The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 11, 1850, Image 3

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Wmatisolos, July .9, 1014 P. Id.
eueral Taylor,' Presideid of the oiled SUties,
'd and at half past 10 o'clock., .liis ci . th was calm
land peaceful. ! 7
The Vice President,. the Oabirct, the Mayor of
thecity, the tlstshal of the District, the attending
Physicians, and the family of the ['resident, =-
rounded his bed aide. - ' ; , . , '.•
moan's uvr,
Watuudaron, July 10t6 /
Wednesday 11 o'clock, A. M. f
Universal earraw priavailal Alt the prinlic'
building's are draped in Mick: Flags ate titi..
in at hell moat. 1!C0C,,1 and esdoess relgria!
The lag vaorde of the departed rtealdent were
DONE.MY •uurv-1-MY REGRET 13
All the . nue eller, of the cablnet:hara idgeed a
• Vrx.iieation t the Vice Palident, of the deceit..<
of the. rtcaidcat. Fdlinore replete briefly
capreasing his participation •in the Nation,'
The Vice President, io pettroth ottoonaeld th•
death ofthe Psesident to the Santa, and that bed
appointed 12 o'elack. M. lax Mr. Fillniere' io tab
ihe oath of °Mx, as President, in the Prodded°
bath bonier. • •
No Cabinet resignations yet. : • •
ler rnried ex rill sirdy
,fir , ..leVa...:etta. .
tI Zen ge`recuArlNT-1,...
•,—...,'Wetre t l ' dttri ,T.dely 10. '
The l'resideet died .left 'night belnee eleven
"'md , of eaogalion the stouter -It and brain,
mdlik.dopericted ai • Lt , t, C'elotkoind ho &Patin
, tied sinking tilua;ly tiftibuth. -- The klarshel '
the District of Colambia tic* charge or the White
Ilouse, at eaten o'clock, the Vice President reriT
cd to his re v ridence at nine—not ;pre...emit,. the de
: cennl..l' bless* Clayton,' Preston, Meredith, and
others were present: hlr.t.tving.rctired, much at=
rested, at ha past nine. .
'..' :Senator Khan Protident of the Senate by tmani
mons election. . All legislitive action stopped in
The Cabinet will, thisanorning, communicate
to Ciirgrcsrs tic death of.Prealdent Taylor. The
Executive Ospeumetua are all (+llO. "The to
mains of tho President will be exposed in mate,
at the executiva mi./Sinn', until the day tarthe
ceral, which will probably be en Friday--
.Wsarrtrorim. July 10.
The Rev. Mi. Butter, Chtplaie of the Senate
delivered a meet solemn and appropriate praye•
in the Ileum of Represectitiges. The Ilalleftlie
House was filed wits sad anileoxious faces.
After as [Maral of five minutes, the Speaker
,took the chair. „ - - - ' ;
A message 1,7011 them. received from the 'lrani
Millard Fillmore. President, of the United States,
and read, as follows: : -
Wartime - rep Cure, .Tely 10, 1550.
Frnote Citizaw,rf the Snobs and anus of ,Coper
I base to perform theittelineholy duty Di la
nouneing to you that It bas pteased Aticlghly Got
to remove from this life Z ichary Taylor,- late
President of the United Sires. He. died lap
evening at the boor of half past ten o'clock, is
the Midst of his family, and surrounded by at
fectionate friends, calmly, and in fail possemion
of all bin fseulues. ' ' _
Among his lest w ords: Were these which be
uttered with emphatic disunetnesie ”1 have al
ways done, my duty-1 ma prepared to die.
lily only regret is for the friend* 1 leave behind
Ilsvinv anuovecitd to you, gentlemen, . I M ,
moat afflicting
,bereatre.atent, and atturing• yes
• that it his penetrated id breast vault domes
grief than my own, ii. remains to me to" nay,
that I propose, this day, la the House of ome.
etatives, in the presence of both' Bosses .o
' egress, to take the oath prrairibed by the Con.
a* tutioe,, fir enable mein enter upon the caeca
ki h of the oat= which this event has devolved
id n me. - - : MILLARD F11,4,5102E.
. 'Mr. Morse, is absdienee to the suggestion co
_ tattled in the melaneho/y atinounesreent, moved
that this House take a - seeten till 12 o'clock, at ,
which time the Haase will be in ;readiness to
receive the *at President, echo will Men
take the oath of office. , , , • .
Mr. Winthrop , lid, It seemed to hire that the
President. baviegftspremed his purpose to be
here atl2 o'clock, it would hardly be more that;
respectful to send a mnitotio by a committee,
informing him that the Housp are ready to re•
eclat, hen.
Mr. Metre accepted this mcidifittatiro.
Mr. Winthrnp . then 10.Ve , 1 the apr•intwerit of
a committee of three, to cts-eptcrette : With aurth ato
may be appointed by the Senate. ; The motion
WAS agreed to.
Mews. Winthrop, Morse, and Moorehead,
were epee:hied the Committee. '
The Home then look et recess until IS a'.
clerk. .
__ .
The Ilnau.wit called to order at 12 o'clock.
A mesuge oat mecttled (mar the Senate, that
they hed appomted a Cemmittee to wait on the
Oa motion of Mr. Atiktuuti, a. the Hume hod
previously passed a- wielder ruelation, it War
laid no tbn table. • .
- • ..
Judge Gemmel, of the, District of Columb'
came tale the liall;necompaeied by Mr. Muse
and took a war at the Clerk's desk.
A few minutes' atapsed, when the Senttsts cos
teed. The members or, the House Metived than
standing. The Sonaters were betted In the -
area fronting the Speaker's chew. '
. Every part of the Del., Ilsnr, and , gallery, was
crowded with ladies and geneenten.
The Preaidentof rho Waited &etas nest came
- Mond was reeetvcd standitig. • •
Me. Ellatore took a seat at the clerk's desk, and
the Cab'netTmmediately In lento(' it. . • .
Tha Speaker uid that, the oath or ogee would
then le adcalnicured. Aicordiesly,Judge Crumb
administered it. an rid down in the Constitation.
'and the President, the Semite, and the Cabinet se
The Message from the Preedent teas thee re
calved, and ;1111.1i es foIl)wle ,
Fenow Cities's , cf the Senate arid House of It
A great roan hes facts grammar, and ■ whet
community is celled men occasion of unexpected
deep, and general mourning. •
1 recommend to the two lions. s of Congress,
to Irdopt such measurer mite their discrelllM may
seem proper to perm's', with don solemnities, the
funeral &senates of 'chary Taylor. late Amid
di e t o f the 'Cared Ststea, sad thereby to signify,
the gust end clfectionate regard of the American
people, for t h e one whose life has been
devoted to the puLbe nervier-whom career o
mess has not been surpassed to urefulacen or brit•
lissey—who bad been in remintlimined by the
amorticited voice of On people, to the highest Mail
authority in the Goternmeut which her admits's.
treed wuh =much honor aril advantage to hi•
oomtaTr' end by whose sudden death so many
hopes of Were usefulness have been blighted for
. .
. _
To you, Barmier. lied Represealativets a the
nation I n Inn* t can say nuthisir that will
ate the sorrow With which fon are oppressed. I
appeal to yen Is kid ma, under the trying circuits. ,
stance. which surround etc, - in the diseherge of
the duties hew which, however much' 1 may be
oppressed by 0.12,141 m net shrink; end I - rely
upon Rim who holds in . his hands the deaden,
or nullohlilo bie with requisite =mph •
for the task, and to—ascii from our anititry
evils apprehended hate the heavy calamity which
flu befallen, it. 1 shall noA resdil y cor,ceir 1p
whoever measure the wisdom of the two flout •
may @tinges ,, h. tm't tl4 g thSo Seaov mrialiehol •
ocessitio. • . • Ids FlLLslolirs:
Washington; Jul, 10, 1650.
Estes were delivered on the character of tb
de«.seal, std
„Feriae ?mention ;newel: ,
The Howe at car 2 o'clock,
SL.Tt—lo the Senate amilavisesee&t.g were
• trausacted:
. •Wasnototerr,
It is stated titi the Cabloet bore
YL hoe
of resignation to President Fillmore.
ever, will cm:alone le olGre for the prevent.' .-
14,cm:dation is busy 111 to their 'encretiroo; N,
ebaoge, it l thought, or tilbo tondo before the dos
of the present sem,.
A large meeting, of eltlxnes %cis held this af
ternoon, to makl.reliminaty amingerocet
0 1,,,,envIng, In a limp p er manner, the Jeath of the
Ftinerst isemmeo will probably he perfennea
Friday, altuultannowily w b thole at Webbing.
Lartavita,r, Jell 10i.
The weather 1k very aeon, het the health el
the city it good. The river it fallietfilonily, with
5 feet crne inch er'nter ie.the canal
• Czctrivavi,Jely 10
The Beard or Health rephrt - 30 death. by chak•,
TI, and 30 by other dinencer, during the pant 24
,• ,
.. CINCINNATI, July 10
Ther %vette! la very Lot, and Me is doing is
—4lwsm.,:rr-4641'etriDO bids good . hands at 53,50 Per '
in st eV I.
71% ." ; 1 1;;Zr in, fallen 1U Insl+4
; - ereenbc; July tO.
Oae of the mod. &emotive coollagratioce that
hug ever occurred in ibis 'Clig,lernevritriceettl
terday aftcrtrtioU - end evening.:
Tee Ere fug broke out at 4 1.2 eclat: Pr pl,
in tie Guinn story of the store No. 7S North Deter
1 - 66 Av.* occupied for stomp parP9se. —
Wtica AiiCovered Ml. had already aside eooaiden
ble tteadway;Tridt,the flames aprinan4 luerrY
direction. .Bata. share time elapred bd.'' , it ex
tended neer/arena la Water street, and , spreading
north end south tiara near Race to
Three terrific explosi seiti =tea, 43 it i 4 sup•
poSed, from about 1000 - bop saltpetre , srhielt were
and in Brooke warehouse. •
-- Palawan, Arcade WWI completely filled midi!
main of briman belogi; *Mang whom were seve
ral ibudraia of , s er 'valiant red noble firemen.
first midi:Mori did not seem to cause much
inencineot or tear with the maes..noe'did the set-
a n d ; ;seep! wo. 4144 4"llof"tY,'idien the
mohea rowsras the eastero edge of the wharves.
rha third es ?Salton, howeror, was Wal id many
; Oa, and proved the death of many Ineti, we.
oci, nod obildrea oo DIIIIWAie Avenue and Wa
lie7seece preeected wu (rightful, indeed,—
rprieling in the extreme. •
When tho third and tut explatiou or the ult.
ietio occurred, the cult for life wan terrific. - M
end bcys, fireman arid bystanders, rushed away
iopr the ruinous coodagralion, and by this time
endeavored to got beyond the reach of danger.—
tlyndreds rolled over each other. While sounlng
tadjursping ape too large quantity of merolliti-
4on the whar4 acsaral portions were knocked
'ogre es if dead, and hundreds rushed over theta
ladling anus and legs to be beaten; gad injuries
salmd of a vets action's character.
`ln the general friitht,.some of them were thrown
*ate dna Delaware, while n large number jumped
in itituniaril 7 , to shield themselves ken rbe * lnicks
lad cinders which were ;thrown from the binning
The tide° tiara aboye mentioned wend maned ,
by'phi Brack, and teem Occupied. Na. 76 by
itidgmay and Dodd, Floor and commission me
chants. the boudio6 extending:irom Vetiver<
Meer to Water ante. No. 79, the North par.
don of the first door, by I. F. Levering, as a room
iortbe storage or ?dairies and Sugar. The nee
-I Mary by Warden. and Berger. as a hey and
drew establishment; the thud story cc a storage
orim, and ter 4th by WaripoU and Sharman, sail
mike : Tae southern portion of this' doable
adding was occopidd on the Warr front, by
Win Keller, as • hotel and boarders mime; and
be,wrtat street rot; By Mr. Bro.*, for kb,' Salt.
; arrangements. I•No 99 was In the ocropen
• of Of the Lehigh trreportron Litre. lkluw the
2ri4 atoms, by. floyman,, inspector. of Four, the
Srrtfor storage porramea,and Fear Viogarerand
Shiodley, sail makers.
The list of the persons whose property has been
lestroyed, occupies a column of tbe morning pa
e-s, and tho deist!' of salferiog and Wetness to
WI gleaned from them, are the following:
The remains oI .woman, two boys 'end tw•
tirla,were taken to the WE. Pence .tattoo • • • .
They were shoeking,apeetaelea. Oaa of the girt,
A iears old.) was yoenniaed ate Miu Drake...
A woman, buret almost to • crisp, was taken tc
he drug store, at the corner of Fein* and Noble
do eta, and died aeon aikawards in the greaten'
upAiy. We learn:that •dughter of, Jai. Alex.
intim had her. bead iblown elf. A little girl was
sicked ttp from the gutter with het arm blown oft'.
A nod - me or iisfant4 some or them not 3 menthe
dd, were shockingij buret. We saw one. •
hew. Children, with'ts mother, pulled by gni Aro*
sea from the rums Of a building partially acme!.
shed. There are supposed to be at lout thirty
tilled. EL= 3 tea more will Willi probably die:7
Chi total number of wounded eaniaot bo In than
;sae hundred. :fudging from tie extent of seminal
sneered by tho coin sgratiu, and the kind ef
scoptrty canstuned, we venture to compute the
lamage at-over ftror millions osf dollars; at all
!meats, it it the most dean:mire Lire that has no,
it happened in our city. ''
. '
No praise can do' justice to the conduct dike!
firemen. Some of perinea their lives almost
to rashness, and their feats of Amin and gallantry
enema frequent ouibuests ol'AppLaroc.- Sons* of
the companies had their apparatus much damaged.
Theaurna of the Vigilant, which at the time of the
uplusion, hid ii ;most perilous pimition, were
l iarowltesl oil; rind the 'Southwark how was snarly
'A member °llk's U. $. Engine used his life
y a bold feat at Knight's trim store .
; We Might go on and MI catmints with incident..
The fire companies otTlamden, - West Peitadeb.
his, Frouktord, klantyank, and tlerreantowa;
responded to the alarm, and reached the cond.-
gentian in lime totender important service.
The U.S.. Marilee , from the Navy Yard, were
on the ground, and rendered good service in the
proleUaonerproperty. The pulley of the city aid
a tufty, too, worn very efficient in their criettions.
Houses were riel on fire at the distance of six
equates, tillii it inns only by constant wetting of ,
e row& tint they were saiesl.
The Bremen deserve the etcetera credit (or rife•
venting the games from crossing .1.....0nd at.
At one o'clock; this • morning, when we lett the
scene of the calamity, the fire had been got under
complete control by the.firemen; ' nod there appear•
ml no danger of the flames making further havoc.
At 3 o'clock; A: M., the rumen were mill on the
ground. Nolonhersmread of the fire ',anticipated.
The Coroner. ibis morning, held an Inquest up
=Oren dead bodice, and di still tugged in the
performance of Hurt and duty.
Many of the bodies it.. go mangled and arum
by the are, that their neatest relatives mune
identify them. •
A number of persons are WI miming, sad are
supposed' to have bean lost &dill the fire tide
morning. •
The scene of the conflagration preemies the
`moat sickening sepeci. The smouldering mins,
and the wholiy and Daftly destroyed Ewes, dwel
lingo, warehouse!, dce.i fu Adams , around, the
diatreased app, areare of the ImM:resit—maul .01
whom have loth every thing they. had is the
world—the rnothied inquiries for missing »la
twee and friends, to say nothing of the anguish
and sorrow depicted in the countenineesof those
who 'have been bereaved of wires,
it (ethers,sac
efuldren, by' II amide°. and 'frightful eatmity,
, force-Alpo:1 the mind the moat melancholy deo.
. .
Ttea City Cniaril bald • meeting airtoon to day.
and appropriated $lO,OOO for the relief of tho sat
No loss than this hundred &owes are destroyed.
• The several Insurance Companies held a cow
Inbetion this Morino& when It was found that
holy total lossesoodi not execed,ll6oo,ooo,
' A delegatton Naw York foment reached
here at noon, abd they aro now hard at work,—
Men ire busily engaged In every direetien, dig.
Ling for dead bodies.
=MD attrarcu
Pultanginga, July 10.
Alfa the matt diligent innate,, we base been
• • able to obtain • complete bat or the kWed, wenn•
de& and miming. From all the Information in re.
rerd to the mod meoly put of the story-
the yesterday's' disaster, we feel. sale in suede, thr
number as fellows: Killed,..3o;•weturded, 100;
drowned, 0 ;' muting, 1'1; total, 156.
• A most patella spectacle presented Itselfat the
Cherry &text station boon, yesterday evening.—
/1 large woman, was lying upon the floor In the
cold ombtare .01 death. Mar, clothes bad beat
envied off. and her body bore the horrid marks at
d i e Are. Her limbo were drawn vp Ralf= ago.
itY, nee the painter expression or her fae told of
the sufferings :welch alto bail experienced. By
ter sidr. on a ecoretted menu, were lying three
lurk They were terribly hurried.. lo moving
them' they hen been rolled together, and le' IRO
emptier to renames them, the nosh tell nom thee
. charred hair*.
Maw Your, Jule I O.
Odor—We sego a good moremeat la Floor,
bnt sapplies ate not pretdreetm the market. We
• we: on material attune b:' melee mace laai to
Ran.'. .
lblis—Wheiti., in conteeneuea of the bed se.
Meta In the Southern mute, is held above the
views of kei ne . c on ie in good demand r
62 SItNiefor stoned, and GNaLle Poe pure yellow.
P '" l .s•--We notice continued donne=
with no deem' la ewe..
Geld is dWI , al, 'IA k e merlon, and 31,371
C rev foreign.
Som. is to
- r - a SIIG1312:, per ton for dew
owl. 11 Is superud that o hale Tu a at il r WOO
;:nil,at the Brooklet, se t .
VIACOM ie in lilt inqiry, and print arit - Gral•
New lioar, July JO.
rhea in mem, with a fair descant for the &chum
tfitis and alone ht Pone $5 th , 31 , 1
o 't ,al I b010..a lb at ES 3 1124 GI 4 Uhio
Cum i. ecane. goal demand Pd have
seed. Bak. of mite r het" at to 6,lorals
j 0• in
-rpely scarc.
at, Bork, Sill 50 Mi... soil The novae% IF
•. • far all Outlet 111 On provision line
, The eadire otai he ti• Om, with soles of Be Domingo
.aiFI and Moat 40 no.
, g ,There Is a Gorepeculativa demand for eagle
Nanning* in lett Nal&
Putuanuirm. July 10.
Fleur is instabm. The demand for shipment b
limited -Seller* are plenty, at V lg.
Wheat continues seams. and it but ❑tile erepthed
after. •
Corn Ia Iu (air demand ot 691163 for yellow, sod GOe
for whim.
Provlsiono—Nothing worth notlelng iodolny in pro-
ASV wuriukres
fat RaLU*GG•...Iu ■ coon..•••war. wet, IM.
TRE eribamibers bare Mho day formed • No-partner
Gdp ander the firm a War kr Mum. for the our.
pore of tramaating the Wholesale Grocery and Com
mauled Dasiness, at Piped Wood ravel
dr WM. WILItioN, Jr.
Pritsbargh.l,ll33l)-Iy4 PRANK WILSON
' Ormci. nrrMzeilen Clesirre.k
7 1, imddad morning, July
The weather yesterday was very hot, and basinesi ,
generally seemed very dell ankinaettve; and. en Du
as we rosin learn, nothing transpired chewing any
marked change from our general review, In. Tester•
dare payer.
The !meth 1. conquer swarm and &nand Merle.'
after a partial line, WU again receding, with shoe
three feet eight Inches in channel, by metal mark, lan
'ening, at desk: •
• Imierns at Ponhaon.rma.--The following arc among
the principal articles isogonal into Philadelphia dos
tali lb• month of Juno; oho, the total not ono sumo Is ,
.1 erne .
1,010 7,101
CAI 00
G Pi , 3 70727
4 431 31.034
13313 67311
62 442
li 203
300 2.633
3,2 , 0 202 010
411 , 3 302,110
0.900 17,101
Y 10241 12.404
-- 500 000 1,94 a 423
1,849 17.174
Belintl..% ten.
Carve: Dogs
Iliac% number
Honey, tres and btlo• --•
I od.go, totoona•
IraglektlS. •—•
1.0, bars
gorood, to -
Molasses, httdo
Aloialoos, brio•
1,613 Sa C 37
r• • • 6,300 =,430
7.1'0 4 013
-• • 2,371/ 5093
-• • 430 341.11
•• • 9,101 10973
• • -
Navel Storrs, belt
IN MI se,bago••.4l
bushels .
Bahr. bags •—•• • • ..... 1.50 130.7
Begat, beds, and If¢l• g5,,6g
Begat, 717 3 KB
8110111,bOirs • --•—••••••••-•-•-• • 11767 11465
!yi n , - 7111 4,5711
North Americo.
Spirit Damatle
. 1014n*. Is.
sr, Lens, 3 sly 3.
Tobacco—The sales yesterday and to bey amount •
97 1.11.--21 legs leorasi tatsy3;Yt teconds froet 35 ,
r. 5 of ill Kr, LP stipptng lest from 1111 to IN 44, and .
kb& onandacta tiny from t 5575 to V ti 4/..199 lbs.
IPemp—To r ay there were but one or two small lo
told from the Levee, and the balance from store—'S
bates fair atilid; 45 good to prime at 147. 120 prime -,
at SRA 51t; and lit bales teem tho Levee at
e quote ... - ..roae9 so the eltrentes of tbe market •
for common to prone. btookglo more silll about 3,13.
Lead—Reeeipts liberal, and ant a solo bas come •
• • ...ledge yesterday or In Jay. 44 'J• •
he nominal toting tales for Glalena. 'Dte stet..
Idlneeneta arrived to day with over 0,000 pigs
3ster—Sales are cm:3.d to retail parcels mime;
late or or to fel orders, and ...rally al 3515'• '
or unman* and fancy, and $5:300 for tetra. The
ppemance of new-wheat to day made soua holders
unto more ansiery to sell, and were seek a thing
possible in 111.p...conditioner tho Mirka. it wood
. have been dent no doubt
Whew—Th..le/ yesterday and to day, embrace
' bet 951 rho, or lON bushels in lots, and strniee nag
tie Recording to totality, from 750 to St IS f , Yu, en
elusive of lad._
.Q 49 and o.l.—The sales of can yesterday were
roete yellow at ale, sae be worn.. Of Ostroale
yesterday end to day embrace less than 13:11 sacks:
ifel sacks t • day at 59e, sacks d.
Haney sad Rye —No sales of barley. A smell leer
rims rye avid yesterday at tie, racks Maenad
Provlmons—Yesterday eve noticed the sale 01'15 el
comma hams and prime slew sides ai I sad Sc. To
day 6 casks porthsasa sholdd at de, and h east • ales
sides at Se.; 3 casks prime emnarl enn.ed sides at So
mks coottaun'shoulders at 311, and IS of ,inferior
ham at:e.
•• • .
Etldeo—gales of dry gait ate.; dry salted 7r; green
lad Sin-
Gtrocerled—Nothing of inteco.t tianwarlog to th
Ina 'yesterday or to dan seiner (sir to ehoize aura _
by lb. 110 Led 50 Moll at SI Brim good to prime It •
torte IDO,oie, wad uka s 5 Ingalle: good to prime
plaatation molasses 213110; 11.3824ae.
Wool—Demand Red.* tor all descriptions. ea
however hoined,sed the largest portion received foe
warded. Unwashed will command !relate to 100,
n rigidity; washed from MUD 15e; half and fell blood
-hod Isom to ale 11 1. 111--{aePOWI.OO
New °seen. Jane ea.
Sager—Uterine to nommen 405; fmr 4°4. pn.
choice Of 11104 det c. Wes ben of net recent mien.
• or,. ott rentation, and these are told alba few if any
crops now left in plmnets. hand*. GSS hada have er
rived eines Omelet inq and ItO Ithd• eld for rd Yore
and CO ben fat Vent Isabel, in the sane timo Hata
-*Sedan—The nears derby* the pest weak Inn
en 60 ehde, and Mee bre, het no only endaiderable
ale was IN born low brown et Le • 0, en time.
Iles Mock salami) on **tele lied, mid cantata most
J of whim,
Motenese—The toneipts Ind perehasere se
ley urn% and the range of price* condemn abort
• • en. me before—sey forlndiana to Mane Want.
done:COO, nbeited ettane iP gallon, the highest rate
•r small lets from eatmod hands.
. rl
aer—The ara's kat has eactinind ellrmitely hears r
12ircuphoet the meek imid priers ate again lower, th
losing rased .bowing a farther decline of 22010 on '
Ohio brands, scd oa St. Loals. 'Poe vales up to •
Monday evenicar embraced 22CM brie at erste. rang
.1 from6s 01292 921 for Ohio, 655605 72 for hlllionnu•
I. and Idiom. $6 tor asperS. Ss. Loam. and SO 22 •
4117 Poetic..
l'ork—lTe principal aka are 120 Ws '
he packed mesa ma Saturday, at 111 5% ierd sem brie
time. Monday M 119 26
Heel—The rertiet. cantina° light...l ire demand
tontine.' to retain orders at ell 50 0111 WI, and $7
for 1101' Mho me.', and IMPS MI Inc prime.
Llacon—Valtenlay the dertisha berame•mort Retire,
and 120 cads prima ahoaldee., m light oast*, meld a
• ; 12 Illineimridmi at 51; 21 Serves cantata. ham.
Oty, 19 at 91, and 20 extra at la. The scarlet doted
with an upward itonlenty.
Lard—The high pretenuons of holder• restrict opni
rattans and we hare bat few sate. to nom., 400 ag
No. t, Pole on Saturday, at 71 , a bflo and WO ' , et
grim. on Monday, at a, and tlu kegs on Thatwitsy a
• CoSn—Tbe fading man am nom $I VII, bat only
Heated amount of ptinte ran be had at the Istror rata
olden confidant!, anticipate a Bather Mamma
(Prins Cattellt.
Ittrsa—There were 3 fa t B Inches to charms!, by
malmart,lnt evenicaret dash, sod falling.
Michigan, Dries, Beaver.
Lake Ern, Clark, Beaver.
Vanio, read., Mleabeth.
rarkinni, Dr 01•1111,1110.
Baltic, /aeon, Brownville.
Beaver, Garden, Waver
CViotton hin.y.Cln ha kson. tleßeearort
nnn e,
Zaehazy Taylor, Lucas, Louisville
Cinderella, )(Inlet:, Wheeling.
Wallnßle, Yoangi Bridgeport
MkklTan Brie , Beaver.
Camdeee. llndriekees, Ellsabeibent, ilkmen.
Pong eebl.
Bahie, Jambs, Brownsville.
Atbugle, Pa:lmm,
Beaver, Gorton. Beaver.
Yougbioubeny. CO ffee, Olassirow.
Lake Rm. Clark. Beaver.
Flannier. Ciseinnati.
Loyal Llama, Weaning. Louisville.
!oaten. Linen, Wheeling.
Wand Packet.
'llEAYEß—Yaraiblag4eiry,3 r. r.
WHEELINd-;tinderella, 10 A. s.
',Fps WIIIKLINII-'lll l 3 8110 MeV., Cinderella, Capl
Hazlett, will learn an above dile morning, at 10 o'elnek
Fes Waco-the—lt will be teen cy edrettleemen
anntbee calve::4lbl! the steamer Kentucky bee. f••
be gteeent, entered the Wheeling trees. This Ds •
Ight draught meant" ►u jest been thorooghly C
pelted, and Is In fine elder fat the accent le pennon •
Zeeffelte Teiceit—Thie popular and favorite •
Itemizer arrived yesterday morning, from Cincinnati
nowdad with pnrsangere—oll inestallent health. eh
eft Cincinnati on !denuder last, when the cholera n
bat city wan at Its worm, with abogt. Ira pessengen
and by the praiseworthy' ptecaution 'of Capt. Loess,
•t a solitary case orsickuess,. of any hind, Do-carted
en board, en the way op. Capt. L. teak Jut tech t
curio ar we d .em It the Imperative duty ef ell cam
sanders of steaurbeaM to take, Miring the provalone
)(cholera. Ile tau kb passenger. plenty of every
Wag that was good and substantial, in the way of al
et, while he eacluded from his table all fruits, vegeti
bits, or freak remit., that might be clitorisesd to make
his passengers It subjects Or the cholera. The ere
were also brought within the beendrof the same stele•
ruler!, and Were permitted to partake of no metallice
et trash main with these precactlonary measure.
she Captain intones us, Mai, contrary to prophecy, a
be use he left C.nclnnatl, not a single rare of tick
nen, or any hint creased his way, dving the pusses
Ospt L. bas act ■ demi temple to ibis mattes
and we would like to see It followed, to the letter, by
all oar steamboat commanders, as, by so floiag, they
would be no fear of engem, approsekins this city by
steamboats taming between this point.and Ciocintual
*HEELING—Pita loinsw-67 ski. wool 2 hlida •
casco, Clark & Thaw, t3l tam of glints, J Behoonalw
tor, x 7 h has tobacco, D Leech ern ado do, John A
got; IW bags malt. owner aboard; 3 boles rod., II
'kat k ea; I,lrunk, in hoot lonian; A/ bibs doss, -
fltgalay & to; I'4ll bottles, J Rhoda* 1 1 a11 of .0(0
Wm Johnson.
BRAVER—Pea 81 .80st. No.l-11 boxes cheese
1 Blankburn; IS sks wool, II Lee; t box, J 8 11021111•
ti holes rbeera. J D & ere IC boxes cheese,
V It Drawn 15 bills popes, H 8 Domivrtli; It by pots•
isms, manerl'l outs potash 1 do pearls, Wick & Me
midis"; t box romps, Drsyfogls & Clark; 142 Loge
berme. J 4Canneld; Ist's wool .1 A Callboy; It sks .
wool, II Lee.
• Pan K.1031SOSTN•110/70a—ULCCO shingles, .2
nom-117 bola cooper ons,T Dime; assts noel, J•A•
csagasy; I kegs syrup. E P Hildetira••d; 1 trunk, 8.
Krum; 4 skr wool 2 brio liquor, owner; 1 stick yarn
lo 3.11 do feathers B do root, J & R Floyd; 12 sacks ,
rags. 0
MeAlpin,• 31 at* wool, s & W Ilmbaukb; 6
10, Reynolds lk Sheet X 7 bag...heal, Wiltnartli & Na•
ble; GOO nail kegs 3 brls scrap imn.
• CINCINNATI—Pas Bannon,. Ta2lol-1 boa Ilai•
• ent.ll Morrison; t ax sa-ks brla oats, owner on :
,' board; Al dry tildes. W Bryant,. 220 boxes candles.
& Lams; 2 tals lard MI, in ear Darker; Y costs
.: calm, J 8 Dilworth; 2 boxes boots, Broicisallis btrati
tilids Limon, O'Connor, Atkins & eo• 10 bobbad
• Sow, 13 Leech & eo; 1 bit bias link sister. W Bing
haat; kb& sopa Ido coating sitemils, Owen & John.
.0, lot rosidries, l• Watenam
MOO I . IID VOL 'Twit . rillstlllsili Dili./ Ala
Present,. Wm. B.McChire, Preiddent Amigo
towel Jones and William Kett, Ansoeittn Judg
At the cometlaa or die Chem,' this morning, Mr.
Malan aunottoottl, lo What and appropriata
term', the',derease of Oro *rat Taylor, President
r the United States, sod rooted that the Cotitt do
•totaelhat td.itotro•
Ilia Ho ur Judge MaClote,allar ■Am yeti el•
oqurnt retook", Immediately oedema that • •
Court do rued adjouraed until t3aturday =ea
111 , 111,0 Or TED IBM. • .
T;se meiubets of pretest at lb* alßotw
Era' of thpe Court, swombled is the room of Bic
Court of Commoti Pleas, and organized tiy callln
he Iton. Wm. B. McClure to the Chair, and air.
;minting re:pt.. Birbart PorWi, and Wllliam Me.
Os motion, the following gentlemen were ay.
pointed • Committee to delft molutions, ,appro.
priite to the occasion:
John 15. Mahon, CherlesShaler, Androw llahrc
G. P. Hamilton, II W. William:Nand U. 1). Bruce
On motion of Mr. Hamilton, the- meeting ad•
owned, to mein Ot the lame place this morning.
at Moe o'clock, to give au opportunity kir a mom,
ull attendance of the membersor the Bar.
W. 11. MeCLURE, Chairmia.
Witt. McCann:lnm,
Sea= Unlit, on= l• 111001 1. COUILT.-.The haired
ewer. Umtit Court mot yeatesday, Judge Vorin
o iho Beach.
Au application Gn an injunction to reatrahl W.
Dilworth, Jr from an alleged infringemout ohte
patent light of Woodworth'e planing maohine,wan
wade. Mews. Moiler and Stanton argued the
•ax lor Mr. Skala ,Bloomer, assignee of Wocid•
worth'," went. Meurri. Loomis and Vardar
1 ! sped for Mr Dilworth.
Tbia is a veri important cue. and elated
t deal of interest.
No deelaion area made prior to the adjourn.
meat or the Court.
We understand that the Economy Society have
• d the land they held in Allegheny county.
amounting to about three hundred sad filly acres
o one or one enunprislrrg Market Glardeners,lde.
Dunn, 'mho intends to dispose or It in lots, ••
arreculog purposes. Much of it Is fine bottom
ands on the ricer, sad the cldriad puma through
T. C.. 1171111.1. Minwriutzs.—We awl pleased to
see that 'thie ezcellent, band of perktrmers ■
drawing large Radiances, it Wilkins MIL We
beard them for a Poi minter, oa Taesday awe•
Wag, and were delighted wiitt their vocal and b
tramental powers. They appear split to night.
Haan Gegs.—The steamers Clipper, and
Messenger No. 2, fired minute goes, yesterday
mornmg, when them, etßrere learned the sad newt
General Taylor% death.
Loco: Nrwt-7-Thili prtato of tolcrapttic mane;
upon of COlOlllllll compels as to omit mock to.
cal coma •
S UNDUItIS-130 gross Millebone, axed . sits;
:cuts ..airman ?Inl
lemon German daq.
costs stein Thad h for sale by
kl 9 . 'CIF:AGFA
~SU~~~DP~TItfni ~n,a~.~6S7*~rl~
110 EFEE—so imets thern Rio imi teed On sal. bY
TRAM hf eldoes Ructions, late reed for sale by
COFFEE It Tail -KO begs Rio Coffee,
• 73 hiatus assorted Tun
Jan reorivol end for W. by •
Joal /OILY WATT k 00
' 11 1- °: 6l =lTri.:9l` . .. t c"";
a milt, houlders, rat-c.v.,. per manse
;our Newton, and for ode by
plt:A.#l!"27-cinidiotierf6,7itisiiiirui rtiateg,
katlN worn st
Decori PAVER—A fror maw lieary and clove
toed so * Axed inCtortonsti for {meting boos
from 30 xla to Mott 63
~no.. qualities, Otr oak try
CANWRY - St.r.l.4:anilifbr • a .1 ,
C AL I I L ? R- IL-4
" i rg a ItlllT4t i tAx . eit a co
t r it t ltUAZ'...2"iiitta - iitTiiintliiriortie M gr '
14 brio extra itre Elosr, far ....8 ' 44
, tell at Water at a. as Ftint it
B ACLIN--MU m. stiouldair,
we nn Md.;
Inn lii ter tale low, to non senslis.
