The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 16, 1850, Image 4

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111011.• LAI AIV Zl&C•
TBE Viti'lellontaur.eeompar.l suoYll their agents
w i t h R oo f," In thee. 317 fect.from
11 to 12 mimeo ter smart foot. Corrogawd In sheets
227, 27 ot, for modes pa Ls buildings and nepots
Rhin She suld,, , nss mama, foam I:4 to T 3 ounces.
Node Poiten, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc,
7.12 a Pairs, Re.
They warrant their metal rare, and free from any
&intimate of Iron, or coy other substance, and re
etnnabendit tar the stanafacture of most melee , n
the house famishing Ire, as it does cot root, is nor
affeetud Ly tire snoop of water, and may le polished,
palmed, and japan. ad
PamPleß mode l ., &h.& specifications, and other
liu&nms n uo may be had of their acentat—
M'CLat. a Sraor.o, New York;
4751.00 rtn . bzus & Co., Bowen;
Net.ton 'ill-Ma a. CO. Philadelphia;
W. & H , 21 c ILA Banin.ore,•
gnat, Dar S :at New Orleans;
M11.1.111011X. Resident Agent,
Liege, May 1 2 Ilauaser et., New Toth.
marl) dllto
lidvrortd A. Godfrey, 2. I
18 South Cal tree Sr., war Baltimore sr., Baltimore,
ILK. E. Godfrey di Done. N. N".,1
/IIIPORTPS Of t ,, ,re yindi/.gs, and Dealer in Leather,
of varinus kinder English and French tint Skins,
.rench Calf Slaw, Patent Leather, Mcwieee, red.
white, and pink roans, linings Se. Latrines, Francals,
MIX GALLOONS AND num9Ns, Loects, Weber,
Shoe Knives, And Plooles, Shne THREAD, Blued
Tacks, Shoe Nails and Piton PEGS, of all. nee.
E. A. G. harong established the above tinsineits in
Daltimore, is enabled to stop 'node Smith or West
Miro the utmost despatch, end or No lowest pricer.
Manufmetuters, dealers, rod all other.. may rely
apen obteiniew every article in the trade, of tke hue
quality and on liberal terms.
Irr hisanf setarcr of Lost., Boot Treer.Shee Tejor.
Cleary., Crimps, fleet Stretchers,ke. All orders will
promptly erocated. Low comp l ete
list of catalogue containing a list of every
tie in the trade will Ire totwarded to those wins
=no desire 11.
EDWARD A. GODFRF.V, 10 S. Calvert at.
near 130 t :core et. Ril:imore.
Beetadatrayp ! of Stifles Lana
eniousteelllB IIOI'F.L has been teased by the
subscriber, and has been complete!) Witted in
MOO elegant manner. large additions are no
being made, which. when completed, will make iblh
160112 elite/Mee linter in New York. It is the demrtni
aalken of thy Proprietor,p make It equal, in every re.
epee, to any other Boum io the United Stales. Its lo
cation is the most desirable snit central in the city, be.
tag In the fashionable ran of Broadway, convenient
to all the public both:mg, plates of amusement, mid
bushman. (lrateful lot the liberal pmronnge received
from hi s western hieuds, while at Cumberland. hid
and more hieeenly at the Weddell !loose. Cleveland,
Ohio, he revirtetfolly solicits a renewal of their re.rcr
arc, for hi ,ow establmbrnent, st New York..
begs to atsurs them that every effort on his part ..Ls. ,
be given to administer to their comfort and Pienotml
New York, March, lebh.—lmrAthm
A FOLVEVAN. FOll El 0 or £5.
offices, George Brett, Plymouth, Fagland. The
managers beg to acquaint their numerate patrons that
Os next Distribation of. Portraits of Race Horace will
oompt it, those entered for the forthcoming Grand
Nett Meal Derby Race: the number of shares to be
limited to SAM ench'ellias. Fleet class member Ile,
second elate ditto X. 41. Early application for the un
appropriated abaree is necessary. A party subse-lb
leg for more than one share has the chance of gaining
en equal number bonnacs. Those members who drew
the irarsoui Portraits will be presented with the fol
,owlng swum—
Portrait of Ist rime bonnie. 51 ditto
Winner, or RIM name lao,olio .4.10,000
_ Second horse-.__ 10,003 5,000
n Tine' norm HOW 4,000
Divided ad:tango Starters. •-• 6,000 3,oce
Non-flatten mime 3,050
There are KO bonuses in each cl.s,tbat beingthe
number of hmeet entered for the rare. The Drawing
will be conducted upon the same legitimate princinlet
as thew which charamerited the late St. Ledger Aril
other proceediegs. - Foil pon . rs irula of the result wilt
be rent to absent member , immediately niter the de
eaten, that each may know hu P?tl'ittrt•
Sebseribers regittered and peril) fora/need on re.
cell/lora 'trait - mice. Bills of Flehange, Drafts, Rank
Mesta, Ate addres ed and made payable to the
Meneging,Directors. W. JAMES lc CO.
Flee pet tent commission m be redeem! on the
'•reeentation of benumen moldam
1150 j REED HOUSE, (1 650
& BARBER, Proprietors,
Psatte Sr,,pus Erie, Pa
GENERAL STAOF. OFFlCE—Faatern, Waste •
and 'Southern Stages, leut• houie dally. O.
rtaaes to and from Storm mai Packet 800, tiratia.
M. W. Krau t lam of the A mencan P
O. W. Baran, tate of the Kir.auton Hotel, Ohio.
Sir Jame. e nrray. Fluid MdSdosid ,
PREPARED ender the invotoba c rare of the In..
venni, told ettablishrol for upwards of too, years
This Oirglilit piemoranot , le recommended 000 ti
case. of lodn. neither., indostotion, gout, and grand)
eto the motet inn.. easy. end effectual form Ito D hoer
all the p
s of
N. Magetcoda once gesteral ese, without being bable
14: it, to form
ern toot in the towel.,
to efertually cures heartburnwithout Injuring the
coots of the stomach, as rodeo nod theircar
Gomm, are )mono to do; It prevec. the fond of to
faits onnoing cony in alt Olsen arD tie Pier.log
aperient. and ivye.ouotart adopted to (creak
Sir Ilemplanthey Itenfied tool Wig sot talon form.
soluble enroll, Donn, wan
oar ectd salt. to cases no
sa d„ t ,„ toorg roons throe MAD..a
tendency, vv.,. °Der sad even Magnolia
itself, had fide.%
From Plc air mon. Surgeon General
to the Army on Dee . ..,
•`lacer Sat eon he an doubt the, Magnesia
n ay ho adontnintered more *Moly to the form of • eon
cemeated roltrinn won lot subetance; for this, and
Ennty other rcae c o l ns, I e , f optalun ohm the
n ri..l
Me ur.e, " b P . lll ' Llr
Ste James Cisrke, Pie A. Cooper,Dr Bright, and
Nooses Guthrie and Harbert Mayo, Of London, strong.
ly reedrundkd hiarroy , r Fluid Magnolia ar heinr
toothely more sale and convenient thut the sold, and
free (eons de,donger emending the columAt ors of
.leda as pots...
For mole by the importer's and proprietor'' , agents,
Coo. of Wood& Front us._
Pi- OTIOE is here , / given, Itotron or •hout the t3th
of Aped, Om attn.:niter% lied antOetl to then:. at
Sashays', Vs, th, foltroving notes, vtr —A d note
draw. tg 0. A. - RIK:11n, psyslttr t toot older. e.
April 11 ,at 4 moral., lot Sin Tot; a ho itotoott , y
John D. bloteen, same data end tne, fo rbid 07, and
a nom drawn by Jobs Watts Co., in (aver of John 8.
Mae% and reettltdorsed by to, dated Arti Sth,
four months for ms. The shove notes were Orel,
received by as, and this Is to casuon yotreons
against trading for - Or buying the same, to payment
Of them boo teen stopped, W 11AABAUGLI
imateci & EIVII1111;11 — GOODS.
A VERY tilrge and erotica mock of Fresh Spring
ae4 Santmer Goole h. nut been opened at
Alexander & list's. No SY, Market lamer, north west
curter of the lkemond.
In calling, tire attention of oar eunomers and the
pnblle to tine evict, It afford" os ere. p l ea rtre to be
able to day it embraces GREAT IIAtIGAINS in al.
most every [kennel:on of goods,.. • large portion of
it ,rl.lptltehZel4 at the recent extensive Racoon sale.
ihe teaeterb title,. Our *monotony Loth of fend
and stater. geode, It veiy superior, end afford.. to all
cash buyers, either by.whoomee or retail
— , a Lee op
portunity of euttins_beth team end none
New rtyle Fentierd silks, very cheap; rich plain and
Scared eltarcttable mlka of almost every style ant
_comity, super plain and filmed black silks; do. Co
— teens end mint.; Image de Ilene, new and bend.
.octe style; new maple trench, EngLieh, and Scout
-awns, in greet variety, and at very low prices; pint.,
gored, and satin striped detains of ail kinds and
q..ducs; linen lastres at all shades and colon; glass.
hee., CUM.:us, prints, Re
Raper chameleon silk strut:els; plain and figured
black do; plain and embroidered Thita do; fine oast,
lairte do; super plain and embroidered white and
Colored coops doHI
barereTE GOODS. and net dn. kn.'
A line enactment of malls. concooks, Weans,
AWL'S., hocks, hinter , . Isorni. fee.
..Mt g /C cu lleady 4 c.: O tr n i t t , m teld, Florence braikand
A line stock of ripen. plum and fringed silk and
Satin Tare p arasnls all nolort end qualtuee.
Atm., assortment of super French, Eaggsh
Belgian cloths and cavil:acres of all qualtneo and
pilaw., to widen we would invite the attention of the
Oar 'Met oars:, aud bleached muslin., tic
aback% chaarillings, &e, is very large, ands
the very lowest prices.
Alto a large lot of table diap , r. and table cloths
11,T01111.11d 11.9,11. ..s.lehdlapera, cr.!.
'th b o y e' r " Trs c l:Tr ' en a a nd re ' T ' ,. ' h ` g -4 ..: 10.1,17.°L.V.
nett: . domestic gingham', .11k and liana ' hdala and
gloves of all Inads, noumy cad bonnet ribbons, arti y
lend towers, de, t, all which we "mold respectfully
Lanka the attenuon of wbolerale and retail. cask
brryers. ALIOCANDF.II a. DAY,
may9o 13.5 STAtlgtt ror. of thr Diamond
_ _
Alt Prepared to (Arnie h Apple Tr..., from the
toovre Nursery of Jacob N. Prow. The
%tees emit be deLvered at the wharf at Pittatioryth for
•111 per hundred. Person, wialting gewid thrifty tteeii
abould leave their order, con at the Drug. iteed, sod
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood .181.rth ma.
oral 9 N WICKEI%9iIA:it
Mr Al LEY BROWN CO. nava removed to No IN
D Wateg et, ad doer below tea Monongahela Hoare
rl'l (A'E
pALMER, FIhNNA 2r. CO. bare removed their
Exchados Offred to north west tomer of Wood
and Third sue.,- enxi
Itgretbv/4 . ..
C .
tygcn. CAHOYIIt Ky & CO. have removed
No 07 %Vster st, between Wood h darter. In
booao formerly occupied by' Iterdr. Jones th. CO.
:= uz.Tloonn;bi4 or. Starch;
IS'Tat 14,1b* do;
b.7.lM•Clang & Teen. do; Autry etived
and for vala by MILLER & RicKEnIoN
_ -
P,l•station sugar wad Mel mamas.
bltdo common, fa ,, . tin. Plantauoo
110 oak byls Plantatioa Nlontmien;
70 rypres bola do 40. in Moro. rat sale by
I't& Ea Lao,* 53
S tialOtf
ACC . oirkrb.r,-2..0 bags 101 igati7 l
Jell .al Watt, st
13,ICIPG. 11-i-ti7"l7.._____ r: II GRANT
111 - / ' •t:RANUR—Iu fail brla Nu 17a i . C .: e y
11 6 0 RANT
lei% ( DEFY—t d tes IntbeldO SC a r•Yrifo - n;
A tea Al Oler, Brown% GALA Ins do
301 es Evans Ai Swift's do, -
2D tcs D. blney's do,
5 les crayoned Beef rounds;
5 tea pnin do
rat ens by [jell) RELLF.RS A NICOL...
IVIC,SCOTIA—LIERRINO—I.S brlirsii Goniitnd
C4 , (A.i , r' lIKROAY-1.05 bin brawn Oa Mod.;
rO b N I do:
( ro boy oo
No o 1
Rosin Seep;
last rocalred and for Mae by
inDOZ Dr Ragan' ionroort And far. pm re
, • Ihr ed and far Wall J KIDD& CO
':., ..WiR gi:R.Viirisiiaieiiiii iill YlDDtCr lA.:Eisile to
, ; :•--,- . , (yre•rfekara.77l3.fibnabs rejaratisolohy
4-'.:! ~,,,,,, 6r ; s„ Tan it ,
' ''..•;. V •r. . ' lOl, 1 Witelon mid ne I d
%S I: ,;; '.. iffrl;sis ' -.- ' betv r . MELL6R3SAICZLY
-.•:;;•;.•,:‘,` ', goon nrsoloby
•.•,•.:',,i;;;. , , ' _.'
••,, : ' , , IPA:Pegg
TO. 81 Wood Mmet hn.l ian mn 6 noil o nem ot•
*omen of PIANO MUSIC, among which am
Vac following:—
Molly, do you Love me, by S. C. Foster.
Ob. may the Red Rose LM Ashtray, do.
Nelly two s Lanly, do.
Uncle Ned. do.
Gwine re Han all Night, do
Dolly DIU.
Etelther, Wedding, hp Glover.
The Robin, do.
O, Touch the
yet met 01.10,
Vernet Memnon of Tee.
rimer Moon.
Lament of the Irinh Emigrant,
A Nive Medley Song.
Then tart %Speeded the Spirit that Loved Thee.
The,Craveript4 Departure, by Glover.
IG Glad to the Loved Gentat Home.
tTin Nome where e'ep the Dean it
tk4l Cyr, by Lover,
ever tlank of
Slumber Gentle Lady.
Jeannie Grey.
Cellenut, Wedding, Wreath, and DILLS]
W.11.7.e§ .
Batchclor, hlalden, Balla Malta, Concert, Ladino'
Socrarnir, Cady, Elvara, I.llr, Aikce, Evergreen, dal,-
nit, Atha, and Lilac am I-22
WE enter net Into the hat ni reiSeil...err any nothing
about Hundred. of Chests, Importers, Large
Capital, lioneht for Carlo hc.c. Mt, In e wen will not
humbug in any Ingo. , or form, we simplyahe the
pabite to compare our Tea. a tth what they pprchase
tiiis is th e be, method we know to aeir
tam woo sells the best and cheapest Term in Mts.
burgh. We are now, se p,p,
Good and strengirea at wand C.ti cents per lb.
. A prime 15 in do
The beat Tee imported into We U. States, SI
Low prig.% daimagetr, or Inferior Tear we do not
Proprietors of the Tea Market,
jel Emit Ride, of Dmitiond.
tireae American Mechanical Work.
D. Appleton fr. Co , New York, have in Pour., orpr.b
lien/lon, in pmts. price twenty five eon' , enoni
Of Kinds:Wits, Altaiwinws, Engsno Wori.,and Pn
csnewertng; &signed for Proctieat IVertang
Men, 6114 at , u inenseled for flu Eng,
netting Prderrnyn.
THIS WORK is of large bro. ewe, aria will contain
two notation rams, and upwards of au neon
ra It will picket working-draw•
logs and descriptions of the wool Important nmehmea
to the United Stow, Indrpendeet of the result], o
American ingenuity. it mill contain complete pinto
eat tr oau es on Meclotowaiblachineryi,Eilaine-nrork
ad iinttiiimilne; sr mil ail that Is aerial in more Met
thourand dol`nin worth of folio volume•, maga
tine., sail other book,
i'no ,re nt olm•^I of this pat•lleatton to ,Onee '
Mt pr., tr. o 1 students oath an - moat, a
enomledv, In
'arm, an alall erhble them to wail to the • c't
.see, and to avoid Vote mistakes whict •Ic
nthirwise cannsuit. The amount of useful inft,,n
thing brought together to almost beyond prnce,
inch works. Indeed, them is hardly any c ol
within its range which is u... 1 treated with such
rem and precision, that cern a mt. of the 00.
nary capacity cannot fail o!• understaneing nett
thus learning from it mach which it is important for
him to know.
The publishers arc, in short, determined, ...dices
of coat, to make the work as complete es pouible; and
It is hoped every one desire , us to obtain the work to u t
procure it . issued in numbers. and thus encourage
the enterprise.
Thework will be tweed in semi-monthly numbers,
commencing in January, oza, and will progress with
great regularity.
The whole ..oil win be pobliebed in to numbers,
at 23 can. per numberoind completed within the cur
rent year, lido. A liberal discount will be made to
Any one remitting the publishers *lO in advance,
shall receive the work through the post mace tree to
Optoloss of the Pros..
"To one memena. Manufactore. Mechanics, En
einem, and Artisans, it will be a m i ne of wealth. , —
Provideace, MI.) Journal..
"Young men, arm yourselves with its knowledge.—
We eon with confidence recommend our readem
possess themselves of Its nuntuers• as fan as they ap
pear."—Americ. Artisan.
"We unbeeiteungly commend the work in those en
gaged in or teterested in mechanical no ik.kunfie per
suns, es eminentlyworthy of their exam intlion and
study."—Troy, Y..) Budget.
"It is truly a greet wore, and the publish:rs de
serve the Muck• of Weenie., roactutibu-. one ovum
lecturers, and indeed of the pub. generally.' --N. Y.
l' Atilli ' etonary will be highly ooefni to p ,ct• • •
mechanics, and saleable in all who wish to otni.
tuem.lses with Ms progress of oweintico in thc sat-
Aunt. arts."—New unlined Daily hie work.
-Young m , chtmiet. •tught to keep posteti up in the
well as well as Intact exl knowlrdtre, said tr.. ,
work toll show them toil how they rand '`—.ltottui,
.31ass.1 Advert Mer.
"tVe lake ate
to be raw the wart that ...wires and limn
Ireds d oar intelligent mechanics have d-sired to ye.-
seas. So ample are ite, description', sot so Mil 01. C.
minute its siseekfientions, that seem. in that
MerhUlif• Men COntrilet it describes, no
'nee fr gat of o the r . ing. and =streak, Y.
Commercial Adver
'Alinterested Inmechanics should 0..61 them
selves of its adv.tegesk—Schoyletil, illertn.,) bour
• -.
•-A work of eatensive practical Imlay and great Ica
parolee and mice to the rapidly increasing inters'.'
of the country. Ws regard the work toi ethane:PlA
caleclased to promote the ranee of adenec and ths
mechanical arts, and to disseminate valuable in forrna
Hon en there rotherts."-I , anner and Nlrehame.
"rructleal men m all the Toned walks of .000W',,
sal and misnofacturlng industryi engineering. ke_ w - 11
find in Mrs work a treasure weieli it will be to then
frost to poste" "—Tioy Molly °We have carefully parasol, the numhers. an I I.see
no hestmoon to saying that it is the brat work fur me
chanies, tradesmen, end thienufte inaa. eaer pa.
.ed, for it ebnuons minute intimation on every I -roe h
of toe mechanical arts end C•loi.tceS, eapirsred in
style and language tutelitgible to any tr.keer
tutu capteity.'--baloueestet,thilass,) News
"We are sore we are dome the median...lth Nor
wick and other parts of Conner-thin a at core by
heingnik this work to their attentiono—Norwich
(Conn )) Courier.
"It is inet such. work asevery meehanic shoed
poseess "—Freeman's Jourinth
Wo consider none of the Atom carrel and important
publications of the see. No mechanic can ago.. be
without ti - °—Neeeart, (N. J.,iCemetat ensurer.
'ill all the 'guano public..., n incr avy, (or there et.
mot the elvitidarton and adaaneement of the meehar -
nal nets rod •eienc,, 10 , .c have seen, is en
lull of premise a•—ttetfale Con, Ada.
"It is the best and ghee-pest work es et odor:,: to the
icOenfthe and prce-real en„ hirer tni4..note r
pint , a my liuuttfctly executed: the .0
°Thu great litettortnry m ohe of the renal usefo
works ever pablished for years, nod the low pnee a.
which it is sold makes it acceptable to onto—South
regard it as one of the most compthheust ve and
•aluable, as well as cheapest works ever published
-Ltattirnore Advertiser
°Ought to be tak6n by every one detrain, to keep
pace with the progress of art and science to every one
zf the labors of civilized life."—Roodotat thinner.
°lt la designed after the prior-tote of Sj Dr: mats
ry, - enly that it ts more devoted to the and
engomering pp (onions, cod en. is antuabte
Mt accomplishing Cie America who. It,. do:, tor
England, viz deter:long American machinery and
worts of art."--Scientifie American.
"It is published in numbers, atm at a price RO mod,
rate, looking et what ts containel in each camber, that
Co - . one who has the least ante mat in purls molter , .
need he deterred from procurinc
o dee rcIT ooe who
1.1 541, will and Was he tins in a cndensed trot on
are. - unt of instruction which would ate
namined. •i
tl!, ant y the parclmse of very many voltours - -N
t'. Coarter end Enquirer.
-Toe eernpnehes..iveness rub which the sult,ett
17: treated, the admirable in which r - --s a;
Ilustratmi, con
to make this one of too moot orsi.
ralde wortrit"—ithumeraue Review.
tins work • could be In too hands of eve, Merl ,
tharan, and manufacturer, imperially t o . •
die least aspiretions to eZc.l in retr,u,
nare&ea. We have
to examined it, will. at ,
recommending it to inventnes. To them sec e. old
tay tte among language
tbe 'littler "It is
Baltimore Inventor. , JourrAl.
Notice le the Preprzaors J Netorpore-r3 armighouz
- - -
If the foregoing ailventsersent to rnserted five urn
ring the year. and tea paper coma,eg tt rent to •
ecocopy of the tort will be .ant gratis in patine=
Containing no Alerer.ry, nor othzr /Miura!,
TRE tertunontal wee ome b the eel,
heeled Dr. Wooster Reach. the ami n ss or y
the great
nedical work entitled "The American Prentice o.
bledscine and Family Physician..
'Having Leos made acquatmed with the ingredient.
which compote NcAllgiter's Otntment
and having prescribed •stl tested it in several cartes it
sty pustule practice, I have .n beutation in raying or
tertufying Mal kt is Vessetsble Remedy, couttunmit
mtoeml substance — whatermo that Its ingredients
combined as they am, and aped as directed by the
PrOpflenir, are not only bounders, bat of groat valve,
being a truly scientific Remedy of giant power: and
shemfolly recommend it — is • compound wlnch her
lone mach good, and which to ott.iittol m the cure of
a great sanely el eases. Mooch I Lave never cutler
reconnitendcd or engaged in the sale of reeret
aes, regard (or the truly honest, COnCerrenarte, On.
mane charocter of the Proprietor nf 11 is laelnient.
Lod the value of hts dwetivcry, obllce me in
much recording It. W. BEACH, 11. D."
New 'Vogl, April 7211, Me.
BURNS.--It is one of the best things in the word
far Berns.
PlLES.—Thousands are yearly cured by this oint
ment. It never fails in giving rear!.
For Tamers, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has
no equal.
If Mothorsi and Nurses anew Its value in caws
iwollen or Sore Dream, the would sla'ags snPIY
to eneheaxca, If used accordang to directions, it sives
relief in a very fear hours.
*coned the box are directions focusing Mc Aliiwer's
ointment (Or Scrofula, Liver Complaint. Erysipelas,
Truer Chilblain, Scald Reed, Sore Eyes, Qatncv,
Aare Threat, llro:uhnes, Nervous Affccuons. Pains,
Iheesse of the Spine, Head Ache, Arthma, Deafness,
Ear itch", Borns, Corns, CI Diseases of the rsion, Sore
tam Pdviples, he., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
Rheumatism. Piles, Cold Feet, Crony, Swelled or Bre
a.. Breast, 'faith Ache, Ague in the Face, Az.
_ L. From the Reading Earle.
There um, never, perhaps. a Medicine brought bee
fore the public, that has in so short • time woo sack a '
reputation so McAllister's or Weed
Salve. Almost every person that ha. made trial of it
meak warmly in it. praise. One ha* been cured by
tt of the most painful rhenium., another of the piles,
• third of a troublevonic {.n..1 the side, a Mutt, of a
melting in the lambs, Ac. If it doer not pre name,
floe eve u case, it can do no injury, being
apple :evi
As nodence of the wonderful bealir.g pow
er possessed by- thus salvo. rotha.n be rehearing
ecriMente. from a respectable citizen of Maidmicreck
township, in this county:
Maidenereet, It,rks co., March 35, 1047.
Messrs. Ritter A Co:-1 denim to inform you that
was enureiy cured of a severe plain in the bac kMa the
ase of McAllister, All-Healing Salve, which I i ur•
chased from you. I suffered with it for about - no y ears
and at inght wasunable to sleep. I)4ring that tine
tried van.. remedies, which were p . • 'bed for roe
. by pity /14 . 12.11 S ILL. id other pe MOPS. without receiving any
relief, and at last made trial of this Salvo, with a re
ealt favorable beyond expectation. I now enure.
ly free from the pain, and rump at night a peaceful
and sweet sleep. I have. atrn used the Satire since for
tooth aehe and other complaints, with s,mJne happy
Malts. Your friend, .11711:1 llommosen.
Sole Proprimor of toe •LnTe medicie.
niltepe °Simi, No 2:3 Norm Third surer, ShULdel•
Aosterre do Prrrsaraon.—B. A. Falinestock X Co.
corner of Wood and First Ms j Wm Jse x •ob. No.
10 Liberty Weer wneee, Jr, corner of iitark , t
street and th e Diamond, also corner or Fourth and
withheld streets; J. 11. CasreL corer , ot Walnut
Penn streets, Fifth Ward; and sold at th e Bookstore to
Sront.fie Id street. Ad door from Second.
In Allegheny City by P.Schwarts and J. Dear;-.s
Druegist,Birmlnabani; D. Nig ley,
East LibenYi IL Bowliod, ee.port; J. Alexander
Sort, Altinftegettela City; N. IL Bosom. It
I.T. Boxers, Urilwasoliter; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa;
lobe Walker, Jr.
Noaei/XIO t
tie,Nate-411 Waal sad W R Claws* for — r .
. .
VOlnable and ell enalVe.Woter Power to
let on r.• arable terms.
now prepar , l to lea., th e Wner Power • the
Grand Peri c - LLnh,nt LatTicl,nt to propel fear
hundred pate[ or Mill stone Tim loen based
to , Lo J. rock fooneletioa. and the ma, , an conve
niently ornbed nn bah sLde, of it, rivVr. The
e rns n of the Whin- Blies., vie!. out. the NV stv.h.tilin
be readily farnL•ind n Ibis pots t NN h.leLmbeLL
iron ore. and coal to the Cenci OLuodttnee. and of
•00111113, C. he es.oby pLoc4rtql throlieL :he
TwiNts—Orir tiondr,ld.nlinw per an4uni fnr a raw
, • tt . •••^lt la •',mei a ri:LeILL of ,red
in 7 ...xi, for n ye toe of loon yearc.
- ,• • nir•-e•rel the exptratinit ILLe
I" Val ..• A/1110(01C paw, ccii nyed. on, •iic of the
I..i.laClnry Tritiicut fucil i cr Charge
:rointhe Company. try elder of the Ibrect,re.
PmeLde ut u I the NV N Co.
Vs:rens:4W In . !Hey 9. IL-;:o my3llllw
_J 'Yr:* 1.V;0"'..1 -. :,,';`,"` ) ,!,`i:0T,!'?.',,r;:,: . :",!.1;;
tfa, eruptions, r.. pimp:en...relieve, , and er Len
int, is merely I disci., of the rkf it, a 11 is in niffety
nthe thes oft: of I r
moved Jolt . Ilsucl's N,:nolf Poop erpressly
adapted Cr ilizesses of the stin, as it i ts dtr,etf)
upon the oft.te mfr.. atfieft rover its muffler,
eleansing then', (two finponfties end by its buif.amie
p re p, c tfes be a .ing and et:•&eating sll r reptions. and
.enderfng the deraest sue r, skin son, lair, and
bim Ming.
Pcnoith tehn ye 1.1 the habit of using ordi
nary SOari. vetit ,fthift..f. d nt the beam:fat edect
produced Iso the Nymph in nathartmir • delicate
loon, preventing the no. 0. or band. from chap
ping, allaying NM itrlddilVolt. old removing all rut.,
out eruptions, It possesse, nn exent-fte perfume, nod
ennrely 'devoid of a.l ps °pettiest, rendering
it the only article arbteh can he 11.4.1 with safety and
comfort in nursery.
All vehwe loses or neckx are 111,4 g -ere& wiftt
pimple., blotches la,. mriphrir, &c. onould make
teal of Jule , Have Nyinf-a Soap, ne
positively assures them. tout i.el mill yonder the
most dfscoloreil skin Yr the roughe•t rmooth.
and the moat diseased skin heaalty, pure, end bloom
Jules IluzelN Nl , ll O, ~,t tP 15 the " , Y w4 ' eL
,11 elfettunrt, produce Ow above eilrot. VO
• mime, and the u twe yhtrb ks at the nArno time tit
polvortal red o.otro.y I . -mica, Yrepnred only hy
JULL,..+ II .A Perfumer and Clterallt,
Ct..•tnut FZ( .et,
For tole sehr.resnlo r 141 by II A. Fahnesiock
A Co.. d A. K I'lltshurqh; tll! John Sur
,nt and teller. A ilec!.. , ry city. Pn.
4 GOr9l Mahogany VI ono Fort, f oct4ve.,
it 'exc.,' hood *lOO I
banduomc upright Ovum, wtat Itotteutmuut
Fur town., ootavrg. and in good order •. • Inn VD
A plain •Sf nets', non - 45 00
A gaud -• •- 75W
A good 51 octnre Potttot with hathh.o—n farm
tare --..—.-. 75 CO
JOHN ?10-1,1,01(
.1 Wood *1
Igorale Icy
27 2.
➢l•talle ■lght Light
ZTV.RCEDING the Wooden Ftr an. and hetet , 1 ., -
conanneible, tkerehy ecortornince 11. e otl, and fite
, -dta heretofore to muce oLdecteu to in ll
'eel floats One table treordul or the r outrao a rt
alny oil will leo. Nine Dour, or ant - further length
of tAac, accorc ins to the orldinottnl voutity of 0,1.
Received rind for sale by JOHN D NtiqtriAri
TI'F , T RECEIVED. 311 tt.r Ytmtburst Farm!) . Gro.
eery and Tr.. Warehouse:
0 cases Fresh Sly .ters, to it., rm.;
5 do Pickled dr, :r Ja
5 do do do, in plot dn.
The a,ove Fresh Oys r r. aro parhoil , d, and pat op
to a histhlysnap, enett,•,, to hermetical
ly seated ends. nod icesp mach io; s,:r shoo lttOSc
rut o, ic the onl.nury way.
For pale, wholciale atot retail. by
ms,,to ,51, abet!. .t
Great. Amer Lan Mee hentcal Work.
D 1 0 ga. , 1:0 „ 7 41k 1 e'0., New lark. have cove.:
.cl 7, a l al
go , ee Work, end ee ring; destel.ed toe Practical
'Nor k g Me, an.' mtene.ed for We Engmer rine
Prottslion gd:ted Oliver rite
work 1L (tr iirgf!NO sire, and will contnin two
thou4and peFe., and upw.rir of air th0u...4 illueirte
It wia . resent seereing drow..tre and dr.e,ir.
:ton. of too: n. 1 1 ,11 1131rrri4Ill mac hint.. me Unit ed
indercole. I on of Ar.:GTIVVI i
reninitv. it will ealltZil:complete natural
Sleebtine, ry I::.glne Work, eed Eneinice •
,th .11 ',net in mono then One '
dojlnrot io:.o volume, nod other
number, received, end , or Ivy the
II !li !ht , ..
4.1 e Aoolln B.litl/110. Fonrli RI.
_ .
Vlfilt:HOz.iita ,
John 11. tenor, hl Hood Strut. Pittsburgh,
6 , 3:c WI •tcrn re,.rivar:n. for the .11,
cmcK K ai CI_:,I,IIILATEI)
orand nod Scots.c Plano Fortes.
DEO, I:anrio .1 tne mu.sent puhlte.
r .receive
, ‘Po" , `sl , e the. , ••ost rn/a..t.
,nd snort lAr .tot lof e red
for sale its the.the.vecst—ontang wtl ver
• onrply of
l3u.oett/ly carved Ro.esva.l (:rand I,lra, Forte,
1.0.14 allrecent improvements in mechanism and
style of exterior.
c•rv,l ROA. •COOd seven I,,tn
ern ye y.qoare
I , lste, F.11,..a1.eth411 sr..l Low.
XIV styles
With • laree Ito I; of e, the onto., nf
csrysne ,r,e; (,:gym Stn
5110 0. pro eq A!: t. leni.c tor the ptee,n,
pf 171... - k
zo t,e
P 1,"••• ox• 11 riozo,ore the U,1401.1 ator o torn
morcon o `r o a n
..orro t to- , r.I ,
rolth rtror. r whom tor ,rootoo.ool rotor oo roooottoo
Its.oroso toarvot,r tootcroooror oorooo ol -
la tloro Loano ot .10:IN D. DAVIS,
r. frl. DAVIS.
(51:CCP...4 , 0H TO JOHN D .
,kr y and tope.. by r rs , n , and clo*e ....ton to
•, 11,71,... to me. to c ro,ttr..g nn. 112 c anrport and
lattl. ! :be forma. bnuse.
ArtlL o.h
NOtiCJI l 0 OUT Patrera•
pil e decease of the se., partner, In Ptal.t , lelphia,
tie tam J ame.of no .n,crru, ,. .on
.0 the,...—nrraogemrnt.l,..or been made which
tovotve• toe e Interests prervicl, h Lore
,retofort exigtc.l The /W.," coomed under
rho mute name and firm. v
JAME. 31 Da err Pe Co., Phil ‘dripaiaj
M'FAL POLshor,o.
The COOMM3I , . of the ontrunagu of our manT
'nerd, at re O ApeetC.i.:y If any perm. bore Ito concern. they are tegooktod
them forthveLM tor payment.
Pittxt,crgb, April 10, JOll WFA DEN.
apt7.lf panoer.
D. O . Fatzn•stock A Co..
WIIOLFSAIX DP 1:1:61sTS. corner of nrst and
Wood 1,1001, clic, for •o'rion itivornblf looms
300 Inc Cart. Ammonia;
03 der Mom: r 0 ,41 do Aaßahrtola;
3riii do lihic w; 60 Crode Tormr:
25 do Lair i plioica; do 1010 t;
do Red: 311000 do
d do Camphor, Ilcil Precolkik;
In do Spna 111norni 150 do i.mincl
_II do chow liairt: 25 do a do
II do Win:if:one, 2tai lin Bucher Leavet;
ilh .ln Root;
3 do Chem flower.; 1 001 do Sahial , do;
14 erimek Dorm, Vol do iiroonn dc;
do Coitilp 1,11 cm Sal Itrichrric,
15 do Proirian .2 , 1(/ Seollito Mixtare,
If, do Cal, h10r.1,10, 1.10.1 0,0 1 . 0 , 0 Itholouro;
13 do C.a. ("ern, 0101 do do Slip llon:
6do do 5 oho, ton do On Atolac
5 do Am. \'r r. o do Li y. 1001
G. roams Sand roper; Thu do do Jo:sp,
V. 605. si,ty `Coma., 2:11 do do AM:a.:oh;
25 tiaiti• Ilottic Cora.; 200 Jo Sulph. 8,1,1,
ok e.lnh• Mo o.. rpnla; do liar Tin,
1, , 01 ,0 Cope Ol Ol do Tamariod•;
1,01 l l ,4llkrom Poixati,l ,l do goo,;
Vlllll do Pink Hoot; 1:50 do Orange Pc.h
I.rani do To - try Pmbor; do
121 , 0 do Cro•m Tortor, do I Pous.shl"
do Tartaric fin do Mu.,
100 do Ilya Ur, do Granville !Anion
"Toi-re nee
, thine. in heaven anti earth
That; ore n( la plitio•ripiy.'
VIRTU o f thot 0.1,1
um enniitaiit applie tee: Itl thr roprietor,
has !educed bun te .t eat up in tionle• e.rith la
trek and ritrection. for .t,:lienent of the ratline
The PETHot.Eu tl it procured trent a tht•
enonly, at a tieptit of lour ii•ohrii (rt.,. a pore tin,
itultareted art. if, Witivlat any I. r trance. lull
ins* air hown Irani Nuture • tort, Latirhorr
cnntiiins le, el, :t . 31 . 1111,(nf i•
no louger a mutter ni unecrtee•Ly TIMM 11, molly
tiltrie• Ilt tile a , enell Of nat., Velliefl,l , knewlt rolafil
be .if vast usefular•• simvinung suffering, 10111 re.
tna the bloom of tic a Ith and slumto mar, a cite
ferer. Linite lit-ore Ili,. proprietor 1:30.40J1 p/Itti.l.!
It up in lion es. it halt o retielat ii , far tite 0101.1
The one incrcurinr
and iievern. ciiros hiti t• u
:13 ere.„1,11ani,1,7,1,10.1uk and wide
P lVir don6l .Velsil to ektter • 101 , 0 prirallpif certifi
cate, an ure ti ie can
work its way Slab ttle •uvor of 1,0, who rattier end
Iviiirt to be healed. Wliiiet me do not r!arrn for it
universal application to every dirrease, onheitith
ungly soy, that In num ore I.f Chronic th..rose.
unrivalled. Among there iirt7 bee ntonersoril—oll
dtrearea of the merrier. 11.40 e, .eot, cylgorgic
IndONCIIITIS, CO ‘. SCMYTILIN 1111 its early staged
Aetirob and ail of the air •romorrit, LI V CH
COMPLAINT, DVSPEPSI A ; Diarhcea. Pli•elll.e. of
the Madder and Kid', yre Panel tai the Deck ur S:de,
Nervous Disearon,Nee rmin, abty, ahr °mato Porno,
Goat. Error ebs. ineworein, Runt.,
Bruises, 0.11 Sores, hoe ho .In wen debility rlung e
,g,gonre, or long and protractedcagey or
doe.. ads medicine wit. bring relief. It will net as
a general TONIC Irbil ALTERATIVE in such twee,
tieroutese. tune and energy to the whole true. virile..
int; otogrucutios, °pone. the functions, which
roan disease and a broken co. e t
and petie
and renewed energy trk all the organ., or
Li`e' The proprietor ago.. or several cure, of
IPILFS, trot wobsed every eth, treatment, get well
ender no. oge of the ern for a Atoll rime.
The prom can be given to any person who desires
de grotoinc without the stanattue of the proprietor.
•Lltdd by tbe proprietor. .
LS M. BIER. Canal Basin. near Seventh sh
Aen r It E. ara.ums, 57 Wood at;
and-103YSEIYI &
Corner Wes.. tool Virgin alley; who are his
nevaell• vegolatly arpotnOd Mon.
tte earup ltlanketai 20 officer exacs 12 pre Pants;
lb pal. nett Lined ?dining Boots; 12 hennas Lags; 3
Irate, laoka, G and 12 st.lons each; lb canteens,
gallon each; 1 doe Buckshot Money Belts; 1 do oiled
clunksio do do. The above goods for sate at the Call-
Wt Cestrdigg Sidabliebraeal, rio I Wood Id.
IMP§ 4 MM44442
1850 rt!l 1850
DOATt , of tl.. lenv•• reralarly, and de
triis er wahnul tnan•hipment
C BMW lA., PJ.Aurot,
JAN , ~,. .I.ltiS
BIDWELL & 1. 1 1 , 1 , h11E1t, Rochester} Ag''
IE 7
to embern , ,e , and Cl.l.4and,
th .
t;,• .'t ,n.l r"-,11,
of en , rn
, rol.. Tre atro,
t.ks , trrtem. Liekt ~.,,tFra tabu.
croupit ono of litu Saltdr and Leaved 47,toa
opeJtt up to our p!,- tl , rouei art-at :wort ,
ute ndoe. comatuntr, u:,to tdo. o
ro at
Jo. udtotnin, couettet Wuyoo, !lino..,ata
From ,hts tertton or thto. me vain 'rah rgt.
'tea, M. Ft , a: r.rt•n! rut mf,, r °I
:hr high tnt, nt wwwmortiumn, which 1., u. w to:
tht•rit ill hand Cti, jaw refit
Nets °(a,. 1 ,t1em,,1 ~te no,l to.l o:tour h
wiihnut Want:None:lL Thr. rott , ttri
',wowed titmo Cr; 1•11.1 nil iturr•-•, unprrcr•
de, .11,1 atlvantagr. til r awn! Mr. urrtetrt:
m the middle portmo. of "or. on rtne ac,
`..ry 111DWELL'S AND nr.,e IS,AVEt:LIN::, all
rtoml attrrot:t 11 U. artywizaer.
J tt.
ft C Ilp/mes, • /um: II & A Guy.
I .Vitlta molutt. I . Grorr• ;
Ilutfutuil.Pl.%; Ifnn um. Al .11
Arlcr k iilehn!mt, llnr,vrt. 1. 7„Ali
tete, sp-nk, •,. J•.rel Cc.
do ; Holt iltll., 01,1116 !..I• II V fle.vcr,
eft 11.1thai &Co. Mniverr., , R 11"-,yrrs
uvg, O.; F. R. ,, n01.10r. 1.1‘.., -r,
J liarkd,ll,& 00,
P.arine.d & Cr, /' t•b•
t,gl. (s. Stetrol.narll. /Poi:var. 0 Sla:v.t,
do ; 1 1 Haltnan. 0„ 1,74(11(14 C(( (10
Jnttn Itoloin•oq Coo., t "••
Canal Do 1, A (J. 1.1:
r, New it, L. L I: A .
bew•, , leve,ml,ll. h yl
Saia lBso gept744a
Via Peissisylvani• C•nals & Ball Roads.
(PCONNOR, ATKIN, A. Co., Conn! Brown, Liuerty
Motet, i•tonl.ur!.,
ATKINS, O'CONNOR .t Co., CO Mork. stroot,
O'CoNmcras & Co.. NOlth street, Itahitgore;
C 1114.1, V..rk,
ELuon A I; ECM, II Doane street. Bestan;
lIANIII.7ON Glut, 11 nys Kent
HALL & Co..
E. W see. I...nutArallo,
Ilkx.s, Ilcsur & Cn., St. I.r MS.
To Slupprrs f 31ertherd•ro ad.( Pmditro to end
fro= Ihaatirlphtz., Arltamore, N. 1,4, ;
Our route bet, nr, to floe order. nre tte..t.nred
o forreord goode or Crowe nt trey 1.0,1 r
Imo, nil frreghtfrer el any ettnrce Itaetne P.• e• /or
over SlZtyrolt, one veldttfie lottowt, et:t.r:vr stock
of Bon. 1,1 confident 01 et, het rut., 1,111-tnclio.l
all bustnest entrusted to oar care ttor ton., are aLI
nes, •11.111 000117100000 by cap. tle erp , ri.• ee. utt.l
ou• entire Lae coodoetett On .11101 rarrenth irceptog
end um ennet princtelcs.
Proority aura E
St. Lou., Coy:de tx
Col. !Inward 1::,11ey
I,llPrynk.r, Kay:on
i111:11,1 I; no, 11
Gel,. Scott, Ur re
T , ieg mp.. No
rota .110.
. -
Iron 04y, Ilanan
Nlary 4 nnd,
Cloninnnti, Sand.
Rath Anna, etun,lin
Wm Atkins, l', rat,
Import, I , l'grunle
Garllnda Rzny
Cchn. linwtton
Aurnrn AIIIn - xcli N 4 ,,
Sharp ttertn NS
Shippers wit, find n to ihotr 611,41141,1 e Y. a
Call, on74JNINCIEZ, ATM:\ IA u
mrld can , anon: IdlorrlY ~,,w eJ
Wcatorsa ranaportadlon tlorgainanly.
IS3° . . 1 = . g.frTlf
& CO , S 1.13.
By Pennlvax. CIF .4: all S
1 ; 11:r
- )
on TIM AND 0121.0 CANAL
CLARti, PARKS a t . l) trA . /' .•
JIH \ A C•tl , rlIEV.
‘Offror rot `'rr,thbo , ond V.Hot to, ?Or
pm= wre.! n:.• frrrn tr ,
fictgl...:l.l I a•••:-.F,• frrtuz PIT r-ttl.t
CLEVE' AN 1.. v , .•: ,^••• •
qualq •••
r , 1:1 11,1 A•
Cru ,
fla n
Ard A ca
Murtey A Out.on. K•eme.
surA car., ankl
IS 51 ).
CLAIHIF- PARKS h lilt; i.r hr.
lIE Pnitirietoto oi Oh, Lot
.' would iiihrat tit< putilir tiviy Ire rho. ,-
..ratina tar thc pre ncois.on: aod croonioo.,l
fattyE .entntirat Papirioi,rs, which Wet .
fatty preparrn to carry to al: point. on the eathl
. .
At thn lover, rotes tlnr of th- noqts of the I,:nr
••111 '.c rt..lntary at tl:t. lalotimg,Lto.m.slonunralstin
iCe / • :r fre:rl.t.
JOIIN A rAvoitt.:l, Aron:.
Ocoee, eor W.., and F.nnthfiel.l en, elmbaraa.
W romungham. 7 , ve l'a,
Mitchearta & Co, Pt!. ask:
W \Wnn, moon;
J & v Hod, Stmrp.l , a,r,
Wick. P.c...
Wm lirnry.
Vnerer, Con.,artvt,le.
Johr. Enr,
John 1 11,,, ...Co. Huffs:, Ni Mr3l ,
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Line,
Rid= 1850 . WTA .41-R4
TO /OP Pp.u,l
4.1.14• 11.4.n0t.m.
Plolmimphin P
Il lo F. r..,: '' e7,l ' ,Th ' or
I.,nd.r. recoiling nod lortvar.;:t. atm
Prodnor at to rate, and with Om prockumeta. r-r•
taIMT, and .nirty, peculiar to the, r.r.a
nt tranapariamm, imerivediat;• tran•mor.••.
vordcd. tomt tLr. runtequem delay. ito.l
nf •lage.
Slo am rchannme and Produce !Miura ea, or weal, am ,
Bill • of Lai . mmvardrti free of cadre: for ronon
ade•nr,g,r inftrr, .•
rocav inutrortiv in ',amt... t!..“ of the 0t0.1m..
role,y ',mu., whoa 'Upping Moir Conch romrm.n.catrons to the fohomong aget.ta prompt
iy attended to:
• -- •
TaIONIA , 4 1101111 RI P, P.
Corr:r Penn and N‘,ne .trret,
L1:0 Nl , Crtiogh Or Co G. North nt, P 11. nor!
Co. e:• Lio.roo, W..k. J. T •r.0,n0 o•
, 11 . 64.1“111 York; Jame, Wlter:wrtgrt, C:orr.r.
Epak- lBO.
itetwern Pit tsburgli and na.turn ettle mt•
The Cnno • bre ng now •prn,wr ure rr to rrcr.,r
and produce cukt merrhttich , r.L-t
frelaht• rttvay. at ,wart rat,. charged tr•r , '
ha r ,
Prtaiar , m r.l, r.l n• .d 'I,
wards ag or rnlva aro, ,ent. r rt.
of 1,...,0 10, n 010.% untl toi 101,1
fully 0110folcil to
Ad 0,,,, or Apply 10, WM. IA :4,
Canal Bann, car. 1,1 . 01 y ontl 140 y no
No 1103 Market et, between ALI, A. 0111.
No 1 , 2, North st. Itutto,tore
JAII. 111 N 1,1133 11
mrln No 10, ,rrt. oleof York
• Patasamplie anal altatittanaa Offle•.
If A.• KLIEN k CO. conunue to lama persona
from sow [sin of Eibglaint, Irsland. itern'ant
WvleP, upon most
to val., t•za. 0.1
atual puortualay adni intention to the wants and rom
fon of ermine rums IV° do not iti;ois nor past nnters to
be robbed the timodltne Ftur.p. that infest the mu
ports, as, wo aft charge of Mom th. mot., t
port them...the., atul see to that Weil onn
spateh them, any detchtion by the first thnit.—
We toy rearletely, dsfy one of our
rt"! to show Mat they were druune4 45 Plats by ushn
taverpool. .1.31611 iliousnons of other. • tee dsonuml
months, omit they could haricot to some IA 'ma, at a
en; p rate, which too frencently proven d.elr co
we intend to perform our contraels onnorulrty. mist
what it may,. and not net as was the ease NU.%
with er
either performed not In, or
when Rentedi their tonventtnce.
Droll , drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from 11 to
1100 U, payable at any of the proviscud Pants In lea•
lEtd, &Lean I, Scotland and Weida
- • .
Eartspesn •hd Gensihl Agent,
fabl Fifth street. one Ann. tittles.
- _
LIQUOR!' —7 id pipes liraney—otarti,llupsi, its
'2 pipes linllead Ghat
6 cake N , •
/ODDER Wtd.k.. W n roDFAM._
' At n.WW:O7/Mg
J. IL iIIELLIJR, Si Wood stmet, ho.. remind at
Nem Ariake;
((AM say eon yon y the truth's holy Nth; dedl
sated to Rev. C Cook. Ob, Mink not less I lose
thee. Blanche irises, net thee. When other friends
, the The col beneath the hill. Wert thou
Ac m e 1•.1ll' le—Scotch Wind_ This Robin
—3Ol - di by 1. lila , 00e• moo , by Stephen GIOTE,
rhOU heatl-eloolvd the yloorit that loved thee. The
e of We The Irish Mother's Lament.
sesten—R,isseL doeth nil things melt—
Mechrer—Rtomell. The sync.
mei' ends. I ow. lowlzed eat—Lover
aloo 'au
Bell. The
„ Jenny Lindqi
lu. I :cis . ks. :-otrre Ameriem Polk. Tip
Top Amer;: "'nets. La Melon Baltimorean Polka.
Jeony Li. . Tve Orip.ina
en.,tormeo. Palk v. Ichrt Polio. Jorephom
Soonot r ,ese. listugol Polco. The Pro.
ciiot glut —2..i.yerbree Jenne Lind Quadrilles
, Walt - sec.-Mrs Ernest. The
ea • .• recce:llo7—c , ionises ty ilsemy. Monument.
r („r. tro tt . . Wo e:cei Ilmichier. quickstep
:•larch end Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick-
Foctr WAah StEHOHSE-,
No 7 5, reat.
Frimininer, c., Pan
• I..oirn Su rrr Loyal Velvet Pile Carpets, o
.. Toppory
lrerial 3 ply "
E.,••eL .1,1 A tuc rti-4
F rt,n `'.uperti. 1,4
Extra upor ratentCbenull
nog ;
Ilup, um do do Rap;
'lewd Rut's;
Ic!;14tal Carpels
Flee j
liGll . l 1011110
ebt tile Door Nat.
Tan d
j Ade aot
1.4.1 lvd l' , ip•Vell Co..r
11:111 rag,
ar,d 5. 4 p.a.: Cur
zu, I.7nrvrtg,
ExtraESLra printerpiano cone
0i1:u,,,,11.4, 5-4, 4.4. nod I Matting,
rrli NO.I CU Clow.
:11mt.o:.ed Pt.:ln*lW°
' 'rabic " !
Printed veonien :Ltad,
Lit.c., and
d wnths.l "
Damask Star I.therr.
Turf. ry Iled Chebtser;
, bl 3 u., Itorderthe;
En411%11 Oa 1;1001 Table
lime., Linen crumb cloths
,I3rart Fla , r And;
'Carpete fisnoingsi
.I.ltr NII.I Coco Mats;
..:eant and Skeleton Mitts;
il and ~ . .1 Green Oil Cloth
lor Pts .
ucittl eel bower;
lira:, Clod.;
t,rnilson 1....rh:
art) O.:
6 , r Limnsq•
WtstcrtEl MoretnT.
French it anu!i.
Venel. Waal,
hoot.. for !log.;
7-1 (014 4 Table Lincn;
scolch Dinpeto;
Brawl: Lac. NPpkins;
(;r ran. 011 Cloth amble
Ll ' m mon approved Erg
PiriTT <i:l Cwtiif trroi
Lt roomy bells, and
VC TM umirrsigw-1 trismo: imported direct from Eng'
Pile awl Tape., y CARPKI S. Tbeee
•I: ::re. c.t and MOM. elegant
,„... of the ma, r"rg....." 10 ".
bc r.,v• vs they eon be purchased
for mcny of tae cur tem
Having the , larvnt nevertment of the rtehest end
rear: lah . tdoushle lh THREE
PLY ned ;II AIN CA IiPPTS Which fa. •sillpitilSosl
sjoaDly ssnonO . ro-s of pm ..
—. 637 ..prurient ever
~.e At A' also matt, Steamboat
Men awl oveh Alr.nui.t^turere tarp, cud well
r-!eeted a4hoetm,, of TRIMMING:I..OI other articles
Ise", OS) . in wet(ISSISICsse.
The utu;ers:gp, al.n agent for the only Stair Rod
hltuattae•oryPhnede;plett, prepared to sell
lota, r earl be purehancil el.,ehere so 11114 csty.
Neon Cio;;Cerii I 7law Goode I
Neu, SprtnB a.4d STramer Dry Cords for /S5O
•..:, .4 , nurti,.. st‘l,ri of Um ,
bam just en most recrivirT
one of Coe most
ot ~ nri Summer Dry 6°4,6
c the Wcmern count , . All of
:M-•••• 1.. port,. c.v.), are !resit openedomd received
W . from Franco
tl2,ct from LI rlf.t. WI
•DC, svlrrni.tcd the pure arucle; triege,
L n• u.: I-p nqd are all
t r • 101.1rith Liao, Darnaok
in and True
, .• ilop,t,l direct from
ri n g n
r.t nt,e. ,1 , 1 I. found Or rake Eo.
I.le. nll cti.ors, rpirnth-.1
T.: pr. Lett C.o.d;
rt•l ,a];.nr , alum: crr,ch
linpott- plrtd Mllnelc
,• . , a .., trb and Inrce
. l.ncr for
1, rolors,
b.. Ark se.k nnre,
Fr- .c I.uwus, urn'
h,orroi 3:ro
I ' er I 1,4.a01t
l• • nrlk ernZormlerce
a : colors
v•nun'ytnv'd black
. •I; ,rr. from
11,e, • I.a II aryt arm,
rad • aper!, 5t0.,11 of
1tiL1+01 , ..5, the very Lt. Iru
trmt• 'ram Ihr, Ctm
, n1m,1:•1±on:•, in •i,
:mm cmbrottimml
1,•••.1 tom m team:
n'l to
• ,A , r-• r%to mtr.l mmri, it, ,:r•mt nm
- Itrwt.lot t
kStrr of
t‘11 , 71.t• :7, 1 , I k
111, le :,
n. col,el. trom :it. 1 2; e!blu
Slo•• I..enbuh Pnots. Lett
and Scott, Illapers.cetri use- ;
Bones , all ,ery
s Irv . zn C.* to eetnit per!
.sr„, .loci at Clresk Shttung
b. Flame. ±, al: rotor. , anal
whlr, and yellow Flan.els.
d a oral brt.ltaas, ()Ili I
11••-r art Cullers,
, le, 'du,. usd umni nod Table Dismrs,
Ilt u abd uoit:den,
• . a lull au.ottarten
r • ;hal. :nails Our:ups front Id; sot:: ets
A, Iran oi Frlten Tab..: Diapers.
A w.l a - , ,nebt. very cheap.
T., Int,-.1 d ts,ut tn-Bd stock of Parana:a
u• °pert , s• ple
s• this
all or the newel, Fnencr. *tries,
un,d, slot benal),,at,nt be surpassed.
s u-u. et they will be
la ursr thab Rey otbar house- ally eon al.
lord to u.ssas qua;,ty good.
Tu• arrlostted to examine these
Put-.t:. as they Tell; fird some of 'ha r.cltest and
brwest Ins ever Bs:Totted Iran) Entok , 'Meru
.•h•e,ob. •t , a: of la add ihnut tautßounbla
rear whorl. of B.e atienonn of the ladies.
A . oianove go.als au 11l prices far
Ise'an, boa, to tan city, and in order to prnve
rant. th., pal .° will pica., call and price these
rood-. sod ootparr than w:th any elber brotae to the
c.t). and be sonvosee.l al the above yrs.:stun.
he bete IBsnainsmus
been pultlie in !sorrel. that torte are two
other .41 rr. vs, ISt/ set street, Pr. tending to
c L, Iliac, vshieb Is atone the only
- I tWard Dry Lora. estaAtebittent ttt
'f tie ,alos , rd,r wouldAsttereforcsay to all
8., her wholesale or retail,
rh..t r tent Martel street, between Third
..rn.lo tie largest, richest, abd
.1.0 11 rt, I uto , ll al 'sprit, and Falconer Dry Goods
ever olfeted for able in ra:‘ , 14,11
N 11w Sralii voit 1..-50—The lames:and man fashion.
r.' Poseets rare opt oed tin. soy.. last
retu,sed the the lice Dyes, on Martel
•tr..ei. tretw , en u nail alai Fourth st,..tu, whore Dry
Good. of re. - le 'ars...limy cheaper than
soy °8.., te.. eity be pa. , swot plea,
tn.,, el , nther het stares on
NlAr:r stir,. Wile pretend s tn compete with tne Wig
i.e tic,. I—:wren 'ratrd ,seal Fourth ',tree., where
fibl. sit all u,ael,tne largestrsod newest
ter.' opened.
t•e that the stare is between
t.. sttreto. Me, inn BB: BEEHIVE,
every description are setting
.s. bt ar.) other how, In the ray.
Dres• Goods.
CO., CO Market street, between
nr now reeel•inn a large as.
,• • Finn Cloth., an err-
Crepe De Loins, &e;with
tt.--rtownt or Latta, end other Dress trOOdlt,
of t'. la,' sty .or 3.1=00 fashionable Colors.
Cu I ; e inane III; and Jai..
:It iby • luou:1, dipped, and sperm;
(..,L,..e-130 las er,aul knd Enevth Dairy;
d lirmp and Wanilia;
CL,ev l‘nrrel;
• M Comm. and half Spnnishi
bris 4clic telr-nd Sabaon;
11...5 1.,' Prmil Vemnon;
" I ,art-T Currd;
' 1,11 , 1 n— arid Nlantlln;
liinck Laid Cnry , -.11;
N Orlcana,
" t 5 I.n•( brIN Sugar noun;
• • ra.Nrlr,,;
I, ~, i
~.. , ~... Walcat,/
.. ,•7 --it. n 1,,, N 0 , ..', -Icel;
•. ,, c p.a.,' -- .r...',,,,,d On j, d ;
7 ~,A,c, . .....cs Green of ..1 IX " '
,1 --'n ". l'' 3 ,t, ' '''ki
C" ,0 , 1. , :n0 .
rut ...tie bv I d ostV t "' t
cnr,, D vr ‘ : ., „ I.LIAMI; b. CO
____ tc,.:rili Ftlat rod Wocrl s
ItURS! rußS!—The sobeetthere will p.y
r for t.r.0., Met., Meek Rut, they and Red I.oz,
ui t•ttippmg rars, the liiebests..
pnees. ,IcCORD h ne
Id; ro corner Fifth and Wood ete.
Q PRIM; Stl.r. , a De received, by fir
0 ca.' •ihtpincilt•, o new and choice. assorthrent
raper. of ,0. , 11111,1 Vrcoch and Ea tern style
tri ,•ale and Loch colon.
h 3 Wl
x7lll L', Coinrthrr+lo,- , tleftiOiale [listing between S.
It. Ba•nl:eld and Jahn Megill, under the flan of
5.11,.110001e1e ,t Co., 1 , 1 fins day et/wowed by 'tactual
an V, tisinc.Fl of Ile old firm will be 0.1.11 ed by
11 Haeltheid; at the old [read, rio.T2D Writsy mecca,
i'v.ettteet. S. B BUMEIF:LD,
I, ray: JOON
the Who;esnle wed Rated Dry Goods and
Grorrry bermes., ut the old slthd, :NO Ltherty et,
e•wer tne lam of D. D. UUSIIFIELD CO.
?slarcll - 1.19),[mr19
IIIAVTado day earoteted;tarlth me, m the Whol
rate Grocery, Commlarion, and Forwarding lord
ocr*, mi rtrolionai R. N. and W. D. Watetman. Th •
tartness la mare will In condactedander he styled
S. Waterman h. Sans, at the old stand,No..ll W
AC! add Gd Front street. . L.& WATS/MANI
Pltt~ttWr} 4 4W /#593
Froci this Vegdtalo :Kingdom, to repel Diresaa
Dr. oupsotthi &sir..t of yellow Deal
sad Sarsaparilla.
COOP conmaroptlca, !scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism,
gem, liver comp laints, simnel affections, sleeve, .1-
ffropsy. asthma, piles, amine), affections of
the bladder and kidneys,Mercurial disc.. , err
rust humors, rush of bl ood s the head, fever and
ogee. female complaints, general debility, dyalMP
sta, lam, of app p etite, Se.daehe, colds, costiveness
gravel, ntglit eats, cholla, organic affections,
palpitation of the heart, 6dea, pour In the side,
chest, back. Art.
It Is infallible in all' diseases arising from an has
porn state or the I,lood, or irregular action of the Ms
_ In the Vegetable Ruldom, an Alt-wise Being ha
deposited plants and burls cougenial to our confide-
cons, arid Ideated to he sure of disease; and to Ws i
vegetable kingdom does the reason of man, ria well •
the instinct of ani els, turn for antidotes to pain.
The Syrup in a scientific commend of the most ell
noble plants in rater, entirely free from deleteriout
and enervating mineral subswneu,',and sit expel
disease from the system, Imparts vigor one suesslha
An extraordinary case of Scrofula Erysipelas and U
ems, cored; by the soleof Dr. lioysett'a Com
pound Syrup, lebow Docklove
and Sarsaparillas.
Iltoctalart, Nov. 17, ISIS
Da. GCIIOI7 teuder my sincere Wanks for
the great I bare derived from the use of yom
valuable i 7 rep. 1 hove been troubled very bad writ
rrrofolnin sore, which made its eppearanee on in
chin. I did not pity moth ettentton to it at first. sup
pining it to be nothing but an eruption that appear
on person's far t It finally began to increase, mall
spread to tit , tack part of the head. I appLied to a
physician, who attended one all to no purpose. I hod
tried every thing that could be tried. 1 row your Syr
up pf bellow Dock and SI, .apantla, and concluded
to use it. for 1 knew 'bet Tenors Dock was one of the
must valuable articles In mu world (or the blood. I
bought your :Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I
could see a great change in m e n s I continued
to use it until I was a well n. I now feel like a
new paraon; my blood is perlactly cleansed and free
from all impuritlea. There is not a question but tha
your newly discovered compound is far superior t
any survaparilla syrup ever mild.
'1 nn certificate ta at your disposal to publish if you
like, and any one you may refer tome. I shall be hap
py to e thrm all the man
eau about my
caim,trs giv . I remain your obedient servant,
Gamma G. .1011700 N,
113 Market street.
The hest female medicine known. The Emmet o
Vella. , Dock and Saisimarilla Ma positive, speedy
and permanent dere for all complaints In cident to
Its mild, alterative nropertles mnder It peculiarly
applicable to Me slender and delicate conetitation of
the female. It is unrivalled in Its Sleets upon such
diseases as incipient coneumption, barrenness, Ice
corrhoca, or whites, irregular menstruation, Meer&
nence and general prostration of the system.
It inant ediumlyunne,
COLIZICIII.I that &emceeing nervous
new and Ineeitedc ro common to the female frame,
end imparts on energy and buoyancy as surprming ae
they are grateful. We have evidence on ble which
induces us eircnely to mcornmend thin medicine to
married people who have not been blessed With ad
enmis.`Olus Clem, or Falling . of the Womb, of Sva
yours , standing, eared by Dr. Gayson's Extract of
Fellow Dock rand Sarsaparilla., otter every nthrra
known remedy had be-ro toed without relief.
W.DINOTON, Ohio,Feb., 1849.
This certifies that my wife, age 27 years, has
been oillbring• under the above complsint for five
years—nearly all of that time confined to her bed.
have for four yenta constantly employed the best med
lent talent tart could be promised to thin section of the
country, without any benefit whatever. I have also
pure/owed every instrument recommended for the
_cure of such diseases, all of which proved worthless.
in the spring of tidy, I was indnerd by my friends
whirl, was used for four mths. After she had used
It for shout four weeks. it mu evident to oil that ohs
IN improving, acd from this time she improved rap
idly, and gamed flesh and strength, until the disease
war courtly removed, and the is now enjoying most
excellent health. W3l. MONFORT.
We I.eirg neighbor. of Wen. and Julia Monfort
know that tee above statement, as to the sickness o
Mrs. Monfort, and so to e eine helog
Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sorsaparltld to be suiell,
true. JANE EDDY,
Great Cars of Coanumptlol.
H./ALTON, J.oary 9,191 f.
Mr. Liemten—Dear Orr: The great. benefit which
have denved (Torn your EZifae of Yellow Loch nor
Sarrebnnlll, induces me, ofjustiee, to maks
the following sow-mem:
• After warring for two yearn from general debility
which finally tern/muted le consumption, I we, greet
up by my mends and physicians is beyond the aid or
medlctnc. to it tall resort, I wan induced to try
your banner. and having lured but two bottles, ae•
sordutg to our directions, I ant enurely welL I
would dicrefor, earnertly recommend your unequal
led Conipoand to rite rained who desire a powerful
ft:gel:mot and sale remedy. Grurefallyyofriend,
None grnuine 011 . 0754 put up an tette muare
C 0,11111101; ,Loar , . and menarar of the syrup Worn
to u •wao .he wraben ....etre of S. F Iler.
ner. ou tde wrapper. Prtte *1 pet bottle, of
ea bob , toi
II l• sa.d of 1. U Part, corner of Fourth and Wal
nut Ohm, tioneral Agent (or Lb
t3outh caul 'Xt.°, to a - horn &Barriers moat be addreaa
Caner k Rio Crtr, W. P. Jadaen tr. Co-, Water
lard, Olin' re Cletrons, Crosaingv tole; Abel Turret
3bmtrose: 11l rate Mtg. Towand. Bourn *toy, Wells
burro; L. -Roderick, Cal:corl , orri Wilcox, Jr.. Pima
roraer of Market rtreet and the DialuotblL
medicine./ DI toe day'."
Grohem Station, Ohio, May 7.3,
R E think nright.for the benefit of other,
tomme ...tom (limn in relation to your eacclsent
I hove men your Vcrrnifity,e largely in my men
fornily one vial troquently earth:ling little quantities
l•oy 111/ ti worm.) thorn two children. I have
•1.0 used you I.,trer Pills and Cough Syrup in my
family, one they ,are, in every instance, produced
the rirect.dcairnd.
As I am engoard inrnerchandising, I am able to
moth, tn. I Imre am re bum of the
failere twOrro
e,brt , v,. bee:rne/I to any section /tithe
In , It ',on. I nigt •thth trutt they are the
111,, nod ritm•i :a,: a yen.
.. :en //nithar.,. Yams, re•mmlusly,
Prepared and sold 67E. SELLERS, No 75 Wood
coreet, andmild by Druggist. generally In the thro
cwt. and je7
r.lto XIELICIISE.,- - 'llsey are sas
1,7 Melltelnee of the Jay? ,
instmag SLtrOrt, Ohio, May PI., 1949.
R. F. Setlers think it tight for the benefit of others
to •141. rotor far. In relation to your excellent Fend.
1y M.-dictum
I have oral y. .r Verrettnge 'verge - 17m my own to-o
ily, one via. frt,sernly answermg for expeffingt .ge
yoanutivniusy Ito 20.1 worms from two child., I
hat. ako Bred your Liver Pill. and Coogh Syrup in
my 1612111,, end they have In every instance produced
the edeet desired.
A. I am sneered in rneredeudising, I am able to
tr that I have yet to beer of the first failure where
your meitiellee hove been used in my section of the
01111[1, Io conclusion ' I may state that they are re.
Twill eines el the elny , and ore destined lo have a very
extensive popuiarny Yeoe, re , .ee
Preparrd and gold by A / IHS,:co7 Wood
street, and sold by Draw. I , nerally tar two d
ual/ and areinny. mo3l
iF origloal, only true. and genuine Liver Pill.
Sao. emote, Ohio county, V.l
Marcia tralt,lB49.
Mr. R. F- Sellers, Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to the public roam ly, to state that I have
been attleted with the Liver COlMplaint for a long
ume, and so badly that an aheus formed and broke,
which left me to • very low stag.. -Having heard of
your elebrated Liver Pills beg sal
Alor eby A R
'Sharp, c to West Liberty, rind recommended to one by
tat phporian, Dr. Smith, I concluded to gyve them
n , teal. I purchased one box, and found them to
mot what they are recommended, THE DFST Li'
1' OK PILL EVER UPEIe, and after taking four bales
I and the does., bag entirely left ma, and I am no w
perfectly well. Respectfully you
West Liberty, March 20,1849.
I er7llty that I me personally to
ari Mr
i . nlain • , and eta bear testimony to the truth ofthe
sus ve .-ertificato. A R SHARP
Tits mune Liver Pills are prepared and sold by
It E LLERS, No 57 Wood MGM, ead by druggist.
tit Int w Claes.
q:111: PELILIC.—The original, only true and gen
tone Liver are prepared by RESellersl and have
his nortc stamped is black wax upon the ltd of each
box, and his stanstore on the outside wrapper—will
Mlle. arc counterfeits, or base imitations.
to E SELLERS, Proprietor
V •
TATOillalki I i—CREA 11. PF. rIIAN /NEB
Just reed, an (WI in.ailad Wan 11,
. .
ver Watches, lb curds fine cases, Which I can sell
lots as thirty and Witty five dollars, and warranted
acre good unto.
Also--t splendid assortment or JEWELRY, co.
prising tbiatr_npoosndat:st style:, and best patter.
wlLdit Pi Vte ak sca Jevreter,
Price ced.
TIMIS SUBSCRIBERScuII sell Mnaprutt's best
quallty and high test Glass and Soap Makers'
boitti Ash, warranted superior to any other brand It
ill by the quantity of 5 tons or upwards for currency or
miiriored Noma, at four months, or St for • least/ann.
fe g Liberty west.
TJSRSEti, FlifibllNG 6 CU, having I.rangert to
.111. glare ti.eir enure attention to the sale of domestic
Women and Count!, Goods, now °ler their large
stock of Tailors' Trimmings, Veatinge, French and
(lunatic Cloths, Dunking, first cat.
1:9 Wood st
PLIWDI.:R-20 costs Jam._-Jpraii.
DIP Sone brand, q supartor artieht, for sale by
_ . _
CANN.ri .11,pre:V. Boda Ash, and lU casks
th ei iching Powder, arrived per ship ozenbridge,
and now coming on by cana W
, l for
Si M ai ne by
N. 13.—Their will receiva, during the winter, large
Lo fen an elegant plain Romwood ocL Piano
(rain the celebrated manufactory of Nun.
Clark, N. V., of superior tune, and very inoderate price
For sale by
11. KI,EUER,
dein at J. W. Woodarells.
rciutiving Tartar, £toorvy, Caliatt, and all
substancCs destructive to the Teeth. It is delltelotia to
the note, cleatistag the month, healing and atinn t ogn.
in the gams, and iiunfyihg the breath.
For sa
wtolele and retail, b
.1,20 R RF.LI,ERR, 6I Wood at
OUR FLOUR-19W, suitable tot iamb or yiying
far Able by DVOILLS & ROE_
Anti 011,—W bag 1.01,10 ff and &It 1.11)0 bY
(1111 JA~tI IYDl e L c zVir
ClTllstrtoot. ny
• , or sale by [jeyfq JAME'S D.1.46.b.
BRIGIC-10:666in etore end Cot •ale by .
lbAtztr, a OULDERbse-tX) casts for tette by
1.) .iese ck, s! HAROALIIIII_
60 buts extra do, reed on consignment,
and for sale by 11,36] 0 & lIARRAVG
o r too , d for sat. by,
TT received and for nide by
ir.di - _ , 9 tr. W lIARDAUGII
D.:l;67.,P.:Lr.nrllli•iT-N7O. Sugar,a - piliaa artielijit
0 store and for mile by
)rte S. & W. HAILDAVOII.
19kA.:457 Wel aud:Eibearra=e r e f Id
MRS Partnership here...afore existing between the
submribers, under tae fine of Barbildge,
ft Co., yeas tims by
The butane" of the firm will be settled by J. W. Puri
bridge, or Wm, Wilton, Jr.,either of whom is author*
teed to use the name of the
1. W. 13101121RIDOE,
Whl. WILOON. Jr,
Pittsburgh, July I, 1t'50.-124
.TAS.W. Bortnedge & F. Inahtata have this
day associated themselves under the Ermof Dux
bridge tr. Inahram, to trammel a wholesale Grocer7
and General Corrantsuou Busmen., in the house lately
Income. , by Butbrc! re, Wtlsou & Co, 116 Water at.
Pittsbovah, July I, 18.50.—iY 4
--- •
2 9111 E subscribers user this day formed a co-partner
shipß under the firm of W tr. F Wiliam, for the par-
Rue 01 tratis•eting the. Wholrrale Grocery and Com.
Ission Business, at No SO Wood street.
Pittsburgh. I, 13511—jyt FRANC. WILSON
Melodeon Plano with taro setts ofHseds
UST received at the sign of We Golden Harp, one
Jnverior 5° crave Melodeon Piano, with two error
of Reeds, the latest improvement. The above is
probably the Snort toned instrument over °tiered dr
sale here, with a highly finished and elegant exterior,
for tale by lieo l tf KLF.BER
Rao book paper 10X21:
di do do co =3B;
50 do do do dix.:s;
IcA do news printing, 24/27;
IVO do do do 11052;
60 do do do Pxl%
120 do do do tl/023.
00 do Slue Envelope, 550 2 0,
20 do Yellow do 2=5,
50 do Manilla do :TM
25 do do do 210;
500 ddinsorted wrepping ye.
pe in store, for sale by JOON
lryett d at
Economy in Teas.
nECIDEDLY the cheest and . place in itts-
kr burgh to bay Tea Is ap at the Tea best Market, east P uric
in the Diamond. They sell
Excellent Tea at ... . --••••150 50 per , lb
Superior Qualinew—• --• ••• 75 "
The very brat-----. ••—•
I 00
Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Tess are not kept
at this estaslishinent. therefore, whether you go 7 0 . -
self or send a child, you are sure to obtain a good
article, and tf the flavor of the Tea Is nokapprOved,
they readily exchange it or return the money.
hlolllll9 & HAWORTH, PrOp/1.0..
Q uNDRiEs i gft:i:ri0 c 3 , 1 ,......,• : , ,.. . z .;
0 10 brie do do;
3 kegs , do do;
1U bin Xlislemurs,
• 23 biz Mould Candles;
23 bin No 1 Stsrefa
20 des puent Zinc Wishboards;
25 hl chests superior Omen Tins;
40 caddy his do do;
10 0$ ebees soperior Black Tess;
5 Ins Duffleld's extra Haw;
For sale by 1 V) WILLIS CO
i 515 (or Wood &AM &
Mk stn.
CHOCOLATB—MNibox es NT. Fresh Chiliolut
pat received, and for
Johnson—American Farmer's Encyclopedia, Elva
Emellion—Trees and Shrubs, Ova
Brown—Twes of America,Ova
Themes—Amer:cm Fruit Culturlst,l2mo
Iloy—A Guide re De Orchard, lama
Burst—Family Kitchen Gardener, likno
Miner—The American Bee Keeper, Miro
Drown—The American Poultry Yard, lama
Marshall—The Farmer and Emigrant's /Bold Book
All American Farm [look, Ittno
Dowing—Frail and Frail Tame of America, iloso
Youall—The Horse, Pro
Bennet—Tee Poultry Yard, Moro
For sale by
je , 7 111 Fealth at
American Journal off Science and Arts.
CONDUCTED by Prof. B. Stillman, Prof. B. Si
men, Jr, and James B. Dann, New H•, Con
necticut. This Journal is famed every two months,
in numbers of lin pages each, making two octavo
volumes a year, each with many Mastro... It Is
devoted to original articles on Science and the Arts,
Condensed Review. or Abstracts of Memoirs and
Discoveries from Foriegn Periorlleals, Notice of New
Publications, and a General Bulletin of recent Eine.
tale W orbs. The first series contains 50 volumes,the
lest of which Is a general Indus to the tp voliones
preceding. Su bscnption, 113 a yev, In adranee.
J D LOCK WOOD, Agit for Proprietor%
aid IC4 Fourth st
Good Books far Bummer liandlair.
Ernom—Tarlitsh Evening kanertamments, 12nto.
Taylor—Eldorado, I vole, Etato
man Life and Mannera, Yvole, Mae.
Diekens—Domay and Son, 2 va15,1220.
Mackey—Yogi:tar Delasions, I reds, 1500.
Marvel—Erma Gleam:l4,l2mo.
C. G. II —Norman Lesite, limo.
Shaw—F.alish Literatare,Ltino.
Priar--Goldtanith's hilseellaneona Works, 4 vols..
hinge—Ea non", 12eto
Ta) for—View.&Lot, Wano.
11:1 ral.olet—Cormos, vol., limo.
For .ate by JAS D LOCK - WOOD
Jrs 101 Fourth st
Bookaw—General L tee.
Moen—Perfainery its Use and Manufacture. Urn.
Sinlio—Plilloropas of Nature. Into.
Chelovr—Apt.onctrni and Re/actions. I%no.
Slianr—Entinin Literature. I=to.
Deric—Lagendre. Dna*.
Llryant—What I nom In California.
Bt. Picree—lnland Viruicia. a vols. I=to.
Ala.—Letters to Young men. limo.
Durnap—Recutude of Hum= Nature. L.
Verieour—Modern French Literature.
Nevrabaut—lluman Mannetient:
Haraboldt—Aspects co Nature.
Droderip—Zoological fLenreationa.
For solo by /AMEN 11 LOCK WOOD
Je9 104 Fon= at
Foater's .:eve Mtlitopl
(I WINE to Bun all Night Dolly Day;
Daley Jon.. Go down to de Cotton Field:
Nelly was a Lady, &e.
Be Rind toll, Loved Ones at Hamm
Row thy boat bandy; True Love, by T. Hood;
Our way across the sea, duet;
A new medley song, by It. Covert;
Jenny limy, ramie by Molter;
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March:
lied blosi the banly marine; Schuylkill Welty,
Consent:ea Deport:ire. by W. C. Glover,
no:lmM mon: licser, Wear:, bicycle:is:lit:elm Co:
Last Rose of neaner, easy variations by Der.
tinned States Polk.; Ladies' Sonventn yolk.;
Corn Crocker Quadrille; Lau:smile Quadrille;
Beauties of Italy; Ovens, Trios,
A large assortment of New blusie on which
additions are made weekly. Fonsale b
feb2s J. H. Mki.LOR, 01. Wood M.
atlaaap standard Elartery.
111tahlag by lloper & Dro'i, In Grata. sloth and
Pat to cards per vol. Tares eels received, nod
for rale by It. HOPKINS,
• apl7 78 Apollo Buildings, Folott at.
Now Hooka.
nn EDBUILNi His Fast Voyage,b7 Hermim➢lelhllle
JA, author of .Typee,""Omoo," Mc.
History of King nitrert of England, by Jacob AbboU;
won Cum engravings.
Sidonla the Sorceress., by Wm. Meindold.
nor NI corner Third and MvigetatreMs
"Ono of Ms Pfau Ersozr Sadie Works of the Aga"
J of a visa to the Chandrean Christians of Kurdis
tan, end the Yesidis, or Devil-Worshippers, andun
Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient , As
%lintnSsld Introductory g l t:by " P u rol.l 'd' uat ' ;2;l2 . L . .;
Is.. D. Illusunted with Is plates and maps, and go
wood etas. 2 vets. 800. cloth, 11,50.
"The book has • rare amount of graphic, pie
mresque narrative "—Tribune.
"The work of Layard is the most prominent s pe a re d
fo r
button to th e study of antiquity, that has appeared
many years."—Christ. Inq.
"Not one eucels in intereit the account of Nineveh
and its Ruins, given by Mr. Layard."—Washingtorl
"As.we fottow the diggers with breathless interest
in their excavations, mut suddenly fird ourselves be.
fore a massive figure carved with minute accuracy,
now liftmg Ith stgantic head from the dust of 3000
Aran, we are.ready to cry out with the astonished
Arabs, 'Wallah, it Is wonderful, but It la truel , "—th.
riovlo Mt Wood of
•TBE WOMEN i7fiieOh — aitil New Testament.
Edited byE.' B. Sprairse, D. D. I co) Imp. evo.,
egandy bound{ IS exquisitely flashed engravings;
with.desenptions by celebrated American Clergymen:
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mr.. Welby, of Ky.,) a new
and enlarged edition; iilastrated by engravings from
d'7nl by
Wier. f col.
r.g Bra legmt•
al bond e
and Gift Books.
Eicevell's Child'. Fleet Book of the Riflery of Rome.
vol. thine.
um of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Bali.
yers, Lembermen, Stu d en t. , and Anions generally:
being a thorough and practical Treatise on Menem*.
lion and the Sliding Rule. By D. N. Keper, /Ltd.
Boise', Treatise on (heck Prose Composition.
011eadonl'e Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of Brown Unlvenity. vol. lama
Rocdlgere Gesenlan'
Grammar, by Conant.
Georous , Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Trigonometry and Umatilla:do Tables. I
The Englishman's Oreek Concordance. 1 vol.(mtte ,
Anthon's Classteal Series.
Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Bin.
do do unabridged. I voL etc.
Barnes Notes end Questions on New Teatime=
Whately's Logic.
Mostieim's Eceleslattleal History. 7 vols. and
vols. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Creation. 1.01.18m0.
Mammas among the Jesuits a) Rom. I ye. (
and paper.)
Scenes where the Tempter has Trirdephed. 1 vel.
(cloth and paper.)
llogue's 'Fheolomesil Lecture. I vol. 00.(eloilL)
Alder'. Pronouncing Bible.
Boyers French Dictionary.
inert', Ilneuce. For sale by R HOPKINS
novil Apollo Buildings, Fourth
Th. Olden Time. ____
JAMEu D LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and IMlsarleri
No. 03 %Veal street, has for sale a lea/ copies corn
plea., (the remainder of the edition,) of this valuable
work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and
other arithclitle 1111010¢1i011 TOMIX to the early ox.
&rationa, settlement and improvement of the country
aroand the header the Ohio. By Neville . B. Cram . .
Esq., of Pittsburgh, in 2 rob; 100.
nowlo J. D. LOCKWOOD...
R, Libeny of other :Ancient
Elliott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve engravings, ere.
By Samuel
rated at Rome 2 vols., 800., uniform with Preseett's,
Historical Waite.
Just published and for sale try
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookaellerand
mein Inaponer,4l Wood at
FNN ITh:.MTIL - Fr IN - 11711X; an tii"TisTadyai..
. uThe muting of [hie book has impregied at wits
mach hlgherepinion of its author then we tad formed
from pin msing ken other writing. !It displays a deepo
tone of thought'anima ID MOre. pare womanly gittee•e,
feelingrhan any other producuon of the female atm
with which we are acqiudated.o.—Eve. Mirror.
"It is a very sigreeatile and readableliddk;vrtittei
Fr "0 Kenble's vl 7 -bold, spirited r-
Army 1,--te's - Lest style--bold, inal7enTir
mining. We rerosumend it Moss academes the bei
publication of the seamn."—ResAing
It contains the Journal of ntravtl awash turop ,
and residence in Itslyi: and Is one of tho pleasant. ,
and most interesting Looks of the season.”—coon an.
A vary ebeneMristinhave read Is !rot h
. _
title page m Colopbou witb probated Interest. A
vid wore of Ilfe m Rome. In all respects veleta!!
For sale by - JA2SE3 D LOCKWOOD,
ttev ls Beekman. lb Imooner.6l'W..4
filb • • 1311 Mid rionrest.
301 BOXES Superior BMW{ Ribbons, Also zoi
do. noon's's, of all the latest awl most fashion
"J. aglpt Rte'd this diy
A • IISSSON 100.
• • • - • NOM is
1 3 :0i:Maa:PWO:4
H ru, L ' ienwf• Brok•r
aTD 0.1.12 a lA
GOLLECI7ONSA-Dtafts, Notes and Acteptances
palablein en) partof the Union, collected on the most .
fatoribletenns. •.
FAC - lANGE on New York, Philadelphia and MN
draws,' —la., emehtnahr Lostisedle, Sault Louis and
New Orleans, constanttr for sew
GANN tiOTak- , ,Nows on all solvent banal In the
United States diserottnted attha lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and Airontean Gold and Silver Coln boaght
and sold. ! •:
Orlace No.!= Mittel strum, between 3d end 4th
1:111 t•I ri•
ILLS • on icgTa7br,Trel3e7,7saiier;l7nd bong Et
Al{ any amount at h
en Carton% Rates of Erebangs.
oafs payable in y pon of th e Old Cotodnes,
MOM,: St — the rate of Se to the £ Sterling,
without deduction OT discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
. SON, Europeen and General Agent, office :tbs. one
dOor west of wood, aengtt
AUL. (wawa. unit
JD to Foreign .dDeunestle Bill. of EXchalite. Cer-
Otto. of Depositp, Bank Note. and Coin, cornet of
311 and Wood Weetniditectly opposite St. Charles Ito
Onto •.•
Indiana /.
• ALLaseart,
. • • Bank Notein
pa rkaud at ths lataaat ratan. AtL Laisrs a
B, tt N u•“kl3 u Mkrkea ..
BXlatig N ol w l ew 1 1101:CAillteS:-. - txidt Clidtaki
: ihlladalphla, and
Conaantty far Italia by PC HOLMES Ir. SONS
asal3 ••. w Market al'l
monuis s aewoarn,
R TVItIn'T.,.°II,s.IIIO7I7.O"A 1 1 : zds W l na
are now °henna at the Very Lowert priers for cash,
Snouted WhiskeY,Con and Domenic Brandy; afro,
'French Brandy, flatland i;in. Jamaita Spsrds, Lan
don Urn, Irish Whiskey, Item, de. Port, Sherry, Ma .
dein, Champagne, Claret, MawatelLlWilsgs, Tens
reille and Lisbon-Wines. Wholesaled lDenrt. 01,3
RINTINO PAPER -Always on hand or made. to
E„ order, the varions tires of Pr.:mow - Paper, Reg
Wrapping Paper;Crown, Medium, and Double on
sines Straw Wrapping_ Paper; Crown, Mediton, and
Doable Crown Past Ing. Paper; Pasteboard, deo. P.a.
W.? BTABSIIALL., S 5 Wood et; '
Agent (or Clinton Mils.
Jon:ORA/TA — co. Dave removed Omit' meet of
Gmedee oho opposiLe side of Liberty .
YOMAN IN:. AMERICA—IIer work and her re
ward. By Maria J Melntosh,author of .Chains
elanterchanns,ll ~ .70 seem and to be." 1 vol unto.
Lauer Day Pamphlets, No 11—Tho present rime.
DI Thomas Carirsio.
I .—Memoirs of Lee and Writings of Thos.
Chalmers, 1) Di, L. L. D. Prelections on Bailees
Analogy, Paley'S Evidence. of Christianity,and Bills
Lecture on Diviaityrealthrwo Introductory Lectures
and foot Addreises delivered in the New Codege,
EMnburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. a, L. L.
rot Itun.
Oahe - re—Life °flan Cabral, compiled from authrn.
tie mittrees,and particularly from Mu coneapondeaces.
By Thetas, di I)yer, with portrait. I eel 121 no.
For solely R DOPKINS,
aPt7 Apollo Buildings, Fourth at.
combd Cingibst
20 20ETs'ZP.P.1 ra'kath
e; ID do do very Ens;
11 sam' roglisf Horn Redd ing ;
6 0 ; 0 ' -- Filoket Combs;
6 0 3 " Wood
800 an net! Fina Ivory;
" Shea Side COMM.;
10 " saner large Dorado;
fib 3
COO gross au'd Stde C
Combs; reo'd
WS Marke t In end for onto by
Buff 1101 land: Buff llollandl
TARE NOTICE—That W. McClintock Ms this dsy
received several cats of the finest and best Lag
Window Holland, terwhich he would most respectfully
mill the attention of his customers mad the public In
a Ware Rooms, a 3 Fourth at 'anal
A FEW ..ry fino GUITARS, Jost reed from the
octobremd mankfactory of C. F. Menlo, and for
ado by lanB J. H. MELLOR. el Wood o.
THE Complete Works of John Deny.; 9 Cola, 8.0,
In I val, Simmered; merlin gilt and tit edges.
AllubelPe Biblteal and Sabbath School Geography;
a now work; I rot, Deno.
ToorWs Anal yais and Speller.
LIM of Jolla Q. Adana; by Wm. 11. Seward; 1 vnl,
Irma; ratubn
Poems by NM. Ilemanr; I vol, Ithe; muslin; gilt.
South's Sermons—SetruonO prelubed upon several
we/Orme, by Robert South, D. D.; • now edition, 4
ra; tnoladingemthstmous Dleecnnws.
e 0.13.-4 voli. In Si sheep, extra;
For sole by 11.110P1ONS,
Cebu Apollo Doildinga, Fourth at.
roost mennaOaa. W. O
hara. rove.
eon. bed learn to inform the
alai grahrally, that they have rebuilt Ste lin
(Mb. FOUNDRY and are 11.1 m in fall operation, rind
have pan of their patterns ready for the market:—
Atinongst which are Coakley Stoves, Coal and Wood
Stoves, with a Splendid air-beht Coal Stove, vrhieti is
now ouperceditig in other cities the common round
Stove. Alto, atibeap coal Cookie Stone, wrll adap
ted for email famthes, with a full as/torment of com
mon and mantel Grates We would ynricularly In
vite the ettentiop of persons building to mill at our
warebonn before purchasing, and examine a splendid
article of enrunmeited Orates, finished in fine style—
entirely neW tallith market.
Warehouse, No. tat filbert', in, oppo site wood
h'EAGP.i. Importer and Wholesale Beeler to
Sip, of the Gilt Cumb, 106 Market et.,Pattanorglt, Pa.
Western Mete/ mom Pedlars. and ottere mei.*
PatlMurgh to paluttase ' l.oods, rue respeetfully invited
to eallandszuntine the extensive muonment of flog-
••••- • . - -
limb, Areenemi arench rind German Fune) Goods.
All Foreign Goode at this establishment are import
ed dircer by myself, end purchasers may rely on get
ting goods fronsfirst hands. I bare the large. assort
ment of articles, in the Variety line, in the city of
Fausbungts—alli of which will be sold !ow foWeash or
oily ecceptances. The Stock consists, in part, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Waves, Ribbons.
Silk Cravais,Shesend Patent Threads,Scwieg Silk,
Spool Conan, Tapes, Suspenders, Buttons, Pins, Nee
dles and Cutlery-
Gold and Shier Watchee, Gold lc weirly•likinduul
Brushes; Combs end Saxon.
Peremnion Cape, Revolvers, Ptslobs, Clocks, Silk ft
Cotton rorses,Spectucles, Steel Pens, Moue Ploses,
Carpet Bags and Iteskins.
Eindinge,'Findnics and Trimminks.
Toys and Fancy Geode: together with a large sari.-
ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS.
C. YEAGER'. is also agent for the celebrated L.
easter Combs. uovl7
Great English R•m•Cy
FDR Coughs; Colds, MUM= and Consumption! Ths
GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY Mr the cure of the
above -distant; is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of
London, England, end ietroduced into the United St ates
ander the immediate seperintendenee of the Inventor.
The extraordinary mew of thin medicine, In ths
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warren. the American
Agent in soliciting for treatment Me went posaible ca.
*es that can be found in the commanity—oases !lift seek
relief In vain friam any, of the common remediea!of the
day, and have been given up by the mast distrepataked
physicians as cerifinned and menrable. The Ibmgarl
an Balsam has tured,and will mire, the man draper*.
of cases. It DI. quack nostrum, but standard Dig.
lish medicine, df known and eat... Whined ®envy.
Every familyinMe United Blues eheald bo supplied
with Itachanlaillungation Balsam of Life, not only to
emmteract the tioavemptive tendencies, of the climate,
bui to he used as a preventive medicine In all cases of
colds, coughs,: opining of MOO, pain. in the side and
chest, Irritation end sereneasrof the longs, break.,
dllificulty of breading, heed!, fever, night sweats, emaci
ation end general &WRIT, =hum, inattetme, whooping
etmgh an/croup.
Bold in large honks, at trout per bottle, With fall dirtie
d/ins for the rettoration of t
Pamphlets, ciunst.iniag n mass of English and Ameri
can tortibeatet, and other evidence, showing the un
equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be
obtained of dm Ageetcrailthilllsi.Y.
For sale WI A FAHNESTOcK & Co., earner
st and Wood and Weed rind nth sta. iabd&arS
Namonet Lin let
Plrtneettatt, March 27,1847.
hlr. R. D. Sellers-1n justice to you and your Moos,.
purehls Cough:Syrup, I beg leave to Stott, for the ben
efit of the community, that my wife has been several
times atlluted.wita a most dutreheing cough. I per
ssssal, is guriary Iron, a bottle of soar Byrup, which
cored • cougnof two months' stauthim. /Woos one
tunndsslnce, the coug h returned, and: was se severa
that she could. hary move, fr om weakneu In the
breasti I went for Gab bottle of your - Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle eared the cough Igloo the other
to a jouineynolut who was severely ofilicted, who had,
to use his own'words, ',men enough cough enudy
sus s o the people Pittsburgh,” If the toady had
boon as good to retirosented.
Yours, respectfully, Ammon D. Komut.
Prepared and sold by It. E. BELLERS, 77 Wood
street, and sold by Druggist. genetally to the two
Miles dole
fatly Worm the t .,....
. A A. DROWN avoid revert.
that he
gheny cay, a complete assort.
meat of Veldt/an Minds; also Ye.,,,,ir
ninon Shatter. are made to or
der in the best style, warranted
eettal to any bathe Ilnimil gone,
His Cited. can be removed ands.
oat the aid of a screw anon,
Having purchased the moor.
tools, and wood of the cabinet e,..
tablishmentof liamsay ft Al'elrl ,
land, l ant prepared to
• t. herr old cuatoloots, as well as
the publie at large, with every dong in thew line.
afgmley, No olVood street, rittsbnegb.
melt% ': r —.. • J. A. DROWN.
1 t 17,/ r 0
4 kl 7
1 . 4-111 be., to Wive, tar - eels by
ULOaWE LIME—S casks, to arrive, for sale by
HIED DEE • youpatJa
"1"... ' f." "16 b v.v.f .I.Ellft h. ntselfilA
WINOONOOCAS3—MXI h.. CI /liC 4, for mile by
~. ielll ~:
beV 1A I:AU3II_
I'Th AbitgßO , ri.C b (/W' NO 10ZER
O MER by.y more, for saWy
Mud:comma CRinZER
tirt;Xlitlip--4 kali, reed by Pliot No Clotsale try
r tell WICK & bIeCANDLF.9B
USE HF EIVED-6W lea of 2 inch 2 plr Gum
hose, for . Ftre Engine porpofes; srenarited to Le
meetstort leather in every respect. 'rho fire deport.
ets a invited to cell and cismine thennetiho
learn Huber Depot, tros.76r9 Wood street.
_: J
LARD -51;1,1U Ro 1, roora i ttrirgar v l. er b
o y
JOl4 Winerk From at.
lOGINVILLE LIME-73 brio in more fore by
FIT A TU . V.S-200 An 'seemed fat We by
ti7COONSIDAS--3 ea./mins% teeMW
141Yslnt CutUN for 1364.teads for x4b
WO 4 0