THE t'ITTSBU.GH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE fr. CO WEDNESDAY MOF!.NING, JULY' te, 1634 ROM 00191.T10 YVIIIO-STATE TICKET VON t.nlL COICIIIMO,II. JOS - H UK . DUNGAN, Of 'Wks Com.ty. roe ontoolol3lll{l. HENRY W. SNYDER.. Of Union Connty. • vox 00IVIII01GRIMI. JOSEP4H HENDERSON. Of Wublmomlecnlnty. Mal masonic and:Whig gm/stations Dar Allegheny C • • say. rot mom seconn Tnozies X. ISEEI • mot mu.. ILME9 CAROTHERS, OT refs AIIMIDI," • MORGAN ROBERE , ON, Pittzbargh. T. J. BIGIIAbL Lower St Clair. 11. C. WALKER. Elizabeth. JOHN m. JAMES Fle 11PCIXS KE FE,'SnoY, wßobladert. /11.11=111110 anomaly FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, Mutt:ROL COILDID3IOIIIIR, EIrEsIF2F2 soyus, North Fayette, trotroz, WIL FLYNN, Lower St. Clair. COVNIT D. N. COURTNEY, Ohio. ersEs NEXT PAGE FUR -LOCAL- MATTERS Trixeterinc, NEWS, As. Urinexcerua lumen Or Tat PIEEDOT.— , 4II4. Acidly morning, we announced the distressing in. te7Bigeuen that Oen. Taylor was .ill.— ' AU tbreagn the day, yesterday, despatches , were' hourly arriving, bringing the most alarming intel ligence, and overwhelmiog our citizens withap pub:minx and sorrow. Never have we witnew ed deeper feeling, or more intense anxiety, than hat been manifewed en this occasion. Our city In been threaded , with gloom, arid sadness bas d sell on every countenance. While the deepest sympathy has been . felt for the dietinguilhed suf ferer, the most ardent prayers have been address ed to Heaven for ho recovery, not only fui his own take, hot for iliat of the public welfare. • Under our telegraphic head, the virkous den pktchis received during the day, yesterday, wall, be band. Up to the hour of this present wri. _Ong, 9 o'clock, Triesday evening, there are faint hopes of the President'. olovery. Wo stall keep our paper, open to a late sour, to enable as to announce the Very West intelligence. P. S. Before goigg to press, last night, a tele . graphic Alespateir was received, announcing that. the President war better, and thu strong , '" aapes cire entertaina rf Li; ?tracery. GEE AT FIRE PHIL ADELPR I A Our sitter city teui been visited by a f Teat ca lamity. Oar despatch brings intelligence of a dreadful are, and of a karfal Iws of life . . - no intimate relations existing between that city and this, caned great anxiety among our cltizeca last evening, and qo telegttpli of were beseiged to aseertaie life location and pregrets of the nig ing.eiement. All the intelligence which could ba . obtained, tip to the boor or going to piers, will be found coder our telegraphic brad.: Pmrsatismt ONO -Snr BVOILLE Rsu. Rose.— leunfrom one of the Commissioners; that the prospects of this read are quite flattering. If the people of Pittsburgh, he sayr, will take stock to the amount of 5103,0000, they will pledge themselves to build the road. The wealthy farmers and owners of coal lands on the route, are determined to have the road, and the prospects ere really now quite favorable - for us' consul:Clive. It is propsed to cress the Ohio by, a Ferry. As the road will pass through one continued Geld, of coal, and* rich eg• rieuhuml country, there ran be no doubt that the coal trade alone will support the rend. Emma rue nutstrrier.—The ..Whig: General Committee of Albany, have pawed enrmtg resolw ions in favor of :the policy laid , cloten President Taylor's California Mentage, and have.^Milled a public meeting, irrespective Of patty, to recant mood the Senators and Reprotentatives of New York to urge the immediate nod unconditional ad monition of California. Tim STT4IIIII. Gatermt.—.ll: public meeting has been held at the city of cleveland, the ?daftor in the chair, at which were unanimouslypaaned a picamble and' resolutions demanding a more thor. °ugh system of steam boat Inspection, and dechte ng that the Griffith was 'loot constructed with suf. - ficient securities *against danger from fire,aind was not furnished with suitable means for emblingpaw tengere to escape from the games; and that the in upertion provided by the lane of Congreni has been inefficiently executed." It was resolved alno to purchase a lot of ground foe the interment of the victims of the disaster. lion. Thomas F. Marshall announces him, candidate for the Kenteety Legislature in Wood. ford county. The lion. l'hilip Triplet is announced as a candidate to represent Devices county in the Stale Senntet. - Sir West Indian estates, which , ten yenta ago, were well worth' ..voopoo, are, lately sold by *action, at Glasgow, for .C... 2,000: • lion. A.. 0. P. Nicholson, late_Senator of the United Slater, , and a distinguished leader of, the 'Democratic Party in Tennmsee, pablislani a long article in the Nashville papers, in which he re. C icon. and criticises with much severity the address oldie recent Nashville Convention. . ROM Lastam.—We have, by an 'arrival at Norfolk, Vs., from Liberia, a private letter, da. ted Monrovia, May I but beavingthe poet mark of the 22d. The writer speaks only cif his pet. tonal interests, but the pia; re of preapirity which be gives is interesting. He says:: ' "We ere moiittg at complaining of bard tinai, but happy that we aro here; where we, ran complain Bader our own vine and fig tree. lam more contented every day. I have nothing what ever to complain of. The cop of life is a mined one ; it to impoesible to extract the "west and to. feet the bitter. ' • lite prospects el tbei Republic arattood, and a sprit or industry, perseverance and calerpnee is arousing oar people horn their long' inglnnoits lethargy. I hope it mar not urge them tootle' The cholera toter:acme st.Naahvitte, Tenn., for tho twenty bar rhoora ending •t 3 o'clock on Monday. wero . three. • The_Banner ol Tuesday l.We regret to learn that the cholera Is rather on the increase in We vieinitr., Oa &nearly there were some sixty cases of cholera and dlarrbeea at the Patatentiary. and one death. The mal gaily of the - Cabe:ale appears witnont precedent. • We learn that a huge number have been attacked en .; the opposite sole of the river, many cares of • which have proved total. This ix a sad conddion of thltp.'' Tat Monson Idernancrent or usorarr—.hee,,,,iisg to the "Third General EPiella Of the Chetah el' Jesus Christ, of Latter fey Saints, (rem the Gnat Salt Lata Valley, to th e Mints .auered throe/them like eank,o' which tallest been issued, the latest maisrams who leg the Swett on the Slit of Beptentber,anoveo at Salt Lake City on the lath of Deeember, la a very' Alternate condition. Daring the winter the anew wee extremely deep. aid a great nether of goverment amine died at Cache Valley from the seventy of the weather. The snow lu the Vallee disappeared in the letter part of Fetnttarn Lot ploughing did not cot . memo tilt near the fast of Apra. The Utah Indiana have been troublesome for a long time. They tilled snores of cattle, stole tortes, waylaid and shot the brethren, anal (massy the Mormons marshelled their forces, and, led by e low IJ Il otlecrs.triade an at tack upon a large body of Indians gear Foil Utak. A Wee craned, which lewd two doh. the $4ll and Ott of Februanr. One of the brethren war killed and a tem wounded, and some SO or 40 Indiaar lost their rises. During the winter, Elder Pratt with arierplon mg party, penetrated south more than 30 miles over /he Tint art. num, into the borders of th e ValleLof . the Colorado. They found trackless menausins covet. f d wilt deep mow, and a few warm pleasant valleys desirable for sculemena- Liule,tomparatimly,eooll be teamed of the vegetable or mineral mode e dons of ebe country through wtJeh they pasted; bin they saw . enough en know that teenier geographers have hither to kdown less of. IN prominent femme-. On the Ind of February a severe shock of . cat Ocala. gras fall in the Valley. • Tee Getters! Assembly of De b eret has been in Sole *ion at dillerent times, and created {Veber, Greet Ben • Lake, Umh, Seance; Yoab, and Tullio chant «-' establiatied ceaM, created sheriffs, constables, lac ' Steep( the peace, a state and marshal attorney, and leavess. wregalar ileum of lurispmdettee , they also established a State University et Great Salt Late City, and .appropriated for i d benefit &SACO yearjof twenty years, to be paid oat of the pahlie UMW,. • Capt.tattsbery, with Ills topographical engineers, Is wereying Great Silt Lake, see the adjacent coon. try• for the purpose of ateping. • • there is a good deal of Inmantsuon stool the die.' petition of "the Saints" to No'hunting Knot fold ia . , Californi•; Imt goer. aro rtac4l a ro und them, in th e flexions or wee or the Fawn. This circular, which is dated the 111. of April, ewe - that -gametes ..forges are touch needed hero, for the famishing attain irons, mat-bittern (analog wen' • ells, entinary vestels,railway trae kg, atalsnany other Mimes; and we tope that Elder Pratt has already sent • on moo, wbo will be tete to start the this session if he h.... see um to Intl not lea sigh{ ,t • 1., • g• 1111.! • r etre!" M . OH WASHINGTON. = CorreSsubueuettp PkeibutlUSumt. WLIFRECITON, July 5, 165(): / 11 .IInIng New. from Teses—lsivuston or Now . )(axle o Boil -ttisioi. -Jefferson Davi., siad oth . . . er heraiss,lisiermlsiable Debates —Bea !star Bell'alThres Days , /pooch—What shall be thine? • The ruiner* the day is, that Texas bas arisen in ber mightiness and despatched an almost indef inite numberof troops towards New Mexico, with instruction to bonqtter it or perish in the attempt As a pendant - tit this alarming and exciting piece of inielligenee,l it is stated that Gen. Quitman Govemorof hitasiaippi, had ananged to backup the Governor of Texas, Col: Bell, with 10,000 of the gallant eitMen sedans of the Romer State, by way of keeping him in good spirits. Thus far de newsisall lively and gnstifyiegi hut It is nacre• maraud proper to state that Gen. Qiiattlebuso, of S. CnOlitil, has not yet been heard from, end an. tithe la, of scums vas can give undecided opinion upon the movemenb Texas sends 2,590 men of ail anus, Qllllllll contribUttiilo,ooo, but Quante. bum's contingency bum not yet been mentioned, -but it will no ilimbt be heavy. Texas and Wm; sissippt head tbk men who ate the boys for fig El. ins ; there cast ho no doubt about that. But they have herclofitra been thought a little short in the Ways and Means Department. Texas owes ff. teen or twenty millions; which she dont pay, whi • Missiesippi is delinquent in from semen to ten, which she rentitliates. WheM,ll,ll the money come from'" • is the refrain bf to old 800 f, some lines of which now occur to we, and it strikes me that It would , make an exceedingly appropriate and animated rallytng cry fite these free companiame, II emblex, coed on their bunters, and might possibly become, in timer all famous at the British watchword of ' booty azulheauty," at New Orlewis,aome thirty tive year, ago. This tremendoui newt, taken in et =Motion With Gov. Quitman's participsucy in the Cohere affair, explains certain before mysteri ous and unshcountalde movements in his &also-- For example, it will be remembered that for 5 months ago, the legislators voted 5 . 2.50,000 for war; tike prirpoaes, and soon alter a trembling world tins given trl'undentimid that Gen. Quitman "was turroundlog himself with 'brilliant 'var.!' The ruth Is nosy out, as lttiu inevitable from the be thinieg tbat it must come out. These formidable arepantions were intended foe the ievissionof New Mexico, and tho commencement of the new southern war. Bat where, hivaU this fearful tur moil, is Lopei . With such anopportnnity as this to display his prowess, it is hardly to be expected that he will remain in inglorious inactivity. LA him give the Governor of DAIWA= leg bail, space he goveroMent the expenses of a mock trial, and 'lace himself at the head of this motley crowd of . Metric iblesi. which Texas is about to acrd against t territory of the United States. The letter of Mr. itephers, of GeOrgii, to which I alluded cm Wed- tesday, appeared In the latrilfgencer of yesterday. It is nothing very alarming, and the Intelligeneer woefully tends Guth the antidote with the poison, Is a lithe Pleaunt ridicule of the -- bloody - visional which Met S. has conjund up.' Nevertheless, t ere is something - its this brief note.. Stephens tape the question of boundary and jurisdiction, la tot one CM the army to decide. • Ferp hire a it is - or, bat it does not • occur to the Choleric prate/t -aut *animal the Interference of the UM, of the 11. sited Sunda, that Texas is the 'party which Is at sliming to Sccide the question by her army. Ma n are of opinion that this reputed movement by Texas has been concerted with the ultra spirits tithe South as affording an excellent cover and - pretext, for more direct measures of resistance ' against the -General Government. - If it be no, 4.311G11e/ , 1 the President La folly prepared and de. unstilted lo meet all treasonable efforts, and to pot them down With the strong hand. That may .e retied tapes, and • •pfltbably is relied coon. by bat self elected champion and lender, the Inell• :COS COL ilifill, who ID vauntingly offered him self am the atudiud bearer of the many of disunion, a the &Mete the ether day. -We have not beard of his leaving - for the seat of war; and probably tball not;untal the Commissariat and strong box f the insurgents become so well establiehed and aspplled,} as to easion him en equivalent on bit Ight dollars per day. • No moguls in either Hooee to Say. The char : I tab's anticipation that the exercises of the Fourth of July would produce a patriotic change in the - temper of Crag: ens, hat not been, by any ccesna, Waled. Toe same matrices V. arm of labile - in• undated both branches. • . In the ricnata, Mr. Bel indulged himself, with another Olii . a random rao• oing over of every thing connected with the pot -is of thl day, in the 4trlit couise of which I was utterly unable, thoxigh Ignite biro the closed at. amnion, Warded a adagio paint worthy of attention, if to End out what he meant to de ,:cr 4csired m have done. It is true that he expressed a prefer. cute of rho President% plan over Mr. Clay's, bait nest who heard him _were of opinion that be •smuld finally vote frr the latter, But what gave wimp brdy aright to complain of Mr. Hell, was, that ittlei, occupying two whole days, cad when is had evidently nothing to uy, - be would cot manclUde, but obliged - the Senate to adjourn for 'ls convenience. holding the Pror for perhaps an. dher whirler sitting.. There is no language severe enough to express condemnation of each waste of ruble time as this. For men to iris, upon mat. sag three days' speech. while the eighth month 4 the session Ice glidingaway, is positively eh:m a:labia. Ilia a fraud upon the country, which ought to:be punished in come way by the people themeelvet. - lONICS. I • Watmrarav, July o.' Probable'deleater the Chantbemplate— ColtOotted",debate upon It—The. Oel phitt'Clalta—Caneus of •'lmmedlates" CeWeenie. Kr. Clay is very despondent about the pereige of the compromise or °melbas bill, end indeed I believe he is convinced it will be Jrjected. Mr Bentatee ealcnlallon le, that 6 en only at= twenty Six votes. G this eatimate be correct, why consume the public time in discussing a scheme that meet fall. Yet when Mr. Truman Smith rose o speak, at near three o'clock this afternoon , and proposed to the friends of the bill to wain nil farther debate; with the understanding that the Sul vote should be taken on hilondiy next, Mr. Clay declined accediog to the proposition, or what appeased to some equivalent to it, declined taking the sense tithe Senile upon It. Ile thought the vote might be taken beano Christmas next, but wild that it was melees to fix on any day certain, 'ult. was impugn 'ble to tell how Many were yet desiron tospeakanpon It. The bill ought to le laid on the table the mamma it is ascertained that it cannot pun. , lint the whole of neat week will be waited In 'Wooing to speeches upon . it. It. Is .dilGeolt to undersized how Mr. Clay expects eta. 'er Califiania to be got into the Union or any thing else to be done, white he allows Ibis obstacle to all action to encumber the calendar. The Florae , ban been Lentettainlng fuel with the GalPhin to day. The debate having been closed by Mr. Bort, chairman of the investigating committee, the various proposition for expresaicg the ophion Of the Henze in the matter came op to be voted upon. The first wan one offered by Mr. Tolman, of Ga., emoentleg to a virtual ax. ealpation of Mr. Crawford, and a denial of the troth of the imputations against him. Mr. Schenck moved to, amend by adding a ninon that the House could not apprise of his acting as agent for this or any otherellim, while a member of the Cabinet. This temperate censure was adopted as an amendment, by a rota of lull to 36, and then by a nine iota rejected the propoeitinn by Toombi to which the Garner wan an anlendmenti "inntteg the whole, the U•-tp ocrats not attending to permit the Secretary of wain to re atonal mere lo F. scratch, Etter some ro te vening proceedings an übbadmeet.oranad by Jacob Thompson, of Ittlatimappl, conning in the payment of the money, but reneellea also in the moat Illiberal and onbecomieg naannerupou the Preeldeo', the At. reroey General,and the Secretary of the Treasury Thin indecorous movement wu suctioned by the vote or 9t to 86. The Itone beamed to become immediately conscious of tho Impropriety of Its own action, and the remainder one, ad', g was conanmed la an effort to re -consider the vote.— .But the contest was loteauPted at • late boor by an adjorantoept. I think the whoM proceeding will be reverted on Monday, and that itt,. Schenck's reProofof the Secretary of war will h a adopted., There will be to night an. adjourned meetin g of the friends of the noceaditional and immediate adousiden ofa4fornia in tlin Honk.t will bp the next mail send you the proceedings of the Justus. Thetotrstruction alba Jenny Ling Wall, in New York, is rspidlynavaineing. The building will be one hundred eo4 fifty feet long by fifty broad, and sandy feel in keigkl, end wilt east, it is ciialsied, aboart9 l .elr . PROM NEW YORK. Conespondeace of the Plusbaigh Guttle.. Ni' Yeas, Jaly stb, lELO. The celebration of the oFourth," yesterday, pars. ed ad' here mahout any incident aripartieulady walkable character. There was an immensity gunpowder burnt day and rdght„ resulting. 01 coulee, in the eine-- accidents to those who de. ight to Vaal epectes of ardisemerd;6lll no fa 4 I do "not, In any care, bear of a single Me ton. The public atabotitka had provided immesh. in Bow ling Green, in UoiollP.quate, and at Washington Parade Ground, and had you keen the vast num• beta ofpeople who gathered - there to .look on,lwo things might have soarprized yon—Gay the good order that Was oyes), where apparent, nod the perfect impunity with which every body helped, seemingly, to set the city on hoe. Theguidnuem are making the most of the con• &Woe of Proleseor Webster. Already are have tau wrong parties, for and egalint biro,--ttne. that daubs. him not to ho behoved on any account, In the face of his previous solemn 'protcsiaiivn of in. potence, null, there fire, that be id not only but aka!, oadeserviog of paqicn..- The other, that it is clearly proven that though it is it clear case of morder, it was neither wilful nor preme;ll Usk& These, sad they appcsiho he the msjoris ty, warmly' express the hope. that the Governor and Council will either pardon the prisoner, or have his soutane° comixtuciL for life. Far his Camay, the greatest COMlClllo.s(rstion is felt. • The oleamsblp Cambria, of die Cunard lice, sr:- rived hero on Wednesday nights from H•lira- 1 , bringing no the foreign mails three days Jsterthan those per Pacific. The anticipated resignation: of the Britiah Ministry, created same talk among the politicians here, but I thick any. body that read the energetic and determined speech ol Lord Jobe Rotten, in toply to My Lord 'Stanley, will come to the conclusion that resignation Is shoot the lest' think they Contemplate, The sate to the Mrds,. on the Greek question, Is tinted with the utmos indiffeenee, which cor.cesla 'beneath n spirit of the eupremeet contempt. Welted quite a avious riot at the foot of Rose- volt street,On Wednesday evening. One of the Liverpool packets, pat arrived, nad a Catholic Priest on board, It reeme,whe had received bad treatment On the pasinge, by one or two of the passengers As scones the ship had unclad the shore, the Priest's party came aahe re, mustered a aiming party of "long shore" Hiberetatta, returned, to the ship, nod commenced hostilities agmali these who took aides against his reverence. The, fight became general, and every species of wea pon, from a handspike down to a dirk knife, were pressed Into the einvice. Soon, however, the chief of police mind on the atoned with o strong force, end put an end Mille riot. Twenty five of the participants were arrested and lodged in jail, while the large numbers that were wounded wore properly taken care of. . The Baud of Aldermri, at their lam meeting, received a communication froinf he Mayor, eie , neer:meg the da di expected arrival of Genenal Jame Antonio Poe a, lam President of the Ilepet 'a ni t s ' of Venezuela, but driven,frem that meetly bpi malicious persecution of the tyrr nt and sea er Menages. - The 'mayor recommends that the 1 diringu,shed stranger ho muttered in public 4,:e hriardtelities of the oily. The Aldermen eetereidg, a' Committee Wm' accordingly been eppolutei3lto receive the illustrious. exile racoon as he, arrieti. Oar @ranee havehail for their goers, the three days par, a pretty numerous representation of att "profession", from PhtladelPlita,'who came (mite 'spend the "glorious Fourth" sn Gethent. TF:cy .eoll themselves the "Humane" Hoes, and 'South waik"'Engine Ce4panlca. The farmer stay at Tammany Hal!, add the latter at Barium's lintel, in Broadway. This morning they were conjoint. Iv cavorted to see the verities pane inalitntions of thn city, and will rearm borne this afternoon. The weather, I need hardly ray, is Ineugerably hot. Btit the city coati:tote remarkably healthy, and so long es that is the case, nobody Is disposed to complain. The departures to the coinliy con time without alstemaut; thous:dada of oar ICIWIII , folk who were at hump a Btrnight age, in the 1 fashionable localitlge op Mire, will confers to ao tarrying piece now othei than Sarttogo, Sabre, Newport, or Niagara. Crowds of Southerners come in even us every day, to swell the general starer:4e to the Nfirth. The steamship Pacific, or the Cori., line, which arts to morrow for Liverpool, will have between Cf,y and sixty paasecgera This dcee not come up to Cite average of the Cunard line. It will t,ka acme ti no lartore our A metier:a reertirte I can be retOred to public favor, after , the Ind!. kraut parfnalanco of these two slew man:ba— the "IVashattrie end Vie "Ile m ti . ' Tar recent passages of 'lle Atlantic and Pacific, hoverer, slow satisfactorily enough, that we can make as fast reenters for the Atlantie course a i iche Rail. Pauly lienable was among the pressen '. gers in the Europe, I see, ,which aVel hence for Liverpool on Wednesday. The sale, of Cotton, sine, the steamer's news, aggregate 1500 bales at firmer prices. Sales till i bile Pot Itch at 55,7505,01. reclsquitt at S 6 The market for Goff. Im lee firm. and fielders are DOI disposed to press sates at preterit prised Cerradien Freer has sold • t the rata of 2,f0 bbie!in -bond, at sr,. Doucette Floor tells freely at $4,21:63,62; for No. 2 superfine and soar, 55 655.2.5 fur rottnnott and atra;gkt State; 65,250 5 021 far Mig.t.igan and. good Ohio; and 6,12106, 151 ;o: pure Genesee. Senthera is in limfte I rei quest; sales of (00 blas at L 4165,50 for mixed brandy, and 5,5005,75 for straight; the latter price for Georgetown and It:Rudy:rine. Bye .our is 'reedy: valet of 400 bids , at 2,5710004 Crre Meal is(quie . ; roles of 100 bids Jersey at 2,971. ' 4. F There is but little Wriest of any description Grad. Core is in fair demand, tar the East for ehipment,9sof 0 bushels sold at 55c0-59r; 62c is given for handsome Southern yellow. Proviniem ere without special movement ; sales 700 1.4*. Seer Mess Pork et 40.91. Whiskey In fair de. mood; sales 500 bbl,, low proof Ohio at. 55e, Drudge is beid it 2S:, on time. Lard—Selei WOO l i pigs soft American, at 4,50. Iron of all dencrip• 1 lions very dull. Sales of Tallow at 7c. ' Tito American Stoamehlp Washington, which arrived here en Thursday, brings among her pas. *angers the cklebrated Count ref Connie. Dem binski,—natnes that shore ennopicuoanly, and with great honor, ia the recent Hungarian etregg'e Stean, the novelist, also came in the same yew!. He iii,jutt now, a greet lion unong our Bremer here. . The Washington brought a very valuable cargo, comistlog ehielly of Frentra and German goods,— valved at 151,1100.000. Much of it is made up e( 'area, matins, gloves, shawls and tilts, imported far the cumlog "fall trade.. DEAD Bornra.—The officers of the stormier West Newton, up yesterday morning from Cairo, report having pawed between Commerce Cope Girar deau, no less Man nix dead bodies 'touting In the river, all apparently men, and dewed in common clothing. ;IVs are at a. loss to know where they came from, and how so snarly should he found with in a few mites of each other. It ta hardly possible that they are a part of the unfortunate VICUMs kill ed on board the steamer bt Louis; one is it likely that thin norther would have collected together from the usual accidents of the river. We bane heard of no recent calamity producing such a we- Ohre of life, end win* renders the thing still more noysterious,scareciya bout hum landed et our wharf from below, fur the past two or three days, that has not reported hiving seen one or more bodies in the Hem. women this city and Cairo. We have heard it intimated that they were from ascending boats ip order to rase - Ihp trouble of burial, and to <wine quarantine - regulations. We Ordinal give credit to such , a atatement, but shonld it be true, the Captain and osficen, of n bran so offending, should be held up to public csecration.—N. Louie R.sp The horrible recklessness of button life, in ibis 'Country, and the disregard of the common decen cies and proprieties paid evert by heathen nations to the dead, are painful to contemplate. They shame our christionity and our civilization. FALLEIG OP TABLE Roca.—The falling of 'fable Seek at Niagara Falls, on Saturday last, was an event Windt h.a boon prognosticated . from time immemorial, though the menial period at which the affetwould 'come off' wan not designated.— The porno that fall wits from trto to .ctat feet long, and from 30 to 10 feet broad, making an irreguler seniicircle, the general conlormttion of which is probably well remembered by timed who have been on the era. It was tbo favorite point for observa tion. 'I he noise occasioned by thecrash was heard at the dietance of three irides, though many in the village on the American side heard nothing of h.,. It is a very fortunate circuntstanCe that the event took place Just at dinner time, when most of the Visitors Were at the hutch, No lives were km.— A cartilage frorfrwhich the horses had been detach ed stood upon the rock, and a. boy was seated in nine. Ho felt the rock giving away, and bad bare. ly time to get out and rush to the edge that did not ten, before the whole immense mate was preciph. kited iWo the chaste ()elate. The only thing, there fore, which ore ore called en•eslitorially to "de plore," is Oro kiss of the old hacit:. • That can oeV er „ff. • The total moldier of emigrants chat hove arrived at llot sum far the aia mouth, ending Jot kr, to 15,315, being 2,34 k CO.l than derma the cartespond , „Furids Pi4lbsrgh mutts. • Anniversary of ens Independence, Ai &a , l phusth.,ZiuWsikn rownship. The day was observed by Sabbath School and Temperance celebmliebo; The Sabbath Schools from all the adjacent churches were present with their tescheth. It appeared that the whole coin. enmity bad Came loge theroso great was the craved; over arm thnland persona being present. A flue hand climatic mu to auendanee, and tavern doe !odes were sung by a bevy of pretty girls. Affor Jae proctesinn tad entered the church, and arrma. ley as ,conidget To were seated—John. 011illan, tEig , was cilledtto the Chair,. and Dr. 0. Rabb was appointed Secretary. Alter akw pertinent remarks by the Chairman, on the QCCIUIIO/1. and. prayer by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Marshall, the Dec laration of Independence was read by lethe Coe - Der, Esq. After the read he g,the Anniversary ads &tea was delivered by inn. H. bleFaden, of Pittsburgh, An excellent address woo dente . cred to the. Sabbath scholar's, by" the venerable Rev. Dr. Estop; after *hid,, the. ecireshatents were cbstribated.- The temperanci addreas. be ing next in order, Mr. William Wilson area can ed to titte Clair, and Joseph Miller, Esq., appoint ed Secretary. Rev. Gee. Marshall delivered the addreer, and althongh we had beard him shuns dred timed, we aril compelled to my that the elo. quest patterns/S. aurpaued himself on the aces. sion. The following resoltitionts were unanimous. ly adopted. Resolved, That in the opinien.of Ibis meeting, the Tempernace canto, consistieg in the Mange of all intoxicating drinha, is the rinse el pod and ho. , moony, wor.hy of the prayers and cetoperatlen of all aulatiana, patriots,and philanthropists. Resolved, That in the SUCCLIIS of this cut.. ao our own and foreign lands. wa have abundant eat , ideate of the smilea of a benigoent Provillence, upon aesnciated efiart to overturn and restrain the mighty linnecce of intemperance, as well as t raking encourager:neat for renewed and vigorous ,i teal in this good cause. till drunkenness and ali , as collateral evils he Laniaked trom the world. ' Resolved. That the continued manufacture and 4 tale of intoxicating l'quort; as a lxvertge, is the scourge of our concur; that imprett taker and ere couraremeet, by license law, la morally and civilly. wrote;• and that the people Should claim the right to promminn from its desolating code. Resolved, That the present mode of adstaining license, by the aignatere of twelve men to a pelt. lion, le highly deceptive. reading to favoritism and imposition on mums of justice, and one.which Calla for, under existing law., the most vigilant and careful scrutiny on the parlor such Comm.,. Revolved, That wn have been ouch gratified, and our belies for good strengthened, in the favor and sent abown towards the Temperance cause —end the dispoeition manifested by the President Judge of the Court of Quarter Iseroalona of AIM. gheny County, in his cadremen on several occa sions to the Orand Jury, to co-operate with the friends of temperance in every lawful means for the nurprestdon of interuperaime. - Resolved, That the sign. of. the times indicate en abatement of teal—and that we ateloudly adl ed upon, to awake to amino, and . hareem Mir. wives afresh for battle—intlueneed by the watch. word ...victory or death," in this moral welfare. Resolved, That the temperance cause Deeds no - mon cove to promote its interest., other thou those holy nod benevolent rinclpiel of the Mille, con• aiatteg in light and love In all its' measure., and shinieg clearly upon all the deliberatlona of Its friends, end love in the heart aCcempmierl with arguments adatesred to the undentandieg and conscience, and that any other measurer will al ways have a reactive isfihence.-kavieg the came in a !route condition tan they found it. . Tho inection . then passed a vote of thanks to the, speakers of the day, when all dispersed to their homes, well plumed with themselves and with one another. A pleuanter day we have not • spent any where. It was • Rewired, That the Iteeehrtions of the temper ance atieicue s, nod other proceeding!, be pnblleh• ad in ropers Metall to the moose. Fttr the Putabureb Gas:eits. TUE 'FOVETII OF JOLT AT BIcKW.EA. POET. • The tuventy (mirth Anniversary of American Independence, ism duly observedeby the cameos of the Baronet of McKeesport and its vicinity,, in the good old fashioned manner of bygone days. At sunrise n Hallam' salute w►► fired by the Youghiogheny', Artillery, en "Sb►w'► Hill." At eleven o'clock, the procmnion,headml by the Artillery and the IlleKrexpert Brats Band, formed on the Diamond, under the direction ul the Chief Marshal,. Cot. Stu., and marched to the grove pre. pared for the Occasion. The meeting was organized by appointing ins& SILL, Parent:ler or the day, nod J. Al. K Snod,aratt,tsaninel Falter, Orrille A. Lee, Samuel Taylor, J. TV..Edgae, 11. B. Sinclair, and Dorior KuvA tllarehand, View Pretatnte. Thu Dec;arat d ion of ladoperotence was read by Dr. R.ll. SHELDON ; nod -War Adam' , Idt" , . by Pow.. BAKEZ; afro, which very eloquent mu, op propriate unbolts were dclivored by Juno P, Pr..• arrir and A. D. MCCALMOIT, Effluires, of Pots. borgh. The audience then adjourned to a most excellent (linnet, (in waiting) prepared by Mr. J. Adams. Altogether, our citizens hove hid a most pigeons celebration, one which they esteem na worthy of the Day. And what will add to the pleasure which Its remembrance will arrant is the ract that nutlung like drunkenness cedisordar was seen on the OCCIISIOn. The ibllovring regular MI volttniee tot were reed by Dr. Sheldon, Chaim:an of the Committee: 1. Tile MT.... itlnnous crietib in the history of man. %tic cherish the arsocuttiona ennweeted therewith as a itart of the rich legacy left ten by the rathemofilteltepublic. Y. IrnAhinston—Timu.:lg n odds new lustre to los- mom. The bun in the heavens, to increase -the radiance of his glory, needs no reflection from the pale Itnnlnarice that surround' him. Let its hyn• or hint in faience. a. Our Coraury—Afar she vier be indexlbly Ind to raker nations, watchful over her own rights nd libertie4, progrenive in knowledge and virtue, nd exhibit to the world a perfect model of free uverntnent.. 1. Pc.inoiv of the linvint,ori--LTheirs is undy ing tame. The memory of . their foils and surfer 1n; . 2., of their Irene deeds and noti!e their devoted paid - pt.-in:tad ez.t:ietlithilsoiltronliy can never nertth. 5 7%, Lbw:or—The reenli mie and concession. "It 11111,1 and shall ho r nerved." G. Our Army cud Wary—lferetorure undaunted by Me moo powerful foe on sea or land I we !MVO fultponfldenee that. when called no to deferul Moir eountey, the glory of its name and the honor a its flee will contain unsullied. • 7. klifunation—The intelligence of the .people the beet guarantee of the progrm of free pfirl cipleo. 8. M. Pres:ln:ref the tinned Stearn. 9. The Cnstrnor ofiAnStal• of P.fannylvannt. In. digricalture and the illidtanir Art.—The Faure° of true wealth in dine of peace—thu suture of trim nairioiicni in time of war. j. Tho Statn of Pemrvirania.—The keystone pf the Vederal'Arch. She has over been ready to defend the rights of nor common country. 12 Universe/ l'ofeectrort—Let its free ourselves on tile annlverwary from the tyranny, of pe rt bigotry, .I,i:radium prejudice, °limitmn of erery kind—so Clint , tee may enjoy in their fellesinvol political: spirimal, nod inmlieettad Tinny. 12 Mt Migliers pftdc l ir itNlnito4—While the virtues' or snit' denial end 11316411 e devotion are remembered among us, lei us not forget our lutioary Mothers. May their daughters einulaio thair examplo. • Ity It. IL Sheldon 'The Fourth of July—Our political Subhaili, Freedom's • jubilee--a day to ho observed In accordance with time honored usage. By Oliver g vans ; /11414—. That noble boon be , Ticathed us by our forefathers, the result orttinq deprivations and bard fought baufes;' uley weaver cherish and hand ii dawn to posterity as the bright. , at ornament in our history. By 0. A. Leo: Tho Day for Celebraff—Mny its mornings continpo to ho USVOId in witb 'peals of jut , by unborn million. Its lirenh Mounter Disunion—The people of the tooth would not have It, if you would glen it to them. By Petry lltker:—May the guardian angel. of Pace , li p h g inn , Proiperity, and tiodvental Liberty watch over the country of God and Want l ink oa. Ity Cotnnel 4‘..sse Sill : 7Yte Dory nun erkbrant May each return thereof find us united, happy and free. By the President of the Day; rereei,inehenyAr.. tillery—lo the name or the CIIISCNtit Noliceeport and the people of this celebration, we thank you (or your attendance, and shall trust to your nettle• lion in the day of trial. By the Cordate of the Artillery Youghiogheny einilitey—Organized for their country'sgood,ready for Its service, with hearts deeply solicitous for its (untie welfare. ,- By B. EL Sheldon:. The Pireidens of ihr Day, Jura Sin—Though the fnetot of many winteri have* . eilverett Ms head fur the grave, the same o„,ring patrlotiun.that impelled lum _to leave t quietatie of hi.. , for the war whoop of the In. than on tie frontier in ISM, mill animates his In!X ,um.:. Play be live to eeteboate many more each davit. By Wm.ll.,Hin: hiymerhyour hag, blame a —Gat tip in aamptuott, manner. The CDT Mine , stopped doom on the Propeller Independence, lest Week, 150 tons of mass and trrral copper, watth some $30,000. When our s d pertor shores contain such t onrolles. wealth, It seems osseeruntable that moro capital itu d o n o t torn their allootion to these pktays of more . cg n o in tithes than those of CaUornle.— Lode &Tatar Journal.: TRIAL or pre •hlonviquoru.—Tha jury in this ease, after an absence of forty hour., were yester day discharged, being unable to agree upon a vet , Thu vole mood, at the tune of discharge, if for convicting both brother., and 3 for acquitting them. We learn that the next trial win be upon the indictment tor killing Albert lama, tip= which a aevcranca has been granted, and they will he tried separately. Thu Ilia trial occupied the court —Mt Lows Rep, Jo 4 1. The ComPionda. Jan! The Wastueghan coriespandent of tlie „ flulatilel. phis Ledge!. gnmaj has been one of the strongest supporters of the Compromise WI of Mr: Cloy,an9bneof the twist earnest &Zoysia in its successful plume through both Houses, in the country. Ws faith in its success, however, ia O °W b.:sieving to waver. In his letter of July 6, be "It is now understood Mat the D.daerare Sena ton instructed by Mr. Clayton and the meettog in Wilmington, will go against the Compromise 11111. "Every little helps," say the opponents of the messaire, and there is now rattly but a slim chance for the passage of the. Bill. It cannot stand the united attack ot the administration, the free' soil sgitatora of the North, and the Southern nullifiers, or disunionist& To the latter, however, belongs the merit of defeating Ike Bilk they could have cared it, if they had remained but six moat* true to their own prokisions; end WM:Ribero pol iticians on whom these madcap agitators anddem., gnes rely, would but come out boldly and re. Mike their insane demands fort h . Missouri Com. promise. That line give. the Souttinothiag sub. *Untied. and by onderminieg the bulwark of the constitution plaza the law of Congress over the supreme law of the laud, from whir/ Congress alone derives its power. But there is no use in ergoleg the question.