The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 16, 1850, Image 2

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    TB IriTTSßU:<dli
ru3Llsq . Eo WHITE & C*
W . r+ fJ C 4 }1:.•
for-javaaltssits attlctuncaU7r.ilersw4
t Oeir carom lockrre d f, ft.i stthol u tArly fu theday
Prsellcsilre. di.serusalteuts cot -- ssatrxtlarzr44x.,
fi ei urat vain tuTs.rulbly 4e qhatmdlintile , dered cu
' VALittit I. Agrtlt tar Ono psperat,hisl
everal sgerteics in. New Rork,. I'lata4tiphity. mit
And autbotized to Ter.CiTr. subseriptlous,
~ . .
. .
_ . ,
117 Pinulaccinns. Nears . Ast kaltrat.—Advertitte
teems akd .ut,periptione la the North Ataeriela.:and
United ,States liasetas, Philedeptua, me-tilted and , fee.
wanted frau Ilia °Rile.. I . . , :
117•Pirrueettiu.e.CoTreelp,LLUT L.Sabscririlbas•
for telt valuaMes raper, 111 lw reeeired.attd forward
ed from t.hls
Of Mete Coun!y. , .
AtlnTelt ;MAUI- •
N 1')1 R
Or tilior, County.
I,o* (111[Irrfoia 0 CILLL . ..
JOS k:/ . .u. 21F. NUF.It SON, - •
i • .Of We!hinigtonFounty. -• •
Anti intsente sad Whig N.:mainsail:nista!
- Allegheny . Costray. . • ,
rfnCritutzt mom , ‘ . 01.21:114
Tuonss nr..nown,
or .41.1.anyncim. -
11T-nloit, 'lll=l4 .11121 15111G61014
•^'II A lit:.l;—
C A it o FALB,
rem •ser.mor.r . , .
1101614:4 HOUF.RTSON, Pioshurgll.
T.. 1. 1316141Ab1. Lower Ft Clair.
It: C. W/11.Kr.n. Flreobott,
JOHN 1111:1.USKI:1', Robinson.
FIFFE., Snowden.
' 'tgooterrnrci Arroiray,
FRANC.I C..FLAYiEGIN, Uttubtrgh.
noyx,rs, fZorth Fayette
• ...rumor.,
Ws. VLYNN, Lower St. Clikir.
. , coczr, aFirveiroa,
D. 14, COURTriErj
TPl,Mitik.llll)NEliiS '
Cinc,` Law Moviola cop], an
initeSaninglet.telyffes - j!he Ihtiladelphle 1101!etin,
litingto eisiuncuonts connected with the tart ran=
meets of astt.tsyloi, whisk tellieni rr iten erie.: et
The sCenni vet forth are sO tittp race . :
ful to the persone iaptiente . e, 'and to humanity,
that wet healtated to_publish Melnner, until wir
law. it earned : into the' lending . lepers of New
York and:Philridelphiti...., - Tea It . tenrlYink. Courier
nod Esquires, in cornmatiusg en this letter, says:
•' that Me‘sri. Toombs nod Stephens did not her .
nate 'to anprnank the bedside of tie . President,
-while on the 'very brink e( the rave, ;and: to
threaten him with, ano or censmrc, notes; the
would abandon ,he grootid he had taken in regard
to Tessa nail New :Seiko: and trst when:they
found him, although prestralw.ll4 a fatal disease,
not no he moved to .o ierectiart . er r arty by their
brutal nninee, they wOnt ioto &hello:aro video-
Ird to con , ore him. We have not bends tor com
ment onart sock co:indite:tie this. Men who <mud
lunguifty Irony cot a, imp° nity, sea (soar their
ow.t arc 'eleleellred, toe they ore 091.
dently insonslble to nil the ord'lnerr
and emot . loneof hemsnity. Ern they : trill ,moire,
n the seem nod Contempt of the people, the re
word they . lieSeree:" •
Ith. ViLtmczee —AUL..., rumors from
Vinohie'nten point to Mr. Wreoreo ra tan Ltec.•
Vary of : Stela in. the New Cabinet. The .Ne
rod: Catercercial rays, teat, in addition to Mr.
Wcisiu,• report pints . to Dlr. Mc-Kennon, it
Pencrilvtr.qn; na SeertiorSr cf the Trettsurt; to
Mr. T. pellet. Pfieg, oflCeorgia, as Secretiry of
War; to Afe.Perwls, of Ohio. as Seerctary cf the
leteriot; to Mr. Graham:: of North Caroline. so
Secretory of te Nevi . ; to 'Mr. flopt4r.o,,
bout, as Attorney General, and to Mr. Evan!, of
tdoinc, es raslmtstar Geared.
(*alai Orders have here Issued by Mr3.•Clen.
Itrnakir, cr mann ding on OUT Eouth western loons
diary, fir an active Campa , Gn against the Indian,
who En-4 been co.mraining the late deprodationa
. tat Team. We shall mon Lear rome 'Orrin rows
from t . I.M quarer. .
Se,* flanking LTonac
Patting clown Nlrtutd tureet, we nati,ed wine
woittitert busily ecgo';el.l 1 .1 ..t3:!<:::1,7 what eppeer.
ed to be a vt3T noSeinntut , won toad inakirg eth
er alterations and irup,ortnat:ate in it boo 4e:next
door tielovite etore'of Mears. CiltHr.e-ok Rob•
catan. : ; -
On Inqui:Y, we Were infest:led that the buying
-- was befog thus fitted up by blesers J. Carolers st
Co for a Banking and Eceliange o.Scu. , '
J. Carothers, Erg, the bead of this new concern,
hen been lorte'eftad favorably knon'n, hare, and
throughout the country—brst as the obliging and
efficient Cathfer of tho ht. da , M. Banta of ibis city,
End of for several years past, as an en•
worts:an and successful merchant and marittfac
turcri c c aisles with him, into Ina new business.
the ene.fideace of this community, and the cane
rience of years both as n merchant and financier.
We' wish the new firm aue,ces. We understand
that their means era ample, and ther nrrangc.
meats 'extenalic. The, more competition of this
sal, the better. • Oar city is 'lnlet, and rapidly to
creasing in wealth, business, and population, and
if we are to Imre no inerense of banking fecilities,
which are greatly needed, by the re corporation of
additional hanks, the want will bevel° hs made
up in the multiplication of private bankieg Louses.
I :,, lAA .
Cennitss. Oul.nus, -
rouowin s order,cl the President of the Uni•
led Stales, announce to Ilie army the lanienteti
death.of the illustrious 7,lensrtv Tos nPL, Ilan Pres
idein nt IL; Uniled States: _
ircl.hingtou, July 11, ISO.
I. The Pre4dent of thr United :ale,
(nun ITOSV, • 1.11.11101.1(1% to the AritryTthe Navy,
and Marine corps, the ihault of ZACI/Ali.T TA vtnr.,
Into ll,esident of the Unued4lntes. Ile died tithe
Execinive Manion on the night el the ninth inst.,
at half /gest 1U o'. tech.
lilt tart pnblict3ppl,l,lll, ira• in part impaling
in the cerentonicn of our - !.-boast lin igersary an
110 haw d ruhoZliNntinteol how rearing to the mem
The lad ak .
0..1 tint was to mils Ida signature to
the Convention reectnly runriitdn,i heinama the
Coifed liltates And Great Britain.
The vigor of u ignenttutinii 'trona I.y natore, and
.C.firrlitd try-:leavened iciniternte habits, had, to
late years, begonia lityaireil by the arduous toils
and .I.l(ritrAlt.t oche, military life.
Solely engroaseil la maintain in; the bonnet:mil ad.
vitiicina the glory of his country, it u career of fog
ty yenta in the army of the United taint.", he rem
tiered himself nag r f and Alt unbroken
mothin ,of sucer,g intd;mctory, terminated he an ti-
Olievcittent linAurreeted in our taintalaJell aithing
to be accompluthed tbr'hin military tins.
, His conduct and courage gave hint aria Career Or
NrlCS.Slllll:.llt.liart.. nod, with the et.rni111;171,1,, , i
of modentlion and helthily, under all raentrlSMl•
re*, nod cspernally la the moment of vielory, re
velled to las countrymen itnnegrent nnil good goal
lung Which indneed than, uneMieifcd, to him
fr.m.his high military eounnand it the hiabegteivil
niter of'honot and Vast to the 'tepid/lie:not that he
de.-crved to be fast, but that ho was felt to be pun.
The simplicity of bis character,
.thesipgleness of
his purpose, the eleratitm and:led:Mimes of his
principle.; his moral courage, his pt.tice, magna
nnatity, soul benevolence, his wisdom, naiidcrai o ,,,
and power of commemd, while theylhave endeared
hint to the heart of the nation, nod to the deep
amine of 'the notional cithinlity to the lens era Chi e f
Magistrate whom death thief(' could' not appal in
rho cortelousnesa of "harms .alwaya done his
The Officers of the Army, of the Navy, and
lane Corps will, on a manitestation of their respect
for tho exalted chancier and eminent pub/ici
vices of :the thnsaritios dead,: and of their sense
0r the calamity the CI ountry has sustained lir 1115 ar•
lliettagdiapensution of Providence. weir crape on
the belt-amt and upon the hilt of ewer.] for via
IS rather ,directed that funeral honors be pia
at each of the Military pones accordtag to general
regulations, and at navy yards- •and on. hoard all
pone ve ss els . ta commission. h- firing thine min
igorgotts,*noinerecirig ineri mu on 11. Joy of
ter utereceir of this mder, -bp • Ws-Witeg their
flags at hal ram 4.
itioterof the. President :
GEORGE. W. Chi AVV'FOitt).
secretary of Woe.
11, .The.dat after the receipt of the. "Graer,i/ Or
each military prat Ow troop% will be pared,
e d at 10 edoek,.i. 51., and the Order read to them,
after which el labors tor the day wall maw.
The National Flat will be. dhplaYell at ka , f aldff
Al dawn of day taw'' , guns teal! be tired, andel - -
ter ward•,at interval,. of thirty tationte., between the
rung undocuing arfi t win, a apglngutheadatlina
Mose of the day a national nalitteof :30 gaol.
The °Stet, of the Array wall Wcesi.the(tindie‘ cf
mourning tan the left arm and oil their swordA, and
the e,,lore'of the Several regiment,. will be put iu
timernla. for the period rit'six months
11l order •
Alptaqi arm., U. 8, A
the Navy.
"~~ -%
' Tex Ilecenswit.ort_ot Pau. n t Flr:tmertr- -
Triswes sat t i , aa -:om 1.1 mei . 4 n.
e:.:11 . 1 - .:4evefetere we more nnzt , 'llly "*. pr e, - ed
w sndf 'Oct air ;rte.:ln:ors,
'sen by the' deeply' nOtt. , .tre erweleel , or the
[tree. rxeeut:se power , Forting 'hee he.ds la d
loWTellettih Mitts plr'n, topcbt'cia eitr-en, the
conelLriletj derignixed . se the Inceeirot. The
gaiitecel littell'genect tic:scribes the teem, os
At twelve o'clock, semirdiog to previous Sr
rangeinents, the Senate 'catered the Hall of the
House of Itcplesoatativett, the Speaker nod Hem.
bore s miting. Soma after. the Hen BILLIARD
FILLSMES, Yiee President of the Halted Stater, at
ended by a member of each .llonse, entered the
Halt and took a seat at the table of the Clerk of
the House.' Alter ■ brief pause herosc, and, in a
clear and distinct voice, pronounced the oath of
filehly to the Constitution, end the act of follelle.
don was completer The profound silence of so
great an aisomblage of deeply concerned air-to
tem, the ceremony, so lute( and so simple, yet so
important to its conisequences, national, political,
and pereonal, • presented an incident and a scene
eitegehtcr American. It - was the ipcident of the
day writc.h , , probably made less impression.han
some whereon American spectators, hat was pre.
timely tharwhich is moat calculated to attract the
notice of foregaers. The death of the President
being ancrimaced, a alien; plainly attired, enters
among the assembled Repreaentativee of the Na.
tote, walke op to the Clerk's dcoh, lake, an oath
on the B hie to support the Consthatioc tithe Gel:
ted Stateat and, by this brief ceremony, he be.
comes, in: an Instant of Ilme,lovetted with the
command el the whole military force of a mighty
empire, With the execution of its law, sad
the administration of its power. No one objects
or dreami of objection; the act is ecquiesced ia
as a thing:of merge, and with. the submission that
;would be (oedema to &lewd' nature. Thoscepa
tre of ihe•People puma into Ma hoods as quietly
and no quickly as a power of attorney could he
acknowledged before ajar:lce of the peace. And
net, though the Individual attracted, the thing it.
-.elf was hardly thought, of in connexion with the
meaty:mace& to some couterma such a transfer
of 'poweriwould have cost streams of blond, and
: Mitten the - Government to its very foundatioar.—
•And why is i: not no here? Because ours is a
nevem:tient at equal tights; and • Gsverament
lISSe; and because our People ore • law abiding
and a la* keeping People; because° they know
sod feel that their own laws, are the restraints
which ital , themselves have placed on their own
pennons; and that it is only by obeying then, :at.,
that their equal rights ran be Maiethoc.3.:.lac
such over be their spirit! If so, we turf yell r_ey
bf the rtepublic, not f'eteo
Since our last, we have further. evider.. a of
Me. FableSei pealtioa on the Slamy question,
which confirms:nor declaration, that he seta free .
from sectional bias,' and possessed of truly nation
al llellngs. Thoth editors in this city who have
eo recklessly asiai led, at ilia very essence into of.
five, charging him with tieing an "rata abglion.
is t," as 'is:tarmac:. , themiottal," andufaaatical,"will,
we trust, see their error, and be willing to judge
the new. President by his official declarations and
Bets. We are pleased to see, that in of setiohr,'
Mr. Fat nose is greeted with profound respect,
end that strong cor.fidenee Is reposed in his Wis.
d rut, prudence, nod idly:enlarged patriotism.
la the canvass of ISO, Mr. Fruatosx water.
Stained and crose•exarained Ly friends and oppo
nents, Korth and South, and the result of Iberia
examinitiora were the allowing letters—Me first
to Mr. flavors, of Ala ba meant d the last ton friend
In Vi:gioia,w:bclieec. These two acotlemen de
nied the right of pettErm, end averted the eels
theca of slavery as a state iostanuon, over which
Conancie nod co control, with which it, uold oct
interfere, and Cu which it was not re.,vatisl
Tie 'senile:meta In the letters below , it can hardly
too doubted, arc the views of Mr. Fillmore In Icily,
I ~ aff, a', they were in : July, ISIS:
-Anettly, N July it, ISIS.
Lfwij.foho C . :opts—Dear Sir ( have your letter
of the 15th instant, hot my • official duties have
beCra se greasing that ,1 have been compelled to
neglect:my private eOrMst.onekentS. I had elan
determined to write no lectern foe publication
bearing ripen the c latest in the approaching can.
jams ;But an yon 'desire name anfortuatioe fur
Cur owe satisfaction; in regard to the charges
brought aptlitht sue Irma the Font!, on the stave
qcestion, I have concluded to ..ode titielly my
position. _ •
%Vitae I weal: Congress there war much agile
tion on the righter petition. My votes wed dealt
less be bend recorded uniformly in favor of it—
The rote Upon which I - acted was, that every nit.
into presenting a _reseeetfel pttaioa to the body
that, by the Csonalttnion, had the power to grant
nr to reform the prayer of it, was entitled to be
hoard:thud therefore the petition might to be re.
eviveilaed considered. If right, and rens:ruble,
the pother of it should be granted; but if wrong or
llamas:male, hobnob' bedenied. I think-all my
soles, whether on the reception cf petition* ordno
Ithe consideration of revolutions, will be found cm
d'reent with this role.
I halm acne of my Congreaslotal decomenra
item, they being at my former residence in Bor.
rale, nor Save l access to any otiose. or 43.13140•
Al to refresh tot retollciition; hat I think it some
time, *ldle an ['metre., I took occasion to state
in SUbetralce Say View, Oa the carrot of slavery
in the States. Whethsr the .remarks were re•
ported not, lam enable to say, , but the pub.
cancel-was that I regard slavery moan evil,bot one
with which the Nahanni Clovernomat had nothing
-to do. ; That by the Conatitution of tho tigoted!
Statese the whole rower over that qoartion mw
vested:in the - Sea-ard States where institntions
were tioterated. If they regard It as a blesaieg,
they had a Coastitotienal right tie enjoy it, end if
they regarded it cs an ell, they had the
and knew best how to apply the remedy. I did
not conceive that Cungrees had any power over
it, erVris in not way respeasitde for ith manna.
none it the several State. where it existed. ( -
have entertained no other sentiment on this son
alatx I exantioed sufficiently to Garman opin..
lon.sod I doubt pot ell toy ads, public and private;
wilt Ed found in accordance with this view.
I bare the honor to be, your obedient servant,
bltuthen Plumose.
The: other letter from Mr. Fillmore is en the
Wave trade between the States, no follows
Athany. Stys. 13, ISIS.
!fear returned Inns 4.011044 from the
Wei<arti have yours of the 10tht.irt which you
pay that it has been charged in the Richmond Ea.
qniret: that I-hold it to be within the power .of
1: ingress to interfere with or break off the One.
',cantina, removal or disocull cf person, 1.t.:3
as alive,, from one sfaveholding State to another.
I ant net aware that this gleans.; hoe - en-cr t . . 011
disensi.etlin Congress; or woe ever parr.: - .
U. the consideration of the Supreme Cron r.
Sates'befora 1811. i 3 that year me
care from Miithissippi was dended, Mn
rice McLean 'gave an elaborate opinion on
point, in,which the Osier-Justice concurred; itc
came to the conclusion teat the
rower over this matter 111 , 15 vested in the nwenl
States.snd not in Oungrees. So far en my know:-
e e q e qaterlo, this opinion carried conviction to
every unprejudiced mind, and the question one
'considered settled. Al any rate this wag my owe,
opinion then, and I hive seen no name to cheese
it !since. Should I do sn,l shall not.hesitatc to Les
Yon will therefore perceive Mitt von did me no
iejastihe in representing to inlet friend that these
were my eentiments.
I write it haste ' chtiii.thc pressure of ofileisi
dunes, bat remain truly. yours.
MILLACD Flu.nose.
The Nem Irtirk Courier end Enquirer makes the
Ilmateg jort remarks in relation to Mr. Pill.
't Millard Fllmore, under the Coettitution, ip
now the President of the United Stwas. The his
tory Cr the past has shown that no &arca need be
felt in consequence of thin sudden nod *Vilest
change of the natural order of OVentS -Our iced .
tutieoj are strong enough to bear the shook. The
•ifoir, of the governaleht Will go on undisturbed
Fy sa p papules commotion, and unchecked by any
strife for the succession. Mr. Filiainto is a rasa
in - whbin . the whoie Union may repose a firm and
jest confidence. Ifni life has tam, len iriCtilip 4 cll%
ously anti Generet Taylor's, devoted to the service
of the; whole Union s and ho is no less thoraugaly
than tie national in all [infesting., is all his prin•
ciples,, and In all him conduct. Ile Is familiar with
public; affairs, and has discharged the duties of ev.
cry nation which he has-been nimmoned to fin,
with ability, dignity, and amens. Wa feel Me
utmost Clogdonce thou, 10 far as may depend up
on him, the high timice of the 'great office lota
which ho him been so solemnly inducted, will he
discharged wittillao mat entire faithfµlnees and
the mint pauiatic devotion to tha preservation and
the welfare of our glorious Union."
From the New York Express.
Slir.t.tace FILLMORE, by the choice of the liner.
iota People, VICO President of the United States,
amt by obit death. of MO late Chief Magistrate its
Pres - ident—thisd.q enters upon a scene of new and
untried Ishow lic_lnliCr the helm of the' Shined
State -at a moment when clouds and darkness bang
uPoo:lhe horizon, and amtdot tho storms of State
diedfection and disunion But, if we mistake not,
lift. Fillmore will prove a man equal to the tittles.
ti . a tlatennan of the old schoot,free tram prej.
Aims, pawions, =reuse opinions and high excite
merits. Ito is a COnscroal Iva, a national and true
man, , one who has no sectional biases will indulge
in no ultra nets and give-unero o c e
tuna offensive
pinions. He will, if owed by the Congress of the
Uniidil Slates and the American People, as ho
should he, so administer the Government., to bring
honoi to the Administration, pox to the country
mid blessings upon the people. We hope steVont
'ly that he man receive such aid, and that counsels
of wi.dom, of prudence, of moderation, of jitiOiee,
and of pairiotorn may be found equally to th o
dm itv nail Gegnantilte brnnchesLA thc(:overpu en t
Sever Was there more occasion for guidance from
Ornmseence, and foe forbearance and kindness a.
monfall our people.
Mr. Fi futon, has a. lame experience, great toter
anceittid a true and noble heart, -to aid him In the
dise*Vge of the duties. lie wilt be found true In
ttic peopkiiorbiorWholeristinfry,'end if there is any
karat. in conciliating the country, and in restoring
order, out of confusion. and peace out of strife, it
will not rest at RA done. We hope not Congress
will bannolize with hint; nod co.operalo with him
in se Iri.g the many perplexed goon/ Wits which now
no unhappily divide the country and disturb its
Peat prolperily
rson TV *SO t.NOTO s
Correepaatence of the Ph
Was, 3 ,. 3 , 12.
The Generel le r—Pnnerel orPresteen
Taylor—P.7le v and Me: riaref of :the
New President —The Ca; 'net —The Sla
very ques , : on—The Old IN WS Reg!.
Gk ram and silence ell or 'a as The hoJy
of the late President Taylor will be lald out in
state, at two o'clock to day; in the eret room or
the r - ecativo Mr taloa, is order that it may be
viewed by the public. It will be visited by thon•
ssedr, anxious to pay this last mark of respect to
the memory of the noble. old patriot, who had a
',ever hold upia the beerti of the people than
any of Os peedecessors, save Moen 1070 of ‘lo , ‘
b°ll "eil PoPalarityinwinging from d'fercat sour.
cut. Washing ton and Jackson.
The &mend will take place to morrow, (S'atur•
' tfiy,) at ono o'clock. The Meter:tunic. will be
hr 'ad and impressive. 'Pam will be the greatest
Military display whick hes been witnereed &Ice
tho'Hcath of Gee. Ilarriaon, and to will reestable .
that which then tack place. Gen. Shalt will
command the military parade. It is expected that
theto will be present companies from Rosbno,Now
York, Philadelphia, Patti:acme; 'Richmond, and
Catuleston[end Mani en:teller places within that
tango of distance."; Erery public baildlng nod
most of the private reablencee of n superior class,
are burg with black. 'The dispensation Is telt no
lent as a private than • public lose. The dcePcst
sympathy is felt for the distrese:of the family of the
illustrione dead, whose rifiltction continues pe -
President Ptllmore has directed all FeWe bat'.
ten to be sespeaded until eller the funeral, and
that all public officers west, crape for six month,.
There ere, of centre, a multiplicity of acetate
anti speenlationsconceralne. the policy and meas
ures of the new administration ; but tattling con.
elusive, or entitled to particular aPentian. ll ti
. .tipporod by some that Mr. Webster will bo invi.
tut! to return to the State Department, that M
SiMMOOS of Rhode leand,or Mr. EVLItIS of Main
wittbe called totbe Treasury. I pretend to en
knowledge upon whielt I could form an intel!;gent
°pink.. But. we are warranted in 'he
fullest confidence in the prudence, calioneaa, and
v:mnc• or . the President. I dot b: not that when
he nota, A will:be in such a manner as to strength
en his tidnMlitration, and to satisfy the reentry.
Perhaps the strongest appointment that could he
teed, for the Slate Department, en a ;.,nr
for the Southern flank of the Administration,
would be that of Mr. Crittenden of Kentucky i hut
there are unpleasant &iota whether he would
feel at liberty to accept, hewn; will a emasideri hie
particin of his term us Governor of the State to
serve.. Ws also maintained by some who pro•
fees to know mote of such personal matters than
I do, that the relations between Mr. Clay and the
Governor are not so miserly cordial and hum,
aloes, no rephl echnrartertth the eccupatton by
one of the dist place in tbo Cabinet, and by the
other of that of champion and brat supporter of
the Executive policy in the Senate. •
In Lenard to the Slavery question, it istmporai-
bin a foretell what effect inc lament el,k event
General Tayleer death, will has e noon the plans
for its settlement. That it will greatly vasaken
themoble and only psrfectly feasible plan, hared
on Gen. Taylor's message ofJanuarylast,l great•
ly fear; not because the new President still he
found opposed to it, hot because it a to ha appro.
beaded shut he will cot be able to command, in
the Somit, that strength and support, mseuttal to
reconcdo that part of the country to iu prael eel
enforcement. Tim pro•pect of getting any 501101
territorial governments f...r thorn provinces, not
yet. like Calilornin, ornani-•d Into State., so fliry
as d cunt as ever. One or the worst coneegoen•
acs of the daub of the Isle President, relotive to
this quet.tioc, is the almost !oder! nite postponement
of a decision. Thera was, tact- sere.., a goad
prospect eta goal vote on the anailros thll next
Tuesday; but now, of muse, it is utterly Impel.
mole to form any - notion of when the SSCLOC or
Louse ca r„.l lute crinothl for action, upon any
Too President and Meaty had a long inter
view to day, a t hfeh Ilia rammed that Nr.(nay
pressed the f or r to adhere closely to old Whig
principles and lima, in edmint.tering the god.
ernment. Of ih there can be no doubt, to wit:
that stir. Fillm it a Whig in polities, and natl.
leg else; and th be will cadent°, to throw bin,
se:f upon the party organiziTne for immediate
support, always, however, shallot his ctfina: se so as to Meet the general nnrovnl of Ile
cOnatty. Experience hue shown that no:hirgern
be hoped fuse the juthce, the thrit'eraticin, for.
bearecce, or grditcte of the Demo critic party.—
They will always array theme,' in deadly op
position to soy Chief Mrgistrate, or other public
tithed . , not elected by thernielves. Jester.
Weeomail" July 13.6 A. M
The Fouesol of Presldeut Taylor—Am
tmportamt hleoloso.
fee body of toe late P.eiident Taylor IC,
yesterday laid in awe in, the Ist [Loom of the
White House, and a-ce two o'clock wits visited by
thaue.mds of enizens of boih sexes, eager to view
fee the trot time the teammate features of him
who in lee hod posseased in eurh an eminent fc
gree the leer and admit - ellen of his country. The
feature, are calm, serene, and composell, - as
thangh a deep sleep had fallen thorn
br tee slight attenuation and compression of the
urx.:!ea welch is apparent, and the dread cocoon.
posniments of death, the rialto, the pall, and the
solemn awe inspiring air which surround the blot,
A might be supposed that
"Ile ley ,he a.stretrior takirg h a tre4,"
after a hard fought field, and that the morning gun
mrgld avral:e him to Eta and action eget,.
alas the aoblesi spirit is penciled, and no loved
of pence or wxr shall amuse it to life and tietien
~rent preraretione hive been made and are
met . , z (or tee funeral, which will take Once to
t,:„ and will ocerupy the whole afternoon. Gen.
..rrived yesterday afernoon, and eOnalticraft
Gle numbers oftranos arc arriving from Baltimore
to f inn a part orate procession. General Sean
'coked remarkably welt, hatter than he has done
far several years. Ile evens to have entirely en•
covered from the diseases corm/toed In Mes'eo,
but it has bcon remarked that, an ro Geom.! Tay
lor's' those insidious maladies :ie dormant far
months and onto years ra the system, end often
breakout with fatal clients, a&e.r having been op,
mend? eradicated. Taylor, Worth, _Kearney,
Doreen, Kirby, and many morn have been al.
ready their victims; others may be senesced.
it is n melancho'y reflection that the death of
the late President occurred not only on the eve
of a great crisii in one national rffairs, but taw be.
drre the maturity of great and decisive-measure.
to meet it. The oflletallabora in which General
Taylor and the Cabinet wem last engaged, v. as
the peeyneatioa of n mesiagn to Comm, on the
slain of the Country. The stioject had brio di..
cussed in the Cabinet, and she leading points and
femur. of the dolthnent bolt Own sicced lipop.
. As near as I can lewd, the framing of tots 1113p0r
tot State paper was committed to the hand of the
Some D.,partment, and it would probably have
been transmitted to Gangrene daring the present
week. it would have cants toed a clear and em
phatic dr-elvation crib: intention of the Esecui've .
to persevere la the policy which he had before
recommended, and would especially have roar.
fumed his purpose of suppressins by all the pow
era with which the constitution had vented him,
trey violent sod illegal attempt to impose the mr
tediction and authergy of Texan Saw
co, which as a Territory of the United States, he
was boned to protect add defend. The message
Would also have referred to the dereliction of duty
on the part of Coegrere, lit not holds pro.
sided the necessary Moans to carry on the
government. •
The message was intended to be a trold,atrikiagr
and impressive paper, and . to be AO much an ap
peal to the patriotism and conservative feelmig of
the people, so a recommendation, to Congreas.--•
AS I have said, this document was far advanced
towardscompletion, Mad will of course be ready
for the inspection ofPresident Fillmore. Wheth
er ha will conelder htemiclf in a Ovation to adopt
tt reutainsio be seen---I think that be will.
There Is nothing deciiiver in regard team . Cabe
Met yet, but there is every reason for Opposing
that there will be some , ehvoyes. Roes.
Correspattilenea at the Pittztourzh Gazette.
New Yo', Jaty 11,1850
Every Ming here givei may Id the 'edam's, emus•
ed by the announcement of the death ef the Elver
Sa general n grief vas never cruised by
the my 'title., since the death .of
Warhiegion. Political. prejudices have nai, in
this ease, been merely forgotten—they did eaten.
Ist—sad from all classes, has been given a :eau
shollial of regret, as &Mare as'it is extended.
The rrr.rri. of Age. Pillinere to the Prenhilinnt.
heti naturtiliy , s
can,ed • g..rat excitement here,
and, withal, the highest 4th:ea-of confidence to
she er -Sy and eatirfaetai f . pc dienient of tie
tines which have t traded, the conntir, not
'dry fr. as Sascy it concer ned, bet in regard
to the Tr...? and c .1( gineml foreign policy, All
the it art Coloe up ere !hog, and it is of
no mall] momext to have in the Executive Chair,
ore who're feelings are known to be in Liver of
.Ameneso labor, at r`l bristle.
The fleet ete.amer of the route to the Pa.
VIII Ni.ersigua, WI nt to sea to day, and two
more will (Pow iri a week area, and the line be
is complete operation by the let of September,
enald'eg emigrants to avoid the miasma of the
Isthm as, and the more !edioni delays. The pars
ties engai;eil In the new route are George
Vanderbilt and Mesas. Howard—names
that assure; tee public el a valuable route. The
Pacific Steam Navigation Company have Nat de
clared their first dividend, which reaches fifty per
cent. utWort a capital of seven hundred thousand
Thos, however, is ally sham, and does
not show the real slit, of the case. The
hive earned themeelVes over and over, and an-.
other dividend prequel amount could be made, if
Si was expedient, Weida It Is ant. Every thing In •
, the cony of steam In the California trade has coin.
ed money, and the harvest memo begun only,
thee tar.
As a matter of Interest to the agricultural read.
ern of the (melts, it May be stated that the cattle
dealers of New York ;have changed the market
days from Mondays and Friday, to Tuesday and
Thuredey. The dealers here ray that, under the
old arrangement, the great hulk of all the cattle,
change hand. en Sunday, and tbet pales to the ex of fifty thousand dollars on that day were not
rare. The Sabbath will not be broken any more.
sod the city will be spared the dilatant, of cattle
driving on Sunday.
The temperate and moralThentre, or Mate=
of Barnum, Is now the lion of Now York, in the
way of amottements, and creating no little stir.
la it thorn is no bur, Eel' any refreshment that
can intoxicate, ner is it polluted by a most for
cypr.ans. From the mouths of the actors lame no
words that eouldoot with propriety be ?Takeo to
the most rained haasehold. The tenth of Me
p—"Fication of the drama lean audience as hag°
'as the house will hold. So marked has bees the
&Feet of Barnum's tactics, that the Bowery
sad the .National Theatres, located almost amid
the Steam of the city, are now playing Barnom's
!crape:: nee pieces es their strong card.
Money rem sans very abundant, and Inrrnsvers
very cor•ce, though it must be remembered that
be city has been deserted by y !raga tb nog of
no:chant., for the watering places. There are a
good many milrosd pad other boinowers In the
market, and they roe soon supplied. Some peo•
ple talk of our per cent. for money, sad it la mete
wooed, as strong the things probable, that the la•
came cerulieatee or the Erie railooah will be call
ed in and re-loaned At a very lair Agora. Its in•
come coatinuee enormous, trod Ito managers can
dine they please, so great M the oonkdence.
A rumor Ls torrent that Gov. Johnston' has de
manded the person of AL Y. Basch, late proprie
tor of the "Sun," that he. may be trio I upon char.
gas connected with the Lehigh Bankp and that
the Penerylvania efGeers are sow at Albany
waiting 00, natio decision.
TM' summer front Liverpool arm telegraphed
at 2 o'clock, F. AI, and bosinera in roost articles of
produce checled,lxfarolter arrival.
Ashes v.rl:o its moderato demand, with .les of
40 Ws!, at 535.71 for Pots and StS for Pearl..
FiOtrr IA OGeksowtrii ; Irt6lcS shad" MO IV.. Kt
502 2,25 for rommori to straight Sate, 2,3116
2,7:i ter Mich:gr a, oast 11.151 446,155 fisr rim G,a,
'enc. Southoru in dull, without Omar:via price.
ityo is in good slotosod, wash sales ol 300 LW. at
2 271 a 2,01. Fo ebrinse or ealr. lo report in
1. e , n—Whist is Geld above the views of buy
err, rod salr, lr6 rtstrived. Rye is firm; salet
were wide of 1000 Lmbels in the slip, at Pl.
Oils steady. Corn Is in Relive request for the
east sod for export sales rum up 12,000 ttr.a bd.
stvestenlars prices.
Proviimi—Pork is more Lantz' ; tales of 200
tqs. met' it 10,50.
Whisrey is ticadc ctillataks or 60 bbls: Pridoo
al 4.1 c.
A earrevundent the Philadelphia Bulletin
elves a most weirs:in; nnJ thrdlins deseniptlon
and death llrenilesit Tayl•~ containing
.. a d, en many (acts only alluded In bete..
Aber oeyeribing thelino attack of ileico•c, and
the sub...pent <Mots to relieve, with the rending
for Dr. Wood nod Q.l.Taylor, he says
morning of the Yoh) the d,rnsebad
mode rapid eneroochniente on bin frame; but by the
looted .1011 of three eminent prectiiiimers, the vit.
.tee elegea of the cholera tombus were noon after.
Ward. checked. I loarever, freer ensiled; end (ton
rnnnam clinrerfer, it Imo, the (turn of sypho.a
Anxiety now beganmanife•t nss:r, not only
ovum: the exalted ritclenth4 famtly, but among the
phycimans thenoelve, Mis chances of tile hung
ripoun thread.
Meanwhile, there were other causes, belides
merely eating and douting, ;but operated froelty
otnni hie system. 'to h., medical attendant on the
exh, he Nod, " I should not be anrprised d ibis were
to term:nate in my death I did not exPeet to en-
counter whit haa tenet me ammo my elevation to
the Prnidency. God know, tint I liaveendeavored
to fulfil what 1 conceived In be an linnet! duly. Bill
I Inter been mica ken. My 'naives have bean mit
cotedrocd. and my meetings rivet grimly outraged."
Ile abated iloubilew to the shivery quealion, and
the manner in which lie had !wen venom:) , astailed.
Even the sanctity i 4 hi. nick chamber wan mended
by coma.) itothern Littrnivta, who came to wire
lian, that ante.a he tool; erne neeewary tarp to pro
tect the South, they tauuld rote a miebtliini mt.
h,, eq.durt tit ike Go/doe 61,M1813. I re.
punt merely what I Lnew to be trim. (In the fah,
Mcasem. ttleeltena and TOOO hi wilted ape % him.
committee ; appointed by no nun catietaiN, io
minoitrute upon the tante 'object; and accorditig to
(Onto since deyelopedo he tut/trete euticsided is nit
a threat thriller to the almre. It Wu* not mild nth,
ollne:o. of the 4 , 14, nod the eunferenee of the
Iltn: the mind of Ilse President :teemed no patil y
preweil s and which vatted forth the remark S lo.“
given. From this time forward, tin mental sailer
matt were tilted to bis phyttleal.
But to proceed. Toward the evening of the,9ill,
toe chronic type of dpentery which had Pet in, this
appeired, and vortultug ensiled. Lr. Joubron Mot
phd a delphim, who w eminent in these ?mimetic, of
treatment, was telegraphed, and a reply received
from him-that he would arrive WI evening; bin
oho! ion late to Ir of wry lee.
The condition of the patient was now at its ani
mal putt. The MCI, el/anther won Venom] In SOI.
non silence, attendant* planed on die out aide, end
ne permitted to Inter except the physiciant
Tim Londe of the Preatdeni,. with Vol. INiaa, and
oilier relitsves of the demised, occupied n room
:Omitting, where they remained, overwhelmed wash
wed, end reaming even the indulcgncn of release.
Bonenne were hourly tent ow, to inform the mus.
of the change. olemrvahle in the patient; but
thmesoalWhily varied tor the better. that all hope
of hi, *dirty won depelfed at II o'clock From
I bat period Until daylight, the utmost art; iety pre-
The ninth ii Weil, but gloom gill surrotmilcil the
Executive mansion. Thousands beano ho florid the
avenues leading thither, and throughout the day n
messenger miens kept ineteint the main door to an•
surer the interrogatories, that wore incessantly you
ed upon boo. AL 10 o'clock, A. .61., a report Nl'-
, rilialed that the President had rnllietl—el one P. DI.,
dint he was dead. The consternation created by
the latter rumor wax happilyrelieved by an official
bulletin at hall past three, that the crisis End been
panted, and that he woo Own beyond immediate
danger. Bells rang for jay, and ever the bore in
the siren:. lit bontirca, arid showedchildish prat-
Clarion. 'rile PIMA M now to the While Hum, Pins
Veater thug over; but &dont seven In the evening,
III:3 pall ofplooin again shrouded all hires, (or 1 . 1
wasnonotitu Od the Mil-motet item was aping.
1 will not ntiempt to describe the commotion
that t nsued. Mrs. Taylor thrice faints d froni
seas of appreLoosion, and Col. Bliss, Wilt had
never ale I a tear yethspe upon the battle phtln,
weal lute an Infant. At five—two hour, previous
:he physicians refused to administer any mete
rurdle/RS—opiliOdrrlng hie case hopelan, apd to
11 p hand. of God. The beads or Itariartmeni, et r•
potato authorities of too city, the diplomatic body,
and officers of theunny aril navy, paid their rt -
synch. rice dories. the day, and octant d to enter
tain lively feelings of solicitude for his safety. Er.
ery thing that could contribute to the comforts of
the sick, thenceforward, was extended; bat the
sands ochre had run out and Mahouts were num.
As aim, the vomiting partially censed, as all
pale had tbrappeared about four in Me oberneou
Itut the system Itad - wastryl under the aback, and
gradually mak beyond recovery. Green aster
was th.o (tem big stomach at bohemia, until
sweats miottes pail teo—rlhat peculiar coloration
of b.le that indicates the diesolution of patients
thus seized. At thihrlive minutes put ten hie
w fe nod el bee menthera of ilia family mete celled
to his bedside to 'centre his last earthly adscr—a
I' cumuli that the stoutest could not gave upon with•
out a tear. It must be rememb 'red that his was
a domestic Ilk; sod his beloved pullout, igeorna
as Intoself of flume' fashionable fortifies which
condor the husband from the wife, felt fertile drat
time the Ice:liners of a bereaved heat, and na
dertgood notbing'of Mot rigid discipline that would
have dictated to her. and weep in solltude
—variety decrees it" Her tbutdoment and Adel
we - revel; hen:Weeding,
111 r LAST arnaters.
Ate few mlautcs past tee, as I have said, it be
mums apparent that the soul al the hero mid coo•
gomor was about taking its feat. The medical
yielded to the spiritual agent, whore office it was
to prepare fir the ipprtach of the King of Tarots
Wet there was mai:4 to to conduct ol Op ow.
fear to.indie-ale that be fewredthe mortal tiap.---•
In - tbe . semi comineGial) of his heart with heaven,
whOcan gay that to died not a ehriatiso ? Alter
grayer he secniectref.cabed, and callid-for a alias
of. water. It was glace him, and be a rink aptir
iney. He then iogoitc I of Dr. Weatherapoon baw
long to ihr ir Iht he Would live, to which the latter
replied ; "I hope, General, lot many years," but
thir knit this a undisa deception, headdcd "I'
fear not many hence." "I know it," was the re..
sponge; then, after musing a moment, he aski d
lot hie , Thi y were tient fu , , lad soon
entered. Toe tatentew was indennbibly .
ing—Mrs{ pros rating bethelf at the oedside
and her Oilier' cllnsiog arread bar withecba
and grind* espreuive of their agony:. The pain,
witicti bad Ifllteted the pat natio the side• `of his
cheat tented; and attended by simpanna of
ease, was thought he Inighteudiaro oil morning.
Bet ho himtelf knew breeri and so declared'in
a quite at d.ble voice He was asked whether he
was cotn'or able. "Veryr he replied, "Dot the
germ In pasting has swept away the crook?'
hp adrenal* to the Nut Ira of bin previous
brooditig•—the slavery gnewtott—and obeerved,
I am about to die—l expect the ennui:rocs won—
t have' ebddavored to &whine nil my cf6cial"do.
ng.o: sic thiog, but em totry that
am about to leave my Glenda." Theie were bin
last audit, e words. He essayed to spunk to Ida
wife a few momenta before his demise, but hie
noire failed him. Dr. Witatherspoon adroinhuer
el a etimoloe. but it tuns powerless ;a reviving the
fonotione. The soul of the hero tad Oed.
vergeattott of tt e brain and stomach begun et
haifipssif eight o'clock, to that no eatthly power
csuld achy the heal result which has plunged the
twice a mstuning. The ulwesuied cut pikes
if his enetbeal advisers deserve credd, and their
shill is onqueatisnable. It Is believed, however,
Met hadrie mind of the President not been labors
inn tinder embarrassment and *Dl:cross proceed
leg Irons causes named, the &mutt could Lave
lean ehcelead, and his life saved. Bu: now that
be is gone. it is vain to speculate. One Suc
ceeds-hint whose eenallivenesa Is not guild so
keen, because intimate with all the trials of poll.
tic* and therefore possessing fortitude safilsient
to withstand them.
Thoee surrounding the lylog Preedent at the
moment, were b a own family, ineludingSolonel
Blies. Colonel Taylor and family, Je &rads Davis
end family, Vice President Ft!afore, several Sena•
inn and members of the Diplomatic Corp, the
Cit tact, Denton, Hole, Wood, • Coolidge,' m
Weatherspoon, and a number of intimate friends.
Without the mansion, the grounds were literally
covered with an immense multitude, who et
ued to linger in groups until after midnieht,Warce
ly crediting the intelligence, though ofneially an
Gen. Taylor died without a atruinile. It was u
kind of anklog into merging. wi - Molt reefing its
polo. or rzremensing its horrors. When all was
over the chamber was cleat Conliirlhe
ken had concluded the r dour. „.Thar body mos
emoted in leo, and ordered to iiinten where it
woe ontll 'Ws morning, when it was finally robed
for too grareiind lattr:Out it mono In the Each
Room. Taloa ended thOnelaneholy siege of the
Mao oto againMmatrong bile rirk of naturo.
"—iaciorsys. 1
The chef Incidence het transpired dude g:
illness are thorn emtoilledin the above. lie re•
granted iq plain 'assuage, and iii‘rnausy word., the
crusade waged against him, and thought that per
ties failed to do him Justice. .ThrCrume pervued
by &anthem ultraiats rtritaled hlut, but only be
cause they,mede hui reeponethe for condatt with
which he had nothing ict,dh He tit Pefed the
strife that provedr,but,didhof atriums tosscribe tho
cause to sect . ..nil dr - mtingfies. The dictatorial
Uctnee 'metaled by ?deism. Toombs end Stephens
Map awed hire, ada the more so bet nose it crime
from a. banded nagsnmation; I tit when it ,wes
hinted that Ors eneo-idenda would moves vote
of censure, he cook niftier the blow, and conceiv
ed that to be the moatfietal stab of all. lit 'Was
revolved, however, to Virtue the lute of policy to
which be had thus long sabered, though worm,.
cd that gentlemen of the S tuth med turd his to:o.
ha, while tt prayed •ttpCirt hie mind, or I y den a
ttained him the :mire to stand by his doe'rines.: It
is, notwithstanding therm facto, pretty well timer
taunt d, Chet had he lived, remuvels trot:halo Cob.
not would huge enaued'before the eznirstion of
tto worth. The cloud We. well sttge
Lunt, end in the deluge treated, Metals Craws
ford and Clayton would have berti-aweld gone.
Tho c.mvereatmn between the l'xi..ident, and
thew who wanted t pm blot oaleially, inclodmg
thin oh,. delegatioo, I am oat Inquired fully to
repeat; bat hia phyaimans do notrneny that 4 ma.
tenths , influenced Ina discus. let conscience be
their only pounduneoL
ACIIO3 Or TIM CACit , it. 7
Tee Cabinet. Immediately attliP death of the
Preineent, held an Infongfal met linki , , tt which •
parer was drawl; ttp, and eigni4-fii. - theiafttiten
in which his deceue was set Firth, and n.11.1:4117
einem u wan, .1... Mr. F. iltec re, as 64 coital talkies
at suceestor. Mr. F. is min re, thanked them for
their coortay.•nd to a brief epiade. deplored the
event that had Just taken place. Ito further limb
tad them to a ennui this whting, for the purpose
of elerufing sash CatillllMSll2, under the elletim ,
dance!, appeared savirable. Shea proceedings
to:masted tee
FLIIL—Tho North Airteri.
Cu says:
The insurance Companisit . willrpot left ove r
51100,000 In all, which tom Intl rot in the alighest
desteetfrect them. From a hasty euhmate, made
for usb7 the Aitrerent aompanies, yesterday, the
Ina la iii tided among them as totiows:
Fire AalkOaddlo/11, - 8100,000
Franklin,' - 75 000
Etelitterx, • a •• , . 5,000
Hand in Hand, • - 7500,5
City and County Mutual,. 5000
American, , - - . - - • tit) 000
Mount A11411111.110e, - - • 15 000
North American, - - :.o.oaa
Imnranee Co , or the State of P. nutty Itranla, 3 000
Delaware Mama, - . 13000
Penntrylvanta Ineuranco Compaq, - 10 000
Smag Oarden,• - • . - 0000
County Insurance Co.,- 25 000
The on of tie F•rc Assesistioa may ant co be
pod $705,00; mat of the Fran end Hoed to
d, 550.000 ear b; and that of the Ai:normal FA
000. lc t.o lenience W.l the lots bc likely to ex.
er d the thate renma e.
It , • veleulaced that not Fish' the propeKet eon.
awned were iosured. The aggreorice low, it is
generally hel eyed, will• not esnred ft ,503,000.
Mears & Co., Ridgway & Budd, and ♦.
Wright & Nephew , . tho principal hush' eae house•
burnt out. aro fit:i• insured 0 Jayne sustains ■
b.. of +hoot $lO,OOO
Mr. E B. Edwards' flour atom, 221 north Front
street, was entirely dew flayed. except the fire vitriol:
oleo his house, No. 4, Vine street, with ita con
tent+, exeunt the siker plaie; likewise his Cable
on New Market street, above Vine; howe and
vehicles raved. No insurance on toy of the
Have Just received large addidons to their
linoortril by late packet. from Irwore, tind to
which they would ("peeing y cull trio attention
of now hater, behoving weir very even-
iitve Woe Ito ntid low weir
estate .11W - tuition.
Odin of Oilman PCIIIIBI. R. R. Co, 'Mid at
Pomona., June lA, It-jr.
Tut Stockholder. of the Ohio and PannulVoll,ll
Rail Road Comp.) , 41 hereby noised to pry the
atoth,nitalntent of five dollar, per shore, at thd office
or the Q.T.', to heretofore, on or Demo the :this
day of Jane neat, rod the retuannug Instalment, of
PS per share, on or before the =oh day of inch one
reeding month, until the whole are paid.
lofting Wlt LAREUER, h t Treuurer.
1111.1 d A .1 to Bleat by the Pe
P. S. I.orron—Pit: I wish to beer testimony 'to the
medical Mime of the Oil called Petroleum. I woe for
• long time ailbord with a badly In Owned anti very
;Kim rye, so much so as to lose sight entirely for ;about
three month., with very into hopes of ever recovering
the right , and bet to alight proapect •f Laving it re
lieved of the eorencait my ;wending physician wee
ansueserfel In making it cure, or In giving !elle,
end afforded me but little encouragement. I beard of
the Petroleum about the let of April, Isfig, and gave
it A trial: the result Is, the sight I; minuted and my
eyes well, except a Mlle tender or weak when I go
out In the atm. ANN ICELAND.
Mansaeld.O., Cincinnati, May tr 1,1850.
Ltswx--s 71 I Lave imin afflicted with Pik.
(or inn years, and bale tried other remedies, without
Otrrunneii rel.ef, until I limed of tho Petroleum. I
hare men only one bottle, and think I qm entirely
eared. I teem: menu j 1 in nil Who nTa ainicta:al
Piles. I hate known It to Lc geind for tote ayes.
Cincinnati, May CO, 1,40 E. C. OA IIRETKON
liar tale by Keyter A PrtcoowCll,l4o Wool; ',itrceti
R E 47 Wood sti Dfl; Corry, Allegheny eltr,
D A Elliott, Allegheny; losco PollOtet, Allegheny;
elm by the yroprietut. K. M. BIER,
• Iy4 canal Basin. Snyenth st, plitsbnrgh
Of Plttoburgh.
C. G. , 111198EY. rozer,• • --A. W. fir A REF}, (41er.
(Mice—No. Water Bireet, In Oa vroschonso of C.
111. , 3 tX)4IrANY MT pregarag to'
kinds of risks, on .houses, manufselones, goods
merchandise in store, and In tranrfM he..
An ample guaramy for the ability Ind IMegrity of
the Instigation, fs afforded In the ehlsibeter of the DI.
mg ista, who are all althea& of Pittsburgh, well and
favorably known to:tko communal for theirprudenee,.
Intelligence; and integrity.
G. Dessau, Wm. Rapier, Was, tar
Waller Bryant, Hugh D. Alcor. Edward
flessalton, Z. Kinsey, 8. Ilarbaash, 8, BLitt,
De. 0.1 Corner ofPa rth
and.Daanp«, between
ilarkat as
• improve:l4o3m lwanstistry. ,
DR. G.G. STEARNS, late ottibsten, b prepared to
menutintb re and eet lb= Tenn to whole and pans
of saut e upon +auction or Attenaphesio POIAIOII PhllflL—
rctellb ellt neon ut nveltLTOTlll, where the nerve is
- expertd. (Ace and residence nen door to the 'May.
or+circa, Fount. street. Pittsburgh.
toms. tro—J. O. Mt Fadden. F. IL Paten. %la
In Reserve Tolerably, Allegheny edunty, on Satur
day, the Mat lat., Damn Crane, Want sox aflame,
- _.:. .
. IrrWosnal Woes V.—Varlet-, thesivies harebeen
atsindskla.ire to the origin of intestinal worms, and
get the question is a resedont among medical authori
ties. Of one -faer, borrever, all are infOrtnelhand in
which all agree—the fatal means tithe indeenee thei
exert On children. An this tenon of the year Is one
at which the attacks of worms aro -most frequent as
well as mosiderigerons. we take great Tilers= to
directing the &meth., of parents to the Vern:lit:age of
Dr. !Mane. It is one of the most exusetdinary
medicines ever introduced to the public, and bolsterer
'ailed ofnueees• when tried.. • -
MrFor ego by J. KIDD & CO,No GO Wood
Waists Smployments
AYOUNG man who has had two years' expeliame
In • Commission Warchotme, mosltt ammo •
small tOmpensallen for the sate of emelollzmou ED .
mute at tins office. jolylC:Ct
Q PAN 1.9.11 Brown.—lD tale for aria by '-
_Wood at
NrELLOW OCHRE—to brls for .le, by
rt (WHIN L-1 ceroon fino quality ter scle by
ly la . 7 •SCIIUONMAKER /r,
nilAl•K-7 toes jut received for sale he ,
DOTASII-5 cork. pore for male by
MACKEREL—Wd nth. No 3. Man. in.!, landing
for min by faLLER t. RICK ETSON
/Yin 421 & 2 .. .rlLibarry ot
C., LARE2,2O bra Hordeanx . .Bl. Jaßea alpine."
tias Margaux; pat Ire d for sale by
CONORESS TORACCC-40 b Rum!! & Roble
"WS S's Lump, jag reed for .le by • •
• if MILLER & lacesreos
VARNISII—LbtI reed fo-sebs by
PRINCIPE CICIARI , 46O 111 Nos 1, ,and 3, Oruz
A Sons% jou recenreO for sale by
TANNERS• (.11L-2) brie brown;
:40 brie low pc( erd. Jut received
)3 , 16 & NICRETSON
g 111A.H•eo:v}'. • qu; -
l/ a d 0 d 0 DiK
- - -
to do Mummao'sgillery, p qtt;
• do do
Ju*t ree'd for see byd de
I lUD LIVER 01L-2 brie Germen light 7ellow, of
1,..1 OUT own importation, jut received for aide by
R A Z E SEEII-1. :al fresh FogliaS t!eeds jun read
Cor. Wood & Sixth etc
110.1 N ,E.HAP—A few las oriland,wllleb will he
..1 - , l l,:P('''' ; ` ; `°t'ill6 5. arrrea
STy:POF TURPENTINE --Id bat In mere
I'tO?•AL VARNISH-8 brls fn Core, for tala by
rr llE n Annu m ul ri lllsetiege of the Shareholders of the
he held oPiere i nalm C' er mi"'"
Datrm4 will
, Hanna Pc Co., in the
city of Pinitbargli v P.. on 11.Iendayi the PIA day of
coontwn the boors oft° A. AL and I P. 31.
for the Pl of Directors of the Company, arid fo r
suck W 16.4 may be prercuted, In accordance
with the charter and bye Jews of saia Company . .
Pittsburgh, July 13, irso.-01.Cdts1 •
AT en eleetlon for Pretidect, Duectnto, tied Treat
Inver. of the Allegheny end Manchester Plonk
hood Company, tleA ou the ISA nut, et the room, of
the Lloarct at 1111,1 G, we gentlemen were
duly elected, to
(honoe lionewell.
Ihrertoro—Jautru:Andertou, }Pm Jahn E.
Parke, John Phillips, J. schoonomirlr.
Trculeirer—Wm b.•evrelf. jll6:dittairltT
Eros!, copy]
• Lafan P a Prints.
kr a GOV 911121:ty and t.easTifal atllt• tellins Vine
Yat gore of 11yi51 MURPHY it LIU kCifFIELD
Small Plata Glerighaws,-
F all the vs.loss toioa, of blue mal.nehltr, veep
ond what, 1.01.1 and while. Yid laiiollB Mq
sad hYtd,o at styles, a( tate. yOslay, sod very neat
sty Ire, meet.d slid ode led tow al stare .r
Thieheri market price in Casa "111 be paid ro
the didenot r rade. of Wool, by
iris 8a W ItARDAUGH
New Unproved Pianos.
1951491111. ifI.IIIF.R has jut received • meg
ninecnt7intave lbano. which contains
several new and highly Lmponant heat
pro remenm. The Claeliilf IR .of..the
mem a Meant and evilly dassripnon, and Is made in
We adteoeo style. The Interior contains two wpm
ale bridges, naming the Bass strings to ran over and
above toe s :treble striras—prodnclog at once a tone
rich, 1141:74ind clear. The strange, moteover, We 00
atrat‘tett s nege kvve a.rentalaum string when ate
• Vbrealt.iti.ilLW Cm eine 130 Inconveniences like that
whtehlatads the old method of minting.
N.ll This Ming the final tbato of the kind ever
brorahi to Piusborigh, the Professors andAmatimes of
We city ea, merectfinly litloillett to call and ezatedne
at at tee it an of the ()alien Ilerp,lolThird at.. iILS
A 7 , 1F1.711:i6 or the Little Saw Mill Run Rail Read
Coutpuy, will tie bold oa the Mb of duly unit,
at a o'cloek,Pl W., in the bit semen t of the Presbyterian.
*March, orTemperaticcuille. The citizens ere conlit
ally invited to attend, es !ruiners of Impel tune anti
be bronchi beam the musing, This is the boot
canon for a Coal Sell Road In the •tcutity of Pitts
horst, Tan owners - of property hue generously
circa Me line of toad to the company, without fee or
cor,detation. had the coal,whlch Is of•• eupertor
muddy. can Le purchased at a irery lees price; and
oaturs hu done mub toward• pacing the road. Re
u.drs, it is In direct t ommonfration with Pinshurgh
and Allegheny, by stem bastr, winch ply constantly
mare,. them sines' anti .64 month of Me run. Talo
n:de lots, for dem s is and taimafacturing purposes,
can he patchy.. on ' , cry at:contagious terlllo.lst this
healthy nailer.
.1 . 1711 , 1 Iti. lATO6H,P i ce'y.
FLO . g.—.l halt prime Obio meld 'or tale L
i y
_ _AkW H-211111AUGII
L&lir- keg. renew leaf ilefillta for rale by
:1‘ ,4 S & W
LlOl , l two Rand buz•a, containing Bonnet., marked ,
Je ildonteg, t•tnabutgb;' left in oar tare by
steam tots Caleb tope. 8 & N /IAIIHAILICiII
"Cs Cc All CU RE)) 11A.119 —7 ics reed for bbie by
1715 W 11AHLIAUUll
1 111t1:—US: tril,p4o
' • two. now landing from meta
Combolmd No; for me by
Water es. Frans its
GIIVASE brl. new landing for sale by
osKy—a brit boo landirlit tot sal a by
ALLOW (or sale by •
DEFA , W&X--.1 time. now latidloc for tale by
11 1113 I ./11J1 II DICKEY &CO
EATH ER,-3i sacks landing. for tabs b
'D y
I,LAXSEEI!--3 Luis landing for .ale by
JTIS 19ala11 DICKEY k.
MENG—tlbac. rya landloy foraale by
CASTOR OIL-12 btu No 1, for t
i fe E by BE 8
SPIRITS OF TURRENTINF-10 byts for sale by
el/1M- -SI! mice mineral and pis tyr, for tale by
brie fo!eble . by
S UNIM"S ig VVritrhi''
b d . do • do;
5 . do • do;
10 his Dation., •.
vi boo Mould Candies;
On ex. No 1 Stara;
21doz patent Zino Wa.hboard.;
05 to attests superior Glenn Tear,
40 caddy las do , do;
1U IA rbersreparlor Diaeli Teas;
5 tea Dalbeld's extra Huns;
For.rule by J D 'WILLIAMS &CO
irib Cot Wool it POO sta.
Grand Vocal 41 Instrumental Concert s
HERR VOGEL, who returns hit sincere thanks to
J,JI, the kind public for their put favors, be leave
to announce uit, as he has been lately slatted by a
eWicnoo io the death of • beloved patent and
sTeter, be Intends sines • GRAND CONCERT, at
WILKINS ItALL, on TUEI/IhY evening, July leth,
the proceeds et which are to be devoted to the assist.
ante or hie widowed mower and her JOOttirC , ehillroo.
hisnut Bournis•Etritt, of the venation.,
Pita Allem hl. Skins, late Musical Limiter of the Pita-
Thcatic, end a large number of tactical
meth artists, and atuatcurs,, have kindly volunteered
their etaleinnee rat the eceattem. „
• .
1e; - to be had at the newt) places.
Peel: su
t:e74 . g e ' a e :teninee at Ci Welaek. 1712:13L
A 7:3'01,11,?.'.."''°67,',1711f.741°`
j F y . 1 , : . ;4-- lal la. NV. It for sale hy
NINE:GAIL— to 1 , ;:., ro,o , Cider Vinegar for axle by
. jp3 ti i• Y ON lIONNOuRBT tr. Co
B n i; L I?1 187"1" q IVA qI Z I VII I / 1 1#1 1' C T O
acORCII k:D SALTA-10 brix for sal. by
WINIJOW LARL—I elres re el y
llst:sr linja , —. lo for .oto by
AmliN 1.1..u1111-15Miiiiii6ed for .ale by
_iYl 3 _ • 103 Liber meet
ripisecco—vg Ikawa, Ro,bin%nio*
bxa ~.- . 1. by
W . ..1309217 5 i 0 re r ! ,,
104 A CUL
SCOAL-14 bele Lovelies's trachea and palvemed
Sagan, bud recclved for so t le by
UMAC-10,00 cm !mull, for aide L
RA/ COFTEM-30 sack. jast mewed for sale by
h. la A CIIs.DERTSON d cLouse.
B AUUN I h tI h a
Pr in i sottierr. reed for sale ey
s & lialtSAUoll
- -
LOUR—.o brlr jut luolimr from strutter Wells,.
rule, and for .16 by $ es, W
CODA Aim 1-20 casks superior, reed flir We be
I, ilia 8 es WliAltbliUoll
CIIBESE-3:1:1 received fondle by
13 fr. W-11 &RHAUCIII
F FATHERS-: bats rinte.l7llNniaillatt by
o!FE.E.-40 saeltz trune Me in tote, far eel* by
11 14 144 Libeny et
rrEA —lO cbetts ecelved for .le by
TTBACOO-4 kegs S mist meshed for sale by •
Q.,4l..TPEtirs-2.. km salad, for sale bt
PATEXTED ia4.jr 9, 1f47.
TDESE DIES baring been adopted oral bighlY,lPPrOred in all the riiricipOl. shops in New, York
*ad Philadelphia, aro now offered to manufacturers. ~. maehinWra,' ship smiths, dee..:orith the tautest Coo
fideo re, us the,nidst perfect article in led or cutung.Serews.
Their superiority over any other Dies kreletofore used,. conairn in then rutting
Scat'. whether V or stearin thread, by ows pars ins brer the iron to be cut; whie.h recusrotuirthuipuz.
°r . preriou ;tripe:mile:, oh the d ies
0 . 1
the - thread Wt of the fetid iron, without twiaing it In .ttle team;
"in their grenter durability, rapidity; and perfection of work; and in their simplicity and Untenability.
to get but QC order. • • ,
Pattatatrata Ang.17,1849.
Thls Is to cattify that wa hays parttime.) trout P.
W. Gatos thotight of 'dna ht. P=lt . Di " for tot.
tint Fans. lunar opinion, Ma liteo a»much tope
riot to arty others we 1,/ aequaltaid WM. tor tlas
PIIIP O od amigo, boiu. 1 •
J idoBILLS & CO.. •
, .
Prns.srottrwssy. It 4B .
Davis g 11.4 P W Oates' Patent Dies Ls 0111 ilkellr •
rablishmest for the Wt nine months, - Do . clatWg
tote, , tre rooht ever] re
et OrMerd OEM w
the highest terms, es ere have Aldan where away,
they beteg le fu superior—coresident:sr them 7,5 prz
cent. chespe trim:slaty others now in 1:1110.
Pens Works, Pa.
This Isle eerily t h at an have parchsred the,nrikt
1* are, and adopted In cur. barmen, P W Oates' Pe
; tent wow Canti t 'llaietti. Whey approve a we
!tan de meekwore wort s and we believe it will ser
um In durability and VlOCifitirt, a snub al eceearel
.01 labor, an 7 dies known to
P1111.11)IIIIM, plh comb, tith da7.1.618.
Plaw Von, Aug; 10,1849.
Having adeOted P. W. Ge&s , "Patent Lies" for eat-
Cog bob., we take pleasme in siortoe, that It more
:than antwerr our expettadooe, and bare no beflia.
lion In golog it as our opinion. than It far eado& ant
'other plan in pumice% an, for opium bolts.
We have - P. W. Gates' 'Talent Dies' , for cottog
Inertly., and the economy of =lnk them II so very
0000lkeroble,!that we look open Ann as if &overlen
t:4 to every k staollehment- having any, quanftly of
keno., to Gni.
Comm, May 10, ISO.
. • -
°mum! Omca, Wesartnnotr; Gib Herd.. 44.
I have purchased of W. 11. Scoville. for the United
BM , * the right to Oro in all the mutual. end arroo•
r',I3I4NERS , OIL-13 Orb (or Ism le z alcK
1:1SH-30 brim No 3 Mackerel; •
b,r• 20 rho Berrinr, •
13 le brio Shad: for sale by
RIIFyI-3‘O tea
, 'red router by
TrErilsoN ILLMS-9 tenon enrislgnmeot for .41 by
fti bnyr usbord, for sale by
IiA.CON-16 casks clear Bider, and 40 clot loose:
lOcarks Blula bloc in owe, for rale by
CASTOR OIL-10 baying receiveifor itale by
}TO ' GO WOG4 .1,
WiIYIT—MOD lbs superior quality to t re
ceived for soh by 0713) 3 I,I DP is CO
IPKTIIITING-30 brls just received for sale by
1711 : 1 11'.11t CO
q . rore, by oyl3l 3 CO
OTASH-6 eastsl;rim
quality for ardo b. '
. Dingoßation of Pasitairstdp.
mils Partnership heretofore existing between the
1 subscribers, under the firm or Chambers, Agnew:
A. Co., Glassalansfuturent. mat Mutated be mums%
consent, on the first day of Jelly. lomat. All pe
knowing themwlero isdrbted total& firm ant reouest•
ed to make payment to either of . the parties, without
delay, and di pence, banns unsettled accounts with
salt firm, are invitedeent them ter tettlement
.101 IN AGNEW,
D. H. 0 DAUBERS. ..
[Larval cony.] .
- —LOST,
ON aWar:Z.4V L T: ta . i7, a ladyta . plain t ltud Yom
and two tri tr fi ' L ' e l tal ' i l ayte ° ls ,ll - 19.
cia 'attains it at this alhec i or mike Each
e. Wilkins Co...carnet of Market an , "
/TIT• •
rillirtlZ Inn bars now lond inn ft
NJ wan by
ONE large Patent Smut Machine, new, wetland
on nonalignment, and far sale low by
lel2 Liberty swam
qisGEK,RI)O . f-3 tanks .i . in . bane and
._ ell ' Cos Wood SF. Sind; st
cia - --+ . 3 brls on hunt .T Y
o s o by
Ht1541V,--Itall IM bawl Cilibn liirt -- s "oiiiiirind lb
min by '• S. N. WICKERSHAM
leftiLlC A GINGER of the ben quality on bard 1.0
far aala by (jyl2) •S. N. WICKERSHAM
REAM OF TATAR—Ou band d for Bala by
.111 Y , Uy/511 S. N. WICKERAIIAN
sYT,7 - -b". , - "-leg co
F. FLOUR—KO be* in mom
1.1,171 Y te r__ _ . JA DILWOUTO k. CO
SAF ~u~-.
BE-8 talc for barring. ruse received by
8 DIGWOR rit & co
Cti VGA R CURED IlAhtS-10.cost•received pc.
ateemer Hail Columbia, on teenier'', for sele by
1,11 lAMB A ituremsoN w. co
13 A . C0 . z r ell s. r: L ;ltAmer Had rsi.,
tuts dent dee in mete, fol-utle by
RoutSuess Tax gar CIO y Purposes'.
IN pursuance of oan ilmlinmsee providing for ets
r of the Revenue of this city, passed the lath
April, Intel," notice is beech, given, that the Cite
Assessor has left in my niece, for enmination by sill
imeresied, • list of the persons doing In
city. in conformity with said &Meant,.
Bra 4. 'tenon examination Of said Est, any persann
shall think IlzfrelellGll antlered by the said unea
rned; they Shell alai, the name in an affidavib whieh
.®davit atoll, alto untsin a comment of the true
*snout of thelissle. as near as can be sancta...l;
said altdalit to be m ade rand left with .the eity.Tren
sorer, 'within two weeks from the date of the blot
publican°, of the two.
inorentid. •
Poe. 6 That to appeal able/ be taken bet an the
alddasit of the person or firm igrieved; fold affidavit
to be conclusive etide nee Of the (seta saved ID I t lation
to the amount of. sales.
Appenis most be made wititm two week. from lila
data—July 19.1850.
R It JOHNSTON, COO Trans att.
.1017- lamiee—.l4 II unpaid Ante Incenses Mast be an.
methaele returned to an alderman, for collection.
DECIDEDLY the eheepest and best place in Pitts
burgh to buy Tea is at Me Tea Markel, caotutue
at tho Diamond. They sell
• Excellent Tea et --OR per lb
&specter Qualines• ' 0 75
The veep best-- I OD
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Tess are not kept
at this catabllshorest, therefore, whether Yan go your
self or send a chili, you are rare to obtain a good
article, am{ if the elver of the Tea is vol,approved,
they readily exchange it or return the money.
jytg MORRIS & EIAWOHTII, Proptietora.
CI.PNIMIE2S—IS hhds N. 0. Pater;
4.3 . ales litre; •
64 Id cheats Y.ll. Im. k O. P. Tea;
ao do Black Tea; •
46 caddies V. H.. Imp. fcl/. P. Tea;
.i 0 hots and hf brie Palermo;
p 0 bxt Pipes;
10 do Starch;
6 do Nn 6 Coffee Mills, for site. to
close, by I• fitol 'C 11 GRANT',
' Bit., tor. ()tannery fiestas:scm •
rptic antlentigneff offer for sale, a :Feather of.tata
& containing (rem Gun half nen to four acres alai,
lying an and near the brow of Coal 11i11, Immediately
opposite MI city of Pittsburgh. These lots command
• ••• Tiew,of the two cities, the three rivers, and the
.u.0.34i.g country, and for site. for country west
dances cannot be surpassed for beauty and eonveni.
cure. They arc only about rAminates. wet !rem am
blemangaltela House, with a Plant Walk all the way.
Tho soil Is well adapted tos gardening purprises.
Title indliputable. Term very accsamtslaileg.
Fifth st„nent Smithfield:
oagitito Nettapg.
111‘URPIIYA 11Ultul1FIBLD have retelvi 4. a oar,
ply ofahove and
Barred, and Color.
eo. Also Pink and Blue Nett, for covering Chande
liers, ite. km
URPIII7 ea Dv RCLIFI aLD see Itelltite Road !holm Lawns of a neat style, at the low pilot
of 19g ctn. ;Alto, a great variety of Light Lawns flora
10 Cent. finest. • • Olt'
AN cona:cot of nac
esect apes Nisticrie Floe,
Dart preen, oryd other colors, plate' .d (nng.,
received ststore MURPLIY /t..tinCliFlEll)
1• N. P. cor. Fourth it Marta sic
rtrreisuPGu noluitanDia STOIIE j .
Coiner of l'enn'and Sir, Clair theca. •
WM. ALF:SANDER Cr, SONg, Funrlshing Under
'd • lake., loircre every ninclo for Funeral End
Magnus: purposes can be got so resrongble
O 11,3 en,
frilbrin Ndro reqrTian r ic 'h a . 74 . .. a "' f! ".
t pa rp: 1 1
, ar, eau obtain . aLa c coat r ra " a ' ro f ie r at M a r re die4 T 1
iv br V ad alai,. at MORRIS &lie; seolzT i ef l: ! 4
T. LWlne StorrOt Pea Dramand.
0, 4 V. 1 1 .4 Wine.
brit is Ile United Stater, brier il!per
.;;r .1a by MORRIS IN 0 frill
12 A WES & OHARA IC N0. , 1; ft A. 17SCantte street,
II Newyork, °lra for said the G,llaartng snack, ma:
.30,000 ft Crotch Veneers from Ito to 31
4,60011 Bosnia and Plank, wet seasoned: . -
.15000 ft Shaded Veneers from I c to no per fa
• 1,7.10 ft Saporta/ Mottled AlhhOttolli • '
GAtiya ft Roeewood Veneers, freutid to de per fti
O;31o, Mato Holly of all thickness. The advantsee!
wo pontoon In importing and sawing enables, UI sett
at tow se Ate tows.. :Orders promptly Piled To_
b I No &Weed. f!.. l r
Mffl ) 111' Vs A ERE O trOUNNOW
QUNARIk Lela no 1 LoNi --
hr brl d(11
V nandi
bil• Groan;
• 1 bt I T• 113•;
I . 3 Lela
r ,
i ' " " °". 4 " 5.11 bIC%EY &
tee e T
b- j-A Wsiter Pm", .t.„,
21. Might Travel.'
B Y te B Ctun 'e" ta ik' rngd w ol l er u d s y nrlill g reetB lr i tagea l tro 4 l 7 l.l li n g m b . t
berlaad Illsdrore—Faro Se'. Also, aStage 'laves
oar ofnee, IdontlaTh.Wacent Pleasant dassaale and ESarasindsr: a s, at 9
m as ad
Bedlate, salving al Ordrlvd day —n Fin, ea. '
Art for National Wed &fool h it .. Slog . Co.
Ce i tt ia latWAVAliffi r i ra 7
rico under the sopetvisionotahts DepartmontcP. W.
Gotee.P.otent I tee" tot Math g strew. on metal, ey
hoeing been tried in tled of
t he large annals, sot
found to be very elhelont onilexeellent
AL TAW-VIZ Cat. Onrumnea
Btilratr ow TAUS AND DOCIEN 1
' WAILIUMfI92I, &pt la, I. (
Conaidrring Gat& Patented. Imptorement fir tot
ting /lama,. en aaetal to be sash:Labia ore„I have, by
atabotity or the Honorable Peeretary of the Navy,
nartbared of be Attomays at Me Patentee, WM IL
Scoville, and Samar.' Hower, }ad, the right to make
and moo said tionrokentent rah MO U. Pc Navy.
; 30bEPH SHITILCIdefof Bureau.
In am alto by ;
Buffalo Works; Buffalo;
Reese & Ashley, Rochester, •
Rotten & Co, Glonceste‘ N. Y;
'Haywood & Snyder, Schuylkill Ccatqy;
Birbeek.Acm York;
lioFe & Lsolaroater..FLMilx,r- N. V;
;H. K, Bonbon & Co, Nen York; _
Deo mmd & Manoment Wotks, Bolt;
caren.Rochesten • •
:Alen & Ayttl Aare Yeta;
tAllaur Work., do; i
?erne & ett2lll, dot
.bleat Point lontnlai
Norric & Bro,
;,‘ Jenkt,Breedesborgb, Pa;
Walwatln& Nowa, 0011C0 and. Now York;
,Lowell Machine thop,l,ownin
Antootkoon Co, Maachester,N IL
Lyman to Son her, South Boston, .
and namerens other&
NolMarlaue,lo ICII diet & Api ft k to 2 to. pit. COO
Neil do . do;.-..t0 li prim, et:*
lio3 do g = 6 do tto 1.„ price 11160
All orders iddretioil to W. Votes, Chicasto, O.
U. liattion, Now York, B. p. ?Sorokin& Co. Sh'io•
deli:dal, and K FL Scoville 1 Sons, Coicaity for Dias
sod Tap., with or without teachincs lot um/ them,
w, moat with prompt attenfloo.
CIIICA61), May 3,1130. ;
was oempaeLLiest.xs corium
I,L WllllNll'
7iSiresley,Fnefay,nnd Setnirday evenings,..Tuly
111 A, 121 A, and 134 r
KnessavesOrenanc Taos ri, the well known CAMP
BELL MINSTRELS; !instant. boner to announce to
the ladies awl gentlemen of .rittrbergh, that they or di
give three more of:their repulse Entertainment', or
have, antrodaeing each evening • allege of pro
gramme; rosining the hlCapalsr and amering
nu Ilto BLACK. WAXED :with Mr. Brranaugh's
Boleros° on. the TYROL. MINSTRELS; and
Dnors open mai a itktioci,vertanztanee to commence
t A.t.ssitut '
nital _ grA MiTa67r.
OPEN DAILY, /kali .8 W . P. .111.
to Unseats and Lootore'Soorn,2s
Rest rved seat% 11# cents 0m... , je3
Ids :a. 140 Woad glisvat, above Fifth.
1111 AT splendid establmament la no• offered for
Rent. It is admirably arranged for C 0110.14,
curree,EiblbMons, &O. ::For terms. aI , PII to
apla:drf ; 137 Waal at.
% V BALT 23 • B. 1!• d y • .• 1•
r M r jast rescived for see by
J. WM A 144411.1T0 k r.
Ata.C.lßtg.-.1.4111.rf to Do 4;
' 60 hf brio No.l,jastnee'd far see by
11410 ! • Water at
OVaiTylr 'i cA A ;tiVy " aWa v re 'd llt th re * itle " r OP(
"eats or gentalnefirmold lilooa Tea, for.ala low try
• • - StXllJbarta I.
rVII}: partnersbip hemtehamsexisting between the
subscribe:lw ender Ike fitra of Nceb h %teener,
with this day, tlissalved by minute <omen. 'Jim beei•
of theism bill be settled by IL Y. hthellcr, the
cessor or Nerb*Moollet, who Is euthoelud to coo
the name of the firm in betterment. .
writ rax,ll;
July 2, IP3O.
Offieo of.pilsharak Gas Colnpany,
Jhly bat, IVA
11111 E Trahtees ofthis Pitaburgh Gas Caron.). bare
Oda day deelartd a Dicldend of live per cent for
the last via montba, on thetapital slat pold
able to the otock holders. ot,th. repretentaurch
al the ace of the arm ka, nartimtb.
j. 1 9 , 1 JASI)s m.cumsty
Thin) street t o . p . poiite3he ppstOtkee.
D'ET,P n .Ngiitt;l 1 `"! En g t " . " 4
Boston nhok apeare, Ito IS.
LluelPe Lining Age. Nol2l. , • '
Mecehante Magi:lce for July.
Mottling CALL-kty Abs. fads—parts IL and It
Want Reviewing. Jul y„
Dentoeraryn Review,
Stringer & Toonicend'a ISlenc Weekly - klintellst,y—
pnce alz cents , • r ,
lineperh. Neva Monthly klegazine for July.
llolden`s Dollar Aleghrine tot July.
Old Oak Cheat 11, O. P. X. Jame. jrS
111 . L . 1 1 :1 ... 13AR5A PA R1L , 1A77.; dr:lAll'l4yr
41 AVemd s‘
COu LIVER OlL—"..ore whit s and fresh Jost reel
far male br • byei ; 'L. 91..1..1...EitS •
PAILSAPTRILLA—T bale midi mils Lan
- ! - J. , yee'd tut inle by MS, IL E. farI..I.R.BS
M( CAN 51411bAPARILL.11—L lode far ale bT ,
coat amp fire Crash or.ritan Proem Jost .11-
I pond, for axle, wholesale or relotl, by
hfi;._ Nat. A AteCLUAti A p0.,241 Labe rty It.
eosin jarLreoaleoll, sea for . s.ale by
V b. tr. bleibLVD...hae.
..13110TA911-10 casks Poissh. a firm attic! , alto
by t)10 bIeCANDLIIS.O._
C'iKICOLATE—tb . No. I Fccalt Chocolate,
it:Mt (OCtiVtd, and for awl° by
WICK Pc bloCaNtlE.r..9tt
SALERATIJE-11 1 ?ki , Cleveland Saterutus,
puss Just receivel 4 ,llu Ztialo by "
478 ' WICK & MeCANDLMs..
GROUND PEPPER-4U baiei Ptun'Gronnd Pep
per, tor sale by
rvAuCEtlikLT--T4Ttotits Tabcr7ida not ma b 1
Jyti WICK tr. bioCANDLEB3.
CHEYSK-7o •boada eteam Motto,alla
day teemed and finale by . •
TV I.lllF.ESe—Irl Dlr.'s W. It. Cheere,reseir
:',‘•ed bad for sale by
QTERINE r tiIi DI:VE-40 bereiStrilbe 4 8 dier, -
1,7 very rupenot oracle; for sale by •
Jy 3 • • NV IC & McCANDLE
(~~OllNk~odhii9 uez for sale by.
riIKETicRIE CHLW.SE.:.lftreralf far
118 , MM. A. 6feCtl.lßO a - co.
lANTILE aver -• '
4.../ Palm do. for wile by • •
jle WAI. A. hIcCO.IIIO & CO.
APPLk7S—litals DiyAy.pres. lust received mod
sale by ' JOHN WATT & CO
: 1.41,0ty
FINI-60 bris new W hl,te Fll j ~ • .' :
20 but 1496 Trout;
bus LlOg 6 914 , 4 .
ns brie No 1 liertiort
lulois No 9 111 ackeTel; •
16 lif br la No 2 db.,46al roc , d 1991 kr sale by
kin ,* JOHN IV all ;I 1.1...
SLINDUIES—N thr . l=l Flo*e; .
10 ten Kle;
100 do: Cnilt Hroonai;
• 50 brls Viaegali in otort, far st/n
/COSEED OIL— WOO y IntrilntirpaTi.
I.j by J:sctiooNmKEl CO •,
/Ye . Woo
Mikr7r77lrWg p
.31.1 Widiencreoci
I can 011 Ilerpthati
c. Oil Vassalres.imel reed F?r:tale.. Ly
. _
Fi.uUR-4913b . r15 . p,t01e
,j3q ' , • 124 Wood. Kt
6 1..AReE1 4 -35 11.4.4 a LArre:‘,,
JLRT A. Ent.
CULT2IH-100 b.r.s. is n om.f;rirAlFtry — '
. -
F . .toro s Viiatikptt it6
. 11 ,,,,,M5."-risvo dos lost leeloctar a s
i f i :w sit 7 -•
j 3 • ' STEXIIT 5:1,1.
LAss..:iie bre s lc in;
kr boo 7311 4 . 0 C nits by
13 jr-S iatigt-lig+ 3-11,- "Tai B ,l 7lr forti l4 l T eTir l+
3's_ e" . - KIV jnsi A
311. L!
easto just received to7day, a mapcTior
Jr aiele.ssitabl• for ',bleb will be .00
low lbf boob, by 8 "ri
lye " • • Cer Wood and glzth
' -
ti iß
d s
I 1 . 4 o l • t " .l ni ss a ~r et ors q a i i44 Is!. 17 'u
6. offal o
md tionsuli Commission Hmses,lntlialions W?
poilins4 tiY Busbnds, Wilson St. CO, ❑c Wats si. l
• Pittsborstr, July 1, ar,o4-,y4 ` • •
HE Yartnenhip - heretofore . kinina betiseen the'
eubscribers, under toe:Spa Ilol&ridg6e,Wilsonon,.
& CO., Wit Due day dinelved by thereat .cousent.'. •
Ile build.e of the form VIII be settled byJ.W. Itera
bridge 'or Wur,.Witson,Jr.,either of who's:lli author-
Ind to nee the name of the Arm •
rJ. W. 110RDIUDOR, • .
- ' WM. WILtON.
•;•L1i0).481:1011.11.1e CO.
Pidsbergb, July 1,1830.41)4 -
• 4
JIPOIL 1/11SIT. • '
A LONG ROOM over Mr Comellre Dry Goods
store- The:gout is well fintsbed. and forrusberlo;
stub gas 6WnBe. Eminence on Market street , q
hri es E. H. GAZZAW 'lf
...• Duest—es boas for We, by
p ... Jett) • r e , ',O IY Hite Her 4 !
rtOtrfilE-171) auk. Hey tor sale by .
, jell , [ C H GRANT
i lAA YASSEH Hegel—Wm , &Opener, ler ret , try
5.., Jetd .:.H1WIlni.:11-AUGII
EffcciN-10 east* prtate,Stioarders. 1' r - iiiin - i - , --
jesaC li GRANT .
rtnnSVILLE - LIIIEZ-4 . ab - bels fresh 'Why'. I.i.s.
.141f0i salt by . pal cII IiLIANT