The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 19, 1850, Image 2

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L IOLIC_Ip,„IS:)c‘
wite.stry tivesiodunmat fa
*tit, sid toealJfaueWu
paper reeelreil forwudea Eros et
i - 41Qaccazen GIiZITIL 4 -414blibliaat•
:!OrMSII4OI=="PU...II . Thernini a 44
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,1 Tic 'sr
• eta Aurraig arrow- •
thelaa 7.:
sainurs oznult.
40913PLR : HENDERSOjs.
Axil=imitate and WhisAriniklasusastor
- , ait•ghiney County.
T 11011•/ E. HONES.
. .
vas ma . = mom, nal ammo,
MOROAN ROBERTSON, Plusbiogk: - -
T. J.. BIGIIAM, Lottror Bt. atilt.
It. C. SARUM& Elual,eth. • _ •
JOHN SBCLUBKEY, Roblatua. •••
FRANCIS C.' PLANEOIN, p , 'Ll!]bulgt;
3Jo:Fl:im:se:sovim,Noni, ! & ,cl.
WIL;FLYNN, aLcn;dr. ' .
rsLmoL& UIC NEW% tca. . -
Titan to no ranch which ammo oar awn,
• slain in the following article bona the r.
Crouterciel, that We lay it with &mare before
-Cur readers It would he well for their ownrepe
' and the sedate of the country, If. those
- Earthen &patios, who are rushing headlong Oti
a career of infamy,would endeavor to call to their
aid abide of the practical common seem, s and
lady beating *Mimed In the following remarke
Texas can New Niimo.—lturill be member.;
ad Amon guards, ' we published a telegraphic
communication from Washington touching • oter.
tale ...protest" from Governor Brill of Texas, re.
isseedu the math of afalia between Tens and
New Mexico, and spirally relating to the conduct
of the United team in wading between the
petards. A letter to delft= our Washington ON ‘:
respondent, gives some bother informal= upon
the =Wert, but we do not sitars Lithe writer's
grave alarm upon the subject.' ;We do not que
ued any serious aggressive; movements, stay
armed opposition %against the governmem of the
United States, either.fmon Texan singly, the idea
of which le simply aboxrd.or from Texas aided by
any ensidernble number of Southern adulterer.
Flitting agatut one's own county lac royal'.
threat thieg km deaths umlaut a &reign nation.
Sank injustice tel oppression, imemediableby
any other-means; gene would justify a republican
people in Meg the standard MVO:clam spina
their country, and in shedding the blood of their
fellow citizens. No such cause for rebellion has
Texas. Her is not a detheedve bet an urn tofu
attitude. The genes 01 dispute is -a question Of
acres. The dispute huh Is bp before Commis
for adjustment, and we do not think that Tongs Is
so lost to all prudence as, ander theordrearostan.
eel, to 'tempt to *wrest New.blexico from the
Jurisdiction of the United Melee."
-So loan Texas confines herself to talking or
proteming—thingi that take no lives and shed no !
blood—the people of the °thug:ate" mule - at her
ridiculous pretension, and her 'fable attempts to
Indite herself beyond her ristoral dimensiona,..
They pursue their business as though Texas was
mot. Bat let ketone plunge the sword of robe&
Hon Into the heart ot a Pillow citizen, and the ease
- Will be very different ;indeed. Than the Pram.
dent, who wonid be as prompt in repelling such
. aiion as his predecenent,- would fi nd it
n= as
-to restrain muter than' excite the pat*.
ode impulses of the nation, rallying ashold hearts
and heads would In every direction to maintain
the supremacy and Integrity of the Government..
We donut suppose that readers will be much dis
turbed Mout this threatened "driving of the Vol.
- ted States troem out of New ,blexico, If they st.
tempt to prevent Texan from *Minding her rues.
diction over that terrttnry.. We have baud too
math of Ibis kieeimun boasting of moo to figio.
big to be frightened at itiaven thongs 11 be burs
ed by a Governarb proton—le Ethel{ and especial
ly Gem that quarter, • very harmless document—
' ludimou Impudence of Texas, dociatiolfthot
she will wrest New Mexico from this government
Is the chief exciting idea—tad it.excdu only to
Thee are doubtless many. persons at Washing
toe; and elsewhere, who will magnify this move.
meat of Texas, adding to it a thanund vague and
toyearions sortairings and moors, 'about the si
leet turning °Coma= Seem and so forth wad as
forth, the only object of which is ki unsettle the
',Ulla mad, and impede*, embusses the admin.
Watim, throotti the medium of a precis:excite.
meet and alarm Oulu* tip. 'Seisms* think
this game has been carried on by some_peopte of
the South. lad Unlace tolerated,erk enonglic-
It Ina mote probably shortened the drys of one
good man annum patriot sa ever breathed, aid
In jukes to theUvivg. u Should. now and brevet
be frowned oat of countenance. Ressidmit
more, having been mon accustomed to Withal
life, teal probably he lees sensitive to this kind of
molt than was his preitecemar. , We am well
amused that nog much uproar can move him from
the path of duty. Ha will uphold the constitution
of his money, and neaten haw .34 authority
and eights, both at home end Mead. Thit
gesiag, andthlestaxiag,
and keepiell the ereul
In hot water, will Ulm distrelaresident Fdtmene
who has parsed through the Maa lag • poLitt:
elan, and knows what this kind of thingineane
Nem:Wades; we hold that it is time km the pea
pla to let • stop to b. We dome waat to incur
the risk of another vietim to the Toombs cad Ste-
Ogee style of legislation and dictation.' We'd°.
sire to see the Chief Magisestoof the Republics
tresteduith the mspect, in public, as In private, in
the Conies, of Meese= se In tie cities turd
lages to whirl lb office entitles him. We do not
Isiah the popelsr mind to be kept In a mutant Ge.
vet of excitement by the bkonerinme 'and theme.
snug, of • mere knot of um, who have a dab.
liar purpose to serve. We are "felt at heart and
ashamed °tilde mewed. undignified, Inleirmoul.
emu limbering slough legititukei, and in national
+Mks, soundly. and want again to me the Sate
enjoying . that calm release; which to the world
would be reseurpd evidence of our sungth and
COESeiCel security. And ere make our appeal to
every citizen, ol whoaree political MIN or geo a
gawkiest parition—to emery chisel:mho values the
peace, and happiness, and welfare of his coontry,
and the ea of the Union—to plant his
foot In defence of the oonstitutional Emm
ett,* of these linked &test aid demand that be
shall be ecartemndy treated In his ponce, respect.
ed In his once, end supported in his authority.
,The last sad rights hare been performed kir the
dad, and we have now to return to the rutin/ of
radio beldam and the conflict of party send
rums and interests. The put cannot be mail.
ed; let u lmprove the present. The new inenu
bent of the Pratdeatlal Maori Is ea mere political
partiun. He in amu of blameless character, of
tried Integrity, of dignified demeanor, of truly et&
timed rempathles—a gentlenan, a 'make and . e
Oubliette, and emphatically each. He is aka •
thorough republican, of the true, genial, imam'
mug, American order. As .a people we may not
—we surely eamen—cematmt to brae him, and the
country through blm, lowered la the esteem of
ether robe, The present le a favorable time to
fall back opus' the old landmarks of respect
Goverment, of practical legislate*, and of me.
teal confidence and good will-between all parties
on ell questions iavolving begonia tames. The
met of goventerent meta the hands of a truly
tnmerneks and'slake eturiteeer,aed unless
we prove our own Impediment, and by qualteeng
midis romancimr, pre stumbling bkets in our own
pathway, our Multres emus mut be envied
Celina Parna . --ft M a Meitidar 'fact, remarks
the Philadelphia Haab, oat wintiii - a Immo( a
lade over nine years; there :hare been sia
ideate of the Muted Mates: Van Bonin, March 11,
•, 1841; Minima, from March' 4Mt to April 4M, mat:
Tyler, from April 4th, 1841, to March tb,
Polk, from !Much 4th, 1845, to March 4th., 1819;
from March 4th, ISA to July PM, 1850;
mid on the tenth of July, 18711, Milani Phnom sae
, =tied to the office. Previous to that time, there
had been bot eight occupants of.the office, doling a
period of fifty two years. The periods of service,
ace., of the varietal Presidents, ft= Washing•
ton to Taylor, I Amite, are given,below :
Age at Ada at
ask ton Service. Iteti'd. Died. lictire't. Death.
W 8 7V7 1799 66 33
John Adams 4 yrsyrs I
1801 Inn go
Jefferson 8 yrs 1809 1 8 1 6 60 0- 81
Medium Bra 1617 1
Monroe - Bpa 1826 .1831 60 - 7 7
J. Q. Adams 4 yrs 1329 1818 62 81
jump 8 Jr. 1837 1015 70 - 7d
Van Boren • 4 yrs 1841 10
Tyke 3 yrs Ilm 1843
1819 61 u:
Taylor 1 }Tama" ItZO . 06.
'.lamed[. Polk was the youngest of the Presi.
dents as di, time of bin inandaratiOd, being but 48
years and 4 months old.. -Mr. Fillmnrele tbe next
youngest, beindat the iim's‘t . tinietiClyrs Old. Jick
we was the oldest of do Presidents at the thud cf
his retirement, and JOhe _Aslams ; Vein the. olthen at
the time of ids denth. The Yew:deo a the Presi
dents at the time of his retirement sands death,
yrs, Jam K t PA.
7 :l.2CtaAamaeJof Ae Ylmtnrli
ILPI4' • • the Compros
1"3" of the farni•
,- xeie waxy end edge
9f;1a.361. '
of Meredith far ,e - few
.11° Bahia:ere, where
their;rparkeel, °L • • • •
pell4l,^Y,- . 7 .11 i take op them
Tefiro •
rri with' cereEer Taylor,
dea .‘ ai t
c l r the
iauxiiii .saai Genero teee ,
6. Army.
M"" Hof
i. 'theta:Anil affect arikinisibout the Copilot Is
veryiaucli die Wane RS when an entirely new ad-
Ministration man 'Se, nen after a presidential
election., The claps Iliad Withwell known Whig
Paid/darn tn . = all thee 'misdated vg stales, wale
owns to leek after their nankin= before the
Senate, and othento observe whatmevementi may
be making foe new 00naltettions. New ' York and
Bemnytirania are panthubily prodigal in these
idleness:epee „the ithriree_of r tlm-eountry, - It is,
pretty lutOWll,:that i s Rune great whit Mans,
llPPOintattente:wwii;ecittialled, , ahno
held die beim amens, wider in Maumee, indepen
dent of Mr. Fauna's sentiments; end, in scam
eases, ism consonant to his widen. NeW Toni,
the local appointments were dispense motel genet
ally in asedience tc; reionemendsiloris from Gov
Sewatd, than actrording to the advice, if ie ever
gaveii,cif the Yin Pnaidern. In Pennsylvania
mitatera,lidr. Cooper pcetseastal less influence than
Might, by arose, be thought properly. to belong to
.itseeini to be now expected that rousir of the
' nominations Which the Senate has indicatedan tics
willhagove to act upon; will be withdrawn, among
Whteh srothceeof the collectors of Philadelphia and
New Yorke Theentwoones may be consiele red ex.
cayenne to the penal rule of the nominationsomule
under the authority of the bunented predecessor of
therPrewar - Gtdef Magistrate. It is very doubtful
.irlater they would have been contained by the
Senate, and It is now probable that they will be re
jects. unless Withdrawn. They are- - -
both here.
