The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, July 03, 1850, Image 4

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    =ALT iisTisl:➢{
- - Th!ffl
. • , MOB a If.IiPLAN ZISC.
T Vi ePie Montagne, Company supply Qr.' agents
with CoOkog and Flooring in,theete3s7feet‘trom
. 1.1 to 22 ounces per square foot. Corrugated Ip.alt eels
2:7 27 os,for I'o, buildings en dts.
ship Shea th ing, 14 A 24 M d meheo, from t 4 75 5 0 an aces
Nalle„PrlteerVire, Engat Molds Perforated Zinc,
Zion Fedor, to. • Metal• . . • I
They warrant their yore, end free front any
admixture of Iron, or ..any other subatance, gad ro ,
commend II for the rassofactare of- moat art:skein
the home famishing hoe, as it doe, net rag, IS not
stgected by the action of MAW, and May to polished,
painted, ind larninted. ' •
samples, models, plena, rPecifitithi.‘ a nd
. other
4 =l , l „ te e ta , d l 4lf the T l lr or tg i calk.— • I •
ATZIOWN. ROUX. 4. CO.. .00510 P; 1
Norrtall T 111 1 .213. CO., Philadelphia;
k 11. Metta. I/animate::
Slats, Rat Sracrera, tiere . Orleahs; .
P. MlLLlROUX.,Realdeat'Agent,
if Hanover et., New Nor
Ll:g t. e ; g a, I .
Edward A. Goarrey,
Id Sena Calvert ot., near Balthac.
(Late E. Godfrey & San. :
IMPORTER of Shoe P Inds ngaend Dealer ire Lauber,
of variety. kind.: English and french Rid Stine,
much . Calf Skin., Patent Leathery. Mae e eei
white,and Pink rean&noinas,de. Liings,Fre cal.,
Patti BALLOONS AND RI 13110Nte, 1...ta Webb
Oboe Rave., Awl Bledes„,,Shne THREAD, saga
, Turk., Shoe Nail. and vit. PEGS, of all a '
B. A. G. healer ,emabllabed the above businesent
Beltimore,le enabled to step pada South or West
Manet ri e ne re ss r e d dr ra ecnbt, a nend
da t
al e
e l t we s p strely !
upon obtaining every nrliele ku the trade, of Uttel best
- quality, and en Übe 1,11
. Set ma.
ILesalan a lecturer Of Imo, Boot Tree& Shoe Tree.
Clary& Crimps, Root Stretcher., &e. All orders Ril l'
promptly cremated Lore piece foe cash. • 1
- A catalogue et:attaining a complete list of every
article to the trade will L. forwarded to dote who
may desire it. • .
EDWARD A. GODFREY,tk S. Calvert at.
itay2lt3tin near Baltimore at. Baltimore.
Broadway', of !Heiden
411113 eitenrive HOTEL ha. been lemma by the
• ! sableriber, and hal been cornoletely tamed in
e Mom elegant...neer. larg e eddition. are note
being et ed e,terbi eh. when comleted, will snake IL the
moat eau...Um Hotel In New Yoe.. It 'else detenal
' nation-of the prostitute,. make It equal, in every re
&pea, to any other House in Me United States. Its la
canon is the meet deeirable trod central in the city, be
leg In the fashionable ours of Itrendway,.convenient
to all the public bukhbrga places of imumment, and•
business. Grateful foe she liberal patronage received
from his western friend., &hilt at Cumberland, MA,
and mote recently at the Weddell Hoe., Cleveland,
Oltio, be reapeetfally solicits a reactant of their pane.
' • for Id. new mord:maraca, at New :Vela, atd
begste league Man that every either on hia part shah
hc.gisen Medminister to Weir comfort and Die....
- New York, Mardi, H4PLt—lrefX-301
A POIXTVNIU FOR 110 or LO. ii,
office., George ' ; street, Plymooth, Pngland.... The .
imagers beg to areosint their namerens patrons that ,
me next Distribution of Portraits of Race hones. will
compd., those entered for the forthcoming Grand
N basal Darby Race: the number of shares to be
lit'ted so CIAO each claps. First class member LI%
se a d class ditto LA Patty sPPlinatilm far the en
ter reprinted sharesis necessary. A. party subscribs
in for more than one share Ins the chance rif gaining
an a n number been. , These members who draw
the eaowi Pommes sill! be presented with Me .fels.
towing saws:— '. ( , • . ' -•' "
FOnfalit Of list elan bona set Di ditto
Winner, or Flmrilorst //0,100 Ll O , OOO
n . Second llorse—•; 10,000 .300 •
. n' , Third Home P,COO 14,000
Dtri,ded,amegrlarters•:.• d,frgi ..o,ogo
—_ N .hts.rters ' e,OOO 3.000
There ate POI bonuses to each elass,tbet being the
somber of horses entered for the race. The Drawing
will be conducted Upon the same leritimsle Prlne'Ples
as those which chareetenseo the late St. Ledger and
other proceedings.. Poll panieulars of the mania will
be sent to absent members immediately sifter the des
ehdon, Met each may knew his pupation.
Sobseribers registered and scrip forwarded on re
. ceiptof n remittance. Balite( Exchange. Drafts, Bank
Notes, A.e.,' addressed and made payable to dux
Manures Demeter, W. JAMES. &CO.
. Free per cent. commission' to be minced — en the
prOJICOMIIOI3 of bemire, ', uirtes3m
iseoi ;REED HOUSE, • .I/ 8160
rstate Square, Erie, Fa. ,
GMIETIAI. STAGE OFFlCE—Eastern, Western,
and ,Sontra Stages, leave this hpnee deity.
to and (ram Steam and Packet Roars, Gratis.
A W.'Kam, late - or the American Itotet, Fein, P
U. W. Bazanaoste of the 1E... lintel, Mao.
Ble Jamas Iturrara Fluld alagnealat
DriGrAllED 'ander the Itenuedine earn," the bv.
sentot, and established for upwards of thirty years.
This Meseta ; preparation is recommended in all
eases of bile, neidibes, ludisectinn, gent, end gravel,
at the most safe, easy, And effectual form in Width
Marrduin may,.and indeed the calf nec in Which. It
ought to be es hibited; possessing all the properties of
tna Magee is nowt, general use,withent being Dabs.
Ike it, co form dangerous concretions in tha bowels,
is effectually cures heartbern wiliest injuring the
• toms or the stomach, as soda, points, and their ears
bonete• ore known to dot it proven. the rand Of In
fants turning sour, Mall onion it Rem at &pleating
nt. and is ree ularly adapted to females.
ap Pie
lineaphrey Davy testified than this oblation forms
soluble eotchiputtent wait_ uric veld salts at eases of
goat and gravel, lberby coantereeneg their teJitloue
tendency, when mum alkalies, and even Magnesia
itself, bon failed.
From Sir Phdtp Crampton, -.nrifeen General.
io the Army in Irestrut
"Dear sir—Tbere can be ars daub:that Magnesia-
may be teuenistered rate safely In the form of aeon
cemented solurion tem subriancei for this, and
many Game reAteene, I am of opinion shat the Plaid
Magnesia is army valuable 'Wahine moat Mannar
Medd. i PfilLIP CRAhI
Sir. James Clarke,' Sit A. C.per, Dr. Bright, and
ly neeavarnenl=frriTirldlliaaananen-datannlnant
lainaly name sale and convennent man the tol.d, and
f tee from the danger attendmg the constant use of
endear ptties.
For .sin by the imortes and premieres agents,
micht • , • Cor. of Woad b Runlet..
• • • NOTIT.6 •
ICOTICE hi hereby xide. that on or shoot Net, 211 -
. 11 of April. the subset:them lied snattsti to them. at
- Weinberg, Vs., the lello king area, role
driven by G. A. Mart., put able to our order, dated
Aprlllith, in 4 atomise. lir *173 64 a note drawn , y
" John la 'date and time, for te lo Hoban , .
a note drawn by Joan Wall Fr. Co, in fav ot doting , .
.Macke!!, and mendoised by lie, dated Mail 9:h, at
oar mouths; for IS tag. The eiialles notes were never
received byl as, and thla Ls to caution all ppersons
against trainee for er baying the Faxe, are payment
at them has been mopped. S.h. NV 116.1d13AULNI1
v .; hill.V lasts Oct choice },nee of Fresh Sprite
Aammer Geol. has !mat been opened' at
Atezenderlt thin, No to Mattel street, north wen
corner of the Diamond.
In calling the nand-ion of oar customers and the
public to tun Wee, it ad'ooe.. es greet Measure to be
ble to say. it embraces (att.:ea lIAKG AINS In al
most every descrtytion of cowls, al a large T.:WU...Cr
it was parchment at the steellt eriessiVe auction elle.
• an the eastern eines Oar artortnleati loth; of WAX
and neptc goods, to ever superier,mni afford. to au
easli hal ors, ether by wholesale or mi* fine
porta:may of nosier linlh r+. and noire ; ,
Nita , t
m ate Foulard eats, almostCp; richplaln and
figured angeable of every kyle and
smr; tiger plain and t o
Lliket alikci do. ha.
ergot anti .{II.I3CK burette de lam, new sad hand.
.rote style; new style I , reneb, - Fnclioh, and Scotch.
.swer, us great e anew, and at awry low enter.; Plano
cared. and staln ottiPed de lutes of, ail kinds one
yeatllles. linen lectrea of all shed. and calm.; ging.
hates, chintzes, prism, be .
Sager 'chameleon satnewts; plain add figured
binge dal plain and embroidered Tittles do; hoe cash.
Acre del super plain and ePitbroldered wails and
colored crape do'
s, aGOOD. . tec.l
A fine esmrtment of mulls, nansoolcs, lemmas,
• Swisses, hooks, bishop. !seer , : Ne.
130:+111. - ETS.
• Rough Se Ready, pearl blend, Florence buld,saa
gaper kMelish Wave
A fine smelt of superioror plain and tritamwl silk sod
Patin Tare Watson colors snit
• A large assortment o( super French, English and
Belgian eloths mid carsimerce of all gualitses• and
• laf , eres, to which we would ,Incite the attention of the
- •
our *Viet °Ohmswn and blest tool mu Rties, sittings,
cheek., tharabray!, to alas s i b.; is vcry large, and►or
the Terylo west prom. -
Also, a huge tot Of tolls diapers cod table c l ot hs,
ammo and attached; Russia and Mcoleb diapers, crash
Ilimn. a tat roe, cotton nod wool n goods Go men ani
, rs: 12 r , , ,, r x
. 11 , ,, g.. .. ::: : 11 , 7 hi .s: 1 , 1 so,,d
t i t , I d o o 7 . ft:1;: , - - 1
cloves verill ',tads, host-my-and bottom :Sham!, ant.
ALClLiii(COrttl, a, to all watch wo steed respoctfolly
• trivite the tOttnuon of whoicsalertual. cash
toyer...—. AlifiXttNnkilll A PAP,
ew• of the I , ~,,,, _
i sairp E 3 ,171'_
APPLY:. n•
7 AM how prepared to Otitis! , Apple Trees. f ram the
woll; known Nurseryof Jacob. N. Brow. The
t reef will be deLvered at the wharf' at Pittsburgh for
el% per hundred. r emu.. wishing good thrifty trees
atonild leave their order, :coon nt the Irreg.:teed, and
Perfumery NV erehouse, corner of Wood andtte th sta.
P.N %VICKY:RaIf/al
wevisr. inoN WORKS.WAREIIOI7I3E.
:DAILEY BROWN tt: CO. how: rcntotred to No IEO
.12 Wotar at. 3d docr lulus+ n Mono:1,01cl. Roue
ThAthlEit, HANNA G removed their
Flehanhe °Mee to north Scot corner of Wood
*Ad Third strhrd.. , COO
CATUrIIII.IIL3 & CO. have removed in
No'97 Water '6l. between Wood & Market, in din
gwoco formally ormaal by Hardy, Josied & per. -
Y4/6111.1: ex tiF
bit Alrnl,a r io reli; • •
10 bd." riMicire k. Teen dm ?cat received
And for male sirscggreirsi
Plantation Sugar and Mal acres."
Idd htsdsccicrieti, fnir, & prime Pirddridon SriZervi
cot bell Plea' orlon dielasseri
is do do. in ' , fore:fere sale by
en'" . & RIC:XiCX&K
175 Libene .1'
e 6 F rik;=ll-1"7"" "k AI GRANT
41 Water 91.
moletC=4Tc - sYoilii'gri —
I, lien
rithlt.:6=ol INo lac by
TY - ;rA7tl;l`7l — Sicin•dillnicuT
J.J. tee Miller,lirownkilanklus dc
- .10 t,srvaoa
. 60 tie P. ?Inert do;
- 6me canvassed pod ronads;
6 tea plain do
DM)._ SELI.F.IIS de 27CC_1.,.5
e. -----7,--0/1A• ey-17;1—La
t fo r r •ste ljtl4l -110111gON. L1TTLE266:1..) __.
1•55V67:76 , 16 Clhilitcatee,
No 6 • • do
• b.ts No I Rosin Fonp;
"L 7 "rS'"4sodlo"ol.l6Fß6t IC VISON
ye u jitsT
.-----/J4// /of stare.' 6.l . 6eraors .ntatt s J
12 cel;e6l sad for *l6l
. 66 . 1 y :
A-DOZ S.T:TirvrareerirLkartapsylV;Dett
.• J. U. atzLi.oll,
N"=1,71 rzt.)," ff&,r I".'
the Hower.— . • _
Melly, do perinea Mt, by 8. C. Folder.
Ott; may the Red Dan Jive Alway.•
a'a Un ilY le w red, "Sif ..
Codas to litua all Mg.,
Dolly Dy. . • • . du.
• . Soldiers W ey Gloper. •
The Robin,
Oh, Toed C.ord yet ea. Halo.
Sweet Meowing of Tier
. 'Sorer Moon. .•
Lament ofthe Diabilledgrant. •
A New bled!. Yeng.
' Thew hest Weanded Spint thatloved Thee.
nte Oovatript's Denertere, hlr Okner• , '
De Kind to thrt Loved Ones at Roma
Tie Ilomearlete e'er the Haut LL - . •
The ti min Mold.