— Though it ts stated by some , correspondents that the vote in the &este ,oa the Missouri Compri) , mire was not • test vote, and that 'many voted amorist it who la their beau preferred to support ti, I can assure you that nothing eau possibly be f.inher from the troth. The boot is on the other leg altogether. The Missouri Compromine will never root:Iacono single Northern vote In the Sen ate, and in on case will Henry Clay atultify wit no far ate vote for It. Henry Clay will pre• fee voting for the admission of California, and, so will Ow and Webster. Titans were quite a nom. ber of votes given for the Missouri Line by those a Its prefer the Compromise of the Com uslitee . o f Thirteen. Thus Senator Houston, Mr..Thwits; Mr. Foote, Mr. titchincit, have all voted fin it, merely foliating their Southern colleagues that the thing is impossible and. that as honest men they should now try the plan which they are willing to airport. The South, by rejecting the Compromise of the Committee of Thirteen, will have to accept Call forma by herself. Tharp us no Presidential can didate to be menu farmer.% out of the Minnow( line, and still law a Vice Presidential one Be. ` aides, she know these Southern ultras too w ell.— They wl.l, at the very last hour, prefer a man who owns Degrees to the very beat 1:21110 the North can propose. They will not trust a Northern roan without hostages, though they have cassia a Tar tar, and deservedly no, in Genets! Taper. Nulls, Goalie," was pet down while Mr. Calhoun wail alive, and nalificution will be pet down now. It In quite propoeleteugi and onmathematical, that the "rest orbit of our Union should revolve round the small clay of !Muth Cantina, which oven at this late day, resemble, .more a European colony than a State of thin Union, noted for its progress; and admired for ill! energy. South Carolina will yet propose . to apply the line of 3G deg. 39 mid; to heaven, in order that they might go South of that line with their nearoes, without whom thew would feel "degrastd." The Knights of Anhuz's Table, who wore considered Cavaliers in their day, did not depend for their honor on their re; tinge. The present attitude or New Mexico is a God send tattle South. • On that point they are all uni ted, and ready to fight. so you will see loin the preelanotolon of Mr. Stepheds. of Georgia, In to day's National Inteiligencer. Tho admiulstration, however, I. ready to propane tb* settlement of th e Texas Boundary, in a separate !111. If the Texas Boundary Is not sallied, Gov. Bell. with his thunit thourand Texan Rangers, will be is Santa Fe, on or about the let of October next. With inch a a force they may seelv cross the Indian territory, instead at lakiog the Fort . Independence route., Onsurica.: Cnbumi Pacireux to °assns.—The Coda Lego,Lttive Assembly bee jest made a way hn. portant decision. After ■ moat exciting debate, it bas adopted, by a majority of two mates, a se. rider resolution. in favor of reinvesting the con. trot of the Clergy Reserves in the. Provincial Government, and applying them to the purpose of general education, To itti, ono-seventh of the wild lamb or Canada were set apart for thd rap port of the ”mtestant clergy. The Chtireh of England Ant alone, afterward. conjoituly with the Church of Pa:gland, oontinned to enjoy these en. dm:news fat about Gly years. But their exclu sive ratification gave rise to aansmatly increasing opposition, till at last it became the maximite canto of the rebellion in Upper Canada, In 1931 and '39. In ISO, a gunflint of the endowcneats was male among all the religious seat.. inch:tains the Roman Catholic, and ail tha future control over the lands wan brass - cued from the Prank. edd to the lametild Legislature. Les-rirccnott OF Susie—The "Presbytery:of the Western District," Tenneeree, nt Its Beast tt or Huntingdon, Apnl 18th, adopted annalmotuly the following le$010liCril: Re elevd. The we. as • Pre. ItYtell, Will en• desvor prayerfully to °lmre° the Injunctions of the General Assembly to Instruct the slaves to our bounds; and that the isessious of each church, under our care, be enjoined to see servants carefully Inetruraed in the great principles of the Gospel, at home and In the church, so far az practicable, and report their diligence herein at each Spring meeting of Presbytery .° LOGAN, WILSON I Co., 1919 WOODST., ABOVE FIFTH, Have joss 'revived largo Willits.av to their . REPRO STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY,ke Imported Ir late parkets from I.: mope, and to which they would espeelsilly erdltbe attesiron Of purchaser', believing iseir very exten sive stooks and lore prixa will giver • entire satisfaction. mayer-d,tvelYT 0 . 10 ant Aarelrenn—To those afflicted wit► that needful Peserge to America, the Liter Complaint, the proprietor'. of M•Lanel LI,Cr Pills: are happy to offer this remedy, al at once complete and saki. It has been tried often in all part. of the country; 4 has been used In the practien of the moot eminent Phys •cues, end always with triumphant encores. In envoy then rille to the public, the proprietor. arc actuated by a olisgre to alleviate borate sainting, and offer a remcdrtor one of the most tenable demiso which shall be Within the reach of all. lyr For .ala by J. KIDD t CU, Now Wood Kiva Mod Illooiorod to Sight by . this P • anagram. S. S. Linen-01r: I wish to bear testimony Id the medical virtue dl the Oil called Petroleum. I was for a lone time •01thied with a badly inflamed and vary vote eye, so tm4h so es blase sight entirely for eboot 'bre e month., with very little hopes of ever reeevbring the, vet; and but a slight prospect of having It re lieved or We eorenro; my attending pLysictan:was ozone...earful In tasking a sure, or In giving relict, and a ghrded me GM Mlle encouragement. I hoard of We retro:cum abont the lit or April, Ho, and gave It a mod: tip resell is. the light le restored and sal eyes well, except a little tender at weak when I p oat in the suit. ANN IRELAND. Mansfield ea., Cincinnati, May 94,1e.A. ' S. S. Lorton-131r: I have been afflicted with Piles for wen years, and have tried other remedies, without permanent veld; until I heard of the Pcirdleato. i have rived only one bottle, rod think I am entirely eared. I rPeOeuttene it vo all who are afflicted wadi' Piles. there known it to be good tor sore eye. ; Cincinnati; May sq 1830 . 4C. OAHU - 1130M Bor sale by Keyser d.MeDowell,l4o.Wood street; It II Polls., bl Wood sl.; D M Carry, Alleghenreim D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph pnalass, Allegheny; also by 'hi roprir t or, a. lP /4.. 114 • Ctli floSid•eo , Mit tb PiDetlllgh °Coo of 041 a und Ponno. 14 R. Co. Tll,d 84 eirmugun, Juno 150670. Tna Sor.kbolders or the tibia and rentutylianla Ralf Road Company am hereby notified to pet :be Myth Instalment of fire dollars par glare, at the iiittee, of the Company, as heretofore, on or before the XIA, day of June next, sad the remaining tjst.xlmsitta 83 per 'shim, on or betru the JOth day of mieb tae eeedm; mptt, mild the 'Thole ao paid. vat k l .i3XSEit, Jr, Treasurer. • Improvements u aotletq. DR. STEARNS, late of DOSirnlaa POW manefecturc and del llotx 'pars . 111....1;tu t0 /OW, upon 61,011.31.1ur Atatalpherao Suction Tootaxcua CUIXD 1F1V1Z10072% Where the nerve is exrased. Mee and residence next door to the May ors c Ince, Fontih Rana to-4. B. 11 , Frolden.F. U. Eaton. jig, mscouneuz norm irtsTiTumroßie CITIZENS'- INSURANCE COMPANY. Rt Pittaburgh. , CO. 11 SWISHY, Pan's.• • •--A. W. hIAR.RP,See's. (Jake—No. 41 Water street, Est the swarthoess of C. IT. GRANT. rilitiS COMPANY Is now prepared to Maitre all J, kinds of risks, on hearer, manufactories, goods merchandise in store, and in transits, reascla, &e: An ample imaranq for the abtiity and Integrity of the Institution, is afforded In the character of the Di. moors, Who are all old.. of Pituburgh, well end favorably known to the community for theirpradence, Intelligence, and InlegrilY , /draurosts-11 O. limey, Was. nagaley, Wm. tar Inter, Jr., Walter Ugash !lath D. Wag, Edward 1101rwator Z. Massy,. ff. Baran/It, B. M. &ler. ;. aP 3 Ri'4 • ' • • ' "Da. D. Hoar, Dean.i.c... t7 :ltroluth Ittiowtoe u..bgd,P" .41.-01rIn - TAN 'WAY ICIIINItt 11J APHINGS:, Nlight•Tritiral. 11Y Steam hoot to Brotenavillei, Stago by day light BY to Cumberland, and der light Stages from Color berland to Bedford—Faro St Mao. • Stalle leaf. mu °Meet Monda”Woduoadays, and Pndays; at 8 o'clock A. to., ott Metal Pleasant and Somanat, u.dryrd, arriving to Bedford tots day—Fa.: SG.: I P4IBBILIK - Unt - • AO for National Road &Good Intent Stage Co.. Iri:dim • C A-:g i f t l i f OM- 7 n bqtrwl s ist i. go i s il. tale I,t,'..___""`tg ° LEAD — ;I, 4 P'" ''''' iTti'fl"l`, 'Z. '& 1 1.1; Uwe 6CO Pio BIETAL-17d tons, soitablo for roiligs MIS* it HI . 1111EY. MATTHEWS & bN? .. L ., LOU It —143 barrels for s&le by P Jou u HMG MATTHEWS & CO rEATIIERS-44 gecko prime Kentucky for We by ,yIU - =LEY, MATT & cod gdSTEILit-WALT. PAPER at lower prier., and at quality ioporior to Loy LIZIIIICILCINted to this sat o; =or opomag by W tdARSUALL 1/10 Wood ot coBawro6-4t c.og. b..t quality, for sale by Jyte &LAT/111M8 & CO_ j!t_st nrrived fat WATT & CO Nrg i i? b itClLEß til I p . 3 brl t mart d the r r us e r.lo . O_E LD fkIiBO4,O'4.PIE,TALI:4" W'r:be.nal• am.. et d ivala fine al HvgriTlALucc C O IP .>irß Lawrie PI. .11 , 11 R V SALT —n bags ine b Brdt yy ror dam, or labia '84111"-"."tteetved f." w ta breLl3ll o aco 11Ar#CIIEltEL-31*; brls No .7; ALL LO VW, No3,Justree'd for sale by JAMES DAIS ELL 10 Water at 1111180LIIITION Or PASIThISSIMP. up. partnenklp heretofore existing between the T sabscribers, under the firm of Neeb &Neagh - . •wa• thls day dissolaed by metal consent:' The ball, nen of -therm arm be settled by Mr. Mueller, into , ease? of Neeb &Mueller who Is ast th orizea to ago the name of the firm in se ttlement. • WM/ NEEII, • ' N. P. 141JELLEit. DIVIDEND. Office ofirillaborgh Gas Company, • 81141850.. Wilt Trustees of the Pittsbarab (las Company have this day declared a Dividend of Geo per cent for . the last Nix months, on the capital etas k paid in—pay— able to tee etoekboldete, or their legal reptreentatoree, et the old= of the ore, ks, lorthm_ - lye • dANIFS CIIHISTY, Treasurer. -- — DI VIDUND. ' • rTUIE Directors of the Pittsburgh and 13rialonidknIng .L Company, have this day declared a dividend of wren dollars per share, for the last al. raentlt.P.Y . able at tho office et the treasurer. on and after the S of Lague; Proximo. CllAltkr...3 AVERY, Pent Joy d. Iwo-4)l;We' • • hhd. N. G. tlogaG , Rtes Riot; ; G 3 hf chests Y. H Imp. O. P. Tea; 33 do Black Te; 40 caddie. Y. IL. Imp h G. P. Tea; 40 Ink and bf Ws 8 oloratos; Re b .Pipes; , 10 de Starch; 5 do N 4 3 Corms 511111., for sale, to C II GRANT closlkby INltw BOOKB AT HOLMES LITERARY DEPOT, Third street, oPpost i the Post • Olhee. rt ar,d DIFIATARn,Y.go;k°' - .Pm — . Poston Sholispeare, ho 19. , LittelPs Living Age, No 211. Hunt'. Merchants , Magazine (07.10 y. Mooting Can. By Nre. Ellie—carte 11 and le. Won; Review for Joly. Demoondie Review for July. • ' Stronger & Towneend's Now Weekly Miscellany— elite all rents. Helper's New Monthly klogardne for July. Holden's Dollar Mega:lee for Joly. • .., . Old Oak Chest Be ei. KR Joules. On D 11 ULL'S SARSAPARILLA — do:admit toed for JU solo by IL IL SELLERS hs 57 Wood lit COU LIVER 011..—Nre white Jo'[ fresh ju recd for bide by [7yBJ .14 E. SELLERS HON SARSAPARILLA-1 bale small roll: jos , JUL reed for sale b Mtn ,R. E. HILLIRS EXICAN ISARSAPARILLA—I bale for sale 41 M IL E. BELLERB GERMAN IMAMS& NE cask very fine fresh German Francs, jest bal k./ pond, for sal% erholeute•or veld, by ire WM. A. AlcCLUlto VA Labe ny st. PEAfIL — l7 casks lasi received, era for sale by JIB WICK & bIeCANDLES.I. v . f r y Asu 7,; , . : [gas FIRt W . .1A1,4_,E11?1 , ..1i!!:,..tar,.91. nUOCOLATE-.8 No.!' Fresh Chocolate, neciTed, and for sale LT if' WICK & tdeCANDMS. SALERATUF.—Z t e o as u k . s Salzetsts, i., pets just received, eau tot ale by ild WICK t McCANDLESS. G . ROUND PEPPER—GO boxes Pare Grimed Pep per, for sate by • iya WICK t AIeCANDLESS. TAME BALT-14 beers Table salt for sale by_ . 48 WICK A NeCANDLMB. Cam CHEESE-1P boxes Crean Meese, Ws day seeelved and for rale by /ye WICK &MeCANDLI:63. vur R. CHEESE-0 boxes W.B. Cheese, Meth , E • ed and for sale by Jye WICK • NeCANDLYSK STERINE CANDLLF-311 boxes Sterlne Candies, very aeperier smelt, to Ws by • WICK 10IIN BROOME-113 deX. foe vele by • j7B WICK & MeCANDLE39. pl . tilt y PPLE—Jut reesived arid for Jptl WM. A. MeOLURG & r• QIIII3 MITE Sanitary Committee of die City of •Pitisburgit, have made an arrangement With the flay. Passe. • oott.of A tertty, to plane CHOLERA PATIENTS In ins hospital, elm meet to Laearrilla. They have also app.:mated Dr. Comma& tba•Filllt Wald, City Paymelan. By order ar Sanitary Committee. A. LILACS, Chalniesn. /ono MAZDIL Clerk. • ' I Prdlar CA:3I , LE %At' 118 wm A. MCCiAiRri A rO. Di 7 APPiv.,Htot remained and for rata by' JOHN WATT d a:7 isO LtherW at FISII-66 Ws new WELIta Fio;. 311 bra. Lake Troia; , • z: bras Late Shad; fatale Nu I Herring; 10 Fria No I bilateral: FO lif ale No* do, la 4 reed rind Cat gala by WI • JO/ IN IV Art b. OD IVANTZD, , A6llllila de hokterork. A permsi ant end plea um mutation ema ho Lena oily vplyityt kt WI -vice. : • syldif s uNoßiEs-3U 1 , ; . :5r:2r .„,; . tole. Biro; Ito do: Cain Miami -60 brio y.aegat ; etare, On sale by JOHN WATT t CO INS EU!! 011.--1000 pals warranted pax. for sal J_,4 J SCHOONMAKEIt tpl.l jrrr , 14 Weod at br 4 1 7 8 . 41(tVrAt e R b I CO OILS—I can Oil Wimergreenr can Oil Ilerro row; 1 can Oil liarsalrsc Just reel for .ale by 11'6 ' . 1 SCHOCINMAYER &CO FLOUR -39f Wit in:core and for sale by STUART le SILL ne 1111Wootret SOt i t - 7 100 tali 'Or eilel by sivA ' wr smt, + , I‘IOLASSES —S3 bola In Oak and Cymee Agrrel IN/ to close conall ErrynaT fr. 811.1, br.s crown in istoro: fof $.l. by %./ J 7 6 : t•TUAIIT & BILL INDIGIi-I elroan F. F. nom and fornala by I' it 6 • SMART & mILL BitrXiMS dos jar% received for able b 7 ird STUART ft 9144 BUTTER in birrelo, box:co, and trotki, /Urnbby sTunara SILL G "6 11f1 lye. 14 for sato DArING-10e13 h, • ATUART & SILL AIM/ and far sale by y ,g ili j .:;v : iue e,. =ART & SILL to 181114:N7 ,e• lreaz asst, ADARE of,l irl i F"a"Mt • Addr. ll,;ittOT IT4:•l2re TjlitilBll--2 cads NW received to day, a auperlor j aiticla,aultable for retailing. width will ba arid low for ea.., by 8 N.WICKERSHAM 4 Cot \ •NI and tiLarh at OCtr4AVRIXEIStiIiP• . ThS. BathiWile& Bent; F. latiirare have this Sayatamlated themeetrce gaoler the firm of Dar. hrkdge & inittrata, to trammel a Wholmele Grater! arel General Commtulon DcMeese, le the house lately oceeptell'hy Burbndge, Wilton R Co, Ile Miff Ptmaerea; Jelly I 1e59.--iya : • Iran rartoorohli heretofore extailtt4 between the A subscribers. en er toe lirdi of ilorbridge, Wilson to Co., was this,day dierprod 0) motool emment. The total:lmm of the fain orril be mated byl. author. bridge, or Wm, Wilson, Jr.,elthet of whom le lied to goo the Dame or the bow in II o eidadon.' . . • • • J. W. DURDRIDGE, WM. WILDON, Jr. LYON, suon& & 40 Pitt•burgh, July 1, 18.74.—iyi NOR 111.1111191', A. L1,1:".°11° 13 . mm00,"7;.r.f exxl, 4 .'•,Pg 92,12 with gar fining. Lintrance on 21jkot swum "' 174 • , L F. D. GAZZA,III. DIVLDkgD: •.- • - Office of tits Allegheny' Bridge CiatopaltYil rittabatob,Jalylet,lB.lo. gill . President and aliwagors of the Cowpony for erecting a Dago over Oa Allegheny River, op pante Pitunorgh, in the Corenty of Allegheny, have Wu day deolarod a dividend alone dollar and *events cents on each skate of tin capital stock, wending In the Tinian of individuals on the books or Ihe'company, out of the profits of the last six , menthe, which will ha paid to stoekholders or their leaal repreventadvee ronhwob. (tyll JoliN ItAlliNNl,Treamrer. , . 4 naanoVAL. ALIT"?7II?'"'V 1 ,gotrl....lCls Li la! mint host Smithfield atreel, to hi. old mend on tho cornsr rf Wood street oat /Nomad 'Alley, (second nosy) eV. Patrick& & F, lend'. E{ebange liffieeser. trine b00:M.02 Diamond Alley—Where may be found • large and fashionable Assortment 01 irate and Caps at rmtheed price., wholesale and retail. • llsts maths to owlet. l• Je21341/kw3eaB pentagon Dry Goods et nall'Prio I. • BARGAINS! BARGAINS! WAL L. ItULSELL, Blgn of the Dth Dee Hive, on Merkel envie, between Third and Faufth.wlll continuo willing those Damned Dry Goods, on, ed nesday,deiy da,and swlllecaunue hoot day lo Aaiun! all the deluged goods 1119 1.0h1:. • Thew good. arg lightly damaged by water, aad will be offered to cub purchasers at less than half the original cost. Oar miasmas cowmen and tbe puoll6 tu general will plead mill BOOTS anathema bargains. The goods wens daunted by water only, and many of thsm will be (nand almost partheL Olken of them we will sell at Ouch toy rite. Please remember the Non, No Of Market streel, between Ti led and Fourth '. Me of the Hie Use Ulm, where no cub customer wild be sent away reboot being perfectly amide* • All oat mail whl be opened for retail trade en ties occasien. tii3dlre •y . WM. L. liginaug,, - • CO.PaRTIIIIMEUIMP. I 11/01E. di), asmalate4 wi th . me Mr.- H. the Wholesale o:octry I and Prodime Ml,inet.; the ry le of Ike firm wal-b.r.e. Colbenson & • ti 3 i A. CULBERTSON ' A. couorrrsoin EL IL - Avalma. A. CVLIBICILTION &CLOMI9II, lITHOLMALE OHOCKII9 and Conuniseion cheat, Dealer@ in Produce, and Pitniburgh Mumfactuie4 afteles,1 9 3 el: pitteburgh, Pa. if 3 j LIST •• • V S doien Ue lilJeVttt leUIW Lot' Kattipaapy gator male by J-XIDD a W :4 4 1 1 : WeP4 P. W.-G . . PATENT DIES -FOR SCREVPS. issmsraislmassm I, tem, THESE DIES ha'aing been adopted mil highly approved in' all the piquelohl_ shop; in New York sad Philadelphia aiNI now offered to manufacturers, inarhiniers; ship ImithsAe., With the - utmost ecir. lidence, ns the mOct.perfect &Vide Inure( cr cutting FefeWlf.. 1 Their superiority ; over soy oiber Dies heretofore • used, vacates 911 . their cutting la rzaract sco.w, whether c s % qu i d . rh,ecd,bp onctpotaing over the iron to be cut, Vthich trquire c o nnteigymit or ; previous prepaialkur, 'ha the' dies cut the 'braid put of th e solid itonorithout ralsing it the least; in their greater durability, rapidity, and perflutiun of work; and in thea : simplicity and Ii de liability • •• • - • Pathanzhnita, AM. 17 t This la lo certify that we ham parelased hoer P. W. Owes the right of sang Ids patent Dies for list. Deg bells. In ear opinion, - hie bin ant comb supe rior to gay others we are angasinted Into tar the purpose of tatting balm • J P MORRIS fit, - cu. I'magnianna, Aug. 21.4fdd• Baring bed W Gates , Patent Dies in umr to ear establirbutent for the lest nine months, for malting 1..1..wit 0= id STC77 respect recommend them in the highest terms, awe bare laid all where own, they beteg to for separinr—considering themls Der cent. cheaper than enlejleiscr , ,, I . . Pto.o WO*CII.C:INC: Maw also by • • . polialcs‘Vorki, Reese & Aohley,-Itoebestert ; Roulett & Ce,,tiloceester, Heywood &Snyder, RebrytksliCrsintyv Silsbee*. hew York; Nogg & Delumuter uPtcycl up' ~ . 11 K. Donham * Co, Net. Votlri - J. , Iteemesda Co, JdonuMent FYuke, Bali, Van Caren, Rochester. Mau & Ayres New York; A 11... Work. do, Peue & Alerphy, do; • ' West Point Foundry; " t;; - j Norris C Ilso r Philadelyhia; ,'• • , A Jenks, Brtedesborgh, Pat I , NValwortll.**Nl9olh Roston 'end NOW yerli; . Lowlill Machias *hop, Lowell; &mattes's Co, NanebestoriN II; .'• Lyman & Satchel, Rooth Bonito, and numerotur *them Nol htselane,'lo ale din & ups fri to 2 lit pt 4 rntti . tid9 do 8 t : do, .0 to 1 i Orley rich 103 dos.:, . ' .do'.3, pelt. 1130 All orders addressed lo P. W. title.. Chicano, ti: 11. Hanson,New York . , R. D. Mershon Ir. Co, Pada iriaohia, so b . 11.11. Scot & Nons, Dit -4 Oilinsisea °mew 'W . s's/nearer,e.. for the ond Tape, wi.h for ..;.„, I have parelassod o f W Scovillt thc Coiled will meet with prompt en g em..., ; L aths, the right to moo In ill the menet; sod sumo. Chaise,Mir/ 3,1850. I.4. t ecm • • • This la to certify that wa have purchased the rmtht to ate, and adopted In cur bnanows, P W Gates , Pa. tent Below Crater, which*. Wahl, .pp , o , . We oan do mach more work, and we hellcat, It will oar. p,,,,,, I n ambility and precision,. mach as economy' of later any disc known to us • • • • 1010111118„TaSKER t hloaale. , Parisi:ll sta,pthmoutb,toth day, IE4B. • • Naw Vous; og. 10,184 9. Having adopted P. 'W. C. tee,"Patent Plea" Mr tot ting bolts m aro tato plenum in raying, that it more than &a en got . eiptetlliolll, and have nO Isoita tion In giving it as oar opinion, that ft fu excels any other plan In preunt ase for outflow bolls. ' T P SECOR .Ic,ca • Wd - have P. W 'Oatee.Patellt Dies" for tutting Screws, and the economy of mink them Is vu very cormideralnot. that we loot upon them as 'lndiPP.Ma• ble every establishment Lavin any quantity of IdeCnNtrdlCF., OGDEN S CO, Cultist, May 10,1849. GREAT .r.saimiescaigte MID MIOCIIANICIAL VVOILIG, •:' TOT PUULIAITRD in medium folio, 73 cents to , „„ ~., R „,,,,,,,,.„„.. ~.... _ _ ____ _. . tl subeeriberz, One Dollar to non anbeeribare. Tfl'“' '."'''".7::..."........ .0n1914a.. , Cart Art.a...spetimerns of the Stove, Iron and ; ~ j ,vii.bling. Bibb . , ~,, 1 ., TohherliridB 9 ., Vl•dmul , T... 94, C.' , ...U , 5.t. I.loD,ty .iyenroir, July 9, tatanstat Orintartd , ot the United States Hail Roads: , BiGeOrto..lllr l N litevr9.,'the eriginel and well known tlArill.i ~ An,b,u,,,t,,ed Cad Engtneer.• - - - ._,_,,, e.1.14 MINSTRELS, Authors of thsir own Melte-, The gre!!pi past cont,lns boootifelly eVAeI" t • Oldest Codipm9 Inplitellee,Orraniztd July ph, .___ ___, .ate ora. plum, e orations. end CCIiOIII of the Timber Bridge ttbree opens of inti, .d one • ap. of Ind.fieo welts the Delaware et Paw Mill Rift,. Um line of the Neer York and Erie Rail Rend, with rpeelbeatlone, esti metes, do. • , • N. IS InWho the Memel OM) Pert are Olsen FP.OI - Plates of the Arriernix , for .TheoreUcal and practical Treatise on 'Urldge traibling, Ye?, emulat ing of plan., elosatlena reed..., and details of a east iron oblique arch 130 feet span, amiss Fairfield street, Manchester on the line or the Menehester and Pit itilaghom left. -Also, a specimen sheet of tholetter press of the Arroania, with ao ion . ..tory article on stie *pithead. of Hoe in !tail Road structure*. .it Is await that eras a great. dealt:trestle, and must prove of great benefit to the engineering profs' aion generally, and especially to the tyro in practical engineering and coechartical•knowleeser In .tradi it stokes us that It would require yeses or labor ant patient toll on Jo put of a yams engineer top:sleaze Ilia drawings, and collect the Information that will be embodied in due work, .4 urn now be procured for the trifling suns of SO w-(sdinctallie Anieriesm,.filareh tin ervenecilon with thle subject ((roe Rail Road toMr. we tale a n d to call attend., again to Mr. lroggan's saleable and expensive peblioanori, exhibiting. drawings, with. tall descriptions of the various mone, Iron, and wood bndtres, viaducts. tan eels, eitiverts, do., of all the rail roads in the tinkled tunes. Mr Roggen is an accomplished architect and civil engineer, woo eagle frond Ireland to .hiscount,,,t. exert,. ha profeation, bat finding rail road een- Istramion here, In lone! respecui, t Um:a from that to ie .. h o ieh he had been accustomed an Europe, be applied lmselt to the Undy of oar spleen and the Mina of Is researches and lareaUgatione embodied is this rt • are well esicalued to meet the egigereles of engumers, and to assist drattehtamtn, bridge bidders; tneehailes and stadentaa-.[N.. Y. Jeamal of Coro. Meta, F. b. 11,1E10 1D Pablished by GEORGE DVGGANi.3OdDIe.d -' way, New 1 otk, to whom aU communlesuons should be addressed awl subscriptions _forwarded. 1k4341. lIS owaen of 1D emit. Peoriligs, and a locer .1. Hollow Wire will please on leeward, prove property,' and toke ti them sway, or they will be sold according to law, pay charges. H GRANT ir3 .. t 01 Water at .1. H. MELLOR., :11Tooct•nnste, btu !tared rho • Tab rig ..ireto Minim ' ' 0 1 22::rig " . ' d ' Cso thee. Blasehe !Open, floret thee. When other Moods amend tbec The 'cot beneath the hills., Wen thod ! bat mine. S i as ALaurie—Seenth The Whitt —words by il Coot, ants - is by. Sutphen Glover. Thou bestwounded the spirit that loved thee.' The Grave of Weskit:won. The 'lrish blether% 1.A40144 Old Beztonitossel. lie doeth things, well- , WoedoaV Widow klaehiee—Rmsell. The Maio of my ma r—liatehinsons. Low boa:ode:a—Lover Ellin Wo set—um:pier. ~ T he Matto Bell.. Thd Bridal or Weddioe.Polka. Jenny Lind's Aramican r.ik. Lim' Polka. Scree American•Potka. Tip Top American Ponta. La" Bello. With:tore. Polka. Jenny Lind Polk. The Oriel.. Soottfith Petite—, Julien. Salutation Polka. }lin .Polka. Josephine Polka. Smooth Polka. Resansol Polka: The Pre. phet Quadriller—Aleyerbeer. Jenny Lied Quadrilles: The Wreath and Daisy Weltur—fen thweol. The PIM. Drover Boy—vonatiot soy Curny. Monulnenl. Sow:. from Howe. Wrecker% Daughter, conciliate. Louisville March and Quickstep. Wood riar fer (arra t hula. lier.ord , s /Rai f ClAclagosur, and Cur sale by INI C4l .. 1.V2 No Oa 'Woo sucit 110Tlei - THE Annual of Stockholders' the I lambs ans Ohio Telegraph Cosapsholl ln " ' agreeably tr Chatter, ctiThaniday, thr• lat Hof 0t o'clock, - A. K., at the Centhe_„ - •tr: Chestnut at, Pittiadalptia. s' No ". nine Directors to- aerie u f.L" , :rze r Lco nn e.,, , ili n Umlaut saehother business to m e race Ling. By order of the p,,,lae bleKEle, Seem ' aryTh, Vl"'nab** Aropirty ter Bale. 7- 7 GREEAttLY io the but win' and testameni - d the late Teese, deemed. The. se.. • • srri refers for eale,oa very accommodative toil either th e whole or a pan of p reentry beton& In the estate of Ad mild tiVen. Teem, Situate on thy west Sian of Hanel etreet, adjoining th wAllegbeny Bridge, consisting of 7 three story houses, two of them grassy new, pleasantly siteated end In good order. Also, foetal live lats.( groundadiOnlng the above sold entire .or divided, as may mouth* perehisera Also, sitheral lots le as borough of Lawreneevilla. As the obieet of the We is to Invest the proceeds for the benefit of the lithely of the descried, the greater portics. of the purchase money can be retained for sisteenyeart. •-• This propene presents w favorable orpornmltycor nap one wanting a comfortable Unseen easy terms.: 910 LET—Oaa of the boo Inuttea Will be vacua to a good Jetsam at a veal low nali, • • : Forfartkat. InfotatatiobntY ..,! Ir R AY ,Atiloye Executor at to 9 JON% Drama; Libert,:6:: A. WIGKIA6A.-150.. EXCH'ANG'E BROK ERS B. E. Corner ff 21 4 and liprrist • :APE. ussortaio.m. J. Plasay, Jr., • , A Agent for the Penna. .le7e [u re 0114. P it i rel% & Me rgtT l 4 h" : C.'="ar I.4 f ' Pmphlet.. aria all necessary anuminalion, Malik tonna twill be fernisbed. - Llestmadvean insure thew lives for the benefited Wale wives and childrcmcrednorethe Memo( the, The whole • oriints, of Me Company -are divided among the holdeis of Life Policies. The dividends of the puttmoyrears hairobeen elob typereenLeethyear. jeMa, WILKINS HALL, TOURTII STREET,. PITTSBURGH, P. 11.. • Ttllt3 eteanineent ertetlishetent being now corn - glued and ready for busintre,thepropriewrwauld maternal); solicit a share or peblio patronage. Ile eons by giving hie fell atientlen po the blismere: to make the house a pleasant and 'condonable, resort for the colems of Pittsburgh, end for the, eountry Goal adendurts will be in waiting, surd every a_ en/an made. to. render the establishment wonky the countenance and sepportof RR Intelligent eonterenny . The TWO SPACIOUS BALLS, tined, tor Paseo. Concerts, Lecture, Bails end potato nacelingeortil be let by the cremes or 4eck, on as libentl terms is any °Merin the city. . , „ The DAR and RESTAURANT. equal in style and beauty' to any I,, will be kept , fed With to Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordial., Portant, Ales, and all thetee I, light, rotrobnients of th e season reeltrY. thou, Heti, Scrap, Clysters, ..mut Pasts, served up In the beat style. • 'rhe DININO and ICE CREWS SALOON,brtog oo the toot Soon, and easy of access, alit be coastantly attnPlicil wilhall the Luxuries mid De:Made. of Me 'MOO; and almovithsuchltubstatulila es ihenuakeU Boarding by the. day . ,•wesk, of year. Doinenter Suppers for India/dials or parties, tureasSed peahen 1:1011[C. ficrdlectied with-Weir f. jeL Nd6nll the city be saophed with veittshmants oral! kite. &tiny hoot cc. the -' •' Goal Stabling and an extensive Lerg Establish went Is t veneeted with the IfsiL • lUtnner at I o'siselc Breakfast sad Ica attho tonal Kuwait° for Wire to tho lee Cream =A ;Stilts 50.% Pio VI Smithfield street. • iede‘dlf K. 11. VAN RENI IS .. AOS'ERICAN 'ROUSE, .P 3,10 nos .. • ztim Lairar, PrTptsetar, -' , . . _ _ __' .Pidlie Syttant,HalUdayshirch,Pos. : r_IENERII4 STAGE, OFFICE—Two Iftily Liner ‘..)l' of Stegas for alO F.out tad Wen; IJsci the War,* Bugs }enmesh!. houie. . 1617:,11. BIDWELL & VOIIWARDING 11,Cali AST Be GUirisP, Pa. Paitiii Rine Pat OPisii' Having permanently located at dud platol.ts new arid substantial 11.0.4 roosted to le odors and forward promptly to all poirdsoo dot firer. and Sandy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. 1.1&11o. alums, lan* 1.3.—te18 Dre .7.lllaaosits Sarsaparilla,' or laddicia Panacea Said Blood Fodder, ~ . HAS beta extenelvely.aged tbr RS yearsp i ihy Doctor 'in. an extetietve dently rtAllsodlended to the pee. , oo totputida• of Be blood and general rhenegy., tuna, yeyepaie, omit ' s, btonctite, dtoyey; name. ergot:lend raw. etooPlolota, ober' costal Berates, bloom, sore* or otelPhoca, But dle.'! woke,* the Ala, Mich*. • notoS‘ooPloPttot Shoff Br Cu impolt/ea dike blood. st teonolty vegetable, enamor be Wee coder for clt ooo ltitaltece erhjyyy, Da oaten.. potpaged by SAIDOBL, 1111.11111 Ell, 888 , h a . y„,, saM , wholeitala and null, by. 11 B (SELLERS, • j el? W Ms ntlalugh. DIL 3. J. MYERS am hts prormional 'minty to tha c lueetta of hlnneberer ano ofllee and , resideace, On the pfeaent, at Ita aedithi, in Plmebester. teußedinkly ahoy° the U. S. Marine 1e19.1.11n, ! fiTiatt4-4 1, c►u. City 'Coxed reetind and tar ale by JtV W. nuusucu ries Suds? tits suiieMsic 'aids rilsPari Gsise`PatentSiiesnmcvtz mad. P. V. bftd trod "*" .4 fa ergs arsenals, sad to and eseellent • ~4 TLIXOTT, Osilasuce. , • L-Ildacitt ailtallediasn Dotes, - 't . Wastosavos,...ege. trig. Contaidellni Gloat' Planted DephavanXte r. tibirbetemp Oil metal io be • •sidable One,; have, by I netbority of the Honorable Secretsay a the hNayy, purejlated of, the lounney• the r.umwe, Wm. H. Scoville, and Panntel Newer, bap the rinht to tusks and am said loaprovesen: tot the Navy. J9SEPIi Bairn f,Dhlet of Dime.. AMUSLNENTS. lb4o, end traire malty sehnewiedged te'eacel ail ri,ai E ompanies; *hose Concerts at the Sectary Library. Yorl, for three handsed successive melte were ' noted with ti patronage from the elite and fashion Oita metropolis, anprecedented by Say ether tam. fn esistence.bery leave to' announee to. the - lit ee and gentlemen of Pittsburgh, t h e they wall hove the honor of mating their *ocean appearance ae abve, On 'which erasion they will tetrad Dee a very anfeetive plearamme of TIMER •OWN ORIGINAL • RUSH; Operatic Burlesques,' TYroican bliusteste. pa/lexica Leeleiclo,NOw Glees,ChO rase., he Deere open et 71 o'c , ecif,Performance to commence __ . el /fUralsalen ets. . .)) oaf GEO. iI.Y.IbIBERLY, Manager. , TITTSBUBOII MOSIUE LECTIIBB ROOl1 1 APOLLO. inua.-voewrn IT. / 7. • brEN DAILY, - 'fort` 8'4. .11. till 10 P. M. Ad rolsilonastula had Lecture Reem,43 cents; Resernd seats, 14 torte ern: ,ir. ' , • 11111, PITTSBURGH, - 137 L 130 Wood - Biros*, above linfitt. t or terms. apply to . -• jOIIN 'A •FITZSIMONS, 1^ .11GAir. ' ' - IV Woad st. NEW. RIOOKS I, ,NW.W BOOKS I .ttillolvute , Literary Depot, Miird strea,opposits,. tke Post • 1 - OVOCIN Ali Sound for Ude, ..- .1../ LittelPs I.. 1•114 Age, No TAP. Moktis' Dollar hart for July. • • • ~ 1....ig rood for Jam. , •.i _ - ~ The Yee of ',Cedarri Or 'the • Idallyr. „ try Peres - A Kit , sgh . v . erf 7 c Yo ri ms . 6e Fziendslop. ... , ri:tollal Fiel d , No 4 . Ikl•Id Coppelteld, Nol4. , • ' ', Noreel tionliui sr , the f:rieto In the CIFIDS.JII?_':t Undroosed Irish:Linens. Y BUR6IIVI.1) inv''to• the attention IV'. of tetlyi le LT erelit thew suply oreepe 111 A rrlO 111• . ' wimerled. yore Flu, ineladhig • few pieces extra • :. Tay' Bosom Linens. They hue alto reeel , rea It . t . rcl of t i f I t tl I 10 1 1 ,111 ,, 1 71l I l! of oaperlot , febne,7 y ll a of • widow;.. Lianas sad ledigtoga. ' BUIBriFLF-ILD Pave received erlarge, and Vi k c Tar toria Edgilagr and Laces; Loom Waft I"arcod do;. , Itobbiair ' ^ ' Valenciennes do; I andJ. Figured and plainifetsf Black Shk.l4,ll.e.—to watch diey mat the alto - 3113bn boycrs. JO' • pIAAJB,-43 !lairds Partner ik Hirt% cam broad, received and kr ode by , h 3 '• • $ ; t lIMIBAUGIt • o NED pEAPIftli-,10: 6.i+ 'No 1, reed pWe by bral Ste Vir II ARNA, ( S, - 8 0tc, .1811-11 • ••Ped.r." "ti: for ••le. by -tIAIUMUUI.I .13ACTIgNprize. Aao , - • 41. r flamir Teeeive ' d en comity. ..i.E:y.l9LeygV, ,, - 21 si_LELkyLritAimn g i ig A pl t- 9 : r 7 1 ;rn ' t i ,, 1 1 1 518- Ir. .w1;1 1 8 o 0 n uiti01 l ' ' ' e rZa -11 113 I ' 1 7 '3V' : NV 11/WHAMUIt WlNDOWi(ll.4.%)—tattas untried she' reosl. for Reit by'; ljy3) W !SABRA-WU, oRN-4:0 14stytika3nn.e ,o 4 for by C /1. 2 ; Sk AV 111ARIJAIJCII ATA-11;0 ba.vt is.d and forasle W • 313 - • • & /lAEBA QlrriVl/3T 17.113.1CC0-i Nn 7, Ott 121Allig is 4 taw. by. 031', HARDY, Jegics a, CO L ARD—LS keits treoll, :coodeod and for en`c by . W 11 , 4o , ri n Ne - rom d St • Rooms —no doror for sale b yy• • ' •• H. .. • ' II Joirristort OTATG U . O . yln wig"' IV.— for ! 30IINSSIO2J v Er; nirrrn in store and f;;sllirt:T -- ' -- -Ij_7:4 ' IW 11 JOHNSTON (10:711i1P-OWRIT,Tii rilie - , Tnirfe ‘ S ' l3 - - - !-SA'agarDlCKAYontri° BA . C')77l'ets'keiAtlme4 auto Raotaaerl.; ' J cage Aaserlad,.nayr from .I.teamtrMllon,foreala by ISAIAH DICKEY k.. 00 . - • Water arid Frani in. A LOOM bth CO; 02 L an,1 76 net cent, for eel° by;l.l FAIII.4ESTOOK 1,0 ty3 ,- • r Cot. First& Wood gig.. J B1 3 ) 914725 Inti Conk Bkm'elVo 1 for ago B A FA U NFSTPCK & irm cAI ~..ymg. L __6 l fitiyd; for vale by 7.7 & I:ACNE...STOCK & CO Irintat eft ik•cnd tals,foisalW 'by • rival • PAUNFATOCK -.; aatea 3 tanks Potash; 3 brla . S 0 Dz. Cbeetn: 10 brio Flea and IVatat Prof t Paint; 1(0 heti:els Polnion In core and for nale by j J 4 CANFIELD DysTuri ••• KOS— a!t nrnve and (or "LA at Nol*Libeny_streo....... • 2 hr!s Boston Gold Wnior Cruke.i • 2 beg do ' Ilatteilliacoin - t brio -de - Bra-Blacint. • J 3 • AVM A M'CLURO dr. CO Etir3Sr--A snail lot of of Chet vo Unrest received cud for WO by - :IVA%. A MeCLURO h CO iTZ Llbeny et Btt=rll .-- t.l':,'bto.'d''ir.•o„t7tr,':gi.°L 4 .-• by winch tans is a llowed to aceamelate upon theta; and catrunt Lastly awe. When this la the tare, the breath camel be otherralre than bad; sad the persona . theawthieted vet only taller front a - eoe:eliniatiese of saebeling Atha , . bet are absolatelY dteearecabbs to • ev'et, one they aPproaah: JULES HAUES:3 Piny. PlED%oneacw.w . rooTit r.bsre ismt only a - rented, NY bad breath, bet will ant the teeth and, wee froorbeeorning diseased,. and aloe to the tenth a brilliant salience,. Chart.] ut admitted by all ame: tike 'perilous. to , be one of thegreatest disinfecting: Vero.en tira ' r de u nti l lge l e d 4 i lts .P ir ' re n tts d tZjetl: u n ' tn,. " ' IRO - heretofore. has beta the - dilnetthy of gettion It pate and tree freetteetisepanider The PIiftIFILHI , CHARCOAL TOOTH PASTE entirely obviate, the. !laeallY, ha the coal from which His/owned In peplae cereal, turn in an into cylinder, and reduced IQ Cr impalpable powder. • Tho other Ingredient. of Ha r... a are *Oh *a bare reeesred the approbetion (T. rue post 4i.i..l%titer DeAtal Bargeona,and ~,,, ~, bone. finial • in:there effect.. Dy the Use Of •hale• Haves Yolked Chareold Troth Pelite,the Moil diecolarecl teeth arill,la *short time, uabilia so n pearly whlteneu, 'and aponey au, becoaat Arai dhealth?. . - . JULYS 111AUHt.. Fermat, r and Chemin • • - In Cheilthlitstteet, WO. `. Fm sale wholerala and retell, by si. A. p,,„ : ,,,,,,1 . . kC6 „ and M . E. Weller., Plibibershi no 'leas Sas. I ss Si. gent, and J. Ilitehell, Atte/then). c,,,,, p,,,, _ iys -•,' BACON HAM,9-1 -13619pYlipe e.untl7 ease* :••,(1 eut- do 3 a.; web, Au EitEL-11:0 ban ANT. 9I ea Ww'r 13' 3 1 ) :7 4 . 2 . 64"1/2_ Le.lTY'lth4r& TlinG4rdittidrer , por'ef the eirref itirlsbaraf. 11 wight 2 2 12 N0r 1 0 1 11 otNarse far the sick, at nay I. MI: Tesumord ehotacter 8111 be re. alike& Aral:teat:ea le bereadd et Ibe etnee Ireenb Mat 2 &mock =Mulder Ink inns :Air ;der Of the al ett aneeranaa. ]ARE 'mar Onto ern. Ca •••• — o 'l' end Age PI 2 r ,att kilrigs txi . Putebarsd. A • A-11,1.5021 le CO, arc, now Ptcpantd to oder to • public, their goods daatagatt by the lab tiro" talmor which may be Mundt J: Calicoes abghtly damaged' or ale; foraltodo do 2 to rl evain gawps do, good uvles,ti u. l 0 cents; Moot d tripod a ulna dgii i ozo i lloaarvle n rca do 10 to 111c.4 Cad: td do 17 ...Par Cattalo ,Chia; half laical Onsbues Somtaltalt Coanter. atom 1:-.1 do to mu; blooralug de Laluents to tea. l'ojecoseawitk our otaalty buy* moelt-of Now and ferfact Deeds at a great rtaattion hook tamer p.l is r EYING tblxday taken George R. Mowry into Ll partnenhip orbit me, din butane will hereafter tae wiwitaeted b the name e(R Gard ft Co Imam RICHARD BARD =Min /Jan) foe° ILAnD CO. TltOLFTmilg and Metall &Ctrs In HWea, L. P ' P tier - Morocco , Shoo . Mt n... Tumor.' cutCninOra awlTataon!ct,Nop Woad . /14. )724.04 I lvt.dtw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers