The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 19, 1850, Image 1

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WHITg:& . OO.
I. N. Wm.] [...IIAroBT.
ALUM IMP Snqes, Irl.D !rarer, turf pool To
• .
Daily pa r••••••••••••••••••••-•—• 17,00 Path= DID.
Weekly, le advanee)---.••• • VS
Do. Claba, at a redaeed rug
Ita . l CS
A CI o r AD u Ira raI RTINIAIN
Cate Sew to, Celine. of Nonpareil or ten)
one t
One Seat re, each additional mmertlen• ••
Do. else areelt••••—..—..--..—• 1,74
Ds. two
Do. dlOte -•• 4.00
Do. one montlt---•---.•-•
Do. • ' mob seentbs•—••••—•—• 7 • 00
De. • 'ALMA •—• Oda
Do. fear months •—..—. rejm
Dr.. sit months--
Do. WO. months.— --•—• • • 10,00
" Invading Card (Olin or tesal Per ermem• 10 • 02
One Dream, changeable atplessure (per am
nem) exelmire oral: paper ..... • =On
• For each additional entire, !nettled over one month,
au fro each !additional !near° learned under the year
ly rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding a settare, and net ever
/free linen, to be Charged as a memo and a half.
Publisher, net accoantable for legal edverUsements
he and the zamountclawed for their publication. -
candidates for clime, to be charged the
same as other adverusemems.
Antwerthements not marked on the copy for a sped
gad amber of laaliftiOria, Will DO continued till forbid,
and payatenteracted accord: - •
The pnvileges of yearly advertisers will be congaed
rigidly to their re afar business, and .n alba= solver
dimmer.. coat Pertaining tp their regales. business, se
BALLfor, to be paid emit.
advertisemerna for eharitable instrations, Ore
Japan/es, lewd. tosensidp and other meetings,
end such like, to be charged halfprice,peyabloarictly
lr advance.
Marriage notices to be charged SO COWL
Death notices inserted without thergeothless twee:lm
puted by funeral invitatiots or obituary helices, and
whoa so aeeomparned to be paid Or.
Rawelat edverusers, others sending cornea-
Mentions, or retilltriug Malees dellimed to call atten
tion to Pain, Soirees, Concerts, or arty public enter-
WM:rents, where charges its made for admittance—
ell notiees of private assollations-,every notice de
signed to nil attention to private *Mennen cake!.
and or tutended to promote individual interest, eau on
ly be inserted with the andermanding abet the tame
le to be paid for. If Intended td be alarmed la the to.
cal eoltann, the same will be charged at the rate of
not Ire. then 10 cents per Het. •
Bishop or Fist Notices charged triple price,
Tavern LIM,. Petitio SI each.
Legal and hiedleal advertisement. to be eltarged at
Mll poets.
Steal So' tate Agents , and Auetienceri , advertise
ments net to be Meowed ander yeuiy rates, but to be
allowed discount of thirty three and one third perm=
Ibis the amount of bIILL
0113aLl Cl Sil-WILIXLY 121 WILT
Owl 13qunie, three iasentorts• • --- -• 41 50
ends ndiltional Insertion
. • •
Caw Seam,
c (ld}July) era bandied-30 els.
• Lb. an adddienal !manioc. —25
All trandant after aersults W be paid In advance.
WHITE & CO. Gascue.
L. HARPER Peg. •
SORT M. RIDDLE, Journel.
JOE. SNOWDEN, Mcrear7.
HIRAM BRINE, Evening Tribune.
Prnsavage, Dec. 1,1819.
'wlß ,l ?q
LDEUIIN, Finn Wail!, Penn street, between
tiO'Hara and Walnut. #ll business pnsmp tly as
r% ed to. " Inas"
TTORNAT AT LAW—Chitec, on Fourth ,truer
abovo Wong ,
ATTORNRY AT LAW, and Commissioner for
Penoryhronig St. Lords, Mo.
All communications promptly answered.
JA laza Fs-PLIGH.U.
A 'TORREY AT LAW—Office a F0u.,11 etreati
joi. between Enuthlield and Grant. Pittsburgh.
ATTORIVr.ti and CadatePar at Lam, aud Commis.
stoner for the Ptute of Penney!Tante, tst. Leant;
Mo., (late of Pinthareb..)
Atelerenees—Piumborgh: lion. W. Forwrerd,
tea & hrCandlcus & McClure, John E. Parke,
Mutelle & Scmple,!deCord & King. eagle-1y
war. asoakr. MIN S. CO Ofln.
SN , INOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Oro-
No I Market sh Philadelphia. apt •
Pittsburgh Alkali Works,
EENNEIT, BERRY & CO, Manatittarere of Bode
Ash, Bleaching Powders, Marlette end Balphuric
Arida. Wareholue No—, Winer meet, below Ferry.
• aserahr
Frederick Brea. . Beanie Reiter.
BRAUN & REITER, WholPeala and Retail Dreg
peat earner ofLtberty and. St Clair antes, Pith.
b laTa -
John A. Craig. W. S. Skinner.
flask) & SKI !writ, Forwarding and Commission
lleirchanta, No NI Market at, Pittsburgh. ar4
el A. MeANULTV & era Forwarding and Coco
mission Merchants, Canna 134 an, Pitisbargl,
N. (IRANI% Wholesale Croce, Conosumon and
Forwarding AkioLoot, No. 41 Woacr
In Hersey-- Andrew Fleming R. K. Flaming
mease.Woolert, and Cotton Goods; atm, dealers! in
all kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, No 111 Wood st, 4th
door from Fifth, Pionbareh.
Safereneo—tdeus. Wm. A. HID & Co, Bankers_
wm. I. mount, tun I. 51011111:11,
. .
. . .
10NaL1811 a. BENNETT, Bus Wh , G o,g er
4,TAtk e° l4l lv t.' l 7 l .l2're e :A?:'=e7:,"l l P!lt o ts- r.
baulk Igatuatastares, N 0.37 Wood st, between Std and
id streets. emit
: No in sebartd tulmarrk. mat
I,Dir LEE, tioecessor to Murphy &Leo,/ Onsideol
.l3.. et nod Comadesiol, Merchant, Lot of
♦metioaa Woolens, Liberty. oppostto bth of. (obi?
-•• • •
HARDY, JONES OA. D.ooenors to AMA:4.
Rules I CA.) Cammrsnon and Forwarding Mer
'butts, dealers;ln Pittabargh Tdaztenetared Goals,
ntrabtrrh, Pa mehrf
raPORTER 'h.' Dealer in French and AtOtrioll PO.
per Hanging" and Horde., Window tlhaties„ Fire
rd Prints, de. Also—Writing, Printing and Wrap.
pdag Paper, No. tt7 Wood Emit, between Fearth street
and i/I=ond alley, area aide, Pittsburgh, Pa.
PITT/MUM]UAW/ wonscs.
JOIIN AGNEW, late of the firm of Chambers,Ag •
new & Co, would respemfally Inform the old ene•
teasers and the public generally, that he will stilleon•
Wine to carry on the Green Glass butane, to all Its
Varieties, and is prepared so fill all mien for Apothe
caries' Pandlete, Mineral, Penes, Viols, Le.. to,
ps . Mining to his Damon,. Ilse warehoose la No 11
maxim .veer, buttreee Pint t Beeette sea Iro td3rn
101INTOIDIGANTIA_ holesalo Drowses, ar - Ri
Cr in Dya Sluts, paints Oils. Vanushea Ay No .
U Wood enact, one door ' Sena of Diamond Alley .
rlttenargh. ape
tifiMtn DAMEI,V ho luelc Groeer,Cotoniteinon
tereliant, and dealer In Erode, and Pittsburch
Idanafactures. No al Water et, Pittsberth. apt
'MUM OWILIT, lo3ltrt 011137, Ja,
ISAIAH DICYRY & Co, Wholnnate Omens. Co.n,
Rhoden Merchants, and danlcan In Produce, Not. ed
ant, and 107 Front 'tracts, Mehl:lran. reoel3
T 8. DILWORTH k CO., Wholesale Grocers and
dAirents for Hazard eawder Co., N 0.57 Wood st,
Pitlhartit. deSq
It — TO - WHEiKgD,
.studr Apothecary
He. 45 Martin et., three doors leicThird at. Pi=
hary,h, will have constantly . on hand • wall seLeeted as;
Partnient or the lieu and freahest diellteines.whleh he
Will wIl on the toad reasonable terms. Play aidans
...ding orders, will be promptly amended to, and tarp
.Mied with arriele• they may rely twin as renal..
PresaliptiOn• will NI aeminuely and
prwered from the but materials, at any hear of
It yor Mehl.
Alm for eals, a lug* rook of Dinh and good Petra
• 07. tul3
. _
t EL CANFIELD, Ilan, of Warren, Ohm,lCeerni.
Laer'dt and
r* n "' lte rd erria g Cte a g l' HTue d 7 1 1, Vat ' :
Pearl and Weetern Produce generane. Water
Area weep Dedthfield and Wood, Pittsburgh.
oen Mallard Floyd.
`J. ritrohnole, YD a b
D. G i; . 7;;:d 11,3. E i t ' otal
Cerra Validate, frOntinc on Llbeny, Wood and
Bath emote, eitUburVi. re.
JOITN -WATT:(iiearkil - r — W — Evratt & bhar
vam..o. Groner 'and Onrtnnissinn hi,ehun
ut.Wr in Produce and Pittsburgh blanufastures. err
pas of Liberty and. Mold oreets,Piusburgh P.. ja.2l_
NO. A. CAUGIIEY, Agent foe the Intlto &le an tl
Michigan Line to Deaver and the Loge's—Office
tka etora, of Water land Smithfield atm iced
. .
TAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Co.—Soeceisors is
Lewis Ilatehtson & Co., Commission Merchant.,
aad &oats of th. Bt. Louis Stoats Scans Reinary.
aalraseg sad MI front streets. Pittabarsh.
tool . . . •
6' &wit 1, COI - Wholes2lo Origami,
M • .0
ood !Feet.
' • Atlbtrit al Law, aka 34 at.
oOOneeti.WIAW. 4 / 4 ,03 4 1 './.“.
';',44tiVO.nma . REM TO
lktetilAk ith ) eXe.'.
inv . K . _ nasals an • tun • cr
fa Marta and bfaideaNnsmenic, Beaded Dona.
•Paaer r Erlates, Steal Pete, Us, Printers' Card; and
linnierrard anseraltyiNo:BU nortgd.jPlndianca.
• IICT Rads Masai we titAln wni•• .nan
'-'/Ltazitanol; Ota, BaLNIT. amiss, se.
We. Polutimariet, sutilibor se the Vida of is
4 .. n t¢'' .
ji g Pinar/sane
alcu s paid , near 71i sA. • 14 4 •
: • irriktrai lareu• •
re:Otte« agioximaz MN'' in N' ornar of
14. ' seta ,
72 laid Reg.:(„iridim Wine. and BoTroco, "'. l‘;
barti, Pa. Iron, Nalls, 'b' Co 'i no . n n' l' l a r.wi rns, n
stantly on hood. api
John NUR Jame. D. AVOID Walter C. Rae
RAnGILLS A. ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Covens-
ALL Mon Merchants, No 194 Libeny St, Pinsbargh
PlTTateptisTga: - Worties AND sPftrrid
- -
Was MIL WON •. gonad.
lIKANUFACTUREAS of spring and Water Heel, in planet stool, steel plough "mom coacli uld clip
.ffitirt:g m s, n aanitdarod iron . axles, and dealer! In ilia'
ty, u ca s = " .i ' lifl e rfa P PVt " :ta t . c , h gt=
11 , feh2s
It SON, Noss ?der k et .t. second door
as e. ro n e , ;:t i
. ro: f r t s h e: ta r lm:A . Fo o tie lo p and
Dank Notes and Spool..
to-Colelellont made oo all the principal rice.
brooghout the United Stater, apt
ikr LIUefiIIIASTEU, 41.1..Drama.3-0116re Fincitti
third door above Smokbeld, south side.
Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greatest
One and legal accuracy.
Tien to Real Estate examined, An. 0n30.1y
kTO. IX blarketetreet,,Pinabingh, Pa., keep constant
• ly on hand, an I metal° order all kinds of Vlale,
dles, to rorter ad alitteral Water Bonlca of no
. particular attention paid to Priem. aloalds.
• nme.elly
(IF WM. SCIIIICIIMANN, Third et, opposite the
Pat-Office, Pittthungh.--Maps, Landscapes, Bill.
heads, Showbills, Labels., Architectural and Machine
Drawings, UnSillel• and Visiting Card., &a, engraved
or drawn on stone, and primed in colors, Gold, Bronze
or Bleck, in the most approved style, and at the most
reasonable once*. 0m.15,1y
RR: ON, LITTLE & CO.. 0. In Liberty street
Plash crib Wholesale Grocers, Product cold
Commission Iderchsran, end dealers it Pittsburgh
hlenufat ores. .pt 7
ROT, • 011150 a . MA. urn.. WAIL. 1 0030000.
ROBERT ISOCIRE, Vitiolesee Grocer, Rectifying
Dlstiller,dealerla Prodeee, l'iusbersh Menefee.
tares, iet kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquor,, No. IA Liberty Orem. On band a very
lo hieh will ge stock
be eol of sud
low for perior old
asb ltlonongahels waiske yl y,
w r . rit
L. 0. 1tT30134. L. L. MIL
1.1 EYNOLDB it SHER. Forwarding and Commie.
hlerehanis, for tee Allegheny Ricer Trade,
testers In GIVCGlita, Produee Pittsburgh, idanufse.
turn, Chrid of Lime.
Thehigheiit pr lee, In nub, road at all times for
country raga. Come. Penn and Irwin eta apid
DOCENT DALTELL a Co., Wholesale firseeni,
At Commission Merchant% dealers in Produce and
Pit burgh Ilantifeetares, Liberty street, Pittsburgh,
'WHOLESALE GROCER, Prednee, Forwarding,
11 and Commission blerehant, and Dealer in Pam
burgh blarnitantures, No 539 Library street, Patstmoill,
tiltrArEt rkt. 0., SheibiTCEini - aTid
0 Steel Works—bil.ufacturors of Am. B. Spring
and Plough Steel. Also—Springs, Axles, Vices, An
vils, am They invite the attcntion of mooch... and
consumers to their mock lietbm purelnising else
where. They warrant their articles to he bona to auy
made in this roontry or imported. rebid
e. 10.1.3,211 oa t WltttL
. -
Ia HAFIXEi r rk WHITE, Whol;a17: Dealer la Foreign and Domesda Dry (Woods, No. g 9 Wood
Mrset.Plosbrugh. apri
o&Wiliaill.ft °GIG — Wool e reh mots Dealers
0 In Float and Produce generally, and Forwarding
arid Commutaion Merchants, No. 33 Water street,
a 17
P. tazun~ rrrrnsonan. 10. 1111.TYLN.
ELL Eh fr. COCOLil.Pcsduce .4 Genius' Can,
la mignon tdercliants, No so' Liberty street. Pitts
burgh- Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oda. apt?
F VON lIONNLIORLI a. CO . , Who!eta le Oro
eDo.s'eatn. ,`Jutg .q.l. 9 aTta'reVrlrriVele' r n
Produce, bare removed to tacit new wore..., (nid
stand,) No. corner of Front street and Chancery
DIORIIIS dr. AA 011T11,
Dot wit. Dooand, P usburgh. lo:la_
L. S. Woe roxo •• R. N. 1% awon. • .'0. , , R. W. lertu..
deR, autnu.o u n rallti For
eritra ing Mha
ercno; ale. In all ktua.olPra
dace h. PitobareL Maw/facture,: Arne'', a.,+ AFt.:l,4,
for Imle at ItAchalond and Lyuchtuary Mallarzeta-,1
Tobacco- I mrl
Blaler, Pa
yrrut, also attend to collections end 11 viler boar.
TV nevi entrusted to him in Dudes and Armstrong
minutes, PA Rekie to
J. lc IL Floyd, Liberty it
- . W. W. Wannee, do
James bllarabail do Pittaburth.
dty Kay & Co. Wood it. lao7
S. B. Baslifield • --- George Richard.
S. D. nusurisma & CO.,
ITIOLESALE and Retail Dealer. in tin:worms
and Dry Goods, and Commission hlerehants,
NIL P.XI Libessy st., Pittsburgh. mrtg
Canol ➢nnin, Penn 'Ont. Patsbuoh. mta
JUNI/11 N. DAVIS & co.,
N. t 27 Market, and IA Cosine/co el., Ilialadelphio-
Advo tatle,,by caber az the above, am cat•ziro
men. of Produce to eitlirr Ilou•e torti
J. D. William., —John HMI
V V Forwarding and Commzeslort Merchants, and
dealers in Country Produce and Pistsbargh Manufac
tures, canter of Wood and Filth streets, Pittsburgh.
Wm. S. -I. A bi.say.
WM. ►sdaLIIT, lOW. I. CO•altiVl,
W. R. WOODW/1111, 141,11 N.M.,
WhL 11.1GALEY & CO., Wholesale Groccrsi 18
and 20 Wood woes, Fiushnes h. op',
1011/Iy. Nita, DAVID
. .
.111 Ir lOC 15VCANDLESS, (successors L&J. D.
TT Wlck,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commission Merchants/ dealers In Iron, Na, la, Islairs,
Cotton Yarn. and Pambergb Mmrufastime. general
ly, cornar of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
pt 7
M. MltetlgartEt, Wholesale Wooers,
• Rectifying Distlilers and Wine and Liquor
Merchant.. ANo—lmponcrier Soda Nb asd Blench
ing Powder, No. 10) Liberty street, reoperate Sixth
street.) Pittsbargh. apt?
WW - WILSON, Watchaa, Jewelry,Sileet Ware
• and /Military Coed& cortter of Market and
F . OllOlO Wee% Patabargh, Pa. N. EL—Watches and
Clock. eatefally repaired. apl7
WA. 00,100. 101111 a WCIMIL
W .
YOUNG t Co., Dealers le Leather, Hides,
VT kz., 143 Libetty street. janbtly
L l l . e MeCUTCHMIN, 4/ ' 'Tleiti c : 7 '43'
Parboils iyi'LlLP"d•ce, 1..1, Nails, Glas r s . ,Ted
pi..bwgh. tars generally, Liberty street .-
itkATTlitW and Ponrait Miniature
Painter. Rooms, cornet or Pont:Mee Alley and
Fourth swot, entrance on Fourth st., near Market
oPO. 3101 d Levee at, N^Orleans, keep constantly on
band a lame assonunent of Brandies or the roll ow
irr brand., which they Mitt for sale as !wenn for J.
Durand & Co, llordesook, in hittalorY, J. Erand. J Do
rand lk Co, l.araebo le,
J I Durand, Coen., A de id m
it:ran, A L Ade Random Jean Louis. de.,
Iket also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux. Red and White Wines
in cult. and caeca, selected with erne by Jahn Dorand
&XV, besides Chimps/ea Wine and Sweet tturfundy
Pore frh,ly•
- - • • •
HAVE taken WA& CARE tote permeruip with
am In my heathens, which will from dm date be
tarried on ander the name or "John Parker A Co..
March tat, thko. JOAN YAKIMA.
John -•wi II lam Carr.
Whaler& Omens, Dealers in Prem&ea Forays
Ligresem 014 Almatteakeld
mut Remittal Ms:l4.m.
No, Commercial Roar, Laberl7 area,
mrzfl Plttaborigh. P
Ram:, ELAN'S,. .I.ELI
(fiancessors to Hama), Hanna a Co.)
In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Dep.he. Bank Nom., and Specie—North weal
corner of Wood and Third wee.. Carrera money
received on iinninnini--ihrin Media for tale, and
collections mode on nearly all the principal points
the tinned Stoics.
Advance's made on consignments or Praise.. ship
ped East on liberal toms.
• • - aps3
Wit. A. m`r2cl4.) [ow. G uusa
•vvat. A. wcr.ono a co.,
No 2'..A0 Librugy weed, dhow Wood.,
'Dave always on haneu la r ge,..auwwinent or Chown
Groceries and Fine Teas: also, Foreign Fruits and
Nina Wholesale and Retail. Deitiess supplied on the
lowest term. magi
ior • AVIG MAN—hinmfutarerolnll kinds of cot.
leelo7k *a sl i iela ' n ' efit i lMl A aa ll 7l. " l4.ll)!:;:
eradern, prepared - to exams o n with dispatch
for all kinds of machinery in x ylme, rash as willows,
trtr:ta h g " r "" !' "'" ertriTsVilVortrrooTri
single, for merchant or country vergk,
mulea,jac kn.; slldo and band lathes and tools in otrt
end. rAU kinds of dishing made to ordes, or plans mr•
an for oaring lacuna:a or mill, at reasonable Chaco.
Roam co—Kennedy Child. I Blaeltstockatal I
Co- inns.
ai Jaa A. fin",
S. lIIIIITERVILT, [A. wesrayvent,
. V keep eminently on hand or make to order the
beat *nine their Ilne, at their old stand, No. 13 8,
Cialr suee4 nao, at Itto.ett Market street, second nary,
estrum In the Diamond.. Vanden Shutters made to
Ordersoad old blinds neatly repaired. anti)
J. CILBSII, Book Modem
°p "g h
b "with de.•
..etworiu v. given in r reg o nvd to rk
Its 'a.m.:: d
tlitiallotits retied teanyP &nem and bon d ta
mijutely. Books in niunbetser old Docks tob
d ea.-
geltgett repaired. Nunes pet on boots In gilt letters.
.ThistsOlit•S lin* wink 1 11 - 011, ati Invited to
at aalL
11111:1 magnificent establishment being now corn.
pleted and ready for business, the proprietor would
rescully solicit a share et the pubho patronage
Hs c o n , by giving hie full attenti on to th bounces,
to make the house apleasant and comfortable repast
for the citisena of Pittsburgh and for the conott7
Good attendants will be in walling, and every es
erten mule to render the emahlishment worthy the
countenance and sopport of an intelligent communtly.
The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Parties,
Concerts, Lectures, Rails, an/ public meetings, wm
be let by theevening or week, on AS terms SF
an ether an the tilt.
Th , . DAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and
beauty to any In the world, will be kept furnished
with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordials, Porters,
Ales, and all the cool, light, refreshments of the season.
Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oyaters, and Clams,
served up In the best style.
'rho DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, tiring on
the first floor, and easy of access, will be constantly
supplied with all the Lumines and Delieactes of the
season; and also, with such aubstanuals so the markets
Boarding by the day, week, or year. Dinners or
Suppers for individuals or parties, fttrtltahed on short
Genticmcn with their families, visiting the city can,
be supplied with refreshments of all kmile at any hour
or the dee.
Good Stabling and an extensive Livery Establish
ment is connected with the Hall.
Dinner all o'clock. Breakfast and Tea it the usual
Entrance for Ladies to the lee Creme and Dining
Saloon, No e 7 Smithfield street.
Career or Penn and PI. Clott guano.
MUM. ALEXANDER rt. SONS.-Furnlstang Under ,
VT tubers, Willw every ankle lot Funeral and
Mourning purpose. can be got on reasonable terms.
100,000 feet Seasoned Deck Plank;
100,000 feet Coal Boat Biding. For We by
letthltl Attorney at Las, Fourth
D4osolotion of Portscrohtp.
TILE Partnership heretofore existing between the
eubeeribere, order the firm of Chambers, Agnew
Is Co., Gloss Marrafacturara, was dhaohred by mots.]
