The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 29, 1850, Image 4

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• TTI:=S72 - i.fil'n'x4.9. 4 .7lil:eft,..
to It coilee• per misers foot. 'Cor7agorrd omen
MO, ox,for !Wool Wile bonding. and depots .
On4,B.h•Ln_Mlny,...llll42.l . loeheu, from= Olneen
d r"4
They warrant their Meta pirey'and (nod fronanny
admixture of Iron s or soy - other ouhotnnee. and
rommxud Ii far the somusfamtre of roost articles la
site ham fornlshlng ime, as It does not tont r la not
arreetudby the entionolf rlfrYsiFtt, ll .l!:*lxal ud,
painted end imminted , • -'"
swing, models,
3dl o
Information maybe !ad of their estikte—
M'Cus,k &aos•,,ltew 1110; ,
*numb. 11131.1.10 C+MMOons' Z.
0 W.I. a. tutu'. tuthimtn." -
susf.juir StAntriny Vein tnienstsC' , .
Lige, Mat 2 Itanotetit, !ft,
RHOS 1/761)111011 lA= 'LICIATEIJOIIs
lledward As Omahoy, ".
18 BOMA Calvert at, seal, Baitimorasr.,A4ad erm i
• UAW &Godfrey &Bens, N. Y.,)
IhdPOUTER °Mae Findlegs,audDesicrill Leather,
of aerials kinds: Eoglials and French Lid Shlns,
math Calf Ulm, Patent Leather, Pletrocce r
wtLwhite and pink mans, Helena. Leming*, Francais,
shoe cgurrj tr.24.4,?eNllillrßrerebet
Ta . ka i lsh o uelads a,slzhorla d,
Baltimore ,teen '' ad:d lo Omar Schuh 0, We;
orilh the ounmat despatch, and at the lowest pnees."...
m a e,ungeaum, dealers, and all others, map rely,
apes obtansing every article In the treat, or she_ tme
quaritY. and on Ikbe " Li t rm. Boot'Pred Trht
erldatoitacturry of asts, s,. De .
-Clamps Cdiara, Boot Brretcherr,Me. All orders TU
promptly ermined. Lost priori for cash. • ".
A catalogue containing a complete bat of erM7
etc in the trade will be forwarded to iltose who
&aim It., . •
EDWARD A. GOBIF • Brilr, Celamt is.
• • near Baltimorearsiltisorrre.
Broadway; :of alliltlook'
ILILS extensive 11077.1: him been leased bp, the
subtle ribe r, and Cal been ettroptetely relined la
Mot elegant wanner; leuir Winona are aver
being made, *thick. when comp lams It the
most entenstie 116411 n New York. 114 tee detain'.
rebel of the Iltivrniemr, to make it agent, la every TO.
Wit, to any other House la dm United Sawa Its to.
canon ss nte Most deslrable and Central in Ide thy, be
mg in the hishieeabie part of Erbeditay, cenvenlent
ta all the petilm bmblitaa, platen of amemuneet,- and
basilica.. Grateful for the liberal patmege received
from Lis vestal= friends, 'ohne at - CeMerland, bid.,
and more recently at tire.Viteddell Haase, Cleveland,
Ohio, respectfally eoliths a reeiwal of theltpaires•
• age, Or hie saw establistrseat, at New -York, as&
ter to aaasta them that evert start On his part anal'
be given to atisairatter to that comfort endliteasure
- Nor Vat. liareb.lls l l.,[mr .26 - 31 ¢ ' • '
IvOwrvirsi soft Lb - Sr
Bgams, George Wren, Plymoottb England. 'The
winners beg to aelysaint theft =Zeroes patrons that
• the next Distiabatien of.Pontaite et Steil Hones. will
emaysise th ose entered ror the forthcoming (pawl
'a, National Dolby Race; Me number of stmtu to be
. Waited to .s,ote eacKnlims. Fartelsse mesolwr
• weeed elate ditto 'La.. Early styliration for the am. ;
appropriated shares le necessary. A party ,n the
lag for more than one Awe has the tbohee of gantlet
an equal number bonesem, Those members whit draw
wartime Portraits , be . Moulted with the fob
,enrins e tes,— •
• Portrait or i ht elan boneses dine'
'Firmer, or Ors:oonm . • .f.Ohiale -210,000 I
" • Second Irene.... • 10,CCO , ; epee ,
• Tidol Iletve
levidoi Mengel %geom. , - 0,000 30:0U
" " NenOtartera 6,1A0 .3,1)(0.
There are :0 beetles in cart, atass,that beim
mabet of banes entered for the rue. The _ Drearier
wll blireandaeted upon the woe legmate priaelples
as theeeledielt eharsaletisee the late St-Ledger and
• other proceeding,' Foil partienlare of lb. nevelt "On
imt 10 absent mealtime Immediately eact the de-,
- delve, that each my know 01. posettan.•
L • liatmeribery reginered and sole fereranbeign re
-' =lot era reicollteutea. Bale of Facertagn,Dralla. Bear
Notes, ae., oddreste# and evade payable to the
hi.seing Directors. • ; W. JAMES & eta.
Five pet Cent. ernoinizslea to be redeasd on
• mutation abortion. ; •-• ; warlOast.
icsoi :•REED•MOUSE peso
KEITH & BARBER, Props'latArat
.Psdite Sp!err, Erit,Pa.
bENFRAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eistets Western,
andmo Sp e iltbern Steps, lesre Ole Iwo. dials. Car•
ti to sad Gust Steam and ?octet Beau Gratis. ..
M. W. gun, late ortbe Malone en Hotel, ,
Et* P a.
O. W. Baum late Of As Kinsmen Hotel, 0146..
•Ir Silage Blurrirs Plaid liagsesta.
. ,
pßzreaso ander' the Immediate care af the Its ,
venter, and es:flailed for epwarde of thirty year..
• , Tins elegant preparetion is recommended' in all
eases of bite, acidities, indigestion, gent, end gravel,
al the tenet safe, Calf. an d amuse! form Di which
hiarrami a niny, and Indeed the AMY "sstLicit
h .
ought to ho exhibited: Pom6sing all the Plorn ll.a
the Magnesia n* win general am der
osiitt bckg
ke t, to foes dmigarchie concretion tin the uowdh.
It effeetnetly puree heristbarn without injuring the
ceatt ot the stomach,. soJa, polar s, and their m
ho:mks are known La do; It prevent.. the food of LI,
rents rning mar; in an it nem as • OE-ma*
grimiest, endls pecidiat I y adapted us Centalea •
Elf llemplirey Davy testified that this seledipit farms
• isolable combinanous with ant Reid salts thanks of
goat and gravet,therny eventeraminr.theirinialseas
tendency, Tritest' other elflike, and even klagemia
Itself, had : -
From Eir Philip etionmos, P.
die army in Deland:-
"Dear Pir-iliere.ean be no doubt that Magnesia
rosy be administered more safely intim, fa= 01 coo
[minted solution. than in 5131.11111.; for this. and
many other manna am or opiates that the Fluid
Diagneaut as It SCSI valuble addition weer
tar James Clarke; Sir A. COOpti, Do. Driest, and
Siestas Guthrie and Herbert Ititryo,ofleredonomodr
• ly recontmen.YMarril's Etna htegoosia al bong to -
Ilkley more safe and coevrnient used the -solid. and
ties Dom the danger attentiOng the eminent ale a(
sc3t or pmts. ' • '
Far _ale by the lionCenerie end prontietessa ageism,
• • El A VAMP:F-4VMM &CM
- .
NOTICg he hereby green, that on. abou t the atm
of Veil, the mimeo - there be mailed to tkal. al
w ashes'', • V.., the following oceva note
drawn by .O. Ilartiti, payable tower ender, dated
April 11th, et 4 months, ter 11473 444 a none drawn t
!Lin D. Morgan, dale ond thaw, the 5 111
note drawn by Jelin Watt ik Co, le favor of J.kfl
eind•re-endersed by as, slued April What
fear menthe, tor 75173.. The shore pot. were never
againd by as, and this te to • ethtioa all pethoos
trading tor or baying the smooth Peyeethaa
ar thew hu been ste p ped. del W
. •
FR.IiCSII &PHIS° &15111111Elt 00011311.
VERY WV , atid choice' stoetcl e Fresh Spring
Alo.:Verrir•;% No atr.dr...T.740.1=
tomer of rho. Ilworett ,
to ea.Usog the attegOo• of oar customers and he
pablto m Uov stock, it ands so great pleasere to to
We to say it embrace. GREAT BMW AI SS to al ,
mon ever) tleteripters of (ood• as a 4•rito portion of
it woo patchased at Om reeettei.nahre mantra le gain
en the geOteeo cities. 'Os, goorteteat, talk at fancy
and maple epode, i• Very sopersof, sod torpedo to all
, cook ha, ere, either by IVOOIO MAI Of RUIZ, • lel op
portanlty of outline 1.011 io•tr on.l pone
LADLES! DRESS 134.X.)1.6
New style Fr:Wilta mike. eery oheap; rich plain and
(tared clatig.Mil set.. of almost twerp sq spin tad
hominy; roper plata and lficred bloc Oka, do. b..
t age. and Intaues, bateae Ia At, new and - bees.
ote ; *Wt. !seven, fiegbeh, and Scotch
liseleat 'army!, and `l a very low once% pl
eared. and oal. elloped de ame of all troda
qualities, linen lame. of ail elta.ks and color.; Ivor
barn, puma, ko
Raper ehauteleoth ails olotettls; plain and Spred
Mick do; plain and esobtoldoredttol eats Una tub-
mere do, gaper ptato and etobrotdefed wlato int)
colored crape do: bonwo end not 4, &e.,1, .
WRITE G901:6. 1
Ano atwortateat of Mahn, narotooka,
&wallas, ttooks,biebillawn*.
Legit & Ready, peed Wald. Ft:fit:two bnid"
Wee illation straw eionorta
A toe croak of aopector plata and frioped nil and
Satin Tote ottgoNle 6(.11 Poler. nog orothtteg
A I agoornorar. aoper o frenek, Eftellott god
Betel° mo
clothe and eataltaeros of all qoabtlea tad
Polar.. in afloat we ...Id Inotte titellatelsl.ol l l of is
rentleolett. '
t Oar stock of bourn and nseeed nanallogolelttof
clouts, e eautltray to, drift n re, An, 4 aell)ttlietand
the Tel7bwnt _
AI" a lane of of table diapers anti table ciotig,
brown sad c ot t o n
ape rain
linen. ankles, Conon sod wool ti goo d, for moo and
boys' wear, !nab /soca., red, white, and yellow day.
ado, donee= gingham., Olt and lomat hdtLa and
rett'of Kind., Watery alai bonnet tibboal, afli•
War dowers, At, to all width oreadd mom=
Woe le =wawa of wholesale sod. retail
buyers, ALL7,APIDER ra DAV,
mama 83 hlsttlet et.N LVenr. of tho fhamond
Ald now impend to Crania Apple irreo,lren the
Well in
ked own Nitrite ry of' J mob- N. Iliweto,
rens *di iverd ovate loner( at Pirdeteng6 tor
•12 per Dollard, Pe h• m within good Vanity used
ohoald bore Omit order, amount tne Drog. Keel, nod
Perfuntori weloweri, comer of Wood nodSath
• • •N N
IDalluES.Bßltwtt &Co: bITe removed to N. /20
D Water. at, 11140er balmy ibe aleranagaa•la Hausa
A ET E chs Li og. 1 04• 1"114 " .t O e°61 'f ii:1- . (67 .7. : 14 14 :
and utia no"."irogri:WAlm "
rim ;wa r . CAROTLI WKS' k . ._CO, ! J r,. rcm „. 4
la No 07 %W. b.t* ,, l.T .04 .& 1.'0.4
► 0000 ososPiss 4 Pl sSs an +on k
grkkC , I
' Is bas AramSt• - • rte? de, )wlree O
sad for race 1•1_
" '
Pluatatti;sa guar avid nolattes.
VZ. , ads eomran, Ant, Y prizoi,Plantsittaq..appr;,
oak WI. P1411.•40.1 Mul sssss ; "
711 riots em A lle,la stencrii
LF.II RlCht.
' • • 17t k 1711.1bdrt• .1 •
" . ` 4l "`7l . CR7kii-i .
