The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 08, 1850, Image 2

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    Tth: l'lTTrstill74ll GAZETTE
ton CAUL CD1CY65 , 0 , 12.
•, Of Backs County.
701 aCIIIIIII. Owns.
Of Union Gaudy. -
TON IMMO{ 00X1[00[..•
f Washingiln County.
♦atlmasaato and 'Whig Nenalnatiosui tor
.14is DDDDD uounty.
sai rairrr. men= C 171011146.
T 1101141.1- BOWS,
nc°ll. Tenn raw =emu,
01 tn - raollig.
I . .
*OlOO 001,
or Imam.
T. J BICH eel; Lo#ooBo Chile.
R C. WAI,ECH. Elizabeth
JAMES FIR% Sn.Wdett.'
EBENEZER BOrLES, '°x N u erth Fuchs..
Wit FLYNN. Lower RAMIS..
C TNT! 501921014
D. N. COtOtTNEV,, OhlA,
Commas or Do. WESITM—WhiIe thla doe
clams with the most Intense interest, it will riv
et the. conviction in every mind, that a cue of
more hardened reprobacy never existed, than fe
exhibited bllttis unfortunate man. The Irrpre,-
sloe is wife by the confewrion Itself, that iris act
a fall and frank acknowledgment, and when ttk
en in connection with the continued wane of
Ml.ehood acid prefarication he has exhibited.
mad dearoy all sympathy for the wretched mar-
Texas and llfew-Mexico.
. If we can believe all vre heir from Toms, there
is reel danger that the Government of that State is
about to send, or has sent, An limed force into the
United States Territories of New Mexico, for the
purpose of taking forcible panemion. We can
• not believe there is mad folly enough even in the
. people of that Suite, to lend them to this extremity.
Man nay be brave enough to fight well under or
dinary. circumstances, particularly against . Mend
. mans and Indians, but it is a very different matter to
fight with it halter around their necks, against the
regular troops of the United States. There will be
a great deal of bluster and loud talk, but we shall
. hardly catch* Texan on the wrong side of the tine
with arms in his hands against the constituted ate
&antral of the country. There seems to be, how
ever, coaaidemble apprehension that actual hostili
ties may grow out of the existing state of affairs,
and the National Intelllgencer stems indirectly to
countenanec the opinion, in the following remarks:
"We take it for greeted that there is foundation,
of some kind or other, for the statement in the fol
lowing extract from the Washington corn:apart
- dence of the New York Journal of Commerce.—
.. If it be all really true, the gallant Elate of Texas is
about to march an- army into the territories of the
United States, sod station an armed station of the .
United States within them; sod we are to have
news of it in less than six weeks from this time!—
Let tan hope, however ; that the worthy eorrefpon.
taut of the Journal is prematurely alarmed for the
safety of Santa Fe and the detachment of the army
. Naha.e duty item/ be to defend it:
Comespeadenea of the /carnet of Corneae roe.
Wannoorce, Saturday, June 29,1E50.
j.t" There will be acme startling intelligence from
Texas in lea. than six weeks from this time.—
Tens will send an idenuate firce at once. in is I
summated, to effect tier oinecia—probably 2 500
-- then. There are at Santa Fe about two bemire,
Texan camp thbooreir, who take an interest it
favor of the Texans. The tremw of the natter
Stater, under Cal. Munrce, number about five or
stx hundred, to which stx hundred are about ti
- be added , Toe Toxins In that city are of the
:opinion that TeXat,, supported as she w by the
symparaies of toe whole S ,uth, will arrest the
United States militery otfrohn, and bring them to
tried for °SIMI:MVOs the operation of her taw.—
' Should the adjaattrect bill be deli teed, there is a'
doubt that Teen aria absorb New.blexico, and rt
Ike U Atari Stoles interfere the Southern Stater
; will give her at he aid she newts"
Texas papers, also, give some Grondatiam fir
=grow. The Galveston Newaof the 20th June
rata, that'verliSl accounts repreastO 'that the lan
measures to deprive the State of her Santa Fe ter
f • ritory, have excited a heeling of tinivenral iedigna
I tan to the conetry. Public meetings had beer
called In Aaatio, and other places, on the ashler.
An extra region of the Legialanue will tindontr
call, be called.
. • The Washington "Southern Puns' also hat
the 'allowing annoatztrenent relative to the Tex
Gatti eMent on this zubject
Ht Is rumored hero that a despatch was re
ceived qui yammer!, anommoing the march
Texan troops on Same Fe.
• 'I. ta ado rumored last a speCial Cabinet mee
log on Wa.aubject bae.beea held.
• " governor or a Sow been Same, said to b
. Q roman, ass at a telegraphic dispatch t
• Leis at&, atatiag that be is ready to march with
tan thoursad coin to support Terns.'
Terre is no doubt:kat thero Southern bctapera,
woo may wish to bring about a rupture, sit
seize opou aligner-as:on as an opportunity to ear •
ry out their cnenahed project of ecobroioo lt tat
isometry. Tco great Waren of the Southern pee.
pie, however, will recoil from a mansion of Wm
• kiad with horror, and Will pun upon it a stet
condemnatici. We bane every confidence In in
prudence and firmr.ess el the President, in a,
emergeney hie this, if it should really arise, an.
have no fetus but that he will take ouch measure
, ' ea wilt preserve the integrity of the soil of An
United Ste:earn New Mexico, maintain the sane
- of the laws, and vindiute the honer sae
Med:sof the General Government.
VaixasitsDiscovaly.--Mr.ianses situ, of till.
city, a painter, has made - a discover* of an earth
in this aminity,Wmilar to Biake's Fro and Wale,
proof paint.. Is is found on the property of Mr.
George Leaks, on the hoe of the Permian:,
Plank rtned, neat the head of Federal meet, All*
Oozy. ?he vein was brought to view la exca
vating Gr the road', and Mr. Sims, bappeoing is
pass Montt, at once detected b• valasbic propertler
as • paint. This bogy of earth is about eight feel
thick, and is formed of eleven different colors, al
of theca neutral tints, suitable for the painting of
the actinide of houses. Anon, Ike. It Is in the
mine, of the consistency of tallow, sad on bens
dried and redoced to powder, and mixed with
13:1, it fon= • roost beautiful and durable point.-
- There chi thousands of tons, apparently, in tit •
mine, and It It contemplated to erect.worts to
prepare It for the market. Beteg , • Grit rale erti.'
. de, and u it can he aforded cheap, it will be el
veal value to the
Tux Cons.cutude Mestriim An Eeposition of
lbe Dxufaea , Ministry, and Worship of the
- Proleatant Eat/impel Church in the United
• • fillies: By the Rev. Bed Darr, D. D., Rector
of Christ Church, Philadelphia. Philadelphia;
Pbbathed by 13. ibert E Peterson.
This is the third edition Graver, valuable work.
which tar been widely clrculred, and has en•
svfved the oPPnbatlan of the mart eminent dere
• • omen and laymen aide Chard. To a member
of the Eplecopal Charch, the work mast be In.
Tag 1111/TOIT or A P.CIZT P Berta Bost ; writ•
Ica bytuolf. — Yedsdelphis, E. E .
T. is also a third edition of a valuable little
bank, written by Rey. fh,rj. Dom. It is highly
spoken cf by 'oats of the best men Lathe Church
Tnt NaTIPIUt Coax Boor. By a Ltd, of Phila.
dAyci, and pubuancd by IL E. Peterson.
Of chit work we daunt greaume to speak with
any antboray, its directions are given with clear.
7nees, and it appears to be wall adapted for the
purpose tr which it irdesigned. The publiaher
has got It up in • very handsome and substantial
Too above a-orks us fat ule by A.R. Eng
nob Z 6 Co., Wood sow.
Joseph liimderson
- The Werbiewoo Reporter pays the klllowlog
to to 3Jaeph Henderson, Esq., of Washinaton
conaii. too Whig eamladata tar Surveyor Oen•
As Mr..
thoJereon, wilt whose nomination we
ere mrdi g me,a:d, to common Milt the Wtog
pulp of .Wv . ptinita uoty, it is needieta r.l, 00
to eity coo, . nom the county, perhaps,
is better cl .rore forersol knowo. Ells name
bee long neva idae l •l. d ottet all that is good and
earninetviabb. to the humo-u alba mid social m
istiest. a t.t., erbeher pub or priest °. His
' fond d..e4s— eta etstorst as.. litesi sod ent.'sin
',heti eitante:rr, are models ( the Imitation eta
0/.... . 1.0 .0 .li , 0 . 11110,1 ed 0 0 die I oaored and
beloved. No t 0.,, steed, I e rin Inc estimation
Orme people of Cje.binetzte eonety—none dare
• more teropoionfl audOORIMIIIIIOIIey diedlnpod
the !Manor the private cilium and the pig&
0.,, , erl thr , ',vp e. ooard and mod bl UM.
• FP , llv Pirtsbirgi Ga.vrrs.
At a Tempentoce nod Sabbath School celebn•
tien- at Beth sl Charah, In Soowdee townshlp,
on the P ee4e John Gdilitlian, Fiq, was called t•.
the chair, aid Dr. C. Robb, appointed Secrenuv.
The Declaration of fadependeecie was read in
Coiner, The anniversary addrese ww
delivered by John H. Menden, a genes mem•
her oldie Pettiebergh bar, and the venerable Rev
Dr. Estep.el the Baptist Church, addressed the
Sabbath Schoch The refreshments were then
handed roved and partaten of withvi 'good will.
Tne Wien:Woo avairsat apart for the Temperance
Societies. Mr. Willi= Wilson, was called to the
chair. and Joseph Mtgar, Esq, appointed Secrets.
ry. A number of resolution were offered, and
an eloquent address delivered by, the Be..
George Marahali. Among the Resolutions war
the following -
Resolution sth. Resolved, that we have been
much gratified, sad our hoped for good, stretch.
aped in the favor and dial shown towards the
sempensuce cause, anti the dispoution manifested
by toe Preiddent Sedge of the Court of glories
Sessions, to his addreuea, on revere masons
delivered to the Greed Jaty, to corperate with the
friends of temperance in every lawful manner for
the suppression of Intemperate%
The resolatious were adopted by a unanimous
vete, and the proceedings ordered lobe published.
A fine band °tremolo was in attendance, and sew•
oral odes; suitable to the day, were song by ■
large entitle: of young ladies. The assemblage
dispersed, much plea:tied with the proceedings
COrrigPOLlalgel of thaPirubaritt Graeae.
Vnualocrrow, 101 l 9.
To morrow Ls the °Gloria= Fourth," and in hon
or of the occasiou,both Houses of Congress have ad
journed until Friday. rho me.b.^ gisdiP"l"e
-lief and recreation from their adruous labors, merit,
a seven months babble, without rest or variety.
They will prepare themselves fora renewal of the
wort- on reassembling, by a participation in those
patriotic Exercises which ritually commemorate lE.
university. I am so thoroughly out of humor with .
the maembled whidom,that I find it difficult to speak
deny Of Its proceedings with patience. If the peo
ple are truly represented by the present Congress,
hien indeed has our republic already, though we
had supposed it to be is the very freshness of a vig
orous youth, reached the period of its decrepitude.'
God bas numbered our empire and delivered to hen
: other. .Never have the fatal words addressed tothe
pagan monarch seemedmore applicable to a modem
empire than to ours at this moment. Never has a
return of the day which gave our nationbinh, come
upon us under such melancholy, es this 73thr anni
versary of our independence.
I bear It stated that Mr. Stephens, of Georgia,
who has trealoinly cooperated with his incendiary
and fanatical colleague, Toombs, in bringing about
the prment gloomy state of things, has addressed •
letter to the National Intelligencer, setting forth, in
forcible terms, the dangers of a collision of arms
between Teas and New Mexico, and describing
the position andteedency of affairs is the South in
their bearings upon that conflict. He is of the
opinion that swarms of young mess, from all the
Southern Stales, would each to the aid of Toss, in
her attempt to rob the (Jailed States of its territory,
sada, pitted Slavery in New Mexico, that the
marrel is universally held to be in that part of the
confederacy, only one form of the protracted strug
gle for ascendancy m this Union of the Free end
Slave States, and that amidst the clash of arms,
which is likely io emu, the voice of reason, of ar
gument, of fraternal feeling, and even of interest
will no more be beard. When Mr. S.'s letter will
appear, I have Dot heard; nor.what are the cane-
dies which he propose. But I leant, that should
tberapprehended foray be made into New Mexico,
by a horde of propagandists acting In the cameand
under the authority of that State, several members
have it in contemplation to offer a Joint resolution
rescinding a./ eteganons.of erne -r ...t 4 otr, that
"Direful spring of wow unnumbered'
io which originated the miserable dissensions t hat
now agitate our councils, and penalize all our eat,
area If Teas could be annexed by resolution, it
can assuredly be restoied to its own independence,
by a like simple and asurnaary process.
I should, perhaps, before this, bane stated as an
incident in the current history of the times, that on
Monday last the little steamer Vixen was dispatch.
ed in eortaiderahte haste to Havana, trithComino
dare Morris, eye of the most prudent and eatable
otters id our Nary, on board. Ido not at all coo
cur in the reports circulated he &contributor tothe
press, Who Is usnally very high =horny, from •
presumed wed utcini OsEItICSIOII with the Govern-
meat, that Commodore !horns goes out orhh 11. pos.
dive demand upon the Captain General of Cuba,
for the hamethato release of the Cor.toy prim:mem
I believe the ondersiroling between the American
and the .Sponis.h Governments on that point to be
They milts, delivered op after the go
mg through the form-of • trial upon chergeitlatt are
believed tobe wale the competency of • Spanish
tribunal to try. The object of . Corrun adore .Morris'
,nisition is probably to Immix, the Cuban Clairol
Government of the necessity of a speedy decome,
and to procure for the prisoners good trestmentand
nv." - s doubt to lay before him undoubted proof of the
demrreination of the United States to resent, with
all its power, any violent proceeding . .. Recent es
petierme in Europe and upon th.t• continent, has
.tiown into what serious embarrassments great
nations may plunge themselves by so attempt to co
erce weaker States, by taints and =jest meses,into
s compliance with their demands. The issue oft he
British assault can the Greek Government, its de.
moostration upon Tuscany and' Naples, its bloc.
bode, in coejmeti re with Femme, of Buenos Ay
, re, its most insolent deemed span Vet:erne - sand
as violent proceedings in regird tq the Central
AIIIC/idal' Steel, all indicate that there are limos
to the poorer whieln natioruti strength and resource.
confer.. is every one of the iastances above cit•
ed the Woe to Great Brain of its violent recta.
=tient, halkeettunfolinnate, and in some of them
most conteratible auddisa strove. No trouble
can retisottably be expected to grow out our rota
tions with Cabo.
The House and Senate will meet again on Friday
still unprepared fur action. The talking upon the
Compromise Bill in the Semite will certainly coo-
Cove mull the end of next week, and in the House
there .sect's no chance of getting a vote upon the
Gelphin,tmth Saturday. The prospects ol Mr. Clay's
bill kin the seine; they look very bad, but I act well
persuaded that they are good for us suttees& The
Howe will adopt resolution disapproving of the
paymetu of the Galphin claim.
I make the following estimate of the amount of
propootd tad suggested appropriations for thus eni
Civil and Diplomatic,
Post Moo,
Deficiences, LSO,
Ravenna Collodion Bill,
lodic:up - Diflciency BAIA,
Permanent Appropriatiqui.
This comprises only peel epproptiatlons as have
been already brought before the House, but I have
no doubt ttutt otters to the amount Of at least $15,-
000,001), will ba 'squired, and will be passed—as I
shall show in a subsequent letter. Awn.
TLa Payette Springs.
Thus delightful watering Place, situated some
seven Insight miles east of Dolontown, on the
National Toad, will soon be crowded, we under
stand, with visitors from Pittsburgh, Wheeling and
other winters cities. Many of the rooms, we
learn, both at the house kept by Mr. Lead; at the
Sptings,and by Mr. Darlington on the road, are
already occupied or engegol.
Arrangements have been toad; we are inlorm
ea, at both these houses as wall as other* to the
'Lonny or the soo t s, to accommodate aa in.
rammed number of persons this swans with all
the ll:marten, teenaktrta and amusements that this
n2MaSda and aelightfol region so abundantly of
farda. Tire des. the Company lately incorporated
be the Itinalature to erect a Monument at "Port
*email." Washiegon's first battle ground, will
vooa commence sperationa, and Mr. Balser, the
Tanga Minister, It O undetected, will ecooperato
In measures to *more the erection of a suitable
othnuatent oaer this Minns or Gen. Braddock,
shale gravels near tots Fon—ail in the itnmedl
ate vie:nitre the • Palette Spriaga,. as also
monville's grave and Da ebat's encampment The
Fayette Springs hove fleece been•wea dean:nag.
tad et:lassie grovel" Teeth tz tatereatleg spas"
elthemselves Are well monk analog, ,e‘d c o o .
dent of the many other attranions in tele charm•
fag mountan aboundine `ln delightful
scenery. trout game, Be., bat funnelling, above
all, the firms wtta 'ad the porno MI, the elements
arl•, which *hi e the cheapest ere yet the
,meat VelemblatainPod has 'vouchsafed to moo on
We b.s theta all hearty welcome., aed ware
those ad* mai have a desire to melt a rural re.
treat that imt own Laurel Hill Is abs,foositalis of
health and MMus" and doubt isot chat all vials
lots will leave besiellUed as well as gratlikeir.
Viiierweawa Threserv,
CI lHi
MUM Ell OF 1 1 / 8 . GEO. P AHEM 48
Strap the Body was Disposed of. &o
BOROI, July 2, !a°.
At the meeting or the Oatmeal this merlins,
he cue of Professor Wahines was mimed to
a Committee
Before the Committee. at 12 o'clock. appear•
ad the Raw. D. PutnaM, the spiritual adviser of
the condemned, with a petition fir a commute•
don of punishment, together with a enefesaion
that he killed Dr. Parkman.
The reverend gent:ammo prefaced the state
ment by elew remarks re'ative to the manner
in which the confession WU made to him. He,
exited that he had no previous acqutintarieeship
with Preastor Webster before being called to
am In the capacity of his spiritual adviser. In
the first Lew week. of -his visite, be icongbt no'
acknowledgment of the prisoner. At length, oa
the 231 of May, he visited blot in his cell, and
demanded of him, for his own well being, that
be should tell the troth in regard to the matter,
and he 'acceded to the request, by making
statement which was now imbmlued for the eon
'Mention of the CounciL
It was in substance as follows:
- - - -
On Friday, 201 N.ivembe!, I sent the note to
Dr. Parkman. watch, it 'pecan, was corned by
the boy, blexurclL I banded Pto I:Weal:ad un
sealed. It was toe* Dr. Perlman to eau at my
rooms re Friday, the 23d,'ulter my lecture. He '
'ad become of Into very importunate for tos pay.
He had threatened me with • snit, to put no till
cm iv my house, and to drive me frem my pro.
fessorstup, it I did not pay him. The purport of
my note was simply to half the conference, I did
not tell him, to it, whit% I. could do, or what I bad
to say about the paythent. I weied to gain, for.
Mote few day., a release from Ma BOliellatiOnt,
cob oh I was babe every day, on occasions and in
a meaner very disagreeable and alarming, and al
so to avert for ao long.a time, the recent threats of
severe measures. I did not expect to be able to
pay him when Friday should arrive. MY purpose
wee, if be should aimed* to the proposed inter•
view, to state to him my embarrsometita and Me
ter inability to pay him er present—to spolemze
for 'base things In my conduct which had offend
ed him—to throw myself opera his mercy—to beg
for further time and iodnlgence, for the sake of
my family, if cot for myself, cud to male as good
Dr.:niece to him, est could have any hope of Jul.
1 did not hear from him on that day, her the
oext, (Wednesday.) but l bond on Maeda) , he
had been abroad In pursuit of ene, without boding
ma I Imagined be hal , forgotten the appObsionent,
, ar else did not copaniat whit for it. I feared he
would come in upon me at my lecture hoar, or
while - 1 was preparing my expert:Deals for a;
therefore I called at his boom on that morning,
(Friday) between eight and nine &Meet, to re.
mind him of my wish to see him atthe College at
half past one—my lecture closing at ono. I dad
set stop to talk with him, for I expected the con
versation world ae a long one, and I bad my lee.
toes to prepare fur, for it was necessary far me to
horn my time, and, also, to keep my mind I:ea
from other arching mutters. Dr. Perlman greed
to cal on meals I propored. Hentimeotecordig
ly, t etween half past one and two o'clock, entdr•
leg at he I:caurp room door. I was egaged in
.removing same &saes from my 'ceased room to.
ble Into the room to the rear, called the tipper trbs
eatery. He came fondly down the step, and fol.
lowed me into the labratory. He onmemately ad
dressed me with groat energy—. Are yen ready
for me, tor f Rare you got.the money I'
I replied, "no Dr. Portman," and) was Men he•
ginning to state my tenth:ion, and my appeal to
Mtn. but ho would not listen to me, and interrupted
me With much vehemence. Ile called me a ...Oa
dml nod her, and went on heaping on me the must
bitter taunt, and opprobrious epithets. While he
was spiking, he drew n haler:eat - papers (nun his
pooket, end took from among them my LIITu nines,
and also au old bluer fruit Dr. fj.wack, written
teeny yearling°, congratulating. hint on his corona*
in getting ma appointed Professor of Clamnistry
"You see, he said, 1 got you into your office, and
now 1 will iet you out of it." lie put Gann into
his pocket ail the papers except the tearer and the
notea. I linnet tell bow fon^. the torrent of aorta.
and invectives continued, and I cameo' recall to me
mory but a small poroon or what be mid; at hest, I
kept interposing, trying to pacify ham, ao that I
mytht obtain the object for which sought the to.
'review, but I could not stop hire, atulsood my tem•
per me up; I I . argot catty thing, and fait nothing
bat the sung o f his wood..
I was closed to the lushest dome of palsies,
and while he wan speaking and grstieulaung tin
car most 'lrio'snt and menacing manner, tbruoies
tee team and Est auto my face, in my fury I wised
whatever thin{ wan handiest, (.1 was a sock
wood) and dealt him in instantseeoun blow watt
all the Limo that pampa cote] give it. I did oct
know, anthink, or.. not, where I &mild hit him,
nor hoc hard. one mint the effect wont] be.
was en the aide of his bead, and there was oath.
tog to break the Corte el the 1,1;:w. Ho foil in
stoney opoo the pavement There W. 6 co second
Blow; he cid .not more. I snooped dawn one ,
tom, and Ite seemed to be lifeless Blau, dr. e./
from to, mouth, C-d I got a 'pogo and seised a.
away. I get ante salmonis and applied It to has
nor, but without erect Perhap. 1 saen , 10 ma
urea in attempts to resmultate him, hot I found be
arm aboasuely dyad Itt my horror god coerce
ration, I ran nestinetia.,ly to the &urn sod Pale.
teem, the doors of One tenure rout and are. 1..
Nellaa/T below. And thee wt at was I to do I--
It neat, warred to me to fa GUI nod dada,.
what had been dote, and oh,sio ass:stance.
maw enchant:hot the shernabee of a a/oedema;
movement Sod concealment of the body on to.
one hand, and of infamy and destrartion„on the
atter. The gra! thing I did, as mqt a. ker do
garbing, oasts draw the bad. iota the j . ma 4
room istminteg. where I tout of the cloth sot'
began patens theta !OM the Ate, which
lag In the upper laboratory. limy were ah eon
mined to-re that afternoon, ante papers,tockei
book, and whatever they contained. d d ant
IL•a, CO the peahen., one remora scything, ex.
ceps the watch. I saw that, or the Chain of ti
hanging out. 1 rook it, and threw it pyre the
nriege as Recut to Cambridge My cent - more
eras to get the body tathaaa sla it, witch stood, In
be prisms 7.014 by littt.or the beefy pv
uti'y erect agates, the ezroor, sad by reams ap
latothe mat myr If, 1 seeereded m Usenet it
item It wet entirely dismembered. It mt.
qatekir done, u ► vont of terr.blit bad derpenus
seat:skip .
The only Instrument was the knife round by
the editor., In the tea chat, which kept- toe
males corks, I made no aw of the Turkish knife:
es it war caned at Ike trial. That bed long beet
otra m m y sa ni t. " Vf t i r ailigter C' s ' frei ri als g e7ly " ei t ee ' utro ti.
it; hence the mark* of oil and whales Awed
on it. I had Lately brought d Into Bas.. to get
, beellver ?wall repaired. W 2212 dantembenag
the body, • stream of Cochituato water W. 2 ma
meg through the sink, carrying eel' the blood to •
pipe that passed dome through the lower labre.
tory. There mutt hare been • leak to the pipe.
kw the esibos below was etsiced immediately
atoned it. There was a Are burning in the far.
MICA of LM tower labrwery. Littlefield was milt.
taken In thinklag there hod steer boon e fire
there. lie had arobebly carer kindled one, but
I had done ft myself telftral Uinta. I had dupe
it that day fur Me purpose - a waking oxygen gas.
The bead andfisrera were put tote the forager
that day, and the tool heaped 00. I did not ex.
swine at night to see to what degree they were
contained. Some of the eltremitiew were pet In
there. I believe on that day ; the pelvis, and same
tithe limbs, perhapa, were ell pot under the lid'
tithe lemurs Wow table, In what is called the
well—a deep slab, lined with lead I a stream of
Cochineale man turned Iwo it. and kept running
through it all Friday eight; the thorax was put
Into a smeller well, in the lower labratory, which
I filled with water, and threw In • quantity el
potash, which I found there, Titi4 disposition of
the remains was not changed till after the Call of
the office's on Plonday.
5.1,751 • , •
5550 • •
I A:0 ,9CO
2,503 000
When the body bad thus all disposed of, I clawed
away all traectrof what had been done. I think
the stick with which the fwal blow hod betas:ruck
proved to be a piece ot the stump of a large grape
vine—u two inches in diatueler, and two feet
long. I t
was one of waveral pieces which I bad
'earned in from Cambridge, lung before, for the pun
pow of showing the effect of =nein chemical fluid.
in coloring word, by being absorbed into the pores.
The grape vine, being • very porous woos, Was
well adapted to Mit purpose. Another longer stick
had been wed as intended, and exhibited to :La
students. Tall one hod not been used. .Iput n to.
to the fire. !took up the two Dotes sillier NMI the
table or the [ton t ( think the table, otose by where
Dr. Parkman ha d fallen. I sexed en old metallic
pen lying on the table, dashed it across the face
and through the signature., and put them in my
pocket. Ido not know why I aid this rather than
put them in the fire, for I bad not considered for a
moment what effect either mode of dwpostng of
them would have on the mortgage, or my indebted
ness to Dr. Parkinn and the other persons inter.
ested; and I hid not yet given a single thought to
the questmn as to what account I should give of
the object or result of my interview with Dr Park
man. ! never saw the sledge hammer spoken of
by Littlefieldtpever knew of its ast.taaaa, et 1/..1
I have no recollection of n. I left the college to go
home, as labfas II o'clock. I collected myself as
well sal Could, that I might meet my family and
other" with - composure. On Saturday, limited my
rooms at the college, but made no change In the
dispoallioh of the remains, and laid no plans so to
mv future Course. On Saturday craning, I read
the notice in the °Transcript," respecting his dia.
•prarbiro deeply impressed with the neceralty
an i ce,
of Immediately
taking some around QS to the char
acter of my Interview with Dr. Parkman, for I sow
that it must become known that 1 had had such an
interriew,;•• I bad appointed 0, first by an unseal
ed note ofThuraday, and on Friday had myself cel
led at his house in open day,and ratified the erring
meat, and bed them been seen, end had probably
been overheard by the man scrennt, and I knew
not how tunny persons. Dr. P might have, been
seen talestUg my rooms, or how many persons be
might havonpld by the way,•wherwho -woe going—
the interview would in all probability' be kdown,
and I most be reedy to explain it. The question ea.
ereiaed me much, but on Sunday my course was ta
li!". I wellikd go into Bonon and bathe finn bade
mere myself the person, as yet 1111111101,0, with
whom Dr. P. had made the appointrinenL I would
take the ground that I had fawned him to the Col.
lege tope him motley, Red that I hsdpald IL kr
cordingly,l fixed opens the sum by taking the skean
ode Sad adding interest,.which it appears I colt er
roricotatly. If 1 had thoight ,of this course earlier,
1 should not have deposited Pewees check for 590
in the Charles airGr Book ittSotoday,. but should
have suppressed it, no ioingeo far to make up the
stun which I was to have professed to' have paid
the day before, and which Peonies knew I had by
me at the how of interview; it had not moored to
me that I should ever show the notes cancelled in
proof of it,or !should have destroyed the large note,
and let it be mierferred that it was gone with the
mining man, and I should only hive kept the small
one which was that I could hose pretended to hive
paid. My single thought was commairnent and sa.
fetyl every - thous etre was incidental to that. I wee
in no state to consider my ulterior pecuniary tater
esE—Money, though I needed it an much, ems
slim account with me in that condition of mind.
It I designed and premeditated the homicide of
Dr. Parkman, In order to gm the rases:don of the
note... Led cancel my debt, I not only should not
have deposited Peteele cheek the next day, but
thould — bave undo some show of getting and
hiving the money the morels before.
ithoeld have drama my money from the bank and
taken tension to mention to the cashier that I
had.• mm to make up on that day for Dr. Park.
man, and the acme to Henchman when I borrow •
ed the PlO; I should have remarked that I was
an short of a cam thatt was to pay Park
min. !borrowed the money of Henchman no
mete pocket money for the dal: If I had linen.
dad the homicide of Dr. P., I should not have
made the appointment with him twice, and each
time In so open a manner that other pensive
would all moat certainly know edit; and !should
not have invited tiro to my moms at an boor
when the College would be roll of student' .and
others, and an bone which 1 eras moot likely to
receive calla from others, tor that wan the hone,
just ace the lecture, at which persons having
business with me in my room, were always Ms
rented to call.
I looked into my room on Sunday afternoon.—
Mier the rot visit of the officers, I took the pel
trls and some of the limbs from the upper well
and threw them into the vault and privy. I look
the thorax friim the well below, a..d packed It to
the tea chest, so found. My own Impression has
been,that this was not done until after the second
visit of the °Seers, whlets wee on Tuesday, but
IllegleVe testimony shows 'bat it mutt have been
done sooner. The perforate's el the then, • had
been made by the knife. At the time of removing
the viscera: on Wednesday, I pot on kindling, non
made a Are in the furnace below, haring first
poked down the ashen. Some of the limbs, 1 ern,
not remember which, or how many, were oon:
turned at that time. This WWI the lut I had to do
with the remain. The tin bas was designed to
Motive the thorax, though I had net concluded
where I should duns , pot the nos. The fish hooks,
tied up se grapples, wore to be need fur drawiog
up the parts in the vault, whenever I should der
termine how to dispose of them, and get etmins
I had a contbsed double object in ordering the
box, aadmaltieg the grapples. 1 had, before, In.
tended to get each things to send to Faye' ; tee
box to hold the plants and otter articles which I
wished to protect from the salt 'water and sea a r,
and ma books to be good there In obtaio,ng car.
falling plants from the sea. It war tbis previous
ly Intended net of them that suggested and miled
Itself op with the idea of the erect application.—
I doubt, even, now, to which use theyevocild have
been applied ; I had not aced the hooks at the
lame of the disceiyery. The tan put into the tea
cheat war taken from a barrel of U. that bad been
le the labratoty tor.pome (bee.
• The bag 'of tan brought it on Monday was not
used, nor intendedr be used; a belonged to a
quantity obtained h me a long Limo age., Got ex
periments in tate:ask aed wan sect in by the ram•
ily to get it oat the, way. Its being seat la Jut:
nt that time was a.izedectiL I cal am aware
that I bad pat the haire is the cheat. The s ick
hound in the tourer de ink well far making roarer
diagrams on cloth. The bunch °ldled keys bed been
used long ago be ma ta Fitat at, and thrown care
ksaly by Into a drawer. I cover reunited them,
end do not know whether they would at any of
the looks of the college, or not. If there were
Other keys fltang doors with wtdch 1 had nothing
to do, I supposed they must have bees all dupla.
eats, or ileys of former locks, left there by the
mechanics or janitor. I know nothing about
them, and should never be likely to notice
.them amougat the multitude of amcles, large mid
email, of all lUnda, coilecred in me rooms The
janitor had furnished me with a hey to the dismet.
mg room, the edm,ralon of methcal (leads •u.
Wag the college, but I had 12.20 C, ClTti 11.
The altr•.e acid oat toe &taus was net used to re.
move spots of bleed, bet wet dropped by acmdent.
Wee, the officer, called ler no on Feday, the
30th, I was to doubt whether I was mulct arrest,
ar whether a more atrtct search of my mato was
to be had, the latter ttypoth,ta Leto/ hardly less
appalllog that the former. Whoa I Mood that we
Went error Crsifer.' fintre, 1 thought the arrest
MOSS proSahie. When 1 Woad that the flt/Fin•
was atoppmg at Malay:, I cab stem ef my fate.—
net= learseg t o cvribge, l la , t a dose of
etryohnitte from my poelat and atra!lowod it. 1
had imputed It In the •hape ef • ptll bream I left
my laboratory an the nd. I Queen I could not
hear to nutria!, deteen..e. I though: it was a loge
dare. The-unto of my certain If at.. probably,
detested the a:Von actually. The effects of ito
Poison were torr.b b •Toad deatoription. It was
in operanort It toe College, and briar. I went
Mall, but /Zl,ll severe , y aPerararda. 1 Inoue bri
one tho atterlymous hurt. produced at the [rul e
—the coo wiped at East Cambridge. The byte
band!. telerred in in the Lauer detained by the
polar, cot:owned only a battle of ;time aold tor do.
_lnane to. I had anvil it wend in • ncianpa;er
t_ it I had porcbtand a vanity of ozatte a.J,
ertctk, a was pretamed, v. , at to be used in re-
I wish the parcel to be kept untouched, that it
may be shown, at there should be occasion, what at
reedy was that I bed et:repass-el I have drew. up,
to eeparate papers, an explanation of the use I In
tended to make of t4e blood sent for cm Thureday,
the 22d, aid d the conservation with Littletield
about the dissect.; Mild.
I mint lost Peace; In ha testimony at the mot,
pot too wrongly my words shorn baring settled
with Dr. Partisan Whatever 7 did my of the
hind, was m tab - hope I entertemed Mat I should
be ati:e to pacify Dr. , and mate artatuß
tneakWith tom, and was situ to wder to quiet Pet.
tee, who was becomorg restive ander itia
,than of Dr. Par amen
ANT Dr. Webster had eased mow of the facts
recorded above nn the fat Nay, th i. quettion, Wltta
all the earnestness, solemnity, and eushority of
tone that Dr. Putman was maaier of, was addressed
D.. %%rebate, la all probability your deye are num.
beret you cannot, you dare not speak falimly to me
nowt you MOO not die With a lie in your mouth;
,so, prove to yourself that your repentance for tha
sins of your past rife is aumere—teal toe the troth,
then—a muhdence to be kept sacred dorm; your
ltfetione, noel as much longer u my regard for dog
bannister of year family 'Mall seem in ink to re•
[phrased Me toterea of truth and justice to permit
aearch to the bottom of your heart foe the history
.of your moures,and tell me, before t.hd,did tt nor•
gismo= toYou,betoto the decease or Dr. Parke:me,
that ha death, a you [toted bring it to yam, would
.be of great ao•suiste L.. you, Of at testi Mat per•
tonal 'sissy to him meet pmer'y ^r the result of
year leZpSCLed enterer:tee with t. nit Art a dying
21S11,1C2IlegO you to answer CBO a tai y and .2
ty. or else he area—had you not such a thou o t/
eNo, never," said he, with energy and feeling
wee I live, and as fl:d a toy witness, ogler'
auto mote capable of sect; a thought than one
'of coy amount child , eu. I never had the term,
teat Wes of Injuring Dr. P. mall the moment the
blow was struck. Dr. P. seit extsemery severe
sod sharp—the moat proving of men—end I am
tremble and parsaloneta A goick handed and
Otter vinletleo of temper has been a benatilug sin
of toy Idle I was an only child—much iodulged
—and I have never allorred the control over my
moutons that I ought to hone acquired early, and
the °onager:zee a all mu "
gla you nook ed Dr. Parlanao to meet pots at
.a ennekt hour, and told him you Weald pay Mtn,
when you hues you had not Ma moony 1"
"No," be replied. "I did not tell him I would
pay him, sad mete Is nu evidence that I told him
1a nacept my owe words spoken alter hia
appearance, and alter I bad determined to take
the ground that T had paid him, thorn worde wore
of ihemisrrebe create of falsehoods to which I
wee committed Iron the moment I had begun to
conceal the homicide. I never had a thought of
ujortog Putman"
fhe vu accompanied by_the Caton:tent in
which Prnfmnor Webster attempts to egpielo as
to his emirs talefleld, seethes for blood, and of
implant shout glees from the vault. Ater
reeding the statement, Dr. Penman piaceeded to
argue as to Its u thfu I sear, goyim; that it WM made
when the writ of error was still pending. Alto,
that Preensor Webster's estate wag wont several
thoomod dollar seed that be woe not lo such a Wilt
a 10 etnlito,l such a WHIM deliberately.
The previous petition from Professor Webster,
proteatiog his inhoeenem and praying far ab oohs is
',ludo°, he said, we• got op by his &miry, woo
were unwavering in Sher belief In his Innocence,
cacti his coo east to was communicated to them
shoot • work woe,. lie ommindse 10 asserting
behef thst the ennfeasion wee toe.
duty 3,1 , P. M.
The following I. a evity of the petitioa of Pro
fewer Webwer, coevieted of the murder of 1)r•
Parlocan, to the blovernor and Gomm!, which he
withdrew previous to tha Caternents above Made.:
To flu ExreVenty,Creorge Rr. Briggs, onelto tAr
llonaralle Council of rho State of*.
Havlog been convieted before the Supreme Jo.
dicta! Court of the murder of Dr. Parham; I
.woold moo respectfully and humbly petitton your
14toel!ency, and the honorable Crunctl, to be par.
mined to declare, in the must solemn Manner,
that I am entirety innonent of ale awful crime ,
that I sever entertalned soy other tharithe Itmd
est (Getters Onwards bum, and that I never bad any
Inducement to Injure tom whew I had so long
numbered among toy beet friends.
To him who meth In secret, and before whom I
may era long be elated to appear, would I appeal for
the troth of which I now dviare. one oleo for this
truth of the solemn declaratten, that !bed no agency
In placing the remains of a beaten body In or under
ter room le the Atediehl Cellar , In Doreen ner do I
ton..? by whom they Were as plaoed, Tha t am the
victim Of alleentattelete Of ova feet eaerpirsoy, or of
the Mtempt of sate individual to cause enapielon to
'el open me.loiluerired, perhaps, by rho prospect of
obtaining a large reward.
• When dolt charged with thla dreadnel cense. I did
riot publish to the world a declata.ion of my Innocence,
Or noir explanation of the eircametances tending to
sing mepleion en to, solely In consequence of en.
tire ignol.Ce Of the CRON 1 aught to adept an im•
plielt reliance In the estrum. Jedentent of others. I
had, however, prepared !or molten 0., a document
to vied bet es theta was a at one lab •neitlan
from the 11 , st, to mistrnerpret my every look eCon,
and express 04 It 1■•• deemed wore advi.,bl, for..
bottom's utdmtintainsilence. The document wee,
teenier*, with 00 eltaggio on my part, withheld.
yoneemately open my UM; every manu was to-
Oared te,a• mat WOIy inunusais to my labour,
tort', end insignificant CirVillatllCrs, to the
els tplelonir, and to pervert them to my divadvantase.•
I VIM pray our Flo”cos that the evidence may be
tweekre e l hr ye y s, and that the teet many of set wife
coy heard and rece teed, as also my own statement
and e planation., repestteg In the mon redeems and
e menace, red under the !sliest sense of moo.
spurs billies is • men and a. Chnstiset. teat I an
whollyinnoccet of this cherge,to the tmth of which
the &aerobe — Fel all beetle Is a within ,
I would humbly and eespeeuolly pray, that the Pr. -
nese I been asked may be panted. I do thi, ender
the toll belief that the testimony and expranatione I
may and would row offer, are each as will disprove
many thlrsp, and mow were IreeatlY the ligh t or
at tilt too witness...a a- 4 place In their tthe light els.
com.teneee now otsrure.
In the state of mind In which! was, allesee
swirly urged open me. and I complied more strictly.
perhaps, than I ought to have done. Every method of
poisoning the Public mind, of exciting prejudice 'dental
me. was resorted to; ntleelloods.imputattorth, and felt
:leaden,. were daily rid:Awed, and I soon perceived
Pat the contradiction of one would leaden others, and
that the refutation of them all would be an endless
task. I therefore submitted In Ocoee and rergnattho,
bedewing that the time meet shordy arrive when Ile
whobrlngeth lift out of darkness would cause the
truth to appear, and my Innocence he made manifest
to all_ Lk .
ewers of the usc Oat was to
Hod I merinos' y been _
be made of some circumvent es on my trial, to 41ve so
mjast sod erroneous impreallon, I
should have been• provided with evidence to explain
most sariathetorily. Some of the statements, refers,-
ees, and cheumstanem. however, could not be (MIT
explainedor disproved —enforlanately I. could not
avail myself of the proof to do It.
In dna review of my case, your Honors Will, I trot,
find sufficient reason. for reveneng the decision of the
coort, and for the interposition of mercy. The knowl
edge of ray feelings and habil., and df my . venous en
gagements and occup alone both before end ober the
dirapprstance of Dr. Patin:non, have, from the firm,
been *efficient amorumes to my •011eted family of my
Andpw that their nest in Him wiit a o hog motained
both Holm and me In our days and ghts of sorrow
and endures has been shaken by theuolooked for re •
salt of Iv trial, they woold pay to be permitted to
unote yr tit me, their sole eannly dependent, In tote go
Mine. relieving( that your t , xcellency and the Honor
able Council Will fine sufficient ground* for grandpa
to me • pardon, and of restoring up them their husband
and father, for which !most repentrolly •nd hrmbly
pray. (Signed) JOHN W. %%OSTER.
Withdrawn on application of Dr. Webster, June 4th,
Rave last received large addition, to their
Imported by lam packets from Europe, and to
which they would especially call the attention
of pureitnae rs, behaving lac le very amen.
sive stocks and low prices will glee
entire astisfaction.
Ca•To toe Airmcria —To those silimed with that
dreadful seearge to America, the Liver Complaint.
the proprietors of hll.arle's Liver Pills, ire happy to
offer MIS remedy, Is at once complete and safe. It
bee been tried often la oil macs of the country; It tits
been stied in the practee of the mom: ernblent phy
slelans, and always with memoir= success. • to
offering; these Pills to the public, the proptleion are
actuated by a denim to alleviate ammen suffering, sod
offer a remedy for one of the molt terrible donna.
which aball be within the reach of all.
for sale by J. KIDD /a CO, No CO Woad, Urea.
ly 141.1kerS
Blind R 000000 d en Edget by the P..
9. S. lsrron-91r•. I wish to bear teatime].) to the
medical virtue if the Oil called Petroleam. I Was for
1. lung time afflicted with a badly inducted and very
tore eye, •o much so .10 lore sight entirely for about
glare month., with very 'Jule hope. of ever recovering
she right, and but a alight prospect of having !bra
based of the rorene•y my attending physician was
unsuccoPful making a cure, or In 'Airing relief,
and afforded me but little erteortragewera. I heard of
the Petroleum about the Ice of Aped, iPhi, and gave
its trial: the malt la, the sight la restored and my
eye• well, except a little tender or weak when I go
out in the son. ANN IRELAND.
Meld et., Cincinnad, May 04, loin.
ft. y. latrros—Sty. I bees been a/Meted with Piles
for ran Sean, and have tried other remedies, enthout
permanent rel ef, mall I bend of Ne Petroleum, I
have and only one bottle, and thlak I am entirely
curet I rctosochitco. ii to ell who are aillleted moth
Plitt, I have Crown Ii to be good fee awe eyes
Dinelssallt May fl C.GARRETISON
au sale by Keyser A. Dowell,l4o Weed weed;
It Ertel:en, SY Wood 11..; D ht Corti, Allegheny city;
It A Ediott, Allegheny; JoareA Dentate, Allegheny;
alto by the propnetnr, PAL RIER,
lye Renal Rude. Fereende tt, Pirlabargh
Ole< of Ohio and Penn_ R. R. Co, Thltd st.l
Pr:maraca, Jar. LI, &ESA
Tea Steen:eines of the Olio and Pearayleahla
Red Rood Comp., are hereby notifted to pay :he intalrnearttf Ave dollar, per shell, at the edict
of the Company; as brrewfore, on or brine the 10th
.day of June nog, aid We remaining Intalmenta of
A 3 per Mara, on or hetet, the 20th day of each no
ceadate month, ItUdl the Whole etc odd.
Maid: Wld LA RIMF.II, Jr., Treasurer.
Itasprovrottaelets as ilosr.latrye
DEL G. O.I.tTEAFINS, tats or Demon, la premed to
enzufartate ar..4 stl BLOCS Timn in ortr-011t and parts
of es,. ema Suction az Almosphene Seaton Plates.—
Toterneess mann wbere the nerve to
eromed Mee en,l recnlenee next door to the May.
eft.te. Fount .mart. Yalsterch.
Berea TIN—J. D. F. H. Eaten. 1.19
Or Pittsburgh
Illy COHPAN V is now prepared w Innsall
kicH of risks, on houses, manufscrorms, roods
morchandim in more. tad in tronsho csareia, tc
ample unaranii, for the abdity and Integrity of
the losoration, is adorded in tho character of rho Di
rected, me aro ail camera of oinsbargh, well and
fasorahly known to iho commissary for Moir prudence,
trdedigencs, oral imerniy.
Dtac.cots—ii G. Hirsmy, Wm. Bartley, Wra.lar
Inter. Jr., Walmr lifry imB, Hugh D King, &Heard
licarchon, Z. Kinsey, 9. Ilarhangh, 8. M. Kier.
rating 111•100 Library.
A AIINIGI•liOn +ill be hied
!,1 . 0r.d . . . 4 ;;; w e
;Igate' ei Jaly 4.11.1 •1. Vele:k.
1)€.11 DA Vlu W !kelt:try.
EW 130011,1:
Tn , rd uret4 *Ace _Da ta• Doc 01ce.
DICTIONAHY of iilechuites., Exit. work, wad
Et/gingering No la.
Lamtric Mai apearc, No 19 .
1,9,1 a L. sing Age, No 221.
11 ullO.l. Ntercita,.. filliasa.fie for Jaly.
?doming Call. tly Mad. eJla—parts r 1 sad IL
Wog &tiara , kr Jely
Democratic declare far Daly.
Suit:der & Torms•od'y Near Weakly litt...llany
Pries at/ CAPIII
Ilarrar's New Monthly !thrill.* tar lily.
Holden's Dollar angular for Jaiy.
Oil Oak Chest U. u. I'. if. Jaren& 1.8
B:IIIBnPARILL6-6 dor •tt lasi ree'd for
1) talc by IL IL BEI4EIIB
11 , - 47 Wood at
OD LIVER. OlL—reN 1.61ta and frcalajasurred
for t!tle by_ It E. SELLXHS
ust r , I%: , SARAAPARILL A—l Otte mall tons jon
bl Ilybj IL E. tiELLERS
F.>;:CAN iIARbAPARILLA-1 Ws for oalo
1) 2 tl. E. SELLERS
oknirmi Pt 1.031111
ONF: nest vary Ana fresh Orion,, Prunes, Jan In
ported, for rale, wholesale or ril• I, by
rol %VAL A 11aCLI.IRU , loot rty at.
lailriAßLL—la basks jail reeelved. ant lot sale by
17 8. WICK d riIeeANPLEVA
pOCA.ISII-10 eared, • fine artier , . tor see
CHOCOLATE— 4 bcoss No. I Fre ue
eb Cioeol,
pm received, .od for vati by
• -'
— )1 v WICK at IiIeCANDI.F2S.
ALEIIATIJE— . I , I::;:: Cltgland
pen lull received, am. for sale by
tRuILINU PEPPER-63 Wee. rare Ground Pap•
lj per, tor .ale by
IPA ULE - BALI-14 boxes Table Salt for al by
.4, be WICK tIeCA NIZES S.
Cimot cifEt7BP--111 bani Qum Cheese, this
day teemed sad tar tale by
R C-411 boxes W.D. Meese, teeth,
. td and im gmla by
Ire WICK it b10C4 . % NDLI
QTERINE CANDLE.:! boxes Buries CaudleLi
0 very impeller mete, (or rale by
iTORN nitoolte—.l.3 doz. for sale by
PINE APPLE CUEME—fort received and far
gala by
k/ Polio do. for Ws by
WM. A. fileCLUflO A CO.
TILE Sanitary Commised of the pity ariN ttaborgli,
h Illid. at Vralngenterkt Ifir 0111 . evlu.a•
u, ofthis city.lo pldeo ettol.4: • A lE. ni to
44 11001kal, allupp4l 4. Lacayville. They have also
appended Dr. Carnelian of the Path %Yazd, s. City
Vaynesue. By order of Sanitary Commioce.
A. BLACK, Chainacn.
gum elabecribers, Executors of the lan wilt and
testament of Ayres Lynn, Y
deceased, will offsr for
sale on the promisee,. THURSDA, the Lath day
of Augdn, Hll7, all the lands Delos:gime to the estate
of eard aeoeseed, altaated part In Redstone, pan In
I Jefferson, and part In Brownevill• township., I'M—
No I, part to Redstone and part In Drogyusplie, math.
• a few rodeo( the . National Road and fail loon one
nine from the Wont of lhownevlUe, mourning 61
aeree—about 40 acre. clear, the balance int • rate
umber, a tenant house, stable, the.
Nn 0, use homestead farm of said deceased, contain
ing 414 acres. The Is int rate land, situated in
Renewne township, about 100 acres clear, the balance
well umbe red. Theta Is on this farm a good atone
dwelling hao- a, (Mee kitchee, good Item, bun,
mats% ap ing bourse, and other Imuldlop, alms a good
*P it ' rp ' ,, h e , " l Redeiene and pen in Jefferson town•
Hype, contsdning tales of prime lene CM tug
m o s t ly Creek. Taira le about 70 sere. clear,
mostly meek heft= the balance le heavily timbered
with white oak; • small hewed log dense Le dl the
building on this tract.
There will be a coal
a r e attached to each of
the tract.. Alt th en lands are Mooted within from
one to two mile. 01 the town of Brownsville, In good
neighborhood, convenient to grin m saw null.,
echoot boons, • d meeting honors. An ' abundance
deemedtone on each ct A farther, desuiption to
enneceseary, a. Porn.. ' , Wang to pun.,
Mn desire to exemine Um preemies beihea, the o u n
l end, . wishing to .y or all of the a
t aboe
will call on either of the subsenbere, or
And Lynn living on the premise. Pouesslon
given on the itt of April, DM. Easy terwe lep t on
will be made known on the day of by
ISAAC LYNN, Eneeeters
301114 It TARS,' Ayres Lana. diPin.
Job lifgeglarla
nissoz.vriox OP rAiiiasssinP:
'VUI patteerthin best:adore existing between the
J., subscribers, under the firm of Neale i Mueller,
de g di..teed hy =tail consent. 'The initi
ates of thetant null be tested by U. P Moeller. sue.
NMOT of Neale d hlnelert who le suthosisedm..
the name of the fine in esnientent.
Wfl. NEPA.P.,
r Zt•
APPLES-40 6d. Di lest received and (Or
sale by JOHN WATT re CO
JO • lebarty . ,
k ,11311-60 bris new White Mb: .
30 bib; L. ke The;
Dv. Late Shad; •
0 brls Nd 1 netting - ,
10 bfis No 9 !actual:
10 ht Ws No 11 del., Jest read and fat tea by
SUNDRIES -33 brie Farally Moir;
60 bxs Chew;
10 leo Hiee;
Itt do: Corn BTOOMS;
60 bd. vie t .g.,; It stbre, Co. rile by
NSEED OlL — Looowarranted pure, (or Ly J SCHOONMA nu. & co
V. 4 Wood
IIT IITING—XI bets dry and fine, fear tale by •
0118 can Oil Wlmcgroenp
1 can Oil Il
I eau Sata:rosOuster for We by
FLOUR -7A5 Ws ItCebue and to sale by _
lye 191 Wood st
0 Oar -100 bzs (sr sale by
ha svaar /a SILL
rfOLASSES-45 bila In Oak and' Crpraui barrel.,
AU. to crow amnia'. STUART h
COIER2E-1 . 00 bn cream in non. for nas by
la 116 bTUART LOLL
IN DIGO-1 olroori P. P. La mote and for sale by
J$ • BCUARTt e 1 L 6
nrinms —TOO dox graciYed frsr sale by
IDUTTER in barrels, bozes,.d croak., for safe by
rtLA33-110 bzs dz ICs
14u bYs 7 z 0; for sale by
BVITING—IOOO nos in 1110111 and for eats by
SALEBATIIB— , IO3 bss prime, just vaa's for sale by
he • 8 CUMIT & SILL
rints subscribers have this da; formed a co-partner.
Aside under the firm of W & Wilson, for the Darr;
pose o (transacting the Wholesale Grocery and Ccoeft
mission Ossiness, at No Sd Wood street.
rittsbargh.l, FRANK. WILSON
Wanted to Root.
BAKE OVEN, orittota a cola LoesaLtio mot
4particulaz—Pluabitrirtt p•eferred. Abbess U.
..ers. ea ibis office. 441:Atte
ret/TASH-1 casks but reCeived to day; a soperier
r article, aaltabla for retelling, welch will be ~ld
low (or CU], by 25 N. WICKERsIiAM
4 Coy Woad and Pietb st •
TA.S. W. Barbrldge & U.J.a F. lnabraot have this
al day ars,iatear themsolree under the Arm of Bur.
bridge &Inabram, to trauma a Wholesale Grocery
and General Comostalion Br s'.ness,lo the holm lately
oceaoset , by Barbrldge. Wile= & CO,llO Water et
P.taborgh, Jaly 1 Irso.—lyl
T. 9„ SmV,..'s„°•,v°,l--e:tißmi„,t4l,l7a„t
& Co., yea. thte Lay Coeds./ by marvel COMICOL.
The butane of the firm will be settled by J. W. Dor-
Midge, or We, Wile., ir eater of whom Is author
lad to ase the tame of the ' erm In liatadallella.
Pittablogh, hly I, —l f 4
roar ILEXT.
A . LONG ROOM over Mr Connolly's Dry Goode
stern The room is well finished. and famished
with gas fittings. Entrance on Market street
_174 E. D. OnZZAfiL
hasheesh, rely 3, 3 EdS3.
9311 E President and Board of Managers of the
.1„ Northern Liberdes Base Company having de
clared a dtindent or one dollar and dip cents, on
each share of toe cannel Mock of laid company.
The same will be pa.d to the stoc• holders on or anal
the 10 h met. O. E WARNER, Trcaituer.
114 d3l
aline of the Allegheny Oddity Company, I
Pittsburgh, July 1at,18543.
THE Ptesident and %tanagers of the Company for
erecting a Bridge over the Alleghmry River, op,-
polite Pittsburgh, to the Coonty 01 .aalegherty, have
Ulla day declared a dividend of one dollar and seventy
cents on each shine of Ike eariml Stook. rending in
the name of Individuals cattle books or the compsay,
oat attic profits tp the 1”t six menthe, which will
be odd to stockholders or their legal representatires
fernewitia. hell JOHN HARP Treater..
TAMES WILSON Inform. Ids Mends and ma pub/.
J that he Sots rammed LW Hat and Cap Eatablune
meal from Smithfield saner, to hug old ataud 011 the
router or Wood sure and Dtarsend Atlas, (meond
story) over Petrick. t Ft tenors Hie/matte airline..-
.anca back. ad Diamond ANce—mbaro Mai be load
a largo sad tasbionattler asaartmetit HMI and Caps
at reduced puns, 'thalamic, Mid reta il. Hats mu. la order. , ia3-4/masaS
JUST PUGLISILEO In medium felle, p te
Gamer Mem, One Geller to non eubmrO e re.
Pam VI. of "Speniteene of the Mane, Iron, and
Timber Grids., Iliad anis, retuiels, Gaireem, in • n
or tie Uniteitimim Hair Xenia' , Ay George Donna,
Architect and Civil &mean
- -
The VVreea,r part carnal. budiiially executed
elevationei.d reminds or the Timber 'lndigo
tthree epan• of I.Vd and one en. of Ind few) err...a
the Delaware as Nair SIM Menne of tax firm
dirk and Erie dad kind, with abaci:maims; ctn.
=tee, de..
N IS—Mad. present Pith/ part are give. SPeei
men Plait. of the &rearms ter . Theoretical and
Practical Treedse on linage &adding, ae, ' , consiW
mg drams, 11.11 , 4110011, .redo- a, and &Utile°, a call
ic•P oblique tree 17. tem ipso, noon Flthatill street,
Marichesier, oe the line or the Mantherner and du
mitighsca itt. a.. .1.0.• specimen sheet of the letter
press the ..tirr sans, wan as introoector, eruck on
me application ot trio to flail Road strucaurca
te • work that was a great desideratore, and
maw prep of great benefit to the engineering psalm
me* generaill, arid especially to the tyro in practical
engitteenng • and mechanical know.'" get in Ina It
Arita. as that It would require yens of labor mad
patient toll on tie pert sit IL pane( ltgillt.l.o preps:*
the drawings sod collect the Intonnetten that will be
Cllbteued W lAte wont, sod Con now be Foellred for
the tridnig earn of klt n-Nimentlfte Araerdan. Much
le, intro
uto tronnection with this abject Cirri' Rod Road
Nn:nreq o's take 'mins!. to call attention agate
ro Mr. IhregurN saleable sum espernise pabliesitien,
exhibiting drawings, With fall deectiptiocs of the
various moue, Nun, and wood MISC. VilldeOli. tau
eUr, culverts, he., or all the rail roods in the Ifni ed
Pura , Mr Duggan is internee:piddled architect and
civil engineer, who came from Mcleod to hut country
t extreme his proferelne, bet finding nil road eon-
MractiAli here, In many respects. I Kamm from that to
which be red been accustomed to Nampo, he apotted
Morsel, to the study of oar system; and the (mks of
his researches and inveatisationa embodied In this
work am Well calculated to meet the esigercire of
enemata and to I.lll.ldraauttismcn, bridge budder',
mechanics and easeents.e--(Ni Y. Naval of COL.
P. b. 11, tra3
113- Published by GEORGE DUGGAN,,3OO Woad
wart Now lore, to whoa all commanieerona sbendd
be eedressed and aubseriptians forwarded. lytdtt
AOlitL to do heal.... A pen.- ant and plea.
sant allay/on eaa be heard of by applying at this
--- "Liaiiesalged7Dry Goods at tiourPrio..
WM. L. HUBBELL, Blga of the the But Hr., on
Ysrkst street, between Third and. Foul.. will
continue Wang those Damaged Dry Goods, eta Wad.
eesday, Joly 3d,and will eannem freon day today mil .
all the damaged goods an sal& Them goods are
tightly damaged by weer. d be °fared to each
, p .rehann at leo thaa halt the original coat.
91 , ..... autumn .d . tte pahUo
Our namereettaatemers and taipahlle an general
will llamas null a team:care bargain. lbe good.
were damaged by Water cult, and atany.of them eaU
be fuand almost parcel. Meta of them we will sell
at sonnet any price ileum remember the wore,
No 0/ Market street, between T led and.Foarthiugn
of the Big Bee Wee, where no cub customer w i ll Oa
swat away without being perfeetly sadaded.
All our room. veld be opened for retell trade on Ws
oemtalett. I/13.11m1 Whl. RUSSELL
T HAVE. Ihl likelatk with me M. it. 11.
I. Cioem, to the Wholekle Omen , end Prodeee
Nosiness; the elyla of the flew will k A. Calbettek
elm. (173 j A. CUL/MATSON
u. catsrerroal 11. a. nom.
WHOLESALE 0R0C.13/43-end Commtaloa Mot.
chum, Dotlvo In Produce, and Pituburie
Macaroon:rod anteloo,lll3 Liberty a 4 Plttatarge, Pa;
NEW NOOKS I NEW 1100818 I ,
lialows',..Literary Taira arrow, opposite
as Blatt Ofra.
lONDON Art Journal for J 0..
WWII'. Living Age No 300.
Noldeote Dollar Novelle for July.
Illarkwood ior Jose:
The Vale or Cedars; or the Martyr. By Grace
aatl or of “Woolan's Friendship."
lleateit Illwkapeate, No le.
Pictorial Field Hack, No 3.
David Cermet 11, No It •
Nnrrel hasting.; ortho Frigate itahg,ilY3
op,. owner* al to Oaths Nearchlusti, and • lot of
Hollow Want will plea,* COMO forward. prove
oroporty, and take them Airway, or they will be sold
nro.rdir4 to 10 Pap Charge. C GRANT
ir 3 lll Water et
Undritssed Irish LiII•11111.
vrunrily & BURCHFIELD Inaba the attention
Au of balers to tater soap' y of supatiorltilb (Anon.,
warranted Yore Flax, ineladlnx a taw placea extra
quality Bowan Linens. They haw, also received a
supply of Shirtier Muslin, of impactor labile, all of
which be sold low.
Laois mud 33d glagi.
MURPHY le UURCHP L IELD hive received a Jule
". Intel: lk rona Eddins ena Lamm
Loom WorkTMead do;
Dobbin do;
Veleamennee do;
OWL.. and Jaccinet Edging.
Do Imertincri
Minted and plain Netts: Blue Bilk do, ka—to which
they ark the n 100000 of boyars. ll7
1 - 3 borrois Panaer & Birk'., cum brand,
r received end for sale by ,
SIIOI(RIIREARING-450 bra No I, read aad for
gild h U 3 B&W HARBAIIOfI
sOpt ASI-10 mks upeirostdfra•by i evikiH
BACON 0 Vide prime obottldetr,
10 bbd. de 8 dem
ID blds do Haminmeeivedetteemeimi•
meet end for sale by (173 B& N trARBAUGH.
SUCIAR CURED HAM -CO Lai ToOd oocoodsh
for sale by Uyal 8 it.tir lIARBAUCIR
CHEESE...9Obn prime Mem Omni:
tor boo prime W. R. do roodd for We by
WIN DOW GLASS— SOU bis aiso led es as reed
for ale by 11)31 8 W HARBAUOII
COlg-4:0 bo gelled Jut read for tale by
laTs-4.09 banal sad tre 4.1.24
NJ ill • W HAMM
TI-lESE DIES haring been allopted'and highly approved in 'tittles -Principal :gam' in New Trak
and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, machinists, skip sunths,fice., with the WIDOW. CM.
fidence, as the mole perfect snide in tact Deeming
Their superiority over any _other :Dies heretofore. used; consists int their conies a name?
Slaw,. whether V vest/our. thread, by passing over the iron to be cot, regp t ,,,
arras-ions Fr...parer/on, as the dies cut ibis thread out of- the solid ;Iron, without -raising it in the haw;
is their greater durability, rapidity,. and perfection of work; and is their simplicity and Nitta linhttitj
to get our of order.
pareanxes me, Auto l; /la
This L. to atiliff that we base parehssed from P.
W. ewes the right of 'sing lila punt Dies far ma
il.' h eils. .711. at OpilliOth ala Ines are mneh supe
rior to toy otten vie are aeoptainted with ior tea
purpose or eluting balm • •
Pati.engusts,.hog. fl, 1919.
Having had P W Gates , Patent Piles he me In our
cstablithineet for the last- nine month, Mr elating
twlie l, we eee .cal • Moen recommend them in
the ighest terms, as vs have laid all when sway,
they belch ao far aimerloc—considering them 70 per
omit. cheaper than any omen now in Rm.
Penn Works. Pa.
Thiele to certify tint va have poreherekiho veht
td m e and adopted to, at batmen, P lhrates • Pa•
teat ISC Mr Cauer, Whiehwe ideal) ammo. oL VI
can do moth non Won, and we betlevelt will sery
paw in deroillry and Predaion, as mach as e 000407
at labor, any dies known to eis ,
800019, MINCH 84011019.
Pumsavergla, 9th meeibe 23 M day, HO.
NOW You, hog. 10,1901
Having adorned P. W Game oPment Lies* for can.
tine halm, wesake Whome in earne, eat Moore
than expeetatiore, and have na t mita.
don hi gyring It as our opinion, that It far excels any
other plan in present us for coning bolts_
We have P. W Oatag "Patent Thee for euthat
sown, and the ceonnary or =too room in 00 Very
aaasidarabla, that 're look 0000 them as 0 diaoansa•
.blot. cam establishment timing way quality. of
Cmcaao, Maylo, MO:.
Canaan % Om* Wasurnstena; 6th Per-. '4l
I have pnrebassd of W. IL Beeville for the Unite
!ones, Ina Natal(' use In W the arsenal* and armo-
fa IX TWIST TOBACCO-63 ke .doi lou boding
U and tot male by. D 731. UAREIY. /ONES do CO
T kegs (coat, rec ened mnd for We by '
3 Femndn
PROMS—In dorm far We by.
OTATOOI-110 t n inltora and for 'Oa by? •
KEG BUTTER ill morn and for v fa i l: jz fiNno • ri
J 73 -
Cu"E!" - ' s '°"'n'.Nlifr.H'VgEYCO
Want. and Front it
-2' 4 e ett r gd " ;: ' :
V cask. ebcralccs;
' : 3 cask. Aitorted, now landblic, from
15.C.2e/ M. 21.011. for We by ISAIAIFDICKEV & CO
i 73 Raw and Frost fits.
ALCOLIOL-30 Ws 91, 92, and SO per sent, for solo
by II A FitiltilLSTOCIC at CO
ir3. Cor. First & Wood out
AHD OIL-26 brlsCoiaklb.g's Net for sale by
Q LTPLTRE-23 liege refined, for We by
ID/ 113 . 0 A PAIINEtTOCK dt . ool.
LINBCED 011.—Engli.h, in e..ksuld M 1,1., for seie
by f 431 El PAHNPSTOCK CO'
SUNDRIES -4o b. Went.
15 tots ano brie 6o;
3<as. Fetish;
3 brls Tallow;
Sou tx. Cate.;
Jo eels Firs and Wit pr.( Pat.
ItO bushels Pomo.;
Is store and for aa`a by .1 II CANFIELD
BOSTON CRACKERS—Jan tirrived And for We
at No _C.S Liberty s•reet.
brl. Boston Cold Water Creekersr •
2 tale do Better Elwell:
bole do Hr. Bison L• • •
GOSHEN CHEESE—A *mall lot of Goshen Meese
anal received oad for • ale hi
172 VA Liberty et .
JV'AD BREATIL—In pine eases out or ten, bed,
breath may be auribated to a neglecter the teeth,
sertichand tattooinally comm. When this Is the case, the
breath cantor be otherwise than-bad, and the vertical
thus alllicted sot only mace Mal • t• of
each being therm', bet aro ebsolutely dimgrecable to
every one the/ approach: /CLEO II AUELtS PURI
remedy (or bee breath, bat will prevent th e teeth and
Rams Tom becoming diseased, and Mve to the teeth a
brzlllant whitener. Charcoal ni sampled by all mien
eke persons to be one of-the greaten Jiiiniecting
aßents known. and Is highly approved by all our best
Dentists ae rt dentifrice. The greatest abjection to its
use heretofore Inn, been the difficulty of getting it
pare and free from coarse particles. The PURIFIED
CHARCOAL TOOTH PASTE entirely obviates this
digilealty, as the coal (rota Which atilt:anted is pcplsr
wood, beret In an Don - eybnicr. and reduced to an
Impalpable powder. The. other ingredicaut 'of the
Yager are etch as have roomed the approbmion of
oar mon sciatiEe Dental Surgeons, and ate all bone
heal In their effects. By the eta of Jules Hanes
Purified Charcoal 7,lth Pute,the moot di...Marco
teeth will, in a abort data, assume a pearly 'alikeness,
and spongy Rems Meow. Inn and healthy.
JULES HAVE... Pertumer and Chelan;
IA Catisinat elec.!, Phil.
For rate wholesale and retail, by a At Fehnestoek
A Co, and R. E. rwbere. Pinsburgh; and John Sur
gent, and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City. P.. jI 3
B AC0:11 11A.315-13 bsr pnme country noted;
; ca.tit tto or sale In
_p3 c 11 GRANT, 01 Watt r strnst
U'l very One, m v b.. ; 1.
utd 1 %n , 3 . ,x 7; ntelallt g , sx.
C • bIe•NLLTY 3 CO
o ' 3 Canal Casio.
THE Guardia. of the Poor of the ei7 of Pittsburgh
wish to employ a Matron or None for lb. bit k. at
City Farm Testimonials' of character well be rt
quicr.d. Applicattoo betted° at as °face oliFoutth
meet. at 2Ve.ock P. M. until Ma teak Janata.
_ • _ . •.. .
,By order Of the aellner eo= - 114ellee. - ..
- I
l',Rlize area. Guartisat, i
Plusbnzab,Jaly 11,1F5)
No 62 Armin . strut,. Pitubtergit.
AAIdASON 4. CO, ore nos preiared to aide to
. the nab° their 100011 damaged by the late fire,
.11104 F make may be baud:
Calicoes sl . ghey damaged . t ef e; ranaleree'do: to
8 corm; lama do, geed st) leo, to 10 c exec Motu de
Labe. do, 3to Inc Chuhmerca do 10 to 1.2 c; Pade
ellipl24 do Of; 4-1 ?mock peroo do 12; rte. Com&
Chita; hall rice, Gingham, do 81eamooat Cower
prom 11 , 1 do co extra; rdontrelng de taboo. II to 10a
Together mita car vainly large mock of Nam and
Pert at Goods at a neat redaction from format price.
IDFAVINO Ws del. taken Glecirgo R..atowy Into
a - M=2=V. "' .l4lZ2reP uh' ! '"
arriteßo aaan)
a. nano a Co!i."""°'
IIirIIOLMLE sad Retail &Were In INN., Lea.
RR thee, Morocco. shoe Fiedingo. Teener. , ace
Carriers' Tools, and Tanners' Oil, No 103 Wood Wee(
Pittebnrah, //PAR=
JUST received—a doteri Dr. Charles Osaoodla Inds
Cbo/sroyae, and for
.sale by J KIDD tCO
ire , No GO Wood street
JUl . z . eceiret.-1 dozen 1)r GuysoiVo 'Va., Dock
pkrilla, and for oats by 11190
int No 4:13 . 11. dad stmt.
WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwranling '
sod Coramlistoo Merchant, end Dealer In Pius
l P. ugh Manutacuarce, No =Mem new, Prtubarub,
a rum, -
T'ellSwers arid cotistacces of goods arriving by.
the "Chisens , Pomkblo Beat We,. willplease
tato notice Mat they omit be required to pay freight
at' oar warehouse, according to the receipt, before
the goods are removed. C d !Sa&NTILTY &CO
!MIA! RC UlllO. ,
I, IL ME1,2011, 81 Wood strut, has received thi
follotukr New Xtssiet
Osay can you sse by the pinta holy light;
owed to Rev. C Cook. Ob, Dank not lest I love
thee. Blaneke Alpen,lleve thee. When ether Mends
around thee. The cot beneeth the bills. Wen thou
hat mine. Annie Laurie—Scotch ballad. Tiurßobin
—ds by Eltra Cook Steph en Glove
Th w om en boot wounded the ,
thai by
loved thee. Th e
One of Washington: The MIA Mother's Lament.
Old Benten—ltamel. r UO death all . Ming. well—
Woodbury. Widow afachree—Rosell. The couage
of my mother—lieteldompleie.neens..l ow backed crt—Loyer
11211, Waltres—o . e apo Bell. The
Bridal or Wedding Polka Je nn y Lmd's Atrierieen
Polka.- Lissy Polka. :Bonen American Polka. Tii
Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka
Jenny Lind Polka. The Orfaina &totals! Piste—
Julien. Baletation Polka; Hirt' Polka. JotephL• •
Polka. Baena Polka: Be tintol Polk.. The Pro
phet Quadrilles—hleyerbeer. Jenny Lind Quedrilles
Ito Wreath and Daisy Wshaer—tin Ernesf. Tb•
Swits Dwyer Bay—vertatlot • by Csatny. Moneroeir.
Boone. from Dome. Wrecker'. Daughter. geisha:tr.
Louisville bleggit and clulokatep, Wax! Up, quick.
011.-400 brh?lhintiers. 'Nimbi Oil;
AA brie Timnsre , Oil;
ICU br4pleathad wiroar Elephant Oil;
IXOI 'do do Whale thl;
3JUII alo winter Sperm Oil;
BA bzi Sparta Candled for We by
Iyhdetilite I 47&9Beath Wharres 3 Philidefittis.
iledZotil ass* Otaustailliiiitlii.7
rf°R'EEN, feriliely Pailadelphia, and
• late a new Lisbon, Oh a, tikes pia:ante In an.
nomads; that he has located Sitwell pennanenny lo
Plitsbusib, let the purpose ot.stacilsuag the 'anon.
branches of Idethelna and Bursary. Calls promptly
Kneaded to at all hours of the day and ash, Office
sad residence 'Pi 0140 Third arum, between datithdeto
and Grant. ,
it trazirem—E. 9laatea t ISA.4., Fount. st; P. gay.
Bnokseller and litattorser Wax! stiret; 4.lCofted;
Apothem,. ald Orally:Penn
lltorsoo taiOrangea, prime ordar;,
• 3[0).0 Lemons; •
SOO bss Rains;
• la - FE — mica Po . ..conei
yocco pout, and Vont,
lust ?reeved and silo by__
brinilin No 3 Nona Maroon, Pluladdsibla.
OLIVER FIRE BRICK tar sale by the bait bad Dand from more. KIER tr. JON
Fl • Canalpubh_as........ith Intros!,
UF RAPPING PAPER—Assorted Coto to lone on
VT amaU donut'. W P h 1 tiftSHAU.
Jt t • " SS Wood at
'A •: ' —Cap an , net Ai fi e
IV quality ; for d 2 ptf ream. P lIALL,.
85 Wood ol
NEW SMOKED RUBINO, last reed and fee &Of
%stag per boxi by MORRIS &Ii&WORTII
Iyl. - Nomads of Ito Diamond
ARDOIL—LXIbrh receintt •al. b
z 7
DOT ASS-40 casks for sate low, to elo.a son.tan
I - matt. b 7 WI) JAMES D LZ b ELL
, r 112410 ACl,lo.lKabs lasuessieealoatalco
. ,
ries finder th e 16:Tent:Ilona , the Department, P. W.
GateenPa.ent dace Inroads g sesame on metat,they
basing been tried in two of the large arsenals, *a
Ail* to be Terry et:balms and eneellent
, Irmasr . dalrarce A= Tawas,
f: • Wainthamx, &pt. ad, 1 9 48 .
CO , Aideripir 'CCM relented' Imptornment foe e at.
tingaerems on metal tote It Natio elm, I been, by
authority of she llonenble Femur, of ale Navy.
maimed of
Fennel rney* Mlle • Patentero, H.
Secrialic, nod dime; leas the Tbdalso mks'
and use meld 1111riereatht 'or the U. lb. Navy,
JOdZ.DD B.lll7ll,Chlerof Amu.
Lino'. also by
Do Colo Works. Demo;
Deem It erhiss, ttdebestet
Donlon & ro,Gloncei Iv, N. Y;
llarwood & Snyder, Schnplkili aint7;
Birberk. heir York;
!lops & Dolsosetea "Pbosola,. pG Y;
H. K. rooks., &Co, Nei, York;
Dennioad & Co, Monnosent Works, pat;
Van Casco, HOehrften
Mott & apses hew Iork;
, &num Works, do; • .
Paso & 3latenY, 'dot. !;•
West Point Foundry;..
NOTTI.& Pro, PhilsedlPhia;;
Jenks, Exult:ober:6, Pc.
Walinotet k Nowa. Canoe and Now York - ,
Lowell Maohltte Shoot , Lo welt;
Amooslead Co, hlarabener,D
- Lyman & 800 ear, :Icon, Don.,
and otunerons Others.. • ,
No I Maehtne,lo soul dies k taps f; i to 4 In. ;at pro
Noa do 6-; dotell Mina 8=
NO3 do ;; -0 ; ; ;to I, ;vie° , Sire
All orders addressed to P. W. bates. Chlealo. G.
11. Hanson, New York, E. D. Insrshall & Co, Pons.
delrhia, ono 11.11. SdoaSle /F. Bona, flalcaeo, for Mee
and Tape, IrPtt or arl.hoot; ...tante rot
mill meet .nh prompt ;mention. -
Cmcsoo, Mop J. 1.441*
OPEN' DAILY , frog. .8 A. Af. till 10 P. Lt.
A d to Momum sad Lzetoso Eoom,ssa "
Roomed ittat,i.lll cents Qua: I _
131'•;11 . 139 Wooir Stress, Fitch.
T iller splendid eatablithment ts nArs , ofcred lot Is adtcrably arnugeil fbr Concerts, Lactbreb,Eibltoltlortii,4lo. .Por ler:marbly to
'JOHN A P 111301039, .
• 127 Wood
OYIL; 1 1112E MTAISIU : I4 , 78 . lbst,ldiatt!zg
OLAF:M 2 -10U )nrcels
IVI CO, do . Boole Gratad 2- IL
. do Bel Ai;
in store end for solo km - - -
jrl DoOwN t RIMPALTRICK,II4 Liberty st
SUGAR -46 !Ms 'iambi N.e Sava,
do an 4 Clarilley, nore far sale by
VW:an LAKE FIWII-4 bhlr.L•k r Sbßit,
• • 5 “. to. Trort,
White Flab,
Jon Tee . eiviel and for tile by
jas WAL A. kIeCLORO &CO, 5S Labevry K.
, I.oiltt 0 - 1;u5t31 , - - .0 bests Lute
W3lf,k, for elle by • '
JeV • ire. A.BIcCLVES & CO.
OANDLt....—Ir Coy • I.",
%Yu da.
Sperm do . fan do.
C10PFEF.,,..% be Rs No;4 .Coffeo ia store end for see
In idate and lettsola by
F ISH -25 bb Is /dockers:, •
TO do llertax, • .
.5. , 0 do Shad; ia 'ions and far oak; tor
11;AG 4 —;o doz. — toar and coron, in stare and for
1P ..fs bY ; ___ __ _
SPANISH WHITING-400 bbls for r,le b 9
ill• • - Won. & Proat gr.
HOP? -19 tales in more, pad.tu bn Kai km},
elem. emusimmammot.. • ^
O3*CCO-40 bales
. ponad tins,
moW be sold very low to close ea myna.=
DOT . 10 casks 00 hems, or we 07
B"°7111AX8 for DICtF,
Melodeon Plena with two allliede
Tun received at do alp Of the Golden Huey one
tl engerlor 6 octave IdelOtlearl Pia., PIM two eelt•
of Beene the latest Improvement. Too drove le
nrobablrtbe finest tone instrament ever obeted mr
weie ham with high't gained and elegant ~moor,
no sale by Deni It KLEI3EIt
• Pr/tip:oleo's.
PROPOSALS aril] be. totelved notillstly the sib,
tor •Rnilding a Rothe Reboot Wows In Itto Tbtrd
of dileghtn M y City. , A Olen ine sottolficationa
may De Icon P Calee . Of John W. Hoff, comer of
Dimond, A ileghony..
T tittoIILLAN,
AItiWIIY, }Corn. of Raw&
itt - t JO IN IRWIN, Jr
ROUSCIIT Praprlttori
- - Sviant, IfaNdayadurglo, Pa. • •
Li of allies for tho EaGood ' , Nevi also tie 13oefood
Sup leaves his itoss•a..: ' kindle%
. .
. .
GLaignuo. Pg. (Mniti's Ferry rat Oges)
. Amato ponaarently limped at this place, a maw
nohow:ma: WOAD' 'Soot; ono we prepare d to ta
nttoo and forward promptly <a all pato& ea the ri••>,
tlandyorri Bearer or Oido D &Cu.
Glarironr, /arm 15 teDI .
Dr. J. Mason , * Sarsaparilla, or Indian
• Panacea andl3lood Ps:midair.
HAS been extenolveij used (er 23 'vitas by Ma
Doctor In an extenaive pranlce, and lo coon.
oently rreommended toile puns for tea - cute' eu
onpnaitlea et the blood and general debtlity, Atm:m
um, dyarepala, tionslivi colds, bmochnu, dropsy
nervous Cr gimeral debility. female complaints, Mee
caned &pease% Weer% lores;.ot cranium.% and•
c.a.? t hernia, totter, Re , liver complaints, in skirt
for all Iran %titles attho brood. lt to wholly 'tearable.
tad rues, betaken enter any el:camatrceea eebb per
fect eatery 'Prepared by,Aa &WEL KRAMER, SaliS.
mote, ALI. Fot sale wholesale and retail, by.,
It b at
1e27 SY Wood st, Fauber,*
D$ ro.. J. J. ISYSlZSolitais las PrOrtS4lo.l4.ll•lot•
to the' eitisens: Meneberar ant metany.
tarn and mideree. tot the resent; al Romtdate,
lilnoehesim, ininediaK t iy above the ll.a Mame
timpani. ,
ISibUS-4.13 Cared Hazen Slid o.
fttairell and for gala by
le* i . S.& W. IJASIBAUCII,
EXAMS—It muds Hagar Cored Canvassed limas,
Ii jut redeived and tor aa , a by
. S. k IV. IitaItILUIGIL
RETidfdliFtSF..-27Vies Cream Cheeii'
add for dale by &W. iIA n UAU , OU•
Tr/Eat teas dil;riatjedt — Feni'd
LAS—ldu oda 8:10 WiEdoir Wide:
40 bid ICMILC on far dal. by
9; 23
1-1. , I WAI A IdeCLURG k CO
S VSYkLNDE.Std T o u
ati dtr o dam,.
fi fi d o m dbi
12ddos, • do • .'Nei
100 dot Freuth do, anode;
Itorrt:Jlds—t btis for We of
ei° itomsoN,Lni vE Sr.
CON-10 canko !boulders In store, Lot ss.bak
CANVi r ifeEL — rrablB.- -
DOTABiI-0 casks, toed, iprtsto aniele:fot sots by
107 ' . Wow sa
LEAD- 2000 pig. GOlna Lead lamina nail in
Tree, far *bib by . . • •
i./8 • JAN E A HETCH*OI4 OA)
ingy end ookaton Com Itrtrose
Mor sale br r netsl a R PLOVD
W P rca u ag *tl'e't
ye*, . On Wood as Koh sus
100,000 feet Seasoned .1)
s e i l no w, t
100,000 feet axle D) Coal
JeValtf Attorney at Low. Fenn!
Q UGAR--ES hlds cot sigirby
COFFEE -170 sack* alix foi sale bY
J w
t _C Et ORAN.
lit. mullet t i?Puti l
will basil l far
1. 111. hi
e, ,Ilffermt stades ol Wool,Dy- -
CAUA5:37111.13113-411 xe4, tars. fo*AsrAtjt
1 1".' . ! 1 !P!'
brie • Ruh
'4 per Bidwell'. 1.44 N
by "1!
U p l6l '- "c Y
P R ig atic C4- - -1"" 1 r. fg. VaLt.
thrDESS 4 .-30 cs•te for Nate by •.
PLoun-7S brls Ploar;"
60 brio ,do, rpeNl en ecm•igument.
and (W mile by Dc&IF 8 &
GAR TT o.t
itllB - a & Ii&F.EULIMR
ItCheese ferrila
Tr6r'.sE-50 on cream
lITINDOW GLASS-424 bra waned slats jcs
TV teethed and Jt gala by
5A:. 7 20 IT• • .
stem and far We by
dtgtt, a Dtime stile
Fine dillsgttenam.
►URPIIY a sun mixt& M uscramm of
tan the ladles to timid aaaottetaid of neat ety!ea of
Ginahatas, light and datk,ineladatimina of the dent
inahtY Preadh, of the, ad,sl datable ederr,
now% Mae, and otter shades et Brocade Glianains,
t 11.1 e ankle—ad berth east corner of Feld* 11.1 A
garket streets.' • $0
LaWU Patt•fiL Ptirata.
BURCIIFIt.L.Dhave receive , . a eue
LIU of new and botautliol Byte wane ground Priors.
if Lawn Pauarnnea very foe cloths, at the low prior
of Inge I Ineladed in the anorttneat we pink, bloag
bah, sal frthet 001011.