THE 'FITTSBURGH GAZETTE PUIILISHED HY . WHITE & CO 1=1:121:213:1 THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4,1850. DEMOCRAT 10 WIIIN STATIC TICRXT vex CANAL CONIMIONTIL JOSHUA nks County. U-A-GAN, Of Ba ,ten AIIVITOII uNzznt. HENRY W. SNYDER, ' Of maim County. rou,ntzuzuou orwranu. JOSEP H 0. II YtNDERSON. Of WinblantonCounty. • Aatirriaronlo sad:Whiog Noralsultioas far • Ailoghony.Coanty. For TITBIT 11R.261. 100000116 TUOMAIS 31. UOINIff LIZSIOUNI. roa morn sums, nom met cassans, 13A13.111•11 013318 Y, TOlcinuis, JAMES CAILOTEIERS, YOS kelitlelLT AMMAN ROBERTSON. PlLabwah. T. J. 131GLIAM, Lower Ft Clair. R Or WALKER. Elizabeth. JOHN MULUSKEY. Rahman. JAMES PIFER, Soolnlen. Tarnicsrrao arroaray, FRANCIS C. pLarrecaN, Pituhorgla. EBETELER BOYLES, North Fayette. - aroma, WM. nyaN, L.... Sr. C 017121 natal, D. N. COURTNEY, Ohio.. . No paper will be iSHIGki from this rake to tare ram . . This Ls in aceordarce with the established MISICI/31, 41 give our lauds the opportemity of en• jo➢lag tba Natinod Annivertuv. AIratVIJISSIT es A stemma* ltromernexce- The seventy fourth anniversary of a day so de to/Li:aerie/in hearts dads us a great, a prosperous, wonderful, al:ldol:rang God, a united people.. Eel aied be the sacriligiousarne which is ever nailed to disunite m. Our territories now span the Ameri esan.Continent. - We have given our institutions, oar enterprise, our religion, our !enrage. to some fifteen hundred miles of the coast of the Pacific, 'thus It:needing oar influence, sod the impress of our institutions to the immense nations of the East, who have heretofore been so widely separated from the Meilised and Christian nations or the At lantic. Our flag proudly dents as the ensign of lib erty overa country of such boundless extent, that he imagination falters in the attempt to grasp its mighty limits. Our population, numbered by tens . of millions, is increasing with a mpidtty wholly un exampled lathe statistics of our race, and still we have room and tie spare for tens of millions mono . Our people are powerful and united—.-our laws and institution. are reverenced and obeyed--end the/ the prcepect in the (More is cheering both for the / I, _patriot and the phibtothropitu. •Who, seventy/our years ago, when our fathers, with brave andeoble - Marts, deelared our national independence; would ' have anticipated so,glorums,. so arm,7-f ul a re; suit: Let every American citizen on this glad day, afresh consecrate himself to the prmervation of our Union, of oar free irmitradons, and of our cue greaten and glory con nation. Tux Cuotams..—WeTrl loam that the Cholera is prevailing to coraddenble extent in ,Chictramileaiad aim:l / the river ... Several boats bare arrived hem' ieb bad ewes aboard: One enived on Tuesday evening from Cincinnati, which lost threicabie passengers by Cholera, and Lad another/aboard in a hopeless state. : There Las beeremOreer len Choterain St.Loula for some weeks t ehd there have been frequent eases in CM 'McDade!' late. The warm and wet weather now revelling, together with the great abundance el 7 egetablos 'arid finite , Lave no doubt promoted. female.' Ail perions would do well to be on their guard against expoiures and excesses, as the peitilenee / ,is lingerieg about us, and may visit to at any - ' time. We hope the Committee of Connell', obese duty Ilia, mill take immediate measures to have the city podded, and every offensive cause of disease about one streets,laues, alleys, mad =llan ,—,,,,promptly removed. - There seems to ws, to be a pander nnfitnessie tbe thun ibni bill before tie cPo :re., Ihr the set-tie , meat of the New. Territolyertioe, now that . New Meotco hes adopted a ezto Constitution, and este for admission into the Union. Previous . : to that event, them was ro Impropriety in eeteb. liming a territorial government, however mach differeagAfellon -there might be as to the goestiti e operation of the Wdmot Fiorito. But to offer a territorial Government w e people who have adopted a State Constitution, and who ' - ask admiision Into the Union, seems tonic very irregular course of proceeding, to say the least. witless ft can be shown that New. Mexico boo to rightto dun suet st position. It is altogether probable that New Mexico has at present more inhabitantstian Texas had whet ' ibe was brought into the. Union. Mr. Smith, the , -*Delegate from th at Territory, treys she bas a pope. laden of 90,000, more than enough to eotuititute her • State, with one Rapresentetile. 'These in• habitants, aecordiegto the treaty with Mexico. bY which we acquired the Territory, are clawless citizenry_ and have all the .rights of such, TMb was solemnly gnermatied to them by MT: Pelt, andCoegress, when they ratided the Treaty, at will be seen by the follo'wingeection : 'Atm= re —The Mexicans who, in territorim adorersid, stied not preserve the character of eat . zees of the Mexican repohlio, conformably wilt whet Is stipulated in the precedieg article, aballbr locorporred foto the Union of the Ueited Stole% and admtued so rote as rumble, aceardieg to the : _ prieciplesof the federal coottrunion, to the eejoy. meat of all the rights of edam.' of the Muted Sates. 'ln the mean ttote. they shall be mainteined and protected in the enjoymeet of their liberty. their Pto9Mtv, and the civil rights now 'Vested in them according to the Maximo Isms. With rep peel to political* rights, their condition ehrdi be on' an eqUalierith that of the inhabitants of the other territories ofthe tinned Stater, end at least equal!. good as that of the inhabitants of Lamina and tno Floridas, when these provinces, by trunk: from the French Republic and the crown of Spate became territories of the United States. • ::- -Louisiana and Florida were adentied no Stater as soon as they . mado a formed and-legal applies. _.. tire, and there was no better reason for their ad =lreton than ca. be predicated of New Marco. UCalifomiais admitted—and Congress wpriardly 1143 far outrage the feelings of the cutingp a it i y et til this Unton as to reject her—what !4 nod * on. as be Offered For rejecting the applic 'OM New Mule°. , ' . llut,-eapposieg the Omnibus Bill `should pan, aod NeW Iclexieo be remanded back to the Terri• t onal form of government, what Is to'hioder be, MU applying For admission as • State, to the next Congress, dies opening anew the whole quesitoe designed to be settled I . The only permanent and proper way of settling this vexekoestion, ls to admit California and New Mexico, with the coo mitution which they present, and leave the gees. lion of boundary to be decided by,thet established tribunals of the country. We *Mal then hear so .more of the Slavery question for Years to come, end the:two sections of the country will have let is to - colitme those friendly feelings wltzb over:lMO - old exist among a people bound togithei by aria:may sacred tlei. The opposition are dual:dating a report that ' Tues. M. Sows, El., our candidata fos Conirreits is a member the.lidasonio Institution. This n set ilia ease. Mr. Bows, ma are pima to state 4 not now, and newer has been, n member of gni saorat society whatever. The law abolishing that remnant, of barbarous age, impriumment for debt, went into operation in Vill&Lif, on the Ist of July._ale Old Dominion • it slow in following the benevolent improvements of the age, bat there ishope of her yet. Tne Colonization "bra:if, after a short suipen oleo, has again been re-issued, and. will coarialte Istneafter to be published monthly. Tho exigencies of • the Colonization cause, and the extesslon of wtsma views on the great question now before the American peoplc;imperiously called fur WI con. tinned publication, and we hope the trMnds of the good cause to which it 'is engaged will give it s liolirtgeopport. gabscriptiox price one dollar, in sdnuice. Tows rEsscr is Me name or a nem Pan oake et 111bilbbild in tins county. WHlmm I. Blorrison, 'Mr: George Catlin is...folic - aril:4l . a series of lee turesatGlasgba, on the Worth American Tin Trastrstcrsc ROUTE —An inle.iligi nt ear .; reepodent of the New York Ttilume, Writiqg frem the eityof MaMeo,7l.tioder data of thaPtii Jane, makes the following 'ornament: iiTbe American Minister ban hsd frequent sod lag loterstems with Mr. Lactinza, the Minister a sits Relations, on the rubjeot of and privileges for kr rail road aeros" the. Isthmus of Tehatuite :Tee. sod t enders:Lod thetmaty km beertfarosably +otaluded- PROII CentGonal , nes of Gs Gusbaiga GGetta Jane 29, 1530. Chn , relational' 4111 Spalm—lDr. Coapat'S 'pitch and s coarse at the Comp..=lee —Gamest Jolla Davis on the Comm In. 'boreal-442*a *Walt= eats—The Gal- The =Vousl refuel or the Governer General of Cube to let at Dotty the prisoners captured new the island Goutoy, and to vestige the vessels In which they were taltea. in compliance with the demand °fear government, la naturally producing renOuk and some degree of art.Vety., For the lan guage efXlr. Dayton'mas quite unequivocal in IC card to Mom captives. Ile said the shedding or one amp of their blood might lead to a sanguinary war between the United States and Spain. Why then are they. not released! The moat general answer to this question, as it Is the most natural and pobsb:ertOpostitott itiregsta to a, Is Simply this the expiate geueral to waiting for orders from hhi own goverement relative to the primmer'. The Important correspondence emanating from the departs:cut et State,oe this aubject,rf a date prior to Terie Ist, probably reached the Spanish capital a week ado. and a fortaiiiht or Three weeks lions this date la not more than a liberal allowance. of Was, for the receipt eitherby the Spanish minister here or the Governor of Cobs, of despatchea lone. ded on that correspondence. I Mink there is sulv fielent reason for thltdriqr that orders and eta'. ficateavalll be Promptly issued by the royal goy aliment for the return of the Couto' , prisoners to ihe United. States, end for rendering any other seated. that may be requisite for the cfrectnal res. Lenten or the good ucderstandiog between the two governments. I throw Get these suggestions only to show that there to nothing In the apintrint Indisposition of the authotitice to render us com e!etejnitice,justly calculated to excite appeben- Siena eta rupture with Spate. Senator Cooper mode att able and important speech in the Senate to day. He expressed bun. self decidedly favorable to the compromise bill of Mr. Clay and asserts his intention to vote kr it. The clear and direct arguments sort swine:meta of Mr. Cooper showed distinctiy where he is to be found. regretted to perceive in his remarks, the !Idlest confirmation of the report of his hostility to the President's mode ofseuling the controversy that agitates Me couatry,boenane can doubt that Mr, Cooper is pureeing that course which bin beckon judgment appeue/ him beat calculated to allay .xcitemeat and tare' good teeth g between the diTerent secspfn of t h e confederacy . . Bot dia eo ihiratitivendechuation of ?di:Cooper's vitalised perporesinakes ea change in thee Almelo cf the deal v,ote Nam that measure, fer Mr. C. ban been for seieralwasks reckoned among its decided sup. poison. / Sneerer Davis, afabiamachurrettv, concluded to day an able and exceedingly forcible enumeration of arguments agalest this plan of settlement His remarks upon what he called the cotton interest of this country, ais developed in this slavery agi anion, were striking and original. He otmeleded that let what would be done, there would bone ' astisfyirty p, no and thieras appeasing its thirst ' I for power at territory, or isiguance, or principle,' ' or office.. Ho considered it an interest altogether and caetinnally , aggressive, and he instanced tie innumembhsonicemiona that had been made to a by the free States, among which were the abaci. dmment arty° great principle of protection to it. lainy,a resort to froli trade, the annexation et I Tense, the war with Mexico far the acquisition el' tenitary, and to snatainannexation. Yet he per ceived that while all these and many fanner Con. Calio2ll were requite'd,hy the retinal to admit a northern State, Nashville convention and . Cuban expeditions were busily preparing new de. mends on the part of the south to strengthen and exiend this interest,which bad hitherto proved Ito autatiable. For himselVhe could not find lazuli nthe mood to make them. Mr. Clay has earnestly appealed to Senators te allow the vitalism to be taken next Wednesday but it will be in yew Even elter the en grostmey this MP, should ft be so fontunete es to resell it we ■hail have speiechee from Coririn,Setve.rd, and Beaten, and other leadiag orators at the Bence %tabu It. . The Meuse te day disposed of the low. contest: ed election ease in the manner which I have from the. first anticipated. They have dismiss,* Mr. thomisna flormbla seat, by a vote of 102 to 91. An honorable and prate worthy, bit perhaps a fas. induced Mr. McGanc.f.cland a few other Whigs . to veto to declare a vacancy In the Itcprectealation, when therflonse, in truth, had sever formally and directly denied Mi. Millar's and while a decided majority believed it to be good, thou& a motion preliminary to th , ,poe• dive assertion of it had been 'art by the cactirp vote of the spaYer. Mr. MeGstrebey, a member 11 the committee on election, and the (Aced of As. Vidler,xtede the - resolution declaring n CACZL• ly,beeacturhs binilLPitimised to do to, and be mop poled a number had voted to mist Thompson oar the faith of that promise, and because it had been Iroughont 114, contest Nr.,Miller's dare to sera Me matter btch to his rionstituents. Accordingly dy alarge majority, the Hoare adopted the reroe A struggle then ensued to get op the Gentilt . eux., , aut it and not succeed, on Rewrite of tee et.' position the free sellers and the advocates of ho 'mediate action on Califones, and the Hot:me l te. jammed till Monday. JUNIVS. Wassrnoron, .ittre 3916.1951. Corday Prisoners tote tried for Piracy —lir. Smaller's Speech-CU...tees for the Oninitnis—Clen. Herndon end the Ter. ens-The Galyitin exile in the Clouse Remoisls and Appointment.. , After the class of my teller yesterday, I learned hat a rumor .ants afield to the taws, which, true, is a oubstandal corroboration of the view taken by me, as to the probable course of affairs crowing out of the Expedition against Cabs. It a stated that despotches have been received from Havana, that the Captain Cameral had determined hold the prisoners. captured, at Conroy for trial te the tramped up charge of piracy, with a per fect underatandleg, however, that they are not to se Land :guilty. After their argaidat they will be delivereduver to the agents of the American Government for Kr. Copier did not nouclude his remarks yea. cr ay, though he succeeded in 64 very opining numerate in showing where he was and where he meant to. continue. He will resume them to. morrow morning. A canvass of the Senate made restirday afternoon, relative to the Clay compto• aloe, satisfied me of the prndenee of my coarse in not giving La to the general despondency which has ailed the friends of tho bill daring the peat ten days. IIBartle! and MOll.OO have—asemed con.. armed in their hottility, before conditionaty en Waned, and. King, of Adtbama, bas lilted new doribta,Sebution, of Ark., bee come to, Walker,of Wis., m shaking', and will an doubt be toond mg on thevote, final or siding with the ft.:ends ot the measure, and Nor, and Bradbury are conning rn enquiring mind in the matter. In short the' prospects of the bill are just as good as they ever Sara been. lam not without hope that a motion sedgy the bill-on the table will be made and car. ried early in the week, so that the road may be sleazed for the trucondillotual admission of Cab forms, bat I confess the more probable opinion in, that the debate will continue fora fortnight, or teo days longer, and will terminate In the passage ol alb& In case Of a coadiet between Texas and New Maxim, (lea. SAM Houton has professed him.- self willing to Iced the forces of his State. This was to have been enacted—Gasconade and foo thill are eery cheap, and are the Barest as well as the most harmless malarial to begin a campaign upon, and have been the favor,te munition, with aliscoateom In war, "Siena Nimrod Ben the bloody game began." But something more is necessary to carry forward annul hostilities to. lay tangible result. Forte. 'lately for the cause of peace, the ways and means of our Sooth Pirestern sister are not equal o the self reported valour of her rota. tier ranger' would ao doubt highly relish a trip from see settlensems over the Sao or SIX hundred miles Jr waste and desolation that separate them from we Rio Grande valley, at the mowing of the Southern boundary of flew Mexico, but she has Jot the money, nor the credit wherewith to equip my thing like a reipeotable expedition. and there• fore the peace will be preserved. Upon the whole en are not likely to lose the merrier:sof the gallant ;emend in the Senate. iTherit'yrill 'be a struggle in the House over the notion to like up the Gelphin cote to morrow Thai Wino= now. 'Muds se a special 'Mar i ana stlicome before the agave its • hitcat anon virtually condemning the payment of in meat in them's°. This resolution will be Aer e ety . ..sontested. Toccohr, and acme °Went, stand ready to defend the conduct and meted of the seaway of War kom all &Koos WWI tap! . . Italon?, but a mid:ally el the Hense think. lase expulsion of unfavorable opinion nicetardy, ender the eircomsioncer. The toalter, therefore. if taken up, will cosier:s no little tiros. • For this', reams the free sailers and peculiar friends of the' 'dm:salon of Caldomis, will oppose way present' , action epee ft, and; if possible, postpone it tor a coauthor Lai. WeCh longer. We have moons* of more removals and itp. I pointments. Major Hobble, first assistant P. IL G. is now pointed at. He is a democud, nod is adulated to be au eucelleat officer. Illateffire is, moreover, one that cannot be well administered without pleat pratice and experience in tits des tails. There has, too, been a pretty fair, equalize. den in offices of this grade, by the eppointment of Whip In the place of democratic partizan. For these reasons, I would recommend, or at least suggest the propriety of letting Hobble alone. No ' injustice will be done by dismissing him, but it is certainly true that there are some other subjects fi;e who have almost grown to their o ' lel chains under democrade patronage, wheels 1 :vice could be better dispensed with. Dame. frinis maw tons. Correspondence of the Pinveargh Gutetta. rim Wax, June 29.. The week closes 'quietly, 'and 'Without any of those little esettements which contrive to keep Gotham in a state of perpetual effetvetcence. The news that we received, a day or two ago, that the poop% of New Mexico have gimlet° work and mode a Gayer:lineal for themselves, created a little breeze among the politietans, but it soon died away when it was fumad that Congress showed a divpo siiion to look upon it coolly and calmly, makre the restiveness of the ultras, south of Mason nod Dixon. •• • • The bob nobing of the liarnburaem and Old Hunkers, about "union - and harmony," in one of the dark cavernous Committee Hoorn, of Tamura• ny Hall, a night or two ego, has also supplied the materiel for a goad deal of chit chat and prophesy log, but it is alt forgotten now, in that dreamy list lessness and abaence of excitement, 'Which arethe peculiar charneter&s of mid summer heats, in the "great metropolis•" - In fact, the weather is- too warm to provoke an excitement of any kind. The fashionable worldere tucking up their traps for the ananall stampede to the various watering places, North and East, and they who ore not faith. ionsble will follow by and by. Hundreds have already gone, and thousands are preparingto leave; so that it, is ehfe to calculate that in about another Month or&o, there will be found sweltering in this great big - brie-1r and mortar (omens, nobody but the newspaper cinTespondents and other poor devils who are considsred proof alike to a browning sun, and the exorcisnia of the "Exacting Geddes." ,We had no feWer than three steam ships arrive akthis port, to day—first, the "City of ph:snow," from.Plargow; then the Helena Vontan, from Ham• burgh; and last, but not least, the U.. S. Mail Steamer Somhernee, from Charleston. But what littleasews came to band, through these channels, was all thrown aside by the announcemcint thonly afterwards, that the "Pacific hkd been boarded off Halifax. At one o'clockwe received & telegraphic transcript of the news, which, itrpoita of polittcot and commercial importance is second to none we have. had for months past. The Pacific will hardly teach this port before hluttloy. Our Cuba patriots, here, are roifih ol s*m - ivica the prospect of having an opportunity to give a public demongmtien of their love for the Queen of the Antilles, in n mariner that is not likely to come either under the "Act of 1318," nor the itaigni.l once of the United States 'authorities, here. An cording to a telegraphic despatch, received in town, to day, "the great Captain" has actually &elecd on board a schooner at Norfolk, for this port He is expected to arrive on Monday. An oration is get ting ready for him. The Rochester Rapping Girls, I harie the honor to inform yen, have-been, at length, coinpletely'—that is to say, they consented to make med. el anigi of tberraselveri, the other evening, in the presence of a select Committee of resixensble ma trons, for the purpose of denionstmting the fact that the mysterious hemmerings on the door have no connections with their persons. The Committee enure away satisfied with thin iimetrlfingation," though not very unanimously, -I understand.' A Minority Report will be offered, stating that, as one of the females did not doll her nether garment, there is yet ample room for suspecting that the ghosts are not ix*. they ehnntd be. •• The linverialteMn Opera company stay with ns anceser week only, and they go then to Boston, where they will perform a week or so. Returning, -they will, give us another short season, and then embark: foe. Havana. During the present week they hare giuen us' three superb representations of that grand but gloomy opera of Aleyerbeers—"Lee Hoguenots , :—bat I believe it has sot proved very profitable to the exchequer of rho theatre, in Astor I Plat, On Monday evening mo ore to have that gluttons production of Rossini, “The Semiramede," ' 'with Tuedereo as the prima donna- In this coo -1 neiion, 1 may mention, that Dimaccianti has erriv ,ed from her-western tom, with which,-by the way, she expresses herself higly gratified. She goes to 1 Europe in the next Steamer, with a view tog ength -1 en her .bettered health.' Ina • _ _ business point of view, the week has been remarkable for nothing of extraordinary :merest Next week, however, the brokers ; will have their hands full, paying and receiving. ditidends, which am to be paid on the stocks of the Pedral Govern ment, nod the bonds of Kenweky, Tennesse, New York, Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. -The Ohio Life end Trust Company, moreover, pay out on Mon day, 6438,670 -t2—the Merchants Bank, 5100,000, and the Assistant Treasurer 51,100,000. Stocks within the day 'or two past, have taken "a favorable tun," abetter demand exists, at mo e buoyant prices. The advaece in Erie Rail Road stock, foe the week, is 2 per cent; on Erie Second Bonds, 2 per cent, on Pennsylvania .s's 12, on Del aware and Hodson Canal 1-2, Reading Rail Road 5-8, Harlem 13-8, Farmeis' Trust I per cent, New. York and New Haven Rail Road 1 per cent, No, wich and Worcester 1.2, and U. S:Stocks from 1-2 to 3-4 per cent; The news by the Pacific has given more confi dence io the holders of cotton, though, in the atr. scam, of any paniculars of sales in Liverpool, there wiU be no large transactions until the arrival of the malt. Sales to day '7OO hales. The sales of flour for the past three days, aggregate-18,000 barrels; at 4,37 1.2a4,50 for sour, fine 4,37 1.234.50; auPerfine No 2 4,50a4,75; common state, :02 The market for Provisions bee been brisk. Ohio pork bat Met with a particularly entire demand, the. tales are 1700 bbls at 10,781-0510,75 for men, 8,63 1-2 for prime, 12,50 for clear, 0,87'.1.2 forum mess and 8,25 for rumpa Beef remains very dull, and there are only email *aim within our range; prime mess end beef hams are nominal., • Ohio lerd is dul - and rather lowerilhe tales are three hundred hills. prime at 6 743, 11.0 do No 2 11 1 1 2, and 150 do grease 1.255 Iroo—The market continues languld,with but lit tle demand for any , dereriptiOn. Scotch pig sells slowly from ship at ei20,25a20,50, and 100 tone mate taken at 20, 6 mos. For English Irani, 36 is asked. Ashes—The tales are 73 bbls pot nt 5,694.5,75; 20 do pearl, 6; and 200 Canada put, 5,15, in Sand. Collfee—Tbe market, previous , to yesterday, was rathecllat, but there was then Mereased firmness, and prices - cloud buoyantly, having an upward tendency. The transactions include 660 bags Bra sil at 164101-14 260 Jamaica 10;'200 Sumatra II; 350.Javn 111 h 100 Deguyra 0 1.4n2 1.2; 100 Mar acaibo ll 1-.0 3-4; usual time, 500 St. Domingo 91.4 19 1-% cash. Coal—Sales have been made of lOW tons Lecke warns, for shipment to California, at 4,68 3.4, cash. freight 20; and a cargo fine Newcastle, to arrive, on terms not made public. C. The reader will see torn the followleg para graph, from the Si. Louis Republican, of Juno 26; that the Plesldent is coocentratleg farces where he out nee them for the preserottiou of the teflon. at honer, and the integrity of the territory of the &me of New Mexico. • ARLIVAL.OI , T 100 1 ,3 VS= 401.1 DA LT 17771:10 son—The rase steamer Concordia, Capt. Meet, twined at the wharf yesterday morn ing, from New Oilearwoelatch place she sett en the evenicg of the 18th tenant: • • To the randneu orate clerk we are Indebted kW papers of that date. • . The C. brought up and landed at Selferson Ban. racks, five comparees of the 7th A. 8. Infantry, and toe followtrg officals Co1."1. Plat:argon, con,. mending Ith regiment; Lieut. W. K. &gain, re. gimentat quarter master and acting adjutant; Maj. George, Andrews, AwletantSurgeon, G. K. Wood; 13 , 0Vel Major D. B. Whiting, atmmaadiog compa ny K; brevet Major IL C. Gatlin, commandteg enmpdny F, Lieut. M. It. Stevenson, commend. log company B; Wilcox, commanding company I; Idaut. A. 3. Batton, commanding 40s1pasy 11, and airline commluvit. Thew troops lett Tampa Ott the 13:b lug all was then quiet. - :Gert. Twins sad staff bad left for Washington city. The reterandet of the regi. meta are to follow to about leader.; thelrdestlea. bon for the present being Jet:fen - on Barracks; and It Is presumed are to be cmOcyed as estora an emigrant trains going to the Pacifin by way otln. dependence. Well you may say what you please about Cap tain Spethle's meactom—them isone Mint know, nod that is, that he wised my life thmo titnes at the battle of Chapultepec.," ullow so!" "Why, erin7 limn Ivo ran Min Ifollowsd .." - - Putztrurgla Ca 1.4 4- masa. sonoor.— Aka this in the arnica when the children crone !Public Schools, gene:tan areexhibiting to theft plumate and Glands their proficiency in the sled, les of the School-4 attended - the First Ward Echools,ln Allegheny,_ _ on Monday and Tuesday last; nod, Indeed, it win an occasion of deep Lu tetium to at who were present, and to none more than myself. I have never seen in any school or schools, select or public, such evidence el deep and thorough knowledge of the various studies perinining to the school room an wan here. Far. tlctilaily would I mention the Female departure at under the care of halm Robinson and Mtn Ew- ing. Too much embus eaunot Do awarded to them, for tbmr indefatigable xxertions for the In. Wrest and advancement of them popils. Tho ex• Groins were of the most Interesting character.— The examination In German anis unequalled by. any I have ever' witnessed. The pupils in Mita liabluson's claw evinced a thorough acid practical knowledge of that diacult and abstruse study, quotiegyithart estortuittiog famtlutrity; the rules and enjoinment the most celebrated 'Miter*, brith ancient and modern, 0.11 Well as 60111 Cheek, Lit. in, Freich, dm. In Geography,)tiothing could be more satiefactery. The essays of the young la• dies were each as elicited the admiration of all; and ware,. Indeed, such as might have been cx. petted from the pulpit or profeases'a chair. I would like to make my remarks More extended, and may at some anbuquent time. Ilut, in con. clown, I would ray, well may the citizens (Atha Feet Ward be proud of their schools; and they cannot be other wiae, so long as they have those teachers whose highest aim and moat powerful incentives, are the advancement and pceneaned interest of there committed to their core. One sot 'traction grunted to my mind on this et:maiden, wee that the public schools of Pennsylvania aro destined ultimately to be "the schools . of the State. Pardon me be intruding eo much on your columns. I consider thin brief and imperfect no• tee of what Interested me so much, hot a simple act of Janice. For the Pitudsogh Gazette Ms. Wurn— ald the das, and too associations connected with It, will, as it to wcit ceico Wad to do, d vaitn nolo gled tenlings ofjoy and gratulation, crony [mai- Bat,to the potat—wilrtais day ba tobarly and diacreetlytpentt kwill cot be forgotten by thole jour reader', who ticalga putlcipatiag to ha I . :olivine', that pindenee is eating, and driakiag, and tasting, of the- thoatand and one &Pasant which will be held out teroming/y to them, at the V.lloua places of public roust, is a mates which trey should not for a moment neglect am lead to these lased.ns by the fact, the, although the cholera is not immediately to.our midst, we are threatened by that terrible disease from different quavers, and I em induced to be lieve that retrial Is only wasted Ice it to write upon, to give dm awl In this city. Thochalera la at reseal veil , bad lo Cincinnati, and it should not be forgotten that we 1.0 in daily CCl3l9lll3tea • lion with that city, by the arrival and departure of atonal boats. Every precaution should be used by enroll sena. Tao delicious and •teruptir-g fruits of the lelllloll have just made their appearatce lna our market. lea creams, arid tee water, which ere to inviting to toe palate, flaw in profusion, and as the weather is extremely warm, much retort will tionbtlees be had to three beverages to-day. A would repent, that caution should be taken at es• ery step by our citizen:, in telt:fence to this mat• ter. Before doting, I wonl,l call tto attention of on city authorities to the necessity of timely action, to reference to um matter hinted at i% the above remarks. I could point them to many pare of our city which need cleansing, even were we not threatened by the cholera. The stream should be thoroughly cleansed, and every thing should be rt. moved which may have a tendency to aggravate the disease, shoold it oppear In Cur snide'. It is not my &tip to create on eincemosan porde in reference to the cholera. Oar city, tram the .veri . firat sppearanceof that fataddheart,irt tale eau:earn has bete more favOredltall any oths er city: of the VICO population m the United Stoles l.hut this tact stioald only serve sa a atoocg• CT badmen:mat f r every precautionary Cop to be taken, is, dpoo its next visit, it may be atmodcd by a greater degree of fatality. to order to gourd against the evils mining from a disease to fatal, a tip:runt itsbreaking out incur toldsi,or oprcad ,g and becoming trootagigustiftel It shall appu, eh that is necessary is a mac:ea degree of Tun Pestrrr &rm. or Boas—The New Yolk Cooner and Eirgnizer bre the following :moths upon the dcapolibm of the present Government of Nome: It has lately been asked, through our columns, by cue whose chars:let and Sawn command em sweetest respim, [Bishop Hughes why stinted Manua, and Sotto, aau St. Iscuel, be, loured by sub little notice, while the whee stream of cdt tonal, censure is directed against tiro Pepe end. the .Cardinals of Roan! As fur ourselves, we are against all uojusi dtsertothations, and ever elm to expert and deationce oppression pad wrong solienteer we find them. But yet, is act Chnsuaw ay tho great pallsdium of 'Littman rights, the great sorely of political coiratichiSetsent sod social ie. drew? In there no deep and solid troth in that remark at Novaus, that me 'Christian religion is Tee root of ell .lentworacy—ittehigheet font in the Righteof Han! . - Have we not, then, a rght t o expenti In favor of justice and freedom, more of the. Pope; - woo elatmato be we loftiest champion and thableimet eiponeel of Christianity so earth, than of those oronarnits who are controlled by a portly worldly policy Can wo shot our eyes to the fact that tae pnbucal advancement of "Leadoiraid Berlin and Vienne° Is far, the two lint lofibiltly far, ha. yond that of Rome, espeeitlly in reference to them two most vital elements of *bedsit system—Rep resentative Intinntions and the Press! Can we dine= the reality, - that alibi; hour the Papas Government W. so fat: as relates to political guar. antics and securities, ',absolute irresponaitle • despotism ,that of Ate Czar of the. Routes, or that of the Sullen of Tiirkey—a despotism more' unqualtfied than it was a Itionsand years ago, be. cause then dm people bad the privilege of naming their Master, however independent he veldt be of . teem, after his election, Men of every party and every religion must answer these questions W . a similar way. Pins Ii has now item fermanths In his capital, and to oar disippointment and sorrow we aro nia ahle to direover the Waters symptom, the alightem -trace of an Intes.ime to return to the pith of civil reform and papule, progress. We are forced to recognize thnt ItameoL now visited with a reign of terror it has not known for generations. Sall we will not yet surrender our faith, one erne, and onr oberity ; oar faith lo the integrlif and diela tereftedness of Ike Roman teller—our hope thethe will yet summon boldness to fulfil his : promises now unredeemed—and our charity Rr his orlel. ray stress, in befog hoarded by a mob of homebred ingrates, and being 'shielded by an army of for. mercenaries. The Wuhicren Coffin coatinues to rave about the news from New Mexico. In en article on toe malting of a Stato Constitution by the people it Sinia Fa, (New Mexico) the venerable editot thus froths and tonna:— a * • * sl We appeal to those Southern representative', end ask them; tan this wroe* be righted t Can they pass any set of certhure upon the conduct or ihe Executive, without arctheina the wrath and provoking the denneeietions of them Southern Whigswho have; suddenly become willing to obliteinth party lines, in their devotion to Southern rights Cad California be remanded to her territorial conditirn Y * * * • a Utah will net bo stow to (glowing the exam ple, and then the South will be inevitably excluded from every foot of territory acquired from Mexi co. Nothing will be lull to her but as appeal to lame • • • • - .. • . The naked Wane now presented some to be a choice between the Adjustment and the Admit:ifs. fration polley.which effectually exclude. the South from all pattielostion to the territories aminired horn kflezire. The only other alternative la di. nein:land civil war." • • • • • "We were willing to take the MICKIllti Cont. promise. Rat can they get 11l Two days more will probably deeide that !location to the Senate, and a more decided rejection awaits tt in the Reuse " We speak freely ; for the times demand h." " Appeal to arms!" "Remanding Californle !" "Censuring the Esecolive !' "The idiasnori Compromise V' The man la as mad as a March hate. GeolOtei—The Legislature of Georgia,-*lonth vro believe,mt thispoint—euthoriesd the Goiter* nor. Wean a Convention of the people of the state In the event of tko admistlott of California. The editor of the Foderal Maori, evidently . speattion by authority, soya that Goveri3or Town regards the scion of the Legislature too plain to admit of cavil, and deems It his duty to cart) out the law in the contingency speed:fed. Gov. Towns will call the conveation to the avant of the admbnlon of Gan:anis, whether that act he coupled with haw weawarescit twt. DEOLI#APION OP SADSPidPDROOL Prix 4,'1776. A Da/sinews by eu Riusseasativea of the Mild • , State of ifilierion, is Coogrus . ausontied. When, .in the enema of human events, it be cemes ceeessety for one people ko.dinialve thew-. lilted bands which have connected them with an. other, and to mums, 'among the powers of the earth, the capture andequal station to which the lawn of nature and of nature's God entitle. them, • decent respect to the opinions of mankind ?a ltare, that they should declare tne causes which impel them to the separation. . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created tree co equal; that they are en* dowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happlaesk . That, to secure these rights; governments are instituted ambegmen, deriving their just powers from the consent of this govern ed; teat whenever any fond of government be mimes destructive of the ends, it is the right of the people to titer or to •lish it, and to institutea new government, tufo Its foundation on loch principles, and orgaznalo its powers insuch form, t‘.. KS to them shall seem at likely to effect their eatery and happiness. redeem, Indeed, will dictate that garment' long established, 'lipoid not be changed fur tight rid transient causes; and accordingly:all experience bath shown, that men. kind are more disposed to suffer, while evils ore sufferable, than to right themselves by ebollshing the fermata which they hainsibeen accustomed-- But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing inurinbly the name object, evinces a de luge to redneo them under abeoluie despotism, it Is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such a roveroment, and to provide new guards for their Baum security. Such has been the patient suf. reroute of theta colonies, and such in now.the tie easily whicinconerrakis theca to alter their former spume of government: The hislory of the pres ent king of Gust Britain is a hlstory of repeated injuries and usurpations, all haring, 'ln direct ob ject, the entablithment of s n absolute tyranny aver three States. .To prove this, lot facts he submit ted too candid world: He has refused his ascent to lairs the most wholesome and ncectsory for the public good. He hie forbidden his Governors to pose lame of immediate and preesinig importance, unless sus+ pcuded in their operation until hie assent should be otintioed ; aid, when so ourpended, he has ete wily neglected to attend to them. He bob retuned to pars other laws for the ac commodation of large dilative of people maces those people wield telicueiah the tight of repro sentation to the legislature; a right inestimable to them, end forraditble to t 7 tool. only. Ha boo celled together legialative bodies at pls. cerium:meal, encomfortobtc, and diwant from the depository of their public record., tor too soh: pap pose of fatiguing them inn compliance with his He ha diuoletd reprerentatioe homes repeat* idly, for opposing, with manly bemoan, his lavas Woos on the rights of the people. Ile Dm refused, for along aim° after each din solution', to cause otheth to be elected; whereby the legislative pave, incapable of acathillation, bare retained to the people at large far their ex+ erase; the stele remaining, In the metro time, ex plored to all the danger of irotagoo from without, mid convulsions within. . He hasondeavored to prevent the population of thew Stares; for that tharpaise. obstruction' the laws for the neturaligation of remised/a; plotting to pass others to encourage their migration hither. and raising the conditions anew appropriation of • lands. - He has obstructed the administration of justice , by retasieg his anent Mims fee eatablishlng ja. diniam Invert lie has used: judges dependant on his will alone Is, the tenure of their effices, and the amount and permeate( their rainier. ;lie has erected a mulotude of new offices, and sent hither warms of oineent to harm our pen. pie. end eat oat abed substance. Ito has kept among us; lolly* , Of Peace. Fand lug Armies, without the commit of our legislature. lie hes seeded to render thamilitam iodepend. eat of, and superior to, the Mid power. lie has combined., with other, to subject as io • juriedivion o:irrigate our conlmtloo, and un acknowledged by our taws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering great bodies of armed Uncps among 111: ' For protecting thorn, by a mock trial, from pun. • 'ahment, fns any - mercers which they 'Moab] emu mit on the inlasbnants of theaeStatee For cutting oil our trade with' all parts of the world: For imposing taxes on us without oar consent For depriving us, in - many cams, of the benr fits of trial by jury .For transporting no beyond seta to be tried for pretended offences: I • - For ebolishieg the free system of English laws in a neighboring protrinceoratablintlng therein an arbitrary government, and eulanring its bound.. ries, was to tender list °nestle example and. fit instrument for iotrodecing the same absolute rubs Mtn there colonic, : ••. For taking away mar chancre, abolishing our more 1,11113mb:a laws, and sitering,,fuadamentally, the roans of our governments: ' For tomcatting our own ittsistareat and dr.. elsrleg themstlves - invested With- the power to legislate for as in all came whatsoever. lie, has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war againat He. boa pleedeeed ens teas, ravaged our 00,515, burnt our Pewee, and dente:lei the lives of our people.-,He is, at this time, transpettieg large armies of forden rtieroromiet to &replete the work, of death, desolanoti, and tyrronne, ,!ready to ion; with oleeumttati crier cruelty and perfidy cased? partnelled in the most botbterus ogre, and totally unworthy the bend of a civilized nenoa. He has melanoma our felleur -eitliene, taken captive on the high seaato bear anus agaicot their country totecome the elect:nonce, of their friends and brethren, or to fell theratelves by their hand,. He has excited domeatio insurrections amongst es, sod Ass endeavored to bring on the iehebl tattle of our frontiers, the met-diens Indian nava. pet, whose - known rule of weenies it an undone ' gashed deattnet.on, ofall ages, eexes, and condi. don% la every steno of these °pp/anions, we have pc thinned the sinew. In the most humble term.; oar repeated petitions have been answered cony by repeated injury. A. prince, whose character is them marked by every is which may define • tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler afa tree people. Nor have we been wanting la attention to our British brethree. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempt" ,made by their legit, 'atom to extend an 'un warrantable jorledlction over on. We have reminded them of the einem trances ofourernigrallon and inclement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnet - hairy, and we have co Muted them, by the ties of our common kindred, to Mourner these usurp.. Lions, which mould lacy nobly interrupt our am pectioce and correspoodatice. They. too, have 1 been deal to the voice ofjustico and consangatnity, We meat, therefore, maltasee is the necesifty, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we he'd the rest of mankind, enemies In war, m peace friends. We, therefore, the representatives of the VNI. TED STATES OF. AMERICA, In GENERAL CONGRESS assembled, appealing to the Su preme Judge of the World, foe the rectitude of one intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good peoplmol these Felonies, solemnly pub. lisp and decteu, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, Free and Independent Stater that they are abiolved from all allegiance to the ' British crown, and that all political connex ion between them and the Sate of Great Britain, is. and °mart to be, totally diasoleed; and that, as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they bees foil Power to levy 'war, conduce peace, contract alliances,. catabllatt commerce and to do -all ether ups sod thing. which INDE. PENDENT STATES mil of right do. And, for a support — of this declaration, wilb erm relic , co an the protection of DIVINE PROVI. DEN 3E, we mutually pledge to each other; oar lives, our fortunes, and oar sacred hone" The foregoing declaration was, by order' of Cobartru,engroased; and ihmed by the following members JOHN HANCOCK., Hew Hampollire. /Ifassaeheturto Bay. Josiah Bartlett. ' Samuel Adam", Wtlifam Whipple, :John Adam.. Matthew Thornton. , Elbridg Robert T G er reat Paine, e ry. Rhoda Delaware. Stephen Itopkins, Goat , ROdoeye William Entry, George Head, ThomakM'Keut. Conduit-M. , Maryland Rages Sherman, Samuel Chase, Samuel Heald:von, William Pica. Witham WMbsmr , , Thomas Stone, Oliver Wolcott. ' Charles Garrollof Oar. rolltea. -,,Nn, Then. Ynpieia William Floyd, George W tae, . PUT Livingston, Richard Henry Lee, Francis Lease, Thomas Jeffersoe, Lewis Morris. Benjamin /billion, NEW Jewry. Thomas Nekton. jnn. Richard Stocktoti, Francis Lightfoot Lee, John Waherapoon, Garter Braxton. Francis tioplaasorf, Berta Cantle. John Hart, William Hooper, Abraham Clark. Joseph Hewer, rennektrams. • John Peen. Robert Mortis, Souls Cardoso. Benjamin Rush, Edward. Rutledge, !Someone Franklin, Thomas Heyward, jr. , John Morton, Thomas Lynch, Inn. - George Gymer, Arthur Middleton. James Smith, Gorge". George Taylor, Batton Gannoeu, James Wilson, Lyman Hall, George Ross. George Walton. E=3 Tex Siam Is gratifying to tee the unanimous and hinny enthusiasm with which the Wolgjeurnals throughout Pennsylvania have ?retired the ticket framed by the recent Suits Convention. The country payee', to all direc tions and without excepticg, continue to manifest a loyal devotion to the to Whig patriotic, piny of the country, and to it, eminently successful State and National Admlnistratioris; and the seal they Manliest la support bf our candidates for Ca nal Commissioner, Surveyor General, and Audit or General, gives token of I unity of . gentilucit and feeling, a harmony of purpose, and • fraternal gu eeierom, which sear at naught the fond hopes their of Mir opponents of an alienetion of Whigs from biager Whigs. The Whigs of Pentsylva. pia were never more firmly cooed tad barmaid oat than now. Every where we have indications of aieepicai vigilance on the pert our faithful son. tomb,. Tney all feel that the success of the Whig candidates morel most to the benefit of OW good old)Soygowa Eltatoo-Moish blimps*: LOGAN, - WILSON 4 ca., . 129 WOOD Zr, ASOVETIFTII, ' Dave Net reeeived large 'additions to Weis : .• IPEING STOCK OF !CARDS/SE, CIALEST,Ice . Imported by late packets from Falrope, and which they would especially call the aueatioa of Earebasers, be hevieg meir very ezten• ems 'lock, and now pric ctb will give • entire tiefa • maylklavelyT - - Office of Ohio rad Yrangt. R. R. Co. Third rt.l Jane 15,1E30. Too Stockholders of the Ohio and Penneylvarda Rail Road Coronary are hereby notified to pay the sixth instalment of five dollars per share, at the °free of the Company, 03 heretofore, on or before the allth day of June nest, sad the remaining instalments of ed per dare, on or before the JOtir day of each sae • ceediog month, until the whole am paid.. Je2ohlitf LARIMER, Jr., Treamtrer. Stied Itestortd to eight by the Po trelsnm. 8. B. Leone—Sir•. I wish to been testimony to the mOicel 'lmre of rho Oil celled Patrolman. I wee for a long time affiteted with a - bled,lf inducted and' very lore eye, to much to MI to lose sight entirely for about three months, with very little bevel of ever recovering the tight, and bat a alight prospect of hostel It re lieved of the toren , ii; my attending PhY3l.lll woo unseccestfal in making a cure, or in giving' relief, and afforded me hot little eneouregement. - I heard of the Petroleum about the lit of Aprll, lE.SO, end gave it a trial: the remit le. the sight le teetered end my eyes wed, except a little tender or week when Igo oat in the min. ANN IRELAND. . • „ Mansfield it., Cincinnati, May 44 . ,1978. 8.8. Lt.:ma—Sir I have be &filleted with Plles for ran yens, and hare tried other remedies, without permanent rel.ef, wall I heard of the Petroleam. I hare used only one bottle, and think I not entirely csd. I recommeni. it to all who are afflicted with Pigs. I hare known it to be good for wee eye.. Cincinnati, May tat, ten% C. CIABRETSON But tale by Iltyaerd, fl6Dowell, bin ttoo4 street; E Sellers, 17 Wood et.; D M Corry, Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; olio by the proprietor. S. U. BIER, . li4 Centel Basin. Seventh et, Plusbergh MA EtILIZD. On the 2d tart.; by the ger. Dr. Pierer, Mr. Wx. Wusos to Miff itax..o Penman, all of Allegheny. ' 00-eattT tElt Ute lIE subscribers have this day roma a cAPartOrS- A. ship 1111UCt the firm of W sr Wlnr Um our. port of trantatiing the Whoiersie G r oc e ryarid Coro minion Basins's, at No iG Wood street. War. WIL9uN, Jr.. FRANK. WILSON' —•- Rent, A BAKE OVEN, wlthout a nolo. Loctitlah not pariell:ll--Pittsbingit p.eletrod. Addrss M. yiSt L at thl.Aß , ce. let• 1341TAS11-2 woke just received to day, tsar/Hier article, imitable for retailing, which will ba sold low for c.esi by S Car N. Ro 4 W ood and Sixth n CQ-PJICT97CIIIHIP• TAR. W. Burbridge & Beal. F. Inahreat have this dal sowiated theteuelves under the fine of Bat bridge & tosbrom.uo transact n Wholesale Grocery aad gleam! Coatattuiort Hyalites', in the house lately tiettrilleg b 7 lievorldge, Wilson &Co,llB Max at. Palsbargh, July t, Itsoe-i74 ' CIE= pits Partnership hareustere existing between the sabsell beta, under Ide. Earn or Llarbrides, Wllson & Co., was this day dissolved by mutual consent. 'rho t.noness of the arm will be nettled by J. W. But. btidge,,er We., Wilson, Jr seer et' whom n,asuboe lid to use the nuts. Or the W. tuna in a. J. LIORSIODSW., 1,17/51. IV t LeON, Jr. LYON, suunua 1,18.W.—jy4 PlUsbulg!t, . POI/ &MONT, A LONG TWOU Mr Conolly's Dry Coeds sm. 'the town is well !unshed, and tarnished an gas fittings. rattance on taatx“ Street . } 4 E. D. GAZZAn DIVIDEND, Putsbergh, July 3,1030, . 11£ President and Board ot 'Managers of the T Northern Liberties Bridge Company having do, mated a dividend of one.fluilar and fiity cents, on iwch share of use capital ttock acid company. Ilia same will be pad to t i e saint holders on or alter the 10.hin a t. K %VAIN:LB, Treumer. iy4M3t - DiVIDDND. pace of the Allegheny Bridge Company, rittsborgh, .1 Lay 150830. THE Prceident and klmingen of the Company for crecrieg a Bodge over too Allegheny 14ecr, OP . 1.0•103 Yawn: nigh, to 'the 1301:Ity 01 Atkghnny, have tats day declared it dividend of ono dollar sod seaway cents on coca share of me capimt stock, standing in the Lame al an the books to the company, out of the prots the last sir 'monthe, which Writ be paid to strickhoiders or their legal repnesentrolves forthwith. ItT4) /WIN 11.11tPER,Treasencr. In the Court or Common P a• or All.. shorty diuntoty.' • . TN the Mitt!, of th e .appllatutoo of th e Ohio mad rootestreanio.JWl flog Company for the Aght of rt ay. No 1:5, Juno T. 1050. And now, J aly 341E50, Report of Yiewere preeent odtaopouCort,Sted 004 ordered that o.3dOtt begiven by publication 000 week to (Ito rittobAtEO Gortta I) • 'kW Tile COURT. °MEAT /111.1fi1tICAM . Arm mI2OII.II4ICAL JUST PUI3i.i.BBED in medium folio, Ca cense• aubscribera One Dollar to non subscriber. ; • ..tot Vl.' of "epectmeus of th e atone, Iron, and Timber Bridge., Venduela Tunnels, Culverts, da an of the Vance States Roil Beads! , By George Duggan, Architect and Coil Ennui., Tho prawn( pan contais beannfully• executed I rations., and n and of the Timber Bndge • three notes of 15n, and one span of lea feet) tams. , the Delaware st dew Mill Itit on the line of the New %sok and Eris !toad, win [panthe on's., esti . Moat. de. N. Lt With the emceed (Mitt port are given Bocci men Pimes of the Arra:use tor ftmosencut aid practical Twins, oil itirnige &dining, rec z aterinsta.. l tercel plena, c le entwill, teed° , a, arid details GI a east iron oblique snob t3t. teem., across Fairfield meet, Mmicto or:, on the line ot 'the Manchecter and Bir mingham Ili R. Alta, aapecimeu sheet of the lettet pi cm •.f die Ancona, cite anhitrodoetery article on me appl.eation of Is.. to Ball Road stracitirts. 91 is a wort that was n great desideratum, and noon pm.. of great benefit to the engineering( profes sion generally, sod espeetady to the gyro iu . practical engineering anti atectlatileal kunWierge, treat it &Utter or that it world regeire yenta of labor and patient toll on the pen in a y Oang •C gritece prepafe the nrawings end collect ilia intormauen that calf be embodied to woes, nut eau now be procured for. the trifling cam of t tt—lnctendhe Amerman, March:, le, laf.O. • • Nit connection with Ws sultilset Own Patl Rend Stratteres; we take imeasum to null attention gain to Mr. Magnet , tralmiblc and expensive pablleautie; I exhibiting drawings. arlth full deceriptsonO of the canons wane, torn, and wood ondeca tea eels, mavens, Re., of all the rail roads la the United Smolt. Mr Langan man actomplisbed uranium and civil enginwrortio cane from Behold, ta .his marl , / t atomize Ms protection, but finding rail road con novenae here, la many-respects, vifferent from that to. which be had been accuctoined Europe, he applied himself tome study of our irysterm and t he Welts of nix researches nod investigatitom embodied In this work • are well calculated to meet the exigencies of migtocersoute ter nwlat diattaatantro,bricee builders, imechanirs, and content/O—EN. Y. /venial of Cain. mere., F.b. 11, ItSO • gla• Published ny GEAROE DUGGAN, SWBrood. Broad y New 1 ork,to whom all communieation a should bo addressed and mththetptions forwarded. • Baddi WANTED, AGIRL to do bonteerorlt. Apermar.ent and plea- , . rem slinadon ean be baud of by applying - et tire ' . Damaged Dry goods at Thallf Pries. B ARGAINSI;II.KRGAINS wid.t. RUSSELL, Sign of Om lite Sea Brea, Yr Weikel street, between Third and Fourtb.ei continue tolling these Damaged Dry good., on Wt nesday, Jaty 31,and will continue from dayto day until all the damaged goods are sold. These goods are alighly damaged by water, and will be offered to es parebastre al leas th an half the a clgthel CAM. Our numerous mummers and tap public m general 'lease cell goon and steam bargain. The good. were usmiged by water only, and many of th em will be tuned 010001 perfect Others of them we will sell at • Lomat' any prier. Please remember' the Wore, No Oral 'whet street, between Tied end Fourth man of the fligSee tiler, where no mash Customer will be sent away without being perfectly satlafied. All MU rooms will be opened for retail trade on Ibis oeession.f - UM] IVN. 1., RUSSELL_ I 00.PAILT3ERSIIIPs iIa.VF, this day, amootated we me air. I, H. Clouse; In the Wholesale Gmetry and Produce bashmeg the style of Ltd) firm be A-Calbertacm ts &Clou, 1431 A. CULLER:att./Di C91.211t',031 • (1. lt. moms • A. OULAIRIITIOti i CLOUBE, 12THOLMiLE GROCERS and Committal 111' ebente, Octavo In Pzeduce, Pirtsbareti Dlanufaeurted arteleal93 Liberty. Pittabargb, 113 FOURTH OF JULY! MAIM EXCUB3IO/1 TOZ , GREENWOOD & ROSEDALE • • m ak i Hiar T t h r= di steamer dd a ak t ; PIIILIP DODDILIDGE,i WllllVrooof=er7l boor 14; dteom¢enato'etl rnornina, and retql till It tt 0-1 BEARDSLIA S SPLLNIAD•, BRASS BAND Wlllbe on board during the alit moon and awning. , jeanlld 1 NEW Di.bOKIS I NEW 11001161 Al 'lifi ., 7 s' litrmry Dept, Third strew, opposite she Rat o„grz. • DON Ari. Journal for lona. Littell'a Living Age, No 340. • lolden'e Dollar klagaslao for July. Blackwood for June. The Vale of Cedars: or the h Martyr , NT Oxen , Aguilar,auther of cWornari , a Friendship: , Women Sbakepeare, No Id. Pictorial Field Biwir, No ;David Coppetield, No 14. Nervel Halting.; eras Frig ;ate lathe Oiling. 1133 Mutts owners of 10 dank• Rearettingt, andi biof I Remove Ware will please come torward, prove property, add take them away, et they will be told aecurdlog to law, to pay charge• *C GRANT : jy3 - • In Water at • .IUrIIRVIIY DURCIIPIMD Invite the . 'attention 'M. of buyers to shor supply of sr:purist Irish Limas, warranted Pure Flax, fouled:lg a few .pieees extra Quality Boma Unena. They have also received a supply of Phirtlog Muslin, of superior nabrio, all of which' will bit sold few. 1,3 Laces and a:data'. iiirt - urny dIIRCWIELDIATC received a largo nabotuncid of Lisle and Vicsofia Edgings and Laces; Loom Work Thread do; Dobbin; do; Valenetennes dol • Swiss and Jaconct Edgings; Do losormon: Figsred and giro Net o flrkieb Ovv gut a,nnan of buy e r..e . 3,3 lialils-I?bLabpntazdboontt ef:r cafeiea by. n g it It GRANT, 91 Wat, 3 , ner CAI O - IChT$, end taJurit& canal Sub, co P. W. GATES' ' PATENT DIES FOIV CUTTING- SCREWS. PATENTSD MAT B, 1847. THESE DIES-basiog been adopted arid highly appecied in all the yirineipal sbops in Ness Vetk and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, maehinets, ship ninths, &c., wen the Waal cum- . cnce, as the most perfect article in user or cutting amersirs. Their superiority over. any other Dies heretofore used, n their (vain a flan , Seamv,.. b a ther Vor sgrAne thread, by oses parsing over tbe roost , which revue no arredgrag ~ P rmip. u . preparation, on the dies cut the thread out of the solid in ` their wihout raising it in the itair; in Their. greater durability, rapidity, and perfection 'work; and in their aimplicity and little liability to get out of order. Csrtitiestss. Ps=Pszsins, Asir 17, 1849. 7 / 1 . Jo to certify 'hot sr* ism purchased from P. Vir-Tases the right of •siele his patent Dies fop est. nog b olts Ise opinion, his ]lies see saneh sirs r'st tO 007 ethm sys ars segasiate6 onto too Oa pntpow Of min. wig. J P 2.10118 US • CO • • -- Ibm.surtirna. Aug. IN. 1€49. NY Gs es , Puler( Elea la use In our - establishoterd for es j u t alas ',moths, for cutting hope :wa can rw.7 resp ect reeornmerd them La tbn " , ttma. as ere him uud gre boo way. they beng so fad suirerior—conaldrrilly, them:Yß P" sent. cheaper lianany orbs" now In use." RANEY, NEAPIE CM • • • - Penn Works. ra.. This Is to certify that 'ribose purchased the nett' to me, and adopted In lir business, P W Gales , Pa. tent Bedell Caner, Vella.. woo, 0 , 00 , 0 0 ( lb can do much note nada, pa are believe It add sur• t u do s abllity and wecrsion,ltl Touch as coenolAY ot labor, say dies nmoor* us hIORTaaSER. h± OBENI. Purbsnacrms.,9th m ttl Ntivr Voss, Aug. 19,1649 Iluring s.pted P.W.Or . ^ o . • .'Patentbies^ for tine bol.s, w e take Otani in same, thin' hereto lean answers our expeetau , s, and bays no beAlts.. Lien in 'vying it as our erinioni that , t fsr.ezerla say ether In present WO for engirt belts P EF,C,OII lt CO: We hive P. W Getee .Patent Din* fot center lerivve, end the connect,' of stir[ the= Se vet eoutidentble, that we loot epee feel. 0 01.0erts. ble to every eatitolleWeet having am quntitr of Resters to Cu,. NeCORMICS, OGDEN . CO, Cittcooo, Ploy 10, 1149. 0111)11.01CS Orrice, WA5EM11161.37,, 6th Eeyl.4N. 1 hare perehated of W. IL &ovine for the United &ales, Ice Oa to use In all ilia arsenals an!! arTo- rrcls rnaer*. mut Ortud, r' env re If ' d ' a far oat., bYAILBAVOII' :.N°lll '" ".r "" no u te n b 0-DA 1.1311-10 casks operiaTvlllitutooll y 0 is 3 ohd.orkno fhpulder jak ElObbds do lu hbdt dt meat and fikrokqel,y__( S t A in f l; l 4 R ! 'D t "I ;42 ty.nrinow GLASS- SOU byswaned sixes roe VV (Drools by ) iI 3 ) & W HAU&MIGH CORN -40 bd shelled just re c ta w ren i r k id g lil vj a a 041,-100 , bu rec , d fottrie‘rnmunama I t butdit‘tr 31 HARDYio s-- ale b 7 ••1 forßLe blr and for sared "d LAND -4.5 keS a r‘ ne:r0,47.. ix. TWIST OHACCO—ai kao _ tics co .I°doxen for sale ksz . jouric . coN B R IT' H 1 atom and for sale by 0 _ 37 3 IIb—OTATOM3-ICO bu W H JOHMIT N 13UTTEB. In store and tout I .T , , T nins . ron C041:7. -15)W-1, ftlo,arT.4.Zl;iasq. , Water and Froot . B ACOItI-43 I , Dams; , 4 casks 81.les: SO auk" Phooliern 3 cs As .6.ssarted,. row lanai,. from Witmer Isl Emu, for sale byLEAI6II DICKEY CO.. Won. and Front sas. LCOUOL—,r brls 9'l, 92, tl splillFplimoaftesco — ry . 3 b _ l • Co F T. A flyst & Wood pts. AJ A io IL-456;1s Coalin VA g's IINFATOC No 1 (or ssK & Coyt bt _ 11 A itUrPETILE-2 5 kegs Tel ned. for ree lir • lla - B A FAIINESTOCK lc CO .L4T n VITO ''4 frt' --• -- - Q . UDIDRIES—( . O Imo Seleratuk. , 1.3' - Pouts ono Ingo do; . . 3 east. Pottsh; brio Tallow; ' 1 ...% bx. Chcota:' . 1 10 bria Firer and Watan. pfoct PAW; • Ito bulimia Pbutto<7. ckspiram la Care. and for oCo by 1330STON 'CRISCILEBS—Jost unveil and for saki AID atliolSO Libel ty crest. , ; 3 brls Boston Cold .Water. Crackers; • brie. do • Bono, Biscuit; • • bsis •do pt... Stuart.• wrd A ircLuac it co °SH temiced EN 1„, rt. CILEESer .. /1.:0 1 :11 tot of.GotltetiCbt7 ix jut • t 5 ,1 Ll6OOl Bt 3 BAD BREATI4.—In ' nine Carta on of ten, bed b teeth may he attributed to s neglect of the teeth, by winch ta rt ar in allowed I. accumulate epos th em, and coast finally Velma. When this is the ease, the breath cannir be Otherwise than bad, and the persons thus rained not only stiffer from a conseloasness of [nett being the feet; bat are abielatel v disagreeable to every ono they upproach. JULY. , HAULLIS YURI. Yirtfr Can ItCtt,Al • 0111 , PASTE to pct only a remedy far he , ltreatit. but will potent Inv teeth anti ions, tram beenmtha diseased, and tore m tire teeth e brllLiant whiteness. Charm:Wu admitted by all smen.' life. persons to be one of the /realest drtielecting +gents &teem. and is highly approved ley all our bnt Deniers as asdentihiee. :The greatestobiertion to its ore bereteforet hay been the diffrtater of getting It pure and free from en stye panicle.. The Pl• fungi) .CUARCOAI. TOOTH PASTE enCtely ohs istea Ado &Monty, as the tool from which tots formed it polder weed, burnt in an iron cyltudar, and Treated to an impalpable powder. Thu other Ingredient of the ras e WIT aaoh as have received the apprebaJnn of ear roost !thieved° Dental Sargoons, and are all bane. fide in 'their effects. By the nth of Jules Jtanees periled Cannon Tenth Prole, tee pinto discolored teeth will, m a short eiresotalmne a pearlywititeness, and aptlisy . ,4o.M. be..0111[14 and healthy, • JLLES DAUB!. Peens= and'Clunnist, 120 Chesuait street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail, by B. A. Ethel:stock & Cri4 nod. R. le...Seller., FltiLburghtind Johei Sart gent;and J. Mitchell, Allegheny Coy, IN, hs • =ZS SHF.Gaardbuot of ibe Poor of the thy of Plusbaggh eish to etoplos a Illation or Nurse for the glob, at City 'Farm Testintallittla of thatatter snit be gr oomed. Application to be made at the ofEee oa Footth meet, at 2 o'oemk F. M. stall the 1510 Instant. - - Byorder of the stung communes. . 1 JARED /1111:81i, Seo'y sad dot Cate of the Guardians, - rntsborg 11, July 1.51. runt s stinist • .NO 62 Mortar sti:es!, Pittsburgh.' 6. MASON CO; are atm prepared to oder to LW. th e poLlio their good. dandtgedby the law Gra, among wtdeh maybe found:: i - Galleons tightly dot:faded s t sae; fan:lova do 2 to! o eenth; lawns do, good oplas;l4 toll/ cents: Moos de' Lathe. d 0,3 to Ito; Chashmatosi do , lit to 120; Sado striped do hi; 4.4 French grata do i 2; taper Cando ..Clilatz, belt price; Gingham do.lSteataboat fount." , panes; 1.:4 do eci extra; Motirntrig do Lathes $ to Its. Together with ourosually largo swat of New and Pte•et Goods At a great [O.:1110U= from format pieta cd, t[AVING this dery taken C'eorgeliVjdowry Into parertersnly teeth me, the beernetaterill hereafter be conducted In the name el A Bard &Co Jytedim ' ; RICIIABJ>BARD ZASDI • ' I[Oll,llT • IL. TIMID dL C • 101THOLWALE and Rotel dealer , . In 11!dc Lea zher..ldoroeto. Shoe Findings. Tann mat Corrier. , Tonts,.lTennele 914:N010%1,0nd leeef, P/Unbargh, Pa. , Jyth Iva • , No GO Wool mann Jvs" , tecolood-1 doyen Dt GuysoU'o Yellow Doak :BhnopenDo,androrealcby J KIDD aCO Jy2 No GO Wood suctt.. ,.. R. A. 0 m0i 13111,3121011A212. WVMSAtt i liFtlial t i,j:t ut scogrrn u ni, burgh lito.ofacioroNlio =Liberty. stm.l.Pittsbort, ' . MBE ernes. lied - consignees - of food. arriving by J.; the "Colsn. , Portable Boat Ltne, ,, will please tate mite that.they watt be required le PO , bedlam at our warehouse, as-tardier ID the receipt, before the loode are: morel. C. A MitANIILPY to CO lebratlon of the Paiirth ofJetly,lllllo 114.011.21CN1W00D GABDIONIi • • I\TESTLIER polo.' or expertre wBl be Oared In Al preparing this rennet tor aeomfottable moot of ail who, swish tri **Peed their Fourth in it. White's ecislinited Brow. Band wilt furnish goof , Music throughout the dap and evening. The Ely log. ft owes al readiness *Wall who wish to rule. Potent swings, ten pin step., ar.. for tholnonuicment of visitors: " • Two some Loots, !lope Nor sod Phillip Doldridei will irons the Pitt street !abiding,' OVi , In. O l d AI : shony Briduccovery bolt hour, for the ..-- tflicieut robot wilt bo on the ground. ' • Aaron Knee, one dime. 1411 J die6A.llC tioTics. Dms- THE perni - Nba toot,' thateak., , : , ,,tta .147 aaa,ell ( mr , w. . Weae tr, lry ,itic Uatorcl MILT• h"""" Pl'4l° rel' T t rat WALLINGFORD : Ds Water It • 1, pzpr: AMMO. • • • MELLOR, 61 Wood strrrt, hag rtativid 14 „,,, , ,,;pre5e Anode: rvii..ey can yeti bi the tra4t'a hotriight'dedi., N... 7 emelt to Her. C Cook. OD, ;Dunk nos len I Imre thee. Blanche otre. love thee. When ether Net de around thee. 'The feet beneath the' hills. Wait thou bet mine Annle I..autio-rklewelt .Thi, to &ire Coca,. musle by. Stephen .Gloser. , b „, seouuded Me spirit that loved thee. Tbs of w „hi o rtort. The BIM Mother'.Lament. 7,..„,,na55e1. He death 'all Wogs well— Woddca Wtdow Mechem —RasselL The cottage of ..,dmr—llutehinsons. 1 ow baeked ear—;,oner • louitzer—cemPlcm. The Nagle Bell. ,--The wide or Widdihe.Pailtra. ' , Jenny:Lind.* American k.lery Polka. - .BUtteet American POW, Iry • Hello. thattleuergan Poll. Lind Polka. The Oriticts Sootti.h Polka— „Jico, Bahamian Polka. Ilirt Polka. /Simplon. Polk..' Santulli Polka. Br Wesel Polka. The Pro nbet Quattrillea—,lleyesbeer. ennyLind Quadrinei ‘Vicath end .DelsyWeLzes—tre Xruca. The AIM. Mover Bey --v.uallot'a by Cceml , illahameru- Smanos from Home. .Wree ke et, Daughter. gale kmap. t:onitrolle Muth sad Quickstep.. Wood. Up, Qeick atcr. 1/1 01L --:W tuts tanneni Whale Q 11; . 31.0 bile Taxman' feu bra bleaehed *date Elephant 014 • MO brla do 4,3 Whale DU; 3 , 411 gala winter Sperm - • bin Spann Candlns; for gala by ALLEN k. NEEDLES, indliod2W gl3s WWI* Muni, Patladelptio. • , . • ries under the seperelaton or thts Department, P. W. Gatee . Patent i -tee , for cants g remora on la ata•obry baying been tried In two or the loree wrens'', and Mond to be teary otielent and onrrbeot • • . ' i 'A. TALCUTT, Col. Ordlnasee. Benin 01 Palm any Nast,' t • • •tweseutaaron, oept. tb, $ Coneidering Gates , Patented lie ' preitesteet for tot ting mews on metal to be dI.V 0ne,,1 bate, by at:111,11V of the Honorable Secretary of the Navy, Matured of the Atterneye of the •Putentie,'Wen.ll. Set:mile, and Eanteet Newer, keg , The tieht make and an sold Iteptomand eor the IS. D. Navy, , JPAPH PAllTll,Cldefor,Baress. In • • In - use olio by • • &offal° Work& Fula Karla & Ashley, botberter: :Hule& & Po, Gloutenor, N.Y; 'Haywood& Voider, Etbuyltill Cabin; • 131rber k. hew York: • _.• Hogg Holornater. oft &nix." N. I[4' - H. K. Dunham 4 Co, New Voir: • - ' Dermead & Co, Mono carat Wooks, Hes Van Caren, norkester: : bled & 117/4 &awl - orb; • , • &Harr Work',• do: . • relltd &Mornay: do; • Wen Folnt Foundry; • Noma & Pro, FhlTadelphlai • • a junto, Breedesbursb, Po; . Walworta A:N0.11.13w. rnd New. Vol& Lowell Machine ISI•op, towel• American Co. blanoberlee. _ ~• •• Lyman &Von bar, Youth Baotou, and au:rani olbors. , • ram= 1 Nelblaildna,l 3 sets dies & taps ft to 2 Nos .• 'IS • do I to IS !pt. Salio Not . •do 0 do 1 to.i, {mita MN All orders addressed to 1 3 ..VE bates. Okla*. O. B. Names, New Vora, E. D. Marshall & Co, Veda delchls; and N. D. Peovllle & Nona, Oaleago, far Dies cad Taps, with erwidlent machines for using than, wllt meet with prompt attended. " ' Mop .1. Id 30 ARUSEMENTS: THEATRE! 14 "e° w 3tan.esr C. S. PORTER Dress Cholauld PatIVIC/1.0•••—•••.-D , PeoL &gond a.tsvhLra • 23 - " Gsllerf eolortd pctsons)--...23 , ie 4 t . DAY PEAriIWrZtATVPAAT TWO. THREE LACIIIABLE PIECE'S. Melt:Petty . ..nee. DOUGLAW • nleralwati.••• , ••••••••—•.,. • . .... , Webb Todag Noma ~SzS Lon! .Randolph—•—.. fir Wattney OltP,NaTval ..... r ag ., Lady Arita Mr.i Calmat BUBB JIG BY TEDDY CUJIJIINS. ItECRATIOO,.Fm:F:u2es sore? by II •`IIIAFIFEC:I'RE LIAIDEGEOCOI P11'1613110 111151011 MITRE 11003, APOLLO 1111.1.L.--7FOVi%TIi ST. OPEN DAILY, from Bd. tij 10.1'. N. minlintoci to Llanntaa and Leowre ROOM, g's cents; Resorted sents,l2‘ cents emus. .lel •. _ _ 137 /a 130 Wood Stroat, SNAT splendid emablashmear u fIOW otrarcil fur Boni. It is admirably wrongs& for Cozotru, oluses i Fialiltaloos, to. For lona% apply to JOHN A F1116111.0N3, kidieue : 177 Wos _ ANE'S WILSON Informable friends aid the pulilis 01 that he! hes removed, Lis Hat anti Oni Ltosbass went • !rem Smithfield street, to his aid rand. un the corner el Wood llllter and .I)lateend Alley, (second story) Orel Pattleks Zs Fi lend's Etcher rie I.if4dean trance back. ed. Diamond Alley—oliere may hr Wood a large tad fashionable summon et lints and Caps at "adored prices, wholesale and mist/. •:• r • lints mane to eider. • dttlftd&wdvS ULIDVAL. IllidkeaLarad Scurigioal ..SColleita_ . • T GIiP,ENA D formerly or PhiiiUdelphla, oral •late Neer L isbon, Olio, takes pleasure lln a:- nattering that he has located hire.elf Paremaccul rittsbarek , for the pureese or prachs.og the nano. mgranches Aledzetue nod Surgery. Data panordly intended to' at all hours or the day tad night. Mica and residence Zoo 14 Third street, between nalithlield ace Grant. Rill3l3:ll7J—L . Dement Fig, Fourth II ;.F. Kay, Bookseller and titationer,Wood strew; ft.l6l.,cody, Apothecary and _ 1,9,17 1011.11175, de.-600 by (kluges, in prince order, .•, .1/201 , 5a Lemon . , , • ;SCO thee, Floc' • '" •.• - • - • " ' "Gthohost.' %re"' t P • '.-laistth-orth 1."" • • sthstriOelved and ibr uy.-- • raLustea.a 'h,l mirti fyi:eim• Nod North Wtorres ; oladctplia DOW OLIVER FIRE BRICK rot rtle tho dodt load LI and hood sum. • KIER d: JONES, - • •; • ; Cara' Basin, veituttrstreet._ --- - RAPPING PAPER—Asaoned Orr a m large or small gestates. • . V.! 1 , MAltStlel..l. - . 83 Wned st “I'Z:'' - ZWT VI T11:”4.14,‘:;p.,.g. pt t io Nlmtt , , 1111 ; 2510 F D 11E*1121! , di. just rAet untfArgnle VI 201vr by. & • 1 1 • • : • . Ensr ma bribe Diamond ARM 011.-40 ben realm; and for be 1 • • JAMES DALZELL OtASH-50 cost. for safe low, to otow row iwi• went, by fjyl7r uvt mccind tar [ale by '.7 RIDDY CO Cur ACID—L 7:1 ibc YANIDE POTASSII7III-8 lbe reeq:l fur .le. by 711 • • • J.ILID Llk et). VIOLII2ISIIOn barrels Ilinvition, • J.TJ. • do' Miulltfronnd PAY, dii • Belo, in stain 'and foralehi • ill • ',BROWN fr. KIRKPATtiItiI Q 1.1042142 htads 1.4. N.O. Poor.' ' • •12 doClatillog_iftlllll , and tur 4.l?Ly ' PlloWN KIRXP.ATRIIII... •5 • 7 recei•ed•aad for nil, by wnt..A..raecLuna &CO C5l Li . betty ft. licrt ITLlll.lrt BUCILEL:7 , O Nuts Easteiti fell! • • 6 . bY WIC. A IIIcCI.tfItGIACO. Dlote—titar Carvilts t Irtrme d irllcruLi, do: For by ' %BT.A. bleCt.ATEiAlt CO.- le POEFEB— .SO ban No. t Ccirea in nitim end sirt; by BROWN k-KIRRPATIOCK.: iyt lar. in ons and for f01. , 11 lit! 156 ' " lo BROWN R. RIRIOKYRicir. s• deg • to do Ehadi In 'tate and Or aril hi' BROAVId tldißlirdertlECf. B AlS;'....3tca. Vow and. Cop.ort, mare art. jitt., • • DROWN .IkRIRRPATRICSC . 51'? , 1413/1 vnunliG-100 trth . fet ttllt 9411. OPS . -10 bales In stam, , and rsil!,be Fell joer to Nne ‘."4ll'n. TOUIL • CVO-4 0 bales ?sitars 0 I toll be laid very low 10 d i ll e NalVjr"ki,n . iTt • • auic.. 0. se DACCIN HAMS beret. 1?t. ; -) I_l_4_olAft .4.C0., .1110.0deoft P ,Laomita two at Itseds! , JUST received at thikeil c ir , ,.of n iiiiiietd,, , of =rat leiprovernerrocrbiP:l74."fi:i probably the lieest totieti Instrument ever ettried aaeb„.., e highlr lashed arrielegery for tale by..perm lt vll.l I L C ZP2o I et alt bre Prh e oe i 71 Ira. ' o il l ig i ihe a . 41. og mad .f Allegheel City.. A plan emt ereelhesueoi otay be won at the pace of Johl:W. TAN, coart_e the PletoookAlt.gbeuf : Tt Iccm orroa - a. JOHN IR W ifi. Jr, . . S ME.RICAI4 HOV§E, ISSII O$ we:Lavin:, Proprietor, PaOil STscara,liollidowtrisigh, • Et IRA &CAGE OFFICE—Tho Velly Vice , btu lip) for the Earlutd West: also O. tkeuld tapp It ois iel72P,. BIDWELL. 6:c - 0., BOAWARDING XIICILCIIAnTIit :G4agoo, (Zsr.:1101 Perry Foal Otto) an t n SN a ndnlWhathloa, emdSt a P t T .9. ,S 1 "• onlyn and forward promptlr to all poinison the rived and !Sandy end Beaver or Oldo 'Canals. C 0•• Jane 13.—Je1d - 161 Dr. Jo Mutants tiersayestrille, or Itatiles, rammed and flood raglan, 'AS been . extensively used for . 23 years by then. Doctor In an Oiltilai•O reseed, end is etesE4 gently meanended to the pol,bt for tie este of eq . impeders of the blood and general fidelity, Amax( use; dyspepsia, enuttbs,' lenneleus, Cutesy narrow es ganesalOebiltry, lime* eresteisints, matt cot t a] di*Clllell, sleets, sots, or '',ntotinfix eiltp.Or the skin, totter, de anna neatest el statt.' for,all /moorage* of the fa:. 'sothotf, veSsltb l i ad' may be taken leader et Stri '..attsnres nth feet. safety .. Prepared by b. MUM gRd.IIXX , Bat& mein MC For sale, tabs Mal a t ht R ~ELLIts -Ikyr, . SS . • et.. Ffeettegh j • °l6-11D.. j R. 7.7. IdYg6t3 °gem bts plafrixotal tirnee.. to tlos, eltife.M. et Allonelawer t ',WWI' to the citizens to rueo.-- lie Gee and reatderee, Cot the pteseale in binaebesier, immediately above the liferin, Hospital. C; laailutV-.11 casts City 1114;11.06. 34,--QaTio received and for sale by MS—l i e:es :arraLC . o b iett. y , ..C . orn sed , i1h.104 00 . ORE.ABI CHEESV..-20 boxes Cgrtii*, Yr; , ft....1b by 9. W. "A l ',----L imuv • b"rby fast yool go, sale oy - goals .1 1 1.L•RAL.—. 3° /AL oas ext Vradoi-iilliis: • 03• MIA do - do; for rip) Jai sosnurne.s•w. rtnE=l oy , IC4VY t CO. k W. HAIIH~Vt;tt