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' - N ..- - o , .--. 3 .•- 0 7 . „ ' 1850." x •-•••• .••.•, ••= ruousii BY • WH i7rE; • a wen. sarrri Ict ZIOCti, kat DWI THI ,• • • : • Ills 5: Darr. . . _ pa • -- , VA O per aziAirAi ..... , Witkly, In advance) •-•• COO DP, .oCabs, sta nod am: ILA 7 CS ov an • -ivristsco •, AGREED AlkON - • !I* TV ID PITTIVIVIIILOTI One s.mete,(l o lines of Nonpareil. ices) , ens I i5erti0n..........«••-•••••• ••••••648.51/ One fq. rer re, each ad ditisnal ineeplom •• 0,15 D . wet ••,•••••• ...... ••• 1.73 Da. two ddle three ••••••••- 4.00 ltto. erre 5,00 (Ito. t 9.00 •• • Pc. three months-- • four menthe ..... --••••*• 10, f 0 Ilet. atemonthe.— • Ines months•••• • • 'Atm... - Standing Cud orles.l Per enatem• . ' OneSquare,chanyeaLle atpleseare (per an. num) exclusive of the p a per. --- For each additional square, ,leased over one month, and tel etteh additional edam. looetted,ltok"" "' L .' I 1. ,17 rate{,l , elf price.' , • spat Admniscromos cleaning a ',pare, and at ages fifteen'lloct, to be charged as a inmate and • belt , Publishers not eceeentable for legal edvetm Ats beyond the Lemont charged for date pahaention. Announelng candidates for oMee, to be charged the same as other advertisements. • Adverilsemeins not marked oo the cape+ for a sped. bed number li= l acertions, will be continued till forbid, and paymenel /tear& • • Tie to of party adverumrs will be confused rigidly to their regular enable., and all other adv.. anonym riot pettang terheir repine basineu,•as agreed for, to be paid eXtrli., • All; adrerthemente for eiterimbla toeutedens4e , ward. townthip and ether public met Lad each I tee, to be charged tulip/ice, payable oleic 7 advance. •• ' • Marriage =tires to be armed ria cents. Death mance, torgemed withootchatmoudese Meow pealed by (suers! Invitations or obituary notices, and when so ageotaptaied to be paid for. Treplutif termer. and otheneendlag cornem nicano., or requiring noliceederiped to call erten , I ttoo SS lairs, Conceni, or any pallid enter. taluments,where charges me made for admittance - 1 . all none. of privete .asaogintieee-ro.efl..otic. do' trod to cell attention to ptivete elnerpne es calculi.. or mended to promote individual Interest, call 0n... ty be Inserted with the understending that the s ism Le paid for, If Intended to be melted la the, cal column,ahe stole will:be charged at the rare of not less than 10 cents per Una - RithopFist Notice. to be aerial - triple price, TIMM Lice n Petitions, In each. aft Legal and Medical advertisement{ to be chsrged . fall prices. Real rotate Agents' und e r stetiencers' adverrim menu net to be elatedyeariy noes, bat. to be allowed discount or thirty three anti °nettled percent. term from Me amount of bill. • TILIAMin't 121 pea: meow. , hog One goitr weatet e, MS. Intenione• ••—••-• 1511 wro Vs, each additions) Insenian... :7 ,7-- anvalemitactsslo wuart . • One Zinarc, (le rater.) one .osertion•-- 50 Do. eauh additionelsmseetioo ..o Z All transient advertisements to be paid Median.. WHITE P. CO.Git=ilo. ' • I..litotrEl, Po, ' . RO J lIT St.-RIDDLE. ournal-L. JAhItSIP. BARR &CO. Ch conies: • F7,9TLIR nnovitaLkrp.t.u. rc JOS. KNOW ORld, elertury, 3 a k • V i DIDDLE. Anent.. 111901 DIE, Evening Tribune. PrIITSC;GH, the. 1,1E47. CAIUDS. lIPI A. vmuciar.scor, IierLDEILMAN, Fifth AVattl, Penn street, between 011 s and %Velnut. All business promptly la. tona ed Mg_ ALkXAIIDCiiWAT SON . , TTORNEY Al` LAW-06a, ou Fourth lONA .1 0 : I A shove Wood • . win DAVID O. TUTTLE., ATTOILNF.Y AT LAW. and Doman.lnman for Pennsylannia,SL {Anil!, MO. : •. All eamannucalloniproaptly answered. John IL Lug. Waa.O. Friand: L /UWE /6 MIEN% A T.TORNEYS WOW, Fannliart<LacarGram . A JAIIIES F. x 11.9, TIOILNEY AT LAW-4"/Meei tin Fourth siseet, Abetween Southfield and Grant, Pittsburgh. , • _sPIP 2 4Y ISenjainin Pattou—l— William , Balmy." PATTON 11A.K.111WKLL,, TTOSNEVS AT LAW-43fGen in Tilittoodt,tu, A G r t r ;. ATTOILN 7 P.V and Counsellor at Law, and Commis sinner foe the State of Penusylvania, !Ina* Me g (late of Plug borgb.) • n - itef motes —Plusburgh: Bon. W. Forwent, luny , tan A ' Sdiller, ZiPCandless NleOlare, John?. Parte,' !livens &Sernile, We{l. - 4CI W. If . WOODWAID. BAGALEY, WOODWARD A. CO, Wholesale Ora cow act stiyhiladelOhla. sai ---Pitu.barch Worlice. DEMI ETT. & CO, Monufactorers of Soda Mid Adk, Ikcocldn.d ro Muriatic omo Sulploatie IVorehogie. —, Walei attect,below Ferry. nerviS.lT " . 7 4-70rEiCurauft. tiemte Reiter. B"ltTetnn.e'r=htlt'yl'llltaer sßel,igtt: bunCtrel, .14 SOLOItION SCIIOIMU, OUMISSION METtCHANT,Stock and Dill Drat. c!,li 0 !Id Wert. maTi-dIY Thicinassiss sFilpg. dales Sisal, a... i . . Works. nOtAMA, II AlLDlANManufactgress of V Coach and Itllone Spnnas, lisamered'Ailes, Boring lmd Plough Steal, Iron, An. Warehouse on Water and Front streets, Pin.barKl,.. Also, dealer.' in Coach Trimmings, and filaUel 030 bLe _ . John . er.il:. CAWA SKINNE.R, Porwardinz and Comutarton _ Inex_hanla, Market si,Pgnsburgt, A. cm4uL ? FAbc:rig; reiß%-r;Cif boiesale Gtoccr,Cmoub.lot• an. kJ- Forgratding Merchant, No. 41 Wye? an 4 I tillerse4,—.--M. 11-17--,—m..Flerninig ..... IL K. Flaming. nlitilSlier, PLEVIING 0 CO.. CO2lS.VN,lkmlEragtiT4-.27 t 0: s , aLo Olt all %Inds of Tallore 7trlmmint, do lt7V , 00d at, 40. door from Fifth; Pittxborgh. • Refereote.- lease. Wm. A.llll & Co, Danboro. }anti MM. tr 31.3.14 . 0M '101,101.1811.1c. lVirCßlT,:(lato English, Gallgshog rj 4 , Co.) Wholesale °toners, Clownisslon and For grngdsag hierebnov, and deslrrsin Proineo.and Mtn. bargh KiIdUCCIVITtff,P:O:37 Mood st,betsgeolvdd end ,ORWARINNG CONINISSION DIERCIIANT A: No tkoonil 2r. Waelnd! "oui;rsor to Nana?' & et and Corrantuao. 'Nomur, for the solo or &aerie= Viroolytir, °prone 6th at. (t 617 a..7.11 , 31[ 1 . 1 . MA) & nUcuriIMALO, pbuidia. :atm A...omottort W , • , obacclll o Commuuon 110. Ghazni, 41 No W ON? it, & Nonh Marva, r.romr. k Co.. and to Atwood, aonle.t&jCa.) Camansmon Fatar:arding ME!. shams, dealers Pittabrsb anuractarad_._92ods, Viaabarib, Pa P6l'l IV t"aUcta t a rt • d El n i o t 6 o l J PORTRl Vo Val rrll M aow4h e o u nLn ri 4 par 611110. a" £ ll lllloBand Vap- Lw.'dapa"tEl:7lvi"e pinilt 7tci. ,:Mburbbt tdteat Diamond • `"" Rai"' vy r b . z od „„„ South td 91 I !! I .7, d Merbbsi"4 1F.N.7 Wl' St, Pittsburgh. Illutart erATAI moo. • normal Dicta, ni, TBAIAII 181C6rit dr. Ca Wholotale GIOCCITS. COEI. Uhi-9 gt..r in 4 &Alm . ' la Prodnoo;Nos. 6o Winer. Ond NR Front Meets. Pitolbnr(b. • • ,novB tea • .."—• • • ..^...104ep1a 't WON, T CO Wholoale Ureter., and 0 . 1 • Manta ler Hazard reorder Co., No. V 7 Woad Yinsbeett. ; . - • • WI TrilldriaWN9FNli,tinrrtfoimbenht7 • e/S No.ld Kerte{ et, three doors above Third it. PAW bye , . will Mee canttontly on band a well selected hi immense( the best And fseehese Bleateleesorttlett will *ell on Use most resmonable tams. reyeicians sending modem, red' be promptly attended to, and air?. plied with ardetes they may rely noon ma meoulne. - remo in% Presoriptoms vrill be acciratatlil of end ""1/Pr.P4re4 frond* beet malarials, at any ba be ayer melt, t. • • • Also for sale, a largo stick of [nab end good pee try: Commlr 1 -17 r gion and tor waren,' id e echent, and arbolesale dealer in Western Reser.* Ch•ese,, Deter, IV et and 1 Ash, e n! Western PrOatlee genera ur. Water wee betwen fpaltlifteld and Wood, Pstubersh. aM., • • yAnd tap imbue,. • . • 'L4 °. :ViTcida a " yD,wboi.o. 41, hlereunto, and Dritlere in Prom C, f o nd amnia tiaildinaa..frenntt on Liberi7,Nv , 71;4 SLO strece, TOlrriWATT,(xiteeeesor to Eera . t C'e.bbar GU/elf and Cornedeston Mereh.... *Orr In Produce sad Pittehntla n ion nr. r aer of Liberty and Hand meets.4 nt - . rot tha Lakt — PEr . ta o na •-•• ')llehtaan Line to heaver and the Late.. .15 r on the corner or W.114f and Pmithßeld i.4 tr:Co:- - 7 9 aen ssore jai:Will Ib:IV:MS. a I.l.,ehwas -• Ag,nl. 'of the tie. Louts liteant 6 . a w l! nary, No. IS water at2.22' front *mete. ripsn • v.o: .-- ' - "X - • 1 . - -- TV/tot i Dr* S tV1V,),;<!,1,t;,;43 ,, „,,, "" I,r , ...'----- Errzr - 'L" ----- "r -------.5., 3d t. . 4., 1'..,_51L... dit,;,,,. ! , 70.g h 'ilitLe;r , l , 4.'..i.z *4.0 g " oMptly to 11.3ollccuons, .. Wulairlll4Faystis -. 111.0 WWI eotuattell, V EFER . TO - . ' : gilLanifelt, lkli k. CO, , • • ! Church E. en:others, "trlttsbaroA. •eladt, D. T. Itlo 1-4,t1. , r ,IRATS-B..Dilf.t. Ratater '" • 0 la Susie and Musical Instruments, h.I Boos% I , ' ;raper, Stmts., StePeas , W Fr, Qulthylhiointe Sr, Clads s.lO ... tionsry 4enerAgly,tio. 81 o.:41 ...ariu,,bEgh. Va . . gp , Stsp livacti a tolcca is WA* P 914 BUSINESS _CARDS. ARNOLD .St CO.. DEALERS IN EXCOAACIA, COIA, DANK AOTAA, y o wl greet, Peet door to the Lan et t of P ita e2l4las ..• putour s h tun& _ lER & Jur', v o ,ang and 119:nmissl.ort m td . er• B•sin, pear rat st. Dimmed arlll.l__ r-r. 5 SILL.PITTSDIIOII. KE„r°4l,'Ziari t alot & rpet Chain, //kited. C. W. Rickman!. Pm - a - burgh. s iu.olt. RIeKETRON, Wholesale Grocers, and lm fled of Brandin. Winos and B.cars, Nos. 179 and lA, comer of Liberty 1.214 Irwin streets, Poise barer, P. Iron, - NODy Cotton Yarns, 'to. 00 ape eon. awry et:ll.nd. John GIIMOM James D. ?Weill. Welter e. Roe B.l..RoE,Wholesale Grocers and Corona. DA sten Merchants, No 191 LitinnT 84 Fillsbnrgb tirrdarkatio-111Fs—,,ItTifelillqa AND AXLE FACTORY Mao Mass. -000 w P. Rowe. JONES IA 4VOICIG, IILIANTFACTURESS of spring and blistrt steel, MA. plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and clip ntennga ‘ haminered iron axles, and dealers in 0001 te.lht ensungs,ftre engine lamp. and coach trimming. Dullerldly,comor of Rim and Front as., Piusburgb, labia XV • HOLMES &SON, No 63 Mar ket 11. sec and ond door from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign Domestic WM of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Sped.. 117•Coleictioes made on all_ the principal cities laro_ C - S boat the United " • trIASII734 ALlgayszt—HCfiee, Fourth um third door above !rainfield, south side. Conveyancing of all kinds don, with the greatest es Wand (cosi accuracy , Wes to gem Estate examined. Am 0ct3 6 .11 vifin - .1.8 a Co., ANUFATURERS 01 , GREEN GLASS WARE, 11J0.117 Marketstreet, Pittsburgh, Pe., keep constant /I ty on hand, an: mace to order all kinds of Vials. e. Potter and Mineral Water Conies of su perior tpmbry. Particular attention palate Private Mould. islitlsowrapttle IlLstanollsltsttotas WU. tiellUelthlANN , Third ot, °Pro em the ir e O Pest-OSee; Pittsbamh.