E=iM DINITRN ABVLRTIRENWN7S • NOSIZIALAN 'ZINC. • ...T.ln ' ennlt ' := , or_t_rg Y3 i t _jf ir ee ng t , &rak It to Moaned pet ware foot ,torru:atao In 'Meets 3z7, r=ti v roolsor pot tie building - 1 and depots nip 110 40 marry from comma. Itells r elpeltem Ire, Boger Atolds, Perforated Zee, Zino Faltn,lus. , , • They warrant Melt metal pore, and foe* D.. mIT admlxters of Iron; Or any other substeneei end re commend It for the ineanfactate of most artielm the hole!, fondshlng Its It does not ram, is not olliseteeby the action of mater; and nay to pothsbed Painted , and Japanned. • Samples, modely plans, speclazations, and other Information may be bad of Melt agents:— MlCtat &Snow, New York; Ammon, itomare & Co, Doman; • , Niatten Timm a Co., Phllmtelplim W. aN. Neltra,Baldeoctrey, • • Puss, Dal & 5110:77111..• New Orlenng . • • • F. lIILLITIOI3I, - Resldent'Agent, Uole, May 1. I Ifamover st, New York. mayle.d.lm• IRIOE PESDINGS AND LEATIIEII. Edward A. : Chambray. 16 iSoutA Coitert st., near Bottimore st.,Bithintore, (Lare E. Godfrey & Sons, N. V. 4 lAIPORTEII ofSboo Findirigs; arid Dealer la Leather, of nylons kinds: English and French Kid Skins, 'mach Calf Skini, Patent ,Lvlber, hlomece, red, o.retr:mt.T4ll.lraitoNlTL',l•l „ ,Fw,V*.; Shoe Knives. Awl Blades,: Mess • THREAD , DineC Tacks, Shoe Nails and Noe .PEGS, of all E. A. O. hasten established the above business In .Baldsoore, is enabled to gap good. South or West WittCles utmost despatch, mid in the lowest prices manniketarars, dealers, and all others, may rely pp ea asei Wei every &stick 111120 trade, of the best . quilts . , and on liberal tams. [Crelsna (sewer of Lases , Boot Trees, Shoo Trees. (Week Crimps, Boot Stretchers,itc. All orders will bepromptly eget-Med. Low prices for cash. A traudogae containing-a complete list of every article la the trade will be forwarded .so those who may desire It. _EDWARD A. GODFUEY, la S. Calvert at. Marra:Eat . sear lialamate. at.. Baltimore. BAR.NUM'S"'HOTEL• • NEW TORII, Broadoray._vormser of Alaldea Lane. 2rHIS O.=lißite HOTEL, has been lessee by the itabsorlber, and has been completely tanned in moo elegant manner. Largo additions are now bates made, which, when completed, will make It the mat extensive Hotel in New York. lila the determi• nation of the proprietor, to make It equal, boom:rye, spftt, to arty other House in the United States. its lo- C 8.14011 in the most deslnble and central in the city, be. lag In the fashienatde part 'et Broadway, convenient to all the matte ballthor, places of amusement, and baldness. Oramfal for the patronage received from his Western friend., while et Caetherienti, Md., and more recently at the Weddell'lleum Cleveland, Ohio, be respectfully Wiens a renewal of iheir patron- MT, ter his new catablishment, at New York, and begs to amaze them that every effort on hie part shalt be glom to adminLner to their comfort and pleasure. B. BARNUM. 'New Ito*. Mara, ISso.—trurPet,Ttn." • POSTUNLI FOR £lO or X 5. Fir s .? a, SPORTIN 00550 G PoirritAr.r. 4 CL . h13 4 laanagers des 10 acquaintiktir tiTtnen } ?ii fl L t o roits that the next Dimnbution of Permits of Race Horses. well eemprise those entered for the forthcoming Grand National Derby Race; the number of shares to be Limited to 6,M0 tactician. Fast class member £10; mend close ditto SA Early application - for the on • appropriated shares i• necessary. A party subscrib ing for more than one share hest the chance of gaining an amid number betimes.. Those members who draw the various Portrait. will be, ?mental with the fol. lasing anme. r • Portrait of 110 class bonne* Di ditto Winner, 01. First norse• •• •-• £uo.ooo ' 110,000 a Second Horse••• , - 10,030 .0,000 Third Dorm .1., 6,003 ' 4,600 Divided amongst Stamm...-. 6,003 3,000 Non-Starter 5,000 3,011 There are 810 bonne. in etch elass,that being the Mabee of horses entered for the tees. The Droving will be conducted upon the same legitimate prineteles as those whkh characterised , the late St. Ledger and other proceeding.. Fell partieuters of the result will be sent to absent members Immediately alter the de. Orion, that each may knew his position. Subscribers registered and scrip forwarded On to , eaipt et a tolattlanee. .Bille or Fachanne, Grafts, Sank Nines, in, -addressed and; made payable to the Managing D irectors . W. JAMES fr. CA.r. Fire per rent. commission to be reduced on the • resentation of bonuses. • mr16.32,3 • Isso] REED HOUSE, (19ap magma £ lIAADIr9, Prapyle+s, issaGre Srucr, Erie, Pa I . GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western, aral:Soathen, SuAta, leave Ilas beam, drat,. GOV xj.A.l,rt": ;Iv a r f l7l:t,T.lTt ` ..l a %T.' Hotel, V,741. G. W. MAXI; !steal Go n E:asraan llo o tel, Ohio. apalvdeea Ste Junes llTartars ruin Magnesia. pII.EPARED under the latunedice can, of th e In venter,and established for upwards of thirty years. This elegant preparation .is recommended In all eases of bile ' seldities, Indigestion, rant, and gravel, ai the most safe, eany,ana effectual form in which Mammals may, and Indeed the only no in widen it oagil nano exhibited, possessing all the properties of the ithignesla iambi general ose,without being liable like it, ur form dangerous ClinefenOne in the trowels, II effectually cares heartburn 'without 'lnjuring the coats of the atonmehout so-3i Man, and then' r . benne. an known to de; it entreats the (oral of in. Mats tanning man in all Clete. liete tine pleastng Blr apenent. and is peettliarly adapted to female& Ilamphrery Davy testified that this solution tortes soluble eambisoniens with uric acid salts to eases of Olt and gravel, thertry eonmeractiog their injarioas tandeney, when other alkalies, end even Magnesia itself, had failed. From Sir Philip Clatemon, Bart, Surgeon General 'ld**Army trol.nd , — "Dear tkr—lltere can be an doubt that Magnesia maybe administered more safely in the form of eon emended gelation Um in webatarice; 'for this. and unsay other reasons, I am or opinion that 'the Fluid Magnesia la a very valuable addition to our Maleela MCdICII. Pllll.ll. CRAMVTON." We James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Brighcand Ma en Cattalo and Herbert Mayo,of Madan. strong- I y recommentildranirs Fluid Magnesia, ea being sn- A wanly more sale and town:mann ttuan the solid, and free from the danger attending the constant use of soda or pots,. _ For We by the Importer% and r rennet nee agente, I; A' FA lINESTOCK d. Cu Co:. of Claude. Front sta. NOTES 'LOST. MICE. Is hereby given, that on or about t. %lb Apell, the sabseribers hod mealed to them, at Sra, the following notes, vir —A note drawn by 0. A. Martin, port:hie to oar order, dated tet t 0 " 4M4 mid , Jima ' drt S ajti l me . fo o r ol sl:l o, l7. o and ' a awe drawn bi John Woo &Co In (0.00 .Tohn S. Martell, and 10-endorted by or , dated April tht, at font menthe, (or SIM , The above totes were never received by aa,„ trod Ilia ht to cannon • all persons against tnultag-for et baying the eame, payment ci item has been clapped. 