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EOM ^; , . - t'g , '.. - :.:;r!- . . , 7J;.;,:,.! , ,.*A, ;'.;,:',7 , :: , '.'!:.: . ..• ,- ;.: -.;,:ii'.:.i--:',::'y',.;',, THE PITTSBUqfiII GAZETTE. PUBLISHED By ounrc ec co i=l=3 IVEDNFIDAY 810 IN°, JUNE 9. C!'I4iTIC WlllO FrATIVZICILJST vat canc. contranossi. .1,0 811 II A DT.I,SIGAN, 0112Rell f rot-worm' • ' HENRY W- gliY.ol3-RV .- 0111a?nCdsruty. • sairnoi amalmks. 7)08EPII 0. MENDE6SON, Of WashintionConaty. • masonic. and Whit Dlerain atlan I far Alleghgazy IP aunty. , • volt Intr. num etwaatiw ' r rEtOEIAS DI: SOWIC. Bitearn same, nom rms. coxazus, HAEDAD DENNY, • E=i3 JAMES CAROTHERS, • .aaa AIISIIIIIIIIIT, . A/ORGAN ROBERTSON, Pinkbargh. T.J. BIOILkaI. Lower St Clad. R. C. W.ALEF.R. FJaabetb. JO/1N riI'CLUSKEY, Roblaada. JAMES Tint, Baironlen. , • ' ...yaostroTraa 1110.447, FRANCIS C. FLANEGIN, PRialargtk. 2 .• coax:mass; • • • EBEIVEZER BOYLES, North .Fayette. aroma, ! W Sl. FLYNN, Lower St. Clair. - ' ; Comm lILIVSTOI4 • D. N, COURTNEY, Ohio. trFOR TELEGRAPH NEWS-SEEITHE SIXTH COLUMN. :The reader will find the article in relation to the recOunolsauce or the Chow Silt Lake,by Cnpt . Stansbury, ofexissediug ltiletert. The rimerlean lean, by telegraph, that Jolla M'Nieble, formerly of this city, died of cholera, at Covington, Ky., co Monday, July t. Governor Jonerron arrtved in this city on Mon day evening,' fromAtittannlng, and took lodgtorS ea the Monongahela' House, where ho is recelr t fog the calla of a large number of our citizens, :41:to honor him not oily for 'bunko of the Italian he fills, as Governor of this old andimpot ! tans Commonwealth, bra for the rare abilities hr ..bas eahibiied iu the dischergo of hie officiabliatel, and GM the sticcessful manner in which he list Inducted the thlp of State onto! the difScultiet which ssvirooed her, when he ascended the Go hemmer's' Chair.. The htmory of hi. admlnistris Son will compose some of tho Melt pages of the annalsof our State. • - • Oor correapoodent on the line of the Belleruns taloWand /ndlana Rail Road,gives us cheering an counts of the progress diktat work, so Imports:lt to this Miy as the cantianatioir of our Western Rail Road lathe State of Indiana; whet; It brusgr us into connection with the improvements of the State. All along our great "Back Bone, Line,' Gam-Pktlladelphls to the Wabash, every thing I. now 'ashes most cheering character. Thereat. no broken links.;-the whole lies is in the bands tr• enterprising mad able men, who will posh it to I speedy completion.*. On the Ohio and Pennsylvi bin road, the work Is pregreateg with rapidit, from Pittsburgh to Massilbie, sad the Preside-Mt now in the east making arrangements for the bur The nnlet portions al the road, beyond Mai:eaten, will be prepared Or contract this leuon.. Th, bountiful harvest which will be gathered this eum saes will enable the farmers of Wayne and Rich. land. counties to take all the necessary stock grade Lod Midge the road in that section, and th, iron and outfit can cattily be furnished from mho 'simmer. These are, pleat:lnt prospects for ile 'city, and the resell, we feel assured, will realia 'the moat ardent'expectatlon. ' • P . m:salmon atm Sezuomtvmut The !mka for subscription, of Sock to thin en terpnze have been openit the Exchange Hotel since -Monday, from 9 to 7 O'clock. Metart , • ~ thi'Forrti, Istac Walkeror.; end 'A. IL Livia an the Commiationera who attend here. Thilllatoks - 'w.II clots to-day. Tilo3oacir who feel 'Alitpoted to, ea montage the enterprise would 4e • -'.well to cell ......ostrerusts Donoesocr..-ThePoit, o Tuesday, Is on the ecnifenional again.. Berm 1 fosse that than, ........-.............• 04..... i... 16.... woure• oorropt and unprincipled men, to !vibe v couple of delegates at the late Democeviie State Coarentioo." It pronounnes the. Inflation din . "recce:Lend speaks of the ..scousterelly acme! Overthine and Rankin," Ind intimates that seer sin Icillential Vorintlicrai,l•who his filled WOMB . ces, furnished the money to buy op the "bnier , Bat how does the Pont know that only a" coup , : le. of Democrats were brlbed;ot were attempiec 1 -to be taibedl Only is ''. couPle" 'repented the 1 threw down the money, but that Is rather an led- ~ ettionlhat move than these two had 'thistle "thin° t. greased" with On bill,-end tr.& certain dole , ' 1 gvithed member of the party was eog.ged in :the transaction, as the Post latitnates, he mutt have 1 : acted upon his knowledge of the corruptibility to .,Dentooratio politicians, or le'vroald not have' as : ' *Meted so dangerous a game. Altogetberetto Democratic politicians artreaarylrant* bath .ex : bibited a libase ot.character which the people ' would do well to consider; before they treat thee' ' - farther. ' Men who; wing° offeror receive a bilbe are Mote to be trusted with the public fonds. The Post seems to have a peculiar hatred tr the Hoe. Snort CAMOLON, and 'evinces no talc '• feu that that gentlemato may alcoved In se. curing ail election, in the Se nat e of th e Unite •, States, by the Legiolature cent seinter, to fill tie , pace to be vacated by Mr. Sturgeon; and so little covfiienero has that editor In Domocrs is Dalin. ' clone, that he demands that every Democratic candidate for the Legislature shall " pied,ge Ares sell 17 sniiliN g." to vote for the caucus nominee of the arty. He is afraid that the Democrat, ' will be oo much under the Influence of the Mid. dleton ank to ho trusted, and be 'therefore de l maids that - they shall "pledge themtelvei in writing I' What a high opinion ltdr. Haipernons : . hire at the .• inrorruptitlo Deboncracy,* whoa . he requires noch binding and unheard of pledger ' 'Of inures the Democratic mind idling in dampens. iy will have to '.' toe 'the mark, " and give the 1 ' written ptedge"not to look at a Middleton Can{ bill, dbile the Medico, far Seuttoris pending. Bat the'Pan takes too mach far granted In all is "inoculation& It contemplate" that the Demo. irate will have the majority in the next Legiola ' ' tore, on joint batiot, tad can elect any one they pietro. But this le the very guesgen to bo den,' ' i dad at the fall elections, and there is at Least a przbofidity that the Whigs will bare a potent voice in the mailer. •At lean there will be a vigorous • • lowest for it, and with goodlhopes of success tro •'',Wilnottgli the State was ' unfairly apportioned by . the Locator° inejority. c When the Post therefore .*:' demand. that the Democratic coodidatea through. .:-oat th e Suite shall give a "written pledge" not to t .. rotei for Mr. Cameron-or, in other words, that .. - th Obey viii vote for the cameos nominee-the editor : . ' aboard a:molder whether it is really =lth:while i ' to Macros* insulting a provoker. '• ; . Tim Port seems disposed to take ample revenge . ;r.- fa thitiodigehles it suffered during the ezirtence •• ; " .of tld.M4cury,' by following that portion of the vett* Vehifids "imported that paper with bitter he. •.• r i :-•• itted• - • 11 cow earl upon th e Democracy "to Le -4 . -,7:- Yeirefitita elect no Met Ile a Delegate to State or t , .... , ,C0unty ,Ctinvemgroui Who to even surp--u4 at .',2)...:briag favorable to Cameo:minx Federalism." By f_''. : ' Ude pbraze the editor means all thaereopekable ~ i -'' • claw; Of iltaDamocraaa Pent who think that the - • . old Damocratio doctrine of a protective reel; ad. • -; • ',- • -*needy' byMiteerlthee, S arterOlinlzesaid Wolfe, • ; :' •-• enit,Peeter r and Shenk, end by DnriocrintaLei l be.. ..., ,;,titriss for the Lut seventy five yogis, Is Still 4 Mai I - vitsseignici;m and pro Deng:omit° doctrine,. AU . • -;• I - , eneb; who ele itegyillieg 10 Lend 'their necks to --"' ; the Modern-yoke, and to Wrotch thentselmai upon i.l .....: the IfaltimorePlegionn,althougb they are tun as. fiablosood, staunch 'tremolo* Democrats, are to . ',' ':•'' - Di illiestdedi insetted, and watched as suspicions permit. - 'Leven .f nopcier of : being one of the i ! i V:, old Ditsomllcetsinp, they eta to b 3 denounced ~ *o unworthy ofseketton as:Delegates'th is County •-•-•• -.Conwittost ! T7hat - a beautitalthing Madera . eteti ' .' . tbeeillel is t- Lbw delighted some of the respects. . ' . . `_'.fora and itillsepeal 'Decimate of, this county will ;;.Leto know that:rimy 'ire unfit i cren to fill the bumble place of n delegate te • County ,Cintecnic i- -,•'...-nlosbelthoo-' - ' - -- i ticket bo. ~ ~ - ,fors 0..C.51A1 !tins boa boon 1 sustain Ike ialty of beimlnt,to Sara* and New. Maxie*. Iltuallar damonstiatlees '" , appear on ail alias at the alma. Tao free flutes ova 'augted efilhlliflatl le ibeir approval of tfia saligitatid *ad tibial polloy of Um ',dee.. . 1 1 . ° sesi!" , .."31"^n79 the Party into completely isolated by the impels- etrablo nadirs of ihe aartomnilng mountains, in. boipeaeGftvdloWlaiA - itQlSfro•• ••• I ,8141141 fireVth6q7brPrPh*t Engeet G'4l 4 • rho is eng#lthi is iriamliatte4 of the' Vdl iritroigtgo_4 l if. Eftitioadjr*F ...raw,a4.43 ! 4.01,4r.vate*„.4. w s .o.v h . 4 50),Mi dne *6titit*ot.