The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 17, 1850, Image 2
THE fITISBUNGH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE ac CO WEDNESDAY MORNING, AMY 17, 1850 I:l7%tbreressts are earroutly mem to band In t faro. before 3r• eorrY . le the day so zeti table. Advellbtereents not t.ened tor epee: dm will ineffably be charged until eider.. DIJKOOSATIOWHIO STATE TIOSZT sot GLIAL COICIESSAMICIL. • • JOSHUA DUNGAN, Of Sacks Couaty. 1•01•IIDMIlt 011411.1.. -- • HENRY' w. SNY O IIII, MTh:don Cionsty. , sox snimaz 0001111. JOBS.S.H HEN,DERSON. . Of WaH.lnAtonConnty. Allahnseenle andWhlgNeenlnatlone enr Allegheny County. • • - • To. THEM OICOND amens. TIZOICIAS 31. 110'31‘. ma recap ussior, lawn nor comma, TIAILICAR DENNY,. or otrrorrou. Mt *MIS, /AMES CAROTHERS, 011011.61 101 •. xxxxxx 11.080 .Y ROBERTSON, Plttaborigh. Lower' O. WALKER. Elizabe St th at. hitELITSKEY, Robb:mob JAMES/IEXE, Snowen. I . rtiossoczoio arroattroz, FRANCIS C. FLASEOIN, EVENT : ZEE INVVLES, North Fayotti. ' . atlitToll, tWIL FLYNN, Loess Bt. Clair. . a*JITT =Wirell. COUSTNEV, • ira the appeal of our correspondent, .gg g i s v Will 'ja i be without its desired effect. The greer'en,p,oggyjoinla Hospital is an imeltution • belongingn g dy . j,;yittsburgh, and depending wholly open its clilmers for Noon■ of usefulness. It w,llalweys be a subject of civic pride and •f• action, and should receive no stinted support.— Having pat our hands to the ploonh; it were a diqraiteto look beck, or slack our akmis,intil the institution is pined ingi situation to met it the eto condo= of all intelligent perms who visit our sty, and to call down upon no the rich blessings of those ready to wish. .(.Soto" appeals to the Ladies to complete the ,work. This is well.— They frevently have to finish works of benevo tette which the lords of mention commence, but lack the cogursgii or perseverance to complete-- Let the ladles then undertake the task, and the Irotkrefil be done. Their hearts ever plead for anemia( humanity, and their ;appeals in • moue like this will be irresistible. Let it he understood that it is expected that the ladies of Pittsburgh ars _ to furnish the magnifonent building meted, end it will certainly be done it • judicious and coma amiable manner. Tats Wzomts Rausoan.—Oar rinse:is will be MNf gratified to leant from our New York ler• ter, of to day. that GO. Robinson sod Mr. Rob. errs have succeeded In negotiating • purchase of sufficient tiroo,thros thousand tons, .D 1 Stab our• Wei en Railroad from this o by to Beaver.. The terms of thia machete we nod entand ore exceed. togly fiaborable to the company. The iron for the remainder of the road under magnet to Masalk. kit Will be secured in time .to have it laid down. next iseasoo;as well as Locomotives, Can, cc:. We understand that the week on the line bee ;wren this city and Beaver is prierretairg very satisfactorily, The new county road is eapected to be finished by the first of August, when a wrong force will be . placed upon the NUP:III7I.- -By this time next year we confidently expect tbc ens will arrive aid depart regularly on our wer - tern road, brumes to 113 the first fruits of the glo rious hums we may expect to malice when the road to completed. to Cincinnati, from the 3d to the 12th of icily, thb whole number of deaths reported by the buL Intim, was 506 of all diiessea. The morally the city was on the increase at lam acconnts." , Tae Gazette of Saturday but, remarks: If 195 persona die here within a peeled 01004.514 matters little that 109 of Mean are re. ported to have died of • billions dyseateries. see only 66 of cholera. The imponant fact, sad thr one which our citizens are Interested In knowing is; that nearly two handled of their friends our neighbors have been taken from among them fol. over, In the space of seventy two boom kid this is what Itai,been done in Cineinneti, the wee tett week." • . The interments at SI. Lend, for the week is,d fog on blooday, the Bm, were 23.9, of vohleh were of cholera. This, however, does toot Meted. three cemeteries, which the New .Elll. thhiloswil swell the total. mortality to atoll 250, and the deaths by cholera to about 90, giving-an average daily mot ilby clover 35, and by cholera, slimily nearly 13. The cholera Is also prevailing at Frankfort Dreidion Springs, and Shelbyville, Ky. At Nashville, whew it bee been very fatal, A was aubtldlog at lam accounts. Horace Glecurr, of the N. Tart Tributte,ore. trim home at the timeof the President'a death.— I From a letter to his paper. in which be gives at terries to his grief, his hopes sad fears, we take the following extract: lie boa been taken from as at a fearful crisis in Our Nation's history—a crisis which be um pre• eminently fated and seemed providentially derv• rimed to brave and master.. For months, disunion has been hatchiug Its plots In the National Metrop olb, end quietti weaving Its traitorous webs over Um South and Sue:tweet. There aro sixty men to day In CongTeloy who mean to live under 20 guerameut not devoted to thy erensiod sad for. glutton of human slavery; and, despairiag of shaping our government to teed further rise, their hearts are set en the dissolutinn of the Untion, and the formation of s Southern Coufederael 011 iu mins. The oily man, at the meation'or whose name they quailed. was Zachary Taylor. Melati their chief antagonist, no less by instinct hums y prelim'. A slavehalder himself, be yet eld at slavery could mot rightfully be. and ought not to by extended to new realms. A soldier of the tatt lion through almost his whole active Ilk, knowing himself honored rod behived by the nation 'no loved the Ualon i with a fervency and single he arted devotion, which it fsbnt jut to the alters of Our Addy and Navy to ray. ta their universal pinkie. Atsinst any gamy of treason sad aulliksento,' he would have poured out his blood with joy; and well the plotters knew it: They dreaded more Lie octiertml opposition to their contemplated bray us New Mexico. than all the forces which the govomment can muster there; they knew that s simple proclamation bearing his signatore, and de . unlacing thee. employment of force sgainst New Bletleo . by Texu, would wales their effortato nitre troops thrughoot the South, while to the Nov Mexicans themselves, tt Ora blut upon that bugle horn > _ Were worth Arc thousand mew" • That proclamatioo I was anxiously and hope. fully captains, and would not lone have crowned In vain but for, am most unlooked for catastrophe: - C*2lls acme. all, yet In our human apprehension It seems that them never - wu a lime since Wash. logioe's first teem when ihe death of a President would have been an appalling a calamity. It will be mercy warmly less than • ustreele if the hors was of eivilwer shall yet he averted. . Mr. Fillmore Is • wise and a pure statesman Collltollll. conserretiTe, end devoted to the poblle pent His knowledge of publio affairs Ls heroine extensive end complete than Gen. Talirn's; hie prineiclea equally wand, National and benethritat. - Yet the dillferenee in power and positlen between en elected sod is substittied President In insonnwei sad the difdcalties of the Presidential elation hen . been faufally increued end 'complicated by the change. Mee who duo not:.wag their tongues. against Gal. Taylor win mull Mr. Fillmore' as a maw. and Tate his Impesehmest wain six snooks far doing preolsely swag know Oen: Tay." for 'paid have done if still living. The new Pier. ideal deserTee and should receive the heanfelt sympathy and seoport of every hanks, and espe cially of every Whig. That be will nobly sustain his USW respci . tudbilitles and be well stained la their discherge,must be the fervent hope of every gousnme bout, es ft is that of hlr Go inn Nun,"-by E.L. Baker. We ae. knowledge the roeipt of a. copy of this pupalar song, which ii for sale by H. Mellor. GOOEY'' , Lam's Door, for August, is strosontero -441 with throe eleecilliagly Gas cage:whims/id oth• cr IbiClllMOll% nd - posseurs atirasiiosa geitersily irgicil to hug Of the previa.' uuhtbers. PSISIDIXVII FAXILTe...Mr.MeIt wee married in 1149. to- Mina! Powers. the yonerrest child or Sec; Lsennel Powers. She is wilinving surd it described as a lady °treat worth, modest sad ttitobtroVsive in her deportment,sed highly es. tumid for bet meal virtues 'They have but two chlldrem. The °ldea, a eon, is about twenty one 'woof ore; who hardest catered upon the prac tice of its thief° Batielo. Ete Is said to be • sea. thman of gee quintets, and worthy to ho the son of a Repobileas President. The daughter me. seats a more tunable awn*. She le about med. NA years doge. her.accomnts are Amoy and varied, end indepeodent, senellant climates is ezhihited in the ism that she is now„, - or was very recently, • whew , in 000 Of 12 11 1 •• pebric schools in Buffalo. She la oos of the Wa r . men of whom the Iteptiblle has mach mom teIIICX to be proud then of aptheM, gaudy women Wilton who oten show u mach soorn btoebool setteben a they do Ignorance of the nee quatniei ci • re* tepab tau therocter. Bock a family will ditshoner loth* White Lima For Ms 'Pittsburgh Ga.ur. The %resters renuirtylvarila Haspltal. •PmeacaCa, Jrtlrlfsh, 1650. Ilmsas Forrom—Duribg • recent visit to the extensive and cominodines edifice now in progress; near the Greensburgh Turnpike, for the use of the Western Pennsylvania Hesitant, I was Welly graft• fled at 'witnessing the rapid advance towards its completion that Ms been snadiOthis season, the neat and substantial style of its architecture, and the =Mikan: et the plan adopted - in its construction, as well m the beauty and variety of the prospect afforded by the front windows of the building; and contemplated with great magnetron the advantages which the community would derive from the coo. summation of this benevolumenterprise. I have