The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 26, 1850, Image 4

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1110511 EL Li% AN ZENO. •
tr Menteer.e LA, overly OUPP egente
1 -±,arsth,ltoofdag and Floorinr la sheets 3x7 feet, from
l U. lo ft tiny es p= Kura foot. Corrugated in sheets
2:7;27 or, for mama potho bialdlart and depots.
Ship Sheatidee, 14 49 welter, from :44 t 0.141 ounce.
NailL•OpikeVVVlre, Saw . hfolds, Perforated Mae,
%e P y orl' to. .
rnot the-time - Lel pare, and free from any,
adakirode of iron, or any other eabstaneo, and re
: commend It for the manafattore of rooetarticles in
the boon furnishing. boo, es it does not ram, is not
areeted by the action of artier, and MY to polished,
painted, and japnned.
Esimples, mode a ls, plias, specifications, and other
Information may be bad of agents:-
I,l:CLat k Pomona, Near York; •
Marna Triornos t Co., Philadelphia;
• ! Riau, DAN& Sisonna, New Orleans
• P. MILLIROUX, Resident'Agesdt
Lkg.p May 1. . • 2 Ilanover st., Nom Folk.
coardo333sa •
:1 lidartard A. dollfrop
4 16 ...gotta Calvert riertr Baltimore Jt!, Baltimore.,
' • {Late E. Godfrey & N.Y.„) .
1 COWPER of Shoe Endienand Dealer , mteather,
.."; • • of•ratiotra kinder ngellsh .d French Ed Stine;
h Calf Sidles, Patent Lcatheri Morocco, ra,
salitet,esnly4k_roctAllelner, I.AstlngsFratteals„
Shoe: Knives, Awl Blades, ShoeTHRESD, Ewa
; Tacks, Shoe Nails and Sba PEGS., of all atm*:
E. A. G. torus established the show bash:ten to
Baltimore, Is enabled to ahoy roods Booth or West
erhtt}he utmost despatch, and at the :lowest prices.
Menet:ken:rem dcalen, t and all others, rely
upon obtaining every article in the' trtlie, of the beat
cualny, and on Liberal term.'
irrAtano lecturer of Lots, Boat Trees. Shoe Trees.
Clamps, Ctimps,Boot Stretcher., fen. All orders Win
promptly executed. Low prieu for cash.
A eatalogue containing a completeTinof every
ele the . trade.wl.ll be forwarded to those who
ILLY itoire IL
EDWARD A. GODFREY, 16 S. Cohen sr.
ma :Om near Baltimore st.,Baltiolere.
Broadways of Meldea Lane.
IEB extensive HOTEL hue been keeled by the
subscriber, and has been completely refined
a most depict manner. Large additions are - now
• - being made, which, when completed, will make It the
most extensive Hotel In New York. It ls the detcnol
nation of the proprietor, tomato it equal, in every re.
spat, to any other louse in the Oohed States. lute
' capon Is the most d esirable end central Mille city, be.
• Lorin the fashionable out of 11 - roadway, convenient
to all the pablie buildragv, plat. of amusement, and
baldness. Oralefel fo: the liberal patronage received
•• -frees his westem - frienda - while at Cumberlend; Md.,
-and Mate recently at the Weddell Me., Cleveland,
Ohio, he respomfally solielta a renewal of their patron.
age, for his new establishment, at New York, and
begs to aware them that every efort on his part shall
be given to administer to their comfort and Measnre.
New Veit. March, 1850.—fmr=m
FORTrINEt FOR 110 ar
LlVolfters, George street, Plymouth, England. The
managen beg to acquaint their nortereart patrons that
toe next Dittribation of Portraits of Race Horace, will
comprise those entered forshe forthcoming Grand
Notional Derby Race; the number of shores too be
. limited to 6,000 each claw. First clue member lics,
wood class ditto 1.4. Early arPliocion WM. no.
appropriated shame is necessery. A party subse•ib
lag the mom than one share has the chance of gaining
an equal number bonuses. Time members who draw
Slur alumna Portraits will. be presented with the fol
. ' Portrait of Isreess bommes ad ditto
Vinnerdar, First Rorse..• ••••
. Second liores•,• 10,N10 640
. Third 110na..--. PAM 4,0r0
• Melded amongst Starters•••• 6,0 0 5 0 3,000
^, Non.Btarters 6,150 3,010
There are RV bonuses In each dross, that being the
, umber of horses entered for the race. The. Drawing
will be conducted 'menthe imam legitimate principles
• as thews which cheracterised the laze St. Ledger and
*ether proceedings. Full paniculers of the remit will
be sent to absent members Immediately after the do.
eltioa, that each may know his pennon.
Sabseribers registered and seep forwarded On re
•colpt of • retain.= Ilille of Fecharige,Drefts,Bank
Notes, addremed and' made payable, to the
rdeneging Direttors. W. JAMES & CO.
Mee per cent; commission , to he reduced on the
tlesontation of bonuses. mrlol.3m_
moot REED HOUSE, glum
ICIEITy t zmunzn, Proprletarl,
Raise Square, Erie, Pa.
and 'Southern Sum, leave tale loon daily. Cyr.
riagee to and from Steam and Peolict Doris, Grad.
- At tr. Mont, late attic American Hotel, Erie, Pa.
•G. W Rump., tate of the Xiamen Hotel, Ohio.
" .OZ-dam
• Sir JAM** Murray's Plaid Magnesia.
DIIEI'IIEO smiler rho = mediae dare of the In
; 1 ventstrount estabLished for upwards of thirty years.
'This elegant preparation is recommulded in all
eases of bile, andatea.ludtgesuon, gout, anal gravel,
as the most *are, easy, add etfectail form in which
Magnea, may, and bleed the only one in which It
onght to be rataLitenk possessing all the pinpentea of
the Magnesia sown., general nse,orithent being liable
• . like tt, to form dutgerou concretions in the comets,
It efecteally curs heartburn without Waring the
coats of the stomach,. pods, Potsub and their One .
• hamars ere known in do; it prevents the food of in.
farm tuning song In all Tama it acts as a pteuing
• aperient, sind4s pees:lot - 1y adapted to females.
Sir limn phrey Davy mailed that thin col atom forms
Dotal, combintalons with arie acid sells Meares of
gent and gravel, theety cosetenumcg their injorions
-thedeney when other alkalies, Imti even Murrain
From Sir Philip etampton, Bart., Su-gems 4eneral
tO the Array in iteland:—
, - rDear ttir—There can he no doubt that Magnesia
army be administered mote safely In the foam of cot
t ocutrated solatien.thao in eubaumee; tar this, and
.many other reasons, I ma of opktion that the Field
Dlrornsaia Lea very valuable audition to oar Malaria
'Sir, domes Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, La Bright, and
• Messrs Grubtic and Herbert Mad (41if London, strong
, 15 recommend blarraVs Fifth' Dtegcesin, ma Wing
• .floittly mare sate and contr.:est man the *odd, and
free hem, the danger encoding the constant use of
Mal or pow . ,
For sale by the importer , . tied ernerietne. agents,
B A FA titiniTt-Itti:
Co, of We 5.1 S. Front Its..
• • • •
is hereby prep, that 011 or about the 70th
1.8 orAptil, the sobseribers had frat'rd to them. at
Nv ellsburg% Va., the following once, viz —A tote
drawn by . C.A. Martin, p•y able io car order. doted
April 11th, at d months, tot 5 173 3t; a note drown .7
John U. Morgan, same dem and time, or 8101 t 7, and
a-note drawn b 7 Jaen Watt& Co, in favor of John IS•
Merkel!, and rewadorsed by_ as, dated April Oth,er
(oar months, for 8173. The above notes were evert
received bye,, tad tht; is toCannon el persons
egaints trading for-or bnyttig the some, as payment
at them has been stopped, .8 de W /IAPJJAUI3II
_DODS* SPELDIG - akSlol:l2l'Slit GOODS.
Aventy large •ad choice st.a. or Fresh Sptinz
'and Sumer. Goola hag ,oat been opened at
Alaannder& Darts, No St:Market cleat, north Item
cotter of the Diamond.
• • . • •••• •
• la eallinc the anentiort °roar essterters and the
public to ats count, it Ilford* ne fervit pleasare to be
• Ebbs to sty ft embraces GREAT ItAttGA INS in al
ums: every description of goods as a terse yortion of
awes parehased at the recent Atensive antnon sties
la theeatneneluef. One assortment. tom of fancy
and ample goods, is very superior, and &dards to all
cash but ers, either by whwesele or retell, a fine op
fportnnity of LA i D tior E S' t D I R n ES e
SGO u O r D ee S .
Newstple Poalnrd dike, very enenyi plain and
figured chargeable silk, of almost every style and
vanity; *dyer plain andllgured black silks; do. be
vegen and tissues; linrcee de la no. new and bend.
,0 me style; new style french , stud Bernell
'emus, In greet variety, and in very low prices; Phdoi
lignred i end stain ringed de loins of nil binds and
iintntlesi hneelastrtc of all ihndes nod colors; ging
e Waxes, piny. an
.airpec chameleOn Wr saneo:o; plain 003 Prared
black dap plain mmbrei tend - railer dn; Got oneti
me. do; Raper piain and embroidered white and
Colored owe. nnreor .41 net dn.
G 001.36:
A fine User:mem of mulls, rusooks, }see nets
Swiss., hocks, bisbon. Is u, ke.
pearl -
Ranh it Ready, rl braid, Florence braid and
Leper hag - Ilah 0.n.0 . armee.
-- - .
6 floe stark of mpettor plvv end ftinre, d end
!Min Tare pmeenl. of kit rolnr. and en.tilles.
.6 largo nesortment of super henett, English end
Belgian _Mogi, eon camirom . es of on quilinee and
tqleev, to whim Wens tho aueutioo of the
Our stank of brown and tneoetted muslin a, tickings,
abocka, chambray*, dtlllinga, An, In very large, and at .
Um very lowest Wane. -
a large lot of table diapers and tabld
brown sod btcae bet; RIMIL alut Scotch ?Jape ro, crash
linen. Amato", cotton and wool n goods fur moo and
kams, silt
gloves - of kinits, ' hellery sad bonnet rtbbotta,
flowers, Ae, to all which we would rapectfully
Invite too attention of , wbotcsolc and retail cash
buyers. ' ALEXANDER k DAY,
ntaytd . ' ' Market at -N Wen, nf the Diamond.
. . • .
TAMTAM Do* prepared la furnish fipple Trees, from the
Nursery. of Jacob N. Brown. The
trees will' be delivered at the *lour au Pittsburgh for
•1.11 per Itundred. PC.Or4 wLstang good thrifty trees
geoid leave their orders ,00n au the Dreg, deed, and
Perfanterp Warehouse, corner of Wood and Bath stsi
• *. - • _ 8N
: . B.V.I7IOVAL.
3AILEY. RRQWN AGO. have rem ovul to No LM
WPICT Si, 2.1 rkr,rbelow Lie itl.norpthell HOun
axe:OVAL. .
PALMER, umix.r: & co. nave removed their
_ Exchange Odle* la mrth wmt corner of Wood
tod Thiel ttomm. .
as i
ii.V. bt - iiiii.L.
CfitritCa. C/lEOl'lOO3 & CU. two removed to
No 97 Water 0, betneert Wood & Mutat, La the
ko ase formetll occupied bd . neeill. Jon. ic Co.
gicSICIII-23 Ox. itoshrszta's exyllusly,
• 15 bxs Strobe dr
• • 23 b. SlClorg Tex.s
and for sale by SIILL.IIII R L31E250014
F./mutation sugar and 21 . 0/
i 55 bads cortatnn, fait, ft prim, Plsotabol Zets o rg
?Jai eak bits PIA. Atlon MolsesFs;
re. e
" "*".b". " do to
yet? ••
_ l ink l7l Libetny.,
COffk.L--.XI 4agiaar aa 7 e - u.
Al Watcr
cal - ZEly
H !tall/natio l 11j1 l i k urr
_ _ _ - _
1011rAIURd./3121Er-1 0 las DaMold's ES Cored Hams;
Slot Miller,Rrown Markin to
• 30 tee Eva, Iscift'• do,
• . . St its D. IStaer_. do; '
' •. 6 tel c aartasad Coal Moods;
b Ws plain
For silk by • Urn) • CELLARBA NICOLS
NA BEARING - 75 brio in core and
rWe by 11eI9) ROBISON, LITTL' hCO
01111.1,ICUTILE nIJAP-114 ta x : I4l o olan liktigacttes
, 'CO bes No I Rosin Rasp;
. 'Jest rienlyed and for soil, be
/ Do" - "" 1 - 1 Lluessort azd Tar, Just re l 2.
esPred j and for ;Ls by I KIDD &CO
- 2 4 p c '
j,, ,T t P. P. Townies:Ps Ssrsures j itp o rgll
1.,s Jen • J KIDD &CO
AR -111r1: airrntert and
fa b 7 MI • P SELLER... Ss - ND:SAS
a): - TP15 17 i ETAT - srsTiliry
Li 04 _ ixumw
1113C1E013.- -
• • • - J. 11. aurmwsz,
WM. 81 wood street, has jest received a nest as.
.1, 1 1 garment of PIANO KCMG, eittohrrrtahli me
the follomixon— ..
Molly, do yens Lore .e. by S. C. Foster.
.fil}t elly teml the Red Rose tire Liman do.
Ins • Lady,
• Uncle Ned, do.
do. •
Gretna to Run a Night, do.
NIT Day, do.
' Soldier. wedding, by Corer. .•
The Robin do.
Oh, Touch shit Cord yet awe again.
1' awe: Memoirs of ~e. •
ether Moon. •
Lament of the Irish Emigrant.
A New Medley &ma.
Tn. host Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee.
KidcripPu Departure, by Glover.
Deo the Loved Ones at Home.
Ms Dome where War the Heart ta.
The Yankee Maid.,
Love Banat,' Car, by Law.
Do you ever th ink of ate.
Clamber Gentle Lady.
Jeannie Gory.
Elfin, Cellulite, Wedding, Wreath, and Daiiy .
Bachelor, irelden, Halle Welt, Concert., Ladles'
Souvenir, Gaily, Elvin., Lily, Alm, ReertreeNtiara
ore. Adieu. and Lthey Polkas. may 22
TEAM TRAM! I 6CA.11 tii
WEenter not the list of porete,we mouthing
abont lienthede of Chats, Importers, Large
for Gad, de. In feet, we will sot
humbug re any manner or fonn, we simply tuna the
public to compare our Tus with what they perdue
elsewhere; that Is the but method we know to ewer.
min who sells the but end cheapen Tess In Pints.
burgh. We are now selhng
Good and throat Tea at 40 and Scents par lb.
A prime •73 do do
The beet Tea Imported Into the 11, States, 1/
Low priced, dammed, or Inferior Teas we do not
" Proprietors of the Tea Mutat.
Jet Fan side of Leaman&
D. Appleton & Co., New Yost, 'mulls COMO orpab-
Uvulas, Is puts, ones meaty Us saute slua,
Aterhansta, Ea '
gusanutg; &Nina for reamed Morisse
Mat, and those itstsadad for the Eng..
manna , Pattaason.
T • - -
WORK is of large fleo.sme, and will contain
.1 rwo gnonsee sista, and upwards of sax nov
ae* aterrarstrets. It will piesent working-draw.
t ug . and ,k,,eriptunts of the most impost= machines
In the United MUM Indoendeut of the regatta of
Auteriems *tunes), It win contain completepracti
cal mad.. 0111 Idecnual es, hl az/leery, En give-work,
and Etigincerinm wtlb ell th at is useful in more than
one thonsand toiler. worth of folio volames, lase
dues, and other book..
The great object of this publican= is, to place be.
fore practical men and moderns such an amount of
theoretical and scientifle knowledge, In a cendeved
forte, as shall enable them to wort to the best advert•
lage, and to avoid those mistakes which they might
othearise commit. The amount of useful information
thus brought together Is almost beyond precedent In
seek works. Indeed, there is Loudly any subject
within us range which is not Mated with Sack clear
noess and menden, that even a man of the Moat
nary capacity cannot ail of mulerstandieg it, and
.thus learning from at mach wlideh it is important for
him to know.
The pabliithen ate, in . short, determined, meardleits
of cost, to make the work as complete es potable; and
It is hoped every one desirous to obtain the West will
procure it as issued is number. and thus encomego
the enterprise. .
The work will be issued in seud.monthly numbers,
commencing In January, 111.50,and will peva. with
great regalarity.
The whole work will be published in 40 numbers,
at cents per number,mtd completed within the cur
rent year, MO. A liberal discount will be made to
Any nun remitting the pub When OA in advance,
shall melee the work through the post office free of
()platens of the Prom
.To aar nabrattema tdaanfaetatent, !Seclude., to
bibeets, and Amens, It will be a of trealth..—
Previdesea, (ELL) JearnaL
.Young men, arm youselves with Its knowledge:—
We can with confidence recommend cm reader. to
possess themselves of its lumbers ma fast cc they ay , .
peurP—Ammican Artisan.
tYe unheattathrgly commend the work to them sn
agged in or istm•nated in mechanical or scientille per
suns, as eminently wonhy of their examination and
study. , —Troy,(N. Y.) Budget.
"It is malty a greaten the pablishcre
terve the thanks of Inventors, hmehinl d sts, and mina
tanners, and indeed of the public generally.e—N. Y.
''' ' d q e bi ' s .d Ir L ietionary will be Innbly owe!. premien!
mechanic - I, and Tillable to all who wish to meatier
themselves with the progress of invention Lithe me..
chicle ans.e.—New htedford Dailyidereary. • •
'Wining mechanics ought to kee.p posted ap Me.
=teal 11.• well as met cal knowledge, and this
work snit show them ram how they stande—Raibury
Massa Advert..,.
. .
"We take It lobe just the work that scam and hip
.dreds of oar Intelligent mechanics have &Mord to pos
sess. Pe ample are ns desclipdons, and so fall and
minute Its apeelfteauons, that it seems ten that any
mechanic might contract any machine it describes, de
iAe s.rength ofiwzraings and insarnetiora."-44. p.
Commercial Ad
• _ • .
"64 interested t o mechanics should avail thcen.
seises of its adesntagas"—Schaylkin, (Penn.,) /ant
' nal.
"A work of extensive prat-licit utility and great Im
portance and value to the rsphily iimreaseng uttered y
of th e coun Wo regard the work ea eminently
calculated p romote , aus cause of science and the
meehanical arts, and to disseminate valuable inform&
tion on these entdects-n—Fanner and Mechanic.
`Practical men in all tho varied welt. of mechani
cal and ludeauD engineering. to, will
find in this work a treasons which It will be to their
promt to poesess.^—Ttoy Daily Whig.
We hale carefully perused the number& and bate
no heslUcion lie laying that it is the best work for me
chanics, tradesmen, and scientific men, ever publish.'
al, for It cannel. minute information on every breach
of the mechanical arts and sciences, expressed in •
style and language intelligible to any reader of erdl
nery espaelty.”--dloncester, (Mass.,) News.
We are sum we are doing the mechanics of Nol
with and other parts of Connecticut • service by
blingiog the work to Malt actendon."—Noneleh,
(Conn) Coarier.
-It Islam tech* wort ea every methenici Should
possesan—Freentads Journal.
Wo consider hone of the moot weal end import:nut
publiestlo. or acne. No mechanic eon agreed lobe
wihout tt."—Newats, f N. J. 4 Commercial Courier.
°e.,l all the venous publications honing be teeirob
the decide..t and advaneement of thereeetuard
cid arta and sciences, norm that we have ten, is do
MI of prondm au tbia”—lleffslo Com; Adv.
'it is the best and cheapest work ever oßded to the
cstennfie end pracueal engineer and InechozOp. The
plat-a are beautifully execusetL"—Wengton Globe.
s great Dietionary is one of s he most metal
welts one, published fur years, rind the low price et
which n is sold mates n eseeptable m all.”--Soeth
"We regard it u ono of the most compreheashre and
alnable, as well u cheapest warts ever pabllshed.t ,
Ilattirsore Advertiser.
•ongbt to be y taken by every one desiring to keep
with the rogress of art and setetee in every one
um taboo. of eivinzed lira."—linadoot Courier.
"It is designed after the pneriphs Daercni
ry, only that at is more devoted to the meet: meal and
engineering yasfessions, and above all, a .0 saleable
al accomylaableg for Anacriea fire Pas done for
Englant, viz : describing Itteene*n machinery and
arcade! alt..”—Scletnifie American.
"Ilia published in numbers, tad at • price an mode.
nit, looking at tabula containedinemh number. that
no one who has the leant interest in suck matters,
need he deterred from procuring It; and every orgewho
does an, will snd that he has to a minimised form an
amount of inamuctien which would be obtained, if at
all, only by the purchase of very many volumes."-4.
V. Courier and Ecintirer.
"The compreheluivermss with which the enblecia
are tamed, the ndmirahla manner in which they are
illustrated, conspire In make this one of the most deals
nada worts"—tiemocrittle Review.
"1 his work should be In the hands of every mechanic,
art ram and manufacturer, especially these who have
the matt arniration. to .eseral In their respect!. bud.
stucco. Wri hinereaftfillly CZ/Allined it, WWI VieW Of
recommending it to inventor*. To them we would
say in the inning language of the "It is good."--
11sItimota Inventor's/comet
Notice to t4o Pr9pltder:J of Nerpopero , dratted*,
lithe &Mean advertisement is inserted five time
donne the year, and the paper teaming It sent to ea
• copy et the wort will be tent patio to payment
nnl resitsna
Containing no Mercury, nor other Marna..
TFIE following testimonial was given b y the cele
brayed Dr. Wooster Beach. the amber of the great
mical work entitled "The American Practice 0.
dieice and Family Physician."
'Daring, been made acquainted with the ingredients
which compere WAD:aces All-Healing Ointment
and having prucribed and tested it Wiseacre] tares It
my private p mules, I have - .o hesitation in saying or
certifying that It is a Vegetable . Remedy; containing
no mineral substance whatever, at Its Ingredients
combined as they are, and used directed by the
Proprietor, linnet only ballade., bar or great value
being IL truly tele ntlfie Remedy of great - power ad /
cheerfully recommend It as a compound which has
done much good, and which Is adapted to the core of
a great varier, of ease. .Thorigia I have never timer
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medi
cines, regard for the male boners, conscientious, ha.
mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to say thee
conch regarding It. W. BEACH, D. D.. •
Hew leek; April 2,11,1840.
BURNS—It Is one of the best things In the world
for Dams.
PlLES.—Thonnuds are yearly erred by this Oint
ment. It never falls In giving relief. .
For Tamers, Inter,, and all kinds of Sores, It has
no cost.
or and Nunes knew its value In eases of
Swollen or Sore Smut., they would always apply It
In Bach eases, If nod according to directimm,iikives
relief in a very few hours.
.rotted the box are directions renewing Me Allistees
Ointment let Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Truer. Ctalblain, Scald Heed, Sore Eyes, {Olsen
Sore Throat, B ro nchnes, Nervous &Tenuous, Palos,
Direise of the Splue,dlead Ache, &rafts, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Barns, Corns, all Mease of the Skbt, Sore
Lips, &e., Swelling of the Limbs, Sores,
Rheumatism, Pilu,Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Deo
ken Stout, Tooth Ache. Ague Lu the Pace, &e. _
Prom the Reading Eagle.
There was never, perhaps, a Malaria brought be
fore the public, that has In so short a time woo etch a
reputation as IllcAllister's or World
salve. Almost every person that has made trial of it
spealt• warmly In Its prase. One has been eared by
It of the most palatal rh eranatium-another of Me Nee,
a third of a troublesome in the Bide, a fourth of
swelling in the limbs, de. If It does not me home.
dirite.redef, in every case, It eau do no Minty, being
applied outwardly.
As smother evidence of the wondertin healing pow.
er possessed by this salvo, we Attica the following
certificate, from a respectable einsen of BLuidencrea
township, In this county:
Maidenereek, Berke Co., March 30,1817.
Messrs. Bluer Cm—l dance to Infor ba ck , that I
was entirely cured of a severe pain In thea by the
see et McAllister's Bales, which I poi ,
chased trent yea. I materedwithit for about 19 years,
tAlitt4lrAvres rumble t i el l e , ep. Daring that time
b rAgia ' .4 "l hnlTe ' rpe ' ssfSas7wr e' th= l eTv a ing t" X
7 . trial of this Suva, with a re
sin s if. . a nd expectation. lam now enure
! 0 •4 Pt and enjoy at night a ocasefal
Eave also axed the Balsa tunas for
siumplaints, with similar happy
Jorpntraa en.
- 4.:37; Ma RYER,.
Ard.XlFte d ir - -
phis,,;,. ritit*Wegrtek..
corner-of W Ao
m:4l and k 5 gal W m
Old Ldberty street . swrsetr,f_. *enter of Mar
meet-and RPORtagi o e/PrOtr of
_pm* a n d
ternithfieldertreetert.llll eeritelsis
Penn etreco, PlhirlTsaal; arid d Uttelii;;; urmt Vg
Elsonhfie Id stren . addooefir Potent:ln • • . •
In Allegheny City by H. P. Schemata and 3.llleutu.
By J. O. Smith, Draggial.Rirreltrythenn
East Liberty; H. Rowland, AtelCcesporn.l.Atexi6,j‘l
ft ROM MormageltelaQty; N. D. Bowman IS Co and
Drownsville; John Derkley,RelMlq. P s .
John Walter, Jr.. Elisabeth; BentbrightErivt,p',
Rochester. . _ - . fablleodle
"• DL MIMI • • • Cheese orsai•
. . . •
17alititelo Mid OZttlalliVe W mese Power to
let .031 favorottle.tottos.,-
now prepared _to lease the ktrater. Peleer at the
Grand Septets, to en amount safe:iced to propel - fear
hundred vain of millatone The location Is based
ost rock foto:dation sod the power can torte
nieatly be implied on bent Odes of the river. The
grain of the White River,. well ma the Wabash, ern
be readdy fumlabed ea this petaL While timber,
Iron ors, ead coal, m the gramma ebtodance, end of
Impeder aunty, eau be easily procured through tho
Mile country.
Tanats—One hundred dollars per enema fat pow
er sufficient to propel a single eon of
medium elect!
rtenes, for a period of fiftee )•etus, with the
right of renewal on the eapiratiOn o f the lease, at n
file 'titivation of Bur power emplered- The . 10 of th e
mill or manufamoty Included, without fanher charge
from the Company. By order of the D:reeton.
President of the W. N. Ca
0, thin ill:113ot
:Vinacetra, I May
cc Pit SOAP.
SP —The skin of many permit hi, dlifimtred 'nth
nte-PAIT sgg, ' l7:
nine cases est df every hendred, it is very easily re
moved. Jules Hanel% Nymph Soup Is expressly
adapted to diseases of the Mon, as it acts directly
upon the pores which cover its surface,
cleansing them from impuridea and by Its enema:fie
properties healing and eradicating all ereptionsomd
rendering the densest and roughest skin soft,fair. and
Persons who have been to ths habit of using ordi
n soap. will. be astonished at the beautllltirdett
prodeced by the Nymph Soap, in Imp:prang a delicate
C l
Preventing the neck, face, or hands from chap.
ping, allaying all irritation, mid removing all ratan,
ems emotions. It posse/sea exmalto perfume, end
Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering
it the only article which east be used with safely and
comfort In the nursery.
All those wham fates or necks aredisilmered with
pimples, blotches, tan, morphew, do, should make
to of Jules Hanes Nymph Soap, 11l the proprietor
positively mums them.
ro use use will vender the
mast discolored thin white, the roughest o[lll smooth,
and the most Mimed skin.healthy, pars, and bloom
Jules Raisers Nymph Soap Is the only article which
will effeetually produce the above edicts In so short
a time. and the only one which is at the name time all
powerfal and entirely harmless. Prepared only by
/MUM HAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
120 Chestnut sweat, Plata.
For sale wbolefalo and null bna. A. Fahnestock
1 Co., and B. F. Sellers, Pittsburgh: and John ear•
rent and I. Mitchell, Allagbany city, Pa. left
A GOOD titaleogarry lqauojorte,6 =hives,
JOl.wand voo oo
A handsome uptight Plum, with Borewood
Funiltura, 6 wares, and in good order • • 100 00
A plea 5h OCIZTO rialto 45 00
A good 6 mare Piano 75 00
A good octavo harm, with handsome thaw
tune .... . .. . 75 CO
El Wood at
lIFERCEDING the Wooden Moats, end being In
° h eretofo reecoaomlatv the oil, and pro
em:lm *anion. DO much objected to In all
other floats. One tab!, spcoolul of the common
lamp elI will last Nine Mora, or any farther length
of tlate s accordine to the additional quantity of wt.
Reemeed mad for tale by JOHN D MORGAN
may*: i • Druggist
11IST RECEIVED, at the Machines Feraily Gro•
0 cm ated Tea Warehouse:
5 cues Fresh Oysters, In lie cans;
5 do Pickled do, la qt We;
sdo do do, in pant do.
The above Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and pat op
an a highly concentrated soap, enclosed in hermetical
ly sealed ems. and will keep mock longer than thou
pot no In the ordinary way.
For sale, wholesale and retail. by
my= 2.5d Liberty W.
Groat. 'American JScohasslnal Work.
DAPPLETON & CO., New York, here in tonne
of publication, is pate, price Meer( five Cent.
seen, a DICTIONARI R Marianna, Mechanics, En.
gins Work. and Mirrincering; designed for Practical
Icahn's , Men, and thoecintended tor the Engineering
Profemon. iNted by Oiller Byrne.
Tide wort is of large Bro tine, aid will contain two
thousand peg., and 'roods of six, thousand Mina.
nom It will presentiworking tarring. and demrlp-
Sons of the most Impenra machines In the United
Bates. Independent er the remelts of American in•
Mgamily. it will contain complete practical treatises on
eehanies, Maebinerl. Engine 'Work, and Engineer
ing; with all that fie useful m more thnn one
dollar. worth of folio volumes, mire alas and other
books Six aesthete received, sod for solo by the
nerd R IiOPRINS.
anti 79 Apollo litolMingt. Fieurth at
k .r...llECtrer c i
440 - talt
si:-Tt, • *.
P -
John 11. Mellor, 81 \Toad 61reel,Pilisbnrgh,
Grand and Square Pismo Fortes,
EG'S to totem bu .needs and Wcorneal petals
, that be has now invoices, and ,a dreceive
expose Gar sale, dering tbe pres sen mon th , the largest
and most desirable meek of Piano Fovea ever offered
for Sale is the west—stmang the ntutdier will be Towel
• fell sopply of
Superbly carved Rosewood Grand Phone. Fares,
with th e recent Improvements in menhanlere sod
style of exterior.
Splendidly carved Rosewood rag octavo ygene
Puna Fortes, trashed inure ISlzahethan and Loots
XIV. styles
With a large stook of all the tattoo, style• of Pit.
no Fong, varying In pekes item Ode to s:-du and
SIM, prepared by We. chtskeiln,r for the rennet
Perchance. ass snared that the prim of tie. Chic k
ems., Pinar, bane bets, and alit rota mote to ft. the
mat as at the mattatscrnry in linston.
for transportation: and vie be del, rotted • tot sot op in
perfect ogee, ill any part of the city, without charge.
TIIR undentigned beg. leave,. Inform the publlo
a that h- hal dreliord bairn, in furor of MI Fr..&
P. M. Dart., who will continu. the Auction and Celt).
inwrion bus:noir at the otd rtnad, comer of Wood sod
Fifth ones, and for whom be would solicit a eor.uo
armee of the liberal putrunerre heretofore bestowed up•
on the home. JOlei D. DAMS,
April 9th, IMO.
CO.. of WOOD SOD 01110 irtlartn,
WILL Make sale% 0o (the - nil tem, a Fore... and
Dolffailia Illercaoodixe, Real Carste,
b.f.. , by o,iperienee nod 0:010 attention to
buslneas, to merit a eozolocaocz of the support and
patronage so liberally extended to the format house.
April 9th, lEnt.
filth decease of the active panne', in Philadelphia,
J. tthe late James 31 Davis.) produces ro Inter-reptant
to the berinere—erartniremclar hare been made width
involves the same tete.. precisely, Amick buys
buctoforn existed. The butinees is cononned under
dto same name. and firm,
Jun HI AI Dams fc. Co., Philadelphia;
J one ISVF•aaa tb. Co.. Pt ttaburen.
The continuance of the pauonnee of our many
/mends is respectially solicited. If any persons have
demands audios% the corteern.lbey ate requested to
present them forthwith, for pat-awns.
Pittsburgh, April 10,10. J MIIN MTADEN,
apl7 If !runt's - leg partner.
O. A. ITabus442Z4 if; Co.,
If Wood streets, offer for salc,on favorable terms:
100 bbl. Whitinr, . SCA lbs cart. Ammonia;
MI do Alonly 24.0 do Assalmude;
300 do Dye Woad. . MO do Crude Tartar;
25 do Lampblack; Cro do Liquorice Root;
10 do Yen. Red; 300 do Irish klovs;
8 do Camphor; 130 do Red Precipitate;
10 do 13pan. Broestd 130 do tvuontel Amer.;
10:1 do fellow Ochre; OS do do Ette4
10 do llrintsiona; 200 do Pother Leaves;
8 do Clover, 020 do Rimborti Rook
3 do Charo. Plowers; 400 do Sump. do;
14 eases Ref. Boras 010 do (tendon do;
03 do Castße t2oap; IMO do Sal Rocheete;
lb do Fragrant filer; OM do SMMits
10 do Cate.lllapesia; 2000 do Poorld Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Often; 000 do do Blip. Elea
it do do Yellow; 100 do do O. d. Amble
sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lt Root
CO Monts Eand Paper, 100 do do Julep;
IS taws ttletl) Somer.; Mo do do ACCsyeane.
03 Daley Rutile Corks; 2MI do Scapa. Zitici
75 as Solph. Morphia; 3121 do Rat Tin;
1200 Ws Cape Aloes; 210 du Tarearintlai
1200 do 1314thmin P 04461.50 do gioelt
2332 do Pink Root; 2.511 do Orange Peck
1503 do lackey Umber; 75 do Cochineal;
1200 do cn.s... rm.; Mt do 1111 Potash;,
3W do Tartaric Arid; GO do Mace;
100 do Urn Umr, 25
.do Oranville Lotion.
•, on ROCK OIL.
"There are more things to heaven and earth '
Than are &comic of io philosophy: ,
VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and
i_the constant application for It, to the proprietor,
has Induced him to have it poi up in bottles with la
bels and direetions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from is welt in thm
eranary, at • depth of fora hundred feet. spore ann.
dalterated ( toot Nahum our chemical change, het
jost ILS,llores Nature's Great Lahmtoryll That it
cond. properties Meshing comber of dimasea, is
•no tenger a matter of oneertmety. There are many
things m the arcane of nat.'s, r o ewhich-I known,raight
be of mat usefulness in alleviating eneg,..lm
trig the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf.
(ere, Long before the proprietor Median of putting
It up in bottler, It had a reputation (Of the cute of ins
tead The constant and doily increastng calls for It,
mad several remarkable cure. It has
is a
sore ap
pli c ation nn'of Its Mate populartty and wide
spread ap In the ,tII'M Of 1111../t.
We do rot wink to make it long parade of sen;
eat., as we are
to that the medicine sense.
work Es way into the favor of those who eater and
wish to be herded. Whilst. ere do tot claim rat It II
universal applioauen every disease, we unhesita
tingly say, - Mat la a timber of Chronic
e m ot ed 4/ 1.
rlieglitg Mem may. be enommated—all
diseases of tee mucous Cornea, such as CIIRONIC
Asthma, and all diseases SIAM air passages, LAVER
the Bledderand Ride.% Poles in the Beek or tilde,
NervousDiseases,_Nenraltry,lthenmetic Patna
Goat, Eryalpelle.Talter, or=s, Barna, Scolds,
Moises, Old Sores, /se., ke , came of debility , re
sulting [mm estracure, or long end protracted eases or
disease, this medicine will bring relict It will set as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In meh ew
i=parting tone and energy to the whole frame,
e, m..
log obstructions, opening the re
sloggikb(auctions which
cause diseue and • breten tininituthm, an d
increased and renewed energy td all die organs of
Lae! The proprietor knows of Memel car. of
PILES, that =aided every other imminent, get well
ander the see of the PETROLEUM short time.
The proof eau be given to any person who donna. it.
NM. gamin e whboot the signature of the proptleter.
Dodd hi the proprietor,
P. Id. R 1 6R, Canal Basin, near Seventh al.
Ain . by IL Y SELLERS 87 Wood et;
and—REITER vi)tvg.u,
'comer Woad at. and Virgin alien who ere W II
nove.dllv romilartv appointed Ascots
21 Clustp Maar% 20 olgcot P 0.% 12 on Yams;
la pairs oott 112od tdoaog Botasl 1 2 I. Usgst 3
otates Taoks, • aktul 12 sanous oath; 60 elmteeno,
gallon sank; .1 dos Bookskaa Matey Boils; 1 do oiled
mania do do. 1110 above goods lon solo at the
!Mo 0ad1221 1111124114200titrNo 11 Wood at
- PM • I - itoirnam.
1850 •: 1850
BOLTS of th is lane swirl leave regeStrir, and de.
tiger freights without trend:lemon..
C BIDWEL, Pittsburgh,
JAMES COLLINS, do, . }Agents
.aik. 1850 t irt Ed
Firm Pittsburgh to Col =bus and Cleveland,
Ginnumh the nth and vovalenot evantieo of Colmar
6167t11, Carroll, Stark, - 21‘tearatrat Cotlioctort,
Ittuttio gum, and Frostiiin-
The completion of the Sandy and Bearer Canal
opens up to our city through this groat natural central
route n direct communication to the above as well as
the adjoining comities of Wayne, Dolores, Roes, and
Prom thu section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsbargh
has bean, to a great extent cutoff, in consequence of
the high rates of transportation, whiett are now re.
ditied 10, PO and 50 per cent-
Boats of this line will leave daily, co m pn through
without transhipment. The Canal .), have
bestowed upon this line an interest to the unprece
dented advantages of their chatter, and thus secured
to the middle portions of Ohio to ordering rhakoods
equal interest In this airman, Agents: .
in J. C. WELL,
c la , Pi G t i tti g o o ro w lo .
II Adzes, Spear's Mills, Olum •
& A Coy,
Wilhamspert,o4 George Ketehlo, Elkton, 0 ; Cathie
& Hurmatt, do; Ilium*, Graham k Co, New Lisbon, 0;
After & Hanover, 04 II ibbets & Mi
nerva. O.; Speaker & Poster. do. Joseph Pool IS Co,
do; Hull & Bose, Oneida Nide, 0.; II V Bever, do ;
C Barri:al fs:Co, Malvern, 0.; It K Gray, Wayne..
burg, O.; E Reynoldr, do ; Isaac Teller, Magnolia O.
Bardolt& Co, Nagnolls,o4 Watllerkness, do; .1
tillrarland & Co ,Sandyrllle,o; P P LAB., do; Push
banish & Strinbauch. nohow, 0.; Willard A Shriver,
do ; II Hoffman, Itlesslllon, 04 Corrimins A Co, do;
Join Robinson C. al Fulton, u O.; Fertig & Torrey,
Canal Doerr, 0. A Aledbury, Renee, O.; K WeT.
ner; Newark. 0 i'Fitth & Hale, Columbia, 0; 40 Mat.
1 theme, Cleveland, O.: Rhodes & Green, do. may°
Slna 1850
Via Pennsylvania Copal' &kali Road.
ovoriNos, ATKINS & Canal Basin, Marty
great. Yittsbaratg
ATKINS, O'CONNOR & Ca., Rl9& 230 Market street,
CPCO MlOll & CO,lO North tweet, Baltimore;
E Ihocm. New tort:
Ektimrcr & Como, II Doane street, Boston;
I'Bomar. Cut, Maysville, Kentacky,
& Colombia sire et, CoinMoak; •
E. Wass, Loußather
Dann, Mum a Co., Pt. Toni,
Sinppers qf Nerchanaftsa god Produce to and
from Beattccure, i Yosi,{ Easton.
_Our route being now in fine order, we are prepared
to forward goods as above at ern /erred pr We
farms ail !mien/tar of any obarge basset policiiors.
es far
over 8630,003, and with the following. extensive stock
of BOW feel confidant of laming entire satisfaction to
all business entrusted to oar cam. Our boars are all
new, and commanded by captains of olyierience, and
our entire boo is conducted on atria Whoa looping
skid tortposones principle,
Boats., Caplet.
Iron City Hagan
Marylsed, Marshall
Cinernnati,L Sands
Roth Atoll, Cbameni
Wm Atkins, Per:road
Import, I.llBradis
lil k avlMa Riley
Coati' Ospisins
Pennsy!rade F. Lesion,
els Louis,. Camden
Col. Howard Ridley
MasyDebeteb aims
Enterprise, 'Kamp
flimflam Moire
Gt. Seoit, Ogre
Ceti■ Efaerkiee
Americo Perry
Mermaid liMoleart
The Fox hrgehde
harem 14.1)owel/
Plant i Boyfiliil;iflef
Ohlo Belle If carnet
Hunter lUcllc
hal. Jam J Lerma
:+onhgv.• r i.iia..
shipper...wilt Sod it to their ndrinane to %pot no ■
oat!. O'CONNOR, ItTgiss
taria •' Costal Rosin LitiooT tt.. Poottotor.
— Western "Trasnii:ortation Company."
1850. Et_Pitit
. . „
By Porn-Th=lw Canal and Rad Rand.
THE Boma and C. of this Line have been put in
compete - order. and with the ailifition of fell.*
new ones to the Lin.. enables unto cony a large
quantity of prolate and coot..
The entire Stock of Na Linen Owned and centre*
ed by the Pionneuvir
ILIRRi9 9 LFE.; a: No 1.1 South rd at.
41.4 at too Tobacco Woretoust, bud at,
Yttl adrphta.
Joqt:Pll TAY unt a SON,
Ne 111 Nor,'" Howard at. Dom:tore, 7.1d7
larriur., No 7 Went at Nem Vort7
D LE cu, cxn.
ratl3 o'ttlaborott.
ES;Z:M . 1850. I,
QX TELE P,210./, AHD 011 W CANALS.
CLARE, PAREB A CO, Iltrelinter,Px., Proper.
1011 N A CAUGIIEY. Arent,
Office ear Elialtibleld and Water no., Plml rash. '
T HIS •. - 811 1 - flown Line ore d ` t
trao Oh pori
11 - richt and Passen^ere from PITPSCURGII rand
LLEVELAND. re any franc co the Canal and Lakes.
The facilities trite Lint are emainpute4 in iurther,
ought!' and capacity of Boot, experience
and clAcieneA of Ar,entii.
me Dom loan. Paisicargh aril Ctereitad dally.nrn
nlrg in eonOCCtiCil Line of Cronit Coot* he
terry* PVITSIIO/0111 and IZEA VEIL or) a Line of
Pill! chits Stenca Breit, Propelitra and V e atch, on
the Lake,
Clark. Park* ri Co, lloth• tier, Pa;
N Park. & Ca, 1(01111N1l0,11. 00101
51 D Taylor, Warren. Oi
A N Ne k ally, 0;
1118 ton ft Cu, Ravenna 0;
Kent, Grinnell rt. Co, Franklin, ,
II A Miller, Ciquiogn FLAB, 0;
Wheeler, Lee .0 Co. Akron, 0;
Chamberlin, Crawford A en, Uranium', C 4
Hubbard A Co, Sando•AY, ll ,
Peckham rt. Peen, Toledo, 0;
Co, Detrnli. Slink;
Williams A Co. Atilicankiii, Wit;
Starfey& Ovum Karma, Ira, ia;
George A Gihbn Chicrig, Ill;
Thomas Hale; Chienco, 111,
tio3o corner Water 00,1 Anilthheld eta
aiiaM 1850.
CLAHCF., PARRS& CO,, Cropricton.
i m il' onT rit " loTo r' ll o e f •pl. " lle ol tla a t n tL7al l' e n n ' o: n in t' o m p. e
0,0:100 tonne premniammon: and lama carom:mad
• maeming Freight e. 4 Passenger*, which that am
folly prepared to tarry. to all point, no the Coral and
At the loarest ram,. one of the Hotta of we Lina
to fee roomantla at the landing, beim,. Monongahela
Dodge, to ',melte freght.
.1011 N A. CAUGHLT, Agent,
Ohlee, ear Water and tanihhheitt ate. Dittsbuteti
RCunningham. Nara "%We, I'a; MitchaltreeCo. RUlaaki,
C Malan, "quaint; •
.1 & Hail, tlanmontirg;
Wink, Aare ck. A Co.
Was Henry, Hortmorani
Wm rower, Cooneummile;
John henna & Co, Erie;
John J Holli Gar & llufulo.N tnrNi
1850.. :747.
roam: IFUttFrlllllloll OF FAXIGIIT
PITTa t uungij, , M , V , I I I.: , I.PVI :4; LA . L.TINuntr,
TiroitaaJPisempaial O'Comma i
1 Pittsburgh.
Trfitag 7 eaant being now Open, o proprietora this
LOUPE eatsblitheal I.llm are a mual at their olJ-
Jr, receiving and torwardlnkerehondisa
Produce si law rates, and ',CM the ptemptneas, cer
tainty, end gaiety, partiliat 10 then tyrant .and MOO.
nt transportation, where Intermediate tranthlatment is
avoided, with the ronsrquent detays and proaduility
a datum,
alerehandim and Produce shipped east or trest,en•
of Ladling forwarded free Oreliatgo for eomnana
Mon. advitneinr, or moral!, Haying 1.0 interest di-
Ireedy or indimitly in steamboats, th at at the owner..
s solely comatioal when shipping their gouda.
Al! calcium:Ad:m.lo. to the following agents prompit
attended to:
No tilti Merkel mrism, Philadeiphlo.
Cornet Venn and Warne meets, Pineborgh
ad OM:
, John hlnCellogh & Co, Orr North at, r . D. n u n
& Co. ti Doane at, ;Wenn, & J. T. Taw on tr. Cr
eq Olooth at, Near York; James ‘Thrfolwrght, Oarln
man. rortts
ifilagM MOJA
netweao Pitt•bargh a*terst
Too Canat being tom If. Featly to fVCVren
and Arnaud promptly, intolnea and merchandma out
and weer.
• • .
N ...always at lowest ialis, eloireed by respoo
Produce and rnerchnnillie be received end for
warded Pant endwest, widient. any thaw for for
warding or nifirknelog commie/don Or wormed.
Mile of lading forwarded, and all dlreebions fend.
fully attended to.
Address or apply la, WM. DINO I / 1 01, -
Bilotti Huin, cur, Liberty and Wayne ata,
No MI, Mashel skbetrieen llh A 611.,
JAS. W11,40N, Ael,
No 102, North llowaN at., Baltimore
No 10, Wet. areal, Nem Welt
d o ;;
Passenger ruse
CO llentattanee Ogilinta
aIIANIIDEN & O. contmea to bring persons
from any part of Erriand,'lminnd. tiontland or
Wales, upon the teen liberal terms, with that I
weal panentality and attention toths want* snd cunt
fort Of eatmlgrants Werth not allow oar pemsneets to
be robbed by the roriadllne scamp. that lufeet the ma.
Vesnalar we tate abuse of them the moment they re.
port, thatt%lrce aw and Ken to their i well being, end der ,
14,11 ' ) I t b a rettrle ' s i sl;, 'Y ee d' we del; by the
af fi ou nu r
etert to show that they were detained In P.m.' by es In
Liverpool, *din thousands of others • are detained
Months, until they could be sent In name .4 , raft, a •
eh g p rate, which toe frequently prone. dtetr
five Intend to perform obr pontracts nonotably, twit
what It 'rimy and not tens was the CCM last ration,
mime odlecra—who either performed nut all, or
other It salted their eonvetalence.
Preto drawn at Vituburgh foram, eon from tj to
Dem payable at any 0010 port mai geniis in It,.
lene i ratilsod, Scot:end cad Wale...
.101111 U/. 110[11400N,
Eoroyetn •Ld Nem
feel mnn 0.11:411. ono deer iislner
ju • pipe. itilland Ulei
arks N Itimi
4P2 1)04 yht.tkeyi tor •ale by
~ ay AI At 10/4011 AC/404
NW 11 V2lO
J. 11.• MELLOR; SI Med state, Fns mired Ms
fellorerriglVero Mess i er • • O •
il, au con you ren u 7 the troth's holy light; tied!.
eyed to Bev. C C 4.1. Oh, think oat lend love
thee. Blanche Alp., I lauthea Witco other friends
around thee. The eotleneath the hills. Wow thee
timetable. Annie Laurie—Scotch ballad. Thefflohin
—words by Elsa Coot, mule by - Stephen. Glover;
Thou bast wounded the spinethat loved thee. The
Grave of Wubington. The Irish Mother's Lament.
Old Seaton—Rusiel. Ito death all things vigil—
Woodbury, Widow Itlochree—ltasselL The cottage
oimymother—liatebinsons. Low backed ur—Lever
Oen Welt:et—complete. The Magic Belt. The
Bridal or Weddine Polka. Jenny' LlaP,Amerlean
Fella. Wry Polka. Cotree American Fmk. .Ttp
Top American Polkas. La Belle Baltimore. folkw Lind Polka. The Odeon Scottish Poika—
Jolien. Salutation Palk.. blies Poll. Josephine
Folks. Borne. Yolk. Roasuirel Pal.. The Pro
phet Qoadriller—Meyerbeer. -Jenny Lind Quilrillu:
The and Daisy Weltur—klm Disown. The
Set re ach r Boy—vo rimier • by Csemy.'Monument.
issued. from Butte Wrecker', Doubter. quickstep.
Lattioville March and Quickstep, Wood tip, Quick
• rib Street: • '.,'
• weetwantly.reeeising
in port the following, Yin:
Tapestry. 7. .4. •
eau Brussels
•riril 3 pIY,
No 7S, Fo •
ALI! r 1 ' 241
Eltra piper Iforsl n
English end Amerle
Extra Superfuse
or • - •
• .
:p741 ; n0 do io Rap; •
Fire Tund
'Awe.° In 6 raln weut,
Extra Goo • ''
Common, all wool,
Id, I and 4 Tap Von Car.
4-1, • a nd TwP.l'd Cary.
4.4, 4,n and a. 4 plain Car.
LW and Raa Carpets,
4-4 Panted Conon Cupola
Extra Wilion
Common do "
Chenille Door hints;
Sheep Skin
Adelaid , .0
8+1,74, 6.4, 4.4 alrd I
Oil Cloth.;
0.4,6.4,4.4, and I Blaming:
IS loch palant Oil Cloths'
far flair..
Patna printed plane covers
Saationed Plano '
Printed woolen
Endthesed Stand
Linen and emerald'
Daniask Star Lim en • •
Turkey Red Mien. a;
Our tee llorderine;.
English Oil Cloth Table
Brown Linen crumb cloth
Brain. Stair Unite;
plain Brairget.;
Carpet Binding";
/ate and Cone Mate;
!Wealthand Skeleton Mate .
14 nod 44 Green Oil Cloth
for fllintle•
Illtekennek Elleper;
Alan, •
1111 the en--
• --
Dlueabil Drab Clobs;
Cnumn Planlu
Coneb 011 eiMbR;
Denmeks for Llrunirs;
Watered Mortin.
Doff lloller.l for WSh whoa.
French trollop.
Venetian Blinds;
Darning for flogr,
7-la tal 0.4 Table Linea:
Roast. Crash;
scotch Diapane,
Drown Linen Napkiww,
Doman Oil Cloth Table
Pact On. Cram from the moat approved ling.
lisp and America,, enanufacturem from 11 In Pt feat
In width, whirls will be cot to ha roomy, ball., mid
veallbelee of any rioter shape.
The linderslearal having imported direct Warn fag,
land, his Velvet rile and Tapestry CARCETLA.. Tenn
Carpet., which tire of the !mew and mart elegant
styles and patterns, and of the meet gorgeous colors,
ad' be sold v.t pnees ns low aa they can ho purchased
for io any of the tillitaril CitiE4:
Raving, the Largest assortment
of the richest and
roost flontonable lIRUSSF:LS. IaIPP.RIAL
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which far oraTatlfes
quality and cheapen. or pric any ...rill:nil eat?
beton, brought loth. coy. lit alsomcitepßwmboal
hlen and Coach Manufarturere to his large ant well
actonad r assontoenloCTßlMMiNGß, and otherattlelea
neeestary In their business.
The undersign/41 is also agent Inc the only Plait Rod
Ifoculanory too Philadelphia, •Ini b prepared to to
lower than Can be putchafed el....adore in this clty.
torla Whl. APCLINTOCE.
Moir Ortool• now Oootllif
Nem Srroze and .ortufter 1.1.7 Groff.* for IStAi.
Wnotzaatz and Detrol Dealer or
."Frenen, and A thcrirth CODDS, A:afire{
.. Intent, btrw"cro Tlerd and ' , multi, mien or :CZ
Dm Dna hen Jam commenced fe t
art CrIS of the sunat rich. apienill4,
and ellCalrec artoZl.• of bpnna and SULAIIe r Dry ONDJ.4
ever rutt ed for rale to Ole VicIITTO COuttltY. All of
thew I mponed Wade are Delhi opened, end merited
per tlnt . tort lactate's Irma France and Ennlandi n.
alga LW, Idenrah imported direct (torn Belfast,. tall
RR bleached . , and warranted the pure effete; theta
Linen, we all Imported by tan cabwriher tad Inn all
Tabledon earn warrented. Abe, high aeon Danni.k
Table Cloths, ' Die very beat VIIIICI2OlIrri; and Well
Litton Good, of all kinds, inaporud direct Darn I/attn.-I
ay die anbactdacr, and wtd yn (wand lie real Lunt.:
New atyleTara Satins all Odor., apler;li,l
gocale block Toik morn, itch goods!
black alarm 41[n, all colors. late importation; Ifterloh
lativca i ail color.. the kcal linpoludi plaid Placa
aiatrocai rt) Ie oak.eed
r 1 :s
•Ai., a •np,rl., o ,j
Di ..!or trree.,lal.soc, For
crania , eery nrri gr.m.l4; 1.13./epea it.alb aorcka/
czar/vary row, Lcillill:Igoons black Fringe; al l .
wliltera and pirres, very rnenifi Firneii Lawn*, Ili,/
Myles, per Intl French .enter, plain black tiro
high hunt. Superb yearn; bleak Gan:v...B/d
lee nine Ili/wide, trek goodic,French awl
(tivrcCCashror b rea 7 new at) lea, liaainiful groda ; fplCr:Wti
ona. coo4e io r tall elector rich embroidered,
WVI3S Plana tar viceroy doe, Swan !Axing rod
loserting. the hem in/pour/1i Silk Trial:es in all color,
and gooikes. hew sula, pica end in. seriph/le/rook
Ilarekra, knead Lawns/ Irewr..ty:l,. from
b to a Carat. per yard; leapokealo Latina, a new ark tip
for loliea'ilietarea. Alaci, a Lute and aupero .fork `of
new etyla.sprikg Bonnet narbona, the yen' heft lm-.
prawn, oil new.
Canton crape*, at I talon, frerb from the Cas
k. llou.ei Turk Yatin &marls 'plaudit! . Koala, In aft
cors, per Last ateutarr; beautiful eh nalf t realile lava
.'la . impartation; *bit e fren:tiro:awed
Canton Crape Filmset., surer./ rood.; arc MaIP/der.
aJ Canton Crape Saaarta, epleatlid geed.; Lupin's
French made Fatbma fared i„ bar., tniparb a fiaie;_,
Part, pawed Cr.shmete briasalr, till priers and quali
bee ; I•diese rammer Crava.ta •ibl Scarfs In r tett v..
ri ,, t rane e walked Capes, Cui: Cu3s. a large
A Large Sleek of
D031T.i.;71C A No fa coon.
fAlbalcs unbleached blusher, from sto 13/ etc,' ptr
yard; IS eases tileeetted Slaidtas Dom 4 to 1,; crd.
per yard II race, Ire!, Deeps Impeactl Jiro, bent'
ttellest; Il balm; 'fiction from telo;03 cents ;;-'r yen r,
cum. Wee Doll, loon h to 1,4 tem. per )are, bei- 1
cdre a lull areartaloot of Sue:utter 'Cloth,. Also, Delo
•IVIII.ZCS, Tweeds ; .tittetts, aval Kentrteky Jean.;
le/ caws dark. Calico, Dot Cannel, from 3to ceute,
pe m r yard; 5 cares 110Ji k does' Ibotlirla Pvium,
iported, 3 baleNßUS,la end Scotch DlelvD;r:jextreme- I
if low. Also, Ileosescolditr,l7uede of all toed., very
(temp; 2 boles Rossii Crash, frem-50 13121cm:do par
reed; besides a large stock of Cheek nod tebirung
btirpc. Alao,Caussis flannels, all col Ont and quell
ors, at low meet; red, wline, sod yellow Tlexuals,
very cheap; bleached end 'unitleittied Uri:liege, full
assortriteut; b case. boo Mettitlitt l / 4 Calicoce, ex
tremely low: block ene Grath:ached Table Depere 3 all,
prices; Ltsrd's eye Diapers, ell promo hod rt.inltueu,
cry <b.f.; colored Csoulaics, a fob arvortater.t,
escaper than ever; 0 hales lturtsps ; from lei to VA ere
yen yard. 'Aire le lance stock of Cotton 'ruble 1./lepers.
litanuers' bhatlog- , A furl totsonmeut, very ebony.
The laticest and molt solenoid' stool of 'Parasols
ever opened by any one Londe lit Pittabargh, Is this
Jay received, and ere :di of the newest French styles,
w hie h,Tor richness and beauty, cannot _be surpasted.
As 11E140 & large lot of there Prescott, they Will De
.eldeilesper than any otter Douse he the city can ate
ford to cell the some quality tr, ofgeoda
The Ladled are reopen ly invited to examine these
Parasol., ire they Will hod some of Che_rienest red
net:rasa style, ever imported from Lampe.. These
.fitrusids are WI of toe richest and tunas fashicitabla
solo . o , and see worthy of the attention of did ladies.
All of the above deeds will be sold off on prince the
below any house in Hie city; and in order to preVe
net fact, the public will ideaa call and price thieve
coolie, and compare there with any ether house in the
any, and lie convlnced of e abov asernon.
Toe subscriber woalc he t r h e say to e
his s numerous nos.
41210,1 end the public in general, that Caere aro Visa
ether bee hive elect.te market street, td
web the dig One W
which is arm die only
rcteLlated nail Car Corned Dry (revile erlaldicLincni in
The sunder they would. thereforesay to all
purchaser.el Dry tioods el,her wholesale or retail,
that the Dee Irian, onMocker street, LetweenThird
nod Fatah. is now opening Was talgeet, richest, and
mint splendid mock ol norms and summer Day Goode
ever offered for niacin Putsburgh
. . .
P o Snit,' von lath—The largest and tress fethien•
mirth cock of Bonnets ever opened In this env, t• just
received al thealgn of the Mg Ilea Ilive. on blathrt
street, between Third andlipr , th streets, where Dry.
Goods of every della ',ono melting . elteither than
say other Lease to Inc eit , The tuba , htmlwe
taro holiest then there are two other ern hive slate. on
Morlei Street, who pretend to compete with the vig
Me thee, between Third and Fourth etrettiovbere
the puldie will God, at all nines, the tweet null holy.;
style. , of Dry Goode, 6,1, opened.
trr News., take notice, that rho. mere le between
Thad and Fourth &thew, sign of the Bill OGG HIV tl;
where thy Goods of every deactlptioo mro solitng
eaten. Mutat any other how in the City, •
_apt d WILLIAIst 11.1.185G.1.L:al
A. MASON A. CO, E 0 Mkt met, 6011,11441
.1114 Fourth. are now yoceiving • low in.
0n01 , 14,0f hart g lan Loin.; l'argan Cloth., on en.
to now ortielci Pollevael Cropo'lk.l,aino, /toi
largo alworuntui of Law. and other pros, tioodo,
• f Ilso West styles sad more faithlornalo colors.. •
Cutus...-40 las mowJ , Jlpl a I , obd
Cums-150 Imerenul 1.04 Latryj
ik sus-40 dos Hemp and fklauillai • •
0.1.-60 Maus;
Cioano-00 tt Commgo and hal rtipaniabi
Fisst—gs brloand ball brio ginakololAnd Salmon"
litr3s-- 3 0 bza imOrteil
110 , 1*-1 , 414/ Niton Vrbisool
0, MU Hoot Coed,
Inatoo-414 lb. n r orol Manilla;
Iro-10 do z i Brock mad Copying'
B:obaorna--.23 brio N °rims;
' bolt brlstSagar lIMIOOI
Mo. - nab-2V dot liqoqtc.l , talUltorsi •
MACcAlaum —BO /Mau;
Vsabui.ll4.l-4 , 0 lb. do
Nsww-.'UO nog/ oninticd,
4.11 okor.-2. do 1114r....m.rd;
PA/Inn-SO 444101 rt.sokirtl,
Pin 41.-100 11, 1101,14431/4,
tioor-O0 kyo Hoar.. cod Loot Swell
11, Goo -It; nhds N U(1411114 DIM 11.111eui
'aw.-o0 paakoonol.roco arl.l4lsokl
ronAi co •LO O, A IN. innipi
Fm on
Pto l•y . w unto** CO
tarlfl Corona of Perk ~d\. ood araa l
"ik) . Arcrldb. • ,
Fuitql rirnst nulnwilhen, will pa y
(on cowl, MOIL, block Ilei,l/iny 144
and all kind, of glipplos Fur*. %ha 41/4144 1.14110111
pilot* P 1 el101(11 R ,
ordnor Plhh and Wood Mn
'Pars r - I I orlis if I firo,',7,l'
§PPINO SINAI; i lON,-\\lll ryCOOOO;lly filett
oorial nidslinniiti, tww Mod Ch; lon o.PlVlllnnlll. , l
All rarer, Or on lalanl 11.111 h Owl 11 . 4,11(004
la sold, obi:nolo, oak, plait) ord. tog It oolOOd
p vote
mrl3 od it siroet
Oo paw nortiolon entitling benanien
and JOOl, Idolt.ll, alder arra. Arta or
b. I], 11,1.0 , 111 en 11. a 14114 doriolood Op itronual
lb. d, of Om oldOior Iwnollinil
Ildahlau Id, or rho col Hand, No, tar labotty orroo,
11 11011111041,1,41,
Moral. 1,1E40 JO
If, II pusitt 'PO nod (I ININGLI Idea A ni)
continuo IM WOoleatio nod Naar lUy UOWsO( 4
ry boolnals, n 1 Ohs old olnild No OW I Pop Ida - Ili,
41401 u. Aim of N,IL UGoI(YI*LpR la?
10.1011 1040 -1.1 12
sitoiiAlViCjay in 1141Vlita
I loin(( , ool, rrar Porkaopikoy boar,
no .,
ory IWO 4.044. 11, N. ood kr, II %Pato Oka. lyto
unlnsa•ln Nitro Ittll ehoduntest wolvt 1A0044.01
WIII•411349 lk *onkel Me l 4 and ,
No 11 Won
_ .__ ,. ~"~11~~~CgL=~ .
Frani a. VectiaZl vri4 ears,' tgliele!
Dr. Cheysottra Extract of ItallOir Dock
wett! !Sarsaparilla.
Comet contempt!. serolUla, espipelet, rheumatism,
gout, liver complaints, tome.] affections, elects,
te Ui llistiTe P r ' s Y t;d ' lV ' el l' s ite rlietTa 7 tii 'f reatte " %l, 2 : o l.!
rept humors, text, of ble'ed to the !read, Carve and
ogee, female cen , plahlts,: eeriest' debtlay, dyss,3l.
lost of appear, headache, colas, costiteness,
Itr”ol, rash sweats, shone, orgaMe affections,
palpitation of the • heart, blies, pains to the tide,
chest, back, kr. • • • ' •
It Is infallible in all! diseases arising from se la,
pore state or the,bloid. ot liregniar action of the sp.
is=. •
• • .
In the Vegetable Kmgdem, en ALl.miser Being de
deposited plants add babe: congenial tootle coranito•
bons, and adapted to be Ceti. of disease; and to the
vegetable kingdom does the reasoner moo u well a
the instinct of luti cis, torn for antidotes to pain..
The . ftyrep is n seientidc compoend of the most ea/
table plants 10 centre, entirely free frosadeleferloos
and encimiiing celocrel zubstrnees,r,and as it expel
disease from the system, imparts "Igor ina sweilsite
aeorrespondine.degtee. ••; • '
:An extrmirdlitary case of Scrofula., Enrsipelaa and 0
ems, cored: by the Sole pea of Dr. Gu
ardia Cam
pound dy rep, Yellow Doek and Sarseparilla
, Nev. 17, ISIS
Da.,Gsrearr. —Sir. I tender my sincere thanks fat
the greet benefit I have 'sleeved from the use orlon,
valuable syrup. I hive been troubled very bad wit
a serefulnes aere,which made its appoaratme onto
chin: .1 did not per mach &ninon to It at first, cap.
posing It to be nothing• bat en eraptnia teat appear,
on perms , * tar s. liGnallr began to inerease,mlll, •
spread to the mek port of the head. lapelled (Os
physician, who attended. Sae all nti nioperposei .1 Ind
tried emery thing that meld be tried.. I saw year Syr•
up, of Yellow Dock and Sarrapsnllas and concluded
to 9.0 11, for I know that Yellow /hick was one of the
most valuable uncles in the world for the blood! .1
boualitioar Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I
could see &greet change is my elate. • 1 continued
to moll until! was a well man. I' tow reel the a •
new perm:in; my blood la perfectly 'deemed and free
from all tome ride& Theta la not &question bat tea
your newly discovered compound is tar superior • t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever Fold.
Tbin. , certificate is at your dirporal to pabbehlf foe
like, and any one you may refer to me. I shall be hap. ,
py to eve them all the information I on &boat ay
clue, 40. 1 reentinytier obedient cement,
Gromas G. Jonmos,
„ • , 1131511nel &trout ,
The lwat:,feamle niedielite knots& The Extract of
'Yellusrlitock and Samaparilla M a positivmmicedl i
anircermatiem care for. all coracletnu Incident• to
fts alterative tirocerties render it peculiarly.
applicable to the Mender and delicate consdratioriot
the female. It is unrivalled in ita edema upon mieh
diseases incipient - eons IP6I7O7IDESLI, bin•
corrhoen, or Msme. irregular sueustruation,
of urine, and general
crane ay neut.
.It lannediately COSIIIarIGIS time distressing envois
nes, and Imo: lade so wmtnon to Ito 'female frame,
are all energy and buoyancy as stirlutslay,
they are crateful. We hove evidence on file which
Induce* us smugly so recommend this maheine to
married pconts who have. not Leon blessed with el
Oaring. r I . r •
.r1.111./04011 Urra s cr Pouliot, of the Womb, of fin
years , standing, cored by Dr. 1:31 - ysetSs' Extractor
Yellow Dock tad Sarsaparilla, atter every.alhat
kabwri remedy had been Weird:bout teller.
. %Vo
, • • •
lturno:l, Okla Feb., 1949,
Ills certifies that ray ' wee, aced 29 years, has
been natering cosier the above complaint Inc Av.
years—nearly all of that tr ue confined to her bed. , I
have for fon years constantly employed the best mad
real (rant tact could be men-cal to thm section of the
country, tithed any benefit retriever. I have also
Forehandevery, ellallltnerelt reconsmonded for the
cora Meech dig:net, Mt oflablcli proved wont:less.
In the opting of IE-18, I wag indeeed by my friends
to try Dr. 6' tottra Yellow link and Sarsaparilla,
vsluch was fur four mouths. After she had nand
.it cur a bou t 0 weeks. It was evident to tall that ea
Was nopron • god from this time rile improved rap
Idly, and rained tells nod strength, until Me Meta..
, weacanrcly removed, sad Eh, is now eMorin mow
i heunt, ' • WM. HUN FORT:
- .
. ..
We bow; otiaabors of Wm. cad Jolla Monfort
knacr that tuf above statement, II to Ma tickase. o
/ !•to.fort, and a.... .1.0 cote bring o4actad 1 1
liursott'a Yellow Dork and Samoa:ills, lobo tilled;
trao. . • JANE EDDY.
BAR;til -4;01VE111..;
~ .Clrigt Curs of Coosnospt
Ittarmalen, January 2. ISW.
Mr. reaurt—Dene Thu gnat benefit widen 1
hare der.ved from lour Extract of Yellow bear ant
Sum parilta,indores me, et enact aflutter, to make
the follareinp niatsmeet:
Art.'Years from genend debility
widen finally to
(di cormithisbart,l war given .
up by my - Glen. and pin - Mu:us as beyeenbihe ant o:
yedrcinr. • . a last re4nll, I WWI indite/4 In try
your .I•Mtmet, /11.4 but tefra bottles, no
otate to your /Ult./MIN / COlentirely.
W. 11.1 therefore( term ot ir recommend your lintrolSl-
Ir44:onnlnnla In Inalel,1• win n<Cl/4 a power:al
pleasant and sato /manly, Grate:ally your friend,
. hi. WAITE .
Nana rennin dn.:c2a put up in tarp memo ticeder.
teat:nal.; a yr.; and rite an= of the cfrdp ISoWn
ia.tha gnus, with W.- wrnua pi hnature at S.F. lien.
nen ou theotha,.te sw re riper. Vocepct Louie, o , •
. •
110 cad Dr J. D. l'aft, earner of Fonr.b and Will.
rut. tweets, Cincircauti,, dannt for tle
eouth acid Wes:, to wawa ail orders =um Pa address,
• ,
Cuter 6 Ryo,Erie, NV, P. Judson & Co., Water
fo&I; Ulm & Clcmoos, Croexiagtale; &Lel Terttl:
Alcutsom: Hiram Elto.TowaaJt; Robert Roy, Wells
boy°, 1.. Roderick, Caller-4,m.y; L. Wite,s,Jr-•Puzs
bungs, earAyief tityaset snick and tha Diamond.
UELLLI/11 , VA11111.1" AtEillt:eil..l l —.l'tey aro Vs/
eleiliclnts of the day: ,
' • fralifork StAtfor4 Otia, Hay 21, 1P49.
R-1,1 Sellets•--Ithilik Li rlgift, for 1.. e fftrfclit of otb , ry,
to ru*r •0h..1. feet'la relauon to your eseelltra Fa ,
I Lave wed .
Tear Item:foga largely In my nvrn
fanoir. or,iirequontly czovlllnG lovge
Ovy lie to eral norm.) Lem tereleltildrvn. f Here
alit cord yore Liver and Consh Syrnioln soy
rennlv, vita thnv . sive, in evtry !nom.; piodneed
too vlcet. 4e.a: ten.
As I Am le to,rehatstAittoga em able to
tte, volt T :n ',ad. a [Vs hrst hat tte , Aom-s
11.4; mrdorittes :love tot cicostst to sty steti,a °film
rouctry. Its en , ,eleslon, I 111t0 toot they are tor
tot_Olcit , cs tlts•tey,toot n''s Ileptuk,d to have a Petl
t.le a ieC ! Vouts,AsAvertfultx,
. .
jPropored nod eon! by 11.' N. 8 F.LLltittt, No 75 Wood
;eel, end told by Liro7s MS generally in the too
end 3,7
xio oar
Reeletnei el the day..
fitunxit'a tirartox. Ohio, May Ph, 1549.
R. E. Seller< r. I think a rixhifor the benefit °father.
to atateuptto fare intention to yctr CLOUD/ F. 1.6
ly ?litanies. : . •
LSVC aerdt s/ VCrtallo luting OWD
Ily, one via. , fre.,xently aWirering for expelling: le
go.titielif nay rto TIM 'aroma from two ebildra• 1
have alio awl your Liner and Wash Syrup as
my lauilv,.md they ha," itt every illlt.11.11COPI046”11 .
the elleet,l, area. . • •
As I am rtgaged In mereriaadwine, I am able to
wale that flarre yet to heat el' the first falture where
your motile an, hove been . osed In my ermine of the
country. lo eonehtwart, Lazy wale taw they are the of the' day, and tre destined have avety
maaive p spularay
Prrpared and wild by P.., , I ).,,p,No.,S; Wood
street, and sold by Drogews as:Delany la the moo ci
her mal vicinity. cnval
ae;ifi•EftitTi..prair'illfoNfrr". ANT;
original, only tree, and ;racier , Liver . NIL
Spurr ext., Ohio calmly, Va.}
- Merril 260,1u49.•
MLR P..Pellerin Dear thinks It a dtrty I owv
to you aea to'the pub), r,nent. ty, to state that I have
here strieted wltti the LiVer Complalat for a floor
tune, and eo badly that on abeess ibrraed end btelte,
which led me to a very lore state. Having beard_ of
yaw celebrated Liver hilt being for sale by Ali
Dharp, in West Liberly, and recommended to me by
aysielan.ll, EL tineectieandedlutt to ewe them
m a
fair / perellased
boa. found them to
,luet treat they are ree war:leaded, THE .11T LI.
tilsit PILL EVER USEM lend Mier takingfogr brae.
lipid the disease has enutely left tee, and I am new
perfectly well. Rena-rah:Sy yours,
' West Liberty, March VG, Ira% --
I certify that I am perWanelly ampainte4 With Ole
Colaid.t, end eat bear tartimotty to the troth DI
aorta :rnitleate. A Et saran.
T , enuiar Liver era prepared and wad by
It It 1 I.l.lattl, No 57 tV',54 etreet, and by druggiats
mum wn,iues.
ILK l'UllLlC . —Theioritott,onli true an!laen•
utile Liver nc prepaiDil by It lets, awl twit
nano ' black v.ika upon the Ihs each
as, Mill tlclialiire D 4 Datable vrrarra•—all
oltera are Douitirefaitk, or Fam lraltallois. •
.Itj: sl.3.l44,:R3,Prelnietot
vertehus, tt , t•0vt.1.t.,.C40), 10101 I <0 104 10
law 0 thirty otild Ulm). doitats,l.4 wlOOO4 lr
kv,r, (and mu,
t pent of JFIWKI.IIY, entsi.
ti 511010) W ar a 9 le 9, iktObtaiplatrrne
%V. V. , Vll.tiON, ry , chmaket 4.1 J.etcr.,
400 )1)•)•• 0 I 4)000, 00.0
11:11C ; sell Abatirrott`o Frtt
totklity upd tagh law and St+rol Motere
not 41.11, wart ont,l mit , ti , r to aur atkor t4a1.1./
:.1$ by Ito yourtilti of 0 0r.1,u; moor.. tor rOrlen,y tit
INOllilh 0031 tot a lest 4.11 ,
lIW. W ivithurttNN
'''ltrAii.TitiirtiFiii)§, - WoQht: ---
trifult•liv, Flamm. a co, I,mapit knotted to
I MO? Ilaosi 0111110 ollcotlot, to Oho oak, of Jk•iooltti,l
twi.mi and 1101101, ti0(.,144 hew 011'e1 0,1 0
atnnl et '1'411,4 i• VentlAto, leant and
tt , ,
roW t—to J.. Mao vatt
5:0 kki..latkioi, 0 emvuti , l oltir4o, tor miln-Ly
Aol., +l,l 1l tale
if it I 111,4,010 n thipatriaqutv,
•0 , 1 0110. euel,n4 01% hY 0011111 101 tae hr.
N. o,—Thry .10 re i , r1r0,.1101110 ',mkt% lorg•
"AV 41.
011 Vic Kno tlO 00tSo04 00. (1100 -
3 ip ',l from Iho r0101,11q.,1- Illonaoory Nunil. &
ORO, N. V., OS WiliVilOr CI A 1. try 0.1r1.14 , two,
Eot cilte l.y . • 11. NI.1;14:14,
drtY -. • op 3. XV, g0.,1w1 , 11i,
• tot TflllOll,R TatiO, Iloon•y, and 01l
to:81e , r,881.„ 111.4188 ft. to
the 4 , 10` 1 ..1 11,1111, tin.lhlgll44 ptromphi..lB
log *ha 111111., Ti ryt,fit The broct. •
Fo , 00...v401 , 4M0 160,18 , 101 t, by
logo •113.1,14115, at Wend s
l_m..aio lot
lilt', I t.v ••a.
4.1 3A1§11b..1
tnnot by 111,11,
(111310 tol•feififrojectottileco
Mr i•Or;• --8 1 , 1ii qiilf:Vte\rtriiblotolro
by 18 tO
r, 188 1811C1(•••4 , ArV p y r
• DO
15"Mq7a , riErralr./4 ea r l bt.a~ by
Lb OYn
, i4/U4l-7114 . 4.6 . r
4 , bilo r.xirot rne• on e•••Ig••••n;
iool tar W. O,
...i°l'"-34 1411 •
aw itestaionoti_
jv 1141,iriv tut . *
Yr 0 , 11,r0d +n,l 401 SNIyI
*dm 011.1114 404
iiota, ,AnuAti
Ti ii4 - $lll4 hies y, pm' r*,,•4
Ito Ice try - JVIAIESTdI43
.014 - • Pf• LOOPY
toad. r's Railway Emmen, a ;realise mike
111141171:1, * c r o u nim " e=1 . ,InIV.13 4 . ' 7=Mt i ,
an madden of the pre Wee resets er the railways
In operation In the Mated Kingdom; in the Co .
Ind in arneries. By Dionysius Lorene;D.C. L.
IT h pic e r 11;112; of thellEo Ve b rmo
angersa 'New
R.l of hitit ' narrs * Giobonis t the
ellne and Fell of the R. 1.11 Empire: 6 vols. - • •
e i thT I=Vie. l1 .ITy - iTr b goa n
, ' br , vga,„ 4
4 arpritie Latter Bay flunpldeta. V!.. Sals'iont,
• Iro b ..roTtoTrer's ee.selgOveli-Tios Betels.. • 1 ;,,
G. P.R. lamestneor Nose's-The Old Vat •"-
• ,s
0 t: above; worts 7ciAd N l t
s b . p o it . T i r&or salctrt
i`C ,
ohns GO Zamin Ha° ri p cs irdi a Fa i Zt a 'S En lFlLn ejedim Mil dia, us ' l 3 .
Ea.... Ms.-Tre and Shrub bvo
umwo--Trea of America, ovo
T homm—esteriesu Fruit cog/dt:l2ms
llaY—a.Oulde m the Orchard, !Mao
Mn " — F.lglY KtleheaGurdeuer, °VW
mer—The atomic. Rea Keegers l2 .*
lamer—She Aram-Man Poultry Dgro
Agent—The DiatEmattss nand Molt
s a l on Mot Dooalltgm
owing—Flair sad Fruit Tries of asceriet, tgoso
Voo—The Bvo =
[Bennet—Tim gonitn. y nr a, umo •
Tar We h7 I
mailman - Journal orpatanot an A.M. •
D Rillistaa,Pro D. titl,
TLIs JOurnal grryilaTerWrdti,
La' ;WAWA Or 14 ones sash, vosaj. ir too, nem o
"Mamas yter,tneb watt many Illustratiot.s. It; is
devoted °arterial articles on: Beleree and me Aga.
Cm...lensed Reviews er. AMOr.Olo aie..o[,,, rrd
.Dis carte. brunt Foriegarericalimls, o! New.
Publications, end a General flagellant resent Eck.
orks:- The ins Series esatedus oltuaes,the
last or 'which is a ;sacral Index brew - °volumes
preceding.. Sahvarmion,ll3 advance-
• J D I , OCRWOOp, 't for Pr0p0m.., 4
let 9 ' , lel Four 'st.
Good. Books fur fiumnarrr ilandlug m
Utown—Turklmh Evoidng Entartattiments, Laos.;
Taylor—Eldorado, a sals,nroo . - • • - -
Comma—European Life nird Manners, Inas, LUSO.
Dickens—Domay and Eon::Vvols,l2oao.
Mack ay —Popalai Delastons;2 soli txoio.
..Marvel—Fresh.tilesnions,lnons: , '
C. U. if —Norman Leman
tabsl4—Enslimh.lnermarreiltrao... •
Prior—flordmunlYs htlmeei =eons:Works, 4 volt:
Maye—Kw.ah,l2c.o: • - ,
TLyter—VialasAtoot.l.2laa. •.
Ilualboldt—Commor,'S maim; lthrto.
•For mole by • ' ' . 7, /AS 11 1:0CEIVOOD
lea • , • • 164 Fourth it
11. PLACE BOOS—Containing the .deciaitias of the'
Supreme Coon of the Crated Ststes, and .of the re
speense State Connt on 11114 of Egehlege, Cheek..
:aad Prornissou Nous—defining 'their rennlsiteg.d
;tropes:4es, and Investigating their gal.*. would
,elfrets upon, parties The whole grunted in an order
most convenient' for reference, and suitable,' for . ..
,mediate application. Hy Wm. Luny Connselldt!at •
Law. Jut received and for sale
Jeto Rockstlimeor:Blerket& ?bird ,
-- 7 7 111 — o — olici=Genstrallf.71araTiirre. • t •
Mum—Verlarocrylia Ilse and AlauniaCTUXO:
'Hello— PM/Graph , ofNatare. ,• •, • • ,
Clallow—Aphorotas and lama, ‘•
i. Shaw—English Liter... -
. - Mao: • ' ;
Brynnt—l , 1-zoss in. California. , , .„.
St. Pierre—Paul .1 Virginia: 2 vol., Itcro..' '
• Alcou—Lencra to Young pica: 'l2nto." • ; '
Coincp—Rectitude dila*. Nature. • /9ffea.
Vericoar—Mederri Preach L
PnielticPlilloisrphy.. • '
Newnbant—tiemen Magnet:an. '
Ilennholdi—Aspects o - Naturn, • . • .
Droderip—Zoological Recreations. _
- For sale by JAMES D'LOCEWOOD
lan •
Foster' New Ktlalopinarlfleical
ft NINE to R. all Night; Dolly Day; .'
, Daley Jone.; (io down to de CmonEichl;
• Nally was a Lady, &t.'
De Sind to Oe . Lds..4loses a 1 hums;
Row thy bolt tly; Tree Love, by T.llocolt. ,
Oar way runts. the ses,.dtteut , , . t
A new medley song. by Coven; Cove , • ' ,
Je,my Grey, walla by:Alutler, . • ' •
Joys that were crowning, I , VeddLns , March; •
Gal bless the hardy =wine: Schuylkill Wall;
Conscript's Departure, by W. C."Gloyer;
„Sow:Ostrom /loose; Waurri,Steyennarldsehe Coi
Lost Rase of hemmer, eery variances by Ilerti •
Gaited Stoles Polls; Ladies' SoasenfsPolks; ' •
Corn Craeker lartadrille; Logi - wine Quadrille;
&tulles of Italy; DocUs,Trlos,lce.',
A large easoriment of Ne*Musie on krand.lowittekt•
!additions's:a sonde weekly. For Ilea by'
febt3 - - J. IL MELLOR.6I. Wood H." ,;
INLAY Doings:
fr HE WAR Wall MEXICO, by R., S.Riploy:
.1; sots:
Vet:leafs of Rbotarle; . of,Anslysis pt
tho Law. of Mond Evidca. and of &mammal; by .
RichardiVhately, D. D.
Emsay on Chflocisr. Hapacro; bY Itapttst W. Neil, MI
The Ottlvies, a Mint . . .
Fairy Tales, from ail Na:inn, by Anthony It. M.
Lb. with ti by I/4y te.
Jaq tre'd by " I a. BTOCKTON, ,
deli) ' . , corner Tund and !dark% streaa
Wm, and Eegant w •
S yNt9e ete l‘ n ° e?i i :iftni”Or s d, b iL ' kT.l
reecan e. , dt Provo Wrinags., by ilicbard * Li./ann;
', • „
' • 01.4
IllueduntedGems . orSadred Poedy;Prith skx
dens' earaved on 'dee. by Sohn Strum • •
Just received by - - 10W:STOD: dr.F3TOCI;TON;
deTI . • rnrerr Third inn! Arnrket etvi-
. .
IN•aw /Jowls.
PtIVEICIAN AND rApIiNT; gr a Practical Vim`,
of the mated Matte; rdlation• and laremn. of th
.bredical Proicsaian and, US .Conunnakyi by Worth
the \Vorka 011 D. .
iohael D o Es.y.. Lancia, &a. By Wm. Ilatiett... •
Marvell Lad Ecranlam.., By Anat. Henry Lys n'9, D. U. L.
. . - ,
s'.:arepses of Spain; Or Notelet an Voltam/mil _Tont
tsl,7. liy S.T. WWI.
Tupper', l'euserblul PbalusophY s rrew ertilieu: !nue"
trued: Just recePred by
1 , . 10itt:STON sroCmori, ,
novll • • corner 11Iarkerund Third SIM... •
tat. xv. acanal...ref /Ilia Lary. •.
ITUME t3to t• 4 .IRl' esCiLANI) atm, pal-,
1 .1114 , k.g 6f rlsrpor at tiro'., la 6 Tea cloth aua
pater. at ccuts per vol. Tbr , e. tots reueivea,aila.
lot LT • It .
;11 Apollo IlalliiuLjoarth at. •
, • •
- • -
r, EDrtUE.tii IIbsI 4 ITIL troyago, by lierAmts - ;
'XI, author ol:-Typee,^••0thoo,” &et.. 4
al Uo. 4 . o S.k. l .4l l .zdibT , Pmcb Abbotti.
Eidouia tS Sarceresc by , •
, rot% . cot.. 'fbird nod st. rlutatmets
u uns of du iltars ReEn-roiable Workrlof Ms Av."
1V Vit.:VEY! 'AND ITS REMAI:SIS; with au notootti. I
./.I of • visit to the ehandona Christiana of Ggrdla-•
'ma, amt the Yezifht, or Dettil•WorthlPperti Mid an I
Inquiry into the histentaa sad Arta of th Ancoul A.5. , --
syrlano. Dv Atuten Henry Layne& .n.. Et... 0. L. 1
With inc-cOnclory Note by Prof. r... Re ursott, D. - D,
LL.D. Illastrate4 with la platra Rad apt, auti 212
R ood tam. 2 sots. eto. 0!,154,20. 1). ..
"The book hat antra amount of grape, ',NA, pie
ozreveno honours: ”—Trthone. - I. ~.
"The work of Layard it the manor, neat e4ittri
.6 alien to the study of :salivary, that has caved foe
MAZY years , —Chriat loq. '..' . .
.Not ono excels In interest the 'Roomful - or Mietrett
and Its RM., given by Ur. Loyerd.”—Washithr.ow
Inteltigearer. . .
As wo - fuilow the dier.ers with btrathlets interest'
in their troncutiorm, one =Aden!), hod ourtelres, be-, I
toms massive agate carted smut minute. aocorner,
now lithug in raganue beta trom the Ma/ of WSJ
loam, we mo toady to try net with the
Arabs. •A'allatt, it ot wonderful, but Ms true." , i-la.
'or tale by . JAMES D. LOCICWOOD;
• •so nooks. ' ' •
IIitII7.IVOIIEN of too 'Oa twd Noi..'iriturobt;
e/ Rned by AII Spmpe,D. 1
lere.tly bound; . 15 eigoosittly floated onotarbp;
tts Ottoman. by coteUrolod AmaticsriCteposta.
POEMS lf V AMELIA. (Mr...Wilby, of Ky..) ono. ,
'and ordarred edujon: I:toottott.l by 04r - ova:Fs from
de.'4lls by , l rot. moan, Broleinnts.
flybound and ga Atsc.,3, voricty of ortuod ,o id Amor,
edo sod Looks.
Etovrell'stlOll4`• First nook of the 41114011 of Rome.
TSII AS.STSTAIVT, o4apted for tho
we of (..-arptutots,SAlrxrlghla, Wbretra,slll3, Sas.,
Sot, 1,111.1 the Sking Soto- WI oom N.
o.lo:*routlse co tircet Prom. Coratvailio. ,
tl:foodottht ISomentarj Front.s litamcos. Sy Prof,
Iff-Nine. of Ilroveo Ur:Wonky, , !cot ,
HoNS,rz's Gsmniuf tiehroolizokzto.r., by Conbat.
tio,bnoa. , libbtobe '
I.....;oaml , lll,tol4utttry eo‘4 Ldgttlllll4o4 Ta6ltl4. 1
oasn's.Crce IN‘nevnlane. / vollt 11 +" '
Mabee. elastleol Ntties
Websttet likettunarb tubed ed. ; yol. 810,
do do " ntrOridgcd., sot, 4w.
.• Barnes liotod td3.lQll.laaaa o t Zia",
Wbedrlrs l SIC
Nosbeird's rdldvaddmicid IlieWq, i 3 tat., axid, t
Vesure Grestlai 1 , 01.1tmo.
Nordmia slslo4lltaaJtsill //aale. (clotik
'ami ram.) '
K•rdeqi rcbcdt thereddidtle' : bit Taumplf4d. volZ
Wattt and rapetd
Thetdtlicid tmdtwyrs. 1 it. stc., (cloth.)
Aldttes honoddrius
IWyrt's remot IH:tioutry,
eatt*res Itorkra: Fa; salt-by
world AVN , NiMiNfl Fog an
VI:W - 11( 1 01.11 1 iiril - gktii,INU'Ali, it., wok. o '
411 bloottlAno, 1 , 4.1 H. MUM, C9Mit ,4 .2 /at
kAinys, ltOltoth Joaott , Abtough bloAAAlty sal
A.ty, with oovea Awn AM). f."..m.,0mm•t00. I . l, A , graPbt:
isllllA Itibiloarkpbtral Nouror, Ao."
Tbrotv Aug Vractico ol 9a
co rdr.Alm Alotivoi
al d Mitbatr of rod Achool-I,lropl,og,- by liarid
'IAo, A. M.,N,lmpikl of A..!nasS y . Aulkool,
F6tooterNr. rob loot Fldiag oftho Hirt { and, lkittgh Non Amonot, by !Autry
, VoLllort-rtt,VibTON STOCATON,
am* e Third atill Altar% ate
The uut...211:12(1.
AMit' , Weisel*/ tad Inapend4
tr./ crest, has tor bitloolo,o coma erca•
rlhe rem. Ore .3( the erll4oa,l of thla valuable
von k 16, ..levele.l to Prorttoruou UI Mew:trams, Ittli
other talon:mum ta'at gel* the early exi
oterattona, rolrleturenr Mad iisproosiesun (Alto ecuralTY
mound the head of me Ohre. 117 Needle 11. Cferr.
En., of Flftartrah,lo Fro.
I ‘ l ' , / LaCSYSTP. ,
;. S .i - 4 6 . , itati,... i i, ' ,1 , m,za . 7 , 7 1 z 2,1
1,111016 N.O. Matt/awl with Met. enfin raV.
opted at floret * 800., *afford with ren=
Just pueUslnd sea for ado by -
' !WAD:I.D LOCIMWD: u.ktiv,t a .
sa 1... „eer y eon
75 ets. hIRB FANNY IfFAU ... • E alt
"The reo.4ing of Ng both bad linamiss,...." Ai I
h higher opiate', of ler 000,1.1000 retell
from perusing ha m.w,0114e. 110, P T 1 • daalarY
leue of teem gbh *ghee ga oar. Parll, matte
feeling Ilan any ether yreatmattln. 01011 0
nth which vea aro Oto i .." 7tiolahlearok 'wtiest te
'' 1111 " , dolit *Plied Ind
Fanny homthe'• beet Wile . ' d "b:" I
16.111111%. We renexuareaer....lll...4,
ttR a... ILI g
pub Ira alien of the ow lt emloneatea l'
taxl *bit 111101VNIAt
101/60•ItAtt balk. 'We lade Kid it Nei
tin " otiiitie " to * tAii` SOW.. w4k " 1 ". .. 11 ' 41 enstost. A 01
vi,l lemma of life In kagr• is au 11,ipects,d,,,u,
o O ed.l tl Malt ll spend t lt
%ad Plawasa.. - - • i"
101 soXLS bapatlor lionsen Itatarosm - Alio
tb Imam sad MOBt Pagdort•
ie styles, itel d ye. u it
a. A 1t1.1160N 00,
• -- • •- : . •
• • " -• ' •-
i t.
7 ---- 7 - itizoldetiescar: ons,• - •
'ltaiettiartl. IC i. in hien,' _lllitepk..
' . ' '' , AND 01/1.11. RI
_ _ ____,' AND DAME NOM - .
,id.'C'TAOL:S.—Deafte.. Note* and LeeroCe•
payable in any pastor the Vnion.t aimed on a moot
favorable terra..
EXCAANGE on New ?era, Philadelphia and G i l.
demote; -leo, Cincinnati, 'Loeurnlle, Saint Ikeda and
,Neer Oriesaseaaatantiy lamas. . - - . •- ; .
. BANK N , ....:Notee on all solvent. banks la Gel
tinted Statefdlacountal at Gm lowest pates All loads
of Parer and Ample obi Gold and Stint Oeln bow,'
TiroVtiburgb, P ectbe. GI-Market meat, betwean , 3l- ant 41.4
• _..,... REIGN IeXOILA. • t _ • 0
E LL ' 5 . w ...,...M , EMAlVAltelan r , 4 . and Scotland bought
. Irniftii - vibre; fn teiri r e7=4
froze ..f.l to &WO, at the rase of IS to We t Jeweling,
aril:bout &A:aeon or amens, by 1091fEtA ROH.M.
SON, Sunman and General 'Aim, elks 'Alb,: ace 1
door met ofeeixaL ' , , , . octlett !
arwun sum .
, ... mum= a
,N ei a:I23IA , AND EXCHANGE, SRO &S. deplFs i
. in F r i t , and Dome Sills atetka tt ga.,. {A: 4
'2d and Woo9treids, &reedy mmpo•in St CduSedi IS.
LW ag 1 / 9 2 1
%M ist :
Dia tiotav
piirehne4 um lowest nasii, by
11 011 9arC r .talat
o,;=.OTki 61 . •ly N. Imams sepo raj'
11. Merchant, East side of the unuaread,Trusborigh,
ere now ofenng Mine Toro. lowest priori for tun,
[trolled Whiske y ; the and . Drimeent Brandt - eta,
French. Sg4,, /oar
don Able .
.dePrMtgoo,l:ll2ll4, Itnerel:ell,llilsen, Tenn
eitro end Wean Wures. Wholesale toßelati. MT 3
DRINLINCI PAPER—Always orrAlit_e iortflnlo_
& . order rboororlour ether of Pr=fatro'.,,,,:,
rapping`Pipen Crown, Medirult,,o
.._...;._ ,
razes Straw Wrapping raPai ,. / ro r m =7 , , ,a 17. i
•pauble Crogfit Nu (Mee raper_Pf",
~, iu... ,,,..
....-.::.:, . . VI f MA 11811 4144 '''"var, ''
, •r00y17.-: •.',.: :. • Agent for uturton .
CO. ban zoraliVed theii4coet at
G.e 1,14 . 101 ht MT:mit AU of Lawny ~
IN AI:ERICA-11er work - aid' Aura
. WariL "Ny Maria / Idelistotb.ainhor of aCbartes
" Cbenterebitrins,.`To seseemead to tiaa Lvoi Mao.
Lauer Day. rarapideis, present tune.
By. Thomas . .Carikale. I .
CrieLlutel—Alentairs ottani and WiittrirdOrnoe.
Prelietlone on Bniterie
A eatery - , Patera Evidences of letatstiardty,and NUN
.Leetare on Mondry; with two. Introdnetary Letterer
and:roar ..dddresies delivered in the New coder , '
L. L.
, 143 e . trat ., -41 s e
o e uti film . Cal l inti a - ce t. sep c iLedrnada gpftazc 'untl l 2 :
Thowbs 11 Dyer, wit!' pontait. Lt."; ;
For vale,tl R HOPRINS.
Bnildlag Fourth v..
• • ' Cambia Cob;abut •
211.9Ft.;4 vMAr-M.
• •—•11 ,, mwer'itmtboftiontitbdatar; ' •
R. woad
Ivory o '
10 :vapor lurp Buffalo; . •
trout ...ed Sado Combo; ;UM and tarsals by
,febr, , • C YEAGEIt, 180 Mukern
Bp* Ilollona41.,111;fr I.loLtunili •
IXAR.E.NO r TICt—Ttuu. W. mc'dmito4bas tils'aity
' tOreived inkrernlemes of tho A nesi and boot Nur
• ado or HollOndoo onto!! ha orovnd moo I reopdotfolly
oanyho 1Ut.11,136 of hi. cootantern and thapahlr. In
• Jl7CiOTpe r t Wait, Amu, in' Faith 0. . ..I=3ll.
A. crffi:Viregf,M.V.ll4'2;a the
.10 br ' 11.11g1.1.0R,81 otiV"
: Opals. Just
Cow' ;dela WOrillafJoblalkult sofa, !vo,
2Vaal:Mauro:4; media gilt and t ado:eh
blitenetraldlibeal and B,kbatit &boo 13abgraphy;
anearwarti laaf, Mao.
ToOril , lanalVida and 2pellei: • •
late 01 Jabs Q Adv..; by 'Wm: /I.9aarard; 1 no!,
•rneass by blcii Ifelnaan 1 voi,lftmq unslbu
SouttOt Setrunni—sennonn preacked.span carnal
Onzaslans, by Aobort 8a5tb,.1)..U.; a new cdiden,,A
,Or; including Postlmenuaa Dlinearana - . •
..Sarne--9 ruts. - 10 2,.alosp.exuu
Fat *abr.. • - ,
iaba .4salla Buildings, rannbar.
sr.ACILE Vomsroror.
I.llCandetsianed;sneeeesoia toe Aian iehol-
I." son. her leave to Inform Meth:lt Of Pittsburgh
mut pohlio generally, that they have whelk' - the • EA
GLE FOUNDRY nadirs rem to •folloperatica. and
tote Oast dheis patients ready.fos he, matte.-
Amongst which ate Cooking . biomes, Cortland Wood
StosesOrith a splendid aire.mht Coal Stove. mitiett
non, supereeding to other title> the common round
Stove. Alec, a cheap coal Coeking Stave, m
I=l for small , faxatiles, with • fall assortment Of com
mon end mantel Grates We: would per lenberlT' in
vite the attention of persons beilding to call at oar
earchocce before Intrehasing., and exameine a splendid
article . otenammelted Grates, finished In Sze style—
eatircly neer: In this market. :
Waiehonse, No. lit Liherry st,opposlte*ood Ott
YEAGSR: imparl'er Itzuf Wholesale Dealer in
:lip, or the Dili Comb. Log Marketer. Pitlllnath, Pa.
'Wep , lll dierentaiu, - Pellets, .4 knell, irailcult
Dinsbe ma to pc:ukase Dumas, are rupeetfolly.luited
to call 41111 eltantire the e2.o,l<ti .I.2ottraCtlt of ellg•
Rah, Ameriaan , Freuh'and German Fancy'
All forcio Ooodi nt utie esublishmeat are import- ISr
d. direct by myself, and porobesers may rely On geb.
Sag getidei NM Ent bands. I lays the tamest arson
sacra of aerials, '-um Variety . Jites, the' err' of
rstsboxik—fait of 'Mai' /Sta Jo* for east
city ueeptances. 'The Sleek ecouisti,lis pelisse '
lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,. Ribbons. '
Silk Cra..kls, Si." and PateolThresGe,Seveirig Saki
Spool Cotton, 'rivet, Supe„nders, !know, rim, Naas •
(sold and Silver Watibeic Gotd Je elry;ill kinds o •,
Drulsee, Combs and unts. •.
• Pervissidn Cars, fleseterisloti. Clocks, tilt A.
Carpet Parar,.‘,Speemeleei . litoel !setts, blusic , Dotes, •
Carpet Bass end
or, • •
liaodllg rotator, en s.
Tr=lota. • - • ..
Toys and Vaney Goods; laugher with' a ga
ty of Fancy and Staple 1.112 V GOODA. fo •
C. YkliatiblX it also , Wm - feriae !gob:malt.. : •
timer Co.b. - • • 1 .- costa
I= Great 113aggltels 12ensodys
PIK lIVILTD o V 's itt.3lk.lift=Terro ' clg
above dtroabox, the 11UNIs ARIAN LIALSAId OF
LIFE, &motored by the colobrated Dr. Buchas, of
London, Er ,11.13, n...llntroduced lola 'rho Coded Souza
to dor tie lounottsto mperlotoodomm of Ma inventor.
itextra ordinary meccas of this medicine hr tbs.
cure of
tiothows, warne r the AMoricats
seran soltekung for croatmoottle were* posublo
that tan be tonmlin community—•e two&
relief co,vssa front any of thowsounoo remedies of too
day, and have boat green im by Mc most dtstmemawd
pt. stouter, at coofomed and mumble, The Kor.gsni
as Balsam bad towedrusul will cure, the most doiyorato
a oases, It is nd quack nostmm, bat a sw.neord thsp-
Ilsb as.--?tolost, of Musson and osiabUsherd efficacy.
Every fs...prittllC United &tales aboold lad llMPlhht
rots Dachau's 11turganost Delo= of Lae, het
nountrmotthe consumptive to ...tomb of the cinema,
tn..* be used u a prevonnve modicum la all eases of
eolith tong* sPitting of blood, pain to tbe nr. and
chest, =tattoo sod sorenom,of Me 100 m,,, broohlus,
&Zealot of breating,hootio (ova, night sweat., =act.
m.o. ant general &until, luthrua, Induettra, whooping
tonnb ebbeb.
hold inlaryo Wales, at IFI per bottlr,bith diraw
does for the reqpration anoint..
r l g a mass of flash and Atone .
con certfficedes, end other evidence, sbowmg en
equalled meths of this greet Enghsh Dommily, clay be
obtsmod of the Agoras. gramuously.
Inc rale , by 13 A FAILNESTOCK & Co., corner •
al and Wood end Wood artd 6th eta. jupd&wd
Drew...mon, March 23,1e11.
mr R. E. Pollerra—lwltuntoo Too and yOMMOW
p oracle Cough Syrup, 4 beg leave to soden for We n
erd of the commenter, that ray est& borosaweral
home tattled with anent distressing coal , ,Oor•
chased, neJlmttary lest, a bottle of yourSpoPie.dott
cared a ehago of two mamba' entailing. ANA..
month sluee,lhe cough returned, and ail /sertrete
..he could • hardly move, from walroom the
bettor, lota ton e ut hallo of your Gaeta htToPI, and
a part of ono bo cured the cough Igen tee:
to a lour.) etunwho was lefenn7lVl'lo had,
to use itte own words, "talon cuovfiheoup L o d, to
em:a all the people to Piusbarg? , tf tho Coady bad
been*/ good so moose-mod:
Value, Wepoctruity, ALOUD B.
l'..tepared and wild ay B. F.• DOLLED.S.I7 Wood
street, and Cold by Drama , IforloroilY itt the tyre
.111.1."80111611ry VE/111/1 . A21 Eltnuo
h~a A t
'C to itifihrh - the ,„,mt
Come en tis End gable tterid owls
lade. , the Duntehitii,
fTitie yr= NIT ‘ ll 'n
ablest Si:Where are Omict
d ., to or beat etyl,e Warngatal
cilia) to iuly intle united flume.
lin Blinds eau be roamed with.
out the aid of it 'arra xi:Pre,
HaLl:Lintettsctt hs ark :
abume w ofß or lmalfd ape.
larrd I tin PrePimil
their ohl eastoatera, Air ow
the Phhik wkit every thug -
isumnrlabWoo4.treelt Phttbhreh
1.17 •
tru.--ILI in! a, ta amir ' 217, 1:1
i tio r rifiFTLTßE-3 east% to
1 ittitilt kir.Ett—lo,ooo Pm ra4sz
, tittOtt crums,,tt,
A) , oat of . mat, Cot !Old 15t...........
i i." ...... ,
ma: .1 : . ,--
... "..•,.. '.-...:_..... 45.=
ANTKOrotii3s74.s - 6is chine*. tb abt
~..... , -
. ooze., tot , o Pt by
• rls tee • Y l'Agn No 2, for sale .7
' 7 use AEO,ulV.Ku—soo root of.* lash ~r (401
0 Mti
(or The tel pull:earn; *Strati d Wt.!.
"0.1 to hither in ever" rupees. The depairt..
menu tn. ititited It .11 ILM•clairkind Mg= St ue
balk 11110 W io,opoi,. fir oa 7 are Wood ate 4,
be, No I, sum huldlag, and tulles ur
; . . 'SATAN DICKEY it Co
617 s
4tt 4 : 4,4
/ 4
r• - • • for aslaby
VI 101541 tor
It COMM IN 8anc...40t .•l.
" • .yr P 11AIS13146„