The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 09, 1850, Image 3

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S I APURVCJI‘di TiaLLOtt sway
[ay xosaa's uss.4__
Hsperted Es:desire" for do Osseeti.
Dassgascrest Maass Of Pressgang Taylor.
Wststussrgry CErg, .Trily 8, P. M.
The President it still yerysiek. , He was etacked
with cholera mullet ; on undity evening, July
4th - Dr , Hall, the saladjo g Physician , and Dr.
.Wood, the President's son i„ law, went sent for this
. ,
The tendency of the disease is to inflammation of
the bowels, for the relief of which blisters wens 'T-
B; request, prayer was offered this morning for
the President's health, by the Bar. Dr pyrte, in St.
Johns's Church. A deep and getuill regret is thin- .
gated throughout thecommunity.-
The latest intelligence is lull - more unfavorable
to the recovery of the, President.
Wasactorox, /say S.
Ma resolutions o¢ be Galphla claim, preseracAlij
the majority. of the /3:rearguing committee, were pre
sented ta the Rouse to day, trod parsed Immediately.
The ret.jorityare this beaten against the payment of
intirrsh and eennsfey Pee salary Crawford—ayes He,
n 4.71; bat alerts ming! gobsd on IPMCIL •
Slurs —l4r. Bell =eluded hie speech, boa.
Ii e *pekoe three bortriaSme. Helmeted the sob -'
fur, le all Re bearings, and was conellfatery sad
überal towards the Nonh. Ho mho west WO se
szamlastion of the institutkm of slavery, admirers.
It to be a moot blightirg est% meek is It fo view•
ea v the Nona. He expreued ins , belief that It
would eventually be exterminated, u wallas all
the forms of bandage, bet now wu eel LUAU*
Idr. Smih next took tb• door, up:testes Herr
gun at feeling called upon'ta occupy tba. oo2l°°
of the Senate so late in the disoession, sad eirof•
log to Cues° the privilege eladdreame Method)
provided • final role could be had en lktonday.,
Mr. Clay replied, thaf he could am 00 prospect
of the final question. There were crust Yet to
be offered, end a number of gestlemeo p 111513011011
speaking. It wee nuke loiposetble to fix • day
fa 1 1 / 1 111 - 9100. like were to make r, guess,
cite would. pot st ationseddnif kinereen tow , and
!;Ctolatellaa; He had come to-the criabonon that
it wu best to let us, debate go 011'10:001101, 12-
Mr. Sudial resumed the floor, but yielded to a
atotion for . exemulyeseoloo, which wee *peed
to, end the Senate sous ear adillauttett.' .
Hasa. the House refu sled to regard
..., 1 . 1 1 04 of ptirdeee, the letter in the Brame
Attn.:chequer lam Middles's, (fret sod of Ohio,)
with hurls s stolen certain parent to *relates to
the Oberlin Post Oiltlee; from the Wee of the Poet
Office Department; kering tensed to appoint a
etmuniume of inreetigadoe. This morning /V:
Chiantis remarked that be had not • word to say.
If Cpl. Warren bloke friend In the House; I ask
him to more for an. invettlgetion... I demand it,
la Justice to an oilier of thettoremment cod my
self, and the country, that, We suhjeet be rube d.
ktr. Baker offered% ressilmlon teat • 'select ann.
mates of fire be appointed by the speaker, to im , -
yeetigate the charges again= Joshua It Bidding%
of haring improperly abstracted poperi• from the
Post Office Depot:Meat, and having power to seed
for porous and , impart. The- resolution was
The Gelptila Cksim,came next onderOonsidera.
(ion, and one or twoyotes were had upon an end.
,menu, which are ismsgrollmat is to the dell se.
several 'resolution wire offered and
, the hone rammed the-consideration of
pile ripen. -
net:Alen ores taken on Mr. Mammal& me.
reconaideetbe vote. by which be amend.
eenattringtho Wadden an adopted on SW.
',.end to lay the me Won the table. and de.
tithe adiratatioe—yen Q 3, nityc 91., '
minden was then taken on the second
cf fdr.Tbaropeoes emead meat,a Wows:
dr Moon deoldedly disapproves of. and
from the , opinfon morn by Ike Attorney
. In favor Of an allowance of Intend of
Am, and from tbo Sedan of the Secretary
Treasury,' In the pannett of the same;
wan agreed to—syn 119,lisys 68..
location was then taken on Mr. Selteneles
to for the resolutions of the Select Coixtm
Ick atbwitule Is Ow /Me as
•. Ekhrnek's combined—bath published is
.y'e prtnedings,aud 'which sobwlture was
:d. on SatnnitY, in part, by idr. Thompson
sod Malay by the some septic:mart:Zhu
to eras rejected—ayes Ml, n spa 163
gnestionsof order were then raised. .FI.•
the gamin' win again' stated,: That' the
If the representation of .George Galphin.
Post &sand egainattlas goorrnment of
following mealmien wok then adopted
t the am aforesaid, did vet authorise the Sec ,
of the Tresiery to pay the Wend of said
and payment was not is magnify
...a l aw or precedene—ayes 118,
naja'lt. -
The Mese then adjourned.. •
Hawes; /sly 6,10'6. llt!. -
I'he steamer Cambria hoar New York, arras
• at this port si 7 o'clock, this morning, and sails
-• at 13 o'clock tar Liverpool.' Last arght about
hitt, miles to the eastward. she struck open a
• k, but unstilted no damage. A dente kg ple
aded last night and this morning. At present.
• • weather is floe. • - • ,
Nair Toss, Jay a, 10 Phi.
The Steam ahrn Philadidebta, arrived' hers at
. &cicek this elreololr, Fitt two wecka leer fro
lAgenee tnim Csiffors Is. • •
Philsdelphfa brings Jae* frOZO Sin Fran:
• co; -- to the let of Jetts. She bangs $2.000.000
e seig..-52,000.000 being in freight, and $5 , 00,000
n the,hi yds of passengers. „ •
The Georgia left Magma on the 23th of hate,
hour* Arad of the Potlidelphia.
The bark 'Leap Ellen, of Boston, from Chattier,
on•the 25th nit, and was list. •
The General new. from Qlifarnia, porreates
tseronance. The Millen matinee to ohs
a large quantities of gold..
No farther disturbances have taken place be.
warn the Whites and the Indians.
The late doweetive Ore at San Pamlico, wet✓
• Its With of incendlaties.
There has been no Arrivals of vowels at San
usneisco, from the Soathere States. - '
Hew' Yeag,-July & .
The atettniblp Georgia, from Chasms, Ma Ha.
ana, arrived here 'this morning. She left He
'. UM 00 the afternoon of tbe aoill nit.
The iy a ite,l Sates frigates, Gourmet and GeV.
••• • town, %merest:Wm anther at Havana:
hems reported, ma the authority of the fintlab
•• • I. that note of the Amerman prisoners had
led,• bat the eller attlhorules stid that they teem
- • tli Havana, his said 'van very healthy
•0' the Coati Rios.'
• The Rican:tea Mail fend the United Bitten
'eluding the Gower:it:met Pispatchet, mere lost. -
Li .was reported that' revolution' had broken oot
In Costa Rita, and that General Flores had been
sh The on= Gold Oehler has been sold for
41 won so earitince d'Alfetrs to Sew Green
de heard of the goblitation of anotice in the
aims, States, mining the:American Mang
he lewsuut:of Yana(, to provide themselves
ith pus path', by 'haled to the Prerldent of the
V. public .of New Orenadnoon the abject, - The
stet was notediately laid before Coerce., and
' he result ern, that the senetre.,,,,s wee abolished.
to not, therefore, Deceivers that American cid.
me, on the route for flalifo' nth, .Maid ge t par
~= ' - Wassunersen, Icily 13 - :
Copt. Goddsrd,the edSe'ent aisle( the Auxiliary
- r d, 'been 'been absent on a want mission, tee .
'the, hut three weeks. N. lady knowserhere he
- b ., to pe; bin be is •upposed to hays been sent
l ed by the Govetnenent, on Important pa.. bad
, The Rev. FAlir CCOMbh Nod of li , aialubs•
• town. died suddenly last smut, swam i ! , v .,..
one Wee». •
Two fetid eases, ea numerous others Idolises
meetly rieoveeed. Moe occone 4 bat, very
1 0
}meal reScaiDling the /Viejo Cho!ers.
. •
. , , • ' Borron,inly . 8
5 Another bearing in behalf 07. Wcbder was Sad
I. day, before the Executive Connell. Vatioas
petitions warn presented, praying a commutation
of senienen.' ~• . , • ~ .
A final hearing is to take place , on the leth In.
• WAratocron, July V.
Channellor:Walworth to whoa the Wlleelow
was termed-6Y loselhltall Suites
Bridle Cave
Supreme Court, has submitusd to the Coen, that
rhe bridge is It oaloance.
tl New Yomr,,..rele 8.
CMemerelli anima era mostly *1 ... tim f- The
r arrival of %W Ostiforma steamers Olinda a
th ,,, l tentamt of the'Commetcial eoremueui.
Masenran imy a:
Th. ~.,a. o r afeaith, spooned fro too 24 eel.
~ fag on a saes eteracirt artlem B st td of obtli Isere
of Ceeleta.. ... • .
Nrst Yst., jely 8; :.
"rtsa lima by the ilii-lis 'Broildjoi7esterday, b.
.i t FI
iatitasteduloss aillikrigrittlara .
. -
yissuractroni, July 8.
ni—Ddr. Racoon [calk d up Liz rescilotior,
upon the President hr information KM..
Irooval of ropily:tit Pole. of Tow; arnica,
oonnerstuion, @dosed.; ' •
Imnibus Bill wan then taken up, when Mr:
motto againit the bau, and to dela:wet dm
atter obtained the Dear, arm! which the
tijoutned: • . • '
tge—ttleitos. O.G, 7Llkn. Ttehatoo,. end
au, were ohlositted a select twenottuee to
Jgata Woolwich of the Poet 015copzpot.
The 6eor~,ie hed o¢ bl;ira tbe .daptaha
rew of the hark lacy Ellen, which gru sunk
. .
• Saar Faaniteh Jove I.
These - it eo particular charge to reties to the
Lviaber—eaita aleariad, by, Lb. cairn. rt
310 peg 1000 fret: of American pave at WOO
Candles va declining in prices.
Coal inin grad demand.
eolice is accrue.
01 Coshing, Ury prra's, and Drop, aocis Lle
large, and the merles dull.
FtILE iNPrittiADELiPtilik—B.loT, Opz.
A lire broke out io this eity,laet evening. which
lasted three hem. nye buildt.ire were destroy
ed tat the owner of F hh and Market streem with
as estimated lass elm la 5550 Ara. ,
A An' 6317 PanTi returning from the re. WAX at
tacked. with tins 'emir, to tho tower 'part of the
city ; some were wilco deel,and one of tho snack
ing Ply: it is supeosed, mortally.
prezerAo tEr.PT.I
New Tose, JolyB.
Pleat—The Wee of the various , branda were to a
moderato extent rod T, 0.1.Mtr.141.11.• We quota
5 u ,,,.,8,03144, of straight State at 113 lee
135 Bi nd d Sure 83 =BS elf; oLd of
Obto lndiana at RS! /03 25 per rut
Omar—Wheat laweedy, withourany lake of It
Nrrauee. 570 rolat Me In the slip or C or
40 a fair extent ai :91,610;1er Mt for :deed, at Weal '
for pilaw.. Sales of northern • tau at 48019.1., I
Peorlaiaus—lhe market fa qit. A few sales
were erected at T. 1:0111.. .
coginii.O.Al iIthCORD.
. aackxocluirri trxr.ANoll. •
Jai KIWI/ LL.••-3.$ Y. colsPrk•-••Rort. iflCi. II
subter Wars have thls day formed a eo•Dartner•
skip under the foto of W & o Wrlwu, for the pur
pose of imitating the Wholesale Orneery and Com
stlaziou Satinets, at No te Wood street.
ON. Wii.SuN, Jr.
Pitzsimargh, t, 1109-0.4
PrrnseasstAtemen—We [Mate a sale of 813,000.
Pittaburghnonds, in Philadelphia, estifsdurday last, al
Ole, las interest pad. • • • -
Sammy PISTIXiIitS Gainers. /
: • • Tuesday snorulag, July 9,1E40 $
There was a genetal .alaekneas I. the mashes, Tea•
'AM.'', and Mahtslcist - moment traaaplred in the may
of salea gsotationigerterally sham no variation from
our list report", • - •
Fr.OUR--The arrivals of Flom undone mialerste,
and semi tompankirely light :The regular ruling
rate, from Aria handn, asap be, given at 83 9 brl. We
note Mies fran store, to lots of tti :10 tots, at. 8314/
tli33t3, aneording to:quality and brand. •
Rea Tapra—Thu Market is dull, sad sales =eland's,
tivei sMre, at 83 IMI3 # bet.
• Coal nadee fair vapplias to Ms maim,
'eh% mice atria/18R tip bo.
11 . ACION Ws? 'nisei. (Mr receipts of Dacca, by river,
and dus.morket continues ix good sopplw Wo note
sales from smote bean, of :000 his shoiskiers. sd 'de:
cod of 90000& stdmi it GI; of bun, with shimide , s, at
7e, and Isamu:lie IF tr. With a fair bmi es. from
Maroons condoms Our quotation/Ist 7071, : r fiamtu,
Ig.for sides, and 41041 for shoulders. We n . te:oslis
of sagoi'caree .I:misused hams ato.llo4£li „accord.
tog so cosine and losatirrs .• ' •
LARD-7 he market continues doll, aids Ilmixd
:steam 6O7o,fabrls and kegs.
1 , 1911-9 re model the receip: of several tots of No
lasckerel, and, sales an made it 59 SOP bd . .
of No. 0 et 140.19. and of No. I. atilt4so ♦ Dili hif bra
No.l sic soli at 117 61);'90 N 0.9 at W. Other articles
ander this bead are tinehic red.
tout. co &sego Mame:lndio amebae
Scialrs toottnae light, and sales moderate.
GaOOItRIE9-LSVo smile. co change in the Grocery
mute; “T, fat N 0 sagar,ll, 026je. aa in quality,
Nolaiitee;SlC;asid of Rio Ciffse at. 10j0I - la. tale. of
• • • Batmotole, July 3.
• .
. .
- • Cattle—Tlie k flutings at tbs wilt. on 111enday reeell •
et 400 lead el likens, of whle• were sold to
elty betetters.4o were. fort ore , unsold. Priereeranged
from St 73 to SIM, outlet heetequal to 0 o'ol 73,
wt. eventeleg 153 ilk 1.,
gem* {rota •
ti to 63 55—Amer.'
- -
Nis.? Yon, Atli I.
. . .
'ln mmitcl, 1001 beef cattle, el Sioathero; . lSo cows
tad seism 400 • beep sadism . ...
• Beeves hays bees ptelt7 M.S. Sales of the vest,
sl, from SG to S 3 'Sow as In goalies, sod these Sauces
flay now tet umwdered the fur average Of the en attet.
A lot Of 40 Lead wen takes bathe Hersteuts assist ca
tion. Abast fat wood be hit sand&
' Cows sad Cslves—Sales st.S2O to 533. Alt Wren..
Lbeep 2,1 Lambs—Sheep rind at 51.:31.3 to 1111.
Limbs SI COSS go to 24.-4Trthanc.
Matra talent at Dreads tuffs' and Proart.
ends:cash inly 3, IE6O.
The folio it: h. a Ilst L
ot 129..13=4 exports of
Haestsulit Previslattiadarlep the past weer.
• .Import.. Expert..
pi. Will. • - •••••••••. 40. "111
Wheat, butal.--- tin "_ •
Corn... 13,170 1,50
Barley, do••••••—•....••
Bye, • . do
Bee tol4 ..... •
Pork and ll teon./Ade
. .••••
'do do
do do 141.--
Poll In bole,t4l.
dlGig.. and • keen
Corn Neal. .... ••••••••
5 4 4,
1,241 412-21
, • (Price Clmeet.
lasrssiso, Jelr 4, iF:At.
The tagovrisis is a list of ine reesipte sal cleanses
of flradsenTs and Frailness,
.44 ads son, daring the
moth el Jens . ,
! I . / worm 'kport.s.
Flea, —•
wumt,bad.a.—, • 141,7ir.:
jun% .. ......
Ow, • dt
Intessi, Vs 7,,6e
Lad,lbsbrit =O9l
Cheese; Cre••• .... ....... • • • • V,747
--- - -
• damn Varee—Auttmann Lotsato Ott —Vire
would call the attention of desalts us, and consumers
of, Wend Oil, to the advertisement erne J. V Oath
de, esposlost a system of sidulternies Linseed Oil.
white bag, we learn; been earned en to rouse extent
in this Hp—and tlsewhere, of cuing Toe 'modes
operand' of tbabstainessts about this: The adnitern
tantatebamesemply Linseed Oil barrels, Indto*SfettY
Camels of Linseed and Corn Oil—an equal qoantsty of
oath; the termer coning as 00. and the loner 50 cant,
put Rehm. Thera are mine, and the product, of
course. is forty barrel. of the adalterated ankle, nt a
on of 75 owns per gallon: width, when sold at 55 or
at au, a. It has been, yields a handsome. profit. 'no
Cons Oil Is, in appearance, so murk like the Lamed,
that 4 I. imposubto, almost, to dislingolen the adulter
ated heat the pare article. natal seed, whey Lila - 62=d
se bemire' ' worthies•. The only way, therefore, to
avoid impended, lam parch*. Invarrevoectable boo
sts, who will ',arrant whatever they sell. Tbeorands
4.1140 at ho say snide. as empty barrels, containing rho •
brood of any otanafacturet, may be obtained and idled
adulterated Face Current
S.l7.Corer J. 27.1. d and Maria
•LL lAA MA RIO= At Xt. 1221CIAL
L /WIG 11:15011./1.111014•..
• •
• .LS/messy,
Apra for :/s Parana. LAP Insurouv Go. of
of the 'Western insanince Company No.
te Pt Watercress, Pittsburgh..
Pamphlets, with all necessary Intorciatlon, and
bleat forms will be tarnished. •
Ilasbands can insure their lives foi.the benefit of
their wives and children; creditors the lives of their
-The .arbole prefit. cif 'the Conipsaj ari; divided
among The holders of Life
The dividends of the past two yearshare been.clih-
Orr cent each year. 1.26
• . • wiLicuse
- -•rotrirra 13TREET, PITISBAROI - 1, rn.
Tlll9 msnifieent es•abilshment being now cm.
bleed and ready for b niece s, the proprietor world
respectfully wiled a share of the pehlte patronage.
Its ussta trygtsiag his tall attend n le the badness,
to mg, the Immo a plecestit and .comfertable resort
for plur theally. ettiWns of Piusturgb aid for the country
- •
000.1 Mende= will be in waillog,ged egary_ea.
Mien mule to Joder the estahlistmentwoirthy the
Count..we and mapport of an is tellleent tetemency.
The TWO BPACIOI4I3 HALLS, hued toe Pant..
Cottons, Lectures, Balls, 004 paha* oneness, wall
be lot by lie evening or week, on as liberal terms as
my other in the city. •
• r. The DAR and RiSTAURANT. equal in style and
bingte to-any•ln the world, will ha kept fentbdud
..m.g e re Wines, Choir. Liquors, Cellists, Potters,
Sudan the tor I, babe, retreehnlen'a date season.
tposlesiUnene t, Puth, Buy, Oysters, and. Clans,
served t o the st ryle.
• The MING and 11.141 CltEATit will 4,-bring en
toe gnat doer, aid easy of access, be tangled,
toppled with ill the Luxuries and %deceits of the
*reseed end alsa,with oath substantial. as the market •
Lt r,,,t .
• Itorreing - trrthe day, week, or year. Otnncnor
Serpens for Mlleidual a Or portico, tarn:shed on short
Oentlemei with, eels families, clotting Ike tit, can,
be savph eft with leffechentiale 01.11 kinds at any boor
the Gov.
Good flubling and en
exienstee Livery Tenbllsh•
cunt la toteceted with art 11.11.
at 1 o'clock., liteakfut sad Tea et thereat
P./dilute* the Ladle. to the Ice Cream and Melo,
St bon No 47 Stelthltald mat... • • • •
ir 't 4o. • K. ft. via RMSSELAER
or o a b • .
porn -4' 41
.'l' a V I l r is i itrviiiimi&
, - -; • • n Wad s:
ES NON BYKUM—Just prepared oodfor aoW‘y
the gallaaafhanla, by B N WICKEHBH Mi
Cat Woad 8:oth out
T11..1.1=1141 !doming of Roeltholdeta irk the At
=Aga Ohio Tekereoh Compan.y.will be held
agreeably to Charter, co Lumley, the teth of July,
at Ile...clock, 11., at Me ‘iotarrany'a Oleo, Motet
PbllllXlll9bill, for tho papal. of eleellnit
alna binsurra SCTIO Mt Me toning rammed te
unman earth otter ea may bn brought Wore
the meeting. By order of the tneal4eut.
ateXF.E.Perretare.. •
winos -141 do: on Lando"d for - W . ; b.
•17 !dr - WICk t. McCANOLF9B
- •
11.doks 100.1 p,, do-bond , far solo In
0, 6 ;• • , 4 • -ISAIAH DICKNV e. CO
Wantß Profit ty
It:rm.-119p en 7leer?tams% Its channel hat
....¢l4g, and rains
atiehiaan, Brief. Herter.
Lake Erie. Clark, Deaver.
Fashion, Pantiles, klmaheßt.
Atlantic,, Pararson, Brosroatilla.
Baltic, Junta., Brostionlle.
Beaver, Gordon, Beaver
Camden, llesalstetron. McKeesport.
\•ooIbioony. (Ilan. Glasnost.
Frito•dshlp, Wheeling:
nul Colen his, Often. Louisville. •
Cinderella, Harder, Wheeling.
Bria, Ikaver.
Cawlea, Hendriekunt, klaiCoaapoit.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
I= l , Paltu a . tiro wantilo. '
treavei, Gordo°. Dearer.
Youghiogheny. Cfee, Glattagosr.
Lake Eno. haf
Clark. Beaver.
Nliltaa, Deri. , Loalavllle.
Itn4:Te h nitlettc
Wellavutr: Yana'. Bridgeport.
UEAVI R—Yoeghbebeuy,y P. M.
LOUISVILLE—aemeee, 10 a: u.
WHEELlNG—Cinderele, 10 a. at.
Tam lIVIZIK.—The weather, In this ilelnity, Its., for
some time past, been execedingly dry, with on solver
anee.of rain, in far as roe could mee,in any dimwit.;
yet,lelahln the II hears ending at desk but canine,
'we have had a rime of? anthem In the deer. This par;
.nal rime, we believe, I. from the Allegheny.
Tbe line steamer Gemmel, Cepa Moore, having
been nnavoidably detained, will leave for S. Louis
this morning, et 10 o'clock.
The gee, 11‘01 dreoght 'waster Moderelle, Caen
Mellen. will /save for Wheeling thla monolog; at
oupon.Ts nv lUVEU.
NVIIRELING—Psa , Famoman—.9 oks moot, Wm
II .I,momon; 9 do do, 0T0..500, Atkins do ats 4 do do
Ya bbd. Tobacco, D Ladd, a co; 111 do do, Woo Bing.
AIM: IS do do, Quit &Thaw. .
CINCINNATI-9os Tmsrmsa MU Isld Ml,Lotor,
battik co; IT sacks 0,001. %Nark .0 Ttia , o; OA brio'hord
011 Mad tobacco, II Untif a Co, 14 mots wool 4d.'
festbsto t bt:Smcooror; Wm Holmes a so; 9 brio ams,
Join Patton; 13 moo pis Iron, fdoConly a. i;00gBig; .0
do do, II Childs; 03 coots bacon 114 LIS Oslo beef
ran Lowns.-60 brio loaf ossar,Wm Mantes & ed;
10 bolos mina, Il T Leech a col sundry pat &dm. 1.1
Watermsa; bbd, bums, 41. m alotkam; 60 balm
soldus mop, W Under; V/ tali lard Wt, o . l.l.annor, at
Mos a co; lOU t , as rg metal, McCord) , t 140606 6
MI. bona me. Mon. wharf boat; 33 dos brooms, }Slat
• ' "
. Put titarsre-9 boles wool, Wes Barker; 113 tierces
bums. H Groff co, 33 boxes tobacco 13 bales wool V
brio sugar :1 *heel barrooms, lot scrap iron. Monne, St
lards Occur. urged:study J 8 Young; 74 bp .
!Sather., I) Leech & cc; Abs. rags 3 at* do, J How•
nt; b ecru, Iron, Jones & Qoagg; 54 4r7 _ hides 7
deer rirto., II & H Hanley; 23 Das cattle" Brown..
• 11: bur ; 3 otos Mdte, Hager & Fonry tb; 53 WI
bass, W Bingham, 33 bets lard 014 W Horton It bolos
hemp Lbrosso & Kirkpatrick; 1 boo badge 34 akaleatk
.. Clock & Top.; bap &stag, thopuo; gy
cuts Loons, Clark & Thaw tool scase,Whiwsore
Wolff 49 bd. oil, Clark /r;Thaw.
BEAVER—Pea Idinwosa-18 boats incase, J A
Caushey; IL be brand). I du whiney half do sin, U
Helga; Sti his cheese, W Kramer; Al brain. clay,
•20 has Omen, iS F Won Bounhorst; dr do co,' J B Can
field; 63 do do 4 bit solemn., 13 Benetton..
FUNFl6l3—Pats WuJavaxa-1 boa bacon Simko
do 5 bd. kother.l boa bons ea ass wool, 4 Inds to
badge., Clark A Thaw; 32 sks weal, Bellk Lim n,20
hoe. wawa., W Biognam; a cans 1...c05.:1 ift ,, A-111;
10 Wads tobacco, to Lath rs. Co; I/ do do, John A Roe;
dead bean le low for anon,
Fialcium-25 onto bacon, W Medium; 13 sacks
wool, A McKie:Loan ado 6e owner on Loafdi.l Lax
mdse, REl..ollen; 6 ante wool, DLcoch /r. Co; . 1 hot
Baler A Forsyth; Rld pmts small many to Al da.
1 kodu.
Pa Wa hbds tobacco, I/ Leech &Ott; 23
an, W H Johnson; 13 tons pig metal, Litmptory Rof.
• LOUIPVILI.P.—hist Hatt. Colsnosta-77 otrorool,
Clark a Thaw; 41? dip blots, W Hrywo; brit oil,
Ann-, Matteso, & co; 10 outs bacon, J A Halain
sotr, e 7 boo whetaorio.., D leech it etc a tot eons
cored nom, 11Grolf &to; 31 bbd. tacos, s,'Connor,
Atkins & co; 104 ell. orbistsy; J Pritltor.& ea; 10 oria
man iron, Coleman ' Hainaut & co; 4 bases bats, n
Letelt & no; 2 las m dse, &I Alien & on; b:i ootboya,
densely Retry It.; hoc aultdiies,L 21 Waterloos.
11'1 :u e.1 11, 71. hi .t .r u re m n la
e. O.
. . . _
Yu do 134 Air, • .
In gime sod for ;Co by '
jyt BROWN t RIREPATRICK,Iii Moray n.
S UC4%R. II I I " m, in.urc at. 4
k larytt LAC*, irttiti—il etas. Leta ee.a,: •
A r , while ' ..
Jost received end for eel, by
lei ttati, A. AteCLING &CO , e7O latterly .t.
OtibP, - FrAlactiltifiEte —lO Nem }mute
"Make ferule by
jem WM. A MeCILUAG iN).
Puts Elteevarau.—A quantity of plate, valu•
ad at two tbouraod dordraorbteb bad bees elJee
on Saturday, form the darttilicy house of Mr. Cad
al. to SPdo, area recovered on Sunday. k bad
been lutik by the thieves!, the -hionaGgltheils th.
10 FFEE—CO hap OWN k No. Ck
SUM trae !Sewn,
rue viols
AN N. Candl , ..,
Wax d,.
Sommer Maid, Co. .
• • - Di Dyed to.
ror gate by wm. A. MeC1.1.111.0 41 CO. JIM
B A: i t y ls--7,3 , 11!rtev , 1e . k I , n i o j r . e . 7nd fee
L9ll—•ts bbl blacken], •
• TO do Hernag,
LO do Nand; ;a rots and ter salt by .
tjaGs—.O da. - Coortad in midi and cot
1 sate by
Q ser 1311 WIIM9IC-100 ells for salt by
191 Water & It sta.
A 0 r.l-10 bales is stars, asd .11 Ds sell law to
sts.a tenslgnment.
I)1 lea 1.1.11 DICKEY k CO.
rpoaAcco-10 bales ro , ildelo" polnd 12/09
*Ulm coif ten low to don co-mil/mutt '
pUt t o i d—:o caaks ea 5.4, or Isle by
T) •
ACC?N /3A119 for sale b 1
01 IdAI/11 1 DICKEY k CO
Melodeon Thane with tlrfes melte of Moeda
TUEST received at the din of de Golden Harp, Ow
superior 5 onavelend-mu Piano, snit two sell.
of Benda, the !sliest lorproventana - The OW. 'ls
probably the Lent toned lanrosnant• eVW Ironed for
sae here, with a bight. Lashed and elevnt exterior,
(*reale by BeH, It &LEBER
Proposals. -
1 ine )ROPOSALS will be received until Jaly Unt sth,
Our Building • Pabbe School He lillll Third
Ward of Allegbeny City. A lan and apecificatious
ma) be teen at the office or John W. HarLeornet of
the Diamond, Alleebnny
/17 JOHN IRWIN, Je..
R00Z17..1 . LOWRY, Preprliter,
INtlie guars,ltollaspstistril,
nENEKAL StAGE OFFICE- Tao Deily floes
Uf of Stem . for the Earl and W. 4 also the Bed feid
dugs leaves his bons. . iel7:4lm
(enith'it - Fgrlf P Offia)
Laving permanently Iseatad at this place, a • In.
and aohstantlal Wharf Mayen are preened in so•
eaten and forward promptl• la all points= ths river,
and Mandy end Heaver or Obis Canals.,
Glasgow, J.01,6,4e1d
Dr. J. RI asirra's Illarsaparilla. or Laidlass
retat aegis Lad Mood Parts**,
HAe been ealilielvely asod far rd years by th e
Doctor is ea extensive 'prowler, and la eon&
dently stealer:Leaded to the per lit for Ma earn of all
Impurities of the blood gad general debility, Anima.
µsow dyspepsia, orstV, colds, brendatie, dropsy,
nem. or general de day, female campurlou, mar
mural dl.eases, deem, sores, or 'MM.", and
caarkof the skin, teller, be , Hirst compleirds, in sbon
for all impantiss of the litiod. tslawbolly vegetable,
awl may be alma muter any titGlll9Sta2l.o with per
feet ealety Prepared by elliblUliir ICRRIIIER, HOt4
more, kld. For we, wholesale sod mfall, by
je27 • 67 'Wood et Plumbs rali
nic. J./. MYERS uncle bee nrefeselonal oeretcea
to the emcees of blenebecer and VlCinay.
°face and residence, for the Drench, at RondeJe,
le blatchester, tmmedlatt ly above the U. EL Marine
JPuteurs—vti cooks Cuy Cared - Baron bleThWe - e ,
received and for pale by
)erg S. & W. HARD/AIM
AINIS-11 cute Salmi Cued Canvausd puns,
jeU received and in sale by
S. & W. umautinit.
rotall CHEESE-20 bore• Crean • Chookr„,
and for .•10-bY
GI, AW-1W 1:111 • 15110 %tram Griix;
AU Dia IMO do do; for solo by
113701n-EleTnIC-ChtilOLATlCtobl WM A ItIoCLURG CO&CO
S %YEN E.:O-4U Gus ti k:buzeuadr.,:io 4b,
5o do: No
30 dos do No 714
ItO do: Fe CLICiI do, nrooricd;
For .4 , 0 by tibldl 0 YEAGER
Lrrgirib--Ilais us sum lot Obis by
Jr,IP • tit MON, lATTL E & CO
.13"%' - `""'" , *°°A'B l l=4.l.7i4LlT'T.,
CLwv A - BYED - liiillB-41 coke to note. lon elle b 7
pOTl4l.:4loair, d. prune oriel', for nobs ej
• joie Ro Wood et
IbAD — "ltto PIP Ha cue Lead in atom and to
/ tire. far Alas ny • •
ROOMS-100 dos fancy luta common Bern broom•
far owlet br fled J k R IFLoWD
IINI5ELI) Ohre roe Correia prime jest received
and let see by b N WICHEILSFIAM
AgG Ger Wood sterti rte
100.000 feet Seasoned Met Flank;
100.000 feet Coal Boat siolny Pot rale by
1003fiRT fdOCIOOIIT,
je2ositt Ammo at UV. Mush at
10 rOATI-84 hkds tot iges by
OOFFEE--170 racks Ilialerisla by -- • I
bisbert cuerket price in Cue evi.ll be paid for
T the different prides of Wool, y
lend 8 re NV HARDBOOII-:'
CILASSED 11Ak16-12 1 lawr i r ; l t Tatriy i.
SCAN- 2 1.11cuts mato littooldersi for sale b
r p.
, C *I GRA s.
PI - •
m er i t ' ma
ht. itoll'hlt•Jl
INt ili sals by Wir Vesfl '' ''C itOILANT
LOCAL illerrElkk
• • . • rot Truemaxi-ids! roIUILY gaZSTII
The Boatd of Managers of the Altersbeoyeretrt
ty Agricultural Am ceinthon met on Bitnrclay list.
io the Detre! Court Room
The Oon„lodse Lavrcvas, Oh oscPioe, sp.
poin*lpt*Cturtuan, srd John Mord.r..b, Jr., s
Peetilee Township, Seel'elary. "
Oa airnfoo, it Wait
Roam". Tint the last‘Wednesdat and Thor"
day ot ideptember he the day. appointed for hold
ing the Allegheny County Agricultural Fete. •
The following resalution was carnet: '
Rewired, That Meseta. bioassay, Murdoch,
and Cooper, i,o appointed a Committee to cones
pond who tie Pittsburgh Horticnitural Society, to
inquire tato the practicabtlity of both socletic.
haidieg lbeir awned . extubition• on the someday
Rmised, That Allegheny City he t h e locality
selectee for holding the Fair.
011 motion, Messrs. Kelly, McCabe, nod Way,
were appointed a Csaimitteh to ostler with the.
Allegheny Cm:Moils relative
. to procuitizif the ow
orals lots to the Charism:l,4n order that the exhi
bition of the Society might be held there. 'The
same gentlemen were also appointedh Comminee
to prepare the ground, putetp stalls for the cattle;
ac., •
Oa motion, Messrs. Miller, Cooper,wriii Mc.
Culla, were arpoiated a Cal:medico to declare
who 110 he Gutted to receive *mimes at the
After pmeleing for the {tubby:Mau Gftbeit pro
coedit:4e, the Bootd adjmitued tato meet in the DT
tee °eon Itoom on the wand Saturday el Au
squ. '
Cmulaa.--We regret
. to learn at • man died
of olmlim lestufilay. the ' RAW. Mr. Passavanes
Hospital. Hews s • stranger, who came op ots the
steamee Miser), sod had eontrocted the armee
on the river. Several other fatal cases hive oc the hospital, and to town; but in not
single legume has the dlreise Attacked a citizen.
We mention this to order to prevent our readers
from being deceived by false mews._ Never was
our Mei in a healthier condition. and if May . place
Le the Vatted:States will remain exempt Soto the
visitations of the choler, Pittsburgh will probably
that place. -
. ,
TEM CANTBILit nave claiming
vocalism pro a Concert Mat aright, at Wain,
Han, which wu attended by a very large audi•
caul. They will appear again to eight.
•Tirs,hdcuuw—This popular place at &aim•
west is visitedirrers day by away of our eltrsaws
who are dulighted at having no large a coll.:m.on
ofauriosities amongst us. . •
diune.r, July n.
' Hun. Wm. B. McClure, Peedant Judge, and
Wm. Ken t Associared Judge.
Tito Coon of Qasztor Etersioas mei voltam.
to beat motions arc.
Mr. Dantap made a motion for anew trial in the
ease of me Commonvreabb cr. Elmabetb David ,
eon, convicted of utault and battery, comailked
on bar servant yid, Margaret Prelllol2. Aker the
motioa had bran argued by Mr. Dunlop, and bt
Mr. T. M. Marehall, (mho mad, a very Impressive
addrear,) cm tha pan of Margaret P$C44OO. the
Cann °rematch At,
- Henry ?Ike, at4atsed of stabbing Olivet Bret ka
Itt the teem with butcher knife, was teought
oat of jail and dint/ebbed' ones baiog bound beet
to appear at the cast tem of the Otturt afq tartst
&Woes. Pate, we believe, used the knife is
defenee,and Snooks is out of danger.
.• Mr: IL. EL Hawkiire, made s uttaion few a new
trial to the. caw of the Coinmonweelth vs. Pew
McDaasld, convicted of forcible deraitir. Ia re•
viewing the Motion, lads* McClane, observed
that ha had never aces a young gentleman o
Mr. Irs 'elan who mad a case of forcible eau)
and deuuretirotr ejectment, re wells comp:Raw
which' Mi. Ilawkin's well deserves. TKO mean
held over. fur argument. Tan Court eat all day
bat was chiefly occupied by basluces of no inter.
cat to our. readi r s.
4=ov:so Bol9LAlY.—Satnevaftandrera
terapicel to enter a store in DUirtond Aber. or
Sunday sigh; by brelits open the trip door of
the root. They were discovered. !waterer, be..
Core they succeeded In chesr nefarious design.—
We Iwo that they tisve:.beeo omitted.
Bats ns Lois.—All the demise:, Hit' ints of•
fermi for sale by the Committee appointed by the
Allegheny Council', have been sold at time
twelve to Aileen hocdred dollen per lot.
Meteorological Table
Rosined for the Pitrabargh Gtzottr, oral fur th
fLaigualiaxt lortitute,ihraabingtott City.
lIIIGUT OP Till rgirtlllollXTL., '
From Jlll as Us tT outs tAa 7th.
Data Sun rue. 9 a.ll. 3 r. u. 3 r. Y. Dully moan
July 1 71 89 90 94 99
3 7:2 75 94 7'7 77
i 4 hi 77 78
4 70 99 91 . SI • VI
5 70 S 0 93 . 95 .
Et .87 90 . . SO ' ID
7 70 '1.75 SG 80 78
EL. 4. ppomaron,tn,
WIIOIAS tt.IL liiiOCER, Ptoduee, Fon.arCrg,
god Commtwan Merehunt, and l ittler In Firs
bare§ Manuttetami, ra)Libeny mach Plusbunh,
MitEarners toad consignees of Areoda arriving b)
the “Cid.he Portable Boat L 1.," will please
tate notice that they will be malted to pay freight
at oar warehouse, accord] ug to the receipt, before
the goods are remelted. C A tiIeANCLTY k. C 0
011,—l0)brls Turners , Wbala 04
Utr3 Ws Tanner* , Oft;
lee bra
,blesebed winter Elephant (Y
:NO bola'. do do Whale Oil,
MO play/dater Priem Oil;
'Whig Spann Candles; for sale by
& Nisi:ULM
illnigodere sa a2l Beath Wharves, Pailadhlptih.
TOll/I.EN, M D., forrodilp of Pailadelphli. and
• late of Near Lishott, Ohio. takes plea sore to an•
nymph:tic that he has located kletnelf permanently to
'llusbargh, al the potposo of practising the Taloa.
branches of.dletheine and Surgery. Calls promptly
attendee to at all hear. of the ear and night. Weer
and residence N 0149 Third Street,bettroonSmiddleld
and Want.
• Baruaacra.-£. Blanton, Fourth all P. Nap,
Tkoksolier .and Stationer, Wor! agent, R. Kennedy,
Apothecary and Druggist, Penn.'. • ja".B:dl7
F RUITS, &a—
-3NI b b lz .. Oranges,' lo pekoe braes,
3tObzs Raisins.
00 drums Ns:
4lltWPedalMesser otates;
Pub Track Baskets;
• Jest ressleed.asi fm sale by
jyt.dlm No 3 NOrtblVnanreo, Ytolsoelpisla
BOLIVER FIRE BRICK. for male by the bou load
and from acre. -; KIER fr. /ONES,
171 - Itukt, Ye Tenth meet—
UTRAPPItitI PAPER—.Allsorted rises .nt I.rlno ,
yr email citultalet.W , P Al ARSIIALL
. -
jyt EC, Wood ti
IVtitlittli PAP4I4 —uop and riot paper. ta r n
qualliy, fur 111 per ream. W P blitlt.dllALl.
_171P 5 Wood n
'ATEW SNORED HERRING , last reo'd and for palc
.LA at GO Far box, by 810111116 et HAWORTH
i 1 . East Bled of ibo Diamond
T AEIIOII,-0 brla rcetinong and for .sle by
POT ABII-50 casks (or tee iosr, tcielove ton.lin
mesu. by ti) II JAMES DA IA F:LL -
kj ill , 4 KIDD& CO -
TiillairE—ertas straw, reelti.llitlsvell'sl.lne.
U for We bj fjc2sj J A ES DALZULL ,
"MR BRICIi,VcO In style and ffIT 55 5 or.
UULIEUS-211e•as for 'tale la
& Nr itAßimcni
FLOUR -75 Me $ F Flour;
NI bele , >yrs du, reed on 'eonolgrareaa
and foe salo ay [WSJ Li h W ['ARRA 13111
LnicLerliiiiKOTiFiTtur Kale by
116-- S & W RM.:BOHM
CIIRESN = —5O Ina eye sad W R Cheap* i r 1.1:11
letel R & W RARReIt,II
WINDOW GLAl3.5—?..q bu &waled saes jut
- ‘yrcrel.ed cud (or ,&o by ,
more and (ct nlis b$
.1 , 214 ' . 9.k w. HAIM& V(/ II
Vs3le.4llD ighoms.
to t NI IVR.PfIY BUKheir ou CIII 7 IELD invite tie attention of
the ladles tfits:tem of nest et ol
Gthehtras, lien and dark; fnelndtne foto , oftite hnnt
octant, or Frenee, of the roost durable color*; also
brown, blue, aid other shades orl3roiade
• new trttele—at north tan nether of Fourth awl
garter streets. ism
M URPIIY /a ll(MICH FIELD balm received a eau
of nal, and beautiful lay 16 wI.U. groan!! Prints
of Lawn Yancrns, oft very floe elenha.ul the low P. , e
of ; Included Ln to as,onsuest ma rink, ulna,
LnCnnllataar.calaTa jeZ7
frAH-45 DC. N C Tat Nr. read fn i Atte. ty
}Vgb sr)N. & co
OAP-40 Just reetivcd tinr map by
LI Jai. Ros, LITTLE ro
n RV.ASE--.9 Wit to tumor. for told t•T
tx . • las . • . /SAIA.I!-DIFITY*CO
Sp Fk.F .- Irdl - 1 - riii - it Yo.t.ii=..diTdt - iitiittO wttb
i. w:t OD, a boanilfdrattirle. to attire:for told LT .
W 25..
~,... - - '''' ISAIAH Dieu:V.4 co
DarAilinri:447s7,7c - 4 4., I.IICATZ,,i, ,
Jt.27 ' IVICX it Ms CA..1.L4 .
• •
dichaase B okera, c'i•••
sankoft'Arabargh • —Par •
iketwe Bank ••• ...p.• •
dark. Mart. Lima •Par
•lkr•or Ytaladelpdia•.yw
•Itati Barra par
ofGertaaeterra •Par
tZesser Comm • —par
• thlorare Co.. ••par
• Mortigereer7.:o•••Par
• Notracmoriand—par
rl•rnibi . Wrm- • • par
or lessorn Bork pas
rinucts , Bk. Readipa•par
- emeu'Bk. liaekilUe.par
'curer. B'k Laneo'r•par
...mote , Co. Bk.• • • •par
•St armorer parl
Uorter —•••••--4t1 Dant
Iterreavrile Bk par,
.17.'111ex/on 11k.• •
ierryabarakßir.--.•• •
amberspurg• • • •..... 41
rosquebarraa Cp.
dithlletoarti .•••••• •••I
'or1,11••••7 ..... •• • .4
natmera. aud fronton
Il L ut, Waynesburg- I
ialleadali,-•••••••••••• • I
Ulm= Pnt
ro w
ratk Ilk. I
West Broach •• • I
Ittlitf Nowa #
Co . amyl
% In?'
11214 awl Branilus,4
.... ..
'din te.—et
en..—... .•..
CLcur..natl Blab
Canova!, -•-•••••••-• "
Pita= •••••••••••••••••••• • " I
Wooster -
krossillon —;;••••••••••• • r I
4 salloskj
Gettaira •••- ..... • •• • I
Vorrrlk•••• • ........ ;;;;.,
Clereland-•-•••••.....-• • .t
Wetterill ftessnro•
Franklin SR Colotabos "
Chillicothe -;••••••••••••-•.... 4 .
LotetErio••• • .
CADOGLIIii••••••••-•-••••••••1 0
liall211b111—••• • -4-.13
qrs.nriUe ....... •••50
Fenrhsirt Canson*-50
eik orKentuelrf•-•••• • 1.
Bk.of Loui.rille• • —•• • ••
Nothem Mr. KaraWky. "
■ar V...-t--Cite Rua
fi Mira 11A IESPIa tAA Ai 41
. - -
COOYEES . ISMULARS— Shoot end staed.fof UI
try - (j •U A FAUNESTOCK a. CU
MOLASSES -180 lOp N O Al&Auer
131arla SU do • for see by
• ROMBIN, tarrLEA. co
i 039 - 253 Liherty • • -
GUM • A a IWC-400 I b ß i lorit A far ‘ ll l3 7 c T cl e
t C 0
jez 1F1,.; and Wood
rektgiVtAitTAlt—lettr lbe powdered. loTeele by
2:lna% ly •
)" n 4l e " xtt a a C e h relvn 9
Chtnefer .0e by
by et: • trlng AlecaNDLEs3-
LOVR-100 barrel. for me II(
"*F.Y.E—tlbxs on band, for sale by
T4...,.17 /SWAN MCI= trio
(3 .. r:4 , YARN Is lI—I. bitkr,odligt(lsZ COTer.r
II ERR IN tin--'3l Ws on Auld nnA let sale by
Grtg—irbitrre is for 11•16 by
SI Wood .1
Eitt-ItY— ID us luso: i.edi • . .
krgg best Lon don. itir 1111:11
DEACk SAND-11 brio .r talel;Y
(A. day bYro,ar. are prep No
and 'la oboar their Markt
cad tbop_tato their •riention, as toraatly. Jerr
EEAST' INDIA CASTOR 01 4 —Far ospesior ta the
best Arca ri eut eoid premed Oil, pearly kea kok
wow or =tell, la 10 gal Ma, for kilo by
S UL Mimic by
/SA A ll PICK6Y aco
. • Front A. Wvtr lt
SU U —'. l ---- 1, 1 . 4 Zat=lF. , Tri, !table tar sta, at alainp,,
far sal. by del4j . ' IVILLIS a Rop
rollN:.,iou Um l'ellow,tdaioti.arta ranatle by
..--' ''" • ArOILLSi ROE
EICETHERPiELTII9-40 dez patent, far oak by '
_ _....
'--CP kv _
:VN PAl•lb—iu b 'tar la •- . ~.
ler: ' t v aCIANDLISS
At L•th-.4770, 'a eV.... IlEaTin it
A . tor . - - WICK t. McCaND
rel ; I t tk.D.LtAGS-410 do' !at „Jo na
BUOKETS a TUBS -31 E d e: . Beget 4117ka4 .0
023 I & R FLOVD
WRJOYING PAPER-7n ruts assettrd fat WC by
J&11F7,1 YD
24mod ' iar ealsk U" t7 Sid"
lei . IPS klberrY
Valuable. Property for Sale.
A.GREEACI,If to tbe last mill and testement of
the hoe William Tem-, deeeiteed. Tee , ssb•
ernberoffero for oak, on very aecoonmedatieg rem.,
either the whole or a pan at the omen). boor flex
0 the 0111.10 of the cold Wm. Tense, 04a010 an the
west Mae of Hand street, sejoinlng.the AiltirEtZl)
0 . 4 e, sonetating of 3 tbtre atcry larmers,tero of them
neArty tow, plressedy Mooned and in good order. •
Alto, roit re r ire boll of ground adjalolug the above—
sold moan or alluded, as may salt the Tambour..
