The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 07, 1850, Image 1

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....ii.W H UT E; i c 0 .
O. WOO: , 3 , : Es. BAUM.
lIOT ZllO2ll, TKEILD . Tar DC** TO
‘ TIM lola Ol•
.....- ..-,,.....—.
Dane pa r ename.
Tri.Weerzy—--- •—••,
Weekly, sdeartee)— •• •• 0,0 7 "
Do. , o Clalet, at a reduced rote.:
RAP is OP Avvnivninusai
One Sole te,(l Clines Tamil or Ina)
one teninn• ••••• ---1111,50
One Seer re, We addid at internal. 035
Po. coo 1,75
P. 2,00
Do. three weeke•—•— 4PO
Da sec
Do. twet 7,00
Dc. three atoeues•—• —••— t.OO
Do. fear months ..... —• 1403
- Do. elz 10, 0 0
Do. ; twelve months••.• • • 18,00
lastiding Card i 0 lines or lers,) net annum• 10,00
One Square changeable atplemare (per an
num) exclusive of the none , — 4 00
For each additional square, Insetted ....tone month,
arm for each additional square Inserted ander the yew
ly rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding • eqvare, and net over
liken times, to Ins charged as a s are and • belt
Publishers not acenantable for legal *dye:name:Us
beyond the mount charged for 'heir pubtieation,
Atmouneing candidates for office, to be charged the
tame es other advertmements.
Advertisements not matted on the for a sped
led number of insertittes, will be combined till forbid,
and paymentexame I accord.. .
The pnvileges of yearly adrenilerawill be confined
rigidly to their molar business, and all other adver
tisements not pertaining to their regular liminess, as
agreed Inc, to be paid extra.
All advertisements for charitable inatitutions, fire
sopardem. ward, townahlp and other public meetings,
and such like, to be charged kialfp rice, payable strictly
Ir advance.
A:neeiagc nairml te be charged 60 Mal:
Death notices Inserted without charge,ardessaeoms
pealed by funeral invitations or obiteary make.. end
when so aecoropanied to be paid for.
Revolar misery. rs, and ell other' medial' eomm• -
aleationsor requiring notice], designed to can auen-
Uon to Fans, Soirees, Concerts, or any patio enter.
tainments, where charges are made for adasinanee—
all opticea of private associations—every node. de.
tror e t t r o teZ i erg pro m ote to
1 be lammed with ta m e o u te nderstanOung that. the son%
Mao be paid for. U Intended to be notated la the lo
cal Column, the lame will be changed at the rate of
not lea than 10 eents per lice. •
Bishop or Fiat Notices to be charged triple price,
Tavern LirensoPennies, IFS tact
Legal andddedied mnl
bresements to be charged al
fall inters.
Real Palate Agents' and Auctioneers' Meanies
mum not to, be classed under yearly rates, bat to be
allowed &mann Grainy three and one third per eern.
from theameant of bills.
legume 02 21242121ELT DI 222.2 22/1122.
One Stumm, three Insertions• ill 60
Do. . each edditionel b aertion• 37
arvarrtssmasla R 1022221 ram
Oae Sastre, (11) one tosertion•—alcus.
Do. each additional reaertion.--= "
All transient advertisements t
lo be paid In advance.
WHITE CO. (league.
JADES P. DARR & CO,CNronlele.
JOS. SNOWDEN, Meroosy.
LAMES W. RIDDL.N A. 0020 2..
HIRAM RHINE, Evening nib KUL
Prmvaintall, Dec
sous A. pantrartfionr,
A LDFSMAN, Fifth Ward, Peri street, between
,t 1 01Ian snit Wain{. Al t business prnsaptly at-
TTORNEY AT LAW-011Gcs,on Fourth street
above Wood • =WI
ATWINE? .AT LAW, and Cooonizsionor tot
Pennotrado, It. Loa* Mo.
An tormannicattona promptly nnaorered.
/ohm B. Latta
• O. Priem&
Laßosa a 1/411 END,
A jyIO.II TTOILNEYB AT LAW, Fond!, street, near Grua.
A TTORNET AT LA IV—ne.A AA Fourtil One;
becveea Struthfield And Grant, Piusburgb.
gig g oggigi pat.. ..... :William BrameLl
P ivr To at a:. saicr.wELL,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Olice le Tilghman 11.11,
Grant at, near the Cruet feta
301131 11. IL&NELIN,
ATTORNEY ar.d Coarsiellot Lam. and Commis.
Money for the State of PeansylPutm, 8t Loa*
Sta, hate of Pittsburgh.)
Hoferenea—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Samp
son & Miller, WCandlege & McClure, lobo E. Nan,
Sinew & Semple, McCord & King:
19111.1...L1XT.10ki1l S. MaIUVR.
- W. 6. WOODNVAIM.: , . .... —.. —....... u, pup Augy.
B ears, No * lt Market al, Philadelphia. ar4
Pittsburgh Alkali *arts.
TIIENNETT, DERRY & CO, Maas fanorers of Sods
.Llll A.Bl.,_Blesehing •Sers, blorisale Salphorie
Ada. Warebosse No —, Water street, below Ferry.
so•10.1y - • •
— Friii B.tann. Ueort ,
B /*UN REITF.R., Wholnnis and Itemll Drug. b ~g ll .t..aatnet at Liberty and St. f.lur streets, Pit .
• • .
soLomog _acitolr 88,
COMMISSION mencierrr,Stock and Dill Mot
sr, No 110 Second wool. map-41y
John A. Craig. • W. ho. eithmer.
CRAID & Vonranlhiz ind Conloanion
Mnrehanu, No V. 6 Markel c.Pinshanch. nIA
n—A.-IiteAnULTY & Cth Forarazdlng and Coto
Merchants, Canal Ilona, Pftlahargh,
GRANT, Wholesale Grocer, Commission on.
. Forynsrding Nerc4trit, No. p. - Water st., Pins
Ira 1i0r5ey , ,....-•Andrew }laming R. K. 0601.4
nons&v, rr.teetsto & 00..
OlfailsBloN AIERCIIANTS-For rho silo of Do.
and Calton GoOsIM aim., dealt:Tian
kinds of Tailors' Trimmings, Nn la Wood so, art,
doer from Path. Pittsburgh. - •
Reference—Al tsars. Wm. A. Hill h. Co, Rankers.
E t : a tl,7,,,tottglillfd . '":l"4.7 m " . .*. il d"P b Oet
_ward blerchanu, and dealer* Produeo end Pitts-
Innis annfacture., N0..17 Wood st.,betwonn :Id and
id menu.
Nn ut Second K riusbmt, mat
- -
HLEE, thee hesear to Pierphe & Ghea Weal:NW.
er end Chmenaissioe Melchor', (al the Bele of
AvAeast Wootetts, Meryl. oPptalta bth it th6l7
eiel.e, Dale:mere. •
Itustrom gram" irsavi,
coemerttrpt, ]Mtn a. WAflhl, S
"nr E&LD & DUCSNOR, Taw:rt., Coteadealon Mar
chants, 41 Nonh Wawa', Nunh wh h rm,
Phila.•• nerle•tf
• •
RDY, Jorms & Co., (sidearms to twood,
Jones & Co.) Cooarnissum and Forwarding bier•
chants, dealers in Pitutbargh llansfacthredWlnedn.
• W. P. eamusztet.i.,
TO saxnat. C.
PORTER S Dealer In Frenth and American Pa.
1 per Hangings and Porde., %Vindow Phades. Fire
and Print. So. Also--%Vritini, Printing and Wrap
ping Paper, N 0.87 Wood street. between Fonnh utter
and Lkaolond any, west We, Pittsburgh, P. -
01IN AGNUW, late of the inn or Mauritian, Ag. Co , would respectfully inform the old ea.
team and the public generally, that he will Nll on•
nowt io:carty on we Omen Glass baleen, in all ita
varieties, end is prepared to fill all order. for Apothe
caries. Parniture, Minerals, Porten, Viols, ac..
pertaining to lila husiners. Ilse warehouse is No SI
Mark,: wee, lo,tweee First k. Secant WI Caine
ttolltrDADDßOTreiei ° VTwat, atol o. •
er in Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils. rnishes, /se, No.
10 Wood street, one door Bela fItDiSALOUd Alltj
ettlumrth. ay{
lES DiCLICUT, Citiere - siiiii - siGeer, Con= est on
U Merchant, and dealer In Pr ean
ch d PitUbarsh
Manafactnrc No S 3 tVatanM
IA MLR LIMIT. 111011.. lattlrf, /14
DICKCV Co., Virholesale GTOCCTS. CHID.
mission Merchants, and dealers to Produi;Not.GS
Water. and 11/7 Front streets. Pittsbaroh. rio•S
lia S. Iht worth...* • . —*Joseph DO worth
T DILWORTIS re CO., Wholesale Graters, and
U • Menu for lleaard Powder Co., N 0.27 Wood st.;
pi nO. • deal,
M No; 4 Market at, three de0..b....MU St• Pitu. 1
buck, will have eon aunt on brnd a well selected as:
eentment of the beat and fresbut Netball:tea which he
will sell on the ROM reap:ruble tenni. Plualelans
sendlnit ordera will be promuly attended te. end tlaP.
plied with anieles ,boy may rely elun Cute..
Physician, Pretcri2Mll2lllllrill be aeurately and
pruared from the but statute* at any hear of
be or nicht.
Lien for into. • large steak of- Preak and geed Perla
• ff.: 11113
j D. CAN FIELD, (late of Woolen, Ohm,) Ca'mis
t.. eon and Forwarding birrehout. and sr holemala
Choese, Bauer, Pot and
Psi and Western Produce generally. Water
argeetibeween Smithfield and Wood, Pittsburgh.
Richard Ployd.
4"l,l°lll,6YD,Whelessle Grocers, Commission
blerelsams. and Deatets in Prone, Hound
Chore) Moldings, fronting en Muir.
810,,,sects, rittsoarge, ..
101 MR WATT. Imecemet to Ewalt & Ichbar
Wholes's]. •Grorier and' Commission Morahan,
21." n Predaeb
- 6. Alen{ f or
-a Michigan. Lin. tll Roue and the Lakes.—Oglee
an the corner of Water and Rtnithgeld lead
arm' fIROM Cit;.::B o_
_season Is
s!!!-!-- & !'Commission! Merchant%
Lewis Muted/on . B. Baler 80.00. y
aid Agents the Rt. Loot"
Ilant4s . smart 00d0$ MOM stsaMe.M esor g h.
3 ---. tutz„,mA.Ef,... I Wholes.
• „No of Wood street,Pirtabotl
4ss M%O Ley, offiegda
g Lapposite 51.. Charles MO, Moberg),
a nd promptly to Collections, la WaladriMMFOgett•
Mad Green conntlasi iti so. To
BiaeYMeek, Dent Co.,
'Church &Carothers, la : ""
. • U. T. Manton.
--, ..,it . ""' d'", r
I in Mask) and Musleal Instruments, School Deem
"WM Sates, Steel Pens, Quills, Priners. Cardsi and
Allookmuy tenerally.No. 81. Wood u.,ViustrunelL
--- Br iso knifit IN saga fs trade. . spa.
.. ..
N. ba Four* street, nest door to the Dank of Pittr
burgh. • mrzt-lo
E JONES. Foorardleg and Coutrubtatou Ater
eglege, Dealers b Prodeee aad Pittabargh mono
edam red anialeo, run] Bosin, tear tdrat. agog
KENNIMTI Y, CifiLDS A CO., Manafaetarem o
very Impeder 44 &noting, Carpet Chain, Cotton
Tame and /Union,
Wm. Miller,lndlad. C. W. Mattson, Pausburgh.
ILLER RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and
XL Imparters of Brandies. Wines and S•gars, Nos.
172 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, I'm,.
burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, kn. en, non.
stonily' on h.nd. ' apJ
John WGU. James D. DIVIIL Walter C.: Roe
Mi:GILLS ROE, Wholesale Groceni and Conant.
slop Merchants, No 194 Liberty St, Fittahurgh
PMEILIIO7 - 116 - 7.I4D — SSILIrO
Maas toMm, roan 1. apt...
ILT ANIMA CTURERS of orlon and blister mot,
Mg plough stool, steel plough wow, coach and clip
to gonna., hammered Iron axles, and dealers in nal
bible castings, fire angina longhand coach rpm:Lingo
comer of Ross and Front sta., rittsbtetrab,
NHOLMES d„ SON, No ad ?dark et at. second door
. from corner of Fourth, dealers or Foretell and
mesde Bills of Exchange, Ceracates of Donau;
Bank Notes and Sped*.
greoleletions made on all the principal Ones
broughour the United States. ape •
11UCITKII - 03TER,Ataaavatt—tlige — FO,
. third door above Srostafield, south ed.
es;uveynociog of all kinds done with the greatest
etre and legs! accuracy.
Tit es to Rea Estate examined, &e. 'oketly
itlEtifaforrA, 171rWOL - trirgrei,
W0.27/darket atreet.Pittsburgh, Pa, keep eoostant
ly on hand, an/ make to order all kinds of Vials,
Banks, c. Ponca and Alineral Water Boni. of tra.
petior quality.
Particular attention paid to Private bleeds.
ISillsographie getablishasent
WM. AGIIUCHMANN, Third st, opposite the ,
Post dice, Pittsbargh.—Maps, Landscapes, Dill
heads,Showbills, Labels, Architectural end Machine
Drawings, Business and. Visiting Cards, te.,ces meet'
or drawn on none, and printed In colors, Gold, Bronze
or Black, in the most approved style, mud at the most
, r easenald ones. (I.IMT.
oN tI ME. a. co.. ^ 0. te). laberty meet
'Poorolatiorilerchans, " td G dsaie% ° Pit:star/0
;Ulna. urea apl7
.61101 L 1130} trim. aatt. someeson.
R°BERT ELMORE., Wholesale Grater, Reci.fying
Distiller, dealer La Produce, Pinsbarue eissinfor
lure% an all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines
and Liquors, No.ll Liberty street. Cie han av er ,
huge stock of superior old Monocgaliels skcy
which aril} be sold low for ash. royi
L. I- VMS.
REYNOLDS A. STIES Forsrardmi and Com.h.
slon hterehaau, for me Alice - limey Myer Trade,
yeakra In Groceries, Produce kumburich, Menefee
tures, nod Calor - Ida of Limn.
The Sieben price, in cash, past' at nil times for
country rags. Gamer Penn and Irmln eta.' WS
1400E16S DeLZELI.- & Co., Wholesale Grocers,
Commission hforstanbt, dealers in Produce and
Pittsburgh ElanoliCares, Liberty strew, piusburb,
Ps. aplg
WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding,
and COM6d.illll Meretnuo, and Dealer to PLUS
harsh Manufactures, Ho =Liberty west, Pittsburgh,a /It
eld'lion and
S Susi Works—Manufacturers of Am. H. Spring
and Plough Steel. Also—SpOngs, Axles, Vines, An
vils, tn. They invite Ma attention of moreksorts and
consumers to thsir met twfons purchasing else.
whera They warrant their articles to be ends to any
made in this etrantrY or =Pro&
a. a stociturr moa A. mans.
I-TACSI:Eir a. lv nut. Wholesale De•ters•ln
Foreign and Dantate Tay tkoats, No. Of Wood
street. Plttsowth. 941.
_ .
to and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Commission Merchants, No. 33 Water street,
Patsburgla. 14E_
erreastra.a; mcvs.sotaretayra
ELLtlitS tr. NlCOL3iProduce and Genera] Cern •
0 mission Merchants, No. .7 Liberty Erect, Pins
burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. .pl 7
Q F VON BONNIiOLLir & CO, Wholesa Oro-
Os ten, Forwarding and Couunbaion Merchants,
Dealer. in Pittsburgh hlarta'aetures and Werterit
Produee, have matured to thew new antrehottse, (old
stand,) No. M i norite, et Front street and Chancery
Lane. siol7
East tide Diamond, Pittsburg!, •pl 9
L.& W are rman• N.Watorrnan• •W. It. Waterman.
WiIOLESALE GROCERL Commission and For
wariling Merehtrits; dealer,' in an kinds of Pro.
dace in Pittsburgh Mannfacuired Antelts; an 4 Agent.
for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg Alanniartitred
Tobacco. trarl
WM. T7uBLIN, •
Butler, Pa
WILL also attend to collections sad all other bast.
TV ness commit to him In Bader and Ateastreag
conntles,Pa. Refer to
J. & R. Floyd, Liberty to.
W. W. Wallace, do
James Mars.'utll do Nttsbaren.
dly KIRT it Co, Wood In.l
liushfictd•—•---...••-Gcarga Richard.
B. B. ussisriELD & co..
WHOLESALE and Retail Realm m Grocer.
and Dry Goods, wid Commission Merehiwts
No. gigi Liberty st, Pittsburgh.
Camel DaSiII, Pesin street. Fauber. , h. mat
No. sw Market, and d 4 Commerce in" Philadelphia.
Advances mode, by either of the shove,. consign•
meets of Vrodoce to either Dense. rare
J.A Wlllining -John Haft.
J. D. WILLIAIMB i 00..
FOromding awl Commission Merchants, and
dealers in Cow try Preklace and
urns, comer of Wood and FM wain, Pit:mbar
Pi /a
Ear 29
• • • -I. 11. 110 V
111. U. WILLIAIi9 CO..
North East corner of Wood sod Third smote,
Ara Prrrsariaart. Ps.
w. n. W. 131111,1", 111/11 EMOLLit.
Wn uAGAL,Ev & CO.. Wholesale Groeersi
and SO Wood auseet.FillSbUtfh. apt?
Bono; Wean:mom
WICK Jr. ItIVANDLESS, (tactual= to I. &J. 33,
Wlet,) Wholeso Grocers,
Lo Forarerding •od
Comoils.ion Merchants; dealers in Iron, Nal% Wats,
Cotton Yarns. ad Pat•bergh Manofantoret g
ly, cornet W oo d and Water streetei riUtblrltneneral
WA e.-m3filtifektral; Wholesale Grocers,
I . Reeurylog Distillers, and Winn .d Lula.
Merv...etc Also.—Telpollon• Of Soda AXIOLIad Minch.
Ing Powder, No. lee Liberty street, (opposite Pisa
street.) Pilishargh. apt?
WW. Wit..SON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware
• and Military Good., corner of Market and
Poona strata, Pitisbarge, Pa. N; 13.—Walchea sad
Clocks cereal!) repaired. ap
TOGA;. ]t4lll MVPS.
to 143 143 Liberty street. Peelers to beaches, Hide.,
rd.curcuroN, Wholesale Grotera
dealers In PrOdeCO, Iron, Nails, Ghtn,
1./tubing!, blanafattars generally, Liberty greet.—
Pittsbusgh. juall7
111/CLIOI6IL &
GENEILILL COMMISSION MERCIMNTS. annul made on C 0111401124.10
Pk if ATTI I E W IL. N Portrait and Miniature.
Painter. Eteeraz, earner ei Post Oleo Anal and
Fear* atreeA entrance on Foarte at, near Market •
4:47..J6 Tandem, 0010111311lliIM Al•robAste.
pTO.II Old Levee et, N Orleans, keep constantly on
hand 'lama assortmentof Brandies of tha
for J.
r a tts hie
. tty seer A. o l•4l , a i s=
nano, Cognac, A de hi m
endure Jean Laids, /Mb,
. x
Bed White Wined
sub ante by John Durand
no and Sweet Ba b rgundy
1131111 P.
It Into paruserslup with
wilt from this data be
'John Patter &Co.. •
• • ...William Carr.
mshrillha OA 00.,
ars in Freddy:. Fonebyrs
Wir i t - M — tiguars, Old libinongahrla
I :27“1 Reettimi Whiskey,
No. Commercial FLOW, Liberty dm;
mac* 1 Pittsburgh,
W• 1 1 ,13 WI FALUN. IOSHVA 11•11114. • ws.i. nil I
PAVIUCB, 11.11.NNA &
(B.teman. to Rainey, llama & co.)
le Benign and Domencie Exchange, Certigeates
is, Ecuit Notes, and Specie—North ar r est
mace of Wood .4 Third sweat. Current team
c eeekreel on depoaite.-Sight Cheeks for sale, and
collections made on nearly all the prine/Pnl gods.
the United Sumas.
Tha highest proalempald for Ferelgnzerd Ramie.
M E agma made oneenalignments of , ProdaceeP
piel ast. on liberal term..
inc. a. iectosp.l. _ - IGsc , IL . 4 .°
No 256' lakrrry i itr eta above Mod,' -
Haire always eti band a lams eisotunent of:ibeico
Groceries and Pine Test:. C.a. Forays traits and
Nets, Whekssle and Retell. Mains sepplied en the
lowest farms. mall
11. WlGHT7dAN—ldagnillsetazir °fall kinds dear
woollen nualdnernilledheny city, Pa.
.altr ' a Irwin being now in lel and meets-MI vp
rsti=rf Zerknm w s;fn e rj a tn ' a tt ,rder i s l 7 l . di l i a:st
g iakz i ssmissadssa, cards, pitril i ttylet ransraLs,
tfillanab=alre l jaTcaerc s but or oattry watt,
mladOnnhs. &ad Ode and hand lathes a nd Innis in gen
are. ell
i n of *hailing made ords , nr plum
op far gaming fantasies or mills al trasaitablisch.
}MI an—kaanady. Childs • c.,almtoott,i3•ll
al op, inag, ?moot # in, graro
a KLEBER has - just received • map
alLeent7 octave Plano which contain..
revered new and highly important lib
. provmsanta. The
made e
most elegant end coatly deseripuon, and i s ut
the Boreoce site. The interior contains two unix-
Ma bridges, caulogthe Bus mrings to ran over and
above the Treble strirre—producteg at once atone .
rich.. full, and clear.. The strings, moreover, aro so
arranged es to terse a reenabung string when one
breaks, Men eseaine DO isconvenienees like that
which attends the old method of etrinelng. -
N. B ?hie being the Pm pies* of the kind ever
brought to Pittaborgh,the Profemota and Amatoura of
the city are resneetfollv invited to call and examine
it, at toe Sign of the Golden lisrp,lol Third st. jYIS
asitionruzi nt.3 la. Parr moms, in
keep eenstontly on bend or make to order the
best'artiele in their line at their old rand, No. 15 Sr.
MU. street; also: at No.fil Market street, seeondotorr,
entrance in the Diamond. Venitian Shutters mode to
'order, and old blind, neatly impaired. .00
latemtwalum,lattaz Plttalwartattsl Pa.
Ogur. W Water
rli ra t men Maths and
ood, .Psbar .• bagh.
WILL ecmstasnly keep on hand • pod mom
mem of Ware; of our own manufacture, and
reperiarquahty. Wholesale and mantry Mar
chants are respectfully melted to cal and en.
amint-for themsehes; as we are determined to red
cheaper than hesuier before bean oared to the
KrOrdere vent by mell,accoutpanled by the cash er
aod mference he promptly amended to. Tart ,
11 1 1.. A tie W rreblie j r. ' hno7t i ve ereVe d d l l atop on
L nform
acoek,between Federal and Bandroiky streets. They
are now snaking and are prepared to receive order. for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ita
=.ett, Budgies, Pharons, to., which from their
in the marinfacmre of the above work,
end the infilltiel they have,they feel confident theyare
enabled to dn work on the most re/soluble terms with
Mese wantime articles in their line.
Paying particular.
to Me selection of mate
rials, and having none but competent workmen, OW
have on :licsits.daa in worranung their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this twiner.
N. U. Repairing done laths beat manner, and orcthe
none reasonable terms ja4)-1(
. - SC ARVES . _
: 4 ATKINSON, ::
_lawszca Woo -Alm Mann, P -
e n 2NTINUE to mannfactura all kinds or COPPER,
=lib Work. . .
Steam Boats 1?allt to order. . :
Bemis] attention given to steam boat work. •
Base on beads a hue asaortment of Copper and Bias*
Andes, Ti, Wean, &c. ate. Strambetatokm, !Bores,
Penettle Fong., rations sises—a.very entarement ar-
Bele for steambaus, California emigrants, or rail road
comeanlea • • •
I ' : b ll di i th 7 b* i 'e t
adieu o alTratrrrclerandteesforn
earthman, el arwhere. . • rrIV
GLYNN, Beek Blsarlars.
WE are
of Wooltl7Mitro tke above d
streets, boohoos, Otbu Cupid
we are prepared to do say work ia nor We with ;es.
patch.. We attend to our work personally, and satm
faction will be given in rqranl to its neamesa
Blank Books ruled to anypattern and beam! Ingh
am:Melt. Books in numbers or old books bound care•
fatly or repaired. Names putty books to gilt letters.
Those that bare work In our line are Incited to rail.
Prices Wes. tarnktf
PlalKaaklne Works and Foundry.
TOUN MIGHT& Co, are prepared to build Cotton
ta and Woolen lasahlnery craven descriatlog each
as Candle e Machin_ es, Spundng Fr... 'Bleeder.,
Drawing Humes, Hallway Haunt; Warpers,sreolers,
Dressing P rime., Looms, Card (Mader., &e. Wroaehl
iron Shallot* tutted; all sires of Cast iron, Paihe, and
Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
and tools of all kinds. Casting, of every .de„eriPtion
furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Gentog,lron Basin 4.e. Steam Pipe for knitt
ing Flo:tames t Cut iron Window Saab and fumy C.
tine, untly. Orden left at the :Warehouse
Palmed: Co., Liberty etreel„wni have prompt atten
Hafer 're Slacksiock, Ben & Ca, J. IL Moorelend &
Co., G. E. Warner, John main &. Sons, PitutrarghG.
C. a Warner, Slattbenyllle. 1.19
PEE subsenler Mien foe ulo • large and splendid
assortment of rosewood andinatuuratry grand ro
man Pianos, with and wt Wont Coleman* celebrated
SEolims th
Allutiment. , The aliomi instruments Anwar
ranted to be equalto any manaracturod in this coun
try, and will ha sold lower than any hrought from the
East. F. BLUME, No Ile wood at,
2d door Maine IA
VI ..... for Ilydzetst Wattor.
THIS Is to certify that I have apt
4co pointhd. Livingston, Roggen & Co.
Sole 'Agents for the ado orient:doe's
. . Patent Diaprobpn Filter, for the eql
ties orPiusborgh and Allegheny.
. 'JOHN GIB ON, Agent,
kir Walter bPalboothereo thwaiderry,
N. 91
• Oet.lo, IR&
We have peel:ming one of the alstrre ord.:lona the
adlee of the Novelly Works for three months, on trial,
end feel perfectly *angled that It Is a awful invention,
and we take pleasure In recommending them as a on
tilt ardele to all who love pure water. Orders will be
thankfully received Ithd promptly executed.
!!tassel Brick Works for halo.
rralEsubstriber offers for sale, the sr4em BRICK
I, WORKS, above L•wreneevilln, comprising •
Steam Eagiee, 9 Boiler, n Mould Machine, capable of
mfacting Optn e Pressed Wino int of dry clay,
es a ta rt
ken from the bank,j per day; with three acres of
Ind on the Allegheny river, on which ere t tiles and
.beds, machine and c lay then, wheelbarrow, I{sic ka,
shovel, spades, fee., every thing reqnsite to, con.
reface operations at an hours WM.. Pnee, tnieding
the patent right to use said timeline, s7,olat—teams of
payment made easy. Welton the Ind, SAM. For
particulars, address HENRY MERRITT,
angv-dti No HS Morionglthela Moto.
Wrought wad Out Irtni
LE oubsenben beg leave to Inform the jittbllc Shot
they have °Maned from the Ent all the lam and
amble designs for Iron Railing, both (or beams
and cemeteries. Persons wining to proeuns
same patterns will please call nut evens., and judge
(or themselves. Railing will be famine , ' at the:short
en notice,
ace in the hen manner, al the comer et
Code and Rebecca streets, Allegheny 64..
aanitt•dtf A. LAMONt L KNOT
dent for Claw. and Itasvery of Propoty an
HAVING apent tarty a year in the canons Re•
corn Offices, National Library,. Ac., daring his
labs visit to England, in e [UM for persona
In this country, and having seemed efficient and re
sponsible Agent. in Loudon and Manchester he is
rreared to afford all necessary information a•
ice to nervous who seek to recover their proper . ty In
that country.
J. L. keeps a list of the Dusk of England Dividend
Books, winch may be examined for 50 cents, or 23 for
each letter of Inn Alphabet.
References in Roston:
C. IL F. ADA3IB, Notary Public;
mr932m JOHN W. Ea DGEWAY, Esp.
..-ISCLl.llll.Lrillii -
- NOM Improved Pianos.
3 AMVS Luxasott.
1111MCPILD da Co
Phecesson a M'Cord & Mao
natter :A,
- • Corner of Wood and ,Pift4 &nom
PRTICILILAII attention paid to oar Retail Tft - tle.
Gentlemen eon rely aeon getting their Ilan and
Caps from oar establishment of the Inn 11“111t11.• and
v.:mouton:7, of the Lam rrstos, and at the town?
Coaafty Mereitanta; vitamins by wholesale, an
respectfully Mimed to rail and examine our Steal to
we can say with eontdenee that-as regards etlettet
and MO; it will not loam Ina compuison with any
onse in Philadelptda. • ' .febl7
- -
DEGO leseroto Inform his friends and entailers that
,Efr he is Jaw receiving hri ite b. spring stock ofgoods,
comprising; sluseal, all the newest and moat &Wea
sel. stylesof Cloths, Cessimeres, fancy Vesting% cot•
ton and linen TOISITOCT arias, lied every article suitable
for gentlemen , . wear for spring Oedema:met It being
impossible to &writes the heattry,uuslity, or Aaantity
of the stork, the proprietor hopes all who are in went
efitood, cheep, fashionable. and Avail meth! Clothes,
will give him a call, es there is no dock tate aide tri
the Alleghenies-that compote with It: '
The ready made department Is very amends '144.
led to all tame.
Ball road contracture,' country merehan end ail
who purchase largely, arriparticularly invited to ex
amine the ,stock before venetian& as partieulu
utmost is paid to the : wholesale badness in thie estsb
fishmeal. , ,
Beery aniele in 'the tailoring line made lo g In
the most fashionable mid best mariner, at the . honest
- -
trim partnership heretofore cabinet ender the Arm
i-or A d O fiIIADLEY, la dissolved by the decease
of bine Bonney. The beide.* will be earned ea by
A Ihadliry, who will mina the badness of the late
A rm.
REIUOVAL--A Beams, has removed his Pound ry
Warehouse from Piot In Second stremito . No IP Wood
atreet, between Pim aad Beano' etreets to the ware
house lately occupied by 0 A Hererrwlem he will
keep constantly on hand & general asserunent of Cost
ing/1,0nm., burree, Cooking Motes, de. • jytb
No.!! ACT
American BllsuoST STEELAlandscr—Des
Cast Site Ellis, 44.11 Macs; and Blacksmith and rho
I st nil=tl,va nd
d. for g ,"t :
otica in lha Iron Store of BOLLNANS
SON, No 4;foot of Wood street, Pitoburgh.
mr.O-dim •
• •
• 01110 IMAB.
We, the mdereinted, having seed. With retire eat
&faction, the Cut Steel and Piles made by Baltpe
hicKelvy, et hie Ee_ale Steel-Worka,lo Ode city, teb
pleasure in tee/maiden:4 them ea ogee!. quiccin
.y ever need by who( forelaiiminiffeeture.
Pitueorgh, March 12, 189&. ,
• 43 &!-#lB/10ENBERGER &00
Alattereeutrioi of bon ind , Nails. niteberge . , Pe.
• • • :KNAPP &20TE.1.N.
Iron !midden anblitaelsinlets, Plitsburip. Pe.
• - COLEMAN; 71+111.144114&4. 1 -4
Manufaantrersof aprings,./xles,
eSpringts, fiLeet rh md
Riv P
Whl Pi tta AßEllbaua, Pa.
& .
Engine Dallier* cod rohic.Nr. Card Mentrete.
prat' ider Pittibirgh, Pa.
&RAP, Lolosav a co,
Nterefeetiltne of It.. .4 Neils. Pittsburgh, Pe.
jAetrigatireEngt. and Ship Belteler.Piusbargh, Pa.
Marble Menefeetarrer, Mania.* end Engine
:* , ; or. Pio... h. Pc.
- . . - LOsT, •
A PAIR of Go l dSpools c iao, nirponeA .to none
p4 . ouel n 00d..... , a r i1.tiT ,y_f Ilakmetl,&
morning losiolt No:iirvg:= on
• L
L RANCE COMPANY.--oAce North Room of the
Exchange, Third wee. Philacleiptill.
Finn lanuoica.—Raildinga.blerchAttdi.i.d"i“
Propene, In Town and Country, insured option loss
or .age l.y fire, at the lowest rate of premium.
...El. I =ounce —They also insure Vessels, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastals. under open or
nOnnini Polleica, as the assured may destre.
Delano Teatororranotb—They also tonne merch
andise transported by WsgronA Rail Bond Can, Canal
Deals and Steam Beats, on niters and lakes, on the
most liberal terms.
h It Scab Edmund A. Bonder,
John C Davis, Robert Dan, Jam R Petinise,Sama.
el Edwards, Geo G Leiper,Edward Darlington. Isaac
R Davie, Wm Falwell, John Newlin, Dr R
Jas 0 Hand, Theophilas Paulding, N Jeers Dreoas,
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Senill, Spencer
Melia'', Charles Kelly, 0 Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr
Thomas, John Belton, Wm Eyre, Jr.
Hugh Craig, John T Lo an.
R1C1111.311 & Nmoratm, Peel.
11:7- Mee of Me Company, No. 49 Water street,
Pittsburgh. MADEI Agt.
Life wad Malt& 11•111,1l10..
TUR Mutual Life and Ileaith Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legisthisre
of Pennsylvania, March, 1548. Charter perpetual.
Canital s lllooAo. Ram bow. nun WIT PERIM,
Varna Coallarti, and full per cant. lower than the
mitigates of Life. /wmanince, as the following com
parison wilt showl Tape, a person of the age of 30 in
euring for SIPA for life, must pay in the (limed
England, R Now ligh3G—
Peansl i lvania. SIM, Peen Mental, =el: 1, 9uiu . , b1. 1 ,
Ve1, ' 1025. 1 7; Life and Il
Diascrosa.—Samnel D. Orrick, Charles D. Ha, W.
F. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P.ileyea, M. W.
Baldwin, AL Ai. Reeve, M. D., Chas. 0. 11 Campbell,
Lew!. Cooper, Rodman Barter, nll.lltuder, Edwin
R. Cope. Preeident—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi
dent—Robt. P. Ring; Secretary—Francie Blackbartie.
Applieations will be reccived.and every information
Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of
cwter-dly Wood and Third we, Pittsburgh
Ttu3 INSURANCE CO. of North America will
make permanent and limited Insurance on pro
perty in this elty and vicinity, mid en shipmeeta by
Canal, Rivers, Laker, and by Sea. The properties of
thil Company aye Well invested, emd farniah au avail
able fond for Me ample indemnity of all persons who
desire to be protected by leollranee.
mylB WM. P. JONES. ' , amt. 4 4 Water 81
Fire sod Maris. Insuramee.
THE OFFICE: of the Imaraneo COmpany of North
America, has been removed to No. 141 From st
east of Woe..
The mbmnber, agent for the above old and Tendon-
Mble Company, and tune Solinter on Cotldlnen and
theta content., and on shipments of Marchand ...2 by
Steam BOW and Other vessel.
rpne Second Session of tlils Institution, mder the
J, care of Mr. and Mrs. Goanoart, for the present
academie year, will commence on this day, Mooday,
Fcbmsry 18th, in the slime buildings, No. GO Libeny
Arrangements have been made by which they will
beetle to furnish young Indio. facilities equal to my
In the West, for obtaining • thorough English, Clonal
cal e and Ornamental educanon. A fall course of Pht•
imphical and Chemical LAC UM. well be delivereJ
durum the winter, illustrated by apparent*. The de.
of Vocal and lustruutentsl Menlo,
a, Drowleg and Panning, will each be under
theeare of& competent Prams.. By olive attention
to the moral and intielleeenti improvement of their pa
pile, tbo Principals hope to merit a continuation of the
liberal patronage they here holier. enjoyed. For
terms, me circular ar apply to the Principal.
&adorn and Antique Furniture.
133, Tem Sr, Ftrrrsercan.
J. W. W.
Respectfully informs Oa
cradle tkai he has com
pleted Ws spring stock
FIMLNITUREsthe largest and most sorted assortment
sore offered for sale to this city, comprising several
seas of R0.Z3V001:4 Msnoasnr, mut Duce lVstsster,
carved, ornamental end plant, suitable for Parlors,
Drawing and Bed Roans, all of whack will b• sold at
lowest prices.
Persons desiring Furniture of any dcsmiption, are
specifally invited to call and examine Mattock, wbich
embracesevery description, from the cheapest and
plainest to the man elegant and costly, of which the
foilowin4 comprise. a pare
Tete a Bete Yaks; Tete • Tete prang
Conversation Chain; Elisabeth.. Groom
Reception do lords XIV do
Egmesion do Ina. thrlone;
What Nos ; Toilet Tables;
...XI V Commodore; Doke of York's Conch;
fah stouts with Plash and Ileur-cloth coerce;
Itd Disarm, do do
40 dor Mahogany Parlor Chan.,
10 Rosetwood do do,
Wit kV stunt do do;
40 " Cane veal do;
4" Mahogany Rocking on;
I do PISMO ;
60 Marble Top Centre able.
iv do do Wash Stand.
Di Mahoganyt.
IS do Wardrobe ' s;
611 , 1 i W.lnu do;
Chlrry do.
A very large assortment of Common Chen and oth
er Furniture too tedious to mention.
• •
AIT El . teset w l . to p els
. 11: w rtu n lh:1 0 on the shortest notice.
P. P..--Cabmet Mocan e ' en ha . ..pelted with allow
of altoogany, Walnut, and Veneers, or considerably
redacest pores.
lifkliE FOR SALE,
White }garrotte, all Wool. Blur Dods;
Red do do Dive Dronat;
Yrlloar do do Fancy Cottonadec all are
Brown do do offered at Factory once..
Black datinetts. Home League Shorting.
Steel Posed do
Blue do Cheek. and Strip., very
Drab do heavy good..
Black Cassinters. Tailors Goods.
Raney do R P
od adding, torpor do;
Fancy Tweeda beat Padding, Borkratn,
Soper Stark Broad Cloth. TrotaWCag•assibeavy do;
Super Brown dir Brown Linens, Sibeia's
Super lirren do Drab Serge, black do, a i I
Soper Twilled do and worsted;
Super Black Doe Skins Mack and White Tape;
Super Drab Cuhraerea. Black Term, Drab doe
Super Drown do Loren Check. and Dotter'
Super Black do Start's 0 cord Sp`l Coiton;
Calrforuna Blanket. do Loren Thread, a
Scarlet do I saprinor article;
Bias do Silk Figured Veaungs;
Drab do rack Patio do
Grain Bagging. Brown Holland Se's Bak.;
Brown Unit.; Sutton, Cravats, Lc- Oa.
Aloha Mutufacturers'R arettortaa, No IV Abood. l s
Pittsbanth r__--
THE co-partnership hereieforn.csisting between the
subscribers, In the name of Constable, Burke &
CO, Is thie day dissolved by mums. consent. Alesarn
Burke & Burnes will settle the business of the Concern,
for which purpose they are authorised in use the name
of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE;
The undersigned hare s day associated themselves
In the name of BURKE ft BARNES. far the purpse
of rtiannfacturing Fite Prcof Safes, Vaal. DOM On.
at the stand of .he late fain of Constable, Burke
&Co, where they will be pleased to receive the patron.
age of the customer. of that house and their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Burke ft Co.,
with SIZICCIC pleasure recommend Mess.. Burke
Darner to the confidence or my blends and the public.
Cr ifteuTnnow
RAH lust returned from the Eastern Clues,and P i -
receiving a large varietY of me...Me oodri io
which he respectfully invites the attention of 'smell
ants and pedlars. No El Wood st. febil
WALL PAPDA—W. P. illanstram. Is constantly
YY receiving, from the largess manufactories In
New York and Phtladelphss, and alto Stem French
agencies, the newest and most unproved Ey le* or Pe.
per tlargilikt, together with Wird.% Eire Hoard
Prints, and Tester Tops. For sale at AS Wood at, be.
paten Fourth st and Diamond allay, (successor to S.
A I NT—i — Erle it:. need per
OA and roe rale by the barrel or single pound at the
rloapralts , Paton'. Bed. It.h.
464 CASKS of the abort celebrated brand and
high test, direct from the musafamarent; 151
tasks now on the way from New Orleans, and ex
pected hero this week; and 314 will shortly arrive
via Baltimore per ships Juniata, Chesapeake, Dames
mme, and Albeit, which will be sold on arnsal, at the
lowest muter price fur cash or appeared bills.
W & hilTeliElsTßEE,
No Ma Liberty at
/ME Phrenit y now offer to
1 the public theiruufacturin Premium Chemicalm Stove Polish;
and without staggeration, or fear of contradiction, by
those who have tested It, pronounce 14 far superior to
any other In the market The COMM. need have no
oppmbenmona of soiling carpets. fee., as its com
paction prevents a dust from arising when being ap
plied, which Most be done when the Stove is sisal
The quantltY required as so bide to produce a beau.
tiful Inoue. A oaring &over fifty per cent is insured
to the nonwarovw. A coating applied to gloves, Pipes,
fro., when laid sway fee the summe - , i! a lure pre.
ventauve against rush After ta wing .tried it once,
.Of a occovaible) no person will tun ony hat the
Pbroni• Maang . acturing Computre PRllduin Chemi
cal Stove Polish. For N
sale by
ST6_. Corner of Birth and Wood streets.
ALIt persons
m b :i ni ul on a nu r:rin " :l l O u o t o c T . their '""(
please call at the Rooms of the Dowd ot il hvuo 'n e l ;
second story, cornet of Wiled and Third Its, and pay
Pituborsh. Mien In tlu'n . 5000
rennewrocivs DMUOTOLL
SFALINESTC h lFl . i N ba. r. : ,,, eav c e to announce to the
itisEe'rran. Allegheny, enrb y oro of ti4s 2 :( 01 31n: i .
chem., Birmingham, tee., that the week Iv now
nearly ready for the press, and wilt be pot In the
bend. of due printer some where between the 20th
and 30th Instant.
The citiuns generally, and all who feel en Interest
in the production of a complete end protect Di r ectory.
particularly those rho have not been called on, veal
greatly oblige the publisher, by ascertaining tha t
vartoti • ayseadoas and places of bualneia, gin , an noted for nablication In the Directory.
All cor d. to ho ineeccd, most be handed In forth.
with, or at the lance, by the data above named.
{UST received. .11 now openagone elegant Ileen
ey wood d ettare Melodeon Plana from the sale
...tee ass of Mame CILICiI/11111.1.
Tale to a mperier instrumento( fine inne g ami . sm7
g SO, 0. fine 4 *Mass Melodeon,
at 11 IRLESEIVS Musts 81011,
UN eons,
- -----
By the Pre.'dent of the Vetted Mattes.
TN pursuance of law; I ZACHARY TAYLOR, Pre.
L sident of the United Stew of America, do her-by
declare and rnake known. that publie salts
held at the ondeithentumed Land Offices in the state
of MICHIGAN, at thapelioda
la Win—
At the Lard 011 the at SAULT ESTE. MARIE. foe
the iiLake Superior Dania," commenelng on Mon
day, the sixteenth day of September nest, thr the dis
posal of public Wads within the falaWiag named
township.. vie:—
Non), of the base line, and west of the milted
Township foray five. and frandonal town. ip. foray
six and forty seven dean. two.
Township, forty five and ropy rig, and notional
township furry .even, of range three
Township forty gig, and fracnonal town hip forty
seven, of range four
Townshins forty six and fart, seven, and radioed
townships fifty and fifth one, of range
Frae.tional townships forty seven, forty e ght, (any
nine, fiftY, and fifty die, of range Mn. -
Townships forty eight and fatty nine,. tractional
townehip fi ery of ten. seven.
Fraction.l townships thirty nine on "flog 151. d."
and forty on "Hat Wand," and tinernbtP AMY finer of
range eight.
Fractional townships thirty nine and forty on "Hog"
and 'Garden. island.. and fort three on the =Gt.
land, and tovenatups foot a n d forty hoe, of range
Fractional townships thirty time and forty 011"Ger
den'' and "Fitness" !nand.... township. forth three,
forty four. and forty five. of range ten .
Fractional townships thin eight on "Little Beaver"
Islands,hrty nine on "Little Seaver" and "t"
and forty on "Whiskey" 1.1. d, towns
.kips forty three, forty lour, and forty Gee, of range
Fractional township thirty eight on "6. 11 litand,
forty two and actional townships
there, forty four nod' forty h en, of range teed..
Fractional township forty, on the male land, of
ran. sixteen.
Fractional townships thirty nine and forty an the
main land, Orange seventeen.
Fractional townships thirty eight, thirty nine, ( hiriy/
and forty one, no the main land of range eighteen.
Fractional townships thirty alz on "Sdnrner. end
"Poverty" Wanda, thirty gee. Snclading "Summer"
Island and en islet) and thirty eight , thirty nine, and
forty on the male land, and town.ip. fony oar, forty
two, an I tarty terse, of range nineteen.
Fractional townships thirty .ix ou "Pt Martin , .
and "Gull" islands, thirty .oven on en ',let or"l,liile
Pawner" Inland, thirty eight as the math land, thirty
nun (incluning the Island in Rect.. twenty ninon
and twenty eight) and forty, and township Lorty three
on the mi. land, of range tety.
Fractional toventhdps thirty eight. thirty nine, and
forty on the main land, of range twenty one.
AT THE YLACE,comtarneing on Monday,
the thirtieth day of September neat. for the disown .
oftne public lands within the following named town
.hipe •nd fraenortal townships,
North of ths base tine, and war of the princlal
Fractional townships thirty five and thirty six on
the main trod, of range twenty font
Fractional townships thiny three, thirty (oar, and
thirty bye, and tow.* thirty riot of range twenty
Fraction.' townsidps thirty two and thirty three tin
the main land, tad townships thirty four end thirty
Eve, of ranee twenty its
Fractional warned'. thirty one, thirty two, tinny
three, tinny four. and thirty dee on the main land nod
townships forty six, forty seven, and forty eight, of
range twenty seven.
Fractional townships thirty two thirty three, and
nitro seven, and townships thirty nine, forty am, forty
seven, and linty eight, of range twenty eight.
Fractional townships tinny seven, thirty eight, and
thirty ninn, and to-amain.. lerty one, forty pop, forty
three, forty foot, forty five, Cony airs, forty eorea, and
forty eight, of range twenty nine.
Fractional townships thirty nine. township forty,
fractional township forty one, townships loof two,
forty usr“,lony four. fatty five, forty six, forty worn,
and linty eiglitnnd the
o f its of sections thirty fire
and ninny am. at the cape. of Agate harbor, of town•
ship fi ft y nine, of range thing.
Fran:anal townships thirty nine. forty, and forty
rte,towemhtrie forty two, forty there, Cony four, font'
6.e, bony six, forty seven, and ferty eight., and tine-
Venal sections sevvntren and ei.liteen, Oil “Traverse
Island, in township fifty four, of range thirty one,
AT THE SAME PLACE, commencing on Mondae,
the fourteenth day of October neat, tor the di.posal of
the public lands rituated anthin the underllenUOned
townahi and fractional townships, in wit:—
Nerds of the bare lint, and men nf the prinnpat
. : Fractional township forty one, and townships forty
two, burly three, forty four, forty five, and fifty, of
range thirty two.
Fraeniinsi urtenshlPS trip and fifty Iwo? of range
thirty three.
Fractional townships fifty and fifty two of Main
thirty four.
Township filly, of range forty one
Fractional township forty right, and toirnships
ion, nine and fine, of range forty two
Township• forty seven, fractional township forty
eight, and togrerthips forty nine and Lily, of range
forty three.
Townthlps forty seven, forty eight, fo rt y nine, and
fitly, of range forty lour.
Toarn•lnt s forty WV.' firtty adad forty nine.
arid fractional mwenithip buy, of range forty tire
Fractional townships forty mac and fifty, of range
forty gig
Fractional townnblyne forty six and ram , sevr,
to vsshlp forty eight, and fractional township forty
ante. of range Imo seven.
Fraationai township, forty seven, forty eight, and
forty nano, of vaned funY olat
raraonaholartillp forty Mei; of range forty nine .
At the land otien at tONU.. commencing on al. ,
day, the sintennth of September nevi, for the ( disposal
of the pootsc lands within the undermentioned frac
inwn•bip. •rm—
iYorth of the base It no. and tan of the yn:uipJ
Sections one and two, the eat half section of three,
and acetates eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. twenty
lour, twenty five, and tinny six, to loarnabtp nine, of
tante ,
Lent. appropnated by law for thenre of schools,
minter), or other porno/et, will be excluded from the
The Wrenn, ethic above me:twined I•nds will he
commenced on the days appotnted, and proceed in
the order to which th ey •re. advertised, with con
venient dispatch, until the whole shall tore been of
fered. and the sales thus do., d But no tale shall he
kept open longer than two weeks. and no private
cirri of ary of the lands will be admitted until elm
the expiration of two weeks.
Given ender my heed. at the coy of Waslionlyton,
this thirteenth day of June, Anne Domini one thousand
might hundred and fitly.
Br the Preimlent
J. Burnam.,
Comt4utoner of the General Land °thee.
N.Ty - person entitled to the rtgbi of pre-emption to
any of the lands within the tosenihtp. and (cantonal
townships above couromrared, is required to establish
the same to the satisfaction of inn Registiir and 111,
reirer of the proper Land Office, and make payment
therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice,
and before the day appmnted for the commencement
of the politic sale of the land. embtneilig the tract
Claimed, otherartse sect claim aril be forfeited.
Commts. tuner.
J o.dt 3w9w-S
Barmatt's Am•rloas Poultry Boot.
THE Poultry Book and Fowl Breeders' Guide—
.). Being a treatise on the Breedlnc, Raising. and
General Management of Demerit.° bowls, with tar
metros original deemiptiens and romans from Life.
LLJ John C. Bennett, M. D.
This work will be found to contain& treater nntonnt
of original end other Information, both practical and
awful, in regard to Fowl Breeding, Wan is remained
in all other .merican work, together It will be
tilwirated with nearly Fifty Portraits of the meat
rooter varteues of Amencen and Foreign Fowls,
same forty of which are from bye, from drawings
taken especially for thiswork, work, of the most important
breeds, end several of them from fowls very recently
The publishers have spared no Wipeasata bring out
this work In a superior manner, both la regard to the
engravings, the went, of the wore, and the general
esecti angle every part of the Look.. And It is belie,.
ed that the work will be found to centale room posed.
cal Information on Breeding and M•nalt rag Domesir
Fowls, then any work tweed in this country.
For sale by JAS D LOCKWOOD,
1e2.3 Bookseller and Importer, 104 Fourth st,
COSMOS—Cosmos; a Sketch of a
JIA. Physical Descriptiou of ter Universe. By Ale..
Vt , ilumboldt 'frauslated by Ottle. ft 0014, taboo.
Jest received for sale by
'elf Bookseller & Importer, BB Fourth sr
TT Direr tor tal
IM/ palm Y. 11. I mp. Illeck
and Gunpowder Tea.;
133 Ima Tobanco;
bap, Rio Codee;
AM tors N (1 Idolailea;
73 had. N 0 Sum.,
230 balm amoned aims
'MO bx. M. R. Re4ills;
toli hr. clu•rer do;
16 kg* do do;
15 casks Zanle Conan*
13 bate. K. Walnuts;
13 do Breed None;
IS do Filbemt;
100 do Peo Not.
Window Glass;
40 lad Pipe.'
400 lac 'War;
100 his Candles;
3000 lb. Codfish;
30 bola Tatman,' Oil;
60 lug Chc.olatc;
50 do: Red Cords;
20 cods film:tills Rope;
bas Opined Chpeolate;
10 bags Pepper;
5 hap Alsplce;
OM hos liernoui
ill lab 111negar;
;tu bales Csodleanck;
40 tag Starch;
10 trea Rice;
brls Chalk;
WM drums Pigs;
A. wall as t r uck.
Manufactured r.
GROCE Rlll 1/ ‘.
1 70 Mot,'
30 do
70 do
5 do
IM °add,
61 5.11,
35 caddy
70 boxes
50 W.
Indigo,Madder Atom,
Nutmegs '
, and lump
has shelled Almond%
D bas Rock Candy;
5 eases Liquorice.;
to hi Pane!pee & Regalia
WOO b f Half Spanish;
3 has Closes;
2 pans :ensure&
3 <croons Indigo;
2.5 cams Lemon Syrup;
43 cues Proper tf guar;
Wawa Tomato Camp;
Ground Spicer of .0 kkode..
40 Panels powdered and
Loaf doc•r;
9 hh . gli Madder,
eamtment of Pittsbarih
• Rio Coffee
r Hyman, •arfone grade
Gunpowder and Imp
bmi 1 II imp b. 6 P
6's, nod IS's
ty hisilarsovr's 64 do
es Starch
& hf beld Palermo&
- -- .
• •
I le item f
e ar saefirar le t
by Allspice
91 Water at
V. It tt, IMB.
MA. R. E. SELLERS—I have disposed of all the
Cough Scrap and Liver Pill. you cant me, and
IS dos of Om Venntfuge.
I have used all your Family Medicines in my fatuity,
and have also prescribed them in my practice; I am
very much pleased stritb them, and have found nothing
to equal them. Send me it do: of your Vermithge, and
10 atm each of the Liam Pills and Cough Syru p.
(Ertraet of Letter.] T.T. Jerome.
Those highly popular md , eines may be bad ei the.
proprietor, R SELLERS, 57 Wood CI gad DmlgON
generally In the taro cider and elelnlty. ono
N. brio A No i extra - White Noun of
Rsapener ttality, mutable tor seep thalong,jaot
received and for gala by JOON No PADEN &CO
, 1.10 WO Canal Oast, Pen• -
. . .
s parred, for axle, wLalrWo or Jan
iy6 WM. akcLuitc & zo bozny.m.
OUGAB. CURED HAMS— JD cart... Perezfd_ per
rresuntr Coliral2 c.irlatign
MURPTIV & lII:RGHFIELD invite the attention of
the ladice to their extensive assortment Of White
Goode for Dresses, consisting of
Scotch andSu Ise hlullt;
Figured Steles din
EsnbroiLered do;
Victoria Lawns;
Low Priced Carted Inchonet for morning dreseesi
fine colt finished do; and n tame I.HOTIAPnt ni Series
hlnellos. with entered embroidery; printed Jackonette
Lawn., Belem's, to., at font east corner of Fourth
and Monet •treets. 101 l
Cheap Lawn•
Mll RP k BURCHFIELD have received n lay
supply Mike.. Lawns, very cheap; n- at nyle
brown at trjet lizht do. in great variety, tor 10in Mt
Also, embroidered and printed Merlins andinekonet,
of neat and newest styles and lowest Price for quality,
end north east corner of Fourth and Marker ate
At the One Pelee Store of
WILL Memo:fence on Monday, Jane 3d, leak—
Their Immense establishment, wt
tkcor their
Wholesale Rooms. will, on this occasion: be thrown
open for Ilrrsit. Temps, end all al their extensive
stork will be hdheed m teteilparchmeni, at a di:count
'of from ro m nr.) pre cent. iem than usual once's: ,
THEIR STOCX pC SILKS Comprise over: fsur
hundred pieces, and will be sold at an Menem* dis
Their OSSOTWlClllnfSlicals,llatsces.Tiesties,Gren
aduies Fotilstd Silk., Lawns, Muslin.. .1 aconets,
Cambric., and Drees Goods generally, will be closed
out iremsdistely, at about one health.. usual mien
11 eases Fast Colored LA'sm will ha offered at Sc.
do ltareges, Inc.
do Alualue de Laines, 100
Soperlor English and Arnerlem Calicoes, 10k 11 e.
300 dorm Linen Handkerchief., as 7e.
A large lot of Wrought Collars, some se low as Se.
Togethermith a complete variety 01 Domestic and
Wein. Goa:, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Bonnets,
Making In &Ilona of the roost enterstve amorleoents
in the country, welch will be .larked down to much
town. pr.ees than at any of their previous Annual
iCB::7oteh mend
en mused
To ' : the r riu n ep n o ele7 " e InetTranoned
reg and si fay .
merging down Doer. No noll1•11.111.
myil • A A MASON k
. .
MsllAl.lllPllli & BURCHFIELD have received a safe.
ply DM dies sacks, 4 rench Linen.. for anemia coals
auks, la boys' and chddrett's wear,
of the moot dthitable ahades.
?hey wane at.ention to their large oesnateent of
Men's and hors' RUNINFR wpot, of different ma.
teeth!. rad all of which be sold tow. :el?
MURPHY k BURCHFIELD bavc 'seethed another
tropply of .Lore article, and •ro enabled to Sup
ply almost any quanty and color wanted. and; t the
lowest ea
Patenth ries, t)
t Stiai Oil Cloth Cover.
• .
Id . c , CLINTOCIL h. teemed Wm dzy:at hu
j: th .g .. r n t g W o 'r v re e ti rr ottzf uld No 75 Fostzth at. StairCM
to which :ph wvite etterromn'orp'e'r:r
LRP'cfrljClriTa — rrri sM
Oialiredaeetrirt.a7n: from%
up; 4.4 light Chinni from 10 oents up, Bermes for 121 n;
Plain Bloch !Praire ,for Vic ; Bonnet Ribbons for fic
per yard. Ladies are °lobed to coil and examine our
stock of dress goods before purchasing elsewhere—
North east 'corm, of Fino.iti and Market los. jell_
Jittcaot !Piglet.
RF.CHIVED this dar t ir iesh arsaranout of Ghat=
or Gnus Mats, at the Carpet WW
il•re room of
ten Fortith at
AA - unique & neßcliFirLD enve o. large stock of
01 Fanny and Stag', Dry Goode, selling off at
greatly reduced prices, •ist—
Bsrege de Lai.a a large assortment of beasnlfal
Atullti Jaeonet and Swiss Muslim.;
A splendid ossortment of Black nod Fanny Silks; '
femur, Lawns and De Leine., remarkably cheap;'
Beautiful Foetid,. Silks, at MI ems. Per yard;
Mantua! Catieur, from GI cram, and onward.;
A large stock of Down and Blgnelied Muth., die
per yard, and upwards,
Bonnets and Parasols, at errant, redacted mi..
Cloths, Cusimeres, and Vut nga.of the best quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large smelt of "Pickings, Aaron and
Shining Check., all 14 Idthe; Brown and Bleached
itheetings and Shim nal; Insh Linena; together wail
all other entries to oar line, at north east corner of
Foanli and Market st_
.111' a. BURCHFIELD have just received
1!1now style Foulard Bilks, very chcapi Heti OH B .
and figured ch.acable silks, of almost every .yle
and gliality; super plain and figured black silks; do
basers and tissues: bate•e detains, new and hand
some styles; new cry le French, Englatt. and Scotch
Lawari, in great varzmy, and at very low pnees;
plain, Egared, and satin soaped de lain* of all kinds
and grizzlies; horn luau . e, of all shades and colors;
airatiams, chintzes. prints, Sza., at feral east coiner
of Four th and Market auteBi.
AARTHER aupply and fancy col
need Silks. last received oy express this mort
ars, • at north cast corner sif Fourth and 'Market sts
URFIII t BllticHalELH•lue sching iterates
and forage hi. D. Lame% al arty low prices. at
./ narrow trimmina Laces of bCat quality, ism recd
and for ogle at Northeast corner of Frank and Mar
ket streets Irk MURPHY k. BURCHFIELD
ft,/ itPLIY &111;6011FII;LD Lavo revetved ad-
LV supply of above goods, including va rious
styles of China, Pearl. Allatoe, and Gimp Bonnet.,
l% hoe and Colored tillnp do: and Ribbons of all colors
and pores. may l 7
- -
VT.Orilf evrrit —5. yds 4-4 Floor 011 Cloth.
r tiot tcceirr,:, from the factory, and Cro sale at the
WAT.00(11. No, 7 .1. Wood etre,
nottlitit!cu GOODS.
M -
URPIIY & DORCIIFIELD invite the auenitrea
of tho, svanung good. , or ]looming poopme.,
to &tett very full asoortment,.. rocooded,ouoh e.l
.I.llark Bozotutr.oe,
Itont , aw, Cothh Alpacces,
Block Moos^ dr :AtOo-s,
Moomtoe Ivoob
do Pnotod Fotoard3,
Ranges, Tignuen, Luetres, Alban-on, Plaint
Black and grinted Inomn. Inset Enwto,dr:ed do,
Boon.l Ribnon, Scarf do, Veils, 2te zen3l7
4.2 Cathmerettclatorted
colore, a twat deArable article for •umtnei• mats,
recd. and cow opening by rt. A MASON A. CO
mayl9 AR Mart., at
1111IETISIIT.WLS—Sopesor ITO colored Tnitre
Shawls, compsone Conoco, Orange, Prot, Bice
Green, •nd Coro colored, loot recoralng per exprean
ma day opening by A A MASON 6 , , t 1
moy CY Mart"
' •
20 Co r
°peeing by mayl7 A A MASON 0 0. I
— Black Dr... Silks.
AA. MASl3tri tr. CO are all, day opening to ptr,
• V inch Mack Oro de Nione 1.011 k; 10 pea nu iw
deo /0 pas 32 melt doi 0 pcs .31 loth do{ and 4 piece
30 inch do. inaylo
• • • • - •
400 dos Indies" Linea Cambric Iftlitf•, all prices;
100 doz tient.. ,do do do
105 don do ;do do eolcrred borders;
Recessed dila day by A A MADON & CO
amyl° 02 51arket sl.
Ut i o n tre E' s, r at i l i tk l C . .l N l r b ern U Zff d ar 'S-4' p rice o r fl ' 2lle=
Ineylo A A MASON & Cl)
Irish nod. Drown Mesons.
200 pea 3-4 sod 204 pcs 1.4 Drown Linens;
15u per Gray's Riarklar, and Ales.der's euperior
I riah Linens, now opening by
oPrean Arrlval of I)fy Goods.
TETE: are now reeenerng large additnono toner stock
11 err...tiring td Sommer Dry Donis, and ere pro•
pored to infer air corn liensnc rtor•oent at oar usual
low prices for rash, or approved credit
The Mtlentiati of western deniers to panicslarly m' to ma good., al we feel conqdent of being
able at of annular Induccmenta In mate a bill with
us. Cell and union no any to et.
may 6 11l Won./
000 DS! HOSIERY, RlllitoNS. r. AC E
GLOV,ES. Iliac/Los. HOURS, uurroNt3, SUS
PLNUERS, /cc. Niro,
.Satldta and kanoy Vestlngnr,
HARI/ANNA, and LINEN lIDK FS. • Kent nil as
sortment of •?ANS, and every variety of mammas.
. _
CASES plain and Scared Berme de Lana, distort
ed color,, 'art received, and telling at very low
111nYV A A lit d SON lc CO
oCASFS fast colored Lawn. received and now
opening, selling at Pre extreme logo price on P etc
per yaed nzatt:.l A A MASON & CO
. _
.• ..
. .
3CASES fast colored Ciii.gbart., ree'd, and selling
nt 14 cents per y std A A
rl S!Pit;ON fr. CO, • Nlarlel .t.
ACON—•eI bbtl• rune e•boulders; 21 ads c'ear
P Sides, Imultnig and for tale by
:a au pug.,
DRitl) til-.EFIii ilercet tuger cured dried Beeri
Jett received and for vale by
I) iltrEtiliEßS & woLs.
FuSIT-5, brit No. iirilar Verdi 6- do 1i. , T...
tele by bylEI SELLER& Zt NIcOLS.
F.Trtos are renmoning m this ogee .darcFg,a
•• mu , irr
11, 7 1.1.1ttEn NNTIS—A lane esti:nine°, Footed
Nervy entree. stiles, alto, plain Wale Netts,
Wash-Muskies, .rid-klohincrs, craved by
/917 - • MURPHY h BURnial£l.l7.
LIREgII TEAS— We are ctly recciln - Til;;TI”
11; green :S.:W onstan
and black Tens, direct front the finpOrters
In Philadelphia, and Lave now en hand, at the Pit:.
bei,gluPsintly Grocery and Tea Warehouse, UnG Lib
erty Orem, an assortment of every grade and flavor,
each as is not to be surpass,. to Prffsbagh. We in
•lte comp...oil, feeling assured gist, on trial, our
Tres wall be found equal, If trot superior, to any at the
same price in the errs,. •
113efry eOMMeR WEAR—W vaned...atonement o
goode.lldWed foe Boys , dormer Wear, of Cob
ton, ‘Worattd. and Woo!no materigil, Clot he found a
the are of Uy17.1 MURPHY L, BTJACLUPIELA
Lratta• wad Adglaga. ,
URPHVIt. rcooivcdalarge
, . Lisle and Victoria Edgings and Lac.;
Loom Work — mead do;
• 'frobblar do;
• vaiencican. dot
Swish Jaconct
l Edsina;
. .
Spied and plain Teas: Utast Bilk do, lee.---ta which
they flok.the-anentlent of tklyeni. , .. jy3
LOUR—be barrel. Fniier brand
tdectVed and Inzaaldt , y.. ,, • _
_AL3 ' , fwiit MHARfirKtlaff '
„mi . :m.1 13 ti• /Whirr I;
la ;r =J. ate by
/Ph 411102. 16 e. NIRPOPATHICS
Pr(0::111. - 1.111.01:7
. .
Trim eleventh and twelfth section" of the Aet of the
L General Aseembly alibis Connsionwvank, ennead
.A Supplement wan Act entailed an Act to .eate a
Sinking nand and to provide far the pad.' and
certain extinguishment of the debt of the Common
wealth. and to..authorize a loan," approved the Idth
day of ?Jay A. D 1.50, provide, so hallows, fir—
Section 11 That the Governor is hereby eathoetsad
to negotiate a Into for the rm. of Three Millets
Three Hundred Thousand Dollen, redeemable to
thirty - years from the date of the subseripthan thereof,
at at' ram of torten not execeding font per emu..
per wirmat.payablein gold and sliver, senil.annually,
upon the first day. of February sad Aegust of Mich
year, .d exempt from every epeclea of taxathin.
N o nce, th at promnals for Raid loan will he received,
shall' he published In at lean one newspaper in the
Borough of, Harrisburg, to the miles of Pinthinthr
Lanconor. and Philadelphia, end in the cities of Now
York, Heenan, sod Baltimore. (or a _Period.. le st
than three months hematite °peeing of sn4 Pmpon lo,
and by letter elsewhere, If deemed neeem.rY.
MM. the day &reigned for thatpurPose, in each notice,
the proemial. shall be oPerted In th e pretence of the
Governor , the Secretary of the Commeoweelth, and
Auditor General, and the than shalt be awarded to
the highest bidder or bidder.. U the amount of the
bide shell eneeed the ram of the said loge the same
shall be distributed pro rata amongst the-lifeboat bid
ders, bat if the whole of said loan shell not then be
Laken the Governor may renew notice, In the Manner
tiro resold, from time te Moe, till the whole ant.= of
said Men shall be subscribe& • o conditional bldg
chat he considered; and open a .rding each leant,
or any part thereof, centheams w th
Interest, shall he tuned them: by the Audi!.
General. ,"
Seen . 12. If the avid loan sh It be eitbsenbed;ll
shell be and ilia hereby eRM.PiI I for the Darnels%
and ex ingulehment of the (made• debt of two Coin•
monument., now dem, or to bee a the
year one thousand eight hundred • Shy, and for the
payment of the cum lel eighty fir
eight Mo u hon.
tired and four dollars and elght eight
due In
dorocrtic creditors
Intim... of the provizione fbrestid,
hereby given. that proposals will • .celved at the
office of the Secretary of the • a . ..oth anal
4 o'clock P. M. of Timed.. the eau day of t .
t o o
next, mipolating for loan in the •• • monument.. far
'he purpose. set forth lu th •ct. of the mete(
three million. three hundred thou . d redeem.
able In thiny year. from the date f the sabecription
thereof, ate rate of interest not eceding limy per
cent per num., paysible in gel and Miner, semi
annually, upon the first day. of 1 5 e • nary and Angina
of eneh year, and exempt from e LIM*. of In.
Clettiecetcs or mock Or the said aan, with cannon
Inc the interest will he mined th trod manta:rand
made tr.sferelle by the owner, o• the hoeb of the
Auditor General's Department.
The proposals will be reqatred to Mete eXplielly
the entoont offered, which thrill not in any eve
less than one thousand dollars, the rate °fltter.% nor
exceeding four per cost, and the premium proposed.
Thp eta ththraes the right to accept the whole or
any part niche ram offend unleuthe propotalestipti-
Late to the contrary.
tilde fort he lout meet be direct and explicit. No
conditional proposals will be received.
Upon the acceptance of the propottals, the money
most be paid into the State Treastui, In such minuet
as shall be directed by the Governor.
Cenifieates of clock will be issued in anon 4414 24 s
a.may be requeated by the lenders.
Toe proposals to hp dimmed, amber ecal, U. Ails
note, OnLibited, .PrOPOSSL. for Loan.. They will
not he opened or discleeed until the period for reeetv
mg them h. elapsed; after which no alteration in the
terms will be ad.tted.
• A
L RUSSELL. Secretary of . ha Comhtil
flecletarrs Ofrue, liam.burs, /Imo Cat, 185
111134M2 TO Al altScOMOCer OP TH2 COMMOTION.
ESOLVED by the Berate end Haut. of Ilepraellat
jl, tire. of the Commonwealth of nentimlumea ti UMated
Amembly out, Tint the Constittitmo of this COMM.
weelth b. amended us the .r.ood station of Ma GOb arlieJe,
oClimit shall read as Mown. The Judge the 2a caw
urt, oldie neveral Courts of C0..0m e e lm and of Morit
Other Count of award es ere or Mali be establ ished
shed by leer,
shall se vented by the qualified electors of the Comma/
wealth, in the amuse following, to wit The ludgra.of tin
Bumetes Court, by dm qualified electore of the m.mosa
wealth at buret Use ?resident Judges of the eartrol Cools
of Common fleas, end of mehother Courts of Record u sle
or Melt be established by her and alt other Joslyn required
to he fined in the law, by to qualified electors of the
reereetore districts over Mimes they ere to preside or all as
Judges; and Ow liarociate Jaclyn. of tba COIRON2O
Fleas by the qualified electors of the countiv
The Jude. of the Supreme Court shell hold Matt s
to, the memof finmen mars, if egg shell so keg Ware
themselm well, (subject to the allorameol hereinalher pproo
'tiled far, vibes:gut. to the first dream) do emuidtot
Judges a the mend Court, of Common 1T... and ankh
other Courts of Record u art m Jul be established by I
an and all otherJedgese required to he Monad io the law, Mali
hold thew offices for the term of Ma mom, if they Mall st
long Others well; the Amadeu Judge, albs
Cemrts of Common rims Audi hold theist affirm far l'••
item of A. jean if they shall so hog behave thennehes
well; ail of belsote ' dmill be conimiatimed by the Oovirsior,
hot for my rem-Amble came, irhich shall not be sufficient
croutuis for impeachment, the Governor shell reroore-{a,
of them on the address of two third. of emelt branch of ahe
Logo' tone. The first ekction mall take place at •the
general ele t tim of this Commonwealth mot after the adop
tion of title amendment, and the conambeinus of all - the
Judges who may be then in Moos Mall expire im Melee
Monday of December following, when dm Mons of the Pew
!advo shell comoscore- Th. perms who shall then be
elected Judges of the Suprema Grit .ball bold their offiees
as nth, 00. of them ter three year., am for etc teary
ens for Mee ymrs, mi. for turtle. yews, atel am fee Ere.
yews, the term of each to be decided by lot try Memel
Judges, as um after the Cortim m coomairat,md the te
rm certified by them to the Governor, that the eoCll3llsriona
may be Mend to accordance thereto. The ladle wham
eon/minim will first expire shall be Chief Jobe. dusting
hi, terso, and thereafter Judge who.. commission Men
first expire shell its ternbe the Chief Justin, and if Mei or
mum connotes/me Mall expire on the Mat gray, the Judos
bolding diem MAL decide by lot which Mall b. the Chief
Justice. Any meaticiee, happening by death, resignation, or
°the/wt.., in any of the said smog. , shall be tilled by . 1 ,
posolenrot by th. Governor to mainue till the first Mon
day of De/muter sumediailbs next reapers! elarion. The
Judges oT the Supremo Guest wee the revidents of the
mere! Court. of Common Pleas Mall, at stated titov,rectbee
for their service. an edrquam veopentatice, to be filed by
saw, which shell /1 be damns/Med during their emmatrame
to oft, but they Mill emit. no foes. pen/stems of office,
oar hold =gosh. Mot of profit underthieCommomalth,
r node. the goverment of the United States, m any other
State of this Corm. The Judges of the Somme Coal.
during their continuance in An, Mall retitle withheld.,
Commonweedth; rod the other Judge; during their conSintb
Mee io ether, ~ell mode with. the district or county tar
ch they were rupee-meg elnebel,
Speaker °Cll. limas of Bepresentativim.
Speaker of the Sente.
Malmberg, January 98, 180,
I, Swale' W. Yoram Chief Clerk of the boats of
Penneylvaoie, do hereby ortify that the foregoieg resoluta.,
(No. 1 , 1 oo the &mete Eh of the present resatech) entitled
t•Rerolution relative to vt emend meta of the Conatitetloth.
it beitig . the came relolutire which .a agreed to by a ma
jority of - the members darted to each House of }o lest
topaz tore—atier heeleg bee. eonsiderml end lir
cured, teo this day esreed to by • nudortly of the natieters
etectee to oast earring in the &tam of Pennsylvania, at tts
present lemma, sts *poem by their vow given w the
fatal pansy of the resolution, as follows, , •
'I hate tution in favor of the pampa( the resoled.. F.r.t
H. Jones !kook, J. Porter lintels), With.* A. I.lshb,
locathez J. ConnittOmen, Thome. 8 Fernon,Tlennee H.
Forsyth, Chart. Faulty, Robert Si. Pink, Rosy Felton,
John W. Gee nutty. W ahem Reds., bass Hoge, Timothy
Ire; Jodie. Y. Jams, Joseph Ronimnscbcr, °top V.
I -awl-cum, hleCaelin, Benmmin t i tle . loos j. Bethrtobs
ft! l ra r arer; t be l sli th 9:el7 . Pel V eg " ll flere ' ry, P =
Shmer,Robert C. Murrell, Dente Stine, Ferree D. treeter,
Joh, H. Walker, and Velmliete Best, Speaker—Yeas - 2R
Those votirg .plat the pump of the mole.. mem,
Oconee Dania, Animattes Dram, and Ileseader Hies—
II; eye 3. (Extract from the Joernel.)
In ”sr. Horan or Raramswirgartegg,
li raisi:en, Mareh 14, IMO. •
I, William Jack, Chief Clark of the House of gape..
sal:imams of Prontylmni. do hereby certify that OM fore
go an meolittioa, (No. I 0 to the Smode M. and Iloßli ae
de Howe Journal of the preamit maims.) entitled witno.
lotion relative to the amendment of the CaeaUlotiob, —it
twin, the sand rescautios which was agreed to by • majwity
of the member. elected ts each House of the lad Lagiela-
tom—after haring been dely coed/seed and dimmed. was
this my agreed ts by a majority of the member. skated to
and mama the House of itemaratalives of Permed
yards, at Ile present eession as will appear by their eoto,
gem on the find paxage ails. rmolniton, as folio al, v i
These eol. g in favor of the passage of the resolution were,
John Acker, John Allison,Wiiham Baker, Robed &tided.,
David J Beat, Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black, John S.
Down, William Drina's, Daniel li. B. Brower, Jam R.
Guzman, John Cana. Ilmay . Charett. Jelin N. Cotynghtes,
Stißrial Cridland, Ileatanna 0. Dodd, William J. Dot.
tiro. Janata l' Donner, Thomas Damen. AVilhana'Hoins,
Espey, John C. Emmy, Wi ll iam E. A. &di
Ening Alr.o.der 3 Feather, James Floaters, Bedatrin P.
Fertnee, Alexander Mahoney. Thomas K. Omer, Jodtph E.
Gram Joseph Coffey, Jacob 8. Haldeman, - George H.
Hart Leffett Hark Jelin Hastings, J.Hentphill,
John Hodggee Henry Monie Lewis Iltiford, Waskington.l.
Jeekev lischeas Joe. John W RiOlogcr Chad , . E.
Kinkead, Robert Kids, Merriam P Laird, Morriilweels,
Jonathan D. Led, Anson Leonard, Jane. J. Lorriaillenry
Lite, Jonas R. trPClialock, Jolts IF Alexander
C. APConly. John APLardhlto, Jobe kllLsan, Basaael
Mare, John D Meek, Michael kleyerv, Job, Miller, Joseph
C. Moloy, John D. Morris, William T. Morisco, Paakiel
Mow, T, Ed wanlNieldeloa, Jacob Blisaly, Charles Orfleitl,
John B Packer, Jomph Jam,. C. Raid, Jobe B.
110'T, Lewis Robed. Famed Robiasm, Joke B. Bother
-1,1 Oleo•i W. droilild: Thom. C. Scantier, William
SkiMaer, Richard Shammy, Eli Slifer, William. Smith,
Wiliam A. Bindth, Daniel bl Draper. I , VMiam II !louder,
Thoa.l Steel, David Steward. Charles tlionkaftll, Ed
win C. Trott. Andrew Wed. Robert C. Walker, Thomas
Watson, Sidney B. Well 4 Hiram A, Willi.. 'Daniel
Zerbey, and lola 8. Areal:mut, Bputn—Teo B;
Those voting agaimt the /image of the resolatien . wtra,
Ang an, K . Corny, David L. ans. and halm M*
(Extriet from the LsornaL)
BiCIATA/Ve 071/K..
FVed Mara 15 1850.
A. VIC. BENEDICT, Dep. 15<ey oreenvaeowcMli
dvuve.L ea:
I do errltty r hat the abate and foregoing is true ant
cot reit co y of the original resolntion of the GenliTll A..
orrab:y. entuled I s e stn relative to an amendment of
e the Gam 1,11111011 ea ale in thin drum.
In testimony whereof I hart hereunto' ort any
a. howl, nod truased to hearted rho pal of the Barre
tery's OCkce, at Hereisborg, thia Cdteenth day of
Jana, Al3OO Ontniol one thousand e.ght h•tal red end ally.
A L. nuseELL,t.4. entart alba Commute/Plat
F OR the conv,.‘deuce orthe citizen', the proprietors of the Pittsburgh City Mills bare placed boxes for
the reception of orders of the following
J! it Floyd, corner Of Sixth and Wood stews.
- hl Hayleard t eloe 'tyro, eor.Ltberly & blacked sta.
Benign. Nom Third street.
L Wt i cox,it., druggist, toe Footth & Senittrfteld.
Jobs F:luar. cum comer Hitt & Wylie.,
Telegraph Office, Pbuith weer
11 C' Kelly, grocer. Fifth el, earner ofMareet
lid Gras., store, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
The dope, waggons will twice or thrice daily'
for orders, and the floor, kg.. delivered promptly, either
in barrels or seeks—rank flour it preferable for fatally
nee—wide:int Oman for cartage It I. plain that re
accounts eau be allowed, and that delver. can hare
no perudesion to Piave flour veithoutpoyment.
W& ,bops the public mull be pleased with-tide at-
IllOßlEltelt, as we shall endeavor to do them Jostled.
Sarsaparilla Soda is Lamas. Sirrap.
20 kelps Samperilla Soda;
20 bre do do;
20 bores Lemon rroposade trop pare lows /alesi
Jost moved and for µls
VOL xy:111x...,.A9,,..0;.:,
VNOW dt mei who am sick and &Mimed with Cs.
At ease or the bladder and kidneys. with rbearnado
pains in back er Webs, stifitiints, oldsotea, TUMMY
icer., /se, Mat they can be cured by taking the Pe
troleum! Yon enly talk about its being a nostrum eo
mochas volutes., but ads does not make it so, for
we roc
plaim= the of an honest , comedulty, that
it has virtues which •re not contained to any otherremedy. The man who bracket with pain end suf.
terms from disease. can fot thy cents, get' relief from
any of the Ills enactment. Mane. Reader! it soots
very little to =be atrial. Thlslqnseteses is nomix•
true—ho comma, put op Got the moms. of Imposing
on the community- but It is h noted,' elaborated by
the muter hood of natare. and bebbles ap nom the bo
som of our mother ear= in its mien. ring, and of
fers to uttering htusanlty &Wady, 'remedy, s mean
and cheap cure. '
11 has cored Piles after other media:tea have failed
to render any miler lft has cured Rhertmatlant along
enediag, and of the worst and mostpatand character.
It has cured Cholera !Sorb. by ono or two doses; It
bas cured old cues of Diarrhea, in which every other
remedy has been of no avail. Asa local remedy to
buns and sealds,it is better than any medical. coat
pund or olionnent ant we know 0f. , , Darin cure chil
blains or frosted testy Ina few applications; undoubt
ed testimony can be famish.' of the truth contained
io the above mammal by calling on Samuel M. Slier,
Canal Basin, Ith etre. or eithar et the ngenta
Keyser & McDowell, corner of ;Wood street and
Virgin Alley; LE Beller., 57 Wood greet '
1). A. El
liot & D. M. Curry, Allegheny OM lie the agent,.
ee INlX — iirdbriliOWlDl —
most limpoxisat •Dleaoretrir out Ile-.
oordt—lare Remedy for the Plleat • •
DR. D. P. BROWN'S celebrated External Amen
.ll./ can Remedy , for the Pelee, has alremiyproved
Itself to be the only sum onto ever premmed to the
public. 'Since the'discovery of thin valuable medicine,
and the large nnlaber of extreme eases - with which
Dr. Drown has treated, no one Mu tailed to be entirely
. cured. Unlike the many healer bent* aunt, after
months and years of experiatentaltsing, has too ease
left the patient where they ebrereenced, or worms
but; alter a few days will decide the'esse bY arnnin
I =r t Y4ix . o . 3, noien . ter Into a labored en.
tomcat to prove my medicine.' introduce It open It*
owns merits. by ltiatrect I firma Odell stand oxtail.
Ifyou prefer that loathsome diseese,the PILES, ht , . Um,
0.1.0 of a few dollars, [rest the ease with you.
fa Lloyd street, Buffalo, N.V.
Sold whidemde and retail by 14 E SELLERS
57 Wood
ifigritcYAD sonoicAL. orritii 6,, .
. , No. 41 DIAMOND ALLEY, a
'few doom bit ow We
rtro, ler
"Vir mane
Wi, hiring beill
, ( 9 :' - '. ; 77 r • ; mrdarlyedaetted to the' medical -
4 iv, • -,,,',-.., ~ ; ftrofewbm, and. basafer Won* AIR*
4 *,,,; -, In general praodte, now con Anew
'., .) ,i , his attention to the treatment of
~ ,'S- , Y . „re . .those Prmote and . dcliesto emog
:... : •sr . ; plaints for which, biz opponatulsee
. ~ ~ .., f . and expodento peculiarly guilty .
I . ..him. H yeartoseidnottsly devolve
to study & troattnint of *Gee complalms,(donnouptas 2
time b. has bid Ware pranks and has eared 21011, ref
tents *anion ever fall to the lot of any prim,. ono ,
0 1 10Aar) imply qualifies him to offer at t ,rnoc,, of
alwedy t petunutent, and satisfactory Mew alltilete4
with p.,,,,, gh t weA and all 'ibteteeft anamt tlunitj
Dr. &Olen .round Wenn 'Untie atlieted with. private
Oscines which hays bourne whronio by time or sgw.
Iran:a by the use of err, of the common nostrams of
the 4 .7, hint their somplaintscon be radically aral Urn
qughly ennab b• having eta= his casein' anezabla is
Oe trestment of tech eases, and sacteedt4 lel/Odra',
of Instances In owing persons of InglamMatlee of the'
nett of the blodder, and kindred disuse. which Mtn
Moult from those casco where others bare consigned
them to hopeless degpalr. lie particululy mmtellsome
in hive been ton, and tasnermafally treated by ethers
to consult Lilli, e whon arra
i s u adgfattioa ;w i ll berm,
PiliAti th l sot by. ' ..rp= l '
tody,anq Inv=ur p ailg.t: f u r =sll:Jogi . os:
: n o rertt o n f EMUS. t •.
Erllemla or Ruptare...—Dr. Drown also Mottos pa
nes anima with, timula le tells.' ha tota Paid P.m,
slat attention to 01.1.6 dillene•
CANCELkIi ebb owed.
Skin diseases; aboa II a, Paley, sta., coedit, eared
Charges very low. .
N. B..—Pailants of either con bring at a distance, by.
man their disuse in writing, giving sil Ihe mop,
toms, can obtain medicines with direction for sae, by
addreratng T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and enelte;
Log a fee.
Office No. U DLtmend allay, opposite the Waverly
Hoare. . .
b z UTIoN
Thrrestarma.—Dr. Brown's moody discovers& name
.ly for Rhasmadsm is a speedy and colas remedy for
tard palatal marble. It never falls.
Mee sad Private Consulting Rooms, No. aDi
mend alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tim Bacteria always •
clo No can nb an.
ANEW remedy lately di/warred in the Vegetable
Kingdom sure and permanent cue for all
Ithentostie Complaints,. sub as
Intannuatory, Chronic. &cute and Mercurial
Rieumatimm, Goat, Lumbago,
Spinet Affeadons,lbe.
This medicine has long been aosiglit for. It has been
said that Rheumatism could oot be exited; but Morels
a remedy designod hy mare for the care el every dis
e that the human system is subiect to. At last a re
medse y
•bu been 'found that mires Rheumatism of the
Wand fem.—anent the mom valuable vegetable pro.
due.. of the verb.-4/ie ereamst ao4
diwarservet-tireage,. and-erwonnermt grgthdimrstig
human eureit Without sickening or cbilna.
ting, and renews strength and vigor to (be whole sys
tem. It has erred, dummy the past Sire , / toomiti, over
'5OO eases that wens conaideled incerable.
Certificates of the cutler p
roperties of ttils medi
cine can be secti by calling on the Agents.
None geumaslllet. pm tip with an enslaved label
up. the outside wrapper, Maned by the Pronrimdri
TURNER, ButraluStf. x.
Sold by , • LI. SAIVISM,
corner Third And Market si.,lltumirgh.
Sold also by G. F. 'LIiiOMAS, •
No 100 Mato at. Cincinnati. 0
f-; ~
have still:tja hand a rew pcoOanOurgs,of lista
width for Wool Sacks, which they will Flom out low.
lye • ! • tt•
Rit CO
A-ffil---4."' IS o d . H . ANIStAIiFR tc ft
I DTI. No 2, Nom. oloo„, iauumg
22t & 221 Liberty st
Mfr 'al . : by
• 3/ Lza Margaturi Just rea'd . for tide by
Fitt:- - /C:fina s
atartraent ' rte.
F wrought (Wm., Collars and Culls, Jul reed at
itrZ , A A NI ANON k
Ul4, rt.uunougt . rn.m. gtoma, pun,
JIL Mots, 101 l reehl.and f or tee b
jy2o WAI A McCLURC tr. CO. MA LiAtrly u.
LitftEl'Aktr—t en. - .town!.Area.-
tiree,rt mad Id Ward, flavored arab d.ifereat
herb.,reeci: o n l ar l?, f l o c r o tab ß ebj a
BrartgatlgXoo (ante store .no .r
po tu stare and lar .ale
Li A i rt it il
ucKurs —as dos to store and for we by
117 1723 . ENGLISH & BENNETT
. more an. or at a b
g 01 EO&R.S-40 M half Spanish; - r --
10 Principe, sasorieSiands;
10 IS Regalia, 7
In suite =idler sale by ExouSa entNNETT
_IT23 •
SWOOPS --68 - 31 in and for IRMA by
ar, Depot, 34 street,' opposite the Poir'ooBol-,
Graham. Magazine for Airing, Petersceihr
• Natierial, for August Stnnger & Toarnund's Miscel
lany, No. 3, price 8 cern. Goiers Lairs &et, Or
&egoist; Sartain'. Union Aiigraii
ir:ICI, or Unravelled Seem a tato by Talin ; children
of Love, by Eugene doe; Lett'. Arnold, a noel by
MisnnsPtice eta. The Vale*, Ceders, or tin
Martyr, Grace agellarousharof Woman's Friend
ship • 174
AT 0 klo ASSES-20h
DytSJ E 44 01,11}:nENNErT.
for sale lryßyrel ENGLISH & BENNETT.
osirigolP-304bozets:in spore, end for saintly
ffkSINS....O top Reims: 50ThliiliTinTisrre,
14 and for ule by I ENGLISH & BENNETT.
COCHINEAL—I ceyotin , ne quality ;or saie by
°nra•,n 1.1,
HONEY -9 0
I 1710 ALLOW
flo o n a, u w lrgß 011,2 brio Gem?
_Hight ye e lloor, of
Iyl6 n ! '"rwno'hju lllVAill tO & T . 446
very suptrieor ample, for ale by
lye Wick & IIfeCANDLESA.
APS SEED-1 tot fresh Foiehalt veeds jut reed
1716 Cot. Wood & SIAM sta.
R 0 SOAP—A w bzo on band, "Alen b
116 . 4 4.belP. u Enl6), WICKERARAWS
T INBEED , OII.-40 bils for sale by__
J 1716 BRAUN &RE
- - •
ia I'l ttlTts 'VU TIN g—l 6 Ws In rote
'AL VARNISH-8 Wain .o for No by
5 °ran N • D MOROATi,_
“, ' tr . A nnta l fit
3 f7 u6 , 3l..ER . LAiku. Bi t avo i; role b
1 U I NIPER BERRIES-1 ballgii4alf)troß.
Yeadt•Jaat teemed .n 6 for nICD
irat_ I , CA:,;,..4 fl for
Metal - cliff
for ula by[jygOL,
56 -
ri A MAGED GCtobS—Tbd "lap sore; tall/ bp
Er aged by fire, at No. da V.Toraad Baena bare,
eland at redared Petded. WSW. 3 Co.,
van. uteul anaitalesr
gEACHEIY GOODS—A .ppv ;,. pp r y,...P.
all teldlbe aed
4Pe ' LM.
I INEN 1141 Nu ttEliet.,__ _ evil
Pen /Wats, at Oa
IT2O_..,TNIA-TripiA_, oat° for sale ••
• •
proD 2dOIIOAN,
44115 = 21 :4G1V1
r- FA
k I :C* l 3 D OTgitagek CO
s shelled titn,
CAB,ALspoi Cirogi,tm 041
"1" • ,
11-7 r ,'1 47
1 ; 14;
` ` ~'
.41 ,