#liasts , ed infOrizitialaar;fitie*seurtdsspatches come 'Opirnia?4/4 offAititti. Captain . . ;Satatittryisays: '4 • eiehnip hire big Wm lateatnt very severe,. commencing abodt the middle At Noember.. , To day (February2B) the maintains: are white With snow, and in many of the canons otroxionneed rhanyontlit Is upwards of fifty re deep, reaching la the tops of the tatleat trees. At though Indy in the latitude of 10 deg. 45 min.,ii bus more than equalled in severity the winter of 'au year in Philadelphia, which was an annual one, and. It Is even now quite uncertain when it wiliteimidate." Again be tam writing on the .I6th of Marob : "Thu mountain ours tee fuller of snow than ever. Yesterday morning we foetid that dye inches of anew bad Galen during. the night,and twilight nearly as much. Thir it on the plains: in the mono tains the fall is from font. to alp time greater, the condensation of the atmospheric vapor being there much more rapid and complete. At this moment, while the rah ti shining brightly upon the plains, It Is snowing furiously among the peaks." -is * * "Alter micapleting the reIVaI3OIIIEICO of Cache Valley, we renamed to Der camp on hone river. When Col. Porter returned to his : post, the provis sloe Win was dispatched dews the east shore of the Salt Lake, under Lieut. Howland, of the lee, with foram. to report to - Lieut. Gunnison. whilst 1, accompanied by Dr. Bate, with a party of poor men and IliXtofl3 maks, addressed myself to make the toot woad the One= side of this Lako. Tina trip was, by many of the old moan taineals,coasidered rather hamtedons, especially it that late seasoner the year.: Many of them had tried it, bat acne-had ever succeeded la achurrisig Tte count!, was represented to be harm in the esteems, and timer, if not end:4 destitute of fresh ,water. In addition to which, acne distarbanoesand ill feeling had taken place between the whites and - the Snake or Snosbonee Indians, arising Out era glees outrage which had been wantonly Inllicted-upon the latter by a band of unmincipled emigrants, in which 'several, of their men were killed and women violated and 'Murdered. I was determined, however, to pro. eyed; .and, baying provided mrselvesunth some India rubber bags far rocking' water in case of uneasily, on the 10th of October me commenced tourjounaisy. We were also provided with one soldiers' teat aid one wall tent. fly, foe pro:et-non !rem rains; but they were of little use, as but in one or two Mamma could poles be procured for stretching theta, no utterly destitute of timber was thereglon through which we pieced. The jour• imp occupied as until the fith of November. "Wo Mond that the whole western shore of the lake consists of immense level plains of soft mod, koicceinahlewithin many miles of the water's edge to the feet pf Malebor horse., being Inverted fro quietly by meandering hills-of salt and sulphur water which apparently slob aft 4 spoor etybae and worm the whole soil, readenug it miry and treacherous. These plains are but Into traveled above-the prevent lend of. the lake, and.have, without doubt, at one time, not long since, farmed a part of it ; for it. is evident that • me of 'bat a few inches will at once cover the greater ryortlon of these eglansicre areas of land with water again. do not think I hsfard much by sayir g that a rise efone foot in the lake would pearly, if pot mike, noble Represent Rem "The plains are, for the most part, entirety de. raided of vegetation,except occasional palette, of Artematliand"arease-wood," and they glitter in 'he sunlight, presenting the appearance of *atm so yerksly that It Is almost impossible ler one to convince himself 11th hat. apt on the immedioo shore' of the take itself. This as earning to ;he crystalizatlon.of minute portionsof ult on the sur face of the mud, and the Oen, dime hecentoned by the complete uturation of the sail With linittsts• From this -clue, also, arises a mirage, whiel. is greater here than fever witnessed °towhees, dia. toting objects in the most grotesque manner, and giving Thule optical illusions almost behond be" lief.- I- anticipate *tufting asmakallers from this cause, in making the triangulation., la an hotimaled distance 01 miles, on one part of the route, fresh water and gram were found only in clue spot, about midway of this stretch, and we were obliged to subsist our animals, hit is, to keep life In them, by serving them out a pint of sinter rovh, night and kneeling, taken from the intim rub ber bags packed upon their hada. The lust part of this desert was about 75 miles in extent, and or , - cupied os tsvn daysiend a half to cross it, travelling all day, and the grad= par: of the night; walking *great poetical at the way to velieyo likewhich begsa sink tinder the want of .1.114C4411Cf) I and water. lathe tatter partiott of this first desert wo cross ed a field of solid salt, which lay encrusted .upon the leve,„Lnual plaits, so thick that It born op the routes IMPS. with their/septa va perfectly Mat they walked upon it as if it had been names of solid ice, slightly covered with snow. The whole plain was at the ig o lilo;MogiloTAM A tAVen G lir l ditAft and the thickness of the salt at "from one half to three quarters Man inch- A strip of gate three miliaria width had been previously grossed, but it was cot thich, nor hard enough. to prevent the ani mals from tinting through it into the mod at every step. Thank in the solid field Atm perfeetlvcres milord, and where it had not become mixed the soil was ae white and fine as the best specimens of Satina,tabZ sett Some of it was collected an igr=ssil . ry the field of salt we struck upon a tine little istreitutief running water, with plenty of gram, lying at the foot of a ramie of mountains, which seemed to form the weetara boundary of the immediate valley of the Lake. Here wo were otu liged to halt for three days to give to our aromas an opportunity to recrult. The laser part of the desert was about 70 miles in eatent,lind was . passed in two daye, by molongiog our marchestar Into the night.. Had wo not found grassland water midway of this barren was both animals and men must. bare perished. We were, as I have reason to believe, the first party of white men that ever succeeded in making the entire circuit of the lake by, land. I bare un derstood that it was once circumnavigated by en in no times, by some trappers, in search or bearer, but no attempt by land leas ever been sue ceisful. • ' "From the knowledge gained by th is expedition; lam of opinion that the size of the lake by bean murk evince:tied; and from observation, and what I have learned fhom the blormoes, who bare made one. or two excursioestrpon it in a small skirl, 1 ant Maimed to believe that its depth has been much overrated. That it has no Valid, to now demoo imbed beyond doubt: - and I am convinced, from what I have ieen, thll it us tar e be of the alight -est me for the purposes of navigation. T water, Tor miles out from the shore, wherever I have seen it, is beta few Inches in depth; and if there be any deep water, It men be in the middle. • The Utah river—or the Jordan, as the hformous call it—la altogether too iirsignfficant and toe crooked to he of any me commercuelly. The greatest depth of the Utah Lake 'that we have seen is sixteen feet; so that' foe the pupates of a connected line of nevi. goatee, neither the river - nor the: lakes can be of the slightest utility. Such, at least, is my present impression., Further examination of Salt Lake may, perhape, modify this opinion with regard to the latter. The river mumeoung these too lakes is 149 length. The delays and difficulties en ceuntered by Cap. rain Stansbury's patty in conducting their triangle latiO3 Ma district of country extending two de. grecs in latitude and more than a degree in longi tude, may be concerned from the fact that almost every wick of Oahe: mad in the construction of fourteen triangulation stations, than far erected, has coat from twenty to thirty miles travel of a Mx mule team, and that nearly if not all, the water will have transported along with the differ etit Ponies for their daily use. The Captain adds "Every thing here is enormenely high. The vi cinity of the gold mines has made money plenty and labor Crone and dear. Ordinary mechanics get from 52,50 to 54p9 per day. Corn 51,00 end oats from 51,00 to 51,50. a bushel. Potatoes at first 154,00 now 2,00 a bushel:. Flour from 10 to 15 me per poudd. Hay from $l2 to 20 per ton, wild. and of, vcryinferior quality. Wood from 512, 0 3 to 15,00 a cord, and every thing else in propottioa." lie exprerses some fears • that the party may not le able to complete their task the present season, but if the most strenuous exertion, stimulated by the dread of another winter's impnsonmeni, amid surrounding mountains, buried in snow, and cut off from all communion with civilized society, can se cure thet.object, it will certainly be accomplished Success attest' them. Nat. keel. From the W1M129 (Pt.) Ledger. /MYERS BUT t/VIST. Al might be expected, the entire Dolphin press, headed this time by that ansereptious sheet, the Pitburgh Gault', are out In • tirade of low. vul gar ts abuse of the Democratic Bodo Ticket, regard less alike of With or decenev. The fret IN ao. cordlog to .Pedend logic., no Democrat was ever yet At to held so office of any kind ; end wooer'. that I, believe were an migel from Heaven to re ceive a Damocroths nomination, t he would soon have the whole Dolphin kenoel let tone upon him like a pack of hyena', endeavoring to bunt him down and . destroy him. We have little (can, however, of their attacks upon Oct caudldates The people know them, and know the Dolphins aim; and when the election comes will' eat a seal of condemnation upon - their vile spoof of -oflo .; . , ..... Thence° pretty tabspecintee oleic deonney and time of a certain dun of .4cofoco ppm, we copy !math* Piustiorgh Feet into which pa. per it