The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 19, 1850, Image 2

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•W - Almomases are earnestly requested ic head In
their fame before a.m., and as early in thralay as
practicable. Adssrtreewette not tanned-Lot a speet
led Was wilt invariably be ' , barred meth ordered tas
. aver./ 2 nu. I. Agent for Um paper at his
egencittain New Rork, Philadelphia, and
Beaton, and is =bottled to reedy, sabscriptioos
sad advertisements for as.
menu and sabseristions to the North America, and
Vaned States Quetta, Philadelphia, received and for
_ warded ban this elm.
'''""ada Paper, wiU be re =reed and forward
.0i haw th la race.
Bataysonasuoneara—uatrsenption. and advertise
sada. Ihr thla paper received - and forwarded free or
abatis from Ws aka _
SalriCtscantan D.r.. Gararrnr—Advertireetenu
abeeriptioaa, for Ws paper, will be received and
amarded Mom this aka.
tat CANAL 001011•1101f11-
Of Haas Counry.
Of Union Osumi.
wit swyrnn
Of Wadawr.on County.
AsUmassato sad Whig Mora Mations for
♦U.ghsay Colunty.
Ina TIMM sumo coma.,
TRON•11 a. lICIWZ,
no nob. =ZION, =CM TUT 00!
MOlO/1N ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh
T. I. HIOHAM Lower IN.
rustctits• wreautzT,
EBENEZER BOYLE:3, North Farms.
WU- FLYNN, Lower Sc char.
The editor craves the Indulgence of his readers
as the present state of his health will not perm
hint to give the attention he ordinarily bestow.
upon the paper. The same reason prevents
from =minding our remark. on railroad corn
munications with our Washington neighbors. Al
in goontisne, however.
Laborers and Mechanics will see by the adver
tisement of the President of the Ohio and Penn
sylvan:a Ralimad ilnd there 11 a great demand for
their services in this community. We learn from
the Chief Engineer that it has been form.' difficult
to procure no many hands as are required to Concord
the work with the necessary speed, especially ma•
seas and stone centers.
Oorreavondmas of thaTlmbantb:Gazetls.
Wasencrrcn, Aug. 14.
11SrKensiut arrived, Probable Sc
eept►nee—la ag Debate lb lb
House—The Apostles of three Beet
sad their Teaetting•—Texas founds
rp, Oe., Me.
1100. T. XT. kleifennan arrived to night, too
111/0 end too much fatigued, however, to mill upon
the President. There I. every proboblktv that he
• will accept the aptioinurcct tendered to him. The
matter will be determined to morrow, sod I pre
WA. the nominations will be made in the tourer '
of the day. The President Lad expriosed milord
arable impatience to receive the decision of Mr.
Megennan, but appeared swirled with the expla
nation given of th• delay which had oocorred. A
great deal of important bourne.. is Saraillog the
assemblage end 110.10 a of • full Cabinet.
I should hive noticed the return of Mr. Hamp
ton, your estimable and crOcknt Representative
to his seat, after a brief visit to his borne, render
crimeemearY by the Meer al a part of his family.
We had three able and interesting speectrea from
the Whig side of the House to day, if one of the
speaker. can be considered to hold • politico in
that COUTIWIIIiTe and order and peace loving per.
ty. 'Mr. &shrine, of Manachuseus, who, for
ability, tact, popularity, and address, may be taken
for a leader of the New England Whigs, deliver
ed his opinions upon the winos topic. embracer! '
la the general disco/3,1ml now going on in Com
mittee of the Whole, bat chiefly upon the Preis
dent's message, and the bill for the settlement of
the limits of Tex.. Mr. Aabroun highly com
mended the first, and professed tie intention of
supporting, the int. Hr was very severe upon
Mr. Giddings for his arimstrit upon that toil. and
the motives of those who bad voted or intended
to vote for it. He avowed himself rawly to do al
' man any thing to settle the controversy.
• 'Mr. Traimbs, who called himself a Whig before
he proved himself nothing else than an incendiary,
stersaed the message with rancour, bat with abili
ty and Ail He thought it waoog in conception
and mgrunient. He held Texas Lobe right and de
elated hired( prepared to sustain her cause here
in the national legislature, or in MC field of armed
Mr. Thaddeus Siemens, " Old Thad," as he is
familiarly ',called, representing a emu or Whig
opinlan and feeling diametrically opposed to those
of which Mr. Ashmun Is to some extent the or.
gun, took the taw and commenced with a fierce
philippic 'upon that gentleman. I believe he did
not rear to the argument of Toombs. He was
radically and irreconcilably opposed to the bill for
paying money to Texas. He could not commit to
tax his conatUrienth for that purpose. If she had
any title to the land she claimed, let bee have it
We bad no occasion to purchase. "Old Thad"
indulged in a great deal of MIMIC at the expense
01 the compromises with Texas, both in the House
and !Senate. Mr. Doer, of New York: obtained
the tom, and will speak to morrow. I have no
doubt hearill makes powerful and ionanawerable
defence of the position no promptly and boldly as
sumed b the President, as well as of Mr.
Pearce's bdl for the settlement of the boundary.
I as scnyy to inform yon that the prospers of
this latter Measure of conciliatitut, are noise fair
as could be, wished. The Northern and Southern
, opponents espee.t, by a combination of forces to
muster strength enough to defeat it. We shall
know the result In • law days.
The Clvil tad Diplomatic Appropriation Bill, the
most important on the hat, will probably be piss.
ed on Saturday or Monday next. Next week
will be given up to the two remaining appropria
tion bills. One week of August will remain, and
that will be'coniumed In disposing of • vast num
ber of bills which command strong local Interests,
and, therefore, Inn be attended to. The pond
and deelahrit create upon California, Texas, and
New Mexico, will take place and be decided
• within the font ten days of September. If oath.
log can be done, It will be discovered within:that
period, and an adjountomt will hoc:caseated to
by all parties.
The proposition of • number of the Southern
Smitten, to insert a protest upon the Joanna of
the Senate against the admission of California,
encounters a moth more lively and serious °pia.
sine, than I supposed it would. It strikes me as
a legitimate and correct mode eLempresaing
seat to an important measure. In thle case the
protest V written by Mr. Scaler, and offered by
- Mr. Hunter of Vaginal. It L signed by but ten
Southern Senates, among whom am found none
of the oldest and greatest names dale Senate.—
Berrien and Sebastian of Arkansas, at first Opt.
44 the document, but withdrew their names be•
kne_the paper clime before the Senate. its it is an
emanation froutonly one third of tho Malan from
that section, it cannot be considered a very for.
tradable dersamstrthion. The small indeed MRrs
the most strenuous apparition to allowing in m
utton, and I presume, that to marrow a will be
withdrawn by. Mr. Mater. /mans.
RAM A. soooowoorr. or 810miecitO, Ca.
fonds, la now en a abet to his relatives, la Albany.
He is about twenty Ave years of age, and went
entM.Calikarldi as a private soldier in Ca Steven
son's HelLiermni. Ater his discharge from the U .
S. series, he obtained emphalnual as bock
keeper br Capt. Saner, ■nd has sineesecumrds.
tad as estate ►aimed at $330,000. Whit 9 in Capt
&awe employ he had at one time the paying sff
of 600 clerks snd cannon, not one of whoa n• •
calved Ins than $l3 per day. He inaleithat dur
ing his stay with Capt. (NMI $16,000,000 of that
gentleman's money pasted Sayegh his, bands.
The whole number of tunes widen have aaUed
from the Atlantic pore, for California, 'stee r t h e
told discirirer, in that Milan, is 1294; .is ale
s hip s , 360 bogus. 276 brlp, 217 acionnera, 2
.loop, NMI 62 Manama
sttattissitniinf Otlifomia.. Minch
Wed the Semite ou Tamoday elem.:al, is the
same that are introduced in March last by Mr.
Donets& It ti as blioanx all the munendments
cleared, except the one .embraced in the 3d aec•
tion Imama been rejected:
Whereas; the people of California have promo
ted a constitution and eked admission into the
Malan, which constitution was aubmtned to Coo.
Fees by the President of the United States by
message. dated February 13th, Pin°, and which,
on due examination, is tbsind to be rept:Mllean m
its (ono of government:
Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe slltrinc
romiativer of this Unwed Statue of Amen. to Con•
gross asottrdlod, That the &am of California shell
be one, and is nereby declared to be one, of the
United Suites of America, and admitted into the
Union on an equal footing with the original States
in all respects whatever.
Sen. 2. And be at further enacted, That until the
representatives in Congress shall be apportioned
according to an actual enumeration of the inhabit-
ants of the United Slates, the State of Chilton:tin
shall be entitled to two representatives in Con
Sm. 3. And es .at farther wureted, That the said
State of Cahoonma is admitted into the Union upon
the express condalon that the people of said State,
through their legislature or otherwise, Mall never
interfere with the primary diepoval of the public
lands mottle Its limits, and shall pass no law and
do no act whereby the title of the United States to,
and right to diapere of the name, shall be impaired
or tit:meth:wed ; and they shall never lay any tax
or aatessment of any deacrip•lou whatsoever up
on the public tomato of the United Slater, and to
no case shah non resident proprietors, who are
citizens of the United States, be taxed higher than
dents; and that ail the navigable water. with.
in the mod Suite shalt be common highways, and
forever free, as well to the iehabitants Of said
State as to the cit zero of (he United Staten, with-
out any um, impost or duty therefor Provided,
That no thing herein contained shall be construed
as reoegnisMg or rejecting the propositions ton•
dered by the people of Cali&rota so articles of
compact in the ordinance adopted by the anwven.
don which formed the constitution of Mat State.
la reference to the passage of thin important
measure, the National Intelligences of yesterday
his the foUovnaif article.
From the feelings of joy nod delight with which,
a few days ago, we hailed the passage by the &n
-ate of Um bill forthe settlement of the Texas Boun
dary, as the first of a series of measures of pacifi
cation and quiet to the country, oar readers may
well conceive of the gratifiattion, with which we
are enabled to announce to them the consequent
passage by the Senate, yesterday, of the mcond
great measure, the bill for the ndrutosion of Calif°,
nia into the Union. Th• vote upon the bill was
mom decisive than we anticipated', that to to ray,
it was passed by thirty four votes to eighteen,
being very nearly two third, of-the 'Senator, rm.
Oar* more we ray, as we said of yore,, when
the truly national and wise conduct of that elevated
body saved us from the catastrophe of a needless
foreign war—again we say, to the widely expand
ed melee( our readers, and to the people of every
State of the Union, Look to the Senate! Admire
too self snenticing sprit in which that body has
acted in the passage of these two great bills—the
same spirit of coniprornise under whose influence
the Government of this Onion itself was built up
Athena, applaud, and imitate the Senate, and in
the sprit of compromise uphold is work! The
Senate hat but obeyed what we believed to be the
general will of the ,people; and it is for the people to
sustain the Senate by such expressions of their ap
probation as may write the popular branch of
Congress—if tadeed the Senate have not already by
is recent votes, established for itself at hest an
equal title to that honorable distinction—to carry
out to completeness that work of Fraternity, Peace
and Union, which the Senate his no itaispiciously
And, now, too, n the time for TIM Pars, to speak
out. Let every Press throughout the laud, that is
fErF cultivating a spirit of brotherly affection, te
ethed of one of fratricidal hate and enmity; every
one which preteen the enviable prosperity and do
medic happiness winch pervades this whole realm
in the mere homed even of civil war, with all its
horrom—the devastation, the desolation of the dos
nestle hearth, the rage, the !ivy, and carnage of a
esmilict watch might in its progress become a we
of extermination; every Press in a word, which is
for die L'mon, and against all attempts to change
this Government (thin a blessing us it is, in order
to overwhelm this people with the comes unspeak
able of dire anarchy; let every such Press now
speak out, or forever hereafter hold its tongue!—
Let no excuse remain to any man, in any depart.
ceat of the Government. fur the injurious suspo
on that the manor the People in any quarter of
the Union; North, East. West, or South, do not
understand the value of the llnim, and are not de
voted, heart and soul to its preservation.
to thppily, the case im•one in which a unease
iss appeal, in behalf of Pence and of the Union
involves no party principle, clashes with no party
obligations. The measures which are in progress
have indeed been recommended to Congress by a
Whig President, but they have received the sup
port equally of Democratic and of Whig echelons ;
and already, we are happy to being able to my,
that the expressions of gratificatnon, at the passage
of the Texas Boundary bill by the Senate are con
fined to no party. In the general satisfaction, rsi
far as we have yet heard, party lines are wholly
obliterated hlav this noble sentiment spread over
our whole land! 'From the mom distant as well as
the nearer regions of our common country; from ,
the shores of the Atlantic to the Rockylstountams,
and (rum the Rocky Mountains to our possessions
on the Neale, from the Bay of Fundy to Cape Sa
ble, and feel the i maces of the Ildweisippi to the
Gulf into which it nours Its floods; and thence,
tram the States and Territories bordenng on it, let
there come forth an acclaim so universal in favor
of the pending adjustment, that there shall remain
no loop to hang a doubt upon as to what Is the
Psong's WILL on to this subject.
We shall see, and the world will see, to the unani
mity of thin response to this appeal, that the roue
denotes of this Halos infer from being shaken bythe
tempest of excitement into which the public coun
cils and certain primary assemblies and gatherings
of the people have been wrought, stand with a firm
ness which shows that the cement in which they
were first laid has, in course of time and by the ac
tion of the elements, become a rock of adameaL
Washington Union says that a gentleman arrived
io tharelty, in the Tuesday evening's Southern
boat, who Estes that he is just from San Ll3lOlllO,
in Texas, and that there am 5,000 men under
arms preparing to march to the Rio Grande, to de•
(cod the rights of Texas. The:wands more am
ready, Olt sboold be netterm, to rally under the
sundard of the State.
Lettere from Washington state that the negotia
tions upon the embarrassing question on the
claims tinniest Portugal have been transferred to
that city, and it is thought they will speedily ter
minate to an amicable tidiest:rent of the difficul.
ty. They are now going on satisfactorily between
&!r. Webster and St. De Figancre, and will be de
cided, probably, within a fortnight. unless Mr.
Webster, on a faller examination of the latest di*:
patches from Mr. Clay, shall think it necessary to
suspend the correspondence until altar his arrival
hlovincerra or Ka. Cu, r.—Hon. 'Henry Clay
has been Malted to be mum at the funeral emus
monies at BOOM, io honor of the We President
Pillar. A special committee, delegated by the
Boston city government, prorseded to Newport
to convey the request. We learn that Mr. C. had
perviously intended going to Boston to spend •
day or two, and then go to Ballston, New York, to
attend the aonivensary oldie National Low School
these, Loin whence he will go to Saratoga, for •
few days, and then return to Washington.
Esomen vs. Asuoucar matement
hat been going the rounds of the papers in mind
to an immense hammer, made in Liverpool, and
recently brought to this conntry, to be mod in an
iron manufactory In Connection?, weighing some
14,000 the. Although this is, undoubtedly, • great
piece of mechanism, we are able to state, says the
Albany Argus, that a still greeter work has been
made and in use, in this State, for several yews.
"There is • steam hammer at the Xemble Foun
dry, at Cold Spring, Putnam county, opcosite West
Point, which weighs eight and a half tone, or 19,.
040 list, which is something more than ' about'
14,000 lbs. This Immense instrument was made
at the works where it In need. Under lie per.
=Wire infidel:CO large 01.111C11 of wrought iron
are thrown Into the shape of shafts, for *team.
boats and steamships of any sine from two hon.
deed up to low thousand tone buriben, if neceua.
ey. Other articles of heavy weight am made to
take any Sum desired by the martufeeturer, and,
urthatandlng their ponderoeity, they are band
s ~1 with the same facility that a blacksmith hand
les a horse shoe withal.
This Emudry covers about four acres ofgronnd,-
and from five hundred to eleven hundred torn And
constant employment fa it. All manner of cast
iron work to done there, such as bed plates of
fifty tons weight, for steamship., in one solid piece.
Palztota guns, water pipes of all &tea, columns
for building., and, to short, every thing, large or
small, in the casting line. Steam colones, of all
sizes and day:Mamas, are also made there, and
placed on board by memo of proper machinery
on the dock, near the works. There Is now in
progress of constmation, at these works, a mum
cylinder Baleen feet hi diameter, for a vessel
which will conke her appearance in our waters
some fine afternoon within three months, under
the @ospice@ of a mechanical genius of New York
city.- ThormL a lathe on the premises for turning
steamboat thane, Pal-Than guns, and so forth,
which has ninety aim speeds; which means that
It can bo used on ninetyaix deferent rises et Iron,
sod go rektor slow as necessity may require. We
ham given these facts because we Mink they
are worth knowing, and because it seems to be
the case that our people are continually looking
abroad far wonders, when they are surrounded
with thousandieat home which they have never
seen. If persons want to see a big trip hammer
they need not take pains to import one, for they
will And in this State plenty of them much larger
than any that ever came auto the ocean.
According to .th,„
mmell Lot they ~riditeot too the Hallett • ' Leen, Aug 13, •
Suites,.during the ye, 1519,1M,b31 tons of pig p. m
Joh. 1. 13. by.
iron, valued at 31,465613; and 133,457 tons of wh t , elected stdnnal .
tolled bat iron, worth .5 , 3,060,00 a. Here we have Second Coogresaimal Tristriet—Gilchrist Porter,
a single article imported at ' e cost of over seems wp ii ,
ertffirms of dollars, which with a sufficiently pro- Third Con err, glottal District—John Miller (Be LI-
Waive Tariff, c-uld be obtained in one awn c3uni row leads lames S. Omen (nti•Bentiier 332 vote.
try of a quality superior to that of the British ern. mai m . co t mu m ., hear
clq and M due lime at es liberal price. TNs must gam WI yams to Be elected,
matter ahould be kept constantly before the eyes the impression is tbstme will do it.
of the American Congress, which enlightened Fourth Congtesaional Distrim—Clay, Platte, Bu.
body havoc's already protracted a... Ms the chanm, Andrea , Ray, mid Champ counties, wee
dog day., his at length reached tollrot of the Willard B. Hall, (hail Becton) 2427 votes ;J. B
Tarilf—a enthject more important to the .edostry Garderilure,t mon) 2,24 i votes ; ape Charles I.
the country than any that could agi.ate it, save B,mmati, (Wait I 3,226 coca.
that of maintaining the Union as it is. A. the pir,,,,c, c , hg , r. „, j . ph„,t g ,
latter subject seems in be regarded aa settled at i g giecte d,
Wulungton may we not hope that the former will Toe Llgialaterre—So far RA heard from the receive the the attention which ha importance do. ha h ,„,„ wilt stead W hig 6 0, il h ,,,, hhyth 32, Anti
Ia Demonists 2 2—making • ,
H majo . rity in the Legisla
4000eetien with this object we may state vi d e , t h e H oh , Tho,,, Be
hh , h ,
that the London Mining Journal contains an are
bele on Foreign Tara, on British Cron, to who!
is appended a table, which shows the rates of de.
igen the different deacriptions of English manufac•
tared iron,when imported into the foreign coons I
tries whic h eninatltute the principal foreign market
for it. The article also gives some account of the
efforts which are made In some parts of Germany
to counteract those of free traders in the same
courarb and to protect the interests of home la
bor. The Lotion article rile that `Mc exertion
ought tote spared by those manufacturers in the
country, most interested, to enlarge and extend
their epbere of action."
It is worthy of remark that Mei table above re
fereed to,. embracing the tate, of duly paid in
France, Spain, Auatria,Prussia - and the Zniverein,
'Hanover and Oldenbeugh, and the United States,
there is not a single country in which the deities
are elarged ad valorem. In every country named,
including the Zolvereln, the specific rates
charged are much more than equivalent to the 30
percent deity charged in this country, with the
exception of Hanover and Oldenburgh, le which
pig iron and refined metal are •iiiibtred free, al
though rolled bar and railroad Iron pay 315 per
ton. Couutries of the Z Averein pay what is equal
to £4 10 a ton on railroad bars; France £7 16,
3d; Spiain 9; and Austria £7. Railroad iron is
quoted in the same journal et 44 15 to £5. at
which rate the United States duty would be XI 8,
• Bd to XI 10s. Tots stemmata shows, that so far
as the dory on the Import of this important article
of manufacture is concerned, the Halted Sate,
afford by far the most favorable foreign market for
the British iros,
Th. Sickness in Cincinnati
The Baud of Health close their report. today,
the cholera, whose prevalence as an epidemic to
our coy caused them to re-ensemble:m.l issue their
stated bulletin., having nearly altogether disap
peared. They report for the 46 hours ending at
o'clock Last evening, 3 isuennenta of who
died or cholera, and 5101 persona who died of other
A few caws of cholera appeared here the last week
in Jane Some of these being very save., and
ending in sudden death, it was thought advlsable
that the Board of Health should assemble, and ta
tted occasional bulletins, On Monday, July Ist,
they reported 20 fatal cases—all they could hear of
to that time, though they were whit satisfied there
had been more. They issued their second bulletin
oh the 3d of July, and for the 49 hours ending the
prey tons evening ,reported 40 deaths of this disease
Their reports then become daily. The following fig.
urea Show the course of the epidemic, (mint as
commencement to the present time
Myth. to Joly 1, • •
Joly 9,
•• 2619 16,. 192 . • .942 _. • • .140
'• July V. 196 219 419
' July 30 ,• • • - • ..410
" Aug. 7 •• • • --21••• •—•1112 • • —773
•' Ayr 12, —23 104 147
Total to this Jaw SS! so Intl I
This shows a total mortaliti, fora period of
shout tweets weeks of too thou taint unit do rt ,•4010.
of which a good deal less than one• hall was class
ed by the Board of Health as cholera. The other
diseases were ehmtly billows, and in areal:part Jitter
ed bin line from the ordinary sitturner diseases of
tbo city.
Lao year. the total number i t deaths here, of all
diseases, for a period of •even weeks ending on the
11th of Atatust, was fax, thousand, fur, nw , d,rd
ors! .14ghtty..gGi.
Last year the cholera appeared here early iu
May. On the 10th of that month Char/es If
Brough was attacked with Ma diallitse, is its se.
cereal form, and died after a fet hours. This
created something like a general ileum, and the
disea_so almost uninediately meaner epidemical
From that time to the 150 Juno, however. the
number or deaths ascertained was bat 1 Finn
the li;th June to the !nth July, the number was 2..
.1 71 : and from the 11th to the 21.1 July. , t was 'dtt:L.
This /mike. nn nggregal, from the (Ir.! appew,lni,
of the dmelx,-e to the dote loot notood
do th
The entire inertnlity of !Levity last re n, tor
live week., commencing on the Vith June, and
ending on the 23.1 .luty, .cholera and ell other Jo
The first decided abatement in the ravaged of the
epidemic here last simmer, and improvettit
the general health of the city, was shown by the
report of the Ifith July. In the comae of the next
sixteen days, the deaths by cholera tit-creased
from 87 to ii per doe, and the mortality by all d.•
seasex from 164 to 31: per day.
The total mortality of the city last season, for a
period of eight weeks ending on the 11th August
(when the cholera ceased to be regarded as epi
demical,) was 4G2ft --(Ctn. Gas., Aug. 14.
"The bettor; of that Admintstrabon," arys the
National Intolligencer, ape:Attica of Gen. Taytor'a
term, intempred by death,uremaina to be irrateN
and when written, will show that scarcely wu
one ever enrroooded lariat Mora MlSculeies, or ev
er, In spite of • storm of calumny, more success.
folly overcame them."
The truth of this teatimony hod. an answering
corrobersfion in the facts of the history to whiuh
it refers to the Pitialtlll conacteeseen of the Amer
ican people. Th •' Metal of celunany"witt, wines
Gen. Taylor and toe Adraini oration were assail
ed, dirgraceful to the calumniator. only, was pro.
bably sneer paralleled In this country, in the
coarse:leen Moe vulgarity. and the shameless ef.
free tery or its falsehood. Vilitiestion became eye.
tenized, and slander was organized into a code of
Through all this cloud of atm., like a stately
ship moving onward through logs and tempest,
the administration of the tutreptd old hero kept
even no. There w.a neither any faltenng of
nerve or indefiniteness of amp... At the helm
stood • pilot who had encountered perils before,
whose eye caught as brightest glances at the
presence of danger, whose hand wan firmest as
the coed et grew more fierce.
We hazard nothing In !laying that at the time of
Gen. Taylor's death, his administration was
stronger that at any prevmos period. Ityvas so.
gulling new strength daily. Its character of in.
Ilexible resolution of porpoise, combined with an
all prevailing conviction Of the Integrity sad pa.
Pietism of the heroic Chief, guided by an unpro.
tending but most camprehenaive sagacity, had be.
come Impressed upon the public mind, and the
impression had taken a strong hold which was
every day growing stronger. The time has not
come for the writiog of the history to which the
Intelligence, refers; but the epoch which it will
include has made its mark already.—Bolt. dun.
COMM P. tom Cas Some of mir eminent
scientific men are again squabbling tin the vexed
question as to whether coffee does not afford
nourishment. One critical has laid down what
seems a paradox—viz, that coffee contain. fewer
nutritive propertice than the ordinary food of
man, and yet that the etoo who makaa it his prin
cipal Prod is stronger than the man who feeds on
meat and wine. In support of tlng paradox, our
moose cPes the example of the.imluess of the
coal pita Cts'euri, who never ell Meld except e
very small quip:airy.Sundays, and whose daily
meals consist exclusively of bread sod butter and
coffoe. These men, he says, are strong, mace.
Ear, and able to do, and acme, perform more hard
work than the miners of the teal pits of Onsin, In
France, who feed largely on the more nutritive
articles, meat and vegetables, and drink wino or
beer. Another servant, taking nearly the same
view, insists that the Arabasoc able to live mod.
mealy, and to make long abstinances, as they do,
entirely on account of their extensive use of cof
fee. Bat this lest insertion is demolished, by the
declaration of M. d'Abbedie, who has just return
ed from Abyssinia, that certirn tribes of Arabs
and Akrywesuana who do net use coffee, can sop.
port greater fatigue than those who do. In wet.
once of such very contradictory fact*, who shall
any which of the learned doctors la in the right.
—Pewit Car. Land. Lit. Gas.
The lollowing — ineedote, which we find floating
in the sea of jouinaltsm, gullies us as conveying an
important moral.
Smcnom vci °ICE'S Rtrarma_-_-Old stories very of
ten have forcible applications to present times .
The following anecuote we :net with lately In an
cad/Inge paper:
"How is it, John, that you bring the vrgaou home
in such a condition."
I broke it dririti,g over I stump."
Back in the woods, half a mile or ow.
'Bat why did you rue against the stump' , —
Couldn't you see how to drive atntight
.1 did drive airmen, air, and that is Me very
remits that I drove over It. The stump was dare,•
tly in the middle or the med."
'Why then did you not go round it ,"
"Beam., sir, the monsphad no right in the mid
dle of the road, and 1 had a right in it."
. .
"True, John, the stump ought ii.ot to have been in
the road,butl wonder that you were so foolish as not
to consider that a wets there, and that it was wrong
er than yaw wagon."
"Why, father, do you think that I out always go
izi to my nghts r „ determ -
"But what is the Use, will."
John, of standing up to
rights, when you only get a greater wrong by so
awn stand up for them at all hattarda."
°Well, John, all I have to goy is ttue—herealler
you must runtish yaw own wagon."
A negro woman wu relating her experience to
a gaping congregation of her own color, •01014
other Saner, ahe laid ate had been to heaven
Ooe of the brethren asked her, l'aiater, you Pee
any black folk' in heaven!" She reviled. ..Oh,
go oat—vpaw Igo in de kitchen whoa I was
C42.r.YV10 IT TOO Faa..—A fellow stele a wood
sew, and on trial told the judge that ho only took it
ID joke.
"Rote far did you carry hl' asked dui judge.
.Two miles," answered the prisoner.
eTh a i jp carrying the joke too far, " remarked
the judge, and th e prisoner was comm itted fo r aa .
The "/..purl Kiertio
Tux A. OF Auva - rtscru.—Mr. V. B. Palmer
recently offered a prize of a. silver cup, costing
SlOO, for the best essay on advertising and its bene
fit, to business men. The Committee to decide
consisted of Messrs. George R. Graham, William
M. Swain and George H. Hart, and the prize has
been awarded to Horace Greeley, Esq., of the N.
T. Tribune. The following extract from the prize
emattention, ay is worthy of aention,
The merchant who aims to succeed in business
must non at these too points—first, to be sure that
lie can nattsfy a wide demand for the articles he
deals in, Oh the lowest practicable terms; seeondly,
that every body within the proper scope of his btu
smet, is made aware of his ability and confident of
his disposidon to do ro. These points attained, ho
has only to do his businestiproperly, as it comes in
upon him, and his fortune is made.
. .
To the merchant or dealer who is sure of his fill orders on the moat favorable lerms,the
attainment of an adequate publietti is a ;natter of
primary concern. If his circle of trade Is properly
the county in which he lives, then he should take
effectual measures to let every family in that coms
ty know what he sails, and on on what coadmons.
It is idle !napalm of thecae of an advertisement—he
might as well object to the cost of shelteitug his
goods from hail weather; prNecting them (rout I
thieves, or dealing them otrt to customers. Ail the
other coat of his bmoness is incurred Without ade
quate mains or return so long as this esicatire ells
' meat of his business is neglected or seritnpaul. If
his location and his stock only entitle him to expert
the customers of his own township ter neighltorhood
I thee he shaeld incur the expense of fully lufortunur
that locality. Just so wits the wholesale merchant
who upires to a custom on extensive with his
State, his section, or the whole enton. If he Is
prepared to atutsfy en widen demand on favorable
terms, the expense of apprising those whom he
desires for mzunners, of the nature of hie hosier.,
the character of his stork, the range of his prices,
nod the reasons why he should be dealt with, is one
which he mount imbue to incur without grins
competency nod commas prodigality By thus re
faster. he inns tan his expenses for rent, lights,
and fuel, cleat hire, Sv , trent a half per rem to
three, five, and in some mesa in tett per cent on his
aggregate sale, 2111.1 renders ti mortally impossible
that he should sell as cheaply as his more vomiter , -
ing and en pable rivals In effect, he reefer es de
feat and ineapacny, and retreats ro the rear rank of
his vocation
Some men who know enonch to advertise, are
to narrow as to euntine their adverttsrments t.
pelmets at their own creed or party. If they do
not choose to trade with any but men of like (silk,
this is wise; hat If theydestre to have the whole pub
lie for customers, it is othewise
There is a large class who delight to shtne
nownod placards as wits acid poets, and au
nounee their wares in second hand token, or 4n dog
gerel fit to set the teeth of o dull saw on edge. If
their object is notoriety or laugh. Mt. is the mom
o cam tt; bbt It it he butter., it would 'tea, het
er to twe the , envage of tawittew Leave vowa.
est. to the met., and let saber then ,rak or the
et with dtro, toms otd Jecoiun. Iltr trWc ,
-ord.t that will convey the advt....nee. idea,
the right Mt,
Gaxmv Jr we, a .aying
Lm Ls who le nut n fool ball ;be tane, n,
be lime. Robert Hell, who held a ..muter
n benng rrinalebed by a very dull preavber,
ale exelarnat ton—
- How can a men who preach., von, tett in
o trifling a manner"' he moulted—
" There, brother, to the dill - ma'am between u..
'on talk your 110.1ocuse int the pulpit. I talk in.tie
The eminent Itr. Conn, hems in the inukt of a
rolicon ow. twen.toet. unit ..ering a. dw tuned
unbending lk4 quainmin.e approaching them, es
.lain ed—
n.p, We mast now be grave, there's a lot
AN , 'EtovAltv —l,r Tyler. c'erl:
. 0111 t w hedernskromy, Nl,l , nnel. tins !q•et
limed as n ennttnin , e for t Govern,' end it is In the
1,e1.1113e of 111. editor, tiekte 1011, w :its the men
ton of too unn,e
A neat hive e rl. apccrentiy about nineteen. F 3 VS
the Fredertel; Harald. a few days ago entered the
Clerk's office, and re rnomtor her bonnet wonted
Be. Bradley Tyler wat, nt The Doctor who WWI
pretent, promptly and poi amy retponded in tha al
firrnat tve •
to hav }toeu for G t - say* t overno he
r? tedy, "the genttetnan w
” r
"Why madwtn,”says the Sktetur south moth
coniuston, "there has been none convematton o
Thal subject "
"Then roil are the very gentleman I want
Have von any Itcenscs to du9osa of?'
Yea, madam, wit' you have a romiler'n or a
ordinary liceiie?"
"An ordinary will do, Doctor, I am only going I
marry a hale Dutchman.' "
A RoatatiLr. \Versus, —A !lobster was called
upon the stand, away mit West, to testify to the
character of a brother !frivoler. It wan af , ful
"flow bons have you l nown Bin Bushier...l;r"
"laver on.ce Ite born "
•• What ietuft general enarneler' '
"Letter A, !4,3 I 'Tone par a very genon
"Would you believe him on oath?".
"Yes ear Cr, on or off, or any other way "
"Whaton your opinion, are has rialitmationa to
good character?"
"lie h the be..o shot on the prairies or the woods,
he can shave an eye winker off a Wollas far
as a shooting iron will carry a ball; he can dhnk
quart of brandy a day, and chews tobacco like a
COOL —W e have read of many wonderful in
stances of coolness and wing fruit' exhibited by in
dividuals on trying OCCUR/ OD S. and have been sur
priled to see bow the soul could bear up against the
most crushingadversity, blows of adveity, and to the hour
of sudden mud bitier disappointment; bin decidedly
the "leftist" specimen of nouehalantas under sdl ic•
lion that we have met with during the present hot
season, lathe following incident-
A love smitten professor in one of our Colleges,
eller conversing awhile with his doleinea on the
interesting topic of matrimony. concluded at lad
with a declaration, and put the emphatic gut-soon
"Will you have we"
"I am sorry to disappoint you," replied the lady,
.`and hope toy refteal will not give you polo. But
I 1 must answer no."
"Well, well, that will do, madam," raid be.
philosoplocal lover, "ted now oppose see chan t ;
eta subject."
D 1111ssna's VOW L —The affects of thi. truil
eitessirdieary medicine • most utistretory In All
ousts is which It hail been Wed. No ether medicine
has ever produced such effects so ineantanenesiy.
It btu Daly to be administered, and relief f01i0... an *
manual' mune. ❑ has been reed In the melee of
the ben pby slelus of one country, and by them pro.
eoueed wine, if not superior to ear aredenne ever
offered for the expalston of worms: "It Is the very
medicine which was wanted," is a remelt addtessed
to the propene. daily. Mewl the
"This ma, coolly that Wst have .old Dr. SPL•nr`
Amerman Worm Bowfin, or Patent Vermtrus, th.
Dew yew and tt has stven onboonded ratirfaction
It D no mownen os the comment'', bat I. what In
whor rceommeade it to be—a novae's.; xpeeiGe to
lbw stilteted with worm.. II HUGHES & CO.
Mod Greek, Steuben co Sept 7, 1P47
112" For We by J. KIDD S CO, No en Wood .Drat.
Maud K to Hight by th• P
S. S latrtoir—Slri I wish to bear testimony to the
Medical violet of the Od called - Patrotenm. I wt. (or
• lung time aftliated with a kindly inliamed and vary
kite eye, so moon so as to lone sight entirely for about
three months, with very little hopes of ever recovering
the •10.1, and but a slight prospect of homing In re.
tiered of the serenest; my attending physician was
semi in making a ears, or in giving relief,
and afforded me but little eneettragentent. I beard of
the Petroleum about the Ist of April, 15.20, and gave
it • Mal, die result is, the sight Is restored and my
eyes well, e teem a little tender or weak when I go
not in the sun. ANN ICI:LAND.
Mansfield st., Cincinnati, May dl, I AUL
5.13. Liwroo—Sli: I hairs been unlisted with Piles
tor rim years, and hay. tried other remedies, wlthOut
permanent robef, until I beard of the Petroleum. I
Dora used only one bottle, and think' I not entirely
eared. I recosnotono it to all Who an .Abated with
Pile.. I Lave known it to be good for sore eyes.
Cm/dune/li, May ..ra, 1 370. E. D. OARIii:77ION
Roe soli by Soy me a. McDowell, 140 Wood street;
R E Sellers, 37 Wood .t.; D II Curry, - Xllegheny etty;
1) A Ellies. darolhanY; Jo.aph Douglass, Allegheny;
also by thepropmetor, S. M. KIER,
rya Canal Basle. seventh et, Pittsburgh
01Ica al Ohio and retina. IL /Leo, Third I
Ptrnanaaa, Aninst 6,1250.
Tni Stockholder. of the Obi° and Penneylearn
Rail Road Company .no hereby nolined to pay :h.
eighth Instalment olive dollars par share, at the nabs
of the Company, on or before the Wei day of Annus
The ninth instalment' on or before the Moth day a
September. The tenth Instalment no or before tit
loth day of October next.
C:r The 7th Instalment was milled for on the MI% o
Jrrly last.
augßrttf Viqd LARIIIOI7., Jr., Treasurer.
talyreVentents In Dentistry.
DR. G. 0. STEARN% late of Boston, la proposed to
ataosfacturei and act Duca Parra it whOla Plater
of oars, upon daction or Atmospheric Scotian.--
TOopraclor cm= at nvie ialll7/72, Where the AUTO 111
=LOates stud madame next dpor to this Map
~ Fourth Went, Pittsburgh.
Rona to—I: B. 12.Fuldea. F. U. Raton. isle
mt. D. 111:111VV,
— .11 % • Ittis i; Vorner °Mimi
Matto u 4 Feu/ mom ""roitt-d1b71:13
12.WOOLIBTaggry .
Are now proparuel with a large and hash stock of
Engliah, Gamma. and American Ilatdware, to afar
eapariat andu , manta to sayers. Tpoie ',Maw r to
purchase w I,' ,mom their inteieft by Imilna
A/trough onr meal, as they WO atlrattated 10 on
tie most tentonable terms. Kuala
Of F.ltt•borph.
Q. 6. lILT94EV, W. MARKS, Ste,
61fice—No. of V.ter street, is the warehouse of C
T I ' kind Y on ' o n s=s, M nsL, ' ,74,
ctono, geode
merchandise us surre, nod in tr.situ vessels, Ax.
An merle goeren:y for the ability and latcgrthS
the Inatthatlon, le a ll in the chermser of the Di
rector.. who ere all citizen. of Piosburgle, tech and
favorably known to'ihn community for Weir prudence,
ir.teffigenre, and intigriti . .
Dstecrone—tL Ilussey, Wm. Bega!ey, Win. Lee
herr, Jr., Walser Errant,' 'Hugh D. Ring, Edward lleraehno, Z. Kicisey, S. Ilarbliogh, M.
Wholesale& Resell NannlacLuse es &Dealers to
Oar. Wood &Fifth am, Pt /tabuTab. -
Where they offer a tell and complete Sect or Hata.
Cap., Furs, ac., of evereqaallty and etyle, ey
sale Retail, rind melte the nnention of itiele cue
tomcia and parcliasela generally, ...nen n g ibe in th a t
they will tell en lac MOST atvalrtAatonr
On Sunday nu tang, lfa'd instant, May. Annum
formally of Lulli.:ld ea, Goan., lased
y yam
The (uncoil will tyke pinec this afternoon, from the
residence of her ton in lava, L Wilmerth, on batik of
!Mal, aLoza the upper laidge, Afleghemy city, net
o'clock, Min afternoon, to the Allegheny Cemetery.
frfertiv of Mc famiiy are invited to attend.
lUadta Peungassa My sad Cavil]looks.
T l p l . E LL l. l v o e d been intro4ueed intn
b lu Pittsburgh and
the wbeciibct agent
Teachers and ntbcrs übll be supplicd alpublisher's
pncoso as elated in circular. J 11 MELLOR,
nuelb • hl Woo,I•1.
A % , ;lll . li i conor u e . V . t r d 4.
j midesnable Dorelltog' House,
Mo•.esstun myna irnomol'antTiT'. No ita Peuco' street
quire of John 11. 11apard, or ‘Villt ' Or P o 4L o ' k. I ntl No
Ito labeny street. sogl9.da
3i) Powdrr, 11.19 t rc
THE pattnpr.l.4 , 1., caul, rxisting under o.le ram
oi n. & Co, was th,twvea Ue .0..
.. . .
consent, On the 17.11 ill.. Ilnd ~ , e withdrawal ,s; A P.
usgoo6 mon I;l< rim. Ito I o ,iness Witt Le CO..
.•1 or o.c rci,stolog perts,r, under tle same los le
tilt,ng o; K E.? konol- A 1%, , who ro.pectioily ow.
tt shbre ut ,u4ll, pal.ol.lK, 'MO"ba.e o 0
..16 Larks, LalnDre, I . .stiorin t••••elc., and • variety
idrtn. , ltr Hardware. ut al-Sr IVtachow•e. No MI
Voter street
A P 4 SI,OnD,
Estate of Matthew El.i.Oserte,dee . 4l•
A LL prr ld to itm mid ”tate tar Few.,
ed totaLrocdtu. onyto It ose kuvi g
•I.ltul 41,1tuir, m ut, dull •utheattc•ted
•ad . ttoout dony, to etit,l. 1, tit•• undrt.:ol.l eze•
A 111 0 1.101VIIII:,
gtot[l , ll. - I.TER I 11.011 HIE
10 Grrus, , ir, flaftimrur,
A I ;E . N . lt+l ,. I T s ' ttk „ : „ .:1: n
..• ,rq iti•r; ...o•o
•••'wec nonoven notcha. I, t, .ruLla 11l tpu..,ts,r. to E2,tur.J at
ankttri re, ..
110 (TICE tr nc re by nlrry. t•. at I c.c.o j2.l2teminiA
-111 gintlll,l to the ut4,..r,J,uu
c.tAte nt i!cceutre Ail p..r
mdcbtedt.3 rEd ertltc repr,...1., took.,
t.rtmestonte pAlturul. .IEI ttU pert on. haring clahna
nth t,etn,,lkEy outbentics,d, for pn)
met, lull N mr•cirer,• - rrit r
ELIZA liic.2LEASTER, Atha's.
) t.ittoc. ' a prrcet•t too're tLc Lando or wm
:or, rule, o I•te•oloat o , thy Goo:tot eatottoon elca
t, !or 1t.4 Jathc,ll' Ut.rlat M I . ,a.rvina,
Jutare of iba Cour. o: o)ez w
11...vety r.344- , or Dtra. , •l,anJ
or oar told 01.0 0.10:1.4,1 ond 1,17, rata
Ictlter t at: tic •tt. rat Jot It vet at Itte I..tart I.lottact
rt. taa ctty of Pitt•ttata,h, ton et,. Ito.", Moadaty or
Oct.tbatt telt, at IC u'attot< a A M.
Wsi L< unru natl thrtr, 111 Mc, prop, ra•l3vo,
:be corJs, Mg ., . Lon, t.lximo.i.o• nn.l
ren4en, mop,wruch to
rr.rcrtl, ottxr In the, ,ch•.i eppr,,in io
done— pod rrosccutc the 1.(.110.1[11,
Wet now oc or toes In lt c tool of rout count,
A,c0,13r, to 5 , und Itotre to Nose, um us tut •lottl
them uT:der Ulf hand of tote as
of AuFort •he year of our Lard one inoa•and •ekga
banerr and :114, nod 01 ite Coma:or:wealth ILO iSit
CAR 1 Eft i•VIITH, !Atoll
Cr) . 4 . :E:RrD NUGGI - , in excplle
TLn r.„.•
(Mee or Pathbargh Gas Compnoy,
August 17, 173 U.
rpm: Stec 0 .o:Jers Of the Piast , orgt, rnuthuny
Ia u Ithr , ,y u ne J. to,, t• ow..
. .
c.c./ ..f
betn of tw. , live
rtayr,ec of e!celmg two per , ous no
saut 0....mpa.1,, for u.rco 710 Ts, flout tbe
ot,.plovvr , r • .11.
THOS. Prat.
1000 L&B1311.11118 117111IT1AD
;ni t and • large number of Mame
VV and woos Cutter,, are wanted immedia:ely.
upon tee pa, of the Ohio and Penusylvoßs. Rail Road
ketweeo ralatm•plt and the State Line or Oltto, and
500 wale outtse line to Ohio. A large numb. of
Mame. aNi I;utter• may o employs.nt
at the 00000 over or thg OCILVCI at New Iltuttman
Appltratpou 14 to td the euntsactota op tee
Lee, re to It.e C,np.itly' • Floptnalend=l at the New
11.enton tilt tire. nod Inhumation may he awned at
toe Rah Row la Pittsburgh. Toe century t.
very healthy, mud good wager are regulotly paid.
•nglr.diw \Citnniss , iN, Jr., Iltret.
RICE—V tr• prime °esti beat Mc< p.m received
via caaal, and for stile by
bags prime [teen Rio tot sole by
TOISAC,O-20 bls Russell ik Roblnirris
10 boa rrtee k Ilarilwco-Ps Ws;
3 cue , flaunty.' lb lump;
bleoeue3 and lay as Is by
tour sr.tyLERS A Nicru-q
ACKlaPol.' AIACKILLIKI3!-100 brit more
171 thou lane Ida 3 Mao keret, for sale by
awe] tarsi Balm
A LcuitoL -5 brie Nal reed for sajc i p m ,...
riAsTr, reed InrRIT , t o r t
1 k
U 6fi,fr,wii.ffs - iei'd — f7r;al7ll;fr
..sonw, urdzln.oL im
110,17 J HtUU & CO
rillillpartarraltip of loansam &Stocklon, composed
I. al the n alessigned. ha. Lid. day heca dis•olvad
by mow. consent. N. R 10fINsTON,
Caudal tab. loly CY, Ml—fnt
No 60 Third, below Mortal at.
ISucoespor to Johnston & StuckWO
D F.:IPECTFULLY informs his Blends and the eel
-4301. Of the old establtehreant that, tmetug
pun-Sneed the Pnottog ()Pipe and Book Binder) of
the late hot, he I. prepared 14 elec.;e with nearness
and diseetue, e, If Jeser.puott of
- •
Ilarti, bud tbe management of the Printing denim
merit of rho late Lim for seventeen rest, Pu`l, b
leebt ronfident or being alio to render satialucuon
oil Who moo furor Lim with their patronage.
August Id, ir.f.ti —ungid:dim
f Amerman and Tribune enpr)
A rr n
op uuleTlarti ALSO,
The n,ruild unJ Thud Stones of IVarehousc No
Illsokol sum. Enquire of
It C STOCKTON, Dooksetleo,
•ugl6 47 hbolirt Pt
THE te , dersicned has on hand, and thin day re
A. cat • I the mann factorcre, or, convirnanent
• latgu :01 of I'l.nel, all cola°, plain and barred
Alao, lied ett. tilankci Coanog, Beaver t: oifs
Cas.onlry• and Tweed., orlarh he Will act
II 'hee. c ocr•. at Inn, faetutere prwra. Th.
mama.. U. Ili SNlJJ:.,lgoodd Ist Invited.
Ii L.ilE,
eaRlO th7 Larer:y at.
doa as. °tied st
and Lutsue cover., beautiful patio
sod prints less, at Nes 7 t u Wood cf.
F la.aJd CLuT If y y d d a , 4 3- 4 i Floor 1 , . 1 / .. 1 idol;
• dad ydol 0-1 do
400 yd. 0-1
Far salc,:arboleaolo and Total!, by
anal/ 7/e0 Wood at.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
I{£ Ninth Annual do . uun of the ; Weeleynn Fcmalr
natant, wnen it Is Important that all who netts° to
attend daring the brat term shoeld be mown, though
students ate reeerred at any rime.
The facilities now possessed by thla Institution for
Intellectual devr.lopernent, and for Imparting a wand,
as well as a reined education, art not surpassed by
these of any 'mutation in the country—whilst the VS-
Penne ore ieee than theta of oily dmttat llatllllllOn.
Mash earn Ind attention Is ran to the 'align ur
edaeatioa of Om etudents I. the great fundamental
Principles anddectrines of CuristiannY i whit. ..thing
mentrtan is allowed to disturb the peace or lance who
60111 Bert tnitturuon.
Young Indies from a &tine° will be received into
the fatally of the President, where they will rangy all
the ewe and atlention yrh oh their health or happiness,
manners or morals, may require.
For pa:titulars, sea this ItILOOsi eatalogse.or appli
nation may be made either perraeally, or by latter to
the President P WILBER, President.
Cincinnati, Aortal a, Inal—aagllidit
—lCtn. (Jac
PapploogikvioN.- .
.WitigßEASin'and bj ,Aln oirlhe .Gtherisl Ai.
! acMbly et Pettasylionalm,entilled an Act
Ting to elect... or ibto Commonwealth, It liAMotned
on Mc La glee ectica of 'ltch Mentions to be held, and
entusterate In sloth notice what. otricenvitte to be
elected : In pursuance therm/21'1. C.X.TS C "'" s '
Sbentf of the .L.listy of Allegheny, do P . erefore make
known and glue tail pablic notice to the electors. of
soul County of nllegurnp, that a .General Electioa
will he held in the said county. on the SECOND
CrSIPA OF ittlioDEEL NEXT, at the several
'election limn et. !herein
The electors o: the First Wan/ of the city of Pitt.
burgh, to meet ot the house of hire. Jmo Übte, at
yowler of Ferro aisl Fourth meets, in said ward.
The electors o' thoSecood Ward of the coy Of Pitt.•
torch, to to w the Bunn District lintel, comer of
err .rd awl ttm rn
ncht ewers, in said ward.
The e etc..* of :ha 'l'Lird Ward of the ray of Pitts-
Lurch, to mei, at 'he 1 . 0111 , . of Ander. ittchlastor, Esq
The Mercers or the Fourth Ward of the city of Pine.
Lurch, to meet 0. the Public School attS ,
The electire e' the Fifth Ward of the oily of Pine
,north. in meet at the Peinteylvonia Muse, occupied
by coalieh Smile. in .r'o weird.
The , :eetorn n , the Ward of the city of Pitts.
burgh, to meet s th , Patine School floneeyin cud
rte sleet", the Seventh Weed of the city of
pitionegh, to rocs mt the. Pointe School Boum. to
toll weed.
Tim e , ertors of lo• ri.ehth Ward ofthn city of Pitt.-
burgh, to meet ..t the Public School.. Mum in mod
The elem. attic Ninth W.rd of the city of Pius
burgh, to meet at the Public School Mum, in gni'
Tb, elemare or the Fims Ward of the eny of Atle•
gheny, to meet of the house of J. Woodhouse, Robin-
Fun otreet.
che of the Second Wind of the city of Ail.
uheny, t Mott VI the hoe. of Widow ' Thompson,
north overt eon, of Ohio street and the Public Prove
The electors c Tint d Word or the elle of Alle
gheny, to meet -t the milk School Ileum, in send
ward, on the Ver. Con/mere,
The elector. of I' °ugh Ward of the eliy of Alle
theny, le meet nt the boon of Mrs. Wylie, East COO
The electors • f Put township to meet at the horse
of Mr, Nency !slurry, on the Mechanics' Orel Farm. I
ere Turnpike road, to NMI township; except the quail-
5.1 voters rend dy in sermons Nos 4.7. and 14 of the
erty:dismict, vel.o shell vote at all general elections to
the nir th woad of the city of Pittsburgh;
Theelectors of Peebles township to meet at the
house of John Meilen in the vtlieve 01 Fast Liberty.
Theelectors of townrhip mem at the
house of Francis Wtlsou, on the Fnmkstewn road, In
said township
The elector. of Plum township to meet at the house
of Jahn !Dimmers-Ile, In said tovenship. and Hugh Lo
ran shell be /afire. sod Pugh D Xing, and James
Mc Drub, see, shall ho the Inspectors, until others are
duly °tented.
The elector. of Patton township to meet at the
het., of Joel Munroe, in said township and Femurl
elbow shall be Judge. end Wliam Caroters an
Devid Daggs shill lie Inspectors, il until Others h am dul y
The clearers of Veracities tosurehlp to meet at the
Brick Seta of IL um, near the White House formerly
occupied by Thus Neel. and now by Wm. A.Show.
The electors of Elizabeth township, inelnding the
Immesh of Elizabeth, to meet in the house formerly
e .,eepeJ by Joe l , Wnleen, In geld borough.
The el t' re of .Dl7-rsou township to meet at the
m ec
bea •f Jolla :nice, formerly occupied by Jas King,
in seal :township.
The electors ot township to Meet at the house
of Saint Wtlson, formerly tcrupted by Jut If Neel, In
said township. Th.rlce,r.of tipper rut. Clem township to meet at
the boom so Jaws Conn lo'sset tonship
The electors of Lower Et or,
Clair :own w • hip to meet at
the hawse of Jest ph ladders, Ile.a fetrY,l to said
tow cob ip.
The reel,. of Rubinson township 11 meet a, the
Leh, of torch Ne.Farluol, formerly "salty McFar
land, in mid tow, , hip
The electors et Findlay township to meet it the
hesse - of MeMielland A. Arsons, fenntaiy °imitated by
John Charles, ht.the Vtlitlge of Clinton, in mid town
'line ate! mrs twanah'p to meet at the boom
( liter °moon ie toot toammlap.
The e'ectimo Ohio omanAhm to meet at the haute
JO a 11,, in ..nol
The eleete Etv.klm tommbin to meet at the
onto %matey oreupied by J. yhrum, to taid town.
The elettnts of the Itornoo of Manchester to meet
at the
Tee efee:es, of ileacry, tsvm.bip tom eet at the
hen•,., of Got,/el, ro.he in 'hid tnwm•htp
The ele - tor• or Rel4wln , ovnt, , h;p zo meet at , he
hom,ei Jotel C o v o oo to enitt myrnahip
110' r'eetnr• 1.1 Snowden to-rn-hip to meet at the
bor of Prter It •ter. s town•mp
It• eleetor• S•lth Fayenn town•htp tonmet of
the boost of the tam a, U. V. CoaLer,
61.4 10000.010
The clettnr• of North Payeve townshm to tocrt at
the neame mos •711,11 r op Franco, Januar., at Hu
Mill, in said
The elector% 0' ICON. Its. tr.h.• In mret et the house
ort:eor•e Croper, on the Fmoklin road, la said town
The elector, o( Pine ton-t,hip to meet of the house
of Wiltern CorFr.t.t.r..q • to 431,1townehip
The r r, n; %Ye,: toven.htp tomeet at the
boog , ft( t'Amiev..n tovenOgp.
The n'e..tot.7 ot Eagt Deer
to meet at the
Seh.,3l Iluetsc, to the White, of Tatentem, ut
sot totyn.tolp
Theoee.,. Isitona lowest, to meet at the
hon., toraterly uc opted by y. Harkey, to tiabt towtt•
.h p.
else of Snaler township to meet at John
'I nr. ,oers ot Nit ladiana intro
reliding in th. follownn• , e.enned I•eornhafT•
.1,1 vote at /g• rro,usn, In I,lc Boron& o
t+ll.; Pet or7h. nt • cc ,, n re, at 0r4./.0.
LryTong at a p•s•nt vn gi.eny it,ct at nh
~,er liar of tie tano of /mats Rosy, ard u•tm , kg ,
no; the,' 'y e , nrse ~ -tween tarts. of Ike Re.
slid Juhn aid Fre,. Ilentrv. to 'he N. E. corner
said ins Ro , l , . aln.—tbruea -mar • westerly ezur,
to Revs tow,Y, liar in .1,1, • man. er aa ex.brat
al. 1 , ...-11,1.ns orb,. strum , snl'aaninnshaln, di•triel
and Ike!grkwas wilt R.,- relied the since UAL., I
a,ov” dr• I.oan.iarr •
The el..etor. of she In. rasa It or Ilcrm n•laszn to mee
et the 1'1:1,1, Itvbool VI, In stud borotteh.
The eleNner o , the Onrou.,ll 01 East rminshana 10
me, a: Ih•
!toad f.I.Meo of Olivet 11. Ofamhj,
said latongh.
.I!te o' Dequoirne Borough to moot at 11,
ebbc Srh Il.i•• sc. lc 'ell borough,
The elec.. • ie the. Ibirombh of Lawrenceville to
.t et Ste 01, cube 1 !lonic, in ettl.l borough
Tic.• , lib ros,7li of Shurp iburxh mee
trio bribro v . Jantea Sharp, in sail borougn.
he u . GUN. of coo tiorJueit of MeKeetport to Meet
at it, Town trap. in a rirl borough.
The Cie.., of Lae bnroagli of Samba Pittaburght•
a t
at the haute birc hi ouetipiell I.y E. M'A munch
at the endof tan a linego, in mud borough
The elev.., Of tio %row) of ut
nu, at Patch . W
ovalbort u". 1 .• v. 4 1..... ountlt.d o•
s f r Stir' I Cos
Ono pervert or Sur•cyor
t 1.
One pervert car Auditor
One perlon (It Con en! S.
One per epo tof Congreße to All the unexpired to
of Arose.. Hump., manned.
Übe person Memo. of the Senate of Petnsyl
Floe pets°. lot 4km/intro of Astembly Peonly,
• .
One person far Prosecatlnr Attorney for Allegheny
ea t U).
110 pereon for Arnhfor
One per° a for County Surveyor.
Also, to tote for or against the following amendment
of So Cototoution of the time efSellneylvanta, agreed
to by tt ton/Otntr of the oftembete elected to each hOillle
al the Legtalntuee, at two tueeesetve segues. of the
UMW car by the Senate and House of Represent..
Met or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gone
eel Assembly get, That the ramdsation of this Com
monwealth be amended in the second section of the
firth article, en that it read m follows: The Judges of
the Supreme Court et the several Comte of Common
Pleas, end of such other commie( Record as are or
shell be este, 'Wed by law, shall be elected by the
qualified elm. of the Commonwealth. In the manner
'amain, to . wit The Jades of the Supreme Coen,
by Ike queliqed electors of the Commonwealth
tergM the Ptesident Judges of the mural Courts of
Comm. Pines, and auen other Courts of Record es
ate or .hell be erabllsned by law. and all other
/me. tequited to be Maned to the law, by theowali
bedal of Ise esspeenve diem.. over which
they are to preside or act as Jo lgcs, and the AMOcittle
Judges of •ho Courts of Comm. Pleas by he quails
fled electors 01 tee rountiesreroeetively. The Judges
of the Supreme Cowl ahal bold Weir offices tins the
term of Limn years, if they shall so to behave
themselves well, fsulneet to the allotment hereinafter
provided tor, sulacquent to the fins elemion,) the Pre
miere Judges of the nevem,' Coons of Corm. Pleas,
of nab other Court. Record as awn o rs
shall he
eszahlahcd by low, and all other Judges mitered so
be Wanted et the low, shah hold their office. for We
term of ten years, if they Wall so long behave them
selves well; the etwuata Jude. or ibe Cont. of
Common Pleas shell hold their others foe the term of
five ream, it they shalt long behave behave themselves
well;all of whom shalt he commissioned by the Gm
moor. out lot .y referable cause, which shall not
he will Met poem's for impeachment, the Governor
shall remove any oi them en the addres. of two t fuels
of each hence of the Legating.. .Tbe boat flecttee
shall mke plane lathe general demi. of thla Cameroon
wealth next alter the adoption of thin steer Meal, and
the erralreierteni of at the Judge, who may be then
in office shall expire on the first Mondmof December
t o ter,,, wheit the term of the new Judge. Wm
commence The perms. who Watt then be elected
Junes of the :engem Coart shall hold their offices so
don 0 1
them for three year., one for six
years, one for atm yea.. one for twelve years, and
one for fifteen years, We term of each to be demded by
lot by the laud Judges. se soorcafter tgielecdou
convenient. and the result cerefied by them to the
GOearriOr, that the eOrturriselOM Say be Issued in ac.
madame thereto. The Judge whose mmonalon
will dist expire shall lit ChiefJustlee during his term,
mod thetemer each ledge whose mennumlort shall
first .spite shall an Mu be the Chief Jusuce, end it
two or snore eolorms!lohe expire eu thestame day,
the Judges bottling Went shall decide by lot which
Wierbe the CluefJoance. Any vacancies, happening
by death, resignatio or otherease, to one of the wet
courts, shall he filled n,
by appointment by the Gover
nor, to continue till the first Monday or December
succeedetg the next general r I astute. The Judges •I
She Supreme Court and We Petah.. of the several
Courts of Common Pleas shall, al stated times, Imelve
for livar services au adequate compensate., to be
fiord by law, which Wail not he ousetaished done;
their cenunuenee in ahem het they shall receive no
fees or permantes of office, not hold any other °Mee
of profit under taw
o rb,Commonweal or tiadm the
government of Lim States, any other State
of Wm LW,. The du d dges of the :Weems Court,
during Wm mmitumee in office, shall reads with;
thin Commonweatth; and Mt other Judges, &inn;
Ihnr cool rein omen, shall reside wohlt, the
dloinet or ected; fur whlch they were respectively
elected. hIrCALMONT,
Speak. es we Homo ea Rep...
Speaker of the Same.
Aud by *atm oft& lath
of the ant Of the «I
altar was enacted that every pent. anent
JeNtreee of the Peace, who skall bold an office or spl
pottament of profit or trust under the Government el
the United States, or of this ewe, Or of any eitY, or
incorporated district, whether a commitsioned I s
otherwise. a mbouttnate °Meer Or agent, who Is or
Well be em
Under the Legislature, Judiciary,
St Eamon , . deportment. of h is State or the United
States,. of any Jed,. or incorporate/ of t h e and
Lu g that every serraher a( Congress, and of the Sm.
Legislature, of the Select and Common Comets of
say etty, nt Commenemera of my Incorporated
the taw !neap... of holaine emre.lng
at me some
C o we ether or 'appointment of !Mgr,
Impector, n• Clerk of my eleetirm of this Common
wealth, and that trip thrpeeturdirdee or otheredgem
oyany web election. Wall nettle Met. m any ME.
to be then voted.
Alto rand by the 4th section of an act approval
the Igth of April, IttW, 111. enacted. that We lath sec
tion of We act pasadJule VA. led 9, en:Wed as act re
lating tO the eke.. of this Commonwealth, shall
not be eonsernei as ID prevent any metal officer or
bormlgh Miner, hem earn. - as Judge, Isopeetsr, or
Clerk stony Geaeral or Special Election In tha Com
And t Mune Judges of the respective districts
gemmed, ore requested to Meet Int We Court
the eity of Plasburgh.on the Fad
d y Marl& second
Tuesday of October next, then and there to prepare
for theft dubs. malted by law.
(liven ander soy hand and seal at Pittsburgh, this Nth
day..! Aogast, A. 21. 1850, and of Wm Independence
orate Mated Stales the seventy fifth.—
auelgsd3straMT CARTER CURTIS, SSerifr.
aft HOOPS—Nr rd la *acre and rot sate by
- PROPOSALS FOR 111181131.:
Offiee oftbeosfo.b pent. SAL Cgs
DROPOSALS in writing will be
1. undersigned until Tfiesday,therat
far the delivetv in the cross ties rtgbint ibr laying
the tract of the 011ie and Pennsylvania' Rail Bold
from hence to Ilhasaillon, a distance 0(107 miles. The '
number of lies requited will be &hoot imo thousand
tilos hands.] per utile,' The ties are to be of mind
while risk or reek oali, subject to the inspection of
the engineer of the codipany. They mottle cair
a maw, into lengilis of by feet. If of sawed Umb er,r,
litvY am tor , e POTtll' by eight Inches Ignore; if of
hewed timber they sic to be flatted on the top and
bottom to a width of eight !OM!. They most be
clear of bast, ddlivered sod piled op, the tine as
difcewd by the engineer, between Oa firm ofgannary
and his
of Stay next bidders arc requesled to stabs
what umber of lief they propose 1.0 deliver, and ot
what sections of the rail road limy
_propose to deliver
them. They may propose for bee of chest:num locum,
it uflociut, they may be seven laebeg,squans.
Proposals ate also invited far furniabing mad sills
of white pine or white oak, to be font by nine inches
square, and from eighteen to twenty Sa ne feet long,
to be de li vered on the line of mad is a 10.
W. ROBINSON, 1,4 Presldent.
FOUNDRY PIG 1 / 3 .0N-70 tons" so ',g 110 n, on
the Allegheny Wharf, and for We ep
JUST received from Phlllipsville ratitoey/1000 pdi
011 Cloth Crash, Menem patterns, fez sale by
eagle J t H PHILLIPS
1000 fe ciT n G mo F a a 7 L-Hakr}idri3O,l4o
7&.9 Wood at
N. D.—All Dose sold Is warrantee to the parelturrs
to give satisfaction equal to leather or the fonds re •
tented. aa.lo
pit E Stockholdero of the Northere'Llberfes Com
l. perry ere hereby nootled, that en electlortito make
Choice of three Managers and • Treasurer for the an
swer year, voll he cold at the Toll Mouse of sa
bridge, on Bat, rdny, the
e 17th last, at 4 o'clock, F.. M.
WAN, Secretary,
Au goat 14, 11130.—aug I kt3to ;
11AVINO sold out our entire Met of goods to hlr.
John Shephord, we would tate pleas= In re
commending him to our friends and customers aa
worthy of patronage, and notion for him a continu
ance of their parrouagn H. B. lIUSLIFIELD
etmlb . d3t - GEO. BIOEARD.
THIS institution will be re opened for the reCiption
of lads and young gentleman, oath° lirstMoriday,
the second day or September next.
to plan of this Amiderey Is comprehensive, em•
bracing a liberal course of Instruction In Clusic and
Scientific Learning, the Modern Lanautena, a full
Conner orCommermal Studies. and the various brawn,.
es of elementary English Education.
The Institution Is furnished with. the 'necessary
Maps, Globe. Physiolog Astranondeal: Philo.
sepheal:, end Chemical b whidh the
pus are aided to acquiring • • m Apransms,ore thorough know.
/edge critic aublems ()rethes.
Wm A West, A M ,ilnstractor In the Latin and
Greek Innenages. . .
John D1f11.,41. Id., Instructor In Mathematics.
Jones H. Reed, A. N., Instructor in the Natural.
Mental, and Moral Sciences.
John C. Schmid, ph. D„ Professor in Modern Lange.
P Duff. Professor in Dock Keeping.
J {Mims, Profeslor in Pennumbhlp.
The Academic Edifier Is on Ferry Chem,betireen
Fount, and Liberty. The boi ding Is large, come
mains, and arty, and being out tithe business part
of the city, it ts cant and retired, which rend.% it a
very tleolrehlo Bunton for en Institution of [seaming.
Circulars can he obtained at the beak rotes ita
both clue. 11,0 Principal can be men at the fte•
adeinse asdew
QUDA ASII-10 culla teceired fist by -
y suKIG •• 23 %V /UW3111:1611
ef REAM WIEESE-75 bzp ree'd for sale by
VT ASl 6 —.6 S Cured, and Soaks eosurnan demi
roe 'J per steamer Reveille. for mkt by
•uyl6 8A W 11AllB&IIRli
F.:RIM:G-40J b. in atore artd for sal4tby
H AM S—Evans & Serifs Cincinnati tutu Cuteil;
Alaceyta Indiana
Virginia do
t3catch cured ; not molted. for tale by
'ogle Y.:(1 Liberty at
I )itIKU 13EEF—Jno Dane' Cin. Cured Cana...Bed:
do do cot earivanased
For talc by tangle' WM A bIeCLU BO ACO
SMit"ttKellT BEEF TOI , IO t/tl.-- a ii k tie c azt . t r a l ffy
VENISON HAMS—A few ebd Venison Slams
4,1,15 WM n hIeCLURC: d Cu
Stamm Beat Trimmings.
AATF: merle the attention of those fornizaing Seam
Ir I' Heats to cur assortment stTnninnors, compel.
inn in pair of the folloartur,—• •
64 coo 0.4 Table Linens, Linen Napalm',
iluenbuck Diaper, I Scotch Diaper,
Card 'fable Covers, Crash,
Curtaln matettal of all de• I ?data, he.
vertituunta, -
Cnp.t AVolvlsouve. 75 Fourth .t.
T HAVE for sale, a number of bonds and mortgages,
to moms (root SUN to 11500 0 , maturing no from out
to ten year., or in anneal instalments, wtth interest
payablesemi annually, or by city prriperty
mood in value to wrier the amount. for which they
•re respettively draw. H. IJI:ADV WILKINS,
tumid:llU' Att'y at Law, No lilt Fear* H.
Strawberry Plants (Or Sala at Green
wood Garden. .
T 3 C/ST'S Prue, Ilovey's fleallinga .ad
ID Thsse ore the largest sod best flavored hall
amonrst all Me different Vtaiellee now crown.
Orders addrested to the prmelelob West Manch..
ter will receive prompt attention. 1 fileKalN.
For gal., On Loaf Credit..
ALOT on Wylie street. emu Locum 109 feet m
from by Mt feet in depth to an alley :19 fectando.
Also, a Lai. on Wylie, sliest, near Fallon, di feet in
trout by 121 feet in depth to no alley 211 feet wide.
A ptuy to • H. BRADY WILKINS,
augltdif Atey at Lasr,lol Fourth et
Velvet PHs Carpets
hIeCLINTOCK has In store and for vale the
V V . largsst a:teem:tent of Vethei Pile Carpet of the
trnit an( neseert styles ever oder d In this eit), to
welch we in,le Ike specrivl r lemon of those ref.vtre
:0 ye, 0, Weir:nen. 7A iteu•th .t. atiet4
A SHALL Ler of Glbbed Herring, prinae order,
11 fu axle by JOH N AIePADFPI kr-11
noal , Canal Born.
I flik BRLS. .2,:i14.91ZEHE1., Boston Inspect:en,
IVV lust N o in prune order and for sale by
10/1N tdeFADEN A Mk,
.1411 Caned Basin.
RICE—IJIG. last reed and b. tale by
r2L k Liberty st
frOBACUO--50 baa Russell & Robinson's Ts Lump;
20 Ur. Ravine. do
20 bal Myers' pound blimp;
In Core and for sale by
Amarsatated Miasmata% luaulauga Cessa
pany of tharClty istPlttabarib.
CAPITAL 0200,000,
'FRC Cqmpaay Is emar oregamd
Manna against
1 FIRE, •nd Si AMER RI Of all abuts.
Office, Second SIN y, WiUfru RaIL .
I. S. Moorhead, Body Partenon, Wm. A. Hill,
R. 11. Harshly, R. B. &Wawa, Joshua Rbadta,
NI. Edgar Edward Gregg, A. P. Mahar; Wan.
Lingwood, ,
D. C. Sawyer, Chas. Kcal, Wm Gorman.
Damage de Lalnes:
MURPHY A BURCIIFIELD va gelling neat and
handsome my lea or above goods at reduced
priees. A tem pieces /largos still remaining th at be closed inn very • asigl3
Small Plaid GlaghnMlS
choice colors, including some of a well saperior
quality; also, all cola. of Chamley Gingham, ailed
us ions Shaw tEdiiieilsiiTiletal
Atfor sale by [eagle] :Wht BAGALSV Bco
ENGLISIT, Claisical.' and Mathematical Schdol
will Re.f2lpen on Monday We 19th
Webster infect. at the head of Seventh at.
au ty
N up Sattirdny,loth Instant, small lunch of ICoyo,
tg e ve fi b n ln , Ir . : In the neighborhood of
tho Pmt
lem.ine them nt ;Ms office. ‘td•
a t o" . by
0 Ali NLoolugq HOARDS,
15000 FEET Worked Oak Floorteg Saudi
perfectly dd7, and of a superior quality '
for "le by S. tt LAMLE.
aueltbdtf Sharps burgh.
AMALE teacher to MI a vacancy in the male mt.
'nary department In the fiat Ward Pablo!
school, Allegheny. an examination vIII take place
at the School Boma In said Ward on Thotaday the
lR h nod
Applidationt, In the mean time, may be handed In
to any of the direct.. None but experienced leath
ers need apply.
Alld bs db y, eny, in , : .Itdl i b bbyyb,e
guby 3 B. & 41711ZROA11011.
June. July, and Angazt, now on 11.1* at Int pe
number, by Ii HOPKINS
.„„})„ Baildinn., flour'
JIeVIONAItY MECTIANIIIi.fse.. by [tyros.
12 number* o f this valuable work now for sale at
Inc per No. by [ang7l If HOPKINS
T../ I to air sale by [aug7l R HOPKINS
13ACbti—Shoulders;t3o1eN and Haan for sale by
INDOW/7.l7n9lS—lSno boles Ebel - heart's Wu,
'r dour Wass, assorted sires, on hand, for sole 'by
tkr - AT.TI) -7 3 4•7171CtilIMI:LTs7i.i.i. •
w T
Vertnng. from the !guest otanulanortes In
Neu. owl Pb,ledrlphia, and also from French
Agenciee, the newest and most approved topics of Ps.
n Linn
ann Tea e to rTo e s r .
w o h r
s U ale r d at e t B s S Wood
men Fourth street p and Diamond A ll ay, ascenter
to S. CAIRO. D'Ba
MACKEREL -20 bola No 11
13 bobs Not;
50 bola No 3 ham
116 Id brie do for mile by
T DRTRD BEEF—tI tieroru Sugar Cored Carniusad
JJ Reef Hann, a prime anwle, for ' , ale by • '
FISH-10bris read foTt s by
nOTASII-111 casks pars. reed daj for sale
susl2 WICK. & 31cCANDLESS
DRS HERRING—W(I,bn on band roi We by
ouyln WICK & Nee/NI:MI*6B
MACKEREL—No 31am re reed anti for sale' by
Trtairiligratti f Kona , Pata -- 71 — as IfFetaThipti.
834i e n atle s a tull ' ha .b .rmtl e r2r b to arri b ar, o p a a ed
next 000th,per,larma Rteh,...Ertrope,t , ogea t oi. and
other *hips,
.yia Philadelphia mut Raltmore, WaSTIII4.
averiet in both strewth area quality to nor IF 0 a
market, for sale at ths lowest Prior for auk woe ole•
proved bills, hY KITCHELTIKEE
.0.12 Liberty email
grist fortrai . t .lu helo pel ere t n av raariet
aw as the
_saki • Wa N lIIITCHELTIME ,
O. E , 411 1 pll-43 !IV n
a m i t Isrsal2figlsby
suGAR coma it2o.l9—A teal
band*,.tlN on hand rii for tale by
Loin? CC`4lll
' Dr. ResesAlebr led Remedies. .
DR. J ACO B !ett6eo 12X,1, ! t ; h n t e dltnieoorrin,l4tdoler p . r ;o,-3' .
ed p neE ori. , 4 l: i .i l ,Lr,: t fi" : `i
inurement (et Inflatragtho I. r.j. eff.talttg n more
of ebronle. disemes..wuata s edent oh that eminent
Phittita, a d is a ermlmsto of Me
Unmerslty of Pennsylvania, • d tor thlrty vests rine.
h. be g , .r. img:ta 111 Meiners ',tenon of disease, nod
the appllcauon of remedies th ctn.
Mt roue h the on of hie indetin a tube. In e oreee bon
• with hls . Prophylactle Syne &ma other of Ms t.roodlcs,
ho has gained an enparmeled eminence m eoring
. those dreadful end fatal mcdadier. Tuber&hlw fen
I sumption, Veneers,
rs Betrofale t Itheumansm. "...atter.
Fever and Agoe, F evers of ell kinds, Chtiote Ed. •
ipelas, madtalt there.abrinale diwasee peculiar to
tameless. Indeed every form Of disease •adshes under
the use of his iernediee, to whieh humanity m bon—
net by the aw of one compound only. ter that I. in •
meepetible wi h Phyeiological Law, bet by the um
of km remedies, adapted to and presetteed for cacti
accent. tarot Ordinellen , ..'
Dr. Rose's Toole Alletenve Pill., when used •re
lavartablyne.koowledged to be .a pewter to all other,
as purgative or liver pill, inasmuch sie they leave
the * 'meet.. perfectly free frem eastivenmc ec also
his Golden Pipe t+ admitted by the (erotic e pm.a
peculiar properties Ideated to female ditemes, but
being imitated that st him trial is mthelent to retabll.h
What km been said in the anode of the mast skeptical.
The fflicted kratovlted to call .upon llts agent. a.d
phonon • s (graut) oats of the Doctor* amenities. giving
a detailed account of tech remedy and its applie IV ion.
Ear sale by the fallowing agents,as well as by most
druggists throttehoat the canny.
J Schmtamakm & Co, fl 4 Wool etreet, Pittsburgh;
lld Townsend, Donut, 45 Market ft, de;
Lea A. meth... do near the P.O. Alleghar. y city;
Jos Barkley. DasUngtna, Beaver co., Pa.
Joe Elliott. EnnoaXillejj do do;
T Adams. Beaver,. do' dot t
, • .
To then Cl4.leatte of Altorten* City.
A BOX for the reception of orders fOidity Ntts
it Fleur, le left et the ran, of Mercer s Robins.,
Fedetel, atom Seek orders will be 0446er0i
SuNiSkits—taigiliiii No 3 N 06061611
60 bf btla • des- del
• 100 boys prime Green Rio Coffeoi
Intel. froth Mee: ' •
40 Muhl N 0 Bogen
110 brI4N Wilolatteo Inlet all.;
Loading and for Nolo by 1-- ";
it= • - '144 Llbonylet
fresh, Jest received on con.ten
11 meat, and for sale by J C I.IIDWELL,"AcI.
313 • Waterer
I Ji b atu :ce = u
niiFv lleril~Ei atcu
Smaittle . foifirediuntal PioTiMes:
IN three eteldir lime% lie above erticte iv frequently
mowed. rho rubf erlbet• have reale en hand fo r
sale at Ono Doter per.bottle, which theylknon to be
geed.; NITA]; bought by themselves to France, erul
11 as pumas when they bought it.-
Teo & Wino AI erebents, Call side of the Dissnood.
tons par sahaVoloteli oM rug
1.3 by • FAUN/Me/OCR
austO .• Coo. First & Wood et
SPIRT TUIIkENTLNE-30 brie tor mile by
T ARDOILASO bX!itorrale
kJ a•al _ o AyAIIripiEVTOCK & CO
_ . .
Q Cowl( SNUFF-6.rreiCs uLiaddcnik.r... 6y
:7 — Wltc4h;krz . l7,l of Cholc• Tear.
140ftlit.9: & the Diamond hero
?art'. received. fr:int the joineries . ..olloll , er lett
run, y of ezreltent and theta ft t ar e tele, h they
ere tow retelling from the *deject Ciente an nee ten
76 ° j'et lb. Teel d<6..7 in the trade to bent the
queety et the rm.. We reritectielly itelielythe reli
ne to eemparo.por Tee& with thete f utetioied elre•
where at tame prier le - • so to
13 0 TOOKTON han shicolved fu r sale, v4+l sib
Gibbaii's Ili:tory . of the Decline end Fall of
the bosun FAINT,. •
1., , re land Label l e Thomas Canipl,ell, in 2 0, fa
Edited. by Weri Beattie, fl
Elenieolary Scetchea a, Moral Phdcbcpty. By tbe
late Rev. Kidney ibm cb, M. A. .; T
Lectern on the Ainbrican Folecodo So.-
gory. by Hovland°D.
Talbot an yerner; A ,l eel.
The Slieullic Knot, a tale of Ile ICTFIVICLIII COO.
' l he Searlei .ttltti,. a tomanet Ely Pialhnntel
Hawthorn. • 2 au;li
MOURN timein 'odour. Wbon MI or -fi‘etoit
, around thee, ConsoripPo depot ore and roma.
L0t0n0... - Ato no &ham! there. ,I,orer , bacted
. Ile dooth all Mimeri
well. ely' wan
Paver moon.' Grave' of Wutongton. , Thin Last
wounded; the ORM Bont'd Setter Pop. Ito kamt to
loved Of. at 'home.- Cheer no my own Jponnett.
Oh, Lomutl. Boring Flower Waltz.. Elfin; kral x.
Aran:elm° Walks. Bahmation Polka. ItettgPo...
Ravel Polka. pony Lied Polka. Liao Qu,oktiop
March from Norma. ,
Tlkc Oxne are run received, all
vVr9 n 1 Wvo,4 .•
I§ neuN—S narks Envie. Cured s; .
6 exalts clear Sinn; .
80 catins StloWders, in mum and fot
to.j, to clo. ebasivammgy
RICE -16 ter in.•lOlG, siurfor snle 16y
MliCEEKEL—lads li No 3], Hsi:AL: in
spcolou, last ranched and for salt by
I 0 Met" rl
FIE orideritgled haring completed lheir,llotO,
Mill aro ;Ignored to lill promptly 01l ergo. , or
lazier and other Manufactured Copper' or any 1,
§tdred sizes. Made from the Copper of the DR Mate.
Lake Superior.
This Mcml has been thoroughly tested by Compr•
tent teleratlif men In th e service or the I.:overman.,
and prom:maned tuperlnr density, crenkth, 1,1,1
ienocuty, to why in use, and is much prehrred.ior the
tettlefeetete Of Ordottnee end other purposes.
It is thereinto. confidently tenammended Aw aware.
article, for a 111.02, to.any la =uke! Add we
respectfully solicit titit attention of parehuera ein.t
others tb this haw branch of name maanfamuie,
At present the WarWhouse is No N Commerelal Row,
Liberty street augb C. U. It Ctiztl• Ad o
Starling nolitrs.
P FIY 8. rercnnlvent•
In In Starting klubtu to look at their asommtent
of the. goods. Groat care la taken In selecting u
vary hest make; and as they boy In large quantal , .
from the agents al itte martalacturerN they can he
'sold lithe eery lowest prices. yuck
WIIITINGt-20 Ms on hand and for sale by
J & 11 PHI L , IPS
' AO
, 7& 9 Wood m
4,71tt1Ft,. In Ewe., and ?or
13 tale low by . 8:IOGLIS/1 & itEnromr.
FLOUR -1i Barr
. eta Matty
reed and, for WI by
8.6 .3 8. & W. 88888038
EITITER 4 .—ZOO pound• Ohio Yew
md lot We by
. •I 1131-4 ergs L.r. bad doi
bbl Ita4er for solo by t F WILS9N,
day/ Na. 6 Woad Fure l.
Jj by W,11,0n
th Bene, N. D., one 0 ! b.Mesemnom.
vol. 12mo clo. y
Hallway Ecrmomy; a treatise en the new to 01
transport, It.'Managcmcnt, prospect., and relenone,
commercial, krinneiet, and mend, with an elperltims
of the practical malt. of WS nolnays m operation to
the limed Eingdom,en the Cordinem, and In America.
By DionyeberLardner, D.O 14,d a I eol-Irroar cloth
The Pasl,Fineub and Futurcefthe Repiablicitrac4.
'aced from th e French of A. Do Lamartina cu tter of
"'The (ierandietioc "blcomant.of my Tooth," "Ra
phael)", &a t t eal
Moth toward anoints in Lecture., Addle:de. and
ether Writings, by Horace Greeley. I vat lace Cia.
The ;History of the Confeenenel. By Jahn Ikea
Repine., &shop of the Dlocceedif Vermont.
.teal amo 01024
; The Conquest at Canada. By the author of Beebe
tyke,. /Elliott Warburton, Req.,) 2 vole lama
L•••••• • Lkatob or a physical description idithe
Untvene. By Ala iVen Humboldt, translated. (rem
the German by EC. att. 2 vole limo cloth
Gibbonla Becket and Fan of the Boman Empire,
with notes by; 11, H. blibion. /larger. cheeped/non
/than, aath, Miaplf.l4 111,4 eon at the pet . vet); 4 vole
received foraalc by ; It HO gliltia
42 w ;; biLtil i d t in A Lroa i stb
which n re. tar ,it let
how to aceoma.
"(,And we Mail say that the eon.
/raid it far from pa - daring all *sieve/de effect. bat it
May be obviated be the nee of JUI.b:B ttnut:L•ei
which will intantunrowly produce ;fleetest bitala•
and polecat looking Week, brown, en :chninnt Color,
writ tepanne th e ban or burning the th in. Them
eel re &reit:Wel/141e, end are not alloctad by th e ac
tion of heat, Dem iredoe or water There axe many
tintla of Ilan Dye on ale, bat they ail have arra
=Wild ObleoUo4 (A their me; name Inng
tieteso pledgee the MUM, other. binning the hair end
imp - , and some. whoa pet on, give the hair the hone
df tensely blackedinyer. JULES IIAUBL'S TFGE.
;TABLE L/OUU4II HAIR DYE is the only ore which
is entirely (tee from the above oblections. is warranted
mainly harmless, and will produce t beettuail arid
natural lqoking color to a shame lime theta any ether
. dye liana Ile engem in purchasing, to take none.
which her not my name &dabbed, as ti er, aro many
Initadoinor this eenbrated onion.
eniragn ' JULES HAUF.L.I2II rieitneit
wpa aszyr.
ASMALL MOUSE Pride sum, tlut t Eighth
A—Reng low. Apply at thks otfiee. a.g o
CON Ds didem rco'd fer - 7.1 — ,
.I_ll .logo , ' B BARBAUO2
Rtiot i
Owx.l6t-6-0 b•nv • In
INA got*, I”ia for sale by
aoittg W k M arrrdite., Prium
W u rir ato a re
m fo m r a rrc ias H OL - tora
AA. tr. PON CO., No. C 2 Blatket meet, haw.
s a upp l' h A uil the the deficiency In their mock, canoed rh
Bee, „
and it t 1 now rendered complete by the re cuipt
desirable. goOda, purchomil from manufartorew. ond
large au.eon tales, at a peat reduction from plt•itt
of len Spring. which will he offered to their pee e.
our Phllnus boe.dingly. It would be welts, to
tempt to enumerinn their well ermined stock, d.
therefore, ioulto the 'early intention of their friend.
Sod the public, withtite sat uranco of al+. MX , b.-
affixed wi each article. r IyIG
• MOAT Ann hpFaningx, In the Court or c 4.10...
by her next friend, Fran. 1 1
Pima Allegheny Coen.
els 11. bliiegisli. • • 1 N 0.102 Melee Term 1870 •
I Ye: ' ' 1 , Libel in Ofeoree.
' :moil ladfiuldea. • Selma, to egi Monday
of March. few,. art....a,
N. F. J. Altai &Pima& to
. • •
Std Monday of Jane, lase
• • - ' , . Roamed N. F. J 4
15) J 02507 jlfc,Fgam, Ow rwparidnit ainwe wewawl.
You ate hereby earthed end woelred to. be lad ...
pear before the Cecil el Cramon rleae for the cam
ty of Aggebany, robs held et Pinalnirgh, on the Jeer!
Monday .. t • goober gent, re smelter the •libel and
Complaint of Inc Libellant:Amy Ann McFadden. le
rha eheyereed, and, shop eetteill. if ...Y. Yee have,
why th e *aid Y.Pellant eboald der ho divorced on the
bonds of Matrimony agreeably, to the Art of qwwww
Aloe& ry in each cese made and rinraideii‘ •
wimps lei hand end deal dila nth .day or nage.;
lite. C. CURTIS.,I,Aaar.4
. ; .gh"tr tr A14 8 4.. 7 w . r . F.
DJ - seer ilieFoeferie, Me fuming avow . iams , . oaten en] In penreanen of a Yale of woo
Conlin the above ono—lb.depeeitionaer witee..,.
In behalf of this Lihepasl will be taken= th.f Once et'
Thomas Steele Eq., en elth .trees, In the eltyrif Pint
' b n eeh; on grytmag the Mrdr day of weilwailitri tam, he.
'Preen the liars all A.M. sad ll It Miami from day
to day tgl allThernmesaariumlitiony shell be uteri
sad at the 41n al:James MeMeg zed, Hept. in ,1.
'Swank of Callatabentlif in • ea el 1 "7 or Yv.ados ,
lan, ott priao Pa ..= dap Of Sepember; betweee
tie hear. ISP II I. Br .40 P. 31; whet' mid 'where
'O. MAT atimed it 1 . 0.... PrePw•
‘ liaiCkiViSl4,, Libellant's Airy!.
as" 113160131 • , .