. • c
• • •••••, •
_I I L
ix jai '
JCL 3 5 0 mindTttroVPlT :;
20 tea D.l= sar
- ``'l 3
tC by t 01S12,LTTL 2
'r k elso
laa t 4 wn yor
C al • ;• 81 .r;
I " 't far ma'"
1 calved
brtiox x Dr_a co
140 Otis Palif=rair
_-cam, syn_-a~.r;a.~•;
1M,' ...... 1 , Ui1ir1;1"
, - . J. H. lIIILLOX . . , •
N'O . .
II iSfoOdstiset, kks blot seesisairls 00 m ss•
sertskil t of rwmpausus, Maar •N•c k •"'
AdallySla yak Love S.C. Flog,
' °I :11'7 th :Ml B " ° , •! 4 " 4 ' 7*
de. - -
Clinintlo Ria ill filskt. ' ' do do .
~ ,
ISolly Day,
Boldletas`Webdist,b7 °Wm'
00,T05ektW_p5ra.M.1 4 1 4 .4 . ...4 4,-
. vimet•moug.orPr,. • d. :., ...; ,::-
‘• L ATX. - kolnd V- - ' - - ' ' '• • ;
Th.est Neu dion ,fi lhkatme .... frOe . ,
..,... ,
' '..-Th'ximillt=s a aunt.
;Alb - 4,...a wk-a , e.r . u.t.4ogkir,
• . . .. . .
' •
j El " lin "ie , 61611ftr.71 WIP; W 011 44, 'W
j °1 " .14 : tad P'"'":
ume. lmes t., id' .1 - 4.,. savi - wati; 43..._ en,...L.li_ ee
so.renir, Collyi hThtsjay,Alice,!Swart.
_;. s s.4 l .
am. Adieu. tad 1111T20 . lts. __, 1..
, .
tnter el *Wagn to sighing
IV about "fivadtedo of_Cheats, Importer% Urge
Capital, Dania ter Cub, 4teJ lo fact, aro will oat '
lambi:dirt arm saiturer or forar,OrOotmpty itarturilie
'piddle or elm est Tau *Merida they purchase
dumber% thLs la the best method we know to oral ,
tato woo sells Aire best-raid digerati Tess in Pith►
harsh. riVe ore no. senior
Uwe ear strostreist rat Seeentitoer Mo.
A prime --;711. do •do
tm:wi,s it • •
Lowmiceaohl U r i g i rr laanlar Teas We do sot
tcji l till i TTeun Make,
Ha ; End Slide of Dmazed.
Ursa glamorleam liesteas m -
D. , Appleurn & Co, New Yink,inive ba mem of pal.
"Ileation, M Mats, Ma twenty to etats OMAN •
Of . .girkilegi,'lWariarr, SirriwilrorAand
,grouirasg; angora far P n iettrol-W'orktigg
Arr., 0 1 4.tharr inmard for. As
raWOR *NM. flm , mLei End will cohisi"
p ' yg.v. lila vp eyes, ord upwards of me snotr;
sane usxmacons. proem weiddevdrent,'
Inge and deseratlese 'arils mon Laporte= machines
IR the Vatted arena; of tha MMUS of
ameehose legeneity.' It will eentain'eopiplete par:C.
tread es en Neeltanie&llatainaM .gine-tmerki
end E o vitteerim Ina all that a 'Ma is pore ale
awned Mate worth of folio yearns& mfg.-
Me& and Mee beet. •
LThe great *Wadi ale pialieniten is, to pun be.
ate 'practical men sad Madeira seek en lieoll6l of
t hem, heoretical and Manlike latewledge, the
el sheltie:table them Sown* lathe best edvals ,
,L=lto mead thaw Wakes width' they might
toomellt. • The ma= of nacNl Infornatam
thee brought together Ii nand beyond preewlest Is
seek' work. indeed, there is hardly any added
within ma 12141kvidekis not orated with nob Met ,
eem - sod prennott. Mar even s Ma OM more ern-
Gary capacity moan tall of undemanding i 4 and
ibis !aiming horn tt mdek which It IS Important the
. •
Its pohlishere sza, In thort, dem:Med, tensility
of cosy to reakh Vat work as completeral menhir; lied
I it le hoped every one dame 14 pinyinthe verb wail
' proem It as tweed nembera eM crietierats
The wort will be lamed Is aninCinestidj members,
Sonuraneing in Jemmy, 1830, and artil prima with
g oon ~T~g.alla
The wpri will 6i:4l6llAm:a a*/ embank I
IA cents pee enayr,pedsomplead witha „Ihrl L. , .
real year, IS& Ali igtsi &PM* PIP Po
Any ene.rmaitting the peldiderre WO to advance,
siall receive the work thmtgb the poll Aloe fro! of
. .opSaileas of th i Piero.
"To ear mamas blenefeete, Mechanics. wer
=2424 eatfirgllftr ken
Yoaag nerk, arm vaned:we wja Its knowledge.-
W• ears wilt eettidenea remnant! ow media to I
pm= analealne of its nembers as fist as trier si'"
oatenisungly eamman mactlor'llmaini:
ilia lase Istarymd adloutleal or ecientifin per
111011, as canetuly Vora ? y-pf . aerie mediation and
Vady."-Trity,LN-V„) a.. _ ,
• "Lt is truly • (Tell wore, and Ate • geblielsen di'
serve the Maks of lameam, =Mint ecal mann'
'nearer*. sad inked eras patine gent y:
-.Tia=ginrf •01-ba highly - weal te e l
inechaoln on Meanie .LA sternum
Utentsolves with the ' preonslaflayyntarialn tire
Alma wan-Ness Ward Daily &Mary:
Yeiteg mahardes might to keep posted op aw I
Omenl as all es pram cal knewholger and .thle
Mort will showthematitbow.they Neabm7
(basal Adtrefnmr• •
We take it tribe Midas mark mat MOM and
or..tds of ear lutelbgentremb.geMe Imednired pm
Pe ample are Ira .ma• Mme. sae se fp- and
minute ite &midmost:l& am seMee to aam onf
mechanic Matt irentritet any amebae &describes, ea
air ent
work toilximairresfuge ittaloyia"-N.T.
read teeekadies .: nob!' .01111 them
"tin" ft....tnunn....6rucheyiLla, 7Pcrajl Jaw-
A walk of eztemiTOpractimi niCity and greet im
penance and masa to the tepidly &mesas anemia
of tha country. We revad the work as entinealty
calcalsted m pair= nor cum of Menai and the
urecialeal erts:end atitintseltumwdeablis albnen
tan on amerestdects."...Passe . ixtildeclutele.
Prectiml MA in ail the • Mika of Medlar".
cal and manntkenning indasuys eaginemag.M. will
Ind in thaws* a mama which it wIIIIN to abode
pc.oas.=,-110 Duly Whig.
• "12fe Way enquiry panned the sambets nod balm.
bEinalim ifrtart4.lhal it is Ma Mu Merl Gm me
armies, traiemeM 'wdendfor snot pebtrshi
e, h e en salavatento irdlindalitui ere every bremb
l e ad th•CaiC2l atta md mama, a:premed in
stie end I &ovine intelligible to any reader of etell..
nary espsetty. , -tiloweew. Nam") New& ' • I
"We me oil we are doi n
gn tie meekarden r o
wida. sad other part. of Catoseelle. ent
er Ly
Maga; thry wart at their atrantion."--Naterat.,
met mkt work as every useebenic"
poesess.".-flreemm's Samna. . - -
Wo ecatuderiterm of the ism armful and important
mbleenfoasefebe ode. •No meeksainsen afford to be
without I t . -Nemec, IN. J.,i Comm real Gentler.
.01.0 Ow venous poldicenens keying err their en
tart the eteet4twaend advenecutent of the mortheof
eel ins and aciamees, noon Mt we have too& Is-ea
ail of ptOlnire .-BlRffa)/>C.a.Ad.•
Is the lat Mid cheapest mot eterollsred or the
wiennfre and pramicalengineer sod erdeMinie. The
element bemllally eznerM4".^ 4 iimilagm"Oko h ""
"Thor - great rketarawy le woof. the sem • meal
warts ever pabUsked for yams, and Ma lino prim ist
width LE iS WNW Mktg '3% ecceptaldla to aIIA-Lioeth
C "We regard lies one of the am comprehiesive read
saleable as well as - cheapest worts aver pablincal.o.
Ballistate Aaveniser. • • • ' •
w it h tee takes by every one dealing mire*.
peels with the moven 0(0.11 and mime le
ev e r
tittle 'nen or claimed bk-liteadeat (Maim
- "It Is designed after tee princal el Um% Curium
ry, only that it Is ware amid sotbe meeltesterd tutus d
erste:Mons, snd - above ell„ - .ris valuable
tre Cm America erkal Um Ma dam for
Euglead, viS describing Astellala =Miami and •
rue nl-Selatrife Amancsa. - -• • •
"life patilinhod Is amber& .g.a• Prim so mode..
00 te, looking nt what b conteleed in
i s eaket,ara
*se lobo ku the 161107 Mani ak mum,
need be detrred from premien In ad *Terre= Me
deed no, . 1 1 tad that M ich boa le s'aeadommi area
mown of lestreethre M werea be obtained, Lf
mil.oily b
n y the perches. of very nomyLvelsetea"-N.
The ceisquelten Y. uarlcrald
siseness with giblet; ilke objects
ore marled, the admirable armer 'Mica flay
a l
ellomealet, imamate waterless one au.' met dal ,
ratite woets".-Miterstl Occi
" bls went Mean berme he Mods °fenny aseelumis,
Imam, eml maastanner, emetielly Moos mho bam
the leen eminneas to 'excel Mirrespeetive_ be&
sesta. Wo brae earsfklly *yowled it, with weer of
meentmending ft to To tram we meld
may fa tbe strong 'Monset tin Bildr..ll is goad , -
SeJtiatore • • - • •
_ .
Natio to Os Pmprimors i NnenTlveß throw/boa
the Unstai &swami .1...841.a.
. dm foregoing sdvertierdeest Le Inserted fin them
dame Me year, ad thei paper cannot It mot ro v es,
•eopy of the work MN,. KM grails ha payment.
WALLIITZWS 0115TX111121 . 2 . , •
Containiarso Merrsoy, aar atit/7
watboonlet was Riven by w eels
b rated D. Wooster Beech, the author of the great
enedied are* entitled AateliCill Pronto o.
:Medicine and Family Physicist,.
41aving beret inedeacquiliod with the ingredient.
which compete Ideallmter'n all•lleralin °taboo .
and having prescribed td toned it la sev eral coals
ti private prodeei hoe ..eo hesitation in rosins or
ocotillos list St Is a Negetabla Remedy, eantsimen
no mineral nbstance whatever; that Ito ingredients
emablned of they' are; and'ased set directed by the
Proprietor, eranot only lotratlets, bat of great Tabun
Woe s trey scieditie Remedy of.great power: and I
do or r - cnd - it as a compound which hat
do mock koed, stal whisk is adapted to tho ore of
s pest auk'' , of tom Thogb Imre never eitaer
rereorosoesided or engaged In
the role ot secret meth-.
to she mall honed, consekiniour,
"mine atwitter at the 'Proprietor a roi• thatment,
and the veto of his discovery, °Miro_
_de to tot iho
ieb regardlog '• • • ISMACII, D.
Now Port April tbd •
130,748.-4 t is coo of the bast things to the world
PlLE9notands a :yearly and by this Oint•
ascot, - It Den an t
tails in glom . •
Par Taman; Moony lonian kinds of Skins, It has
if. othon4lial Norse* haw hi oues of
Paoli t' oto &guy they ortnild always *only IL
it guilt cams, if glad according to dimrtions, it nitres
valor ie e ver boots.
' Around So ate dinnilints Itnadan McAllister.
Otowitrat tin fate, War Compliant; Erysipelas,
Totter. (*Maio, &old Wadi Bow Eyes, gooey,
Son Throat, Borhebnes, Henan - Alsatians; rw., ,
Disease of 114 Spina, 'Bead Ache,' Asthma, DtailMlNl,
Ea Aeba,itattn; Coral, all Disemotsof the Enda, Soto
laps, Fooplea, asteltiog or rho Llatboohanni
'llberotbstior ilea, Cold Foci, Comp, awaited or Bro
ken pew, Tooth *she, Ago. to the Paso, kg: •
"Thereat's atm, "weeps, • IS brerwsbt
fore Ittetpublia,Alu lam" let Walton a urn, won web a
replant. on e &WOW" AlhHealluit or World
Sat.', lamest Marrs:ono" en h
a sawordes Mal of it
wreaki warmly ia its pram. One bean ore 4 by
Ito( Themote. pedal obenmodsos, mean of the piles,
• third of a treablesowe vain Iv tha 04v. • baulk of
owsleoy to the Itrabmte. it doe. oat give mmos•
dime rebel; termer, cue, It ems do no being
Rieke cretwardly. •
as outtelmr evidence of the wooderild balsam paw.
ai P 04.1210 by Ws meta we 'Mean rho MElewiari
etnif.m i rro. emaretable OW:MO( Jildriol3olelt
41.1`.""eglIk' Be rta to..
