BY MAGNETIC TELECRAPII. LLiPilttfED A, Timpani. pqED ton THE rIITHLWEUti DAILY GAZETTE FOREIGN NEWS. ARRIVAL Cll7 - 1;1114 STYABLEXI. 'CAMBRIA. tine Yozz, Atig 9 • The rfeamatiip Cmabni milord at Boston yea. terday morulog. A few of her men were re• ceased here a. midolgta, from which we coo gath er bat hula of interest . • • ENGLAND. Oft the receipt of the Intel!bloom of the death of Preatdeat Talleythe American Ottlatater ate 110911 Cad te the Court the melenetelly event IP Up re?riate tercet.. _and Invited the Connie add Tier Consuls of the llama' Sours., and others at hu C3notrymen to the Galled Kingdom, to niatrtinat toot, trympathy In the:sad occurrence, and torture In the general — grief i. has eattand. - The nom. of the death of the President cahsed conalderable sensation at Paris. Laois-Napoleon has announced that be aroald go in mourning for one month. A grand and solemn aerates.' will be performed re liFtro Dame, and for ten Wart ths National Fwg,sell Faso black saps attached so sad borne at U.S matt. scan zcatkND. Berlistriind, the pope , " a , re occupied With announcing the arrival of Dudley ?death the .Ilp. bhmatie Agent' of the (Judea Bides. acomitiliiia to the Bvl.o COliredei.t,o. The I. the flra time the,United Buie. have been represent...4m h _epeist miorion tO Stettztrleoa; Tale Con'clerelo tine will the occalgoo to-exten4 her commercial relations, CO fIL them by iheePen eat Oreatior,'ond to secure 'silvan islet fot the nuoierocio eurretioa - etuch isiees pent. Dem Switiotited, AO. welt their (erten. in the I.Thiteo &ace. SPAIN The Carlig Ccinapi racy beendi , c3reTe4 And Marge number of *treats tour): been male—swag theca sevaml ENEEM Accounts beve been r, caved In 'which it fa slated, that the Bosnian lase nertico iv ugon the eve of suppresalon, The cants of the logrogeen hare sent denotatlrsts to Omer l . lt ha, proposing term, of sonceder and roc_gamodauon. Hayes,'. bosuns end caw equipages are to be sold totherlth,ll ht. ern, d.rrction Thera appears' to be lone doubt, that sequlslAus. Ina has grace directions to its Ilenipoieutfus to eugo the nuulnaloes of the Danish treaty:that it hesitates, it may imi-aaid, declines to adhere to the London Protocol. - . , I LIVERPOOL AIARKET.. ; • Lietutrcot., July 27. Paottsbonn—The week's bonnets in Baca; has be en extensive at full priori. • The saletormoitot to beyond 2000 hoists, mid irding 225 boxes and 9thde western, slightly skip damaged. 'at 2ris 64424 per cwt. Flame meet But little inquiry. Shoulders are kt share supply, and :are held - firmly at extreme rates. Beet remains inanimate; with limited isles to retail trade. Pork, with the exception of some inquiry train Ireland, remains inactive, and the only transielion'io old prime moss to • a small ex. Inn to export trade at low prbtes. Lard—Refiners and dealers hare purchased pretty freely, thel tate adirance iteVing titungtit out tunber addinuns to the ,tout held--trauractions this week have been limit. ed, and pmts ate scarcely as Arm as last repuiled, Tne week's aides are ender 14 wee et 33 .. 3 u 6 , 1 per earl. , Gancesnrs-For coffee, yekerday, the miner exlibtied more 'animation, and at public mien 170 tierces Jamaica at 33e per cwt. We entice an ad vance oa ordinary kinds of 2 to 3s per owt.,• of .Ibo cake 22 trees brought pfa, per ; cwt. Sugars ate In - Steady demandst lull prices. , . Harr.—Sold of 100 bales Atnericah at £2l 10s t0.C.13 per lon. ; • laaY,dr.e.—Bars, in Liverpool, are without change. Pricei continue to he well supported, with a taw extent of busineoi. • &re, in Wales ; ore quint at Out quotations Poi Pig iron, in the at.- genet, _ef speculation, the: market' InOntiauti,S to droop, and prices ore rather in favor of buyers ;Tin &Ica ani very Ann; and in greet requnt. Stocks are still unusually mai! Bruck tin a. it: demo hdat the advat:cekotquoted, ' , but the smelters :riche to ea—higher prima are ;therefore looked foil 000 ebbs uncertified straiti tin were sold,. ya.terday, at A 76 lOsa.r7 per too . Pig lead in anttiout change, and very quiet.: • • ccuiciimanosrez.. • • Wimuma - rem, Avg. 6. SCiATIC. The epehial evier tee asy, Mr. Pearce'a Tetla Muadary 37.1, mae bebre the . Sehate aloratvg. - Mi. W inthrop Wtotbrop Wok the Met upon hie emend IDOL Ilia obit etio r Gtfrrlog It wa o not no omec upon u no to cliaea the ant j cat for further daneleoioo• He Otw-eded to say that he agreed ante tilmont every word of' the EZrUli.. Me. sage, and the varteua ppinta watch are retafiltui: Wed; look be thought the friends of Cal:fir:lW bad .;a riabt to essinet tier adtniesion drst lie saw ne i objection to Mr. Pewees boundary line; be there. :! wilt:wear Ole own swede:teat . Mr:: Onder*teid th en "kried an - UV,: ain-vit:: , . giving enbstatitivlly the b.londerp crontatnee la the Damietta 13 H. It vas rejectted--yeas Ilt kap= Af; er some faritt ' er &bite, tLo qualltton arta to ten on Mr. tdelJo's amend meet, r Tering a etibet We br the wholetell, sates it wee rejeetcd—yea: 14 t sisys-21.• Tax bill wen then repeated to the Senate, 'web Ste seeeral steirelments's roble. fizaredattd- 'Cleat was cf the expressigu, ..ket cs lathe territilry," 14 the %cotes"tier terti:.• ,ap." to that plisse We bill relating to the eonsid • cation for wkicn , tritons is tote paid to Tens. • • After aeme tVaduittert, -itt teach the chjrett was urged that teethatlidathat .thaphad tath Tea .as ►ad not a gochl artsandtheat w . . ormenned in. 1 Tao Texas spotoptlatlrg ten millions of dollars fir the purchase W territory by the Tinned Saw., was passed this ifternoan—yens 30, says The question recurtiotticumn the proviso', that A's of tae ten mithure oflthe stook •bill not to issued until the ere ditorgUrTexu Emil tweak., paid. • Mr. Atchison Spoke Lu favor of its trjeetioe. After wore fanner debate, the proves% attach was Itself an amendment, woo agreed m—.-yeaa 92, nays 12. I Several other amen4zenta 'Were then male scd rejected. • . Mr. Underwbud cmied,hisamendmeur atioris. leg the battens:ire t o too Omatbas bib: rejected— yeas 23, nays tit • An amendment to redirch the amount to be paid Texes,,was agreed to secs 2A, nays 20. An amendment to eurtude 'EI Pane from Tes. es. Inv rej0eted.,705...21 pays 26 After =soma 'Conker itrendromr, l e WI was - ordered to be' ectresslid. It was then read • third time and e aesed 7 , yeu 30, nays 20; is fol lows: ys A s.--Badger;Bell, Berrien, Fkadbery. -Bright, Can, Clark, Otmeor, : Cone% Darla or MM., Damon!, D ehreeen, 10mlec at lows, Dauthst, Fetch, Foote, Gretna. Ilocaten Ku L.Norty, Pewee, Phelps. Murk. thieldr, Smith, tiarnance, - glutton,: Wales, Whitcomb, Led • Winthnty,— .. Nary—triehiror. 'Baldwin Baruarel, Benton, „never, Chase, Davis of. MAs. Dodge of Waen. :sin, Ewing. H. Hunter, MIMS, Morton. 13e. Seule.Turuey, Uuderarood t Upham,. Walt. Cr; and Yalta —9O. The Senate thee admiped. • Boum—Mr. ' Uneefwood. 'WM& from :New Yost, was appointed a mast her of the Committee an clamors. Mr. McGaughey was t attled iecunseghenee of 111 health. ' . Mr. Grinnell Introduced a resolution which Was &depict', that. the Secretary of the Nosy for. niah to the House all , the correspondence and in. formatioale the Navy Dcpartmeat relative he the !shit et' tile United Ststes ship Preble to the tart of Nandseakt. / 13 .1.0 , 3. Jro the homers of ob minute the release ore:it-au Areerree icemen, • beid-us pesos by the antboritien of that country. He stated tut the vitdcor ibc VLF coos. platy itice.pfut, sad that tho eertespoldence "'bah took piece between the effioers and tlie iantborftlesta h•ghly irreresting , • " • The West, then went Into Gionnuotee or t h e 'Whole en the-Bate of the I.Tr•ion ' d resumed considenutou of the emit and diplomatic ropslittitio Mr. Wesel*: cif Greta. cid:amd the.llease at ;curie. reviewisg" Mr. FAlLlSCReibleBllloi,= l / tarsruly advocating the tights MA* Booth. He reasfollo wed by Mr.-Carsga, who ,stiire Used Preadettei Menage cut setrolotionaty tutees, itvd hypot.rateat re Ib oetepoeitiOn...#. said Murat have bleu written by one who dip sett:adenma the subjdtt he wrote epee. Mr;"'Wilhasas emu prk the fl rut, and advierci• tea the Hewes. Ile old Got see the praudetif id Tuns, maschiog into New Mr xea whits wit arms enderropes to ictjast the gigaton In Corti s. tres ' , Ai= 1101310 (Inter dhbatathe Halle ell.POnel. Wasume - ros, Aug. 9. A few dap tome, four mate eaves, heloeging to SiffTetig BpdToombs wvn moats!, and had 11.6 cown h e d try ;he ahottionmis onto ;all etibt, alert an a mens was made to rd them off. ' bo pollee tonwins bif Me tam, sod overtook the earwriad, up:hoes sad a mhos man Smiles fr 'lieoily. Th e paipt in the carriage bred on the pomeri which was ritnroen by thew, lajuriaß Iwo men badly. Tite artode patty were finally raptured, eat orpowseq•ef Mr. - Toombs' slave, wb0 e .1.1,,,, swipe, Tee hock drive:, end the pe rson In Marge.; s hi p Mtroli, here been cows Mal to prison. vt~ RAPTVILE or iorseweys. oAtnxott, Argo D. .Brivo Moms, who No runaway from, them Irma. streits Maitland, were brought down that more. tae_to the ewe of the Barged:atm Railroad, frost it appears that dime bed racewayfrbic t iftffets es - t wattles la the State, - act! learnieg th this fore seeretsd'os the farm of a intro, oe toile *WWI tbePeatirevama lute, their owners tar . Stead Bunno la pswas through Etratbergb,tYork want .Abehtionifts, headed hf PM% Mar r Brawn, endeavored to retest! them, tad su seeded la embus Imo of thew in tosatritgate.4- Mr..tholg *as trmeked down. 'lll-ttur ears, putols woo toed at toe T i numilugan.. Ore ease, 'fa sOcaaptios Mom kJa afar Apt /Slava. TU . ante 'Produced great excitement here as well as Wong the eel road. The slaves were lodged in Jail this morning artait antral or them OWXICIL OABINEp APPOINTMENTS. . Wuriniarn, An., 9 Hon. Charlea M. Conrad, of La., has bees tan dared the War Deputenent, and Is • aid to 11100 erupted Hos. T. Ildeßet nan, ot Pa., hub centered the DtParidrant of the lateral. ' CAUCA/6 Woutnomx, Aar: 9 The Bentham members of the BOUMe mot last night In esiecos, and appoloa-d a COMalilaa of fillren, elongating of Matsu. Tomb., Bart, lid.. Hard, .Theropson. of Miss., ,Cabell, Hotaard, Johnson of Mona. Greene, Belden, Char man, T homas, ll.litLean, and Houston, to puipose measures for action tithe &nth respecting Slave ry and the material I:location. They are to pre. pare a report which Ards be read to an adjourned meeting of the CAUCUS on Monday night CliOLElt4 IN EAST VIRGINIA. Fasnuitcusuict, August 8, M. The eholera is epreadiug rapidly at Harpers Ferry.—crettlng much alarm tad LOMacIOLIIOIII among for Inhabitants, The public works are dtserlell, and the people are dying from Itie plats in ever/ dlreclfen. , Six deaths occurred last ti wilt. Mr Carroll, proprte. tor of the FlJtel, and Dr. G. Hays d.ed. this morning. DEstituunvE Fine &wort, Arguet 8 A destructive fire ncourrird in Fermicpico, ra.itte..o4 Tuesday e g .; *Vet YO iradedineo and Mecca were bururu co. Ire tnitd ciao ie ca• timated at $25,003. Tee mourance amounts to $70,000. CHOLERA At LINIANNATI. ' CINCINNATI, 11,1.tua: 9. Within the last 43 hears terra we,. 4, I• t~nnenu t of which Li were of eLoler. oral :3 VaLet• Veen of • re. SUM bl.Nd L LUN BUttNr. iissi Vogt, Aug. 9 A dre broke out is Smg 2,ng P:1,0:), wbkb re suhed io 11w ent,a tirltruawl or the ,witlaug The thi.ouers veto let out up., gu.r.l. APPOINTMENTS BY TFIE CANAL. COM. M15510NE.8.4. PIIILAVELPIIIA, Aug. D. Robot Itnru, to he ensiLret.lo coney the route for a . rad road over the Ailrsheny Mn oo t. fo s, to avoid the runs of tie Porieto Rot R ool; and ro be superrotendrlit of the coostruetrou of the vent• ern reservoir. George Crane to hr euperletendeet of the week on theamtatuokte Dr. et Normumeeriaret. PHitiDELein. kmtkET. FnaApiummo, Aug D.— Flour—The export dems e d Is Pmeed, only 6 Of 100 bbL. have ben takea at rf.,25 per bbl. for sound old stock. inclad.ns more Branetwa.e mode boa new wheat yesterday at 65 . 50 fat Obi. • Grain—Corn le in demand at 67 per Fenay. Proaislomi—The market is whhout ahenre Whiskey—le held high. in 1.131. Ueda. are aree, and , wal eornmnon 257.. per gallon. CAT CIA 91LARKE T. ralLaliEcraLt, Ati6il3l 9 There were onriog at the Viude,durnsg me past week, about 1500 burl bee mclie, of 'Ouch NA era anwen to Naar York-200 COW! and calves, 300 acts, 1303 rh rep and limbs. Beet cattle werp in lair demand, and prices raged ttosa $5,50 to 57.50 per owl. M,kb • eotira ranted from $2O to $34, other kir di wenn firm. at 19,9332cran. Hngs aro steady et WO 53,00 per can Soap and lamb. mega from $423 to 33, oaeS., as in gnality. NEW TOM( BIARISET 500:1 11P.,111r. .911 w Yeas. An;. 9 Your—The market is ieettanged from letter• day's qtateriens, either in amen or demand. Grain—Weeet iagoiet, witti oreelnago (Jr milks, at We. per baste. Coto is aeatee, and the market is Letter. Provsstons—Port as doll and heavy. Sales or. DIV,. to retat:danlets. GroteriesSal.s of coffee yesterday went oft 1m Maly at very fall pewee. Some lAI were sod at a 7 advancement noise. q lotairens. The wee comprised 0300 bags R o at Si .1 101, averadne 91. Sugars 'are in good cettand, and held Ann ty•arilh bola Linseed oa—Tete market fa One, with me alier...We sales to inn trade at 13,.. for Er elan, and 17079 for American: Taste a none prceilog col the merest. '—Sterket firm, with mica of AlVittCll3 pig st St iron—S• c eiStiolch ric .130:25. rervvirto errorr.l • • Ns, rent, Angina The mutat La unchanged [rem :loon, end 'arc hive nntlang near to outico. CINCINNATI MARKET. • ClNct•rsrix, Aurist 9. I",e tat•le, generallr nr rgry F aae—Ftleta a. tenet. Gown re .1,11 Small .1. orvi „, l e ow} WOl A uertanto & co CO - BUWIWANNV=iicawk , .. Jrn E NELAJIZO FTBAIi BOATS. IMISI ER ALIBAIION.2111:111T.' 1850.. YEI 'WEEKLY PACKET Fon: DEAFER. GLAS • DOD , AND WELLSVILLE: Tile new and Drat disught tteenier YOUGITIOGFIE. • NY, Dariepee, reeve% wig make dally tripe between .Plttsby rich end Giesenw. ltimlaye exec pled,l leaving Glaigove at TA.. AI , and Pinstivrablar3}, P. AT: The Yourblerbeny I. bat 15 inches dratatbir and tan be relied 0.1 as a regular packet: throughout the season. For freight or pew *napoleon board, or to C BIDWELL, Agent. Jen , 131DwEIL It CO, Marrow. WEDNESDAYPACk GINCINNATI. Captain WlLLiev, 7. Eonters. mai The splendid boat was built by the M OVU of the attorney NOVIOn, and others, for the Cincinnati and Pituborgb Packet trade, and will femme every Wednesday, for Dinelonab, In place of the New }:ogiend, No. R Forapply on beard, or to attdO iighi ""°° i; AIILTENUERGER, Agt iIOiOSGAILICLA R0112.1X. Only Ti tillea lilt•ging• Pia Brotennille and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. , to ReLmeole--• • • • —SID Co , so. Pluba.nartua.”......—.. , -- 12 cr) Tmorninu boat lenses the wharf, above the .1L: !midge, deny, at 8 o'clock 'precisely. Ila.e Bahhnore, 32 !loam thus to Philedelphia,4ohonrs. The evening boat leave. daily (except Seedily ay. anima,) at 6 o'clock. restwoger. by leaning en the evezung bon; VA cross the reouctair. In cages next day, and thus scold night traveL Secure your tickets at the Office. Monongahela or S. Charles Hotel. oett.-ly • J. ATIMSTAILN, Agent, . REGULAR 'WIIEFLiNG k PLINFI,II PACICET:' The fast rennintttt termer. WFLLSVILLP D. Youngoirill run ea a regular In packet between P/usbaralti Strideeport, n.rtilfinefisl,, leaving pitiebnegl, frtenr Mand.i.7 allernoon, for Wellsville, Steubenville, and illrldp,ekinound every Thais day afternoon for Ste Oen. viile, , Wheellun. Bridgeport, Capture, and Sunfish, Retaining, leaves Bridgeport and Barash every Toes. do afternnon,and Panfieh ovary Friday aftemeon. For freight or passage, apple en heard. or to • D WILKINS, Agent.. virrsaußGH AND WHEELING PACKET: — The ”le ...he rut running steamer "" LOUIS MeLANE, W. S. Ceb••••11, ••itiTT.. , T• 11 7 1"1 1 '1 7 t7.°1 P 4l. * ~ Fra hot lN a sju j T;Z . V g PA t l un liWC.ll P 111121.0 Wednesdny Friday mornihge, SF ' uZek. ' 714 freight Cr plunge apply on bard, arta Jan 4 W. B. Wile?T e rit, Agent ._ . _ TOIL ST L 913.9. ' . . , 4i ne opletidid es:4=dt J F. Boyd, mimes, sadi lease Ms the ra mud ally imennediata pods, on Ws (toe a led ins:, at le o'aloelt 4 M. jarght 0r putage,aplT nu baud. 55110 - • dr Ilia light draught steamer • , jfilattrenner, retell, wilt leave far the above and all Interroctliao ports cn this dor, tEc ath inv., at 10 o'clock, A. M. ror freight or parwrge apply on board, or to lop ARMSTRONG & CROZER, Agra` RJR BT.:LOUP , . TO-FM/ c .a 4 l ,l andlivP r* '""'7 AITNr '" In ho hn B Davis, 'IL . near will leave for li ttl t ove and all int.ermediata ports For trelskt or pawl ..!r_o±roly on board. or to • B I.III.TENUERGEII, A MMEME "It.e rptcndld steamer ' (Joie:, Mauer, will learn (or &fora and urernardiaso pans oe tb day ath orAumt. al 10 A. .L•. For (might or pow . 411 board FOR CINCINNAYI /t. S . LOU/t. The splendid ntnaaler , C.VCM Ebben. outer LA. . 0411 leave kr ainnra and Imennedtate land.rtg• on ibis . .. - day', tha &h _Ol Andast at 10 o'clock A-14 For fretat or ma:rage, ropy on brunt, .esll Ql== , . . mThe. IONIZO ".5". • Vali mem Orr reinl ce az. Hite Or . - h • ' %%eh ] ihS tbiha.T,rleavhrittognrg der, at 10 o`erA 1 711 1 . 1°.""•."").2"'" ' " 4 Fri ' For freight or palmate ap 17 : ' ilhl ARNl3ilit:k " br'rd- 6r e ' s l 0 b. CROZET, dee PfTTBHUROttt WHEELING PACEi.T. R 'pit epleneldff i ltiinrg iteantee W. Cetoweli mior. baying en der. renew thorough repeir.wlil tom here tlri. it:tr i te r vg.4l , hotw:ret rot , tlmrp4 and 37 I.londey ace Itioadev'Marebige, at o'r lock. ' For ireight tap:nage *Nil* on bond. ogee W.:IA WIIP.E./..EG, ALL " SPEED INO,REAttED:; -1 Y etka=lBso. • /Ma — CM713.41. , lAn. tows Crre' ii 3.71100191401, Fa. I ' PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE: , . Two Daily E3piw Piiket • 'Aud ALII 110411.Envii, (ExcLtrez.veLY Fos PieettooTlS,) TO PHILADELPUIA . AND . BALTIMORE,'. • Via the Central Rail Hood and Pcni'aCaual. I/40 'miles Rail Rotel, and 140 mile. Cong. TintoS-16 Fare--.4;14 throegh.. The Panay, Rail Road to pawed la day ON .o "i'ff * Gti. Jtme,) the Central Eon Bond will ran 9199 , LT ITALIA 71F1[1939.1 taro M Inman-Aden to Philadelphia. The' oar. on the above ro4d aod the - Altegheny Pottage* Hail -Road •re ell new. and of the very Oen de,3,999,11 9100 country, and nib the tocrenred qicit on the Moen. mint, r33l9mger• in ttacragh with retrench. , A Panel Ro-t wilt lean: every molting Ingot. mimic, and every evening at 9 o'clock: For Betty, Speed, end Conlon, roes' is en cidedly ibe moot ptcfetAnlo poly on ose to the E..torn Cities. For plusage or 199,99199 n apply to W WITCH, Nonongalicia ltnusei . or tr. D LEECH 3. CO, Cued Cann. P. ft..--on the In Neptember, the Contld ball Bard reel he mien m lio.edaylhenr, who P.444ttlen go deepen too 43 hoer. 1111 wait /850 ' eigE2 BIDWELL t DROTIIKII FORWAILDINO MERCHANTS, ROCIDSTER,Pi, • .i. IDeaver Point.) ' Agant. for MDWELL'SPITTSRDROHAND CENVEL . B„,n.D_ LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE Tr WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS; towing and shipping between Pittsbarb and Rnaester by steam boats Michigan, Lake. and Dearer. ' ' • it;i" Goode .recciptcd ard promptly dell . .swan platys on the Canaht and Lakes, it lb* s=weat Sbippen *ill pima dlreat foods in “ii,drrclrs C. DIDWF.LI4 • • I=ll2l=l WESTERN 111811iffi1 tOEPAM7 OF PITTSBURCIH. CAPITAL 1100,000.' J. PntArk Jr.., Ekey. R. Main , Jr, play. twat:. agrinct all ktna. of tiiku, PIRA AND MARINE." ; • ALL Imam. bo liberalry &Masted Ind prompt, paid. • • A home Instltatica—managed b Directors who ate well known in the communhy, and woo are derermln. cd by promptness and liberality to maintain ie. ohm meter womb they have assumed, ar orcrinr the beat protection to Mae who neslre to be Insured._ Limacrois—lL Miller Jr., Geo. Sleek, L Duller, N. Hoboes., Jr., Win. B. Holmes, C. Dawn, Geo. W. Jackson, Win.. M. Lyon, Jae. Lippincott,. Thos. Y. Utah, Jew s M'Aaley, Alex. Nil:nick, Tbos. Se at. Orris., No. On Water street, (warehouse of hyena &Go. an maim, Pittsburgh. ' ' me:dir Pro:panda for Building in Bums Bridge on Plan •nroot. SEALED rroposalall'bc received by this Mader snood, onnl rdatuiday,itm 17th of August, at 111 PI, far famishing materiala and Building a Simic !Wide over ihn Canal on Penn street elm, for lion Rail mg for 8441 bride, Plant and. eettleationa ortilbe ea- Melted br R. E. bietiomen, t^ R. 11., al bir came ; ma tho emir of Tenn and linad streets ISAAC JONrIll; • Chalon. orenmindtec on Aquedatt is Canal: PillAityrghi July 70, leati.—auglolul A CARD k NOBLE are now Seselsing now y rtop 1101.11, ilrbleh 111 of comity; qualtty. • That can no•w fa rn eh families with (man nous... Ail Went left in Inc hoits will be promptly intended to. ,WILaIAETN *. - NobLE, _l77l:dtr Coy 1111110. CLOW:MITRE!. 11201 t WORlttlt Ganeerter, N. J., warty opponfe . Philad lI'HE subscribes, baring made attentive alletatlone j_ In thra . adt, am now prepared to reeeinterders for all tiros of STATIONARY sod MARINE EN. tiIiiiEs,IithIrERSLOCOMOTIVESSUOAR MILLS ma avert deseripuon of NULL, Wolf .. • r rs . Alto, enters for IRON and GRASS CASTINGS eandned with ddroatch. IlarAß tenured the valo•hln serrlees of Mr. Peron) Mein mon. Superintendent, fut.) du been for lire' ycllft imentan In the Iron WOlll. of John Walelneen, nine the V alenn World),• Raltimore, and for twelve years tapernaendem of the Mohawk and Hadron and the mod Schemed.)). Roll Hondo, N. 1.) they furl nor fident d. all order. entrusted . to Mere be Lannon.) elteamml. lissia.•el, • ate eels° Wharf is Rant of their Worlrs, it will shard a sate h•rbor for all Ch.M. of steam 0005e.a that may require repairs during the veinier.. 13. ht. J. tl..alTEll' Oinneemer. July .I.l.lF4o.—i)36lltWadatl GLairlyoßlll. A. & D. H. CHA.MBERB (Lan C 11,11.21.14 Weald respectfully Inform tie iuiloaiers of the late Ere, oe also lito public generally,. that they will tontlaue maeaftetate or . 'WINDOW °Lass, vzeze,awriims - to all Orly airfoil., at The Old &sod, Ito I 3 Wood sitilhattyeut Fyitat. 'Water; innawai , - El A GLEI . 0 LASH WOEUXH.; • ' JOSEPH D. ABELL, ',"' • • AiltAxorAcruartc or Mori GLASSWARE, OA'%l. 114nICP, arid Flasks. roner, Scotch Al., Idloerai Water. Putout tde W dlelee. nnetVioe. Hordes of nynry deeerlittloo;ralso i INDOW. CLAES. Rieps earls Rutty on hood mature assortment of the abort *laid.. ALS9 brATH, as, the ales Green Olaes Fletottes are au. riornn,nn is o n in ..., in 'roomer, 11,4Pac HAT koW In nal. OPlLlUTion . ,nnd wlll or,orloor, an ppentlinti Intlalintr limit *Mtn , Orders remedfoliy foliated. sad *LH La Ailed oaths Ward °ow, No lid Seeondlatraet i . bemoan Wood nil Health bold Off, Plngnltnk. jolta.aly IFIWENTL...4.-40 brio on baud and (or eireTriar ,• YHA • • • • PHILLIPS!' 511 ,-- 1 0 ens IA store sod for We by ENOLLSII6 lAENVIT • --- .: - ::::-' : : 1 :1 -1 ::P ,-- : - .W . :'-t - A.,:t.E0 . . - ,., . 7 PATENT: :, DI7S:: : ' , .S'.4S.It. O,VIIII-, 4awrign THESE DIES Itariog beets adopted &alb:highly apprenred in all the pt and Philadelphta, are new offered to manufacturers, ruaChinists, dip tautl fidence, as the moat perfect article In we orOntillr. Their superiority over any other nit* heretofore used, .eonarsts - in Scant., whether V Or . sctuatax thread, by I:t amper:sing overtire Iron to diem, or preriaut piiparraeon, as the dies cut the thread out of, the solid tom,. withr.t in their greater durability, rapidity, and. peirection' of wmkt . and m the ir siio to get out of order. , . Certificate'. •Paturnaltuy A 05.17, 'PM This Ls to eicrlify that Ire have pantared from P. W. bna this tlght of lilt üblo_patent Din tot cos ting boltc sat opinion, Eittertite. tip, to alty otSero wo aro ago In ointe4 to t the papaws of totting bolts: • - P moms co: v ' Pa'staseurine k A. L. Revise had P W Gone Peteet-Dhse us fn ens establldar eel for vie lad else monde, foe setting ,- . ;_the, ',lee can in every doted deeihtnehd then In 1 4TITIrsrgn:ple7g7==it u lrUi seat. chreyer Wen an 4XE ethers an t i+ la Ides , Penttitltrke,Pe.... This le that we An pna rented ten right woi Ind edofted fa car !moans, P W Witeif Pa. tent Screw Cane; which we higlay •oporeff• of. !Pt e cam do much mom tort, and to believe It wII sot- Pm. io fl.mbilifY mod mettle; at moth - 11. CIOTIC=7 of labor, soy diet known to ma • - • MORILI.9, Weiss a 11011218. Pirst.itswia7Fi4i day, If 48. riat• You, Aug. 10,18111.. Baying stored P. W.Gatet , t Mean (or rat ting bath wo Cato pleama dm?. it ram than atanreil am expectations, and oar, to, towu• tiou hl gmlog it go our °Onion, that t elotisl any other Ow In present %so (or 101400 bol,o. I • - " •-• T P SECOIL • - . 17 •k zies” km mixing We. P—W. ° w e. 4l me.", ? Ven n them is Teri 0.1.M11%,,,,,, them b. tr IPlilmr t hlrg„tos quur,al et ugeeao— ble to every dn . a obrims . to Cu, m c cnonc li, oupw !A CO ! cmea. ,, , MST 1°411.' Ounant Onyx: WiNtinaToi' ittt I have rorrbated rW. H. ef.:,U for the ulthea ewe', Ite een ST; nge areerue• toil PLGTIB.6S, LoT. tratim6. al , • , That Ingo continoniew g ood St dot= t and Lot, on ankh are .1 good Stable nod • - Carriage Llano, being the ' property of, and loon tee nuideO /11 to Jane Ma: {en, anima Wobatof et, bear tired& strew. fox ulnas, apply ro, • 61 U LOWILLI3 myxdtf - • . ' •OP Wyrie ',- • HE largo three sou Brink WareLata, on - aelow rem sneer running from avatar a puss Slfool.oll relllPlabiE WEIS, Pollll3ll4ion (inn lame^ labtGtf -- -- F LORtiiIZ: YAIAiIi.ILE RUM. ks - rnaz oct rLIN T FOR en.r.:—A . Lot or Ground eltantnon Penn Meet, bnrieno. Bal. and Mugu" Emu, adjoining the hone and lot now onceigied by Manta Fdarlidn, having a njtikt of:3 feet, and in depth. Oa (ealogiii be soig co favorable Winn Tule ancieeplionable. , Quire . LOOII . IIS,CIi 114 WM WAMIL erpry itilegtatzty catty to* I 114• • RWE soltscrtbars pdtt tarsals' artinizb•ro o°l4 La% smote la titsEsocat WanUtronttn• [to Common mond, ott eau tenst. Inquire eV: • 41f.tY.IL It9llllMte - Atty ikriaw, St C CYO' ' o wt f7 • • ',(ILLS, Wahl, Pawn,nwalliat Hawes sad Lof.4 Inaaisprowdbas/iitiglidsuz thaw., of Ilaistroa, KW: Tc, ..,and Garda drama, ad liarusakdiairi tawaj !!td., lUis 'LW Irdio faar of WI. Ottsadha taeareldrat r.f rionalcarilag ;Ws B. P. hkar, Kiln Drama Cans Idemdsr. , Jhetsiaf daiathasi .Ind avl Cod. Ihrtary .itkiaa) opiadh., for Br , mho ors. • r , also, a 'at of gram! arch rahith is meted a larii oa sibrandal wel ooiu Idassltor Um*. of laws and efiek, two danierbigh,vith Dm* Lathan, Wash flowassil Dela Uonh E. Tress, Barnbbard, Ada., a rer7 rlasiralis cavalry midair.. Mao, about tuns, Ids Inds -Hine. "af brick, firma. &a -cetera. (Wslmhof &War std. has Ow v d thlw r be sitsdad. Moodo lots • • A:3O x 5 'War ku, anitariovid, col sonahle for =it; Minafarwrita, 4-g.. wing tin required mina foram for au dioary. Tim *WI-groin* Waist rata, Lou,- dawn rigi /lowa sod Low antaitwlini Wint tEa WSW. of now' , Tar, Wa kO k tawny few of Us whole schwa 54' ths Whoanillio with a fall Um of Wool CO foir, unboot nog Win 'bow, fallaton ran Nor Wichita ' Wort /Wow bolo, The Ohio van Pania.,llairroid C. .ocatinaathan of tha Not. &WOWS Craw klulan.ra NUS. . Wish) rams the's& U to Wo labia and On fir Sirost, liatoich the grail lo heat Gamer or th. U. 8, 141.1. Wait won wake Wassrlallario-Beirisatar for Wioariaclifillr. The owl from Ohio la Wit I.alwa Woo puma airmen of it. itho , a taw of SOS Awns of Una onoricotiocilia Fans Bram, io.toinWc inn lows oadi-of. • vitt of Ma ~Cwaiti to Krle and Cie window' Wu of tha rail no& • Tho .riaso rte. 4 rivp, Pinsboribrii Clash's( poem ai l Mon than WW cleared natal kw*, wiT leral,•niii• at tain. far AI, Wow. and Gordian riailriihaadarall wilco and • V.. 4 craw owl tr....Wi1l b. wit. in wish! orko ovaiition w wit poincharrien Shoos MA Of SECI Mc r of 1'tAe toot ofinw top WO. Warr by' aid: winnila a; WO .I[lh.bibrielkoliaa man wt. Jag wattiewasnha Whin and how. Itaiillistrn Wool ale Ipae:d_.Tlbo 0,0. attar 4hl sto. 4 , Fruin. km. 0 4 !Whir .Tiia Welt port of-Won a... 4 •io •irrti Wein astlinr of spray sad ircal iswrisoi ;Maly/. niiiionnaLisir warn. online( 011111tIa4r, toll aril tzar, in ;a`ria ii " win ishal4rAn gatmtbtw to With Ike' antquilio4 pow, jots:W.lnd Ile.* gaiicrii'phirslpwitwa, it vtain, inostuoi ii rainy Wore rapiiillistrWis amass) athir pow of! is 1iin0,..W.113 of giOnibd , giggeg.iii Now 4i . ignicag;:inl of dig towing path - ,.1b. Oiiat &MOW], on Wt.. , Ws WOW. don WI gall. gen Oarcguall Leos! AlI (hit rroperty utsaindolly aitnats!, itiatmethy coal, Inc ito2 Laz snd • . 3 " f. " " .°b " and V loarm Thowinal „which mows Li, laud. ornminawatoos tho Ohio iiiwi =a.k.a. Lai d 6:a ad Cleidud; owl I. tiOa'a wo4 Pitths. U. limed, now 'ioalisoingto ormainelloi, and which rowri tbroomh mown of it, will low it wiiloim so how or lor Wu aril/4=llS ood mow U wid fhrumj6lt lhasrealdrodefpasinnaypto o dote and toerthisilize from nos Pmtinill Waal. • radar on.; m nminoi isforc oa/wid o ,far ofbzaWM k ow lib odmis ;am proßoo'lwlM nnatb,po poas s Mo 1 nfof of malowitlbo rotoicoablailit el'. • 'iitoitwit Vol. foliar taistielamm ion*. of ,tomoia ao4l'l'l!ty Vorrri'lWCZA. riS o • • ' at Lim cad Eatido Agra* : I. . Forit7 Pitimiosonlit CARESNOBNEA APV/e ll / 183 " 017 4Tr' I)T & AIUS IIa&VSAY.Co I VOMPOzz td:=O ; nmee en ....Renleno, suit ill zones basis; z pfomp PRAMS, • 14 11E}110CiltilT, J. ISA ASSISON„ , ATIOSS= AT LSATI:. - t OIEO STATE COMMISSIONER Ibr taking , aniezn.Acknovelizlgmensa of Deeda s ta. War-Fourth dozn...hoze fezehnele. • Plet w ab . ua s h o lla 0 11 : 1 1 1ZrzSe• ei"A6I7IIP.REF 0 P nueW r olt so ?Mutat area, De;wcatt Vutran4 gteoas, Pit.bel " . ' ;-; LlFeTsttegriAlViTalWEW.- mann yr. mammon,' - - ' .iwalTalinaluaart, • W. PUIMIIraIL'IIAD. tqENERAL COMMISSION and' Fdtarareinz Mt aunt sad Fryoar Doaleti, , r.d. a_rkta mach l . adelpata. •• - • , 13Z L azololl3 A — Cidrak. - Wonnt.. ti~FA AND WINE tdERDDANTaI t can NNW of din • .:pc no en TaeeDn qaade..•" 73- do h _... I 03 Low pActa,dammed, at Intealar Teaaara cat kept at thin alai:4l4mm'. • ' •-• ,•-• • •• .271 A BIDWELL ,CO., • ...'• sportw A.R. Di am.- aro umur (situ's, FairP Poet Oftax). Hanna perattmently loomed at .titta_placo, a owl and oulistatulal Wharf !loot, we am prbpired to ro. odes and forward promptly to all yardarm dha and randy and linaveT or 14ido Canada. ....RAC°. litortow t Juno . t Cleveland, Mira Yvon sad . Plltiblarigla , .14eleirraPhCozarta7.: IN pursuance ale resolution of the Dona ef Mite+ dors of the ,Cletreland4ANVerme and- liadmargh ILleitrorn ComPanyttenoestlng the Secret:style mane oat and es-agora be thesewwesppepef. Noot .the line, an exhibit e( the finaneial end Other tlgaha thiegampany. Louth:nit the following Eleineftw. - ' • The lit. of Telegraph eammerteesMClenelatd dad terminates el Pilabuctbiepseing. - - dough - .Cbagtin Falls, srstolain, Newton Mgr W•nt.Oicurtgo.r4 and Lowell, in the State of Older and how Castle and 'ilenheater, In the: - State of - ItennurySranitti at' whnth paint& - there rue Wanes belled , for the rettelptte4 • transmission of Insinesat , • . • t•tt . . • The -who. length ef. the - Due 1310 =Um—Capital Swett test per mule, mating a semi dapital• sleet' of 622.110,af whicalmOlint 1140,0*41 to by , elalsesta Comic thethte, and the balance is-held oy Cornell 81 Speed, the emnrseterA .The above ;amount of sub! icliy4Ona by [MAW,. have-been pall to t:ornelf_ di Speed, for woke the Trainees have U.S. receipt.' • Jeletdd . • JESSE/ISOM SeontaTT brgioriCe liwao CIA! . ignment t bs - • ISAIAIrDICKET A'CO 1 - I ItiI:ORICE eases $ 1:1I uoul wet. 14 jeti . A FAIINESTOCK A Ca. : 1 ,7 1 . 1 .;Tr , t evAlletimay Clipper aud ter rCa by te. pH...HAVED in eiThlas-2 casorircap 1.41 vinsi - galleried, put teed tOr rate' try Ise . •• • • wx.vtfretarKii*:6ci,,?, t muzd , eekbnird,.untl .I_4 bp bpi a I ra te b 311.31. smedyytt tor sibs br ji, & Cf.l yaYaTioyartiei ; lemvuo co,' I loran, biriutt.M.MY—tiu tifilELTifificete.E.F¢J ayll's S'y Lump, just tett roe 461 e by • 'fr n , . •• re IIIILLEII t ItICKETY.ON TANNEK4'I.III.7.2O otl. • • btio Itar Orkeid,ll2l4' reed • ell life KICRETSON b,tit . S do do eic .do .111 cool A. CaarSillory ‘ qtr' inst tool tOsole, by : . INDOW OLArr, fite xr 'ironed vrts recd for salcby (j 1 • ' N.& W RILTIRAUOR r.••••••••••••••- l A LRD-10 kep Oral ; tete3q3l slut fbivale 36. StoffinMa l3l l - =NRINNMI rL-401. lawl6 3 idulerca +; JTaO JO DILIVOTA .cit Iflee node, the Onflfieision P. W. G&W "Patent Liel forme:so • . on meta!, they having been Died , In two of the taiga arsenals, and found. ttkbo en Out and ereellent. .; e. E&I.COTT, CoL i Btralun or Patna arm - • Sues'• - 1 .w .cnz„. Gates' PeleTted. Imp ore oma,Eept t' ment for cut ting armors en metal to be a v minable one, I bare, by antberltYtf the Honorable. Pe eretarj of the Navy,. manual of the Attorneys Wile Patentee, Wm. si. Seovillo, end Statuel hlosree,•.llsO,, the right to matt . •and ink said Improvement Dr the 11. B. Navy.'' ' • JOSEPH awrg, Chicfof Ibtreaa: Patna ilroby • Bittfalci Works. Buthiter Res se k Ashley, 'Rochester, •- genial ht Co, Gloucester, IC • Haywood /F. SnYtlekflelusylklll Cenral: Birbeek. New York:- • • Hogg k. Delaretner..Pliciaz.” • H.Y. Denham. P.Co; Hewlett; DestmeadCo, Monument Notis, Detil Van Came, Rochester; ' • • Mott is Ayres: Now York; •• Wort% do; • PeoseMattoty, West Paint Foundsyr • .• No -1= & l ' • nt I.r hasnittioleaV Lowell Mar.htn 'p, Lo and Ne* Pirtha nnej entenskean 1 5,1 4' ;aneLester ri II; Lyman h. Son. he, lentil Baum, acith =Gout , 4 • •: rverp: . . No I Mae ret.iilles k. tips II 4 k/lO,Pit cos* Noll. te . -8 .:i 40 .-Ito le prmo tr.Xi NOO ''do ' 0 .• do I ' :, .. 110 I e pr/orft gm; Al( odes iiddremi4 to?. W . wooly .C.O.Leogo,r). 10. llllrsotl, Now Yotk, E. ll.ltarsholl t , Co. PIA, deT hi., 1.44 11. IT. &Orilla 4 Soo., Cak 1.,p, r, m e . '. Imo Tapp, oridt or wand mulches -for uolucttero, . will moot mitts prom p t pt • i • ..' • - V.....); Ma 3.10 W. I. -. • ... ; -, 1.4:00m MEDICAL T 113,.. Nl AtAttTlespecttitly niithitheee tbi ji eitlzetui 91 !Mature., LW he hp: pm:seemly; bested himself to this city', fur the pqrpose of-rthaa titiegAllediate tad Eimer", 16 /DI Its various bra nth— 'Aix Meets en reurth atcOet, Nolar: Riiidene, No 27 , essne, et... , :t 02 j uie. •Ms.iimia c ar maactotrer , 'um Mci I ru7y * . • Ante* and, maidercei Car' the she. te, rt. oe, ie Marschtmer,, AmMeMat 1T above 'Ma U. IL Martha ' • ' • ll'idle./ $n ParAlcat TGREEN NI. D., lOthietty , Pad ig.delphli, and ,ilare of New Lthhon,l:Aro. Wei ',loam* nouneing_that ha has Ideated ' blmi elf permanently m Pittabortai;lor the parlban Of : pact:ant thc,vanno• branehta Of fderhethe arid PtirgerY.' Calla pronmOy attendedlo at all horn* of the day and night. Waco and reaideneo No 141) Third Ore x t,petarcen thiuthficld Bconalacza—F. Stanterttirq.., Ronan; P. Kay, Bookactler and Statather, cod atteati A"ennedy, Apothecary and DrAphd, Penn 1 . 1521y_ _ . . . D,41411.8 fliClo4ll !P,AIN EITIACTAB. 22 111 S never Wang PiiiiiDeAtTo)et - ivad icruun'eare Gar atal,Ls, Sc. Ir.laosed Eyes, Brdises, lufistumatory lihromagsm, filareltings,Sprains,Eore Mpplei.,Bloken Emus, Nail •Ithezus, sad Eutetirale, uner, and all eutageous and 'lnflammatory climate., ,• L'i NSW BIIVgLOI!EAND tOIXO.OF =CU _ . ENLARRED WREN: CAUTION. VArtmtertditsofDiaLLl.VS Exnincrog f. tr.:. OLD *urn= diod the market , " bees Mendes yes would poison: I By baying the snide in the NEW DRESS you avoid the danger of -Mg imposed upon by coon tenths are cc menial getting-the (Amuse ' and gem, .remmer, neer alter cent en the average. • caution SO Dealers. , Grose IV poution is practised open Duelers, by on. ~ , -.P.lliz.r,,,cra. 2..4:67,6, ghentrrar•a_efle boles of Mewl:Line In each ems, sa d Mes ate; it Davila id a related ghee Tat tarn eeb,.-bes teeny dealers; hut Jae Goading, innocent. consrunnei - who tr.. the sPmteas article, pays the penalty! deems, hero, , esitly scars and molts resulting trammel*. hems meatols or series sod, than ItIS of RN , t.cir, Came INF SA lateeeStleg PaitteeLlars Glans al . the mew seeerely Dann end intoned rarer as at the late and , disastrous IJARLIE EISEETIX PIOSION in Ne*Sork.sydl shortly be pot:dished. Iliad (be NEW MtVELOPhN4ho LAWN, WE- N'S. and my ALITLiuRIZED ADF.NTSf l „ ~ RP 'S,. tho New Circulars Or leSit. , Nark the symbols on the new dream—the Triangle, Se rpe nt!e nt, Lion. boa,ua iaoe Dose, ad Eseef and 11, Delitl'n , 10""A trriuto vidd danger end Pant. and bay Dallsils4Ex. tractor ant, in LE Y ,th 110$ end 1111.11610.11. • J • IL. MALLE4I.I Itroederey, N., Yotk. "31X111( t Semerann, Allegheny General Lod Whole. . I; Wst Winn, ARent; rittihnter;6 J k w ~,11,11.0.-I;ke names of Dealers is procure th e • 141`4111111. ASX lititt. C[0.111.41110../14 propuato4 4.1.- uir 0r.t. 4 .6 4 his aulladtircti egetals,mill be psblishmi Le '(llkril ra t as aji'al4to4thapahueta •=of r. - Titottiiit - • • • Istssiori Haftllisibu e . 11,0116SVP8 Mb-111/U,Ar Ar!irioxinOr LarPreVally melte* balibe attention w aznaiiviii awes or Perfumery, goater, Roman iarlortneb. Silver aria two (»Idea !lactate have. within tpa lan atX yews, bantam:dad by Ike .lanlitaiaa of iNcia.lforly,Roitott, and 'mt.. delpbto,tho latter being Oa only Golden Medals ever. awarded for yoriturinry Slier la Europe.otyip dile country, Itoressito LreicitiLlsee , Siurtio Comm, tAlitet. Yee,ana• aotbreniaLy-ondeerzetly'enkrualed be sexton to any Shoeing Cream' to this Tint or , °Lau:mass sea Ennvob—Elestalfolly transparent, and. posscosing Jogitly stapeaureoes and eminent aropententgeoenaroortCytopoundi-Melibrohntighbay. Lag Toblett.lttobtary Illanynig Soap.:. g• • • ncronnsaTolumbonro—itlatoadillose,lllllkheitrs, BouquesPistachle, hlusk..lnehunty r inaulaus: Flew- • scic.Trunsparsatt,Uhuo 011,11indsor, lard Cirealubern . ham linnala - Low.-Itose, , ,Tactun, , /3otaptat de Catollnei lletautturOulny Lind, Wawa bee, jockey SlK;nolia, Clematlte,‘lhnonelle a[asl¢.'►dd many at4tervarkuea ,> o all Pi.37.lk6.SmPt TaLT7 Wager,tatl ' de Togette, - Orange' Flower Warr, and n great yatinty at C • IVerad Lo;render taocail. Alltrutta (.111.ittugentre, tau 0 1 17.14e,'Cosn• pound (ghlattoor,:tbtir Llyte„ liquid and In gawder, !ma I.44w.e.,_Etnanltte, and Jenny Llad You ste,%. Mental-as Pasr ILLYlo:l3.—ltslastaio EiLlltc_Sase Teeth Pow, Cltarttest Dettlaihno, thiertnne,T'otrth Portb,and Tooth ?pater:, '7 , Caalcanes—Yethla Ceitcebe Altuainbie (cremated hurl ' Cold .CYreneur hetes. Clul!h lo 3 e Puree, Lip Satre, Perry Crum, DeptlikuirY Powders, for rensoileyraperguousbair. Pout roomer, Vintagre-dellonge, Aroreare Viergsr, • rietebia Malt Cotaporrtion, Preston "galls, bosadrs gruel ven i al , of olbintertielehtno tateertus to be namedd The oubseriber .bores to the , repttahnn arialeh iltts establishment peas, quired, by dtspettng ogniablng but Ara rote &Weltsand •Soll be happy vs 'fdrnlihthese who o n mishits to:rental:l bier, ettbnr gorbolosale Cr retail, on MOMS terrines any et- Lublletwent tu the United bastes. Baceestot and fender Director of the Labenatet-y ICULMtittIIOUIRSEL, Mrid' b oo priee l ha .• n nthel untrytee y a11t. io :. 1•017 - =l=3lll _' Mr.33.5_ 1.11. J.Clonia; the"Weelesele Grocery ouza..rroduee lialinessi the style or tho ss rill be A: Colf,ortsoss . 1 4 5 / 9MBERITa'" . • • A. citioistretj crow. nt vulmiaxso aiolas*,. I 7 rItIOIAL^.4LE GROCERS. 04 tikttenttasich Miry chttms;..thitteks .Prettoge.; mutt rittstatrgh ilanttliteturvi otzuclel93l.4bc,rty 4t, rittabargh, Pa. ADZ: NV • 11, TO BILIVOBD c• , V Bleu; Mute &Intim .r vine, e,_ by daylitt B to Dinabefland, andidayddt Dada Anal Dd. Salad Inßedford—Fad WS -Alas,. a end lewd ow. aloe, eimulam_Wt... td *app, sisd Fndsys sh a s , lL . J 14; O. fir &glands' Road &God into ni Stagapi. .44.;►andyntettest on tidP ;lliamrie - . D l, ie £ o ' o 4 in o s 6f MaAmend. ss they apdaf onieagsof. teas. Indian, and Edaidanz sande% dionepuladin r sy Daniel Drake. Nt.41... Jut as anditoraals tip , ki1 , h1131,14A. • 1 , hal .1" r }TOOK. OF - ElA11011AEVY• la AWES A C . :EKE : AM re:MA.l7.9Eswatt, >wort - JUL' N oir York:lifer In dee Ste ftllowino swot, virt. ,ziomoo ft c,••O Vetch* (rem lit 310 petit; • ~ .4:uto loud:owl Stook, Wilkins...taw. • LI Rnp . rn d or v iemma 4.14, , tra:TEol7l72o;fit7rittgLlg; Ito: Sul, la liolarGil tuLliornor citable as to WS iijrse as dm Lawlor., Enders ptonapo. EOM canton Pocked. •-; ' ..111.E/WIL- A 11.140) bile Tamers' .SOO Into Twanora , GS;_ • . Ira bleu led Winterl3otplott 03; a. ..100,b14 do do lEmoo t , Ott; 4 - =O3 gulf winter Sperm 011 • /C 0 bit Sperm cotrlirr. for Wan -A '• ' ' ' ALLEN t . NEEDL.£3, - • 22 to E l Ninth Wt..• tom Philo dell Aid F RVi7Ejae-500badUrtagelkla'pieoidor • • WO has biota% • bung. Natter Yotataa2 - T, . Itoa) Peach and Tract k 1 ' Judi receded and,,a4nd_dis_b,7 11" 'tr" it " Platl44lV( t2;dloi 1101 ilentwiturtel, wl~eai ti' ~ 10 mLora and Ina ENOLISII s LE11,... _, - - ----- /I ty slifetand frriiel.q.,i.,„.. I- --- F01 . A314 1 -20 F-U, .. P E NGL . ) pa a rrt . naliQ, - - 4 "a l istols bY .. . . - . 'n .."" LITIII X WINN aTT , na; ' . - . 211 G - .._. • - OP t Sae gaaltp ea& Deasllkl aylzaselliniral at Mat&of %OWL ... NOV . IIY & BURCHFIELD aaraircrgilfiT a. " - -r "." " • li7lBl AA. MASON i&COM 3 urgia EiratTX Eniad .Iri) : • • . Jonx DMO n 2.- I UIVIPEIRIBEILI bele fbillyill ag i!'” ZOll.l ' T. . , • , saiktimaquedoorlanPne.farsileby Jet e •IPAIAIi CILEY 8/A3Ol. 8 .6768—t0 •,d•. row. tad CoPot firirore ugll4 Cre-4 cartou f •d cart Otaßertisarog - tb , ) ,; - • " 4 ,BtiArrh tf,,,TIA tikidK NIELOIOOI remand • et No VI lgoarmat Alpfo4li.l!, ism ' Ptaitip9lant , _