: w-, may or taraTrats MIEVIMININdio the Passim4es FastOMevs from the .J.. Ugh of Jaaeio . Isi of Jell. MO. Fem.' Wiled fps th em anti &ut zee y dory ara advertised. . CEllO22l=l Atka Minn ImeirvAllen Mrs RSA - Anderson Sum da Allen Sarattl Anderson Mrs Mar Adams lam. • Allen Jane a 1 r gent Adams Sarah!' Alvard Mrs klisa Amhara Mtn Salt . Mantua Ellrnoln B Baker Mrs Debra [fronts Animas Brawn Marl BIMIST Charlotte Loy re Adana., Brown Lana M. Byrne Elisabeth , nogto Mary 'Brown Adana. B butler Mary -Braden Lenient Buick Mary Benctllzsbol,l3 wiey Calls'nnaßoM Jolla BA tam I.7azahettiCrethe ay Mrs Mi. Roller Cornelia' , Hahne Mary R - - oboe! • Batter ht A • Voldfm Amelia 'Unmet Mrs !snob AC Cauldron Mary 'Cary Ellen Crowe Jane J CarteionVms. Coleman MiatEm.Ctsf. Canaria!, Cuprater Marl "Ill - Mary' Canna Mary Collins Mika. R Conmslags ;Mit Cassnah Slay A Conlin Marguesh Samuel Clark Lydia Copeland Mary ; Crain. Me ' • CanyMaryLontszeororlA Better CIO Mary Davidson Name,' Da. Elinbeth EDwaterniss Des. !Day Dee. MaryE Dewry Ilartnel Devil Sarah • ^ Wiley Mary ArteDme. may Davis Nulty Dortm Mary D D... Daeb Marainth Downs Atm Dann Lithe Dale flix.beth Erakine Alr. W DEurrer Utltha gem Low sat{ Eagis.h Jane n Exan. lira Liu EnnAtblartinannEuhel AEnc. • . . • Pascal fillnor Flanegan Sane • Fotrgang Ferguson Jane Flinn Man . tlarthFanana m Late Ferrason CaVrineFisher Samlk vorgru Mat/ Y. 'Flan Mary FiLo' Rea FI &nem/ Sarah Finney . Elisabch Clanewsy Lucy ,ctfE, Nary rothut Ri.> l .tb lint ideralarylboy Anna vain., Ite.e.en Gents:tit Ann 4is :tene °tune iaskria Oral enaul tiircu.scraa , : . , . thiviltaa Eauly Hcbriairl7rzahrlLHairaid Lti iq 11.41 Sarah Humaigravals , YMiaak.• FAAraaarki Harris Iliribtih li.rsabah Hattie, Mayereth Ilan 14r. - Eareiliniaphicr Mary Raja !a s listatuglizabela - Basica Mr.. • I! /alsp,tan Oat!, Jams ..tca JocesAm:lsE 1Qh"..." inhuman Isabella sely EtlfJadr iuur3l.lh • g An g,nly Mary: . Lentz Mau . Long Iteiriett L Lae atm EL n bat - Wino Mu Juno Loup Contlia Lee , g nlierg meth LonerptalarsMarLowel§lttlulda Lela , Natau gamut '' • Lynch el.nry Leello }tartlet • •bioetoy JO,. ]Retina !duty ?Jarristoilan Ste ra.kcy. iaandla jiLl.gauCathetini phr.n . Meru illizAbeth btiJaktan EA' len Ullatler Cltherlue Maiharil betty .Atiricu E. , txabetit Aloilloe Ain t+ Moto Etitabl.talallUer bluy Meier Nino. Jr. biel..aca,Narkenrs!ll.litt Aluy C hirrphy •110twell [dart ott•bry . . I NoA A m Ann bAan~Jaua N Sophia WM 41. Y bits hull . Mcinaci Nan ey McCa en Eliza InaMcianallannetta Mcbl ulna Me;:any smart ' Neatly email IMalarthy riaatNtnaiNavrel Latina acKciary Nancy. • Jane ..Aienonald'Enranialticiney ;Mary • 114eanney Sarni-McDonald SatannlcLacarrY Man., arralsalinCatMtrat taxa ann. . Mra:ny I,:naateng McFarland Mary McLain Mrs blackly Nancy .; aletravrin Diarna4teLain Marl MaCcaa.Martha ICItl • McCue Calterlen. McCreary CatteceMc Vulva MargaidclVlabop Julia 9 NeCreary Emily min Maalaster Daher • • :• • • McClain, 'Mamma Nanlams Inas lio'en Ellen . Nixon 34i1 O'llira Els% TV; tYKm+ltabet% O'll Prter 11 Stably& Wei ' Arker With A AirtAirWro orW,l Palgsan tilehar! SvraricettrAligcrtiriltrailThis 0 tfiruilloairs pwpt,ea Thompson J W Thurso. J. ThosoritTho 'Tibbetts ha B TzbhaPs WJ, Tholes Wm T Thelossli Wll 7YerucT 100 Tam John it Ttchos• Gro Tierner Joe TottnellG -ThomasllLe rT bb i .TC Tholes. Aloha • Thoospaon J. II Thom. Palk Thompson PAterd Timmpson IVsn Tina Thom. Thompson J Thompson As. Dsnd 'Thomas John Thompson W 'foal Bor. Thomason Was • "flap. Marti. Topper nos wink unit It Underwood inn! Croatian Jam :N Underrrooci Uri= John L Underwood W L Underwood Jan '• . ' Vail Corrine= : Yin= Niebain Vindeis inc. re . . . 'Aral,loath Jr. Walden Peter Wi'son Mr Warner Jas : Welsh Wm 'r Wilt. Jar- lr .. .IN.ie74aev ' -Welsh Jas ' , Ohioan J 0 w•lt Traey DWhalen Platen- WA.. F C Wail.. W : ' Whloplo Llenry.DWOron J. it Wen. Jas ` While J. M Wl:son JaektenC Walker Tbr a Wrotehill W Wtisco J. Warn.' . :Whim Jor Wilson /Orr w. n .„,,,, i t - ~ White Ram W Wil . Anna, - Waiters Wm I', Mae Wm Mlle:. P ar 'Wm.. john : Whim John WiPiams Mort liras*. lobo , W 6 1 ,0 Utlllty g Wali W. 'to W Waiters Evans &Williamson fly WWI.. ltanc - -..c. -,.. Winders). II IN titiam. rho', D 'V maso n Joseph Witoman 0. Will'..affoWm Weill iogrph : Waist:mon Allot Wt,aanot Js. D ;Want &nuke! • Wl'inta Henry Warman , Km. illress - Jno Item" Wick. IS C - woo,' %Vat Ai A cres. ltnastr C - • . Wlrk. no Jan Wright John ' tVolah IsLasza ..W7 ~..L. D Wright UtO II wale:, Wpiit - Waleas -, : Wright JosJah Wane ten Jno .-: Wit no At Wright WII Wetlloo Frs. A .WThroo Jean. Wynne, Jahn ==C;MIIM YostirCF Yost (loci P Young Itoto B • • limessimse Stall . • • • • Initials. • I.W. v. • Moles of Show, We of Croshonsvllle. - Gretk Prato/tor. Swinton ItoOkeye Stew • Cop& sod Mrs Lydia Collir boa eft) , Lodge I. 0. D. r. Ideeharue. , Lodge. No O. - Zoeco Lodge. No Tootoola Thol.ion, is *c.f. 8N0177130fT Oteso Wave, No 1.13 B MT. otifkl'L 11112.E8VEG, P.M. Prrnatroon, Inlll,lW. • T ° 1 01 p plt " r r i l?1 t h b e ' h t 1 agreeably to Charter, co Thursday, the Isth of July, at llo'clock L A. M., at the Company's 0/fiee, No HA Cheatnat at, Fltpladelplitaor the purpose of elecang glue Vat:eters to !erre for the enema year, and to transact such other business alma, be brought before thiSneelleg. Order of the pterldent. ..itan.dtd W Alegir,F Revelers' WA51111107.051 11.008 g, -mama etreee, dome Screw!, deeet t Philadelphia. ~.trenatral. in the Immediate vicinity of the 0 , 001 important public lesthattons, the best •pd most places of balances, and the aurnetive public *Marcia the city. In the important requisites ef lied and ventilation, two , principal objects mimed Milk the recent enlargement and thorough Improve. meat of this Mao, It is not teen eded, pasha" by any estehUshment In America: To strangers, Mem. fore,' its position is peculiarly desiyable. The se• maim emotes thoebs to - bis friends sod the public :or tEe liberal patronage they have mitmided to him. and Amures them Mat he will encletiver to merit a coatinesnee Of Mel: keno,. .G.P GLASS it/lhass , • • iiikolne Building Loo fn All 41gb any • TIP, Us Count of th e . ciiy of Micah.. T b . a:e pro 'bored • plan of thhiroittortY tw.lrtM toiolosical ftessdnarT; and are now Prolowoo to ow• pose of tau to IndividOlti nOreb...to an norflowsl The Property now offend will be lanod very „ for Private residence.. Tito lots are 1.1110.1 Ug t tremor froe¢l4 t 0.40 feet e• thciWest Corn. no to, and MI back SOO feel.* ORM For farther pank,f.., thn.e wllifn; to parchsath ill please cal I On either of Ow nadoworn...J4 JAME. nionstlALL, u. groarron, egnailitiee olr JNI). T LOGAN. cit y P en • ABRAHAM PATTERSON. • Jetthiln COSIIRERCIAL RECORD. PITTEBUItOII BOARD - 07 TMADM &ND KMWOWS Ithl.sll9ll. COMMITTEE POE JULY. ras ■ano/LL••••I1I X COOPll.7.lkoler. IMCCII, n. . , ne.vi••• of Um Vol 111. PAIL ISPOIO MT 2 Daring die week jost etoeed, a gencraliateiness wailed in every branch of trade, and, so far as qeo• miens are concerened,evety Ming remains very near ly the same as siren in our lait general maim". The ...Tether, for the most part, has been moony end many, -which had its influence or checking transactions, and rendering the =Met mote doll than it %scald other• Wise bate been. The ;Ivor Is; In fine ussigsble order, it present, be owing to the .mall =aunt of freightlottlhipment we, t In coorequence of the recent breaks It the canal, be. aims in that joiner ha* been limited. .The recelp r( breccia. SU and provistoos by veer, dgeiax the peat weer, hare been comparatively light, with the re:cabbala of bacon, which ha. come (smut pretty freely. • ASll.D.li—Tbis Is the dull feline for all article. an• &lei this head, and talee.i using the week. have been vomsesetivelyligticwith no marked change In agates. Sales have been to a lingua even!, at the following warm—Pearl Ash, 071111. e; Salentine, 01051; Potash, 41041, k , ,ada Ash, /f ilic, as in quality; Beorelanga 3i Oil 4 , lb. ALP.--Pimburell tonnfactared Ale la in regular demand at E 91313, loelading cash. llAeo —%a base to changes to notice in the Ba• eon market, during the past week, supplies ore more then ognal to the demand, and oe have beard of rot heavy transtetions. We have sales clover 103 hhds Western city , eared, from store, Tartan lots, at, for hams; 7i1171e4 aides, tie, and aboulders 410Cer fs To. Front — imate Imam, sales hose keen to a fair extent at the same arum Rough not tautly eared baron is sold generally at lamer figures. Enka of senile gored family hams, in lots of 5 to 10 tierces, at tie, foe best quality nurrEß—Owing to the hot weather, the ma,ket is dull, and prices ate nominal at 0094 fat frcah WTI in belt, toreommon, in kegs. BEANS—Sanplies an moderge, and sales limited ar:1144.5 to 41,37 roe prima went:, and 4701114 e for mind. . BROOMS—We fretiCe ftir 'applies in the mullet, vrith mks it meeker limited lots eta range of SIP to 1_• per doroo, rmeerdlng m goallty. BLOOMS—WO Aare beard of bet little doing la bloom's, toe market being very dell. IMO per too may be quoted as the ratan' figure for the better rtealitlea, and IPS per ten for ordinary. DUCliErS.—Prices ate without ehmry. Pater are regularly ercoted Irma store, tocityand country trade, at 52 1210)U 22, according to quallry. Pules °fames at SS MIA per doz. ellgESE—The receipts el Cheese have been mar crate, and tales collated w linthed lota at /11011, far pad mama Westernlteacm, and al CRACItEMS—We give the following we the highs , . market prier for the dit rant articles ander this head Water Crochets, per WA pater do " 100 Dyspeptic do " Pilot Dread, " 4 to) Sasso Crackers, per 111 ftd . d t , CORDSGE—We nets no fanher thongs to prices. The following ate the hlenafeetarers' Fie" ; tilemtlarepe, by coth•—•----the go OS White Dope, by eoth•—• —•• 0 . do ..... 12e 0 . Tarred Rope, by • • lee do eat, —• • •Ite " Patting Vera, do 02111an0,..,---• • • 50 " }Walla, SI iiiitittra,7s do • m.. 44. O. Hemp, 51,5001.233 3 7: 0 it dd.. ir aw,....ta moan mere. Ki doe. KiaaLsed Corday Is soh! regularlY el Me • ti: COTTON TARNS—The (011;1,4 . Is • corretted W tietol the hile. articles ender he • P.M:IUL* NO.S, OS pet R. •••—•l6 No.lli l•iMu• Curb • • 43400 314440C0be5. •-•I4011 Myrrh, Tsztry• • ••10040, al 14•44 , 44.• —• • . 40 SI " C•cor.r•ree, tlbe C 0 ,4•• • • •4,(0.74 a -••.s.seOlppi .do 1:apoola-41147:t. Orinattoor.ip b-•• 4103 C.anvitor, ref, 404113 Cli,onde linte,ook, 5i Cochineal 1.5061.73 t toots • • • .3 v 007.33 • —33133311. Opivet. Tuskey,3 7:401,73 tivenlse ..... —4,103/ 4.3* kembub, reet• • • •6341110. Kd Anebee Tannic Arid 343/7/1 Vilna! raw --• 11011 111 7.30 bbta• • •• 0 7 117•30 - 3 Leponsod,ckpped, 11333 ==ll •• Copperas ... G os. at bale. • •IIIsOISS ;is A ratle:---SifinV Trareelaas, 5600 " gbeltaa-•-• 16019 (pee. —l4•Ntar /alai,. povellered.:9ool,N _ i . ane •• • ------ 4 gIFQ I -- - Lol VLOI:11 Nub el 4 c WY the Obit weak bvs bay very veretat will, a farlb,rvilfgki, /veil. In pritey liyym and ofellets byte gynerylly bevy Bryn la refit vit.', lo errovrooevee of which sal. have boev bol4 so! conaidetable lots have. bud hared, le Two • bi:bei pie., of which Lbws Is Very linbe pryoyet y , p•ey•-itt. !Wet free. fins bandy, Vbrivf..th• .00 fed. ins . blond., y, velyed ,prribrally oat extyyd NO Lflt, al 833333,37 ir WI. Nevus. 'V's , reyvvit NO Nhbty bave r, dared tbeil prieem of ExTrit Floor/kip. IN, iv _releylby evy 'Amen. Tbeir aka en ig.nrovt vainly by mut. The regviarprleee (sow sloe, le mall lots,. !3 '39337. bd. .. r 4, a Furs—Ws babee otty a aarderitia dratatd tha ealfkel.lCik .ales at F 14987,13, krf. , COIN MEAL, We not. Ilaks St City )44.1a, by re tail, at 5:211.; sad from care at SO9 C•Se /'F FISH—We awns • timber destine In Rii.lAtiek erel, daring the pan smik, sad ;key any new b. stsd at S 7 53.77 ia:l i bit. Met dessripiloas ars era.; Osage. and rosy be quota as 1.11. re: Np. 111 Mackerel In, •aa No. I at PPS 11 , bit. Palmas, VS ♦ lat. and IP.'d ♦ dries. Ilbsid,ltt; lisrritg S Sad Codd•b n Si 21 ♦ awl VAATIIERIL—Wa smut plea Itt 111 101 l at 311737. e ♦ P, for good yientra. raurr—ms demand la fair .lm salsa of rsisla al sump ♦ box. !ales of Almonds, at 160770 gr, of Ground atta, at 11111:41,77 IP bum of ?mans, none; of ri;terts, at 703e1 of Cream nats, at 51074; of Zante Currants, al 0071, and of.Eaunsh Waists's at 7 •V , o,Omnaalf WA lip, It sae 1 114 1Awa5,43,75 os4; Cocoa Nam,. SOP V 1011. FEED—AVo , nouee tho reeein of setmal 01! of Man, mita Colt sales from first hands, al 111013,, and from atom at 140150 i bat. Salta at City allas, It nom f. Wu, 25 031 for shone, and 3301170 for dap Corn and Chits. WOOL—The following ate the ptesicrt 11111111 paid by drilers in this outet: Por Common —. • blood & C1T1915100. • • d o —.......-2oprtht • do • Cell Weed --• •• • • irs3 NhigtOlMl—Tho follOgrint are the Canal Moe frost point ensi Ileeen k Dotter M=l Loalbeu Leed • • Lard & Lard Oil 10e Oil. 75a Peak, bbl. llee Min.. Deer k Borah, ?de Tobseto, Oblo••••••-• • Ma Tallow • • • ........ •• • 10•3 Wool Wll.tey,bble • • • 11 • 00 I lla ma Pelie•••— .... 80e ma, 8.D.& Dere( 00e of lb. wet hive been to . p......b0w no marked • Beet, salted. l•• • •Hte Damns alto Itriqiles 4 Ilalr 69%. Cheese 75e Cotton —••••••• • •-• Re Dross k. Medicine.. • • • 75e Dried ••• ........ •• • • Fruit— • Me Ploor•• ..... 76, Faro Is Pellries••••.-100e FllaltiOnl Yornicnte lark Glss.woro•—• • au Flosmed Hardware 75c GROCEIIIES— the aisles a !kiwi *sum only, a. . - change from lest weeks eaotationo. Segar.may be quoted MI arm at 010010 4 .(or the better quallues. N. 0 hiolassis la also Aomori th regular Naas to eitY cod' country trade at Rienfo, for aypresa and oak bar.— Rio Cerra remains lilltiOnSfy at 101011 e, with Han." trattlactitter. Sales Of Lodestar at gales!, aed or Rita at l p er. • GRAIN—The tot Of Wheat which we voted clew nips One", to antis, Caw, to bud yesterday The lot amounted wooer Itgeo bushels, and Was delivered on the wharf at Itee Y bashol. For Rye 70e Is paid at Clty Reeeipts."( Oats aro light. sod sales from first baud. moderate at 41042 e pbe We have, no mate or Ilarlay to repoN, the cams' being over for that article. GLASS—City branda,l3 by tan, au sold at $3 73, 10 by 12,N Vie/460f boa. Count:y . 6=de an to:d duo onto frates. • DlAY—Hale■ frets warm at 012013 IP too. HOPS—Saba of cement aorlo, 02 the bAkk ado . 2 , tn. ; • LADD —We hear of no huge operations In Lard, ogles baling been toottned to Waked lota 0417, In boll and kegs, at eh GMT. LEATHER—We tame no ohandee to DdAndt In the various &Welts ender this heid. Dalumore wale at 20 DA and N.Y at fBoloe ♦ 0... • • : LEAD—Theft:ifs antralardemand to thintarked, at AOSIti toipis, and diftfil for baf." •-• • Ltun Prrs—Tho pramt reage of=tloeedf Gad Pipe lo 7014 e • fool, &ocotillo, lo itn. • • - IRON is NAILS-"Thefigfolrtog l •11st of pile!+ of the eoAoo, snicks wider this heads IscatPlat bar 240614 " Round end Inure bar•-••••.......--:4 0 414: . a • 11446 " Hoop • ..--• ..--- l ola u ftheet.•:::, ' ' 410 4 Nato—to to 20 poem, ' PO f" , 4 , 0 2. R to 9peon'44 ." . a 6 to 7 penny 4,00 6 pram' 4 penny - .1,0 " 0 " 3 p enny.• • • • 4.60 22.1494—C0t, 3 to ff inch 9.90 -'• Cut. 6to 6 Inch 4P : Cot, 6 to 7 Inch 0,40 LUMBRE—Tho following list of prices has been adapted, bY• number of our dealers, to take ellbot of ter Airfield of Toy, I Inch Common Board, par IMO feet, Et to -1 do co do de de 1200 lf do do Plonk, (P b 1) do 18 MI 2 do do do du do 21 Oh 1 do Clear Baud, do do 2408 If do de Plot, IP Mt do 30 493 do do do do do 4800 Pine door, (B N) ' do It 49 H do do do' 1000 B Scuttling do 10 CO • Pole do do 11 C 0 libtagles per M (worded 9 75 Sager Lon—Salo &tufo by the sheet, sod 60 9 111 Men rot. Warn Lao—Pao leO is selling at 82,.and Pleitat 11 1 80 CP leg. MALT—Beat barley molt continues Eton at 11,25 P. bushel. 0149—Moderate sales of Lioeed 950100e;Of NO I Lord as 55c, according to quality and letoO o) ola. Winter bleached whale, One; obleacited 414, 00 . 700. Winter bleached sperm, SIMI; do anbleacted , 81,45; Eall do, 81,3501,40 9 tW. Terms..' Hit may be tploted atlllsolB • bbl. 'PIO METAL—The only dales we heard of we re 100 tOo.Pana A cold blast ai.9, 8 mos, and 70 tons . Vesavins hot blot at 827, 8 moo. POWDER—Hoorn and Dupont Me Powder may be quoted In large youth., 114.75: and by Mtn/e keg, at 82,25,95 50 P Seg. Rook Powder at 511,12) m 83 ,50 or largo and small goal ittes. ROSlN—Pales at 113,18 • br4 BOAP—Peles ;of Pty:riitil Cincinnati sonafactured rosin soap, at 40410 P m. , ' 11111111T8 TURPENTLNE-sakts to bbls at 48030 d Pt eash—bbla alto chugs. This iMpteVelatill Is canoed by an adv. ace in the east Nat -BPlClES—Careia, 3000310; e1.....8 803191 tud outs, at, for Not 81.25441,30 IP lb. 14110T-Balcs at 81,4001,5 d • bag. BALT—Pales In a tegalo war .184 25 is the regularly established oleo 0100. 81'AIIC11--Balea at 0107 e, for common to ten. TAR—North Carolina Is quoted at 110004, 1 • bbl. VINEGAR—The regular fate, for good cider cltna gar from store,lare 21010 e P „ WHISKEY—A fair Wanness has been doing to Whitt try, and prices are better. In lots o(10 to 20 bbl., 21 023 e are about me ruling rates. CEII rE1=1:111 ♦1140,11., July I, Bat stevss—re , elLrinv u the yard, . hlonday, wens mall, annw nun to wily about ttO be.L.hia wens weld tobutebets.% NOS YS IP cart, tea IlletO4—Tba ofertnza were small, and the !mud limited Moderate sales at 11.1 60 t 100. • BTIEEP--Bales wore effected, .t a tau., awarding to quality, from u to 82 cacti. Batemoas, /toe 39 • Cattle—'here was a lame tams. In Oa supply et Mayes at the wales to day. In addition to wow loin Mitosis •nd Ohio, • downy woks of ems Cat. tie were proton from Vironla, *skink taken ttt eat. neetten with O. largo stadaber ournsed, had ONeffect to reduce precise. now "Ow elintiolte essOked 030 head, of 'eaten 4:3 were sold to city boteknes,ll3 were leer ores nowt& and 431S,4ere dtiocn a Pedlaielphia Prises nosed tows WON teed on Ot• hoof, nasal to 13 03:3 not nod asStagots 113,a3 grow. Ilona—'he sooply ts sod the motet's • Odle non acne. We avant non .1,9111413 i tei tre. A111.1[.. In. Tho alre Tin. is week cocoon. I= )1.4 of Met Ctotie,,llo dna. to New Volt 310 Coon .4 CUs., 403 Ilan. and 1100 Otero .4 fleet Cottle ate too at 17 • 100 to, accord. I. to clan , . It rlOrtrtqli/Le• Or the Vrallt weather the to talker 1411011.0. COOS & CoPeee—)lilth C0.,l 11004 rat oPotalot% scams, ...a Dry Oat. 141:113 'soh. I leg. are to fair Getase4 .70111141 1140 !Wept Lamobo--!alcs 111004,73 each,. la aaa:ity. et the Daraestis "[Atka**. ' • iltanatorta, /too Pt COLtre•-vAfter Oar report watt aimed so Priday teat and also at tka fallaynat day._ the mullet *at very Oral, aryl thy sale. of Rio, it Mortlay tochodat,rtada SA ammo , ' of aproordr slow km. trek, —at prier* raver front 0 to 10k_. AR,' toe reoript by taletrapti of du F.aroyeatt trlyttts to Utk lest, ottrkor !wane as" sat eases Rita Share 4.11 veers SI WWI( dent. 7Ta Layette of the Week are kb bag. from La,vtayrs. t 3 out team /static*, and 00 bags Java, atm Rotterdam Cfty &fah PAW—Baits Infra made o* l'atardty and Wrflottl ay led alio, ILL. Mud, OS Tesler:ll,Sr tie sailers ratiaf to day, boldtrsgenizatty ate usint 113 k. TOO ne st s of tkir &nano.* at taw iota tedsced rattily Plaar—Wo tura Millentrt nada Fugal, tt ftri 13 I. tat trade, Sod at re 4* at Si Rye Naar—ll raft at RI/710H tat far Iv. Caro haul—trstal is.e • sr UAL belt Si Q ith Bast—We sate oaltaol &AM 1.0. bleed I:eta, at alto. Panting the fallowing exhibit of V. bonne *en oo in Pennylrene Coast, dung in name of Jen, inane (lonia nal imports (tea in opening e( ue Cant ha Om Meli Is= IA POWS?. Jen agrrel rad.% 11. Carpi. b. , • ..... • • Po&tero, bat Ibrnlo.ba..•• Teaser. Leal: by tVbra , . Liegam & Ilaore la.. EN:00 Feature., by- • ........ aoa Far. & 1••& , 7. !It 41.11 a Dr/ Hit.. • • ........ • • • - 10 P. dart' hair • ....... • • • • • NORA 4.411444 Wut.l- • • 14.44.44. cer. • • • • 421 1114444.141444 • k , ten • ••• 111 1142 1141,211.,", '4° 131411 21•42.44.,y u ee4, 01... -- • • tic. Wesel in feel. ear , ' - 30 E1e..4 41, 1141144. 1.214 • 24 111414 W 144441414e1, bs• • INT Geode. ibe p mt roulktevestv• 112,0 & rat?err 41 ‘l.l I- lex [an 117%1 4114 V 6.11,10) 111,16.1) Wto•Yer. pare PPlesi. Le, e 1.., etre...-. esollrper, 21.• --•••••• • • ....... vpre etelevite• --• • Inn blooms earl pelelmrs. I rep. Par & almel• • • Halls& Spite. Kelp • • Steel Oar. • •• • • • • • ........ • Peet & rat b 111111 UT, Cps • Meru. new We Lard k lard lbs•• • Tolle& g rDla, &viber rind emelt, tr. • Lime, bp. 111437., er•eaglal & pewee/1,1 , peeehre Aprieuharal taiplements,tre Vaeettere, b 3'13"! 3.tini.UA, M 13 IVO 430E0 373 GU.= 113,4 It AM If 7DY . _ No. of bona altered •. • •• • .. ramengter, mile, travelled 1FM.074 Amt. of wit reed • 113,413,3 l Aerial proilacu• Harley, bar limo b. Shlymarfs, ha • • • • Hay. tone Hemp, lb. Rye ban , 1 . 01•10.4 fiords Tobacco, not mane. TOs• Meal. boa Hides dry. D. Ibr Out, onirmand, c 0,.• iloardr, plod to,ftet• Hoop poles, rio• • ...... Mahogany wood, M. , Biwa., No Wood for fool, corda• China won. to Coffee, Da How lba • Drum bledieines. Dry Hada tilos. note , Oratorios • Hardware Caticry.—. Linaota. foreign, gills • •• • ramie, lbs isar, hash Tobacco, manor., ma Whiskey, galls.-- • —. Anvils, Ble u a Gomm. clay Men Copper 14.103 Don, pip 11,621 71/0 Iron, casting, Zoi.ou (Iron, blooms to ahe kontas• • 1434 dlMl IMPOECIM. tI,OUU • ...... • ',OD • •• • 1,t89,1 , 00 - 9 GO • - 417 GM SAM 47.8 M) 300 363 SOU 60" I 00 1333 ItA3 I I MO NFU] MAU 2,7%1 LISS Iron, trat & shoot Nails te flpikes• • Ashes Nil Wbiiios• Masi Ttn Lard and lard oil Brie& No Bars. (Stanek) be... , Marble SlRUr r lfor roofingl.• • • • troop Stonea• Aaron Implrs• Pamirs.. 47,0 W Oil,(smeaptiardi ' • • "" Paper, lbs 47,200 Sums paper Tat & Room Sundries ....... I:171'o can Aunties—To Wu a Micted with t h at drudfel warp to America, the Liver Complaint. the Pre;deters of hrLanele Liver Pills are happy to oder this remedy, a. at once complete and rate. It has been bled ellen la all pare of the country; It hu been seed In the prattle° of the Most eminent phy- Octane, and ateraye with triumphant sUces, In offering there Pills to the poblis, the proprietors are sitssysi 6, K . & she to alleviate hewn wafering, and also i remedy for one of-the. mom liWiele deacarn„ irtlabldidll he within the reached ell.' igrFor male byJ. KIDD is CO,No So Wood Men iy PORT OF PITTSBORGEL Arnru....Tnpre ware 3 rem B menes, In chum.] la cum=, andifallint AR HIV E 1 Foohion, th. Atlantic. Partnaon, Brownsville. Bettie, Jacobs, Browitsville. Beaver, Gordon . , Shakier Camden. ilendnegoon. McKeespoit Vougbioenp. B e, Glasgow. Lake Edit, Clank. eaver. NVellaville, Vanua Bridge Loyal flaunt, Denning. Lewisville. lonian, Lain., Wheeling. DEPARTED. ' Michigan, Brie', Heaver. Camden, Heath/akin, McKeesport Fashion Peebles, Ellatheth. Baltic, Jacoby, Brownsville. Atlautic, Patkill•oll;l.lrownavana. Beaver, Gordon, (Nava, Youghiogheny Chaffee, Glassgow. Labe Enc. Clark, heaver. Zachary Tayior. Lucas, Loniwille volitey, Navigator, Dclut Loatavilla. Cuiderella, Hasten, Wheeling. [MATH LEAIIING THIS.DAY. SEA VER—Yorthmilunr, 3 e. WHEELING —Ionlar;10 a. es. WHEELING—Wm. Henn, ID e. LOUISVILLE—WeerIemtre , 1 r Fez Locoevtato—this fion near light draught steam Wastdostdo, will have For Looloillle We dug. Fes Vaall.ano—Tte rsgalar pocket summer lons • .NUI leave as above kitir day, at 10 o'clock, A. NI. The gee light dr.ughS amulet Glnoeo., Capt Ete belt, will leave Ude tlay for and all Inter toedlate pone. . . ' IDIPODTB DT DIVER. NVIIFIELING—Pao Dmlo-3 3 1 pea bacon, 4 - bole scorebings, R DoDell 6. , 10: .67 Eta wool, R Ora& co: 3 cos w.e, 1 cask 1 &ix In. Vim Bingham; Tll bole Ilona Almittrong & Croier; 9 crams ware I ;SO, Junn Parke. & to: I cooks ham.. Uell & LAMB.; 11 born. ware, J Jacobs; . 0 bellows, J NV oodw ell, LOUISVILLE—Pas AVounnoncs—S brio halos, 14 bka moue, D third b'ec(,l. box books. /1 Ent & co: 93 bbd. bacon, 9 brig nod 11, Woo Bingham; I boo Woe, 4 coach 00101. D Leech & Cope 1,301 iobacoo,l box deal.coll tope. 3 ht). Iron. scraps, Clark & Vow; 61AI. llquer,Jno McFadden; 43 empty ....boy., Iten• nett, Berry & co; 0 mtseo medltinc. ,1 ISAId a co; 01 brio R Wetwito 20 do do, Miller & Met etmp; 2 bids, 1 bag tobacco, / McDonald; tolls rope,l C Johnson. I'D Mtvoon-75brld whokey, It Moore; 3.1 do do, Patton; 2330 do. J 11 Sutton; 06 Mid% bacon, 9 bola grease. 36. mdse, J Dickey & Co; 10 hole lord all, E Make:ton; :13 bola loaf sugar, Wm Itagaley & co: 23 do lard oil LI At Fahnamont & co,• 66 lacks wool. 'Mtn Rack.; Di htids bacon, 66 a:Ml.lomm pmts. 01 ' (maims, It ]seat & Co; 1 box books, II Craß& co. P.O GA4cmll-3 bxd sarnanorllla, It E Belem; 3de do DT Morgan; 3dc do. J Townsond: 3do tln, D A Elliott; 1 hot C.IOl J Cd 4 co; 3 brl. Como.: 13 empty bill, A. A Wood; 11 bbd. tobacco. 11 . .0a/ones & on; 33 to feadiers,l bale robes 1 to ham* D L• eh & Co: 31 bbd. bane:, Rmt P Jones; 02 bri. wnhkel. Won Sehmprit co . ; 164 Drts do,sltlier & Koketn::; 20 dry Sidra Al (Meal; 13 Ma* 1.1000,Ms lard, J tititt; OKI b. candle{, Bell & 0100011 %Aid, 03 boxes 'bacon, C U Grant Pas Paan-1 bale Com and sting. 6 Mid. totmeeo, II Gnu; & Co; St bags feathers. Carson & W MrKnight; 6 1;01 Al debt s wool, mßs htd• bacon, Tango & O'Connor; 10 brls 'whiskey, 11. IMom.; 23 Vida banana Rogloino k co; 13 sks roar, hll brl Sod, Wank & kloCandlcso. LOOM, MATTES& =romp YOU ?NI FITTMINIDa DAILY OVLSITI OOLI4T OF QUAILTEtt SWISIONS. TULSDAT,.JoIy 7. • Prevent, lion. NV ce. 13. McClure, Plerident Judge Samuel Jones, anti • ..3,V :II tam Kerr, Avveteia!e Rao. . TRIAL OF UrotOß GOV. FOR TOE atoll:len OF LAMM Janata , i' ': Alderman Parkitioon yen'ordny, charged with Thi. trial Ira, taken op yeigerday morning. The throwing the proneceter. Kitlien Ilelieliey, down Attorney Unwire, Mr. Deragh, and D. D. Bruce. a Olght urn:airs in Ailegecoy city. They were Eq., appeared furl the ii , .. - miiiniii , cod rile!...- bound over in the min of one bundled dollen. Burke, &leek, Willa, and Sauvrdecr for Lea de- eac h. fence' - 1 • • • rlll..—Aa ai" -- ,f Lire Was reited ycolerdsl „..„_ , of , ~.., ..larza ot - The panel pil,. was railed over, when only : • - secorg, occasioned by the root to a eit:l dnc, SI twenty seven answered. m... s : ,d net7 .,Oi, i„,,,,, 7 ,,,,gtb,s thent7ofV7daidFonh erect, oyer6lb• ease .w„,k.Th,:,,.,,rycoaltwiu4,“•oa,.tiki.llie.toa.„.ze... panel to sitleadenee,•reil they would nos he able to I done. get through th. trullby the 4111 of July lIIA.TOII t a Omni, Prmorson.-Four pensoo hte.ne'e°thoeste it would bl ” ' l "F"'" l ' br° I° IC . woe brought before Rio Mayor yesletday morn ..with the atal that neeb. The peers w^11 e . ...i 13. !ie.g, charged with drunkenness sod vegranal.- 1° g' t bc42', owing i t ' tie" approach of the 4th of : Ono of the prisoners was a woralin, apparently July. 1 ....... , 1 it were een ' en ... L eeeed ' e. the )ee 7 4 ` . ...7 14 . ,e,.` e : insane, who bad been found an the streets on -- elle— to eeVe. " - 1, ,..... e 4 eet A tt wese ‘ e.e.e--- ' t- `,. Y ,' Monday tight almost asked, and 10 :auxin:led would probably be -ee- to their eeete ee the , that she was obLired to be rrirried to the ponce of.; Fourth f ' Son. Ste ars•committial ta jail far Eire days. 1 1 The Auorney General obwrved that if th,s eon i ....._____-......--- ; "e PeetPeeei ' tbe beeeteee a the term eeeeld be LOGAN WILSON ft. CO., , portpatteo with a. .114 n-sun? toot the furore do. 1 . 1 ,,,,, ‘ ,/,, , ,, 05i ,. ‘Ad0vi: „d n. ring the present term, had bad a very Ikeda.% duty - 1 ,, j ,.„,,,,.,, ~.,g , , 41 „... m their t'PL.rfl're' bat("' e l" Pen' Mel an P e ' reetl Y P' e :, : EPHIAti Elia UP H A BDW ABE, Clil LE ILI, ite pared ,, sod ~r ... 5 to to ' '''' th e es" then , an" ," impoited by hat: huh., (run Valero., altt to he thought t h ou the ON. , woad rather So ee s l ab sac tt they ...maid eal,,rtallEesli toe attertittti . IA pa thetera bel.ettot , tAtto very ex.,. vestallie °Crania! With ii, - andle togiald riTiliiiiii - i .--- Shalialitilifft e*el • -ke " 34tzmn----21 " --- --- tome mob wiesabgtous example set- The Fourth i osk,. e of Ohl. t ,,t, p,,,,, 0 . R. R It, Third at r , ofJoly 'rush. lif• 4a, d the astrousetruld abe l , rtstottrotat, Jura 15, Irtat - 1 rtght.to spend that afe in an attempt to takeaway 1 Tao. Stockholders of toe .01Itt and- Prat:Blll.m the life of oar of the people' , Rail Road Can:pray are hereof; outbid to pay 'hr ; After sane observalressa from Mr. Wills, Judge ' ' l ' ul ln "" l '''' of her d ' llb. " pet share... the other McClure as td that in 4 ass ,4l that kind Ito l'Cturt a d f ., th , e , C j orta c, n t c,7% . o ,t ert:: , :r. or at tt , 07 . 111.• :Yob t Ifelt disposed to do any - thing that was st all mum. ,,,,,....„ ~,,,,:::,." : 7,, : . : ;%, : ,- ; ,, , ' , able. They wou'd ow all °leans Ii loco; power t., „,, 1 ,„ 4 „,„,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,, „„,,,,, ~,,,,d, gin Ito procuier a tan mil, bus she ienllemen were not aware of the intense anx,eis which tbe oron fell to have the b../..tela vf the Ctnol dispoteti 11.•t4 or tb• t omlied n „ hie rut"' of that they might rent,. bone The,: coppedal a. Kt as-1 am rivalrous of making illoo/3 tu thr hi. , y. 1.,180,4 p the areal truer of rear PETIIOLEMI in my owls rade, whzer. oral hattrert wald the kart md ant. Their Crops rut/pored theft nflentton, nee it WWI 01.04 Impnaih l e to tetP them OV•thtt- He bad of 'aulh n, ont'len Ltd. It.. hare tro/are. I been ottltgetf to grantee that thsele V/ hi, tried Grim. rupture-I ert he laid up wi • latr! (rt.. tho of might go horns ...am *.• Ito Mal woe ore, The / rot teed. too we appltre the l'ennit cr., "rely, 1,1 munsel for the defers,* had truly uheerved blot 1 05001 ° ,1 o.,OtrOdO with .1 , ! , O, the there tray • very retail panel in attend en b 4 •Pr i ' • """'"P'"' w, I'" W. there arse. larger trotter al. the Coon expeeied r itt , °I.:/" / f t '" no tt'4 nee "t ' t ' t / rt.rm2t/t ' to hare aren;ind number le felt Fermata- :". ' c c r 7 ‘hr lose of (Er r at', to go to wort. I lose prcr.tore ed, 111.113 CH0•1 he gathered together on •ny •oloe lin „„ire (leere (sell u „, ofeur„unf of fut,..„"„utttr,,. great Say of the preterit towten. Mar. of lire / sad as Orntono ;tat i , ey vherht het main public. I .johora bad eaid to the Conn that they eou'Ai 11 , 11 . 0taly would also swot, that I find homer/saw rtLef ty the mothlemger--thatthee unned errant bout and vat. ; ac. at toe PP114:0,412, in frog: which i are 1400 11.45, 11 , 1711 4 a‘ - 8 104 7.7 0.3 7:s tend to their croto, "see if they should be tined for su doing. The Court, as counsel for the prisoner, would !the to we afuller nand than was then pre,. ant. If counsel fur the defence wished that the Ca. {hollid tie delayed, (iod forbid that the Court. should foto, them on to a trial. A juror otoetre4l that it would to unpentoble to V.Ylla'xt week, as the: , !g l ops were suiTering front their aLeenee Another peer derittred that to us, as he was ae qoalated with blot wtnhra of the 111r0711, they would rather go on with the earn then than sit neat week. kill 111 , 1 tal 1.10).*1 2111:3 Int XX! I'D INN The.Coittt expressed at. retdines caner to try at atones, or contmee the cease until the next term.— The commit for det.ee mum m.utt their own convenience. The Court would slakes. take ball for the appearance of the prisoner, or co on at Aber eoe.aterabte delay, the Attorney General riced the gerolitnen to conic to wow c.d.. M. John A. Willa said that in view of the dit& cuhiw surrranifing the ea., tipsy would apply for maharanee if les honor would reduce the bail to Iran equal to what the 'prisoner was to pro ore. From his own knowledge of Grans, he could say that the Coon might nincharge hint on his own recognisance anahe•perfectly,nofn in so doing, but all they asked was, that the Inuit should be retlue . ed ■ little, and hit...Guinn' ftlenda wont.] gladly enter data the required recognisance,. Mir—Darragh Agul the queation of hail was a nub. sequent proceeding and ought not lobe mingled with the eppllottlini fora continuance. Mr. Wilk would rather go co at once than let. 34 , 4, ,r, I Calm lie In jail during all the 'warm weather c till 3 . 7, 9 M, October. 1,155159 Mr. Black did not wish it tribe understood that theulal was postponed at the request of the do- 4 beii 13,141,811 tu,tuo 4 503,144 8,714,1133 1€1.103 Mr. Danregh, on the panel the Commonwealth, was perfactly willing to go on with U. The Coon decided that the small number of Jurors present— the inners ofeeiirel.—Ousil; UIIriIIIBVIESI to amp during the harveat, end the paha° good, all de manded that the catok-should be Postponed. Mr. Darragh flectorid that slihough perteetly willing to oonseat to • contianiuce, it moat bo understood that the trial was not continued it oho faltered of the Commonwealth, es in that cute, If it were not tried et the next term, the ptifiener would have n right to ho ditchnrged on Wm own recognisance. Judge MoClure decide A -that the este ehotild be postponed. and he would, at n subacquent time, consider the question of hall. The Attorney General gave aniline to all the witnesaes, on the part both of the COmmanwerdth and defence, that the case would be taken op 011 the fourth Monday of October nett. The afternoon was fixed for the trial of the ripe ping house eases, and the Court hdjoueued, 67191 1 33.1,4110 ,041.174 1,043 417 1,331 al* 44 000 233 LIN 4,04 DO 3 2,100 awl:0 31,210 331,21/0 2J9,600 6021 AFTCII.I.OX 36:23103 Commonwealth vs. Peter Goell,—lndictment, keeping a tippling hon.. Tho defenaant,ine German, who had n Ileenao for selling. liquor by the quart, and who was evidently Ignorant' of the law. He was discharged on paying the cnie Commonviealth vs. Terence Daily—lielicuiteni, Keeping a tippling hew. Plea not Guilty. No witness woe celled who had ever seen 4feniisnt sea any liquor. A verdict of not irmitP,.vrOvt••• : Commonwealth n. blargaret Fleck—lngictment, Tippling House. Defendant lives in the Fifth Ward. Myers Barker, ecirrable, •hod (teen spirituous li quor. in the hour, but never Paw - iuty one drink. Never tatted nor smelted what seemed to be the liquor. It hod the edlor of liquor. The Jury returned it verdict of "not ghilty," de. fendanita pay the co'n... Commonwralfil W . m.inuthall—lnclicimeto, keepling LI tiproiag Myer,. Maker Ilad been iti his hoose,".untl defers dent admitted that be ,old liquor by the small. l'er diet • gudi) ' Marshall was eel - neared to p r ay fine of thirty dollars and the COsi.. Commonwealth yr, John Tag—lndictment, hero ins a tippling house. Myers Barker Lad. been in hi. hou.e, h o t never mw any liquor sold. Several or Mr. Tug's neighbor, testified to Io good conduct. A:verdict of "not . dered. • ADM:TIED:TO BAIL.-Mr. John A. Wills, one of the counsel of George Goini, accused of the mus , derofJaubert, had the defendant brought before Judge McClure yeaterday : aftes noon, and proposed giving, by revert) respectable freeholder', bail in the lute of .$2,500 fur “oiu's appearance at the Or Term of the Coart.of Quarter Ses"ions. . . _ Thii Attorney General, Mr. Darragh, observed that 'he had nu feeling in this Core beyond that which an the public pro rotor, it was bin duty to have, but a great outrage. bad been cutrunnied—a man bad been OM down public streets, and for his part he was not io favor Of !educing Gains had been taken before the District aiurt on u writ of habeas corm" and Judge Lowrie had demanded bail to the aura of 51000. If then, before a bill of intlictreentlimil been found that amount of b.. 0 hod ' been demanded, surely.it ought not to be reduced now when the Grand Jury bud returned a true bill. The case laid been reached at the present term, bin not tried; suppose that by any chain of cireumstaucea it should never be tried,what would the public think , Would they by satisfied? if the Court accsi'ld this 123011:1L al hall, they might do an, t we. only for him to any that for bin part be would not The Court had the power; they might take the rcriponsibllity. Judge McClure observed that under all the circumstances, It would be better to remand Gotha until Saturday nett, when the mutton might be argued at length. Mr. Wins was sto doefident of the . innocence mid integrity of Igo ch~ot, that if it were not for thereto of Court farbblditg a lawyer to become e ball in Ida own case, ttla would enter into recogni• [armee to the amount of the rempinieg St, ioo. The Court tecided that it would make an excels. too In Mr. Wills' favnY,sod permit him to become ball for Gains. Mr. Darragh had oat the allghteat objection to thie, and WO, in the ante of four thoutrand dollar!, was immediately given conditioned lor the ap. pearance of George Will at the October term. Ftny.—Thor roof of the f.Clf etory building In nand 11 , 0.X.Ui1i“..1 an a tobacco store by Mr. lame, A. Maa trio, lonic fire yesterday from smuts communitmted by the chimney. The dames were txtingubthed before the antral of the engines, and but Tittle damage woo done. • AUAULT CID . 13irrser.—Five Geri:was, with very unproneuecablo comae, Were takee before frequent eleieler otemor to toy banns.• about the engine. 1 would recommend It os the most prerop! And certain reined) for barns I t see ever torrecn. (sAned.) J UDC, EnAiover, sl:erpsburgb, Aileshony netvborth,ApsiLlOLD DOS mDe Ii toy nor Mc Dowell. 110 street, It E SeDers, Wood I) hi Curry, AlreV.,roy ear; D A ElOws, Al:egfieny, Joseph Denr,:ar., AID Own'', Alm by Mr proirwtor, $. M. KIER, 5p7.7 Daunt Ile Sees nth :1, PaDlcmg,.ll zolDrov•meatre IR Dentistry. DR, 0.0. STRARN:3, !alto( Doslon,l4l.renntrd to Inanutertnrc end vrt to vrlnVe awl pnyo of se., sped rlnchenar A tlnnephent thirt . on Tnefentn en.. 0172.1 %Mal", where tee nerve ti to:bc, old dna: to the :lap. ora ta.te, Fouil`t •Irretaitt4alreh. RIA• Iro-4. R. hi'Vevlden. F. It. Kitten. Jilf, Llmtli.t.enrner orrourth tual .Ihon.t, t..ctvrLeD tl-dtvln - RATES OF 1116:COLIAT. ILATCI LOY DifiCOUNT-I:II.RJEXte '‘Y N.. 130L&LII £ 150516, Exchange Utoke:.; No. MD .tree 111111 k.assaleybellinla• IABI au.. Bane n I Pill , bu •--P sr iltmeirk diumel , 1 blechafive Batts Per'll'attlecrip • • .. • blench. 6 Ai.. Bank Virg/whs. 82 44 who t de lCh is • ••••I` art Fachon. gti Itt • f thiard Biro • • ••• •• •••PerT annerit hit •••f Vst•••-• •• Bank efG,iltsfitown.• ariCk. of Valicy,—. Cheater County • • • P ar,l4. of V Its/Isla • •- " Ilrlawsre Co.• • •paf 01.6. 01.Ue;, Wheeling Moolgoroery•par do Mori:wine., - • . Narthronerolzad• Tot N. W. Sinn, it V---. 4 Columbia liridde Co, • par do Wellrbang•.--.. Ouyiestosro Bat ..... par do Perim - shuts— Fanners , Ilk. Head ing• pal Teuncane•. Faniers'l3k. lid els CO. parllt.of te 11.161;e- •• • • 3 Fanners latocaer•pal IFar. Iderelt•ts Ilk-- •••- LILOCRSICI CO. 8k... • •puriPlitulers , llk....-.•;. , . 5 Lancaster 41k.• foriVroult U.Stall. Bonk-- —l.l0 gElßautszt. Brownsville Ilk var , Statellk of Aliwourl--: Witsbmgroil • •—•-• 11 Nertll CarollWa. Outtroburtritßk•••••-•• • / Ilk. of Cape Fear . 2. Cnamberstrors• •• • -•• • March's lik.,llembern Basque:lrma Co. Bk.- - State Tank- ..... 2 - South Cart:dime medley/4.n Camden ...... ••• • V Carlisle ..... •-• • .• • • " Bt. df Charletron• • •• 2 Erie Ilk•••••••• 0 • • oCommerniablik • Farmers' and Provers' BS. of liewerurowl•--• 2 Bane, Way iirshaig.. I . t l ik.of I lambarg•••• • • ti Ila lie rrisbu odu r2 • - -.-"'••••. 0 Merchants . fluter/ 601rona'sftle• Iselionon parl.Pk.ol Poulb rtoina• • 2 Pottrellie•—• •• -- • I Pleer,lnud• piming ....... • • • • I Irolltworclits.••••••• •r, Vert Cu • . ..... /• it alpub• 0 ilk . emit, • Belie f it taaa h us. ...... t liluirtherrond Bk 6rAtie• rilatei ••. • - • j r,tany ........ •• • ... id At 01 Ilk. Fitts.do. ;Far. k. of illaryland•• derlp-Pittsb.l.: Countyl iF.rroLtIP d Nlrefi•l::CP " Allegheny, I I Bk. Froderice •Onlo• iVredertek Co. LW:— 0 State Ilk•aad illagerrionn Bk . edoentr Die leasult •• dtlintral ilk --..-•--- ..... •Parop co Pk • ....... •• • / 0 I iron •• Mariettd•—•— • • -00 " estalinWer • • New I•isb n• • • " PI le hlrtain• • Cineinnati 'honks " ~ UO. or Columbus do• • •••• •gof RiVer m e eineine—• it rtrobigan los. Cu.••• . 5 .Zanewille ----. I , nr i 'latch's Ilk 3 0 Wl.covaaln Tarrlf.'7. - roiNlar.feFireln.Co.blllw'a 6 I Cassias. landuckf ^oAlleolven t Vg•-• •• • • I illank of England Notes ..... 30; • -•—•-•134 p Sate. •thaltlik / BpisclaVelnes Xennk---• Napoleons --3•-• • D a y / 00.-- " throats 1160 s:0 Western Renne.--- It F•agle i old • t 60 Franklin fPk'Colttabas " Eagle, new •••:. 10 nO Doubloona.Spartroll. 11 00 /Aka Etla••• • •••••• . • 0 15 50 rroverelant •••.P.r.. ! Rh 'Lanrittlet Cuir.ettit •00 , 1/ 440 11,0•—.... •••••••13 .25 1 2 Ilsztvllle • • • • •60 TenThalers • 74.0 Farra'r a Irk Caritan-60 , Ten rilullder• • 7. • 01 12 4 b 222 - IGOVIiIIFOIN• •• • ... 4 40 K.catacky. • - Elk of Ketelliakio..... , ig Bli.Vif Louisville 1 1 ' 1111141 00111a;•• 0 0-s•dllsro Norbern Ilk. Houtiallw• 0.41.1140:w ,a Mew Ifeislc—Car Banklamr. Into= Vb.... REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI. ' • Captain WtzLIAM J. Kontrn. • Tait. splendid boat was bail t bySler owners of the steamer 1 1.1.113 Newton, . • .f and °theta, for the Cincinnati ens Pinstrurgh Parket ' trade,l and will .141-NE eviry iWitdnesday, for Cincinnati, in plane of die New England, N 0.2.. For freigkt or ramp apply on board. or to • -- mtilo . UD Al ILTENBERGER. Art , 010/30120AL1ELA - • • ;at only 73 11111•• is . tagpag. Vls Brownsville end Camberlanit to _Baltimore and Philadelphia " F. To BALTIMOILZ•-••••••• , •-•••••SiO CO' Da. 't Puteaorsaetta.--- 12 00 TIIE raornlnt boat lemma th e wharf; above the bridge, dai ly, at 8 o'clock precisely. Time It llaltimore, 32 hours; thee to Philadelph ia,.4.0 hours. The evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ea-' eninipn) at 0 o'clock. Passengers by !musing an the dveiuneboati will cress theinoustaies to stages next ay, and thus avoid night travel.. Secure your tickets at 'Oho Offiee, Monongahela (leave, or 11. Charles bole. .- octig.ll : .I.IIM3XIMEN, Agent REGULAK WIIF.ELINGI 4. SENFIcii PACKET tk The fiat running lucerne, WELLSVILLE. 4 I mo '•. C.Ph D. Yo.olf.Wlll ron as a regular peeket.lietvreen Pluebornh, n., da y epos, and unfilli, leaving Pittnburgh every Monday itternoon, ne Steubenville, and 13 edge port, and every Thursday afternoon for Maybe.. Wbcnlins, Ilridgeport, Copt's., and Sunsoh lictuunlne, Iluidsepor I. and Snafu.. after n o on. den afternoon. and Swift& every n and aftero Eve freight ur parange, apply,. board, or to eo,lo D ‘VILISIES, Agent. FOR Si ADDITFA ADDTIOCKINGPORT. The splendll steamer. . D. Johnsrr:lntte N iill leave for the above and kll intermediate ports un des, last, at :1 o'lock, Y. M. For r. ght pultage, V . B . biini, or to JT3 SV:B. WHEELER. Aber: • 6rllllllell. ARE ANOSIIIEIIT. . 1 / 4 Egg e .1850. DEAVER, RUMPS . }7:1911", 'AND- GLASGOW - - - • PACKET. The new and light dermahl Internee YOUI3IIIOOIIP. NY rniq make doily nips between Pittsburgh and i1t..K0.% (Sundays excepted,) leaving Glasgow et 7 A. h 1 , and Pittsburgh bi 31, P. hi. The YooPhioiheny Ea hat 15 inches draught, and can he relied on RA a regarne packet, throughout the ternoa. Ear freight or passage apply on board, or to J C lIIDNYELL, Agent. Mtn EIMWELLA CU., Glucose. PgF.D INCREASED. fat122a1850./111iNik COMER ARRANGIREELCHT. CTNTR.q. TeOAl/ MN TO LIVOTINGDOI, PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE. Two Bally Lines Express Packet Boats, And Rail Road Care, (EXOLitervitLY 909 P•esZNOIRet) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, it. op Central Had Road and Penn'a Canal. 240 mil. Rail Road, and 140 miles Canal. rtme—th holm .Fare-810 through. The Portage Rail Road is paned la day Light. ON an ad. ad. date, 1120 lone,) the Central Hail Road will run awe DAP.T T.= mamma cuts from Huntingdon to Philadelphia. The ears on Ike above road nod the Allegheny Polage Rail Road am all net, and et the very best description in the er ear), elle matt the increased speed au the tnale• taint, pancUger. go through with despatch . A Pseaet Boat will leave every moaning al &- clerk, and every comung at 9 Welock. Foe bared. dreed, rod Cmatort, this mute Is de cidedly Me most preferable now in usa to the Eastern Cate. Foy passage oy mfonstalson apply to atUTCH, fdenougaiela House; or to D LEECH k. CO, Canal Ruin. P S—On the In September ; the Cenral Rail Fiend will be opt a to Flo lidayebargy when passengers will go throneb to 43 hours. jell To Eloothirsa wad Wes Urea alarahaaits. DOUSS.EUS PREMIUM PERFUMERY. The li, sutscraber respeculilly Invites publth attention to hie extensive stock of Eerfauvety, Soaps, £thavink Creams, 4c. to winch into kilter and two Golden Medals nave, within the last clx years, been awarded by the Institute. of New leek, Bemuse, and Phila. delphtn, the lamer being the only Polden Medals ever imarded for perfumery either Is Europe or in ad. C. Rocae ntry, nt:. Vsarrau.. Swvcan Crux. lAlmend, IZose,.and Ambrosiala universally ackmissledsed esperior to any eltinelog Cream I.a_ gue country or Europe. Ossoi 4eisit ran timirres—Reelotlinlly Ronan/rent, end porroscing highly Serionoctousiiond orori tries, SanonsceousCoolponsid; Ambrosial Slane. log Tatilei; Winery Eitiseliftleiono. ecreltrleor Tom= Soiten-elllexontl, Rose, Mlle Ulm, Bongs.. l'istschlo, Musk, l'eneitooly,thmoibui,Float• lnO• Olio. 011;Wlntlear, Ctrelssion. Fin e sox Yu( Josmin, Ileaoset de Caroline, Ceramist:4.kt°) Lied,hloorre nee, Joekey Club, filognotie, Clemente, Citronelle Ilnetoti'd runny Other toilettes, in all sixty ellifotent IMMENIMM . . . Orissa Ilrxrxr 'Dialer, arid a great variety of Co. lossida and Lavender Natant PyILTIXATIONs WOO VIZ Dear's Oil, Amite,' Oil, Randall., Eat, Tmatrale, 01x1r.e, Cam- Naiad Ox Marrow, Itair Dyes, liquid and in powder, . ' . Todd, Pate, Cautsaal Damn/Ira, Odanurrs, 'roods Pails, arid Tooth Doseder. Ctwtsces—Nesietble Caswell° Crew, Morality rcb Owned &rade; Cold -.Creak° or knees, Clara W. Perre, Salve, Raspberry errata; &e. Li:Tilt:Dry Powders, to removing toperfleras hair, l'estl Powder, Viosigre tie Hauge, 4.romatic Vinegar, Conaporaion, !q.t. :hats, besides ems, VW, eq . Of other omelet, UK 11/21IICreett to be rst.t..lin this aillettistit Toe tohterther bore. to moment the reputatiou urn AO, eetablisbroent hoe eequtred, by dttoosteg f emitter to; Ent me artieler; and will be harpy to artti.rt tenet trio may Wish to pooonize hitu cheer hotetelo or tettail, on ss reasonable Mims es any ea se:ailment in the United XAVIER DAZIN, ettrcettOl la and former Director of the L•Gotatory lEL;GENB ROU.I.EL, . . . . 114 cohemt street. M. PuslaL Perfumery is for sale by all Um pnoci p.l Druayitia la the rocinth . . fip17,111,1 • - Fop. imiszi 4 - 1L1.9, Ni's•te rover, Diellitg Ilrecses mod Lots and lots t)( the toms e r Brlgh hau: B. ud Ciente gounds exid came ittljoittln, mid town, u.taiga t/a.elitury Poulin Mill, with roar Fair of G. feel l.rra. and all the toichisery fx GIantOZCIZI twg ra4a khan 31.11, ote. =0 bat may stcd tohwa 1 a• the mt. Airs, • Cul. Fetal wdh 16 Spindles, f, Brinnies; • tan pea •Ina es iced ,round uran'which.cs crated e. lap yea nbitacull welt buds :slawlion Maw. of vans brah, cus vani kin!, with Znek ICiahen,en , . Holm dud Bea Inn, Fait Trees, nhabbeer, 4e., • art virsirabh • ninny minces..:ALui, Oast twenty .bb Iva Hoge.f nstai Fano 6.e ...rental thelson,of grater and ifbi van a d anuttfuty gasses& A1a0.n.50 baildag lda f various nix, Alan 4: •a:r.f lots, aoicaproled, soil sortable for Mills, klanufroloeks, with the required water lower foe tow lloOor). The above 111.11., Water Power Leta, dwe ll ag uteloild Lola are situated upon the midd le :Deo( Lkever rlier, ethers the lid I. twenty that of the whole volume of the tree A denervi iloeith a ALL aho of about Al fret, elnut ice Melt Pathan, and Drew lloghtra a art dienrce blow Tte Ohio and Pama. Railroad (a rgue., di the Pane Railroad from Phila. to • Pius. toab, {nos,. torrugh rt to the 'lakesnd abs far7Wera Onorgh the veil Wheat Outer oath. U, s,Tenet sa..o wale /:.over Falk ills Raehester for Fronting TIM+. lb. cool Oval Ohm to the Labe, also pea es in fora of n. Ala • trait of. 2:11 Acres of Lend overlooking the Falb of. Darer, id,nng the knelt std of .11rithtor, in view of the Canal tr Lre andCl veleta, oni shoot the rail road. The ttagellinolfrroo F, ,burghto Cleat land paws throd; ih— Mree than 97acletr.d soil uneer fence, rerylevel. and sa lable kr al.adowe and (lardeao. 'Soilriehawlweß wilt, ed. shillaro of coal mbr. Will be sold in whole or to question parchenere Aker, a tract of 493 rem of d boarded by the F .( of the cartel en the tad, Ad nolo rile on the nuoll, - by kriehhaa an the enath, aud extort, sor watt acme the Ohio and Pews. Rail Read, abdut 3:41 .leareil: "here are on taulard • large well twalt two elm inns hole., S. 610111 S .ter, slola dwelling bard, rod co . harl.eildtisgs. The tarps! part or but it level sod oeatity of loeation, fertility of soil, at.' promise slotely and ghat benumbs yoloc. la ensurpossed 11111S11- .n/ VI. well suppliad with O r no t o. to g . n d ersre Trlic4sef pion water, nod is In *dared lo ondeoltic.or let prints valances, and vrill be ,C!4 weldrrYnto or in cat win to snit por--lissers. With tie trisqlored oat.r power jest Woe. and below it, an r geogropLirid posit... it Inuit inereess to Coe mom rop"dly portion...llan any abet pie. of Ism* in the %Veit A1r0,511 - 1, of ;round e;tuAtet to Neer Brichtots, auto towiny path ot the e•nall bad-bm..ah , h, bateema tit heiJKo. tholt no! hack of the canal, pan above anal part b tht Railroad - • eatl rrertriT relfMlle ilelethy 41mo try. att.tadmg with roal, timbers building matemele, a., owMI three t three-and a half ehzlea from the Ohio ries, a. 1.1 lath. tie & Pittsburgh. The anal whirl, name, 11, .rr.ru.i.4121111,i11.1 with the Ohio rime ani Lake E.- at Lei. mid Cleveland; and the Uh'oaad Nuns. U. Reel, now hastening to c,lnplellno, and which mats through much or tl, will briny It within an hour et lest that, of Pittsburgh, and pus to and thermal, it thereat dm] of passengers.au, duct and enerehandite nom the &It and West. •Al tuatmo for remaatetarms,asschmars prdsmers, o r edemas foe meta of Om cow in Pittsburgh, o ro praVable re involute. et money, pima row °Tin s • snmy irducenunts. Tarim or sale will. reasonable tint ashantarsom to pa eh For Mare pamiculam navies of James Pants Wu, yeapr:stor,ur %Va.. Harrison, at Meson, or to N. Y. te. 6. i it, 1.1.11' ['Mal AN, Attomajo at Law sad ltaalEstata dams% it IdMlkarl ?Pm UV Fourth Stn... Plasharch ''uf.cialit.tarreni —PtiVaiiirgh T g le grOph CoP.l.u7e Ito:mamma of a recolutiod of the Board of Direr. ' tut. of the Cleveland, Warren soil Potobargh VriertrapliCt , inpanyo yuctling the Sectetarrin mate oat awl ream In be pableahed in the rowratipera along the tide,an etbibil ockhe financial and other •ffeire of thin company I tubtett the fallowing Report:— The ore 01 Telegraph comn a ores ni Cleveleed and letitutoor , • et l'oomborgh, paazing thiteveh Chagrin Fall', F tar s hu,Nntrton Valls.V.lamett, Young&own, enujoette iu the Slate el Ohio. and Neor Callle end Roche..r. tn the State of Pcanhylvanta, at *bleb perm* 'here aro offices !cooled for the receipt and it a ustair•aott of businers. .• whole Icerh of thn 1.449 mileo—dapital Stock, I,Mo per mile, making a Ititl capital stock of eirt, fte, .htett enamel slo,io 00 held be citizen. alone the but, MG the balance IN held op terneil & Spred, Me contractors. The above i d of sub. retiptions by mtmena. hosekneen paid to Cdrnell & for which the Trustees have their reeelpi. /.14A11 JEFFERSON BALNlcEeeretare 1=2=17025:0111 AGREF:AbLI to we wtteillZl74 le . s . lament !the late William Tema, detested. The wit se rshlt o Beta for bale, on Very aCcOSOULOLating terms• either the whole or n pen at the propetty bolo 'Wog to the estate of the said Wm. Tate, laws. v. the west side Or. lined street, 'adjoining the Allegheny 'UriJe6e, cOntletine of 3 three awry totases,two of them nearly new, pleasantly stunned and sn Wend Altn,fonrot keel:flea ground adasthing th: ve; sold lontthe Or divided, as may not the It_ rb.b_„,_ Mutt advertt loth in the borough of As the oldest of th - e able in to teswa proceeds for the benefa of the (may nf the dece a sed.the De , greale4 portion of the purchase money .tat amen yenta. revocable opportunity fat anTy4bifteraT'an'tineVjgraTo'atntorLtalle home on eaay tern. YEW LETone of the show hearts willbe panted tt llt good teasel at Very 107 V chaa. Executor, • at 10 . Fllo,lMbuivt.4l.ibetty at. o it y co -7-:'''.'...4 - J . :7-1 , ': : :':71' , ::'7:,;',7f!7:7..;:, - "f..r.,',1 , Vt GREAT 1111ORTART CIIEDICAL DISCOVERY cIn.MIeAL athIitINATION • , From the ',Vegttahle:liregdenz, repo ! Diorolei Dr. Ottyhott*a Irextenet "ot Yellow Doe* and neraaprtalln. Calms conemoplion,.serofala, trytlpelat,ther.mationi, Mot, liver 'Tinplating, aninal adanti _on., Meer., kr. piulta, drepty, part, aeorvey sanctions of the bladder and Wrier., memorial ditearce, doe-, rept homnrt, rush of Mord the bead, fever rime, female mar plaint., general debility, dyrpepe. tie, Intl of appetite, headache, eefds, emoivereasi meet. night mealy, etnlie, organic ihibetione. pa Mitaiden of th e hearti bdes, paint In the tide, chem. back, he. , • , It It Infallible In .0 'dimmer , arising ham an bro wnie state alike blood, or irrigitlar croon of the *P.- M.. In the Vegetable Kingdom, in Micarise Beira h• deposited phmts and lochs; congenial to our connote• lions, and *gaoled to he cent of tilise.e;ned to lb • vegetable kingdom doe, the'ocason et mm, as ascii • the instineSof ani al; turn; fos antidotes to pain. The Syrup is • ecientihe compound of the most cal nahle plundi in nature, entirelo free hem deleterious and enervating mineral entatances; and as It eared, disease Adam the aystem, impede vigor and strength t aeurrerpondingidegefe• • • • EIVIEMZE An euraordinary ease of Scrofalajltyalpelas and LH err., cured; by the Dole ,urn. of .1), Guysott's Cora pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sananarilla. Nov. 17, Idle; Goviovr—Slm I tender. sincere Wallet for the great benefit 1 have derived from the one of your valuable syrup. I have been troubled very bed wit a serofaless wire, which made Its appearance on in chin. !did not pey much attention to it at first, sup posing it to he nothing but - etuptata thafippear penoebt far u ItEttally Into to increase, until spread to the sick pan of the head. I impbed to a phygician, who attended me all to no propose.' 1 had tried every thing that mold be tried.,l raw your Syr. op or Yellow Dock and Sisrpepartli, and concluded to use It, for I knew that Yellow Dock woo one of the moat venahle artielcs!in the world for the blood. I bought your Syrup, and from the um of one botde i I couldrueat.. &tango it. 'at system. ! continued to use it wad I wag St well moo. 1 -now feel like new person; my Ward perfeutly cleated and Gee from all impurities.:There id not a gueJdon but Ws your newly distovetio compound is fax superior r any vateaparilla syrup ever cold. This evniGcate w at your disposal to Poisheb if Yod like, end any coolest may refer to me_ I shall Le bar , py to give: them all Ike inforittation I cent about my Cun t ao. I main your obedient servant, Gtosoz G. Jowl:sow 11321faket meet. The best female nemlleioe blown.. The Fitraet of Yellow Dock and Bmaapatilla lot peeitives . peedy, and permanent cure for elteemplionta Inctocrit 10 LIFF Its Mild, literatlve• Pr M op ALM ertied render It peculiarly applicable to the slender end delleatexgrirsounion of the Mimeo. It Iv unrivalled in Its effect@ open etch &malts es Incipient consumption, harrecncw, conheeM or whites, irreceleraienetruation, inconim nence of mine, and general prostration of tho ey elan. It tam ediately emincemm that distredelng nerveat • new and Inottralo eo eomnion to she female frame, and impart. an energy and babynney a@aurpronng as they ara grateful. Nre have evidence on hie which induces m strongly to recotionend this Medicine to •x'•4 people who Lave not teen bleared With oda SPlclite: : '; PRourtes Umkt, cr. 1_ rer the Womb, of dim year? .stacullng, cared by irr.Gityrotes Emmet of YOU.. Dock and Sarsaparilla,, after ceet7,ocltef known remedy bad been tried lambent tench I Wasulmiton, Ohln ' Feb., tail.. This tertiffes that my wife, age d a 7 year., boa suffering ender the above pledet for five yenta-nearly all of that theetcongned to Ler bed. , I have for fent years reunited ti employed the Leath - mu: , ical talent Mat could no procaxed in tilts seethe of Ms COOntryi wi th out soy beneir . 'whatever. - ISVE • .1 , 4 purchased every inetnimeni. recolomeneed for th• cure of such ditemes, ml °fr./Plea Moved wordileer. Lathe eprind of tele, T man is dyers by my fricodi to try Lk. cupons. ytner. haain j th. inter,. or Alt rieultaro atlonn ate respretnaly invited 13 0134.1. Ito lion ..'Yriii:LO.tle• Of eeill.be pr o . 00211, and addrola :nearest:iv. Hon. Ham., Denny is olatairy toted to h er present 011 toe oeinnort: Boston of lidereat- kll4 - lie trukitapto.t. John /an, Es q., of harabettt Township, boa atte.aaarv4 l o.,,,,“ l6lllall one or 11115, , auerai'llrentAlrAinia aeopera present, a n d It may ba:s eels_ loppetation,if 'there Is any grata ready to-Pull ay, ne Whoev er woold lake to Item.' a.,antal epee* or tea a!'aribt,” lot him be Pere. Dy order, jeljethAvvOy AT JA.haZ E 213APF.E% Jiioery, • -