=MB ERN ADVERTISEMENTS - - - 1110111MIJILLAII ZINC. • . MBE Vials atoning= Company amply th eir arena lelb. Roofing and Monts in Memo Jx7 feet,frose ntost2e.hip...4lll.l< Comerated sitets de, as. ad moans- paulb bandies. aad depute Sh . lll l,2 %entlided,:l4l4 ll inches, from di tuna tented Sorer Holds, Perforated Paw, Sam I, at. Tar? warrent their metal per., and free from any admixture Of Inn, or any other rehstartee," and nw mammal It for the manufactom of meet attain la the bmsse farelahing Imo, as It does not rest, Is not slatted by the meth= of wale; and may be pollahtd, painted, md A:masa dadtP/m. modals; Plans, specifications, nod other Informal= ma i he had of Weir admta— 11,Csdat &does, New York;" Assmsomlloutute t Co.. Beaton; Narrate Tierra k.Co,Philedelpidso W. ail HCYiII, Bardmord.: • • 62•1., Dart&lama, New Odesaa; p. HILI Residenrdgent, Liege, May L . '.2 Hammer sL, Now York: • INEOE ETEDINGIII AND LEATIOILE. - Edward' A. Oemtfrey, • 18 SoutitteolvertStearßstflistors at.,Baltimorr, Omni F. adfrel *Boron N.Y.,) LoE cutout! kinds: of Shoe Findings, and Beale r in Leather, f nds: English and Preach Kid Stine, nelt Calf nth, Patent Leather, Morocco, red, ;1 1 11'111= WA. Show Edges, Awl Blades, Shoe TOBEAD. Blued Lek*, 'Shoe Nidls and Shoo ed E of gilnen• al A. 0. 'having establish the above fbasiness BalOmers, is enabled to ship goodi Smith or West with the almost despatch, tted el the /owmt prices. M n rms, dealers, aid ell atm, map relY Span obi:Mein every ornate in the wade; of the beat quality, sad ore liberal trAleneftetarer 01 Lattr, Boot Tree• Shoe Trees, Clamps, Hoot Stretcherrdho: All orders will be promptly emerged. Low prices tar each. , A catalogue /remaining • complete list of event snide, tha trade will be forwarded lo those who clay desire it. • • EDWARD A.CODPREY, 16 B. Calvert st, neer Baltimore st.. Baltimore. . • TILE •NSAIII TEA COUPLET, /X Greenwich stmt. Amy YorL mar, yr:odium& beg to cell. the atmntion of con . y noisome ts LLToa, loathe head• of families to the - Choke and we selection of Teas imported by them. and hitherto unknown la this country, which, by their • fragrance , anddoliesey, combined with vireo panty and suer eta; i t adage un infindou of smpatslair rich. -11.esed-gelme. • The Tess offered are the following: 7 The Je•teo Moan, a Esok Team-.—llit El per lb. • Mybon, . do•--• ••• 0 75. da • home, • Green Tea •-•-•••••-• ••• 1 10 .edo • Too•triu, do 71 do • o Tick I.misa do •• odd do o 11d-ti Mixture, a n d cmpound of the own ra r e, ad choke Ten • grown on tbe fertile and genial soil ef Artsar---•-•-• 1 011 do •• With ik view lo encourage Be nt on ltrodco pr of these - matchless Teas, it is the itnti 01 the oprietor.. . to diruibtaa by let. among the purebeeere, quantity of feat equal to the First Year's Profits on the sales • effected. • • Each perehuer retetvecneltsed tbe Peck • age, • numbered conifioate, totaling him to one eh, oo in the distribsuou forever, fifty trots laid eat. and on the receipts antoenting to A 50,060, the wader• in-Pi.onml parcels or Tea. in the value of leo pet Cent, 451,000 WILL BF. GIVEN A.WAT tro Doom., Ine , orrileg to the follmetnemaim-. • • S priscaof6olbs of Tea cachet it y 16,250 0 or EEO 00 do 10th do do do LOO tier SSE CO de -1011 m do do .do LOO tier $.5.1 100 do albs • do do do duo lb et SSW .GO do 11h• -do an do WO Its oft= - • 425 eel:C.11111UL , LOCO It 112,u00 Those penotts who pretei„ lower priced Teas can nude° their pries in proportion, or they will be re pt:rebated for cub. at a rut talon of 10 per cent. in.Coantry Agents wanted. ..Appliettions to be ad dressed, post paid, to Cu Computes Depot, as above. BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway, of Itlalellna Lane. . aw extensive HOTEL has been t leased by the y subscriber, and bag been completely refitted In a most•elegent manner. Lame addition. ern now being made, which. when completed, will make it the moat extensive Hotel in New York. It lathe detenni , ration of the proprietor, to make it equal, in every se t spect, to any other House lathe Boiled Buten.. lts lO cotton is the most desirable and central in the eity,lip. beg in the fastdonabte nestof Broadway, convdnlent to all the public ballthtg,.. alerts of ammerneet, and business. Ureteral fOr Me liberal patronage received Boothia wesUrn friends, while et Cumberland, Ed., sod-more recently at the Weddell House, Cleveland, Ohio, 10 respectfully .elicits a renewal of their patron. age, for his now establishment, al New York, and beg. to p.m them that evety effort on h Is part shall be liven to administer to Melt comfort and ',tensor. -• • A. B. BARNUM. • New York, March,VedlL—fmr2o3ct Ai POIELTUNIII FOR £lO we £5. BRITANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, other. George street, Plymouth, &ilea. The managers beg to acquaint their numerous pamms that ate next Dioribation of Portraits of Rare Gorses, will compdta those entered for the forthcoming Grand Natioaal Darby Rsem the •namber of shares to be „limited to 8,000 cachets.. Fort class member ft& second clam ditto 14. Early application for the on• appmprieted Amu is necessary. A petty eutocrib. tog for more than one share has the chancre of gaining an equal nonberbonases. • Those members who draw the rano. Portraits will be presented with the fol. lowing swam— - • • • • Portrait of let ciao betimes Ol ditto Winner, or fleet Hone 1.11,r03 10,000 " Second Gone-, 111,000 • ..,Oce • . . Third Gorse P,ooo ONO Divided amongst Starters- • • 0.000 3,0L0 " Non. Starters 11,003 : aOOO • There are ON bonuses In each class, that being the nimbler of harm entered for the nee. The Drawing will thoseouc upon the same legitimate principle.' as which charecterised the late St. Lodger and miter emcee:Sag. Fall particulars of the result will - be sent to absent member. immediately after the de. • Elston, that cash may knowld. position. Salmesibers registered and scrip forwarded on re ceipt of a modem:tee. Dills of P“bange,Drafts,Bank Votes, &e., addressed and made payable to the Slsungitte Director. • W. JAMES & CO. • Floe per cent ectromlndon to be reduced on the presentation of tonne. mete-but / 650 1 REED HOUS 7. I/850 St. 8.1.1111E1t, PraprilitOrfc P 114134 Spurs, fins, • fiIMERAL STAGE OFFlCR—Esstern. Woorm., and Prolletern Bowes, leave Imo boom doily. Car. date. mod '.',,,T.'llll:"`fir.TV”`'',ll O. W. limn. late of the Et.4:l:Xt opt.idGm' - - Load nod Milo for Salo. A FLOIJOINU NULL, won four nut of stones—one A el the beet locations for bu sine's m the wen—and • int rate Saw Mill, oa an almost never felling stream, and 16 beret of Land, good Dwelling Hon., Tenant /louse, and other Improvements, eltuated seven wile. Doe the Ohio Riven Monroe Comm, Ohio. Also, near On above,. bennufal Farenorell Improved, coo. talents tio acres. For 1019111. &a., enquire or WILLIAMII. JOHNSTON, • 112 Second st, Pinsbarch. ES=c=== DI/SPAE under Ow lenenediao tare of the I 1 venter, R and D cuablished for upwards of thirty ye ah. This elegant preparation to recommended to all cues of bite, acidities, Indigestion, gent, and gravel, as the lama safe, esey.arui ellectW form In which hi Reds may, and 'edema the only one in which ll ought lobe eat:Oita. posse-wing ell the properties of the rdegnesla merits general use, without bung liable 1 kr; It, re fern, dangerous concretions in the trowele, It efeetemly cares heartburn without injuring the coats et the sumach, es ,sods, potass, and their ear• boaster are kno no to dm, it emaciate the food of in fants turning sour; In all eases at acts as a pleasing aperient and Is peealarly adapted to female.. Pir Homybroy Iney testified that this irol talon foram salable camblnalione with uric Reid calla to cum of rare and gravel, therey counteracting their in - Arlene tendency when otner alkalies, and even Blegnesla itsetr, la d felt 11. From the Philip CI ampton, Ban, Surgeon . General to the Army in Ireland, 'Dear Sir—There — can be no Arabi that Magmata may be adro Mime red more safely in the form of a con centrated solution then In robstante; for this, and many inter reasons,' am of opinion that the Fluid Magn•sla ta a very valuable addition to ear Materiel Medic. . PHILIP CRAMPTON." Slr fames Clarke; Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Wight, end Moms Gllthlie and Elerbert May tf Londo.MTCTIV 1 rceoramend Marray's Fluid !titmice's, as being tn• admit more sate and convenient than the echd, and tree from the denier attending the constant use of rods or notate. • Per sale by the therrNtinzeli=cma nests, Cor. of Wood& Fromm. NOTES LOST. Pi°TICE Is hereby 'wen, that on or about the 23th of April, the aubserlbers had mailed to them. at llsbury, Va., the following notes, si=—A note drawn by O. A. Martin. PaTable to oar arder• dated April lltls, at 4 months, for 847 aS; a nate drawnt l John la organ, agate date and time, for $lll 17, and. • mm drawn by Jelin Watt Co„ In favor of loan /3; Alatirell, and re-endorsed by e., dated April 9th, at than moths, for 5175. The above notes wets never received by a a and thla Is to cannon all persona against trading far or brytay the sate, as papa.* at theta haa been stopped, & W kLARBAUGH' _ ..... PaVALI lIPBIII6 & suninsca qooDs.. A VERY large and choke since teenresh Spring IL and 8112.11 el GoOJs has tom opened at Alexander & Day's, No &S Market Amer, nos: N west corner of the - Diamond. In calling the .[[mood of oar eustomeis and the Dahlia to this itnek, it affords as great pleasure to be saki to say It ensbraeu GREAT LIARGAINS In ab mom every description of goods, an a large portion of it was purchased at the recent extensive smstlenulea to the cavern cities. One assortment, tan of fancy , nod el•Ple good., Is very superior, and affords to all cash berms , either b 7 wholesale or retail, mine op• po dimity of main, limit tame and pone. - LADIDY DRESS GOODS raw nth , Postern alike, very cheap: rich plain and figured . e argekble auks, of almost every myle mid quality: wipes plain and dotted black allts; do. • gegee. and tlarnec bangs, de leas, new and hand. cma style 1 new etyla I mai, and Beench -awn!, an great melee?, and a very low pricer; plain, gored, cad win striped de lain. or all kinds and valiant Hats Inktros et all &bade, and colon; ging. bnif.lsal"tj'Pm%HAWL.S. sires t massiesat sat shawls; and fisted Moot do; plain and embroideredTbrret do; dna cash mn do; taper plain had embroidered white and eolored crape do: Immo and nor dn. am. 3 • WHITE GOODS. assorimeni of mats tsumooks, jacone% A fine lawn, ice: • flyn,enh"—, .BONNETS. , Rough & Ready, pawl brud, Florence 'btalkaad gam -WV lsa stray. bonnet, .PARASOLS. A slneek or onpetior pi a/ n sad, fended allk nod &Wm Tare earatela ar all taints and aalitica. MOTHS re: CASSIMERES. A large sasorunant 'snOcr French, tinallah and Beatan clothe and eauldurca of all qualinca-snd prices, to whin we woald Inane) aucnuon of We gentlemen. ' ' DOMESTIM Oa neck °thrown and bleached 1911;i11114 tiekingai elteaks, chambray*, drilling., As, is very large, and at the eery lowest p nets. Also, a large lot of rade diapers and Dade cloth., brown and bleached; Ressialud Eerneh &gen*, dn.h 'Mani nitrate., cotton and wool n good. for mon and Slats, bowery and bOOOOO Wk ad ribbons, arty In it,seess, At, to all which we wesl4 respectrally Innis - the allenUan - of wholesale and mull cash • ALEXANDERDAV, tei Ittratet.L.N ..nr. or Ibe Diamond. • APPLY. TUN.Mir pay pp, prepared to famish Apple Tree., trim the era Maser,' of Jacob N. Breton. The 'trees will be delivered at the wharf at Plttabargh for per bartdrett. Ferrara itlehlart good thrifty tree. .Wald leave their orders modal the Den, dated, and parfeettery W•ltlibilie, tomer of Wood end Sixth sta. pll . N IiroSIOVAL. %SAVO incite WORKS WA REllOlla E. RILEY BROWN &CO. have removed to No Im Wales Sd door below the tdonoogetela 11614 r,, r f MISCEISANEOIJS•t ' • J. U. ILICLLOLL, • • O. II Wood street. flu Pam received a new as •IIOTZG6II a PIANO MUSIO, atoms which am thutbilowinD— • Idolly, do you Lave w, by 8. O. Foster. Ob, tony tie Red Role lave Alway. do. Nell, was a Lady, do. • Untie Ron W ~ Gwino to Ron Med, ' " Dolly Day, do. The n, Sold Robi eshtTrodding, by Glower. do. • Oh, Totten the Centro emus/am 'Sweet Mattoin of Tbee. —'Paver Moen. •' 'Lament of dar Priah Emigrant. A Now Medlity,t3oo6. Thou haat Weandua Oa P. out. The Conserloo Departure, by GionT. De ILA te the Loved Ones at Roma NU Dome where o'er the titan is. TM Yankee Maid.