. Bt' . IIAOETIII Tgripl 44 1 41. a - Tict.zultririlkro - liktUll UAILY GAZETVE POR Thr, pima FOREI GN NEWS, ''' MIRIVAt OF orne_STZAN EILp 11. RNFA ilenren Dais 'Later from Europe Mures, Thwirday,laig 11, A. M. The steamship Hit:lmM* - hes • arrive... 4, briegiag dates (mm Llwrpoel to the 29th ultimo. She sr. rived Worn 6 A. M., Ica sailed again at clock, for New York. • LIVERPOOL MARKET ' Limantrarg, Jane 29. Cotton—the market closed tinet bat firm: Tbe market during the week, however, woe mots am tive than daring Ow precutting week. The week's sales slimmed op 95,000 baler, of which sheath. tors took 22 OCklbales ; nod exportora (1900 baler. Flout—,The market 'is - doll, bat nu change noticeable to price.. Graln--Whitio Corn is Irela lid , and raow 2. per quarter lower. Preivislont—Thestork being limited, and the demand Increasing, flacon Shoulders have ad: 'armed one to two stuffings per rwt. All other dem:intim', of Provisions hove an sdimucipirten• dency. Lord, however, la in 'btir demand at steady nue. Groseries—There it a ;wadi demand at Mil priers. At Load.% on Idoaday, the market wati Bums warn firm, but little was doing. Dralent are awaiting a reduction of duties. Greta teas amen* penny per lb. dearer. and the market gen. virally has an advancing tendency. Ashes—Thera' only a retail demand. Irere—At a meeting ortho Iron Monger; it wra resolved to continue the- termer prices. The market was very dulL • ' Freight.—There is very little chute, the tendency Ist° decline. The qsanittyiliftecestme : meat goods continues large.: Freight 111 searrel.. passengers are falling off, and the rateideclicing: LokDoN . mARKEr. • .Looooar,Jutie MoeyThe market la eaeady. A me ri can clewed at 9 .71 al 98. for !account: For American (recoil ties. Hell Sc Soo al L.niCoo, croon lots el tivity.— United &ate. *Lies ro (poled at 101 104; U. S. sixes, 1E419, itt . ;lo7 1 09 ; IY 6 w l rork. • reem.; 1660, at 97 kl 99; Ohio olrea; 165 C, 95 0 1161; Ottlo gimes, LEGO .9 . 3 a 100; Maryland Gees 00 0 91 la Canadian 6 pet reale,. IVI4, ea extentive hulloes' Lod lawn done 1 . 1 990. .ENGLANS. .. • • . -. • . The weather continues extremely. favorable throughout the land; and Advicite from the Man urettrding diatlicta atonal . etatisfactory. At Nottingham, the lice trade has improved,— Lth,,y a l e e grearcooddence la expressed, aim futateprmpects. Front Leeds, nrailtord,llalifsx, and Rochdale, the jettent speak of full employ mescand steady Markets.. At Manchester, how. ever, there has yerbeen be improvement. • Tee Allintle arrived at . Liverpool at 4 o'clock. Wedieidav eternirg, and took the whole town by surprixe. Her Jog is published, froth which it appears, that during the lain six days, she accent pleated *greater dimence titan any other steamer *gut. On the 2101, with.' head wind; atm 'ran 319 auks In tarentydbar,' eke hu advertised to leans on the 10t1s. 11AVILE COTTON MARKET. The maatet was active updao .Thareday. Ai ■d.nco of 26m Inums has taboo plaee on last week. prices. The sales ort Thursday reached 2300 bales. CON9IIZI/lIONAL the U. .Sicsars—Mr: Dickinien mo v e that the Sena. for ham Alebama, Ilan , le g be appoint. ed Porsideut prO temporeof the Semee. Mr. Berrien edoended ,the :notice, and it wag unadnanusly adopted. Mr. King was attained to the cher, and re turned thanks for tbe hotkit conferred upon him: Mr. Webster repotted the armlet:me:ad for the funeral of the late Preaident—being the same an [howl given 'below: The report was Adapted. Mr. Underwood said a few words in eulogy of the law Prmident, sod the Senate then etljourred till Saturday. • : • flwfaz--At the operateg of the House, today, s teaching and totem* prefer: wan pronounced by the nee. Mr.Garley, Ch•plain of the Hot no. TIM journal of yeaterdey wan then read, fdr. Vented, from the'tdomimirtee appointed by the two honees to make the tiecessary arrange ments for the-Innenl of the live President of the United Stave, reported that the foneralwill tike place from the President's house, on Saturday next—the ceremonies to commence at 12 o'clock, .M., and the procession to move at one o'clock, precisely., :Thtt the two bodes of Congieta viii ammenble in their. ritilpfdiVtl elatabereard l o'- clock, sod thence move in joint procession LD the President's house. That the chambers of theme houses he bong in Mack e and that the member, wear the macathadge of movroing,, Tles Committee (umber reported, that n pm• gramme of all the ceremonies 'prepared for the occasion, Will be published .et the. cede:toad The Military and. Naval arrangements for the d, still be tinder the direcilon of kW, 'General Seet, cokomendine 'Army of the Honed States, t and Commodore Wdrriegton, the senior Naval °Meer, wall,* present, and will conform in all re. upsets to the amingiments adopted orr !hopes*. con of the StneralorPresideat ttirriroo. ' The report was adopted; and on motion of Mr. Stephens, of Geolitur,. it Was ordered to he enter: ad no Ma journal of the Home. ' • The House then adjourned' until Saturday, it 11 o'clock. Bllll2ele, IL: It Iti stated that Mr. I.V el ter 1, hie boon °Tared the State Department; and that Mr. Clay stronaly tug.* hia aeeeption of . Wady Thom peon fa apoken of far the WaiDe partmenr; Mr. Emelt of Malty., for the . Tree ter, and Mr. Ileptins. of Alabama, fur the Attorn.y Generalship. Mr. Collamer, it is said, will remain in the Poet Dam Department. ' Smits,/ Bali, of Toooesta i, is lying ding - woos ly iIL —The body of the President will remain in the vault here, until next week, admit it will be con. versa to Baton Homo, f.ouiaisna . If no vote' la obtained Upon the Compromise Bill Until that pe riod, it will be tuseponed mail eller the commit tee return, some time in August. Mt.. Taylor and family. bill vacate the White Howe almost immediavly. They • tad' -reside with Senator Pavia, of Mow, fora faas weeks, or go with Col Taylor to Baltimore. ' • - It Is understood that Mrs. Taylor has been seized with Illness, and:that the is Irreconcilable 63r the loss of her booboo:id. The sympathies of the city I, with her. and; as an earnest of this aF fectionale regard,,a committee of ladies have pre seated themselves at the White 110014 to con. dote welt the unfortunates. . Mr. Fillosenes family will not come on mull are tar the bathing worm. It is so reported, for be comemplatasapending the warm months at the era side himself.' FUNERAL OF PRZ.SIDENT TAyLOR.. Wesnotarom, July 11. TI.o CoOotrilnto of both Ilousce.of Conveu have made arreogenteots to toter the remies of the boa Pres;deet on Noonday toornlog, at 11 LATE FROM SANTA FE. • Sr. LOunr, July 11. Santa Fe delete to the,l2th Orleoe have jug been received, which leave no doubt that that government la organized bekve this time.- The electica for &ate Meets teak place on the 20th ultimo. • Lieut. tiluesvas darned on the '22J, in the Rio Grange. ' • • The Utah Nein& have rod red Ate child al Mrs White, alive, and fc the hands dike Apache CROLF.RA. /N, CINCINNATI. • Ctecurrten, Joty 11. The onwberofdeatha la the •I RE 21 beers were 26 of eholete, - wed 41 of otheidlisersee. - " LATE FROSI'B4N FRANCISCO. . • •. Leona - 112X July p. The to e'er Alabama •eerbrrd at. New fleas, OP the 3.1 lassat,"arith San Fraud 'eat. dates to the /et. elf. . .The Oregon bid arrived at. booms. The health of the Isthmus wee Accounts Am the Mines Were highly Ritter: log. Near Shieoveries had heeessarle- - The lodine* had murdered several pirtlei of the Whieriend serval ion/ahem had &dice Piece. to which the Iridium were betteo• - - • `" • The Melkeeer Chillies, sod Frei:lib had - rea trolled ageless the MOzthly tee Of 320 required all /sincere by the act of the Litigate". bait . mete put doe's atelhetit The river has Callen three ea , tins pow our feet ten inch. water in the canal. - • NEW YORK. NI/1111cm :.• • Yoßx. - -Jaly - 11: - - 1. The Durkee contioara Gm, rimaitame I . o l• 6l . sl i_f•Tont. SM. lad 1i•-k..17, tamed Ohio as ties lEf; rlmighl 11.1 Xit o o44,• ray 4 ,h $4,/, 115 0:80 On.. . , liratu—Wiac at it film mid. • fl i t • Maiacnir,.d,.; man I. Corn it not a 0 •rm iti ac.'• rira4a ate tarot: mixed corn ranges Irom 611.10 f-Jailellaw.olc .1 • a. . 170ViaiOnS—Wers no Ins•rOrn. thOOlent 10 no,kei 'moospol k, 110 fit, prime, Si 021 •MI Man, f hocatica allorstlon 10 Satire. ms SE tkel Gun arni ine•dri pentqi. •rmli brim E . .. 1; U. S Mick; 1 , , ISt prriniarn • PIITLADELPHIA ideRICET. Partrbann.4lnly It. near—The demand fee Poor herb fat export ;tad city conamortioniontinted.• lila( Siiiiiirlearandited brard• for erpottal 00 12/ per hr 4 • ' tarsal—Wheat tape* roe, no rianher 411 e. bare Colon andar 0117 Maier, Corn IS In better denollni• tin., prices aren trade bitter. Soles of 3Yin bushels Ole. Out, are mil Cady datalnd far l'eanciltwia. omit 40 carm lot sooriatii u p ig - hi.krey to Grin. sde. IS bria tin;;, in Roe laii—Pinab arth eoopon taxes, • 7 1,0. d . tilts tit; 1:1 lifesolam. NEW ORLEANS MARES'. July 3 stigt.tt.Salett orra'r attgar ar 52r4 p e : r coracura, at 31 7T: , ard jaw. Obi° 61E6 pea be. GrintcL.L.LLtlca of Cara at 7CaiS3c ter huahr.l. wittittiap*—Sa'ca orrecttfird at 21e P'r caltaa. provisieta.—s.l. , of Mcis Pork at 512 LI,. await Maras, aboaldctr, Itup at Sll4ril per cwt. 1 , CII'i'2AINNATI MARKET. --t.,.,...n.---. , i--, -,,- .55 - - , na- - -.... , ,,Quictnna-tarlahr It,' - 1 Fl. npi-Fl•-ii• hal rirsin monnal:y ',le...need. , 1 1 1,11 pika of 200 1 , Wah45:1.1Wg.5.73 per pbl. Whiskey—Sales at 21 :gel c.. Grain , r-Salea of 2,500 •, C....;,C, in lln;k, at 460" 47e Sales bOO 6o ()att. in huik, at 48c. The river ha• (alien 9 inches. Protisione---Salei er• roniinei to stall lots— Sales ofhlo. 1 'Laid at L3'g7e per ) b. COMMERCIAL RECORD. • I [0 11 110.111.113 OF TRADE. ANL uncwor: , ,s "SCRAWL COMAIITTEE FOR JULY. ilit4C; Ja. "Mar agramsor Taroi.aan!arrea4n,..-I.lmr:eu Lna. —llm Coiloorenc Ina reliable:able of Ma mullorof tau! Drltlin nail, North American N01'10.111141 RtentnrElya, Metemea 11ooton arid Liverpool, end belireell N. YON: aniltiecepowl, rallto at Ifalifax Lo laml.undreertve pasannyare, for Crt ear 1N10: rime lay 1113% STAT,OI York, O July. '• 80nn,, . In Jal3- 1 - , Boston, 14 '•• " new York, " rifl• lora, go • 0 e .10n .41 ibttoo, t: 43 New York, 1 Aug. • Nem Y '" Nam Vork, IA Near York, 17 •• ' " uo.ron, " " Now York, t 2, New Yon', :11 •• 'Flostoo, 4 !Sena 11.4 cc. • 7 tn. No wou. olk', • 11 Nex yoia, /1 lioelon, .• •••• 1.• e ri;;W"?..k, Z; •'„ 41,111/i 0 nOlalrl, .Oct',. prc7 l , utk, .1. : • iinw 1(0 k - . . _...., . kh-to:s, t Now Z./ York, 9a o. • o un.r,o,York, 36 . " Ann, t Not. " Now lark, 6 No. Now York, .!). " 0 1.loA•on, 13 lkostOll, --1:- " York, • ":0 Now York, ,Z 1 • 0 0 Halton, 117 " NLtroOoo'. .70! " " No,. York, .4 .Dcol ow York, 14 Mc. .' Dolton, 8 0 kokn'T 21" . " No II w York. 1:4 -. Horton. ki " ! • 1 1 .‘..o..tylea. I l maavann . Gsarryir, i ol y morulan, July ly., mu), - A gyonnnand qatenneyn prevails thrOognont am mar. kci,ilni oi. ma t erial Change in qaotaluis. 1 , s I.lR—Tan market nocnizttes insn:lecorith a de ntin' g tendency in prices Some small lots co molu 10 It tye ‘ Gy Ayer, and ue hoot of talcs no lnt what{ In i ill lots, at el n 1.11,1 in Int Tay, sal:* from wo re has Imo locen , lontard to dray load lota al $3 121, SSIFII' s 4 ra ir h,rli , . . FuitlY is dull itt S.: 75 Fri. Sales Dre 041laN.141.:AL—With Ana/Alia, me nonce rept far limitbd Mica :;d22.7: Lel, nail in a ntril or rind/001,4 P boatel, CriAlN—We I, o6oo . lldrelirle in Wheat, and good will - lea milt not teaddy exceed lii4c » lottlicl. Corn It. in!lair I - mit:tett nt r.r.teccr, aril Oats nt 7R210c, Iron , firtt inn,' be nominally quoted at ;he., and Darlhy at eplm. 0 b. • ,the grocely mai Col, we native • qttiVdtess, g(foiciar quatatioge, Saleahave' 'heti corrals - dirt tro . d.ate lots Psdre regular trade . the fol owing:, figure. N Sugar 6, 614:0,:; N 0 hies. lasTii, 310:5, and IS tor tug !who., . cod - eels quiet, dh rooderate sales of Rio at 10101 to. Sales Leaf Pagirat SON; •11.1 of Ki<6 at 410:14. ra O ViSiqNSLIVII aimtes a continued quictlces in the market at Nfluv ,. .desi oar s for plaits bacon hat as 7074 c; sides Cl, amlahoulders at 4101}, from store DenQaali y mig cured is sdld from smokehouse • in ' alight advatitv cp the ¢LOI3 figures, for same triads Saki of eared ganvcwsed hams at rifflre, on? of dried beef at 0001 c pO . Lied Is tinware al n 111,11 of 6.N07e, to fiefs and kegs. . Fffill—l'ilees have utaMergeme a deer.. Ni 11( a oar last 'report, and we now Ilße the faßewtr!: coo' tatioist—Saluton alb 1p MI, and N. go lir .cc; No. I Shad 012, No.l AlackereL 81110 p bat, , ton till bit, No. 2, 410;53 for .13,•and fi6 for Llf brig; N 0.3, KG 23 p 141. No eh.ertln other deieriktuna kliATIIER.3—Salgs In tom of GM to 101 m be at 310 32a # ItV7IISKEV-t-Vie notice eupplies in thet Dot melee /love be= to a teo4erate extent On , r, it ND tr.to roe rectified. • tVlrsterre Tarawa—ln /fant's l 7 lerehants' Maga i neifer July, bre bed sitne lutsiorring stair:ones rel . eterel to the tonesgc of tee several Collet/Low Districts 4 the United Slettnr, on lbe•VUth of.lanr. !n t 9 , is tons . nd VitSs; f rom *arch sir u e aurae* the sburv• . as tie anionsiOf • aaa licensed ton aire7alof.ibo IVes,cra District,: , ' • Lices'il lend Earolra I enacts:E. Pit:burgh.' 1:1.771. r 47 %Vaseline • •• . 75 Cincinnati • • ...... /6.797 77 Louisville ••• •• • •••—•• • ...... 1,1;54 at ...... 2,s Or 77 Vicksburg.. r ........... • •• •• •••• 14v rii Pear Riser • ....... —.• ; Gor Ss. Louis, ale.-- ' Celeago ••• •••• • ........ "•••••—• • • - 17,5,7 73 Snetlasky ..1 • . Dotroo••• • ................ •- ••- - • • lr,:se et coatarres Now Jrata.7The Net, 'Breflte.iek Cabo si.e. ' aa oi.sliact °oat pallia!tl,,mral No 11, - recently fevergi•t - *ishinrao; abavart.ns Burin the lats pow tLe (tip. LS Item 11u, State amounted to only s3s3.aatl the imports to 847.57_ The tatenata. of Nay Jamey I' aatalkra, trhiet. o e It'ae L 7 dittricts Mitt - seta. !'` - • Tana. Perth Amltoy• .• • -.• • 23,5 4 7 71 - Itatheato n tL....l,7 It ttamden..-- 57 7754 nt Little _Sal. Harbor. •—. • 57th 74 Great 1.:g; /la7lor ...... •.• ..... 11,4;5 ty • ........ • ••• .. ... --112 3.9 99 'Oflhis 11,517 soh, art empityrd is orbit gaggiaisibi Ose tegiainder ea itse eistotiggsraie. Oae brig, 47 wsnaggert, 27 sloops, end eat bents, im4 2 lisegnscris,,,7 is alt. vs, re basil 1n Nuv Jersey, last 7e at, arm nabilbsi se iSitri lore {Sank—Trap.s.,et uo. Fnla.„l.atpriec,orett •0g00t,... We quote. Ism:, tor ti.e yncoas e rad., hnelm fore rochlworJ Tor el:or. „roo ,d ratite 'aro, then toy /Lamer vont, lon the ...o,1• wail not reach the' .o..mnlT 11, 0 , ,o lon Rre ,, laho!mlt prat , chi . . h.. been mold, ro,i/ touch of n tor the eorf. a. • tht..utto her. touclt yetto c4toolt,r}rnr.l. The 01. Vie Cen tral Itzultnail, ribe the nantth Jeme, woo: . /One.-- • •—• • • 2,211 hilt', Dilft.s eta. .1 al y Cth.---.. . ... Zit 4:o• 7.: I , 111 dO 17FJ,0f.4 do i. 2.3 do 110 21: do Add free P,mtitte do There Is coosislerebieyet to reale forwent an ...on at Mu porter. There will probably ha ri earl, anti. @snare from Pod.; le add ta toe Clove figutes,. paea of which has Orme. sines the reeciets were ao of • led. waddle tact week —[Detroit • Censance (I Datiativaac 7 Them were e oared at the Blab:neve 'Casten! llouse,.(ri.ba fiymigh L ora, dor- Inn the re oath of Jane S 9 vessels, thir. 5 salvo,: Luke, 15 brigs, ard :sceperiets; of these In were &mow. and 13 teeelgti vessels. 'noire carte elearril for Gtr el4wport, ilt• ring Ihh SAME Ivriol. l 9 sbitis, bboas. 31 lii•gs and tt versors , --svitti as aggregate Ten and navigated by 417 lle• twit 'Ale 'of the feaslgn nrainut folio Beni more. daring, the Month, %sod arnin, goods (0 the Tear of 87.1,1010 (or •Sin Fronalai• o tie receipts by the Condoms, from the lit Sul.. 1,49, loth. Ugh June. ldran, amonnted m the snot of 82.i0 ezelesiao frea, and show 'a veil/ deed:dinned., over for OT 7C/11, an bd 'leen by the following statement: 4r.r We fiscal yo,. toiling lone 01,19.1.9. SW7,5= 19 do • po, do •do do toln, a1n9g97,13 •• Oa' de ' do' do 'do 1117, 75.1,41' du . • radii fltringt 'present the gratifying fact shut the gado and commerce of oar say cro steadily on tho insmain—filiddritart, DItT Gooos,Teave.—The follow/0g uldo. will 11110 v toe ~alne of tUn Aij . Good. entered or nonmsnotion end warehousing at Nis, York, and those witEdriwn tram werchanro; daring the Pest week: . for Withd , ern Dn. for ' • " ... ~, , nor6ocup.: from 1.Va40. . ' ~.. . uon. . Wotan's. honsl6. X111111(glOrti or c t o to n l, '.62g , ~4 1 , ; : !MI L 6.4:,:..1 T... , 1: .1 0. ' 4 *. ' 171 . , 6,044 6 457 rla4, 64,447 C 44414 7,440 Aliscollaetelro, .' , . 77,t35' 4044' .... .: '' Total, 677711 tr 2/ . ..tp3L $10),1 , 27 Suis• TIIA OS —The (La.) Thinner gays "Ths pariah mad., tilt and season 214.71 t•ft.. &lead.; ,gar, and Saaut ihe'OZZAe. meth sal . f bri •of tiolaase. The walle efahis is !At wen ',non oft million end a knit of 'dollars. finish of the sugar, If not by far the h.4..;N:onorticolb le shipped C. the Eattern Slates" itaatacoon. July B. I catili—The IG Illes,Cll on Monday fto4ll. d.Otat head ot V . ( which "de were raid to elly buiehent.63 werelefs over untold. and l tat were driven ao Phinaletnel s Prier. roneed'lrom 62 33 in the hoof, e over mai to 63 ati 7, net, WI/ aaing thlat3 grovel: e' , lOgO—The naleOlan tot:hied tattle retairfrode, and atte eano:9 is nothhe for the demand. Wo quote ,rapt Sato /33 ; PM °cutup:el nig . LbelNlWendt, ti ree eq . and Cs. poinion litisineu, at' No 1n7ib0rdh.1,7.P.50..-.4y1 " • L'5_CL1.K..11 , 11,50:., AD lELEAT/C-11n7iiiiii ...ores of o• • ten; bra 7 breath Miy.b, carob lied to u neglect of the teem, Iv Itieb tartar t• slow(d to en el a te upon them. nod eaort hoarhoarr,ll.note.lL L MI ItCo bretth coon - rail, other tyl re than Lad. tail LI, f. , 11 1, .,,,n thua xi:octet! only her from e. C/...Zia:op te , or ttleb buoy thO , I owe •liroluirly thingrct.nhle eYerr arm the! utLirench. 1111.1:1 4 11.1,14, ,lie rilfr. • 11111/ L.lll for lord AL.O ' 0A1,T0.3711 PASTE ia net only n. re nfed breath. btt oreyent we reed, oral nims rontUCedill.Ok And ...el to Cie tenth a briltiadt "baton.. chart:nal it odni u.l by ell trice. tale perm . no to be one of tbe grekleel Sower:in. signora known:nod highly apprOYed by nil Ont . ben, Drpols as e dentifriee. p The enil& c el.jem ion toit. non u hdrelotere hie beer 'the Winn:lay of rein tIC it oureintid firs froal-e6IINI pertleten.• The. PLitfr/CD 1:11.111C041.1. T. 30 1 -11 I'ASTE entirety ohnned LW. ilitteury, nit the coil from w inde r , formod pord,r ton., burnt' lit an iron' Cyl and reduced- to or tnaparitible poordri. • The othar ingredient of the noel, ...hear nneemed the animal...ln/ of ear tad l marelrfletDental Sam:nails, sod are rill bone Lein It their elredtot 11Y the art of Joie. P.ty lime.' Ca,,eyno.] .r.ear Poole, the ono. dimolnent leetrrall, in • short tin:Partneri. , imarly tltenanY Alien brilbLeCirm•nd b-alflf • i • JULESIiAUPI. Perfumer and Chemist, " • •• An/ trinstritit street, phila Per nate whole -trio and retell. by 11. A. Pohnottoelr Co 4 and a, K Sellers, Potchole nod Juldt Ste. tvv, Len(' Ir'n• r -71irc ,- Lau i kliek:7l - 7 1 Plo al ',11...,z,f .vt, , ,,, ; per,..t..,,,,, b. A ti.:ItIA9oN k Lit, ere ro•o. preperc ' e ;o oCer I .C1,41.,7,17,b1ir tkintr inna;elll.ll.grit by'the late t , ;: . • •.%:Isreria. ,j'f,t3,7 P , ,, ,ftuind: . .. .. , i - C• . 4 , il.trzna • . r"4. . , .t. , 4c; fereitoro ao :to : ~,,,: 3 - th ;;: v FjoAx "1,, , •,c . , ,0.0„„.„ m0u.,.1r l I. IP I - I ..,1: 4-1 4.,.:.,"1',.',7..`:,,°' .1" ..in 11 c.i ti=.o. ~ I, q , . 4 , 01 prier. COe..lielto ei, ..;.. '" • ''''''."'" 'p.,,-. t:l4.7.CO'ri:ri;.; sloiitllo;':;;,''(.,'“""''' e'"'''. To . ther with ~ . ..U.m.117 le r....: , on,i; r . N Rata '" 1 l'cit:gt liaoal of u Treat rt durtt, rcene l'o ' rele W rii & e n e ' e I /ttl I ;7'17-1, -7. . . Mrtr—There wtro 3 lea a:Utiles ha chmilue', by Intubl rza.koaat evening at duit,asbl falling. niie ARRIVED. eter. bi.ke En Cl t. atk.ElrAnytt.. FIL.W.II. Peet!let, l!DintheiS. Atlantic , PAtkitma, Brultattille. !Baltic, Joelb; Elmorn!stint.. Denver, (innlnn, EA aver CAmdc!!. Ilem3nrkton,,SlclittanAn. }not trior;ht ny. Chaffee, Glut gow. tl Adams, -A, St.L.rmie. _ DEPA irrnu. irlehigan; BriAt, Beaver: Camden, liendtitk‘on;tiltEottrAnl. Fttluot!, Pee 1 ,1,6, isenbt, lAtlt !nit, PArktnk.ll, Entintsvlllt. Iltztvet, fionh.m. lit%yttl ro.4ilit!thet7 4:141IIrr. /m/t.! Erie. Citric. Wurer. clnderAllat, Iltslttt. lVi thin l'ern. Blum, I.ou!svElr.• • LAmtel!, Purr.,, elnualusatl. 110AT9 711M4 DAY, I . l EAVER—YourMogbeny, t . ta. SIiNTI.MI—WeII.• WHEELING—Ionian, In i a CINCINNATI—Z hary 'Taylor, 10 n. n. WILL:KLING — hentucky..l9.A. M. Iron :!rrit AND neame Wellsville, sill lcuYe abr;re. this Jay, at RI, 1.. N The fine Firmer Zachary Taylor .rill leave for Can etn.tetf this tnorrAng, at in, A. M. The et ,- ,lightdrilegla stem., lieiueky,,l:;c, for Wheeling thia dar, nt to, A 3/. Tlic fine ntcatucrloninn,;;lTTenvc for Whecllng this tley, at 1%1,M. .RIVICI - 1. • BFAVF,R—Psx Aromas—l cock wool. Wet Bar ker, tool paint S Martin; .4 do do Ithodca .t Al ec: h 14 empty tile Ms Oil 411 Wine P C ;bo a 11' Ilarbougb; I bolt wort tc , s J nirlt • son; Lx; cbccie Stewart & Sill: I Jul baron 1 Lei 1 lounge and trautc. mints Wirt 1 2 eCandlc, .; 23 bora oat. D l hutolley; potash .Cooper; 11 Eta wool S & aV Harbor:o; 1,1 , , L Loolete; akaraga some; 75 boxes cbecac 'net. wool 3.0 Caualte7; 2.5 elteenc coAkonabc. 111 Canfield; eke:a:Omni, Wick A Wean:Boca; 20 dog brooms; 32 aka Wool, J C WHEELING -I%a C/NUF c, , .,-55 Sts wool Bell A Liggett: In do do Win ilorgkoit.; 3/ do do Chark k Thole; .2 blbo tobacco D Leech & co, 15 Oda pop bottle. Dialo t &.o; Lour 011 card I boo bo ron Brown 0: fisrkpatricli, It: bitls paper II A Fabric, :voek & to; ^ 'll,llltl 2.0111, Ic Sancluir. 1.31 brio Pow Artnatroug h Cruz, JO el. hams A Woillow; 1;k: pc. boron Jo. McCall), 131 WI. wrapping paper, L! I . Mort:hal:. 1.111.115-I'xl. J 14 Anakt,4 bale. deer eking aci tore V. U Ilionw • & ttrotber: Ilearlt• 1 bet !twat Da bell & co; et wool D T Alorxnak 1 box nohe : 11 Leoch & co: to AFT twee 1 lark wont Win *yang it erg bole. rob, A Itc,ill; 10, roils rope 4 4 el, a typem“ Woekbarni 12 lola bustle. Clark lc M2O. cerdle wod. 3 , l'm Bin!: Ito: 1 car rroutet Teatte o & O'Connor, ul at. bill, Lag. W t 7 1.1 . J1 11,10, ft Forsyth. Ntea f100t..13 Vnuitgi IT ga, J.. 8 Watergsni ; jl l i t r ;L: Lout vemsoit Lama, J Ginn. LIFPX II4BOLLA/1011G. .7. Finney, Jr., A, of :ha Pates. Life litowoolte Co. of Phila. otm!;.:4.f.t,l,te,,‘,l,:egJA,l;..trrulec Company No. Pamphlets, Will, II nerersnry tnlormabon, and blot forme Will be innished. Itusbandn raninsnre them bees for the bettaLt of n tr ib wirer nod children; eredonrs the :nes of net, ...ebtorr. .The whole prrats of the .Company ere dirtied annng. the holden of Lire 'ear. The nvidendn of thee pet two year. bare been rich ly peree. Leach Irer IL. Ai. CUNZEINOIIAILI, WIIOI.FS !lA.: GROCER. Produce. Forwarding, nita Cninnii., on I%lrreliunt, rind Denier in Pine burgh :11nuniactui..s. do :.'..'`9Lrberl7 Pa taaa notice :bat they will be rewitired to pay treigbt at our icarehoest, accoriblT to the receipt, heroic the goody ate remobeth C A AIeANI , LTY a. co i!! TO Dow! , BUILDERS. 100,000 feet ' , yawned Dee/ 100,000 ire; Coal Sere Siding Teen le ,y ROBERT. Mc 1,\1611T, /Wane, a[' Lave, fectin IS AMERICAN HOIjSE, nonzitm Lownv, proprietor, ral:ec elvtarclliZsdaN.qurer, fa fES}III.4 STAGY: OFFICE-Tau Daily U •.1.1.re. , 0r int East and Weal; Woo tae Itedtaril Siege 'eavre Lis boa re. BIDWELL & CO PcIItINARDING GIELLOIIAS Tl 4, Gl.zsgvir, Pa. (Nacti:A . .. Feri, Posi oz , :e ppd Mama penti•teentle Itte-alett cu t Met teat e,.a net. e übeta/nual Wharf om, we pie p , c;.•td to rt. and forward promptly to all poittuott Mc Hem to'd :mode and Peavey or tw o ealteu. I,t • tlevenw, Jore IS . . Dr. 'J./F10ri0...4 Soros parlllo, or Indian Panacea and Blood 4 . tayltlar, AS been ....entirely awl 1. , r .23 year. by the Lortor inan cyteuttive prir....or, anti is cent . .- Jena, teCEP=I . I,II J to the pabliC (or the cure o: ali ibipaiiiira of !Lei blood and arnera . i otioybo. cold, tirourbilii. er, oil. ei g .eleple,ownylainv, ti u crial di - .e vet. oloor., Novas, Cl troptbor.a..i,Li-4.- cor..rof telirr,av, hirer ocioritainta, in abort far an of ibe it holly Yer-labi,. and may lir taren tooter any 71”. r:et rifeir Pr. aarrdby Ooall:El. KROAILIt, Bain. Ald o ' ro• arbololiale ted retail. by sr..u.Eas. je." - Z.7 Wood .1, l'itilAaryli • 7ln) lIITEDS oder. ,",", 1 oilidera ot ktaliebra.er an° wiriliity tao a: Maar:m.ler. tertro,liotily atiove the alarm,- " - . itODIKS ff 000/CS .(1/ Bator,' Liter. 7, Depot, Tklrat Aarre(.l,p,,..ar I ONDON Art Journal for Joni, 14 hitiql'a L,o.r g Aar, No lat. Ifol.tro's itolar Magazine for /Or, ID.,kwood 'or Jane. .The Valrs erdlOfS, or the Martyr. fly Drace Arialla - r5 - attrir o r /loa!on divik+proro, No 11. Pictorial Pi, li! nook, No 3. David Cupp, rficlil, Nolan! Ilaidinr Ord.- Fix ato in,the OlAnd. . ._ . •e '. Undreamed IlllddllPfF3.o invite dot attention 111 of buten Co thmemeple rupe3int Irian lAnron, and Pure nes, Er:cloth:lg R (an parr.. aura Trnal/ty Bonnet Linens. They have Cm receded a supply or llthintne Marlins of a opener fahno, all of leheir will he sold lon, oa. and 'oor tar.. tfURI'IIY suncurn:LDLove i eceived a large .LY.L crap:lineal of Lobe and Victoria Edgings aid force.; Loner work Thread do; 'robin iry do Valenciennes do ; Boise rod !amine! Eking r; , • Internam Figateil and plain Netts: Gillet Blik do r &e.— , toaribieb they vie die adention of lovers. rid barrels Fanner. it Kirks,xile brand, r received . and for sale by lt 3 tl rely YIAII.I3.IUri/T Q sim......„"nEnarriG-2.74 I.us nnt, reed and tar 1.) u/!// , hY ' 1.43) A h. W DAll3out/D ._ ____ ________. —.--, SODA ASII-10 cuts super/anon aim& for sale .y /3/1 . RA: W_IIARBAUGII B ACON—So hhds prime Phan!den; 10 bads do Sidei4 bads do I tomq teethed on eon.im• =ant end fqr fiy3J SA W CURED DAMS onto. rani on cooßial tJ for by 431 & rlf/EtZE—Sn bx• prime Citaln Ch.est: 113,01.. P... W. It. do for sale by • 11 - ILA RIIAtIG/f IYI7 !:11110:4, nr.orled wires reed MIAMI II b. shelled ia.tree'd male l.) .1 11ARL1A UGH -1(X/ laTr - ca'd and eftle 4/ SIX TWIST Tot:ACM-41 tent Nn I.lurt landing and for r.lo bY )311 lIA ADV. JONES &CAII V RD—IS kegs freeh, reeclved w olit :Y1 Pecon NtTON d et BB9ple—:.10 dozen for role joloosT,:i 4 W II pIiOTATOE3-110 bow store and far sale by 1. H 3 IV H JpfltisTON f( EU nurrita In ftore and for fide by Ilk. 11 3 IN II lIOIINSTON i Ilfdikic—iiiiii - ajo - llio, iici ' Hive inr rale by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO I pi%Vie., nlvl Yrnnt .t ________ 1)A C:ON-1 eis•A Ont.; 4 Arta Fide.; frJ e•tio POooldeo; A.oorted, raml vlinr, from ,earner Milton, fur • ale Lf ISAIAH DICKEY k CO Water and From ca. A I.Coool.—a'pill. oral, for pole byLi A FA/M.:STOCK CO - 173 Co:. Mot A. Vinod A It 11 ink C. k I,t,'• No I (nr arlr I II A PAIINIZST4,I: (I. 00 A 1.77 . 17111 L—th. rf. , t;;;;l i • i li , :rw s l; r ll l , ; I !" - . 1 11-1 1 VLSI:I-3/ .... v . rid hrk• ter "is' J by 1:11 11 A FA lINEsTow: c.it - • IT emilu I.era Lila do; ' uY.r Pol.& • • • bola l'allum• otar tots Meese: • Fite and Water piar f 110 burhela l'o:etorra; r• fn • :faro an!! fur Oal. by J • 17: 1 . . • JUP At No Cbq .Libetty sterol. • 1! hit. Boaters Cold Writer Cray iterx; 1,1 lab, .In Boller Dive art, brla nn Man I:1volt • 11 , 1001 A 11UCLLIF.4.& 10 (.$ HEN Cif EI:PFS A ••.0 . 011 lot'of Catlike t.l" t received aan for pule by Whl A rILeCI.O 1111 & 1,2 Li Liberty nt Ac.,N .r• II GRANT, Water street t / 4.A0144.31.L.:1.—1iar barrels PIA 3, 1,41 , 4 interring, vn I very Lee, no arrive, and for •at&by . • C A Me ANULTI( A CO 11% (lanai Hvalv. MIDI! li.•.nrdift. a 11, l'oar Of lite.r.gtbr u to Nlsttron ot. 11, NatlCaut e,Aorli City Metro! Te.t,tria.lah. clattneler ill I.e • SppliCaliom n, ',e.t.a.. at: 1 ..8 , n on Fenn!, t.r• - • al '2 o'vzork P.•. 11. calla Um 1:4.14 05 Mat, of the nraing rosommee. JARI:11 yl tißtSll,c.coy nntl nt • ti.rdsan., etit.bur,h iely BMNI=E= - - . Tile :Weather. Of the IS.. net is the Poor of Common Pleas, yeeteiday, to testify their ,respeet for the memory or our late lamerted Freaklent, .C - eneral Zmhaty Taylor. The meeting organis; ed, on motion of the lion.Clixrio, 6halir, by re appointieg the offieera ailo previous day, Judge tYleCluye, Chairmen, and Wiaimn McCandleas and Caputo Rohe.; Pener, Mr. John ❑. Mallen,. ehalraiso uf the commit• Ice on 1151111110.1101, said that the member. of that cotnnutiee, is dm hula up their pro teetliogs ou'.a abbject aelab ttaliett . Ohole ballot] to mourn, had hopi m tot.. t 'ate, ring of the citizens to be held In the (Dort Haile e le moirow (1(m) often/of. They had, th trelota, refrained from entering on the suieeet at it non, and he hadbut a Innen re% solution to oirer, on to:1010C "It has tri,•tard the Supremo Miler of the Ile:• verse, to ...ill hence Zsettary Taylor, Presutent of the trwred States!Howlng in humble submiation to the 11 71te Will, but rmaroing thin deportation by wltrat u whole naran Laker.; soddenly call ed upon to lament the death of their cho.en chief tan, no eminently rietionufshed m it, military no civil :wane of bra country, as arrest r a ,on r: calamity—Me members of the users! Courts of Allegheny County, do hereby teanlve that In token of their respect for She memory of the ih lustrionideceased, they will adopt such badge of coursing as rosy be determined upon by 'mil el low citimns and the constituted author.tics o! the country." . On mean la, bay re: )lotion araa anvoraatie ly adoptri. Mr. Mr-ton, tt a touching manner,' announced thy, et Menthe:, orate Bar, they itrere called on to mourn another event. Mr. Gouge W. Llyol one of their moot esteemed' brethren, who hod been a ne , 911.,0r of his for the pit ten steam, had died lost WO% C.er ash., inoe• :as twist , hoots, dr•atioo. He would move that it,, Member,, of the Bar who were then prr .thottM to deo theme:lves into a En cling to trice our h ac 'oh r wrt tintog Jn thia onel.rholy or. 'aim,. The motion van cerandcd 1•y the ILmorable Goonesl .haler, and carried. ' • Meru,. Mabou, Lltoraltno, en neck were appointed by rho Chairman, corn ittee to Jr..; resolution* expressive of the netts of the meet. inc. Mr. George I'. Ilautiltan, a. o committee had retired to premium its retort, raid flat mourn. tot events were crowding fiat upoh no. It was but yernerdir that the Membei of the Sur had aseentbled to pay honor to tho * mighty dead. A soldier whets fame woe coextennive With the world, had left us forever. A bright light had been evineturbed. Thf• demanded our public empathy, but we worn now called on to, mine), our private grietesi•h our public rot.ows• He bed met Y.:. Lays.; on the evenirg h.(ore death, end ober red nothing nominal In vile sp• yearance. Ile rtemeti to be in geed health then, but e r day the totalas of his death were ogress tbmad Mr. Layne we, on honest, opt ght,nons arable man, red the richttect nib's own ..n• tuner 117 perreserMg industry he had raised himself to en enviable atandlug it the Bar, and his lore would be deeply felt by hi prolamine' 'l , :ttbrem thls sad oven! had stopped here, there might have Wen snow entwolatien Car ho mends, but he had to; behind him. a large nod young family wit no one to lean on, now :that ttca prop F.sd been taken niway.i Alter express. leg the es rem in wl , ch Mr. L viva field, by hie iirefessi mei brethren, and the anveral Courts or A l •eghew. County, Mr. Garniltort itch he seats Judge Meal:ire observed that . Mr.' Ltyng bac certainty enjoyed the respect and teeniest-, or ihe Court in neer, bah degree. He had e , to hint hint on are Wharf, going , ne he o.lr. L) told bin, on a t.ipof mingled pwatire and bounces Fa flab South. ", It was • trip o r pleasure indeed, though a had , nruanated so fatally, sine: he went ,o lee has eyed father waom hn had ma s:eu for sari yenta. :Go one was prepared for tai* to, arc snceh. When n Lorin had been risk for come let that miner el Ina mends became familiar 0:15 the idea: tut hero elekteta nod dealt I..er, merged id.netaer, alit be red tidings camsvi h the rapider, of • flash of lightning,. This was the iburi menthes orate !:it who bed been cut ed lately in the ends: of itotkoefuloyo, nod htu care reenaled an amlol wara4g.ficemilog to toy cr also •cady; fur the eart.ayef:ta . a7,orgat 1311 orcnrto a- NOTICIC, Tee If oaorc'do Charles thater writhed the pro eeti.tßs of this ittelcatr enierodas the rergres el 'ha Court. lie thigh: teatcal: I tot , there were pc. c :lilt; ritcu:ty:au• es c2nneeted to IL the tlct.h of the' r latoccted c.c.d mad tcc.ther: The de •caved bait din ret, 'fled i Int 1 . 11-4,:c had ,nr.e to •d tt.r aged fart,., wnern ttel had 1 . , arch ,nee he orno r - . noon )rot n PC , . He had orttla tic iota, tltr-n of Itringrm trot to .ern: Ivo door •n the bosom of hts fruotiy, and toil n feet titles alter bra rotrm. Jootio t4tot!or Mon pre - •do warm ocean II r. t.e y?rtt r of the deceased. Co!..:113e1 en:d that air. Lagoa Lad died of a torrinte engem_ ',eon:Meted While performing one of Mr Mtlytool 4aliet man ' , cid do on es•th When, in the Olden Time, amulet hie and smote. nod the dares of a burning city, n'ann era* teen er‘rying upon his beet hie eyed fatht-, the old An• chises, hianame woo commemorated in tong and story, end he. memory became immortal. Oar (rend end brother bet ha life in a enenewhat aim. itae trepanation, for be had brought it, father th.ough the divuorlng pestilence, safety to neercet home, but ah! in doing eci, he In: h own life.— It saes. bat yesterday that Mr. Layoff wan toll of he and light as any amongst us. To day ho to (lop!, so quickly do bright things fade But attic how pie:mans will hit re. diary be to his family, for! the reco!ieetion that their head had dacrificed his fife la perlorming the duty of aeon to his father, sail' ever he To teem a eanctified fentembntoce. Tee toPowing let 31114i0r1 were read and adopt d: We mourn over the death ofour brother, Ge3rge W. Layag, late a member or this Bar. With hie f un iip we mingle OUT 117ITOWN. end from heads fall of arid send them oar eympatSy. file professional career wee honorable, and dim- Geo/shod, and we all, with ono accord, beat wens mony to the noble virtues which marked his life and cilia Met. Tbnt n 411111100,1 his funeral In body, rod wear, to token of respici„ the uncial badge of mooratng for tbiuy days. Ileso'ned, Test these proceedings bo puh'lrhed, and that the sovcral Courts of Allegheny Coen', 1,9 MILICAtOd to tiger them or. their reeo:is On motion, it oraareaelved that they be publigh mile the Pittsburgh twirlers, and that the csiten teo be directed to need • letter of condolence to the family , of the decoction. On mot on the meeting adjentned to meet in the C,nrt ROMP. ono boor before the letteral. Unman arazaa Csacuir Cot sir.—The palled S:atcv C•rcult Court met yce:erday, Judge Irwin , an Ole Bench. Tha wholo en./ waif occupied by the argument. for nad twain,' an injunction to reattain an alleged inaingment of Ito patent of Woodweirth's Plan tig Marh!no. This was the r.xon.l gait of tha And ':aught Caring the ptaLeut week. nail 'we underroand that veveral o:bete will follow. .I`;,n decision has been given es yet. F— olefin of lire, ycal r, end certain rate J. for Hazer, Seines, Cars, Sore and.letlireed lyyey Cul", Wound., Erubtem, lutlanimatory Rheumatism, Swellings: bombe., Semi taipplos,Broken Breast, Salt Itheem, old an' inveterate torts, and all cutaneous and ind , uniatory manatee. • • • • • • DEW ENVELOP': AND BOXES or mucry • .ENLAIIGKI) SIZE!!! ' - • • ,••• CAUTION. Con titerfelts of °ALLEYS EXTRACTOR iilthentA wassets trod the market. Mutt them us you Would VO , POIT:: By buying me article in the IVE%V.l)fuvs you avoid the danger of being imposed :pun by.coun lerleile are !trill, or getting 11, 11411111.11 e ., /gate" tuoretrer, near SO per cent on the average. 'Onlisfork. to Dealtrt. • Gross imposition Is 'practised upon Dealers by en scrupulous operators, who put op the ecanterten 'tug In a counterteit °film old 0 11.prti,nilzeit*th u law Poses of dreguine in each amen, and :thus egret it for sale it red en eeed pricer This sax" na:Chei luau) deniers; hat the confiding., Innocent enneunter Nebo uses the spa Sons aniele, pays the'peaalcyl ,Sutiertne,, pain, unsight/1 'cars tied marks tesultmg Item centre hares, wounds or !Ore., er( 4/nee Ines 'of I.de Well; ere the entrenurnees: - • Ca •e In o Intortitlng yr..; of the leell severely burnt'und Injured Surer.. 1,1 at tloizte dlkarnette 'lncur; t•••nct;or.K.v: ' I'LL:SION, In New rork.sstit' shortly he published.' Alma thn 'NEtV ENVELOPESiche L.\ RCE ES, and tqIIORIZ Alie.PerS!: (15 - Sr e the New Ci routers for ISZO, Atari ii,. ay meet.: guano Item dress,-the Triangle, :7.elpeni, Lien, Sun, 0.11/c,und Eagte, and IL Valley's vrtictit ' , comers. • • 's • mr•A‘fo.., do ter tad fraud, and turf Dulley , i;tc.:. laic:ter 041 i, ill the 111.V.14e9. and taiga Imam. It. IMI.1.111"; 410 Broadway,'Nem York. . Ration Pecutyalrz.; AileghenyGriieCal Tontoh - Agont, Pitwbuich, ' .Plstle:The nantes'of Deaner" who pWierho in th s4ire, pen ofze,front itiaei.lkitc,PfpncliteA 64, It er,fteet )eI ilathOrft r.ll Ageltle,rlll4:JA4ll eAlaperl,asartlt totht-initlla tkiktl 6,14;i : - a 701,0,11101, **: pi TAlLJoiptuAnTori.ptetarri.v4 ?.. i1..iti , ...r riug: ink, .a. ni like - ". . 1 4._hi . ,,,, n ir troxi• on rdma,d cr e, dry, c `cT. r iP l `,:riree 1 "I 'l/r " lf l' i llr n"Mi r S-Pr '''' N* 07 gte , VIIIPP.: Tt,' ,4 ' 4 ,!.; o.o%.,Ara*npt 131:11ITING •,• ••d0..,44,,,pg4.,,,,,J15.-.7 • ;0 r op. do Orra, %.11 , 0 So Wootk*pollftr, , - )da 410.• rum • - • ; relo • I 9 SC 7 ; t n4 . .1131144 4:14t3j • Vs/ do Vloe do Settevir. , :do '43 do - do do"- 21131; snorted wnp~lpl~ o. Veh 1 1111019 / J? lido 4Y * JU" 'M la )Y9 0 4 • • , . , liner Li LE • BEA til •.. ONG before senucty, ere ,en female. 'enneiited,r A land the chanteys of darneleiiort. stud , brighine.• I the eye; of 1 coach not 'thirt,v, yeare;;' d e l e IT! '" '' la 11,,T:0.h0i th -aennibre7neo,l7,efit'itrit.°l:47tir:l7 res,dte in an'grevated ', . "- nostiturier; and a Itala of • FrIALr COMPLAINTS ‘ ol ich can oh 'be removed, and the shatlered corr.., stintion testa d, by Sonic end acitia,cregicine.- v. here tante end alterative prePertim ore . salted to slender and d-/leate r onitationt •A . • . • Chrtemnavt, May 1050 Dr- D flotire--ticroir—VOr nearly two years Tr wit:. b ast 4en mad. Ily den'ining .withisot oies•c--e sysertui„ , 're nal ....M. general de• keel eseiVienal sto,tyr pan. ed. f rfirliVil*Yt3it , , fentlY Physician • nreechn g len we:thee vre-oldn.l,o%',fiT's:e'rff,e'Pl 001., permadedl her fairy Dr ,'S' D 'flowe's Slater. • Stila re nPnrillaf Douce. egninet her win) and Sharige. stor:sumeitsg,rc,l,3llt, ezd.by the congest leo Cl it . d.--g,., tilde., her !health :was, vo..t enjoys ' sound end. 'alle/ pit tned. and,shs: near '/JderaUtintaneve r yea for restoring toy wife to health:an roun d I taint cheer. fully reel:amend your trul Jr)SEPI y valuable Id edlelne, . Broth at, between El BARD and lyestern•Row - ' De sure andAyorfriyer tk.s• DltvyrasinErk BARBA PARILI,A.' and into no other. This • ... only Sarsaparilla that:no:eon the I.iver,Unincla end Wood, at toe -eaten titne,•end hence is Menne eft- W oo and to s. t'• • - For sale by . I .'A:Janni; J. Seheetomiker it Ca, W. Warr, IL W' Means, J. DI. Townsend, J. IV.Jackaoll, A. Ittlint,Alley.beny Oily; W.; FL MeGieiland, blanch, sterr ! , .Crocker: Drowns. Ville; and by .D/1. S. D. 1 10WE,Ic CO, Preyniers,.. •-• dawleT • I c seine, imeuxree" -thaw 1, urgeuvEgi - • • Fr tar Me Vegeta/le ro sc"ri Ann.*, Dr. GuyirottllS leaftraca of Ydlom Carta conampt,oo, 888 prllla." lumn ,pitilis,l'aernpsy. piles, ecurvert effile'lloon the bled*, nod kidneyeLl to antldiantech cue apt burners ; rtish 'of bleed to the .head, 'fever and sgue.fernalc ceinplaints, general debility, Aly•pcp am, rote at appetite, headache, cold,, costiveness,. parot, ith, swerte, , . ehelle, organic ~ a/reetioue, .. • g l af, , l l Lek ; o Z th . P'. Liles,pa i n, aWe Oder. 'llia infallible 'ln all arenas. atfriitg Sum en lm-•' Pure elate of the Itltied..Or.inegniar of the to- .` ; %, lid the Vegetable,Kingdorn, no Being hat 'dePallited plans and herbs: congenial Water cooed:O.:. . . Alone; and: adainedro be ettneef disease: nod loth. •", vegetable kingdom deice the 15110 P at manasswell ' the Ire - deer of ant als, tom teem/dotes ht . The Syrup Is a seientiSo romp hand of the moat raj nabloplanla in natva , entirely free from deleterious - and , edervating mineral mlatances; and gilt en* I _ disetthe from the system; Janette ran aril . .- , • extraerdinary, nese of Scrofula, Stye/reitrant! . • eels, cared: by Lao aOla• I,Aa. or D, clayantr e ri3e, ,• petted Syrup, Yellow Melt 4rtd. Sermon/11. • • . Dronaran, Nov. 17,181E1 Die. ' arvserir—liilit undr. say mare thank. for Vie great Innefit T have derived from la um of yrxr:' . • Valustils synth. I . have been . troublcd very bad wit • . a sernaleas actre,' ; which made' Its appearenee en nt • .. chin. '-f did 'nor pay touch anent= to at firlN ; on Sidg to be nottono bat an eruptont. leaf appear parser% fae theseb to inernager anDl 11pread :to too 4 th pun of ad. I appan I tis a phyeleirm, who ntrendedeue,rdl ten° purpose.. I had 'tried every thing that eonld tsied. I *my your Syt-::'1. low Dock audSersantrllla, and cencluned gus at e it for I bnew that Yellow Dock was one - soar v cable articles ho the world for the blood. .boa odour Syrup, and front the nee of one benSe, / r could sq. greet c hange in ray...ayelcia.,.. I,eentinaad,t... , to utaiti until I was a well men- I now feel /the a • , tied person; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free j,. • Dora There is not a queetion but the year newly discovered compound l• (ax seperhn " qriliTo P rtil l +L 7 L ' elt ` y . o ` o r r 'dVtdiointl publieh if like, and nap cue yen ney rear to me I shall. he hap. • py to playa Went all, the information I can about my • else, tot. remain your obedient servant, • Guiana G. Jormant, • • • Il3brarket 'treat.. ;• • Ti.' hest female •nedieine known. :Tha - Extrueot Dock and Sarsaparilla is a pesitive, speedy; , and permanent env for all cotoplainte Incident to ' li on alterative. roportiei render it peiarl ' applicable to th e slende e r mil-delicate masticated, of y • • the kmage. It is unrivalled lit Its ants. upon one! ' , lnmates as incipient consent/Qin: barrenness, /we' certhosa, or whiter, irregular nentitrantion,,ineenti. name of ono ad gentratprmtruao of the system: It iron edlatery'eennteructs that, distrnsing temente , nes. and lassitede m cannon. to the female fame, , and imparts an energy and buoyancy la ea/pi - wing an that' eta gractith ‘Sl•fr have evidenneoff Ide which . istduceal es strongly to .theoustaand this mediae to manic' people who have cot been blessed with • ; . Pints:me . . s Userd or Falling of the Womb', of fire • - years', standing, cured by Dr. Guysatl's Entree: at • fellow . Deck and parsztparalm, atter Grery'll:b.lll knovtrl remedy hod. been erred withoottralics. %so:moron, Ohio Feh.,dfily. • , • • 'rids iterpirs that' ray wart. eged yearthltoe ye •-•,• been fa:forme ander the aLoset .complaint for yews—nearly - att'o: that thee confined to her hed. -- hcso furls. years COTISLUntIy crap:o7.lth° besSined , lend Carrot :au could be nkr .1 - e4 Cm section Of 12 , 6 • eoantry,Wilhool.sny It•tited what:Cop I'hase iteo o u ts teary hist:antra% recaccrattndcd.for the ears Cfsach discrwescal of wtdch. proved towirthleirs -'• the spring of 1.C42,1 twam huldrad by.nly,friends • •.. to try Dr. Garrott's. Vella W Dock. and Sarsaparilla, orble/I:w4e . Oad carlour months. Abet sholail nec4 • 4 for shout•nroS-waeks. it wee c‘ident to ail that site _ • seas tc4tultulkii-n4frout thlr auterato improved INP 04.1 0/awl ll:sh and :strength; omit lie duces. wee onlirso , cereosed,arttshe:• t o now• cidq tee toast t.itectent 1 . • , I- We Lvl:g nkhlitont.of Ifni.. and t , J lid Ittonfoit, -: • knoW Chet the oboes CIZ..I6:LcIII, to. tin sicknes. at •. • • hire. 