The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 02, 1850, Image 1

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    , .
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ca t k ce ida elleet ,' Insetted over one.
Waled ander Ute
MI Par each
17 [skal d( . Ic r. gi, Se:tate, and ••
Eft." Dame le kA ' r.l t ri d 5l "-
mad fa their putZation '
be=: b4 to r 05,.., w b. a ... l i e ' 4 l b.
ellake Is other 'lt '
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: lod camber of a "ir forbid,
adverdscrolvlllbe eon/Wed
. 4 .12r.16.7201 ems and all other Myers
traWrifrout riot thla l 'M au inifilim. an
acme/ for, to charitable inalltutens fire
All wive p and elect . public
acrd Wi rP , lc.iPliTdbi;;t 7 i "
a ldreace. ' ~,,u , 5 , „4 50 d ,,,,,...
4 ..
t i, .. 0 .70. 1 sri b. ilto pad at e r h:::ge, unless ahem
1.,,,„ by boas or ablteary. notices aa 51
14 ... 1 . 1 7. 1 % d all cacti sending commit
.a77,,,. or. stlilees /*shined to eall ellen.
--, ,,, n, tens,
badesay ictsblitenter•
.1., ec el e for udatittanee—
. ' all Mace. luticlo•—e•el7 notice A. .
~,„„, 10 ee l to Inman riburrpri es calmer.]
- ,..,,,,d ota tridiVoinal Intel.; ontt ~,,..
li ha i e understanding that do some
: u t il. p .m tended to be unmated la the Jo
cat d o nm . will be award ai the raw ol
tot lose ' an , Wm. i
. - auh op ~ se to be Charged triple Fries,
Tavern linona t 2 each.
I,, cgi a iuu t advertise-incubi to be cloned at
balance.. ~
ju s i 1,....hta end AuCtioneets , advents,
~..4...,1,?, sell an& r yearly rates bat ID bo
i 11..... d Alm. throe sod one titled per cent.
front the ' /14 "____ .._..
-mnia Rs NMI Perlin
o n ., lusenleoe••--• •• 41 to
eh additional lasertion• • 37
- i '''' , ' •
woe Is leirizer Wilt.
One / 1 . , M) one , ocunton• —5O cis. •
D,,, h addttional tneerilon••-45
An se=enta lo be paid Is oil, Lori..
- Cal•E.' Ll,n.. `" : " . _ '
!VT bi- aiDlit.e., Journal.
' - itfil a riß ß Aßß T & CO I T rankle.
16. lilNOWD sl 6, E aturv- Pluh.
LI 111IN, D 1, 1 = m g . grunii.
i, tam ,
4,...E. wi0. , ,. Penn meet, between
• cpuovalsort. au barmen promptly et
at Init—_ * ' own
ATrot" , LAW-40 16 ce, on Fourth street
libel mrl9
A 'S .
" T LAW‘ end COULMittiOnei be
Pen , St Lenin, Me. -
AA rep ortiprompt4 =awn&
oe . ~
sr. isakrip,
!,AT LAW; Fmuth screstoana Gnat
NA W. sous,
T LAVFZ-Otruo on Fourth Most,
• and Otom, rthrburith•
... BatOwC II
AT LAW—Ofika in Tilthaum
the Cain Maw. tab'
A'at Law; and enaini•- •
ek Stain af - Pennaylvanta, Loanq
RAMO ntinargbt.llonth. Forward. nann.
tan it MewbleCivia, John I?. ratan,
Slatella 'McCord & King. angl4-1
14 WARD & co 'Wholesale Oro
lin • act • Ptdlodelphia. nos
• k /
'••• ERR ,
w • • Po
'As. • au N
-ran& &Mall Work.
ERRY Nalaniartaters of Soda
Wag Pow deas IlattaSe and Saloingie
laso No Masi ntrect,b./OWFMT.
It tcselwU aad Iteual
EILEIEtty and EL Omit areas, PNs
lilabliANT,Stook and Bill ilrlo t• 6Mtli amt.
kliatl.LN it CO. hlsinfacosterrO of
o.osu 18i.lii5,N.Juvredostficos.,
WOK oests; krtsbuoth.
A* it, Pugh Ttituouses. and hiallesbla
•-•Utr s. skin:ft
sad Cosoutorton
C2O Mate at, Pittsburgh. opt
6NULTY *.; CO. For/rating - and Co.
Nercitarqs, Musa Bum. Pittsburgh;
: rar2
NT, Whojesee Grocer, Connainiaa • •
• • tlotcYant, No. 4t Waarr at. Pitt,.
Andrew Fleming
sv, VLSKING Ab 004
ON MERCHANTS—FondIe tale or Do
egem and Comm Goods; also, dealers in
oat Thermion No 127 Wood et, Sib .
• Flitabarah. -
ems. Was. A. att t Co, Bankers.
it: Elf, itiaeline=
whoiwailigrereers,Cnamlaion GO Far.
„ and dealers Prams Cad im.
Innnh rfo. 37 Wood st, batareda 91 and
• • octl
Steered cf. Vittsburck. • mitt
Duroosooor K. Murphy* Len) WoolDral
ria , Norobant, for Weeds of
Weabm*LLiboDl,97r.rito 6th I* : roblr
Ilia TOokoriors.,. .
, • - sr' SrArsas 1
itstr.r., ) ....niii..; .
.... . .
Dlc UUCKNOR, Tob Comsat...rob Mgr;
us,lll Norsk WOW ot, lir * Nortk Wham.,
.Y, JODI% & 00, (sseeesers to Atwood,
es &Oa) urshensersrsitiorefarduer Her
. erdssije Pushers% lassersvrarsd Ono*
mt. amulatt.
Imccurtit -Te sagas& )1.4
ETES & Dula in Fusel old MG LL Pa.
rilihrg.lll-41Pritat tri6.s4l=Vnirp,
IkpeNa. 87 Wood ouvehOotoren r.grto
mood fild% rilub4b, Pa.
r 4,
low , 84 0, 4 1..h 6 te, Mu V
call s treet, one deer BOWL_
15 a I. • • - .
aralrial,aaddealer In rradaei
IllalitCll. Note Want ft, Mt.&
:...171,31t" t.a7115.=4
sang la VIVO :TOM rielSobar-e
~„,,,b.:,.. - - ....T.....---..ise --- erroseb.
• fr DILWORTH a CO., Wk.:M.lle G ~d, awl
MVOs hat blezard Paean Ole, Pilo. ,
d e: s d;e,
!" . r 1 a r t Coda
da, Pitts
ri tjt &Ir . 4. = b a n rn biad avert ted ed
„.' i dile bat end ((reeled Idedwedulltich la
''' l wil en ild MA addasble lerrtil,,,
•,-, adds, will be prmsPtil 100 .71w1b
.' - *at anises they an ma Idols as tee
. - .1 gladdens Preserintadds will be r eed
pripanna tam the bed 8A
. 81
Gleey es . . .. ,
- ''
- WI le Illese • ldeelsell Orb ens , ,
Ana and Iroiwarand Merenani,and 7,llonmag
Ala.Wantn As
.Osseo, BaPlN,lfninad
a, and Veszern namOr. *ea
goo ?airmen Sontliliald and Wail. ranabatzli, •
Wbelanle Otretta, atadaiiisa
I j ju ßs haats, as!! l&sters ' tratn, ,
ro l ,
151$16 1 t 1" ;A r t wat to Ewan • _lab
r-- lauds Ontest aad Oantaltalmt ; Mato
' YAW PIO4IIOO and Manna Idaastaardnau
*at of Ida. and liana streas, Pitapat:au pi : :
i-• A, GA GitthlV& L i % Li tttla o •
: WO= jadddlekt ea' taxi
HUTCHISON, & Co.=.ldaiattaara t
410trt Used:hen &_00. 7 CaatuddAdd bletellsaui
vat Avant, at O. At. Wm Bum Astio-Rainery.
wal SI frost masts, rtestratalk.
•-. Weld
atz&g, Animal at Idtar,ollatOd u+
wpadita &a, Mules Goad, Plttstausk, alto
a s A ptaaGrdy la Catediall W MOM
chael &Wooers,
OrqVanift 00, Wlnotoulii Dntgi
- .1 ~yyyryiWan►
• L.
diAu7smodno".i." 4 - -
trr54 ,6 04 4 """"•
' •
.16.C;fele71;;;* -r ona - di on aU Na: priheipal eines
breathe= the United Slaws.; l '
TT BUCKMARThIIt, Atonsirance,yourtn at.t
.LN. third door above cc tuield.**h •
Conveyancing' of all kind. done zcidt the greatest
care andl-wl soca
Wes to Real Brute exanined, k.c. oel3 o -1Y
Itialellafol2ll, WIZELIII i Con
NO. Mark et atreet,Piaabargh, Pa., keep conattint-
Ay en hand, ant nuke to order all kinds of Vigil.
Denies, le. loiter and Mineral Wader Bottles of su
perior quality. ,
Particular attention poll to Pellll6 Moulds. '
'nerattly • t .
4 Lhographie instiablisbasent
OF Wtd. SCHUCIIMANN, Third at, opposite the
Pria•Dfriee, giusberghegitapa Lamiseepes, Bill
heads, Bhowbilts, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawings, Business and Visiting Curds, ast•ertta.tsrsd
or drawn on stone, arid printed in solos, Geld, Bronze
or Wsek,gt the most approved stile, mid al the most
r esumnsible poets. . • . oesiada
R0111.14,0N, LITTLE & CO.. •o. Liberty street
Pittsburgh. Wholesale lkoeurs, ' Prodß a end.
-Coolylssion Merchants; Rod dealers In Plitsbsrth
Manatee ores. 007
'ROM 10111:101.1. VIOL MM.. P•XL. B. )011X8021.
ROBERT MOORE, 'Wholesale Grocer, Rem4ina
Distiller, dealer ill Prodsee, ringlet en Nanette
tares, sit I all kinds of 'Foreign nod. Domestic Wines
eni Lilllloill, No. It Linen? , street. On band Avery
_mire stock al superior old Monongahela_ aurae',
which +al be sold low for rash. Rl3l_
R•. . •. • .
REYNOLDS & SIPS& Foruestd‘ng end Commie-
Mon Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trede,
ceniers In Groceries, Produce PAleburgis, ALanafac
three, hod Chloride of Woo.
The hlthoot mice, In cash, veld 111 all dines for
coantry rags. Como. Penn end Irwin c.f. oOls
bouEervAt.zut.i. & ter, %Vb.leonlo Govern,
A% Communion Merchants, denim, in Prods', and
PitUbireMb Mannha•.nrear Liberty wee:, .Pittstoireb,
Pa. • npl9
WOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding,
and Cammisaion Merchant, and Dealer in Pins
burgh hissulactures, No =Liturgy :gram, Pius burgh,
Pa j7i
Smow_ IlArriaN - E - 00., St calle n d fen and
Steel Works-Pdarmfacturers of Am. R. Spring
and Plough Steel. Also—Sprinte, Asies. Vices, An
ails,ko. They invite Ma attention of guarchama and
commoners ,to their meek before purchasing else
where. They...arrant theft articles to be aqua to any
made in this unwary or Imported. ' febli
SuecKLurr k WHITE. Wholesale 'Die... in
Foreign and Domantia Dry Hodde r Be , 23 WOOd
steam Pinabareh. -
Kilniiiiirl6l l 73HTAlrool Mereltanta, Dialers
'in Fleur and Produce generally, and Forwarding
and Con:minion Blerekantsi Es 33 Water meet,
Plunborgh. • .9_l2_
ono tncota,
ELLENS NICLIU.Prodneo and General Cora •
1,1 minion!acrobat:dz. No. 17 Liberty stress, Pin..
Dory.!. &MAI, Linseed nand Lord Oils. apt:
Q F VON LIONCiriOitSP ec CO, Who , ers le Oro.
h's ForsrardLng and Couto:dation Merchants,
Do/cts in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western
Produce, bare removed to their new wareboute, (old
nand,) No. 33, corner of Front meet tria Chanter,'
Lane. apl7
atokumi & 'lemon TII
_East ,14aDiamondab Istlgt“ jtrl9
I:B.lVatersaan :•11.N.Watorman• Wenn:can.
VTOLESA.Lfi GROCES.d, ZornW.lml and For
warding Iderebanta; dera In all loads of Pro
ace lk Plelsbargh Mann (assured Articles Agent.
for tale of Riclunand ara Lrnchbarg Alancianitund
Tribune. mtl
WM. 7711111.1.1%
Buda, Ps •
WELL also eland to collections and all stilts bold.
Hess me crammed to him in Mau and Armstrong
eouttlas, Pa. Refer to
k. R.
Floyd, Liberty st
• W. Walloon, do
Jamesldarshall Palatal re,.
-Aly Kar Is Co., Wood as 1. Jae
B. B. GeoUts kie.rd•
B. H. nuarievea.o a. co..
WHOLESALE and Dena Desk n in Droeenes
sad Dry Goods, and Commission Iderebsen,
No. ftrk Liben st, Pittsburgh. - serif
Jana a.venna a CO..
Canal Basin, Pant street, Plnsbaren. Int 6
: DAVIS & CO.,
No. D 7 Market, and• to "Commerce at, itbiladelpfil
Advances matte, by °Stasi.' the &bows,. [0.4(12
menu of Produce to either Haase: '
J. D. ..... Haft.
W E r c o oL , P.I . V . E .. & . i d tE co rtILF 4 A.ZWILOg , ES
dosleti in Cavil Pinduce and Pittsburgh Itt.sfa.
rams, corner of Wood and Fifth 11:20:11, PittlbUrgh.
I wi
u.{iulluo+ •• • •---t. B. BleVai.
WW 11. wn.z.muns & CO.,
North East corner of Wood and Third meets,
Joel. _ Prrnatorsa. Vs.
, W. 0. WIWOWAND, ILAW•11 610,111. W. •
WM: Et/tUALEY. kCO 'Wholesale Grocer s; 18
V V.. and :NI Wood votes, Flttsbargb..
sons n:•orten, • . • nun's: artuantssrs.,
(sneeermars to a J. D.
Wien') A114°442141 Grocers, Forwarding and
Conualssion oicirehanic dealers In Iron, Null; (iass,
Cotton Varna and Patsbargh Manses mares general
ly-, earner otWood and Water streets, Pittsburgh.
J 1 1 ,17
lAr IRTMTIMUTTECEEry Wbol•sy le our
• • K Wnl3
eeUfring Distillers, and 8 and Laren
' tdernuanta A lso—lmporters of Soda Ash and Bleach
ing Powder, rio. Liberty street, loPPosiu , 1341 b
'lnntet,) Pittsburgh. — - apl7_
Watehes. Jessetrg,telver Ware
••• and blihutry Goods, comer of Market and
Palma arenas, ritt6bll7gb, Pa. N. 0.1-Watches and
Clanks carefully repaired. apl7
WIC 1100711/. JO= a. PVCCII.
TT. YOUNG & Co, Dealers in Leather, Gide%
6n.. N 7 Libeny
. •
AT . II TCII • •
TAT .t aucirrcunos, Wholesale Grocers,
• Calor. la Pcodace, N•ils, Glass, an vocally, Marty streec.—
Pittabsugh.. • anl7
- -
ErMena M... Made on elinsigumesu
an 144550 mew
MWILSON, Pintratt and Mb:aware
LTA Palmer. itoolas, tenser of Posit:Mee Ape, Ikad
Yearn, meet, Emma ea Ppink in.,ness Marko.
J. L.). Itterdem, Comm:slaws Slime Cunt.,
0.3101 d Lome et, 34 Mewls, &wt. eenowiT
ti band elute Isseruneutof Steadies of the follow•
brandsoptieh they eTet for We . se ape" fee 3.
Donut et tft, Sorties= elst IlitsgloqLaad.. l
tend & Lereehelle, Mime, ,A de
tes!gg3..l:lait,nfLBo4:d 3,l,=.:l;towbbfir4,:u4
Is elate end eases, aimed 'rehears , tYyJobit Sassed
&,13 .. 0; besides CkumpagneWlee 'end Sweet ltergende
, • feb7.l3 •
T ntt9l3 taken .VirkL •RR Soto varuterstop rith
see to ray bestow, which will Om this date be
oanied oriender the name of "Jahn Parker a Co. , '
t fderett.lno,ll3so.. JOHN PARKKFL
• •
Whorado Onion • Dudes i,s .I•Yothsce; Fermin
' 'dr ' Ora, 02d Monongahela
and lisetifia Whiaey.
rio.4eoramtrelal Sear, L(ben) or.e4
~ . ,
pflitsaSalisaldsra.. tosses HAIM. WIL L. SILL
rAwasszu IPLIENA CO.,
isolieesoirs to moo*, itow‘o -a. Co.) •
PIKEI;EXCIIANGE snoasits, and Oedema
pa Fe sad Denali Esolhaars, Certificates
DO"Ei *dr Nbleih and Spode—North weal
• earner of -Wood and Tlord meta. Carnet emery
received an • deposlie.—elight Chocks fee . sale, nod
conceal.= nada on WAY the Prbileiris Pads
fidelestpramium paid for Foreign sad Arne Seib
Advadoss made on easedifinbeents of Prodnes,ship
Sul. on liberal lona..
LVLO3II.I, [sso. boss
' „ INTX: A. ireLVACi 111. . •
611.00111td•AND ;TE•A
; • N 024.6 Ulirlytrm,abow Trod.
,g lsYs always on Med huge assoruneat of Medea
rip Om. alas Pore Fralu and
sts, Witold:Ws and Wall.. Sondem Emptied on the
... ..:.,.. .. .. .
'tlßitAt—MusitiestarotalLitinds attar
Zitand w k oo . Ilas,taaaattyjrAtry Olin.
Inwood. to motto mitts WWI di .lth CP.
ihal if MiCkißertill MY ne, Mk...W/ 11 M% ,
Silnle.Sent CAli a ggi , CIZ LlM:l=d i Wit Pr. marettaatoreopotry Wort,
a i lio
tali atitf eh "a
=lie i. corde•
pia l rig :
es es salls at nationl , calla
4.i. Taa• . collo iii,,......,..,,,,
bialifaialo,77 - -
,11 , — JI;
tin ove two r
a cocci • lode
treovet,lue to
ing when one
vol like thee
L:ta.a aver
A Slaloms of
and exioulee
Third st- Ira
.arm to
cheaper than hurter bafor.<, been offered to the pair
lie. .
Erroiaex. sent by mall.aec.unpanled by die cult az
cod reference. Will be promptly stlanded to. tart
A i r A. WHITS. CO, would respeinVie Inform
al.. the public .that they hare erected'. seaport
Lacoek, between Federal md Sandusky streets!. Thee
are now making and are . prepared to receive order!. far
awry description of vehicles, Comas, Chariot's;
poncho., t egg r ' , amens, fee., lac, which from 'Nets'
long eaperiame in the manufacture of the above croft,
and the facilities they haVe,they feel confident May, rirg
enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with
tune wanting articles in their line. • .
Paying particular attention to the selection of Mina
Tints, and having none bon competent workmen, 'her
have' no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter.
N.ll. Itepalring done Lithe best Manner, and en dm
MOO reasimable term. Jawed
ht. A mon. salmi iMISIDOIL
r,.)NTINGE to atanafactura all kinds . of COPPER
1,/ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARR. Also, Illaok;
teeth Work.
Steam Boats built to order.
f i l l og s tal on atte till s o a rt n to SWIM ,
o lia c t o w inx. . r , ki nd
Rettles,Tin We re, de. d fine
e. Steamboat CooklngStares,
Portable Fortier, various sises—a very convenient u
ncle for amanita ens, CalLforrda emigrants, or tall goad
c 74 4' sro ie ttdreSpeetfully litatte mans bcod Men tlutd
cabers to call and are' one articles and prices. before
:Wane ei Scwhero llll7
W. in Jr. 451LZ1017. Book Binders.
Wrare still engaged in the above business, comer
Of Wood andltinl streets, Pituburgh, when
we ire prepared 'Ado any work in ear Ilea with ilea.:
patch. We ante id to oar work personally, and rani.
inetion will be gl ten in regard to its neatness and dl. i
Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and board sula
stannany. Book. to numbers or oldbook. bound care
tear or repaired. tiame• pot Oft Woke In
s ail. t o
'those that have ',lark In oar line ate Invited to italL
rrlees myßtiitt
Piltillaabla• Worts wad ronadrys
rtressuatio, TS.
nN WRIGIIT k Cc. art prepared to build - Conon
and Woolen Maeldise ' ry ofivery doseriphon, each
as Carding Alachroes, 'Spinning - Frames, Speeders,
Drawing Frame., Callan:7 Ikeda Wacpors,tipoolers,
Dressing Frunes, Looms. Carl (: Haden, as. Wrought
- Hangers o
iron Shafting tweed: all sizes of Cast loco, P.M. and
f the 111.1041. pa tterns, elide and land Lathes.,
and tools of all kinds. Castles, of every deseriptioa
furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for
Mill Gearing, lion Rating, to. Steam Pipe for beat
ing Factories, Cast Ir In Window Sash nod limey Ces-
Sags generaly. °relent left at the Warehouse of/.
Palmer k CO., Libert y street, will lave prompt att..,
Beret to itaekstoett, Bella CO., J. E. Moorehod
Co, 0. E. Warner, .I.tho IrT•to &Bono, PLColtutek; 0.
C. tr.J. Wuuer, tturabertoill, tonl9
TIIE sabeeriber offers for sale a large and aplo,ndid
assortment of IMMO wood wad mahogany paled tie
non Pianos, with, and without Coleman's eelrbrated
notion Annehnient. The above ltunenments wows,
noted to be espial to sissy nitastafarm rod in tau eon.-
try, and will be sold
than any brought to the
East. lILLIMB, No 112 wood st,
door etioire.6ll‘
door above
N. lik—City Seno will be taken at par for a few of
he 'above aseortmiat. F. B.
Filter for lllyd.raat
THIS Is to comfy .thu 1 mare sty
pointed Livingston, Rouen k Co.
kklk for tbe sate °rivalling..
ratem likaprakgm Filter, for the et)
Sea of Phobia gh and Allegheny.
. .
to,,ASFr-- for Walter St Gibsen,349ltroadwayi
Oct IlklB4B.
•We have bemusing one of she above article. at the
&S ea of the Novelty Works for three =oda, on With
sod feel perfectly satisfied that it is a awful invention,
Old we take please:li! In 11.011101=1341141 thew as • as•
fat article to all who love pare votter. Order. will be
thenkfely received and promptly eowned.
Room Brlek Works for Solt.
ILE sultutibet offers Sn sale, the STEAM BRICE
WoRKS„ above Lawrenceville, conionsing a
am pogine,2 Millets. 6 Mould Machine, capable AI
manufactunsts =Mal Pressed Oriels a dry, clay,
as taken from the bank,' per don with three acres of
land on the Alteicteity river, on which are 4. tilos and
Shed., machine and clay *beds , wheelbarrows,
shovels, spades, he., every thin rep:Site to COM-
IneeC-C Optraiol2l a 1 an hours notice. Price, illClOtellOr
thilpatent right to ma said machine, 117,01:0-4wans of
payment made easy. Without die land, 11.1.000. Foe
particulate, odd Ile lIENRV MERRITT,
waggr-dtf NoII9 M0110111(lh44
• -
171Trow4laa and Cast Irost
THE sabsertbers be leave to inform the pablie that
they have obtained from the East all the late and
fuhtormllet Melds. for , Iron flatting, both for bonsee
and vamp:Mos. Persona win/stag to proeanshand
some patterns will please call and examine, aadjadge
for themPslaes. Stalling will be famished at the ',hott
est notice and lathe best manner, at the co rn er et.
Crag atellabeeea streets, Allesheey
asts2a-dtf A- LAMONT A KNOX_
Jens Limas;
Agent for Chum a,14 iteetotery of Property an
Zugland. /
AVINO spent nearty a year to the viral.* Ra-
cord Offices. fictional Library, Re, daring his .
lam milt to England. irmesizgating claims for perm.
In this country, and having secure.% eScient and
sponnbio Agents In London and Manchester;
prepared to aCord all necessary information and ad..
vice to peradna who seek to recover their property in
that mammy;
J. Limeys alto of the Rank of England Dividend
Books, erhals
theym be examined for SO Ce 111.14 or :1 lot
each letter of Ahbet..
References in Barton:
C. 0 P. ADAMS, Nasty Peale;
cratiOnt : /01.1 N .W. RIDOLWAY.Ess,
:MORD ds COn
(Faineants to Wood & film) ipk o ,
4 Fashionable llant•es ,
..11oonw of Wood tout Fifth &roan
tiIItARTICIILAR attention paid n Oa
th riallTrada.
_IL Gentlemen can rely avant getting ir (LOU and
Caps from on establishment of (ho cm mamma and
wonnatierib of the sainnarnsh sada; tha tawny
Cosusuy ifarebanin parehasiag by wbotenis i
respecrially , invited to call mn examine oar rime • as
we can say with eat:Shari, that as mash taniart
and rues. Is will hat safer in a comparison win any
one in Philadelphia.
- &hi?
INTIIIfI-11 aft
'PYXIS leave to Inform Ithelttends and customers thou I
JD he bidet receiving hie new sprlngstockof °oars.,
comprising, es natal, all the newen and moat frt.
lade .i 7 lea of Cloths, Cassimens, fancy Vesbn tot.
ton and linen rummer morrs t and every entele a table.
Lot gentlemen , . wear for apnng andnonaolor4 It heing
impossible to describe the beauty, Cull., or 9a miry
of the %Wet, the proprietor hopes all who ate tn.warn
*Opted, cheep, faahlonable, and well madp,OVell,
MI lian on null, Inert la no stock n of
the A 'reticules thin can compare with it.
The ready made department a very clthemillre,adep,
the to all tunes.
Rail cold contreeters, country merchants, end all'
Into parehaso arepattlealarly invited tore ,
amine the emit before purchasing, on pardonlin tan
tenuon is paid to the wholesale business in thir anti ,
Evety article In the tailoring line made to miler it
M oat feshionable and ban taanner, at tan anerlenn
. .. , .
TIM partnership heretofore existing undOr the Etrm
of A is C LIKADLEY, is dissolved by tee decease
ol M. C Bradley. The haziness will be carried eu by
A Wadley, Who swill settle the buttons of the I.
Area ._,_
REMOVAL—A BRLDLIT has removed his Foiled /7
Warehouse f rom No Ile Second
sl eets erNo IP Wood
street, between First sad Beeorof reets, to the tare
boom lately occuped fi tte d/ „ 0 A P.M, *he , . he will
keep constantly, on g euetal usorunent of Cast
ings, Grates, titoves, Coot leg Stoves, ace. lin
0/1.1101/.1. 11c11: 7. 1.1.V . Y.
ER 0 A •
bl`P . o_grATin..,,,..FA'. , t,,1Pir.2.-,tlt.t .
0.,...1 Fit., oral( elzei; anlldlacksmlti and Shoe
Rasps, always on hand and for ele, either at his /*sa
ils Steal Work.," (Inane stre%, Fifth Ward, or II the
orSee In the Iron Store of 130 I,SIANS A GARRI
SON, NO e,..f00t, of Wood etreel Pittsburgh.
mne.bdlin .
. ' 0111001. B. .
We, the anarelpted, havlnglased, vatilt nellniell-
Islattlon, the Cast Steel and pile s mode by Sated
MoKelvy.- at Ws Roole . Weel arks, In inn elty,laan
Seagate In vecommeadtne the no <deal blqaaddy to
en ever toed by a s, of foreign mmfaelare.
Plusbnrib., March 161,1830. • ,
.. . el a .1 II 11110 MOM& Co;
tdanufaettuars of Iron and Nada, PltubiArb r Se.
.... JUMPS k Torxsar,
Iron Plvanden and liaridnOts, Sittsbergh. ta.
tionafaeorostv opining., Anles, Spline Steel and
• -1 1 RIVCIA, Plusharyh, Pa.
. . .. P k W hi PARER, 1
Roston Ridlddra and Malin* Cant Mannfactsv ,
tear Pbttryt It, Pi
i • r .. : ' • . ' Avv pro r 4 .
. • Bras Fotaner, ?McCann
113tAllrif.INIMAX a
111, 1 211 "'""" m tot"PiNtrtitg,
t ...6 thn ga s *s ! ate!ap Ruthurnstmze, rs..
Matra Manufacturer, Macabre and Magna •
- .
0 , , ‘ • i 1
, ii - '- ' ll = LIP * P ia sr eV=
"tosx• It'Arret radiso e f u tr*,
~t h. - '', '' 1 ,4,,,' ' btitletrial,ptrynetentr o %*
r R a Clei '99ee m. 11 51 4- riiiiititkonal ik . W.' wico XAn & o h ms Liv .....
II .
iude4 14 2.0 , 1-... ~ ... - ni'ilmom i .
Aag lq , ' ,, riit ,o ll.7o 4 / 1 .4.04. , ii*fie - ,-.., • . -, -- 4i 1 - - -
?RtfidagOß 1i1,911",1i,' ..- '' ,, ,,,T,......:4;11"......}.:-' 4-'• 4^:P r : + .. 2 . R. '
. am ,
" `.', ~ ,• .; : ?,,,,,. ,'' .4::,-...,-,4'4,,,,,,,,5; ~...:,,..
' - - ' ..'-:'.. -, tl, • ..:.;%,; 1 1..., - :, ,- 4' '-i;' , .4 7 -..,,a,,cri1i1e
- - -.:-.` , --•— ~ .- - 1;;;, . . c , :. - ,,,.!: ,. ..i . -42:-..1,-.2..-,-=‘
-- • - -- - 1- - . ~.- < 4- ~ , --- -- - ' ,1,- .`l= - ' 17 1 7 77 -7- nr -- -I'7:!',7>"-"f
• 40
: .17•t ' . g - Z , . - " -- Wt V • ,-, M'.R''''' --: ''F7!f'ff'':'.';''r'''':r:''"'"'.. --7 ' - 'l''' r- '.... , I `.'' l, ...' l '''''',. - i-;:: 1 ,.;:_1 :__ .: t v '',, ,, ,, , , .. , -, ,.-;. •:,..,;,:-,..,,,,, jr c :: --.7- ,:, .+ :
, -'- ,'•-•-•':,-, -:-=.--' • - t 7•,- ,- - "•:-- :-.-- ‘ ',' , -1 ,-: 2' .-- - -„-, . ...'"',. -- ...., - .7'. -. '.. ',. ':/ - --,- '... ---, -- .i - ,•..-- - , -,_,..-- -,, -...*.:-..t . .
+4 ,
. ,
....„.,. , .
'‘. , •',. . - ,-
. .
. ,
, ,-. . . . -411' -- ' , • • I
•-. . ,
4 - ,
, -
, I ~-..-. . - , ' ' • , --,'*'--'-r - - L - - m . . ' . V 01 I, ,
~ XV al - ,: 1.
k .
. ------ ORITING. AUGUST 2 , , .
RANCE COMPANY...O6:B North Room of tha.
Exabsoffe, Third street, PhiladMpau
- P0n1x41•21:2,-13.11dIngs, Blerelmultse sad other
1,=,,b1 Town and Country, inured ageism loss
ni ... t e t_loslermset Ma of premix=
Mannai They also lame VesselmCar
ireenand Prelains, foreigner eosstmlutonsditropen or
sperml porkies; as the assured Day demo.
1.1.01 Z TRAlttivrterteit—Thq ,
_also boa* mereb•
lodise trumportall by Wnrone,l4lllll4llCass, Canal
Boats sad Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the
wet Ilbend tends.
DIRECTORS—Jmph H. Seal, Ednismd A. SMUT,
John 0 Davis, Robert Mum, Jobe R Penrose. Sant
el Edwards, Oeo G LelperiEdwzrd Dia1409... IMAM
R Nobs Wm Eclipse% Jolts Newlin. Dr R Ibunsu,
CH Theopitllns Pluildburi II Jones Moots,
Hwy Sloan, Hugh Cal', George Sarni, Spencer
11 1 .1.14 Charles Kelly, J 0 Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr
S Thomas, John Bellers,Wet Eyre, Jr.
He Craig, /an T lAsan.
RIM= 15.19aentotn, Seer.
°Dee of the Company, No. 49 Water Man,
''.Plusbargn. BannStf • P. A. MADEIRA. AM.
to order the
No. 13 St.
second story,
ttersmade to
Ma , lnt and
11911 wad Health buns rado.
TBS Mated Ufe and health Immo* Company
, of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legistitans
of Penn') Ivania, Mar* 11913. Charm perpetual.
Capital, 6103060, RCM Lawn tuna env Pinar*,
.I.lllli COKrA" and fall M, per cent.l4.4,th.n tea
penal rand 01Life Insurance, as the follawlag cow;
. {unison will show: Thee, a person of the age Of 30 in
suring for 11100 foe We, mutiny in the Ginerd 62,36
Pennsylvania,ll2.96, Pena Mutual, 119,36; Meirle,
1M, 04 ; dew
no d, X 4,16, New York We, •.Al.
Mon, SSA% Lila and Heald, PhiladeLphia,lll3 .• • '
prascroan—Samuel D. Orrick, Chaste. D. 1101; W.
P. Boone,-Rabert P. ILlng, , Clain P. Baja., Mt' W.
Baldwin, hi. 61. Revco, M. D, Chas. 0. wourP.
Lewin Cooper, L Rodman Barker, EFL Butler, Inn
R. Cope. Presidein—BamieJ D. Orrick; Vice Prerl 4
dant—Rob:. P. King; Seeretary— Francis Blackbarce.
Applications will be received ,and OVUT indriaalbsa
given by SAKI: PAIINESTOCE, Agt, •
Moe, Conunercial Roma eons, of
oodl.dly Wood and Third au, Pittsburgh
AILLLS AND 111A/1411111411U1141 . .N0111.
„TEE INSURANCE CO. of North America will
make petsci any anont and limitad lIIMSUCti on pee.
in thin and vicinity, and on shipments bY
u nreel, RAMS, Wes, and by Sea The propedies at
4 1,,,c,Cosepany are well Invested, and fordsh an avail.
gel. WA forth* =ph, Indemnity of all point:us. who
data to be protected by Insutanee.
Whil. P. JONF-4, A gem, 41 Water rk
C d a • 2d .
Count'? Mr.
call and
ip.'ve sad Elhulas Inaraus4.
THM,F { PZCZ: I OWit=toe*N7,7I ~Rro¢i St
taat of W;nd.. ,
nicest for Ihe 4.0. old .4 IttPol2-
.ibto sn;.l Imo Polietu on 001d4. and
their eantentsomei on bbib... ol . 01 di ,b bi
Bt.= 011. et 'ends.
ap3 W. P. MIMI.
EM Second Seulon of ilth: inetitetion,auder lb.
Tcue of M. and Ittra Gose....ttt fof
dal, Aioodap,
unademie year, will commence on rota
:to. tot ...MY
February Ugh, in the same buildings', a
Arrangements hare been made by which :hot vtll
be able to timbal young ladies facilities eqolll/F
V, :
la the West, for obtautlas • thorough finalist,
c, and tantametual education. A fall coon e NOY
isophical and Chemical Lecture& will be Livens!
dorms the winter,filumrated by apperatas. The de
=,s of Voeal and.lustramental Meals, '
a, Drawing and Punting, will each be ander
the ewe of a competent Protestor. By clear, suention
to the moral and intellectual improrement of their pa
a.tlle Principe/a hope bo os t a continuation of the
patronage they hither. enjoyed. For
asmns, fd re tw Zreder or apply to tho Princlrals.
Soden and Antique Fornitnta
83, Tutu 81., Cremona:l.
RespetfonTorose .
palate that The tat COM
pted his sp LLe
oils mock
FURNITURE. the largest and mom warted assortment
One offered for sale In tie city, comprislog osnierol
sent of Itormaroon,3lantiosnr, mid Butz %Vacant,
carted, ornamental and ph/ satiable for Pun.,
Drawing and . Bed Rootaa, all a which will be sold or
thlowes price.
Peanuts mooring Furniture of any &Inception, aro
tpectlally ionted to call and examine ha stook, which
embraces every description, from the
whic hcheapes and
gamain to the macs ' elegant sod costly, of lt the
nawing comprises a pan:
Tete • Tete Boas; Tote • Tote Divans,
Conversant:nil:kaki; E lio
Rot:ninon de Loins XIV do
Emoting). do Boum *Miguel
M. hat Nom; ' Toilet To bles,•
Loots XLV Commadors; Doke of York's Croat;
60 Pea with Plash and Halo-cloth corer%
60 Vistins, do do do;
40 dos Mahogany Parlor Chain;
10 Rowwood do do;
!Mk 'ln alma do du,
40 Cane heat do;
4 Mahogany Rocking do;
do Pomp
00 Marble Top Centro Tabies; •
10 do do With Stoa4ea
10 Mahogany BetizlOnetln
II do Warstrobom
10 DM Walnut do;
8 Cherry
very large Wortnient of OnossiOn Cittars and ath.
M Famitsra toe bedtimes to mention.
Or. Swam Boats (,rotated on the &Most oath*.
AB orders promptly attended to.
P. S.--Qdiset !takers can be applied with en MIS
of Mahogany, Walton, and Vetoers, at tonsiderehly
rtdoced prices. febl6
Theo Flanuals, W WooL
e„u3 do do
Ye Cow do do
Br erwri do
Slack Sadocua.
Steel dazed do
Blot do
Drab do
Ltlack Cassimor.
Fahey Tweeds.
fletpar Black Broad Cloth.
Caper Brown do
riper Oreen do
gaper Twilled do
isaper Black Doe UM-
Idawer Drab Cashmere.
Caperßrouni ' do
Caper Black. do
Caltionda Blanket..
P 411110- . do
Blae do
eae do
Grpt Bagging,
Brown Drills;
ne the blabufaetarars ,
Elias& allow
J.HE eo•partnenhip betetlfore existing between the
• tob•vnbers, In the name of Constable, Botta
CH, Is Watley diwolvati by mound consent. Meass.
Ratko a Iternew wlllsetlle the business of the coneem,
for winch pureete they are Int thatier A to ate the nano,
of th e concern. NATHANIEL tXINSrABLE;
EDMUND uunKr.,
The nodsrelined have Ws day as roelatod thenealeee
le the name of BURR; t BARNES. for the porpowe
of oundfantaring Ftn Roo( Safer, Viet Doors. to.
tce4 at the sand of ,be 4te arm of Covetable, B.Sa
*Co, where they grill be pleased to receive the patron.
alp of the easseonara of that heave and th ole Mende.
I. Miring riirm dm In of Connate, Barite I Co.,
I. With einem Oculars recommend Worm Dart. !
Barn. to the confidence Of my_ftlends and the poblto.
Feb. 9, 1649. NATLIA.NIELCONIST4a I X.
*, Co *11111)1 • 11110?
MUM Jan retooled from the Etitelil Cites, and i°
JILL incelving a large variety of seasonable -4300(1..1 0
which he ropectially 'invites the attention of watch
:ann. and - No St Wood et.
YVALL VAPEII—W. P. hfsantsu. Is &mouth
receiving, from the lergeet manufactories la
v , lork end khiladelptus; and also from preach
agencies, the newest and moat approved styles of Per
per liargings, together with Diadem, Fire Board
Prints, and Tester Tops. For sale at 83 Weed at, be
tween Fourth st and Diamond alley, (messier to 8.
C. {OIL)
TaTETTC - Fiatir — l brie jut reel per amnesia
Wl and for sale by the barrel or ringle pond at the
..Dnok, Bred, and Perfumery Warr-llama ranter of
Bluth a n d Wood,fireets. N WICILiSSUAN.
4641`e'rErtrleitT:`.T.t114Ah.brand and
hlgh test, direct from the manufacteron; 100
cut* now on tke way from Mew Orleans, and ex
pected bete this week.; and 3f4 will Montt anion
via Baltimore per ships .111teltua, Chesapeake, Dates►
co, and .Albes,.whleh will be sold on antral, at the
lowest market oleo fur tub or approved bills.
• No I. 'dhow, at.
4:1111081.. sTOTg L LL
TUB Phan' Manufacturing Comport, acw offer to
the public. their Premium Chemical Shove Pandit
and without exaggeration, or fear of coutradlatiou,bl
those who hay. tested ly pronounce It far superior to
any other in the market. Taaeonviusaarnead henna
apprehooslona of soiling carpets, ke., as Its Coin.
poaltlon prevent. s dust from arising w hen being el.
piled, which must be done when the Boma is cold.
The quantity required rs so lintc to poodles a beau.
tlfol lustre. A saving of oval Shy yam cant is (neared
to the consamerr A costing ap So plied to Storer, Pipes,
ac., when laid swap for the mmer, lea son pre.
•entative agaaaa rut. Anal having tried it once,
of it is aoces.,blel no person will its any hot Me
Pormila Mauciactaring Compurs premium Mend.
eat Steve Polish. Fel sa W le by
Comer of Biala and Wood anyone.
A ITZnahVitootan'urestablfg opt their
aenn i
of CoanolleorP
please call at the Booms of the Board of Trade;
second story, comer of Wood and Third sts, madßay
fee the sante .
Plusharre fuse. mati
S YAIINEeff O hi C . K N be e gs r =to W r lntr e nat i to th , 44
s pa Toot
Alloglotly, and i7ort i s:lts O ' f Ma
chold', Birmingham, Me., that the wink Is now
nnolg reedy for the Oen, and will be net to the
hods of the prima mum where between the 70th ,
and Mth Instant.
The chimes Pnemill , and all who fool an Interest
in the productional' a Complete led offset Diseetorg,
pattionlerty Mom who have not been ga ll ed on, will
greatly oblige the pablisker,bi aseartalnlag Mai their
Tomo avocados and aloes of badness, te,iszt
mod for oblioadon in the Doom •
All noWsi be Mooed.
went be headed In forts
with, or at the laUsti bg the OM shell named.
tan Preeldirat at the Upland Stated.
TNparrtoutee of law, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR., Pro-
sidint &the CrotWftses of Americo, do kereby
nitwit Lad asks town, that public • sales will be
held at the nedannunanol Land frllloes la the Buato
of kllfflipiiAN, at M. periods havinsftect desnpsatod.
to win— ,
At tn. 'Lord Mu 'at SAULT PM MARIE. for !
ths.Lhlin Beporker Disttiot? Coarthlinelng as Yeu
day, the sixteenth day of tiT he ber
following seated )
townships, van—
North Oho base Liu, dust • tout of dus ississipal '
. oseriskaa.
' • Taoist fo rt y Pro, sad fracciousl townallye forty
slit sad f y orrem of rant. two.
Onty Lao sad fo=n, an theism'
towndip fortv stmuk of •
ser mbi n. of unte ""li fbar lix. • UmmidP
Towortaosiorty ali and &stysuresood frutlesol '
ortruldps Iffy sad lay ote, of fine Iv. •
' , names' townships forty Nitta. fort" Wear fort ,
vino, Illy one, of rugs di.
! • forty el/laud furr eine, iaddraeoluel
tint on glolf Island?
fortui t a "am Island? and township forty Ire, et
=mei tooUldys thirty du end fort, "ff
mid srtardson Mends. sod fort" 'hr. on the In%
land, sad townships font, tea sad forty Are, a rdor*
Frutledal township thirty du and forty on u•Gar
den. sztileßourn Islaodnuolcursuldpo ton h t j
forty filar; and forty In rt a :age trn.
Pruttenal monlys Oabloalqiitilsr porses"
OW forty those, forty four or ,
too duty flu, et• rugs
PrOallOttal towuddy *My ought on ortuti Wand,{
township forty two, and freotional townships forty
liste=b=oertLv: w i ja, r l . l4,
cuss dam.
Prandanal toollehids daffy .4" end in "' an the
oeln land,of range ovum.
Ersetloosi tremships *tarty eight, Witt' tins, fora,
nags= on the stain laud of Han _elguiwo,
rturnskty. thirty ski on"dums 2 ='
oPorettyn blunt, thirty seven Wielding ofttormer
Wand sad au *start sad thistriallts, shiny tins, od
bay ea the main took end
rnalp forty One, forty
mum l oosi *WY ola onAmmon
oat Martin's ,
end ufluil. lauds, tkar on .ors ha in Wet °Minim
Pommel. blood, Anti 14 Ulan /adds dkidl
nins (indicting the I to sosuons mousy sorra
end twenty elpic) and form sad illownshly fortY Was
on the tone Mad. of range twenty,.
Fracidual townships dirty ektlt, shirt/ WV, y. 4
forty on the onto MA of nags twisty oar.
AT TUE RAKE PLACPseunaunalog on Monday,
the thirtieth day of &Member neat, tor the dirtmort
of use public hiado withto she MI oung named town.
Alps and dunning! township% to wir
Plaid of the base /bp, and ado of As principal
Fractional townships 'thirty Ili sad tarn' etz on
do Min land, of sup mrenty
Friona:di rpoWntpf .tart] three, Wilyfear. and
thirty fire, Ltd waraigup ratatwenty
Fractional tarroldfa thirty two soateMre.9 s
the main tat:Aorta mumps Way s'w orrrr
Ire. Onus twenty Ws
Frutioul townships thirty on, thirty toe, thin/
three, airy fast, and thirty In en Um mais land. suit
townships forty sin, forty- os. on, sad forty eliltot
mid twenty wren.
Fractional townships thirty tre thirty three, usll
M is, sad mouldy. Wry Une,forty
ae ratronoV i lf=reli t i bt,
thirty nits, Ist'Arafry two,
thee, forte kV; nett, ea, y
fort4,l ?t,11 1 01 =7, 70 . riremojo (gib
fraotlarorl rani_ al; 174 4 1,4 t
Ca:Nit'rytranTuttir4,4:449 f leettost. tiltylve
cad actrir aw, at the us op liar, of pron
.!, al 1 1 410f.= fink
me, Monate* fo r. to-.471 - atibs - tiiii fru 'link
lue, forty *La duty was, art l forrl
dual sections serene= sal bielos,oa
41 0
tar l en 5 1. 7 1, IrET • = O p ng rie d r
the ; fourteenth day of October neat, for rho &mewl et
the Mtge ludo almond within the endelliatiloted
cumin .4 and
mouldy., te ow
North of go ictro Um. aril iota if lk•
Frictional tintnialOp doily en., sad toinuldps arty
two, forty Wu, forty fart, purt lho, and Ally, of
rents thirty two.
("sultana towisahlys gay RS/ lea] MI of 74Sta
thirty Area •• -
Fractional townships - PAT and (fry two of range
thirty fur. ,
Township thy, of rage forty on.
Fractional tswital4 ' eight, gad mouldy*
forty Woo ant LAY, of nags tally WO.
Township gum sorsa, &annual low*,
eight, eel townships duty tau sad WV, '
forty throe.
Townships forty loin, ferry eight, forty alto, and
I fifty, of roan terry tea. '
Tesonahlys forty men, forty eight, and forty eke.
Fd fraotional turnitip 6Ry, of range ferry are.
ractional ortruhlyo duty 1:1165 arid Any, of nap
, forty am • -11i4it•
Fractional usisertrbie hors sod tom , .
toetotip surf eight, and frsothumi toweOld
nu, of meadow urea.
Mallow& noroandp. fat/ tent, tony ' sitby and
try DIAL. a mg. ratty dant.
Fractional wreak* forty Oahu of rugs forty tire.
At the land aide at nallnananny." 4 ,...., ll " .
day, the alcisoult of iiipausbar text, for
of sho UMW hada VMS the andinsmratianed beer
ttoost woully. stn.—
/Perth of rho bass Um, sobb anus of di rintipol
&rodent one and two. the east half melba dame,
azul mations alertly tortilire, thinert, fellitex.m.frlY
fur; twenty Pm, end th irty nix, I e n
township Mafia
lisle amortised by low for the us whacky
military - , our other yomeeee,will he uelided tram Um
The alma] oftbe shone socuthwed lands will ba
etthoweaced on ba days appolotedoand proceed to
the order in wtdcb they are advenised, with wan.
Iranians dispatch, ethil the aolotha aball have been of
fered, and Oa alto Um abode. Bat no aale shah be
kept open town than two wealth, and no private
thory of any at Um lands will be admitted thud abet
the inspiration of tore weak.
Osten seder my thug& al tan totY Waahlal
thin thineetui day of Jun, Awns Do mini eta tbes
Wen handled and Atty.
try the Ptealdcan
7. BVITUrtlitS
Clennithatholuir elan General Laad
Ilk. Drain;
Fancy Couonades; a an
°land atramory ninon
Ilona Lon.. Sbkii.S'
Mean and euipes, 71
he Srlat%2looda.
Red Padding, Inver do;
Vest raddind. Balm%
TallonTanvan t nnal ;
Brown Linen. aida',
Drab Bargo, , tdae6 do. 11
D a
Black nod ‘Vhita Tapei
Black Twist, Drab din
Linen -Cocks and Dtift*
Swan's 6 cord 84,=31
do Linea
sandlot undo;
t i Lllf.l o., o s liand o :S• a las;
Every paean ensitiod to the rigid of preAnopiton to
any of the Dada mithlothe usernahipe and freeman!
Winship above eninierated, to regrind to oetablish
the nose to to. tensfesilen of the ■egttw sad Ro•
opines of the prow Land Office, and ..be_ dslvdmt
therefor so soon prnatiaible aftereeelaii nonce,
sad before the day appointed for As ceerainement
or 00, polio sea of ow lauds enshinriall Ito mot
unapt, otherwise each claw win be forbilusd.
Jftalt•twfmB Ceinenstioner.
Isaimett.'s ABlltil MIS FeuHay nook.
9111 E Perdu) look sod Yowl Braden' Grade—
'. Bobs . insides on the Breeding, Raising. sad
Owserel Itonswiteent of Domestic Fowls, wuk a.•
mamas missal deseriptleas and, Ponalls from Life.
U ct " en?rk b tt elp l eat Is contain treater . =owl
of original sad other Inforsamlos, bilk proodcal
were, le regard t Fowl liteedlog, thee fa wesalbed
pt Whet ,seeneen Werke together. It vrill be
illastrand .11k 010117 Nifty rowans of the sows
swiss 'missies of Amnions sad Foreign Fowls,
some Cony of which ars from life, Prom &swings
takes especially for this work, of lb. most Important
breeds, and several of Wm from fowls very meetly
lb. publisher. Imre spared sur eriplasele bring ow
al. work la ..gorier meaner, besh la regard is the
orignrrings, skis =Elul of the gnat, and the g worst
encoders of every part of the book. '•Aed raellesr
ed that the work be Amid ur wombs mon prowl.
uslonsarlos as Briablag and ltasaguss Ilesumbe
Fowls, Man say work lassed Is Ws imam ,
Vol sale Soy • JAB lb I.OCIEWIFnis
jW Bookiplla sab Imparters rt.
BOLDTS 001111105—Cosommi S pats) of
V.girkydeallincripbbb dila Maven. By alai
Ibusbait. Triastased by Cbils. yolb,
Jan mobbed tw seas by
Va l Mt:
W il Ztatulo,
ao pis It. 11.1sP,
13S biz Tee.
IGO bap RAMP Dsoi
Til M l i.
s AMO e=
Window bons *boosted dos
40 *so Pipsid
ISO II: C 6 antd oss
acpo mot codllshi
.70 brio Tamen' 0111
SOAmb Cloeoiste;
1 (‘ 41 1 sods Alsol C lrileye;
so Imo apical! CholoAels;
I. OO Ss
beire n t=
40 bap
20 bales essdlssnak;
40bss Stand*
10 woo Aloe;
10 brto Chatti
APO dross Sp;
As will a* • postal
Usestbatated a:OO4A ,
110 goats Ito Cores
TO Id oh% It Itygoo, various pads
.10 do °mamas* and OAP
an da Hastens
d do Holm
SI caddy Ono Y II Imp SOP .
GI his Vs, and Ifs Tobnoo
if *eddy b.n Handal ft do
Yong Punt
NW" kf Into Salintss
Halm Atm, OWppat,
Ilamasss, and loaoP Hama 41 nie br
Hayld • ' 04 Water si
_ damns% Man 1 4 48 M•
'a AIL IMIX•1 8 -1 w We
/NA Coatis Syrup dud Livat Pa l l ou Sal aud
Le dos ei the voraltop,
moo mod aUlow Vawil Wollialola tam Width
add ban also proseribsd thus In my. I au
vow meat ploated odds them, add %sin Ikuutd
soupsal Om. 1104 sae dos uf you venoms%
Le dos nob of Yu Ltter anII Coat Woo. •
DEadAsg.s. jjiu 117 Wood ay Din;tou,
loosondly dio two Maas a:4.1431w. • • .• ago{ •
...—..-e-Nuorm - vern,v. e".rrl
R• —A ivor ' I MYR
=patter itlity, testable icap iaatinge Jan
nosived sad At silo by JOHN bIePADEN CO
IbMiCitaal Buis. Nab st
011131111,11 V•
jot la—
swag ciue ITN'
t ie oasts 'VT
- • , -- ..:.
--•:,:-;:::::;-:;:„...;;!:::.:Q:E.,!'„-i,,::;,,:.•6,,:$-gli,P.,i, .-..01.--iAli
N' - *:'--: 1 - •' - ,...•%*. '' ‘ s.rlzt-' 4,440E-..,...i.:.,:..
MURPHY ICIMICEIFIEL.C I Write th e: =tailor' of
the Idloo yo iheUszmusire usoruagla'ot whim
Goads far Drvisci,oonsikt4 - 1r • •
. Scotch and Sinn OW* ,
iliratad Bodo , 14,5
Esobroldwed dcq
• Victoria Laania
Lev Priced Barred lactate(
W sott ILublisd do; and a Inert assortmlen of Swiss
Illunakritit colored embroider; ptimiedlackoutr.
MOM% h. 0., at north east come o! Fourth -
Gish Motet stmts., len
; ' Cheap LaMar& ; •
Lustpnta B IIitCIIFIELD Lava received a large
imply Olken Lama, vary chap; trm stra
. talc lied &tilt; great variety, for Me Me
of n Alatarabroldered arrated Moline aadlaet ist,
est =4l newest rtyleF F lnd loWett Vika to, quality,
aad mina allacarket ata
THE GREAT sssu , 4lNust ,
Ain pm Ono Price Store of
virrn,t. colon:fence on Honda), Imo . 24, ini,hk—.l
• • Their nautionse eintsbilebatoul, with all their
Wbalesala Rooms. will; on this measlon, he *Won •
opea for Rosa TAM; and .1101 their emanate
stock will be offered to retaliForoll= It discount
of Gemini to 00 m• rent. leas than prima .•
THEIR NUM UV SILKS Comprise met. fear
bunked plows, and will ba ;Of at laded=
dun • •
Their adaliment oftwle,DateltdAristadapee,
mikes. Foulanl Silks. Lawn', Malin. Jammu,
Cambries. and Oren Geode Feudally, will be closed
out ktmedtalely, at about one half the n mai rates. •
II dial Fast Colored Lawns will he offered al Oe.
• do ilaregek
do Idonlia do Winos,
Fedrler 12411 strand ihmarPnen Falleomb Ile.
dozen Linen Handketchieff,• 701
A large let of Wreught Collars, soma BP low be to.
Together with a complete cadets or Dementia and
White Goode, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloms, Dormets,'
to. ; •
hinting la all one of the most extersme amortments
in the actuary, weigh walk marked doom to mein
noWnli prides than at any of their pnnlous Annual
FrN=Elora will be glued opal Monday 'sad
DM and Slat, rot tboriorProP .1./Ur•
leg mid Workbag deem stock. 'No hinintignon mf Pal
ms tary3i A A aimiox t.OO
• L rauxon ralncars. •„ -
YAPlift BURCHFIELD hne reeeivea ■ tup i
Pf U. and 44 Preach Liman for men'teo•to
2. 3,1
It•Ja es' nor., l/Flre sad 0041<W. ..rev,
cif the I,dr a 4llo,le •hiples. 4
Un'Y li t ol A tniirioav ,' A g i e f i raT. ! %: fi
ordale, am 4 a l o vrh eh will bo l d . low. KO
pIdURPHY b. NURCEIFIELD have received ambler
annply of above article, acd ato wattled to map
&most soy quilt, and color wanted, wd at. the
wawa cock yea. • • • WIS
agent. to r 01/ Cloth over.
JiIeCLINTOCIC gas received this day, at Ins
TV . Carpet Wardrooms, No 75 Fourth st., Stair Oil
cloth Covetuig or. CT, noodoome pastern. and colors,
Worlaldl ore Write the attention of el:arguers.
M U tr sc 0170 111110.4) - a rXer:s o node
66. itieee ' ts op; Be ' rae fro esfor e lne;
Pl.lO Mack Berme (patio ; [format Ribbons for 6a
patranl. Ladles an invited to call god examine 001
curet of drum goods befote purchasing elsewhere— ,
Nertleaat corner of Founh aod, Nark. Jet 2
RfXWAYED this daT, &Irma usonment of "Meow
or Orono Mats, M the carrot Ware room of
s 2
UggPDY ELD yards and Suplo D 1 jl o a c le . • = g rit*
. o u f
W.*tetiVeed pram, viz=
r . ! 4 Lei. • lam' wormer% of beontifol
soap and Swim Muslims;
assunnent of Black and Fancy RUN
Ilia=sdatft!tagrArexarkabli cheap;
Caucus, from Of cents, aura Pint%;
A huge stock of Drown and Bleached Muslim, itie
pet yarn. and upwards, -
Rousts and Parasols, a greatly reamed prices.
olltaths,Camintems, tad Vast up, ortho ben quality,
remarkably low.
Together with a large reek of Ticking% Apron and
Shinn( Chocks, all widths; Brown and Bleached
' Sheeting% and Skirt nut triah Liu.; together with
all Moles Inlino, St meth cut eorizot
NUI Fy rli j r /1 BURCHFIELD Ora inn received
new Mile Foalard &Ma rely cheap; 015 k,
Wand abannable silks, dI almost evert alle
and quallir, super plain and figured black silks; do
of r
aad %%anise; linen Instruct' all shades and ullon;, at unit out corner
KOTIER supply of Black Silks and fancy tot-
Pared Sac lut racslrod be ult.. Mir mom . '
Ins, al urth east corner or youth and Market , sm.
1111,31F1E ra
LD aro seinen Deges
M I LI *raga M. p. Lianas' t very loss plena at
north net corner of Founit mod Ideran of
we cUdi cm an
Bnarrow Mambas Laces of best quallry. Just reed
and for sale at Northaset earner of FoulS and Mar
ket struts. leg MURPHY 3 BURCHFIELD
- imago• Damn Ribbon&
1710E1Y I M in HO lELD Dare received an id
dnionall sapp7 drove goods,ltelnding ß 7slons
Virm gagr)lo 'ned ' apd,r, l:o°,74
and prim. WO W
rioll OIL CLOSil—atoW4:i Puiin 7 oll Clod i,
rareim: from the WWII, Cot WS so O.
armed?, Nm.7lb Wood suesL
101 l . PHILLIPS
• • • • -- - -
.M of these wonting foods for Moon* po , so oo ..
to Hide very fall anortment,inst received, such as
Bigot Bornbaxines,
Itosebeento Web Alplicces,
Black Mouse de Liam*,
kLesnsing Wash Silica
do erlincd Foulards,
•=ll,llBeae., Malan Lustre', Aitoltßilci, Plain
sad Piloted Lawns,
_Biwa Sad,roinered do;
Bonnie 51011001, Btu( do, Yells. to - re."l7
o 1,111144K1S COATING-14 ,re Cashmere., assorted
A 7 colon, s tont deGrablearticle for sartinier cants,
reed, add Dour opoillag a A MASON ALI)
sere_ et) Market in' I
'T HIDE? BRAWLS—Sepcnor high colored - rebel
compritiog Crimean, Orange, Pint, Blue,
Omen, end Corn colored, last receiving per express,
and to day timing by A A MASON A o 0
_a. lli Marker •
PIECEZ Rive. Pir — iFifreen
Colored Barnes, reeG pee' t29..11; IMO licrs•
orianOugy may? A A GAMIN ♦ n
— black DIM. SIMS.
. 17 AA..MA-eON k CO are this day oning 10 per
inch Black Gro de Rhine Silk; pe 10 yes Se •
do: 10 inta St in c h do; 6 pea 24 inch do; and 4 ;dem
40. I • - • disylo
ileckseter t I
=Du At 1 gaiskto;
UN boa stutoo 40;
kp do 'do;
IS oast* Zoom Como%
16 bola 12 Walnuts;
12 Ato BWI Now
11 do • Filbortri
WI • do :Poo Hots;
obis sbalkd Abotoodi;
110sono d c
10 II Pthselpoo 2/014401
WM =
bzo Clam;
Wel Loom 21 •
10 emu Tommie
010 and !pima 141121220.
40 bards porde:4l4lAM
11 khdo 11=4
• 10 bol2Wkltlog;
assertissu el Plitttr
Dia s GOODS, itt
• • _
• 1100.0 a Iladielltarebtadt:
CO dos Ladled , Lbsat Cambria EMIL, all prices;
100 dos Garde do do do
3 doa do do colored borders;
• 1110ce0rad this day by A A MASON dr.oo
1_11.710 • IN Market at.
IAAIBLEr LINEN LustaKs—no pea eharoriare
.J Loam, 01the extrema lora primal:7k per yard.
maylo A. A ?JASON & C 0
Irish and 101011311 LIMAS.
ite Pee Mand OM pee 44 Drown LineaK
Liam Ware Outlay% and Aberandei's superior
/ash Ldnems, now opening by
Kayla a MASON Co
rot Airily of Dry Go
W ffi ef r7:low recellarc i ad i ttlo . al o, lz i o a s . , L i t
lord to An
cub,ing r d eesasottent at oar mat
fro prim . for or apptovad credit.
The attention of sreetem deniers bfoarticalsrly ro•
1./m.4 to our roods, as WI feel eonedeat of befog
abls to offer aaulsol lndaetmenis to make a bill with
U. Call and exorable at any nOo. •
. . see W
ma a t r •
re •
1011 Market Barest* (near Liberty;)
1.0171113•1113 =mine CIO
Saila and Raney Valtlnip
•• IRAN DANA, and LINEN LIDICFS. • general as-
Amman °WASS!, and every wk.*, of lnnualnge.
~ - NAILS AG N. AI if,
• . •
3CABESIVIaIn and figured tramp de Lath , amni
ed !Mended reerilved, and selling .su very low
Mew mayarl - ' A A ItiAIT3N a CO ,
, • LAWNS. 1
fy OASES Cast calmed Lawns reved and now
4r eporniabealling at Me extreme l ow price or Bcu
yes yard mitt A A IdAdAIN is CO
--- i - - till triTaltli. .
9 CABRB fast colored-040ms, reed, and selling,
ay at IS cents per yard A
62 A
Market e MASON t. tr. CO
. . r
MATIMEI—.IO boas now on hand for onion*
, • olb MAGI( DIC/inV
CA • • 0-11saoks on b • ,orsa b by
%.7 1616 ISAIAH met tr a'et. •
°N-IY o=en) •
D 6
easki, Sides;
jilg • 4caskinuoned,nowlandiag.foraalab,
io mum
01 1400 Os tdraolVd tlM,ro
1200 gob uobleaeled do
lOW gals Adli
• MI gal* blenched WI.
I lbObo,l49ar t ale ty
, 1/111M.PIAT/IE-Wa a co
- 77 a 79111
VIVI"u th ° l 'nub-gh
6 616621 nouns Velasuio abllsaTesi in 9ospapan
6 do Wiho Perweborg 1166 In Raz men;
t , .• de 7.m de ;
. Oars eeloinl664 Musk Teu an talon ed
AM 00
IVA win ho veld u
limy min be pared in the autopith ad6ltlo6 of
6.6l6l,whoicosp of ret• Id lWi
' kW LI • • si
F Ar46 . 4 , Fp i e . r ....Timm, of etste , Pen•
.U "O "Ptisl " C YEATIER,
grog YU.ty OS U 0 7 0•
..) . $ll • ,
PKOPollthlefl .ITd/11-,ih.LO*2l, - • • •••••
and Stle
vwMjlb mettles
na Supplement to an 'dee mended In Act to mete
Sinking. Petal • and. to
of firr alto gradual end
mumbi'Lmblathishreent of the 'debt yr the Cloaneoul
arse*. mate ,aathorisa'a hump epprethed the Odth
day of DaY A-D IFS; Provithth tollows.cist—
Berme 11 lint tlie Weather la hereby sathorised
Sit tregealafe. Slate fee the Ma: or. Three 101111.05
Throe Duna*, ThOntaad .Delbus., redeemable , sa
Odor years from the dale of the sabsetiptirolthenso4
'at a-rata of Merest• sot ens/watts four per emu=
per annam, imyable in gold scut silvernuany,
upon the find days of Febreary nod /aria of. etch
year,t'and exempt from emery epodes of isitatien.
Notice, that vrepowlefor said l
otswill be received.
Wall' be publiiked t newspeper ln the
Bettugh of , Harrisburg, la the eitlealoft leinsbargh.
Lancuter, and Philadelphia. trod is I b l v..l l,l ea of
Port, Bruton, and Babienerti for a period not less
Ulan threentornha lurfarstheopoithalcrenbrPOPmniar
sad by tenor eisesthere, If deemed necessary, aim
aped rho daywelgthed thatpetheW,la sich mew,
the propmlseMA he openedla the Prtseaeo of the
Goventer, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and
Audltai General,' and the 'lota shall be awarded to,
the highest bidder or bidders. It the amend of the'
bids Shall exceed the mem of the said loss the same'
shall be eitstributml Pro rata atomism the .highest
demi MOM ducwholn of said loan shall not then be
.taken the Governor may renewr.notieeto Q. moat% '
aforeiald,from dyed theme, tlit the 'strata eitovnt of
addict's shall- be .sabstribed.• Ne condolesual buds
sheathe coosideted; quad open atranling such
or any pan thereof, eartifiestos with evapsua for the
interest, shall be. Good therefor. by ... the Auditor
Seterrell it If tlittiTsstd Pan shall bet saliscribed, it
elan be and it ts hereby spyropelated fin OP payment
. and Laingnishmene pf the funded. debt of. this Cam.
toonirealth now dne, or to bertssoe dos, daring the
year *so tiUnsiad eight humtresi and Atm and forth.
Niemen' of the MD of,aighty Eve Moment! one hen.
' deed 'and. fottr.dollari Mut
_occ_ ei i g ht? elitt‘M hreen e tr d , dee
Ferl ' tl 'n l e
h mat thl,thg_4 A t
o'clock, P.M. of,Taceday, the felt dayef October
next, targeting for re loan to thaCommonirealth, for
!her pas:roses :set lank le the said tot: of the sent of
three millions three hundred thousand dollant,redeene
ble to thirtyymcm frost the dots of dui vsbeeittieret
thereof, at a tate: of •Jal, eScerratli.Pfellr pro
eent. nor steam, enable . gold and surer, smut
&nodally, uptin 'Ms lest 4. of Fenner/ and Mend
of oath yeari Ltd menu from 01171 Relne tex
- "!'ratiCatei of sock fer the Said' lase, With tenons
krthe intetestbelit be baited in tho usual Rothe and
made tranriereble by tha.Olalloir en the Ito° k.
Auditor Operetta Dettanattb ~„
The proposals will pe be rtqsited to steter expuctlY,
the ahanatt,ollared. which dell 001 ha 5107 cue be
Ina than one thousand debars, the rate of Interest net
exceeding lose per cent, and the premium proposed.
The State mserw the ari4 the whole or
any part of the sum offered molest e proposal. nip*
late tO the bowlful): ' ; ' ' '
Bide for the lean taut be direct and exPele•
condidonal pmporaia will be received. • .-
llport the acceptance °Mho FM... 1 1405 .301 ,0 1
must be pate Into the state Thaws, In edeh t 44 1 .01
...hall be directed by me Governor.
Cangemeeof stock will be lamed in snob amounts
as may be repeated by the lenders. '
Toe prepealle to be directed, 511151 seed, to ,this
other., cadence!, .Propeavde for Loon." They well
oat be opened or discloreacmil tho period for eerily
leg thud huh elapaid; after which no alteration in tha
terms Intl be admitted.
RUSSELL, Secrete., of the Combh:
Secretary'. Odic; Hansom, Juno 61141E5n.
Til ESOLVED by the Seats and Um" of Bepetants-
IL Mu of CommocoraWs of reassylvanot is Omni
Assembly met, That the Coasetfinbres Of OM CoMitme
math be treaded ot the snood maim of lb. Mks article,
Cthan anill rout as Altera The Judge. of the Suprema
oon, of lb. seeahl Coated' Comae elms, sad of mat
other Coati alleond asap or dual be atablisha by bar,
gall be elated by the qualified electors of On Commo,, io tn. saner wit: The Jthlgol of la
gdPmbl. Coat, hy the gortUsd doctors of We coooroo.
ran a lam the Temdmin Judges of the Weald Carla
el Corneas ray end alma othes - Conith *Mewed es am
a than Ile utalfinbed by law, mul all atm Jag.a requital
to he homed la the law, by th e qualified are of the
diaries orer what Oar ars to preside - or at et
J= " and the All.:41111 Judges of the Courts of C omma
Plus by the quefllhA carton of the comities reepollaly.
Th. ledges Of the Supreme Coon earl bold Asir othas
for the tens of fifteen yard, if trey anal so i lag belme
thmoseleirs well, theljeet to the *llama liemor..pre
rided !ter, ableß .
I to the Ira denim:o the Protract
Jag. of the ea Courts of Cameos Bless; and of .nth
other C.a. ef as
an Small be esteblithed by law,
and ill Mar Judea required to be Wroth a the law, ea,/1
bold tbeer others do the tem of tae year., if lay that so.
long bean themehes well; the Ammethm Jag, s of Oa
co les of Common That shall hold lair alas. for C..
Men. of Am years, if they shall m long behave thumbs.
lalli 0ta.110...m41 b. amuod,dooosi by this 0 . 0 ". ,
kit fo , soy nolatalds cow wash Mall uot 100 stabeimi
gromde ,for impala... at, thie_Clorereor she ll •remen ay
of them ms the edam. of two thirds of mesh breath of do
legislature. The first earthen elO/1 tek• place at' the
gmeral eked= of this Comenowalth Mot efts the .do
hen of this soradesent, and the coarotimions of all the.
Judges who may be then in clay shell expire crib* Ant
. Weary arDecember rayasiee, yam la arm of ea new
Judea Amu breilaTi.a.. The perm who that ma. a
.blected Judges of the Swum Coot. ball hold that *Aka
'aft Mom Dm of film for three year., me them. curt'
gio• tor eies years, me for ova,' yam Mt doe for AP eat
Yam; the am of carte to bit dodged by lot by the mid
{nano, es rim 1.941 r the canine ea nom -, and the re
ant certified by tam to lb. Unmoor, Mu the amotherime
may be Mena a accordance thereto. The lodge whom
..11111i•li013 Will Ant Gayle. Amnia Chief Jmnsee during
hie tam, ad t he .00h Judge_ whole toomiseion I
- first apes .hunts tom be tea Chief Jostles, Ma ittens or
more commlesoms Mill .spin et. the moo tley, lb. Jades
holdisg them shell decide by lot which doll be the Cast
leaks. Any maancia, appmeleg by drab, raignittion, or
Athavise, in my of the erg coma, Mall a b.. , bl i .P.
" roar lig lb. Chnernor, to mato till the firth m
ay of Deerstabersuraedlng lama gmenlekrilia. The
Judges of the Supreme Cart mot the Presideuts of Cm
maN Court. oftComo ru Platt thall,st osta thookrarim
We their torsion ea adequate coopmaties, the bon by
taw, which shall not be dietheish.A.A•rbeg tail amtimence '
Walla; but they doll eosin ao fea or pregureimsolothee,
nor bad say other eas Of pat nada this Camakeremellq
or under the gnaw...tit of the Coiled Stales, of say other.
State of this - Union. The Judges of Ilse Begrease Cool,
during their mamma in ofirks, shell tend. .001. this
Cgtesamentnin- and the other) daring OW" contme,
. 5.,,,.
are in toga, shal timid. erithie the &mkt or mono, her'
which Um were neyeaMely elated.
Spahr of the Ilona of Bapaantitheis.
lipeker of the Senate.
V”els austara, 221
Flo.roubars, Jan.. y tb3, .$
I, Nand W. Puma, Chief Clerk of lb. Sonata of
Peoloyietait, ielemby entity Meat. kortgotes emalm,
(No. w the tout. file of the Precut eeoticch) Witted
..I!..twhetio' • retain to so omendotent of the Cototitoliss:
boisc the 1131 reseal= which wool creed to btu toa.
jority of themothers elected to nob Hum d tka-last.
lova:Moe —attar batty tom duly eotoOdeivil• 'lie;
mood, woo this do? Kneed to by • majority ofeis suotbeeh
ohootool to and Hem; is the &mita of Peorojtvonie, al its.
protioo, tt appear by Weir O., the
Cool pomp of tho reeolutios, at m fonoap vett
lbw Toti io favar orate alb.. etiola,
11. Jones Br ng ooke. J. Parlor ihr•weey,. W Mine te= Chtbb,
Jovolhan J. Gosainerbsta, That= ii Porno%
Voesyth, Charles Frailty, Robert M. Frick; Remy Vahan,
Jobs hI. thureee, Milan Hulett, Ism Hurts. Timothy
Ivey JameJ
Y. am, Jeottph Kodraeber, Gooey V.
Leorrlnsoo, htuw.B bleCaslio, Beedotaue blame, Ben) wets
Mould°, Hwy' A. hinttlettemg, Wl:Nem' V. Poo ,Iter
Waliotall. Seabee, Datil Story, rebg B. gamy, Coats,)
Illuper,llabt,t C. 16 tterttl.Dotudatito, Farrbll. Binder,
Jobe Wallteroad Vatoothq .Bee.,Snkvo—Yere
lbw. Toltec aphast tbt panne ott rooehttiost veva;
aim, Dome, Marotta lbws, and /Oman Mai—
Nays 3. (Ellsset tilt .Itlntal,Li
I .
-' 10 Tun Roma Or Raraziwrierressa ;••• , 1
.i. r. II neaten, Iderth 14. 1.8141. • i ..
I,l4:lljans' 4adr, grief Ckrk btu Romer of Scow
R ita
Or P..n1111:64, do ily Ord the PI.
ci1,1,....rendr=1,114.1. Zan the Bente filc, sod
.. 10 . 211 cer
%Boa ritatlys b tu ...=l:rtttimitii4ithrt—it
leinc the wee pointr rehash we agreed toll =pity
of 44 oricabere 'elected'le each Howe of the het Leds,'
t hi s -alto haviseg Imp dely etiesteered end .dirrentedonse
Wk del screed t, bj a enaprity_of do comslegs *korai e n t 1
W perm he the Ham of Weprasentallere • ed . raaw3let
, .10. Rs penta section. ea tailll wee by their Pp
gin. on the Anal ponce of the werishoo,ne Woe% eft—.
Thou Ph g infirm of the pine ottheit*lntire wer,
Joke joker John Alrnoo,Wsillem Behar, Robert Baldwin,
David J. Blot, Crele BiddleileProirth Elick,,ohn :Se
Basra, William Briedle, Mehl IL B. Thoerer.leoreM.
Burin., John Onwei,liern CarcrelVehts Xi Cooperate,.
B,lTellet CrNienti, Bajamhe 0. Poid„Wallan J. Ma.'
bits, Jarmo P Downes, Thome Down Makes Voila,.
Wailes Espy, J elts C,. Emu, W illiaa tie.'. A. SOW
Riving Maunder B Feather, hop Fiorrep Benjwin P.
Fortner, Alesteadei Otaboop,Tboton B. Graf Joseph R.
Origin. Joeeph • Oorry, 'web B. Held 'Carrel IL
Dot, (ere Rut, Jobs liestilop Will !Mr
Jahn liar, Ilenry Ilapkt, Lairle Herihrd, J.
..hicksoo. .14kbeles Joop John W. Kinker. Char "IL:
Burled, lubert %km, Um-smi P Intrd. orris Ltweh.
Jcintithan D. lArt, Ow. Leotard. Jaen J. Lao* Hut*
Litiledoorts R. MCUrinselt, Joh, P leecalltak:Alermarder
0. Wetted,: Joao IdrUtorttlio.• Jan 31tI t ew' Beim& 0, Meet, Weisel hlopn,Jobalighir, API&
C. Motley. John t.ti Norris, W Naar T. klatien, Rib&
Moyle, Edina Plichloneir, hoot Idled*, maw ovkin,
John B Peckee, Jamb 0 ra.II,JIMI O. Rat, Jame..
Itber,.Leetie Roberts. r 341061 &biota, John B. Roth...
tord Morel W: IWO 114,' Thome C. Swears, Wiltient•
• Ittherroer.• Richard arrnee Bli - 11/1/P .V 1 Blies /Pith,
William A. BalkhDen4lM. BRUM, Waal& 14 8 00der,
Thome CI Steel, bola Iltmar r a; Merl. sp.k,..u r rA.
Isla C. Trone,AndreirsWede , Rebut C. Walaer„Thentee
Watare, Schley B. Wells, Rims At. iWilllares.' Dais!
Zerbey, end John ff: Najelsosot, altenlW- . ?
• . , Them voting ophett else psome of she etker ewe,
Aurigae R. Cerny, Astrid E. fad Th e Mt Porter—
Neyi 3. • (Rend Cando Jonnal.) -
n. 4 ar.a, is tirci. ."I"mta
A. W. BtIiADIOT,Dry. Sal efoomucemma
Paxton Manx • t • - ,
I do deity Oat Om. sham mad to
.r k tree
comet tat y 0. fighal retedelime ths Gavel Ao•
tenthly, mattilei Itmehation m imegnigint or
the Coestfesiloo," se the same mamba mi Ale is thee allot.
!Ursa I ham berms wt
hsed,eed sawed te be Wl* the mad the 8•10
••••••• Wee Off., Usnlthaere edema
Joto, , Anses Daudet am &mused tied Itaidt:ll/1
- • 111.1811ELL,Meavdary of the o
liaLdlserstehl •
le vrnotlia. j131111;11 11%0
1b2.. --- V the came boxes Wo
0011 the eo ""VaI r llla lama Leer:. : ..
ror ll,„° r.2l4ls.nualbe fallow sue,egc . ;,..
terno e "ii — e; comer _at WU , .. 1k.1.11!.. ..
.1 , 6it .7 go. M.. tot. ~ ' t b dthiell % ti
DI HOvud'oreaW"nle Lie. . -
V,. , bb tl,.., amnia , * ear . /CM; . :.. .-.
~ .....l itin 1 , Sg ii lig n ifZ b cen t
. 1 . - • of bumming
rilif"4""l?' rLi . i'Vsi 7, %-...itt.
..--.042,' .1; ........-....zer',...,
~t 7„,„„ that so
fat bum . s,tavuo'*ilauft;,lthlivitstc-.%061:..."..,
bbo—tettagan 'w "ZuhamPar2442
001OSit ie"l4-11:41 trn 1. 1'
. '
03 b the- 004a55.0,0 a
.1% :...cialn 0. -o .INILMART imialp...,,,
710.1C`SallSt 11.4,50 pk,, -i.... L'2olo,
I,:ti!lnil3 iiiCsrqr/Xii
' 5 t f0t; % „ ....,..".,--.,..,:,-.:...,'..-:.:
, 1. ,-41,,, ,y , , :.! ,:•._,,,-;..: i,..,
• --,,,,,g,,.-,:-.-: , 7-. , .f.....,. ' -,,,,,-.g.,.*-1.4,-.i.f.--;.,
. -
1 ~~ .
PROCZ 1 11 . 1 7 0 3: '.., rr
; :' . ',
: ' r '
rr .
- '. : r l
IC I 61V case arliblertil *l'6
a:111:1',11.11111%,?..t -,-,,, ':-:: , 15-: ,
Paler in back or Itmliv.stirialnla, obi sone, eattataf," : :1 , :: :, : 4
Noire, an. that they , Can be Wed by takiar they re. - -., - : ::;,_-,.
tntletant Tat aterialk about eta bell* a , tteetnutt. Illt , ".:!" '-.'., i:'.-h
--Insek as yob please,. bateldi don't:an make le
_-: . 0
re an:chain tn tin nee on. heriAsu cersestudrirsthisr,:k.t.' , , - . 7 ,t,.el
te his value. .hicirar, ;h4t contained:as Mt *bee ~ ....;.- t ,':::: •. i;
remedy. Theta= 11t0 ill neked - with rain sadled , '' , , ,, c - Ti., t :',,1 , ,1.
toms from dieter, Asa rot fifty . eclat, get land born' .."":, .::";;Oje , i
ear elf theme enennneratad 'above. , Benda! It ' -;c : - .;- - _ ••• 4 ., ; ,,,t,
nry little to make ll PUP .Ws Painted, btu sit:: ~ :".::. i. ~
usta—o competed, put ay ter *et Tituttruritursts tit aborated bitz....e.;:rt
irtil=h=fi but a dbabble r sar k leom the he! .-:-::-.- ".: ' 1 4 ?i;! : .
eorb orbit? mother berth bi its original - panty, and of '' ' '' , ',-' - f . ,,
Costa adeitog Incoiiliy . !t" Tay roman :a drebilto":2,...' 1
II tnt cored }Nes ilkr other tnedieno4 has. failed
to render any teliet7 It has carat liturasbatiam of 10ng.. ;
It hos awed Citelersiblorbas by one OT two.doecay It:: ;"; ' r"; i ' '.4
bee cured old eases of Itfurthez, Su which every ether "..:." ' :. -.;',,:.'.",,,..
reseed/ boa been Wile *WI. t 4 a local remedy, IS -",* - ':.'?- ',..1
barn anikamolda; that better than any osedicad cont.,.; .
wand be ohninant that we know of. !twill cure ail , : ..., '. it.,.." , ;, - !.
blaitto or foaled lest, bq A row ittgeettbusi Uthiel 2l4- ‘, , ""' '-: "; ~:14.- .
rasp eau tut Ihusblised of thei ttath contnined i ;',;:."..; ,:,,,,
in thi ebb's sir =bat by Wing on Raman lit. Fla, , t ~., , ...!,, , i4
Cute gesluOUAtanum er,rither of the arms.' , ; ;.',,.
...' -',.. 1 - .. - ,i ~, ,i
"(Meek Napoleon' cotter of Woad sental andi ;','. -..!--- .1,- ,.. ":,
lirityn , Aileyi R. E. Pa 1,
D.. A. El." - :. :'...:, ~.rt..
not & P.N. CaterfAliceataY Nth nr• ' ll Pi 'N . ''''' ' ' i -
, ~ • ~ [ 1.,,, , , : „A....
'AVAIL AND MASAO 1,. - . ' ~..,...„- ,-, 5- .".7"
ride 'Wrist Italthilast• Iliteeerwaki dis Ilaiwr , --.- ''''7. , ',"'
'coral-41We. Renady roe ittoPlteiti_ 1 '.. .2 : • r ,' 'i l
Tsit.D. P. DROWN'S colebnued , Ntemal Awe- '-. -- ,' - --. 1 .1.- - 7 ,- " ,
JJ can Remedy Dth the Plies: kalt 01ze.7 proved '4. •••.. ',"-- ~ -*
ithelf 19 boill• ent7
of cll.', /thrilled to le. -,....". •••;:i - --ifil
pablk.. Since tbe,thscovery of tidsnrithaablo medicine, i •-...,. -,- 1,,1'
and th e large' made of extreme ease. with which- z' -. -- , , .'"i.. ,,
Dr. Brows has tree:edible. Ins felled to ba °adrift" -.• • • - - .f
cued.. Dante the o f bull.' bms :a .
months ind.yeare af c lay
ny, ha. too Often • . , ... ± i !..." ,- ..,,...1.,
left th e patient where *or • or wariet i. ' '.. . i fj., I.S
but after • few days Wth dechla SAO Me 7 efUlelDiff '. i - : - i . : • ---"..7 - : ?-
deer tare, -
w CminsAl a nut enter. nth a labored ar- ..: -'-- .- -. ~-..,,
gement to prbye lay_siclleinc. lintrodassi. open Its ,'
~,,, c. 4
sown Writs, Wy U. itifect.}lplend IlLeholl stand or lOU , ",- ,- .. ,- .''.41,4, .
11 , j i tsz i .lll:=Zeitllle,tli: t.b i lllL to Use - . , 1 .. - !...'.. ,. ,
tweet, Haffele, N. Y. ' ..• - i-.:. ' 7 i
Dilid WkomemittleAd tetall tiy,, _' ; R Il" SELLERS. . ..,../..,.,
. 7 4 • i or Wane fa. i :-. -.. ~ :, , F
7.eig.l: — .lLiin 8U1V5110.11. OMPLUJIGs ,
~;-....." \,.; '''
fn e Pa 41i
or.-tntrZatltl Y ,:: - .- •-. ' 1":- 1 .'
• ..„..• ,_. ii.j.....-ri,.,.. , ., .f; .,. - L '.... - •',.....'-' . ::::,...i.
•• - • • , 1, , •:. - -':ii..• • 4111',IINItt'1,;'::1<re71. -: : ~ •- : •,...,:5
1 v,,i,i.....--,,,•• ,pro r anien o cad bonder dome lima .. • - . ~.,-;-- . - t igi
I • l
..,e . f ),;; 51 1 . ; \ lilifl i gt ` th i ;Pg i fl!, ' ,=tf:g u rt ;: . 11
1 jrt, ,:..??. .4 ;,..,, taviai pnvata Lard . delicate coca. ; :
0;• ... ' • ''Vn i tc 4 e ` rl7lt a ce 'L 'pec 'il id siTy a culd ult rvi •• ; . ';.; ', '-‘ 1
.. ...N ; . J ale.. Ilycsysasalloossly d Cycled , _.i ... - t f.'.. , -:0
to many 4 mimeos of Maio complaistSidannoapp. l
,; • i' -,....1
time he hos had more prathee and has cited moth ps i ':. . . ~... , ~,,.
tads than - ean ens WI to the lot of not private me-. • -'., .: -': t; .'•,lq
titioner), amply
. qoaltfas hen 1. , offer, manse. el i' ' --:, • , ..., - -..ty,.
uad,r,r.........9.4d satishetoryOure lb all afflicted , , 1".- ~ ., i O,-.
with cleats diseases, and all discasvcartnag Metal ~, - - ,;, , ,,1
nit. liana sVit'aid Infonl L tlolia ifillitil irlla ' plivats' ' 'Z'.,l
diseaws ...blob have become -.reale Wert time or eg.' ''''''-'...,
caviled by the eat of say of the. contemn nownicas of
day, that their complaints cattle thdictilly smith.:
eaghly.oured; ha !myth" ammo his earefaliamentkin to
the treatment of seek cases, and cacereds le hundreds
of instances La cluing parsons of Inladition . or tea'
tact of the bladder, and kindred discrete. which olive
remit from those case a where others bake . consigned
them to hopeless de.polt. ' lie pasticalatly timte• roar ,
a, lava been tear and annetomfolly wasted by othens
to commit him, when eyetT saitsfeetio•will be grain
them, and their eases treat. In a earefailherough ems
intelligens manner, pointed aos , by I? experience,
mady,end larestlyawan,whichitts im bleier then
enpeed to =en] anti:Vivi - of so elms to it to
toe nlase of ale., -i.:
117Harala or Repot:rt.—Dr. Brown also 10.100 pot , '
eons litho. with Hernia to call, es be has paid partley
else attention to Unseat:ass +• • , • ~,
, CANCERS also eared.- _ L . 1., , '
Skin &seesaw also U ii,ralaliata..kithisn•7• ll :nd
N. Dallinsta of either sex livings; a elelefieklb7
radar their disuse to writley, ftiviny all thasymp.
loam, can obtain medicines with dmectioni for we, by ,
tuldresaitift-T. DROWN, 11. D,W Ppst 0 1 4 ,7 ,..d =On!
VA S. t• OR -*Olameind e11e7, 0 77 0,1 4 40 . W " til,
I Rm nionnol7r.D r ewane'tat newl y
adriel o d rcred milt
ay forßheiMatimi t•ithy and ~ •
ninety for
, thaty , fullteaktit...lt_novegalls. 1
- -
ea aid Private C....clues :ROomA No. (5 Di
lend ttll.y PiaebbtdbJPs. TheeDoelerle always
no ' ,Dint 0.1010
A NEW .remedy
discaveredin the Vegetable ,
AXlinjdinn—it into and penm re en% Cu for all
Shaam lnflammat Co ory, Clitrunirs..! Septa sad Mercurial ' •
Ebenmuism, Gout;lannbego; .
• Spinal Afecticors,lte.i•
Tutu medicine bet load beoo ronght too. It hie been
said that ithesosithen could not be trawl; hut there is
a remedy designed by nature for theenroof even caw , I
mho that the Immo avatars to aablect to. At Malan,.
Addy - ban been foam that careslthenaatism of the •
arirrAtbruh.-orte of the moat valuable .vegetable Fe.
deetious or the earth--the vastest and nsost important • -
discovery or the age, and a wondered blessing to the,
human family. It muss without sietehhtg or debilltav '
troy, and renews elivength and vigor to the ma., • . 1.1
tem. It has corellj dunes the past three months, aver j
too cesoa that were esowidered incurable, •
Certificates of the enrollee properties of this meth, •1" ;
clue cue be seen by nulling en the /lanai.
None pacine nalrosYnit up with arkenavaved label .„
opos the *betide l wig", signed by the propriet.o; R
Sold by U. •
comer Third and'Etarket at, Pittsburgh., • -
'Sold also by' U. PI THOMAS, •
„:Nis IPS Main sh.Cincinnul.. 0
Mininellioll010.201 317 • 121 :7 111113 SCIOD
Reword* or Lag's BlteguatistayObodaate Cuts-
neon Dustpans; P plus et Paotalea on the Face,
Matches, Hiles, -Cluonin , Elotaltrel, lint Warm . - F • • 1 ;,.;;; - ",
of Teneri BeWMad:Sainte= lad Palma > o '.',` 4 . •
the Hones sad John% ttunt.,llbrang,lgE e k im iltid ti .
; • ;;Hratuana, Subt
Wes or Drum; TZCeerm, art Lk
Also—Cheaula ConatituttanatDburrdets, te.
Inedleinh ban • aequiredsa Teri extended sod " '
erteblished .replutrisa. whenever it ,bas been used, !,
based tuttnaly on its own Merits, which It. eulferina .t
seesof.lass alato restabled;, The anforpante Thai= ,
of bereduarr.dlieue, with manna grand., etmtraeted
strums; sad tames butt cations, Las been restored to
bealth and ;Tiger: 'The.serofuleue. rdientr t
with alCus,lnuthsosos to hiraself and bre stuandards.
has been ands whole. Hundreds of persons, who
bad groaned bopelesalf for years under cutaneous
lad tglandalatrders, ekrouto trtttunatiani; and
mar, other compbatata enHartind. HO* dererVineUt
of tbs's:cattle* turn u?ri.trutt,clHan, trr? beta
I •