been; however, both grieved nod sur mised, at learning that although the original amount subsenbed won sufficient to warrant the managers in constructing no large a building, after the lot of ground had been piranha to the company, yet diriaculties are apprehended by some of them in punctually complying with their engegements, as from the fluMuatioes of holiness and removal of some of our citizens, it to feared that the whole sub aiiption cannot be collected for some time. Fonds also will be required for pleating and im proving the gromds j and foc furnishing the Wards and other depirtments of the Hospital, md it is to be fared that unless the generosity of our fellow citi zens ain be speedily directed towards this object, that several stoma may elapse after the building is ready for occupation, before even a portion of ii ma be rendered available for the designed pur- May we not hope that in this emergency, the Ladies of Pittsbtugh will come to the rescue, and extend to this institution some of that active bene• volence which has been so advantageous to similar objects. Surely n judicious and charitable community like ours, will not suffer so desirable an undertaking to fail for want of a little - of that assisumee which so Many can give without inconvenience to them. selves, and. thereby manifest their compassion for their fellow man, and their gratitude to Him 'from whom the blessings of Providence and the prompt Wigs of benevolence alike proceed. WM11113070:1, July 13th, 1850. Pousial of the tale President Taylor The Banally Outrage committed d • ring his lUsiess—P oo ... or. Texas Lowering Appearances. Td day the mortal part of President Taylor was committed to the tomb, with solemn awe end in, spirbsg ceremonies, and magnideient pageantry.— For a description of them I refer you to other ne .ssunts proceeding from closer observers then my. esti. The glorkma warrior, the devoted patsies, sleeps the last sleep, leaving his membry stChis fame to. the love and care Si bit mantel , . Let his -alma be forever • "Embalmed to the innermost shrine of bee hem . It is said that Mrs. Taylor and Mr.. Mrs were too much coerce:De by anitiish to follow the body of their husband and father to the tomb. Tbe surviving members of t h e family which lately ea copied and 'domed the White Eloise; will, it Is said repair to )3altimere, and sojourn for a time with Col. Toler, the brother of the illustrious dt raised. lit the more particular accounts of the ilium and death of Gen. Taylor, mention is made of an incident that must awaken the. indignation of the countly. These reports repreeent that daring Friday, the sth instant, Toomba and Stephen., , he so called Whig agitators 113 Caceres., from Georgia, waited upon Gen. Taylor, and aanounced to him thin they came as deputies from no leas daan slaty loathe= members of Congress, who demaarled of him a radical change of his course upon the slavery ifiaestioa, and in the event of his relating to adopt a cease more acceptable to the faction which they unwarrantably doppruisateithe south," menaced Idea with votes of acme, upon every occasion where their cooperation with the Democratic opposition to the administration could rariy lone. Ot course Gen. Taylor repelled the Attempted intimidation, and declared hi. purpose :if adhering to the policy that he heel i>nf?rpavoo ed. These men went hack to the House, cad did .one Co: the implied Aterieure which an infuriated andMalkinant political enemy of the President Yad moved, in connection with the Gelphin 31theugh in doing so they were compelied to die. .crate themselves byvoting that to be talon which linty bad been aremait and loudest in declaring to ha we, and by declaring Gen. Taylor censurable be palliating the condect pt Geotic W. Crow ro , d , ether, they had been shiest tbroatiag to fight any oersom who should preirame to quoriov bin me tiers or impugoe the 4.e.epii any of his actions [he ehameral incoceigfebey and :cif einnirtd;ction 'arniett was remarked by r!, end emelt every one earn amaz :meet, is Dow caggfar [ Lind U. red, the malignity of f.,etion cone, do:reted the:, .oaree. Let tt be held up before the people, and let it be visited with iti Jost weed of contempt and a probation. A solemn prole at from the Governor of Tema, las arrived, addressed to the resident of the United States, and anertlog that Tezu will not submit to the occupancy of New Mexemo, by the ellitary forces of the United Smits, unless as auxiblery • subordinate to the extenaion ited_malt - canoe ol the jurisdiction of Texas and the mot. ace. Copies of the paper have been rent to the' -Texan delegation In Cocgress. The G.IVC/110T limands the onconditronal sod immediate recall of the insinactioca under which CoL Monroe act ed In his brief intercourse with Neghbours,.and recognsipg the proceedings of the inhabitants of New Mexico, to form a State organisation. We Ain see what Mr. Fillmore@ course seal be, shether he will be as his great predeceseor was, President of the United States, or a subordinate to thb Goiernor of Texas or every other State.— , I haveovery confidence thathe will tate an lode , pendent position, and 611111? maintain O. He will I lot answer the Texan manifesto until leisure oermits him to do It advisedly, aid when he does, it will be In the brief emphatic and decisive grata that would have characterlsed Gen. Taylor. A crisis le impendiag—that is pretty cleer—us are upon the verge of the most interesting apd the moat perilous period of our history, since the rev olutionary Woe. If we have the spirits and the mils of the men of that era, we shall preaerve the Republic, if not, the Republic will fall. VBO4l fa SAN If uttALA Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gegette. Ncw You, July 13. The city wears a gloomy aspect this afternoon, and u • general thing bonnets is aurpendod, while the funeral obsequies of the late President are being oelebrated en the Capitol. the pub. lie Mikes are closed, and from all the public place, she tokens of mottroleg ere 'displayed, while from various parts of the ally minute gems are tired.— Ere yet the remains of General Taylor are entomb -oh, politicians have decided upon the course to be pursued, and eboald New York counsels prevail, one short month will me the end of Corgressond the end ditto interminable ehtvery debate. It is the general opinion, and the most earnest hope here that Mr. Clay's Compromise, modeled, will prevail. Those_ who feel that President Palmetto will adhere to the plan of the late Executive, and oppose Mr. Clay, reckon upon a smell foundation. Mr. Fillmosoevadvlsets here are of the old school • conservative easy, end upon some bubo that will give general Benefaction, the slavery snarl will be • disentangled. Oen. Robbiseri has been very busy in Wall at. foe .Yew days, and the result of his labors is thus Mkt, set forth by ono of the morning papers. 'Geri.Wm. Robinson, Tan., President, and Solo. eson W. Roberts, chief Essineer, of the Ohio and Painlylrlell Railroad Company have, through Messrs, Winslow, Lsulcr et Co. made a purchase of 3000 tons of AIIICTiCin railroad iron, to be of superior quality, on very advantageous hums.— The rails ass to be delivered by the first of Apnl nail. This quantity is sufficient to lay the mad nom Pittsburgh to Beaver, belarthif putt of the work in the finds of . ketinsylvarda. This section wilt be In full operation to that point early next Bummer. The price paid to lower than any for mat porches of Muerte= lion. A large pettier; is to be paid for in the bonds of the company. The same gentlemen have negotiated . with Winslow, Loafer, as Co. 600,000 of the six per cent, bonds Stark Coaety, Ohio, issued to their Company is payment of stock subscriptioe, In so candance with a special act of the Legislature.— This county is one of annsordiaary wealth. It has & population of 40J100 sonlr, Us :arable prop erty, et law valatUon, is ten millionsaf dollars, and the current revenue of the County, $Bl,OOO. It osni no other debt. By law, a epecial ler bar to he levied Misty the Interest oar theSo bonds, and to provide a rinkiag fund the their redemption. The &video& ea the mocks ,of the road also goes i d this find. The Interest on the Weds Is payable 1a January and let Jaly, at the Beak of AtrlellCA, in this city, and the principal in 1660 to 1865, bah the Pnreipal and the Lathed are guaranteed oy tOs - itaitsood Gawkily. Tee ea . ° of bonds to,as mien on way kirentble elms, nod equal to any scalp lately talc!. The Hibernia'. Mail arrived here this morning, but as there has been no lzehange held, the tenor of the advice/I is hardly known• Hariree Circular gives sumo lieu about iron, or Interco. . • A steady demand for wedge bus bu been et tablisbed. The price in Wales, for good brand., 151, with a tendency to farther Improvement. Railiere steady, at in lls 6d0.£5. Scotch ptg, 45,6t503, on the Oik; Sweedish is scarce, and palls readily on arrivel,at -Ell 15,012 ' There In gotta a 'sprinkling of Southern mer chants in town, and the dry goods trade begins to, look a little more active. Clothing &Wen are doing a large Californiairsde, trlm whom a large profit bas been derived. A good deal of business is being done for the gold region, and much XS 63010 people have lent there, all has not proved barren, Weil selected Invoices have paid enor• mously, and shipments are now being made that will give hundred. per cent. advance. Our city authorities have decided to celebrate the charnel. of Gen. Taylor upon the 13,1 It will be an event in New York, and worthy the observation of all who can't lee the remained a public servant honored by all theatre of war and pence. Eruct the 9t. Loos Republican, of /al). Very Late News from !Neste. ACCOUNTS UP TO THE 12TH OF JUNE FROII SANTA FE—PROSPECT OF THE ELECTIONS--CROSSING THE PLAINS , tec., SO.• • Yesterday evening. we had the pleasure of greeting Mr. F. X. Anbrv, direct from New Mexi co. Mr. Aubev left the Paso del Norte on the Let of Rine, end Santa Fo on the 1U we are in debted to him for the following items of news: The American Consul at Cnitteahue, and other Americans, arrived at the Paso del Norte on the day petal ms to Mr. A.'s leaving, tai reported that a very valuable discovery of a gold mine bad been made about levy miles from Chihuahua The gold bad been brand in large quantities; front 521:03 to 3150 worth of pore metal were obtained from each mule lead of earth sad sand, (e mole load Is estimated at three hundred pounds) The discovery had created great excitement and indu ced many adventurers. . Raphael Arm j•s ' on a trip to Chihuahua, was attacked bp band of the White Mountain. Apa• dm 'lndians. They stole from him 557 mule., and, as an evidence of the effreetery with which they perpetrated their depredations, and the on. protected condition of the chance, the next day, the Indians crone into his camp, and re-sold hies his owe males, at what in that country ta consid ered fair prices. Capt. Bowmen, U. S. A., had gone to Chants. hoe, to obtain money for th e 9.b Military Depart ment. Lents. Smith and Braga, U.S. A., arrived Paso del Norte, on the 21th . of May, from Teem They report that the government train wonid en. =inter greet difficulty, and mast probably would not reach their destination.; The vale had to mesa a Jumada of 140 miles, destitute of every thing, and it was questionable whether they could ac complish it. Three officers of the U. S. A , bad been despatched down the Rio del Norte, to Major Steen had made a treaty with the Ass. dies of the Sacramento, and in three days after. wards they violated U. The Major was prompt to phastise them for the violation. Os the Sd of Ririe, with a sufficient detachment,' bn left Dan Ans to attack and punish thom. It is believed he will give them a lesson they will remember. The hoidens and Impunity with which the 10- discs commit depredations on the people and property of the Territory, almost surmount belief The cases cited are too numerous for repetition.— I They finqueutty come w'th!n one and two mikes of the U. S. military stations, and kill persons and drive Off the meet. Great disiatialactiou t. ex. premed as to Col. Idouree's discharge of the do. ties of military commaoder. It is freely Mated that he bee neither the energy of character nor the dlstealtion neeesi try to secure the protection of the citizens, nor any of the requisites for so re , 'Towable • commend. These complaints have been repeatedly made, and It we are not misio. firmed, have been communicated to the Departs Meet at Wy.thintlohi Cnl. May.lll.l. Hoary, Otpt.flykes, anal), Ea. Wards, of the U. S. A.. were Co leave Wt the U. Stores on the 10th of July. Col. Calhoun had attempted to make tt treaty with the Utah Indians, but itthad not been ratified, and probably would not be , . The Indians had promised to mom the Indian Agent at Albuquerque on the Bth el . /Me. On the jib. they killed t h ree filexicans, nod coo off shoot s,ooolilieep, from tile immediate vicinity of :beware. • At Sarno Fe. the general - impression was, that • number of Mexican beaters were concerned with the lynches in their attack and slaughter of the 10 Americans of the Si aeon Mound. This impression I Was suon,ythed oth;r• midemoms. and ° Ter to yell moire. siipposed to be token from dm this party. Made by !demeans to the Utah. By Mr. Aubry, have received copies, to En glish and Mexican, of the Constitution for a Stare Government in New Mexico. • Thu election for State and Federal officers was fo be 'odd on the ftth 3npg. jto ,ltoictate% were as follows • • For Governor—Thomas linens sod Henry Con. • Fie Lieut. Governor—Manuel A Ivarqban C• Vralf, For Congress— Willliarn S. fileeservey -. and Hugh N. Smith, the prksent pelepte rime the Ter. di For ry. the U. S. Senate—On one ticket was Major It. II Welehtinau end Capt. W. Z. Antes on the -ober Ca t . A. W. Reynolds and Judge Saab Hough,. ton. The prevailing impression at Santa Fe was, that Connelly, Alvarez, and Stealers-el would be elect ed The reeult. es to the °Mem, wan regarded as doubtful. The Merman Led entered into the elec. ton with spun and eitthuniam, and evinced a de• gree of ma ongement and adroitness that would do no di'credit to no old politician (the States. The crop in the vicinity of Santa Fe, and gen erally throughout New Mexico. present a more favorable appeamnen than they have for ha years past Some Ilene since we reported, an information front timeta Fe that the infant daughter of Capt. J. 51. White, who was murdered oo the plains by the Indians, had also been killed by an Indian at the time elan snack upon their camp. It in now eon• fidently stated, that the child is will living, and to In posseionon of theApachest, who committed the murder. Lieut. Mason, United States Amy, was drawn ed in the Rio Del Norte, oppoeite - Eocorro, on the May. Infemntion had been received, la which reliance was placed, that Gov. Bell and Major Neighbors, of Texan, would be tn New Mexico, with a miliw• ry force to ansert the Mims of Texan to jai-iodic. non, by the last of August or first of Septeniber. The citizens generally were preparing to react the .claim of Texas, and the modulates ware required to take strong and distinctive mound against tt. Mr. Aubry left Santa Ee with ten wagon., two hundred mules, and forty two men. Mr. Tarty, of Arrow Rock, was in company with him. At the Cotton Wood Creek he lett his train, and came in. to Independence in two days, a distance of 200 miles. He traveled 14 miles of this dirtance In twenty boom and et wt . , on the semi yellow mare that did him such service a few yenning% when he made the whole trip to :eatraordirutry short time. On that Oecnotion, this anneal travelled 200 miles in twenty sin hours. Her present performance falls little short of the former. ' Mr. Autry moves with almost electric speed. lit will iris few days make his purchoen and re• turn again, and, without accident. will make the trip in and out In less time than tt has yet been 1.- complished. The Presidents of the United nate& Oeneral Washington closed his administration on the 2.1 of March, 1797. sod incised that event neatly three year.. haying died on the 11th of December, 1799 In the 113th year of hig age John Adams followed General Washington en the 4th of March, 1797. and hit ltdminictrwton ceased on the 3d of Ittsreb,l9ol. Ile cowered year% breathed Ms Pin on the same day with Jefferson, vie: on the 4th of Jolt, PITO. Thomas /Creme otheeeded on the 4th of March, 1101. and his two terms eethed on the 94 of March, In diedervie the expiration of hie c, year, sole on the th of Jaly,l3ol, la th e 04th year of his so ,, James Madison theneeded his Magnetos friend on the 4th of March. PO On the ad of March, 1617. his administration was brought to a e'oth He thrvieed ul nth ith of Jeon.l:3o, in the Oat year of hla are. James Monroe seconded Mr. Madigon, on the 4th of Mareh,llBl7, and rinsed hla edannstration on the ad of March. 109.5. Ito died an the lth of 1e1y,1.931, La the 721 year of his ate. The rdmtheustion of plc John Q. Adams Oho only President who wag elected bvthe Milne of Renton. lances) commenced on the 4th of Much, 1822, end clowd on the 34 of blerch,len. Ile breathed hie last on the Ski of Fetimary, 1619. General Andrew /thrum succeeded Mr. Adages on the 411, of March, 1 99. and 0100.4 hie adminiitrallon n the ad of March, He died on the fhb of June, 1843. Pdotin Van Doren theeeeded on the 4th of March, 1'37, and cloyed his attationtratiou on the ad of March, ten. Ile 10 atllllivirm.. Gen. W. 11. Harrison commenced hie adminntration on the 4th of March, 1841 rebirth condoned only for one month—having hreethed his lost on the 4th of April. lilt, in the sixty ninth year of his ego. lie died at ...tiepin dogleg the recess of Congress. John Tyler was the lint Vice President who nor needed to the Presidency upon the death of the Pres dent. Ile followed General Hafnium in Aprll.lBll, end elesed hie adrairtimation on the ad of March, 1845 He le still living. When Nl,Tylor became the Vcellos Proldent, Mr. Bombard heroine the acting ire president; and upon Os death, Mr. Mange., an of the present senators fromnorth Carolina, was lected, and remained no th e presiding ulcer of th e Senate until the cod of Me. Tyler's term of ofbeA. JXMC. 14. Pelt theceeded Mr. Tyler no the 4th of March, IMS, and tined his adadobaretion on the 3d of flareb, 1E49. A few months after, he eased his life. General TAylor came to the, Prendencp on the 4th of March, late, and expired ea the night of the 9th of Jolt, 183 d -wind Congress was in simian Ile Is theceeded by Milford Fillmore, the Pentad Vice Resident who lakes the path of the deceased Erenderth Flee CITES El ST. Larle—Sitteen persons are now manned In the jail, 1.2 this city. all of whom were airertni on charges of murder In the Ara de gree. 01 these, one is ender sentence of daub, tea utttleg trials on ladictmente, hut waiting the action of the grand jory, and one serving out a sentence—be having Men adjudged guilty of oalY• 'addition to the above, two are Indicted for murder, and are awaiting the action or the grand jury on the same charge, and are out OR bad, thus making nineteen persona at present it, the city, who are charged vnth homicides The drat of these was canmlasd in February, 1519,,aal the lam la June,lloo.—St. LIMY Rm. . FOREIGU NEWS. BY TEE STEAMER 11111EHNIA. The intelligence from Europe, and especially from England, ie quite interesting. The conflict of liberty with despotisnwts afresh waged in Eng land, and our readers will be pleased to watch its progress. The following letter gives a very- good synopsis of the news by the Hibernia. Correspondence of aionsenerelel Adv. LONDON, Jane 28th, 1850. There has been more political. excitement m London daring the past week than has been known for several leant. The 111100011 in favor of Lord -Palmerston enure on for discussion in the House of Commons on the evening of the 24th, and has been continued throughout the week with increasing Ia• crest. No other subject bas occupied attenuon, except that we were startled last evening by the announcement of another...insane-assault u on the Queen, which, however, was happily unmixed with any serious personal danger. MIR CONSPIRACY AGAINST LORD rammarroa. This conspiracy, with the growth of which dur ing the last two years I have familiarised your adore, has now assumed a form so palpable that the feelings of the country is fairly roused. In proposing his motion fora vote of approval of the general principles upon sena the foreign policy of Lord Palmerston has been based, Mr. Roebuck opened up the ramifications of the plot. It hasbeen farther exposed by every othrr speaker on the same side, and finally made plain to all the world by a 'peceb from Lord Palmerston himself, which was delivered the night below tau, and which, although it occupied between five and six houns,rivetted the attention of every member of the Rouse and was tree from even an unnecessary word. Its 'auto.- quent effect throughout the country has been mar venous, and while it contain. a review and explana tion of every step that the Gosmrument have taken during the past four years, it p.a.... also incres✓ ed force from having been delivered partly in rep'y to a malignant and treacherous speech from Sir James Graham, who, it will be remembered ha. been Whig and Tory by turns, and distinguished himself a leo , years ago, while he filled the office of 110030 Secretary, by causing the letters of Mao. sini, who was then a refugee in London, to he opened et the general post office, in orde , rao betray hint to the Austrians and the King of Naples. It Isle be hoped that Lord Paluteratuu'a speech will be read on your side of the Atlantic by all who with to inform themselves of the sated posi tion In which the politics of Europe appear when they are stripped of the miarepresentauons which it ho so long been the object of the absolutist writer, to throw around them. Any thing more clear, as a defence of tbeepirlt of reeve s against the propenaldes of reaction, cannot bo conceleed. cllden who aspire to- govero mantind, ought to bring to their task getereas sentiment., cornpa.- Monate eympadder, and elevated thoughts," wits its Madam; sentiment, and formed the key note of whole. In this spirit, the attempt of the Tortes to narrow down every question to paints of person. al or Maas telfishoess, was visited both with re proof wad wanting. '"The fault I fled,* said Lord Palmerston, with those who_ are ere Lod of at. tacking tee, either hero or elje w here, in this coon. try or an others, Is that they • try to bring every question to a person.' matter. If they want to oppose the policy of England, they" ray, "let ua get rid of the man who happens to be the organ of that policy.' It le like ehooting a policeman. As long at England is'England, as long a. the Ear n/di people are animated by the /ethers and opinions which thee possess, you 'may knock down twenty tartlet' Minieistersoce after another, but depend upon it, hone will keep the place who does not not spun the saute prineiples." This avowal was welcomed with shouts of ap. please, and it eray followed by another which, as It touched the real =era of the present move. meat, was reamied with • harao of enthusiasm.— In his Was attempts to attribute every step of Lord Pete:sermon . . polity to come motive of pen song animosity, Sir James Graham had declared that It was his lordship'. individtal dislike to M. Gnizot that had caused the overthrow of that Min. Liter, pod with a the t h rone of Preece. " Why, ' ale," exclaimed Lord Palmereten, in reply, ' , whet will the French nation say when they hear this! I They are a high minded and spirited nation, felt of • sense of their dignltyand valor, and what will they say when they hear that It was the power of the British nuttier that overthrew their Govern. I meet? Why, itX It is it ealatony on the .French tihtioa to suppeaa that tits peacoat hatred of any erelgner to their Minister could have this effect. Why, they ale 4 brave, generous, and noble mind ad people, and If they had thought that stomp mrprgreir had been farmed against one ol their Minteters-14" continued hie lordship, eller he had tamed a few minutes, while hat voice was drown. ed m the trenteridom cheering which followed this sentence, *tithe French people Mooed that a knot of pLipakte coospiralors weto eaballeg giltst end of drier Melatermund eaball cog for no ether reason than that he hod upheld as be thought the dignity and itaemets of his country; and I they had thought that each a knot of foreign me at baton had coadjutors in their ownlsind,.—why, I say , that the French people, brave, noble and spirited notion, would have ectitr,ed the kcal. ere ot suck a party. and would game clung the closer, tr, and protested the mote, the mitt 'salmi whom the Mot bad been _ What will be the melt of the diviston it am yet known. It is thought that sc the bluitaters do eel get a larger mijoritV thin 40 (the majority in the Heeee of Lords on Lord Stanley'" replies against them was, it will be recollected, 37,) they wilt resign and leave the protectionists on the we hand, or the Peel party on the other, to try their skit' at forming • goveroment—rt task which it is I well known will L. wholly impossible . , Lime limes it hos been rumored, that the maturity will not be more Than 2d.'antl ammrdine In Aar aaluas ta,..: it is sated as hkety to rravb or 70. When the division will tribe piece ts not known. Should it occur to night, pm will receive the newe by Mee. Inc telegraph to Liverpool. but there nee some who consider that the debate will now be protracted un. tit next week. 1 11xitawhie, it ss gratifying to observe the rapid growth of public °Maims in favor of the liberal came. The large majority of theiri o rivincial pert ere apeakinu out boldly; and the densely populated manufacturing dietrints Lueashirti and Yorkshire she feeling is unequivocal. What ever may be the Immediate result, one thing is ter min, mmely that the two political psnicain ENS. land have at length beep aroused from ?heir long apathy, and that freedom'. Mule, "often lost but always woo," will now ante ovenmeace. for this unintentional service we have to that the Nome of Lords The fire struck out in the prevent collision will run on to other questions, a mid., vote test will grow from day to day. It wools be well for Levis Napoleon to ask himself bow this will effect France, and to hold himself to =dines' to trace from coaling event* the mutts of his Homan conquest and hiflltnrian trarigues. seITLIWOrr won, 7441,11104 Inn elan craerrme During this week, the definite annouceemeet has been made of the eettlement of the dispute with Preece ma the Greek question. Notwith standing the veporing of General Lattitte that France would be cootented with nothing but the, edentate of the treaty of London,yen enclam. pl,, he has found It amenity to abandon ha ground, and Is take the terms Which Lard Pah merston had been willing to secede to from the first. These tame are, teat theee parts of the treaty of Albeis which mid already been actually carried out. such na the apology Gem the Greek Minister, oko., should not he net mitte, bet thin the Manses clans treaty of London should he orb • dinned fcr such Maus ts ofihe treaty of Athens an bed not yet been put In force. There lateen, clause In the treaty of Alberta for which no cot. reepondiag chum existed In the treaty of Vmdan, and this has ken the subject of • specific or. rangement The clime impulsed that Greece should set sti,go claims for damage for her mer chant mmiceaintlrg the blockade. Its Insertion had been deemed necessity by Mr. Wye, In mnammenee of statement. having reached his can that Greece leteeded to open up sack 'Mattis as a material for farther disputes. It fhs hers !timed that the Manse shall be eritsdrawn, upon an understanding from France that she Khali mi. mi., Greece net to make any such atempt. It Is understood that even these alterations are not to be adopted, unless Greece should signify 'to England her-desire to that effect. France, there. fore, 1. not permitted to dictate in the matter, and under'no eiretnmance.s ia the bemire' threat, thet she would inden to nothing but the London trea ty, " pars and simple," to be complied • with. Ras altered tone in the matter 1., °rename, very cast iy to be accounted tor. The ehiert for which the demand was first net up has beenreccompll.h -44, the Medan' bill and the measures against the areas hoeing bete mussed, and the tone of Lord John Russell's recent speech, and the way in which Lord Palmerston has been supported by popular opinion In Eoglaod, have rendered it una safe for Loa, Nerrolenn to prolong ton'opcply, with a power like Enghat, the contest of re-au. tins. ASSALIT tl.Ol , Till QUILLN. Loot evening, as the Queen was leaving the restdanas ;lithe Dueness of Cambridge in ?Medi!. ly, a man named Hart, (3 years of ago, who four year. since was ■ lieutenant in the army, adverb. sad toward the nitwit end with a case switch cut her majesty over ten bonnet. A red mark on Ler forehead was the conuquence, bat she did not kit an Instant lose bar sell posseesioo. She after. studs went to the opera, where s h e bad previous. ty notified her intention to be present, and where bar seeeptlon:ente snob as will useef be forgotten by thou who saw and heard it. The poor creature by whom the offence wan committed was Immediately seised and sostained a severe blow from one bystander, mho coo dent renrain himself. He Is understood to be in good circumstances end the sere 01 a man of luxe prop erty. Some of the London papers, in their In. tense Ignorance on such subjects, and In their wild desire to say something that shall appear flee and forcible while the public exelAment Is at Its height, have already dons their beat to make the misera ble Ind i ana into a rational hero, by loading upon him every epiteet of high sounding abuse and by protemlng against a TAO hasty mu:motion of his insanity. In former cases, when the offender has been poor, the argument has always bun that he committed the art to secure the "comfortable pro. vision at a mad !wow,. as If sane rues had en irrepreutble desire for perpetual confinement in a howling bell; bat In the present 'nuance the par ty appears to have been In the cojoyment of eve, comOrt, and it to ditilcolt, therefore, to crone alive by what Ingenious pronto the soundneu of his mind will be established. Of all things that aro repugnant to ctiminale, nothing is MOM in than that of being considered week or Intone; and at the some time there is nothing willed' our pubilo veteran:met with More vehemence then the doe , Übe atllt there La no offence agent* • law* of society which it consistent with the f• • Miens of a heed* and well constituted mind. Ageonlo AlTalla AU Interest in edam doniewle afrai lost to thlPPenannt parliamentary a prospeotofthe harvest. both bete an •' Is remarkably Rae Daring the p - anima of the mahatma will be taken bus propped that at the wake aboOd be obtained regarding religion, edtwatiee, property, agricuttural produce, &c. It in doubt fed, however, It Was - will be sweated to, as ft would ftanio as exact amount of knowledge which world oltimatew prove inconvenient lathe Tory and ash Church parties. In connexien with the plasmas of steam nut. gation • new proposal has been made, which par seems coosideralee letertst. It is for the construe. ton of a curet to ply between England and Ire land, firma Holyhead to Subtle) which shah be 12 000 toes eleasurerzent, and 1,200 borers power. tier cost would not exceed £99 600, and It is reck oned that if she took 000 pauengers per day. at 2, 62. or 821 cents each, It would produce £39,- 123 yearly, and thus yield enormous milts.' The ./.. ' u gel would he an constructed as to draw only ' 1 feet water; her 'teat cue would prevent sea 1 'knees , and thee Invite all the traffic which is at p nt prevented by the dread of th aw, and bleb is much more important in amont Wen oat people are dispelled to believe. Should the i ea be carried our, it will do more lot the union o the tato countries than any thing that has yet taken place; and I feel cerlaw its 'acute would bb such u to create a rage for large boat. in eve ry quarter of tire world, wherever there might be a sufficient population to 60 them. It appears that Oarribaldi, the Roman refuges, is at present, at LiverpooL It la add he is about to revirit the United States. ePLOTATOIL [Readers were Inftrmed by the telegraphic sol:13. marl of the.lllbernia'a news, yesterday, that the vote spoken of In our correapondent's letter, was taken on We very night his letter was despatched, and retailed in • majority of only 44 for the Mtn. itax7.! .. Pamzoiarr Faxotz.—The Now York Com ovoid of 'rhanday_ afternoon myt— The charaeter and smith:nem' of the New Press ideal are rufliciently well known in thin locality. We need say nothing to add to the confidence universally felt in his patriotism. Millard Filmota :a • man in whom nalimited confidence may be reposed. He has long taut in public, 11% in We congas of this slate, and of the nation. He ha. always proved himself equal to the discharge of every duty devolved upon him by the public- His nbWties are of a high order; his experience in pub. tic talon has been large; his knowledge cf the public men of the country is intimate and eaten. sive. He has &way. been distinguished for open ness and candor as a public man, sod great direct. nets of purpose. A distinguished Southern Sena., for lately add In private conversation with a nen. -tiemala who nave tit the Information: 'We," meaning the Senate.* of the Sottn,"greatly re. 'pact the Vice Pftlidellii he has no concealments. Where he differs from us, we know il; he is flank in the expression of his opinions on pold,cal sob jest., and he adheres to teem With Calmness, yet firmly. and we reapeed Was for there qualitfes."— Mr. Edmore never acted or sympathised with the intriguing politicians of the atata or country. He is not only direct in purpose, bat cf • al ar bead. Moreover, ho I. a national politician; is •o ardent friend of the Union, acd the fanatics of the North or the Smith, who would destroy or endanger the existence of this Union, have no opponent mere resoluta determined, and uncompromising, than Millard Fillmore. He is In the vigor, too, of life, befog only filly years old, with the arength and energy accumula ted by I well regulated tie, and habits of industry Rod perseverance that have raised him, in con junction with acknowledged al, Ilty, from an ham tile station to the wooded honor his country could bestow. While indu4lng In these datnlterty remarks, we may advert to the atrtking i 1 ustration given of the workitg of American institutions, by Presidmit Fillmore's position. It is known Id ail, probably, that be is the son of • farmer, who, at the time of M. Frllmore'. birth, was living in bat limited cir cumstances at Summer Hilt, Cayuga county, In this State. and who now resides open a fsmo at Aurora, Foie county. • The sire has lived to see • good son wonhily tutored. Toe circumstances of Mr. F.llmore Senior, excluded his eon boat any otter educa tion than that of a common school. At fifteen year, old, Mr. Fillmore was apprenticed to a clothier, with whom ha remained four years, caretolly improving his mind daring that Utoe.— In 1819, he oommenced the study of Law; in 1615 ho uthrEed; in 1629 arai elected a member of As. aombiy of this Some; in 1634 he was elected • member of Coogress, and in subsequent raisins was Chairman of the Coma tire of Ways sod Means. In 1E44, be ran Itrr Governor of this State, untuccesstodly; in 1847, wan elected State Comptroller. and resigned that post on his Mew , non to the Tice President=. Ho was langur*. ted President of the United State. on the 10th of July, 1550, it 12 o'clock, DOOM What a volume of Isms for young MO to study. PESTI:HAL Le-rrta on rut. DEATH or THE Pant. ohnv.—A timely letter to the Episcopal clergy of the diocese of New leSiey has heetiimmed by BM op Deane, with au appropriate prayer, to be used io their several churohes cm the corning Sabbath. It Is the film movement of the kind that we have no ticed io any of the States as yet. He ways: Drs; and Reverend Breihern—ltegurding the death of Prestdent Taylor as a great national ca- Lonny, sad our whole nation ee one atflieted fami ly, I do not hesitate to request Mat on Sunday next, the seventh, Idler Trinity, you wilt me the prayer, _which follows, before Me two dual prayprs, 01 morning and evening service. Proyrr—O, merciful Gad and Heavenly Father, who has taught us, in Thy holy word, that Thou willingly afflict or grieve the children of men, look wob pity, we beseech Thee, upon the sorrows of Thy servants. In Thy wisdom Thou host seen fit to vlsit us with trouble, and to briny distress Upon us, Remember us, 0 Lord, in mer cy ; sanctify Thy fatherly correction to us; endue Our routs with patience under our affliction, and with resignation to - Thy blend will; comfort with awn. of Thy goodness; lift tip thy coute isnanoe upon us, and give on peace. Through Jo. sus Christ, our Lord Min. The stock subscribed for the construction of the Plank Road Rom Butler to Allegheny City basil? exceeded our moat nuataut. alPeuteDerie. We are proud of Ws manifestation of public apirit Uncap one people. When every body noires In the =ante, Moo as completion is beyond per adventure. If the tame liberality to extended to ' the projtct on other parts of the line. it grill insure a peony construction of the road. The construe. t on of this road is cot for the asocial beoefit of soy oce WV, or elan of man, but for the geoersa good of all. The ocogia to be denved from it ea ses from the cog. t 4 peel product - sand tiller. of the adl for shim lag off ma it product,. It will be trio means of orestog Op a ash market (or products at borne; bona no man la for poor to be one or more slare, in the work —Baum Dan LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 129 WOOD ST., ABOVE Fll , lll, fine Just received large additions to their SPRING STOCK OF HARDWARE, CIILBRY,S. Imported by hue packets Dent Pascoe. and to . 4 tOt the( would esecolally call the attention of varehasers, behaving twit very even .lfe manta and low prices will glee entire satisfaction. ware-dnelvT Office of O. io and Penna. R. R. Co, Third st. Pm-summon, June 10,16.50. Ton Saekkolders of the OLIO and Pennsylv Sail good Company are hereby notified to pay Me tisth tomaiment of five dollar. per there, at the race of the Company, as heretofore, on or before the WM day of Juno out; sad the remaining instalments of $3 per sham, en or before the 10th day of each zoo Feeding month, until the whole are paid. Jen:toff LIELISIER, Jr., Tniasurer. Mod Restored to Night by the Pe ir6lolllll. S. S. Griot—Sir I wish to bear testimony to the medical +Anne of the thl called Petrel.... 1 eras fot a long time otleted with' a badly inflamed and vtiej sere eye, ao much so as to loth sight entirely for about three months, with very tilde Impute! ever morning the tight, end bet a slight prospect of having it re lieved of the throne at; my attending physician was ensue. cessfal in meting a core, or in giving relic!, and afforded me but little encouragement. I beard of the Petroleum about the Ist of April, Ihn, and gave it a Viet the recall V, the tight is restored and my eyes well, except a little tender or went when I go oat In the tan. ANN IRELAND. Mandela Chnincall,lll.y 94,11350. S.B. lemon—Slr•. I beets been afflicted with Piles tor ten years, and have tried other remedies, without permanent reLef, oath I beard of the Petroleum. I Lan rued only one bottle, and Mink I am entirely cored. I recommenn ti to ill who are afflicted watt Piles. I hare known it io be good for sore eye. • Chminnati, May h 2(10. E. C. CIARRETBON Doe sale by Kepler & Mc Dowell, 110 Wood street; R E Sellers, 07 Wood at; D ht Com. Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Dousing, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, `S. M. BIER, bawd Basin. Seventh at, Pittsburgh IiNCOURAGIC 'wax INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Pltt•barigh C.O. HU6SEY, Plat Or.• • —A. W. MARICI3,BIx 4 T. Offieo—No.4 l Water street, In the marabou ° of C. Ili O RAN'E 'CHIC COMPANY La now prepared to insure all I kinds of rinks. on heave., Aanalactoner., goods nuereltandira La store, Sod in tranrito vassal., ko. An moo guaranty for the ability and integrity of the\ pooh:non, Is afforded in the character. of th e Di. rec ors, who are all oblong. of Pittsburgh, well and' favorably known to:the community for theOprudenee, intelligence, cud integrity. Ikats..zotiv.—C. G. Homy, Wm. Deploy, Wai. Ler %vatic, Bryant, Hash D. King, Edward !lois lition, Z. Kinsey, B.llubaugh, 8. M. Kier. 'ap3m-ti DII. Da 1117311 T, Derai. Cemerefrourth and Decatur, between oca-arria lasprovenneuto ra Desatlstsys DR. O.O.STEARNS, late of Demon, Is prepared to manufacture and set D.= TIMI In whole and pane erects, upon docile:tor Atmospheric Suction Platen— ToetnLCnaeetaa N ms auntrrea, where the nerve as exposed. Office end restdence next door to the lay er's office, Fourth street, Sitteteralt. Reim so—J. D. 61IFadden. IL Tutee. lali - . C:rVgnena I Weems . .—Vations 'emetics have been maned relative to the alight of Intestinal worts., sod yet the question lee vexed one linen; medical unbent. Iles. Of one fact, however, all are Informed, and In which ell. agree—the fate. ntlsre of the lad4eace they exert on ehtldrea is this enattort of the year Wow et which the snacks of won= ere met mensal ea we u mart g w , ge rova, weie rake great pitman, In directing the attention of percale to the Ventilfage of Dr. hi'Lane. It le one of the moat extraordinary medmine• ever introduced to the paella, end Ma never Called of serous when tried. QT For We by/. =Da CO, No ISO Weed street. J 71344741 II his been gale. Tim Io liee the t no . and it bas 1 . east= at MAGNETIC TELECRAffi. , SEPu&TEII & T4LUMHA PHILO rOft THE PITTSDURUH DAILY GAZETTE COS G REBSIONAL WASHINGTON, July 16. Swan. i .—Ark er the ',neediest of the moat I morning hustaceo, the Omnibus bill wu agun Ins ken up. Mr. Clay, add retied the Senate is reply to the remarks made by Mr. Branton, yesterday, relative to the Northern Rrundary of Text s. He argued at some length, the tale of Texas, after rebuking Mr. Benton - oeverely tor an intimaticu made by him, that the stun to be pad Texas wee aecheme of auctioneeneg for rote. for the rest of the bill. Mr. Clay then proceeded with en argument to show that the true line of New Mexico begins et El Pau°, running to the head of Red River, and thence running to the 42d parallel. Mr. Benton, rejained--eontending that Mr. Cloy had evaded the only question of boundary.— He replied also to Mr. Clay's rebuke of the len. ' guage uttered by him yesterday, contending that ' that fang dige was proper, and challenging any one . I to call him to order now for repeating U. Mr Clay called Mr. Benton to order for aayie that the Cllll2O of the bill was that it auctioneered for votes to pass itself. • The President ruled that the laaguoge was in order, designee to impute improper' me. tines to the Senator, which he understood Mr. B. to deny. Atter tame further colloquy between Messrs Ben ion and Clay, relative iu the boundary of New Mexico, wane additional remarks on the sane sub ject ensued. Mr. Webster rose to address the Senate upon the general merits of the Bill, but yielded to a motion to postpone the further consideration of the subject till to morrow, which INNS agreed to. Mr. Webster gave notice of the bill for the erection of a monument to General Zachary Tay lor in the Congrestiunal burying ground. The Senate then, after a shun Executive sees sioe,•adloarned. Honor—Mr. Strang rffered a 'r - ersalotion that the debate, an the report of the Committee on Es lectiono against the admisnion of Mr. Smith of New Mexico, shall cease in two hours alter the Home again goes Into Committee. After waversl amendment., the motion to end the debate to morrow was adopted. Mr. MeWillie from the Committee on printing, reported in favor of printing 30,000 come, o t all the proceedings respecting the death of the P real- I deer. Considerable debate took place on the question hen the resolution Was adopted, with an amend eat, that the printing or the pamphlet shall be 'seemed in coal ormity with the existing laws and !reel The House then went into a committee of the whole on the report of the oommittee on elec tions, against the admission to a seal in the House of a delegate from New Mexico. Mr. Asho opposed the odmission of Mr. Smith, bemuse it would affect the right of Texan to the territory of New Mexico. Mr. Kaufman pr.:coded to advocate the claim of the Tex. boundary. If Mr. Smith ahould be admitted, It would in effect be the camblishment of a territorial government by one Howie of Corn. great, and the damage thus done to Teem would he productive of an aueitement in that State, which true patriots would deeply.regret. The Committee then 'rose, and the House ad journed. Bat very &ur members were In their seats to day. Vi r M.lll/LORIS July 16 Tea Si:minim'lntr.—lt teem now a settled fact that Mr. Wabiter will be Secretary of Shurr. CHOLERA U ST. LOUIS. ST. LAMB, Illy I'6. The City Register reports 212 deaths deride the last week, 72 of which were of cholera. Of the whole number.ll2 were children under 2 yaws of age. Tots statement shows a marked decreaure of mortalty,from the previous week. CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI. • thecnteaw. Jule 18. There were 28 deaths from cholera, and 42 Cram other dinewee, dude( the lest 24 hour,. Cmcactan, Jaly la. Flour—There la a good demand for good retell. bag bmoda, and thennarket to firm 0251,25, tare. rior le daft at 13,75 per Uhl. Whlakey—Sat. at 221 a 221 per gallon. Gan:tater—Sago iv in good demand, and firm at itti for fair New Orient, Bales of Melamine at 72 id 330 per gaiter. - Lard—The market it heavy, with mica of 130 bbla. prune at'6ic. iTr lb. NEW YaILK 3IARKET July IG, 1 here are no change in lireadatutla and Prom alone. Small tales of Lard are made at 61.2e63 4. - . - Grooi.tlea—Holders of Coffee have put the met- Let above the views of buyers. F.ogsr a finu wub sales of N. Orleans 5 1-23534; of Cuba a , 5.18 pet lb. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. July 16. Dreadstuffs of all kinda'are in limited reipict. Holders of Flour ask $5,121.12 per bbl for standard brands, but sale!, for abiptnent are unimportant. Pencil:ma of all descriptiotn+ are quite small. Gna.-eries.—At auction to day 750 hags Rio Cof ferisold at S 1-4alo 1.4 per lb and 1101.1115 :00 bogs AlAlll.ll lb° 01 . 0 1.4u1l 142 e per lb, 4 too. Wbiekeyi—Salea at :211.20 in abila., and 65e in bbb. I t Bearer, , on Yanday,The rem recoils Mu. Agnes threld. Clarke, relict of the late Wm. Clarke, Fig, of that paste, to the seventy rand year of her 45. LCURS ate rtmCnir g txt thi. Game addteseed .1.03 N, " iYI7 WAISTIAD, ASMALL ROI SS,' wiStin Ave mints"' ...It of the Pogl thine. Add•ess 4 .C. G.•,at ITORACE. GREELY ON REFORM:b—fluna to kJ. woods Reforms, in Lectures, Add 1...., end a...ravings, by Upraise timely. elobenifoutay, Ms life and armirpondoce, edited by his woo, me Ole.. C. C. bandicy. D. A , part 4 fait received. Lemes d brat, a now I, uy We ambor of "This Wilmington,' iibormanis Lodge? Wail= Ha," to. A Scala Doak in Greek, containing Syntax, with reading lama m prom, prosier), ad Me dialerls, wilt, g" Deanswilt, m verse, fetereng a arttaby Utak Reader. will a voetbalseYi by Job. klaCtl. mot. D D., Lila Professor of Lectern Lallatlg. Dickinson noilege. A fow copies of each of the shove works an ty cetrad ior eels by JOHNS! OA A. Allier/lON, Iy l7 Corner at Market and 3d ma. Unkidti TEAM—We are constantly receiving fresh A: green and black Teas, direct Irons the impellers au Pridadelpida, anolmvx 1.0 e• no hand, at the rira. bairn Family tinieery and Tea Wareham*, USG LED eny stn., an astir haat of every grade top slaver, Lich as is not to be surpassed in tbuseogh. We lb vbu etrOpanaon, feeling assured ibis, on Dial, our Tea will be toad chum, If not superior, to any at the saw pima in the city. IY/ 7 • mi. A. AtedLusto & co. re e t; .. t"l , ll,-ii eaulteleal et igured n le ; alto, plain Wire hew. Welds Illusions, ale llobtats, received by lilt iUItsUV A DUDDIIFLELD. gys.Wdi tilifttniest WEAR—e, vaned assortment et gsods, adapted tor Boys' donates Rear, of t. m um, Worsted. and Woolen smaterlsk can be found al the store of MURPHY 1301tCHFILLD. Tine. PILISTIEWS OCIMPAM/0111, bring prastmat Mrectioniefat Val lame .111111+ WM. to a Punting When Embodying • eystem of ronetaalloa. Capialis animal Cif Callan,/ for Comps. log (meek and Hebrew. us Edward (Malian. fHE AUTHUIVIC r .A 141) PUBLISH- Vat AidlsTArsT, including tit:cresting details res pecting the Mechanism of books. For ante by 417 itillnisTilN R drlikas - TON `Post, chronicle, Jour..el, and Enteric., !Cpl.] I"..e.'lltb-3) wigs of flow innoinFroni lacanal, lot able by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO. 1717 Wales and Fmnt els. WitalNti—Str 0.4 rtmainsug on ISAIAH iIICICKY tr. CU. 1119 • Water and Front sts. B ACIJA—OU beds astac i darl D ttt l lok wne by 1117 %Valet and Wont sta. I,IOHNCII LINENB; of varion• qualdie• and widibi, received and adored, wholesale aro retail, by DIF Se URCHY. it BURCHFIELD. ALLSOB.i Coven, a . I . N the °mews' Court of sold-County, to the matter of the seaman of Joseph Vandeprie Executor of ime hut Will and Teemotent of John Gillman, deed. No.lo, June Tema, tet.O. , And new, to era, June dildt, s on mouton? 0. IL Geyer, the Court appended Thome Kennedy no Ati.. diter, Us audit the enceinte of the said Lammed, and the exceptions tnareto. by the Court, • D. McCURDY, Cert. Notice—The !indite, above blamed will attend, for the patrons of hie appointment, on nalatday, the 04th day o! Almost nest, at s Wel vek, Y. /11., at his office In tke err Beildings, Vivant street, Veber, and where all ponies Intereeted are :v.:nested to attend. jue : l,..r • THOMAS KENNEDY /blunter. Wants /implaymeni AYOUNG! man who hos had two year.' experience to a Comometoo Warehouse, world accept A email cetopensatts a lot the take of esouloyaleoL Lt yalra at tolerate. julyiS:dlt SPANIEId Brom-10 lads tot tale by J SCHOUNbIAKER & CO /115 VI Wood itt OCLI!IY1-10 b:ls for :ale by A . ll J SeIIouNATAKER fr 7 Co C °Ci tr "--I “r".2:ClAT=ritdig-eck to. Just recelvA for sale by J S uoormucrit& co t I criASIL-5 mks pm for sato by irla J SCHUONMAKER & CO VrACKEkII.--133 brie No 3. Nam lorn., for sea by MILLER & RICH grSoN 1110 211. & In Liberty at - OLAIUaI , --0 has Bordssus, 3$ bz, suspossi just reed for .1. b r r 1118 AtILLERIs RICKETS° 00 . 12 . V . 132 , 715: 4„ 137. i.x cee n j , t Vats: i SIILLEIt & CKETSON fioAotl VAILNISU-1 btl rbo'd !wallet kTy ---- V-" BRAUN b. REITER PRINCIPE CIGARS-IGO Al Nos I, 2, and 3, oral & Bone, just received far Nee by 1116 AIILLER Ak. nicirrraoN TA.NNEas OIL-25 brla browN w7D to low price &just reotive4l , i. MILLF.R HICKETPON y' CILAMPAONE- 10 5 Ur : H e'd%lie, q , t Au do /domm & Co's I . fdllry,qta; '6 do do de a tan; .1) jot 1$ ree'd for iddo by MILLER & RICKETY-0N - GOD LIVER OIL-2 brie Germ. liebt.yellow, of our own importation, last received tor ills by 1112 BRAUN lc REITER STERINE — dINDI Toze• Stable C., - dle•• very seperfmt arucle, for sale by 170 W/0/I h AtoCANDLESS. P. W. OATES' is PATENT DIES FOB CUTTING SCREWS. PATRIITZD ZIAT i s 1f47: THESE DIES haring been adopted and highly approveid in all the principal shops in New York and Philadelphia, are now offered to menufacturem, mnehinno, ship ,nuths, Sm., With the utmost con fidence, as the most perfect article in ate( or ennuis screws., •, Their su periority one, any other i Dies heretofore used, consists thtir caning a moiler Scam, whether V orsucitat thread, by owe pawing over.the iron to be au, which ref:pm:to swarm: ee previews prepartisiou, ea the dies cut the thread out 9 r the solid irenorithout raisins it i n t h e kn . ; their greeter durability, rapidity, and perfection of work; and in their simplicity end little liability to get out of order. • ;• Certificate/. Peurnstrtus, 1849. This is, to cently .bas we bate puchesed from P. W. bales the right of resgh!. patent Dirt for eat tict b olt.. In err cpinicn, Ins In.. lin Satoh rope. riot to any oche, we art untainted trite tot the purpose of coOlog boat. r bionics a co. PMananne,Apr.ll. MS. Haring bee P W.Gaieei Patent Diu in nee In ear estabriehment for the tut nine months , for caning we can in every respect reeornmard them in • the inyheat teat,. we have laid all Where ilwaPt they heit4 fu enyerter—eonsidering than P" cent. thou. than en, riFees now in nee. HANEY, NfinFl); es ON Penn Works, P. • This la to certify that we have purchased the Mb , to mu, and adopted. in t or bosteess, P W Gaits , Pa tent riercw Cutter, whlehwo highlyapprova can do oath more wort, and wet...dove it will too pan in dooddlity and precision,. mash as cancan/ of labor, any dies known to no 34011P13, TAMER le DIORIIIB. POTWIMPIII., 9th trientb,Y.dtb day,iyaz, ,P;srr You, An. 19,1949. Hairing opted P. W. Goon , "Palentlnean ior cut tint bons, see take plensn•e In toying, that It more than acumen onr expectations, awl kayo no !owns non in prism it as oar opinion, Wel [b oll t eloolo one other pan in present no for eintior s SECOR k. CO. We have P. W. OSICe "Patent Diu' , fir 'centime wows, and the economy of using them Is so very considerable, that we look upon them as trdispeuss. bin to every establishment havirg any quantity of screws to Cul. MCCORMICK, OGDEN & CO, Cu:tn.°, May 10, 1840 • Ossusetes Ornery Waltz:matots: 6th Sept, WI. have puschosed of W. IL Scoville. for she United 'tales. tee slant to use to all the meas.]. and arsoo. "IttlE SEED—I btl !tuff Enpl:sh toed. jint reed WICKERSIIA4I3 yd Cot. Woad & Sizth sts. D °SIN SOAP—A few bas on band, which will be cold cheap, u tryIej%VICKERS RAU S T EV SEED 01L-10 bile for sale by_ BRAUN & REITER .1 Irla Q.YIRITS OF TURPENTINE—In basin mom iYIG RRAUN_3 REITER COPAL VARNISH-8 brls core, for sale by hit; BRAUN &RaTER • NOTICE. fr/IC Annual Meetings of the Shareholder. of the •1 North American rd 111114( Company of Dann; will be held at the office of Palmer, Saone is Co in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa, on Monday„ the fifth dv, of nett, no, between th e boor. o fie A.M. and P.M. for the Keaton of Director. of the Company, and for such businbes as may be presented, to aecordadee with the charter and bye Ines or said ComstarrY. Ll W$S 110TCLIISON, Freak Pittsburgh, Jai) , IS, lunts,lyleidtd Lawn Pattern Prints. O F aa ' nl ° o7lyral t;',VgliVLLtri;l42,l Small Pialit Gingham., of bow and whir. oxen OF all the val.. colors, and white, Woven and white, and various new handso UD style., of GUM ow h t y, an d very MEI ° Da e'en' at axon WOOL I > WOOL t hum Wheat market Mee in Cub will be paid' , 1. the Iliferent grade. of Wool, by .IYI3 i W UARTI4OGAI Now Imprciwad Pianos. 11. KLEI3EIt has jest received •Mage Witnificent7octave Yeano.whichto:llll.i. aeveral near and highly Imioreant im p:oven:ems. The maker is of the most devoid tnd cooly descripoon, and is made in the Bocci co style. The interior contains two *volt am bride( a,_eausing the Boss serinp to no over and above the, Treble strirgrt-produebeg at once a tone na full, sod clean The strings, memoverotre to strongele as• to terve a ramaltung string when one break., tbc• causing no eircenvenlenent like that wiete Intends the of i method of stringing. N. 1 1. This Omni the first haw of the hied ever brought to Pinshurgh,the Professors and Kmatemis of the coy ate respectfaLlv invited to call and examine it, at. the S go of the Golden liarp,lolThird st jalie ECIE:I3I ALIEETING of the Little flaw Mill Rim Roil Road e q uipsEy, will be held on th e l7th uf.letly son: at a olemek,P. AL, m the basunnt of the Presbyterian Church, of Teraperancevals. The et.!. 1110 eonli b y in:vied to auend, as linsineta of Intromance be bro ash* before the meeting. This is the' bestdo mitten for a Coal Rad hoed In the viemiry of Pitts. batgla. Theners of property have geom.:ly given the line of ow told to the company, velment fee or socod tralion. Aud the coal, which is of a superior mmuty, can be purchased at a very tow price; and nature has done much towards gronsg Ma mad. Odes, it V in direct communleation with Pinshorgh and Allegheny, by swam boat; alueh ply constantly uetween Mete shim end the mouth of the run. Valw ottle lots, far donna•in end mannfactanng perpons, on be patellae. misery adrmlag: on toms, to this healthy •atler• fdellaTOSll, #l:l:7lT , f —l3 Ms prima Ohlostlezr=krion I AeroV—N kegs prime lelfeceeived (or eels by ie,s 8 & W iIARBAII6II FOR two Band Loo-., containing Doneebt, marked "Dr Banning, eatraborgh." lett In oar cant by steam t• ow Comet, lope. 8 G W lIAKBAUGII ) • I7GAR CUIZEDILVIIS —7 le. reed for •alr by lIA PRAM! L AItL. !4i k• - bt kJ, do, Cut. do, now loading kora IllbUtte? Camber!or.d No:, for ono by melnu DICKET k. CO 1115 Warer k Eropt GREASE -1 brie now landirg for . 6y Irl , • I KID AD DICKEY en CO OBEY--3 !Iris r.a or landing for rate by 111 h 1 ISAIAH DICKEY It CO I ALLOW for sale by iris , ISAIAH DICKEY & CO EFSWAX—I tierce now landing for We by 1515_ ISAIAH DIGICE.I t. CO FE-6--------taliaitira &CO 17 1, IF I V EEr-31"4 I''I I7AIII I ItI I CICEY e 0 INSENG—Ubsg. vow loodlng fo• iile try 11111 lt../LI/111 DICKEY i CO CASTOR o{l.-19 bra do I; for We by It I{ FELLERS 13,13 l7 Wood at Q . PIE ITS OF TURPENTINF-10 bylr for sale by iris B E SELLERS . .11opm , -42 Dales mineral and patte r , i. i l r os a stl i trg /11 5 A E JY llY r -tebels for sale by : Balsas 41011-R_K E SUNDRIES -40 I . .is extra Crdaro Cheeeo; lob! bd. No 3 Mackerel; ID brio do ! do; . 3 keg. do .do; 10 bas &derma, boo Mould Candles; . 00 4 3. No I . 201101 patent Zinc WaShboarder 25 ht roests sopertor Green Tong 40 caddy dot lb 13( cbca's sopel/or lurch Teas; 3 tcs DeMeld's extra Ilaras; .1 D WILLIAMS & CO Car Wool Z Fifth sta. Tar rata by JILL CIRF.F.SE-100 bx. N. R. to, sale bf iyl3 P P3NON BO?INHORST. CO. 7LNEGAE—IQI , ure Clder Vhe~rfoi ule 4j ^ ~ltl' tl F VON EONNIIV E3T&CO 8R?7(2 15— " d q qggghtfar.beTO OCORCBCD SALTB-10 brit for sale by 11t1 9 r.voN BoroolousT fr. co 17(7 lIIDOW GLASS—IOU/be" seed tiara for ea o b V' JT I3 B V VON BONNNORST &CO ENISON —V) for sale by • V iil3 S 1 , VON LONNHORST tr, CO NILLY FLOUR—IS) brls just reel ler tale trr V A. A CULBERTSON R;CLOUSE • 10.3 Liberty tweet. • tYP TOUACCO—sO Lse W. U. Graat'N ,11. bra Rowan tr. Robbason`g 40 bra W. Ltaracrara , tea 41 for We by .4 13 A CULBERTSON A CLOUSS UliAll-14 rla Covering's embed gad pulse 11ed 0 Sugars, Just received lobate by • lil3 SUMAC -18,608 Ibtral hood. for onto by 103 A COLBEILTYON & CLOUSE RlO COFFEE—dO net. jut reeermed for tale 4.3 , il l 3 A CULBERTSON fr. CLAUSE TCOI , I-10 bbds Orbio Sides: 10 hhds do Shoulders, reu'd for solo by 8 & W 11,12.8AUGEI FOUR -70 brla jam India. from steamer Well. ir, and for WE by S & HMULAUCiII CODA ASH-10 eailto mettor, ree'd for ItSl/1 b 1 j%ll 8 b.-W '1A8668011 C F ; F;SE-31 received 11 5 7+4 b i b alumir,ii _ raEATiggige-7 bag. prime Ohio. reed To, wain 41 jy . & w 11.411111.41311 oprEE—iu p i fr o cA, 1715 144 i Un: 1.• TEA -20 chintz roeelved for tale by JyL3 BROWN ak RHIRPATRICK ~O BACCO—.OO kelp 0 mist received for male by ' BROWN &RIRRP.I_!.:__MIE Q ALTPETIID— ke6 re A fig t d ii r s irle j 0 rrIANNEVLS' 011.-15 prImIC, (0 , 1;146b, 15 1, BROWN & F iBi,--30 bets No 3 20 bola Nearing; le Ueda Bbad, for pale 27 1713 e nabwri a CIRITATIMP..F_ RF-10 W. melved far tale lolori;tr , 1717 ______ IRWIN &EiE".!!VITIRIS 1• ioTiretiy la OP bal. Western D. 7 171,1'a•.RKPATRICK 'Li" 103 • VETn""= - '„',l7g4fr l awlgitte QllOl-43 bags m ar abtAt Z Isla rlbßnaTniCi 17 loom BACON O : l ‘" 5 ,OlnWN tr..KIRKPArIUCII —tocaa as tfidErmesinama,....ti-Mfim CASTOR 013,-10 brir)ati received for eele - bi 7 ;LIDO & CO ' w Wood er 1 ,Iyr-2tao mpeGor-quahrY, yy — 5 4 17 1 7,4 iiyyyty by MO) ODD /aCO "yitlyG-30 bat lust teethed fin Yale by \V • 41_?,_ KIDD & CO --..nrs PATENT GLASS PAPER-3W Maas la S I T 'Ye, for sale by__ Ion) JKTD!!'9?— naresu — o vata pit* qyaUly for aale by • J7la J JUDD &CO - . . . , rice ander th e ampere/Iton or this Department, P. NV. Gates , . P Ile tit .1 It s" tort at lir g 1141tRII 0111CCI oj, they having been nice (Orem of he large motels, and fond to be eery efficient and excellent , . ' A. TALCUTT, Col Ordinance. Br ' W ew, or eamas Yeargr P enn DOCIS, t aon, ert en, tale. Cenriderriog•Grote,Yorcoted Improvement far cre tin*. screen on regret ter be an enroll eager, I here, by authority of tbo ligniergable Potterer,' of Om INegY, pllfObt.t4 of the Attorstyg of the PatenregOVrn H. Bemire and nue ettblarrot, bop , th e right ur maks god no 'said lornrovaingra tor tho U. P. :logy: .1081IYH EMITH, Chine of Bateau. in asa also by Buffalo Worts, BMW& . 'Reese kitshlay,. Roebesteg ... _ • R lett & CO, 0 &aeons r, _ s mit: us7 :: & thhla4. l o.ob cto 67,ll,,h 4, 7 , oeuh: ton, l S t 'l B: .L. . Picithiazhmeilo tom dies It taps 4i to 2 In. pi. C.ll Not do 8 Ytoll prim MI PM: do 6 . do • 1 to 1, Price WO All o,,jem.damled to P. W. bates, Clalcano.O. 11. Damon New York, E. D. hlanholl a Co. Phi.. d.lshis, and ii. H. eamlllo 11801 m, Coiettao. dm Dies t 6 Taps, with or without machines for Wait thou, It meet •Mh prompt attention. gat.... Hay 3.1860. ' . 101.166 ARUSEMENTS. tlITSBE&Bli & LECTURE ROUN, I . IAPO/4LO . UALL.—VqVUTH gi'rENDAILY;from 8 A. N. till 10 P.. M. Mama .auf I...emze Room, 9.3 GM% Rasenred sests.l2l:eent. Ohm ia WABDINGIIniIII4 PITTSBURGH, • 137 ds 139 Wood Stroet, above Fifth. THAT splendid ,establmbnisni- is nosy oared for !tens. It admirably anansed Or Concerts, Lactates, Etbillims ; he. ,C112....PP 1 JOHN A PITZsIRONS, apid:dif •131Winid st. • r . Ma solution of Partorrahlp. ITHE Partnership bereteAre .mmnir Wm . .= the sltbseHtiewr, ander the firm Of Chissaben, 3,601610 Manifsenneta. was dissthred Irt mats. I 201162112, on the 51 . 611 dam 01.1nly,Inste.t. All penes. nowtng theme 'tea led. bled to 62/4 6001600 0062112/2- 00 to make pay mem to either of she parties, delay, and all pertots enittlled &aortas whit said 32110, Et 1301220 to robot them for statement ALEXAN DERAGNF.W CHAMBERS, JOHN . D. IL CHAMBER& ganntal copy.) CFIEE-150 bogs — F - myr jk and i lii ia frem me t z la f e w ern it t&or le by Water it. From ais . • • . C0';..1'<, 1 1% 1 47. 1 =11. , %1 121 flow b • BOUERT DALIFAL k CO Jyt9 : Llbeny meet GMOE : 11 !ROO r-a sack. onbane and for eolirq - S. N. WICifIat9IIAAI jelt • Cor Wood if, Kith of WICKEIMAA3I com• Jut reco 'rani 49i • I cat., by E 98. N. WICKER:3IIAM 71ELAICA fIINOER of taobe.t Quality a as bnad a • or gala by s dyla) S. N. WICKERSHAM REAM OPTAR—On hand and far I , llle by 10.1' QOM S N. WICKERSHAM Q YRU P-53 Wig justTecaived far .1512 bV j•lt • JS DILWORTH &CO AMIE AteCittlßEL—rtalnlorl3. s-4 iF , .. trill I 8 DIGW , TITTII It CO. bac iu .tore S. F /712 OUR , - S &CO QAFETY FU4)-8 bile Ice b DILW UR ening, just received hp jyla , • J 8 T 8 &CO OUGAIt CURD • HAIIIB- ID caste received Ye. neater Hail Colembl., an conatcr_l, for !eddy'. 3rli JAM ES A trrcin nu re CO —— , MitAO-IGnake raft Per cum. Boa Col:nda, JO on consigAtnect. far anlo by ipli IA MS A MITCHISMI t CO eazat dear rides in ram, for sate by 0 }yin . JADIFS A RUTCHISI/1.11 A. CO . - _ Elastneaa Tel far C 1 .117 Pneposh lo TN parrasnee Of .an Ordlnancaptovidins for on In. 1 crease of thei.Reverme of this city, jawed the Aiwa,: lilt; riniee is berth/ -Omni Ilia Ow Cat! A sore has left ln'my otieff, far examination Interested, a Hsi or the persons doing bursaee bite eity in conformity with said Oceinnare- Lifra '4. York* examination of said 14; any parents shall think theraselves aggrieved by the told wed ment, they ahld state the some in an affidavit which afGdasit shaill also tientsin a instalment of the true amount of ibete sales, as tear as earl ha Ssceitunct said andsvit to be mode mid, left with the ei.y Tres sorer, Pilhiel two. Realm 'from th e date or tho tint pobliesidoir of the notice leOresitid. the. a TIM* ra unreal anal be taken bat by the affidavit of the ohnain or firm aggt fared; raid affidavit to be cone s:viva evideneciii the rams naiad relation nothe amount or rater, • ap?..11, mart im - made within ma 1,141 from WM dam—Jodi _ •-•- JCH VSTON, rity TTOIRSAV.T.- - ? M . l %4lf te-All United Ram Lterni,* muss be na. in rem Med man alderman, :or ealltedua ICartar - : - - E=:i 3= I . . . . UCITEEDLY the cheapest and hest place in rim . - harsh to buy Tea is at the Tea Alostet, cast else of the Wsthead. 'fey sell. . .. . kzeoltern Ten at .—. $l l5O pro lb flopestos ClAslitles•-- ii 75 0 The very uest-- , •-• 11A Low poked, damaged, or isterlor Tear ace net keel at this establishrecat.therefet e, Weether yen co yet. self or Rend athill, you are sore to ONLltil i rm.' ankle, and If the Eater of the Tea is re: spprovid, they readily eachaage nor rctorn the money. ~. jilt: •, MORRIS A HAWCOTH, Psup.letorr. surinams—is hhdn N. o. Sagan •- R tee Excel 'SO hf chests 4.11, Imp. & G. P. Tee; do Stitch Tea; .10 caddie. Y. R. , Les; , & G. P. Tea; ' Ms and bf bets P.olerstto; PO las Pipew :10 do Starch; 5 do Ne 3 Coffee Mills for eaterto 14 0 1 0.11 GRUN Motets rat , lUouiltry Baildancess - 11til lindentitned ores for sale, a number of.Lont couttimor torn one half ante to fear acre, each, ly eg to and near the brow °Meal 11111, Immediately oppose, the el( of Pittsburgh. Theo lots an a Sae view of the two cities, the three rivers, and the chummy, and for sites for. country teat drones eIIIDOV be surpaseed for beauty tad ceases:- epee. They ate only about 20mlname wrath (month. Monongahela House, with a Plank Wash sit the way. The soil is well adapted for gardening purposes. - Title mdleptcabls. Terms elrf 12 , !COtlipOdatirj e Apply M . 111011A01 & LES...4,IFt 015ce,PIIIhst.,oser Smithfield, alosqall to Fattnlig. ti p APllli 4 tilltiF c il FIELD hnve received n lorp i bay .. n a d r." l3 l-f e tt , t r li c a m rtel . vd o F: fl ier • M',l=l . • a.tiemt. OlukLinvriatik— turvitpriy BuRCEIPIP.Lir am WINK geed 117711 itroien , liawns of a neat tie low price of ni eta. Alto, a gleakratiery of Lien Lawns from to nettle w Nfines4. • . 1111 • IPasaimas AN assorts:tent of newest Cyles Nstatene Floes Dark Green, and other eiders, plain end fringe.d. received at Here of. MURPHY k LIURCIIPIEL iyll : N.Y. eor. FlNlttlb tc Market sea V/ITSISUPOIT BIODIMING 'ATOREp Corti, of Penn sad et: CND meat. urn. ALEXANDER & EONS. Forr.l+l•44 Iplerw,,:where every ankle ler Poet 11l 0.: At.uo•nit pnrposes can 60 goVort Tv..seeable wake. ••• )411;dast .• • hrondy tor Chokers, au frillOSEmbe tesaire Flenelt Braun' Ca Medicinal ilftV=tt, "b .rzoltA r .ezitr ng.d. : 4" Tea & Wine Stoke, in the Dieekorid:. Pure Ofa. Port Wine. a omifo t the best lo the ITsitld 2:njef, r i tca o , n kiL pee 0 gallon, for sale by ', 0 08 - 0, ... IRY I — drCT—Sts bags fine roll for dales or tdblo use, last !excised forabi mccixßci ik dslo . ! .• . m Av iitat . p.-- - 1. 6 ---717 . 7 t rb , _.. 3 7.. ----- bri A 'coerced for aide by Atle if . '"" . JAMES DALZELIe Nino t I,= , . Water at 0 Las 11V601,4111.4—Just received at the Vittsnurge Filthy.(Thwery and Tea arehouse, • few half causes 4f erTioltio face Olel ktrgo A T li c i n cee ltga t lzi Lout 61 0 ! ''' CO Llbarty at. ! tiLf. , s •fiIISAP ARILLA-6 dezeo 'oat reed for , ,H. a' '. . Illiz tl' d t'E at " ti sale bY '. ' . re. , '., ~,,,TJTLIYSIt OIL-44m *bite andfrrst6l4,l . rvid ijj tor UTS, tc sti.t.v.a . ,t bale mall roue jott II nod rot sal., by 0)31 IL E. mr.xicit4 SARSAPARILLA-1 bate lot. ule-bY .; • • R.E.SELLERS, OIC /lAA TO tare IZ h 2)Z6f:edis:7 ' ne VfA M:CLUE( 046 L rty si P W e ' 7 14 ' ‘.lul IIIVTC7111:131NIrl."°' otaa Et, • One Intel., tor ally bY Ina WICK Ir.3IoCANDLEFB. ChOCOLATE-48 boxes No. I Fresh - Choeolaii, lOgt tteoltred, and for .ate by • iyff • WicK MeCP.NDLFI , 9 SALEILAY6I3—t• 40bales no. do. In r.a.- P o rt - litst lt4ived, anti far-rate./., WICK NI.CANDLRFA. ct_NOUN PEPPER -C4 I,:rxes vto Gtound Peg -IJF per; fax Yale 'by 379 & AIeCANDIMJEL • . riNADY.O3I O tLT--14 box tate Nast f 1. he , %cs &rcc&S.z&EVs., CREA3 gut:use-7o boxes Cream Chem; X day reamed and fax sale by . . WICC to IIIeCANDLESS. W 8; CFI lit:6 ~ —al boxes W: • . Cheese, moll , ed oad for sale by lye f • WICK a McCANDL£SB. , /, loyeire kl he , ____ WICK & BIeOANDLES9. IM3MMUMI INSTI BOAC ki Palm ' do. for rale by OS ,Wlll A. MeCIAJFIC & CO. - 4 PPG.r.94:10 tort. Drr App Les, 'reel •e 4 41. We by J01.1:i lAb any wear si co p • "7 -- •