'C.lonfort, end. sr to It, note' elleo • ted try. 'trod JANE EDDY, 'Gursott's'•l7ealocr and Serraparilla.todat , • ; • 13ADA.11 . Groat Caro of COwinompUova . 114 1 11..0:4, Jimuary 2.184 f. Aft. TleanettDeur dirt Tric mat benefit which I • have de nvetrfrom your Extant of Yet/ow/loth and. -• 7 Sar.ajmnlll,,adoces :de,. un Got Of Janice, =al" ," the funoseinr,statemezt: - ^ . After warden fur two yours front pincral debility - - • - 6ich finally lerminined eruernmpl4ol4 I ...Rim ,. ' by my trmods nod physnluni nabeyoud iboind of {medicine_ .a.e a last Into; I was'indacwl' to try your 'll.nrect, and hosing y utol hot two bottles, ay- - con/nig to our d/reolidur, 1 nist entirely well. I would therefore. eanienlv recommend your ueenunie .'led Compound m Ino altnctr,l who, deslto a powerful, pleasant and os.na - your friond j ,hl. WAIT!, • None georaine onle,s putop 213 le,rae sonar. bottles, containing .. .quart, and the nal.: of the sTrup Dlown rr Wit.'t the Mitten oi-nrdurn of S. r: Bea. .; ntnt tin oauldo . wrintpek. erten II per bottle, or`' • ar beclesforrn • - I •., •. • ' - It Li , cold be J. D Park, domr, Or•rimllh and Wet.: not; street Cm rinnod, Ohio, Uenetil Agent fat the &milt and Weer, to whom milord-ors toton De address: . • Cann pro yErie, /Olson &Co., 1111tei:' ford; 011 n A Clemons, Crorsingsillin Abet T4Trell, Idonuose; lltrem 311.1, Towanda; 'Robert Roy, Wells.; , borer, Roderick, Callenshore; AVtlenz,Jr.., ' burgt,eamer of Market street tontine, Dionaund.. apl r 'atd&wlyu ' ' . rii •• :kIICI•110113 ellll ISZLN lan Chemical *cap seance a tree persetrabon, soda the wile tune malyftes, serene, and whitens the ,skin givintryt the levane and t eatuy of dllinisraii. Suave, fist.? Rases Ann Poets, sue won no only healed, but Cored by its use, as at least ileven .thysz. glans le New York know, who us. Ills sae/ Cram r, and firsd it uhfalling—as also la • Pretkes, Ihoten.ro,Ferertaa er any other'st rt'dia , • ease. The reader is - assured Wet thls to non puffed nostrum, es one trial trill prank . I ,eoald kou.. thereto et toast 60 'Persons e tired of • ' Sou /Isso,Sou Leasers. Sono and use it, aid the reader Is agate taunted k would gotergear With foe the abate unless:. knew/ to be' ail I stew. Those who are liable 10 '1 ' • Ceara., ammo, as Coarse Punt; "v 111,411 this . • etre.' ,tuty one aillietedwitYanyof the nbeee; nt atm. , • • Hat dlthases, will End this all and seen more (itJaar.., ble In stYptopirnioakhan Lugo. • . *. .• But, reader, the cases ace 'deeded with. imhations, end bel sure you ark for JONE3M. Italian CI canc.! Soap. Sold k 7 NEL JACILYON, *AO Lobeny. Wet, - frj- TIM al= 0 . 711 /111471Ilintlat hothaere repel sive than a bast; putrid breath, or dirk, yellow emu.- • .• ed teeth.. If persou hose thew it irtheu own hu11..., • they eyin, for two abiltinga, buy an andele •dm meet their breathpure and sweet as kis Spiry dir• It tures dist.. of this Glues, gaga) , or laldentlad, aed fertile Teeth his lingua-tied, teetering the tartars . fastening the teeth in We guess, and glean them ma. white as thessow ntapfraare.Nwsk: Such, reader, are we properties of Jotters LISO.De If - Tooth Paste, and, without praising It orentelres, dier what ohm of eat most regulable and scientific. Dar ties, Mr. hl Field , of Neer York,' says: •al have both used and analizedllua bear:elle/ and ini.. palpable article, (Jones'. Amber Tooth Pane.,) n can recommend it, pones-sine ail the quaiitentedent.... ed lbe 11- 4 Reader we canny no mato to comae:, only that )(you trith as oue yen will be well pleaar h is pump in th..antifal - hughsh China Pea , for ds rent,. Pold by the Agard, W.A.C.Y.S.CRSON, the Libel.: lyaweet, Pittsburgh. . angeuLtarT • ' are"ootanably emerge th a. theioite ' ;:i t itg ar l aihe acted quelle,e at* ae. heves o ; , Jomeasa eural lien. Rester:4lr t..; If they desee era , •ann.l, they usenet these higley rartr,talle trtiteast. who have tried Id— • • Mr. Geo. Bre , rat, 41 E 1 Ii New York. .81re. Matilde Metr Ftlle ay, rretiSlytt. Mr. Wm. d'oelphite.%haltd onebiter 'Yeq. r • _ Mr. Thee 31te'reen, Montour, le!end, hdtat Vidal:v{4l u.l.'..o.elem,lnte hr.. her stesethent tradterteaa;l.... ":" 1. And mete then a hundred ntheiv•slatc, thettrli • enemertilee, that it will foree,theatarr. start-an-4w head or 414, "flap it relecx etr,ttreurbert.ete_rr,-4„s_ reuurnbe re r( led 2 cutarefrNa . the rt 52., tAxt:lrs ,light,ltd, Or ttrdy halt note, a 'fine ;ext_loak, tee 7 ketylre ety, her= or olry bier re,eiryeeNsltuu -god ' .tcautird, very, very tong Wee.' • Pi SoSold by the Agent, WM. ItlCßEON4slorLlbitt7;.t,'' ld Pees 37§t 40.eetits, and.ene .1.1:11e. • ' r • ••• rvoiarty Yar' Ip ltit:woh•ebers over forte netehere ,porn, • Lets, situ, te in the ,2.eeon4, ed,ll-antin , '-" ;•11;13Nti)171 . 117t tt - ; i t Law, .o.4.sitollill4()ti.ae thset,rytterr..i, •• • vitr' • • 2 IROM.M.ON I'ZIEPAREIDCUAI.t..; +Arre eottierare herr fog htnel.r ~J erk, ' , to the alb/Liter, hoarse, how the ,o how rat- . 1 0tr,yellow,..and 1.10-tatty • irihra hp,aaa.hetarerttredchafV.U.lle-..:...a a 4.1,. t 1 •t" ; t•• under. h 1.1 bitumen, .;dat . ..dh . h , g - a t- :Aar, ti,thatut 0 J.c.10 • A We. rife tittp * Ared ecaviddlaG lir lott- ealt".ttltillS r?St'Al,lttlt IIITe. . ue trT. ~Altra•Va*-Q,laild'atAtallN.Tte,•,Aildr;4 aT 441gW } 1 4.4tlreor•byt.exenr,,kyar...r/iaAo:NL •'7 4 115 - 11 7! ft A . i O Wertyl''!s/'.Lq'c.4.,—ZEN—d-,l' %.a4 ‘WAi 4...- -. . • & ':''"'--• ~.p.ri,r4,,„ ,-,,,,?,.0R-.4440i,pT.> .r....„„. .y 1 ~, . r:4ll;.aPetttakTl 0.,iv1 6w. k . 5.T.14,1M1L 5.. , /.:•.'dr • 1117.4.1.17.. 1 • :•..114Vii?: . :all 1 0r.0.,.:,,,i reitiblexr.t.Azatv - I:ll * Ekdq.rstigarr.f;tlFlitiegrP,''Ll ; t nii:Aobloono.totenot of ' • faica—Tomthinmet, 114W:134.4LS ' Ir•CFitgivr Ja.utatex.; • kriiNgErrefr rt. isoist . ll. P . 64. 1 14/ ' ARI/111 '7'. . "1 tr at e 7 aat 9 Ml 4: • 41 1 E2!=i