was copied from the Warren Ledger. It Is very evident from this, sad dml4r articka which are going pie roved. oleic Loookco Aspen, that our remuks coneerniag the Tl:mocratie State Tick* have touched. cue opponents la • tender plea. --*ewe used no hank langnago, and only muroly described the mamma( the . eandidelts fee the high stations to .sadela aspired, our remuks i„,., d a not kayo cresteil so much koling did not the politicians of that ;any k new i n nm to balm: . and did they not dread that the peo. pie should find U ont. ' What the above umiak c ii a • tirade of km, Tahrar abnan,..arna a clain'atatement of each taw an had been furnished us,' and widen have payer been ecalndietedjazeopt is general taw. Tbs. =ME Iliends of those ten itemin bare act yopeeit liblq to exhiblt. way - oviticoce to" 'itiutzoveri oQt slirt.o; .r "r-1 '4-.l'. We said sothinslabent one of the" mum! [dace Mr. Brewlcy, men"; • than to eilircas oiar'sorprilif I at ilaf PasTi.Qrkts infZelifek , in seigressed should have nuelefspeh a nothleakion. Since odd? . Ike have seen thiteten a paper . /1:s hialcpcn iia.fz! , and in hiaoincriighwaho;4,caosToe,raatiow ! Mocha ticket, thillpiedicts the les o U7Lisown CrswfSte, , W,:nere tbe. Democrats instiallirtiave a large; Ifk consistent citize4Asiever otrangly krona! kik, devoted to the Ders , pcnitic part sin de rid allek. *nomination, of afgothe peopqatieeppmt it. la regard to Mr. Momeon9 fin fitridatifor the clfiee o Canal CoMmissioner, ive have formed • very enUneons . °Pinion of tie 'abilities sod au. quirements mantled for this responsible trust, cr Mr. Morrison is act Itislified Gar the billett.— The financial and commercial prceperity of Penn sylvania greatly depends on the able and upright dischsage of the responsible trust of Canal Com missioner, and it is sisgular that .among the tens of thottaands of Democratic voices in the State, the rescofoco Conveanon could not Gad a candi. data whose'sbilitles and fitness weft 1111qtleSUOMIA Correopontleitto of tho Pittoborgh Omit. THE BACK BONE VINE: Edutiox..Tauci 23 t 1850. Mimeos. W 11371 .Y. CO, Geltannelt: Since the date dray last 'comma , &cation to you, the Bellefontothe mid Indiana Railivid —the third link in the great continuing, chant—has advanced one step ft ribir. You then had an account of the letting of. nearly one nor of the entire length of the line,' (more - than one hallo( the amount, is the ilettiag embraced all the heaviest jobo About the beginning of this month, the ground was formally broken at Sidoey, oa one of the sections in charge of Medic. Ow ray di%DeGraff;• (te very 'efficient firm,) in the pees epee of • large COMM! , of citizen interested. The occasititi-Tia: graced by the attendance of many ladiee,'Wboso feelings are warmly enlisted in the cane—a sura onictred needs to the on. dertaking. The 'entbuslaimriihich prevailed, was proof of the strong hold which 'this great' public improvement hie lot the. minds of the peo ple along the route, andimodenaxiunnee doubly Bare, that there will be no. filtering, and that the progrid of the road will tttg stesdily arrourd to completion.: Since the elebration of the breaking of ground, all the common west of Bellefentaine, except one, have commenced work ; and he is only de terred by special request to Belch a jib on the Pennsylvania Railroad, so that he is "on the track", at all events, and will be on hat new work In two or three week. Qa 'Wednesday, the lid of .jaly next, the first monthly estimate is to he paid to the contractors on the western division, it Sidney. Us-location of the reeidie of the line,' embraer log gad batty miles, between Marion and Belle. Mould, and twenty-five miles adjornitig the In. dices State line, is now pregressiog ; and the pe riod for lotting - theta ponied of the line will probably soon be publicly named by the Board. The Presided, Hon..lamea 11. Godwin, is cowl one visit to New York, for the purpose, of tido lioting the sale of the Shelby County Bonds. fits piemmefi that he wilt hitye no difficulty in diver ink of them,' as the County is able, entire ly free from debt, and not:lathe Way of encounierhig any ithketta this Ralßroad loves:Idol. We have imprints of the µregress of the mal'a, forming the continuation of the hoe westward, through ladrana; and this recent extedion of the finished part of the Pennsylvania Railroad so far no lionlingdqn, more then 11P0 hundred Wire from Philadelphia, is highly eneetirarthg to yoor western Dimwits. • An-affording en additional ion gems to the works In this State, our raiment now I- have a glorious prospect of a heouwillel harvest.— Having recently traversed considerable portions of Richland, Crawford, Marion, Hardin, Logan, and Shelby Ceuntles, I eon, from personal other.. valid ; state that the wheat crop promisee all that the hushandind could Belt: So many of the Stockholders In the Benefice. talon and Indiana Railroad are formers, that the Csmptey kas a matfintl interest in their dot. peen) and than are Wild. • ' • -..: . Very tmly yinut.& ~, .. R. For Ms Pottifitergh Gszetle. — Me. Eorroi—Oi Friday evening, the 23:11 inst. we attended the examination of the papas of the petty° High School, of the t(h Ward; and we can, truly eay that we were not merely ph toed, bit delighted with the performance of the (u .119, in both the Male and Feast 1 Dopartatente Rot the examination of the class in thoometry, and the derelicts at the Blackboard, were particularly In tending. The number In atteodanee Is airy sight—,divided feu tierce ciasvert, end compri sing all the audios othally titled in our best tie lem schools. The examination commenced on Toddy, and vat continued ' throve h • the three succeeding evenings, under the direction of Dr. Prior, their very competent and e4eient teacher. In connection with the High School, there are 12 I other . p t ubli u e . acho tort caolinathcoe Ward; inpte tehoc eu h " he d r e ? sod the ppe act independent e f the others, but all under the threcthon of the one Staid. Two of Directors. in company, - Visit all the - mild!. each !reek, end this, mote then any thing, has tended to elevate the public wheedle of the h h Ward, le that high station which they tow occupy, Atthecloso of the examination a meeting of the itpeetetors was organised by rolling Mr Ryon Mclicoor to the Cheir, and appointing Irr. Jan MrCtrolns Secretary. The following rear:dation' were thin offered to the meeting by Mr. {(eerie Ilertithoo, his: Resolved, That the High Ephool of this Ward has met the highest expectations of the eltizetw, and woo Got bonito rcher and pupil. the admiration doll who have attended on the occasion. Rinived, That the public school of the Fifth Ward, as conducted by the prose at efficient Board of Directors. are of more value to our citizens than all the gold in Conform. ''Rerelvd, That the !Ironton should haveemole means put Into their bands for properly cond.:tine the schools, handout; as we do, that money Is better spent inthaproviog the youth of our Ward, than to building County or Slate prieona. Resorted, ?hallo the examination ;ow closed, 'we have another proof of the Common School system. and we are of the opinion that the echoed. • of our Ward will compare favorably with any of the Select &tactile thil city. &Wiped, That we recommend the public ex• an:dation of all the Schools of Ward, as soon as Pe Board of Directors can have this room lighted with tub Swivel, 'net we ph;dye to the 'Directors our emits' slippert is all their measuret for the pro motion of education in our midst. ..lirJaani, Thet the thanks of ibis meeting be tendered to the Infector., for the aliened rottener In which they have coodocied the Public, Schools of the Ward, sod also for getting up this damlnv attn. &salad, That the Secretary of this mettle( be authorized to publieh the proccedinks in these ell papers, favorable to Common School Educa tion. - kn seconding the motion for the adoption at the above ragolatlonr, the Rev. Samuel Fallon made verffew pertinent remark., highly complimen tary to the teacher and vopt's orals High School ; after which the revolutions arcro adopted, and the meeting adjourned, ms IiCOH hi'SEI.NY, Chairman. - Jona td'Clactior, Secretary. SIIOXI tiILZIICO. The Royal Mall steamer Thrones arrived at Mobile Point :on the 19. b nit, in three and a hail dope from Vera Ortre. She brought twenty one pusengers. Oa band were 0,675. 5 0 In specie for Mobile, and $300,093 for Bogland. From a . summary ol the news In the Mobile Advertiser, we cut a few items. We have the. Eco del Oommercio of the 15th last, and the Arno Iris ofjpe same date. The Intelligence from ..the 'Rabe represents every Oleg as quiet. The cholera was still prevailing Is ibi city of Mexico sod extending to the South. About 135 dnd each day. Many were mild to ponsh hem lect, and want of the coesmoo neeessanes of life. ! Several noble eats of Mistily's , * heralded la Majeans al a A °timber of &Wog -010 .a ladles 'formed a company and eoagbr cut the abodes of and 'sufferings, and. rendered the kindest al l nabscriptions of money were made la the limos for the relief et the poor. bon Marietta Ortero, a most distinguished and 'learned lawyer and statesman, bed fallen a victim to the Cholera. The IBMS pea has appeared in the state of Tamaulipas. A patty of Indiana were eacemped between Carnage and Gamer% comenittleg depredations upon the Inhabitants. The 03VMM:16111°f Taman lips bad ordered them to be taken. The gold and Aver mines of Sonora are much spoken or One of the journals recommends:that partied should be formed in the different elties.lo proceed there before the hordes of wringers should possess themselves of these rich placate— berore the thirst for gold shall marines the "Anglo Yankees" from their Califinall. A severe earthquake was telt In New Lean on the last et April. The city of Carman, in !Aegean bee experienced another frightful Ent Portyseeven of the best bows not* ashen This =Willy secured on Miistli.of.ttiOart The ishibitirdni wehri Irt the .greateariflat in, es they had bee:Yr/rained ihmebboukrther•wewurervorropt tebera Mamma abel were cad Itorti ripeiAlth .ppaykitie of .the eholera. •It Wrwhoged.athOtu the Sopnein• boveroment that thei'datilditifoid A rovereurcamlle t hoor on heel du. dto iiiffievisirlaria.ct Petr. 4."