?.7 ,E' ST `,1178b. PFFLISIIED By •14 1;T. E: Co. . . n. wirrri I I L fulatcr. tairrrs 'monist% 7IIItb IrrintlT, lit DOOR To nti, Pon min= Pally,..~~ppp per 76-Weet • ..... SAC • " Yfeally in a - Cabe, at a reduced Tate KAI CP OF AtivenTzeisai , AGnEI2I UPON BY C PIVSHBVICAIII One Sqie iedio linato(Nomparell orlessY oen / 11.1101*••••••••• -••••••••••••40,11 thin *Of ee tti., each additLoaaliaseriloo• ••• ens . .LTS ..1.) • two weeks.-- —...... .. three leek.•--- 4,00 • 0. SA) Do. tlin, months.-- .12‘ • - three 11101,11,11 r Ito. roar months-..., ..,-_,.-: Dn. six Dr, twelve months.— Funding Card M lines or lesa3 per annata..lo,oo One Ehruare.ehangenble atpleasure nweaar nutol meelaslre of the paper--; 0,00 For each additional square, kraut.' overarm math, Na for exch additional Keats Inserted soder the year . ty rates, half price. Advernmrcents exceeding a nouns, ""Ter lineen Imes, to be charged as amour turd a kelt. Publishers not secouotalble for lerf&l adrnniwneeu beyond the amount charged for theirOShlM..."•• Amu:miming candidoms pa. eke., mho alined this name at other advertmemws.• Advenise.xnents not marked on the Mil for &mei bed number of insertioos, alithe ernitioabd tin forbid, and paymentexacied accord: ; The pnvileges Myeatlyaletruaern *rut bo *Caned to their regale, business, red al Mhos stayer. ttsemems not pettish:ling thck. **Cul* , Muiness, agreed for, to be paid extra: An misenisemears for 'charitable matitations, fire moonies t ward, township sod her public &maim, and each like, to be chergcd halfpriee, payable strieWy Marriage collets to be eharged Uleents. .1 • Death notiees mound without ehargeontleg afta t a.„ pankd by anent in or or obltmuy notices, ind when so aceompanted 10 be paid Ihr. • Resula”drerorenh and all otter* unding comma orreeriring notleta ; designed to call att.: lion to Fairs, Rot fees, Concerts, or any public enter- Wm:lents, where charges Stresdado far adsrdttence— , all notices a private .associstions—every notlee. de signed to cell attention tonrivitite eutisrpnres calcula ted or intended to prnmotottidi vidd al tworesLcan ly tererbid with the undentroidang Rink' the sue Is to be paid foi. If intended to Ire tntierted io L.; ,cal column, the same will be chanted at the , mut of, eoI Ira thou 10 gent. •Iludepat Fist Nolleesto be *tonged uiplci ri Tatern License Perinea., 132 each: . •• Legal and Medical adirettisenteals to bs. charged at Real Ilinate Agents' 'and Auctioneers , aillertise- Meet* not to be classed under yearly rate, but to tio allowed a i.oont of thirty Rime and one thinit per cam; !tout the amount of bills.. ' . .AvXLXLT ua 1111-wilinx One Squire, three insertlnqa• • el, sp Da. ' each additional insertion—. '37 ' Anna - mm.3.mi Ie Ws..ttire One &mare. (ID lines,) one tnaertion. , --50 cut. Dv. each additional traerdon•-:..M 0 All 'transient ad vertive meats in Le paid In advance. lc CO. Gazette. • '• I. HARPER Potl ' • . ' M. RIDDLE, Jeamal.., • JAmES P. DARK re CO., Otto:tide: • , • POSTERA JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. • JAMES W. DIDDLIi, Arne ric • IlltteM t.aDiE,EVening Pretrircun. Dec. 1,1640. " ' • ' CARDS,' ____ - A • JOliri A. PARIAIIfmON, LDV.BAIAPI, riracww, Pena attest, between n ars .d Strohm!. AU bacillus promptly at t (Pll dett , to. AL EXABIDSLIC Z I I. I WATISON, , ' - ITURNRY AT.LAW—puree, On Fourth strait 14...5a0c0 Wood. . . • __ onto DAVID . 17. - TUTTAZ. AA TTOILNFX AT LAW, ind - Conix4;daniil44 Pcns,y Irani% SI. , , 4 All eamunianicalloc. Vromptly sAsTimd: y • - • J.lm IL I.ftrge ' Wm. C. Vriond. LA.II.G.R. ic * , ruscrip,...- . OUNEVS AT LAW, Fonth arcM, rum Orara. Aitkr JA MIZE A TTORNEY AT LAtIOIBee .on Fourb.streete Jok, between houttgeld and Grunt, Yittsburgb. rpll2.ly : r ! r bervamin Paton•--- •Wllllam Bagewoll PATTON & OAKETrE.I.L, A TIORNEYS AT LAlV,—Ofgeo i • r_agicaarr Rall s lA. Gram st,noar the Court Hoare. , • ' JOUR H. anstrus, J-I.A TTORNKrand Counsellor at Law, and Commie. Corker forrhe 'State of renttrylrunin s EL Login Cote of Pnb,bnegb.i - !totem nees —Ciarburght Ran: W.Forwaid, Ramp. ton A Miller , M'Candless &McClure, Joh& E. Parke, & Senapte,McCord A King. ,a 0014.1 WIN. •• cpsouvit. R. H. WOWYWAILD - ILLtU WIALte. lall AGA LEI% WOODWARD & Co Wltolcsalo, Oro cony No. I Narke,st, Pbiladolphis. onel • Plittobstigh • ilip 13 gRR Y & Ct7111.414e nien of Soda ;Isllllll,4Mt2llll,:oolteaßjurri.asittviSalemie., raniet. nee. BRAUN k REITEROVit;Inin . e4 6utly corner of Libn. y. gni St. C,l SOLOIIOOI r 01301 t n 07011591014 hilittClitafr,Stock t ad 13:11 Wok ctt Pio 110 Second street.. nanyt-dy stqn,sne Spring. Azle, ' Steel, ana Iron coLFAL&N, lIMGMAN & Manafaetaters of Coach sad Elptin Spina", Llantaterell 'Axles; Soring uad, Pleura Butel,lron, ten. Wareliottse on Water and Front streets, ridsbarnh. •-• ; • Alsq &Meta 1 Coneh_Ttitonlingt and Malleable John A. Cro i g. vv. B. Sklnt,r. CIZATO SKINNER, 'Forwarding and llomamion Merchants, No QG Market In. eiluborgh. AIeeAULT I,C°, Forwarding and One ‘..). mire. n 111crelrnis, ;Canal Bann, Lnirsbugh, (1 IL (ill Ayr, Wholesale Grocer,Gortal”ion and' V. Foreranhog Merchant, No. 4t Water at, Fitter Ira iieroey. Andrew Fleming 11.1C. - Plearng. risen.ss.v, 00., Commt.ssiox 741:11011ANTS—For the sale wente.Wooten, and Cotton Gnodr d e aler s in ail kinds of Tallow , . Trintralaga, No If. Woad It, 401 doer front Frith. Prttsbdrah. eference--Mcarrs. W". A. MI E Co, li . aakers. ' %pat.a.. ..J.1.1111X r. 11=.11[17. NGLISII BENNETT, (Late Iduclinit, Gatlacber .0 4. co.) Wholcaale Grocers, Conyobtalon 'and For avertible !dere bents, and de Oen In Produce aad Pius barna Idanufacturca, No. 37 • Wood at.: betwact 2d and ffi:'ii; S~ll ' ds~'ua~ 1001XWARDING I,OOM3IISSION NoJL 1.12.5,c0m l thttsbrgts. Tjr LEE, aldorphy h Lre,}-Wool Deal ,tr.L er oe3 ConteAssto, Merchant, for the vele et AmeritenW oo !eAeJ Libertenotttr , cai it fehl? — 7 - wx. Tau", Eteltmiore. - • -• : • - . a.l. C.CCLICJD, ` • D. C. IDDUICK-Oc. Dr 13.132. LALD it BUCK NO R, Ti3lol.lco C,m.g.d o n, hi m ,113111 atuuLts, 41 NorA Waltr r... 16 North Wharves, novin-tf H, J0Z4F...4 &=.204 likcemons to wn,l4; Jones Co.I Coramiourrt and Forvnudiu Met efiants, Yistabnirgh . IFzipifactured Ofrodit, Pittelmntb, PR ' Ineht7 occcr..u.o. To it Axoo4 C. mime.. IMPORTER. fr. Dealer in Frc,li and American r'a.. per !Uremia and Madera. WAndostr Shades. Fire ard to. Al pins Paper. N. Wo.d ....ireet.bctsreen Fourth Weer and Diamond alley,..locat Pirtaborsh, Pa febl3 C 15,1 " .41 1L W I N i ?1 , 7211 g .1;1 1 1110 03 Wood' .10011, one door South Of Dianto ' od Alley eirteattrsh. TA y drA rrArtgr,E; ; W ieG EnWaroeerie-01002.110n, • Ateretutr.t; and dcalco la Prodn. e sad Pitionargh Itanafactares. No :It Water at, Oittahrireh. . • . le•talt•DttliT. - • , teem DICIITI re, 1,2/JA!! p lO 2Ey Wholesale Grocerrsoeem : utu(pa merchasta and dealers In Prodece,Nos.GC war, and tor Freels streets. Plash's...b. • . nova es. larene•••• , •— , • --• • --Joseph Ddsrorth. • DILWORTa /a CO.; Wholesale Grocers, sn ot Ake Is for Ilasard CovraptCo.i . i:io.27,lyo.4 Tlnrib; . TOM trIVWNWTN - 1), liengelet and Aorcheeary 47 rda V.:Market et, thron doors above Tided suPlUx: barabosal have constantly an hand a well selected as, surrunent of the best and freshest Dledteinst•whteh I. will sell ea the mart =unstable terms, Phyaielans ord. eas,be vacantly *Vended 43, sad lap- Puna. with antele., they mss red Y coos aelr./UinO• tij"'Phssiei as Pru e Iloilo. will be accurately and easel rva.4l ' tresa.ttie bast nueladell, Many hoar of Se day or ourbt. . • Also tor sale, aim. reek of trildiand COOdPala - tat? T VANE - 4E1.0,0am of Warren, Odle,/ Cds o3l. g, • Woo and Forwarding fil•rehant. and Wholesale dealer in Western Ream. Cligene, 'Batter, rot and ret-I Ash. lad ‘vowern Frodnee generally. Water street, between Smithfield and Woody Pittsburgh. Tit lINSToNfc St i ktf ta oKitookaellers. Priam.. 0 sad rarar MsSaiseters,:slo. fit Market sneer, Fairborgh. • • • lohn• Fjord. - }unbend Floyd. FLOYD, Wbolowslo Groner*, COIIIMIU.i36 0 • Merchant; - nod Deniers In Prod., Round Church Iloildinec Thrn%ittT oa Libettr, Wood and Birth street, Pittaburgn, P 7,. uPt TORN WATT. (aneettsoh• to Entail leb hat Wt:deltas Groner .I.IIC Commission Marchan dealer In p,3.4,11.04 pittehorph Mannlhetnree eor ter f Cny and Rand etreent, Pinsbunth ie2ll 3tio. A. CAUGIIEY, Arent Om the ciii - Ea nn Miehluan Line to tinny.. .and the Laken. -.Ome n on the norm. or ?Vsiter ILO natithßeid an! land, Altit3 - A.:FryTCIILSOVii. Co.=~aeeeian is aY Lorin Untaluson Lc Co.. Commission lintehnott, and jthents of the St. Untie Stant. 14114111. Rehm, No ld woe; an.lFil front tweets. PLlAttrult. {ant PeIItIO , AIARITRACO7WI7II al • No U4Wond ntreet, Pittnintruis. T — B. SWF:ITZKII, Attorney at Law' a *Nee ;4.t., U op,posite :SL Charles noir', Ploobatt - will also ponce ions, L Wultingan,Fityetti and (keen counties,. RCFES Itlaekstoc & Oa, •1, . , • Church to toarestaeis, Ptuablreh. D. T. Moreau. . nel3dll ITAPTTEMELL.on; tVhotesale and Retail dealer; ai in Maio sad Masieal Instronents, &heel Bons.. Isaperadates. Steel PMIO, Otailta, Printers' Oarda, and fiatiorata-aamerally,rio. et Wood eL,Mnaborgh. cr lownitt or taken to • • aura ISCIEEZZ I • V 2.• • ,•••• et s. r ` . .4 41 0 r W:si 4 ,41 • l,} q'v - I, at "t . • I - ls 1,1 / • BUSINESS CARDS., _ • . GEORZE , E. , : ARNOLD 4 . - 00. xxcitjus67r;:dl3l*, 13k2cit. NOTIZEI, to N .. 74 F,,,,,d,irrjet,next tlo:ir tqlbe Mink of pit.. br., T ti.. ' , , ' . mrzt.l., KR /0 - TiFS.Forwarting and Ilontonle .11 C3I.CIP. Dealers In Produce tt I•lnatnnl ' raj; uin.turr, riLsilanslll.eln;rtkar 71h in. np4. p l ow EIILL; rITTBSV6II, PA. gENNF.EnIif Cr 1 1143 & 117.inufacturnia .ver, ..mwz Snnnung, Cava Chain, C ctioo . C. W, Rkkookonnsba rgO. AILLER fr.Philad. RICKRTSON, Woblosole grocers, end ag„ in/porton of 11mnd:es. Winos and Began, Nos: !Mood 17.1 . , tome. of Laborty Owl troll streets. I'ts bug*, Pa. Iron, Nnilsi Cotton Yarns„ - ko. eon! slowly' on hood. • • • • • - op 4 • ohrti'VG l6 . eta , . D. /10.: I. 'Walter C. Roo MoGILLSA ROF, Molex alco °thee:tit and Cotntni A ten Merchants, lialat Liberty St, Pitisbo rgh B.IIITR tiff - 'Cat RICA ATtli apßlrl AND AXLE FACTORY. 'tease /PAIN • • ,1111111 • JOIVES C ihr/IGO, Iir.ANUFACTURERS of spring and blister steel, IXX plough steel, steel plough ,onnas, coach aad chp .IltTrutles,he red iron. tal ps, es, and dealers is 11.1 eabte nes:triarern er, Gre ensinelrun and cOllO . 6Per ll 4..amer allots :Front ate., Citoburib, • N• N 045 Markel sr, seeend door • _frost earner of Foarth, dealers in rateign and 'Homustla thlla or Exchange, CertiGeatea of Depoto, Itant Nalco and Sped, ' • SCT'Coldiellons mile on all the prihoipal duos hrnooboottho United Statra. ' • cp7 - -•• sae—althea. Fourth et, third door abeve.Ruttthfteld, south vide. ' Conveyancing of all kinds JPns with the greatest ears nrulleF . l *Cita. y. • 111 CS to RCS. Estate examined, he. 476. e_RNUFATUIIRRS OF GREEN GLASS, WART, Martetatreet,Vittabrogh, Pa, It ern con*tant ly on han Po d, .1 Mak< to order all kinds of Vials, Wes, !c. tter alai Miueral Water Bottles ef •Partte alas attention paid to Prlvato tamable. • • Lithographic E•tablichroatit , ,P WAT.- 11111.1 Diti.• Third at, opposite the Past...Orrice, Piushorgi , ,—hlopaLandstares, Bill. teads.abowbil . ls, Labels, Architectural and'blachine Drawings, 'lowness and Tisitittly Cards, tt C.,rlllrraVeti or lit"..11011 slam, and ertalt.l in telors,Go.d. Ilrenze Or Blark, Ile mast approved style, end at the meet Arasottable prire• octlbtly • D ODIN 'ON, LITTLE le CO. ^ o. IT7 labels). street • .11.1 h Yalallorph Wholesale Grocers, ro.. 4 Wariesivakin hle cahoots, .1 dealers In Pic:Worth Nana. area.-- apt: bostron. mm.. Pom m el, IDONEIPt MOORE, R holenne Grocer, Recta) m llstiller r. deolor Produce, Palleborpltannufoi. tare . as kid. of Furors', and Ilmoontle WitLoa wd i.tquore, No. II Libeny street. O, bond it wtry loop stook of ostponot old Monongollcle wank,: vial., ern' be *old low for r sett. u yl rr a. trtaormk. . • - :DEVNOLDS & BIIEE. Fdrarardtne nad• Coaauis lA, filen blerehaatt, for ate Alltutleny Mart r.de, t.• 111.11 in G 'atones, Predate lattuburgh, oufa, ar 0 Chloride of • Lime. • - "Dm tdche.t. trite, in each, raid at all man tot Coal:Wl:Lap. Came. Penn and Irwin so. apN OttEHT DALZELL &. Co, Wholesale ureter+ Coaanltsion Merchant!, dealor+ in Produce an d PitilburgAhi naufastures; Liberty tlrte', PittMarran, Pa. 1r aplA R 0. ystreeNl4 Lben ; L . • • ante o. Cts., 'Sheffield Item ma' la Steel Worle—bleaufacturcts of Are. U. Spring madi'leagli Steel - - Also—Snrings, Axles, Vices, An lam They invite the istfent ion of merchants Rd coneumere to Mete stork before purchasing • else where.' They warrant thei r articles to be egos tolnly -aide in this obesity or ice • orted. ' re bI C I. O. anacatser - • Taos. a. w3iiii".. — ACNNWIT & wnrrE. Who!elate Dealer. in kT , Orelgn - wad Dornz.lio' Dry - liooda, No. 09 Wood in t.l'ltcanutb. ..., .1.11.111 - 0 I:67"hitii - oi — FdeiaixTia,beatei tn•Floar•and Produce generally, and Forwalding and Goramlaaton.jderchards, No. :a 3 NVater Airfeh r. -- Pdtabarzh. • • nal' MUMS, 1111111117. E. '.101171 .- 01001.11, 11.13111.A.V15. CrIGLL' Sdo NICULI, Produce and General Corn• ta carrion Merriment', No.. a Liberty suect,Pit , s• tams& Sperm, Llaseedankt Lard 17,1 a. epl7 ......C1 i . ,10 11/2,1 „. e t ” le Gro. ,Dnkm.ht Pinallm4 WeroViain . dreg mid We h r . t n eri Prodece, have removed to limit. new wartboure, (old nerldtrrie. :C,eoraer,ol Front ztre4radd 'Cltencery Trane. ant, " '4 10111318 at. HAVORTHI, TEA, AND WINE MERCHANTS, ' yAst tr.de DinglyA L. EL •lysterra.• •W. B. Velem.. • WA-TIC/MAN & W . rn 1101 ES r.),lrg GlIOCIMS; - ComissIon aud . For warding hlerchantai dealers In ell [adds.:. Pro. date & Pittsburgh Alanr.fachatcd A rlicle_s; az: A,gentr Mr sale or Richmond: and' Lynehhirg Elanutintured Tobacco. arl TIMBLInt, AILTTOII.S.WP AT' LAW. • • Bather, Pa .11770hm attend to collections and CI other boll tetd enuasted told. In Donor mut . .i.onstrontt canna% P. Refer to • • J. It R. Floyd, Liberty sti • w. IV. Walloe. do - • James Notoholl do Pittsburgh. . Alp For Co, 'Wood at, I - 'inn; &D. Boshfield•-•—....- George Richard. • re* Heller. Roan Drag streets, Piiu• mai ".. 8. De UVSIIFIELO lITHOLF—'SALC and Remit Deniers in Grotteriee' TV and Dry Goods, and Cordritiuidu lidera:2nm Liberty et, Pitt.burgb. r l. JOIIN II orADEN - Js • FORWAIONSO & hIKRCHANTS, • Coma Baal& rem, street, Iluiborrh. mrO . .7.76fiaini.13417-zs a. Co., PRODUCE AIVP:FLOUR FACTORS,. • tio...22lhlcitkei, and 54. Commerce st., Phifirde • :Advances aurae, by• either of the shore, ou consich• menu of Produce to either raft , D. Wil ans. ,•• • --John Ho& J. D. WD.LIAESS & CO., - - If F oj , w .ES . ILgmq Tug if CT ,. dealers in Co w tr g r godnceat'dWsbitrit% M , £ a R n corn. of Wood and Filth sitcom, Pittsburgh. H. Mettay. War. IT. wiLcpuilvs. co., BANKERS. AND aat' EXCHANGE BROX:MI.4, ' N .17. cornet of Wood and laiv.l streets, jant ' . trnantana. Pa. Jon •Curs, W. a. vrodlnma, a4rn ....rt. • DaliA LEY & ..Ntilicc•ale Grams: 10 :Ty and 20 Wood street, Fnutnaratt. • •07 WILD.. lilt., • moll 10[JLIDIS.1. .WICK &. &PCANDLESIiI, (torero/no to - 1. & J. D. y Wit t,ll litholeszle Grocers, Forwarding. Coninelsolon inerrbaott; dealer. , In Iron, Nails, 411., Cotton Yarna,•od Pittsburgh Manorartorts general . ly, to ro tr of Wood and Water bu 174 b. , EVPREF., Wbo e si*ro Gceri, t:itifying sod and Liquor Alner•lmpotters of Pods Atik .4 Me-4.. Insi Powder, Niiii•loo Liberty 'street, (opposite Sixth street') Palebvtlh• •' pI7 lA/ W. WlLessiN, %totems, Jewelry tiiii:erl , 7ans IV• mid MilttarY Voitids.esnier.p? Market slid ..Ppitriti streets. r,mbargb, Pa. .N.l.l.—Watetes ond Clocks C.erally repaired: = ' • .17 Wl4 - cililfsTO & C eny street' *l. - iYeTCgt.flt. tort. Ifermucom. W t7..AlrflyCitANVdValoGrocer— e Ui r,i,,4, r l°ceo i rGl l .' t nj an; Aanufatrn;einrali, aee Pltdugh. • jant7 _ .111 i ILCEIL A'ANTMLO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS .• ar/Lberal advances made On consignmenta Janda-dm Nl A A: r in i irliL Vl meTriler P :3l. " t gee i ng; ' : n r il Foam um% mamma tut &unit it., near Market. 00011M1111 . ing brands. which they oder for ra t e a* agent+ (or). •Dluatd & Co. Bordenni,wac Xaglory, J. Bram d, J Tru. rand k Co, Larochalle, „I 'Parana, Cognac, A de St in teson, ./1 J. Ithseillo, A de Mandate. Jean Louie. ine., Ice; Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines ler cask. and caws, detected wnh earn by.lebn Durand CON Wahine Champagne Wine' and Sweet Burgundy Part. le67.ty• . TIAIRELBUIP• lis ir e A 7l;ti l y t t ' stne V o l t wTerw i rlrfro ' rt r i th ES ' lnt w o t h e Daniel on under the owns of "John Pa rke r're. March let IESO WILE EaltirEß. Jobn Parte,— 'Carr. JOll2l PAILKELL & GO, Matusks Grocers, Dealers its Prods., Fornps Masi, Liquors, Old . sllonesttgahiLz and Rases Whiskey. ; No. 5, Coamerciul Row, Llbony wee!, naKtO Pittsburgh, P wanxa, Faun. 3001. TIANZIA. rea.ttEn, MANNA t CO., (Speoeators to Haney, Henna & Co.) : . MIANKEILS, EXCHANGE LIROAERS, and deniers JID In Foreign and DomeUic Fliettar,e, CertiLcalts of iDepotite, Hank Notes , tad Specie—North weal *oilmen(' Wood and Mani street.' Cement rating received on depoa)te.-Sight Cbeeki fad ' tale, and eolleotiona made on nearly all the principal. otitis the United Buttes. —no highest premiOnt paid for Foreign and American AdVlll2tti made On Cf)l44lllllents of lorodace, ship ped Ent on liberal terms. 'AP`M r4rb a. it'arrso,l , oleo.. A. lIVOLVRO.db 00. s. GE:DORRB,AND TEA DEALERS, No xZ Lidong sera, eon, Woad, IFTa're always en hand a laden asnerttnent Ordenries and Fine Tau: Foralan Fruits and Nati, Wheleasia and Retail. Dcaless supplied hs. lowest terms -11.910a le Dreeensts, lei wionTNANi.ildonstuturer °fall ktnela of Cot• 1 - 1 1.• Wound woollen. lOU htnery, Allegheny city, 11. Tbet above works being now Lu fall and soseestol eragon, son °trooped to exceste osiers with dispatch for all kind. of machinery In my Foch as 'willows, °lslam, spreaders, cords, grinding routines, raliways, drawing frames, speoders, looms, woolen cards, double or magi°, for merchant or country wort, 'Males, jack., elide and hong lathes andlools In gen oral: All kinds of ehoiling condo w ardor, or pions w en for gearing factories or ledge at ccosonable charge. 1 1 1. n. so—gonnosly, Childs Ik, CO., lileekeloca'iDell Ota, King, Yeauook Qs. law A, Orlb '~ lli~ ~1~. ~_ r~ MISCELLANEOI ME= la. Wlntrlltrv..y,p, A. WESTERVELT li SON.- xTur.t. 'KNOWN VENITIAN DUNI/ 1 4 1410 , Ftq, • keep COMI-101I1), on band or mate to order' the hest antic la - their line, at their old rand, o, si, Clair street, also, at No.P6 hlaiketstreet, re enn4 Nprrj entrance in the Diamond. Venition Shutters made to order, and old blind. neatly repaired. . "10 SENN ETT 6 131i0T •• LIIIMNSWARE MANUFACTURER/3, Atirmtughazt,tiasur PitabtaFitti o i ?'Y IT'afi•r 's1;! .s . dreivri itfied4t. and • Tread, ratuburgh. WlLLeenetantly beep on hand • geode ew , ' meet of Ware, of mu Own 111113/Ifilettlre.tnt. enperlarqoaltly. Wholesale andcountry tiler, chants 40 , reopettfolly invited to call and er amine, for themtehes, as we are determined toe el/ beeper then honorer before been offered to the rub. Ire. ZO r r t tr::::: . tr li m b til i sotompasted by the itch o' promptly auendt,l mra MEM COACH FACTOILY. ALL.IIIM. MA. WItrTE reepectfully Infer. , the public that they have emoted shop on Lacoek, between Federal mid Bentleniky street. '1 th e rue uour mating and are prepared to reetruse orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, chariot's, Its. Iches, thergies, Phistone,ilte,.ke., which (rent th eir ,;:pe mince in the manufhetureortho above work., end t he facilities they have, they feet, onkdent they era enabled to do work on the moil reasonable tenets with theme wuntiak art tetra in their frte.' • rapine particular attention to the selection of mate rials, end haying none hot coinpettotWorkmen, they have on hetinattion in a:tweet:ill their work, We therefore ask the attention of the public to.thismatter, N. LI. Repairing done In Um 1ie,119.111.te, and °item moat 'cusp:tattle terms. • tinahlf wk.?, :Awn ”LINAIN " Sonxrw. ATILIXBOBI, armwrerrt Wone AND MAU., l'lrprenun (I...rATINIrt: to to.o.or.eture. all kitado of COPPER, %...r TIN AND 1511E/:i IRON WARE. Also, Itlack eon% Work. ' Steam Root. built to order. :p crust oats/Lana given tessiestra boat work. ilove on Loads of: wrormaent of Copper and Cram Reuter no Ware,..e..t.c.' Steamboat CookintStoires, , t' table t'orces. various suet —a very conveltioni ars Attie for California emigrants, or roll road 'companies. We webbl respectfully films rierun boat men and other to cull and Sea our article. and prices befera pureonsit•t• prardere • rfiCf .1. OLZNYI r Prank 'Undoes. V - 1.: Ire run engaged, In the above Luslneva. corner of Wood and .Third stroen, relbrburgh, where prepared to do any work iu bur line ith dr...- paten. Wt. attend to our work pnrorinally, and WEI , - gd,,. .... ha given In regard R. it. nvolnera and du talohlv. illank Boon ruled to any pattern and bound,oito rinnuatiy. 'Broke in numbers orold hentr bBund rare. I,oly or repnirrd. Nuance pat on Looks In gllt listen. lucre that have work inotr.litte are invited to call. tow. •• • ntrinetf ==r4=79= 0117110.001,•00. • I • ra. 1 0 1 (1 4 Nl' v oVe G n l l7: l : h.?:e' ass ry oVeC7re 4 derw ' r b i, " " l t l i d on c4 , r 6's urg as Cardig kliehlnre, - Spinning Prowen, ttpeeders, Crewing Frames., lisuiway Mods, Worriers, Spieles, Crewing Er=es,LoolooeCnra Greeters., Etc. Wrought iron SLlnfune turned; it: gies OrCist Iron, Pollee and Movers of tbe latest teeter., slide and bond LueseN told tools of ell kinds. Castings of every description, fundobed on Abet notice. P 00 0 ,00.1100 to order for licareng, lem g.fd.c.. Steno Pipe for knot lug Famorma Cool Iron %Vir.dow Sash and room. C 0... bugs genemlly. 'Orders loft at the Warehooso of J. Palmer Co., Liberty serect, Will have prompt ours tion. • • • Refer to Blackstott, Bell k Co., J. K. Ploorthead & Co., G.E. Wanier. Jblut Irwin & Womb Pitisbarhtta ; G. C. k.f.11 : Warnor, tilettben•ille. • Pint% PIA:11051 eutracriber offers for sale n large and splendid a assortment of rosewood and mahogany grand Awl boa Pianos, with and without Coleinan's• eelebritni itoliart Attaehment The above instruments a& war. ranted te he equal to illy iniumfactured in• this collo: try, and will be sold tower that any brooght from the Etat. F. BLI.BIM, No 112 wood at, 2 , 1 door above Lib N. B.—City Sertp will be taken 1,1 par far n few el be abo,eettasorieaeviTi.ii_roen,./;11.........„ TUTS is to ecrufy Out I have apt pent:tett LiVitrll6ll. Itnpirtil it Co. Sate haeLlUt for I'4, rola o:Jeuz,:ne's Vatent. lnapraluur. Fitter, for the eH * - o , i 3 For!" , for Welter Di iiitwan,3lo Broadway FL A 10,16119. . . . We have been traimr one of the &Love articles al th• orice of the Novelty ; Work. for three Jacinths, Olt trial, tad feel parfeealy liausfed that it LO a uncial invention, and we take pleasure in recommending them as • gee (at article to all who lave pureorater. Orders will Le thankfully received mid prompUyecuted, 415flig ex EN fa ilo Seisiana.BelXlr. Work. for Sale. ?pH eubseribtr odes for 'fac i a:a STEAM BRUNE I 1 WOINCS, above "Lawrrneelille; coinprieirg Steam Eitgate,2 Uoilere, 6 Moeld Machine, capable of othaufgatarnig fa,bool'rearell'Erick• (out ad. 7 cloy, as taken from the bank,) per day; with three scree el land on Sin Allegbetly rife, on which arc 4 411 us and shed, raachine and clay sheds. wheelbarrow, trucks, shovels, epodes, &e., 'every thing requisite to com mence operations at an hours nun.. 'Price. including the patent right to lase said macliine,.67,o-o,4orma • I payment made easy. Walnut the laud, $5.090. For panlealars, uddross • - niEstita - r, Nn 119 MononFahnla Noun._ Wrought Lad: Caet Irost I.l.lllnati .• THE tataicribers beg (rave to Inform the pubfie that 'they have obtained from the Eon all the late era (tottioneble ilerigns for 7.0 Nailing., both for houses &on cemeteries, Portman wishing to produrc hunile some patterns will picnic rail and examine, and judge for therareivera Patilin . .(will be famished at the &hart. eat oiler, mid in the beet roamer, at the corner o' r- Craig and'Reberea streets, Allegheny ei9g. segaxidtf A. LAMONT A KNOT, JOIIN LYONS. NO. 9 STATE sTitEET, 110STON, WiNiENiMM Li - AVM() 'pent nearly a year In the robes Cr. 11.. cord G&W., Nattocal Lhorttry, &e dart.; hte late VIM Io V.agland, roverargathig, etniam for pe ratio in [hit Ago and harinsecured eterent and re. spottruble t& in London and &tam:heater, he L. prepared to afford all necessary information and ado Tire to peraomr who seek to recover thou. property 1/011.COURltY• J. L. keep.; arritt of the Itaok of England Dividend Books, may he &rand nail for 50 eel., or .25 for each letter of the Alphabet. References In Boma: ATMLMS, Notary PoLite; JAMES WELD, Erg; HENRY K. MAY, Erg; JOHN W. RIDGE. WAY, Egg. .6 3 . BOCOS.D 8 CO" i m s (Sacco...to Altonl Sr Sang) Paahlono.blo Halter:lo, Corm+ of Mod and Fofth Struts. PARTICULAR Citation paid to our ltotail Trade. e t , leruon oso rely upon !owing well Hata atol Caps o our cstabllskructuof we am rearralials and wrocassateras, Of the Lana rata, uol at the LOWCST rr.=. . Country .filerenants, purchasing by srlioleeale, an ininGllany knitted to tall and Orulahle our Stock; no sre can 127 2•41 confidence that u reeards qtreutr and Pit., it will not ender in a comparison with n 7 OU re in Pliiindelphia. febl7 5F.438 leave to-inform hie friend. and customers that he is Just receiving his new wing cloak of Goode, comproung, as otmell all the newest end Moat fat ma it- Milo tauten of Cloths, Cassimeres, fanny Nov:tart, at. ton andlineu Immo.; stufoq and every article suite hie for gentlemen's wear for spring and nuouner. It hems onnosslble to describe the !meaty, quality, or quantity of the Mock, she proprietor hopes all who are in wain ofgoad, cheap, fs.luonablc, and well made clothe., will give him • call, as there in no stock this aide al the. Alleghenies that can compare with it. The ready made department Is very extensive, adap ted to al! tutors. , Rail road contractors, nouttry merchants, and all who parchage largely, aro panicularly invited to rig. owlet the!-sinek:trtrure purchasing, as particular at hintlein Is pod to the wholesale business in iht. catalr. lislanant. B•ery artiele In the tailorine line made to °seer In the most fashionable and hese manner, at the shortest .21:2'!!/°--; • . • 1!) , o , l2ljejla bitrate d .Z . : o ll v ltz the z , G, of Mr. C Bradley, The boolnees soil) he eatiledhy A Bradley, who will .ttla the basiness of the late • REMOVAL...A Camber hem removed his Foundry iNVarehoure from No I I t Seco:/11feet, toliti 19 Wood *Reel, between First and Second street., to tli. wort , boast lately occupied by G A Derry, where be will keep ainistantly on bond n general essommentvf Cart. ings.DDenlev, Stoves, Coot Mg Stover, fee. Jy l7 iindar.o.ttna.ziat. put alleittlon of the pebitc to reapectraity called to the follelciag certificate. 13. - Eatitra—llaving waleda cloantitY of Gold rreiglood by yob[ Aredmeter. I find the result proves your infUlltnenr COrMl, F.ll recommend the dui of it to thole going to Californot, or the beat melded far ob telelag the teal value of - Gold. Roe,. yours 4 J.ll. DUNLEVY, Cold Beater. ritUlturgh, March t, lOU,. PllTSll7l2l3.,lllirch 7, IMO. Mu. EaUtuta—Dear Sir: !laving examined the "Arco rarte:," ruanufleturea st your roaroa, 1 do not hero." tar.oraranzte, it is the n.e of theta geallemon who are shunt California In serreh of Gold. It rives a elwe approximation to the cocaine grain ty metals, and will eertatnly enable the suivantorm to aveertain when his pineal. wyielding Gold. molt , .Owe', 1 idalritiTrrirtir ==M3= Ikl. A a: N sf!i l it.VAm " ^ E ri l a 'lt T er t .t "i ll n o d C.ont Steal Vdca, of nil dreg nod Slackamitia and Shoo Shoo Rsps, wal on hand and for Blle, cutter al hiR 4:st ale Sire Wortca,” trifarn street, I , Olt, Ward, or at the °Aka. Lo tho Iron Store of PoL,I/oil4 & 00.1111%.90N, No.fl a 'foot of Wood 110001, rillaburgh. sr.r.t: also I.) We, the ondernigned, having used, with entire sat. isthetion, th e Cast Steel and Files made by Suave! blegevy, 'at his Eagle Steel Works,jti this city, mkt. pleasure In 'recommending thorn as equal in quality to any ever n.tl by as, 0( reelKUl9.4 - 1.1:1[0. Pittsburgh, blare!, 13, IV5t). . O&J 11 .9110 EN unac F:11.& CO, • Manataetotora of Iron and Nails:. Pillebeggh, Pa. ' .KNAPP torrtp.r. • lion Founders and illaebtnitvs, Pittsburgh. Pa. • COLEMAN.IIAILMA Cu, tdruhulaeturers of Springs, dales. Spring Steel and Sleets Nu/burgh, Pa. FADER, Engine Unlike* and Machine & Card Manufacto. -nes, Ptusborgh, A FIll:CON, limes Founder. Pittsburgh. Pa. At tiP.AFP, & CO n.fiictla en of Iron no d Nei l s. D s. Pit ts SAY bargh. P , a. JUSEPILTOMLINnON, Locomotive Engine and fillip ilullder.Pittsbiugh. Pa. W W :WALLACE, Marble Manufacturer, Maohtne and-Eaglets • that . r. Piterborrb. Pa... fats. r. noao • AA lAm:rG°:7:=lnral lo peei Imprdio44 t P•kewcil 8. Pcaes Wamboin. The finder Wilt Le rcinude.l on rimming them to the owner, No. lb Wool ! wont.. sPYJ E==l PITTSBURGH, : WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 10, !ISSO INSURANCE: ... . . : . e.IIBUIIIIILNGSItt. E.. f l • : TilE DPI:A:PARE AIUTITAL 5A . ' MSC. RANI:P. ettAIPANY.— Ogre North eorn of the Eenbonee.'lliild crest. Philadelphia. Fiat latenancr.,Buildinga, Pi ereltandite end other pnperty. in Town and Country, irwareil araino loos or dont:tee tip Bre, at the lowest runlet' pen:dual. • Slant. Mune:tea t—They also iatare Wesel., Car. efte end Freight., foreign or coastwise, eiider open or spacial polielee, as the assured may desalt. ~ • f I st.atto TRANNOrrATI.3.— Th isy aloe i re airreh. Keil!. traarpotted by Wagons, Rail Ito C ant, Canal Root's and Stearn Iloate,'o't mere *uu a 1.., 0... mast Micro! term.. • ' . DIRSCTORII—Josiph 11. Seal, - Edma .1 A.Soader, John Q Davis, Robert Dorton, John 11Pc rose.sanin. el Itslivards. Geo G Lelper, khlward.Darlington. Inane 'FP. , I .i Wet EolWell , John Newlin. Dett. al 'lnto,. -Die O'lland, Theopidloi Paulding, II lOnes lima., near, Sloan, Hugh Orel.. G e orge s.tl4 ''Pc"'" Malmo. Charles Kelly, JO Johation, Was Hay, Ar S Thome, John &Sore. Wet EYra. Jr. • • -. • DIRECTORS AT PiITSDURGD—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, JohnT Lagoa. ' • ' ' WILLIAM MARTIN, Prealtlenh ' Ruutean S. NCOGIOLD, Sleety. ' line° of the CootP.tY, No. 41 .Wour atreet, Pitteburge. liangStf P. A. MADEIRA, AO. Mee and Health Ilasuraa TNR Minuet 12re end Health litratanec Company -of or Philadelphia, lircorparated by the Leglalature of. Peentylvanta, blurb, lion. Charter perpetual. Capital, 8100,000. Ram ~wo ear PlClNiele votta COMPAIIT, and fall 21/ per cent. lower than the mid rates of Life Laurance, as the fallowing com parison *Ol chow: Thus, a penult of the age of 30 lo oming har Vett for lire, must pay In the Girard 82,7 c P.tthO'll'uttrb ‘4411, Pena blame!. 112,38: Ealdtalbt lAN; Now Notion ,00,371; Navy York Life, 02.,..%,A1.• blue, iP.1,111 Llfe and Health, PlitladelphialltAl, Dtatcroas.—Panthel D. Oiikk, Chariot D. W.; P. Ocoee, Robert P. Rine. Charles P. Itayec 5L Retaliate, At. M. Reeve, N. D. Chas. 0. l o . Cettsphel, Levels Cooper, I.Rodatan.ltoker,E.ll.llader, Mario IL Cope. Preahleut—aamael D. Orrick; Vico Petal dent—Robt. P. Meg; *crawly—Francis Illackbente. tpP C 1,4401. ut .1 will ba retelved,d every inform:dam Given hy • ph ML. FAIINPSTOCK, Art, (14)=.41 o Zw4l Cootacyclat Rooms, center of W.dd Thlitl Ol.Pittabargh, • FIRE AHD n ARV'S: TOR INSUILLYCE CO. of North - America will make permanent and limited litunsfatteof on pro perty to this city and vicinity, and an shipment. by Cunal, Rivers, Lake., and by Sea. The properties or di;i1C1R111141/1 are well invested, and tarnish an avail. nblo, imtd Coy t.bp sinnle indemnity of all penal. who d' as .l 3 , l; u PI;V. Opre and malign* iii4o4Wirirr :— . - 'f v?. 4Ni V . 47'.? eut of ‘itclo4. 7'be nature rther, agent fur the above old antlreepa. .'bb Co.reol, vrni l'rue Pone." on Pnithingt and their cantatas, andon ebipmente of dlerebanatro by Sworn Poeta end other vessel.. ap3 W. P. JONP-7. VSZIALE INGWISI/T/0 riNlTE'Second Session of Ws Inwituden, under du earo of Mr. and Mr.. Guanine., for iltojnewent aenzlebne year, will commence on thia day, Monday, i l . ebr.w.7 19th, In the, same buildings, No. id Liberal alter! Arnimgernentr have been made by which they will bents to furnish young laiihn (aunties equal to any In the West, for obtaining p thorough English. Cleat. .• ill, and ornament cdocatiun. 4 (01 coarse of Phi' sophleat and Chemical Lectures trill bp delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. de partments of Vocal and instrumental Merle. Modem Lung Isaacs, Drawing Panting, willeachbe under litacare of a competent Pinfeurir. By elan attention td the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa. Olt, the Principals hope to merit amunt:alien of the liberal patronage they 'have hitherto enjoyed. Foe it MI, lIVG •I apply to the Puccini/a, febtrldu Modern and Antique Furniture. JAMi:$: w. woonwmiL, tR, Tno Sr., llrrnvzu n. r1V1 4, .t% Rev.:au:ly informs thetZ •1 cabi, that be bee COM pleted his spring stoat FURNITITRII the i s and mos:varied assorunent ever offered fat sale so this city, comprising Severn) Arms of Poldwoao, 1111.100.C111. and Bums Wm.., entvdd, ornamental and plain, suitable for Parlor., Drawing rod - Pod Rooms, all of which will Li sold at the lowest prests Permns desiring Farnintre of egyy description, sre rpeetfully invited to call micas mum his wick, which embraces every description, from the cheapest and platocat to Memos: clog= and costly, of which trio rdllarving comprises Spans Tar o'rete Sofas; ' Tete a Tete Divans; Conversmon Chairs; • ftlisabethian Chairs; Pecernma do Louis XIV do EZICAIIOO do Bagel antique; 'What Not.. Toilet Tables; Louis XlV . Commsdoret Dote of Vork's Couch; 60 Sofas with Plash and Hilt-cloth covers; 510 Divs.. do do do; 40 dos Mahogany Parlor Chain; to•" Rosewood do do; Ii " BLit Walnut do do; go " Cane Scat do; ' 4 '" hinhogany Rocking do; do nano stoop. 60 Marble Top OuntraTshics; do do Wrath Stands; M hlahogmy Bedsteads; to do Wardrobes; • It BPS Walmt ; do; 0 Cherry do. A very large assortment of Common Chiles Mil oth er 11l rlttuitc am tedious to uteralon. C.? Steam floats furnished oa the shortest notion. Ri rders primptly attended to. P.O.—Cabinet Makers cm be mmplied with all aorta of. tlaliogarty, Widow, em4yeacors, at cenuiderablr . reduced tamer.' (01,15 'HERSEY. FLE3IING t CO. nivz FROM TEE MANUYA HUN iddNUFAC Welt< WI Went Ked do Oo Jo do Ittowtt Jo . do • Meet Sallnetis. .Stcc: mired do !Slue do Drab Jo Black Casson,. Caney do Jncy Tweeds. Su a per Mark Broad Cloth. Soper Brown do .Super Green do Sayer Twined Jo Super Lase:, Doe Skins Soper Drab Cashmeres. Sayer Brow. do Super Clack do California Blankets. areorlet do Bloc do Drab do Grain Brigglny. Shown brills; At the Alwinfacturers' ti l Trtisborgli Pfisolliattoll. MRS co-partnership fore existing . 4elaseentla. 1 "describers, ia the name of Coristable, Burke tp Cu, is rids dap do-arrived by mutual consent. Messrs. Burke &Baynes will reale the business of the concern, for which purpose they are nothenzed to rue the name of the concern. NATHANIEL coNsresLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves In the name of LIUSKE & BARNES. for the purpose of minima curries Fire Proof Safer, Vann Doors, he., at the stand or .he late Sem of Constable, Berke &Cu, where they will be pleased to receive the patron. age of the easterners of that imam and their frieuda In retiring Born the Snit of Coastalle, Clarke t. I with since. pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke & Hamel to the coadenee army (tiewls and the public. Feb. 141649. NATHANIEL eoserAttLE. tobl:l4ltr HAS jost returned from the Eastern Ciono, and receiving a lance variety of seasonable Goals, to objeil he respectfulty invites the nttection of merch max and pedlars. No b 4 Wood at. febll rY receiving, from the largest eetoriea in NOZI York and Pbtindelphta, and also Nero French e1,..1 lily newest and most anpnved sty ins et {'a- per Ilascioss, weather with Borders, hire Ilnerd Prirds, and Tester Topa. For gala at Wood 01, to. mem. Fourth et and deemed alley, let:McCaw( to S. C. ISO.) • TAT.EALLIC PA INT—S trio jast reed per steamer, WI and tor solo by the barrel or eagle pound at the Drug, :Wed. and Perfumery kVorehonse. corner of elistb and Woodstrects. 8 N WICKERSHAM. of IN Pataa• ... *prates' Patent. bed. Ash. 40A Cbiiiii of the above celebrated brand and 4.l't hi, test, direct from the inmartietarend la° ranks on on the way from New Orleans, and ox. pceted her Ws week; and 314 will abortly arrive via Dalin:: e pro ships dentate, Chesapeake, Dame. lat, 011 a Athos, which will be sold on arneal, at We owest market price fur, oath Or epprovell bills. W A. AI MITCIIF.LTREE. ap23 Nn leo Liberty rt. CMCMICAL &TOYS& POLISh !VIII , . (threats. Manufacturing Company now oder to j. the public their Premium Cbemfcal 'Stove Pollak; and withal' , ezapperetion, or Ceara( contradiction, by them who have tested lt,proimunee It Par superior to any ether to the market. The eonsumerneed havens apprebewlona of selling enrpets. &e., as•ith ton pcsl;.oo prevent. dun thorn ;airi amen bring op- plied, which must be dope when the ng Store I. cod. Tte qaanuty required to so huts proda,eabeau tifnl - luidre. A swung ord.. Shy per cent is bunted to them...mem. A coming applied to Stoves, Pipe., he., when laid away for the summer, to asum pre- Ventallt o FILEI rust, After having tiled ones, it i.necewitilm 110 person will um any bat the Nap M.vlcract. we Company, Free:dam Chemi cal FUT rale by S N WICKERMIANI, 0110 Corner oteath end Wood ntr,rue Mita arclitgirlilivirici:: - A riliperi.nita ;latrine number. put on their homer. /I In ernfortnity ins renolation of Conned., wilt pleate call at the BOOMS , or the Board of Trade; errodil story, corner or Wood and Third rt.. and pay for the same. SAWUW. IqthiN IiSTOCIC rittalisrati. April 20.1/IEII. 4p9i VAlifiriaSTOCK , a DiagOTOLiato Card. S. n F OIr I o r' n N a El' oT.7o C a K r , 7 "" lre ' b, t ; :rtir ' efti% th ol Piihurgh and Allegheny, nnd borough. of Mau chester, ihrmitighara, - Zee.; float the work i. now' nearly rend* far the, peel,. and will be perm the hands or We pruner ppm Whew between eta rata and 3 oth 'Wont. , . o in T Ll., :i c e r,r i o tizi c il Li afe . v:i .n ly ,. ..l2 . .l . lav a h F e w reelen t . l34 l . nte w rera tTr patilculerlY these Who have not ,Icon called on, will yreatly oblige tee publlalier,by auerialnlng tharthelr 'aimed avocations and places of Internees, 4.e., era ior pablination is the Directory. All card* to be 1:1.1.1, male he hauled In forth. with, or et the latest, by the date above aimed. baste" ' EliELOD10:0111 PIANOS. TIIST rerelved, and now opening, one elegant Rola e) wood 6 otts7e Melodeon Piano, front the eak untied minute:story of March it tVhrtis, Cincinnati: Thls Is a superior Instrument, of fine tope, and very rated el11.00:11.10h; ea, one Gue 4 native Waco., ft • 11 MAWR'S Male Store, ine,yl7 : „" • 101Telid street. 4 3,J , Orchip Pres Waste tho.tralted Slates! EN Par...nee of law s 4Z/tell/MY TAYLOR, Piet Went oldie Pelted Entice of America, do tn^r -hp dreiere and make •known, that pahlie tales wit 14 !vie al the anderrnennowd Land Offices in the mato 5.11.11110 AN, atthe periods hereinafter designate/ At the Lard Mire at: tiIAIULT.STE. MARIE. for the . Lehe Sep tier Dittriet,“ eannatenetng Aar, the eXteenth day of &meaner neat, 'IV the Ws, Dotal of public leads within the. following named' townshipr, • ..North of the &me line, ina trig of the plincipal meridian, Township forty bee, .4 fractional township. forty sir and font seven of range two. Town. Lips forty five end forty sth, and factional township linty seven, of tinge three • Township forty air, and fractional township forty seen. of ramps fn.. Townships fon) sin andTtny seven, and factionnt sewtualps fifty and fin, 0,00, of conga ' fin. .Fractionnl townships fortyneven„ forty eight, forty nine, filty.d fifty one, of ware sir. • Township. forty eight and Pony nine,and fractions' township fifty of range seven. Frattionsl townsh ips thirty nine en "ITog and forty on "slat laland,..and township forty five, of nutge eight. • Fractionnhp.thips thirty Moe nod forte or , "nog" aids Garden^ islands sad forty three troth., main land, and townships Ism roar and font' five, orange nine. • Fraction,' township. and and forty on "Gar den, nod "Fon awn Wands. township!. forty three, forlY four, slid ro , iy five, arrange tee. Factional townships shiny eight on "Little Beaver' Island, thirty nine on oldtzle Deaver. Red trout. Islands, and forty on tAtiltiskey. blend, and town ships forty three, forty four, and forty lire, of ante 110000. Facile/n.l thweshlp thirty eig al's eGtill Island, townsnlp forty two, and faction wnships forty three, forty their end forty five, of range twelve. Fractional township tone, en the main lend, of range sitteen. FtaeUonai township. thine nine and forty on the mainland, of range seventeen. Fractional townships thirty eight, thirty nab, forty, and linty ono, on the main land of ran. eighteen. • Fractional townships thirty air en u lihromern end "P4yel9' s 'Ljondt thaw seven tintiladine.darnmetir Tnien.d and au uri thirty eight, thirty nine, and font on the oath land, and townships forty-one, forty two, on I forty three, of range nineteen. ' Fractional towathipsi thirty six on "Pt Martin's" and "Gello Islands, thirty mann on an hid ofoLlUie Famine, lrland.thirty eight on the main land, thirty nine (indult. the Inland In sections twenty seven and twenty eight) and forty, and townehlp forty three on the main had. of range twenty. itractional township. thirty eight, thirty nine, and :city thp main land, of maga twenty en, 4T. '1 flt.:4lle i.dClil,cammeneing au Mandel,' the thirtieth day uf September next, the dine mat stint Pahlle labile Within the folloothr mated town. ship. and fractional townships, to win— Milk of the date lino, and west of the principl tanitiirtn. 'Fractional lawful.e thirty flee and thine tar on the main land, of tango twenty (oar. Frcton at townships trty r oar, and thirty lays, and tagrpthip of range twenty hve, Fractional townable. thirty two and thirty three on the soul,, land, and townships tinny four land tinny hoe, of rates twenty sin We. thirty one, thirty . two, thine three, thirty four, lad thirty Anent. maul land and townships forty .alz, forty seven, and forty debt, of Illltge WM? seven. Fruition. townships thirty two thitty three, and thirty nevem... township s thirty mine, forty sir, Sony I torah, and fogy eig ht, of range twenty eight. . Fractional tow. ' tra that:a , 'sex., 0 4 111 eiihh thlity nine, and townships tony one, forty two, forty three, forty foar, forty See, forty its, forty tenth, Itlld fony eight, of range twenty rine. i• Practionsa townships thirty nine, township forty, cetional township forty one, townships ton,. two, rtytkqeedorty fog r.frty tine, forty tit, forty say., and forty elithl.and the finaththe of actions thirty two and thirty Or, at the capes of Agate harbor, of town ship filly atnr, of range shiny traction. townstups thirty pine, forty, and folly one tow... forty t w o. forty three, ferny Mgr. (arty five, , forty six, forty seven, end (any eight, end train !lewd sections resent.. and Ciebteeri,on , Traversen Island, to townshlo filly four:of ranceithiny one. 1.7 TUE WIMP-PLACA carman.. tdorulav, the fonneenth day of Manlier nail, for fife diaeitsafol the pablie lands situated within the undernsentlooml tneenithi, and factional towashiro to ert;:— North of the base line, and meet of the principal Fractional township forty due, and townships Duty two, forty three, forty four, 'luny bee, nod fifty, of range thirty two. Pacto.ei township. tidy innd tiny two,ol range thirty Wren Fractional townships fifty pad fifty two of mow thirty four. Townahip fifty, of range forty one. Frnefinual township any. eight, and townsidps forty nine and fifty, of range fatty two. Tithroship .farty, seven: franon. township Sony it , find !ow...fp forty nine tied 04y, fit nogg four torte, Townships fon* savenabriy eight, forty nine, and fifty, 'of nitre any loan • lintrahirs forty seven. forty night, and forte nine, and fractional thernshle Shy, of five. Predicant township* forty anie and fifty, of range Wray six. t rset•snsel toornshlps forty six end forty seven, esthip forty eight, and fraetiooal low ahip forty . nine, of ranee fony seven. Krim/tonal toasts/dos forty' , seves, forty eight, and forty nine, °Craw &iv eight, naellenal township Cony eight, of range fang Stine, At the land office at IONIA; commeneusg on Mon den the sixteenth of September next, for the disposal. Of she poetic lands winkle th e undonnennoned free 'lshii township. van— Nerds Of rd. 14. e ! A oak Oi At lilt!, and wen of the pri”Cipai tteU® meridian. Aa one and atm can half ...vino of date and sertions eleven, twelve, thirtrea fourteen, terenti tow, twenty lj ye, and thirty dz, M townstitp tine, of range MVO. LIS fal;: o 7o n trel ' g d tpit i 4 7•47L '1 r.:17d<1 gZ°Jl' =MI REDS, AND AT EAST• DEERS' Plt/Ck.. • The ofeiing of the above mentioned lond• will be commenced on the days 44:isolated, and proceed in the order in which they are aelvertiard, with eon venlent dispatch, until the whole shall nave been of fered, end the thles thus claw d. Bat no sale than be kept open longer than two' weeks. and no prim. missy ef any or the lands will be admitted until after tie expiration of two weeks. • . !Blue Drills; Blue DC12611 Panay Conanadea; all are offered al Factory prices. I Home League 'Shirting. Checks sad Stripes, very heivy - . • • ,taco under toy Mold , a; the any if! Westlngton. thirteen:lt day of June, Antto Retain/ one thousand ;ght hundred and fifty. Hy the Pre si.teet: Z TAYLOR. 1 Iltrmartsup, Coostrisstones of the Gerold Land 043:0. Talton,' Good, Red Padding, gaper do; Vest Padding, Buckram, PailotsVare ems, beery do Breen, Linen, Silima'a Drab Serge, black do, and wormed; PIOTICETO PRInthIPTION CLAIMANTS. Leery Person mutilate the right of pre•emtrilon to any of the I,nds within the towmhips end freetenal 'townships above coot:mm . lW,', tandired to estahlish the mite to the seroleation Of the Reclaim andltee. ether of the proper Land Odice, and make paymeht therefore, most es prictlc ableener melon this notice, awl before the day appointed for the commencement of the pane sale of the lands clubman' the tract - IMmetl, otherwise such claim will be forfeited. J. IIIfITIifiFIELD, ~ Black and White Taps; • !Poch . I . Wild, Drab de; Linen Cheeks and Thillr;' I:noun's 6 coed Vol Conon 00 Linen Thread, superior snick;' sink Figured Vesting ' . Black Nato do Drown Holland . .i.o's' Silks Buttohl, Cravats, de., de. ructions., No Dr> Wood a writ /6641 &agsys all l / 1 1114 . 11 Agnelli:ask Poultry 1300. k. • Milt Poultry Book and ,Fewl Breeders' 4. *ins a trestle* on the ,Breeding, Raising, sad Uenent/ garnmentelat of *Meatus wk l 4 w. moons original - deserlytions and Portraits from By John C. Bennett, 16. D. ' - Thls work will he found tocontain a beater amount of origins , and other Informunon, both practical and aural, le regard to Fowl Breeding, than Is contained M a!! .menean works together It will be Illestrved with nearly Fifty:Portrans of the mut choice varieties of American and Foreign , Fowls, same forty of 'which are from .11fe, Mom drawings taken especially Or this work, elf the most important breeds, and several of them from fowl, very recendy imported. The publishers been roared no capenou to 4ting qut Mk work In superler manney, both to record to tpe engravings, Mc merits of Mt.:port, cad the general eyecution of everypart dm boot. And it ts'heliev, ed Mat the - work will be road to eutain more poach : nal information on Ureedingadd Managing Domestic Fowls, than any work tweed In this country. - ' PM sale by , ..; JAB It LOCK W OOD. jes **belle' and Impormr,loll Fourth at - • • - • ERMUND TllOlkMB IMRNES 011INSTON STOKTONljavejustopened for sale I tho largest asserunent or Paper, Clank Ltaoka, and Stationery ever offared for gals In Ibis oily; together with a largo collection ofne "and valuable Works In every department of LiteraJura All publacatlona car .scat engem prices.. Coun try with every arhalc in this line; 11l the men TEZZOliabla lama Jel7 Illyl.lalSOLDl , 3 OilS klOosraos; a Sketch of a IX Physical Deseilptlan of the Universe. By Alai, W ilataboldt Translated by lltha 4 'fats, Mat. Jan idceiVad fur Ws , by ' OCKWD Jell Alookreller J D L orter. O 10 0 1 Fourth st 12NOLIIIII WHOLESALE CROCE IV oder tor Bale, ImPhisot Y. H. Imp. Dial eta Gunpowder. Tear; 133 bra Tobacco; - LID bogs Rio Cone; AM brit IV 0 Atalanta.; 73 Mods N 0 Sugar, 230 boon amorist? sizes o hi W s mdow Gana; i Pier.; Cm hos nom"; lOU boll Candles; Mail lb. Codkch; 00 Lrls Tanner,' out eu boa Chocolate; .70 dos Bed Canis; 20 coal. Mondial:moo; 30 boa Spited Maculate; 10 bap yapper, • • bogie Alopicei 040 Ins Herring; On bale Vinegar; 3u bates Caodle wick; 1 an ban Starch; !titres Rice; to bats Chalk; 300 drama Vg o; Al A .fa e or m d a r ge l na . roo G ROCERIRS—IUU ntidii Inti mocha 7a 01 Me 00 do au do 4 do RI cads{ el bas 33 uday 00 bone bris & •Madder, Alum, I Nutmegs, mod Lamp Black amyl& A PITYRICIALPS TESTI/CIONY. up PIAVE FOUNDNO2IIINOrO EQUAL THEM," Beacemis,Va., March ud.o. 6. IL E. RELLERA—.I hie° dlspoeed of all the Conet Syrup and Liver Pdle yogi .scnt me, and 10 ads of tbe Yen:Wore. 1 have rased all your Family Medicines In MT 0 . 411 7 , and hero also prescrlbe4 them 4n IE4 evacuee; I am very mach pleased or itletbem, end have fon d notylnßß to (meal them. Send nao,ll dna of, your Vonatfuge, uJ 10 am emelt of the Liver Pale and Cough BroP• , Respectfully yours,,. , IRalrael. of . ;T. T.Ltageon. ' Those Igloly popular medminca may be bad of the proprietor, RSh.LLERS, 07 Wood stoto , d Dretaigo generally le tplty . o/0 till!s and vlelnl 004 RO9l q felr t;;!: faceivad and for eele by JOHN I.le ZIO • 1014 3eo Clinidßasin, Penn at LAND SALES: • IigURPIIIrKWIIC/IFIELIS bare alarre cock of 1,1.1 Fanry and . §teplo Dry Goode, selaog olt at' greatly le doted pewee, 'Owego do Laines, a largo satOrtmentnf beautiful pattern s; Blullr, Inconel aid Swiss Muslims; A splendid totornuent of Mark .d Fancy Silka; Bern., Lawns and by Lain., ryznarkably asap; licantiful Faiths/4 Sill/a: m. 14 heats per yard; • • licatitial Calicoes, from Ul cents, sad upwards; A large stock of Blows and Dleacbed ISTuatinsi trio per rd/and up ward, Bon ya neta and Parasol s a, at greatly reduced priced. CloUts,Castimerea,and Vast age, o; the beat quality", ...leanly low, ' Together with • large sleek of Tickines, Anron.rtud Shirtang . Cheeks, all ;dna ; [lnns. irett Illeartila Kteutings and "Slat op; tonal/An:as; together with all other article. In our line, at north cunt corner of Fourth and Market Ist. lel° gurte av an have mat Inca:seri nerVstylo Foulard Silks, very cheap, rich, plate, and figured ebane'cable silks, .4 alcucet every ayle rand quality; super, plain and figured black vilka; do hareg. and tissue.; barer it de Islas, now and hand -I°o9 «i=witoo - ?rehab, English, and Seotelt in great variety, spit at very low pores; figured,and rails striped lainn of al; kinds and qua Ities.. linen losttea of all de she des and colors; ginshams; ...Men, prints. he., at nora east rotate of Fourth and Market weep. AAAPA , ftifi-D anPiTilt r ti • a ored ;net et...ea by egpruss nos mora4 hag, at north east garner of Fosrth and :darker sta. l ei MODPrIV t'BD.:HMV - LT MITNIFIIY LlLlittracle.Lis are sr tintg iterates end Jiterage Lantos ct very 'OW priors- ii " l l llB 9 E l ll=gJa l4— ViV l tt earrOw at face eat quality, last reed a and nd for sale at Northeast corn.r of Fourth raid /.far. ken attract. jet DIORPIIT /c BUiIfIitFIELD Dorinota and Bonnet. kl U dVo i n i 4 t p ßU lATlTo L g p otr,ti:l ' sV' ''' , :yriot" am... of Cbsn u s, P rsorl. Albon =id GioT g ison r netr, Wtilto .d Pplortil Gimp din and lUbbons of all colors and pricCs. may]] Warr 4.1.111 - 15aija. 4 . 4 F 1 0 .177 Oil Ciotti, ins* retell,: Isom etc factory, cr.d for szle AVoicrooro, Nos. 7 Wool west. • • • ra DUDS. MkIRPHY It BURCHFIELD silo Ho attention , 0 1 those wantiog *tali for Moorrinv proposer, to tbrir very fall aroma:lOW fet,l%cd, such as Black Bomb:alas, limbo:um Stash Alpaca:, Block lioacerlp Laluaaj lararraiZekkash Ir., ao Printed Foolards, ° Baragcs, Tattoo., Sicilian Lortreo, Alkavaes, ?loin Block and rrintra Lawns, Dock Erukroolcrea do; Bonnet Ribtrons r ßearf do, Weds, Ike. rosy t L y `LIMNER COATOIIi-20 pas EasbnieiCis, assorted 1.7 colon, most areirahic raper, lac BUR., costs , reed, ondaow opening by A A aIASUIN & ft Starker sr . MIHBET - IrillWLlS—Supertor Irga colored Trilby t Shawls, coraprinlng Clllll.ll. 01.Ke, rink, Blue, Attasql .n 4 Corn folor.d, jut recoNini 'per caprets, cad day opeakaii by A A MASON ACO krosyll GO ;Herat ' .20 PI a g . * -- ,P u iTu r,:g o c — iii— s y t o e. d P d pc,express, sod now optlriag by mavl7 A A 'MASON ¢ C' • Mack Drees AA. MA SON ICO arc dna 4;Lo r ' ' f` 1 7i 7 1 :CO2Pc91:bps 0,.Li,i 1 10 ,1%. . P, do; .111/ 4 pirees Litton Elan dkoctele - Se. • . 400 dot Ltdiet. Linen Cambric Rats, all nice r 100 dos Gents' do .do do 1:5 dos do do do colored borders - , Received this daY by A A MASON & CO' at. Orlre l :, l ea L tli N a L enra t T FoT•Pwcf ,IYiehn7Vs-td'. Incylo A. A (WWI LCU.• 1" . 1 . 1 1.1 , 10 kiCenves Linens. V2O pet 31 oeh; IVO Poo 4-4 (frown Lulea..., I.OD pc, Gray , * 1, now and Alexander's supetice Irish :Linens, now opening by sedeSlo i AA. MASON& CO eras, slysl ~of Dry , Goad.. 'UTE nor now receiving rale =lllations to ear stack VT ortinricx nod yammer Dry Goods, nod aro pe rmed wager an excellent assortment ;at our usual law pricers fee cash wes te rnroed credit. The attention at dealers la particalutly're, quested to oar goods, as we (eel confadent of being able to otter anususilnducenaems to cote with as. Call and examine at any ra e. • SIXACI , ILTITT & WHITE, a_tqt 0 1 0 1,WoodYtreet. • C. '.YE AC ER, 10 If Market iitre•ts (near &the rt 7,) ayons:as A AN D nesters nt • AMERICAN, r I.:NMI:Mi. AND GEILMAN PA 21C (worts HOSIERY, RIDIIIINy AC Cli c OLOVIY4, THREADS. COM:3, Litrll t ON3, PENUERK, tte. Site, Satin and Laney Vestings, -131.ACIC .• V.PAINICY PRAVAT,3,. / . .):10EF, BANDAYD.4 and I.INEN lIDfl FS , a central E.- /M.610M of :7Arr 8, alai Dorfy variety or trilDltings. _tp2l I 1 5/132(211POPT e EHlei No 41 Wood Greet, 10 0 01;11_7d. 11. Ralsioz; 100 bus eloper do; IS kgs do do; 13 easks2mto Oneonta; 13 bales K Walnow 14 (do fttaxll NOM' lb ;do Vilberta; 100 do Pea Now; 00 boo shelled Almonds; 09 hue Rock Candy; eases Lltptonee• lb PORolpee & ilegaln Clore 103281 Hal ; f Sourtleh; 3 Las Clovis; • 2 ions Nattoege,• 3 demon. Indigo; - !Stages Lemon tiptop; 21 eau. Pepper Sauce; 10 ODIUM Tomato Oathp; 'Gemini! Sale. of all klodap 40 barrels powdered and Loaf Sugar; .9 bbd. bladder; 10 hrle Whiting; kilt/11[4AX 9 CASI , S plain an Gee red Ilarran de Loins, melon ed co/orr, idol received, and vellin-" very low prier. • olarl3 A 151otiON tr. CO 2 _ CASES i Sot estate d Law m reeeleed and aim opening; selling at ttie extreme tom mice at 6 cca per yard_ l _ may= A A MASON hCO CASES,fext o red Glt 66 ame, ree'd, ;tad eellitg 3it 12 eclat per ylatd A. A M ASON A. CO insrel i. 2 SI at4;r ' EAT/1g11.4--31.1bUzu 140‘,0n hand, for 4108 Eby e : Jelb ' • IS./.1/411 Ole'1,:oX 00 U sacks ou stio o'r • joiS ISAIA, CO_ B Au"N7 :C:::6ll,Turdari: . 0 Cask,Sulu:l • 4 epots colv,landing, for sale by elf ' ; 111.41A/1 WC bh:Yk CUI S 'ERIS! Zs WIIALNIJIL-I.lg,e,nis - Llc7cled hoe rlp Is`sso Keds a:wended do 2110 eels full; .m .1 ) 9 6. l 9.desiched In u Whale Sn store and for snle byc ars N. W. coast rIiCKETSON 17.: A 171 Liberty sr. ..rtmoot of Pituborgh itnfo WirPagan Rio.Codeo Ilyson, yariood rnd tionpondot and " Paathong Oolong y VII Imp & O p and l 6'sTokneoo t u t: t rovs Sos do • bf brld SOlorattut. PePPot, In Keg", for oalo by • • ' Cll GRANT " - 90-Waters' . . riim - .^ — =Li, g ;:; bi;;;; - .11,6:,,:i7i Or, btle 11.5; ! 15 beln entrnion OH, In 001, lot We. by I .lelB - bluzit Or HICKETSON LiiifiN 7 .4lu . STZT nniii i nou t, h. Jae LPO jab .. .1115.LER .1 Rintnil44o74 rftlilt— , ltU bele S'l , notie,Tor ruin . i --------. " - . . .. . RIMY. MAIVIIP.II.'S do CO jele ! ;tee 7951 ark et et me.. — 7 DECEIVED at the rituiburgh . Esauly Grocery and aloTea W11$6011:•••• • shf ants 'genuine , pad pee Cold anTene la ex papers a • do 'ehtOcin l'o*chang Tema in 9os paperq : -do de ' 4to • ex . • ;The aboie eeletrated..llieet Tells , are reerived direct from the importers, artd.witl be. sold rtli lOW Cr they an be porelts:e r d i lr b e e sst, with thoaddition of freightorh9,9.9.-U' ' • w,61 A ItTeCLI:RG kCO • 0 , " I.ib.sty ft VANd---/L Ppleheel Hp einn el of mi - e7;vre ation:celeyrielog every variety, iir pale by Jelin _ ' C Yv:AyyT — s=44) -12Lroins do nodding dot - .-Mysore do • nide ' do; lb arose Sieraene ptekci coma Klee sale by Y:LOCAL_ 1_1171211141Yr8 AdI'ECIN CLICPCI2I;,—Treri•- ja.lated•by bits enabitto, 2 vols. limo. Per sale by jaw • ___(a La LOCKWOOD ~! i4..4iiiKer DRY GOODS, &c aooos FUR Dams r. g;a. Goof/ tor OttfP[lo, Cr.. j• • :match and 8s 80 Milli.; Prig•lCd SlAi34 .I,mhroittered do; • Vittoria Lawns: • Lon Priced Barred Jszannet for ,rnorninr, dresse One soft finished do; and n tore assortment of thori hl eUna . with eotorr d embroidery; ntirtatiaesonet Lattrns,Btrreel, ae., at north ens; cornet of Four and Musket elreets. - • tent OII•ap Lawn. 'kr Pill' A ':11.111C1IFIELD bare rercivedtt lame LTA Pimply or ihdll.l Low., arty cheap; n..at rtyte 'brovrri at 14c: light do, In ;rent cor iety, toe thin 1.4 O Alra,cottooldercd and printed blusdon nodinc tenet, of neat and nowert aty tor and lowent moor...moldy. and ndritt coat corner or Fourth and Morten rt. TUE GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL • SA LE OF DRY GOODS ' At Mi. One 'Frio* Store of A. A. MASON-aCO, I'V Th it mmeoac Wholesale Room.. will, on Iblv eromion, lot Aire mcr - with ell lii open for Raton. Timm aril stl ol their ertunM muck will be neCred to rnletlrera nl utliicou of from re tn aer cent. leas than usual pneed. TIIPIII ht701./K: UP eluis•Comprire over fa hundred pieces, And will' be odd at an Inllll.lG 41 count.: • . Their ritsortnostit ofitalit,llarrtes.Tissurs, Grew' *dines! Foolatil •Stitk, Lawns. Mos!ivs. lueonett; Cantligles, and DietkOttoils generally, will be clused at imateillawly,kt oboes ono halt the usual rotes. II eases Fast Colored Haws. will be offerSil et• Sel 2 1 2 d 2 0! B 01Onli 8 n"ae Loihet, 110 c". Superior thiglith aud,tmerieto Calicoes, 1:00 datoo Linen ll.dkerehic oar. 7n. A large lot of Wrought Collaw, some ot low .he Together with 'cc mpl ete varietv of Dotnealle nod While Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery nod Gloves, Dohnehs, dce ke. Mating in tilting of she mostotterstve astontuents in the country, veztuh will be s-arketl down to mark •Wartscpr tea than at any of their previont kanual Balch • I ! F 44. 71 , g, irg and voniking dorm coot. Norow...up:lm Plu m 110,31 ' A A MAHON .co FRISNCTI INENS. It/1110101 & BURCHFIE L LD hare rervired u sop; /laplyks, of 14 and 4.4 ett Freneh Line ys , ad chlldreit's wear, Linear for teen's Cool! and sac ladleesis, to of the Most definable Rhodos. Plehy' arise atention to their large anointment of a'. and Days' Ftl4lslElt With It, of different me halals, led all of Which will lie sold tow. Jell PAUASULSI '• I{iURP.IIY &BURCHFIELD have met iced another AM supply of •biore article, and am enabled to into. ply almost any quality and color wanted. and t the low est casliprieca. b a ,Patent Stair 00 Cloth Cover. , fiIeCLININCIi hat icceired this day, st Ins • • Carpet Wareham, No 75 Fourth at, Man 01.1 Cloth Covering of very handsome pattern. and color., to which we Invite the attemion el purchasers. rata I MUlt1111"k. BUCIIF/ELD nro now orfunng goods at jereatly reduced prices Lawns from a cents UP: 4-1 :kat Mind from IO cents up, Berman, tar Ileiet Plate Wawa Bernie for trim ; Bonnet Ribbons for de per yard. Ladles pre Inched to call and examine Our stank of:dress goods before purchasing elsewhere— Numb earl corner of FoarOa end Barbel ins. ja32 4111 cant Pilots. it , F,.. , t;tl m V . r.litittr a : Zees : t imrt r n:o r . .:lll/ o .6 f lienu W. IiTeC , ,INTOCR layatrals.st . EI=EME3I raoron.ems Fon.'Wl..oarr.' • . prate f t a m ' ! I % I i t w o e ( l at th nval . n b ar " ll,ll.:L Supplement to an Act fn. I ti! eri . Apt to err t inki 3 . tbroti and toprovide the, Mathis! .10 eerie in eminunishment of debt of the Common' werilli and to authorize a loan,* implored the 'llk day &bier a. D lafl), provides as ionewso,l,-;: I Nyman lint the Goverhor to hereby authorized to negotiate a loan for the arel dr Three Million! Three Hundred .Thensand Ito /era, rialmintsble thirty yenta frum the date of eke mb•eription there°, at a nde of Merest not slereding feat per centime per annum payable in gold add at Iver,aenthannueldri opon ti e first daps of February and Attune o f teen rear, end exempt from teeny rpeti<9l Notice, that provonsl• foe red loan will Le ,recemail Anil be publlahed do at leas)J, one newpottrw in the Carough Ifeniebers, In the eider.of ;Fltletivreh neoster. end Philadelphia, and in the cd'esOf Newt York, Lliston. and Baltimore, for neried era lerei than thretsinontholreforetheoheningae4 inelieselar end by letter r . eliewnere, if deemed, nerfeartry,ents anon the de.trissiyned for that parolee, In yeah :intim./ the • Venerate eon be opened the prticithe antler Governor, the. Secretary. of theyrommonweialth,,enik Geneml.'and ire then than he %Warded' te! the ,Ftlehett bidder .or tlvrameant of the eider all exceed thp rum of the, sal/ loan thoantaN Altai! he dirtribael pro tate a Matest the lilebeet bid., dent, but if the whole of said Nee shell nee IhMS•hci taken the Governor amp renew notice, lathe manner afrresald;frern time to tine, till the whole ameen. a. cool shall be eatmeribod: No conGainne shall be eonsideved;%ncd. open awarding melt limes or any pen thereon cerdEenteg with.'coopoure for the intereyt,, be-Ward therefor by the,Audker General. Sat-non In. If the mid loan befiebsPribed, It eh el be and it is hereby approprimed for the payment nra ex logoishment of the funded debt of this Corn ,,nonweaph, now doe, or to became doh, ddring.the 'year oda thousand eight Minden/ end Lap, and for the payment of the sum of eighty.flee thousand one hire '40,1 and f,oe dollars and cidtdy,tight tentroluoto domestic creditors - • • • - I In pursuance of the moieties afortmid,yealep hereby risen, that proposes will he'.reeetred at the ether of the Secretary of •the Commonwealth' onttl edeleek l!. 15d. of Toestisy-thet beet day c4OctOber next, stinelraln for a loan to the Commonwealth; for the permed's en, ',mkt in the said net. of the 11161 of three millions three hundred thotmand dollare,redeciar Ohio In lb irtY Years from the date of the subscription thereof, aka rate of interest not exceeding four per tent per onset, payable to told and elver, metal annually, epos the heat days of February and August e each pear, end exempt tram ~every .P . tk 6 tax ' aeon. Cortincates or crock for the said loan, With coupona for the interest will be maned in the anal , manner and made transferable by the owner, on the books of auntur Ofteral's lhepanmeat The proposals will be required.to WIG elP11.0). the amount °tiered. which elan eat in any rate he ' lea. Men one thousand dollars, the rate of interest cot crocraine Myr per cent, and the premium prodwed: Tue Plate reserves the right to accept the whelenr any part of the sum offered nalmathe I.n:tin:train blips- Buda for the loan moat ha direct and ciplieitt no enndaional propeaals will be reoilved. be the acceptance of. the'preponala. manner mart be paid into the Nutt, Trumary, in each manner no than be diretated by the Governor. • . Cernacatea of mock will he leaned intrach intonate or may he tiquested by the (enders. . '• Zia proposals to he .direetta, anden sant,yd this endomcd,."Propusant for L.... They wtil not ha opened or diecloseal antil the period foe reed, inn them ban alarmed; oftdr which no alteratien in the terms will he admitted. ' . ;t. L RUSSELL,i Secretary of the Ca ntl'. h. Secretary'. Came, I.llarrisblt',l.o 6th, 15;(1, lel3.itte,Shuti • , . . ItIMTWE TO en ealehDarldff OFTBILeaBrITTFTION. RE6OLFED by the Smote " mod Houle of Atpi4sata titres of the eatemoursalth of rimtwylemta to tenant Assembly met, That Lbw emastiluton of , hi, emnioa- Wealth be emended te the seen/ eectioa of the La eel icle, to that et that! readei falloter The Jo/gulf of 11450priele Costa, ofthe Courts or emechma r leaf, end uf .ueh attar . Cour • of Itetord Ili are or shall be este/doled bilatr, emit be elected by the queliljed ikon or the eotrundle.. vemellt, to Btu savor eWolatf, wile The J.es=rof lbe SUrtf-7 , 1 eitact,lty th e 9usliZed elected. of the Common. wealth at teem e n droens Jud Courtse several Coolie oleo:cm. Bleu, cantle ethe of /Lecord.lei ate or dull to estahlultect by law, and ell Other lodge. or to laellearted In the taw, ty the eptal electors or the respetto die's tete aver walch ere hodo Foils or eel me .I,4ew sme the TialoeittsJetei ef th 110.11.11 of Ceram. Plcie by the quaLfted sles.tore of t , “nantliti,mGid, Tly Judvet Cyr. eapecsar Cade shell bole their odic • for lilt wrat of anew yeare, ey shell itt to g bchare t he well, (subject tel lhe:ellotenest herepalter pro. .1,10.1 .nbt.pent to ete Bro. eleseien.t the resident lodge. cell,. several Coact. or eemet. fdrao, end atesteh other everts &card mere ltr shall heeelqhlialted by and ell other Judges required to k, oirusti IQ the JAW, eta hold thmr °ewe far tbq term elf. tea 'ydariliiT they than 111 well ; the leitutritte.Jud;te:of the he elort, 'of . co o. , Mal shall hold their tames Cm Ge lino of )ears, if they stall eo bog behave/ tbeintelves L o t ll; ad of • Isom stall be cam .h ot th Givvervo;, fur tor lemma: 01e mow vlele Iduell Ce co t e • Keovals fx impeachment the Doyenne., 04/ smote any att.. oa the adder • of wood lairde.oi *WA brow b of the L•sis'atv re The ;rat stallion hall take Vat. et the enteral ete.:44w oilßts Cancecoweedt wet atm' the ado'. of enscodenent, ecd the commis:don, 9 r all tho Juke% yr, may be then in airs shall eloiri on ;Li first hl cods) . of December (Corrine, when the ;arms of thin Judge, shell commence. The eau. oho sholl he &hate/Judges of the El ttrutt ILO Loll their teem as Bev, Co. of for three DUN for wktears„ nee foe et. y :ars, one for tvrelve y.mml Doe fore . eta yew., the term' of ea. to be deviled by let by th htof lee,. Awl eller the e'en etaavottenAm.4 the vs. cer4t,d by thera to the eavvrearol„hat lei ...refold.. tney be hence la seronlative Ittataiet Thi leer whom emantitsion..will first eapre shalt be: Chief Jlll.lll4ll4lNing ttl%tod saerealter tech ledge whose consmietjalt /*tit evince its three be the ehieTlodimend If t or . mare commicsions shall capire the sem; °ay, the Jed tea holtrue. them thall deride h. lot whleh oh !hid:hint J Auy muck., begonia', tel . death, rialoaticna, otherstue any cf the scul coon, chat! baulk,' by up; potalreent ' Ly Bat • ant/207, to eoutih ell the 6n . The a Dranbc, tiettedluic 6.W xi taunt e'ection. The lodges of thy Supreme Coon and ctlte Prmilent, of tic .I.omat Comte of Comm, Pleas shall,"at swat/ time, receive Tor their ecru,. en ed. limb, canoe, wilco, to be Bali hl leer. which shall not be atatinlehed drain: their coa {Maw.. hut they shell receive no rem oy: p. - Notti,ilev or bete, nor hold soy saber cent orroq hot',i,thomalconlgth, or under the eveerticusiit ovlite Slates, or aoyhtb et: flats c41...z. *ha .Irtre the• Buret. eeti waried . lost ettaliastra office, thall rewide w Whitt thie it,anwmwreth t acid the other Judges; daring their, clam.. were in afire, .s.ll rsoidowitltil thodislnet smacteety which they were respectively alectel, SkeiLMOTTT, math. Mosey( Repriaentatlie V. BEST,: Speaker of the. • SILIV22 et,svor,g, nmbe. Jeo.re letsh $ Set. el.Prem., ChierClUk thos.*e of Pt Rosy] atia, hereby certi Ilastll` toregoi. rszolutiou, • up the mate Lie of the gmitut ~,, ion,) eatitic, - /lemlutioo mall'', to . isas aliment: of the Coto hot —lt being the same retelutieti *bath irte :.reed lo byis go jority of the numbers eketed . oeh &me of the tut Lgs t statere—efter • herirg ht. dult,ooridered tool die. custe.l, ems thie'stav egret, to by a met stity of tbe,,taitskere elected cod utrin it the Stott. of Pcsolyirsois,sat Remeateestioth tt 'rill appear by their Tau item. the ionggs of the tombs:l.,. folio ors, lhase rat. in Lower.. rushee bf theremheloh erre, 1. Joe. Brooke. J. Porter tteserlch•tVillians•A. t:rabbs Joe:whet 'Cunningham, Thou.+. 5- • Fesoou, Thstiee 14, Forsyth, ("Ulm Presley, [Robert 3f. Friar; klmry'Velseer, John W..Garthsev, W,lin. Hulett, pl.* Timot h y lves, Joshua . V. }ooer Joseph Koaphatehet, Creme V. Lterrea=, 31:Ceslie, Bmjasaie Melees, Beejtos,o Alatthile, Ile •ty A. Alublettberg, tVillisos F. Packer s 117ilhast It. hataler t Dalli &t hey, Pelegl3 liarery, Omuta Ulhr.er,l4ll.-ett C. eeeee tl, Dowel titter, fltri.ll) , lirtettr, Joho It %Venter, chi Vette hos gest:speakr.LYrtiLll. 't base vutirg egoboet the yabmge , o( the igssletien atom« 11%1116. Urest, teal Attiansleg•Kingss. :Nays 3. (Lag - act frost the J costal.) • • • W P .EA14.501‘. Is rue Bader or. Reroncrogriveg, H.oristrore:Martir 14. 1810: • I, William Jaek, Chief Cleric of Ilse /lowa of geom.. sentarioes cf Fr emelt:mi., do hciabgeerrify that Of fure• y . '"F o seetot'ob INb. ID on the Senile file, and NO on c Atom, Joarrial of the preach IIni013,) . 1 ; 13 . 4 mlahre to the amendment of the Stattoltiilian:/'—it been, the ramo resobitino which woo aAsoid lobo a mei !city of. th e ramthers elected h each Maio th e but Legula-. ln!e—ell , c booth; him dalfconottereil . red discussed, was this nay ogreed by a injarity of thg IttlaSers'l3cctt4 te• thl • acieF in the Ileare of Rergcriatatiers of repent , satia, 1111 errata{ ..ewes. so will A n a, by their Soot; gion en the foal mangey( tho resehiBon,naroargm, Them vett. g is favor of the passegobf the n aohirron Were, John Acker, John Altheri,Witliomllakerillebertßaldiole, Dub', Beet, Craig Biddle, Jacinith Lthrelr, , Jolga R. /Linen, W,Uam Briadle, Dotal If: B. Droner, Jo" Tt. fthrilth, John Ct 12.3.1, Deurr . Chnreh, John' . Ourgegtrini, tlrister Benjomen (13. Italia,. Willlasa .1:1)41. Jrunm I' Donne., Thema, Deacon. William Dunn, John C. Euro+, Ef•011," Ace!' .:wing blehudor 8 Vogler, James Via wers,Dmiamin P. Farther, sic - amide,. flatboat), Thoomi k. Drier, Goffin. Joseph Outcy,' Jacob P. /Warman,' (karst 11. Hart, Latta nary John aull#re. Witham J.fromphilt, John 11.1 c. limey llepief Logo Ilerford, Wet iugton J. Imbues, Mc:hero Jests John W Eillieger, - Ctorcleo E. Emitted. Robert tiLBs, llorrioeit;P Laird. Blerris Lkeeb, Jon ittuni D fleet , w noun IgegAid, Joint. new, Lite., Jot. R. fri'Cruthelr, Joh , F ld'Cullth.Alisierdar l'esirdtr. John lit'LatteLlin, Jelin bltLor,„gissont Stars, Jdm B alrek, Michael Ittheoi Jahn Mltl.r, Joetb C. MeJer.John D, Morino, hetloel Alen's, Edward bliekkaos,JacahCharles O'Neill, Jahn II Vedic'', Jomph , C Pay/et/am. C. Iteid, Jobe 8. !thy, (sorb Ilakerth. balinasl Ilthin"oa, John B. Ruthor- S'Lor Gib:ay{ W. lecalltld, Thoona C "Sceulter, Wilbon ha duo, aicherd Eimpraa, E/i DUAr, st 'mo m . grAh, • Wiliam A. Ban , b, Daniel 11 Sou. ,'Wil:iant II ItoWer. Thames C. Sleet, Weil fltewand, C harta Stockwell, r 0.4. IT iU tt, Audroo Wade. lii ßabertC. 'Walter,,Theama %Volum, 3clecy B. Web, ram A. Willlmar. Dosiel Zerhy, and John 8. bl'Calmatt, rpiaget—You'n7. • Thom oeting agoinq the gamiqe Or he rcroluVior ger., Augustus K. COM)41 1 0.1•:d Emig, stud Jousts - hi. Parlor Nayea (Eosaat from the lourdal) ' • . • 01..triAlVal On Er.ed r‘lz.rch IS IK.O. A. IV. BEN EDICT Dep, Seetorecammlßrallh RE=M9 I -du. cola; t bat t'vo obon and fooled. So a true .4 net to: y of the original reoalutioi of the Ger... Ao e.,al)!y, en..o!ed ittaaluti. itlatire loan snootier/eat of the Cow VlLvion," the nine reentiolao Alain Ibis afro, .tr,Omory toleof I hare hereutto of try L. ot.l hINI , tied eamod en !.Nand real of the tforre. 1..... ter'', Ofice, at lieetitlaty, this RDeetith dtcy of Juno, An, Down one thottrod e4htio , odrtd sod gAy.. A I. ItUßSE4L,L4eretary of the CottenOmetallb:' je,71,11.41.11._ • EXTUA FAMILY , - F° ,l ,`Zgl°6 - ,4"ll% , :y r eli?l:=lllth'ecerb 9 geksl . *O: the reception °too:lore •1 the follo*lnx pfo I g Floyd, comer of Sleth 0n.4.11100d creete. geyvionl; ell. store, cor.Lfberty &Market ere A gee., siore, Third egret. . - • . . . L %V,lcoa, ie r druegist,Aor, Fonnh Sinlil,llod. John N Fenn.. store, Corner Ifirr br, Wylie. TeJecroph ()Moe, Foartlintreet. II C Kelly, grocer, Fifth 21, corner orAlarsersl:47 hi Greer, store , Peen street, Ninth Wan!: The doer waggon* will cell ernes or thrice daily for orders, nnd the Oder, kn. delivered precolelY,enl+er in barrel. Or eacta--onek Pour it prifernb:e est —wittoot charge for canna II is Phan tenet. accounts eon be allowed, and that 'driver, can have no permission u, leni.e Ober withourpsprepr. We lepe the. public will he plaste4 wuh this tr. too cnient, as we shall endeavor to do them jilXliee. roae2.l III,3IANTH k Mlrel,C; Saraaparl 1 I ir.floofia uiT.l7 - 1) i t k el: S" : o l: . 2'"' F i li n , ' 7,..sd :4 frarn!parelc ' ecti njol e'er Just recoil d and for tale by )8 MILLER & RICKETSOW • - • • VOL- XVII, NO, 1:29t ' 11F, 1„ . proclaim in the into of Lonnie ... oam:tangy, that it has rim at.• which re est contained .in any other Tbstuan terlio la reeked with pain and est , inetag ( romtlineeses can (unity cents, get relief from o.4lht'aTe ett s r ' t:l! 4 '4 ' ;! !' ' Airs—no coot pond, yet up for sen 4 p ct otacao or imporing it the.commorattit, tett is a netunsity,elsliorst. innOnt.h3tad pilaste.% isynhebbleany Dona the hes. by wet ollocre Edell:. tat le its etiglntt 'rutin", . 4 . ere to to angering humanely a se sty .. tetnetly, a cents. aid cheapen.— ,, t • • • It ins cent Piles alloy Other toettelnes. have (Ceti -sit re tiJe shy i,tief. h a ncenstatteunnitt on of lon g ntttl or the worst and most yairilol character. :t has iett rod Choltrt :Verb)us by onetwo dews; It • Ina rated 00 ens. orDlesnbenui in wi tch hoary other retartlttoestoen onto 005i1 :An a: lee. meetly In isernsiantt nettliiti, - Ii It. teller than hop medical eon.. r. and tor clouront that we knit ei. It wit cure Chit slaSo it or frostest 11.st...trent - loplicationt; undpubt. ,it testimony tan bejaraisbe .1 of she trla4,,ecmfAir.e.l in the nhot , e statethent by'enling on Samuel at: Kier, bamtn, 7th Al me:; 0 r eilhrrot Ede earner. t. McDowell, 'cert.,' t Wood sure: ani Virpn Alley; Ft. 1 - 1 tegern, .57 'street Street; D, A. El k M. Ott(l - Y, Allegheny city, era the agents. D • tr..te Mlle slyest at-traitor tout Dlacov•rtr oatb.R.P Dail—Snre itill.6ll3r far the Plteill g.ixP.'ll7lotr:VS ecial,rated Everitt] Aineri• cwt. Iteme,ly :ar :the HMI, Lae already Droved Opel! 10-Le Ike only tote cute Oveeprottebted to Ma :011ie. Warr: he diacovcry of !hie vo2ttahle medicine, And the lar:e nonthei 'of extreme neVes with. which r-Drown boa !tomcat; ho one has lulled taimentirely • eared. tibiae the many- bentind halm ett•ott Utter en'tbe - itbd Yews ofTrperimenializilg, hat too eltris !eft the patient where theycommenced. or worse: L etterAt few days Will detide Oat ea. by effeettrx a perfeetpuel! • . errizturs,/ 'lush not enter ipso a labermlar• aument toprove my ismilicine. I Introduce n epee its' own relent, by its effect I intend it 'Mall stund.ith ue t.yea ;organ that lonshioto th ne e seuit, e !UP-S t the vane of is few dellaxi, I rent the emus:Mtn DR. D ,LIROWN, 61 Lloyd etteot, Buffalo, N. Y. ••• • Boid wholLside and ' for . la's,limr, la Ooze eanr.lys. n;. by Lllal2/1 1211t.7..111ArillEWS 4121.• ueLF:., yA i:V lC Z: Siii7 l l , ii - t/Ciar,re - rifii.id large Ina: • Sugur,A ikr , ettor a rtlt • for family one - rukr re eeived. sar kalc.44 . ;AS A, 1121TertISON 23.1 Art. St s.ouin :Meant 1.11 - 7,11 7 Refinery ;2a;,.,. ,N. 20 JANIES.A 74111 . 1.1111E1/N 2-0 R: it; e. —7 S t oma NI. 11tt..: 1 ,1 far kato by • :M 272 ;AMES A 11 1 1 1(111/SON CU ! • i-R1NE21;(1.;‘21..1.T1-.112. 11.kk '. lll lrea'd kllll2arlkak hr." ' R 5E1.L1•21121 loaf{ 1,3 eelved far kale hy• • .tt SIII.I,ERS R. i 1 genksly amt./v-22: ,00 for ouinkvholekalg. remit by r 1 '11.'221 )2 1.1 /21.1.12116 n o =Gr. 117 VI. E:vsi i i : l;!! Ale I;s' . t 7 ztrlr:;.....thrllll:oPTl.ll‘.9. Meorruic.i [rr:,l"r' tt7.11'.04:10. S~EitATITi -- -4 tonn ruportor in tub 7 , 2-ICII/.1 - c ua elbononnaent tor tall by , • ;cto II'VESTOCK ic CO AV"T•IPG• - "X' - 71TT.1f., o w) LNt_ts. 011,,—..000nt0, u • riii;Tutd, num nit by LcO•2l 13 ~ PAHNI:S Non: El A FAtfp.FATocK & prrT, , STONF;:D ‘f l ris,llo tor t ir e .. tl ls bi DACCZ•I-375 pilTbug ibit , irl A andingror .0c 1 , 3: ROLuarr CO obLzmia,.r. co Lth,oy •to.ct. Va , obtu. enie• - rt - ;7•,1 V llama yrs for bale by VELLICIS 24 NICOLA IIH 9 tINDRi/W' .. 71 55 - ITZW, Whalebone., n.tedn.,,s, t m , ; o r 1:4,.n 117 , ues rybronilhforiso:?by • _,.Atli;!! Fk;gr " ri0r c F ,5 1,1: : ..70 sack. ( iiceAlliopotriec`d .r :mitt by . . A CULBEitTSIN TEA-4.l. , llT•chetts Yourao.v, just i , ed for .nln by Je A (10..IIEKTSON • C0i , E„ . 14 TEAS ZEAL bags Ma Cot",c, , • es tted-Tenn ! Jcsi rece.;C , e, and rotte . t; ' •• e'" lei • 1 JOHN WATT &CV . , cif kr SE:Adore' reccrel per ;tram, froroc. Nerrtoo, arild for rah, bp , • • • • le I JJO/li:S lIITTCHVON 3,1:0 1.) orxsiA east! rrri - I o, thytrl4ll:n., 1. far J SCII(Orr, f,r N3ltrl(Vir, jc.,l _7 Woori tj CON. .ferxxr lica•ry .4,