Consent, on the first day on Instant. All pewter.,
knowing thernselree Indebted to said firm are reouwt
ed to make paymerts to either of the serum without
delay, and all perions having unsettled aeeoenu with
said.finn, net Invited to e reunt them far settlement
JTl3:d6to D. H. CHAMBERS,
fillHE minters and eoaaigneea of good. Knitting by
the "Citizens' Portable Boat Line," will please
tate notice that they era! be required to pay freight
11 oar warehouse, according to the receipt, bettors
the toads are removed. C A fiIaANULTY &CO
ADELIGHTFUL &unmet Retreat, 511 miles below
the eitT, on the bank of the Ohio River. A steam
boat leaves the foot of Flu wrcet, below the Old Alle
gheny Bridg, at the beginning of each half hour,
fririn I anal 9 o'elock - P. M.., leaving the garden the
last up trip nt lb P. hr. Two Baca of Ounibuse• run
from the wawa end of the Allegheny Bridge to the gar •
den, one line fhtlhitehri running andl 10 o'clock, P. hi
1910 J Ye WAIN
lir =lngham, [near Pittsburgh ' ) Pa.
Oft, No. 31 Warr beftenten Market and
Mod, Puts6rargA. •
\{ ILLeorortantly keep on bend a gmsd assort
ment or Ware; of oar osvn manufacture,and
superfor.jaality. Whole:La.< and country Mer
chants r asa respectfully Inc, ted to eali and ex
anima for thernoefres, aswe are ,leteremned to sell
Resper than has ever before been eft`crisel to the 'ab
Irrflfecrs sent by mallotecompanfed by tie cash or
cod reference. ee fII be promptly arfer. led to. nird
M. A L : zepalic WHI TE R
that CO .
° l ' t i a d v e '" e ; ;e ' t c • I t ! .Lnof r ° n
Lereek. between . Federl and Sanilit*lty '11. , y
are now t taking and are prepared to receive orders for
every dcer-rirmois of vehteles, Coacher, chariot.,
rnsehei., 13 elegies, Vhartons, &e., which from their
long raper enee nth e manufactere of the anon work,
and the fee: `i:les they have. they feel co.,Rdentlbery ate
enable•tl to do work on the most reasonable tern,. with
the.c rumor articles in their tine.
Fey one parit.elar atteon th e selection , of
nets, and haviiig none li nt competent workoen. they
lave DO hef11),11171 lo t•11111\111.11t( their wore We
therefore silk attenuon of the pul , ne to this matter.
N. 11. Repairira• done In the beat manner, and Da the
nmeireasonable term..
110/1111'11 ATKINIOS L
tVcO OO •nn Mourn, Prrtsacamt,
nsINTINUE to manufacture all kinds a COTYF.R,
smith Work.
Steam !loam bath to only.
Special !mention gry en to main loom work.
Have on hands • fine assortment of Copper and Maas
'fettles, Tin Ware, b.o. e. Steamboat flookuig Stoves,
Portable Forges, various sixes—a very convenient ar
ticle for steamboat; C.ati foams emigrants, or rad road
Vb would respectfully throe nem boat men and
oaten to crJl and we oat articled and prices before
perchasina el aevrberrt
Pitt Ilaskine 'Wort. and Jihmakdry.
TORN WRIGHT c h ini., are prepared to build Cotton
t.P and Woolen Ma iry of every descrapuon. each
as Carding blocilitus, tpiumg Prunes, Speedenr,
Drawing Frames, Rarlyra v Reads, Warpers,Bpoolers,
Dressing Frunes, Looms, , lard linndern,
Iron Shaftiog tarried; all el. n • of Cut Iron, Polls,. arid
Dangers of the latest potter no, glide and hand Lathers,
and too., of all kinds. Cut ngs of every descriptroo
famished on short notice. I ouzo. made to order for
Mill Geortng, Iron Ratline, & t. Steam Pope for heat
ing Facrories, Cut Iron Wind tor Sash and fury Cas
ting. generally. Orden left at the Warehoun of J.
Palmer h Co., Liberty moat, 0111 Savo prompt uMe
Refer to Ellitkstoek, Ben & C b., J. E. Moorehead &
Co., G. E. Warner, John Irwm & Sou. Pawborgh ;
C. & J. 11. Warner, SteabenvOle.
j anlll
lIE subscriber colors for sale m largo and clendid
assortment of rosewood and ins.hogany grand Ac
tion Hamm, with and without C's celebrated
Italian Attachment The above inn, IMIC111.• are war
ranted to be equal to any manafac need in this roan
try, and will be sold lower this, any br cmght from Bs
East F. BLUME, No f II wood et
'2ll do or above ilk
N. ti.—City Seep 1.11 be taken at pa r fora few of
he above assortment min F. B.
1166•666 Driek - Wo - rls• forll 116: ---
61111Enbacriber Orals for we, the RIM AM BRICK
WORKS, above Lawrenceville, ei mptising
Steam Engine, 2 Boilers, 6166614 Maehme.cepable of
manor W 403 Premed Bricks 1.1 .r dry d• 7,
as tams from the bank,) per day; with there acres of
land on the Allegheny over, on which ern t kilns cod
sheds, machine and entry sheds, wheelbwr es, weeks,
shovels, spades, ke., every linos regal the to coin.
.......urations at an hokrs notice. Prick. I minding
the patent right to use said machine, 117,001— . Seals of
P.Ment mule easy. Without the tend SAKS. For
particularly address HIZIELV
. 4 0 7- t_ No 118 Mooonga l tele Ib use.
Wclenadfitt. and Out Ire* El•Altimp
LILE sabsenters beg leave to inform the poltho that
they have obtained from the East ell the late and
inable desires ler Iran Railing, boas for houses
and cemeteries. Persom syliedag to pre ears hand
some patterns will plea.e call and aclaninni, and /edge
for themselves. Railing will be famished m the short
est notice, and in the best manner, at the corner or
Craig uld Rebecca stream, Allegheny clO.
anglOdtf A. LAIdONT • KNOX
4(Successors or fdiCord t King) OIL
1••41•malble natt•e.a,
Corner of Woad and Fifth gums.
PARTICULAR attention paid to our Scud! Trade.
Condomen ems rely span getting their Kam and
Caps from oar establishment of the am smirmosia and
sroastssuatar, or Om tan= arm , and at dm harms
Coantry Merchanta, purchasing by erholegals, a n
respectfully melted to call and examine oar Stock; as
we con say With confidence that as reg.& qe•LY/1
and p.ns it will not safer Ina comparison with any
nese in Philadelphia. febl7
BEGS Mace to Inform his friend s and mummers that
he is just reeei•lng his new spring noel of Goods,
comprising, as usual, all the newest and mom rub ton
eble styles of Cloths, Camtmetath fancy Vmungs, ani
ma and linen summer staffs, and every article suitable
for gentlemen's wear for spring and summer. It bele g
imposeible to describe the beauty, quality, or quantity
of the stock, allepropnetor hopes all who are to watt
of good, cheap, feablonable, and well made clothes,
will give him a all, as Mere is no mewl this side of
the Alleghenies that can 'Ampere vulg. it .
The ready made department is very menage, adap
ted to all mites •
Rail ro&I co tractors, country merchants, am nil
who purchase largely, rim panacularly rimmed to ca.
mute the flock Worn oarchattng, a. pommel, nt
tcntion in pull to the wholmalo bustnear ith es.b-
Evesrue!er In the tattering line 'nude roottl,t in
the MOIll and beat manner, at the shorten
TM.: pa rtneriihts heretofore esisung under the fdni
of A & C LIRADLBT, to emelt/ea by the 4cl:caw
of Mr. C Bradley. The bounces will he earned OD he
A Bradley, who will settle the burness of she leis
REMOVAL—A B•111LIT bus removed ht. Foundry
Warehouse from No 111 Second 10 Wood
street, between First and Second streets, to the wsre.
house lately Occupied by 11 A Berry os here be Ain
keep aonstantly on bond a general assortment of Cast
ings, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, At. 2 yt3
and No.l American Blister Steel. Also—lint
Cut Steel Files, of all sixes and Blacksmith and Shoe
Rasps, Marto • on band and for sale, either at his ''Ha.
dacee Work.," O'Hara strest, Fillh Ward, or at the
n me Iron Store of BOLLM ANS & GARAI.
lON, Nod; foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh.
• We, We andenigned, havinf lased, with entire sat.
/Aachen, the Can Steel and Files made by Sumac]
tilleKelvy, u lila Magle Steel Works, in 'hi. ellY,Wto
Ovulate in recommending them as equal in quality to
any user used by us, of foreign manufacture.
Pittabargh, Match 13 10.58.
. ' KNAPP Towv,ri.
Iron Founder. and I.lacionlata, Plttabargli. Pa.
Monfa:toren of Spring. &glee, Spring Steel end
Steel., Pitubergli,
Engine Sadden and Machine Card Manufarto.
tetra, Pniatirg h. P.
Drum Pounder, Pimburgli, Pa.
Manufacturers of iron and Nall. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Locomotive Engine and !nipSolider, Piltfluh, P.
Marble elmtataentref,Marklneand Pkglne BMW.
min g ay Pitisbaryla, Pa,
RANCE COMPANY —01 E, Nor h Room of the
Exchange, Third street. Philadedphia.
Flog InernisneA—floildings, Merchandise and other
property, in Town and Country, inured against Lou
or damage by Am at the lowest rate of premium.
MOWN. Inumermx—They also insure Vessels, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, or the assured may deuce.
Inuot rlikffStOOTAllo}l.—Tbey alsoineure
Canal suable transported by Wagons, Rail Road Car, Canal
Boats and Strain Boats, on rivers and lake+, on the
most liberal *emit.
DIRECTORS—Joseph Real, PAmund A Sonde,
John C Davis, Robert Hutton, John It Ponose. Sump
eI Edwarda, Geo U Leiper, Ifeigraml Darlington, Ismie
WM Folw.ll, John Newlin. Ite R M Hanna,
Jos C Hand, Theoplithia Paulding, II Mine. Broota,
Henry Sloan, Ilugh Co.,ig tjeorgo Derrtit, gP0 444,
blelleato, Cholla. Rally, J Johnsen, Wm Ilay, IN
S Thorns., John Rotten, Wm Eyre, Jr.
DiftrAiToßs AT PITTSBURUII—D T Morgan,
Hugh Craig, John T Logan.
RICEIAIIO S. Nguema., Seely.
11_7' Othee ol io e Company, A. 42 Water meet,
Pittsburgh. gßaf P. A. MADEIRA, AM-
Life wad ll•nith Ilassraisse.
HE Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legisiumni
r oTPennsylvarns, March, 1849. Charter pemetuaL
Capital,llllllolXl RATES uiWuls gnaw ant Panne.
1/ANIAII COllr.T, and full 0.; per cent. lower than e
natal rate. of Life Insurance. es the following .
parison will show: Thus, a person of the age o(3° in
suring for Slw for life. must pay In the Girard 1112,311
Pennsylvania, 84 39, Penn Mutual, 1112,36; Equitable,
12,04; New England, 12,311; New Volt Life, s2,3rk Al
bion, en" Lafe and Health, Philiulelphia,ll,9L
Datartoas.—Samacl D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W.
E. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes,
Baldwin, N. N. Reeve, M. D., Chas. 0. 11 Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, 1. Rodman Barker, E. Butler, Edwin
R. Cope. President—Surnuel D. Orrick; Vim Persi
dant—Robh P. King; Scenery—Francis Blackbamr-
Applications will be received , and every information
given by SAML. FA HNE9TOCK, Apt,
Office, Commercial Enema corner of
oetl7-dly Wood and Third as, Pittsburgh
ii North
u Amc4ri o n ill
. p w
perry it this P eity and vicinity, uld en tisiPpients by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The prDperil“ of
this Company are well invested, and funaish an avail
able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected bv Dwarance.
tolls WM. P. /oriels 44 Wear ".
flea wad Marta* lateaaasstsoa.
11111 E OFFICE of the loansloose Company a ;lath
America, boa been removed to No. lit Fra;:i .1
east of %Foal.
The sabscriber, agent for the above old and reopen.
Whin Comyany,whl issue Policies on Dallillng• isnd
their conMisin. and on shipments of Merchandise by
Steam Beats and atherireesels.
Bodoni nod intius Yarn(jure,
83, Till. Erma...
liespec4j.lnfl W. W.
• the
nbile. *bathe a r fai
leted his spnng smelt el
FUELNITURE, then argest and most vaned aeseePitrnist
ever offered for air in this city, eau:prising several
sets. of Roarivirno, MATlnglarti, and BLaCI Wahterr,
ornamental and plain, sble for Panora,
Drawing and Bed Rooms, all o w hich a will be said at
tea lowest pnces.
Penns desiring Furniture of any deecripuon,
epectfully invited to cell and dawning his stock, which
embearns every description, from the cheapest and
plainest to the men elegant and costly, of which the
folloanng comprnies • part:
Tete a 'Pete Sonia; Tate a Tete Divines
r. n , : pt er w alro Olmatr.; Fll4,o—ti ts Xj COVa;
Extenfiou Bolet Etutote;
Nou; Tahles;
Lout, XIV Cot...lore; Doke of York`, Couch;
All Sofa. a.dh 1.112111.1aal Ilttuslo h ro , ork;
Do•ans, do do do;
40 dux Slabogarty Parlor Chamll
le " Ro.wood do do;
II l• 4Valout do do;
40 " Cana lirat do;
" l'iltholt.oY Doe l ute
du Pta•aa 1.0.0;s,
yt Nl•rble Too Con;re
SO do do , Va.!.. mend.;
Nal , ormy
It do \,
1, 114'1 Walzaa
t. Cherry do.
A ...ry larte aparrleanut of C0,11:1011 Cll., Grad DIP
•1 . FdTPIWIC 100 tcdolus N 0.4: tom
I.:r P-P. , rti Pool. furr.:l4.ed Oa We atorteal nour•.
All urdcg•pr ,,,,, P , l)
p s M(. .... cal 11•41applif41 w,tu ,I 1 .one
of t\ alnut ar. Ven•-.1-4, al
teduLc.: .i 1.005
LIAV it FOR 6•71./C.
FROM TIII: ItAhut , XTUittals, A r Eabr.
. -
With. Flannels, all Wool Dios Drub,
Rea do do dn. Dcouna
Yellow do do Fancy Cotionadca; all are
Broom do • do cierred as Factory prices.
Mack &MOM,. flows Masse fdilrbrig.
Pare] mixed do
Woe JO Checks and bindles, eery
Drab do heavy goo&
Clark Ca...nerd- Talon' Gouda
Fancy do Red Padding, rope, do;
Fancy Tweed.. Vent Padding, Buckram
Soper Block Broad Cloth. ialloriCai.••••. henry do;
Soper Brown do Brown Linens. Salem ••
Super Green do IDral , Serge. black do, a i I
Soper Twilled J. I and warned;
Soper Black Ikm Stir. Work and Whin., T.r..
gaper Drab C.aahmerna 11,:k Twist. Dr•li do,
Soper Broar• do Linen Illveltil and Drdia;•
Soper Mac. do Sloan'. 6 cold Sp'l Cotton.
California Blankets. do Linen Tb,-ead, •
Scarlet do rui.,rior •rtiele.
Lbw as
Drab as
Grain Bagging.
Brown Irrilir:
co, Is tat, day amolved bymutual consent. ll ' eLs
Barkr S Barna. grill scuts. the bean. of the concern,
for which purpose they are authnnred io use the name
o( the concern- N ATH A NIA'. IXINSTAULB.
1I o anderslened have this day assoetasul themselves
In the name of Bt RKE A DAELNES. for dot purpose
of to anaNetoring Fire Proof Safes, Vaatt Doom,
kr, o? the scowl of ..he late Arm of Constable, florke
&Co, latter , : [key will be pleased tome...sae the psoon.
age of t . 15 eastoesers of Wet hon. anW Oleo fronds.
1 - 110]/All DARNED.
In rennin T from the linn or Conntabm, Dark, k Co.,
1 mull Inner re pleasure recommend New.. forte k
Barnet to ro.. cortfideuee of my fnemds nod the pablre.
reeeHAS feet re,rned from the EasternCt i ttea,.
to ln
aving le large •artety r *easeo.,
Which he mspeetfully invites the auhetum of weech
enta and pedlars. No 64 Wood et.
PP WALL PAPER—W. g P. Ataasnau is constantly
recetvin, from te larsk omnafaories in
New York awl Philade l phia, a nd also from ct French
agencies, the newest end moat approved styles of Pa.
per Hangings, togetber with Border. Pee Lto•rd
Prints, and Tema r Top. For sale at SP Wood st,
imeen Fount, st nod Diamond alley, (succomor to d.
C. Bill.) ap3
M,TALLIC PAlkrr—b brio - Tait ree'd per steamer,
aud for man b th., barrel or single pound at the
Drug, need.and Per(mutery Warehouse. corner of
BUM and Wood inmate. 8 N WICKER:3IIAPI.
11 "Tr""' d d
464 o l the ;Orr/r h ea
a lie
nal. now on tart dir ect
' ar 'c a ' y ;:;:m i ntove Wean ' s, art ' d ea
peened here this week ; nod 319 wilt eherlly arrive
via Baltimore per etape Jen:ata.Chea•Peaket
eat, and whleh will .fie sold on, at the
Lumen market pole. fur canh or aperoveal
.023 tin tati l.ilartv
onennon.L STO Vg PULIMit
ic;:.77,40,7•V,Ln• 2 °
a Wham. , exaggeralkon ' , u o m r fea.• of contradiction, by
Itnewe who have
it, pronoun., it far &news. , to
any Crdic In the market. The eon. mem need have no
appreheneions of wiling r.rpet. • Its com
position prevent, a dam from arisinog when being rip
plied, 'clash mast be done when Me Stove is uoid
The quantity required as en little to snoduce a ham,
Wel inctre. A laving of over fifty per cent is moored
to the ...annum.: la. A ...sung applied to Atoves,Pipee,
fae • wile,, land •wey for the summer, or a nitre pre
rgailvt rust. After havtna tried it n't ,,
Of 0 in ae. wnniulek•ho perm". will use any hat Me
5 . W. , . 55a, ‘rtnetur,, l uuy•e Prel4llllo
cal Stove rc, alt. 1* sale Icy
Corner .4 ,attlar.d rtreeu4
'iciti Ito . Ito u s -
i~h 4,ng thesr I,n , u•e•
cnl *1 the n
nIW. 11 , nr,1 Traetr,
•eTnn , l•ke,,, c,rnur. Aflvn, 5 ..Ad Th..l -1.. awl rely
fur tie Nam, SAM ';LL FAIINF-STUCH
ru Y
Aortl Inn.)
- -
S p r ft A X)/ N W E' II ‘‘ i ' l L t'
IP .F‘ NCY * ;' * /17r. ' Z, T ". ;
:114 Ai :Ind nmaxL•
vln.ccr, 31:n..nginan ill', II e ~k r•
tienrly v I.” pre, 4,1 w. ], In put in ‘l,c/
Lau. ~ .nt,r Nome veto. I. It Oren ii:, and IthllznCan
The eittione •encrithy, and Sil van° in I no inoirci ,
in the praberti. o of n co:naive and pokily. t !Monfort)
particularly ito cc who harp not boon no, lod on, will
greatly oblipc publitber,by aloertal n, o that theta
anona ayewations and nieces of hut. not a, AO t aro
noted for poldietalon the ft rectory.
All cards tu Inserted, meet he bended In forth.
with, or tit the latest, by the date above I ttIMCO.
iii;O.6ICON PIA-2105.
JUST received, and h ow opening, ona e . egant Rose
woad 0 octave Mei odeon Piano, feast the onto-
Ilus is • ell. onent, of Due ton .<, Very
r a r. "e
ide n r at"o ' n 7 " a
0 5
o_ f I March e: White, n
!Sp Melodeon,
at II DiLRIIER'S hie sir Store,
mart? tot Third •tr Nt.
Pure DVIn•• it and Beetadlte• •
OF our own Import.. I suitable for medicinal
purposes, constantly on hand snit for eels by the
or wholes* te, at the Tea and Wino store. of
MORRIS di HA WORTH, ea stable of Diamond, Pius
burgh. and Fedar•l street. Ann &lsuy, near the mortal,
: W 001. I W 0p.4 I
HE birb oat minket odes it t Caa.% will be paior
for dirt not grad. of Woe l o by
1110 8 & lIARBAUfiII
lUr URI. HY a HURCIIFINI. n are selling geed
11l Bra ten I.oreno ef a neat i style, at the lowprlee
of la/. Also, a guar variety or leapt././ from
tteer. gra.. finest t".
1 /I ,115 a lutviroa Fit 4, CO
By lh. President of it. U>•lt.d Stat..
indent or the ' , ruled States of America, do hereby
declare .d make known. that public sales
held at the undermentioned Land °dices in the State
of MieIIIGAN, ut the period. hereinafter designated,
At the Lerd Offire •t SAULT FITY: MARIE for
the "Lake Serenor D00r.," commenetng on Moo-
Joy, the stiteenth day of lepternber nest, for the dt.•
posal of public lands iorithin the following named
orb'. al thr 6a .. hap, and tarst af the prlnn pal
~ . .
Town hip forty five. and fractional townships forty
rag mad linty seven of ranee two
Townships forty five tad forty stx
. and fri.lift.. l
townshid torts seven. of range three
Tostrioddp forty six, and fractional township forty
M. of range four.
Townships forty six and forty seven, and fractional
towtoiltips fitly and flay one, of range Ice.
Fractional townships forty seven. forty eight, forty
nine, filly, and fifty one, of range six.'
Townships forty eight and forty nine, and fractional
township filly enin.,sever.
Fractional townships thirty nine on "Hog Island,"
and fony on "lint Island," and township forty five, of
range eight.
Fractional townships thirty nine and forty on "flog"
and . 6arden" Islands, and forty three on the main
land: and townships forty four and forty five, of range
Fraction.] toternehles thirty nine end forty on "Gar
den" lutd"Citann Wands, end tovenstdps font' Omni
forty fonr, and (oily five, of range ten.
Free Lionel townships thirty emit on Beaver"
Titiund, thirtynine on "Little Heaver" and "(rout"
Wands, an f orty on "Whitkev. Muni, and town
ips forty three, forty four, and forty five, of range
Fractional township thirty aught on "Gull laiaad,
township forty tw and frammnsl townships forty
three, forty four an d
forty five, of range tram
Fractional township fatty, on the main land, of
range sixteen. . .
. .
Frictional townships thirty nine and forty on the
main land, of range seventeen.
Fractional tossnentis thirty eight, thirty nine, Ibrty,
and forty one, on the main land of Hine eighteen.
Fractional 'township. thirty six an rigtintneri , ani
"Poverty" Islands, thirty seven (including "Sidartiero
Island and an Web and thirty eight, thirty nine, and
forty on the main land, and townstips forty one, forty
two, an I forty three, of range 'nineteen.
Passional townships thirty tin on "St Martin's.
end "Coll" Islands, thirty seven on an Islet of"Linle
bland, thirty eight on the main land, thirty
mne (Inciao; the liand in sections twenty seven
and twenty eight) and !piny, and township forty Hires
on the main i.d, oftiVigo twenty
Fractional townships eight, thirty nisi, and
forty on the main land, of range twenty one.
AT THE CAME. PLACE, commencing on Monday,
the thirtieth day of /September next, for the dispisal
'MIW, public lands within the following named viwn
slops and beidood townships, to wit:—
NorfA qJ Me base Imo, , gi 4 ?test of the girinagssi
Fractional townships th,rty five and thirty ma an
the main land, of range twenty four.
Fractional townships thirty three, thirty four, and
thirty five, and township thirty sin, of range twenty
Fractional township. thirty two and thirty three on
the 4-12 in land. and toonthlup. tinny four and thwty
fi•e, 07k.1:46 twenty sus
r n
Fraothsnal roar .p, one, th irty two, natty
three, thirty foot, and I) Maio land toad
township. forty fo rt y and Potty soi , tor
ri140.2=:05,,,'` ‘ hi r , tag , ' thi t ty three, and
thirty seven, and tofirriship. thirty nine, fortY fatty
seven, and forty eight, arrant,. twenty eight.
Fractional ummlips th
y seven, tinny eight. am ,
thirty oirth, and township. forty one, forty two, forty
three, forty foar, forty five, forty its, forty seven, and
forty eight, of range twenty nine.
Fractional lownthips thirty none, township forte,
(m em.' township Any One. town.n4r, forty two,
andthree, forty four. limy five, forty s.o, forty seven,
and forty sicht.snd the fraction. of sections t bony five
nod thirty we, the capes of Agate boon, of town
s ty
P" Yra b l:_h or y, “ tal ' irs o or f i r i7so n li r ' s 'h u, " ttly nand. r .titt
ono, to•thshirtiforty forty three, ford; Mor, forty
Live, forty .th, forty seven; aiN krty eight, and tree
none! sections seventeen and etshteen. do 'Traverse"
lalend. townshsr fifty four, of gauge trolly one.
dia ]l4: ?LACE, commencing
011 Monda•.
oplechtit doe of October 'loot. fOr dier.rof
thr laud. iirsrosil with:" Otto Inidefluentlonto
nifi , • , • .14 fraflaMel I•rwneoir, to. oft,- •
North of the L.ll Gm', and tees! a) t4e rancsprd
Frottioa•l iow4a!ur Gra. •• , ,I .yrarlnp• forty
Ison forty tater. :at!". 4 .1 r. 1, It) fly, •na 61t P, of
h,lta two
fl r . • ...Jr. L.:, a•al Lt., two. of range
Wirth t,tra-
FrarLnlaat Lay „IF too of range
lu flur
fift, or rang, 1011.. on.
Frarm,•l tniattp torn , and los nstars
forty and ow
,nxa forty tvr
arp Imtvfyaeunt•e!
lownsbyr f6rzy 4 , t1, rtf tangc
I.•lrt.oht, 'nr, •,•ort. ,tl - 1 •Ith!..,d forty 1.6,
ard trz,r..l z..3.unAt:Jr. twv. ur,
krate,mai ionn.lrep, forty mol Idly, or range
forty •..x
Fosertnnal townships forty ley and forty seven,
to ...Silo rarr.7 rzeht, and free:tonal tertensitip forty
nine, of range folly ae,ven.
Frarsional townships forty Lei!, fon) eight, and
forty Mae, n( ranee forty eight
Fraetirmal township forty esghL of sing• forty nine
At tLe land other at lONIA, commeneang on Ma,
day, the sixteenth of September next, for the disposal
agile l e atil,Ot lands arrthis the nodermenuoned frac
tional mon:Warr, roan
North ora pert.a lar l
Ser.. one and two. the east half aect.on or It.r
and seen ons elelien, twelve, tat neon. fourteen, tar'entr
tout, twenty bee, and bony in townstap nine, of
range ...VCR
Larch appropriated by law for dm a or schools,
oit , ttary, or other purposes, will be exclud xe
ed from the
Tne ndenne of the above menhoned lands will be
co:tmeneed on the day• apooiaied. and proceed in
the erect no pinch they' are adverused. with eon
•rinent axthl the whole shall have been of.
feted, and the sale,. the. Lela MCI be
kept open longer than two weeks, and no VIM):
n:rn ce any Of the land• be admitted new after the expiration of two week..
Sak Mgered Vccings:
Black Baun Sa
Mown Holland Sdk.
Uottora, Criva, ke.,itc
°teen ander my nand. A n na etty of Waahmeton,
nue no day of June, Donna, one thousand
vela hundred and fifty.
Lty the l'reahlentt
J Gurraartehlt,
Conuntsdloner of the General Land °See.
Every person entitled oc he right of pre-emption to
any 0( the Lands within up s red f th eig hi si
lowrialups stew, enumerated, is required to establish
the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Re.
roller of the ',leper Land Office, and make payment
thornier es soon as praeucable after seeing this nonce,
and before the deb
for the commencement
of the peblio this oi am hinds embracing the tract
clamed, otherwise such data will be forfeited.
Boamattla A. 11.11430. Positry Beets
THE FonID, Doak and ,Fowl Breeders . Guide—
/icing a treatise on the Breadihg, Raising, and
(mural Isluagement of Don:mane Fowls, wlth ne.
melons onunal deserlphou and Ponralts from Life.
By John C. Bennett, M. D.
rh,o work will be found to Contain a greater amount
of original and other information, both practical and
metal, to regard to Fowl Branding, man is emulsified
in all other •mertean work, together It will be
wuen n isd with nehrly Fifty Pontoons of the most
coulee 'shade& of Amertcan and Foreign Fowl.,
tome forty or which are from life, Gain drawings
intro especially for this work, of the most Important
bred., and manual of Umna from tuns very recent/7
The pnblishers have spared no humus to bring out
tkm work In a garner manner, both to regard to the
engraving., the sent. of the work, and the general
eaemthen Ovum part ofdto book. And übelies.
ed that the wink will be found to contsio more prun
esl tnformanon on Breeding and hlnnarng Domestic
Fowls, than any work tuned in tliss eaymrr •
For sole by JAS D LA/OK WOOD,
lees Ilookseller end Ingener t lo4 Fourth in.
SIBOLDTPI - COtriliih—cus, a Btimb .r.
IPhysical Description of the Universe. By Alen.
P. Humboldt Translated by Onto. I noir, limo.
Jut 'enured for sale by
lend Bookseller ft Importer, 101 Fourth st
VT offertole,
120 pkg. V tor
H. Imp. Mick'
and Cloupoveder Tea.,
03 bk. Toknee°.
NU bag. Rio Coffee;
W. brio N U Molasses;
hhe.l% N 0 Nagar;
tr..,0 bases ar•oried •ixe•
. ,
Wutdow lilassl MO dn Pen Nuts;
40 tors Pira; 00 Lis shelled Almond.,
400 tat Aosp; 09 Ins Knelt Candy,
111 Cis Cod'., 5 ca.., Ltquonr,
"4 I. Culls!, 10 ,01 Ptsncipco A Itegnlts
:0) brls Tc:or.u . Oil; CI, e r..,
IT 1.1 • Cltoontutr; Wan SI list? Sosnilb,
Wl dot hod Co+ds; :1 2, 02 Coves,
dl) cod,:thadlit Hoye, .1 can. Nolmr,s,
:Kt I;as ,pteed Cl.toculatr,3 ceroons 1.,1,,,
1.. has. Ycpp.r; 2l 05i.en Lew , . 07rup;
5 1,,,,s Alm , . e; ..,, eases I'l p ee r Saud.;
-I' o l , s. Ilerrme • ~, , Ms TVVIIILI Cu.,.
411 lull Vt ,, (st , ,ur, Frier, .., IN k L....
0I (mien Cal.linwick; 140 barrels powd,red a..,1
10i is 7)u,05. Loaf Ltue,r,
11)11'. Ilinei , 'l^,ltds 010.1.11,
1 0 01), Choi, 1 IV 1 , 11. Whiling,
.11 , 1rurr.. llgs,
A. '03.1, te. .1 rnsrs: assor.teent of Pitt-1.,41,
Mints' .• , c I -I nrooll.. (DJ,.
I IPA Ve: FOUND N. N. - . Tx. HIV A L "
Ilt /teas,: to., Va., !Ile 'en e, I sho
M fl u 0:41i
Ie dot di kno Vetintruge
I h a , all you- Fannly Redwine, 11 m! :am ly e
toi , e a 1..., prescribed them to my practice, I am
vet y atm. rlca•e n watt them. and have fottod loths..¢
1 0 equal 11.010. Send me I' dot of your VermilOge, and
1 0011 each nt the I.lcr, Pill, and Cough Syrup.
Respectfully yours,
[Ulm. of Letter.l T. T. Jeers°,
Those highly popular medminer may he bad of the
proprietor, It f SELLERS, 67 Wood et, and Druggists
generally In the two gales and etelnlty ,
DOSIN—A few bola A Not extra White IHmin of
AA, superior quality, amiable for roan making. Mat
reorieett and for sal, by JOIIN Ale FA DF.N - & - Cl)
MO Panel Ruin, Penn at
flliALK—a tong Jon reeroved for gale by
POTASIc-5 ea parr (o gale-by
iki 1
MACKI R? l —139 brig No %Maas, man, landlni
for gala by KILLER k MCKETBON
111 6 21 KM Litwin,' gl
C bigLAßlffi-2UBordeaux, Medoc,"
2S b. Atv.l2*; I.S reed fa , . 0 . LIT
r wrought Capes, Collar. and Coda, Jest Toed at
, leg !I
it bogs m
grod, Moe
1' floor pist .ed Rod for gala by
jr2o Wfd A MaOLURO it CO, CA Liberty st.
FlffiairßesrAito—l ease .hlootorde Aroma..
does," a mild Mustard Miscued with differ.t
herbs, received and for sale L i r
trig WM A McCLUR CO, Ma T•tbertl at.
LINSEED OLL.4 - iiilijost geo , J'ior
has Cor. Wood and else; ma
as, No 41 Wood street,
rlO lots M. R. R•Odus,
100 bit Cluster do ;
5 kes do do;
15 casks Zante Currants,
15 bales E. Walnuts,
15 do Omen Nuts;
15 do Ictlberts,
1\41411 . 112‘ , j o t I , lll c, T . Tr e F , ,L ,i l v ) e inzi . l . -;t n, attl , ,t , : ,, R , o w
Goods (Cr .,- Oros., uonststing . or
scotrh and S•lss Mulls;
Fig s 'cut Saul do;
Erisbrtudert d do;
Vielonn hown.:
Low Priced BarreJ Joutionut form urninr Ironer
fins son laustie,! do; Ind a l•rue uu.ortruent ol Ssrtss
wh rotated eruhroidery, pouted Jeclinnetst
Lawn., Its rests, tt at nauttl4 call,cornor of Fourth
and Are,
11,1 URNIV k OURCIIFIELD hare received a lam
•apply of rheas Lawns, very cheap; n-at style
brown at line; light in great variety, for loin ltle.
Alarhetnhi watered and printed Marlins endive LE fto,
Of neat and newest styles and lowest Once for quality,
and mina east corner of Fourth and Market •ts
At the One Prier Store of
WILL. commence on Monday, June 34, - 1030,
Their usinonsc establishment, with all their
Wholesale Rooms. will, on this occasion, be throsin
open for Knot/. Taal., and all of their extensive
stook will be offered to retail purehasers,at n discount
of from eh to 30 per rent. !es, than usual once*.
THKIR STOCK OF SILKS Comprise over foto
hundred pieces, and will be sold at an immense dis
Tbeir asaortment of Shavals,Barrae,Tiasties, Gran.
adines Foulard Silk, I.aurns, Muslin.. Jaeoneta,
Cartbrlem, and Peens Goal@ generallyovill be closed
ran hannediatoly, at about one half the banal rate,.
Hennes Fa. Colored Lay. will be °acted at er
2 do Saralee Ine.
I do Moeftn be Lames, toe
Superior English arid American Calicoes, IDA Ile.
doxert Linen Handkerchiefs, A 7c.
A lame lot of
complete llr, some es low ns sc„
Together with a p variety or Bornesur and
White Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Sonnets,
rte. Ac.
In shone o/ the Motteateraive assortments
in the couniry, wash will hers ached down to owl.
LOWIR prices than at any of their previous Annual
IgrThe Store will be closed upon Thursday. sod
Fri lay. May 39th and 31. t. (or the purpose of az rang
log and marking down stock. No VARISIION in Put.
can my3l A A MASON tr. CO
TURPIIV ¢ BURr•,HPIKLD have recessed a sop
-I.V/. ply of a land 44 French Linen. forme,'. coat•
mocks, lamp& sack., boys' and cluldsen's "scar,
dr Lla elesitsolo od,.
Th ej-in item n'l6 their large so4o4lmeot of
Me S's vind IIoyi•PCIAINFR o• ilttfrrent mr•
teviala sod all of ...Web evil br 017
LURPHY & BURCHFIELD have received aeother
sopply of above article, and are enabled In .ort
ist spy 0107 and eplpr wanted, and al the
lessen estai icer,
Paton!! gill - V .- ''l,lll - 61 - iitli
17/47 rdeCLINTOCK bets received this day, at Ins
. Carpet Warehouse, No 73 Fourth at, etatr Utl
Cloth Covenng of very handsome patterns and color.,
to which we invite the attenuon of purchaser.
r t.7CIII"IE n LD ore
tte nowoffering goals
Ipp mt4 l3 l , iLltr
( F: cents 0p. w 1.4. 1
. From fo 6 e7P. n i t el
per. ;„01:4;t48:."7:21U,,,L,:: for ao
uo oar
got of dress goals before purnba•lng C
No leap corner of I . 'norlit and SI erket els julll
Sea 73 Fourth at
AIVANIY h BURCIIF111,1) Pave e , erxe ttoek of
Peery and Staple Dry selting off at
peally rtdoceil war— . •
Bor , re dn 0, beautiful
r Tealll. " , ; Jacutiet na4 Svcs. %W. 1.,.
A trlendid 1E10: and nines - .5.•!/•,
1 1 ,r.c.-.. lawn, art,l be Jounr•. reln,k ably ellezp,
Deauttitt , Fou.ard 371 ortas pr,
Bcouttul Ca , :c.e, from oi cc Yrwarl,
A larr: %tot k li , owri .44 LIC t,
,I:CEIN/11911 , 15. El<
r" ar.•l
'lrc.tueedt , rlcc..
Cnca, CM./111P re., .t 1 ::IC
T.ltiher W'lla tars. or Tict twts, Arrott and
•a. idhe . Brow:. aliti
•o himi togyttler .Ith
"417 al 11, rtit cern, of
nrd Mar., •t 1.11 ,
ge p or rO.
rut uct.rcd 4 , 11111. Vet, r•vlr
•Urel lacured LlacY ci , l". ilo
Pelee tle:ee: EnK:1•!, end t. , ‘ , lrtt
Lawn, in vest
, eUI:e ,e 0( a!' Lou.
31.<“SICL 11.1,te! -115 ass roir,
e, et nark engt c ei ornet
l'nuri. rke• • • ••
F.,KTIIER topvly of 1:;:ack and fancy ..o:
ored !,Its. pc: recelved soy ex,reas this room
ins, at bOll2l east cornet at Fodeth •nd Market ma
ley M LjRI , 4Y
Nif & itlrF(t3lFlr.t..t) are call/ne Hcages
J.V.L. and Bersre D. Lames at rcrY bar
north east earner
of Fourth and Ma. ket eta. ,e 5
W.& I.4i7.i.:—Patn wide medtmn and
or Lraturamr L•ee• of beet quottly,lll. ree'd
.d for sate- at Northeart corcer of Foorth cod Mar
tat 'tree.. des 511.111e1TV & BURCI.IFIELD
— ll4 - 147iTit• sad Boan•t ILIblron•.
. . .
M s
& uRrttrIFZI-D have received an ad
ditional supply of above goods, Incladiag various
etre. or Chin.. Pearl. Aiwa. nod limp Ono - nets;
h hire a.dl lidlored ltilitp do, and Ribbon.. of all color*
and price.. mayl7
FLOOR i•r.c.l.ol.ll—ZOO yds 1-1 Floor Oil Cloth,
r Mat recer•r,l from the Cartory, and tor sale at the
Waren.. Nos. 7 & 9 Wood tamer.
A II I'llll.l.ll'S
btu UUbl9~i tta/UliS.
XffU FI m
RI . IIV It BURCHELD atte the atteniton
MI. of those srantlng goods for blooming purposes,
to their very fall assortment, just reAltved, such as
Ills` Ifemhosines '
1101111 , 4(illir basso Stlpacus,
Black blouse de Lathes,
Mourning Wash
rin Slits,
do Fr Foulads,
(Gans, Tisane, Siellian Lustre., A lamellae, Plain
Black e nil Printed Lawns, lairk Embrotdered
Bonnal Ribber, Smart do, Veil., ke. mayl7
a.Z . GAMER COATING-0 pee Caohruereta assorted
0 colon, a most demrabic article for rummer roam,
ree'd, and now opening by a A MASON & CO
may IS ox Market st
mums'. sitAwc.s-5.p..,
I Shawl', [lmpaling Crimean, Orange, Polk. Blue.
Green, and Corn colored, Jae reggroung per express,
and this day opening by A .. A SIASOAI & Co
may G . 62 Market
risolx burn Blue, Pink, Green, u r nem
Colored Bareges, rreM per eApre.., tr.' on.>
opening s by marl, A X MASON A O.
Olack Dres. bilks.
, •
AA. 1U AEON 2. CO arc this day opening 10p ci
. 27 inch Black tiro de Rhine 001 k; 10 pes 110 incl.
do; In pee 12 inch do; 0 pc. 24 inch den and 4 piece.
de incb do. inaylo
400 doo Lodi.' Liven Cambtic lidkle, all pices;
100 doz Gems' do do.
23 doz do do edho rdborder.;
Reenved Mir day by A A MASON A CO
maylo 62 Marker ar.
TiA3ficatt - agkircu - strit.TaTiiiiei
A.., Lustre., at the extrema loarpriee of Idie per yard.
maplo .. A A PIASON re Co
- - • •
Fte 3-4 and 206 pee 4-4 Brown Lanens
130 en Groy'• llneFlay'r, end AlogandeGe soperioe
fish Chan., ono, opening by
tanelo A A MASON & CO
Trash Arrival Pr)( Good..
WE are now reeewitnelareeaddidlona tom; Hoek
loaderg itild Summer Dry Ilitiods, and are pre
pared an well aseortinent it our usual
tow puce. (or rash, or approved credit.
The attention of western dealer, I. pardesliTrly re.
gamed to our goods, tia we feel confident of being
able to offer unusual Inducement. to make is bill 'rub
a. Call and examine at top rate.
acerb 101 Wend MIN.
- -
ECM Inark•lfitre•tiCuear Liberty')
130,1111 G., V. Di
FENDERS, Av. A lso,
56.11.1811 II•Od Veazey Vesting.,
LIANDANNA,.. LINEN HDRES.e general es.
sorment of FANS, and every varlet) of mammies.
rriti o7:41 1.0,
C E.S plain and Geured !Sneer. de LainK, omelet.
40 R
eel notors, J.l tecei O
ved, and ItrirlllK Mt Tel, ken
A A NIA,N k ell
.) CASI, last al red reet,ve4 and !tow
1,10 on, 01 ctA
,r A A ‘IA,c4tV A co
3• S.: , f est t , ret, ,:„ u
It 12 relit., per y 3,1 AA M.i3ONI
62 NI.
\ !MK •
driarlyee ,
I. r11:103 are rrtuairsior; in Lira^ arrive rrrfrearr../ rt ,
/ Ncl., of novittel.lyles, utso, plain NV,Te.
Who. I,luslon,, nod Bobinevs, 'MCC', re I hy
TbtAt•—•Ve are enewattoy rrueltet,g
I.' preen ene Week re.,, threat Wen the moor-t ete
In rhtlaatqltla t •nd have now on hand, at the Pitts.
burgh Famtty (Wooer? and Tea Warehnuan, gbh Ltb.
arty sue., an awortment of every grade art.! Ileum
each as t• not to tu• rurfutered sbegh. We in!
'rite wiruperretet, feeling wanted that, on wird, our
Teas will let Pound equal, If not superior, to airy at the
price /11 the oly.
B e g Y Z: U srpirEd , vaned ne.orimen
for Boys' Summer W a rj or
0 .,
ton, Worsted. and I.Voolon material. nan e u e r 'f o o t i e iC
the Eare of (1y17) • MURPLIY & ISURC/IFIELD
Lana. and Ragtag..
‘417181 . 111f a; gIiitCIIFIELD hive received n large
.1111....solunent of
1.1.1 e nd Victoria Edging. and Lneeln
Loa Work Thread do;
rf.l . : ' Anni. .dot
Bra and Jaconet Edgings;
Do inacrungs:
Figured end plain Neils; Elicit Silk do ; &e.--to which
they ask the intention or hovers. i. 3
—3O Lale Penner &Kirk's, elm, breed,
received Wrier vela by
iy? _ : 3 t %V lIMMAUGII
F1.411 1- sil Intel% 3 Mackerel;
'Albite Bearing;
13 Mbrls Shad; for elle by
inil ' BROWN • taurArnicic
lIE view nth and twelfth mem.. ado: Aet of th::
(Parra! Astenihty or this Commonwealth, entitled
"A Supplement to an Am entitled an Act to Create •
Pinking Pond and to provide for the gradual and
renal* extinguishment of the debt of the Common
wealth. nod to molionre • loan:: approved the 15th
Jay of Ploy A. D lOW, provides as toilet., vim—
SeertiOl II That the Governor is herehy outhorixed
to negotiate a loan for the asm of Three lifillions
Three Hundred Thoerend Dollar.,redeemable in
thirty year. from the datalt of the ausertption thereof,
00 rvie of inerest not exceeding four per venture
r 0010 payable in gold and ulcer, rent. ainivany.
upon the hem days of February and Adgust of each
Tem. end exempt from every species of taxation
None, that pro: maids for said loan will be r veil,
shall he published in at least one newspaper in the
llorocell of liarnshurg, In the eide. Cl Pittsburgh,
armoster. and Fhtlailelphta, and in the cities et New
York, Bosom, and Dolltrtibre, for a period not lees
than three mouths before the opening of said Pr•Pomds,
and h) letter elsearnere, If deemed necessary. and
upon the day assigned for thatporpose,
In such nonce,.
the proposals shall be opened in the present:en Mike
trovernor, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and
Auditor General, anil the loan shad be awarded to
the highest bidder or bidders. If the moment of the
bids shall exceed die onto of the said loan file tame
shall he dintributed pro rem amongst the highest bid.
de., but if the whole of sold loan ahall riot then be
taken the Governor may renew notice, is the moaner
aforesoid, from time to tame, till the whole ael
xajd loan shall be aubserlbed. No conditional bids
shall be conaideted; and upon awarding. saeh loam,
or any part thereof, oenifiesies with con pons for the
Interest, shall be issued therefor by the Acditor
Station 12. If the raid loan chat] be mobseribed. It
*hail be and, it Is hereby applopritnett for tbe paynoent
utd ingoishment of the funded . debt of tios Coo.
trionwealift, note tide or to becomutoe t d eett , t h e
Year cute o f
th e eight hundred an"fly, uld for the
PaYinent of the sum of eighty five thousand one huts
tiled and four
tad eighty eight cants, doe to
&andle creditor.
In pursuance of the provisions aforeasid, nol/ec is
hereby given, that proposals will be wasted at the
office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth until
4 o'cloc kP. of Tuegday, llor first day of October
next, stipulating for • Man to the Commonwealth. for
the purpos set forth in the said act, of the sow of
three millio es
ns three hundred thousand Collar+, redeem.
able In th.rty years from the date of the subscription
thereof, at rate of Interest net exceeding four per
cent per groom, payable in gold and silver, yowl
annually, upon the first days of Febroary aad Augo.t
of tomb year, and exempt Iron every specie. of lax
Certificuies of stock for the said loan, with cou;euna
Mr the Interest will be issued in the and
'made transferable by the - the books of the
Audstot Grnetaly lAtpattment.
'roe prothuals wi I be required
totta ecnithtly
Le amount offered which shill n any case be
less :ban one thousand dolour.. the rate of trucrert not
exereding four per cent, and the premiumproyou.d.
