The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 05, 1850, Image 1

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P,UnLI4IIE . D 111
WH FT EL; C 0 .
limns] IN wrier.
ah,Larfle lUi 4121.04 MIND final', MIXT roes To
. . •
• Della pa pa annum
Tri , 'NeerLy----- • —•-• 5 P 4 " ;
Wcekly,ln advaais).•—•••• •••• ZOO
Clubs, al a rtdeoed rata:
One Nur ve t (lOnoto Of Nonpareil or len)
one menion•—i-i-v--- • —4E0,50
One :tier cc, each additional ineertlon• • • 0,45
Ib. one 1,75
Do. two 3,00
Ito. three weeks.-- 4,00
Do. one fi,oo
Do. tortsltiontlis.-s-----••-•
• Dc,, three moWlitc•s• —•••• 0.00
Do. Imo month. --• 10.00
Do. eisrennthii.•....--..
Do. twelve montliel•-• .. 16,00
handing Card 10 litter or less,' per ammo. 10,00
One FT are, changeable aipleasure (per lan
tana eXelosiVe al the vetoer L or, ,v o
For cub additional siviere, Inserted over ono month,
atm for cosh additional Rolm inserted order the year
ly nitro, half price.
Advertisement. erecedlng a -qu are, and not over
Ghee or hams, to be charged as v. sure and a half
tbildmhera not adeoentable for legal &deckle...ell
herend the anwira charged fur 114eIrpub , acation.
Ansouneingcandidates for °lnce, to be charged tba
same as other adveriocereoti.
Advertisements not marked en the copy for • speeb
first umber of insetiloes, will be continued till turbid,
and payment ereVed IketOrd, ,
The pnvileges of yearly advertisers will be confined
rigidly to idielr reenter basinctie, and ell other &direr
asements not pertaining to their reviler leminese, as
ovecd tor, to tan pad CM/. I
All advertmements for charitable institutions, fin:i
mputes, want, township end other public meetings,
utd mach like, to be eherged half price, payable anictly
le idvance.
. •
Marriage nollesA to he charted lie Cent..
Meth Melee,. Mooned without charge, anima accetm
peeled by funeral imitation, or obituary notices, and
mice so accompanied to he: aid for.
Renilitradvertiven, and ll other. undies cement
titration., or lege it tett notices deFigned to Call allele.
eon to nk., SeireeS. Cancer* or any pablie enter
taimulents, where charges aldniatle for ailmittaner.—:
all notices of private associations—every notice de.
ly be :Inserted with the understandmg that the tame
c a l he Paid far. If intended to be erectedt in the lo
cal column, the same will he charged at the ram Of
tot less Man IQ cent. per line. • ,
Bishop or Fist Notices to be charged triple price,
Talent Idecuse Cd earls.
Lagal and Medical advereKstaelito tO be charged at
hit once,.
Reel Potato Agents' and Aectionetm , advertiae..
men, riot to be clamed uuder Yearly ram*, but to be
allowed dmi mint ofthirty three And one third percent
frOttl •nrount of Mita. , .
u non, 00 7 . OI•WIMILT th DAILY my na.
try,. ."quare, wrce lavertione• • •--• •• 41 SD
lie. each additional ihhertion• •. 17
aniarnsasanva 01ses.tvir rartin
One Route, 00 Itnes,) one inaertion•
• V* each additional' insertion• • • •••Z
All Bei:Laical advertHements hi he paid In advance.
ttilllTH k Co. (layette.
'• 4 HARPER, Pe"l.
Itf Rig . M. RIDDLE, /name(
JAMES P. DARR a CO., ei•ronicia.
A BROTHER, (h.patch.
Jill. tINOIVRI(N, hietcaty.
lIIHAh`KALYE, Evening Tribune.
thryitienan, Dee: •
roils A. reaxisbox,
L, Filth Ward, Penn enrol, berms.
nml tYllans and Walton. All lowness promptly .t
ATTURNFT AT LAW—GrOce, on Fourth Navel
above Wood
AA TTDUNKV AT LAW, and CantaLainnar
l'enes9lrnele, St. LAW., Mo._
All cieementeettons promptly ansercred.
ATTIIBNLAS AT L . .AIV, fauna street, nu Oran
A Tri - ortnnx AT LAW—fiffice on Fourth atm;
between IdaLuddield and Grata 4 l'aubargh.
baaJmia ' — ' — CCilliaro Ellacerail
'rvvrtne naxiawicta.,
A rroIiNEVB AT LAW—Ofine in Wenn. Hall
CI :g.?4311 In, nest We Ciantt ten./
JOU, Ile , fiedalitillt s
A ITORNEY and o:lamellar it Law, and emend.
Blanes for the Slate of Pewits/vanla, St Louis;
Mu, (late of Poutborsh.)
Referenees—Pituttatahs floo.'W. Forward, llama
tan & hitlier, 111tiandleas & Aleetate, Jobs Parke,
Ns. Semple, Alt:Card & Kier.
0.1,11.11•IXT . RIIIII .1. rel,ii•Vll.
NC ii. srootovalin.. —mow,. .6/....
BAUALIiV, WOOL/WAND is CO, Wholesale Gra.
ears, No Vl }latices; Philadelphia. AA
Pltiatwargh Alkali Works.
'PENN KIT. ERRY CO, Idanufartore re a Soda
„D Illeactdog Powder., Allitioda an. Noloboew
Acura. Worehono No—, Water Oreel, below Ferry.
4•7e7Pin lek Llraun. • tiuurte Reiter.
BRARN .REITER, Whnlintato nod Rauut
Oran comet of Liberty and RL.Clat r atrecia, Rola
burgh, Pa. ap4
soLonos scriowirm,
(10517,11/381UN IdERCHANT,Suor.Ie and 1311113r0t
er, No 1103m:oral stet..
John A7Crois. ! W. S. ekill
Came & NNER, romandiot Ccouousioo
Merchants No IN Mork. at: PoNloargh, .04
C. rti - slo ' n A rer l ... n.
•hants, Casual emu, Pixtsbargh,
Cll Tilt ANT, Wlanecele Grocer, C0.1¢6011.011 and
. Forwardiug 11lereliont, Piet 41 Wool. at., Nur-
T. liersay•-••-•kniie;r F l eminglt. ICFie/01;i
mangier, Oiscniaos as co.,
fIOMMISSION AIM/CHANT:I—For die mile of Do.
mestle.Woolen, Rod Cotton floods; Won, dealrrs In
all kinds of Tailora' Trimming., No In Wood al, 4th
door frorn ITfib. Yjdatiilah•
Reference—tklestrs. Wm. A: IRII t Co,Uankem
em. • 3ert:l
E 776 Egli" riI'ENNI-mr,
GO„) Wholesale Grocers, COMMISIIIO2I and For-
Wardine !Verdian., and dealers in Produce and POSS.
burg% Alanatactsres, Na. , $7 w 04,41.1., td and.
streets.. . nett
- No IN Seconds?, Nil.horgla. Nal
lILEA (•sees..? th BisrPh! &Lee ! ) Wool Duo
cs and Commas!. Merchant, for Ma Oslo of
•msrieanWoolen, Unity. opchsa/to bah st. fet.l7 .
arr. Mu!,
a. I. UCCIIIIOII, IDIVAID A 41.2. p. thn d s :
D. C. lee/LIMON DAM a. worths; •
TIEALLP BUCICNOR; Tobacco Coombs!. Nor
Al chanty 41 North Water at, is North 'Wharves,
Phila. . nos3/14!
"LTA RD Y, JONFS & Co, (masons to Atwood,
AL Jona & Co.) Cninialowon and Forwarding Mar
shoots, dcalen,ln Fittabargh Idartafactarod Goods,
Mubarak, Pa. toold7
TYCO:MOT TO SATO, la C. 017.2.4
rPOWIER k Dealer in French and American Pa
per Darwin/ en and Darden, Window Shade. Fore
ard Prints, Ike. Alan—%Y Maniac and Wrap
.?„,,lf:iditapcor4Sl,non,.erPy,W.7l.dare.e,li.t:,eitLee,,A,Foran,rth sued
Fehld _ , .
OLIN diGNEW, late of •firm a( Cita abet., Au
Of new &Co, would respettfelly inform tee old ess.
lumen and the public generally, ilea it will wait."
tumor to terry on the Green Wass business, 1s all It
anellen, and is prepared lo fill ill order. for Apodo -
came Ennulare,
Minerals, Porters, Viols, &a_ .
ramming w bit borinese flit wararnie Is To II
Martel suer:, lawmen Vita & Sceonl se Irt
TORN D:f(Dittlitsl;Witofetaki Maggio, rani nor;/.
or in Dye Sniffs, Paint.. Orin' Vernal...4e, No.
I Wood .bent, one near Ewell of Diamond Alley
Pilletnagbft— '
lit r e awl dealer in
• e and PatiOranar
lininifaetares. .Pio 21 Watt, st. I . tarnettk.
Instil Smart, ' an.
• .
TBAIAII DICERT h Co., Wholesale Grocers. Coo,
I nurion 14.•rehants, and dialer's In rrodaen, N 08.56
Water,s,l llm7.Front streets. • norrn
an —• • • ---JosspiTNismoWt
J 9 . DILWORTH b. CO., Wbblesale Greven, and
. Agents for Hazard reorder Co., No. V Wood M.,
Patsberga. derm,
ao N 0.45 Morse, st., three dooms above Third sL PM,
burgh. will Imre constant'', on hand ■ Well scler tee as •
oortotento(4le best and freshen 'Medici:M.l6Se). be
will sell 'on the room reasonsble terms. • Physic.ns
mediae elders, will be promptly attended to, and yap-
Plod smith ankles they met rely noon an sensing.
Mr Payeleissis Prestestlons wit/ be setarately and
Wade Prnmereml from the hest material% at any bearol
be day or Mein. - ' •
Also Wr Inds, it largo Moak of Raab and toed Perhi
g n. lola
a CAaral-rbi time of Wiireen, Vtito,) COMM.-
46 . . 4 m .^. tu.udlaß Illrreltant, add wholesak
AtllJef in Western ltesere. ch se .e, putter, set and
see. , Ash. and Western Sroduce Re:serails. Wel. ,
ruesbeteteen Smithfield edd.Wpod Sitteberghi
i t ist ,
John Oar)."
R. Fl.OllO, Wholesale tiaed irt er h tool 'a F ints a i . n
Merchants, and Deaden lo•Fitla•o, Roone ' l
Charon idaildineat Malin( oa3Abo,ty• w oo d ood
Edon stteela; Flttoolgrel, Fa:- - - •
TORN WATT. fsaeoessot to Ewalt J ,f iehloar
*/ Wholesale thoeer aad-Xloasaassioe derehad
dealer in Peodoeo and Pittabarin blanafaet ee r
Aar of Liberty and ilaadatreels. YatsLuel, f o id'
IN°. OAVGlll36•gent for the late 3}14. ono
Mlentelan'laillertn'Oesver and the Lates : —.s"
an the tomer of Water aa..l , Meath held us • .
JAmrs iIUTOIO.4ON, o..—Faereasors s,
Lewis , nate bisono3., Coooldselon Nereltanu,
•nd Menu of th e tit: 'Levis Rama 'Raga Relo o ,„:
Ide 43 water sad fr/ front smarts; Yittsbargh.
YThblitiCF,ll.GiNi;/17C613,NV-liidess—Tro bra
. No IN !Wood aTee4 Pittsboritr. EA '
11. - ESIVEITZKIL Attorney M Law, oXice ot.
. oppoafie 51.. Charles Nowt,. Pittamritt. wilt .too
=cod promptly to Collerloos, la Multingtoo, Foam
sod Gaon !counties,
IThietteLoOk, Bell &Ca,
-Chuck s Qaothoro, rlttob.rib;
II T. Norton. • •
E r ( •Va Itst a ritrut
. r . r;r I% eaLV dealer
/Pifer, Slam% t:teel Pens, rmitere Cards, luld
Ptarlanry gcnertilf, No. 81_3%4.1 M.Arattabilltd•
Er.S4l , b 0140.1 if UPACII In trado. . stpls
No. 74 fonith street, next door to the Bank or Pitnr
burgh. fordt-Nn
2" IP. CC. 17 N - NS,Forwordong and COMM i•e01:1 !INF
cb•rta,, Dealers In Produce and Pinsborgh Nnon
o aenterd nritcleN "anal Bonin, near 7th or. ap4
._ •
Plain KILL, emrsumiii,
,"" ENNEEbY, CHILDS Et CO., Al.tufartarerr o
veinsuperior 4-4 Snorting, Carpet Chant, Coo , .
Twine Damns neltsdy
-—• • -
NVm. Philo& C. W. Ricketson, tfillaborgh.
VIILLER UICEETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and
l• Importers of
nd les Wthes aostSegars, Nos.
17 . 2 and lid, earner of s
nod sent shims, Pißs•
burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, to. to, cons
'shortly on hand. api
John MISS'. James D. hPlitll. Walter C. Rom
MO:ILLS a R4IE, Wheless teGrocert and Commis
aka Mercbante, No apt Liberty St, Pittsburgh
toss 10110, 101111 F. taltlOO.
3 . 011&t3 & quicio. •
:MANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough soups, coach and clap
lie spring's, hammered Iron soles, and dealers in ma t
table cuttings, fire Nigh., hops, and reach trimmings
tr a .erallYsorracr of Ross and Front sts., Pitt;ls t sgsl4 .
T1101431k.S &SON, Nod; Market sr. second dour
. front corner of Foonh, dealers in Forerun and
Domestic lOUs of Exchange, 'et:climates of Depool,
Dank Notes and Specie.
137 - Coleletions made on all the print ipal Mies
hrnagbaut abe United Statra - apt
MICKAIASTER, AL.13.81...1--lnfier. Fourth sts
. third door above Southfield, south sedi
Conveyancing ofill kinds aloud milk Me greatest
care and legs! accuracy.
Tit re to He skamined. Sc. oclat
— filThErilifigTillfiU..WlZl.Ll3 t Cos,
O. 272darket street, Pittsburgh, Pa., keep constant-
Iy on hod, an s'mate to order alt kinds of Vis,
saets cc. Porter and Mortal AVater Wades ofu
perior quality.
Pantoolor attention paid to Private Moulds.
Lltboßr'aphlc liG•tabli•hatioot
OF Whl. SaIUCHAIANN, Third et, optealte th e
Post.Orkets, Pinsliurgh.—Maps, Landscaper, Rill
beads, Shourbills, LoLele Areliftectural and Machine
Drawings, thisineo and Vi•ltt m ard., Si, encraved
Or drawn on stone, and printed i n f ra. lor, Cold, Bronze
or Wank s in the moot approved style, and at die most
„miasmata° pewee trrlls:l7
DOWN-ON, urrcc a. co. - a. IW2 Liberty Otters
IA Pittsburgh Wholesale Grocers, Produce avid
Corowietion Merchants, and dealer, In Potaberth
hbroalic toes. apt;
Roar. 0001000. ram boric. sato. n. tornatort.
1401IERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer IteebO leg
Diatiller. dealer id Praluee, PoubutA :genuine
tuns, an t all kinds of Foreign and Domestic , %Wore
and Liquors, No. It Liberty orals. op hood a very
large stock of superior old Plonongolorl waiskey,
which well he sold low for opt
ono. Da.
IDIENOIAM & SUER. Forwardtng nod Commis
tan Mereliazo, for the A Itecovny River Tr•de,
ealers in Grocenee, Prerimee Potebuti,th Planufac•
tares, and Chloride of lime
The Naha I price, in cult, pat.l al oil time s far
cattalo. rags Cool, Penn sea sot. opts
1)1011ERT DALZFJ.,I. S Ct., beirosile to MC!!
AL Completion tllerchanta, dealer, in Produce and
Pitriburgh him:ohm:arcs, Dhows street, Pitt.bureh,
Pa. apse'
110LT1 GROCER. Produce, Sorwseding.
and V.0.11[11/•110/Merchant. end Sealer in Pins
burgh Stouutuctuses, No te, Liticrly street, ritsbureb,
Sit 171
Qltallt:llAßTnitlT - E., Iron
1..7 St- el Works—Msnufacturers of Arti. It Serum
Rad Plough Steel. Alio—Sprints, Axles, Virus, Au-
Sits, ite. They items theettronon of merchants and
Consumers to that stock before porehristog else
where. They wurntot their articles to he eons to nay
mile in this rotten.), or Imported. fetrl4
1 1 / 1 1(1,MT / 1 / 4 .WINTM, Wholesale De•lers In
la Foreign and 1),111<blia Dry Moods. No. tel Wood
street Pltninnigh. apt?
tr,W NARIMIUIJII, Woof Merchants, Meer&
in Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and CONVIIIIWOI2 Merchants, No. 03 %%'ater stretch
Y. astuirei, strrsneenn. ionn !ross, it siit 7 ,
S k ili L o%rn s hie 1 .' 21 ° 2:1 1 ;7 ITe " r t ty li :t n r ' e n' et i
buret,. :Sperm, Lanvin. , and Land Oils.
So L r 1f , 00 0, 110N e. ,d 1.1 0 1 4 1.1,.Rnr i r l.e . o .4 Who/Pla le Oro.
Pealera In rittabargli Mana'arturao '
Itroduce, have remoyctlt, near row warehoo•c, (old
stand,) No. Sc , corner Or From Meet Chan ' erry
Lane nog'
ode Distmond,_P!tiaborgh.
- •
L. S. Waterman• • R. N. Waterman. .W. H. Waterman.
WHOLESALE UROCER,, Commts+ion anti For
warding Merchants; Jester, in all kiads of Pro
three & ritt•burglt Manufactured Article.; an. , A creel.
for vale of itteltmond and Lynchburg •M•nuntetnred
Tobacco. Intl
Blain., Fa
WILL also attend to mlltations and all tiler bus'-
nen elariated la him in Dollar awl ardamona
eisitottes, Ira. Rear to FL Floyd, Ltheny et.
W. W. Wallace, do
Janata Marshall do Pittsburgh.
dig Kay ic Co., Woo 4 et. ) /an 7
8. U. Dashheid i 4 Lord.
W/,I; and Retell Dea , er. Cirocarte•
awl Dry (Soorts, and Cernausstan Merchants,
No,thlo Litany er, Pinsboig b. We.
.Jonni a.PADZINI &
• Canal Baca, Penn atreec. Pinabuo L. nl,g;
No. Vin Market, and 54 Commerce et., i'hd.delfhie
Advance. made, by either of the Shore, cm carpi 'co
mmit, of Frodoce to either 110 am. racll
I. D. William. ' —John flail
VITITT43.3A k itirrAlL PA:III , S CF:II9,
Forwardseq and Commi.loa Metrbants, •nal
desists in pen. try Praia. mad rittebargh hisourae
tares, earner of Mod and rah th seta, Pittsburgh.
WO4II. McVay
xvn. U. WILLIAMS &
North Ewa corner of Wood and Third streets,
lasi Prrrsay.a.
WY. ILLCIALZT, tolls $ Caselll•l‘,
woauvraltn, $41u51.31.
llittiALEY tr. CO., hole* Grocers, II
and 271 Wood sum, Pittsburgh. spl7
• WICK & 11: 0 17 . D . 1 .1 1:13:. 1 , , r ( d o ee e 1 , 7 re to L i & J. D.
Cotedni ‘ • V • i t c otillerebante;denlore 4 i ' n ; lron,Nl:l 4 br n ,Ll . a. n .,
Cotton Vann, and Pat•oorgbalnetta-• general
ly, comer of Wand and Water etre tr, Pittsbliteh.
ar 1 M. RtrtellErtifEk, - 141.1;TrinceTi,
.• • Rocurflng Dianne., and Wine and Lupo"
Wren - am.. &I.—lmporters OI Pod. Mb and [tlrnr k-
POlrdef, No. lon Liberty streeL (oppocto fbeth
•Irret,) Vitt•bargh. •pt 7
A WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, nitre, Wan, V
V • and 'Military G.d., corner of LLLLL •nd
Foartb streets. rttisborgh, Pa. N. B.—Watehe• and
Clocks earefaliy ~paired. 1017
IitTULA.. mona.
VOUNfi & Dealers in Leoukter.
At.. 143 Liberty moot merely
. -
IX] L It. AinCUTCWAINI, Wholegal,. Groner.,
TV • denier. In rroiner, Iron, Ned., Groom, •nd
PiUnborn& Ilaniaditura generally, Laborty
ANTsr.Lo. -
41•=1[CS OILIO on eanzigumen:..
ATI:IIF:W WI4YfN, Tnrtgatt and Minia ture Mrum, Iltenms, eorner to. Post Mice Al'ey and
Yourlo .ret, as on Yount et, nett-Mattel.
404-.14 •
li.4.4sedos, Commission Dissonant,.
U. al OM Leeta,ot,N Odes., keep eonrtataly ea
LI hand ala roe ..memento( [Bondman( the
lug ISSMS. which they ofer (or tale as a genta for J.
Dermal t Co Bordriast, ell, Silcrl.l.4:Et..d.J thi
riont it Co, Lersentlie, JI Cont.*, Afield la.
leiatb A A 0 Monk,. ie. lone. ke ,
*sig., Abelian (tin, Horde soy Bed and White Wine.
la eau h• and en.e., ot lee we With rare by Jahn Ito tund
ttlii; Whiles Chotopagna Wine and doreet Burgundy
T HAVE taken WM. CARR IMO p•rineratop with
ne in sobuiocu, srineikill (into this dale
canted at ander Ilia name of " John P Co."
March let, lehlt /0/1N PA BUHL
John Cur.
JOHN PA 151 K CEL & CO.,
IVkAo4. Grocers !Irak. in Prodavi, Potrign
Wines, Li ' irffors, litenongahtles
and liortifia Whitkry..
No. b, CommereW Row, 1.15505 woe!,
may P
INIATELKII/11 !MAIL /06ItI• 111•01.6 WW VAS
remszn, lIA BMA s CO.,
(Bsereesors to MAUI s Co. -
DANCERS, PACCIIANDE urtoxEsts, .nd dealers
UPI la Foreiviand Domestic Esehenpe, Certificates
of Deposite. Dank Not., and Spec ie --Nonls seem
cornet of Woml an( Third streets. Current money
received on dt:los th e
for sole, and
colleen°. made
on nelsrly all the principal poi,.
the United Slams.
Vas bigheat premium pald for Foreign and Allina dean
Advances nude on consignments of Prod..,
pod C.f. on liberal orate.
MI". a' my sal • - so.. 40••
wa.:a. surctuno a Co.,
• •
No 2.541 Wert, ethret. aloe. ir.thir
tlaya .111.1t74 on land a lathe IWOOnanny of Choice
Inc...lea and Rae Tea,r, alga. Fothnth ninth and .
Nate. Wholesale and Retail. Deatela sapplest an the
kennel thrum. ethyl
• , Pan sso las Shops
laritlMlAN—Arantfaerarts of all kinds or nor
Ai. km and woollen' machinery, Allegheny sily, W.
Tao alkorismorks belnlynow in (all and succeeds! op.
arslion, I am prepared ur eseaate mists will &south
tor all kinds of machinery , in ky kris, flab as
pickers, sprergerk, cards, grindrna romiLinemrstrways,
es*, thisamls, 10004, woolen
oks.`s grsisale,fos merchant or coontry work,
suulcs,jaeks,ks:l silos and Iliad Isthes.d Molt in
..I, All holds of shogun& made to ordee. owls air.'
dolor ~,nrin,aisesollea or mills M storms.
ars—iiennedy.Chibis k Co.;lllackstock, Bali
lgo., Paasock c..,1.* may,
SW Improved Plano&
LEBER haelest mist veil n mpg.
nificentTomaye Piano. which contains
several new and highly tuatiormt
motto:mu exterior Is of
most elegant nod costly de sc ription, and is made t w o
the Reeceito style. The interior contain* two separ
ate bridges, causing the Bass Wrings to coo one and
above- the Treble emir es—prodiscirre at' once n tone
risk, fail, sad clear. -The ruing., moreover, are so
emerged en to lease a remaining ailing when one
break*, thus .using no treenveniences like that
which attend brine,d method of grinng,
N. This the first Piano o r the kind veer
breech, to Piasbargh. the Professors and Amateur. of
the city are respectfully forked to call and eland..
It. at tee B.trn of the Coleco Harp, 101 Third st. 1,15
a. vriornonrar, Ifafi lA., 111
articlenstanly on hand or make to order the
best in their line at their old rand, No. t 3 St.
Clairatrech also, at filo..ton Market street, as enrol story,
entrance in the Diamond. Venitian Shatters made to
ceder, and old blinds neatly ropasted- apt°
Strealsaihant,llllllll6t l ic itlabotrellso Pa.
OA% No. 37 Water st." &Steens Ate , Aket and
Wood, Pt:ulnae.. ,
IFWiLLeonstaruly keep on hmd a good mean
men% of Wani ninny OWn manafarture, and
sapertornealny. Wholesale and reentry Mer
chants aTe respectfully in•ited to call
and es •
mine Lot themselves, as we are determined sell
Steeper than k before been *tend to the pet.-
1 ie.
D'Orders sent by mall.neeompartled by the auk or
oat reference. will be promptly artandetl to. ma
VT - A. WHITE k. CO, would respectfully Inform
LT.Le the public that they have erected • shop on
Lanark, between Federal mol Sandusky streets. They
now muting and are prepared to receive orders far
every deocription of vehicle., Coaches, Chariel'a, De.
rouches, BuggiePhaetons, , &a., which Irma their
long egpenence to the manufacture of the More work,
and the Studien they have, they feel connate% they are
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
diem wattling articles In their line.
Paying particular attention to the veleenon of matey
riots, and havioF noise but competent workmen, they
hare no hemanors In ramming their wark. Wo
therefore ink the attention of the public to thia matter.
N. B. Repairing done in the beat manner, And on the
most reasonable terms. RiAktf
',NI. a S.W. LLYO
es- , NTINUE o manufnemen nil kinds of COPIER,
TIN AND allliil.T IRON WARE. Also, Black
smith Work.
Steam 13ontailulli to order.
Special attention given to steam boat work.
Ileac on Mende • fine amonment of Copper and Rum
Kettle*, Tin Ware, rte. de. &emblem emanate Streets,
Portable Forces, vanmes sues —• very connonent ar
ticle for neamboata i California emegrarna, or mil road
We would reapeetfelly Mena steam boat'deen sod
;there to call and roe Our article. sod prince before
purebamna el .viehera
W.& J. GLENN. Book Blad•ro.
"WE are mill engaged - In the above banrna, corner
KT of Wood and Third *neves, Pensbargb, where
•re prepared 143 o any wont in oar line with dew
paten. Wc attend to our work perennially, and imam
faction will be given in regard to its neatness end dc.
Blank Books rated to any pattern and bound sub.-
ruinualiy. Book. rrr natitlxrs or old books bound care
fully or repaired. Name• pot on books to hilt tenets.
Those that base work in our line are touted to salt.
Price/ low. islytUld
Pitt 'machine Works rased I ,
T 111160.11,
JOIIN WRIGHT! Co., are prepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of every description, sae!,
as Carding Machines, Spuming Frames, Spenders,
Drawing Frames, Railway Warners, kipoolers,
Dressing Frames, .'come, Card linaders, he, Wrought
Iron Shafting turnedi all sues of Cast Iron, Patties and
flange. of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,
,and hoots of all kinds. Castings of every description
furnished on short nonce. Patterns to order for
Mill 'License, Iron Rath :4r, &e. Steam Ptite for 11? as
ing-Fattomes, Cast Iron Windom bash and fancy ...s
-tings generally. Units; left at the Warehouse, oft.
Palmer & Co., Labe.) street, will have prompt atten
Beret tolaetsusek, Bell & Co., 3. Y. Moorehead &
Co., G. G Witmer, John lrynn & Sons, PattahuTgh; U.
C. & J. 11. %Venter, Steubenville. 1.19
. .
Ls e c n n
t h O e L . o , tr w s ft
and t u rf ,, e a and . o 7 n l ,, ealli t tl .
boo Ptattot, with and et tdiout Colentao`o eelebtatcd
rEohan Atutehntent.
above Itutratstente ate war
ranted to he coal!. any wan oraelared in ibis reen
try, and will be sold lower thee any Wasted front tart
East. F. IILUME, No lit woad Id.
red door above Uth
N. 13.—City Senp will he takes at p.r fora few of
he above assurono,
itllter, for IR/drama Water.
11119 is Ur toady that f bare aro
polomd Ltvingston, Roggeo & 11%;
Solo Agents for the sale of rimming.,
Fitter, for rho rIJ
trot or POWborgh and Allegheny.
for Walter hl Gibson, 31911to..tway,
". N. Y 1
Oet. II ISt&
Wo have been songe of the oboe, articles at she
61fiee 0(11. Novelty Wor on ks for three nomths, 0111110/,
ind feel perfectly ...rotted that it is a artful envenorre,
and we take pleasure in recommending teems, a non
NI snick, to oil who love pare water. Orders tall he
thankfully received and promptly exevuted.
___leßfr LI VINGtrTON. ROGOF.N A C.
Sa.son Brick Work. for 8.1..
rilliEsaltseribcr offers for sale, the STEAM I.llIlCli
WoltliP, above Lawrenceville. comprising •
Steam Eeißine , 1 hosiers, 6 Mould Alachtitc, capable of
manufacturing Pressed lirick• (out of dry elm,
au taken from the honk.) per day; three acres of
land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 and
shed., Wit' hint and clay sheds, wheelbarrow., KIWI.,
shovels, spade., tie , every thstsg mums.. to eon,
menee operations at an bean notice. Price. including
the patent right to use b
id' machine, .ti —nsrins of
payment made easy. WIItIOYI Ulf land, 114tithi. For
particular. , address HENRY M ERRWr,
angl7-4ltf ?Ile Ile Monongahela I louse.
Wrongful mod Cut Irma nailing.
THE sunsenbers beg leave to inform the public flint
they bare obtamed Porn the East all the late and
fe•hionable design. for Iron Railing, both for bosses
arta cemeteries Persons wishiag to procure hand
tome paitenm will please call and egamine,
one lodge
for therruelvea. Railing will be famished 51 the short
evl notice, and In the best manner, at the corner or
Cratg and Rebecea street., Allegheny city.
auireltf A. LAMONT & 10102.
Agent for Clause and Recovery of Property rn
Eng/ A nd.
HAVING spent nearly a year In the 'erre.. fle•
cora Offices, National Library, A e., donna hot
Tate anti to England, inveattgating etaiss (or permit's
an thin country, and having ...eared efficient and W.
.ponstble Agent. In London and Manchester, he as
prepared to afford all necessary information and ad
awe to persons who seek to recover their property to
that country.
J. L. keep. a list of the Rank of England Dividend
Books. wh,eh may be ermined for 50 cents, or tot
each Ir.r of the Alphabet.
References in Boston:
11 11 F. ADAMS, Noun , Publac.
4 lEMeeessors w WCord l7Gng,—
Piestelessiabl• Uate•soo,
Garner of Wood and PJiA Stristie.
13ARTICIMAR attention paid to oar Retell Trade.
Gentlemen ten rely upon getting Olio. Ilats and
Caps from oar establishment of the sum summul and
of th. I.theser miss, and a the Lowest
COMMIT afetCharna, patehaidni by wholewila, ara
ttapeetfolly livened to call and entomb our Sloe 111
we can nay with confidence that as regards Vaal.,
and rains, it will not meet In • eomparicon with any
onse In Philadelphia. (chi?
fll GS leateto inform his friends and customer' tb•i
D he is lett receiving him new rifling stock el Goods,
...Paring, Mt areal, ell the newest and most fashion.
able stylesof Cblas, thtssimems, fancy Vesting., col.
ton and linen summer stud., end every article minable
for gentleman's wear rorsprlhg and .11)111Cl. It being
impossible m describe the acuity, quality, or quantity
of the stunk, the proprietor hope•• 11 who are in wain
of good, cheap, fashionable, and well muds clothes,
will giro hint • call, as there In no stock this soda of
the Allrghenies Uwe. compare with It.
Th. ready made department is very eve:l6,C atty.
ted to all ' •
Rail 1041 eoetraeton, country merchants, and all
who purchase largely, are panieularly invited to ex
amine We stock before pa:chasing, as parlleglar in
tention is paid w the wholesale basins.. In 1111.11 estab-
Every Midi, la the tailoring this made to order In
the mom fitthirmable and beat manner. at the .beg at
native tante
T HE partnership hamar. °Elating
the Arm
of A b. C dithalthe by the decease
or Mr. r. Bradley. The besinths will be carried on by
A Wadley, who Will thole the bathe.. of the late
fine. —
RI:Mr/VAL—A IIIADLST has removed hie Foondry
Worrhoow, from Noll 2 tkoond Wow. io-No 19 Wood
etrerel, betw een F 11.111.04 Second ofirehtl,lo the worn.
hooter loarly woopied liy U A Derry, where he will
'beep Non•t•nily on bean fentral IllisOttassul of C.,-
,ng 0, ,iroe.,l4loVeo, Caokini 51e9C AC. )yl3
11 .ml No. American 101.1.0 Steal. Alao—lfmt
Carl Meal Wien, 0111 1.0004 and illareaanth !rod Shoe
flaspe, always on hand and feral., either al Inc "Ea
gle 141e01 Worle I,^ - 0'11.• street, Fifth Ward, or aide
Alec unha Iron BMW of 114/I.LSIANS A OARRI•
SON, No 1,.f00t of Wood slreal, Prthsbarigh.
:11:11R0 CLAW
W.,, the endtreldged, bevies used, sorb entire eat.
lOvenen, St Cart Steel and Foles made by Niel
Melte ivy, at hie Eagle Steel Works, to city, reta
pionan re an recommending them as easel uo yeabry to
any ever esti by Imo( foreign sanataantre.
Forsberg& Merck 13, ISM.
0 it J 11 , 811ORNDERCER it CO,
Manarect ( lan gold Nall*, Nisbet elo Pa.
RNA Fr It. 'archN.
Iron Frnindeve and MaoWnNty Pinebergb. ('a
ManWacurcreo(Synags,tslna,Spoing Sled and
River, Pturbergb, Pa.
Engine Ilatlolora sad Machine Card Menefeeta.
rem P A hnizr , ..
Dean Founder, Plttsbargb, Pa.
Manglitetiren ejros
J a r g E N r a i lVaroon , ti,
Engine arid Ship l ll v orlacW;tr i tslo A rat:,
Marble Mena pectoral., Umbrae and Engine Ditild•
, met? et. Plirebargh. Pa.
. .
APAIR of Gold Spectaolas,fapposed to have bead
dropped io Wood watt, to front of Oakwood! &
Pest% Warehos.e. The Mader VIII be rovfardol on
remains Was to the owns:, No. Wood "hot.
.9111 F. IitPLAIVA BF. harruat.sArgry INSV
RANCH COM PANY.=Oirn'c N artho f Ab.
Exchange, Tbirl Street; Pfilladelp[d.
Pug lastraenc.—Bsildiesrs, liderchandiseandothe b t Town and Coats?, ittsured.against loss
1g 1 fire, et the lowest rate of Premium. _
BUM. hisawfda.-I . 4dralso insure eels, Car
roe, and Preights, foreign frrOdUttai me. ad& raped o
special policies, as the assured may desire.
[soar Taadordatallola—.They also incur morel
andise transported by }Vegans, Rail Road Can, Canal
Mats and Steam floats, on riven and lakes, on the
Mad tiberal Mum.
DIRECTORSJomph H. Real, I.Rmand A. Semler,
John C Davis, nohow Mrtan, Joke R reemae, Smeo-
Felwarda, Ceo C Lek., Edwina Derilmoon. lasso
R Davie, % Folwall, John Nowlin. Do it N liar too,
Jas C Mod, Th.phii.o r.dairiw, II ann ,- . / 40 . 1 *.
Henry Sloan , Hugh Craig, George Benin, Spencer
Mellyeln, Cherie. Kelly, J o 'dme, Wm 'fay, Dr
S Mumma, John &Item Woo E 7 1.•
Hugh Craig, John T Logan.
svmuma MARTIN, President.
RATA. S. NXWISuI... Soo". .
JD' Ogee or We Company, No. Sh Water niter,
Pittsburgh. rinu . P. A. MADEIRA, Agt.
Life subd Health Iniarlusae•
rpm Mutual I.llb and Health Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legisbatere
of Pennsylvania, !Much, lobs , Chanet PesPetani.
Capital ,1111011,000. Rests Marna rasa ANT I . V 121,,
V 41114, Conesns, and fall 20 per eenh lower than the
awn! cons of Life Insurance, as the followbn; cm. -
Pinson will show: nos, a perron'of the nee ol in
suring for ItlOnlor life. mast pay In the Girard $2,3,--
Pennovlvania, t1...311, Penn Monied. VAC: Iblullithle,
• 2 , 04 ; New England, Sit,.%; Now Verb Lim, Vs.flq
Limb 12.4 , 3; Lile and health, Philadelphis,Sl,9l.
D11.6 - 7011).—Ssauttel D. °mirk, Chaska H. Hall. W.
P. Ltoone, Robert l • King Charlet P,Jlayes, M. W.
Oaldarin, it Reeve, 1 i.y1., Chas. O. It Campbell,
halals Cooper, I. Redman Itsrker, 11,llutler, Edwin
R. Cope. Promidant—Samoef D. Orrick; Vim Presi
dent—Rota. P. King; Pmermary— Francis Markham,
pplleauom will be reeeived, and every Iltfairm
• Mire, eddltirrifild Rooms. canter or
actin-My Weed and Third eta, Pittsburah
Rim; INSURANCE CO. ot . Nottli America will
1. make permanent and lim ited Migrant, on pro
perty u tau oily and vicinity, end en ittripments LY
Canal, Rivers, Lahr., nod by Sc,. The properties ol
this Company are well inywned, and funitilt an avail
able Null for the maple indemnity ot all persona who
desire to bap rotected by insurance.
myla WM. iNES, Agent. 41 Water at
Fire and Marina Insurance:
HE OFFICE el the Insurance Company North
America, has been removed to No. 111 Fr..nt et
eat of Wood.
The aubaenbee, erent roe the *knee nld and re.pon•
Wile Company. wit' Woe Policies on ituttilinps and
their caninotu and n shipments et Alenhandiso by
Stearn Dem it o and othe n r
.A 3 W. Y. lirNirt...
rpriE Seenad Sesainn oflMi. 111.11tUflere, caner the
caiii of Mr. and Mm.. lioannan, for tlie pre:era
academic year, will ecepmeltire on Liao day, Nontlay.
February lea, in the .vane building, No. 12 Libeity
Arrangement. have been m.l• by which thee wit/
beable to tarnish young 1•41 c. bLt1i1...4 equal I. any
intim IVest, for obtaining a thorough
cal, and lirnamental education. A full coarse of Mr-
Itoploca: 1.1 Chemical Lectures 1.111 be delivereJ
daring the eruayec, Iltuortued by sopa/etas. The de
partments of Voeal and Insulnuentul Nies., Modern
ocuages, Drawing tad Painting, nil, eat I. be redo
theutre of • eontpetent Pre4,rt,r. Ily eft:, attention
to the moral and intellectual moray cment of their pe.
ptla, the Principals hopu to merit a rentUan..tion W. liberal patronage they hove hiWero emoya•
-term. set drool., or apply to We Principals.
!Indent and lutique Furniture.
a•litme W. WOODWW.LL,
87, 'rano ST., rtrur.war.
o. w. w.
Respemfally talon. toe
Ittat fe n la. on,
pletml his rp, stork
FURNITURE. the largml and mos:vaned assortment
ever n tared for we In dos esti,eolnpromte se•eral
sob; of Revrrivoco, Mattoumvs, and Ilt.sea W• 5.11.7.
Mornassearal rtnd plain, suitable gar Pone,.
Malone" and Bed MUM,. Milo( women oat w sold at
the lowest poems
Perrorts de ~, iii random, or any drseription, arc
sportfully st,ited m call and el bit vu."., 'mitten
embracer every delertpt.on, from tbe obeap, , rt ono
plamem to the most elegant end cosily, of xitch the
lollovrtog ratoprtar. .parr
Tete • fete Solar; Tete a Tete Ihvao,
Conyers...A Chasm; E:imbethian Chasm;
- Reception do LOW, Xi V do
Eatestriol do polo
Loo m tvs•ts Tol!et
Loo XIV Conerottelereat Dl3le Vo remelt;
orals Plash and lisur.eloth cover t,
10 threes, dO do do,
411 40/
ny parlor Chuirc
10 - 'Loma tio •
" oValnut do do,
411 " eaoe 0001
4 Mahogany Roe it int ti.t.
. do Plano r•looln,
611 hlarblo Top Center T.-hi...,
go do do Wst.h ai
IV Mahogany Eledstouls,
II do Wanlrobes;
17 1111 %Valnut do;
tiCherry 4.
A very large asannment of Common Chair, sod oth
r rarnstom too tedsems to means,
Steam foils furnished on the @home nonce.
AN orders promptly intruded to.
P. ta—ealunet Makers ran be rupplird with all VIM
of Alahoimmy, Waluut, and ''outer., at consulernltty
reduced pnee.. tt LIP
. _
ER.' NIANuFACTIIItERs , 1 . 11.1111,.
White Flannels, all Wool. lAo
Red do do Moe
.J o . ,
Y now e Jo ' Finney Cotton/ads, all are
mown do Jo oilsred at Factory 1.1. es
!hack Senett. Hoene Les, as Slam,
stesl nosed Jo
!Mao do ( Cheek. and rtripe, very
Drab d,.. beery goo d•
Black CB3SIITIGS, i • Tailor , Goods.
Fancy do Rod Padding, roper Jo;
Pansy Tweed. Vrat I... Min, Rostra,
Soper Blare Broad Cloth. Taitora•cri t .saaa,L sa ,,,,,,
Soper Brown do Brown Lowe., Si WI s,
Soper Green do !Drab Serge, Work do, s i .
Soper Twined Jo ' and worsted.
Doper Black Doe Skin. Black and ,
White Top
Soper Drab Cashmeres. Mark TI•141, Drab do;
Soper Ilrown do Linen Cites t. .n.l DOI,
eloper filar% doStaares e cord Spl Col low
California Blankets. do Linen 'rbread, a
Scarlet do superior eructs,
Bliss Jo silk neared Vet/wigs:
Drab do Black Sarin do
Grain Flagerne. Brown Holland Se',r Ea!lk s
Brown Wills; Balton., erzenl, Be , Be
AI the Manufaeisrera . ki, &rehouse, So Pa Wood •
to r,
I St=
. .
Tlli:eceoartnenhtp heretolare eitstin4 between the
anhveratterv, In We wane of 1:0.1141, !Hake
CU, Ia this day dissolved by nwie•l enesent Mn..,..
Berke .11, Borne. will settle the hotline. to the eon,. ern,
for winch porpove they am aottionsed,note the name
Eau um
The artdersianed have lbw day menet/sett the enteleet t
In the name of BURKE l BARNES for the purpose
manutactering Fire Proof Sale., V eve Dome. he
le. at the wand of .50 late firm o etable, Sortie
alto, where they will be pleased to reenter the petrol•
age of the customers of that house and their /sends
In retinnc trnm the firm of Constatoe, Carte d ,
I emth oncet< pleasure recommend Messrs. ttork,
Barney to thr contadenee of my ft trots smiths pinkie.
Feb. if,
1.1 , 13-d If
HAM Jun returned from the Eaclern eine, and I.
reeevriog &large roan , / of aee , nanntdn 6° , 4, In
winch ha respectfully inane. the attarooo of more h
sato and pedlar.. Nn 11l Wood et. (obi I
AI.I, PAPC,R—W. P. almous rd. la ron.antly
from Me large. ntanaraeiorie•
Nl ‘ os i : York and Philadelphia, and al. , limn Preneh
agencies, the newert and ninon approved P.•
pet !WW.1.% together arid, Hoofer. Fin, Itonol
Prints, and Tester To a Par aisle at o 3 Woolf at, be.
Mean Fourth et and Diamond allay, lotecessor to o.
/11114 •p.l
MTiCAL.Lit: PAINT-1 hrla last rendper steamer,
and for wan by the barrel or single pound al the
Drag, tleed. and Perfumery Warehouse corn. of
Sixth and Wood,streets. 9 N WIeliE)ll.4ll4M.
gasp ttttt Patent Sod• Ash.
464 CA ' Kea of the above celehralled brand and
high wet, direct from the nuonancturers;
casts now on the way (non Now Orleans arid ra
pected here Chia week ; and 3l wtll Oren's arrive
Dahmer., por abip. Juniata, Chesapeake, llamas a r , rind Alton, whieh will be sold on aval, al th e
est musket pica ,
tor earls or opproved
A M macIiN.TREE,
P'l4l No Inn I.ibrri, .
6116C - 1141CAL Wed V OC. Pit/ABU
TllF Pi to ManufaCturiog Company now Per to
1. the nubile their Premium Chemical Stove Polish,
sod without *** gee ******* or feat of ronirodialowl.r
* who besettested 11, pronounce it for superior to
any other in the nuttier The a:mounter twat hare uo
apprehensions ofsoiling compete. Ae , ao It. dans
.poonica ptevents • don from enemy when being op
plied, which most be done when the Store is ewd
The quantity requital is so little to produce a brew
Wel lustre. A sarlng of over tarty per cell is insured
to the conouniata A coming applied to Stove., Pipes,
&e., when laid array (or the adorned, is n 14.0 pm;
valiance against ant. After having died it oure,
lii It is aceessibw) no person will u. any but the
'tisane Manclaricang Oompany's Premium Chenit•
cal Store Polish. Foe sale ny
Corner of Blab and Wood streets .
illtiuskds. •
Alitipatanne llama min.. pinion their how..
in conformity to a =solution of Council. will
please nil ,c or ne r Rooms of the Clonal of I'mde;
second Mon, ol W ood and Tainl eta. and pry
for inn same. SAMMIE. IiAIINCISTiaiK
Piciewro. Anell 1 0 M. 4,4/
COATI IVO binriiilliarViar NEC
S. p ? o N 5 °3 7 . 11 1C ;13 Ihn. " o
`:•" the-
19niu:r g t
e nd Allegheny, and botolleg n o c l U mai7.
Chaster, Bgeniajetant, &c., (bat the work isw
rewin 'Oat the pew, and will be pot in no
bands of the , grata some where between the tMth
and 3Uth Inman
Tee mown. generally, and all who feel an intercat
In the production of a complete and perfect Ihrectory,
particularly those who have not been called on, will
greatly obhge the publlther, by ascetteinteg that their
Tanen. avocations and places of hulloes., ko , are
noted for publication In the Directory.
All cards to be inamled, moat be handed to forlk
TlNTmeeived, and now opening, on. riegvini Fiese•
u wood 6 cornet Melodeon Plano, from tie colt.
wed manntactory of Notch It White, Cineinnau.
This is • superior thstrasient;of iinv tine, and very
vapid entinatidlos6 • SO
I one finn • OCIEVIC Bleiodcon,
no I IMF:BRIM Mingo Moto,
• amyl', .11/1116tliMoi1,
:. .. .
.. ._ _ ~ . ,
4.::.:' . - - .._....0 . 11LV......01ZETTE.':.::
Up the Meade/rat of the Malted SSotoo•
TNparonnoeeoflaw,l,ZACHAßY.TAYLOß, Pra
t Rolm, of Om Ilnitod Stoic. of Ainirita, 4o ber , loy
declare .iina osake known , that pablic oaleo will be
held at the onde - menuoned Lad Offices in die Tithe
or MD:MOAN, at the period. hereinafter dosigatted,
16 wit:—
At the .lard Mihre et PAULT STE. MARIE, rim
the "Late Ripener Armlet." onmereninns op Mon
day. the sixteenth day 01 September neat. er the &i
-sm-mid or pubbe
,lands the ibliowing mimed
= i " r" "'I
. „
Townith:pfony hew, and Creational owswhips forty
isie sad fans ' , wen of range two.
Township. forty Gee and fang sic and fractional
township into seven, ortable
Township forty air, and fracuonal township forty
arvon,of range four.
Taareshlos forty ate and frftlftlav4e. an d fractional
township. fifty and hits ono, r* . g•
Pratrional townribirs forty rayon,: ray eight, forty
nine, filly, and fifty one, or range six.
'Townships forty eight end forty nlno, and fractional
township fifty arrang' seven.
Fruetio.l towngillos Unity nine on "Hog bland."
and forty on ttllat Wood," and township forty Lee, of
range eit.
Frnenon gh al , evn,l4lpi thirty lane. and forty ...flog"
owl ' (lafden" nmi forty dins on the no un
land, and to ornaliaps I..rty four end forty Err, et range
rruetionnl townybin• flurry tutu :Ind for; on “Gar
den' , and -Futtow" Ivlnntly and tovrostape forty three
forty fon, awl ly bye af mote ten.
Fryttonnul lownylnpy tinny rotrut ou.l.ltiln Beaver'
tlorty woo on "Little ;leaver' and "Trout'
lolanda, rind forty on ..Whit.ltry! . 10 tool, and town
rkips Tony three, lorry four, and fony five, of ring •
lrl, amid on 1.1,3 d,
towunip podfract,on,a townolnps Ion) ,
three, forty mut Curly
•Irrnelinnal 11,0 Gyula land, of
tante .11leen
naclonnni Inlangb;p -, mute and (any , on lb
of land, of ran, r srreril-rn
frmetin.l town... thirty eight, shiny nine, forty,
and forks i at, on the 11.111 land of rang , .4 1, .. , .•
Fractional inernahips ibirty on '''.'n.tnitier" .4
"Povetty' . 110.10 (including -. Sommer .
14.1 on.] nale4 and thirty eight. slan7 uinc, and
tarry the main land. and Myr iiphips forty one, /ow
tarn, ant I ,, dy three, of range nineteen.
Fraetmeal townahlog thirty air "fat Martin's^
ana ”(it.• 1 4anila. thirty seven on a no n
Mkt ..I.lltle
ennia - er" blond, t h,rly <lva on the main land, thiny
nine (maiming the didana in .41lionn wenty seven
and :went., main) and forty, aii.l township forty threw the in., I.& or range twenty.
Fisetional lown. , ps th , rty right, thirty eke, and
forte en thr main land. of range mi..) one.
Al THE eAhl I . I.ACK enmnomrliig on Monday.
A Sept...,tor the Mop rani
rattle politic. !mak within Ma following named town
gliox tld fran umal iownghips, to wit:—
. • .
Fractionnl townships thirty five and ltarty sin nil
do. ina.n I ilkd. of /111,11 twenty font:
Frnennal stn.ddit tinny threr, thin rfour. and
hire nye, •nJ township thirty mu. of range twenty
rana ,I
townhiy• tlurty two and th'ny ore tart ant... * . kid. and town.hira tinny lour and busty
It•e, of nee
Fractional towt Ivp• thrrty two, thi,y
Ihrer,lbury four 'and thin)' ti, nn ..15.0 1,1,;
town•lttp• forty run, foto. eve., and forty ellikt, of
range IV/ChM .4•Ven,
Fracttnnot to
o. w:oho+. thirty tyro, .hioty th,v, and
ItOn; a.even, a nd toonhtry thirty now, luny .11, forty
00..1 0,.4 - rAbt, r.l ranee t.xeroy espht.
- rr.tnat toornyt.., ,ven, non, right, and thirty 1116 etto e, and too al•mp+ torty wo: roOy no,. forty
hree, fon, font, Pony bye. (any six, ' forty *te en, an d
etrht. nf r.nre twroty nine
toorn-h.,.• thirty titer inyrn*hip fort y ,
',row.. Intro.., forty one. tr n.lona , or
forty I“.cc, In
jolt•tv hvr. tor, • forty ter.,
ton , x ht. .10 , I, orlon. of -yr lions thirty Lye
,n I .• ivy ot toe I' 410, 01 n) are hoto,.t , of r'nrn
:OPP hos ;one, t..•-ty
Fr3e1;n..31 trrorh•toirs therty ninr. forty, nod (any
ohr, to wit n yheny io,,y ion forty Cony four, forty
five, lon, forty orven. ed i ct:and
riy etvht, and Ira,.
VOoill unct ion. In vent-er tlrn, Olt ' - ',Tnnicfoo."
111 oil, u, tovrtot:ii, bit) foot, rf tango thirty one.
4T TOE 6A C F, rommeorAng on Nfondar,
the fuyrtreo.h d y y of f,tolorr it, tot the dtopopul of
thin P.hh , Inndt u , 11.1 , 6 lott,im the undermentioned
v.onoort. “nd frartionill toorn.htr, to Int:—
North of the 63. Imp, goad Tree( Mr ?wren.)
u, L.rty thrtr, lorry tour, tyrny G.q nod fifty, of
ra, ty 'tan
town.Ltes 14.1) fitly two. of range
thirty three
Froroonul t0w.1, Lily and f. t.rn of ranee
Torn•Ltp arty, G. ra.i . V ll:rtv one
Frac:l:o.l town,,t, for, • 641:1. nrd itragnaltipa
forty nit., and 1.6 y, at ran, fart, "an
Town.hip f.rty •e en, Inwn.hip fn.)"
right, d town,ip. forty tin,c aad Lily, at ranta .
(.11) thrce,
Tner t nrhip. fo,•ty • fitly eight, forty nine., and
r•nr , I,,Nst
I.orn•hs, • for •e•.., ‘orry• richt. aml fun, nihe,
Irtroonal •11, . 1•••,•• :orib tt•r.
FrocUonut 14artn:gp• butt, olvc an.l laty, at range
I ru 1..11 town•hip. (on{ ond fort , / seve,
V , Vit. 4.1 tractional tworaAllp forty
Frart.naai town. tol.• for) .
4'o.y et ranta- fatly rent
Fogr tinnal town-h, fatly neat. of ranee fen, nine
At the land 111:SI A. rpgnnt,n Moe
day, the ttate+l,ll. Septen.r.erfitc 11,, for the dirpn.4l
thr put.llo lagd, watau tint audertanntioneJ /rae
•,‘ -
I the km. hi,
rw .1 a p41,:pa.0
, e... rn•i half 54,11,. of Ihrec.
and terneng nr
v nd Igen.
en.l.rr'rthirtren lourtern. twenty
four orent, 4 yr:, nu.l unFt, n., ,o tavvtirkip tune, oh
Lan-snovonr,ur•l I.v i• Jr n' .chonl4,
rn 4.1 Iltliff cltcludcol from ho
rte. etTretert of the above tornltonrd lattat b r
d•P •Peetetted, mu•l proceed itt
lb, order In wt., , ur y twr u , rett,•• , t, vedb rfl.
re•ttent dt•pairu. u too ttsr ettole Nell neer I•ere rtf•
'err•l nnu ••p• • brut ruet• alut NI. tale .311 be
kept even 10 , liet than lye. ts reit ohJ 1:0 pr.vorr
er,ll I au) u• the lemi• wit: be stintatett antil &ler
tbe etetralma ne ten; ',rite
01. en tam., my miml thy eny ol Wa•himutnr,
th;. Anzio Dommi kbousami
mght nm! 1•1,y . •
Ito Ow Prt
.1 Ilt r eak t I
- Slr
flf.F.Tti I'I,AIfI ANTI!.
liver) permit entilleti to the right of prt emotion to
any el the land. ' , mfr. the to animtio and frarMomf
theatoft e mimeo-mud, renutted in ratatdoat
the mine in the Fr, ~,,, ethm of the Hemmer and fie
of the proper 1.e.t4 cia o , and p a ,,
therefor a. mon as. pmettealfie offer •eranit thlm
and before the day apihonteil tot the cfnemencement
I.l' the puhlte safe of dm !undo r infirm mg Me Marl
claimed, ottoirort atitM arid Ito Concord.
J ilurrEstrti:Lu,
mOurti Commiiiloner
Boauttt's Azar,lran Poultry Hook.
Till; Poultry 14.. val Fowllrr.'
aro, trc.u., Ilrecd un.l
memo,. slr•crepneina •tul Portra. l'recri
Thi• vont will lie hiund PlN...anti a greater amount
of ortetnal and , ither Ontorma.l., both practirat and
iniefa., in regard to Fool linodina, has 10 contained
et other nhirirnit nnilte I, ',then It will be
tllnstrivrel with nearly Pony Ponca.. of the tonal
ruiner weneue. nt American nnil Foreign Fowl,
...ow forty 01 which art Irnint frinu drown.*
11.1011 e•Vertllly Int thl. Tn., of the 11.1.1..p0n.1.
Inrede, and LaYetal of them from fowl. irony recently
The publiancra have .pared no rare., in bnitg oat
On. work in a m:wrier manner. twin in niggard to inn
tineravinga the %tent, or the ann., and the gent-nal
rtetnllollacvery Dart of the Look. And tt t. belarv•
ed that the work will be found to contain inoie
en Inhumation on Breeding and hlnnag.tig noniviric
rnart a than any Work homed in tint country
vale try /AS 1) hi ink Wl/011,
Ilooliaeller and Lagrone, ICH Founh at.
IM LIOLITrn hihll hil—Oolintoin a Sketeh of a
11.14,0 cal Deiteription of the Untvenee. Ity Alex.
ilitintroldt Tem./tied by nine. 2 voli,
10•1 received for Polo Lir
Dnnlo,lir, A I tni•drer ',moth
EN011.11411 a. UII6IIIIX=TT,
1 VVI . ITNALF: t.11011.".14S, No 11 Wood street.
d: ••Ir,
V. pk. 1 .,• 11.1um. Illartrai 1., Mll IL Ils •ing;
tmnrowder Tas
e; 100 less chi., do;
115 I.r• Tohaeco, 1 5 1 r. In do,
100 ~ n:s Itio Codee; 15 rask•Zanto Curran.:
20 hr.. N 0 h101ne,..; 15 Woos F. Walnuts,
, 1.1” Is N 0 ,tugar; 15 do .11142.1 Nut,
241.1 I.nzes a.sortrd are. 15 do Ptll...rts,
Mathew Mass, I. do roa Nuts;
.10 hs• l'iorr; 20 lot. shelled Almonds;
41r0b,..1.11F1i 29 U
is Hack Candy;
KO bat enntlles; 110,, Liasorit...,
30110101 C 0.14 01; 11 1 01 l'lmelpee .4. Kraal,.
AI torls Tanner.' 011; 4114• r?;
al has Chocolate, 10.51 Hall Soanlkb;
ra dot hod 1:ofdr• :11..5. Clove,
'Ai 0...1.. 51smIts itope; 2 eon. Nuto,,s;
0100. 01 , 14 e, Ctiorolate; 3 C.oolllk IIILi1C0;
Ili lags Pepper, 2.1 rase. 1,.0 eytAlp;
5 1.1.0; 25 rases Pt par Stare;
out I.c..llr,onisi 10 Can, Tomato Catsup;
40101. V111r001; I.onuod Sine., of all kinds.
30 I.ates ea,Posrick; 40 barre.l. pawderosl and
all Ls, 14 t 2 1 , 11; Loaf .u4ar,
101 ms lbev; 2 1111ds Madder;
10 1411.111,11 k; 10 I.lls Wlsinns,
311 d drum. Fly.;.
A. weg I. genittal nasortment of Pittßhumb
111knoi•etti red ort,len. nr,O.
G 61dJ. N I..hagar
Rm c„6;
ht etex V Ifyroia, Vlllloo, grvJei
4.!c. 1 . 13,1p7dcr and hop
ati do Icts:diong
5 do ihdooy
5.1 caddy by. 111 hap (I P
od Pro UN, :Pa ' nod ta'n Tobacco
:13 caddy bit Wows'. Ws do
bosco Starch
, bathibrlo•lrmo.
Madder, Alum. Langer, rcpper, Allpplce,
Mamie. end Lamp Black to kept, for pple by
• PI Water al
- ---•- ---
9 lien: POUND NUTIONti TO 1614 PAL T11E61."
IlLarationo, Va., March 8, IFSIL
R. K. E. 88 :L6;1610-4 have disposed of all the
WA Cough Avesm•nil Liver PON you sent de, and
ld dot of the Vettolfoge. ••
I havo tined all your Family 61i-divines in my family,
nod have olio prenerthed them In my practice; I kin
vcrY moth pleamd *nth them, and have found nothing
to en au' Mem. Pend 111 i. II dna of your Vermiroge, and .
11l do] onea of the Liver Pith hod Cough Syrup.
Reipeetfully youis, •
IlOtrart of Letter,' . T. T.Jeruson.•
Thom highly popular medieinea may be had of the
proprietor, ft K 148 .I.I.8:11.8, 67 Wood it, and Deusglate
!camellia , - 87 Me taro Mane and vleinltY• ane
DOBllB-2gfeettalt A No I 0816.0/him "liin.Tn - ni
mother-quality, amiable for fon,. making. Mir
eronired and f0r... 1 6 by 801181 IIInPADFIN•is CO •
IMO . ayt Cann' Itudo. Penn it
asap* aar PRUNUS.
/ANY: cask very boeVrerivtlemete Prue/roast ieo
- ported, far vale, wbelevelo or rebel, by
, ye WIII. A I , IeCLURU.&,(Xv, 1.3 n r„,berty el.
acme! Crennibie,obeeLl:r' fo r rele - br r
wA URPHY A BURCHFIELD invite the attention of
the 1..1ie" I. emit •etonsiee astortmeto of White
Good. for Monet, eonsitting of
Keened and Seites Molls;
Fmsred Ryles dm
Fnbroldered do; '
Vle:oria Lanny,
Law Priced filmed Jaekoner for morning dresses;
fine AIR finished do; and a Intee wort:neat of RA DS
Nasllns: so:Bite:dared embroidorrt printed Dlegolletn:
LIIVII•01. CU!, &0., at north CM notnar of Fount%
and istarken•streets. fent
supply DUROII FIELD have received.: lam.
of Preen Lawn., veil , cheap; neat nigt
tirimn at Uric: light do, in great satiety, for 10th 12g •
A Iro,eniht oidered and printed Muslin. stidiaelionet
olncat and pewee styles and lowest price for anslN'y
and north east corner of Fourth sad Market 11l id It
"EVE GIREAf 80111 , ANNUAL • '
nit ape !ripe Moro of ,
WILL commence on Monday, Jana 3d, 1150.
ff V Their LUIRICSISO , citubliehment, with ell Huth
Wholevelc Rooms, will, on rile occasion, be thrown
open for RLIAII. Tease, and All al their calomel,
wank wit , be offiusdba retail pdrchwers at a disconat
of from In in Gaper cent. then oevairinces.
TIIF.III SIOCK SILIfS Comprice over Pry
hundred piece, And will by wild at au immenre
c lVeir enactment of Shawl., BareneeTiwaeri, Oren-
Rain,. Paulen! Since, Lawrie, Marline. /acoriete,
C0mm,,,., end Dreg, Honda generly, will be closed
&Intermediately, at about one noir lie vernal rues.
II caeca Fast Colored Lawns will be offered at Pe.
do Serene., 10e:
1 do 11111.11111 de Laince, 10c
Superior Suglieb and American Calicos, In& Ile.
3po dozen Linen liandkerebief, • ?e .
• Islas Ito of hVet Cpllire, tom,: ap ITV 1).
Together with a nonillion. varlet. of Dainesto and
White floods, Ribbons, iiolirrf end Moves, Donets,
, tee.
nln &Ilona( the most exteninva assortment.
In the country, wr. Oh will be onned down to much
Lown pr en than at any of their previous Annum'
Rill be t elose4 upon Thureduy and
„,„,, A • 1114.0 N CO
MUIt taps: -
loltV titic ovo rtirolVed . sup
ply of 34 slut 4 4 Prenett Linn. for men% costo
trid sacks. lotion' mark, boys' Ind children's wear,
of the moot deoir able abodes.
• . . . .
'they invite attention to their large awortroent
hien'. and fora' RUMMK.R WEAR, of different n,
fermis, and all of which will he .old tow ivtg
r4R4iippos vARABO'Lsi
Ml.llll'lly a. HU ft ell eIF.I,D have received another
appleof .have article, and are enabled to •ure
Posealmost nuy quality and color wanted, sad el the
2121C 4tiVian IT( tI ri
U r aIeVLINTOI7I( has ie reed this dey , at his
ttnipei Worehover.
d No 75 Fount. oh, Stair Ent
Cloth Covering of very hanstme pattern. and colon,
to which we invite the vocation of pareheaces.
litll V a hIRY BUCIIIFIEL.1) aro 11011• offering , elands
al easily crooned mica. 'Levens from o , l}l.2
um 4.4 richt Chintz from Wrenn. ore Iterate. tor Ile;
Pleon Mack Berman for letc ; Bonnet lfihbon. fur On
per y ard.' Lading ore "lobed to toll and examine nor
mock of does. ailed+ before elaewhere—
North east en_ of and Markel O°C 1.13
flitCO daT. a I rash assottnt,traf A lie an
IX, or Ufa. Mats, at rho Carpai Wart faatta of
W )4,03.1NV1CK
Pourth at
I da
4bRFIIV 111,;11111111F.LD hare • large stock
01 Farley and :male Dry Goods, sellang oil a
yenta "dared prmes,
lisregc✓la.ince e largo mennmettl 01 '..ttlir o
Malls, Jecanet end Swim Mashita;
A splendtd •tromment of Meek and Fancy Silks;
fkragea, Leeds and De taineft, remarkable cheap;
Ikeaunfal yanked:4lk,, at 37{ cauts per yard;
Breathe! Calieoge, front Q cents, and aparacds;
A large atock of Drown and Bleached Muslim, Pk
per yard, and upward.,
Dona , . and Fanmols, at :really reduecd price.
Iteastrarres, and Vest no, of the best quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large stock of Teckings, Apron and
Distrito, Cheeks all idth, Drown and Illerwhed
Sheeting, Ind Shirt net; DA I r tnenn; together with
fourth and Abram M. lelo
xi Ultrllk UtAteIIFIELD bane mat Teetered
LT 1 new style Foulard Balks, very cheap; nob, plain,
and figured changeable silks, ..1 •Itrmt every style
end ghtddy; •uper plain and Gpured black silk.; do
buret, and usenet.; bares c de Mins, new and Land-
Mato styles; Ilel• aqle French, Eaglitb, and Scotch
Laarna, 11l great variety, and. at very low prices
plan. Geared, and satin sitmord do lain. of all kinds
end qtr. WC , linen Imams of all shade. and macre;
ct:inlaca. Ac, at north tealcoral./
of knorth and Merkel gamma. let •
A FA ircli hll .I%ply of Mack Silks and lour) rob
.1/ orcJ ! , ltut tam rocotved by copra.. nue morn
tor, north cast <wart. of Fourth and Mattel Ina
itr3 MURPHY & nuttelivivLn
IiRFII 1r k FikLLl arc soiling lierag;
/ and Heron M D. Laine• of arty lew prices. at
th coot comer of Fourth and 11 otts. to/
01.4•21 i : 4 11A LACitt—Eitra re do medium and
&)narrow trontuttog !abr.! ot ilegi qualny, last rreJ
and for .ale at Northenbt corner of Fourth sod Man.
/et streets tri MURPHY & UURCHFIELD
Bonn* leibbens.
101 BR 1 . 11 - A have receives/ an ad
-4,1 dn.:anal supply idol...yr good, incluiling various
soviet of China, Prarl. Altione, and Gimp Bonnets,
White and Colored Sinop do, and Ribbons of an colors
F , Loon CLIPPII--304 yd . 4-I Floor Oil Cloth,
10.1 from the tariery. sr,/ In/ •;.10 at the
%%sterol:n, No, 7 k 9 Wood remit.
■ _ -
uVitlitEtti GOODS. _
nunclirict.vinvne the attention
111. of bons iv•isting goods fer illourmeg purposes,
0 ibc,r very lull iirrorneent, jest terns vcd, aiiee as
Block Itornoarinel,
Rlack M
oorefamish Alper.,
de Leine.,
?dooming %Vasil r?silia,
do Printed Foulard,
Ramie, Tignir•, Lustre., Aitiaanes, Plain
Markand Printed Lawns, Black Embroidered do;
Goriest Ribbrn, Scarf do, Veils, he,
Uhl Al GI/ COAT/NlS—id pen Casillsortet..amninerd
I. color,, • Inffst deiiriti.le article for yammer costs,
tec'J, and near openidg by A A MAKON d. CA)
cony, R2Alorket at
/141Ilirr till A WL4—reperuir high rolOr.,lTllll.el
I. rhombi, comprising Crimson, Orange, Pink, Bier,
Green. sod Gore colored, lust receiving per eolirrs,
and nos day inienlng by A A lIIAStrN t 1141
000717 64 Markt,
4/1 PIECR.I :thee, Pink, Breen, Caen
/ Colored Ilareges, reed per ropiess, are row
.1.0. r 4 , 7 in,717 A A MASON A e
.00 rnrh-fNack Gro de Boni
do; I pc.inch do;: pea 34 inch doi and 4 Wee.
MI snarls do. ma7lo
Irtsi•es IllatsdkArehlor.
490 dos laidirsllAnes evribric Ildiir, ail prices;
1151 don tient. do do do
23 dna do do do coiored borders;
Reeeived thi• day by A A MASON &CO
_inns It to Martel st.
. . _ .. _ —_,—
•A Al iti.rr LINEN I.urtl'ltSiti-50 perk ehroie stile
%_.; Lotirea. •i the extreme tow price-of I2te ;messed.
toasty A A MASON & INS
Irish sissel,throssra trtelisiso.
2On per 04 sod 1 0 10 per 4.4.11r0arn Linens;
150 'Cr hi rat 'T Ilarkillr , , rind Alsartuder's superior
Irish Lineu, now , opening Ity
rnaylo A A 111A0()N & CO
~ rF Fresh Arrlaral of Dry aloud.
•re now receiving large to/ditto:ma wrier slack
fl of eryntigSummer Dry Untul., and •ra pro
pn to oiler on excellent salmi - Poem at our usual
low Price. for or *Moved eredit.
The attention of wettest dealers is particularly no
quested to our Fonda, it we feel confident or being
In oiler umorual inducements to make n bill with
us. Call and examine at nny nee.
C. i i tilGER,
lON natter e.a, (ne*r Llber.ty,)
Plirolli,• MID 041.... to
00I) 8 11WIERV, /11111PIN4. LACES,
1D... V ES, Til READS, coallts, litrrfoNs, BUS
Wad Valley V•ating.,
MACEM• alin
BANDA NN and LINEN UDE FS, A glue... u
sorttorm oi ANS, And every variety of Donrtungs.
IbAlllCOle. Dlle. LAIAIIII.
cAsEs plum and baured Barran de Lain*, assort.
a/ 0,1 t 01.4., n3..‘ re,eived, and seamy al very low
rrn••• innyv2 A A NI ASON A. Cis
2 4:..651:_ , (art eolnreB Lawn. reeeaved and now
artenmg,selltBg at the extreme low pike of H cu
prtt vard tuar-1 A A MAYAN b. (t 0
3 CASES fruit COlOlOll thyghnins, ree'd, and
al ern. per yard AA &I &Sr/ CI t t..Y)
jaYrn >t Market
)KATIIEIV . "" •
Ituits—an bap nor on hand, for ride by
.1 . • tele 11W111.,‘ A co
s loskerti- nacts on han . for mile by
ty OtAlAll DICKEY & CO
D ; Moulders;
nod. Sides.
4 itok • mooned, now landlng.ror ode by
jai:" ISA lAR D - CNEY a co
s Pettit! St li ALE UIL--I , loo4 , al i s . l L l n erLh . ' , it h Ojte d. r lo
240 gala
1900,1,1.1 bleached fall:
GOO gals N. W. 004. t
Whale Oil, In store and for sale by
11111.1.11/1 t HICKETBON
. 1711&174 LI bony
/117.:1 , NI , 7E:KW- (511,;-t burroin ousts:
13 brls common Oil, la store for
Stlie 1.111. MILLER & RhAEITSON
gl!lleTV.E.-4°M au
1111E1 & CO
`A :J Illoltet at
ill 1
R54 . 0 .. t11&F r em t the.
Pittsburgh Family Grocers and
5 Arabia genuine Fon/clan ChulenTe., in 9 err papers
Choi. Powc bong Teas in 9 es paper.;
o do do 7or do i
The abote celebrated Pinch Tear are tee med
dime* from the imponeni, and will be sold a iw as
they C. be pine b ivied In the east, with the on of
!might, wholesale or retell be
lelll 951.1 Liberty et
eratittilid assortment, of my own Import
g' anw omppyising every varrety, for Isle by
i 7B C 91.1 ACER
t 1 105151.59 - griisilatest siythi . lanei combs,
do reddlng do;
50 rm.. do 'Ade do;
19area. `Siamese 90e ket coMba.foreale by
- •
unract.nrs ASFF.CTS op NATURV—Tram
jil i.ted by hir.babino. i vols, Mo. For see by
1111113 elevetth and twelfth sectiensefthe Act of the
General Amenably of thiaCommonwesdai, emitted
Popplement to an Act entitled an Aet to create a
Sinking Pend and to provide for the radial and
certain eattogaishment of the dotard:Me Common
wealth nod to authorize 'a loan," approved the 15th
day of May A.. IPSO, provides as follows; vir
Viscaloo It That the Governor is hereby authorized
to nesetiale a loan for Me slm of 'Dace Mallen,
Three /toothed Ttarosand Dollars. redeemable' In
thirty yearn from the date of the mbs,esiption thereof,
at a rate of Merest not exceeding four per couture
per annum; payable In gold end oilver, se ribannualty,
open the that demo( Yebroary and August of mice
year. ilea th a t
from every species et taxation.
Netice. that propose!. for told lom will be reectved,
shall he palliated in at Mast one newspaper in the
Herough of Harriaborg, to the Paco of Pittsburgh.
Lancaster. and Philadelphia; and la the cities of New
Verb, Iktillott, and Baltimore, Par a period notices.
than three mouths before the [Tentage( said vaporish,
and by letter elsewhere, If 'deemed nedeseary, and
epon the day maimed for thatptapose, in such nosier,
the proposals shall be opened an the pri sense of the
Governor, the Pecretary of the Commonwealth, and
Auditor Menem), sort the loan steal be awarded to
the highest bidder or bidders. If the amount of the
bids Mall exceed the sorn of the said loon the some
shall he &mauled pro rots amongst the highest bid
ders, bat if the whole of said loan aholl not then be
taken the Governor may renew notice. in the manner
aforesaid, from time to lime, till the whole•maiont of
said loon shall be sobserilmd. No conditional bids
shall be comidered; and Coen awarding such loans,
or amp ar thieref, i et ro c n niActro with E y oup a p e os A tr th th o e ,
Cheap Lawsis.
Swoon It IT the mid loon shall he aub.eribed, it
shall be and it is hereby appropriated for the p.apornt
and ex Inguishment of th e funded debt' f thte coo,
mouvrealit,' now. doe,ar to become doe, donne the
year one thousand ei ght hundred and fifty, and foe the
payment °TIM, stun of eighty Gee thowand one bun
deed and four dollars — god edipay eight cents, den to
datoeslip orpttllarg.
to pursaallee oT thd provisions aforesaid, notice is
bdrebT Invert, that proposals will be received at the
office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth cunt
4 ote/ock P. 51.1 , ‘ Tuesday. the Gest day or October
text, stipulating for a loan to ilia Commonwealth. for
thre p u ml o lon s s
e O e m hundre dt e h o s u aJ sa nddoa., eedonof
able In thirty year. hoes the date of tjto .ahcaroption
thereof, at p e of Waal 21ai exceeding learnt r
dept bet tong , payable to g_rdd and silver, semi
appa bill dap yebutry and August
effete, Testi, and eXeMpl tutei entry welts of ten.
Denigrates of stock for the said Inn, with entrpone
for the interest will be Issued In the usual manner and
made trsnsferable by the owner, on the books W the
Acditor (it neat'. Department,
the no proposal. wall Ira ccoriseti 10 Plate eXplielly
. ..L nlrcleW which shall not in any case be
le I rot. fhousand dollars, the rate of Interest not
Weer:beg foer per eons, end the premium proposed.
The State reserves th e right to accept the whole or
mly part of the sum Tared unless the proposals stirs
lute 10 the contrary.
Ride for the loan must he ditsct bed eapllcit. No
rirliddlopal proposals will be received.
Upon the acceptmme of the proposals. the money
most b e pal d Into thd State 1 . 10110111,111 such manner
asshall be dii ~ ed by the Governor.
Certificates of stock will Er issued In such amounts
Inr rosy be requested by the lenders.
Tao proposals to be dlrected, under .teal, to this
ogler, endorsed, "Proposals for Loan" They writ
oot be opened or disclosed wall the period few creels.
int them has elapsed; after arluch alteration to the
terms will be admitted.
A 1. RUSSEL', Secretary of the Cote; h.
Secretary% (Mee, Ileensherg, J.O Eth, trEO.
WILLAMY TO AN alfligthratteT or Tilt COMMTUTION.
Rr•VCIL VI? D by the Renate ath Ifons. of Depth ...2-
Imes of the Cethrooowthlth of Peonsylvanta in trieheral
Assembly toot, Thal We Couststutson of this Common
-0.110 00 amended m the second meth.. f the filth article,
so that 10.h.11 mad as fulletwe Jodyes of the Supreme
Coup, oft. threrel Couele of Common • teat, end of se.
other Ithorre of Itheorel a. are orshatl be established by law,
short be elected by the qualtGed electors of Om Common•
wealth, in the other.. Wowing, to setts The Jude. of Ilse
Supreme Court, the qualified dealers of the Common
wealth at lays; the rrendeut Jalgcs of the .cored Courts
°feet:mon l'leass, sod arena o th er Ceurts of Record sue
_or thall he enthhobth by law, mot all ether Jody." requiemd
ist he learned he the 11 the traJtGell electors of the
respectme districts veer which they are In preside or del LS
thtt , tlNi tittlia the Ananias Judipre of the Courts of Common
lthie by the soalifled electors of th. counties reepeetitely.
Tim Judge* of the Ropers. Court shall bold these
for the term of fifteen year., if 100 y .lull so lo ; behave
themaelves well, (subleet to the allotment hereiother prts
sated for, gutheqemet to the first &anima the Preeidthl
ledges of the several Court. of Common ?lons, mad of mesh
other efliccord as ens or shall be estelth elmel by law,
sod aU other Judges
to be leathed in Wh y w, shall
hold their offices fir the term of ten years, if te shall ko
long bchare theosseres .111 the Ansnciate Judges of the
Coerts of Cantoon Pls. hohl their Gam for Ese
term of ore ram, if dm shall loog Lettere themselves
Ili, all of *boos shall te coosseithened by the thwereor,
hut (or thy momahle those 'which
not be guillemot
grounds for imprecise:mot, the o:overunr shell remom any
(slum en the
he of two third. of met brthele of the
Legtehoura The Cult eleetton shall this. plore at the
gaunt election of Mtn Commonwealth oral after f oil do ts. of this amemlotent, and the en
o the
Judges who may he thth cam .0.11 vawre on the first
hlooday of December (elbowing, when the terms of the new
Judre shell commence. The peewee. who shall thee he
alerted Judges of the Supreme Court Moll held their einem
as (tithes. One of them thr three years one for sot ears,
e. for ow years, oar for twelve years. end atm for fif ems
years, the term of each to be ded by lot by the said
Judges, moo eller the elmith sc an vases., and the te
eth mrlifsal by th e to la the liormarm • that the commissuane
thry be issued to accord.. then-10. TS. Judge whose
commission will Grst expire shell be Chief Justice during
his term ? arid them/Is, ca c h e ak whom 0 061131i030. hall
Wet thptre Jail to 10,0 be th Chief Junin, and M . two or
meth SliatriiMMOS shill entire cm the mom dey, the Jedre•
bothers them shell decide by tot which shall he the Chigt
Just.e.. Any vacancies, happening by death, rmignation,:m
otherwise, in any of the said marts , shall be oiled by ep
Nintmeut by W• (lovenier, us motto. till the Gest Mon
day of Dmembertheeerdeng the mat rorrat Oectioa The
Jed,. of Ihe Surma, Court end lb. fatheeola of Vm
west Courts of Cumes -n Pleas shmtl,at stared ith, referee
Car ..ervtees an misquote ewurtheation, to be find by
law, which Melt not be dusnoished doriog them c 00....
su offerer but obey shell receive ou fender perquisites of offme,
nor held thy other other of profit under this ethamonthallls,
or ender then oreenostht of the Muted Stoles, or thy other
litme of this thyme. The
of We Supreme rouar
during them in mime shall reside
aml the other Jo st le. demi these c 00...-
goes in office, reside withie tae &strict or county for
thurb they were rethetheely steetat.
Speaker of the liouse of Representative,.
• Speaker of the Senate.
Iltdrubarg, Jut., el, ' 17511.
I. Famatl W. Pommel, Chief Clrrh of the. Berate of
Penney bonu s do hereby certify that t , o g reeohmeon,
N o . oo the :testate file of the present reseida,) rotated
.•R•solutton ntlatire to an onseedatent of the Coostitotion, B
he., the same molutirst which was agt rsd to by • ma
jority orth. members elected to each (lonia of the list
Legoillonr— altar Bestir( bent defy anoudered and die
coated, wan this day weed tu by a majoroy of the member*
elected to isk.l I. the Senate of Pesiorylrants, at ite
pre m. seem. •• II 1•111 appear by their rotes gieen so the
fiat tamp, of the resolutioo, as follows, yd.—
Moor voting iv favor ofths puma. of the reeolution were,
11. Joe.. Brook.. J. Porter Resole', Witham A. I table,
Jonathan J. Cutavoghone, Thomas 8 Fernon, Th,fise 11.
Forsyth, Cheeks Feeley), Robert NI. Henry Fallon,
John IV. tliterneey. William Hamlett, Isaac 'lmo, Timothy
Ives, iodide T. Jour, Joseph Kooiroacher, Getty
Lett.'.., hluerell Beajatuto Malone, Bewail,/
Atalthiaa, ll•try A. Pluhkoberg, William Y. Pecker j
Wtlimm IL Sadler, David Sankey, Pahl B Savory, Conrad
Ifieser, Robert C.lttorrett, Dense ''tine, Farrie D. attester,
John 11. Walker, and Yokota. Best, Speaker— Teas 89.
Then ...aro. naiad the passage of the resslottoo rem,
0 ...1rt Dame, Augusto. Dram, and Alea.der Ktng--
Nays 3. (Rstrael fromthe Joornal.)
Bahl% W. PRARSON, Clerk.
, W,uiam Jack, Chief fllerk of theßeuseof Repro.
antstmee Peonulmnia, do hereby certify that A. fort.
do ond, I No. ID m the Brume GU, and.flo VII
A. House Journal of the peen at se•eion.) emitted n/luo.
Intim relaitre to the amendment of the Constltutionet—ii
being the tame resolution arbseh agrud lob, • majarity
of the manthere sleeted to tub [louse of the Luz UMW*.
woe—after baying beep duly moldered and diacurud, sou
this day agrud to by • majority of A. memben amid to
and•ng in the Ileum of Representatives of Pero. I.
*anis, et or present session ..will armor by their rote.,
rue nu the faint Forage of the resolutioq as tolove.'ete-.
Thou von.. to four of the passage of the resolution sum,
John A.A.., John A Wenn, Wi Shim Baker, Asher( Salami.,
DI, id J Bret, Craig Biddle Jeremiah Black, Job. S.
Boom, William Brindle, Daniel H. B Brower, Jess, R.
Borden, John Cream. Henry Charch, John N. Conymham,
Hob titer Crialand, Denjszron O. David, William J. Doh.
boo. Jnma . P Dunne., Thomas 0116[1., WAham Dm.,
Carey, Job, C. Kean., WiPime Evens, . Scott
Reim Alsmunter 8 Feather, James Flowers; Benjamin P.
Futner, Alreander tbbotiey. Thomas L. rme, Joseph P.
Hiiffin Joseph (lorry, Jamb 0. Haldeman George U.
Herz. Ls Bert Ilart. Julio Rutin*, WWiam J, Hen bio,'
John Ifulge,lleary Rapid Levis Ilerford, WaehinglooJ.
Jukaou, Nieheas Joan John W Killinger, Cherie* 1.
K,nkead, Robert Klotz, Ilerriun ~pied, Atorrial.etch,
Jonnthan D Lest, Anson Leonard, James J. Lewis, Ilene)
Jonas IL 111'Clialnek, Joh. F NitCollml,,Al e e ms .f sg
C Arrordr, John N'Leo•klin, Joins APl.ran, Baena
Mort, John 0 Meek, likhael AleTers, Jahn Miller, Joseph
C. Molloy. Jahn •D. Morrie Wi11,... T. Morison, /delve!
Atom r, F.Jotord Nickleton:Jemb Nits'', Chart..
John B Peary, C rowel Jerome. Reid, John 8.
Rhey, Lemis Roberta. Parma, John B. ILuther
toed Glen.i W. &WWI, 111011129 C, 8 Ike , Willi,.
81ta Nur, Reherd Biome, Ell hirer, William lama),
IV Ilium A. Ilmith, Daniel AI Smyeer Wi ll iam II Nudge,
Thames C. Steel,' David Stemmed. Charles Stockwell, Ed.
vein C. Tana. Andrew Wade , Robert C. Wolter, Tho Mas
%Vets., Rodney B. W.ll. Mims A Williams, Daniel
Zerbry, and John 8, Al`Calmnat. Speaker —Trim 87.
Those voting nanimt iht range of the vuolution were,
Angtmtus X, Corny., Duni Ems. and James M. Porter—
Naye3. (Retract from the Joaratl
1111 Wood alreet.
Filed Nl.rck 15 Ink
I do certify ghat the ebove aad forgoing le • trim and
ener•tt . of the original rmolution of the (levered AD
1.0, entalled . Resolotion relative to en emendmeat of
oh. Conditution," n the .srue mums on flt in this net..
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set toy
L. in # heed. anat....l to be trilled the teal of the Seery.
tar)'a Oaks. at Ilenisburo, this fifteenth day of
dune, Anno Domini one thomend tight h - rnlred and filly.
A. L. RllSOELL,tiecretary of the
• -
FOR the ron,bielthe of the cihrens, the proprlethrs
or the Pilwburgh Cny Ming haw. placed Pores for
the reception ef orders at the following place,:
J & R Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood 'teem,
Id Hayward, ohoe store, eor. Liberty a hlafkat n.
A Heelen, .litre, Third street.
L Wilco.,le, druggon, cor Fourth g. RoiohoSerld.
John P Smith. note. corner Nig . Wylie.
Telegraph Olice, Prornh wont
11 C Ke ly, Krot.,, Fifth SI. COME( of Merges algro
eta., Penn etre, Ninth Wiled.
The Hour weggont will cull twice or ohneedaily
for orders, end the Hour, ke delivered prompoly o rnOter
In barrels or eicks—sach Hour Is preforsdow Gig hionlly
sae.vrolhoor charge lor crewel, It is plaid lhal ere
accootols eon be allowed, nod that dorywor Magee
no permicsion to leave floor withoatywygent •
We hope the nobler will be pleaatimithAltia ar
rangement, as we shall endeavor to tlethtletice.
marbi wtal atilt • olii.n
— glargriparilla Nods k 1.0141 - iliisigi. - 7 -
2. kept Sarsaparilla endai
110 bee do do;
et/ hazel Lemon Pyrop,mmlarroggpara lemon JWce
scared P 4 1 . 3 *
IN me Horst or A mrronves, j
It srrisburg Muth
A. W. i.NEDICI . , Dep. See} ordonnommealth
K. N .t v .,TL "' e 13Zir 7a rt uittluo an y d a: diu,2ll. with
paint Inlark or limbr " ,mbajoutts, ow yore., running
alera, Ac t that they Can be eared by faking the Pe
troleum! You may iota about its being a nostrum as
touch li yen pla., but ibis ilocenot make it go, for
We proclaim in a ne tent dun honest ernumunity, fiat
It Ars virtues Which cry not contamed in any Wile. ,
remedy. The man w
a nt o rating with yam and M
tenng Om
sens e, cantor flay cent. Inn rel.( rm. ,
arm brute ills ennumerated above Renee , it costs
very little to make n trial. This Petroleum is no mix.
turn—no namond, put op for the panne of imposing
on the community, hunt ts a remedy elaborated by
the mutter heed of nature, and hebblea no (rare the bo
som of one mother earth♦tn its anginal panty, nod of
fers to naming burtautry a ready nmedy, • certain
and cheap cure- ,
It has bored Piles after other medicines have failed
to render amp relief. It ins eared litteintaterm of long
standing, and of the went and most painful chancier .
It ban auredthalern Morb. bile. &two dose., it
has eared old case, of Thorne.% which even oiler
remedy has been of no tvad A. a local remedy In
barns and scalds, it Is better than any medical cora
rz"...-r 't'rif,=.h.teht . :ll77 te n : :4 ( 1 I c ,j, t.V.l 7 . 1 . : 2 : :
ed testimony tan be famished of the truth contained
to We above statement by calling on Banner M. Kier,
Canal Basle, 7th ttreet, or either Mine agent.
Keyser A McDowell, tomer of Wood ninnet and
Virgin Alley, it bi &lien, 57 Woodsmen, U. A. hil
lier A li l it ICurry , Aide berry cep, ate the agent..
, F
—— ' --4_.--- . __,_ ._,—_—_ --
The ransl'lnspas taut Tolaeoverr on Re.,..
gore Remedy tor Ilse Plias! ..7
U.P illiOtt ;WS celebrated External Amnia ,
.1! can Remedy for the Piles, has already proved
Unit to be the only mare cure ever presented to the
gmbile Since the dimovery of Win veluuble medaelne,
and the large inhaler or extreme enact with which
Dr. Brown bat treated... one hria tailed to becintrely
eared Unit n the many healing balms extant, Oar
leonths end mars elf expenntentaltrt l g . g as to o often
ft th e Mtn tit where they nourreared. or Ironer
tot; alter a fr. dayr pill decide the etre by effecting
a peKeeneur
Inannotst etnyenna, I an li not enter inn *labored yrs
Cement to pr hae toy inedielne I introduce it open its
13,•11 merit.. by its effect I intend it shah etnen on fall
Dyes prefer 111.1 enthrone disease, Wa PIUS, to We
value era few dolisto, I rest the cane with you .
hi 1.1. y g sweet. Regal., N V.
Said wholesale and retail by tt I' 5i..1.1-EItS
..4 , fir Wool at
M /IA 113310947•110 rzazaaatraalltlo/ aLlllllm4
•2131116 TEO* an wait; Mai or Till al.OOO
oa 11/./1T 0•916 moan, istr.
Scrofhla or Enaisls Rhenmation, Obstnate Cum,
tiepin Ernpuons, Piinples or Pustules 0 ,, the
Blotches; Hiles, Chrome Salo 'Eyre, Rine Worm
or Teller, Scald Rend, F.nlargement nod Pain of
theliones and loinut, Stubborn Ulccn,
Symptan Sciatica or Lumbago ` —and diseases
arising from iniutlicious Use of Mercury, Ant
illes or Dropsy, Exposure trr Imprudent, in Lifey
Also—Chronlc Constitutional Disorders,lte. ,
This medicine 'has acquired a very extended and'
established reputation: wherever it has been used,
based entliely on its Pain merits, which Its supenor
efficacy ha's alone sustained. The unfortunate victim,
of hcreditalrdincase, with swollen glands,eontramed
sinews, and (ones half canons, has been restored te,
health and Ogee. The acreflPoes patient, covered,
with alcers,loallisome to , himself and his attendants.'
has been made :whole. Hundreds el persons, who
had groaned hopelessly for years under cutaneous
and glandular disorderc chronic rhetimatism, and
many other complaint. springing from a derangement
of the secretive organs nod the circulation, have been
raised es it were great th e lank of disease, and now,
with regenerated coo:mutton, gladly testify to the
efficacy 01154 iiiestim•ble preparation.
The attention 01 the reader is called to the following
astoniahinr mire, effected by thc use of Sands' Sans-
'Th. Is to certify that I have a colored woman who
ban been rallieted for the last five yean with Serofula,l
and ail the remedies I usethhad no effect to arresting
the progress of the complaint; on the r °Motor, she
consuunly grew worse; and after expending between
070 and 0-0 with physician', herder using other
popalar remedies without nieces, till the disease had
eaten away the cartilage or hernose, made ha ape
pearanee on various parts artier body, and had finalif t
cammeneed its retages in the root oilier mouth
Yln this dreadful situation with the prospect
death mann, hoe to the face, I crated her ease to Dr
Dooyway, the agent for Sands , Sarsaparilla In New
been, N C., by whom I was advised muse that article
and to my mart, and that of fey neighbor", to whom
her ease was known, later amity four and a hall bat
ties she wt. restored to yeller, bra ch. and that in the
pace of three week, and wen a hie te work in tern
weeks from the note she commenced taking It.
"In wttnrcy 01 the truth bf that summer°. I have
hereunto affixed my nano, this lath day of ticotember,
10047. JOSEPH ARCO' /LEL J. P.,
"Mouth or Ned. River, Craven co. N.C.
The following. is au eatiact frbma letter :tented
from Mrs. Bevan, coo had linen sallotedneveral yea rn
with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsia. Nei, and recently
en salcction of the throat and chest:— '
"Bad armee., Va., Dec 13,10.10,71
"Mesas. A. D.& D. Sams— Heroes I commenced
using your liarsepaiala, my eternal. vete tamort
pa. exression; my throat was complete-1y,
I had n dreadful ea.!), and there were frequently
weeks together that I enuld nut enc. shove a white
per; and betides, the inflammation from my throat ex
tended to my head,.o that my hearingwas very touch
impaired. Ali . takin the Sarsaparilla • short tie,
my health we's improve g
d, and my th roat Is now ,
I am on free Prim cough and Ughumes of the chest PS
ever 1 ssias, and can hear quite distinctly'. Aly throat
has [mho welt soma three months, the ewe of which
has been effected enitrely ay the use of yet. haste
panne! Your friend, LOUISA R. BEVAN"
The following te.timornal lc) the ooze of the Saner
Penile. t t tram th e Rev Luther Wrecbl. aced IL y east,
Coagricational Metuster. residing at Woburn.
"It untaus, Ala. , !Burch 70, p6O.
"Messrs. Sande: Lently mole—From what I have eke
perieneed, antim the information I have recently
received falai number of
e ras mans of high respecta
bility who have tired your Sarsaparilla, I ha. not
the least doula but that it ts a most valuable medicine,
and that the nunieroo. certate•tes you have received
ol it. efficacy are fully -usmined by expeaence, and
0100 ugh its rep • :anon and utbity a, a Very extensive,
and amid in no need of my humble efforts to mere..
them, I want all who are •alitited by discern to be
e...olithabl e acq edicine. uainted with the efficary and power of your I
.1 em, getalemen, gratefully and very respectfully
You.. LUTHER WRltillT.n
Prepared and cold, wholettale and rel.. by A. B. h- .
D. SANDS, Drug - gum and Chemist', 10u Fulton stree4
corner ea William, New York. told also by DrUg
gists generally throughout the United States and Can
ada. Price It per Imtl:e. cl 2 bottles Oa Ph.
t co, s n
l'lmburr;li , DERlelf rmisesrocit
on. by 11. , oat ra 1t...1,....,.• ~,,,,,,,,..,
few doors ha ow Wood creel s HY
71 1
„ wards Market
..iiii...... , DR. a l4 O IiVII, haying keen
.1,V.,,5r...ffi regularly et:tented to the medic.
,1„. rar.,..."-,.. profesyton, anti been for saint time )
tipisr.4l,,Vitlfdd , in general precure, now confines
Orr \ ale attention to, the treatment
' J
..,„. tho rn prorate. NUJ delicate tom.
t...,.. - tir v phalli, for which' has opportiontte•
i " f and experience peculiarly goalay
him, 14 years assiduously devoted
toned, & treatment of those complunts.iduriagogat g
t rot he has it. more practice and ha. cured mor e pas
tents that C. (TEC !alio, the Intof •ny private Nor amply ritalaies ban to rider sr.turaloes oi
sp...y, immanent, and rettsfAr tory cure to all dames
with damns diseases, id all diseases anon, therej
Dr. Brown wotidinf MO those aicted with pnate
dbwases which have b rnme chron ffl ic by tune or r eg
gravared by the use of any of the remnion misuse:is of
We day, that their contra... can be radically mid thrall
Oughly cured; he having given hht careful attentiOn to
the treatment of sueh cases, and saeceeded in Iteadredis
Of Itiatanceslll carin g por woo of Intla CM.. taleO
neck of the bladder, and kindred tileeases which often
remit from thorn eases where others have consigned..
them to Itopele. despair. 'llea artictaarly !noires sulit'
as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others
LO consult him, when every cati/fnetiOu will be c.cec
them, and their oases treated in a earefuLatoroutth and
Intelligent manner, petaled out by a lo . ne earnruer,
audy,and in vestigatlonoalch it la trapathle for thOta
engaged In general practice o a f
mytheica to aril to
one clue of Q....
ILrHernia or Rupture —IN.'S.. ales Invitee pa.
trona afflicted wall Hernia to call, at he h.Pald pm.:
War attention to this disease.
CANCERS also cored.
Skin diseases; aloe il s, Parr, sw...PerldßY eared
C ll. " lntie le ilLf eIibrISCII..Ua as . 441 . 01 4 hy
enable their disease In wriOyktrsilllr4ljntio, gym
toms, can obtain tinedleineyw."; se " eel '
,e r e ' e u e lle e Al:: :
addressing T. DROWN, ll• ra, t p
Ing ss fe s O Ne. ss v s .". •Iley, opposite Urn %Clearly
thA,,,,lnn, truuble it never fails.
Office and Private Comnilting ROOMS, No. 133
~,y, yasbargh, Pa. The Dootoels aerate
'= No clir• no', ay, nee 0 1.0
_ .. ..
ArsEiT remedy batty discoverrd in the Vegetable
A tore and perm earn for e
Rneemaire Complaints, serh es • all
It - dm:inn hay, Chronic. dente and gleag gi a
Rheumatism tie, I.nom
..... „. Spina
Rheumatism. fins,,
sew melamine hes lore been markt for. It hk een
aid tat Rheumatism sushi not be •• eureei• b has
a remedy designed by mature far the cur • nr ut v d r ia
ease Oral On humus system is subjer e .
A:le.r e • e d ,... ''
reedy has been found that ewes liii t eTi s ,,, s , sn F,-;
inact fonn—one or the MOH valuable - feta - -- i,' -- 1
4 1
. i e e ~..
„ %t r
i r e i y . of
f of :1 . 6 r e age, l e t 't r
h —,
, a ' r b n :d ri i ,
h i!: I Fd . :e: T7l ; d i , :1,7; ~..,,-.
0 1 i .:r_. : °, n i , -,
i t ', :, ..... , -
tine, and renews etrength nd viper to Um
tem. It has eared, darlag the p si ', , whol e rye
that were costaiideredintio th
rL7lem.'""' e.'r
Certificates of this g
alling Properties of %V ----'---
sine c 4,13 bo seen by calling on the Agents ' 'Mai
None permute unleart' up with e n ~,,,,,d 1,,b,,i ~ . 1 ,
aro" 1,7 o "L' i llY N lVP„efr signed by the proprietor, a -,•, .
TURNER, Derfat N.
, BANS • ' , i „,.
. S°l' by H . and hfirrkAlt, 0 ...t5, iit ‘ e • ji. ' Vt
SOW ism by . 'U. P. "Pllf/MAtr, • 1...
• , 4.01.ter hiei.
~ ..~~ i