r~ ~ r 1,18 . PUELLISIEED,BIi , , W H 1•T;E:;11; .0 0 "• • D. It. wnrnri Is. scour. aauris am" ramp .irmEcr. Rift root TO __, • ..oui4p - Tn. tee , T .,.....--............•• Weekly, 'le edvanee)............. Do. to Claba at a iodated rata - , IMO CR • OV, ADVICHTIDINGI • AGREED {WON Dlr Ti El rivrimpuon rams. One 9qm th,(lolines of Nonpareil or lets) one I turtle. •----•••-•••••• One Pew re, each additional inserrten• • -• • 0,2 S Do. one vreek • ••••••••••••••-••• LIS Do. two 0.00 qm Do. , three weeks•-. Do. • one trionth•;••••••••••-•-••••• •rate ' Do. two months 7,00 Do. ‘, three monnii.•-• .- 4 -••••• SAS . Dor ,7jour months Do. ' RIZ menthe.•.; 12,02 ' Do. twelve monthe•-• Standing Card IS lines or keel per Mmes. 10 A One Smarr, ebne.genble at plena,. ( K r en. nnin) eieJusi ye of the paper-•••• t 2,00 • For each Iddl [local 'square, Inserted ever one morl, ano for ceekadditionsl , squens Inserted enderthe yew 171,11:=1:;Meee.ling a Mein`, knd “ e? Stump line. to be eb used asquere and e kelt ••• ashers not necounuble for legal a beyond the amount I:Marv:4llM their pubecatio. Annomming eandidates for °thee, to be Miura We nme ae other advertieement. Advertisements not marked on the copy for • „ led number of Insertions, will be connate till forme, and p m eleresected accord, e .,, ,An ig 41'1YPejtheregr'Alistte.re'rtroill wt enho*l6,o" tteemeets not pertaining to their icrula *.S egreed Mr, to be paid arms. five All advertisements for charitable tortt e ono, saro n g ' liTe, a io 4 e ' l=d ' A b rf e = ebt= Marriage colle•J tie be Che 4 0 " . " . Death not Inserted writhostehmgenaleinaccout, panled by funeral Lennudldes or oblmery,notkes, and . when so accompanied*. be Paid do.. • • Senator advertuers.end • sit cdels sending emcees, McMinn., or reel king 'oees dertgartl to call &set tle's to Fake, Soiree. Concer m ade ny public enter teininents, where .charges a r e for adatittence all notices of inired umecistions-seem • notice der signed to cell attendee to privete entreprace entente ' ted or &mended to promote , individual Interest,eut on ly be Inserted mita the %lade-unending that. the elate is to be ma for..lf.bremled to be inserted la the lo cal cohort:4 th. same Will- he charged:et the titto mot 1,00 thee 10 cent? peel, Frisbee or Fist Nonc* to by charged triple price, Timers Lkense Pettiest., S 2 each. • Legal and Blake] advertisements lobs charged st fell Fleet,- • Rost Runts Agents' sn. Sdscrtise• meats not to be classed under yearly eves, but to be allowed discount of thirty three and one tkirdpereenk Goo the *mount of bills. snrmtiroz Is.antril.V vs.u.'t Oats ECtsre, three theertione• 01, r De. each additional - insertion •.. 9Y ~; Junsrn.r•lnrtTs al waxen rams. Clue Demme, DO line.) one •nsertion ot. Do. cab additional trieertion- All tmusientedvertisereerits lo be paid in edvenee.• • WHITE k CO. Omen.. • • L. lIARPF.R, Prot. , ROLM M. RIDDLE, , 'JAMES I'. DARR k. CO, Ct•roniela . • OSTER& Dispatch. JOB. SNOWDEN, Mercury. • JAMES VI%DIDDLY, American., - • lIIRAM FAME , Prrasimad, Dee. 1, tErs. Exerting Tribune: • CARDS. JOIN[ 1 re.raciNkort,!: LiERBIA.St,-Fl'llt Ward, Penn street; between °Mara and N atant. All banisters prampuy at- .-AZSMANDICII K. 'WATSON, • • TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on FOila arett y* obe Wood. • • nail__ DAVID C. Turrtx, - A TTORNEY; AT arid • Commiarioner 'fay a Pconsylvania. St. Iruir, Mo. - comulnieutons prompUy Its.reted. • ' ocaSty JarTVI- Large • " I&AUCIE & 7111LICAD, , TTOTAITCYtt AT LAW, Fara arta nar Orate: ik JANIS'S V. KRIM; • A TTOENE;Y AT LAW—Oeme as Fourth *yea , Abe Me n Staafiel6 and Grant, riniblirel. • 1 3 . 4 ,,,,,k, Nom, -- , , Wilt lens Batmen 1 PATTON & N datiMELL, , A "ITO IiNNYB AT LAW—OfGre Inidgionszt Rai' AGrans as, near the Conic-Noes. . leb2- 40:CfrEN01.178-ina—oo.7Therd,WAad,ead, a and dewlap School Booksellers and dealers at, kinds of WrldepOTlndeso and 'Meriden . Pa. per, No. 19 Ward street. between Fourth and to mood Om TL'‘''." . • TrOltirET and Coe:moiler at Law, ard Commit. Astoner for the State of Peeinrylvania, Si. Lon* Sate of Pittabant&l • - ~• • - Itafereuees—Plaaborglit Ilea N. srware, tees &tiller, Wardle., IkleClare, John E. Parka, &M.." yr. A. wocrovrweb-• . .... •-•-•-•ItAL 1111 • 4 TioACIALRY, WOODWARD & CO, Wbote:alls 112ee No 47t Martel rt ; a • - -Pittsburgh Alkali Work,. , • no[ Sada MillaftlElT, DERRY & CO, Manofaltstro _LP Ad& Olosebing Pow den, sna Bololluzle Adds. Wtrebooso --, Waterstreet,boowFon7; R m e lutoree Relay. iarSROVd 6E. jul: noClorodc 60160E10N roavr xet rIODIViSSION MEELCILLNT,Stook sad 11 mr 111 Boa. No II Secood meet. tt. t.dly Vii 131.131111 liptiltiolll, &ad DOB' Works. otaMAN. lIMIAIAN & CO, Manalietarers et CCoate and vaiElle svinp. Hammered Axleh 1 timing and 'Moue sit 1; Iron, kr. Warthog wafer and From eateryPitutmenk. , tdalleable " " Also, dealers In Coati. Tarnaungs and aoti.l mild AYLINSTIrtr 100ROZE111, la pro-. I Cl9l7:ta ri r yakn==rge! 1.0_25,251,A1.0.i.ybunctt. .941803SINITFAI,Tor•ram.m and Coos.noton C!Wf.:VV.& CO, P0r5..104 Com A. alsolan Sloscants, Canal Bum, Piusbuntlit ri Gllerr,Wholosale Grocer Conunisaton and iorlrarcling file reliant, No, 41 Nam at, Yhts In kiirk6 Fleming a- 6. 1311i4451:14,alicPpICIIING dit Igi CO., °mosdetWVlX,E•ad Gran Gog al.: ' ,4 l l:afeng in klado of. Tailors, Trlitlfallipj, rig 117 Wood in, 4in 4°. a% 2T. "4: 4:Xilik ejOhaem . Anti MAU I. 11C(Kirt.. _ ./11L a:yawn. , r t TlEVigrt, (We liailish, Gallagher . JD 4- Ca )Vilioiniale Grocers, Counniaalan and V. grartanS aterninmay and 'Weer , ' IP rrOdUo l s and Puts bunt idanarsetaaa No. 31 Wood at., bemoan gd and t oa 7d nraata: -40-Cric--- 21FELCHANT "CIOTLICARDING .k. COMUISSION _ lUThielVettant.N. N'grd*unew.i. Pittabuwmit...l ~•. et sotd(nCe"mart.nr ' to* Cant, _kyr _WI asseliessOglicalea!,yyerrf. _ it. ScaLD, Balumare. Yi t rmoron, IDWAED It AUS naiads; , rarthiNori:47,4l:es ()ytplaistuta taco-' 'e otantstu,Nor!hy7fla et, 1c NorthVihxjai -Er,,ittIrJONIM & CO, o.enrers 41-124.°ndese.rer.c°":11`4"`..471.',1, I on ATIMAIALL. • • , ' • igre..os ire boors =LA rpeALTER & _Roder In 'French bad AMICTIC. Pa. retpangibri Obil,e,,,rt in4blor 13Indet v Flre P 4P411.4 teirAVAl Cie iXI .1.X...!!w. as tay, rrbst Ade, ritilhaigh, Ps, : i Th,Byprd, isjthitS, Oaf. Vsr i art b ri i ° Virh64 wa tt. 000 .• • 1 inithSti 1210.021 i t f " 1120 dote r IV; ea re ' 2 ' ll ritUatt 12•121 I otelsr, • Eosin Win •Z:t . : IS alai gtlelese 1619*rkasosters llsTroctneZr„,:46b V. In v . 12e 31 Fr i l la 9'"w',.10.4 Yija/..1;. deSq-• It. TOWN - Stip, Dn. -21 mt Arolikst7 No. 65 Matta ri,tbase <lours above Third et: Pitts' basih, Will have math,. etathet selectsd as' wortugot of the ben awl realms% Ildthelaa,vrhteh he mat wsll 02 the rnt maeunts t4rms rkiaalarts ending be mcn 1. tot ahotsCad to, and sap. ci.a with uieletS , 9: . 1 1_.yrn as tss , hbtL__, ...%tgren oll7l : :+r *Sti • Aloe lot r adeovlstrli!sc_ l !ft Ruh sad good reefs i-friWi-"/". ' Oath Si Warrmut a .,.. I& • owe cod rorpronlidd Sighwtewholcsaio trgir.6bw, LI w K;;g1,44.`",e,,....„.u.r. tad sue ckpbetWO.stfUlarlild 11. , 1 . *d Wind . tpag:4r *ter __IPL----4-.,- _,-!------- --. :, IrOtiNSTON & IS* 0--"TGOI, Gookneders. pp,* • ,,,, L 0 sod rape; Atddractorers, N 0.44 Altatt SU - ' ritubute.. • • ___ .gt, -.1;512.1 _,.. ittekord , T & 11:1•Ledlidi, WbblesGo Grocer*, C,olatoluldr, Moralr, , add - Deaden In Plods . , 14.4 taros* Grdlence, fronting on Liberty, Wood an Earl *maid, tiarbspr k l 1...,_ 1$ knellTdVoitc"Ar 4 ° . F 4l • l l, d t— t . ) , 4 tr,A fIIgIL ,vrirga nojlgh ,1:174 Pe.lnre '• 3 - t67,UVAl,lcl,trn,o‘t-77-Aill.kt on ern corder .I Wraccrcod g r ol**6•l4 id,* _l•4. 3 Idcrriell;Lon litl-Co,'CtrorTdd*forr I,l—e-reant7., end Moat otitis Ert. Lo.*Ste,roll Saver Ref/nray. ;do drwratat arOW Crectstmis,Pitutbargla. fenf 11 - 050 orrr &K & GO, Wholeislo Dreg:Ads, • Sid B. Vr4 4 . 2 dt*Od%r littOlkah• . r • • 111. - I ,•. E BVSINESS CA.RDS. ecall 1 OHN IT. 'MELLOR, Virholesale deale r bo Jin !Angle Alnsical 11111,40.1 and Papt Stecl adirrti.TMgrrlN, tn. tionnty renerally,No, 811V0,0041 - - eirCinik.lTZE34 xr pittyvehar= " • ""1"" 4bleTtibra, W Wend preasptly to 00 , at Greece COUIII4" , , 440(.70 __tea` -- ._ _--, • Irrinirtsue Iron Works. • • vEnd TIALZELT. k CO, • Mane& etttrera of al alses Ttar. Sheet, Seiler boa and N 0111 et the bee. ot v y. Ware le, 64 Water and 1 0. 5 Front strer.t ' • Wad Miller, PiCad.' • RikeLso Pd IA ILLER ItICECT.3ON , "% W. Vetol e esileG roc ers. bargh. and tVI lorPorters eI /Inn:idles. Wines and S.gars, P u s. In and 13, cotner of Lamm , and. Irwin strew, • bargb, Pa. ken, Naha, Cotton tiams, tce. d. 0., den. stantly on hand. . • ap4 John hrCia. rsl o• itri:l3eoßhE,NlrrirAit.ife ; tn l iFt r offr6li 41011 E. dirlitiTL—WOßßii—At3ls—BPSlNd AND AXLE FACTORY. &SAO norm, • roan v. Vers. , JONMS & 41DICIO, *nth of Wing and blister _mo MX t, Neal, stool plough wings, coach and slip tenblenls=, r e a ns=l:g " , VrlV= ruerAY,enroor ofitoand i' s root 02.., Plttabllqo fet_26__ 110LNIES h. SON, N o Aktrket st,a icon& doar • front corner of youth, dealers to Foreign and esde Btlis of Exchange,' CeitiSeaies of Vevey; Bank Notes and Specie. • EXCoteletions made on -all the principal cites Irroogheit the United States. , third door above Scolthleid, south aide. -per de. care of all kinds, done with the greatest Tare and legal accuracy , • .• TiVes to Penn Estate examinal; he. oet 3o.l i !ANUFATURERS • OP GREE N GLASS w ARE, -TO Market treet,PtlOberlh, Potter and hfinerak Water potties of so • perior qtality.• „ - Particialat.attention patina Private Mocha. laltlaiarraphin vrm. scuucimANN, rhixi °opiate the ' O Poet-011ee, rittsburadm-Zilaps, Landseopes, berid Sboatalia, Labels, Arehiteetard. and nada. , ssgrn , n l Drangs,l3nainesa and Visiting ennisk .ot &ass n on stone, and printed in eolora;Gotd, Sows, or Blanton the mom approved Ole. arid as tkos snnns reasanible .• • PN TTIGV.X.VITt STEAM. BOAT. ;AGENT . Orr= AsootWii..l3.lloutzs't Ono, opl7 . No. 37 Maui strect. triIIaCIEVELTT 6 WIIITEI, DRY GOODS ]ORDERS, NO. lel %MOD STREET, II&Igo tore, and will bar a natutly f .,. eeerfing eelunett olsSufple ara4".aniellTy tloods,Trhich they matt sell for task or approved erell, W.utert Idereuata are invited. to exuadne our ,0131NrON,LTPri 6& CO.. rs t h k re W haus =and rocers, Produce end dealers in Pittsburgh api7 Wiens tarts. 'torn. tosisas...t. ID 05,1'..g.T MOOlll3, Wholesale Grocer, ➢ Reeid•ying. tlaen2A'ttrllgidcs'oi'f Fetres;Nr ,and ,Iquors,No. IL. Llberri street. Co hand mem large stock of superior old Floaoagahals watskey. velgh HZ - E. :4 1 - NOLD ' S th_STIEF. Forwarding and Cassnrals , Kin *ion Merchants, for tan Allegheny WV.' Trade, .. taints in Oroe.srles, Produce . Vatsonrgh, Manafae tares and Chloride of Lima . far' Thi til;ho,t price, In cub, pas?! at all tinsel Co or Penn and Irwin at, to .! - conalsi rag, .------------------ ueocerd 1-11. COMMjniti4 Merchants dental In Predun and finsbargit Manafac..arcs, 1:lbw" o.lt.ty'riU 3 ' . o, , • • aplB 6T A. CIitiNINGIIAM, NCloolesole Grocer, OIIS RMoIIer In Produce on- Patobarglt Manufsetores. L. -1. 1 "" 4 .Il ' r-'----5---------------3 . , 0 Strel Weeks.,)lanefaetarea et''nad Entln A. U. i ant: Plottsb Steel. Al to—flnines, Axles. Vices, An ails, Szt. Tnee invite Us. an:mi.. of mere bants and eOI2IIIIMTI. zd ths a r aus , a Wore pluebastes. else- Whe ta: Thy warrant. taxa' articles to be ego& to any made fn wnrrs..Whaleaale_ . ,Deate!! Fereiga a 2 d b"11.5 : 99 zrd an AR" P educe rwerally errh , and•Verwawling And 'CooEirtartimae.roa4 Dicrettautl, gio. n 3 Water W , r;‘, Ptalarglt_. .1:11~~yy4o4, roar mcou , 411 . 11 . 1(1, rgELLE k NICOL% PTOMIC• and General C.lna • agaidon Merck..., N 0.17 Linen), amet,l'ina. burg b. Sp . ! , _,,LAELee4 and Lard 011:_sp17 F VON .110:ip.11105), lyhooma le G to F V:rstiisg ' gr eiT7jlAVtiel Predict, hare mov edre their new warehouse, (eld ataid,) 26,ton:et ol street and Cheered ILORRLS TEL AND . WINE MERCHANTS. Rut ado Diamond, Pi:taboret. *DIA L. L. Weersosat•R. N.Wate. nr.an• •W.D.Watentrom. L. S. WAXERNAIN & SONS. TlTEtoLuseam GROCETto,'Cornmiinion and POT . 111 . wording ?forerun.; dealers in in el kmdssu Agents of Pro , Ascot. Menotti, Kano factored cle; Toe .Me of Riebtoriad-and.•Lilichbon alsnafaetored Tobite&t . —"L WM TIIIIII.M. it'SWO. FUMY AT LAW, . .13sair, Pa lITILL - alio attend to colleolons and all other bast. II T nen entrooted to lino la . Donor and Armstrong coannes, ra. Roden to - • • . 3'. to IL VlorEd,Llbeny al W.ffamooo, do . • Junes Marshall • do l'lttsbarel. _ Hui it weal 7 19.1 t. • George 11.1e104. ' • s. n. sitnisurir & •Wilcavg.Lt° triar.l:2ol°?dGeretins, N 0.21.4" L akrp mar&Dgar Foavracroia & commisEnoN mammas, Cnnal `Penn_et, Plitsbstn h. %arr. _ . • nionticz AND FLOM FACTORS; Nen Y7k, Merket.,,an 64Coatmera st, Philadelphia. Adraels vitae, er te . above, a attn. a-- • o e i t 0 F F 1 4. 1 Y2/16'L-11h. FORWARDING OMISSION MERCHANTS dailatizton, TA, :Mr: °Eat= :VIM= relgrff:::lg they are prepared to real. soy amount. Idne • and Peat:ll_llmm night ad day, the freight .will net be deltdaed,a they all soloed ear: at baa-.lnt a t e . . Ilearishiplit!Feb. llo ; lBs( l . J. D. John Bah J. D. W1L1.11029 & co., W2PoirVargi CrotnittaVilacetlinEM dealers la Courtry Prdilace Oiusharsh MAW lures, cornet of Wood and Fifa streets, riusburg Wen: 11. ydevia. - & BANKERS AND EXCHANGE .8110111318, r.b Ne Eat cornet orWood snd Third EMU,. LOLLS?. • JOUR S. COVillatlt, • Mit/tt StOSLST. LVlttmoraal. e Gro", ronw a. ITCANDLESS: lsnee , ... VT °7,4tht I . Wet,) Wholesale Glsssa.T.,;;‘ , Cowan Won Kershaw.; denier. i Manufavmrragmerat• no. • linens. and Pinot:mute Namur (A ly, t ro " rner of Wood and Water stroeSss rn b . spT7 & M. MITCIIELTREF4 Wb.leSide Grecell, VV• Neaufying Distillara, sad Vilna and L.ainor Pdaroaaut. Aflo—dmporters of Soda Ash and Erselp Irg .Palador, No.loo Liberty succt, (opposite pl Sixth n7_ 1 7 7—.-WI ' LtON, Watches, esrelr,Sitirer Wire Y VI. and Milner). Goods, comer of litoket end Farm strees, Past:ugh. Ps.. N. B.—Wstebes end. Glens es:orally tepalmd. non Jona a• VOr"biry4:6Na & c.„ Drden is Leasher, 1L43.1431.a..Lr_., jw:4132._ I=ll _ w.r~, • e irniAjnEnny Zel it a ° fir: e l:Vl: 7l a carried on under the name a(“John Parker teen." Hank tat, MO. JOHN PARIS.% , John Piker Can. JOHN PA.b.laint Wholanie Groom. Dialers itt Prodors, Foreeta Wino ' Liguori, Old /War:y.4 l U anal Rectified Whisfrg. .1%5; Carameretia Row, Libettyprzbty.h. p WATimull raano. ronna WM. - Wig. I. nag PALMEIL, lI.AN/SA di CO., tßaccessera to Mrsel. Hanna is Co. MIANKERB,EXCHANGE BROSEBB. Ina dftlere .10111 in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, CertiGentes Cr DeDegile. Bank Notes, and BpeeleNorth avec corner or Wood and Third surest. Current Inoue] received on depoc:te.—eight Checks for rade, ant polnti collections made on nearly all the prineip.l the United Stites. highest premium j rald for Fenixnand Ametiea grams 'lade on consigaments of Predur ped Fast. on tihetal terms. nese. a. neteecnol Laso.z.Foso WM As WOLVRO & COe GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS,' No 256 Literty strut, adore Have alleap. on band Imo assortenu actinic, m litneeetes and Fine Teas; also, Fattign Emits and Nuts, Wholeesle and Retail. Reale,' supplie mal d on the lowest tem. WlollTMAN—hlantfacturea *fall lain 4 om of H• tan andiaroallen machinevy. Allegheny coy, Pa The above work. being now intall and so i s op. oration, I am propnaosi to cicalas enter. walk Mayateb Mr all kinds of machinery Inlay lmo, glob. to willow., Velem, spradr., culla., gainaltng radamys, roaring fromma, speeders, dosamla, Immo, woolen *arch, double or goals, for merchant or country took, ranles,jacka, U.; slide and handlathes and tool. in gore. mai All kind. of shafting mad* m order, or plum vv. cn for gearing Meanies or nallla at ramonable charge Rama Yo.—Konnedy, Childs b. Co., Illacksunk , Co.. Nina, Pennock Co, Jan. A. Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MLNOVACTURERS, • Blewelichasi,[weez Plttetruritt,lPs. ' Jam, Na. ',37 Water sr ! beams Markt gra Wood, rstiatregrgh. • OP WELL conetantly keep on band a Root assort meat or Were; of mu own and and euperlor quality. Wbolessle awl reentry elm or t he am respectfully invited ta call Sad es• amine for themselves. as we an determined to sell obtaper thanbas ever before been aortal° the Dab' Ile. e ..- om -.-psaled by Ile eaa e b or TerdereeityinalL e'leere mod 'deretmetlrl/t.o'''""_ aysa tt. WHITE& co„ would respectfully M lnform s the public that they hove ereetesl • shop on Laeock, bermseratile ral sod Sandusky streets. They are now meting and are prepued to receive orders far every de.onpuen of vehicles, Coulee, Cannot's, 'b roaches, Boggles, Phmums, tse, teMeh from their I so ont L.gisteit,l=e.ituy4ehmov.art,le. aecytuglopla=wrk, enabled to do work on the men reasonable terms with them wantirteartieles in Mete line. Paying parnealar attention to the seleenen of mat tlwy r i ms, and having none but competent workmen, have no hesitation in. we're:lung .their work. We Merefore ask the attendee of the public to this matter. N. D. Repairing done in Me best matmer, and on the MOM resaoasble te—s Mx. mercicDso;. Inn. fectncuir.ol. PrOd n oe rdr e, r tron V, V 4l'l3l='".74 Pitubirrablartafactau-generally, laboriT rg 4 . - rictsbagh. }llOl7 • . ---- (XIIIOLESALF ASID RETAIL GROCERS, FOI, l',war4Lng atm Cvnadmon ..t,rehants, Dealera ln Coantry_Prod den and San.burgli fdannfactam .,..r• oar of Wood Ind Firth strrets, ilitenorgh. P/Rabatily, ' J,srch 14.1830.• k. ASTELO. ILL COWLISSION 11/4IKRCIIANTS, ~ • trrizbend Übriners nude on conziginswal Janti•Ogn itoTrinnv WILStIN, Portrait and allnlatrat tkl Paha, .UOOI3IS, comer at PeatOMee Aney and Foams newt, natty-me on Foueth at., near Market. ....—__ ...a .Tairdas, mint.* on •ro U. 0,31. Old Levee at, N Orleans, diva ntantly on Pl . nand ilarg aroortrnent of Onteof the follow , I % bra 4 nr, woi . k a to ., oy troz . tr n. na .r let y al . alma for J. IL Co, Lama balje " ,l .I.ltatano, Cokae, A de m ... `tam.,• L. Illetrtile, A de Mandate, ean !Attic ie., katalso, Anchor Oin, tiordeaar Red and Nlsite Wine. masks tad casco, selected math care by John Darand 16 : 0 t: keaLles Champagne Wine and Sweet Hbr-17. orrtandi Part. _ , , , , re fikaviVaL. IEIIt•IIANNA it,, co. bole rem 'L ~,,o,r;r,g. td L lßee , to north Treat comer of Voat ant, “21-611.41“& Inc d to fIICIIICILCAROTIIEES & CO. have re % , ,J No rt watt it, between Wood k. ?Whet. USW Loan termialiaecupiaa try Huth Joao h Co, • ' MEM COACII FACTO:I4' Wle. a. Welke. serla arlaaken. SOAVE% it ATINSON. ram.... leeway, Woolk ag ogik.acie, rerellaCian, G-'4lTaktil;irologlui2 z...TPIZt! worth Work. gleam Honss built to order. • Special attention peen to steamboat work. Have on kends a fuse assortment of Coppernutd Dram Settles, Tin Ware, kie. km. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Yortable Forges, vations sises—a very conve or ni rail en road t ar gels for stearnbolna,Colifortria omigrturts, 3, 4 , 7 ' : nr tiolid cospe%Hy inves steam boat men and others to call and ore us snide. Led Ideas before pornhubne el sewbere. W.& J. GLENN, Doak Waders. vurE are still engail In she above basinese, camel FF of Wood util Thad weer, Patebunelit, when we are prepared to do any wort is our Lite with des patch. We anted to our touck personally,and wins &elan will bextren to regard to Its ace..teas and du. csh ßlank Boots rated to any pat and board erib. reantlatty Books irt numbers or d becks bound neer. ally or repaired. Name? is as ke le letters_ e that have work m oar It aro pan t ed teem. mien low. menOttf ,Pltit Illsahlas Narks sad Foundry larrearert, rt. TO FIN WTsIGITS &Co., are fnepared to toold Cocos 1.1 od Woolen blathinery of era", deeeppaon, ...eh irc..r. r :11-7,;?,,,,' - ', 0 1,' I ca 4 - :%,.„' , s t r,.. - 7,; Doom- „ Prunes, Looms, f.,mdGri'oderi, xe, WrOu7lll iron Sit 0.11; timmd, ail area of Iron, relies and Hangets edam latent pat.erros, aide and hand batten, and total. of all toads. Coatings of every description famished onshore aotice. Paler. made to order for Illislll.6..ett.ng, i s:: flandl.As&e, Senunrebt.ptil.fo:iheo.. mfg. XottivTlT Cods Iron left at the Warehouse of J PAW.' lt, Co., ÜbertY .0...11 will knee PrmaPt elm. - tion. , Refer to Blackstock, Bell &Co, I. K. Moorhead a Co., G. E. t ismer, John Irwin & Sons, Pittebargh ,G. 0, &JAI. N Vu net, Steabeavele.— wain —_ PIANOGI PIM subscriber are nt for was a Imp and splendid n o n P esos, ent of rosewood sod anthoetettl rrkfrl M . non rialtos, with and reationt Coleman • celebrated ~£0,3. Attn 7.11111eL I. Tbo above Instrumeuts iliv.wer ranted to be equal to any tosnafeemeed le this reen try, and well be told lower eh, any brooght (rota the Bast F. BLUME, No 112 snood st, 51 door above kb N. 8.--City Scrip estel be taken at par for afear it of he above as. artmeol. _ myll , 'll ear. for lllydraas Iratil. 3 s IIS le to certify that I Lave opt point ol Itivingaori, Rouen & Co, 'leeo sent: for dui male of Jan s dos Patent Diaproblf. Ft tar, Cos the ail ties of Iltrebarek and &flesh.) , JOHN GllttiON &seat, for Wan. r hi Illbsou,Saßroad wa y , N. YI Oct 10,1lte. We hare inert immix one at the .I.r..tirk. at the &Bea of the Novelry Wo e months, on teal, rks fot /tett and feel perfectly' satisfied that it Is fitseful torentioa, and we take pleas.. to mean= % them ies • ate flit article to all who lova pate, Mr. Orden era be thankfully received en d promptly suted. oel s________,----------- ------ ' IV I N"T"' m a teds.l.!_9_,,_ Massa Drials Works Walla's. frins.subscribrt elm for sale, the .XTRAM BRICK Bite:gr.:4lre m i l, Tio7l7lriiale% r7ey n t o i:f maanfacton'ag X.BOO Pressed Bricks (au. ' earl ell) , as taken from the 6.10 per day, with nun acres , of tredds,*Mthete'bVietofttr Zili o s t Ags, Lo leVell'arr"rilws,kiler"tiNlT shovels, spades, fee., every th ing requisite to t eons menee operations at an hoots notice. ?nee, for-ogin/ the patrol right tour emd maehlne, 15r000— loons of thout the 1.411,5,010 Far lAVriTe7iLifii. gilfges. W' HENRY AILIIILIrT, eir;%, 1-dtf _ No I.lBAlonogeheis House Viiongies Lad 6 met Ira"' Railing• rrirE tilbitllbersa tto liroat: thefo rtaatte laate t a lret ,,,, abill•eiblre:ibg'el for Iron Illiling.: both for bonnet UM emoeterias. PetsoTis whetting to procure hood- Mee pattern? will please call and examine, and ledge tor thenualves. Boiling wallet funtletted st the aeon ca notice and in the best amorter, al dm corner at ersig &netball/axe astreetesAileghent t ff., _„,,,,,,, etnefi LAMONT se wreefa.. • . . JOISN LYON% NO. II STATE: IiTILF.F.T, DOErrON, agent for Clams and Brawn, of Praprrty to , . . • Zugkotri. r In the radon HH ALO spent nearly a yea HAVING daring hie N Offices, National Library, .., late cult So neighed, invesnaaring claire& for wrens In this century, and haying secured efficient arid re sponsible Agents in London and Mancheter, he is prepared to afford all necessary information and ad• vice to perse ma who seek to recover trim properly in I. tht country. L. keeps • list of the Dank of Enaland Divid Inn end Doolts,vrhieli may to ezamined for Le cent., or afl cob letter of the /Liabilities , Deference's 10 Detlen: SI. U. P. ADAMS, Notary Public; JANIS WELD, ifsq; . 31111VvVillli,,ZZ .... Jr Is I!:?.?,rmtor!i'llti „, o ....1......i. Illatt•A. - Cl, , ser of Wood and Pi &rests. ARTICULAR. attention peld to our Retell Trade. Gentlemen can rely. upon getting their lists and tan= ant est, tblishment of lbs u rrnsn, and at rn autiant Um wW a nd nd wormassanart, of the zarnst Mass , Canary Ketch... Mai pumhssing by who/male, are respectfully larnedlo aaU and elarna oar Blond; as we eon eay with confi.wee that as reg.& yestart an i rates, ft will not gofer in a comparison with any *vac In Philadelphia. (617 'IiffiLLZAILI 10101/1 DIMS leave to Inform his friends and easterners drat SEP be Is last reeeiring his new spring mocker Gods coreptistag, tit useal,all the newest sod loan rubles , . tibia style, of Cloth* Cassiuntres, fancy Vesungs, ern. ton and inlets guts:Mei dais, and every ruble suitable for gentlemenls wait for the g and c ry libeling mlto deseribe the Ima say, quality, or quanatl of the stock, the p-grrient how. slowho am to Waal orlf good, , " lid e enip, fi"har;°'''' I'ipfllditi:l;lde:} lyielAL.cg'sbenues'eckcat cla"n eornr.etusgt'w°ith It. The ready made department is very extensive, adze., led to ail tam ma Rail road mmtractors, emend, merchants, arid all who purchase largely, aro partieniarlY i nvited to ox• amine the stock sera parenaslng , or Im , tlnn lnt o, ' lemon is prod to the wholesale business In ads email. lishreent. - Every article in dm tailoring line made to order In the most indiionablo arid bee moaner, at hit &honest nodes. , , ;...... J...T. Zli ' Tic' Ito ender the gm J. 0f V,7:°,3f..041 by the d.... I Alt, C Rredley. 'rho business be/1P carried on by P. Bradloy,-who.will settle th e be/IP.M of OM Ism firm , tat bad Tar:dared hie Poundal Warehouse fro or Noll 2 Second Mrs et, tir Pio 1.9 Woad street, beaffieti'First bad BeCOSid a treats, tn the warel. homm lately stem:pled by 0 A Poi 11 , where he ~.,‘ l torli poust.n dy an band a generagssißtirunent of Cent nns. Orates, Strtver,Cfslyin Torn. ikagarridiriat. - rT:rraj.:l:;r<Sritgougt:u 71.`7,"°"`" w laiz.bEi.ior—linvin; tositetllasgniZliof G:l4, to those toStscrseantrehorn?sani'T3 reeoteass ad the use of II to those rffillfr tO CaIVAIIII. S. the beat method for ob. us Losos the row valuesofl?.oarmitly.i= ~,,,,,,.. rittahungh, Marsh 0,1910. Yrressorssa ?Streit 7,180. fsfs , Ear . 130--Dess Sin Flavi; exisolnedtheoAtoo• mess :',^ or leaf adored at you , . sodas., Ido not to us comae: sd It to the aso of those pederast, who ma about reso wring to Ca li fornia We:shah of Gold. , • . It abr. e alp. approvmethea le the tr. ..... ty of metip, sad rail ea; muds enable • airsatents ' a Ziri' 41 i tti l ,'lLVi i , la t a i du al • • BURG-11; TUESDAY INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Inland We !umlaut Company. AATI2I 07 nurshir.r. soornin '25 eV: Cita. Capital', 8150,000. JAMES DURNO & Co-, Agento at Pittobonth, I'. SOA•0 07 1101At62IoN, AT ¶770107, If7o , lots.. Junes 1100,, Jr. - 1 Jootph Git'ooo, Pros't Elthiornio Fhb. G. A. l'orchcorto V. r. John A. Wearl, • Ell ht ' Seereout• Jonathan Fisk, Tronourer. REVERY:F- 4 Ilan. Jamesite. ampbell. David Wh AlttArder C 11111.1,310, W. J. P. \VW., IMO TOM COTOrtfOliOlOf New 'tors. Georgn Wood. John F. Mackie' David Dudley Field. Joseph Bozic. at* mum.. ifts Eger. Gee. Haines. I . or. V mom.: W. L. Dayton,ll. S. Sen. I Doan WiSdrick, M. C. O.D. Woll.Es U. P. Son.l Win. A. Neßf M. C.. Ei•Gov. hf.Tlickerson. I Irml. S. R. Hamilton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A. Sidon/ Doane, M. D. IW. W. Wolnu Gerh rd, M M .D. Tr Warren Y. TO Wm, ISV {Nora.. M. D., IL R. Bell, M. D.. George McCook, hi. P., I Allegheny city, Pas Pittsburgh. Pa I The AgeiSsof this COAIDIVIT. at Pittsburgh, are ems tberised to take every first class risk on Life at • orrocesmor or itivirs.lnve rut time, from th- usual rates of preinium, unhorsed by other Companies. A man 30y ears eY age, taking &Policy of Insurance for One Thoeund Dollars. To ram for one year, pays only ftLiiit. do urea " " Sto,lo • do lifetime, " . 1117,,E0 And in the same isroportion for any mimics to 00000, sishtch a ny e extent token on any ono lon. This Comp commenced operations on the Ist October, IMP and its monthly sines. up so theist October{ IRO . , hewer ••progreas ascot-nine that of 'Thehirrztt.gr'idC'en'd' of Tproltn:',:lbe declared .to the immured ma the Ist January, DOO. Pamphlets containing the vitriol. tabus of rates, and all the necessary Information on the Isponar: subject of Life AOllr.C., tro tarnished on sppt canon to JAMES DURNO tr. CO., Agents. dell Odeon Headings FIRM INSURANCE.. WOE TRENTON MOTU oL LI AKE. FIRE IN. RURANCE COMPANY odtl FT. room Polieleg o ltoorattge gloom Inn Of DA.1•01 ny.FULL,, An., - Dwellings and Forottgro, Stores, G00d., , of apsltcatton to /AMIN DURNOLO., Age Odeon Molding, IHSVILANCIC. RANCR Y Exchange, Third street, Philadclphia. Fira Innaanca—lluildlags, Merc h andise. and other property, In Town and Country, insured against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest rote of premium. Mamas Isscuacw—Thay insare Vassals, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise. under open or special polities. as the unwed may desire. Inuiwo Tassirearrartors—They Oro le.. mere), widise transported by Wagoas, Rail Road Cars, Canal Boats sad gleam Boats, on rivers an d lakes, on the DI liberal WM.. DIRF.CTOE9Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Ponder, John C Ihris, Robert Barton. John R renrrir e, Nara s et Edwards, (s Lelper, Edward Darlir.gton. 1.5.0. R Day., Wm Folwall, John Navel:a. Jo P. al 11.0 m, J. C Theophilas Paulding, 11 Ilroots, Henry glean, Ruth Craig. licaore Serrill, Rpearer i n , Cloaks Kelly, 1 0 Johnson, Was Ilay, Dr 9 'Moro.. John &Ilan. Was Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PIITSIII.III.OII—D T Morgan, thigh Craig, 3olat T Lofton. AVll.l.ln.ht MARTIN, President. fa. IN roman. Rey. - Ij7 Wino of Mo Company. No. 41 W excel Pm-Mrph. of V. A. MADEIRA. Ant ---- LIT* ANA Ilealth Tamara:6w. Till: Num& Life and Ilemth laments Company of Mile&lplu. Incorporated by the Legistarare of Peniaryiranta. Muth, AU. Charier perpetual. Caphal,6looAUO. Burn warpslda, see VaalLan vena. C.ourear, and fall Ile elliEsent- lower than the usual rates of Life Insoranre,:io the follow age of ing 30 er.m. purists will Moen Thus, apeman of the Id surLeig for 1100 fer hfe. mast pay on the GirsEqurd E" tabl '-di - e-' - Peonsylvania.ll236, Aeon Mutual. E2..rn e, ilLAfi Ne. Firolland.ll:4ld. flew York Life, bion. SIALir, Lite and Maim, Philadelphia, AidaSd.36; Al . linammfac—Famuel A Orrick, Charles D. lialli R. P.M:tone, Robert P. Gum, Charlet P. Bales, NI. NV Ilaldmio. NI. N. Peeve, NI. D.. Chas. 0. A Campheif, Learn. Coupe, I. Rodman Darr, IL 11. %film. Nehrin It Cope. Eretntent—Sainuel D. thriek; tee l Pe.` , /• dent—Robt. P. Gins, Eleeyelafe—Francla Rieethur.e. Appbeanons will be AR IL nanny /goo:mance a *ANIL. FARS tI_.IOCA, Aft, men by (Mee, Commercial Osman , earner of oef27-dly Wood and Tr.,4 Pr, p...b.re , v Lae. AND iliAluar. iNsonns cr. T"Y,;,:r,5,'2.1'.%Y,E, ,Ti 11.,ned1'...1`,"'.`c'';':,,,7"1 Remy MOUS city and racially, and : II shnnnert. by Canal, Wert., Lal.e.s. invested, by "Ca rt. grope rite. ~ this Company are well invested, sod furn.4l. en avail.. able fund for the ample tudelun.ty of all yetson• who dAlre to be prn,e,ed by 4.l , Jratier cay P. JONES. art.. Sire Awl ffiarltaa itaanrernee. Y. OFFICE , of the losarar.re Companr o f A. North America, bar been removed to No. 111 From at east of Wood. Tbe subscriber, agent for the above DIU and woo!, Bible ComeaA7., 'trot Ibmie Poltmo• on Molding* 0e..1 their contents, .11 on obtommt. of Marotta:NCl. t.y dream Boats imd.ethe , vust i., _ar3 ------- WII. Pamtnaff•lwasslia Cocupway Vol IrlearanelCovi Loma map Gaunt. A 3.NrrITLII. rrlIE Lest Lela Insurance Cameatey . i.l the 1: Ftatea. J, Incorneerule4 Mareh 10, left--enn.ter pee0..1.,1. Capital 11:01,000--allpald in. linebuy, antherlaed. the tiladerslanc.l to reeelle nprll eltlOns Inellistintnee, en which polities na% he tAsued, wecordlng to tltex yrognsuuta ard rate*, nr nich unll ta• Made known to applleuate .1 Wdace. No U 0 Wood Urn,. aril GEO COCHRAN. PITTIPPIDELGII Flan ALIO IN 5'2lT tlThf. Tfi c „"`.,',`,:t5`..7,'11? „1 .t .,,,, ': ,-„„ " 11 .'' ,-, :1 ,.., '‘ ,1:7, se•demiCrinr, will comete,co or ills c.j, : , OLttilly. February 120,1 n the alone beildtuga, No. nn laneyty Wert Arrangemenw has been erode by watch they will be•hle tofurrish young buttes fecitiue. equal to any In the West. for obtatrung therocigh Englich, Claesi sal, and Ornamental enlace:ion. A telt cont . .. of Phi la.:Thiene. and Chemicel Lecture. anti in dettvered daring Hie wir.ter, illustrated by apparatus. The deo per:meets of Vocal and Inotnimental Nome Iludern Langsagea, Drawing and Paw tang, will each he under the eve Of • COM i ntent PLaCKSOf. cementel,. anent:um to the moral and intellectual Impro of th eir au pHs, the Principals hope to knee a entainuntion ot the litientl patronage they hitherh enjoyed. For tellas,lPee eitettlae at apply to the Prdthipala. febttbdte 11-EILSEY,VII &FLEMINGCO. _ ILA IPOIII BALM. PROM Zn:uri TeNuuvarurizz, A t ralictl FART White Flannel., all Wool. Mon Drills; Ye Red do do thee Decline; Yellow do do Fancy Cettenaklen; nil lee Drown do •do offered at Factory prices. Meek Satineue. Houle League !Meting. mixed o Sloe d do Chtcke and SUlpes, very Drab ettocre. 68.7a5VsGoode. Black Cos Earley do Red Paddina, nutter do; Pa.)/ Vest Padding, ithekeent, Paper Tweed,. Black Woad Cloth. Tallors•Cetvaa., heavy de; Super Browu iln Brawn Linens. Eilicio's CuptiOreen do Ont. Berge, black do, .i , Enper'Twilled do and wonted; Pieper Blatt Doe Sions Mack and White Tape; Nee Dint , Cashmeres. Hutch Twisti a nd de; SOU Brows do Linen Check. and Drilla, *" C:l l i ' fo lo r o n k i a 111 gotta. \ 9 ' 4l o r" ° Lrte r n d ''T'llaCe Canon; Scarlet dci anperlor article; Inert do gilt Pla•red Venting.; do jlllace ittlit do Ontb 619111 Begging. iiloll/11 Holland Sea Eats; Drown bribe; Hutton., Cravanb.b.e., An. At the hlannfactunerst 1, archoulte, No 127 Wood Pittsburghcant ffilinne;liallon. . •. TliSeopartnerehlp,tere.t.oforr e,n,ollintixttiltrwuce,n,thi, CO,l:bil'ifoilae;.ffiirs3elvetloll linnitt r al eminent" Aecos. Rothe A. dirties will wale the business el Om rotten , ni for which pl11110•C CLEY are authorieed to 11Pri the name Of the concern. NATHANIEL CONETABLE, EnmUND MIRK P., TlitthlAS IJAIINES. The ftedttolgotd hart thlo day atreinfoll the Ina Iye in the name of Blink; 11/111.41.14. forl,the papoer itf foconfactutlng Fire ?roof Safe!, V . au rs l t 3rr i , ,, a r Ite., at the .and or .ho lotn 1/1 . 01 or unto •01:,etron at 174., ofhoro they will be ploomed to ree7l;fe ir o p m,dr Nth Of the e lailtoo l Cr a 01 that hourvinit4ll, junky •. DAn:o4‘. to retitle% from the firm of Conotebin, Dottie ec I trip eineeteressora reetintmtdlifetcw. Bettie , 7c W4dll/141173%71'.1'. C.i&V.let febilliAtf Of AItDOTIIT IOII AS Sant returned front din.litto‘ontoCirtote,..cooretnod,irlrtr 1 HAS r''''''' , ° VII' tersely., IC, ~"„."..b . „, of Vlt b whicA he terot u_y ~ ..,_ i ~. tintx and pc_ it! , ....No at to 0 . _ ---Vg--.L. VAlrktt Wthe , MAMMAL, I. c o nnw s o nny IrAe'eeelethe.. "eee leMeet Tl:ietel(teoitnieeiii Now liork . and Phlth o .t tenth onono„rood or, rorr l'ef't' apptr"4rigihnecZZACiho. with Itorodora, Wood r, i to ttt .. mint:: Fourth et and Ihnmond alley, t rrp3t, C. lii"—,fit'Siiiti•r_n til,. just reed fit r ittestr.er, 3-1-7 E---1-0.-7 he bowel or eine. ro.n d at th e I) ag ee Se ' 'o d e . e a ' net 'Pesti:minty ,Viirehnoto: rqttn_n_r_ro Pill; AndeVitookstreets. S N WICgtiIISIIA in — pimp . Dili p - r•-att ttiat Sod 0 and A Chbliti of the above celebra .0 br e ad 46,-k high test, direct frogr,tds snantiCaetornt. 1;9 now on the way WI% •New Indians, cad b. .k;.o. and 014 Will anall l 9 alma rgEledolt'rmeere per7hips int_n.in. Chow pc ake , , ,L l i t . tr , , , , , i h m e co., cod Albap,Prblen Poill bp sold on , lower market pllnn eVirdlitrrilptX{l4ocltlDirEE: aoin Nn inn I,llwrtigt.._____ I—Wl5l-14POIAS1.1 u pinping Compiny n oow oder to FIE Pan the p ' r, reit. to tam a e ical Sve Polloh; and WilhOut hhaggersdon,oe fear of gon.tra.dlatij.o, by tholed have ro e, o7hoihiajLee. market. T 6 e'r:pYrenheenrstion. of polling carps dc., r it. torn posltlall PtOdent* a dual from eh n i be , lnAL p - lied, which mum he done when the More o. The qarawity required to ao hpe Pfoo9h per cent .° , t o histro - .. imr or mt? J In to the COnslllnepa. Anoalinit 50 , 0 rm. e. when laid away for the gnome , trt ven'lallde npainsl rust After hurling v i' hat ied o 4 la ancteslble) porson jumcb.a. Walt blanchteuttlog Company • r ''l".°!°l4h. 4.' 4 IV vi'icicEn.riAm , Canterend WOO , l 111714.1. Ime teen A PAIR nfßo4orttrgiN iW^t o f sve4 A ner d 43. The " 4 " W o Wood Me" on Peal'h . 1 " . • ..gor, NO. rooming them to Ow 000 _ - " 'I.- 11.• t n • 5:4* w• • • '4•••• NO. 1,2.79. G, JULY 2, 1850 5118CELLPIEOUS -,-_—_ -----,- Imam BOOKS. WWI 'Philosophy *I be Bet the Genuine I Christi , . proved to be the only Philosopher. By Philip Dixon Hardy, M. A., tailor of ono Pleat 'urea of Relittion," Ac. An Exposition of the Law of Baptism. it regards the mode and subjects. Dy, Edwin lisll. ail 11 I) Illnts tan the Interprelatinn of Prophecy. thy AL Stmot, Pt so oresr in Andover heological Seminary. o p tion of the firemen T on the Mount, drawn frorn po the:Vl dings of St Aoguwine' witisol bservatiorw by R. C. Tren Trench, liL A. Misceliontee: consisting principallYi of Sermons and Essays. By Rms. John Harms, Dal., author of t'Aittonmon," "The threat Teacher: , dc.l ' Godly Meditations upon the Most Moly Sam . ..tent of the Inmate Sapper thy Cnriatopher Settee, P. D, irtnbof Porl eu the Apart: to the Phthilpploine..2,..tor the eliSe th o e f , i e :ie d e. 'f I‘l77liiin7oto"'Fitstburo, D. Id ' .., Rector of A r c a. l l' h i r i ll hi a ' : " e i 2::: .:. A ''' : t : :: :' 6 l::e::it : a n . rd. ; .:' t 1 :: ::::;: : :rot R e fu ge , r r s ok tr V ::: : P' s ; L T. ; ": 1: : PE : AP f i " :: ElementaryPrlnelplen of Interpretation, tranalated . from the Litho of J. A. Esnteti. with notes, by M. Steart, Protean. in Andover Seminary. The Christian Lyre s a collection of Hymns and Tone, adapted for social worship, prayer meetings, Sc. Itz Jelin. Leteritt The Llowtiim 1 ear.Thoog lite. in aerie, for the Sun. days rind Holidays throughout the gen, On hood. and for sale by A II ENGLISH ft CO , . het'," 9 Wood , Iflrmisortt's•Aussrlown.Porrltgy Ilools. rilllE Poultry nook and :Fowl Mettler,' Goida— t Berns a Arenli•3 On the Breediag, Raising, and General Manneemeut of Domestic' Fowls, with na -1 memos original descrlittons end Portraits from Life. Ili/6'lw% C. I.BT:tolutt to contatn a ' greater ...OMB of original and other inGlrlnOllol , , both praetical and uwithil ia regard. Fowl threading, than is contained in oil other .mencon works together— it will be choice Well with nearly Fifty ?<moods cif - tliti roost , c cite s of Are a and Fortier. Fowls, some forty of which are from life, from drawings I taken especially foe this work, of thy !most important ' breeds, and detect al of them (ram fowls very recently imported. I The publishers bass spared no expense to bring out lilac work hi a superior mariner, both in regard to the engravings, the merits oc he e woes, Pnd t augee execution of every poet of t boat: 'And bel..ay. cd that the work will bo fon.). to cout.sin more prima. ea trifOnnegnOn on Breeding and Marlideng Da=estie Fowl., than any work wand in Ode a oantrv. , Pm sale by JAS D LOCKWOOD , i S _B°9'"PSr. end ..ITPrerr I"Ennin. maw NSODIESI NEVI iIIOOKEI I AT IPOLMES• I,ITERARY DEPOT TIO. denote, apposite the Ise . , t °Moe. N ORV AL Ihiatingel or, the Frigajc tit the Offing, a Pinotioal Tate. ' The TbOnennd and One Phardcat By /Octet - ma Damns. fOnlp:ele. Adn,rnneen in Africa, dueler a , our of two genre through that cowary. fly Major W. Cornarallace Harlin ' tiittell's Living Age. ho BA (hairy for July , price 520 per year. Code m do do , _Samoan do do. , eels 1 01INSTON , t fiTliCtiTON it avelfust opened for mile ~ IST nlnTell eseortment Of raptriltanit Desks, and Stationery . ever 4, , 5.,ted me side in tint tiny . ; Ingande Wall , 0 large roheehon "i.e. amPivoluside Worki Ift eVery depArtran - An of Luctuture All publication s for sale et es:motto poets, Cootorv. Merchants supplasil with every oeatele an this line; otrihe most 'Nigerian:a Irma. _ I he ti trusi-o-cfrismo,--c0...; • ,:1 -- ii•b 0(0 .I.J. Physical Demnpuon crow Vuiveme. By AlcX• W Haraholit Translated by Odic. 12 volo, town. Jan reeelved for sale by I It D lA)CEWOOD , Deolthellcr A iinisohter. Pry RAM st el: , a. WISIVIV, ',aa.i-------11...-; ~ A• WESTERVELIT & SON. Vc7 ELL KNOWN VENITI AN 'BLIND SIAICFRS. VW keep constrain , en hand oi mate tn order the Lest attic. In tttctt Itet, at their old ...rd. No. In Rh Cleft mice, alto, of No.!. Mark tarter, second MdtT, I en ranee in the Diamond. Vest an tthuttets made to , or, and old Windt neaUT ,t'Paocd. aple —__— Ti ,Modern and n 110 - e Futultrat. JARIRIS W. WOODWEILL, P 2, Tame Sr., Prl4tarlall. J. W 1 W. giitt,;....t. el,f Itespettfollyiltstfoeme the WI e ht. cam - Octet] Ins nitre *met o FURNITURE. the I mge.t And tr, vaned anorterent ever tatted for .ale la thie Cl y, comprthing tmeeral VIII of It.n. moo, blenoteem and Bunt WeLotT, clam., etrements l eat prim enttoble far Parlor s , Ortmetu( ref Red Room., all o Artuch wrll bet sold at the !wrest price., Yew. oe.trtng Forearm oLeny'dmeriptlnn, are Ipeetfary trotted to mall .odes mine Ms .m eg, whh era ureces every desnurßon , on rho cheapest and p . talnest to tiet melt elegent lewdly, of winch Ute I wing coratttite• a pato _ Tete a Fete Norm Tet a Tern Dwane; Cooremormt Chaim; Vtoebetriar Cast.; Ilmmittre do I.mit. XIVdo V.Xler,cm do IN de, Futnee; N tr ., Not.; Tole: Tattles; Lor XIV tarsal Doty of York'. Couch; en is tam. tarsal Fluor and Ilatmeloth covers; Id Utratts, do 1110 do; Al dos MohepSey Parlor F,Daire; It. .. Rosewood do do; I: " IP, Walent do do, , 40 " Cone Rest do; 4 . Maltovuty Re aktof dr; {i t, Pl2ll. •nols: !tag:tette 'rot , Cint re Ta ,rt, L 2t/ do do Vi , w Stni,la; Z 3 Xltragatny le ltedolendel It ,do Wardroreet le DM Walnut • do; It LT:tertT do. , I A ,Crlar totterttattnt to,.Contratra Mein and oth er Earrotate too tea... to ttA•taton. j:teaml4l-2111 fattalstted on the shortest notice. Al' orders promptly attended to. F. :4—tnaltloet Makers eon be oupplied with , all sorts tU Mahogany, Wart... Land Veneer., at considerably .troducott rt0rt,..(.4.15 . . - EXICE2 . .. ' £NOLISU & 1311551N81TT, W 1 , 1 , ; 0 1L 1 1 1 . 'f:6 5 !.. t1 E ti ROC EMS, No O. Wood inree4 1.50 pats Y 11. Imp. 81aet.1 1 ..0 Pas NI. 11. Rilains; mod Geopotolor Ton. 'llit7 tat Mutter do; 173 taz Tor:aeon IS ligt do do; lin :mar Rio Coter; 'l 15 ea.,. Zoom Corrants; dm arts N to Mole...et; 15 tales K Wanum; 75 Ludt 0 Sugar, 1.5 do Brazil Nuts; 260 boas wirurted sizes 1.6 do Filberts; Windom Glass; ilai do Pea NM.; In Las Piptr; Po bra shelled•Almondr, tra/ tile army; I.M 05.0 Witt Candy; lOU tad CariVrli; 5 coots Liquonze; Bao Rif Codfish; 10 al INincipee A. Regatta 30 Gila TrinnerP Oil; Ontario 3.11 Lau Olioncilatoi IMM niHalf Bowden; 131, dim Bed Curdin 3 bas Cloves; tin cods Alaollim Rope; a toot Nall:orgy.; & nal Spiced Chor010le; '3 reform+ ludigm to nag. Pauper, 55 ea...L*1,0100 Synsp; 5 bogs Altpiro; 51 mu*/ Pepper Santo irMi Lis Hernimi la cases Tomato Catsup; fn bill lhorKar; Ground Sine. of all Itioilr. Ni balei en,l1:01•Iril; V/ Garrets powdered and 40 bas Morelli Loaf Ouitati 10 ire. Rite; i- 5 altos 151addcr, ;u brie Cho ilo ID beta Whiling; ...DO drl+ , Pio - , At sol at 0 general attoriment of Pittiliumh alou Marton d tootle.. . _l' 4 . l l— hada - 61 t) Sugar 119 wets Rio Cu See .71 Idea's Y 11 pion, various prudes 151 do Ilunpowder cad Imp 30 do Proinhong , 6 do oolong 01 Caddy boo Y 11 Imp A Tops ll___ RI Gls l'l r 5'5 moil 16's TOtOICCO 13 caddy ltat ' llartott l y s'. do 50 Mites Siaroh 66 brit it bf lola Balaton. _ Bungs, aladder, Alum, Ringer, Pepper, A llspice Nutmeat, nail Lninp 111atia In kap., fur sal ANDie GIL P 91 Water 55 mays • 'sir% uscniNcriiiiiA - LI. perm. Melon Mustier. put o¢thely hooter, conformity to a romienton of Counells, will please, nl the Room% of Om lloard of Thle; weonil story. COMO! of Wood nod Third mci and pay (of Ole Ow.. SAhlUld. FAWN F-4TOCK rimbureb. April W. 1.1. arr.t) Card. FA lINCSITUSIC twat lemur to anuounee to the 0 omen. of hie New Directory of tho Mies of riti . shurels any Allegheny, and horourts. of Maw Memel, Itirintorition. he. air! " Orel . / lentil (or OM prom, and will he put In the lined% of the printer mime %Moro between the 2111. and :Wag 'DO mil. lie ern mint generally. and all who re an Interest in production of n complete and perfect Directory, luirlieninds Moen *alto have not been celled on, %redly Mime the puldisker.by meertalmir tlim their 0.11/10111 pi:motion% tint Oarna of boater. , i.e , are noted for lat , •licalion IL, tho Difteloll. es.ll C1A , 1 , 11 in Inveried. Mel I. hamlets In with, or ot latest, by the dam Moro n lON.amed. May iu R f Jsr re,cive4l, nDIIiONV opoil.ntoitaiLlert ""3 3 """. i‘‘?l‘ste, einu„lnsti. n tl t . toed tnemplarlory or March fin. tune am , vcry Thin * "Ignino"lit " a 4 octave ideloileon, topid itueka , ad.' o il niuxusies stok at_ tat 111n7 . -- A 'PlllleaClAN`a ThUSTIDIONS. "I DAVE Ft Wail) NOTIIING TO FAltlitf, THEM." • Illaesnono, V., March n, lAIO. 'VT n It. E trlt'f.l.l•llO-1 ?luso chant/nett of all the . lai Codflt Hl rap and Liver Iftlls you sent me, and In dor or Me Vern:drop. , . . ~ 1 I 1., died nft 4 our Family hledictnes m tny . ami yr, nud•Lave nton prescribed them in my oracticot o l hi a n m •nry Intel , plenfrd rolth them, and hater pond n a to count Mesa. Send me et dos of your Vertolfuge, and Id oor. tool. of the. Liver Pills and Cough syrup. Itespectfulty yours, T rnct of loqtrr.l • . T . T. /ammo% (Lelia x bieltly popolur medicines rosy IN, hid of the p rletor;11. E rE11:1,17 Wood stosalDruggists - K71. 1 ;1 , 111 , lh the two chitm and vicinity. . apri _ FIA3I.UUL I C AST STEEL and in rind t,o. d American Mister Steel. Also—lies Cott Seel filet, of nth stolen othl'Elltelriolth and ST.. Rares, Own, s or. band and for sale, either at hit "ha RID Stool Workt,o O'llars street, Fifth Ward, cent th offic ' e id the Iron Scorn of IftiLl..4lANS_dc OARRI SON, Na 4;foot of Wood street, iftttabuszli. - runekillm 01.111.c111. AIL • We, tliebederelgned, Laving am], With antire,getr Infection, cart Steel and Piles this y Simnel MeKelry. im tile Nagle Piret Works, In cliyOnire plemore in recencinending illem cur equal In nnality to ever ured by no, of foreign ronnufnerma Pittsburgh, Pittsburglii, March 13,1000. • & It ritiOSNBERGER A. CO, ' f t of and P/1 b M"' " ""' • °4 XNAPP te.4 . 17141E1N1: 17 Iron Pounders and Machinist*, P luetntro, vioLEM.AN, & CO, m u , u f go ymem of Springy, AnleriSring Steel o•nill • Rivets p , Pittsburgh; F in W M FAUX% Engine Sanders and Machine Cud Mannfactur ter& Pittsburgh—M. A FULTON, Sense ASK LINDSAY Foundr. Pittsbutgbi th l . & 08 . Maniitneuiterg of lion• j nalanAlgiAtiv Ei i c , ) , , j a. bigthin lOgnutaelureg, agegino and Engine Pala. marl • or, Pittiborthr Pa. DRY GOODS,- INDITE. GOODS FOR DILESSIBSe X4URPIIV m BURCHFIELD Maim o thq attention of 11l the Indica to heir t •atnorigosortment ot White G oo ds for fly olei, eorisLtlng at Scotch and Sem m. 0 .; Fignted el•ill• deg . terroldered do; Vlooria 1.....•; Low Prined,Paned JaCkOnet for morning dreams; fine oft finleitil do; and a large amortment trl Swiss !dueling. artth colored embrdery; minted Jeanne.: Law., Bare Res, &a, at north east comer of Fourth and Market sr"-- le2l • OsaapLawsks. I,ll2trfplifyYjkvllLß.2llFlEL.r.hor=ivez In brown at W: light ON/A great variety, for Into Ilia ' Also, embroidered and printed Meililts andiaektmet, of nest and newest styles and lowest oriels founnality, and no_rth east cornrEZlHLlth and Marktst2dA THE. GREAT. BM-ANNUAL r SALE OF pRY .GOODS. ,At. the One, Rates Store at A. A. MASON & CO, - . TAYILL , commence on Monday, JUIN- ad, DIM V • Their 11231:10000 establiehmerd, olds all their Wholesale Room. will, on this occasion, be thrown 1 .7oecnk fur trgrZlTrttarpaitV2llll:, :dr:re= of loom%) to an ter cent. len than venal pmts. THEIR STOWS OF BILKS Comprise 'over font hundred pineep, cad will he sold at an =menu. die Them assortment of !Shawls, Beretta llsiurs, ren. wanes Foulard Bilks, {,owns, Moslins.• Junners,, Cambric., and Dress Good s generally, will be closed cut immediately at about one balftbe usual rates. . 11 eases Past Clored Lawns *ill be altered at Pe. ,do Barrs 100. es, _ 1 do Marlin de Leine., Ito. So it ilnege paLlisiii.a.7.lkA:gtdobrelliedat 101,11 C. ilk 7e• Alame lot of Wrought ollars, some al low as de. Ti m •gether with a complte variety of Domestic and Whi Goods, Itsbbona, Ho e siery and Glover,llOnnent , kn.. Ste. . Making la aliened the Most artesian assoMments In the country, snick will be marked down lo much town poets than at any of their erosions Around dales. Prhe Store will be clean upon Thersday and Fallow. T Play Pon and 31st, for the Formosa af lfilftg its sad marking down stock. , N oA V/tAOEI.II, 10711 CO 11 CIA My3l. A ___. . 10.10:3II .I.IftIiCSEL rvivirog 4 and 4.4 Fr!nitsPLlV4 rolls% rX and mei., ladles , sante, boys' and anildren'a wear, of the most deritable shade. limy Invite alLeflliOn to their lute amassment s O M c ,,'. and Bole BUMMER WEAR, of different teriels, wad nil of ~rbich will be .old iaw__lel7 PABABOL6I PABASOLS Ultell MIRCIIFIELD have r:Cr . i t red aro .u e 13.1. Beryl ,. of Lore arileie, aeyi ato to.i I alloodarly quality uno color vvalitoo jr.lld xri r "~t3eees Fourth nw 6µ t dl T m.a.,N, T ocK . 6"nv"andsonie patterns and nolo , Cloth doie , mi of Yen' of pirnaPM. to which we invite the anon op; 4d hthr thimr!tarn been erL I.l.ack lita•g:,,,.(oinVtamdtol3:3llli.nd efultpe OUf 1,0,V r . d `;`'` . 7wa. bero. ~ 2 1 :tt r i, 77, ttA , _______ . Fancy Vrl.6,lFWXL*,,alfii_ _ Barrio re o duced Frck, aro— Barge do Lain.. • lane ILSlgitelfill er tentlful platten+ . Mall., and,,Swlrs MOOILIWI A apleridid assortment of Black and markab Fancy li Bilks;cheap; Bemires Lamm; and De La nn. Beautiful Foulard nliks, at 51k scuts per yard; Beane:oil Calicoes, from et errata, sod upwarda; A hose stock a( 13101•1% and Bleached Mullins, Pie per yard, and onwards,- - - . .. ~ .., poonetz and Faraselhat graist;v renacca Fixes lonss,Cusimeres,end Vest ngs,o( the bast Cul" remarkably Bre. . large of Ticklags, Apron and Together with a Skittles Chreka, all widths; Brown and Bleached ebeenngs and Shittngs; Irish Wraps; together wits ;Wadies . articles in our line, at north east corlet() ner of Four, end ;ark.' et,— . SiMtirli a illilttlilFlßLß ime iliat received I now style Foulard bilkaorery cheap; reh, plain, rad qfiragyl ' l a ve ' 1 r to ' e n L a n il Tfig , e ' gr kr; 7irlr . v . L Y d i o ' barrens anti tiastier, P bares e de ...01‘1........d ...I MMO styles; new stile French, lErtgliah,asa Bootch UMW, in great satiety, ,oid at •trf lOW pnees; plain, tinted, and satin stnped de Buns of all kinds and qua Was; horn last,. of all shades and colors . &shares, ebintaea, prints, es., at north nut come of Fourth and Market sneer , , kg ----- --_--_—__ A i -l AfrsfiTPP ;.° --1 ; j,.V . .i - , m l • ,hcn ial infat no s h CO3 ira:Rp&utilirar ILIADREIIY k.--ID/BLIttFIDLU aro rglang Derain+ 11'1 •nd Derage DI D. Lainea at very low prices. at north exist corner of Fourth and Market Ms. Irk 1.-3.trijk. SDI L.A.O k...1,---V4T-r.,,,,,,,,,,,dg,..„rdiT: reed and 'ffiTaeun't.fiortteLavictee.onter ' of q Piniji and Matv tot vtreeii. joy MURPHY & BUDR!!'IELD_ —CA- A n.' fve_ Tc " B IV2Ir 1.11; re,e_e;e7ll_ll, ad: i....1-a... onvv aerial) of aboveLKYVO:IIIG MIM, varioo. style. of China, Pearl. Allione, and Gimp Dannetsi, White sod Colored Gimp do; and lUbboaa of all colors and pneer. Riall7 T3Frt.i,-TECOTMOrti—Didi.4.4. Floor Oil Cloth, r J ., receive.: fro= the factory, and for sale at the Wereionaa, Nos. 7 fr. 9 Wood street. tell -IA eit/Illarigiriiiiiroll.-- "Lffltßl•ll.l* k . 'AIgerWILD Invite the attend. Dl or those wonting gues t for Mourning putposes, .o taw very fall aslottmenhlost recniscd , such .3 plait Uombarince, Morobastne finish.Alpaccas, plant Moose de (aloes, • Dooming Wash Slits, do !rioted F0ea1ardr,......, _. . Panntn'ort:gsterta4trlMlL. u;Ile..lZ ClnotdereM Itlounet,Ribboos.eestfsdo, 11ei11,cae±,,.a.e..m.:11,7.1 S U etTrV i n . etdelable glee for summer Cal% .ed, and uour opening by • .t . MmArlikg.& CO WIT—C — IA: - - rt a pe rie7il --- M ; , e , r ------ li II.IIT fl. -Anwls,-eicimprirtng Crimson, Orahge, rink, Mae, Green and Cam colored, last reeetring per express, and ‘Ala day opening by A • MASON to no mayl7 . PI Marker - Cif 1 PillWiiii"ii:liiik, 6Wit, iic - llia LA I colored Ramses, teed per et_p_reaa,ss! _an., opeolnejnr _nayl7L_/..A144,,,.,!...._..- - Mack Dress Sinn.. A. DIASON & CO orb a dap M ning 011 . et t . M net, Misch GrO de Attire Salt; 10 pea 4 gl intl. do; 'Sees 31to0 .Or do; 6 per alt Inch dig and ee.* pp Inch do. ____.l._.--.gl X:ii --- to. . Ills—sirsdikstrollsSofrs. 4(S) doe Ladies , Upon Cambs. fides, all pt< do es; 11X , dos , ;do „, do do la dos do do do colored borders; Breelsed this day by ,A A MASON k. CO . CJ Minket st. T I I IIuiYTP: PAN —1.i.T..41T1Y4:: W r C . — i ..-- m 1T, .. ° ...., slams, etthe extreme low Daces! llio Prer reed. ... A A M_A.9...."—,------C(' ma Irliat and Orowia4.l_l4•,lana: rsal yes 34 .nd OA pea 44 UT 130 1 , . Grokr. 04 , 14 14 fti IT 0 ./ Inch u"*" VI MASON k CO mar°. - Fresh - A” --- 1 -----.'-' ' f weal IhriT-----.0"--..."-- Vf}l,T,7.7.'„lttz'gr= l,- asvp lik.l! pared to !Ater all excellent assortment St oar 111111 l lore prices for cash, or aPpreved credit. The attention of reemern dealers Is particularly re to uested to ear goods, as we feel confident of bein lola afro unusual Inducements to make a bill with us. Call and exeralne at any rale. ttIIACKLEIT A, WIIITE. 9° , 1 1 _ ---n 27 1 2.t'. !rF,'— C a YEAGER, 108 Illatkat illre•t, (um. LtbarX/r) AMERICAN,T.I7(rLIVIC:r CTIVAN LAC ES Q HOSIERY, EIIOSONS, GLOVES, VIM:ADS, COMBS, I.IIITEONS, SUS- Pk:NOVAS, Ac. Also, %nein and Franey 17astIngw, BLACK MSC FANCY SILK CRAY A.TtA,ONGE.F. „ 11.A.OANNA,,mtd LINEN 1101:FS, • general as sortment ot VANS, end every variety durum:ling, llAltlAtill4uw LAANK. CASES plain and fluted Hawk , de Lalns, aatort• cked tuft., 'cot received, and solling at out low aoara__ __A d__LaLtL__," CASES fast colored Lazon w s o low price B cu *P'"". ‘61'1.8711:e ' A A r4.,..50N 4, CO_ - - CASES rut coloted abaaAaakrealhul4lle:.,lr J at la cent. P" 7 " d t9 Dlaet< maya3 ° Tbr°4e F"5-4" AAiriic6l4:CO casks Hum e Be'" ni ;;V out: or tenbi '"" "".41WAVNIttlli 6. CO Q 169 WILS.I.AII7/11.—i400-gala blessithe'die.dSpe sax " gals bleaeked fall: 61* gala N W. aalllt Whale 011, in atom .Sd N7 4. 117 A 4 f. e, nsl , (=N 02290 at 4-row-a us tails, rrANNn-.1 40 00 la bobs caarnon 011 : in 01020 to . 1411.1,t1frAt_11,K2_;Ir_Li ameniir , la by aft an,Fixa • . 700 itub4t4.c vs Co 14 EN4AZNI 1 ~, , , ,, , . itr.crav RD .1. the rautauth =Or Grocery and rea Wertheim: - 5,4010 s genuine konetvo CV:War osoir.to94rop,zpers .do laoslart Powehong Lae 7 0. do, do do ,• do k Teas are received The "16m." ! Twill be sold ea low as direct from the trtipormr*, _ uon Wei can he putchutd theeoc e•••••• freight, wholesale or retall ‘i l A mocurßo a co gal Liberty 11 t ,,,,..—„ ,„,n 4.-- :, joll : ' ' id 9sam,°. , q 1 Vac 9 93 d, , ER , nd t, , , yk,A F ,we A296ji:d.°4°l4" , ve " vui . '-----• - tjj, oln * ' -- 71 . 9 . '—ii,Tiii-rdYl" fa ildLDS ad; ' ()9-411,u-). iii°t. do ! ;id. ,• , d" ..liby rwr,:i.. 4° ,. p,;,,ket 9.?,,,b,:41001.r LO gross Biw''" c • litto 1.11301.113 OP NATORO:-T.non . Jilt.latnitn liana. • G CVERNMENTIL. --"----------- I P,I2OPOSALS FOR' A .LCIABI. - , . . . Tilt eleventh and twelfth sections of the Act oldie 1. General Amenably of this Commonweal to Strata a t entitle A supplement to an Am entailed .= Act Sinking Fund ind to ,provide ler the graded. slid certain extiagelshment of the debt or th e Commobc• wealth: and to authorise a 105n,7 .approved.the, leth day or May A. D la 50, provides as , 011 e. , 11, It* Beene, it That the Oevernorla hereby inthorised to negotiate a loan forma eve of Th em Millions Three Handled Thousand Delon, redele to a re yeses from the date o f subscription thereof, are nee of joefett tot exceeding four per centom per. adhere, payable la gold and etlvet,seselmhourdiy , opon the firm days of Pcbmary, and Sagest ef Aneh year, and exempt Item decry: spectre Of =One. Plotter, that bloomers for said lean will he ttmelvedi shall be publitMd In at In duo acirsysyter in the aft of Ilarriebarg, ln the cities or. Pittsburgh. Lencaster.and Philadelphia, orri the cities of New Toth. Mauro, and .Daldnuore, a peeled not lees than three menthe before Steeper:di:sof said pmpreal a, aod bj , letter elsewer . , if deemed . occeasery, and ' t ' h P :il r o e p rtil ' a ' s rail re d b e gel/ I i r P trte s ,lA :2:1111e Goiernor, the Secretary of the Commenwealeyand Auditor General, and the loannhall, he awarded to the highest bidder or bidders. , if the astcrant of the shalls exmed the ro ramunta of the midtown the same be tintabuted p authors the highest bid ders, bat If the whole of said Sea shall not then be taken the thlferilei may renew notice, Li the manner aforeanid, from time to tune, till the Whole smourkof mild loan shall be sabscribed. No eondrtionet tads shall be considered; and upon awarding such loans, nese, partphereof,.eartifiesmawith 00OPOM for the Interest, shell be tuned therefor' by ; tee Auditor Genenn. ' Sacrum 12. If the said low shallte Subscribed, it shall be end It la hereby approinlateddr the payment and ex•lagalsrunget of the fended debt of dna Com rel'''oltti ' to :It '. n '' d d :l e gh f ' hulk ' rd t : t crillgr,ln ' tf Po r e At: pay meet of the stun of eighty five Wanted one ban I tired zed four dollars and eighry eight cents; nine to domestic creditors: • . • • •_,,. In pursuance of the provisions eforesuu,notice is ! hereby given, that proposals *ill be received et-the Dike of the BeereleST Of the COMIODIVIeIith until 4 o'clock P.ll, of Tice the first day of October next, tripulatlng for a WOO tO e. Conthoonwcalth. for the par - poses set forth In the' mid act, of th e sum of three millions three hundred thettemaddeilml.rokeln able tn thirty years from the dam of the seliscription thereof, at a rate of interest not areeeding four pro cent per were, payable to gold end silver, steal annually, epee the Ann days of Schram and Sagest eemh year, and exempt tronseverf aPeele.A E wt.' ation. Certificates at stock for the said loan, wi th (toupees. far the Interest will be is Red to the usual manner end Mad* transferable by the eloper, on the books of the !Lad it. Or neraPs Department. The proposals will be :ensured to 'Ma eiPliellY the amount offered, which 4211 not in anycue be less than one thousand dollars, the rate of Interest not exceeding four per coot, and the premium proposed. The Plate 'curves the tight' to accept the whole a r an,' tart of the mom offered unlesathe proposals stipo.. late to the coronary. yids for Mahood most be direct and.explielt. No conditional proposals will be received. Upon the acceptrame of the proposals, Ple the money smut be pale. Into the Stale Tetuan . , in mum. as shin be directed by the Governer. Certificates of stock will be toyedd in reek amounts as may be requested by the l • o ar . peronapeogt, v?pgp=teibu,„ Lo th" mill not be opened or disclosed smill the period roe reeely. tog there has elapsed; after:which no attention to the ter= will be adnotted. A L RUSSELL, Secretary of he Coleraine. Secretary's °Mee, /hamburg, June 60,1E30. leln:drtewnrult .--- DlEfthichTLlM ~ IMAMS TO SI LW DIIZ7I cm Ins coNrrrarrlos. ESOLYZD 17 th• Strata cod 11thwo of Dspressata. R, Oyes of tho Cononothowath of Pannsylthara in throes( Movably riot, That Ow Coostantros of this Coonsicro wealth be smandel in lb. monad section of oho filDiorticla, so that it shall road es follows Th. Judy:. of , h flaprone Court, alb. weera Covets of Corostmt Alcoa sad of roots other Calmar Retail as ars or &ill ha ettatatotad bylaw, Wall ble disml, the stwlifted ,(.tern of Ilia Common wrath, is tho tomer followsw, to wit: The .1 ragas of the Burrow Court, by the 92116.1 o n of th. Coalman organ al haw; th• Proudest dada of the attend Co of Conmoth hew, and °frock other Castro( Ilstrad as sn. ar• or &all be esabloshad by law, sad all other Sages cooked mar keened is ter law, 17 tla goslifpcd alwtors of the sty. district. Tot traits DwylVt ID patio Or ad.. fir, thd lb. /thwelate Juty. of tr. Courts of Common Plot by tho gratified antra. of thetthatiesnitaetteay The .1 odgw of thc Soros. Court gall Tad Owit die. frr the tans a fawn yoitt, if they then w Itt g Ware thamares 0011, (subj.:WU. the allotment kgrethafter pro, •Oled. Le, satacquent to the first .(*dives,( tha Preciielont Judgcs of tho several Courts of COMM= Dieu, and of ouch other Court. rif fOcnort at Swiss Duane estribtraird by law, Ind al olhar lodge th e to ba lama in'the law shall hold Warr chew for the terse of too 7thre ir , b.7 ate , . Closg of themsetros moll; Oa somas Judges of th• , tan. of Comm. Dltas shsll hold their chew for C. 'swam of Dee years, if 114 Wall so tong behaso tbs.:want war; all of •thos shalt be ocaorthsiosed by tho Cio.roor, hot Ow any etrow.tl.. aka, whisk Wall sot ba mdleka Craaa. for Caprwthasess, the Gams. shall temow wy °C S.= on the cadre. of , tmo thirds of web btioch lb. Legislators. TF• ant election shall ttho It.. l general cleat.= calla. Centosaawalth lust after ail adop tion of this ansthdraent, and rho monsisoicas of all to. Judas. who may be then in caw shall espies ea the Lot Meads, of December folloartog, mt. do. Wrens of the now Jaws shall wasosen.. The pwca. who shall then by e.t.a Judges of th• 1301.reme Court that hold' their chew a. Lilco c Croe—of thsell Co elwirotiViran. kritrz Tel., t.t't for .. 1 . 0 . r.r., =0 r. o.lke 7.,.....1 .... krer.. wo, ho tran of cacti to be decided by, lot by the mid dap., os woo after Ow Octane as onotracent,thd the ro sent waded by them to the Otennne, that the controthathe my be bawd In aworilthse thereto. Tto 1 udge whom coassamion will' &et aspire that b. cue Justhe darks's his troth, cad thcreafter lash Judge whom eiscwaksion ash Ors. arra gall in tura IN elet aid -Usti., thd a lades more comminions shill , w b y me the was day, the Lading them Wall deckle by lot whlth thall bet O. Chiof J0.1.i.. .thy theatocies, bappcning by eath. Weeroi.. otherabor is any of this mal meta, anal be rd by ap pointers:la by the Oworaor, to thatiww,lDl the ferst Mon day of thcmonhetturceeditherwat contra clentina. The Jo wl of the Sopron. Cosh .00 the Decadent& of D. !owl Marts of Camara Pleas sball,nt stated times, metre far their anises on ode...note tampon-wk.% to 14 forth by taw, which shall out bo diminiana daring their netttrwance inch., Soothe, WWI rewire so (ow paws:salsa ohne nor h.ld ay other Cato or profit ...Act Wis otrwthiaracw lll 4 or Amster thisrrnawa of the Usitcd Staletrow any alba haw of th Unioa. The -.Odes of tho Borer. Coy.. during their confiscates lo ohm, atoll recidetrorithin thl. c o wnwareath, to the oat. Juicw,datrog thee wntuasi awe is hate, shall reside +Wady the dint.n or c 0.., the Oath dm were wise:nal, elociest . . J. 9 McCLLMONT, Dpchut of the lloma at anpronatstiro .' V. BEST, ." Speaker of the Shots. • • -- • ; itrorre. Cmiewst, 'l _ ' • Ilarnrourg. Jamul 'M. MS. I, EWaitel W. Pan. Chief Clerk of Des Broati Prosisylmnia, do WOG eirlify MOO. for niiiilata. (No. Pi on the Minim flle of the yrestal ressi.,l entitle wßceolution relent: to I. amendowit of the Constitution, -it being the flat resolution Which ems to tis ky e me. jority or Ne ...cabers Gerold to eel Home of roe lest t..egiala rara-after hub' ;been duly .ronsidered nil cli" mewed, was this derail:aro to by a eneywity of the members eternal to and earring. is the Ben. of . Terosyleroia, et ill grown music., am ikwill apple ;by their vette giros on toe Assimilate of tbe resoluta., as Collo., ilm 'l heme voting ia Ilmuorthe plume of the laudation were, H. Jones Brooke. J. Porter Srawley, Willie. A. Cribb, Jonathan J. Cannisironai, Thom. 8 Fenton, Thom= ny Foyer., Cluirles Franey, Robert 81. Frick, Healy Fulton, John W. Granny, Will. liasiett, lam Hope. Yinsathe Ivey, inks., Y. Jana, Jorph Ronignowher, George V. Lawrence klarortil !MG.., lieriums Melo.. Bropailist Inatthies,'lieery A. klahleolwrg, Wllllssa ' T.' Pecker, William IL SOW . , DVit Snikey,Pelega Brosty,"Canred Shim", Ruben C.Sterretti Mani Stine, Flirts ILletrroter, Joke 11. Welker,and Vales.. et. Speaker... Yew M. Thye noirg spinet the rump of Vas rushation were, Get., Dan. Aorta. Dram, and Alerander king- Nes s 3. ' (Faired from root Journal.) _.. 82411. W. PEALISON, Cleri lir Vas Ikons or •Arrewelmvul•vi 1 Ilirrisbdre, Murk 11, 1 810. titan Jack, Chief Clerk of the jlonn of Rowe. u ifFrom ylronia, do hereby mini that the fore• sir fir.esolijinoe,lNot 2.. the f t le .. ..lll4x t t i dLlo,? l l l l .. c a t i lotion dati a ' o th IL= or " tta eoi.tifatio4.-it ba3c the cates tuala.L. which wee *greed to by *majority of ilia member , sleeted ta taro num of the Mat Leib." this_-aftrt Wring hero dal" emmiered end divvied, was this say 'greed t i by a majority of the members *looted to rod raving I. the Ileum of Dmpritsernativcs .1 Tionscl. • Var., at e is lament Sessiaa• as will appal by their Toles, gnaw th ford rawr of the resolution, es lona., vIG- i Thom von. g io bo o n of the pere of the eroihilfou were,' John Ade", JO. Alliaminntiliiimßalrer,Rebert Baldwin, -Davit J. Beet, Craig' Biddle Jewinsiah , Blear, John. B. Morro, William thirolle Deiiiel 11. S. Brower, Jiwi M. Burden, John Cowm,lieruy Marro, Jahn N. Coombe., Alltestior Crodlrod, Urojamin GiDavid, William J. Mk. bins, Jun. , Pi Downer, 'Mum. Duncan, Wino. D i o n , Wil llare Empty, John C. ETwas. Williem Enn Dro lb T. a, A. Scott Klein Alemailer 8' Feather, Janus ;Fla.'s,' jete Farber, Aleronder Oilkoney, Thanes C. Osier, Joseph F. Grif3a, Jae'. Gaffey, Jamob I. Ilablenien, lleorgeli, 11.10, 1...1rwl .it. Jahn aiding., Willia.J.Hasphill, .rolin: liar, Crory Maple. Low,. Raiford, M' &ibis:Oat]. Juke., ri Mono Jeizei. John W. Kantor, Chum F. Vookmd, Robert. Elots, Lem mai P Laird, Morris Leech, Joni.. D. Lest, Anson ma, Jaws J. Leis, neon Little, Jon. T. M'Clintock, /obit P 111 , Collv.h. llemoder a InVardyy Joke ISOLaneblin, Jelin 111 , Lero, ausurd Man, John B. Oink, ore Meyer., John Miner, Joeerh C. Iroday, _Jam P. More , Willitiit Y. Slorimuy, Asekmil bloseiy, Sylleard Madura, Jacob l's mill, Charleroi ) 'ha i l, l , Johyili Tuber, Jouph ,L C Powell, Jmnes p. Tuld, 36. limy, Learle Roberta, Samuel BistuiPU, John B. Wißatlliam find. Gleuel W. erolleld, Thom. C. BrYnUer, Shaffner, Ricker.'Blwpiaa, ED Stiff, ill ills Moder Smith. , Wiliam A. iimitk, Droiend Somer. Wiam li 'noses C. bleat, David Btwerotd. Chaim Stockwell, FA. win C. Timm; Andrew Wadajlabert •C. WOG . , Thos . as ,WAtxn, Sidney B. Wells, /Gram • Willorow. Dmiel Zarbey, rod, John B. WCalinnot, Ihwakal-lrest et ' nose "Glom spirt the pie age at rho I...kaki:ram, August. SC:Corer, Drill R.alw, awl James M. ?caw jf4,7o a. • (F.uut from tti , l/ t o .r el j ele jAciL Clerk_ . Filed March 15 MO. A. W. IfF.NEDICT,Dep. g« , y Of Cononeiwealth . flacareser , s;Onic a, r tt . sssssssss fr I da cattily that the ahem and remote; is 4 tree alai eerrret r a n et the original F atelotroo of the Osaseal A.a. satahly, actlvi , Iltsalutioe ralatinra to en aineaareael or the Ceettiia,', at the owns remains on ore bkobis or.o. -...- 'InI tuns:way whereof. IWA %Tele set - my L... taxi, r ezdzr .:,:i etior.tontred th L rrl fins o e f ( d i ., or Jon, e n nO i tlowin , ;ea tiezomee eigne Foment and fair. , A. L. P.USS KU...teenier! old?! Conennaweeth. ialtdirerznesl , . . . --------------—a--,--. InSTII.A. FAXIILN VLO VIOR the ronn.Llenee of ibis enlaces, ehe ptoprittore . F O of the Piusburgh Ora bb.llL T w o Pla...boaes ku th i If Ti11,1:,c.1."." , :1 glh l end rNrcitit'llel' 1 bl Hayward, thee ware, CO,L iberty la Market sts.' A Melee, Wore Third greet • .. • I; Wileei, ft., dttglial, cot Fourth to flenlihffol& Jam 1 , peolth, more, Comm MM& WOO.: . ! ' Telegraph Lace. Fearthetreet.. , , '.. si 0 Kelly, grocer, FdLN at, cornir er blag.et alley hi onue, sore, Penn weal, Ninth Ward, The floor waggons will tall twice or Unica daily for orders, and tho f100r.10.-dellecred plamptly,either lel_arrela in sacks—seek tour Is Tom' Wall lcoon .i nt? ra i n 'bkeTowed=Utogets e...11.:`.0. no p_o Minion to leaTe floar witheatpayar ri t th ,...,• lye hope unrealile will be pleased ,rim ,_ "."3.1".' "A° 44 ev'it'a '-arr..%01,F. 4 1 ., m' ---- ". pulair. ipiiii.oo;.!,.....coisip- . to I 0 ,. 1 3., T e. 1N:44 : .. , ~ 23 4 20 0a b bo u ta tri av Leme . vs s.i n Ei 0 ip . :,.. 1 124.; rroT ai . alccrE Hrr:n Irar.r oN i 018 , r • • EM== MEDICAIs. PROCLABIALTIOIev rkban'T, eines who are Wet and afllleind with • east of the bladder and tidney 6, With: rbetaestitt, pairmin back or ticba, silejente, aid Meet* .' aloe fee. that the ma. be eared by Milne the re , - • trele r tali.'Yoa m ay tabr about Its being:* bestnuawe • meek m You please; Mathis does not mate It soiliwT we proclaim in the face of tut honest ebaresurary. that It has virtues .whleh are: not comair.nd m OnY eMeT tweeedY. • The Man who is racked with pain wad mil , tortes Min direful,. can for Arty eents, 'get'ellef fast: any of the ills eummerairA above. .R.catter t it coals Yea little to mate atrial. Thin -Petroleum Is no air, tures' comyeed, put up for Ma pumas of llopming en the community; bat it is a remedy :debt :oared by the Mmterimod of mum, and bubbles up frouttbebo-, tom of oar mother earth in its original emt er• fen to mattes hamanky a ready remedy, n eartaln andthesp clue- . ,• it has cored Piles after miter medicines have , to render any relief. It hart eared Itheumatinnefloug • Standing, and of theirerriand most pahantebmarder It has eared Cholera Moth. by oak Or two demo ll has eared old caeca of Diarrhea, in.which every other remedy hmbeen onto Meal remedy In barns and melds, it Is,bciter than say medical cow pound or ointment Mat ure.tmow of. Itwtil mare chil blains or frosted Met, In .alew''appilestions; undoubt ed testimony. cart befumished of the troth contained la the oboe, statement by calling on tdamuel elm, Canal Biolu,7th atreetp or ettherr:ff t . nd Vl K' regYller k „McrEng'4,os7iVood eveM, A•Ta lira fa D. 741.-Cll;ryi'Allegheny City; ate the vents. • P Sw The most 'lnaltelammt• Dtleol"n , " coral—hut. itontridy'rer that Plleel DR. D. P. DROWN'S celebrated External AMeri tf_ y lf to be the o rzt ,,, o t r tasi eLe a . d i ld T i t! public. Elam the discerrety Of thillVlltablentedicin e, and the. large number of extreme eases with which Dr. Droarn bee treated, no OM hit failed to be entirely cored. Unlike the marry healing balms extant, after month. and year. of experintentalisiog, has .too often left the patient; where they commented hr Vona,: but: alter n few days will deed° the duo by effecting = t w r gtxlcri, I shallnci; nter into &labored ar gument to emit my medicine!! innroduco It upon Its own merits. by Da effect I intend habil& +wad or fall.. Urn prefer that loadnorme discase,the rums, ttto Irene of a few dollars, I reel the cue with you. DR. D P DROWN, Bold wholenle dlttr.al.loybd,atreola a D u aff sial to N sitii . Y. 57 Wood at. ruy4 sumo Intonits calm emir. Of von moon • ' on nava as nut antlaes, vs= .Eicro rola ia Ring's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Ceder mous Eruption. Pimples oi.Pnentles on We Feles,' • Matches, Bile. Chrome Sore Eyes, Ring Worm • • or Teuer, Scald Head, Rattner:tent and Pain or the Bones and Joints, Stabbern Ulcer. SlPitinio Symptom; Sciatica or I.urttbago,..-ased .eiseases arising front an iniudiclocs s u e o Disimay . tites or Dropity,.ErpOnliC leapnadence Life; Also Conetitutiomd Disorder, tco.' This medicine ha. aceeitedh very extended and. established reputation w e it has tams used: baud enUrely on Ps own merits, which saperier 'efficaay has alone eastal”ti. The nnfonanato victim of hereditarrdi mese, with swollen glands, contracted sinews; and tones half curiae. has been restored to health and vigor., The serafelous patient, covered nob alcers,loathsome to W ane and his attendenta. been made Whole. Ilandreds cf persons, who ; had gnawed hopelessly for years under entencoas sad - gistulaim• dist/Diem chronic. rheensatiem; Muld many other complaints springing . from. derangement. of the eecretive organs and the circulation, have been - ranted as It were from the reek of diseas, end new, with regenerated constitution, .gladly te e .ticy to. the efficacy of tide Inestimable preparation. “Tftlall IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.. Thence:dam of the Oadcr is called team following tetTlilshing cure, efected by We nee of Sands , Sum, • - . .• [ Lek Li to eartifr dad I ha v e a colored woman 'ebb i Las been afflicted for the Inst Ate ye ars with Seroful6,; and all thc remedies I used hid Co effect in arresting, , the 'progress of-the 'eareldaint; 'oh the iontnirr, ins I constantly grew worse; arid after expending between [OM and ScO with physleirom, besides using other papaar remedies without Ounce., tit I the disease had . t eaten away the cartilage az her' nose, made its tip 1, pears/me on serious par* of her body, and had fatally commenced its ravage' In the soot of bet mouth "In this dreadful situatien. with the prospect a. • I 'death ending her mt. face I stated her ease to Dr I .4%7lM, ' 4,=Ml o v r trrirdrird: P u tilttittire7l7i. and no my surprise and thine( my neighbors, to whom her cue was known, after , Usleg font and a ball bora ties the way restored to peifect health,arid that in the, pace of three weeks, and Was able tolgegh in two • Of Ceki rnMrthe time she cob...need taking lc - -. "In witness - of the truth of this statement,' lave bere.us affixed my mine r als Ithh day of Selnelnber,. tea. , JOSEPII,MeCOTTEIL J. P., "Mouth of Reuse River, Craven to. N. C. SORE TORO/LT. - . The following it nn extract from a letter received from Mrs. Rev., woo had be. sfdleted several years . with Scrofulous Ulcers, DYspepsis, ALL, and reentdl ”Attreller , of the throat and cheat, • "Ilsnurvarao, Va., Dee.l3,lMS. "Messrs. A. 13' , rc a 8.,..- 3 ef or. I eorameneed using year SartsParilla„tay sufferings wore almost past exptession,• my throat wsur completely ulcerated._ I had a dreadful cough, end dine me re freqneetlY, weeks together Out r mild not speak above a wt.": per, end besides, the in flaramailon from my throat ex:, • tended to my bead, so it my hearing weaver, numb' Impaired. After taking the Bust Penile a chart thee my health was improved,and my throat is now well lan ea free std cough and It of the cheit ever I Was, and call bes i qttim dimiectlY. MY throe has been well about :three months, theme of which • hullo." effected entirely by do me off Teo , Rm. - will.. Year friend, -• LOIIIBA R. BEVAN" The following testimonial ta the ream of the Ursa. • patill.ls from the Rev Luther Wright, aged 70 yea.. Congregational Minister; residing la Wobam. "Woman, bless., March 30, RHO, "Messrs: Randal Gentlemen—From what 1 have eX perleacee, and• from the - information I have recently received from a number of . .ersons of high .respects , Milts. who have used year Sarsaparilla, 1 have not the feast doubt hat that it is a most valuable medicine. end that the nueneroureertlficates yen have received of Its efficacy are folly ,sustained by experience, and although its repetition and utility are very extensive, sod stand in . need t a re hamble b y to incr.. them, I w.t all vs. afflicted by disease to b. , come acquainted with •the efficacy and power or your 'enable medicine.: 1 am, gentlemen, gtalefally .d very RlrespeetfallT."y youm. •.. LUTHER WGH - Prepared and sold, Wholesale and retill.by 4. a ,k. H. serm , rt.ggi.t..ond Chemists tou Fuiun meat, corner of William, New York. also by•'Drug. gists generally througheut the United Sold States and Can. ad. nice it per bottle; six bottles for IP. ' • :,FS:Tie s..lP.tlll:liqiii.i3lF4E.l'nflal!lTllllllits. .- lai'vt7KasaifitTs TIM. AMEIUCAN RI! EU M A TIC BA Lid AM!! A NEW' emedy lately discovered fa the Yegemble LS.. Killadtme—rt, We and permanent Caro , for all Mammal= Complaints, such •as Ithlantramory, ChrOn keine and Mercantil • , Rheumatism, Gera, Lumbago, , • L •' ' Spinal Affeedons, /Le. This ritedlene his been sought for. It habeen asid that Itheumattard could not. cored; hat there la it remedy designed by nature fort he taro °fever, dia. ease that the human hystem is subject to. At rest a re trimly has been ;cooed that curer Rheumatism of the worst fond—one of the roost velnable vegetable VI/- dee...jeer of the earth—the Greats. and =paint:Want discovery of the egd, and ful blerriagr to the human family. • It cams without tierce:lngo* debilita ting, and renews strength and vigor to the vihole spit. tete. It bag eared, daring the pest three mordhs, over SOO .sts that yew: eorsidered incurable. . .... Certificates of the cetative properties of Ode me et . tine MI be seen by coiling on thodgent. • .. _ . None genuine unless put up with an engrav nl ed tenet Tr/ ilig..ll;llWoTg3cl,' '''ln'l bY d'''Pl./.7,0r, a , 11. SfiIYSEIL Sold be • corneuThinl and Merket st, Pins , nigh. , Bold also ur ~ G. 1 , . THOMAS, Nolo9 Main at, CirtefFnall. 0 fell7+lkrernS AI /3/ -- sn 3/A3l - 0/I.L 0141027 • No. 06i DIAMONDALLEY, a ; few dooni i3k lis ow Wood stmt., tart• DIU Sal. lIVPI et S.atelig been .t ogolotlyetleated to i b o =dud pofessu 7 d been for miens limo • In general practice, novueoulints his attention La n de trcaUncol 6I , - • these pnvato &items com . plaints for which his opportamists - mot , experience petaliarly quality t • ' hon.' 'altars asaidionsly devor. to study a treatment of those complaintattinnagor9ea 3 time he bashadenoreymetlet and has eared morays, tents than tan ever fall to the lot or any,private ptac7 tlUomen amply 'qualifies lass ha,off:c .assmic a ll:4 ~?fltdi:lit'grt=l i Ld. Liffir.l.'Zl.i ~.. Ifro. . • Dr. Brown would Infonattose ittilleted I .with Mourn Idisessea - which have become chronic by time or ag , , I gramma by Psalm of any of the common nosmnns 41 I the day, that emir conaidatotacari be radically and them I ougialy cared; he having giten Ida earefat attentionto \ I 1 t it iv:lta, ~:ren t ili a rr e dlentyt.,;:otg a r7: :f t m ii:nt.,,,,,,mnivhde e ,:t o ,i, hhh:n t i.b:: : :4.ll : ... 5 , f : . ...tle :::: : ::ii: ~:te n .: 1: s a e r7:7l:t.te t bdri: , i ,::::„. . ... 1.4:..1:op d .:0: tiil . ... dilf, u fii c ,..::: : :::ni..erixi,.l,:. ::::: i . : I,: d ic. 6:7:7 1 : it ileilrn: „I h y ,b.r ei ; ti . n d 7l: s, 0,,,0..::.:th i .,,h ,... . .::::::: . tgT.l.Tri..l".. ! • . iirli.r.i..R.t.riric..lnylus psi . • 'ah Dentin to call as Ins luspaidparus: ‘lgi.Mg rise. ca thlc red; • . Oda abeam:Kato, hi s,l'alsy, statsPlasifill and Charges VeryLoor. N. U.,—Yancout of either sex letting „ alit dlstancia, by statiag Unlit• disease in writing, giving ail tbs gasp -1 teats, can obtain:medicines with dirrctlona for nip by &dormant T. Bp.OINN, IL D., post paid, aadaneloo; tiles Na. 63 tiamtntdallay,oppoilmtha Wavorly attlattelitt.—Dr.lirCelres newly discovered mita 4 for RhedWthattis a speedy and certain muted) , toe that paWal tronbie. It never Who .• , .. Mee. at.d Pre via., Vmsolting Boom, No. GI Di.. Mond alley, Plttcburrh; Pa. Us DOM? Is always et , . I flacs.7•lrt • 111=1 OMNI . 1 1 11 liso,lh MIN MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers