Vlt . *T- 4 Z .rumtilikXo 1W • D. n: unarrl Imam HUTT/ Sat .DL=, TI MM STRUT, KITT POOR TO Dail. ra t.--....•••••••• , ----.47,01) pet a an= •• ...... 5,00 •• W. •••. ,2,00 p Clem, at a vedated talc: ft& CS OP ADViCILTI3I2IOI AGRITI/ UPON HT TI Q PITTBI/1711011 On a9q te,(lolinta f Nonpareil Of Ices) On,srior re, each additional insertion • •• one reek • D.. two Wecka---•• DO. three arecka•—:-. • Da ono month•••—•• • lI.OP IM. tour, Do. four ----the • • ( VS • I 2.1Y1 montl Ik,mornhx-•. n.M. !w!.ve months • Steed:a Card di lines grief • Ni per ennant • 10,00 'fine isquare.chantreable at pleamre (per an. nu.) ex eln.i ve of the putter.— —• • .• •• l'or each additional square, liveried cicerone erguithi sea fat coal, additional seism inserted under the Tear. ly had price. Advedisements exceeding a _square, and not eTef ahem lent, to In charged as a mean and a half Publishers not itreetintelde for legal adveruserticats besond the meant charged for their publication. Announcing c•ndulatc• for oilier, to be ranged tAe saute as ether advertiremenv. • Ad ICI ,111elna )101 [lnt k on the ropy PO fled Mlle bet of iivertlons, will begoeUutted till forbid, and paymentexaciel accord: . • The privileges of yea y adrertuiers will he confined rigidly to their tricolor busintesS and all other 'silver tinnier. not pettaining so theta' mauls , A. agreed PIT. to pith] a oda gliveitiseincnte for charitable matitationa, r Gr epahic., ward, township andotaerpahlic meeting., and such like, to le charged balfprice,pityable strictly Ili advance. hi fining., retires to be ehanicone cans. Death none. inserted eitheatclia sac, unlem aerate rimiest by funeral invitation* or obituary notice/3,min when, re accompanied to he„ aid fOr. Regular advert Mid "tub niCallolo, or red.ih notices designed to call atten dee not to I , aira, Soiree', Ceneegg't any TAbligiAAlgs• tatemenv, where charges ate simile for admittance— all inticen of private .I.otl,lloltll— every noti ce de. signed to call attention to private cllierpriacs e i as tea or intended so promote individual intereat, ran on ly be Inserted with the underrtending that the same la to be paid for. 1f intended to be liveried in the to cal retinae, the mine will In charged PA the TRIO of net cart than IP emit. per line: — , Mahon or Fist Notices to tic tillage!! triple iriee, Tavern License ['Millet., 02 Legal and Malice! advertisements to be charged at full peer.. Real Estate Ag,retaT ; AatUnneers' advertiae meets not to be classed under 'yearly rates, but to be .11P1•1" , i demount of thirty three and one Iturdper cent. from the Impalas( . On - e Fnutirc, three ingeitions•• .• •II Ern. cad, additionntinterilon ••. 37 ni;vnirrisminia IVItItTY Natl. ' ;e4,....; lincla onn 10. ; end, addltio4nl insertion. •-.lr. ALL unn.ienl nd wen lanncnn. late paid in advance. tW 11TC t tXl.6anctio. L. II ARPIN Poi.. ROUT hi. PIDDLE, inane. JAldt4 l'. ILAJAR k.Ci.ronicle. Foxreß R nyurnlEß,Divstch. JOYSNOWDEN, Metcniy, • JAMF.4„. W. 1310PL1i, Asnenenn. • Ilia/at lit,lNE.Ercinag Tribune. Pri - nnLanu, Lkc. 1,1317. . CARDS. JOIIN A. PAIIKINbON, ALDIaIhIAN, FP% Ward, Penn greet, betemen o.lld Walnut. All truinces promptly at tended tn, , , • • nuay9 .~AL EX-ANDEIt /11. IiVATBOZIN 4..TTOIINST ATLAIV-oMce, on Pooh street nbovo Wood. . ludo DAVID C. TI.ITTLE, ITORNBY AT LAW, epd Corromirsloner for /1„. Ponarylvenia, St. Login, Ito. All communicmionl promptly summed. oct23-1) John IL Lame Wm. C. Friccd. LAILCIE k. FRIEND, ' Al rraS AT Law; ropnb sum, near Gram. sivetscs KILAIL, • I raur r e=. ` l "` h aptl2-11 llenierifir Parton •-- Wtlilam pakewell PATTON ," TTORNEYS AT LAW—C/Cene re Trlghman " Grant it, near the Com t House. Inter A TTORNICV and Cotmuellor ot Law, and Commi 11. stoner for the Stale of ECllSSylVallia, St. LOUIS Mo., tittle of riitsburgh.l - —Filtsborgh Motu tV. Forward, Ramp ton & Miller, PCCandless & McClure, John E. Parke Skeels & Semple, McCord & icing.. stall-IY Wm P.S.I.Vb. loth S. CCSSSII SVC. W. U. WOOMVAIIII - ANALSW, WOODWARI),:fr. CO, Wholesale Gra ears, No stl Market a I.ll,.._2EL!Laslahla. an 4 — Platabarah Alkali iVerlua 11111hENNI:TT, BERRY &CO, Manufacturer. of Soda .IEI Ask Blenching Powders, hiuriatie snaetalphedic Acid. `Warehouse_No —, Wiser meet, below Sorry novZI 1r Fredenii Ursa,. I ie., Reiter. BR&UN & RErfEROVIoE•rale ana Rrtnil Drog gists, corner of Liberty •tu.l§Lanir mrcet., Fitt. bumf.. Pn.xr4 GLOM $ ' 0111kI1SS161.1 and Rill Brot er,lko Ito Second tricot. mark-dlk Duglast. Spring. Axl!k, Bleat, and Icon Cotan.:Ant. 11 . 1 AMMAN Jr, CO, ISlnnorseturers . Coach and Diptic Bening', Hammered Azle Snring and .Irlongh Steel, Iron, Ac.' Warehoasa %Voter 5.7111 Front streets, Vilerharzh. .Also, dulcra ill Coach Trinuesings , and Maßeat jailors. octl2 .. • . John A. er..4. C a ft ' ? ; SKI N NER.o t t aTkt iUtrjrd e lf. ''''' Z ' i " fi—A.ChtcAvn d. C4l, Forward... and Con. NJ. mitslon 'lderellants. canal Daam, ' Fittgbargh, tnrl l'a. C. Far,.,a Nvehacl, No. 41 \Vsur r e4~l'iu+ barrio. _ sk,l Ira klersry-- , ...Andrevs rfroOor It K. Flostmg •H<lit.Vr, PLUMING & CO., COMMISSION fIIERCIIANT:3 — For dm solo of Do. mrsOr,Wool.n, and Covon Good', also, dealer" in all kinds of Tailor , Trimming', No I(7 tTood st i door from Falb. l'ill"borgh. Referrnee--51mtsra. Wm; A. 11111 &Co,llankera wllI.. JAY** S. smisTr. EN .1.1911 k IHNNETT.-Hata PArlian, Ganether .1 Co )Wanl ,, ale Grraws,Counatiodon and •TOr aanrAna Merehanta, and andlela In Prolate and Pnts• !plinth Mannfantnr,s, No. 17 Wood at., between 2d and Id Fur., ' jv Biala Jail WORWARDINO commissioN MERCHANT X No 111 Steond id, Yl tt.l.arnA mrdt TX LAlP.,(socce;”or to . Morphs . & 1.e,,) Wool Deal. . 1 s et smi ili.mails.ini hie chant, for Um sale of American Woolens, J.Preny, oingtho GO, at tow, — Mot. IMAM. flatmate.- - a. I.orcloon, =mast:innate. i p h iud, 0. C.l.Pch o o o trot. $ nOTI L. WCTOTTI ILITALD It fIIIitKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mmr• 1i..11. chants,4l North Waist St, & Ifiriotilf Who m.% Flts. • nosan4 I . • . II AIM, . sorfs. r.roAss. TIARDV, JON N A Co, itoccessats to &mood, loner & Col Commission and Faterarding Met. Te han t a , deslers;in Pittsburgh Manufactured Coeds, Pittsbarah, Po . W• 5. . 011 A ILIS it . i.a7 - - Orme:coo TO Ultral. C. CELLO MPORTER A. [)eider In French and American Pa per Nam:lnca end Botdcrs. Window Shades. Fire ioand Feb!'n, O.C. Also—Writing, PriMins and Wrap. t ni i t: Ig o r; ! I Sl: ii b c l y, WoT t i tr d ezt i tclo b r u c t c g o h l , . ri . u . r . th street a. 1171 filiiNl, et in 1)70 Stuffs. Paint; Oil.. Varnishes, &e, No • ut Wood street, one door Eolith of Diamond Alley Pinsourgh... siPS nterstelirocer,Cinarn . ssinn Viottra:Ol!OOll.OWicr in Produ , n and Pittsburgh Manor...tares. No Rf Water .1, PotOoarel. mpg Insult 1.127, manure DICIUt, 114 DICKEY CO., Wholeanln resit. Com. minion Merchanta, Ind dealer. in Crodnee,Non.C.o Wan, and lin Front sttettg, Pntil.nnrn. nl7B :Oka • ----Joseph Dilworth DILwoIITII de CD., Wholesale Grocery, and el. Agetes for Hazard Powder Co., No. 27 Wood st., Piusbarch. de).l Tti7l7l 017-7-OY.-PS7Dl•fNir,bni—irria e7--ottieeary 0) No. g 3 Natket et. three doors above Tlerd st. Pius: burgh, will hsse coneently on heed e well selected u . eormient of the beat and freshest hledmines.whlch he will sell on the matt ....enable terms. Plsysielens wp sending orders, wilt bp promptlYetteAdcd , d,na plied with articles they mew rely 0008 "d" mns ' Phyticisas Presmirtions will be accurately and g prmsed from the but materials, at any hear of he day or nield. • Al" 500 •• 1 . , • leta. steels! (radiated good Perfl en.lal2 T EIAtiFIELD, Ilse, 01 Warren, 0100 Cowan's „ 'Slott and rorwordlne p4eeehnnt, and wholesale denier In Western Reserve Otte.; Dotter, rot sold v e r.,l Ash, and Western Produce genetally,.. Water • tweet, between It witltLehl and Wood, rillebUT/1 1, • . , art ..tl9"Sgipelr 11n8nTal'aegiregit.141.titt.'ittc—a John Lloyd. . Ittehord Floyd. • T. It FLA-11'D, Wbolentle Grocer* Complalinn blereltanls, lona .11eolers io Pro ' do.e, Round Church Dail/lines -frontinu on Liberty, Wood end Birth street', ri - tabUrgh. W. apt TOHri NAIL. sueoussut to Ewalt re. 'kb bar of Wholesale "Groger and Commission hfcreban dealer in Prolngo and Pittsburgh Itlanaraetures, got Isar of Liberty and Hon/ streets. Pittsburgh Pa. Jaga. 1110; A. CAUGH Agrrll for the Cite Erinilia Michigan Li Wate r Beaer and the Lokes.-oYlee on the reamer of owl kinithßeld lone IAMFA;A:III.ITORSON;'k C.o.4teeeinio - re Lewis littehireet k Co. t Itontruirrion M•rehentr, and Agents of the 3t. Lows Stem Sneer Refinery. Me. 45 tosur 111.1 92 (rent street.. Pkiritrnh. lan* ' ' ' r - AUUW`lttTailttc — C - o, — ltiaTi,;Zairt al ,aNa Y 3 Woad atter% l'ipeattrah. an T R B VI RITZ ell, Attorney at Law, 0f113., 3,1 opposite Rt. Charles Hotel, 1111Rtattab, .•sill mend Orompty b Craltec dons, hi %VW:U:4101, Fay and Grecs coundea; . . - ' TO 01 scklancir. 3 C0., I. Cnornls tr. Can:abets, ltLitub gra. D. T. !damn. ne13.11, • • 11 - AVRIUMDLLot4 Whnicanin and trr.tan •Cra;r -7:0 In ►haie and lantinni tnrunmr ' nt., 4.•henl flora c, paper, Plees,Steel Fran, penny Prin,Pry , ..d ISsalton.r7 ItetitDdif,tio..il Wood or lUgs blotch* of Inne r tnsdn tcpin BUSINESS. cARDS. GEORGE E. -ARNOLD & CO. DEALERS 1N IDSCiftAINGT.; COM DANN MOTES, No. 74 Fourth street, nest door to the Tank of Kr, turel.3. u. n th. T „ b h • .a.vettarto, Mailers Itrwlneo n ore niacin tcdai Pan.' "Pi TTABUOILI. PA. exam nu.L, oity,ptt A CO.. Manufaeturers very superior 4.1 Sacenn y, Carpet Chats, Potion tnot.iy %;, — R - ieyetnon, Pittsburg — h. gote, Wholevale strorers, cod I LVI. iltinttrterver Cra - ndlet. V. and Organ., No:- in and 111, corner vfl.Alturtyltt Irwin strews, laureb,,Pa. Iron, rllltf, Cotton ante, Ike. Ar., con• Mastlynn howl. •• any Jahn O a.IJ. JamenP. Walton t'. Roe. A ROE, D hnles tie firer Crs one ounni - In t,lOn Merchants, No 10.1 latterty tit, l'/tuba rpl, ap4 , A potstitiuoiND Axt.r. tAC WoH TODYIOv A . ND f.'.PkING • 1 . l(Mil V. qetoo. MAC lONTS, JONRI3 - & quiao, iim - ANtIFACTUREHS of Ronne and blister Intel ag. plough stel, steel plough twines, rosoli and ellP spntigs, ligromsreti iron ogles, sad dealers in runt bible castings, Ore tog,ue bongs. and roark triinnongi ganerally,corner °Masa and Front stn., I'm:burgh Pa: • 110 &eh iN, Nos. Merlet et, reread door • from rotor, of Foolth, dealer? in Foreinn nod Domoode Bills of Exchange, Collin(' men of-Depont, Bank Note. nod Specie. o'Colelrliong moat on all the principal-tine. krylitilh!int the United states. npl Sll.haan•3l-01hrni fourth st Ildrd door above odtnaeld, Fount tide. Conveyancing of ell kinds Sone yeah For grcatcat care and levi neettrary• .2 . 1_11 eat! , thi3illl3.tata examlnvd„..y, (writ LIR ‘a Co., ANUFATURERS OF GREEN GLASS WAP. F., mu. :171tla el street, rising gb, Pe., keep eon.tant.. LI iron rk ant mol e to order nit kind. of Vial., gentles, .e. ranee and Mineral \Votes Bottles of ea perior quality. Partirultr attention paid to Menlo Mould,. h0w.10.1 y Ltt hographie g•tab 11111111 l /IF Whl. SCIIIRRIAIANN, Third at, oppente thn Privt-Ogwe, Pittentrah.—Nape, healtlwape., 11111- hands, Showings, Labels, Arehlteetoral and Machine [,assert, Menne*, and Vistisne Coedit he, rnefav int or dray, non meetd printed in enters, Gold, Bronze or Block. In theapproved style, and at the most lettatntible parrs., ottlaily - IVIVI:111 : r11 41 \174 L olertI c e o tirOr a r . ra r , " l . " "nr ee " n c' : Comoditiron dlerelianta, and dealers in Pitabo . ,'“ Honoree ores. apt. 2 . 27 . itil-121,11...[.11/1.1- FALIIt- n. R01117.1(T 11100111, \% holesale Grocer, ROCI•6 Further, dealerr.r Produce, Potrburrh Slnonfar tare?, i all ktod". of Foreign and Germano? Won , 1, Ind Imin, No. II Liberty street. Chi ~ry largo %lock o . f roperior old Mrnongniir arateley, which stn.! be sold low fnr en.b. nyi . L. o. L nlfTlit. RI'NO(.D9 & Forward,. and rooomi.- sten PitlCtlet.ll, for the iiiircAnny It, vet 'trade, enninri in lnroners, Prodaro Manufar three, nnd Chlorido of Lino_ 'rho inglin.t price, nor., paid m 4,11 time (or country Tag.. Conic• l'enn and ireee (1. one( ' OUFJCC DAI.XE3.4. h. Co, I% livnf CV ) ) 116 001311111.i011 Metchantsolet m . arrr Proec 'ittsburgh Namtrieturen, I crty sus:, I'm443ret., D OBERT A. CIINNINGII/01;. 'Wholesale Grocer, Li Mal, in Praises an_ Plusbargit Jlanafsetures. N 0.144 I.ll.eny street. 114141.:11: tt&RTnteN k CO, beadle Id It on nia S label Wtitts—Manufacturers of A. Strains and Pliesph steel. Also—Sprinrs, Axles : Vice., Arr. •ils, racy invite the attention of =excitants and consumer* to shstr stork before putebtoing else where: They es arrant their artielea to be coon to nny made n this reentry or Imported. 1,b14 c. , sosesterr Toon 11. WIIRL it&r,h1,1,7-g & wfirrg, 'Wholesale Dealers in 0 Foreign sod Domestic Dry Goods, No. tN Wood strectalusorinch. I opt: Ve7WlthatilllWTVOnilieTclll , ntiThileis O In Flour and PrOdtlte generally . , and Forwarding and Commission Nu:shams, No. 53 Wors( ars., Pittsburgh. apl7_ r. usta l. viss, errsuarraust. , 1011 N NICOLA, MABTL.IO S O. SELL :k3 h Produce and General Conti mission Merchants. INO. 17 Liberty street, Pane burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Ode. usd7 0 P VON UUNNitUdd It , Whoiehisicgiro. 0. eels, Forwardly I Cmninissior. 3lrrebants, Dal.* in Pittsburgh i n and Western Produce, (nee removed in Vicir nese usitretiCare, (old siaadt) No. 3d, corner of Prom street and Chancery Lane. aist7 TEA AND WINE MEECHANT*, S. Waterman• •R.N.Wmorman• .W. 1% Waterman. 1.. S. WATICSIIIAN 4 SONS, IST ROL:SALK GROCR, Coinmix.lon non Fo TV warding alercharna; dealers in all kludi of Pro deco k Yr r t•nurgbMann featured AMC/C.; and Andlote for lain of Richmond and Lyncliburn filatinfacioird Tobacco mil WM. TIMISLINt ATTOILIALIV AV LAW, 1, ihalcr, Pa • 'WILL alao naiad colleetiona and all otto, ac•ts entratlod to him In Buda, and Arntstrona toar.ties, Pa. Borer to • J. a. IL lio.yd,ldlitt, at W. W. Wallaro, do Lanes Marshotl do Varaboto.b. XI Eau A C 0.., Wood to. I jull7_ s. a: Georpa Richnni B. B. CIVSFIFIELD R. VO, . . VArIIOI.I.:SALE and itc.ll fleeter. in I;rncerle yr nn.l Dry Ocrod., endCroatn:, , tvn No. yat, 111.1.ur,b int JOIIN Mc FADER! 41/. CO., FORWARDING S COMMIS',HON MERCHANT Cmml !loin, Penn mrem. nualmrrh mrG JADES at. DAVIS & co., PRODUCE AND FLOUR. FACTORS, N. ICV Marto, and 54 Commerce et., l'llndelrine Advaneen made, by caber of the above, on concign. meats of l'reduee to either House. mr J. D. diiiaton•-• • ...... • —•-• • --John Raft J. D. WII.II.IANIS & CO., irrii9l.ll,slq.r. A RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Fm warding end C.ommixeion Derrbantt, and dealers in Caw tryend Vitteliorc Menefee twee, corner of Wood and Fifth fliVGle I 'inshufgh. teir2o. Wm_ll. WLIII•Ini.--•••—•-•••• • • • •••••••-•1.13. McVey wits. 11. WILLIAMS IL CO., ' BANNERS AND EXCIIANGE BROKE.II2, North East Corner of Wobd and Third ntreao, 1.1 Po. YOU .04IS1, /011,1 1•041,V•ILD, inrit WM. AtALIIY Wholesale Croce., 14 TT and 211 Wood xtreel,ritobergh. = apl7 oavih li`callairys „ WICK d M'CANDLESS,Oriceessor. J.D. Wirt,) Whole.le tiraerre,•:l7&..brina •nil Cbmobor/on hierehn.7 dealer. in libn, Nib Cotton Va... •nd Plti.hingh 111..Oietoo. eene. l 41, comm. of Woad and Water stfCelPs TVJOT. MITCIIELTRF.II, Wholesale Ureters . Rectifying Mindless, and Wine and Liquor htetehalits Also—lmporters of Rolla Ashanti IS:elide idg Powder, No. IN) labe,y street, (opposite (3.11 i alrect4 Ritteedirgh. apl7 - IAY W. WlL4fli, Watehes, Jewelry Silver Warn TT ~and Military Goods, goner of Market and Vourin xerects, Ottsbulgh, Po. N. 13.—Wateh P qn and clocks carefully ressired. ast.; to, ie. tercets yght7N".(l3l.n IYI6 tr. Co, Dealers in Lather, Vince a e 043 Liberty went _j_nently_ AVM. :10C1/70{TOZI. .otre. lanCSITCitrAl. & It. IIIeCUTCII .ON, Wholeaeln Grocer • dealer. In Produce, Iron, Nails, Gina., an riltsbalarn alannhetara generally, laberly meet. rittAnAgh. Jmnl7 111 sr.u.oxii. k J as TaraA): GESEILAL COMMISSION ..-111111D11.11. . • ([7 - Liberal advances made on eon:l,l=mm snld4n2 WII.HrtPI; Portrait an 4 fttnnutorm LlMPainicr. Rooms, corner to }.63t Wino Alloy na Fourth tuner, entrance on Fourth et., near Market. deratitt "kWJ. Tard or,lto mantas lo its Ma re is anti, N 0.31 Obi !Agee st, N Orleans, trey constantly on Inutd a la rga arsottinent of Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they offer for sato as agents for .1. Durand A en, liordeang,terr btaglorv, J.Erand,J Da. rand ft Co, barochalle, J I Parana, Cognac, A de id er tern, At. Itleville, A de .Mondore, Jean Innis. tee., its; also, Anchor Gin, flordeanx tied and White Wines in lark. and noses, selected with earn by John Durand fr..:Co; besides Champagne Wino and Sweet Cargo nil y febb.ty• 1307-PrOLTNI:11.8 111 Ps T NAVE taken Wht. CARR Into pannerstop with wto n ray business, witinth will from this date be carried on ander tho name of "John Parker &Cott , March 1rt,1950. JOUN PARKER. John Parker.•• —•—• • •—• • • •Winiam Cut. JOll5l PALLIELCIL & CO., f7colesol" Grocer', Dealer, in Promisor, Fortnen IVintt. Liquors, Old Illoaanganda • and Rectifuri hVii.4 a. No. G, Commercial Ilow, Lamy Enna, man rituburnb• „liMILZY/01 r 5,51,55. /11.311.. 11•11:1, vni• 5.115 t. •PALVIER, 11AN111/1. £ Mare...ore to Hussey, Hanna du c o , of Seposite,_ Bank a and Notcu, and Specie—North eotricv of Woad and Third strees. Current money received on deposite.—Sight Checks (or saki and collections Made on nearly all the principal points the United States. hlsltcst premlompaid for Foreign and Al 001 d. - AdemteeS Made on consirnmenta of Prods pad East. on liberal term, _ _ /PM CLIIIO.I _—_—. (Mao. WIS. A. 111.CLII110 ft CO., OROCEILS - AND TEA DEAI.ES.S, Newliterty grat, alora E r oad, Have always on hand a Imre us.ortment ofehnir, Ciro-eerie, and Vine Ten.; alto, Forel, F1 , 111.111 , 1i Nag, Whol.ule and lint di. ',cutlets supplied on It, lOWA , in 1e... Innol EMMEEI AVlCllTlCAN—Mousiselorer 01011 thals of ant .11.• ton and woollen inatkinery, Allegheny city, PA The %bore works beink now la Coll uni rueverrial on rullon,l am prennued to eittsto Offers with ili ill s,na a tch or k Inneldnery Icy !me,. •th as wows, caret, grinding wastiars. railways, arawing rpeAlers, Cassias, woolen rarde, double or single, for rrer reit eint et eininlry , worli, ioules,janks,/ke ;,,ltd. nod halbllolhey anti tool. In y n o. era'. All k of Initle to order, or :riv en for se•nne, larioties or mill a al era...able ohs's, &arcs to--Kenneily, Cbilda & Co, Co, Nang, Pennock &.Co, Jas. A Gray, MISCELLANEGI A. WfItIRVELT, TAO . - A• WESTERVELT & SON, - vvl:l4. , K m t.N . W m c.; V o T t l ,, T n lfl o 11 r. l l l l lr , F r :lt 14..1 umiak In their line, nt their old. paned, TO.. la S. Cltit_nteey lrn,it Plo.St ket street, at ring, Iron Itailinn, fee. Sicilia Pipe for heat wiles, Cast Iron Window Sash and fanny Cas erall. Orders left at the Warehouvo ofd: # Co., Liberty street, will hare prompt mien- en. Refer 10 Ithteketaek, Dell & Cn.,.1. K. hi...ahead ec Co., G. E. Warner, John Sons. Pittsburgh G. C.J. 11. Warner, Steubenville. pat', PIAALIS: Tut subscriber offers for the a large and splendid wn... et of rosewood and mahogany grand Ac• bon Planes, w stli and without Coleman's celebrated Loll an Attach meat. The above instrutetills are war ranted to be eq. tal to any manufactured In- this .uo try, and will he cold lowegthar. any beonght from the Rost. F. RJR AIE, No 112 wood st, gd door above Gala N. ll.—City Fen ep will be taken at par (or a few of he shove t. my. F. 11. ar e entriniien /Miler foe rt — s"s=tl vi TIIIIO is to certify that I have nr: ointeft Licingrum, Ron. fk. Co, Sole Agerts for the sale of Jenning's • Fa tent t • • Fliter f • , 7 ties of Pinaborgb ant eg•eny. i Trktj lb6 V 'n rsff, , for Wallogison,lßreddiry , *t . N. 17, 10,1F48. We have been using one of the above article, at tilt art of the Novelty \S'orks for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly rattrh rd that It ia extol inventmn. and we lake pleawirc In retinal:wilding them.. a awe tut article to all who lout' pare miter. Orders will ha thankfully received and k romptly executed. 211:105T1tN. 11.06GF.N dr. Co St•wm %V orks for lrala Tsubscriberoffers for ant., the :STRATI lIRICK I tVsul Rmi, above comprising Steam Engine, 2 Railer.. 6 MogJd Machine, capable of maustatancing 10,0•0 I'vessed firicks loot of dry clay, ns raktio Irma the bank.) per do; ; with three acres of land on 010 Allegheny river, on which are 0 ki ln. mid sheds, wirwhine an clay sheds, ve,Woll.arrows, trucks, shovels, tenttielt, Ac., every thing requisite to coin' =mice operatic.. at •o hears notice. including the patent rielat to use said machine, a7dast—mien. payment Stair easy. Without the land, 03PM. For partinslare.nddrees • HENRY AtilltßlTT, Iti No Ilf• /donna,. libels /look , W: fought moil (lest Irmo insole , r. bee leave to Inf., et tie pain. - that j they 11.1, 4,14,1Deil Item Haia s bothe tare ah I fahhsehel .le tleelehr foe rot. nc, for Innwei and rem riemis Perhall wi-hst, ID proclac hand •• some pat 10•• will straw roll and examine, and p•dge fin theim sive... finding will tw famished at the ,Loch e4t none s ard in the best manner, at the corner en , ea stem. Alle beg ca I'm., ann,. t • .)• , II *act , . 0 A rfe Isfe• NII n sTATv. Ito.aTON, A gruf for (:144..• lirranzry of ProrYry n rogiorui. I_l AVINI: la nearly a year in the varioue Re• Llvoololl eta, Nauottal labtary, Ar dun, ht. late •tvti to H atiand, inve•ntatin4 elaim• for r ,,,, 0n• 111 11115 t ount, y, and hattnt beertred efficient and to •vons,bla An, a.. Inadon and Maneheiner,ts ptepared to a lord all neeeraary inimAntion In. nd !W -att,. to peered s ,0110 meek to recover their property In that rount. J. l k, ry p.. • het of th e Hauls of Hovland Dividend Honks, irel .2o envy be examined for 50 cent., or Y.. for eh letter co' the Alphabet. Haftrenre. , in Do•ton: 1.1.11 F. A DEMS, Notary Pabhc, J A 511,5b-.1,1b, ram; Dr.^lH.V li. MA?, Hag, JOHN VO. HILKIFAVAY,F,YI'. aVVOILD GO.* a!Meeesso,m to etGerd & lex) lital s, V ..hiom.able ter?, Corm., Wood and FlftA Sereeta. nia;Tfinji,Art here,atl rani to nor Remit Trade. .E Gentlemen :an rely upon Rath% lit Ile. .m! Cape (nen our estahlishmeht of the BOIT MATERIALS end ermeme ere rktr, of the LATSItt end the hem.. roams. Govan-, Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, ara respeehr try lavas.' to call had connate our litock,••ns we can say with confidenco dots as regards 4131.t.tiT and rtilf 1., it Will not eater in n COMMIW/11 with say se nosefcbl7 _ . WILLIAM 1.110131 r W TI S Wave to inform Ms Inendeand stock of ii , jittlreceiglng has new roving stock of Goods, eornreri.ing, no stunt, alt the newel. and wow Whit., vble ..tylea of Cloth.% Capaimeree. Laney Vesting., ent• Inn n nd linen tawnier stalls, and every lunch suaahla for g entlements wrest for.petng mad summer. It being imp, sande to deseribe the beauty, quality, or quantity of 11 re - Mack, the proprietor hopes all who are In want of y nod, cheep, nothunnthle, end well made candies, wilt give him a call, no there to no stock Wm sole of the .Allrghenles can compare with It. Title ready toads department Is veryovocoivo,od.P• ito all en,. 110.11 Whi' contemetars, collate) , mer } il , tants, and all ho ae cho largely, are parneularl mated to el m nine We stark before puma-twang, nE parnenlaf M at ininn is paid to the Wholesaln basmest shill natal, shment. livery ankh, an the tailoring line made to order We most fastitonalde mid hest meaner,at dm .ranee war! 11110TIGin PUP, prinnershlp heretofore existing toter the firm lof A C ItlifilnitY, clicialved by the deeeme of Air. Bradley. The business will be earned on by A Limdloy, moo cent° the business of the late firm. BIATILIT Fos removed his Foundry Warehouse from No Lid Second surset,to•No 19 Wood rcey between First And yeeond streets, to the wore. house lately occupied byMerrywhere he will keep constantly on homal It general amfortinent of Cllnt in cams, tstoveY, Conking Stove., he. jyl3 Tug Aft lif-UMINVZhIgn f • nu attention of the ;while to vespeetmtly called to the follarrlag certificates: r la. S. FAxtrts—llnvlng tested a goantity of Geld weighed by your Areometar, 1 find the result proves your instrument correct; arm , recommend the use of it , to those going to Colifornia, LA the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. liesp.yours, J. th DUNLEVY, Gold 13rtatat. Pittsburgh, Platen 9,1E42. • Prrnwarnofb March 7,1.81. (laving examined thennre mow.:,"manufamated at your roomt do not been to Commend it to the ow of those geotlernon who a about temoving to California In aernwh of Gold. It givre n clot, micanzonn non to the specific gra ty of metal., and. will certainly ClllOlO the advanto to laCerlaill /1. 11th placer le yieldirif Cobb maim VOll . 1 11. NIM:LINTW1111 sADIULL rICILI.VY, rANUFACriIItEIi tn.' CAST STEEL, an 11 d No. .a N 0.,. American Ulisler Steel. A Pho—llex 04s Sincl Eiloo, of oil and Block: milli And Silo Rasps, id.rnis on bond and for sale, either is hilt • F:11 hle Shiel Wail.," O'Hara street, Fifth Ward, or at to office in do Iron thoro or BOLANANS GARR' SoN, No 4..foat of Wood Snot, Eau:lough. tort:saw 01E1.00iAll.. ... We, the undersigned, haying .rd, veldt entire eats Istsction, the Cart • Steel and Filen made by Samuel MrKelvy. at Eagle Sherd Worts, in tlits city, tato pleasure in retell iending them lis equal in wieldy to any ever used by ur.of foreign nannittarture. Piteddrigh, March 0, OM'. 6A 1 It StIOEMBETWEE & CO, Manufacturers of Iron nod firths, Vitegsgsgry, es,. SNAPP & TOTFEN. ! Iron Founders and Machinist., Pittsburgh. Pa. COEESI ANAx, I lAllial A N & E pad U, Manallenteers of titirtngs, les, SPrrnit ,3 L" Rivets Piltiburgh, re_ F A WAIF/03Kit, Erignic Builders and Machine Card Miinufactu• rent, Pillelidegh. pa. A l'llliEttN, Era, Founder, Ihilidurrgh, L. I.ItAFF,I.INTIiN'AY & Erg Manufaelliterli Of Iran nd Sails. Pittsburgh. I's S a t ay.q.n.ll TOMLINSON. . I.oreinetive F.nrinc nniltrhip ituiliter. Pittsburg h. e.. S w wet.i.mw. SIIIIThi. Manufarderer, hgarizine. and engine Ittill.h. nor., r. F„ Fs. ... LOWE,— . A, 1 1 ` n, A1 0 R , ,: i r , t , f ,,, , :! 0 . 0. 71:111 ,4 7 ... 6 , :; , : 11 1 3 : 1 , : t f1tLi, 11 . 1 r , r1: , ,C1 Prnea Wnrelmame. T.o folder win be rewscrl[ll OA returning them to the ors., No. ~,,5 Wood on? I. oiul° • . , 'G.'...,11' ... t -. '''_OIIIN: '..OA'-'%ET.TI&.. INSURANCE. ME= fling DELAWARE NIUTIIAL SAFETY !NAI- L RANCE COhlSANY.—Oillea North Room of the Esehenee, Third Street. Viso Mere handl., and other propetty. In Town mid Country, insured noalnyt 10” nr image by fire, at the 100/rOt woe of prennoin. hl AU". Impulses—limy also iesare Vosarls.Cer. roe• and Freights, foreigner roarto,n, ender open or rpoeial polities, as the mowed may denim. Iwuno Triatistrosrmorm.—Thal also insure moreh. midiae transported by Wagons, Rail Road Curs,Csnal Banta and Steam Reefs, en rivers and lake., on the moat litiernl terms. DIRECTORS --Joseph II Seal, Edmond A Sander, John (1 Davin, Robert Barton, John R rename, Soma el Klamath', Vet, U Leifier, Edward Darlington, lance It Davis, Wen Falwell, John Newlin. Dr It ht Huston, Jr. C Mond, Theophilos Paulding, II 'ma's Drubs*, Henry Hugh Crate, George Darritl, Spenser Mellvain, Charles Kelly, J Johnson, Wm I ley, S Minna., John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT ITITSBUROD-13 T Florgen, Hugh Craig, John T WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Men AID S. Nrwatous, See'y frr Met: of the Company, No. CI Water street' Ctusborgn. lien23.tf P. A. MADEIRA, Art. - LIE. and ii•nith TINE: Mutual Life and Health Insurance entspsny J..f Phillidelphin. Irtrorimpted by the ',pint-sum of Pennnylvania, Match, IP4's. Charter perpetual. C 11. m Lowsa nun •NT_Pinss , r. , Constan t and gn per emr. - lorreethan the aual rote. of life Insurance, as the following eon, pitman will shone Thus, a person of .be age of 30 in ausing for SIM for life, faun pay in the Girard 12,30 Pcormylveme,l2,3O, Ilene Mutual, 12,314 n h Egoahle, Mon, Well; 52,45; I.lfis New England and , flea SlX llh , Ne PhilndelphiAllw York Life,l,9l. Al , fhancrons —Samuel D. Orrick . , Charles D. Nall, IV. P. Moro, Robert P. Anne Charles r. Haver. hi. W. IlrildieTs, 31. M. Reeve, hi. U., Chao O. 11 Lewis Cooper, I Rodman Barker, 11. Buller, Elwin R. Cope President-4mnd U. Orrick; Vice Preri .ders—itobt. P. King Regrelary—Francia IllsekbUrnc. Appliennons will ho reeriVl4, grid every information Oren by SIAMI...VAIINESTOCIL, Ant, Office, Commercial Rema,'Oollf.Of of or-dly Wood and Third CP, PludiUrgb FIRE AND !MARINE INSURANCE. trim INSURANCE CO. of North America will Make permanent and limited insuntnee cm pro perty in thin city pod vicinity, and en shipments by Canal, Rivers, Mime opt by Sen. Ilia properties II this Company are well neasi.eq, and famish an nod!. able fund for the nmple indeolniiy ui pll penons who desire to be protected by ilmoranca. myls WM. /C/N Agont.44 Water 0_ • Fir* and marine. Insurance. TOFFICE of the Inaorsome Company or Nem h j. America k. tern removed to No. In Front at cam of Wood. The oubartaber, agent ter the above old and teepee• obto Company, toe Voli,M. on dottdinit, and their content., and on ehipments of hiepthsndim by Stearn Boats and other Smola. INZ=il PITTSSMAGIA 1111STITCTIIO TutEZeeond rlessioa of lids Inatimibiisi under the rare of Mr. and hirs. Gallons, fax tLo present academie year, will coutineners on Ole day, Monday, February alth, in the-same braidings, No. 'a Liberty street Areaneemente have been made 17 which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities eonal to any In the West, Lot obtaining, a thorough thtl7h, CI 0.1 • cal i and Omuncidal edacation. ,% fall course of Cho' isopinere. and Chemical Ireentres will be delivered dating - the winter, illustrated by apparatus T o de partments of Vocal and Instrumental 'Cage, Modem Languages, Drawing and Faulting. will each under the earned - a romatent Profertor. elac attention to the moral and Intellertnal improvement of their pu pils, she Principals hope to matt n callnuaion of (ha liberal patrol: ma they hove the enjoyed. For terms, ere chvular or apply to the Principal, relit Ad. • Modern and Antique,Furnitare JAMCLUB W. WOODOELL, Tm ,Sr, SITTTPLIT.GII. J W W ,„1 ..... , ,n,.. , '" .. • _ ~ . • , 1...g, -.. .,,•• 7 - .•7,... stespecliany inform , the t i ": -(t . * " t ""^' • public that he Las cum - - • pitted hth spring work of FURNITURE. the urged and mow varied assortment ever altered lot sale in this city. coinprismg several thifit of lithsowoon, liistmeattai and HOsva Wsbonr; calved, omnmental end Own, suitable tor Parlors. Drawing and Red Rooms, rill of which will be sobi at the lowest prices. . Persons desiring Forottare of ony description. •th spectfally in • • . all utd casminohlP ttock, which - • a every deserthikut, from the cheat - law end plainest to the most elegant sad costly, of which the following comprises a part: Tote Wrote Sofas; 'hie a Tete Divans; Conversation Chairs; Elizabethian Co Reception do Louis XIV do Erte:Wan do Badet Faunae; . Wlist Not.; ' Toilet Tables' Lows XIV Commodore: Ciao of Votk t 's Conch; on Sofas with rthstrand Itaireleth co,rs; AU Vll2nr t do do do; Ist dot Mahogany FaradChaiis; I in - Rosewood do do; 12 " itil Wanmt do do; Ci " Cane iocat( do, 1 " hisitegany Rooking iln, a " Co Piano Moots; 511 Marble Top Centro 'Finites :SI tin do Wash E... 114.: 20 tathrgEll'y Bedsteads . ti do Wardrobe ' s; I° Silk Walnut do; S Cherry do. P. very [sage assortment of Cm omon Chairs and otti• er FOrnallte too tedious to mention. i' - Suinm Roots forniaiod on T the , shortesb notice. /TI orders promptly attended to. t C. S t(stotnit Maher. cad la supplicil with ell sorth ni NlThoosity, WeJout, nal Vonr , ths, w eon odds ,educed price. odds HEIISEY. FLEMING &..- CO. IIiVIC. EOIL SALIC, PROM TIM al ANDFArTUIIKIILS, AND A'l' VAST ERN SIANI:FACTIDZI;fit , I'LDCM: Mote Flasnala, 1.11 Wool I Iliac Itt,tia, 1t...1 do do Woe Deming; 1 clines do ds Fancy Cottoondeb all arc :Aoarn do Jo collared at Factory rte. Dlnet ',stole., Darns Leigne Slarbee. :.t.--1 tatxrd do Woe do Checks and Slopes, Trr3 Drab do bossy gond. . Block Cownotere. 1 'radars' Gonda. Fancy do , Ras Padding, super do; Varier Tweed. bra: Poddtngb llockrenn, ev2ar Dock Mead Cleth. TalloreCat.vaaa,beavy do, Super Drown do Ilrown Ltnena, Lttlirta'• Sup, Wren do 'Drab Serge, black do, •i I Super Twilled do t and svoratoJ; Soper Mack Doe laktos Mark and White Tape; Sope r Drab Cashmere. /Una Twist, Drab de; Stoner Drown do tan•• Cheek...ad DAllb' rtat , Mark do sDastt's 6 cord Sol Co nn; C.1 , 1f0f.101% Itlelikct. do Idnen Thsead, • Scull. do aupertor ons,fr; 11100 do :nil Ficured Venting; Drab do Dlack Volta do Grata Baegieg Brown Holland beg 001:1; Drown Irttllai Itattobb Cravats, Ate ,te. At the Alannforturera , orehouno, No 1.21 Wood s Palrborgh , mar Otroottoolon. frill: en-partnere htp befetnfore costing between the j. tobsenben., in the /12111.1 of Constahle, Botha A. (30, le thm day diteolved by mutual content. Mews: Havre & Wanes will settle the business of the conertn, thr which pantose they ore outhunted to use the name of the eoneetn. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND SUS HE, THOMAS HAHN EIS. The undersigned liner this doe emaciated the merlves in the name of BURKE a; BARNES. for the purport of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe., yeult Boors, he, ree , at the nand of .he Ire firm of Constable, Burke &Co, where they will be pleased to receive the gravel. nee of the ea ir foment of that home and their friends, EDMUND BURKE, TllOhlAti BARNES. In rettrino from the firm of C.:mstable, Make tr_ Co., Bwatineete plenmre reeemtnend Alcrn. Berke inarto the roohdenee °flop ft 'cola .ind the NOB. Feb. 9, ISIS NATHANIF:t. CONSTABLE. te1.13-ttof 6'imuuTunow iTAS just returned from tho Pastern Oitico, and 1. JCL recanting a largo variety of seasonable Goods, to whet, he respectfully Invites the attention of month ants and pedlars. Do Esl Wood et. I'o4ll PAPPU—W. Is constantly Ty receiving, (ram the largest maintfactorie• In Nor , York a newhiladphia, ap proved styles Frenc agencies, the st and most llonmnes, Lonther with ardets Iten-Iteard Prints, and 'rester Cop, roe role MISS ' Wood el, be tween Fourth et and Diamond alley, (successor to S. Cl. till.) NA VALLItt - PAIN'r- : -. 5 brie - fast rt , e• per moaner, /Viand for sale by the barrel or single pound at the MCC, Send, and Petfuntery Warchausa, ranter of. &nth and Woodstreets. 8 N WICKERBDAID .11111• F 4 agent Sods Ash. 464 L ' i A r I'm': eLtto L l a r k: m y e t h e: I m e b . l . T o e . d c r , t c a I n s LI ewers now on lie way from New Orlcansomil e pected here this week; and 314 will glumly arrive via Itaittmere per .hips Juniata, Ebeirapeake, llama. ear, and Alba', whieti will he told On amoral, at the lowest market prier for er.h or approval Nile, NV M MITOLIELTREE, an a l No la/ Lthertv et. 0111LITLICAL lITOVIO POLE/ell lIE Phenix filanetheturing Ccompany now offer to 1. the public their Ploiniuth Chemical Stove Polish; end without exeggeration, or fear of eantrndletinu, by those who have tested it, pninounee it for superior to any whet In tho market. The consumer need have no apprehetsdans of soiling carpets, Ar., as its root. 'mantas prevents. dust from arising when being op. lilted, winch meld be'ththe when the Stove la cold Toe quantity molted is so little to produce a new. tif ul Roam. A savor of over fifty per cent is insured to the ronvomms. A routine applied LO - Slevev, Piper, tee, when laid na.2 for the summer, ia a sure pre• venunive, ageing Hat, After hunt% tried tt Of it it accessible/ no Person will nse tiny but the filanetanturieg Company's Premium Chemi cal Stowe Patel,. For sale by - N WICKERSHAM, myf Corner of Six th and Wand streets • riortntentivij - iiiitriCk.ii. — LL persons having numbers put on Meir houses. 'IL in nonforouty to a resolution of Councils, will please call at the ROOMS of the Heard of Trade; second story, comer of Weal and Third sts, and pay for the mule. SAMlllt.l. FA lIN ESTOCK April 20 edit. .11-----7;C-01,1--COCir.7BIIIII.IInOTONLY. Card. S.. FAIINESTOCK begs leave to announce la the ntreata of his New Directors] , of the citire of Pittsburgh wed Allegheny, end boroughs of Man chester, Carmingbalo, &e, that the wort Is now nearly ready for the prose, endswill be put in dm hands of thho primer tom where between the 20th and Mtn inotanl. The citizens generally and nil who feel on Interest ta the production of a ententete and perfeet Illteetert partirulatly those who have not been railed on, loll! , greatly oblige the publisithr,by ascertaining that their warbles avocation, and Maces of liastnew, Ac ,•a noted tor pohlieation the Ihreetery. t i lt rands to be inserted, must he handed In forth with, or at the latest, by the dote above named. cnn,lo /MELODEON PIMMOIL JUST' received, and How oponinit, one despair Rase: d 5 octave Melodeon Plane, from the n e n c ... teated ruanatariner of Attach es. e fr . n r, el This in a superior noururrieset.,;,l.s.7t Lane, mord eroracielroe, a vogre a t a l ms rl 4 10 5 .. Thisd etrset. mayl7 LAND SALE:S. Ity the rteildant Vatted Stele.. fN parrunnue of law, I, ZAVIAIf; TAILOR, Pra t ' , data of the tinned Staten of Ameties, d" fire •hy declare and make 1 nowt,. that Middle unit, he hold at t 1 nincle . mentioned Land omen. in the Nate of at the periods here - meter deolanated, en wit . — • At the Lead 41:11en ne,SAIJLT SIT. MA i'lll3.for the, Ake Searrior commenetra on Mon day, the utateenth day of Noplember nett, tor the din. V . " a public Lads within the following named townihlyt, vitt— North of the hoot lint, rent welt of the privrip.il T end forly,Stre, and fractional etymtlitys forty _ via end three raven of rant. it , Tinetthip• fatty fire and forty ,end fractional towauhip linty tette, of ranee titre Township forty eta, and (merlon I to , - - lawn, of rattan four . 1 . 0 . 71.111.14 MX and fo o t' env n, and frnettonal torrnrhlr. fifty nut hire one, fen five itrarnonal towtoiluys fun move forty eight, forty nine, Efly, and fifty nne, of wan fix Townohir - tt forty eight and folly nine, and tractional 7ahl9 filly of tonal! mean. etion•l township . thiny nine on "flog Wand," An forty en "flat blond," and torinuihtp forty fon, of renge en,fo wynnhlpn thirty nine and to ty on "linty' end ' Gunton , ' Windy, and forty three on tbn main hind, rind to:Iv:slops fitly font rind forty fore, of mope - .. Fraetinnni townships thirty nina and forty nn "Gar • den' , mill 'glamor" Wanda, nod township. forty three, folly Mar i dug roily bye, of ronse ten Fran/lone' townships thirty et;'ht on "Little Penang' toinnd, thirty nine on "Multi drover" and "front , !aloud., en. forty on "Whither' It' old, and town ship Forty three, forty fear, and kitty five, of range eleven. i Prantionsl toweship thirty eight nil ”Glla. Wand, township to ty two, and trochee.! towns/WIN forty three, tot ty s or and forty live, of more Iwi Ise Fraetionel lownshte forty, on the main land. .0 sonar! riven . Fraction.' lown.hips dotty note snit forty on the main 'mad, a( ranee seven teen. Ftnetionn I townships thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, and forty one, on the mom land of range eighteen. Frnettonal townships thirty sin on -Suntan," and "tenacity" Islands, thirty seven fine lading "Sommer" Wool and au. ilitill add thirty nithtt thirty i i hie h.. n ' t fang el On main land, and loarnihipt turfy 0.,, WU" two, nn I forty three. ofrango nineteen. Fractional townahipa thirty sin on "Pr blardee." and "Cull" inland.. thirty antra on an last of "Male Smarm" to land, thirty eight on the main loot, thing nine (inelaning the Inlatui in secion. twenty seven end twenty den) and forty, and township forty Untie en the amen land, of range twenty. Fitterional townships :bitty night, thirty nice, and furor on the Wain isild, of range wanly oar. AT THE ell , WAXY.. camp - t enni:lg on Monday, the thirtieth day of September rex', itSl the tilapteal fthe public Nana wilidn the following nutted too, -- 's and Imo , - -, tovrnehins, to nil:- ahipa and frnotianal ea, t 0.,. North of Ms km liar, oral irtrt of tkr reinzipd! meridian. Fraetional township,thirty fivr and thirty .on /he main of range twenty four W Flactioneltpernnlitp• thirty thrco, thirty four, and thirty ,five, nod toraehlp dotty Ws. of range twenty Fractionnl towochins thirty two and klitly throe on hh air land, u.nd lown,tnps thirty (OUT pony five, of rawo malty at; Fractional "ilk/Ip' ILlrty thirty twin arty three, thirty four, tmdlTdrty five on We anon land and town/alloy fort? r4v, forty Peron, and forty dight, of rang° twenty coven. Fractional townwhing thirty two, thirty three, and thins cavern and tornithips thirty, flints ianyela , farty team and tarty eigLt, cf reran twenty eight. Fractional to venahipv Odin; riven, thirty eight,and. Anty nine, and townships forty one, forty two, nett , three, folly four, forty 4vc, forty FIX, forty . even, cad forty eight, of ranges twenty Ont. Forenoont townships shiny nine, township forty, fractional township forty one, townsWps forty two, forty three, forty four. fatty five, fatty amity seven, and forty elebt,snd the fractions of tendons thiny five and thirty aix. at the cape. of Agate honor, of town. 'hie fifty :ono, of range thirty. brarbointi townshlps thirty nine. forty, and forty one, tow:whirr forty two, forty three, forty four, forty fire, forty six, forty omen, anti fryty eight, nod trao tlonal seetions seventeen and eightsen,on "Traverse Island, In townshie fifty four, of tango thirty one. THE 13.1111. n PLACE, commeneinr on Monde., be fourteenth day of October neXt.for lon diaposial of the public land. sitotied within the ntdennentionad townalii, end f recusant trivrwthips, to wit:— Ilford; of the Lase line, and ttv-ts lf the principal }tractional township forty one, and townships forty two, forty three, forty tour, fatty for, and fifty, of range thirty two. FracConal township. filly and fi fty two, of rouge thirty Owe Frontional townships fifty and orty two or rug thirty Dor. Toornahlp fifty, of raltgo forty one Fractional toorinahin forty right, and townships forty nine and fins. of range forty iron. Townrhip forty 'even, fractional torirn,hi . p tarty right, aiid Orrnshipa fatty mint and fifty, of range forty dart Towns:lira forty revon, Oft; r ight, forty nine, and fifty, of range. forty tour. 7ownrhir4 forty rover, forty right, and forty nine, and traepoiiiil tarynahtp filly, of tango forty L.. Fractional townships tarty nine And fifty, at range forty sta. I rartinnal toronrhips fairly air and forty seven, to vo ett, forty otght, and fractional toyrnsnip forty nine, of motto forty acorn. Frar noun! tortinchlp. forty raven, forty eight,. rind forty nine, ot Tango forty oigh , Fractional trovitrLip forty eight,of rallgo forty nine . At the land °Zoe ht lONIA, cominctiOnA on Mori doy, the riate , nth Sol - amber nap, for the dleposal et the potilid" !mode within thy gsidannentioned Otto , urinal toitorcilop. vil North of the Ml.e feu, owl trvjt of the prtn.rop, Seettene ono and toritithe e•et it.lfeortion ofiltrre, nod oect tone r , cyon, ',I/dr:ten. four tern. meaty four, twenty hoc. nnl 11.11 7 ox. tontathip nine, o' mita Lunt , rippreynated by law Inc the one of ,schoole milittity, or other purpottee, will be excluded loom vales The offering of ilia 1111.1, mentioned lands will h. commoner,' on the day. ep word, and proceed I. tbe order in which they at eilvertnidd, watt coo yettiont Ottoutch until the veltede hitee been of hired, and ilia edit, thit. floe. d. Home code .ball le to `t open lodger than two steaks, and privat orrry of any al the lend. alit be admitted until ale the exp' axon ill two weak.. titatn uniter my hand. nt the ray of Weshiegtor thot thirteenth day of June, Anuo DOMIIIi onethousan entlit hundred end fitly. Ity the Prietdctio I Lit-reattrz MD, Coutou.stotter of the neural Land Omen. NOTIORM PRF.FAIP rION CLAIM ANTE. Coery proton entitled to The 011)0 of pre-emption te of the 1111115 Within the toerrothips and fractrintil emnthipo shove cher:mewed, is required to eateliltsh n ammo to the emiQuetion Of the Reuniter and to iver of the prnper Lend (Mme, mod mate rumen. pre,for e• soon no practicable after seem; this notice, rd before the day appointed foe the comatencenteitt the public sato of the • lands embracing the tenet hued, othitmoice such clam wet he forfeited. J. nurnme ComtELD, miseloner. ===l Bonssett . p A.serlean Poultry Book. row :nn roaltry Boot and.Faml LircedeLL'.GuLle -1 LL lictaNs on the Ureramq, Russulg and ` .toral Manaeent of Domertio Prortr, wait .narousompaal ar.tmo t tal , one and Polito,. from U Vils ' or n o t' rk or ‘ tlTl:Cf s oOnti to rontotn a ttester stun • . of otiginal and other tnlnrmation, both practical and useful, In regard to Fowl Iltroding, thno 111 conmtttelf in all odmy.intenean work. together It will be Illustrated with nearly Fifty Formede of the mast [moles 'mimic. of Aturthan and Foreign Fowl., soma forty of which ore front life, from drawings token mpretally for this work, of the most Important breeds, end normal of them from fowl. very recently tra orted. • • • ' ho publishors hare spared no mermen, bring on Min work In a suponor manner, both in regard to th. engravings, the merits of the work, nod the genera ..seamen err/cutout of the book. And it is belies ed that the work will be Mond to contain mere praeti cal mformation on Breeding and Managing Dewitt" Fowls, than any work Wand In this country. For sale by /AS D 'AKIMBO% letlS Bookseller and Importer, 101 Fourth at. I 01INSTON &STOCKTON townie's opsned for sale the largest assortment of Paper, Blank litiohm and Stationery over Minted for sale In this city; together with a large collection arises-end satosltlo Works in every deportment of Literature All publications for nnla el canstn primes. Country merchants IttOPlSni with every article la this line; on the [Wit remonaltle terms. Int 7 - HUMBOLIT^2 C0.511101.--Cormrosi a Pketch of Physical Deseriptioit of the Univers, fly Ale, W ilootholdt 'Probelced by Ottle. 2 volt, lamp. Joel ramrod for .lo by 1 LOCKWOOD Aid Books,lice ,h Importer, 304 Pourth of DE/11111h3TT, 'RS, No 91 Wood ...col, IfiNGIGISIII di VIROl.ll$ is I.F. GROCI offer ler yule, 120 plc. lr. 11. Imp. Moak WO Ws N. R. RaWe, and Gunpowder Teas; 00 bee ellster do; 19+ b. Tolweee, 13 lige do do; 100 taiga Rio. Code.; 15 cask. Pinto Cursantsi mgt Lilo N U Alolosws; 15 bales F. Walnuts; 1 1 5 Mids N 0,0.00.nr; 13 do BragaPints; - 230 beg. icriortml rives IS do Filberts; Window Wass; I W do Pen Nets; 40 b. Pipes; 00 b. ' , belled Almonds; 400 Ws uoap; 20 bes Rook Candy; 11/0 hit ConiP.; 6 cams !.moons.; 30E10 lbs Codfish; RI 21 Peneiree /a Regains 30 bola Tanner.' Oil; Clgarp; EM b. Clineoltir; IWO Al 1141 f Room* W doe Rod Cords; 3 b. Cloves; 30 Cods Ma inlin Rope; 2 coos Nutmegs; I 30 las Spiced Chocolate; :1 canons Indigo . 10 begs Pepper, 2.5 eases Lemon limp; 5 bads Allier, '''''°.r. Popper Pimee; OW ba. Hew.; 10 env. Tomato Catsup; 40 brio Vinegar; Wound Rpm. of aii kind,. nu bilk,. C. unewici; .0 barrels powdered and Gib. Meech, Loof lug F, 10 wee Rlee, 2 MI. Madder; In mi., Chine; 10 wig 'Whiting; SW drums Algs; i A. well n. a gengrol assortment of Pittsburgh Manufamonul melee. 00:61 G nocEnics—ico hha. N u iluvlr PM , ar k. RID o,llvs .7r: tot Mali I' Rya., various gond. 30 do Gunpowder and Imp 30 do Pouchong 5 do 001005 ... ._ _ caddy bap ld II Imp AG P 6l has ltOil 'rant. W. caddy bzu Baton's bla do _0 bores Starch , AO brio b. hr brls Indigo, bladder, Alum, (Armor, Popper, Allolgeo Nutmeg, and Lamp Black to kayo, for II mol t by C GRN maYlu 11l Water at A PHYSICIAN'S TESTI/TONY. "1 SAYE FOUND Num INN TO MOJA I. THEN.. lit.uccuuna, Tu., March PI, I.M1), K. R. E. SELLEIL.-4 have &frond of nil the M p u e,h Syrup end Liver Pills you 'sent me, and Pi dna of the Veriallace. I have tired ell your ' regaily Medicines in my family, and have elan prescribed them in my practice; I very marl, pleated mith them, and barn found nothing to equal alPll3.:!eud ton h. dor of you, l'ermi(ogn, and. In to each of the Liver rllle fled Cetugh Sy rup. Iterreetfully gaunt, ll:street of tortier.l T. T. Jarece. highly teenier medicine. may he hod of the proprietor, It E ticiLLEßti, 87 Wood et, on.l Druggist, generally lu the torn cities and vicinity . uu4 I_)oSlri —A foto brie A Not extra iyed zUr CL aupenne quality, .unable tot min nnY m s . tug received ' L ea for telt by 1011 N Me FAUENIir CO jel9 310 Coot' }31. 5 / 2 1, reolik,el DRY GOODS, WRITE GOODS FOR DRESSY:V. UttP It V & BURCIIFIELD Invite the attention of the iadie. to their •gtonaive areOrtrar et el White ' oats for lb.rres,oortaitting of Stack and ft • Us Non • Viattred thr, Polbrohiore4 do; . Arde.oria Imago; • 1 Som./Jar !wool for morning Overt , do; and • large anonttatent of SUMS ithenlerta embroidery; printretjereen,,, rralt,k.e., at north ee3l Corner of rount. Irgl Low Priced Rne , wit Rill. lllusline. yen IJ.ITI, Harr and Msrk -I =l= 111AUP1'1 11- k OURCIIFIEO have reeeivrd a large supply of Press Lawn*, very cheap; alas style brawn at We; ed oto, in peat ed vat WU, lee 0 1^ Alm,etoldoider and print andlackenet, of neat and 11[11.11i•tyle• and lowest price forget:ally, and north Beat corner of Fon rth . and Market Vs _ _ TI;I: GREAT BENT-ANNUAL SA LE OF DRY GOODS At the O. Plata stare or A. A. MA3ON',BI,ICO, SM rl 3. r 'n T " C ''an rT j"7 Ir4.ertoonseestlVent,.„h their Wholemlo Homes. will, on this useasion, he thrown open for Rums. T 11.1; end allot their extensive stoek wilt he offered to retail porehaßem, at •thsenunt of from ut to no per cent. les. than unuel prom. Tlllaft STOCK lIP SILKS Comprise over fens hundred piece., and will be mad at an Lmotenut co Their msertment of Shewl.,l3areges.Tiereer, Oren adinea F oul ar d Silts, lawns, Muslin.. /neonate, Cinabrimoted Dress fAmde genendly,svill he Mooed cut intmedlutely, nt shout one half the canal rate.. ensorFink Colored Lawns will be Mimed at Pe. 2 do Haree 4 0 c. 4 do Llpl glu um rnelt I.Mnes, 10c Suf.erier SA and Amerium Calicoes, 10. 4 e Ile. 700 doses Linen Handkerchiefs, & L . 7e. A large lot of Wrought Collars, same as low as Go. Together with a complete varlets , of Dommtie and White Goodry Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Bonnets, ke. ke. • , • . Meting In ell one of the most eLlnrSl,ll ascortments In the cotry, wetch will be warted down to ranch bowan p un r.ecii than at any of thew previous Annual C 5. (Erne Siam will he elated upon Thumday mad Fn lar May WM and 31s1, for the pnrpotto of runnr ng and marking down stook. NC,141157V151111 Pain an. my3t A A MASON h. CO VIIENCII LINENS. MURPHY & OURCIIPIRGD have rereived n sap ply of 1 , 4 and 4.4 French_ Lineal for men's mils and sacks, ladies , sacks, TW,Vitt' and .children's wear, of the mole derivable shade.. They invite nt:ention to their large assortment of Ajeldu and-Rota' SUMNIFS IVF:&R, of &Resent •- tertala, aid ill Of lableh wllt he' 47. " if PAUASOLSt rtiUSSOL S 1 k t lf URPHY &DURCIPPPELdIhave received another 11.1. supply (labors. article, and are'snabled to-sup. almoet •ny quality and onion wanted , and at the klweet rash pores. Jet% Paeans siCiaTtiriTifi ftk Corer. UT eIeCLINTIICK hue 'ceased this day, at his FY . Catpet Watehouse, Na 73'Fourth st.,Etair Oil Clottieovertne of very handsome patterns and colors ! isylte Ole qtteriqqn of pprchitutu. Mlllll Y / RUCIIFIRLDaro mt . * Wiener Pod. •Irtrcolly reduced prices LAW. from 0 estits no; 4-4 tight Chintz (rout Intents up; Beriutes far 1 . 21 e; Chun Black itt r.ge Lot 1010; Bonnet Ribbons for Cc (cc recd. Ladies are tovited to eon end e.4rtettiu .ttr et of dress goods before purchasing elsewhere— North east cornet of Fourth sod Iszket ns. jel3 /Meant Rats. TIECKIVED this day, fresh anortmot if Atticalt IN or props rdps, qt . the CarpeY Ward ronth or ' NY /41rC1.INTOOK 75 Fourth 111 MURPIIIi R BURCHFIELD have a large meek of Fancy .and Staple Dry Goods, selling off. at greatly reduced prices, v im— Bartle do Lainea a largo Impartment of beautiful octant.; Jaconet and Swiss Muller A splendid of Black arid Pane, Silks; Berages, Lawns and De Woes, remarkablY Beautifal FoulardSllkaikit 37,} Canty act yarh Calimm!,Trlita ark.% and anyva s; • A largo stock of 'Down and Bleached Mullins, no per yard, and upwards, Bonnets and Parasols, at greatly reduced print.. Cloth., Cassia:eres, and Vest ags,of Um best quality, remarkably low. Together with a large stock of Ticking., Apron and Shirting Cheeks, all vilitths; Drown and Blearbed Sheeting. and Shirt no; Irish Linens; together with all other articles in our line, at north east corner of • . • Meta. • ' •• ' lelD Vir UIiPUY & BURCHFIELD ate lust received ITI near Kyle Foulard Silk",very cheap; rich, plan ; and figured changeable ono, df alma& every &yin and guitar, caper plain and igared black tilt"; do m [em and Puma; Lame de lain. new and band mamks; new at)lo French, Eng lish, and Fk•nick LiMIS, in great variety, and at very Inc" Prices; mid satin wiped de lain. of all kind. and duattier• linen lumina of all oblides and color.; "Input* et ' int:es print", ire, ar north cut corner of Fourt h and Market street, ice FARTIISIt supply of Li tack hilts and fancy col. rired last received by ext....! tkiv Ins, et north east corner of :Fourth arm Market SU. led MURPHY & MUftrily & WE saltine 'somata and Berns XI). taints no low price. et nonh east envier of Fourth and Mai ket sta. job DIACK SILK LACVS.--Extraiviro medium end 1.7 narrow trimming Laces of best quality, inst recd anJ for *ale at Northeast corner of Fourth and Atm , ket streets. eS MUM' Y & BURCH • MI) ISWisizeta aml e sgolsaat. ggibboloas Mmill's - have reeeiged an ad ditional imply of above goods, including v arious styles of Chin, Pearl, Alboneond Gimp Cannot. n take and Colored Gimp Mg and ' Ribbons of all cola 'and priers. 0157(7 ungettit oil. CCO . I4I—LIM pits 61 Floor Oil Cloth r bast recast d from the factory. and bar at th- Warerooto, Nov. 7 ft ti Wood SIM, n't 1 H A 131.1HCIlblELD limns the atteroto In of those mauling goods or hlourning purposes to their very full aseortment,just received, such Its hitch Gondol:Mpg, Itoinhimine finish Alpaunas, Ilinok Mouse de (.ulnas, Mourning Wash Silks, do Printed Foulards, lineages, Ti, Printedicilian Lumina, Albarrnea, Plnin Mari and Lawn., Sleet Embroidered do; Sonnet 11Won, Searfdo, Vail.. At. ma)l7 COATING—t'O pee CalhOn u le m t=r 4 La il f reed, anit ' oro o " pe dc nin i 76l !"i it cle .P.7il ' ASON 4 co moylS 74 Mark's; at 911AWLS—Sapenor high colnred Totbet Shoarla voompriaing Crimson, Orange, Pint, Blue, Urceni and Corn eolored, /art receiving per torren t and thm dey opening by A A MASON to CO' mayl7 62 Marker - l I2n PIECES Min Blue, Pint deceit, r Cairn C:Oared Reneger, reed P 6 4. °Y.P in ll by maY l7 A A MASON S n. Black Wiese MG A A. MASON it CO arc this day opening 10 Vet • el tech Mart Gro de Rhine Silt; 10 pee 30 Rel. do; . ro pea 32 inch do; 6 pen 34 inch do; and 4 picees mph dn. snaslo 11^alla 4001102 I.sidicid Linen Cambric 'Mere, oil pile len doz Gent& : do 21d. do do Itec rived this day I.y 111!"10 n 7Nr. . EN pes ehenceable l i eteet ,et the extrema low mice of 12 ic per d. muyto A A MAHON R. tgi • relish and drown Lluess. • , pus 34 nd 1.05 pen 4.4 Drown Linens; 150 ries Gray's Dark lay% unit Alexander's superior Irish Lauer% nos opening by maylo A A MASON A CO - Fresh Arrival Or Dry Goads. Wt are now receiving largo addlttions tooorstack of Spring aNlSammer Dry (loads, and are pro aimed to oiler an excellent as•011.16(11t al oar wan! to prices for ent.b, at approved credit. The attention or wertern dealer, ls pertlealarly re. queried to OUT coed., as we feel confident of being able to nirer unusual indaetmenls to make n bill with a.. Call and °wane SILACKLETT rend ' 101 Wood greet. C. YEAGER, ..• . - AMERICAN, Eta:l.lsll, AND GERMAN FANCY OOH SI 11061ERY, HIBUON.S, I. A C'ES, uLovrs, COMUS, BUTTONS, 3US. ' Malin and. iielnliC7 V• 11012141, BLACK N I).I , MR:I' SILK CRAVATS, I/NGEN, BANDANNA, n.,11 lIIREFS, A, general .2- coillnextt et 17ANb; Taniety of %naming. 0111 .11 Alt U DIG ArAINS. ~ CASES plain and figured Bane de Loins, escort ed color., rust received, and selling at very low priers. ral_2l9 AA. MAtiON CO , LA CASES hod colored Lawns received and now opettins, telling at the CCMree low price 01 S els per yard iltayl3 A A MASON*. CO . . CASCS fast eolozed Glsishatits, meld, and selling 0 at 11 cents per yard A A MASON ilatiO mart, VI Market at VEATIIIER6-30 bags now on hand for ' , ran by JI: iais ISAIAH DICI4.I' 6. CO Yslinsilifc b Ay .t IXI 17 5 ens,% eLles; 4 ask • easorted, nosy lend Ing, for tale by lel4 I)l3.E.Tit CO S k Wilk LE 01L—IiI0 , 1 ,0 / g all . t . il n et i e e h t, ll b Bse ,io rm Otteigals :ll; IWO gal. bleached (alb OW gala N. W. coast Whale Oil, in canto and foredo b 7 MILLI IT/ & 171 Liberty 1 lirolo4l.3tS' 0114-100/ gal. brown la culla; 40 bas ' 15 0,14 common Oil, In store In ielg MILLER fr- lIICKETSON II .11,1;e--40 ontanuggi mugl7 sale ay • jelß 7.111.1. ER & RICKNTSON Fiiiifii=l7.o brie 15 rinAl3 CO 77 &ID Mullet lot . . - 0 EC El VED at the Pittsburgh Family Grocery and 1.5., Ten Warehouse:s hf elds genuine Ftingtso ChulanTess In Po:papers 5 do Cbulan potrehong Teas In 9as papers; ' 5 do do - do do 70: de; Ths shove celebrated Black Tess ate merited direct from the importers, and will be soldas low as they can be purchased the cut, With the oddition of freight, wholesale Or rctstl, WM ht A AfeCLORG & CO VI Liberty et FAN --Arptemilid &mantises:this(' illy own Impel talon, comprising every variety, lot tale by 1010 C 011)1115-+Um S-30 douse lamas styles fancy combs, ll 73 arose do redding do; Warms • do lode do; IU grom Siamese pockMeondm.tor Wetly 1 , 19 • C YF.AGXR I.II4LIOI.DT'S ASPECTS OF NATtlftlb—Trab. H Iliad by /110 Sabine. favol.b,l - 23n0. Far sale by Jald fiJ U LOCKWOOD GOVERNMENTAL PROPOSALS FOR A LOAA.. ' "A Supplement to an Act mottled an Act to create a Pirating cool end to prnttittt• for the gra.lealmmi centla catingaiihmeet i.f the debt of the Comalon wealth end authorize a lean," approve., the :stab day or Meat It POO, proyldte tollowa,vir— Nrett..a It That the glimmer inhered.? eutheriZed to ',ermine a torn far the rim of Three Million. Three Hundred Thouren4 Oa Ism tedeemablei Mina yens from the Ism of din reliteription thereof. et a fele of mewl tint • larrillng four per centem per annum parable and flitter, setabennerilly, open the first days of Febrintry mud Amgen of Seat yelt.- and exempt from every species ,01 taxation. Notice. that Propossia fur said loan rail to tecelved. 111111111 tar putdislit.l to Si Iraq MO newsp.per in the Forongh of /I.trishura, in the till.. of Pitmlannh, Lancaster. and Philadelphia, nut is the eitiertol New Truk. flerion, taJ Ilehlotote r , for a period net less then three months before th.• opening el treirfProPetio"ir Ind by tem.! cl.wnere, if- deemed neresmai sue apoh the Jai.cripted for that purpose, in viols pollee, the proposachill he Iltened Lit preteen of the Governer, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, end' Auditor General, and We Into shell be awarded to . the billion bidder or bidder , . fr the otineartl of the bids shall exceed the tern of-the'esid - loan the sew thin: be diatrlbuted pie rata antonym the highest bid., dere, but if the whole of mid loon shall not then be oaten the Governor may renege notice, tn the manner afore raid, from time to time, till the whole amount of mud loan shall be eutimerthed. No conditions , bids shall be censiderellt and upon awarding reek leant, or any plat theteof, Certificate. with 'reopens far the Intermit, shall be freed therefor 'bp the Audi or General. rriorf„l2- If the said lout shall be reheetibed, it shall be and it is hereby oppropriated for alit payment' and eat inguishment of the fended debt of this Cent. monweelib, ron ligt, become due, daring the payment thousand eight hundred and fifty, et..l far the. of the sum l ot eighty five thousand one linn• tired and fear ill:dints and eighty Relit eta% deo to, derimatie meditate. • In purimance of tho.ptovidons aforesaid, notice le; hereby Fiver , then proposala w il l be received at the' ogler of the Peeretury of Abe Commenweelth mutt o'clock P.M. of Tuesday. the firn day of Oetab., next, stipalning for a loan to the Corantanwealth, for the purposes set forth in the.soil set, of thereto af three million. Oleo hundred thousand dollars, redeem.'. ehle le fairly Years from the date of the cattectiptian, Meteor, at a rate of Interest net exceeding [temper cent per annum, payable stn gold.toed silver. until' annually, upon the Hod days of February and August- A year; and ezmapt Item cre , T ,17,C Certificates eat stock : for the said loon, with conyens for the Interest will be leaned in the weal ountefand made thansferuble by the owner, on the. books of the Auditor Ili nerunt Deparnithab, The pinpoints will be acquired to cloth explicit¢ the anma it olered. nk,ich shall not in any emu be leta then enelintonmd dollen, the rate orlon:Test not execeillnx one per cent, and tho premien. proposed. Tao Plate iv-threes tke naMIO accept the whole or any pan tithe sum offered unless the proposalestipn. Into to the-contrary. , aids for the loan Mast be direct end explicit' No conditional proposals will ho received. • • • Upon the acceptance of the propimahathe money mutt be pain into the *ate TIMM, r, in such manner as than be dimmed by the Governor. Certificates of Neck will be issued ia such mutat a as may be trplegiud by the bentleja. 'foe proposals to be directed, 'finder rent, to this Olbee, endorsed, "Propos/at for 'Loan." They. will not bs opened or illielmed until the period for resew. ma them has elapsed; after which, r.o alteration in the teem. irdl be admitted. A I, RUS3III , L, Secretory of the Cem'i h. Secretary's dace, Ilanisaarg, June 11th,l€4 - letatdttervainY line:peg TO AN aIIinTD.REST Or 700 Mel T r • • 1 . 3 ESOLVkiD by the Stoats and Llamas of Rermarota- AA, eves of Ina Cmostamertelth of reamylvanta to Uctseral AwemblyThat the Comdata:son of •this Ccansoa wealth be .mood a Ihe second memo f the _fifth ...Del., se Datil shall read 11] fulleterc Ilse Judges of the Supreme Court, of the aemeral Courts of Comma • lem, and of :ea ,her Courts of Buford as are or shall be esubli Med shall be elected' by the qualified *Retort Of tbq Comm.- wealth, he the weetim tullontisrOw wit: VW* 304 g. WI the Buynwmat Court., 14110 lesMed Meehan of the Common- ITtIIIII, k Ira,: Ike Premien. dodgem at the eeveral Comte diVfietenee Pleas, and (Attach other (kerb of Record active use nMtt b. establohed by law, and all other Judgeerequired lw Denied la the law,' I y the qualified electors of th. reryartive diseekte ewer Which they as to Feeble m Mt Ma" /sloe; wed Ihe Amociste Judgraof the Ccurts of Comma. PI.. by the recoLfied electors elf the 601111i111Topeelitds The Jude. of the Summon loom ehall hold Ihtir cif.- a for lho term of Veen , yam, i(r v A.ll' g beim. thematic. well, (aabject to Dee hllatosert beremlisr pro vided (oreullaeqheuf to the feed electice.) the Demeident Judgelaf . The fatal Cium to of Common nem, and of such oiler Courts of Retard."... makell bondable:shed by low, and all other Judges nquired to be lamed in thalawollealt bold them offices Fir Du Urea of tan years, if they Mall co, log behave themmhes well; Me Associate Jadgcs of tile Court. 'of Common Pita. Mall hold their daces 11,0 llt term 41 Eve years, if M. Melt so bog bob,. themaell. welq .11 of whom shell' be commissiceed by Me Omeroor, but for any temonahle cause, Welch Mall .01 be sotfameat Bean ed. If, impeachment, the Gorentor shall 1T1120., my of them ao the address of two Ikeda."( each breach of the Legis'ature. The (vat electioe than take p'o4o al Me general elm ion of MD Ccenesmwrallh neat after dense o or eMetedterid, and the commiesinn. of ell Me dederi e may be 'them in lids Mall earn, oe the ND blond:ay of Demember fellearing, when the terms cords. new Jukes Mall mummer. The permes .1.1 shall thee he elected Judges orate Supreme Court ,hill held their oCior. fidlor Oa, of Mem far the. years, me for as,cmea, see for Man years, or for 1.110 y ears. and me far [Seen years, the 1 0 171 of each to be decided by lot by Dm mid Judges, no woe eller the cketiou cooecutent,mo lhe rei suit ce rtified by Item to the (.1 , 01,1110V, 014 1 Monnelminue any be hewed in ancordisoce theme, Tbe Judge ',Mese 1:011111311111i. wilt Ent salute shell be Chief ..111311. dori”g bit term, mid thereafter each Judge whose ementiceion shall fens tllplft *hall in cam be the C bier J mere, aced if Iwo or mum commiedoe• Mall expire cm th e mum dayithe lode. toddies them Mall decide by tot wit l th shall lit the Chief Justice. Any reaneieg, hepereice by de all., redlcoatim, e r eniterwee, eu any of .the comma Mall b Lard by op ,pointawnt by th• thwerraw, as mediae, till 000 Cali Nhan• day of Dmembersteceeding tl,e et ste rot rel eer•ice. The Judge" of Me Suprema Coed ma the rceddenta of tee several Court, of Comte o Oboe eliall,at stated 010,0...0.000 Dr their .cairn an adequate c-nnemi anon, tote feted by law, ~bleb Mall me twtlooitthlstd during il,t; thtntintstort tea, 15,, - tat lhop.holl receive no freest [hwitt;siws of vete, nor bold say other 0040. acres - 4d etedmehigemeramweelth, or sesdyr the mcceeseset of Me boiled Stet., nr GM. State of thee Deice.. The Judge* of Dm s peon during their ronliamme in Oiler, shall ,cod, within II mmonveraltht sad th e other dolma diming their twoln ate. in office, shall et aide with.. , the Curial or etnuiy I they wen retractive!, elreeet. J. S MrCaLbIONR, Speaker of the flame of lle Immolate V. Sgraker 9014 Sen.. Rama Cleaner., ' Ilarrosbura, Jammu BY, IPSO. I, Smoot] W. Pearson, Chief 13erk el the tkorate el Pentsyhinte, do hanky evilly that tkx toregolog , at. Ica (No. lo oo Ecoate Meet the present teosion,) ustniell •ollemlutsou relative to an env oneneol of the Fcastiinoivo" —it beim the name resolution which woo a voa x y 0. by a o m. ;wily of the member. elected 10 . each 11.thsw of the 1200 locgolature—.floe haeirg hero dolt' . emoinlerml mowed, was Mkt day - avned to by aenojwityor the Members elected end Nervier - ho the Berate of rer..llvsnli, at ill poment eeinionu. of will appear by their actes gireo on the Baal yesmge el the revelation, as tallowy, lhon Toting in favor tad. pasaae of the remlolFon were, IL Jones llexmke..J. Porter Wonky, W Mime A. xrabb, Jeodhaa .1. u ulawxy.luo, 'no., 3 Fmnli,7llocno. H. Foreyth,ChiTlel Frailty, Rebell M. Frick, limey Folooo, Johns W. thseerowy. WitWm llaslett, lona Urger, Timothy Ives, JO/111ri Y. Jonen,_Jewyth KaLimasehrr, Gterge V. Lowrenee, Maxwell hleGastio, Benjamin Malmo., 11