2 Mh 47 1.1
. 4 -1. , Y.Tw0l of a were ;du ia lb" jet, bytbe
O. Or ...Mkt's' dWileanno Salve, widelt I put
'ahead ram,. loa. - Inaferedwallit for "bow TO years;
au* si rde_'. l *Wvert" las/rep; Dario' lint UM* I
tried "Ww..‘wwaliva, which ware presefitad WWI
by ybysteleolladsamtaemalionta.,...m.g...„
and ono , ...UM aryl& Salve, *Mb am
oth favorable Inlays law aaw
ly free QOM 4 , r ; I .I V_MAjO IU A hied a poseehl
mad mod lastaP- , ' 0 410144 Sermisiner for
moth sett lait a yatlill_ ate,
raltaits. : - JoaalToilbrie.tto
No awe above medicine -
yb pig Officer N O MIT-Lottlenier,ThUadat
num as cilia's PEI aok. 7 --
Awn or randondoo,oll A. Fobaboomo A ch„:
cora./ of Wood and Flat idly -Ww• Jodmm.,ll..
2tO Wow, street L. Mimi'. Jr. ammo( swam,
temot.sed Wo.Diamond, oho wow Of Pates it sad
Smithfield streeistl. fl. CWO‘COVIA. al Waling au
Poonstnodo. fifth Wudi aadauN Y
. 01 •Writia
Serobleld attere
?( Ve b daor
ser. „7.-i atur.
• Hlllantllll4 R. Mirky,
Moo laberiv7ad - irorldjillressON l. kidTooder
mym4awnlttla any TV D. Sconitalt PO4and
g r amorvitMl Jobs ,Pp
Job. alba, lialsabsdk; Boabright t &Wu,
Soebesier.. feblleedly
_ .
7 Ni- A
.Valsaplaikad erstistalve Wa‘ter Pawls**
•• lea ravaraht* terms.,
jig IPAH/12311 NAVIG - ATIOt4COMPANi an
preparea e lease the Ulm Porter, at the
rand Rapid., -so amount nteNot to propel foar
Inman& pees ( or ,asa seer- -3: e l . kannle r an fit bawd
reralj : Z arpMd . ea boa - lamer:be Aiver. The
grain of illalAWas River,as well as the Waba6, eee
be - mealy Aruba:mit - at . this punt. Wldla timber,
iron aland'etel, Mile: greaten abandemea. rmd
raped') quality," aab be eullyaraearettthrosak the
)Tiaz4—theibilndaai o f 6816 r a Pam.
m• estielesa. a repel • Makla.mra . I .Fd
bi . i4 o l=7 , : f iz cni VlraUda .d.
bane alb.
r d(batr . diekr i llieiblad,Zarrtflarthte. l l4 o .
BraBdBB of err Phase d.
.. r[ll6;;':'
r 1., " --g,PLE„..reillent,..nitinlilyst.N.m..
.l The Urn or may persons vs diillgorc't with'
,it7ltetaptions, .1 pimples. morphdw,"Ao., and When
tlim is derody a &tease of the skin, as ills in ninety
tine cues oat of creep bend ned, it it tcrYmtsilY re
isteued.! Isles' Elwell Nymph . Sup 14 expressly
adapte4 to dzsesses:of the thin, as ituttloirecily
's"' anetsee,
, CL. rfr ..x t ,;243.trtfitu
PMettles keeling and endiceliag ell imp.....a4
iverias the deftest and routines skin On, fair. and
Persons • who bate hero In the liebit or. using ordi.
sou, will be astonished at beautifal tiled
=cad by tke Nymph Soap, ittimputing a delicate
Mush preventing tits neck, fare, orbital from chest.
.114 ""r, s p i
le Eitlrolydron4 of all alkalise proPeniol,
li the ally article which can be nerd will, safety ano
All those whoa lhao
Noes or necks are dlididalwl with
positivity assents "diem, that its otot will 'reader the
most discolored thin It bile, the roughest thin tweldh,
and the
mint Wein healthy, pure, and bloom
• Jules Heters Nymph Beet is the r ely inieldwhieh
will edeemally produce the above cct. la so sitort ,
a time, and the only tee whinb Is at the urns time all
powerial and ennindylianalcot • Pmfored only by
• -3ULBS HAVEL, Perfume and Chemist, •
• ' ' 120 Chesnut KM;
Per tale wholesale tad retail by a' , BJPekeceilleh
' t CO., and B. E. Petters, Pitubwrght and John Bev
gent and J: Mitchell, Allesheny city. Pa • lentil
-. . 511 CORD LARD PIANOS. ,
. . .
A. 0002Mvalif ki . ,aoFona,,6 octsvcs, m,
A handaolo Ppris4i Pir with .gorewood
-Fatialwre,llocuorpp, a nd 0 g 4.1 order ,• s 106:10
A plain 0i
t 0 harm ' —45 04
A good 6 calm Pim ......... ------..,24 - 09
A gogo4sl , ectrro Piano, with haulm:mac rum, . 505
' ia --4-.........
For sale br : TT Y JOIN If MELLOR
=ST .: . • ~:- 0 WOO wt-
Eipsatio . ilidat
QUPERCEDINO th Wooden and being lo•
eusubstalble, them:by Sea this oils sod pre.
T.eas *affixes, heretefon ea ousel alecont,to in all
ethos Pow. Ow table spoonful or the common
lamp oil sell' last tithe leorre.ot any Pother length
dame, %ocoedlo(u the additional quentlty of
Received end for onle by JOIIN MOROAN
tiIIaRECTIVED,,tt the ritisbuts6 rawly 6ro- -
g. Zr and To rillareboeset ' -
eased Fresh Omen, In tin [RUN
. 6 do
,Piekled do;
6do • de do s in pint do. .
She am. Pre& Oysters are parboiled, ar.4 pat op'
in a eljblyeoadeonsited soap, enclosed in berm:deal
ed raw, and sill keep math longer thou di ode
WM • ,IdeChORO Co, •
.Cil Liberia at
Grist AMOtitallt EGOMEICILI Wert.
DAPPLLSONk co, NewSod:havdti assn.
ofinalleauen,he sane. Price Meal ootto
etch, a PICTION•mI Mavhlnes, Mee anis., Eay.
VAlMAletAtottliniegtolie r to rif s = l
Prolission. muted by OHM firma t
Vas work is of lama Bvo dee, atel eort6ii .
thontood mos, and armor& of sir tbeasaati awn.
nom: It will present working ammo and descrip
tions of theF w laspertent stach.nes to the United
State., lode at it the intuits of Amerman Iry
ternity, it tort I twosplete practical treatises rot
likohaole: Machinery. FnginaWoj b lit sod %ru n t:,
Mira tiveninthlo and
boot. IN/ timbers received, :and for sals -
Ayy R 11f INR.
li Apoillltalhitass,Entrth
. saw avocet OP eases:77
Johu 11.1t1lor, 81 ;Toga ..zt,
Bale Agoot is' We* Penurylvonts, 7art4a axle of
Grand and Square .IPlanta V
res wmiersa hl. friends.* tee Laueical pea,
that he hats tow ineoieee, end will receive and
=ardu.tars'i trL--Inni!.ert:reVed
ler See ale nen—anang tee umber will b$ found
izPe 1 MTV!' Basewrod Gland Piano Fonts,
'id. ell the recelth iseproesaLeats La Lacebarama area
ie. of exterior.
ttpleneldly eared Rosewood veven estate 9.qoare
Plane Fortes, finished in the,Elotabethen am Louis
With a large woet of all the 'ration styles of Pia
no Forms. varying in price: hoes LIS io Stew arid
'Pitt/go, prepared by' Sfr;Chiciertne 'for the present
Perehaters au, won ,T
, red that the 'ire, of hi, Catch.
clings vs. , . have leen, and tflOtittpa
to be. lb,
.1= ZS at the 91thillthellonllaesten , solbeetchagg e
for transpottetiont and grill be delivered and set op to
perfeCt order, toot
soy part of the . <RS, Without ebs.rge.
HT. inideiiived begs leavo to In4auttho public
7that he has &alined 'Asians in favor *ibis Sn.
41. Dario, who will twain.. the Auction and Com.
suasion 1311141.911.1 the ski stead, cilnct nt . Wo.l land
EnD. Mao., and for whom ho would oohed a comma
Lama of the Liband pat:omega hotetedore b.-wowed ar.
on ibe house. •
ApN 9th ' 4959
- -
P. N. D 417119.
Mina or macro Aso wont mans. . Wes, on -11bent4 was., of Tomiga am]
Muesli° MetehandAse, Real EaLato, sanaa,
b* oaperienee alai rime oDentioo to
-basaness, u merit a email...ea of the aapport and
PaDooafre oa IlberaDy catcalled to tbe fotatorkoaao. ,
• ADDID(I4I.M. ;. •
X.IICS termer Pumas.
111111.1JA3OSE ranirnufar..itanw:'ttion,
qthe detente of the active partner, in Philadelphia,
lthe hoe Saran hf Dayis,l prodsce. no intentmtion
'lto the &miaow—arrangements have peso Mode which
Minden the same Interests precisely, which bare
heretofore naiad. The badnaerts contented ands
the lame name and firm; 010— ."
• JAYE. I'd Llama fr. Philadelphia;
• Jousill'Peacu CO., Pittsburgh.
• Ths.cordlanance he atronage of oar many
Mends is renteetfally solicited , IT ony pennne hare
tined. arrest the concern, they are requerted
pedant them foratwifii. forpsyroost.
-Pittsburgh, Apni 10, t3O. ' /MIN WFA DEN,
op Wif • L•.dettnntiaturL.,_
itnmoiti.e DitILIOdISTB, coiner if Plod and
WWood streets, °Zeiler irate,on favorable terms ,
103 bblo Whiting; _ IM in Cast. Ammonia;
60 do Allmon bon do Analroide;
300 do 070 Woods' 600 dO Crude Tarter,
33 do Ls:oohing; • WO do Lemont. gOO%
20 do Ven. Be-d; 7011 do Ito& Mom;
13 do Colophon. , 170 fled Pre
Id do Span. Drown; 136 do Colonel Amer ; •
do lellow . Ochre; 33 do do Eng;
10 do Ilrimstonsi 300 de Bucher Leave%
El do Cloves 230 do Rhubarb Ron%
3 do Masa. Ilowerr,6oo dd Samalt. do;
14 ones Ref. Bakst:. && do Bernie. do;
21 do amble Beep; MX) do Bat Itorbecie;
111 do Ennalan - Bluel Me/ do , fleldlim Milne;
10 do Cale.blegiiesietHO do Pored Ilhabarb;
'l3 do Chrome Breen 630 do do Blip. Elm;
' 6do do --Yellow; 106 M+. do tl. Arable
6do Am. Venultiotr, lUD do do- Lw. Root
• .60 moms Sutd Paper; UM de do &slap;
63 bags only Sumac . 430 dO do Attlayennq
IS babes Bottle Stoehr; 3ho do Ralph. Zinc;
760 r. Ralph. Morphia; 360 do Iter Tin;
itte lbs Cope Aleste,• XW 60 , Tamarind%
1200 do Bs-artenspotiabflbo do gook Silver,
43:0 do Pink Boot; 200 do Orange Peel;
1610 do '15401 Umber; 76 do Cochineal;
1700 do Croats Tartar, '2O do hod Potash;
ISIM do Tanana Acid; '
_6O do Mace; -
1131-do Ilea Cris; 23 do LI rankle Lotion,
feblEtdevnitotT • ti
tonere are mere flung , In heaven and en&
This aro drestapt of in philinoptly. s
MBE VIRTUES of Cue remarkable remedy, and
X the constant application torn, to the proprietor,
neindoced to have it put op is bottles with la
bels and &ecotone for the benefit of the poblie.'
• The PETBOLRUhI is proctor/ from
well &Om
&MOP, at a depth of fon hundred foot, te a pare ans.
&attended artiele,withost any Chemical change, bat
Maus Born from Natures Orcatlobratorytt Thal is
contains properties resetting norther of &reams,
nO longer a mattes of uncertandy. .There are me .,
things in the arcane of namtc,which,if known,ought
be of Cam nefolnees In allemeting endanng, and re.
stone: the bloom of health and telgor to many a rof•
ferer. lone- biforb tbe Morton Monett of putting
it up in I.oules, Il bed n remitamon for the one of di..
epee. Thecontent and Moly inerratiOg can for It,
tad several retunkable enrol lehde performed, la
'SAM indication of Its Oruro pops
end midi
Spread application in Om acres of dlaralie. •
We do not wish to meet • long parade of cerilkt.
Cates u are conee4out that the medicine canyon+
edit waplato the favor M tame whder sad
'wish to be braled.• Whilst Me do niac in for it a
al eppltesuen in ovary' dioesse we onirelita
tiler say, &Ulna anther of Chronic ' leireet.s lo
ruirigeled.- 'Aettor there -may be entanereted—oll
dieevee of Otelrturotto agues,' moth ett CHRONIC
rioNcITIS, CONSUMPTION On its early etegej
*game', *adult dioettroio of tbe elr poottres, LIVER
COMPLAUTT, LTAPEPSIA, ,Digrereo,DiSealell of l
'the Bladder and Kidneyz6htine us the Peek or Bid.,
Paley, !rheumatic Pain%
c .
l o o *o
'salting from exp llrolsu voids Bo
000te or IoVI protreota cargo of
gt.egeg.thlsgetedlegli'vtill b reltet• set.
reserral TONIC sad.All.3l: TITS la each ones,
impuniug tone and energy to the whole frame, Mawr.
ink observations, opening Me aguish functions, which
souse &muse and a lors,ken.tpulltatlion, and gagigg
int.:Aged and. etagere , ' 000rgi to 511 *noon 01
_Lire! . /Le .giePtintn. 'mows of sorer.' otem of
PILES. that
el other traetment, get well
UM lice el Um I'ZTBI)I.P.UM for thotitima'
The proof cos be glees hamar person who dem. it.
Nebo sonata: wohont the signature of the proprietor.
Bold by,the proprietor,
•• • M. 1011111, Penal 00110. neer Seventh it.
• . . .401 b 7 B FII3ELLERS,ST Wood at
boron {Vend Stead Violin Oki; who are Ins
' apirgeire. , *rater' , %armload Agent.
11707.11L00clrVatsl ree
pn red,
XP:l l tairirl= k gstlk Baste; • I;lsition XS
waxer .listoltlorll It gallons esobi 50 cameos,.
0 000 dos Eluelslm Money Belts; Ido oiled
ausbeis do do. T. above goods (or Doled
frdel 0.414 iitSl4llll=ll, - 110 Wood a.
•MA I 1101144111
sn:~::-~ ~_.~ ~.
• •
ifto 1850
lop versa- boo Will leave resoled)- and 4,
JAMEM COLLIII 4 6,Ao, lAgent.
BIpWELL t BROTHER, Radiates', .
. . . . .
~.. lli.„AvaLloa ' ... —
, ..
• 1850 "iitittli
Yrrens Visbrrrth to . C.Oluseksr and a j en.d. 1
... *mu ifor noiliavtpoptilouf govaiis Or Calm
-7 Am., Can9ll, SWF, Zessanneas LoOldrrdar
1 -• Aforsiivgara, Licking, mod Franain. •. • I
' . The completion, of the Bandy and Beaver Canal
opens up to oar city throe, thin watt natural genital.
mate a direct 000tnninicanon to the above 4 welt as
the idiot dog etarttle..of Wayne, Ilolmes, Knot; tad
Prom Bus aged. of Ohio, thii trade ca nes Pinstrargh
tout been, to a great extent cut off, in ouegee of
tic bigb rote, . of transportation, which . are novo se.
allied 10, gn and SO ger cant.
I:3llorits ,of dila listo will tenet daily, and ran throng
without ttranshipmenh The Canal company have
bestowed oponshis-lwe an ta
ts test In the unprece
dented advantage* of their chaer, and thu s secured
to the raiddlo perilous of Ohio ba Greeting their goods
could interest in (hi, advantage. Agoras; '
-.• ; ~• . ~ -3 . 0 BIDWFI Is Pitteharthi"
, .I,IIDtVEIrL ge co.,olp s ow._
• .
eolenatenai.• ' - - • -
RR . C flothata, Boom's' NUN , Ohm;. - .11 - & 3 istyy,
Wlllieraeport,O.: Conran Mot,le, Elkton, 0 Carla.
Haferan, do; Hanna, Mahan • Co; New Lisbon, 0;
After 4.l.lKalinin., Hanover, O.; Niblieta & BOOTY, Ali
narea. 04 Speaker* Foster. do.; Joseph- Pool 4, CA,
do .1101.& 80.., Oneida Mills, 0.; H Vitirret, do.;
iC klarkihal &Co, Mayen, 0.; B K Gray, Wayne.
bark, 04 R Reynold., do.; haat .Teller, Magnolia 04
KJ klarkdalK&Go:ltlegnolla,o4 Woillarknets, do;
Arrtirlind & P P labor, lo; Palk.
baagli & Bleinbaugh.Helnrar, 0.; Willard • kik,iver,
do.;.J 3 Ilotanutrldanillon, Oi Carmine& C4,_Llo;
Johallabbuso, Canal Tartan, 04 le'ettiir & Torrey,
Canal. Dover, 04 • dileilatury, Ronne, 0.; L K Weis
lietealk,ll4 Fitch& Ilale,Colambne,o;.L 0 Nat ,
thoors,Cleveland,o4 Rhode. & Green, do. 14'1)9
) 850 alr2a
Pawfayivisklit Cusp, tr. Rail itlaas.
tPCONNOR;ATBINEI & (19., o=4l.lth.EN 1.11 , &01:
tein, I,•tentriki,
& Oa, atom 261111/alket.stlect,
• ••101 . f..66,,,U ,_ N0rth street, Dahl.tote;
K llsoeiThlearli °At
Fil.ftne Casio, II Doane Meet, Boston
HAXIGION Cur, MEM We, Kontsciy;
flats. h.Co.; Colombia street,Clitetnnab; "
Wass. Louisville.
licvat i Co, Rt. 1414
To Manors ofAfelthjr4s . ,4 a nd Frahm to cad
Iron.6,alkiripkiet..Haktirtore; ',IV: Toot, y Mown.
to Coat e bOlpt ago in fine order. eeo Ste prepared
to sot TS (OM. on above at MY /arra prim. We
ill3lollt freight/ow Many alums basing pennies fret
ewer =to" and with thololloonne estems., stock
arDoals feel comfidentercertne entire ratisfeettoo to
all baldness =Muted to oar can. Oar boats are all
new, and commanded by captains of cope a, and
°arcane, line ii condoned en strict obSati.leirphor
and tentperowes prineZ.
lterar awn
CieelnnaW Bands
Rolls /tans. Chatham
Win Atkins, Pentead
Import. BrCt. ad*
Boston, • Alter
Cortina* . Ailey.
' tkods.^. . Centel.
Penneylmola F. Iwyton.
de. Louis. 'Cowden
Col. Howard Ridley
May Debarahlelmo -
Compose, Kay=
Joanna ILOWD
Ohio Dello hone"
Ihseter Rinip
Julia Ann tar=
Televapt! rixard•
ghtiftrancit::: "
Fe dh JUV.lgan
The z hrhlhnde
Aaron Ill'Uowerl
I.ittwp - jar, I
sh!rperaval (p,,d i t .L l4, ) ! Aa . dlaitzt i zigz us •
loaf Carat Dana tax .
— lll77nWia - Vihu — iiiii - olviithmi ce,,Parts•
MEM 1559,
A. Limon a COs Lung, ; . ...
By Pram Jeanie Costal ayd - Rad Rzmar.
Tu4L.T.E. , :g. .4,lli:bil,Wroxf:PtP44l,
new out to the IMw, ennblei as tp writ awoe
. 4 40 , Van r golf t .0 ...W..
OQ brain Proodetors.
—Aers.lTO •
UkitHlS k LEECH, No 13 %nth Tiara n,!
' And to tbe Tobacco Wereboote, Dock OE,
Phi adeptde, TA;
I t r1tYLV . 1 4 4:14 1 41, a N 00? qll'A
D LEECII & CO, Coot natio Pete
all] Pittelmett.
•allifali 1850
OR TIIS PAMPA AND. 0/110 vankrALS:
CLARE, PARRA Jr. CO, Rockmart, Pa., Platfi f a.
0R... nor Smithfield and Wafer !Pr, PiUaliargt..
elan CO, d A , Okmata, •
oria wellpressed Line son grte , cd to transport
freight and Pameagere from PI IT taldlikoll and
C EVELAND. to any point on the Canal and lAkers
The theiliamiaftbe Line art sarternimed trt nasther,
gazing capacity of Boat% caPeO o wa s.P , Oaa' ,
and eillciertry of Agents.
One Rost kayo Patakargh and Clevelsed
ning in connection with a UM` Of If flails
twee n rrErsitiltrat lIIIAVIIR, nd I .the of
kitet Ova trintip Iltati, Protellere an %female, on
the Likes
. Clot, Path. & Co. Ithethewee, Pe
fI N Parka k Co, ironntstoWn, U In,
dl R Taylor, Warren. ft,
Norton Vell I
• ' I Brayton k. Co, Ravenna. I
Kent, Grinnell & Co, Frank ha. ffi' •
It A Aline!, Coyahoca Fan, at,
Wheeler, Ire re Co, Akron. it, ' '
Crawford k. P.., Cleve land, 0,
INMAN k Ca, Sandusky, it,
Peet barn ft Soo, Toledo,
a:William* A Co, Mona. 11 . 00 ;
WAlcion. A thy, blitwaakie, Wit;
Murky & Moon, flamer; Wig, •
Orme A Oink, Chicago, III
• Thomis lIe!e, Chicago,
JOHN A CACi d IINY, Agent,
ma Wit
k ,omen te, SOMALI - LI oil
ld Rochester, Proprittors.
TitPreprielors of this o sad 'sena rrn Line
would inform the public. that they not noir In op.
erattoo lot theyrestrit Selman: and linen .cournented
receiving Preitlit end Passengers, which thet ere
fatly prepanen to carry to all pOllOO on the V e nal and
At the lowest rater .One or the Hants of the Line
will be constantly Oi the landing,below Monongahela
Dodge, to receive freight. l -
Often, ear and Sinitibeld:sts, Plurlough.
R W Cauninkbani. New Carpet
C Mulanj ((boron;
.1 B.ll4ll,boarpaburc
Witt, A e bre & esi, , Grecnrille;
Win Power. esitusientrAlii
John lienen A Po, Erie;
. John .1 Hte
ollisr & r'o;1tofol r, N Y. en , 3 0
Pittsburgh POrtabla Unit arlior•
alEiga 1560.19 4 419 *
raa milt ileorr01101•10. Or Vorioni• •
PITTSIIURGII, 0111.1.411PLP11 1 / 1 ,.
Twigs, ilmuttriaa,2 i'Prisrns Orloartoi,
Phtledelphia. 2 V Pittsburgh.
PHIS Canal being now open, thr propnuars of thin
in long esinblished Line are me roost their old
manta, neeeisteg and forniarding Nletelisndlin and
Produce at tow rates, and with the . pruntitnesi, eery,
cad safety, pteuliar to Wit ryiletn and 01000
0( tranwporiniluo, lobos 0 interatedieln tout sitiPteett
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
of damage.
Merehandise and Produce %hippieeast
ro e l'
Hill, ofrLnding forwarded tree of chnrge rot w
rico, advancing or stooge. 'hiring 1 , 0 infetert•di..
'near indireAly in rtesuebosthat of the Owner,
Sr solely consnited when chipping their goods.
Alt oonimunicationa to the follohing itgonto prompt.
ly attended to: ,
No S.B Morkrl Wee.. Philndelphis. •
Corner Pann and Wein°, stench, Pittsburgh '
Jelin McCallogls A Co, hi Not th st,Palt; P. 11. Hart . '
le C 0.25 Doane et, 1.10111014 ms'. T. T. peott Ct •
Poath u, Now Pork; James. Wheelwright, W i ein.
n esti
ablEllllB so . 'l
Between Pittsburgh aua=iteeirairtra.
