The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 09, 1850, Image 2

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TUESDAY IdORNIN3, 3ULY 9,19.`.0.
VIM CAM Mar=tont.
Of Darks County. .
istattrio. syntsm.
-- Of Halos Grimly.
• _sax 11111 , 1 Tea
. Of WitsldniftlnColusi.
Allitimasinale Tad Whig IcelninaUleas fat'
Ali•gb any County.
ram TIMM mom ti3PM.I.
lif) II A • DI• 410 NV E•
- •
OUB nom Turarr ran cominu,
, • OP
- •. ! *on a.lfYhji,
T. .I. MOlliAni, Lower fir Cal ,
G. WALKE.II. Ilitabeth
3011 N SPCLUSET.Y, Robtason.
.71.1NLES FIFF, Snowden.
rannwrinr4 Ar+.23lT,
rzairas C, FLANEGIN, Pia:Owl/1
WAL/Lt.lo4lownr St. Colt.
. elm? siwrs - roh
D. N/ cot:lan:Er, 0210.
Ittaire ort its PUMlDerr.—Yesterday morn.
lag we Were pained by the reception of the fol.
lowing telegraphic despwoh, from a reliable source.
+in Waallreton, to wit:
'Vasirmarron, D. C. Monday Morn,/
July 9, 1650.
President is guild ill with Cholera Mor.
boa. Dr. Hall came from his bedside, to my house
direct, al 5 A.
We may tawe farther intelligence before our
paper cloaca. If not we shalt infer that the Preal.
dent Is ISUCT, mad not lo any danger. The lota
Hof hla 114 at this crisis would be a calamity of ao
feartui el character that we cannot
.contemplate it
withono trembling. His position and character
cnamedidm ludo more towards allaying ensile.
,ment, sad preventing outbreaks on the slavery
Ousts staxmisoi, able moderato, - and
optrgbt tia be ip wog! probably 11, able to do.
P. 8.,151ace the above au viiittel, we have
mewed 9 ater, sod Tor, imporiant private de'.
putties, (ow which our mews will rek.r to the
approptletoeoloaie. A wiU be seen that the Prez
Identa vary li. 'sad, we fear, le ecoalderabl•
Oar nonietoostunizi reeders,aa am!! LS o:bera
who take in interest In the Improvement or
statue, the oxen Important permit of roao, will
take pleaenre in rending tho addreu of Jute
Lamle, beer! tbe Apiculture' Society of Zino
betb, erin4 we enabled to lay before =Fret&
ere Ilia mclang." _
Wiists.i:7lm.A.,. tau Repo?.
ter says that a 'aimpany of mete:Wing " down
enters". haw purchased ckra ke aired end 414
wiesscrid Ones if ',viler tonal, on the Kanawha,
*kVA tt ts their intention to settle with NeW Sag
balers. ' Thalami wet them filly cents per acre :
Jewell p it tlethered—ameh of which is vain tble.—
Tae Citimputy Intead. l immediately improving. the
'river by elsokwatererrmaklng it navigable es fa
1111 as the lands extend,irlitil wiq open a safe and
chtap &linnet of etinitilinielliOn to the Oalo.—
Sew tuilliniel be at cisme erected, and such of O e
ember as is suitable for lumber will be brought
WO market, end the refuse cut up Into cord word
Err the CuidinesUi add other markers. Some forty
• hale bud !warty fief Yealtm, whose experience
• lu the lumber breinese, end all then , pertains to it,
has bona acquired In one of the grr clew lumber re
• gi our of the Union, bane already gone to the set
tlement: if the - Yankee., gat a permanent f
bold In Westerd .Virgin Is, they wilt make It ore
of tee fi nest portions of the Maria, sod will, le
tune, revolutionize the "Old Daminlon.'
Texas and Now Mexico.
The power and harmless remark el the Natmn•
al Intelligence:: watch We eopied - yeateiaiii; that
it wee d be the ;helot the detachment el the an
my is Sante ge, to defend It 'against an armed
. .
Lace from Texas, has wormed the Ire crone of the
chivalry, a member of Comment from Georgia; to&
--Ilia of derptistlon quite der non - u: ! la a hitter to
• the editor el that paper, ho nye:
• From this It seems that you hold'lt to be the
°dray of lam amain.. of tha Gaited States now
'Wooed at State Fe to defend, without authori.
• ty of lia,-tre miller, occupation ol that tauten
•• of New Idaildett, lying this slue of the Kto Grande
agunat any suitmpt of Texas to maintain. her
claim by et:analog her jarirdietion over It.
, • Your right to • eatertsta soon an opinion, It it
.115 t my ohJeet to gentian. Bat I wish to
yon; lest yen may be mreiskeo in, the di:aeons at
. that the Mat Federal Gan that shall be
fired egisiewthe people ur ream.. without the au
• thorny cf law, mit ee the "gust for the freemen
from tee Delaware to the It* Grande to rally to
the rescue. Whatever differences of opfalm:
nisi exist to "the pabho mind Lovebird the proper
bcruudary ofTexs, nothing eau be clearer than
that I: is not a uneaten to i.e decided by the wary •
Be ate deceived. and deceit° not others “lour
arm legs allied.. When the "Gutmann Is
see. me days of this Republic, will •be numbered.
• Yee may eonsider••the gallant Bum of Tease
Rao auk fart =maid with the army of the Oct.
ted Slates - Baleen shoe'd recollect that the cattle
of Texas, in seeks emilllct, mil be the cause of
the enure Booth. And, whether you consider.'
Banta Fe In danger or not, you may yet live to
o ems It, dtteen &wee or this Union, with - sesta',
- . Wilms of people.' tine, knowins their rights.
dare autiwitiel them," cannot ba eerily congumg !.
• ' .3apiestadat sarkg at sat.. - • •
Yowl. omst rwoectfully."
One Would ,suppose, to read these blood and
. .
and fury .apatite., that the Senthern he:afore
think nobody dee* Nontt of the Muon'ent d
oat lbw, or If there are people; then they do act
-- know that thej kayo say rights, or are too tame
to deknd them. We an tell the Hoe. Mr. Me
pheatt, frowsier, that such verde as are couched
Le Ida letter, are received In the flee Slaws with
toad h i muld ':.ahnePt•LW.. o amp quiet, order.
ly, law; abiding peop!e, - ond dethe the question
of Texas boundary to be jetted peacerolly by the
constituted anthotities, but we do not Lettere that
. . . .
TO= eTer , bad, A tbadow Or IWO to Santa Fe,
sod do not itstend to let ter take reltell‘iol2 ty"
lack omen date hoe diaposed, of Inlet we hate
Wes BriamOso os ems Churrrat.--We give an
!Whir letter committal; an account of individual
experience sod sitarist* on board of the W iced
Chili& Watt • tale of honor does It enfold,
and how tondlY does it call upon the anthoritier
of the country tip's* some more stringent loom
for the prelenratiOn of human Va. The Noun.
cf and horrifyiog character of dimmers on our
'fates and noon, ars a disgrace
to the country;
'sad betray a red:Wane= et human life, and a
'coillousames to human suffering oat very credits-
Om toiler eivllitiatioa, or our benevolent and roll.
taus 'fading.. If Congress can
ever do any
thin( exceidimate dry speeches atiout Avery,
we hope it willing° moths decided action for tto of4as sengers on our iatde convey.
Tn 0.11.23 K flows, Esq.—Tbe New Orleans Pio.
wyane, noticed did bomb:maim of Mr.
candidate foipoogiwn, is the following manner:
-.We areOwed' to notice by the Peta.,,,,,,b p..
perm of tbe_ tho •Whigs Aliegh,,,,
county bare nominated, by acclamation, Thos. hl
newe, caodidate for the Thirty Seco ndl'ungresa. Oar pensonat knowledge of Mr. Howe
le deficient date, and we can safety predict that if
he, emed 'here wilt not be a more popular gen.
demon or a better working member in that que
ered" •
to Onto,—The Editor of the Coltntita,
Ohio, Colt!mot, has lately been travellingthroo,yh
that State. lie asp he toned the Wheat mope
everywhere mere promising than vu expemed,
the late very favorable weather having canned it
op and . matere healthily, so that the grain ie
very plump and doe, sod the yield is likely to be
tug an avenge one, notwithaisediog the lightness
of swear occarioned by the droeth. It Snuff and
Wayne, the tete greatest wheat counties of that
State, the mein is very large and Rite, led being
almost ripe, the appearance of this cotutuy le es.
Meautly tolotifel. • The dream are also quint vial- I
tile int this onnettemmoca of the fanners and mer.
Hay will be light, bct better then yin expecte?,
ex one time. Orts bur suffered from the *oath,
Dot will bp so merit* be a Allure. Corn Is pub.
in; tvwerd ruldtr, tad the proepoct Is Ace. Pow
talus will be sten crop. Apples alnl e fah , .
Corp Poaches; Pura, erld.Plamsplecti.
isvp mina as creel bp the Cutlet:PM.
'Cana.-It is mild tb■t various otteLogio Muir
bola made oa the tile or the young En per's. or
China by the We Sioparoes brother. Toe molll2*
Las at am late . &Opera: to to tax Ito days.
The number of Islam:Weis .Ist Ea:Louis, for the
weekeadieg on blonde,' last peels, were 104, of
which were of cholera,' The report.. (monks
the Si. Leeie ietelligeoeer,)e sensible incase this'
week of themariality,':by cholera awl no ll iw4 ll '
ewes, over that v( the iput.
CUOLULt . ea PLAtas Glasgow, (WO
Banner has • letter dated On the &h of !Eine, 'eigh
teen-miles heybnd Fort Ketrnalcarbiell
that the cholera had broken out among - the 'emi
grants and tries .
mating terrible recaps. In the
abort /Mance between Fort Flcarnerand the place
Where the letter was dated; he passed many corn.
Peels+ encamped, ro take care of the !rich. The
letter trim brought to St. Joseph by an emigrant
strlmse companp:of four pen°o+ had died.
licriza Puss Rona--The Bader Herald says
dist the spirit manifested in that plies, oo the open•
ing of the Books for the subscriptions of stock to
the Boller and Allegheny Plank Road, insures its
.6.11113CliOn; WO Mat their flattering prospect
map be realized. It will benefit Butler county,and
be or Irma utility to Pittsburgh.
Herues Maorms—Tlie .141, cumber of tbla
most excellent piriodical bee jest come to band,
and 63 liana', brings with It a rich eons of Inters
resting commercial statistinfceltiatieza.
Mr. Heat, deserves mob credit for barter,
iluouah Ida untiring seal and enterpilio; brought
his murk to that degree of eminence, tobleb
richly er title, It to a place u;lon the table afore
cry merchant.
OCJCDGE LOWICIEi before the Elba.
both AEC*cultural ilootety.
Ex.xsurn, Friday. July sth, IMO.
Hos. Vi'mxiit IL Lomita,
Flear Str—The undersigned, a Committee cm
babaleolthe S'ixabeth Apiculture! Society, beg
leave to express to you their sincere thanks, foe
the 'very Inteseirticeand .valeablo.addreis deli,.
ered by you at rizsbeth, on the Fourth o( July
and alga request a copy ter publication.
Very respeeillilly, - youe ob'i servants,
Pirnamtau, July 9,1550,
Gentlemen—Though I kayo some ku that your
Society have geneuous'y over estimated the Mer
in or my late Address, yet I minuet resist their
desire to have it published.' 1 trait that its 'value,
Rain address that is to be read, will not be diudn.
lobed by the fact,that I have omitted route or those
more obvious reflections and amplitleatioas, which
are ueuely expectod fa ontrahat is spoken, and
whlth were included lathe iFddiren as It was de.
I am, very reapee yaw, Lay.,
To Mr. Roben O. Walker. and ethers, Ommßtes.
Per.tow Cinzwis
: I : , have beta invited to give you an Agrieolnar
sil Addict.; anal from an large a subject; I have
felt .great embarrassment in ehociaMg a 'pedal
them; on which we may profitably spend a half
hour in cootemolation. I have, However, meta
ded teatlt is best not to attempt; on the present
axasioo r any second hand retettlfic dfscuatan of
any particular point of M4 - great subject; Lint ti
meant yno such, considerations se may teed to
induce you, an Morel, religion, and Intelligent
men, to pierce • high value on year oceepatice, as
a mean. of year own improvement. hope that
this will he accepuible to you; and if I should fall
Into a didaetic style, I trust you will Ladotge me.!
The earth apooteneonall instant= all thin is no-
rectory for the =report of the irrational creatures'
that inhabit its dill:rem nqrbana. For their bent d• '
it needs no cultimillon; and they can give It cone
Not no with man. -- Theca/tit eines not present him
u-rought (trots. Avid the further he advances
le the cold ration of his intellectual aware, the feu!
stared II era physical, as well as his spiritual crav
is the .aural, uncultivated cart% on which
God has placed him.
• It ia ef the nature that she sbould till
the ground", and it to not a more curse!, that be
is deemed to rid his tread in the .meat of ho.
rams It 4of the Mame of the earth, that it de
mands cu tare in orderr, to the yielding of its rich.
est fruits.-. The body of man requires the genie'
I. finance of teMperaie Labor,, in order io ha full
dovelonement, and the mind of menaced, to feel
the unadspledneas of things, is thew uncultivated
snit; in order tonne him up to those Malta tad
physical exertions which teethe measure& Ids ad.
To Irrational and uoimptoving eremites, the
natural eactaltivated mirth, is exactly adapted—to
- tailcoat and imerovieg mesa, its unadapietinesa 1.
.Inst adnettoon. And this usadaptedeess will
alvray. et , 11 , 171 q, w;th at; ofur inventions and
dieeeterics, errdarh that deafen of
' rrrfec I n,. to extraual th , no, which will- B . I E O I
- Me ever increasing demands of Menage: WA,
How lit lotiapied to the - .stare - ofoice would.
a poled carb 'have been=oerfere, is the ante
momprovabie by man. :Be weed have, been a
Penve and a vagesand, ' , yuletide., by all the
glories of been and earth. .1 , 7 • valise of Her
Fetid.= so enchanting...a the perfect Arden which
the God of eature could create. No metes!,
sweet end se varied, as the ambling, e natere's
songster. them; No cal rated fruit so deliciatte,'
as that which perfected naturerel dr.
Bat whet aretild be the use of all this 'heaten
ly outlay, What could men do with these com
forts is his piewrit nature. The- veer-glory with
which he would he eratotteded would be. cause
of hie own decay. The- very perfeetkn - of things
maned him would bide rmw him' the Gad that
made him, and that usadaptedeess to hie mental
nature world lead him to holey& that they were
not far litre; U indeed, indertnettotreurastancet,
he would over restoir et . I
Bat etch are not ad'a adatitatiors. the dl
,Tinity °flatmate nature -fro lea eternsl mapeobabtli.
ty. We degrade this divinity when we cease to
improve, and, as a mime epee die .neglected ens
of Mayen; itortietanes 'inn while the „candle of
ohinileal life burn. stranglye our poor. sickly, sink.
'log taper of intellect km ceased to give Mi
dying away In doling &Willy; •
• God'. athlete:lime call for whet. results. - They
invite to constant progress. They give no many
wants, nod dos mill out oae:mtellect and maw
tie,, that we may inaptly them. They set did'.
ceities all aloes oar-path, that we - may ltacquira
ellanets end vigor irrremovieg them; end bow
many of a. are *leaped by .1 nem. Banter, con.
reacted, difficult, Is the, arayttast lead* to life, even
the iliglest earthly life, and few there be that
walk therein. - • • • • 7
God's adaptations tail tie 0 >if onward and mt.
ward. - Progress ii the doly °Puma; decay the
penalty of its neglect, All man's noble micros.
urge trim onward And following oat these calla
of natime, net - with slew end 'unhallowea imbi.
lion, but with on beetle and 'stared desire to,falfil
his true detiny, moo will dimovertaother higher,
and holier .dapiatioa lathe fact that. here, meting
thmitmaterial thir Rabe Is never satisfied; and that
mere mast be a higher, Mad' holler, andShappler
mate beyond - ourrpremat triaton, ;where thin pro..
trees of humanity, will hirniznandedacepe,and
unending activity. .
Thus we see haw, in whatever state we are,
therewith to he eontent ,, -eanteir, rot subjectlye.
ty.'but objectivelr,oontent with whatsoever •m - as
aerial comfort. follow ow exertion—moment • that
we hove ail of these that we deserve to have as
yet, or all that vet are geed far urreoatego, he.
cause it la moproweirer, rattier than poressids.,
that we seek- And ittereGme aura content with
our present knowledge or ournresent virtues; but.
remelting the Miens that aretiebted, we still reach
ihrward to those that ate before, mauling onward
for the prise of altill higher calling.
! • Tene, these ate thoughts that.tuiver no special
iteplieation to imicultaral permits, benne we reel
tallest-spy ovenpatlen in mach s way, and with
aunh *spirit as to mina the - glorious adoptetion
of Heaven's laws, to pinned the moral andlntel.
lacteal el...viatica of our nature: and to justify the
ways of Glod to man. 'Boll think thus Is eciii
,floatly trite of the labors' of •Amicniture; I boo.
of no kind of - labor which hat a more marked
sad obvious tendency to 044rg0 sad liberalise,
an/elevate the mind.
Let me tot ha ealseaderatcol. I meta tao m 4 •.
placed moopllment iottowe . wen eeastitate my att.
&ace, _ mean, that to meliseeeteJeal there is
no occupation la whin n God Is so. folly reveled
la all the subtle:lily of hie works, and which so'
largely invites Me mind of wan to the ecifempfe
ilea of God'e tefioue wwdom. _I know of none
which invites to bieher icietfllo latetemetue, snd
higher preetinal scull--none that calls Or more ve•
vied learaieg Cr more enlightened forecast—one
that Is more liberal to lie substantial rewards 'and
etteunsa bltee ega—none that bitter davelopes
that magn'ffeent aymmetr; of the humee form.
and that well bilaticed chase: ar t which constitute
the true dloily of men. - • • I
Whence thee arises the common ImpreuiOn
that a country life Is too nuattractive, sad has too
Rule exeltemont ear mu amblious and enterpri
sing rites meal Ido not won here to fled fault
.. .rile those ycloot men whom mate lead them to
prefer certain pursues which ow be best attended
to. or bat leanted, by going to our cities. . .
I had rather, co a proneroetaidon, caution tbeim
rgalust the untried templet:one to which they are
be select, sad teach them how they may
grow to more Power. sod io tree manliness be
regales the seductions to - vice and fel ties; and
haeneg thacestlven pore amide the, e , nnlotoo
, which erects lo scam amend them •
If Indeed, the► are re raseb those high perfam i .
- m which they aspira.ther Meat dog by means of
rem very einem that will. enable them to ant,
dee all unsteadies tarot:ollo4Si They Mau have'
within them the( manly ening:y..l3d that spiritual
ambitloo that wilt Hoe Weal above the seduetleas
°fumes:mit and Samuel. pimornma,'atid
enable them to me, and with patlenaa Walt tv, thi
ef/42M rewards of pone variety Industrie:id Chug,
sod to abide:ha croWtileS liotioni of, a wellaYeol.
And suppose a elty 1(4 floe" present Arent at-
Motions • bare we no otialirtlent etll,o , loll* In th e
nonolti ?Yea. verily, we have them from Ibe most
ordinal, sensual I:daunts/410 the blithest degree
haiddcatual sad moral didiglua u id oat real
aliiiing. it tie eddetiona ton-nov.l please me are
not so soundanmor in gio.a. in demurer? at V.."
Ate is the city. 1, is ourf..ll, it we do itte find
OCCarlioll, la the midst or oar reentry seeitell, and
cot:miry occupations to gra try the highest Intel.
lee:tat end moral states of roan._ - • -
Gym dealt to' be intelligent nail ehlightened
fanners, the pleasures and prelim at Initiates in.
Va. you to be so.. 'floe desire to occupy a high
pothkra in society, One treatumo &A mid= are as
tree to you as to any other class of bode p. 11
you admire the elegant refinements of write Ile,
animate and inanimate notate premeda these
meet adnetiona,,and Invite you to mould them
to yoneimproving taste.
•Timegh pan are net merchants In "the mime
that Metellthilt eg is your preelela boeintes lei !
1 .s turners you are ir.teto tied in is immorce. into
meal ILI you have of may, have a'airt.lns of ir i•
duce for which -you need a make You ore
therefore invited to study cavort% of for ea t, and
ciao laws of commerce to Mow what mud.
yon eon molt profitably raise, sod at what tea« 0 5
you !Mould send them to molter, And to doing
this yon-will acquire, as aceemary to It, an im
mense amount of iotomminti, Which wilt add to
your respectability and eseluicess.
As farmers you are (recreated in ibis govern-
Ment and leghlation or the country; so far as to
see that civil mist - latent shall not lam:fere with
the free e.terelse of yoor bootee's, and that they
do not tkrow to ueeqoil shale of the petite bur
den. on you And with all other elates of the
CoMMently you are taterested to see delete goo- I
moment is properly and ecinomleatly *demi.
toted. TM. Too are called upon to give antes
lion to the selectee of pollute and amerc:Leakist,
-if the nebtest of all *Menem. 'when studied, not
With a one tided party spirit, but with an honest
mimeo/ ateetedning what is tight.
These studies lead gout:melee:le pitts of our no
floral Eatery, and open the way to s seicoufic study ,
of the ',tote-philosophy or bistory. Here we learn
(rem thew perlence of past ages. of 'ladled:Mal as
well as of o silos' dory-and em see the philosophy of
oar metal naturi,by which the vieea a faineant and
mins are tranamided to- children and pee.
pie, and by whlph the Itideeiry and' virtues of a !
pimple, elevate and bleu aneetedleg generation.. '
The Very nature of the earth in this part of rho
country, with on Innumerable Streams • cueleg
deep iota the surface of the load, sad riving alma
satiety, of 6111 mid dale; of 'bloat piemplees, and
gentle slopes, iluestearupels you to some study I
of getiogy. Theresatratificatlons which show
gtemselvcs aloes yet:whin., art the leaves of tee I
book of natOra's botory,wrieen in a laagriage cot ,
Cattily read, it is time. hot km which have already
been deciphered tome of the moat astontabieg :
development. as to how rho God of assure work,
la meeting a-snerld, and In preparing it for the hob•
itation ofrational matures.
nTlie Heusi*. declare the slaty efljoil, sod the
firmament shotveth his handywork." and invite you
to admire and endemism' them. How L. allot the
son seems to be eter.changing his relative portar,
toward. theearth? How are we to secant for Ma
still greater changes in theappea ranee of the mom.
In its phases u omit as' ill millions? How it it
that the waraerltich epangle the Mateo* of winter
ate ant the same 0.11 1 / 1 00tvinrh ornament our Om.
mer nights? What or, those bright • wandering
state which move oboe: so brilliantly 'clime the
lesser lights of hitaven's canonic, and what are the
laws that govern their epparendy erratic, but really
well regulated Coirirses, Whence arise the chan
ges of the mixes; and what, la the hider of Provi
dence, is their putieee? Whence our long and
short days, said how ore they *darted to men's
welfare, and rate to them' Astronomy Mem to
answer these qUerliotal for you.
And who are more at toegly urged than you to the
Italy tithe work. of God, in animated nat n ex
hibited so abendantlenround you. How splendid
mid how wooderfUl is the variety of the animal
erection. How exquisite and inegnificent the shut
of the Almighty and Alt-wise cream who formed
them all. How wonderful and how kind are the
laws by which he allows ram to adapt to his pur
poses all those that may be ireful t' luta, and this
to eonsp'ece his dominion over the boo-tsof the Odd
and fowls of the air.
blow wise the Law of nature, by which the on i•
form character hi the antrum! Sahara atollalca:
under human culture, all the centime( oolotabape,
size, and strength which we seem the daineeles
ltd animal. adapted to the various 'moles and toes
of man How beautiful the varier; and how n
ictitating the habits of the feathered ' tribe. around
as. Even the gnat
di al light. upon oar hand, in
vites us to study how so vomit a- thin eon do
no so much harm. We may weeder at dingle:le*
of the &Maltreat, especially at they have beenie.
yelled to us by the telescope; but our wonder rise*
to amazement whom we behold the teeming 'Pali.
.tie., and the infinitely rainthe Creative atilt expo—
sed to oar view by the rniceempa.
Who more latest-Sled than you are is the science
of meteorology, and who bat hicher Mao:meals
to give aeration to it? On this .object there it to
be found among Lamers • large amount of infori
motion, and • mat number of detached Mies, the
teeth of emeet induction, which, collected and ar•
ranged with judgment *ail skill, would male a val
uable scientific work. Bin *till. with all this, the
science of the weather. the triads and mins, the
dews and fogs, the hail and snow, the thunder anJ
lightuian, the sudden alternations of heat aothtold,
the ...altos harotheterrhygromeleroraithennoco
eter, the science of meteorology is all Its depart.
meats is In comparatively an infant elate. II le an
open end adman untrodden field, wilt all its treas.
wet offered to the litiMitious youth of town and .
comity, who boa the genius, the new, and Met
vommersece tom:emend take Mem. Ambition? !
yea! for Mat is the honor of high oMcial, even Im
perial station • ea:cm:iced with the bona of being '
transmitted to pocentYmi the (enter Cif any use.
del science, or even as a leader in its dove-lope -'
mete? Franklin'. fame' Orissa morel from Otis
acientific ,kill than-frees any °Octal runais :eon.
(erred open him, though ao well dmetveif.
- N oure si nos , pmentmocs inn, at. tri,tmeTAT to
study Many. Treciunthout leis your to tee the
hiadattent Heaven In prosiliCarr for the wants r i ,
Mao, rad admire the intuit A 'calm of ramie Ile
.i..1...a in our (meat trees, 'Mil he P.I. zed at tie
beautiful xnaiihanism of the bumbled dower, tint
hew mach hist Inattrat to:apace that con on. i
i. .. t o b r e
n i a , : e
. in h telli ta
g at . t id tr ,,,l ac m ire the t i a , rl p o , r7 ,e n .
litac . i T i o on a o . f . vege .
0..4 :
Creation. e at
.. has leaned
• eat of the qzati-y, pf been and plants, sad Mar !
• 'The apatite and ream and phyrbs, so banntitnl
ley supplied by yam orchard truer, are not the
dame that nature offers pbs. Human reinvatim I
has softened them crabbed - lasts, and ahem them"
of ths Mama that tenderthem 61 only tor the use
,+( lath a tam as is willing to study she works or 1
God, nt dto "arms and beep" th e garden he has
bestowed anon them. The men and the • tulip of
• yew noWesobed. tel the wild amen of nature
neurally Impreved4y GM contesting 'man, sod
' In the Improved state, raws{aing him for his lope- '
, ries foto the warksand ways of Gad. Aod tone ,
under' a law of oar said haansity, the mesa en. I
I Inquire% and imovereet adrorg os profit by the lei.
1 dually - and - virtue of thom who try le fulfil their
1 Individual duly. . _ ....' I
And,whai clam of,enoletv. Fos mare interest In
Chemistry • hen Ivo' brre 1' It mesh. et nimbi,
and Choirs ttrYelenkams of each,and tune prase*
almost a prim:, by saperlment anther than rare
Hance, what is the principal Mod which each ri:
qzires, and what degree of nourishment emelt ma.
tans, and why and to what erect each is valeta
'We lot the use of man. li atellyan the soil, sod
j proves wherein It is defieient to that which lode ,
, minded for 'the nourishment of - pinata It artily.
I am maim tes, and proves which is beat eda pted to
outlet:111r Palle lad .sea.: ..• ' -
Rate, too, It a trlda &Id foyjhe energy nod sm.
bitlon of these whir Choose to ocrepy. it. How
itlOrkt• a name has ftlebig, vets comparatively
I= B 4 121 .1 1 .1.0.d/Le/bli 4e13 of salattrer A
came that willontlive, - and already outliers, that
of perbapa any present military, or peltirat,orja •
dials' woods. ' A mane, that 'makes es *towel
ashamed cf the earnettnies With which the ether
Into the atstbs and mint:oils off ordinary ambition,
and that proves that there am blab, and noble, and
certain reward. the him who quietly - , 4 .- mil 'elk for
the mastery", in these- Mend to the ordinary life
of man. __ . a '
. But I must not pursue Mete ligtsfratioss. Sty
not' that yours is a more mechanical calkag, - do.
mandlng no high csercise of intellect, end me•
seating no inducer/mambo reek after those to ea
tide atthincodats, which feeder say man respected
Teeter Sago pursuit of life which presents agree,.
er variety of occupatioe, or whin, calls to its a
a greater venal or toupaq science: Thera tee
ioducements enough to call bat the , aste, and atoll,
and soletioe of the egrlculturiett, so as to make
them, as a clue, at boat as terpecuble add intelli
gent as any Moth does ofekolety; sod the circa:tit.
stances In which they are placed, raver the decal.
'open:tent of the Melton talents, and call the ago
ricultutal youth to seek scientific honor,.
I hope Dshall not be qaderslood as adviiing any
one to abandon hls prienmil purautte. for the pare
ppm of gratifying a wild fancy, that the mere oat ,
gave of agriaulmre is to hi an a later reed tOieepeo
tablUtrand honor. This is* road where kw can
travel fan But all may, ago Jatel;lgently. th e call.
ing epee which they bass entered. Call to year
aid all the lutanuat:on ! that science has reveled.
as peal/clog to your horniest, and all the at fedora
w. lob It is your Province, as rational sad Immo,
td men, under your circumstances to how. Let
even the " Iberia atia tbutles" of the field of life
IEI2 you, by [triton you unheard.
You should oat depend for !kis Information
Sarni, Upon the Uneaten* el' your ancestors or
epos tho experience of your neighbors. With
the Remelt abundance of agricultural treatises.
anti JOrigssle, you nave *teem to tea itgneueu.
rat experience sod science at the could. There
you nod a knowledge and expetienoe that your
fathers never bid. You would gunk Very hale
sod rightly too, ef the scimitar and skill ofa elegy.
' ! man or lawyer, or pilinclia woo wee as aotap;
and your occupation Is not exempt boss the rimy
or having books, If you dame to Improve in it in
the best way. Boma of you meg be too old to
begin to learn agneultors to this way, bat I aro
' stitelltere Is no lather among" ou, Who would not
motto In seeing blitrOos 11430114,1 n the recorded
experience amber% the ITIVICY of his oactapatioa
and striving to &lam huriiedasuy with the gems of
intelligence. /Is every eel Ottani clergyman has
his library of throstgical and kindred. workr, so
every farmer should have his library of synod
tura! workr, with at least scitne troattheeou these
imbjects that axe seen' remotely cennected teak
There is a morality 'even to that industry and
Ponca:, which has for Its envy abject the neces
saries of life; became n•al• a duty of tuna. BULI
there lea blabeimanday It that Industry which!
teak, to obtain the comfurts and atecesuries of
We! beneath this too a'daty, and teuda to mo
dem a bother main sonar,Thtia is bier.
et IMAM, in that ItidUltry 'MOM has retereat •
int the welt belay of our fellow man, and whet
*hopes Its coateo so la to 'polity the laces And
fecitcas of others, and - to cult4yet o and aeon th e
*Well collage a 0r bra ' • •
wo T rk he
m !L a a n ti r s u h th
Mine tG tohdy .
are elways rot. sod taus be goaded by b.a3.—
But there is a higher, khans' a more intelligent,
mtostitty. growing oat of this faith, sad bounded ca
ally axgaristio atilt* afastauoa of ate ordlnantas
of Heaven to the wel'are ood IlttOPires. 'or dote
who o‘.tythem. ^lf emir mod will de his tom, he
of :hi acetone whether :the of God..
"Got, the vprigla thure aritoih light in the dark
anch intelligeniWilirt en:Means mjoln,wlth
rerfect heartiness is that splendid enact-oPealse
God, min fed merle; girdle horn ell ye muse( light.
Pei, the Lord from the earth.", deo.
_ill",yen eg, vino to iegtOre such intelligence ! .
; Yee, you have. You may not get far advanced
in sorb a course; but you can rise there your
presets plank; nod you can or'ples the why for
scut referee'. rige`lo reapeettbiluy and honor.—
You con do Itsa part of your agricrillinal . ehllle f,
by tie, king for Inured( a high standing in It Yon
need net ataadon the labor of the field; and should
eel do it; fn., they !swig soondrows of body and
energy of ni'nd. But you have lateen!,
from those labors, to, cultivate that Intelligent na.
tale which is your chief distiuction above the
beset of the geld,
You ehouid not seek chiefly what you thrall eat,
and what you ahall idenk,.and whereinhal .you_
shall bi 'clothed. And even if too do, It is bat
attained by seeltion It with the intelligence cf Ire-
not roll man. There is an independence belonging to
inkllieetiee *ad high monthly, which alwayetrins.-
coin; blesairge to our children, which no wealth
eta give, and which endures even when- the
wealth we have is ectittered to the Winds. M a
general role it s only those who do Mat Outright
their motel and intelsctual power; that ever be •
convict:aro hewers of Wood and . d rawers of eras
ter to their fellow men. And this may be the fate
of your children, or your chlldre l us ebildren, at.
lets yon make some advance upon the intellect.
luta - position when your parents ,lelt you.
Toe are mv'ted by yotellecrun nature to
fin th e .higlien materia ur
l, in in tellectual. and moral re.
Gement. There la in mini a natural fondness for tee
bwonifol, b y
the creator uneteng and &Omelette
lids torte by the beauty wnielt overspreads the rare
of moue, and 4 ' 40 by the increasing beauty which
even mature yields in reward of the tordastry and eel
heated taste crown •
Thus the very Detain otentlcaltural peruita invites
onto study the prneapente of
ne testa exe renng ,
teeniest your i o e do ige l thi a g d neatly b y eonom i icaly hemin n t r a ing
Wry get aliong In lire by merely raising Potatoes
and plain but Oven the .deaire of "miter feed may
smrupt to brtterthiego If to Ws yen add some orc
hids. foi the ornaments of lire, yen maghave RIBS
ht, her expectation..
There Is morality and intelligence to faking to
elevate your (amity by making home soma sod At
tra• In them. There o n mora , ity m tie sire Ira
white wuhed log °nen, or pailingrence, and tisnact. I
ally - In the lastelel cottage, planned by Ottletif el.
There' la . morality In the mod., breathe, of rural
area , aetare, if we loot at It only as a mean of ale.
valor the nine of nor (only a d friend., and of @g
elling. the emulation and marring the tames clear
niticithow. Terre is moml ir in tbe
rdsr graetrel arbor,
and in the •nenly decreed tower et , for 'hem are
releom (tad lueut where the metes f-wllngs are
v•lnel and cut Waled
It there were lad,es bere,l would ask the., Ohl pc.
never China of annriding avehi• lovely men' of
meeting and Imarsving you brothera, eedheueod a
and Diced., and ciente, dug the rough teranit of MIA
Ism harmoay with the doer fibres otwantarea tester •
Grallwrien. have you never thought of providing
each a pleasing, hero Willi-an improving roll of deer
ascuett 'On fur your were. a J s ariabtert. as la rub,
eiltotc f e the old orenpaeonef eFeitung end weavin
and hoeing yen. core end Folsom,' g,
A tome, sweetened end adorned by men external
astJsitie is alman sere to twmallvened by that ar.
ceetionaW inter..tree ortileh gives hapelnera ro life,
snob a family elects OoMO Ito
acre we are rare to find a patriotism that non the
het an pied either to the lei* enter foreipll revrolort,
or to the oppression of dounsue tyranny. 'IWO the
twee; sorileaties of life are eberahed and cultivated
Roth, Inch:vinery*. Hew well o the tree paternal
and freernalsoweann of ensures God, the Cooed*.
non of all ether seetatitnall teat hire any ChanCO Of
auceeta And here, within the taidefert knee, We are
aura to god a moral refinement, sod an tetelieetual
relayed n,whichart rover foundinatong tepee whose
low utPlierian notions never arpreolate any tatter
essm seacrtirg rot to money value. Ily this nand.
ard e
the baleen:es, and eetiompliahreentr, and melt
•ate of ,octal lire min never ho sr:sestina.
Throwing • Wit. down
bin attempt so commit Mordent
The Ashtabula Ohio Telegraph, gives the fol.
linking particulars or a most strange and immatu
re attempt to tato liftel -
Pablo, tedisintlan hart ealeom been excited by
a more hese, iand'etotd-Mended, and murderous
mmt t than Met which on Thursday hat. the Tlth
was planned, zed ail but comoducd by Sono
Haerace s farmer soil eitirten of Klornoe. The
muter:rotated wee the wife or Harmon--
Notice, attuatde, andasttrus, and• wife Wedded
to brut hut throe mon tqs alp, She brought to her
felon bunt/rod • handsome property; end it •p.
pears that the desire on hie part to have this to
himself—to rot binmell of Ito cog end care of
ham.beerdug—to mak, money, and to lay oat
cone—,o carry out the ass ides, which it seems
pow:tired bun, to the excleemn of all other, fxl.
zags—that of emes.tng property.-.:hese were the
roaarca and these alone, as the facts in evidence
slow, watch reeved him to plan the murder of his
w,fo, cod as far as lay in hi. power tarty his plan
into execnitth.
0.1 We,.noad re, the t6th,Mrs. "Hermon nOtthed
a IntorgencOn,in the Coo of:orients of her .husband.
Ho seemed warped op in though; and finally he
come rourti hot—told her he wished ha was rid
el battened looked at her Assdly. Ho atterwarde
placed tor ,
nodro her walrt, and than round
her beck, endeavored to coax ber.tat of
doom.. H e was Re/rangy cooL He wished het
Urge - eat to the that bracket bed fallen la
-'that there was n white cloth man bottom. He
muted her to go cat and balp.bito at the' twit.—
Soe deafly went ovt,but wood on the aide of the
curb cepa:lto to him. But by worked round--
, coshed her vtolctstly,lll4 lobe ntinnatir term:red
befog prempaated ta. She then Wird to the
Ranee. Ao evening of stoat anxiety mid distress
of freed awaited her. Her husband wo o moody
end sneer. lie &duet tot to bed at his coast
rret•, ant brine hoe hoer of going no tee; but ce
on and wished her to yo bole e tam. She
nel.y mired Thruoch she want be never slept.
He got cp—went out of doers and rolled-on the
goats in that door pond—ttben went and rolled no
tea bed tildayttgb.—bat never Closed his eyes
I Mn. Harmon had eon to consort with, and the
srane* coodeLt of her husband bewildered her:
I Hi, . ve.lenee , at the well be etolaiaed to be done
o )er n sod ha earocany waked her to go out there
eta n. Sac refused. lite artifices to ethos her
our nod tit me, to lyres to get hos hired man out .
of the way. dam si coldblooded peneverance
his fill purpose, unparaltalied in the annals.o,
eerie. 'Tots wait do Thursday morning, The
hired man was scot into the-woods to bunt tip s
'the Celde. Aire. Hartarn wen engaged al fir as
her fetters allowed her, it ter hatnottold work,
when brr besho ad' sawn Wanted her to go out to
`the won t ' and ca her refold, he legsd her sudden.
ly—corned 'her out by math Wren, in spite of her
larvae!ca to escape the death to which she how
erh Iter'.bart doomed her. To ends her cries he
placed bar hand Orally no her Meth—his antes
and tads, Magna IMO and holding on the upper
IPart of ter foes, and lane/wing bee eyelids. Ho
had ban now at the ironed; bat the death' Struggle
was cot Over. He could not toroe her deer the
i curb. fluddealy be kicked nreoy the curb, aed
~ l unged her beediong defy the well—ratting fees
The water was &blot three (eel deep. He fork
I ed down and saw that Mr. Harmon was glee
Seeded tuned. in her dement. and was standing
three with the water to her wain. He POW called
to her, and w;abed to drum her out. She spoke—
ahe feared It was but to throne not in .agile; He
towered the wen pole, bet she cool n not held on
to it. Ile then went to the barn, abd procured the
cordittis-d in tying up the cattle. Mn. firemen
was at last drawn up—alivei her holl and bad not
ce.toreptirbtd hat purpose, and new be was ant.
lons for her to change herr:amber, The bleed man
spired at thy, jam:nue, and Warr told by Harmon,
that Mr.. hod
H fallen Into the well.
H e shortly fat and went I I his bttotharh—re.
I turned,. and hammed his haraer—trant ,he was
I going to hare them rhed—then went out with
rheas into the into, nod Ethally conecteaccd kenos'.
log a piece of Wowed ground. The alumna of
I Me, , Hermon Wan dreadthi--estsprd from the
Liao/11'0r damp—rharely camped—dreadfully brunt.
ad--her face bleedlng—arsedng frees So dreadful
a dank, and dreading Wont, Shoat once gorm.
ed her "resolutionntent out of the house, sod
through. the grain, and over thefeattes to Mr. I'm ,
her% at whose drone ebb fainted, It was lon be
fore she recavera t and Could tell what she bad
suffered and what oho had esesped, Mr. Pokey
went over soon after to liarrnee's..fbrind him
coal and nofleVaititted Lad some conversation
with hire about the crops. Mr. Parker alluded to
the accident, and Herman snored him It was and
accident. It was time to act in the. MaUer, end
upon eomplatnt leads to 1 . G. Thurber, Eel., •
Ware= One issued. Harmon was arreattd, and
kept in cottony through the eight! tau he canape
ed from the person to charge, look. to the woody.
and.waa not retaken till after a long search, He
drew a golf° on Mr. Boosts who first discovered
his hidintpleec, hod threatened to a rip him tp..
He was rewired eta:woollen boa been had •
before feu. Thurber, at Klogiaille, aod be to
committed to the County 1011, on the charge
of au Ooioltill With fat-eta kill. His bail Wan 112
eel et 53.000. Mon Harmon Hes lo a precarious
state, at her rather's heure,in B.mrstrille.,
YromilTi Now York Express.
Horning op the °clinch.
Now Yasz. June 2.9, PM
ho int ' : i n n !, w re r t e u i r rre t d o c i o h de:it:la.': cad
d y
m at! ' ?n n r c o ' ru h t a a P tia
event, oiler on atnenre of three weeks, I with to
givnlan account of wliat I new and experienced of
the dreadful scene.. that .corred n buard the ill
Ned 'steamer G nflithrnenrCieveland,cie the morn.
tug of the 17th of June With the main features of
that awful camatrophe the public are ndlleiently
familiar. I propose to give the details of my own
'rare. I took passage on board the Griffith with my
will and four children from Buffalo, (my former
place of ries/cleave) at 11 o'clock, A. bt ., loihtfi'b of
June. . We were gqing on a emit to my wife', fi.
titer in ledisnapoits, Indiana. I had chipped on the
Hone brat SISDO worth of geed., destined for the
iitantoni places an our route. Every thing mimed
pleasantly through the finn day and night, nothing
occurring to foreshadow by any evil presentiment
the appaiting scene that. won followed. Al just
About daylight ou I k. Morning of the 17th, 1 Was
awoke by a sort of orinfused OnallOf below, follow.
e i c by a succession Orlertifinienimbri which I ouP
'pose proceeded from the emigrant passengers; they
startled me from my berth in mv.atate roonlwhlch,
1 occupied with my fancily, and c5b,,,,, 1 - ,,,,,,,,, 1eer.
tog with my little bay, (4 years ofage)•As !sprang_
lbi.ny r. e , I discovered names and smoke forcing
their way into our room. I aroused my onfe with
'all the calmness 1 could command, thoughfrom the
p i or ii ~, aka and shrieks tint ' oW assailed one
_ears, and thesound of the ragingdre, Idomprehest•
dud the Imminence of our peril • :We both espied •
Our Chiltne in our arms and
.by their; hands, soul
'with part of theiCtltoistisonly, and fled [limpet the
main cable forward. .'. : , • . . •
' .Therel p•rscd alf . m down ns_raipidlyaa pontibie,
(tonne games
were in'hrit 'pursuit)over the railing
On to that mole dent, and top'. down myself by
their side. 1 then crowed ever wida my wife, (our
children clinging to us) to the forward gangway—•
At this time the boat had been puttowsrdsthe Moor.
. 4 4 wo, barely marillilua that diniotlfin. / looked
lacii.snsras I.looked, hope dird within me. The
I fire was raging with perfect fart' - . the flames es
i leering thirty sent above the deck ,and the current
lof air sweeping it forward with great violence,
' oritbin a few yards of where we !Arad, I can en
eye towards the how, and - there, with . (ramie
scretuiro, I taw the emigrants and others madly
night ng overboard, to avoid the fire and hem, which
- was now becoming Tote se. Captain Reber, whom
I welt- knelt, was close by me, with tits family.— ,
IThe steward, at this moment, jumped overboard, !
and the Captain throw his child to him,Which he •
ta too in k, the ho n ld p. iaLit d b u y , i ‘ is r
i tress w
d. itt h . istn . ctu r
h th. i. T i !t ,. % GI ,
h p;
plunge i n to
his e
m o a th ke er h amde l h en
I b w w a i i f t e t h m apdaew a
ingbeforeme;it was but the work of a very few
moments. Bat who can describe the egony that
was compressed within that brief period—there was
nothing we could grasp at with which to buoy a
hope. I could admLuistet no comfort (reoccur
agemem to my poor wife; we looked into each
other's faces wad upon our little children to blink
dismay—despair was too ,deeply seated. io our
hearts to throw into word or look a bit of hope—
mufti!, unutterable agony
.possessed our soils. At
thin moment, I. recollect seeing that the droner, of
'my wife and little girl (8 years old) were on fire in
places.'My redo hugged her infant to her breast
—my two hole girls and my darlidg bcry cluog to
hay pantaloons and cried "Pa, don't let me born
up. ' An do only alternntira, and with' the con.
cunence of my wife, I was forced to follow the
example of the rest, and one by one es rapidly it I
could, dropped my children over t e side, and my
wife next, and I plunged after them limpig a little
bekobd my wife so as not to link her in my fall.
I wein ander • little, and on Hale to the surface,
swain round and rotted in search (them. /a the
Infatnatioo of the moment:l expected to find them
fkating—but bow vain and unreasonable it moo , —
Horror taricken to nod them.gono—all gone—l!
Wonder I did not sink to Um bottom like lewd. In
their terror they must have sunk almost instantly on
touching the water. Bewildered, I struck out, I
know not how, towards the shore. - Thad [node but
a few woke% when I fall a hand upon mybeel. I
looked hack and raw a Man struggling, with one
hand grappled tinkly. upon my foot; he diew - me
tinder twice, but, with a feeling of reckless dope
rabou—for I had lOW all fear of drowning—rand by
diet of great exertion, I kicked. him offend dista
-1 galled myself—he drawing off my stocking an ha
went down. I own made vigorously for the shore,
! which was distant I should judge, half mimic—.
Thetford had c ra ved to move beforel had lett her.
having ran aground.' As I proceeded I foetid I had
over exerted myself, but arid -I straggled on, sonic,
ing every nerve, and .before I reached the-shore
blood gushed limn my nose and canal every stroke
'of my arms At !engin I felt my feet mach the
ground, and in a moment I gained the beach nod
thew myself on the rood. ,Oh! the agony ol sny iv-
declining as I lay in the eight -of Mat wraralt of all
I tad dear, and surveyed the pincid 'waters that had
cloned to soon over its. innocent victims. It ream(
to me that there was concentrated into that brief
apace more of bitter sufFering alai horror thatiVall
be inflicted by a whole life. tune of common
misery and woe, even if compressed within i single
As I looked out upon cruel dee and gazed
aloft into that Wailing beareothat p ,
I left for a a moment
is if I was mocked at and jeered by that bright
sky, and, in thephrenoyof my despair, I reid,Niopo
is a delusion, and- Faith a lie "—"There can be no
God." I felt for the time as`lf a merciful, Cod
mold not minim with such terrible accumulation his
doctorates" creatures. May that good Being for.
give the weakness of a ehated and wounded spirit.
and regard with 'forbearance the murmuring and
rebellion of a lacerated brave e- ! ! !
I araverite no snore. I recovered thi bodies Of
throe. Who, living, were dearer to me Man Myowt ,
life, and whose memories, now that they are dead.
I delight to cherish, though every thought Wads •
pang to the inmost recesses of a commally :bleed
um heart. I buried them is Buffalo in one 'grave.
And now, Mr. Editor, one word in conclusion,
will turret:to be done to render -recite secure the.
precious -liras of passengers upon oar rivers sod
rates? - ' . ', +
Itespectfulle arid irnly roma. '
. No. CO Warren street!
Trot PAINE out—The crancniitee of Scienti
fic gentlemen al ..ed to, as being about to make •
putslication a lion to Mr. : Paine l isalleged dw
rosary, have Masers°, mid the result is not by any-
Mans favorable to the hydroelectric light. So
many obstacles, however, were, in theabsence of
the inventor, thrown in the way by those who es.
hibi;c4 the apparatus, that the gentlemen sate able
, to make only imperfect observations, and their a
-1 port. is, therefor , neither very full nor conclusive;
' althoush enough was noticed, and enough is raid,
to justify the suspicion of deception, which 411011
an generally entertained. be gas supplied . to the
burners in Mr. Pain's front parlor, bad "The odor of
oil or rain or gas," that provided for the burners
in the basement romu, and coming immediately
from the turpentine vessel, at first burned with a
bright light, and upon a" second experiment, with a
, very feeble one; at which . S'lr.'Paine, Jr., says the
eannonee, 'a pealed ecinfUSed,,o..—!“,kaign.d that
; the light burned as well 11. before, but way macs
paler ' —and "then shut olf,the gas, and positively
refused to permit farther exarrisnatioo." lf he cmur
millets was composed of Professor Torrey,of the
i Collage of Pbtalciens and Surgeons, of New: rork`
Dr. Chilton, Charles Rooms, and George Dart
acme, one of. the Manhattan, the other of t
Roston Gs' s Works, and J. H. Blake; engineer rtni l i
eftemiii, of Roston.
(Teralhhiraahl Putaburgh
The - Work Ttapadlr PrOgresslas
Complet leek.
Ali each month tots round, our surprise is 'great.
fly increased al the rapidity with whack- this work
pmeressing. The Contractors,. blears Chem
barite it Co., are pushing every lacility presented;
to complete the work, and there is sot least
doubt but We contracts will befitted arkils the time
, specified. • The several beldam: at this ririatity,
(which an heavy worb) are recreating fait aid
will be colipleted at es early day. It it expected
that the corumetors will commence layiordown the
treek,el this point, 60=116* during thw month.
The Cc, are moony on thestround,twd walrus shwa
tons of - spikes have already arrived Two Lucca..
tires tare been shipped from the Taunton Work.,
fdarsichmens, and will be here in a few days, to
Scott in putting ovitas superstructure. The•Juoe
estimate, - Ina paid to the coitinttiont, &mow. to
N 8,663 t 33! In tab, but comparatvelya few day*
more will piss before we shall bear the rumbling of
the caw over the track of the Cleveland and Pets.
burgh Rail Hoed,- between Ravenna end Cleve
land. Pub! PA!! Pak!!! Pair!!!! Pit—
• ' "—Roman
. .ticw Yaks, Jell 8, .
The estensive turpentine:ware hones of Mt.
Thorn, mooted rd the ninny hbothood of Fallon Ter.
ry, Brooklyn, was Cosseted to be on Err In the
rsents story, shot 3 o'clock this thornier. It
commenced liming the boo cotton which had
bean siozed in the oh.
. .
In Ina lowa ratios, there veto large qUart , ltiel
of ircteirem, and it Is naiad strireni bagiof soli
mite. widen expthaod in rapid succession, whit a
terrible eine:.
Tire Sid spread to a Daimler 0; other building".
which 'lace* mosalregstactond, wllis • thca can.
The whole lots is not et present ascertained,
but it la arid to be ?early E500,11:10.
The dire departuronta of New , York and Brook
lyn turned out is full force to ebeck the proper.,
of the Ramos, which they tnaceeded to doing.
Warn Nonnsainhiss:—At the Whig County Con
vemioo held at Wasbingtoe,on Eloaday last wren
the following persona were . noasinnfed. .
Alum! TuOmrsox, of Hopewell, aia4ll).',
bl. Locreru.,..4, of Wan Sea Ihlettem..2
Coottnt.t.tionir.-..Tonnt H. Woz.v, of Canton.
Prourtaing: - Arranoy..Roin...ll. Fooazi ,of
Comity B:tritorr-tuavrt .1. VANKUIIi, of S.
Dom°, of :iv rooi -ED* ARP G. CWIDELI., of
Manion. -
Aodunr-- I .V7maiiH. 1110t111.50x, .of Notline.
Tarril!ge Steamboat Dlssiter
I` Icets• r v viz o Oatos" of Glasocw.....e• 34eas
tosv.—The Liverpool Courier of the 19th, In ■
postscript, staters that the Steamer Orlon, sailing
between Liverpool and Glasgow, struck a rocket'
Port Patrick. on the evening of the 16th, on her
Ipassage to Glasgow., from the effects of Which
she immediately sunk. It Legated that there were
abotit Ike passengers on board the lb fated steam.
er, and according to information received, tiny or
them am mild to be drowned, including Prokascr
Barns, of Glasgow.
Amongst the pasaeugers ere 'Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Gladstone and family,ot Clifton Park,
Birkenhead; (cousin to Mr. Robinson Olathe:ma.)
The Orien, when see len Liverpool, hod an non•
ovally large number of, passengers on hoard, all
her °Ate bastes eciagongsged, and several par
ties, including some gentlainen who had s rrived
mum Amerioa to the Europa. were tumid° to- ob.
tale bertha, arid, fortunately for themselves, were
deuthed In Liverpool, or went by another mate.
The advice' from Singapore are to the 3d if
May. They state teat the steamer Nemisla had
returnoil from Slam, at vetch place she left the
United States frigate Plymouth, having on bola
Mr. Bilestier, on a adallaa to Siam, &c., where
he had met a very. !littering reception.
Mies BRUIII.—The National Intelligencer, of
Wednesday, toys
Among tte vialtoreinst low gracing the seat of
government with their presence, are severaLlitsi
icy celebrities of the liettersen. - Ws few to yen.
tore their nemesia cow pany with the lest Interest.
log electems rit news and - politics; but thercls
one, a stranger Iron a far fond, wheee pen and
whose virtues have abed lultre on her own mono
try, and endeared' her to the whole world of let.
ten; we allude to Mies frederiks Bremer, :of
Sweden,' who errlved la the oily a few days ago,
cud is will hero; Inform &Ilea which will, we
boom. be 'very InWeeSliog to many of oar reedits,
who are else hers. •
Duta az An Parnia.--7aiu P. Co.36nu,
adqor mid pn - pr tibr tho Cemrtaried Ann.
ter, axpiren at hi• re.ldenco ip tills ally, on Moo.
City manila' —Edo Cos.
Too Caesium—it is a *lntuits fact the cab.
Nigel. I sousreiga retoedy for intoxication from
wine, and that It Irie elrou. the power of prevent
rit It; for we are reformed by eatleg.a sterraia
quadri♦uf eabbase before:dinner, on: may drink
as moch'aiihe as we phrase, without experiencing
any leconvenlenee. Tait property of tad cabbage
Is mentioned by ancient writer,; who are of rp o,
ion that it proceeds from the antipathy whteh the
vine show' to the cabbage If a cabbage be shim
ten mou a alas ; Ms lunar glass retiree or disk
We mine the . marriage or Mt. Day to Mu
Field, which prrsenie this Meseta anomaly, that
althoush he was tAsficid sit ga4red the day.
, .
IN Mulls—No serums hereafter to ptr.
miens alinement Me Peace committals& in hraitim
that doss not meat. the requisite quatifinationa—
So .Eishi' at the,end era man's name is to mean
ecimeihing mom than the quirk so ■ pis" tall—
Th.:pilaus Fiat his beca piarsecated an Ray
mond,. fdisaisalppi, tor ablated'g money ander
false ',rep:neer—that is, by the 'practice bf Pp•
cholcairy wed Mangy.- Tee ategittrate gave a
decision that the matter was a scientific one for
BCielln6tl invettigatiou.
The wire of the Hon. A wan Stelae, of &Moon
Mt.: churned ono hundred end efght pound. of
bolter before Weak!.t, ewe daft= week. Bho
Gotta to bo an hnuorable•ros. • ' i.
. . •
Espionige, io Mime,- ender .Louie Nspoleah,
hi more Intolerable, than fiat exercised by Loate
Philippe. Even Americans are csulicned egalvet
the expreutee of Ilectoelratic tentiments la ptib..
tic places, • . .
Sit Hein Wes Lsonrefah, on befog 'eked, .Have
!on 12Ished all that pan,' hree boulud without
quieten.= I" anal. vied, ' Na, not Tito tent, I bad
the ambiance ors; tnAtte of Madan."
Ommtuusx.—We learn by the 'Teensbnig
papets, Mat the Greenibure Academy, with the
valuable Library. Philosophical and Clem Mal
Apparatus, and Woks of the students were entbes
ly dettroymtly die oo.Toead■y nieht last. The is estimated ar upwards 0r52,300:
- And.mcrican speculator ham Mrered s3ooo.for a
hippopotamus, to re delivered to him In Alexia
dritgiiet has not succeeded In finding a bent... held
enough to brave the onagers of Oa White Mkt.
1519 1% oonsT., , m3ovE rwr!lf •
Haee jast received large Additiona to their
Imparted by law ciekew,.(Wat''Euroho, and to
valOch they would especially cell who attention
of purchasers, behoving w eir very eaten..
two awake and low price{ will Alvo
• ' raft* aatittactlon.. . • .
n:rro ore Yoratierin —To inoseallliried with that
dreadfal scourge to ..A.merimh. the! Deer Complent,
the propticters of hPLene's LiverPirs: are happy to
'offer Ibis remedy, as at once complete and safe. It
loss beta tried often in all pure of .the country; it has
been used in the mitleo of Mentes{ eminent . phy.
.. , elans, and 'alorayi with trionlihant setters. In
offering these Pills to the public, the proprietor ere
acraced by •dr sins to alleviate Leman se-Tering, and
offer aremedy for one of the most terrible &news
which 'halite within the reecho! all.
MrPor sale by.I..KIDD b CO, No CO Wood street
Mind Restored to Blight by. the Pe
S. S. Linan—Sit: I wish to bear aestimeny to the
medical virtue of tee Oil called Petroleum. 1 waster
along time afflicted dith a badly Indented and 'My
sore eye, so mach so sista late sight entirely for about
three nonthe,relth rerylittle bcpeiof ever reeovering
the sight, and but, a alight preapeet of having it re—
bored of the sozettret; :My attending Physiman was
unruccerial In making a rare, or in giving relief,
and afforded me but little Incident gement. I beard of
the Petroleum Shoat the Ist of April. 1603, and gave
It a trial: the result Is. the sight, is 7esuired and my
eyee,rsell, except a into. tender. or Weak.when I ao
ma in thasan. ANN IRELAND.
Alanyeeld et., Cineinn di, May Id, relo.
S. S. Lneron—Sir. 'I lutve. been 'deleted with Piles
for tea years, and have tried other remedies, without.
permanent tube, WS I heard • of the Petroleum..
bare cued only ore battle, and think I am entirely
cared. I recommene tr to all who ire deleted wad
Piles. I hare kcown it to be good for sore eyes.
Ciorimmy play 40, lean • li. C. CIARRRTSON
Dor Ws by Keyser it No Dotrell,l4o Wood motet;
E.Sellers, 67 Wood at.; D N Curry, Allegheny city;
1) A Mott, Allegheny, Joseph Donglare, Allegheny;
oleo by the proprietor, P. M. KIER,
Ire Canal Duin.Seventh st, Pittsburgh
Mee of Ohlo and Polna Lit-Co, Third st.}
4 . 111.1t11311, 411130 35,195,0.
Tea Stockholders of the Ohlo and Pennsylvania
Rail Rorid Company are hereby notified to pay :Le
'lath Instalment of fore dollars per ohms', at the office
of the Company, as . heretofore, on or before the
day of June treat, nod therremetning install:atm:a of
$3 per shoo, on or bolero the Jpth day of each moo
cleding mead na:it the whole aro paid.
.WII LARIIIIA, Jr., Treuurer.
improvoamenta is Deatiotrjr.
DR. a. co. srumukadm. or Roston, Is prepared to
manufacture omits Brae; Tarni In whole and part: .
o (set., upon dootion or Atinnophetle Sue non
Tootnleita eras:, In tin icaurts, where the annals
exposed (Kee and residence next door to the Nay
lor's oMee, regal; street, Pinsbn,o4. .
- Runs no—.l. lalf
.. .
.. . ... .. . ..
. . . --, Of PI ttabiligh•
C.O. /Ilia - SIT, Mai*, • --.A.W.ATAII43,BIer.
Otata—No. 41 Water sure; to ita ' , maculae of C.
11: GRANT. •
ill 3 COMPANY Is new prepared to Insure all
kindle of tau, on book's, manufactoncs, goods
manhandle' iu mom, oad Miran elm V11A.V414.
du ample gaarlll:7 for Ilia audimeariry at
Lmintution, at cllon!ed in Inn eboracter of the Di
reetotr;srl,itio oti eitlva, of aitteutelF, well and
f.Toraaly known to I'.a. community for their prudonce,
.111 , 040 t-re, lead 1111 Oily
Dat1a.7411.-.• t U, tlimary, Wm. Ilnialey, Wm. La,
Uher, Jo., Wafer Brawn, Hobe D. B,r•,lF4ward
rmelmn, Z. liinacy, Ilar!Jaath,-q.111.11(e.r.
. . .
• :cazii ....:4 -.. r r D. 14 D. 1101114)
~;y,. • .nenttin.contererFearb
' end Decatur, between
Market %13 Decatur,
Wen of Pittsharg6 Gas Company,
hth, 1550,
HE Trostres of the Plittsb ra h as Company haws
1, this day declared a Dividend of Soo per cent for
We last t nvontha on the capital stock paid
• Die In t. e swekhok'ers, or their legal repress:antra*,
at the oleo of We wank., forthwith. _
.10 • Joll/L1,61 AI. CHRISTY Manlier.
HE Directors dt tho Pi usbOral, aild Roston Mining'
Corppoor, have dui deelorrd • dividend of
wren dollar& peg glare, for tan lira six gurnb, pay
nOte tilts Date (Um treasurer. on and alter the 511.
of Ali gait, ProLwo. CLIARLE.I AVERY, Pres't,
U `UNLltlks-Itl fiXiLlll ,... Sass 11 . •
C 6 of cheat; Y. H& 0. P. Taa;
39 do Illaclerea; • •
. 44 caddies Y . Ira> &O. P. Tea; •
40 hrlt aad hCbila Idalersius,
HO tit Pipes; .
10 do 2...umb; I
3 do N. 3 Coffee NMI.; for talc. to
IEW 11001.f.iii
. ,
AT -110LAIE5'• L12'ER.421.1" •DEPOT,
71.1 &tree., OPPO4IOIa Post 01Lce,
DICTIONAKY of Meehanics; Eagles work, and
Engineering. No 1:1..
lloatou Shakspeose,No In.
'Anoint liming Ago. No WI.
aunt'. Merchants' Magazine (at July.
Morning Cd 4 1 . 4 taii. , —pr. II and It
Walt iteVieW f or July.
Democratic Review for July.
tetrower A Towneend'. New Weekly MJ.eellanY—
erica me cents.
lhapers New MaeattlyMegazina fee July.
lloklen's Dollar filmeszum for Jnly.
014 Oak Chest Ile James. JrB
DULI:'S fIititSAPARILLK-6 dots? Jest vec'd for
Al sale by i
41 15'1 E1 ' 1 1"
IYB coca t
C OD LIVER. OlL—Pure whim and fresh just reed
HOW SARSAPARILLA-1 bile small tolls Just
Teed tor sale by WSJ bELLERS
1 , 1
riNE, cook
paned t oo ri Kos fre•k'Ccrmr.o.Pinae•, loot im •
jj,rf or oolq ni,t3 5,0 n T.,. •
13EARL:-1,2 eauti Art melt/ion for male . by
13 , 3 WICK & aCANDLESS.
DOTASII—Io mks Yota.l2, ■ Bile anloltor .tle
CIOCOLATF-18 boxs• No. 1 'Fre oh Chesolate,
just rewired, add for mato by
SALERATUP—I t IL , u x, k: Clar e nd
dere ion received,
( "08"fc b i IicCANDLESS.
GRuUND PEPPtataoboxels •Grectai Pep
per, to: ulo by
s WICK' k IlleCANOty..4q.
IVABLE 6ALT-1.4 boys Tab/o eit for aala
rtEASI CIIEWS , t—.7b boxes 'Cream Cheese, this
day received and hatreds, by
JYk Wick & McCANDLFS3.
TAT R ciiN ! KSIE —DI Rue. W. R. Cheese, raeciv
y ed a.d ear tale by
CANDLE - Z-10 ben. ;km COllOlOl7O
13 9 "Y
" tVlllnqtaCAN DLZS.E.
—L* do:. tor. aky
PINE APPLE CLIEESE=4ast received and for
Bale by
J y 8
WU. A. McCLU/10 4. CO.
!TIDE Bestiary Committee enlist OW o f Pittsburgh,
have mads au arrangement mita the litar. , Passa.
Caet of this city. to place CHULEILA•PATIENTS le
his Hospital. actuated to Leetyvilie. Th..y have also
appointed Dr. Comm. of. the Fifth Ward, as City
Physislut. Ily order er Sanitary Corm:Jaen.
A. BLACB, Cbali6l.4.
/met Minx Vert
LI Palm do. for tale by
sa w.t MeeLtIRO k. ell,
. .
Inklltlla ilia FAIVAIS'.I3I/1 ‘.
TIIE Leretaforo existing between the
salosetibots, wader Me Arm of Neale & nueVer.
was tale day dissolved by mutual coneen , bast:
oces Dl tee Atm will be Rattled by If. P. yigeg,
eemor of Nenle & Mueller, who is autharixd asa
the fume of the Lnetin settlement.
Amt.e-10 brls,Dry. Apples- last
h • • •• Mier Tv7eGsr
Ltberty st CU
..e0 bile new White Flsb;
:1•1 b tie [Ake Trout;
e Ono Lee., 3h11.;
Y 6 bile No 1 Nemec
10 tell No It Mae
10 W brie Nog to, Just
dditi leilt andVYI far taa by
pT W
THESE DIES having been adopted and highly entered in ell the 'prineipal • shepi in - New 'York
and Philadelphia, ore now °tiered to manufacturers, machicints,. ship sauths,&e., wilt:Late utmost cuss .
fidtte'e. as the mustperfect article in ssefer cutting strewn. - - •
Their superiority over. soy other me. heretofore used, consist*is-their - cu tt ing core
Seam, whether or o thread, by ems pass/never the iron to to cos, eels icb require pe50...405;
or prem. preparaticn. as the dies cut the throld out of the solid irun,:trithout raising it in she tear,
14 then greeter durability, totally, and perfection of work; nod in their eimplicily end little liability,
to get out of order.
Pun Amazons. Aad , 17 , 1948 .
.1111 s Ls to conify..hat aro balm purchased from P.
W. I.arta Ihwrithr of aging Ws paMat Dies for est.
tiro hohs. In car opinion, his lota are mach rope.
rior to to Other, era an acquainted orttri ior ice
purpose of matting boils.
J P mortars & 00.
Prou,naa. Ana. 21.
hod P W Patent rm Dies Innee In lf 4
establishment for the last 'nine months, for 4. 1 •U-W1
1 , 013, We car la eWry rerpeet recommend. them In
the highest tenor, as we have laid all when atvay,
they being to far stiomicr—considaring them 23 per
cent. cheaper than On'y others now in ore. •
• • - • RANEY, NEAP/E es CO.
Peon Works, Pa:
• Tlde lota emUly_thit ant Mire purnbated tbfi nabs
to me; mad adopted in r ar barmen, P W Gate: , Pa
lent Sere. Cutter, which tie &tidily approvaot• We
eta do muck more worn, and we believe it wBl mu.
pate in durability and precision, as mach as economy
of labdr, any diem known tow •••
PIIII4DELFIIIA, ash Inonth,UBth day ; RAS.
tilrAr You, Am. 10,1840,
• slaying adopted P. W Matte *Pateat Idea^ for eat•
tint bolt., on take Pieria:• la asyntx, that It more
tams anaemia our expecottons, sad hags no ketits ,
thin to giving Ilia our Op triton, that It far excels soy
othar plaa la present Ina for eani+s Doha • •.•
' • T ?-SECOR CO, •
To Lava P.tV Oates` "Patent DUO for 'caning
screws, and the economy of using them Is so !cry ` • • •
considerable, th at We loot upon th em as u &peen. Not IdgeAuto,lo seta diei* laps fr till; &Xi
WIS to Ma establishment having =I quantity of Nov . to
ICITBIi.. tat. . , Nos.. do .I • t ; • /la 1141
IecCOBISIC , IL OGDEN AVMs All orders addressed to IV. bate.. Chic's% 9.• ---- cgo.s, --- rto7 10 . 194?.- : a elr i ltTos ' td " rlli ." css k ' 4 g, f - sigNhVipirine,,lOrPtit
011nivanci °yews, •Vi'arnisoni ith Sept.. tild. and Taps, lath orulthoutlntacbitte. to. aging Skew.
I have gurcased of V. IL Scoville for the Unilat will meet uth prompt sugution.
pintas, tn. sins gn ow in all tire animals and rumo- •
to do homework: imrma riot and pieta
Anut arioanoo can be heard of by applybar u thin
: 61. e. • . • • rva...,.1
QIINDRIES-39 bris Famili }Iola; .
.0 - ' . 30 bx. CheeOri
ID tea Mee;
. '
. ICO do. Cori Broom.: ~
• 30 brts Vinegar; in atom for silo by
:13 6 JOHN WAIT k CO
.14S OIL-147 p j al i a ,e 7 Nad i p i a f i r c tld
::4 Wood at
vinffTlNU-30 brla dry ind the, for We by
-- - .
OIL' -1. eon Oil Wintergreen;
k./. I. can OIL Eergrmet
I aim Oil ausolvis;jost 7.021 for sale
F LOC -US UN In .tare and for sea by
Wood st
Q 0 A P-400 b.ts far sale by
MOLASSES -33 Ws in Oat and Cyprenn barren,
to el Jae enniio STUART &BILL
rut prs9A-400 bki cream in gore. for 61
1.1 JI6 . • i.TUART &
otroon P. F. In core foi sato 1*
S [TART k.
B lifH l ls—TOOtlox jar notchedirgali!tys 14r,
BUIR CR in barrel., berm .d'einaki for ante by
jlet I sTunor h. SILL
C7LAtit —Ku las az w:. . . • r
.. ' / 4u bra 7 x 1),•for ...le by . 1
iTil • i . - STUART & SILL
krft4o-10011 lbs in cans 'and forte toy
8 fVA UT E. 81LT,
jr..._ = " •
S A . r . RA's uB--tba bts j,,aistlirisp.L.'irribate7
Wanted to Itent. •
A PANE OVEN, vrithmit • slam - Location not
partionlai—Pittaturgh pteferred. Addr•ss
Myers. at►this office. P 4021.
u rA:4I—U casks lan readied to day, ropetior
irtiele,auhabla (Or 4e:oiling. which will be aAd
lola for ea... A.-by 8 K Wien:BBlMM
4 ; for Wood and Sixth at
• .
regidc.&.!l°:2';-.P,;l,°,'VVroub. 6 .
bridge & ng boom, to Iransaet' & Wholesale Grieery
and treneral Column. sr on Ilr stem, In the hoer, lately
accept. by Dertandge, Wilma & Co', 110 Water st
Pthstrurgh, Jury I, tow.-Iy4. • •
TOY: Partnership aretofore istin betvreed the
I it... Members. tinde too firm robElorridgo, Wilson
Co., miss this day dissoMml by 2121,0 i consen,
Tins nosiness of rho firm wW he stalled by!. W, Her.
byidto, or Wm, Wilsn, Jr , either of whom is aailmr-
Meg te we 120 0/420 elite arm Ilisidatios.
WM. W1L6411 , 7, '
18.10.- .VON, 6HOBB 640
Pittabitigh[Joly ;,
1 . .. • ; son =air; . . •r • •
A LONG ROOM ever Mr ConnolArs Dry m s
.71. store, The mom is Roll finished, and famished
no fittings. Entrance on Market meet
17 4 E. 04,2ZA31.
Ofrtee of a Allegheny !fridge Computy;
Pittsburgh, July 1et,18311. •
rritEl v tivldent and %renegers otjho Cranoarry fen
ereellag a Bridge over. the Allegheny firveri op
pelltS entanorgh. to UTO Caullty or. Ailrghany, bur
• this day el echoed a dividend of OUP dollar sad seventy
Cttiti outset...hare of 5. a ear ital steel, staadiug to
the noise or Ind iv.doula on the hoot* co the company. '
out of the prorate of the last siz months, Natick/ swill •
be paid roaroekholders or Oki(' legal representatives '
forthwith.: Hy 41 • JOHN HARTER Treasurer.
. ! rabacoyAL..
TAWS WILSON informs his friends and the pobisc
ibarnd bons teauved Li. flat and Cap &labial:l.
Tann from StnitbLeld street, so ins old mud °alba
'corner of Wood avert and prarourd Allen teecond
awn ova* Petrick* A P load's 11.acbculgt tefticceene
Immo back. at Inacsand Alloy-44<m vay be found
a lane and funionable assanment at Bata and Cap.
an VI; of efipeelmena of the , Stone,' Iron, and
Uniteda Viaducts, Tentiels, eru , kt.a.c.
-ad the States Malt Rnada."..By ( doorge Duggan, I
Are Intact and Engteser..
• This present part contains betultihtlly executed '
plans, elevations. and sections or the 7 5nbes linage
three spanirofl3ll, and one span at ltd feat) acne
. the Delaware at Baer Mill MN on 'Menne of McNees
York and Erie Rail hoakientit aneeifications, esti.
mates, -
N -.With the present (lith) pan are given Speci
men Flame of the Aersatia tor "Theoretical end
oraeileat Treatise on Bridge Building, /SAM consist
trig of plans, elevations, sections, and details of a out
Iron obligee arch feet span, across Fairfield street,
alancheater, on the lino 'or the htenediester and DI,-
=nighties IL B. Also, a specimen sheet of th e letiel ,
press ef the Arrantia, aim an inn . ..tory ardeleren
the application - n(lton to Rail bud structure*. ••
nits' e work that was a great deoideratum, and
most provoof guns benefit in the engineering profits
sloe goactelly, and mpecially to the tyro in practical
engineering and mechanical knowlerge; in tenth it
smite, as that it would require years of labor and
p the i t
g a s ' and Voffe'claitraf.tre..",lZTl:lf:
embed,. I:a shy work, and can cow be prennared far
the toldmg sum of ilfri , .[Sesentilie Amerman, March
iito connection with .this sable= Limn Rittl Hand
Structures) we take crouton to call attention again
to Mr. Duggan's valuable and expeasive pablieadon,
exhibiting drawings., with fall de.erlptors of the
various stone, Iron , and wood - endree. viaducts; ten.
neir,'cialverts, tee.; at-all the roll .roads W the Unload
State, hltilAggart to en aceomplished atehltect and
civil engineer,l•llo came from Itelarni to an; country
to exercise .11m.profetakin, bat Ending nil road eon
straelion hete, in many r espects.. itterent from thesis.
watch be had been anent:mixed in Barone, he &polled
thou* to the study of oar 'rattan mad the Naito of
hir Mitll/ThCl and investiontons embodied lit this I
wort. trowel) ealeelared to meet the exigent*, of!
engmette, and to assirt draughtsmen. blidawbridders,
asechanice and stndentsi..—fti. Y. Jeanie' of Com.
mere*, P.a.:11,1E6U
Palathed otottris DUGGAN, SOn Broad.
way; New whom all communications ehould
be addremed and sobscriptiona forward d.
Li --= nd Dr-
I)AD 7 IIRF.ATIL..-In flier cases oati o , :ttd, bed , .
breath may be 'attributed tea neglectof the teeth.
by winch tanarkfallawe4u, aceamtilmatEll *est i•,;•..
and curia finally erase. , M i llen tide ti the owe, Me
Erk4acterigett 11„ Goods as gra - regViii, . :, ' I'llg"ah4fent:lteti-beiTlPo7;l.fficrh-41.1e rnsd=Trr-.'
lt - GAINSIBARGALINSI "al b°lß g t "' fiw . b. , "ft eliiniarelY di.r , =.1 4 ,..., ,,,, .
.verron. G.) approach. JIILP.IIIAUE,' s't•cr . .,._
ix 7.4.• L. RUSSELL,'Bign of the Me Bea Wig, en FIED CHARCOAL TsrOTIL PASTE f mt only et , , .
IV - Aletkrt Meer, between Third and Fourth . will remedy' for ban breath • bat will prevenithe terilimpir ' r _!:...
continue selling those Damaged Dry Roods, ert Wed lion from becoming ilLe medrara gleicui th e meth rt"7.l,
nesdayrielY3aterni will canine, from day to day until bnlliant whiteness. Charcoal - la admitted by all miter: .. ' e . I
W the denerged roods 'art sold. .These geode are I age persons to be one of: the 'Swum, 4."-1°""0
slightly damaged by wster, ad will be effered to cult ne..:.te known, and is highle tpnroved hy MI car twist l•
pmehasers at leas than half the ortirmal cost ! . ' - DCIIIIII% all'ldentlfrice. Therm:co tildeedon to it..
Dar lemmas enammeri and rn, public angeneral use heretofore hoe been the , gad:m.lC. ..... i;
will please call soon and secure bargain.% The goads I pare and /Marrero eourseitnieles, The PIatIFIED. - :.
were etreirged by water only, and easy of thr tu will t, Cita RCOA.I. TOOTH piing. ,_•<.) . Y , " l h ". that.
' - 1
be freed alroost perfeeL Others of them wewel sell iflMcatty,aa the ma (dchata lemma is pegew
at elm's: amp price Pl,ase remember th e store,' wood,
lei en Iron CYLFCId<'4".d '', L. ". 4 2 . 0 4
AOC/ blather street, between T. Ird and FOurth, sign ImprOpeble pearlier. Tn. , ,011- - = t
apps ot. th. .. ..
of the Big Bee Wee, where no cash customer , will be yes e are snob !as hare meelved the apprebadon of .
sent away...l:hoot being perfectly sanded. , i ear port scientific Dental 5am.p.,. ,, d 90 .1/ b?.. ,, ,,.
- dill roe peers veld be opened ferreted trade online 1 Gebel in' tbrir eireets. By the .ure of Jaen Ilauel's
occasion._ (.l33dlerj . %VAL 1.. RUSSELL :' i Purifi e d ch o so n .i 1.,..0ru t o the mom
Wh et i t
60.1. A n Taida , i teeth .a,, rn a abort ticTit r .ma tee ., d a t i,:e .a ttgWhitencir"
1. HAVE, tins day, a.soldated with Line Afr. I. IL 1 MI Wun,itrabilra.i.. perromer end Chemir,i
I . clear.; in; the Wholesale Ormery and Prodace
ler Chestet'street, rhilA - ~,
hmlorm; the style of 11 e film will be A. Culbermon ; r h },,nie and retalL by 11- pslto,, e g. '
A Clowe. , . l 1)3 1 A. CULBERTSON r " sale ' e
' b. Co IL E. Sellers, Plosburgin l ai d J0 . ..i0 r.
~ o , J.
ht. cCI.D3="rIO3) : gent, red J. hliterielkAtlegnertyCnY, rz: - ' h h- '.
s. CULBERTSON & CL011:111;,""L.
.. for sate Ls , .
IXTIIO . L . ESALE. G IIOCEILI and Connotation Met. i, /33 f , ______ ( ..ZREANT 9ly ;ram miter '
AreVnattetu'r.e'dp'na ti,ers,;:f.litterutrilthTiF4 IVi lelrgillb-"° l 6 ..".
P '4' 1.
-'‘ietalTYr" i
I B A611: 1 --HA-515-j iLt P7 , ~° 27 77 io ---- rd; 7 7
a. ... m . gm, to err re, lied or a ll by ,
• ! • 1 3 A. l p2p7&ff . , ...:
,„ , ~,
low. -
- - ~.3 •
I dollow WI re will please come. sa7w7l..l..preses I t ------ 140"0101k.. in
property, 21111 take them away, or they will be so ld:
......._....._„..........________L_L,, Weser
.ed •
i ranthig th laW, te pay charges C t
ea GRANT-1 cl,,,TllEF:Mrd.rie...u.• rdth ru e u eet 2 ,. e . lthee te iry „ id , P u l i tts be b ,k, urg: . '
•• wod, ...Noy a atattaa a , 11 11010 i Thesel Lec
co o e d, A palmation M hers *deal theat.tee tut Pearl'
.r. 4. .ilt.ELLox; 81 Ina ,/,,,4 h. iesteiewints i ln're 4 " g '''' ' 1 4 51 * i " W irt. Mir Mgent. '.
Llyorder orthe mune er.nerivii,,,, - , ,
. . • lidlowing :Artie Aria r:
(111. ea C.. )...... ~ r the truurs holy light: Leda '- odlm of the C j a a ard a ti D nj . ,, "l H L K . rS IP S ' C4 ‘ 44 A l' ..
ljr aged to Rev. 0 Cook , Oh, think alt real 1 loan . prn.bu s y..
Wee, Waite , . A 1 1.. 1 1 0 VII thee. When ether serds • 0 4 ..J" I, /' St' -,
around thee. The cot beneath the bills Wen than . PIDR3-1 Li'i ' it W I
I ,
7, ba ,
E ni ll e .Lis coo ri k e - - . Br a te c h b ri s ta p . b.. 7p a to4l4 ,. i : , •
. 7. . 6;2 41 . ,,,,,,.,
~,,.... 1 .
„. . iiv. ..
I 'll7o¢ bast seennerd the sp nt that bored thro. The i A A MASON I hCO : Wle - br, - ", wren rd . '
Greve of Washington.' Thi Irish :gather's Lam ear. iCA . theatiblic:the: goo ' d dein: ..-- 11. -- tb
• '
°. Id iia rien -. ..,ansma.-- Re Jamb all altar • wail- Woos role h may l ' ..‘forio . d, • . "..!‘' 7 th5 :2 11.. " 4. ? ' r - .
r WOOdbilly. ertdow blachret -Burred. lhe comae . Deireme,alighity damaged at 47 ; ..r,i,„i, d , gi , .., .
1 army mane r-,Hatchtnamm. Low backed mr-Laser g o d o , gr,, ~,,,, (1 .,
1.10 d , ,
Ellin Welmet ., :outplete. The Alsank Ve.ii• Ta. I Wats do , 3to lie,. Chasitaterew do' In • id- r :.,•.-
Driller or %Vedanta Polka. JCIIIIT LA." ^..neUl Chime, . Itt: 44 French pram do In , ' , Li • ,
Polka, Pliny Polka. Soiree American Po*. T.I. hail pdee; alagheio. do
8, par
Top American fees. ga Belle tritinatereitA Vela* : . panes , li.leto co ester; B1011.(nint de,1.,t,,,,5 CW V . Z .: 1
Jenny Lind Pelts. ~ Too origins Ss.tda., Polka
Julien. lialetation Polka. t lin Path.. Josephb.e p, Te t th G e o c d ' ' TA rip ' e i rt4L i sT. t . -- V ' l i o Pf '''` '.. w.. 4 '''
Talks,. bernraltrolka. iteerinlli . " tk '' The PT. jyt. • - . ~,, ,r •7 ~.r, r PHc.*:
oriel Qaadtilles-bleyerheer. Jninlia.Aqu , d , illes ~...
the Wreath Kid Daisy Wslam-Brs comma: Tire '
11 lirtil Drover Troy -1, syCeenty. Alematent.
tunas from Boma • IVrecam'a Detlghtar•Selebetert.
Loalardle Match end Deicksup.. Weed .14i Qinek.
1 4. os 1 ec..3--rs don't Pr- O. ule. Illrg old , . l ib,
bolagoiae, audio' gale by l MAL F. CO
/Y 3 Nooo%looo,
4 USE metme—i cO3llllUt buys,Wle lei ow LOS
9m.pariall, &alba tali by 7
43 I,le 03 %Clod imel,
- PATZ3ITZD DIAT 11, 1647.
ries antler the orypervialoinif iina. Deportment, P. NV.
Gateat•Pront Ilea" ferns tilt recto. on sewn , they
havbny been tried In tea or Abe line!ma
found to be very elSolent ina'oneelleal
A. T.ttreptiTT, Vol
Bruer at Tina in. Doan; - •
Wasmnoral,Sejn.YS, 1:49. •
Mouldering:Gain , Patented Imptovestent
tingiorews on metal to boa yew.* one, I have, by '
authorityof the Honorable Ocentuy of tee •Nre.. ,
purchased of the Atiatuyit of the, Patentee, We li.
13couilk, and Funnel Hover, I, sq ~ign right to mate
and.. said inuptovemenfor the I).e. Navy... I - •
• J91.- - EPlYE3lrill,Cticf a(Hutag.
Thatfalo Worki, Buffalo:. - : •
Helen & Artily", icoebtaitr:
Eon lett &ro, OlooneakrN.11••••• •
Hay vole Ir.Srzyder C 0947
• Illrbeek. haw Mt; .. .. • • '
• Hon a D.hurtater.q'tegki.k...H..l',:- • -
IL K. Donbasn&Co, New . York; . . "
Ikainead & Co, - Aloniunent Work., nail; ,
Van Caren, Roamer; I, • ... • • •
Klan & Arm Ann..V.oll-;•
Athaor Work., , .I.N!
Peaso.& plover, 4 -. •
Wert Petra Foundryi,
Norris 1 Phlladolpbia; • • ,
a ',lent% Vreeditabar Ye i• - : -
• Wallru,Ulk. Hawn. Wog egg
Lowell Montana sao, , Loweir, • „.. •• , . ..•
Amilloakeut Co, bratekectr,-N It; ‘" • •••
Linen & Sou tier, kola Baettni, • • ,
.141.10 ommeammas anal: cusztsca:. -
W.IL ILI Mil 111 LI.
riIUESDAT everting, - .hey 9, lltniumili OriZeiC
Z r _ T11.. 1. h th....ntr l W and well 'known slain ,
Ded.t. MINSTRELII, Authors if bull seen ,illositi—
the Oldut Cothran', lo estatenes,lligunteddely'atb,
104 D, and onlvenually.knowledred
comp. nierj whose' Goneencat Sne,ety Library;
Nati : York, (or three hundred sarsceerive orghtt Irmo
honored with* lemonade :from the'illto and
of that metropolis, uunteoideoted by any other eon,'
any .11t irLdenee—batleare - 1.0 , 011110.. thee -10 nis
later and eentlemid iltuborgh, tort they will
hare the honor ofmaelna their rehond ilvraum a as
above, ow which or ensiorithey will Mirada,. army
ilitraol.ll,l3 ViOnzairan of TBEII6 OVIN'ORIGINAL .
hIUdIC, Operatic Borlerques, :Tyrolean •Miantsle,
Ballarat, Lecturer, NO.' Bo es, Gieer, Chorasesia.e.
Doors i.„ % i n at IT* ois , oelt, peromieuteestOcreatatuell
_ ..... .
eIviSDURGIt LiETIME I'icol,7
APOLLO FIA./.416`01:41 . 1721.
OPEN. DAILY, Dr. 611'10. F.
Ad gal 'lion so Massaro siva Laeltiro . Roamogl eel.;
aewrea seats, 121 ceatiAsar!i. . :
137.*& 139. Wood , litra.t,:abow's
IfilIAT splenthd establlituneut is now offeltd-for
J; Rot.. It is.a.e.loirably.imeisgo.l foi-Cormettsic•
frc.. For lorto.. imply to
• 137W001a1. . .
. riTAW 1300E8 I! lIEN' 1100$8 1:
At Aolmir lirirarg Deirt, Thi.i•A` &roof ~'oppOnr`
• : the .l'oa . t
1 . 4 0!dr101 , 1 dlat•Jennual- tor !wee, - • . ,
'.T.fte,ll.• Living A rei 310. , • • -- - •
oldea's tavedildet for July. • . •
TIIP ' Valerert - extled* - e,r - lie ettle. Cdpqs
diguAla,ataLgr or.Womati.. Fiertddio.” . '
dtoetoct Sieldpeare, No Le- • • r •
l'.eloried Field Beak, Nn 3. • •• • •
David Coppietie Id, No - ' , • , • -, •
Norral dilutive; ei the Fri:ete le tic Offing. Lip%
TrliPtlY 6 BURCIIFItILD . tan atteatlan
fffjofbetycr.terthe rsabfdlpf aePerier Utah 'Armee,'
warranted Purel Flax, Including a few pities extra.
guality Doan Linens: 7 'll , llllva', ff
upplT of !Ratline Alualikt of raper!oP fabric, all' of
wntelt will he gold low:::. • . ' jr '
Late• lands Edging's'.
lldr rum JatIURC2I,FILLD have rneetre4 terra.,
.I.T.L'emanmTat of- ; - •
Lille and Vieunii-rdziapa and Lunt; '
Loom Work Thread do;
Bobbing db; • .
Valenciennes del , .
Sags. end Jaconet Vgingr, • • :• • I.
ilaied,and plain Nm'. Ulaek-SlAdoj-tke....:OrtLfett
the 7
the a tennon lnver,
fwitrib • Vr!e 4'. 7 .1‘z. 4 d; •Firi,
111(11KED LlERntrics.? bze lan I,ree'd and ;c •
mile b 7 _ 3 • .•. Bk. W 1101RIEIVIGPL ,
SODA .A5ll-tiiinsks_su,Wior. nard. foivtlel by
• • : ya IV HAUSA UGH
BiIACON—;3O bhd.pttna• Shcoldersi 1
10 hhas do• 111033; received on
meat • ad for sale - • liylll,-41a. 4J. BAB i30,111111;:'
SMinn CURED DAIIB.-intes reed on bonnet
tor 41,1 e by 03 3) 881 F D6RBAUIRE
peon; o,7esta.Cheest: .'•
Ids prima AV. do
INDOW asEn--r4bllst
VII for lisle by , - (43) :1. 6& _ ,
C O R O1,4:0 ba War II rd jam reed for oate , by
ILt! t _YA'9 l Y A _79!
( yA rg --100 be r00" . ..1 obkfor ) oir • .
Si; TwiST' TOLIACCD4 t.. 3 v.. No , . lasi hotlineand NT aale.l7. (313 J HAI! OY, JONE.i CO
L Aaa:.l3 keg. teeth, reiellai ar.4 for reFaby.
OONIS-110 dozeo for solo . by •
T7u norm inAora,ind rite I.F -
(1 0, T}. 7 ..— ,
_ •" • ISM Alf DICICRT oli.l Front .4
DAWN-11 cs ati Nimij
4 cm•km. yidesY,
i 19 4asky Er,719917er5: •
• 3 cosY• ,Asvorted,-.71-9,lnfan,-?,ft
47 .9er/1111ton, forsafa 4T 1.73/lldlt Dlr4gy 4tc"
vr.Arnt A FIODICAL. .
4,740 brW)3, Wand rAr trot, for info
.• .R 4A • yralipir.sTocKA co •
A. Wood
LARD 01Y,72.1 brio conkling'o.Nci t for arle by
Q . A LTI . !RTRE-4'5 kee rola ,sl, for s , 11
; • -•
113 7 /APINC'rTOCK'tk 'CO
12 3 §EED 011 . — RAlfhi.'in co Oro sae
r A for rxre
1 1 4 . 4_,,e±RISP-STOCI A CO
d ' En
2DO tat Cl e;
10 tali, Water prof (Bailor'
1(0 bubble roilloer
mare end for tele CANFIBL)
.VATA ortlye:dore
nt No MI-they-1y ,
brig Boston Cold Mace amber:6F , • •
tals - do. Banta Biscuit;
brie So.. Linn • , • : "
J 3 .3 ' •
_WOO & '.-,--
-0.941614 oft-OZbeu
met received Dad Hit , eale by , •
...1'.9211. A wcurna
ciesr, 7 so
rilAVlN.Orrtortipliwtrg La c k . cl . o b etarg o
oLeta zr it-A lu Torryt ..,
. 17 .
alter • .
bt t.".eled , it' a';'',e3-6(l7"getiititia ilAiiii • '
.-, jyr4l4 , . n
WEILL) Luta)
..a,' &Tb5.R.2.77
HOLERALE and Rela“ !to-Car. in M'd•sL.c..
th r„ Morocco. Stnre Folding. Tanonrrt ...,
ra4ctolstiatTarcuen'oll,lloqm Wand stn-a. l / 4
riU 7 k ll :itil ri.. Jpltalm