The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 05, 1850, Image 4
EASMBN-AWRTIBP,MENTS Bosik.i.nas • rrilE Wile Montague Compile, aceptl theft' with SaoSerg awl florarina PhOtn2Cat i v i," It to =van.' pet means foot. Cc mutated of *brew 3.7, :I' as, for rooSha 'ache lusildieße an d .‘kP. , c Ship 13beathing,14 48 inches, from el e ta 27nuecititepe.Wira Sugar Molds, re ontlc3 Zioc They'vratst their Metal Tura .ed (roc from 007 Ikllllll.lClf* Of OT any elter IrubstUltia, and re commend it for the mannfaetare of meet arV Elea In the house futuleiting late, as ft doe, Ott real., Is ton ,affected try the &emu of grger,•nd cosy to polished. palmed, and japanned • Sampler, model', plant, rimciSecLeec, and ether taformationmay be had add , . +acct.:— WM..4e Proecw, Nee. Ver.; Mariam, ROll.l. & Co • PicruiyheerSa at Ca, Philadelphia; Stan, Do EtravMs. Nino, OtlAmr: F. 3.1111.M0DX, RevideittlAgent, Liege, May at.; Now ?wk. =wadi.= • SBOX FINDINGS LIED LUILTBER. lidward A. Clearrelt 16 South Calms st near Baltimore a Itattiolore, , (Late E. Oed Ire, te Sons, N. Y.Y. LAIPORTRIt oflattee Find ings,and Dealer in Leather. of VILIIOIIII klstela: ,Pitgltsh and French Kid akin.. each Calf Skin., Patent Leather ' Morocco, red. white, and pink I . o.lll6finincNke. Laatines, Francais, BILK GALLOONS AND RIBRONS, Lawns. Webb. • Shoe Knives, Awl Blades, Shoe TIIREAD, Meet:. Tacks, Shoe Nails sod Shoe PEGS, of all Ves. E. A. U. having moablielled the above busineas Ih Baltimore, is enabled to slop goods- South or Wein with tha utmost despatch, and at the lowest price.. Alanafactarers, dealers, and all others; map rely upon obtaining every article in the trade, of the best quilt!, and en liberal terms, ffrlplanufactarcr el Lads, Boot Trees. Shoe Trees. Clauttee, Crimps, Boot Stretebersoke. All bilk," will promptly executed LAM tide. for task. A catalogue containing • comrlete list of every eleAn the trade will be forwarded to'those who 11111? dash.. It. EDWARD A. GODFREY,IO S. Calvert m al4lltd3m near Baltimore st., Baltimore. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway, aoraar of rfallOaa Lase. THIS extensive HOTEL has been cited by th. sabseriber, and has been completely refined in moat elegant manner. Large additions are cosi being mode, nada., when completed, will t Me Moat exteadve Hotel to New York. It Moldears! . nation of the proprietor, to make it equaN In cam, re. apect, to anrather House la the United State. Ilakl" canon la die moat doalrable and central in [heed'', be. of in the faabionalde Dan of BroadwaY, eenreNrnt to all the public !diddled., places of arnmacment , and baldness. Uratefal fin the liberal pattonade reeeived from his entatern friends, +Lila at Oameariand, hid., and more recently at the Weddell Woad. Cleveland, Ohio, he respeetfally aphelia •rcirawat of their patron. awe, for hi. new estabbidiatentyala Na ou ala York, end hero to aware them that oven , coort be given to their eonifort an bin d °Manua A. 15. HALIINUM. New Volt, 111srah,14,1e-r.r=647m A FOIXTOIIIIII YOU .tlO 4r S 6. BRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT MAID °Meer, George street, Plymouth, Englmid. The rain agera beg to acquaint their numereas oltronii that Le next Distribution of Portrait. et Dade Homes, will colorise those entered for the forthdonong Gould National Derby Rikee: the ruttier of than. In ae hatted m 5,030 each class. Fin claai member SPA emceed glare dit t to Fatly application for the an amiroprialtal shares Is necessary. A patty aubse•tb. lag Sr more than one share has the chancre( gaining au owl namber tonere.. Those Ter cairn who draw the van.. Portraits win be presented with Ma fol ,owing as af Ist dim !cheeses td ditto- Winner, or First Horse LA,VOII sto ma Second llorse• •• • Ithrtoo OC., Third Horse rind l i uS) Divided amongst Steele • • 440 Non Starters 6,ult) 310.0 Thom em SOP bonuses In each clam, that bring the number of tonal entered (or the ram The /Drawing wilt be coadneted upon the Sarno leyitimme promotes as Megawatt!. charantertroo the lois St Ledger end otheroroceediage. Fall ',artesian Of the result volt be amt to absent members Immediately alter the de• clslon, that each Amy know his posttion. Babserther• reglstmed and .trip forwarded an cc. tripled. Ircaariulee. Bab qf Pophange, rr+A., Book Noma, addressed soid made ,payoule to th e Managing DirettOra. W.:JAILEN & CU. Pine per cent. commiseirns to lid reduced en the preseettat.n of bonuses. . : earldaro' Issoi REED HOUSE, ( 1950 KEITH & DAUBED; Or °plait-or., Psalm Span., Erie, Fa. OF.NERAL STAGE OFFlCS—r.asleen; Waen , n, and Poonbern Raged, leave !hit non,. Jallr. , Car. tinge. to and from Steam and Packet lWata, Orates. M. W. Karen. late of the An:fenced Metal, Erie, P. G. W. itaaasLinete. elthe leinaadan nen!. OILIo. apadednal rte Jam*. Illsseraytis Plaid !Magma*its• DIKEDARDI) 1114er the immolin e care of the le -1 venter, mid established for upwards of thlrty years. Ties elegant pleparatiou Is recommended in all eaves or Lily, ecidines, tudige•tlan; gout, mid grovel a• the meet sere, cosy. awn ellectaal form in 'which blautimaa may, and indeed the stole one in which it ought to Le exhibited. possessing MI the properties at the Magness own general uscoxithent beau' liable like tx, to forte daegerous coucret one an the bowels, er It citually cares h,. eanbisna soda, put wit .. ' •lieuant injunng the COILIII of the stomachd their ; bottoms ore known to do; it presents the food of in• fants turning 401111 in all ease• to acts us a plasiing aperient. and Is peruitarly 'adapted to female.. Sir Humphrey Davy testittiot this 'Outten forms soluble cromhinatio. arab aWgi acid sults in Cues of goat and gravel, [herby eattemratitteg Heir muneca tendency, when other alkalies, and teen &Nguema heel( bad failed. Rum Sir liblitp Crampton, Bark, Surgeon General tklito Army in Deland:— "Dear Ha—There ean be no dealt that blooms may be administered more safely in the Arta el a...- contented solution than in substance; fur Gus, and many other reasons, I em of opulent that the Paid Maximus ts a very valuable addition to our Materis PHILIP civoirroN Ste James Clarke, tile A. Cooper, Dr Height. and Messrs Guthrie and Herbert Mayo. of London, strong. ly =commend Murray'. Fluid Bilthlle6llll, b eing ' in timely more agile and convenient Mae the cold, and free from the danger atiouthng the tonsumt eke of Soda of p 011... For suds by 01612E90r:cis •n.I prnociet UAFpm:: KtrrtH 7 l: idt' C.. of W 0.16. l'eds NOTES LOFT. OTICF. It hetchy ee , . that too or about ine dJoh of April, the roubecriber• had to them. nt loP l o '. ellsbure. VA,the mho wind yaw, vat —A how drown by 0. A. Xiang, plaid.. Glir vr.ter. datcd April 1110 Ai 4 orionihe,lot 301 n Nolo drum y John Le ram., tome Onto hnd time, tor 31117. hod o&non by John Wod d: Co, in favor. of John S. M.rknll, slid le-endeared by no, dated April Lb. 01 four sionino, for 1075. The above oruc• Were hover received by no, nod thin is to caution all persona nuainei trading for or louyend the onoln, no PoTrn , n l oi thorn Lou been Mopped. tS AW II ARIJAUCiII o MOD SPGLING &Uftiale.D. GOODS. .tl.l' largo Cools eOird ewe. Of trap ; Sprint A V au F 4 Summer has win Inca opened at Alegandcr !lac's, No 15 blarket sweet, north wet corner of the Diamond Ir. tits m affordoar retlomers and Me public to tact, it at great plen•me to be able IL 116 p it embraces tildEftT IIAttGAINS in al. most every rleveription.f rend.,no a large Iwnwa it was purchased at Lb< recent tensive auction sale to the eastern hems (Jar asaortruent, Lath of tune and staple goal., It very supenor, and agotdo to al earth haters, either fry vvint/coale or rcual, a hue op portanity of ceninf truth wwo end Faroe LADIES' DILE:SS GOULCS New style Foulard silks, very cheap; rich plain an. geared changeable ants. of $.1¢10.1 every voyle all gar anty; aeper plain and geared WM. silks do. Ina rag. and tiouct; barece de la mane w and hand style; near elite I mush, Ettglith, :tentel .awna, en great verity, arid at very low pricer; pie". A glared. god satin 501111.1 do .Imot or. an lad. W. *am,, Inten latter. of all shads, and sullied ging lukaa, chlatu.,priut., *r. SILAWLS. Super ekernelcon lilt mom:. 1 plain and loomed black do; plain and embriiiiintiiiTiot et mere do: a•pet plain and embroidered white and colored emit. dal "••••• 414 ,1 WHITE A fine 111.1011010 01 11101/A. tionscorkm pinnacle, b"1"., f, pearl braid, &Inaction braid_mbl iw i.nne.. li.atb t Iteadr, .11p.r Eng4.4i:ray A firm mock of rupee.; Tel:an-ad fromfamed ailk and sain Tare rano... of oil polar. a nd CLOT/ID a& CASSIMERES. A large msesutietu of Wiper /tenet., Ilinglish and Belgian clothe kid 'eamisteres of all goat., and Dram, m whica We wand Innto the anentltu of the gentlemen. threatma of brown and nleteened cheeks, chambeare, sadness, At, 111 very large, and at the Very teasel grim, Al., a large tot of table darter. •nd cloth, brown and Wombed; flame a Ann Scotch deeper., crash linen. neaten.. eolledo and wool a goods for men sal Loy.' wear, link linen*. red, verline,Aud yellow tlan• of al gingham. mk and linen WM. and atom. of al ands, taatyry an! bonnet ribbons, ant hem' Amami, ae, to all whisk wa would reepectlally invite the atteatron oflralt trial tel.! calk buyeta ' ' ALEXANDBIt& DAV, motel ES Market m. .AI eas nf the lat myna - APPLY. Tridtaiim. I Ah ll noir prepired faltvish Apple Tries, from the kuowe Nome,/ of J.aeol , N. Armen. The I recs e wlll 4o delmercd at the wharf it 111tmargh fur SU per handfed. reterms wumtsm genii Mealy trees elmild leave Mei, order. ,oen it the Drug. Need, and Warehouse,: 4 earner of Wood and.ll4.W ipll N %VICKI:R.IIAM azittoval. WAYNE IRON , WI WARVIIOUSH. A lete r r s il t, !frog te.11%; tnrolZig . e t' l , Pa. .11 ----- IIIitiEWVAIL. lai &WICK, II we Oace to norCth t). have mov o f their L klub mea c orn er of Wood slid Third arert• —P— IURC cA o IK iiltiV . 1 / 4 A C L O . C l No I7 II WI., n Id. r t m o 10 Wood h a i v d e a trtoem t o . ved to to tho .41'e4.4' 6 ...' , Y ".itPital LT 11.0', Jonas & Co. oh:1Mo_ Stia di I if Ch hatatiliritaiAt-a iihr - -- 1ST): s Small do; &J bid 2114 - Itlf6 & TOGIO do; tell ledtired .od for !tale Lv Milif.lth & IlltitChirta IN - • Plantation tlofar and laolaueo. IS: hada common, fmr, & prima I'lantalma Cagan; *Vasa brla Plan auon cypras WU, do do, in more, Inc :min , or RICK ETE.PN Vith 1417 —1..:10 1...5. for .ckm jjIL,C 11 ORANT I 4elt, W I:7IaIIANT latl iaiiOr..Tho 1 :or woo by 11 leYl C 11 :AUNT Iff I 1n.414 11 88.8-10 tn. Padleld's 8 Cams !alai 30 tee Evan. frAirill's do tea D. blaey'a do, dies easrused Deer round Coiaale *tea plain ' b Y—,„ — lB9 l - SELLSRB NICOLS Xr..VA , 8881811--151 I- etimi, sT ,IA rod !!!,02 , 7_,L linlnj ItualSON. l'I.E:_!:(114_ erraargriiit7 l- .1-tt - i4 WIS. NO I Rosin Soap' Jan oactio ed and ter Jel7 MILLER it ICKETSON -fq unx. Dr Zogro;' Lart!iogrort 'liar, ee I Celved and ;J MOD &CO - 24/10R r. vossemEk bwr oLe v : J R lUD &CI, ri - WeIfiRELOTEIITERIn,tiff...Mc. 7 a co ptiv Nl-14-if t4t 1 1- 11 ( :11 r n _k• _ nintiostr•L-2*.iiiu;.i I.y - Jiuw VO -- - 11MtMMUS' - J. Ile OUD XIELLO O. $ 1 712 VT ., ‘ iZaenc, - • . the following: Molly, do you Love oat, by S. C. Foster. ' Olt may the Red Rove Live Alway, do. :veil , " wee Neal a Ludy, do. Un o , do. Gwine to Rim all Night, do. Dollypay, do. Soldier.. Wed...ting, by Glover. , The Robin. do. Oh, Tone the Cord yet moo wale. Sweet Memoirs of Thee- • silver Moon. 1 Lemma of the high Rmigrant. A New Medley Enna. 'llota hest Wounded the Bpi it that Loved Thee. The. Cane cripl's Departs te, by Gk.., lte Rand to the Loud Ones at Home. Ell?1==:t1=1 ECMIMMO Low 11.104 car by Lover Do you ever think of ton. Let 0 - entle Lady EliltiEM!!!!!!=:il %Values llatehelor, Maiden Bella Welts, Concert. Ladke Sot, -ir, Cony Elvira,l4l9 Abe. . ags. liarty Pilllol2. St TEABI 'TEAS TAGASS VETE cater not Into the fist of miderhwesesthnothing abbot Hundred. of Chests. Importers, large Capu Uptight for Ci.b, Est In fact, we will not hambag an any manner or fano, we •MIPIS invite the public to compare oar Teas wits that they Ourchase elthwhere; this ie the best meiturd we know to ascer tain vane sells the best and theatre.% Tw j o , burgh. 'We are now selling 6eml and strong Tea at 40thd 60cents pee lb. A prime article, do T o . imported Into th e U. States, St The bee acre, OT inferior Tea. we do not Low pnud, " 111014RIS lc HAWORTH I keep. proprietors of the Tea Market, East side of Dramona. Illeolhaosoal Work. U. modpolt. CO New York, base In count of pub. licallon, in put., price twenty five cents each, - A DICTIOSALLY .ty Musings, /Urethra.. &stens Work.and En. etnrennxi destgnth foe Prattocal Urvrluzir Mtn, and thaw intssarti .fte the Hogs. steering Prt~ awash torn NT 0.1.1il erase. I. WORK. is of large boo. ale, are will contain two Morrill. roots, and epwarde of MI THOM sub Itherr.noste. It will vegans worting.draw. into and desClipliOn• of the most important mach.o en the United Bates Independent of the maul. 01 American ingenuity, It will contain complete tamed. oat tread es on Alechaeics, hthelitherli Engine-works and Ifiglneering; with all that it useful in more than one thonsand eoliths worth of folio volumes, mega sines, and other booth Tlio great object of this publication is, to piths be fore practical men and students oath an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, in a condensed form,. shall enable them to work to the best advan. athßg 'L."! 'i otint ' o; w us h e i u l l I they Tmlife o o l des brought wetter is-almost beyond precedent in tech works. Indeed, there Is hardly any subject within its range which is not treated with .mot clear. te e th and plemsion, that even a mirn of the most nand nary capthity cannot fed of understanding it, an *us learning from it each which it t. Important ur him to know. Te publuhers are, in short, determined, regardless of to mate the work rte completes possible; and W hoped averyarie Jeelroe• to and the work will orthare It az tweed in thi ¢ ners. and thus erica will thThe enterprise. ' e work will be:Limed In semi-monthly nambem, commencmg in twittery, 11150, and will progress with treat regularity. The 'whole wort will be published in 40 ti istime. at sZ coots per number,und completed width the ca r. rent year, Ira% A Likud discount will he made to agents. Any one remitting the publishers Ste to arlsthee, theU MOM. the went through the port °dice free ol three.- optatoof of 4. Pr. " . "To our owner°oa filthafuntostre, file-ethnics, Fa racers, and Artimns, It will he a Minn oiS wcalth."— Providence, (IL 14 Journal. "Young melt, arm 901Irmilrell with its knowledge.— We can with conhdenee recommend our readers to pongee *solecism+ of its norabet • as fast as they th. pear."—Arnencth Artisan. "We thkesimungly commend the wort to those en gaged in or luteremed in mechanical or thientific pm sir., as eminently worthy of their etanunation and etudy."Troy,(N. Y..) Budget. "It is ualy e peat wort, and the publisherti de• serre. Inc Omits Of d ine:mum. machinwie. and mans lacnirms. sod mike of the public gencrally."—N. V. ltherentent sffhis Diellouall and be highly useful to practical arechthles, and saleable to hig hly who 'nab to 'mordant then.elsce with the'protr.. Of invethon in the hie an.."—New limiters! Daily "I oung mechanics flight to keep posted op in the armies! . well e• pact cal knowledire, and thin cork show theellll. l haw 11.3 , stmnd." — IMMWM Anverliw. We Alas a to tic but the wort that scones soul hun dreds of our Intelligent mechanics have desired to (pm ticss. amipie.Me &Rennin:Ms, and w 1011 mad minute its 'arceifteationa, aoalll sets .Its aatmp Mechanic might contetht nor RaneNtic t: d,:acribea, ore •he • retigth of its cog remote and instruct...all—N.Y. CommermalAitiverumr. • All interested to mechanics should avail them selves of de advantsgeAr—Sehoylkill, Irenn.,) Jour- n al. "A wing of opens/ye practical unlit) and great'''. parlance and valor to the wpidly increasing interests of lbe country. regent the work as eminent!) calculated to promote the rum of IL*IICO and the machuital arts. and to di sseminat e velaable Inform, hon on Meta eubjecta..—Farcom and Mechanic. "Practical mon In all the vaned walks of mechani cal and manufacturing industr7lenalnetnag he- will find in Oaf work a trcuare which at will be to then piot to poem co."—Tray Doily Whig. "We hums carefully perused the numbers. and base no heaution in saying that it is Mo but stork for me thank, tradernica, and seienufic rata, eves patilisti. ed, fee to Obolibm•intuoto Infottnation on every branch of the amehuneal arts and sciences, capreseed in a style slid language intelligible many rendbr of ordi nary capecity."—nloucaster, (Illass.,) News. -Wo are SUM we an-doing the mechanics of Nor. with nod other pane of Connecheat a brildeC by bringing the work to their strenturmll—Norwich, (Conn I .barter. "It la rut meta work as every mechamc should pow W eas "—Freeman's Ment o consider hone of the Mod useful nod auponau. imblirations al the age. Nn urcettnnic can afford to be manna Is —Newists, IN. J.,' Commerc.ul Coun..r. • i tr all the oaf." publicatimis baring for their ob. last the Multiunit and IdTlnerr4ral of the muchant cal nets and s"lences, none that we have wen, is so (al of (aorta. as lbw "—lts tfale Canl.•Oobr thr he 4 and Ithe.v•L Wort e •rtOOoTCS to fie sc eatific mul engineer nod methanol he t am us benuttmlly e 'l xec ared."--n mhatuton Globe Great finetranarg is Oar of the most artful works um published for years, and the low prat at obit!, a is mild makes a acceptant to ail Curollman. we regard it. one of the mast comprehensive and stainable, as well as churnt works over published." —l.lslttruore Advertiser Wright to be takou by every one desiring to keep ago with the regress of err ...lartniee 'nutty au nf the )sterrs o dinbred ttfe '—ftondotatitoarter. t•lt is designed after the pr ,,,, C00 or urc ,, 1 1 . ry, anti that n re more devueed to the mech.:neat and rmrtadnrattl &boy nIL .• valuable tra nenompltehing fdr Anted.a saint lire Into Jane tar I.ldg - tait, .11 neserildttg Amerman machtnery and art.rtra a.% ”--Stelentifie Alierican. paalished In milliner. ..I at s prier so male. rare, look ire at what is coutdlll/4 Mooch number. that no one tall° bas the least Itrietest in each matter., need 14 Veroled front procuring It; end Merl' noewh does so, will find that he has in a co:ideated taro amount of tivitmetion which would be obtained, if Iv all, only by the purchase ornery many voluntean—N V. Conner and I.:nut:Orr cbmprchen.atencel with which the subject are traced, the admirable manner in which they are illurirated, compile to mate this one of the room duet raids vents ' . —loomorrooloot .1 la.wors should Le it: the hand. of e ery mechanic art oral, .11.1 manor.. . erperially those who hay • the least aipirations to excel in their reepecuve bmi tomes. We I. me c &retell y enema:lod it, with a new o recommending ti tO Illtealn”. To thrill we wool. In the strut r, laticoace bie 11.1. mi -It to usual." traltlmore IWOoliltife Jou to the NrEsAraperg throughmil gAn Unded &au and Canmia. It thefore4otng adventnement la in•erted rtee land. Gonnathe year, arid the paper cent/leg it sent to ul • copy °floc Work Will Le rent grans in payment. •.15,1A,teler IS'ALILISTICUM OISTEIIa IT. Con: airung no AliTettifl i 130, other Mineral. Tfollowing testimonial was given by the celiW' j booed In. Wackier Reach. the authorof the great medical work entitled "The American Practice 0.. Medicine and Family Physicinn." "Haying been made acquainted with the ingredient. Which compose. hlcAllister's Al4llenling Ointment and having prescribed u - d trued It in several Caere Ii my private praktice, I have .o herniation in saying or certifying that it ill. Vegetable Iterumly, canto 1111 l no mineral substance whmorcri that its ingredient. enmbined as they are, and used as directed by tbq Propneter, are not only harrialess, but of great oaks being • truly ecientific Remedy of great power: and el:mm{l.lly truly a as • compound which Gm done much good, and which i• adopted to the cure of a acorn swum of mires. Though I have never attire reconateended or engaged mthe auk of secret medi cines, regard for the univ hone,t, COritt.tratioll, ha character of the Proprietor of Ibis Ointment, and the yoke of hi. discovery, oblige me to say thus much regarding H. W. IIEACII, D. D." New York, April Ltd, 7tURN9.—It is one of the Lent things to the srer!il • r Dam. PILES. —7lonsands are yearly cured by this Oint ment. It never Mils in giving relief. roe Toners, Ulcers, and all-kinds of Sores, It has '" lf Othorn/rmd Nurses knew Its •alne In eases rd Swollen or lime Mem:, they would always apply d. In ouch ease., If used areoiding to directions, it gives relief in a very few hours. Around the Irnt are direction. for using 51cAllmtcr's Ointment or Scrofula, Liver Complaint, 111.ipelas, Teller, Chtblain, Scald Head, Soto Eyes, tianey, Sore Throat, Oroectuies, Nervous Affections, Pains, DlSC]ee of the Spine, Bead Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Ear Ache, Burns, Corns, all I/Ideates of the Skin, Sore Lips, Maples. he., Ewelllng of the Limbs ' Horns, Rheumatism, Files, Cold Feet, Creep, Swelled or 13ro tau Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, the. From the Reading Eagle. There wita never, perhaps, Medicine brought fern the tbo public, that hos In so short • LIMe won such a reputetion as Me Alltster's Allillealine of World Saler. Almost every person that bin made trill of it spunk, warmly' to its praise. Otte lin. been eared by Ref the most painful thcornotism, another orate • third oca troublesome polo in the aide, • fourth of • swelling in the limbo, ft ir it doe. not five imme diate relief. in every cane, it can do no injury, being applad outwardly. As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow er possecsed by Luts mayo. we eittuom the fol/owing oettificete. from a respectabla citt.n of Maidecerecit townrhip, in thts county: Mitedencreck, Rork, co March 30. 1517. amen. Ritter & Cm-1 moire In inform you tbs. , entir eared of a oe item pain in the beet, by tro ale mo o( McAllister's Albilealing delve, which I (o r. chared from you. I 'offered with it for about St years, and at night was enable to sleep. During that time. toed various tcroeihts, which were prcrturiburl for by phymmansend other pertosoi,walhout min any relief, and at Just made trial of Ras Saive,, with a a re favorable beyond nod enjoy oat now emit, ty free from the pain, nod enjoy ot night a poaceful end ',reel sleep. I huge also used the Malse sm. for moth ache and other complaints, with mauler happy molts. Your friend, Jun ilioxamisca JAMES hIcALLISTIift, Sole Proprietor of tbe above medicine. Principal °Stec, Mn North Third street,Phlladeb ohm. PRICE 119 CENTS PER BOX. Aottrra la Carstns/L-0 A. Fahnesteek h. no. corner of Wood and First no Win. Jocks., No. 110 (.Worry s tr e et. I. Wilcox, Jr, eorner or Market street and the lutend, also corner of Fossil, sstorthtold streets; J. IL C.arreheorner of Walnut and re. streets, Fifth Ward; .d sold at the 1 martt:4e to douLthrteld street, 34 door from Second. In Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwartz and/ Doug I us J. 0. Smith. DraggisL,Lbratingliarte Lt. Nealo7, _East Laberty; Rrwihntl, meEeesport; J. Alexander I. Mon. Monongahela City; N. IL, Doertnan Co,.d I. T. Itoretulirownsville; John Barkley, Peaver, I's; Jahtf-rWalker, Jr, Elizabeth; Ilooortglit h Erwin, Ltneheroer feldlleodly Wit filikt.". 4 PrlA Du mast ii7.7i - 67,41. V jcitGlS t Wtair#oo , l • • MT C ILAN - EMT - Valuable anal estarmive Voter Polies-10 let on fa ...... terms. THE WADA9II NAVIGATION COMPANY Orr Sow pieparedi to lame the tt Mar Power at the n r y a r g ,t, , ma Gant to propel foto hundred pairs of stone. Tim location is based ripen a reek' foundation. and the power eon noose. 'Gently be spelled on both aide* of the river. Th. Mtn tithe White River, as well he the Wabash, can be ora lly yroadied at this pont. While timber, Iron foe, and t oo the Fleetest abundance, and ol ,yperi.r mrality,be easily procured through the same country Taans—One hundred dollars per of !ors pow er andleient to propel aingle run of medium sit.. 111111 stones, for a petted at firmer. year, with Ito o , y r, o f renewal on the fe e of th e lesm, • fur or iaation of the power employe& The km of the mill manufactory included, without (ante, charge framer Company. 14 order of the Directors. MINER T. • Ptesideof of the W. N. Co. VatcrsTo, la..ITAT 9. 111Y31..d:Int r116:9 lIALNWiIIIEDICATED NYMPH 80AP. Li —The skin of many persons is disfigured will slight eniptlans, as pimples. MOrpbew, he., and when this la merely x disease of the skin, as it is in ninety nine eases oat of every b•inlred, It is very easily re. moved. Ades Nailer, Nymph Soap is expressly adapted to diseases of the akin, as It acts directly upon' the tennis po re s which cover its surface cleansing them from mpurities. and by it, balsamic properties heating and eradicating sill emotions, and rendering the darsest and roughest akin ooh s fair, and bloc ming. Persons who/lave been in the habit of using ordi ovy soap, mill be astonished at the beimuful canto produced by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a &heats bloom, preventing the neck, face, or hands from chop ping; allaying all irritation , afifi removing all confine on. eropuons. It possesses allexpoislte perfume, and to entionly devoid of all alkaline propeelica, rendenns it the only article which man be used with safety imd eomfbn tu the 11111•Kry. All those whose faces or necks are disfigured with pimples, blotches, 111Orptle•r, he , should make trial of Jules Ilauel's Nymph Soap, as the proprietor most ascot. them. then Its use will tender the ditcolo,Co.l skin. ht , e, the roughest skin smooth. and the most encased skin healthy, pure, and bloom mg • Jules IlartePs Nymph Snap Is the only article able al effectually produce the al,osn elleets in so silo a dime, and Um o. ly one which is at the same time a somata] and enilrely harmless. Prepared only by JULES HAVEL, Perfumer •nd Chemist, PAi Chestnut mess, Phila. For sale wholesale end retail by B A. Fohnestoe .4 CO, and IL E. Sollars, Pittsburgh; and John Ss gent and J dlttehell, Allegheny fuer, Pa. ies BACCOIND UMW PIANOS. AGOOD Mahogany Pa CIO Forte, 5 ma'am, second hand. -- • • ..... -• • • • ..... .0100 00 A handsome laprastat Piano,with Roacmood an F nature, octaves, and in good order ••• • 100 00 A plain 51 octavo Paano•••• ............. 45 tilt, A goal Co wave Piano -- 00 A shod octave Piano, with bandeau. Nino •-TS to .1011b1 II bIELLOR el Wood at CREEIII SUPERCF.D INC; the Wooden Flom., met bete, I conibustilile, thereby economises the oil, end p • 'rents [ninon, heretnfore ro inuch obiecied to n Uer (loaLs One spoonini of the i on= temp oil will lust Nine Hour., or al, (unbar leen of time, •ccordhic to the oilditioncil iiY•sillti of GA. ReeeiveJ and (or sale by JOHN maye7 CECOMEI TVA'[' ai the Pillthargh liro• dCC rj 40,0 Tca Vi • 161.0111 i. seases Fresh Oysters, tn tot earls, 4 do hekled do, in qt our; 4 do do do, In pint do. The aticine Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and pal ny iit a lushly concentratwl coop, enelostsl hrrt.e.tienl. I) sealed eons. and will kee pmuch lotakee Nan thole put up to the ordinary way For sale, wholesale and retail. by W4l A kIeCLURG h Co, at :to kSal.ibrity or GsAnte Am•rlesat al•nhaiatsetl Wank. 11 APPLETON Near Yor, ha t ea te , :: . e ti , rt ,, n o p"i' m r,7iß ;.. b ' . Wore. and Eneinrennei , Vorkonn MIA. and thaw intended for the Engweeong Profession failed by (Meer Ut me. This work I/ of large Pea cite. and will contain two thous 4P:i paged., and upwards of ol thents.nd illootra unit, In present working di otioingo and dc.citp• dons of toe moot tmpttt tnt man hineo in the United Bate. li - dependent of the result. of illPettrlll In genuity, it mill contain Complete Iditmiddl t , eam. , CO Mechanics, Machinery Engine Work', and En.incer,l,l,tl,,,,v,too,,nscrol itt more then one: n il:Q . 7 , V , bnok... Ed. numbetil Y rc ' e l ro7 , ..l,7rt n r " .l. l e by the *gent lIMPEINS, opl4 77 Apollo Hollilingd Fourth 11. NIEW STOCK or PIANOS. •,,,,21....-Ahliti --- 4 - e?..,' \ _ ._ .„,•,...,••-•• ....-5„.....;..„ 41, - ; .-- f ;.T.-,,-- , ...--..-------,.:--- -, .---:,.: -.- 1. ~ i..1-„., . .--.., „ ,, . -k-5..7-„, : ..trt.:•,,,,,_ 9, ~,, „.•-•-.„..,,......,_,,:.: :,..V--i.-.., ••-,..zy.:-•-.._ , ..- „:„........•. • _,-,,,,,..-:-..,..-- , ,*..-•_ , ... , .<-,,..i.;:z2 . .. - ... . CHICKERING'S PIANOS lobo 11. Mellor, 51 At'oo4 Street, Pitlibunb, 3 ' olo Agent i AVestern I'enn.l , 4 ~ . of CIIICKERIMPA CELEURATED Grand and kin.unre Plano V Bit! ; t n .:L.4l , a expose for sale, dant, the plesent month, the ret trlin reat and roost dastraLla stock of Poo Fortes ever clf.tred for tale tattle aicst—custong We Lumbar will Lc wand • fall *apply of Soperoly carved Rosewood Grand Puna Fortes. with all the 'recent improvements to meshantsot and style of extonor. Spleanidly can RartorPGll , l seven arta, Square Piano Fortes, finished lathe Ellzaboddin and Loon. XIV. miles Wtth a [tree stock of al: the vattoas sty le• of Pia. Fortes. varying in pores. from 8173 in Steil tint 31040, psep•rrd LT Mr. CLickattLa tor UK: present Ilt-for Pdfrebaters Rae a...lied that the poem of Mt. Chic, - tags Pon: , a ;ate, In en. nod Ott, continue to t .snar as at the Manuiretttl , to I: ...or Crab.. t•:tote. fog irmoyoroti.n. mud sell. 1.- and ttr.. per ice: Order, In nay parr of Warlli.a.wolit rtturgrt nig/ Tunderctoc.l begs ien•c ir.furrst the pohlic 1 th at has declined htenne.• th haver of Las ..y. P.ll. ove, who wilt C. 11.. 1110 ALICIA°. Mlld Cart, slll.{lollbusinees at the and eland. cornet 4.i ' , Ruud and lIRI arente, and for 1.11001 he wrak! IaPikCII a curate on dich ustureVifthtic,. e Ithetul padonagc tieto JUILN D...fore kesDAV lS, tustc,l p. o Pth,1550. P. M. DAVID, ASUCCESS4 Oa TO J011:4 0. DAVIS,) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, .41. OP %IMOD /Mb /IV. F.. VI , . Iv ILL Make +ale., on lit.eral ter., oi Poi la • and Y 1 Dimes:Le filerChiltuttZe, Heal atate, locks, ,Siai hopes, by experience einJ close attentton hasincsa, Me. comma mace of the support and patrentqce an Ii hemNlp extended to the former house. April Notros to our Patrons 11./ALIANGLI POILTABLE BOAT LINE. IU decease of the active panne, it Phdadelph.a, 1. lthe law /no. M Davo , ,lPoe!atn `tieodcrfuld'hn nt thelltonneve—ortwoaemeno. have heel. made which Involve. the nille illle.C.l, preen:my. whir 11 have beretefore existed The towhee: o• cc:lnwood under the tame name and Gem. vt.— •Xlitt M DAVI. 8. Co. Plotadelphia, Jane hi'Favcs b. Co.. l'otoddrge. The connonance of Oar .a el ear men, Irter.da tcapectfully rotted. ! II tap pervert, have dementia avtlnat the Concern. they are requested p eacht them forthwith. for payment. floo,ardh, Arrll In. ':4l. JIIIIN hI'FA DEN, ap17.0 Selolvotpattncr. D. A. Valanestock a Co., VITIIOI.I.:SALE 1/111:tili1ST0, corner of rirat and %Vood otreeta, offer fur 4.1,m. losornlde torn.. --11401,1. %V tonne; 0001 In. Oat,. Ammnom, 00 'do Alum; Jul do A...condo, 300 der,- 1/ye Wood., 1111 do Crud. Tailor, do'Lampl.lock, 501 do lAottorice nom; 211,d0 Von. llo.t; 3ou do In.rt 111 o..; do Camphor; 13.. do 11.41 Pree.pinne; 10 do Span. Brown; 130 do koMmel Artscri 00 do 1 ellow Oolart; 03 do do 11 . 0 1 ; 10 do Ilrim,tone; 3.40) do Bunter I.r.ores, do Cloves, 3 , 0 do Illtutotrb Mont; 3 do Chant. Flower., 100 do Soreap. on; 14 rare, Roll Borns; 011 do liontron do; 23 do C.olc Soap; 001 do 501 Ilneherle; 15 do Prornon Ulum 214 do r.ollita 31111ort; 10 An tdoo,nen,a; 3101 do l'orr3l Ilholoarh, 13 do Chrome Grern, 000 do Mt 1 1 11 p 1.1100; sdo do 114 AnArable sdo Ant. Verodlton, Ita. do do Lig, Root 50gran.1 , and raper, 114 do .10 /oleo, c..norea sio,lT 000,10; 07.) do Jo Al t , ayenike, 100 hews !Lytle Cork.; 214 do 0001pe 3300 Halp3ll Itlorproa, 3.4 do 11.1 1210) Cup.: AlOO., kor. do Tum0r...1% 1200 do 11 , •.'hnon Potamle; 114 do gawk Si , •pr, 4.5:0 do Vol do (Mange Vent; 150. de 'lurley Und•er; 75 do ('neuter W, LIM do Cream Toner. do Ilyd l'ututh.; 500 do Tonkin.. Arid; m. to M. 0 .., IMP do Urn Ur.; 05 do litaort3e. lotion PETIIOILV.VI7I, OK ILOCK OIL. E==== . . , Than are dreamy of to plitio,ophy " VIRTUES of Mit remarkable remedy, and T ' the constant application Mr it, in the proprietor, indeced him to hove it put up in tiottle. with la. hely and directions for the benefit of Me poiir. The rr:rnoutum to procured nom a well in this county, at a depth of four hundred feet,,. a pure unn dn article, without any imenipol change. MP foe as 'lows from Notate'. Grew labmteryl! • That cos .ains properties machine a neinbcr diseawp, if no longer a matter of a nenrtmoty There ere many things in the arcane of ripe re, anvelL tf kruiwo, might be of vent usefulnewi in •Ileviltine waterlog, and re. storing the bloom of health and viget to ninny a sub fere?. loop before We proprietor theuchl of putting it up to bottles, It hail o rep.. for the cure of dis ease. Thee onstant and daily In salt, for it, and several reinarkslae cures it hip performed, u fore indication id its home pot,. 'Ay and wide /Tread aprelleaLlGll ,fro of M., as- We do urn wish to muse a lone Pet imc nr care., a. we ore 00.pous that thr.o,lkcine can .oun p, Its way into the toyer of dope who surfer and ansh to be healed. Whilst we de nut elmitn for it universal application in every Meaner, we unhesita tingly ray, that in a statelier of Chrome ...... is anrivalled. AllbOnr 140.0 trio/ enumeratml-all anwolea, ouch as CHRONIC CONSUMPTItIN tin as cony Pace,' APhina,ltind r all discare• of the air powages, LIVER COMPLAINT,- DYSPEPSIA, Inarlora. Inacimea of lb* Bladder mut Kidneys. Fides in the flack or Side, Nervous Dlsemea,,Neas algia, Patsy, Rheumatic Patna, Gout, Erysipelas, Teller, Ringworma, Borna, Scalds, Ilroteea, gild Sores, AC, Re, in roses of debility re. oohing from exposure, or.long and on:omen:A eases Of disease, this Incdimite Will bring toilet It will art a. a geneMITUNIC spit ALTERATIVE In each mums, ityperling tone and energy to the whole triune, mons l4ldg obstructions, opening the igleggMb f unction., whin Canoe diseipa and a broken constitution, and giving increased and renewed energy to all Me organs ol LIR! 'The youngster knows of several cotes of PILES. that tttt every other. treatment, get well ander Ine 117 e of the PETROLEUM fur a short tuna. The proof can he given to any person who desires it. No: ;10001110 Wllhoui the •ignallite of the proprietor. Ladd by the urtipneufr. P. M. tinß. (lanai Resin, near Seventh at. Ahl It E SELLERS. Ca Wood a g and—KINFER OPIROWELL, einner Woad ah and Vitirin alleYi who are hie stamatr• see - Marty antmintell Ab el CALIFORNIA RUBBER GOOLIS—Jost recanted, 32 Camp Ultotetsi :Moamar eoetsi 12 prs 4-a-pain nen lined Musing Mans; 12 Whom, Vega; 3 Waare Tanks, 6 aod 12 ga11... each; 60 C.Lertt•, I gallon rade, 1 dos Baratta. alaney Ilelts; Ida oiled cambric do do. Ile above good. far sale a: the Call. fools Eetahlddattlls No s w g• WOO 10341.411 '!'B4l rOE~~TION.;ZINEB 1850 anina 1850 ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS of this lane will least ragalarly, and de ilyee Belida. without tranablpment. J C BIDWELL, Pittslnugh, JAMES COLLINS, do, }Agents BIDWELL & BROTHER, Roam., marl Nal 1850 MiiMl BIDWSLL'II SANDY AND BEAVER LINE ! Front eitivhrerglA to Calimb's and Clevind, tlaravk the.els poprilorox rawnies of Volum 84aa,z, Tn.fearrarras, Ceshorton, Lading, and Frau/din. The eoutpletton of the Sandy and Deaver Canal opens up to our city through this greet natant central mute a direct returnuntenuon to the above at well am the adjoining ermines of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware. • • From thts section of Ohio, the trade with Potshurak has been, to a great extent eat oil in consequence of be high rates of transportation, which are now re. dosed It n it nod GO per coot. Boatsf this line will leave daily, and run through without trunskapinent The Cana l company have bestowed upon that line on interest In the unprece. dented advantages of their Charter, and thud secured . the middle pante.. of Okto In ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S SANDY AND DEAVER LINE:, an equal interest to this ailvaniare. Agents: J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. R C;moo, Spear's 031 s, lo; II & A Goy, Wiit....pon,th: George Komble, Elkton, 0: Catlile 4. Huffman, do; Ikons, Iltab•m le Co. New Lot.oi Aner & Nicholos, Ilentmer, 0.; Ilibbet. & Morn Ali. norm. O.; Speak., & dA; J.seph Pool & Co, In l.; Hull & Oneida Min.,(l.; V Rover, C &Co, M alvern, ; R K Wornas ,v n, 0.; E Roynoltlo, do; boor 41,,n0u n 0: E J 11.4,11,11,k Co, blognolla,O., Wto'll ' orkoors, do; J ll'Entland & Co , Seudyvlllo, 0, I . l' Lod, In; Fool. - dßogb & Strinl•ou,i4. bol/ ar. 0 Wallard & Shnver, do; J J Hoffman, Aloo.illon, C.; Cummins t Co, do; lohn Robinson Coos; Fulton, 0 ; Perug Torre) Canal Honor, 4; A Medbory, Bosom-, U.: I. K W•r. nor, Newark, 0' Ftteh & Cele. Colurabus, 0; L 0 Mal thows,Clovoland, 0.: Rhodes & I:reco, do. m.)O THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL r•OYM PITTSMIEGII TRANNPORTAMn LINE. inAll 185° abig;a Pe.ansylvanta Canals& Ilan !load. • , WCONNOR, &TWINS t Co., Canal Basin, Liberty moot, shoot h; &TISINS, O'CONNOR & Co , 210 & 250 Markel meal, naladolpina. O'CONNoMi ouset, Baltimore; E Pt.oeir.ll7.q ore, E...tatert t. Doane street, Rtietom Rawl., at. (Our. Maysville, tienucky; II Ll A Co., Coluoilda seen,. Lamiaville; Rases, It Co., SI. Louis T. Shippers gl 41Tercharalse and Prod_., La mad from - ha..fripla., rioloreeelj i ihurkr". Our route Lein, nt,r lit Cue order, are arc prepare. 4 conviljd 00,4 0. above se my !erase pr,.0,. We r. ati freightfers nt any charge having policies Mr over #1"41,0001, am% voth trio following ertemdve stock of roam heel confident or Kern, ctn., home all business entreated to our care Our home are 111 new, and commanded by replan, of experienee. and andenure lino rondaetrd on arse, rob/Ault keeping temperance principles. Captain.l !Mats ' Cnittains Iron Coy, Hagan Puinvyla ante I..Jtrion, Maryoind., filaiehall St. Lowe. itowden Cincinnati. Sand, llawanl Ridley Ruth Anna, Panty Delairah Roue Won Attie., Pentua4 llnterpruin, gayton Import, /stoma Moven Elation. Alter ties. Soil Wire ire Cella klavaLias Point Min Ito) lON.lnade Dattni'eCtipperltsley America Pet 1 . / Ohio Belle Kearney blerniaol hl t'olgan Hunter Rinelo , The Fog hl . quaile Julia Ann J Layton Sorts Telterenh Nie2ttarta Laolt Sloop Ile., North queen Wilde Shipper. [Alta O to their advantage in pre u, a call. . O'CONNOR, ATCINna Car, 050111 Canal Basin Liberty at,Pot.hurgn. — Western Transportation Catitoseg. ;g?Efa 1850 . - fint;ila D. I.Eii:Cll & CO'H LISIL. BETWEEN ITITSBUEGII. IMIEMIMOIEZI=I By Tr nnyylvals. Cava/ and I eds.! Basd. T 111: lloat. nod Cur' , of this I.lue ha, lwen put it I compete ooler, and yeah me adonton of ..eyer new ones to the Late, comb!. us to cury • tars quantity or produce and gow,ta The entire stork of the Line t. ovnrd told c onTro 04 by the Prop,l. tors. mi., t -11•11111S 1.1.T.C.11, No 13 Oh u 4,1 Ada iu We lobycro Wurct.ousr, 11,1 tkl.Pot. JOSITII TAII.IIRA SON, No 114 North llow.rd eL lluttmorc, hid ; 1 oF4'ICII. No 7 We.,t et, Ncw York; D LEECII te. CO, Cant Ilaqn . Venn et. r,trJlprAt•iaorK h. aaigEtA 18511 ‘ JELL UNION LINE, ON TIM. PIIC.NN.A AND 011110 CANALS. CLARK, PARKS A. CO. auchemcr. Pt. rtortf.• JOHN A CALIGHEY, Arent. Office ear Smithfield and Water et., ravbarati. CRAWFORD &CO, fiats, Cleveland. Ohio. lIIN vrell_known Unaare prepatl tramport 1 (meat end reeacnitern from -e and CLEVT.I.AN D. in an, point on the Canal and link. The (acilitici of the Line are unaarpa..ed inov ' quality .nd calmest). of Ilnati.espenenee of caps and ateionny Are.. Oi. Boat lean, Plitsl.urgh and Cleveland atii•, Imo, in c roon arab u Line of m float tarern Pill'NnunGli and HEAVER, a nd n Lir Fit., Sle,llll Rt tve, Pre?ellerg i.;nd the Lalit.l 00 Co.N Ho 14d. Il•rks A N ear', a Co. al 11 Taylor, Warren. 1., A & N Clark. Newton Fella. 0, 11001 on & Co. II avenne Kent, & Co, Franklin, li A Hiller, Cu) anoge Faits. 0, Wheeler, Lee A Co, Ak inn, , Chemberlen, Cr 0 awlowl & Co. l'.evelaxd, 11, Itol.bettd A Co, gwodusky, 11, 1 . 01.14 m a ,, Toledo, r, Willowe. Co, Detre, M.ell; ‘Villisto• k Co. Milwau k le, W..; Murky & Oution, Knetrc, I l'i•, George A Clocuao. 'Mamas AMA A CACGIIEV, Ages, mYFI earner Wooer and Snothheld MfM 1850.. L•KM ERIN. AND MICHIGAN LINN. ON Till ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARkS :a CO, Roche.ter, Proprietors. If Prophet , . of this old and well known Lime j. would inform the pubbe (bat they are now In np era.ton tat the ptrvent mason: and have commenced rere.otne Prrieht nod Paatentera, they nee fully prepared to corn , to MI pole. on the Canal and LANE- , ERIE AND 1111(1111.. AN. At the lose.. raw.. One of the floats of the Line win be roo•Inouy at the landing, Lelolo hlonongahela Brotge, to rocc,ve Irmght. JORN A CA eIRIIEV, Agent, 001cc,nor Water and Snutithel.l., ratalratik. CONSIR NEE,. R w llunnmeharn. New Castle hlitchettree A Co. Pulaffilt, C Malan. Sharon; 44. S lhol,Snarp.borm Wtrk. Aeore A Co. lirernvtlle; Wm Henry, Ilartalown: Wm Power, Cooneaoto‘tio; John !learn Erie John I llolli.ter re, Resin. N Int:to Pittsburgh Portwbls goat Lbws, &MEM 185 °- int-lia TOY 7101 177.7. 7077ND701‘1,710117103111 orgioauut - - PEETSLIL RGII. r 1111.4 1,11.1.111 A BALTIMORE. NEW YORK, 110STIIN, &r • , . TH014•1 Itossmitnic /Tssitss A On - A.mos, Plolsdciphia ( t Pittsburgh. 'VII F. CApal ln•lntt nnw ripen, the pronteriurs of list. I lot. r.tsbli•litt Line ste . {l.llll thettnld stand., rcnni•lng and futwardins liderettandtte bald Prod., al low tsp . , niiil will] the 1•I14111•{1., eta. %tinny, and stiltny, iwintlotr In Mrs; syytnis and Minh, transportett. where 11.1Criocc , hatrun•blf•OlC.ll 1• arith run.ttturia drisyS sad pralmuilny of ...Age Ale re h sui.l Produce shipped east or west And 1101 • at Lading lotw start! of eitatge for root.. sd•sneti,y, or nat•go. Having 1,0 1,1.1,41 dl. C that on the owner. If sonny con.ulted when shipping their Mid* All t.ianiunieltllollo {0 110 faIi<MIIIK ly attended . ••- - • Tliusi AS BORIMIDGF., N. 27 , Sisart Ploolnde TA AFT!. John 111 h. On, L 4 North o,llot, P. U Uatl h Co. V 5 Dna, rt, 11....10n, & J T & tkal. ot, Ncar 1 orh, Jam,. IVbcallrright, einem BINGHAM'S TILANAPORTATION LINF, Eli= 1850. Mlla Between l'lttglturgla &IA ..tern li-tles. T. Vann( b.. 1, g now ..pen, we are reedy to reCCIVe end forward promptly, p olive end merchandme en. ennt 'awn. Freights always st lowest rolca, elinrged by rev.n ible lines. Produce and rnorchardae swill be received and for warded and vv,,t, wiitout intv char, for for vro. , dar or advnnciog frriald, r noni.sion or mintage Hilo , of lading torwarded, and ail direction• luoh fully •tietoled to A , tdress or apply to. WM 111N(PIAIII, Canal Damn, Car. Ltherty end Wayne 11 . 111.1.0r0 DOCK, No lal, Market It, between 4th k Mb, JAIS. WILSON, Agt, No 1.1, North Howard st.. llaturoore /AS. IIIN4:11Ahl, meld No tn, ‘Vest trent, Net Yolk E=l Passenger arms ItemKluane Ogles. eanunue to tinny persons from ally pen of Emitted, Ireland. tieolland or Wales, upon the wont liberal terms, with their usaal punctuality and uneaten to the wants soul com fort °immigrants We do not allow on petneeneees to be robbed by the swiedling scamps that Infest the sow ports, be we take charge of them the eltiewet they port themselves, and see to their well being, .a de spatch them without any detention by the first ships...-. We nay this fetirtr.ty, as we defy one of our parse. gen to show that they were detilned 49 Imo, by it. in fesierpool, whilst thousands of other. • ore detained manila, until they could be rent in annr set tr.ft. at • chßp irate, which too frequently proveL their coffins. We in.nd to perform nor contract. nominally, eon what it m i l , and not act as was the ea. lakt season, e th er etfieers,—who either performed not ou, or when ii sailed their eonvenienee. Drabs drawn .t PtttsbarTb for any sem from El to £IW% payable at any of We psoeisclal Ilmtle to Ira. laud, Englazl, tleotiand and %Vales. /0311111/. ROBINSON, Earopetto std Gaiters' Arent, Plftb crest ma Ma. Wooer Weoe L IIjLUY. 1: 141 es Iltanil --asmtd Ds • pipt . fll.sllanato; 5 est. N E Item; lW 1,010 Mosley; for moo by L"" A AI AIIICHELTILEE iITB,CI<LIASEOUB. J. N. MELLOR; 81 Wood attar, Our "wired the followsog Kew Mo.lie: gay coo yea nee ey the truth's O holy light; deili eaM4 to Rec. C Cook. Oh, think not lees I lode thee. Blanche A Ipen, 1 /ore thee. When other (Snide trotted thee. The cot beneath the Mlle. Wert Mon bat Won. Annie Lsetto—Seoteh ommtd. n• Robin —words by pun Cool. =min 01 Stephen Glover. Theo haat Wounded the pint that loved thee. The Onyx of Weabington. The high Mother's Lanseet. Md Peatoo—Raarel. Ile death all thlnice WemilboTt Wake, tilachrec—Raccell. The cottage of my mother—llotrbiirsons. Low backed cat—Lover Klan Wallac•—complete. The Neale Dell. The Ilridel or Wediluic Polka. Jenny Lied. Amerman Polka. Lizry Pella. Soiree American Polka. Tip Pop Amerman lonia. La Belle Ilehimortan Polka. Jenny Llnd Polka. The Ongioa Scottish Polka— /alien. Balounion Polka. Flirt Polka. 'emplane Polka. Samant Polka. Rini wegol Polka. The Pro• ehet Quadolles--lileyerhcer. Jenny Lind Quadrilles. The Wuat6 .„,i p e jo Waltio—kin Ernest The • . •bYCaem). Nommen, keel. Dazcldeo..l.iek k mop. Wood Up, Quie, Swim Drover Doy—vsnad Sounds from Homo. Wrre Lord•vdte March and Dade AREHOHSE, rib Street. OW constantly reeciVillg hi. OA.IIPET OIL CLOTIIff. e in pan Um (0110Inp6, vtz Velvet Pile Caspeo, o Tope.? e. Bowels ~erlel3 5 Ma;13111V No IL Fa &PCI,INTOsi as n• . gpnng st. A a himsnings, &c., cm.sprigin • Emus Sager Royal F i neUsti and eerie Extra Superfine In Superfine Extra super patentEltentll Know Ruperhne do do Rug.; Fl,e Tufted Bart Common Extra Wilson Common do Chenille Door Matt; [Fulled Sheep Skin atlelald Supertne Ingrain Carpe +, Faun Imo MT=l=l cotton H, I and 1 Tap Ven Car, 1-4, 1 and 1 TwiLl'd Carp. f, 1 and 2-4 Wain Car. List and 1142 Carrels, Pruned Cotten Carpet.- .4.7-4, 6.4, 6.4, 4.4 and I 011 Cloths; RUM printed piano cover 1 " table " • Ml 4 5-4, 44, and 1 Matting,' lblnch paient (d Cloths. far stair. . . Plionowed Piano " Table " Prtnterl woolen " Finboesed Stand " trinen and wostaid " Banana Star linen; Tinley Red Cluttire.; Chit tee Bordering; Enfliab Ud Cloth Table L.V. , 71 . Brown Linen crumb cloth. Woolen lbws. Stale Hods Stair Brugge.; Camet Bindings; isle •nd Coen MR's; nlieuo. and Skeleton Mats; an roeI -I Green tin Cloth roe Blind.. ' Bucket sok Diaper, UM, Costa TlttueueGa. Otte sod Drab Cloths; .m Cal dote.; for I.latagai, Watortil Moraine.' Bee Holland for litShadel", Trohapareot ^ : French tramp. " I== I .llV6 (o 4 , T ' F, l Nsi.lnen Russia CPah; Sonolt biapera; Brown Linen Napkin e lineman Oil Cloth Table Corers, Sloan On. Clot . Oa from the meld •pprorred Ere lb and American atailitfacturers from Id to 21 Ire width, which win bo eat to fit [nouns, hall, end esttbljk, of any sue or shape. The hinder.c.,l havoie Imported direct from d, bus Velvet Pule and 'Tapestry CA la purs. •rpets, which are of the In r.t and US1(1.1 eleettot ((Sc. and patterns, end of the moat gorgrom , l,4o,l. di be sold at priers as love es they ran La parcharral •1 . in any of the eastern cutlet. Ila•ing the largest as.lowant of het riches:and most luahionable PLY and INCiIIAhN CARITh which tar surtniam. an quality own cheapness of p rice. an y •tsor tine n t ever Innate t.soughi Walls caty. lie aloe 111•11 C. Steamboat Eon and Coach Ma:lntl...lure. to his large and well so Ism led assortment of ThllldhllNGS,andother articles neccaoury ticir Inininest. Tho undersigned t. shoo neeri for the only Stair Hod lianutainory in Philadelphia, and la prepared to cell loser: than can be purchanne el.ewitere in tin* city WE spetasTiß:i: Nola OOaO.II IM••• tioodell CLEAR TLIE TRAcII! MEIZMiIMEI .. , aF re ' n . ' eV: a n j ' A o ' rcrt r n au c TIE ''' tii ' :lll. , W, li l l ' a ' r:r b larect, I,cte.ccn Third and Count, ..,n ui ilic tile nilt illy. U.).1 emourneed tercirit, and openliig Al.. ul Use moo ritli..ioetid”l and extenarlre Wells of Spring and Summer Ihy liaoda aver atk , .l far ask to the Weeteru enuntry All ‘ ,l the. hot:oiled Goods are fresh oned, end vererved per Um lent steamers from Franc pe a and Eit,land; a. alas Irish Linear, capered dove, from lirlfaat, al, pa" bleaenc.l, and warranted the pore article; them. Line, are all imported Ly the ard , neritrer, and nth all rare lint y•ra, warranted. Ale,,, bolt later Danra.k olio Oath, the. 'cry be,t toKattiartute; and Irisi UM' It Gooth. of .11 M ods, amporsed.lireet from netts. by the •ob•oriber, and Will be found the roal Finn-go bragb. ===ll New style neh Tort Matins, all colon. splendid gO, 1.; black Turk N5Wu, all Prieesi nal goods, block glues wi11...a1l calm*, Into importation, French hid (stoves, ell color, Ike best imported, plod black Armorer, per lasi l'ictirb ste,r.ocr, iscre -I) le rankled lisrege, splendid good, Mao, u superb and ;liege welt of wide black Lone, fur troweling ladies' ire Ise, very rich roods; plata liurepes colant, extremely low. beautiful goody, Nock Fringe, all widths wid price, very cheap, Freurn Lawns, newt sivles, per laid Prene siemer, plant Watt Gro Rhineti ri Do pe goads; black figured Gro De Rhinelrrocode, rich goods; Freer b and Eeriest. llwhmere, new .1l lea, besWifol pwds ; splendid figured flans. gaols we ball dresses, TIC 4 embroidered :swiss ?dells fire vening dredlc, Sanaa Edging and fawning, in e bend imported; Silt Tissues w all color. and quislings, new st) la, plums and Nalon strip'd bloc • tiarege, all prints; printed lawns, hew •rfle , from to 'elven. per yard; Univac ile, Lamm, a new ante. for ladies' dresses. Also, • losrao and wperb ..,«k or new style .prang flannel Ribbon, the vary beat ire ' pond, 11 new - SELLERS' EA 01ILY 31EDICINES—g rhey rho SIIAWI-4, *RAWLS. 1 ruedtc toes a ^ C a ptor, erare Shawls all colortsfiresh from the Cus. Graham Staio, Oh May torn House; Thlt 'COila Shaw.. splendid goods, to all r throb. at rag hi, tor the Fe Ci e a coders per lan ela.ll.le, herl/11rhnae•Gle • lee* to stale rage (nein in relation to Vela eieclicut Fa ult Shawls, fresh Importance white eatt.roelercil .. r ni &rues. Canton Crape Shawls gasped.. good., green catabroade„ 1 - I have used your 'I 0111010 largely in my own eJ Canton Crape Shawls plea/dial geode, Lupro's , viral recurehtly excelling large qua/Unit, French magic Embroidered Tholes &nevi linpaelanon; )"wy ,un't from lwu b.„ Patt• punted Cashmere Sh aw ' s, an F... sad ' t " - st. used y 1.1., Pills and bleagh Syrup to my , summer Cravats aclil South great v.- , , ‘, ha produced rietli French worked CapesCallars. and Cals. a largo 0 ' "‘" a ' -• • - a . th• edect. desired. ssortment. Ag I hot engaged an mercuandontig, 1 am shin to • Large Stock of 11061P2XTIC A ND STAPLE IIOODS. attar, that I hove not to liner or the Ural failure where r 'redwing. here been aged In any nertion of the Su hale. unbleached Minding, from 5 eon). per • y elu,loit. I •te, teat tar, are the yard, In caws tileached Mash, from 4to ego,levy Ihr d ay , a° , e demo 0.1 t evettuuy e u gm, srd II rare Dash Linen. moot teal daregi tom , _ Heim... II bal. Ticking, tram to 23 cotes F aid, sitt ` i f"" P h P h ' stn, tr• M l • ItriNNELL, taws blue Drill, treat dto 111 cents per yunl, tie- „,_ „„ a , by R. Na:s g side. • tail, , of Sommer Cloths. Also Ca, a • ••••, • amerce, Tweeds, Semen, anal keelocky Jeaus d b y Ma ir." tl S ch. " , M the tw " Se cube. dark Calico, Mid colored, from 3 to 121 cent,' per yard; b eases Ileyl 1 Some English Prints, hest h a It . ..LER , PAAGIA AlEtrlelPst,- - 'simy are Ms „mooned, 3 bale. Russia and Scotch Rapers, extreme. a h—• Mt-Remo` of d••." I) vow. Also, llougekceping Goods of all kinds very flutiast's Searles, Ohio, May r, 1549. sap; 2 Miles Russia Crash, Conn fit to 121 coats per R Sellers: I dunk it right for the benefit of others y ar d, b e side. a l a r ge of ch ee k and Sting to state some Me, to relation to year excellent Fend. Stripe. Also, Cant s ua Flannels, all colors end quart- I 11 , hiedretaiss. tars, at lOW ptbges. red, white, .41 yellow Flannels 1 Lave es al Y. va , afnimi.lre , 7 In mlrewh ram• very clacap, Licached cal untdeached full tl V- one 'gun' frs-vdeutlY ...mine for esPellingt .Re as 5 cures , d oe Merrimack Calicoes, ca• alas.... (nay I . worms from two ehald.a 1 denier) , low: black an untileactied Table lhapers, all have also awd your Liver Pall. and Cough Syrup an prices , InoPs eye Drapers, all prices and apiglacles .0110, and they havenn every instance produced very cheap; colored thoulincs, • lull assortment, the civet itssired. eheafer Wall ever. 3 bales Burlaps, trout IA to 23 Cl, A• I hot begatrd an mrechaadising, I •rn able to per yard Also,. large suet of Cotton Table Dinpera Gum that I to hear of the first (adage-whore Manners . Shirting— A full suortment, very cheap. Tear medicines have been used In my obection of the PARASOLS . PARASOLS, country. in rime lo.ona, I may ramie that they are 14, The largest and moo splendidstock of Parasols reledielnea el the day. and axe destined to have a very ever opened b) any uric in I•altslistgla, is this extensive pspularity Yours was .el ttallp u,N day received, and are all of Me newest French eta les, which, for richer.. and beauty, Canned ee surpassed. Prepared and sold by R. r lIF RS,No 57 Wood As we have a loge lot of these Parasols, they will hie rtreet, end sold by Drug,. • generally In the two .- ..aid cheaper then any .dher holm In the city can al i.e. wed eternity. meal ford to tell the same quality of goods. PGA V CURE LIVER UOMPLAINT, by ha The Ladles are thaPhghallY ht. , " me...met-hew (3 original, only Me, and rename Liver Pill. Parasols, as they will fand some of the richest and Sauer tures, Moo county, Va. t newest styles e imported from Pampa Thew Match Silt, te4). ""..sins all ver sold bmt!thPa h ls Mr. R Sellers: Dear Air-1 think it a duty I owe odors Ana ate worthy of the altealliall of the laLleca an d IL , thepui,neia, th a t, have All of the above goods will b• sold MI at prices far b e ,.„ aaat i, tie "„ for a i o ng below trdaY boa.< city; and Di °Me , to Pro.. time. and go badly that all alicess formed and broke, this the w the po , . will Piece roll and Pr.. These whorl, left me in • very low Gate. Rasing heard of good , and comparethem mitt shy °Ow' bah. '" rim your reelirated Liver Pills being for sale 1.• AII city, and Le consumed °lithe above assertion. Shows an West Liberty, and recommended to me by' to Ton subscriber would here say to , p 5 ,„„,,, c0 . e ,„,,,i thorn tint the P.M. m general. that s'h own a Dor triad I purchawd one box. and found them to ottam bee have mores in n, • aucct, pra tending to . ..prat what they oe recommended, TIIE ursr LI. e,ndt with the Mg gee Hive, attach Is alone Me only VER PILL EVER USED and alter taking four boxes `` '" sad tarlames ' M Y Gawd• hstab andlmhmett"" I and tie diseaw entirely lett me, and I am now ratusbergThe subornber would therefore say to all p „,„, wa n . ib cap „,,f a uy your, purchase. of Dry thimis either wholesale or retail, I/ II COLIRAIAN. that the Rig Bee Ingo, on filorket xticgt, l.ateMeri Third West Liberty, ftlarch IsPal. atid "huh,. now hPeolhl4 the larger, 1 reality that I am personally ...undated yeah Mr most sincatild *awl. print altd Gam'. Colon • • s and call bear lesumany to the truth ol the ever odered for sale in PutsburghAß SHARP alai ve RONNE:IW !SONNETS! The geom. , Liver Pills are prepared and sold by New Sanaa sox 1030-11• largest anal Meet lanhion. It LLERS, No 37 Woad stress and by druggist* able Mock of Renatot* ever opened in this city, is just eaa ,;. • fedelved at Me wPfh ur the 1.4 Re. hh rill , . PVIILIC.—The true and gen. lonics between Third and Fourth streets, when, Dry a leVer Pillslt. prepared R E Sellers,. and have ti0..11. of every description are wiling cheaper titan , aargy „ a snag sport o ne lid at e ach ally other boos. I. the oity. The yahoo ‘mit P i es' boa s and la. signature on the cutside wrapper—all Gate notice that there am twit other bee htse atore. „, by „ ary „,„„ Iyg r y , a , Lain i n , a ,anna. Market, who pretend to compete with no, Hig E SELLERS, Proprietor_ Dec Hive, between Third end Fourth street., whme h the Piddle win 6., al WI Onacs.the largest.. newest IA7 A'CO.IES I I—CIIKA PER ri IA N I.VEII ! sty les Of Dry Goo., fregla opened. VI Just ree'd, c o ...lee of full jewelled Seen tie. ICT Hesse tato :suttee, that the stern is between vrr Welehe, In caret% bile eni•es which I can gerl Third and Fourth streets, „go hf the 1110 BEE DIVE, low ar thirty .d thirty five dollars, and warrigmed Where Dry Good. of every description arc wiling ke e p goo d new. CLIC,. than at any other ho use iti the city. Also—A splendid assortment or JEWELRY, emu apl3 WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. pr„ing the vat.. urid lawei styles and lest patterns Drs. Glooda. %V. W. WIt—SON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, A MASON ACO, be Martel street, between • Third and Fourth, are now 'creating a large ego gonna, tot Index eDe Lain.; Persian Cloths, en• tare Sew article; rallatgts ern.. Ile Leiria Ac; with - a large assortment of lawn. and other Dre. Goode, of the Inter styles anal most lashionable color.. •1.3 CM/EFF.F.--5u L.F. vane ll o und Java: ---- 17•KuLaa-40 la. mould. dlppcd, and .perm; bla ercam and I•lngli.l4 Diary; ecuus-:50 doi Ilemp and blazullai 41,-40 Mum; Canvas—ll barrel; M Coalman and ball Spaniel.; Fn.-25 lo Imam% hull brl. Mutkeffel.aud Salmon; GLAna-51, Idta assorted sm.; Frdne Venison; IOW Sava Currd; Innion—lUU Ib. S F and Manilla; Isx-10 do: Sarrisena Illact and Copying; MorAll.. I. N Wean.; " 15 non 1.1111. :dour llousei Illo , rsan—= dot snorted canisters, the Mahan; V kaaarmu—all lb. de N•ou—UOU krue aasorled; P. [Las-4 dot Jen uttered; Fascism.- 70 bushels halves; Varta -51 f r c am. atantted; rio.acs. IW lbe flordeaut; Saar —5O ht.. Rusin and Cart Steel; titnatit In 4144 N Orleans and Clanged; Taa—unpaelsacs linen and Week, Toeseco—,o has 12,3, & 1 lb boar; ito”us—,su dot patent %m it; FM sale by J I) WII.I,IAMB & oily Corner of Fifth and Wo— od ata FURS FUItS! FUHSI—The subscribers sad! pay for Coon, Mink, Musk Mal, limy end Had For, and all kinds of stopptog Furs, the /hear eastern hleCOltlr & tAI P"' ZI , 2 O corner Fifth and Wood stn. Apar glans'Wen: QlsllNll SF.LIX:IIOI4.-Will be eteived, leg G 0 annul *lumen., a new and choice nanotunenl %gall l'apet, of (be latest Fteneb and laotein slYlb in gold, chamow,crag, plum nod bigb Color.. W. P. MAILSIIALL, (late B C. 11111,) terra e 5 Wood atter* MJ:l== . . . between 801 S. U. Womack/ a Co., ts this dsyl, ortsaired by 1111111161 S. The business of the old alit be settled by 8. U Ussitaciti, awe ohl sand, No.YAlLtberty Wee, linteboests. 8 U Match 1, 1550. JOHN MetilLL. HUSIIFIELD •nJ GEORGE RICHARD will continua the Wholoaala abd Retail •200 Good. atol limitary tntine., at the old wind, Na WO Whom at, under rho holt of 0. ttIaiIIFIELD Match 1, 1a.50-4theto I IAVE Nud.l amotlawillwink ma, m the Whole. mla tiuwary, Owonnwion, and Eamaiding bust m, ony Mu num, IL N. and W. U. Watamm. Wetness In Solara will I,a condo c ice andel Ike etfle 01 S. Waterman k Sons, at ma uld wand, No 31 Wa ter and OV Front alreet. S W44EUMAN. ent•14011, 'WO Usos MSIITCAL. ORBIT IMPORTAIT OREM/ BIBGOIRRI CHEMICAL 0001111HATION • Rpm the :/angetoot, Dr. °swami Vs Extract of Tallow Pool arid arsoparl3llm. Cram consumption, scrotal ., .eryspelas, itteuMatitm, gout, liver complaints, sonsal 111rCeti011ih ulcers, sI plait., drops). asthma, piles, sturvey, affections in the bladder sod kidneys, mercurial diresses, runt humors, rush of blo od to the head, fever ald ogee, female ern , plainta, genmal debility, 1.. e of appetite, headache, colds, costiveness, nteht memo., 'eholic, smartie atfectliros. palpitation of the Lean, toles, psins In the tilde, eheet back, hc.• It is infallible to oil divest. * liaising tram an at. pure state of the blood. or irregular Beane of the By*. tem. In the Vegetable Kingdom, en Allselso tieing ha Uopoelted plants nod herbs, congenial coons eorstinv urine, and *named to he tee, of dime.; and mth. vegetable kingdom does the reason 01 mazy.. well a the instinct of en, alt, tarn (or antidotes to pain. The Syrup II a retentsfie compound of the most val motile plan. In miter, entirely free from deleterious and enervative a, neral saliatances:And as it expel disease from the s rstem,lmparts vigor and strengthil aeocrespondnic.decree. An ettraordinary robe of Scrofula, Erystpelaa and 1.1 ems, cured: by Ike ante alio of ljer.oo7ootra Corn pound Brun, Yellow Dock and 13arnapvilla Ilromilltn, Nov. 7 1915 GoYsirer—Stlr. I tender m •incere thotiko for the groat benefit I bore y derived (men the ass 0110. 7 valuable syrup. I hate been troubled very bad wit a scrofulous sitr, which made its appearance on m chin. I did not p,y much attention to tt at firm, .op pons it to be nothing but at, eruption that appear on perron's far i It finally betan to increase, until .pren.l tin .bet part of the bead. I app lied ld • physiman. who attended me nll to no memo'e. I hod tried every thing that could tw tried. I saw your Syr up of Yel lo w hack and SlO•apanlia s and concluded to use it, inr I knew that Yellow Lktek wmt unto or the moat valuable mottle:. In the world for the blood. 1 bought your Syrup, tool from the ow of one bottle, I could see a (MU Menge in my system. I commued to use it until t was th well toun. I now feel like • new pers.; my blmel is perfectly cleansed and free nomlmpurittes. There is not a question but tba your newly discovered compound Is far "perm, I any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold. This cePificate ot at your disposal to politest, if you lie, and any tine you may refer to me 1 shall be hap. et) to urea them ati the eitfornbatlon eau stout my . emu., ate. I M.. your obedient servant, ' Watkins G. Jotters., 113 heart. stresit. The beet female medicine known. The Enamel o Yellow Dock .41 blausaparilla as a posause, speedy MAI ret:IIIIICUL mare for all complaints ineadent 12=21151 lu niilJ, oropernes reader it peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the,temale. It tounrivalled in its elects upon such de tt. incipient couounitinon i barrenness, Lou corrhoes, or whites, irregular sucustruanon, inconii. nenee ...IC, and general pruatratton system. illlllllledinlely counteract. that ituitzeronsig °cretins and lasoitude a t common to the female home, unit import, •n MlCrgy and buoyanoy. as surprising as not trio fir.tchil. We have evidettee to recounnend thin mediehie to reed people who have not been bluted will of Vito:Ames Uettsb or Falling of the Womb, of ri yearn' eta nd cured by vot. • Klima, Yellow Dock t0.,1 Soreapeollit, otter every otlt hootwn remedy hod been trtetlwoloort Wananottna, (1100, Feb, INY This cenificy thud my wile, aged 27 years, has I•ecit •utlering 111161er the above COMPIII.I gat lay, years—nearly all of that inure conhried to her led. I have lot rout years pennvntly employed the bestirred teed talent tsar eouid proctred in this scent. of for country, without' any bench' whatever. I have alw purchased every instrument recommend.' km Ms e of such disease., ail of wloch proved worthless. cur the stoma or 1,4..1 wan induced by my Wends to try Dr. Cup.utl'o ''show Itook and Sarsaparilla. which was 11.1 for (our months. Mier she load use,' II lot al.out lour weeks. it was evident to ill that am was Implov.r.g, and 11041 rhll time she. improved rap oily, sod soled tl, nit alt drengih, todsl the Macau was entirely removed,. od she tit now enjoying mom execlieno Incahlt 11c I•cmg oet,l.bots ol Juha now tlo. 1 toe ot.o .c alate.rot,“ to kilo slykota , l. Mr, Moat,rt, tal,l o. .1e tufo rdretc.l n, Yrilow 110. Lod Sovolpat.lin.s.l,e`atrlctl, 111.4. JANE EDDY.. EMN=M Or./ Cato of Consular'low. IlLomloo n January 1. I , lf. Mr. llcnne.o.-Dear . TMle areal benefit velaoh I ha,< de rtved frau) vow. Extract of chow Doc/ 000 tiarapardia,lnducers ma, an on act of justice, to utakl lbe lalloaranr ata,went : After wa-uou for tyro years from gene at &halm fmally turnnated to eno,2lllpllon, wn• wet , alp by My kir.. and plo!dctana ar beyond the aka to A. a last m.ort, I was Induce , ' to try your Extract, aud banns limed but two bottler, ae. vordnlK to your dimmoom, lam esuircly well 1 would therefore' amtiv recommend Vol] r unequal. led Compoand to the aro adlictud who desire powerful plc.,. and rime remedy. tirdicanly poor friend, M WAITE None at tonne ash sr put up in lame mew ho , des, contamom • quart. and Ow name of Um syrup Mover 01 Me a1a.1.11 11r rlran.e W 1' Item nett oil lite out• 1 It a tappet rnee eq 01 1111 11(1110. 10,1. IA sold 1,• J. I/ -Park. comer of rourth and Wal nut str.rts, 011,,,,tleherut Aprnt Inr tLe Sood, and West, LI whom all art., meat Le told". ed. Carter at Itro , roe, W. V. Jodenn A Co., Water lord, Olin at Cl[lllo4l, Croacrol.lle, Abet Tamil 51tAtiroue; Ittraul Mt., Towanda; Rob., Roy, Wells h 0,,, i., Roderick, Callel.l•Lirei L buret, co of o f LLLLL street and the Ihnokend. apildfr.wWir U•PILLATT•II Pric P e R TA educe d ENT BUDA ASII A• 11, warranted *a pe liar to any other bland ; t 31 by the quantity ol Ito, aro. for eurroney or •00, o we Notes, at tour moans, or 31 tarn eta quan tity W 1 M Liberty site. t. "/` A 11011Di' - 1.16 - 0 DS, AT C O/T. ERSEV, I'LLMING ACO, having ortainted to ,ivc thcrr ~/.Itre ultrulton In the No of It V 01 C.lon thuints, now ti cigar their large cock Tatiore V ertio' , tenet. and lierittanClathr, Doeclutir, r.avoneru,h . Gut root. lICILI k:4', YLk:AII N 1: & CU Woud at PUWI/1.111— . ..N cne4. Jo, lb Sous' brand. a wertor article, for rtule by . nova %V 111 5111011111 a /WE pe• , d lo ca.•lt • ' r h alti . p " OzenJbrolgc, nod now coming . by caner, fur Powder, arrtved sale by V 51 MITCHTILTREI2I N. 11—They will reeCive, dart ag th. varnter, lore. I t , l roe a, eregaat 'won 110,10•500 d is °et harm hum th e celebrated manufactory or Nun.. C 6. lark, N Y., of dollen°, twle, end very moderate mine For sale by 11. KL1•1117:1t, delti at r Oodwells. WI Lt.IA lON' I YttllV PEARL TOOTII POWDER for ten/acme Tartar, SettlVS, Canker ? end ell sublitsiners destructive to the Teeth. le deltetous to the luste r cleansing the mouth, healing and strengthen . to Mourn, and partly lag the hrestb. For ante, wit Montle and retell, by 01e.61 11 H111,1.1.1R61, 67 World at FLOUR— I 1 141. • uttable for starch or rtxi na lor ••••,•• . 1)1•1171 & ROB . _ . MMi=M= il!1;11.11. L it-50 earl, r tor sale low, to elose etorlito 7 .1 facet 'by JAMF3 LtaI.ZELL (1111130 AI3ID :At lbsjusteeretvid for Sitio by J IttliD It lto (iItEIiSE L OJ Lie oriole, iiold - pet ttolweil's Idnh r !or sale by AMES DALZkaa. Emil]; 1111.11 A-10,041.1 in more and for sale tit jrlll JAMES ZFI.L tanj"..R.S-4° ;72 , VVIZI ' IIgUNII 01.0U11-71N , :. a 110, ti n nirfor t Vy U:A ". $ ' ; ' 1VII;71:ATI: 71 7 "' T Alto—sit kegs o t ree'd f0i700, 7 t , i , 1 • ph. 11AltilAUlt11 V - W_ baaasnuie • d sues just received and fur sale by aA W IlAtialty(11! otriato libti. N an Sugar, a prime iele,in . siole anti fur sale I , S . ,tetd N. W u lltsallAlltill. ,d 24.31C9 fog .ale by 41 CULlPRiaktgr .._lYi W.TIT iF MISCELLANEOIIS.i EIZEIZI TnIE yerurbrebly b.budoye.zisuag burssran the subscribers, odder rue firm of Banbridge, Wilson tr. Co., no AM day thesolved by mutual consent. The business clinhe firm will be settled by J.W.not• brainy, or Wm Wilson, Jr. Whet of whom& author ised to use the , name of the ' brM in Unaided°. 3. W. BURBIUDOE, WILmON,Jr., LYON, SUORB CO. Pausburyb, July I, Minn.—Ma TAti W Ilerbrufge b. Danl. F. Instiram lava das tJ Osy esseemted themselves antler the Sem of & Ingham, to transact e Wholesale Grocery snit General Commission Business, lathe house hasty °crme , ' by 111.140 g, Wilson & C 0,116 Water at. Pillsbargh, July I, le:W.—lye CO-PARTNERSHIP. IllE subscribers have lhl. day flamed n capartner chip under the Lrm of W a V Wilson, for the eta nine of transacting the Wholorele Grocery and Com. poission Bennie., at No sti Wood str W eet. wm. ILSON, Jr. NuAburgh. 1, 1250—174 FRANK. WILSON Melodeon Plano wlltitwo of Maeda UST received at tbe sign of •the Golden Hop i one eP superior 5 octave Melodeon Piano, with two seas ' of Heeds, the latest improvement. The sleeve Is probably the finest toned Instrument ever altered far sale here, with a bight. Pilloried and alegent exterior, fee .ale by G,dll II KLEMM t aHIISTINO I• PHH - rem hoe boot paper 19124 . 20 do. do co Sts.U. SO do do do 2.225. Ind do news printing, 211:17, PV do do do Ols2t, GO do do do 2214% 11l re do do 2920 Hi do Blue Envelope, ...111Ve `2O do Yellow do Alia 50 do Manilla do 0r025: 25 do do do 2101, 500 do assorted wrap rag ea per.. in store, for sale by JOH N i N II ood MELLOR teas Wat er.nionenny in Tin*. CIDEHIN the cheapest and bon place in PRO- Dbooth to buy Tea is at the Tea Mullet, Cain Sloe of the lhamond. 'I hey cell Execilent Ten en • . 53 per lb The. very beht • —•—• - .......... " Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Toss ale net kept nt dim exiabliatime , n, therefore, whetter you go yont *cif or mend child, you are sum to .oldnits rx good article, and if the davor of the Tea is not Approved, they readily exchange It or return the money. /112 Mr ill 1116 & HAWORTH, Proprietors. STINI/RIES-40bas extra Cresol Cheese; I%i hi by%s No :1 Mackerel; In toll do I. 1, , 6s do do; IJaleraius, la• Mould Cuddles; bss No 1 Stare. 0, dor patent Zino %Washboards; 25 111 cheats supeytur. Green Tear, •Iti caddy 11• dot lu hi a..., superior Bleck Tour; los Iludold'a arum 11m.. For rile by J U sV na..tenis & co 1715 for %Wood & VOL sic fIIItIeOLATE—,I GPI.. N. I Fresh Chdoolate , Just yeecoyed, and for .010 by %VICK tr. bIeCANDI.B. IJUOD BOOKS MOIL PADDLERS. dalimon-Ameman Farmer'. Eneyclup.rdia, Hen Futeronn-Trem and Staub; eo Brown-Treat tul America, too ThOurao-Atnerierni Fruit Culturtat,l2mo tiny —a Conte no the MeLard, Pano Iltnot-Family Kit-he,, Gardener, 12mo Miner-The Anierrean lira Keeper,l2mo Ihmen- The A mrtkenn Poultry . Yard, 12,r0 Almstsult-- the Forum mid Emig rhnt'a Duna Book Allan-=the Ammo. Fa.m Donk, 12Mo Monne Fruit and Fruit Trem of America, Iftio Younti-The Horse. ova Bennet-Too Poultry Yard. Wu. For aale by JAhl Pi D lA/CI:WOOD . Jo 7 lot Four. at American Cif butane, Arts. lONDUCTED Ly i'rof 11. Silltenan, Prof. IL Sility,, Jr. and Junes II Dam, Near Doren, Com eolleut. Journal to lamed every two months, onota,s of Ist ram, etteh. waking taro octavo Voil.llllo/ a year, ma, milt runny iltuanatior.s. It la devoted to a,lKtrial .angle. Srienee and the Arte, ~,xtdcrired Hmiewr AtMtuelo hlmundst and Dif-enir matron] Form,n Penodiesli, Nintre of Near Puldoormoanharld at. rat 11011oUn of reeent Sete. tth e .s or , Th. firm reties contemn, volume; the lam or Which to u eeneral Index to the 19 volumes veer Moe, Pumerirmon, t 5 al year, in advance . J D LOCKWOOD, Met for Proprietor; leIY 111 Fourth at Good hooka far hummer liesdhofo. Crown—Turkish Evening Entettanimunta, 12mo. Taylor-1.31.1100, V1.1.4.10nt • omae—European Lifa ant. Manners, 2 vols,1•100 !their ens—Deutt.y and rot,. Y voles, 12mo Mackay —repulse Delusions, vole loot. Marvel—Fresh Gleatongs, 12910 C. 11 II —Norman Leslie, 12mo. rho Ist-I , :ns bah Lar rature,l2nto. riot- Veldstonh's Miscellaneous Wrks, 4 VOiS. Mayo—go twat, 120t0 'lOl ler—Yuma Afoot, 1201,, fluitilotldr—Costnes,l vets, 11010. l'et sold by JAS LOCKWOOD Ir9l 101 Fourth et Ilnek•--Ciederal Llterature• . Mort r— Poi - fame ry it. Use and Mditufactare. 12:10. 01.1!., rbilesorby el Nature. Irmo. Itlolow—Aphoso ins mid Re aectio,..s. 12mo. Shaw —lEns Leh Idteralore. 1.11113. Darn—Loge hare. Thum guar.—What I saw In California- Ft. trove—Pawl and Vtroor.m. a vols. 12010. Alentl-10.tters In Ittuutt. 'tumor —Rectitude of Homan Nature. 12mo. Venceur—Medern French Literature. reictlie—Plelesephy. NE1•1111614-1111MIM Magnetism. IltimOoldt— Aspect* et Notate. Brodcriv—Zoologica I Beeremone. For sale by JAMES V LOCEWOOD jc9 101 Fount. et - Poster's Blew Utialopt•D !Belo. I I 1% INE to Han all Meht, Dolly Day; %I Wiry Jones; Go Soo, to do Cottou Field; Neely wax a Lad), tee. . A 1.80: Re,Enel to the I.oved Ones el llome,• Row thy too lightly; Tree Love, by T. no* Our way set OS4 the sea. duett; A new medley wog, by II Coven; Jenny Only, tousle by Muller; Jove shot were eroSetung, Wedding Mareb; nod bless the bah] ruenne; S.:hes:kW Wells ta.e.tre tint's Vern:tore. by CV C. wover; Rohn.. Ir Ilmeur, Wattle, ,tcyonnart.ebe Co; I.est Row ofdtammer, easy •ertenortslcy Mars: Chant Sates Polka; Lathes' Sourer:lr Polak; Corn Cracker Quedolle; I.outsralle tteeirllle; Demme. of Italy; Duero, 'Rios, &o. A large estottatent of Now :Rosie on haeLte Wbkh dettion. are matte weekly. For sale by fett.Z J. 11. hLELIAIR. el Wood ea uheap btandardlstory. h UMI7N FINGL.AND . nog pot. H . ermor h 1 Roper 1.1ro•r, G vols. cloth and popet. at Au Oenu per vol. Three toll reeeireO, and for role ty 8 IIOPICIOItr, opt] Apollo Itutldlnrs,Foorth st. MEI= EDl:Ullti: P.m Voyage, by 'feta:len Plejtyrjlo 11. author of 'l')Fu . ..!' " 00100 ," •tr-- llotory of fang Alfred of IM.Kland, by Jacob Abbott; with h. engrvvwcs. Sidoma the Soreeresm by Wm. Ideinbold. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, nov9l carver Third sod Markellareelt "Ow of the rDzot Remarkable IVooks ol die Art:" Xt !NEVI:II AND 1115 RENIAINSt with an account .0 of a root tu the Chundman Christsons of Kurdis tan, and the Vestals, or Devil-Worshippers• and an Inquiry into the Manners mod Arts of the Ancient As. syrianA Ity Austen Henry Layard, Esq., D. C, L. Walt lutroauctory 1001 c by Prof. F Rohmson, D. D., LL. D. Illustrated with la plates and maps, and 90 wood cuts. 11 Valk Sro. cloth, $1,50. "The book bona rare amount of graphie, TlVid, pie turesquenarrotarc work of Leyani a the meet prominent contri bution to die study of mainstay, that has appeased lb: tu•ny years.".—Clinst. "Not One excels 111 Interest the account of niineTeh and as !loins, given by Mr. Loyard."—Wa olinigtoo Intelligeneer. "Av ure follow the diccers with bresthless interest in Men . eveavlllllolo4 and suddenly sorra/vex be. lint a 11111.7•ilre 41.0 carved with minion acettracy, now tiling tin peanut head Irma the dust "of :MOO yearn, we are ready to ery out with the astonished Aral's, 'Wallah, a is wonderful, but It Is Initel n—fo dependent. For sale by novIC J AMPS D. LOCKWOOD, C - 1 Wood id T WOII/1N of toe, Old and Neva testament. .A. B. Sp me,U. D. I Vol. Imp. bVO., elegantly LO,Ollll, In egg tely linithed migrating.; with dr*.ertptiolts cele ,l ord Alactieva Clergymen. PillsaMS of. Weibl, of .Ely.d anew and anlsageiCeditton; lilustrined I.y mgcnving. from orig..' des " igns by Wwr. I vol. mesa. oleo. elegant ly [wood a gilt. Alan—A variety of ofdmilibi Alt oo. ale and Gin licerell'e Viral Gook of the litstory of Rome. I not. itnno. ECIIANICS ASPIRTAITC, adapted forme aso of Carpe Shipwrioltin, Wheelwrights, Sam. yrs. leueeberiaan,Studenm, and Artioans generally , being a thorough sand plactieal Treauee an Illelneuf a non and the Slitlllte, Hole Ily fI hl. Raper, AN. Ilakee'e l'reause on Greek rinea Compe.lion. Mended', Elementary l'renels By Prof Greene, of Grown University. 1 vol. loom. Nord:gees (Seiwnina . Hebrew Gs minium, by Conant. Gcsemas' Ilehrew Lexicon. Lessons' Trigonometry and Lognothmic Tahles. 1 rot tslicep.) Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vo1.(Oloni lin Ambon's Classical Series. Webster's Diminiary, revised ed. I vol. 800. do Jo inialiedged 1 vol. (to. the 'e Note, and (teeter.. on New Tenement. Whatcly's Mashenten bleelesiasucal History. II vol. and 9 vs. lidieePJ Vestige* of erentinn. 1 .1. 18150. Alortusign among me Je.uite at Rome. 1 (cloth and paper.! Scenes where the Tempter ba• Triumphed 1 vol (cloth and paper.) Florae's 'Bllealogirul I.eeturea. 1 vol. mo. leloth.) Attires Pronormeing Ilible. lloyer's l'enwh lestionary, Smart's Horace. I'or tutu byR HOPKINS, novl3 ApolloHullinutet, Fourth al The oldists. AME 4 IAKIKW001), Uookreller end Importer, No. GI Wood evert, has for side few copies corn* piety, Ithe remainder nt the edition) of thin valuable work, devoted to the. Preserv•tton of lioeinnene, nod other anibettue munuation relating to the catty ea plorntions. settlement and improvement of the country around the bead of the Ohio. Hy Neville U. Craig Eim, 01 lAtenurgb, in 2 vole. Bvo. novlo J. U. LOCKVI2XID. usimr likfligY. A 111,1 or), Untb u view of the .AlLi Liberty of other Ancient Nations. Ily • Sanutel Haien, EA. Illustrated with 'twelve engenvings,exei outed at Rome. 2.15, Bvo., uutforin with Proseott's 'listened Worts. Just published and for ale by JAhltH D. LOCK WOOD, Bookseller and novel Importer t el Wood al_ - KcichiNV aufhoneed 70-oht. - MRS. FANNY KII.SIBLE'S VItAR OF CtiNSOLATION. "The reading of this book has impressed in with • waeli higher opinion of at author than we bad Gamed from perOuing het other w o tiego. Itilispisyssidoeper lone of thodght, united lobo." pare womanly grate of feeling than any Oahe( production of U. lemale -ohne with which we aro Iteiiiininted."—Rea. Mirror. - 'di Is a yeti agreeable nod readablehook,vrrlty.sle Fanny Kernble's had style—bold, spirited moil - titter. usining• We reel:mown) 11 10 OUF readers meld b., publiesoicut of the nemott.”—lteniling • vlt eolitalostire o( travel through Ritrupe• end ...hen.. Italy; and In one of the pleamatee - and most tutereseng books of theneason.”—Coar. abr. Enquirer. 'bri very eharaeteretie book. We hate.reed it Hon title page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi vid tic tit re of life In Rome. In all =spleens eminently readtble.”—Kiiiikertweler. For sale by JAMES D IIIeKWOOH, rimlf) IlankkelterA Importer, IU Wangle mad , P/awera. 301 g:lll74,Ps',lftititlld"l"""',l l = .bie rcoq tun day al " AA 1,1400Y4 &co, . . EXCHANGE "BROKER nos.anes - a ; soil, . . Igetwae l /A l pe basti• .10 roams* in NOTES,DRAFTS,ACCP.PTANGH NO7 KOOLD,SILVER AND:IIANIi COLLEGTIONs..—Ihana, Notes and Aecentavee. payable in any pan of the Untoo.collemeu on me most favorable terms. EXe4ANGEbn New VOrlG'Phllidelphla and Bat nmore; Cistinzwi, Loalsattle, 15aint Loam sad New Orleans, constantly for sale. DANK NO cm all advent .banlm la Um United Pmtee discounted it thelownw tat.n. All Made of Foreign and American Gold and Silva Coin bowfin and sold. Game No. 53 Mattel street, between 3d and 4th Pittsburgh, . evos IZ5c - 111 . 0Y — T1 --'- KID 'Ng 41.10113M1G11i. /41ILLS on Engtwolg s r' eland, and Scotland bowed ' wty amount tt Osumi Hates *riga - 06.015. ' , Drafts payable. In any port of tbs. Old Centuples, 'from 41 to .1.1000, al - tbo ADS of S 5 to the £ Stetlinf t SON, deduction of dummy by JOSI/UA RODIN w SON, Dtropean and General :Meth of6es kb .: ono ; door wen of wood. oetISU iiiiin slastELL . itoll . fl/DIAM/1 • IniAlign iii . SLAV . s i 13ANKERS AND FACIIANDE lIPOURIVA, deaden ' ' in ForoDn sod Domestic , Dills of , ExenAnire, Vet , ' t este. of Deposit.% Dank Now and Coln, saner of SI and Wood otreets, dissotly.opposiut Si. Mules lbw • zITtnN FUND& ul unlined at the Mura e na, "6122 kszabty, guraoart, Bank Noy, % " t raw try HOLMES*. SON& ' aapyy 3$ Mutat attest BYLLII ICYCIIE7I4I6--b4littwaka an Naw YoFk• • ' Pbilwialykla, and Dahlman, Oanstabily (or ads by .N. HOLUM & SONY. etyl3 . . . : =..blutwat. MISCELIANEOI33. DIOUILILII usaffloarn,. FCTIFYINO:DISTILLEMS:and 'Tea Mad' Wine kleschaiam; Enst Ode *rake DiaMontliPittsburgh, ara alike 'nay WWII prince lot aumbi Hee ufied Whiskey, Gin .1 Dement , * ttrandy; alto, French Omndy, R olland Gin. Jamaica Spints, Lou don IttOg hiskey, Duna, he. . Yon, Stietty, Mn• delta, Champagne, Meet, ;Ninestell, Malaga, Teno teat, and Laaban Wanes' Wholesale & Retail. ms 3 pktINTINICt PAPP.R—AIwa an ge on band or owls to order, the merlon. sites of PrioCmigVaper, nog Wrapping Pap Ari Crown, aTediancand Double Crown sate Aire. WranPing Paper; Crown, A:tedium; and Double Crown Poet Office Paper Paaeliedint, &A. P tdASSIIALL., 8.1 Wood at, Agent for ClintottlittllA - • TOIIN WAIT & CO. have removed thclr stook of tirocertell tothe oppotlito able of Liberty st.. spy yKyohlAN IN YddEßlCA—lien watt and ger re ify ward. By t !aria t Melnloth, author ordeboart, Coantarehoralg," "To teem and to be.'" 1 rellewo. Latter Day Damphleti, No I:—Tbe Ely 'lloil. earlysle. CoAlmetty.-111.001(11 °Mil° and WFitingnofthoo. ebelwera, D D., L. 4D. Prelectiotta on Analogy, Paler. Evlden tee of Chtirlionity,anAlLlrs Lecture on Divinity, with two 'lntro,3llCtOry Lebtureo and four Addle.wa doltvertd in Otto New Dobege, Feltnlturgh, by Thopas etoolwero, D. D, D. vol et:Atop-Life of ruin Colvin, compiled frau duthen. anurees, and parbeularly (row btucorrerpondone“. y narrow 11. Dyer, wig, portrait. I vol Plobi For .ale by R HOPKINS. apt] 70 Apollo Buildingl, No:nth co Combat Coarbol 20 (2uR0...99 do du very 6noi 10 Endlir aped g " Corn fleddinc 6 " Poet. Comb.; nod 4 . Wm Zoo Reed Fine ivory; " rlbellonde enornr, to " super bog< Linclolo; MO poor osobr Sulet Cambs . reed ond for sole by Ices C COI Market on Batt liollassd3 Barr [tones:oll NOTICE—Thni finest hue this Bud* I tore/oil several ea..% of the finest and beet Bud* Window/ Holland, Invithiett he would roast reapeetlatly cull the attention of bit eunmmen and the public in teon:lL 11:7-ttarpet Warn Nome, 75 Fourth el Anil Ciratiabas * **** A FEW very Ene CUITARE:InnI reed from Ina 11. relents...l manufactoty of C. F..diartln, and tor anle 1•y jand 11. nIF.LLOR,BI. Venal - M==l ging Commie. Work. of John Bagyunf 2 .01.4 em rot, Illearateilt • mailin gilt mid gilt edges. Nibtleal antV,Sabbath Bchuol. Geography; • iscw wet.; 1 not, 1 . 2.0. Town . . Anal.. and Speller. Life of John Q..itilainis by Wm. IL 1 Tot, Chnin Som. hy 31.. Centaur 1;.11,12.10; men; ECt. Souiet, Sermons—Strain. Iptenched upon severed oc‘m p.o., by Robes, Spuili L dh Dd • new editton,4 tole; including Path... Ili.ourses. Some-4 note lu IlteePiektfet 00S. For sole by ; tcleN Apollo 1111140 p. Foluth st SCAut.FI FOUNDRY. JOHN M1C1101.6. • undersigned, ',nonagon to Asthma & Nwhol • son. bre leave to inform the citizens of Pittsburgh d public grins-rally, that they have rebuilt the KA fi sod rouri DRY nod are noWCH ra I opetion and he pan of their patterns re ady for the , Amount winch are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wtonl Stoves, with a splendal air-ught Coal Stove, Willett now superceding In other cities the common rouri..l SlOye. Ai., a cheap root Conking Stove, well &dep.. ted for small families, with a full assortment of com mon and mantel Orates We would plintridarly ia site the attention of person. building to Call at war warchonse before purebasinsi slid examine a splendid article 01 enaininelled ()rates, finished In film style— entirely now in this match Warehouse, No. Ittl Liberty at, Opp° site Wood all _n6&idtt ' NICHOLSON & PAYNS: rtsursounan 111 PORTATIO N S 'I YEAGER, Im porter and Whesale Denier In Vs FANCY AND VARIET Y GOODS' sw,t, of the Glit Comb, GM Market ri, Pntstiorgb, Pa Yr enc. Merchants Pedlars, and otLers 01,1t111• Pitishoreli to poreintielioods, aro respeetfolty Mooed to cell sod <Tontine the egtiMll.lsssortutent of En( , American, ' , tenth and Gorman Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this establishment me ithpon od 6,001 by mYself, purchasers may rely it get ting goods from first kends. I hub the largestessort molt of articles, variety hoe, io the city of vmburgh—all of which mill be sold lour for cm& Or city acceptances. The trek consists, In pin, of Lace Goods, Hosier), W.V.., Ifibbohe Bilk Grovels, Shoe and Patent Threads,Sevriog Epool Co.p, 'rapes; Suspending, Rations, Pins, Nee dles and Galen' Gold and Silver Wistebes,GoldJewelry, all hods of .iiruslics, Combs and Razor. Percussion Caps, &evolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Bilk & 001100 Parse., t , peCt•Cleß, Steel MIMIC 00/Cl4 1! Wel LIIIVI and Boatels. Dinging a }iodine, and Trimmings. Toys and Fury Good& together sth large vale * of Fancy and Maple DRY lillol.lD. C. YEAGER is also agent for the mtlsbrated Len. easter Combs. ; mart? tOrosli itangllab Itessmay. • OGRM b z. e xit) Colds 4 N e t b i tz la fo c tuAll;p c u a o rn n! . r T e tt; a diseases, ii the HUNG rated BALSAM OP FE, discoyetedt hi , the celebrated Dr. Each. of ndon, England, Seel Introduced Into the Unit. game Eder the immediate naperintendence of the inventor. Tha estmordinart success of MU' medicine, to the re of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Ameriean gent in miteiting fOrtremment the vr•rst peas/hie e•• that can be found In the community—eases that seek lief in vain from any of the comm. remedies of the d 7, and have been glace ap by the Meet disOngtehtied ~. p rilentlia . confirmed and saturable_ The 'Hunted . Balsam has cartdoned will mare, the most &oasts of 011... it to no peach tiostnam, bat a standard En• likh meditate of known and established &limey. Every fasts to the linked Stows should be supplied with Bach., Hengist. Ital.ct of Life, not miry to answer...l the consumptive tendencies of the climate, b a. ,„, b"„,,,i...... pmenitivc medicine is all cases of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and 'cheat. Irritation and ~ rerices of the lugs, broehltia dateidty of brothel, henna fever, night sweats, emu.- aeon and general debility, asthma, balsorma, whooping cough and croup. Veld in large bottles, at 111 per botile, with fall dlr. demi for the sestet...ler health. • Pamphlets, emit.terg a Masa of Enlllialt sod Ameri ca/ Cettileatea, nod other evidenee showing the It. equalled merits of Met great Engird:Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents. gratisitously. For eels by It A FAHISIPOCIi & Co., corner la stand Waal and Wood and Ott sts.: fuird.kwn Q MILERS , 15IPERIAL. COUOII 'SYRUP—Tit...a 0 Hommel lane lot ~.. Pirrstinutn, Match 01,1847. r.. 1). P Salletit—lo pours to you an 4 your 11.001. parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to state, for the ben elo of the community, that hey wife havireco several dotes allheted oft Si a most 6i:reeving cough. I pus. chamd, January last, a bottle of your Syrup, winch cored • eovga of two months' gentling. About one ...tomb' risme, the tough retarned, and was ma severs. Slat .be cool(' hardly more, from crewel:es, in the booed I tient for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, asl ipart of ono bottle curcd the cough Igloo the other n a pourneyman who was .eyerely •Lthered, who had, to are his own wards, "eaten smooth cough candy to e oh the people in ritivbartsla,.` e if the emuly Atari been n• gard. at tCPreSerlitd• • Yoga's, retoccllallY, Aura. 13. Keemb. rrepared d did uy R. E. ed.:LLCM, fa Wood atrert, an laid by Dragetsto geuevally or this tws clot. elnia ALLICGIIICM V BLIAII, Li==== , J. A. TIRUIVN would ma el• keeps on' hand at etn . nd on th a n weal sidn of the Damned, Atte. gheuy city, a - complete m00n ''..,., a t4.1"°"4 " ‘A: h meet of Venulan Mamie; a firn Vete ninon Shriner* aro motto to o, der in tti beat title, warramed equal to sup lathe United'Statna. tin 'Moder. too removed with out the aid of • eery, driver. flaying plateaued the .4.4, trait, and WOral of the eabirAr et. raldwhatentot.limmay A. Al lele.• land, i am, prep/trod to Minim their aid emtomers as well at the public , of NIT, With Oren , thing In than Me. Age? , e) , Veal street, Pittsburgh. meta, . 1 - t J. A. oanWit.' lrnqs :QUIL T -In bils,to attire, tot rale hp --. WS/ ullrlu bris, u!arture, for W e by. Jet? - • J HIUDaI.Yr OIDAMEUIMI',—GraAsimapiv 2 X3W . MED 1 1 EFIV - -1 0 0A1 AS Aq. if out or ; smoky; tor iala by- • • era.l • • ANI.I.ERA A NIMIA _ W- IN • W *4=2°°." ; ', r . tiliftNllßthikti3-75..7.-se, b 7 ARYISTALIMi t a CF: , 2 , 1,R al" : =14110(.113 ZR6I,II r .. 4„.4 L W IC K alot N W o V, AN D for avia,hy LlCvv. jtelf.,%43:lldyettr= get tß4Fitt: , 3VI gag: opal to lett•er to every ouzel. I?. fide depute Ism isteited to cell • exam. rtbelv hubs India Robber RM.% Rem 7 tali Wood s PH treet J It II ILLIP" N o 1, now landing, Intel for nag by . ISAIAU DICKEY lieu /rib er Water & From bto labsits store for sale Cs , Jell . ARI4STIZONG k CIII,ZER piiiittni-200 re.e.. l Ab,l_ JnzER • o , ARMSTRO NG iv LA G OLD and„liclvo Count Cr !!=ll for Belau-lose ri. _