` — & yr or the l :Seveled Mbiico: it is the "Rai*del 10t1i00..1 Iddiati ear The Monitor ad,_Goltlf Itniii r ire time to collteddratigglortte - Mies 4 61. root, rod giving it into' thayrplt, z;Thellhitigikings: " no We kni t eftrotbahat the mom Wervelloos Wires aye been iliffecledirty ittlevt. As on act mfleterriltit vect dolt upon Senora Hoppe, who adentdcpuditml h . aelf thin specific to numerous petiumna*. het heb. itand'seatablohment, to come forortpl ped;testay. to the truth of dor matemera." • . .. • • ' The littiexii, c iAlovemetat ha law Arailca, On the :OM of April, at a pub* meeting or the people of New Mexico held sit'Sitta Fe, the fel lowirg preamble nod resoluthons were acenim• °oily adopted : Whereas, we, a portion of the people of New Meitco, have long sod patiently nuahred under very partial and unequal system of lain, and all the evils of • detective and trustellicient civil form of government, excluded from the exercise of pa. !Weal rights, and despairing of receiving from the 'Congress of the United States the government for which we have twice 'applied, or the rights and privileges of American citizens guarantied to IN by the treaty or Gendalupe Hidalgo ; and, where as, we are • second time, and now menaced by - • - •• • • Tens w,th the fsrcible extension of her juriedies non and Jaws over our territory, to whose majoat claim we entertain the most invincible repug naocei and, whereas, we are fully determined to resist Toter joritprnacnce by all moral and low. ful mesas, and desire this fact and oar decided repugnance to her to ho made known to the world arid to have her illegal claim judicially acted on; and whereas, lts American:citizens, we Cll.llllO longer patiently Submit to the deprivation of one jinn rights, or to the continuance of the neglects that have Delo heaped upon us; and considering that it would be eminently disgraceful in as, as ftecmen,to longer continue as we are, underyhe administration of oppressive and unequal laws, or subject to the aggression of the Stato of Texas, we do,•therefore, resolve, ' 1. Rewired, That is view ofout present site. alien wad prospectr, we , deem it to be not only our tight, but our Interest and imperative duty, ea freemen and ittnierican citizens, to form, so won as practicable, a State constitution, republican In its char a c t er , and eareealde to that of tbc United Si • :a, an to salt boldly of . CJugreas for admin. ,n Into rho Union of Staler, and on an equal footing with that eajsyed by every other State. 2. Resolved, That we are intimately person del soven-eighths of the citizens of New Meal co are, like ourselves, m favor of the immediate', adoption of a Republican Cotatitatbm and State form of Government, and utterly repeat ant to the claim and jurisdiction attire State of Term 3. Resolved, That 031. lobo Month; our civil and military kloveroor,.la hereby respectfully re quested to Warmth' proclamation, calling upon the citizens of New Meek., to meet at soon Gird time, within ten days thereafter, wilhin their re spective districts and precincts, as designated by the Kearney. Code, there to elect members to a Said momhera to anamble nod organize at San ta Fe % Within nine day. eller said elections. to frame a Republican State Constitution for adop tion or rejection .by the' people i and to do all oth er things that may by them properly ha done for the advancement of New Mexican iaterceta. The proclamation of Col. Menton, q issued agreeably to the above call, hap already been pule• je the stemma, together with the het of the framing of the State Constitution referred to. New .Illexleo—• toilettetattetta Yoemer,l. We received yesterday, by tbn weuera mall, leUers.from Sante! Fe us Ate it. the 25th of Mop. Thep do sot enter so much into Calcites we could have wished, but the contents are of real lamer. tance, m the present condition of poblie affair,. It memo from these letters, that a Convention of Delegates from tho peop'ebeeo'catird ; that It his beau held, and In the aeon Seam of embt or tune slays,it did devise and promulgate a Consti tution for the Government of the Sate of Note illesua. We proceed is give all tee informatton on thla subject, collected from two or three of loose letters. The Con semi on, of the manner of whore election we know nothing, arwmbled at Bane Fe on the IPA lost., sod one of oar letters says with great unanlmiip to their notion. They were in session Maio ar nine days, and In that time pros dewed a Conet.teon which bee not pet reached no, bat which um said will be to operation-by the 'Gat ofJuly. The bandaries of the Sae, ar cons mined In the letters before or. 'On toe .net, the State rune to the IfrOM degree of latitude. The points whore the tine cam . the Atkamas and the Calmed° of Tease are point, In the boundamr.— Os the west, Ncwirlegicobt hounded by the Ililb degtep from the Cetorado of Ctliretnia to the in. tersectiee ol that hie or latitude with Gan. Thus on thy cam and peel, the State of New Mesha is bounded by parallels oflatitude." Hy this Caned talkai Tbe 4 Ce w nst i i ottr ti on was idtd " a i dep th tedttlike 25th of May:- 10 FiFteree.dightbetartre-is Armlet. w weft 1111 itroata'aa alto Ins ItaattinTorto r axe goveromee t would be ai in motion. Two Sen ators and a Repreitenrativa-In Confers would "caddy be cleated, nod an sliest would ho made * Lo get them, to Washingtotatln Ow to take their *eau— lr seek mot nedlng ice ar— ia the present °entrees. "I em emit fl.vl (says car letter) that we wid have a geed C,oaittutlon, and . oie entittly ticked to this pectiliar people:" ' As to tho dices of I Itieneer'Strar.. Oman St. Vista, Judge Chern, and Henry ladagell , i are Pom mel:a eaadirlatre {w taaviroo..all, believe , . he. long he the tame petty, sad a. teltetlon of tilt, you'd bo pit (.oily agreeable to all. Capt. A. W. Rays Ads, U. S. A., and Ballot R.. 11. Weinhtnaan, late Payntaact, at pretent •la yes alibis tertim• ry, Mend most prominent alio g na• For the U. S. Snare. Both aro wtll such ed for the Action, and will do boner to the Hope. There age Iwo other candidate', 40.1t0 Houghton and Capt. W. Z. Ar grey, late ofiefferson City, lint their chart • eta of encore, are email ; when pl•red in °petition]: to the gentlemen I. have nemed, who ate consid• erect the first rota in the community." Aparter letter eays-11 ugh N. Smith, cur pre. sot delegate In Conant., will, to doubt: I. elec. tad to the Houre of kepreaettatOrta—et. Ibrahcon, Jon? vi, 71ta thwerintendent an Engtoeers of the Mon &gun mole ate to leave New York on Monday, it the steamer C.:rt.-moot env, for Chantey. They wil be taken to the Nicaragua Lake by the Company's steamer Nicaragua, now awaiting their artist at Chagres. The reamer Director it to leave New York neat week, and in contiesiOn with the Nicar, ague wilt navigate the Lake: The distance from acme to oysgth is to be performed in les., thin 211 hours, and tin, entire route 10 California, it 4. sup• posed, will he in operation by %hoist of.Atigusto The hoellh of Sivannab, uecoPging to the Re publican, wa, never better than at present. Du ring the week ending on the tl2d ultimo; there were but four deaths in the city, one white child about a month old, and three negroes., Sdrlnunh has now a population of upward. of sigtcen thou- The last Engti.hTapere elate that the health of Louie Philippa is rapidly declioiug, and his symp• toms are such to to eause the greatest aoxiety re garding their immediate results. - WASTIL A GIRL to do homework.. A parlament and plea A aant nifirliti9o eta 6e acing day applying at ID ala-a - Damaged Dry Goads at Ilalf Priers BARGAINS! BARGAINS! WM. L. RUSSELL, gign'ef th e flto Una Has, en Market .street, between Third and Fourth. will continue yelling these Damaged. Dry fiends, en Avea • nesday, July nd, and will emus,ue froveityA , doe nob! all the damaged goods are fold Tress , isiedi are slightly derisory...l by water, nod will buotr,r.d to cash la purohaners less than half the °Harp; MM. Our numernes easterners end vie pablla to ;moral will please esti 40011 /DO '<elite basenji.. '3 he goods were damaged by water anN, and mill of them win be found armour perfect. Others of there we will lull at annest: any price. Neese remember the roe-, No dd Market street, between Tsird end Foetal, men bribe Dig gee litre, where no cash cnettneer will be sent sooty arlthent being perfectly matiaGed. AD one rooms aid be opened for salad Undo on thin 111311.1 1YM L I.. nus.snt.t. CO•PAILTIS*III9II . IP IHAVE, slus •teoetated.whit me Mr. 1. 11. Cleme, In the Wholesale Groritir Alta Produce ituttntmi the style of the atm will be Al Culbertson //hCloute. I/131 A..CULUGLLTSON A. criarannn) IF a. cnortz. A:CULIIIEIITBOrd L 13401713 E, TRTIIOLEIALE GROCERd and Odstrainsion M. IT chinas MAC. in Produce, "and Plitaburgh 11111%0watt:4' &ruck., OS Liberty 4,.rittsburgb, `3 3 NEW 13001E81 NEW ECIOKoIg At Edo.' Literary Dept, 'Airs( street, opposzte , the Pon fic Lr L O NDON Art Josrual for Jana.. 1.1u41 Ps Lain. Age, , No ZOO, Holden'a Holism faggoting/ for Jodi . itilacksrood forJono. • Tbc Vida at Cedars; Or the Martyr;. 137 Hume Ag solar, author of "Woman's Frig cidlinp.o Boston Sh a kapaaris, Nu in. Pictorial Maki IlsoY, No 'J. David Coppergild, No Id. Norio% Hastings; or the Frigate lathe °inns. 1)13 THE owners 'of ID casks Becteldnaa;altd • lot of Hollow Ware will plane come iorward. prove properly, and 'aka them ,array, or they will be sold according to_lawi ln y. F . llarsvi 44' 41 - 47FlANT )13 . • - I 64 \ Vater at Vndre.... 4 /dab 414.1171: M . & IICIIFIlf1,1) invite the attention BIJ of buyers to lbotrsupply of metier Irish Uncut,. warranted Pure Flax, Including a few placetaktra quality Bosom Linens. They huge also received a. supply of &bluing Muslin, of gamic/ fabric, all of Which will be sold lasi.. /y 3 LiMau and Edelnks. MQQPIIY UURCIWIELD Moro received I largo sasonment of Lisle, and VielClTil Edgings and Laces; Loom Work Thtend do; itoUblag Valenciennes dm Molts and Jaconel Filglngm IM - Interlines: • 'Figured and plain/IMM; Bleak which ititT ink the a.tenlion of buyer. B ACON 11A118-13 bxe prime cowry eared; euk do do; for mile by 1)3 ItII ORAN?, 01 WelrirjlleA Ar AC:SCOREL-100 bower Ea 3, none cinching, owl /3 , / vary Sao, to inalvo, and Tor *Or by .0 fa .P4cANULTY t CO • Jr , , ..;, •• canal Batial DEMI SEEM • . 1 . 0 11 4 7 , 5.1:btftelt FtrOqA. ecettaiinlibigraleW 'la • • •B ik K HAEBAI7OII .611-ICrtiskssvpificitiorvitr.d.ier i•le 3 _ t W-UAILLI LUG 12A.CON—UI blgespiispe MouldetN kha• ' Ile Soler, tibd, de Ham • received on consin " W ;sl.‘• ,31 • -.n ‘Ol. ITARAVIY: ?krlg?l4,".,asor.l. k!Wlrlatrwgr.d . RN—ho bend:Riled jot - MeV rot sale by—. • • 133 '. s w neemstrcH /AAT: , —iOll.4 reed .41(4:4i/de by i 73 6t W 0, LA TWIST TOBACCO--GI ke 1,7 ■ud fur esle by [ll3l HAR VitD-1.5 kegs feesb, recemed and for sale by W II JOHNSTON JY? Second at, 8 Q00M.3-11.0 doses for sale by ' W H JOHNSTON UTATOFM—III, 6uin core and for role b y Pt‘r SOIINI3TO:q JO 17 E 0 RUTTER in attire sail for ssie by .11 iy3 W II JOHNSTON f 10FEEE-15D bat. Rio, to arrive, for gabs by V ISAIAH HICKRY a CO 1%3 Wairt nrid'Front et' BACoN—trice st • HAI.; 4 casks Side,: OD casks Neoptimo; 3 rooks Mooned, now landing-, from Molnar Milton, &ratan by ISAIAH DICKEY & CO Water nnd Front W. ALC01101.;--30 brie 03, 02, and 76 par eenb far oda I➢ 6 by 1.1 A PAIININTOCK CO Car. Plot bWoad .ot. LARD OIL—YS Ms Bantling'' , No 1 for We by 1,3 B A PAHNFSTOCK Cf) Q A.LTPETRE-25 kegs refined, for b la ha II A FAIINRSTOCK LT INSEED 011.—Engli•b, easksand for gale bi I il3l U k VA tiNESTCICK k CO SUNDRIES—EU bz. Salami.; 15 c”ka ono btiz do; 3 caste Pntarh; ii brie Tallow; bo b be. Owen; nrla Fire aeJ Water pro; ( Paint; 110 burhela Potatoes; In core and for sn'e Lp 113 DOSTON CRACKERS—Just arrived and for sale 1) at No C 56 Lil-117sTret. brls Roston Cold Water Crackers; • bale do Darla Biscuit; a tale do Bran Illocult iY 3 WM' A bi , CLIIRO k CO OrrIlEN CIIEESO.—A small lot of Gentle° Cheet tJt Just received and fur sale by MO A bIeCLURO & CO tY3 VII Liberty sr DAD DU:ATM—In nine cases oat of ten, bed I) breath may be attributed to a nealectof theocrat, by which tartar I. allowed to occumulate upon them, and Caine fioally ensue. When this is the ease, the breath caner t be otherwise than bad,And the persons dn. efilicted not only wffer from n seiaasness of with being the foci, but are absolutely di cen sagreceble to every one they approach. JULES IIAUSI.JS PURI IFIEfI CHARCOAL. T00)11 PASTE is net only • remedy for bait breath, but will prevent the teeth and gums horn becoming diseasedowd glee to the teed •, brilliant whiteness. Charcoal a admitted by all scien tific persons to he sae of the greaten dlainfecting egent, known, and is highly approved by all our best Dentist, so a dentifrice. The greatest objection to in Tole heretofore has been the difficulty of gelatin It pore gad free from coarse panicle.. The PURIFIRD CHARCOAL TOOTH PASTE entirely obviates thia difficulty, as the coal from which ills formed Ie poplar wood, burnt in an Iron ell:oiler, and reduced to an itnpalpatile powder. The other ingredlento of the Pe. e are each ea brae received de approbation of our most scientific Dental Surgeon., and are all bean rival in Ucir effects. lly the are of Jules lleucts Purified Charcoal Tooth Paste; the most discolored teeth will, to n chow timeossurne n posaly vhitenesa, and spongy come Leanne firm rind healthy. • JULES HAUEL. Perfumes and Chemist, , • 120 Caasloot street, Phila. For sale whelbsale and retail, by U. A. Paltnestock Sc C. 4., and R. E. Seller., Pittsburgh; and John Srti gent, and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City, Pa, . j, a MEM llEGoardiems of the Poor of the CAT of Plitsborgh 1... S to employ a Airman or None for !AA rick, at Farm. Testimonials of Omfatter gill ba ro co ded. Application lo be Outdo at the office on Fourth street, st o'e.ock P.M. the 15th Loam. 117 order al the fielin.reccumhu.e. JARED Ed BRUSH, .5.'7 and AO Office of Oa Guardians, Pittsburgh; Joly I, MI. FPLUE I ICL I U I No 62 Ilfortrt strotl, riffo”gig ,A A MASON A CO, are nor prepared to afar to . the pot be %hair goads damages by the late bre, &Mors- •taieb toes bo found: Calwata Only dalrd at lie; fomitare 2m 6 cots, lawns do, good las, ft toll) cram Mona de Lttittell 40.3 to taro: eit mato. do lo to 12z; fatla striply do 1- L 4 p ant (To Et; a tor Certain Clauta, ball pica{ Giegbito do: Ste moos t Counter. poem, 2:4 410 eo rzto; olooralog d,,,y,0i.0s D 1018 e. TOgother with oar asoilly large not of Noll/ 1/W Pert, at Goodie at a gloat Isdaetiou froatfotmor pliefs /Y 1 ' 11)1VING ti•ln day UM,. George R. ?dowry kw partnennip with o: is. the busineso will he:velar a eimdocied In tinn Ammo of K 11. rd Oa Co • • Walton — RIC lILMD HAIM --- 11: -- nauuna cm- IXTHOLESALE and [Wail dea:er. in Writ, Lea -1 V titer, Morocco. S'oca Findinr, Toonerfd Coition! Too m, and Tirnotan , fail,No Ira Wood i r eittsborgh, r. lo Arr eeieCeTLS dosen _ harles Or o Njbllndla Olic I ,gegne, i and Or 11111C De by C J D I , a. CO. Ns CA IA 001 tirtre ntld Ur Guvoott'e Ye) 0. t] l ti or.E tur sale by J KIDD o. No 63 AV osil it. A.CI/itMaoHAI% . . WHOLY SA.I.I , ..GROCP.R. Ptodnon, Vorarding, an 4 COLIIIIII Fll. WIT Dell/ri ritui buno Millutactumf t a3 91 . , b , 'n7 Pludonth EU= • DJAN ttf ARTfti trepteUelly announces to the &ire.. of rnmborni., that be has permanently loaned bnweif 10 tots an y, for the porpomf of pree tie , on Slenteine *DJ nurgery„pa all its various lanneh en ofnno on Fourth ellen; No LO D. Iteeidettea No n 7 name 19141/earnan..l. CIIEEZI 1114 owners &tit eiihaigithes &oats. &trivia& by T the eCol teak' Portahle Boat Woe,. vela please take noliee that they will be- tea:trod to pay treight et 'out evasehoote, neeording to the receipt, beton the teals are remote& C A hietiNUL.TY Ico C — .le - t;; - a r t ' ron - Coa»hof Jaly.lßGll • IN ONEENINODID GARDENS, WEATHER poi. nor elpenw will be spared in hle -prep:lring this .11411.1 eolarm tabk, entertain. meet of al: who wish to spend .their Fourth in It. . Waite* eclttanted Reese stand will furnish good Mania throughout the Say and eveniee Tao villas Horses Will be 1/11 Teadit4ll4 rat all who wish to ride. Patent swings, ten pin allele, 9e., for the anoweraeot of •witora ' Two *wow hmte, llopn Nog andlkuldrldge. will Icave.t. Pitt street landlno. near the 04 Alit orny Bridge, every Omit-hour, for 'the gardens. An cif.zient pollee will be on the ground. ' Adina nne 0 . , one dime- iiyll MORAIN =ME! ryllE pe,son whn leak, taraugh ma'ake, an Thu. I dny cicr ttit law, Irma the ha., itflarob We. rr, Jr., a Umbri II hl. W. th• hardle, will pleasc triara it A 11 W PaLLINGFORD D'a Water. NioW EIVIIO J. IL. III1;LIAJR, SI Wood siren, Ass reseived the . IVeo, . 011, say can you tim tfy the LIPLieS holy 11101 t; ded!. ceded to Ite•. C Cook. Oh, think not Ices I lone thee, Illant he Pt Ipetl,l love amt. When other friends aroand thee. The cot beneath the hills. Wert Atm but mine. Antic Laurin—Scotch ballad. The Robin nerds by 'Eliza Coot, wee o by Stephen Glower. Thou hest wounded the ' , pith that loved the. The Glare of Wechingron. The Irish Blathers Lament. lid creator.—ltaasel. Ile doeth all Aloes welt— Woodbury. Widow Machete •Rer well. The cottage of ere meant r —ll • tchinseas. Low betk.r.a eat —LoTer Elfin Wsitml—lomplem. The Mesta Belt. The Itratai or Wedding Polka. Jenny Lind'. Amerlean Po La. latry Fmk, pollee American Potts. - Tip Top Amertcan Palau. La Bello thridatote. Polk. levy .I.lnd Polk. The Origins Srottish c Saiptauon Polka. blln Polka. Jorephloo Pe ka . toenatub th , . Ressingol Tha Pte. Chet Wad nilee—Me '<Thee r. Jenny Lind ftnadrillee. r firs ,resth and flaky Walther.—ills Ernest,' The germ, Deere, Boy—r • rattlers by Cram,. Monument. Soencs from Ito utu:l/Wreek aria Laughter. quickstep. imuisvtlie March and quickstep. Woad 140:lull/I -alep. rt 111 (Journal arid Cltronlele co-pt:l 01Ltki —e brie 'Evinces` Whale Vii; 331.1 bile Tauten' 011; IN be . bleached tteintei Elephant Oil; 3001irle do do Whale Oil; 3000 gal, winter Sperm Oil; • ICU hos Sparta Candle.; fafsalo by' LIEN Ic NEEDLFS, yl Weal/ IT 0 &11South Wharves t ledjadelpLl F RUITS, d.c-510 , tr . &ra . n o re n : l ,lli 014120 ceder; WU boo Marina. ebb drama NIP! . tomt b.teral Career Potato.; IV) Peach and Track Umtata; . Just received and fat talc by MIXER &SMITH • jyltdlea No 3 North ‘Vltterveo, Philadelphia. R OLI VER nut: BRICK. ler sale by the boat load d iron stare. RI6R k JONES, ; 1 Canal Bandeofevanth street. WRAPPING PAPER—Assorted Oleo to largo o VV smolt gnomic. W P MARSHALL ES Wood et 1080. Fort Pitt Works. 1500 Cotner of °glint end Etna meet., Fifth Ward. • Dissolution. Tiff; firm of Knee & Totten vats dissolved en the 34 of April tensity the death of Wm. J. Tattert. Cherie. Knap, hettLeit purchased th e Interest of the tato Wm. J. Totten, In the with of Keep & Totten, and formed a ce.portne re hip with his Tbo. L Knoll, they will continue Me nedness of the concern ander the name of Keep & and writ ionic all claims agal n 4 the late firm, and receive all debts end demands owing to the same. , narnattm . L'eV,",;;Z. V. , '" p. 71,1 ifs7F ° -isTEIVIOIOKV:D HEARING, reo'd and for axle or-t 0 pot- box, by- ISIORIIIS & ILIWURTII ))1- East coo of the Dlocooad u Oll.-2 . 0 recelinng j i)g ittbiati, rbcry Asu-rar comas for intiO Low to olosa ronLIE r tarot, by DIU JAMES DALZE ACID-:'o lb. burr - reeeitlad for sal;Try G I IylC IYANTDE rornss . iirm-.8 lb. ree'd 117.;5 - sle by /II " 1 KIDD &CO barn Is I won, rO do Mork liround 2. II to do Bel Air, In store and for aaln by 191 BROWN & KIRKPATRICK, SUGAR -mod bhd, prime N. O. bow, VI do Clarified, to itore • and for dblo by 171 PROWN A KIIMPATIUCK. , 11.14A61it210 TELE; RAM. • fig '.lt. • . : OR TOR PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE . i**Vit Lit4eFAI ) tkTBE iv ()zit. , tii.. , 4v-re 1. • t . w. iissrtn` QQfl el!: 1. "::; , ..1'; t' `.l _Ra t a . , '". 1 114, 1414 9 1 , itts4regiiipb4.,* osi at faa o` Oat ittltil`elsey OS the &I a:Jai° ifim vilasusir atm 'talus; °slate RaCific across as Aassais 4ija arrived at Liverpool at 3 o'clock o• gaiurday aiorairg. , LIVERPOOL MARKET. Nd I ioni Wading V, .1017 M & Co Cotton—Salim of ,5000 "bales. mu Friday, prides &m but 'unchanged. &des for the week• WOO bales of which •peculators took shoat 5000 bales. Floor—Flour is dull at preview cute,. Coro—floro Is dull and quoted at 29s Gd for New Yellow, and 298 for Whae.•. Provisions—The bener qualities oLbacon are 'in more request. • Lard—Lard continues in good demand from the Crude, and speculators at 21s. In ell other articles business is very limited at previous prices. " Coffeee-The Coffee market is rather -inactive. Sales of good ordinary fine middlingJamsica have been modest Liverpool, et 45s a 480. In London on Thursday, good ordinary nanye Ceylon brought 41 a 425. Sugar is is good demand at, for foreign, previous rates. The public sales at London on Thursday, went oil - heavily at last week's pricis. Rice—So tireen sold at 15.8 d. Naval" SO te*Turpeutine is in modearte de mand at 55 Sd a 719 d. Tar—Sales oliCommonrOs• in at 219 d a2* 10d per cent. Tallow is dug, end prices remain unchanged. Tobacco—&des of 100 hhd.s. Prices are tin. changed, but firm. Ashes—There is n limited demand at 26564 a 27. for Pearls, 27s a 29i M . for Ma:areal Pots. Iron Scotch Pig tilessffirm,the workmen man. ifesting a disposition to return to their labors at re• dared wages. OilLtnseed is dull at 293 94 a 30s. American Lard, 311. • MONEY MARKET. The money market continues easy. On Thurs day the coeval market was firm throughout the day at 1.8 advance, closing at 96 a 96 1.2. On Friday consols opened Bat, there being a gen eral feeling-expressed against the decision on the Greek question, very littlebruittesa was done nt9.5 1.2 a 96 for account. Quotations of American Simla aro =varied, ex . - cent for U. S. G's of '62, 103 1.2 a NM ,N. Fork Slate s's of '55, 97. Ohio 6's of '56, 90 a 71: • FREIGHT MARKET The market has been stationary, but with a down tward tendency for New York• in partidular. 'Dead weight continues very scarce. Iu Paa sem/empire is no alteration. Accounts from the manufacturing districts . cons Untie satisfactory. The operatives .are generag well employed...T:rovisions are cheep . and wa fair. The commercial accounts reoelvtd by the Overland East India and North American Mail's, in the early pan of the week, are considered oatge whole, of a satisfactory character. PARLIAMENT: In the Enclish Home of Cornmous,'on Thurrsia . Lard John Russell made a very brilliant speech m defence orate Ministry, relative to the Greek ques, lion, and treated the vote of COUIIIIO apart of the Lords with moot indignant contempt . .... LIVERPOOL- COTTON MAP:RET- lavrismit, June 41. During all the preient week, the maiiket has been qniet Madan. The Europa arrived on Sunday, with reports of crops in no way varying front those Pre viously received. The semen Is late, growth gen erally checked, and prejudiced byl unpropitious weather and amount or injury career' by inurida= tions is very great, but 'tale intelligence waeso. corupanied by • decline in . price, in 'all shipping ports, calved by an lame:Bun; disposition to sett or to ship to Europe. Influenced by these advice's; holders have offer. ed Common rather freely, and thedernand has been limited. The saws of the week have not exceed ed 28400 bales. To day the market isratber more general, and about MOO bales were solder previous rates, including JOCK) bates American, taken on speculation for export. The Market for American discriptions now affords good choice, lower and middling qualities are quite es low as lastareeli, and they are freely o ff ered. In fair and. roman:all heathen? is no change. The Euriima has about. 82 passengers' and milled for New Fork• with e fair wind at 7 o'ciock. Fifty persons mn known to have been lost it £he Liverpool and Geagow simuner ''Orient," but po Amerman names appear on the list. Mr. and Mrs- Scott, of Montreal, weals among the number loot. Great blame is attached tolherf.kiptain and Male. POLITICAL NEWS. . There, now oppeam to be lens probatniity - Than ever speedy adjustmentorthedilkultybetWeen Lord Palmerston and General Larme. •. - . , An attempt is sahib, lave been made on Miura• day to assassinate the President of gmuce, - but no . Eartieuisre bane beertralloyred.toiraninine.- Virssmaerron, Jalyh. —1 tfouser--The resolution pending was Pressen Rimed. resolution of .Batenlay, . to parapets° wail to morrow two weeks the consideration of the re port on the Gilpin claim, so so to do into COM* Millee of the Whole en the Csidorais, Oa motion of Batty, the'resolutled won amend• et, pocnoaing coul 610,1011?—.ZIIIIICIA yeas 105, nays IS. i Mr. Baty moved to lay the resolution on the table, which wen nut carrted, son the House then refused to postpone the convidemtlon of the Report on the Gaiphin Claim, and , proceeded to Ilitentil M. Burke cared for The resolution of Mei mas pr;ty of the Commuter, to be read,' adirmieg that the etaim vu that the principal was paid. Mr. Gouger lock strong grounds against the pasment of the interescorthe claim. Mr. Brooks made a personal impel: upon 'Me Toombs. . Mr. Bort rose to poiThit at order, and express. ed that Mr. Brooks would Lot indulge in - :perfect antics and introduce his name. He argued that the conduct of Craward, Meredith, and the Attr ney General were onjustillable' and dangerous. Theto arsons authority for connecting the Pier& dent with tots entity. Mr. Brooks said that Mr.Toombs had lodolgen is soothing cophosious sounds, when be attended to arsomonta of the gentleman troro South Ono: Mr. 'Bart ezpreued a- hope that Mr. Broths would be mars pradeat. . . Mr.•firorkti said be could aliraja ipeak'deco:- • roosly. Ho thee apoko ageinst the Gabble claim. He said Crstalord had done wring and all the Whigs could &twat to reitret it. • . • ; Mr. Meek said the House aras now copged in disentaing whether. the last Congress did right or anon in passing a. Bill to allow payment p( the claim. Too gentleman from Ohio bad introduced - , noun whober the Secrets— a norolcolonio enquire who her tb of the Tyranny had not robbed the Trealinv Mr. Steck said the general coostreetiou was ma= to favor et' this claim sod that tits mere bound to pay it. He asked the gentlemeh wattle other side whether they betteredahere was fraud' or corm • Con to the opiniqn of the Attorney oeneral or Secretary of the Treasury. Calveu bad decided than the claim less past, and directed the payment.. Walnut much:o4,lw gave way to a motion to aejouro. .Samos—The Omnibus 818 was taken up. Mr. Clay restmed,and concluded bin remarks In support of the MIL After various 'objections to the bill. be conelnded by declining that bin object euppottina it. waa to tutor* pence - and harmony, and conteenent prosperity to Mtn wtrolo Union. . Mr. Seward oiained the floor, brit yielded to Mr. Upton who addressed:Au Seamo to a regular old fashioned speech: , Mr. Yoke peered a resolotioa to R./jaunt on the let of Auguatoahlee woe laid over., • A menage Will ItMeIGIILICIII, 10 Mir to Dit. Vuete's repoltition ereoeoltg vas received. aa to preeeedlogs relatives Nein Mexico, transmitting copies °folder:, eppointiog Cal. Monroe, am.— Lai d on the table. Adjmunee. • - O ring t 3 a storm on the line between thin dtv ro t Wsshington, we have no envitational ietpatchen to send yen thia evening. CINCINNATI MARKET.' CIIKINNA7I, July 2: The river has risen one foot. We have heavy showers of rain to day. Flour—The market is quiet, with Wes ofeholee brands at full pmts, but lower grades hive de. diced. Prints ranee (tom St 25 to 81,75 per bbl. Grain--Sales 1300 bit Corn at 471 e. Whishel .4ales at 2215i2510 per ',Pon. . Groceries—Sales of Molasses at Sao. of Sugar at MOW. Coffee is quiet at 1010 per lb. Prortsiona—Noildng doing. NEW YORK MARKET. noon 11117002. Flour—The market is generally steady, but in soma cum quounions rather favor the buyers.— The armee for the East Is fair, and the home trade are taking toa moderate torment,. Grain—Wheat la arm at former suit:aliens— Corn is taken at *satin- for , Weaterr, m i xe d, 61 for.Boothern,Yellow; and 132063 for woad direly and Northern Yellow. ;: , , Provlsioni—Forkr it'easler, with a moidertte inquiry: Biles are 600 bbla at $10.G110 .510,09 Ike meta sod $8,112 ai IBA for prhae—the lattei very good quality.' Reef ie very quiet, abd the market is without "image. Lard loin fair request for manorketorlag, with sales 0f250 bble. and tier ces at 81 0 51. fa cut melee them le s 'mall bus dorm doing at 4o for thoulders, and 6e for hams.—ldrumed oil la held firmly, since the roe coipt crietters by steamer, with small tales a , 75. per gallon for Englfia. Whale is dull at 51 52e per gallon. Groceries—There is not much dome, bat the market is firm. Receivers of Bogen are stoning their receipts. • • CATTLE MARKET.; • New Yeas, July 2. Beasee—The uttering's yesuertay were 1600 head clamed retelling qualities. Bales were mode dunng the week G nom ill 61 $8 Per owl., as to quality ; and Mesa figures May now be consider. ed • four average of the market. - Sheep—Prices range GOER $1,75. 10 $3 pis tad, accoalag to guilty. GATES' • iIrATENT pIEK:MIC: - CpTTING SCREws. TllEL'qe)sM3'laving. been adtrptedasiehinbly approved in' all the principal shops in Near York 'and PhilaiMiphigare note ofthred-to enantifuenerra; machinists,: ship smiths, &e., with th e ut y o y , fdence, ne giciOsetst perfeet soli* is Liner or cutting trews. • • Their sitperloriQr slier any 'other,',llins. herciofOre used; coriiiiina in ,their. cutting ertether V orstiveinThriatl, by. titer the ionize be cutor hich reqture no trudging or p r ftimaWppration, the dies eatnlie - thirad ozif of the solid iron, seithout• minor it ale Icasy in their grentrodambilityillapldltyt and perfection ell wort ; and in their simplicity and lithe liability' to get out of ordir, z -1 • Cerattlestee.i Partanatenti, ittidg;lG .l9 . This la to certify thatwe bate paiehaM Item P. W. eiette the right of esiair his patent Dies for eat. tag holy. fn WIT opinion. MS Data ere lanettaape• vier to any when we ere aequethten wan aa tae Patpote 131'm:ulna bons. 'LlTara'!" June 21 iTtnianaingta. Aug. PI, 1F413. Having had P W Gates , Patent Hies in sum in oar estabtiahment for the last nine word", foS rolts.:wa tan in entry respect recentness them in lice highest terms, as we have laid all wham away ; they befog so far mmerior—iconsiderng thetir: ,, yer Cent. cheaper than any others amain nee. • • HANEY . , TOWNE A CO.' Peet WatAa, PA • W.I. to Certify that wis have pareitased the nett to no ,e and adopted in ,ar boomed P. W tent Soren Cutter, whictiwo highly approve dr. We ean &melt non wort, and we behove it will OP' pass in d a rability and precision; as mach ay - team:QM of labor, any die, brown to as t • r MORHlfii,..raszga. A MORBIS. P11114.1M-rila, sth manth, day, ite. • Nxw VOL*, Art. ID, / 649 . Haring adopted P. W. Glows , .Patent Dies. for M ilne bobs, we take pleasure In sty int, that Ii more than answers oar expectations, and bare no krAlla don In goring it as oar opinion, that It for excels any eager plan In present Ise for coning bolls ' T P BECORA CO. • We have P. %V' Gates” Talent, Dice for coning ,re.rewit, and theieeonemy of mint them no very ennlidemble, that <re look anon them as a &veins tde to every eatabllshment having any Tomtit) , of screws to ern. : • MeCORMICK, OGDEN er. CO, Calexoe,'Ldny 10, 1E49. 01137111WZ WASIIINOTA 601 / have plateaued of W. 11. fleovllle. for the 'United futleia tee right to ate In all tee arsenal• and unto. b•r% No. I Ct trey ih Amy nbil far ral• by BROWN a giimPATßlelc. ir J\l l 3-13 tierces 10 more end tbr 1011: by TIROWN te.IIIIIIII.ATRInV. FISH--Mbble Mackerel, a .16 liming . , 110 do &Old; in atone and far rale by . at 'MOWN Pc Ira RRPia/11CW. Un—,ll do. Vow andGiroo, an MOM end . .1) wale by jvt . DROWN dc,SIREPATRICK SPANISH roi .I9AIAIi LICIUX. it CO.. • 1 Watzr& no 31 .lio. HOPe-10 bales In store, and will be seli low to dose consignment. 1 DIC,KEY k. CO. _ • TOBACCO -10 bake " roindeste" .coand lamps, will be sold very low to close consiroment. 171 ,- lEAIAL LICKCY & CO.. '141./Dllsll-10 casks on hand, . jyl 13etdll DICNEY &CO BACON LIOIE for tale by )7i, • ISAI&E DICKEY &co DICATOPIEMALB ,T ONO before maturityore zee . fenutles emaciated, j../ and the clearness of complexion. and brightness of the eye, departed. 'Mooch not thirty In yettn, they have lea of yowl, than they ought to possess et fifty.' Why Is this? Depression., of. spirits, languor, rlrU nmal debility loos neounued,~nhout g ret PEkfla COaIPI.ArkTB which can only be removed; and the shattereecon• saltation restored. by some mild end gentio•medlesce, ! whose torte and alterative properties ara - pneullarly Musa to slender sod delicate clowithtiona r RIPIVIOBATION.. COrcinmen,,May 7 ih• 1 'Dr. B. D Bowe—Dear Slr—Por needy. two rests I ray, wife has been. gradually deoinitig Taisho.' Soy donate—the symptoms, however wete , general de. • bility, weakness,: occastonal severe pains, and Ir. aegularilliss of the system 'Oar faddy phial:len finally told me trot there was no hope so the op. preactung warm weather would be unfavorable. U now per ailed her to try De S. D. Howes Shaker Sarsaparilla, Mote against her: wilt) and • chance wee soon perceptible, end by the etrustmo sue of it threemouths. mint•stx - bottles, her heal th was re• stared, her Meer and flesh regained, and rho now 'enjoys sea nd and Tabun health Die pecv n ran' con.. aidention can ever repay the obligation I am trader to ton forreatotime my voile to heath, and I Inert cheer tally recommend lour truly valuable hiedic in • JUSF.PII MAYNARD, at,eiadh between Floes and Waster Bow Bs sure and requite foe Dr. S.I):NOWITS SHAKER SARSAPARILLA and take no other. Ibis e• th only Sar.apW fin tint Ott, an rho /AV.., Rtdaet • fled Blood, at Me same dm, and' hence Its ampler tiny and success.' ' For sal* by J. A. Jones, I: Sehooronaker & Co., NV, Woes, R. W.. Means, J. 251-Townsend, J. ht ;We, W. Jackson, Pittsburgh; D. - A. Allegbenyeltyr %V. 'lt McClelland, lllnnett , e'er, iL Creek er, Crowns. vrJe• end by DS. S.D. ItOINf.; CID 'Propritors, 012 . . • - ummovAL:, — .--„-ti11azr7.4.441.61--...eet...tethinal r i '<mate . a 1440 vad larkannabla asterentenrcr at realtand•prican, wholisala and rctnil. ceder. j da.nr3mS —71117' and burnlcal Atones: • - 1.F n 90 rV32IIIT bf r"j r ' reY 'n e is iti l tbe,l;6l. tsrtlrn u notibs bes- I ,, elttd plitA 6 tghJor;lie parpo,se pActA,cg the vp!olis Wll.l2oE:sot Aledine sal laurgery. calo'omPa.) , atter.digl to - at all Largo(ihn day md OM. • anilmbauceNalth Tb 4 .4 41...t,betwcertZzulatiold and thrlit ' • - • - ' , I Etiok4SCs—. - Santo W sci.; r Fontil a • F,ftnu x , ,aad F btat t oper E oc altlab ee 'Orn t nnpstre4 4.lCnn or y dy l arioir:Pi !. ' jeo:6l • F l...aAt. WI. Loa, aaJ, 5" Wtato lon lac vt for salt by - J S 9 MeCLURO &CO, 15 [Amy,' AfrOrtal4-FLilifit-T3O e eCtu V Mat ". talis by a ; " pl 9 - WM. A McCLVIIG & CO, • ' • &name. Alould,llo. me Par e by' Dice .111cCLI1 RG CO. ! 01IRT OF jUL PIIEIIIII 1113. BIQA P:81019 GREENWOOD ROsiEpALE. YtteirrttnaldsOd 'LA =Fog steamer • PIIIIL?IP - DtIDDIZID'OI4; WILL leav e the foot; of l'itt street etterillit;;;i dung rommeneltsg nib i'clock, to Scrub', and tenin till II at Light- Der:ar.Aanatxrs SPLENDLDn An DAhU .Will be on board dpiingthe . ,flotoalloodPloaq W ° ith two meta. Maeda JVATT retelred ed the do or the Wt . ? lle.W, one' osparlor a octave Mel - adman Mao, awl, t e tra of lewd. lb. Well Improvement The , strove. le •010b./ayt finest wood Iwtonoent:ejer oildred,COO, withsale Iwre, bight amsood anaeleigna eaten.: for eats [JeWi . 21 KLELIEU • , Pro"possier . PuorosALs wilt be Tecdred intik July th e hth, for Ilatidins a Public School lioute in ma Thlr‘l - tfud of Allegheny City. Alan mu) pecificatfous itray be seen at the W When of John W. Barr, corner at the Pinmar It }_ . R- MOWRY, utja. Do.rd, jr ,17 JOIIN lit tVIN, Jr.. 1860 - AMERICAN HOUSE 1830 '---- -- ~ ,nonsumLowitir,-proiri t ittsr,'.. . • Pattie egturra,lfeliidaysbis rg*, Pa. - , ' ; 'CIENISKAL STAGE. OFF Wt--Two belly Unee 14.,X of Stage. far the Kn and Weil' elite the itedord . ease leaves Ws bonus.. . -. hst;:dtle t"..BiOWELL2,&CO•Y - 11 . 1i0.161.101i,A DIN CiacnAli T , Gieuga., Pa. (nab* Foii,pd..4 OZ); Liberian permaYently - located at tble!plitoo, a Po. awl 3ubstandal Wharf - Dolt, re ale premed to to. Ivo and forward promptly to all points.% the river, and ISandy and Beaver of Oblo Camas.. - Do. Co. Clop ow, Joao 13 —lad • Soreoparlllst, or Indian Panacea and Blood Partner, •-• 13 - 416 been 'extensively used for 23' years by 4lte Doctor Ip an extensive' actice s -and is coal dandy recommended to th e pu blic r foi , lhe cure of all baztl y e . . p. o p f . L . he ~e nde r itene. d n e , b llLty. , itg o tt p o3, narrows or Reneiel knelt complaints,mer: curial Mestere uleets; sores, or inapt:lnas, and.'dis tase of the ride, It ttbr, be, Hats com plai nte, In-oton for all Impolitic. oldie b cod.' • It Is whotly veretable, sad maybe taken under any laireutasteace• with feet safety Prepared by SAMUEL KRAMER, Bald more, lad. For sale, wholesale and mull, by Ii E SELLERS, • jer.7s7Wood to,l'ittsbersa• • Paurtuaznajoly 2, 7.P.M DJ. J. , MYEAS oder. Ins professinuel services 1/ te the l citizens or hlencherer and "windy. • (Mee and residence, for the present, of Rosedale, in Manchester, name:dist:ly, abate the V. S. Anne. Morenal.. r - - leleoldrot . . . ........,...... .BAL.I.IN—Ou rile cot) , Cured Baton ,Shoolicts received end for sale by • : Prill • • S. & W. TIARDAUCIT, 1233M3=12 rrAMS—le costs Sugar Cored Q.t.... 11 " g , .b ' _II jut moeived and for saga by ' • - ...' ) . :A S W.,HARDAMR./ '- CREAM CHELME—IM bo.. Cr.. Cheese. reel Illbd bride by beVIZ, S. k 1V.1 . 16 . 11JA ROO. fruumx a v . ijWal rirtilailai by' X JOS ROWe c ,bI,LirLE It Co Bs-1 so tittlil e • s tgl i .1,23 GO by. lUbltitoZoN,lbj,;. re VI% forAtle lei' BUIIIBON..LITTIXt ecl for vole Fy OAP- ill ha ir • l trrrti eco talf to smoe. for /obi by: , ISAIAH DICK/Mkt° AMU gs HEZP cuticle, to otTitt4 for rale 'by 0 groat orha ISAIAIUDICKEY CD 'ISINGLASSIziet end tbred,forimle C 6"EiIS bi (i(Geldll VAIIKEZTOOL CA) 9-E9-1311 sr, N 0 Mohliee , 13 beh 811 do , • for .11 by . • lIOBisoN, LI77LF:t cx• Jeit3_ SS isallu.di.ll coin HOUSE VOLASSE. v_ , by [I S I Weitril R CO jiy sale ' GUM ARABIC-4W ; ida Cor ant yfood poirTieree for sae iq $514 . A, FARIIEBTOCK it, co iwisurrav !tar s, 1547 J P Bionaw & CO. 1Q RICE lALL-10 tonna Sicily a 0111 it< k e4O 11 A FACNESTOCk & CO en under the stapereizielacte lhet Deparucent, P. W. Gatet , "Potent Lunn tit? than gantlet, on mew, tl q haling been vied in two or the large enema, and !band to be vet) etScient and excellent 'LILCO= Cot. Otdinabee. Braun of Vain Ann Poets, ; tt l%'arutsorreN, Sept *3, 1.3118. j Consid , rint Cates! Patented. It*oyez:mat for eat. ting terms art metal .to be a • INtait a t e, / have, by authority of the Honorable peetetary of the Nary, numbered or, the Attoraefr'eftte Patentee, Wen It tenville, and Funnel ahrorer,.l eq, Ito debt to mite and nee sald Imptoveraent rot the IL s.Navy. • • JOSEPH SMITH , Chief of Moan. 'lo usa oho ' , • 3 Buffalo Works, Deltaic.; • Beesa Ir. Ashley, Stochestey; Rapist: &Co, Gloucester, rt ti; ltarwoott & Snide,, SekaTilkillCoarMi B6beek. - 4ess York; }logo &Delimiter, o Pkeenix." Yi K NAP.* &Co, New Vert, Deninead & Co, 7.lanomentgotks, Bah; . • Van CaIVII, Rochester: Mott & kites hew York; Allanr Mentks ' a.r, • •Itease & ornity, do; • - Went Po int ronnary; • Norris & /tro, Philadetphla; , • Jenk - s Breedesborgh, I'm; IValwattn k Norco. Boston and Nev York; Machine ettop,Lo.o.l, Arncorleng Co. Manchester DI Ili Lyman & Son her, - Sonth sad IMPIC[OIIII others. • • . , No 1 lilachm.,lo - ects dies e: tap. fr i to 2 in. prl. sxv Noa Jo t do . iteli pke seem 'Nod do a do f .1, rite two dll order.. addremicil to P. W. Imps, kite.o , G. D. Hanson, Nem York,' 'Moran t Co. Prols 'delehia, sad 41.11. Nair Molt tionvi Chicago, far Die. and 'term,orlib or voliboat Martitnes tot mkt, dicta, rilli.mees old, propt sttention, • enteton, Ploy 3.m1.M AMUSEMPINTS. MUNEUIR & 68CTU66 ROUE, J . . APOLLO ISALLr-P0V11.213 AT. OPEN DAlLt•frorn 8 A. N. tilt 10 P. DT. • Adnll.ldon to 11h.oum and !Acta. Loom, a cents; poserved eat..ltli cents anti : ' la WASIIINIITON RALL, PITTSBURGH . , . 137 & 130 'Woad' Strut,.Fifth. spleaultil remblrettment' re' tow 'offeied fur •Rent. It Ir idtertettly aretwittid 'for Concerts, Lectures', Exhibitions, /a. For te1111141 , P017 to JOHN A ITIZINIONS, 187 Wood et. • .• WZLxiaa HALL, 1 - omen' 3TREET, rrnsnuiwtr, 13A. . . !PIGS rusgnifieent ealthlishinent being 'now eon,. • j. Meted and tesdy for Uusiners;the prenrietur would rr spectrally .solielt a share Of the public patronno. Ile weals by truing his full anenti‘li in the tminme, to make the house a pleasant and comfortable seren fur the.citilens of Pittsburgh and for the country :generally. ' • Good leaded:this will be in waiting. and every ev• onion tilde. to tender the , establishment worthy the eounienenee and %append'an it toiligent ea menial ty. The TWO SPACIOUS BALLS, Oiled for P.n . . , Conemts, Leetures,,Balle, and paLlie meetings. will be let by the evening or weekont aspberal terms •I any other iu the eity. The DAR and RESPAURANT. enlist in style and beauty to Any In the worldowlll be kept furnished with pen, Wines, Choice 1.4q110”, Cordial,, Cotten, 'Atha, and ell the Mul,light.tetreshinews of the season. l'oel Soll/4 Oycle., end Clams', served en Id tliwiriet style. The DINING and ICE CREAIIt.SALODN,tieIog on the test goon and, may of access, wilt be- constantly sopolted with aUlhe Luxuries' and Delleeciee'ef the sea sou; AndaLse, with saolt subetwalels as the malkos effort'. • . • . Wielding - by th e day, were, se Year. Dinners VW Sante. for thdividuale or panizS, furnished on Mem twine. t' Gentlemen with their (milk% al l the city can, be supplied with refreshen:mita of all kinds at any hour ur the err. . . Good Sobling and en externive Livery EstthEsh ruent is to - *Peeled with the Nell.' • • Dinner at 1 o'clock. Gre sk remand Tel of the mull hoots. . . . . armee for Ladt.e to the leo cream and Diem' fieloon, 67 Smithfield street. JeMitetf K. D. VAN RENSSELAER lINSETM OIL—A few bar n el. pliian j. 114 recelred /.10 for aleby '• N WIMICKSIIAM le,2a t• Cor Wood er. OWL its TO BOAT 'nuar.neus. 100,000 feet Seasoned Deck . y 100,090 ( "! c°.l teiga g ar l AiNiCiii% Atlorney ist Law, Fength SITtA . R : •- , 25 Iskds f0r . 5 . 13.76 by. =TEM COFFE[•rl7a woks 81a fa[ Baia 1.7 ; L C Q GRANT • •- wool.; *Om . rrilE blr6e,i umbel trice in Clu will be plid for a:edifireut Fade. of Woof, by_ jet& • .4a.W.UAR:13,5.1104_ _ . Ay/ASSED OUISVID:V. - Litilr.4o 4l. 6rii LA for nala by. penal C II °RANT fItIEEt , G- 8 3 bzs •erirtio, reed per thdreell'a Woe, for sale by Ikea) JAMES D&LZRI.L I'mu BRICK-,10,000 In stole •114 rot , wen LY -14nG JAMES [MU/ELL 10,1 , 3)111111.10ULDEIIS-1{) rink* 61,i 111. • Stc W - 1 ABRAM-in F Lal i S e F ir l' a ldu; lec'a enntigame '(le x 24l dchT ' fd/r.:W lIAVIA/till:7liny A ': kegs No 1 ree'dfo &Me • J S & W N.IEDAUI3II trpfze•-so bri cream and W It Chteme for sa , e .eit6 W 11/M1:A1161i d Cdes lan W i r r leWL and [or tab by f IC,'S W fIARUAtOII SllGAFtrMilltda N. O. Berm; a' pia= artleta,ln store and for sale by . • NO,FIARTra MN( • Ik'41.1111 , 11Y.16•IIIIIROILFIELD Invite the st!ent:on or Poi the -.ladies to their aseottraeut of neat .10'es of' 'Gnithams,_light arid dark,lotiodins some of the 644 ening or Preatboir the most dash!. 0010[0 alw, brown, blot., and. other shades of Ural Ode t 00.... neer ardele—at soak Cu; corker of Funk old Mart • atheist. ' - • ' jed? • Laws Petterat'Prltete. IL( inn' lII' fp. Ltl.llo:3lFlELDborreweatuisof • ease - o.llof new and Wheel - 10 awlu , shillretueed Prima of lAm% Pam rusb on ueryfoe cloche. B the lase prise bf Vie t 'needed. le the amnion are tint, blue, ug. and ethcc eoton. . . • . leg Ire, for sale br A 7 ISA b. CO rootlltAVetnt sts Sr , R s. tA b7 ZIR-19 trlvrtab Veit: 4tßtiOEg, o Rl4-406 be ow, la tlora, and for tele by C jrni IMILLS & ROE motto! T, ,El 0 L2ll ES' LITE It AII r 1)E? 7', Mani atreet.oppo , ite the Pest Other. T IIE Vale et Ceders; or the Martyr. By Grace Batton ShahrOrare, No 1% Pictorial Field !loot of.the Iterolotion, No The Frorestrore Lady. By %be unbar of , 17,11 age Tale's, or the Black Fosest." unclaimed by 'New Band Ilatiol Gables. Litell's !Awing Age, N 0319. ' Old Oak Cheat lly St F. 'heir.: Mtre! !lettings; or the Frigate thp ChSair. n - P,Ts d"- ijeVtgiu.s - -DiA:.iiirrs—Q Wars g rnTod mei (or We by I- Jen 1 , WICISAIYML CS inrSii.D WIC( Bil . 14 , 7 , t v bri : u9ll ,4 l, evANDLESS U 1E " F " ..1 " 6-4 1 , ,rreiritari d iaks WADIiiNG=.IO Y' Id, WICK& N./CANDI:Ina — Tre-1 74. 4 Uttrial• 14 0 • - ki fill°l7"Bl"l . °ll :;L • e 4 : V lZ l:TherelrliC7lll: C /T t l e i le ,r ot %WIC INCIANTILiSS P ' IOOR — " 4 l'n* H ‘f'' l l l * Cl V t• AIe4ANDLESS • y rxB9 DHb cuts o; i- 0 cuts mond, on I=4 for 4.10 taw, IBMWater i AII Dt PirontlY CO Tit tait ea hand. (or +.l. • I_/ .1 , 17 /3MAII a istc_s_ 1117gX17iialily, ale by, 1,27 b"...II:4VIMIMbZ CO, °Taw & irIERV—Itt liege igsanntd; ' _ a kegs best Lyndon, int wan by tav 843mo:4w:sit &co SCHOONXtiKEtt a co A Ai I&AeON & CO, NTaiNtiiiiiTtiiet. Pill OAie. Itlik d e * Tegli:l{ ' ,e n i d r a lgr p e l lign7g VII r 61C". ' - Ete c e l irrn p r i rtnetry l larg raggle T e t isO l fet lute ef km11;1010 p . l pee. fer Pa, be. 1e47 • I•ACIIMNBIAKRAt CO .1.,111.1.41N—W Orts No . l, lor ... oo hT mukt . Eß • JR , 36 1 • A. WLl.lll.lllllla COW, EXOH AN E- B ROK E RS, K. Corner e Third and Nada sts. ALL. VIAAAALTIONS AT ,WArt LIAZILAL SAID. • 'L TIP El 1N El oit A 1 J. Flanoyi Agra for the Pomo. Life IntstroFs Ca fe O F PPst: r s g 4 : V Vltl l' t "in" , Pa Wets, with all outliner letiOnuitisa.. Mann iowns will be Punished. 'lloshasolaele louse thew !Wei the the beecto of thassdkves and ehlldrea•, creditors the any of, their . . debtor,: The -whole Irofict of the 9NapanT sav profit" ofP olities. ad the holders of Life Polities. -hTe the of the past two years have heendish - IT r, ter Leath Tear . F LO° 11-1341 LaL4 F Flajorivmhra: CO itz 31 Wood et_ FAION far sale by L the FLUOR./ NAL% by B N WICIEP.Ibt3fLIM . /VA W.ol4or!thi*,4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers