;~ `~~?.~' TAB entsßutitim GA! ITE., WHITE se cx) PITT3ISUILOII. MONDAY.MORSING, JULY 1, 15.50 DIWOCRATIO TIOICZT Ting cruL CONIMMVIS. ...JOSHUA DUNGAN,- • • ' OCHicloCcmsty. • "• - HENRY W. GNYUER, 111111,17011411.11W1AT... . •:4,ossr-n O. HENDERSON,: . ..Qf Vraskingw¢Coomy. AlielleenlOnle and Whig Sonanatlons far Allegheny C ow:ay. • , • poi_mint =cm IOxOIR,. :-.1.11,0=411 11. - IION103.4•• vox amm maw, =CM TIM COSISECiIy /11.1131.111 OMAN ffMEMI 110E0AN ROBERTSON, Ptusbaritti T. .1.•1110111.1Id e Lower St CAW. R. C. WALKER. Etumbetb. JOHN BSCLOSICIr.Y. Robinson. • JAMES SIETE, Snowden. ososiconso osoonoto, FRANCIS 0. FLANEOIN, Plohnlog h. EBENEZER BOYLE, North Fiyeter. wil. warm. , Lower st. cwt. =ist seunnerps, D. N. CaUltriTY,-alm EatrißlT PAGE FOB LOCAL BIATTEEP ,lELECIRAPITIC In the puennstment of the Grand Snip, which, we publish today, there Is a complairdin relation to flunlshleg ,the ` Tall with'. inattreased; which is dreaded Learner. On inquiry, we have. ascer tained that a. large Dumber of new malkesses bate lately, been prepared, end are now on hand, and will beaupplied to the Jailor, when required. The _Comutissioners lave been making ample prepare:lona for'tie aupply ct these' necessary. articles, anktursm to the Sheriff and Jailor, which aceoents Gat the remark in the presentment. We have ourself, paid two skits, lately. to the Jefirkaa every faelliii was, afforded us, by the : Sheriff, and :Jailer, to enable is !to wait a general examizia dos Tko isells of those persons confined for any , length of time we found almost invariably and well supplied with every.necesrary allowed byttfejeltdiscipline. We savi no emit of emus tresses "d headiar, and hew] no complaint on that snore: There Is a clue or persons who are iamatas of:the 'shoot periods at a time, acre up KS' drunkards, Or vagrants, which it is fin- peaks to trier la any: thing kke a comloitable elutatiol. !Thai mostly occupy the Lower tier of •dfs, and ;dui aronsequenee fs that their appear ance is! car inferior to- the:eecond tier. These ansdcheil persons ore broughttoshe Tail squalid, /Oft, diseased, and debited, io stay flit twenty.' filar homes; of few dam and it con.d not be ex pected that the , / coati ha brought into earthing Ike a deceit *audition in 'that time: Under the supervision of the present Jailoi and Sheriff, webelleve our illy constructed nid badly ventilated stif Ir made as comfortable for its no• Corn:utak, inmates as la posnible, and we have co doubt .that,ihe Comniasioners leave nothing =provided fah which the few allow's, for the comfort of the 'prisoner,. Titers is one env/eft - ion, by .the Gland Jury, which we liorie the Commissioners will take into favorable comideretion„stod am-upon promptly. . That is, We recomoundation to provide a bathing ortabliahnient Ctr the prisoners. Without this it didieukto keep the cells and , bedding ektn,pr nude? the poisoners comfortable. Persona are frequently bronght into the jill in such a iPthy condition that it is tospoudtle to tiCllDrei them wilhounionseneneasary mesas of this hind. The =pew Would behmt trilling, and would probs. bijsave the County - mere than _its coat in ono Pawaz Ittian*Tida meet the boats saildbe opened tot the .aatecriptions oy eta.* to tits Sotly aadPittaburgit Plank Raid Compaq , . Tim books wUI bo opened on Tovilay, rost).lo:Ppattea Nail Fatiay, Biewatatourn Cu Vedaet.lay at Boards .Hotel, yakeritowa 7 and - on Friday at the Howl of. Jacob Meehlieg, Jr, in Sutler: heartily with. Becalm t.e-the cater. . !Tin NlErrca--4 - Magaaer for rratth. Rev. Haortaitt. Weld, Editor. PhtledelOda i Stately de "MrsCaillk.Pobliettenr." . nits Is a saw monthly ,Magaripe, of tbirtrtwo mt, ornamented with re total heodaome eagle• lap, rad tiled with excellent, tastrocltte matter, of a aidisal ehtweeter. Price ono dollar per an , rum: Geo. W.ll,lasta, No. 15 Federal street, Ai. . . lettber&p, is agent for tbe Work.' ire lodelled to the HolnThaildeue Ste• Tent. foe aeon of his speech on the Cahlornia quettion. Time Mere 5 deaths by ehalem Nashvilleou tits 21st: [Want. " ' • Tbdpeard of Health at Si. Louie Minot 66, for the meeker:6log on the 161 lestreri — report 1.65 death:NlA 42 mere by cholera. - At IktO quarantine patted below ,Saint Lonir„ ea the 'ratan; Mete were seven death/ by "cholera: i ; Dadart the we ek ending on tba 15E11i:int, there IMO 4 deaths by cholera at Slew Orleaae—of at: • '7..017.11ri Lac 11 IFROX WATLTI—Anabr aiverry:i.Wbile Dlr.Parne Lou been talking/ &boas producing light andkr.w, by'decomposicg wntcr, I Fti/3C611110. Joseph . Pierre Grillerd, boa.taken oat a paints In France, dated Nov. 27,1819,whith , td descant! in this - London Parent Animal, Is au fenpioyetttant Limiter to Palr.ol alleged great dlra eniary,:of pnaineing, by tab chantesl means, pun ariges and bydrogen at opposite poles,ln sepa rate geometers. Mr. G's. discOvery teems nib. er, Indeed, io go abead of Mr. PainqiC Herons n description:! - .. . The patentee's invention consists in certain sp. pant= and processos for pthdocing . hydrogen gas , by th e docomposiuon of water, and nsepplienuen to best end tight. The theassand Processes by "which bb obtatos this Ills are: 1. 137 the incale. CRAM (ivcandesciace)ofiroa. 2. By parttho.3 Bp ssitgoseta• .Tharts , th also* leng th y spec:nestles? giren,which s • cOotalns derdrlptlons of processes which 110 not claimed, and claims of processes which are act Tztaiennibitw blzaroa—llesi.dancr and M 7 Tirsatiuset,..—Tho Tessa papers are baud in the eaprosilopl or their itid4tuation at the patine put 'medal Colonel Monroe, rho Civil and blilltary glavelvtos of New blexitd,ts latuing a proelaoaa. iio/1 be the holding' of '_a convention ...for the for-, jaathast albtato Government, nod to urge up., to Coigress the admission of that territory into thvf.lottut aht *Shun." The 'Washunion Ranger , . .7141rdellIgence hu myriad considerable ex 'Citelneal about sod , the whole crest.— Neatly stay WAIL is willing to shoulder law goo, 6,4 ibsioandlho rlithti or Texas at the cannon's OtaetalTavlor is much mistaken if he istiOSertrillus to 11.bcalt to this injury and insult. We wariotood.tbot Gov. S e m h. pet. oispiorydsdalnatilllps United Swam Government domiliba, of oar toWoost should tots bale oo Afoot; to doOotlori kWh. With volunteer tor: ow. arid WM .'° 3 ? 2 4Ti' width, or TM Houma 'Telegraph - 0i piblisbiog'Cat Tuts btu one or the steam ecd noiitoot . pi e d meta of General Tarot to rob. rho 85oLheni Stites oil their deatest'prirttlegeik," A lame op. co, bus set of Goverumoottiraony, bay pa rta pa Doter bcforo been perpctrAul. - :-T1.04 . 1.4der , bee. ThalGalvegon News, le doing likewise, wipe We tan only say, that we are glad that the true fame km been at last presented to our citizens.— We shad aeon know whether oar citizens s ale seedy to meet that issue and defend their tights at all bassrds; or whether they will tamely give;op , their thghts la view or no superar power mildest which we shall have to cinitend, in order to male. two them. . Tao Galveston Joann', In referee° lathe proo laniation, says We foiberz to nommeat until a farther develop ment of Beta. It looks, thecae, wondetfolly like ■ put of the specie of feeds, that boa been adop•' MO to extol Irma Temia a sale and surrender of that Unitary. •• • lasstcart Dotormay Confirmaion.- 4 •Wo learn /tom the Providence JoUrne,lbat Mr. Bartlett Is le Washington busily engaged in the organ ga. HOC Of the boundary , eomnoraion. tt Ulna deriro to mans eschrstifio exptoration.of the =nary, ltd with am Went to take ocicatific men in va rious departments. - A memoir upon the subject Whlch be addressed to the Drermary of the line tler,,,Fue received Will. much approbation, and .seght f {he ;Senators' are warmly in favorer his 'plaap,Artin the fall ' accomplistuncift of which pin tameits may be expected., 5:7'':' ,. ..•.-' , '4?ii,•;:::::' . t . :,;: - .. , ::',. ,. . ,.., ';;.:' , ' ''.V: - 77'g ;.::;',t4','4,l,YlP•i'fv--ci'-.ST.:;f•:'-:- Z4fAceitiibure4peserte. Paraplarais• bops at . PrOnH*Daint, .o.ne 17, 1650' . GII2III.IIIIIIIIMITed. your letter of Saturday, in- Thing Me to dit'le 'Lib my democratic fellow eiti. sena of. Pluataugh... Yet. thiagreat kindoen and evidenee of Giegivenesa—or,raiher. of your approi val of my cocutie II the: government agalost. the manufacturing Interests of the free States—l . feel T.nrY radii to you, mY demeenttio brethren.— But 1 always bid a hope, and felt .enconnured to exPeet gas; teeming as I do that you have long been accustomed In the Keystone Ste e to swat• loci Soy, dose prepared, for you .bV your leaders, even to. Woe President. 'sating vote!! Still, I Cannot dole's now than thank you for your V314i11:13. KO gently expressed In your . • It le indeed pleasant, after an long an absence' to me e t rho Irienas of bur youth; But how won derful the change What . was, then a village Is near a mighty city ; arhgarell then Blue Light Federalise), Is 110 W orthatlcx den:Manley. But such is the onward progress of Locsoformians.— These Olio= truly astordahing, bat we live In ase ofpregressive wonder& t • You balm been pleased to refer to my course oa the Tariff. - I fhlt sowy to beaus separated for aMne from the democracy of this great city, or to scilo oopmition to the doctrines of the o Clarion Letter." Never, bowerrer...dbll doubt but that the talented and always eMtaistetat anther of that splendid, docieuneat would yet and soon be found progiesideg .upwarda to the prend eminence he occupies this bay, in common with the rest of you ...that of landing and exlollialr Pte loPo 7lol eftrandpahiothua of Dallas, Polk and myself, and Our lied trade doctrine& We live, gentlemen; In an age of wonders and awful changes-141, des mccrecy is !basal= ti • Herr, gentlemen, Imight enter Into • rhapsody at to the els s and resources of rho wonderful bliss issippi valley, and the peculiar advantages yen enjoy at its head k bat, as this &abject Will be fel. ly exhausted frr.tha seventieth' time by every, 4th of ;Idly orator, I shall only won to ammo yea that from an estimate I made when in the Treunry Does:tweet,l . aseciriained . this great tru th , viz: a s s when we get the privilege, tinder my free trade doctrines, of feeding the whole world, Melts dal "the rest of mankind," with brezdxad meal, (which sco can wally dad then, only think of it! our American blackiuMths will not be ablei to make shoes enough' 'for the' multitude of farm boron that will be required. . : There, gentlemen, is a market for year Pennulzania iron! We heir a great deal of talk about Priem' pauper labor . . 1111 tt is called," as if Europeans Were 111 paupers.— LI as rot spUlr so disrespectfully of them. It Is true our laboring white .men in America are more. energetic, sabre, and sttong, ;and should perform as much work as our newer' in the tooth i let them, therefore, work the harder, and by doirg maw work and laboring more home they may be able in uldenell thCfsreigh fabrics. &me forges and furnaces, I believe, have sus pcoded on account at the foreign competition in kali Outthey were not owned by capitalists— they. were only associations of poor operatlvei who used their credit and borrowed money. Chit great - predeceraor in democracy "once spoke on the subject, anit'What did be say? - "All who trade on borrowed capital ought to break!. This. Potlmitteas Is den:mufti° deo:Me—rum and stead. None but capitalists should be employ. eft. Audit we goateed in car.etrolls to amp the bunking business, we will pradriee that moll.. Now, Gents., I don't pretend that my unit Is parfecy but hi:do I do sar: that it bar predated ogracdei! It has guided the country with foreign goads; Whoa filled the TreaSury with money, paid by o'er people for duties on them; and glee, mark the cameral—it has, at. tho same time, given double the amount .of employment to American Mort 0097 these foreign goods shall alibi paid ni, belongs to my successors in office, and, of course, is none of our bdsinens to Lquiro frac. I intended, petite., to finish this nnlwerho yens kind address, by some allusions to toy management at the Trpottury, end_ to spank of the cvcr4larioto Mt X:C111 War, which Folk and myself matt gra so well, and' of the emit blurt: go the country cow' enjoys from ft, la the Illstratted state al our notitiCal ttutacils. From thesel seek retirement —and shall ever regard this token of forgivecess and kindness from iron manuacturirg district, as by far the most remarkable event of the agel Accept my prayeri for the 'Pittsburgh demur. racy. - ' With m_found rupees Pl2Olll WABILLIICITON. arum PiwaranUGazeg6. W.unnwrox, Jane 25 Sopiabstteal and attractive' spe•els lot denies-Animate and probable pro tree uon Elf Dettata..Contlrinsarlons•-•Wish . drinsal of JaineeJobssters, Esq..-The Bounty . Land . eocdoded his two day'sspeech, afters 'DOOM Ile WA be replied to to cuss-row, by Doug lass, aid the day after Mr. 'Webster will address the Senate, pertly in answer to tome points mode by Souls against the compromise bill, and partly in conformity with a purpose he his entertained from the beginning of these dinar:mons, -to oder some remark* directly open the merits of the question of idmiuing California, and particularly In relation to her bouodaries. The two day's etrart of Soule, in opposition to the compromise, or cannibus scheme, has produced an attractive, able, to sown extent, ingenious, and sophistical array of argumeet and • eclatination against. that 'proposed mode of settle ment. Still, as I tare before intimated, though be ndvained nothlog --Set 'the unadorned common sense 'of Douglas* cannot easily refute, and the massive intellect of Wcbiter sweep away, it woo a. speech well c;alculated fun the purpose of the speaker, which was to etnharsaits the position of all those Southern min who intend ening for the cum. promise, and put 'them p.m their detente. It is adatitted also that Soule mane a - geod summary of theandOubted objections to 'ihe admission of Cali fornia, did she present herself is any other than no extraordinary emergency. But, !bead is, thrit the magnitude and the urgency of the slavery coolest are such es to prevent our giving these objections oily very critical examination, and to justify a cow paretive disregard of then. ',Moreoner, every one who listens to Soule, who is capable of opprecia• brWlaut metal.; at true value, without . being carried away by .ita meritorious attractior, perceives that he, is equally opposed to any forin of admusiop, which shall not Pro . for an .:puns recognition of slavery in the new State, or the lopping oLI that portion of it smith of the line of 36 degrees 30 minutes for the subsequent for mation of a slave State. But with all this we appear to havee renewal of that dreary careless • stream - of babble, and vselest lalking,'which has ao far drowned every real effort to effect say thing. Instead of a vote aeon the bill . On That-Way or Saturday next, I rather anticipate a proloagation of the wordy contest for at lent two week,. It is this dispositionto talk rather than act, which yreduces that panic which seems to pervade' the friends of the compromme. The Senate, to day, havebeen again enpsged La secret iesston upon nomination.. It is certain that Mr. James Johnston, noMlnated consul to Glasgow will be or has been withdrawn. I believe that along with the net:oblation' of 31. r. Lawrence, yes terday, were confirmed all the remaining foreign appointamets of any conseqoence that, bad been before the Senate,amongothers those of Mr. kart kg . Ministei • to Constantinople, and Mr. Peyton, to Chili, with several Secretaries of Legation. - - The oven; of the day t haa been Mut passage of the land bounty bill in the House of Representatives. After the week's struggle to get ihtough a general measure of land speculation and robbery, the mem• hers appointed by the canons came forward and of. feted their substatute, whfch provides bounties ftir all am-riving soldiers of all the wets which have taken place. since 17510., and the surviving 'of - - widows of - deceased soldiers, and render the warraritsnmusignable by transfer. This effectually be., all donupt" speculation, and greatly reduces the number of them who will Ix: benefited by it. ; The feeding objection to it,• is this, that while Menoldieri offiat; war - with Great Britain and of Old Mad Anthony are-hearty all gone to the Stygian shore, lila &Mx+ of - that despicable succession of forays and ineseeklas against the Florida Indian., Which san IbPugh 6 6.0 year., analCAMed half the eteig PoPoietion ar.eVentl fimehein Smiles, are alive and krel - .14, -. and vtltl — inike upby teas of o,, ,, ,,,. , ,,,smgoreetiyethekterearatdo of their frolick ing. • But, whittever fie the merits or demerits at the bill, it was passetli'aPA: ll + s , Mats fie, *lath shows pretty coricluXivelphat.thetmillent om , of land for the exiting has C 01.120. Icsi . Vai . nverantJaie 25, Nola Mexico-5. Cult of Deelslon, . id _by Consternation and indignation in another-Potty-The itlement• of Opposition to the Compromise-lowa Illeetion Cate-Lt. llohasunburg.• Case -Oasts In Genteel:: The OWria tel us news from New Mexico, which te well wonbject be conveyed by stick in agency. The Ne• r Moxicaoe appiar`io be quite, up with the rec. rand ingreetestimpseve meats.' They hove done 'op thecorissitation sue with a esimpleteness. and .dispatch that hu., been runty equalled and never surpeesed in nro dertskiags of that kind.. In some of my recent commantrationi I have, 'picots:cod a good deal lanly upon the length of time that would be reqxired for these pnceedings neer-esarfly pre liminary to tho application for the admission of New Mexico, u a State. Alf calculations. are shamed by the actual malts. The pri mary meetings which- minded ,In petition. tag the Governor for the call of a con stitutional convection were held April 15th. He issued the call, and ordered the election April 23, the election was held May lot. The convention Met May 15th, was in session eight days, framed the constitution, and laid it before the people. No doubt before the terminatiodof that month of Boy, the constitution had been voted on and adopted, and long before this the Legislature Flu been chum), Senators elected, and a member of the Lower House duly chums. 'What a- lesion we have is all these doings , for the guidance of Con. great, which his spent seven months in doinglOn Alien the 'rho of this amount of woik. I Mr. Foote brought the matter up in • :the Se nate thin morolag. He wee highly indignant that people ehould presume to act be their own affairs without the permission cf Congress. No was `horrified and !scandalized that the President of the VII S. ehoeld have sanctioned this &ingenue prate dee, when by the former authority ft lied been Leo deliberately decided that 'gabbling Is the true gad only - proper employmess•. of men and commun. des. And while Mr. Foote Wes thus moved, a 1 general consternation teemed to have taken passusitio of his late allies and nsaociatcs. 800 the people of New Menke indicated a desire of , tolerating and Omitting slavery. Foote and his friend. would have been Instantaneously clamor. one for her admission. lint non intervention has prevailed :maim= continue to proved without do help of dm Wilmot Proviso or any kindred meas. are. They have taken their stand neon slavery, and have prolubited it from aeons them. • The compremin dregs slowly along. Had the vote been taken yesterday, it is supposed it most , have been defeated, but I have no information by which I can lodge of the correctness of that sop position. The southern men appear to be groan ally.uniting !against it, la the hope of olvalAg the blinoari Comprondis line, the nodhorn in the -expectation that California and New Mexico will both be ado:lined as Stated, rendering all the con. trivoncea of this bill superditais. - Mr. Douglas 'pike today, and the Indications of es continued disposition to babble were such as to destroy any hope before connived that the vote could be ta. - ken this week. ' The House has been cecupied:with the lowa election case to day. Its deeltion is dentin], bet I do not think Thompson eon beep his seat: It seems probable that both the eoatestanis wOl be remanded back Id the people. The committee on election decided all the points contended' fur by Mr. Miller, the Whig, in his favour, baton the final craestion took rare toafarm Thoglpeoe's right and Id. report gen.:trill:l:y. They decided the Es iiesville or Mormon vows, of which Miller bed 463 majority. to he valid and ledpl. Thin gave him a clear majwity, hut having obtained this' point, which seemed to seas Vie eau), they Went back and allowed &hence hundred votes for Thompson, which they had before thuown out, by six to three, as not having beengiven in his die. tee:, The House will bet templed on this case 'several dap. . The Seeate to day confirmed the- promotion of Capt. Ewell the lit dregoons babe Captain, end thus reversedaumerous former decisions in favor of Capt, Seheetratiorg who tiss qypaglar . twelvi or fifteen years to mann!' his restoration to the army. A PPOISTDIE,STfI pF iTo FrTrvomoo cox mumwror roz stornown retseorat .14C11 von I&AL Piton urgJ. Dutrwt—C. Cooke, P. E. • . •Piusborgh—Liberty Street—Edward ErketL Smibfield St-4. E. Babcock. Wesley Ch•pel—E. Hay. Arbory RUonFeit , B• R. H.FFrits• “ WeIA mamou—ll.Wider. Etat I.:batty-8, R. Brockunier, W. P. Bloat - barer. Boaddock's Feld—J. M. Rankin. or • Metempost—W. P. Lattek. West Newton—C. Thorn. Cao to be supplied. Elizabeth—J. J. Covert. . McmougthelsCity—Oco.& Hems. P.C. Advocate—W.' Hooter. URIJIVOIM District—B. U. Cotton, P. E. Uoiontours—P. Moore. BrOwnevt! Foecr. Bridgeport—J. Mamie& ~ Fayette Springs' Mi.tlCl3—.T. T. W. Auld. Addison—P. M. McGowan. Centreville-L. - B. Becom. • . Bedstote—S. Wakefield, I. C.Perslitut. Gmkstoton and BeUrrernon—J. F. Bentley. Fayette--51. A. Water, W. B. Runyan: 'Mt. Mottle—A. Desires. Greectborough-0. Radom,. Catmiehteltotro—P. F. Janet, E. H. Green. IT'? retorg District—T. M. Hudaon, P. E. Wheeling—Fenuth St.—W. Con. • " North D. Battelle. . " Clispline Richeytomn—W. Semmers. Obto--.T. White, J. E. McCaw. • Wellsbursh—lt. J. White. Weahicgton—W. Stoney. . • Beatiardl —W. LNIr • L. Jannej. Conocibutfih...H, Snider, D. A. McCready. Wayncaborgh--.1. L. Irwin. .odo to be aupplled, Clayaville—L Baynes, C. Morrison. , Trladelphia. A. Lawman. Grave Creek ..lot.*Woodrolre.:,Oso to be sup. pled. o:Jousi, Sup. Elizabethtown—B. Callender. F.S.deHan,Ay.AU.Coiiage. liaran-1114 Dtiince—G. D. Kruneti, P. E. Bantaville—H. Whirtoo, D. Cross, W. M. Grimes . St. Clainville—P. Cook, 3. J. - McCleary, J. Drummond. Sop., • Cbuington—J.l3. Simarer. One to 'be supplied. Woodefield—W. A. thvidton, I. Phillip+. Browntyllle..A. D. McCormack, J. C. Mercer. NeUrport.-1. W. Shiver. Lased-W. Athey, John Witt ht. McConnellsville—;C. C. Sett, J. W. Biker, Wal. ter Brown. Sharon—J. Headman, P. G. Eimonds. • becomerfield—L. Petty, N. C. `.7cuthlostim, J. 'E. --Yackson. Qatariige Diorfa—l. C. Taylor, P. E. Wishingtoo sod Cambridge—J. A. Borancy,. sod J. D. Koos. .Seciecovilic-14. Bishop. Norwich—D. P. Mitchell, R. Boyd, 14. W. Dal. Coshocton—D. Trumann. t Pluthiag—S. W. Day, B. P. Woolfe. Wed Chester—l. N. Baird, H. McCall, ;Blake. . Daemonic—A. Mager, H. Bradshaw. ,New Philadelphia—E. P. Jacob, W. C. P. Liam. lion, J. D. Rich, Sup. Csdix—l. Moffitt, C. A. Helmer. Cumberland—P. K. McCue, C. E. Weirich. Se;ibenvill, Diarici—J. Spencer, P. E. Stenbinvllle,-Sonth Br.—C. 11.1arkson. Hemline Chapel-rA. Rich. Richmond—T. Winstaeley. Springfield—S. Long...len, S. Belem. Kees ville—W. Tipton, R. Conniegham. Carrollton—.l.lfare. Wellsville-3. Gibson. L.:cabaret—J. M. Bray, S. Cheney. Smithteld—l. C. Merriman, G. Crook. . Warrenton—J. Grant. Georgetown-4. K. Miller. Ono to be supplied. Beata Diatritt—J. Monroe, P. E. Beaver—H. Cree. Bridgewater—M. P. !known. Brighton—J. Dnlon, H. D. Plater. - ,Petersburgh—J. Huston. Ono to be Salem—J. Montgomerg, A. Huston." Lima—A; U. Thentrui, J. Paria-‘.W. Deoetsy,l.Coen. Canton—J. D. Cramer, T. J. Higgins. Hanover—J. H. White; W. W. Roup. Now Llsbon—J. Adams. LivergroW. C. Henderson, W. N. Gillmore Alleghenyllutn'et—j. J. Swayze, P. E. Annheny—Beaver BL—S. B. Dunlap, R. Hoff- One. Alk-Acay Bontb,Common-11. 7. Cinik. • - " Chesnut St.—H. Miller. Mitoeliestei—D. L. Dempsey, I. Homer. S'astriekley-0. Crimego, B. F. Lowhill, Sep. Batter -4. Mftray. •rarentum—E., D. Ositno. MIESENI • - Sob •Ptttebunth-E. G. Hinlio'llsen.'"; Govitio,l. Turner. - ' • , Cooper. • kiegiieny College-4. Barter, Ptest Coil P. E. linshit,l. iobnitown—W.L.yeeh. • Cambria Jaission—li..l.latnilton.. - Somerset—J. Sec Om. •• . . Ligonier- 7 41. Laughlio. • Oee to be supplied. Coaoellevtl'e-7: G. Sinsons, J. L. Deans.. •Muneysvillo—R.- One'to be supplied., E'detstoun , --D. A. Haines. . •• Hitionning—ur. L. Weakly. One to be suf.phca. Indiene—J.ShUm. oneto be supplied. McCarty. - • • H. Gilmore, till:inferred to Indiana Conference: -- I. W...Xirlomete, tmesfirred to Dent River Center - The Cauferetica Adjourned at 9 o'clook,.A.X., Dime 29. • - . • The foregoing is a sonnet list fat the Appoint: - intents. —• C. Cooke; Beefy. • .ii.reentra!mt of the G ofll Jury • TO the normiiible Judge McClure and hit ciateJustiCtil of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Arc., Afe.,.of Allegheny County. • The Greed Jury itoparielled rot the prfrent June Term, of 1850, being about to Separate, avail them, selves of the occaston, in iertim of profound res pect to submit to the COuri thtir views amt opin ions eon:nein subjects, of no inconsiderable Inter, est to the public in the social and political relations. of society. .It is mid by intelligent and thinking men, that the inestimable blessings offttelont en joyed by the people Of the United:Rates, cornea to us; in all its perfections, as a free people; through the intervention of a few unarmed Jadgesnod civil' officers, the representatives °four Juthetary. in the adnunistmtiou ofgovernment. ToourLaw Courts, then we must look as the retort and refuge of the, citi'ens for themaintenanme and preservation of what in "flight" under our politico) - .eyrie*. • ; Tho Grind Jury not presuretuouslY look foe' entire perfection in any form ofgovernment, fine= [ fled upon human wisdom, and while they regard government es e great good,: yet its intinenewt for good lire powerless,. ton great extent, where public" throe and prldhe - mu/tipmen give no • tone to_the Sentiments of the petiole, united' under the Social compact. And among the noblest agencies,. by [ which public, Interests oroadvanced,it musibeicon , retied that the moral IleformofiTenpticausAtow be. Inc; encouraged-by associations, throughout our land, holds and clams lighesi• postuan. hills of indictment opm . r which the Grand'lnej have • acted at the present res'sion, fumish' deplorable eel- I dunce of the fact, that 'lee majority of canon 'prey vented to thin consideration of Court, the otig4l, the roil ennetehmi of,' . had founds- lien iethe nbatrdonnient of human oltammer tothe 'revelled allegiance of conscience, by n voluntary eutitnrission to the chains and slavery of furrarper-' 41)0. The friends of humanity have cause to la , went, that while man refuses to be n law to him self, and "seeks death in the error of his ways," I the posinve law of the land encourages the moral . ' degradation spoked of, by the "License" Syment 111 good spirituous limiore The Court C 44 do but lit ; slogood, where the law is not..-"holy and • wise" r and conducive to the best Interests of society. The ;present "license" law for the sale of liquors, within ;this commonwealth, is,tn the opinion of the Grand 'Jury a Subject that demands the early nneption of our Legislature. The building, of prisonbouses is I incident to civil society, but whether as a :berms to bring about moral reformation of a better . System could not be devised,• will not be consider- Hod et this time. But in view of , the nomerinu verdledelinguents, in and about. the two cities, 211. ' establishmont. of "I/oro,o of • It 11111105): . ' 14611 U 1110yraftrlioo of inconsiderate _youth, rimy' ,tin regarded or a moral et - Vertu, save the rising generatton front the vicious training's of evil exam pie. Tim people of Allegheny- Ceara!, are at all • limos prepared to distingctsbt hernsel VC., in benevo. lent eaterprix, and no expenditmo is too great its their.estimation, that contemplates a mcasore of re lief to breed: the hilmim faintly. The •Crend Jmy would, therefore, indulge the hope that the Comm is. sinners of Alleghenymtnty may speedily doect-puhr lie attention to Met/ems:ly OffiromPt and v.g.r.: cue C.Opr-fir Wi th the benevolent as teitions of the list , r.oslettree, far the erection' and completion of r"Houre jrfrilefuse" wi Lin the eirunfy of Altiglienir. . • • IQo sityceger 'FOCA' in t.ehate at the propored oicoom Mai why hefted in the eloquent and erituntentatire remarks of the learned 'President Sedge of this Court On tSis conid he pro. seated to the pchlie.. Bet it Is thanght that se . the contemplate.] altonie of Refuge" 'is act:geed, for the beeeht of Weriern Fenesytencis, thr ter. oral esontiet within ch.,' Waite iVettiet abeeld contribute to the necessary expenditure for the construction. The adeptien of come prudential teeming on the part of this county to secure the bounty of the Bete towardi the completiott of the work, it, therefore, mcidtmetded. The Gesell' 101 l entertain bet coo entail:nem the kVA! iio. treat, of ra,cramy, as apples tAtllier public 4en eon* Thu ;chic hardenS of isgviou trim/port crime hove opprearively been ootmented fee ihe. Gutyeee. friaffritateri 9.4. constable* receive largo fees eint of the nubile puree in these tears where no moral Waal tokci hirer. The whole Code of laws upon this branch of vice mod Introor. slay, requires amendracci. The nineteen! eitd Outlaw. a:corer? ikOncht be rusge to :sot the. Yell measure of thef crgn a oil icing% in order to learn by expenenCe that the tray of trunegresiore la hard. It is due to Cmtee Coats. Eur.. Sheriff, to Hare that the prefect esindluccoftbe Csnety in view of the anginal tided:ire of it, interns% too • struction and sutdf risiens, to as credit. hie to ts. skirl and pri cue tit a ra ttsr, ourcforda the.hcclts;l fortolod dieelplinnor. tbq punnets, es the to ions cf the ease admits-'The numerous persons Ia enn6na went noel:whored, Is dveraetfut to the age,tindevitbent lett o!rir ; way the present syszere, So Injurious, to ail, pertiS,, has been eudered to continue among us. it is enrotstly presented to the people! of Atli:ashen; Gounly, whetter a vet; event satica of public estpanditere could tot he elect. td by a radical change ie fir 011 C:., tied ottistd. satina cf the count; jail tinder authority of law.