Low Daeltil Car, by Lover.
Do Toe ever think of one:
Slane. Geode Lady.
Jeannie Grey. o•
Ma; Celltriny Wedding, .Wreath, and Daisy
Batchelor; Malden, Della Welts, COneell., 'wake
• Eouvenir, Cally,l•Yvirs, Idly, Mite, Evonyeta,
ea. Aden. and Lien Pollee snap.
enter palliate the list of puffers,vre say seethingNr about Hundreds of Chew, Importers, Large
.Bottatit for Cash, be. In fact, w e will not
humlnu in any manner or form, we simply invite the
nubilecompare our Tee. with what they madame
Ono-wh to
ere; Oasis the best method we know to lacer.
taln woo sells the - best and cheapen 'Peal in Pints.
burgh. We *renew selling • :
Good and stnangTea at 40 and 50 center r lb.
A mime ankle,- ----.—•—• 71 do do •
The best Toga:ported into the U. States, SI
LOW pelted, damesa, er inferior Tea. we do not
keep. t MOIR'S & HAWORTH
_ Proprietors of the Tea Market.
t. 3 • ' ,Fin aide of,Thennond.
Orem. namortens. etteobassurinirVirriale. —
D. Appleton le Co, New York. have In mouse of pub
- Remit., in Patti, price twenty intents eace,
Ci Ilitsehisom, Alarolonier. Begins Work,oriri En
. gureempti dertgasei for Frothed Irorktrag
Min, anti rAoss'aurniied-for the Engl.
neeringr Prgßarmn.
IMMO) an oLitelan Israela.
Tlll5 WORK is of large Bro. sue, and will contain
, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, p a ngs, and upwards of tux meet ,
wee turarmuntss. It ptesaut werkingdmit , I
Inks and d e eps of the mast lomottant machines
in the United Matte Independent of the releelte of
Amesiean ingenuity, It will couudn comnlete practi
cal tread es on Mechanics, Menbinery,Kaginewark,
lend Engineering; with all that Is naelel In more than
ono dimmed dollars worth of folio volumes, maga
' alms, end other books.
The great object of this publication is, to place be
fore ,practlcal men and students such an moo= of
theoreneel and sciente knowledge, Ina coadensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the best admin.
Mu, and to @mold those mistake. which they might
otherwisenominit. The amount olusefel Information
too broeght together Is almost beyond precedent in
rob works.- Indeed. there I. hardly any subject
. ant as range widish Is not treated wait such clear
ness and precision, Not even a man of the most oral
fai=3lf,`X.°`,".-Tnlkofwil.°lll7l-. Important ag
Matto knew. t
The publishlng are, in short, determined, reesrdleis
of coat, to mete thework as complete as possible. and
It ts hoped every one desire. to obtain the work will
procure It as Lased in number., and thus encourage
the enterprise. ' •
• The work will be leaned in gee:id:tenthly nambenr,
commencing to Jae:entry, MO, and will promos with
great regularity-
Tho whole work will be published Is 40 osurbers,
alit! Cent* per nurriber,md completed widnn the cur
rent year, iIGO.. &libergl discount will be mule to
I."' o n e s..ALili.utt.,i,Lx..biclooTAc`deL.7l
up..... .
Oplaleas of the Plea
.ro au nemeroas Mangfunimrs,. Mechanics, En
gineerscand Artisans, It will be • mute of wealth..—
Provide...n;(lC L) JoormL
"Tome men, arm yourselres widths knowledge.
We ease with eonfidence recommend one medcra to
poetess themselves of its number. as fast as they alp
pear..—American Artisan.
We licheatteuingly commend the work to those en
gaped in or hammed in mechanical or *cf.:like per
anus, as eminently worthy •of the examination end
ste4l.—TreT, (N. Y.l Budget. t
ult Is trely a great worst, and the rubushers de
mire the thanks of inventors, machinists. and roma
lee: ere, and indeed of the public gencrally.e—N. T.
independent , ~ .
"This Dlealoniny will be highly extol to practicel
mechanics, and tradeable to dal who wick to acquaint
themselves with the program of intrenvon in the, me
arts.”-,New Bedtord Daily Mercury.
- .Terme mechanies ought to keep poateo ay in the
oretical as well aa pearl cal knowledge, and this
work will show Mem sust bow they eme&'•-litrahni7
Unseal Adveroact. •
.We tate it to be just the work Mu motes and hun
dreds of oar Intelligent :embanks have desired to pee.
sees. So ample are Its descriptions, and so full and
Menus its specificattool, that It Seems te as that any
-mechanic might contract any machine it describes, on
the annuli of Beene - ravings and iutruetiona.e—N. T.
Commercial Adverusee.
“All interested In mechanics ehonld avail them
ielvr-s of .its sdlnentagea. , — , fiehaylktil, Moth,' boor.
'A work reenter:giro wankel Mary and great im
penance and "Liao to the rspidly increasing Interests
of the count. We regard the work an eminently
enleulated to prey:tate the came of science and the
mechanical arts, and to dissunimie milord:de informs
non on these eutdeetao—Tanner and Mechanic.
"Prsoital men in all the varied walks of mcc hmi
eel animannfacmrlng tralestryi engineeting,lre., ctill
had in this work a treasons which It will to to their
proit to posusna—Troy Doily Whig.
We have carefelly pstrased the nembers, and bare
no het:mann in saying that his the best work for me.
chnnies, tradesmen, and aelentika mer 4 ever publish.
ed, for it consins minute Information on every branch
of the mcchaniatt arta and limners, expressed In a
style and larmaage intelligible to any reader of °eh
oats capselty..--tilemestter, (Masa.) Nears.
—We are sate are are doing the mechanics of NO. •
wick and other puts of . Cometticat a service by
Ito.) water:_ .
It is jest arena lurk as every mechanic should
poratess."--Preenun's Journal
Wo cenaideriletne of the trod awful and important
pnblications of the age. No mechanic cm adoetto ba
I wlthoultt.",—Newars, (N. f -deo...reel Ccuraim
I *Mt all the Tarim. publications Moir' ter their ob.
ject the cleat...non and advancement of Mt d em o mec
cal arts and science., nose MU ere have aeon, to
fell of premise at thine—listsbaCom Ado.
'lt in the butt and eheepest work et er °tiered to toe s
eelenii4o wad practical engineer md mechaic. The
plar • are beautifully a pe of
wr. "llus rlra evreiptublMll.l.llTyb'ea-n",'nonfd the ' '"" low ' pri ' e c u r ns 4
Mich n is mad Maker et acopuble so-alin—Boatti
- •
cariAbi.a. .
-We regard hum. of the moat comprelreneive and ,
melnable, as well es cheapest watts tree pattlished n ,
—ll.shimore Adremiser. ;
t‘lught io be tat so - by ss'es7 sne dettifinX to tern'
pace with the pregvess °ram and science in even one
of the labors of cleaned life,"—ltcmina 4 Conner.
.It is duigned afire th e procipte of Ure'. Dionne.
tiara that it es more devoted to the metes , cal end
etong prefewiens, and above att.. t .0
d o ne
l apse
eland, fn Adleritt what Ure has done fad
England, viz : oeserlbing Amerman mathatery and
worts of eat n—Scier.tifte A
"Inv pablisheditt numbers. and at • price so mode.
rale., looting at what 11 contained Me ich number, Met
no one who has the Irma interest in etch waters,
need be deterred (that proonrlng it; sod every
I ne s who
dewy se/swind th he has la a
d oieued ne ten
amount e M an del a.
width woul be obtained, if at
all, enty by the parthsse of very many voluenea'—N.
Y. CwOrlor and Enemies,
.Tles comprchettetvenew with which the :abject , '
are viand, the admirable manner In welch they see
illeatrated, rennin to make this one of the most deal
rab's wons.n—itemocvarie Review.
. "Ibis wort should benne handsel every mechanic,
I art,anmand Manafscturer, ape-Molly then who bare
the leal avpirations to excel to their respective heel
mums. ;We here palatally .anueed It, with a view of
recommending It to inventors. Tot h e m
we would
soy in the strong lingitage dile is gnod... —
1161d:rune reenters' JonmaL
Nana to 174 r
.PnTruso . . litnorpapers throngios
' - ,as Mussel Stews cud Canada.
If tbe (Ongoing adecrttsement is inserted five time
during the year, and the paper conning It sent tom b
• COPY of the
. twillwor be sent 'Millet payment.
aptd.d.tvelYr • .
311, 011ST.111.1CNTs
_ Conlainilig so Mammy, nor caw' /Wend.
Tan foilovrine testipaollial was given by the ear"
i .,
1.-brated Dr. Wooste heath. the author of th e great
medical work entitled oTbe American' Practiee o.
gedjelne and Fundy hysielan."
....Slaving been madn continue with the ineredtents
which , commas hied' ter's All•licaling Ointment
and having prescribed a-A tested it in several cues it
my private practice, I halo ...o hesitation in saying or
certifying Mat it is a Vegetable Remedy,.containing
no mlnenti' tables-nee whatever; Media tngredienue
eombined as they me, and need ea directed by the
' not only harinless,hut of great value
being • trail scientific. Remedy of great power: and I
recommit' it as a compelled which hat
done tooth good, and which is adapted to the core of
• great sanely of eases. 'Monet I hale never either
recommended or engaged in the sale of, secret rose's.
eines, regard for the tralv . lionest, conscentious, be ,
mem eharmteg of the Proprietor of ill. Ointment,
and the value of hil discovery, oblige toe to say atm
moth ttgardiror it. W. BEACH, D. 110
Now Volt, April 224, leo,
BURNS—It ls one of the best things in the world
for Darns. :
E—Thonsands are year; cared by this Oint
ment. It sieve falls lit giving relief.
. For Tomes, Ulcers, and all kinds of Sores, It has
no easel. • ~
If hlothorstaml Nurse. knew its value in eases of
Swollen or
Sore .
Breast, they Lwoold always apply It.
la such e.e.s.lf seed according ta direCtlo l ., It glee.
relief in e very few boom. •
Amand boz are direetiona (erasing McAllister's
Ointment lee Scrofula. Liver' Complaint, Erysipelas,
TV., Chilblain, Heald Head, Sore Eyes, CtSIOCI,
Sara Tbrou, Drer.clutsa, Nervous AffeCUOith Po.
Disease of the Spine, Read Ache, Asthma, Deafn i ss,
Ear Aelle, Bems, Corns, all Disease. of the Skin, Sore
Up., Pimples.'ec-. Swelling of the Limbs, SoresDra
Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Peet, Crony, Swelled or
ken Devout, Tooth Ache. Ape In the Face, Ss.
Pews the Reading Eogle. ,
`There Irsa never, 'perhaps, a blicine brought be
low: the public, that has In so abort a time won wch a
a. MaAlllster , a All.llealing or World
Sal', Almost every person that has mete trial of It
speak. warmly in SA prallas. One bus been cured by
It of
doffmo panful rheumatism, another of the piles,
a thi a tcoublesonte pato in the aide, u fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, tee. If .1t does not give imme
diate relief, in every ease, it Can do no Injury, being
gPtraltd*ottrer enterer of the wen derfal heal pow. I
cc roomed by this 'll's, we attblole the following.
cenaleate, from a respettabla cleave of Blaidenereek
torhalalp,4l - thlaeoentyt _ • ,
• Maldenereek, neck. cm, March .71,1011.
Messrs. Bluer 0. Cm—l desire to inform yea that I
' Rua a
s 4 211 " e l .U 4 st a i:Al L irenTre p o 'I P 24"wilifektitrptuhr!
chased from yea. I angered "'Shit far Lout tro.years,
and at night was unable to sleep. During that come I
tried venous remedies, which were prescribed tor me
by physician and other perm as,lmthout receiving any
reherodui at last made trial of this Same, with a re.
salt favorable beyond exoecta , s's• 1 "',..'27% n „,. u 7 a ;
ty or from the pain. and erdol ~
h..' a pe ---
and sweet skep. I have also used the Salve since for
Meth ache and other complaints, with WWI. happy
vaunt ; . Tentrfetend,• JO. Houma..t.
• - Selo Proprietor of me above merlietne.
P Principal Caen, No 21 North Third suect,Phlladel,
MOOT POLVINCIOIf.—Brano corner Of
Liberty and Et. Clair watts; and L. Wtlora. Jr., cor
ner of Market atrect and Ina Ihasnond, alto corner of
Fourth and Smithfield aural. J. IL Coo l corner of
Walnut and Penn Arms. rdth Ward; sad sold at the
Bookstore in Saltthfield awct,3.l door from Ea cond.
A u. s h,, l . Cup by 11. P. Rehvalu and .Sargent.
337 5. Ihuggial,Rirtalochaan EL Nagler',
E as t Liberty; IL Rowland, Meßeeapon; 3.A:colluder
& Son, Monongahela Clty; N. R. Bowman & Co., and
Li. T. angora Ilrownwrlllet John tlarkley, Beaver Pa;
John Wallmr.Jr-. Elisabeth. febllend'i
C TA, •
ris Pit th, na yetnyigrn mood
bbb/bi rtC D
fur •alc bY
5F.8.4 OIL CLATIII- 00 rads 4-46, - ,,, 33 •
op Pond, sad for pleb
Vslnable lead ettettslee 'Water Power t
let en fewarebli termer
anseprepared to lease th e Water Power at the
Grand Rapid*, to an amount safaeient to propel four
handfed ;pairs of.mill. stone. The location Is based
upon a reek foundation. quid the sower earl conve
niently be anolied on both aides of the riven. The
grille of tbe White River ' s. welt as the Wabash, can
he readily famished at this. point While Umber,
iron ore, and coal. to the greatest abundance, sod of
superior quality, can be easily procirred through the
same coliirtry.
Tansa—One hundred dollars per annum fors pow.
er ...Belem to propel a single tenet' medium shed
mill stone., far a period of .Iticen years. with the
right of renewal ou the expiration of the le•re, at a
fair vatoralon of the pester employed. , Thc•ii. of the
mill or manufactory rucluded, without further charge
fromthe Comprmy. Br order of die - Directors
Prerhiest of the W. N. Co.
0, Win Iny3laram
1.1- , :rhe skin of many persens Is disfigured with
Slight eruptions, es pimples, alembic's, ho., and when
this Is merely s disease at the skin, as it ism rusetY
nine cases out of every hundred, It Is sour emit 1 . re
moved. Jules Ilatiers fimnph Soap s ets py
adapted to disease. of the silo, as it directly
upon the minute.. pores which never is surface,
oleinsinythrm from impurities, arid by its balsamic
properties healing 'and eradicating all emotions, and
rendering the datsest and roughest skin soft, fair, and
bias ming.
Performs who have been in thelatit of using obli•
for sosp.will bo astonished-at rho beautiful Sect
b probe:red by tiro Nymph soap, in iMpartlng kiirale
OreVentiOr the neck, ram Or bends froM chap.
ping, undying all irritation, and removing all entone.
MIS erupt... It possesses an erMislto end
Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering
fuhe only article vslikti can he used web safety and
comfort le the nursery.
Alf chose whose fates or necks nee disfigured with
pie:pies,blotches, tan. toorphew,hio , should Make
leis% of Jules IlauePs Nymph Sony, as the proorimor
positively allot. them, that Its use will reader the
met dlsoolored skin abbe, the rene,best skier strumtn,
and the roost eltscased healthy, pulp, and bloom.
Jule. Hamel . . Nymph &rani, the onty anicle which
will effectually produce the above effects in to ahem
a Ilene, .11 the 0. ly one which ie at Ilia some limo all
powerlal and endrely harmless. Prepared only by
RULES 11AURL, Pee urcer and .C.hemist t
Chmarnit street, Milo.
For sale wholesale .na,,t.ti by n. A. Fshnestock
- ond R. E. — .lobs. Pinobarein and John Sat.
cite. F.r.
& Co., nno ellero. Pint'
Fens on.l J Mitchell,Alleeteny
' iss.corin IIA NO PIANOS.
A .GOOD Mahogany Piano re me, octav e
11:, second hartd•--. ••• ..... .••••-..•.4 1000 0
A handsome apriplas riano, with Dor-wood •
Itisoltoro, 0 octaves, and la good order • • • • 100 CO
A plain 51 octave Viaur,•• •••• • • ..........•• •- Aa ol
A good 6 octave Piano y , 5 CO
A good ai octavo ri6VO, with handsome
31111 IN it MELLOR
El Wood
Nitallo Night Light.
SUPERCF.DING the Wooden Float, and being
combartible, thereby oconotoires the oil, and pre
vents .amtion, heretofore ro mach objected to in all
ether floatt. One table epoonnil on the maroon
lamb ail Will lest bite. Ilolnts.or any farthet length
of time, teeerOine to the additional °ovally 0(01
Received and for tale 11 10111 i D MORGAN
ma la Uttotaist
TEST RECEIVED, at the Pittsbergk Family Gr.
tJ eery and Tea Warehouse , .
5 cases Fresh Oysters,ln Yin eons; ,
5 do Pickled do, in ethsts;
Sdo do do , plot do.
The above Froth Oysters ate parboiled and yet
on a highly concentrated foals, enclosed in Iternectiea
ly sealed cans. and said keep mach longer than ob.
pat or in the ordinary way.
.For sale., orholecale and MADfole, by
Vild A CIXRCI re On,
to CO V 56 Liberty rt
Orient.. American. ltleollmulcal 'Work.
DAPPLETON & CO., New Tort, haVe Ia c a noe
of publication, la :no., price twenty five cent.
each, • DICTIONAttI Maeh Ines, eessinic, En
gine Work, and Engineering; desitted fur' Practical
Working Al en,and there intended for th e Engineering
Profession. Edited by Oliver Byrne.
This 'wort is ol large Hen rite, end will contain two
thousand pages, irid upwards of six thnotand Mastro-
Irone. Itwilt present working drawings and denovip-_
lion of the most tsupcnint nutehines• la the United
Blau, Independent of the revolt. of American In
!tenuity, It will contain complete manliest mashie. on
Mechanic, !Machinery, Engine 'Wort, and Engineer
ing; with all that Is useful In more than one thnomind
dollars word, of folio volume, mag”lac. and other
book, numbers received, and Inr sale by Foe
agent, It HOPKINS,
apli IP Apollo Bailding, Fourth et.
4 4t;
• -
John 11. vlrllor, Si hood Strtet, Pittsburgh,
Sole Agee% le •Weinetti thertatylvania, for Me tale or
Grand and Square Plano Portlier
DLGS to Wend his nulls and •t macro l penile,
JD that be has now le•eiCe , f, and will receive and
expo. for •aie, daring the present anon., the brava
an most derirehle meek of Piano Fonts ever offend
for use in the wets—stung the nateber will be timed
n 'artily of
Ihanting lereel Xi:newton union lien Foree,
with an the recent Improvements in emenniim
Fal;;; Vi.tZt,fieland inthe Eatabersan am amen
XIV. styles
WM a large stock of all the unions style. of ra
no Forme varying in prima from gal'S to gam and
SIM% repined by Mr. Voiekernig lot the preaca
yertnile hen.n)
Panc ate atoned that the yono of Mr. CT:et
erlino Pisa. beer Lee, a. .d cucomn. 154, th
• n• ni One itunsuineteTT to I trstt ty.3lllteartagn
In tveorportanom amt win rte eelirvretl rd
ret i.
perfect order, to on? patio( the city, without chart
Vaal aospee r aosomt be, leave ,te triers. Ma oahlie
that he baa'4linsol liminess Sn too etas ;ion,
1". M. Davis, who will [or... the. 'sachets anal:tow
at the e'd aimulivenier of Mesa, 2..1
Fifsh Weems , . sad lot whom Isis eweetil co anotla
6111 ate adze libesal slimortalge.heremMie bottom 4 silo
oaths:hems, JUAN D DAVIS,
Apia 9a, 150. .
COL.TLIt 01 ann. •30 Inn, te)t rf.,
PI;001""elt'C 111?..ganiirsZtEr<T'ETirar:741.:4
orA n , 1 4 4 by eTperience and elo. ohentiett, to meth a coonnooree of the ouppon and
pfttllinarr.liboally es:coded to the Om. hone.
April tha.
• Notice to oar Pestroata.
rile decree], of the artire Canner, in Phitttelphlo,
(the late Jame. NI Day rrtg.i.n
to the Illtinellb—attnejc,mtnt•Leve Leen Made 'Which
involves the Some ILletret• ptecoptly, which he'd
heretofore exththd. The twit:tan Ls commas...l ender
the tomb llama and •
donna boot . k. Milner Iptda;
Juno Co.. rittaberen.
The .ltattinelnee of the Faisal:mu at one many
friends hi acspectfally solicited.
theyy pelves , • have
demands "%aura the concern. l.ll. tettne•ted
pithent them forthwith. l
for payment.
D. A. Falange:Oct a. Co.,
UTCOLFZALE DRUGGISTS, corner of rirst runt
IV Wood streets, arm fat rale,ontitynnible trims
100 bbls Whiting; WO Om Carl, Mumc....;
IA do Allan; • MA do Allsatiro;
300 do Dye Woode; MIO do Crude Toru;
25 do Lampblack; GOO do Liuorice
20 do C o; Red; Mo do Irish Moss;
do Camhor; 150 do Red Precipitate;
10 do Span. Browny - GA do o.lloinel Amer;
20 do lt eilow Ochre; Y 5 do do Fwd.;
10 do IhrlrestoneL !AO do Dotter leaves;
Bdo Closes,• - MCI do trhatinto Boot,
3 do Chatn.Flosicem; CO do Humors dot
14 elaes Refdlornx;
JA do Gentian dm
II do Castile riosp; MN Co Hal Ithcheete;
10 do y rns ann mac; 200 do tscolllta MLytate;
10 do Cale.
Moen ;; GA do Posted Rhubarb:
13 do Chrome Moen; fittl do do Slip.Glia;
sdo do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arable
Gdo Am. Vern.lborn DA do do Lig. Hoot
CO reams Sand Vatic rt IWI do do !atop;
14 bn. It.o do •do ACCsyczne;
21 bales Bottle Corks; litno do Ralph. Zhu.;
7501 Ralph. Morphia; 3tIO do Ilitr Tie;
120Ot His Carla Aloes; Ma do Tamarinds;
PM do lh.ebrorn Pornah; 155 do Quick Sitser;
thro do 11,* tom; ~rz, t ) do Change reel; -
1500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochtneal;
IMO do Cream Tartar; 20 do Ityd Itotathy .
WO do TIIMAS ACP; Mi do Mee; , I
DO do Co. Urn: thl_ do Gllmellle Lotion.
Pr.TßOLlifillais OK MOCK. OIL.
B Thera are more thing. In braves and earth
Than aro drenroyat of in plirlosophy.o
TILE VIRTUES or Sul remarkable teraedy, sad
the constant atiplicatlou lee it, to the p r oprietor,
has induced him to Pave it rot up is SOW. With
beta and directions for the bonen of the public.
'Dm PETROLEUNI lc procured from a well in this
county, at depth of font houdred feet, is avow -
dulterated article, without any chemical-change, hat
Rates Howl from Natoto'a Went Labratorilt Than
contain , properties teaching number or
no longer a Monet of ormenainty. There ore many
things in the arear.Aof nature,ableb,lf knoirthmight
be of volt usefulness to alleviating suffering, and re.
I . to v r e l r n , g illt,,eotoloomooref
profth .1 , 1 . d ,t a 0 1 , g g r‘loonsy ling
it op in boules b ,lt hnd a tlaneltn for the ewe of di!
case. The conatitnt and datly inerenong culls for ic
and several remarkable care. it bas preformed, Is
true Indication of Its (morn ympularity and wide
spread application loll m sure of diortiso.
We do not wish to moan a long pats
of eerll6-
eaten, as we ore Coll.2CitSis ISM the medielno can soon
Work its way Into the favor of those who surer and
wish to bo healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a
Universal oppllcanon in oven disease, we unheilta
tingly say, thatnumber of Chronic DISSIISCS it
annualled. Arnang these May ba enumerated-all
d ß i lgjlrl f 77 , l- " grgtrlqltg o l frl:itasseaC" . •"t hg Ne,a;
Asthma, and mt dicea,ms'of the slip a s sage l s b , y lAlVEs(
COMPLAINT; DYSPEPSIA; Mathias. Si de We Bladder and Kidneys, Patna in the flack 'or Side,
Nervous Dirences,Nearargia,Palsy, Rheumatic Pules,
Gout,Erytlrclas, Tenet, Ringworms,itarnaL Scalda•
Drudge., .licit Soros, hc., he. In cows 01 denllay re
uniting MSS exposure,. meg and promoted cases of
diocese, this seedier. p
will bring relief: It will gel us
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in Such CUSS,
,one and energy were whole frame, remov.
tog o bstructions, opening the sluggish fa netions,which
f=oliwettg anmd,„%wbrat.e.neemionittXulliona.anod, giving
Lae The Amor, knows. of sare l rat coma o o r f
P1L11.9, that resisted every other treatment, get
under the use el the PETROLEUM for !a short time.
The proof can be given to any Ironton who decries a.
Notto,gennine 'without slit aiguatato of the proptietot t
".I'infr,'*tir,;;,.., s'sar's.s.s•s;;
hy It E. sw.lins, 67 Wood st;
corner Wood st. and Virgin alley; who arc hia
• regularly appoinua Agents
rIALIFONNIA. RUBBER GOtilatirreOeivcd,
35 Camp Islantetst 20 ofileet COat.; ' la pre rants:
ltl patts_ne4 lined Ir [rung il? „. ; 12j!Olatl. 1. 1 .CF ,3
.. gat% elat..."bledoVelkr. Aitne4,ditr,`7lrePej
casobrse do do. Tho above, goods for Sala at. the Call.
Chatting Estabustottent, No J
im p 3 Woal st.
Nl* 41.. • I Mini i I 1:111•1111 't
~, , i . .
•A'=-----"-- '''' -- F - 14C - il-ri
-------=--- - ---- ----- - CARPET WAR -8
18.50 Iff 6l: Mli 1850 'TIT dOCI • ICll737tYldis.Fla*rolv'ehengtain'ell'lnieeivlite his ' '
ERIE & IVIE ADV ILLE • LIN E. 17,.... ,,, ,hc c..r7 , t 4 417„ 1 1 :j::, 4 ::',, 34 ''"
lipliOATS of tits Line will leave riimilarlyinnd de- Lit, rilf,lr..?-ri.,Y, { c tab ii '
_LI liver fretelitaNaleiout transhipment.
J C BIDWELL. Pitiaborch,- a Enehali anlAinerteinr. 11
JAMES COLLINS, do }Agent. t Faun Nuperline Linger i 13,II:IY „ 1 4
MOO. ELL & LIROTIIF3I., Roeheater, ' 4 S up .'". I P
• b r
lExtra super patentnenille
Raperbne do do Rem
i•!laden Rona;
Po n A
am,. %Villein 'l
CgOlnlon dr/ n
Chenille Ocatir Vela,
Sheep Skin " •
Aiklaid a
Extra printed piano wirer.
I T. table
Omnossed Plow, /`
-Table "
Linbovied Shand
lime:lend Vvestelal
DaniaNk Sin, Linen;
Turkey Red Cbinize.i,
Chu Pse Poideruip,
English 011 Cloth 'fable
Orman Linen crumb plodis
oo : en Mi
Irt,s r Reda;
kkkßmit' Dioiteeti,
Carpet Bindings,
dote and Coco hint.,
olliennt and Skeleton :ifs.,
..",.4 and •JI Green Oil Cloth
ton Blind , '
.. lB5O
From Pittsburgh to,Coltirobus and cui,iss au d,
through dui rids dud popolou-s counties ol uuu
liana, Carroll, &ask, Tusearawar, LuAlooLVlst,
liuking, arid 'Frauldio,
The complenon of the Sandy - and Steiner Canal
opens opt° one eity through thin mat natural t
tonne a direct entunnunteanian to the above an ewll nn
the adjoining comities of Wayne, Dolmen, Hoot, end
From thig section afOldo, the trade with Fopstomb
has been, td n great extentont oil. in consent:epee of
the high rates 'of transportation, which are miry re,
dosed 10, 00. nod Af per eenL
Bests of this tine will leave duly, and roe thronch
without' transhipminL The' Canal companyDtive
bestowed upon this laic an interest In the,unertedii
dented advantages of thetr dinner, and :bur secured
to the middle pornomt of Ohio In entering' the,. coeds
Equal interest Or this a:mann:sc. Agents:
J. C. I.IIDWFLI., riosburvh:
IIiDWELL ft CO., 1312.nroar.
rt C Mille, Ohm; • fl A. A Coy,
Willuemsport,O.: Centre Kemble, Ellovt, O; Corble
& llotlnvan, do; Ilanns., Orsbem 4Cn, yen Llstme, 0;
Aoes & Ilsonser, 0; & Itoorv, Mi
nerva. 0.; Braker h Poster. do.; Jorepl: Pool CO.'to
do.; Ihill A Buss, Oneida Antis, 0.; II V Beyer, do;
C B nuestlial & Co. Malosso, 0 ; It K Gray. Wayees.
bunt. 04 E Restiottle, d.o ; lesse M ownolls 0:
E J Bs ttdollA Co. Moo:01:1;04 Wail eo;
td . Posl sod & Co, Bond y sille, 0; B - BLOr'Ld , :
bough & Pollen,. 0; Wlllordas Stitivet.
do; J I Hoffman, Mostillon, 0.; Coranlins te. C,, do;
Jolts Rohl:Pon, Caosl Felton. ai Penis & Tetley,
Caoal Meat, O.; A Atedbuiv, Roscoe, 0: LE We,
no t; Newark, O.; FAO: A hale. Coluttloas, L P ?Lot ;
thews, Cleveland, O.; Rhodes A Green. do. on;9
errriausGn naNSPOBTATIIm LINE•
1850 r.WI..
Via Pennsylvania Canada a. Rail Benin,'
GTIONNOR. ATX/NS a. Co., Canal Basin, Llbeny
ATKINS, OVONNOIL a. Co., 215 is V. 60 Merket street,
Cream:sons It Co. Pio Ills street, Bel WILD re;
E Eruct, Neer cork
ELLIOTT & (;CSIG. Doffne. !tient, n..101t;
Mt:1100N Goes, irlsysdille, kient-e4;
1 rex'. it Co., trolombi street, thee i small;
11. Mises: Irnuiseille;
Beers, ll=ree re Co., Sr. Loois.
Ta S..'iscirpers itiercbarases and Ptodurs to and
from ilatlartpAitt, Itoltmore, N, Thll,l Batton
2 ott:er, ne not rtr , pttrtt'
'I, very tow. pnrrs. Wt
Itarre 6ttalns poiltlex tm
reuse beior now in hi
forward goods n• above
wor dog freighipai of any
allowing exieraive wick.
• ing entire catitiaetion to
earn. Oar bolt, are rill arprrinune, and
on saint ra6dar6 krrpae
oiler MONO.; cud with the
of Ducat wet confident of gr
all basin., entruated to out
new, and commanded
OUT emits lion is conducted
and trinftennes principles.
Hoots. Captain. Boom." • Capon.
Iron cfly': - dia6aa Trannyllatlia la-ion
Maryland Marithall St. hat., Cowtie
Cincinnati, Sands Col. Howard ntilley
Rath Anna, Chataarn Mary Deborah Sims
Writ Atitins. Permed Eine rpnie, Suyton
Import, 111 , quado Junta. . litewn
Boston, Alter Gen. Sum; Gem
Carlinda Rd. Telegtapittin
Celia liawkics Point 1 , 1111 UnyliCtinadd
srliseßronentiower IlaituCeCiippotfitley
America Perry Chin 110110 Kearney
Mermaid M'Colean . Sauter - Sine.
The Coo iil'quatio Julia Ann J !nylon
AUTVT6 M'Lawrell Tclegraph NoWacts
Leak Sharp retry North ticen ittle-
Shippers wilt find d to their ativentow to give at
Canal' Bann Liberty at., C01d...,
— lll , ercana•Trvolrportation Compfn y.
• -
D. l.r..fiCTl & CO'S LINE,
Fg Pesinarlaaria Canal and Fall 'naiad.
MICE !roue and Cue et tide Dan ban been rut in
1. compete order. and with the addAion of wcsern
new one. tote Lire, cnahleeeatry a ;etre
quanlity of predate and pooda. . t .
The entire seek of the Line is owned and center
ed by the Etorthe taro.
iIARRIS s I.EFFII, No 13 Fora; T111;71
And al the TOLICLO ‘Vz.7<1.7,, Iteee rt.
PIO telephm.. Po.;
JI:I?I , I . II.TAIIAtit .ON.
No lit Non!, itoWant Vetottere,
. OFFICE. No 7 %Vett 0. New 1141;
L19.A:11 A CO, Ct.& !Jetta Vtrl,
earl, tho.,:orb
• •
CLARK, PARIS &CO Eathe,Art 1'....1 4 tept,` , .
24111 N A cAna:gy,
Mc" cot' 51ait1,15,14 an.lWateT to, P.D6balh.
( A rla n:'( . :V rl - ,•Yretteltamcn rt, cmnit
aditier of tba Una are nnearpays , l noruAet,
T ar
end enreeily or Vous, capc.rsoce Cleaptna..,
tralet.ri,ney Of Attn..-
' 01mlieat loam. Ura..aDtb and Claartax4 .1.11• re a
ntra, In teeth , . "'Rh a Lia,
DAra , ‘ 14111,1D-RF:II anl
..,"• St.csat shoe: Frattßcra a-A1 Ott
CCIN , ..n(INF ,I "Y.
(102, Parka & Qv: liorh , Pr.:
V. N Pelts a Co, I'eve;e666. 300;
M 11 Toy lur, 11;
A & N auk, h,..vVon 1 , 011,0;
1 We. & Co. R 11,011.2. 0,
Keel, Grinnell A Co, Frav, il .
11 A MilSo,6o/6 0 Me
Wilecler, Lee kr. Co, Mt too
Chse6c6. Craveconl Cn. Cleve:A.l, 0;
11161.,1A S6dvety, •
L'retham a Scztt, Toltdo,lr.
Wtll.te. et 6.,-I:llwant , e, %Vivi
Martel A. De 1.61, ILscinc,
Overve A 4;i6,,,Ch.a6.111;
lbotetalll.l2e, o l ,,, ve.; ll .
10It. CAVGIIMY,.Agent,
me= earner ,C , ster.o3 61
,01 e.
IfFAKR. Stßilir. AND 111C1110
us vin RIDE
CLAIIKE.rAtIIoa4 &a:cc It orloater, thaprielor, •
riold inn ..dl known I.m•
vroold t affirmthe pubbe dint fley tie nn» In
onion lot the rtr,rri e...yon: and ti,Ve
rarefying rraigtf. ytol rat,ent;rtis vfl.lch Dor are
folly pre:oarca to tarry to all N.M. , . itia Caonl and
!ARM MITE Ara 11
Altha loarcat row& Ono of tho' . ll4 - rfu of Do Lira
via Le ftt the lauding, belo w Monongahela
111idgc, to nee's, (reign • • .
°Zee, tor Water Ana linathGef.l sts, fitrybargl.
41t)N.SIGNF:I. • •-•-
It W C=1111;1.11, Near Cast:a r ra:
Martfoarro & Co. Pulaski;
W C NEI*, Shatetu •
S 11. , I,Sbarpsbutr;
%Vick. Aelstr; A Co, firoornfl:o;
Win Henry, Dartmoor , : t - • •
Wal rower, Conitesotafilri -
John Ilrato
Inhn JII I'o,lfoliolo,Nl V. ltrulXl
Plttelmirgh Portable Llsof
nn — ms yeausenaronou Ormimorie
"ro AND ;awl •
1.1111.".11111.11 1 ,
Tatou. Emasomosi.t raorne A O'CoArion,
ndelpi ' riprtmreh.
TOE Canrif being now open, Mr pron.-too of
long entehli•lord efr as and el old
livingrcen fa/worth. Nlerrlmodlre ono
Prod.° el pod sent* tho pit inpUir+r,
tainly, end rrafeip, to WI; errten, nod (fwd.,
of traroportation, whore too, rinrdieln traollortnrat
hoot 1.1, with thb emomiocia Jeloya and prObebiliiy
of damage
111.eharrOlge andEroiluee slopped motet weoharni
11111. of Lading forwarded free of-rho rue for entioan ,
lion, advaneleg, Or Corse, 110010 e JA in , erert dr
redly or Indirectly in oterimtm itint of the wow,
1* solely consultrd when rLipping Men' tobal. -
All communicatoraa to the fallowing *gette prompt
1p attended to:
No 7.7 T
7 nlnrkrt etre,
• AAFIT Cnerttint , tit,
Cornet Penn end Wayne Meet., Itinchner,h
'John NeCallogh tro,IN North elf not P.R. Mel
2c Co. 23 Dunne Ltoeutn, W. fer‘ Clrorouou C
south .4 New York: James , Whtelerct ght, Churl
MEM 1850.
Uatareen 4-
pi...b.-6h nod kiaater •
TIM Canal being now open, as ate ready to TerVIVC
and kicsaardPiniiiPtiYlProduce altd, me relimilizo eat
and '
Fralghts always at lowest faint, charged by ft ;pp,
sible lines.
Prodone anl merchandise will he received sad Pn•
warded east and west. without my charge for for
warding or advancing knight, commissiod onions , .
11111. of lading forwarded, wind' all directions (nab
(ally attended to.
Address or apply to, IIfhI.IIINCI I API, _
Canal riaaln;cOntiticyty Waynn sit Pittsburgh.
No Ifin;Blarifel et, bestvecn Oc. alb, PIO.
No 192, Mirth Ilnaard Iltddlnnfu.
sorlei No 11, West arced. Neat Torii
114111.cEN ft COI
Paimeager ants Ramlttanee Odle..
lIANIIDEN h CO. contlnue so brim: roams
pert from any of Ergland, Sentient/ or
41Valca, upon the Post liberal tem., with their
amass punctuality and attention to the wans
nt& and eo
fart ot ematigyints We do nominates ourpnerengers to
bo 'ebbed by the swiedling scamp & that mho the seas
ports,. we take charge of thetathe moment they re.
port themselves, and red to their well losing, nod de
epatch theca without any : demist. by the first .kip..—
We say this friatlesely, n. yea defy ono of out passen.
'saes to .how that they Were detained do howl by ot no
/Arnhem!, while* thousands of atheist .ss ere 44.1., , ,3
month., until they could be sent in vont set ma
oh :p rate, which ton frequently prover. roils..
We Intend to perform our contract. ape. ruby. cost
What It may, and not seta e was the some lost reason,
with ethos olEconbrswho either performed not ell, or
wilco it tailed their conveniences si
pupraftS &ales, n spittstrumb for any yam (tomtits ,
Danko io
DlTOptatt •Ld
- intary.nna
Dupuy, se.;
... pipes 1011aml UiD4 •
6cik.N r Thaw
'4OO Wriltl!eyyfor Wei by.
novo :V, /lc IdITOIIBITREF•
Soper:me Ingrain Carpn.a,
Extra Eire
Fino :
Cotonson, all serrol,
• a - tIGII
1-4;1 and en
Von Cur.
4-4,1 ntid 1 4- 441%1 CsaP•
4.4, 4,1 and plain end.
List stn.! Rs, Carrels ;
.ta4 Prtr.ted Craton Carpel.
•' . 0.• -
C-4; .2-4, - 4-1 and :
Oil Cloths; 1 ' ;
6 , 1. L-1, 44, and I Matt; ntr; 1
16 inch 0.4.011 C/ollts
: for r.utirs, ' '•-
exa (aloe
Damesls fss Liningc.
AVlar.scd hl9relns.
Uufl'llolleatator WShadesi
.Trthapa ret ,`: ..
French Iran p.
Yen ban lilt la; ~
11.11nrr (or '1f...3.7 .
74 and . G 4 I Me Linen;
.11naala Craea; _ .
Seqt,h Diaper+,
Drown Linrn.Nnpitin.;
Orman' Oil Chat, Table
' Cove.;
MO most noproend Eng
hters trout td to 04 fret
Om t rooms, 1104., rind
fmntrd direet from flpr.
',priory CA Rl'Efld. 'There
nI ell. nod most e)egnot
f the must gorgeous rotor,.
Or as they ono La pardhuned
Suit= OIL Caanits (ton
Hall and A111(1 ran t(1.015
in width, which Nain La
rosnant, an any , niar or ph,
The underalnurtl having . '
lead, hit Wk. Pile and Ti
Carpets, *hien aro of Ili
styes and paurrnn, and o
toll Ln told at prices
for in any of the nastera etlies
'laying . the law , ' n• anent the rtche•l and
maws las:atm:odr llbtlELS. IMPERIAL 'PHREL:
PLY and InifilltAlN apeirs winch far nucrksnes
14 cid mho, not arnprtr. of in...any wanstment .1. Car
helore bronchi Lc Las city ( Ile alsoStrsathost
Men and Conch Mananacthrcre las large sad :tell
selected assrittincnl C and otter a,steles
• -
nencs • nry in their bur: riC,6l.
'foeuuderrigned ie 01 , 411.1i:el. for the only Stair clad
klanufdricity' in Philudelphlo, and n preporcd in sell
lower than eau be puralle.Sail cl:eseherr In this city.
SiliN.lNTfiele . •
. 7 l•rts• , r.NeeeSer
A. 19APON k CO.j en Shirker armee, lamer , .
ThUd and Fourth, sten now re del
;of En , nrer Lian, Von tan nn ro
ller neer article, Pellet If; Cispe Ur leorid se; wall
• hirgesseertinent of Lorna slid nth, 'Nero floods.
of inn !wirer nylon and mast Nehionntile color..
((OFFS}.--.50 bey, • pilule 111, and )eve, ------
jennt.ra -- 4d tnonkt. Jinp,l, 011 4 , <111e;
Cia,V-I , lTh la Cr e t a 3 I.iry
t`r no—ln dor 1151011 and Alain:lui
Creers—F !moil; • t
eidease-5011.Cinnt.n and half
Fart—U4 bristled hull brie Alociirdal ern) Aare:ton;
Nheiii—ia Ls. assorted niece; •
Ilars Prison Venire.;
11,10ideger Cured;
Innico—LlAl lin 4 F rod Altorilia,•
Inn —IG dos lierriso a Blank end Cepying;
Slivieterser-es. brie N °Ordure;
lb bolt Pile anger Route;
Moirsere—Uo des . arleorted emulators;
/10111,C11.1.1.-C. j do
teas oeSortrii;
Pirrisars-3 dozjare,artarried;
PEACIIIa . ..NI bushels helves;
PAP" terms iierierted;
Peurise--140 ills Ildrdesus;
linee—riti Ilse Nagai end Colt fitC[l;_
tzon•e-111 blob N ()dew:sand Clarified;
Tice—PO portieres (:seer, slot Wert;
t lb IPPpi
NV sou itesens—Stedos patent
mi ffale by • I .1 13 WN,LIASIS CO
l Corner of ledih end. Wood el
Et UPS! riav! Ft it, '—'lln. tut, rtnere von pay
toe coon, plink, :stalk Rut, they and Odd la,
end all taxis pr akin ing rota, tan biguest tasteto
tx CO,
contra Flab end Weal sta.
1,3 rni
n N ,I o thipumno
;I,—:Wandl by
a r ct c anntrby
‘ I . .ytro,r the 5a
rrentb and klaricen styLra,
in gn:d,clalanoir,ual btrb
W. V.
mrin rr
tlerat g I•elvreen
Jana raa.uu
Eta.' Ike film
a thdmy th.roloki LrumAtia2
e olafilin
0' No.l,lll.ltwity aura
N 11 111!,q 1 / 1 E.L.D,
I 14.1,1a.,111 ,141
cortv.' bawl('
A. U. e‘,1 . 4,14,2 , 61th.
1 rml GEOTZ(VE - RICHARD w.ll
Isc WC
Dry , r. 4.1
;d ma:..t. No -.,f1 e I rt.
I 17 , L. IW:4IHk:IM CO.
iot:lull. the 11 LeII
1.f,-ety I 11.37,“,
l,f •vr.
, 7-;-.i.i.j.TX,r4l7.l;TC;To r lri . -. 1
V ort - :
at.,l t.ri•
it. N. 1.1,1 W. B.
Ihr my le Of
nt We .141 rat,..),
1. TVII 1 N
i• iii7a;y
I, limeery, Co
~ in :alum w
u ~+.o/11.1401
Z . r tArr
1 . 1:141 . . nu, Mar t la
Tr.i%LV , rli
At..alai ONLl — Ultli:l7i AL
s. WISTA.B.e 1.1AL441A1
Frreat c 0,33, far
t;ftsrnu;• or Coco,
Wirtit! ,, .• In tie• *td*
,a-c.., and all a tlicr
I , MISti•
7V. 111, .
AltV 01 •1 , 1:GVIS,
.1,.• %, .. Tr. !, 11 ail, ra , ..`r 1 ,, 5• ,
71. , 1.,tur , ...e. it 1tt.,..1 a
L.k.t. , I , LAN 1-". k.
1 , 1 :, ur,`..L.:Jly rq-01,4 1,,,,,,,,
4 w , tient. L.I raot,red loot:
!tv ••,4 dm .i.1,4,1,,,Fiihr.L. IrCtrY•
1t 1 PM/14 , rrpeil., et..1.1.ta
ridrte..l trr t i viz.., Pc oto of 1111 , 1
t , .01...vrr to 0 I.,calthy 00(.10.4
I t sl lx•na-..n,M [411,, stlt.t
! sesarsir had lade.: io. peralace {Lag
Kan.nct ha• tr•or
rc~a vr p
dr••••••dr Sect.
e 7 in s.e disc ate abase .
Loral • very al - ..teal rind] , /di
vh2Lil La, in...ettextrtonvOY
, [VIII in casco of years
lees , of uaellims.rel.. l + grown
4,11:4, and a re.
aktnri, nqlh .inik4
rod •
the sec.> of arteritita
avagcs. Nvlvtatmtottuling thc
tholi ctcn
wool* Forailaaoti 4/0 ar.ouslir
1.-vt•tr s ILA fro,
as. e.t....v1t.
,111 r La
Orl to
Tyr ^^
Itnr. "l 4
bla sten
11 WL, CALL'
men:sant donnveties of the mgr. in
1 nb0W.0.,1 of uns Isige el.,* of our.
01 , WILD
of ‘l,el ilnele;
10.4 . 11•Lb1k11 of Chem Ilea and
oNoo Icraool ‘141,•, (We laOtt lo.rolfted cipfest
.”. rare na-Aletnel
ear at, bejoblbe by e neer cbcmient
Ilie rxtr.l.[.e T., tb. becalming We lettole .
Ind Lb, rer,bin sn4 elheaciolle Tem.)
Full Mahererfdrocert of the rennet aye Clfin
tol,Tliell of Ma 4nrAttillegire proposaltorn
trecmo.l.o.l.. Frown .1,0, Aug. 21„ LE-41..
1: man
rt...trotto d Park: Gentlemen, Abe. an •
I rAclecti secury
of Wistor t s Iloannt
f W i ll Cherry, tOn oath sour reluelnutro an ney pea.
for ore tila I hot been me ...sit of co many
,all. nod Mr. 11.11105. Wllll . ll weal cracked
finale to
waletloti, set icaul, but Vitj.!:, torm.l uot
end In t, of no ode.. 6.41eV,1, .I.ept to the man
use.... 1 , 0 gandolly 01111 alit Unit' have
to the .o'st:rectal try
;Valor's Itul.sto revccorormeed me Mat ...or) can
come notof Natiretlt " Your °Kea le tt tne one do.
en 1.01 r.. 501.1011 ote 011C011e-11.1Pi Leon the 01E1.1
of ruti, Clacli et Conn-apt:on—
and klo ' n wank:, lir atoll I PLY nod I. ten In
to . m
lreec. tate el 4 p.m al.: A roan?, gnat.
iron to r. Adams county, 0., 111 miles fro r.
nor plant, was viral ol 1,0
tors an. gm. In up, or M fans could In colleing for
tr tttt t ml at teal tii,111.7111,11 of his friends to eon.y
hint to your env, laud place lout undor the onto of route
enr.o,ent ydaystutols Mete. Gut a Isle. told him of
tV,artr`e, Uolentra tool that ha could obtain It ales.
Ile ,ea foe tt, nod before. slat eceond baths wen gone
to. was atated era well. And unending loins runty day
hts•llo,s: As thr.l . , ars. Several boatel. for VIC Mull.
rlll, ROUstl lered e lo (award Odditional supply
"r tng.F=riMmin.
Tho stoner, Irma Newland, Erg., a hlghly rove.
atto country metehrot, common. 114011 McCarty- to
yonad of 011 tome wan baa doubled
tha gteut Meat or Wtster's %%hid Merry 3411. m.
Retherober I' Crigirml and only genelne:Wlrter s t to Wt hl Clown, was Introduced to tin yen
ISO, alla her befn sere tested'in all entaplernte for
whieh il,s, rcrolnincneed. For 17 yenta dl idiot - eyed
more blase to d, a remedy tot Coogbe, corlds,lnflu. -
tore, azofit . heir, Ail one, and•Coneamplaest tat to in.
Vocal rleg ,. /, lb In mil other medicine.
LOST y01f33 1 ; At. RtIBTORF.D. ,
liimPlrebroltnr M1(.10,1819..
Mr. S. W. Foraler Ilariny /ten many eettullocos
puhlislied.ln relation to Or. Wister's Balsam at Wild
Ustorty, I Mee tii*o7llolmenity 'of offering a word in.
its fuser,.ivioelt goo ran alto at liberty to publish. A
leer monihs to ocei my settee 1 unrs toren. Ito much et
',trod trit lt, a ithltlen cold, eat She lost bee vOrea, apd
, ut ier,d itrecrol,'trurn pelnimit the beerurt. lire erten.
non n n a nd
her *knee Innen stern. Mooing beard
onset .Italtent strongly recommended by those tab*
.ed it, I nurehroml a Pottle from 'y om . egeut an
p r o
toed. Stu:
nee Hiret . lo tlireetione, and at pro.
;seed 4 aren.....itill effect. Ihrfone using' ono bottle she
bad oor,or, ors
rhrour red her voice, the Vilna/ eulmid
cd,Mill her tterthll'orturoirra relit tnAtuteirlisheil.
Yollln, truly,' k I iF.SIII ff. ritetuitTNlAN.
to Detfite,Te tine ite.i.cce (rile elaregn.—Thl eel.
chimed k•ut mrsr.lN , 're:lr Sy for thorns
ort; Ala. any brim Compistat. t o by Its oon ottv
tits, been Taied:y, Farr and safely strotlong its way
throndlt the oirittnon of fluncto and coutnerfenort.
Moll, try Its true r tiler, nod ititrlntile excellence, tt lora
gained for itself e refit eneinlec Impulerity, and esteh.
imhedjusell in Ihe confidence Of en ihrteheelit and en
irehteherl pubitei (rain one end of the ellullncla to nit
Mitre.' The testtmony of fhnomnds who have beauty
Veva and cured tip trot ruhrede article, will atoll
that it antoralted -- et the heed of all other me
dodoes, for the eure . of threw," for whieu It is 105011
en' The &ozone Ur. Witter's llelsom of Vild
chorry In nun let role lay duly appnted Agents, and
ail teepee oak dealers 01 woad dent ell Ininucalle3
sue all
throughtmi the Ustiod States.
Pales ert pet It
I Sit Rooks for RS.
101 l by J. 0. PAM:, putecessortortionlford A. Fate,l
F our th nod Walnut streets, Cincinnati, ohm Venom]
Agent for the South Led West, to whom all moor.
must he thldorird. .
~,.. gt, o uo r, 3 t, manor A. Jones; 3. RUM I. Co, D. A.
Fehttestoet A ea, Pittsburgh, I. T. Russell, Wash
room°. W. IL! Inntherion, FrrotlVirr, I. ll.' Dossier
tr ,.,,, 0r ',, r 1 t.' We Ity, 0 rennet togb; S. I too no,Somer .
..e1; Scott A Ulitnore, Itedford; Fgra r l / 4 rt ou rr ooro „
doll Mrs. Orr,ll.llll.lartharg; Ilildelatin It t. ci, hull
on, J. 0, Wright, 11ntenning; Itynns e. CO, OnNet•
I ',We; A. NVllinil & el.ln, NVayne slough; ,AFFarland A
, (h Ft. Callender,
Dorton re Co, Feet J,
r hlagolfin,blereer; /blues, Kelly A. Co, Butler; ti.Stnlth,
!leaver; J. D. 80111rflrnein, War
P. 1.. at o.lS.Jones,
conderspoTt; V. CrDokar. Jr. BTlMllinr,ll..
e......lknnlnlin' . ' ' --..—.
—._ 7 —
‘V /eel rce.l,Ati invcito of full ,Icarclled %le.
Welehee ezirets fine .1.e., whlel I eon cell as
Inn as
eb l tlnety'ind thirty five ani *.ertnted to
0--A.sp!en,Ud awarnent of,JEVVF.LItY, coca:
P!'"T‘f, t t; ' Ar " in s oßN=blilli i iVe b ;=7 "
u tati • -
1 , iviror KO* Fa 4 lank WM.
L 7 Wale.lnes or the ch il e
tahem :tuition Ohio, May 2S. Inl9.
IL FL:tellers—l think ittightt ' for the benefit."( others,
la state nue facts in relation to your excellent Fa.
truly Medicines.
1 haVe alert your Veratinage largely in my own
one vial frc,iatently expelling large quamon.en
(any Itti to titan wettest from two children. I have
also deed soar Litter Pills mad Corgis Syrup In toy
„„a , nee, in every instance, violated
rite effect. &eared. • - • •
As. I Aim ."maimed in Inerebandaslng, am able to
state, that I 11100 pet to Leer of the Gast failure *here
peer ea ea I avo been used in rny section of the .
chantey. In conclusion, 1 may state that they are toe
arunsanings of
o f alny, SILO aft dem/nett to liner n yet?
Yoo", r' \; " 7ll' l gitlE•LK
Prepared and raid by ELK SELLERS, Nu 74iVmail
staeet, nod raid by Drupgitts generally in DA two
eines end vienitiy.
67.7.;:5ra AIEIIICINKS—nIIrieI are as
Aledienses at the day! ,
tins lame wrATION, Ohio, May $ 1 5,1142.
IL Sellen I thank at right forthc benefit of Others
to Mate DOred fart. 9, relation to year eXcellent Faros
t r Atedielnes. •
I hare scud D ar Vermihige !ergots' tansy own nan
ny, one anall•fre.,aentis answering for ex pellt eel g
quantities (nay Ito 200)14011114 front - two chdd re% I
have nista sled yore Liver IRlle and Cough Syrup an
my family. tad they have Oh Oren' ierthif POO produced
the meet desired.
As I sin 'it:lased In merchandising, I nm elle to
stale that I nave yet to hear of the Grit falinre where
your media...nes hate hien used in my Aeolian of tare
Ito conetuaine, 1 may stele that they lire the
ntedietnen of the day, and are dostaamil m bare h very
extensive p spuionty Year!. fee
l'repared and cold by 11. ; t b HS, No 57 Wood
atreet, and sold by flange. s ceomellY in themM et
lF original, only true, and genuine Liver Pall.
linos, Uhlman, Ohio enunty, Vu.
March 00th,
Mr. IL K Sellers: Dear Sir-1 think It a diaty L l owe
to yon and to the public genera ly, to matte that I have
been notated with the Liver Complaint for o tear,
lime, and PO badly aunt rut aliens, formed and broke,
which left me to a very low state. Ravine. heart of
your celebrated Liver Ptils beteg (Or tole by A
'Sharp, in 'Vent liberty, and recommended to me by
My physician, 11r. E. binith, 1 concluded to give diem
a fair triad. 1 purchased one hos, and found theta to
le just what they ore rerommended, THE P LI.
VElt PILL. EVER USED; and after taking foul boxes
I land the dinense hasentirely 101 l me, and 1 sou now
, perfectly well
you r
;71 coLciAti.
West Liberty, blorch XG,
I certify that 1 mu personally &evacuated into tlr
(elan.: , end can boar testimony to the truth, of the
ve •ertificatte. R SKARP
ni' Tne
•ca nine Liver PAIR are prepared and sold by
It I. 4 LLEIIS i No 57 Wood street, and Ly drugglilla
Ti) T7II C ‘ j . tiL I Cp r e pared ottginal, only true and gen
uum Utter Palle ere e try It It :tellers, and have
bra name staniped /,black wax upon the lid of each
lax, and his signature en the cutnide WooPPer — oll
OlitelS Ore ealiaterfeits, Of N.* imitations. ,
.010 , 1111 SELl,l3l`t,yrigkieter
OIL JA lr Vela, cnariniivlqVlar.ausnia
1,, , R0M the Rev Loud. 0111110 - , a well known nod pop
3: also Llergvannn or theranteidnnthlethodattllburch
'rue undersigned litany been aft:soled daring the pall
47 ef
with a disease ot the atornaelnsonictinaes pro
great him an the stomachfor ten or twelve hunt*
without inierm sninond after linVittg Dted Visrmns
ten:ratter with ' race: wan Parniihed with a bottls
DID, filnyries Gs mauve lielnanu This he seed an.
cording to the direet.ens,ard forint miter /ably Rail!is
rembeine eansedthe pant to shalt an three or aPhrrthrt -
Iltril, and In Sheen Of twenty minuteneveryirmeary
sensation env ettlieelr quieted. 'lke mcdocine
tererardtt [lima whenever approach of
painwete peree.ved,and the pain ins the( Or prevent.
ed. Ile continued to ant the anedierr.e every evening
and sauteilme•an•ne mammy; and in a few weeks
health was so tar to:stored, that the seller.' Was relies
ed from ntiarge amen nt of oppressive. pain. From ex
patience, thelefare. n e can ronFlently recohe aho bd I/ y
DieynelsCareonstai e Deism, as a salutary nt
for di of thottornach said Lowels A SEIN ND
Allegheny thy oy II
Far sale to Dttaburgh nt a .IEIIiN 11. S. / oil
72 Fourth street, ere eWO a and also st theinuS
;ranee of If rZ. I. • • iii fiteet. iit'erieer
V ALLI 11.1111 Pi e —i) VitrhVICAZY 4 ,
lilt nWAVN
TVZ alatrv.varat vox •
Cam mmyrivn, Cavvaa, CoWs, Avitaav, Brom . littir, IA"
laiTtauliy of Btaxt , t
"ter IVarint.t7l.2Tts'a:'C'r'a',';:i'rrioVe'ni'll'..."
vtltatioa, f•Pare 'rare -It, . t L,R.
and ell Latta...a ..f the
13 tear lad 1.111,4 , .... : Le tr.,,t at , •
(carnal tifli ry evrs
avtr 1.011 , :tir awl CO •
WI Lao.,
DR • 6\• 31 Y.'
ColrApoaand ElTrvp of AV 1111 a:avttyf
TlAu.cJietne 0 , auto, duabtAk
• from
h Ic
launched Upon the tide taper new, nutfoow
hiehor etpataUttet-ond g.etinudtee taote extent me.
IY-us:dn.., any other 7.,e...,,ratt0u of .ulleint eves
produrelfo: the of euovetng man.
It ban tern telroilueed "el ,enctrAly threugh the
United States and Ilarreat , ono there aft few „town; Cl
Itenmexnee butcher rcuinto 50.11 , 1 reateletthlo cab
hexer ed 1., gond celeety. said proof o(the lorec
t onig
attnexteutee and of Ile V.I. said ralc,y 0( 11,,
eine r d
, tilt pro yeivtrn will inter( fret-0(111e mar,
rood lei...mot:tali v. hien gave n prerennalio %mu by
torn of the Last,0 who Lave ntener
Trews Cl morn: retepon-abilit, and etvinee, eh., ege .
lo (nets, bet ante tt another al favor, and
thenuelyea oo tnjitediee. Beth tevthonny Noyes ran.
elettively,thnt its aut7entioe execilr.en to etrenttliviied
1.7 Its if merits, and the anenttune...We authori
ty of. ahae *puma. 'nee illl,l2ntantnus eche( it at
tonxt, s e nt the soothing Itillue Dee dllluend Liao:nth the
. vhola I
an hp iIA, nee, reuderal at a moat agreeable
renerdy for the atlinted.
11.1 , 24 F- 11 ,1 111. 1 81
~W hert inrry to
rim front ennvelentinua amputee.
voltentittl7 tese testimony to ta b troth of at tido, e
ClTlera, fact, aorta tetXrdotlye being eqatrarti. t
tle o that
ANlrdist nr rt:I,3ONAGT vattaintee
Theta rear( R. %Iglu has been ott seerenen
deviserate ea-tev of
.Con.attotrtion, cult. ttivagoe
convainr. , l ety rap .1 %%11.1 Cherry, It toethetiv I
ond kiwi,. to' Id al C., aleere on ty,- inn
my, ea 'oh elven: rower peaty. vitd
oeht vitietae.
f a r an.raa
Dr. 90. ITTlC— vat.: - , be bcce, our path.
ay 4cue,al V.11:4 Cheer: I . breathe 1c,... , a:
tharthe ray Inc. I.nceal a rreale eth.l.artoeb cra.ha
shy crew worse, rcienatal eveare that
tesoacal ail the re...her Irloeh I haa th ecatie 10, 1.11:1
e: r ay
:mill my ceac ash:la:ea .1 the of in,alclo9. al
l'ultrthary Cony:vapor, livoty hang I Ined neemall
1.9 bale no rile., ana ray ceechlaint.nere.ea 'raped,a:
he that inanac. wail cy ray...
my et:ovay At this hr. I oraa teecmcatranal to tr 7
year thcalsable atedirinc: I Oar co enth tl. meg ha?.
c 5 :a:alle, The hest Lantte had the .lento 1cr...,: the
~,,,,,,,,,„o, th e to e avethrate fterayl Ana by the
ea. I Led 1n1,12:1. Itottice,l a•as catmely well, and.:
• Tearly a WO tiN I ear., veal ita My Ina, .4
eeauld he harpy to give any informs:ion a:az:v.:bath thy
rase, that other ealeee:a may 40tive the benea: for
wthch 1 ath ao grelethl. Icy the read of e4ll aboaa
nateavenh I yet , yea to Eater Rada Graeae. Wool
Chalar. Pa, of abcan I pure:eased:he a:calcine.
ticipentalll lanthaa' Jaana Melee..
Worreferfuf Cure of a illrgodist Mi.-...tre.
ono Swarm-Prot Slit I feel o 4,1.1 of gemmed. go,
to y-and a duty to rite oillicted general/I, tii eller
lob • imotty urfavor of yom Cornmeal y.
rely,',:l yytd‘gheeey. Some thruc year• eince I te.
~,,,,gy enseg o o o with 'tole anil inflammatir.n of the
Longo, whiult wets vecanunnied with. a timer...Mg
cough, pain in the bre iet aril head, • very conitittera..
hie 4MM:torte of offerieter.,sclociw Lenin rhvg,1„,,,,, „,„.
fi ' el l t l f 4..\T„°. VNF:.6 , 2`',:.'2,17.`,i,7, Iv'hishpLre4';
soon tbrerillf[ti that I wan raptly going ratWommorap•
g ag . I row daily vomiter, nod at length wet scarce
ly obi° to walk *boat, ea speak above a wintper, ouch
was the "makers. of toy lungs. Outing Min
b ut I had tned a•nop+
Old y reec e e pme,
but fouod no rested all the time worse. Juot
hero I W.ettiv,ed
mot by a dear !mod tit
NVilrain*ort to molic tits! of your Syrup of Wild Cher- .
ry. I most
•mite•.• not previously I bail lir. preen-
die. impanel ',molt mei, .d I am still against '
•toed coming out
tlie hands of emperles, Inao. under-'
1111.01:tii31( lour etainte to thr profeision and rcliectice of
ntedielneesnthatrlny implicit Fatah ill the s.)l.l.V.inly
t fertilitith pot• of Di. Show, a .iitory,,,,,
gunmen for inutica, and commenced 'mem, di.;
Otto wet at LIP • nine of Dor 1.1 mom.' nclitug, eon
imituently it woit Jeeply Kato& it round e l 110WCVCr
onnoidernble rebel' fre,o the um or the brat foor e a r e y i
bottler. Um I.o.lno,vn,ptelimitc
, speaker, 1 freiloently at
'lthmeie'l'i.)il rloopinlrlB..Vl'ho./i've.7.l:l;.';ll,:if .lunty,,th?rmed
'to hoot; to this es., doubtless; my mita max - g,relitly
retarcleiL. In ...sequence of cling thus isiprudentb
I had to use tursive et fifteen bout. bolero.' scoops ,
teeny restored I halo no qoustinn, • intich sinoll
norther pf.batll6o would have mad• me imOnd,htl.,
lhenboYealnibscretion. Tho Syrop alloyed the fOre
I.b h0i,,,,,,A ...waythe distresem• cough, p o t ...,‘,..
to the clutehargu of molter from the lungs e 11.1111.,(61 .4
them •od the 00111.0.,yitrill sooti htllllll. I 'moo def.
rd adoring too certificate until now, for the pupa,
being perfcc-f sous tied with the, permanency or tit;
and timer alit I feel perfectly well I Mks it with
PI JordaYt.
Pllrnaounty N.
importan/ Careltem—BAlß .Roc
lbere Is but to e gm: ' • properatton of Wild Cherry,
andit'.but i
pp tic, v Dr. trwar nee, the him ever otTered tha
whteit heen cold largely thtouvErteat the
United States end some parts ut Compel vll pre
parations: calle name of Wild Cherry have
been put out al under novel of mum deceptive
Circumstances .0 let topic eurreocy_to their rater..
By it little otrievatten , 'top esin. need i n i, ‘ „g,
genuine frond, (It.. EMI; bottle of the gcullme
enveloped wit Imautreol .I.l.par:tr army the
Likeness of William Penn theteour atm, Sunryne`a
signatirer end . farther semi: Sty, the troAratt of Dr.
ymnyve will hr: adde
`tomeseatter, se rev Id distinguish
hIA prep... Way `tom all einem. :Sow, earr
lure not for
the gloat vang,,n properties and known ;virtue, of Dr.
E.g.:typea Cemosurol Syrup of Wild Cherry. persons
'could not be prior to gita nerreary to their
hy Ple:01S the neon: of Wild
Cherry. li Cautious
cutoorbor. n o t
heat ot meta l the non=
of Dr. Smarm nut he not deceived.
principal °Vase, Corner of Etyhtli ut.l have
For rale nrt.tatvale and retail by OGDEN A. tiNtAV
DCN, nor u ! -t Pr mut •ts; (I A PAIINF , Ti IOI.,
Ca, nor tat ate Wood, nria nth ant Wend etr., W
7111ORN, S:IM .eltet sit 9. Pt:3 E:l4, thirty ley
el: .lAti
A JONES,OOll4raal mei Conn vas; JOHN hat 11:11 ,
a.. 1.„ Alleghea, ally, end by ell dealers it
mod:6,W, artl3
1/11.111P6AT'Svg PATENT t)I
• Pyle° /ted vastest.
rPIIE SUUSCHNSEHS will tell Alutprutee beet
.1 wieldy end high lrrt Mo. nod bean Aleterel
t.odu M b, ws y s •nied servitor to say other brand •
41 by the qestotity o 1 b tensor upwitte•fot currency of
appsoYed Nolte, al lOW 1.0.11... Or for O. len hue..
JOnrr.6 Liberty strei.t.
TAlLolll 7 Fi7eilit l N ,
lIFIUSILIV, FLEMINU it Co, having: arteuged to
. give their Wire Ott noon to rho eel* girde s neeti,
Woolen end Chinon tioods, how
. tin Offer Melt ich a
wank of Tudors' Triteniery,, Fret
G e riardiClottie,DoeskiTimr t iq::mir ( l i z t af t,
e I 10,1Votel It
DITCIICNirittiW III-111— th i
1.1 bens' brawl, • superior attic* for role by I
ouve, W h. SI !411VIIKI:t REF.
owl; Lihtitlits Memo-nu , . ..9ods tuhl le exile
I e/ Illeeebing boarder, arrived leis ship l/yenbrolgri,
nod now cocain; id, an by tum for Rile liy
N.U.—They will receive,dortag U,a, 1 5, 1.
N. , . C. 0.... ,
°el lee .d, at, etegain plain Itiuseweeih iTet. Piano
from the w knotted inouufncioty of Nelms
Clark, N. Vi s o( superior °She, and yery moderate price..
For sale by • 11. KU:11E11 u
. at J. W. Woodwelle.
for remusing 'Carta, belavy, Canker, end ai l
rubotoneou 4.3lFtletive tO thererth. It 1 , delicious In
he thole, elcevling the mouth, strengthen•
ing the gam., and punfyityg the breath
' For eels, wLeiesale and retail, by
dCAI R EVELLEAtiI, 67 Wood in
Lardecr's Railway Factuality; a trelli.6 011(00
00.0 hit 01000000 M MablitessentiPoulreD.
and Teta' i on ., cote teerdial; financial, and' isaimaliwith
an cal ...Mon of the practical mutts of the mita:Nye
in operation in t h e Kingdom, in the Centateut,
0150 M Ameoca . DT Dionyclu Lardoci'l D. C. 4 h e.
Ihr Dicer, of the ConfurionaL By Joke Henry
'Dorgan., , kll.bop of the Diciest. of Kemal:l
Harper's hem Ftlinan of Itlilmu's Gibbon's Do
ohne and Fall rattle Unman Empire, a !
WIIOO,II/10'0 Loot —lllO Past, Percent...l Future
.f the ldelgattliC. DT AlOOOO6O be Lauttartino..
.:arly le's Latter Day Pamphlets. No VI. Subject,
'No !!o! Lever's hove Numb—The Dalton. tt 1
G. P. R. Junes' iterrNoveh—The Old Oat Chest.
The talcum coat received gat day, and for tale by
'c;l liii(7Xs von irtaun;as.
. .... . _ .
Jahnnin—American Farmer*LEneyelopeedit,p.o
Ernareou—Ticell sod ShrnbN wito • , .
Mourn—Tree. of Amerien, aro
'fhomse.--Amorism Fruit 01111.124=m0 .
. . .
NOY—A Guide re lie Orehad,'ltraea
Buret—Fannly Nn. ben Gardener, Item
. . .
dliner-Tee. American lic< Keeper,l9ne ,
frown-The Amerman Poultry Yard, ldmo
Marshall- , -The Farmer and Ernigrent's Itand.Boalr.
Allen-The America!, Enna Boot, Itne : • .
lhoritm-Frefi and Fruit Tree." of AmericA.,.l.2mo
Younn-rThe Horse. 800 ' • • ' '
, .
llennet—Tue Naltry Yard, Ituo
For sale by !Ant •D LOCKWOOD
104 Voarth '
A mirlican Jo - anneal of relleMws.Wad.Aett.
CO . :ll3, ‘ Cl i c r r Inc.% Jam a P
i tf. D EJI .s. ILmt PAa i r ‘;e lk .
incllem: 'rata Journal Issued even , two
Itambera of ICtst pages eadt, akin;!: Octavo
volumen year,esch with men3 , ,llluesrullohe. It
devoted ut anginal ankles on resenew and No MD.:
Condensed reviews or Aburnels et Memoirs and
Dmeoversm trim. Porten ['Climb cols: Notice of New
I.lsblicioioner, and a Genes at r ai l
of recent Brien
cite orks The fin/ !Coes contain. CO vole tMvir th i ,
or ',bid b he g eneral Index to the 49
;tweedier. u Id a 3 ear, In edvauce• ,
JD 'LOCKWOOD, /Se; for Proprietors,
jr la • 1114 Fourth. or. : '
Good Books for Sommer flooding.
11rown—Tiakiel. Evening 1 1 .n.risnonems,12mo.
Taylor—E.Vormln, 2 sal:, Itme
Cusan—Eorancan Life and Msnnem.2vols,lkno
Dickens—Delany eoJ .on, 2 Tnis,Umo..
Mae k —Eopol 1r Deluelons,:took,f4nO,
Marvel—Fresh Ellnnings, 12mo. , ' '
C U. 11—Norman Leniie,l2mo.
i'lms.—Enelish 01,111=02nm.
Prier—Goldsmith's Miscall/meow Wazte,4 sok.
I.lnyo—Ka wan, nuio.
Taylor—Vie ors A.f,04 12mo
11. i min Ith—Comialos, :I vole, lomof
F.,;e610 by JAB , D LOCKWOOD
lea JOS fourth it
4. PLACE BOOK—Containing dm ,declsione of the
Selmer. Coon of Me United Plates, and Of the co
opectiye State Calm 18 s oof EireharMe, Chcek.•
nod Proinissory Notes . — deTiniim 'their 'reaaleilee and
prekerties, 81101 81.01118811118 111818 relations to, and
upon, panics 7he whole artahged in WI ord.
Inost cause:dent for reference, and suitable for i•
,dints application Ily Wm. Lino, COlllllBlllll .
i Lew. Joit received - me for sale by •
11aoketlier. cor. Market &ITlrd .tr.
-7 7 7 •
Alotr—Perfurnery its H3O !MI MllaSfectate. MIN
tlellPLilosophy of Nature. Ituo.
Cliiicte—Ayhortr um and Italeetians. LAM.
Sliver-10telich Literature. r2sao. • ..• •
Daria—Legtr.dre. 11.000. •
.13rynnt—WItat 1 taw. in CalifortStb
St. Nem—Paul and Yuga. volt; /bac ,
Aleott—Letters to Young man. 11cao., , • ,
Putney—Rectitude of human Nature. • 12mo:
Veticurtz—Alcdern French Literature.:
Netenttim--klutann Matnetistn. ;
Dutuboldt-j,•cevt to Nature, ,
Itraderip—Zooloy ITO Recreation. -
Je9 104 Foortb sr
Foster's hen IL lghloplan
ri %SANE to. flan all Night; Dolly Day;
Doley • Jones; Go down to do Cotloti Field;
Nally wait a Lad),lt.o..
Be lard tothe Loved Ones at Homer; •
Row thy boat I , gbily; True Loon, by T. Hood: • 1
Our way across the tea, doom;
A new medley tong, by 11.Covol; • -
Jenny Gray, music by . Muller, •
Joys that were crowntng, tWedding March;
Clod Won the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waltal
can't:rigs Departure, by W. C. Glover; .
Soones from flume; Waltzes, Smyermarkiscito Co;
Lust !two at bummer, easy variations by Item
United States Polka; Ladies , Souvenir Polka;
corn Cracker Qasilrille; Lunbreillo quadrille;
Beauties of linlyt.Duetts, Trios, An. •
a lame esnanutent of Neer Music on hand. tow kith
I,J:tedious are trade weekly. ' For ado by
' tobtlf. . hIELLOR,I'II Wood • tt.
v;kt WITH DUMICO, by R ; '6. Ripley;
. ..
Elemcatz .of . Rhetoric; complaint an Analysis. of
the Lace of Moral Dridenco and of Perroaaion: • by
Ilkhafd Whetelyi D. D.
E.e.any on CLII/11.12 Plapicm; by Rapist N. Nocl,ll
, . .
The Ogilvie*, a Novel. , .
Foirp relleß, from all.NCIOnt. by Anthony it hlass
talba: Cohn II Wow - ado. hp 11.pio. ..,
Just rcedby - JOISNSPoN Pc STOCKTON,
dein . - Tel nod Market -omen
Hew and .Elagast. Mtn, IJooksl
Ilzaalny, with eleven oTignial deasnx l. y Darley:
- Poems ne4 IVrinangs, 'oy Bombard 11. Doz.;
It!val . :need Gents of Sneyed Potty, Ai - Ittisir illontra
doe, ref:To:yea oh eke), by John SOW:UM
/Yin rez.ved by J9IINSTON ISTOTON.
corner Third mald gmrtrt
Near 800
I)IIYSICIAN ANU i'6Tll-1.11, or a rractical View
of ell annual d ahcs, relations andintemehlortho
'Medical Piweatioh and tha; .by
Wo . .qhe
thrum Hanel., M.D..
'rue Hon's of Mtchael Da Montaigne: taraprifing
Als Ilf.are• Lanler 0. fee. By Wm.
Nutcreh and tta liesaaina anatenlrenry Loy
J AR . he s ea ir, ezialig&led,T r orlr
• enclr or
Market .d.Tblni alreeu
'7 — 4..beap iii - fuldard illstory. '
7ITMF:S 11l- Mitt' 01 , F.Nfil,:i r p 19:00. 4 pu l b-
L ,;.,v, lii, K irmir .h. th - 0:4, in 0 irry:,4. Yloih •int
r.,..•,. zit 40 cm,. pc r vai 'Eta., viiin, rye mired, mud
tor ,: by lt 110 oriilihm. , ,
niii n. : ' 'Yn Apollo dniblinas, Fi myth et.
. — htesi'l3c.inlimi. ' '
11 ED UV nN: 111, VII, Voyam,by Heim. hyollyam:
XI, anMor hi ”Yytme." ..tbnoin," at:
Ilidory of KloYAVredo,Fioghtodlbrjeca b Abbott;
With fine mmrantnet:
Sidoinn the :breve.; by
no4^ll <timer Third and Mi4M4‘. l4 Moti ,
"ono of ted Man Resoarkithle Works oftba Ago."
v E l l 7 l nlrte i C T eltnl2l Al C4l , Za.. a j a : l : l : `
tan, .d the Yethlls, or Devil.Worshippersi nod no
Inquire into the Manuel. nrul Arts of the Anc4cut An.
It Austen Henry turned. ,Csq.. 1.1. C. 1..
With Itnrodortary Note by Prof. 8011114011, D. D.,
D. Iduatrafed with 13 plates 1.4 maps, and go
waal cuts. a v Ida eve. e1dtb,114,50. I
4.11.3 bath Musa rare othodot of r,rantda; vivid, pit
turenina narrative v—Tnbene.
, 11.3 work of Loyalties the arra protaineitt corn:l the toady of autlactty, that has, appeared for
litany years.'.—Christ leo. .
I`Not one cattle inintetVA the account of Ninevehand to flume, Given by .
"A" fialAw lAA Wets with breathless interest
their raeav %i.e.., ono auddeuty God ourselves be•
fore a windy. fir,ore ea Med MU. wattle .111:0011107,
now lifting //3 e.i;dartue bead kora the dust, of WOO
yearn, ole, toady to cry oat two
the ostarAthAA
hubs, , Wall,ab, it is wonderful, bat It Is tyuctto.rth
dxpendedd. , .
Ca , . 0 4 by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
no rle 0.1" Wood at
• • Now Book..
Tilt WOMEN of we Old and . Nev. Testament.
Edited by E-11.1.d.prag00,.D.D.. vol. lasi , BT.,
olaaadtlY , bound; Id exatiudtely finisbed , oneyavinga;
lamb 11 , ..semptiotos by eel ebrased A Iket acrgy
POSillEd IIY (ram We1b7, 00 :74. 1 ..
trod enlarged ednion; illustrated: by ongnatrigs from
desleos by Wier, I col. eqoarndeo., elegant
ly bound and Alsoe-ts variety of splendid Annus
als out]. (Ut I
rifin Mot. of he History of Rome.
adapted Or th e
uso of Curpeopirs, Shipsvrints,Wheclocruslats, Saw •
fituocniy, and ArtisarorgenCrallyt
clod smorough nod trractseil Treatise - err Me osnro-.
non and the Sliding Rule. Hy lt M. KaperiA.
TiCiaite on tireek Prose Consporttiony
;Olienduld's Elernentcyy.French Grampn.., fly Prof.
Orectw: of Brown University. • •
liesenice Ilebrew.Uttallllkf, by Conant.
Curtains , Hebrew. Lexicon.
Loomis , T•cioliOntetry and Logarithmic ;Tables. I
vol. isberp4 •
Trio Llsulisluoania Crook Concordance. 1 yol.(osas-
Anthoors Classical Sel les. • •
Webstcr's bietiotory, riivised ed. 1 vol.:Rvo;
do - • do dnabridsed.%t ToL
BriroCia Notes and Question s -on Naos Tettantollt.
• • •
4Vbately's bogie.
broshomPv '&CW.1.311001 History. .3 iota. and 0
solo. Ildtc.lo
Vestiges of emotion. 1 voL•lanto. -
Morn toga among the Jesuits al Home I voL (cloth
and paper.)
~ ._.„._. •
Seencloth ;;e10? , ,,eik0 ,. ... him bed. I *Ol.
Ilan - ' slogical Langley. :1 vol. fOro.(eloth.)
A ~ .onottnrinlbitle. • • : I
'layer's ' French. F o
e Motony, 1 . . . ,
Prnart's Douce. o sate. by Id HOPKINS,
ton 3 _ Apollo Building,Foont at
- 10 - 1 W: WA ' )ICS - Jtilit IttirlgitiiSD.c-Tha worts a
/.1 Montaigne, edited by U. Dultu, , comprising bit .
bissors Lamm, and•Josmoy thron4h Germany and
Italy, with notes fiom minim Carronentators,llsotrzaktis
Intl and Ibblionsphical Nanues A.,.
Theory and Practice of *reaction or, the Idoliser;
and Methods of flood Sehool-ping, be David
Plane, A. Al.,Patinctpol of the Instr. Normal School,
1. rank Forester's Fish sod nation . of the U. Statti
and Vouch Provinces of North America; I, y Henry
Wm Garbed. . 301INS'ItniA.STOOKTOK, ~
novet . 501100 Mini snd :Isar ot!!.e: .
The Olden Time.
J A ., ? , 1 ,, P. , ? ,
~ ...I_, : t. : . .,t ir c' t, V , O :J, D . ,,, r t kr,
.. kis i c i l .
. le t r , V o lxr . s ,,,, P
r: T
1 11 110, allo tet.tudr , ot lire edition,) Of the 0010x1 10
sark, lleVole4 to Our Prelervation of ' to
other cutworm information relating_ to rho ..-
pm unn11.1..0 ole WC 01 nod improvetuent of Pm enontrl
0100114 the bend of Om Ohm. lly
IL Crstl.
lisq., of Pntsnurgh, In 2 ntbs.litvet,-
novto ' .' J. D. LOCKIy99A .
11. ° 01 . ?ny Li e l ;;ge r l ' A ' ilc i lltl ' iti i :: - ;n ii ::: ''ll7;:m...'
1211011, Esq. 'Dunned 101111 twelve rogravagiba:
cured at Itothe. 2 vols., 010, uniform vtilb P......
litatorterd Worts.
Jun pablisted,and for nte by
o v nerind '
J Alllb:S p. Lowy opg,,r-.,. wood .
- " 7".---- "-s - - - --- -:. .. -- ii,,,WiiiaidliG2
'..klVol.''ltt.l.lititrFriii74l,slKKln•E's Yi`r,ri
~. , i.,,, - ,,,,,,d 4,4,16, .
.The tending , nt this b ook has ,;,,,,,,,,a
'lnuClk higher opinion of it...." h ak,,i,,,y..d,,,,,0r
, (mon mooing htr otter icrittori__ ___._,_ l __ ,
one of th ought, unlittl 10 too., po rn ! y zin .:„
feeling than any other ,prodveMc., •241 Y, . ,
'" wlOO4 W 0
*"43ll;lttitt/ ti;bonk sty . ritteriin
It In t‘ - I , ~--..,,,,,,,._,„,,,, ;spirited:lid' enter.
puny !iamb c's ben --•• .. to our readers est
ruling. We terontraCtt•,,LL ___ ~ ~
~ Roth'.o
i",,,'".,-.'„,7n of ,'„'',',"`.°l'i or ".I.."4l'irro . ugh Europe,
std 'rolideTen: In Italy;
is. orie, of Ittlo pleasantest
• Itd Moil Ottercaluig i.ooks Tor thou ason,..-,C0icc...4
E lN"'' o cUsete rulso book. •
We Atm read it firm
- vlx - c , honvntli swami cd: Salerno. A vi
VIII pan w ',. o
~,, o co yee of life in owns. la all eerpoe la emineotti
rotable."-Katekertiocksr. , ,
no w, _ Bookseller &Imp° ner; 63 Wood It
- ---- 11U&Poso .lid Ms, revs. .
301 naxes t.operiet Mono= J lAboons, Also MO
do. Flooeto, of &1111113 Wei% • and tool. faihinn•
stile solo, reo'OOus day or - • . ~
, biota IV
' 777r.7 NS' 1107.11.Mi1t * 7 ' 76 1 1 14 . 1 Z.
113asek•rs s
. 147se Damn*, Hreter.
/OM 1).1.1$ 121 :
COMECTIONS.—Drafm: Notes eo4l4eeemeneee
ipeyeble esty part of Melt/lion. eollemee male most
favorable terms. • : -
. . . . .
• 1.17.C.-IANGE on Now Ver; Pihilodelplda andatal.
Arno; *lie, Lornsesll4 las.Wn Lew. end
New Orleans; constantly for sale.
DANKrosorran—Nolea 011111 Illolvetal Outs In the
Ordied Fnetesfdisconnted at the lament c1ue5...,411 Made
Foreten and AmOcon Gold and 311 em Coin bought
mdsold. •
Mane No. IS Maisel wren Detween 3 , 1 and dth
Plnsbnorb., Pa.' • ' ' A•det2S
taus on England, Ireland, and Seetlynd time,
1.? any mamma at the Current Hates of Etekangs.
Alm, Drafts payable In any part of the Old Ceentner,
from ...f.l to .filXo, at the ot 115 to Me I Station;
yrittaint dedneden or theemmt, byce m
'inv& - tioa.
SON, Emcee-.and General Astni, Maim wt. 01A.
door mutt of mood. (KUM:
"4.11.31319.A.11.1CL1 I,samsaMa aaata
In Foreign and Domestic Dam of Ezehatme. Cm,
Linea:es of ..popte, Hank Notes and COn, comer of
3d ant Wood Mite.% directly opposite St. Chutes Hai
WZIITI44t.ti IFONDII 7 . .1
' • 114144, t.
24" IMS,4otsi,
iii'hue4 tha 1 7 '4 & SONS,
sepli ' ' .33 *4rket tuceL
lOplLLlFOirititstrattista Cie cn
JJ Now Y0r , k - Lip
for uL 1.7 N. IR)LSI IS'a SON&
. RI011411:1 i 1109.01tIMIC • '
, t
ItfCTIFYINGt DISTILLEIO, and: Tea aid Wine
Merchants. East Wear the Dotraoai,Nsetrireh,
are row offering at the 'err lenee,t prieet fee oath,
Rectified Whieter. Gin and Dene,ste thane]; al.,
Fundy Breed), tiellutt Gin, hareem -Ptertla, Lea
den Gm, limit Whiskey, linen, tee. Cott, elle”y, Ma.
;delta, Chvaptgae, Claret, Blair *tell, Milers, Tana
, ma and Liaboa %Vete!, Wholgente .. • Gall. tat 3
PRINTJNO r APCR-4lwayr on ..d'oi made to
order, ida.variour riles of Printing' Paper, Bad
tlrrnotno,raper; Cnown, Medium, and trovale grown
SIM Straw Wranpinec Caper; Crown, Medium, and
Doable Crown Post Mena rg , M; YartFbnard,dr me.
fiA f or A
C IIL a Sop Mill ..
B 3 Wo tt,
TOIIN,iVNIT fr. CO. base removed their stork of
ansieries to the opposite side of Lsbertv st.
VATOPIAN IN AMERICA—Her work sad hum
lir ward. By Maria Plelatoth, author or "Charms
to Coutorehamts,'? "To seem aid to Pe.? I ,vol Ithoo.
Laitterllay Pamphlets, No It.-Thot present time.
By IlloMu
Caumus.—ldetnoirs s of Urea., Writinpi or Thos.
Chalmers, D b. 40. *elections on Bailees
AlMlerf, YaleVe EvldeneesorChristlanliy, pad Hill's
• Leentro on Distoity; with two tatrodsmOry Lectures
mot Mar Addresies deltsered.iti the • New Collect,
FAMbnigh, by Thomas Clitletten, D,,L. L. D.
CaLM—Lice of John Calninietapiledirom sothen ,
do soopees,ond partlerilaig . torrt eonespon.letmes.
Dy Timm. II Dyer, wit Wait. ced Ithno.
• Pomba by a HOPKINS..
atil7 •;t 111 Apollo Daildlues, Fourth it.
Gambit timbal
20 t'o'n'Es rA r rj g dr ,i, 10 do do 'fere Aim;
.12. suyer - kZglist ; tiara 'Redding;
" roctet Combs,
300 " Wood
10140asars'd Fine Ivorn•
:" ebel tide Comol-,
10 taper large Real% • •
• .21 gyoscasi'd.9loo Cordb; reed tdd for sale by
0:13 0"1113AGElt, 100 Marhq
.-- .
fluff Ilallsialli BAIT Ilollsaid3
'dKt LICITICE-f hat W. MCCllntoek has this dig
eceived several ed,es of the finest Doff
ot• Itodendo hitelt hd would mosf to
eall the ritetrtiod - df dustomers stud the pablto 43
W •dt Wsed Vocnas, ZS Femrth rt. . ~. ball
--------r-• .
- , • Uglualts.
A FEW very-Ens GUITARS, Jut reed from the
.11. ettebtptcd 111.011uratory Of C. F. Martin. md (or
vale , bT. -•jan.4 •
• • .1; fl. MEI.LOILet Weal a.
ITootAl Just, /No • 1v,4.L:
rt Complete Worts of John,Datiyiu2; 2 oohs, Bro,
so vol, alocunted; matilo r nod gift edgel.
.blllehelPs gibbet! and Sabbath School geography;
• new Work; 1201,12 mo:
Town , Analysts and Speller. •.
Ltfn pf John Q. Adorns; by Wm.' IL Seward; 1204
12zoo• mogul ; .• • • .
• Soerirs by Mrs. Ilemstne; yinl;lthno; origin: gilt.
Sootlns Serroona.-;:terroona preached upon se rem;
accustom, by Robert Sooth,.ll. 1/4 0 116 W cdidon.4
noir; inelnding Pontboneons 01cm:torten.
Sante-4 vols. in tr; sheep;foiro; oto.
roe solo by r R. HOPKINS;
• felr2l • . rhp*lottultdusgs,Toursh
rose ninnin.6o,l SO, G. noINI.
TUE undersigned, etteeeMers Aradiril
eon. beg leave to inform the 011ie. Of Pittsburgh
soil pebtte ranotilYs that they have reborn Eby Est.
GLI, FOUNDRY and am num lit 'fall operation, end
have part of their patterns ready fur Use marten—
Amongst which are Cooking Stores, Coal and Wood
Storer, sea a aploidul safest cht.Catal Stage, which Is
now superceding In other clues shy 'common round
Stove. Alco,n chest? real Cooking Stove, well adap
ted fok email &unites, WWI a full assortumm of com
mon and mantel Orates 'We would par sealoly
rite ihe attention of peoons building to eel at Our
womb:enoe before purchlaing, end examtno a ePleadid
article Manama:wiled Grates, Sulatted In, Inc style—
YCAGETL. Imported and Wholesale Denier to
ciao of altc GM Conte, Matket at, Pittsburgh, Pa
Ste tent kleralmota ream,. ant others 15...1
ininiktrgii par:base 'boors, are Trspecinfil7
in nail noil es.innine the extol...oll,count= of Cog
bah, Aknefittli, none 6 and Conn. Fancy Donal.
Alt Comp Goods at this establishment are import•
ed direct by myself, and parchaotroonny rely on bet'
Rug goods from East hands. 1 have the La-Masson.
meet of emotes, in the, satiety line, la the city or
Vlttabarglr—oll of which will be told tom for cash
citYtacceptitnect. The,Stoet conaios, Invert, of
Lace Goodsalosiery, Giltmes, Dibbonv
- Silk Cravats, Sims and PatentTitreads,Sovaing Eta,
Spool Cotton, Topes, Suspendem, Buttons, Pula, Nee
dles and Cutlery.
hold sad Saver Watches, Gold Jewelry s .oll km& of
Brushea, Combs and asson. ,
Percussion Cam Rata:Vern, Pistols, Met% Silk
Canon Purace, ittnesselea, Steel Peas, Silesia Dore%
Carpet Ittigs and Sestets.
Madams, Flame. and Tn.intilinp..
Toys and Fancy Goo44nlgether with alarge varies
ry of Fancy . and Staple DRY GOODS.
C. YEtAtibilt is also agent for the celebrated Lon
eter Combs. , ruinl7
a •
-.Great iGnitUa. , Ils.n•all•
"FOR Coughs. Colds, Asthma and Constimpuired The
x Garda AND ONL' RIMIEDY for the cure of the,
bb. th
diseases, le e. HUNGARIAN BA L SAM OPI
Lm., discovered by the celebrated Mlllechan, of .
Lennon, England, and introduced into the United Sums
ander the immediate saperintendence of the inventor.
• The eztiaordinary suttees of this medicine, in tita
ewe of Pulmonary_ discasesOratranta dm Meer*.
Agent in sMiching Mr treatment he worst possible ea
ses that can be found lathe cothinunity-esseithat sect
relief In vain from any of theca:lnmon remedies of the
day, and hese been &ken %%Irby the mast craning - Welled
physiefians wicontinned andineumbler. • The Hungari
an Balsam has cared, and will eure,thernoti desperate
Of eases- It as no quack nostrum, lost a' standard Eng
lish medicine , . of known and established eGeacy.
Every family in the United States Mould be sapplesst
with Beeline's kiusgarlert Rata= of _Life, not Only to
tt a the consumpdve te of the ohmic,
bri• to t o u sed sae preventivendencies'
medlcine in all eaves o f
colds,. coughs, spittieg of blood; pain in the side and
chest,. irritation and screens of the lungs, hrochitis,
difficulty of breetieg, heed. (eye; night remits, Gum-
ation itfeneral debility, nathMa, inflame, whooping
ccng h Sold in large bottled, al SI per boUliSCrith foil dime
dons for the restoration of health: • .
PamphleiM, containing a mess of English and Maki
ean ceniflcates, and her evidence, showing the Un
equalled merits gents ,greet English Remedy, mar ha
obtained of the Agents, gmtuitoesly. . - ,
' For sale by B A.PAIINIOTOCIC a Co., comet o
at and Wood and Wo od and - . . janitewS
g . ,_ - 1 ---- C.12, -- ii - RTIFINgit - I,A -I— .XiiUTirciiii tlr;:iiiiiits
A 7 Nerramo Lice lest l • •' • -' , -,
- -', • ' ~ Frani:roan, Marthr7, l3l7,
Mr. R. 11. Rellesa4ln justice to yen and your incept
pnrable Cough Hymn, I beg-leava to stale, for the ben
fit of the community, that My wife has been several
times attlicted aim a Most Otairesslng ee,oß h. I P!‘r
• chased, in January last, a home of"P , which
cured a eau , of taro Months , Candler.' .About one
mouth since the relish returned, see Was so severe
that she °chid hardly move, free weakness to the
breast; I sent for One bottle of yea D:lgh Sr rup and
a part of one bottle mired th e toulth
snitt Sou. the oiler
to a journeymen who was severMlcted, who Ow],
to ass his own words, ..eatiin enoash cough candy to
epre all the people so Pt
d.,' if the candy bad
been es vx.d Oeeresentod.,' • • •
Yours, respecithill, Anita B. Miami-
Prepared and wild by it.-R. SELLERS, 17 wood
wee, . and sold iby Ilrullisle generally In d e edvs,,
old respect
. ly inform the piblie, that he
keetts on hand et hJe standee the
'rest Waal the Dtesennd,
. (bony eny, • complete mown
merit of Ventuan Ultode; also Ye
; - t rattan Stunted arc made to or
der in the beat nyte, Warmated
- equal to any lathe United :items.
Ills Made can be , removed With
out the Add of • werew driver.
io la oTe i ., ' New ' atoPthe l e b a e lnXe k s!
tabltsbutent of Sammy & *PC lel
landy 1 sun prepared to fernoh
- their old court:nem as wells
the palms at term" ,
Id every Muni In thei r lbw.
Agee,ey No* Wood tired, Fa S.
014,,n,..!ii,-LU UM, ornoo, tot olio by
HlJra ¢oats, W arrlve~ for seta' e
—_ _
Kitat 113EV,F-10,0 00 lb. Yawn tlattd Mal, JIM
1) cat a( swan, fra taly by' . ..
gEl.l.ittat a NIMI A
• —..—
W i t i c l ll lV ! it;il'3l:- =00
rirdininiitiii•-74 aotell ter'. or pit by
, Jell ,•. • - ARMSTRONG It CROZY:R
() 1 9.;1"
"eta by Not No balk ^
Tusc ,UW.I...IVELI—otai feet of 11 innh 3ply . Ova
V }Nee, rot Engine purport"; einitlentcai to. be
-typal to leallitt in -every 'meet. The are ddpvt.
nt.nts pie intrited to call and exatnine them lit the
India Rublief,Lfe pet, Net. 7 & O Wit&l ittet.
& II Pllll.lOll
Laity lals No I, now landing, inn for male •
• . • LBIll Ali DiCKES a. Ca"
Water& Fiont
11.8)1.6V11.4: I,lMkl-75 trio In store for gaff 1:4 --
r eetved We by _
Y jell "ACRISIe r , R I p 49. . O b IEK
iiqugn e 4ll.!_
WU, astdrfolYrt Cermar forne t ta g War/