8& W HARDAUOII anergiel IPIIIIO i SIIRUIEK.D. GOODS. AVERY lam end choice sleet of Fresh Paling and Rammer Gaols has last been opened at Alutandern Day's, No M Market urea, north west corner-of the Diamond. • la calling the attention of oar customers and the pablie to this stack, it affords us great pleasure to be able to say it =brutes GREAT BARGAINS In ad men every description of geunis, as a large portion of it wu purchased at the recent extensive wsetuaa sales in the camera cities. Oar usoftersent, Lomb of fancy and staple pods, is very superior, and affords to all euh beyers, either by wholesale 'or Mall, a fete op pottsanyinf salting both ,ante and carve. LADLES' DICrs S III(X)D3 NUS - style Foulard ens, very cheap; deb plain and Spared changeable atlas, of almost every style and nastily; suer plain and diterednlstet silks; do. be r epee and nutter, barrio do Wu, new and band scale mule; new style freneb,EogGfh, end Scotch terns, mgreat variety, and at very low miner, plain, glued, and Nana striped de lams at all kinds and qualities; Reno lulu:sof all anodes and colon; ging• Lama, etillses,pritUsA.to__.__ Boa chameleon.silt shawls; Plain MO etussd black do; San embroidered Mites do; Goo cabb alas do: phiwr plain .d, antbroidortd white and oobred wipe denharreer .4 net 11,:t./.4 WHLTE GOOlis A lie irioitatent of moils, nonsooke, iwyloee, book.ol, bish , - BOAT ETS.. Eastßeady, pearl-broil, Floinnee braid:and fintpetifasUala straw bonnem. PAILASOLS.. • A oo stock or eapesior plate arid !rimed silk and Setts Tao fea c Agaf e e. , ll c rolovl ivi eld i jai n . ust.ties. Alamo. .100STIAttlo Of aoper nmety and • Belgian elythe ead -mule:lens atoll quilities and - prbww, to *Wan we woald• laytte die attention of the DOIdESTIC - Oar sleek of brown and bleached merlins, dekingr, clocks, chambray!, he, U very large, and at the von lowest prrees. Also, a large let Of table diapers and table e!othr, brain and bleached 4 Ramis. and Scotch ras linen, amain% eon= and wecd.n goods o men and . boys' wear, lash filen., red whhe, and yellow don • nels, dor:mule gingham, sl it and, Duca hdkra and. Ores of all hinds, hosiery and bonnet ribbons, ant. halal Rowan, ae, le all which. we would respoetrally Devito Me autouoo of wholesale and Mall rash krayen. - ALEXANDER & DAY; • laarl3 63 Market stN roe. of the Diamond. j new prepared io famittrApple Tree*, from the ..I.leall tame NM.] of Jacob N. Drown. The tures ba r ed at the wharf riustnugh (or It per handfed.. rMoll.llartshilyf Rood Alarifty trete aheald leave their orders root: of the Dreg, berdr sfd Perfumery Warehouse, corner °Mood and Sixth oti. • • /1 - . 8 N kEEI.OIIAPt. • REMOVAL. WAYNE BON WORKS WARLIIOUSE. WILEY; DROWN C Co. have =moved to No NO Water at, 4d dart below the eaoriorooliola Houle Er,l=M "PALMER, MANNA. a CO.' Ave retocrred their Factand °Meg , to Ton* wen tomer of Wood sot Tkird amt. . 1 0 Cea We loam Conectly =opted by llardy.ion,..k.."' i tvg , tight's bib 31.C.Istrpr k Tetra .1k i, ed sad for Ink by .: • • MILLER k RICIEFAAON‘s rlaatatilon Sugar azod illoatatarni. Sib lads common, fair, & prime nantatiotilingam San oak brio Plantation aloImo:, • • PI anima Ills do do in runs. for aalo ba MILL&& RICKETSON VP _17 . 1k . 174 I . .ibena at t,4. for sal C 1 GRANT 41 Watsr TO ~OFFEt~tJu ~. tcs .t , • ' a H GRANT lisartie—io fun No 'Porti I:fed a-1z UANT • n& isEity—}o tc. D 061.164 R C a letal alcr, Drown& Rankle. do ' • M1E1..5 & Swat's do, • , 60 trs D. Marrs do; 6 tea eaarmed Deaf rounds; 6 les plain par sale by Dem - SLIZtIII3 & NICOLS YO BCOTIA .HERRING—ISaiin store si td .1: 1 11 for sale by , 11•1111 11.013150 N, LITI.,b:A co /iXr 111---ZfOA.P-1 60 bzs brown CkiisVscre; 80bssNol do: • . .f o bxs Not Rosin essp; ' e~edrpA and Orr miIIER b. EticKErsoll br"' KIA 110": - P I ;lig) k.Ctl! irNsStrilaralrEKDOCSU lbs reed tor pals by KIDD &CO IDITC-H4W-160 Orls N C Tar. ISO bd. Pitz . b, on sonsfzrsextasd lor We h telsi . & sICOLS ISINTAL—sta ONsalz7z` os sato WS H. MELLOR, O. NI Roodstreet, has isle , received a new as. N aoriment; of PIANO 2,11.1.4fC' among which are the following:— ' • " Molly, do you Love me, CI'S. C. Foster. ON map the Red Rose lave Aiwa', do: r .,, 1y ... a Lady ' eo. , ThieleiNctli -. Ovrine to R. all Night, • de. Dolly Day, do. Soldierly Wedding, by Glover. ' The Robin do. ' Oh, Tooth the Cord yet OXICC again. Sweet Memoirs of ... _._ rhlrer Moon. LISCIII of the IHM .Emlg ran A Nem Medley Son. 7 hoo but Wounded the Spirt: that Loved The. .1 he Gommript's Deportur. by Glover. Pe Find to the Loved One, at Home. Gle 110131 r where eler the Henn LI. The Yankee Maid. Low flark'd Car, by laver Do you ever think time. Elomber Gentle Lady. /mole Grey. __l:lfin, Callahan, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes . . Batchelor, Maiden Bella Welts * Concert, Ladle. Souvenir, Cully, Elv in, Lily, Ate ,Evergreen, Son ova. Atheo. and Lisa) Botha". . • mny22 TlCas I TEAS t 1 TE/LEt TT enter not Leto the lists( puffers, we say nothing ‘V about Hundreds of Chests. Importers, Large Capital, Bought for Card, ac. In fact, we 'rill not humbug in any manner or Conn, we simply. invite the public to compare out Tens — wi th what they pit rehase elsewhere; thus is the best method we know to aMer min woo sells the beat and cheapen - Teas in Pllll, burgh. We are now selling Good and strong Tea at 40.1 50 rents per lb. A ptime Israel do do The - beat feo.ronlOtted into th;c7gtete,;,el Low priced, damaged, or interior Teas we 41a not keep. I,II IIIS & 11AWORTII Peoprienere of the Ten Market, Jr 3 RCM side of Diamond. Sireaiarsericirs Disettkialo n al Work: D. Appleton & Co, New York, Love In eatireo of [leaden, in paint, prlee twenty Gra cents ea4e, A DIOTIONAILV Qf biathlons, .111edum., EXICU. a . ..4 4 nd Mi gum.,ng; dmsgued for I'n:rawest . And those intern:ld for the Eng. rumng f • .111:2 IT OUTS* PIUS WORK Is of large biro. arse. and will contain .I. two sr.orsano ream, and upward. of am mom use macirramons. It will peseta working-draw ings and descripuone of the most Import.* machines in the United :items. Independent of the malts, of American Ingenuity, it will contain complete practi cal tread es on Mechanics, Machine ry.Reglne•wotk, and Engineering; with all that id useful in MOTs than one tbousaml dollars worth of folio volumes, maga slam, and other hooka The great object or tab publicanon is, to place be. fore practical men and students each an amount ;of theoretical and aciontitte knowledge, Ina condensed form, as shall enable them to work to the best advan.. to and' to avoid them mistakes which they Might otherwise commit. The amount closed infonnauon thus brought together Is almost beyond precedent In snob works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject within its range which la not treated with sock clear nen and precision, that even a man of the most ordi nary capacity cannot fail of undemanding it,' and thus teaming from it much which it is important for him to know. The publishers are, In short, iletartained, reemdleas acme, to make the work as complete as possible• ' and -itis hoped every one deslrona to obtain th e work will procure 'it as issued in numbers, and thus encourage the enterprise. The work will be Issued In semi-monthly numbers, commencing to Jimaary, Ihso,and will progress with great regularity. The whole work will be published in 40 numbers, at 25 cents per munber,and eompkted within the cur , rent year, 1650. A liberal dismount will Ito made I agents. Any one remitting the publishers PIO tit advinc shall receive the work through the rust Wilco free expense. • Opinions of the Prose. "To our nmacitromi ittla.nufactutet. Meeitnnici. En gineer. and Actuarial: will ben adult of wealth.s— Proviileitee, (R. 1.) Journal.. "Young men. arm yourselves With at kilOW/C4115. C•Ja with einifidenee recommend our reedits to possess thenuelves of its cambers as fast us they sip pear."—Ametic. Artisan. .{Ye unhesitatingly commend the work to those en gaged la or interested in mechanical or sclentifie par. anus, as eminently worthy of their exammatlon and study."—Troy, (N. V..) Budget. "It I. truly a great worn, and the publishers de serve the thanks of inventor.. marhinist., and mann tacturers, and Indeed of the public gencrally.*--iN. Y. Independent. "Tads Dictionary will be highly aerial to prutical mechanics, and valuable to all who with to acquaint theMSeitTS with the. puler.. of Inventron In the mo t harm arts."-aaricer Lim and Daily Mercury. "Young mechanics ought to keep posteu up in We. cyclical as well as penal cal knowledge, and this work vnt) show them last hoar they atand."—Rozbury (Mae.) hilvertwer., "We ink. it tel./n.l the work that seines anal hun dreds of our Intelligent meet attics have desired to n u sera So ample are nit desctiptions, sedan full and minute ID specificanon. that at Weils to es that any mechanicmightcontract anynriehiac it describes, on the sceng th fits engravings and luitructioa.a."—N. V. Commeseted Advertiser. interested In mechanics should avail :Baru. eel ties of: its advantagcan—Betinylkiil. Ircint.,) jour nal. "A work of extensive practical utility and ;went im portance and value tothe npidly Increasing inures,. of the . Memo. We regard the work as esaines•ti enlculated to promote the mum of laCitnee and too mechanical arts, and to dmaeminate valuable informs • doe on these nubleets."—Farmer and "Practical rata In nll the varied walks of mechant- Old 1111.11utunufneturing industry, cogi l neering..ke. will find In this work which treuere wid t will tertheir prodt to possean."—Tley Daily Whig. - "We havocarefulty perused the numbers, and, beer no Luria:ion in suing that it la the but work for me. chatau,tradesmat r. and scienufic men, ever publish. ed. for It cent...nate Information on every- Ouch ord., mechanical arts and reroutes, capremod in a style and Implant intelligible to any render or ordi nary eapactry."—llloucetter, (,Naas,) Newts "Wo arc lore we are doing the rneullasten of Nor wich and other puts of Connecticut a. ...retro by bringing the wort to distr . : aneution."—Norwich, (Conn., stouter. "It Iciest ruche work u terry mechanic ahould NIVC1111.”—FM111-211 . 1.10.1161. -' Wo consider hone of the react ireful end Important publications Whose:it. No mechanic eon afore tube vrithoutit."—tinware, (N. / Carmr.ceetal Courier. stet all the various publicathma having ter theirols. , /en i n , dark:a:ion and cdtneccuteet of the me ehuni col on, and 6Cielleel, none that we have . sern, as so tall of promiee a, this "—Ltagalo tiont.:Adv. Tt in the best and cheapen work cies , oft erect to the se:maim arid practical engineer and mechanic'. Thu platys are !reunion). execated."—WethingtonDlonc. "This great Dictionary is one of the mon -useful works ever published fir yearn, end the low price at which et Is need makes it acceptable to all."4:Douth CoroliMu. .We Lenard tt as one orate IrlentomprehewiYe and saleable, as wed as cheapest works eves published." —ll3lllllore Advertiser. • "Ought to be taken by everyone dentriog th keep pace with the pretenses of an and science incise . ..um. of th e harem of credited life,"—Rondout Courier "lt is designed after the-principle of Lire's On sena. e 7, only that it is more devoted to die mechanical and engareering profession', nod eboadall,".t i• valuable necomplohing for Ametica. what Ore hai dime for England, via:' nesetthing Amenean machinery, and worts crf an."—Scientino Amerman. . • "kin publialmil to umbers, end at a prier so melee rite, looking at whit is contained me.,eh tomboy, that no one who has the least interest in loch matters, need be deterred from 16TIN rood every one who does sob will had that he has in a condensed form an amazon of inauvelien which -would be obtained, if at ell, onl y by the pa rehue of very many volnmea.li—N. %%Courier and Enquirer. "The comprehensiveness with which the sabjects are treated, the admirable manner in welch they nro Illustrated, conspire to make this one of the moot desi rable warks."—Demeentie Review. • "This work should be in the hands of every michmie, amt., and munfuctarer, erne 'ally thaw—who have the leant nspiratlems m excel re their respective basi n.... Wl:these carefully clummedd, with eview of recammetnling it to inventors. -To them we email nay In the strong language of the Dame "It is recd."— lialtirsore Inventors , Journal. Naio to the Prnputors4l New.rpapers throvgboas • the Ihmted Slate and C 6.64. Mae foregoln: advertisement is inserted flee times dunng the lest', and the paper colonier st sent to us a copy of the , trait will be sent gratis In payment. apigatalaltT BV/agLISTEWO OINTSIONT, Cm:fairing no iliertary, nor other Mineral. Tilt: fo ll owing testimonial taw given by the cele- Orated Dr. Wooster ,leach. th.aorborofttle great medical Wort entitled."Tbe ...lie. Practice o. 'Medicine and Family Physicinn. , .slaving been made acqoainte.twith their:needle:its which compose blcAllister's All-Healing Ointment and having prescribed a 7.11 tested It in:rye:mid:saes la my ffiTtfe practice, I have •.o herniation In saying Of certifying that it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing no numeral =balance whatever, that t o ingredients combined as they are, nod aced na directed by the Propnewm . are not only handers, but of great value, being a only scientific Remedy of great power: and cheerfully recommend It on a compound which hat done Much good, and which la adapted to the care of a great variety of cases. Though tilde never either rcconsseentleal err engaged In the sate of secret methb eines, regard for the truly boner, chnietentions, mares c ha racter Of laiff,Yrnprietra of thi• Ointment, and the vale, of his discovery, oblige me to any rhea much tegnrdi April W. DRACII, D. 11." New lora April 52. d, limn. Is one of the het{ Wags in the world for nuns, PlLES.—Tlitmestr.d. Are yearly eared by Oils (hat. meet.: It never falls sn giving For Tamers, Ulcers, and all aim!, of Sores„lt Lox tioequal. if hfoilioral end Norma knew its value In rarer of SWOIItII. or tbri Breast, they would always apply Iri such cams, If aced according to directions, it ;I nes relief In a very few hoots. Aro and the box are directionsfor wine McAllister's 0111[Milll lot Scrofols, Liver Complaint, Itrywrelas, Tetter. Chilblain, Head, wee Eyes, Quincy, Sore Throat. lironchltes Nervous Affections._Palns, Disense of the Splne,lllAd Ache, Asthma, Deafness, Fir Arlie, MOWN COhlf, all lbsernies of the Sian, Sore Lips, Pimples. See Swelling of the Limbs; shirrs, Itheuroarbem. filet, Peet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Ilteitst, Tooth Ache, Agee in the Face, At. e From the Reading Earle. There wee never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that has in se short a time wou teoil a reputatioe as kicAllister's All•IleslIna or, 'World Bale, Almost every person tiat has made trial of It speaks warmly in Its praise. One Las been cured by it of the moat painful rheumatism, another of the ;tiler, a . third of a troutrierome pole in the ride, a fourth of a awelling ill the limbs, ax. If It does not give burne• Cato in every ease, it can do no Injury, being applied outwardly. As walker evidence of the wonderful healing IXOW. er Miscalled by thin salve, we sebloin the following eertiara,e, from a respectable , nod hitch test 9 1 . 2 tad . 9 . 2 , 0 Make r' of the latest Myles and most fashionable colors:. Sala Ash, want:toted auperior neatly other bra. • I ap3 31 by the quantity of 5101130 r llplr awls for earreneY or tIOFTESO - iiiii:Triie - TIO - 7 - ariaTitii -- 1 ----- appl need Not., am laurniotnne. or 2/ for • Ices Russ. lajCarroLme-10 boa mould, dipped, and enema, my - . IV re Id MFICHELTREs, Contaal-150 hes Cream sod English t..y, Inc . Liberty etreit. Roane-R0 den Hemp sod Matulla; , - - - T . A.IIOI[S , GOODS, AT COST. Ossels-40 Malty Shavn--/ barrel; t . /l i g ' I ttrn.re ' ff. " : ' .l:,lo ‘ .:?l , re ' ' alio 71 °Tel to Claseta-d1 Id Common and half Ispanieb; Woolen and VallOit . GOOdlti now offer their large pus -25 brleand half beg Meckerel,and Salmon; 'dock. of Tailrace Trimaran., Vesting', French and Oust-•sb boa astlOrted 'Weal an GerlalinelOtha, DOCSltills, easghneresote. al first cost. Heite-12110 Primo Venison; • a IWO Seg.. Cared‘ , . • baton-RteHERSEY, FLEMING S. CO lbs 9 P d 1111 tea . IM.Wood n Dix-sladox tiarrieuns Black an Copying; . '110L...2.-23 brie N ()Beane; 14 boffin'. Sugar Homier t Muersale-20 dos manned cantsteri; • 'MaccelsolviLbillbs Italian; ' Versteztonst-201bs Ma Nthth-200 hero aslOrted; . PICILLIO.-15 dell., inuorsedi . P.C1.113-Ofbuthels tinlves, ' Para-40 reams Mg... Sled; i'anara-10 0 Ilas Bordeaum Islosr-60 b. Rollin and Cast Steel; firmai-dithhd. N Otte.. and Clarified; T.-110 packages Green and Dieekl Tinseco-RI 6012, 5.4 , 116 ler.; t Want Ilaagno-40 despatent Zink' For sale by • J D WILLI AMSA In CU tarlB 't . Comer of Fifth and Wool ere. • • WAtIITIC:b7 =--- 161U11131 EVItS! FUEtti!—Tho subscribers mil pay far Coon, Tlink, Pinsk Rai, Gray and Ited tax, 'ad ail kinds of shipping Fursorkp nythesur•-•-- comot F:1111 and Woi:ml at*. • Paper Ilaspinpa. I'aING BELIAlrION;—WIll be received; by first 1.7 canal eldpmenta, a new and choice u.anment of Wall raper, of the West I.4eneb and ,EoeleTn slyly*, in gold, enamel', ma. Olio sod 1, 41 1, nob.", W. Y. MARSHALL, time B. C. 11111,) rinl9 • Woodmen DINSOLIJTIOIn. US Co-partnership hor er. caLwini between S. n. Liushfield .d John • McGill, ender the firm of • D, lluenGele re Co., lo this day dissolved by mutual onset. The busitius et the gleam will bet talUod by t U.Uorhheld, at the old eland, No.Y2ol4betty street, Inshore h. - S. B.IICI3IIFIELD, Mooch 1,1:30. JOUN . S. DFIF.LD md GEORGE RICHARD will continue tha t Wholceele and Retail lh7 Goode and Grocery besimes, at Use old Gaud, r 1.210 Liberty st, under the fent of 8. U. 138811 FIELD .1. CO. Much 1, 1058—NM .lIAVE this 0.7 anenciatediwith me, le me Wiwi*. GM Grocery, Coambrelon and Forwa rd ing DM. noes, my two Sons , R. N. and 'W. 0. Watt stun. The I PtillEaS la Mara will be conducted under the stile of :„. 8.. W Memel, 8. Sono, at Um old Land, No. %Va. ter and INFront street. 1. 8. y/.111 . 0.041.A.N. 21111bargh, Kush tot, WA. ' • • . . M.EDICAL; GREAT IMPOENAfiT CHEIIICAL DISCOVERY CHEMICAL COMBINATION • From as Vegeta/Is :Fined OM, I. repel Discum Dr. Guysottla I.:ate:net Of Hollow Dock • and Sarstaparillna Coot. consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism, Sot, hoer complain: e, Bo:nal affeetiocu, edema, ay phills, dropsy, /ntlaaa, scummy, alTectiona et the bladder end kidneys, mercurial diseases, car. rapt human, each of blood to the hood, Icier and ogue, icinale complaints, general debility, dyipcp. sin, lam of appente, beadaehe, fold., cos:lame. gravel, night Instals, ehollc, organic affections, palpitation of the heart, btles, pain. In the aide, chest, hart, de. It Is infallible to all' diseases wising from an lic• pa re Cale of Lite blood. or irregular nCtian Of the sys tem. In the VegeLahle Kingdom, en All-wise Being ha deposited plants and barbs congenial toper conMitu. demi, end adorned to ho curt of disease; and to the vegetable kthgcloce does the mason of Mathes well a dm instinct of ani als, turn for antidoies to pain. The Syrup is a scientific compound of the most .1 noble plants in taotre, entirely free from delete-Worn and enervating mineral substanceS,:and as tie:nil disease from the system, imparts vigor and strengthill georresponding,degree. ti=l - - An extraordinary cogent Scrofula, Erysipelas and U cm, cured: by the snit use of Dr. Stlystittl• Coin pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and SanaliarWa. Deskserts, Nov. 17, 1311 Dn. Govan—Sin I tender my sincere thanks fur the great benefit l- hove derived front the use of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled wry bad sail a wrofulo sore, which mode as appearance on m chin. I did us not pay much attention to It M tint, sup holing it to be writing but an eruption that appear on pencil's tar s Shoofly began to increase, until spread to Me Ark part of the head. I duelled to a physiciart, who attended me all to mpose. Thad tried every thing that could he tried. 'I saw your Syr up of Yellow Dock and Strumarille, and tancladed to use tt, Mr I knew that Yellow Dock wins one of rho most valuable articles, to the world for the blued. 1 bought your Syrup, end from thp use of me bottle. I could sec a great change to my system. I continued to an it until i win • well ono. I now feel film a new peraum my blood i n d ill y , perfeleansed end free Item all 'mourn... Tere is qtion but the your newly dindaveree compound is far sun k any rarraparilla syrup ever sold. This certificate is sit you disposal to inblith if you like, sea any one pan may refer to me. 1 than be hap pyre one them nil the informafion I eon alsaut my con, Mo. I lemon your obedient servant, Dsonos obedient. Jototm - n, 112 blarkei streeh The beat female medicine hittooro. The Ilstract of Yellow Dock and Sul rapurilla is a puaitivc,rpeedy, and reIIIIIIICIII cure for all complaints Incident to FEMALES. r Its mild, alterative Properties sender It peculiarly appithable to the slander and delicate constitution of die female. It in unrivalled In its effects upon such disease. as Incipient consumption, barrenness, Ica. chethoeri, or white, irregular menstruation, inconti nente of urine, end general ptomainen of the system. It born ediettly counteractS that distressing nervous nevi and lassitude so common to the female frame, Coryimpart. an energy and buoyancy as sear nsing no ItiCy are grateful. Wa have cinder:ma on hle which induces p eo p le s areney to sterol:emend this medicine to married p who have not been blessed with od• spring. esokersua Ureic. or Felling of the Wornft, of ff yen. , mending, cured by 11r. Guyeatt's*Extract' Yellow Dock end Serrepanlle, offer every nth. known remedy bud been tried without relief. . . Waltunterort, Ohio, Felt, IRO. This cerufies that my wile, aged in years, hat been suffering under the above complaint for Gys years—nearly all of that time confined to her bed. I have (or four years constantly employed the best meet Mal talent Dial could be proeu-ed in thus section of tn. country, without any benefit whatever. Lhasa also' purchased ery instrument recommended for the tore ofserlt di ve seneea, nil of which proved wertidess. the spring of In 4n, I was induced by my friends to try Dr. Guywitt's Yellow Dock and flarwparilla, which was need for four months. After she had need it for about foul weeks, it WU evident to all that abs wne improving, and from this time she improved lap idly, and gained firsh end strength, until the discass an entirely ;moved, and she a now enjoying most excellent health. WM. AWN Fula. -Wc bang netiOLorc of Wm. tool Jolla Aloofort, know the, the above statement,. to Ito eleknecc o Mc+. Aloni.ot, nod a.. to he cum befog cdacted by tjuloott's h etlow Lhnk and Sarsopottlin, w be Jwctiy 1,01. JANE EDDY, IZMEMSE2 ',Great Cora of tdoaaumptton. Ilanturos, January 2. Idly. Mr. lkonett.—llcur Sir: The great benefit salon I have denved Irma vow Extinct of Yellow Deep and Sarmpaulla, Induces me, as cut act ofJastico, to make the following statement: After w• ring for two years from general debihry linally wsminated In constunpurnbl wee given up by my (wendsand physmilms as beyond the aid of atethelue. As • last retort, I was induced to try your Extinct, nod huwag lased bat two brill., ar. cordwg In your direr:nom, I am entirely well. c:1 would therefore] earnestly recommend yore unequal led Compound to the Wattled who desire n powerful, plcosant and safe temeili. (tastefully your friend, Pd. WAIT Note genuine sutlers pinup in lorge Inoue. bottles, enntainiug • quart, tied die name of the syrup blown tu ac gloat, with the written gnature of S. P. Iles. nett On the outride wrupner, Prams St pet bottle, or air bottles for 24 • It m sold by , . D. Part , comer of Fourth and W.I. nut areas ; Caminomi, Ohm, Genetal Agent for the bom band %Vest ; to whom all order• mast be address ed. • Carte, It Bro ; Erie, W. P. Judson k. Co, Water ford; Olin ti Clemons, Cromingwille; Abel Terrell, Montrose; llama Mix, Totter:de; Robert Roy; Wells• born; L. Roderiet, Cellenubere; L.lVlleer,Jr- Pats burgh; crime, of Odurket street and the Dian:tend. aplldAsslyter 'ELIEr rowvErt-40 torte Jog Mannar. to - Vane brood, o superior article, fur role by 00011 W k M MITCHIELTRER r!oda .Ash, and cooks illearblog Powder, orri . ve_ripar . sOip thenbritige, Slot Hart cammg an bY agmolN. It The will Or reeelysolurint Ow winter, la. c ~• wi• rimeio ere.; nn pinle Rosewood err. I'i tiro' f from the celebrated manufaetory of Minns In Clark, of superior tune, and very moderate price. For ankh) dello 1, H. KLEMM, at J. W, Womb:walls ik7.117,1:17A11T5 7 11/71 - 11 — ( FITA — EIC Iff POWDER, Tv for ireronving Tartor, Form, Canker, and ell subslnneer de.truelPro to the Tank. It is delicious to the taw eleausing the month, healing and attanotttn• rag the gems , And punfying the breath. Woe aaleiondo and retail, by. . • den. fi RELLIMA, 67 Woods OUitTFLOtR - ZIO bris rultaftleTfOrjaCh or Mtn Oil ttO lirtr reccivntg uld for tale by .IJ v. JAMES. DALZELL P - —Weak. for snle or!, to tloro conalor [Ulf by: . MINIEI3 . IA.LZ CI yrnatp—z, md,ert. : 7o, ET, I ILIDD k CO. 714 T s ai 81: ilitICK-1 0 , 0 C0 in atom an for rale by r , r JAMES DAIAELT. ' B ./L i : LT all !,ll,d)Eit S ,-410 t r 3 lNsjo i r i lle n bi u 011 FlAiu 7 7 A bbdr 11 S t r :t k a l a / ' d I and for Ur 41: vioitAlifuliir' TL .&811—SO teas No l renalfor .ale by y jeN . 8& W HAEBAL . INDoW )oat VT rereinni and for gala by itta 13 t W lIARUAIIGII A 1.:4111mr - 1 4 1:1)767FarTi — ptiiii;in 0 more and for Isla by jet 3 fi Sr. W. HABBAUGH. 7'; 81 ratA4B"ti'd „0,26 ' • • 'IAS Lftny st ' BOOK TIME, DR. Ludrier'sltear Economy; a Ire... OA new art of transport, its Managemeer, pros Pr Mr, and relations, continental, fin.eial, and social, with an crpositlon of the yy.ctie al smoke of Me railways In operation in the Gourd Kingdom, in the Continent, and ni Ainerica. Dianycies Lardner, D. CA.. &a. 'The Ilittory of the ConferrionaL By John Henry napkins, D. D., Bishop of the . D10f.C64 Of Vermont Elasper l i Near' &Mon of illiiroan's Gibbon's Gr ain.. and Fairof the Roman Empire 6 vole. Laniartmes Last , -1 be Plai, Present, and Eaters' Odle Republic. By Alehonair De Lamanine. Lanes my Pamphlets. No VI. Sallee; No 2 of Leierse new Novels The Oaltons. K. P. R. James , new Noveli—Tbe Old Oak Chest. The above works received Ibis day, and for sale by li 1 . 20 • • JOHNSTON At STOCKTON GOOD BOOKS koit. weitnnans. - Johnson—American Fartnci's F.ncyclommlia, B Vo Encrson—Trces and *hrabi, bvo Brown—Trees of America, evo Thomtu—American Frail ' Colturist,l4too ilay—A Chide to Ito prebard,l2mo Bast—Fopily Kit ' Garde.. rr}tnr Family Kiteneh Gaidaliet, - Atnr) . . Miner—The Anderiern Bee Keeper. Moo Brown—The Ann.riesn Botany 1•ard;11 ., liforatult—The Fanner .1 Emigrant'. plod Bcoll Allen—The if Merkel. Fano Book, Itno Doering—Fr:it and Field Trees of Araerica,l2onl "Vountr—The Horse, E.°, Deno -Tito Ponlov ILtifoulf; Mao • : JAMES D LOCKWOOD --L.' DD ronnti at _nuet—a.. For sale by American Journal. oedelarbea mad .fl.rta. CONDUCTED by Prof. Be !Millman, Droll B. : meta, Jr, and James B. Data, N e w meet., Ctn. neetlent. This Journal Is Issued every:we month!, in cumbers of la pages edch, making two octave volumes a year, each with many illastratioess It le, devoted to °wenn' articles in. eleiertee and the Anti, Condensed Review,. or Abstracts of Memoirs and Discoveties from Foriegn reriedie•le, Notice of New Publieations, and a General Bulletin of recent Seim, dfic orks. The first'ectlti contains SD volumes, the last of which fa a general Index' to "the 43 velem. preeediem Subscription, CD a year. in advance: I D LOCKWOItD; Ag't for Proprietors, /elk 104 Fourth st. Good Dopers for Suiamer Heading., Thos.—Turkish EvimingEnmrtundients, 12mo. ' Taylor—Eldorado, 2 000,11 mo Co..—Europeon Life and hlatmers, 2 solo, l2mo. Dick fra—Derney and Soh, 2 solo, 12me.„ ID se k os—rop ul r Defusibno, 2 veto, 12mo. Mated—Fresh Gleuniugs, limo C. G. II —Norm. Levite, 12mo. rhuor—Enslish Litentlurc,l9no. • Prior—Goltlemith's Alitrellanecon Works, G nobs. Slarc—Kohmoh, 121.. 'osier—View. A1.,;,0 121.. • Ito lobed I—Cormus, 2 vole, limo. Format, hy • JAS D LOCKWOOD 'lO2ll • 'lO4 Fourth It :VHS LC UAL AND Cl MMERCIAL COMMON L PLACE BOOK—Containing the decisional of the Seprente Court of the Untied Staten, and of the re, spectivehStato Courts no Bills of Enehonge, Checks. and Promissory Mama—defining their reyulsites And properties, and investigating th eir relations to, and ffects lapou, panica 'fhewhole arranged in UP order most convenient for reference, and suitable for Im mediate application. By IV. Linn, Counsellor at Law. Just received and fair sale by JOIINSTON &STOCKTON ' Riau Bookselle rt, ear. Market /t. 'third ans. Ugent.d Manufacture. Ito Emilia—Milan/ph,. of Nature. Chliow—Aphononta nod lto9emwu. Ithna. Shavv—EugluiL Laermare.. /two. . • ' DlTiS—Lerendre. Moo. Ilryanf—lNbal I caw in California Si. Pierre—Paul and Virfrotha. 2 vela. Itai. • Aleoll—Lettent to Young wen: Ilurnap—llectitado of human Nature. Ine. I/armour—Nice:tem Prentb I.itemture. Piewnbain—llmaanhiagnellana. !lambent—A:apt,. of Now, Droderip—Zoologleal llderemiona. For aale by JAIIIB II LOCKINIOII le9 •: • 103 Fo•nb rt Poster'. Now ifithloyalan fAW INC to Rue all Night; Dolly 'Day; k.T Daley Joner , Go down to'dc CoWbo Field; Nally wawa • Al.tlYt I Ile Rind 1040 Loved (Nee nt Ilaroit Ulm thy boat linbily; ThlC Lore, by T. Ilonli Our way acres, the sen, dorm; A new medley swig, lir It Covcrti Jenny Gray, manic by Muller; Joy, dial were crowninit, Marc th GoJ bleca the hardy marine; ScitiYiktli Watial t'lunieriptis Departute, try kV. C. Glover; Sounds Wow Homo; Winne, StayermarLirche littst lunar of Summer, racy vorinnoni by Gent United :rote. Polka; tioataccir Polka; Corn Cracker Ginatirdici ',poised:o ttnatitille; Denote, of Italy; Liven!, 'rotor, Art. A burin aiwortinent 01 Now blast, on hood. to whir addiunna tiro made sanctity. For solo I/ y, fcbtri • J. 11. bIELd I.fll. CI. Wood G. =Ml2=tl 1111E 1 m:ea Wall tualco, hy IL Y. Met:leafs of Rhatorici pomproina an Anatiant of ate Lai.. 01 Nronal and of Pert. 11.10,4 Richard Whatsly,l). U. The Quartet,' Novel. Fairy Tule.from all Melon"; .Authour U. Moe talha; with ll.eillusuutlnnU by Doyle. Just reed by .101lJtliDDN h STOCKTON, deltl earner 'rum! and Market Issue's Mew and Elegant Hill Ltooksl '— ACHED SCENFS AND eIIARALVE.II2; 1..1 J. T, 0 Headley, with eleven original designs by Harley, Poems and Prose Writings, by Richard 11. pan% v 01.., muslin llluroinnted Gems of Sacred' roety, with six Won= dons engraved an steel, hy John Sawmill. Just received by sTocwro:4, de.tl corner Third and Marker los. leis" 7 P - SICIAN AND PAT/ENT; or a Practiced %he - of mealy:cal dobes,relatitins cod interests of th. Medical Profession told the Community; by Worth ineton Ilcaker, M. D. Die Works of Nichnel De Alontinknei compritink his Hisays, beners i fte. 'By Wm. Ibmicit. • Nineveh rind ;is Kemal., By Austen Henri Lairi' gird, fisq., I). C. L. Winsome. of Spinn; or Notes of on Unfinished Tom) to !SUL Dy S. T. Wallin. Topper's Proverbial l'Ailocophy, now minion; Ulm aced. Jost received by: JOHNSTON & STOCKTON ; nem2l corner himket and Thinl streets un.ip MayorTy•. ' HUAIE'rI ffillY ENGLAND nem, pal. fishing by Ilirper & Bret, in G rob, cloth and paperi vt 40 cents per val. Three vole roerived, and tar role by : HOPKINS.' apt? Foirrth 11013UILN: Ms Mat Voyage, by H erman Rauthor of .Typee,” .Outoo," de. - Iliatory of King Alfred of Eugland,byinconitbnott; nth fine engravings, Sidonia the ..9oxorLsog by W m. Meinhold. JOHNS TON& STOCKTON, comer Third nod ftlarketatreetz On. of the Most Remo' • • Works of Ow Agn. WIN EVEIi AND ITS REMAINS; with en amment AA of a visit to the Chandman Christians of Kurd.. tan, end the Ye:idle, or Devil-Worshlppers; and ma' /nquigy into the Almoners and Arts of the Ancient As syrians. fly Austen Henry I. yard. Esq., D. U. L. With Intralectory Note by l'roL 11. Robtnson,l3. LL.D. , Illustrated with 13 platesand mapsi and 90 wood en.. 0 vals.Byo. blot,, 21,50. "The book has a rase stinoont of graphic, vivid, pin- . ticresque narrativan—Tnbnne. *The work of Leyard is the most prominent contri bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for 'many year.."—Christ. "Not one excels in interest the accoont of Nineveh and 11. Ruins, given by Mr. LayanLo—Washlngton Intelligenear. *As we follow the digger, with breathless Interest in their excavations, and soddenly find ourselves be. lure a massive figure carted with minute accuracy, now lilting its fitgamiti head 1,001 the dust , of ;5 01 year., we . aro ready to cry oat with the astonished Arabs 'Welsh, it is wonderful; bat it la tine " , degn ra. e . iLL b7 novIG itains a LocKwoon, _ GI Waal lit • or Hookas .• lIE WOMEN of the Old' and Now Test:nue:it. Edited by E.. Sprague, D.U. 1 vol. Imp. Sao., I 11 gmuly bound; IS eirluialtely 'bashed engravings; with derenptions by celebrated American Clergymcm POF-MS BY AMELI A; (MO. We l hYi of 8y.,) a nol , and enlarged edition; illustrated by engravings from original designs by ‘Vict. I col, square Imo., elegant ly bound and gilt. Variety of splendid AI.- Gs and Mit Books. Sevrell'a Child's Firer Book of the History of 1101t1C. I VOL TIIE 31E1:MANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the use 'of Carpenters, Shipivri,thrs, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Studenta, end Ar_lizians generally: being a thorough and practical Treatise on Mensura tion and the Sliding Rule. Ily U. IC Raper, Al N. Baleen TitiAliSll on Greek Prone Compmition. Oilendorras Elementary French Grammar. By Prof Greene, of Brown Ur.iversity. I vol. Ham. Itoedigora (loonies , Hebrew Grammar, by Conn G.einual Hebrew ',Viacom Loomis' Trigonometry and Locarittonie Table volybcp..l ..aO' Cone . ortllnce. 1 volloal in.) Ainhnn% Clu.sleul Seima. IVcbstes's Dictionary, revised cd. 1 Ord Pen' do do . austindged. 1 vol (to.. names Notes end Questions on Now Testament. Whately's Log o ., MoaheimY Ecclesiastical history. J vols. and it ols. (sheep.) Vestiges of Creation, 1 vol. Dirao. Mornings among the Jesuits al Wows. 1 voL (cloth pape .) Seere s s vrhem the Tomplor has Triumphed. 1 vot. cloth on& paper.) Hogue's Theological I..ecrures. 1 vol. (so. (cloth.) . Alders Pronouneiag lloyer's French Dictionary. Smart's Horace. Fol side by R HOPKINS, novl3 : Anollo Buildings, Fonnh at Ir BCH) ..?1! - It WES Montaigne, edited by 11. Ilasint; comprLithis his thys, Letters, te etters, and. Joantillitongh permany and . Italy, with notes (matin the Commentators, Illogr a ph teal and Bthliopaphleal lilotlees„ he. Theory and Malice ;of Teach:op or, the Motives and Methodsof •ticsal School-Keening, 'br'. David Plage, N. tl.,yainelper of the State Normal School, Albany, N. N. Rank Forester's Fish said Hiking of Om U. States and British Yvonne,. Jar Nosh. itmenea, by llenry Wm. Herbert. JOLINSTON SiTMISTON, novG :eoritar Third mid Market ats =l!9 . . TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Illakeeller nod Importer, tit No. 63 Wood 'Neel, hos far kale n few eo pies emu. Nem, (the remainder of the edition,l of this .voloeldo Work, devoted to tho Vre,erretion of Documents, end. other anthentle infocutotion relating to the curly r 1 plormlotts, settlement tied improvement of the country around rho head of the . Ohio. Uy Neville 11. end& Lig, of Pittsburgh, in J vols. Eivo. novlo J. A LOCIO/10012, lif y li - lk;27 i t e ‘te i t t to . a.V;w s :l oo .tiltioth Thq. ll' wanted with Melva cogravkara,<.l' amyl at Rama. ti vola.,wvo4 uniform with ;'W. O " Ilinorical Watts. • - " • • ' Just published and Or sole by• JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,d er norl.o - 11M414 KaliiiiruiNll:e., ll'l Y " C,Olf . t.t\ di j . 7.5 oh. FANNT.ILW OF ONSOLATON' . , W i th oThe reading of Min Ltn . b. n . :,Tl,,, hnd firmed ranch higher opinion of it n , utt ,. from tmf 91/to. , sy wommtlyzae deepee tonna( thought, united to morn_ the feeling th otimf Ot t.i l,rE.o. Mirror_ with which we are neu l unint d ..",, 1. la u 'fon visited tuld =cr. Fanny }amigo'. 1 . 0 m ear reader. nu the beal Mining. •We ree. "'" - r . .. - -iteuAlnu UnL - • publication of Me ocutoni 14cona t l. J. " ftd .l.4 onn of the rimitaten andm 4 d"" or duo scroron. , ?—Conr. and end most intercsdnif Eaqinref.. • UUa A p "... 7 ,: k taion With unabated interest. A —hiin UM In !events craintrAly old picture ; nlotnr4a Eb JAlSE.St LOCKWOOD, .oz,r ts . ..ftonkiellor & Inloorter. 53 Oloal . bbolkik and Snowen. 301• imaKS SeperleullOroiett Itillbona, Alto m do. SoarerB., of all. the latest au4 teo4llllbiou.' able my les, Hat M t e dal at' ' A 4 ?gasps aco EXCHANGE BRO noLttos G sows,, E4cllsa;vs,B-Hksr sin prisms NOTE:k.,PRAFT.d,ACCEPTANCES,COLD,SILVUZ • - ANORANIC NOI loss. • C0L1.E...'710N35-Akalls, :Notes and Accepnamp, payilliTe'in j part df.the Union, collected oaths reo,,i V,XC - lANISE on New York, l'hilailelptda anst N ew .3.,.Cirieinnati, Cana Lends tag • New Orle.l. constantly (aerate:- DANK NOTES.Notes on all soivont. banks.. Um Untied States discounted at of lowest rates. All kiada of ForZlios and Arnetelin hold and Silver Coin beech; .4 sold. ( Sb 'Alar}et street, between 31 and ith . , oet23 .• suasion EXCIIANO jILLS Each:Lull. Ireland, art bough otland bough ID, any amount ..Elbe Carroll Kate. of. Eaebanje. Also, Draft, parable in any part of the Ohl Coantrter, front .£l-to 411,00 , 41 the rote or t 5 to the Ste rime, without de:deafend.eortnr, by'..10.9111M RODIN SON, Eultqlcut and nd Gene. •Ageriti °Mee Gth..• one door Kest of w00d... ottlPit Lll.l (119•741-01.6.1 in umiak, • • BtMs,,N.'''2l,="9l"ll%Bo'fltTbßooSide,"&! titioatti of Depofitei'ff eolf Noteif :faul. , Cobt, Comer of &I load -% ood coca. oLtrectly moult St: Charlet flo • • •- - ' • WES7I7/1f1.21 pt./YDS— • paTtaasad •t the lo ' Cams, by . I ' i• N. 1101,JdES as SONS, sepl3 33 l'ilatket gm% - 1011 , ..L . — . 109)C...TPEredilCiight CIA - cats air. — Ne". York del d , . P VTdalars' 110L,TES'a 80N.% scpl3 , , , , 'Varicella. hiI6CEIAMEOUB. 4 nortAps'ie rrAwourn, • Z ° ,lV4l, v , , g r, n raw 011erlag ahhe Veto lancet priers for cash, Beettfied Whiekays - Gin kw! .Dnatext•e Brandy; alro, Prerch ' Brandy, ifoUnnd Giir r JaansicA -Spirits ; /An d°. U.; lark Bum ; ac. l'olt,:Blorryads • detra;Cilampagne,•ui arc!, • id airratrii. Alp Inga, Tina- radio and Lighon Wines. Wholesale • Setall. ILINTING rAt . nrt,Alsiray. on . aad or made to L orger, tarinufil .C 6 of. Itrinthraper, Nua , Wrapptaa Itaper;alman, Median', and toublo emarn atzea Straw Wrapping raper; eroarn, Alottiont, and. Double. Cco tan PustAgien raper, l'aztoboaca,..tc-ato. W r MANStiALL, SS Wood at, ARM. for Clinton Wilts. . . . azortoy OILI . WATT A. CO. Lave removed the3r met of t/ Groceries ro ttu3 mos..* vole of Liberty at. TATOALAN IN work and berm. 111 wool. p 11 lari•J atelnto., author of Charms Counicteharm.,n, "To scent and to bar.; vol Irmo. Lwow /key Pamphlet., No I:—The prevent llirte. DV CurlV.le. • 0 .....a..— , aterooire of Llfo and Vitrltinc. erne's. Clattnera, O. 0., li. 1.. IL Prelecuout Butler's Analogy, Paley:.Evidence. of Llhri.llanity, and Hill's Lecture on DirtaltP, with two Intr.9•lnctoLY Ir.rtote* and tear delmered In the New College, Edtottorglti by; Thome.' Chntmen, LL 'IV L. L. D. 1 vat lame. L., • e • ilo ok o n Calvin, compiled [ma auttteu h tic coneas, and particularly from h. cot 'avant:cocas. Ity Thom. tt'llynt, with portrait. loot Ilato. ;Ps calatiy . • • It 110PKINH. 0817 78 Apollo Llolidiocs, rourt4 r,ombst Combat GROFS Snlier Polka; 10'09 4.10 very fine; 91 " ass:a Relltny,; IC " auyar English Morn Mobilo& ".Pocket Combs: ~: W0t.,1 ' lo doi...,sq•rin< ivory; . 4 Collites; 10 " anYer b.'s - 01401'01N , ' tott arois assM Male Comb.' read and for sale by fel‘o C I'EAril:ll,l6l Market as Cuff holland' hurt holland' ' ereeieed abytyal canal We beryl and best Iled" IVe.davy lioiteed, to spiels - he would MOStropeelfully • 'cell the et:Abel:a of his eustontets sod the yebbe fa i • geberel. . _ irj•khopetWett Bann& 7.6 FouTth 51 .1 en/i AFF.W,vefy : Lee GUITAItS. Jest recbl (met the relebyetee menefeelnry or.C. P. Mann, and fey st:e. by ' •;; ratri. I 11. htFt!,l.ol , -, Ea Waal et. _--- • : D. cured the case , goon she ether.se toUrais4mti. who was Severely afflicted, who had.; to iseeldn'oxvitlworda, ,s•eaten estate , counh candy to' cure oil the people ai ritteburgh,'' if the candy bad' been ae good oe zeorosamed. Pr Y egrer at a a c sTi ' l lY ey it• R arEtAxiwsy vood. wouldrain • street,' and told by I/ j rug .A S7 ol 11 0 1 0 % .: 11 1 ta the two :;. euacciiisrair vmNiTiAll WAND, 1. , a , pcian sgr WAilklll.oohl. ▪ ally inform the public,-Wet b ' teens mt hind at nit sini d • weal ude,o(, the thatuon4Allei S h 7, l oi „evzh: ▪ 'iml l .-else ore rleto Shatter:lntl,' mnJ der IS the hest Style, wit is rr i ante ' d .. equal la any in iir Uniud State , 1 /.. /Thudehun be ftlitOrtd Mrlth oat.th .nit" of *crew driver, • goling Futehand h atom, ~ ,S t_OtUnd wood oldie cabinet est - t bastiMant of Ralusay ant palpated te fe t ni s t, monorners, wren!! u' ,be public or l , go, with every thing In their lona . Agency, No O Wood Meet, Is/taboret. • A. RROWN 1 ssl'hirtgt bc!,, to asi) . ve, (or %attyV: lep y 1.. , co /I j iI i f4 ,I7 RIDIi . .I.LNIE-5 cite, tc..al l iv iw e tor siztocobr. I.lNllib 11E,EF—IUAO Wit sugar carol roUndlaZ x.r to.; or suar,lre, for We by • , , 4154.E'RX /;:vent.ri 'Elt r Il4.6OW - 131;,gq :00 rise., t.. by Sel4. •••• & 14 11 A ILICAIUUIi ( 4 115Ertilifirtilia anieu roe'd Int AIL ty- • • • • • Jett • , ARNISTRIINII do CR IZER • •,..., ..:Akt-10 vri.k VlNEtiAkt-10 Vrie VL.faUELI)—i arts recd by 11lot No for Ole op J.` kit WICK le aSetuArilm,o , l,...., Urer,RECrilVt.lls-oou taut of Y.tncb'7 ply Omni t o f Holm, for .1?tro Engine purposes; warranted told . equal to Leather even- ciao. The fire . depart. tonns iiWtd;itl call) rztrulne theca an the India Ilabbes3kpot, Nos: 7 Wood strett. • J.lll ' & PIIILLIP9 • Alt D-4 randing, ind for rale by ISAIAIt DIChEY letN Water &Front Mt OR ISVILLE LINE-754q. In store for ulisby • JLA l - ARMSTRONG & CROZEIL L le i ratT r d.;rz ril roleL S if . . • 1 - AlN3hf :Off . inek *IOW ireii.; 2 6:1 9 4 7L i A ) 142 k. HAMM/lan L. 5.1,1 nnis OjToITO Genus for Bedinnado:fot rate - 15 • W &U. • • ' ' Wvai tar nnut ttr .1 FMDt CO