—Naps, losalseaoes, Bill. heads, Shotrbills, Labels, trehiteetoral mot Machine Dramogs, Ihminem Rad Vkiling Cards, fro., engraved or anted on atom, rind piloted in eolors, Gold, Bronze reaso orlllsek, In the st army:mad style, and at the most nable oneesmo .• _ _ 0131N-ON,LITTLF. te CO- o. 1.921kbe ny street EPiusbursh Wholesale Grocers, Produce arid mission March..., Lad deniers lu PiUsbursh itanufse Urea aplr 11..T.~Qp. LlTrti- WC- It. 10.1ianson. OBERT MOORE, Vt holessie Grocer, RC.. IYog 11. Distiller, dealer la Prodoms, Vauban, h lanarse =ref, %El; al l kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. II Liberty street. On band • eery large Mock of superior old Pdonongshels wairkey, anil be sold lost for club. 44 lIBTFOLDIL L. L. SHIM SUER. PORLidltiff and Commis- R, alert Numbs:as, for the Allegaeny River Trade, teeters In Grocerlea, Produce Pittsbur,e, faunal.- cures, sod Maid° of Limo. Too b rags. price, - Pennsh. patd at all times for GOLITITY rags. Corner and harm at, ent9 jOBERS D&LZELL & Ca, Wbotirseert, Commirsisn blerchanti,dertlers Pr e sence and Piusbarg6 blamilizares, Liberty street, Pittsbun, aprk_ •n. A. CIIANIIIOIII‘I I . 'VETDOtruli ALE GROCER, Produce,al tsburg Forwarding . VT and Commission Merchant. sod er in Pure bargh 51Lanfacturcs, No 3.V Liberty tr De eet, Pith, Pu OMR. HAIPPMPrECOT-r and Sort Workaanufacturent of Am. D. Soto: and Plough Steel. Also —Springs, Axles. Vices, An ke. 'racy invite Dm attention of moretooma and consorters to their rock Woo purchasing else where. The/warrant their snidest* be coo to any \Plitt& Wholesale Desk,. in SForeign and VnittlitiC Dry Goods, No. P 3 WOOS: SIXOCL apl7 Cj A Vro - ol Merchants, Dealers 0 to Float . and Prodnce generally, and Forwarding and Commisaion Merchants, No. 53 Water street, ?inshore?. pt: , atutti, ern,,-rao DWRIL•sm. SF LLEWS ' MOW?, Pro , :nce .d Genctal Com- Letis•i-na tlerehanis, 'AD. Liberry etteth I it ,- burgh- , vt+orocroau,Linspeodkalri Lard Otlz - i pl7 S • ten. PO trin ki g and Comm lX? • l' f ' arTeTi G .ta , Decker in Pittsbutalt fdana'actaves and Wendt]. Produce, bare reszaaved to their near warehouse, told !muds) 36.0)T11. of Front Street and Chanter) , apl7 • 110HADI TEA AND WINE MEE.CHANTS, Enitlidayiainand,lnlinrtn. 'rat L. S. iCtefllle n••FLN.Wsterniat • •AC.B. Waterman. WATUARLAN SONG. WHOLESALE. GROCERS,: Commission and For warding Merchants; dealers in oil Lads of Pro dace & Pinsbutris Manufactured ArLie,; anJ Agent. for dale of Richmond and LTrichborg Nanufactorcia .Tobaceo. turi • WK. TIMBLIN, • ATTOILAZT AT LAW, Butler, „Po oho attend to collections lad CI other hull- Wcrammed tObito atalet and AZIEStrOng coanties, Pa. Ada to J. & FL Flyd, Lamy at. W. W. Wallace., do Junes !Umbel do / PittsharAh. du Any a. Cr, Wood rt. l r.o - - - S. B. Madam ld• • • • • . • .t ;come Richard. A. 111/SUFIELD CO., VVIICII.Etsa LE mad Retell Ifriders ILI ierollo ll . IT and Dry Goods, and CemmisMie, Merchants, N0.2J0 Liles st, ittsbarsi,_ JOLIN MoVADMIII 6 CO, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MIOICIIANTS, Caaal Desln, Pena street, Plttsborsh. etre _ PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, . TV Mark. and 64 Commerce et., Philadelphia. made,by either a the above,. consign `mama of trodo cc to u tter J.D. W .`Jo hn USA. WROL&4ALE RETAIL FAMILY OROCERS, Forwarding end COGIZiOI. Merchants, and dealers in Corur Produce and Pitubargh Menefe c . tame, earner of Wood and Filth strecu, Prnabstrgh. rarttO • • az. WAG H. WILLIAJOB & CO., SAHEEICI AND EXCANG BROILERS, North East homer of Wo H od sod Third streets, Prrrsocsoh. Fa. J• 211 ' 101111 cosouvs, vr..ll. , Kranpoadwasn, ll",ru W.ALIGT. tIAttLEYA Groceo,7ll) . It --------- ---------7--- toftlt D. WICK.. . Wrti, CADDY... WICK tr. 14,CANDLESS., (wanton fo I. a J. D. CLlZlOndoT:inrderonTl4=l l :, fa Zs, ' Cotton Yarns. and Pato, sig ht annfactup, general. 17, coma al Wood and Wulff atroots, Taubarah. "anti lAT --- fc ts:-miTeit-Erfirtex,- hotnale , ~ , ,:,,:ilru i LizEi zilf g o s i . 4.,Lizi:3 , :il t elocchl. log Powiey, No. IGO I.lserty street, topposlto /3,xtb I______treet.) Pinabofltb. ___---••-- --- .—"l7_ Ur W. Witlcoli, Wombed', JoareDTlSll•of W.,. T T .• and Military Good.; corner of Market and Foorufstracts; rttitblintit, ra• N. B.—Watches and Clocks carefully repal rro_________--------11.17 IFItF l: xvVol) Meer . i P l ' "Ihe y1”3•1 1. ; '' lA"— ^l43lberti &c WK. INOCIIMIZON. fIOST. IeCPT.IIO,7I. tc_gi I I! . II " t3 CU P T L I3T , I'MIS Y /M.701/11,"rti Ptltsvargn Plannmetors'geenerslly, laberty ital 7 111CILOICia &&INTEL°. °MEW. COMMISSION MNRCHANTS, --1'1111.0 113,111.0. Cin,Ldeeral advances made on consignment& laaladca l'ArillitV WILSIN, Portrait and Miniature PILIDIZT. Rooms, earner or Post Mee AVey and Fannie street, ammo° on Fourth It., near ?avant deerLdtf 4. 8,..1. or O 4 Oomao.lnlon 0.. Fltd sigr3octrlMrtn lO'f i=lit's'Ogen'iolitro;r• ng brandkortneh _they ofa!,for sale au nerd, cote! : rt T: et, co., I..=lien J'lnt7l%,ego,(ll::: AlejMit- Trlfe. Yult:riZiitA:l3!:Z:VralolniatVirc; In east • and cases, omeeted unth earn byJobn Durand &To; besides Champagne Wine end Sweet Burgundy Shirt,- _ fe br•_!_y_s___ gresarlila r tfdig"g i f,r g,g with -I Ulu minZinleVssg, I ' lett 43, from This date ha carried on under The name of “Ibbn Porter *Co.* March Ist, IBS* JOIIN-FAR6F.R. ----. • Villiam Carr. R." PlaiiriAlilifill. .ii IC CO., ' Wfialesnio Gsvars. Peelers in Prodoce.' Farago Wino. Liquors, Old hionougahrLs and Rectified Whiary. N. 5. Commercial Rose. Liberty street. 4 _ erted, Nash. P Os.TLICILAS War*. 'town. 114.1. A. itii:l. liii reLaig, 1011,1101& do _CO., lat,A,lS'"r.., "JAAMlii4tlt R.Co.) eak» a/ sa• Foreorn and Domestic - chame, Certificates of Deposit* Bang Notes, and Bpecle-Nortb west earner of Wood and Third streets. Current money received on deposite.-Sight Olean for al i nes and collections made on nearly all the principal to aud Stm The iditamit es. pm:Limped for Foreign and 61213110. 11 "111101C0- 100.46 J r eonsigrunnnts of Produce, ship fano.* iloso led En. 46- rots. .WYL. a. Sectrao.l ,- • WIS. A. 311,01.170.43 i CO., ORODENS AND TEA ove D Wood EALERS, • No 256 Lam arta, ab, 01,..,n1" .117.2"d1;!.ifb'Vt:Vgo,Torrif;nenTriful No.,' I,4'noatessiti ...d Betail. Dealetseshpplied o[l.ltir supplied 0417-1111 , MARI 00000 p. H WlWlTAl4lansfactarcr o f all kinds of est • ten and sroollan ain.niery, Allexhenl City, r. Tbs. above works being uow ir, tail ....0....ru vi. emu. I am prepared AO aietata rears nnta ntßatch Cot all linda of inaeliinerl M.'S bans?. _ d• rh0 , ... ickino,rksder., earnoMind-n ,r.5".......t..Y., drawing (roma% .p.eatut *lama, bons.', woelea cards, doable Of {lngle, for atarebant or tauntry soft, M.1.41."1.4tiaa and WO lathes and we!. in 5. MI. All kind% or shafting made to webs, nt pis. ay. ars 'for searing factories or mills at macisable chngl: Huss 10.-14IIStady Childs 110 . 10.sPi ddIMPO I VPI j a col Kulp comma 4 o•.,pi! , A. yrs)) • MISCELLANEO I A. ra wcnimyr, n.l ra. PrISTIMVIS.T, A.-WESTERVELT 44SON. A - XTELL KNOWN VENITIAN rum) MAKERS. 11 keep constantly on hand or make to order the best article in their line, at their old sand, No. Id St. Olaf r street; also. at No.fdi ?dark. street, second story, canals. tn the Diamond. Vendian Shatters node to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. aplo ?BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEENSWARE aIItNUFACTUR.F.II.B, . Strmatagttarn,tatoux Plitsbiarrila,lPa. og., Nu. .31 Warr a; dermas Marker and IVoot, Patskergit.' WILL constantly keep on hand . . good •Itl.oll . meat of Wars; of our own manolacture,and superiorgealny. Wbolesale and country ?de• dtals are respectfully invited to call and ex. mina for theroselses, as we are determined to sell ehaapar than h balers been oferedto the pub Ile. llrOrders amt by malloseeompanled by the ossh or cod reference. will be promptly &vended to. mre -._---- NEW COACTI PACTORY, et.munixer. MA. WHITE & CO , would respectfully inform . the public that they have meted a shop on Lacock, between Federal and Sandasky streeu. '1 hey are now making and are prepared to receive orders for everry deeeription of vihiclea,Conehet, Chorint'n, Ba roaches, Buggies, Flumes, At., the., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, width., reedlike they have,they feel eoundent they are mantled to do work on 1110 most reasonable terms with thaw wearing &nide. In their line. Paying particular attention to the infection of mete dale, and having none but competent orkmen, they have no hesitance in wewnnung their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. D. Repairing done in the beat manner, and on the most reasonable knee. . 0 11. 14 MIL • _ SOAIFE & ATKINSON, Ti) arr., tinware Worm AND tilsuarr, Plrrastraan, to manufacture all kinds of coprEft, 1.../ TIN AND SHEET IRON WAIT. Also, Mack smith Wotk. Steam Halos built to order. Special atte.ion given to steam boat work. Have on bands a fine moon:motor Copper and Doom Kettles, Tin Ware,/se.k.e. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Sorge., various sizes—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, Carder - eta emigrants, or rail road companies. We would respectfully krona stem boat men and others ID Call sod roe our articles and prices betor• • rch sodas el srabeni trl7 W. 6. J. OL&NII, Book Binders. TUE Ste Mal engaged in the above business, corner Iry of Wood and Mad Weeks, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work In our line with dem patch. We attend to our work permineilly, and aatim faction will he green In regard its matters and du rack Boots ruled to any pattern and bo.d sub. Book. in cambers °rola books &wad 0 .50 telly or renaired. Nein. put on books in gilt leters. Those that have ward in Out line are invited to all. Prices low. „„ mytletf Pitt Illaelatae Works mad Foundry. es. TORN WRIOIIT & Co., are prepared to build Cotton sg and Woolen !ambit:ma ocevery description, such as Carding Machines, Sphmang Frames, .Speeders, Drawing Frames, lluilvesy Rends, Werner& tipeolers, Boosting Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, &e. Wrougbt Innt Shafting tamed; ail saes of Coat Iron, Path. and Hangers of the latest pat:urns, slide and hand Lath., and tools of all binds. Castings of every description fumbrhed on shoo notice. Pacer. made . 14 order for Mill Gomm& Iron Ruling, de. Steam Pipe fog hem. ins Factories. Cast iron Window Sash end fancy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. almet a. Ca, Liberty street, will have prompt - rna Ref. to Maeksnxk, Dell Co., J. K. Moorehead tr. Co., G. IC. Warner. John Irvin ez Sons. rntsnurgh ; C. es J. U. Warner, litettbenville.__,_ _nnto PILANO I 3 I T sabscriber Offers for sale a large and splendid J. assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand An- Bon Plazas, with and wntlsout Coleman,* celebrated Lotion Attachment. The above instruments are his court. war ranted to be equal to any maaufactured Int t try, and will ho sold lower Giro - any brvaght from the Kagt. F. IlletlSlß,No 112 wood rt. 2d door above rdh N. B—City Kemp will be taken at par for a F.B few of IseLKbove ...nese, my'l -- ---- —o4ll6TirtrTe—llieleiriall.Vaiir7. TUIS is to eerufy that I have ant pointed Livingston, Roggen fr. Co. Sole Agents for the mile of Jennlruchi Patent Diaroangus Filter, cattle e) tits of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. -TORN GIBSON, Agent, for Walter hI Etbsou, 349 Broadway, N. Yi Oct. 10,1248. We have !scent:ring One of the above articles at the eke of the Novelty Works for three monfio, on tral, and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invenuoss, and vrintaire pleasure in recommending them as • use fat article to all who love pure water Orders will be thankfully received and protantly executed, evils LIVINGRTUN, ROCEEN a Co Steam lief eta Works for Sale. TUBE subscriber offers for sale, the STEAM BRICK J. WORKS, above I.6l7,nrecile, con/wising a Steam Engitte,2 Boilers, 6 Mould Slaehlne, capable of manufacrunng WB9O Pressed f Bricks teen of agesy, as taken front the bank.) per day; with there o land on the Allegheny none, on which are 4 kilns a,.1 sheds, machine and clay sheds, arbeelb.Mol”, If ueka, shovels, spades, Re., ever 7 thing requisite to c ,fee operatioos 01 a shurs noun. Price. including 'stein rield. toy rf said machine, 570X0--torms of m made easy. Without the land, 52.0141. For -,,, address HENRY MERRITT, Na Ile AloaorielMs flow._ ._.e , .-10 74 1!__ VlTrovests e and Cast Iron Melling. TtoID: Vareerdiers be leave inform the public that they have olimin ii . oin the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron limited; both for !Loam , and eerneteriev Persone wishing to riaeate 1.0 p some patterns will please. call and examine, and ledge for thernielves. Ft:Wng will be fureirlied at the shot l est notice, or d it the best wander, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. aric7J-dtf A. LAMONT jeKNi, Ss NO. 9 STATE STREET. COPPoN, Agrat for Clazas and Brotroory of Property to Ertentui , HAVING spent nearly a year in the 'wines Re cord Offices, National Library An, donne bra late visit to England, investmatlng claims for privet , . In this country, and having secured efficient and r SPOII.IbIO Agents in Landon and Winans...l,r, Ite prepared to afford all neeevaary infortuanon aud ad• vice to persons who seek to recover their property to that country. .I.l,l..,tete,psha r , tlth .g e 91 7. ti 11 ,, f r E : ro u g c l a a ,,, n . d , U o i r v ! leod enchletter'of They Alphabet. . 4 toe References In Dostorn C. II P. ADAMS, Notary Public, HENRY WELD, rag; HENRY K. IMAY, Esq; JOILN W PaCCEWAY, Esq. NV0011.13 s CO., (Successors to &Mord &King( at Prisehicesaable Ei.ttS 411, Cornsr of Wood etted Fiftli Struts. PAILTICITIAII attention paid tweet . 6ctall Trade. °wk.ee can rely upon jetting their Hats and Caps front coo, of the estaLliskosent of the am prarsalsta sod aroarstotsurr kascrr arta, and at the worm . . WCanary Merchants, parelastag b — y arbolesale,.a . r• respectfully Wetted to can and examtne oar Stock, a can jay with confidence that as Ingests ausi.rry Ind 111112, it wdl runt salter in • COldpsilaan Irritflibtr dude In nbilutelphts, WILLIAM DIGIIT DEWve to Inform bts builds and customers that El he isst receiving his new spring stock of Gamds, comprinsag,•as stmal,xll the newest and most fashion- Chia styles of Cloths, Custaneres, fancy Vesting;, C.A. um and linen summer staffs, and cverlArnele Imitable for gentlemen's weir for ones and summer. It be in g nupossable to deserllx , the beauty, quality, CT quany of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who made cloth e see in wanst of good,ams.p, fastnonable, sad well will give him a call, as there is no stock this side o the Alleghenies that can compare with It. The ready made department as very extensive, adap• tad to all lanes. Roil road contractor., contary merchants, and all who earthen largely, are particularly invited to ex mine the mock before port g, as particular as Is paid to the wholesale business to this cash. - ,_ tehment. Every snide to the tailoring line mode to order the most fashionable mid beat manner, of the shone mem not', TUP A ITT4,I - a.vrz.t i o n,t r in, l t y ndgerccnar4 of Mr. C Urrlioy. Ibe bosinets will be carried on by A Bradley, who will settle We busiceas of the late fi rm. REMOVAL—A Batman ban removed bin Foundry Warehouse from No lid Second street, to.No 19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the ware house itchy occupied by 0 A Berry, where he will keep 00111IIIIlly On band ugeneral assonmentof Cll.lst• legit. that e s,,rtnao=kaltior.;sh,..rcuu TilLactotp„rvi,nit.i,ofcxthreuKcci.lit,..le,M respect:luny gilled to Ma S. Leunts—llang tamed a quuntlly of Geld weighed by your Areometer, I find the result prance y lnatmment correct.; and recommend Me itee of it t om othose going to Califirmia,us the best method for ob. t‘thi" th' "" ”3".lo.fßc.ttravizm Baster ritteburgh,blarob 0,1240. - rnlortrairet, Titareh 7, IND. Mn.. EJ.lll6—Met/i3lll Having examined the "Mn mem7," oramatetated at your rooms, I deo no t Immix to commend it to the use of those gentlemWho so about summing to California in B.:lmhof Vold. pee mascertain when hie plum' Gold. to wig lfrors. a. PPCLINTOM st:tutu. as.u.suv y, adrANUFACTURER OF CAST STEEL, and No.l mad NO. e Mettle. Biletee Steel. Also — Best Case Steel Fries, of all sites; and Illaekrodth and Sboe Rasps, alsrals on hand 'sad for as le, either at As -FA. Ito Steal Works,. tYllara street, Oat Ward, of et the eat. tit the Iron Store of BOUM nNg Ic (JAMBI BON No Moot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. tart.l4.lm 0111.0ULAI 4 We the undersigned, baying used, mete, en Sr,' ant. lorstetion, the Cast Steel and Files made by Samuel Meltelvy, at his Eagle Steel equalhis a s hy element in reenromeadlng them as to quality to as ever used by us, of (orates tatUIIfILIAIIre. PiusbusEnt bir:i t il i grooWW,, OUR*. ManuMeturers OflronlndralinrHrtal,:?„s. Iron FOUlldel4lll4 idnaillitllANlttOor.sll, Its. COLEMAN: ti 1,1440 /0-0, Martulteurren orderingl4 Axles, Sprott Stkelemol '' SV;WVIII7I.r" . Engine seam ...a. taletara 51...1.41.- , - - - "' l al b LitZti:" Ilrus Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa. -GRAFF,I...INIISAYIr. CO, gsmataetunmu of Iron jacraltiValittsZ,:ra. LoetenodmsEML..oaSMPrvptirrlrgt. i. Marble Mennlsterarer, Msehiss and Engine Build 0M sr, Pitmenth. Pa LO S 0 A. Te.:LINllll`,Z,VrArrlt v:=. Pear% Warebotooi. TOG Wu win be reworded as Off to _...r010S tO tho Woof, No. a 6 Wood street. URGH, TUESDAY PITT INSURANCE . 15SCILLANCItt IE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSTI LRANGE COMPANY.-olnce North Room of the E'All'agT,f,d..sfifutirdinilAd,VlehtleLb...iite and other tows Or..P;an n iieTy re, a.t't=rni ' I L :l ' 7o d p gots e . l". bledulet Issmumme—They also Witten Vessels, Car goer, end Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or special polities., as the 816111V1 may desue. Inearm TumeturraromThey alto Moire merch andise wanspowed by t on Ws, Rail Road Cam, Canal Boom and Stenos Boats, riven and lakm, an the most liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. Seel, Edmund A. Seeder, Jilin C D ei s , Robert Male , John R PLIIIY., 811.61 U Folifr.rd 5, hire 0 Leiper, Iltlorard Darling.. h...< Darlit;Wro Folwell, John Arentlin. Dr It Id Huston . t u C Hand. Theophilos Paulding, II Jones Il $ 0 Hort. Dan, Hugh Craig, George Send!, Rococo elle Chitties Kelly, J G Johnson, 'Wm Hay, DI El Thorn John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRF RS AT PITTSBURCIII—D T Morgan n"h , .e. John` dartill MARTIN, P.ada.i. Malmo S. Nromow, Seely. jrr °Mee of the Comptmy, Na. 41 Water 111100 busbarg A , lianlH-tf P. A. MADEIRA , Agt. Life and Health Inauranee• OE Mutual Life end Ilenith Insurance Company T of Phillidelobin, brewer -sled by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Merril, ISI3. Minster perpetual. Capital, Slno,ooo. Cate town 111...}! net 1.10M141.- raau CoanwiT, and full f 0 per ectib lower dm. Me usual rates of Life Insurance, ttarson the foll ag owing c lin• om. parkas will show: nw, a pe of the e of ta sarieg for lieu ;or life., must pay in the Girard 82.:1O Penusylvaels, 30, Penn Mutual, 6.1.114; ie, leo4 ~, New Englund, UPC; New. Vora Lifel'6 l l,'M; SIAS; Life and Ileelth,PhlledelPhia , S l,ol • DllllSCroll,—.9.2.lllllClOrriet, Charles D. Ilall, W. F. Boone, Robert P Kong, Charles I'. Ma W. llaldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. P., Ches. 1). 11 yes, mp Cabel Lewis Cooper, I. Rodmso Barker, P. 11.13101er, thlwin R. Cope. President--Samucl D. Orrick; Vice rrrti. deldllobt. P. King; Secretary—Francis Diackbunie. Applications will blo oweaved , and ever/ info...too given by RANH.. FALINESTOCK, Agt, °Mee, Commercial Rooms, V.1 . 1g , Of 0et27,11v Wood and Third sin , Pittsburgh max. AftD lIIAItIR6 INSUILANCU. 11 , 1113 INSURANCE CO. ol North America will J. make permanent and limited Insurance on pro . petty in %hie city and victy, old shipmeets by emu', Rivers, Lakes, •nd by Sen. Tim pro,urecs n 1 this Compuny are well in veiled. and forni4b an tient:- able fund for the ample indemnity of all persona who desire to be pro,teted by wasuranee. mylu WM. P. JONES, Agent. 41 Minn' n. uTJ Fir. and Marlr.• lusarnuce. Hilt: OFFICE of Ito Insoronee Company of NOOL Aortic, Loa been removed to No. 141 Front id east of WOOO. The tobacriber, avant for the above old and retpon. tibia Com,any, roliete. their contend., and on mhivnonata ol Morahan..< b 1 Strom Boats and other vestals. and PITTEIBURGITI Pit GRAIL& INSTITIPPIe. MUIR Second Permian of tkls Insolation, ander the .I. care of Mr. and Mrs. Occuona. for the present academie year, will common ,. on this day, Momiar, rebrusgs ISW, In rho same heddings,Nc. 62 LtherlY street Amnagements hove been made by wale% th ey will be able to furnish young lance Mediu-. equal to •ny ie Wert, for ohm:nine le I:101one. Llngli•h, Clesst caland Ornamental educates. /V fall mono r" Phi ophica: mad Chemical Lectures sett' be deli "red donng tho nun., Macre/en by apyiaralas The de partment+ or Vocal and lovummor.tol klume, Modem Languages, Ilrawl.d and Ilturnlng, vent earth be ender thoenre tea cOmperent Prates. , Ihr Mc, attention Lathe moral and intelleetual improvement Cl tLeir pm pile, the ?unripe's hap, In merit a contomatton of tbs Itheral patronage th ey have hitherto slyoyed For tern., see circular or apply so the Pc.r.cipala. febl , AU —.— Pel ode r n and Antique F 01111111( E, JAMES W. WOOPWEI.L. 63, 1 fire Sr., Pm's+ sha.st. J. W. W• Vir* .1 4 4 . ,,, I Itespostfunr unarm. the 442 P .....: " 2, Ots"ho fuhtic that he by com leted no sprang stock of , t- • FLMNITISTIF.. the laryurt and most varied easortment dared ever edid tor sale in Om coy. ~- .4...1 was Of Boonwooh, Manouvm, and IlLam. WaLturr, carved, ornarnental and plain, sulable lot Parlor, theand Med Mounts, all at which rat int sold at the lowmt prtee+. Persona dcsirrn; rurniturs cf any Oercupuon, are spectfully invited tn rail ar...lexamine In... Wee, which embracee terry desertpuOn, 150Cri the cheapest and pralines: to the meat elegant and cosUy, of which tn., followtngcomprises a path Tete a Pete sofas Tete a Ten Divers, ConversanonChans, Entatielcian Cows; Rceepuon do Louis XIV do F.r.enstoo do Bonet Shlinve; What Nom; Truiet Tahlco, lef mtt II \ `-^6lmadorei II" , °I r-M'' l'omMl tin Sofas with Pluah and Iltomeitith covers, htl Dienes, do In do, 40 dos ]lo se Pori.; toss.rs, Itov ....ad oo ...., 12 ' Pr's it , +1,:,.1 .1.• en, 4n - Cstle S , m do, 4 " Moborory 11,1 g .s 4 dn, Plano no Marble Top tsb . . ~....,.. . .111) do do Wag% MM. CAS Mahogany Bedsteads; , 12 do Wardrobe. IS Pa Walnut do; bl Cherry dn. A eery Ingo assortment of Controon Matra and oth er Ferntutro tois tedrous to mention. jTatc.ermroßomps. frolajte i d on the shortest nonce. P. 5 lee Aist'ag'eren`l7e aupoltod with all .orts of lilabogerm, lt. Maul, ant Veneers, at considerably reduced prices. whin HERSEY, FLEMING ST, CO. HAVE. Fort saLia, rgou VIP ttInNerACTURIAtti. AND AT F.A.ST. ARN MANI:FACT! REIM , PRICIIS: White Flannels, all Wool 'Due Drols; Y e ll do do l Mae Deimos; Yellow do do !Fancy Pottunades; all are Brown do do offered at l'oetory prices . Wank Satinetts I Dome Lcacue Shallne Meet arnica d 0 Blue do Check* and Stripes, very Drat. do heavy goods Black Carson,. lotion' Goods. Pansy do Red Patithog, thhcr do; Fanc Tweed. be•l Padding, Buckram, Supor y Book Broad Cloth. Tallors'est vus,brlimal avy s tiol Super Brown do Broom Linens Si Super Immo do i Drab Serge, b d l ' ank do. • I Soper 'Pvnlied do I and worste. super Black Doc Skins Black tad White Tape; Super Drab Cmhmeres. Black Twist, Drab do; Saner Brows do Linen Cheeks and DWI.; Duper 131004 do $lO 1f f. rood tspl Conon; California [Mantels. do Linea Thread, a Scarlet do F igured c Bine do Sill. Yestlngs; Malt do 'Meet balm do Groin Baggtng. Brown Eel land Se`g Silks; Re own Luba, ;Litmus, Cravat , . Ire.. ere. nt the klatiornetarers, A alehouse, No in Wood s cur-11 Pittsburgh ----__ -------- Dassoloalon. THE. crepesurersvp heretofore existing between the ettesettbere. In the mune of Constable, Burke & CU, mg this day & r esolved ny mutual consent. fonts Berko & Barnes orirlsettle the helmets or the concern, for which purpose they ore nutheneed to age the. name ef the concern. N ,:oNsreanx, EDMUND BURKE, THOSIAS BARNES. The undersigned hove thb day mrsoriated themscires to the name of UURRR & tIA RrseS. for the aurae.o of matimacturtme Fire Yruel eater, Vault p oo r., S e , e at deo, w he re they of Jos late firm of Constable, Berke well as ill be plea to received e patron. age of the COP tOMCIO of that houseEDMUNI) s. and their friend TlloXtrti UARNFS. In retiring, from the Etrru of Constabin, Burke & Co., with tomete plonmra recommend Motors. Burke & Barnes to the nonfolence of My hiend. Rod the public. •Feb. 0, Ib4o. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febia..d If Co AIELDUTUNOT 1 AS lost returned from the Eastern Cita*, and it. Hreceivinr a large rerietY of wa`onohle and, watch he sespectfulty inettsts tne attenuou of march ans and pedlars. No Fal.. ood at. (title WALL PAPP:II—W. P. Maaanaht , le consttunly TT receiving, frout the large. re...factories in New York end Phtladelphtts, and also Pont French nr,nMe, the ...al and most approved mylee of Pa per !fungus", togetheremit .Ilorders, tire Hoard Prints, and Tester Two For iale at 115 Wood st, be. tween Fourth at and Diamond alley, lsaccersor to 8. C. 11111.) va Talfriiiiiin Oa rit -- 6 - 6tTijiisi . vii 4 i•Tireamer , \ IV/ and for rale by the borrel Or Fin& pound at the in- Drug, tleed, and Perfartry %Yoram., corner e will Sixth mad Wmod streets. ) d N WICKER HAM. Ca.- aylle _ -ffts•pratta, Picea Sods ASIT.• 464 Criblid of the re celebrated brand and blab toot, dvret In to the m anufacturers; 130 casks now o ibe way fr rn New Orleans. and ex pected bore flit week ; nd 314 will shortly arrive petted Caltnnw. per slaps Jo lista, Chesapeake, MM.- ClO, ana Alba, which be sold on arrtyal, at the 10W.% calcket price far e• !h a r IOPPTIIVeIi hdlg. 5111111CULLTREE. • and,no tho Lawny et --- CIrkTRTOC — • D OVAPtid.i ill— TUE Shandy lannoPinetti mg Company now offer to the politic the irr[lol ro Chemical Stoke Polies; sod without exaggeration, r fear of conleadthlith , by those who bone tested to, p otiouithe it for superior to any other in the market he Consumer need have no apprehensions of sailing earl.. , de, su need) root poettion petunias a duct from antand Town being rap plwd, which must be done when the !Dove is told The quantity required is penult to produce e benu• ORO re. A serail of over fifty per cent Is thinned to the lust on omers. A coifing. nor lii dto Stover, Pipe., et., when 'old ' , my for the summer, is a thee pre ventative *Kunt rust. After Levitt:: tried it o 1 the Alf at is occersiblei no person will use. nip bot the Sher. oth hlthotheternig Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove POIII6. For sale by S N WICKERSHAM, myel giiiiiiis — iti - pviizi; ---- Noti a Corner ofFleth and We.o larvae. ALL Pc'eth7fo'r‘m'a'srl'o'et'ure'sboln"ilriunn of C!!u e n " ell7w " i ' ll plearo call at this Rooms of the Coned of Trade, second story, corner of Wood and Third the, and pay for the same. tootura. FA lIN F.STOCK tatthbuthh. Aiwa On. then ewer e --- 171 ---- dll S XY-TDO CIVR Illlllll4o'd`WL — L - V e Card. Q FAIINESTOCR begs leave to announce to the 0 e paurorth tif his New Directoty of the cities ol Pittsburgh and Allrghenl, end b. , 1 , 011 , 1 , of Mes cheeter, Ditheinghens, de., that the work is now nearly ready for the pre., and will be put in the hand. of the printer some where between the Dab and 30th Instant. • The citizen. generally, and ell who feel an interest In the prodcetivo of e couiplete and perfect Directory, oblige th perucularly those who have not been called oil, writ tl esy e puhasher,by ascertaining that theil 1 1/111. avocation) and nlacca of bunions, de . t are noted for peblication in the Directory. All c le bo inserted, most be handed In forth. with, oar rds Mine•limn, by the date above rotated. . media_ JULY 3 -- By' the President. of thin Vatted lillatelis TN puma:lee of lass, 1, ZACHARY TAYLOR, pre.. sident of the United States of America, do berlby declare and make known., that public sales will be held at the undo:mentioned Land Offices in the State of hittilliG.A.l., at the periods hereinafter designated, to wit:— At the Laid Wise at SAULT STSMAME , for the "Lake Ssperior District." commencing Pn Moro day, the sixteenth day of September next, for the dist pnsal of public lands within the following, named wnships, air— " Vora. of the base lion, and weld of MP.. principal median. Township forty fire, and fractional township , ' forty ix and fon, into of range two. Township* forty be and Cony six ... , and fractional militia forts seven, arrange t n hree Township forty six, and fractional townahlP forty seven. of rangetonr. Townstam forty six and forty saven,ll. l fractio.. l township. thy and fifty one, of .rtsnge Ere. Fractional townships fortY we...AMY forty nine, filly, and fifty ono, of nage ail. Townships fo rt y eight and forty tine, and fractionnl township fifty arrange seven. Fractional townships thirty nine on 0 1105 and forty on "list island," and township forty fire, al range eight. - Oa "Ifogg Fractional lowtothipi thirty nine and forty and 'Garden. Islands, and forty three on the rata. land, and towns*s fatty four and forty fore, airing, nine. Fractional townthlos thirty nine and fottyon "On, den'' and•Tquage, biondt.andteweahlys forty tbree forty fou... and forty ate, of moan ten. Fraeuonal town•lnpa thirty eight art'l.dUla Dearer thirty nino on “Idulo deatrern and "front Wand, .4 forty on. "Whirkey" bland, and town ships forty infra, folly foar, and forty five, of rang • eleven. Fractional township thirty eight On "Cup (eland, townenip forty two, and fractional townships forty three, forty four and fortylve, arrange twelee. Fractional township thttYt on the .. 21 . holt of range sixteen. Fractional towns4tris thirty nine and forty on the main and, ~(range seventeen. Fractinnel townships thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, and forty one, on the main land of flume eighteen. Fractlonal townships thirty six on •'Stoximer" and "Poverty" ltllnd*, thirty ithven (theinding 'Somm and er" Inland and an Islet) and thirty eight, thirty 000, forty on the main land, and townanips forty one, forty two, ant forty tercasof range nireWen• Fractional townships thirty nix on "Pt Idartin , e rod v 11111" ttlands, thirty seven on an ltletof u ldele Sum , cr" thirty eight on the math land, thirty * (weeny the hand In sections twenty seven and i sight) and forty, and township forty three on the hewn land. of tango Wrest , . noettocal toternehtps thirty eight , thirty eke: end testy on tile maintool, of reran twenty one. AT THE eAMK I'LACE.cammenclng, on Itlonder. the tht,ttoth day of September next, tor the disprael of Ire public land* within the following named town ship.; end trtc•lonal townships, to win-- North of the hate line, tiltd vett of the principal meridian. Fractional townateps Only five ant thirty oiX on the 1.10 I wd, of range twenty four. Fractional townships thirl three,tkitt7 four. and thirty five, and tosenthip.eurty ail', of me. ttwittil =EOM it - It.' Fractional nornahiPa thirty two nod thirty three '— the main load, and townships thirty torn and thirty rive, of roue twenty rix Fractional toarnship• thirty one, thirty two, ibl , tt three. thiry four and th or irty heron thed mot land ned•of townships forty oil, fty seven, an eiyht mi.. turcril tn.eci Frnctional Y townships thirty two, thirty three, and Mirth warn, end townahips thirty nine, forty six, forty &even, and linty night, of ranee twenty eight. ~ Fract l onal townships thirty rayon, thins eigni.).., thirty iny nine, end tosorhipe forty One, forty two, berry three, forty lair, forty fire, forty sti r forty SPITE', and fatty eight, of range twenty nine. Fractlimal townships thirty nine, township font, ' fractional mannikin forty one, townships lolly t•rns fort,' three • rarty four. forty five, fony • x,forrtiaeara , and forty eight, sod the Otani , of sections thirtY fthe Wit thirty .lu. at the cape. of Agate humor, of town. ship fitly nine, of ranee witty. , I- rein-anal township s thirty woo, forty, tad forty ne, townships forty two, forty three, forty faun fon, flee. forty sin, forty stare, and Cott) eight, and itan• Una.' section , seventeen and noel:ace:lOn "Traverse. '''lid, in townabto fifty font, of range thirty one. ' T THE SAME PI.ACF., commencing on blonds, .1 , the fourteenth day of fletoher tent, for the disposal Of the public lands initiated within Me a dertneatiorthd Inver:sin • end fraitinnal townahtha I north of ol the bane lint, oral soot 1 the prinapoi oteridian. Frantic:lSt township Cony one, and townships 'forty I two, forty three, forty lour, forty five, and fifty, of range Maly two . Fractional" townithips City and hily l two, of ridge' thirty there Fr•rtionnt townships fifty and fifty two of range thirty four. Township (illy, of range forty are. Fraethival township fort' eight, and townships forty nine and fifty, if range forty two- Township forty seven. fractional township forty right, end townships forty nine and fifty, of range forty three. Toon:tps forty aeven, forty eight, forty 4., na fifty, of range forty lour. . I ' l ° l ' 4 4 r loaf scorn, forty eight, and early nine, .101 Iractionalrawnship fif t y, of range forty eve. Fractional lnwriniiips forty tone sod filty, of range turfy gig. Fruitynal low..hiv. footr.. 4. sod - f. 11 ; . " .. tonal forty eiglit, sad fractional township mrtY nine, arrange forty seven. Fractional f igs forty styes, forty eight, and forty nine, of range ferty,eigka Fr•ctional township forty eight,of range forty nine. At the land office at lONIA, nothutencing on Mon day, the sixteenth of September next, for the disposal of the ponlic lands with. the undermentioned frac• tianal thwthalip.•li , L- North of the &Ise Itne,ond riot of the principal incrietiott. Sections one and two, the enat krill' section of three, and sections el e•ca tacit ri, incen. fo a t tecn • twerny lone, twenty fivo, nail thity , Flo, to township pine, of muse revert. Lands nppropriated by law for the use of sclahls, nntary, or other parposca, will bo excluded from the o i ler. The nfferine, of the above mentioned lunda will in COMMeal , fl an the days aprointed, end proceed in the order in winch they are advontara, with con venient dispatch, until the %Thole shall have been of fered. eon the ti ler tin. clot, a Oat no .nie hat be dept open to'ger thsn two smocks. and no privans ril y of ur.y of the land. wilP be admitted until afar the r expiration of two weeks- : Given tinder my hitna„at the city of Washington thi, thirteenth day of:M.olr. of/or:gni one thouuni tight hundred •nd flay. lly the President: J BOIT elintelin, lionuniesiciler of the Ge oral Land Offten. ptexos. TMST received.l3ll now openlog i one elegant Rase d wood 5 octave Melodeon Nan. train Um! cell. tnn uraird nanulaciiird of More• Frio, elli n codon a enoldeni•Ol• tap arm y, , ton, TI" " "P'" mar 1917h10 ottoti, LAND SAIAE:S Z TAYLOR NOTICE TO PRE•EMY t ON CLAIMANT& i t Every perm° entitled to the ght of pre2roption to any or the lands within the t *whips aid fraatanol townships *hove enumerated, • required to establish Ma mane 10 the IlltufletiOn f the itrglster Wed Ito• retort of the proper Land O e • and male payment Utetefor bab e• soon ay practicabl ther seeing this notice, and before the day appointed or the commencement of the pubira sale of the lim s mon o c le the tract claimed, otherwise such clot * rl•1 be fortedted. J. trat:RFIELD, 1 Commisrloner. Deranetta American ponits7 Beaks o . lC H lS E :dn P reVentisi t on '' tte F itTe l cd t inr ,dgfsi t idand (unmet !amigo:meet of Dornastio Fowls, with nu. count. origcl descriptions alp Poruatts from Life. fly John C.. 'Phi+ work will be found t0t,;.,.. nutlet mount of original and other Information, both is cheat artful, u teri. reard to Fowl Weeding, than is contained in Mt mencen works together It will be Illustrated with nearly Pllty Punnets of the mist cuilic varieties of Mantic. and Foreign Fowls, e. some forty of which are from life, frora drawing+ taken especially for this work, of fow l son importmt breeds, and several of them from very reeently th' • tre t' p d okilishers have spared no expense to bring oat this work in n superior romner, both la regard to the engravings, the merits of the worn, and the general execution of every pert of the book. And It Is belles , ed that the work will be found to contein more precti cal informanon en Breeding and Managing Dor:nese Towle. than any work tuned in this country• For sale by JAB D LOCKWOOD. jeili Bookseller and Imponer,lo3 Fourth st. 101INSTON tr.STOCKTON Ithvelustoftened for .ale .1 the largest assortmcat of Paper, Illaut Knots, and Stationery ever tatted for tale in this shy; to then with a larfe cOliettiOn eat". and valuable Works in every of Literature All publications for .stn sr eastern prices. °mom merchants Supplied with retry article in this Hunt on the mull reasonable let 7 . . COSA10:1.--sjosmos; ►liketeh of jl Physical Dessoptiou of Use Unloose. By Ale Humboldt. 'translated by Ottie. 2 Yob!, Mao. Just secured for sale by D LOCKWOOD e 9 • Bookseller Is Wooster. 101 Fourth ai DENSIOTT, S, No 11 Wood sarect, &NO u LISII & WILT; t o lS r A s.te llil . OROCL I . :0 pkgs Y. 11.1 mp. Illse)0 1 0 Las M. IL Raleins; and Gunpowder Teas; LIE his clutter do; 110 hgaToboaco; IS kgs do do; IVO hags Rio Coder; IS casks Zunis Currants; dun lirla N 0 Moluses; 15 bales IL Walnuts; r's hada N 0 Sugar, IS do Itrasil Nom; 200 boxes assorted sixes 15 do Filberts; Window Glass; WO do Pea Noes; 4n b at Pipes; go blashelled Almonds; COO bix .our, 2/has Rock Candy; lon hos Goodish;.s eases Llqconee; tAXN it Codfish; 10 M. Prille/IKE & IlLeglam 'JO talt Tanners . Oil; Cigar% 00 tug Cbocolnie; 1050 In Half Smash; Su diu !led Duds; abut Closes; du 0. its blentlle Hope; 7 orris Nutmegs; .30 bat .Sp.ded Ctiocolcie; 3 ecroono Indigo . 10 h•gs Pepper, 25 eases Lemon dritip; 5 bogs Alspiec; :Senses Pepper Sauce; um hes Herring; lured Tomato Catsup; GI brie Vinegar; Ground Spices of all kinds. W bulce Candleonek; .10 berrels powdered and Ohre Starch; Los( Sugar; 1 two ien; 2 hhas Madder; In Inls Go 10 lirls Whiting; bug drums Figs; At well as a general assortment of Pittsburgh Masurnetured nuclei. an3o G ROCERIES -1W hhd anck s s R 0 Su I'2o ioCoffee 74 Id eh's V Illyson,VlLliellagnsdes nu do Genpowder and Imp 3u do Poucheng ' --- -- . • do Oolong Al caddy b. Y II Imp k G P et bss vs,s's, and IS'aTobsceo 35 caddy 314 941 . 1014's Si' do 'AI boxes Starch On lols a Sr tuts Saleratas Indigo, Madder, Alum, Ginger, Peppse, Allspice, Nutmegs, and Lomp Black m kegs, for s o lo 66 C GANT 94 Water st A PIIITS/OIIAIVS TEST/1101SIT., 'I DAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL THESL Buccal's% Vs., March 8, UM %/YR. R. E. SELLERS-1 have disposed of nil the eolith Syrop and Liver Pals you sent me, and la dos of the Verwilfune. I hove need all your Family ilediclnes to my family, and have also prescribed them in lay practice; I aw very much pleased with tdetn, and have found nothlo to equal the. Send me 8 doz Of TOOT Termifoge, • to dos coeh of the Live, Pill. and Unmet Syrup. Respectfully your., (Extractor Letter.] - a. .•Jacasos. Thole bight,: popular medicines mar IA ht. , or the proprietor, It I. SELLERS, 0 Wood at,odaDroggiets. goacrally in the two fitiGll and vicinity. anc OZlN—A.f;var tirli-A-Nii-raifillNlTii—Kijrilit nosuperior gavial , ' suitable tor soap malting. fart received add Or We 01 , 7011 N bIeFADEN &CO, itl2 ' aso Oltlel Slcirirfddrc CI, DRY GOODk-,80 NOLTE. 0000 N FOR DO.F.118101. • IkALIRPHY &fitURCIIFIELD'invite the ettenfion of MI the Indies to their Wetting.< 0....0tt111CU1 of White Goode for ateSKIS tOnsilling Of Scotch and S. let Figated Pwiss de . ' Embroidered Victoria 'Latins; Low Priced Barred Jactoner for morning dresses; line soft finished do; •nd *large temoremoo, 0 1 swiss alusitn. with color.' d eentabidertri related isekonetor. Lawns, 13 trepros a.C.; at north oast Cantor of Fourth seatldathetratreetn:.L.: • V.l_ ,--- obasi.p.Lawsus. lhfr URPIIV A 11URIIFIEL.1) hare received lsolargee 111 *apply of Drees lAwns, very cheap; neat brown ht Ilk: light do.bo great varielyj for Into Ile • Also,ernbtoble red and printed Muslim and/ octane; of neat and newest styles and tourmaline. , for quality, tp2llnaltheustlitiltier of Fourth and MaptelLto THE GREAT BENIVANNUAL • SA LAt E 'the 0 D F R es Y Stat DOODS. One Pole of • A. A. MASON 81.• CO ' 1 ILL COlntntnee on Monday, .lllnO nti, 10r4,-• WTheir patnense establlahment, with All Chet Wholesale Roams. will, on - this occasion, be throw, open for Rabin. Tisane.,and all al their esiensirs Peek will he rid red to retell purchvers, at adi teoum at frnen.St l to 3,1 per cent. loon than usual ones. THUM' stocti OF eltl..Ko Comprise over, feat hundred pieces, and will be sold at an immense dis count. a of S TOren. Their asOrtenS t ls, mls,lur M e i . is s - p mme , diner 10613 d ik L a wns, CatolAtcs, and Dress Goods generally, wilrbe cloaca Itimmediately, at about on: half the usual rates. 11 eager Past Colored Lawns will tic offered at tn. Pc. I do Hulce, I do bias! 11 do Leiner, lee. lee Superior 1 , glish and :Moir. Calico., iO6 300 dusen Idnen.llandkerchiers, 0 Pc. . A large Iota( %Yrs right Collars, come as low an le. Togeilier with a ocmplete voletv 01 DOMetnone n,, and White Goods{ 'Ribbons, Itarlerrand 01 ovcs,110n 07,10. Making In all one of the rnintexterstvehssort m e nts In the country, welch will be marked down to curb Lawn pheca than at any of their ETEViOUS Annual dale, peThis eu,ra will be closed upon Thursday .a Fri lay, May i nch and MP, for the purpop , of arrene tt.g and marking down poet, N VlllO.llO, In Pra. A A MASON A CO -- --_- 1/111010411 'LINENS. IIRPHY d hava =calved n soy. 14'.1 ply of 3 4 and 4 4 French Linens for men , coat. and tucks. ladles , sack., boys' end children's went, of tae wort &citable shads. lhey nrrite .tendon to their large saaortinent of Illens and Boys WEA.Ii, of dilatant roa rs:Fiala. arid alio( which ho cold low._ let: . PARASOLS 1 PARASOLS t Mtl . ti r rAlt o tlt h U o LC . ll , M l n a .7 o r A c 2 i t Ti e , t l ost sny quality and color wanted. .nd or the ply ~~th prices tE r. WMeCLINTOIaII Imslecemed dal day. at Eas . Carpet Warchoom, No 73 earth at., WM/ Oa Cloth Covenny every handsome patterns and CO10(14 to which we Invite the hue-natal of patche..... v.,. --- L•r 01 - ;;,,,,, go rI ! M,,, i , .„,, ~,,„n7',,.„j,- " L . „,,. f . r.:m f. 6 , 7.'1 .;:t-.;,e.‘l4,•"dufedi price. or l:lfibbon, for . r , up; CI ligh“- n l' n f or Me - 13 °:,, end ~.taq,,t_ pe rm In..' —,L-W.re Irmixar.f,neen,!loc,.;;; 17:cl'o"fl-dri::' gndf'Fblneafglteend Moat , .•!,____ _ - Nonh not vornr.Lo (Allegn O al Amen ltr Otto* 7d tt., at 75 VED Alit g . l hPtil`Wctrt.Tl'f Cl 2 Jel3 irrllfallflF.LD bare a forge mu_ _ MMPanay and Btaple Ilry Goods, aelang off greatly reduced prices, viz - - • ilsrege Laing a largo aseortment of bewail& P!r'lllZ'Jtichnt and 15 - srlas Muslins; A splendid assortment of Black and rano. Silks; Be , Lassins and De Lainen, remarkably cheap; Remittal! Fortiird Silks, at Mg cenzs per yard,• Beactlinl Cancels!, from al cents, and upward.; A largo stack of Biafra sad Bleached Mullins, nic Pellyard, and upwards, ices. & ' ri n trt!,% a asts m irne a t ' er,lsti a V r er ri ts l.olrio"'bleTs.:ll.taity, remarkably \ Together with a large stock of Tickings, Anson and Shisting Cheeks sildthiz; Brown and Illearbeil Sheeting. and Start ngst. tel Sterile; together wish rip other articles in oar lizeid r tourtb and Markets, • 100 very ' Tiearrie r il ' pl v ain a, and glared changeable silks. aftnosi ezeistyle and qoality; super plain and Emedsplack s; do barrier and breach; same de late tor and hand. sonic itylrK new srlie French, Englisn,and Scorch .fain. 1, " n a nd v a a all e n t iiri .' e:l i :I n t! P r s it Clods strio'quazunes; linen lustres p or all - shades atid colors; Onetime', chtntzes, prints, /cc, at crab east t of Fior'.h and F.7.lrakp7l;l7ll.l...—tafattcy'Cril• A circa Siltyinst reellsod . by t 211 1 ,0 this canine inc. at north east corbiuttPl Fo ner of . rth a and Market sir\ 114.TI'dTtnatetOl'ealmes rent l ' r ' int r pTc r e ' s ' .;:t rth cast rimer of Forth ud kixr d°` medium rind Al narrow trimming Limes of best quality, just teed and for ule at Northeast corset of Fourth and blur ken streets. jcb MURPHY af IitIJELCHFIELD Elollo.aiiiinair—... ftjtURPHY J. BURCHFIELD have received an ad '," dlr..' ...POT of above goods, 'mindng varlo. styles ( China, Vnarl. Altione„..d Gimp Bonnetsi White , Jul Colored Gimp dot and BMW.. all melons ant pc ea amyl: 'DE It—orirtrcovir-:scd)illi-4-tFlat. Oil Cinthe dli r feat received from the factory, wd for *ale at Warermara, Nos. 7 Is I Wood attest. . st I S. H PHILLIPS tell -- ---ii-uunialsiTooliiis; ---- lt/FURPIIIt: BURCHFIELD mane the atiennon AL of Mote wanting good. for Mourning purposes, to their very full assintment,inst received, such os Black Bombazines, • Bombazine finish Airmen., I It on ' ' e blooming Wash Sit., do Printed Foulard'', Mirages, Tunes, Sielliall LlittreS, MIA WrICR, Plan Black and Printed Lawria,Blaek lizalitordered dr ! Bonnet Ribbons done o, Veils...S .„-,--__ c. mayl7 --------- __.,--....-- UrTal ----- b K . COATING-0 pes Casharretsois7oned 10 color., a 020.5 desirable article for /111111M107 tents, reed, and nose opening by A AIASON A. CO maylS nit Matte: as rpIuDF:CSHAWCS—Sapcnor MO colored 'linnet blinsala, comprising Cnmsan, Orange. CAA. Bluer Green, and C0C1C03.01,1, jolt receiving per express, and this day opening by A A MASON cr) PI On PIECES PlaiiirliPink, Ail 'Colored Ilareges, retAl per express. tire air now oPcid , t by, _ mn11,7 Black Drau bilks. 4 . P.AIE I ost Voog tin.d.".7t,el l o°g. ° S. to" doily pea T 1 mob do; 0 pea 24 Pleb do; and 4 piece, 36 bleb amyl() Ltisasilaaroisf ars. 400 drys Ladies. Linen Cambric Rdkis, all prices; 100 il Genie do do do Z d e o x s do do do colored borders; Received ilds day by A A MASON A CO 02 Market at. J.L.m.YE..------- - ' lANHLET LINEN Lusraels—po pes changes:Fe {../ Logics, at die extreme lore price of C 121.0. per yard, A IdAelVi fr. CO d, • A Irish mad Brows. Llamas. 200 pc, 3-1 sad DS pea 44 Brown Linens; 160 pee Gray's Darkln's, and Alezandees superiel Irish Linens, now opening by ras7lo . A .7dASON &CO Fresh Arrested of Dry ,eloods. WEaro near ceiving large addnuons to our stock Of Spring n ;d Summer Pry Goods, and ate pre pared to offer an excellent assortment at our usual tow prices for cash, or approved credit. • The attention ol western dealers Is particularly le quested to our goods, as we feel consdent of being able 10 ens unusual indnegments to make o bill.with us. Call and examine at any rale. suncia.grr wtirrpi, to t Wood strum. C. YEAGER, 108 111arket-Straat, Molar I.lbartys) uerograas...flt. DllterU to &NIEMAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOO DSI IRRRERY RIULR)NV , LA E GL,oVEs,VIREAIIs, EtyrioNs, Au rErwrAte. AC. Also, "intisa sad IVaaor Vaitenga, BLACK O.NILFANCY RILL: GRAY eas, ruNGSE, RANDANN and 11118FS, a general Da. sortment of CANS, and every variety of tneartilaga. ap.ll CASES plain and figured liarege do Lams, arwrt• d culot,,ja.t received, and selling at very low muya3 A A M etttON h. CO_ --- 1171CWEtS. — 2 CASES fart colared Lawns received 4tid ‘ now u opening, selling Si the extreuAael,ozi;:i,e.ri i!.‘z aid =aye PIL! cAsEs. fast colored Glagbaras, we'd, and selling at 11 meat per yard A A MAS M ON o A. CO .1 arkel tq co q!!on ninliCgt.Y2S- E--- lag lN 7 . " k, CO i D INjet3F'N°-2 ''' lets caw. itom , ; 30 cut , Bhouldefs; outs Sides: 4 costa alwrwd, now hand inK.for rale by ISAIA El D - Citgli tr. CO SEEttal & WIIALEOIL-1400 gnu. blenella 11.4/0 nolo unbioneh'd do &El • S olo Int t; 1000 gal` bleached &MI COO gale N. W. eons Whole Oil, in gm fo and r gale Iq 1.111.1.. ER tr. RICKETEON • • • ill & 174 1....bn y TANNERS' OIL-00 0 011. blown In enurs; 40 loin do; 15 talo common Oil, in lune lc MILLER b. RI,KETSON .le Al jelB • _ -- 6 -_=_ SISINdLL9--1U 111 a=~NILLtiR~3IIIICKF.TMIN jelß 4il:67'a—""B. 8 Mr:1;141,2,v,, k. CO R 7: ft :9 ,%latiget at Gni - Wm Teas . 13 IiCEIVE.D at tb. l'attsburgh Family Grocery and Warektemse.- -, 5 h relit. genuine Fongtae ChnlanTeu in 9 az papers 5 do Choi. l'owebong Teas in 9 we papers; 5 do do do do 7 oz do; The abatis celebrated Black Teas are seeewed direct from nib importer. sod will be sold as low as they can be purchased in the east, with We addition of freight,Wholesalo Or Testa A tucuma A CO 012 :150 I.iberst L•APIIIi ep iii asfirtment. or soy own Import r !Woo, comprising every variety, for sale by lel9 C YEAGER CO 51-5 - t o ssi , I a tee I - z 7 I e . = : %la, GU 5 -050 as do sub do; 19 grass Siamese packetcombaloriodeby C YEAGER- - 11 .--b=axgov e r.L.l ,- 4. - a y GOVERNMENTAL ~-.---• :----------'--- PROPOIIIII.S FOIL A LO/111. •• • THE eleventh and twelfth section. of thet Act of the T General Assemhly °MI. Commonwealth, entitled FA.SuppleMent to an Sot enttUed an A to creme a Sinking Fund and to provide Air the nradnal and certain extinguishmeot of the debt of et:Cowmen . wealth and to authorise a loan," approved the glit day of lki.y .....D If• .0, provides as billows, vim— Ramsey It That the Governor is hereby authorized In negotiate • Loan for Me tetra of Three Millions Three Hundred Thousand Dollars, redeeMnble In thirty years from the date of the Inbieriptlon thereof, at a rate of Merest not exceeding four per cent= per SIIIIIIM. payable in gold and oilier, scrui•annually , upon toe fi rst days of Yebrnary arid m et of oath 147,f,,1. e‘e,,eor4.'l.r.roe.`,lled'io.,''''.illf i;',l,'T"cgtivet shall be published in at least one newspaper to the Cotough of Harrisburg, in the cities of Pittsburgh. Lancaster: and Philadelphia, Mid intho cities of New Vora, Boston, and Ilahlusore, , for a period not less than three months before the openlngof said proposa/s, and by letter eliewnere, If deemed neciny, and upon the day assigned for th atpuripose, in inc h millet, the sPrnpo h ls e a S lta e l c l re b t e a ryonfe d h e i nC t o h m mo e n s w enc a e lt h o rand e Auditor General, and the loan shall be awarded to the highest bidder or bidders. If the *mount of the bid. shall exceed the sum of the said loans= same I shall be dinributed pro rata ameagit the highest bul k den, but if the whole of Bald loan shall not then be iitaken the Governer may renew notice, in the manner nformaid, from time to tune, till the whole *meant of said loan 'shall be sobscrlbed. No conditional blds shall be coosidoied; and upon 'weeding lamb lean., sop part thereof, certificates with coupe. for the _lnterest shall be issued therefor by the Auditor Gellert. • SrCllO In. 1r the said loon shall be subsoribed, It I thrill be end it ls hereby appreptiated ( or the payment and ex iogniattment of the funded debt of this Com• monweold , now due t or 13 became due, during the SSC ib . nosand eight hundrad and fifty, and for the payment of the sum of eightravelhomand one bun. drd and four Lillian and eighty" eight cents,. to demesne creditors. In parmatice or the provialeos' aforesaid, notice is hereby given; that proposals trill be received at the office of the Secretary of the COmmonwealtta unul 4 o'clock P.M. of Tuesday the find day of October next. inipalating for a lemon sa id ommoealt for she parposes set forth in.the set. of the mat of three millions three hundred thonsand dollars, redeem. able In thirty years from the date of the selmorlption thereof, at a rate of intrarost no foldseeetling (our per Cent per annum. payable its end silver. sesnt immunity, upon the anadaye of raiment 4' and Lob' ofeaeh year,and exempt noel rent? species of las ificates of stack far the said loan, with coupon. interest will be issued In the usual manner and Tontftestdo 1,1 the owner, on the books of the • th Bapartment. wormed , . will bc te9lliltra'lll MUe explictly . mount Mitred which shall not in any case be Mon our , thousand dollar., the rate attuned tot ,ceerliint (carper rest, and the premium Proposed. • The Mate emerges the right to accept p the whole or RI part of the sum offered Ulliet•the oposolsstipo7 ate to the contrary. Bids for the loan mast be direct and explicit. No tondidonal proposals will be received. Upon the acceptance of the ptoposals, the money 0101.1 be paid into the Slate Treasury, in such menthe so shall be direeted by tee (tavernar. Cemlicates of stock will ho issued in tactttamounto as may be ecquestml by the lenders. Too proposids to be. directed, under seal, to Ibis ofhce, endorsed, “Proposals for Loan." They will net b. opened or diic un losed til the period for teed.. mg them has clamed; raper which no alteration la the terms will he Moaned. A I. BUSS ELL, Secretary of the Camt , h. 9-e reuhrs 011 ice, Methods, Jane Gth, 1h b. Ml3;dltervamY- C=;l itrIATIVT TO AN altillearkAT OP TOW CO9SITTUT/0 11 . E-SOLVED 17 the Stade .red Muse af BeTnrafa- R, tires of ths Conerethwealth of ['the:van.* is titneml Assembly met, That tha Collatititt+oo of this Commons wealth be amended ow the second melon of the Glib article, es theta shall read as falkreen The Judges at Wm Supa Court, of the nveral ethers of Counithrveleth, and of wet other Coors of Homed ran or WWI keestablohed by law, shall be eleetrd by the qualified eltetan of the Comma , wealth, in We anther following, to wit, 'The Judges of the By Court, by the qualified eleetore of ohs Cameo.- wealth at Inge; the Ilrendient Judges of tenni Comte of Gotham Pleat, and of nth other Coons of Reword es am or .hall be estahlolsed by law, and ell other Judges required to be Ithwed in the law, 67 the qthlified Medan of the novenae districts or whims thee are to pruide or act as Judges; and the Anon. Judges of the Ccusis of Cowmen !lea by the othielifisd electors of Me Tilt 'mitre tit Wt. Superset Court shall held them odic , • foe the term of Witco !el" if lacy shell eo lo gbehrre theamelers well, (subject to the allotheot he r nialn= pres. vided for subsequent to the first cleminto) idnt ledges for, several Court. ma ll Mom, and of such other Courts of Record es ire be establobed ley law and all other Judges reqaired to be learned in the law, shun halal's. , calms for the mem of ten years, if they shell on bog beton 11:M..0H .II;• 113 Among. Judges of the Goes. of CO.= Mee Mail hold their alces far tea term of I'M years, if they shell so lan behave themeless well; all of whom shall be ethemissioned try the Chateroor, tut for any reassoahle mum which aball not be euffirieut of th e m for impeashentht, the Octeroor shall remote sly of them ou We eddies , of two Mir& of sae% branch of the Legislature TO. Ent election shall take place et th e gloom election of this Commonwealth nett alter ohs adops Oor this ansmadostit, end the commiesions of ail the Jed;er who may bo then In elfin, Wall expire tita the first fitoedey Ca n Mnthe r following, what the terms of the new jerk. tha commence. The persons who shall then be sleeted Jed,et of the Supreme Court stall hold their Maces s filthy , : One or them Cor then Inns elm , for sir sesri nit for nine years, the for be Ton. and one for Una yeses, dm term of each to be decided be lot by the end .111,, as b y Misr the election Ise cotheadmit,thd the re salthertified by them to the Clorernor, that the muntabsious 0117 immd accord.. thereto, Sloe Judge Whose ecommrsion will first. aspire than be Chief limber during hislermand thereafter esch Judge whom comelimion shall first isrwrishall in tars be Ohs f Jamie* thlt if two or more cs• Men shall thpin on e the meth Illy, the othkes holdlog them, 600 decide by lot which shall he the Chief /sulk, Anfrancries, halloing hydeeth, resignation,or otherwise in thy of the seed Coorwohall be filled by el, yroiattoant ' by Sess.:Wren:ow, to contents- till the fins kles dity• of December stecding therms l gtheral idertim. The Judges of the Sup not Court and thr Presidents of the sneral . faurts of Coothaste Finn sbalhat stated times, rem. fsr their entices en adequate cthepc-onith, to be find by law, which WWI Ad be diminished 00. 10 5 their thattonanct ctlise; hut they sh•ll mei. no fro or 1 ..113 , M0/sof Mks, nold any other dike of Profit thrice thieCcothoowcalth, order the government of rite United States, or any other Beau of this Ilnion. The Jutges of the Supreme roust. during their marionettes in olficr, obeli reside within this Cothenoweelthi end the other aigeß,dorivg their conlaou- Remo ~ f ace, shell mid e whine the district or county We Thiele they were respenthely elected, • J. El bleGfil.filONT, Speaker of the House of P - -swedgir ' V. BEST, Speaker of the Sr Blown Bea ne:ll+burg, JammayA:lFLO. 1, Snood W. Pearson, Chief Clerk of the \Bent f;ionoll.,ranio,La,k/aßeteby le x o tip u tet p dae for t ering . rmo a wßesolutiori relative lo on aranadmont of the Yonstitutloa, it being the same res olutien which was weld 1.5 by tesk. lardy of the montwrs el.ted to each Bonn of the lag Legislature—after haring be. duly sotajdered and &- cowed was this doe emend to by &majority of the osembent dotted to sod sowing so the Basta of Feenuiltonia, at Ws protect sessioo, ea It will appeor b y Blair mon dim co the tool ramp of assn.:duller:4lo •ir.— lhme toting in favor of the ponag..wo(thermolution were, H. Jones Brooke. 'Porter Brawley odium A. )were, Jonathan I. Gunoingbaso, Thomas BCFewsoo, Thomas li. LT lee,, ' 4 l . C O W :: ! o ut e F y \filleillaVt., ream. '" og us ' " e . f T f iroo '4 %l fires,Joilma Y. Joon Jeseph Konigmscher, Be njamin Y. Lawman, Alaswell Al:Cadre, Benjamin Malone, Benjamin alewajes, Henry A. Aladenbeft, Willis= V. Vseleer, William ft. scalar. Dad Bankey,Yelrg B Grarad Shoser,ltabert wterrett, Dowel Fanris B. ellrecter, Joho H. Walker, sad Valeatme Best. Elfrealers—Yeas 'Moe votitg &pilot oh, passage of the renfolion ewe, 0 , 0 , 7 n Dame, AlatAttA Bram, and Al . )er King— Nap B. (EaLratt from the Journel) BAWL W. Y.EARBON, Clerk. , al • Is Vat flaw or Untasaars.. Herrnburg, M ' la 14. IMO. 1, William Jack,- Chief Clerk of e How of Repro. stalatirra of Pennolniala, do homily artily that the fors. ' t, r e e gat ' e b td ' iu ' il !Pal' to e 'u pre th e nt .fi!; , ,rtilin,l -. lotion relative to the amendment of be 0112.1141 , iO4"—il being the was icaoliatioa which 'imagined to by a majnity. f the members elected to each Rossi oftha tut Legnhe tu ti—aftir having ban doly ciandaared an dismissed, mu this day egrecd t , by a msjorictof t:iembers a/ected to and aloha, in the noose df Rer. Wins of relays yl-. Tanta, a to prrand ReStioll. I. will • paw by than' vont, , giro an the final prate of the resolution, as blocs were,: Thom , vonr g in floor of the wag< og the ran:dation John Acker, J oho Alllrem, Wadi= BOW, Robert lihilihriN, David .1 Boot, Craig Diddle Jeremiah Black, John 41. , Bonen, William •Brindle, Diniel H. D. Brow, Jess , fl.', florden,Jolan Canna, Henry„Charch, Jahn N. Cooped , * • Salviater Cridland, Benj.= O. David, William J. Dob4 him Jac. 1' Downac, Dime.. William Doin a ; William Drib John C. E v es,,,WWl= Ewa, A. BOW. tin ing. Maunder 8 Feather, Juno Mowers, tlenjws in 74 Former Ala:ander °Watley, Thomas k. O n Joseph & OtiOn 'Joseph Cluffey, JIII: Haldemani 'Cleotgslli 1 w, Lain; Hatt Johnn William J. Hephill; John Hodge, 11.ary'lloplet, LawiaHerford, W aihingtoal. Juba., Niches , . Jones John W- Rini:lgor, Charles. F..' niolond, Robert KIM; Harrison 1' Lair' d, Morris Leech; Jonothan D. Lest. Atom Goosed, Jaws J. Lewis, Hoary Little, Jonam 11. Mlisdosh, Joh.. F Con.ch. diwander C. Ill'Onedr. John M`Lmoblin, John EVLoan, bamool Mara, John B Mob, Michael:Meyers, John 111 Mee, Janspli C. Mod.,y, John D. Mania W initial 'V. Morison, /helmet Milroy, Edward Nielikma:Jacob Shiny, Charles O'Neill, John B. flicker, Joseph C rowel, James C. Raid, John 0, Ithey, Levin Maser. Eamtml Hobby., John 11. ReatieS, Said O r, W. Scofind, Thowo C. Scanner, William Shatter, Inchard Sicaron, Eli Slifer, William Smith, W Ilk. A. ample, Daniel bl ardor William Il Soudef, Thomas C. Skil, Hold Inward. Charles Stockwell, Ed win C. Two. Andean. Wadi, Robert C. %Volker, Thamis Wawa, Sidney B. Wells, Hiram A Williams. Hanil Zarbey, sad John 8. AVCalmont. Speaker —Tom M. i. Thom voting imairot the pas of the rmolation yard, Aupidui I. Co David Lana, and James M. PortaB. N SO 3. if:Maul from the Jonmaly v1'1,1,1,01 JACK, Clerk: : ._. oavames Orricsi Fited Marx). 15 1011. A., W. 13E.NE.DICT, Dep. Seei of Commouvrcalti T voter tvea” Ido certify th at the stem and Tone d • true lull eor reel rot y, of the et ieinal restitution of lye Gametal Ata. s e vehty, ea tttled `lirsalution relative en aratendotent or the Constit I*atittes o the sem maims an file is We atite. teetiotony rhereof here, hereunto 111I:127 hand, end eanaed to be aftsed the real of the f3to;re. terra Office, al Ilarrisbov, this failukth dof of Ju., Anna floosie: ova thettland oteht h-ndred and fal. A. L. AU 95 AI.L, .trerttar, of the Commalrealth. 3.-14,:diaecovt51 FAIIIILY FLOOR. • FOR the non-,:leuee. of the eitteens, the proprigtors . of the City Mills have placed boss: for use reception of orders at the following placese—, 1 2c R Floyd, caner of Sixth and Wood stre hl ets. Hayward, aline store, cor.Llberly &Market hts. A Heelen, store, Third street: . • ' . • Wilcox, Sr., draggle; eft Fourth A gotahttehi. John F Smith. store, comer Hirt tr, vi". 1 1.• le g ß ra a p y Marcel alley. bl Gras, store, Penn street, Ninth or wagons will call Anse or t rtee 9. y fo T r or he de fl rs, o And the g floar,a.e.dehLveredrromPHY, either la barrels or seeks—raek Poor ts l prefera p befor It 111 lain cht ol l l w use-eea ili, and that drivers eau have 'n'or;eorlhisAC eb' &MT WiIbOYIPITMG/IL WA hope he puoblie wsti bet,nap.leasdoedthwit.hiut.:ti.var. " MVO' L • 'Taw! tlf na p. ..,,~ on Eyro,madefrOMpUteltMOriA l l7i rtlt b ‘ *' :4 6,7lSia fa 'ak a= alcurox 015 • MEDICAL. -imociuttaTion. , ErNOW oilmen who aie'slch and ,adlieted with diet. ease of thy bladder nod kidneyS, with theattatte tu back or limne r stlifjoiuts, old 50rr,0; : mt.a.. 1 41.4 vlan, the that th ey pan be clued by calor 100 ooluuml Volt Inay tilt about its befog a noslnfof mach a. you please,' bat ihll doe; nat.makeir lot On ore proclaim .t the face of In bOnect eclarnuntrf, that it has virtues ',which are not contained at *oh!' fr. remedy. The7rusp whnis for 'with Pokt 000 krone from &eau, can for Illy cants. get relate . = eo n of the mmumanued above.. Reader I- ittcons eery link, to gleam atrial. nil Patrolman la no Mix tore—ro camped, put up for the ose of impoalog on the commonity; .but Lt Is a reMuy elaborated hi the muter hand of ware, and tnabblea uP fmnitOn , mm of oureatither ea rt h hs minima path% WI of fers to indicting humanity a ready • rotoody, as_ cumin and cheap Otte. - • • • • • It hoe estretkribta after othei medleanotions tailed rendu anyrellef. - Ithascand Rheaam-thoa OC long standing, nnd, of the worst and mom paixttal our • It has cured Cholera dlorbu by nun or two dosca; It has cured old:eases of. Diarrhea, do ohlekt ummy °Mu remedy ben been of po arch. Asa' 100 -reused? In burns and it Was, it to better than any medical com pound or ointment that we know of. It will cam Oil biol. or (roiled rec. in • few OPYlinoOnol4 undoubt ed testimony eon be furnished of she truth contained the abormytatement by caning trnitops el IM. Klee, Canal Ilasin,lth street; or either of the agents.. Keyser fe Idellooroll,, corner of Wood street and Vinnn eau's; 57 Wood street, D. A. El- Hat A.' D. hi. Corny, Allegheny , ell, o the ofMou• VA DOR. AND RW.—AOI The tiodt.lnart tent Dlecowititristeiteo cordt4ettre Domed"' for the Plitel • DR. I).P..BROWN 9 .celebrnted External Ameri cat Remedy for the Piles, het alrernlY enwed itself to be 31te only eureedre veer precented to the public. Since the discovery of this valuable medicine, and the lame number of: extreme emelt with which Dv DrOwn•ras Vented, o o'aue bee Yelled tribe entirely cored.. Unlike the teeny 'beeline Utiles extent,Mter months soul year, of experimentaliting, hes too often left the pstient where. they commenced. or worse her. alter a few days will deulde the case by elrecabt n perfect mte, . • ; Fau.ors , errtzMet I shall not infer Into 'it labored ar• gement to Prove my medicine. I introduce it pen its own remits,by . its Ellett! intend it shall stand`or fall. If yen prefer Mat loathoome tllselae,the rILE:Ecto the value of n tow donut, I nest the ease - with you. • ' ' . DR. D 'BROWN, ! • D.1..10yd tarter, Buffalo, N. V. Bold .h,4e...1,5 toll tualbr. s. •- n 'D DELI.EM • ' • • • .5, Thwor "1 - ...--L.._...L.___----:--.-----------:—. Albano smOsenritunrateseamt or vex eons ea wart or miusinnms,mm Bengali or glare Eel, Rheumatism, OhninatsoCuta aeons Erupuous, Pimples or Fasten oaths Face, Blether, Bites, Climate Sore EYee, UWE Worth or Teller, Scald Head. Enlargement met Pain of tho,Bones and dealt', Stabbom Meets, Syphilue Bymptonn, Beatles or Lumbago and' &vases Keene from an inindielotte use of Meennys !al. tires or Dropsy, EipOrrare or Impradeace in Life; Also—Chronic. Canada:atonal Disorderi, ftel.' Thus }sietheme has acquired Avery, extended arid estabitshed reputation wherever it has been stud, based !entirely on Its own encrlts,which Ifs superior armee} has alone sustained. The =fortunate victim of hereddary'dmense, with ewollen glands, contracted ennui, and terra half redoes, has been teemed to health and vigor.. The scrofulous patient, mitered ith sleets, loathsome to himself and w hls attendants has been made "rhea Hundred* of Femoral who had grouted bonelmaly for years under ;Wantons nal glandalso disorders, chronic_rheumatism, end many lather complents spnaging fear, a derangement of theaecreive organs and the emanation, have been • raiser{ as it were mom the rack of disease, end now, with regenerated constitution. gledll lesafif to the etficaey of this inestimable oreparedon. "TRUTH Is STRANGUR THAN FICTION." Ted attention of the seedcase ea Iled al the fieloseng altoni rhLII care, erected by the um of Sande/Arm. smalls.- . . "This le to certify that I have & dar:rum who has been afflicted for the last five granwith Borehole, and ill the remedies I used had no effect In w resting the progress of the complaint; on th e i entraeri she constantly grew worse; and alter expending between WM and 13.2 with physicuana Deludes ulnae other ~ rorm., remedies mahout suee tattle dd.." bed eaten away the cartilege o c he r nose, anadelts apl pearknce ensue°. parrs of her hody,and had finial's , commenced its meas. tattle root of her mouth "In this firsedfalsituation. with the prospect o death staring her m the face, I stared her ease to Dr Disonany, the agent fee Beads' Sarsaparilla in New bard, N. 0., by whom I was indented to use that - to article to end my eateries and that army neighbors, whom her ease was known, alter using four and a ball bot tles she was metered to perfect health, and that in the pace of there weeks, and wee able to work In two weeks from the nom she commenced taking It. '"ln witness of the moth of this statement, V have hereunto affixedmjyonairatliiiiectrjAiri!eik,tember, 1611. I ' "Mouth of Neese River, Craven co. N.C. • SORE THROAT. " ' The following is an extract from a lease received I free Mr. Myna. wee had been afflicted several yea. l'enthSerefoiloas Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and meently 1 anadection of the throat and cheat-- „ "B•axesneao, Ve., Dec. 13,1845. "Means. A. Ills D. Swam—Before I tomato:iced sodas your Farrepantla, my coffering' were alerted pan expression; my throat was completely absented, • w 1 had a dreadfal cruh and there worn fy eeks together that f c o u ld eat speak abovree q a whiuentls per, and besides, the I7llaraMatioa from ail throat ex tended to my head, so that my hes:ingesu veer much Unpaired. After taking the Sarsaparilla a short time, my health erns improved, and my throat is now well; Ikm so free f-em roegh nod deems. of the chat es eVer I was, and con tree quite. distinctly. My throat has been well newt three month., the sure of Which has been erected entirely by the ate of your Barns- Moth. Your friend. I.OUISA R. DF.YAN" ' The following testamental to the vent of the Sam. panne, le from the Rev Ledge? Whagel7B lean, Goarregatione Minister, r ant , dang oburn. "Warman, Blass., Duch 3U,18411. ' "Messrs Bands: Gentlemen—From what I have ex. &fleeced, and from the ineormation 1 have recently feceved nom a namber of persons of high eespecta• Why who have lazed your SaMapitrilla.l here not Me least doubt bat that it. ma most valuable Medicine, end that the numerous cernacstes ymn have recetved of Its efficacy are rally at:sunned by experimlce, and although its reminders ...I wilily are very: extensive, and stand in re need el my humble efforts to menses. them, I want alt who are atilutted by &nese to bes tows vogue:mad with the assay andPo ear of 'Mar Valuable medicine. "I am, gentlemen, generally - and very respectfully youn. LUTIRD WRIGHT." Peopared and sold, Wholesale and ittall. by A. B. i D. BANDS, Dmggists and Chemitts,.loo Fulton sweet, comer of Willman, New York. Sold also by Drug. sista genrally through out dm United States and Gal ati". P ri ce St per bottle; all bottles for Ch. For mile by 1.. WILCOX, Jr; B. Al FAIINEBTOCA tr. CO., and EDWARD FF.NDERlCll,Fhai.•,—stategh. Al- as Dr . ASSITII. Tiridin...•• f ater h...,. ... . .. anicing/il.-41.1ND SIMI,. au Ai. tors , . v., , No. &as DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors 14 ow Wood stoat, us- waste to»et •', . ~.....__ , , DRa /1140511714 having been . ly7fM: - ... 1 ,„ 0 . .' .. regularlyaducated to the medical ' i../..,,,14"-- e , ' professicrnoind becnfor mime time .' ~ep - "!. • , in goaatat.ptaxtle4 no w,confns t.:',., , --Al /.0 \ hi.. attention to the - treatment of ' 1 I: , '. these 'enema and' delicate emu `4';', -'' ~ ' plaints fur lila opportumue • .. --. .' ' ''. experience peculiarly quality • ' ' f- ' him. r • 14 years loseidammly devoted to study & trestiocut of those yousplairdsatimx4.l4m X time he hu had mom practice and has Mired more pa- , teats than WM deer fsil to the lot of lay' private prep: titioner) empty qualigcs him. to offer. mummers of speedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all ardicutd 7 ' with dek.ute Manua& and ail disessea arming therel. from Dr. Drown wolddleferta ihose *Meted wit% privets l -: diseases which lava become chronic br time or •g... graveled by the use of env of the common 0.4t1.121110f the [hat l oaghly cored; he beams Eisen his wend attention to j the treatment of such esaps, dad :succeeded In hundreds of instances In curing persons of ingsmmation of the neck of dm bladder, end blotted diseases which often - I result irons thoseeases where others hags donsigiut UTarehb°e=rigd b e eearVniutle=ullTMLllltle to eons alt him, when evert setitfaellon wilt man them, an cans treated Ina eareful,thorough and &deposit manner,pomted trot by along ezTierr, Lts , ,dytn i d u r estlarr...t.wtlhttfialueri=lo w f ; i t: . r t. l: . one e ass of j . ' J. , '''' ', Itrllemia or Itupters.D.Brow We Miriam pis; SOW, imed with Ilemis to eel, ash obs:sped pans: slay lineation to this disease.' ' • - ' CANCERS also cured.. -• ' . ~..... _ _...,.. . Bain dlsease&also 11 &rola, PI aPaaaal eared d 1 alfVgt r ients ' of eltbei etr. nitre; af a &t r ance, by Ewing their dad 1n wtng,glvimpall the rymp. tome, can obtain. raedleines with curecnnest for use, bv Add:neat .T. 11)30WN, N. /LI Pallteelds and andxxl izig,.. 1 4 . 4 ' o ' j*,,euradingt $ 6 1>P4 11 0V.v .17 agesuanst.-4SPErovmss newly alsealortut rims '' dy fo g r Illecunstism Is a speedy anductulm remedy for that painful trouble. It never fella,. °Mee and !nage Cnnsulting. Itooms,lip. Cl Dl t . mood alley, Pittsburg h , Pa. The Doctor: te . always ..„ . . .. OM. ---------- B.cinqx ,, Ormt. an w L & 2--.--•.r°"Ynirkti'/1217 Tllb ER ICAN All ECM. &TIC , BALA A td!! NEW remedy . hrtelY.dinovered MA: Vegetable, &bilngeolo—a sere end permanent eons' for all mane Complaints, teen as Indanmemory,Chronie. Irate and Memnon Ebeematiosa, Ont. Lumbago, •' , • gpinat Affections, the: • This medioina has long been soogn for. It has been said that Mailman= mead nabs eared; but there is s remedy designed by Mine for the este &every dir cue that the hence Osten:Lis cabled to. At Jolt rim m w e n d , y , has been found that ru'es Rhent= l :f r th , e \ • form— . one of time most valoable Mittens of the earth—the greatest and most impartorit. discovery Of the sga, end a wondetfulblentaig to the barn) family. • It ewes without sinentag or debilita ting, and renews streng th ' and vigor to the whole *To tem It has eared, Minna the part three Mont.', , og " tie) end that were dinsideled inearible. 1 Certificates of the connive properties alp:as medi cine can he seen by caning on the Agents. None genuine unless put up With an'erigrated label mthaT. l 7.l7,:w.Tr. , ' i ! s-4 . bY ,, -I":°!'kunOt Bold by . it.'lrilt SFR, corner 'Mid and Mutat at, l'iLmosergbi Bold alio by • '.• , - • , O.•Fi•IIIOMASS, .• /10,1,1101Wa M. Chheirenall. 0 biA OE=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers