The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 09, 1850, Image 4

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    EASTERN• AltVf
1110i4V1,2 1 / 1 11 ZINC.
TIIE VieileAlontagne cohrpenTscrnilytheir war.
w Pi Itooftne and Eloonna In sheets 327 fert. hew
It to 1.4 minces per riper: feet. • Corn:1011,d in
717.:7 ea for. reoina to lip buildings one tenets.
tibia Bliesihina. 113411'11111es, from s 4 to 33 onnees.
I Neils. Phike,s Wire, =dear 21,3131 , Ph 63,333 Mr. ,
Zinn paint, rep.. ~--, .-: -
They IMtllllll eel, metal part. end (rite from say
1 admixtera of Iron, e 3 shy alter substance, and re-
rod it for the merafeeters,of least arreles lit
the b los famishing Ihe, as it doer net oft, is - ner
•,• • stet ty he anise of arum, and may an Polished,
paler d sad Joan el 1 ,••• : , • .
- Saw es. models, p/ans, sr eelifrEl..l and other
Worm letenay be bid edit, swears:—
. AP. 41. a Steer's, Na.. lath: '.
AI vises. 11.n.i.ras & Co, Moen;
Nene,' Tx ms Ai Co, Philadelphia; '
W Ai 31 Illeliln. Battle-am - , •
131...14 Dart arsertera. New 031esns;
1. ~ P. 141WROUX, Re.ldent Agent,
914uo~er ate t. ' e7L
arao . vo /3al . .
14 SotIA Calvin 114 near ' damn it', Battu/or.,
awe b..Lied.irs dons. N.Y ,'
IMPOR Tait ofet on ' Intl. s,onA DaVer le Leather,
of satiety. londu lergha a. d French Kid Skins,
reach Calf Pain, Pico t Leather, Merocto, red,
warm and pint reamatinitre he. Lasting& Francais,
ItILK GALLtSONS AND Stril i l . l3t. M.. I ea . te• W.b.. ,
1 . 4, . Wive., Pori Riad,, obv. 'THREAD, Abed
kkbhbo Nails and Shoe EDS, of all .. tea. •
R. ANIL basin* established toe above Deafness la
B Custom, la 00551cel to shp seeds Reath or West
via h the almost despateh. coo at the i''''''.l prices
Manahoterrrn..dea'ers. andall others. may rely
. upon oh raining eirm article le the 'trade. Of the best
goality. and on abt rat arm - t. -
C:r Id ane mower or L. tta, DootTreas.ehne Times. entops, Peel Strelebandre All
en WA
Da protoput f 101.01•0 low &tiara (arrests .
A attain/at containing a complete Hot of every
Reticle In the Wads will to tom, 'dad to those who
Map desire It - • ' -, -- 3
EDWARD A GorruEV,l6 8. Calvert tt. .
ttnt:l , 4l ' sell tia t tillsOf 0 it. lialtlNOM •
Droadorsky, cows., of aside* Loom.' -
THIS ea , emare wrrEL• hei b en leaved by et'
aabeeemer, end Jam been completely refined In
the weal eimant mater..
Late edi!tinn• are now
been, undo. ei herearnp.eted, will mate It the
most Cile.(os , Te ifiret in New Yen. fill r e delelll2l
- of the proprfiter, to make It equal, in every re
eli - eit to any ether Ileum In tat Valted Auto. It. to--
canon t a the rant deurible anileentral in the City. be.
Mg la the fathomable kart of Ifiortway, et taverJeat
to ell the pubbe plaeea of artmeeme..l, and
boyineaa Oratefal 10l pummels received
from bis western friends, elute at Coraberl and,
and more recently at the Weddell Haase, Cleveland,.
Ohi,, he nape ally solicits • renewal of their patron.
age, for 01. rhw ertarllabmetn. at New Volt, aud
btee to n.earo them that every etfort on bla pan anal'
be given to administer to their cemfon and nteaeort.
--- P. lIARNUSI.
New Port. hiarelt.ls2l.—(me4...lnt - •
• A 8017.TUSE FOIL £lO es
odors. George num, Plymordb, Ragland. The
maneges beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that
e next Distrbation of Portreiti of Rare Hone, will
thous emitted for the fortheem ng Grand
Narlowal Derby Race: the numbs, of ahmes to be
limited to ROW each elms. ,Ftlllt !has member zuk
second els.. ditto 44. Parly epptleation for the an
appropriated sissies Is necessary. cha nc e eebee-in.
lag far More Owe one share has theof gaining
an equal number bonuses, Those member alto draw
the varions Connie. will be presented with use fol.
busing an Portrait
Portrait of ' get class booms Id din*
Winner, or Pint linme , sto,qpo
• " Breoad Home— • 10,P00 &ow
Third llama FAO CCM
Divided among.. Starters...; 0,000 3,1.00
Pientitartera spoo aan
There aro TM boatman in each elms,that being the
. newer of heroes entered Garth.. rare. The Drawing
will be condoned anon the ewer kakis:lmre prinesnles
as those which enanoterbeo the lase Rt. ledger and
ether proceedings. Foil parinilan of the result cull
be cent to ahem members Immediately after the de.
• elslon, that each may know his pus riots. •
Sabsenbers rweigerrd and only forwarded en re•
eeipt efts remit ante. Dills of Prehange. Weds, flank
Notes, he , addrea ed and made payable to mho
2dee v .ging Directors. JASIER & CIA
Fie per cent eon:minion to be reduced on the
presentailon of bonuses. : mrlll.ln.
• -
letioi REEDHOUSE, •Osao
KEITH. dr. ninnert,' .ProprlstOss,
• Puller Sitar,. Erie, l'er.
GENFX AT. RI AGE OFFICFE.astem, Western,
Kai Snothen3 V.mera, kayo Air! daily. Car.
mores to and from SRAM' and Patiet Botts..Onatia.
• lit W Karru. lam of tn... Arn•rtran Faie,.Pa.
, G. W. Mum am *Me Kinsman Hotel, Ohio.
VIZ ddrn
S I r JAMS§ Ilurrairs Plaid 1131mgassta.
PftErARED ander "tho le:Actin • owe of
the In.
reotor, cod mtabl hilted far onwards of Miry years.
• This akar,: pwparstion is recommended to all
eaten d t Ds, aeidihes„ Indigestiuni toot. and travel.
as the most safe. easy. and effectual form In whin
!amnesia may, and thdeed the only Cooln whicti II
costa to be eitiloited• possessing all thernp-rtl-e of
the Magnesia aoww nrmaral use, sailboat being liab c
I to It, to form dwiterons elllerol,oll , in the vowels,
It elfeetaslly tares branbont eraboat 'l4aring the
coats of ihr stomach, as. soak Patois, and Mtn ter .
Donates are too on to do; n pimento th s food of in
tints tarring sour, - .ln all eases it acts as a pleasing
aperient end Is peen truly adopted to female,
liar Humphrey Davy testi fi ed teat this solution forms
soluble combination. matt one scot salts m eases of
goof and ousel, thetny emlniement g their injonons
welkin?, when other alkalies, tan even Magnesia
had fall d.' „
Ron Sir Philip Crompton, .Sari, Surgeon General'
to the army to Dosed:— •
'Dow Orr—There can be an doe , that Magnesia
may be sidtruMorred mere safely in the form or • ems.
eau , rut•d solo - ton ;than iusoh oante,.. for tilt, sod
ena• other mambas.' nt opt :inti Ist.l the risdil
2tat IM s avsry vinabeililttsutrlat oL. l.Ltßzg;
air James Clarke'. Slr A. C.o. lit Wight and
Nana °intent andfitthett alma° tit Londenonson
ty recommen I atarrtqt. Mai I Magt.esta. as b-In r
lonely more sate and coo!. Went ma , . the sot d, tad
free from the da nser adandtag the eatodant ciao or
soda or, taw.. -
Furlll.lo ,q the Lama , ett and crrno-I,', Acta, IS
dt Ettlitif.ST.A.:l.:& Ott
Cor.ot Woad& *twat tit.
N'l'l,l}l Is bete°, given. that on or about she Ikh
of eon:, the eebveribers hod eat ed to them tio
S. Va, the Ahodrisig 'note.. via note
Ertwo toy 0 Alattm s p m oan dotter, doted
Aral iith, at 4 c00n.04 nor 9171 CO. not. d•o
into !domain, 114121etrale and time, so. Slit .7, arid
R onto anlnti hi .1 son . Walt A ,tu forty deb', B.
otol/,, and ta , ndomed Cif as dated apnl 9.fs, at
(oar to. th y un $ to. to oboe notes noon never
received by Ca, sea thi• to notion all pond , iv
against 'radii ryot or. .buyti,,y the vano, - . titiyenent
at that"boo beau inOinted. & W /1/LIDAUciII
VtalV Ives 'one entttee tancs. Of fresh Sprint
Bormers' Goo hasteat been evened it
• A =IA in' A'Uates. No IS IStarket street, Ilona best
termer title • D.arnend • -
la ca!l:nr
the att-etion of our carmen" and the
pobutt'la tilt et.ct. It affords as geese pitta.nre to be
able to sly ',embraces tihNAT I.IA. aIN3 In al.
nost O'er, de.eryalon of stot+ds, as a site pennon of
—tt was poreh.ed et the recent extensive ea Aloe sal.
MOM eastern ewes Q. alverniteot. loth of tatter
and s'ap:e pods. Is Tent sapeuor, and affords to all
each hot ars. eater by ternefestee or marl, a Gno op.
p o multy . of brill/Me
Nee , style Youtessi WC., very rhea;; slob plain and
Squad chargeable oast of almost every • pie and
qub•ltyi softer plain andfigtved ulnae tilksi do ha
rears and tissues; baline utile new and had&
• • me style; dfut style !tenon, La' tartish, and Scotch
taros, to mut" nti,ly, and at very low price.; Malt.,
II anrod , mud satin sloped detains of nil Studs an d
qualities. lire, lasires of all shades and colors; stag
hams, etuntsest r prir.tst t's
Ponce chameleon ula abour plain end /rued
black do; plum and cmbrei ten d
nit et de; llns cult
mere do; gaper plate. and eabroldered white nod
colored crape dot VIUTE
51 4 Pe , tees.i
G 001". •
A — dho acwrcco, at maim nonmetal, .laconeta
Swlacca, nook., bigt, s•owna c,
Roach & Ready,poaii ore,d, Florence bralkand
gaper Llngllsh &raw I x . lll •
A lino mot or tape.or 41. m and frinKed silk and
Battu Toro Para•"l. or "Ont. told nMCUes.
. kluge assort:Lent of super ticusttititalisti and
Belgian clothasind eassisaeres of all qualities and
sitiossose WO2lO Inode the alltitutill of ills
Dor sleek of brown and ulnae:Led muslin*, tleltimr,
Wrests, ebsuabrsys, Re, Is very large,and at
the eery losreat priera•
Alan, a lane tot of table diaper* and table cloth',
brown and Mc tzbeili Onse , a and *eozeb diapers, crash
hues nuttion, cot= ^.41 tool n goods for men and
boys' Iva; Irab rld: White and 'allow duo.
llf doott.lie gingham" sil k and linen WILD and
rterres of all elude, hosiery and bonnet ribbons, arn•
Leta! d mere, tr.e, to all ',Web we would *eventfully
forint the &neaten of pl eb
and retail cad*
Enas2o Marte.aL.Fil w...• v.( fh-
ff Mz=
. .
lAM now-reperal to Combat Apple 'rives, ftrat the
omit tem, Jtier•e.t7 of Jacob N. Brow. The
t reel. entl be &Alerted at the *half at Pturb•Jgh for
le per neneted Petrov eellening good thrifty beet
'bawd lasts meti order. eon at Os Dreg Seed, and
?,,!emery Waret.otete, [tremor Weed and See th eta
• at - 8N WICK ER•MIAM
:••.: nicatovaL. ..
IDAILAW Ba. AWN a CO. nava removed to No ITO
Watam,Ol doer below uaMoncrycalsala novae
A T,hrstt, HANNA t Cu. have removed their
Ittehactro Ogleo to cord. Tam eorcer ~f Wood
tad Tolnl crew. ' • reXl
Ctmecrt. CARO MEM & CO. Pt*. renitovul U.
N 097 Waxer .1 between Wood 9. Mattel. In she
Mass Annear occupied by Nardi. Jones t co.
abl4ess • ', . , . .
Telitoo-21 b k • Roa n ex Rauch;
- LS het re•vroos do:
lin bze RI Cm It. - Teee de; Jen reee ived
and to• vtle d l. . vilt.I.KR R. Vileennewc
Plant,talon Sugar sad itlelLooes.
IPS 10 di enomon, hat, At. plirot PlantaLos Pasts;
• .Yea o.k WI, Plan Won Molotov..
10 erpit.l brit do do. lo'store, rfor tole IT
174* 171 'Avon. •1
ltto -- 65 - FFED•rtaa
. oat
119 tAINOS-40fau brat No t tot zi• l bz cr
707.71FillSelic Cit.d How.
1,1 "5 50 ulea,Droara Nantlna do
t Faaas dl • do,
• r 0 ten D. Mora deg
ten ea, robed Der(
Far tale -- Veto)BELL7eEPI mots.
( L V A. . C 4 ri t ~of H131318 , )N, rt.D Zoo
to his bTovra att , lieothei
-• • t •x..-i• Obit Yet •
_ , (0 ims No t *top;
Jon Jo Tecolredldtd,tot . • -
\ k i r LLErt R Mitt:MON
As 12 eedr 2 .4 D o r ked ter • " : , e tr. ern
' I - - 24 D. zs. P.
* LKtDDtar
tat'4lF. " LA . ' Nb/..t.t- lbc rec K Sll6 — ' — "
fl i w a n. c o o ht
• . P rlcli "" u7 121.11:1 1 2t,...T,io.hdoinmt nd
. 11, pulp hr • 1,001 5P4.1.7418 L nICOLB
DC/1 , 0 tau
,tka RO I for .oloThi—
per • Ammo,
--- 13BCELTANE0Usr - • liaEffirs
s. 11. RIZ •
• Si Weed meet, has lest received { new ..
Y str
rertmert of PIANO MUSIC, among which are
the felterwilly— •
Molly, do yew Love nue, bY, EL C. Foster. •
-- Ob. mar the Red Site Lint Alway, do.
s•elly was a Lady, ae.
Uncle Ned, . do.
Grains le lion an Night, o.
Dolly Ddy,
Soldier , Weeding, by Glover.
Th Robin, • rr.
Oh, Touch the Cord yet own again.
II weer Memoirs ef The.
!Hirer hiooe'..
Lament Of the Ewlerant.
A New Medley Soot.
Thou beat Woe deg me Spirit that Loved Thee.
The Coneerint:Depattere, by tem. r.
BARI ad to the
nee et llama.
Hoare wore e'er the Heart Is.
The Vatilree Maid.
Ita•Pd Car, by Lover.
Do vee ever Oink arm.
Sltenber GeTlELady. •
Jernale Grey.
I an, Celestes, Wedding, Wreath, and Delay
Waltzes •
Drteheler, Malden Rolla Welts Concert, Ladles ,
So •veelr, rally, I.: vire. GllviAliee, Evergreen Swa
g Ca Adarm and LIZZ7 Potaas.. 611•7t1
WE altar not WO the teat of Pllfer.4lle say nothing .
clout Hearse' of CAMAS, thipOrtelN Lug o
Capital, Sought for Cash, &a. In ; et. are will ta..t
hembai In ant manner or tom, Iwo okapi) I, elm the
rahllo on C. 000•1000? Teet.• llb wl.lll airy ror,hese
elsewhere; tslets the best re•thoti web. ow In etas.
min wno mils the beat and cheapen Tosa In Pints.
harsh. We ere •0‘..11C111144 `.
(load Mod strong Tee ettlOsztialneente per lb
_A photo article, 75 do do• -
The best Tea istponed moo the O. States, SI.
Low psle,d, eameer , , Inf,rlor 'Nam we do pot
Proprietors of the Tee. Market,
F _f -a • s , dc of
as.eraeao alasllauleai Work,
D. ea {Arta, aCo N•w V al, have la eesne pub
ueuiva to pa, , e pr twenty eve cent.. math
Of Atergra, Med:cfszez Ensam lko4. cod En
gloarrizi dratpud fur Practwal mime
— May and dm4 inward for Zpg,p.
, • Rasing P•¢Jun,ra
• 11=1. ay omn crash.
THIS WORK is of terse sins can. eenteitt
1. two Tenicesni ream, and upward. of err tear
s.. Itatsriatz.a. ' It will p event w..rking draw;
huts and description, of Matson important machines
tn the United stales inderantiest of the results of
Americo:l ingenuity.: !twill cot.tala complete plant.
to cccli esen hfechattiel.Kl.biacrYlgrgine-we eh,
end /Ceposerlam rub all that le Imefoi irr more than.
.one thosmand *oilers worth of folio volumes, mega.
vines, and other books.: •
The s.em ozdeet of this publiesuon is. ro place be
fore practical men and modems sorb an amount of
Met:etched and knowledge, In a condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the beet adv.-
tam' and to avoid those mistakes which they might
otherwise commit.: The automat or useful informsuou
Mos bieeithttogether ut almost beyond precedent in
such works. Indeed, there in hardly any subject
within change which is 12.. t treated with each clean
pees and ;milieu, that even a man erne most orno
pay captelty cannot fail of landentami ins it, and
thas leaning Rom ti thank which it le important for
him to know .
The publishers are. In short, determined, rorealless
of east, w make the work as complete u poesible; and
Lt is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
proven It as Ward la numbers. and thus eneourage
the enterprise. - • • •
The watt Gill be Lined in amul.monthly numbers,
commencing in January, IBso,aud will progress with
greet regularity. .
The whole work will be published in 40 numbers,
at a 5 cants per numberarnd completed withia - the cur.
rent year; 1830. A liberal diaconal will be made to
Any one remitting the publishers $lO in adman...
shall motive she work through the post odlee thee or
espo se.
Opinions at the Press.
°To net numerous MartafaStsrerh Aletbardes,
Wen, and Artisans, it wilkba a mine of we,dth.o.-
!ideate. tht. I ) Joarnal. • • . .
"Young man, arm yours:lves with its knowledge.—
We can with confidence recommend nor renders to
poems themselves of Its numbers as fast at *heron.
.Ye ruiltedurungly commend the work to these on.
gaged to or Interested In mechanical or scientific per
rova as eminently worthy of their esrmunuttan and
IN. Budget. -
"It is Waly arrest wart, end
the yablishm de
serve the' haik. of Memnon,. machinists. and menu
tuterers , and indeed tithe pada generally"—N. Y.
.Thle Dictionary will be highly metal to practical
umehanies,and vat aabe. to Mt who with to =gamut
Le k ...alma with. the programer umeattm io the me.
ehanic attaa—New Itadturd Daily Mercury.
.loung mechanics ought to keep pea., up to the.
°teazel so well as pc . eat knowledge, sad this
work .tall show them Just tuw hktY matul.'‘. , Razhurf
Mau: Arivertmer... • • -
t'We take it so be pa the work that ateresand hula
ands of our Intelligent meehan les have desired to pot ,
teat. KO epic ate its desertpdons, toe so lull a..d
minute' be speeltitutuon. ma tt Seems to as that any
mechanie might comelier awe aiteaine it damahes, so
, tie • re,•gth of Peet cravings trot leattuatio Y.
Courraerctal Advertiser. --
Al inbeeswe in mechanics should avail them
selves of Its adventagear—Sclaytkill, (Pena")
nal •
l•A were of e.rtestalve practical Ititllg end Item ith•
partner pad radon to the r pally increasing Internet
of the e inutry. We 'ergo a the were as cinininult
calculated to prpreitc the Casio of notate and the
stecheeleal ant nod tott•teminata e.leahte informs
tenon themsubjeetae—Permer and hleehoule.
Practical men in ell the varied watts of merlin,'
cal and withafactarbig todestry; engineering de. will
find In tale wort a unasore welch it will be to theft
pet tto Pea. et e—T ay Dailr W hig. .
'We hire Carafe ly peraseg the numbers, and bea
no het orlon en my lug thin-tt Is the best week fps me
titmice, tradeimen, a, d eciewlde men, ever
ed tor It itemise minute Infoimathat on every branch
of the mesh. eel tell and ecaaueaa. elprei.sed in •
style and 111.1{Strt twellgible to any tt &ice of ord.
nary Acne-ester, thlete.4 Nears
-We etc sole wear doing the meet., its of NOT-
Wink and other pens of Cennecileat a lerwthe by
tulcut g the wets td their etmehon.e -Norwich,
It alum-ma% amerk Reeser, aucelialle abode
mh-Froetethele thereof. ,
•Wo eche der It on iof inn mod owed rd hewn. ,
nicht:clapas or the vac. No meen.uic cart lior4 to to
vritUOtutt... 7, ..:•earara. JN• it•-reenitueth.ol Cue. t.
*es. till the Tallads pdbileptloo• bavngt.e their ob.
jeer the ciaddauou SLIJ 11117111 CM tit • Myr 1a4.1.
eat tr. and SCIVICOS. rote rice we bate veep, II to
fall al- Mold. aiCm u Ada -
*lt to the bed and elms:ie. work e erettered en the
or rnfit. leu.d preened ongicoter antmecuinic -'Me
plat • ar I tionaufally e
levated r—ts ...bullion ilia.<
.ThievenL ldea Patty a one of t he ti.rll
• eta eve, pablisliedta years en.t the km pric at
Carowhich nis sold Maim a exceptable to ea e—Setatt
linian. -
•toe r 'war: Wassoo albs mostromprshosAvo and
sloahle, i wr!l ii CheipeM Works orer published"
—.lSsillowoortdrrnt.-r ' • " -
.I.lastal , 0 as was by en'el.=. d<eV-Ig to km 3,
pace wl[ the ptegvess alt eel tom, et L. even out
of Itie lawn of eivt,e=,d iife "—Retell,' Cootie,
diegued af.e:lbe pr sop • 4f Urv'o Doe tone
07, oily teats, La more devotee tia saes‘ as al egad
en/recedes pro&aaioaa, a. 41 .valuable
...accompo emir Cot Allittleff 4T4:4• 4.;441 he, dace for
Eeg.Le4. viol I:woodbine 21114[11,11 03.1404.41.7 tad
art ma clan "—Scientific erasnsata
ultte putt &ken in numbers, aan et • price so mode.
rate; Wahine at what meenninadiae eh number, met
no one Rho he. the heist Interest in ?WI Iflltlef.,
need be dunned gam procuring it, a"d every one who
doe,. to, wilt hod that ha bet in a condensed Iwn an
amount of inarnotioriwtfeli wood be °Rattled, Ir at
ail only by th e preheat of very many volantes,"—N.
Y. , Cottrier and Cheeirer.' • -
The eemprettentiveneve with which the antler , .
are tre• td, the adrairebto scanner la 00101 lief are
Was:sated, conapire to wake this ene of the most deal•
cable wares ...Democratic Review
_ .
91 his wars &Imola nein We hmdart every m•ehnte
an can, mnd sn•anfaetutar, en:trinity those who hey.
the ies.t supirations to excel in their respective bail
nesse.. tiro camfaliy examined It, with • view o
recommending. it, to in.entont. To Mein we wool•
say in - Mesmer language of the Eltbim "It Is good."
Hakim. Inventors' /ourtml. '
Nitim to the Prtpnetosiqf Nrespaprr4 throughout
the Muted Smut and Cassuls.
-- If thilortgoing advertisement a blurted Gyet Ume
dcrucf the year, and WI paper contain It 'cot to co
• c a o p pr Itte mat vatic in pay cactC.
21 , 111aL1/1T1C,1141 OLNTnI MT,
Confafnrn we - Mercury. tsar Wier firinera/.
THE followinf thatimonial was given by the tele
balled Dr. k 'metre Mack, the aathorol the great
medical ; went entitled .The Atomic. Practice es
Medicine and Family Physician.. •
s eying been made lequalnuel With the Inercdt eau
which Compose hicALlisterla All-Reeling Ointment
and having prescribed •-d mated ii In several camellia
my privet° prettier, I have htllliltloll In 'gybes or
certifying that it as a Vegetable Reflexly, conountng
no cameral substance whatever, thst Its Ingredient+
combatted as they are, and wed as directed by the
Prapnetor, are noised) , harmless, but of great value,
being a truly micelle Remedy of great powers and I
cheered:lly reeommend It as a compound whleh has
done stanch good, and whieta is adapted to the ewe of
• great variety of cues. Though I have never either
recommanded or engaged in Me sale of were{ toot.
eines, regard far the toile honed, conscientious, ho-
mane character of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the velar of Ma discovery, oblige me to say thus
ouch *vane It. • W. EACH, D. D.”
New here, April ^44 lel&
- 11111M&—Itla Cu of the torn things in the amid
for Uertu.
. .
NIX& -.Tironsends are yearly eased by this Olat.
meat, It never fans to giving rent
For ?COMM laden, and all Binds of BMW, It has
Jan eqeal. '
If blathers:end Warted knew 'lts value in taws of
Swollen or Sore Dealt,thcq would alertly. *Only lt
In each unfit awd according to directions, knives
relief Ina vary few hours.
Around the box are directions for mai d, ti &Thome.
Oiwnwit or Scrofula. Laver Complan &pandas,
•Tetter. - Cftlblein, Scald Head, Sore re., Quincy,
Sete Throat. Bro. chore, - Nermsue Anemone, Pains , Cisme of the Opine. Ilcad Ache, Aldan. /Met...-
E. At he,Bern s;Come, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
- Pimple.. he, Swelling of the - Lambe, dorm,
Itheamatirm, Pike, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled altos.
ken Brassy Tooth, JUN:44EOn in the Plea, tea
Front the Reading Rana
There we. neve., Pereepe, • Di-Melte brad& be.
lon the public. that ha. In re wen a time Wen area
reputation a. Ale Allister'. All.lfealls. or World
Pelee. Almost every pereaa lbw hag made trtel of ft
speaks wermly in Its prul , ll. One has been cured by
tit of the wort palatal thenterlam,•nother ohne piles,
a third of a troselesome pain In the aide, • Ma, th of a
...Hine in the limbs, he. If It does not pive muse-
Mete retisf, la every ease, flea do no Iniery, bang
efolmal outentray.
As another evidence of tea wonderful healing pow.
1 et Pe l emtard by this • -we, we salinoln We fallowing
candLeme. (tom a reepretable emote of Al eidetic reel
mwaklPrlu the counryt
- Maldencrealt, Berke ft., March XL
Mesas. Uwe h. Cm—l desire to Infants yas lBl7, that I
as crawly eared of a severe pabl in the beck, by f
eye of MeAllis gem Alb Realinp delve welch I par
: ensued from it.. Indent width tar :boat on year,
and at sp ra t was maws aatp. Dating that Uwe
trled fa Mu Mamma a. watch were prescribed tor me
e by lef i r C l A ' ?it ;Ti l e
salt law.abite i•wit elreattuan tam now neer•
ly free (Wm the W. sod Way at night a pelmet)*
and sweat Weep. 1 nave aft %sethe Salve Mae, far.
tooth ache and other complaints, with smiler happy
meata, • You Mead. Law nowand.W •
JAMES IdeAL.LlistEß,
sak i , pr , pri.tor of OM above median!,
pd,,,aippi Meet, r Ei North Ttiled reset,PlWadel
?slags, CENTS PER SOX.
says & Renee, awe., of
Liberty and Pt Lilt!, willow and iVtleal. Jr., ear•
ate of Pt arltrl itteet and We likamend, Wm cameral
Fourth and Sethltbell afters; 1. II Came, coma, a ,
Asher and Fein stream- Elfito Ward. end sold re. the
Bookman, to /Withheld greet, Id doorframe Secoap
• la Allegheny Clry Ity 8. p.Peliveartsand i.fis curet
By. J O. 5010 , Itteggillf nignem. /3 bras,.
East Liberty; It. len*lcrid, lolideepors J. At:prier
WEazMoocrig.. belt City; U. Doorman & Ce 4 and
J.T. Mauerat lirownicilliwloin Volley, Prater, Pm
John Walker. Jr. i.ilstt4ltp
ini-w • febileodi7
OEPE ls tra
N pit, e yetdi'44 GIOWSCEI
y to WIC ale PI we
0011 PIOLLtill
V• 11111110 and ea/ anata! Water Polardr
let on !evocable terms.'
THE Wel:1141 vIGA*IIO , i OUPANY are
now prepared to leare the Winer Power • t rho
Onod Kepi's. to an mount ooMCI. nt to propel four
hundred paiw of mil l tone.. The location .8 band
sow.a rock faandatlOll and the power can Cana*.
he @oohed on bath bidet of the 'deer.
train of the WM - 6 River, a• INTO ee the Webaeb, can
he reader fennrhed at thta print While timber,
Won ore, and coal to the g CILICat ehuedwww, and of
rum rior qua 14', Can be ee4yßineezett !aweigh the
same country
Tardo—tine bond red dollars pee anamo for a pc.
.er Mi66M to propel n olngl. ran of mod.* sized
mill stone. for a period of fifteen yearn. wit - the
eFat of renown' on rho exp , ration of the Ie• se, a , a
four vai gallon of she poorer employed. The rite of rho
mill or roanu'oetnry incladed,oritlmil further charge
from tan Company. By oriler.of the Drool,. •
. .
_ AUNER T E.. 1.18„
.„ Ewe Vest of W N
.• m•Y A. 1.5 n meßvilis
U. F.t3 VEL'S hlEiriCATKI)YrdPit SOAP.
tP —'t
e e a t
in of many patrols is eat glared with
slight erainico., •• pimple.. lannthew, he, and when
i wietelyc. d eea•e or the skin. OS it ism Start)
nth. ease. O• of every handsel. it is vas, easily re.
masted isles 11.11.1 Ta li•taph Soap it ...Pr...4
maarteg - to disc. es or Inc stk. as It acts.Mtheay
span - the moan pores which enter its starfiie.
eennsii g tbint frem impurities and by its balsamic
properties heeling and est distorts sli ertniti•na. and
renderma the dam at sad tongbeatakin soft, fait. and
his ming
Persons Who have been !Atha habit of lasing ere'
, eery roes Pith • stionistied at ti e bettrufol cOaCt
orsdbe.d by the Nymph Snap. info:marline • 0.1 ate
'WS. • Preventing the seek free or t.utd• from reap
.fns, alarbia ail irrinition, and tenudrint all
ors ersptinns Ti poetesses snerptiolte erfame. and
devoid ors I a tall e properties, rendering
it Eh. only ankle snitch can Ant aged with Lem, and
conifer.- the nailer,.
A I those ethos, rice. or areal, are &Opted wpb
bieleb.s tan menthes.. aeh maid make
tr saw( Jules liam layin hno
so thc proeneuts
pesinvely *mores them. met its sae will tender the
moat disco ate.. In • airy th e wwithest atm swami.
Aid the most apealea akin healthy, pore. sad bloom..
Jul.. Ilasers Nymph sosp is th• nrily arti-le which
will elf clash) prod., One abet 6 .5 Cis IT fa soon
a time •no the o li ore arbieh is at ac aim. , time al
poseur./ m deb ire) hatm'ens P pan d only by
JULSIS 11a W. 1.. Yrrfureal aleCtrentint,'
ten tnat sir et. Ptdia. '
For sale wholesale mid salad b. if A Pshreateet
& and N. be lens, Plueberah: and Jobs Bar.
oont end J rboS, h t,c^n.y ens Pa. irn'
4.E41,113113 IIABID , PIASO3. , •
AGOOD Uoitegoril tlino. Ferte t 6 001e7e4•
ecconcllmod•-•:.• ....... —.... ..... --coos,
A handsome .apriAll Ptartoi with ttenttirooli • .
• Fn niter; 0 UtUrtif, and In good order •••• IMO 00
A Wain 4 OCOrril Kann ' ' 46 00
A gooi 0 ne•eve Piano '-- 73 CO
A. good 33 emigre P.e.o, with handle:mos fo.lll.
' (0 , 0 .............. 75 10
For ralAby . 301 N 14 Mr.loteil
6111.7 %IS . i El Wood at
21Zettlle night Light.
S U eo P ro l l ° 9ll .-.l3, l l o, N l G •et e Ng V e c' ego " ciire:The 'm ok b Vp i .;i:
vents scallop, beretafora ttc moth obleeted to in all
Wet 4011.1 One table tpoon el el the .ornmen
lamp oil will last Nine Horne or any farther I.lgth
of time, ..ecorring to the additirnal tiatenty of o I. •
Received end for race by JOHN rt MORGAN
man, • Droaptst • '
TUFT YLECEIVEU,.•t the,Pintbursh Farolly•Gro•
U eery ant Tea Warehmuset.'
6 eau. Fresh Oywerai in tin cam;
' 6 do Pickled do, fa qtla a;
6 do do. Co, in pint do.
The above Fresh Opzers 6Th patio:6l4,6rd pat op
toldAhlyeoneantrated roan: enclosed in hermetical
ly waled ems. and will kern mach bonsai than thole
put u , in the ordinary way
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
voynti • 2611 Marty st
Graaf. Arne/lean Blenharaloal WOrks
DAPPLETON & CO, A'ew York. hare In entire
. pelthesnon, sans, price twenty Are cents
seek, a DICTIONARI Ma•hices, Mec hanics
Wort. and Ensineering; designed for Practical
workrog Men. and time Intended for the Engineering
Pr:Weinman. Felted by Darer Erma
7hls w ork Is of laoge Ora aire, and will contain tiro
thousand pages
yrond uparnoi• of sz , thousand Wades-
Unns. It 111.11 pone' nrk it,' dr wings and desorip.
lions of The wont nein it tat mar Ines In the United
ales. Independent or ,thn: rethlt. of American In.
aebnity,it will comae , erneoleurpractleal treatises on
Mechanics, Illaclkin-ry Engine Work, god Engineer
log; wish all that Is oreNl tainCiterthen - Ona thonsntld
doilies ...nit of (olio volved.. onagegincis and other
hooka Sinnembete rceelaed, and be salt : by the,
agent , R HOPKINS. •
anti • Apollo Itel'dlega Foitith
- • •
7 - 1 , 7 0
> q r.: . •
i•- •. ` ` 0 4" ,-- ..
- • g 4 1, -
= 4
John B. Zeno*, Si Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
Sok, Agent 'ln Western Preesylrante., Cm the We of
CMCKtilet , iest Ch. Ettßiel . ttp
Griwd sad 'kiwis, Plane Portals. 1... rota... d tot sisa l
Ikea he
~.has LION , Invokes 1111 ,, 0 ree , {le sod
erpete for eel., dart. g the nre•eet eeetath the 1.'1141
tee een.t deiinltte meek ktf P nee Parse oneit d
'or n e In the elest—am :at the heather will be loehd
let eurp:y of
Paperoe carrel 112.evraid Greed Plum 'Pettit.
web 611 the recent impeorements m =cheetah and,
.tile or evettoh
*pier lt , y clamed Roleteded wood *neve Peeve
P etto P.nrs, finished te the. Eltiabethen and LAnte.
XIV, et, lee 1 • •
it,h • lances:ask a( sr She cub:m.l3oes n ,
nn I toe- In prices torn SCS ex 5-W an ,
tx, prenarts Fy Din. Cdsx-karLas 1:1‘ the pretax
rc' xid:s±) )
Pa , ,sys Gra assa•ed ,h it the priers of 111.. CUTS
arms, Pohl- • base b and 'nix ruatlave se b., the
am, a. a: the nanx.tsc,x) In 0.11011, sextreasebars,
r.. tram aportadonx and rail be and set up it
goalless 011:114 4.11 any Part or rho city, ar.thaat
rup. oaderaiened beta leave to Warm the
net h hos eerlintd business in favor orbit
P 51 DOI, who artn.ontuot ate Auction tad trm
n 1 tan, ban. sat die° d ~JI, corn, rt an:
Pith meeti- and or .LOl2l be aroehl 4.111.11 a cumin
f thc libetaipaixernige hatinnfo e hcebreeee op
nt bniee. JOLLY II DAVIS,
Apth fith, lB3o.
vv...Factf: . 7 . peo: AT Tent aril y...
~,,,.. _l-ue 0 I, Odd lama o: rwil is• a.,
. •.e al•reboandizo, 801 l ramie, DrOrkf4
tr., nod trees, be alp:deuce and cl og
bootee.. to media collloo l ance of lh et
ei t °
reZeo%/l W
p.trolour• *I liberally olletaca to the format boot.
Aplll U h IS
Moue* to our Patrons.
Illic egease of the active porter', in Plinth,' phisi
ithe tare Jet.. et. Davis,' prodweeseo intemeteee
the bona mule mulch
ie./tiers the acne interest precisely, Imre
~ e retotare existed The berSaras tam:Maned tinder
the same name and firm, nu—.
JAYA* Dtvat tr. Co„ Phtladelphia;
Joan 14 , F•hin A Co., Pitlibargt.
The eantineance r( the ,patronage or oar Many
friendals rerp . emfelly eodeite.t. If any persona barn
demands newest rue concern, they are requrated
p teent %bent fonhwab:Set payment.
Paw.. rah, Aprs I La, 'W. JOHN aPrA DEN,
.017 a gurrivi r.
S. A. Foltraastoolt • Co..
WIIOLWALE DRCGOIraId, corner of ring and
Wood monism:kr for ralt,oti lavorobternotts
100 tibia 57.0 Ina Carb. limmordar
GO do Aloes; = .500 do Arsatceuda: r
WO do Irya Woods) GOO do Crude Sonar;
4do Lemplrlark; OW doLiquorice Barg
4 do Yen. Bed; SO do Irish Mon;
do Camphor; LSO do Red Precipitator
10 do Span. Broom. 130 do Calomel Amer.;
20 do Yellow Dean.; 00 do do 8011.1
10 do Illimonone; 200 do Roche? Loomo
II do noses; AAo do Rhubarb Root;
.3 do eirlpro.Flooreror 400 do Baraap. do;,
Id tapes ea Boom; WO do Geniind do;
20 do Cowrie Boop; 530 do sal Rocheele;
13.40 Pruman Bore; WU do &lOUs Mixture;
10 do Cole. 51ae , .eairg WO do Ponor'd Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Green; 000 do do sup. Elm;
IS do do Yellow; 100 do do O. Arable
6do Ma Verodhour 100 do do Lig. floor
CO reams Eand Paper; 160 do do idiom
03 bog. /Cody Barone; WO do do AtCoyenae;
VS bales Bottle Corks; 000 do Ralph. Zlnc;
73021340.1140rphir0 MO do Bar Tiro
1203 I'.o Cope Aloe.; BO do Tamarinds;
ISWdo 11 ,, 'brala rotachiltO do Ratak Silvan
VAI do Kok Roof; 050 do (bongo Pee;
1601 laraey Umber) 70 do Cochineal;
lot do Crtaat Tartnn 00 do Ilvd Poreahl:
609 do Tartaric Add; 60 do Mace;
lad do Uva Urai ..13 do Granville Lodon.
pEraoLEtras, on ROCK oil.
dirtir. re are more things In Imam and Garth
Than arc drenropt of in philosophy. ,
THE VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy. end .
the constant applimation tor it, to the proprietor,
has induced his: to have it pet op In hotline with la.
bele and direction& for the benefit of the public.
The PETRIM.R.I7AI Is procured from • well in this
tour), as. depth of thee kindred feet, is a punt one,
dalterased article, erithou , any chemical change, but
•ittet as flows from Newell Great Labratoryil - Thant
contains properties reaching a in mbar of disease., le
no logger n( uncertainly. There tire man,
intact in the arcane of natorewhich,ll known, might
' be of ust Irene.** in alleviating ordering, and re.
sinews the bloom of health and rigor to many , a suf.
ferce. Long before the proprietor &might of patting
it op in bottles, n bad a reputation for the core of dis
cus. The conat.nt and daily increasing utile for It,
and reveal remarkable curet it has performed, le •
ears Indication et Its thine, popularity, and wide
spread application In the ware of diocese.
Wn do POI wish to Mole I lord parade of scrag
ellteld as we aro couch,as that the medicine unman
work Its way into the favor of those who eater and
wish to be healed. Minn we do not claim forita
univereel application In aware disease, we .setwalta•
tingly say, that le a number of Chronic Diseases it la
annulled. Among these coy be enumerated all
diseetee of the mucous nestle., such u CHRONIC
CONSWiIt"TIOrd 110 ita many stage,i
Asthma and all diseases of the air plosltos, Ling,
the Claddet and Kidneys. Pains In the DUI o Ride
Nerwoaa Din.elidgalflll6l4 Pall. etht i atutle Pax:
Il l r '' at ' i;e l e„ :l 7 Pio . :l ' n.Ne t' w l lat.ltreastl% erifegi rt
salting from croon's, or tong and mowed sweet
begun. this mole:
wilt ones relief It orb' its as
a gescriti TONIC and ALTER ATI VS each eases.
=Pullet tons mid energY to the whole frame , trnies
obstrecuous, opening the thagginhfonetknie *high
cause dive wo and ••On hen, autegivsna
Increased and renewed Camay to ail the organs of
tote! - The proprietor knows el several Oates el
PILFAI.tbat realocd,cvery outer trutssout, ft% Wed
ender too tan of the PSTRI'LIi:UhI for elsotitlate
es given to any person woo Octants It.
Neu genuine without the Signature of the woollen:it
.iceAl by the pectinate', .
gt, RIM to e OSSIA. atilt dieventh It.
A ea^y R G SELLEItB.67 Woodsy
amt.-KO Skat It WOO W
. corner Wood it. and Vn . alloyi who ate Ids
' eiwaris tammintrwl Aorta.
Cwmp Inantets, litioßeer coals, ISM Pante
. La po4it lined Mums Spoon te !mama dadli $
Tanks, and gallons seat fp eantelins,
• n unit; den thicksl.lllloA47 brutal ,1 dOldled
$ boo do de. The above goOda for We at the WS.
farsleaßlig Selab beithight s Not e l l ood et
18;15 --
B o a t b rs , p re f i x.. LT: 1711 lealrll t y r , guluir, and de.
C ClLlWlrl2L:Talsbers4 "nt.
BIDWELL & tmoritEß, Reelemr P igeNl
mar $
uitiwELL , .
From to Columbus and: ClPreland,
slisolfgri the Wwi. And por.k... , ..utis,s of Coluss•
Orman, Start, Tescrsratras,i Goshocross,
lifaitirirml; Licking, and Frani:lin.
Tat p.mpitet.:l of tha awnoy glad dealer Canal
opens op to one City IbtONCh Wls met natural k enitui
mute a Liters consmonsewaea to tat above as well e.
the adjolning coaltlek of Wayne Holmes, /fro/ and
Deityrure. 1
Front this sendort of Ohio, the Undo with Pleshorgh
has been. to a great a vent co• off, 1., eennque ea of
'he high rates of trantnortatten, which are now re
dwell 10, El and to per cent.
Boats or hne*lll lases doiy, end eon threerb
aritho4 tronAtlement. Tte Coral "eontpina. hsvi
bestowed span this 1 ne nn Interest In the stopr.e. ,
de..val•atteantues of thest rbarer, and ther seen,. d
to the crirldle portions of Ohio In onicrine the r d•
intettat In this , . tamer, Aeenur,
J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWELL &CO., , Glisgow.
• ••••••,-
R C R01m... Ppent V
le Mills, Ohm; 11 & k Coy
ttrillorosport 0. (ilnotge liemva , Elttoo, 11; Civil(
(lonitlen. do; [lmola. Chatham v 0, oeutlJ.bor,...
rtera &Thos.. Iflouver. 0; Hib & Won, All
nor's 0. Fp eke( in Vogler dal J• Pool & Co.
; 11,11 it Fht.. .. ben a Milt.". it V 13,g., d,,
Cl 3 Horrital &C o.: ItIolurto,0; R K Crop:-wpr.e.
eorg:o4 ',01d , . do; t.o.e Mkenn'i. (I !
iStukti.,ll Co. Altigholluoiti Wm ttstitun.. Co; J
rerlundtr.lla,Elalidrri , le;rn PL Mr ru.a.
n goal uoitor. 0 ; %valuta do
tin) Rotlmm...Alis.iiilou, O.; Commit , . et C on;
John dobintau C. 11,1 Fulton, 0; Peolig & T. rte.
Canal' Donor,li) ; A triunharF, 10tcou, O. L /1 1,0 1.
ut. Nenart.o; End , & Role Columho. 0 1(o
Clow& Cleveland, O' RI Welt ft Green. in. 7. tV,39
. ,
Ite#ls . 18'6,0 ;f4xiC -- -_. - -;.711
Vito Peaftayiw fa C• 11111111& LIAM Road*.
(FCC/SM./it, 'ATI. ItilS'er. C 0.,. Canal Ruin, Liberty
atreet, iitratturchi •
ATKIN!, O'COPHY & Co., 110 k. 520 Market street,
Philadelphia: ,
I intim „
eottxtrei& Co' :0 Nona wee; Baltbnonr,
F. Deuce. New York;
I..tuerrr Heath ll'Deans anent, Bottom; •
11•11 , .140. Gsair r Maysville, Rent:inky;
Hates Co—Columbia street. Cincinnati;
' E. Wass Laralwille; •
Baena, Hexer reC0r..81.1.01112. .
Shows q lllrechandsos and Trainer to end
'frost'! kilseistithio4 /3afil wore, N. Fink, 4 , 8:e0n.
Our route being new In fine order. we are mound •
tet forisard goods it. above at rary /swot yr.,. We
-Wulf al/freight/ref nrany chose basing policies foil
°venni:WAD. I.ld with she following IMIG11.1•C *tack
of than. Fri confident of fining enure eanaiastion to
aB baldness entreated to oar care. Our boats are ell
new, and commanded by captains or experience. and
ourentirelnil Is conducted on stria sonata keryirto
and trstionaneepanelplea.
Bonin. Captain." Ceptoine
Iron City Hagan Pennslltsula Layton,
Alarylai Oct. Hamblin . Laois, Cowden
Sands . Col, Howard Ridley
Rath Anna. Chine.* Mary Deborah Rens
Wet Atkins, Permed Enterprise, • Karon
Import, li.cpiada m olata Mown
Hosing —Alter . Gets. Roth. Gore
Gonads Riley TelevaribNo
Cella Hawkins Point 111111 lloyldlQaade
olirettranclOonser, Beltin'eCtipperßiley
Anteing Perry Onto Bello. Kearney
Mermaid 1/I`Colirtua Hunter Ronnie
nu Fog ?Squads Juba Man ' J lance
Aurora firliowell' • Telegraph Nothlaste
Look Sharp Mein. Queen Kibte
• Runners will find It to their sassiness to nine au 14
c=7,l - 11,Z Ilberxy Pitubarg
14ilats 'Fur:La - We ati enO• vat y.
aggan,lBso. Malta
.. D. LEIDCII i 00.8 Lasz,
Patoarpirortra Coast and Roil Race.
rIMIE Dos. rtad Can 01 this Ltor have bemn pat In
ertatEtete toslat. and vreh tbr attrition of *event
Itaw.para to the Lint, enables as to carry a large
gawky cf proJacc and root.
The aloha noel of thy Lisa b owned mot contra
ed h)•tda Proptittoto .
DAIIAIa cZOO, Ne 1 . 3 Daub Third et.
And it the Tobacco ,Wartineese, Doh et,
• Phi tut<phla, Pa 4
t. NON.
No 117 North tiowere et. Deemer*, iitd.i
uvrici; NO 7 wm,t N, Near Yore,
MIAMI & CO, Cane Claire Pro. rt,
mrl3 Fitteibcrah.
aid= 1850 . mai
ow Trim PEPBen AND 01110 cattat.s.
CLARE, PARKS/ CO. Etoehettet, Pa, Prop..
Mee eor flositaGeld and Water ste, Pittobugh.
Cleveland Ulnre
1111 vei l known Line are mar. ed to trenervo
Avails and Pavane., from .1 rr , ttuntm an.
.C I ERVRI .AN le to col point en ate Canal and Lake*
flse Cm:Unice oftke Lunt are enearpa*.vi In II 4011.1
lasllty and esraelty of Beau, esperlence al captains
tad eNtlency of Arrant*.
One Sam louvre retaf..aren aO3 Cleve eeg 1.11, !II
log in connection with • Ling o. attn.*, I:oats-re
lateen HI and 13., V LH. and a ung a
Putt , lat.• Ha l= U. ae, roweilete al.d basal., co
'ha Lakes.
Clerk, Parke 1 Co, Ilona yet RV
N Parka & Ce, Yottuestovrteualc,
If 1 Tall tor, :Parrot ,
a N Clare, ten • ton Fill, a.
I Brat ton & Co Ferment 0;
Nene Orinartf & Co Freakltn,Cr,
I/ A slater C•7l,lik
rtrheele., ten & Co Akron.
Caentb"rlica Crawford /RN Ctevelar.d.
I isbnard it Co. Sandavey, II; le
Sian, latedo, fr,
.i111•111/1 a Co, Petal Meta,
tPdliarat & Lo. fallereok , e,
Modelnotean Hunan, WWI,
o, o e x e A ethas.Chmago
'llocaen IIICo rbiesea,
AMA eACONTY, Arrant,
sac= c•xacr Vetter .1 on nkttet.2 eta
atgags 'lB5O.
CLARKE:. rAliga a co, amia , aer. envriet..."
CIE. Pr.primors of old and *eel known Lir,
motld wren" the publnt don they are now In op.
ma ion fat the peace I semen . and bate etillthe'4terd
fee-lateg Freight a d Pamensins, whieh the! tr•
roily preporod 1 . • ear, w all points on t h e Canal and
At the lowest rates. llce of the Coals of 2e Use
constantly at the landing:below Mononanhela
BiUgo, in vaccine Indent •
°Mee, ear Wmy and lenillteld its. Pinaborgh.
CONnitiN :IS::
R W Camtlnghato Now Clio!, Po;
Alittheltree Ir. Co. Polaskti
W C Malan, Ramat.
& R Ho I, Rsorpthorm
W lei, Aehre A Co. Greenville;
'Wm Cleary, Bottoming. •
Wm Power, Connesatinllst
John Beam tr. Co, Erte;
John lloltIstar& 0, Korea. NV. .e
Ptebbarsh'Portabt. Boat Liao.
TO ♦+D ►toss
Teoess.Boaseroos, Traren EC °Tonto.,
Phtioderabin a t Pittsburgh,
Tar E Curd being 1101 men, the propnetore of ells
long establiehed Line Ive as anal at their old
stands, receiving and forwardlog Slercbendiso rind
Produce at low rates,. and with the pit nrainess,
thinly, and safety, peeraier in their ley stein and mode
of transportation, where in•erreediate trans Mem est is
avoided, with the commit:mot delays and probability
of Elston°.
hlerthandive and Produce shipped east or wert,and
sin of Lading forwarded Nee of charge for umenie
sion advancing, Or atorsge. Ilaileg en Interest di
rect!? ot indirs•tly acetone fu, that of the owner.
solely . cooselted when shipping their goods.
All c..m moulcatte. re the following agents pterapa.
ly attended tot
TIIUnZA4 130110 WOOF,
No 278 Market wee•, Phlledelpnli.
TA &FM & 0 . 0 INN , )11.
Comer Penn and Wayne Arcata, Pluabarnh
• • -- •
John hroCtt'logb &Co, a 9 North itt,Catti P. EL Berl
& Co. 25 Dogma u, %woo, W. & J T Tapeecal 0 •
ea Bomb et, New Yark; James Wheelwright, Cinch.
'.attagtai lBso- *A/
Between Pit tslitug ban ...Loriollles.
Tim Cartel Iteleg q,.w ~pet', are lately to Mediae
.4 (onward mayfly, proonee god zeterchendme colt
and wen. .
Freights alirgy. al lower rates, charged by nip:m
-.161l lines.
Pledgee an 1 sacreheedlne will be reeelyed and Co,.
watdcd•east and west, wids• at any chem., for far
wading or advauelhg freight, coturalsrion or storage
Uula of lading idrwardcd, and all directions kith,
(ally Muted.% to .
• •
Addrera or apply to, WM BINGHAM,
Canal Dula, c0...L.16am and httsborgl
.., DOCK,
No 1K) , Martel. bows. n 4111 & sth, rhll'a.
/Ad. WILYoN. Ist,
No 184, Nonl Howard at,. naluotors
Ne 10. We/al.-eat. rilf.
PILIS•11101P Any • Plentettukee 0016 h
jettletteßDEN a. co. eminent to bnng pawns
them any Pert of Pretend, Iviand Scotland nt
Wales apon the won libels.
with their
mai panetualtty and anention to the wants and tern.
fortafammigrams We de not allow oar paneogente
be tObbed by the inshating_ sumps that Infest the se.
pens, as we take charge el them the moment they re.
poilthemseireseand see , to limit •well being, and do.
ouch them *Mut any 'detention by the limt
auraWe say tide ibatie.4 l l. a W e defy One deer panto.
to alto. teed they WeroLetained.4B h•us•s
'Liverpool, whilst thoutands. et e th ers • 4n detained
teenths,eatil they could be sent In wear .4 Irak at •
t i ra.l4 . ihigh rivi/ 41 4811 Prue( .eels menu
e to per nn our contracts setiorablyi Co..
what It May, and dot ant es Ins the canniest season,
Wl's stbv ottleena+whweither - petZitned not all, at.
When Hutted their conyonluee.
drawn at Pittsburgh for any itue trent LI to
4 . iN s w i tf46,=== . ..tWal i let
• • avenue .
•t. d Gent I el Meet. -
#.llO • ^ awn w a
n t . ann.
L144014k18•4 7 hi Pleas Manes-04rd, DePtTi t Ttei
plea Ilstand ob i
• SNERam;er - br . '
OttnlblitY/Al.ti lulaby •
18414•.... • .1? altrinraMintra
, .
N. 7*;.Venurtb. street.' , • ,-
WErCt,INTO*K,/•nner ernaarug reeeirlarVa :
Tn • In '' i7l., 6 el2 ' prillnr C i 4 n l i t, a P t 7 t:e il fnwing, 7 •ll:
E. * tra :topr floral Velvet Pile Carpets,
Tapen ..
English and Aineele. 8.... ry r
els " * -
3 Extra Riper - Lad Imperial 3ply
Etuperfina .
lExtrit onporPt*ax*C*di*
Ruper ;
um ane de da Ram
" • Tattna /tuf!'
Rita Ingr:aln Catpothi
V T1.11:
• C1E011,:g21 , 11.
, 1 :: I
14 1 f and 1 Tap V., Can
1-1, I WWI Twi , `4l rs rp
1-4. f, I lona Y 4 plain Car,
Lim and 614 a Carpets, "...• •
5-4 Pruden Canon Carpet/.
'anal %Vilma ,"'
r , orricion do
CLentlle Door blotA
Sheep Skin
I knelaid
4 4.7-4. 6-4 34, 4.4 4654
4.54. 4.4, and I titaßlifß
In I nee rweie Oil
for roan '
Caeca Tao:wive.
Dl.e a.a Dote Cioilis;
Cr 1130.. Moe.
Sat. printed piano coatis
Flantrossui Plana #
1 able P
Printed leaden
Fmnalannd stand
..lben and wound r
Dennent Plan :
Turley lied Cblntlen •
I an tee llorderier, .
omPh 011016 bs;
n. ilings;
&tend Marcia..
lieb Uil C oth Table
r:Z crumb clnlbe
%WO:I tl
Brats Stair RndE
Stair Ma u;
, arpri thadioce;
J and Co. Matt;
A leant and:eke:ma Mate.
5 4 una -I lireco qtoth
lot liana.;
tin? Holle,l tot IVShalta, I
rtaatya tont • "
Fccach tt a .9
Vt.nettart Mimi%
Mauna for Palm
'-i muff 4 Table Lima:
ifs,* Grua;
I..inra - lasptirm;
Jr man Oil Clo.b Tabl
.Incket ielt Diaper;
• dm most approved
seturers 'lmre IV to 041 et
eat o 61 rooms, bell at of
traported direct horn OM*
ayertm, CA 4PV:IB. iraese
elect and mast •I-rea
the m .st Foremen e
la as mop cart Ire purchased
Sadtrr CM. rooms from
fish and Am •fietto inmate
oh. ih, winch ol I he A
omit( 00-A of ml •M•int at"
The ohdrreioneit hovioN
limo. hi. Volt,. Pilo ii, d Ts
'ammo, which me of the
To. .I d paltrtno aid of
ati ,, bt told at prices, il/Il
or an) °IQ< austen, a t
A 1.....
II ohm tho !mein o l io
auaattdonablo linlib....E.
W' it ity uud of
....vie broorbt to this city.
Nten and Coach blanvraPtr
solaced assonduentotTß IL
uPeer•ary iu their bailie.,
Tao studerslgned is also •Ktll PIT time only Fda.iißoo
Manatee . ory 10 Phi , tidolphin, and Is prepared for se/1
lower th an Man be
elaew bent an Ulla AMY
rn in !emit Al . Cl.l,:rf MK.
ottnteht of tbo tiObestf and
ELS 1M PtetAL .T fißoaf
tgotrh Int mtpanne
rod., any • so-oar of Over
lio d.o write. *it prob 4
arrra to hi, Itufv at al 'ma
51111INGSdas4 other an.k.
Lit••• Goode.
A A. :CASON & CO., OP Market stwet, between
112n1 and.Vounb, am now torcirma n Rip u '
boron. - :of llas - nae De Leans; Persian Cloths, ati en-
tiro new snide; Pallet ts, Crape Do Laite &.e; with
It !alga 0401113.111 of Lhbus and other DT., 1 100 , 43
of On Immo styles and most fashion/ale edam
ap p
mould 110 n~ia;
11aCants4.1boe— mould dipped, and ryetox;
I d English Dairy;
Cr itos-120 dos Drop and Idanlila;
• Costa—hd Malts; •
Curd-1 batre.4
Closis—lo M Commoy and halfTpardsh;
faut—lS twlsand bad' hob Macke seland flabairSin
Gsans—nO big aisorted aises;
Mom-1M Primo Venison;
WO rafts Cored; -
lmstoo-103 lb. 2.1 V and hfaxilllm
due °artisan, thank and Copying;
blouses—th bd. N Orleans:
• 15 hall brie
oonSeadgas R a o n u t w s;lc,saio-20dot m emd • ;
ISIACCAZO24-5a mn Mahon;
Vmonamus—Oslhs do'
I:exc.—Oda:Pm orroorosh
Poston- Les.thes halves; '
,Par es roams susorted;
I'Utlfl3-11.0 lbaliordeaug •
. .
• Poss-01 has Rosin and Cent BOO:
Naas-110 hod. N Otrearo. and Clarltled;
Ttot—allpaekagfs Green and Clark;
Tosacco-20 tos 14,:x, &I
For *alp by J D W 11.1.11018 k CO
"''a Corner of Firth and Wood sus.
LUGS! Fyne: FUR,. l—Vho subscribersarli pal
for (bon .
Mint— Musk Am, Ur* r and Rod ton.
and du tlndo at aliippicg . Far., , the si,thest easter*
leCOhrl &CU,
re KV
corner nnb arid Wood ata .
PiEpirr ilanirtsgs.
SSPRIG!mixt: 41Ud.— by Am
cutal shipments, 11 new and choice assorsoent of
all Paper, or the lamer French and Esstera
pold, chamois, oak, plain and blab eolOra
W. 0' AI&KSIIALL, rinser S C 1101)
1.11 e . ll Woet4 acme[
Vll6 Co-parther•bip heterutoge taming between B .
liaeheeld hed Joon lsnder the filed of
el B. Busufi-ter a C.L. Is this day el.solleta la) en - east
cause The hearreess of the Old film will se or to ed
1.8 Hershfield, se the o.d stand, No eal tab eety swat,
tquebursa. B 1.1 1.11;m10skl o il,
R uusitrimn dad I.W.BBGE RICIIABQ *U!
coatiade the Wila..ate a d &q.t.l thj thada a d
Choetry tas.nesa, a; the • d amyl, No SS) Idaart, ey
..ter tac alra ta' 8. U. uUen FU,LU & CO.
Man, I. I....ll—iairlit
,A ZICy ILlVlntinted WITT Ire, In Inn Whoi.
I. Mlo G•oc,ry, evoososldos;sod F-rw011.1,40.1.
.e«, of auls, It. A .caw U % , ,,ste•mes • lbe
• -mese in more .111 vs soAuctrd soUof •I:Ln 441 z of
p. Urstrnsatalk e 1 We o 41' WA
., sod • row Man.:: o. it Wes flittillA.N.
II CA VW Illlol—Aboat 'toe I):44.IIaNAL
a. u emrtuir.r. 4 7 A '3 BALSAM OF
V LLD ,LlEtitil. grou remedy W •
Sod the ..00.4 t.. 101 n a.oven '
to also tot Asthma of every rare, Line •
Complain., nronetntla, ledunea.daegne, thdda
Mecum of Um Ladoga wanness of Lif6/111i.
Perna and Weekend to the onto •
Mama, Se . and all other
Swamis of the
Pt'Lm. , NAttli 4011GAN9. • •
t Ter) tmpotiant diecue over watch thin Gallant !n
-en. a ..111 Coocrful tultdorne ts teat of a,
LlVlttt. • •
In Ms complatat it h. andoololl7 Pr ove d more
Olcacoma Lb. any tcrocd7 h:the no coup ycd,'nod 0
eh. matrices lehcn pataccu had radiant ; long
del etc sadeting nom the docket., eentohter}•edv•
na the leapt beneh. qedn yam. non/dies, and Ott., L. oven te.orted Mu, the dee of ote
.41.111 ha/ re•tot ed Later m1 , 1 . 1110y se'loP . ... and
0.7 trounce, effected porn neat . cares, , 010
werT wet , known remedy had Riled to otodnon tnit .
Intro efftet.
Beffiee. mieravlung oftleary In me diseme stove, we also hod st a •elg effectual rune* I, is
.1111121 n,• etnepia.l In •11. th u,, Unto .I•Leiveiy
.3.1 watt deottosl mums; oven In coael of vow.
mothog V. Ut tht literease W.:del/tratc lea. gro ern
.p a Imowleroge o. the dement, of health. ala a re.
gad for them, •nd num:ta,miate...s wet of
name sae goo w gait,' :ha mean* o• ~turbo.!.uc a•td ar r tag .If rout;, otwlmotartoi• g 114
orof .1,1 hove n.tlt, etialllLC's at pier =Ol tea
00W, ono iLtta the whole pogalallon a:m.lmM
this .1 Ma most important el .e^votie• of the ,In
Inkltetatlng the gehditano of this huge clam of int.•
nn wisT Avis eLsrat VPVYILD CHERRY.
Stiistar's. Balsam pf pa Cherry fa a lola flirt..
Sled:coos, composed. ettleflY of WWI Coalrr Park w 4
OWN Oho lanes imported.expres.
tor U.. purpose.) tar! Otto oredlcarnal Virlla of
relish art also cotafpuel by a new enemies' proecas.,
also tka extract of Tar, thus traded:l too whole
compound rho ouratccoala lad' offso.iow =may
aver discovered for _ .
corteuurrios OP TIM LUNGS.
Ball farther evidences of the remarkable cenolve
propertie. of this inocnmebla prep.tratloni
• Ressauxu.t.a. Drown c0.,0 Aug 21, late.
Messrs tiatalloro t Park, Oentlemen. *boot at.
weeks ago I received the agency of Wientee Mawr.
of Wit.( Cherry, but with man retectance on ery.pan.
for no, reason that 1 hod been the .fun, of .0 .00py
pit, and weer neatroms, which were cracked op to
be sooietio t ig wonnerfal, hat which tonwel out le the
cod to be of on account whatever, eacept to the man.
hectare , Bet ( candidly admit that this time Chase
peen deceived, Mr the emmonlinary tures ant tatt ey
D1R1.1119 hove convinced rue that . "goad eon
come out of Nazareth." Your agent left me ozq doer
en betake, which aro allirone,having been rho meant
Of COrltiff several °hauntu cases of Courarnotton—
and un mutate; tor that I net and know I are. hound
to betinve. One ease to particular: A young nentle.
man in Winches.r. Adams county, 0., th ouree fro
Nit paten, was voted 01 Consumption when the Joe=
ton has given him op, or at least could do nothing tar
and tt was the Intention of his Kende to coon)
elm to yonr city, and Pleeelam under the care arson..
[1911.111 phystelan there Eat a friend told Idea of.
Wr.tar's Edam, and that he - could obtain It of ma.
Ile sent for it, and before the second bottle wad gone
Or was sound and well, and attending white ovary day
+OstOC.S. As aim an several inquiries for the mom.
inn, it would be welhto forward as additleme I Supply
granola delay. Very respect/all, yams,
The above, from ...Newland, Esq., &highly genteel.,
able country merchant, commends Luca forefOty 10
me candid attended of all them who have dooklad
die great merit of Maur. Ve lid Merry
Remember the original and only genuine Wletefe
Clatramot Wild Cherry, wee introduced in the year
mei, and has been well tested In ill complains (or
which It Is recommended. lot 17 years it has proved'
more critter., as as a remedy (or Coughs, Cold a,lnfle.
tor, Illottehltis, Asthma, and Couomptlen Inds in ,
I,lptent macs, than any other medicine. • ', •
New Davao:, Ang ID, Igo.
Me. R. W. FoWle: Hiving erne many cat/Roams
Jublisked In relation to Dr. Wistee Balsam of. Wild
Cherry, I rake this opponenity of of a wind In
do favor, whech you are elan at Mutely to publish. it
few fonts stone my velle'il lunge became. notch rtf•
holed with • sudden cold, teat see toot oar vo cc anti
Offered severely room poles lathe ettast. lint Awe.
non canned her friends math alarm.. Hoeing;. hoard
your Unlearn edrortely recommended by those who
snail fi, f perch:sad a tee;. Inon your egertt'ln dm
plate. rthe wolf it 'accenting to d Irvine., audit pro.
laced a Wonderful effect Before tong owe bottle elm
earl completely recovered her voice, the pun, ittlisid
ed, and her health we. •oon fully .seta lining.
Vann, only, HENRY U. /1411111114 AN.
'To VILLUMIGN ore Duoa, or blememe—Tbi rel.
cheated and mfalnble remedy for the care of Consonip.
'k e
rUs ' ,Vire ' re rapidly, : d anteLiver C° ltoll " Pe t ' i 1 4 4 h 4:70 b e
1 lel own I
1./ w m a c y .
through the opporblon of quark. and counterfeiters,
mad, by its MI6 value Lad setrilisin eeeellreee, it ime
Soloed toe Itself a moat enal•ble papule try, endorse.
dotted itself in the mind:meet or an lidentecht pod or
,itite,,ed public, (inn one end or Me 001111110 M IP the
amen. ands teal:many el thousends who have been re•
tweed and cared ny this gamble
„Male. Will Rho.:
.., I , l inens eenvelled— at the heed et all other me•
Ma ness,, for the cure of thaws for winch its recent.
nnen. The online Of. INIEllr• .11.•JIMOI lif W.I. d
doer) Is ram for oda by delf appointed Agents, and
all realactable dealers minedlelin a,lri all lode ewes
end all napery:J. towns teroneheral Me Uthte4 lint...
linen ell pee Oyu. ldu bottles for AL ..
Sold by J. D PARK, Ithecersor to Sandferd AraO r t.l
POufth and Walnut street., Olectouth, Onto,- bemire,
agent lot the Beath and Won, to whom all ontere
most be addressed.
L WIIGOI. Jr. James A. Jones; J. Kidd it Co: Id It
Fehnestnes & Co, Pittehargh." L.. T Rumen, Waeb•
:Doom W. H. Larethernm, Franklin; L. B. Bowls.
Unfontonni 11. Welty, Oreensbargh; R.Kortetto,Brimet.
we Peon St Ullegote, Redford; Reed A anal Henries.
doe, Orr, Hollideyeberg, aldebtan IA Co, Jodi
wiln J. K.. Weigh. Kllnet Evan. a. Co. Idroot. -
ePIeLA. Wlln st fr. " Von, Weyer sburgh; hPFellend I
C. , N. Callender Neadvllin Room A Co, Pre; J.
Magolan, Mercer . Belly et CO, Ratter; R. Smith,
Stever. 1 D. Mlnlttieelo4. Warren; F.L.A.C.8,y0,,,,„,
enenderepore P Crones. Jr. Reneenempla _ •
•,...• AA
et reed. an Isse.t . e of Jewelled paled Ile.
;ter Waukee, ZEI ea te doe cares, labial I CM sell at
low so th , ny and lay Ivo dation, aml wanaaled to
Iteep geed Urn.
Also-4 splondld iwortmem of JEWELRY, sour
pim Ow sanest later' styles, and tett pattosno
Wf ruisoN, Wuottotaot old Soweto/
" 1 " rr ir ef 4
, 1 2 1 Wi lb 04%7
1.3 madietnes or the dal. ;
. i •
-• Gnh ant Station, Ohio, May S. IMO.
R - (kink it right.ior the benektor elk. TS,
11,111tatel tome (nem m relation to youre,inellent Fa
intly bledoines.
I have Deed rut Vernally° largely In my emu
family ono vlaltrequently exoelliny Mtge puatoites•
(rey Ito to' toe mount) Item two cheat...A. I have
.1.0 owl To ut liver rills and tioogh Syrup In my
(muds, and Hey one. In every Itwltuu . er Ptettltund
dm effect. elks mil
As I ant ergurd In merchandising, I', am able to
alalm th at I Awn yet to bon of the failure tonere
your medicines beta been and In any unction nub
country. In eo, cis.ion, I May nate that they are too
merhel..c. or dot ray, out a a drained tritAve Avery,
tztensire'popularity. Yours, rettottethilty,
• ,AV 11 lt;h7wEl L.•
Prepared and sold by B. F. EiFiLtY it4,No7SWt of
swat, and sold by. Itrut gists saliently In the two
hi/it:llS r../ tit 4 4
bledlenns of the dny."
fittsll4ll.3 ourstnots, Ohio, .Nay Ito 11349.,
FL P. &Helot I th ink it riebt fo r thr benefit of otbvn:
to mate some fees in relation to yr et excellent Foxil
ly Idedieini a
I have as 11 y. ,y Vert:runlet !pygmy to my awn t ors.
dy, one via fra,.tenily ensvven nt for erpelllels lut
outmlities pay Ito 0101 wont. from two'childtst I
hare also o ted your Liver Pills and amtjrh Syrup: .0
my remit?. utd they have in everyLnotance produced
the efteeldt tired
Aa lam norm In merottaadleme, I am able to
rate that I ere yet to hear er the first fil'oie where
your medic ma bay. bxn used In ray menon or the .
C. mutt •il conelaset, 1 may statetth...,inelitee.a.,
medicine', et the day', and are de.ittat .4 p ore • ••••
.txteneve mummy Yours, ro• e. flat' r •
• •IL Perna, • ,
• ,b8,N06: tirded
aerially in' the two el
• torti___ : •
Prvated and sold by B.
meet, and 0014 by Dtuggt
t v and vb. tnit).
.;17hz,A. 4.0%11'h/tint C. by se.
t/ Original, only Due. apd genaine. Liver Pill.
Soon Ousel, Ohio c.anty,'Ve I
March Ithilf IM9. — 1' -
Mr. Et E. Seller,: Mar am. .1 Milli, It a dafy I owe
to you and to the public truera iy, to nut inert haye,
been artnied with the Liao, Cornidaint tor • long
unto, and sabbelly that an ahem farmed and Lithe.
which left me in a eery low I •tatts Ilrecne seer,. en
your eel:heated Live, I1 , t• neing for ante by.eS
Sharp on West 'Liberty, and recommended to ma 01
to. physician. Do. Smith,: I - concluded. to'utar Moro
• hur trial. I purchurd odor boa and frond them to
titbits - oat %bey ore recommended,. TUE BEST LI
VIE PILL EVLF USED, dint after takii g roar bake.
Iliad the Macau tan enterety , tetc me,' and I•auu now
Perfectly trelL Respectfully yourvii
West Liberty, March . I
I certify that I am personally scluanced tom tU
clamand can Lear testimony to the with of the
am ve esti/eats. .1 SHARP Pins are Mimed and Mid bp
RE 4 LIMB, No 57 Wood mom, and by druggists I
in she ern rim e. , •
To CBE euuuct— po red and igen.
Incne Laver Ville are prepared by It E Sellers, and have
I name endured In black' was upon iheor eteb
:,.nn fignature on the outside r 'ervalUMl — lin
ether. are connterfelu, or bare indtail
to E SELLER.. Pisitittor
VROM the Rev A:7A e um+. a I,OIISOOSr. Sod Pop
L Ma: Clerigrman nate Protestant hlctbodin Church
' rho enMrsigned having been Male Led daring the par
drate, wished:mare paha stomach, waned:ma pro greatpaqi In the etociacti for tea or 'twelve boom
, SOSOIIt met so • on, and after having trledAvaricias
remedies , wiM ellect was fectished with a bottle
of Dr D JayneieC mantra Balm= ?Mahatma an
cording to the d rectrnr,acd found invariably thatthis
medicine eaured the pain to &haw in three or four milt.
atm, and in filleen or twenty miltiatminvegy uneasy
sensationmen entirely quieted. Themedielne sou of
terwanisesed when indica:Mayo! the approach el
palnweteporeelvecLandtheyme was Mouthy prevent
ed. Ile eontnend to awl the medicine nerve smoMMI
and ersrictiinee in•he ISOTOULL and la , few iamb
health war so farce cored, that the mitleret eras celiac
ed from allele amounted' oppressive yam. Promo
perienec i therefore. e can confidently recommend I -
D Jayne's Carminative 0.11=4 as a saintary medlein
for Marmite ofthestentach and bowels. '. A SOWN/.
Allegheny city. MM.
Per Kale In Pittsburgh at c 'PEKIN /LA STOR
72Founh street, neer We 1. and .1.0. 01 Meillug
Sucre of II C. • ial street.
nee anus Moray TOM
Coaramption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bremen:ls, '
ar Complaint, Blower Blood, DifecalM of Breath.
t'dk id the Bide and Drown. P
the ne d
ut. Weems, Crimp, Wave: alpitation
Cow of
taltationi Boni Throat, Nervenaltehill• .
ty,and all Diseases of the Teats;
Broutsad Limp: the most 41,
fiatnar• and speedy ooze
ever known Meaty of
the above &seat
es to • ! -
Dot. BSI AIME , Ir
compound lyrep of W Ild Oberryl
This Matting is no longer. =hang those of doubtful
enlny. It haspeasee away from rte Montan& dairy
latmehed upon the tide of experiment, and mw stands
einem m reputation. and ts/recomlng =WC elleovielb
ip used than .y. other PrePonktidd of droddide env,
prodeeed for Ceche! of sadenng man.; ~
It has been etreddeed very generally through the
United Stele. and liarpe.and then lug kw towns of
' importance' bat whet • eettam some relvskable cab
,tehe,, of . be mod edema For proof of the foregmng
stemmas, aid of tbri,vehre and MSc., of Itts meth'
ties. the/Walk:tot teal Desert a Few of the maty then.
sand tesumonialt which haveleen Wanted Whorl hl
tea ante dirt rOlietability—tots oho have higbe3
ylisse of more: rviiannabilily and Jeanne, than to ter
Itty In fact., because it will do another a favor, - otLL
themselves nO Di=rties loch Walla/00 pro.l can
CleraVely, , diet itasdrynsingeieollenee•nt utahlished
M to oniono merits; and the ammesuonehle authori.,
ty of public opinion, The instantaneous totief It al , '
foods, and the sooMme indeenee through N.
whole hottne by Its use, renders it e Cost egentabl ,
nmudy for the aldieted.
men, .eons from emumentose omelet,
votuntuily .
hoer teeurnony to ter. troth lof a thtn it ;
barbel:ant feet. such terantanys heath censiary to tftsll
afouldly Interests •nd pabillact, eaerees eel/emboli of
its trutharid commends itself to a special 'al:toner iv
universal credenea."—irllogan's Morel 3latlees
REAL T 111:
errta Anorak. Celt fa Pt:Litman Correcermaer.—.
There never was a remedy that has beet as ettecemfal
desrerahr eases er C.onaaatiataar dnraYne'•
eme , ound Syrup of Chatty, ft grengtherts
•)•1121. and- appears to lead thy sleet aa -the Int:Cs
corm., I nee, ar.d rich bloody power owned by h.
Cassrm. Co...Nord .I.3th, Itge
• •roo--Dent EU: I saint. believe your Con
pound s,rup of Wild Chen - has teen memo
ving 7 ftr e • naught a anise COI*, which grub
all rear from attended erne a -.severe <each the
resisted all the remrakes which I had remorse to, mit
increasing atoll w 7 ease exhibited of the f719f.10111.4a
Valmonsry Consumption beery thing: I toed wens,
to have no edict, and inycomplanit increased ao rapid
ty We friends as tin t
foreosett, gave ep all hot.
my recovery. At this tone I was recommended to trt
roar invalemble medicine: I did se with 'the most hap
t o mars The first bottle had the edam to [amen di•
tough, emoting me to a...morale freery, end by th.
'me Ihad cud bordes,l was entirely wen, and ao
KM, 01 *Curly d**** I inform AS itt Lae, am.
would be happy to .. give any . loonatcLiainj IZQ
the mutant rot
=l n a t ni cth' eo e gra'iegt"Fatlrgth• of the thew •
natement. I refer yes to Pater Rnah, , limo Wee
;taster, Pa. al whom 1 purehased the =dieing. .
SupeCtally yours, • Jeates•Liamiran
Wenrirrjal Can et a Merhodiri
Swaync- Dear etr. t feel a debt of gratitude ~,,,
a yea—and a duty to the afsieted genernill, In cam
my notable testimony .in favor of your Compound Sy.
rep of Wild Chan. ' fon. 'tare. Pt...regime I wi,
violently attacked with cold and inilloosmation of the
Limy., which was a-companied orbit a distressing
sough, pain In the breast old head, a yen' conga, a
ble discharge of etlesuive mucus from the lungs, mpe.
Melly open thence et weather, however alight, at
arst I fmt so alarm about my ennetilien, but was pretty
sant emorinced Mal wut rapidly doing Into cony/esp.
lion. I grew dotty weaker, and at length •ores scarce,
ly able to waft abusing sprat above a whisper, tub
wee the exceedmg,weareass Of MY latiP. - fhlrintthis •
lime I had tried ...non. preparations and picalripo
but found no rcoef—growmg all the lime Worse: • lost
tem I west , and persuaded by edam Mend ht.
Wilmington to lake trial of your eyntp of Wild Cher.
ttyy 1 men 00*.050 that'previenisly I had been Poole.
diced against patent medicines, and tam Still again:
them coming out tithe !Landau!. eraperiesi•hrit andel,
mending year el altnuto the profession and practice o f
medicine, and kuving implicit faith 'tithes:tying of my
Mends, I fonhwith purchimed Of Dr. Shaw, one ay=
*dents,* few to.olesjUnd eoratoeuted Imam. illy dia.
sue wan at that time erne*, 5s roonthet standing,,Am,
sequently It wee deeply seatmL .1 found. however ,
comidembie relief (rent the use of the bat tour gy g o ;
bottle.. Bta•being a public speaker, I frequently ow
tempted to preantillrith my increasing a=th, ace
thereby rapture.' thoselmrsals am bad al y.e og g e
Itt heal; In this way, deubtlese,' my eon' was small,
retarded. In coasetleceeduf *MINI MP. Imprudent .
I had to oafs t w at, or fifteen bottles benne 1 wasp,:
reedy restored' I have no question, mach . m a.,
manner of bon. wonidravo made me Sound, •
We above talesman. The LIMP Whiled the tee,
oh habil, teak .way the digressing cough. PM nen •
tO the dlscharperet mita . from the loom and gay
them and the moire minous good ealth. have &Se
red offering els certificate until now, h for l
the parses
of being perfect t eatished with the pernmeency al titi
cure, and COW shall teal matactly well I *der it with
plordiete.• . liar. J. P. Jesus.
Dublin county, N. C. • • ' • .
• .
• ; haperadal Caution—Rao& Rsudy •
• There is WO to agent:lna preparattentif Wild Cherry,
and that is Ur. Sway" the best ever armed to the
üblic, winch .betn said largely. three wri th e
United Staves sod wirepperni or kropeChe ; an pre.
partitions earla by tho•name of Wild rry hare
been pill out etive this,ander nevem,' some deceptive
• circumstances,- 4 order tome current, tot/telt sales..
Oy a little obnevation„ no person need mistake the
'ermine fromtlr false. EaCh bottle of ihe genuine is
e h nveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, with the
or Whoa= Pems'iliereen; IllEh Dr. SWILYTIO'i
slenature: and • farther scanty, the portmdt• of D r
Swayne will t added hereatteroe a. 10 distinguish
his preparsties tom all ethers. Now, sit ero pot tot
the ' , e t ae rators properties and Uneven comes of Dr.
• Swarnee Cotnn.rned Syrop or %lid Cherry, pens.,
would not be svdeavonng to give carmine) to died
fictitious nor we^ by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Bessumber, always bear Mind the 'own,
of Dr. Myopic pd be not deceived. • • • •
Principal theme, toner of Eighth and Rice sweet.,
Per solowho male and retail by OLDEN PNOVU.
DEN, cot lid awl Wood ets• 0. A PAIINTOCK
Co, cot Ist am .Peat, end 'dth and plotidats; WM.
risonN, 3711 .eket sti 5 JONES, tee Laren, std JA:
A JONES, cot, rand and Penn sos 40101 1511C11
ELL„Alleghen elly,sed by all respectable dealers ii.
Medicine. - - oettil
•el: 110 DA
111 E BUBSCRIliaild alappnat'a bent
qualm and nigh telt Glom, mud ulna tankers.
eoda Ash, mmar,mmed • mu; soy-oiLer M add .1
Me ny. Ws quart it) 0 , h; m, w an • far earn may or
•I.p cited Mash at (Ow tEoulh. cull foe a ,rot qua ,
tap 'W 4 al Ml 7 CHiaLTIM.
• . Wen) nut
Alt on' , ortlTlV - k corr:7 - 7" . . ,
Ti ROOM , ?lA./1111%0.4 Cu, herons ortonged : l6
O giro tbelt eutiteattetaloata diel4lo of down
Wootoo nod 'Conon: thoolo, ocro! theft larioe
swot ~of Talton ,, Nadi*. Pr. oth ,and
Comma Clotho, Doulto l itrif:l:4 - Ati cu
'DAM/Toed it .
1.1 Boos' brand. a soporkpr . anlell,•fat •
no al 0 10 1 40 , ./.7i/F - Y. -
Muspleat'n dodo hob and .lu :onto,
.76 ISholing roloier,orttreo pas dap Vienbudge,
and now ",'g an 41 c 't,; l ld. A fi. Vr b lnta.
Pi. -
B.—Tbir win erseivcducins tho 11016'
froml . : ::11¢(7e . .:r a r:r * V's Inn
CON 01 tapctior tabs, &Jul re% bode/v. b. Wee
Far rale by , ; • • 4 ULF lIER. •
drive_ _.. •yl Wrodorelis
VY for ' , weft Tartat,Peerry, *Mkt; ithe
isthmuses &standee to the Teeth. Ites d,lletons to
the lute, claimant for mouth. boa] In ILA lirearde*.,
Ithitea gums, and purifying the broiler
R l'egm(.2y;
ILI new attllftranstieri toi et mitre:new. Drown - to,
and retotiona,:torninerriat. financial, and aerial, with
na exceiltieti:of the recd. •I retells of the rallairiiya
in operation in Die LitittediDluadoet, in the Continent:
and In America. IV Dionainas Widatt, U. O. t: A.&
The /finery of the Ihrinfee•ienlet By John Hem) ,
Deakin, D D, Hiehap of the Da en. of Yemeni
touters Neer Eaton of A10(1111°1. Cabaret De l
aline and Fall of thicßertoin kletplre 0 vela.
• Lamm net Lest :al he rot, Prreent, and Future
• ha. itrhsblle. Hy A 1 1 ,110.0 U. Lan.nthe•
' t tyttle en Lauer Day Pamphlet.. Nu VI. Sabiect t
1"..V of Lever. neer NeeelThe Dalton.
James , nese Norrlal ba Ole Vat Chett,l,
ha abort troth. recci,d ;his OaTi b
JOHN% ft iN k taTalCiCrirN
GOOD , 0008.8 DOG: , WAD 2116.98
JohnoOrt—tatterVau ferrates Gat 7Chittnytitihaa'hi•
Jrnegion-t-rietinno Santos, eve: '
Drown—lves. etsaa •
m:ism — American rrnit I untrlsi.l2.l
Boy—A: °side t• 'Duo •
Bunt—Fsintly ratvhrn Guiana , 1200
ram T—lbit am titan e Tierintr. r •
UtOsvt—the at:truest l'esnry Vaal 11,0 ,
rk.r.bail—l t b ine r rt'l 'Vra"m}.l."'it:oll:7lt I—d
B.Oroving—Yrolt-Ynd real,
%titan—Flit Heise. Pro
.Drubs[—Tne l'irotry Yuri, Itaa
For isle by ; Jeattls A) I OrTMOOD
FY 7 • • :
sitivrtessi jata axial 01 11 016.300 0.4,M . • t
I ItINDUCI LA) t y.Piof O. Elliman, Prof, 8.
vman Jr and J trues 8 'um a, gvei c a . a
ie li s t Chi, Inst.' is islet d tyro twit onth.:
n r starthari of 13r ports tath..tosting lon ortsvi_.
VOlOOlO a•year,esith W•th sonny It It.,
devoted to ottelusl t.rtiatta on Vciet et ',ld tie att.' I
Coheentted Movies. or AbYttatts .7 alr m bl y „J:
Mora - vets ft n Foriega PyriorlitYls; at N.e
CnbiCallOni,•nd ■ Oenelal Pdgettn' f learnt Paha
talc, • orbs Tat 6r.t reties toot ins tO velum. s,t , i;
to hitt witch Is a generyht - ates to the 49 volsinctl.
- putt. di g. vlattsertplou *ha Ica, in itairtn,ol
• : - J 0 1.00)0SVOI /I). Aet for Plae•loton,.i
it!9 ' IC4 Fortilhat
Good Boots for Sommer tlesdlas.
ay . o.-10fronIty, it ols,—Forrpron Life em Ydanners.27o4Xmo
11...e.,-.lDom 'l, writ . ron. 2 sou. tztr o.
„L, Derusons, vol., Latta. -r •
Moor! -Frcas :so o
fitt.;lll. — .O " glarajg:rc:reArs7;.
Pdr—Onldssultea hfitosilassots WorkeeLvoli.•
bloyo-;410- , ...12mo '
T..y tor—Visas a.
Hamolds;--Cossoos,* vols. Ltmo.
• F Issas by JOSS) tomwoors
• , 111. t , GAL: AND AXIVMFRCIiLMateIIO
- ...PLACE ncriK -Containing the d-cl.lovs of th,.
prone Court of the United e.totee, and of the
BUM Co , rts ov Pseirega.COorki;
and Prenneeber Notes defining their regointte. an.
properdes, isr.d investikring _their Wallahs 's*, at,
etfv , ci apoe,partle. -1 fie veboteerrecieod in in order
Mee convenient for.retkrenee *no satiable for , ini
ra•diatte nnollentiOn ,41 y We. , Lao, COangefilar , a
Law; Jut noticed and for Yale by ,
)00 - • Bookseller., oar, klarke , & Third sti. ,
.. -7-7 71ifitTaka - ZoenaatarLiterattarti.7
. rtfortc-Pers.xery its Use nee 31ahafactoret. Mon.
• !Iloilo- Philosophy of Nature. lame;
Crtilavv-aohori , me and'ile2eetiona.:: f
Stkeg . -Eifi 11• A Lner.torc: limo.• ' •• ;
' Davls-Legondre.Moo.
• Itryent-Wkat I sale to California.
ec Plerrel-Paal tad Weida' n OIL 14nao.
Alcon-Leuers to Young men. lenern
Tornap..-Beetirode of - Raman Name.
VericourJ-Mniem French Literature.
Iscorohate-Haman flittertetlem. • • • ;
Ilemboldt-Aspeets o Nelsen. : i.
Broderip,-Zook,tirsi Recreation..
For sale Op LOCKWOOD
Pewter's New Fahliveptas emu
_t_WilvE Rep W 1 1 ,44134 Dolly Day;
tr Dotty Jon.; Go down Cu de Coon •
Nally woe a Lad), the.
Ats, Be Sind (*Oa Loved Ones at Elome; .
Our thy beat behtly; True Love, by T. Mod; •
Our way anemia rte
A yevernedley sot g, by B Covert;
Jenny Gray, testate by blotter
Joyc that were crowatng, nedding trarel4 ,
God bleall the bard) . marine; Btbaylkill Welts;
Coaseripte Deprotant, ty. W. C..Ulover; '
Sounds trout Houle; Waltzes, beeyetrearttrehe Co;
Lan RAW of eetoteer, euy variation. by Herr
Dolled stem. Yoltm Ladies' Sooverer Polka; '
Coro Crafter goaealle; LobisMtle Steadritle; -
Bewite It( Dill;
A large wortwent of Neve Masao too band. to - Which
addition• ate made erectly. Per sale b y
feb.% J. IL MELLOR. et Wood trL
T I ZZ Iat •TU
511.1Y4LX.5. by IL B. Itiftlvs, P.
- Eleaserva of Rhetoric, ceraprisir.g art dallyida
the Lure el Moral Evidence and of Perrault= ;ty
Richard Wltately,.D. A - • •
&en oa Cbrisnaanaptionf by Baptist W. tiOoliM •
The 01-etiviee, a NoveL
eaq Tales, frees Noboru, by Oalk.-7 tit Dam ,
talba with Illastretions by Dvy ie
dot/ • eesser TArd end !gasket urse s
Now rtad Ibiegasbc.-41111-13o.ics1
. S A FVZ.b ij ey 6C gaVell ' oTy ' At a
da:l..l 2 4 b l3ifq.
I'ocnis PAre Virritzegs, by Weibull Il Dand..;
1112cminx4 Gems if Sacred eery, lU/ inuao
engrered on betel, by John Saniln •
• Jane received by ' JOHNSTON* BTHCKTONI, •
¢e22 • c•krner Tulin 'and Orb , . sin
.131111.9 N ..r.
CIA-AN.ATIa:i or a fraeueal V.lea
i of aro martial dauor, relauous tad antercznolitie
- Berlioz! r.easioa r.oe!elLo,Cosorrionieyi by ,Wun.b..
ragton !locker. Al. D
fue B. ore- pt Michael Do Montaigne; coo:a:elite;
an graze ._oll,a loo: By Wm. Harlem
NalevehAnd tla Reunion. By Alamo .Uenry .
W E ,
rrerserses or Spain; or rialtn or an Untussbed
o ir> ay a r t% allis.
Tepper's Trustees., ebibrsophy, new edioon;_War
tratNl. Jaw reemed by
now& eurs-1 Mara-, .no r.ard atroefA
totatad•i I/ ostor y
• (1 - IMKS HI ' HY our ki %too. 'Pin otow
ritou•6 b•' r,oei 4 Hoot', on G ro.• cloth and
l o ocort 1414 two. ptc voi 'farce voo o a retoolrea, 14/K
•or tie by-' K ,
alai • . 70 Apollo ttonloluto. Foant *L..
• : •
ROtillitrqs ills Fn. Voyag., es Henna, afelllille
lb. author of -4Tyore." -rano." he
!timely 0 . lama nitres of Englaad,hyJacob Antonia;
Seoul* the Sores eas. Si Win fileinhold: • !' •
. JOIII4ILiN h nth ,CKToN, •
;novel rornor Third sod. Market streets
'boo al los ikta4 licrwia: Work: the .itivlr
?kl EVE!' AND ITS IttEMAthith with an cement
1.1 of a visit to the Mend... Christiainvof %was.
an, and the Ifeaftils, or tacit Worshippers; tied an
Jethrirt Into the Mennen and Arts or the Ancient A 4
'runs. lhf Mateo Henry Las 501. Esq., IL E. L.
• With Introductory fr0:0474 Prot E Robinson. D. U.,
o...thastrathd with IJ platen and earipsiand air
•ood ma • a vats evo. ehth,lll,so.
nhe book loth a rare mount of graphie, vivid,pie•
tomatoes narrative n—Tnbano.
• , The work of Loyard Is the most prosidneet conrri•
Attlee to the study of anthinity, that boa appeared for
- vsay'years. 4, -Chitst. the
"Not one taco!. in Interest the arcane, of Nineveh'
and its fininsi,giveri• by BD. LayradA—Wartingion•
Aa re lnttdlD
we follow the diggers with breathless futons'.
'its thei icavations, ant soddenly fix d earselters be
'ore mulled'. Arum carved -with enthate ateathey,
,now liihng its
i s head Irons the dart or Mob
. tear,, we we ready is cry oat wick the nionished
arab!, 'Wallah, lib wiadufal, bat Ala true! , x 4 1,.n.
dependent. .
For sale by - JAKii D. LOCKWOO4.!.
. .
THE- WOMEN Lot um Uhl and N6ll , Temament
Edited by a 11. Sprague,' D. D I roll Imp gem,
oteeautlrboandi auplisb.ely bobbed 'tlltravings;
whh dosenptions by erlolocad American Claiggmca
POE-I[d 11Y JOIELI it, Odra Welby, n ) • now
and eninzami edam,: illumined by en8111111t• fiblb
original doslans by Wien • 1 vol. square doe, elegao
IT borne ann act. Also—A mutely or splendid Allow
als and Gin • -
Finn Roo►er the History of Rome:
•'' • • :
us of Capenter., Shipwrights, Wbeelwashow,S.
yers, Lumbermen, etudents, and. Arbutus generally:
being etborough and pouitieal Treatise on - Ahearn.
.don and tho Sliding Bale, ur H . H, 0„.4.
Bo , s,Treatine on Greek ProsiCbmpulikie. '
Olieridoinf Elementary French Grammar. 11_
Greene, of Brown Urjerrsltr...l.sol. Vane.. ,
• Roediger's (leacnins , Hebrew , (Hammer, by Certain.
GemniapHebreer I..ezieen: • . .
LornelsrPrtgolsometry end
_Legulthatie Tables; 1
'Doi Bo shman% Greek Ceaurdance. 1 vol. (dhs.
' Anthem's Mulct) • - • t
Webster's Dietitians:l, reviled - ed. l'antereu
do • do unabridged. Iced Ito. ; •
• Barns; Note. and Qtlealio64 on New Te.tuaent.
Whitmire Logic. •• • • •
itlosbeinPa •Eulcrintleal History.' 3,c015. 'and I
sots (.I:nets) .. -
Vestige. of Creation I vol. Nolo.
Moran among tbs Jesuits at ROIL& .1, eel. (cinth
and paper.) .
Scene* where the Tempter has THeraptted.' 1 Vol.
Bogue'. ecological Lectures. 1 Sol. Bro.(oloth.)
-- Altai P11•01101111tig I( Bible. . • ,
Myer'. French Di^tionary. '
Smart , . llorriee./For sale by -
• - Apollo fluiletna., Fount tit '
ATEW - BOVIrc, Ate - 119te.eislveit). • rt. tti
ontadane, edited byll. Ilaslitt, compris ing'Gm
Huey., Letters, end Joann., through Germany and
Italy, with nose. from ail Me Cortiloantater,s, Biograph
ical and Bibliographical Nobee.Ae. • ,
• Theory and Practice of Teaching; nr, the Molise.
and Method. et Georr:Sehool.Keepingi by David
..purge, A. AL,Palampul of Bier State Humid School,
Frani Potence. 114 and Fishing. of the I.l..Bilitet
,and British Provinces of. 'Worth &menu, 14 Henry
mord emu . . Third and biniker
• ilia 010Ista 'rims* • )
g AllEtif D. LOC?, WOLID, Itivitevbei and Itilliarar,
LP No, 03 Wood f.traet, has tousato a frarctipienectia•
pieta, kale remaindcf of the ediiiond at ihta
M: it, devoted to the Yfo.tartrattou of tkletellt Met end:
ether authewo retat ng to the. eany_ex•
Piatallon I 'rabic went and improvolletti alibis countrry,
attiguli tho hood al the Ohm by 1 , 4 tivllloji Craig
otPidattargh, in 'Paola ova.
- • •
00110 - D. LOCKWOOD;
. .
KILUI L114101't117g171.N11.17"ITr•'
OTA.O . Cl Mlte i ra . 3 gs,c/g ICd Nab e gprrtn
tuned 11 Rniffe':ll'lols,tiVO., imatiZt with ruses=o
Worts. . =
Jul pubtl t old toi
JeIIIES A Welt-WOOD, LNoltreilcrsed •
unto lmrnnef, ra
LL'AhnY 10.01 14 / I L - F.. itrl l ALAtr 1.1.0ny.5. 10 1 '
.J: Ma 711 at. AIRS. PANNICKWIUL.N7 r
Y .
OF . 0101 1 4.4./LATIOIII .• . , 1 ' ; da ,„
MO itaxliog of CA* hOok ha. Impreued ,
sollohlosh•Pceordce. of 14 OOthor thett
- from pa r t herothay tentillga. klt4taTe•eecpet,
onaor.thseglic 044011 AI move
era fee
teEiriie aro acqualAted
‘°l°-°Sm"'"''d oed . zed siatt.
ranhtleinble's roar-a dd , 'd en th e p ee
. ..11.114: ,, Weveromeend 4 02 0 : 3 4 ,7 1 .` u Le.
Iko ,
.014.1 . 004 ef the *ewe ;,0.
..-t t cpn oath., .100.001 of a ue . _
oed Polodehee tit than and I.
eve end mon itOensuog loon 0! nh 7 4!
' We have read It fro*
4 1400214 „„." . .1 1— ..,th shabnud •A
440 P• 150 44 411 respects - eminent!:
itid pewee a Itfe Rea. u
•• • ' •
..40.ahln:!—Kulek010.1eauEs utcxwootc
I" IL.a hY - a.,oeeller a lenvorta.oo Wood .(t
nov . •
bbbb bb and lilloWers.
301 D( 4-- -Piz' glira !ub
do. rmann,a UM and Wad Ladinn
Om (Way tna 417 in
, ,
7tXCHANGt(IOII4II{EIV.t7:77I - :
iioratssA. sops
• - era, E."l"•=iffe- a' "
AND nms:
- AND BANK rit , FS.
COLLECT/OfiS,—Drafts, tows awl Aeoeptaneei
payable in any pun of th e Union:collected ones moo
favorable WI.,
ESP lANUE New Yogi Palladelpdla and Sk4
.demore; Cineinnati,,Looxiintin,- Sawa LanzWande
!New thleawr,eolullantly (or awe, .
BANK NOTF4.News on ill aolvent bankein
United Stateadl -. aedanted aalltslerareat rate. all [was ;1 ,
of Foreign and
and wl d d . r . : AmenewaGold and BilverColaboastw.
OtEce No. 33 liackft mint, between 01 and
DILL oil rillTdretntr,TrertaVtWiiilTOMd Itooght •
I) any mown at dm Coma - Rama of Ettedstles...
, Also, Grads payable la norpon of .tha Old Cocsudieo.„
l. from dd to Mold", al the tato co SS to tbe'L Sternal,
1 Wlthitot delloctiod o; dmeonr.i, dy JOSHUA, 110BlErs.'
dON, Enmetso dad pound • Agenti. allot Olt .; , one,
,loor mono( wood. ; ' 'r ' ',-; . ' • " " - uotldtt
- ir.iff ...-- . -
- =warp mat
. - 41 1
.- A
dles• t es of oepositz, 1.C.-Ik_nowl and of
-,W and Wood wool; direct:, oppoeito St. cbarlesl..
WCIiITAr . - • ! _
taauety t
ri tAlutlES SON%
4:3 . v 0.0114141111.g:-wskt Cheets oa. •
I) "rk hilladsl • - •,:• • -
ratantilror bY :N. Po ' 6 `S a 60,,V3.
• .111 T " 3 •-• 3"4-04it
.fil tz10,.1'4.4.t0.04.::
li l egil i trE i nligi l le l l ' Ogth ." .esno i ß e l a , g a l r biTrer,
GS rtm Oititert , ry, , licrcti to 'nap,
te , 11 d tty .ni D,Amkst , o ttrottilyi
ch Bkan , q..l4l , and .441; Jah , tai , .. L..-
ton u
ld trc,t, facyl"p l. n;rb td
t', V ll .l:ll.n r.Tavg*:'
0 klh4lno Pnry,R—dlwrys OEI bled, g a b"
I'order; ilt• various of.Ler,a4Dilotit
r° P. g
Vri pp Inz Paper;Ct ,wo, Medium, and
°VS dlr.! Wra.tpina eapelt: Crown. Mel.jdn nrd
battle CrOrn Pam.. One t dper;
. • • mhesunt.c,ies tYood a 4
Aientics Cdnron.Milla. • .
. :
JrOIIN NAT? it'Co.'dtvo'irmovell theiret
• GmcOrk..,o ePitosnasida.of Libeny at. •
1110 MAN IN ADIERICA—IIer work and her nfr•
Ty ward fly Maria J Melataah, author of .Chusne
e Conneraharms,..TO mew and to hen Mao.
Latter Day Pa miable No; preaera Ucure.
Caazantss.—hierneirs er ree 'and Wridtornt Than:
:traltners, 1t.1.4 /anterior:a an
WIN taategy, Parra Elide neenof Chlistranha and WIN
Leturre we Divinity', with 11M haDintlary Le4teres,
and km Addrearea dal eq.' in the Now t •
Sitaburahy by lbcoms:cbttbaccv,, D. 0,
- Cafna—LllA oriohti Calvin, compiled NIA
00 Ronne* and arlleslarly tram Au CorrevOrAsAtu..
10 , Thomas If Linz, fIU pcnsAlt: vvl Maw. ,
For &Welly- .1 , HOPKINS .; ,
ap47 . 'A 'filo tintAllf gs, Founb
Combs! Co otarot • • • ;,"
1 3 3 0w1s . .
super Flissiloso .
1000 dossrs'd rwo tsar t• - ' . •
30 :Rica] Slde-CoMbl3. -• • '
10 ` O. roper : l.lga 1.1410110 c, • . ,
ig T ou Kul Buie Combs, reoV And for We by
fcos - 0 Y1;11.01:11., tt.l nlark.t 1
IlUQUallaridt lßud 1.161.1andl .... .
. •
TiAKE All/EICE- . ...T1ta0V: McClintock' haalida divi
.recalced niverile.Aaa of th e OZIGO and tont Half
I, nener Molina, to vcalen lie woald moo. reapectiolir ,'..
cell tee caConilon orals 04.410111: ard' ilta plabMitt , ,,' '
s ipl'Cesiol.Wanti Pooiai "Jil Fourth st. ',..janil. ~ ~.
A recsi &Ova Oa
as. bytebyaty ma.puramoyy of F BLYttljh ar.d Gn•
.1y by bkbB I' .1 'MELLOR, SI Woad it..
noe'Acs Jent 91,99etraiL ' • •
Cenpite r ,Weika Jon Beinyni 9 vela, Oro,
.L In I vol, ilicauated; Fut sad gat edges..
Michell% Cita:cal .a Sabbath School Geography)
nos■ weir; V-re!, Mao. ' . •
Town', An an Speller.
Lae of John:Q. Adascs;:by.Wm. 11. Seward; I To),
Poems by Mn- ircernid.l rel,l2cW;
pinched upon sereno.
ovens :ma; by • Soben Sowb, IL; a new ediuca,
volt , including Perthametbr,Dinetwars. -
13ime-1 vela LI 9; then, =Erg Bro.
For [ale by . USPEINSi -
fehtl • ' Afrllo Yhrildloga Fearda at
• Id A OLE . I)VINDir Y.
.roan Pncliatt,on • 0. 0.0. tetra.
j'Hl:stedetingnedornecepora u, Aram* A,
eon;hrg leave to inktatibe titiaau , ot Ptitaborgh
and pubrin generally, the:they have reboil - the.
uL.t; FOUNDRY and ate n to In fall ppefatien, .and
bare par ol tbeirpenerna te.dy foil toe market"—
' e nionc.t W. lob wroCookiite ' , loves, Coal and Wow!:
, !tares; nab a rtlandid atr.ltirhi 'hitt] Rittve•Whlehj
tattot' saPereatinit to nth., ritie• the 01,19f11.11,t0
cheep nosiseioalitg Stare, adapt .
ea for midi faintlws, Whhn aesoilitient of elfin.
co.. and menus Urntell par !milady ha- '
rlirihs. anemion 01 4 Oerverns tali in gat •
ww[hoell. beiore puretiasit,g, and examine aaplendid
aruele entrAinCiled 0 11 .3. P, tiers/ted line tyle
ea wely 1100 t tide enattel.l
Wdrettodeo, No. le/ ttllierii et, Guilt. Wood . it' -
.101P414 iItOLSO...I4 , PA VAR • •
I IYEAGER 1111p011G1 sod witelernle Dealer ' In.
Sire of soot Gin Comb. lite `Market et, Fintbargh,
weaten id
t erchnnte; Fenian. and abet. ruses.-:
Flitaborgh parahase ttood.N.are respectfully . luvalcd
10enll and, tamln 111,. exibustvaassolunent of Eng-. •
liah; American. French and German Fanny Good.
An Foreign (Linde at thitiewablisbetent ars !rowan.
ed direct by myself, and parches-ea ins., rely on get
ting gwals. from first Chase Into largestuttoria
=Olt of articles, In too va,cle.ty, line, in. he, City Of
FiGaburgle—ail.of which will be sold low for ea* oe
atecptstacu. The Stowe cordons, in part, of
Lace GoodsOlodety,Ulonte., Gibbon. -
I sue Cr.& s 9hw and
(fool Colwoo,. i apes; gaipetudcra,Dations, MU, Nam
Geld and Weer Wittehes;Gold Jewelry.
Lfrasnra, Cod's and heroes
Ferettszlon Cap., !involver', Pisnolu, Clerks, Silk la
Caiton Pewees, hpecincles,'wel Pens, Slump Doaea,
!I oho }lndulge and Ttimeitlng.
Toys Fumy GuOd together with alarte vatla
if of Fancy and :Retrain DRY GOODS.: - ._ „• • ,
C. ve.d.tiEit 1. alao
.ogeoCforOle telfbni.d
. .
rarest liniegated nomad",
co rkfg.N.
above disease,, ie the HUNGARIAN LI! 'Or
LIFE, discovered by. the eelebramil Dr. Bashan. ,
Lonidos s in gnd, andentrodeeed lam the Plaited litZre
ceder th inanedam aupetioteadence of the Inseams •
The extraerdimuy ~teat: of. thie ,
taco of,Palmariary dieratiati, warns:elle Arnerieeth
Agent In a n for treaurant the MOM possible '
es. that oan be found in the aokmuneams that seek
miler la vain Item gay af the common tranedies or tas,
be sap
by the most distingetimod .•
pbymenkus as confirmed andlnearable, The Hauge*
art Barman has eared; and wilt curs the moat deeper..
of eases la is Ctlgnack nostrum, bat a standard Eng.':
lishriedicine, of Inman moinstabliiika elieaey
Rimy kmily in the United ' . ..sates aboald tin sapptikl . •
Docket'.srilk linagarien „Balsam. of pre, not only.,.'_
countess:Mae concomptive teietiele• of the clime.r...
b.. to typ used as a preventive medicine le all ease. el
colds. cc...hoopla* of blood, veto - In Ike mkt arid
obest,i trritetion And sorentis of the la arm, - breekiths.
krlculty of breatrig, Irene fever, Main await
autough.dienersl debbityladactila, fteepirk ".;
Bold mirage bottles, at i bonier, Wilt dam.
dans for the eastorenon of halth, - -•.-
Pamphlet., comainior a masa of English ring Alert
ean certificates, and ether
,evidedee, showing the wr..
eqballed menu of Gas great Earner, Dranittly, may be
obmatoti t s 4 ' • '
Per ate by UA FA INgawulE k ecnrnsr
It and ;Vbod and Wood end Oth
El7l.silte , LEPhRIAL tall al It et Earammy
• Piiisioion,llitek 27,1 , *. • .
M. FL E. Bellete—l. Justice toym end yoar lona* .
'parable Comb twg leiTa to state, for toe pen.
era of the eammelty, that nay erica hawbeeneeveria
now. agitated wito a moat . dtstreanag cough. I pa'
clamd Jazdtary tut,
tayoac tyre. olatb • •
cared a Coed° . of two mon leading. Aetna o o
non , hetuee, the rough returned,' .4 snis 1010 m.
.thot ahe could barmy cote; from •weittiess la the'
broach I' tent Cm ono
he of tone Court d7wah wa3 -
a patio of. om bolas curia the cough I g ' abet
10 }OttllO)Clei wittera. ityy.rely aghotoa who hArS.:
to nee hie mac word., 'eaten etweeh ca ts
tore .101. the peo
n;r ple to o Pataharehll if ate
I .. bien -h u 11 : xi t - *aim; B. liarrn.j
.Prep o ore " d !alai
wad 6y B. Z. BELL al , * 5 .2 AVOtqa
lErotillwa dauwalal .the dye
ALLEGLINIST VF1411 . 14141 e. wan.
A . ..004111NET SRA
r J.,A;trat,tvd wand respect
(.lly Worm 1 / 4 c puolie. that ha
. 4,Ztr e ritnputtwid Do tho.
.t 7.. 4.4f:1: 4
~ yyttSI'R, 4I4U R6III44 S II; alto Re/
.“:1440 RINIIt
er 41.1rieitiAlt.e.warry.bleti
.iii D114,44/ Dyt tot [weaved mu. ,
0 0,444, if a. urea, ' •
4= . 141 443 ,Paralloyod %II
losyttl/2'4414**4 01146 c‘binely/*
ttly, '4l /.. : ' " 4ll4 P ac i r 'i re, 44/ W RR.11 (4"64 4 4 /0 -- -
Iri,l7,l_,_—= 44414/7arnsay ,4
Na grub every tono to thr.ty boo.
No • Weed .trool, Yotalat 4• • • -
I — Dfrp,ED IZ o.
lal/st tor, — Tifiby •
4111, 1 / 1 1 IDE Cal E-41 cults, to am re, /or Sale
I" •", '
c .l Kano& cu.
I ) 1 4 1 :1 1, r bi tiZ i fi.itii.4 PL C . ; 74- 37 4` °. ' )Ii - •
J X1M1414,1
0 1 / 0 ViGLASS—Rtetimiiiite:k b; •
VA IV HhilifotlGll
(.1 0 10)
*kyr 4 11 , 141*1*. ZEIV.
110 4A4 , VINEGALI—te rit, 5i, , . -- 7e . ,* yt ,;, 7.
kJ' kit' xtt 1-.11011 , 11i .4141
pl.. — iX4ElLD—jbthista'd by 41111, My* 'or sat 7'_
Mt . * 310eANDLGE19,
j tIL.CP./Vje.he,tvekleh ett p."Acgoi Pl 7.
for..Plia!Enniett :Marine's, in leveret...l la be
-tivalutipittvt In aver) fee et The Eta dapevt.'
1111 are invite/ call anktitittittie7their eithe
htdin leobbet Depot, teet:7, atli St Did etteet
1,1 •
.!, - .1, Pittt.t.irE4'
1..1 4 " ."""°
Mal/ ae. Fs bat
I aIL I VILLE LIALB-44 al fa %WM far gal. by
yr/atm.:a-1W On reserved for tele by - • -
tIuLD,44.INITOCcomes tor Bstri k toinle
:.W.V 41, A160141 . 4 ,
ti: • 1 4 . 1 ,M1.14.... , .. t
.p.;•+-4 - ••- , :- •