- • PUBIASILED 13Y, .; • ITE.:OA: CO. D.* warrri' . 6 4kwr:, a;mcs, errarrr, =ET POOll TO .rrot 0111 CL • Tees pa - per kraulm.. ••—• 6,00 • Weetly,l4 *draftee) 2,00 • • e Clabbilts a reduced Sate:: ,••• CS OP ; A'IIIIICILTISIBICII ' • ' AOREED UPON -• • • DT T 1 .0 PITTSDIFE.OII PIEUCSIk One Sour re,(lolitteS Of l'ionparellor less) • • • one Dub Elsa re, each additional , rue 1,75 11,. two Weeks -..—.•—.-«:7,00 : that. ' ' four months siU nlolittar • -• JACO .. - Do. . • (wer.. •• 19• 00 . Standing (lard (ri Libra or lesaSper ammo- !DP • One Sonare,changsele tinkerers (let aura) exelunire of she papet•—••••••—'• For each additional apeare, inseriedeverone luesna, foe each aniSitional novel ow tied lulderlbe Year.- ly We% half, price. A • 1: • Advertioements ezeiedlefi- equate, and flat over fifteen One., to be charged as *moire and , - half - Yahilahtei not arenuatabbiler lreld beyond-the amount charged for fear pabireation. AllOtnineltiff 'candidate% for °glee, ,to be eharged the netue to other advent:tercets. Advertisements not rode kedsro the Corr. for aSpeel. fled amber or lowniatia. esti be eolltholed tUI WM, and paymentelacted serer& • • • • ' The privileges orrearlyedscreserswillberceitfitted tigully seabed: reselar-batines% and all other adver tisements not pertaining to their refulst „babbles% as agreed for, tete Pell • All adversisemetlls rer charitable thstitdbons,Afe =panics, ward: t o end other public .mettng., and ouch 4c t loye,:aElicd,h.liFiwan'abloMielq blarriage notiesstri thrtried arleetiti. ' Death opliees macro% without chnele.aulenaCeoet partied I,y funeral invitatiOns or obltou'y noticed, and when .c,ottipanlai 10 . bernid - Regalaredverrtere,lted' all °them wading. &meta nicabonr.ot7goillag notices designed to 01.1 m cri; L io n Fair% rabies, C.oneerte, or any publie utwols, wher e charge.. me made for -n on ce all none. of private asattelatious—every uotiee de big sed to tall attention to private enterprises calcula ted or uncoiled to prorno:e individual intereace. rah • ty be inserted with Um : underarm:4Lnc that the setae is to be paltrier.' .Winteeded - bi be mama in lke lo cal column, the ',eine - will be charged at the rabbet ad leas then 11l eon). e t o ne: . Bishop or Fins Notices t he eharged price, Tavern License' Oct itions, IW each. - . ' Lcral and ?Julien! advertisements ta trephurtg,edai Real Felite intone :and' Auctioneer* , ediertibe , . molts not to be clamed under yearly rate% bin lo be allowed discount of thirty three mid one laird per eta:. from the anioantfif • - ." W enta of Tarns. - thu..?yenrc,ll,ree • , • ...eaelheddltionel ineortion... '. Annan...tams C. arroar rArTiu. • . One Binerc, (Iv liner,) one .ascrtlon.,-;-7/ cta. earl: Inaernon• •••••^' " All tranelent atler flit...meow in Weald in adlence.' • • AVIIITM. tr. CO:Gazette.- ' 1.:111.11tri3lt; req. • At. JAMIG3I, 13k11114. CO., Chronicle, Fi)STER • JOS. SNIAVDPN, Mercury., • 3/1711D3•W: 1111.1111.5, American. :RAM RA.L.sit7,l:vening Triphoe. Pn-rxErur, Dee, 1,1h41/. • . — Cat D acinic • , , AMERMAN, Fictit',%l ord. - Ran stray b..f...4 °Tarn and Wllni!t. Alt Imothe r os, promptly o.tZ Modal to, - . .. . tooy e L . . AL ICIA11111:11. Et. AVATHOTNi r A TTORNEV AT LAW—pllce, on Fourdt•streci DATVTII 0. TUTTI.I4: "- ATTORNhir ComMisaloner to ' Pennsylvania, St. S. ulr;M0;'" ' ' AU commanicattoos promptly answered. : ' ; Joh It. Large vg, g . • Lancit zcbsiiiircco, A . TTORNEYS ATL./LW, }bank street, near Grew. JAIIIIII3-8...K.ER14 .- A Tr pU ORNigY AT . L M lUOirke itma, betw -l mlt V431111E0:14.1 Gmnt, l'lusborgla. • " • . ......NIINam t olOwolt, PATTON & .BAKUNIFEIAL, , TTORA.IniII AT riAlO-oMeelnlslghmon Ihll Grant et:, near ileVoUrilloooe. Obi • jiiiIICICIIMAICSIA • A TrOANF.Y alat Coarktellor at Law, 11214 Com lola aloner for the State'of rpuaryfralna,, St. Lon's; Mo., (late of Pittaborgh,). • - Referentes—Pinr.horah: Ann. N. Forward, limp ton a atiller. Breafulless S. tlreClarc, John E. Parke, Ituelta a..,Seiript4llteConlAr King- ane14.11., • — wat. arouse.. :now a. roacam.. me. U. \ DICAISL • AVALEY, WOODWARD& CO; Wboliaale Oro- cera No en Marker 0. rbihadelphis: cral ' • Pitukbasgit Alt[ ill Works. • TIEVNETT, 111131tRY It CI:, Harturactuarcol of So4a VitsA.V=: Fredenok George Reiter. BRAUN & 1112TEIL, Wbolowde and ReMll I.IIIC. rint, corner of Lawny end t‘L Clair tweets, 'nal. OLOIN(NN .f:410 YEN,. • OMMISSION.SIERCIIANT,Suck and pill ;Scot er, No NO Becowl:street. Duquesen• Spring, Arier &&&& r and iron COLEMAN, . k CO, tranaracturcra .ol Coach and SUlpile SprinO, Hammered !Ulna, Sating and Irlourti Swat, Iron, -e: •Warelniase on Water and Front Etrecu. riulbargh. • Also„ . dcalera 1,, Coach Triaraingaind 31allenbla JohnA. ernin. . W:£l.-Stinnor. A-SKINNELL Forwordinx and 04.1M.4411011 hl ,, Cb. ,, tgr No %Marta st. Pittsburgh. - an 4 L'l A. M~ Inlil.T.Y. It[A~ k' oc.Rard~rtNod wn. , miulod Tlctdu Poist)4l,cs, eyßill leads.Bhorßills,Lahcla leads. ShositiSs, Lobell,drehlicciural and riluchisc Iliirlsers nod Viiiting Cafes.; Am i tircraVoll .or draw o urinous, and printed Si colors, Gold, 1tr0.2.5 OP 11131.e1r, in the, most approved sty le, • and- Ulric mod scssosoilile tinter •, - COEI , i asio 12: • ttlarctmuts, , and. dca!tr3!l4 Pidletivrgb' dstk:" Balm soln.m1 : ::_ 11100 RE, ntiolers—le Grovers-Boot.friing XL, DVAiller, dealer la Peodneo, Fitts:Au/1k Alma - ay. Wes, an : kinds of Fokeign and L'otriostdo Winos pot Liquots, No. LI Libeliy street.. On s very 1=4 , 1 t ::(...mri w or ro o r l , daonongollel iva,mtokyoty, 1311EINIU1.D9 Forciatdnve nd ittotootl. Ali sloe Metettnitts, foe the Alteetter.t• Itivee,"rtede, icaletsin Groceries, Prodare bustough, It•loaNet tm.,•ed qiilotide ot - : Tbe Ittghelt priee; ii Nub; time , tot rtes- Ont. ,, Penland Di 013E1M, Da.ZELL. Wholtitile..titbee,th Coternirtioeliterehttrpz,tlevlttr , gett nuttEfaetares,,aber4 ittert, Ihnttttle, 11 , A. OUNDU!IGITABI, XITIIOLESALE GROcI R, Produce. Forwarding, TT and Cosunicvion Merchant. and Denier In Pitts buret alattufactarcs. Itio :lam Liberty atsec4 pattabtareh; tltti l' iV 11 1 1 " 1 1 j111(1111.0ICI. of £ o. lb bp , a tT i t and PlougliSteet.. ailio—pringn, Axles. Aliewa.l.-. vitsdt.e. Macy invite 11.1w:twice of merchants and consumers. ( to hell' stock before parch...sr also where. They warrant Ihrir "widest,. to eons 'tonal made in ah reentry or. amported. labia_ 14.111T.b.. Whole.len m 1,7 Foreign and Dwraesue Drp el .I.kroda , a. 97 I p Var . treet, asl.al . .itik6BAUL.ll, . ny ror.dims "' "00"nd P"j*""' No 1.3 Water Meet, arta Consauuioa Merch ants, • . 717 , Pstishurgtr,. •.. . Orax If{'rECCfYit' :_7oll' NIMIJOUIRLAMI ELLENS k NICOL.? PcmMme nad Cleimal Com 1 , 1 =Mt ' n i• r T I 'M. pt:, S. 00.,,Yholeanle Gra lhitiborTg 11,1%;toraetur:rInd IVreatern , Produce, h ave removed to their new warehonee,(otd No. Z corner ot Front street and Chancey ~ IS oauts•A. IaAIiVOILTIL• I'EA: . AND WINE SERGEANTS.. _Evainde_p_ismL.lAiltill,_._j_inli- IFs,Vstiiittuv—ii..N,Watermitt..V.l 3 . l Vaiennza. . '. .•.. : IL - 117g.T.IiIIIIIA X & BOAS, ' ' Yr i vol - . 1 1 Tire g l a9Fri l la t 6 alittw " d ""' s of rat uace & Phi mg l Manufactured Ankle.; ar4 Anent* faruat, of . 'ehuktuat ;and Lyttabarg Diazavfactonv.t Tobteco, ~: , • ' ' ' 4" • ... W 32: TIMULtIti, . ATTOLLIMIr AT LAW, WILL also late dto coU and CI ctlon . .htsl- , VT rats entromed..to him B o ner sal Arrastroa.,, toandes,r. R.c.fetto Floyal l.e d, Llyberty au • W, bac.", :SlnrAtinli \ do rdtsbarab. di). Kay & Co., Wood :t S. U. Unshtleld•-•--••.— _ Goma Ric Mad. N. D. BUSII.FIEI.II.4t. CO, 110LaaALE and Retail Dealers in Greeertet W and11:1 Goods. lad Commission Merchants, No. MO liberty et, l'lttsburgh. ` ants, ~.1011% .7XIer&DEA C 0. ,& tORWARDINO tc C 051241381014 AIESCILANTSI Ttrwia, Penn stmt. Pitcburth. ••sue , ' • , .I.l.ltM'S lI:DAVIS AL CO., • PRODUCE AND. FLOUR. I''ADTOILS, No. 'A'7 Aleitteci .64 64 Conliaiired st,l'fiildelpitla. Advances m¢ do, by either oi•tbet4tore, coneign reenU lo either Maim. Mgt b i. H. Nirmiamns £ RETAIL:FAMILY °Rooms, Forwarding' and Cemasisskes Merchants, one dealers is-reel.ter Product, and Pdtsbursh Swann.' inrosi corner or Wood end Fifth streets', l'lnsbargb. •snrlfO B. tdivii. ;w 4; w ir.l.iAalß CO., 'HANKERS ANL) EXCHANGE , BHOKERS, North Earl come: of Wood and Third !ascots, lista Prrs,:sanda. Va. I war: tiaauxor, 'WM co.ax•vat, 11W11/11MIAILD, Ur - M. OiltiltLEY it CU., Wheineslo Grneern; le IInTIUO W... 1 went, Fitietitnn. ` e P 7 • and 'QatamtssianaletthnniN denier. 'lron, s, tdays, siZtronthl-,:toafr.L.lo.l4Pinttitbytifat rit.Veru4sclArlwxal-.. ' ' • _ kekiuite Grocer., ...11ccurrinirDia d. tilleil, and Wine and Liquor Muir Uant'. Al.—lmportuner tiod a and Menai isig 'powder; No. IN.Libertz . street, loppoiniusWHib . j.. TY and .Miht►r4 Goode, corner. o?iiiirk oNe eLand rourin street.t nd Clocts eorerkklly tepuired.• ta. TOINO. /01111 A /COINS. I At YOUNII Drilet. in Leathery Ilides ec,llll.ibrn7 ,freer. ianß_~7 hyx, 111.C1M.U6361. 611 Et rWittnon W I ttert * er! l' i .C l Vro e d l o r r i ;, N fror Pittsti . itrgn Menanetara ge.ter.iy, lAbetty. Orem }ant? - _ niaaolcu. a itt..Ml.o. OUNETULL —nhubilxnut— it7ganere a4eanceli rock on cowdtd*.u, , ATTIIEW WILSON, Portrait nnd Aliniatnie L 'Painter. Bootes;corner et Void Mice 'Ailey and strokt entrance enFoerth et, near Markel. deer.lif - Tau-dais Voraustsillonsßlacoha.nts. Writ 31 old levee kt, N (Mesas, reap constantly on 1.11 hand alargeossorunent of I.lnnulies of the follow in-tr lama.; whiell'they. offer. 101 sae ai n sacral. la - r J. Dsrand &Co, tinnier az. It'll Mil(1011,3. asd, Las rand',k. C,l4.aror hal lei J Parana, Copse, A doM on. tezon,lll,'ltlesille, A do ManDord, Jen= Loci., At., .kt;.olso, Anchor Gin, Mule:tux ILO and White Wines in casks and cants, selected with care by John Doran.' icon beaidas champagne Wind and f. , sreet'llagrandy Yost. feb7.l7a u.P. twin I.k 0% . wm. uno partnetsblp arlih ..L mein iaTbanness, xchich will from this daft be cousiedon ander the name of "John Parker &Co.. • March Is 4 1$3o• Jour( FAIIKER. , . . John CAM JOIIN rAhlreat t. co., rrAclesan Grocer, Dazlers in I'mt.e, Ricca , Ligrear.e, 01J' Noixougitgla' Ida Ractifia , No. 5, Commercial Row, Libeny street. mGID• ; • ractibuqlk„ P 30511 VA, WO. I. ELI rArzetun, fIfiNNA. fs, CO., jfkeeesioru to Hauer, .11unna - fo COI B ANKERS, EXCHANGE 1.1110WESIS; and dealer" of igitiM"ank T Prir,- ti ort 6l ; l epec ' r f%t i i r" lt c . a .., IVoo4 TWA suer Current money ro eeired 'on depoane.—Pinbt Checks for • vale, and eolleetiens made on nowt) tbe principal points " theUthe UNted 61gtestpresOlsailidd for Foreign and Araartu. 7ee' 4.deakes mute on sOnsignitiants of Prodoes,_ablp pad East i `An liberal terms.: !- - arid 164, .Win. -A. lIIIPOLIaft O t, C0.,- GROCERS AND' TEA. DEA'LERS, 256 Lihnralmut, airma.TV:m; Haas al way. on band •latatca..orttnant of Chain* ( 3 / a cetic...lnd Fine l'eart 11.04 rortian 'Frail+ and Nola wt.:A.M.:land Nalall. Deilnit supplied°nth° lataem term.. - amyl :I P•Illt• glaita'n• Shop: WlGlrilLliN;—Dlrmatactluer *fall hinds area ton and woollen manhincry, Allegheny city, Fa • above wark• being now in fa il sad seentedd eit mtion,l preplund tp encamp" pears with 411apmen for all Inrida or machinery Wm, reek sawllloars, Met ma,spreancra, tarns, grindmg mratlnes,taitaraYs, dtWorinK frame/4 speeder", 11116.161% lIMMS earns, nonlAn .or alugle,tor aterehant at minter arca, ranien,tneka, Act slide and hanntnthesand MIS in etnll. All kinds of abutting madlro enter; el.plem et - In Nor gearing (attunes or =Mini at rensarmh In ebara.• co, g.. Cum, C0.,111.131.eCt, ging, Venttosk *. Co, Jay, 6, Gni, WSCELLANDI • itt!WEATERVELT - & SON.. vur&L , > . , . • RNONN_YENITIAN BLIND maxsits,. be v: .a d i r ip rt i v i x - u naj i n b r ardel: 3 l24 . ,Clairstrea4 also, atN0.913 blarlretotrxt.oteorul atom comae ai the lkarnond. Volition Shutters made to. order. and.old blinds molly repaired. - apt° BENNETT* BROTHER; - QUEENBWARE MANYFAcTUERRB,. Illrnatagbana,tassr PitttburgbaPs. Office, E. 37 Wow #. Faso= Ar. 1 44 mid . .iireed,huslargh. irtILL yellow:11y hoop on hand a pod "mon. Matt of Walt; of tar sant Plltrelltitte.l2ld ouporiorqualay. Wholesale sad toantly Net ' ohants ma revectfolly mvitedvo call and es , l6llsllll fop themselves, MI vs an determined to sell ebtapat %huhu soar bolas baut °Wadi° the yob bo. , - - ILTOtdets toot by atallosectuoysabedby llts coati OT tad ntrevottee, vtli bo promptly' amended to. tort • • oopon'itAGlOßT. lig A. *RITE 11 CO., inlaid reapectrelly Infer* An. the public 11:..a they have erected &Oleo.* tu Lueock, between Federal .d Sandusky streets.. The,' are new snakier ind are - prepared to receive orders for evele4.li t r ir ti:z of vehicles, reth.s.,l2tharitetle,;l,ll,.:olon long experience the manufacture of the above work, and the (writhes they have,they feelconfident they enabled to do work on the meet reasonable ter with wanting articles in their iine. • • raven particular attention to the welcome Of mete rials, and having non* hut competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting Weir work. We therefore ask the attendee of the public to this matter. N. 13. Repairing done in the best manne.r, and on the mart reasonable terser. • - - WWI ==l ' SICAIFIC ATSIBIIIO2ko • PVTWren Won . Ann ALM; Perri...W. eV&INI/F. to tosnefartaro all kinds of COPPER, AND PtlMa IRON .WARE. Also, IM%nk. smith Work. , • . , Meant lbsis built to order.. Speeini *Renton given to Otani beet work. ; Have an bands atom Mammas( or Copper amegrus Kettles, Tin Wane, km. At. Steamboat iksag Moss; Portsbie raises, vuloss sires— a very convenient Sr. tele cm set amboats, California smipmsts, or till roil 1•01.11 , 1 rapectfulliinnto steam boat wris awl others to roll surl see oar mil sod Psi bawl purchoxina ei in•vvliero 1 • sll7 . NV. t. GLICIIIII. Beek libidlers. WT lrt v ialcuaa d %llA aborp t a isb, al=i, we are prepared to do any work am. line with des patch. We attend to 000 Walt perlioOinr,'lllld faction oral be iriven la mord to its - turainen and dr. :Mink took* raled tonere pattern 'and bound lab atonal:T. Hooka N ames mbe or old books booed eate-• fatly armoire& pot on books In gift Moor& ,'mote that balm.** la au Um Ora Invited to eallz Put Mosta** Works sad .111FoOkdry. .•. • - 1 - 00 N %%MOUT &Co. are prepared to build Cotton • sod Woolen Prisehinery of irfar 4fteliPtiC.4 nri.; as Carding Marline*'Bp laulng Foaft,rotas, Diaries, Pianos, Raihnii Ilsori. 1, %Vapors, poorer., Messing Vaasa, Looms, Card Grtnairs, to. , Wrought' Lion Shafting tumid; ell saes of Cut Iron, Pallas and %rangers of the taut putouts, sUdo and hand Lathes, and toots of all kind. Custard of every description furnished onshore notion Pancras sada to order fa hidl °MOD& Iron Rairag,64. Swam. Pipe for Iseas• ins Faunas, Cast Iran a indow Bash snd fancy Cas tius gess rally.• Orders loft ai the Wareham of .T. Yaw & Co, Litany saraeroall Urn prompt attar tion. _ Eder m ßlitekstock, Bell & Cy J. K. Moorelsad & Co., G.E. %Varner, John horin & Booz, , rinstargir •, 0. C. &J. U. Warner. Steubenville: . anl9 PIANOS! /111 IE subscriber *Fern PR ads a large and splendid assortment Of reseirood and mahogany grand M.. von Fianosoetth and without Coleman , * celebrated '..F.olian'Atinelottent. Its above instniments mower ranted to be equal to any manifeettund In this camp try, and will be sold lower than may bronshi.fromthe Plot. . F. BLUME, No lid wood st, • _ .2.1 dear above brit N. it. City Sena will be taken at par far a few of he Minya assortmeet.• • • my 2 L - • F:11. _ _ _ • . • disc nirttraist Water. • ; VHS is to cerulP that shave apt pointed' Lhinemo,'ltommv & - rale' Agents for the tale ofJettnimpa Patent Diapnies Filter, for the Alt ties of Pittshn SON . . /011 G Agent, the Walter It (iltimat,3ol Llrciadmay, 0et.10,1913. ' We have neenasinje_one of the abets articles at the o an ffice e of i t p h e- e d r c o a r y e l u ty n W tr o e t d k tha t t t h l e a nmscas, on trial, Invention, Ratan: take plemare in recommending them as • use fel article to all mho lore pare water. Orders mill WI tam kray received and PromellT ereeeled win ' LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN &Cs Steams Brick WOrita Tor Salo. IMF. sob either eras for mils, theIITEABI BRICK `y WORiiia, 'above Lawrenceville, comptising • too Englne, 6 Boners, 6 Noald Machine, capable of mannfacianng Mi r taat peened }hicks (out of dry clay, aa taken Irma the bardt,) per day; wit/ three acres o f laud on th e Aliegheay noel, en. which am. 4 kilns and :hada eae lls i leAo .; and clay a arer,urralbarcrcaqrrerr re gracta, menet, Operations ac es boats notlecri- rim, including the poem moot to no n said machine, 1117,0C0—sessas of payment moo easy. Widmer the lan d, 44.004 For panicalars, address • SWAIM /FERMI', • aarrortf NoIIB - Monongahela Boas,. Wrought and Oast Iron LlAlllaig: rytlit vaLsettberit ber leave to Inform the ;.ablie that they bare obtsined tram We East all lb, late and ashionable design. ler Iron nailing, heat tor boom and CelittleriCll. Persons wistilag to rotate band• acme patterns will Ideese call and exam... and ledge far them set vet- Itatlant will be fetnlshed at the shone est notice, ar.l in the best manner, at We corner of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny elm. anall-tltf A. 411..N0rM k. KNOX. JOIINLY6IIS, NO. 9 STATE STREET, DOSTON, Agora for Musts erne! Ileveortry of Property sot rygrend. HAVING spent ri a Year in the endows Ito' cord Office., Deatioasl Library, ke., derive kis Into visit to England. moce011ehol; claims for princes In this ermetry, and having scoured efficient nod re. spoilable Agents is London and' ho le prepared to afford all to informstion and ad. vice to penons who seek to recover their property in that country. J. L. keep+ a lint of the Sank of Distend Dividend Dooka, which *ay be examined for SG centi, or H lot reek letter of the /Uphnhet, References in Bottom 11. F. ADAMS, Notety Pabliet' JAMES WELD, 9.111; 'HENRY R. NAY, tAii; tared9m /OLIN W. RI DO k WAY, Me. ilfColl.o 4S, ca litsicebrofa toMGrdal & Kind) 10111/31-billsLbla .lla &tor}, IP% (Amur of Woad amd Fifth Stmts. ARTICULAR suention pall to oar Head Trade. PGentlemen can rely open paint their tbsur and Caps from oar .1104411 min of rho parr alaraLig and liroantolteltur, of the Wait anis, and at the Cowan r area Cannily 'Merchants, yin arming by sittOlcisato, respectfully invited to call and eitamine oar Stock; as we cut say with confidence that as regards Utah= andOalcr, It will nolAnlger la • 000ipalhea inth any case In Philadelphia. Ibbt? • WILLIAM PIGUT Sipeleave to inform his hicadi arid customers that isjast receiving hitnewsprieg sleet of Goods, conpriting, anal, nil the atm% and mesa (salon. üble atylea of ,Clotbs, Catamarca, !army Vestiop, cot ton and linen rummer sturt, • and every article suitable for gentlemen's wear flie spring ItOOSIOeMer. It being impossible to desertbe the beauty, cattily, al quantity of the stoat, the ptopriator tropes all oho are invent Of good, cheap, fuhteriable end well muds clothes, will give him a call, lb there la no steak ads side at the Alleghenies that can'aompare with lt. • • The ready nuidedetat very e•ttaraire, Map , tad wall ws, .• • . • 11011 awl conuarsettreauttry Oterettelea, and all who th e largely, ens paninthuty Incited to inane the Wet before pare'eaalmst im plateau at tention 1/1 peel to tha wholamle brunnese bade ant - • • .• , " every ankle la are Salaam/ line made to Gatlin the moat fathiontble sitd beat manner, at the 'hottest matt THE perniersklp heretofore existing ander the Arm of A is O fl RADLEV, is dissedred by the decease 01 Mr. U Bradley. • TIIO MOWS/ Mill be carried on by A licadley, wbo will. mule the bulls:ma of the late qMOVAL—A Bum= Bn remerred his Foundry I {Fuzhou,. from No WY Second Mime, urNo 19 Wood street, between First end Second sweats, to din ware. holm Lately osempled .by 0 A Berry, where hs Will keep eminently on band a general eseortreentot Cass, . logs, Grates, Blares, Cooking Moves, Er. - Iyl3 TTI• •NO .710.111• rtl3. suentlne the . yobbo to isspeetteny haul t o . the follow/es centleat4e: ft. E.ottes—llamitig tooled a guiltily of Coll weutbe4 by your Areottiourr,. huil 31111 teeth pronto - TOO O inuomoteetborred; an d recommend tbs us of it to those [Dios to California, es the best otstbod for Ob. n=6 OM mu., Cittebuigh, March 11, • Prnignment, lamb 7,1810. ML Ethino-41Mnd flirt Amin examined thotiArto. mem:" menufacuired at your f Domini do not hemmta to ecuOtnond it to the He of theme gentlemen who aro obookremoving to Conform:4 in smirch of Cold. It glom • elate omprominution to the verities gird to etas, whenwill rertoutly amble UI•WITIMISTIT to meermin die plater is yielding Cold. multi Yount. rmer. LR ARCLINTiIet. 11/LXIVICL MenNl4l%l/InI4.IIFDTIT 97.2611." Cost Stecl.Filce, of all sixes: and. Blacksmith and Shoe Mum demos on heed and for rale,elarer at Ms "Sa i. Steel Works;" Virus steam, Fifth Ward, or mike Waco in the loon Store of BOLLAILLNd k ON,, No Lfoot of Wood ince; rittabargh. Me, the ands:railroad, daring wadi with mins sat. Miss on. raa. Cast giant and Files made by Samuel Itfacial.. at his Eagle Siert WorM,M th is OM, tn/n &arum in reemastending Mm as equal in rinsiny to aay over used by ws, of forrhin mmriamtnm: rittanrith, March id, lEM. • 6/ H 8110ENDERCIER & CO, fdatinfamtuers of but and NMI . ittstirith,ght, • KNAPP & • ! Iron Founders and braddai!til t riebyl. r e . • • CO, Mairenotnrers of timi LESIAPI ngs, Leah Ruin fintel 711171 1 1; Engine fluildsts and Machina Cud /lanabra t ; Dram Founder Pittsburgh, Ps. - GRAPY Lif4DBdY 00. blameactitters 6f Iranand alls, PtlKLlNS lO tsinirgb, Pa. JOSEPH TONA Loco:nodal: Engiriaandblip Colider,PiusbmakrUn • • W WALLACE". 2"l,l°.:l2l°La'N'4l.l"l".l.l==a; ...T, AL'Aoylßrc'arg*A T gntzrogrratre .° rt,. rd,d„ win oI morning them to the owner, No, IN Wood row, 13IIRGH, FRIDAY INSURANCE. IMPS DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY MSS' -RANCE COMPANTOIIea Neon Room of Km elsome, Thlnl street, Philadelphia. , Rierelisindian sad other property, in Tenon and Country, insured against Kam of d.wasse by fire, at the lowest nue of Moon= ' Morms Immasawn—They ohm haute Woods, Car goes and Relights, foreign or seamrise, undaopen or speeial policies, as the morared nay damn limano Insecararwma.—Tiry also issue lamb medise transported by Wagons,loth Road Cats,Cluml Bogus and Steam Boali,"os nven and Wm!, u the inestliberal telnits: -• AMEarc9lB.-Jeseph U. Avd, Maud A. finder, Joh. Danis Ilebat Durton, John liPeurese, Sense. el Edwards, o.Lelper, Edward DeriLegtou. lam Deris,Wm Polwell, John Newlin. Dr A fif Halm, Jas C Rand, Theophiles leasldlng, II Jones Broom, /110 Cuild iilsonto Serri ll , Spam Naming, Charles Kelly J O Jolorsim, Wm Hsi, Dr &Thomas, John Sellers. Wee Syni, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSDUROII—D 1' Idommi, Rosh Craig, John T Loom. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Rasa= &Newnan, See'y. ' DJ'Oldea of the Company, No. 19 Water street, Plusborols. , tian2ll4l P. A. MADEIRA., Afit. • Lans sad Maliklassrauses. - rpliz Irlatial Life and Hearth Inver.," COMP., .L of rblisdephla; lomunorated by the Legishnuro of Pertneflvanta.• Muth, tots. C.Muter. punctual. Capital, SKOP°, Runs LLowsra 1114 K /Off Puss:me vanu CoXtLiff, and fall tA per cent. lower Mau the Mai rate* of WC! lasarnoce, as t h e following nom. podium will show, Thus, airerum of the age.of 21 In swing for IROO for life, mast onf itt IP'4 ll 4 ll42,Zi et rts h rtiirttel4 36 ,„ "k! broPrit,iNitt the Girard Slpn- e mi une l and r /lealm, rhiladeMidn, A; Dnunoss—Ratunel D. Orrick, Charles D. Ilan, W. Baldwin; Roberti% Rion Charles P. Ha ca Ilk W. Baldwin, N.M. Reeve, D, Chas. O. Campbell, Lewin COOPer, Rodman link or, E.ll.llotier, Edwin R. Co Pre, U. Orrick; Vice Reed. dent—R . P. RING Secretory—Francis Blackburn. Applications will ha receiverland every informotion given by -- BASIL. FAIINRSTOCK, Ant; • Mice, COMVSInCIaI Ra00111,.111 6 1 . of octli7.dly Wood and That std, Pinsbanth 1141Wa11114113181.111.4P1C6. • rnfE ai r : l e =LT CZa of Non 4 Ama*kp wilt petty Is this city nod_ nity, and en ',hi plr/cOU by Csmal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Rea. The properties Of • tote aro well invested, - and Punish an avail able Riad far the ample indemnity of all persons who dastrelu ho promoted by insurance. to : r-JoNes. , 48 Wateurt. /Tire !and HE (EPICIAI the laminae. Company of No Mb America, by been =loved to No. 1141 Praia it sus of Weed t aubserib.M., agent for ibe abeT. old and rain.. ebb. Company, dotil lane Pollens on Buildings .4 Moir emaorno, and on ablpmenta of Illmelmaine by Steam Boots and other vembibi, - W. P. JONM. • - PITTBBUHOH PSUIRATON 1111 - 111111 . OTNI rpEE !Woad Solon of tkia • Instiuttion, O. lb. .11.' nate of M. Ind Mr. Gantenn. for lite.prescrd watulemleveta. will commence on %hie day. enniday, Febenaryatinh, in the wane beading. No. da Lawny -'nteartgelnallui have been evade' by which they will be • to fannitth young holies facilities equal to way tbe West, for °bunting • deitroa&b Folrlisht eat, and Ontantental oduention. A full coulee of Pit. iattplaica: and Chet:deal Lectures will be &littered dari4 the veinier, llhaurated by apparent. The do. =of Vocal and Inanumenal Mamie, Modern v, Drawing and Punting, will each he wider :he care eta youtpetent Troths.. By niece attention to the moral wan Intellectual improvement of their pen pile, the Principale hope to satin a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For tetwe, we circular or apply to the Partelpet. fettlfidlf linden and intinne furniture. JAJWICII W. WOODWELLe 'fo, Taman gr.,lltmaavaaa. J. W. W. . 4 21: Remedially informs tint partite lltax he has eau. • plated MS •Infiftr•l o ek FURNITURE. the/ mostvaried assortment ever aimed for sale in this ay, romPilling.M•end mu. of Rosavn>oll, Iddloadr, and Mars warner, tarred, ornamental and plant, satiable kg parlors, Drawing and Bad floods, all of width will be mkt ;at the lowest prices, • • Persons dateline Furniture of any description, are spectrally invitad to call =domed= 6160100 0, which embraem every descent/04, from tbo chasPest and plainest to the most elegant and costly, of which the following comprises spun • Tete a reta edam Tom a Teta Divan.: Conversation Chalon DlUmbethian Chairs; Reeeptam do I.IV do Eztenstoo ' do.: Datfet Maud What Nate, • I • Toilet Tables . , Louts XIV Commodore; Doke of Yards Coach; 601300 ts with Bath red llaiew.loth coverm ed Divans, . do .-- do do; 40 dos Mahogany Parlor Chaim • . 10 • Rosewood do dm 17. " Bi 4 Walnut do dm 40 • Cane Seat _ • dm • 4 • Mahogany Roeldng do; It • ' do Plane Sto SO Marble Top Centre Tablet ;. • Pu do do Wash Stands; 2:lllMogany Dedsuiads; It do "Wardrobes; le 411 k Wldont.. :.do; „ . ,• _ 8 one ---- do. A very large monument creme:ton Chid/nand oth er Fortnum too tellies. to amnion. it• - • Steam floats Camlehed an the shortest Utica. Aorders promptly attended to. , . P. B.—Cabinet Makers eon be media with all sorns of ".bog=y, Waltn, and Vestmm, el 41.1.bitnbli maimed edam. . Oda lING Sr, CO HERSEY, ELI MANIC V , FROM Tll6 MANUFACI • ERN MANUFAC White Flannels, all Wool. Red do do do ' do ammo do do Bi.dg Norberto. Steel mlual do Moe do Mob do Black. Cuannero. Fancy do Fancy Tweeds. doper Block 'Mood Cloth. Soper Drown do Soper Green de SoperTwilted do Soper Block Doe Skins. Soper Drab Cooluneres: Soper Brown do BliPef Black - do Colgoniln Blankeld. Scarlet do moo do ' Drab do Groin Dogging. • Ilrown At the blounfneteren 7 ritubnoth =33 ['RENS, AND AT EAST uur,tur PLUCkZ: Blue Drills - - • Woe Demlnr, Panes Cottonades; WI are offered at Factory prices. Heins ',Stipa Shining. Cheeks and Stripe.s, very heavy goods. Tatters , Goods. Red radding, super de; Van Padding, Deekrme, Tallors , Csaaass,benyl i Massa Lleens Sllieta's Drab Serge, beset do, s I and wormed;. Black and NVbito Tape; Black rain, Drab c• Linen Cheeks and Stua'a conl Comm . do Linea Throat:, atm dor snots; Silkllaared Vcaunga; rasack Nada do Llroven Hallam, Beg Slit Uallopa, Cravat, 212., he eltocao, No 127 Wood _omr.l6 Olesotatlon. • TOLE copartnership heretofore existing hetwern the sebeenhers, in the name of Constable, Butte & 'CU, is this Say dissolved bp mantal content. htessrs. 'Berke & Dames will settle the business of the cans ern; for which putposc they re anthenzol to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL. CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE. THOMAS BALMS'S. The %matrilineal's*. this day associated the melees In the um of BURKE A. BARN/M. for Uto impose of maneleetaring Piro Seta Safes, Yult Doors, fee. Ae., at the sand of As late firm of Constable, Duke ACo, wherotbey will be pleued to receive the patron. mge of as =damn of teal bonze and their friends. EDMUND BURKE', - THOMAS BARNES., • , • In Teddies f ro m the hem of Constabie, Ba t e & Coy I withs/Acme eleisere recommend Nom. Hada & Hance to the confidence duty Weide and the pablie. Feb.. 9,181. NATHANIEL CONSTAULE. feh14413 H Chi 11.8NOTLINOIP HAS lint renuthed Nene tin Eastern Ciller, and • receiving,* large variety of aeuenable Creeds, to. Utrecht be recifelly invite* the attention of Perch 'ante and **Mu.. No 84 Wood et. fetal Censtantly W 1 eei P t A lsor P , E f w itte p Zge t "L it W uraeinries In. ow Y o rk 'and Philadelphia, a nd also /tom French agencies, dm newest and most approved styys Pw. per Hill 4 lats,Aogethet with Borders, lira Hoard Pilots, and Tutee'rops. For sale at 85 Wood st, be tween Fourth st andjkamond alley, (oaceessor to B. Hilt.) htrALLIC MAINT—a bite last we'd per steamer, VI and for sale by ae basset w poand atshe Dray, Seed, sad. Verfamerr Warehosio, :corner of BLIP. add Wood amis. B N WIC PeqllA.M. aria gIItYPIFLUS , Pattat leas Ash. 4g A. CAL 14.21 of the above elelebraied braid an d U . 2 high ta rt , direct &OM th e monafecuuen; lan auk. now :00 the way from New Orleans, and ex- Pealed bare this week; and 314 will allorarkrti•a Ti...thilthWra per Alba /anima, Cbeaspeake at sayand /Obits, wide b will be sold on arrrial, u the lowest market piled far rash k. or meroved WM. - • • W h IAUTCIIF.OPREF, No 140 Liberia •L . -- 1 - ithEXlCals STUNS •POllllll nouns. blthofthiarinu _Company now offer to 1. the pablle their Premium Metal - Cal Stove Yoltsh; sod withousseartherallon, or fear of contradletion,by those who bath sassed lyproeoanee lt far soperier to any other In the market. The consimerneed I ts apprethosions at sallies eaSpC . l.l4 Re., as Its thou. position pre-Tenth a dost from rowing when bring ap plied, which most be done when the Store to err& The thantlty required taw:kinds to prod.. a beau. Ural lustre. A saving either Bay per ren t is leourell to the M 1514201. A coating applied to Stoves, pipe., U.., when 1.14 away for the snunew, Is a lure pre. theist:we against nit. After lowing tiled It once, (If% is accessible) no person will the thy but the Ehtunir DE...teeth/Int Celepenrs Etweluni eardtthe Yo Wl. RR saIebT OBRRItUAM N nue Corner of irth theiliVece streets. a~bldgat A persons having mustbeth put on their houses. 11 In conform :1y too TellAttloil , of Connelly, will please tall at. the Rooms of the Board of Trade; second story, Gotha of WowlibT Third it., nod E_lr7 for the same. samiVite FAUNtzTocK Pittsbarets. April 441.1r0n. WES rOJLIINKSTuCIitqI Card. • FAILNESTOCICI4OI leifyto anneanee lathe I.7._patrons of 'hislifterDireelerty of Me of rrmilniegh and Allegheny, and boroughs of him cheater, Birmingham, &0., that the work is now nearly ready. .for the Attar. and will be pet in theL hands of the printer some views between the 40th mid YOth instant. 310 SanenallY. Cad in the who feel an interest prodastka of a complete and perfect Direetory, partlealu se ly the who hams not been called Oil ' will greatly oblige th e publishes, by asecnalnlng that their swum avocations and vise. of bualitcw,to , ars noted for pablimaionin the Directory. .All catch to be Welted. gnatbannan.in &rm. with; or at the latest, by the data SUMO fumed. • sitaytO • • • . • ancLonsort P/MlOll4 rn neeised. sod pow opoolog,ona elegultßoss- - wood 5 oftr... Ideldicoll Pluto, hos. a& eels btaid soicalactory of M at c h p & White, Cmclonsu. 'Mks Is a snariar instrament,offins lane son rapid "' Wad "; a nra.tWßWasire " , 13101 7 . 10111114 I=l==;!=MO=M=OM .... .... .. . .... . D. ~.:,........ .... ... ," , ,„ ..... . ... ...: .... ORNING. JULY 19, MO LAND SALES. Br the Pres!.lent at the Vatted States. I.lld=gelf.'73 iber-i;- dee la to and make known, that patine sales w.ll be held at the ondertmenuoned Land Offices In the Suite of MICHIGAN, at the periods hereinafter desiiignated, to in • At the Lard Oleo at SAIILT STE.I,LARIE, for rho "take Seamier District." cOntownentlr en, Men . day, the sixteenth day of September on , t, tar Me dla perel of pnb , ot lands within the (o( swing named townships, • • /Vod edit bate line, and west l the principal • toreridian. 'rewash], forty Gra, n ode ractional taronships forty six and forty invert of two.: Townships forty lee nud fury Nix. and fractional township fort, raven. of frinte three Township forty six, and freehand toartuddp fatly seven, of range fear. • ' [ • - To vermin's forty six and Carly seven, and fractional . Inernships fifty and gay ono, of tinge her. Fractional township, forty seven; (MIT tight, foni nine, Gar, and Ely one, of range six Townshirs forty eight and forty nine, and truth:mat township fairy arrange ans... , Fractional townships thirty rune: On -meg tr , ano." and forty on 0 11.0 Inland," and township forty fore, of range eight. Fractiomil townships thirty Mae end forty en 0 11og" and • (lardso Islands, and forty three on the main land, and to swine, fatty four nod forty Ere, of nags r Fractional. tournabiro thirty nine mut Cony on" Gar• n't und••Fquarroltlairdc.atiritovrnahltra fen) three forty four. and forty five, of Thor, tcs. Fractional 100MIlhips thirty eight on"Littlo FrelTet Telma, thirty nino on "Larne jitll,oo and "Trout ihiandv, and forty on "W,lliskeY” 10211110 ml Wren ships fan) three, forty four, Dud Pony five, of rang • cloven. Fractionaltownship thirty nicht on 6 Gall township forty two, and fractional tolinabipa forty three, forty four nod roily fire, of tango Fractional tonmahlo forty, uto =in land, of ranee sixteen. Fractional townships thirty nine and lony•on the: main land, of rang" sqventeen. • Fractional teßtablPs thirty Mehl, thin`, O men, forty, and forty 01t0,.011 the Main land of range Mahler, Fraenonal tewnrhips thirty di en "Shawnee end "Poverty" Islands, thirty SC,. (including "Sainnter" Island and an islet) and thirty eight. thirty nine, and forty on the moan land, and townships forty one, (City WO, ant torry,thtee, of range nineteen.' Frartinnal townships thirty Viz on "St Mailin`s" and ''littl.l" islands, th.rty wren on an [Act ortg.inte Sunixer" Island, thirty melt' On the Moth land, thirty mnelineluatns the island on 11[Clifill• twenty seven and twenty eight) and tarty, and township forty three on the mart land, of range twenty. • • Fractional townships thirty eight, thirty nine, and lone en the mein land, of range twenrt'onc• AT Tliti rAMk: PLACE,emetmeneinx on Monday, the thirtieth day of September next, tor the dire wal of tar pahhe lands within the followinx mused towe• ships and fraetional coennklilpik to North of the lase line, an! relit of the wrrtnaiymi nMritfirin. • • Fractional townsions thirty five and thirty ail on the mainland, of mac twenty four Fraction.' township. thirty three, thirty (oar, nod thirty five, and township thirty an, of ease twenty Fran:lonia township' s thirty two and thirty three on the 'Main lind:Mul townships earn forir and thtslY five, of nue twenty six F ee, townships thirty one thirty:M.ol.We three, thirty Misr, and thirty five on ihe main land trod townships forty six, forty nano, and forty eight, of range twenty knelt Fr y townships thirty twilliiity three, sad thinr sena, and townships thirty o ne,forty six, forty toren, and bey eight, of nage twenty eight. Fractional townships thirty seven, thirty eight, and tkinp bine, end townships fatty One, forty two, ferry three, forty solar, forty fore, forty erg, forty seven, and fon y eight, of range twenty nine. • Fractional towmhips thirty Wog, township (mire fractional , fort forty one, townerips forty two, fitnyihree, forty four,forty five, forty six, forty Boren, and lorry eight,and the fractions of sections thirty fin: sad ,Hey six, nt the capes of Agate hatbar,bf town, ship fifty tune, of roofs thirty. -• Irraceonal tow - I:Letups thirty nine, forty,' and forty one, townships any two, ferty three, ferry four, forty fire, forty six; forty seven, amt frny end Ifed . daunt sections seventeenandelatteen,on “Tranue" Island, l T abnde filly four, of range thirty one, AT OM SAME PLACE, connectuLeg ori Monday, the fourteenth day of October rent, foe the disposal of the public londa gunned within the underamnioncd townrhi 4a and fractional ur anshir., to win—, • „Noah of the Iwo line, and west of ute zwridion„ • Frzetionsl township foot' one, and tewnshfrni forty two, fort; three, forty four, forty five, and s, fifty, of range thirty two. I. Fraetaust townahlps thy and VW two, ninto Wry three. Fracuonal townships nod fifty two range thirty four. . Toworhip fifty, of nagniony one. Fractional township forty akin, nod lownahiPa forty nine and fifty, amps forty two, Township forty seven, frattional township forty eight, and townships forty nine and fifty, of range forty titre„„ Tharalitips tang =ten, forty eight, forty Übe, end fifty, ornate tarty loge. Townships fatty-seven forty elght, ansl Cory nine, and fractional township fifty, of range foity her. „ Fractional towraldps forty ewe and FAY, of nod. (any six. Fractional townships forty sin and forty. noun, - to wathip forty eight, and fractional township forty alas, Ortahge forty teem , , Fraction.' townships forty seven, forty eight, and forty nlne, of range forty eight. Fractional tem:whip forty eight, of ream forty nine. Attire land office at lONIA, cottlinerierng on Mon day, the sixteenth of September next, for the disposal oldie public lands within the undermentioned frac tional oWnahip. viz:— Nora of the base line, and west of the principal Section. one and two, the esst half sentient or three. and sections eleven, twelve, thirteen, forrteen,reent7 four, twenty Ilse, end thirty no, In township nine, of " Lifrap '' propriated by law for the 'nee of schools, W or other purposes, will he excluded from the sales. The otlenngof the above mendemed pr will be commenced on the dors appointed, set proceed to the order in which they are ndvertlecd, with con venient dispatch, cool the whole shall One been of fered, and the salcs thus cloud. Ilat no sale shall be hem open to thee two weak. and no private entry of any or the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of two weeks. Otero under my hand. at the etty a-Washington. this thirteenth day of mum, Anne one thousand eight hundred and nfly. Illy the President: J Iterrrultano, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PREI-VAlPrurs CLAIMANTS. , livery person entitled to the right of p..emptlett to. any of the lands within the ustatabins and fractonal townships above enumerated, la renstred to tstaldtsit the same to the enusfection of tholßegletstand Pre. reins of the proper Lund thrice, and mate payment therefor ar soon as practicable aftertmeing this notinns and before the day appointed for the emamencement of the public sate of the lands embracing the least claimed, othereeiro each claim mitt be,farfcited. J. 131ITLEIHPIELD, itfudiltsvOwS Commistlener. Usionnettlei American rotate) , Hook. film; Poultry Pour and ,Fewi Weeders' Gulle— t /suing a trentlau on the Ilmedlns, Rinsing, and ricneral Illanagement of , Voununtri Fowl., with nu merous original deserthttons and Portraits from LUC. U Yl l l ' ls hn sro C rk lic w7lne 'L 'Ul to contain iereater auto= of original and other torormarien, bails practical and usefol, in regard to Fowl Weeding; than le contained in ell other -.merman' warks together It will be Illustrated with neatly Filly Portraits of the mast choice varieties of American and .Foreign Fowl,, coma forty of which an from life, from drawings I taken especially for this work, of two most important Greedy sod sev eral of theta from fowl, very recently i'l gi r e — pthlisbers haw ' . spared no elipettie to bring not this work in a superior manner, both in regard to the engravings, Waite Of the Waft, and the pee cicculain bectioart DI the boot. And it is !MIMS , ed that the work will be found to contain inert pram'. eat information On 13reallug Managing DomoClo Fowla, than any work tuned io thin cannel. For sale by • .litS D .LOCKWOOD, Jer. - Bookseller and Intrarter, 144 Fourth st. IOHNSTON &STOCKTON Oaten Sul opened for eale the larmen aasunucntof Paper,Lilarklellooks,•ra Stationery ever °Sand for ule In this oily; trotether with • holm collection of now rdidaraluablo Ilrork• In every department of literature MI publication, for vale at cancan Farce. Country aterehant, supplied 'with emery snide in this lute; on the most reasonable Jell. 111111113OLDDS COSMOS—Casman • Sketch of . Plocleal Doan/akr oftba Uniectre. By Mex. N. ilumbrd.ll. Traaristed by oak. rob, Mar.. Jag received far sate by J I) LOCKWOOI) Doakreller k 'mortar. ICI ' , moll yr lelB ILINOLISU & 117110LEZALE GROCL TV offer for 120 pkg. V. Imp. Moral and Gunpowder Tow, 135 his Tobacco; ILO bug. itlo Codce; Mkt. N O Molaszen '75 bbds N 0 Sugar. , 250 bore. assorted ' Are al OZNAIATT, US, No 41 Wood 'treat. rlall his IL it. Tim!sins; W Ins cluster do; 15 Ina do Jo; 15 eats Zoom Currants; 15 holes E. Walnuts; 15 do Brasil Nous; 15 do Alberts; 100 do Pea Nuts; 20 Ines shelled Almopds; Ti has Rock Candy; 5 saes [daemons; 10 Al IMncipee es Revell 11/rOVNI Sonnisb; . 3 has Cloves; Window Gass; 40 brs Plpesi 00 las .osp; • 00 bOo Cand'er, 30001 b. Codbsb; !la/ bar Tanners , Oil; bss Chaeolare; :10 dos Bed o.ni.; ;10 earl. Manilla Hope - , '3O bxs Opined Cnnoolatel 1 0 bags Pe Alspr pper, bags ee; 100 boo normal 40 brls Vinegar; 30 bales Casdlansell au boo Burch, 10 tees Bier, 11/ brl+l chair; 2 cane Natmers caeca2s ''"n l!em in O t arePi 23 cues Pepper Settee; 12 eaves Toronto Clamp; aroond-Spieee of all kindp. 49 borre le powdered and Loaf do t 4hda !dodder; I.o'bils Whidng; • MI drools Figs; As mil as • 6ensral c Itlssofsetutcd articles. GROCEFUL.I3I7,bstiIf r. 7 , 1 Id ch'i 30 do • un do 0 do • . 61 caddy dl but , • 63 caddy alearisaat of Pittshorek • anao Sogar . Rio Cup). V Upton, micas !bade Gunpowder mad Imp roarhoor OolOcg- • • ly bss, YII Imp k P vs, Vs, nod Ibit Tobacco ly bia lianow's tOs do §toTch bf brla•Selenans CaVr, ',I . PPcr, • In F% , ; firrA4.: . • 94 WeceTst W bele Indigo, Madder, Aaiun, Mateaego,' arid Lamp Dlar.lC ♦ PHYSICIAN'S THISTISIONYs' HAVWFOUND NOTEUNGTO EQUAL 111.aczaves4Vn., Iloreh.cueso. MS. R. a SELLERS-1. hove disposed Lot all , ihe Cough Syrup and Lives Pills you Ada la dos of Ho Vermilgo. I halm and all your Family Alode/sisisolalikso4ls .ad hate also proscribed them la say ursausei r very stash pleased with them, and have Lund ribiblog to equal them. Send roe 8 dos or Isms Yermltago, oad 10 flos. cosh of Ho Liver Pills sour Cough PIM. • - • - IF -saute( LeCer.l . :chose highly popritar medicines may be bad of the proprietor, It I:Sta.Lr RS, a 7 Wood .4.dr/retest. esocralty inhe_taro eitirs and •- *ea RCTIN-4 - few !a's A No I extroWiin — e — ii.OitiFiif sepettor guilty, suitable for solo nsalsin[Jatt received and for az]. by • /WIN hleValail &CO !eta 700 Canal Buis, Pear et ••• DRY G00D5,.14 0 . - r ' WIIITIA.OOOIIIII ken 40 MURPHY &131-18CMITELD Invite the attention of the ladies to their .:tenure aaitorlatent of White . Scotch wad Firm& Swils dor Solaalftl al* , • Embroidered. , • do; - • . Victoria LaarnE Lori Priced Darla Pelf:met for morning` aft.fraa; 0 0 . , oa Ap r ; nod a large 11110M11.1.01 FAME Masan...mirk colored embroidery; printed Jar-tonere; Lorna!, liarcgc4 he., in tank COlTgli of Poona • arid Market streets . Poo na 'Cheap Lao.. . . . .: MURPHY & OURCIIFIELDhave received a lam supply of teen Lawny vett dral.Pl " .1 . q l.- brown at trles. lied do, in gram variety, for 10 us is fa Alse,embroidered and printed filuslins andlnekonet, nandest and neuron @ FEWt pike foreneltl/ math east • refand Market sr. - rim GitEAT 13E111.749N11A4 SALE OF DRY-GOODS. . AS .11144r95e vane., of A. A. MASON & . , C 0,.. ri ILL commence oo Manday; ; Jusio: sir -Their Immense establishment, with all their Wholesalo Room, thisbeettslon, be , thrown open for RtieJL Tirane, and ell of their ostensive . stoek will be ogeted to remit porchasers.st a d iteount of from 0010 30 per cant kss than usual pekes. THEIR STOCK OE SILKS Comprise over fran honilred pieces, and will be sold at an IMPletle° dia.. • tonne. Their assortment ofShawls,Batelett.Ttssues, Oren. abut Foolsid auks. mom, llloll°3ll. /among, Cambers, and Inem Goods nonentity, will be closed oatiamediotely, at abort ono half the anal mks.' 11 cams Fist Colored Lorna will be offered at . - oe. dor Hareem!, . lee: 4 dor Muslin de Lobes, 10d. Booth - lot English and American Calicoes, 10 kilo. 300 domm Linen Handkerchiefs, . A largo lot of Wroogla COQ.", some T. tow 00 80.• Together will, a et°ooolo variety of Domestic and •%Vitita Goods,. Ribbons, !lottery and Cloves, Donnell, Mating in allonaof stemennye casortmenti in the country, welch wilt be marked down to mewls gown pr,ces then at any of their previous Anneal Soles. ' t T.! Store will be doted olive Thursday and May Mtn and 3111, for the purpose of anktne log and morking dawn ordok,•No ellillellol2 1 .0 poll •• • A A MASON kCO fIIIICIAOII LINER . WIRPIfY b allef:11111-71 , 1). Ilan 'recreant • ...P - M ply o(1.4 and 44 Fresten Linen!, tor saen.• corns and seeks, iselcsf boys , and childrefale, wear, of the 610fIdeeitable abrades. , • They invite auention to their large assortment of Ideals and Dote PUMAIFIt' WEAR, or different my feria's, and all of which will be eold low. • fel? • rAnasoLst ren4soLs XIVIIPHY it BURCIIFIELDbaae received .othcr . pply of above article, invi ara enabled to sup. ply atm.t any viably and. colocaranted, wad. seine easb • • jels - PailaCtitair Ofoth h , IecLINTOCK hes . . teerlesd day,' at E Nth . c l-a n rmiDL y re.ll . 4 o h t l g o o m 7 r i og i b . l i gu e , o ll . (34 to which lee Inoiter the atiendenVpuechwra. u Y reduced are new offerh4 Reds al [ready reduced prlees Lawns from 0 cent! at.; 4.4 list Chinas from ll:treats up;Ateraces for Idle; Plsia Black Defeo for late; Bennet Ribbons for 60 yet yard. -Ladles/2re Infe st la call ant examitas one stock of dress gockis before perchaimg elsewh= North east comer of Fourth and Market als. I nl3 • - 6.1147-iiiat Mats. ' T3ECELVED gam, day, ~r ;start:moat of Alicapi 14 of Unita Masa, attha ars' Wain foam df • • W 11cCLINTOCK Fauna at "Mitt RrIlY & BURCHFIELD hare a lame Moak 9 LTA' Fanny and F4aplo •Ihy Good., v g. c iF at greatly radoeed prtgas, Burge do Lakes, a large name - amnt of beantlfai pattesnsi Molls, 'imolai and Swigs - r ' • Aaylemdid prontoent of Plank Ind Rama Silks; ames,ifo Lawns and Do Lakes, remarkably Por *ay; Ikantl Foulard lrent. Tani; • Ilemodul Calleraw, from g ems, and apararar, • A large stock of Drowo and 'Dumbed Molina, Ole: l ige run, and armada, •• • ' • Bonnets and Yarasola, at awaity reamed prim. •• Cloths, thweimercs, and Vastly's, plata best quality. • remarkably low; Together with n large stock of Tlektngs, Apron and, Shirung C.heckg„all roldths• Brows and Illeaehad Alseetlags god Shin ngs; 'Lint.; together with . Nat:An/alert •"". °"feelDar JRPp'v a 1111110:111 , 115LlibtaveThus received new style Foulard Silks,very elm* rich, OM:, .std figured changeable . .111m, abanst every style, and quality; wiper plain and neared black silts{ do battles and tissner, bareandc Isles, new and hand wme styles; new Elle Manch, English, =A Sngla Lawns, m great satiety, end at very Jaw pneer, plain, figured, and Satin swiped de Itins or all kinds and counies;' linen bistrv.s 0(.0 - shades and colors; enchains, cantina, ptrats,/ea.ist nonh east earner . vf Fourth and Marker street... , te9 FARTHER aapplp °Mara WC, at Caney cal- TX - ated Bilks, Put reesived v o o 7 express His zadna l'tSU"gh Cant rem & BURCHFIELD am aelaas &e. IVI sad Renate K. D. Lames elver, bar prima. at swab tut enmee of Fourth and Mattel H. filiaCß - gILICra. ander med.= and vp mow Him:Wm LIM/ aka catallty,ant reted pad far Ws at Nanbent earner of Fourth and Max. fin aura.. jrS MURPHY b BURCHFIELD Honan t v g liele lE mt El • SOT • r.d tkfl U dl l oTaTeapply of a1,0vt,,0 - do .' ,7::lndi ' n ZS ' s; style, Chlna, Pond. .M Hlrop t llonoet; White esd 1:Olo rod WA. hod Brutal' of all calor. nzid prima. • tosll7 • 474 Cloth, I'lun motive , : from tho factorY, and for sale etnth, the Wararmo, Nos. 7 k. 9 Wood MOM trll .1-/C II PHILLIPS . • • • . - • - fi. BURCHFIELD firths the attendee al. of theme reaming goods -Oar Mourning TurvOmmer to their very AleA le fa rt assliont oruesal,inst received, such us. tembei, • iromberrine finish Alpatee., - Meek Meese de Urines, • • Mairmies Wadi fins, • do Printed Foulords, Betakes, MM. , . Sieftieh Lewes, lilberveum, Plain Bleck end Printed Lawns, _Week Embroidered do; Donor! Ribbon., Scarf do, Veil., he. meyl7. 13EZMCCI Caantn; : eta, awned S U e td olVrs; a rtneTirabl a ex p r c ttela for Rimmer cola, ree'd, and now opening by • A A MASON &CO mayld ' CI Market at THIBET SIIMATITS-.Sapeturr nogg colored 'father Shawls, comprising illunson, Oranges Prnk,Blac, Green, and Corn colored, Just teeming pet express, and ibis day opening by A • MASON A CO mtryl7 . ' WMarket TjAPlEliir.tril - gi — filso, PinV, — Gieett,. ale ..ei - C1 tteolored llareges, reed per express, ace nave o.enin by =qt . / ' A A MASON A n., Blank Ores. Oil/4u A ' A. 111.M.:ON .1. CO arc thi! dap opening 10 p*. t9l inch 111ftek . Gro de Rhine ilk; 10 pc.:ll t do; 10 pas :C mon do; 6 p 0024 Inch do; and 4 pier • soaylo 361aa1. do. • Lana' Uatkltit•rthigam 400 dal Ladies , Linen Cambrle Hdkri,oll pried; Nait doz Gents' do • do do vo doi do do do colored borders; Received tbie day by A A / MASON CO may CO Market at. c ji i ITILLAT . I:p o tg• u st io n w it-f e fegmle maylo A A MASOIrIt Cow Orownlanens. eoo pc, 3-4 and 106 pea 41 Drown Linens; 130pcs Gray's Barklars, sad Atenneees typelior • .LIIICIIIS, now opening . m. 1710 A A MASON aCO 1 --- I4iatt Axetotal of Dry am now receiving large addittione to our cock of Spring .td Summar Vry Opole, and art pre-. pared to odor an excellent •11,011rtleal at Oar anal low pricer for cub, or approved credit." ' - The attention of western dealers Is particularly re quested to oar goods, as we feel cant denl Of being able 10 offer animal indocements to Make a bill with ue. Call and examine many ra e. ettecKtrrr & R HITS, %earn w Int. Wood greet. • .. 108 felarkakEllseqt, (noat labor/40 latOTttA eft. DYNES! IM AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND GERMAN VANOY (100 p g nosiEkv, RIUdoNS, LAC GLOVES, T HR E ADS, COMBS, nurroNs, SUS PENDERS, ese. , Also, Satin and Itenay Vesting., !MACE ND FANCY SILK CRAVATS, ruNGEE, 11/LN DAN pn, nod LINANI.IOIiFS, a genorGow mmeng ot VANS, mad coon' variety of uno.mings. ti AIRS. C=g=4 , . . °ABM; plain and figurcd Hama de Lain*, wait. enl 'colors nut received, and sailing al gasp 'loll Mess. ' =spa , AA , MASON CO ' 2 CASD3 fast coloeed Lawns received and. nave openingivelling At' tacentreme low price of 8 eta per yard tusi= A A MASON & CO CASES fast eolored (llnharas, Esed, and CO a/ at cents per yard • A A MASON &CO 13 Market id. ATHER9-30 bags 11011onhomlfor rale by jetS! I 9AIAIUDICKINIr . CO I I Ir wets on hand, for agile by ~,jr 11.18 • MAUD DICKEY &CO `,AUV.tl—Ie reak, Hann' . otsk. Shoulderq • ' ecalka Sides; 4 casks assorted, now innding. for sal. h 7 IrCILEY & 8 STE - 1 - 111/ W1LM..F.011..-1400 gals bleaoli'd tl;.c rm gals unblended do gals fall; 1.100 gni. blenched fa; Guo gals N. N. coma Whale Oil, in stain sad for sale by. KILLER i RICKETSON ad 171 lc 171 Liberty st. TANNERS' 1.111.-000 gals brown Lza outs; 40 brig do; Utnis common Oil, in gore for sale by ' jel9 MILLER to MORMON .Flay R-3.b0 brls ri , lollt lot e S., ItligY: We le 2=' r ,,t ehotbds4 lattiA4 Ofchtsg4 .5 ' tlholl4.LtrtkarViballtirdifilkoor '; 5 ,o: ,' • • ea' 1 , 11.1, - ciTozo =llAr, r 1 • ,Tbe above eeloio:sose4sslsls4sskaak. direct tbo I moortetv.2l WO' bet et ow ow to 'lh rtelho, cau T:ll= , 1 s Jeto• T . VANri—A. fylenttill assorunerit, of ugT own luvort- E •ad onicompittag ctery variety, lot tale by • • •: JelLI -0 YEAGER : C UM,*-19 5 11 1 Tors lats. vies :fie Ir do; 14roal ii ' itme d 9e ° pact 9 . mbrior9s * l;o7 '.' 9 C YEAGER E-'hay. 11 1 1 1 : 13 .7 ' 1,VgaznIc., F igmt - . by .F.DLoglwoo, I ,44.tivtit•XmtNlA , L 7 i al.k, entitled PA Sapplceman to ne Let erented-ati lean; Mee Plinking Fend grid to provide On, the. gradual end 'retain eittheilihment of Um debt' °Mho Contemn. wealth.ead to *etherize st Idea? optioned . the •Ifith day of kis, A. II tfal, provides es, tolloore,vir.7 , filmes II Shit the Govettler I. henthy *rebated Se negotiate a - 100-foe can aim I of' Three goes Three glandred .Thourund ,Doilm, redeemable, thirty' regret troth the date of the kabseriptlem thereof; at sr mord thwart stersixeceithe their per cettroin .per seamen, web's/ le gold .andellvar, eembanitally, liege the first daytor Ifebrriart and Afigust' of each gear, and- exempt from , eretropeedes. orders:Woe. Nance, the, proteasts foe mild low will ha received, shalt be published In silents one el i.Ylnpar in the Bounigle of Ilarrisharg, Latecaeld of-Pinstneitl. Lancaster, and rhiladelphlaLand i the chief of New Toth, Beaton; and'UsidatOte, - for go Pethitorit Id than three mouths beforithavitetthogotodd tothP and hy tenet elsewhere,. If:deemed neeettainl, tpon the day - malimed for thatenteposo,la nun holler, he premise& then be opeeedle the gnawer of the Governor, the Becteary ,of this Commenveddit sad Aridity!' 'Geral and the bean abet' beintrarded 'to the higher bid &g or. kidders.* II theamount of the bids shall exceed the stun of the said/ow the same shall bo dirtributed pro rata amongst the llghdo bid". den, bet If *carbide of said loan shall not then be taken, he Uoverstormay renew notice, In the .manner. nforcsald,'ffoui tone to thee;tiff the whole imprint Of 'raid loanehalt rienebeeriben• No eettdebonsl'blde shell be considered., ;Von deeding .ptchjaltonr or any part thereof, ce te nter mob Moran for the Interest' shall 'be. i ' therefor by .-the Auditor San rg it' the kiTni ahaTl eibthilbed; shall be Ind It ts hereby aprinmelated favthe mitten; end B a bb, iti,,the funded. debt or thinColll4 monweabb, any due. or [d became due, during aid - year miethoesand eight Witted and fifth and for the payment °Meson of ithetity fire thotednet One hem dicd. and four &him n.W eighty eight cents;dist domeetie Ideate:since of the prov Amin efotesaid,ntineo to hereby giveu, that proposals he' receive! et the office pith° Secretory oft. Cousesecrodant 4 o'clock P. fli. ofi Ueda*: the. ee. day of Octebot next, snipe lido fora loan to the Coniinerivensith. lei leo remotes net fork in , the geld -stet °fedi ear of Wan ealltleetklhreo hiutdred,thouranddothua,reitecun able in th irty years tram the &two( the subscription thereof, tat it rage °Metered not' ezreennair four pee rent -.Per.:annued, peyable in gold Ind Weirs end neurally, upon the trot dope of Fahraary and Anjou( or esehleae, and exedmr loom etery.speeles of WI Certificate, or crock for tfie suit Toon, 'th neuPond in; the inlet - VA beinuelt in thermal: manner and made nuttiest& blithe. wiener, on the beeksor the Auditor CeneraPs Department . -.The proposes edit be required astereintictly, the tonosnteirered. Wiloh Yhoill del Weer ran. 'le less than one thbuswit doltere the ran of {merest Dot exceeding four pee cern, and the premiere proposed. nee Marvektha AMU) accept the whole or , any poet attic rum offered unless the proporell Bids for the luau m ast bd direct end explicit Na conditional proposals will be received... Upon the of the propagate the must be p rate the.fitate Tresorrentglieb manner as shall be directed by the Vetere', . ts Cenficamt of tweet will be tuned [neigh amo unt as eng be refitment byo4.teadqmst.i .!... Thu proposals to be ',illrected,.. coder and, to thin odioe, endorsed,' •Propesals Loan! , They 'tell not be opened or tthelosel knell the Pedcd Lot mg them haVelapscd; after;Wilerne alumni:tale the , - L or the Comh.L., - neeretary's Office, llernibers, June rth tasa Itl23TriT TO UN'iIdiSSSLIP or as. _ IDet ESOLVED by the Segle'sail' Ham it nevem:eta :XL limes( the Ceram 01..Ub of itessylisms &Omni dirsembly met, That the Constituted, of this Cows.: wrath he anaemia is' Um Seeded toptigtf the fifttelit mt that it elthil teed es follow* ;TO Sombre albs Court, of the emeni Yowls of Odom= r -Imourcra . .7. other Cams of Staeottie coke tembllthed b b lair, thud Are sleeted. by dm Itaqiled Abeam of Ow Co.. wattlh,iu the 1.1120 LT forlowneg,to wir. • The /edges of Um.' Supra. Coati hy eM qualida green of lbw tdattum wealth at Ist get the Prtheleat Judaea of theeereeth of Commas fors, emi of me.other (karts of Record u s es bi shell Mt alglulted by iew,'.und Mt other Jody. :required do be bursted do_ the leo, births modified electors of the resfectin dierietemer whitle they era to preside or earl lodger, wad the Assoulateriadgee of the Collel'of Cailizema Mow try the qualifted deg* Ofthe geodes impludituly The Judas of the Supreme:Pave gall hot. their alma for Ibe ttatrof /Meg yeast, if eery gall so lota belteri therawdeu well, (subjselto.the aliotmatt llwreisatter sided for, ogee:peon to did Ent *diced:the. l'emoS Judo. date ummal:Courte :geom.* itese,Uad egg other CooiUnf& cad as sal anima MatabWbed by lawi and all other:ledges require.th he lamed ha the law, shall - heal Sum offices for On terott prim' yam, if they gall so' bog Whims thesteelme welip.ibudmottials iodate of the Court. of Comm. Pleat shell hold their .allees kr t'wt term of be yam, if they gin to Wog ham themiteleg et; allof whoutgail be . mtemaistioutel lry floretwor; but kr toy rthstrattla mitt, which shell not be rid:eh:at smash for tmpivinents, thy tiottroor 'lmmo 'toy alias on the adder» of twiethirdeet avb. b.oiA of the Letridature. The hest . &lodises thud Wm Oa th at the brunet steatite . o{ this I...metwettls vet after the Mop. Sou of this a t. end 41J1 coommemas of all the Judges who my he thee in'efilei arum cm the fine bloods; of Decouter follmersug, ages the terms of the mw Judge shall 'ootemetet, prams wig shall 'thattli eketed J odys dew Sopreare Coma that bold their Mimes hoftlfour' or them thi three years, aro for salon, calor Moiajeartir am We tfretre seam .of oiaiLat dram rears, the term et earls tot be added by lot bi Ulm Wild misis, awes after go eleithot on toeletrithltamd Om. ' mit emitted thms tothe We Mimi, that th e emanwsuots say be Mooed le aseordeuMS I.lmretot : Tie 'Judy wheat eamsinden will fast gyre eh.R be Chief Josuey dory; his term, sod &metier met Judge'whem =dump thall first aptm shed in taro be the Chief iestem, and if two or own commistiom goal even oo the mom day, the iodate =sl Oro abafrdeettiVy 'which gal the Chief otherwise " ut my of the =I I , d ersl " l 4 bTotd b lit7 poiothead by the ilioterooryto'amtious till the fast °e asy of Lketsaberemmedisig theuest amend election., The Julys of the 'Supreme st't tad Presdeote of 100 small Courts apeman Pkamitall,at tatted times, for their Centers to edtquide tor—pa awleo, to be find whkh gall oat tat duallithed tiering their eautiememe by,they doll remise so thee or premdeito of oiler, our bold together diet of:profit =der this Commonwealth, or wader rho trosermand :Atha United Slut., or say other Stets of Chit Ultima The:Jo:lye of tha Supreme:Cart, during their coutiumsee is ewe, shall Wide within this Cammearesliht ma the other jutam, dukes their orectrim gm is cam, *tali reside Pram thedioriet or musty for whit they wen rerpeetiway Muted. 3. 11:14111.5101iT,' ' ' Sieger pith. Home of Jirmandejra.-... V. BEST, • . Speaker of the wester' • • "; • eg.'Jimony IBA • 1 5• . = I, :time% V. Peeroot li ftt, Link of the Smelt , of. Permylentio, dolicrobs ce}tify that Om fotegoieg maclatioti, (rim le at it. testate GU of the peressat ttßesolution relative to atiemtrobatat of Ihr Cooditottoo,n. been the'com neolutim which WM acme{ to hy zeo' iority of Ihs members. elided to etch Haim of Om bat Lego/more— atter' !mice bah eaosidoteas, mimed, mu Mb day natal Co s majority Of I.h. elected (gaud otrein fa CM &Stift of Patotylnah, .atm. prate onsioo, et devil' eppea! by their woke gins o. &armor of Ito, retolatMo,mi folkom, Thor .oliog I. buratto , meg. of the moktion wen, 11. Jam 13‘,01,.. J. rat.. AJ tx.bb, Jawlhao 1. oantinßlszot, Thew 5.• Fermat, Voltam 11. Fortylb, Muhl Frelloyi Roberti M. Feich,ilenry yottoo:- John W. Garve. Wiahm It.dcly Imo norm Timothy, Ism, !whoa Y. Jones, Oomph , licolcmokher, Chow N. Lawrence, Maawr4 Itlce i blia, Scullions Malaita, Dalt otiO hlatthfie Thor/ 'A: Artilitcoberg,• T.. rocker, Waliato ' ll.. Bad tor,'Devlll Steam, Persil. &mom Come fitumer,Robette.Mterrett,Damtl Shoe, Farri2l3. emeat.e, John It. Wolltte, and Talent,. Tett, socektr—l-Toteo.l. Three 'Ohs egmattese Fauna of the eMinliab wen, (home Ducat, Atmottot Drum,. cod Itelatoley Eats—. litys 3: • • • (Egrace from the Jooroila 100.04, W. ruu.sort. a.* • km Smo Boca or lltriumriaristaf HMrabusw, Much IS, lEkla ' V - I, Jack, ChM!' Mork of th e Maus of Corm mantises• of l'elosoylnala, do hereby Motif :Val 'Mateo; Eoi-of m lbe Smote 61., awl Ito CM "'° of Erk Promol mtemoh) oolitled .gtoso hake CM mosoduala Of Ms Canallolloww-4 beim; ths nom moll:dims which Woo naiad ha bl i s amajwity, of the moan" alteltdl le each limas of Eto t Local. tom—eilm twin{ beta May mmadored wad diommodowm lbw say %nod t, by_ at onions yak aso mnahms olested to, sad somas in Os ilodit, Espitandalima of Pensayl7 main, at in (mesons Mao. as will app. ky Emir owns, gam on ahwhooll paeoci oral. ratedotioa, oa follows, raw, Them 'Meg in favor Of the pump of the resolaliat owe, John Acker, John Allisea,Watlimi Baker, Cabal Staldwlet, David c.ig MIMI, Jeremiah Black, Jam S. Boor% Brindh, If/astkl IL, B.' Broweri Jesim B. Boman, John Cams, Mary Chunk, Jam N. Coolowhasa, Samson. Crisi land, "Idekfloalat G. Amid,' Dohs bath Jame. P. Dosmoo!, Thomas Duesw,Willima Pun,. %Etna= Ihysy, John C. Eram, Willissa Erms,..E.o3cosa Alcraolor Femhor, Janes Vbwera,Bonjahiat E. Parlays, Imoodst ( lataney, Thomas lt. Orim Es Goiffm. .1 mold, •Golky, Jamb Si Cala:mon, ' flobtde Ham, LeEkit JoU Molina, William 1101004' lobo Hodge, Cowry Levailimiowl.,Wookakiosa. lackan,llteheati John John' W. IL L i w ay, Charlaa E. Enksopti Robert Kkati Morison P moron twtsfli Jonah= D. Anna Leotard; Juan . W Lade, Jonas li. - EMClinfook;Johe F. Weaned,. Elmandor C. M.Cortly, Johm MtLataklin, Joh.' Unman, Emma , 88 Mars, John 0 Moak, Michael Morro, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy. John 11. kliwris Walls T. Mori,' k rand Mom y, Edward Mickleton; Jacob ,ff imly, Chariot O'Sioill, , , John 11 . Ihokrr; Jam* C Poaren, Jamas C. John S. Ithey, Lewis Robison. Emma RohMom. 'Joh. a author- fool Gismi W. Emad, C. Skews • Itichank trbtr; Eli ISEakr, !Wiliam Smith, Sonitha U. Banta AVEC= ILlModer; Thom. C. Steel, !David Elmwood, Chain Stockwell, win Cl.Trwas,AretraionWods. !lobed C. Waller, Thcsaaa Watson,. Sodoolf , B. Welb, A...WHlSsiona. Dank& Eowtol, aad John% sofa —Tem Thom mating egoism the macs of Jiu relohltksawars,'' Ahcsatm K. Cannamid Enns.and Jamas lolawster—i Nap 3. ' (Es Cosi Su lemma.) • • W 114.111 1, JACK,' Clerk,; Filed Muth 15 IESO. A. W. DF,IVER/CT,Dep.lßee'y oiConm?analtlt . es...troarl °lnca; I Atc. AAAAA 111 Ia ; 11 do etnity thartill* above sada tree ml Oolt cornot wry of. tho Otigizol noolutioa or • 0...1 Ao. cabUed t•Rtablatioa Motive to so osoaohaava the' CoastiteGoo,” la the Now renstau ea Ate is lhiaoleic le tionoopy arlaroof 1 bow hormato. sat ay .. laud, sod onool to bo atkrai the 1.1 &cm totr. 05,0 at Ails eolith day of Joaa,Aoao Damianµµ thoawod kndrod sad My: •• L'ACT.I.4II , MS,Storet.ry of Ot. cosumamiatth. jr74.110v19i6f • • • • - ' • • ''' ' "MILT 3/1.01711. - ...aFik ' - ref the Irtts a mh 'i rtity 'f al tb rolulas pl th a:erbo l lerial , e reception 0 era et the folleartarplaces- . - ! ,f• '..jkt optic of Balkamillood Weep , _ '' i itAArgiir s. eaT i . , '! , ; &$l. !T *1 !" 1! h etaco,cr„gl,t,..g.. 1 I ,, tt tr ... trtiPcrr„„ Penn sheenier ofMarsetelley• • '—.„ ‘ ..W° _1 aci wenn street, Ninth W.I. [ "!........a.llrnalena will call mica or tineurdelly 4c!•!Nttaivittita flair,te. delivered PolliMl._ Yelth.c,. 11rfilat or satks4-tnok floor l s rm...mm...7. ape•••••cuititout eke* for earutae• it 1 . Plan that 'account@ to be allowed, one that amen can Wu, no permission to leave door without payment. 'Wer hope tin oitaie wiu be pleased teak •tlita as.. Yinactnetr cli " " U '"?' Vll7 =I • jortyto •' - L__ ___.. _ ____ . i i !Batiraaparillis Soda 8 MI kenatiatiasporlita , 0 hen 40 , . : Z) ibi s Lit...FYMNbl."6ollPireksonn Nee; red and (sn e a k by • t • - ! -. 4 '' '''' " ! • ' . jar MUER t /iICICEIVON . . • • ...• . • . • - . • • I i :.••• • .. • • . " • , 298; Elti 'OA • • . paoctazikrlore. rosq. sit per. who in deb tosepf the blathiersod wills no In Leek or limbs, TO/ trout,: e mi t me m i= 3 ; ' glum, &Alit.* they Poil.he mama, tutor the Fr- . smi may. aillicemil4bewsfa-Aqtrma **- -Much as yen TOMLIN hilt Ng docabol mike treo, for • we proclaim to the (Mt otatilerowth community, that it his vitt... 'which ate not folio:dud -In any other remicay. Tito man who is rooked with path nal of , hung from Mune. eattforfirtyramts, set relief hoot any of the libunnamarsted above.. Resler! it emits wry little to make WAIL- This :Polrolettin Is no mix tare—roreconpald, maim for the. purpose DlU:losing on the Ountollty; . hat it is a remedy, ithorethd by the muterh...4 wearb t ond babbles apTrom the be. wen of taro mother earth In its *Orme parity, , fen to Werthg haraitaryrjareVy threctly t • I ocrthio It utrotbrop omit , r it • 1••• •• • i—t• c • . has enre&Pilee itibtlaftherwthilleloce have'lniled totonder.snyielter....o hrocnred Rhemnstiont ef long • • brass, sturolibb Veortrtadd trottpidnrol clammy:. I maoChatleaihtbas !Wroth , *trite roses; It has owed eld cue. ofDisrrhott, in which every other remedy has been or notthelt: 'As a !cyst remed y hunts and seal* it +1 better than 'any ntrothal com• Maud or otatmetathat weinimr.M. Mtn oatmeal. •• blalns or fr osted; Rot, Iht a few Applications; Tualrobt cd terilmony cep be farnisteder the troth contothrA in ths above inner:tent by eallbor On hiamml Kkr, Canal Baairt,lth enhatt or either °Stith kronur e. Plt /DT I llen i. 1;;;c1a1 T & tt a Alley D. 2.1. 7 ,-077, 4 lesheny city, are the. aseatat. • +• PA1.1114 AND* itlaatrt. 'The waostlmpaslant DlstOwtscr 01 Ras ' • nordt—Curl Rome dy Sur tlia Pllest DB.D.P. 11R01.9,t09 celebrated External Ameri. -ean Remedy fat Gni Inlet: haft already' proved Itself to be thfrOnl*sure cam Arne precmued to the pehlle. Since,* dleptiresy of Ibtoicalnedlemtedieina, ono the large nattier of 'extreme enru with which Dr. Brown has treaterd,ate one his tailed to be entirely eared. ,Dodge t e meal heeilr babas: extant, alter months and yea» of expatimontatixing, lam too often left the patient where that emournented,•er,aromm; bet atter • fewatiyakolll decide Morose by 4.l.eurg %=nie. t. • Rnemets,; shall not ' kiln nialmireal or. gement to Trove'. my_medielor introdueolt upon ins emu merits, by hi shaUl.stainica-M4 If yeti prefer that loathsome di .e., tee NMI, tollos law; ofd few dellam, I reatty . esso with you. , • • . PRR uWN, , • , •• •• •GI IXoydiatireet, 7/. •••• Bold wholesale atillettaf t. •-R E ttELLEILS • ____ll M IIII,I,I.IIIISIATGIVE am. UCIATAGICT AMERICAN RR Etl a TIC 'trA 1.8 A 6r.t A remedy.lately.diree cord in lb-el - enfeeble a tun dom—q nom n:cdh permanent coca . tof.rll - padaMtpßheuatism, atory, Acute end A1tie.91131:..... . , Cloaa.Lorribago, ' • • •• L:ii .•, , A.lietiora; • .nil medicine boaiong beer artattM.fer. lase teen laid that Ithretaatlna con:1 oat tie cored; hub there a remedy designed byroad:a for the ears itder e mirli.i. adze that *be human, system in suliket to, At lama.- goody; has' been Mout •Ifact Cares Rhmacto i'iar of.the wiern,form.-ono of the mesa ruin:Mkt •regetaltie• pro. duodena of the emit-she greatast and molt impotent direcorery, of ate nee,: and a wotalerfal Weiaing to Mo Mann fatuity.lt mares without slcknolng ordcbdan. ting,hed renews nicer* and rigor to the whole eys tem ' It bee urine the ram tbrei-roontba; liver 600 east, thin Wen:teen:steered incurable: fir. c on ed propertien of .thitanteda aireeon be men by. ee alltog on the Agents.. None entente macs! put up with on crirtared label t:irea the ontortile wirer, signed by tbiti . proptielor,lt ROM . , 11 .cornerTblrd'ar.d 'Nuke l'uttlyorgh.,-, Reid alio h 7, - G. F. I'IIOMAF,. . . • • NolCdratala at, Cincinnati. GI? OVIIGICAL 01.71014... •• - - • • No. 41; DL&SIONDICLEM., a ' • • i• ;finor door, br...evrirotel ilreott levee meta - ' ,Into saw t h e icon . 4 ..toglltutyoat‘ootoo to tho,ctookot :.Ist foe eetrteAtee . Ist leteral Vntetlee;no. eonfoes . his etteatten L ICO the treetteret , Apse . prreale end . deltetee.: gem ' hleiree for which his eppertaxeger •• 1 :1%. 1 IfVentlehigue ‘th tonal lc treat:Mew eilliese etrzelesints,lennieettisil them. he has hat:Loire practice nad bearared come pee teteellau can eiettoll to the iota any. Bair: rove. Wentz) imply quart hare lo;offet.eetteteheee el gllnPenturaatoted astlefastoty eterete at3leted eed meth delicate Iliseeine, and all diet:net en: ea- theta , An wrialdiniimei these %Meted with poyana diseases which haul become chronic ,by • time ce ni ,- framed hy the Ina of mg elite common nor:rains or the day,thattbelrootvla, tits can be radically gild ti , orl ratably eared; be Using given his ureter attention • to Um treatment of stieli eases,and sacceiedmi in hundreds of Instances In coxing parsons of Inflammation of 1.14 nets of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often result (nut those cases where others hare consigned thmato hopeless *pair.' Ile parienlarly rittirstch as hale been lonsand anuccesdally treated by others to andlmitbillar when every satiefaction wlli be men en their exits treated In a carefal,thoroach and. IntelUgentpurmer, pointed oat by a tong, i;eritllo, wady, and Investigadon;whlch lila Impose,ble for tircire . aniptigLlti cured practice of atedisina to ` gives ib ionsones 11: rii.ria. oat.ptiort.—D.Biown awhlnaUts Prif• eted willillerniimi call, a. La hupald puns; tin !Mutt; to this aunt; i " ... - . . . Skin:diseases; aleir.il • a,Pairrieta., suedDY tit.d • N. lanuofeithefnithinseta disismai EY 'NUS their diailtre la writing, stales all tiro crier. tome, can obtain Indian - mon th dIIeCLOTIA forme,- by, addressing T.. DaOlllN, NAY:, yostpaid,indclil; Idles tic U ,Dienand allay, opimits the Waverly Honor. MITVIU:Crig: , - r -tr.Rtiiiiii tiewlYZla&w.a.rzni: . thatfor ithoomatisin is a speedy and C . C.21.1151 remedy ire that peat' unable. it never fails.. - . 00to a and ideate Cviisalting Rennie, N0.;65 Di, -. mend alley, "'lit...imb, Pa. ..71,3! Doctor is always : . ..irr No ft. ' rat , ay i ; . y , , nne: COON '-'• . . . I - • aistitariiini is ism7o tiara= nt - fkotil •. , L ..., .. i • . roant or r hea assitxorm - I ' ' • Berofete or Kiara Kvii,-Itmattam, =redeem Cater; ~ moos Eruptions, Pimples no Mantles on the Wits, I ! .. - .llkttehes, thin , Chronic Soso Eyes,. It m: Wen t . ; et !Fetter, Scald flood, Golargement a= Fain of ; ' . theiDetscrandJelMs, Stubbom Veers, 'yptilltic • - Hmemona• Sciatica; or Litimbego,—andi disnises -‘ I • . arising fronton Iniudicion.nse of.Memeery, an, • • ,=tenor Dropsy, Exp.:7==W I taptildetnollrLite;•' Atm.-Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ike, ~.: •"., this medicine has :moire& !veer{ °Meded Add . csabliabrA repetition wherever it his • W on 'isted, lined ember Ire owe ecteritirobich I superior [lllo6o7 bee a no suralocd. '!he unforturate meow ; Of hereditary; seam, with swollen glands, =Mutated - Sinews, and bones half carious, has been restated tog heoldvand - vigor. - Toe eesoftdOus patient, cheered .. with oleens lonelier= to 'himself and bis'utteudanix'' has hoes made whole.. !Modred* et persons, who;' had, gemmed , hopelessly for years ;under entemoon • tad; glandular ; detordcre chronic .theunttlem, and many other eomplattas @Perk from e dem rtgement , Otteseeped= organs and 6 eimatadooAsse ite•eet ' famed =it Were front= sac h. of dienne,l and new, with reanimated =natation, gladly, testify ter. the, , an= of Mai inestmieble preparation. • . , • .1111/211 IS STRANGh.R THAN FICTION.' 0 , ' - I The satenticerehf the render is called Mtn, felto*ing ';; isortishlag mum effected by then= of Sends' Faras, , , • tent, 4. =AIM shall honed coined *omen who,. i km been Saki= for the lan h adVearn with So tolida,-, and idi the rratedies I and effect in arresting' - tbe progress "of Me complaints on the eontrary, dor • ' constantly maw worse; and nun expendieg between • ' 570 and SOO with phyniciaush;bnidne Iromli; ether ; polder remedies without* uccess, all the disease had . Masa away. the -motile= or leer nose, made its op: . penal= =anion pans ocher Cody, and lied fataitY . ". commenced Its ranges ht the =et of let mouth - • "In" to n g 4redfl eau :lemma!, the prospect o • ' death Ma her m the face, I steled her case us Ditaxeray, tho agent for IleadslBereaporilla in New, , bern,T4. C., by w ho m! was =tired to use dm oracle and to iny emotive and Mat Of thy neigbbets, le she= bar eLSS WAS bMID. User ming fear end a halt bet e "" tics she was festered to perfecthealthoued Mat to th mice of three weeks, and wan a ble. to wosk an two • . Weeks front the time sbe counner.ced taking in - • • _*; "In winker alike id e a 'Mil statement, r here L ' berm= ells= toy naide,this leth day of depresubcr, . 0347: -- : ' . JOSEPILMECAYITE 3 .4.I... !Wreath °Meese Moir, Cm= co. N. C., -I; :,,,, , ~,,,, SORE TIIIWAT. • ;', • " ' t .ilk*Ag IS ,Ite extstr_t ;front:letter nantred.;.:: from Mrs.Unan.sno had been adVeted =Tent years , With &remises Mete, DMlrenie, Ise-, Ma recently ' lin;oo,o4oo.ofthe.throes asaebeso-- .•, t -, . , ... , • I _'. ..,, .' PHonalemita, o ne Vpm 17, 141.1.. .. , 1 0 .5detlalhi;In It •Ih•Barro.trefo I endomneed - '„ tatiloar.eanaran ll a zap Maadugs Were aisnott, , pin espnalss,• ,dyn e s, te=at yraa w inery ulcerated, •, I, had a (medal; comb, and there sreteCttiquently • Weekti Ingethrs that I roald Hot speak atove whis-• ‘' ?[rand h h ghter,the lettammanon Dom my th MAI sx• .. „a a to my bead, go that my henrlve son set meek " • impaired. After taltiog do Bassopmals si short , el:. ,' • • .... 1 . 0 „....i.,p,,,,d, and my throos is new.well; g ,t h a s tree:foal cough' and of the chest as ~,. 1 was, lode= hear quit* distinedy,, 'o f 11..1 . 4 am been well stout three mond e,core of eete . .e4,. hi . peen: trotted 'entirely by the ens of yet , r Serra- . ?mina Your Mend, .;; • "LOULSA H. BEVAN:7 ..." Tee following testimonial to the reins of the :Isola. arills,iii Item the Ray, Ladies World. aged 71 yens, CortgragationalMinirsi, =siding at Woburn. • I .., .• .., ' nWeavarn litess.,Mereb net, tS.11!", • -';'. r!desois. Handle Gentlemen—,}Yom what these eV' '. .peneeeed, all thorn the; informatioa I have =ready. ~ rammed Lem It Mabee O p t . tegeons of ,i h igh IC f/St• tn.:, 4 1 ,3 11 =dot h ititin d ell Is l atiWl l lMl'l l o h rtrl:. _ ,l 'o e t i ; 1 end that= numerous mitlfaystes you itteefeeetiera' • , of itSaitllCl ark foUyanetnetted bparperleneei and ,, , although Ist stoned= and atilll7 are very ext=mic,.. and swat IA 00 need of my bumble croni to Illefiesuc ~ i ,titem, I went; sawitti an...41.010a br.4 . 1.,9.* 1.. ts, ~,, no.= sequidared iru4 14e awed tu 4 4^5.....r of 9 6 .e,' ' trileable, medicine., ; - . , ~' . ; . 7 - ; PI um, ssentlemett, gratefully end iery;eiptuily , " lam— •' 4 . - -.. .., - • . L 1471.100 3viticarrl. _l..' ricryii iold,WbeiMale anti =tut. try sh. gg, g h , DU SANDel;•Dnsgsime and Chemist*: OM rellMo.'streeti".""' =roarer Mann, NeW York..;SmillialsCrY.l.Drog, I "" . gists genently thmughouttne Uniteddtainangt.flan, ado, Priced fper tonic sin bottleiferg.T. .. ,I,;• r- . ~-,,, For Wail W AR D OX 14.4t , .FAIINPSTiti,10: A.:CO.atok bDWARD ENERlVl,Tiustergte,Al., -• mip byTt. 0: 000711 4 01WpraalF,! . - Lap21,44104,t,a4t.'.1.4