The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 20, 1850, Image 2

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QMOwns's, au mummy renamed. to band 14
sacs favors betoso Lis, and as urty dm day as
a cib i4 1 1 f4 1 1
ra r 'en d 7;) gsta d l
'trd cantroc,
Er V. B. 'Euigii la limn for tau paper at his
avers! stark. In ?firs !fork, Philadelphia, tad
Baton, and It authorised a rteelve subnerlptiona
sad witerilseinerta far lan. •
mi _
- Panallttruu Norm AmismaAdoordeo.
teems led tchserlptioot to the Notch Ainslie. and
Vatted Wows Ottene, Phtladelphla, reetived and far
- warded from this Gam .
" from mis.s: r.r, Will be teemed Li b tio d rar in lrd s
ter ttlia valvall'ir"‘C"""a".l.°T.-8
BilnYoit Astiouc4.3.—au twerlptio and ad vertims
Menu far Ilkl* reetived Mad forwarded free of
shave trona ads calm • •
Cllll3/1 Dent Cla Err. d inl emen Is
ta d....egr a rio n n ith igg:paper, will be melded and
• Ton CaTTL connianONlT.
ofThseki Gouty.
IIENRY allyuga ,
Of Union County.
ToX Malan °Mixt- _ •
• .tlf WastkixatoaCOTTLy.
- -
Asaltaascnate •ntl Whig Nominations for
.• Alteshony.Connty.
• 01 d11.1.=.1,1t1T.
Val ur.3on nitscuiar, twirl illert
11 A11,./11•11S. DENNY,
Of ranacritom
Tat wen,
• • 7011' AZIZIiILT,
BIGILAtiI, Lower St. Clair.
ALKER, Masabelt.
.1071 NW arciusxur, Holliston.
JASID3 F/FFE,S.owde.
. .
. .
WM. FLYNN, Lower Si. Mar.
cat TT 1 111711V11014 '
The GIZMO of yesterday aattooaced the &b
-osom of its editor. The place of his destlaatioa
is not staled, bat We presume he has gate . to
washlayto■ Chy, ror the purpose of mal.•iag the'
aequalauuace of Mc. Ftdmore.—.Post.
The above is as latroductkin to an article 131
moans or fa lsehood and malice, Isbicta always
msna the basis all
that editor's remuki con
catitag tbla paper. Lest some persona
led• astray by Abe unWarranted statement of the
Past, It may bo proper for o, to say, that oar ab.
. arms Gomm otrma since Tnesday evening, was
etaaut by a very severe attack of Cholera Mar
. • bas, Inner i orlilett we are now happily corral.
emu,. thensh still confined at home.
The Post, a few days since, contained an snide
which, for its strange mixture of cant, hypocrisy,
falsehood, and imbecility, has rarely been surpass
. ed No paper in the United States, but the one
in question, we feel assured could bare originated
and published such an *mete. its sin, was, toshow
that, in the removal of Garrison and Taylor, the Su•
prame lister of the Universe manifested his oppo.
titian to the Whig party and its prieciples, and bis
displeasure at the election by that pony of those
good and distingitiabeh men to the Presidency. '
Clod took them Cr um earth, says this sage imerpre.
ter of the Divine will, to prevent the ,adoption of
Whig measures, and concludes his impious dean
tinsoarith the assertion of his belief that Provi.
dine designs this Government to be controlled on.
ly by the Democratic
' We shall sot-waste it word in controverting snob
position. The man Who could unite them, either
is jest or na earnest, or the politician who could for
our moment assent to nett blasphemous doctrines,
is alike unworthy of the effort of nn argument.
:intpersone are besotted
_past hope, the. victims,
of a toad bigotryoshich in other der kindled the
fires of a more active oppesition then that manifes.
ed by mach repulsive cant.
That the destinies of nations, es 'well as individ•
suds, are in the hands of a Wise and filereiful
Providence,, is a good and wholeisome dactrini—
bui when men undertake to apply the dealings or
Providence to nations nod men, to 'Oct their own
eoempt and vicious heart, nod in 'consonance with
ash` vricked prejtidires and pelitiCal bigotry, they
step beyond the bonds not only of relitooo and
moon, but alio of common jitstiCe and common
decency. They warp the province of (hid himself,
who tells us to "jtaige not," and thus becOme those
hated things in tbe eyes of all intelligent and good
men, the self righteous end self complacent rem
ears of men betteitlan themselves,
Whether God batik General Taylor in love or
in wrath—to .mmish the nation or to bless-it—to
premt or to produce evil—can only be known to
himself. We do not question his Government,
or that, he directs, controls, blessee, and punishes
nations by his Providence*. But we presume not
to lift our erring and feeble reason to. inrode his
prerogatives, and to define the motives which. oom
trot his acts.
'The itemptbsta Ana stenbenelits noir
• Reads.
There Is soul ■ good deal of anxiety Id the pub
lics mind, in regard to the project of a Railroad
from Oreensbargh to Wheeling, and not without
some reason. Althaugh the course adopted by
the Board cf Trade, of this city, on Me subject,
was probably the best under ill the circa ai garnet,
yet, It is well enough for as to consider ail the theta
of the ease with the sobriety which they deserve .
Thera Is no doubt in oar mind, that the law juror
perstiotthe Rempfield Railroad Company, wan
passed with the knowledge and at the dello:, of
the Philadelphia Directors of the Central Railroad
We bow that the Philadelphia North American
onnitstrennottaly denies that Philadelphia had any
WI to do to the matter,; and admits that sucb_a
minis tread be In bad faith to this county. We
dotal' not•tbe editors speak in all sincerity. We
seseitthemof all knowledge of the affair. Nev.,
erthelem„ we have the strongest reasons foe be.
listing that they are mistaken, and that induce.
1.121 Philadelphians' am actively engaged In the
Hampfseld project. Nay,we have been inhimed,
oa good authority; that heavy and Indeentlal
gookbedders, If not Directors, cf the Central road,
haw" encoded meetings of the (rinds oftheilemp
Ltd scheme.
We think it is pretty clear, that the Hempfield
reject has originated in Phil' delphis, with the
view of oompsting with Baltimore at Wheeling,
'for ibis trade of the Ohio river - ; sod that strong
ami Mite influences are at work to place the an.
&staking In such a positioe, that It can be made
available for the manor° designed, whenever It
shall he necentry: Should it mimed, and no
one elan say that It may cot, all meat admit that it
wank! be more or less Inpriiout to the trade ei
noiso mach as some persona fear.
-eras Some cosmic* hope, perhaps: but mill all.
ethistly se at render It en objeetwith the poop ?, of
Plit O l OOt h 10 all reasonable and mandible
AMMO to prevent Its eoniummation. Bowen
thlibe dote I This is the ImpFtsat 'question.
We suppose It may be taken tor grata, th at
Philatelphia hart no whit to injare Pumburgh, and
flea to jeakmay of :
her prosperity, but bub o
lakes aphis In asPitudnirgh - eertainly doe' In
the Pessystity and glory ofour State metropolis_
We suy infer, then, that II Philadelphia con
auliqtlial her object of competing with Baltimore
he the tlanitradtt,. by adapting a policy which,
while Y will not Ware but rather 'benefit Pius
harsh, ahp will be glad to do so. Can this be
dined , Weildak k can, and that the ivnsiruatini
Setubal:4M Reirbrad will
itinWei all the ends Philadelphia propases to her.
ulna thauctutrnetlon of the Itempaeld road. By
[kb amass, we will touch the Otto river within
twisty 'tillage Wheeling. as point where boat,
gm always rem*, 'Without dithulty, when they
sea maw to WboaGag; and if neeinary a railroad
ma he aosslanad deem the river to that city. The
. grids of the Central read would thus be brought
lore osta,teatindofia portion Of teemed* being cot
It get sho require but a email amount of the
suramorbleb Philarkiphie will necessarily have
so mad ambit' ifecipfteld project, to 'cisme the
COolltrOdiC . 0 On the Pittsburgh and &ad:vainly
Red. 'MI (armasand property holden a th at
vrtio an generally witalthr, wa unclaimed
,ste Marto subscribe literally, and there will be
so di/lenity:ls obtaining the tree if the readiii gra;
&amid br . rd on. prints actimeriptiona Phila
delphia has coed of her spare fund*, totem.
plastic mountain 10e110.0 of beigreat Central road,
ass him folly forherlo Uunh of competing with New
York on ono sick, end Dahlman on die oilier, with
the keiiiirissdankii by oar miterable Portage Bail
We ere 'i" , 4slPW:, there(' see, that a rumba ins
er chlullP s scatiment be had, to saceitaist wheth:
el. the ene • and aensunce of both Athes cannot
. ixi
e s "mem 'co one project, the Pittsburgh and
letibe,,vitt, Rat Road, 'Maud . 1 Philadelphia
!Pending he r strength tats doubtful project at best,
Ithd'otientich will eaneeleoxt burning* and Peal
alWf, Where these shield be only the kindliest feet.
ings. We feel Twisted, that on a 'easeful insresti-
_ .
genie' the Steubenville Load will 'answer 'all the
purpceeewhiptiPhiladelphin proposes by the Hemp
field peoject,and will beef lesseenre the cordial co
operation Of this city.
Oar iVesteen Rath Itecid..-Attatthy . vett.
. ; trying;
We hero heretofore *noon oesd the purchase, by
Gen. Rehincoo, Presidint of the Ohio and Penn.
tylvana Ilan Road Ca, thmugh Wle ow, Looter
and Company, of New York, of 3000 tons of Aimee.
lean rails to be laid on the Witch between Pitts.
burgh and Beaver; alticeihen the same.gentleman,
through the same hawse, has parcliated for the
some road, the thither nuan'uty al 8,000 tonra of
heat quality T Ran, Bit Ibito the yard, on very fa
vorable terms, and has 'negotiated la sale of the
Ronda of the Company to an amount anincient to
cover this purchase. Thismakes 11,000 tons already
pUrehued, which wilfeemplete the rand to Mut
ton, 0hi0,107 miles fronsPittabragh, which con.
Elects it with the Lake acCieveland, and with Cin
cinnati. It is now rendered certain that the road
artithe completed to Massillon by the teat day of
SCptember 1801.
Extrueron.—Geo. NV, Sane ; a young min
convicted of murder, aria executed at Macon,
Geo., on Friday wee, in , presence of as immense
coeconne .persons. Ile was horn and reared
amid profligacy and crime, which had combined
0 destroy the heifer impulses of Ms nature. The
Macon Merieerat sap:
.Oa the amstrold he warned the gala *of the
muatry to beware of his 'example, and shun the
says of ariekeduess which led no the ignomfous
gellowr, and in alluding to the teacblage of his
own sinful mother, gave foarfel warning to the
mothers of the lend to look well to thelllnta and
conduct of their ehidrem.'
- The last words or PRIS-in'T TAYLOR pol#ll
mournful Interco:" Tlicas'nuared by him just ` u
his his spiritdeparted, weh4 all familiar with. The
("allowing, ao truly characteristic of Lis blare and
firm heart, were spoken to one 'aids physiaians,
idler he bad himself abandoned all hope of life
°Ton hare fon:* rho gazd
.6 7 / 1 -43er.10y e4:11-
net'make a stand!"
h;I:NDAY SCHOOLS IN / 11111 2tLscrr,...-The S. au'
Chronicle, of the Ist inst., notices the arrival there
of the Rev. Pr. Babcock•, an agent sent out (him
Philadelphia by the American Sunday School
Union, for the estahlislaneriTof Sunday Schools in
that territory., The Rev. Mr. Neill has alro re
canted to Minnesota from a tour through the East.
ern cities, where be has raised funds sutacient to
build a brick church at Bt. Paul.
Elcoutuvr aaymet.--That Loudon nines states
the debto(Spain to the people of• England, to e*.
wed anyenty millions of money. The creditors
becrening imports ate, the Spanish Minister of Fi
nsurr, M. BUM Murillo, has offered io liquidate
the claims by payment in marketable money et the
rate of 3 per cent: Tkits'arningement be announC.
ed as the only one he could make.
Tax WOOL Cfar or 1i30.-The ahipments of wool
this season to the Ist of Icily, from Cincinnati, a
mount to 1171 bales and 14,11611 lbs,againat 913 bales
and 369 ibs to same date lastsemon. One steamer
front St. Louis, a few days since, discharged 101
bee5(13,432 Ibis) of wool, shipped from Boonemlle.
At fixable, Michigan, to the 20th Na, over 200 ;
OW lb! had been purchased of theel fp . of 1520. The
fleeces have been unusually heavy this spring -one
merino back in Mauro° co., N. V., yielded it is cid
11 Its It is estimated that . 63,030,000 lbs will be
wanted the present year for daniesue consamptiom
In Macomb, Michigan, about, 10,000 the of wool
bare been already purchased Ihi, season, which is
double the product of that county in any previous
• -
Nmsvacr---Xcitisen of the Firm Wan!, Alle
gheny, was brought before Mayor Fleming, on
Thursday. and fined ten dollars for allowing stag
nein water to accumulate on one of his vacant
lota. 6
Parrs:mos flcrize max Cunc.--Captrn Row
tey is throwing limeinto oft the gutters and cuss
110th in hi, district. lie is determined to preserve
the health of the City during this hot weather.
Professor AVebsler's Case.
Tbe Boston courier bet the followleg sound re
marks, on the subject of the scenes recently e
leased in the State COMM Room, connected with
the appeal la behalf of Prof. Webster. They are
said to express the views of a great =gosh, of
ke ti
peop!e of Bogen:
The patience with which- the,embers of the
Council on Monday ham, sat out the bearing a masa
if particulars which were detailed with a tedious
minuteness, is certainly. commendable; bat the
goes/impost arise In every mind,--stn the Coo.
ad to act in their deelsino, according to the evi.
fence hits produced, and the prate accompanying
it, or entirely independent of them I—in other
cords, is there to be • new trial or not
If this evidence be admitted's/its ground of an.
ion ' is It altogether just and proper to receive it
withoutaint putting the,whaeasestmon oath! Is Chat
and proper to receive it without calling for eviv
denim on the other aide? Is it just, prayer, and
tare, to act upon such evidence without consulting
the bench and the bar. as to its legal interior
i.graliell:Cy The Council have been willing lo I
mar all who hare come before them. If whet Ice
mid to that body he to take effect, we see no rea•
ten why the Judges sod the Attorney. General
Mr mid not be sommoned, to make the second trial
es lair and complete, the firm. • .
Far be it front autolnterfere with the heavenly
- ererogative ormercy, or to throw' the slightest cloud
, •ver the hopes . h ick maybe entertataed for the
hiplees adminal, now awaiting the word of llfa or
death. The government have a melancholy task
o perform, and we trust that they will give every
drain:stance, , that may plead In his favori• full
coraideration. Bat we think we are not alone in
the opinion, that the Claris of - those perm, who
have made themselves prominent in urging peti
tions for pardon and commutation upon the Exec
utive,. have teen singularly lejadiedons, and rath
er leading to defeat than to promote the designed
cod. Tallmonialihave been brought forward In
tbe Most Irregular and frivolous Inactive. to be ton.
Indicted the neat day. Loom appeals titre been
made to popular sentiment. as If a question of law
sod justice were to be decided by a show of bands
in the crowd.
A Weihingtna letter in the New York Pau
"Among documents which will form interesting
materials for the annals of President Taylor's civic
career, is a loag letter; not upon the ales of the
State Depa talent, addressed by him th Mr. Bu•
chime, while the writer .was on service in Mexi
co. It is repeated thathis letter, taken in con
nection with subsequent e ves, affords more satis•
factory proof of the sagacity, foresight, nod abili
ty of the writer, than any of his published wri•
Lines on recoiling s noquet.
Dear Lady! Mla 'areal hiftml thine,
Fit °Tering fora Goddess' shrioe,
More beautiful Mao gem tbat shine.
la r gel cormiel,
Reber !hap it a from golden mine,
With pleasure! accept.
In childhood's gayond Axtto6 boom..
I fondly loved the wild wood dowers,
And gaily decked my mintlo bowers,
. With Flora's brighten hoes,
Beneath a noble oak that towers,
Where Its mate the wild bird woos.
Fat Gorr the scenes I love so well,
, Foam lofty bill and shady dell,
.Whera woodland streams weave onasic's spel
Has foritine . out al, lot—
No sound of Irina with tinkling bell
Reveals the rural cot..
No warbling note firm wild wood I,ird,
Of sweetest melody is head.—
No soiled Mums by breezes stirred,
Falls on my limenlog ear,—
Like triendMip's land and pang word,
When sorrow '. han d Is now.
No wild wood dowers heroical), 'Wog,
.• No innetsgay ongorgeon wing,
Their honied stores from Fa II bring,
The coming wiater's .
.-No graceful vines that gen y ding
noir tendrils e'er the wood.
From dowers my heart ma he avec
She =Um that earth. reto to Heaven,
For dew and suriabinesiondly gl ran,
A worthy Witting,—
Yielding sweetest 'fragrance, even
• .
When stashed and withering.
Alcue - with Owen? etheot he,
Though ttlezu NOLA they UM
OrUle with jos fidelity
They epeek Important maths,
Of lifeuthiejoye, the brevity! '
oreiranascen: yotath -
Met timer' spew erbener thy dooih,
Which ham glow and brighter bloom,
to realms of peace beyond the tomb,
In homy 'mod thy may. .
4 114 gisll
Vapeeeleg Ifght diepeteing gloom,
To teee a keivenly say.
Col, Mg, init.
Elton nuw 'roast.
carinPondeisee of the ?Maws' h Guelus.
New You,lnlil6.
Yollitelans are foU of spew:Wont, as to t i t
comps: ration of the new, Cabinet; but the_ people
generally are very quiet,;sinee the demissof GO&
oral Taylor, and the feeling is ntlasilmons that a.
fewdaYs more willies the whole slavery question
settled. upon the basis of the Getuiromlee. The
ebangein the poeitiotlolNera Mexico, bra made an .
amendment in that point essential, bat other than
this, no change is peered to secure the' adoption
of a lair which rail give the leourdll-Peaee. T h e
loss of General Taylor, at the present time, is a
disaster, but not an irretrievable One, as the me.
duct of Prendent Rhinos and the hold of old and
true Whip will show. We have now a thorough
statesman, In the full vigor of his Welkin, to
wield she power of the government ; and we need
not feat the result, inhere is any virtue io the
Whig principles for which we have contended
stare 1628.
The health of our. city continues remarkably
good—dhe deaths for the week reaching only two
hundred and eighty-nine, and this, too, In the
midst of the fruit season, and the mercury at PD.
rhgood deal of this improved health is attributable
to the &Ratlines, of the city, and personal Miraiof
health, and a good deal mom to the non.faterfer
eore of physicians, who, instead of the lancet and
the most, thorough medicines, now content them.
selves with letting nature do her proper work,
while they claim the honor and the prattle.
A nice little bambini& has been dope here lately,
by some of our sharp lawyers, firth* way of hum
bog cases of rum. ma., In which lot merchants
have been made to bleed wall for their abort corn.
lugs In obeying their montage vows. The follow
ing is a case set in the Faint Recently an emi
neat - and portly merchant, rather susceptible of
the influence of bright eyes in fair women, was
waited upon at his house by a-toople of young
ledies, all!, with much sorrow, and hesitation be.
sought him to advance them funds to pay their
reol, u the same tiine t eaying they had heard of
his benevolence, which alone prompted them to
call upon him. At the pima time they pre him
their address, with references, offering to give him
• piano -as security and inviting him to call and
ex it. Accordingly, to the wreaths the banes°.
lent gentleman who advanced money upon the pl•
ono, called at the house, and was ushered into a
tastefully tarnished parlor. In all the nankeen of
. . .
social life, it wil most natural foiblm to mat him.
we'll:loon a sofa between his lair cote:talons who
made him heathy Welcome.' 4 8oan one of them
vanished. when, after an knave' of a few min.
ntes, the remaining lady suddenly mixed our good
*attired gentleman round the neck, and with the
rapidity of thought dragged him from the wrath
the gong at the same time giving a 'mire of shrieks
never equalled since the days of the Sabine maid.
ens. This little incident was mode more striking
by the sudden opening of the !'Wing doors, and
the entrance of the otter lady, with two friends to
male coin, who wool/obtained a cheek kr • hand
some sum, fully evil . to the value of the praito
and the house rent. The good natured man soon
made himself source, and the story leaked out.
Money is very abundant in Wall street, and
people hardly know how to place their foods.—
Stocks cunt lime }rely firm and high. The second
01,ttgage bonds of the Erie Ltll Road have e'en
to 100/. and the stock to 791 cash. Pennsylvania
ti sea have been down, hr then pening, at Sit,and
the sixes at 107 i. It Is lobe-h ed that tic Loa.
eater rappers will hike= the ghost of poor Bidoey
Smith of these satisfactory Prices. The Erie Rail
Road fttimates, thus far have exceeded the auto:of
eighty thousand dollars. The 71;44.1 between '.
BiliTalo and Rochester have deco better than this.
forthey have made a tweets/v.:perms:. dividend
A project la now on . foot to build a road from
Bciallo to Cornirg. at a east of three millions of
dollars. This done, farewell to the Centre route,
and all its Ort . n!s.
.Tentay Liod fa aeon to be here, and the gesalps
have already cemmenced to No% ha and her pro
'ege, Parnem, with a gond deal of effect. Wit.
new, the following from a travelling ding:
"On Vail, when Barnum's sun wourlow,
And boetlesa matte blerusitt's show,
The truce counted for a 4sw
Of rhitio to his treasuty.
"And Jenny L ind, whose ready tight
Saw Barnum In his gulden Hsu,
Said, fora "thousand" every night,
She'd erg m all Amerilty." .
Markets are rather dull, as memliatits are new
OM of town for the summer air.
Aahm and in Lir demand, with I.lllrl at $5,91 a
$6. 6, Par, and $6 far Pratt*. ,
TI ez
is hettxx tug :Urn tor Flour, and the market
a more serve. The eaten stun up 3,000 bt 1 a.
s,th (3 3,,131: for common to lasi& State. 3,..1%
5,75 f or mixed to fancy Michigan, and 6 . 141 63
6161 far porn Genesee. Southern is in lair re-
vital, with sales of 500 bbls. at 5,50 GI 3,73 for
mixed to airtight brands, and G fa 0,30f0r fancy
Alexandria, Baltimore, Brandywine, and George
town. Eye is more buoyant; sales reach 330 9,574 Ci) 2,94. Corn Meal is weady, with
wiles of 200 bb's. Jersey at 2,201„
Brain—Very tittle Wheal °Tering ; consequent
ly dull. Rya firm at el Oats nominal at bruins
rates. The corn mutat heavy, receipts Luger,
lief 4,000 bozhels Wcatern mixed at 64.
Prnvisiona—Pork dull. Bxr heavy. Cut Meiu
nominaL Lard less active; atles 100 bbls. at Cl.
Butter and Chios° t 4 same.
Whiskey 41 moderate demand; Bales LO bbLa.
Priem at 260.
Butler and Allegume,. Plena lloatl.
Books for the - subscription of stock to the Butler
and Allegheny Pltink Road were opened in this
borough on the nth instant, since which time,
through the laudable exertions of a portion of the
Commissioner, nearly Arleen Mounted dollars have
.been subscribed by cozens of our borough, nod Its
immediate vicinity. There no longer immune a
doubt that this work, so clmely identified with the
prosperity of our comity, will be speedily prommu.
,ted to a successful termination. Several of stir
wealthy eitizems, who have already • subscribed
largely to the stock, *spew a yrillingoeis to in
crease their wahweription shouldit become nem!,
eery so do so, provided ;hey are met by a corm.
'pending degree, of liberality on the part of the gn I
tens of Allegheny county, who are equally inter. ,
cued in the consummation of this enterprise. We '
hazard oohing is assuring our Allegheny friends
that the citizens of Butler county will raise sn
amount sufficient to construct the road from this
borough to the county line; may we not then look
with confidenceto them for the construction of the
remaining half , within their own calmly? The'
construction, of this improvement is by no mean* a
matter of mere torsi importance. The interests of
Pittsburgh, of Alleghetry county, and of all North
western PennsylvaniWWlll be promoted by is con.
stn.:ton, to an extent that, perhaps; la notgeneral.
Iv understood by persons • residing tooth of us.—
This road will be the great artery of trade between
the city of Pinsbnrgh and the rich mineral and tag.
ricultural districts of the. Northwest, at ail lessons
or the year, but especially durtng the frequent and
protracted anspetislOn of canal nod river navigation.
Several companies have been recently ineorpora.
ted for the purpose or constructing plank roads
through Clarion, Jefferson, and other countles of
I that region, the contemplated terminus of which
is at the mouth of,Clarion river, a distance of only
about twenty four Miles Northeast of the bor.
j ough of Butler. The Butler end Allegheny road
unit, therefore, farm an important link in a great
thoroughfare connecting the Western Emporium
with one of the richest and most important districts
of Pennsylvania. , We are Surprised that the eiti.
newt of Pittsburgh have manifested so much mild'.
rareness in regard to this improvement. They are
proverbial for their . enterprise and liberality, and
-we ore sure its importance needs only to be en.
plaioed in order to-induce them to lend us efficient
aid In th e prosecution of tbe work. Will not oor
friends of the Pittsburgh press co-operate with us
by directing the attention of capitalists of Alla.
any county to the great j importance of this
mprovement, and urging upon them the duly
and necessity of aiding in its ronsunciion.-
Butter Irhig.
The Boston Journal hu • letter horn Washlok
ton, which states that the Hon. Robert C. Witt
thrup, the able. enlightened and accomplished rep
resentative of the Boston District, hat determined
*to retire from Congress at tho close of his present
tem. Mr. W. Is ono of the man iodoeenal teem.
bers of the Hoose, and Ms place could not he
readily supplied. His name.we obsorvehas been
=Miasma to connection with the new C ab inet of
President FLLISIOIX.
COMITSIJS AND brotana Rau. Roan...-mr..c on .
over, eoslncer oftbe "Colombo', Piqua, and In&
ami Rail Road Company, havitg completed a pre.
limitary mussy, report, that a favorable mato or
the mutt, ca4ts lot the coustramion of a road
from Gmepvilie Waugh Covington, Piqua, Cr.
bans, &a, to Columbus. Toe Directors, it Is ma. -
ted la !h. Rodney Ratner, have ordered' the hoe
to be located.—Cos. Gas.
. We uademand that larerrawhin has recently
bee= molted at the NavyDepartiment from Cuba,
which prscalses a :Met happy and Immediate ter•
mlnation of all difficulties growing out of the
prat expeditian.—Bipsffiic.
A Mamma Grimm—There 4 • man 4 the
New York Petatentiarywho hashed twenty seven
wives. Ho fa jest thirty alx years or age, and has
beetienatned in thatoattietonial business since he
was sixteen and tun theranue had • wife every
*even mont hs, getting rider the: old epourrei end
courting the new ooe ad nerwaray. He declares
he will bare • hundred wives:bows he duo if
they do nal cramp hie gecko within atone walla.
?be cholera bad ireaUy inlaidod a: Sara
cerss4duas2l ,
+,l44l, WL'c'....U:i. ,, adelih -, :' , 4 .-, 4ii-v- ,. riAL%Ci
Vek i 4Nl
A entrap° !Went w ho h Ik‘don Tinwar Win
tandattes thee liltor with tis name, says lore.
ference to a auticaent poldir:ned In the Limerick
cgsociole, tAa effect that Mr. Smith O'Brierda
family had rammed Imps from hlm confirming
the report of his treatment at Mule Islatod, Sy&
ney,—that he left Sydney only thus months ago,
bad lived these ten yeas , ectestantly
about among every elits"Of that colonial commo.
airy, and never dating all that time, had behead
of each a place as Maria Island. He concludes
that It Mr. O'Brlen'a family hive really, received
much letters, all that that gentleman uys about Ha..
ria Wand, and the doings therein simply waters
A . government decree has been Slued in Balm
coolest the
London Punch. It Is not to be allowed
to paw through the Pre ion soar office.' '
Thera ha bee* a decline during the pat year,
ending June I SSO,in the prosperity cribs Liven - tool
docks. There hu been a decrease lo the number
of vessels and in the amount or tonnage. lb the
receipts the ailing of? amounts b0.£12,978; in the
number of vessels, to 276; in the tonnage, to 102;
A aback, measuring six feet . two hides and
welghicg hookounds, wee recently caught with
a line and on the British coast, about three
miles inside the Eddystonelighthouse. by a yacht
The cholera at the lam &daces was ravaging
several of the maritime ports on the coast of Bars
barn within the regency of Tani*. From the 25th
of May to the 12th of /one nearly SW of the in.
habitants of these ports had fled to Mahn
The meeting of the Bntlah Ameistion for the
advancement of =Lean will commence at Edin
burgh on the Slat of July.
Subteriptions have been opened in London for
the purpose of placitig . whole lengthy effigy of
Wordsworth in Westunniater Abbey, and a mono(
meet to his memory to the neighborhood of Gras
mere, Westmorelaud. It Is in the hands of a
strong committee, at the head of which fitthe
Bishop of London.
Oat of 245 desigus for the exhibition building,
the balloffeg committee have selected for honorary
distribution three English contributor out oflos,
and &leen forage competitors out of 38. The
impartiality of the committee and the justice of ha
decision none of the English journals impngo, but
they express no hula mondicauen at the result of
the competition.
Corporate societies throughout England, and the
worklog people generally are comicg forward lib.
orally to the support ol the great Industrial (Ishii..
Edon m 01. The latter are forming eluSs, and
are likely to Mlle ■ very large aggregate amount.
Gentlemen's hats ana the coverings of ombrel.
Its are now male In London of gotta percha:—
. The Albeit cum eau
But this la apparently only a begionirg. Lest
week a ninon patch built of this autotance was
exhibited on the Serpentine la Hyde Pock, which
It wee said could Rather be auk nor otrettuttied•
Various experimeeu wen tried—all with incurs&
The boat sailed equally well full of water or wipe
ty! An attempt to canine her failed. We meat
add, that she was built on the life boat principle,
and am provided with air cellsottleit ambled her
to float and make lair way even when full awn.
ter and carrying her cargo besides. The plan on
which she is built Is claimed as • new inventios,
which has been registered under theUpyright of
designs act.
The London Steraderd ,/ Freedom condemns in
strong terms the Hamra/nu Treaty, because it
conoedes every point claimed by the Gaited States
as agalnat England. It dbposes of the Ilicitualto
question. flays, bemuse n tacitly allowsthe Stale
of Nicaragua and its present ()averment to be •
party, which involves an acknowledgement Of
their right* our the territory in question. the
doo of whiob, es contact treatyconditions, is past
and parcel of the artangemeat, and the buts on '
which it really stands. The cloooe allosetng eithi
or nation to withdraw after giving six months no..'
tice,la represented as being wholly to favorathe
Gaited States—since, after-the dna, is &dam&
they may withdraw, sod then the treaty with the
Hie -artisan Government comes in force, by which
the Bolted Stan would virtually become raven
Miro of the canal and Lenten, The only effect
of the treaty, it says, is thus to pcd Engleed in •
worse petition than she held before.
Mr..Lagrand, editor of the Pubs Var-Is
hu been condemned to four years impels.
comenrand • toe of 10.00 harms for libel.
M. bre, th treed with robbingthe public !lie
ges of France, of manuscripts and other valeta.
be works, ailed to appear on his trial, and, con
demned to a heavy punishment. lie had enlisted
the sympathies of Literary moo who believed him
The authorities of Paris are altering the names
of the streets.
The . French Government have ordered the pub-
Heaton of a report en California, made by M.
RlUtall.7, who was nett out to explore tbeetimn
try. He sip that 10,000 Frenchmen have settled
in tho valleys of the Sacramento sqd Joequiin riv
ers. - Gold, he uys, is abundant—the climate
had, sad the sotl leas kaile than has been repre
sented. '
nthbrutal prize eight took placentae Nottingham,
at hich'a man named John Broom was so bully
beaten - by his antigontid, Richard 'Mill, that be
A medical otudeat, ouned James Smith!, who
bad Pato ic the hob 9 of !chalice - chloroform
allay a plan in his twee, took too much, i wttlch
caused his death. - . • "
The potato crop to (reload deems entheby free
Gorr the diamoc,, sod promises abundant returns.
AA extensive mote prevails among the colliers
of (Poratireakebire, which Is doing s good deal of
Injury to the ports at which vessels molly tee
celve their cargoes of coal. Very many ships
have salledempty.
About ninety members of the I/owe et. Conn•
moon have primates! to Lody Palmerston, a one •
ntEciect full !Strm portrait or her husband.
The young Prince wet hoprzed ost the eventog
of Suoday. the 23J alt. The Doke of Waliingtoo
seas one of the spolociro, and aunouneed the name
"Arthur William" Patrick Albert." A sumetcous
drone, ballooned the ceremony.
Emigration Gina same of the Irish ports gill goes
on to • rest extent. From Vitierick, since the
lot of January. 06 vessels have sailed to COnada,
with 1,113 souls; 35 waded for the United Sista,
wfih 9,330 fouls—making in all, 7,113, and show
fog tee emigration to Canada, and the Stales to
be nearly cottaL The total number of einforanis
for the year 1619 to the Stores and Canada was
11,651. Ao Eoglitda paper remarks shot this •
striking illosuatmo of the preference of its coon.
trymen to the government of the States.
221 T 4 e w d e av re77sn. L
Dodtoingon the
rk N ndue:one
the deaths In this city were ' •
• -
A correspondent of the London Morning Post
makes the announcement, that "the American Cla
im growers me about to:eitablish factories ie the
West of Ireland.l' 'lle Myst'
"The American may ufacturers have long felt,thin
whilst wages were so high in America they strug
gled in sate against British manufaceures; fiber of
all sorts being folly fiftyper cent higher, he America
than to England. The Soathernalave owners; ex
erting themselves in Congress In favor of their
British allies, have prevented that protective duty
being laid on that would make up for this heavy
item of expense in manufacture and place them on
an equality with foreigners. Retire; the manufae.
Curers Languish, or cant only sucoesefully where
slave labor is applied. They perceive that it will
be in future as cheapto trensportootton to Galsray,
Limerick, or Sligo, as to curry it to New York.
Bostou, or Philadelhia; whilst the laor uited
to man e it in p the Weil of req Ire l and wilt be
nearly forty two per cent less than In.Manehester,
and the vast water power rotating every where
Will enable them to dispense with the'cosify steam
power British •trusettfacture depends upon. The
amount of water poorer In the West. of Ireland/a
prodigious. Alexander Nimmo, an emineetSeoloh
engineer, calculated that the water which flowed
Idly to the sea at Galway, would sake to turn all
the machinery of tirlassow; and there Is little dada
the the Corrib eind'its tributaries possess a power,
now useless, equal to ail the sleacn power of Lou.
ashfre. Influenced by these consulenttions, the
American manufacturers have determined to Olin.
tend on Irish soil wok Manchester for the panes.
moo of the British, markets all over , the globe; and
with their istelligence, enterprise, and capital. and
with the free action the present British tariffend
navbettion laws afford them, there is litile doubt, in
no favorable a locality as the West of Ireland, they
will do no with eminent auroras"
improved hl a th n d o fh t ew K iunng
p a ru rl a yh a
ele o
thmatu nch
more benefit's will be issued.
The mil road between Madrid and Aranjeutt,
is making rapid progress. Several locomotives to
run on it have lately been shipped from Liverpool,
and the electric telegraph his been laid down
The price of bremd has experienced a slight fillet
In Paris. The four pound leaf sells for fel eon-
Mr. Swineburn, an English engineer,; it now
in Switzerland making the preliminary prepare'•
!lOU. (or laying out lines of rail way previous to
the arrival of Mr. Stephenson, who is expected in
' .
The Diet of Frankfort finds itself hi embarrus:
meet te consequence of endeavoring to maintain
a neutrality between the Parliament of Erfurt
and the Congress of Stetee silting within iv 01.7 ti
The law promulgated by the Dutch Government
(or the suppressage of the gold coinage In that
country bas been followed in Belgium by a mea
sure whteh will, lea great degree, teen to ■ similar
It is Rid that, important chatiges are on the ems
of taking place In Bonin diplomacy. Tbe tertirs
meat of M. de Nenelrode from the ministry of for'
eign Wan.
The prorogation orate Frettehirelliklatiterkesem
My is expected to lake place in the latter part of
Angum This demi°. hn- been adopted by the
guestom, mul will be doubmws sanctioned by the
The Behan saysthig as soon as Baron Bronc"
bearable aware of tbeLeolution of the Greek affair
concluded at Athens, ha protested of his own ac
cord whist that solution. and that bin protest ban
r , ow been fonnally ratified and approved by th e
Emperor-of Bunn
Letters Iron Madrid state that the troop, are
mused round tho capital, oitenaibly. for menace,.
win on a large male, bet In reality that the Gov
emmeal should be ready against any emergencir
that may arise daring the Queen's coufinement.
The London Standard or Freedom contain the
toilowlns pree lla l h au' grop b u il la o t f lon of
"The bin ary .
the United States
we., originally, for the most parr , convicted felons;
and, as punishment Is not agree able however just,
it produces dislike to the Indictor, w itch In Chia
has been banded down to the preaeot gen.
emtioa. This In, no doubt, one cannot Medina:a
of themotber country."
The following paragraph, than an address re•
neatly delivered in Landon, by Dr. J. P. Sinith,telLa
amither 'tory, sad L Tate as likely to be anthem.
"The men whom the trolley and perfidy of
Blnena dome to fond POW OMPlill
made al their flnit - atm, nen to religious Y 10116 19,
to fosmd schools and collegm, the noblest, uto
reel excellence, thin ever adorned the earth! ,
.Eeglind and. Wale/ la 1847, 61 convicts
were aentenced to death, 60 In 1618, and 69 in
1849. whilst In 1817, 2,806 were sentenced to
lnuispenll6ol43.2s/ ht lel4B,•and 21114 in 1849.
In Scotland. only 11 were sentenced to death Iri
the three yea:m.l,lBo were sentenced to trans.
Donation; and 5.200 to imprisOnment. In 1647,
25 ware sentenced to death, 2,165 to transport*,
ton, and 11,421 to : intrlionosent. In 1848, the
Runlet in Ireland was 60 sentenced to death,
698 to inuayortatlon, and 12,968 to hiprison•
went; whilst in 1649, the Camber sentenced to
] death was 39. to-transportation 3050, and to
prlsotunent 15,443. In England and Wales, the
sum paid by the Treasury for toed, dee., hmant-
Meta sad mirdearnants in the year ending the 30th
B ePteelbee.lB47, amounted to .695,822 15s. sd, in
the fnlowirg sear r 0 d:81.9.34 la Id., and last
year Is .£75,161 16a Id, besides £19,313 . 6s 4d
lad year for transports to jails. In &attend, the
expense paid by the Treasury for mod, Mc., was
£10,4314s 7d lam year; and in Ireland it was.£9,-1
792 3.1 d.
Town,Charm Esetronme.--Lord En/tuatara
has ap peared In at least gve hundred different
characters, but who would have thought of Ids ]
turning out a dial guished Gneigner after all, asl
he did, the other yin the Roue of Lordsl- 1
Us Saturday, ebb22d, £400,000 on teeming of ]
the ItO13i11:1 loan, was shipped from London for
St. Peteraburgh, by Messrs. Blain BOOtherl...-.'
poor communes insured £46000 each, and one
eminent East India, merchant took a line fors.£loo,-
000- at.7e 6d premium, tot hugest' amount ever
known to have been titan in one line by a mingle
Mr. }brace Veniet, the Preneh palater;arrived
at Stetten on the 7th Inst., ea roam to discharge •
commission to paint various battles of theidsgyar
campaign for the Czar of Ramie.
The English engineer, Palrbahn, has just are
rived at Stockholm, on Ms way to St. Petersburg,
the Emperor wishing him to construct a tubular
'bridge in Rains.
Jenny Lind hu just `oven six Concert/Ist Stock
holm, in aid alba pension fund fee the wives and
cottons of the performers at theTneatte Royal of
that city. The clear profit has amounted to up-
wards of 60,0005
A letter bum Stettin states that the amount of,
yellow amber collected this year has been unu
sually great. . Almost the whole quentity obuir,-
ed was at once bought op for Ecgtand.
Very valuable miner lead ore has been discover
ed et Itehlogton 11111, near Bristol, it abundauce
Arrays have been made, the ore yielding the ex
traordlnuy on/Lathy of 70 ounces of silver to the
n isstrtetossr,' the Washington earresponden
of the North American, in bis letter of Jety 14
A telegraphic report has appeared is several of
the Northern papers, anuouncmg that the Whig,
of the Pennsylvania Delegation had held a meet.
log sad recommended Mr. McKenuan Gar a Ilea
In the Cabinet. lam authorised to say, that no
such meeting was ever held; and the circulation
of such a report, in - Whig journals, COntl36ll a
manifest reflection far which the Delegation is by
no means ainwthal. The Whigs of Pennsylvania
know what propriety dictates too well to obtrude
any advice upon the Executive, without
don on his part. Whenever their counsel is nought,
it will be given:withthat franknesa and Isith,which
have charamenzed their whole bearing le Con.
greas, and commanded the respect of all parties.
Mr. MeNennan Is as well Imown to Mr. Pillow/a
as he us to the Pentsylvania Delegation, for he
Simone of his most efective um:men, durum
the trying crisis of the 27th Conmesrand, if I re
member rightly, moved the Tariff 0/1842 as an
lodependent measure, after it had been crashed by
Executive power, under the pretence that Mr.
Clay's Land Bill rendered jt 01 - jectionable. He
enjoys in an emloent degree the confidence and
favor of the Whigs of the whole country, and lad'
doubtless feel that his menu have been incbffer
ently complimented by the ingateation that a "tea
commendation" was necessary to Introduce his
name to the favorable attention of the President. -
It has been confidently stated In iratiotis qua:-
teas that Mr. Palates, had committed himself to
the Compromise,. la conservations held arith dif
ferent Senators, whose name, have been turas.
toorizr-dly given to the pabtim 1 have the beet
reason for believing that these statements are
whelp unfounded. 'the nicely balanced sante of
the question Witte Senate would have frunished a
sufficteat reason for reserve, if the well known
prudence of his character did um give sorb an as.
utmost. A charge of this kind was made with.
in the last two menthe, in- an opposition print at
Buffalo, and was immediately pronounced a "ca.
Loamy" by the Comaarrial Adoatis# of that city
—a journal known to enjoy too fall confidence of
Mr. Fdlmore. Ag President of the Hotted States,
sod supposed to regard all ibloteMl sod opinions,
upon qu:stioas of expediency, with imparbell,y,
be may. and probably will, decline to interfere
men a bill which be finds pending before Con.
peas upon tummies the responebilities of his 01.
doe; btu I (eel warranted in saying that be hos giv
en no positive indication favorable to that meas
ure. Time will Prove whether he has beta one,
wetly represented by the friends of Mp
Wee, or by one who comma win top , and is
likely to leash ilea dectdad oppose/a.
armarotrrates n aleD lures. Itairsoma—ilen.
Tama H. Godenut) Prealce et of the Beretentame
and Indiana Railroad Company, has oegotlated
sub Means. Winslow, Lamer do Co, $llO,OOO el
the Sever, per sera Roods of Shelby County, Ohio,
which were smell by the Commissioners of She'.
by County to the Railroad Company in payment
otsubsetipuons for stock, br infixing Utile Leg
islature of 0:4. The budget, for *IMO each.
The prirmipal is payable in 1851, and the iaterest
ie this city semi annua ll y on the e
lm days of April
and - October. The Rsdroad Company rue:antra
the gm acteelpsyment of the principal and intermit.
The Railroad Company also agrees to pay the
bonds in the capital stock of the company, at poe
at any time before the first day of April, WOO,-
Tte law makes It the imperative - duty of lee Au.
Mound Commilsaionera mutually to mans on the
taxable property of the county mach per ceutura cf
tax as (with the dividends on the RMlroad Stock, if
any) VIII pay the !merest, and Creala such a sink.
lag food ante the °Pelee of the Commlinlonere,
will ultimately, with the proceeds of the stock, be
autßeicat to pay the priacipal. ?hisser can be
applied to the payment of interest or prinelpal (es
the 011ie may revue) on these bonds, end to no
other purpose whatever.
The county owns teal estate worth $30,000, and
is wholly free teem debt, except these testis--
The population of the county Is about 20,000, and
the value of the taxable property therein, la 1119,
was $2,455,555. The Befefutaine and Indiana
Railroad Company woe organized in the Fall of
1848, has surveyed and located its road; ban let
the grading and memory en 13 miles of its line to
contractors, upon which the work is progressing
rapidly. Potty miles more will, be let the Fal,
and it is expected the whole will be completed in
two_years from the ensuing Pall.
This road Is about 121 miles to length. The es.
limited cost of preparing it for the reception of
the Iron Is $lOOO per mile, (the contracts already
let, however are below the estimatea) or in the
eggregete 11010,000, of which 5139,000 ie already
earrecnbed by responsible sabaralben in Ohlo , and
the remainder will be subscribed as all OA need.
ed. It is one link to the great etude of redivide
from the Eutern cities to St. Leafs, connecting at
the Eastern termiour, with the Ohio and Penney).
mule Rallroad,and the Cleavelard,Columbus and
Cltichteati Railroad, and being tie only Rail Gad
from that paint Wen to the State line of Indiana
where It hyena:us a railroad in_progrus of 'con.
strnotion to ladianapolls and Tent Hamm It
paves through mused the fittest agricultural ~ and
grazing region, of Ohio, The grades ere eery
low (about seventeen net to the mile.) There Is
one airtight line of thirty, one of twenty, and bee
Of seventeen Ineo3 00 t h e Mlle and the whole
lacuna of dietattee by curvature over an`air
Is eitlyfite vain. Prom the favorable Mewl in,
connenions and cheapness of construatlon, the
Chief Engineer, W. Milner Roberts, estimates the
set Meru. of this road at 10 per centper adman.
The iron will be *heavy T nuL—N. I. Tnilunr,
Tee WAJZILOOTON Untoi.—Prom the inougura.
I tletrofPresident Taylor, to the day of his death - ,
sie ceatral I,m:orrice organ daily Wailed him,
I pens:wally and el:finally, with abuse, denunciatke
and incaution se utterly Atha sindietive, mean,
Cowardly and disgusting, that the piper became
I °receive to all right minded men, and was kicked
I aside, as • thing unclean.
Neither in this or in any other country, ban a
publiejuntal so outraged the commondeeeneles
land erotaletles of etablici and private life, u has
the IPirehitriton Union, In its detestable and iota.
mow abuse of Gen. Taylor.
1.- But now the great and good mania dead, end
el/hridenatkm, overwhelmed. with grief, with one
voice prixiahns hi, honesty, simplicity and used.
ty,ha frunitness, kindness and moderato°, hie
magnanimity, generosity and humanity, his eOur.
sge and pain:rum, and his posserudon of the best
end cabled qualities which adorn human natant.
In the midst rot this universal conenrence °r um
timent, as retards the preeminent private and
'public virtues, and entine at public services of the
deceased Patriot, Hero, and Ststeeman; this same
licuhiogtert Nitro, the lOCCOIIat and , &aikido)
reviler of the late President, crowds !tier among
the mourners, end gives public expression to •
pocit e nri e i corassloo and ettioglaio lamentatioa.
—Ca. Gat.
Tux Citizens of Toronto are agitating the quest.
lion of reform in the amount of salaries paid the
government officials. The Governor General re
ceives it Present 131,000 per annum; the chief,
judicial fonetionarteit between 116030 and 37000
each, and members of the Ministry between SiODO
and $3OOO. All these some are compelled with
than paid in the United Suites, ■nd diecentent
felt and expressed.
A very impaction bill has, within a week, been
introduced Into vhe Levilstrint i by Mr. W. H.
Merril, Preatilcut of the Cabinet to Provide!for free
banking. It Ise transcript of theism. of Hair Tort
The Inspector General. Mr. Ehnen, shy proposes
to present s bib to equalize the currency ! between
the province Diddle United idles.
piny of Washington ect, Pe., nominated Witham
113 0 1 .nir Esq.'s') their candidate for Cowen.
Both ;eres the disgraceful proceeding io tke
broad aisie of & Luke's Choech, Chalice, kW.,
have been indicted Very properly, by the Grakd
Ek — T clAwia , ftmomWalthmlf
Ott lower James Mier Ira. On Th e south side.
the mat has eat °Sone bald' the depeciled atop of
A young man, named Lewis Coply, was killed
Spetteeritown,:hL Y., on the lib, - by Ike burst.
led of a cannon. ,
A eitystrateluaaa OrCinch:mut,' while tatting' a
cy imp the other eight, was robbed of his boots,
hat, and revolver:
Mr—tames, the English novelist, is now on a
visit T o Washington !mix g, at Sunny Side, Near
Hon. George Folsom, Minister to the 'Hague
soiled on Tuesday. In the pocket chip Nem, World
Copt. knight, for Liverpool, en mute to the pine
of his appoinment.
Rave Nei received large additions to their
Imported by late packets from Europe, and to
which they would especially eolith* attention'
pf perchance, believing MCI/ very omen
elarratocks and Jew prices will give
entire malefaction.
ID - Walnut Weans l—Varionv theMles have been
Maned relative to the origin of Intestinal worms, and
Jet the question is • vexed one among medical author!.
ties. Of one fact, however, all are 'Atomized, and in
which all agree—the fatal nature of ihe Influence WM.
auction children. Si this amen of the year la one
at which the attacks of worms are most frequent u
well as mem dangerents, we take great pleasure in
directing the attention of parents to the Vermifege of
Dr. M'Laee. it le one of the roost extraordinary
medicine. ever Introduced to We public, and has never
Tailed of success when trt ed.
iiITFor sale by.r. KIDD& CO, No CO Wood street.
Office of Ohio and Penes. R. R. Co, Third at
Prrrsionu, Jane 15,1850.
Toe Stockholders of the Ohio and. Pennsylvania
Rail Road Company aro hereby notified to pay the
sixth instalment of dollars par share, at the °Mee
of the Company, as heretofore, on or before the 2111
thy of Jane next, and the• remaining instahaents of
ES per share, on or before the 10th day of e'en sun
eeediog month, until the whole are Veld.
Jetlhatf .Whl LARIXER, Jr., Treasurer.
011 ad no d W light by the Ps.
8.8. Ltaron—Sim I wish to bear testimony to the
medical vi itne. of the Oil called Petrolatum I was for
a long time afflicted with ai badly Inflamed and very
tare eye, no mach so sato lose eight entirely for about
three month., with very little hopes of over recovering
the sight, and.but a slight prosneet of having It re.
bowed of the serenest; my encoding physician was
untmeeterful In making a eure,er in giving relief,
and egottled me bat little encouragement. I heard ot
the Petroleum about the Ist of April, 1030, and gave
It n uish the resait is, the night is restored and my
eyes will, aicept a little tender or wen when Igo
oat in the son. ANN IRELANIL
hlanakeld at., alle11111•14 May 14,1910.
8.8. Lniron—slim I have been afaleted with Piles
for ten years, and have tried other remedies, without
permanent falter, uatil I heard of the Petroleum.
have used only_ one bottle, and Mink I am entirely
toted. I :Ctiliallloau it to all who am afflicted iamb
Piles. I have known It to ho good for sore eyes.
Cincinnati, May 90, 1030. E. C. GARRETtION
Bar stle by Keyed & McDowell, 110 Wood street;
Ilk:Pam, a: Wood at; DU Carry, Allegheny
D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglassi Allegheny;
also by the proprietor, -B. Al. ICIER,
jy 1 f' Canal /Win. Seventh st,' Pittsburgh
and Decatur, between
Mullet an . mit-drain
Improvemesza tat Dontst.ry.
DR. G. O. STEARNS, late of Boston, ke prepared to
Manufacture and set Bionic TeX= In who." and pans
of nets, open Suction or Aunospherte Election PI ates,—
Sacrum:a gem in ITYC 3IIMPIXII, when" the nerve is
exposed. Office and residence next door to the May
ors °tact, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Ramiro—J. 0.74 , 11 , 8.11.1 en. F. ll.Estaa. fall)
Of Pltt•bnegh.
Mee—No.4l Water street, in the warehouse of 0,
rillllB CO&IPANY is now prepared to insure. all
hinds of visas, on homes matiatactonch nmsls
merchandise In store, and In tranrilo Tassels, Se.
An le searan.e for the and imemlty ot
the Im amp :illation, is storied in th ea b
char y acter of the Di
rectors, who are all WWtizens ot Pittsburgh, welt and
faserably known to:the commthitythr theirprudenee,
Isselllgenee and integrity.
DIRIZIot;-47. Li. homey, Wm. Digaley, Wm. Lot
Met. Jr., Walter Bryant, Ilaalt D. Bing, Edward
pease/um. Z. Kinsey, 41 Hashanah, B. hi. hire.
On Friday afternoon. 19th last, loss D. Cassnr.s,
in the ZVI Tear °ibis ap.
Dh fitneral will tsie Wee, Dom the residence 91 bls
Saes In law , 7) s.Beully, Ist StlVel below Farm on
(`.mods}) alernoon, and proceed to 8L Mary%
Cemetery. The friends of the fanu:y roar-Maly
tasted to ahead.
I ...mci. x . I w.t.w.zaarcattr. I it C.ucsn.wv.—
152 Markin aa6 23 Ihrettaat
aponzu &an nsatUl is
STAPLE DRI 000113,
TIMM. the attention or' %Vestals, usd Southern
.I. Merchants to their AUTUMN STOCK or Staple
and Fancy Dry Goode, et their own importation, and
Dein the
Thebeet American soarer.
They will exhibit an exteumve ninety of entirely
new Fall and Winter Grew Goode; French. Enrich,
-11•MS, IRIS!! LINENS, oranufletury_d expresely to
order, aud other Xrasti Good C ai n variety.
White Deeds, , Janonena,lica,to., marmites
tired Warder.
• general validly or Notions. Ineladinr Sao nrinuth
Patent Thread, and Spool Cotton, manufactured on.
presaly to oar or. er.
;Blankets. Wotan and tioached Sheeting, and
Shining., td.
Ottr simply of Fall and Winter Goods. generally. In
all their detaiii, wit offer Inducements. born In asyLi
and Pre; to mien and runner MM.
157 Mnrket and 21 Merchant Sta. Phila.
toltlleiTo'and ------
.ozelleri' and Widows , 01•13322.
T t undersigned, late Agent for paying United
Slaw. Pension., at Pittsburgh, will attend to the
pet:outman]. of Soldier. and. Widows' Claims for Pen.
Mons and Bounty Loistts.
An off end connection with Me United
the Goy.
eminent has made ma familiar with the roles and
lam% as Well I. the decisions, of the ?cannon Depart.
wont at Washington City.
Mane widow. and heirs of Reyo'otionary Soldiers
Pliaghalm cliums teat may yet be obtained tyupitliewsop
r.of Wm. CPR. Robinson, l m ß q . ,op posite tito
Mayer'. Office, Fount, Street. Pittsburgh!' •
July NOM
t,' Iy mayn't, from the largea mantafamorlee In
New York and Philadelphia, and alto from French
Agencies, the newest and moil approved styles of Pa
per Hangings, together with Derriere, Ftre ItNard
Prints, and Tester Tope For gale at BS Wood
tween Fourth tweet and Diamond Alley, (sect bt or
to S. O. Hdq _ /3•23 •
have anti an hand a
PCS Oxnaburga, g
width for Wool Sacks, which they will cloie c a nt ' hi!!
LLIVEN LUST/US—Mae, Wenn, Brown, Badan
4 1, th w e . r t .a..., , .. r o e f!, 1 Inen Lamas, received and
Pittsburgh Blasi Works. •
A Cllsuogns. late (numb
customer* A . • Co., would resiteattblly inform the customer*
or the /ate fine, as also the public tenerally, that they
I continue the manor/units, of Window Gat; Vt.
all. Bottles. do., In all their varieties, at the old stand,
N 0.13 Wood atteet, between First and Water.
11 , 21b3m
EILACK IiontBAZINES—MV A • Bt — Tirdlr.
.1.) FIELD have seethed a supplWll above of above anlelenn
also; Moaning Meanest, an anle/e flow erseh
In place of Bentballaes. '
11)1 01,11 7easkilirk tam:lived Lad for taia hi —
Ittefd 011 EL
for gale by
acErcerus—isa tnv
DamADED GOODS—Tiibalanee of Goods dam.
aged by fire, Cl No: dd Martel muse; will be
elaead at radneed meta.. Call loon and secure bar-
Vgba. • ' A.A. MASON A . CO.
B r atf A Xi! l a: 3 34 g ° 4 ) l — er. 4;f 'Z'aT'Atir.7.i,tyt.:.;'
aI Ural] A A MASON& CO'S
ritaEN-11ANDKLF11—elMEESZIC0 daxerlinaii
La en Lida fa, at th e Jew . peels of
10.0 A A MASON & CO.'S
.I.. W t received .00 aces gstnient,
+li&Ylat WORK—A'
jo 7rositti_Ca_ pea, Coll
a . asta•meal o French
sad Cars. Jost ',rod
&_42I._LdM9N & CCM&
IDIC - 21 , LOUR—:1 bag. mi. griana,—jiiiialliet
.11.. Float, AM reWd an for ado by
jyyl) WM A AteCLURG & C 0.15 6 Liberty a.
A' kW—tem, alpine • pony nee
Ir°.ale by . . Niffil A NeCLURG CO.
F dvz
hv a ~,c eiruldirc t airgli k 00,00 . Liberty AL
MAR AND I l itta=iNo7rli — N - 0 Taills4 do - 24 0
J. Pita, in Aare, And fo: stla by -
A pans artU,re, - 7i.
BHANDY -For medical pumoses. try.
101) JOHN D
PMM3S--I"l lo b lMATOßatiti.
• •efi • e
e, MX, 0 WOW/AM
n CASKS SAL SODA, Swale br
_ _
3 , It 3 es fry
for doe
.110R_N_ D MONGAN.
" ltlati I, MOROAN
7 Stroved froorths roSiciTher. Ovine at
1 7 31 , , Poe Creek. Sbo/er Township, Alleseene
Wl' tn,,Nratt4t;:dhT,lfirlt,":ll,:
oboot 8 you. eLe...-
Z“ 7 TLnart i gal ' lgtld Cow led at the elm
ile* wet Co. will toe flunk:ldly reeelve4 and
Um lulu ebonite oewanled by
leo Etna biz yinta, Blain Tiriratib
hal MOP*
RICE -10 tierces prime *esti Wee, Jart-reteived,
116 Dale. IT 551101 SELLERS 6 NICOL&
Ad"lnlotratoza ,
B. M
Y virtue of an order of theOrpb WI CO otAlle.
ebony county, the andertlened will expose to
awe, on the pre:noes. on' SATURDAY, the Ilth day
.of Angsat, 1220, one certain Lot. otplece of gamed
to the Borough of Wen 1212abeth c frontIng on Wald
!i.e., 00 feet,auld extending back .120 ft, to First st
o ritig Lot No 21,10 the plan of tied Borough, and
henna oreated thereon a comfortable dwelling house.
0 . 0 1 other koproventerts • and on, other Lot of groemd
, o
and Borough, Hondo/L n ti,
Ferry street sixty feet,
V.. back 120 to Market a, liming Lot
7.1 • l 0 4.1 plan, and bovine thereon erected
fnmedwalake house, stable, ke.,.herolltlnd occupied
!s_ta home
u.sio COMMelle oat t o'clock, P. hi, on l aaid day ,
ono teens -•-
made i 671•13.
Admied. of Thos. G. Budd, cced.
JOT 19.1540
Mt= li t l L— Mi bris lar e
bY Mgr'. .4.4l‘eletl‘i'l.Thi".
ale C. A MANULVirCOfor
;Eflin - m — .l7" - F, — , 3 laikerel. r . eobrinfr
AU. per usa and for see by JAS. DALL ELL,.
71) Water st.
'VAN -NESS Ow—W . l4li rt -- 7o
I rein JAB. DAIZELL 70 Mar of.
IrDlAVelfdttlle/Of WANTEDZIWiffiAIfFUr-
A, TON, of Cormoney.CoUtly. Antfino,lfotaud, mt.
was In Yiusbersh, in the =math of Jul,' ledO, vrordd
Gooier a hoer if he mold leave his names and address
wOh JAidES.IIILI., steamer laden, or at.the Genetic
: plttsburgh play Wocks;
T AQNEW, late of the fiats Chlusbm, Ape*
.1. Co. WOW irespectithly infOrl2l the penile. that'
be WI WOOL) , oh he Wean GlO,B buCtitas., I. a ll -I,
and prepared to SU ail °rain.' tar Apoth•
ecarie..jruruitere, Merest, Ping., Ifisit rte..
pertaining to b e busineite. warehouse la No 21
Mean street, between at& SteOna ant 1y1943.
s i" u4 l l A e f r thNe Xel.t.,,caniekdo4
fire, and It Is now rendered complete by ihe receipt
desirable scrods, Sanctioned item rounder nacre, and
large auction talcs, at 11. great redoction from prices
of at Spring, which will be offered to their nomm
en. patrons accordlogly. It would be rimless to at.
tempt to enumerate their well atisoned stock, and.
therefore, Invite the early attention of choir friends
and the public, with the vasurance of a row Mei be
ton tallied to each ankle. ' /altr
•t~ti—zt pea btaek and tanapiats eir tial .day.4.a
, .1,0 at um, A. A.
; 11 N611.1016-4ii;a7 ngne fold lilasharas, at the
low price of 10 and 1010 per yard. by ,
' i /JASON It. CO.,
y I 13
- - - • • • - -
)IyBUG tilKtata—An Immense@ atom of atie7e,'
m goods, at very lola prier,ial,zeivtyc.,.
ERA - 4F9-20 - ps (eck, blue, pink, and ezeresT,
.17 1133 opened, and very cheap, b 7
or Allegheny Clipper, and for o ' lll ' br ftvm "e":'
IJACON—DI bhde puree Nboaldem nlttids clear
1.) 9lder, landfng and for sale by
' ly/9 :DROWN & . KIREPAiRICE. :
brla' eap.fine; 173 dk 7alTdlng
and for salt by
TAR AND I.IIL-...10 brlr N. C. Was YS do Dare
Timmer.' OR, for sale by
Reef, 1
D - .cr naCF-1 berets ar Carta
Jan received aud for sale by
,: i - R iiiz n araTeanataing dos *Elea addrened to
5 WANTED, '—
SMALL ROI SS, Takata Sre talattai , Nralt of
the !oat Enke. ,Add.eaa*C.o.” at th
- • - -
wr forms, in Lectures; Addreares, and
utucl w r i tin g s,by Horace GreMy.
Robert fteRMY, bit life and correspondece, edited
- by it son, the Key. C. C. Seathey. M. A , part 4 jest
received. Lettice Arnold, • novel;bythe anther of
'The Wilmington; 'Nemesia, Bridge; th lordannt
41111; dn.
ty A Second Book in Greek, containing Syntaz; with
dreading lessen. In Prose, prosody. and the 'Malcom,
with maiirg lemma 'in vovin, forming a sollelent
Greek fteedre. with a vocabrivry; by John bleClia
tock. D., Imo Protestor of Ancient Languages In
Dickkmon College.
A row e o:iiet of cash of the above works Mk re
ceived ano for sate by JOHNSTON' A STOCKTON,
/TIT Corner of Market and 3 4 eta.
---... - t . -
.„.. _,,,0 NETTS-.A huge anonment of no
a' Netts, of 'newest styles; •Iso, plain Wien tee
Wash Illusions, and Bobinew, recessed by I
vatzti TEAS—We are conctutiy receiving fresh
in Pbl : green each black Teas, direct from the importers
mid Mitre now on heed, at the rir..•
twit, Family Grocery and Tea %Fuel:n=l4lM Lib,
rely Mlwet, en assortment of crew grade and Suer,
s o ir c h is sot tbonbefesesugass‘elgfttegoin.
tda!, ear
Teas will!' lonrid view, if net superior, to any Si
•1111 e bilge In the City.
%val. m
. ir ys, d su riur7o 2lll 7i & taile d
m assortmr
e t a ilt
ton, fli " ors ' ied. W o oo_el lain; ean'etrileand
the store of [iylll LURCHFIF.LD.
primeval directions fur filling the , nations alma
eons, in n Printing (Mee Embodying a BIM= of
numeration. Copious original earned°. for Comma,
int Greek and Haim*. sty Edward Grattan.
ASSInTANT, inchading Interesting details resa .
peeling the Itleshanins of book. For sale by
12r 6:THE.-33 begs .eaudl7itiii.
11/1 tenet, tor oWe by /SMALL /JIMMY & CO.
1117 • • llVidet and Front id',
L . 1v to 11Pili -Ix, tra4 iteriiirinfilo6rEa4.elazia.
i3 later and Front Ms. .
B''' — '" h'" "I.TriktfnDtklhPz 'CV. by
Water and Front am
received said offered, wholesale ard retell. by
7Y17 MURPHY & 11134:C/IFIFILOss
'Want. Employment.
®vouNo my *helms Lad two Teats'expetienet
lA • Catunthrien Warehouse. watill accept i
south ccritpens•usa for the tats of earbeprent. E.
gyve or INsinsce. • relyt6:Mt
g PAM Drown-10 brie Or side by
24 Wood' st
-IrELLOW MIME-10 brill for aka by
i - selloossuarrai co
ceraan figirttkitiritoatlielbzo
Q11 1 11. 16 1:-2 tons Jun reenred fat talc by
DOYA2/1-3 casks pea for sale by
1 1 .1 r -Lia br 03. Rau Inn, landing
r axle tr.ILLER is RICKETSUN
/710 ' 221. a 223 Liberty .t
CLARVI—Th Bradmm„,
33 bzs Margaux; lam reed for 1.1, by
CoAREss fo-nictio—sa Hassell - &:Itabln•
smears Lnuip t itisa reed for ula py
riO t te# VAIINISH—L
DIUNCIPE CIGARS-160 Al Me it >R ind 30 n,
13 9. e. hat received for tale by
ANNERS' 01L—.h,bris broww .
xO'brls Jaw rec.i..4
CIUMIPAGNE—Ibsp , a citr
to do hiumm & as . 4lllery, ut;
'otereo'd lassie by 3 %TILL ' Eldt/ RiCiatO/V3:
((WD LIVER OIL-2 Inis German Ilghl jellovOlf
a_f car own Oatponation, recei T l N to . :: v rtia
ly fiery gnpolaz uncle, for . 10 bi
Eogllsh Needs Jou i•eo d
C. Wood & Sixth o.
Onbi SOAP—A kw bin an band, ganeb will be
sold thnot.,nt ' UYIeJ IVlCKEndltAlltB
4 JTI6 w a r ••
PIRITB OF TY/RYE:NM 'E , --16 Ws by Lone
9 hit; BRAUN a, REITER
doPAtiiielipasif7e forsale by
FrOEopmel hleetinge n o . l" the Phareboldere of ihe
•ba 11:,%1 n U t the We tlt '2°47'4 "e_i
city 01'111041unit, Pa, on }Meader. the fittn der%
Aug= nem, between Mattoon 0(10 AL end 2P AL
for the 2. - ee non of Director. of the Coreenteri and. Ger
seen beams . u.xney, preeented neeord.ce
'nth Ole bye la. of sai d Conentni.
. 'LEWIS 111/TCll.lnUrkPre
Pittsinnigh, July 16, IM—,Jyle:did
• Zaiwai Plqesaal
OF a Rae quality' ind beaitU se
at sore of fail') MURPHY & BURCHFIELD
Piro Mick, for sale by - er
mo i BaumP - 71 - 4. - 1 4 at b
0 Fs
•Wh:it Z tr w e n °l'4 ,l2 l X . e l td d ritt s Tee:
road budfo , lla s, curs mad voky our
rocirvcd and afford low at core of
' an,ru.p,tty_,lunctipELD
rtlir.;clitithemaLtrlfg Tub rill. be 14.14 for
V 1 , -13 brio fitlme Ohio
rei'd fur sale Li
keg.' prime leaf ree{fired for
14 1713
°armor 'wanted
steam boat Caleb Cope. 8 ft W
UGAR CUBED HMIS —7 its reed tor oaki
1715 9 ft SV HARBAUIII
LARD -35 V I : No o 1 4 I : ard;
nun l as - c 4 t now Wading finni' !annular
CEnnballndNo 2, for ru e . b y
LUTA o &
Jrti & Front Inn
!LtrsTs medisa for sale by ,
fYI% tHAIAH DICITr -- ).
—orms—s bru d bar 41.7517,'
PLOW for rale by
1115 IS ItAft DICZEr A. co
D Emma X—ltletco now inndihrG,tWanhy
'DEATH Elittk43 auks haling for sale be ,
ItrdlAll DlCat
MAXSEErra brialalutleirkhicy
1 %. ; DierßY
1N3.4EN6-12 Ly s lumlgpifi , 4l2lll - try
I in my a
ctri,pg 011,—itb . ris 15. I!..,fm,sf exbr,,Fitstis
• r - 17 Wood at
SPIjI.I:IIS.OF TURPENTINE-10 bib for Bee by
CORICI-12 loalei mineral poi pour', for rale by
illsit X AXWAX4I
OPEN IIAILr. fromB 4. /IL till 10 P. N.
a %V.Mosim.
•-•••••Ihreetot oflActale Room:
! ' ! • ' • stx Is genus
'VHS ab ove having been delayed In tenth.
spente of low water, coal& not fell' their en•
gagementAt the 'heave. - Alr. Potter has Made etel
an atrangementat the Museum, .that the pledge he,
gave the public will be Complied with, and they not
&annotated in ultimata" th is Irstlytsonhalng no. '
the greatest favorites 11181 have ever a;peared In
' Bet 40th' will 141 press-Wed a •
Grand gliseellatwees CONCORT, of, the nenvet nod
Meet Perin.' Geste. Melte. Truth. Elltiorian Alas,
010 keit end the laughable Owlets& et "A DAV IN
PARIS." -A change of entertainment each evening.
Admission to bleeetun and Leetale Ronet,2s cents.
Dom *yen sill o'cloek. 'Perrot...tate le e istmenee
at et preemely. For partleulare tee small bills. len
Isterimsed Iltaimesia ert Kimberly's
PERATIC TROUPE, the origlital and well koowd
CAMPBELL idLIVSTBELS, *Others or ;heir
owes Hades have the honor to anneante to the Linares
and Gentliotten or Pittsburgh, thet they WIN continue
their Popular Eatettulnote en everytdyht wail farther
noleered o u p. olo n ti . e t a 7 e , h o V o tr o h , t k a . eh r aoa m o t. of . pr , osro vo o co m m e : .
meant at El. Adrnlsslefars teem
Jylthrf ~ • `GEO. A.. ICIALBERLY,Manager.
437 & 380 Weed Iltreel,•alleve Vitth.
UT."ll..d`d.i.tb.l.7,h 2 :g.7o,l 2 bibr*Pomitede t t;
Leetexes,lthloltlone, &e. .For tem.. apply ter
016:dtt En Wood N " •
11:67 , 111 fi lit. : K"13 ( 4 :::17 . 10C ER :f ba nd ir ' illt l i n ag ;i711 9 :11i i ikt o i n t0 .. s ar.a t
i " i .k. p; :.
Put , .Ment. , ' The exterior l madebe
Mont eaglet lad ertotly deactiputen, and is tot .1
f rip o
the lloceace st 71e.• The interior contains two at pu. .
ate bridgeseramlng the Baas string, to ran over .ud
above all -Amble wrirre—prodacnog at once a tone.
Web. full, tied Cltilf. The orioly moreover, are to
arranged as to levee a reandating string when one •.
break., the, cession no. iorosorentences Ilk, that
which aimed.* the old method of stringing.
N. a This I.eteg rho bet home of the kind ever
brought loiriusburgh, the Protectors and [kinsman of
dummy are genet:daily larded to canoed examine
It, at the Sign of the Golden florp,lolllthd at. 1715
C'UlVDll oOm entra Crete enema
to hf brio Nos Mackerel;
160th do •do;
b keg* dodo;
10 bal Sslaratasi •
likes Mould Candler,
bye No 1 Elwell:
VS dos patens Zinc Waalboards;
>rl hf chew al:parlor GTeerl7e2 A
40 caddy km de • doe
lb blehera imperils? Moak Tra.s
6 tea Wield" emu Flamm
Pm sale JD W/LLIAble k. CO
1110 Cm Wool & Fitilg re.
_ •
rIHREBE 7 .4OO bx• W. R. (or sale by
/ r 3 rho viler segar ors ab y
10Roola9—iou des yariana (militia. for *We by
.11 lyl3 - 8 P VON LIONN,LIOEST &CO
I 1113 3 BONN 111241:
W111 y 9137 OL.Arr. Totiatsurraigfitza4rlaceoby
Vs_H•"'' •
for sale by
FAMILY FLOUR-1561We !unreel ter sale by
ly 13 • Limy streeL
TOBACCO -30 b. W.II. Ommli
big Rua ell & Robinson's;
• bz• W. anew.' ree'd for We by
QUUAp-£kbrM Loyerlts cradled and put rented
1;,7 Eagan, , jrut received f r rale by
SUMAC-ie ew Ic• on e . na 1. by
1719 A!CULII~fl18C1 k CI.
R lO l - I'l, "sE-lor'Jtita=.
DACON-10 Ws piece Sldeg .
.1,1.3: r 81kbds do Shoulders, nod for solo by
• • 8 tif lURSAUGIi
just ote from member Was
.we Iw ii & w irAnuAvc.n
for saki by
50fv,?!:(720 rope!greve,yei2atAlt,bori
CSM.I:;-01 kn .
Art • S & W
recenred for sale by
"VENTIrERS-7 begiptinze Ohio, iee'd far We by
I➢l9 6d W
nOFITE-40 tacks pnine filo in '' by
Nth pßow i r.jiPArtitt. 4
he It
EA—lo cedar& received for we by •
.R&CC(1.4,20 kept; mist received fi;rr.ela by-
.•• . . BROWN & 61116PATRIelf
tbsaaly by
Ism:smug-% kwatrAdicNtxrog Rk co
A 431L1T"
a b‘ .4 No a Mackerel;
;i il3 tiontoß;
IS hfOrle Sha D d: R f o or wi lo v lo a
fore tow. IT
• lo mcolve
V dam No 7, rt , eit .11 tar vale by
1107 13 BEtitypi & RK PATR
• ik
YENINON HilME—t %Goo cnnsignin eta for sae by
10.1107—ZPbmin agsor.ed, ray We by
°"` l g• to,
-11 7 t'" a w N ade b)
ale by
110 It riljUSt MC Ye 01 •
PARIS 1 1 , 111tF-2COO Its •upelior atmlit/t lualt•
oohed for *Us '• WU) J KIM , ' 1 - C..
liVil l gp - tr brit l!tat melted for tate 'by
• J lciDD it. CO
I.7more, for We by WO] J kIDD a. CO
P ° lyit i " a" ,
1 P " "
GIHEI/ Wii; wiliri
Al—:i imam au ham and fof pale by
' S.
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b 4 :. N. rteKIBIIAM B
nirititid._kit for
• • • • - qua it on • and an
for Webs WICKEEISMA-11
REAM OF. TaTll-04 handliieiliFFTabl—
m•-• hat • WU) i B. Y. WlCKEtisliet:4
UhRUCII----Eutit --
1.7 it
Net received for eel
r • r,3ThEru3r-ti
• J 011.WnRTH kCO
Q . FA f_4011114 , 110 bits in mom -
p .r i a at . ;_ JL inyworrh
orLVrin len teerfit7Vl
S DiLwonrii t 00
CUM HAMS- cues raced ad pa
1., steeper Hall Columbia; at midget. ferule !la.
Ailtrrenisori b cu
BACON-iam b reeld leer ate°met
on acelatmeva, 6 - by
Q IDE9-4 caara4lear7Rui In atorear
L.- 1 : Hit ' JAHES A HUSCHISON'ar
Bus Low TaX tar Clly Purposes.
TN Pcilinance'or gen Ordinance providing for an In.
1 dream. of Ma Retenne of Om city, yam. the Itinb
April, Mak^ coelee is hereby given, that the Car
Anon or has left to my once, for examination by ail
Interested, • list of persons doing bemoan in the
Mil. in eonfortnity , with said Ordinance,
h tl i .. 4 l ;l , lp , o u r: u etftli . natl.
, afla l i! :; , g •
s zpetsa:!
meta, they she elate t:e g iat Ln n n sada.. which
egidavit Shall eanteln a statement of the tree
lime= of 'heir salmi,is near as can be elzertstned;
said atEdisil to be garde and left with the CRT Teen
sorer, Within two Weeka from the dale of the UK
publication of the e ntice aforesaid.
ttee4i-rhat be Wren hat by
Whitten ot the pane or ggriese4said saaavis
to.beeMielesiveefblea f *Tam staled no !station
to the amount of sales.
APPcala meat Inv , ceade within iwo week ifremthlv
data-July 12.113.50.:,
a a. JOLINgTON:City Zer
esair. ,
°eye Noilea-4/1 unpaid gate Unease, tent be nin!
nie6ately retorted to KA alderman, for collectiOn.
zoopierwr Ti..,
1119Lbilythtri • n
ni the rhitillit'eatt. They u. , '
Finellent Tea at .... CO per lb
tapertertabeiliu'"""*""""". 073 "
The eery ......... 1
law yrited. detailed, or litterier Teas en Int kept
at thEs ettablithotimithereeorbethet Too go Y0b...-
eel qr. send. child,' rwa Its Pero obtain a gaol
atia If .the Barer of the Tea t,
they readily exchange It or return the menet,
] 11011R19 4,II AVVORTIII, Proprietors.
Md. N.
° it 171 4" i
4 tats 1 4 1/.. inp.a. G. P. Tea;
40 Vld
rl*illet 1 1.. 1 . 1 11 . ; 4 1z O. P.Tt
iqXl tlf brio 84eratiaN
bzolliZm .
O' is gl N. 3 coa.c 112114. r
• Nr.
fl,!6l:2l?ipni li niele — Valte k , a nagS, ll 4.4 Cll7:*
1 4 .tark2 .. . and ph. tot eovertztz 'cluinda
,_____. • "It_
_ 2
___, tAkeiqempfliirraii
AfrUttP/IY•' .t - DuRCIIFIELu are , selliat Wm&
.1.7.1 Blawa teures of a , neat Int It. on tee to pries
o(19{ elm • Alm, a mat variety et Light Lama nela
10 clam op to finest,; ' i
Parasol — s
t ra rt r ik e e nt nt Z :test Joy No oil one Moe,
,reeetved at cam of ; • MURPL I A P ETAZaj dnil p ".
JYq .— 'N. E cot. roarth Marko% Os
rvrTssivPau„ 2:11017Ra1210 iTOEUIC.
Comer oi reioi end 81.: Clam streets.
WI!. ALEX AND 4,3 & SONS...Fordable: Veto,-
V g taken, wizen every ankle for Feneral end
Mooroteg purposes eon be got on ntu amble terra,
Jr•Al • r Stara,
rpiioss wt. raqtre Fr=ll Brutal . for Medlotoal
tgrmgx.V a rzti r strro)R - itt "
hit Teat Wino 15to . La the Dimond.
Pew'' - OW Pen
OA'S addle best in the t*lted Stites, pee. r. D .,
0 .lion, for We byoßan & HAW RTR
sait for dw r ,al,3
Jest rectind !OW. by
/110 L IVX ♦441.1420 • CO: -