Itteit , ,Ly Felf) WIEN% MATTHEWS ACO
• OAF SUGAR—V It Lam double mined large let.
LA Seger, a superior nude Er Needy ale ins
nig& fur We JAS A 11tTIVide110.1 A CO
den Asia Si Lein oteani Saar Hanes,
iced JAME. 4 A 111.11THIS071 CO
D 75 in Pi Ran reel for ale by
irt2 JAMI. A &CO
h,figlratiL WitgitiXiitff- - frisle• Limn, jot
WI ...ed and kr sale by It E. SELLERS
HIS g 7 Weal at
SLoANoYcumfrefiri-sugir.x—cdse tut ta•
ceirenor . IL E SELLERS
Uit. ii - r:TCWeigiNl6 JittaA OATH...FA -- The
genuinstsuele--60 dos for We arionnale sod
road by 10 4 71 R E SELLERS
VISEHAR lot min by
Compound It, We Illnir,in large bottles at tint
penile I.y tietri R F. SELLERS.
(;,:fiCkilitTlTl:l—triotTe - Impedor to kale and easA
kJ an ...lemma for rola by
Yell_ 11 A V* lINF2TOCt &CO
WIIITIN(1-1104ertets extra ary for Me ti
Mi 4 . Ml/0 1 1111gt i t i ktesrf e ttral&T
DIRETTOMY taramrtti—iuu dos Lem% &o
I. mid Vtuatte, for .ale by
DUMICE ErruNK-u eaolto tor or
hog told anding kor safe t;T
Liberty ureeL
IWO yes 'lrma. cured, bUd
flaw for mac yy
L ARD -411 kepi No ag i l toticaza tex
FVLOLIA—nOO arum and S P Roar. foTiraWry
ANto—IU tow J TWIT Ming. Cy rad, for gala IT
NVMSztIiD • Yeb by
T ABZc ou,—an Inls N Tar,
no orb Tamer! Oil, for nal. tit
Jets I & 8 FUND
COFFEE RTEA—l u tt b pa t a
tr avve and Cat ado by J dr. R FLOYD
RIBLEREL-31b - hdilird, - 6iiiWbr -
ICE-10 fen landing and fordo by
lea • & R FLOYD .
7.sORN.:4odlTOrilini - r, In atoro:nd for sale
l Jodi hVGIILLS.t.
QCYTUESNEATILo dad intent, for oak by
j.d.r7 WI E i aIoCAN MAW
FPSOM EALTSTR •r bor Wu by
TITADU(NO 2 4iI; a'W v.bne
IIIy I. I ,S LLED DA , 05-60 dos for oak
j b a r
B UCKETS &TUILI-50 dos Dearer Books:tic.
5 dos do Tobs,lbr, silo
WILTPFING P/PF::0 mix asiorird rolls]; 61
sad Shaaldorkpot rem
193 Liberty et
24 CAMS Siam
and for nabs by
GLASS-3W h axle;
170 bas ie
S bag 0500
93 bail 10114;
Received sad for Bale by . JAMES DALZELL
rillt1 , 1:14 - e- 7 3Vbxe per Union Line ier saJe - 67 --
1,./ jet J Aides D ALZW,I.
gai,rIEATUS-73 boa is were, too we by
jeW ' llO We... 1 •1
FfirdiirakEts of tee Capital ewe. Wes,
ern Insurance Company, for eby •
k l 2o:dato I II D INNO
I,;i:UNififire:- - 60 bob. No ti elackenni
•p • .50 brie No 1 Nerving;
ntl brie Termer's, Oil;
In ten Mee;
li ...kßlEtuon Fboulders and Side.;
G brie No t Lard, in store, far sale by
ie2o • 3011 N WATT &00
ROAR & bith.ARSRS—Ro OUR prime N . 0 R. O
hhd brolonec'
iIeGILLA • Rog
B ACUNl:llt . s . city
c razed Vr dersi
20 Les Bogor Cored Itoots7l sala b
jet 9 ble(11t o la & ROE
13111gt.n—ltrd dos assorted descriptions for sobibi
Inctift.LE Is ROE
qua& MENEM OlL—lo bris Tan MS' bib
23bris NCTor,her canal
E. sale bv. ET) iIIcOILLS & ROE
o.oAY—rid bss No 1 thoeiunou to morn, for solo by
j. 19 ' . blefllLl.b , & ROE
re - c
:S-Al4-ICATGeo-rMlis Da d a: 'aGale d r o aZ
I NAG-70 dace s bo o n { liptany ' ". '
L Vartge'llig":llGAZZa;
au . , extra fine Oalonc •
blenj tiretVe V at l a l el= '" ar7:lll• l l7l P l e rela i ld
y row, to el., by • ()tell C GRANT
ILAK I tt. PITCH—Ia has Tar;
Ws Pitch; NI We by
: Ice C H GUM'
stnal uirniscuu
• at. LOWS
dictums Broken, No. 11
.11. • MIMI
It Matt at mutt, oast pa
!Until k Watches
B•atatatip •
' V irglels•
Mithaage Ilk et
Faint. ut.or Vs* •••••
ilankorPtuabalitt •••••Par
dachattga But Pat':
teal. la ilea. Watt Pat
ditata Bank ......
la • tk •psl
• 4..ltaatat Camay. • 'pax
•I Delaware, Co.. • .0111
.‘ MootoMery -Pao
JobtatbiaLlaidia Co,- pat
joylattoara llank••••••Plu
Pataus`Blit aadlqa•Pat
paaa'ilk. O li saka l•o• Pat
Amain WkLattaa's•pst
i atataatet Ca. Ilk•• • • •Pal
anuaaater Bk.•—•••••• pat
%Wawa Dank—••••-30
Itawasatlle IBL Par
Nashintioa •••-••
3anyaltamhllll.—?-,• I
:hasabarabala••• ••••• • • ••
alinubanaa •Jo. -
Ilk. 01,be
Uk.of .21rilttia..••••••••
Al.& M. Ilk., IV Leettitg ►
df!,.! •,
N. MI, Mink Va
•do Waite's/p.a.... , 1
do Varketstouts.«.
Torii . !
Uk.of lonnastek. , ” • g
Yo. O• Ma shls
Mils nh olltlissomi••••-• 1
alorth Varsillsist
Ilk. of llapeTont
Match's Ilk, t fleriusts 2
Huns flank
Mouth Car olio .
Camden Ilk ..... •-• • 2
Ilk. of Charlestoo••• • •.O
Ilk of lisontstown••••••
Ilk.ot Ilambufg•••• •• 2
Merchants Ult.-. --,
Pianism & Means's Ult•
• Ilk. of South•• •
Oar viands •
llalufao is .... -"pat
Ualuals 10 II &tip •12
Urnalssrlatal flk.of Alla. •
Ishsiky .........
Votr.llk.of M and• •
Format.' & kl en:haslet
Ilk. Vrederlok
rssamlakeo.llk........ It
Hagerstown Ilk
t 1 . 4.1= 1 1:112.••••••••••••••• t•
Uk.olWastannstas -•• l•
Uk.of 01. Ulalt•-••••-••••;
Ilk. of River Rsloen••••••••••
Walk. los. Co— ••
FAN& Mesh , ' Ilk 0
` ll so
ruhuanksT kaso sr
Mar.O Mu 3,rMilv l s l
A ank l q stM slan s dloUs
Moldtt Upsets Valise
Napoleon.--•-•• 300
(Moats ..•.. ISO 090
iMails,old • • ••• - • 1000
/E 111111,11151/
k, IO
Mos Painot.....--• 11 1/0
Sovereigns : 2
Frederlskuross••••-•117 SO
'fan Tholes • •• • . 7so
Ton ide fs • •-• • 390
Lo.i*Pong•-•• •-• tag
Now Yors •••••• •—• per
Pbtlatlslphls • ••••••-- pre
/I'lns:on •—••• 910
Inumor Irks•••••••_
iliddlatown -- I
ra w. .;::._» 0 1
lamer.. end mover&
Mink, Waynesberg. • 1
lockesSele•—•-• 1
Abanon . per
V turtling ..
Al en Branch Ilk. ...... -
Labe( Notes •••••• /
VIM dn.
scrip—lhUsh. g ll Countyl
Al lehe,
Obio. ny
lune Uk..MI Iltanehee 1
leant Pleasant .•
• • "
testate —.. 00
Veer Ihielmen• ••••••••• "
aelembue ••••••••
limilli—•••• • "
.1111 . 159......•••••••••••••• • ", 1
------ I
hums ••—• ..... •"'
lerwalk•-•• ...... .•••
Weetre - "
!Loathe Brk Golembas •0
bake liris•••• ..... ••••
4,14.11!afp....• ............
7 'fliatlrdle ......
~a nahmirtputtos,--40
Itribeatnety••—••• I
lamistilte•••••• •
gother• Ilk. ICenuekr• "
Nam. Ywk—City !Until
FA iiV mall atltk
rPOPERS . ISI NOLA SS—Sboet and :bred. for vale
1.0 by peril . 0A PA UMW:U:S k
IIigOLABSFY-I IS 10 hi* ri M0.0..g
by): If do lb? tale by
LY.L •
233 Liberty It
SUOilt 11009 S MOW 4 PA..+S
_for•kle by fire]] $ & CO
Car rite WOOd
11=tilr"N 0' Tar;
kt brio do for solo by -
4.'Er314-164 R
44 bX4 extra CraaniChreae,rer alo by
LOll5l-ICO barrel.• for att. by
ILK' e fg. VARN la —to b ^- 4
ItT ' Atre ITITTaItO bY
H9trut -2 ° , ""ibslValft ,
Gr -nt,...- ,-, burets Lot nab, by
OW S4 Woo A d
VINERY-10 ke,ro
EJ__ 6 begs bei
4 Lo - ndon, far Ws bit
DEiCk-sIND—t GrifoiliiWitiy ..,
A . d ay. E700 , T,S
.co e , r,i: : I v ) t k x. .... z . i w alt:
I the robli:huir .tiettLio. as formai aft
En or INDIA CAISTOR OlL—Far superior In&
bem •Amerteso add pressed Ott, near', Lea Iron
taste or Wadi, irk 10 s5l cask rat odes be
IDiiisK:=ol-"&-N,TiTrorukrtii- - ,
SALTDEIIiii:-Sr - erieCte:arrtve:tar we by
kV • - • fi Front & Water sts
R 01.1121-141 dos an band sad tor side b
y y.•
FLOUR -110 biis 8 P Float, In stars, for saki by
told 11 Wood st
LEMON DYRUY—Jast prepared ancrforiirry
Os gallon or Walt, by 14 N WICKERSHAM
DV , • W.l &Kt rth .25
Vino Gingham*
k oir a BURCLIFIELD tWk *Malan
0l ilia ladle, to ttroir aliscoloasot of oast 117'CZ o
Alachua, light Imo dart, I.o.ame .0. or the Seat
notlithof Fieneb, of th e meal datable rake.: alaa.
brown, base, and other shades of limeade Glogaion.
nun artiela—al north cut tern. of Fonph and
liarku ornate
Mt: ItrilY a 111LIketWILLD he re IlltelVe• • case
of new anti hematite! style whale vet nd Paints
of Lawn Patarrua on wry Gnc clothe, at the law pate.
of. !lie aneleemi le the emottmcal etc piet a blue
yeti, mad mace relent. ter
- -
N C Tul% , “r.eW ft. Y •
QOA 1.-50 LL 0 feCeiVed Inr tale by
CIiIEASE-3 tots to mime. lon *lle by
0 lAOI on, • be•miCal arOole, to •Iriyo. for MIL: by
1•y0 ISAIAH Inelitllfi t Co_
O IL -5 ••• WA•l•
I® Ws Tanners' v.
7.0 brie Tanner.' Oil;
Ivir be* bleached winter Elephant Oil;
dial bets do de -Whale oil;
Peen gals White, Sperm Oil,
lt& bra Sperm Candlivs; for sale by
irlalevid9w V & =Beath Wharves, Philadelphia,
Medical wad Kurile/al Boatman
TGaihT...N. Al. D. fametly of Patlattelpida, and
. late ol dew Lida/NOM*. laic. Pie... , In au
sounding Olathe hu located himself permanently in
Pittsburgh, for tha pampa° of practneng the vasteas
rancid. of Modicum and Surgery. palls promptly
'tended to at all hears of the day and night. Odle.
and riddance No lip flint street, between aadddield
and Grant.
Rat saanca.—E. Eltanton, Esp., Fourth at; P. Kay
U.:aliens, and Stationer,
Wood .Peet; H. Kennedy,
Anollecary_and thaddist,Penn jeM:dly
WRAPPlNGPAPliflasietted Pace In — fain or
KV small smuttiest. W P NIAKSIIALL
lel BS Woad at
kiilfatii FA Pitt—gipand Pint
quality, for 112 per mina. W P MAILSIIALL
83 Woad at.
%TRW EibIOKF.IIIIRAUINO, lam ree , d and fai aalo
n'aa GOo per box, b 11011.111113 t HAWURTII
Tart nee of On Diamond
LAM/OIL-20 brio recelnos and for Palo by
DOT ASII--40 auk • for solo low, to dote corolgo
k - mem. by Wl] JAMES DALSELL_
/lira hrtidili- - 20 Ito iirifiTeiiiiiilaiiiii - by —
V bf t
j.iitEESE-03 big Drillt% rec , d per Bidwoll l / 4 1
1,/ for vale by • fles3) JAMI 3 DALZELL
LUKE BRICK—IttAb irk one IBA fin sole by •
11UUL.111`.11.6-40 lints for Isle by
E LOUD-75 kn i t. SF Floor;
rnd for Lu ' do , Ob1volUgAill1;7;
eau--: Lego No feed for ro by
bis ere= and s v a i v 411114717
_ .
4b. *mit d a 1 t
W i tere Z I A farll 6 et t a 85 ;t: b ' " "
Jela ' • by
QUUAML - 40 — MairN:O. Hagar, a prime iiiiiii,rn
0 Mgr* and for lisle by
jet li 13. & W. IIARD d i t DO i p,
:41i Made ACON prim — atUdiri aad rlho aer . i
A ore, and for sale b y lI ROWN & KIRICPATRIDA
WLLOW 4% — tti r- ..tit Villow Coaches, war
tahlad .perior to tar lore this market
I lUDVISII-3 &gam ten nie , d for safe by
HAMS -11 ..... Sum Cored Canvarseci
Jut received and (or rate by
rthil.Abl CHEESE -20 bores Cleans Cheese, reed
sj or d for min by • IjoYSI: S. & W. lIAILOAOOII.
TOBACCO-13 kegs 6 twist lust reed for sale by
TirsiF,„sL..igi V,ii - iiiTO - tl Widow Gleam;
LT 30 bOo lOW do do; to, role by
IaiNEOPAT/ii - C — CITOW.PUTH for sale by
CO pax • •
• , WM A rdeCLURO &
dijrmikittißSitl—so oos (I E 8.7,7...., No 4
oo dos
30 dos do No 70;
100 do: Proodi d o + ... V d4
. C 1 F.AGER
i l U 'l" re for:sle 0
LlorrEliAB-4 WI: is i tsB aisoN.
ta r ns a
C 0
k..• 1019
LIAM N—le asks Bbonide.ln .tme, for Inds by
CIANViCiVBO stiiie - 7 farat. .1
)ell) ROBIFOA,,LITra: a. 00 •
pOTneu—o casks, rnea7a prime
iel7 ft Wood nit
EAD-20Mi piss Galena Lead in store and to ar
id lire, for sale by -
ROOM —IW do fanny and common Com Drum ,
foreala by Uu
BACON-13 5 0.T . =
a clanks snorted, on hand for sate tom,
Water k Fran
reel for ssle bj
tj Jae WUg & Meg AN DI,KuS
41 u1 7 6)
RAOHl ,— .ai.a. - 11Ell111N(1-103bristga5 etatkaol
03 brio No Lan I
50 brloNo I Barring;
10trais do do;
ILO Canal Main , Penn ea
Far talc by
ItgrESVlAo3`;' - '°?""u"g'"" l'°""
cln Dian/ATI.. i
• Captain W.wast J. Noma& :
Ilki l' ij ' rig i t ' it a egira " ir :a b ieN ly th on,
• and mber. for the Cincinnati and i
Plorboreh • Peeket trede and will
leave every tWedoesrlay, - Ar Clnelnnali, 3 ll plane at
KA New England, Na. A .
re , f , rxhi 0 , pa*.si . e apply en board. orto '
._ ____ 1.1
_____3 311LTNNuint _ a , 2,21
T. - atoßrOztakiliala. iioprz;
Via Orowaaellie ..A Cenhberlaud to Haltiatera atm'
• Philadelphia.
Ralf TO MiLTSltioltt*• 410 CO
r• 11l 00
morning boat !caret; - the 'wharf, above thr
bridge, daily', at 14 o'clock preetaely.
Ithnore, 32 hours; dale to Philadelphia, 40,houra.
The eserdag boat !tones daily, (except Sonday ev•
anitt4l,) at o'cleok. rawcogera by. leataibe on the
neetung twa4Mlil ern.s the ritnuntalr.a to stages next
do and thee Ovoid night travel.
Semiteyour tlekete at tha Mee, Idatiootahela
Hog. of Merle. Hotel. . . ' - • I.MF Wilda:N. Agent
Tha (sun tanning stetuneri •
Capt. 11. Vacancy/111 tan as st re i ning
parte t between Pittabarafi,Vheal,
Urldgeport, and Sunfish, iEUVIIIK Sittsbuyth every
Monday attarnoon. Stonhenaille, and
111,14epon,and eye ty'rhoraday afternoon (di Steaben.
.1 1 1 a, ',Whaaling, I , o4lerpod, Carla!, NO' Rufoll
it t iwtslog.lcaves lOW ge,oft sae rannsla ersty Toes
day afternoon, and Sonfilh every Friday afternoon.
, 14
for freight or passage, apple on 114,01 10
apSO " • El WILKINS, Agent.
The splendid fast sonning , steam.:
LM/%(S 151 OidItir,
unmet, (analog undergone a Moo
arch sepairdalll rou bereafter as a
.11 regolor • packet between rittsborgb
and SVl.ceUng,'lcavlog Pinotor6ll every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, al 0 o'clock. - For
(might cr apply on board, or to
1.4 • • W.V. WIWELED,Agent.
77 1 FOR CINCINNATI. •'. '
The boa fast tanning steamer. . ..
I'Cllll,oll4<i,rorill leant for the shot
N M..1.1 all intermadiaos pona, on kti
day. the 11th inst. at 10 o'clock.), hl
fr o , imibt or pumice. apply on board. .. • 1711
• The Ina neey_ltd draught MOUE)
Miami, Waster, wttl Nave for the
. • - • • - ho're and afi Interraohliaio POO. or
Friday, the Inc, ai 10 nietee le , A. U. .
. The splendid steamer.
.PENN,; • .
:17,,k1Q . A. p. Johnston, master, will leave fo
• ihe above land inieteovhare
oti p ‘ o %;eill= i taly . lo, at eht ‘ l .n oe l k m , , llL'
_ . . . . ...
. ..
I.: Z a tltrerpkn•lin n t nat l r r s i trining stomas
John D. Davis, master nrlll !raw: Cat
ino talone nod 01l iiiteipadisto ports
•n this nay the 6th ins_ •
For freight or postage stool) . on board, or to ,
im la 13 MILAT.riIIP.III3EII, Agf.
6ti.l.l3ltZtl: ARIAANOBEIENT.
The aper and Debt draught 'learner YOUGHIOGIIE
Nlt, vin make daily pipe between Fittid.orgti 11111 d
Glarequr, (Broulays exetpia,) !eating Glazgow at
and Pittabargb at :11, P. Id.
She Yanykdoghenyfia bat 13 Ideles draught, end
can be „lI don or Teoa.r°M"b*" the
wason. For (resat or punt. spa you board, or to
J C BIDWELL. ,Aeent.
Jee a co, Glugow.
atiffalBso:Nata "
cts - ram. JAIL * ROAD OM 10 AWSIMCD.74,
Two Daily Lints EzFress Yacht Boats,
And Mat Head Oars,
(y.xciustrtLY roa P,A•szeosne)
'Via Ow Ccland Rail Road Rad Perma Car.s4.
040 miles Salt toad, and 140 milm Canal
rime-14 .... . •Ingte-‘-010 through
O .
N *a ever this dine, (10th Jetted tlid Central Roc
Road will 1,111111110 DAILY TWOS F1L50L140..2,
ma Handl gdon In Philadelphia Toe cars en t e'
above toad and the AlicalwaY Doittha Hell Ronc'
are all new, end of the 'carp Lest derealption in the
country, and ordli the theinesed .sp eed 011 th e Ifionn- •
tabu, passengers ao th rough with aespsteh.
racket Dean will learn every fawning nt CO , ,
Meek, and ever, ewentaL tat' o'clock.
For asaty, lipetht, and Comfort., this mute to to-.
eldedly the most preferable now thaw; tp tho. Eastern
Cities. Nor passage or le.loneation apply to I '
W BUTCH, Menonailiale Donee; :
or to D LEECH a CO, Canal Daain. :
. the la t'epl.aber,tue Cenral flail Bowl
will be open to no lidsrebste, when warranters *l.l
through In 43 hours. '
1850. Amsim
. BIDWELL & 1111011111:11,
FTiIIWANALINti itutiliArcre, 1NA711174 , 11M, PA, '
(Nov, roolLY
[o...armour for Illnwrws 1'ITINIWIN:11 ANN,
l'ACKl:nii Lamina nod aloppio, routorryL
and NooLorler Ly Mew boats Allotiguit, Lola. Erie.
and Mawr.
trr tionds reeeipted and promptly delivered to of
Meets DO dic C=11.16.11,1 Later. •1 the leveed tete,.
lAbippcts (geese ditect Roods to , ltelorell's
J. C. 11111n - 11U, '
• . • l'ateboritt,
CHITAL $lllO,Ollll.
.emm, Jr., Reel. I R. btrudh, Jr. '
Wall Wine nosiest all kinds of risks, -
ALL loess* wdl iw lberally adjusted and promptl)
home Imetltnuon—mansged by Directors who an
well Ireton In the community, and who are detennin•
*thy; promptness and libemlity to mistataln the char ,
actc: which they havens:seed, as mistier the Les-,
• selection to those who anise to be Insured.
• Doornotts—R. Millet, Jr., Gee . Illack,.l. N. Under :
N. Celina, Jr, Wm. I L. Holmes, C. 'bootee, Geo. W.,
aekson, , Wm. 11. Lyord, Jas. Lippineott, Thos. R •
Wok, James IPAuley,'rhos. Scott.
Gsmet,'No. Pi 'Water street, (*Cacao of Spans
Co.. en stsimiYiltlamfth. feta ly
oi•••laad, Wareme and . Pittsburgh
• ,
.Tale graph Company. .
TN purrancedd e taoliton thet.Loanl of Dime:
1, tore of the Clicland, Werred and. Pitthbotil '
telegraph Company, requesting Me Pecretary inmate
t out and cave to be published in the mews pope's along
the line, en exhibit of the financial and other affairs a,
• this company. I salmi the following Report
The line of 'Pe Isgreplt commences nt Cleo clad tier
: terminates at Plusburgh, paring Haagen Cheerio
• Ealls,Tranklin,Nowunt Youngstown
and Lowell, in the Mate of Ohio. und New Castle one
Rochester, in the throe of Pennsylvania, at which
points them 1.0 odium located (or the receipt and
transmission cabala..
!The whole Iceph tel the line 1.141 t ml es—Capital
Stock,llbll per ante, making a tout] capital atocz 0.
Ittehtha t of wheat amain Itte,Vett to aid by titian.
alone the line, and the bale., is aid oy .Cateell &
Speed, the eentratory. The above &meant of rob.
Tehran,. by mavens, hays been paid to GllllOl
Speed, (or winch the Trainees bone their receipt.
.Jelealtr J SFYIIRSON BA &eatery.
&KILLS, w.ur Pweter, Dwelling Duvet.. ea./ Lots, a nd,
MentimpDeredbuild itglate .1 the town el' Bretton, Dea.
erg to,aled teeniest pounde ma Fame adjo:oing acid
. •
• Om lama three story Flowing Mill, wild four vino! dr
feet buena and ad the tnethintry fa. mannfinta. Log Lett
th , F.Flour, Kiln I/nen ecru A mat bold no
load and autos • rt the mill. . •
Alm, • Cotton Factory wi,h 1610 flpiadla, lot Splanin,
Coitus m
alas o lot of ground opal! whist. it erected a largo add
sabot... Mil welt boat,Staneleu Homo. of some and brick
two stories tugh, ma, Bock Kiieheu, Wish limas sad Oa , e
llume,, Prow Troia, 81,tubbety, 4c4 4 very desirable- 7 1
family readeum. Also, about fagot, lob lath Ito'-re
of gad., Franc, ho, . vrecivd themon,of grater cud hot
.;•• • d valor, brauhfully situated. 'ltho s tMO baihhog
of various sass. •
Also "w wales oaimprovl, and satiable for Old
MaouLaturics, witb thormatoul water lowed forma
chioscy„ The u h o s s ta at., Water Le.x.kArrie- la, dwell
lloowsmd Lots are atuated upon dm noddle fa`hof ge4ll4r
aver, wham thrall is twenty feet of the whole
of .14 Ado...elle, win. • Loll oho of about !X feat
haboat me mite abme, and Vallston cod 1 . 144, }fright o a?.
short dblaoce below Tim Obio aod ,Penna nabs cod to
• continuation ofd. Ponca Radroad from gala to Pitts
barghypamm thhough to its• lakes cod the far Wert •
lliroagle the great Ve heal Umber ot the .u. 8., whleh mug
ioan sake Deaver at
Me Sedates for hawing bl ills ;
Th. moo/ from Ohio to the Lakes alto pas es in frout of A
• A ho•• t•act X* &trill or Grolcurtookil the Fella'
Naar. adjoining the Mast ad of Ilrigban. raw of the 7,
Canal to Kra anICI reltud,atst aloof the nil road. The
giage Road frum.ri.bategh toCkvellud gum iherix it.—
Mon thin mg clamed sod ostler fever. very level abd sac.
labla for bit adore md Garde. foil rich and well water '
ed, avid .0 cio of rod wader. l
... t le whelk oriel ,
tionditles ig sett poreltsms • Alto, a tract of 471
laud, bounded by de pal of the maxima the a-vm, by A.l
4 somata on 11.• as lb. op Erie:N.l3.ll.o amth, god extend
iog watt arms the vhio sod N.. nail Rood, aboot 3U
• lamed : Thereat. on Om land • lop e silt two slaty
slam lunem, alsoshut *tor, stmo ham. sod
other tigu The largest pat of Om track ts level one
and for beauty of losatim, fatility of soil,andromix
4f rpeedy and Volt toemmt lu ••••km• tioniumamtd. in wow
n• To lolly.. Ills well. upplad with Prober, foal rod.
mrer &Fetng. of pure water. and M ur•II
Joi prival• rtsidarem, sail will b•
told whol•or In quantities to suit .
IN id. Oa unequalled water poarer jeat •dort anAbelow it
mad its amitallad giograpbantl pewit... it mmt M k res.. io
w ow. wipVtly portmpo thm sap other piese of laud in
dm Wet. •
A1m,.5214. of groand iilmte in New Itrlghlow, twat
molt al the e nal; Itud bound. b y et. b•tarma Mt
kidc UM %Ad I.k of Ito atml. panabom md fool halo.
AU this prop•rtfmtwautitollr situated, baldly row,
fry •bomuttog with coal, timber, building .m•teridr, he ~
..n/ bet . three to three mid • Ms Olt. rim,
• .4 IN silo.. from Pabbeyg, eiaal Which Mu. it
alfarde mowatudealsou with - the Oho. riftralil kaiak:rt. oi
Kris and Chmtando , ui the Utio and Tama. 11. Bowl, new
' prolamin w manidettou,md woes through muct.
it, pill tool It within an
or lewkita• el Fittaborgh
...I par found Wrog hiltbgood .r 1.11.31111,pra.
dommd marehandira from th en and '
• A•• • tmtioo br soanuOmturatioamionicogtrde , ers,
for rowsmi midarealk.zmm of bus oar in Pattsktwgb, or
rew ,wordtddlt lumstmeat far looney, Ito tram now °Arm se
T•rs of do intik Imwoniblk tut I adrantamdm topaz
char... For firths, ptrtiruhr• yawl:ire of James Patty
tai, propridni, or Wm. Wicklow. or to
, • • • ,•N. F. Tr. U. 1.. R. FETTERMAN.
, • Atloramr al Law sad RoarTattlk Agents,
ie McdAWI• . • No. till Fourtkiltreat.Fittsbumb.
- .
sk'lll4r"94rt"n ansrata strg O,.,ty9et
171: SELIA:Rs •
ILJ ig rr ree Fir r , u t e is z ums
LOANIIIITiII - 96 WIITHENT--93 dolf - TRTCaIe by
pa a 4 9E14.142t5
. .
r u f t E !u Xi T ri 6 llls "T n
stl i e li nabt u pti o :, tu:ir
PFor particular, ar.qatre at No NEI Pena onset,
' Je2l“thr
WO Brick Dwain, Home& in Seirentti Ward, on
1 Centre A venue or blineriviHer Head- Renrovr.
Fnquire of JOHN WATT & CO
-toi : FL 1 1.1 1 1 1 3 " Za c" :
111 Carriage llonae, being tee property ' ;f,
and lona the residence of AI es Jane tila
gee. situated on Webater rt. near Seventh
Tort. For tonna, apply to
To Lat.
MBRICK 111/ILDINO, by 50 feet, throe moil.
AW., with Begin e, se; 'located in Birmingham,
immediately below the Ferry. Enquire of
Pitteborgh Poondly
To tat
TIM large three army Brick Warehouse, on Wain .
heloor Ferry nice, running from Water to Firs:
tirect, rearonahle term*. Panacea. given .m 7
dinstely. F.:11,114re of
p. LORENZ..:
FOR 9ALE.-1. Lot of Ciround situatoonYeur
itrest,befercen Ilay and hlarbury streets; vollninlng
the. and lot now occupied by Iliebard Falsest&
Oaring a front al* feet, and In depth 130 feet, 1•111 be
sold Ott fasnrable terms. Title unexceptionable, En.
naire of . O. Loo3llo,thet, near Wood'.
To Bop and W 111erehassiti;
D 011891: . 1.'S .t!ERFUhIEIII - ..- . • The
IL entre/16e respectfully Invites puhllesatennort
citendive slack of Perfumery, Seeps, Shaving
Creams, Pse., to h;e11 seven Paver and two Golder.
'Rennie have, within the lest six yettn, teen awarded
by the Institutes of New York, 13aston, en 4
delphia, the latter helm the p oly Golden Medals ever
awarded (be parfoosery either In . Extropo or In ails
co ß untry.
ootless liminess= 'SLIMING Canna lelmond
Roma, and ~ Ambrosial.) nalvetstilly acknowledged to
bo Mipe dor to toy Shaving Cream •ln Bus eountry of
Oa:exile= woo Snevniu—Seattlirally Inasperent
and posseeilnig highly Simon Rezone end eniollteni •
properties; Semonaccoqe Compound; tienbroelalShay.
IneTtiblett tyl Uttar) ShavltteSoeP.
• Stnernie tau= Sours,almond,Rone,Tililleftenrs
Rang net, Pletechlo, Mask, Piticlumty, ssintilhav, Moat.
ng.'ymnspatont, Olive 011, WlnileovOina Cimeminn
Ex - nacre woo ,fun Ilatantsacutes—Rosa, Juana
Bouqitei de Caroline, Gamine; Jenny Lind, Nous •
line, Jockey Club, Magnolia Clemente, Citronelle
Beni, and nutty o th eraariottn, in all sixty diger=
• perfumes:
• .
Tomas Wevrote—Florida Water, Eau 'de Toilette
Cringe Flower Water and a great variety of Co
logne. and Lavender Wizen •
PIiMPAIL•TWO Tp7 'mg lint—Cerialue licar'.oll
Antigua 011,ifendoline, Eta Laramie, (Heine, Co
pound tlx Morrow, Itch Dyes, liqaid and in powder
and Philitet roe. liitinine, and jenny Lind Pornallea
Dmaratate Fairraarrnins—llannunie Elixir, Rost
Tooth Vesta, Cacti:cal Denuifice. ()dentine,: Tooth
Prate, and Tuoih Powder. • ' • ' !
Taansina--V.ratehlOConotelie Cram; Areandist
for chapped halide. Cola Cretan °Mores; Cietun It
Verse, Lip Salvo, liareptarry Creana,/te.
' Depiletory Vomiter, for remenring wiped:lnoue hair
'genii Powder, Vinalare do Dodge, AroutatioNinegar
Victoria. Nair Conrpornion, 1. - testae Palls, heender
a great variety of other articles, too 'nonereas to be
named in Ibis advertisement-
. .
besotrlher boles to matotaitt reputation
w • hich this establisht hos acestlred, by dispooing
(nothing' but first r iteinsoles, - and will be decoy to
furnish thew who may wish to patronize. trim Millet
wholesale or tetail, on a s reasonable trams u anre.
to lithment La th• United Ellater.
Successes to and former Direetor of the Lobos atory
'. • 114•Mesnut street -
Air. •Bazin% Perlainery Islbr sale by Ail the print!.
cal Drorahrts In the conatir.' ' ap174111
Mow Goodsli law Goodall • • ."
Nam tEproli; and Euraelar Dry Mee for IWD
, •
• •
AVattonsta and Retail Dealer to British,
Freneh, and Areetienn DRY GOODS, Al &Aro
street, between Third and Fourth, sign of the ,
• We Slat Iltre,hits just commenced. noel:win
.end opening one of the mart rich,splendi • 4
andentensive Mocks otEprin_g_KM stnnmer Del Goods
ever Offered for sale in the western country,. ol
three Impanel' Goodsare fresh opened, !old Le
~er the lait steamers from !Maio ,und Easiartd;
- sloe Irish Linens, impttilsa 'therm from Belford,
• mats blgnelwil, and it ranted the pare ankle; these
. Linens are all imported by eke subscriber and 'email
patellas yarn, warranted. Also, Dish Linen Damask
Tble Cloths, the very best ruanufacture,• and Irish
• L iner Geo& of all kinds, imported direct from Belfast
by the subscriber, arid will to found the reel
New style rich Turk pdns,'"iir colors, eplendid
condo; :blank 'Dark SWIM.; all prices, rich
glace Sills, all Colors, late importatiout French
Rid °tones, all colors, the best imported; plaid'
fin ed
A 'Mutt 1 , , per led l'ereell steam er new style pated
Danges, splendid goods. Also, a superb and. large
stock of were black Brussels Lac, for Inmating
• dresses, very rich goodto plain Damps lu atrophies,
;'estremely beastifel goads; flood bilk Fringe, all
widths 'and prices, Tery Wirt; French Lawns, new; Ifeel . Vesneh steamer; plain black Gro De
Mph lustre, superb g.ds; black fixated°,
Milne Umeade, rich goodG French and hhiglish
Ceshrceres, rew.styles, , beardifol geode; 'splendid'
figured Swiss goals fne ball denser; nett eml sahleted
Swiss Malls for
evening thea•es:_tlutlsi This lag and
t, Inserting, tht , best icaporvid; Tina. in nil colors
and qualities Past stile plain and satin strip , d;ttlack
,Litarerev,'s.ll prices; printed Lawns, new mice, front
d to 11.5 cents per yard; Berm dr Lain., a new scum
:or ladtes , drosses. Also, a large and saperb stork •
neat. style toting Bonnet Ribbons, thevdry been int
po fled, au new
Canton eters Shawls, all colors, fresh from the Cu
t. tom Own . 'look Satin Shawl. splendid goods, in all
~elors, per list steamer; beautiful changeable clam,
/, ilk Shawls, fresh luepefletiOn • While embroidered
tt Canton Crape Show., superb goimb; green ..101er
Canton Crape Showls, splendid goods,• 'Lapin's
French made FrobrolderedTalbet, guest iceportatlen;
e PASO 'painted Cestunere Shawls, all prices and quali
ties; summer Orients and Scarfs in great V.
O ricty; French walked Capcs,Collariand Cods. a large
0 . aleinettera.
• A Laity Sleek of
Dozarsne sTAri.O 000119.
TO hales onbleached Merlins, from 6 te 11l Cent , pet '$
Yard; It. e..e. bleached Moslies, from 41 to 14 ems.
per he'd 11 eases Irish Listetss Imported direct from
ithlt get; II bales Ties - tog, irons ti to 05 cents per yen', •.
8 eases Mae Drill, from 8 to PSI tenni rtes yard, be
sides a fall assortment of yammer Cloths. Also. Car. ,
simmer., Tweeds, listmetts, and Kentucky deans;
IS eta. dark Calico, fat ca lmed from 310 111 rents
per yard, 5 eon, lloyl & Sans' Ithelish Pants bas
tropericd, 5 Wel Rllstl6 and Scotch thapyrshollmuse• ll
1y toe, Alto, Housekeeping Coed, of ha kites, nay
r rm.p, 2 hams Bashes Crash, moot et to IM'opritellthr
P.M, be•tdek a large meek of Cbs.-ek ao¢, . . •
;., - tope.Also, Conlon Flannels, all colon he Mal,
lie., a, low prices, red, wane , sod ; yellow Planuelss i
very vg.; bleached and unbleached Drlllingsr, fall;
foortmerd, 6 totes 1 , 1110 Diellieelleit CISIIe.S 7 W.
Remedy low; blackand unbleached Table Ihnpers t asP.
,rice.; Did'. eye ISIS CIS, y, an pric and ettaltilel,
I very cheap; entered Lamlitles, a fall SISOISMeOI, )
cheaper than ever; ll hake Burlaps, heat 121 to 3.5 eta .
Pet }Md. Aireoilargestrtek elan:tort Table Diaper*
Maturers'ishirting—A fad asrartment, very Cheap.
The largest and most splendid stock of Parasols •
-vet openedby any one house la Putsbergh, Is th is I
•ay rem. toed, and are of the hew.' Efene b alkless .
which, for wellness and beauty, etomot be surpass
As we have e lure lot of these Parasols, they will be ,
sold cheaper than any other house In the city can el
turd to sell the same quality of goods.
Toe. Ladles are remccearly nailed to eraramethem
Parasols, as they veil bed some of the wettest and
newest rt)lcs rear imparted (Wm Europe. These
...easels are all et the richest and. most fashionable
colors, and are ts. et thy of the emotion of the ladies.
All or the above coeds will be sold ha' at prices fat ,
below any booms tu the atm and In order to prove
'h. tar t, tke miblic will please tall end price these •
soods,antrtetupare them with any ether boa. in the
eta, and be convinced of the above assertion.
Toe suomrtber would here SEIM his namerons ens.
omens and the rehire in general, that Care We two
other bee hive stems to market street, pretending to
cpp e with the Mg itee Ilan, which as atom tho only
celebrated and far fumed Dry Goods ertabialuacat In
Pittsburgh. The subsertherry le, would them wholeeale ore my to at
purchasers of D toot either or mud,
that the big lice I live,on filetketstreet, bet Ween Third
Felit Fourth, is now opening the lar u ges , riche, and
ts plendid stock et spring and am lii. Dry Goads
r Mimed for mile In Putsbargh
New Santa too ttlso—Tlielargmtand most fashion
able sleek of Bonnets ever opened us this coy, is Pat
recessed at the sign of the Ilm Bee Hive, On Market
litrect,lntween Third and Fourth streets, where Dry
Goods of every description are 'selling cheaper than
tarty ether Louis in the city. The public writ please
take notice they there are two other bee hive atom on
Market street. who pretend to compete with the llig
Use Hive, beta cm Third and Fourth streets, where
lc public will line, at all times.the largestand Kelm
' , les of Dry Weds, fresh opened.
443- Please take notice, that the store is between
'Surd and Fourth streets, alga of the DIG BI: till '
here Dry roods of every description se e telling
altar/4R than at soy other house in the city.
J. illS never falling Pain beatfoy er, and certain nvie
for U.., nealM, t7ley no. and }pilaf:mad Byes
Cuts. Wounds,
.11111124,14 Inflammatory littetnausm.
Swellings, Sprat., S.O Nipplea,Broken Breen, San
Rheum, old and inveterato 'sores, clammy.
and inflammatory dianues.
Counterfeits of DALLhIOB EXTRACTOR in the out
wearraa flood the market. !Man them as totrwrould
gtolson!! By buying the ch op n the NEW DRES..2.
•v d
id the danger of being ooed open by coon.
torfeits are eertatn of getting the Genuine, ant gem
too reeler, near SO per cent on the average.
Caution to Daalsrlot
qross impostumn is praised upon Dealers, by
setopulons operators , who PUS uP the VW.
in w eounterlen nr tho old wrapper, mixed with a few
hoses of the genalne to each dostat, wad thus offer I
for sale ut a reduced price This tam catches many
deniers; out die couhdlng, innocent consumer. wh •
, uses the epunom article,paystnevenaltyl thdlering,
rain, unsightly tests and maths rssalting (tom sever
burns, wounds or sores, and Ohs% loss or Me itself,,
re the consequences.
Casa In Polnt tr.ln far Particulars
Of one of the must severely barnt and injured
ere at the late and dritastrues HAGUEISTREET EX. ,
• i'I.O3ION, In New York,will ehortly be publtrhed.
FA and ray A talit/RIZ AOLNTIi::
R.713r0 ne hew Circulars for
Nark the errubota on the new drenr—tbe Triangle
, Serpent, 1101404 n, Daveouhl Eagle, and 11. DaUcy7 '
*twee signature.
IrrAvord danger and fraud, and buy Dailey's. ,
tractor 010. T, In the 701 t and Leans Imam
It. [ALLEY, 415 Broadway, New York.
Heron PSenwarra.,Allegbeny.tieneral and Whole
sale Agent.
Titour,Agent, Pittsbergh.
. N. II —The 011111 C, of Dealers w procure this Dal
, ley Salve, new sten, Born either the proprietor blur
lf, or trout
, b ass d th e
will be pubed
, the papers guide to the pablre 10 C lout 01
Bind. usaylludeoveloo
nit. JOHN MA ITIN respectfully ennotinceS lb'
11 elilsces of riltsburgb, ameba lia• persusuciiils
scaled himself lir ties. city, for th e puipae of For,
using Medicine end Burgery, In ail
el. 'llls office is ort Feterill west, No los. Itesideriss
ria tI7 emu st. .•• JylalsierisS,
1")11INTIN9 PAPEIt—IGOrnis Goo book Paper 'Ord
, '.::o, do do do; • • 2 1 1rP.:1
• . jou do neon Rioting, 21V1
• ,
IGO do do do .. Vil..
• . co do do do 2:1241
. . 1W do. do do 21213
, . . V do Moo P.ovolope,vdir •
29.d0 Ycliow do MIA'
• oo do 3latillia do *MA
mt do do do 21i.18;
NV do moiled orropplo4( pa
pero, in Imo, tor solo by JOHN II kiLLM
ira • 01 wood bl
uEei u 4',llAtik BEAIIIII. , •
ONO before atotiry, are tee females ceetulioted,
1,1 at
and the eleantess of.cnmpleziee. end 'brightnerc
of the eye; depute& Tobago not tinny. in yeah;
be, haveleas of ;oath Than, they might to pone ry ar
fifty, - Wlty'ls - tht! 'Depreselon• of rpirits,
ond.ceneral debility lon continued, trithent seeking
reedits in:an enervated conannnior, and a train of
Which can only be ;eseaved, cod. the sheuerS con.
. natation restated. by eerie mild end tonne niedietuo,.
hose torte and alteiativeLprepertlca err Pecalimi) ,
61110 to alehder and delicate,
• .
•.• Cmottran•n, Mar - 7 'IGO'
Dr. S Howe—Dear Ph—For nearly mo year
mp arila ha. been gradttally deciining without any
dr.ewe'..the syurpmeny howesett were general de ,
.111134. weakness,. occasional severe, pains. and it ,
regularities of the .y ince. Oar family physician•.
molly told me that there one no hope as the op•
en:wetting yam weather would mfavorahle I
• nose "pernoaded her to try Dr $. D. 'lowa., shaker
Serrelwrilla, (ranee againet her will) turd a change
was soon perceptible, and. by the remnant we of it
three month., using sit bottlers,: her health wan re.
stored, her .tretigth suitt.lleah regained, and she pow
enjoys tround or 7 reliant health No peen niary eon.
tides-anon eon ever repay the I Ore under to
yea tor rento. i nc my wire to health. and I most cheer
recommend year 'wily Trainable hledleine, i
: ' (Moth .), between Num and Western Row
Dr sure end twiruirefirit.r.B.Dl MME.'S SHAKER ,
• ARSAP.OIUI,I.A. and take ow other. Thin is the.
only Sarsaparilla then acts entire Liver, Sidnela, end
Blood, at the name lime, and hence its alligniu
ney nodanceern. • . : • • •
VS WyUe U.
- .
Far ado by J. A. Jones, J. Schoonamker k. Co.
~:'w. Illack,-R. W. hicans,'J. AI. Townsend, J. Mahler,
~, W. Jackson, l'iuslarak; D. A. Elliou;Alleatteny all;
... W. R. McClelland, Manehrster, Y. Crocker, Drown.
...; lle,• and by DR. R. D. DOWR'h CII , PriMritors,
Mist daseiser I Cullers Ilell.:ancimutd. 0.
. • •
1• : , - , CHEAuper. tobiDlNknolv • . • I
Frcts Mil Vegetal* :Xittgdosi, to repel :Ilisetisig .
Dint Cluyaett.• Exttact or Yelloir Dock
. „ sad liallaparilla. 1 '
' Cruz emwarention,serofala, elvdpelas, rheumatism,
S ; ' Sri tl ' h U ZPT P =, '' Ylfcs, 'l all .:'e.7,n'alfeEe'ti"oilif 7
o - 1
the madder and kidneys mercurial climates, ear
': rapt bother., ash of blood ' a
the head, foy er and
slitTr ''' lV:lTsTtitglre ' lll7l42MLPlTeV,
'• prod, Mehl meats,. ehollei organic use:uoas,
. . palmualon of the heart, bderi, Pam. 111 the side,
West, back, to. • . ;
It is Infallible in all diseases'mixing Dam all ha
pare atate;of the Wood. isr irregular action of the sya-
I, • ' '
In, toe Vegetable Kingdom, an All wise peing e
deposited - Oa= and limbs; congenial teeny
tlerni, ant adapted to he cunt of disease; 7ird to the •
'tamale kingdom does the resien of man, as well a•
she thmlnet of sni Ws,' tarn for antidotes in pain,
The Syrup is a scientific compound Of the muss sal. ,
table plants in nature, entirely. free from dehnerioes
d enervating miners' tobstomeo,'eed as it expe),
isiase from the iymem;lmportemiror ,n Almegth
earrespoi?din6idegree. l , ,
• .
An extraoidinary ease of Scrofula,'erysipelas and
atm eared: by My sqlo um of Dr. Caytionht Cam
potted Syrup, lielloW.Dock end Sandwarlibt
• ltammula Nov. 17,18.1.5.
Da. Grmorr—Sle I tender• my sinters theatre 'tot
the great benefit I havaderteed from the rote of your!
valuable syrup. I haw been troabled very bad wit
a smotaloas sore, width made its appearance on m
clan. ! did not pay meek atteunon to It et first. sap.
posing It to ha nothma but an enlpt.on that appear -
'on persofs far t.. It rurally began to-increase, until"
!reread to air part. of. the head.. I swotted ton .
• hysichashwho emended to, all to no purpow.• -1 hod
sled every thing that taiald bo tried. I Raw your Syr..
op of Yellow Dock and Sarrapentlas and concluded
to use it, for 1 knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
most v 4101140 articlealn tia sehrld for the blood. t
beaFht your Syrup. aad frora.the um of ono bottle,!
ctebd nest obango in mpg system. l cemented
F' to emit aril I was • well man. I now feel like at
pane,; my blood is perfectly cleansed and free
from all ireparities. Tituspot a our...nion but tha
. Tour :Lowly discovered compouod Is Mr superior t
an varasparilla Syrup ewer meld ,
eats cortificam is at your disposal to pablish if you
. late, and any oneyoit may rmbr tette .1 Mall be
py to pies them all the: Information I can about mg.
L: • am remain your obedient sorvant,•
• . 6malos Jonnson,
. ; IL7Matket meat.
beitifemelo medicine itrown. Thy Extract or
YeHoof Dock and Stessaparille lea positive, speed).
' and permanent cute roe all complaints incident to
Its taw, dietetic° empefties tender It peonliarly •
applicable to the slender and delleata constitution of ' '
the female. It Is°swivelled in its enacts epees inch , •
disown as incipient consamption, barn:meets, leo , •
°ratline:4.ot whites, irregular menstruation, iticonti•
oenee of aline, and general prostrause tithe symem;' ,
It tarn cdidely counteracts that distressing nervous .'
efts and lassitude so common to the female frame.; • '
and Imparts an energy end booraney es summing vo
the) enrgratcial. We have °video. en file width
Unlaces tts
wh o. to recommend this meting. to •
battled people who have not been.blemed with °Si
• Ting.
&masses Ihrant i or Falntl e 1 the/ Womb, of Ire
ycats , lalandins, enrol by Tr. Unyeott's Extratt
'Yellow Dock and Samar mina, Idler seer! other
koomni rmttedy bad been tried witimet relief.
Mum/taros, Ohlo, Feb., 1849..
This senifies that my ;wee, seed '27 years, has
n valterlon..vrider the above complaint far Asa
verve -nearly allot that time conSned to herbed. I
have for four,years constantly employed the bestrew.-
' icel talent that email lie proctred to this seenon bribe
conntry,,withent any benefit 'whatever.: I have also
parchased'every• instrument re!ottimended for Ilia
cure cinch distators,'6.ll of which rowed worthless. ,
In the aprintr.of ts4g, 1 vile todoced by my frieml.
to try lir. Goyhott's bellow Desk and , Sersaparitla,
which was seed (or (oar mouths. • After are had used
for about four weeks. it mu evident to all that she
was =proving, and from this time she Improved eel.
• ally, and gained flesh and atremth, until the discuss
vim entirely removed, andlhe is now crooning mesa
[2(ellaut health: : WAL Ali iNrimrp.
We I eine nelghbtim onWm."and Julia Monfort,
know that toe abovnetatentem, as to the Meknes" or
' Matfett, and eem se ems lining effected ty
:.(loyinitthi Yellow Dear and Sargeparilla, to be strictly
trim, • J ANIL CODY,
errsag Cosi* of Contests:apt
' Ilaw:crurs, Jtmuary ISt% •
t. Mr. Ilennetb-Dear Sir: 'lbe great benefit which I
tia.tre derived front vein . Ilttreet of Yetio* Doe , and
lartapanlla, inducts Me, nailed otjustleo, to nuke
the billowing statemeal •
After. wasting for. fop Teen from peered debility . .
which finally terminated ill 0010.1111/110.., flub given
up by lay and physician's as beyond the aid of
utodicirw. As t last remelt,, was inflated to try.
your l'stracti and having used but two bottle/I,llc.
motility. to lour .diteetions, I situ enttrely well..
would dretelora earneoly recommend soar unequal--
led Command to the allticted, o desire a powerful,
„ nleanot no,! sae toctedy. Urawfally yen r foetid,
: • wArrn
• - Non& geattine onleits pia UP In large Plante I..kit
Containing agattrt, and the neat.? of .the aysap (AWN°
in the p 1 s, Will, the orates rlttnatute of R. Von•
matt on the outside wrapper. race El pet bottle, or
six bottles forl3 • t
Itts sold bri.D. Port, corer, of rOurth antl Wad
,' net streets, etricinasti, VbiO,G.Ollll{, Agent (Or . th e
.9%1140 W e st, whom allorders 1110.21 be address:
Carter k Bre:l2le, W. P. Sedum tr. Co Water
ford; Olin ' asts,_Cro 'ngrillr, Abel" Tr, II
Slcuttroari Ilua Tow , :d ' a; llobert r . ,1117111'
Dorsi I.llodetier, Catlenaburr; X7J ( -
Tt street and the D iamond.
(Er Isiternotes MU, 101faasas..-0 VAIL ert .
din Chemical Soap caner a tree peraptrauen, • nd a
.he setae now mdtdicqse(tons, and whitens We Lan
giving it the texture ited beinny of an infanl's.
Bevan, SALT Sane* ann Saxes, ate soon not only
nettled, but eared by its use, as at toast seven I ups, .
cians in New York knew, who use it in MICA eases,
and find It unfailing-4s also In
BLOtelisa, Faxerins, le any other itk•n
tase. The render to ;emoted that tuts as no u , <less
tiled nostrum, as one trial will prose; I <saki son•
melons at hulled persons eared of
bone Mari, Sole. Last rati, 0011 oy It,
• and we it, and the reader Is again assured I would
.: cruelly sell it for the above unless 1 'newt. to be
all I Wile. Those who are liable to -
Munn, Caaelatf, op Cream Fund, wil ldo
:are. 'Any one elltetedwith any of the abate, a sun
' as diseases, will find this all and even more (a Lelia-
Ole in its propertietillhalll Stain. • "
But,,reader, dm stores are goaded wilh leolAtions,
and be sore you ask for JONES'S Italian Ci ewlent
Soap. ~Sold by W ht JACKSON, 240 Liberty aortas,
Pittsburgh : anent& isT
SUM" 01• Vll.l RagilLa 10 110101010 renal
t die than • bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow ewe.
ed teeth. If persons hove these It is their own boil t
they C0,,,' for two sbillings,'Euy an article that will
Oaks their breath pure and sweet as du Spiry Jr. •
Arabia. •
It cares diseases et the Gums, spongy . or aleerated,
and for the Teeth 11 Is unequalled, removing the lanai,
fitsletibig the teeth in the runs, ant clean theta as
whitensthe sm. elks/res. Meats,'
. Sad,' minter' are the properties Cl ' Joneel Amber
rooth Erste, anif, without prusing to eueselses, here
what bee of nor men reSpettable and scientific pet -
dins, Mr. E. Field, of New York, says:
"I base both hied and enabled this beautiful and lat
palpable ankle, IJoner , Amber. Tooth Doan,) a n
:an nieemmend It as manning all tho alittitiest -
Id form^ Reader, we can say no mute to convint r t
only that If yon try Bus once you will he well pleur 1.
It la put up in beautiful English China Pets; for Jf
centai Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 200 Libe t:
,y street. Pittsberxh. auadulkarT
•• ALL sioot miens an' . nonoraoty Agates:l tea'
the - followara are the actual iinalitiee of a "Ji. battle'
onwPs - Coral Ilan . }legend,. If they !deakt bt
word; they eutnet the.* highly respeetable btu
who have tried it=•
Mr. Geo. Lackey 41 Ora at, New Valk.
Mei. Matilda Beevel, Myrtle ay, Iltooklyn.
' WraTonipkina,ln Wag at, Neer York...'.
Mr.Thrw. Jackson, Montoara 1114.w4i:tear trityrbo gh
11. S. Callen, late barber steamboat 8. America.
• end =Ono then a hundred ether, State, though
mast suffice, that ft will force the hair to grow on :ha
nead. or face, stop it falling off, stranathen the re it.,
. sentf and dandruff from the TOMS, mar iha •
zed, er gray hair assume a fine dark loot, artd
keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moot.»M r 1". and
wastUfal, a very, very _long time.
Bold by the Agent , WM. jAcKS
ON, 210 Liberty It
nU .b or • Pd.'. 571,t0 etas, and one dollar.
.1111 AlUCn~i~uiq for fug.
rI e ot.b.eribein oacc for magi a :amber o chow.;
LailinnUlLlO in We Second Ward, flontin On
.01=101.1groand, on ca., term. Inquire Qr . :iP ,
w or ofJA RUI S
R SI ODINSON.on lbotacn NSON, Atry ar Law, DI
tsio. la nit It
. ,ncyl7tda.attra
tC.) - 71;,ii 1116.134 i CR — CATte I id Nell ,
• INt.: COMMON altEl'Aliklld
they ud noinwitre Low 'habitude Whitton: 11 to
.to the ekml bow coat., bons rough, bow col,
• tole, yellow, and • unhealthy the skin up- ,
• pears &Iterating prepared eloalkl;
, aide. is tohatous, containing a
, large quantity of Lead'
W. Pone prepared a beautiful -negeiable athel•l
*bleb..., tall ,JOIIIW SPANISII LILY
"obi perfectly innocent, being pap find of all deloeni
,p,qu•llties and il imparts to West in natunal,,eal ,
elnote clear, lining while; at the cause
wussg.. comedic on the akin,trutking root and .
hieoth. Chid by the Agent, wni..lmaos,llo
(nT aittelongh. Yuen Vt cents! aniCettlAnoT
VikLaitoiusiis ADVINILTISZZINN'r. ,
PEAR'S& UltliCkWAY, Commissfon Merchants,
eselonsento Qty. - California. ; Liberal•
ulnae nn enovgnelants, end alt acenci holiness
• unaptly sue nued to. ,
.. rases, ' .5 •-•-
sr hoots. f ' nusaus,na,
mayl:l4n. ! •
AT :1.41,1% . =
1110 RTATE 0)141d IsSinNEA tide nt Di va
ifiturfok.Arknowtedgokeout ofDoedi:A.e.
4,015.e0r Fona,
• Weal, above
noi .ltr.wT , ;
' , omit, at, bawsta
eke. on %coda * lido .oi
.rry allc and Gram sy