty of crimes which
makes Ida loss of money • trilling affair, for set
commit with a violation al all his vows to his
wife, he absolutely, under pretence of lames in
bminesa, premed her signature to give a proper
title to property Wanted In this vile way. The
law will recover the money tlitm obtained, but it
should go farther, and have all thew amorous old
gentlemen, with their panimmtra, whipped at the
cartWtall through Broadway.
The Episcopalians are rust now imputing over
a plan to relieve this Diocese from the stgm•
and amuse:Lunen of having ■ erispended bishop,
and mean to adopt, u is said, the "Omnibus"
plat. It la now proposed that If a certain person
can be clamed the 'nominal of Bishop OndLr
dank, he will resign, thus freeing tho church of
great annoyance. The trouble Is to get the BM.
ap to resign, for he teas that he cannot be certain
of naming hi. toreccoor 1, is • root that our re.
:igloos Leachers aro rather full of politics, and •
lithe given to love of notoriety, as will be mon
by the following advertmement from the Tribute
.9. 8. Snow, tho Little David of the New Jo
ntsalem, will use his sling and stone, on the man
alien, alias, the Clergy, to morrow, at Mount Zi
on Chumh, 411 Broadway:.
This •Qdttle Oath" le famous for lectures open.
the espediency of ovary one being his own der
gymem, and his audience. large as his - room will
The weather here grows cooler, and the rash of
people blthersvard, Is without precedent. Every
thing In the shape of public conveyances comes
fall, and the hotels are crammed, from garret to
cellar; stingers throng all the faahlonable shops
and places aileron, and give oar traders a rich
harvest. New Volk. has become the Paris of this
continent, In all respects, and it wig he long before
■ rivalcan spring op .trong enough to take from
as such a source of wealth an gathering of pro.
pie gives.
The Niagara arrived yesterday noon, and her
and was soon in the heads of merchant., conveys
tug to them the very welcome Delve, that before
another harvest, the English market will require
a large "apply of breadstuff. from not, to be
sore, at famine rates; bat at a price which wit'
add largely to it:eye:le of one present "mph
crops. The news Otters eoteiderahle brintruee
la the grain trade, but nothing that ceo be calk
speculation; stocks aro not in demand slims
new, the letters say, la consequence of the fe
eewed agitation of the slavery wieldier.
Emigrants contiene to flow in oleos no, and fc
the last week our population has been incr
hy this mode no less than thirty-taro hundred
about one half from Great Britain, and
from the conthrot.
Bt. Bev. Bishop Rappe, of the Cleveland, Oh
Diocas, (of Raman Cathohesi with nine young cle
poen. and nix nuns, of the Ursulusas, as teacher
aim ;Lam /sigh tot "rya-
The next eieesos to thm ttliate, livens SO ei• For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
cite attention, and the Anibßaden ire In the That Statilisavllle Roll Mond.
field. • Ma. When—li may be tolerating to some of •
Meetings have been called, ostensibly to pier your seeders to hewn that after all the netv•PsPel
ego ways sad mean. to carry on t h e „ t au no w seise about • rail road Cram hero to Steubenville.
pending between the tenants and the propitiator. and thane° West. the 'he/e ma th " can be snnon: ',
But, it Is said, that the politicians are In the boar. Pinged by th e talking of isat seventeen m il es o f
now, which is pretty sure evidence that the move- or t road. The feels are—
menu have to do with the fall campaign. Ist, The Cleveland and Wellsville road, inter.
ta • firmer feeling in the market, -110-leg the Vest Central Road Weal, Will be tam
with a good demand, and sales 100 bile at 6,121 Plater/ nest year.
for Pot,, and 6,00 for Pearls. Cotton is doll, 2.1, The Cleaveland and Wellsville Company
but no change to ' ,w oo. r ho Fl our market o , bane • charter to make a road from Welleville to
steady, With oo active i nqu i ry f orexp ert sad h oot . Beaver, and intend commencing operations very
use. The operations sum up 4000 bbl at 3,621 4."0-00t Inter at all events than the eethrleth th
0 3,75 for No. 2 superfine, 4,25 04,371 hr soli. of their Frascati enterprise.
ed Western and ordinary State 4,311 0 4 ,44 for 3d, The dbeance from Steubenville to a point
'common to straight State, fresh ground, 4,50 0 01 lutenist:don with the Cleveland
4,021 for mixed to favorite Michigan, and 5,50 road, has been surveyed and ascertained to be
0 5,561 for por n fg, roor o, Southern t o J o lt seventeen miles In length, The rout I. highly fa.
and heavy, holes worn made of 400 bbls at 525 curable in all respects.
05,371 for mixed brands. w hoa , ~,,rol„r, With- i Thus by making seventeen miles of road, Sten.
oat change In prime. Rye brings 64c delivered. beriville will place heretic in connection with the
Oats are nominal. The demand for Corn is more ' East, the West, the North, and the South.
active, and sales of 10,500 bushels mixed West. 1 , Wheeling, too, by adding twenty one miles to
ern it 62 0 C3c. There to no large lots to be , this river lion will poems. herself of the same ad.
had, now, under 621 e. Park—Sales 300 bbla at eartiages.
got , for M ,.. and 9.371 for Prime. hoof i s What a folly, therefore, la view of these facts,
quiet, bat without change of momenta Prime to tall about mining an expensive hoe of road
Mee Beef is dull at 18,00. Cut Meats onehaug. hence through Steubenville to the centre of Olin
Lard in moderate demand at steady prices. OBSERVER.
• •.
The bales reach 300 11,Is *trickly Prima et -
60 bbls Whisky sold it 261 for Prison.
Fee the Pinstrurgh Gazette.
Ang112(1111 lfaandee.
There aro heroes In the world of leatnlog as
well as in the world of action. The difference
between them la that the former pass their whole
life anthem being noticed. Many a peat man ha"
heed of whom history does not give oho lewd Kea
count. This to peculiarly true iu referenee lathe.
who have devoted their life to the exiention of
peace. If we rend the whole Watery nt mankind
we find that the molt notorious individuals owe
their fame rather he their ware, bloodshed', and
works of destruction, than to their efforts in order
to bestow peace and happenu upon their know
beings. And, strange phenomenon, men sooner
admire their enemies than their benefaeters. Re
ligion has alien been looked upon rather as an
agent of division than as a link of fraternal love,
and her profesaurs have been contacted more as
' '
:DCMICI than so the teal friends of humanity.
There are, however, chancier. who sometimes,
by the Imposing greatness which religion has giv
en In them, strike the indifferent, and even the In-'
4del, ao that be feels obliged to acknowler pi the
superiority of such • powerful agent. Weatever
may he the objections that unbellevera oppose to
Christianity, they are unable to deny the mysterl•
ens sanctifying icfluenee which it has exercised
ripen nations in general, and upon individuals In
particular. Ono of the mint illustrious witnesses
of this Influence, in oar time, has been the man
over whose ton the Christiau world has to 190u111
at present, the celebrated Dr. upturns kande+,
late Professor of Theology at the Unlvienny of
Berlin, Prussia.
Neander mno more. Ono of the mast emus.% Es' E. Eithe t tw e r , sod family, Acv. S Holt
cachets of Me Chronan docirtne his jollied the led vile, Ec•--td. C E w fil e i so d Rev • lobe Vie th,
it cloud of ailments " there Mame. This reen, will ' Hi to th e Cherokee . oti th e lJth of Se V ee "
who by the Immensity of his learning, and the beet for the bl et h ediet mi..... to California and
moral parity of ht. life. has been considekd n a °""°'
meiotic column of the Christian Chun., taw been I " ,
to leeeetheed the Beirei° Geer."' that the
trams away, and the students of the
Commtntonon of Customs have Insuneted the
hear no more his beloved Yoke expose the ,
Collector for that District, that hereafter eo prop.
brilliant tisane of his labors. The Uulyermry
any will be *destined to he inspected, sod no van
Berlin has - dolga faker./ a
l Citurrk,' who,
, eel miloaded from euchre eons at my plau to that
•I••• ' " ' reeled "'lee" from Pmte of ''‘ e I Damsel, except the pat of Barak.. This order
Christian world, and who wit the moat beautiful i chats oat theports of Tonawanda, Black Rooks
onnuncet of chit modern Alexandri a. Barrelons arid Dunkirk, against any commerce
Whoever has had the advantage of beam!' with
ander, and reading his writing', will underat.d _
how great a ion his death is for Clawless', for the I omemo Themes, of tdaryluisi, has tatinalia
loomed, and, above all, for theokinens. The re- $ demanded the body 01 . Chaplin, charged with as
meet which was paid to him, by all Mason, and molting the odium al j.tice. Bet he mast inn
all confeemone, we. m ackeowledgment of Ms so- $ be tried in Wathlngtee for the abduction of Ike
penoray. I have beard even one of the most re- l a l as ,
clowned infidels speak with reverence of Nese. $ -
der. lie excreta -a an almost magical loth:teem I I.linallaTl. ,— Tlet New Orleans Delta soya it
open his students. Many have been attracted is reported that 2169 om gruel. from fuel. lons
by him from the pie...sires of the world to • seri- have armed et that place and Lelnyone dnnog
nor life , nosey have been cons mud of the excel. the last month The encode of am. es compared
celkney of the Christtan Rtidoo, and brought with those of last year, show, d w mid, • large
trout the darkens of efidelay to the light of the (smolt of. The th'lllod, emigrant. aembeoed I.
troth only by betting Neander, and, indeed, who the meerh of M.Y.I Si 9,7 ow—while, for the elute
could be more excellent as en interpreter of the period thtsymr.sbee eriawmt to bat I Sfio. The
divine ankles than the eloquent historian decrease is referred to the dallcuity of disposing
Ne•nder was horn the tad) of January, lisp, of property to Damsel.
His parents were Jew., and be htmeelf was cd
Eialotrrin OF Ntantsoutatall —Rev. William •ad
netted int er t relgton. Fie stemmed the name of
Mrs M. A. Sandersoa Asitmere. mientimanero 01
N-eater, tfot Menlo:Theo he bemire • Chnmen
the Arne/leen Baptiet blismousty UMo to the
t , c o t air stud, se Piston= pl ilervaphy
tided to day in the ship Chao
km hs see the
in rho person of Jesus led ;•.'•.: s••• ''
Chute, sod et= he 1,. erne e um= teak). de- ' WI ' " P L 1••••••• for Ron.
binder of the lihit,oau retigien In opposituoi to Th e hits Lord Ashhoreheim of old4octeres
toe philosophical .pea eisaions of • cert.= w had, were recently suld in I•nohni, at pil,esirena leg
to which tbo Gospel bad been veiled io 0.313 d of from Vali) t.. (1.%h 7
Metaphyries, he t establiahod a historical echos,—
and exposed the etcelleory of the Chnatian tell. I "We will not be Content with any thing shun of
pan try her blowy. He Was soon naked emit. l,lttotole,b7.l::tett,..t"-r.."'„,"',6"" oh tve"..Telegl."°,..eint,thea"::::ier
the first theologises for hte soundness, and his exercise against all !saltation, whetherbypetition,
viol era/linos As a bowman of the Church he yrs-aches, mend oat of Coeur., Bombs Naiad
has eclipsed all his endure. , " mid contempt's- " 1 r,:1 e n t e ' . ",;;4747, t e ;
tin. No one had ever no deep a knoveledge of a ny amount, whether leatalauve Or pOptOltr, teed
patritheal theology as Nentder. lit. wort. are MS to meet" rathw , b y ifrslt.rist die= ealNuaidsi
read with delight and eilificaxon by every me.— ;1,•,,P.1•i1g•c1,1,,,17„C••,0,,,.4kT,,•;•' ••d a tasty of the
hoe the condor toil the ''"'P hen b e I If thou were true, our national perapeels wonid
child. A profound convicnou of the troth of the dark, indeed If the Union can be preserved only
(impel breathes In all hra thoughts and feeling* im .00h warn. tle Mx. is 7 0 lett for the condition
In subjects of controunry he always showed tech t ea moral e ' e 7l o 7, f y " g e = l 4ii d o: ' , ll ,, h aprr ve ,„ '• •
• modesty—each a moderation, united with fame non of maven/ or any other question ttagainst all
men—each • ebernY ' the every one le"
"'„f'aTitiAn'n'oe"noLoah'bir.iih;fctsitin7nhd'O:h.rey mri;cult
nig attracted to him. His Ida was the beet corn. heavens rawer, In the earth beneat h , or 'th the We.
menhir, to his conviction.. The 'imagines eras ten under the earth, that Anwrscans ch.. to dts
damn which he possenca did not pall up lals eiss• theY will dia.. , Th."l=rolutr tosttioliesi"
mind. Ifs owed his to (thence, perhaps, more to Tin wpm , ts''pill can ;:fC h den eta spore Mr,,Zge
the procaine of Christian virtue& than 10 his learn- ' moot vaned thugs, will anintrediy not spor e so 0 /o.
mg. From the palate of the king down to the Pet which oe nap thong cite than sacred. Amen.n
dwelling of the plOr, QOM known and pointed lens . Irolt,..,„ttereatoeettPtraZ„,,„,,,..",a6=/7tet.,,.%
out ass Chriatiat His humility, ha sertocenen bear or nol As loop this instituti
font, mist exists, so
0/character, his benevolence, his inteleet for the I:elf . w n ill itti; l : i eeli ce n ,
'ee an tilt•
education of young mintatere, soil dratted, w e n s wil be-aboard, a , o T ortr a t e t try t s co . er y ee n b il t e t e t . i .
the cane of that enthusiast= ve.ratton which Enforcement, calumnies, end falsehoods wailo
was paid to tam during the forty years of t more or less indulged on both sides. Truth and
fenorshlp. A proof of the universal goatee= he Foil ,y well be to 617.70rA =Liadt4yr
*eased may be seen In his funeral, which, according paten But there are evils esculent tone emu.
to t h e G er .. n po pe", mos t h ave b ees one of the row of every polltual right,:tod these are of
moat eolemn, and then moat splendid , which the ~.rle r ,,t , i t d ' ,r,r o e Zl y e tt e tate n e t t e g d r ,,, re ;it i t e ,,, e ,l74
city of Beam bas ever wltamsed. T. grocer out of which they spring• Time will, in the end,
slop was formed by *II classes of people. The wet ], itwitwx
kthg toil
the princes,
eetelebeee of
lemthE es irthenarim=prntPilde T =n " o lti ne T •h r Ti r t ilr l d h si groat
and utencr, statesmen, inttoatratnh nitwit ides mete of them have so wsr to levy
depraves from other Universities, all were holder.. They sinposed to make their Southern
present to or d er to p a y t h t , i s m tr ibal. of honor brethren every owance for their poet:11ln time
to the aintinals theologian. Over Ids grave the I t : g ee s — ti l e : n i l: ete 1 eelotifyearoneyrd:,:emgrik7. &Lid'
celebrated Dr. Krummiteher, the Dociostheues oh would both .teem and treat them like will,
the Gorman pulpit, pronounced a most sheeting ' eonnuymen. They worth' shrink from none of
their eonslltutiomil obligations. Every thing that Is
oration, and the eindents sung the hymn begionleg
wittiest to the great bead, they ate ready to fulfil
with the word.— toil. very letter. Such is their reverence the that
Ineblinamit that even they would submit to see it
Infringed. as la certain cases It has been infringed
by the South, natio than meek redraw by the aka.
eft threat or the 'behest Intimation of repudiating
It. There are &maks upon this subject at the
North as upon every other subject, but the North
is not responsible either (or their exudeuce or
their eXtravaganee. Fanaticism now • deists no
more • penal offence than witchcraft, and if a pen,
yin choose told knead be poeseued by a devil
or a delusion of an, dmintlen• there bon law
to prevent him. lie may very Tipton' t o his
geeturee, and froth much at the mouth, but there
Is very Mlle danger of big opening the wits of
the great lOW of men around hlnt. They msy
discus*, and discos' earnestly, too, the same sob.
feel apes which be rave•but his spirit is not their
spirit, or his purpose. their pommels. The North
will certainly not he deterred by the Wilmot such
men from debating the slavery question In a re.
aw"nl at u 'han fully br "
of t heS:e to demandor expect
The language employ.' by the paper from winch
we have mama shows the imprachmble spirit trot
animates the extreme portion of the South. They
etan° what they must know con never be seeord.
ed. They are not writhed with the mere perform- I
sure of constitutional obligations, but demand a
surrender of onc,of themmt inalienable privileges of
freemen. The reason I. obvious. They knew ' ,
that the great danger to slavery lies not in any en.
enactments upon then political nights, but to the
moral inflroenee which free Mammon Cantonal.
and fosters against the matitution. .1M Aran, bow
-1 ever, to attempt to prevent tins. The opinion not 1 1
only of the North but of all Clatatendon is already
formed, ind like every other moral nenttment, most
sooner or later hove as appropriate effect. The
Suth canna escape tis by Iron the
Tinian She tony hem in h her borders retirtng
with n Chi•
t n., wall, but until she can put herself out of the
world, she must breathe the morel atmosphere of
the world. Neuter can she expect to control the
physical fasts that with sorb tremendous force are
constantly bearing against bar Institutions The
coutrast between the matetiel prosperity of the
North and the bloieh 'edgily growtng broader and
deeper, and no human pow can arrest its pro.
gross liter° no such no e ti r
slavery document in
the world as the decennial census. But thews Dung,
must all he submittal to. It is as foolish to rebel
against than as spent the law" of nature. Let
the South, in bet effort to anveslavery, confine her
eel( to legalists., constitutionl demands, and she
Will have no just reason to tempt= 'Bat tf she
gas furtheromd undertake to make the moral and
atmal mammy of the world fin her outpace', sbe
will certainly beam the bitterest of all disappoint.
meat, Me disappointment that puntabes
N. Y,
"How sweet they rest," etc.
But Hotelier is not dead. Ha lives in the mem.
ory of his students, who considered him ea their
father, in the memory of the Christians, in the
memory of every friend or the Bible. and they al;
hope to see him erase in there region. ...ohm
the seculars shalt shills as tb drighiNeso if she fir.
seesensesa, and they this turn sexual to exesuourness
a. the starejetener and ern.
The Montgomery Advertiser contains the follow.
ng notice of a new and valuable cement discover
d and prepared by Mr. Remington, of bridge ow
oriety. If the advertiser iv not deceived as to
is properticrs, it will prove a most valuable, do•
RMIIIGTO3 CR=MG—We witnessed a fewdsys
ince, some very extraordinary results trout •few
the most simple aml.chepp ingredients-Ihr nusat
important being Common mud. We saw them
mixed before our eytw on isvo Or three minutes, sad
spread, be rather poured epee the roof of a house,
4/here in a few hours, it became hard—so periectly
so, in a emiple of days, that it could be with great
difficulty broken, even with the severest blovr of an
ow. We suppose it would not be doieg justice to
the Inventor or discoverer to ntention ve r y ngreill.
erns, but we may my that they am e cheap,
vastly abundant in almost every locality thrirugh•
out the United State., and the process or rahonale
ito perfectly simple, that a child could make the
I truantry, it requiting not the least skill. It is per.
frothy impervious to easter, slightly elsstic, and a
nO n-eimiluetor of electricity—three qualities or
properhes which render it peculiarly hued to the
:a objects for which it was intended by the inventor
or dieroVntar, VI Z the COWAN; of houses, fences,
Mr Remington dunks its durability equal to that
of granite. It is cerminly tone aa difficult to imp.
t rait alter being vary tweet three days to the
, Mr, as we ourselves ha. wren tried, . 7 the blow.
e " of an axe. The covering for houses ail be lea eV
tis pensive than that of wood, and its use for fences
wilt, pedlar., be but slightly mote so.
One or two haws have already been•cOlered
wo hit in our city, and othensts es been cimtratted
for. A. to cr . :the:live and adhesive qtrildien, slid its
imptsviousness to limier, and its cheapens, there
can be no doubt; nod if 11, durability is as great as
r of claimed tor it by the inventor, then it is one
of the meet important and useful discoveries of the
The Boston Atlas, illudlng to tho gentleman
named, sap that ' , Mr. MeNennan la one of the
kindest hearted and most tamable of men. He
is aim a gentleman al fine talents. In the T twenty •
soventh Congress he took a prominent part in
getting the tariff of 18(2. He is very popular in
Pennsylvania, and will make a popular Secretary.
Yirtm or NV BIAT.—Tho Macomb (Mich ) Go
noun lately mated that Ira Philips, of Armada, to that
county, mised from two nem of ground one bun
Bred end twenty-four bushels of wheat.
That appeared to be a very large story to behave,
catty-two bushels to Ma acre, particularly when the
fact is taken into consideration that-forty bushels to
Ma acre is considered pretty fair for the mellow
soil of the Genesee Valley, when well cultivated.
Bet the Mormons of Salt Lake or Utah ouike mill
larger drafts on our credulity. An account from
thence says.
"Savety.five bushels of wheat to the acre is the
ordinary yield when sown broadcast, but ono bun
dled and sixty bushels have been produced front a
aingle bushel of seed, when planted in drill. Corn
only grows tolerably well, in CIXISRILICIIet of t he
nights being rock cold. Potatoes are candy gron,
and produce abundantly. All the smaller grain.
flourish. The usual time to begin agricultural
work Is about the first of April. In consequence of
the proximity of nsountams, which arc always
covered With snow, there in very little rain, nnd
the lands are irrigated by means of canals at the
bane of the hills."
All we can say In the above is, that we think
that in Michigan and Utah they nitut haw; consid
erably larger aired acres than we have in this State.
—lAlbany Ittyptter.
ftev..Tolin Pterpoint, of the Unitarian Church
Medford, Maas, is the Free toil candidate Gar
Congress, jape Middlesex DtstrlcL
Doman flatiwauf--The ihnual repott of the
railway board jo issued farntries some statis
tic:a that will be of interest in the United Ifitatea•—
The total number of miles auditing POW open
in the United lituplom is 9W?. the number of
persons employrd upon them is 55,969, and the
total expenditure (including tie outing upon 1101
additional miles now in course of venial:wilco)
hos been .C 220,000 The grout receipts for the
put year amounted to £11,306,000, or £.6,729,.
420, after deducting 48 per cent for wattling ex
pews, leaving • oat available profit at the rate
of about 3,40 per cent. According to the last
reatomont to !hie country, the total nuroberolmtles
of railway in rho United Stout mu 7.251, so that
we chow an exams of 1807 miles. All dos lines
. .
in England, however, aro laid down with doutd.
Tug Corers th.oce rot rag Wesemaron Na
ONAL MOMlldtra, says the Lake Superior Jun
nal, came down from the clod mine by the pro
pellor Independence 'on her last trip. It is din.
card as a splendid mom or native copper, pre.
renting a sulfite° of 21 by 21 test, about 10 inches
in cleanest', and weighing 2,160 lb.
The same paper mate. that a new copper cam.
pony has been organized on n location near Agate
Harbor. They hove opened a promising vein in
several places, and traced it a lade in length. The
new mineral agent, Mr. G. W. Coffin, who roe
reed. the lion. John W. Allen, had arrived at
the mines, and entered upon the duties of Ins of.
The present session el (ingress, however ball
run at may have been, in other respects, has dead
the country essential service in sulkies a death
blow at tha_aystemabc log relllog, by whack public
legislation has been so long disgraced. It is say
ing the mock, perhaps, to speck of the systems as
dad—for abuses of this kind hobo a tenacity of
bin erecter the that labulously ueribed . io the fc.
line race. Butt will at alt revel-1, for {JUR,
to come, be less nodactous in Its preicosions, and
less open in its attempt. to Gam them out, the
It has been hitherto.—N. i s Conner.
AnIVAL Or 0111 Coma DX AMOY —The Span
ish war *meteor liana, which arrived at Ibis
port Ott Thursday Welt, bfllUghl in our cities the
0.1111 de Aleny, Captain General ef Cuba, with
his family. He romes, as is rumored, mainly for
the sake of his health, and we presume he will
audio the temperate ate of our coming autumn
an antidote tar the enervating Sommer terrors of
Cuba. Lla not true that General Lewes and be
are to m•ke the tour of the U. S. io company. —
N Y. T.ilons, Aug, 17.
13:r 111Lotttls V clouttoo,—The ellecto of ttos truly
-ordteir - -tort on:olfactory so
s traordlnary nledteine are 00.1 salilfas
eases nt Rhten it has been teed. No other medics
hasceer produced loch effects BO instantaneoay.
It has only to Le administered, and relief f0110w...,
maltase( COMICS It has been used an the practice of
Inc beet phyaletsns 01 one country, and by them pro
'united equal, If not enpenor to any medians over
• -copol.tan of 91 is the very
Miele., which we. wanted,. t.. remark aildremed
the proprietors daily. Dead the felloarms:—
iiThis may certify that me hare sold Dr. fillmne's
• .•
American Worm Speettie, or Patent VerunMee. th•
past year, and it has given unbounded eadiMietio
It is no imposition an the community, bat is what tb.
author remommend• It to tie—a anivernal epecifie to
those Witted with worms. II litcatEsk CO.
kind Creek, Stenben eo.,:tapr 7, 1t,47.”
0:7 Fet sale V., I. MD & CO, N 066 Wood west.
Blbad It 4 to Sight by tb• 1'
a. P. lA:nes—Pi. a boot
I wish to testimony to the
-.Peal virtue of Um VII called Petroleum. (was far
lung use afflicted with • badly Inflamed and very
one ore, so mach so is• to low sight entirely for about
lace months, with very little hopes of ever recovering
the sight, and bat a slight prespeet of having it re-
leved of the ..ortor 4 v;mY sitentitni
nsoccessful m makscg • etre, or In givio4
nd afforded Ind but lath, eneoarogeonent. I heard of
the Petroleum about the lot of Aprll, led°, and gave
a that dm reaalt Is. the stget to restored and eay
ryes well, raeert a hula tender or weak when Igo
Mantheid vt., Cincinnati, May :4,18011.
a. S. I...tatos—air: I have lawn articled with Piles
lot reit rear., and have tried other remedies, without
permanent, soul I /maul Of the Pctrolotona. I
Laws aced only ono bouts, and think l am entirely
cared. I Deoutraens it to all who •re allhcied with
Piles. I have known ;I to be good foe Pore eye..
vinctenatt, May U 11, 1 ,50. C. GAHLIPIPPIIN
llor axle by 'Setter P. McDowell, IVO Wood wee;
11 E st Wood a; , D Carry, Allegheny city,
A F. 111.10., Alleeh , ny, Jiwerh DovaluP, Allegheny,
et. 47 the erriptirtnt, S. 11. KING,
;i 4 Canal Dawn. Seventh it. Pittsburgh
Otte of Ohio and Prone H. It. Co, Third at.
Pirrsaulan, Augutt
Toe Slorltroblere et We (thin and Pennsylvania
Roil Woad Company net hereby notifted to pay :h.
eighth instalment of bac dollars per share. et the, ofiltr
of the company, en et 1.4.113 the Utah day of Airbus
The ninth Determent] on or before We :Mb day o
Septet:o , r lb. tenth 1,•elailItelll 01101 1.1010
:,oth der of Ortol., to E.
Q Tbr n .3l.iine , ..lrs• rrl , o I fat
11119 WlN , i ft
Arc note mantra! with a lama and treidt Mardi
Eactich, I t erateri, and American Hardware, tit oer
...trireme 1nd...e1...1010 buyers The mi•blat
will promote their tniereer by Imam.
lbraegh our ateak, an th ey are determined to pelt
the meat re•yonanie puma. .ICI3
M'CORD & CO, fa
\Peole.le A Detail M ~.a recto re I. k. Dente. in
Cot Woo 4 4 Vlftb•to ,Pllsobargh,
‘Vheto they onar a tall and complete Merit of 111.,
Capr i Ewa, tit every qaallty arid atyle, riy
este and 14,10,1. an.l Inane the attention 01 their Cu.
tome. and terrelt generally, aseurtag Ow= that
teal viii fei an U. ao. .9Yatßaalaa...l4. I.
augt9 it
Es . tn. Vamily Vlotar
ONIITANT supplies of Worth's osperloi
C Flow aril] be frir sale by
110111 1 .117iit1li & RF.ITERT
121 geeoud Ng
rs. AID FLANNELS — A low assortment of mid
Just rorclood mad for sale monotor -
to teem pu .ce II Lltt.
I.tberty PI
iiiiittli?ou VALE
PATOH OF LAND, ironing 146 Aries, In
A Plot. Townoldp, . ie. Fialia.rgh road, rim.
il. Um Me city of Flits. .0, well watered, shun.
Miner of aidil and • good Orroard various Impro•
wit fruits. Tote clear , and free from oil enrumber...
•nd In good cum 'alma order Enquire on the pre
aur21:100 r
T .ah o ir m e o lg m o . f
v &r . ge . tiet .. c . ew,dtittoptL the
sue rlnfo
the underemnett, at the Ohm" et Id:C. Mos. Mon, corni.r
of Martel and Tbtrel streets, and melee is dividend
on the interest due them, by order Assignees.
event JOIIN Art
VOl.ll Reward.
7, till
away from
he hoo t
on the 31 toren
A% an @penance to the hoot and shoe mating bar
nen, named Valle tneut. I hereby warn all porno
:rota hennaing or manna him, as they m y expo
to ho dealt with according to law
hIES. 809
Jelfreyetown, Sag. 13,19t9.—auglIltrer
L•alu r Lagartarry lastitalgo,
Corner of Penn at and Um knee LIMY. .PPM' *mg
old Gotten Hall the
entrance on F enn meet
early appall° the dal:damp Hotel.
molllll3 Inatintuost mill be Ile-Opened for tha creep
no of Young Ladles, on tho trot Monday of eel
Mr.Ventembera under the euporlmendeneo
r. I.IA VHS and DAHOIXIT.R, late Princlrmlo
the Female Bemlnary,Loulsellle, Hy.
for terms, coo eircalamole *Daly to the, principal.
. . .
Rev D. Elliott, D, D. Rev. Wes. Preston,
Iles. D. 11. Riddle D. D. Rev D. H. Spsrlis,
Rev. Nathaniel West, Den. J. K Masthead.
Res. W. D. Howard, Richard Edwards, Esq.
Ciurpata l‘ Garp.ta
WE aro nOW opening a large assortment ...fear
IP pets id nor Carpet Warehouse, Fourth stmeti
consisting In part of the following varieties:—
Extra Porrorfine Tapestry Carpets;
English and American lirossels do;
Extra •uperfinst three ply Carpet.;
itoparline do do;
4.4,2 4, and 10 Tapestry Von Carpets;
Ingbram Carpets;
k'stra line do do;
Fine do do;
Common, all.Wonl do;
4-1, 3-4, and +oa Common Vett Carpet..
tnnit hods, Windom shades, Mats,
Oil Cloths from dl ft to .17 Inches wide.
'Che above goods will be acted to those wishing
tmayhem at prices lower than ever offered in tine
eitet.' WO invite the attention of all, to Gall and
ex smote our stank before pnechnslnX elsewhere.
alarm W fiIeCLINTOCK
uvoß I II I
tv:112 ,T .1 .3.-K 0 , 3 . e ", received at hi. Catpe
.0010 amen meat or Hogs, va oortlr l'lrviota"ttar
tenon or purehatea.. not°o
rr - iiDA - C - 00 - - - - - al kegs 6 twisitmeenseklll63:J,7Nler:l7,c
FEATHER? -9 bass for sale try
Kneel kit?kess
TOIJACCO,SO blebs Co. solo b
.a te ItallnYs
WEATHF:II3--.T.MO lbs MC reed for male by:
mon IRIVER k HAlititt`ts
BVITER—Rena and blt reel for amiably
13MEAS11-0 Isla jest reed •for tale by
.1 nag?) H itILIVEIt w BARN iht
rmnA RfiIIEfFTN—PACKIJItiL-3000 Iles" amongst!
Ibieknamm, tram I• 31 tot inch thick. Tao above
Pm dl i t n le a k l
a t f e p t r e Wa d
t i a h p at a . la r tre e
as no 111Stal•Ilte has act much elasticity whicha&
to high degree al heat, and may he mad alsato all
pans where packing Vs neeenßy, 'Mk
pliact, piston rods; steam flgtltS,ll42ll{l chests., ay lin.
der beads. &a For talc %Ms Slraale rod retatl 'As}
7 sk St Wood at
UFV,te—r4 mt. pmma tin= 1110 lur sal. tt.Y
e. I !fi r
1 - 7
- e
For Me Core of
ootrans, COLDS,
In offering to the community this justly celebrated
toady fur disease of the throat and lenge, it is not
r whh to hide with the Imes or health of the edict
-, hot neatly to toy before them the opinions of di,
writhed mon, and some of the evidences of its troo•
ra, from orb teh they can Judge for themselves We
incerely pledge ours to mite no wild assentoms
rr fable statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold
at any hope to suffering humanity which farts wit'
or warrant.
!deny proofs are here given, and we solicit an in
quiry from the public Into all tee publish, fsehog &o
pined they will find them ptrfeetly reliable, and the
medicine srowthy their best confidence and PADonviltt•
PROF. CLF.Ay litthodoin Collage,
wtiter—"l have worn... the effeett of yourPsariT
Pretend lathy own tinnily and that of my friends, and
It give. Me sallisMeliOn to Mlle in lu favor thin no
tu .nmdlenir I hithr ever known has proved to cournetty
ccestful curine diwases of the throat and longs."
11FX. DR. (WOAD) write--'That be •conattets
ClitiftßY PF.CroUAL the best medicine for Pul
monary Affection. ever given to the pablic,o and
slates that "Ma dougliter alter being obliged to keep
' the Mehl four Metal. with a Severe settled cough,
accompanied by rathing of blood, night nreatsi and
the attendant symptome of Corniumption,aomm.ccd
1110 on., of the Uherry femoral, and boil completely
POSTULOW, Mn.. J.. 19,1847.
Dr. Ayer. 1 btve been lons saieted with Asthma,
which crew }nutty co n fined ld lett wanton, it brought
on a ough which me in my chamber, nod
besen Nasalme the alarsalne gabmmsof
ca Wpmp-
lion. 1 had timed the best admen and the boo me
eine to no purer..., until 1 used Tome Cherry Pectoral,
which bas clime toe, and you may well believe me.
Gratefully truth. J. D. PHELPS
If there is an, van. in the lodgment of the wise,
who s; es kitnm a irletlenen, het- m • medicine worthy
el the public cuididence Prepared by
J C AT ER,Chamild,l...ll, Mass.
inPV''fb"h'r''Pd reail by
J. 61 .
ToVnend,:lareateiJeseah Douglass,
shenyqity uistraeovryT
INDIA It U •fl Elt lIELTIN If —Just received, • largo
assortment of Belting of vanons slcea,,varying
twin to IS indict in width, for sale Di
N B —All Belts sold ore guaranteed to the patchan
er to he toperior to Leather in every restmet, sal to
give sattstscuon. Any Dells that prove deficient
ist Ibr r chanscd or the money refooded.
liOnr IfOntr Warranted io be far nape,
' , nate , ' neat reetd oldie above
Iwo feet I Ined.lholtahli
3.. A. do Witch doi
:my do II inch Jo:
414 do lunch do;
41,0 do 1 Inch E.ll/.1114 11010;
rot tale at the India Dabber De pot of
& 11 1•1111 4 r8
7 &9
LIAMILY letelledi of ..PETto
r Enmity neer. reabobteinted by Wei lo,
Volaral, for vale by
I Libe
tiIL CLOTH-30u yds 6.4 Figured, of
Jla different pnuerds, Hat rec'd for cote by
7 &P Woods
1) t w 1 , 11. CLOTH fot Carrigel—loo 'anti 4.4
illed, jam teeePtetl and lot m ile by
aarzu 1 & u riimues
rvolisAcCO-230 boxes Mattatutated Tobsetott,
.I. hand and w arrive, for gala lry
BATTING—ass bales Nos I, a, and I, on b* , 4l and
for sale by A CULBERTSON it CLOUSE
SUGARS—Leaf, Crer bed, and reordered Brom
kepi constazuy on need sod for sale by
APAN brie, agood article, pat re
erived by laireitej .1 ft II PHILLIPS
COI...toVAELNISII-2 ian !es'4.ttath!
brl last reselved fOS sale by
Itand . . Pe.gonstahlp lad Copy Books.
rpliE above books healing bean Intioeuesk Int
j pubLe end plte.m motions in I'ilisbutkh and All<
ebony, the aotheT bat appointed the tabsesibor asst
for. Oita sale in thlf
Te . IL[4.• arta nlttE,ll win ',orphan ai putlishai
tre. as stated incue/int. ~ JII MELLOR,
nosy) ni Wood sb
RIO IrWr, ,
A VERY t onvement and desirable Dwelkag Ilona
vlu.oparakoa In; adiolawa. No 119 Vann wank
ros•avvion ova. traatdisaly Fouparaealank
anke nr John Ilawrd, or Walklnaon Valk N,
lAkertr meat angladli
311 C ,, A , 1 4 . 1i11 w hlurpratail Bleaching Vcrardar. jou re
• d In; rola hi
• W G hl IttreIIELTREA
nlea( Vlloa
• •
fp: partnerslop hertoronc existing sailer the Ens
if It. icAcntrds tit, ,esin dissklved by asst.!
eonscut on Om iust.,&nd the withdrawal of A. IL
Osgood from Ow lirrts. The business will be cont..-
oy tho remstouto partners, under the same ends
an.l Gnu 01 Edwards h Co., who respectfully cus•
hod u chars elthe puLtie patronage. They have on
band Locks Letrhes. netionu desk., end • totriety
oflhonsotte Ilsolenne, at their Watches., No. OIL
Water street P .VIIWAISLOS.
A. I' nnitello
noel° likestrr N. Id Allis:WS
Eel Ale of Dl•talttoftffi. IL.forrlo, doe'd.
1.1. prevails tudetded to the ono/ Meta use moons,
21 ed to mimeo 16161C•iii. pnyotent, end (tone narlrg
claim• against tt to Fannin thorn, dell authenticated
end withunt delny, to tither of the anderlitaed <me.
cetera LOWRIE,
evaLv•is is WILLIAMS,
10 Gersoiree 11,'Ilalawns,
A FONTS for the *ale of Soda Ash, Bleaching
hoarder., Ea, have en hand, and ale eonstamly
receiver; Ulmer Item the blateeneturem, the shone
etudes of the boa and meet
ungu approved brands, which
they oder to the tads to lates to null, and at
lowest maker MM.. _a_llßlll.l.lar
gr a ostre7m - liiiirrii; -----
DV virtue of a preeept under the bend. of Wro.ll
.13 fd•Clare, tionedentof the Court of Common Pleas,
in and Mt the Fink Judicial !balder of l'enn•ylVillnii.,
and laden of the Court of Dyer and Terminer, and
General Jail 'louver} in nod tor said Martel, and .
William Kerr nod Samuel Jones, Ergs., Aso:wrote
/edges of the same tottery, in and for the Ceuta of
Allegheny, dated tbe lath day of Augutt, in the year
or oar Lord one theatre:el eight hundred and Ifty,_and
to me directed, for I..i.twir • Coin of Oyer and Ter
miner and Gomm' Jail Delivery, at the Coact Hodgs
in the oily of PaDlearb, en ON Fourth bland., of
()etcher neat, at cdc eel A
rr Vetere notice le hereby peen in all /MUD of the
Ware, Coroner, and Costwables of Allegheny, that,
they be then irrld there, In their Proper persons,
an d
emir reeords, 111qUidin011, elll6lllllloona and
ether remernbreoces, to ao these things, which to
their morel:live edicts mama behalf appertain to be
done—end also throe mat will plwieeste the prisoner.
th a t now e, or may be In me mil of geld county of
Allegheny, to I. then and . there to prove.m garnet
them on shell be put
tirade under my hand at Pomburgb,:this lath day
of Angme,ln the leer of our lard ono thortsand eight
bemired and filly, and of the Commonwealth rho 70th.
anglailltwurT CARTER CURTIS, tMeriff.
Mee of Pittsburgh Gas Company,
Angest 17, IWO.
T •
IIE StoehOlder. of the Pinebe Oas CMoney
are herekby notified, that the An rgh
neal Mee o ting of
the Stockholdere for the Election of Trainees, win he
held at the ether et the company, to the city of nur
burgh, on Monday, the second de, of September next,'
between the beers .of two and five o'clock, P. M.. tor
the purpose of electing two parsons to serve as Trim.
tees for said compeeranet
theta years, from the said
second ray et &mem ram.
sorl7:dkve TIIOS. DAKEW '
zoo° Lenonicas WANTIRD.
5, in LARORIERS and a w an ted rof Mamma
Vt./ and rttono Cotters, are Imandiately,
uon the tine el tnto and Rail Road
between Pitiably he
ghO Pennsylvania
and the Sate Line of Ohio, and
din , more on the line in Ohio. A large number of
!damns and Ettone Cutters may ; obtain employment
at the bridge over the Ilig smatter at Nall BliShloo.
Application may be made to the contractors, on the
line, or to the Company's tlaperintandent, at the New
Bitten Bridge, and Infonnatlon may be obtained at
the tall Road Moe to Pittsburgh. The country Is
very healthy, and good wag. are regularly paid.
augl73llar IV RORINSON, Jr.. Preal-
RT i t c -17: prime
aml or m frr . ap ,y beat Rice Jest received
COFFEE—Itd hams prime man Ito for gala by
anKl7 IMLERS a N1C049
TOBACCO -1 0 bus Russell & Robloran's i's;
SO bns Vries & Hardwood's SI;
3 cases Barrows" ht lb lamp;
11,•cisetl and for solo by
ACKEREL. I bIAOKIESIEL !•100 bsir mote of
1.11. those Iwo No a Alaykorel, fur &alb by
Cabal Basin. •
ALCOHOL- 5 brie Ala reed for u j ic u b
l y no
60 Wood .1
rco'd I ra j sitibik
too'd for art e y
, - J KIDD tr. CO
assorted, firr y_
J lANAKV BEall—io ol 4
_III _
THE undersigned hes On hand,'snd is this day ffh.
rely tog from the manufacturer., on eonsignment,
• hirge lot of colors, plain and luuterl;
Also. lied Mantels, Blentrl Costing, Beaver Gotha
Caw Sadnetts and Tweeds; which he will *ell
she earn or pmee, at mencfaelltrers! priests. The
stieunon ordealers In weolle goods la invited.
lb Libetti vt
_I.! •
..iiiiirdlu - iiiTtlii , tafirrtl-OH -.--- do
V t.nlr,.und, Rod bateau ro• I. bet ...c-Wu".".
and prices 10.., at N 0.7 &V W o od 0. "dil
I i oz o l d u . . I 1 II pinuar3
4 OIL. ..I.olll—soutl yds 4 4 Floor Oil dcdtt
WO yd. 3.1 • . do
.1-. oh 6.6 do
4W vie 9.S do
For "I''''''''''' and
'""I ' b i& II PHILLIPS
&este 7 ts 9 Weed al
darasl. g IM..".TlTtiiiiirPT•iiiiiiriliti.
yy A Cases of the above selebtsied
. brand. pan
a‘a In store, and the teal...leder to &met) this .ad
nest motal,per "Alms Dielt.""Eitrope,..llarlin,n end
other Air., ant Philadelphia andlhaltunoreonamat.
tot sopetini in both otrenstb and quality to soy in the
ntrultet, tor vale at the lowest ies for cub TREEproved hills, by . Wk. P 1 ILITCHEL
attain Libeavy street
JIL.titiCIIIAG POWDEJI.7IO cute ataapratte hart
e.yr hl y elLl"joirsgsiNt t:P=l=XF' the
angle W & m =cum mite
estootauctincla. • .
WIIEBEAII in and by the Actor tie HeMere . As.
• s Ihmtbly of Pronsyleanisomitied so AM. nia
cin %elections of this Conamoderealtl, it 11 enjoined
oo reet.t, glee notice of suet elections to beheld, and
enumetate in net mike whet °fleets ere -te iO
elected: In yureuanee 'thereof, i t Cl.llll CW.O.
Sherif of th e Ceuta, of Allegheep,do Menem* mete I
known and give thispublic notice to the slams of
self Collet, of Allegheny, that a Gemini Election.
will he held In the mid enemy, on the SECOND
TUD3DAY OP OCTOBER NEXT, at the 00,00111
election dientent therein
The electors of the Firm Weed of am city of Nus
burgh, to meet at the bone of Mrs. Jane Little, el the
"corner of Fern and Fourth maces, In Bald 'nerd.
The Oman of the Second Ward of the city of Pine
burgh, to meet at the Bunn Disttlet Howl, corner of
Second and Dmlthrodd menu*. insald ward.
The elector, of the Mani Wird of the city of ritt.l.-
be g b i;O W lZT4 i oVl h h e lt b ;:u7tEV:T d dlit:Tily "rerVit:
burgh, to meet LI the Public School 1100.,, itt eald
The electors of the Fifth reed of the cite of Pitts
burgh, to meet at the P 'nerds House. occupied
by Hottlleb Died le , lam ath.t Ddewslit. in city weed.
The electors ante Birth ,Ward rif the OW of Pitts
burgh, to meet ai the Peelle Selsool House, In said
The elector of the Seventh Ward of the city of
Pittabortk, to meet oldie rabbet Hanoi House, to
" e ta.
f b Ward et the 6111 or POW
blrgirareeratt th e e Public School Rouse lb not
/0111tbe Ninth Wird of t eity Pitts
., eat it the Piblio {3theol he
Reuse, in odd
The eleetam er the Vint Weed of the mty ot
gh•oy, to meet et the bona et J. Woodhease, Eto6in
eon e tram.
The electors of the Beeend Ward of the city of Alle
gheny, to meet as the hoar"' of Widow Thompson,
north meat corner of Oldoetreet and the Publie @genre
The electors of the Third Ward of the city of All.
aheny, to meet at the rahlin School Mose, le sod
ward, on the Vain C 01331.1111.
The electors of the Foarth Wand of the OW of kite-
ShnnY. to meet at the hoer" of Met Wylie,Eut Com
Tae electors of Pin townsh i ls to MOM the boost
of hiss. Nancy Homy, the ochatimit and Farm.
en , Tompkins mod, to gold township; encoptibe quali
fied voters reading in oections Nes 4,7, and Id of the
eity'disnict, who stall vote at all general ekettens
the nbtla ward of city of Pittsburgh.
The electors of Peebles township to 'tear of
home of John Blotter, to the village of East Liberty.
The elector. of Wilkins township to meet at the
Loon of Francis Wilton. on the Frmkstown road. In
said toemstilp
Jaenketors of Plum townelsip le meet at the house
of Summerville, In mid losinehiP. ,
The elector. of Patton township to met at the ,
home of Joel hfmroc,ln said township.
The !1W0.% of Vermilion unsroship to meat at the
Brick &bent ileum, near the White House foncterly
oceopied by Thom Neel, and now by Wm. A.Shastr.
The electors of Ebssbeth township, to meet at the,
Muse of Daniel Sarver formerly accepted by John
Walker, to Elizabeth borough
The elector , of the DOTOolch of Elizabeth to meet at
the house of Dmie I Rarter.fOrMaill occupied by John
Walker, in and borough.
The electsra of Jefferson tonally to meet at the,
beam of John Snee, formerly meopted by JO Xing,
In Bald township.
The electors of Mifflin township to meet at the boom
of Paull fonnerly ocoapied by Jao H Neel, In
sold township.
• The electors of Upper St. SIBS' S=l o meet at
the toms of Imes Connor, In said P
The electors of bower St Clair township to meet at
thil home of Joseph Rodgers, (lower ferry,) sold
to UT."'
. _
Tha electors of Robinson township to meet at the I
bonen of Sarah Mc Portend, formerly Audrey btoFd..
land, to said township.
The electors of Findlay township to meet at the
house of McClelland A. Armor. (innerly occupied by
John Charles, In the Cline of Clinton, to ent4l.o•FlY
Tho elect,. of Moon township to Met at the house
of Peter demon, in said township.
100 In
In of Ohio township to met at the homes
of John lisp, sold townehip.
The electors of Freddie township to moot it
hon. meowed byJoseph In maid tawitshiP. the
The electors of the lknosigh of Manchedu to meat
at the Pablie School lime.
Toe 'electors of Remorse township to Mod at the
Sumac of Clottiob Fisher. in said township
The eleetors of Baldwin to
to meet at the
boaso of John Cowen, to maid township.
The Keeton of Snowdon township to meet at the
home of Peter Boyer, la said township.
The electors of South Payetle lognlship_ meet at
the house of ft. Mays. on the farm of O. V. Coulter, ln
odd township.
The electors of North Fayette township to meet at
the house now
said occupi nahip. ed by Panes Jambßoa, at Ro
gers' Mill, in tow
The *lonian of Ross uswastiin to meet at the home
of Jacob Colbes gh, on ako Frannn Meath , wad town
' Vies electors M en otorised' t tat th e MEIN
of Mond FogliZ f ln d townerip. o uw's
The electors of
Conley,ees township to mod at the
house of Nathan , en mid township.
• The demon of East Deer township to newt at the
Public &hoed Moue, in too Borough of Terenuun.
The electors of too Borough of to meet
it the ftbuo School Mosso, in sold bineugh.
The electors of Indians Weedily to meet at the
house formerly et:copied by S. Mackey, le Bold town.
The etcetera of Sheer tovmship to meet at John '
Shoves 31111, in mild township.
The qualified ammo of that part of Indiana team
ship residing is the following described boundary.
shall vote mall general elecuono in the Borough of
Slim Waugh, at the o'ection poll to said borough, alts
bertaning a point on the Allegheny river at rim
uppe_r line of the farm of hail gees, and sunning
eoe hedy triune be:Peeve the farina of otid Jas Rom
and John and Ennuis Beatry, to the N. IL corner of
said la: Boas' lann—thenee running • westerly course
to lbws township line, in mush a manner.. to embrace
all nth canna orlon, ensued in Luonsnethaes district,
and belonging us whet .00 called the river tram, in
the above described boundary.
The electors addle Brough of Bliminnitons to meet
at the Public Bekoel Be o rme m sold beirouth.
The electors ol the Bereaullt of East anathemas to
meet at the Roll goad Olken ot Oliver. 11. Omaha, in
mild borough.
The electors el Daqueose Borough to meat at the
Public Behael Bosse, to maid bare
The electors of the Borough of Lawreneeville to
out at thoPubtio School llosse,in said bonnet.
The Masters of the boreaye of Blierpaborgh to meet
a the house of James Sharp,. to =id borough:
The Meatus Dribs, borough of McKeesport to meet
it the Team Ball, In add herewith. •
The electors of the borough of Beath Piusbirgh to
sleet at the Moue formely occupied by . R.l4l , Aluduch,
at the ad:loathe blonoustabela era Wend bargee,.
Ths electors of the Beroughof bllabeth to
meet at the Public Behead Boum, to said bon is mrh.
efeteoni.l wipe, time
eleht an
byd places the emitted electors sa
ntill ballet—
tine poison f. r Canbi Comm..' onto.
One person lot &relapses:come
One panne 100 Auditor
One person for Conran;
One person for Coma , to All the unexpired term
of Mows II =pion, Tit Finned.
Ono pollen for ' , Umber of the Serials of Peewit..
Five persons lot rdstabers of Assembly of Penury'.
Ono person for Prosecuting Au/Irons for AllostioY
(Me prison for (Manly CommllillOPet.
Moo person for Ladner.
One person to , CametY deM.Y.t.
Also, to lota for or spinet the following amendment
of Me Onntaltallon of the Sum of Penns) lyanla, agreed
to by • majority efthe member* elected to each hone
of the LCLISILLILD, LI two. tom:donee wastons of
Reebtrie by the , Senste and Nouse of Representa.
nets of the Commithwealth of Pmusylvania in Idea
rat Assembly roctoThat th e tlonttitiltien of th is Coln
menwealth be amended In the seem! seam of the
epree n , so tbet it read as follows: The hulas of
the Se Coon. of the leCTenal Centel of Common
Pleas, and of eget other Coats of Record as ars or
shell be established by law, skill be elected by the
qualified electors of the Commonwealth, in the manna'
to win The Jedges of the Septirme Conn,
by the quelified electors of the Commonwealth at
large; the President Judges at the c'o'at Coats of
Comma Pleas, and suet other Coon, of Record as
ere or than be erebilehed by law, and an other
Judges required to be learned in the law, by the quali
fied electors of he reveals° districts over which
they are to pies/dem act as Judge.; md the Associste
raded of th e Coons of Common Pleas by the quell.
bed elector. of the counties resoativety,l The ledges
oftheßepreme Cant that' bold their alicee for the
term of Mau yarn, if they shall so long behave
themalves well, (subleet to the allotment hereinkfter
provided for, subsequent to the first election ' ) the Pm-
Meet Judges of the natal Coons of Common Pleas,
and of snob other Court. no Reeved es an or shall be
established by law, cell all other Judges requited t
be Learned in the law, shall hold them pates for the
teem often years, if they chill so loop behave them
mire. well; the Antlelllo Judge"! the Coons of
Comm Pleas shell , hold ethic ofilmes for the tam at
Ore yes" if they stall an long behave temaselves
well; all et whom shell be commissioned by the GO,
hat far any reamable emos, ethith shall not
be sufficient grounds fee impeachment the Governor
stall remove any of than on the address of two tidies
of cub band, of the 1.0. W.& The fits i *teethe
shall take ointment. general election of this Common
wealth cost after the adoption °OMb anteedeleot,lolo'
the commiselona et ail the /edges the may be - then
In mace shall antra on the fint Needn't:lf &member
following, when the tams of the new Judges ehall
emaseenee. The persons who chill then be elected
Judges of the supreme Coen shall hold their oases as
followm tree of than for three loam• one for six
yeersospe for nine yell.. eon 1411 TIMISe years, and
one for fifteen rem, the term of each to be +teethed by
lot by the said deduce as coon after the Mellott ae
eenrentent, and Uts resell airlifted 'by them to the
Governor, that the etenninione may be issued ln ae.
tordenee thereto. The Judge when commission
will first expire shall be Chief Janke dating his tenn,
end thereatter earth Judge whose tessiedsslon
fint expire chill in turn be the Chief ,Jestles, and it
two ermine eomminiens thallenthre onthesame day,
the Judges balding them stall death* by let which
stall be the ChrelJamitto AnT vatothela,h.PPortire
by death, rtsignatioa, or Meares", In any of the thin
cans, shall be tilled by appointment by the Omar
nor, to manes till the first Monday of Deoelnber
euccoeding the next general Malan. 'The /allies el
the Supreme Omen and the Presidents of the sacral
Coate of Common Pleas shall, at anted times. 'calm
for theta 'smites an adequate compensanen, to he
flied by law, which shad not be diminished dandy
their eentintance In race; bat they than receive no
fees or perquisites of edam nor bold any other °filet
of profit under MI. Comminweelth, et ender the,
government of the Coned Meta, or any other Slate
of this Union.' The /ledges , of the Septum Coon,
define thete connuanse mallets, shall( reside withel
this Commonwealth; and the other .iedges,, Outing
their eontineantm aim shall Nelda within the(
district or tattoo for which they Were rellp%fillcif
`lGOltd. J. fiteCALMONT,
Spatter ol the /*Ar
Ilona et' Representatives
Y. t _ •
And by ahem of the ICah mean of the set Lithe ea
or JOT. ,'art , it was enaeted that away penal except
Janke. of the Peace, who shall bold *Si ale* or up.
pointment of peen' Of Mat under the Government of
the United Maw, or of fhb &Moor el msy city, ar
incorporated &dna, whether a egaminloned *Meer
or otherwise, a nbonlinate elleeTer ages; whe is or
shall be employed ander the Legislature, Jedielaryi
or Executive departmental:4 ihis Mato or th e United
plates, or of arty Judol Or 'incorporated &Adel, and
also that every member ofVengrem. and of the Kate
Legiefentre, of the Seer! tend foramen Cannella of
any city, or Ccoomlwiongle Of any inemparebne taw
is by the law locayable of bolfin Of bumbling
at me plea lime lb. odee oc.eppoinunent of Judi.,
Inwelef, Of Clerk tICGOOD •I this Ordageow , '
wealth, told:that soy larpoefol, .1 'Willa ci *Let ultra
auy web eleetiou, shalt nibs elbrthlei to any °Sao
to be then opted.
Ake to end by the 4th welkin of tail arli approved
the 19tb of April, 181a,1l le enacted, that the laic sea.
1141 oitho esLikwed fief Z.5, 1639 1abi11104 an tee.
feting to the eketions of mu Commintwealbt, stall
not be conttnied as to prevent 011 whkiinegiaer or
harming efficer,from se AS . /edc . b.peotey, at
Clerk at any tleneral or Epecial EJet to Gils COOP
fad t e return Joanne of the rawest,. districts
aforesaid, ore requested to meet at
y . Conn Howe
to the city Of Plashwgb, on **Friday a ft er the averted
Tuesday of October next, then and there to psePem
for thou douse toothed bylaw.
Given Grief my band and seal as Pittsborgbi ' this 17 *
day of Avast% A. D. seso, and of the tudellettdulco
el Um theta Senn the *sweaty firth.
aultadallewetT I eating,/ cuggya;
a'J for eby
J KIDD tr. fA
1.1 0 ' • 06—u out. bang ainj.....,1 14 211,
1,2 ,no 01.1•11,44^"
rry I
Iba .n n el e s , b . i r o ot .1 . 0 12
b 1 ... w0n n a l I g 10. ‘7, cr . : 4 rd
bT Mutual consent. S. P. Joll n lnS CON,
lo C. stuckioN,
Pltiabotgh, Join 7A.1410.—ang17
PRIBIT111 0 & room BINDING
Zo 50 third, below Market
• w, S. HAVEN,
•19aeeooanr to Johnston A 1910. A.,)
IgSPEitPECTPUIibT informs his Mende 1.6 VII mfn.
WlDtte of the old estshititmeNt that, hastos
purchased 4he PrinHag MCC ant Hook 0.0 , 1 .
the lam ftrat t ha Iv prepared to esettite with nearness
Bddiapateii, ever, description of
Raring had filo reassignment of the Printing drpart
mann of he into Loon for seventeen yews pan, he
feels confide* oriolng alto to renter 81111161.00 to
all who um favor him with their patronage-
RAirnai id,
American and 'Stanton cops)
ANO pooselmor goroo mediately, the Mace Story
.11. Hock Intoning liouno. No G 9 Ltbezty wee', ono
°P =lceo:6 l •6 ". 6 Th . ii et L ir No 7
31 ilkot elreat. Dollars or n“ "`re h ° l "
C STOCKTON, nook eel lers,
in 16 • :49 114 ttttt ot.
Ohre of the Ohio. b Penn. R. R. Co.,
Pittsburgh, Aug. 00E40.
P IitOPOBALS In Inning will be received by he
eadntwaned nnulTee*Jay, the let day or October,
for the delivery of the troth'. tits required for laying
the want .of the Oblo snd Pennsylvania Rail hoed
from Irene° to fdathillon, • distance of 1117 miles. The
Camber of tier required will be about one thousand
nine handfed per solo. The ties are to be of synod
White sat or reek oat, raideet to the tearectien of
the smginecrof the company. They must be eat with
• say, Into lengilth of eight feet. If of sawed timber.
they ant tolbe saves by eight Inches wthwe; if of
hewed timber, they are to be gourd on the top and
bottom to- • width of eight inches. They mast be
clear of liark, , defivend and piled rep on the line
directed by the engineer between the first ofJannary
rind tint of May neat. Bidder* are retzeetned to Stele
what *amber of Iles %bey propose us deliver. and on
'what Sections of the railroad they propose to deliver
them. 'They amy ptotane An tire of chestnut Or 10elaft,
it of Iconic, they may be !wren ineheemnere.
l• Proposals ale also mailed for favoisbing mud sills
'Ol Wlute pine er white oslif to be four by nine inches
square; and from eighteen to twenty lour "ell long,
- be delivered en the line anted as *trove.
W:ItUBINSIJZI. Jr., President
WOUNDAY PIG IIION-70 tone wo. Pig Den. on
X the Allegheny Wharf, and for eel., by
angle 1 & A FI.GID ,
JUST received from PlllHpnille isetory,lcco yds
'll (Al Cloth Crash; Menet pattern., (or sale II
• eugla J& It PHILIArtz
/009ve ael
FEET Ones Flaitia 1101 a for Hydrant., lust
ved for help by thilt.lllLLlPe
7 lie Weal et
N. 13.—A1l 'Hove sold la Warranted to the perehasers
to give @seascape eqeal• to leather or the foods ro.
turned. :, ea .1G
IVES Irmtiinden mill be re opened fm the reception
of lade tool young gentleman, on the fins Itooder,
the emend day,of September next.
The plan of this Aeadelay is comprehensive, em•
bracing • liberal course of austreenen InClassic and
ficlenufie Learning, the Modern Languages, • full
course of CoinMemtal Studies, and thi, various branch•
es of elementary English Education.
The Institution is famished with the necessary
?depth Globes, Physiological, Astronomical, . 1.1‘11.•
sophical: and Chemical Apparatus, by vrbtek
frof7VtrroilMa" thorough know
C(2etit mattes,
L. Osni_e, PtlltttiPAL.
Wm A. West, AIM, Instructor to the Latin and
Oniok langiages..
ic;inilarro,7l.; td., [Detractor In AI etbrreatiee
Jamas U. Reed, A. his,lneunctor in the Neutral.
Nfental, and Moral Selettecs.
John C. &Ladd, Ch. lis, Profaner in Modem Lang.
. Doff. Professor In Dook Keeping.
J. D. Will/dn. Psoressor in Perimenahlp.
The Aeadentie Edifice Is on Perry street, bedreen
Fourth and Liberty. The bui ding Is large, wo
odious, and airy, and being out of the business pan
of the city, it d quiet and indeed, which renders It n
very desirable location for an Institution of Learning
Circular'. nal be obtained at the book rotes In
both chid. *lhe Principal can be seen at the he.
adds,. ansiWor
S4)1A15811-1DcAsk! Th'6I7.IWIVOAUGH
niLEAM CIIBESE-73 ble von
111A-4,1•=0...1:,7,17tf00r, on
, st y& W rIAIII3AVG
ERRINO-41P 3 Wain Mare and fo lain by
& Swift's Cincinnati door Cu•ca;
,• Macey's Indiana do
Viraud• do
Scotch eniod, not scooted. tor laic by
WM A McClAltni & CO
.13 Liberty at
D;•1 Ci rand Ca
n• DEEF7
do .• • cd•
16 . notr.n • r • • coi
' , aced] WM A tileCLO Ito &CO
QMOKRD BEEF TONIJIITES—A lewd. for sate 1.1
angts & EIeCLURO A CO_
VENISON ItAAIS—A few choke Venison lIIITIS
ourill AVM A McCLUBt7 /5._012,_
etwasia Beat T.lnsmingy.
to to the alternion or dime falntairine e•ra
Ron IP Car satioausent of Trannainge, ecinptia.
lag la parr Of the follow:na:
64 and 74 Table Linen.,l Linen Napkins,
Ilnelibnek Diaper, Semen Duper,
Cant Table Coral,, Crag),
Canals material of all de- I Nate, he. he.
Seriptions. •
segll Carpet Wareliewae,ll Fount, at
Valvot Plt• Carp Os."
W i IeCLINTOCK Mo r in rose for
p rale it
bog rives ' t aisles ' ec " er V o ' lle 4
r i 1 1 /
which we invite ttooo
the special • unease( these wishleg
io pent !Inert Wercrown, 7S Foo•thst.
_ea sl4
Gibbed 11111 l Di.
ASMALL Lot el tilbbell Hewing, to prime outer
leo rale by JOII
•ot 14 Canxt Dann
00 HILL& No 3 MACKEREL, Roston inspection
jut arrived in rime
Cans} 1111FIP.
R I 'F.—IS
1.114 for Niel by
".11 Y tt , l Liberty et
T l/IitICCU-30 bye R.
. lbws easiness
Whys Bays.' Psnn , / Imp;
In sumo aissl (or ate by
assail MILLER h
RBURPHY t BURCHFIELD ate selling neat and
OA handsome styles of above Roods of reJucrJ
prices. I few pieces flames Gull tnm•ioing lut
inn be closed oet T. 7
MUHPIIY a - BURCHFIELD have an cxcelk.rt
11, Wortmern of above article, light and dal k Of
eholcol!colora, Including roma of n very auporio,
9nality; alao ? all colors of Chunky Gina aant , 031617
Mtt iff
bo A y L.--I raaglV t;rl7;:g g i 11111.
rIGINOURiI, Mieslee), andds Mathematical Pet oct
AIS will Re-Open on Wooy, the leth Inst., et No
:W obettr Olney at the head of Seventh st.
! i nfto m :ell 3 ot ih, e ' :ce Fl atr: iltf ft n ß elg n Z o r f tt ft 7:1
the Veit (hee, the finder would confer a favor n,
Waldo* them at thin office orgU
OAK VLOOIIIIIO 13041.1139.
15 0 00 FEET Worked Da ',timing aia,
(of lolly pettedly dry, oncl of • .11PCOOT quetty
S. t.LARKF:.
aairttAtt 24..1.burgh.
A MALE teacher to ill a saes., In the male pit
.//41 mazy department In the first Ward Pobbc
wheel, Allegheny. An examination rill tate place
at the *tool House to said Ward on Thamday the
16th Wet ,!
: Applications, in the mean time, may be Landed In
to mly:eithe timeless. Norm bat experienced oath•
ets need apply,
A. 'LAMONT, President.
teem - A. M ird
• • limn rrectved sroi for ewe by
AAA B.& w - HAREteurii
"undovritiormicarizig 7 +
. Jaly, Augd, raw on sol. .1 250 p ' e;
numbet, by R HOPKINS,
11 IItnIONAItY OP 111XIIIANICS, 67 11yn0j..112
j..112 numbers callus watazble wort now for Weal
23e pay No. by lettel
10 11, for sato ex__ jangll/I HOPKINS
IBetuoi—enirden, Baal, switians (or intle by
- -
WINDOW I.DASS--11/0a boxes aerbeast'a
dew Glass, assorted sioss, on baud, Dm sale by
WALL PA PEIL—Vii: P. MAILSIIALL is co:woma n
meivinc from the large.% manafactorim sa
New Ifotk and Philadelphia, and also from Franc
asenciev, aglow and mom saproved oriole( Pa
pc, llanaings, toaethor.with Norden, Fun Ileard
Prints, and Tester Topa. For sale at MI Wood
twee% Fourth street and Diamond Alley, iFtlerelbr
Ui B.C. 111111. 1920
Latve volt. BALM.
100 of the most valuable aad atelvebm
Vluildlug Lets la the ally districts
AT prices Mina will allots kombenme profits to
those wko powhoso to set Again, and to location ,
otter. It is be loved will give fall setastnetion to dove
rho bay to improve and oetorpyt Tao Lots are smut
no mile Isom the Nave Coon hone, adjoin'. Mr
Eleventh and EntlithWards,end front on Tavameasia
M 1001, UILADth:CII 13,31111. COIMICICS. blab., an.l
CANlcill SUMS. TbOle an 1et111.71 , ... 1 . 10 ".. 510
eligible for private dwelltngs,and are the WY bo ll
for solo on that street that have a vievi , of the fine
weary of the Itlimongehela River. TO.. 00 I ' o
Braddock street plant road and dime on rollt•eice
antal, winch Mend to the door WV well "tweed for
Mionafsetatinx intd other benness establithments being
moth sell= Me tames of elephant...than m. 0..
Ptopenies on the Allegheny sad over the lidenonat
. bele teat have been end at higher prices Plana
exhibited and ten= =do blown bY
niFourth at. or
-WI Carnelian soak of newt. foe which wo see eit
tem how up wood. And len west say that thee/3,1-
'OlMb, far from producing ea egrartible effect. bat It
May tW obviated by the ose ar JVIA.ft
celebrated VEUETABLE LIQUID 11Allit, UrE,
ide!, anti Mamma newest, produce the most brillialt
and neutral Woking black, bream, or ',chestnut viler,
without Wane; titillate or banning the skin. These
colors ate Indellible, and are not inflected by the *e
tyma ben perepiradoe or water. There am al•nv
hinds of lim o Die en sale, but they all hove 'owe
material elucetion p ct, r am; some require a long
Otos us produce Wm When burning Out hair snit
die, sad some. when pet oa, give the brie the Inntle
of anevrtyblaektidnevet, JULEAIIn.UF.L'S
TABLE I.IQOOD HAIR DYE to the only one which
isanUrelyiree firma th e aboweebiectiona te warranted
ganntem, and mill pewee. a beaeUfed sad
neel looking calorie Caprice time than any oth,,,
dye In ape. 'Oa taked , in paretnalug, to take none.
.41,1, age wail name enmeshed; as Wee are many
lealtattinis this eekbrateat antes. .
' •JULpI BAUM, leSiChestant
FLV —440.b1119 Otani for nate Ly
aai —
orelittw7 1•04 11.4f0r seibi tt 7 ----
fuse WHA A U1:111