• Low &rabbi Car by Leven _ , _ Do ion ever Oink of - Plumber Conde Lady. . .Teetade Orel : Rfin, Odium, Wedding, Wreath, and DaLy Beiebeor, Maiden, Bella Welts, Comers, Laßue Bowmen . , CAUL F.ivirs,Lily, lice, Evergree, Dana. OM Ammo. and Lbuy , Polkas. mond Wenter not into Umbel of before, wo tray nothing about Condreda of Cheat. Importers, Large. Capital; Delight for Cub, km In fact, we will not bemtrug. le jar meaner or Rua, we eimply finite the palate to erunparo oar To. it oh Walt they parebuo elseerhermatus is the beet method we germ to wen. talc wutpeolla the beat and cheapest Teat In Pints bur& are now selling • • Geed nod =nog Tea at 46=160M:tate per lb. VA prim - do do The but Tea averted into the o.Btares, ft Low prinedillarused, or Inferior Teas we do' not keep. • MORRIS'M lIANTORTII Proprietoranfthe Tee Market, - IfY • Fiat 'hie or amend. • !Looms Annorton• D. Appleton & Co., Neer VoikdAie In coarse of pub. Iteoilon„ Ia patts,pneo meaty leo coots each, A DICTIONARY Of /ffardistea, /Vedanta, Encino TrarkanutSs etneertng; den,tenal for Prattled Werkatg /Mx; aad thaw Intended for de 23nza • - eutertn,g• Pnessetca. FllB WORK in °flange 8.0 sue. and will contain T anotaawn plan, and apwarda of lox not. tarp riannuattoms. It i present wor Ingo and dmmiptions of the most important machines in the United Mama Independent of the results of American lagenalty, it will contain ecrorplete practi cal Wean: co hleckaalek ideriddom7,Engitie-work, and Engui t essiog; wnh that 4 10 more that. one thousand collars worth of folio witaxims, msga• sines, and other books- - The gam object of this publication la, to place be font practical men and students snob an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, In a condemned toms, as obeli enable them to work to the best advan tage, sad to avoid those mistakes which they might otherwise coolant. The mount easeful information this brought together la almost beyond uncritical • in ouch works. Weed, there La hardly any subject width' nasalise which is not treated with witch clear ness and precision, that even a man of the most ordi nary capacity cannot fail of understanding It, and dins learning from IS much Which It la lineation for lam to know. The pubhsluirs ere, In short, determined, regardless of cost; to make the work so complete as possible; and it id hoped ovary one desirous to obtain the work will proton it as issued In numbers. sad dun encomia@ the' enterprise. _ " The workwill hi lasted In semi-monthly numbon Commencing in January; IMO, one will program with great regoloOty. • The whole work will he published in 40 numbers, at ib cants per ntunberomd completed within the cur rent year, =O. A Word discount will be nude to Antonkreminhig the publishers gin to advance, shall receive the work through the post office free of . Opinions of the Press. • "To OCT mutterer. Manefacterers, Mechanics, Ea. filleerS, and Artisans, it will be a igloo of wealth."— ovideaers, (R. ).) Jounoli • "Young men, arm younelves with its krunriedga•— , We can with confidence recommend our readers to posses. themselves of its numbers as that as they ap• pear."—Annricon Artisan. %We anhetitatingly commend the work to those en• gaged In or loterested in mechanital or eel entifoa per suns, as eminently worthy of their cznaluotien and study."—Tray, (N. Y..) Budget. "it Is truly • great wool, and the pablishets de- • serve the . thanks of Inventors, machnlsts,ned manu facturers, and 'indeed oldie pgblia gentrally.e—N. T. i' 4 s lrl; l lf7e L tionarY will be highly extol to mechanics, and rateable to all who wish to acquLt themselves withthe progress of Invention In the me.. chortle attan— New Fiedler:4 Daily Mercury. *Young mechanics ought to keep posted up In the amino! so well as prude.! knowledge, and this stork Intl show therapist how they stand...—Boxbary - Mass.) Advertiser. nWe take it to be kat the work that scores and hen. deeds of on Intelligent mechanic. hare dnired to pus min: Pa ample are Its. descriptions, and so full Lod minute its axeifiranons, that it seems to as that any mechanic might contract any machine it denribes the s.renettionts ens - wirings end insuuction..—De. Y. Commercial Adveruser. Atl Interested In mat-hanks shouldargil them selves of Its advaungeo...-Bcheylkilli, (Pena") Jou _ . . "A work of extensive practical multi and great im penance end alto to the rapidly Increasing interest. of the countoy. W. regard the work as eminentlr calculated' to promote the case of science and tit Mechanical slat, and tu disseminate valuable informs lion on these uthjeetao—Parmer and Mechanic. "Practical men in all the varied walks of mechal. at and manufactaring laustra agineering. Ike., wi ll hod in this work a maws which it will be to their pro to posaess”—Troy Bally Whig. "We hauteur-hilly purtnied the number; ad bavn no Issounion in saying Mutt to the best work fee Me ehan:a tradennen„and scientbSe men, cur palish. ed. for it C4lllll.m.muus information e xp en sed brach of the ;meehanical ans and setences, in S Ma and langu age Intelligible to any reader of or& nary capacity. —diction:ter, (Maas.;) Nun , "We are sure we are doing the mechanics of Nor- Wielt ad other parts of Commodeut a service by bringing the weds to thca attention."—Norwieb, (Con.) Canter. "it Minn such% work as even mechanic amid postesan—Preentan's JonmaL • Wo condder hone alike most vale] and important publications aria age. No mechanic can to be iwithoutlo—Newara, IN. .I.,)Coamerci al Cadet. .1)1 all the Varna, publicalont baying for their ob. Meet the elucidation end *dance:meat of the mechani eel arm and sciences, none that we have seen, is se 'lnn of promise as tbia.^-13affalc. Com.:Adr. "It is Mc but ad chea p at. work es er Maned to the scientific ad practical engineer and mechanic. The :plat.* are beautifully excerned. ^ --WashinenSt Gic`bc. "This great- lanonuy Is one of the moat useful works ever published for years, end the }ow price at which it la said makes in acceptable to al.—Soca Carolinian. We regard lets one of the mom eat:unrested., ad salable, an well as cheapest ants ever published." —Baltimore Advertiser. '-Ought to be taken by every- one deleting or keep pace with the p.c.. of am mut science in every one of the labors of civilised lifao—Rendout Courier. • ult la designed after the principle of Urea Dictiona ry, only that It is mare demoted to the reecho...al and engineering professions, and alsove all; t is valuable al aeoomplublog for Amulet what Use has done for Engitutd, viz: describing Amenetn machinery and warts of art."—Fcientide Americm ollie pabliahed in riumbers ‘ ana at epic," so mode nu, looking at what is contained in each number, that to one who has the lout Interest in such matters, . need be detested from muting It; nod every one who don so, will find that in a condensed term an amount afinarnetion wh eh would be obtained: if at MI, only by the pirchamt (very many volumean—N. Y. Cattier and Enquirer. 'Me comprolienstven with which the rableeta are treated, the temirahre ma otter in which they are illustrated, conapire to make this one of the moat dad table woras..—Demeenee Review. .ni, worn abated be Indic hands of every meehanie, aroman, and marinfaestrer, especially they Who hate the leant neplratlons to excel In their terpectlye basl neases. Wr hare carefally examined it, with a view of recemmeneing it to inventor,. To them we would say in the strong language of the liibim .lt Ls prod..— Baltimore inventor,' Journal. Notice to the ?wile:ors of Vitrtsperper• thmightna •—' . ^ th.rgsa sulc.msd ice. Mho foregoing advertiaement is insened flee tim daring the yen, and tee paper contains It sent" to n coop of the Wort eelb be sent gratis In payment. - a • tfoLtarllT 2IVALLISTEII , B OINTMENT, Containing no Mercury, nor othir Mineral. LIE followLor testimonial arm [lien by the eel. T prated Dr. Wooster Beach, the arobor attic, gre medic al work entitled write American Practice . Medicine and Femily Physician." , liaving been made acqaalnted with the ingredients which cerepose r.d All4lealing Ointment and having preverlbed t tested it in several cases b my print,' practice, I have hesitation in saying or cern fylog that It Is a Vegetable Remedy,, coma/nuts no mineral eabstance whatever; thatirs ingredients combined as they ore, and used as directed by the Proprietor, are not only harmless, bat of great value, being a troly se,entifie Remedy of great power: and! cheerful, recommend it as *compound which hat done much good, and which is adapted to the care of a great alma) , of eases. Though 1 have never either recommended or engaged In the sale of secret enedi, cities, regard for the truly honest, conscientious, , ha mane character of the Proprietor of thin Ointment, end the valve of his discovery, oblige me to say thus mach reirarding It. . W. BRACH, D. /le New York, April 983,11110. ITANS.—It is one ofthe bed things in the world for Darns. PlLM—Tbousands are yurly enrol by this Oint , meat. It never fails in giving relief. , For lateen, Uleers, sad Mt kinds of Boom, It has no equal. If lathe* and Nurses knew Its 'aloe In eases of Swollen or Sore BresM, they would always apply it. la spelt uses; if nodaeonding to directions, lt gives relief in • very few boars. Around the box are Creations forming MeAillsterin Obtonnor for Serest., Liver Complaint, hhysinelas, Tenet, -Chnbtain, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Quinn,y Sore Throat, Dronehnsi, Nervous Affections, Palos, Disease of Me Cited Atte, thmathe, Deafness, Fars e, Items Spin, Co e, rrosi all Diseases As ofSkin, Sore Lips, Pimples, ka., Swelllorof the Limbs, Sorts, Rheumatism, Piles, Cold Peet, Crimp, Swelled or WO ken Steam, Tooth Ache. Arm In the Pate, an. ' From the Reading Eagle. There wad novel, perhaps, a Medicine brought be. , fore the public, that has in so short ..time won tech • reputation as MeAlliaterra All-Itealint or World Salve. Almost every person that has made triel of it speaks warmly in its praise. One be been cored by lief the most pointer 'lmmodesty another of the piles, a third of a troublesome pain in the dde, a fourth of a melting in the limbs, tee. If it does not give 'mine dime in every ease, It can do DO injury, beteg soapplied outwardly. A . soother evidence of the wonderful healing pew, er patterned by this tatty, we subjoin she following eeni Seale, from s respecta ble citizen of Maldencrect loweship, in this connty: Maidencreek, Berke co., March 70,1817. . Moon,. Elliot Cm—l desire to inform you that I wet entirely eared of a enter!, pain lathe beet, by the age of McAllister" Allllealing . Salve, 'stitch I per. !hoed from you. lauffentd tenant for about 20 yeany end at night wad enable to sleep. 'During that toms I tried variogarenredlea, which were prescribed for me Mrekr,Atray.-..gmr.T.r.dzw,tit , :rel salt favorable beyond expectauon. • I am now entire ly free from the pain, and coley at night a peacefal and sweet sleep.. I bare also used.the Salve wince far tooth ache and other complaints, %risk medlar happy result. Your friend, J 011.1111lomnerssen. irairs litratusTgit, - • .1341.14 Proprietor of urn above medicine. Principal Orme, No %North Third etrect,Pl4.l4 - phha: . elks 25 dews - era nitix. A..x. & Reiter, comer of Liberty and EL Uair sutras; and I Jr:, eror ger of altar% street and the Dieu nod, alb, canter of Fourth and Smithfield streets; J. II: Centel, teener or Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth 'Want; and sold at the 'Booknom in Smithfiehl 'nowt, fid don r from E aeon& In Allegheny City 4.711. P.M:maul send J. Sargent.. J. G . Smith, DnutgiaLSirmi*tautt D. Negley, - Rest Liberty; IL Rowland, Meßeespo n; J. A'arander A sou, hlonongthela City; N..llatear man CO, sod J. T. Rogers, lhownenne; John - Baal ey, ikcor , l P.; :John Walker, Jr„Vaisabeth. • • febtleddll' IlEt.N' curni—dro Z -4-0 rion' cloth, on hand, ma foe ILIECU,LANEOUS. i====l=Ml:3:=i . . let Ole .ISIVOVILbI O tartar. .T lll3 Wtra fi,V I d rse e 5 l g .„ co A pAr r a i .a z Grind Rapids, to in :went sullicientio propel four hundred stairs of mill stone. The location is based Omni a rock foundadon, and the power MI cone*. manly be implied im both dem ofthe Meer. The vain of the White Slyer, es well as the Wabash; eta boreadily Welshed at We point. While Weber Won ore, arateoal, trt the greatest abendence, and e superior quality, can be wally procureA through the same country. • ' . Tru e ere hundred donate per annum fora pow • er . bole to propel a tingle ran of medima Mud mill stone% Ike period of fifteen year.: with the right f renewal on Me 'expiration of the teem, rea fair waged= of the power employed. Tanke r ut of the mill or macutactory Incladed,wilhoet Tanke chars •Troalthe Company. elder of the Theeeters. ABNER T. ELLIS, • President elhbo W. N. Co. Vormenreli bat May 9, lw.n ervnltdent TULILS ILAUELII.fiIEDICATED NV:llPft darer. ea—The ,of many persons is disfigued with slight eruptions, ae pimples, meohLaw, Jur, sod when this Le merely.. disease of the sktn, as It is in may nine cues out of every tivadrod. It Is vary easily Tr.. moved: Jules laud. Nluthh 5 ..1! I. e l" ..11 whirred to diseases of the sato, as a acts treaty upon the cslaute pores' which cover its surfece. eleszeing them from imparities. and by Its asthmatic properties healing sad eradicating all erapuene.ead retaining the ducat and roughen skint soiyfair, and blaming. • Per Who have been in the habit of using ordl truscomywille IgAngh o ed ,i ,:t i :eltesurif . e d l , td , ect loom, preventing i SLe neck, Face, t agdi l irom c h o p. lug, allaying all rrltatiou, and retooling all came. 000 eruptions. It pcasesse rice xquisite perfume, and Is entirely devoid email alkaline properties, rendering it the only article which Cll,O ased with safety gad comfort In tan :ornery. , All those whose Wag or necks are disfigured with leq blotches , taw a y m tfa b reln a , gelle d pf'ru: positively enrage them, that Its age will render the most discolored skin w hPe, the uushest skin smooth, and the most diseased skin healthy, pone, nod bloom- - • Juke lituePa Nyrobb Soap Is the only artiele which will effectually produce the above elleeut In go short • time, and the wily one which Is at the Ivan time all powerial and cutlrely harvaleee. Pupated only by • JULES HAVEL, Perfulner nod Chemist, 120 Chestnut attest, Pldba. - - For gale wbolntale and retell by B Jll.Fohnceteek k Co., and R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Bar. •1 and J. hfitehell, Allegheny oily, Pa. led. SICOOND 'VIAND PIANOS. • AGOOD 11ahogen 7 : Piano Porte, 0 octaves, second d5...-ss • A handsome han opsighi Piano, with Rosewood 4 100_00 Porniture,ll octaves, mid in geed order • • • • 10 0 CO A plain 33 octave Piano 43 CC A good 6 octave Piano --•---- 73 00 A good bi octavo Piano, with handsome farms Mtn ..... 75 CO For solo by JOHN II hIELLOII enar - 49 Wood st !Natalia .1111litit Light. QUPERCRDING dm Wooden i'laatt. and bring in. 10 combustible, thettby economises the oil, and pre • treats beretofom Co man objected to in oil other 'floats. One table spoonful or the Common lamp all will last Nine Hamm any farther length of time, according to the additional quantity of o.L Received and for ado by . JOUN D MORGAN • mete d and j -u a S jy R . E F IV a EA m a teu t . P . ittsiarglk Family Gro• 6 craws Fresh Oyeters,ba tio 'cans; 5 do Pickled do, In qtjais;. , 5 do do do, In Plat do. Tbe above Froth Clateta ate parboiled,. and 5.t opp m a highly COUCGIIITSI6S aeop,enelesed itermetiew• ly waled eons. and Neill keep math longer Man thine pat no In the ordinary Ivey. For sale, wholesale and retail. by Will A bIeCLUYIO & Co, m Y 56 Liberty at Great Amerloam MeehanVeal Work. I..es APPLETON & CO., New Tort, have in come of oublicanon.lt atone, price twenty five cenu each, a DICTIONAEI If blarhnicti, Mechanic. E. gine Work and Engineering; deafened for Practical tCorkiner hien, and Mono Intended ler the Dislocating Profession. Edited by Oliver Ilium. This work is of large Svc tine, and will monde two Mooned page.and upwards of oil tboanand lllutn nonr. It will rem% working drawings and descrip tions of the most Important machines in the Untied Skies. Independent ot the results of American In prantty, wW comb complete practical treatises on 'stockmen, blaeltiorry• Engine Work, and Engineer ing: with all that te useful to mons then ono thousand dollars worth of folio volume. magerlaes and other book. Six numbers received, and tor sale by the II HOPKINS. agent 73 Apollo Betiding. Fourth et. o:) , tvir .1.1.1 , 1E.)"1 rA• (.1-1 —c John 11.11c1tor, 81 - - Solo A6eolp.m2Vo,'„al..sZergtaly.mlo., fmtho We of iI CEERIND'3 CELEURATID Grand sad Square Plink* Fortes, B EGS to Wenn Ins mush; and the mental B that he has now invoices, and will receive and etlPttee for ule, daring the present month, Ike laraest and most desirable stock of Piano Fortes ever stored ! for sale In the west—among tthe number will be found fall apply of Superbly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Fortes, with all the recent improvements In mechanism and style of exterior- Splereidly carted Rosewood seven octave Soave Piano Forte% finished in the Elizabethan and Loals XIV. styles With • a lugs stock of all the various styles of P.O. no Fortes, verying la prices from $O7l to Is3oo and stony prepared by Ur. I:Uttering for the present year, (17a) . 4 Purehaen lore attanred that the rim; of Mr. Chiek ' 'Nance base beery and will conunee to be, the . _ stings Pianos he'd been, and will contlnue to be,. lame as at the;tuartotactory Boston, without chug , for trenrportadon; and tog be den v rr d and re, up b perfect ordetar, any past of the city, orabout charge grog oviderriped bees leave to Inform the public that he hasideelined.bailnera ih favor 34,n, TM. r Davis, who will ern:sleet the Auction arid Coe, Fifthbead - era at the old atand, coma or Wouil arid meet; sod for whom he world solicit a email:, unreel:Vie liberal patronage heretofore Ix-Hawed ep ee thehoose. JOHN Di DAVIS, April • P. ZEI. DAVIS. - (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS') AUCTIODERD AND CODMINEION EBBODIET • COIISILI CT WOOD L. MS. RUM. IXT ILL make sales, on Itberal toms. of Foteics and k Dames:tie Ale'reltandine, Real Estate, !stocks, te., and hopes, by <sandmen and close alumina to busmen, to merit a continuance of the suppon and patronex• so liberally eitmsdedlet the formerhonso. April p,h,1 010. ;lotto. to our Patrons. RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. rite demo* of the emirs, partner, In Philadelphia, J.{the late June* M Basic) produces no interrapoop • to the boatmen—art angentents have been suedewhlah Maoism the same Lattices precisely, which have heretofore matted. The basinesa 6 canunned under the same name and flren,att Joms M Dante & CO., Philadelphia; Joan 14 , nel:a A. Co., Pittsburg. The canal:mune of the patronage or our many friend, is respectfally solicited. If any persons have demands want the eaneent, they are requested to present them renhyritb, fur payment. Pittsba . h,,apni le, la. JOHN WFADE4, . Surviving partner. - - 13. A. Trahstostosk Jo Co.. NrOLESALE DRUG6IBTB, comer of That and Wood strects,ofer for isle, on !clearable trims: 1 bbla Wldiing; Ms Curb. Ammonia; CO do Alum ~ .10/ do Mollie.* MO do Pre Woodw * COO do Crude Tartar , .25 do Isaptilack; 500 do Liciaorice Mick m'do Vo n . 10 6; 300 do Iriab Woes; tl do Camphor; 150 do Red Preetrillaia; 10 do San. Drown,• 150 do Calomel Arum_ 50 do t a llow Odds; 05 do do 1301.1 20 do B,laamone; MO do Boehm Lenveli; 8 do Cloves; 010 do Rentiatb Flock 3 do CM= Fioiwers;ll o o do Blimp. do; Ref. Doeez Wm do Guinan do; euu 25 do Casale 8oap; 23/ do Sal trockeele; 15 do Prowl. Dine; WV do Beldlls: bliature; 10 do Cale.Blagnems; Wm do roved Rhubarb; 13 do cuemie Greao; 261.1 do do. Blip..Eini; 6do do Yellow; 110 do do G. Arabic 6do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Liq. Root 60 reams Band Paper 100 do do /Map; AS bap 81011, flonme 1110 do do AfiCayenne; 25 balm Battle Corks 20 do Boleti. Zinc; 750 t Balph. Morphia, 300 do liar Tin; 1205 Cape Alan; MO do Tamarinds; 111:0 do Bi-Cbrom Potaab;lso do Quick Slivar; IWO do Pink Boon 180 do Orange Peek MO do Tarlorp Umber; 75 do Coribinsab 0200 do Crtam Tartar; 20 do 1170 Pao*: WO do Tartaric Acid; CO do Mace; WO do Urn Una; 13 do Ofor-Tille Lotion. feb29-dd.w2mT Thuvrnozmuna, Oa nocti "Them are more those% In heaven and earth Than are IL dreara f. pt of In phibesophy.. WE n VIRTUES o this remedy' J. the Constant enead°u for it, to remarkable the proprietor, has has Induced him to have it pot up la books with la; bets and direct.ns (or the benefit of the public. The;PETROLEUM.Is pothered from a well in dna county, at a depth of four handfed feet, barium una dulterated article, without any chemical change. hot just no flows from Natures Great Latiratoryll Thatit captain. Properties reaching a number of diseases,i. no longer a Matter of uncertainty, Them are ma ny things in the arcane of nature,which, if known, sin be of cast usefainus to alleviating suffering, and re storin rge,.g L thebloom of health sod vigor to my a Bap on before the proptiebor t o houeht o anf Patting it up in bottle., It had a reputation for the cure of dis cos., The coastant and daily increasing calls for it, end several remark.. cures it has performed, to a WO Indication of its future popularity and wade spread application in the sure of disease. We do not wish to make a long parade of certifi cates, as we are conscious that the medicine can soon work It. way into the favor or those who safer and wish to by healed. %Min we do not claim for tt a universal applicattoo in every disease, we mamba. tinny saLi that in a number of Chronic Disease. it is annvall . Among these may be enumerated—all &Senses of the mounts tiathes,,sueli u CHRONIC • HrsoNCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (In Itsi early cocoa ituthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Dierheea. Disease. of the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains iu the Back ot Side, Nervous Dise asoyieur alal it, Pal sy, Rheumatic Pains, Uout,Erysipela., fetter, Ringworms, of Scalds, LlMises, Old Sores, re ,., LO easel of debility re. salting from exposure, or long and protracted else. Of diatom, this medicine wilt bring relief. It will act a. a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE fr am eh cases,• imparting tone Cod energy to the whole rtatoV• log obstra alone, opening the doggish fonedons, which cease disease awl briken constitution, and giving increased and. renewed energy to all the arms or Lefel The proprietor know. of !several_ carts of that resisted every ether treaummt, get well ander the sae of the PETROLEUM for a short time. The proof can tos given to any perion who degree it. None gamine without the signature of the proprietor. pea by the proprietor, R. aIER, Canal Basin, nese Seventh st -- Ails by IL E. SIH.LERS, M Wood .4 and—KEVSER & ftVDOWELL, corner Woad at. and Virgin alley; who are his nernidlir segebisy appointed Arent. ILNIA RUBBER GOODS—Jun reeeived, C A 39 Ia CaMP Intakes; 110 ollicer cows; 12 prs Pants; 12 pairs nett lined Mining Boots; 13 Isthmus Bags; 2 water Tanks; and L 9 gallons each; 10 canteens, s pines stein t dos Buckskat Money lieu; I do oiled cambric do do. Tko above good Nos Wood thfi Call. (Orals 0E6114 Establishment, &4r4/1441'1 ITIMPOTITAIION.LINES. 1850 1850 ERIE. & MEADVILLE , LINE. BOATS of DIN Lt ae ell l lane regalarly;ond do. imertreiaids without trinthipmeat. C BIDWELL, Pillaborgb, JASIEZ COLLINP, do, .1 48 .,, t . BIDWELL SllBOTEBBOitodaester morn , 1850 0W10171=1.41 SANDY AND SEAVER. LINE. From Pit:Aires to Columbus and Cterehtad, through dk rtelt and Tornio:to oruntict of Colon- Mann, Carroll, Stark, - Torconstron, Cothocton, Moak sagest, Licking, and FnateVin. The cOmpleuon of the 'Sandy end Bearer Canal opens up to oar elty through this gnat natant moist route a direct coauanuiestion to _the abate as well as the adjoining ecstasies of Napo r, Holmes, Knot, and Delaware.. - Pram thra nation of Ohio, rho trade with Pinshargh ha; been, to a great extent cut off, in esosequenee of the high rates of transportation, whiten are now re. dared It, 211. and tel per cent. . Boats of this her will leave daily, and ran through without uanstdoment The Cecalcompany have bellowed upon this line an Interest In the unpreee• dented udynnteges of lbw chewer, and thus second to the middle. ponies, of Ohio in ordering their goads by. BIDWELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE, us equal Interest In this adventure. Agents: • J. C. BID WELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. R C Holmes, Speer , . 111 ills, - Otom &.-A Gay, Will.amsport,O; George Kemble, Elkton, O : Culilc A. Hoffman, do; Hanna, Graham * Co, Nov Lisbon 0; Arler Nlebollas, Hanover, 04 ilibbets & Mary, NI, net.. 0; Speaker & Potter. do; Joseph Pool & Co, do; Hull- /e Boss, Oneida Mille, 0.; It V Bever, do; Old Itirttbal A Co. Malvern, 04. R K Gray, Wayne.. berg, G. K Reynold., do ; laane.Teller, Magnolla P. flarkdollA Co. M0gn011.,0.; Wroltorkne.., do; I elPEortkod &Co Eloodlvillet 0; PP LAITer, do; Pooh. bane. A S telnban eh. Belmar, 0; Artllard & Sh river, do; .1.1 - Hoffroxe. Mostillon, 04 Commies & Co, do; John Robinson, Canal Folios, 0.; Fork A. Torrey, C.nal Dover, O.; A Medbury, Roleoe, 0.; LK War. net, Newark. a & Hale, Col ambas, 0; L 0 Mat. Glows, Cleveland, 0.; Rhode. & Omen, d 0... mslk THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL r•OPEN PITfiSEUBUD TRUSPOWMTIIm LINE. Nagi l'Bso Via Pennsylvania Canal, to nail "loads. O'CONNOR, ATRINI3 ° I Ca.:tonal Rosin, Mem. street, PittsborFh; ecoNISOR a Co, i5O Market street, Philadelplus. AGMS, O'COMIIS & C 0 . 310 North eget', Dultisoore; F. Litz., New ark: ==l=2== .liaxnuox Guar, Illogrville,Eentocky; Max h. Co., Colombia street, Ihnelnnen; E. Wm. • 13gran, thorn d: Co., St. Louta To Shrypera Ca., god Prob., to and from i'adode/pkia, Bohalsore, N. Fork, flavors. Our route being now in fine order. we are prepared to forward goals.. above t eery towel gnus. We aZ' freightfivo crony c harge basing policies for wer IGitil,ooo, and with the following extensive sleek , DOM, Lee confident arming carter lilliSlittl9ll to I== ntlbosineas entailed to apudos of erporienre, and -d on ,tries sabot% taping new, and commanded by e our entire line is conducts and torrperarsoi principles. Floats., Captain. Iron City, Hagan Maryland, Marshall Cincinnati, Sands limn Anna, Chatham Wm Atkins, Penrond Import, PPQaada fl k ari ct iti ' aa Cle o ; Celia ' Hawkins vliveßrarichGosser America Perry Mermaid 11PColgan The Paz Arguello Aurora Lowell &sant.' Capt. ins Pertnay. ants E Layton, St. Louts, Cowden Col. /toward Ridley Mary Debemh tows Eatetynse, Karon Juniata Blown Gen. Scott, Oone TelogrephNo (Shields Rolm MIR IloyM , Quade Rannt'aCtipparßiley Ohio Belle lieurney Rawer Rtnale , Julia Ann J Loyloo ' Te [graph No'Jßavla ifizawe. Wiblo ,Ir 11.11.:ono, to give to • OR, ATKINS &CO, Liberty tt., PooWargo. a tiensporailoiCtompany. EgMa 1850, • • toot Sharp Lam 11.iprierstirill find it to th • °VON mrlo Canal Ilasi D. Limon • come LINE, BETWEEN PrITSBUILUB.PIBLADELPIIIA BALTIMORE k NEW TURN, By rolossyloaaia Ca.,/ and /All Bard. TOOlll3 and Cm of 1111.. LlOo have been pot I. j compete order. and with the addition of see. new Oats Ui - 1110 1•100, trebles no to Cally quantity of stook nod V.. The entir of the 'he to owned nod contra. td by the Proprietor.. HARRIS & LEXCIL No 13 Footle Third And at tha Tobacco Warclonse, Dock at, Fbladcpbic. FL.; JOSEPH TAYLOR & SON, No 117 Non!. /toward at. Dattennte,lll.l4 • OFFICE. lie 7 Went o, New Yost; D LEECII L CO, Cana thorn ~ l 'enn et. 1.11 3 Petteburcle. iliki= 1850, UNION LINE, ON Tina PERILL'A AND 01110 CANAL'S. CLAIM, PARKS a CO, Hoctester,Fa., Proprla. JOHN A CAVGIIEY. Agent, Office cor Smithfield arid Water at., Yithibitrgh. CLIANDERLIN. CRAWFORD &CO, Ago., Cleveland, Ohio. Tll3 . ell known Line are prepa.ed to transport freight and Paesengew ftcm eirrnmacii cad CLEVELAND, to any point ea the Canal and Lakes. The aniline* of line are anattepaased frrnamher, quality and capacity of Boats, experience el captains, and etheioney of Agent. One Bost levees Pittsburgh and Cimieland dially.Tin ning in connection with a Line of Steam Dante be tween PfITSDURCII and DEAVER, and a Line of Flew Clara Steam Demi, Propeller. and Vewela, an the Lain. _ CONPIGNEFS: Clerk. Park & Co. Roctc r.er, Pa. N Parka a Co, Yoangararm, Quo; kl 11 Taylor, Warren. Cr; A & N Clark, Newton Falls, O, I Drayton A Co, Ravenna It; - Fent, Grinnell a Co, Franklin, 0; H A MiLler, Cuyahoga Fan., 0; Wheeler, Lee Co. Akron, O Chamberlin, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, 0; Hubbard A Co, riande.ky, 0; Peckham A Peon, Toledo, 0; 0 William. a Co, Detroit, Mich; Wdliama &Co, Milarackie, Wia; Malley a Dutton, Racine, Georiye A lithe., - Clocago. In; Thomas Mee, Chicago, JOHN n CAIJOHEY, Agent, cornerCo Water and Prnithneld awmit 1850. LAIL /ERIE AND INICIIICIAN LINE, ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. CLARKE, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Prd THE Preprietors of thls old and well known Line would inform the public that they are now In op- CIICIOIIIOf the present mmon: and have ectoomence. overlying Freight sad Pasoengers, whieh they are folly prepamd to carry to all prams on the Canal and LAKES ERIE AND MICHIGAN, At the lowest rates. One of the Doan of the Lino will he constanny at the landlog,beloyr Monongahela Midge, to incite freoght JOHN A. cAttours, Again, Odlee, ern Waur and Smithfield Ha, Pittsburgh, CONSIGNEES: W Cenninaham. New Castle, Pa; hlltebehrea & Co, Pulaski; W C Hal.. Sharon; J&S 11011 , Stompaburgo Wink, Aehre & Co, Greenville; Wm Henry, Ilmulowns • IVers Power, Counearayolle, John Hearn & Co, Erin; John J Hollister & Holfalo. N V. mill) Plttebargh Portable Boat Llama, Elaagi 1850.1entea. 10* sus TIANISOISATIOSI OS SiOUVIIT TO ASID TROY' PITTSBURGH, PIIILA DELPHIA, BALTIMORE, NEW YORK, BOSTON, Ae• TllOll,l 80111.11.0.11, Tagars & &Comma Philadelphia. iS 2 Pittsburgh. li E Canal bring now open, the propnetors of this long established Line are as usual at their old stands, receiving and forwarding Merchandise and Prodoce al low rates, and with the preirmtness, cer tainty, and safety, panelist to their system and mode of trwmponalion, where intermediate wonderment is avoided, with the consequent delays and probability of damage. Merchandise and Produce shipped east or vreshand Bill ler Lading forwarded free of charge for commit glen. advancing, or atorage. Having he Intermit di rectly or Indirectly in steamboat., that of the owners is solely consulted when shipping Melrgenda. All cemtormicetiona to the following agents prompt ly ariendedio: THOritA9 1101UIRIDOE, No 279 Market meet. Philadelphia. TA A PFF: kO'CONNOR, Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Pittsburgh • John oCullogb & Co, Go Nona at, Da , t; P. D. Dort & Co. 25 Doane .t. non., W. & J, T. Tarrott R. Ct • be South at, New York; /sines Wheclarnett, nab. trinn 8111611111 TRANSPOILTATIOM LINE, iitigag 18511 -P6%14 a. tween Pittsburgh an Eastern C1..e.. 'rho Canal betvg nnw opethwa tereadyto ram. and forgratdpromplly,ptodace and merch.dize east and west. , - . , Freights' always at lowest MINI, charged by raven tibia line. Proddee ant inelthardize will be received and for. warded east Ind west, warded any charge for for. Warding or advaneiog freight, eattleillallen or menage. Bills of lading forwarded, and all directions faith folly attended to. Add rasa or apply tq, WM. BINGHAM', Canal Basin, co. Liberty and Wayne st.. Pittsburgh. DING MEI & DOCK, No 183, Markel sb between 4tb & Lth, PhlPa. JAS. WILSON, Ag t, - . No 192, North Howard st.„ Lialuesore. JAS, BINGHAM, mrtd No 10, West sreet, New. York =SE= Passenger nuts Itemltems:Lae OfMoe. . „. k ILANIUDEN & CO. continuo to bring persons from any pan of &gland, Ireland, Scotland or ; Wales, upon the mast li beral terms, With their q panetuallty and attention to the wants and core fon ef entodputts We do net allow our mossenvers to be robbed by the swindling tramps that infest the not,. ports, as we take e barge of them the moment they re. portthemselves, and nee to their well being, and de. srmteh them without any detention by the first Won.— We say this fearlewly, as we defy one of oar pewee. Liverpool, to show that they were detained 48 boon by us in Liverpool, srhnst thousands of others • ens detained months, until they-could be senile tome 'Amon, st a eh; p rue, which too frequently proved their eogms. • We intend to perform our contract, sooombly, cost what it may, and Dot act as was the case last season,' with ether orlieers, , ,who either performed not all, at When it salted their convenenee.. ' 'Maas ehawa at Pittebarsit ferany aset Proin El to 13000, parabte at any ofthe trtatiansi 'Banks Wire., bind, England, Fanned end Wales. ram/. nomeisoN.• Eapepean cad 06.1.1 APnt• 41.1 Vieth nraabenw dery below Wbvl! IiQUURI2- , 17 hf pipes Brandy—l:Turd, 3 PlPea Holland fi eats N E Ram; 400 bbla Widekey; for male by • Or ald NITCHEITREE MIS'CILLAN`EOUS• CARPET 3ro 75 r WARETHOHSE. ur nrcurmrkz,,xekstru ,.. WARVH - OHSE► AtZgrff :1 ~;'..canvizirtims Erds i , , __. _..prisint in part the (Aiming 3 ' g st ‘rr'r 1, 01;a 1 Velvet Pile Carpets. ' . ri * TaPeater ~ • F ° s pellet! :s4 /omit= Brastela ^ ' .e. - 23Ten:LP"fi'"'ri.13RIT " h . = 11,110, Supedre Imola Curty Extra roper palanzebendle Extra Lon nags; Roo , " ib:potato di, do RUM Common, all wool " • Toiled Fine Common Extra o n Common do Chenille Door Mats; Toned rt Sheep Skin "ttalou 44, l and Tao Von Cu. 4-4,1 4001 Teeirl'il Carp. 4.4,1, land 44 plain Car. Lin and Rao 44 Printed Can ooCarpcia also. 44,74;64, 54, 41 .4 I Oil MINE 64, 5-1, 44, tadl Maitinr 18 hien' patent Oil Cicala for Stein. Gawit Tama:cr. - - - - - Eatzan Anted piano covers o table Embossed Plano D Table Printed woolen Embossed Stand Unto and %costal d " Damask Star Linen; Tarkey Red Chintzes; Chtrtze liorderinr, English 011 Coth Table Covers; . Drown Linen emmb clo th s Woolen . 71 Bran Stall. Rods; Stair Druggeln Carnet binding brats; d.4to and Coen cala nd Skeleton Nate; nod • I Green Oil Clads tor.ds; Racket. ek Diaper; Bloc aml Drab Clotho; Onmsoo Moab: Coach Oil Cloths; Damasks for Vamp; Watergi blorebb. , ifelland for VlShades; 'Pransparent Venalinßlinds; 'l3unnnti for - Flap; 74 andil4 Table Linen; RassinCresb; Scotch P..s; an Linen Napkins; Gerfolut Oti cloth Tnble Coscis; 2120, SW? OM CLOT= from the m• st approved nag lisla and American rnamilactarers tram 12 to 24 fed in Math, which will be ent.to rooms, balls, and vestibules of any siva or shape. ' Thododerslimed having import d direct from Eng. land, hiti Valvatl'ilo and Tapestry Altrurs. Them [tarps[/, which are of the lire. and most elegant styies apd patterns, and oflho in •p t gorgeous colors. rll besold at prima aviary y can be purchased for In any of the eastern cities. • Unripe the !men arnertsnent el the richest end Mom fashionable CRCs:SE:Lin. IhIPERIAL 'runt; .PLY ate IP:GROIN cmauwrs which far virpneres In quality unit caer•peess of price any iterortinent Over he= hun ,, Ght eh) , lie also Invites inteurnbaat Alen and Coach Manufacturers to his large acd sari' seteetep assonoseatotTßllSLUlPilib,andolltr wick nectiyary in their boldness: The Any is also Ltannfarnory PhilaJelpi loner than can be parchr man . agent the the only Stale Had phla, and prear ed to tell axe eliearhe ns not p o tty. hIIeI.II4ITOCK._ Moods. MASON a CO., no Market street, between and Fount, are now. reeving Slant nm ointment of Ranee Do Lairds Penton Clock, an en tire. new Reticle; l'allet•ds; Crape Da Laing, &C.; with large astortment of Lamm and ocher llteso roods, of Om latest styles and mon f.tdonat,lo colors. troll COFFML - -112 bags prmie Rio and Java; Caseekce-40 bar mould, dipped, and sperm; Carrot-1501as Cream and tingnnh enns-20 dos Hemp and Manilla; • Csana-150 Mutts; CLoVils—i banal; Clo• 13-40 M Common and half Oranisb; Fain-25 belsand half beta Mackerel and Saletion; Gtase-54 bra auonr,d me.; Maas-1202,,Fe1me Venison; ltnesogar Cored; Trims-10011es S F and Manilla; • IDOS-15 doz Ilnienons Bank and Copyingi Bluksezell —23 kris N Orients; • •l 5 half bd.. Baku Homo; Monnem-20 doz ',coned canisters; Mareakolle-40 lbs Italian; VataumuJJ—GO Ins do Narks—Olt. kegs monad; klema-15 drubs. moaned; • Piescur•s-311 bashela bale.; Parsa —OO reams seamed, • Patmaa—lDlS lbs Ilordettar; Soar-50 by. Rosin rwd,,,:tod Steel; kids N Orleans and end - ilea; paekages linen and Illacki Tosacco-20 ha s 12, 5, et 1 Ili /map; Want lloaark—O) dos patent diull• For Sala by J WlLLl'lialle es co mrle• Core., of Fah and Wood sts, IVACYT --"-- F"E'SURS! FURS! ItUlts!—T t esubserlbers end pay foe Coon, Mink, ,lark leM, limy and Red be:, and ad kind, of sltipplug Fun, tr. highest leaseent P6c;tl4o 51eCOlt.d .1. CO. comer Firth and Wood eta. DISgbLOTION rnua Pannershm heretofore ex tr ung between James Tasxy and John Ilea. in the Limeery, Preduee arid Commission business, was &monied by mound column, on the Mt inst. Mr. John Best Intriae pox• chased th e enure Interest of James Tassey; in me tarn. the basin.. will be settled try him, at their old itand, No. 43 Wood et. JAMES 'rAtintlY, • KM! ' JOHN 11a4T- ----- _ — PaperHanging*. Q SFIrECSIONL—Writ or reeeived, by first la canal shipments, a new aoll choice assortment of Wail Payer, of the latest French and Eamern .tyres, in gold, cliamois oak, plain and high comm.o. W. fdARSIIALL, W. S. 0, 1 111.1 mll3 03 Wood Street DISSOLUTION. ICo-partheretop betetolore eilatine between S. L b. Ilutlttield and .10411 llcum, under the firm al S. D. BustoSetd & Co, it tau, clay Oseo.red by mutual eo t .,e, The lth w ottotete of o oel foto will ite reined by 3.11 Susbeeld, at the y.W Ideetty atrect, Putsburgh. Morel JUAN 31.atil D. D. DtitiIIFIDLD and uEnruir, R1C11.5 RD trill continue tee Waolcasta a,d Retail Dry rtivala la;r1 Grocery bonnets, at the old stand, rho I.II.cMT note! tie film Of B. D. uut , ILVIELD*. CO. him/tit 1. 1,40 —(mrlY I HAYIi Ibt• (IST itasoctotedivith ote, Use pia ' ga , tOrmutT , Connstiastort, and Forwarding bnai .,mymy two Foos, K. N. and W. B. Waterman. !ruiners In lams. Will be ionduetud under tau uyle o( Watenzao & Foos, al the old stand, No lit Inc Wa and 0.2 Front atTor- 1.. 2. NVATEttaIAN. t'UtSbatga, Mare& l.t, IE2O. .. ~ .. . _ • • A. OAVTlol—Attout me ONLY 0141DINAL AND GENUINE: WISTAIt'S ELLL*A2I OF WILD CHERRY, the greet remedy for CON KU PTION I AnglOrte Lett moßeloe known . in moo [or A.Rona of every sta4r, TarrCoro-1 oot., 1.te0,1!. .1. InflutlM..Cotrhs, ii.[Cdll34l of ine Lune, ti 44111.1.3 of 14 . 004, Pawn nod tVeokness In tlto aide Breari, ke., and all otket Omens?. of Om PULMONARY ORGANS. A very important <noon.. over which this Da/earn ex ens a very powerful totinente, Is UM of a DISEASED LIV • • - a In this compliant has undoubtedly praved more efficacious then any remedy hitherto employed, and to numerous instances when patients had etiolated long and severe suffering from the diseases, without recess. leg the least bentila Item verities remedies,: and when Mercury has been reamed to in vain, the use of Oaf tt4satn Inc. restored theistic= to a healthy action, and an really instance, cfremed permanent cares, after every well known remedy had failed to produce this desired effect. • Deludes us aconielling eilleanY In the difeimv above mentioned, we &len trnsl no very etleettalremedy in asthma, a complaint Veille.h4l has been extensively and demded lances!, even in eases of year. standing. %Valid, lei:termer intellzgence bar grown apsi knowledge or the clethents of health, and a Te• gard for them, and corrouethifirmely with thesirides or science have we iimitured Oak:deans or atrasiing dis• case, and averting ravagse otwithstenillog the progress we lave made; statistics snow that even now,-one sixth of the whelikopulallon the annually of consumption. One .1 Mt mom important discover,. of the emit, smelters:lug the <Munition of das Dirge CIA. of suf. (cane hunimaty, Is DIL t 'sum's BALSAM. OF WILD CHERRY. Wistaria italsain of NN Cherry is a ante !lethal Medicate, composed chiefly of Wad Cherty Dark and the gi , thav Deland Moshlthe hour imparted capfets• ly lOC this purpose-) the ram medicinal moues or which are also combined by a new chemical therms, with the extract of Tam, dins rendering the whole steepsnd the most cortann and efficacious remedy covered for 'CIifiIidUYIL"XION OP THE LUNGS. Still further evidence. of the remarkable curative properties of this inestimable preparation:. • Sus. Urea. co., 0., Aug'. 21, Ids. Messrs. Sandford tr. Park, Gentlemen ; Abbot mix creeks ago I recetved the agency of WISLIP. Balsam of Wild Cherry, bet with rome reluctance on my part, 11. Inc reason that I had beta the agent of so many pills end other nostrums; which were cracked op to be something wonderful, but which turned out tc the sod to be of teeaount whatever, except to the man. nacturen lin I eandidly admit that this time I have neon deceived, for the extraordinary amuse:feet. by Wista. Salaam have convinced me that "good can come out Nazareth." Your agent lett me oat dose , en bottles, winch are all gone—having been the means of eurine several obstinate cases of Consumption— and Dormant.; for what I see alai know I am bound to besieve. One case in pimientos A young gentle• m. in Winchester. Adams county, 0., 10 miles fro this place, was oared or C0.114.131k when the doe. tors by wren him up, or At least could do nothing for blot, and it was the intention at his friends to convey hilt to your city, and placehtm under the gore of same eminent physician there. But a friend told him of Balsam, and that be could obtain itof ma. Ile scat foe it, and Wm., the second bottle won gone he was sound and well, and attending told, every day business. As there am several Inquiries for the racdas tine, it would be well to forward an additional supply IAIIII . OO delay. Very respectfully, yesirc, LAM/IEIU NRWLAItT The shove, tram L.. Newland, fisq.,• bikhly respect. Ole country merchant, commends Weil forcibly to we candid aticuslon Of all those who hese doubted the great went of WisurS Wild Cherry Balsam: Remember the orlllinul and only ermine Wistaria Ullman pi %%lad Cherry, was introduced in the year lfD, and boa been well aged in all cOmplaints for which It is recommended. - For 17 yearn It has proved more cflicnetoun as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, In( lironcluta, Asthma, and Consumption In its iu tipiela stage., thee any other medicine. LOOT VOICF, tic., RESTORM Nate Ilmrono, Atg. 10,1619. Me. S. W. Fowl, Hoeingseen many COMOCOVOII OOtliOthed in relation to fir. %Visuals Bolanna of Wild Cherry, 1 tate °ppm, inty of offering a wind In •ita favor, which you are SIAO at lingaty to publish. A row otouths !Mel , ely wifo's lungs hectare, so much of reeled wain n sudden cold, that rhO toot her voice, and suffered ruvercy tram pains in tho onset Ilan slum non ceused km friends lunch alarm. thoseea tr ilohonl stroegly recommended by who rod 11,1 purchased a bottle from yen; agent In this place. alio toot It accorg to dire-mons, mid tt pro ilaced wouderful effect- d ol e fore lama une bottle the had completely recovered her voice, the:pain. subsid ed, and her health no is roon folly re-established. Yours, truly, 1111N11% O. BRIGHTMAN. To Datamkra LOD Denham to MODICUM—ThI col cheated and infallible remedy forthe mire of Consump, Mem &AM. and Liver Complaint, hash y its own me.' rite, been rapidly, sore sad safely working its way ebr o ughthe °epode= of quacks and counterfeitets, by. lis or it t . r e le l i a va m le o e . t r o n t i t . nrinsie cellence ,i it tits In the confidence ble P aTit a tcfg . c u n ' t and ' lAh e t: . ne4 t fi e atil s l ro . f tyt O r h en o a d . u tf d th t e c o o :otivne been n~ Relied and eared by this valuable okogle, will show that It stands ennvalled—at the head of MI other ine- Moines, for Dm Core Of Macaws for which It to reCOO, mended. he immune Dr. Wisturla Balsam of Wed Cherry la now for sale by dely eppotracd Agents, and reapectable dealers LO medieban, to all largo .isle. and all Important to teroughaut the United Mates. Mot St pea It I Ste Houten for • Bo w b y 1, pARR, biticemsor to Somdford &-Peri,l Age nt sad and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, Genera M a s tAe rot the South and Went, to whom all order* ae J r L.Wilcol,Jn Jame. A. Jones; 7. Rldd it Co; B. A. Pittsburgh. L. T. Waimea, Wash- Fatineatoek & ingUng W. 11. Lemberuin, Franklin; In 11. Bowto, Uniontown, IL Welty, lirtwnsbergh,S.Hounts,Somer tee Scott & ( O liver", Bedford, Reed &. Son, Hunting don; &Ira. Orr. liollideysborm 1111debrue 1 & Co. Ind, ante 1. R. Wright, Meantime-, Evans a. Co, Brook ville; A. & Son, Wayucsburgb; hiliaziand & C., N. Callender, Meadville; Burton &Co, Er-a; J. Magofbn, Mercer; .Inmemßelly & Co, Butler; B. Smith, Beaver, J. D. Sommer:oe, Warren; F.L.&C.S.Jeeets, Comleo.l444pore P. crooks:, jr, Brinlyll4,. • 147001 'MEDICAL.' QELLERIY FAMILY "IliD/CDlES—wngg spathe 1.7 medicines of the FAMILY, • • • Graham Burden, Ma, May ag, Ballets-1 think liright,fer thebeneatef others, to state' some attain tellstOn ntt you excellen t mlly kiedieinni. • 1 have need Tone, Yerininne Inrlitelyi my own family. one vial frequently expelling large qmiatidei Isny re to WO warms) from two children. have also card your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup Inmy f a mily, and they . t ace, In every instance, predated the effect. desired. • As lam exraxed merehandising, yam able be state, that I have yet to hum of the first where . your your !eve been used-in any wear of the country. In conclusion, I may stale that they are tin -medicides of the day, and are destined to ham a very extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully. AV If PtIINELL._ ' Prepared and said by R. B. @ELLER% No Wcod street, arid sold by Druggists gr.nerally in, the two chits and neinur. Je7 t.U.s.lte tAntlLs sitlUitlitstaS--••Tues are iss bledlmens of the day! , Mu USN% Swam, Ohlo,May R: &Sellers: 1 think it right for the benefit of others to state some the - . in relation to year excellent Eno* ly Medicines. 'hare essd y. Veradtarre largely la my mentar dy, one via.Wre,untly answering for apellinyl qu.tins. (nay Ito :col worms from two childore 1 has. alga a red year Liver Fill. and Cough Syrup in my Stonily, and th ey have In every instance p ro duced the effect desied. As 1 ant e ngaged in merchandising, am able to state that ior e yet to hear of the- host toile. where your medicine. have been used in my section or the country. lo conclusion, I may state that they are to medicines of the day, and ore dunned to bare a very extensive popularay Tours. roe teciltilrk,e4Li; sc. IL Prepared .11 sold by • F. 1.):104,No dr Weal street, and 1,01.114 aeueralltin the two ei ne. And vicinity. - 'AT "lt ClfiatAT CUItE LIVEIt vOrdr, original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Soon Cam. Ohio county. Va. March 26th, 1919. Mr. Ti. E. Sacra: Dear Sir—l think it a duty lowa to you and to the pcblie rmera 1 to stale that I have been MY..icted with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly that an abets, formed and broke, which le ft me in a very low mate. Maims heard o f your Ceebrated Liver Pills being, for sale by A R Sharp,' in %Vest Liberty, and recommended to ate by My physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to ewe them a fear trial_ 1 parchaecd era bor,,and found them to lum what they are • recommended, THE BEST LI VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking four boar. I find the disease bao entirely loft me, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yours, ' DI COLEMAN. • West Liberty, March 20,180. I raid!) , that I me personally acquainted untie Mr Coteau., ,and can bear testimony to the truth at the obese I.•ertificate. A R SHARP Tar, cimina Liver Pills are prepared- and 'old by RE 3. LLERS, Plo 57 Wood street, and by druggists lathe !wo cioes. TO THE eußuc.—The originelt only Wm and gen uine Liver Pine aro prepared by R El Sellers, and have ha name stamped in black war upon the tat of etch and hi. signature en the outside weeder-AIR. Others are counterfeit., or bue imitations. . • sold RE 9ELLERS,Pro priemr . DLL. JAYNE'S VAILIIIINATIVNI BALSA/11 I IyROM th e Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop alas Clergyman eine Proteetant blethodistChuren The undereigned having been afflicted datingthe p ail nieleT with s emcee° oithe stomath, sometimes pro. due: ns great pain in the meaner h fo r ten or twelve heart w ithout..nterou son, and after having tried various remedies with • effect. was fetteslood with a bottle of Dr DJayne•Gi mauve Balsam: Thisbe used ac cording to the dirtier orA,mtd Coned invariably thattliis medicine coastline pain to abate in three or four mire ums surd in fifteen or twenty Initralesevell mammy scnaniion was entirely quieted. The medicine was af• terwardsused Wllenever Indica:toes oldie appmach of nalnorete pe rceived,.id the pain orl.lhhrhLlY PTe , hnt• cd. 'He continued to use the medLeine every evening and smetlmtain . .ite mottung, and in a Yew weeks , health was so her festered, that the eufferer was teller ed truss a large &moo nt of oppressive pain. From ex patience, therefore. + e can confidently recommend D 111 Jayne s Carminative Leasele, u 'enter! med Rin for dAsues °lna etotaach and bowels- A StilliND For sale In Pittnburgh uatedrilrYdeg. 11 Fearth'strent, nese WO and also at thellmg 1...ma1l StlOW•it TZ. tat street. Allegheny • VALUABLY. DISCOVEILYS CONSUMPTIVE, BE ON TOUR GUARD. DR. SWAYNEII CODPOOND SIRUP OP WILD emu. ;ma onside as POI Llv- Couramption, Coughs, Colds, Amin., sr •Dronchitle, Complaint, Spitting Wood, Didhanity of breath - . ing, Pain In the Bile end Breast, Palpitation of tho 11..4 Inda eau, Croup, Broken Can salluticm Sore Thrasi„Nervous Intl a of Troat, DresstandllMosses Lungs: the the most h of- • fsetaal and. speedy Gate aver krona tar any of the above disco,. • as, Is DR. SAN AYNE , I3" COTaposemd liPyrop of. Wild Claeml This medicine is no longer among those of doubtful tidily. It has peened away from the thetuaruls daily Munched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher no reputation. and usimcoming more attentive-' ly coed then any Mims preparation of Medicine , swat produced for the rehet et sedating/nen. It has been introduced very gc.relly through the' United States ems Eurcpa, sod there are few towns of Imperemme Inn whet truism mean remarkable evi dence of Its good effects. For proof of the foregoing atateinems, and of tli, valve and erdiacy of this medi cine, the preerictor :nil insert • few of the mazy thou sand imtinionials 'stick have been presented to himay Men of the fart respletability—men who have higher eira-• of moral rta:iouribility and joadee, than to ter. ofy to facts, because it will do slather a favor, and ihoauetves no eninstite. Seek testimony proves COO. ciusively, that its siren.. excellence is establialmil by its intrinsic merits, and the nr.emeanonable author,. I ty of public: opinion. The instantaneous relief it MI fool. mid Cm stool.; influence diffused through the' whole ft...me by its sew, Itridera It • =St agreeable remedy far the afflicted. REMOIBERI • "When men, amens from consctentiotta impulses, ant...wily bent testimony to the troth of a thing, or pante tilos fact, such testimony, being contrar y to their 1...0i1y Interests and pi:motes, coerces conviction of , treat.iu anircommends noel! ins special manner to K wave.; credenee.”--irilogoe• Moral Maxims. REAL THE HOME CERTIFICATES. Salts Ariarilea Ceti or l'elarrnealll, CorablirilOrr— There never our • remedy that has been es aucceasful Cdroperme ens. of Commeaption, es Dr. Swayise's Compound Spat? of Wild.tingerry, rtrengthens the nyeter., enti ty .mar t a c h toh oo .;o4lcers on he labY r•ol1 g ner ..Ml.Poaosod ho reilett.O. Cumrsaas, April OM. leaa. 15r. Eit sync—Tie'ar pH: I verily kellero your COM. poeag S,rop of Wild Cowry. Wy been the one at saving my life. I caught a severe kola, which grab, any grew worse, an with revere cough, mat resisted all Um remedies 'which thud recount to, milt creasing anal my ease exhibited all the sYmptoura of PolmoriaryConsumption. ',Every thing I , tried seemed to have no elect , coMplaintineranted co rapid- ly Met friends es myself, gave up all hopes oil yourry. At this rime I was recommeaded to toy invuloolile medicine: I did 00 with the most hap. Pr resale. The Gent bona! but the effect to looses the cot, ceasing Mr to espectorme freely, and by the ern . I had toed Mx bettles,lwaa entirely well, tad am rio as hearty a m. as I over seal in my life, sod would be happy to give any tefermatlearewoung my 1 116 othcr sufferers clay derive the banal for ; which lam so grateful. For the truth of the Moan statement, I refer you to Peter Re., Groom, Wait Chester, l'a. t of whom! purchased tho medicine— - 11“pentolly years, ' /etas Mamma. ' Tirmanful Cure of a fletholim /Viragos Dr. Swayne--Dear Sin I feel a derma gratitude des to yea—and a dozy to the Meted :ally, to offer my bumble teathaony In favor of yoga storestedrap of Wild Cherry. Seale three years I nra3 violently attacked with cold sad Inflammation of the Lange, hick va...asmaaesetompanied with t distressing b and head, a very consider s . f.fen&il‘;iitirge'oroeleasire from the lungs, espe cially upon cliango el weather, hever slight. At grill felt no alarm Moloney condition, but Woe pretty mood convinced Mut l was rapidly going into congener,- rev, daily weaker, and at length was •Oareer ly able to walk about, or speak above a whisper, such was the exceeding weak.an of my langs. boring this time I had tried +annoy pryparatlona a ce prieseripu, bet found no relief—growing all the li leer/. Just here I was advi..ed and persuaded by dear Mend in • Wiltaington to make trial of ToarSYmill of Wild Cher ry. • I mast <Meal that ',realm:L. l y I hod been preja. I theird against patent mcilletnes, and I oar still against those coming out of the hands of eutectics, but ander standing your etiOnim fo din profession and pmedce of medicine, and awing implicit faith in the saying of my Mends, fforthwoh puretinsed of Dr. Shaw, toe of your agents, a few hooka, and commenced its ma My dia. ewe wee al ths.imc of Mier g 5 mouths' standing, con sequentiv it was dealt teased. I found, however, conaideMble relief from the use of the Grit four or five bottles. Lint bring a publia speaker, I frequently at tempted to preach wan my thrumming strength, and thereby ropnwei these vessels that had already !gegen to heal; in nos way, doubtless, my cure was greatly retarded, In dosegaenee of acting thus imprudentl I had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before! was pe.- featly restored I have' no qcestion, a much small number of.bottlos would have made me woad, ba the above inductee.. The Syrup allayed the fore tell habit, took yeray the distressmg cough, put &all, to the discharge of matter from the lungs, mil gay them nail the mare aysieue good health. I have defer red offering this ceruScate until now, for the parpos• of being peace-re satisfied with the permanency of the core, and now atoll fuel perfectly well I offer it with plea:rate. Rev. P. Joseara Dublin cowls}, N.C. imponarst entsteint—Bask Real • There irbut u °gear:line preparation of Wild Cl.. and that is Dr. Swans's, the first ever offered to the public, winch tau been said of throughout the United States and soma parts of EuropeL and all pre petitions cartes by dim name of Wild Cherry have been pat out muse thts, under Cover of some deceptive circumstances, di order to give currency to their sale. lid rilittlo' obsarvation, no person need mistake the genuine from il t • false. Each bottle of the genet. is enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, with the Ilkdoess of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swnyne's signature: and ie further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayze will ld added liereatter,so as to distinguish his preparatios•rom all otters., Now, if Ii was not toe thegrent corative'propcnies and known virtues of Dr. Sway tires tomttound Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons CberrY• would toot be endeavoring to tve currency to their “fiCtitiOys near.' sins" by steal g the name of %Vail 17.ement d her, Octal beer le mind the name of Dr. Swarr.e nhe aot deceived. Principal tiler, corner of Eighth and Race Meets, Philadelphia. It o ,. ra ts pah,ft.sala and retail by OGDEN EL SNOW , DEN, eat hi aoL Wend sir D A FAIINESTOCK Co, tor Ist tuts Wood, nd 'nth and Wood Co, NVltl 21101;N:ff I NI-stiltei oil Ii JONES, ISO Liberty .Li A J O NES, CO, stiantl and PC. HA; JOHN MITCH ELL, Affemben. cap, and by all respectable dealers to euribrine.ie,c octid r Rale Clump, rkNE handsome baggy, courtly itew, from a idle heated Mmuulacturef We east. Alto, a Phila. doiphutlt second hand Sulky, in good order. l En quire at in lioiis office. . _ . Prue PRATT'S PATANT SODA ASH. Price Deduced. rFVI g o y 69 Lflgkel, Glax s l md i to o p . ra , l2l .k b: n st , hada MI, Witrr“ted tUlpetiOr to any other brand r t 3% by the quEntizy Orri-1111.0/ . upwarg for curmay or unroosed Notes, at four mouths. or :21 for a 14444144 n. IttY. WA fil !SITCOMTREF., lee Libeny street. TAILORS , GOODS, AT COAT - . 7--- 'IOI,OPISEV, FLEMINO A Co havlng arranged to ILL give their cOlita allelllloo t o the sale of domestic Woolen and Conon (Mods, nom offer their large German of Tellers' 'Trimmings, Vestinge, French and Gannon Cloths, Doeskin o, Sassinteres, a.e. at firm eon. HERSEY, FLEMING A CO 4 14.W00d et IUDLEACININtI PUWDE/d-20 casks .las Mospratt & JIDI/ Sons' bra n d, e superior artiele, for sale by • • novfl W k M MITCIIELTREN Alb , prati's Soda Mb, and lu casit wearldno Powder, arrived per ship Oxenbridge, nad new coming no by canaW &l, tar sale by . :N. Ill—Tber r eseed, during Om veinier; largo aapvillea .1. Naar I ielaanc wn‘lin - lirrivlLS—Wroanht Iron ffolnthaT . emer; our-ante* be co on hand and stlPPfind to order Iwo i . N „ AA , N IDRINTINti PAP and tati sals by 111 +Su nu YU' • inches, on A II MOLISH s CQ 7F. W , n4 0; ' BOOK 17311)E. I LKOAL AND COMMERCIAL COWON I'I , L&CE BOOK--Conteining the &deem of We Samoan Dinut of the United num and et. the 're spective Sista Cams oa Dille of Exchange. Clieeby end;Prewirsory Notes-detains their middies; and properties,And lure stipidne - their Wallows toi and anew upoti,aartiet. The whole avenged to an order moat carreement for reference, and roltable for too mediate n pplinchic. 07 Win. Linn, Oranaallor st Law. Joan received on for Ybk. by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON lee • - Dcataellere, ear. ?Stahel & Third eta. -"—NroliGiezybroU Litaribtura. bront.-Yedurbery its Ine and ManefactitrAlLD&& ' Philosophy of Neter. iSmo. •-•,„hilow-Aphenrrne and lieSeetlons. IZao. - P,„_hhro-Enalish Literature. Leeto. • Bryant-what I saw In California.- St. Pie.-Peal and Virginia. 2 vols. ,10no. • , . Altair-Lcuert to Tong men. limo. • . Thm , he-Keetinado of Dam= Nature. Mo. • • . Vcricoar-hicilem French Literstare. • ricemtiam-Iluntan Masnetiern.. Humboldt-As eete oi Nature. • • Reoreadosui. Jed i • o. hY JAMFJ3 D LOCKWOOD • m • 101 Faellb " • • SPXCIAL NOTICOL TO THACIUMIL.: PROVE soa CHARLES DAVOS has SYet pct pared • new arithmetical work, a will be presented to each and erary,Teacher in the . United titetes.vmheet charge, upon their application H. English C0.,10 Wood street, Pirtibtqg h t (poet paid.) The work is emoted • GRAMMAR .op luirmEnc; Or, dn,„Learytis entre Ler , ,,ege of kens and ed- Nm • _ The following noticenee of cooed r. pied ham the Neir York Trlbene of Jan. te1,1450: • "thaSoux or More[winger Caws Dartma,L.l.. D. item*, pp. 144.)—1n We work the learn. et keret. and °Obstruction of numbers, are eater.* enalexed. The alphabet, competed of ten figures-the words do. rived tom the alphahet, and the 'law. by which the figarea an connected arlthi each otheryare elearly explained. ..•"Theanaly,ls atidarath.at•thete analysis shows that there me bat loss loan dred and eighty eight elerientuy combinations to Arithmenq each corresponding to a word or oor cam. mon language, and that these combinations ate con:sealed together as to be all expressed by only'' sixty three diderent words. 'The system proposes to —amitabesewttds to metoory t and then rat! -the 21==r3D=MI "In another impact the system proposes an bittort.: , ant change namely: crnsider and treat all (tendons asentire things, having • given !elation to Monett erta . from Which they weredertved. • • ! Wet scarcely need say that the little work evinces . the ingenuity and skilful analysis, for which Professor Thrice' writing on this ancient are Justly celebrated. . We commend it to the attention of practical bathers. believing that they will find It a rowdcd with new and valuable .oggeetlaos" From the, niateors at Mit' "Murata Aeamtlir or U.S. Wier Ponce, 154.17.; "The Grammar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, presents the subject In a new light: It so analyses Arithruetio as in' Impents the mind o( Ma learner with the-heat • principles of mathematical science In Weir right order and connection, and the new rates for the reading a (Louts are of great practical value. Signed, - W. IL C. Bartlett; Prof. of NaL &ELM& A. E. Cherett, Prof, of Mathematics. D. U. blab. Prof. or Engineering." • A.S. BARNES & Co. would respectfully arinounge tesehers, and to ad .interssted hi ma th ematics l in. struction, that they will publish, on or before theist of August. HO, the following work:— THE 0.,0010 AND [MLITT OP MATHEMATICS: Cr tri Analyses of the Principles of the Beience—of • dte Nature ofthe ressoniad—end onto heii l b l .thods of Imparting Insouction. By Chas. Davies, Author of i'et Complete System of - Mathematician. r_ N. /3.—A. S. Bathe. & Co., are the publishers Davies , System of Mathematics. Far sale in this city by A. H. ENOLiSH & Co, No. n Wood street : • .. • feb2: • Now Jictlnlopian iLLolodli (AVVINE to Han all Tilett4 Dolly . Day; l 7 Dole) , Jones; Go down to de Cotton Medi Nellymes a Lad) i &e. I .. ALSO: . t • tte kind to the Loved One. en Home; Re* tby boat lightly; _True Love, by T.Rood; Our way across the sea, &Lett; • A tlew medley song, by B.Covert; Jenny Gray, mode by Moller; Joys that were crowning, Wedding March; God bless the hardy usasine; Schuylkill Waltz Conseript's Departure, by W. C. Glover,. Sounds trow Rome; Waimea, Sleyermarldsche Co; Last Rosa of Sommer; easy voriatloni by Bent • United States Polka; Ladles'' Souvenir Polka;• Own Cracker Quadrilles Looloville Qoadrille; Beauties of Italy; DodUs, Trios, der A largo assoruxeritof New Maio on band.towhielt additions are rondo weekly. ' - For Silo by feb23 • J. IL MELLOR. St Wood at. • T LIE WAR WITII.IIk.XIDO, by D. E. $ Memento of Ithetcetel ion:noticing an Alit ot the Levis of More Evidence sod of Persimmon; by Maud Wbeely, D. D. • Emmy on Chfictian 13apthon; by DaptieW. finetd:a Tho ()Odes, a ' • • • Fairy Tales, from all Nailong b•y2thony R. Bice labs; 'NM illustradons by Doyle. Just reed by JOHNSTON & STOCRTON, • dclo • • comer.Turrd and Market strre*s ow rICL I ED SCEZIEr C USA T 17 Headley, eieven original designs by Dark,. Poems add Promo Writing*, by Rrehnrd ii. Dana; II •al'r marlin Plumb:Med Gems et' Sacred Peery, With six Utast= dons engraved on steel; by John Sartain. Jest received by JOHNSTON te STOCKTON, de.2l corner Tbird and Menet as. =l:=2 PIITBICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical Mew f the mutual dada, relations and interests of the Medical Profession and the Community; by 'Worth ington Hooker, M. D. Thn Works of hlichael De hlontaigne; complilting his Essays, Letters, he. By Wm. Hoslett. • Nineveh and its Remain. Try :Austen Hemp Lop ata, Esq., D. C. L. Glimpses of Spain; or Notes of an Hrifutished Tour In 1347. I.ly S. T. Wallis. Zty . pees Proyerbud Philosophy, new edition; BEM- Jost received by ' ' • ' JOHNSIVN,E uthcrroN, n 059.1 comer Market and Third meets • tap standard ittatar7.. TYUMEN YoRT OF ENGLAND es cow pub: fishing by Huper tr. Bre'. le 6 rel. cloth and paper. at 40 cenu per vol. Three vole received, and for rate by R BOFFINS, new- t 9 Apollo 'leading. Fourth et ==tl . . . r.anint.sa Voyag,by Ilermav Alelliillo it author of .I`yvee," ` . 0.n00.. Aa. History of .King Alfred of Eugland, by Jacob Abbott watt fine engravlnga. Sidottia the Sorceress; by Wm. bteinbold. JOHNSTON t STOCKTON. coml. Thad and Markeumeta One of eke itiser .Nestuarialfer Works of eke Age." - IVINEVE.II AND YTS REMAINS.; with an seem:int of a visit to the Cheadienn Christie. of Karats tit, and the or Deeil4Wursitippers• and an 'lnquiry Imo the Mennen and Arts of the Ancient As. sytians. Hy Austen Henry La andPA.; D. C.L. Introductoly Note by Prof. E. oD. D., •13..., D.' Ittnetteted with 13 pint. and maps, Robinson ; 'mid 90 wood cum 2 setae.. cloth, 54,00. .The book has a rue meant of craphie; vivid, pt. turesque narrative v—Tnhunc. The work of Layard is the mast prominent cantri.' button to the study of malquiry, that has appeared for teeny yeers."—Christ. LK. "toot one excels in interest the account of Nineveh and its Heins, given by hlr.Layard."—%yashinguin IntaWgencer. "As we follow the diggers with breathless interest lu eir tore ..e.t .. mati l Li n Dlgte „ d r Zde , :pi n . .0141ritiC11 be= new lifting Ito giguntlo bend from the dust of accu rac y 7iars,we are ready to cry oat with the astonis hed 'Arabs, 'Wallah,' it is swonderfe4 but it is heel , depenov63dent. t FIM sale by JAMES D. LOCEWOOD n - 63 Wood6lL LBEWOWOMEN of the - 04 and New Testament Edited by B. B. Sprague, D. D.. 1 vol. Imp. Sao., ily bound; 18 exquisitely finished engraving.; with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS 1W AMELI A, Mrs. Welby, of anew and enlarged edition; ilituarated by engravings from original deems. by Wler. 1 voL aquare Soo., elegant ly hound and gilt. Alao—A variety of splendid.Annu. au and Gilt Books. Sewell's Child's First Book of the Binary of Roma. vol. limo. THE MEC,IIANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the nee of Carpinten, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw yers, Lumbermen, Student. and Arta.= generally: being a thorough and practical Toronto on Menem.. (lon and Me Sliding Rule. By D. M. Kamer, A.M. • 1 Boise'. Treatise no Greek Prose Commend... 011endoriPs Ekmentary French Grammar. By Prat Greene. of Brown University. teal. lemo. , Retediger's I:escorts' Hebrew grammar, by Conant. Gesemns' Hebrew Lexicon. Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmin Tables. 1 vol. (sheep.) The Eng li shman's Greek Concordance. l voL(manst, lin.) Anthon's Classical Series. Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Soo. do do unabridged. 1. vol. 4to. Banae's Notes and Question. on New Testament Whotelyl Logic: Mosheines F.eclealastical Watery. 3 vela and. 11 vols. (sheep.) Vestige* of Creation. I vol. i a Mornings among the Jesuit. at Rome. I vol. (cloth ' and paper.) Scene. where the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and paper.) Bogue', Theological Lecture. loot Svo.(eloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. • lloyer's French Dictionary. ' Smart's llome.e. For salerby •31.HOPEINS, , • novl3 Apollo Building. Fourth ot woras o II Montaigne, edited by 11. Hallin, comprising. Ns Essays, Letters, Mid Jammer through Germany end Italy, with notes Dorn all the Commentators, Moran.. Mal and Bibliographical Notices &a. • Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives and Methods o( Good School-Keeping, My David Plage, A. M. Pah:wield of the State Norm 1, Albany,B. V. Frank Forester's Fish and Flatting of the U. States and British Provinces of North Amerces, by Henry Wee. Herbert. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, novri earner Third nod Market acs Th• Olden JA ME LOCKWOOD, B ook s eller and 'repeater, No. 63 Wood street, has for sale a few coplucom- Plet.,Xthe remainder of the edit' a,) of this valuable work, devoted to the Prammation of Documents, and - other authenue iniormation relating to the early ex. ploration a, settlement and improvement of the comae,' around the head of the Ohio. By Neville B. Craig, Esq., of Pittsburgh, in M vole Soo. novitt J. D. LOCKWOOD. °MAIN LIBERTY: P. lhatari, 'MU a clew of the Liwny of other Art that' Nation*. my Samuel Elliott; Esq. Ilium/sled with swerve eograrmgyeze• 'awed at Rom. 2 Tole, flua, welfare: With lateoct's Blooded Watts. Just publiahed and (ocean, • jortiicg LoClisVofJD, 'Booked:or and atone its all Wood at VANN 1 , Kt:3I2LE: IN FIVALY ' outheiriaiatart, Ilnao. 73 ota.. MU. FANNItEIaILILE,d YEAH OF CONSOLATION. "Tbe reading of this book kaa Imprersed au with mach higher opinion of ha wain than we had fanned from pentstng her other written*. It display a deeper tone of thought, united to mare pure we...WY rhea of feeling than any other production, of the [canine mind with which we are acquallited ~ - Fice. Minor. tit it a very agreeable and readOldbook,ritteam, Fanny Kemblele beet style—bold, apemen , and enter.' Mining. We recommend it to.oar tinder. as the km publication of the eeterni.o-Itglidlog Oat. "It eocuuns tb e Journa l of ..travel through lihtrepe, , and mid... in jrmy and ir•ono of the pleataateat d mon interesting Loots of the season.”-,-Cour. and En Atioirer.. • A very 'characteristic boOk. We b a re read Brno; title pyre to Colophoo erita anabated interest. - A si: rid pootore of Ide to Ream lo all respect* erairterdli readable."—Knickerboc ker. For sale by JAAIF..9 D LOCICINIXtD; ,',..' ~Lo Bookseller tr. Imoollor; MI Woodkt, ' - -- 301 BOXES toyg.,}tattititl26°oll: able caplet , reed dad at A 41AABON & CO, spa -- Market Diu . 0® eagaVeared taaadtala ail of mak% ta;s4lo7 t_ 4pl a144141411M94144 LXCHANUE 11'..110p1X111 11101311. 8 . 4161111f01if 11,-li:X.Chslll6•-.2 NOTSADLAIIISCSPTAT - NeIIII,GOLD,BILEop - D BANK NOTFA. ' COLLBCTIONS..-DrallAy Notes and Aceeplastat yr able in any part of the Union. collected on Lae Sie--lANGS on P:P4 tart,: Philadelphia ale ", Salmi Cincinnati, Lotilsof.le ‘ Saint Lolda New Mean., eonriandy of sale. IIANS NMM-- , .—Notne on - all aoleew hat . * In nited. Snow discounted nt loweet ea - es. All p k . of Pater wad Amerman Go:d and Silver ta.r_bwe an 01100 No. 55 Mutat sleet,botwear arc!.4lt. Pittahlargh, Pa. .lO - .• • •' • . rondosfra.crlAXOWs ELL/15 on Enatehd,lthithl.; nod &tram .1 t,oigh,.. . uor wootost: et the Correct Errs o '3..echange; Drafts parable in any put of the r. Canines" frent,tl to.llooo, at - the row ot vs i*ilm X Sterling, whhcottdedactiem or dur.ows , 4 OW% A RqpZi. sort, garopeanliad,Oestall awl, V , oat Sakti ohs deorweet or wood. . : . ouzo dedoczaa m. on•IAD PAM( aglldßl k .1 • Fe l t FrESAA,,EN EXCIIIPBI4 . i ame k tificordol of ado, Dapk.•l.• . radii Coto, Amer of ad sad Wood smear s &AKIO .pk,3141%. 94. TuFrizltita irtni!pa " puctmied u, al lOwtst nites, by- S'A 14'84 . 1 pl 3 !i°9 3 : 11 ,4 ih k soNs, (117 u u,:r " New: Fmk ainitssay roi sal. by N. 11011aLtt sepi3 .nurkme..l Di RN bi lIPENDMAI • ILLEILS. lane Tea an d Cr -, • COUII4II 4 , ./lANCOV.TiIa ~ 1 F A lll,LlN.,.°4lldo.orth.,Disai - ond,Pidiar. .. are new °damns althe Very lomat prices to , ;eaa. Rectified %Vhisker, ilin ;and Domeaue Btandll.ail: French Brandy, Holland GIN Jamaica Ad r ~i - r don gin, frish Whisk. y.c . lioni, de. .deira, Champagne, Claret, Alga atoll, - 11, Malaga, aside andlLiabon Winea.Wholesalett cast .. PAPER.:-.Alsrgryi en blid or o order, du voricois.Wer O ti f Pr . t.Pop , o Z P rartr2p C p.l ' n ' nio rd p ' e d rl ' Cir , w a rtri 24, l Doiblo Crown roit race rapper; . PostoboOrd,rO , • Wfit3 W • ~ rya7l7 '.ltent for Clinton Milli JOHN WATC k Caihmin romored'theit r Groceriero) the opßozoo,ol4, of IllheetY WWOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and 'hem. TY ward. By Marla 3. Mahwah, author of .431taxma Colutterehanns," "Tti zeal:mod to be.” I val Lama. Utter Day Pamphlets, TlO.l:—Tho -kiaaettl /Dd. By Thomas. Catlyate. it Caotagsaa.—blentalnlorLee and. Writing' 'o r Thee. Chaltoels, D D., L.' - Protections on Boller'. peerxEvirltittee t ttf Chnattanlty, too; LEIN loatare on Divinity, eilth taro. Inuodoetery LT g tatell .04. four ,toomaeo. dolia arid in the New ohlo, TALuburgh, by. Thome! Chalatera, p, D., L. L.: D: 1 vol 12mo. , . • Damn—Life of /oho Calvin, compiled that lathe¢- iic aoarces, and partioalarlyfrom hu eortsapcuideocea. By Theatas LI plat, sit'ith poltratt. 1 0 0112.4. For mle by , i . R IiOPHINY . ap47 Apollo B. • laza. Poutth n. Dostriages Cared. • 1 : From the New York Tribune. • ' APRTEND,!whose'Siord is most-reliable, WWl* hes no possible intdrest In the matter, bol one of gratitude, dashes us togay, Mat he has been erred of mveterate desfuess,by thecae of “Scarpa% Compound Acoustic OiLu Philadelphia medicine, which Is not for sole la this city, but.whlch he thinks ought to be, for the good of tho afflicted. Helms a sister who has also been cored by H.;. Its cogently advises ell .mho n.r^ selrerinr from dentine's, to tor tide remedy, with an Mauro:tee 0.o; mans th e ease extraordin ary, emperiMent will prove abundantlysocemsfuP - . , For sato uvar. PEKIN TEA bTORE, , fah!! 70 Fourth st, Pittsburgh Cortibil Combs! - 2CO: 9 ,ORO3srZqiII . A.-L l ' ) . 4 *.d° 7 " 7 ""° , .nper ktogu= ' Flant nodding; : . U ." Pot let Combs; isco 'Wood " 1060 de z nez'd Fine Jvc6ll Mho!' Bide Ca ,mbr . • 10 " zrpor lame Thx¢aloi 210 fro. susz'd Sae Combs; tool andfoi sale .fyr • 161.5 0 Y410E14108 tdolket H 011041.111 Duff Hollasadt IrTi.gkE NOTICE—That W. McClintock hie thlinitY . .1. received weenie**. et the finest and hest Boer Windeisr floll.d,roarhich he would most reireettolly call ;he attention at .his. easterner. and the publie,in TenereL - ' nir carnet Wen Reents, leenrth E.• jinn 'O6 ' O .,: if t, I 77 TAJA . - 31 . !!i m r . egd e A.ceebraxe7 . " 1)1 i 4 43 I. MELLOR. ei Hooka Just Roe slyer.. I 11111 E Complete ‘Vorts f J tr, llunyan, 7 001% Pi o, J. In 1 vol, Illustrated; muslin and grit Blocs • bluebell's Ulbiltnillita Sehool ticograpl;), • llayrwork, 1•01.13roo Town's &only ms aril Speller. I ' Ltfe of John Q. Atiamic by Wm. a P Aron . vol, : Poemsuslin oby Elm Rentans; I v01,12cr.0, South's Bennonts—ScnnotupresPbed .rhitl occasion% by Robert Booth. V. . a 1/011, , Cdtti014 vole; including Posthumous Dleccrastr , Same-4 vols. in T sheep, eStre • ; For ma. b 1 It IT - .7a.1N5,. 16141 Apo' • Ito , Fourth st. El=== Imre mcnottier . • d: /pLIE undersigned, =censors to Artiotts Nichol eon, beg leave to infanta the eo• rres of Pittabungh and public generally, that they I '.n• - built the M OLE FOUNDRY and aro (till operation, and pine hove pan of their paemt ready Cr. • the marter.-, Inomegst vedeh nre Cooking Stoves, road and Wood Atones. with a splendid niroiobt Coal St.wo, which is now rape:coding litother citee the common round Done. Also, n cheap coal Coneing Stove, well adap ted for email Doodler, with a fall uiortment °Ceral. man and mantel Grates We would parlicularly ;!vite the attention of persona building to `call .01 ..Onr .warchonse before pfirch wing, and esamine q,splendid :article of enanenteded Orates, finished in fine style— notirely neer In thla market. Warehouse, Nalel: Libertyet, plMoolte Woodotl aurS:dtl I NICHOLSON & pav:sa. --- - - P1TT1511114.911. LIIIIPCITA'PrOfftt. • I'EAGRE„ lantedter and Wholesale Dealer In 4sla FANCY, AND VARIETY - • Sign of the Gilt Comb, 105 Market at, Pittsburg)., Pa. ••Vestens Merchants, Pedlars, and omenurns Piashurel to purchase Goods, are respeetfullyinn;ted to call and egaminn the 0,100.11 . 0 aSsOrtMint of Eng. Lab American, French and German Fancy Goods. Alll.Foreige Goods at this establishment use import-. ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely rely on got. ting goods from first hands. I have the rgest assort. meat of articles, -in the variety line, to the city of Pitisburgliall of which Will be.sold lon , for east r , r eltyacceptances. The Stock consists, In par., of Lore Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. , 8111 Cravats, fihria and PateniThreads,Scsring.., Spool Costa*, Topa, despot:acts, Buttons, Pins, :: dles and Cutlery.. . Gold and Silver Watchea, Gold Saweity, kua Brushes, Combs and Rum. Pervasion Caps . , Ilevolvers, Pisiols, Clocks, Silt . Cotton Parses, ripernaeles, 'Steel Peru, Kuria Bois. Carpet Bags and Ballteta .• Bindings, FinthogO andTrinimings. ' Toy, and Fanertioods; together with atoms sari,' ty of Fancy and SlMple IntV GOODS. C. VtiAllEß ts.nlen ogent for the celebrated T canter Combs. novr Great; Iraigllstt p.enzear. VOR COughs,Go . las t As•lirasi and ConsumptiOn! J:. GRENE AND ONLY IlFsrt , IYY teethe cdre of the obots< diseases, in the HUNGARIAN RALSAII OF LIFE, discovered :by the celebrated Dr. Bechar', of London, England, end introdneed into the United States under the immediate soperlotendeime of the loventim. The eztritordiruthr semen of this medicine, in th s enre of Pulmonary' disease., warrants the Americen Agent in soliciting for trcaunent the worst pothi bid ea ses that can be found lathe community—caecar...cc* relief Maths Romany of the common remedies of the day, end have beet,, given op by the most distinguished phyaimans as cordinned and incurable. The. Flange», an Datum has cored, and will cure, the most deep ray of oases. It is no noranno, but a. standard Eng. liih medicine, of known end established efficacy. Every family in the Vaned States should be supplied with Untabau`s Hamadan 'balsam of Life, not only to counteract the consumpuve Modenciea of the climate, be,va be and as a, preventive medicine all 'eases o f coo ho, spitting of bleed; pain In the aide and chest; imitation end eorenesa Of the longs, brochins, difficulty of breating, hectic fever, - night mute, entaci. &don end general debilirr, ethiclue, ladoenea, whooping Sough mad Croup.: ' • Sold in large bottles, at 11l pet bindle; with fall dim. dons for the rembratlon of health. Pamphlets, contaidem a miss of English and Arnold. eon cerawater, and other evidence, showing the un !quailed merits of this great Englith Remedy, may be ofimmed of the II For sale by. A ,FAlrlieolthulf & Co., earner o at and Wood and Wood mid Gth as. intallbsed IMPERIAL COUGH oliftt/Y.Ztr a tiiree 0 - N. 81210 Lllt* kri • Frrnnines, Eclerth 27,1847. mr. R. a w i ts ,, beetles lobe and yOlar c o ugh yup, I beg to state, for th e ben efit of the eommunity,.that my wife has bees time, aelleted with • most distrething cough. .I pm. chased, in J..y loot, a bottle of your Syrup, which cured a coop of two months' sundial. Munn one m o nth store, the cough returned, and was 'so severe that she could hardly move, from weakness la dm latest; I tom for one bottle o r year Cough Syrup, and a pan of one bade .redshenough f Igave the other to vjo mom. who was severelyallieted, who hod, to use his own words, ' , eaten enough cough Mandy to cure all th e people In Plusholgla," if the candy nod, s been nb geed se rearesenjed. . , Years, rdtfa lly,_ . ..hunen It. Ram, • . prepared and Sold oy .R. E. SELLERS, 3? Wood street, sadsold.by Dreggista generally in the two AJ,LZGIIMINT VP.NITIAN V . 5.,-Ett0031, 141 aatywN ,10¢11 ,pect• • t.. s t? , :; . ,..T h n l e, C. ...at he 'ocet,:de of .Ne ' .6 . lllr,Y„,"!r s gh c .Y.c. l 7, A • amplete tie 0,7, meet ot of alen 4 Ve• Ttettattere are et,. , o 01- cleat to otlytrtVlliF..,':..": Wheete rant r.r.4A.e . d l ,7' Old the eld of n sTrirA Ceti . • C. ft ie perehere.t.: e tools, ens Wood eeninet es - I .. ehlt i sh i tnenl of ttr their , trnbu..auw,w,ith T Agency - No iteWood street I Ira .• • t meht.4 ... A 110VVN. ' 7 IIPOWDITI; obey end aD d the toste elem tint the mouth, and etzeosth . M.: 9 , 5_0 4, gem., ohd P.nrliog the bream. vaeltsole aod retail, by • ; • dm 73 tATA.TOsitEI t I..CHEAPER THAN 'EVER:— ' It V Just reed, an invade ot fell jewelled patent!. sew {Vetches, 13 carets fide eases, which I can sena,. low as thirty and thirty lye dollars, and warranted w keep deed nate. • • Also—A splendid anseitinent of JEWELRY, cam , ' Qrisin6 Wu and latespdyles, end beg pane,rde.' WalchAWoniatroptotraket and Jeweler, ~ es-• of fitions o. ..dente pito. Voodwatio.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers