• . - • • - 1. . ',..r-skr3 vm7 lo 'v'' BY IttAGNMC TELIDIRAPH. nateruattleD R TICLEORAPIIIID FOR TEM PITTSDUROH DAILY GAZETTE FURTHER DETAILS EY THE EU RogA: : • .New rozc, July 3. The near by the Europe posiesses .13thiirtIo in twig, either ethilnltWitiliy Or jthlitirimily. TYa clews of thei quitili'parrase 'of the Athirthe .pve grail nti tootton thibe friendlier Collins' Line ~• . • at LlVerpooL. . . UNGIAND The Livcrowl urntil I:l . .Thersday, says that Lord John 'tweet: him dealt the worst blow to the Peen. Whitlt flaw have over yet received. His open, tinequivocal couterapt ,for them, and his' beWihtY dentmeatic & Mal, Matt he rote* of the op per House can °Nebel] lonntlV hare the thehteat influence. were Ivry elreetive. He said be did rot say this willinr,ly. , Certainly,the love °Celtics for were Office Mare, or the pride of Palmerston Polley. must be stoma, when an autocrat of the nottse aßedfonl can thus practically repudiate the Erbrie of Lords, and with the game ore Republican. omens all constitutional control in the rer eeceiltatires of the Commons. ,• • • M. De Girardin has announced dad he has resigns ed the direction cf Ds Presto, - in Consequence of hls election as representative for Bart Mune. • .• The private fortune of lairs Philippe is said to be I O N OO IP... ,I •Prr eeeurnsehlch be has divided by his will equalli p aroona his children and. grand 'children. • • •• DEKMAIt . •- • • The Kier, it is Aka:L.lll abdicate. Prince-Fred crick Will clip.. the Duchess Deleon, :and, under • 'the indue rknce Rusida,"arill ascend the throne ol • Denma It Is 'opposed that the the . eotenlicated ditb anines that autround the question) between tte Dockles of Pichkaaris''od Holstein, Any be ad. jutted. fto6lEr. The anpoiblasity of ttapope.ppdantobeon the inereste. It ha add that nearly all tbe Roman youth bays caber emigrated, been imndronedor mei under 61119;60t; ; &Driers not allowed to bo abroad atter . • . . All Abe 'letters or the Etitlinn Ctaml r ezeept oißeialocee, fro wen:opted end exiinined: . The finances ye in a nielanebpA !nate, theft liannt better et 14 per cent. dieenuni. - The Jesuits here been establiabed 41 Modena, and ill ibelt properly rammed.. - CONGUSIBRIONAI” Wism.torto.. Ally 2. ELI/aI—MN Shfeldly (rein the Mibtaty Commit , . tenoned a hal to reunburee the common COCCI. cil of New Yolk, kw expenten Incurred In teeing , and Attlerfont the fast Regiment. of New York . . . . Mr. Ystlce called up Ulf tewaution, Liking the firm of Auntie (sr the adjmtrumeat of Comptes. • Mr. Clayhtedy, reviewed the =Mitten of the lepbblle beaten., and thought ft inexpedient la the legend degree, so the:present time, even to intl. mom a-day - upon which Cabarets myki adjourn. .A.ller some further debate, • motion to pompon* the resolution was agreed to: Theonstibus !tit was then taken op. when Mr. Upham resumed id* remake. Alm canclaiing ho. et...nervations 'open the history of the genend question of the slavery agitation, be' proceeded to conaider the. billunder discomion: . • Mr. Sewnre then took the loot. lie said Satires alien should chance to enter the Senate, during this debate, be would ask whetter C.liforni t we. a stranger, and an eperny, and on uribldden and ouvrelcame• letruder ; ore maitre., or no oppremot or sconrge of ma thand—ond there• fore hateful and dacgetrous. . The answer would he to—elid had yielded to persuasion rather than conquer hand Morenunneco berlineage s langurgn. and ar.e.erd royalty she bad only relined to let os bur and sell uels other 'amain bar doosa.w—so rink to all the elements of legitimnie eommeros. • The Presisli•ot. he said, had recommended that California shoo d be witchted tusoondnionallymbslo a committee of the Braise fatted on coed/roes. He midi/tamed that the, conditions maticaed oo California ware unreasont Me, injurious. and op. pmteive.. It was contended' teat California need ed aid from these condi hoar. He tbouglit that the consent orTenas to this bit, b . :waled a %want of cocfidenne in her eislent , or the juidleo of Cmigresik lithe title of Tex. was: good, Cmgresa bad no coustiusional power to buy her to rritory. If they could buy part of Taxes, they might Loy the whole. II they might buy a slave territory to make it aces they might buy free territory to Meehan it with Monter. She must, themiorc, satisfy ca—lot, of the reasousblmeas of the swooned to be paid- ad, the vain, of the ate vivolent we we to receive-3d, the title of lilieurstdo•—dth, the nae.to which the territory woo to he soplied. - Ho referreil le hie chwatter of New Mexico—claimers; that '4...J0el all the elements of • republic; nti the clement., pityiiically and morally of • .rate eutenulionic It. the hutted SM.. Pre., tied by the jealote , y; of Ito plikive Slat., and the enrOachnieni. of Toms, New... Hems, implored our protection or her ',Trite.* and constitution. Tire pending Ma compromised' her claim*, by dividing her territory, utelgirine n put Co todiegutsbecl Ma ven, mid the remainder wens:Hosed freedom. . Mr. S. mowed the • injanite of this *urine by cotupnrion it wolf the sreN of Great Britain which 1.1 to our New York' City. who had required hire to vote for the liiil, to cofeeder the matier In this light, and then examine him.. acid. inquire bow he warifil be so locking injustice and him:amity. • Ile then proceeded .o costaider the Wilmot Pro*, viso, and to show that'll is necessary In New Mexico; and la offensive, only In the MEN that every b.ll of rights is offensive. • - lilt. Seward maiden few more cetera' remark, and tone gave, Vabi , to a moti on to adj,ons, whleb was carried, nod the Senile 'adjourned at half past four o'clock, P M—Mr. Da having the door for to morrow. Houtz.—The Houle resumed the consideration of the report of tee (dolphin Claim. Itir.Breek etuchrded hie Tel:Mak. In favor of the payment of the pencipal and intereat of the Mr. Schenck said It Wee oath los, es to whether • the amount paid wee meet or hole, but whether it was just or unjutt. He expreued hie opinion; that while it does tot appear that the conduct of the Secretary of war wins • fraudulent or osaupt„ yet the Home oho:11d not approve of the Secrete. - ry of war being engaged io the prmacution of a • claim, and heat the nerd titre holding OM* as I head of the Exemitive-Depatiment.- This evils. lon he presented in the form el a Iteselotlon. , . Stel/ePfO2 of Goiania, defended Mr: Craw. ford. He argecithat the payment of the pried. pie and interest was just, and that the Govetn. meat was bound to discharmethe debt. Mr. Schenck withdrew bier resolution, and of. feted In IMu of the resokiticat of the committee, . the following: ../Teselorl, That while the Houe. after a toil inveetigation of the mauer,•does not God cause to impute to the Secretary of War 'Rey corrupt out. - duct; or fraudulent punnet prosecatlng the al. lemmas and payment of the claim of the repre mutative* of Georg* Galpho, yet it does dla p. prove big relation to that claim, In that be condo. ued to be interested in the Prosecution of It, when It was to be cgs:Weed, adjoined. and paid by one of the Dtpartmeow of the °event:nut, he bid}. seUrat the same time, holding office at the head al one of the Department+. • • • bilf.:Thempion, of Mira, proposed an weed: recut, by inserting aver the word approved, the following—"bat decidedly disapprove, and dip. . sent from the opinion given by the Attorney Gan* . erskje favor of an allowance of interest on said claim; and from the 11,C1i011 of the !Secretary Of tha Treuory in -payment of the same; and that it does not approve of the.said Secretary of the Trestray'a right to the elateohth., dna, ; The Howse then adjourned. • 'CONFESSION OF FROFEMWIti WEBSTER OFTHE DIDILDES. OF DR. AMMAN. Horses. July 3. The COUrallian or Professor 'Webster was sow. muntested to the Gaunt brills spiritual addict, The Frp'.:ewee• denies that the sot Was varied'. Wed. Hu object In maketg the seposatmeed with Perbreael was to env (or raelberindulgesee, es be was totabta to meet Ids liabilities. and be did not • store that hawse ready toay bun any thing. He sass tbst Pattnnia oboe him, asd need the retest aPPrnb'nut attests inwards him—tareansteny to , pert tthu turned out orbit, risco at the College, & 3 . It irrita.ed hem to the Wisest deafen, sad, it ■ wonbeat of Ornery, be veered a seek, and with 000 viedee' blew es the head, - he Putman Tne confeenaon *en' roes on with the addle of the after proceeding; which ',peat* here been canicdthrough orittlehe greatest ear:Artesia... ' PiflL/ilflEt,pm& MARKET. thrtiMaiLrata, July 3 Daring the past three eir,rit the t almost tandem . at a stand.,Th,„,,,4i p ' u : t and corn mad cordial?* light; a very iimuod Flour—Piic ea Lave fuithei decline& -.jib rater al $5 12 1.2 fur smut:did himads, ioelodint • mall lots seletml, tattl choler, Ls 3 4r • Corn tr, m I,leady demand. with I;Aht The - demand 1, glick.ily . for -Simbero - tt"' groceries---TbYro.ds 0 . 1 Ylaretnent In Curet, 114,d the myniryis very ihnired Gorr lb It trade. Molarscs t. In fair request• ' - firm; with Imixt remnpug. Hemp.—The mmrtan in. quie6: Iron—We puli.aryou clamp:lla *leen; . b.t uo i Lead—Buyers areltolding oil. foc a decliria, and - weeny report nn calm • Prorifions—Theararket *Winn. taaoled, and • ;olea aro only in a retail, mahout Mumps to -prices. TotrticaThe mart et is Tory foto, bat oaly - a small bonne is doing, - Wool Is 10 .care demand, and scum, at fall • • • - -NSW liattt MARKET. • • 1L1202T.1 Nsur Toss, Joly _ flour.—Tbere'is ionie Wile 'decline in the lair. nym &annotations are unsettled, with hdr _ /CV:llry for the easter:tend heme trade,seme et' the berm Fides demotic are alto - eager. Salo of • enurnon state at $515,121, of litraieht g a m em d mind Ohio, and Wiseensta $.5121a55,2N end of Aney Michigan sad Rood Ohio at 0,254,612 per hil; wales of extra Ohio at 58,25 per bbl. Bop. .1 eel! ye fats, sad cmunderible supplies. are going 3 into !bre. • : • - Omds—Wheat is eery dritL The animutt OFR. •" leg sclanraolli billets are Arm ; There Incfait 1 ;denacid Mr Corn, bat the mmbet In easy, with MMIASI, 'Waits pressing on *9 sidret•-• Sala at e8i570 17a boded sad aim:22W; 58 r 59 or tutiod•-60e'd* veal to Talker; X6l Talkol kw too them pollow.aud exam kur ironed l'ipristrea.—Perk to coati, lad pried are nee 'chaired; selet of Mesa it "mesa. and Of Om. at 11:13,0ky per . bbl.. - Thu at.ek or Pork feeds tow kat seam air onme 140 000 bbto the stock of Bed. 26,000 Beer BOOM ITS congeal at 113, 0 0 per hem! . ; Lard (Matte quiet, epithelia orbit et 01661 for prime. In eta Matt Wee an matt On t,, ni vary pleat?, bud heavy, with sake of Osio 111 NAN. % . °Neal let—There is not mush derirtir L Oreee• ries The marker Is generally steadr.L "eed 9 4 . — Esrish Liaised Oil is held st Iron and Lead are vary dull at prerioln quota tions. CarilllElluui RECORD. VITTIVOROIII BOARD OW TRADR 00AIRIIT1'13.6 FOR. JULY. 11111110.10•••1/1. Y C00171••••1109T. EiCCI• CC PITTIOVB.OIIIIAU. mna, PTiSMIVImmt UMW'S& Thowdey morning, Jr 4,1870. : The 'market, yr:Merlin via generally very quiet, t wh:ey, to farm are eonl4 leans, oemorrod, show wistios in prices from , oar general review TO er weather a . .. 0 M:Mir warm, sod bedew. genitally very dell. Tho Wool Trade IV* bora token considerable tmmlato procure Immo stailsOcs ie leholoit to this icooonozo staple refettlei , o eat beet! IA we 8411 that the total. 'capons of, Wool, by the Penhaybrattle Cane; to the yin la4ll, were atoms ft., fo r 1848, 1,c7e,133 40 lee / 817 ) 4,287 DaEllbatsieenne as Imam balsa, cher that pteeedleg years. = , - • ' • " The upon. from the opening of navigation..b la iennagiveals Coati, to the te. *fling, in WO, ore to -11,739,6711 tn, end the tenons !brae present year, from. the opening of Cartel to lei Mr, were 1,101,954 The, Width I deficit of 637,918f6. Thie deficit can be seenenthe en, In pan, by the Went.. of the I On the otherhand hemmer, there has barn, thee tar; an Increase In the ahlomenta to - the New England Maui, and New Pork, which last seat went by the way of the New 'York 11.411:1111.111raiN Canaequeutty, there woald ati I be a deficit la Le alpinists of Woo l intended ter the Philadelphia market. ' In an art etc la TefiltellCO to theßeel trails the Philadelphia Commercial LW, of Sons Inlays : "The receipt. of wad centime Lmlied, and they Meet with ready tore at WI prices. The competition ia nte Atm if greater Man ewer, and spots and oth ers have ovevald each other,' awl! prices an now nearly ai hip there - aeon theesabea• e. At dr/cheater, N. Y., the sales were quite large; and Me fanners, generally, were. selling their *l4. N catenated that vitamin:la of three foams of the Wool has already been cold In that action, medium grades, ,atls m 35. and the higher at into 400 fr lb. - • At Troy, the .ales last week ameamed to 64 000 Ike, '.tin to 43c IP IS, for mammon to Ins Elazony Wool - The Imam advice. from Enna. mate that the Maki of manafantared goods were lame in almost entry market, and shot tea make ateeed • the demand. • Jo .IWe canary the moat of Woollens la ieldrably lap lee :and at the present price. of Wool there arid be aut ex• nderable lore to manefaentrem, unless an edema. to • . . 'can be obtain," to tOn prints of goods. 'Taking alien . eltrotottanees Into seeoant• it swan, probable tkat a portion of the Machinery vinll have to ba mopped, whle.t U atelKite the vonsualrgoa of W 001, and alttstuuntr reduce the Twice. The worth, sales ainount. to 43,1X0 Da. (*sta tue Wool. Wool. chiefly la =all lois, put to wive, .t gaoled Mat is a ver) lad Rita Dor is generally well mooed to manna el this Thu the steekot Woobto goode is tolerably large, and that the mi . ee a the mans'aettared lintels is hardly equl to the prelim prim. Of Wool, aro facts 'Mick eaboot denied; yet we CSIIDOI eve bow prices eon materially decline from their presetu nuage, as Ilia ad mitted by Chalet the elip of the U Mateo is not mere then 'efficient to the consamytlon;_ond it is committed by every \Tool Grower, eo Wool iiimlei,Whls mitose we have eonsenal, that the 'clip In not so - beatry this year anent year, by it least sine fotOrM of a pound to each Veee, which Is asuiltatible, b panto 11e :stick 'prevented the eke - from than; on the Wool, leering h in a Lighter, and,ii: fact, buoy COI:dill:xi tOr Ms use of Ike resnafsctemr. Admit:ha thin to be • fact, of. which *re dank thorn, can be.ec doubt. thorn would be a falling or of several millions of pounds, Widen read.ly aceounts br tba earepelluon• in the West," unla pcleerant ness nearly as high es on the sea board." The conreplenees, thnu,laltht inevitably be an odes: coin Woolen tabfie... . The Western States batman otrandant crop; and her increltuta wilt want inenadsod and early . meta, It this abotdd be the new, with It !reit enteral to rap aro do notaeo why the reasateetarers Amid be- . come despondent, as the litt.t heti, a sarplaa, with au — o - ferdawing tither; while the catenate dealer,. hero • &arnica. of capid.. • Tie Loth ell , rex Ilierseerzen. - -The Philadelphia - Ingaiier ferialthes' the eneesed accent of . the seci dratio the steam beet hlcetheetheth The meant beet Monetabeer, ender the tot maid of Capt. Vandenliceowlthe canna, amend front N Yarn es amazed:lnto atemna,witichwiteene of the termites with the people of Philadelphia, llul been chartered KAYO months two, byllte Annalopellicamberat Comps. ny, of New Yore, who had entered Into •oestraq Urtrownets, to radon her Mae and .cued to the port of rhiudephi., en ,germ time. Ateortllngly.atro man. ed bonslpbie, fa Vert Par the purpose of comber round.: At the tome eke razor, the .eogine vv. =Wog twenty ovolatbane per minute, ',blob polrerhd =cook to tiArlf send the brat ahead with imp Oho ran on the plke of mecca UP about the Allterfit. 0 bottom, and aloes, end bow, were embed In, and the water commenced tanning bolo the cabin, A rearm DOW en. need amore ma SA. h perry 011 board that 121A7 be im• embed. T.e crm commenced sinking, and. the steam :wed a load rerminnt one, the • wreck.. Demur wised fora moment upon the people on baud, betthey In a few pednutet collected their scattered lenses. Plounrom,-,The 'following te e eamparhtlea state• meet of the eriaire from the thee:4Bl*w, from Jon• oaq ; t 61 to /nee ht. • , . .osooll. ms tare, IDs Park. brls Ilecf,brls Cheese, voimas 0 ,E• 81,037 09,800.119 787,e21 30.07211 • 05,793 10,00 MtP.OE:EEI • ' • WILKIE!' HALL,' • rotinu wnwer, PITISESMOU, -PA mule megnificent crahnthatent beteg now ems. pleted mtd ready for busloess,the proprietor wceld ' repeat:llly. solidi n Aare of the public: promume. Ile vests by myths hie full uneaten b • the tesiness, to 101110 the house a pleaeant and comfortable reson for the citizens of Phieburgh an& for the country 'generally. Good atiadanu will be In sriVrlng, and every ex., melon made to render the enabLishment worthy the eounteserme and moven of an Othllltent conneeettY The TWO SPACIOUS /LAIL% three for Parties. Colleens, lacuna, • Etelle,eno public meetings, will be let by the evening or Ind., on NJ Dena urns it ac y other In the Ally. • The AAR and RESTAURANT. equal In style and Maury to any In the morbiorill be kept fandehed with rare Mines, Choice Liquors, Cordieli, Panels, Mee, end ell the cool, light.reireeloonme ea the mamas. Poelay,Fah, Som., Oysters, and • Clan; versed •p In the btu style. • • • The DINING sod ICE CREAK SALOON, being ott the first door, end easy of nectar, will be censuuull suppled with all the Lu=ries and Delleseles of the smarm sad stse,withmak nubmanUale esthetes:km llosrOM hy the dey, wank, or yes:. Dement or Snows for WOO:lash or pan cm short . Geademen with theft Wanks, "Weer *III be sanedee refresbaums of all Wads at y be= Good ItAbling and an exteralva Liam Eatablislt noun la to located with the Hall. Dinar, at o'clock. HttakfaitanaTea at Mediae Entruie for [..d1 , 4 to the Ice Cream end Dining Moon ho N Sosithfuthi wee,. • K. H. VAN RWHISMAEZ LI . N n !MID ulL t ;/k few baer s elApi w ists i teri reealred jete Coe Weed t Ruth TO BOAT BVILDBILB. 100,000 feet flwoned Deck Plank; 10 cp,o co feet Cool Boat teldlnic For est. by • RODERTMeENIG lIT, jeke:dtf' Attorney at Law. Fourth ot. $11 , ?1 ,6 16-85.1duls kn: salt rpFITZ-171tueks Itle for see by V , jails 1.1 GRANT ViroVin — WS/OCI THE hbthert mute{ Feu Le Cask will be mit for dieresent grate et Wool. by iatt • . 8 HiattAUGH. Cle/L AI!SEDII**S7I2 IrtraILIN I AV HAV i tl9 C2llkl pFLt . r 96araldcF4 ( 17 1 ma u l FA T LTAINJE br's a "- o t a wli aitANr i° Ll'B° HESS —63 li=e prime, teed per Billweint I. for tale by U- JAMES DALZEht. VIM' ICY - no" 'agam'AVellyßiz DACON eIIOOLDIMS--Zt cads for sale by fyk 6 ' • •• • • .• 14•Ik. W ILARBAUGH FLOUR -75 $P F 1 r, _ . • IS , ban ...yrs nanld on crongenment, SW far IWO ti fl4ltj S . in NV lIARSAIIGH L ARD—SS kegs No Lived for see by L - S & sr NAVIN:MR CHEESE—SO tam nem znd WA Omer. !area , ' B&W HARBAUGH NDOW'GLIALS-4r24 bre waned sixes mu WreceOrrd sod for sale by Ids . • • 13 a. W fikllB6l3Oß , QC/OAR-9 Mali N. 0. fater, a rime antela,in 1.3 awe az6 far sale b/ ati9 , S. Ik. W. RAttiAllol3: 'Fla* Citsiftazes. m uR NW t lIIIRCTIFIII.D'Lb the attention or dra ladles to eels assortment of neat sips of Olaskaata, light lad dark, loeloNas earn ratite finest •••thl , et Preoeb, rt( the most Jambi* ee)ors; also. brown, blue, sad at ee thadas Of Brocade Worms. Marke• •••lrt el. arilate—el luta east corms of Fourth and ... lawn Pettit/sr Prises. ' 14:".-rdIr 11 131110/11 , 11.44) !um receive,. 10. a case elite" irm beenilval savie writhe tiv , .. 4 ?qt.' or ere Panctrei.ea very firer elotimet " airti t gred In_the warmest are pink,. lee, Wore . 1027 S/ALTPETRE—Q stets evade, to arrive, for sate by isatAit DICKEY at CO Front Water sts Sit tl , li .h„ satiable for starch or shins. satiable IDOILLS by rIORN-400 ba-Ystalt Ittitiota. , and tot tali by " I SZIKATD4 6 -4 - !._4 4 tt_ I l4 teat, VlLLS tor --- nl ell bl l2E wICL atecaNDLESS s cy t us i Ekr4l6°"B—`" °l7'l6el Nin,M aranNa:4). PORT OF PITTSBURGIL 11.1ra—TacrawAre a feet 4 wefts, to cketitta I lut altsuvr.o. - laieb Deaver. Fashion, Peablaa, Elizabeth. Atlantic.. Partisan, Brownaville..• Hattie, Jaunt., linrennarilla. deaver,Dordon, Duffer • __ Camden. lieretnekuna aLaKetaant. Voasaloory. ,Jk , Glaugow. Lake Eiie, C Cadorella, Matey, . adieu, Gamey aneitusial., Ets i r Viroqua, aneumui. ' Friemiablp, Cloettinail.' . DEPARTED. • Malan% Dries, Beaver. Canode, - liendriekoea, kteNeesport. Feebler, Peebles, Ellsalow.k. Baltic,. Jacobs, Brownsville. Menne, Park rum. Brownsville. Beaver, Gordon,lleater. Yonahlealgen, Chita; Glasgow. Lake Me; Clark. fieaver. • Gleaeus, Rbberta, Guinean. `Wm. Penn, Johranu, Weeelles, lonian, Limon, Rim bag. - • BOATS LEAVING TIOEDAY. BEAVER—Youlnoghetiy,3 r. • WINEELING-Lloniu,lo A. WllESLlNG—Ohadarell/L - 10 SONFlAll—Wellsrille.: Fos Winslid —Tad Ana mailer Cladnalla, Cain Ruled, will leave ad above this day, it 10 Wilda, Itir nyalu dos, aldepaano e. Fel Per rum—The See Ilibt drasght steamer Wells. e, Capt lroang t has Jan bean tharceghly repalco4 arid Improved, sad Is again la her Oasis as a regular packet I ~ as aliort this day, at 4 o'clO4. inPOILT DT DIV/LIU CINCINNATI— Yn Vanenc—i - box melso, McFadden It Co; 9 totes alcohol, Keyser& Mall walk bon book., ',Loomis; II tags tobacco, S S Chub 'old; 1 box 1 Croak. AlcGulra & San; 4 unto. I box, Hater & Forryth;.9 bales . dm:m.Bllln% TS bdle lnttcc 2 brio blast lick water, x bzs drain, D Grail & - Co; LS toga &nag, 3 deo beeswax, deferikuul, wallatt. ford & laer; Sala banal., I Rhoades; al aks wool, 9 a -W Hastraugb; Melo do, J 8 Dilccortb,l Crook, Me• (hem& Sass; 29 bobs 011,9 bat goldco wed; O'Connor, AeklasacCo; 9 nacho( hada tobacco, D T Norm Co; I Oda bloc lick water. Clark &Thaw. Pas Crtimm-110 nksinool, Wm Balker 5 pkg. tube, Baler & Forsyth; D she wool, Clark &Thaw; 1 box mane, &TLath. 47 brla whisk or,.Rebt Weapon; brio 041, 3 boxes mdse. Brownsville pocket; 1 ontligg machine, Johnston k Stockton. • ZANESVILLE—Pm Matt-10 hhds tobacco; N l 7Ol. Johnsum; 21 hbds tooneco, Nm Binshaso,22.oo do, D Leech & Ca, 7 do do, Clark & Thaw; 68 nka wool, It Graff & asks setae., II 6 Fahnesteek & en; 30 As oats. 1 do Cm sre4.6l ntn wool. Barbridge, %haat & 00; 30 hhdt, 4 boxes bacon, 2 stir wool, I brl lAsz send, brit, I hank, bats. R Dahill & co; 26 aka wool, Z Dillon; 6 keen banns, I sek roan. Jos 8 Dilworth& Co; 61 hos loblieta VOttaaor, Athlut k cm' 103 sae ents, TDexter; r 6 brls dam AleCsamon &Sloven.; fiat boat in tow, orult 2E4 live hogs, for ZDW . • . WIIEELINCrsa tow -44 outs, boo tken, t. Leustq d bris alootol, JCB dwell; lads to. tobseco, D - Loech &C. 4 do do, Out & Thaw; 1.10 stsuln, brown & Kututsick, 2? As wool,-Usst & TkUs; 3U3 sks When, II 13 stilettos; 12 brls door, Jas Mc Cul?: I e sit bacoo, &slim &NILO%Y,k. wool, Bon it, liszot4 32 40 do, Wos Bingham; 1 clue lurk • Fa CJIMLIZI-2 brhr soap. 1 boa, 1 tack nag, a & R Floyd; 7 aks tags. 11 do beans, Brown & Kirkpatrick; 10 lb wraps, BA Fatiasswok & to; 11 hbds Osoov; aka fea th ery . 18 kegs butler, O'Connor, A11i0.&.1:45 cask Dawn, Da a Legral; hbd whesso.3o saabis weal, 2 bozos, 1 chost, 11 Gralr-& to; 113 hhaa - lobareo, 73 As wool, 4 hbds bacon, 6 kegs, 26,11 butter, 'Wm Rtoahasa; ate w00t.40 Idols whites., D Loceb & co; .30 auks brimstone, Beason, Ram &co; kcal boat= tow lout wanre brisk, los Porter., One& yard. Pas emosstruA-210 .2282 sheat.l , 7llmarth .8. No bit 2 2 brio flour, unamtbs & 82222 2 eks bnion, 8 & flarbaagb; 1 tow and nw, 1 bos barns, 110218 E I lo m tr. ram w, uo.r Forsy th ; 3 88 1 21 1.1 1 .2221 2 1 14 bg. 2.2231, 114.1nf & co: 100 ball dour, Path; 8 ale W., owner; to 1212 rotsteel. W 11 Tobanon. WES . r Via --VS WI, h trilkr Jo st reol for ..do r 77 iol 3 RuOISDN, LITILIi& CO tO&P--.10 bbs Inn meiied for sale by JeO3 mom sari. LITTLE* CO Gft•EAELE-9 tolo to a:Art.lot tole br *to • 13PolAH DICKEY & CO la wool oty• beandfol snide, to arriv, far .81 e by JAYA • ISAIAH DICKEY &CO VOHCR WE hALL-10 Hl•lir 6.1 atick jcia • H A PAHA,. STOII. CO 00PEGOBINGIASS — Sleet ond shred, for slle by lc A 'VAIINFSIOCK a CU - - - MOLASSES—VI tN N 0 Mr... Prods; brio 8 do fur da:e by SAMSON,OAM st LITTLE . &CO • 111$ L ROAR HOUSE PAOLASSM I -451. 1 s jcstlarding tor del J S DILWORTH& CO CIUAI AJIABIC—ICKI by 0 A PAH:I;O3I'OCH CO 1129 , •"IrrinstAnd Wood .3. C AM TAR CAS—Mo ( or ..b b. 8..FA1R% -.1.0001t* & 00 rd.ll-1./ ba.riels N C Tar,' • • 41 hi brla do for Jr/Jib:7 • 'eV %vsp a -z. MeChiIiDLESS CHEF/3k.-104 nn %V 1t choose,' to, .c. by , • 44 . b'4 ':NDLEriS • {.LOCK—SSA barrel. for We by '• • V • kW 'MICR& arccADOLE33 AGOLW-i3 czalr• Nan.; • :DP , susksllidec . ; • c.a. Imo Vim t i aitt c f ow far n: t ; o vr u Ve27 l".. ' • -Waal, &Front sts Li :7:1 7 • zit 6,10 d, fat pie by ISAIAH EarKS7 &cci bits vv lyA co .CUF....grtrala far rale by 7 :CLICONMAKER Y CO C 4 Wool st • . EMIARY-10 kegs assorted; Yep best London, for seri by 1.57 7 SClloo4lllAligli & CO • _ BFACK . brli for sale by jr77 StIIOOSMANE R t CO A A. MASON & CO, Noll Martel street, wits this day apenouni aro prepared to show their friends and rho nubile their cleaner, as formsrty. • Re' Emor INDIA CASTOR OlL—Fir roperior to tee best American cold preseed Ott, newly Imo from testa or smell, to 10 esl caw. far lore by jai J SCHOONMAXER &ISO 'MAIM & CO A. wirwsiss it co n. EXCHANGE Ei It OK ER 3 8, E. Cower d 7hir6 gout Mad* /2.1. ALL IntAXUXTIO.IO 6117'111.0111 IMIUS *LTIM 1711.111711.11.1141/4. J. Pinson Tr 4 Agent for. tie Pacria. Lift 11141 MMES all. If Pigs. ~IPFICB of gull.:7= o l ri ntitanco Company No. Faarlets, me w r i t b l o t r a . ll . =aM Information, and bleat liasbanda eta boars them Haas for dm benefit ef their *yea etaldten; eredttom Ilnas et.thels Ashton.. . - • The whole motto of the Company em divided Linen the holden arida Pukka. The dividends of the pan MO years turve'imen eleb. ar DoT cent. each year Jena • LQUD-1636148 F Flour i .11 Wood K L - Trignyte - dz i 4 pre tt a ii ed wrgasit e am by Jet !.. • Cot Real t 840 sts =MEE MITE 'Atelier Bloating of Broekboiders In the At- J. Nage see Ohlo Tobin - nth Company wig be held agreeably io Chan:Toth Thersday, the lath of lull, 'at It O.Y.leek, A. PI., at the Camfoutfe Odin, No lel Cnesuou Plallidelphia, for the purpose of e tatting due Threeiers lateen° for the enacting Tear,. and to triumaet Rath ether badness sonar be brooght baton the meetieg..,lty oder of theips ridden., jeraldtd W ZdeRJA Emrretar NVAJIIIIXO'rON 110CES; arsenate snug, dew, Seamed news, PAiladetyskii. is central, in the immediate Vrethity it the me it ha:orient public Institutions, atm best and man tashlocable plates of business, and the unmeant pablie onsormolthe city. lathe Important regelsiva of light and ventilation, two principal objectstaimed it In the recent atnstnement and the:each improve. mem of this Hoare Itis mot eteeeded,:perhaps, by. ant establishment. M. America. To strangers. them lore, lm position fa pendia:lt dentahle. The nth ecribee tenants throats to his Mends and the obtain for the liberal paw:maga they bare artanded to him, and snares them that he will muleavor to Merit a ellegnulluicei of weir favors.. A. F.tiLASS • 'telthense rllll=l (Melee DUAQtat Lots Ix Alleghesiy. : RE, Camels of the City of Slinks:ly hare pro pared a .plan of AhSpropeny boaOt from ide Benilnain end*. oow Prepared to La rose of late to redividesl poreheriera ea perpelnal lease. The property now oared will be foand eery. desirable tastier., rot Hence*. The lota are laid ant with a floater from% do 23 feet ea the.Weet Com- Won, and ran bee 200 flat to a 00 feet street. For farther painlealars, thaw. wishing to Parana; will please can On either of the andandaned.i.. JA. ?transit aLz # , .„. n. STOCKTOII, JNO.lrldtxmri, , 6012102ittt6 ott • Aintotem P 4TrERSON, P ,3 0c 5 1' WILLILDIJOVPIATON, j feraidlin • NEW .000819 AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, 'Hurd street, oppo um Me Post Moe rZE Vale of Getters; in the Nulls. H 7 Gntro Aguilar. ton Shekspesue, No 19! Piety's' Yield Utak of the Revolution, No 3. The Professor's Lad). thy the author of , Vsllsge 'Pelts, or the Meat Fores 2." tryalsted by 314 , 7 Bosnißohn'a s Neer Hand Tin* of Games. • . LAring Are No 319. Old Oak Chest Ily G. P. M. James. Norse' limansm or the Prinete so she °Nog. • Jel7. R lr s-13 co: on v V df A B iu gtg i ,,,., EA NUTS-41 nava rtmad we for We by P Jel7 WIC[k AIeC,ANDLVX. e9AtiVASSIII) Miti• - - 7 131/ to, salc7by Jell 1 _ To- ar ' ;2: ?4 , 1 3 : = 1 .nt Oil y (or role Flom, teas OFFL&TE-10* bagi prime RbiC er eeC P.Uge.iI&GPL I - In store sad far gee by 3 & Ii PVTrD lII{VILLED BACI3-00 dos for sale by - iots t • &R. FIATD UCKETS &111/313-10 dos S eaver - 5 dos do 'robs. fnr sale Jai Jt R FLOYD WRAPPING PAPER-300 `ma wart. d for nee by • •JA 9 PLA.VD 20.CAPEB Bacon Sides sad fflouWers: roo'd d for lobo by A COLBEFITaIN las Liberty Id MMAIRZI,-23 bele rfc! 1 1% azat,3o'l, LOCill, axiom?! 101 liti•z7xsavitoBcpa4LT_chlOynr., Port' thitcs Auxr. , 4. part of alley Is Iti had Ootaltiort-4addiag a mat" dung ,riots. Will The waiter city afflicts ice to it Immo-. now medical tigen 13 attract ing much aitetitiiiri, tied it it dila it producing many - "See ad vertitemeilt, • TexaTtit..;—There will.be two perfottnincea at the Theme* to day, we commencing at halt' past 2--theather at bolt put 7. The whole atrefeth of the company will appear. • ": Itrrtratern.,Wehre glad to see that our friend Dr. Dorsi). InMieturnell from bis . trip to the East, sod resumed the prietiee of his protection amongst Toe Pstarvertiel.—Goverecir Johnkon sod ,Attorney Geoend portag6; paid a vinit to the Pen itentiazy yeeienlay inontiag., Tho-floyertior ex inewed hiwelf highly clelighted'iviththe cletinti• uses sod tiooliordet prevailing ihere.... Bluniumvast. e, . TrICSP/ILF Roso Cox. rairc'..LTirrenty anits were tried oitidonday before lk F. Snyder, Ern , in which the Mcisci. Direiden- Mal, °Melbas proptietoisiwere pianitilics• to tecov• er the peachy for demanding and reneiving estori notate tells, at the kite !mai Lawrenceville: • On the trial, they pi doted an act of the Legisla• tare of 18.32, under which 'the Turnpike Company ceded all their right to the road 'front' the Diamond mate outer edge of the Northern Liberties, or Ftf b Ward, and widi if all right to charge fells for that • riortioa of the road. •Theynext producede.arcertit , ,iktitd, dated Dec.,.1848, by Whichlhe Turnpike Catonany riniignedend gave Up to the City of Pius• ba;ghl all the reloaitider of their road lying within the city limits, *Ninth Ward ; the city agreeing to grade, pave, and keep in proper reYiair the same portion of the road, and the toll gate tabo removed out of the city iil3llll. The eliarter was tbten shown by which the Company-are forbidden to charge tolls, unless for the mild owned end kept In • repair by tliem: The testimony went lo show, that, notwithstand• leg all this, the Critnpa nyitave been demanding and receiving tollirfar - allthe road ceded to the City of Pittsburgh, and kept in repair by the city. It was proved; that, for the WO pole of road from the edge of ilaa Ninth %aril to the Lawrenceville lined, toe • Slit roar hare been exacted. . The magistrate rendered judgixtenut against the Company,on the different tulle, for 5-11 X) costa. We understand thai too lidexars. Breidenthril have other suits pendingnainst the same Company, =mint; lug to oeer $lOOO. Attorney for the Mears. Breiderohnl, P. C. Rau non, for doe Turny.tke • WrA. E. Atntio. Mosima—The mneence - wol boo* all day,: nd we know ol no plate or arnevmeot weer. our eltisens.ean ipend their, time more pleasantly and rationally. ' • COITH.T Of , QUARTER. BESSIOia. Present, Hon. Win. B. McClure, Presitlett/edge, Simnel Jones„ and William Sur, A-moduli Judges. To day was fixed,for the trial of the tippling house CSM.I, but' the' coristali'va hod' been enab:e to arrest moat of ; thendenddegpistiec The Ceurt met at nine o'elockiand it was very near eleven berme ■ juri was called., the sedge. to the means while sating idle upon the . htneti. We thin:that the . ainsul.cos shoold be fined for thus &gleam thelitlaty„and simating the time Mlle Court.. Ai lastibe ease or the Commonwealth vs. Jas. Cony, indhament keeping a tippling house. WAS la. ken up. Defendant fives in the Seventh Ward.. Hugh AleMitaterS, the counnble of thaftarard, was sworn, aad testified that Cony kept a &juicing howl. Had never oats ikon: sold in his house. Had never sees liquor theca Mr. L.Crclit„ on the part of the defence, mule a few remarks. - Judge Ide - Cttre said there was no evidence to sustainthe indictment. Lie declared that the pre sans taws on the subject of tippling houses were wholly inoperative.. Indeed It was hxycesible to pats any egliedie tow on the subject. SsJoag as men had a passion kw driettag, they whtuc drinit,even though they note the 1.door; It V 711.1 as throng as the desire ad cued dying oribtrat ler water. Tho temperance geckoes mere the cnty hate* who had ever hecn at all effected! in pre• vet t reedof!utcznperauce. ==74 ~:~"~.~ Canntst to pay the dint!. Commonwealth Ts: Maiy.idcrytiti, indictment •geenlag a tippling acute. 'Hobert:Criswell, erne Amid of the E;g hth, Ward, swore that the defend. ant mild laver to him. The jury returned a vat diet mugnitty." . 'titmace pamper al. Commonwealth ye. Geotgo Bart, indictment keeping a tippling heath. A plea la abatement was put la, vita defence a:ledge:it that the men's name was Hard. Captain Patter tert.fted the- defendant was a member of as company, and eerYed through the ttleitcan war u Ili am. His sane was Has& not Hart. Police OtiOnee Adams swath that the defendant kept a driakiniyhoiree is the Third Ward, Alien Omar. 'Had taw two men drinking what seem . ed be liquor. 1110 court *elleiged that with regard to the plead abatement, the derecce had rut made out their position: When the name was a inxign one; and the adond the !game es the Bound ed bin' real name, that was suMelent. Tao jury return. ad. • verdict of"gctilty.. The ackadeat was le: off On paying the curls: A ..col pros" Vill , geents3 to two lipptiog house cases on peynient of cotta. There being oo further brusinete ready to be presented to tie Ginn; hie honor, Judge McClure. after thanking the. jurors for the read:new oath which they hid answered to their names, and the promptitude with which they had futlitad all the" willies of the Coon, ditsciered them really, and the Conk actiouraed. . Ultannessmr. Orme—An information ma. laid before Alderman Mephitic", yeaterday, by Patriot:Octane, chugleg an Alderman of Alleghe• oy city With reining to give him • trasscept or his docket in la •eise In which be,(hlr. Goodie) wan concerned, although the oasts were tendered while WO ihall notice this cue a: more length when the teal tikes place. filiasor2s .Orsimm.--There • was ins criminal rein or the alightest Interest at either tie Pins. bush or Allegbpai Kayseri Glace yesterday. Ckattetri'i Daittroac.—Coroner Atthura held as ftquest. yeaterdaY, en the body of a can named Joseith'Faltati, who wu hated dead in hia bed, is ilium° on QUM Street, Fifth Ward. Mr. Fol. icia 'craw, wo andetstaed,liaiher e dlsofpated man. 4verdiet of by 'the Collate:a of Gedn.waa Morello aimed Ellen Se•Mneel omit! iriested yesterday, by police officer Fa's., ehakord withrtaatchleg three hnadrod and severity .thm4ollare!froat the . hands Jolla 'Madrona, tai brit,lor car ProSpeaCtareet. Waldron/ has re. 'coemed'oie bandied dollars of the money. She Win comtkillo to jail by Aldermen Viejo{. • Iniviconemilitil ttt Iletattatry. t. G. sr, — slitatig, ice of Bosto wh ol epepard to ma an alk set ni.oca Tsivit In and porta ofactsorparn trAtra,onarAlemoapherie Emotion Ylotex-- Tocemaernae -p /11 Vint tlrro, where the nerve ta axposad... -orate ,sztd. renden re next door to the May crr's &ee, Forma :alma. Plttrhexch• K un ,„l.-D...rradden.r. It. Raton. tato • ErrToras these *CM ethtt with that dreadful scourge le , iehtnetiest, .the Liver Conthhaint.. tho propri,,,,, of paiNistleitt Liner Pills site htory to offer tits reetedy,as _temPlete end thth. It bus been tried olletnin nil Port' et. the ...der , it his been sited in :the .preeleei of the thus' endadat Wciana, and at away*, ',cob trim.rpbant Coco , ta• In OaCtildt %ht., rdla to the pebik, the prrytic .o ”. , settuated by tlt destth to edentate Kamen satiiithse, :Jed offer alemetty for ono. of the most ierritite tittc.os which smolt he within-the resell at at, . . erns sale 14J. KIDD st; CO,No 0, Wood street: Jr I.4lftws . s3Wr:tallgr, .r;Dati.rt..ri3,o;'lnerVof77:: - _and Decato 4.-troa arl.l.4tria Esrcovitnaz:lNSTlTUl'l UMS OITIZ ENS' INSURANCE' COMPANY, • Or 'Pfltisiirmsgh. 0. G. W. MAD Wire—No:o Water street:On th e searrnause of C. IL GRANT.' TirgdcaPtr,tifvtolsh so pmPated to Imam all merchandise In store, en s lin I t ensile vessels. he An amPie Yesmn:l le I the abitity end imeetity et the Institution, is sforiter:' In elf e char"... a ( the p .. * rectors, who' are all chit.. as Pittsburgh, well and fte"abli telhe alma airy far their pmdence, Intelligence, and isertritf. ' ' Derstrons-4.: 0. 11." n. Dagaley, Wm. Lee Inver, Jr., Walter .Driant • ..1114'h D. Xing }Award atellettan, Z. Kinsey y trenn bi• h,Fe. ----- Brooms BRCOMB=11: 1 01141faney i 'm & F on Minrt LoyD (critic 61. bag` ! c .'!! l zyuriD iteetat - Whiz alembic ittlidbrdOPtia. the folloyrigs, amorgother capital Icoot.,!!tiv ri . vt Tor 64 to atb wan? eattnis *site el:Crete: • The "Rite:eel Ailetialiiiali:ii—Air tiliiiit liini: the nobler. *nib of God : t keine patriot. en or , swer•fiig . . neppoerr or one .• national tenor, - '• a.lo of -Pr.., . thcepit eel: ia ::be crop, the . t.,, t rai cony ' .dale Gro. Zs art Taylor I fi t aerera •oF lotto Executive (fil ri teeerred fifortrions bl the it cern - at-wry of Or 3 feted Wasbiegtori.. , 'rbe Whig -Vt.! . ty—No ;'lllll era—cur: prlde 1. tree—our eho& 'speller f cOrfilrece es'ontriots, rod the br_acturr.ehrty leb to etrerThe rtop of ilft!..• la to prmelp *fit reCOVII'Zi MA crier did elaionirlic - ' ''' " ' . '-• t7511,t3011 ;111111.011,1q, Saks" )(Celan county, ti:—______ t Lds,S.nis Ler far the Imponnut post of AnditonGenetal: The nomitishon of ;Henry' W. Snyder, Air 'As. d hoe Get vial; by tho Whig Male Convention at Phihidelphia wilt be received with lively nnefies this by no Wh.gs of glisten:lt,. Mr. Snyder Is the tote Fl slll2oriSny der, tannic administration se Gator:vie el felony litsinia welt ever ;dem liOnor ePou his name, and i use his memory Lobo cher. ishsi , by all there veh love the prospect!! of' the old Itel.cone Sale. Ve need bet refer our Ger loan filen ds'in Mecca net ef Stmon Snyder trntle Governor. '. They eil nay. know it mach beiler , perhaps„ thou We de . They know him la base I been a prudent, sou p . and pramiesi statesman, sod nor good GM Com Ontresit h prospered gnesls in,dortan his admini a non. Hinson. Henry W: Snyder, our manshilit for Auditor General, boa ichented his father's' integrity arid Wood judg ment. It is allegelbcr stipergoeus fur us to tell the. people of 'Union' county that Mr. Snyder Is esoleendy quni!ded to dli this °Mee. But we would send it &brawl itoongbeei the Cdtddiaa! -o lib. as the Suited voice of Union county, tbat Wealth. as the anted wiener Union earinty;tb. we knew bine,tan and do bear tesilmony of his betinCy, ire egrity.r.nd ability. A. an accountant Snyder bo •fewfdf any. Imperials. _ HQ goes 'owe excellent bumpers babas, no obliging dle Nobble,. an enbramt expetience, and every other qttsllest on rentibito to makes popular,. faithful' ' and competent at. or. Hr. Snyder, beLg of Hainan domed, bits thoicmgh knowleeco of that la:pogo, and is ides- nand With tho interens and feelings of oar German popuintion. His oame will bee tower of wren& 1•t the Getman peritonea" orMUtatei and wherever be friend* and edoiirera of old §nyderlive. Henry. W. Snyder, we predict, will reedy* a A Britain's or flit Talll7 or 1816; we and pretty welleonvinced, is out of Me question in the present unhappy paoure of affairs at Washing. ton, notwhhatanding that hundreds cr Memorials are Info • C. mimes earl:malty praying for • mcd idea' ioa of Ste law as it now stands on the statute bonk, fines inanufseturers groaning .udder its heavy hardens. And he fault bean Ignorant men, or one thatis wilfully blind. who Cabral see and 'admit thoee oppre”lotta. It is not Pennsylvania, or the ben irneresus alone which appeal for relief. bat fliasawriateitY, blew Hampanre, Connecticut and ether Bums ore daily sending upgenionstran. cetiligtitrat the Law, as it is.-Bat' Melt prsuem and remunsitenee. are all in sato. The Ways and Means committee have especially mfased to act upon the subject. likes taken them seven months to get km Appreprisuou Bill., taro the Hanes, pail they seem to dunk they bare done wonders in bringing- them forward et the very elm of the fistful hear., • . As we have oftCn !write remnrked, this is a ravernment for negro+, ...rid .eigrocs only. The wants or remortstra nets of whsc men are not to be likened ti so banns it is In eider to talk abentainvery. anis Congress legbiates for Afri ca, not rag Me United Btates. Why not aejOurp at once, then, W "trbiLruplrc, or Onnes,or Moron• c or, Maier yet, to the great Besot of Sahara. to look alter tho 'negailibriums.nhe nldlilmost! and the "peculiar tuatitotiet"ithere r lakessr gr sitting at Washington, waking month abet month doing nothing, or wona teed nothing I—N. 1: Exirrest. . • Wcovcaae, 1919. 3. Tun Er;sor op Snot MID 801 LL 011111111667 e 67 1707 Virsases—the first ezpenmeat lbr tit- tag the cifem of shot and she on 'betides of Iron onasetstook plaza op Wednesday at Porten:math (Eagle - no) under the tiovermtendenee of Captain Cbadr, on toile the Entilteni. A largo being re copy of a beetled of the Straeoes rakhl deck, had been made In the de.ckyard,represeet• inn ate two aides of an iron weed each tido of the strength end consistency of one of the large trot steam 'lrma. Thin but was erected on, the I mud, at a distance et 460 yard. how the. Excel. I lent and the practice took pl nee at high water from gone of never.' calibre, and various charge. of powder, both shot and atinfi, were fired. ; The letUi6l show pretty conclusively That iron veree6 ere not fit to Cope 7114 caro ba of wood, neither I are they title go agaidaYbett4rics, for* is now, 'tolerably certain that the fatal ctf.cis of every shot received on board would be quadrupled tip ite , , tendency of the Trot, wrrk to tplit.ter, fly ell; ard dectroy every thinker to the vit ;city of the cant.' more especially when the ben :Lich Is lava. hhely to apllt, anti break td emcee hkewlie.„ A VaLoamy Neer, WatiaT.—We were Tester• day ehowa a tew"tmada of .Wtent, from a Arid of twelve eared en the term aryl. _t_w ,r ;e: *,„, k r., or - se — rn 6117.010 a quality as to tle nerve aphelal The,grom in. a bearded 41 , 4 : h'/lest, With large Lewis aid "Tabu, the nverageld , ight • (bleep!' the whole Geld being at I Odd time fall au - font. of nmetr. Ylonois growth. Umtiitch the proddetad this Geld. it to toltuatkab:a that the field Inorawfizh their, sitalke Were taken td the pelt Geld In the neighborhood in which rout it not ettible. The reed of thin Wheat was ob• inroad by diatribe:ion from the Patent OfSre, ' de/er:dien of it being a bearded White Whew, producing forty buthels to the tear; a product which, or very nearly which, is ex cted, teem Ito pissed, tripseraner, to bereanzed rom the field of Me. Cold.—National larellig There is s story extent of a young's:mg who vat once mooned to demo with a gentlemen of tether madden temper. Time dining room was on the second door..and the prieclpel dirk We. Ace roast hem. When the old gentlemen undertook to carve it, he found the keito very doll, and - lx a sudden Halloo flung It down entire tiler the Term Vent,Whn bed lost brought it. Whereupon the young then kind the Lam, ned with admirable dexter, hurried it after the keit', -What on earth do you mean I" eaclaimed the old gentleman, so soon as he could epeak. "I beg your, verdant" was the call reply. " thought you were going to ding down SUMO TALLEZAND . .., Pumuse.—A creditor, to _ . wltent skis Prince was indebted Ma bean sum, welted on biro as he was setting or on his Inn departure for England, net to take so gicaln libeny as to ask for 'his money, bet inemly to ascertain any time, how ever 'remote, when he , Inigbe presume to ask for a last or The diplomates 'only !rely to the in quisibve intruder, havertice, 'volts otelbicri ourieut,'," (Sir, you too much moiety; and so one bte. tbe diplomatist could have made such a reply, • . lasesoma toe net Torn —lir.'H. j„ Ditsitiltett, of BJ6/00, in a paper le tilliill2llll . 9 blagasine, hea glace the melts of • microscopic enema ntion of the accumelations on the teeth of 19 iedivlduals. most of woom were very-Partlenlit f 4 their care of the teeth. Animalcules and :vegetable pia docts were found io ovary instance except two.— .In those cases the btuth was used three time. • day, and is thread into pissed hi:tureen the , teeth doily. Windsor soap was alto used by one of thew two persona with the -broth. Dr. B. had tried tattoos inbauteces (or deattoylng the Sets malcales, eud especially tobacco, which seemed to be wi th out eghot. Soap lode, and the chlorine tooth wtsh, however, were isytentaesuosets. Lieuienant Elliott, of the 99th Brenton, ho discovered io the Interior of %Vonore Anstralia,• race of cannibals who devour the bodies of friends and foe/. L'eof. Elliot writer t ' , The natives la Bess rilairicts cat their dead; old men. SiOnten and ebildoen. The heart Is oven to the mother, as they icy It oadat - ,es her eta^ Wltir IS I? 141E0=41, is like I a meridian—lt Is in the middle of day, B, is liken hot inakes oil toll: C, it like an old maid's wick—it puts age into' Re "r 1),.. Is like e fallen itegel--add it to evil it mllas dec E, is like the eed of begins eternity. • • G., is like o'fiedora—it is the beginning of geed. a ll, dy and ' ing word ol'Adeins--it la thh nhd °Pearl?, • • I, to 111 a tho end of spring—it is the beginning al • is very much like a teil-vit is the lest etW ie. like giving away o sweetheart—it theltes 'Ocelot 6n4 gauze F leaaale op4o, mete east Saxony r Elm ola ror intepte War. at north to, ror onrlll and Market au. eas W. - mllAm -Flannels, r pleete qugapily . 11n01f_a1gr ., 7 1, 631" 11l Num in BURCH // AIID 01(.-3 , p,5, To I, meg for subs br ••• • :• • . JAPJfki DALZELL .70 Water .t batcs NO toft :ale by JAMV.9 DALZELL Tal.i.°"" -- nitnZ°V.TTLi rt • sicaraer for safe by JAMES DAIZ4m 'loy - MACNEllEtr—rrilnln Noa n a!g for tn , ,Cfri Jrfr. JAMP.r. pAt,zgui. . Nni Jeroty Chsrvog ISO CO onset halo Worrantrit French.' . - .. I Olquarts Primo (Veit) . I IS do • do ea 0'750111W The besc.bpods I 75 qusrts do do ' 0 Dy puns For see by MORRIS & IIAWOWnI • jel.s Tea &Wine lioni.;in Ito Disroood. CHRES. 0-33 bL Wystrrn !imam, fer tato by S F VON BONNILOSST k.OO for r G 14:8-600 b" 977441,11iNut.1.11& ,0 • .~lao(; vr.~xn . f~a:f~l~seTrtdnn?!® fall AC.°N , l e elirstalZZ ' foraat .14.1, con. rfolmcni.bi J & R FLOYD 094 . LEATHER -1W oides,N k 8010 Leatbtr: for enta by • I& R FLOYD 1)0CA IVWDEA-1 • • SO tryta tor sals by • ' /e 2ll P4OTD M'EpLift-BOA - REGULAR W EDNEEIDAT. PACKET ont : lrsarivri. • • Pilia WILL= J. KOVNTS. TN.: plendid boat ...anon! by the o of the stmster home Newton. and there, for the Cinch:matt -sae Ploatart ti Parket trade, sod wilt kayo ovary Wednertny, for Clotho:ad, lo place- of the New F.ngland, Ne I. 0.,d , Fni fr'ir)t V .." t ; ITA I RTEIWIFI7ER. Act wan ' MMAat Only'Pr.lleterlinglnge . Via prowareMe and .:Annbierland to Baltimore end •Ph ladelphla. Farm vo•Parret Po • Plict.e.M.TUre•---- 12 to WILY. morning treat luves the wharf,. above . the I bridge, tlegy r at ~ o'clock pecker. 'lime te Baltimore,22 hoots; time to Phlladelphia,4o hears.. The eventax boat Leaves dolly, (except Ronday ev onioas,lnt 6 o'clock. • Passenger, by. leaning en the hyratthe hheOltil/ era., the mon taiga in , stages next day, and thus avoid c la•ht travel. . Scene "your ticket s a: he t Offico, plenaltinbele flOgu, 0rf.31. Chtzler I tad. • . ' octi4ly , J. NOMMIMEN,Aseni. REGULAR'. BUNP/nll PACKER' • ' •Thefast fanning . !steamer . - It • WFLLBVILLE, Cipt B. Wang, will nn a• • regalia plain between Plllabolth, Wheel. Inn, inidnepon, and Stollen, leaving I.:Met:an ornrl *nand ay Anteroom', for Welhrtille, •Blembonnillo.. and nyidgentmand arery'rearsday tfternonnforStettbeln ine, • Wbeenne; • Itridgepon. Cantina. arid Banish Retarnlarn leaves Oridneponand donate ever) Toes day afternoon, and Bataan every•Frlday afternoon. • gar (toted or pruning, apply on board, or Co . p .% ) , • -, • • D WILKINS, Agent. PITTSBUDGII AND WHEELING 'PACKET: - The splendid fast•conning steamer Iei"LOMB MeLANE, W. B. Cornwell, master, lhavlap undergone a' %hop °ugh repair,) .rlll run hereafter as a regular . pat tat betray:am • Plusburah Wd In cennt, I..viws • Pitt.b.tlfh - eve 9 4 0 ,919 7, ednesday al:49'4day mornings, at 9 o ' clock For freitbrcr untrue apply on baud, or to: . ' •.•• • . . J , • • i • •W. B.PMW.L.' EK.AgesZ FOR MARIBTFA AND DOCKINCI mit • The opleodld steamer. PENN, A. D. Johratoa, master, 1411 leave for the above and all intermediate ports ppihlodshlloet, at I o'elock, P. M rTr."Lfl''PP7t board, J 1 ; WI. Rflai„...." • • Sollalart ARBILMOKILENT: .1850 • b' .. - BEAVER; BMWS FT.RgIV, - AND - OLligfluV7 PACKET • Tbe new and fight ',fraught summer , FOLIGHIGGHE. 1117 will woke dolly trip. between Pittsb•rgh and Wasa Wand.. exteotad,) leaving Glasgow. 7 A. M., and Piusborgh ag, P. Al. • • 712 a Youshlogbenyla bra IF inches dn.., arid can bartbrd on • regular .pacloi, throng.. the neon. For freight or puny sooty. board, er to J C BIDWV44. Aggro. 4cP • puma& CO., Glasgow. • .SPEED_ INCREASED., railailBso.llMia Two Doily Lines Express bad Boats, And Bail }load Cars, (EXCLUSIVSLY 701 PASSZMOIRSj TO pint,nntunte. AND. BLIATItdONF., Via the Central Mal Road and Penn's-Canal. 240 adlea Rall Road, sod 140 lIdiEB taao—.l6 Pare-810 thiough. ramp Ppao gp , f,d riN an atter ihls dare, Midi ;ene,) the Genus! Roll 'ILPRoad NEI too rwo nan.y mares outman can hese. Plantiriplen to Philadelphia The ears an the stare told and the lilesheny Po - tage Rule Road ere kll neer, and of the very hest dexylpuon .le the country, and tr:th the Lnereesed speed on the Moan. viles,paittnyers go through with ?crouch. A Packet Beat arill.leavet eray orterrdng et 0 'clock, and every ecerwir et 0 o'clock. Foe Balmy, Pined, end Cannon, thts' root, is de eidedly most preferable now In ere to the Eastern . Filiul• Pot passage or Information re ' STITCH. Nano la llceseq of le - _D HEEPH - L'CO, al Rusin. yr. B.—opthe tit Popircober, thy Ceprat.Hail Road Mil be *in to Ho lidsysbililfr pauslitesr o lell e at 1860. aEdEZI • DIDNVELL . 6 BiiOTHEII. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCHERTER,Pa, • • (Beaver Point.) _ fr:PA ants for BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND CLISVFLA ND LINE; 'ERIE AND aIEADVILLE LINE T(PERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKETS; loolna aDd GdMKI2S bd.vtdm Piß.'"dh and Et Mower by, steps boats 'asG,bigati, Lays End, • lirainede ;ice -elated and ',tempt:p delivered to all Id , Cll on Me Canals and Lases, at the !omen tat:e. Wok ra please diree j r . too2t r t l e a FriirelPs Line." . ' • Mrater at, Pittaborgh. WS3T7iGA~ TM3Ui~A~9CB~CO~IPAAY 7. Jr.. - U&I.• 1 D. 2,1J=i34 Iry Yrt.l. Vi VI U:nx ageinvt all kinds of dike, , FIRE. ANTI MARINE. . ALL lodes will be libera ll y animated and promptly 2 1, peld. bode lastllation—inariaged by =rectors Wbe well known in the camidthity, and whence delete:dn. ed by premipmess and Ithemliry to maintain the Chat tel., which they have assumed. as adding the bdt protection to theta who aeire to be Insured. Dmacrona—E. Miller, Jr., Geo. lltnek,J. W.Rutler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. R. Holmes, ,G, Mien, Geo. Wi Jackson, Wm. IL Lyon Jo}, LiPPlnenti• Thee. E , Inch, James M'Auley, Alex. ntimick, nat. Scott. Gend,'Ne. 39 Water street, (warden's or Spent Co., np rate.,) Pinata:ugh. Cleveland, Warren sad Pittabargh Telegraph Company. TN porn me of a resolution of the Board of Diree , , tut, of the Cleveland, Warren and Mie:ugh tlogrsph Corry.y,requestiog the Seerciary inmate ant .4 cause tote el .published in th e newspaper. along the gm, tof the finanei4 o th er again of dos tOll3p.T. I • broil the renewing tteport.- , The line of Telegraph commences at Cievelerti and terminates •t Pittsburgh, passing throe. Chagrin Falls, Franklin. Newton Fails, W erten, "Ye angslet.i and Lowell, in the Stnno of Ohio. and Nor Castle .4 Rochester, in Um Sim of Pennsylvania, et which. points there are often located for the receipt and transmisilon of business. . . . The whole lennh of the line is 112 tales-Capital 8t0ek,11430 per mile, making a total capital 'stone of in34t4/, or veto., macaw $10,203 tr bold by chimes Wee; thelme,aodthe. Wenn, to heldiroy pornell Speed, the cootrantora (he IlhoTO attlPtutt pr nth aetiptions by nouns. have been paid to Cordell & Speed, for which the Trances have their receipt. _pelthdtf JBFFBYEON BALlll,Ecerstazy. Valuable propersylor A GREBAbLv to the Ind stall and 'testament of It. the late William Tense, deceased. The orb. scriber effete for sale, on very accommodaUng tams, either the wholoor • pad of the property belonging to the estate oh the sold Wm. Terre, I:t.ate on she west sloe of Band street, adjoining the Allegheny Bridge, consistiut of 3 Ban, story hones. two of then nearly new, pleasantly situated and in good ceder. • Also, four or fire !ciao( ground edJainintshe atnee— sold entire or divided, as may suit the parchetsenk Also, sdreyal lou in the borough.of Lisetronceville.l A. the 61i1est . of the one 'ls to linen the proceeds Ibr tho benefit of the fatally of the:ded eased, the gat petition of the purchase money ran be retained for sateen years. • • Thins property pretense favorable opportunity for any one wandng • oosofetable home on cosy tonna.' Chemp.gpe Wines. 1:10116iIIG..,1111CLA. It 011:1TEr SOIEMMIL AIIMANCIZNITAIN • /414 EGAD Ongf iNNSYLVAIIIIN Itatrft.; CAPITAL 1:00,000. fllO LET—Oso of theriDove homes mill be mated to aped %roust a; a Teti low rasa eor fanhei illfOrglidgo, appl y to R WRA P,AelluExecUiar, jeltdtf or to &JONES, Limpid. Übon7 ammzi ULU!, War Power, Donning flowi and Lou, and Intolitoprolcdtmslltailotsin them." of 8410., Boo: Ter tia,lina Ocraca rom. and roof.s adjoisting ski loon, T IL• Intp that go ryilan.tair 211114 arida fame Fair old.. fad tarn' and al tba ant:Monty f anannfactly lag Estra 25. P. Fintr, V Con hinaia Dnea Col:fn. A anal boat !raj lead and naked at the A be,* Callao Factory with 1800 Ipiadlo, Ga Aplnning col lso , a lota 'retold open yihkhia airectod, a Jam amid aubasuitial web Ihassine lima. of .tuna and - 11,1th, two ctorirahigh, with Illwak Kitchen, Wash Flom sad . Bai How, Fruit Thai, Shrubbery, 4w„, • vary .dtcrabbr aroatry recideam Ala, about Malty lohr antic Ho.. of Aria, ince &a ...clef. them= of palm alma k. .10 a d trice. beautifully Wasted. Aiscobb batCd•ag Ida of varloaa , Lb. :Moneta lota, traintprovol,, and =LW& for drab Manafiewrier, tqt.otille ro und water pant. Air reur &Warp. Th• aeon MOM Wm° , Poem, b. to, dwelt rig 1i0n...0d Lots ar• oitualsd upon tho s aaddhr fAlo of bk. , . river, arbor* the 011 la tinnily feet •of the oriole voila.' of fITIT - Adonturi le, with it ad Aon of abinat tbs foot, isatiOut obsomite Angelo atA,Fathiton rad Ner Aright , n a • slant &storm beim The Ohio and Yawn. Baku:ad cdntimettlantaf dui Pm= ./Milrosel from Poil• •Pitt. I burgh, pAin through 10.4 i Om la odd do far West, through tho great WWI Gamer Ma M. erhirli mast ott Enka Iloreer Falba IMAM:dor for For:ming Milt. Tbs oral from Gbh In the Lain Ado is n front of at • M. • Wolof FlS'Aerea af Ltodopericokin ill. Falls of Drm, sdjoiniti (below. std ot Doubt, Matt rtei , of Me Cotol to Elia aniaratind,ant stse;of dm it Ra n frond Fi'blttele to Gkreland poem Monifito iTs Mon than DA Adored and main foes, day keel. and so , Pada for Meadows and Madam Foil rieh and mil witor odiand vein rf roll under., WM bs rold in orbok aria qa ntltios t•OAt a tract of 41) sacs of land, bounded by the lAA of Me tabalCll &h a tad, by A d 1.1•;11. cm the OW ea. DrigVonou the myth, mil oaten& tor wad acronoho op t iad Poona Rail Brad, about 330. 4 , -ntrd. .111. , •ta op tb lo laud • largo volt Milt two gory kn. bow, ..11a • tbrei story Ann dwalliog hope. and Miter building,. 'I lea larval part of 'ha tract e n d ietl rbeli and for Manly of London, fertility of mil, rroirase of atonally and great inerroso mloo anaurpaind so arom '• tan Pa. neyleava, hit wells undid arid. timber,. oal!and ben, tallier /plings of pure vrator,aod I. odorol lo • od d ming, prim/tient tor pArnto rosdarees, Lod will IA od whole a. In qumtitin anti pnrchwers. 'With Oa augural Milt,' pol•,, j•lt adore andbalow it, hot rariolled gentle, Ma/ per t on. most menus in Yalu more porbapo than any otbor Oen of lapd lo 16. Wont. dd 1101 of grand ittats in Not prthton, mat of Ms Malin path of the. nal:nod bounded by it, batman Are bride. dam and lock of tho canal, par. abotosad part Wow Railroad.. • , All this rroperty libetudifadr Armtek inn beat tly tour my, abounding with inniel, timber, tordand nal btu . throe , to th ree nod • loaf mike from the Ohio tint. 'n d ' rl ••110. foam Fitiablugs., The CLEW, •thith i•WW•I it, afford. reamunientals mita thsOblo rirer mat Lake ter at Kris sad Oars/sad: lel tba taro sod fn.. ItAtre not. • bineminr to naneptedon.nd thrologh numb of it, 0411 briar it midden an boor or Ina tints of rethburgb, and pan to and throagh hobs reat dsod of dosamegorr e pro- Ater and stardom:Ma tiont tba East and Was. Al a 1110/SOU manaSatetrenoobniniFsrdorrTri or for ron•try rrAtonees format of amps in ettabuogle, or for widely inmstroost of snooty, on plan now nAsen ao . t amy,lodocomonts Tana of mlo orellba rrasonabla o wl adnolireenn Fur ebony ' For to partially. onquiro of Jo ram , sas;proptictor,ot Wm: Melina. A Bet it • 0.. L. H. FIX =MAN: Altinsitys ILA. ltod &lA* Unto. :I•lduilkarl . MAIO7 Fourth Iltroot, Pittsburgh OTA I —id. cub, prima artleir • 101 l IiftRISON.I.FFFLE CO ILAACON..49 C11111•166Oillar..13 IC wed MT LIF•AIIa. Esphralar, sad for sale by JAIIES A iiIIICIaIIOX tun „., . -, 1," -- 1 , 1. , ` - .1t , -.,-4 , -,,-,--y -.,, , ..... e-r•o ' .-4....Q.' `,. -- - -- ' • - ' - ''' ... -,.- • • -----•••- - ,- 42. '-' - --•;. , `'.. , 2, - , , ,: r.' , 7, -- :"-T -, ,! , V.T . .t..7.f.- - :_.''•."'' , , _ . BOIIBEB,-LOTKVAILIIR-Ica.- l'11;:‘,T7z•lt:r! "mad 7. tlgnog,LiTi-. • For pm...ton:art, capita at Na LIS ranaltnat. Jett:ll7 , l , ' 1. , :r ~ Fors nalm TWO Derek - Dwell= Haines...in fc4lo:olWald. els CCM et KAM ar Atinsmill a Rosa. Ibeut Erg:ars of JOILNIVAIT & CO TO ..I.IiLT, r That large commotioniThsenthiale 'told Lot, on which area good 8 le and , Carriage' Iftrast, beingthe pro -,sart and loca the residence of Mrs Jana Ma. Sea situated on-Webster at, rear piiiyeush street For terms, apply to - 84W11118 • Let, • • A BRICK, BUILDING, a- by co fect, ibree nbirien kite, w i th Entine, kci !located in Birmingham;A immediately below the Ferry. Empire BOLLM.A.Ns a GARPISEL Plittlintgb Fonadly • Tolo r,v,,1NA,7:4,1Z t ° r i c k b w g r d '41,1•4°,7; , :1 terlia..., Taut...l 9 Oren h . . 126• r:.-. p:LonEtiz. - . IrALUAIII,I: ImaL ESTATE Oft P.Erifiterl FOR RALF,—A'. Loaof Grond storm onli.enn itrect,between Flay and blerbury. street., adlaining . the house and lot now oeearded by Itlebard T.d•dads, !men afront orM fact, and to depth ISO feebaslll bir told on favorable tapas. Title unexceptionable.Ea• odra of .o„W?!ll,9,ll4l.at,nnatlyood. ,' To Southern 'and' Westena ,11Lerabisstm ;},!toussEi.s PREMIUM PERFUMERY. .111; enbeeriber 'remedially Invitee public attention to s extensive stack -or Perfamen„ Soma ehavidg Cream. lc., to venteit en. Silver aad two Chtbkn Medals b ave. with. the lamas years, been awarded by the Innitntca ef. NOW VOlit, BOMM and Philm delrbia, the latter being the man Golden Medals ever 1 warded • fat Perlisnery , either u xanope-or Is Ws Romumri Thearrin. Santee Cassis; talon., Rose, .d , Ambrosial,) onivenally atkacrwledged ta In superior to any Shaving Cream ht dus colony or Otstoustra von Stravom-Deandfally tounparent, and possessing highly • Rapornesom end • emollient fiekcleslestraltaenste Command{ datbroatalShav• Taint Military Pinang Soap, • • • • tmartsaTentsrSons-Almond,DoweadiDefittra Hann., Pistachio, Meek, Parehouty, Umbers, Fbaaa Inqq, Oil, Windsor, end Cir. mi.. Rataarn you vallfinsamescautm-Rose,,iesmin, Doman de Csrolineifieraano, Jenny Lia4l,-Stoonse. Jockey Club, IllwalM - .Clesostito, Coaenelle Dont, and cosy other Smieties, in ail only different Toast Wsvitu-lilteidaWater, Enid , . Toilette Orem Flower Water. and a gun variety ai Co ,- losnee and Lavender Waten - Vtlf AlAsii6"eaudie BasSa Cii, Antique Ott, 4.6sorati, Etta Urania, Oleine, Com , rund Os Denim, Han Dyes, liquid and In Posner, and Phlloeome, Sienna and Jenny Lind Pomades; 011031.1.61 C Paansamons-Banamie Eliala Rom Tooth Paste, cum.' Donau,' Othattlese,Tooth Pane, and Toon Powder, _ - Catnann-Vnetable Cosmetic Cresm, Amandirre ,for cheapen-odds. Cold CTIMIn of Room, On., de Pent Lip ealve,Raspberry Cams, ite.• - Depilatory Poodem, for thillanea Pearl revue . , titneisto Arornall,a Vklerlf, Vlstatia Composnion, ?rest. Salts, besides • treat variety of other mucks, toe s:lneacreas to be named thissdnedsemmu. - , The rubs. titter hares at maintain the netunlen. width tins.esteblishaetti hatarqulrees bit:eoslag of Dentine but fint rata snid., e and ..111 Men to famish those who any wieli to either wholesale er telethon ea Cc VII .14)` er tablthluttoefin the vnrid . , Weeper ato and fanner Illtrittor of the labot anti of - 'EUGENEI.ROI.IBbEL, ilk Chesnut meet Mr. Baths , . Perfumery la for sale by all the ethic'. pal thanks in the coantrri 5P17:4171 A.. lump. am Geol's:: alsssryexaeccl Now Spine . esui . Sustliser Dry Qom for 18th. • - IiVELLIA.II 1.. 11.IISSIXItE k Witotaista sad. Sievgl De la MCA • Front, acti flarerload =lf GOORS, Deana AOC `O4tWCINI ildrd tad Voarth, alga Cr the Ma he Ilmr, WPM comatruseed reeelTlTl ara opening Co. of the mom 'deb, splescUal, end extensive mere of Spriajnad Sena:ter Dry Goals elm offered for sale la the Weglant ecoarry. All of these Impened Goods anr.fresh *petted, sari received Kr the oat steamers nom Frazee and Easiest as also lash b Latt d e eo a.,,ba .r portni . dlreet from .illelfort, all r" ble th l e a r crTber on g, taio the aTl rime Car rare, trearantatt; trtt:, Utah Linea pastiest "fable Clothe, the very best of itanifth Wee hoods of all kinds: itartti dir t : Om WAN.% by We sultsc!iber, aptl will' feared reel Emaitt. LADIES , DRESS. Goats, ••, • New style eeUPL, Hl , eotm,.splendid Roads, black urds7i, all 'eey 10 k ,'.1 Xrs: t ; Kid threes, all cola., the bast imponed.• plaid black Armors, per list French steamer; new style painted Ranges, spleaald goods. - Also, a shpetb and lamp stock of wide black Brancla Lses for trusgabsg dresses, wry tics Roods; plain Baregre in all colors. extremely low, beautlfol geode; black folk Fringe, all widths and pm., very Cheap; Renal Lunt, row at**lc..per list French steamer; Deri K6i llitAirp=:tr . ffitelk is% ktig . lish . Caslimaiesi rte auttfor gaodsi splendid Elattd'ilirirs eed, for ball dmeseet lich'emteoldeted Swiss Mulls f oe cruller tires, es• Swiss Ed4ing cod !unsling, the Les: imported; 811k * TIssaettip l salon and quallilen, tow myle, plain *IA seele ‘r.ife‘k Oae , parsecs, all prices; Cod' lsrautw - adaskylea from Kto sere; per ye •Ateteseide Lams,. stow aructe for lii,l 7 as: dottiest large and superb mock el ew style sprfig Bonnet =boas, the very beat ported;lei an neer. • • • SE/A . 1 1111 AWLS. silk P.Mterls,' fresh importation; • white embroidered Canton Crape Shaw% sn'tb good., _t green et:Meader ed Conran Crape , Shawls , epleadid veer I Lemlnts French made Embroiderr Tltatt 'Pk . ; War; ties , rt t. .'fare'slle Cashmere I=in g-m , rtetl; PrePth workedCals,Collars. and Cads, a~lasga ' • A Lark, Stock - of DOSIE3TIC AND STAPLE GOODS. • debate. unbleached Moshe., Morn 6 is, 10 cents per yard; 13 eases bleached hlaslbas, tram 4 to 125 cents rer yard. It eases Irish Llnena,losported Orem from helms'; It bales Ticking Item R to 25 cent!, per yard; 8 eases Mee Drill, hem. , So Drj cents per tfittl; be. edes a fall anonment of Sommer Clothe Abu,. Ca. amerce, Tweeds, Sausetts, and Kentucky leMne 60 eases dark Calico, fast colored, from 310 121 ...a. p 6 yard; 5 HOYM,EIOIIS , English Primo, ben Imported; 6 bale. RasslaandSeoloh Dia•-paraoktreute ly Also,lionsekieping GoiM; Of all kind% vary cheep; boles Rants 411 to 111feents per yard; berddea alarge keel of Check and Shinn Stripe. Also, Canton Flanneleiall cetera and quals• des, at low pricer; ant - yellow Flarsela, very cheap; bleached end .anbbtachted• Detlllegs, fait eery 6 eases blue 'Merman* Calieram, , ox. tremely fowl black and =bleached Table Dowers, elk prices Bird's Ile Diapers, all prices and very cheap; ecdored Cambrles, a 101 l mon:may eheaper than ever; 3 bale* from 121 to 65 eta per yard. ' Aiso alma mock of Conon Table Diapers; Manners' Shating— PM assortment, vet, eiteep.. PARASOLS! PARASOLS The largest and moat epteedid - stook of Pamela ever opened by Raj one Dom to Pittsburgh, to his day retelved, sod alrof pewertFrench stylm, which, for maces. and beauty, eannot• be garpassaL As we have 'a large lot of Parasols, they be sold cheaper then any other house' In the oily can at ford to sell the unto nudity aped. . • The Ladies are teepee tinily Invited to mune. these Pitrasols, se they will gad soma 01 the richest sad newest styles , ever Imported from Europa These sore ars all Of the richest sod most faehlenable colors, and are worthy of the It of a t ladies , All of the above goods will be sold off at prices far below any heotei m iba elry; and Monier to prove the feet, the. poblie will please tali and price these . goods; sod compare them with say other bosom la Doe rote, and be convinced of the MIMI Ittsertion. • The sanscrlber would here say so h is rrammosta este "...I'M." , she Palate in general, that there are two other bee hive tames m market atreet,pretending cepa with the Blg BeeStllve, which alone the only celebrated and fat famed Dry o Goodiestablishmencla Pittsbargh.'.The sabstvlber world therefore nay to all Parch... M -0 Thy (foods, either 'wholesale , or retail, that the Big Ilm ikee,enbluket sate; tetweettnird and Fllllllll. Is Ml* ort.tking the largest, *away and moat epleadidenek 1hr11q.1104114.141241Dq Goode ever eared forme n -•-• I BObira:1131 Flaw Scocu sosls3o—Thelargess and Most Whim able Melt of Bonnets ever opened in this dry, 01.0 Retired at the Third thr, Bag Bee Elea on market street, beteeen and Poeta streets, where Del Goods of even description am wiling cheaper any °MeV, baud in thdetty, The pabde win please take :notice Mat there are two Other bee Mee Mores on Market street, who.retcad . 11 tv the tog Bee thee; between Third and Fourth meets, whore the paella will find, at !intl.:MS.ll:e large.tetsd petest style. of Dry Goods, fresh opened.. ' Cr Please mho neamo, that the store Is between Third and Ranh Wee% alga of the 1110 BEE HIVE, .where Dry Good. of 'Very , description are selling CILUITIL than at any other hoase In the city. • • 106 42 M , WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. csznm DtrtlgMtg,gb Te rh i l i t71 8 2 0 ; 11 :1 .1 . 10 4 1 . located bits self kt •tles .etty, (or the purpose of prae tieing Medicine and Surget) io all Ito various btaech., ea. 4/ Is efcek on Petra street, No 109. Rendenor No U 7 tame at. Jrl4l3mog, invortlvizrr: onAt!Faio. :DIILLI3I'I. MAGICAL. ' , PAIN IEXTRACTGE., rvMS no failing Pain Destioyer v andeerism cure OL for thime•Pcludf, Pace,- Sore and- Intlamed Eye% ali. Mounds, Drolws, Inflammunry Itleamausro, Swellings, Sprelnr,l36ra Nippies,Droken Ilseast,9ait Rheum, old_ cud Inveinrsta sores, gad .11C11.18116011.1 wad tll4 4111r1114217 111.tases. IN A Nli - VV - - ENVELOPE AND BOX OF MUCH ENLASLOVLD tfIZE.I;I. Co . antet*.t . ia : OtriAl.E .CtA lirS trri EtT N' RA ' GTO R Mee= mimeses toed th e Market. Stern Mem es yen won id patient Ty buying the =idle In Um NE et" DRESS yen ...Id me auger Of Wag . InMescd von by noon. re dein, are r cr tin of getting the Gelman, ant gani, moreover, near GO per cent on the averaga • Cansiou to . Dealers., , GtOtrifflpfillUOA Is prac ti sed upon Denims, by en. antiniuksos (113.11tOti, who par up the emintoriert staff in is nom reMen of the pfd wrapper, mixed with • raw MMus of the genuine In gads doffed, and Am' emit for mle as a reline edprite; This sate easeime Maw deslerr; hit Me 'entailing, Innocent tong:thus who urns the, spnions art ele,psysrho penellyl Sintering, Dein, unsightly eeartmd marks resulting from seem burns, wcunda or rereb.and Lama lon of Me Setif, ;media coustenenceb • Partlellsira Cum In POlntal g Lance of ito most severely burnt and Injured eta nt the late and dismantle HAGUE STREET EXt. pl AidION, in New York. tern Manly be published. i Mind the NEW EN V MOSES, the LARGE BOX. Fle, and my AUTHORIZED A.Gb.rftS Inerfige rho Nei•Cirenlara for tOri,, • Mark Me epithets en the OW! dlCSVe—tbe 7116001• Serpent, Lion, son, Rove,und Engle, surd H. DoUe3 eerie en Mgnntern -•— • • ILA danger and fraud, tad 'triy-Eallere•pr ? i,. tractor any, in the AIM net.. and Laos imosi. 4 • Is DALL,hry, 413 New ibtSJ MIT 1 . Stalwart; ILltglienyEernemyemng,,,,ie. sate . .Trims, Agent, Pittsburgh, , e• - •.ret N. 11—The unman or Renters who pritistenthe 6nln new era, rrofri miner the premiere, him. lo or from his anthoritet en will be Publi o . l she papers, ILS 11, (Fide 10 00 public 111 brde Peer Grow' of • pectraiii a' • p . oPoltl4 1 4 ,, ' l6 • jm do• -Ww,.,do. do MXI 2 . • P" Z I.IiWT dctPs dU ta soets: fod ao azwd. 1 _ , T04.1.P,7 saw JO/11,14r s tr!"! ".. • • MEDICAL- -- .:DECIT:OP - FEkAbI.BE/111T. r 6N. before anrtrdty s we hmslee-emaeiged r +M dead the:sktrxwas ot,comylezlnn, rota brightness: dns deparleOZZ.Tnenatt oat thirty' in. yeras,,,,._ they ham leis of ypeth this they oubbie plaint. at .. fillY. WhY thiss— , Drpression la p s uor enn menernl+lllshility long - centinnedoeithost teeth g ressitainsuaenernted,eonstitader. ants, lade or _ ,FF,311/I...WCZAIPLAINTS - - which can only be centered, sod the shattered eon!. reatored,.by seteernild and gentloa4 6 litnbt , ... , ', .whos.s tech:land allocation properties nth petalUirly anlyrst tosleadetand &beans eonstitutinus. - - 143101:63 . 11X , i, Dr. N.D liewo—,Dear Fle—,For nearly two yean . ' Int ar/(e. his been' gredsally declining. without any . Aimee, 0-.././a symptoms, wseser, were genets/ do. " „biliry, weakness, octant/hal 'revere plan, and it. rnaulatidescof the 'poen,. One family. gilts/elan Snarly thld 'me Can there was no -hope as the ap pnwOhnig warm weaklier would be oninvorbble now ;rental:led her to try Dr S. D. Bowe's' honker Sifseparillei (mute noelort bee and cheep was soon perceptible, tied by the coustamt we of it three 171061/1.16 brief sot bottler, her health SR. et, • .4112 , 1,7 het stre n gth. and flesh regrind, aid eta now . 010.1075 FOR na ant blabiLtt peenniary con aideration can ever repay then/IV:anon] am ander to you for restortherny wile to he an; 10.11 nor( cheer: ` tally recommend year truly valuable htedleine, JUSEPiI hiIIYNARD, Binh at, between Plane and NTenera Bow . Bi sows oast netsurfs,. Dr.S.D.IIOIFEB SeItsAPARII4.A. and eke root other. - Thie, is the - only eitransarilla that .eta on the Liver, gwnor., end Blood, at , the mane tine, and better its anagalar guy andanceess. . For We by J. A. Jones; J. So.hoonmaknr & Co. W. Black, IL Ideans, J. PL. Townsend, J./1110er, W. Jaekson;Pittsbargls; A. Ell iotT, Alleghe oily/. W. a Crocker, Brown.. trine; mad by DB. N.D. BOWE & Prop:nom _ • iti-d&wIYT I s/ollare 11.11,Cineinisti; tr. 'GREAT 1M POBTArt T tzEllcBLlll46ovisal COMBlivmon . . Fran Ao regooge:Wittio'cr, so repel JPtirmoo Aisysetiia Extract of Doak . and Sarsaparilla. Coateelettaamptleo, SCTONI a, cryeipelar, theitn edam, INS liv e eioomplaitits, ailechette,leMeTe t fhe lar7ll:l " l l lTatT r a .l3 , Ttia l := T it ' e g a ' re, To o t! rept Lamers, roah or blood io the heed, feta' and ogre. tamale cc:palatal; general debility, dyisep. sin, lois of appetite,- headache,ealda, etivencsa, Mail, night aware, cholla, °t . aut,: affeedona, ea,lpiettion of th e keart, , peter In the side, ogee; beet, - lejs diseatu arising bete an lm parts loam sr the blood. or irreanlar action of the aye. • ;La the Vegetable. Ihnedron, an All-wise Detre ha departed plants and herby, congenial to .r armorer lions, and adantedio he core . of disense; and to Oa • , iegetabln ktendeit does the seasonal men, is well a . the Intranet areal ale, Unarm. antidotes ro porn. -1; The Snip Is, i Relent/Ea compound of the raw sal pla:nta In nature, entirely (reef.= deleterlcat *in! Onereautentolneral rabatanees,land as It expel,. diimue !rain the sysieri,looparteolgor ant strived., - Au extreordintry cueWlitcrorele, Dry.fvette end " eery', cured by the We use et Dr. Curren's Core pond Synth YehrrrePact and Earn oarilta • ' , itrtvx„ m Nov. 17, 54 • Its trt piett—Ste. ;te nder aeo lay em thinlko 8, fee the nrt hence* have derived - from them+ of your' VklesOle syrup. I have loco trotibled.vory bod left einefaloor sore,iihich trade . its appeennee on thin. I did not pay mach attention tort at erst,sne leering it tbe BUM:re but an creature. that appear. penurOo fer ' harlotry beg. to increase; geltiL Dread to dr ,ark part of the head. I embed ma' physician. Who attended tee all to no purpose. I bed tried everything dottcoalo be tried. j uot your Syr up of Yellow Dock and fltrutpatills. sod , cebeletlede • niuse It, for I bre* that Yellow Bock ono cite either. 'roost valuable articles' in Uri world for' theblood. - I boughtyour 8 and . loom the vie. f ore bottle, I eould see e - auger In my system. ' ) eintleued to ;Isola tor I was a well roan. • • 1 now fool hire a •ncir pershat my blood is perfectly demoted and free Qom all hapanties. Teem IsUot a. question but dm. your twisty diseavereo tompound is for eaperior any vataaparlits syrup ever sold , Thor cortlfieslei Is at your disposal to ;rebirth UT., Llkeord any ono lon tear refer to tee I 'heir to hop, py to give • them ail the Inforination I can shorn rt,. .easc,&er I remota your obedient torrent,. Geese* 6. 7ounwn, U 3 favket west . . . . . The best female =calcine knonni...The Vona of : Tend. , Nal , and Stoceparillalma positive, speedy,' and parlament- cure for all ectplainut incident to '.. . ' 111 , 17.h1ALr,.. . . • . . ' ftf Mild, [Relative or end rendes it peculiarly' rilt ipp 'cable to th e slender and delicate ustimtion el the ferrate.' . It Is =Wailed in its elec. upon' such diseases 'as tnegdent consampnon, ba Illlep, lon, esstrtmea, Or m tee, irregular Menstritati ; =cond.' nence ermine, and g zsel prostration of system: It laza canter counnets that, dl the ness Ind en so common to fellien Game, end imparut en energy and buoyaney as strencinor eta they ens Kratefel. to have evidence on tile *Neb. induce on stsonely to recommend tin uiedtelne to tousled people who haip Km heen blessed with eZ.: . .E. 1 .44 , Mra thew,: o Fsitir.Lr of Na Wirmh ,et a.. years. sultan, coed , by Pr. (hymn's Extrar: Vero* :Dock end Sosaparille, after every other - • howls temedy had been tried without ' • • Whitareareos, Ohio, Feb., MO: This ' Shit' :u Shat my wife, aged viles, has been sit(erfug sailer the above complaint for five - yesre—oeszly slYpt that Sib!, confined to herbed. I kokoo for (=Teats constantly employed the 'mimed. loot talent list could he brace-oil in this sectiort r thot country, without any benefit whatever. • ' I have e)ues' perchased tieryiriatritemeat recommended few •ths cure of such diseases, ail of which proved Worthless. Is the sperm of lfi e,l was induced by soy friend. totry Dr, Guy it's Dock and .icirssparie which ass used for foot mamba. After 111 In W srti= 7 rnsw , sd, sg , lan'sr e..1e5 - ing most eseelte t besltb.: • ' • otir lofGIIT.- tt 4 ow tiTtlt:thtL'boensl:ife-Te'lk M,. giontor sung no tke epro being egnnted anys . onhe Yellow Dock r..nd Liampavill a. lb bai=intly tnie. IIANE EDI 77. • Gioat Cure of COP..=Ptir;m: - • Ilex:4os, January R. ' .Me. !kneed—Dear Sir: :he t great benefit width I hove derived Imm - roar tro.cl of Yetiow Look mat attriaportlio,ind aces tun, as enact ollutien, tonna* the folto wing stautastnit Alin Wasting COt two Tertra fro= yrtyirni debility' which faulty to manta in centorapium, Oros given up by my Intuit and physic:um as beyond the ind of medicine: As 6 lest rotor, IMS Indneed• to try • your Extract, mad basing wed but two botties,nr, cordnig to • year directions, I em calucly "veil: -I wield there(pro cameady resommeatl7our unread. led Compound to the at:Meted. who drains ri powerful, plessene and sat remedy. Gratefully your fri,nd,' None real. unless peep In huge square twang Oantelatorf &canary and the Alms at the chary bloats be the gigs the +litter; sirmattlO dY L P. ~ e = jut au." outUdu ' , WPM Price 111 peut or lI bottles to tee— • . • • i+ It la sold LI J. D. Pali, corner' of Pecrti tied Pia.: :Imet streets, Cmcionati, ••Ohenernl Ayala tor tl.e Southend West, to wlnam al loy Mlrsconse O.:in:here's; nio,Erfa. W. P. Juds C 0,.; Water; ford; Olin & Clemons. trossimrellle; Montrose; Perim Mix, Towanda; Robert 'berm L. Roderick, Callensburr; L.-INlicomd r.. Plus— M berth, corms of arkt t ma aid tem Mei:Mond. spl:lel&wlyaT . L. • ; fl 7 Menton an, SCLI Ipa Chearieal peep tames a tree perwtrallaa, std. the same ume ertelthev, !softens, and voltatu the atit, a-mime it the texture and beauty of an baluetta.. Oman, SALT ReserCaae teat,, ere aeon not - only', healed, bet eared by Item, as at least .eyes I apt,- dans m 'New licak twine. who era it in each. caws, and Ind stufaillni—al also. . Parr" BlerMais, Ffitex.un,or any atiler n taw. The reader is tattered thatettla te no ,( , el_4 . pelted nostrum as oneldel , will prove. I could eau, manta at lean ea persona cared of son Ittes,Soss Lassa. Snaiiiillbe;-! ay It, audit= it, arBd the tender la. agate treated ' meld not cruelly sell It for the above outcry I leucw .. 4; to be all I stela. Soso W b o are liable to Mom Ceaceso, Cuaran new, wilt fin Onto. Any one althetedwith any of the above, to. gm liar diseases, vetU 2nd „Ulla all and even =dos In In:ara ble in ita proyertiesillten I sone. • , -1111 e, reattley, th e cores are 'flooded with tut Clans, and be sun vet. a ask for 10121:23'S tf, cancel Soap,. iledd by ,24 , At.. /AMMON, 240 lblberty urea, Piilstnatalt • • '• .4.0.1" T Mr ; tura= Ova ern 114dr.a to net more meet tin than a bad, putrid breath , ,or dark; yellow omen ed teeth. If persons hate Mere it Is their own :unit— , they can ' for two shillings, bay an 'ante., 'that will make their breath pow and a Sweet as Lk., Spiry arts • IIona:UM:MP . 0? aid 61117i11,.spangy Or ulceated, end An the Teth:lt onnasiled, removing the %arum fastenin the teeth ht th ea gums , gums, at 4 den them n whim as tho qf risfresse /bra, Bach.„ seeder, are the propenles qf Johns's Amber 'Tooth Paste; arid, without praising U ourselves, bar e anion of onr most respectable and liCientlEa Mr. E. Field, of New Yorn., says: . .1 have both rued and analisetidusbesistifal and Ist palpable article (Jones , Amber Troth Pasm,) • can recommend A as pmsessing &litho mialltieselairn. ed for HP Ileader, we MR ray no more to CO:tall:1114 Only that if you tr y once you will be !napless.. d. It is 'tat up in .benaulfal Enalinh China Pct. for d cents. Sold by the Agent, WALJACKIION. NO Labs rn ty sut:, riu.t.rich. • • Akakaxik...et • u,:r ioaL carlzara are renerenty: assured r, the following are the actual steatitic* at ha bottle a. Joess's 'Coral Hate Reeterense- N. they thmht car ~word, they cermet these highly cespestanto tuizentl -wbahtyotrieMr. C so. Reeky% gt Near York. . • aim Matilda klacycs, Myrtle as, Dreollyn. Mr. Wos...nop e, V . : Ring 81, Near Yoe:. • m r . 710 a. jest:son, Dlonteere I tiled, neer Pittslayffi 11. R. Cal late Lather stews:boat S. As:erica: , And stare than ir hundred others veto, theaght hi s must taftee, than( will Cores the. baittte, te gross on this head or lase, atop. It (anion of, strengthen Cho n - 'en, stud danStah"frorn the toots, teal sang light, r ed, or gray hair ananas a fifti dark - fact, 6.11 d hennas dry, harsh or wiry heir IlaVal„sa:Di elm atv; be -wailful, s very, vary long , . Said by the Aseatt,-VV/J. JACKSON. I 4) Likert, Itt rluanurgh. ' ?deo wi,sa cams, aaa , ant dallar. • Wrpp•rcy IA A 44;AI:day 1..41.7 for :mu' mlnenbera °let for We gumber o. eIIAZ Lots,citoste. Irt the Litcolia Wo.l,ltonti.; cra Common monnd,edtntyterm.. !aqua< 0: 1 :911L 60.1.11N*Oti, Any part,Stealz or 0f.1A3 IitaItINIgIN. a:so/n= 4 4 . er/rAdfcre.l7,, Akik,' - 14 -7 .V310, 41, u W.= 61. K; .They *mint roam llorr it la 10 the skull Low eoarie. Low rough, bow :lOW, .aoclea!thy tad ti op. pews eltero.Logprepand ottgait .44en l 11601•1000,rat:L.11W , 6 1601 , 6 quaoati o tsa have pr,l,,,ted n.,t,eaol:lll vegetable art o:o• maid, we can hL : I LILA' 1 , „,,r, ‘ ,1 3 , bet ng Fur Ow of ail OA, iny s iLoporta to skut ti,,7 aging ‘71160; at ihn .oxpef,d,n.ri 191.41.6 -0 , , WU, • r,tf.bo.rxS. Fs; cc 43 or Mi. 66.00616.4 r • . . cALIVORDJIA. ADITEILTIS-MitIENV. i Th aAttig & BROCKWAY. Coadidoion illerchaala, r w eer Ktric0 1 0 Chy, Califorant. Lamp' se.anaqca au camsigamoda, and ad urdtcy Carmen protapdy odeoe.cd to. , .. . .. t • S ..17...SOMWAT, 4 , 1 , 17,211201.11 llll7l2:dhAviSta,Tr. locla t - — .71. TIAILRISOR SY. tittle:ALL. AT/ORIISS AT LAW,' 01116 STATE CubIINISSIONEK:Str tnking Fopo &Worm, Acknowledgment. of Dettlr, 2v47. Udico—rovres creel, above Sinittii.eld. • • mei-elemT • , • 11.0BIGUT A !ITORNEI AT LAW—Otace of swath gar of A.L. Routh et, batwem Chun' *!l97+W U;w it,