The Canal being now ..pen, we 111111leNtly iv
and fortwanlpromptiy, produce and matebondtre esti
and wen. , -
Weights always at Unwed tote., elattgad by reopen!
sible liner, • ••. • • • -
Produce and mettebandixe will be received and for t
war4ed pact and west,•wiihout. any_ douse .for. fol.;
Warding or sdraneing (MOIL, nom
1 1 . or morale .
Illtbast lading forwarded, diseetion* frith.
folly stwoded to. •
Addiats or apply le, Witt. HINCII I / 1 5i, .
Canal Basin, nor. Liberty and Wayne ow, rittaboigh.
No 1133, 31 arrest, between 4th h. 5114PhIhr,
- • /AU. WILSON, Alttt •
No 182, North Howard ato Llalltmore.
aorta No 10. West erect, New Voter.
- t -
lIABNfIF.fI , COY . •..
. ,
paearnapper *Wet • Mandl t Onlats"
.fromRPM O. Faith:toe to bring penonf
from any pan of England, Inland. Seed Chant ,
Wales, lomat Ibd nest liberal terms, with their
neural punctuality and intention to the wants and com
Sart of emedataula Wedonot allow estversseimerite
be robbed by the einedling-sninipa that, lineal the Ina,
.perts,'•• We tithe china* of them the tornient tbei Fe
port themstilrea, anal see to, their.arell being, and do;
spaieh them without any detention by the firal
We say this fearlessly, as we defy one ef oar passen
gers to elotri that they were detanad rutain , as Itt
pserppel,. whilst :thousands of others 6 era delained
.monlhaeritil they could. leAstgill. tome r.d gift, . 11 .
ah pnO, which too frequently prove.: their. eigErm.„
We . Intend to penbna ont.connactr aonersbly, coa
:3Teaiglilat not
when it suited Weft convenience. •
Drafts - drawn at Tirrthergh for airy saw hem
E zza r te s : , taire . f: i ti v rArznal . Hulks fit Ire.
' WO • • •
lattilloril er pipes Brr i trigird, Dupur, es t
VIP bOli WDiebey; by sec by
WWI E NTP_Am. Titze
ninrink ..
- „
J. H. MELLOR, 81..05.# nwes,.44o Ma4=l l 4if
Hato Htme:
Olken tan you'iee ty rho *tattle horyllishq
tined to Rem C Coob. Oh, thielv OW leis l late
thee. Blanche /Open,' 'Mite. ,W/rit other filmes
around thee. The tothenna dm 11111. - - Wert eon .
bet talue,,innie laude—Elooteit ballad., The Robin
..-tesnla by, Elea Coot, sassie by Stephen Glover.
-nos had amended' the• apirillhat loredlltte Tim
o r,w.glogina. ki4 Mothoro Latil=l,
Old Sattort--lbserel. 11. doeth all Aloes. well—
Woodbury,' 'Wtdoer trltiseetteele
eftnytaiatu-HoteLlosona. Low backed earr— b ovez
Elan Waltlei—earaplete. The 'ldeutio . Bell. The
Bridal er Weddlat Polka. Jenny Lim* Amerlaaa
Polk.' 1.1.17,P01ka.• Some Anterlean Polka.. Tip
Top American Poll.. Sa Sella Flabintetniut polka:
/cant Link - Polka,' The. Origin. • Seetthih ,
Julien... Sslutatlon Polka. Vint Polka. Joseph*
Polk. Stinualt Pottle Roastugol The Peo-
Phet Qatdri7ca-7tleyerbeer. Jean
_Lind Quadrille.
The 'Wreath. end Daley Walt:a—lam Ernest. The
CRIS. 1n0 ,, r1 1 07 , -`v.riallent by Cum. blintitnieut.
s oqq e s horn ileum. s W:rotors Ailseiellter. quit I step.
10111aTlya parch and Quiekatep, Weed . Bp, Wok-
C ARl :f; l ;.y=l" °l
WISCLINTO•ii is now COMl•ntir
. Sprint EU - kof , CARPET , UIL" MOTHS,
-R lP'!'lr rl ', °•" c °l" l4: ', Pt .
7 Rnglish and,Agisriesaßrauela .. •
Exits EinpeFfinolmPerid 3 01
thweifitte i • . • •
• soperli. ingrgn tIy ,P LI `' sop;
F4tra • Itnpegline -
n Tailed Illtra'
y .
Extra VVllloa
Mongols do "
Chenille Don
~ •
ghnp Clair •
Grinprint ap4no c°7177
Embinee , ,
e rano ,
o Ten))
Printed woolen
Linen and weelate
Damask Mar Lin '
Made, 1 1 .4 Ct'th"
C£huleßd Derdal o
VP : I
::llS"4bm l \l : ''oa 2
u4l:: 3e Cots
0d75.iG 1
ilix:. .
non " .
4-4. arnt9 Tap Von Car.
and 1 Twara
.1, ft
awl plala Car.-
Lin la -.
4.4 Moira Ceiba Cupola
8.11,74,if14,64,44 .and
oil C 16114;
64, 64,4.1, anal Muting;
IS inch rsent Oil Clods , ,
Blue add Drab Cloths;
Osumi, Platb
llamas for LLB ngis •
Watemd' Morriss • 4
Oaf( flolk n d r tot VirShatlss;
Tratispatent s
Eisack t,setos:
Vesellas Olinda;
th,.. 1 for
74 au 6.4 Table Linen;
n Eitln
Ger Co man Olt Clodt
- :
60- NMI PPMed 15 11".
actotera from It w fit feet
eat ur fit roma% 'hallo, and
Eh= CIZI. CAM/ from
isb mad ABICTICRII maul*
a arid% . ..Web will be
vestihalcant say.aito or abapa. 66.
rho anaemmaned haring imported dirNl
tang, lilirTehrot Pilo and Tapcatry CANPVIS. 'hams
Clump,. which aro of the la est cad won alegani,
ntylea and pattern*, and oda., rot gobreoria coo
will bqaohdat pricey aa law salbgl ahr , tr purcka.
for in any of the caldera cities,
• ' • .
Hasler the Want annisrumerir el: the richest not
moat Bol;ohnbla BRUSSELS, !Keratin* TIMEX.
rLY and INGRAIN CAR rETti whip. tarearpanien
In quality arid ebraheb.rfterrumu. 4l ."'
berme. brought to Min shy he no invites /Steamboat
Nen and Couh binnifaelutirea to wall
seleetedaseonmentorr RANRIINOB,nentribeSFSInks,
neenestity in their torasueea
The undersigned h Me nest Ms tie only BUM Rod
Manufactory in rttlipielplila, and fa prepared In tell
kneel tLan tan be purchased elsewhere fisthie
Aiw 0~611 New ewidStl
' . CLF.AR 7775 TRACI! ' ,
pine !Sisrmst end alamenew.'fley Garde
111.3.11Aal L. RUSIISILL,
lenousala and Retell Dealer nt
I Frenals; lust American DIV GOODILAbutee
**net, between Third sad Fourth. sign of t h e •
Ma Bel fling, hailed interitented reetivlcre
at owning one Of the, stent rinh,eplendld,J
and catenate stocks of Serieut S od Sommer Dry Goode •
CM/ agreed for. mils Is Ike Western mow/. , AD Sr
thew Imported Goals arc hack ewe:A and Ireeleadj, -
pm tlen tut imamate from France and Ugly.% as..
Ow nigh Warm, Imparted &net , from DOWN. ell: •
In an bleached, sad warranted the pars article; thtse; •
Linens are all i mp
ern,orted mbterlber, and era Mr
Vark t i t,' lgibe, 'ro every best asattattanr, and
Linen Goods et all %leis, liseance direct from DMus .
by .the sabserinet, end will be [mend the teal Erns -gO.
Wtlllb' lIRI .S GOODS.
.NeW style riek TOM all tidier., ealenald:
coed.; • Week mak ISallas. all . Fla* rich
Week glara.:ttlts, all calms, iota Impentatios; Frewk
lad tnater all etilore. the ice Imported; plaid black
AnamTem,pu fen Fzetteh Wow; sew .tyle paiesce,,
Ranges, itplett44 goe4s. A1e0,.• apart and latgeq
meek prorate aisell Moe* Late, fey Minato,
atest., eery eels goods elms Usectea
extremely low, Iteastifel goods; black eilk.Firbs=
widdia nod purr.. arty cheep; French Lawns, new
n lees pct tu f t:: Tolseiti 'a rifht; 11 4 _ gr k Ti e 4 l 4:
De mune toted*, rice goo g da; Mace
Cashmeres, new elylee, Imaldral genie; eplendld
Wired melrogoode fee WA &mom eleheesteraidend
Settee tee velum dem.; !Dries kdalng. sad
, loserung, Ike beat haported; !DM ?waft Is all colon
land orifines.comrsqlmithine-mslasMDled WW I
itarrecsr all ;ke.; pruned lawn.. ale,. styles. from
!e to SS cent. per yard; Darree de Lanny • new gnome
MM. , drew. Alm, a large end saperti Mack of
d. errle a w ns' Denam Ribbon; the TOT beet I.
panedrsD '
Canton crepe Shawls, all igley, fresh from the Cirs
, tom Done; Tata Rena Sholirla,saleadla arteds, rhea
color. per Inn Mein:Ler; Wesel*, ehangeable rhea
, Shawls, reedy Imparted , . ;•' whlie embroidered
' Croton Crape Eh treeamahroaller.
td Manton Crake Slatirla, Weenie epees; Leant , "
Prenee made Frobroidered Thibet, Anew impenadent;
Paris pointed Clubmen, ehaerto, all mien end awn.
nee; ladle. , imam. Creel= sad Dearerialevel le
rtetT Prick witted Cope !hesitant mid Ce. it iallre
A Llso *Pet ef"i
10 hole rases bleac h.10.11p., from std 10 cents - Pei,
yerd;,ll, .alorlina. (to 121 - emde
to p p.
11 oases trials 1-mesa, Imported darn fnam.
Reuses. it hales Ticklng, tremll lo reale per yard;
tl eases blot Drill, loner Etre 1111 cents nes . yardi son
Solos a fall astonsnent semnier.Cloths. Also. Ctit
a;aterce, Tweeds, benneater nod g..may 10.
a, taut d.flt Calle% (001 centred, form 5 to 120 cents
per yard; 5 oases Aotthr Latish Feints, bast
Imported; 5 hates 11.11111.11 and B.cotelt thapere.eitreet.
ty low. Arse, ilmasekeepirry Evader:a...ll kirlds..erY
cheap; 2 hales lterria Etaah. from 11 le 111 mt.. Pee
yang derides a larre• stock of Cheet and•felanuay
Stripe— Alta, Camera Ilawiels, all colors and quids.
yea at low price.; red, white, and yellow Flumels,
I very chcapi blreetred mid ambleached Drilllmm; fall
arronment; 5 caws bloc blerrinmk Llicaota
timidity low; blade Any! unbleached Table Drapers, all
'prices; ;Bird's eye. Ingram, .all prices and qsabilia,
very chrenl deplored. Cambric. • fall assortment,
cheaper than even 3 bide. /lathier hoar 10(1.4 Ms
per yard. Aiwa large stock of cotton Table 110spera
Mermen' Skirting , . fa.l arsonatent, very cheap.
PA,01050451 FARA/WWI
The ;arrest and. Moat anforidid ;sleet of Pantile
ever opened by 557 gam ;house in . Fitirbergh, le this
Jay received...l are all of Ilie newest French styles,
which, for °dineaa erul brawl, cmleaL be •eriratama ,
As we here a largo lot of thew Fermate, they will he
, old e Fernier tLirfa other - berme lathe city'eatt at•
ford to sell the saiSOC qvility.of geode. •
The lodic. ere reenecoarly in to eamlimelbese
Paresals.aa they will And soma of Wm.:lshtar- end
Interest stylei ever imported hem E. The..
.'.rush are nil of Mb. rieleNt 0.11 mod fashionable
eolore, and are worthy of the anger oflhe
All Of the .bore geode will be en MI at price' fa
below any hennas shoe city; and la ohlrwtoPreve
ton the public. will Meese .rall and price thew,
Roods, and compere them with WIT other house In the
convinced of the above essertlett. _
e rennet wortht bete say to bre numerous ed.
tomers and ilin piddle in general, that there are tab
other two hive Morse in award tamers larsweli.ll
eshewith th e flea ;to , whielVia• Worm the only
celebrated and to famed Ulf licmdeestelillehamel m
entsberab. The aster trios would 111110G:1d 00510.11
plach..f.4 at Vry Crash, Other WhateSsle Or
non the Dig Hee ou Market etreeLbetweenThird
end Verrill. re' new s:peniuy . tit6ol
ton,t o
te rube .tort of.vpiing , and ioulooes Dry Goode
everniered far auto Palsberen • . • .
111:4N r.Trt lIONNhT2II • . - ,
NliW Strafe roe leraeat and Mostlialden
side mock of. Ronne. ever opened In Ibis city la laol
rirrly,V, Mr2,t; .IYry
r t, Ida keS
(loath Of emery deadriptiod are .aellide elteeper alma
any other house in the city. Tito peLlio will plated
take hold.* that there are IWO-0111GT bdekivellons ea•
stelae{ street, 5/11.0 pretend to compete...rid,' the .I.llg
• Hive, between Tined end - Fourth, attests, where
the panne Will Coal, at all times, the tersest and neerest
styles of thy ((MAI, trr•ls opened. - " '.• .• • j
11 . 7..F1055e lean rcatice,lhol:the More ia between I
Third and Fourth streets, elyirof the. 1110 IIEE
*llO,O Dry Goods of every de•eription aro .selling
'nurse than et any other bonne /nate oily.• ..
apl3 WILL/All 1. RUSSELL.
co., cO-14oket epees, batwasn
A _Thai] and Poona, ate now reecalna • largo as,
ortmcot or Mingo Ile Loins; Perslah'Cloths, ae en
tire now amide; rallet, , to; erspo Delateedte; via
4 large 11440114100. of Lawn. and other Dress llooda,
tribe latest styles and most lostdonabla
181 , 14:1 , Tailma• prone, Asa and Jame
reanotsi--4 0 buninald, dipped, and arena; -
011=a-1501ms Criamand Ensliao
oetns--ao de: Hemp and Manilla; •
Cumaa-40 111 Common and tialf Spanlib; .•••
Fmn-2.5 brimand half bris MaekemlAnd Salmon;
GLats-d0 Not aiaorted
Ilaas-1200 Prime Venison;
e JACO Sonar Cared;- • •
lbe 8 F and Manilla; -
Ina-India !laminae'. Inack . ad Copying; " ' •
• Mepsalla-t brim N Orleans: , • Li
15 half lids Hagar Man;
Matiaar , -.10 dot assorted cardalarel • '
Alammunn-501be , Itainu8 . , „
VB.II3IItILLI- 130 Ilia' de
Naun-ra4 kensimailited;,
Plea:as-4 dos jets alarmed;
Pain-5I "reams, .
Pasant-lOU 1101tekaz;
* a / 7 P Pas Aosta and Cast Smelt.
N Orleans and elarilicik, • ,
Tata-410 packages Green and Bluki• ;
"losacce-20 Oct 12, 0, A lib lump; ,
Wain Botany-10 dos panahl Zink;,. •
For sale by
. . Sorriest(Filla arid-WoOdabli.
pol:or 00 . ; 111E4 U /dusk' Rai, Oral aaa gal fa,,
rod all raMVSeltaitort.
• • •
eiPpING SELVALLioN,win vyridrodi by Up.
canal sbipse nth
th° Jawnl,:v.:Pb - g tr,r or!s
i 9
. 03 . I , Wood area
rill's Co-panne natio berettlfatt CXiIdN batiam
& U. Ilaahhold and John /Ohba,' ends[ Ma', RIM of
N. B. llombeld & Co, U Ibis day ditudied by mental
doom,. The boldness of' MO Old Ind will I... Med h 1
H. U. nn.h.aeid oldhaandi N O - 1201 . 11 mItY
Mushomb...- :
; !dutch 1,1251).. . '/OHN.IdeGILL.
continue lbo: Wholesale MA - WWI Dry Goads sod
GI rotary - famines*, at llm'ald stand, No. MO Liberty at,
and the htm
_._ B.S. Ul.lll.llFy+D &
Moab I; MOO —lmns " .
1 I/AV •th *day summed:oil me, olhe ko
ilia GMetrio COMlll,6loioliand ForfrOdfog boot; fro Bonn 04 N. andV(.l3. Waft , IMMO.' The
odouvole future will be coodosted under the otyle of
Torg ' fri too " ' e iVeTvtriUS '
ruubv" ii#44
ifiß i tliavoarehT CREECH, lIIICOVERI
Vh4o the reettew:Kineogh *mei rvaget
Thr. Cluyairitt , s licaotzselisf Tons* Des*
afalts eonowsption, serofsia, orfajoalas, rhoweitithon,
gam y hen eoreplolnta, spiral sasemetts, skew, sy•
' .-Pilihst dropsy. asthma, piles, searrag, arections el
the Madder and kidneys, mensal Comes, too
rapt' humor., rash of blood to the lead, finwt and
I Man, Warder complaints, Kemal debillt7.4l7lPePt
fia t lon of appetite, headache, pas, cos maw,
Teruo.4 algid sweats, abode, organ
tt Itaillidatton of the assn, Odes, pains
Id the side,
11 litafalliblis In all &ammo analog. 6th; in LID
WO AEG of the hloe& or Irregatar action of ate spo
sem ; ,
.•Int tbi Yegetable Klngdwo, an All wire, Deli; ha
depasluid plants and herbs. congenial to or eirtetiao
Ilona, slid adapted so ha ears of disease; and to Iht•
Madders does the resatin of toss, as Well *
the instklet of aid ala, tarn foe atabietWo to Pala , -
, Thefitosp Is a scientific somporati of the most sal
male pipLati to Caere.n catnap Ire, Qom delattaant
sad rialtos mineral sabstanees,tand as it expel
Amass ma the spleen, imparts nips and Magda
tallatitertwo, t I a , ', . .. , •'
An egtrionlinary atm.( tlefortall, Etylipelif ma U
rem eared: by Mg solo as. of Dr. thrfstars COS
potted Byrap, Yellow Dock and Banaparilla •
t . - Mammy Nov. 17, 111 -
lie. (2;12077—5in I Under My mars Wanks for
Ike greet benefit I. have derived. from the ass of Tow
tealssbla amp. .1 have plass Mottled Teti bad wit
a *mkt°. use., wtitch wade Its appemnea 011 m
ChM ' j did
to a oat pep mach aunt-ion to nal dot, sop
,Peara t be floated bat an mth
ow= at appear
,on Pe tetl l'S , ti. II busily began to Inerease,autil
vigood to itn . Act pan of the head. -I sp ited w a
Md . . A." 17,4 'And...a:lnept:lf P l= si l
afted Yellow Doak and Sunpartliss and eonelesed
itri=l2`r.Velln'tir rongral.thl
bad frfar. and Iroo XI ass of one bottled
at see a gnat asap la my. mien. I continued
to petit Out I V. a....tra1l sun- _I lIM 4..1 like S
• .
canworvenflor* wY t ee r
fewifrw'nef fWfinn , VAPOr=tereq7.r
trey no to POO worm.) two et Idrea. hive
lie seed year Lief, PAW end Coast SIM de WY
family, MeV hlery leceedeft.'ffl4tted
At $ awn grad la Anerellanditing,l • luteabla to
stale,hhet I ben vet labour otthet fait Ware yrkfai
year car diem.* hied beenlihrd any whitn...tithe
en try • In eoritivelotbil way iww'Wet theYavbtae
mcdcants,ar the/, •
dwelled to tilt . aty
entail. papal .. recoeettad y;
• ' H
Pieter= aad sal be B. 1. OFILEDS.No Weol
sleety and bold by D,fakklete ynoWttliY,,ka.tsW two
eines and vic.nity. - • • - le?
,StAA,tOta Yea*. v ildetv s lpitts...7.rety
4"1."1°.°"1"7; 184
, Gee =sib antati 3 O erf we,
IL It Sellers: f think it eight fat tho bencitof oaken
to mete mew faVais =anon tt. year entelleatFoelh;
I new lined y. .e Verainate forteW elYa=t l'
Hy, ace vier , fra,oently aneweenn for rkpellingt
quantities Way to Wad worms from two diddles.
kat* a= mood your. Liver Wale aed.tfoilic drier et
eay dimity and they have in every =maw prolcseed
I due a eedea
nt atonal in eternhawitaing, I as able ea
Mole , 11.111 ism - yet tatear ef the distfailare whew
Tar eteac.ate heat been seed time lettibtr of the
=vette, - taxies= I way nate Wet Hay are As
medicines el the day. an d eyedeotiodd lowdOnel7
*Stettin. populanty VosteoesocednlV. •t.
Alenated 'android by It. bIIS,NeR Wood
=re; awl mkt by Eingymet anef=l it it. two di'
Y±lliL e if I Itl it &41•Prilltil';li hi
Vi otiginal, only two, ltd Teruel= Wrenn...;'•
• Peons Deux, Ohio twenty:Va. t
bfareb Whh,
B. E. Sellers. Dear Par.-1 think It a ditty t own
to you anew the pantie reeeragi Hata 'that I have
been attleted with the Layer' lean for 'a long
time. and to badly that an sheens rated end broke,
which led we ni a very "steno, . liter beard Of
"yon icefehrated - Liver Yillabetevy fog We by Alit
Sharp, in Wen Liberty, and recouwiended to me by
Ilatr ' ill::l " 4r V ils . 8 :41:fe l cr,Tirdizr,:e::
•elasi what they aro Weeenteended,"THE HEST LI-
V&A EVER USED; indalter taking fete
1 hed he =caw has entirety kb our, std I sow
pettettll-welL—_RespectfaDY oil.
, --
• •
Wora aborlr,l l l llllll 5 11 4 111 1 4 •
' ce:lll}Sus 1 nos perionelly asentinted erith Mr
tu4nl ,t and eon bear tenth:Tax..le the lrenh 4/ 1 the
obro4.`cruSeate: • . • S . R Sll4 RP •
Tao • ermine Llier rtru'exl.. ;
prepared and Sold by
A }li LLF.RS, No )17 .Wood otre,oi, sad D7-21704!b
lam 'wo Warm., •
Td CHE ruitLigr-Thibriginal,odi the and gen.
eine Odra, Par are premed by I/ EtSellees, and harm
Worm. 'lumped - in Meek wax span the hd or corm
ear, Youl-bla stgnalate on the outside 'wrapper-41 1
Ake* see ermatellelts, al bus lealteltocue.— ,
niplU ` SELLERS, froptletol `
ikllU.:l,l,32.,tc,iltigit.7.l,:gd fr
war Watches, In c anis fine cacti, which can wino
low ria thirly , end filmy his dirilart,did warrawed to
A toiiiiA npiendld suartereat or JIMELRY, *oar
ppains the Tarim, and Intent arras, and lieW patutrat.
- Ili. W. WlLatlN,Watrloaaker and Jeweler,
• :f 14/.....a.1**11,111,•••••••
_it?? Al
r t ;
I . •• ' • Pelee ltellsteesi.
• .111•Ipratti . best
11 1 1fol l i 'ne e r b i le k hrteitt l fit ' j ab ' d'etaao talkers ,
Mh ' vnt"l•M"l a ro y aro t le Ir d oey Ot t
31 by th•gosmity of 6 m 107 . 038
,grpleted,tooth at
TAILORS . aunimourr• •
yr EltSfiV,.ruanNo.& Cltfitterang errietted to .
11 etre dmie Indite allestiOA bt aisle of doeesUa
WOOl.l. sad . Conon (keels, u_oree. offer their -ts . rhe
stock ef. ,Ttieattle . s la lte•lingL, Fre ak
l ' .3."C"'" ' l3°"l" ll.dEr Fln,:kliNGl a Cl)
dse r •
7 151. E .
111.EMER— . 01e4ilat iiildaspati
D'!Str,: t !'k. • IPr k g T i nit?Wrt i b ./'
441itiff — utplut . t; .4044 ...:4 1a e r. 4 1 1;;
•4 kJ 111e4ebing Powder,:arrived iti r Osenbrulge,
81 now maul on, 44441Zip a lbatAk t. .• . . ri i irn .
.1111:+444 iiittA'eeiro. 44.44 li...inter' liege
l. via Nrmptlato.:. •
ree'd go gloom% plain lam:tin:WEl 0rn..11000
(roar tao eratrrotoa mrofactOry of Nonni a
Clark, N. Y., al soporiof toao, and rarodentolrice.
ate • : l:.w, vvoordt.
w jr afilf7,lltPßALLXOTar e OVillit
abotineti droat gibe fir fliaTeetla s- It Is dolletooo a la
I Ike Loma, Coming the iota; holarta sod azaagthen.
'SIT& FLoUR-.l9ltrlssn'aida et o r
for sTIA:ILT„ , 7AI/11.16 t ROB S
L A Ku bris Lactinni nod C ails hT
up or miu..-so oLAIL* le! sAA to elm eLNAITA
.0171airAdigelgiossialor lAA by, :
jragg,cLiv..Aibillateri - TTLYIr
211 Ale by 111 A I T AIWA Dalaraa• '
VIRE inupc,isuto imulte and Inv 'Ai DT
: . rose •• „ . , TAANA.TAISPLW
;., tiLlAt ALTA - do , LAM Al;ronTivnient,-
C. LAID Af lATA) .6 t W
AMD---50 ter' tic! ne , d tor ..h. b•F-7-",7,- •
j Ise •• • • ••• 'Q &IV
W = l d b"
• • 11
- IlAittlAtlCil
re - r 4 ., , bll7.
s. ;., .
24:41 1 0, , 1i nv; 10111,6441Ml ia nd=V
r Ktti;7lf
TH. Lardoor's miu...i.siotown • UnUee
J./ new int ennalwllvelf (16 ant
and atiCYPIOMPIII3.IOA and olo r t
an Mosttiop theproilleal tenant of tho Way.
in ortration in the Meted lamplate in the Continent ;
end in America. Ilr'Dtorovioa Ladner, D. C. L. is.
• • no ttinowt of tha INelesoloosk. By Sohn 111007
I f i n k ine It D., Bishop onto Diovesn at Venom;
hoWert'o Now Eaton' or tillmon'a Gibbon's De
alto and roll of the . notoon Empire 6 vole • •
Lannuttowo Last.... Tho r.wi l _Pmsolt• Ind Fume
'Otto Repahlie. Dr Motion.* us lamanitut.
• -Carlyle'. L .., Dv -p a mphlet. No VI. Sobloce
"NoV of Unmet new. Novel...Mho Daltonv. • .
P. IL Ounce new Nortb—Mbo Old Oak Chen.
The . 1 0 , eyotks tecolved Ibis daV and Co. sale try
e " • twerceig moo crept
Johnsento-Auterican Famiterlaineldhi
Brown-Treue of Az:twice, o • , .;•
Thounio-American Fruit Ceintrier,lThiti! •
Guide to its Oreitard; item :;"
Sitehenlimederter w ttoso!-- o • •-•
Alincei-The American Bentteepeln e lStd, '1
7 , lh ow *-The American Poultry Yard; Vim
Marsitall-The Farmer anti &simmer 10.0 Doak
• Alialb.-IbirAMblibun.Fams
rse, 21004,
- 'Thrwintr-rialt end Bran Thew or Amarles,Thr.Mt,.,
,Iftwath-Tho Ho Aim •
o goo f
• J
• D oc ooDiF o talib, .•• ribs
; •
J 7
Amiires,Younaiof •
Ditli IMMO Matt Air IJ •
fIONDUCTV.D by Prof. B. delliman; PreL , B . silly
%/milieu Jr . and. J ernes 11. Dom, New Week Coll°,
betlieSlJ 'pal Puma is issued enter minmoinbe,
10 netabnen lf. la pHsa tub. , makinglys mato
volumes , a year, auk MIA many
devoted to original ankles off Science on& the Aria;
Condeesed ArtliWit or •Atresacte oVideautire ;and
INStOrtfilD DVSS ll:4[p rerbidlebikliellea *Chew
Itabnealmi,,end a Ocurtial Belistin or.mccnt Men
tike Works. 'TM Ara [cries emtains 60 volaties,the
las sif which is a 'Anent' Index" to' Os 44 volts:Ws
preeedirldi SaDeonplioneldri a year.ia
J D ILOCKwOOD, *al for Proprietors,
lab. , lot FainiJ r ! n
Good Igioneis for Summer ItiradlSS,
Itecnona'arkisti Etedlng Enwpailoupu . a . '
Taylor—Eldatede, !Weis, limo - • •
• Cosibsti—Evoimia Ufa and -Wiumers..2
,-**-,....t.....-•••••••• aMI d 00,7 v 010,12.110. 4 •
.0 at ,
MU Ma fl
Az 9 rob,
J limo
• 7 • A 81)
J—coeudatag the ddeldeseef the
the Muted etetem, and the ft
sure. 0114 et Ezehatige,Clieeks.
fue7l4 . lloLitel=o: aad
'.l . , " 'Ar whets misled in en order
tm relerenekand seltable for He.
- la • it i r Wee. - 1400; CowWer et
iimilleT4,tes. Market it Tlded
Vie fled Netts4cutt, =no.
Sie eltreldre: MST. _
mutoutil 1101401 m: 1100/. •
L110'44114 UMW.' .
haw la ealifernld.
land Iftrelels, Swede, .1000. •
ems Freud' Utereaszo.
max ifigactissi. ,
+ens o , News.'
mini &Real iOnl.
• „ 14011 03 04.F .0 0 .11th LOCkWUU.°
. .
' • • '
6JI IClYl.piala as.
• ' Nib; Dolly Day;
- ;Qo&wa l e 4a Comm DlCat
1 • ALSO: • ' '
IskUn 'rm. Lova, b 7 T.Soctl; . ,
`, • ivn4 vs. 4SebaZi IVI4LF, •
, .
Pohi faun, aceversiottagie Co;
tasimev euT watituras Ile
seat or New Davie otatiiiktir*Sci
• • .-J. hI.KELLOII.Bi aid a. •
• • Jistlk.a o P l 4 l- -
. 4r. r 7 4WA 71 . 1,e!: !FT*
Disarrlevempsidni to Lairds of
nel' Endow— • asd.ot - resmasnaer. • by
:7 D. D.
clan BaidDit; D 0.7 1 .31. ND:
ya[b butrations bt '
macs Muni sad liDuiet grew@
egalal. am Rooks: • •
ill eleven %Waal deans% try M1M1??,21Y041.2.i.r••bi,
??, 2 1Y04 1 . 2 .i . r • •bi, PF.,222d.Ait D'nr 2
oras or satrid .11
beal, bn,Yakr. Sartain. •
17. ` 9 = 5 rlbi In I frit.
. , • • ..aldatiourelarions ' and Immo of the
ion and the COISZIVISIity . by Wong
`,:f De Mirtiteges: opraprnsing
By Wm. Hazlett.
tss amt.. ' Ity, neaten Henry Lai
ef an tionnisind Thai,
44,0 a per's Proverbon ghttosoptiy, tie* edition; Was.
Jest received by
arktl ' ' ' CMOS Alarkti stud Tina sureui
11111ME . 4 HP , WRY, OF ENUIAND new pub
-1.14 fishing At auger J. firo• ,, , , in 4 cloak and
"peps at 4u clew per Three gets reeetied, and.
ion nes by 'lt HOPKINS,* "
„ apt:, J 7O,Apolle Sandals, South at.
r . • • New finks.
RFXIUIih Ins ygel _
aslhorc Alfr g 4lu,Hisory of iled of
Sidman the floreerOsS l l
• - comer Third and Market literati .
f.hur of the Nest liernarkkarr Works of t±4 Agit!'
the Yesidis, or Deirii-WOrspippcm.ssd sp
Jimmy iota the Mammon! Amy! the Ancient, As.
whoa: u -Amten Henry -I.s.yard, 11. c. Ir.
Wahl Introdaetory Note by Prof. E. Robinson, D. 11.,
lA.. D. Illistrattl , ' , Nth fISIMOSsr AO,*
cots. vsinSve. cloth, 151,..40. • I
0 11,. Wick has rare amount of grsphie, '
taresoste manatee ”—Trtbeers.J.. . .
one wart
Liyard is the Mint prominent mutt-
Mien to the eV of annuity, inn Itesappeared for
tstorm ezeeli In nougat the soreani or Nineveh
Juni lid giant; ATMS tiy , ' Layards--Wardtlegton
J. , "As see follow the diggers nit', breathless
en theireteetrations,S* l eaddonly riersalrei be.
tore piste Enure carrot WWI initunei eternal:Jr
now I nning its Omni. hes& tress the Jut of MI
yin.., are ready. tier, oat *lnt the sitienished
Ands 'Ste weerielfet, Inn Blayne:or—lV
or Ale b 7 - 4.4.)10 D. LOCIZTVOIV
ITIUR 'WOMEN of the ow and. Stew • Teataineni
Elited bif 11, Swills, D. D. srOL'lmp. bro.,
'elegatitly : boood; Tleished agrarrots;
wiardenupratim by relebrat AuterlUsth Clergymen,
- IT01:313 UT Ahl MI A, (MM. Welby, oft 4,)st new .
anderdarged tddloo; r ll r lustratel. by enamoring!, .flom
4I:g11 1 :111MIl e o-L'2gliTIR - P Y staZ 1
.1301 R IO tern. lPat OtA6e'lllito4 of Relic.
. :TDB ritectiArne4 issurrorr, rer
um of Cirpenters; mmonigmsi wneehrtishts; Sr..
Terri Lendennelb.f3latleats, cad r e .rarsits, gentralue,
wing thotrough and
Tatise' on ',lemma
lion and the &lOWA Rule. Uy D. M. Kaper,A,
noises Treatise on Urea Tome. Companion.
011endore's t2onentory rrencli ornititat: Pont.
Greene; of Warn Unittersay: , nor.lBato."
RoedmeTiCesenluTllebrew, llmannam t by,Contua:
Gereela*llehroar isms.
Loomis' Trlgoruiketry and..Tgaratithuili r Tables. 1r
The &nglt shmalFlOreel Ci r o-ordande.? l ed.ftais
bLt is
Welkter's Tbutionary,revlied ed.' 1 - '
' • r do: ' ' . • • unabridged. '1 vol. 'eta::
Daniel More, and fjoestiona on Na!rreatazoont:
nfortreim's F.coleglaansOl:llisiog., vols.' and 3
rota • • . ' ,
Vestiges Of Creitien: -
Mom nge among th o /ePaIP.A!ROP/ e .:, 1 01 01°il
and oaps
Footles whom the Teutrou , ,hau Triumphed. 1
, nes' heologigal Leeisres; •li ♦ ero.(o ) eth4
sel Protfoeneiag Bible, • , ,
Boyer's French patiently.
; Same% Donee. Vol silo b
y"' SCLlClrttls9,.
noys9 • • . Buildings:Fourth at',
- 7 1 n11M - arOWV• omaust .o,
blontaigne, edited by IL Dural, comprising: fir s .
opu s: lssuer% and Jamey through Gamut, and
11 11 h. wah noise : from all ilk Conatienuuars,gliograph,.
kat and Lubliographissl Niamey ket. •
P c ,l7:4l l o , rave „ , 7 4 th. or 1 5=
Pali, A. at i iPatheipid dine mu t e &ortnal i katordir,
Fran ToresteTritsli arieTlMlng o the . Bed
t e
and Walsh Trainees of••
Moth -Atoltken,,hy ',Henry
Wiallerbert.4 ',IOIINISTOIe .M11W011,...
' •-• s " 'corner Thlrdoltraliet •
. Tem ^'
11'.101F,S D 14.11.110Nuttl), Elookseller and Importer,
'Pio. 63 Wood street, has for taloa tem.:place:as
Pletni Temandet of ctsnediflon,lottnia alfalfa
moth, devoted tattle Preservitlen of Doehreehrs; and
other authentlo information relatng AO - , the emir ex
plormionscatatlement and iftprovelnitit of MO country
amend the lead Of the-Otno. Air Nattier Illt•Orsug,
00.10 • J. ri. Loaxtvdoil.:,
. P baryYs • Pliseeryi ppti ex*. Pr 1110
Liberty of Mete Locket Nibani....By.
. • It, - with twelve engraithrytxv .
'cited u puma' bbilbter irbb..Ppep
Jut potdlibed end for sile'by •
• JAMES D. LoolfsFOODiMpolesellet ~
net 10 Wool It .
nem • 1m .
...kANNY tLbMbl.b. IN Ir3i.oeutein
Me. to ate MR*. FANNY LEM 1}41. - e
• *Vie reading - of this - book his tiPP,,,, 4
'meek higher opinidel bS Miriam thei 3 O! _
(Piu , Mum; bet abets watiete-.11 ,10 2.1%r y ".=.
Wino( thovipt, sailed to sem m I
hi h ,, ~0
Finny tatabli'i heel irtl•- 40 " . " "gr. 144 0, 44--
1111h1101 , '0140:000P1 1 ," P
yobbeation of Ike ire; .
.: 4 1tem e t.:_tr . e x L d .,TA , 10 ens of Oriouantexi
cid aim Intr7.
v e ry &V. , • 'beet
" e eho'ne — Imbued Were*.
""*T"'°c° l 7l3:4 usumpiotaampoi
rid p oc/If
teedable.^-I:dshecYee hbrdFIiDViCiwOOIN2
:Fot +. l ° br il.irsouer blporta, 43 W*Pd
6 - twit§ . -
itivir=r=tr o m .. z.;: .
.301 r i .ww4asatortiautot mart taillititr,
stde splith - ige4 147 St
A A MASON &60.
Pfi 11.1,
-iclilOl4lllZIL 114411114- -
Isallt•r•, 111%.1, Ilapse Srekiir' —.
szy Pang 010501011•014 ea mast
Newui.h,lANOEoii Kew Veit; Pbilaafplis '
hsimo-P.-. isatrnus,.sa
•- ritzmai
DANK NIAES.--Noies ea an mewed beak. '
17altedetateril diseisastedl3 Wilmot taut kW.!
erFoVI and Anoxia* 0444 sa{llll.lyel cots busk-
Mice 1.6. - irs stria, bst es &Y itsut
,xu ll
n EkinOudortlf eet tm 3 Week --. .
, u u
2iia 44Mi ac dlSant% ;
f0ma10.410411 ac VlothA -
wiies lednonen orhVUOSIVA 1:BLN,
BON, Doom add tilOcar cane/Om au.-
doer vet of wood. • osier ,
-Rim= win =Rams apo
Weitirs7=tt is Nouss
111 end Wool army !innily oppestiOl4. Cbsries Bo!.
.. ', * 04.1: "" 4 , s
Cour a ill AOLials atm!. *:
i' ,-, MISCELLANEOIIB,-, , ,'1L:
:mums suomomm,
are mWWI .t ae serf- lem w u oo
t s feu msti,
teau n Wat.2l as& Damass Unadr, UN,
riellsllOa. Junk. itt4
Aintl whsky,imo.ko. Pon, IW .
telie nod 1.1.b0n Weal en 3.
rump • Are.—,;:::.
' /infer, the warless mites eL ' .......
• rtpping PariliCemeyttetlisee,sed ailitrient
AtiCretrlrll W 1110011( met; emmtillitestmeee, sec:"...
pieltde Oar Me
.. ullisCMerLMistmelS Its. is. :z.
. ~..— ; l7 '''; ' P A N V 5HAta"tr""*"4 '
~ t firt Mama Milli.
•E•4snk.wiar. rAxp. ankrbidthgdr stoe*
d:ONectia was 009 101 * siie hart ) /t." 'L.
W O r Alf Ik mot ea bed Vivi
ard. 11111Laria.1 iliablaelhasiberol.ekervas
4sCuourivbeivege7f...llLideel w. Vibe!! I mil lam •• •
• - Linde lIY irs, Bo lv- - 711e present yew
07 Tbdms• Carl
Cee etUdr 12i Vidal* OViiloll..
MAIM* 0 IL, risleedieitievel Bated% ;
Anidegy,PelersErideeeeeetCtrivieud/Beed : • •
Lacier, Divlaltf, whit me leuedeetool ' '
• end - tiver Addreseer delivered la ths New Ovllivel
studwo,b Mico.!.:9o lll ,Nra' /••••4• 0,
Mime—Lite edelldiell two 81101.11.
seekee,eed perdealerly lime lull orteeeeedvegve&
Ity 'Meese H
Dpkvedd perm% $ eel Mao.
Amiably ~ :•I O , IO7!AINt ; I •
NOB . 70 • • Bade ounli
• •
20 (moss serer now it 40 , 6..6 1 1 Ana;
,! t hkrtertkir = • t
INX) greernuell,Sias Conibr, riVil ad ferias 17
febS • 0 TELIGNI.IIB SW/wilt'
NOTICE:..Mst W. liceassacit ins skisiirc
vetaited tcrecal fans at no intaa Mai tact Dar
War HallaaJicashica4amwW mattemccahMf
call tic assaatials caaladiril sail Ys pacla
'FAIL,' Wail Igadamlli Viotti • toil:
A•I 4 BW WlTlat7lll 2 , roaVi front:bp
' miastworr et -7te. a KuTilly sad for
solo • - lama J.11.111611.1.011,81,w0r1ia..-
'NOW's Joni
Mintenb al at Barlmnit*:;ft..
La 1 yoli i; =Whir Oland pit edges.
- -1111LnebeiNabbolasd DANIA adwa iaaiR J
am fad gpener. - • -
Vic of lam Q.;Adianc by 'IV* 11.13 .
Poem 4ol,ltacc groan; sih.
- Spates Sens prtatiod apes annual "
verszions,-bi; Eimale=simoilt.ioe, 4.
11.1120-4 MN •
• anillangs.Feenla st.
iLiOtais sonasrir.
A.. a, m beg legatee leas& lie Macey& a(Pannargi •
'motpalate gertetaity, Malthey rehaift the EA. •
OLP, Ft)UNDatatici gra Cowls nal taseraties, and ;
• Autaogstarbielt lent Oneida' Pltemse Cala end Weal ~
Stoiesorith a mileedid als,tiglaCeal Blesd. Minch Is : , .
Mar IrrPereedirtir to oilerthe ammo* , tiand"
Stove, Alm, &ahem cnal Cooking Some, well Map- -, •
led for small hennas, lath a , Pal ea ortment Maim
icon arubmalneltarates We would partleatarly
inte the aUeotioa .t.p.wm! b•Odk.g lo at=
wtrahrioad before mrchadag, and enemata sail .;
'ara:lrernuanielled Oman, AMMO la dratallbr• - •
sno. Wood
Wzratosare,. Ma . ... a ff m .d mi.,.
.• pprTaxtraan IMPOHTATIUIp.
lJt ' •
,YEAtillt!rhipertee la..
Bina ol.aus tallIMM•lon Niarbetal., Putshargh, ~••
•. Western Nate hauls, Pedlars, aM others &Mame
Pittsburgh to purrnmeareeds,.aio respeetfaUy inettad
to call and exanam the extenson assortment of Heir :•• • _
UM, American, Plena cad me mom Foley Genic- • - ✓
• ,"$ •
Vertigo Orroda is this artablishment lowa.
ed direct by raYrif, and yereitatete may rely nava-
Macomb font ntrat hands. 4 have the largest wart*
1:10111' of alea, to Ike'. raiiaty, lino, in the lelty of
Pittsburgh—all Of *hick - Mahe &Al Um far O&M or '•
city meeptaneets The Stock romins, In past, of
,Laec Goods, Elteriely,filises, littlest
• alit Crusts lam and Puma Tincadt,Neaiag 101.
. ; •
ri4*fttl*PF), Nas::
Gold and c li ent
d Watche ls s, Ooldlineelth lario&
retraction Puma. amalvere, Pistela, Clearer & .•
CatOn Pursea,pmetacies,nteal peas, lassie Noimn •
.*V 4 e ' y d e i = FarteMeculm torate u rtlat Wit male-
ty of
mul Maple DM ODOM ,
C. NEAUFIIe in IWO. gentler the celebrated Lam- -• •
easter Comb.• . smelt , , •
.. , Aireeten•Ziagetetht ItialedeTs..• - •
F"Clitßealitit cold,
r "L IM% Mr' tre k.*
thevo dirceci, the HUNGARIAN
•11F11, discovered hy the teenaged Or. Itaaltart, 01
London, F.netaild, and introdseed lino Me ttailt4Stalas
aster thelintawliata apecirdsolleneo of Ow lame&
The liatraersity sumo of His madiehseh Lk 1
cam' of, ary. diseimay,watraMs 1310 wish**,
Agent lo eliciting for trestmenelle worst passible . .
es the eel hi:Fund in the co-sunnily—camellia' seek • '
nehef to mein from wry of the romewiti remedies After •
rirl: b ar . ritrrr:
nlialsitolrandtsA.t. ~
a aw
havoircdotad cam Ma d
of emu: Is fa ao quack apetram„ bat stamiar e ='
het 'saltine, of krumti ertsitiditedreaci,
••' Every tonal La Ms United tastes shoed untied • '
With Baelasei Mama LlAs,ail eats to
,eolinteACttkelmnlatail,tivq Inrstetiaclos %hi
Lo be Ina Plailwave utedleioo all;etrI0
,001. 1 11, , ' o othhi o l- 1 1 ,10 6 of Medi Psi* Is rho .104
itnuawn had soreness 'of the Inas,
.aiehanuo r of beauft,iteedie haw, night serm ' - •
*OOO allow:eat dearth seines, lolisansAt mplfli :-
' , largekboulasi &if} par bolas, With toil dins. ': .
lions for the rastontiott of heath: ' . , '• t.
rasedilete Cameras" a paw or English eut Ansel r
eat, crniAmiwo and lothet ellideooo. 0000k081 1 10 00.
, a . 41.1 =Tim: of adieus
Reath reeF 14 -
.oblsm,sed of the Aran!. Rghaiu._!ol.• • ; • • , • •-•
• For see U A Os FAIINSZTOG A ; 'enure
ie IVood and Wood and ath ste. lC
- ..lasdiewS•
51.14.141faq SVltUr.7•Tafasei
. ' • • • • Prreseriari; Meth 0,1917.
• Mr. R. E. Sellers—tra Waite to petaled you incom- - •
.pangble.Conigkaynlp, I beg,100•0 m atm, Ow Amer • •.•
net of dm talma ugly. that toy wife Si. bani reseal
times "Meted With a mu t 44tresslog cote, /
chued, In .1011.10s11.01; Is bottle sif you Syron; we.•
eared a Ceio of !re manthe staudlej.. Atlol one 't.
• sloe% ma cookie ratarned,'. and was rie effete.'
WA alto staid. badly Isova, from. votaluaeria the. • .
• brews% l smut for aim houle of ( poor Cough OMAN .u. 4 • ,
plat of and bottlo mired tho cough I gal.*. ;
to ininarneyeastc was sereiely sawed, Who had
I°,o° his .ere words:'wawa talk twee easeeey,
awe •a 1 1 ,11.3. people m 'Fltuborgth if Ow eebel - -
Wen allgoo4,o , lreoressnied. ." ' •: •
1,..• • Yours respecifelly, , -Al G. ousts.
• OsePhreh sal "old by R. R. Elia.lA-ItlYrt Wool
street s and Sold by:Htstsiste.itimer e bf .tie the two
. 44 'TY° "nt". i r i t m oirl co-
GH lAAI . ! 14110 -
.111Wartittat-,luMlo sap!
onol*Ga Mb.• 4466j a
17?•14 L
2 .
V l ,Ve` 6l4 ol l 4 U lta i latt l ii
11 1°M. • i10741,1.1e03- •, • .
• _
r ot e
r1717.1 1 ' 111:7,0All
Aunt law - RA*lo—w* fter • * 3p17 r
Hose, Gte PIM Eng . tipatpos.webteSe .be
OW lecher Jo teboebt. -TbSSITO Abeam
Opens axe Imbed' to ea t ozatoloCilbet et the
ladlo SubbAr ROO D ibt. l kg :WOO eubtb -
1-I1" 2 7 ,I it IL PHILLIPS
4R4li la Is Nol;eowlaNll.g,d g frillS e b o i
: , ..Wlb3st.Freocess
ayecernd Lorin&
I VII% • dill toi• MOOtlr.. s osis
3pf 1r /44438111A14 1
s tlio. tiat,lte
vl obit stand ea ,
I. Lisatatet, Atte.
eetapiete assarK:
litlati; also ire .
Are ate& to
laylei amnesia':
tthe United Staelji
be ialsovgd ltlp!
f a earcw ":drat:;-t e meek,
rood O ma l liety cabinet '
tatiti ACMICteI- , ,
prrpat Wail&
maig ia rumezeta rill Si