ALto,adveral lota in the borough of
Ae the object of the rale le to insert the Proceed.
Melt= benefit of the farrelyof the dercaseth the greater
portiou of the perehau money eon be retained ler
names years.
Tills proper., mutate • (aeorahle oppoman ty for
any are wanner a routionsble home on euy terra.
MO LET—One auto above Mores will tie'rented
o good anent at • vow low nut.
for Anther Informn!ino, rpm to
R WRAe,fieting Exeeitor,
lelCdtf or tots JONES, prriteirt. Liberty et-
EA NOT S-133 sacks gronntl nom for solo try
gM.I V.ruo.okai tb6rilts-130 for silo by
AR Lc 011,-50 Lila Si Tar;
su Lrle Mauer.' Oa, for nia try
e3] • Jk6 FLOVD
OFF).:L 4..TEA—ICO Dap pr'pol Rio Coffe
In e: . •
Ico p.eteres II F
aurta and far sale by J A 11 FLOYD
SACREIIEL 32 brio No 3, for oak, by
DICE—IO se* landing and for oale by
El, lets J & R FLOYD
FeldILY FLOUR-10d brie Ant teed for sale et A CIILUERTAON
fIOFFEE.3O Roos Omen Rio reo'd for solo by
ja i) Id obtsu Poiebong,Drania we
COTES& TEAB-IC4 bags Rie Coto,
75 hf eberta attortoliTers;
Jun reoblyed and for sale by
Yet cl a w Bides,
Y ea.
, • k
nat. a
igloo rn lders, received par warder
IMO Newton, and (ar rale by
OTABIL -7 calks of eery One qe•Illy fur retelling,
I. for &Rid by J eI(3IIOUNMAKER aCO
Jai 04 Wood et
tjACON PACEit—ti. few team Leavy and close
Ur such 1111 111 u.ed ill Ctuclnautl So? panting hams
jeti Jl . l9l9AlDAyklililLs CO
HAnDWAIII: PAPER, from 79540 lb 17s It o
various go:tilos, for sale by • '
soul • .1 SCIWEIVMAKER & CO,
rIANTA Ska:D lb - bitiforiiint - i -.--- --
IL, Jell J BCBooN . 4lllipt k CA
fag , by
FraligritilVtio7iiiiiiiitdiaBBBB,B Nog
11 brli txtts iloarll . l sale by
124 01 Waldo et haiy,Loo et_
1, I to'r role by
1 LOU it:Ziiiftiiiiiii7iTinTeri r Plai7;roiiii WW-
TrAMS=firial Vuun4 Sugar Coed,/ate
atom lb, Std.;
SPOIL, 10t lute low, to elOtO tout
mem. by Vral_ MILT, MATTHEWS h. CO
vat , lama bat
1.4 tutu, a ouporlor mount for Amity naa just to
cowed for sato by , JAS A HUM/1180N tCO
Alto eftl.enlo Meant Rorer Refieety
4A11:-Ito ifilZinTlTirroTiiren;)
... JAMES A , 1117 . 1. 1 1111R0N Ye CO
, Tli ' l
coN'tatA - ccroiztreiniatzvciii,: - .t.T.T,,
01. reed and ler solo by HE SKILLF.IIS
lewn• 117 Wood..
Q LOAN'S . CO:ti 111;E6rifiR1111111:74din-jiteri
eelved for nolo 17 11 E 8R1.1.K145
yx genuine rime Ir-4, dos for solewbolonele and.
retell by lotH K tiEL.LERS
liortn.la7cHfiWA - Trefg
D. lend R E SELLER.
L Compound I for th • e
Hole, in r
largo bottles at 26 ate,
toren'. by lo'4l WE RELIZRO
`ALEN ATV 6t one toped°, 1n brio 'WAWA, 1;
0 on conalfinteent tor vele by
voirricw—toubarrelg caws ury tor sole by
i 109 Ll.Vr..n. 011,-LuO Ws wh. te. warrl.,_ted plan
t../ Ot .1. by Oral ti A. PAHNESTOCK 6 CO
" t: -- itifRIWICTICratI-luu dos lembli;lEri,
and Vana, fur •01 by
PUFilitt WWI r,t) V.. iur mon up
kW . B A MUNI:3IOCE k. Co
Web - N=l. 74 pcs hug svhnd lahuling far utrfil
lelh Libel!! shuth •
riZCFA - lialii-mAI gil . ..ys . isuieud ,
ilk= lar sale by SELLA-US & NICOLS
419 • ' . .
0 - UrTNI - 12" - - - i - SiVrirWisaltboneo„,. ,
0 - • , $ owes American Yin.;
- - • -
• _ ote,talillos n. oriisuiby
1149 ' •
' Y 640311
-. z ;
. . . IC 1 1101IINATI r
eirilin WILLIAM' J. Karmic. • -
1 Ili a splendid boat was built by the
Gilmer. of the Muster Is: tee Newton.
• and ethers, for the , dumfound an d Pitts tro rsh Puket, instley and will
tense every tWednelday, for dueinnui v In plate or
the New Fneland, N'o. 2.
Fee , rl; 01.
height or pa/ sup m o ll' ll, 9 1 % tr ti rd,
. ~,,,
Markel street, 134.1 . Sti
'as.cderir • ..... .
V mixt..
Etehonge LY. of Vld• I
Femora Bk.of Va•—• •
Bk. oid,eValloy,—..
Wheeliay I
do , Dlorsacumn.—• I
W. Bonk
' Fodno¢or.o
do tlborg . ..,
\_f. ~.._
Illsoflonsesses• ••• ••
Far. IS bierch , ts ilk ••.—.
?loiters' •• • 3
Via HrowrrtWrn ar.d Cu
adelphia.; mberland to pahlinare and
- • Phil
VAIN ro HALTDC0R,.....••••.......41 0 CO
DO , ' PUILADI[I./101••••—• - ; to 00
THE marnin - boot leaves the' artier; • above the
bridge, dal ly, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time to
Baltimore. Wheys, time to Philadelptile,4o hours.
Thceveniugbeut leaves daily, (except' ainday ea
enlints,l la o 'clock. Passengers by loule,g on the
evening boat,veill cross the mountains in' stages ne=t
day, and thus avoid night travel: .
Secureyour deltas at-the Mee,. Monongahela
House,or 51.Charlee floteL
oette.ty • l.lslEBllllllll.Aren t
State I i•souri- 7 ' I
North Carol! oh,.
'Dk.of Cape Fetr.•-•• • 2
,filtrate. tik.,Notrinm..2
Ewe Bulk
BOath corollisit•
Camdcsalk ...... ••• • 2
IBk.of CYarleam¢•o ••t
"Commertial BY •
Bk. of Goorvotawa-•—• I
Bk.ol Hamburg
klorchant* --•••
IPlasvals 122.1ccas'ofik•
Bk. of Booth throanr• • V
'Cumberland Bk.of At r le!!
-Tan (oat running Moamar
Cape. 13.1fonar,will ran as a tranlat
packet Octoroon Piltsbarab.
Skids oport, •n d S.liab, leaving- Pittsburgh avert'
Monday anctnoun, for Wallralle. Steubenville, and
Bridgenort,andeveryThorsday ofernnonfoStoabon•
vil!e; Wheeling: Prldgeport, Captimt, and Banfish
Rantrnita, leaanaltrinntepori and Ran Sib every Tim, •
do allornoon. nod Sonftah every Praia,. afternoon.
For freight or plumage, apply on board; or to -
aO3O • ' . - D Anant.
Far. Ilk. or bierylaud, • 6 t
Fithierc' & Mechanic,"
13k. Frederick "
Fredeticl. Co. B
Bk.a •••) 6
• ' ,-, . The splendid but tinning reamer
MtLOUIS hteLANFI, W. B. Conwell,
nage% (hating undergone a thor
ough repaiqwill rou hereafter'. a
• ftglli. preset between Fittshurgb
and 'Wheeling; !roving: Ysttsburgh every :Monday,
Wednesday and Friday snomlngs, a 9 deloek r For
Treis hi er raust!!4,ly. on board, or to ,
i i m .-- .
.. ... ... W.13.3%11EEL1
Bk. of Bt. Clan•—•—.
Ett.of Rivet Ralscu••••••••
M 0140.0100. Ca••• ••
Far.k.A.looolEik 0
IWiscosslza Terries
. Oaaa.dau
-' • • • +.• WSd PENN,
A. D. Johntobilmamer t .s . llllc DV% (or
the atom sad all Intermediate ports
on.Wednenday, Pity 10, st 2 o'clock, M.
. 'Forint:lo4w panne, apply on board; or to
Ir 3 ' B. WHEELER, Agent.
"Dant of Eforlondlistor
70 P lfl.
Ooldllr, SpasisValus
INepoleomi —;••• , .- - • - r - 3 10
D.c..u.:••••:2 is 940
,Kagio,old • 0.41
1, ..1 1 1:
eoubloons•SPosab•l6 "
Do• Patriot•--• 1550
!Soren:lva . 433
thilneso .... 600
Frederickli7s7l-417 E.
Ton Thale74,•. •• . 7 FS
as Guilders ••• • - J6O
Gssiod'ots•-• ••• •• 1 st
PlevoYork •—• •-•••pru
i p.,...,pai.•••_ 7,7 r
1114111741.5 •-••••••• ... Pm
0,1 Intim°, IMP--
. . . . ... .
Ai. Tboapleadid and fait running steamer
- . •. &TILTON, '
Joke B. DIIVir, tallltt , ,,,ill leave for
the above and all bitertnegate polio
'au (hie day the Oth Itat.. • . . ,
• For freight oe passage apply on board , or to
fele- '. 0 B IBILTFTIBERGER,'Agt.
' E The apleadid steamer
. - Modre, . Muter, trill leave fora
IWO Intermediate pens as tida day,
freight pavane apply on board, or co
„ Et Tha fine light draught
Reeie, muter, will telyerjaleely ee
ebove.leavinalgnahnegh everynm.
day, Wade:eat:lay, and Friday. of evieh week.
For freight ar pliaregaiwpyly On board. arta •
• W. B WIIE.T.LEIt, Agent.'
.1511111pzte. Annancisamr,N.T. -•.
- • • PACKET. ,
The my, and /ight deauellt steamer TOCCIIIIOOIIE.
NY will make daily Lips between Pinsbaealc and
Glasgow,l. mdaye excepteda leaving Gletagow at 7
A. Al, en d Pittsburgh at 31, P. - • -
The Yenridosheny* bat 13 Inch. draught, - and
can be shed on gee repine paehrt,throyabout the
• season, 'Foe freight or'pasme epolren honed. auto'
• • • J C BIDWLL.. Agent.
lele BIDWELL At CO.. Glasgow.
EN= 1850.1aiat
Orilf il*L1;60:11ra.
Two Daily I,lu Emus Packet Boat
AAA Radii Rasa Own,
(Exoirsfvxt.: : rest. PAaarnairse,)
• „
• Via the Central RC Road.. Pena`a Canal.
$4O . nglyi Rail Road, and 'l4O . iallea CaaaL
Tone—de b01ua.z... , •••• .... ..... Pap 3-81,0 thrones.
The Portage RAI Road is paved le day
ON en after Ala date, Cloth Jane,] the Central Rail
Road will ran vuro omar nataa ruitusdast cans
front Handradon to rhiladerptnt The 'ears at the
above reed and not Allegheny To - utge Rail • Road
are all new, and of the very hest description In the
otaistry. and arich the niartairell +peed on the amen.
Ulna, pasaeugses au . Ihroash.vettledesparch.
A .Pactet will leave every,. porting etc o'.
Cr:ch. and every eveivoltat 9 cecioca.; ,
For Wet), Speed, and Conduit, this:route is de
cidedly the Inost preferable nose in use to the F.astern
. Cities.. Forpaasage or information apply to .
to SITTCII, tdolionglacin
or ye D LEECH a CO. Usual 'aisle:
R. S.—Onite IstEepakinei,tne Ccztta Hail goad
sill be opt a to Ito Ildaysintrg, when . passenger. ml I
go tb twain In al boat.
aati n n
;Beaver Point.)
'PACO:TS; Toeing .end shippinnletwern Patobergh
and Rochester by stem boats Michigan, Lake Erie,
•• •
(kwdtece.4.o deiiirered toad
plamserville Canal, cad Luken ' pl luwew rem
Shippers will plc.= dlrcet good, ..11.der I r.Lite."
.1.0. MDIVELL,
Waters!, Pll.lArgh.
CaPITIL slloo,ood. •
J. Eihzurr,.lt., Seel. Fr..'.
kryorr iteLltict all Cud!, of ttsLs,
LL louse will be liberally &Chased and Promptly
A home Inalltutlan—canoed by Leitectiita who - ata
well known in the coannenhy, and who are dcterettln•
ed h 7 pretrial:wasted liberality .to issiutaln the than.
Seter wideloboy bate enumed, u. cliche, the heat
protection to those who desire to be insured:
Ellitcreu—ft. J. tV. Maier,
N. Notthee,fr., Wm. a Ibilmes, C.lhseaest, Gee. in.
'Jackson. Wm. , X. Lyon, Jas. Llpplecir,t,
Wteb,Jamea Wadley, Atop. Nbei6eTims. doom.
Omer, No. CS Waters:meet, (warehooto of Span;
ia.Ssa.vie rtairal Pittsburgh.' hardly
litevelabii, • Warren se7d7Plttsburgte
' 'Telegreint Company. -
IN petaaance of a sesolutee or the lamed of Direr.
tura or the Cleveland, Warren • and Pittsburgh
elegraph Company, relneulng the Secretary tarmac
out and cease to be published in the newspapers along
the line, as exhibit of the financial and ewer odalts of
this company. I submit the fellewlng- Steven:-
- The line of Telegraph commencea at Ceveltr - d and
terminate* at Pittsburgh, pawing threagh Chagrin
Falls, Fieldale, Newton Falb, Wirren,lonognown,
and Lowell, in the Plata of Ohio, and New Castle and
Itocheater, in the State of Peunsylvatia, at which
point. there are ethers located for the receipt Cad
of heaLness.
The whole lenekof the line la 149 ;etc.—Capital
Stock,llltal per code; mai leg total:capital meet of
Otte.:4o. of Whlpet amount 5t0,401 It: held by citizens
alone the het, and the balance is held . uy careen &
Speed, the coatreetere.'• The above sa.ottat of tub
a:4lo 1m by eitllol32l, kayo beeet paid to Camels &
Speed, the watch the 'names have their receipt.
M iL rirsten=tPle 't 11 7;n1tra, +
rer co " ,tn% Oudot m d ttessis "M adjantag aid town,
tine ler p amidst.. blounio g !Rill, with Poor pair of fire
Rat turn and the onebiaery for mapoketus log Tatra
Thatir;Piilo Dried Coro Mod, {e.' - A mod boat may
load mill unload tr Menai&
Alo,• Cana Fooling wilt VITO Ilpiridles, for liptuning
buysn . •
a, lot ofgrond upoa "Mich is mond a lodge and
oubitonial well built Alan. Roue.. of steno nod Mick;
two otonei high,widt Br. le Rikhen, Wat&lldirsetind Ilata
limn, Font Tiros, Aheutbety, 40., a very droinible
entity maiden.. Alto, about twenty Idle Toth Linn,
of Boot, Preen ho. erected dormant fil.tlet . 24 low
a d Woo, beautifully 'nand. .Altia,abli building We
of eariosimint,
Alto 25 meet irnimpreTed y odd; eso`sala Ittiiir,
nith theropind Water
for am
chitcry. The store Mills, Water Power, I, as, dwell rig
Hon .o. sod Lnt. are piton., upon the middle fallsof Hearer
where the toll is tarok feet of the whollmoloac
techorer Adonis I k • fall also of atostuati fest,
out°. milesbore,and Tanaka and New Brly,ht n •
Mort ditto:me:below Thir Ohio and Piana. Rained in
coatlttuatiot erne Point Railroad from Pon to Pitt.
burgh) pm. through 'et' to-the Inn nil the for Welt.
through the gnat Wheat Ramer on nol4.'veltiih mot
raw wake Boater Falb the R 'd.herie. noting Mill,.
The e Roof Ohio to the Lana aka pa co in frau of it
Aka • tnotot L 4,13 Acres of land overlooltion the Talk of
Bearer, ailjnizion the !net cod of' alright, ' its Tien of the
te.ool Km oon CI et Itudoinf oho of, the railroad. The
elm Ilan hem Tittiburgh to Cession-id pains throaty
-1 Mere ken Da/cleared and. under ferre, : nry kilt and om
table-forrood Carden roil moh and well enter
eel, nil • trioe of nod under. {VIII be. told in whole or in
oi•htlties la tart parehasera tarot of 450 terra of
nod, bounded 4 the 1.,1 oft arent. iho cut, by del
t 1 1 .• th. by itritS . . en the south , nod attend
um wen on s the Oils pod Nona Roil Ron, shout NA
Skarn limina t 4 lona largo well hilt two %toy
tint Lome; on atone gory rose domino; hone. end
ono. tutithoga bigot part of lie toot is level sod
Brie end kr beauty n eon -sum,, fertility of soil, and promise
of overtly and great neon-sum,,
in value a unsurpassed i• sou tern anlionia loarelliurpled with thither, most and
of pure wear, etai is Ire!! 4dayee3 to
eardaninr.or lor Fenn roirinan and will to
pfd rinols Olio ',oolitic* to suit pew harem
With t4e room polo r jot non and below it,
.1 it, uor t salltd Felton It oast Mora. in
dole inn npidly perhaps Moony other piste of land ha
tttOabtoollloppw7 do
mond "kook an New Brighton, east ,Or
poh one lona/sited brandeiby it, Wine. no
brid i r, don hok of the scoot, rinaboriont pert below
All Ode property is loin follr situate., ins healthy rota
thy, abounding with coal tinter; building nitterialt,
aid .but throe to throe sod %bail oil. Rona th• Ohba rimer.
cied tti venal.. ?Anhui.. 'Tie snit nhich pos. St,
arodommuntoirottuo rill the Ohio tie. nil bake Ens, as
&Mond Carrel:a mtal the lltio - Ord Peon. IL Iloai, now ooloplinon. and whin num through orb of
enwilt bong la mien tot boor or leMaint of Pittsburgh;
and pa to and through It thereat nand of...engem, pro,
duroand worchandite from the East mid West—,
Als • sissalal notragotirrerankbanin pmje,em, or
m m mammy rietthenen foe gam of bus no in Polsbenh, or
0 ,„ pr atibt,, lawn.. of scomeyomplare now ohm 30
Tye,o+ of int will
Anthers remonabiinurrinatareous to par
churn Tar particulars empire of ions Totem
son e groP...inn W. linden et Oricbton, or to '
. • ,N.P. & G. NI Fsf fESMAN....
Atioarooyod Tdmr7ild Nod Tank A pes, -
i• 15-okarl ,Ifo:10,7 Tarr* Stissi, Pittsburgh,.
* n
01L675 f
R k8,13/ALERS
r~ie t.ot tSVULE
I'~anLL.. u
.... -
Pos . /SALE.
LA NEVI' Two Stair Dwelling' Ewan, WM Penn
allnatan to the most desirable oast of the ei:
, Pe e
pa nisalara, inquire at No I tEI Pena 'Waal. I
OrThiThrelliee Holder, Li Seventh Wad, on
LJI Centre Avenue er3linemille Read.l Rent love.
.Sninins of JOHN WATTS CO
•• • TO MUT,
• . Mega commodious Itareliag Rouse
_ and Lot, 011 which are a gaud Stable and
Carriage Hoare, bang the property or.
12 and loco tha• maidence Of Dlr. Jana Ma.
see, situated an Webster et, near Seventh
For 10710141Irply to U LONVRTZ'
meredtl ' fat Wyliest.
To Lots
/; . ._ • -
ii - ,l4l l l : gu4ix i !rio A : . 3 Id:Jo:, = I :Z7
immediately ' Wow tho ' Fr ry; F . Enquire or I '
: DOLLSIAIift tvGARitll3Ol.l,.
' -narY3-11 1 Pittsburgh Foundry
• • ;.4c, Let.. , •
TIM iaree three story Brick Wanhomes, on Watei,
below Fetry street, running trete Water t u Pint
Street, ou reasonable terms. Passesalett 10012 IMMO.
dibleti c ,tlll7/111TCCOC ,
Y FOR to of liroand situate on Penn
atreekbetvreen Ray and /larbury atreeten sdlolttlnt
the hedge and lot now cemented by Richard Falntanda,
liming a from oins feet, and In depth 150 feet, well Do
sold on favorable tonna: Title unexceptionable.
quint of C. O. L00111.9,4th neatWooeL
, oettl•dtf -
To Rootherm and :Western -Alemtbsthal
•.- ruble ri bet respectfully Invitee reablla attention to
bl# extensive itock of Perfumery,. Seep., Rhlelns
Creator, be., to smith semen. Silver and two Golden
Medals have, within *slut viz year., been awarded
by She Inetinnes of New Vat, 'Roston, and
dolphin, the latter being the• only Golden Medals ever
aweeled for
country., pedantry either let. Emma.' or In this
Rucerves Thimversith Suiting Caws, (Alemond,
Rose. and Ambros adrenal> acknowledged to
-km superior to any Phasing Cream In -country or
Europe. •
01517/1101Z >CA SHAVTllll—Bealltlfelr •Vistsparent,
and possessing highly ,Paponmeona . andemollient
properties; SllPOnoceous Compound; Ambrosial Shav
ing Tablet; Military Phelan/Soap. • . ' • .
Adenomas TottarSorse—ALmood.Rose,Milleffeure,
Ronquel,Pintoeldo, Mut e ,Patelionly,Garalhar,Pleat•
Ps T r r a= n e r' el ts . n i g Igitha W r=t d ose Cw"ss ,• Just,
'Bouquet doCaroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Rogue-
Ilne, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clemente. Citmndb
Item, and many other msietiss p n. , in all ably different
Torun WA2121.410T1d1l Wider, Eon de Toilets.,
Orange Flower Water, and a great ‘1141:17 01 Co
and Lavender Waters
Parreitettone too SEM Hun—Genedne Bear's Otl,
Antique Oil, Bendollne, Eau .Lastnam Gleba, Cosa
potted Oi Marrow, liar Dim, ROM and. Powder.
and Philmont<. Ilieinine, and Jenny Llnd Pornades.
. • Oporwarete Pearmsmans—Baltande Elixir, Rose
Teeth -Chureal.Desuilice, Chlemane, Tomb
Panic, nod TOndt Powder. .
Couranca—Vegetable Cosmetic. Cream, Amendim
I . Mr °hopped Fend. Cold Creme of Rome, Cream de •
Perm... U p -pave, Raspberry c/CIII, he. , • •• .
' Deruleaty'roleders, Mr removing sapertheas Ask,
Peal Towder,Tinaig re de Room - Aromatic Vinegar,
• Victoria Mar
.Compoation, Preston Halts, Modes
ote e tr in cytnl d, a=er an u ieles, too on . othrene to be
-The eableriber bores . tale the moistest=
which the ettehllehmetit bee mealred, •by disposing
of [tatting bee trot .rate articles,- and will
h i m henry so
farailethme ether :May mirk to murals. either
wholandearremit dans rememable town he any ea
tabliabroentin the United Staten .
Saeco7rur L tea fbreterill rector of. the Lebosatori
114 Chethstivseet.
I . .tr:l3asln's'Pes father) Is for sale by .11 the prin el.
I Drusslsts I 4 the esentrr. - •
Slow Goods tI . New C1e04413 , '
'' ' CLEAR: Tire TRAMI
New Spina anal Hammy Dry GaNis f IMO.
. •
117rica.Msts and Retail Dealer
• Freneb, and Amerman DRY GOODS, Martin
street, benteen Third and Fourth, sign of the
Din Dire Ilms,hulast commenced receiving
and opening 0144 of th e mat rich, splendid,
sad esteresive mocks of Spring end Simmer Dry Goode
over offered for rude in the Western country. All of
these Imparted Geode are Gab, opened, and received
per the last Seamen nom Alum, and England; aa
also Irish 'Wens, imported direct from Belfast. all
mem bleached . , and warranted the pure qsUcte;
.1.4 ens are all'unported4 the soliscriaar, and an all
Eme Sac rani. warrant Also, huh Limn Darriadr
•ntble. vEry est manaMetare; And Innis
- Linen Goods Of all kinds. imported Mreet from Belfast
by the subscriber, and will - bo formd the reel Erisna.
brash. •
'New • style rich Task Satiate, all colons, Weald
geode; black. Turk Sanaa, all peleta, rlch_goodr
block &ea Silks, all co lorsOato impartation; French
Kid Gloves, all rear& the km imparted; plaid black
Anna:es, per lam. French creamer, new so la Paint.'
Ducats, splendid goods. Also, a roper Wand foga
stock of wide Kock Braesele Lace, for trimming
.4ressca; tarp rice goods; plain Barnaa in all coin. ,
estremely low,, bewailed gnedi; Mack *llk Fringe, all
widths and pitcer, *cry olicapi French Law., new,
tylei,'last French wcameri plain black Gee De
[delta, aoperb repeal black figured Gro
Do lialne Unicatle, rieh goods; French and lEoitileh
Cashmeres, near stylee, beautiful good.;_ splendid
filoTed :. 4 1vIse goode for ball dresses; men embiordemd
Swiss ?Cults Ida evening tires es; Swiss &lairs and
Serumr. the best imported; Silk Tisanes In all Talon
and quail:leo, new sale, plain and mina suip'd Wank
Bareces, all prlees; printed fawns, now styles , from
tl to t 3 cents per yard; Battle tie halm, a new *mete
for Wien' deoseqs. Ail% a !alga and superb stoat of
new sole airing &imam Ribbons. the liar, be at Inc.
. . . . .
' V 311163 crape Shawla.all.toras he. frma the Coo.
tom !loose; Turk Pads Shawla. mileedid node, I. AU
COWs, per law - ffearnsr; ' beantifal eltattgemble clue
allk Shawls, (Crab Imponatlon ; white embroidered
Canton Craps Shawl% soperisgoodw amenentbmidel.-
ed Canton Crepe Shawls, splendid goods;
. in s
French made Embroidered Muter% Gnarl tosp.mtUal
Paris painted Cashmem Shawls, all mi,eci and quali
ties ; ladles' et rawer Creams sod Pearfa toareal ea.
rlety; French workstiChpes,Collon.andCnEs,a large
..'. , (R , PI. . '. .... .
. -
,- • Large Smelt of . .
f 0 bolts oubleached.hlarllns, from 3to 10 coat i pet
yard: le came blew-bpi Mashes, from 4 to 121 centi
per yard, 11 eases Dirk Linens. imported direct from
tteltast; It bales Ticking, boa 8 to 25 cents Per pad;
ti eases blue. Dent, tom Bto lei cants par yard; be.
nodes a foil anent:nem of Burner Cloth% Also. CO,
' , annoy Tweeds,
t e at and Kentucky Aeons;
S t cases dark Cab., a colondquat 4 %.121, C34{11
pr yang; 3e.. Iloyl 5 Sane -11. th Prints,best
imported; 3 baleißunll i.P. , ,rheZu , nue.
I c y tow ; 'Alia, Monsen tepir.rooots of .11 nod% very
herti be n ales Roam Crash, from Of Milk ecru per
yonl,idea• • large stock of Check and Shimag .
Stripe. Alva, Canters Flannel, all .colors sad quah
tie% of low prices; rod, Wane, and yellow Flannel
. very cheap, ble•Che3 and eubleactied I/Sinner, fall
.usturlnittat; 1 cams, 1.136 Merrimack Calico., exi
meetly low block and anblese hed Tobin Dimmer, al
'prices; Mid's eye Dispen, all prices and mudinos,
very cheep; solored .sNmbrics, a fell amortment,
t er...p there even 3 Wes Suttee., from 14 to tri - qui
per . A iso,• three Mock ofC,onott TOM Enemas.
Manners , ehinlog—A fail atarranti sets, cheap,
The lamest and - mu Splendid
steak of Parasols
ever upeoml by any ono house I. Pinaborgh, m tell
day recessed, and ate all of the lumen French style%
which, /of richness sad Dewy, canno t be supassed.
As we hese • large bm of these Pamela, they will be
sold ebesper than .) other hon. in the city can al.
ford 10 sea the came quality . afloat.. . • .
. The .es are respecU•77 ted tooranimer these
Parasol% they will find scene of the richest dad
newest le i ever Imparted from Exuma Them
Piano:lls a tel of tae richest .d most favidernibla
colon, and are worthy of the auenuonqf We lodic%
~, All of W. lore geodes/tilt by aolini.oll picador
WOO/ Roy, Serve' nt the city; and in order top..
We fact, the nablic will please call and price these
wadi, hod embpare them with any Other boasts la the
city, sad be convinced of the oboes assertion. • . .
Tee rubes iber would here .y to his nametroas row
tome. and tho path,: to gertiral, that fleece aro two
other bee hive stores in market one, Premediell ul
cope with the Big Bee Dive, which I. alooo the only
vete/meted and far famed Dry Goods catablishosent in
Pittsburgh. The remember would timer*. say. MI
parehasen of Dry tiooda, either whohmale or retail,
that the Big Ike Dire,. hlarket street, between Third
end Eberth.ti now opening the largest, richer% awl ,
most rrosindld nark of sprier and inuturwr D r y Gouda'
ever offered for wale in Pitethorrah . . .
New ernes pooled—Thelisrgestand Moot fluddon.
able newt or Dmhela ever op.ed in this olty, bloat
ft<i'.4 at the riot of th e Big Bee Slim on Market
atretti between Third and Elpirth street, whore Dry
Gooderif every description us telling chanpe: than
any other. house m the dry, !The pubic will please
take notice that Were ore two other beehive moms on
Marker .treat, who pretend to compete with the Dig
Dee nice, between Third and Permit streets, where
tho public will had, at all times, We largest and 113W301
styles of Dry..tiooda, fresh opened. • . - • -,
ET Please take notice, that the stows 1a bonnets
Thud and Fourth streets, alga oldie BIG DEE Al YE,
where .Dry Hoods of every description aro sellum
careen than at ray other boo.~ to the city. ;
aplua,... , - • - 3.ln6Likhr 1.. nazism.' •
11.,10.11N MARTIN respectfully announces W the
of Fituancrah,•thal ha has permanently
Psted himself in this city, for Qs purpose of onto
tieing Medicine and Surgery, In all itsuarions branch.
et. ills nbeo is 011 Fourth strut; No 110. Hesidonea
No 07 tune it. , Iyl al&wlno• I'
never fatting rain Dettro)er. and certain care
(eviler on, Scald, rues, Sore and indented Eyet,
Cale. Wanda, Uneitea, inflammeiory Utteumanetn,
Swelling,, Sprain., Bore Ntpplez, Broken Bream, Sea
Ekein, otd and inveterate sore; l td.all. catmteena
and InflammaterY Meerut. ,
IN A NEW BrivE.Lo?s. Alin BOXES or MUM
• Connterreite if DLLLEY'S =TRACTOR ill the ei.o
'mama deed the muter. Shen them as yon amain
neteent By baying Inc muck to the NEW DRESS
yen redid the danger of being imposed open by coon.
terfeltsc are renew of geelog the animate,
no maim., near be per cent on the average. •
.• • C69%.1011 10 . Dealers.
Gross lame/mon is practised upon Dnalora, by ad.
letup alma operator., who put up the commotion sniff
in a emmle rhdt of the old wrapper, mixed with a few
bOXell of the genuine in eaoh dozen, and _thus offer it
fot sale si a reduced priced This soar cinches Many
dealer.; out the confiding, Innocent commuter, who
uses the t article, pays the penalty: datfeneg,
oaf ~116.1i4hay gears and mark. Smutting from .true
burns, wound. or aim, end often loss of the itself,
are toe coaretitioomm•
Case la Cootie. In Of Particulars
°ions of the Meat severely horns and MI ared r.
ere of too late and dioastronaHAGllE DTHEST
?LOS: lON, in New lbrt.wtll obertlybe fabittled.
Mind the NEW ENVELOPES, the LARUE Bt./X.
at., and my AUTHORIZED ACit.Hrel!! : .
Fa c t ite l s s y ' m ‘ fris C o h n c l i o " :llt r getat . —sitto Waitaki .
Boinent,'Lion, Ban, Dore,ard Fight, any H. Dall..era
117.Anta danger and fraud, and buy Dollars Ey,
tractor ost.r, tit ore now DatlG and 1..011 man,
11. DALLItiY, 4UI , Broadway, ri q „,, , .
Herm I.Bcuwurc, AaegheoLCierieralandlilhcli•
Sala Agent - • •
Wat.Tnoag,Agent, Pittsburgh. 1
' N. U.—T he somas of Dealers alto promo the Lat
hy balsei new sise, from stiller the promoter rum.
'kV, or from his authorised steno, cold h o peaw,„3
lathe Paper, as • guide to the pantie to steer Memo;
•".T NO rdtenit—toOrmsine. sook paper
•MI do do ao flop
in do • do do inzlO
WO do news priming, 21/17;
101 do do -do *Wt.
• . 40 do do do 0 0 112,
Inl do do do Wallg,
do 11100 Rote-laps, stmtg
-r!N do Yellow do 201512:
dollanitla do Mira;
411, 1 tgr'
, wood 54
oric belies matirimere tea females emaciated.
II and the clearness of ronsrlegionZard. brightness:
flf.rt.,erecil`,r,oti, lm Tae,.'
Wry. Why I. eh? Depressioa of vpirits, fulmar.,
~:=4ll l IIY long ed con . lnaed Lne : :I , llr i t ra eLet a logt
',watch can enly be removed, and Me shattered con.•
I ',whore 15510 505 tiny fee preperda are peeoliatl?.
mitation weaned. by scar mild and gentle medinee.:
etY wife haeldamm gradually dreaming without soy
disease—sae aymptems, beeterar,•wete general de.'
billty,-weakomrs, occasional savers pates and D.
regelatitiet elf the system. Oar &Indy physician
(rally told me Cat there Vrtslm hop,. ee Op.
preattang warm nether Would be;nnfavorable • I
new persaaded bee - to try be It Di llowets t I
Samaewille, Atonn agalnit bed veil:) amt a char ai
MA 1003, perceptible, and "myth, constant 0.0 Grit
there egeetha,sejeg strbottlea. her health was re- ,
, stored, her strength and flesh repined, and dm now
-ealoy. mend and - robust health • No maniac, ten.
&Mention can ever repay the obligation I amender to
yea for ?wetter mylalfer to helaidttand Rlast chose.
'Oily moms:tend your troly:valtieble Medicine,
: 6 • .108E.111 MAYNARD,
Birth et; between Plataand Western Row •
Xkivn...l.mtvant.for Dr.& RAIOVVES BRACER •
.SARSAPARILLA: and take. no! other.. This le the
only Sarsaparilla that act, on.therLerer; RutneTh and •
Blood, at the: IMMO Ume, and hence its tiagaWal. - .
eaey and seeders. - I.*
• Cot sale by J. A. Jones ' J. Sehoonmalsor CO.. •
W. Blatt, Weir. hleans,LU.Teurettend, J. hltbler,
W. /net am. /Inshore), ; D. AfElliott, AllegbenTailYi •
B. McClelland, Manch. ster .B.Cmcker, Browns-'
vine; and by DR. S. D:HOWR ACt
vo Preprint:a,
na.vrcT r vane..
Fni a. Vigeursuzhinedoris; m 4 7 .0.1x.e.
Dr. Gesylott!a hrztraet. Of Indio*. DOCIC
-• and . .
Conscommode% feredda, pry. PO..
'Ran, Ayer esenplainta,aohial adoetiena 'Accra, ty
P 4 l ;1 1
17o P rInr ' I n n ' ey l n d , I . e nier10 1 d re i s ° ,
rept humors, rush of bleed loth. behO, lever and
. egue,teronle eoteplahns, gereeet nehnny, dropein.
Oa, hots or speetne, headoehe,, <olds, evenveneso,
Van!, eight own!,, ebelie,otgante erections.
In.lettation• or, the heart • Wet pins tu th e ea.;
ehee; 61,0' ke • . _
It le InfallitOe in all' Ilern ' oe ant
peee state ortlie blood, or itreOtdiu ea Lien of the aye
In .Welkie/able Kanideco, an , All.wite Helve ha
depeldted plane and, hear; eenianiel to our commit.
any, and 'odeoted io heave, .r, paw; and•
vegetahle kingdom 'does the reaien ocau,ea well
the Instinct °Niel ale; lam for an:lda/ea to Wu.
'The Brion,la oeientille enropeandel the mat eel
nide Onto, ta neune, entirely; ee Dem delete/leas
and eneortang• canals! sabouut!aeo,;and ai It e.ipel
dlseare from the system, liepartawor one itttztigth,
. .
An ertnordinner ease of Rcrofutl, Eryslielia and U•
ten, toned' by the colt, iI4C Dz. Guysott's Com
- poundSirup, Yellfrnr Dot k And Bannon:lEn.
• Da. —S.Isr!I-tettigr te " 3 7 : o 4eualki siv i. -
the greet beliefs I hive derived:from the ore of yens
valuable sleep. 'lt hove been tii.ohleil vembad ~.
screfoloes sore, which mean' Its appearance on so
thin. • (did not 1,0 ' , mach &licence to st at first , sue
peeing . it mite nothing hat en efuenon tool appear
en persoes far i• it - finally beano to It - create, milt.,'.,
spread - to tin ark pert ef need.appbed m •
ilsiaicienosito attended me 01l mmeo.. I bed •
ried every thing Mat meld be trind. I sew your Syr-
op of Fellow Dor_k and Strrepontle,
eencindrd ,
to nee it, for I knew that Yellow Dock mot eve of the .
most valuable anklet in the, anted for the blood. 1 -
besightyeur Stymie, and from thy me of one bottle,T.
could me • great clump In my System. I continued
in smelt noel I eras a , well men. I now, feel like a
new partook my blood is perfectly 'cleansed led treee
from ail imps ntlen. • There is not a temtioy bet the
anyyear nevelr.discoveree tenoned is to superior t •
Tins teltitCllA le at you dir l inhal to pnbitsh i 1 you
like,lllXl any obeyou mayreter.tome I shall bohrp
pyto give them all the ariformitlion i eau *boot 11117-
C610;10. I =sin your obedient servant,
• Gutzon G. beret,
• ; 113b1nrket went :
The but Female medians kettit 4 sin. The E...imo of
ItlilYA Dock and Sarsaparilla ls a positive, speedy,
and penstanent onto for all Mitnelalnts incident. to
Ite mild, iitteranve oropenlet tender Ii pecallaill
uppileahte to the slender and detente nocatitedon
the fetenic,.. • It is unrivalled in Its elects upon seals
dleeases aaineielent ennstunpiron,
enntema, orwhitea,•inegelar menstruation, Meant.,
nese. Glenne, end general' pntistrancn.c f the system
It Dam edintely counteracts Limit distressing 111:111HI31•'
nese and lasamtdo so common: to the female frame,:
and imparts on energy and Lectiency es ausenting I a•
they .ant amoral.. We hove ersideece on whir h
lieolar,/{ nest:tangly to :az ommt.nd It:Ledo:doe to
marmot people who hoes 'not been Waned with •
eprln,r. : • .
. •
Piosaftwaltrast; or Palling ot ;the „Womb, ot ETV
yursi ataadingicured Guyaottialtraatt of
Yells* Dock and Sarsaparilla, alter avory other
known rentedylind been trlrchrtitund relict. •
• , Watninarod i Ohio, Fob., 1949.
Thu certifies that my 'vice, na, bu
been 'adoring under the 'abort • complaint for be.
yeara—ararly all of that time milliard to Ler bal. I
bays for fouryears constantly orci , joyed the best mad,
tent talent teat ovoid locarcereid ut thu section arta&
country, sttlatind any benefit, tub - clover. I have also:
purchuad uvery butrameti riceotcluendeil for tan
care dutch diseases, all of tihleh proved voradere.
In We arcing of 194+41 wan'inilaced by au friends
to try Dr.Voyeonis .Yellow Doak and Barvapadlia;
which varied for four months:, ;After the had vet
it for shout four weskit. n was sable= to all thatch*
aru amprorting i and from thlative the iniptaired tap
idly, and gained both and ratength,.andl the &rave
wuniddidlYtallaerail,litul Alta is raw enioring molt
ettooLoatheahh.. •
being:neighbors of Vet:: and Jalia ditordort,
know that toe above tuatornenti as to dia dean's" or
Mm. Mnafomny, and u. Go' ura being effected hg
Gnyaottht razor Doak and Sareaporlice, to an attizly
Crest Cure or
- . Ilsouthrolt, January 2.13 W
Beanett—Deer Sir: The greet benefit which .I.
haesdenven (rout your Esuset 0( Yellow Dote end
@anemias, indeces tee, at all *Menotti., to make
the Rub:wring statement: : •
Ansr.wasibta ler two. Team from general debility
which finally terminated is ceastanpuort. I was given
aphy aty ',runes . and physic*. to beyond the red of
11.1114ir.f. AS ti. Mit retort& Icon induced to try
yiner!Ettrate, and hirog , esci but two bottles, at.
cordnia-tir - feat direcuous, I ant entirely well: 1
weld therefore earnestly re.letentend year unequal
led Composedly thy fatietelVertio
e powertul,
pleasant sod tile' remedy. riestefuLty year friend •
.Rey genuine enters pat tri largo some. Lenin.,
cornalaina anneal, and the haute or the creep blown'
In filwalastf, With uto written, rfausternorS,P. , lloo.
nett bathe mashie; wrapper. pee bottle, Of
Itd wilt by J. D. Pert, comfit n( Fourth end Wei;
:Mt Curcinsettl. Oble,Oeurral Alma for the
Bouth and West, to .whom alter:leo most be address:.
_. .
. . .. .
Caster .1k tiro ,r.e6,-W. - .. r.... 344.. & C*4 we,,.
fora; Mar & Clemons,Croadogyille, - Abel Tunrli,
1N 14. m bill, Towanda; Robert uey, %Vat.
bora; L. Roderiat, Calleosbann . L, Wileox,Jr.. Pot.
tnnttweor.icr oLblattei fir!on and the Thantand.
spl34& ..' ' i f • "., ' • .
tau Laeseleal Soap mazes le It= ponder-alma, • ad •
OW IMAM USW mobiles, ealtens :cud I , l2litaal oils
giving n the textere and btaaty.e/ an intaxt , s. • • '
Bearnil3•l3 . Ram asp dew, are loan no , only
healed, bet cured by Its ute, ar sa least seven 1 ale.
etanaln Nevaltott know, who Ita• tan oath east's,
and dud It 'lnflated—as •Iso - .
• •
=llselsfi Dr =Les. b . /I=lu br say othu ale
slum Tbe reader is assured •thal this is nos talus
pared nosing: re one trial a/Sterols. I could au.
aerate alleass ' Bo 'persons tired et • • •
Sou Ilms, Sots Loss au Soar BUZZ.— ny
and was it, and th e ruder is again assured I waled
sotkw the above unless I knurl .;1*
xlll tam - Tbeselsho ars liable to. .
Caucti 3 Osseass, clo Curio Fun, will fie ' els:
sore. Anyone aillietederith shy of the above, Jr om
it= diseases, wig Sad this all and arca moth (*ULU ,
tile in fti Owen's WU it
But, reader,thf Atoms ass Eluded :with. lig Uses,
and ba urn you. uk far .101 , 7115 , 8 tabu CI =deal
Soap., Seld by .15/ JACESBN. MO Libel.%) IttrccA
' " ant1:4111 Z
lEr.r Tmt *max
Karma a not more repea
dye lhaa a bad, putrid breath, 'or dark, yellow Onasad.
,ed teeth.. - Irperaoss kayo these it a the= one, fault- -
gay elm'? far two ahillings,;bay, an article that will.
Mtae their breath pure and west as ths Spiry '
It eLvehidieemois tit the Gam, sputa) , er uleartmd.
and for the Tcottett la uncqualtbd, removing the tarUtta
faatenbter the telah in .the. gum. and titan them as
wham Lathe mow at datfiaara Ntla'at
leader ;are the properties or Jorga , e Amber
Tooth Pura lad, without pialting it oaraelvoa, her t
what one at our moat respectable atd 'dietetic Der
data, Alr, I.:. Field, of New 'VOA,. says ,
"I have both abed and ...Hied Una beautif ul and im
palpable artiele,t (lona'-Amber Tooth Pure,) a n
can recommend it as poweatdrie all tbo rmaiinaa cis
ed hr IL o 'Reader, w e sanatty no mote to convired,
only th at if you try - thts one!! Tartar/II ho wed Pim at I.
, • It I. pot up In benutited Udglich China Pets, for
cotta. Bald by the Arent, W . 'dl,dAcKso:i. /d he td
ayatreeti riushumb. • ; .• • • atutenlawT
tri7 =Se alll:numnowly Ls;
the onewhig aro the actual: geollues a( aSa tante. a
Jorletes 'Coral Hair Restorative, If they dolat ern
word. they cannel these togoy 'respectable tithtellel
who have tried in— •
Mr. Geo. Iteeret, 41. Filet in4riew York.' •
bin hintUde Reeser, lidyttlearillrooklyn.
• Mr. Wm: Tonahinr, 921E44 .York. • .
- bir.:Teni.lackron, Montana Island, near Pitablrgh
IL E. Cullen, late barber ateratioat S. America. -•
And more than • hernired'Aithers state, Gump ht
omit se Mee, that It will force:the hair to grow on du
head orlaert, stop it falling all; strengthen the rt
tenoning scarf and dandnallorn the roam,' nal tni
light, or gray hale assault • fine dark lank, and
keep n 6 dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, eatt c etrot
beantlfill, • vety,Scry longtime.- •
-Bold by the Agent, WhLJAGESON, 240 Liberty st
Pittaholle. Price 371, 51:Iraqis, and one '
rrepar4.7 Cao , • milorp!a.,7 ()icy sox OM.
Lllssitcwnbra offactot satecamber o ciiinc;j
114, aiwee, In the liecCiut Ward,frotolo en. :
mon gmood,'on easy term, Imo.. of;
. • • 011 .-ROBINSON, MIT at It
I • •Or ofJASHODUISON. aa thoorsato.; s
amt74lJtvrtf7. •
1.1.1 Milt.,* AILS I.:Maio:M' AboiZtolod.
• ' SOW 10a1.1.110N PREPAItEDeIfAL.N, -•
I- They htenotawe cow DLO:clay 14).1•101i It /11 -
:lb die olio! hove come. 4 0 v , Nos l, Low ooL.
yotiorr, - and I.:lama:4F: qt. skin
• peat.c4alk: lie.
• 'sides irb Hoorsoc , ll, ,ontomoz.o.,,
• . • Lome quantlly,of Laid! 1 , •
haw.: prepared t begliti:{ll *A.1,15 -
:which wx cil JON MT SPiltil:Wllll..y Whim. - •
It h annocool,l:4l4 Of 1111 dale. -
olipotnuos; and itimpxrt, to the auto natural,..oat.
clear, livlng will , c; at the .114.1 ncs
pg-lat a erscari4; oa mains it .4 cad
by Ilas Ago.% WK. SACIVSUN., SIC jab
Pried 25. toms.. • okorOult,lr
cat,lBoBl.llld - ADV/ORT/15.1kEtitill W.,.
• . •
F, IS &BROCK WAyi Iterbants;
E.erantento city; 4. 3.0.41mni0. Ltheral advance•
mule m counigr.mants, Lath wal tgeLey bastr.ets
pew:ll%lly azumbral m.,
muss, 2 -
-mnyt3s,l.torear : ;5 -
sir.wAcza., • •
UP Mile.. ACknowledgroOns of lotodx. to. •
911165—Fooft 10„id lizniihkgelf.
'• , aosairrloochianz, .•• • • .•
ILNEY tak-Vbr.—Olei on web sas el
beiwun 01#47.11iitYtiadtxSagi
• • •.--C=a4l.4
~ . _ ~`'
~ •,. .
44 mi