The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 17, 1850, Image 4

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    ra._ "
- - -
111011.11GLI1 AN ZIAC, ,
raViePlo MOlllll9eComp4u27..DPIT their Wm.
h Room:, end pk,,,,,ing In sbecm 3Y7 fee, from
11 to 23 mace* per rousse foot. Corrgatad to sheet.
sv, A c„.„ l ot roo ter patbe bulltlancs and depot..
SblpSteathing,ll are Inches, from 24 to 33 °antes.
riuN,BPik., Sat. Molds, Perforated Zioc,
II Yalu, be
They warrant their metal pare, from any
„ o fti zto ,,, of iron, or any other substance, and re•
commend it for the manufacture of most articles In
the boon famishing line, .o It does not rest, is not
affected by the Attica of Water, and may be polished,
poJnted, and in...a&
Semples, model., plans,opecilication., and other
leoll2looll may be had of their agents:—
;3PCt.a. & Buono, New York,
A.LCSON. Roman. & Co., Boston;
....N.ll/111Ticrrns & Co., Philado/pltia; • .
W. & 11. fle&ny Battio.orM:
Masa, DAT & *mum= New (Woman
P. MILLIROUX, ftesldeat'Aront,
Lege, May 1. 2 Ilanover at, New York.
Edward A. Godfrey.
IBEartA Calvert et., 'sear Baltimore as., Baltimort,
(Leto E. Godfrey & Sons, N. V.a .
IhIPORTER of Shrw Findt rip, end Dealer in Leather,
Of various kinds: Paglish and French Kid Shins,
Preneb Calf Skins, Patent Leather, Morocco, red,
whlte, a
pint roarts,llningli,&C. Lasting., Franca*
Shoe .K 'ves, Awl Blades, Shoe THREAD, Blued
Tack's, 8 oe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of all sites.
P.. A. G. having established the above businms In
Baltimore, Is enabled to ship cooda — South or West
with the umsost despatch, led at the lowest prices.
blastufamarers, dealers, and all others, may rely
upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best
quality, and on liberal terms.
(I:7Mannfaeterer of Lasts, floot Trees, Shoe Trees.
Clamps, Crimps, Boot Stretchers,&c. All oilers will
promptly executed Low prices for cob.
A catalogue containing • complete list of every
cle In the trade will be formardrd to these who
may desire it.
EDW AHD A. GODFREY, 16 S. Calvert st.
to ay2lhalm near Baltimore st., Baltimore.
Broadway, corner of 11loadon Lane.
LonlB entenstve HUSEL has been leered by the
and nu been completely refitted In
L ll oin elegant manner. Largeadttlons are now
being made, which. when completed, will make It the
mom extensive Hotel in Now York. It Is the determi
nation of the proprietor, tomato it equal, in every re
spect, to any other House In the United Butes. Its Ire
canon Is the most desirable and central in the city, be
mg in the fashionable run of Broadway, convenient
to all the public hullohngs. places of amusement, and
business. Grateful fin the liberal patronage received
from his western friends, while at Curaberland,
and more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland,
Ohio, he respeetbilly solielts a renewal of their patron
age, for his new establishment, at New York, and
begs to aunts them that every effort on his part shall
be given to o.diSliOlitkt to there coAmforB. t and pleunra
New York . March,l6so.—(
offices, George street, Plymouth, England. The
managers beg to acquaint their numerous entrees that
tie next Distribution of Portraits of Rare Hones, will
compiler those entered for the 'forthcoming Grand
National Derby Race; the number of shares to be
limited to 5,030 each class. First elan member /Ilk
second class ditto £5. Fatly application for the an.
appropriated shares is necessary. A party subsenti•
log for more than one share has the chance of gaining
an equal toomber bonuses. Thane smothers who drams
Ike various Portraits will be presented with the fol.
: owing smuts:—
Portrait of lei class bones. `Aldine
Winner, or First horse SSO,nW 110,000
Second Ilarse• •• • MOW 6,0/0
Chlrd Ilona o,olm 4,030
Divided amongst .r
•• • Gina 7,000 "
Non-Stoners 6,000 3,011 i
There are ffie bonuses in each elan, that being the
flambe, of horses entered for the tare. The Drawing
will be conducted neon the same !collimate principles
as Mon which characterised the late St. Ledger and
Other proceedings. Fall parbealars of the sesalt will
tie sent to absent member immediately after the de•
eltlan, that each may know his position.
Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded on re•
empt of a remittance. Minot Pachange,Drafts,Bank
Notes, Ac., addrened and made payable to the
Managing Directors. W. JAMES 0 (U.
Five pee cem cormainion to be reduced
16.6 oh
m the
presentation of banana. mr.
/ 850 ] REED HOUSE, [l lOO
& OAIIDRII, Proprietor%
Psalm Sirsars, Erie, P a.
and 'Southern Stages, leave this bonne daily. Car.
rinses to and from Steam and Packet Boats, Gran.
fit W. Kanst, late cif the American Hotel, Etie, Pa.
G. W. Hamm, Irate in the Rinse:. lintel, Ohio.
Sir James Inurraro Fluid BilalpaatitA.
DREPARED ender the imatedian care of the In.
.I senior, and estniltela d Inc upwards of Mint' Sc. , "
Tbio clesnut pseporstinc is recommended in all
eines iif Silo, ...lames, tadigem in, gout, and gravel
as the most sale, easy, and mil - actual nom 10 which
Emmen may, an Indeed the only onet_in which it
ought to he exhibited. possessing all the properties el
the Magnesia now in genera! use, without being liable
I.oe it, to form dmgerous concretions in the bowels,
efeetunly cures heanbure without mincing the
coats at the stomach, as sods. !masa, and their car
bonates are known to do; It prevents the food of in•
funs turning sour, In all cases it acts as a pleasing
aperient. cad is peculiarly adopted to female..
Si, Humphrey Davy testified Van thin solution farms
soluble combination , with nese and salts In eases of
gout and gravel, therhy counteracting these injunon
tendency, when otter alkalies, ma coon Magnesia
Itself, had failed.
From Sir Philip Csamptan, Bart., Surgeon General
to the &oar in Ireland:—
"Dear Sir—There can be an doubt that Magnesia
may he administered mote safely in the form of aeon
cenirated nlation shall m sulituunced for thus, and
lother tenons . I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnet.: in n eery valuable addition no our fitment
bled:ca. PHILIP CfLifilP'TON."
Fir lames Clarke, Sir A. Camper, Dr. bright. and
Messrs Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong
ly recommend Dlurray's Fluid Magnesia, as being
lame ante and convenient than the solid, and
free from the danger Meadmg the constant an of
soda or pots..
For ale by the importer's and proorieter'aments,
. of Wanda Front sea.
POTICE Is hereby gin , n, that on or anent the liAtb
of hen smnieni.ert had snared Id them. et
iellstltre, Va., the iollowine note•, vir —A nom
drawn by G. A. Aim, t, 01 stile Ia ear order, dated
April 110, at 4 months lee 5171 60, a note torten ,
John U. lilargan. 'mac dale and time, tor Moll d
la note drawn by John %/lett al favor of John S.
Markel', and te.endarsed by at, dated April Mb, at
door montm, for 61.70. The above notes were cover
received by tis, mtd thin a to caution all persons
against trading for or haying the same, as payment
01 them has been stopped. SA IV IL/at/LAUGH
..rz ) SPRIIIG & avarfacn GOODS.
A Ving
aTS 4' o;N: d o:Ps ° L ' G " l ' lrst k t ' ee a r"
olle b opened
Alezait ante Day% No es Market street, north west
carom of the Diamond.
In ceiling the attention Of our customers and the
pubic In this stack, It affords us groat-pleasure to be
able to say it entitruces GREAT BARGAINSin al-
MOM over; description Moods, as a Iltrie potion of
aorta pmebased at the recent extrAM ye amnion sales
In the eastern cities. Our assortment, Loth of fancy
and staple goods, is very superior, and affords to all
cash buy era, either by whnlesa/a or retail, a fine op-
Ito3anity of Maier both lame and parse.
Now style Foulard silks, very cheap; richplala and
' geared changeable silks, of almost every style and
quality; super plain and figured black Mike; do. ba
r eges and kitties, bongo de [Am, new and hand
s style; new style I. tench, Feiglinh, and Scotch
.awns. In great variety, and at very low prices; Main,
6 gured, mid satin eloped dotsms of all kinds and
quauties. tineo tit all shades and colors; ging
hams, Mecum, proe, Ac
Super chameleon etaseas., plain and (gored
black do; plain and embrstderedTbilet do; Geecub-
Mem do; super plate and embroidered Vetote and
colored crape dm Wore., and net dn. tr.e./
A find amortment of mulls nansookg, menneis,
Bares, hoo ts, hig BO NNETS
Rough A Ready, purlMd, Florence braid:and
maga Enstigh Weer bonnet..
A fine stack of superior pinto and fringed silk and
Satin Tarei. of all rotor. and qualities.
A iun large asgorimeni super French, VArltah and
elottm ••nd eaxgtmcres of all qyaLueg and
priees, to manna We would invite the attention of the
Our Inner of brown and ideaehed nicotine, tiefiidgdi
cheeks, ettambrays, dtiLlings, in very large i andrit.
the very lowest prices.
Al., a large lot of table diapers and tahle &alto,
brown and li:cached,
an d and Seotch diaper., crash
linen, nankin., rotton and wool •II goods tor Dice and
boys' wean, fetch linen..r t e d, ell. red, white end yellow , date .
neon, dontietua gum ['Arne, .00 and ' linen bents and
alone. of all tants, Mimeo en ribbon., art,
heal dowers, te, to all widen see would respectfully
Invite the
of wholceale and Wall mil
buyers. ALE...KANDE:IL & DAN,.
'nay?) es 'Merit ut..isi W ear. of the Diamond
APIPL•Pd TagniigAs
1 - AM now prepared to furnish Apple Tree., from the
J. well knows Nursery of Jacob N. Drown. The
toe, will be deliveled at the wharf at t o
612 per hundred. Person/ wishing good tbrillY for
levee their Of der% ..4.10/1 at the Drug,
.teed ,and
perfumery Warebouse, corner ofWood nod Sigth
re5.0224 - to - N
'BAILEY. a 120
Wpm, m a 2d doer be low tee blonongabals Hoare
ALMIIt, HANNA & CO. have removed their
p Ware to north west corner of W ood
and Tatra stereo
. 11.
1d 2KOVAL.
CHURH. CARaTittiltri CO. brete removed to
Tao 97 Witter a l ., between &
Wood & Market, In the
house formerly occupied by Hardy, Jones & Co.
ap3.7un •
ea 0011i4,
.2d bra Welder, & Tee. do; pot received
and for sale by -911LMOI &
_ -
Plantation Sugar and Dlonames.
117 hldli tannon, fear. .& prime Plaattuon 7 1 .agara
otk b7la Plana:nod tlolastds;
70 enact bill .10 do, In core, for die ter
171 a 171 Übe!, it
j°174.40 for sWV.
RIO 7 1
41 W.‘.
IRtciNtin—inisiris No orise l
G:AF 7
"""; Irs' ki .CVoll'i
qn t•sEssins k do,
Idl us
ics sonskssed Deer:lids,
h es
Fa' by.PtrtiLLEns k NICOUI
NOVA tl - 011A — III nil. store..od
for se's by Deg) ROUISON,
CODDIDOTI IS Eoelb" - -I:fg tir o ChilronMi
sObts No I Rosin Sity;
dELS2 end E 0 "
11 ER
Lagers' Lerwort and ii-
/;;;; IKf
ee4 tv
d and for talc by_ KIDD a. CO
24LoZ B: P. Toarnmia'i iinrsapi7ll , l i Al
CI Ppail.:KMDsal74-0 icAdutglift4l
"AlTitii 6'f-roll—lGO WO N . C . Tarp
rnmem. d
r 140 Win P.h..n.r _ I _
1 81,LAAJM k. NM u_s_
for I.4tlbiC
. 11.1 .--- --- 6 0 rieWaralib• '
11."3'45 ' i zumpbo.
.. • ._ ,
~. •
—rte: f'.:
~. y,. ..n ~•.—
J. H. E 151.1.011 1,
ATO. Ell Wood street, ham just received a new ow
11, continent of PIANO MUSIC, among which we
the followi.orr-
Molly, do you Love me, by S. C. Fatter.
Oh, any the Red Row Live tawny, do.
nay moo a Lady, ' do.
Uncle Net 4 do.
Gwine to Roe a blligta, do.
Dolly Day, _ do.
Sob:heel Wedding, by Olaver.
The Robin, do.
Oh, Touch the Card yet colic WA
-1 Sweet Menwin Cif Thee.
silver Moon.
Lament of the Irish EmigranL
A New Medley Send.
non bast Wounded the Spirit thy Loved Then
The CO.O ript'. Departure by Glee.,
Be Kind to the Loved One . at Home.
Ms Home wher e e'er the Heart O
d Cat by Lenr.
emla Lady.
Indus, wedding, Wreath, and Dairy
The Yaake
Low Bank;
Do you. eve)
Slumber Go
Elftn, Celli
Batchelor; Maiden, Bolls Welta, Concert, Ladies'
Souvenir ; Cally, El, LL Alice, Eyargraen, Bank
aka, Adieu. and Lazy Polkas. mrk/
WF: enter not lag Me list of polfers,aresay nothing
about Ilondreda of Chests, Importers, Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, he. In fact, we will not
humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the
public fir compare our Teas with what they purchase
elsewhere; Oa is the best method we know to weer
tato woo sells the best and cheapest Teas ID Plots
burgh. We are now selling
Good and strong Tea at 40 and ISO cents per lb.
A prime -.... 73 do do
The best Tea Imported Into the U. States, $1
Law priced, damaged, or inferior Teas we do no
keep. MORRIS & lIAWORTit
Proprietor. of the Tea Markel,
lea East aide of Diamond.
Orem. Amor - seas Itloeboaloili Work.
D. Appleton & Co , New York, have in Aurae of pub
La puts, price meaty ken oasts cash,
. . . .
cy E
gsnairtng; dasgae4 for Pracncat IVorhog
Ms"; and those amended for the Enga•
nanng Przfeasunt.
Lama, si OLTVKII erenc
PHIS WORK' is of large Bvo. sue. awn will contain
.1 two snornarin relo, and upwards of sag 71100-
SAND 11.1.1:1111LTIONS. It will pt working-draw
logs and descripuons of the most Important machines
to the Veiled State. Independent of the results of
American ingenuity, it will contain complete practi
cal tread , es on Mechanics, Machinery, Engine-work,
and klnginmering; wah all that l
athier. ln more than
one thousand collars worth of folio volumes, mega
tines, and other book..
The great object of this publican. Is, to place be
fore practical men and .thenuratielt an amount of
theoretical and scientific knowledge, in a condensed
lore, as shall enable them to work to the beat ad..
mgr., and to avoid those mistakes which they might
otherwise commit. The amount of usefal Infortnettan
time brought together la almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject
within its range which is not treated with such clear
and preetsion, that even s into of the most anti,
nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, and
thus learning from tt mach which it it Important far
him toknow.
The publisher, are, inahort, determined, rekenlleas
of coat, to snake the work ea complete. posaible; sad
It la hoped every Qua destroas to obtain the Nark will
procure It as larded N numbers. and thus encoarage
the enterprise.
The work will be boned in serni-monthly numbers,
commencing in January, le at, and will progress with
great regularity.
The whole work will be published in to numbers,
sill cents per siumber,ond completed within the cur•
rent prod, 18.50. A liberal discount will he made to
Any one.rentitting the publithers 510 ad...
shall receive the wort througit_the post office ere
Opinions of the Pros..
"To our numerous Manufactarers, Mechanics, En
nce, and
Jou it
will be a mine of wenith.”—
Provide.l.) rnal.
"Young men, trm yourselves with its knowledge.—
We can with confidence recommend oar readers to
poison themselves of id nembers as fast as they sp
pent."—Atnerican Artisan.
"We talitelalltlllgiy commend the work to those en
raged,in or interested inmechanical or scientific put
snits, as eminently worthy of their exanimation and
. "r, is cooly a great warn, and the publishers de
' .
a We
snd indeed of the public gen hln
crally.”—N. Y.
"This Dictionary will be highly useftil to practical
mechanics, and saleable to all who with to acquaint
themselves with the promos of invention in the me ,
chum arts."--New Deltoid Daily hiercurc.
irYoung mechanicsonght to keep posted tip in the
oretical MI well en pmet cal knowledge, and this
work will Show them Just bow they starul"—Rosturcy
Mao..) AdVerliser.
"We take it to be Jun the wort that scores and han
dfed. on our Intelligent mechanics have desired to pole
:to ample ace its descriptions, tunt w full and
minute its 'specifications, that it seems to us that any
nechmlic might contruct any minium it describes, on
he s.rcngth oftu enqracings and instructiona"—N. Y.
Commercial Advertiser.
AC intervued in mechanics nhould avail them
selves of its advantages."—Sobaylkill, (Penn.,) Jour-
".ri work of extenalve pseuds utility and great im
portance and yenta tothe rapidly irmrensing totereeu
af the country. Na regard the ta - orimulnenllY
calculated to promo. the cause of science and the
mechutical arts, and to ilssennnate valnable Informs
uon on theseaubje c tr."—Farmer and ilecianic.
ePractical 'Men in all the vaned welts of mechani
cal and manufacturing indernyi engineering. ter., will
find In this work a treasure whirl tt will be le their
peel' to possess."—Troy Daily Mutt.
"We have carefully perused the !timbers, end bate
no henantioli in saying that it is the hest wink for Ille•
banter, tradesmen, and scientific men, ever paldish.
cd, for C41218:1131milIllte. irtfOr.iliOn en every branch
title mechanical sets sciences, expressed in
irk and language intelligible to any reader of enli
sts), eapacity."—tiloncester,(Mass.,) Nev..
-We are lure we are doing the mechaales of Nor
wich and other partset connecticat a centre by
hiitigieg the work to their anention."—Norwich,
(Conn.) Cosrier,
"It lajaal suctm work as even laechartio should
We consider (tone of the - mon useful and important
publications of the age. No mechanic eon steroid to be
without it."—Nevraric, (N.J.,lCommerclal Conner.
eOf all the various publications having for Menet.-
lett the elucidation end advancement of the mechem.
cal MS and iseianCelL, none that we have ate., if so
Jun of promise as il.i< "—table Com.:Adv.
'it is inn Lest and Cheapeat work e•er °derail to the
mienhae awl practical engineer and mechanic. The
plat, are bkihutlfully rxecuted.—WastaarronGlo.x.
"This great 111 , t3.1 , 17 - 141 oar of the Mort USciai
work. ever poblikbed for 6rs, and the low pnce at
which tt trvold makes It acceptable to all."—South
We regard it as one of the most comprehensive and
as well as chcapett works ever published.'
—llattintore Advertiser.
sirught to be token by every one desiring to keep
pare with the progress of art and science in every or
sfthe labors of civilized life.”—ltondout Cattier.
Is designed eller the prtneiple tre's nia
• -•
ry, only that it is more de:rota to the mechanical and
rngineering professions, and shore all. A is relatable
accomplishing for America what Urn has done for
England, via describing 1i11.111.1l machinery and
worts of art "—Scientific American.
"Ids published to numbers,land at splice no mode.
oneng at what is contented in each number, that
nowho has the least illleteSt in such marlers,
need be deterred from proemingri; tied every one who
does so, will find than be twain 'a condensed
. • ,
[nt H of inaweuon wbieK world be obtained,
alT,onliit;Tte pureltue ofverintonl oolonte. n— N-
Y. Couner and Enquirer.
Thu comprebenaiveces• with which the subjects
are koala, the adminstile ismnner in which they arc
illstatrate4, conspire to make4thLe one of the most dent
ruble worts."—Dernocratic Review.
°llls wort should bein the bands °revery mechntoc,
un t san, and manufacturer, I n throe who host-
the kart &spinal°. to excel In their respecu•c host
el:we. We have carefully crammed 0., with • view of
I re , ,mmentlivi . to irmentrlrs. To them ore would
y In on etroeg !env:age (Athol:Urea "It kr ersod."—
Baltimore Inventors' Journal.
Natter to the Propmtors of 'Neemapers throughout
the Untied Strut-rand Canada.
if die- foregoing adverdwitient is inserted 11 ,
daring the. year, and the paper eonterno It se
a copy of the work will be sant grans in parr
Containing illerrurg, ram other Mineral.
IIE following testimonial was given by the ode
bested Dr. Wooster Pencil. the author of the gees
medical work entitled "The, Amerimut Practice a.
Nicilieine and Family Physician."
' Having been made 'moven:aid with theingredien
which compose hlcAllister's ,Allslicaling Ointment
to having te prescribed a- .d tested it in several eases to
y privapractice, I have - .if hesimoon in saying o
certifying that it la n Vegetable Remedy, contain.,
mineral substance wham:lgo that iss ingredients
co mbinedco as they are, and t.ea OA directed by th.
Po priebn, are not only harmless, bat of great vain
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power: and
cheerfully recommend it as a compound which ha
lone mach good, and winch is adapted to the core
a great variety of vitro. Though I have. never Mule
recommended or engaged in the sale of rectal reed'
eines, regard for the truly hone., conscientious,
111.1111 character of the Proprietor of Limo Chummy
and the value of his discovery. obhge me to any tit
much regardirg tt. W. BEACH, D. U."
New Vora, April tad, Islll.
DURNS.—It is ono of the best things in the woe
for Mires.
I'll.E.S.—Tbousands are yearly cured by lids Olot.
mein. It never fans In giving relief.
For Tamen., Ulcers, and all lands of Sores, it bae •
no qual.
It Mothor4 and Nurses knew Its value in eases of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always aoply
In such eases,if used according to directions, it gives
relief in a very few hours.
Around the boo are directionsfor using hleAllicter's
Oionnem tor Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Tenor, Clidblain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, ilronchnes, Nervous Affccuons, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
F., Ache., Darer, Corn*, all Disemes of the Skin, Sore
ups, Pimples, lee., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
Itheematiym, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled Or Bro.
ken Berson, Tooth Ache. Ague in the Face, Sc.
Fran the Reading Eagle,
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public., that has in so short • time won tech a
reputation as McAllister's All-Healing or World
Salve. Almon every person that Ilea made trial of It
speaks warmly In its resift. One has been cored by
It of the most painful rheum:atom, somber of the pd.,
• third of a troublesome pain in the .idn, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs. hr. If it tines not give name.
Mate relict, ift every case, It can do no lolury, bring '
applied outwardly.
A. another evidence of the wonderful healingpow.
powewed by this salve, we .bioln the following
CCII/hcnte. from • respectable chime of Mtudencreek
township, in this county:
Maidenereek, Reeks eo., March 30,1.7.
Messrs. co:—I desire to inform you Dan
was unmet). eared of a severe penile the hack, by the
sue of McAllister`. All.lleahng Salve, winch I par
chased from yen. I suffered with it for about 20 years,
and at night was unable to sleep. During that owe I
tried venous reUltdit., which were presenbed for me
by phi/Weir,. and other persona, without receiving any
relief, and at last made trill of this Salve, with a re
gull favorable beyond expettation. I am new enttre
ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night peaceful
and sweet slee o th e r
compalso used die Salve inner for
tooth ache andlatnt., with similar happy
resalts. Your friend, Jo. llohnumacti..
Bole Proprietor of toe above medicine.
Principal Often, No 23 Norte Third meet, PhHanel.
/tam. ra Prrnimmon.-1 1 . A. Fahne stock tr.
corner of Wood and Elm ms.; Wet Jackson, No.
210 Liberty street; L. Wilcox. Jr., corner of Market
suers Ira the Diamond,' also corset of Pounh and
Sealtbfieldatteets; J. IL Cassel, corner of Walnut and
Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at the Bookstore in
Smithfield erect. 3d door from Seemed.
In AI ben? City by If. P. Se bonne and J. Douglass
fly J. 0. Setillt, Drogest,lllradrtglmm; D. Neale',
East Liberty; H. Rowl.d, McKeesport: J. Alexander
k Son, Blooongalicht City; N. B. Bowes. A Co., and
LT. Rogers, Brownsville: John Bartle? Bearer, Pa;
John Walker, Jr.. Elisabeth; Boabrig Li te Et I%
Rnehe.ter febtleodly
uus.t...mitr6o Issas mom Wt. W ItCheasajor
near prepared to lease the 'Water Power •t the
Grand Rapids, to an amount =trident to propel four
hundred pairs of mill storm TM location is based
upon a rock Nand/mon. and the power can co.e-
Meetly be aunbed on both aides of the river. The
Fcoin of the While River,. well a. the Wabash, e.
ie rearbly famished at this pos. While umber,
iron ore, and coal, in the gremert ithime.ce, and of
superior quality, can be easily procured through thv
ame eonnuy.
Tans—One hundred dollars per annum fora pow
r solfusient to propel a ample mu of medium sued
mill atone.. for a period of fifteen yrs. with the
nyht of renewal on the expiration of t ea he lesse. at a
fair vaioation of the power employed. The rim of the
mill or Mennfactory included, without farther charge
from the Compaq. DT order of the Directors.
President of the W N. Cos
hf ay 0, Iridin my3lidran
- - - -
—The skin of snoop persona is disfigured with
slight erupt.ooc, as pimples, morphew, &n , and when
ibis is merely • disease of the skin, a• it Is in ninety
nine cases / out of every hundred, it o very easily re
moved. ales Band's Nymph Soep is
adapted to diseases of the 3a it acts doeetly
upon the minute of
which cover it. surface.
cleansing them from impurities. and by its hair antic
properties healing eradicating all eruptions, and
rendering the darkest and roughest skin soft, fair, and
Persons who have been in the habit of slang ordl
nary soap. will be noonished et the be:wilful - effect
produced by the Nymph Soap,' n imparting • delimit
bloom, preventing the neck, face, or hands from chap•
ping, allaying all irritation, and removing? all °mane
nos eroptiona It poetesses no exquisite perfume, and
is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering
it the only article which can be used with safety and
comfort In the nursery.
All those whose faces or necks are disfigured with
pimples, blotches, tan , morphew. le, should make
trial of Jules IlauelhiL.4ircils Soap, 29
positively assures them, shot 10 12. e will reader the
most discolored skin sr hire, the roughest skin smooth,
and the most assessed akin healthy, pure, mid Ldoom•
Jolts Ilaucl's Nymph Soap Is the only article which
will effectually produce the above effects in so short
is-droc, and the 0.,1y one which is at me same time all
poworlal and entirely harmless. Prepared only by
JULES MAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
PM Chestnut street, Phila.
For sale wholesale and retail by 13. A. Fahnestock
& Co., and R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sar
gent end .1 Mitchell, Allegheny city, Pa. tee ik
AGOOD Mahogany ham Ferm i ° octaves
second hand • —• • • ..... — ' 6loo 00
A handsome upright Pia., with Rosewood
Forniuire, 6 newt., and in good order • - • • 100 00
A plain octave Piano 45 00
A good decisive Piano 75 00
A Jgood 51 octave Piano, with handsome form-
. .
81 Wood at
For mle by
Metall° light Light
UPERCEDING the Wooden 'Float, and being in•
combustible, thereby economises the oil, and pre.
nuts frnition, heretaforti no much objected to in all
abet floats. One teble opoonful of the cotemon
lamp oil will law Nit. lioureow any further letinth
of time,aecordine to the additional quantity clod.
Received end for little by JOILI D MOROAN
mu 17 Dmenist
TUFT RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family Gro
tleery and Tea W•rehousti
5 casel Petah Dy•tcrii,ln tin cons;
5 do Pickled do, ' in et jars;
do do do, in pint do.
The above Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and put op
in a highly concentrated soup, enelowil in hermetical
ly sealed cons, and willkeep much longer than Move
put op in the ordinary way.
For vale, wholesale and retai ble l, by
mrlo :MG Liberty et
Oroat.Armortron Mechanical Work.
T 1
APPLE ON A CO., New York. have in notion
of_publication, la saws, price twenty five eel.
oath . , a DICTIONAYLI if Machines, Meehanics. En
gine Work, and Engineering; dclogned for Practical
`yanking Men, and those intended Inc the Engineerme
Profession. Edited by Oliver Byrne.
Thu work is of barge use. rise, and will contain two
thousand pages, and upwards of ale thousand illUstra.
Lions. It will pre., at working drawings and descrip
tions of the most•unparont inarliine ,, in the United
States. Independent 05 the resulmof American nt
tenuity, n contain contolete prarucul treatises nn
Mechanics, Mocbinery Engine Work, and Fogineet
ing; with all that re useful so more then one thousand
dollar. worth of folio volumes. rosgaelues and other
books: Six numbers received. and for wan by the
nte lloPKlNts,
7..3 Apollo Buildings. Fourth n.
.. - :.‘'a . ..,-,,,:0tt . .. 1 : ' °;. 7' • --=•'_'.-.',, ~,, .. it
(1 1 .
J - -- 7ty , -: 3.41 , ,, z,4
w. - - tir.,ii "i 6.42-;';
John 11. Mello?, Si Wood Street. Pittsburgh
ooi< Agent in ,Vestern Penn.ylvanla. for the o
Grazed and Square Plano Porte.,
BEGS to adorns his needs nod the mu sical public,
that be ha now invoke.. and reie sod
expo. for sale, during the present month, the laraett
dol most desirable stork of Piano Fortes ever offered
far .le in the west—among the number will Le Mend
n full supply of
Superbly earfed Rosewood 61110 d Piano F
with all the recent improvements in meetaulen
le of exterior.
eplendidly curved Rowan:ma 'even octave ihroare
Pa= Fortes, 'Faulted in the Elizabethan and
XIV. styles
With a large stock of .11 the various erles n( Pia.
no Fortes, Terror in privet lonia SVC. to Fero anil
BMA by Creeketino for the present
r. (1 ) en ate altered thot the Trwes of NI. t •
ba•c hten, cr,imse 1., the
nt t
me tor he trinnufeetptv Llt Wlaloolchrre. ,
trltr. sport. •es so ..vt . .tre. up t.:
"lett Lrdcr. ti.c w.LLeut
mr 4 4 .
THE derdsnrd her, leave to Inform the pa,lle
that he has deeltned bustnevs to favor of Ma emn,
P. M. Davie, who lasll rounnor tar auetsan and C.
altspion hoc:lrks at We aid nand, rorcf ..1 Wood and
I , lllh .treet, and for wham he arou'd wltrtt • rO/1 rk
nance of the liberal paucaage het c tor., beatwured up
ou the house. JUICY D. DAV IS,
April kit, 1b a.
P. 31. DAVIS.
AATILL, mato milts, on liberal tants. of Foreiga and
DOPICIIIiG Merchandise, Rze I Diate, Ittochib
tee, and hopes, by experience and eilr.ite attennen to
Innuness, to ment a continuo:tee of the mapport arid
vatroonite so liberally chtended to the formorhonse.
April ath. I 'sin.
Defeo toour Patron..
II Ile decetote of the active partner, In Miladelphin,
(Me late Jayne lo Davind produce , no iractrapuon
tei the bastuesa—nrrangententa have beano:loe which
involves the same intoesta preorela, which boys
terctolore eziatell The ta continued, under
the same name and firm, an:—
Jattra Dania to Co., Ptulaaclphmt
• Jottei !VEAL , . i. Co, PILIShIttgI2.
The continuance of the patronage of POT canny
!nand* ts respeofelly amrtted, If nay person a hoe
demands Lou,. the Caere th. they are requeated to
per wet them forthwith. for payment.
Etttabargh, April to, an. it DIN MTA DEN.
. 074
_ _ Iturtnatnuser.
D.A. Yak.= aaaaa k 6 06,
1101.117A.1.1 - : DalifiGISTS, corner of Pint sad
Wood streets, offer for 52.10,00 lavorat•tatcrtnr.
NI IK bids Winona; COO to Carlo. Atriainutai
GO do Alum' 0110 do -Aaostrenda:
'3OO do toy' e Wood, 0t do crud, Tar.,
25 do Lampblack; 000 do 1./quneire Rout;
tff, do Yen. Red, .D 0 do Iroh M 0..;
do Camphor; I:Ar do {red Precipitate;
10 do Span. Brown; I. do Calomel Amor.;
20 do Norton Ochre; 2S do
10 do Br-bop:000;
.0v 10 111eher I,en•ei;
1 , 1 do Clover, 2t.10 do altut.arb Hoot:
do l' 1, 1. 410 do Sarasp. , o;
14 caeca He(. Borax; 200 do namtan do;
25 do C.tric Soap; WO do Sal
IS do Promston Mo, 200 do AiLitara;
ID do Cll.. ro o t , 500 do Po o 10.ulonrb,
IS do Chrome iirocn, do do Shp. Klm:
do do VeGoor, 100 do In Arnrar
sdo Am. Vermr.ron; lon do do I.
cu ream. Sand Paper; 100 do do So too,
23 bags Sled) , Surnar; O,A) du Jo k 1 Ca yettne
20 0.10.11011J0 Cork.; 200 do Surrdr
75 Sulph. 'Moral", 00 du liar TO,
12101 lb. Cape Aloe, 200 do TatOwrol.,
1000 do 11,-Chrom r0ta,t..150 do quirk Scvrr;
215,0 do Ping Hoot. 250 Jo f o r
ISII.I do Turtry Umber; 74 do Cur toncal,
10W-do Cream Tartar, 2.1 do Ilyd Poorah;
500 do
V ol , Ttaric Arta; Ori thy Mace;
100 Jo IIIOI, do Lin:dont:o Lotro
"There are more-inters to lienveti and earth
Than nee dreinlipt of in
T remedy, and
hn. induced tom to hoer it pot up in bottle. with la
bels and daemons for the belleht id ill. public,
The PETROLEUM is procured from • well in this
county, Al a depth of four hundred fret, to a pure una
dulterated &rude, without any ehemlcut change, but
lama flows from Nature's West Lattratoryll That It
mmtai. properties reaching a number of diseases, to
oo longer matter of uncertsw.y There are tootle
things in the arcane or maul., winch, if known, e ight
be of vnat niefantess alidvisung suffering, and rr •
storing the ftlmim of health and vigor to many r of
kw, bong before the proprietor thouvht of potting
it up to bottles, a, had a reputation tie erne of dot
earn. The constant and dotty ...rennin% Calla for It,
and several remarkable cures it has performed. m
sore Indication of
t its future ropularity mad wide
spread application e lire Of dioe free
We do not wtoh .e ;nuke lons parade of eertlfi
cates,. we are rotreto• that the wed, plc et, .on
wort Its way into the favor of thew who ruder .ind
with to be healed. Whilst sirr On not claim for it a
universal apphcation to every incense, we wittecta
tingly say, that tint number of Chronic Diseases it ts
•nrivalled. Among these may he enumerated—all
dtwwws of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
CONSUNIPTION tin its early macro
Asthma, a ADONCO nd all diseases We air passages, LIVER
COhIPLAINT, DYSPEPS. I Li. Diatinea. Dtwases of
the Uladder and Kid... Pm. us the Bank o r
Nervous Dise.esNemelete, Palsy, Rhea:eau c Puins
Coat, Ilryair Sores,eenet, Ringworms, Borns, Scalds,
Braises, Old Sores Ars, a.e. In erases of debitny re
sulting from cremate, or long and protracted cases of
aware tits medicine will bring ' , chef. It will act as
• general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such eases,
trepantug tone and energy to the whole frame, rem..
ing obstructin opening the shoot
cause disease end a broken Constnation, and giving
increased and renewed energy to all the organs of
I,k! The proprietor know. of several cores of
PILls, that resisted every L E I treatment., get well
under the use of the PETROLUM for a short time.
N ine rf eau be given to any person who dente* it.
N geriutric without llse •ignatate of the propnotar.
9o!d by the proprietor,
S. M. KIER, Canal Dace, near Seventh M.
AS , by SELLERS, S7 Woml sk
cower Woad at. and Virgin alley; who are his
novesdly ',Wady appointed Asents
hj Camp Illanketr, officer coma; la pea Pa=
Id pans nen hoed Mining Boom; la Whoa. Baba; 3
r Tanks, 0 god Id gallons each; 50 canteens,
gallon each; dos itueltakni Money Behr, Ido oiled
Walc do do. The above goods for sale al the Can.
fora. Omfdas4 Esta4Wt2333, tio 3 WOOd
WPM ages/Alio
1850 iEziM 1850
looAis of ail. L "rill Maya reasuariy, and de
krover freirlos 'salons transhipment
J C BI DWELL, Piashargh,
JAMES POLLINS, do, }Agents
Zia 18;o Effiffa
From PitrrburFA to ColtentSus ,ad Clcveland,
ihrorgh d,r ,ark and per dons ronstties ofeahrtn•
Ginn Carroll, Trs,vrantxruJ, Coshocton,
Msgsksnrnns, LoLivg, cud Fran,Clin.
The eorupleuon of the Sandy and Beaver Ballot
opens up to our city through this great natural central
mute a direct conauttuneatton to the above Is as
the adjoining counties of Wayne, nolmes, iCnoo, and
Pram this section of Ohio, the trade with Pittslwrgb
has been, to a great extent cut of, ht consequetlZe of
the high rates of transportasion, which are now re
dared to, %1 and 50 per cent.
Boats adds Wm will leave daily, and run through
without truishipment. The Canal company have
bestowed upon this line an Interest In the noprece.
dented advantages of their charter, and thin secured
to the middle portions of Ohio in ordering their goods
rqUili Interest In this advantage. Agents:
J. C. BIDWELI, Pitutburght
BID WELL A CO., Glasgow.
R C Holmes, SpedfaMills, Ohio; • H A A Gay,
WHltahselallet,o4 George Kensble, Elkton, 0;
A Huffman, do; 'Jannis, Graham le Co, New Lisbon, 0;
Aster A Nicholas, Hanover, 04 Ribbed, Door), Mi
nerva 04 Speaker A Poster. do.; mnseph Pool A Co,
do 4 Hall ABass, Oneida Mills, 0.; 11 V Bever, do ,
C 13.11nrxtbal at Co, hlalvem, O.; R K Gray, Wayne,
burg, 0d E Reynold., do ; 1.,., Teller, Magnolia 0.
E J Barkdolptc Co, Magnolia, 0.; Wm•linritnee,, do; I
Fil•Facluid lc Co , Sandyville,O. PP Leger, do; Sash
banes A Steinbacch.Holies., 04 Willard ASt. - lace,
do •, J J Hodanns, bias.illon, 04 Cummins tr. Co. do;
John Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0.; Fertig Jk. 'Torre).
Canal Dover, 04 A bledbury, Roscoe, Od L K Wer
ner, Newark, 0 ; Filen All ale. Colombo., L 0 Nab
thews, Cleveland, Od Rhodes et Green. do. may 9
Via Psnnsylvanla Canals & liall Road
O'CONNOR, &TUNS & Co., Canal Rahn, Libefty
ATKINS, O'CONNOR & Co., i'lg & 2.50 Make otreet,
O'CoNnons Et Co., 70 North street, Itoltimore;
EIZIOTT & Gness.ll Dram. street, Malan;
Mum , . GMT, Alarvklin, Kent,ckr
Dam. Co.. Colornbta Wee; eloclnuatu
K Wont,. LoolovOlr;
Bois. Hx:co, Loots.
To :. , :lnypers ishro..andase and Proefaor to and
from yhrla.friyhoo, lialinnoro, N. Fork,* Boston.
Our route Leong now in fine order, we are prepared
to fa,vord good. n• above ut reey town prow. We
two" R tret,retirts of any charge having pellicle. for
over Sfiao,ooo, and with Ito following extenAve stock
oilloats feel confident of giving enure tothuaebon
II bemincei entruLtod to out
eand cocucoanded by c
oenure one i.conducted
teenperanes principles.
B o w,. Captain.
Iron City, Mann
Maryland, Marshall
Cincinnau, Sands
Mull Anna, ChnOnst
Wm A tin., Fermat'
Import, ' iihrimihr .funtai.a " Mown
Boston, Altar O. Scott, Gore
Gar!bids Riley telcaraphNo IShichls
Celia Hawkins Coint 141111 Boyhrtioadt IlaltirCeCtipporßitcy
America Perri Ohio Bella Keociey
.51erniald Al'Colt. Hunter &nabs
Tiro Fox &Uganda 301 M Ann 3 (.alma
Aurora Allrowell Trocarapti No2t/avls
Look Sharp Secy tihrth htace
n Willie
Stopirars will find it to their udvantace to give , •
' 0.11. 0 CONZiOit, ATKINS X. CO.,
mrl6 Canal Bruin Litacrry 5t..., Pittallinran.
Wgi•tern Trasasportation Complomy.
111a2!ft 1850..ffiltiat
By , Penaryirwitta Quad and Rat! Road.
Boa. and Corn of this Line have been pot I
1 compote order, And won the addition of serer
new ones to the Line. manic. as to entry a larg.
quantity of produtia and good..
Thee nurr stock of tho Lino to owned and contra
ad by the Yrnpnirtora
HARRIS k. I.hDlell, No 1.1 thaoth hin! at,
And at the Tobreeo Worrtlottre, Dock ot,
Pat We*. Pe..:
No 114 North Ilowevi rt, llahnuote, MA:
OFFICE. No 7 West st, Ness 1 otk;
D LEOCII A. CO, Dan. I..tathe . Peru at,
tn7l3 Ytttsburr b.
aiIiEEM 1850.
OD Tnie PICINN'A ARID 01110 CREI/11,9
CLARK, PARKS Cu,& gotheekt, Pa., Prove...
Olfite cor Sinithfinlil and Water Oa, Tatshurch.
d, O Ants,.
PHIS well known Lino gat peepvcd tronsport
I freight Anil Pivisengers (Gan PITTSBURGH and
CLEVELAND. to any point on the CAnal and LiGna.
The (anilines of the Line are unsarpaased in number,
quality an cap.icity id Boons, enpetienco of captains,
and eft coney of Agents.
Qne Coat. lc viis Piriabitreli and Cloariand ion•
rung in nom... tich_with Llniatf Swain he.
And VEIL, anti • Lone ni
First clots Stearn Enna, Propellors and Vesaela,
the Lake'
rk, l'ark• S Cc, Itoel, 'ger, Kle,
N Karl • A Co. Youngstown, lAnu;
M B Taylor, Warren. 0.
A A. N Cl.ok. Newton Palle, 0;
1 Bravo., A. Co. Ravenna..;
Kent, tirtnnell A Co. Franklin, CI:
II A Miller, Cuyahoga Falls, I),
Wheeler, Len A. Co. Akron. an
Chamberlin, Crusrined &Co, Cleveland, 0
Hubbard A. Co, Sandusky, CI;
Peckham A Scott, Toledo, II;
R Winn., .4 Co, Deleon, Mich;
Willratill• A Co, Slllaracki^, WOK
Shirley A Dutton, Racine, Wu;
George A tiiheft, Chicago. Ill;
Thomas I la:e, Chicago, 111.
/wird A CAUGHEV, Altera
tor= corner Water and etotattiLel•l,
REM 1850.
LAJILE EMIL /I.biD 1l(10111151411 LINE
• . . .
CLAR RE, PARES & CO, Rocheater, Propttelots.
THP. Propr'ewe, of tho old and known Ltnr
would inform th, publie that they ate now In op
eration int the pre,ent genron; and have commenced
reeetring Pronto and Past.enyersi whleh they are
folly prepared i carry to all point. on Me Canal and
At Melowrrt One of the floats of Me Lint
TAW 1 .0 00,11.1:y at the landing, below Alunongshe It
Snap-, to mem , . e freight.
Othee, toe Water and Pmithfield at; I'nlaLaryk.
R W CunganghnoL Nen - Coale, l'a;
Mitt:6olw Co.l . l.ll.taki;
W C blot on. snare:"
A sontpaborg;
Wick. three & Co, ttmen•llle;
Wm Remy, Hattatown:
Wit Pow , r, Connenoville;
John Ilearn & Co. Enr.
John .1 11,011.t0r ,t no. itudalo, N mtfttl
• .
--Pittsburgh Portable neat lawo,
rolgro.l.,nroa.no3 lOULL4IIT
1'ITT:11%11(i11. 1.1111. A BALTIM)KE.
Host.atoot, j 5 TArarx (I'CoMtoo,
l'h/Indelphia ( j • I'lll,l 4410 1 •
3todA. rroo.vso:: nod lorvrarditu: Meroloottl/oe and
l'roduce h..s. ruteo, nod With the. promptoc... rt,
515otty, nod ..efoty, w h en to thrtg .0.1.0, ood ;mle
of tran.portntiott, where ino.rmodlato tro/t•ltiron , ” t‘.
toraided, wtto tho consequent delays end s.roltalloy
of tlatnage.
151,rottatteolc and I.roduee. storpod maul or ofert,und
II of Lact.l4: tor ootrdrd tree of charge tor c010n...
.tort tivonettor, or ituroge. llotette tnterem dt
teeth' 04 M11111' 4 1 1 4 111 1 1 1 r 411.0118, that of the owners
14 solely cg 010.4 when slooptne their 'nod..
All comm on a...mow. , to the follontrag mut.
ly atteoded to:
• •
. .
John MeCo!logl , & Co, Gel North, at, Il&t: P. U. liar
& Co. 1.5 Donne n, Ro.ton, W. &J. T. Tarot...3u t
eG tlouth at, Ncw York; iltneza Wheel...nett, Ctnn
;7.7.,-;r=x• 1850.
Uetereen Intt•bargla and 'astern Cities.
The Canal being now ~pet., we age ready to reet.vr
and forward promptly, produce and march/andante.
and arn•t.
Fnughts okra,. at lowest rate. charged 1.). reapon.
Ode lutes.
Produce and iverehetediu will be received and for
warded ea.t mid went, without any charpe (or for
warding or edva,,ctor. ;retell, n i l or ,tra et:
Bill. of I.dtne iorwarded, and direction. fan!,
ropy attended to.
Md.,. or void> to. WM. 111N1111A111,
Canal Uncut, cot. Libertynod WAM
ayne at.
No lUI, Marker sr, between 4.1.1.. sth.
JAS. WILsoN, So,
No IS2, North Howard et. Llaintoore
aria No It. Wear 'met. New York
P.Asengor an“ Remitting.. Oftlse.
HANR.DEN 8. CO. contonte to taing persons
jiffkfroin soy psn of Ertutztrolr tt Inud. trtrusinnO or •
Wales, upon the most Ilhoral terms, with them
usual ponetunitty sod uttentron to the wont, and com
fort of moons wits We do not know our por,ear ours to
be robbed by the swredhor, scamp. that Infest the sea.
ports, as we tote charge of thent the moment theyn--
port themselves, and tee to their well being, mod de
sprach them without any detention by the fast ships
We soy this feericsaly, at we defy one of our p mien
gers to show that they were detoured 49 brrurs by us In
Liverpool, whilst thousands of others • see detotned
onths, stout they eould Ire sett in some .4 'raft, at
eh; p rote, which too frequently proved their coffins.
NVe intend to perform our mrittntetr donoMbly.ecett
w h at it nsy, .‘a not total was the tostelost sestoo,
with ether officer. , ,who either pcsformed DIA all, Or
when it sorted theft cronvenienee.
Drafts drown at. Putsbungh for antl zdaefsbox *1 to
Low, psa w bl , e s l e t a t u ag d o n ctbertaTiselal Beaks in In
land, Eng d Wales.
Floapesui aid Gantt; nr,at,
I.ol_ ?Mks:treat. ens door I.lem Wdel •
L ltlliffdpes ifiaitdirtart7, - ilepuy, to
S yams Winans! lila;
es4's N K Ram;
41.10.6011r.WhIstu r min by
ff ft 1ii 144,4414F41
_ ~,h~n
.e~:: -.. _mss
fullotring Nero .1 1 1 , 13 - 14:
4,11. JILELLOR, 81 Weeel .tea, too, reword di
ILZelrfls!v7Tog t the ‘hhra'llZAtic;
Wee. Blanche n Ipen, beneath. Wlten other fronds
around thee The cot beneath the Wen thou
hot none Annie Laurie— erotic ballad. The Robot
—word. by Elthe Coot, nos. by
to neSthen lover.
Thp ; wounded the spun that thee. The
Greve of Witsiongtan. The Irish htetherk: Lament .
o Old Sextonl[usrel Lto daeth all tithe. well—
Wtdow gachree—Rus.ell. The cocethe
ofm. =DIA.( .11.3tetacsons Low bwked ear —Laver
Elfin WelllCP—comPleie. The Makin Bell. The
Bride! or WV.ldifft Polka. Jenny Londs Amecan
Polka. 1 rely Polka. Renee darerk. ' Po*. ri Tip
Top /Lineman colts La Belle Baltimore. Polk.
Jenny Laid Polk. The On.. Seottish Polka—
/nom 81,1111.6110 1 1 Ponta. ilut Palk. Jasephtne
Polka Summit Polk. Boson:gel Pollen The Pre
abet do —lleyerheer Jenny LinErnQd uadrdlen
Wreet end thusy Wednes—hlr. est The
The Weald
Owns Ureter 'thy—. •rietio ns by Caere, Monument
Sonnes from Home Wrecker'. Deuehter quickstep
Louisvath nurch ant Quickstep Wood Up, Quick
• •
rt. 76, FeTint, Street.
vi•T APCLINTV' . F Lance. corium:MY receiving hi
VV Spring St. of CARPET OIL cLcrtlis
ea a ptieine in put the following, vi
plgrie super rival Velvet Pilo CaTete, ;
Ex a tia and AnteivieuAftruasta n •
Extra Superfine Imperial 3 , 1 y "
Superfine „
finperfine indenle Ca ,IF super pateartCherull
Eves fine " kluge;
Fine" Ruperfine do do Reg.;
Common, Irce4, " Tale/Mugs;
1-4, and Tap Ven Car.
4-4, eud Trrill , d Carp.
.4.4, 4, and 2-4 plain Car.
Lion mna Rnx C 4, P 414
$.4 Pruead Cotton Co ,
3-4, 7-4. 4-4 nod I
Oil Cloths;
5.7„ and I Bta.ins;
18 Ineb palest. Oil Cloths
for winis.
Coach T 1117.1 1 ,11121.
Blue and Drab Clotho;
erralson Pleat:
Coach 011 Cloths:
larrnosta for Liningsi
Watered atorodu.
Ord Danced for WElhadts;
French trump.
Vencuan Blinds;
Floating' for nada:
74 and 64 Table Liman
attni6 etash;
Scotch Diapers;
Brown Linen Napkins;
Orman Oil Cloth Tail!
Sas. Om Charm from
fish and Ameman uvulas.,
width, which will ho c
vestibules of nny size or shr
The undersigned hosing
b oil, his Velvet Pile imd 'Co
Carpets, which aro of the
etyle• and ilnuerns. and of
will be eola at pricer ae for
for lu any of the eastern el
RlOS ' rl ' ZtiO th :otArrn " U: - r,anU f kl, e , , r:VhV ,
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far Papules
in gothic and cheapnels of price, any twaoriment ever
Wm, bioueht-to do. r it], Ile athe menus 'Steamboat
lien and Coach Manufacturer., to hie large end well
selected veionment otTRISIMINGS, and other articlth
necessarg in their husirtesa.
The undersigned is also agent for the only Stair Rod
blanufaciary to Philadelphia, and is prepared to sell
lower thud b
-- oat be purchthed elsewhere to this city.
- M.
Ain peoAsfi Blew Goodall
cere. Our boats ore all
:xpteine of experience, and
.d on newt tabbath /term<
Pennsylvania E I.yl.
St. Louis, Covens
Col flovrard Ridley
Mary Deborah S.,
Enterynse, Eaton
New Spring and SWAM.' Dry Goods for 1650
VI ILLIASS L. 111.1013NaLL,
Winn-matt and Retail Dealer in /knish,
-• 'Frencb, and American DRY GOODS, .11attet
atrect between Third and Fourth, sign of the
Ilia limn, ban lust commenced re ng
^ and opcnitir one of the MOM Ad, apleA ceivi dial,
and ca lenekic storks of bpsine and Rummer Dry Goods
ever ofrcred for sole in the Western country. AO of
there Imported Goals are fresh opened, and received
pet Urn last -steamers Germ France nod linglandf as
also Irish tins., Imported dire. from Beirut, all
grass blevebed, and warranted the pare uncle; these
Linens are all zmported by the subscriber, rod are all
pore gar yam, wortanted. Alao,ltieb Linen Damask
, r, L bh, Clout, tbevery best nummfacture; nod Irish
Lin•it Goods of all klatia, imperteddirect trout Bella—
by the subscriber, nod will be found the resdErinigi
Newetyle ih 'Turk Satins, all colors, epleodid
roods; lock 'Fork Satin., all line.., nth goods;
black Flats bilah all cob/relate nisportafions French
Kid (Gores, all colors. the best imported; plaid blank
A noires, per low French ens:neer; new K)le ramrod
Ilalcgr s, •,Celiald goods. Also, a supemb and large'
-mei of Aide Nick Lace, for Munising ladle. ,
drones, very nen goods; plain 11r.reges in all eoloni,
astretnely tom. beautiful goads; black tilt Fringe, all
widths And paces, very cheap; French Lawns, new
soles, per 10,1 Fm nett steamer: Pl.. black GmDr
ilhlne. high lustre, superb genes; black figured Gra
Ear I.lrocoile, rmh goods; Freneh and
' Csahmcrea, neve styles beautiful erode; splendid
S tired Swiat roods tor drosses; iirn embroidered
Inbroils :or evening drra.e.; Sans% Edgrog and
lominto., the Lost Imported. bilk Tbs... In nit colors
and t i aantiLa now style, plain and satin stripmil black
Eliiirde, all prices, monad Lawns, new styles, from
. r 5 ovum per yard; Bernie de Loins, a new ammo
tar lailms' dressea. Also. a large and auperb mod, of
new style spribe Bonnet Ribbon., the vim Len '
parted, all new.
Caninecrape tiewls. all colors, fresh from the Cus. I
min Rouse; Tar A t Mein Shawls. splendid good Kin all
color., per inn stamen beautiful ehangeable clams I
.11, Slav!. fresh importation, white embroidered
I:dditti. Craps 1:1111v6, superb goimils, green embrolderm
ed Can erai, splendid goods;
French 'nude Ciabreidered Tinhet, finest Impala:ion: I
Piing painted Cashmere Shawls, all prices and qualm
ti; ladies' tmer Cravats Scarfs In sreat vas
room French worked Capes,COliiiir. and Cafe,. large
A Large Stock at
40 bales veldts:lied Mashes. from to 10 vents per
bleached Nfis•litm, from 10 1,1 drill.
eard 11 c 0..• it •h Linens tenoned direct 'rem
11c..001; 11 bates llefirog, Item to Viacom per yard;
taros blue Dill., nem to cents per
n.. • lull aitsortment of Severna Cloth.. Abe. Cos
firocres, 'tweeds, Sennett*, and Kentucky Jeeps;
111 coat, dark Clic°, fast colored, from 3 to 111 centa
per yard; Goalies A Sans' Esigiish Prints, beat
trupored; 5 hales Russsa sod Scotch Pisper&c-Itzerdea
ly mar. Also, Vousekeeping Goods of all kinds, very
cheap; II boles Res!. Creel, from ilk ha in Cool. per
besides large stock of Cheek and. Skirting
Stripe. Also, Canton flanoels,wll colon and gamin
ues, at low prices, red, while, and yellow klausacts,
very cheap, bleached and unbleached lirillings„ fall
aensuient; 5 eases blue blerninank Calicoes, ea
straitly kma bbse• soil unbleached 'Pablo Diapers, all
prizes, Dinra eie Oven., ell prices and qoalitles,
very cheap: . corona! Cambric., foil awortedent,
pe r then ever; d rosles froro 1.2 i to $5 ei•
per y arn Al•o, large stock blCotton Table Diaper&
Manners ' PAlL n, LS ;Shirtig —AOLS: fail
PARASOLS wsortment, v : ery cheap.
The largell mid most apleidld sloe! of Tarwida
ever opened by eiy one koala hi Pittsburgh, is this
day received, and are all of the newest French style.,
for nehmen, and beauty, cannot be surpassed.
At we ns ro a large Mt Of these Parasels,they will be
.old cheaper II:.:, may other rouse In the city eau of.
lord to .00 11,e rditii, rif goods.
Tto. 1..01100 are reapecroully inemal to examine then
P•rwels, as they will find rows of the richert and
newr•t sign, ever imported from FAIIONi. These
uarasola are all of Inc richest and most fashionable
color., and are worthy of the emotion of the ladles.
All of the l.nee good. will be sold oil at prices far
below soy bourn in the city; end to order to prone
tins fart, the public will please call and price these
goods, and compwe them with any other Lazne its the
elm, and be fro latticed of the above usertlon.
Tim suweriber re,onld held may to his !Sneerer& Oil.
toners mid the puline tit general, hat Mere are two
other Lce love .tore* in market street, pretending tO
cope roth one Ibm lice 111 cc, which ss alone the only
m o-hriord cl.l fair lamed !ley Goods establiehment in
Iliti•ourgh. The subscriber would therefore say to all
pumbionr• of firs , Goode, either wholesale or'MILO,
l the Lim Illy e, on 51takrt etrev, between Third
std roust& t, now oionung the largest, richest, nod
t apleond stock of spring and summer Dry Goal.
c ter offered (or fine in Pittsburgh
LION!'" bing! IIONNIsTS!
Nam Seim:, con assO—Thelorammand t 12041 fitahlon
able •tock nl thewtn ever opened in this etty, i• per
r,droerd in the .ign of the Big 800 lime on 11a kit
between Third: and Fourth .loves, where Dry
Goodm of esory oeseripuon we selling cheaper than
.11,0, home to the chg. The pubuc mill please,
tale notice eat there are two other pee hive atoms on
Mori, ,ticet. who pretend to compete with the Dig
fire lfire. between Third nod Fnarth streets, where
11,r riuldir roll hod,.nll domathe largest and newest
style. of 1117 01,0.15, opened-
IL/ Promo take nonce inaL - the stare Is between.'
Third 11.11 Fourth street., sign of the 111(1 BEE 1115 K,
there lily Good. m every dermiption are 201 nog
torso wanat any other house in the city.
"0,:%:,P.',, ( 17: - .,°„;,`,,".•`...`",'`,.`e`=°,:•..`r7.7.!
ortrurt: Ilarege Lains; Vend In Cloths, an in
fra acre nrtielei l'alleods Crape Dr Irsins, Ike; with
large arroranent of Lawns arra other Poets Good.,
.1 the latest styles and tonal fashionable Cohn& ,
Cf/FTEE—AI bugs prime Hu; altd Java;
CA.111.1-40 11% mosid, dipped, and I , erMi
Cuams--ISO bin cream and English Hair);
Coatis—UP dus limp and Manilla;
Cussia—:b Maus;
Cruven-4 banal;
Cluans—an Al Common and half Spanish;
Mal—lld brlsand bat( bris Mackerel and Salmon
Gbans—Z Lax arsoned sixes;
Minn—lMO Finns Venison;
Ileti Sugar Cured;
Innoa—Mal lbs and Alarmist
Ina-16 dos lam.. til l Copluti
blobassar-20 Sala N Orleans;
" lb banal* Saga, House;
Moitraan-2O dn. aa•orked canialarat
Macearion,da ins Hall.,
V nanactud—bb '.on do -
N assorted;
Nca Lan-5 dt,pt. ureorled;
foots,.-'o bin vas;
Fa salt —PO ',tun- iissittrd;
Piarsa4-IPO IL. ilordesuil
Sok,. —,n bas litriin nod Cant Steel;
Sur..-11)IihJs io (Westin and Clanfied;
'too--tic packages Green and Work;
Tomeco—dl/ Lan 12,0.11 lb Nor;
WA•11 doxpalard - Zuna;
mot aide by 1 D WILLIAMS I CO
ult, Corner atilfth and WocKI
Nlvrlirt Philndelpnia
TAA VFI , . O'CoNNtlli,
W wine Itrects, Pat.l.crgli
UU1113: PULISI FUELS!-,Thesubsetiberwyrill pay
1.7 for coon. Makk, Musk Hat, Gray ane Red rat,
•nd all ktcdc of al/typing Ears, the highest eastern
PreCORD et CO,
corner Fin and Wood.sta.
Q PRING PELEGYION.—WIII be received, by first
1.7 canal olloprocno., up:of ood chosen coolorusent
Wall rapt, of the lutes% French and Eastern itylel,
gold, clounois, piOlo oed high color.
W. MARS GALL, Cato S. C. Hil3
mein Woal otroet
MILL: Ca-pannetilfp liereiofote existing between S.
H. Ituthheld and John McGill, or d er the Anti of
3. O. linallheld h. Co., to that day !Lou: Aired by annual
con tel. The busme. of the old firm will be ee wed by
U. B. fluttlbeld, at the old eland, No.B2ol,therty owlet,
ralsbenth. U. B. 111.19111.118L1),
March 1,1E30. JOUN DIeGILL.
costartue 'the Wholesale at,d Retail Dry Grodiind
Grocery balancer, at the old stand, No. fto Liberty sZ,
under the bon of 811811FIIILD CO.
March 1, I.b2).—{tarl2 2
IIIAVE aisAwith =On the Whole.
sale Grocery. Corombralen, and Forwarding busi
ness, my two Boas, Nl' and W. B. Waterman. 'The
.1,4. in blare will be condacted an the style of
S. Waterman & Bons, at the old Mandlio. 31 I,Ta
tri: arol Front maga. • 4; IliYaThaNIA/V
011 lift.
~✓ ~ ~ ~_
cliwice.t. commie:not;
Fr= the Vegetable :Kingdom, to repel DiafaltS
Dr. Ostrierees Extract of Talley Deal
and Sarsaparilla.
Sears eon snispiicm, scrofula, eryripenta, rheurnallrat,
Root liver eewleints, urinal alleenordy slier., .1 -
Phili. drays) , asnintar p4cs. seturry, affections
the M adder and kidneys, m a
ercurial biesses, rat
-tit Damara, —llll2l . blood La the head fever arc
apt humors, =IL Noon_ to v.-n,—
ague, impale compleints, general debility, d
six, Ins of appetite, headache, colds, costiveness,
gravel, night events, cholla, meanie affection.,
palpitation of the Imam, Ulm 10 the sta . ,
cheat, back, he.
is infallible in eiV dimmve• arising fr om 50 4"
pure state of Md/dead. a/irregular antion of the sye
lo the Vereinble Ktrigdam, an Alt-wile Eking ha
deposited plants and herbs. congenial Wear conalit.
Lions, and adapted to ho cure of 'dia..: and to tha
vendible kingilons does the reason of moo,. well •
the instinct of am ala i turn for antidotes to pain.
Emma Didion
Common do
Chenille Door kintN
Sheep Skin
Extraßanted piano cove
Entwined Keno
Tables "”
Printed woolen
Embossed Stand
I dnen and %vomit! "
Damask Sim Linea;
Turkey Red Mont..;
Chill. Bordering;
English all Cloth Tlbi•
Brown Linen emmb cloth
Brass Stele Bodsl
Stair Drnoxem :
Carpet Madinat - .
Sate end Coco Mats;
Annear and Skeleton Mats;
-4 and 4-4 Green Oil Cloth
for Hands;
Olenst appro Enjp ttofrom 12 t 0 024 fret
ut to fit rooms,. fiulk,ond
=ported direct from Eng
epettri, CAlirM. These
Le West and; most elegant
af the meet gorgeous Colon.
rat as they eon be
The Syrup is a acientifie compound of the moat tat
able plants in Estate, entirely free from deleterious
end enervating mineral substances,lend al it expel
dime., from the system, Imparts vigor and eirengtl4l
An extraordinary ease of Serofala, Erysipeles and 0
tem, cured: by the sole um of Dr. Ditysotth Can
pound Syrup, Yellow Deck and Syseparilia.
Ormorr—Sln T tender my sincere thank. fel
the great '....nefit I have derived from the use of you!
•aluable s", rap. I have been troubled very bad wit
scrofeloos sore, which made its appearance on ni
oh in. I did not pay touch tt at firn, sup
posing It tube nethlet bit an empunn that appear
00 permute far I. It finally beganl6 MCKIM until
spread to the nob pan of the heed. I apphetl to •
physician ; who encoded mr all to no purpose. I had
tried - every thing that mold be tried. I taw your Syr.
op ofTellow Dock end Sarsaparillas and concluded
most rateable new thin Yellow Dock was orie of the
articles in dm world for the blood. /
bought your Syrup, and from the um of one bottle, I
could ace& great change in My arMortt.
to emit until I wu a well mon. I now feel ltko a
new person; my . blood is perfectly demised and free
from all Impariunt. t The Is net a question but tha
your newly diecovered Compound to far superior t
an_yearsaperilla syrup ever sold.
This certificate is at your duposel to publlsh if you
like, and any One you may refer fa me I shell be hap
py to glee Diem all the information I eon thent my
case, tr.c. I remain you obeilmot wryest.
• Gamma G. iOlll4O 14
113 Market street.
The best female medicine known. The Entrees 01
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is • positive, speedy.
and permanent mire for allBB. complaints incident to
Ito mild, alterative ',mune , s render it Peenlierl7
applieable to the Meader and delicate commotion of
the female. It Is unrivalled In Its effects opensch
disease , as Incipient consampnon, barrenness, leu
coalmen, or whites, irregular menstmation. ineonti
nence urine; end general prostration of the opines.
Mum ediately courneracui that distrusing nervous
non and lassitude m common to the female frame,
anti imparts an eneryranil buoyancy az MlTraiDlll
they are gratefol. We have evidence an We which
Induces at strongly to -recommend this medicine to
scorned people who have not been bleared with oil
Pm:then. Ume, or Falling o f the Womb, of five
yea& stwidiag, eared by Dv. Guyeettis Fever: ol
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, altar every Whet
known remedy hail been tried without
Wasninaron. Ohio, Feb.,lB-19
This certifiu that my wife, aged 17 yeang - hat
been suffering ander the above complaint for fins
yeara—nearly ol that time confined to her bed. I
have for four years constantly employed the bethoted
kat talent that scald be procured m dos section erns
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
purchased ovary Instrument recommended for the
cure of each diseases, all of which proved worthless.
Inthe spring" of Ifit4b, I was induced by my friends
to try Dr. Gaythtt's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which was used Tar four mon th s. After she had used
It for about four weeks. it seas evident to all that she
was improvlng, and from this time she improved rap .
Idly, and gained flesh and strength, until the diocese
was entirely - removed, and she is now enjoying molt
excellent health. Wbl.
We belr.g neighbors of Wm. end Julia Monfort
know that my above statemeat, u to the aiettnees o
bin. Monter - 4 and as to tbe care being effected bg
ulthtfft, Yellow Dock aad Sarsaparilla, to be .tried)
teas. JANE EDDY,
;Great. Care or Clowetimptloass •
January 2,181 r.
Mr. BennelS—Dear Sir: The great benefit orblch I
base derived from your Extract of .Vellow`tioeir and
Plomperilla,lndrices me, es enact ofjuslice, maks
the following statement:
After tussling for two years from general debility
which finally terminated in consumption,l was givan
op by my friends and physicians . bcycod the add of
medicine. As a last resort, I was Induced to try
your I.:mut and finning bused but two bottles, en•
cord* to your direction B e l o m e n d ly
would therefoinj earnestly your unequ a l
led Cempound to the nfilleted who desk. a powerful.
pleasant wad oaf, remedy. firatefully your friend,
hl. wean..
None genuine unless put op in large Num. bottles,
nontainiug a quart, taut die name of Me-syrup blows
in Ineglass, shunt tin written manalares of S. F. Mo
nett on the ountee wrappet. !'rise Ft per bottle, os
sin bottles tor .5.5
It la sold o'r d.l). Park Learner of Fount and Wal
nut strcets, C:n Ohio, tieneral Agent for the
South and 'Wert, la whom all orders must be address
Carter A Ben , Frio, W. P. Judson fa Co., Water
ford; Olin & Clemons, Crossthgellle; Abel Turrell.
Montrose: Hiram Otis, Towanda; Robert Ito), Wells.
bons; L. Modorsot. Callenshors; Wilcox, Pitts
burgh, nor ler of Market street and the lbws •nd.
apltlablearttraT „•-•'
medtelnes of the day..
Graham Swims, Ohio, Mg) ,
ELSellere-1 think it right, for the benefit;
to eta. tome Luta to TCII4O/1 to ryour tic ;
rally kledlcincs.
have need your Verminage largely in
fondly, one viol trequently expelling Intge •
(coy Ino to -'Go worms) grow two children;
•lvo used your Liver Pills and Coegh By
and they Lave, in ovary tauten.,
the elle.. desired.
As I am engaged in rocrehanditing, I A)
stale, that I tent yrl to Imago( the best fail
your medic.. have been used • in any tee ,
country. lii conclusion, I may e 111 1 ,6 1.1
I,theillCS of the day, &Lobed to h.'
eatenaive popularity. IiJUIS, reaoceneli
Prepared sal sold by 8.. it BELLEILc,
alteet i and sold by Druggists generally I'
chits and •Ictnity.
tiLLiltni FAMILY In blldttlLll23— . lli J a re
, to
IJ Medicine. at the day."
thuns.ada . 1,,r7011, Ohio, May +,1819.
R. E.. Kellen: I think it right forth° benefit of others .
to state some fun ill VeiatiOri m IC at excel; tFa
ly !daemon.
have used Vermlhtge lavirmy it my corn 10111.
ily, one vito , fre.,..eutly answering for expenimil age
quantities Bay Ito :Mei worms from two childtaa I
have also used your Liver Pile and Cough Syrup in
my family, and they have in every instance produced
the cdcel desired.
A• lam engaged to meavissidlsinty; I ant able to
sues that I tune Betio hear of the first failure where
poor medicines hay* been used is my station of the
country. its conelennon I may state that they are the
medicines el the day. an d are devalued to have a very
ostensive pepulanty Tenn. resoc
*AI. Puma.. •
Prepared and wild by ILF• I LREI,No67 Wood
greet, and sold by Drugs... aenerally in the two ci
ties sod vicinity. unfit
Gm's by
original, only tree, arid genaine Liver Pill.
Sucre Came, Ohio county, Va. /
Starch %MOSUL $
Mr. R. E. Seller.: Dear Sir—l think It a duty I owe
to you and to the nubile genera ly, to state that I have
been alfieted with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, and so badly that an obesen formed and broke,
which left tee in a very low state. flaying beard ol
your celebrated Liver Pills bang for etdo by R
fibory is Wen Liberty, nod F.7.m.ru7orttioqvno by
a fan triaL a t purchased t one bog, and Rum them to
'to just what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER Pail. EVER USEDI - and sate , taking rem boxer
find Oa disease has entirely lett me, and I am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours I
West Liberty, March kro,
I certify that I cat personally acquaintedwith fir
Cole and can hear testimony to the truth al th e
atieve ..chikende. . AR SHARP
The s cnaine Liver rine ails prepared and sold by
Rlis LLERS,No St . ‘Vood street, sad by dragglets
the chic*.
TO r 11E1r ÜBLIC.—The original, only One and gen-
Moe Liver Pilla are prepared E Sellers, and. have
his muno atarupeil In bLxk arra •upon the (id of each
l•cx, and vignetare on the outside wrapper—all
bait rs are conoterteits, or bare imitations.
• R P. SELLERS, Proprietor
Jam reed, an invoice of full Jewelled paten
'or Watches, 19 caring fine eater, which I can sell 11,
low as thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted to
keep good tone.
awortnient of JEWELRY, rola.
ti ' a n al] " p eTe Ue rn.
&induced.,illyll.,Sedltlll.gkelLw4l,L„ e Il an dl tsoparpa that b:re,
Soda Ash, warranted superior to any other brand
31 by Dm quantity or 3 0001 or upwards for eurreocy
nitro Wad Notes, at four mouths, or 3f for a ten quo
‘113• W & hl 1113TCHELTREI,
tea Liberty WV .
11l FANNY, PLIZDNU & CO, haring lore
give their entire attention to the anle oft
Wooten end Cotton ilooda, .now offer their large
mock of Tailor. Trimmings, Vutiugs, French and
German Clothe, Doeskins, eksainterear/c. at brat
Let 129 ;Wood al
j[I.VIACIIINCi POWDER—di casi.i;ehlopratt
Sao' brand, e supeco by
, r v artVer sole . ,
rcal &hawk.
CASKS 5111Apentl'I Soda Anh, arid le coke
I el Bleaching Powder, derived Per , eMP o.enbridge ,
and earning " by
c' e
N. 11.—They will receive. daring the minter, large
volt.. ..• Now el to. n•
1tlt•1' teed, IA Megan, plain IlirseWocrti Oct. Plano
t) from the celebrated indnereetory or Nunn. d
Clark. N. Y., of *ardor tom, mid •ery modtrete Priem
For Bola by IL %LEDER,
dela At J.W. Woodivelle.
V V for removing Tartar, yearn+, Canker, and all
substance , dencruetive to theTeetti. It is delicious to
the team, cleansing the mouth, healing and strengthen.
to the guirmeand punfring the breath.
For Cans, wholesale and mtail, by
dere it E SELLERS, 6, Woad at_
• .
SttUR — FLIY I I.IR—Iv hrls meltable for march or siting,
a fI, Fate 110 8e271 , WOILI-91. ROE
IF A w lityyy,--iicirrlireFebittTiVed for sale by
"1.0 11 1 a 1.111-5. rases for sale oll — r - 170 - Tro, se eZeilsren
went. by 11,11 /AMES DaLZELL
OItRIC ACID-20 ibs last received far sale by
/Y 1 .1 KIDD & CO
iffEE.23B- 6 3 bat urban, ree'dper Bidwell'. Line,
1, -1 re , wan by Rea) JAMES DAI.ZELL
IRIOK-10104 BUM! un4 for este by
BAG)' OWOULDE.II.I-2 0 costs Mr lode op
60 brls evte do, ree'd on consignment,
and lay by ljea6l P W IIARBAUGII
kegs .Ireed foTi — dit b
yv= . :d tilo " ;=y L" a"'l`a
:43eIgar, • p c77 — te iiireTe;Gs
glom and COT ul6 by
- S. it W. HARI:MI:10W
24C4SKSBicon eltlaya# Mum li mrso
blers. Jun ree , d
rouge trr, . •• A . couu
TE Putnerattlp beretoforeseeisdos.between the
sabseribera, ander me firm Of IturtridgeiWaser.
it Co., was this day dissolved by ottida cense=
The business of the Eno will be settled Ur /. W. Bur
bridge, or Wm. Wilson, 3r.,either eferhom author
ised to me the pima °Cate firm in liquidation.
W rd. WILeON. Jr
LYON, 81101 th & O.
Pittsburgh, Joly 1,165&—iT4
TAB. Purbridge &B. P. Ingbrant have this.
1./ day associated themselves end. the Jinn ot ßur
bridge & Ingham, to transact • Wholesale Grocery
and Sinners' Comenssion trenness, in the house 1124 y
OCemaelln Burtindge, & Go,llo Water n Pittsburgh, July I, 18.44—iya
CO-PARTS Kuzma..
THE .abletitmrs 'nave Ws day formalloni-partner
ohip wider the Ent or W & F mwn, for nel ,oo .
ton of transacting the lino:deride Grocery and uonp
passion thrtleesr, in No Sitl Wood street.
rittsbergb..l,lBlo-4YI FRANK. WILSON i•
UST received at the sign of ne Golden Hap, en
t p superior 5 octave Melodeon Piano, with two seta
o r goon, the latest Improvement. Phi above I.
tom probably the Leen tom inurttamin nr caned Or
„, with a Wetly Inland and acts= extorter,
for sale by to
areffrai nu fine b do oot paper 191 A;
Ro do co • 4xOS,
50 do do do SUVA
100 do news printing, Slx.Z7;
HO do do do ii2r2h
CA do do do ' Vrit,
12 0 do do do 02543
• to do Sloe Envelope, narec
Or do Yellow do HU=
50 do Manilla do vor2:4
25 do do do 11.rtiR
pen. N stem, for vale by'" do
ion RI Won le
Economy In T 000•
DECIDEDLY the ehespest and best plate la Pius
burgh in bay Tea is at leo Tea Market, east oat
al the Dana ' ""
end. They 'el
at Tee at
—.SO 50 per lb
075 "
100 "
Low priced, drunaged, or inferior Teas are not kept
at this ernabllOnteas, thereto-re, whether you go your
self or acrid a child, yea aro sore to obtain a good
article and if the donor of ,the Tea is Dotiapprmd,
they readily exchange it or return the money.
jytr. MORRIS & HAWORTH. Proptteiort.
S UNDRIES -410 Du extra Cream Choose;
ID Id brie No 3 Mackerel;
ID Das do do;
5 kegs do do;
ID Die &dermas;
25 has Mould Candles;
SO las No 1 literati
23 do. patent Zion Washboards
ad It chests anperier Green TeaK
40 caddy ban do do; • •
f 4 hf chests impeder Black Tess;
ten Daffield's extra Hams.
For sale by .1 D WILLI AMS a co
jyl3 Cor Wood 8. Filth
011000LATE.--081 box es No. 1 Fresh Chocolat.)
last received, sod for vale by
Johrosati—Ameriem Fommos Eneyelemedla, See
Emerson—Trees and Shre's, bre
Brown—Trees ado:ter/ea, ever
Thomas—American Fruit Collo rist,l2mo
lloy—A Guide to tad Orchard. 12mo
Thum—Family Kitchen Gardener, Wm
NOrier—The American Bee Keeper,ll2eno
Brown—The American Poultry Yard, 1200
Mushall—The Farmer and Emigrant'. Hand Beak
Allen—The American Farm Lk, ltno
Dossing—Fruit and Bruit Trees of America, limo
Wenn—The Horse, 800
Bennet—The Pordiry Yard Iteco
07 100 Foorth,st
American Journal or Setiiic7ir said ,rte.
CONDITCTED by Prof. B. Billit.n, Prof. B. Sail:
rk Jr and James B. Dui., Neyr Ihrren, COn
necticut. This Journal is lusted •every two month,
to numbers of 13t pages each, making two octavo
vonsrucs a year., each with many illusuattona It Is
devoid to original ardeles an Science and the Artrl,
Condensed Reviews yr Abstracts of Memoir. lard
Discoveries from Forking Periodicals, Notice of New
Publications, Cod a General Bulletin of recent Beret
lino orks. The first series oriental. CO volatocs,th e
, . . .. . . .
Wt of ortiob Ls s goners' Index to the 411 aolots
preceding.fbabmiiioo,Ss a you. in advance.
WOOD, AO for PrOPriclark
'AID , 104 Fourth at
Good Dooknfor estriamer "Leading.
Brown—Tarsish Evening k;ntensuantents, Mao.
Taylor—Eldorado, Y vols., Ph.
Conn.—European Lite and Manners, I vol.; Mao
Die kens—Demos and Von, V vela, itao.
Mac kay—roptlar nebulous, 2 vela,
Martel—Fresh Gleanings,l.2alo.
C. G. Il —Nona. Leslle,32wo.
Shaw—English Wendt:scant.
Prior—Goldman/Os Miscellaneous Works, I vols.
Mayo—Ko . .ab,lBoon
Tay for—Views Aloos,l.2rao.
num boldt—Cowaos, 2 vols,l2sno.
For sale oy JAV D LOCKWOOD
ON lO4-Sonsda
llooks—Genstrall Lltitaliaraciar
Monr—rorfauary its Use sad Afanufactdna Ito: 0.
Stallo— YbUomplty of Nature.• Unto.
Chitow—Aphonwas nod lis2ostlents. Mao.
thaw—Enchsh Literature. Ltmo.
Davis—Lagendre. Mno.
Drysint—What.l caw in California.
Pierre—Coal nod VYnlotn. Ova l s. /din°.
Alcoa—Lerma to Waite mei, laino.
liuniap—Rectltudo of Human Nature. =Yo.
Vertroar—Modem French Lanni:um
Newoharc—Haan hfranotisat.
Humboldt—'Napeow at 'Nature. •
For solo by J4MV3 D LOCKWOOD
le9 UN Fourth st
F r• •SW litopisua • • my.
GWINE to Bain all Night; Doily Dar;
Doley Jones . Go down to sla Conan Fold; •
Nally was a Did), La
Do Kind to the Loved Ouse at Home; .
Row thy boat lighily; Trim Lava by T. Hood;
Oar way trios. the sea dusty
A now medley sang, by B. Covert;
Jenny Gray, mule by Moller;
Joys that were crowning, Wedding bfareh;
Gal b:ess the hardy randaalßobuilhill Writ;
Biaseript's Departure, by C. Gkrien • •
Snoods from Home; Waimea Steyermorkiseha . Co;
Last Rom of Summes,
_easy varisuons bir Hera
United Slates Folki; Ladles , 1300Venir 1 rite;
Coen Cracker Quadrille . Louisville Quadrille;
BC.II. of 'WY; Dunn ' ' , Trimi &.
A lase assortment a': Now Idiotic on widen
additions are made weekly.
For see by
fritiri J. /I..MELLOR, 81 Wood st
ire where
on of the
yare Ira
re a very
L. 75 Wood
allawap Sean , aria' : rotary. ;
Hup, rORV OF ENGLAND la now gab- -
. In.. Halting by Harper t. Bros, in Golds. cloth4d
pane at lu cents per vol. Three vols received,
lot sale by II HOPKINS; l
New llooka.
DEMIGOD Manna Voyage b 7 Heimenllielbrillo
11, author of ‘Typce,” uowooPtee. . .
History of King Alfred of England,byJacob Abbott'
with fine engraving. . .
Sideda the &deem. by Wo..llleinhold.
JoliriErrori k. ffrocsrorr;.
nov2l corner Third sad tdarkesstreoto
•thge , of tAr Nal Berm:nista, Work, of DU Mr"
NINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS; with en account
of • visit to the Choate:at Obviation. of Kurilip
tan, and the Ifeuldls, or Devil•Worahlppery, and to
Inquiry Into the Mermen end Arts of Out Anelent
eyllno BT AUL. floury. Layard k Fon, D. 0. L.
With Introductory Note by Past F. °button, Di D,
LL.D. Illestrated with 13 plates and mans, and 90
wood euu 9 velaitya. e10th,1114,60. • •
The book has a ram amount of graphie,
tempo* nanative.”—Trlbute.
"The work of Layard is the matt pnetninern coirta6.
Datum rei the aunty of ontbmity, that his typeared for
many yeara , -Christ - "
"Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh
and Its Rains, jinn by Mr. Layard. , ,Washinatoit
Intelligence. •
As we follow the differ. with breathless intereit
In their exeavationa, end.mtddenly End ourselves be
lore a massive figure carved with admits :mousey,
now Mar Its mgmatin head from the don of WOO
years, we are ready us cry 091 with the amonished
Arabs, 'Wallah, it is wonderful, bet It is true!'"—ln ,
For sole by JAMES D. LOC H OnovI6 Wood st
• oar Book.
lIE WOMEN. of the Old and New Tostantent.
Edited by 11 D. Springs. D. D.. 1 vol. butp.tvo.,
' elegantly bound; IS exquisitely finished ongravingil
with desenpdon. byeelebrated Armoric. Clorgymett.
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,l new
arid enlarged minion: Illustrated by engrayWas , from
original designs by Wier. I vol. equine
hound and gilt. Also—A variety of splenthd Annu
als and Gift Books. •
SewelPs Elton Book of the History of Boron.
t vol. Inino.
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Sass.
yore, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans get:weeny:
being a thorough and poetical Treatise an Monson.
don and the Sliding Rule. By D. AL Raper A, AL
Boise's Tread. on Greek ItiOte Composition.
oilendordbi Elementary French Grammar. BY Prof
Greene, of •01100 Unisersite. • I vol. 18m..
Romliger's Gmenies" Hebrew Grammar by Conant.
Geseniust Hebrew Lotion.
Loomis' Trlgonoutetry and Logitrillualo Toblea • 1
vol. (sheep.)
The Englishman's Greek Couctordance. I vet:Duos
Anthon's Classical Series.
Webster's Dictionary, revised od. 1 vol. Beat
do do unabridged. 1 vol. atoi
Barne'sNotes and (deemicem ea New Tontamernt
Whately's s logic.
Moshanit' Ecelashistical History. 3 'vols. and 9
•0111. (timer , )
\fudges of Creation. 1 eoliths.
Mornings among the Jesuits et Boma 1 eel. 'COMM
and paper.)
Seen. where the Templar has Tritimpbed. '1 vol.
(cloth and`a paper.)
llogne Theelogiral Leonine. 1 vol. Bee. (Cloth.)
Allies Pronouncing Bible.
Boyer's French lectionary.
Smart's Horace. For sale by 11 HOPKINS;
noyl3 Apollo
Th. Oiden .
TAMED D. LOGKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
0/ N. MI Wood street, hes for sale. taw copies com
plete, (the remainder of the edition,} of this Valuable
work, devoted to the Preserratiou eLtDoutustetne, and
other autheutto mfori dation reluinuto the oarly,ex.
elevations, settlement end improvemead of the cottony
mound the head of the Ohio. By Neville P.
Egg, of Plasaingh, in 2 Vols. Sao.
A ahrtory, lam Maw of the
JR. Liberty of other Alleient .N. 0•111. .11y
Elhott, Esq. Illastrated with twelve engravings, axed
rioted at Roomvols., five., uniform villa yeoman;
Histatical Worts.
Just published turd for We by
JAMES D.LOCKWOOD, Book seller and ,
noyln ImporterieVAloalst' ,
E - V - C.roliralatr IfTN - Ve r kiNfieilihonse4iditio' - n
' , The reading of thin book be. impressed sir Wilds a
mach higher Opinion of Ito eull or than we had termed
from penmen her other writings. It nie01211• Ocepllt
to of thought, united 10 antra pros wornsaligrace et
feeling Mao any other pr eduction of rho Ventallrildnd
with which we are twqrt ainted.-Ftee.;
lilt to • eery agreeable. andreadable book, written In
!,.nay Krehies lost 011 it•—bold, sphlted andieuter.
p " iftiVinon g o t f Ztfe n' se ' V:6!.l=4 " l7. , ? .
eontairmthe Jerantal I of a trawl through Edo* ,
.. 4 " .44..0 MY{ reed . one of the pleatanum ,
and most
books of the estason.n--Cdar. and
"a very ehareserristle bi eh. We terve reed It from
tide page to Colophon Willa Umtata ;nuns., • 1I'•
yid (velum of life In Rome, let all reepeetee4°F .ll)
resoattle. n —ltniekerbectler, •
For tale by mom p way:cop oad
nmelfl Boolreafbr, fute
301 Box
Es • Porto:. DA um* Ribbons, Also`4oo
do. Flower of sittlor IMO on 4 0 ," fi`,".
no i iiiiiiilPlF t 4-a YAW N- 126.
Y. 110LIIISS a , OW • • •
Dalalose•• W.k.etissag•
140:4E24itri..FMACCI;PTANB8A 1 P4RERIisfl.l7 I'4• NER
bOLLEC7lollB.—Draftr, - Notes. ro. - 11menr—P , ss , es
ibUOD. Oa e t i e oil the most
r.XCAN ' a Eon New York, Phil d I:phis uld
;Chow". ...110.Clo Loettsnlot, Lor.
pygSaip imaks Is ul
H of States discount:l artholo:rtsi rates. koul:
of Foreign and Airerteso Gold and Miser Coin bought
•• bater,4,3J. •Fyit atb
Office Na
-----1(011.1,1031 EXCIUM:4OIg. _
ILLS on England, Ireland, and Peollentlbergat
any unbent 'at the Current Raton or fteh.g..
eh Drafts plielthle In any part of the Old 0111I1(11C1,
tfOng 4.1 to Life; at the rate ot 3SIO the S.Steriol,
without &Onetime. or &motet, hy JOSIIVA. ROMP.-
PON, Earopean end General Agent, elto* lith , • oes
door west of wood. ooltho
in RIVAIM add DcoSerfdd Hills of ESClritlgt, et,
eatea• of .I*osite, Dank. /Otos 1.R:oh; corner of
Wand Wood streets, dixectly opposito St. Charles Ho
teL " • -- sea4—.6iVßlZ
Soak NOtsol -
istahued at thalami:tram, by
mpl3 3i hlrtqW"-'.__
IDuaaropies - otriautmi Cb~ct. au
m! New York
itlNALOpbiair '
Coarazaty ford. by • N. HOLUM It SONS
sapl.3 .:45114rtekat. 1
RF ice dri t LIN44/111 4 LL et li t. FL8, 0 - 7 . 4.
r e i n t, d o N . V r t; h e ,
11.111 DOW oiletthe at tke
Gi na] !oven prices en rest,
,Re e lifted Whiskey, n a ml Domestte BrutC
w Yi •,
Peen Omar, Belated GIN /azalea Trim , to.„,n"
dee Gm Irish Whiskey, Ram, ote. • Pod;
&tire, diamperse, blaseatellAielegas Te n. '
mitre and Lisboa Wanes. Wholesale& KOUiI., m Ya.
EINTINO PAPER—ehiaysoti - hadd'nrin. d k to
vti order, thi,Trarions etru o 2 PrletthrroPerr Reg
r.PPit46 P.P.:OroWe, Iddiarromi,DoebM Crown
din Etna IVrapping Paper, Clown, !Sedum. end
Doable 9roTost 02.4 ruper,_Pattettonid,&e. tr.e.
P MALISRAI.I.O33Ivow at,
' Agent for Mem mini,
1101`101t. •
TORN WATT k CO. hem 4ii
tentovedi Melt of
Gtoee.fies to the appetite elde of Llbertret..
WoOMAN IN AMERlCA —Her.Wtir:pnd herre
- ward. Iry"dui. blelnierh,halhorof ;Charm.
amerchammajuTo seem and to NM:l.nel t2mo
Latter Day Pamphlets, No D—Tba:Prrateat. ume.
By Thomas Carlisle.
Casuani.—Mm re iitLirria Writing. Ono..
.Chalnens, D. D.,. L. L. D. Prelections on Butler , .
Analogy, PidersEvidencesofCbristianity,arel 11111'.
Lecture on Divinity, with two Introdactery'Le cure.
and feet Addreue. delivered In the Neir eatie.c,
Edwburgh now.. Ciadaten,•D..:D.,..L.4 - D.
CaLvm—Life of John Calviri;compiled from authan.
tic soarers, and particularly Dein correspqrstetice..
fly Thomas H Dyer, with portrait. 1 rot Milo.
E'er by
spd7 r 79 Apollo Dulidlegu, Peortlst.
CoPabst. Combat
0 GROSS an Polls; 10 do do ter) fine;
10 " Reddin
g - .
e ,
",: topor En' glish Im oblom
" Footet C;
500 " " Woad
1000 dos axed Firio Ivory;
30 " Shell Side .„
10 " anpor Largo Dodd%
200 gloss isshl Stdo Combs; reo'd and for sala by
tobs C YEAGER, 11.0 tdArisrl
B Uoillapdt nominal •
r[lOY/C%—That W. hleellatock bertha day
c a ekreJ several of the fines era D0:L.130
halos , Rolland, to tibia he would most respectfully
call the anenhon of Ids enstotnere and the pOLte to
tp"Chirpet Ware R00m5,75 Fourth et • jal . M
AFEW. ton time GLTFARS, Jolt reed from the
celebrated auatufactet7 of C. F...d.fartin A and for
.ale by land J. 11. MELLOR, el WoOdSt.
:Boole Just ReasivelL
. • .
KtIR Complete Works otiobn Buyer vols,Dro;
In 1 vole Illustrated; ansslin gilt sod t edgres
ItehelPs Dibneal end Sabbath fttouo DeogruShr,
a new voile; 1 ro1;12mo.
Town's Analysis and Speller.
Lae or.Tohn Q..Adsetsj by Wm: n . . &wart 1,31,
lump; mettle •
Poems by Mrs. Homer.; I sal, ltne; muslin; gUt.
Sondes Sermon—Sermons preached upon seseral
occasions, by Robert South, D. iy.; kiev•tdlUin,
rots - Including Postlntatoas Disecotrses.
Sure-4 vols. in r. sheep, exulq (Ivo.
For isle by , HOPIIIINS
retell - Apollo Dolldlogs, Feuds st.
10211iNICi10.01. 1
a. yr e.
T HE undersigned, nss
eceary to Amhara& Mein!.
eon, beg leave to - inforralhe Minivan( Yinsinagh
d publin generally, thatthe'r have built th e EA
, FOUNDRY and are now in fall re operation, and
hen pail of their patterns ready for the.ntarlian—
Alrilllgn width an Cooking Storm ' II ': Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a milondid air-tight Con Sieve, whle3 14
now supercooling In other cities the common round
Stave. Also cheap coal Cooking Stove, well &dap
led for rtuall ' familien, withn fall enartment of nam
e:um end mantel Omits We would particularly in
vite ItIC attention of pommies beildne - to_call et gut
oarehonsit before purchasing, and eninie a rpleild id
article of anammefied Orates; finished In aneittlk—
entirely new In this market : •
Warehouse, Na. 101 Libertrst o petite Waot en
nitiSulU NICHO L S ON a. Nor
YEAGER, Imposer rand Wholesale DealsiX
Sign of the Gilt Cennb, Ind Market sl Filtsbudgb? .
Mestere Merchants Pedlars, and °theft Eng
Mutt:re ,to parchwe ' Goods, me napes-Sally Twiited
to will end examine the extensive oseortmem of Ong
lish, AtllClitlll,FittlCh and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Goods at this establiatiment are Import
ed direct by Myself, awl purchasers may rely un net
ting goods from Sort hands. I have the
I nge.
of articles, In the variety line in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of which will be solelow,for ossit or
Lace Gobdx, hosiery, S agg, "" El i lft% ' n b s:
Silk Cravats, Shoo and PatentTineada,SelvingEklk,
Spool Cotten, Tapes, Suspenders, Betterts,,rw,ilies
die. and COUery.
Gold and Sliver Watches, Gold Jewelry, sal Vied; of
Dhishes; Combs and Racers.
Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks,&
Cotton Parses, Spectacles, Steel Pans, Mink . Rowe,
Carpet Rags and Baskets. . ,
. Iltudings, Findings sad Trimming. .
Toys and Faney - Go t odt a linther with a target* ,
W a f ya and LIZ, agent Co. the.celebrated—
owner Combs. .
Great gagalih Remedy: •
F'ltt OR Houghs, Colds, AlaMa and Constraint Met .114
oprixoDY fee the cure laths
0 .00! disermes,, is the HUNGARIAN HAWAII OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Dechaa, of
London, England, and introduced into the United Hudes
ander the immedorte superintendence of the imrenfor.
The egtraudinary meccas of this medicine, in Um
mire or Pnhnonary 'diseases, warrants the AMlClitall
Agent lg wiliciting for treatmentine worm possible ca.
ses that can be toned in the coranninity—eseesi•st stet
,cleat io ',in Ito. shy . et the common Muddler Pl* the
day, and have been amen up by the most dirdigenshmt
physicians as confirmed andineurable. Thel(tnigari
an Datum tmagingdouttrwillettre; the mom desperate
of case. It Is no quack nostrum, Om • standard Ear
lish medicine, of known and established etcacy.
Every family in the United Steles should be novas,'
With Booboo's Hungarian Dane. of Lifsca only us
~,,,,,,suarge consumptive tendencies of • Minima,
Lu: to he sued as a preventive medicine in • I case), of
colds, Coughs, spitting of blood, pain In thirside and
ebest, imitation and emenes• of the lunga, , brisChitis,
dtelicelty of breating, hectic fever, night mein; maner
anon and generalikbility, tuddea, lateens*, ooping
aoligh Ind croup., •
Bold In limps bottes, at RI per battle, with NH - •
dans for the resuiration of health.
Pamphlets, containing a masa of English and Ameri
can tertificales, Land other evidence, showing ths on
equalled merits of this great Ruttish ReettedYs mat be
obtained of she Agent. , gratuitously.
For tale by /I A FAIINESTkICE a Cot,coriier
at andl.yood find Wood micyth sm. fuudes , #s
NOnfine Lars let
prremesett, Myrrh
Mr. R. E. Sellers—lnjustice to you and year lacetn
,parable Corigh - Syrup, I bet It tore to nate, for the ben
efit el the tommunlty,Ahat my wife hat been serest
times MlLeted with *post dooteszing cough. I pot.
chased, In Imuary last, a bottle of your Syrup, what t.
eared a cough' f MO months' standing.. AnuiD one
antruhidnee, the cough returned, nod was so severe
Mat she costa enmity morn from weeklies, ps .11. e
breast; I sent for one bottle of your Cough S r y ., rep,_ . and
' part of one bottle cured the coogh lo M
se ember
to a Marneynian who eras severely adlicted,.Wholnid,
Moose his own word., ' , eaten moue heough study to
aura ill the people to PiUstniigh," if the eandY had
beerris good es renmsented.
.Yoer, respectfully, ' Aloooo ity.!guisriE,
prepared and sold by H. E. SELLERS, 57 Mind
street, and sold by Druggists generally In .1.143. Ore
ALLY. , ' - ,slfirpr.
,ANDCAIIINRT WArtEll.OO.ll. • i'•:.
folly inform thO Lie. that be
heepa .1 hood at hl* mood outd ,
west We of Me Dianumilit
crterty coy, a completo " t•
ment Of Ventaart Minds. alat..
oldest Shutters Are lia4ta .F.4lf
der to the best style,. wa e.l
efflllll to any in the United .. t.
Mt minds Can be tr mime •
out thel sill of tt. septa . ** r.
Ilsolui . purchased •rh a Itlis.
tools, sad woad of Vat eablattbat
tabliatnasotof Itatosay A *.... l .
laud, lam trrepared to f ur :t.
limit old eattumett o t, as •
Um pnhli/at latge, with every *login a, it doe.
Asanot, No a Wood *Ude.. E11.5.N... m i A f64
mem c.
--- rarmED 6114,12 brio; Cotrtre, .., t' Ll '' . 4l2o
01 .,,,LU1L 7 .10 brio, to arrive, fl nrAt t.
- 11 LTYR I 1:) 1 t L I J) ---
il - .
, . • J man) 6 C4I.
I IRlBlttleti -I out)) lb!. *aoraTscl.r 41% ,.
i l i f i r t ° "` n°l l' I°" tvi 1. t: uit *WI d'a
V161:111r.12:4A,1 if_{ .
AKNSTitNu t C )z.
C1PN'4,...,......-_, l'aitr)4
. • Jet!
err, ir,l i.ouvroy-t or !Jock. :r plyrqC
'Howe, far Fire 13.40na patocser, , rearrart tali
...titA u, hiather la emery roApert. Th , S a 4rp.
mewl ore lovitcd to roil and rzarma .ttmileiti
u.,dia Robbor DM.; I'K.. 911 IZlrritiairi,
L AR*-45
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