In saying whit I have done epee themes of Mr.
LelVie and Mr. Mennen, I desire to be undei
stood as not being Opposed to their ecuthrreetloo,
but maims Stating fact's which ere Munro to exist.
I refer to them by name, because they represent e
large classesf persons in like awe.
The plane of Assistant Seermety of the Treasury
was made .vacant by the transience of A. A. Ball,
of Tennessee, the lateiniembent, to the editorship
of the Republic. get vecanny will now, in all
probability, be filled by the Hon. Mr. Hall, of Ref
', felo; member from the Erie District in the last Cow
promise Bill .belbee the &rata h mach debated
upon.. I •do not belicita diat any roan la unwanted
to saying that President Fillmore has avotted any
opinion foe or anger: it.ire is one of titres men
who, in a veirpcstsible atictilaborative position, Mei
the faculty of reserving themselves until the zoo!
meat of action arrives. -1 have licforo informed
pour readers that Mr. Villmore kept his awn coun
sels° closely while
[ presiding officer of the Senate,
that no. member etietta that body knew what hio
vote would be In case the hill ca m e to bim. They
will fiod it ertsllsrditS cult now to discover Mang
tenaling whit his views ere epos Ibis crony °thin
project, =tit is requited to give than in the
mode pointed out in the Constitution, [
Balk the 111011161R8 thele much talk of the
friends of , the Compri . xefse temp:klieg their own
echems,vp es to divide California MatoAres ice-
lions, of which one 'gall be admitted at once as n
State;and the Mims, one on the North andthe mbar'
ea the South side; tube pronided with territorial '
irgunkntions, mtil prepared, in the opinion of
Southent censtitmlottalists,to come in ai mum I
do not put Villa fsithihownver, in that report—,
I trust the hope :is well fmnided, that the proceed
bms of the Semis . upon this bird a will take
definite stripe and, final effect this week, but , this
will depend, in a measure, upon the spirit lawhieh'
thatlxidy will assemble after the solemn and MN:C.:
ttr'Tfr events Mai e ‘ orrices which have , pissed before,
us in melancholy pnntessiom since it was hut in
amien upon ens or any other question of public,
- .
Waaanoron,,Jul i 5..
The new Catdatet—Whigs he the senate .
-L 11‘nabag 17_ Telegraph—The gal.
' phlh la the liauee—Ceaaproarledr
Illgalgasat lretearCase geared—Noble
Speeelt ertOle
Though I do nor ellen interfere in the fano.
ant amusements of Dose people who choose to
employ their idle time in cabinet tosking, I lune
this - eformees received some infonsuilloa nose
'a scarce ea respectable, the I feel warranted
la communicating It as at lam as authentic as
any statements now anent upon the sumo to.
Pic.' It is sealed that Mr. Webster will, at a
suitable time, take; charge of the . State Dripart
ment. is probable that at the same time, Mr.
Corwin will go Murtha Once Oche interior, and
Mr. Dawson, of Georgia, into the War Offine.
bleffeatian; of you State, 6 still SPOkl!II of
with confidence far the Treaseri. It would be,
in my view, en insurmoantakde objection to this
arrangement, that wider it three of the most dis
tinguished Whig members will be taken ant of
the Senate, wheal thdro is certainly now no
smiles of Whip, whose places may be,fdkd
by politic opponentn. Mr. Webster .will of
mune be simateded by a Whig, by appointment
of the Governor, mid no would. Ifft: Corwin, but
Mr. Daw. an Will give place, if he accept cabi
net appointment, to a bluer Democratic opponent,
perhaps to a nameless, ranting disunionist, like
Colman, who, Genet Ormetly in the', 3onate, has
more lately, at the Nashville Canicula', die.
priced himself by :propodug prepatailen for im.
medians civil war.' The terms of Mans. Web.,
ster and Corwin . will expire in Mach next, bat'
Mr. Daman continues till the termination of the
thirty third Congress, welly Asia Yell110"fOlD now.
Them is a silly meter that tbe friends ofToombe
are pressing his name upon the, consideration of
the President &nips= In the Cabinet, perhaps
as Secretary of War. It ts not nocawiry to say
that this is a piece ' of invention, and that no
body who, during this period of urgency in public
'Mini,. has seem to the President, has had the
impudence, or the danng Insolonee, to mention
ibis person to bite: is deserving of ens place of
treat or , respectability: These:mem incendiary
will serve out Maintained term in Congresg, and
will then be permitted to sink Into that obscurity
and contempt which his conduct be. so well en.
titled loin .
• There has been a Coolish story set afloat upon
the wings of the telegraph, to. the erect that • day
or two alter; Mei, President's death, a grand
onloi mums wan head, tij which the noblext
togs of herztum and conciliation were displayed,
and fat which a way Sathdaesory and eomprehent
slue same ol adjtudruent was ag.eed upon by
awed evety body: This areald have been truly
greasing intsllirisnoe, if true, bat uniaehili
the :was not a syllable of fact in the whole ac
count, claw an d eitennuitantial as it was'
The 'lake Thotripents and Featherstone of the
Rome; attempted, to shake of the inihmiwhich
they dad ettuthea to conduct In attempting
to connect Gen. Taylor's came with the Oilplan
business, by. withdrawing the pending resolutions
of: cusp!" nil* the departed Chieftain, which
they were endeentrisigto force through the Rome
at thistinitiwlmit their operation were clicked
by the news of his approaching dlssointion. fX
come there in* . no okiection 'to their sneaking
out, but the brand is stamped deep on their Genie
tin traidoa detainers' and libellers of an honor. ,
able; braie, and Patriotic ' man, who bid received
the highest liturant of the Republic. Mier this, the
old resolutions of the majority of ths Committee
anima the pajamas Millis claim and the interest,
were paued—ayes 119, ices' 63, With this en.
donastent, Mr. Crawled may retire t Georgia;
with tite - earaest and prayer of his party in
addition, that be will never emerge team the stale
of minty upon which ha is about to enter.
There was lame debate upon the ease of the
Mexico, Hugh M. Smith,
pq. • Me will probably be admitted.
Is the• Senate, there were some Interesting
and Unexpected: prceeedleas upon the ConaprOt
Woe 1321.. The IPoveivflai fe the Committee
MeV/hole was %sought to an dad, by ItiwkeityP
1111Mbly sad emelading the mamtu w hi c h his wail
espiediswhen so: Weer
ropted but Temelsy. &m em' votes weal tem.
dismil taken upon canentring in the ameadmeaM
ityrered - npon to the gottozdttreef . the Who 6.-%
Tee most Important one vu Oat , by which. thr?
Mglsheared or the - gropered terrgoties stre'pree
200 4;4 1 MA vAT hoe rellgoo 2 l4 Atrium
Slavery. As I have before shown i ,'OAretenplets'
Ig overthrows sad st aides the whole. Cum 'do"
tape of non intentailoo. SOC 0001
amdoleld oat, bias mien Mgt of the shammies:l4de
clause—ayes 21, noes Z. Eden his - - Fides
Atelatth Da:tiara, Mod wits hie main, sa4
teiraidicijkay Lind ra.; - iireien • Itoileavoigiake
pee* *4 the legialitirreb intit_si*Dates
. the,misation, non Intervention would have
trintonhedhithe Canine of the amendment-4yes
26, wen In. Of coarse, in the event cif a tie, it
!rapid ntli. • 11,.notto be; rememherni that the now
meshing oNeer ku no cawing vote, v0'1140:I all
diviensajnat as 'fat on the door. •
'Bat I am getting tedious, and Man clue. Old
Stillkotheritinie in with at"amendment eon•
caning the boindini inata cot ad from
Texas and give to . New Mezi.o 70.0 00 Kum
miles orb:unary, Deltoid whatnot included in the
Kral Perim] bathe:hit He =dean/able, on
eloquent, a patriotic: atitmeh, one that deserves tins
admiration and gratimile of every lover of peace,
mder, arid of his ctotuitri. - ,
Rusk took the floor, in reply, and will be Maid
to morrow. The debate over fate and coming
intendmenta will_earetaine the week, but it win
not bowl/dem nor quite uninteresting.
. , • Justus.
A very considerable body or Whig, ' especially
in Ohio end. Mammal: setts. were so thisatiafted
with the nomination of Gen. 'egykir that they re.
pedaled not merely the nomination Wit the Whig
party, and have eversible° confuted their political
discourse to exeeratitma of Gen. Taylor, hie nom
ination and electioll. j 'Tay
loathe: !Thai Ttylol• Party:, 'Old. Zech'. three
hundred iiiiglis%—nueh -have - been pretty oemly
ill the 'tabu elicitable from their disjointed
chat'alneeMay,.ls4B. - Speak to theta of Prolow
tina.lnternallnpraveinent,or any thing else which
as Whighs they, formerly prdevied to delight in,
and the only reaponvie has been such at we have ,
indicated. • And when we decided and avowed,
at a late petiod in the canvass el 1818, that we
could War verve the cause of Free. Soil by imp.
porting than by opposing Gen: Taykir, we were
greeted by en° general volley from the whole of
them, importing that ft ea doing we had deserted
end betrayed the C1121100(HUMIlla Freedom. Even
so late as last Fall, they helped to carry Ohio kir
loco Poimiarn, and did their best to sand Vermont
New York and llianachmectts the same way, by
falsely kutianog, in the face of holorioui and une
quivocal feels, that Gen. Taylor and his Cabinet
were plotgnit to eitabllsh Slavery in California
and New Mexieb. And down to the day of the
President's death, theie slanders, though *ban- -
dandy related, were never retracted. The spe
cial Free SMI Organs in our State, Including those
edited by sail Taylor Wide*, did their mightiest
to secure-a triumphs to the eosksoed Gabon* in
our State whose basis ,pr Union was 'Motility to
Gen. Taylor, his Cabinekand Mr policy.
Well, Gen.. Taylor Is dead, and a Northern
Whig, • with no slime and no association with
Slavery,llll, hisplace. Mr. Vintner° is moderate,
National and desirom to bo President alba whole
People; but his votes are on record, mod their ten.
or is known to the country. By what device,
what trick, will the ditty. thousand Whigs, who
were drawn off from their Loner association by
the cry oPTayloriam: 'Louisan* 'planter: 'three
handled Mitten: dye. dec. be Loaned to the ear
of Cass and Diekrauson, and made to contribute
election of those iwotthlea to the Samara Mn.t
...c. now be - discovered all !donee that . Oid Erc4
was JO Fru Scif, lira that Mr. Fillowr, is for
Mayay Extessurs. Let un watch and sea-IY.
The pestilence luta abated at Nashville. OD
Tuesday last the:eaten, 14 deaths, serene( which
were of choler& •
John B. Fronts; an old itudes' teemed citizen of
New Albany, Indiana, died of the ehoten on
Wednesday.- He was trick only • tear hours. !
There hat been one arse of cholera in Clinton
comaty,Oltio, which terminated fatally.
Borne eight or ten easel of cholera are reported
in. different Parts ief ilarrison county, Indian,
about half of which proved fatal.
The belittler Lmungton, Ky., where the cholera
appeared last season in in most malignant typo,
la ripened to be etoelleet. Out ono, death trout
cbobstabas occurred there this Eamon.
The cholera bastsppeued to Clermont county,
and three &maw occurred law week in the little
town of Bethel. - •
Tam more cases of tho'eta have ,ocenered 'at
New Albany... la. , The persons 'satiated were
Irishmen. One proved fatal to eight hours.
- The interments at Nashville, for the twentifour
heirs ending on Wednesday evening, were 25,
of which lB were cholera. The Nutiville Whig,
of Thursday, saya, s' We are Lapp, to have it. In
our power to announce that the casters has very
much abated within thelest two days. We could
lima very few new cams yesterday."
A fatal case of cholera occurred at. Evansville,
la, on Monday last. It was' brought on by neg.
Iceland Impmdetten.7-Cia Gar..
There have bees • good =MY death. from
elndent in Lsohnrilfe, but the victims scam ell to
have come 000 Drell:ton. Drennan must have ,
had it tremendous throng of visitersoshen the
cholera broke out there. In additiou to what ere
line heretofore gitiblished, the Louisville J.arndl
of Priday lest has - the - following r—" The
Barbour hrmight dawn from Drennan night btfiire
last,two men suffering with thalami One of them
was In • collapsed state Then brought ashore. A
young tuna; also from Drennan. died of cholera,
evening-before Isst.—Cie. Ga.
, •
, Trata..-lirrntente Taavata..--Tbe Washing
tea 'Southern Piers' or Saturday has the follow
las uopleasust tr.talligcneel • .
Svc:Twist f row Twos.—TiteGoverner of Tegas
has venue]: to the delegation Of the State in Cons
great. to demand •of the PieSident wEether he
sanctions the comities • oaf Cokmel Monroe in
in Near blexim and if he does, to present a solemn
protest naiad It; and declaring his intention to
Insert the title of Team 14 . .11 the mi am in her
We have received the promediaga el a large
and general meeting of the elf sena of Austin, and
county of Traria, at the capital of Texas, at which
Chief Judea Hemphill presided, and Judy. Old
ham; Ctwirraan of the Committer, made a Rr port
and °feted amiolutions, which wets unanimously
adopted. The fourteenth Is as 6:41,..;
Rooked, That we believe the boom, Integrity
and rights of ihe heats demmd that komediato
prompt and efficient mama be edcpted to pet
down the instureetionuy nod rebellions move
ment in Santa Fe; and to extend and maintaia the
joriadiction of the ;Sate over that portion of het
renhoryi l ^
Dooms oar van • Paarms.--A. gentleman who Is
an his way to California, fernithes the St. Joseph
Gazette with an extract froM his journal, of deaths
on the Plains. ,We give the tames: John Her.
linger, Rani county, May, loth, on a branen of
Wolf river--saw two more graves here, and • •
the 10th passed et grave containing two bildies, but
could not make set their names. llth, pealed the
grave of Joseph Nett, from St. Louis, aged 32
years. Same day , camped near two graver—one
of a child, the other of W. Creelipaun, of Rock
ville, Indiana. 12th, fouud.two graves, one of J.
W. Young, Canon county, Mo., aged 11 years ,
the other,Geii. Stanley, of Prim county, IW 13th,
camped seer graye of Gordon B. Caffeen, of Dig
sidle county, 1111 Ilith, paned three graces to day
—Robert bfriey. Randolph county, lido;,erei 7
•entally shot Inmaell;l3oottson G. Gabbers,
change county, and one ankeown. Met six men
and one woman retoralog—the husband of theta*.
ter having died on tho Louis' RartlV.
- ems, July 1/.
MITICO AND Pl:l ' M—The Wethiortoo . torrespon.
dew of the Philadelphi.'Norih Averiein, makes
the fotiomiog Interattloesuitemetite
Assurances hire been received by the Govem
ment, which relieves all present apprebenaksts as
to the fate of the Conley prisoners. The Inter
views with Count Alloy which succeeded the pm.
sentatkrn of Mr. Clityton'ti officio' Instruction of
the le oflune, were of a friendly and satisfactory
character; and there - is every lemon to believe,
unites the late Intelligence fresuffipsin should in
termits the proceedings in Havana, that no farther
difficulty will ocear: It ls to be hoped. for the sake
of the future peacefol relations of the United States
and Spain, that themissiori aeon:modem Morris
will have terminated succemfally, before any new
causes of complication can be introdoced„ The
thtelligence from Cuba memento the aseertteh that
-.lithe Intentions of the Captain General are of a
conciliatory eltaracier. Some of the other func
tionaries may not be ro well diopfted, but the in
structions which Commodore Mortis curled oat
were conceived in Etch a mother on to promote
the best tmderstanding on all stiles. •
Two treaties of I;ortrlderable hopertanee. were
negotiated under the direction of Gra. Taylor just
before his death , bet were not concluded. They.
will be approved by his succeisor. (the was with
Mexico, for the extradition of fogniveri from jus
tice, upon the principle contained In the treaties
with Menthe and England; and the Other was Mitt,
Peru, far coinmeree In Crilello, on a footing with
the wet favored nations, This privilege hal been
neretcfora monopitixed &mon exclusively by
Great Within. It !id be of great value ',sibs 'g
rim:the:al interests, - and particularly to the benefit
of several of the. old States.
SECS= eccinui-Thls subject hu had a r-od
share of the attention ofthe General Synod, at Its
late ineetlng. The manner hi.,uhich thrisohjeet
was disposed of hat ahead, been laid berme ear
readers, lotto poblbdted =Wants. 143 is Lea Lab,
ire of present intents: andgteu Faunal impor
tance, his destr*Wis that the position of Ornod be
distinctly understood: y our pooplet - Thig
as we tindarstand %Linden) , es follows: mum
tionSsith.the Bona of Tunporaittio is dbetninte.
nutted; ounisotion 'rah iFtee emu .or Odd
Rellows of exclusion from. attach
Ms President, it may be well sonpleiselbe pub.
lldlie, still Maim his ledgiegs* -W Alardl.—llspxb-
ISr. Frnallut 6,4 toiss t tat'ricb Widoers were
the °tar pleetrot" second Nutd goods that sold nt
I Peasberi, 'ripe end heti, tin; abundant at New Or.
PYa or sir pdrsona have 'died of cholera at Rock
- • art Mills, &whim ea,
-•. . . •
amour Beli, ,, orlken., it is install is lying WY
.goronsly 'Sit' SVashington..
The tant th* dada* in Chicago arc can
4atlicted by do, Chicago Jonnal of the Gth inst.
-10011 4 .1AILoe. •
Th e Tlmas of tlow Sitakwoods Bar
- 4v baiii.:"=finln=
` Ican never firrget my,lirst anion of JohnTay.
lid. It' ali court horse at LewhbOrath;
Conan:Leman Arkansas, in the summed , of I fis.lfit.
The occuion d icti ynasesaed terrible Interen./ A
vast concourse of ,p ectatora 'had amembled to
witnessthe trial of arming and berntiful girl; Ott
an indictment tor murder. The... Judie waited at
the moment for the fiberfill° brine to the pnsoo
and the eyes of the impatient multitude all can.
tred on the door; when nblest} a stranger antmr
ed,,adose appearance riveted traversal attention,
Here Is his portrait; a figure, 'tali, lean. slob
n, and straight man snow a face, sallow pit.
lions, and twatchhig incessantly , with inn ate 1,.
ritability; a brow, broad, massive, seemed filled
with but act ;:idM ag e-for he was
scarcely kitty; eyes, reddish yellow, like the wad
fat eagle, ea bright and piercing; and finally, a
mouth with lips of cast iron, thin, entled,.cold and
*Leering, the intense expressible of which looked
the being embodiment of an inbreeded cunus.-:-
Ho wee habited Ina snit of new buckskin, one.
mooted after the. Stallion of Indian costume, with
hereof away color of the rainbow:' '
Elbowing his way slowly through the crowd,
and apparently unconscious that ho was regarded
a. • phenomenon needing explanation, this sin
pin beteg, advanced, and, wash the haughty air
of a king 'amending the throne, laded himself
within the bid, thronged as it was with the disci
ples of Coke and Bled:stone, several of whom, It
mu known, esteemed themtelveaas far superior
to those old and famous masters: ,
The contrast between the outlandish garb and
disdainful countenance of the stranger, excited,
especially, the riribility of the lawyers; and the
Junior members began a suppressed titter, which
pew louder, and soon swept around the circle.—
They doubtless trupposed the thunder to be some
wild hunter of the mountable, who bid never be
foreseen the Interior Of bill of pudica. Inatanb
Iv the cause the,
objeet of the laughter porcethed
it, turned bin head graduilly, so as to give each
laugher a look—his lips curled with e killing smile
of infinite scorn—his yellow eyes shot arrows of
lightning—his tongue, protruding through his teeth,
hi-rally writhed lae a serpent, and ejaculated its
imp-like poison in a single word: ~4 . savagea!' No
Fen can &an:lb* the defiant fillierwhich he threw
into ant term, no pencil can paint. the [eternal fa
vor of Yds manatee, although it hardly exceeded
a whisper. But he &enema every letter as It
were a seperate emission of fire that morched his
quivering lips, laying horrible implants on the
S., both at the bcgining end end of the wor&-
It was the growl of the red tiger fa the bias or a
The general gene, howeVer, was diverted by
the advent of the Ihir prisoner, who then came hi,
vormended by her guard. !The apparition Walt
enough to drive a Saint mad; for here was a style
of beauty to horribler the tallest imagination, and
melt the coldest heart, leaving hi both imagination
and heart • gleaming pleture,enameled in amend
filed in • [rune of gold from the stars; It was a
a speller enr.lisutnicet to be felt so well es seen.
You might feel it in the gashes or her emantenanee,
clear as a sunbeam, brilliant as the iris; in the con.
tour of her knouts, "symmetrical az if ent by the
chisel of the lutist; in her hair of rich auburn
ringlets, saving without • braid, softer than silk,
finer than gossamer, In the eye,blue as the heav
en of torakern slimmer, large, beamy; In
her =dont, graceful, swimming, !Ikethe gentle
wafture' sr • bird's wing In the annoy 'air; in the
figere, alight, etherill--a , sylh's or a seraph'.,
and more than all, in the ever lasting smile of the
way tips , so arched, so serene; so like star light,
and yet pumping the power of megle or of wag-
Delis= to thrill the beholdeeilhaub
As the unfonunate gui, so tastefully drested, to
incomparable as to personal tharmt, calm and
smiling, took her place bother the bar of her lodge,
a murmur or admiration 111050 from the mohltede,
which the prompt latetniition of the coed, by a
slant order of 'ailence, i could scarcely repents
from milling to a deafening cheer.
The .Tudge turned to the prisoner, 'Emma Mit
nu, the coon has beeo informed that yam Mum.
sel, Col. Linton, is sick; hive you employed any
°thee V'
She answered, feevoice n sweet as Stewart..
ling of the night gale, and u dew as the song el
the mks lark.
..htly enemies have bribed all the lawyer—even
era owit=to be akk; but God will defiled the Wino
At this response, so touching in Its simple, pi.
rhos, a porlion of um auditors blunted applause,
end the test oar. —
On the instant, however, the stranger, whole
appearance had previously excited such merri-
Multi started to his feet Approached the prisoner.
and whispered something in her eu. She bound•
d six inches from 'the door, uttered i piercing
shriek, and then stood 'trembling as if in the pees•
mice of a ghost from Elmira; while the singular
beiri who had caused her unaccountable emotion
'damned the mutt in his sharp ringitg voice;
bonsrasts as the mood of bell metaL
please your h onor, Uri- 11/11TISKI the,
Mak of defending the lady 1 , •
.What l exclaimed tan astonished judge, !Ito
you a hemmed attorney
l.The question is irretennust and immaterial,"ies
plistlehe art og er, ith. a,rettomotnt aneer,.ne
the recent mango entitles
any person to act se
counsel at the request of • piny."
• 'Bntdocs the prisoner request it," inquired the
jades. .
01 , Let her speak gor haseli," Said thistisogee
"I do." ern her answer, as a long damn Ash
escaped, that seemed, to tend' her very head
cringe .
. The case immediately progvened; and ult had
a tinge Of romantic claim, me Wlllepitomlae the
sabstanrc of the evidence.
Abaut twelve menthe be the defendant had
arrived is the village ter opened to establish •
meet of millinery. guiding in • row connected
with her shop, and all alone, she prepared the or.
eche connected with her highly respected and
honorable trade, with tinweari.W labor and coin
summate taste. Her habits were secluded, mod
est. and retiring; and hence she might have hop
ed to avoid notoriety,brit for the perlllons gift that
extraordinary beauty which toe often, and to the
peor and fnevillew always, proves a erne. She
was own sought alter by all those glittering fire
flies offashion. But the beautiful stranger reject.
ed them all with nrutterable atom and loathing.
it rung these rejected adrafren,aru one c f a char
acter from which the fair mill:nee had every thin
to fear. Hiram Shorn was at once opulent, folio
entiel and diasipated. He was !Motif licentious,
brave, and kroclonsly reveugefal—the most fam
ous duellist of the South west. It was generally
known that he had made advances to win the fa
vor of the lovely Emma., acid had shared the km
of all other wooers—a disdainful repulse.
At nine o'clock, on Christmas night, 1837. the
people of Lernburg were startled by a kind
screemOf immortal tenor, while following with
scarcely an interval, came sitecessere tepees of
ntearms, one, two, three, with a down deafening
roars. They flew to the shop of the milliner
whence the meads proceeded ; pushed back the
uofintened door,and a scene of horror was pro.
seated. There Waned in the centre oldie room,
with a. revolver In each hand, every barrel dia.
charged, her features pale, her eyes 'abed wild.
ly, but lips puted with armful amtle. , Andthere
at her feet, weltering la his warm blood, his be.
sore literally riddled with bullet", lay the ell dread
ed duellist; Hiram Shore, gasping to the last ego,
ny. lie enieulated bat • single sentence
"Tell my mother that 1 am 'lead, and gone. to
hell V' and instantly expired.
"In the name of God, who did this?" ezehlea..
ed the appalled spectators. •
"I did It ufd the beautiful milliner—. I did
km save my honor."
As may be readily Intagieed, the'deed caused
an Intense attitudes!. Finite epinkm, however,
was divided. The poorer Hams, crediting the
girl'. version of the feels, landed her herolomin
terms ef measure:Jew eulogy. Bet the friends of
the deceased, and of his wealthy family, gave a
different and darker coloring to the a ff air, and de.
deuced the lovely boraletde as an atrocious cries,
Unkenumely kir her, the officers of the
especially the judge and sheriff, were devoted
'comrades of the slain, tad displayed ;lisle kelings
in reveille; partiality. The judge committed her
,without the privikge el ball, addled sherlff thin
ad her in the felott's Mutton !
Stich Is the brief abstract of the Mentutaneei
developed. In the examination of tbo witnesses--
The testimony closed, sod the pleading began:
• First of all, three advrmates spoke in Bum-salon
fat the proacentlen; but neither conies SLOT their
arguments are worth emceeing. Orators of the
blood and thunder seems, they about equity-par
titioned their howling chignons between the pew
our and key leather robed conceal, as if in doubt'
who of the task woo then on trial. As far the
stranger, heseemed to pay not the slightest atten
eon to , his opponents, but remained motioniessi
with his forehead bowed on his hands, like one
balled In deep thought or elumber. •
When the proper time came, however, he sad-.
denly sprang to his feet, crowed the bar, and took
4 . 4 scot almost touching the Jury. He then ewe.
...eel in a whisper, butet woo a whisper so wild;
so claw, 110 tmemerably ringing nod distinct, as to
fill the b e n from dOor to galleries. At the Outlet,
be dealt in pure logic, sepamtibg and combiung
the proven facts, till the whole, maw of couferied
evidence looked teausparent as a globe of glau,
through whichthe innocence of his client ahone,
brilliant as a sun beam; and the jurors nodded to
earßedier of thorough canvieuen; theta thrilling
whisper,andfised commatratieu, end the language.
simple a s a child's had convineUl alt.
He then clanged his posture,so as to sweep the
bar with hia glance; and begarto tear and rend but
legal advertence . His sallow face glowed as a
heated (mune, hi. eyes resembled living coaleand
his donee became the clangor ofa trumpet. I have
never; before or since, listened to such murderous
&engender's. It wailful love's eagle charging
a flea across. It was like Jove himself hurling
Whet thunderbdts Moog the quaking" rank of
cornplracy of inferior gods! And yet to the high
en tempest riles fury he seemed calm, be employ
esl no vim! save one—the flash of a long lore
fiegeedimet in the eyes of fue face He painted
their venality and unmanly meanness, in coalveaug
for money,
to hem down a poor and friendless ver•
aro, till a about of stiffed rage arose from the mul
tkode, sod eyed sane of the fury cried, "shame!"
HO charged Mumma once more. His voice
grow snonmfal as a Amnial song, and bleeps"
od with tows, Is he intend a vivid Omura of
n i sei mob km and ammo:immense, with pecu
liar illastratkors In the cue of hie ehanc till one
half of the audience wept like children. Belts
was fa the peroration that he reached the zenith,
at once, of terror: and sublimity. Hie : features
p w wo mor d li to viti ma ss thoso at
n ol d a ; revie w.
nwles , hisay.etykhait.
a paley. he tossed hos bands wildly monde hew.
en, each finger atretehedapart and quivering like
the flame of a candle, as tie closed with the last
words of the deceased tiino Tel. my
..iiiooft *AI ym:desdrook,itooo tioil,• •
• 06 .0 11 0 1 r: 1 4 thitwitalidtitiaottedlixe
ideal of all boroiri:tt wiolik*Or. crimp:N*oth*
- 15fOlinktogeo"of&IdoLO4 tho offeeton PO,
who Mn po*fi , ROW!' ootekims*i
tod:0110 pooOmader Colotea t and wastosOolaysy
isiconvolotoni; •
Mewl:vier - Viol& ecntPiailoPenb°"":"'"""
The, joy learned a verdict' or u Not l ;4l'.
vithoue tenehis - the box ,-,attectlieb elieeriwithe
rtonaeaatie Vett. of an erothonake: ahook - tins'old
nowt loose. flow thecdcaapailigt-caoser,itatbi
7eagfyicg the joy of khe.*#e....ftttev.,,the adjotrm•
meat. match Oceutv,ed coat ;sr? 6 0, Pe trium Pt
ant advocate arose and lase anemia appointme
"I will.preach in this houaegt atishcat 8 o'oloOV
Be then glided olf through the. crowd, aPcStiOS
to cocoa, tbough away :attempted Ao,lllfivis thlpt .
into eeneertaant.._ , • r
At Et o'clock, the emit boate wee 'again throe*.
ed, end the Answer, sectinllon teptcolea . ; dellYc ,
ed his sermon. It evinced the same anz,ibtee u
his /previous eloqtztince et the bei; the 'me mew
pact loeie, the eame,bernier vehecnenae,eed
ceased bitternete of denunciation:
. - .
Tea Thus Fivats::—FeW are' Wan of the el ,
tent to which theft.= feverts won nigirg among
ear amateurfarmers. The California fiverainks
into oblivion when compared Willi aft. Choice
hens are now inipotted km breed. . it jew days
days algae an Invoice of thirty•ire , oda stet.
big emir in the Robert O. 'Winthrop from Live'.
pool. The merits of the Onaderiand.lhoDotlts
ing. or the Cochin Chine, are dolly diactosed Its
the Railroad oars, and at oar fashionable hotels.—
Ono young harmer gentleman In one ♦faintly Ilia
gone into the fowl business to wood earnest; sod
redacted it to b perfect "'stem. Eggs slaked in
to hatch for so mach a heed; the .ca m the
ownef of th e efoss,and the date of their jog laid;
wriYen upon the mashie..: Rena are let tottaise
who bare eggs of a choice kind, but who have no
hens to hatch them. Tbree it:id - even !M it dollen
per doom" Is by no mean, so uncommon price for
egg! of • choice kind.—Ketc;. York Emus. $
GOOD,sILI Lowell, 111. IL ;nippy coupthweriere*
candy married, end Inthe crealog Multimedia% of
the' neighborhood collected' and,clierisaried . the
patty, fines guns, pistols, and mak* all lumina
of hideous souudir . at length cake was 'landed
round to tbo outudent--each cake coettieed
portion Of tutu emetic. Tan consequence wee
that the music 'of sheep and soh, bells was coon
exahmtged Err what can be . , beiter Imagined
than described.—Cio: Coos.
Tat Drataistata or T•113101i Y.;
effete net antothdthl'ot the raspeot Sae Ito the tiot
Geo,Taytrtrond have malted to abroad theft
hill in tho en b_klni or rociurfailic.
The death of ()le Stimete .Etitt
is announced h:t i ete Pariejourey des Debate.
They died, uys the, Lenient ihSidteil Times, of
lidarstuntst. .A pod rooftop eratnitiiitiett paroled
.that the two eatiiiies of the abilonieta 4inniegleas'
ted hmeass of the hollow , nutted ,
them, and that the Liven <Saha twins :Weise teas
nested by • atembren eons 'Staid ha,. `about. haft an:
- 149 WOCiD ST.; ASOVE*I , III,
MT., Jut irceelleil hurl allillaßs u++, their ,
• .
laiported 'by' hue pockets Rom Fetropitotnale. ,
which they would eepeelhUreell the at:ten/ter
•• pnrclitisere, behaving theireeyy -• '
live Mocks end! low perms wIll• giro
entire Wi#aetlon.
rrWonets:.Woaata!—Varieue theetii4 !laic Lein '
stetted relit'. to the origin ol• intezunal worms; end
*tithe vieeihni Ise Vexed ono among inediealnetb6rl;
tire. 'Of ono toe; however, Wine inforsuell:one In
which all neree—the fatal nature of the Itifluenee they ,
exert orinttiLlien. itethie *leen of the yelf.,lspne
of which. the inincke of 4mms eur: :ma frequent al
well se' merit dtagethOci tete' greet Oloseure in
&renting - thneuentlan
.of Rareats to the Venalfugtor
DrY !inane. It Li line 'Of
.the, - ettol!'eXGJOCl:nyi
medicines over introdneedia the pahlle; and ialLiciit
failed of sacten when
'Erne ale by . JUDD & CO, NOCONioOdirtrim,
. • Mee of Ohre and PC. I 4. Co, rant a 4 '
' , lltrearnon, Jane 13,1d4.
Tux Stockholders 'of the Ohio and Pannsylemin
RINIII Company aro hereby notified to ray' :he
atithlnstalment orgve &titan per all'ain,.at'tbe office.
Company, an heintorort, on or Letorninn Zak
day or lone next, and the remaining Inetahnentini
ES per abide, Oa or berme the PI day el Cana site'
[ceding momb,outll the whole In paid.:.
letteultr Whi LARItdER,Ir, Treasurer.
Ullad :to Sight' by ths • Pa.
0. S. Irma—Stir. l Ishii "to , bear. testimony to the
medieol vine of the Oil called Pereira.. Ivrea for
a long that afflicted with st:Dadly inflamed J and,rery
mole eye, so scud, so as tOleroilght entirely for aboat
three reauths,with resylittleltopee of emerrecoetrini
the eight, and bet a slight prespret of haring it te•
lieitid of the soleness; my,attendisie physlmarj, arai
asonsec. cued da,aseling bare. ,n he ti.leg relict
andigorded me bet hula encouragement. 1 hcard'ol
the Petroleum about the lot of April, IPA and gase
Wettish the remit It. the sight Is restored =idea*
eyes well,exceyt a little tender or week when do
- .wi n the au. • ".• ANN Iitt.LAND.
hlaimfteld st.,CinolSueti, May 41,1 eso.
V. V. lanox--Slie - i have been afflicted with Pile.
ter ten yearvotnihaVittled Other .46,13CdieS, wilt Ain
permanent relic metal - heard M the Petroleum. I
have end only one' battle, and think• I am entirely
eared. I teem:menu it to lid who are afflicted ISO
Piles. I have known It to be good for kern eyes:
May 03, losn. (lAA iLSTSON:
Der vile by Keyser tr. MelDowill,l4o Wood street;
r.Sellers, 57 Woad xi; D M Cony, Allegheny city;
A Ellion,Allegheny; Joseph Daigle., Allegheny;
aloe by . the reoptietar, P. M. hIRR,.
lye Canal Basin.Serenth at, I..iliotlirgik•
, . Da. 0. AUNT,
+L. • Deritist.CamerofFourth
and Decatur.between
klaziet'ao ea •
iswavemenui . in Dasit.lst p ry. •
EARNS, Ws or repared to
manufacture ST
and set Ikons Term. in w h o le and parts
decd. or Atmospheric Suction Plates.—
Tcornsens CUM ut stru NI town:4lom. , the senate
exposed. Met and rmudeece den door to the May
or'. offtce, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Riau 11.1.1.Flolden. P. IL Eaten. lale
Donors Joy morning, the 18th ion.,by. the Rey. C.
Coot, Capt. A. P. of thestcsncr Foil Pip, to
Mos B , lrmeo. loot &two, danghter .of Mr. John'
Clack, merchant or this city.
On Thursday 'seeing, July 16th;Rev.DAVIO
LIAWEINS, 11:1" - The (mural will take place trim
his late residence, on To - winced Street, next deor , to
Ashen( Chapel, on Friday (thi. 5 4. y) of 3 O'olcck,
rd.. ; The friends and accpudatiutce! of !h. figailirixo
, ,
RR bee larae N 0.3 Mick ea,./Slaai
I.laapoeuun,laprialo order', jot reeetien arta fur
*ale by . (IytuJ C A IueANULTY
kidt:6t.:lllEl.—at brit-Na 3 MaekerilTreedicia
/ALI Per Canal, and ler Fate by . ; JASr./M1411.11.4 ,
If lAlNlFikaiti - .
ill° JAB. VALZKI.I., Wnthr
A TUN,of I.l.lrateney..County 'Ants*, Ireland; who.
egaeln rllilbugh, In the month er Jaty, le4o, meld,
coffer a flyer It he would leave bisitatee qui Addreek
Irak/WOW lllLL t ateemer or at the Gazette
T AGNEW, late or thotbssior Omani:nem Agin:4
trd tint
midties, tad Is prepartd no omen,. for'Apolk.
etaskinn ruminate, intinarals,' PUt4ll.;
pertsialsg to lan boldne 111. Niarebboaniln Nona
faaTtat suet , appeackillster.thaoad mangy
ass aeons:
Al A. MAPON 6 CO., No. 01 igarket Itteet, have
i n ter plied tbp defieleoey tb r stock. ceased by
hre It ober repealed complete by the receipt
desirable goods, porrbered hose waaufasturers, and
large Mouse sales, ale great rwhieuao item , prteer
el tendering, which will be Offered to lulu renter:
arts restrorutteeerantely... It sward.: be useless tostP
Mord to enumerate their well assent(' striae, ell&
theterowi, Invite the early atteatlan of their. frteada
tad Cu pablie,wdlt the assantsee otwune ekes be:
I. Warted to each article. . -
itucr—= per bisek glad flucy thlks, Ws day re.
kred at WWI A. A. ht&suri & CW B '
I.ill/01.3—e cases dopeia fold tiinghenis r acitur
‘„T. w price of 10 aid LTic
a ter yaritair
IVAirrz uuous—eis cue stone 0
tux s, •ory tow pnbelobst ppeued by
116 A. MASON &CO.
.1)1.11AOES:q0 gre en _
ji fast opeatd, and You cheap, by
1115 A- A. MESON i&CO.
11.1rn—atb enc..abonell Corn:landing nomitdilc
‘.../ et Allegheny Clipver, and tor sale try
ilAt3o3-35 ends prune ertioahl tr!ii Frat
415 and for cck Ly
•GF7A•1111-40.brls *niKrArici 174 o
a 4 t
tr. KIRSPATitIei
rpAß ni t. t' N e p .,
thi oll:—W for
e putz .
wxu att...l.—iv uetccs tom osirleatier,
JJ biarecebted and Ibr subs by
Fsa CdcabiaiTar
WAR N S o arn razialn . Lits In thu s Oka addret r e i V :
SMALL 110VSE, within lie ththates , walk et
the Poet Office. Add en G"at thts °Mee..
AZ wants Reitman, in iheantee,. Adenoma, 'awl
oteorwriticom be Homo Grady. ••• •
Saban Southey, his Ide and cornmendese, edtttd
by hie son, the Hey. C. C. Mahon Al. AL, pan OW
received. Leiden Arnold, a novel, by the tinhorn!
'Thi , WitoadOna,"Nonnalo s- •
111111.1te. • s t ' • ••
A. Second Book in Creek,eat:dans Soma, via
reading !MOOS 11. otos., prosody, and Ito &altos,
wldg reedits Wixom In TOMO forming a anemic=
Creek Realer, with. a voetbgAry; by,John MaClhs
took, O. D., latertoWeor of Mount LanleaKes
Mckinnon Ceiling.%
A OW copies of each of the shove worts Imij
delved and fat We by JOTINSTON te STOCKTON,
Jr?' COttIV, Sr Market and hd ate.
ENUKED NIEITTS—A tsrga assortment of Irtsitral
Netts, of newest styles; bhbv Ph" WM , lvetts
lslllitstotti, Mad Debinets;reeersat by • • ,
77/ 7 atuarmr BURULIVIELD.,,
.1:4011.061-01 Ton:o.r i*di,
, -
spin Ibe
',..eftheriseseurai Sarsaparifis Mon say ether
, rieStntiesr.Artaet _wtt-M chambray combined
arUlnStmet of.Yellosi Sock, the
erry,entiitsellalsseit of-tir, thus molting Materac
dy more thonsochly ethei , et t han any other Sumps
beemethirpableri ,At iiiitssme Urter Penn , .
free flout all mineral Ft jaw...kith MOW ha said
of e•hct of the Smsspatilla comPoo•d , The M.
Valid Should beware of eiiinins! Mercury, bee, QM
eine, lPotash, iodise, Seiphrr, Arsenic, and - many
ntimd isikeral and .reetallio o f
Ike nod
fown die setiye basis of emit of Ike SmiesPerhi nod
Pmmecas of:the Composed, Emmet
of Yeilow Dock Ind Ss rviputla dem • not corrode I
portiele • of these subsume*, es WI
tone ere Mat'
eremite by applying the necessary tale ,• • • •
• i'Lhapoisons may oecuiatiodly,remirre disease, but
they se vitiate the bleed, end so complitalylinpreg,
sate the le system with their bimetal enemas/
the int ebld, or the nret attack of dome, prostratm
the pailenWs screngtb,rind subteen him or her te
mem nen:dating tortere.ond renders smother Mire
c ar at Moposidble and bopeless."Let all prilionms
arsaparilla prepuntioas alo sad mit Ileysoul
Wbtehi lmproved Sauget of Irelbw Doak sod Elmeapailla,
thOmegids efriesclotta , perkedy Winless,
and purely vegetable. ' Ail Muds of &wise yields to
Canectias Tionowirdiotaireons Emptioes,
• Elysinelas, Hiles, Sonsles,rrilrimples on the Pare,
Chronic Sore .Iyes, Teem, Scald . Head, neaten.
dna; Enlargement or Stine in are Bolles or Johns,
old and stubborn Ulcers, Feuer Soiesi Dip Disease,
,Swelbng of the Glands, Ellembes,Syphilllie
turns, Lumbago. Dropsy, byspcpsta, lsondlee, Cow
tiveners, Salt Rheum; Adectletas of the Eldneltesed
7 'disease. arising fromen loloilleletie roe of lifercuc
bUniner's Port
•'. To T al n i tTe ' elfi er Chat,
dog sewer is Consumption, Liver Compleint, Female
Irregeliwities 'and .Compleints, Slick :and Newtons
Headache, General Debility, Low Spirits, Lem of
, Appetite, Night Sweat., Pains in the Side and
&midden, Expoiore or Imprudence in Life, Orton-
Cometerl- - '"`l" ' • Pr'
__.atitinlausllEhtniders,andas 134 o rt a n c, gh t nd , Fa l
runfiar of the Mood, and GGEIe ral th o
I. Byttelts It to =trailed,
idra.looftllcerated Lingo of sistens yiarsalandin,
The folio hat Man extract of a letter dated blar:11
27, I Nie,framlS , D. Scala., M. D., a highly meccas,
•ble physician of Marlene, Ohio. • •
glean Psas—Date"Sin I hate under my earn a
Coxing worose who, for sixteen years, has been
fering from Ulcerated Limbs, and' whose case as
,been prononneed hopelesa by therm of one beet pity
lciarm...l took ber, into ley fonnly, and bar. ..ea
Glayeett's Yellow Dock and Santapaeilla freely, and
anroonddent that the Yellow Verb and Sampatilla
"wall eneet a pennynet corr. She is better In general
health than - she has ever been before,' and walks a
mile or awe Without ransom or rain. A year snook,
'need etatehes. I will report the care In dna lime.
Very respectfully, DTERILUYS.; , .
It ha. been remarked, by eminent Men, that In the
vatted eatalogenef &teams to widen men Is little,
there Is scarcely one attach Impona nee, and armee
interMt ne Serotula, Whether we 100/1 to the obscurity
tails emigre,' rt. InaltPons revert, the; number and
variety of organs that it snacks, or its remarkable in
'curabtlity and extensive fatality, ••
Scrofula. Les baffled the skill of the most eminent
phystrians In this reentry and In tharope. But there In
an antldot a talkie disease m Dr. (rayon , . Fstract of
Yellow Dock andSmilartmillip which is proving ft.
sells ,nerfeet apeciao in.the. Most runes GO.. of
intitinindiaar7iazii Of Sinful& cured. by' the
net. em Of Dotter Guyon's. Compound 'Prep. It
Milli. seen by.tki. certificate that this man has been
under thatrestment of several ceebrated, physicians,
for the past eight years, without deriving ner benefit ,
sod bas bee, 4'44'4[611v 'eared by the net of a few
holtie of Dr. Guysatt's Compound filfroY , • 4 •
. , • , r Nawlroar i Jene7,l9l3.
le.:Clgtsorg7l./eicSit,-.owitill le You n debt which
113.311.1 CIUUIOI. pay. I rem induced to snake • pliiflie 110.
knowledgment of the bewelit I hare derived from your
invaluable Syrup lams sorely afflicted with f torn.
Serofulons disease, - -hareditsry In our family,
labia commenced on my neck, and, imlai:nog to
aprewl. men , resehed my eara i. mertng Into say head,
and extending al/ over toy fae i peels,' and lower cc
emmincs. 1 become • Oiling* us *ldeate . N erne.
•Attlast roy.distren was so great that lwa unable to
sleep or Ito down; and the disease extending into my
con amitiosly my is ftee arts one
eeminsoos ewe. from which discharee of matter
WV=kept continually oozing out.' People avoid.
ed me. supposing Iliad the mall pox. or some other
infeetscuadisease, and I was consegoently obliged to
relinquish my , business. giotwithsranding -had the
but medical adsiee,sodwiad diffetent plans of treat.
meat, the disease continued to grow wore, until I gale
ail lo drawls. Fortunately Cronin with a practicer
on the steamboutoehite unrolling for my health who
informed ore that his son was at Ogle 11101 In 11111 bad a
condltkin in I Was, and that by ming your Syrup ho
erns speedily cared. 1 hamedistele pmeared the ar.
tic lc, oommenced using it: and near, after haring used
len than nix bottles. lam arch and able to ;attend to
rap b nettle a. !send') ea this Itsitealt W. to an act of
inntee, OBIT bilpirg that tt may Induce the filleted to
make rue of Ow - right medicine, and thereby &aye them
math ands Int and encase. ,
=calm pal obedient,sereant, •
. .
Cure of arkay..grernetted eoeseof Erereipalas.•
The coma persormeaby ..D . r.,Gaysows Emmet of
Yellen "Dock and Sers4arilla aro lasting. The pa
tient's general health conimom to Improve alter die-
Mite Is removed. Cores aro not chronicled until time
hal (illy tested that there can be no _relapse Or My.
-of the tilsease.,' •
• ' NeiwevallerklineiCialPeb.
F. Basin k. Ca; Gents, It is witpgreat pldanre
that I writeyou about the 'very happyelfects efyour
Yellow Doek and Sarsaparilla upon ray era, who has
load Peen antrerina Ander that dteadfal.loatheorne
ease, Ibyelpelas, with whichlte was attnehed la rase,
and was lot aeTenal montha attended by some of oar
Inert pysiclitur,yrso Glad their skill peraeveringly)or :
five months, without any bencEcial elfeete whatever.
Ile become, reduced tea perfect skeleton. . Ile had
ears from his Hero Ida knee, which were continually .
discharging disgustingly offensive Mailer. Medical
and surgical aid-wee bailed.. Physicians said - that
his cam was hopelem—There meld be -nothing dime
to arrest time° terrible ganmenelog elects. Aly
bon and myeelfilbougM Ins Annotation near al hand.
Him of my noight on, who had marred a child ofecrof..
ads with your invaluable medicine, wailed me ID,i
snag. trial of it,.and more from the leaden .detire
en sasseitla it walla life - lanemthen frouresy hope tit
HoekrenefOOtheared three bandeau( your oYelthar
Hoek and Sarsaparilla:. 'and commenced string It
and to my amoundintein, be commenced to relict
be had omd thethied henna, and before he bed used •
half dean. bottles he email walk mu. , He need mall
twelve conies, son by October last. he was perfectly
eta med. every vestige, of the disease einem themars
is rentaved, and ha remelt,* in perfect health up to the
Present time. His recovery, under-the blearing of
Hod, is entirely owing to the use of year Whew Doer
andSmsaparillo, end I emcee. ye. that I feel myself
noderanitt obligaton. to you, and It is With Feat in ,
that I tomato TOO of whet your Pettiest:ills has deno
for mysan. Itrepeedully,
. .
. -
1771Votta gonnine Inlets put tip ill lam" bent ,
ontalning.n quart. and the name of 140 Uy tee hie
e the eta., with the • ertirten finittare ot H. F. Lt.
btt, on the entente wrapper. Puce. In per beim.
ones for IS. ,
• It la cold by 'I. D. RAMC, North. Ent earner of
Fourth and %Vahan streets, entraree on Walnut at,
Ciaetrtualli Ohio to whom all mien matt be *Odra*
Carus & Bro.. Erie; W. P.; °boron & Co., Water.
ford; Olin & eternal., Crontrocrille; Abel Tortell,
'Montrose; Mona Ma:Towanda; Robert Roy, Walk
bora L.'Underiek. Callana`a ors; 1,, Wilcox; Jr, Pluto
bared, cantor of Market aunt and no Dimond,
L . rt m. =
ore frolgo s
itcPtillsdelptda, and Mon now. m tha PIC*
blych Family Grocery and. Test Watchcase, ZO
anysttret,ansuottmcmof every grade and thavor,
• snob 61 IS not to be surpassed in Putsbach. We
ire comparison, technic 43101551/I that. on trill, ear
Tess 111 be round mind, if not saperior, to any a; the
Mac pa s s In We city. •.' • '
017. •.• •NY M: htegUßO
Beg r 1 11424 a Wft
tor Day ß irtinat A . L ' r d ßear tf . t!
Act], Wonted. and Woolen minutia!, maim ' Caned at
the .1000 of t,17.1 kiUDPfIY &.BURCIIFIELD.
Gen. In • a rrinting Odkno Ylng a ayatera of
lantelnadon.. Copious original direction* far Campos.
.log Ihrek and 'Habra*. toy Edward Grattan. •
INCL SEISIsTANIV ineluding lateresting details•rea.
.porting - W e Norhuaisra of boots. 'For sale by
Poat..e.braniolo, Joarnal. and American, copy •
ViTHT , p 1 1 , 1167.30 banjos% refolded hi j r xi ial uo Eby
SNITIIb GLASS PAPER —.ll reams io
store, for nolo by 11,131 ; 4 KID tr CO
O CASII-8 cube prime quality for 'alto
Iyl3 - JaqU &CO
eItINGEIL . P 00T-3 *nets on boot and for aalo by
Jolt Cor Wood Birth et
eIItALK-9 tat o on blunt and far said by
IDALYIN—by ,Itbds *mooned, on band, for sato by I u Ori in, —440 lba linnet wiClft i
snstreielved and for
.•_ !; ' ISAIAH DICAEY co. ix nobs by . S. N. WILIcHRSHAM
Aflr ' . Voter and Front au.:
rTrCatf.r.-3 begs crane, now lanthog trot
canal, for *ale by ISAIAH DICKEY CO.
1117 - Water and Front sit:
on load unsold.
'W!'llll.4 ? -lo
" ITAW Leggy &
Water and Front sts:
ifti d TT ticta.
IsA"LINO iota Who ha. had Oro years ellen..
ClComadssion Warehouse, wo.tid aceop . t a
small eampeasausu lor the tate,Ortispterymera. En.
girth, 'at iboroMea. • • • Julyl6: !It
SII Bro . :n . l=-10 btla or sale by
`' 21 Wood. el
VELLOW.OOIIRIV-10 brit 'forth, by
- • 1; , • J 901100NMAKEled CO
ter - ftgg',1,17411 1 ,11°;,%
NswelZa'At&,,. CO
jperiitin-=5 elb la'peni for sale by . -
No 3 Novi.' I
Mio C retl% l32 "1' 61.1.611k RIC ' TETrON "
010. • 0I&Yb Llborry at
riLAY,L'T.tO by% Borers., 'l3t. JolloA hrisloo.”
1,8 75 boo 31argoori Jost reo'd for xa.lo by
IiiNCIRESS T - Cid - A - CW-3 0 boo
— G:t ; . 7 . — C.WP:Taiiie'dlrs:l:l 2 l2 "e" &
MILLER ec .ClOl3l 420 N
C o ty . T relaia!: ny
CIGABB-160 M Nos 1, V, and 3,ore
Sont',Jun received for sole by
• 1,10 • DULLE' t RIcKETSON
ITIANNERS'OIL-14b;it brown
"! - D I4TII7EVI ' r
niumpapNg—ni Mins•tteidge k'ei qt.;
amilt N
C0 , 121,11gy,qt9
Jul rea'd for tab" by MILLER a RICIZETSOr'
drlOD LIVER OIL-2 tais Ewan 11 . 22 s ycikor,of
/ car °WM hoponatipp, ion received for sale by
Ayll3 • - BRAUN h. mum
SUVIINE CANtaB-311 be.teigteilnis quldles;4
very .uperlotutia It, lOT sale by_ •
178 • ' fireCANDLESI
71• ' • lab Heeds ix,
'Rtill/itt .
Coi. Woad-it -ELM its.
ROSIN SO/M—OritNll - 4i on bandorbleb will be
soldabaip, et- frylol - Iwo:Enamors
11N866D OU .— iu b~~~ (or sat b y
41918 aagv k BBIP6B
(VEAL. VARNISH-8 tele In ram (or este by
Jylo • ••• . ^ DRAM; & REITER
TiIE Atlo3lll Mathew of the Shareholders of the
mm. Americus/dining Company of Dottort. sill
be held CI the office ofValency, 112.111111* Co; to the
city thects th gh,. Mood'''. the filth dap of
.thdpast next. beset= the hornier 10 A. Matt SP. AL
for the Veen= ef Direclora of the Contently. Cod for
, plodders u nted. In
web the charter athayd bye b
I a
mo pr of
el e said Companyarcordtheo.
pluslauph;lolp IJ, 140.-.4y1031h1
Ltpa Pattsits kefnW
OPi biro
q :f tirgi•V;7l:l;tluellt42.l4
BIVVF 1171LIUK—VUNI t4ig'"
O/iCIK, far nle bT icILN- McFLOEN i CO
Ilisa,ll Plaid Glaighalas,
O . .. .
—., . W
. .
V air rios• eolcr,; of m} alictv.tiiv, s k.,ii
illa va
end 'wane, brown and whim. and VW.Bea a year
and Randle= arylen, of erra quality, andvery twat
layles., received and olreted low at slower :
TILE highest mutat Wee in Cub will kr! for
- the difeitat grades efWel, by • - '
1715 - 8 dr. %V 11%.813A1/811
rrrt~~l~!!.4 rr.Trn~R~
' ~~s~s~T~•~~aa:~
L' Akti..4ll kegs prima Se reeelvad for relo by
Ow flat ithaistatt
FO9 o Bead Irate a. co:mall:deg Bonnets, matted
,4)r,Latiatiat, Yittabtuala. left in oar eye by
stem boat Clataltalope. • Sit VT HARBAIq6I.I
QtrOAR CURED /LAMS —7 Its r-oea tor rao by
13 1115 SR %V lIASHAUGII
Van Patil°
mwfrnim Le WU
- .
Water k. Front ate...
GT:z — °b" -- 4
,12,2r= b IY CO
01fy,3 !als now lantlrir itt - i 5 satayaco
ALLOW f0r1,4 by •
:DEFSWAX—ttleree Row landing fat sea by.
: - isaieil DICKEY i< CO
N. '" '
is &co
10111XSEE0-3brli landing for sale by 1
1" 1715 a DICKEY AM
• •
Lags now lands - f ar •
CASTOR 011,-121als No tj for .11 K I° y s k . Luc h "
• 15 • 67 WL:,,J,,t
0 bib R E LERS
ORKS-12 Deus mineral and porter, fdr rielol4
1/15• • , SELLERS.
. . •
llrlr7lo brio for rale bp"
? 0
If l b Cream t do f d e h r
el #:
I hrs rNr-c o;
I 1
kegs do do; c'
la bra Sole rams; •
2; bee Mould Candles;
20 his No I Stuck;
25 dos patent Line WuhbOards;
25 hi ettesto superior Greer' Vag
10 untidy bzs do ',do: .
10 bf ehems superior Black . Mai'
4 tea RalLeirPxtra Hour
I 0 ww.inhis.seo ,
Cor Wood & Filth at.
POT rale by
blorly by •
-Iyl3 18 F V R.
- MAl''" 4 " 4 :l7'of4llVal'tigolL7l .l jr
BBOOAlB— , lOO dos vnrious qualities. 44 .216 by
QCORCUED BAITS-10 brlg for We l) •!
WNDIDWGLASS-1000b.•o'd siirj• -• form by
'ATE NISON DAMS—Go for tato by
F 4MlLY ` ` carcrtiu b s y s
Jyrt • . 193 Libuty iteset
1 E
411bzs brs
W:ltsfrasr' reeli n for tee by
New Improved Platsbes
}CUBE& has:lost received a rite
eent7oetrive riarroooldch contains
several new and highly ',Moonset la*
prevenient. The exterior of the
nowt elegant and eosity description, and Is made in
the Itoceoco style. The interior emiuni two separ
ate bridges, evasion Me Hass strings i s ran over and
above the. Treble strirgs—Prodsteme at once a tone
rich, fall, Ind clear. 'rho striven, momover, are In
ranged as to lave a retaining string "Men Goo
breaks, thus canting no , ineenvenienees like that
which weeds the old method of stringing.
'N.B. This being the first Piave of the kind ever
.brovaht to Pittsburgh, the Protests:vs 'aratAmatents of
theetty are respeetflillv Invited to call and examine
it, it the Ellis al the Golden Harp, lel Third st. 1115
• NOTiClat , !
. A j S on ata lirt i ll.4%n r i a taread .
at a Weans, P. will be held
?LAI the basement of the Preabytorian
Much, of Temperanceville. Tee anus ode
ally invited to attend, as borinct • of imponanee veal
he brought beton" the meeting. This L the boot
cation fora Coal Rail Road In the vicinity of Pitts
beret. The owners' of progeny have lemereutir
given the line of raid to the company, without fee or
consideration. And the coal, width is 'of a aupedor
quality, eon ho porchued sit vo , r7 law price; end
nature Wm done mach towards gradate the road. Ile•
sides, It Is In direct communication with Pittsburgh
Stud AJlegiteny, by steam heat,, which ply constutly
between there eines and the month of the
able lots, for domentle and mamsfacuding purposes;
can be purchased
advantageous terns. to this
hr. ll, yolk/. ItYllOll. DIeINTOSII,
IQ UGAE-24 brim Lovennes crushed . end parented
h. , Sagan,lust received for vale by
'4O IndAP-10,0010 lb. on band, lam side by
11? CaFFEE-51) sat Ire just rimmed for .ale , by
DAWN-1O nhdY
prime ;ft" ior
IP Mi. 15" i s %V BA
in from rtenmer
F l ' Vt ' n—" be" j 4" 1d
villa, and for sole by S kwjlA
QODA 8.511-10 caar superior,' rre , d for rale by
4:1 813 8t W 11811bAUGII
—55 las reFeived f . rk,
k'w tiARDAUdfI
~- -
'VERT/MS=7 tinge prime Ohio, ree'd for eel,' by.
circa 13 & W
COFFtill-40.acts pate l ADZA t ipArAt Ay
Jyl3 • 141 Libei a;
r!VY.►-10 chest. received ar sale by
TORACCO--40 keg. C twist reeeheifor sole by
SALTPETRE—Z kep , refined, for rile by
MANNERS' OIL-15 brls prime, for ante • •
•.11. i 713 • ' BROWN Jt EIREPATRICK
rISII-21brIs No 3Mackerel; -
Stu brio Hemon
13 hrbtla Shod: for We
/CV-10 tes meiird tor anialow ,
OIE3-6 Ind. Western No 7, received for side by
ITENISON 11‘b12, 1 2 Itsimeorraivrtoent for sale by
SQ . llol—glbsgs seasoned, far sale by
BACON-10 cad'. clear Sides, .d 10 wan Ito sr
tn.) auks Shoulder.. in rtoro, far Bale Lyy
CA.SIUIt OIL-I!_brlalan reeeli l tm ) t tr.;
'DARMS WHITE—MOO lb. roped. Jur Te-
X exited for sale p 7 OYU) MOD Co
J %It% ri"rt, r ;INV:121111V
CRKAIII OF TATAR-4M thmtd am(fote,OCZbit
T RCP— GO bur jut utelred for role by
I 1,11 • '• 18 DILWORTH aCO
LAROK MACREJ3BI.-70 bar No 3. In rums:
8112 • J 8 DILWORTH a CO
Q. F. FLOUR—ICD btls is atom
0. - APETY PLISE.-5 bris tor blotto& oat reeernhiTy
RID r!.Fei,Tll,,D.r
SmTerlYllTE.olitisi,oneo;7l7 - 01,i4Wiii;cbi r
, ,
CON-la ea:ka rtrigLateradef
41 :11Id a tZ A Y LIIITOHISON & CO
Q IDES-7 casts nicer el des in 'mare; for anteby
. .
• fbarillers Too for City Piavemtg. "
IN pursuanceefuen Ordinance providing foe en th
ermals of thnitevernie of this Metssed Me ledo
Asitil„:tike i tt melee is hereby given, thee the . City
Ammar has lei) In my ofhee, for examination by oil
intemsted, a list of the.persens doing Vastness In the
CUT in epafatialty with said Continent.. ~ , -
Bee 4. linen examination of said list, any persons
shall think themselves Pglitf.Cll bfthe aMitarscas
mem, they shill state the lame In .ats adhlant, which
&Malan shall - also contain *1 aut o eel of the true
amount or their matt, u near as 'e be 'seesawed;
sold allidavit to be made and. left wi ' the City Tha
inter; within two weeks f (MU the ate of - ut find
publication of the notice atntesaid.' l ...
Sec: G. 'that on appeal shall be: liken but by the
affidavit of Me person or litainggrievrin Mild elbdavit
to be conclusive evidence of the Wm Stated m relation
to the amount of sales. i. , -' •! - ' •
Appe.lo muat Ib MOO within blia.llKVis tram It
date.—Jaly . -
Op. Notiee—All unpaid fltate 4..i;612f CO sant be 1..
malittely ntuuned tp lolkidenaos, (02-p:111=11mi.
Yecntantr lid - Teis . : •
SCIDEULY the aheyeai
and bit ant in Pim
p Mrgh
tointy loam .4 tae Tea darnel, rut
ot the Diamond. - They telt
Excellent Tim at dd Pr , i•
dapenior 073
.- The very to "
pried, damaged, to Weldor Tema are mit kept
at Oda ottatilithmerit, Microform 'Montt yet to roi.:
'soli or. send • child, you Are mare to Gamin a End;
article and lr the gator or the TM, is NOPP' are ''
ttl f;Df" VOW& VoNgwriV,i....
QUMJBIb9-19Dhdc N . o. ttitoor; - .1.
66 hf ebtuti V.Ji Icilx£ G. P. Teal
• 46 caddie. Y. H. ladsa P. Tea;
40 brio aml hrPris Silerat 2 4
11 :
6 6 0 N. 6 doreo solo. to
poi /I GRANT
5 foranalir
TIE shir./ligued r irr tile, okkohar oI you
eoptatupgbail atm is Amnon! each,
IT on and ear de Mom of Coal Wg, k ggta d,,,
lltleentle de di/ rio .b 7" l o• The , * lots command
angle tlnr co=n the Mae liven. tad .the
ci ggivoundl.for Atm Da COMMIT ttia•
att ..
.gg emplaced for beniktir sae commtd•
ance....p i nte only about Iltnalolua ta.kfrom the
N . mom. whin ► Wattk Walk all Me way
The in Inn Adapted fongardening gatincloca.
m comakto. 'lets, Tor, accommodation.'
Apply no - Ilend 4r. LESLIE
SrlfAl 0119COaillh sk,near flauthAeld.
1 'ERE CADErnEutti ARE ,0011/Bl 4 i
'ln d fletocias oL Ittanberty's
OPERATIG TROGPE,tho oriltinel an d welt Unwire
CAMPBELL 10114STREL.`1; Authore.of their
awn Music. have the 4orsor to announce to the Lades
and Gentlimeti of Pirabliegb,thht they will en mimeo
their Nplll.loDilentillZlCAlS rem night curd ranter
.ittlee, Introducing each ititht &change of prOgrveme."-
IrrDoors open at7io•c.att. Pettenzoneelo
=erne at F.I. .Attentiorion coat.
jal9:tf GEO. A. 1:111113ERLY, Nonuser.
APOLLO . nazoi.”-rolirwrn •BT.
OPEN DAILY, from 8 A. Jr. tin .10 P. N.
Admission to Muse= and Leetare Room, LtS eent.v,
Reserved seats. 124 cents eXIT.
101 4, 139 wood- lirsursti ;Strove litttbn:
rimier opfendid;esublistanent pi now offered for
L , Rent. It is adialriaily swanned tor CObttrUly
Leitliiel,Ethibiticlllt;bC. rot , CfMl4 apply to
. ; ' I99Woodet..
• 71loocialto Blotting. - . • •
IMP HY & BURCHFIELD hire received sup- -
al, ply of above onion—WlßM,•Bartml mo/ CC hr.
ed. Alm. Fink and Woo NeR, for coveting ehorolo.
limo, Re. to. , •t • • - •• 11 11
• cheap Diik - Was. • -
` Food
M U ll R ro Pi w i ll.a & l C a li n f en D its rat te ni lVir price
of 2} cts.• Alm, greatmitty Light Loin. from
It/ coots op WRoest. " • • ••. • Jill
A N essintoseet of newest styles
Dark wee:hand ether ciders, plata and frior,d.
received et store of .MURPHY; BURCH
iy • M.]l: ear:, Poems & Market**
.... .
Clitner of Pena and Si. flair M . eet.'
irrai. ALEXANDER& SONAXarniihiag Uder:
lIV taken, *hero cant? ;uncle . lot Donut( onk
Manning pitl)asea tan Ina gos oa goatooatle [Ma.
•. Brandy , Sol cholera, so. -
ripllol.4Ewho rendre French Ltrattaret Stedicinitl
A purposes, can obtain la= ash., arest and Best
In the United !Well at .MORRIS.t HAWORTH'S
lett ' Tea! Wine Score, In the Plansned: ,
Pure I.ll4 — Port IiVIDe: i
• .„ •
Ong oldie best in thir Treated &roes, price *3 per
gelion, few sale by BIORRIB & IIAWOICTIU
TI- •
A I KY 8 beg. tinekall for dovy or tab
JL/ is use, Jost received for sato by •,
' ' C:)
,MACtitatEL , -10 1 1 , 11 , No 3,
• 304(6,1•N03,j0t rec. 4 fortale
- • JAMEA IJALW-14, -
116,10 Water of
UkW) /I YSON Tia n.
... —.r d ltf:v- i td at the Pittsburgh
che.ta of oentiloe 6110 old IA s'on Tea, foAno rc lola b rm li
Tirf 0 • .! • Y.Y.N• MeCI.URO &CO
nru • I I • 57 Wand n
L 100: LIVER 01L—Pure white,art9 fce!h reccl
for salo by I
. 0161 E. SELLERS
mea tor sale Y 111 3 1 E. SELLERS
mr t f a ceNtAßtt . bv. o r n 4 by
1511006[A1l PELVISZS.
(NNE eget eery fine fresh (kremlin Preineti Jeet tin
/ported, for sale, labolesele of eelall, by •
fytl Wel: A IdeCLU &C 4 ~ 2 'OLlbe mi .1.
Pitr I'VVtTVWO).47ILVS..6I.
PPtrreSlb-10. cad" retest,. *fine erbel for ride
by Jrl3 • WICK le yeCAI:IDLMS.
011000LATi-29 bda - rh,7l Fresh ChocoleteT,
bet received, zed for vale by,
- ; WICK
m bozea do. do. opa
,r 8
jf ROUND YEPPEK- RI boxes sure Wound Pep
-1,71" per, tbrzale by. • ,L • • •
il9 j ' WICK:* UrCANDLWS.
trABLE 15ALT-14 Loaf sTab c - Wkit for sato tgy
J. jy9 " ' MeCANDLESS.
AEAAI CAMSR-71 , 1 boxes ,Cresla CheeeTe, Wu
day reeeired'and for sale - •
jr9 • _KIM* IifeCADLESS.
M. CH—lrs boxes . If. eberso, =eel
sfid for pale by ' ••_ - •
. WICK & vcc.A.Nnusi.
loam ureto:ds 7 for se. by • ..
1 7 8 • %VIM& tIeCANbLE.S....ti.
APPLF.:srFejvcd"onnii . fa
1 mectur,o & co.
I ;Palm • do. for r ale by • ' ••'
, • . • : & CO.
PPLIC3-10 bdo Dry .dpinet,jort received and for
Z -3 ••• 'Me• • "3011:: WATT le CO
jyG • •• Liberty sr
rnaitoluilost of Pstrtat•rship. -
Paitnership heretefi)re'•;.iiihing between
su'actibers, under the Grat r ot Chan:them, Agnew
le Co., Glua Mwtniamarers. reia. diarrlred I. =Mast
consent;•on rho first day ofJall, instant. All periona
kr.owing thenmelyes indebted toaald•firmen raneest
ed to make payment to' either of the.pardev, mahout
delay, and all persons having aasettled aecoants odds ••
said firm, aro invited to present them for matement
Immediately. • ' ALII...X.ANDF,R GILLSIDIatd,
• 1. j - • • ••• • JOHN AGNEW, •• • ,
COFFF,II-140 bags miiilanedna from the enuel.
sale by ISAIAH 1/IGNEY
ivot . . Water d Pratt..
. .
. . ... . .
(INS Largo Patent Scrag JUYibice. new, received on tomeisnment, :toil ear wild love by .
, •• :- •• , 110.1. RT IMLZFI.X. a. CO
.13•12 . . • ; Libeny give.
S - UNDRJF-5-30 /iris FcrtUir ty.e;
SO tire Ciieue;
IEO doe (Ur.: EIC . O=I;
bt. ViueTe ; iu wore far sale hy
3,0 , • , _ Jeittre" WATT tr CO
I , lp .y yl.F.D OIL—I DUU
jet • " ' Wruie
0 114- "l'Zin TI '
1 tan Oil balisairs n. Jail reed /or mile by
ft—r..J. brLs io stole and Inriailaby
• .• STUA tn. & ItL
. .
• Idt Wood ad
AS/'O6 Elll.--2.1br14 Binw'x oupericr, ter ••i•
QAl.tiflATUYS—Ar3plime 7 ; - ,vicrreiTiloi;iili; . tii
19a ' •• .STUAtT
D0T,11b1144 nastaJael rcenced to day, a ,opener
1 arUcleowilable for retailing. which will he add
taw for cash, by N lERBI/Ahl .
n 4 , . Car Wood and Pink at
tor.w nooas: noonst
At Nabors' Literary Driot, nint strett, onvnif
thn Post QAT. _
Holden-a Polar; Mag.-111e for coly.
• Blackwood for Jon,
The :Vale of Cedars; or the Martyr. By Oro=
Agaitsi,atabor of atilomart's•
'torten Shakcpcare, No 18. t,
PICI4O/1 Fteld Hook, No 3:
Daiid Copporlfeld, No IL
Nortel Multiage; or the Frit
tin d Irloh Llamas,
ato h, the Ofio
& BURCHFIELD Invite thg attention
Al of boYers to then . angigly air tapeetar high Linens,
wurrantral Lore Flat, incintlint et raw pier extra
quality Bosons Linens, Thry hang Also reeeiVed
supply. of Shirtiny blugling of suparlor fabric, .p of
winch will ho sol d low. • .• • 173
•rdro I.rro Orarreca, !La prune order;
1 3 X trzi Lemour,
auu bka
' RahlraK -
:W drain . * lige; •
liNubruthicr Mercer Potatort; .
IUUOO PaaCh and Track Baakels;
'Jattreccilred arid for aide by
PAlrktr.R &
)91 , allrn No 3 North Wbarvea. IthtbrYrakis
HEW .H041[21
. .
'Pond street, opposite the Post Came. •
DICTIONARY of Mectualse, arat
hogiuserlor, No 11. .
I , oMon Sh olt opeare, IP.
Utast!'" Living Ago. No Mitt •
troot's Merchoeut. Magaritte for Jarly.
MotelPs Call. By Mrs. HMS—pans I 1 :malt. •
Wale REWIew for !elf.
Democratic Review for Juty.
Strutter & Tom:mold's New Weekly Mare' crazy—
'price air bents. . • -
Harper's Near IdortthlyMitgazino for July.
lloidews Dollar iihrpailte tor July.
Old Oak Chest. By C. P. H. loom
pTINajAPEtt 100 ~$ 90 boot poparlfix"l .
90 do do ' o !.1123 , 1;
64 do do do 161.2,6,
100 do rows Finial& 3i.1:171
ILO do do do 6.16:1L
CO do do do 20.6.41,
d o do do 0117;VI do Blue Fareloll.6 - ,
OoNcllow do ope,6 , 'tarts:
' - do e.
- do do g,3b,
I 1500 suoned . wrepping pa-
Pen. In MT:, for Bile by JOHN /I bllit.l.oll.
leYi , at Wood 16:
4,IUUML-1136Ads for We by • ,
1.3 - bees': Cll 4_2A4M --
cTuvrtit.:—l:u sacks lbo to! utter by .
tes septia;foisilile.
ems.. rube 1 - 17 It c 6 n,
LlMA..—SOiktuis7FiiV2Wrie Lhav
L a for Je:t . ... t_____..llt2l6r C. GRANT '
..9•llfteal and Snot Weal 21 °ilia: •':
TLUKEN, M. IX, lonaerli of . ProladelPhla, Ind
. Mtn or Nem Litboo t Ohio, lakes Pi in
enoomong that he has !Actual hitatelf parmanintly ha
4onsbo , oft. fnr the 9topoof of proathong god Tongan
brannhaa of Medici., and tugen.. Calls; potently
Vended 10 at all boon of On oaf fiigbt. Oleo
and tcaLleneo No 149 Third Intact, between 13m1LLIald
it Wu oscal,-E. Btu:am, gq, Fourth 04 P. Kay,
Lleakia Her .and &wooer, Wood lascog goonedy„
ApotheeafFuloi thuggi.l, rain 1.041 y .
JUHT oneckyti-4 doled . I Dt. Lbarlet(ftv.H .- 5.1.7 -
enclagoaqa and far nate by 7 M ild) x rd.)
. , Pl• W U./ intent •
U01.1 , 4b.,L0 bap Na
by . LlDOWN pierrelgjih
-ILA Win- ntols nerces in uhf eby• ne
iii- • BROWN a K
,j` ' do Namu,
. . LD Snadi in Mira nuid sale by
'.l BRO WN & )(IR Iit!.iTSITCW.
triP,Zir°L - °
O 4 O h t`e.iore` for
vanerd. , l7 o V . l . alithl;
ra,gt= ‘ 4.2l . lo .ePbud 0 1 4
: DIU .do While Oil;
ZiOVirs igrhddy Spam Oil; .•
IGO bit Sp•Fna Candl!!li for We by
jyt olcodlor 21•12. 23 South Wbarreo, Philade
k a ll=Aam hrr ild•
%J Ate
bridge telegbrimb to trastsaq. • tinde r
and Oecteell Comerierien tbe boutWel,
occupied by Barbridge. Mewl Cqlllll Water .111
r•talnugh, hay!,