The etate referee], the right to accept the whole or
any part of the sum offered unless the proposals stipu
late to the contrary.
Bids for the loan must he titre. and explicit. No
conditional propthials will fie received
lopes the acceptance of the proposal.. the money
mashall b t be p e ai directed d into t Math Treasury, in such manner
au she
by the Governor.
Certificates of stock will be issued 'in such amounts
as may be requested by the lenders.
The proposals to tie directed, tinier seal, to this
ofbee, endorsed, “Propothl4 for Loan.. They will
not ha opened or disclosed until the penod (co theatee
mg them ha. elapsed; after whieb e„o c,lthnstiva In the
terms will be admitted.
Secre , h; ! ;o ß. &:l 44''' i r ar L' n• lik b:r r i, ' l r a i ne of ft th h, e l C °' .
lI.ZLOTtVg TO ON reallOaDatalla OF Tart Oa?+STRUT/ON.
1) F.SOLVED by the garala and House of Repremcto.
IX frets of the COllll9olaws.lth of Penosylealca
itiA.bly met, That the Constatthroe .1 Ibis Commom
wrolth be amended to Mt t4mod seetem of the Oh article,
ea that it 01111 (mot as fdllnwe The Judges of the Supreme
Cog., of Ma elourts of Gamma u • lees, md or ruck
other Cour. cf Record es are or shall be establahed fn law,
Moil be elected by the quahGed declare of tho Comm
wealth, to the granger followity,woo: The Judge. of toe
ehmume Court, by c qualtfied •lertors of the CJamuost
etealth et large, the rfilidelll Judo. tloe several t
el Common Mr Jof molt, Mee Y Cour. of Hiram% loam
or Mall be rttahl.aoad y lin o md all other Judgm rrgutred
. marotd rho itre, by qualified Merton of the
dotroes over who, they are to preside - or atot as
Judges: led the A:tomato Judaea of rho Courts of COMM.]
Fleas by the qualMed •Itetors of lb. eamatte.gropecOoly
lot Judge. of the. Supreme Court Meg hula lbw Mg , .
Or Mr oof Ult._ year., of seer then to la g believe
Metal", no
o•ii, (tobjeot h. the sgoims heremalter pro
esded for. etetopert w the bre dem...) the rtmotrot.
ltolges ol Me emtrO Cootie nit r.roo. ftoo. , dot
other Ccurte Reamre ma.* or Mall he ettabhMed by few,
mob .14. r /hdget reqa,red be la oleo to the ow, she%
bold Mew c.Ms Or the term ot acare, Melt ot
hmg L. Love theiate'le. well. Iht .lestmett JuJgre oi the
of thaq hold them ~forcer I,
•.0 ••I !Po,. lb, re lotty bob.* themm4e.
. .
-e) the tso.rtoor,
aitS waewahle rao which Wall we re iodic/cot
necese isr noeseincent. .the siownwe shell rem.... •es
ot them on tbe of two therde of each brow h the
Legoteinre Tim tint election shalt tab t p.m), ILI thr
,l/Cr [Lel.= thiaCommicineredili wet atter iii• whip.
inn of tho &romance., and commiwitoi stl the
Judges who may be then in eta. shell Copse en the firm
Moodsy of December following, when the terms of the new
lud,es shall euntmenee. The penons who Mall then bo
elected Judges of the Supreme Court Ant hold their otEres
as f Oce of them for three yea m, 042 for re emus,
nos fur oleo yews, o. Yeir twelve years, sof cos tor Of eau
jean, the term of me% to he decided by lot by lb. mid
Judc., ea soot after the electoin 21 coonnient, and the re
sult ezmined by tiren to the tiovernor, that the cm:minion,
may be weed io accordance thereto. Tle Judge whose
onarainsoo will first eapmet shall be Chief dustiest dunce
his term ) and thereafter each Judge whom commission shalt
ant eel.* than sie taro be the Chief Justice, if two.
more commissions Sall expire on the same day, the Judges
holding them Alai decide by I& which Mull be the Chief Justin, Any van:ok., !umpires by death, mslynatioo,
0bb...4c, mry of the and meet; shall to tel l ed by ap
puintment by the Governor, to motions: till the lint Mon
day of December eurcendins 'henget general election. The
Judge. of the Supreme Loma and the Sriniideol• or the
tenni rourts of CIACJII, ritif shell at stated times, reeenie
fir their termer.. ad l3 equate sweep...ion, to to And by
Is, which Mall be dernanseliedidurine tarn- econnuthee
in latrine; b., hey Own rent., no fen,r nee of offset,
o r hold any other 0411 - t. 0 rprocit unde”his Commonwealth,
or wader the genrom.t of the United States,. any other
State n( thin . Union- The Jostens of the Supreme faun,
Juring their ontionairms ME., shall reside within this
Commonwealth; and the other Jody., daring their continu
ance to otrin, Mali reside with. the divrict or tom,' Co.
which they wen negatively elected.
Speller ofthe House of lieyinseotativer.
Speaker of the Senate.
Fatten Cu.fata ,
Harnshorg., January MO. .1
I, Samuel W. Festoon, Chief Clerk of the Bowe of
Prom,boom, do hereby earn() that the foregoing evolution,
Pio. I.i m the &nate file of the present session,) entitled
“Itesolution Math* to an amendment of the Coostitution,”
—it being the same evolution which was sied le by a tra
petty of the es elected to each une of dm last
Leg olature—after having bran doly considered and dire
ceased, was this doe weed to by • majority of the membere
aelected to sod serving the &nuts of Pemsyhauts, at its
nent 1.6.011, as tt will appear 8 their vles peen on the
final mune of A . resolution, ea lows, trim—
T hoot voting lo fvor of the wage of the resolution were,
H. Jones Brooke. J. Porter Brawhy, William A. Crobb,
Jonathan J. Contionybara, Them. B Fenian, Thomas H.
Forsyth, Charles Frailty Robert 91. Fricy, Hairy Felton,
John W. Guernse, Walnut Hatlett, Ina. Horns, Timothy
lees, iodine Y. ones, Jawssl l(onivnacher, George V.
M.w.e Mena% Betanatit Maims, Benxi:am
Alatthias, Hers) A. blttbdenterg, W Minn F Parker,
William. Sadler, Davit &then Peitz B Livery, Conrad e, Robert C. Starrett, Dantal tttine, Farris LI-Streeter,
John H. Waller, and Yakut,. 19.4 SPeasr — Ymm Z.
no. voth .gaunt the passav of the evolution were,
Georye Dune, Autortue Drum, nod A:eamider King—
liar 3. (Extract from the Journal.)
• -
la Tim Nov.. or IllermatirraTions,
11.rtisburx, blunt, 14, LOSt 5
1, 'William Jult, Chief Clerk of the 11oaw Of Repts
stoMtwei of Pesmaylvenia, do hereby certify that the fore•
gong resolution, tH, 10 on the Senate file, and lOU
the House Journal of thc,preent actoiros,) entitled "Reso
lution ratan. to the amendment of the C.strultou.s—it
Beim the game re.lutio., which wan agreed to by a majnrity
of the memlwrs ate.. to c.h House of the tut Legisla
ture—lifter haring been del, .catered and docoseed, was
this day %reed I. by a majonty of the tomb.. 6..4 to
.4 airring in the House of Rerreworatirts of Penns l
imns, at its prem. sr.ion. will appear by their rotes,
goes on the final pave. of the resoluhoo, tolloys, six:
Those r.ojo ig in favor of the pomp of thenrsolun. were,
John Acker, 1,50 Ante., Willi... Baker, Robe. Bahlwie,
1/e. J Beat, Cram Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John B.
Bowen, William Brindle, Dllf.l 11. B Brower, Jess- It.
Bunloi,Joho Cann Henry Church, Jobe N. Conynnhaan.
SIN-race Cridlaud, Benjamin td. David, William J. Doh-
Lin., Jac., P Downer, Thom. Duncan, William Donn,
WEI... Esrey, John C. ilia., William A. Scoll
{:wingAlexander B Feather, James Flowers, Benjamin P.
Fortner, Alexander Glbtonney. Thomas K. tin., Jo .ph E.
Joseph Outfey, Jacob S. Ilaldemen, George
11.0. Letters Hart, John Ilastion William J. Hemphill,
lobo Hod` , Henry linplet Lewis ilerford, WeeitinvonJ.
Jackson, Niche. Jones ohn W Kdlingff, Charles E.,
Kinkead, Robert Clots, }tarries° 1. Laird,
Jonathan D 40.01,touard, Jam. J. Lewis, Henry
Little, Jonas R. !Mitzvoth, John F allsCulicesh, Alexander
John kl'Lauchni, John 111'Lir., Samuel
11..., John B Sleek, Michael Misc., John Miler, Jo.eph
pinion, ollnv. lobo D. :Suer, 01 ilfam T. !Marie'', Ix. kw!
klos 0, Edicard icklc•on, Jarob Charles O'Neill,
lobo B Joseph C Cowell, Jam. 11. Iteld
Lcwo tlatnnel It•
tit,.,. W C Senulirr,
0h.4,0r, Richard Silurian, }:lt Elmer, kt. oh s . 0 m0 ,1,,'
Ihsa A. Sintlit, Dmiil IL
Smy we Vp't/11.1 II SLAW , r
Thom Stryi. eher:r. st.olcel,
000 C, Audrcis Rob.; Wa.•er. '1 somas
%V.i,m. Ont. 11. iVello. 11,;.. A W.: .4103 I, it!
Cert.. Lot Rihn B. 51'Calmont, Spiels.— Pew CO.
of .flc
C..ruyu, David .d Juin. , " M. ram,—
No). itatzact rn.¢l )
~!s•n oenrn
Marco NA].
.. BEN EDICT, De 1.. F<L's , afCummv>weali6[Tsgß9 Otricz.
I do etrofy that the shove and forgoing is a true ant
rorriot to, y of the orison' resolutiou of the,Oeneeel As
itieh.y. shoos' Iteinlutios relative to suldineht of
the CousUltiliou," a. e the am. reruns ou Ale 's earl.,
1 ........ In testimony ishoteof I hero bete o met ray
t . A. i ht.!. end sawed la 1:4*(4.d the seal of he &ere . .
—..... !gars Utiles, Of Ilhorilloitiy, this Oflreoth day u(
!mot „ Al , ,n Donut° one thousaud ehOtt lotedred awl 70Y.
A L. lIIJSKI.L, &creasy probe Cotentoeveea!tle.
r,loß the conv,tlenee of the ettlymm, the proprietors
r of the Pittsbutgh City Mills Lave placed little, for
the reception of orders itt the hindering places:—
J& R Floyd, !One/ of Sinn nod to street,
IR Hayward, shoe store, edr. Liberty & Market its.
A Reeler, store, Third street.
L druggist, nor, Poartli & Smithfield.
John F Smith, store, corner dr. W) he.
Telegraph OffiCe, Fourth meet.
11 C Kelly, groom, win st,corneeof Maccet alley
IN Grass, Wire, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
Tbo floor w•ggrins will all twice or three daily
for orders, and the lionr,&o. delivered promptly, muter
in barrels or sacks—molt flour is preferable for family
use—without charge for cartage It is Main that no
areounts ears be allovred, and that drivers can been
pereniesion to knee floor without payment.
We bore the public will be pleased wort this at ,
rantemetth as we shall endeavor to do them lew&A
Sarsaparilla gods tr. Lemon Syrup.
kcp• Surseparilla Bala;
bzu do do;
2U boxes Lemots Pyrup, made from pure leuronlulye;
Jut r2CUree4 and for Noe by
K NOW all men Min are Slat and alllieted with di
Tsai. of llie bladder and kidneys. twilit vlicum•it•
pains in back Of intitiv,stitt •
ulcers.• tee s hint they canhes cured by tokiee the Pe
troleum! , ido may talk shimt its hung a nindrum a.
much as you please. dons: not make it so, It,
we proclaim. in Ike faro of vi honest community, th•
it has virtues which ere not contained In any othe
tonicity. 'The mad who ta tacked:with pain and aof
tering from dlicass. earl for tiny rants, get relief iron
of the ills minim:nate& those: Reader
! cost
very little to make atnal. 'Phis Petroleum is no mix
ture—no compond, put up for the purpose of imposin
We community: but tt is a rem- Y elaborated b
the master band of nature, it'd bithlitesup from the he
sow of our minher earth inalreadyoriinal purity, and of.
(era to seating humaniiy • remedy, a certain
and cheap care..
It has cored Piles after other medicines have fouled
to render any relief. It has 'cured Illieumausm of long
mending, and of the wow, and molt painful character.
It has cured Cholera Morbos by one or two dose.; it
has cured old CM., of Diarrhea, to which every other
remedy bas been of no avail. As n local remedy In
burns nod scalds, it la better titan any ordinal conb
pound or olulatent that we know or, it walch,i
hlu. or Owned feet, in few applications; undoubt
ed testlmouy eon he formalted of Me truth contained
111 the above ilsorment by calling Oil Samuel la. Kier,
Canal Dula, 7th street; or either of the agents. •
Keywr & MeLlowell, corner of Wood Street and
Virgin Alley; 11. K. Sellcra, 57 Wood meet, D. A. El.
& P. NI. Curry, Allegheny city, era the agents.
DEAUTY—tO. rintvernalliconceded that beniuy le
13 more common to Una country. than in any other.
while at the ac me time it is loud that in no other coon •
tip. it lost aten young en ae. nuMit hi true
to a contain extent, but tho le s a often ed by nee
elect. We coy to all, do not neglect your pommel
appear e, but read the folio wing, nod yon ;mod not
sek ,nod looks. Thee arttrie. nreacianufic pre
parations, unit have oil .0.1,1.1 a loch popuiamy
JrW liront's Ern Donne no Vv.. Astri Nrant
`roar, for remelting tan, runLunt.. pal:mien blotch, a,
and other eruption', of tbo chili; the most peatet con•
of beauty every knithru. Purchase nothing
Perporiing to be Nymph Soep, unleei it h. my name
• -• •
imam liana's Peastaar oa Overeat POWDER, for i .
parting to the most bihnue complex.uu a radian
whitener.. In rtettfieg vhduid e per.on be more Care
111 than rhe use of a purrt:er for the Om, D. many o
boos sold are very int,rm :t
os My etaete Powder I
compounded Intl aerunuid manner, am, router. n•
Ingre p dient ortimh ran rorrlbly !MI, tr , rdn'•
JuLis 141161i1l Iramay#ar Yournea. r tit reovin,
6.1,t41.10113. hair. What 0 mtm
ore alph:1: rha m n he)
upon the Ince or arm* of n tarty Tho •trtp•le 1,1
remove IL in a ahort time , o w
ur ,Ity altar.
JcLea ilehat's Val:term. Lorin Woe Lire will
instanlkileousl ours', io red, white, or eray hair. it
bee fully Week, brown, of auburn . order It will
enter the heir m nhotier time, and more cdf emally
than any other , Dye, tonne at the stone time indeionle.
Jk:Lcs BechOs huar.ho t:ularr.--.1% is really a I,e:t
-ante to share: nth this c are 111. tone is none the
antastrna lieneion cannily eh - pen...need in th e e re of
Mort baps. lid Um eon:milt leave. thOrkle smooth
and soft a. an infant's, t. rot lied,. to Lome
locos Hacen'il littur.Tocrtit Paartn—eNesttothe heir,
we think the Teeth were islerAral as the greatest orris.
ment to tar Kaman (nee; but When halildctod,
Is to dtsturtring, sn qulnkif, seen. my /tore Tooth
Pate wilt Impart m the teeth a pearly wiuteneee, o 1
:ma salt, tone keeping the guras firm 'end healthy
Also on hand, a complete ne•Ortrtlent of French,
Btitish, and Antertcan Perfautcry and For. males.
JUL7a llAlra, Perfumer and Chemist,
tOO Cliestnui Steer, PWu.
For sale wholesale and rend', by 4. A. fainestock
A. Co., and R. E. th , ll.4ra, Pitishurgb; arid John :Sar
gent, and 1. Mattel% Allegheny City, Pa. iydr—Op
AININA ANON A eta. or iftt-iticWu
On Hann of TIM Sonnet, VlZ' Scrofula or Ring's Evil,. Rheumatism, Obstinate Colo
nel,. Erapttonn Pimples or Pustules on the Fare,
Blotches; Bile., Chronic Sore Ryer, rbne Worm
or Teter, Scald Besot, Enlargement rind Sam of
the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie
Symptom, Selene: or Lumbago ,—and Remises
salaam from.. inimhcious nee c hiereury, Sol
utes or Biopsy, Esporure. „
or Imprudence in Late;
Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ac.
This medicine has itequfred a very enterled and
MOelted ciTtnetion wherever It hoe been used,
based entirely on its own merits, which its superior
efficacy has alone curtained. The unfortunate victim
of hereditary disease, with swollen glands, contrasted
befi, and bows half carlOON, has been restored to
all) and viger. The cerofidous patient, covered
with siren, loathsome to himself and his attendants
has been wade whole. Ibmdreds of persona who
had groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous
and g boulular throttler, chronic rheuesausm, mid
many othrt comp ( nu springing from • derancoment
of We wereuveirsans alid Me circulation, have been
raised its It w from the rack of disease, and now,
with reigenceat constitution, gladly testify to the
efficacy of this tßestimable prephiritlen.
The attention of the render is called to the following
astonishing mire, effected by the use of Sands' Barer.
"This is to certify that I hare • colored women who
ha. been articled fur the last far years with "Scrofula,
and all the remedies I used had,. elect In so - resting
the progress of the complsint, on the • ontrery, she
constantly grew worse; and after erpendiny, Letwren
CO and Ruth with physician., beeldes awing other
popular remedies without enceess, till the disease hod
eaten away the cartilage or her nose, mode Its en'
pea:mace on various parrs of bet hody, and had fined.
Commenced its ravages in the root of her mouth
"In this dreadful situation. with the prospect ' o
death staring hoe to the (see, I statcd her ease to De
Itmeway, the at ent for bander Sarsaparilla in News
barn, N. C, by I was advise d to wee that article
and to my sarprise and that of ray neighbors, to whom
her CUR was known, after emu!' fear and a troll hur
tles she was restored to perfect health, and that to the
pace of three weeks, and wow a We to work to two
week. from the time rho commenced taking It.
"In WitriCSS of the toothof Ws statement, I have
hereunto dared thy name th i s WO day o (Sr pthuther,
"Mouth of Seam River, Craven co. N C.
The following is RC CRIZILC/ from miens.. re teed
from Mrs. Bevan i serno had brecorateted severs' year.
with Screfulom Ulcers, Dyspeptia, & s., and recently
en election of the throat and chests—
'Bahia ashcan, %a., Dec. 13, 1E43.
uhlessra. A. Fri h D. gimins,rliefore I commenced
using your Sarsaparilla, my sifferinge were inmost
past expression;
Mroat wae completely ulcerated,
had a dreadful cmg h, and there Were frequently
weeks together that I could Rot speak above a whir , -
Peri and hesidearthe rimmation' from ray throat m•
tended to my head, so that my hiating was very moth
immured. After taking the Etareapanlia a short time,
coy health was Improved, and
throat is now well;
1 am as free f - om cough and tightnesecof the chest as
ve I aed can
quite dmunctly. :sly throat
bu r been well about three months, the cure of watch
poorbeen effected, entirely by the use or your Santa-
L paella. Your friend, LOVISA R. BEVAN"
The followng testimonial to the value of th e Sarsa
parilla, is ten , , Me lien Lather Wrht., aged :6 years,
Congregational AlLnister, residing c t ohm
"Wcsmin, Miss., March:lo,l64G.
"Megan. Sands: tientlemen—blow what I have ex
perienced, and from the information 1 have recently
received from a umber of 'veal,. of high respecta
bility who have bred your nanapanlia. I have not
the leo./ doubt but that it is a most valuable medicine,
end that the numerous certificates ton have received
of its eteneY ore tally Sustained by experience, and
Oran/3ga Ile repitatton and Wilily are very extensive,
and stand in no need el my humble etrorts to increase
them, I wet all who all arilioted by dixense to be
e acquam mbein inted
e. with Me efficacy and power of your
"I am, &mamma, gratefully and very rempeetfully
yours. p LUTHER WRIGHT."
Preared and patch wholesale and avast. by A. IL
D. BANDS, Druggists ord enemata, IV/Fulton strret,
anter of Wl!haw, New York: • !Sold also by Drug.
ams aenetwly throaaboat toe ILlMted Staid. and eau
do. Vora or per ',tate; .ix bottles far 55.
tar salt. tty L. WILCOX, Jr., D. A. PA lINESTIIeK
. . 'relent ArrAr...l.•
aIii.DICAL. env sulicagc.u. OFFICE,
.„ . No. hi, DIAMOND c'.LLEX
1 ,
- . fele boot ha ow Wood Watt:, t•-
wards marael '
DR. .11140 WW. havlna. neon
4.0 . i r„ wolarly et:nested In the medical
,2' It.
~.. a' orofeavan. sal hen ler conic time
f . . . • .:4 022 A k In ceneral prartiee, row roohora
' • 1. , -, h,,, .....,.. the treatment cf
r • •
.1 •
'4_ ~..
.:, .. taez , e , %,..a . le . en 4. tielleate eon! :
''.. ' o' ;' . ( I r ., ' :‘4 . ', W: l ; ' pe. ‘ all ' ar P'' ' '- y " : ' I;r;
lc veam asainweilhr cl:rnlre
locate,' er. treatment of three enniplailttMdmme.l7la 2
t an as
c hid more patellae and has cared more pa.
tent, han ar.ever felt to helo of any priaalr raw
fatlePeT) amyl,. fltht/ifiell t hin to faller naatcraaeea al
speedy, permanenti and canefaelory core to 2.1 ltalCkd
wth i tem diatasas, and all 4:a..., tram./ there]
Dr. firo.ll would inform thews atibeied with pnvate
diseases which hay. berorno chsaiiie by owe or e..
[raveled by the ure of any of the closinnu nwaratne rd
the day, that their corityleir.o earl he radically nun thor:
chly cured: be basin[ en lit" carer ... M. , . to
the treatment oiler!, ease, and caeceed•nliil hundreds
of tneutnrce In curio,
.perienv initatentati on of the
reek of the bladder, end
here h often
mall from those ewes where other, hype ronvigned
hero to onoolodarpeir. Ile perils tiler! y inane. ..oh
as have bee y.n
lon. end erweerevefallitraietosi by other.
to 000 , 0 1 1 i ot a, when every retiefactios will be epreta
them, end thew eases treated In a cerefti,thoroc i th end
oat by • Irinlyezporivnce,
I t . te d i f , g ..,:i'i oo Lri..,ion,whicl i ilia inlysaiseitile far those
.1.,, 0 ' v0 0 evil practice of medicine to ,Ile to
line class oldies...
11:jilernie or Ruptars.—Dr. Drown elm Invitee per.
eons eliticted with Hernia to relit a. hs has paid parual
Sem uiceaec.lil.o t/ relay, me., speedily eared
merge* very low.
N.B.—Pallents of either 114 K living et a distance, by
cuing their divan in writingi geeicur all
toms, iten obtain medicines With directions for or. ley
addreanng 7. BROWN, M. D., you peid, and encl.;
ins a fee.
°Dee No. Gil Diamond alley,appoilbtbsWavarlY
RKIMILTISIL —Dr. BttninVa.crirly dineoverad rem
d 7 for Rherareath. Is a spat,: y and cattalo trendy in
litatyralehl troable. it save t .
Mee and Private I.lftevaltins. Rooms,. No. 66 Di
istcred q, Piaiburgh, Pa. The Outer is always
trio, MI P 9 A.