— The Coon having wiled the *Peahen or the Grand Jury since the cenomenconscut of Its ties. aiaa to tbo safety of s he public records in Connexion With the general opinion about the learcerity of the peblie properly fa the inciaity of the Court House, it is doetned a Proper ocess'on to invite public consideration to the adoption of Menaaftli which *ball determine whether or net the county jot is to b r remodelled lit ttila{ettlal CAUCIVICaani SOu to fareirh, by proper ventilation, puns it. mespherle nir, lideasing - of hen ran !encoded for the support cf animal tile, but of which the prison. nn in our county, jolt are greatly deprived under the present ccestruction anise buildiejr. It In a subject of deep meet to report that tech N the iacridose of crime, that there.ara not suOe cleat cells in the county X.i to aocaramodste Its , Inmates without endanFeriag the health of these i nefneenate pinions la eon dims:neat. And It is I farther aaggetled, as a meana essential to health, sad as a preventive /giant diseete wanes( a rola- I ed •nd laterrioeusto.mgregazion of offenders, that a bathing rstelishmeert be col:ghetto' upon a Sled Beale Want the 'prison, for the t curds of all ! Who may be In etiatotly under authority of lave.— . Bat the pre:serration of the public reeetd., upon which depends the title and inherithoce of all siur mite!, demand; prompt action. The public boil. I ding. should have nip reef rf aLste, and ws little eombusublensatter in the finite el Ito putitic ceo as possible should to tinkered to remain wader any Improvement shat may be mule in baton! lerationr or fetsh., upon the public huildinya... The Grand Roy beg leave further to rectierli, with respect to the County Jill, that for wittit of roper VeatilatiOn, the whole of aka tipper tier of cells are rendered useless, andewith one ainale ezeeptlon uscuncieensiienr, the prisoners doubtless preferring the &Me !pavement of the ground 000 f with a fowl of rho pare Alt of heaven, to , the rat ified and death-loaded atmosphere. of the upper aver. Thew, cells, it is believed, might be made Lit for occupation and be useful, by proper ventilation.— And it has been suggested by one of our bomber that this might be accompliahed by crewing a. sheet iron Tipper funnel, of three or four feet di. meter lift teener twenty feet in lot alb or hOght, on the jell at the extrsmo cavern end—the air In the pipe being ranted by the heat of the son fa summer, it in asserted, would nacre a enrreet to pare oft which would he felt in ell parts of the buddies. An experiment of dila kind might •lie made, atn small expense, and the Greed jury beg leave to recounted that the Commiasionsrs ex amine and adopt this plan, if Isis theoght to promise the deatied reanite. Some addition to the :Limiter° at the prison Is greatly needed, particularly amanita:oa t had the neglect to furnish them tollgate no credit on Coe . officers charged with that duty. We aro credit, y informed that when theprerant Sheriff entered on his duties there were but 19 mattraireee In the orison. Some additions have since bete made, but, cannidetias wear and tear,the number it now but elightly Inereietd,ned numbers of the 'prison ers have hardly eonugh of alraw to sate them hoist the iron hors of their iron bediceeda.• There are now needled In—the prima some kli to 109 persons; of whom one third are females. , The Grand Jury larther present, that the fool dation+, and pavemente,in front of the Court House on Graolitteet, need attention. They bate been lasureethat, by reason of an alluvial fimadatiou, the grading of Great street, the leaky condition of underground pipes, on the promises, the Ilatuessof the patentee's, end the immerse weight, that the. whole wall and Maya In front, with' the columns, pediment, and portico, will be in danger of falling, anima something be done apecdtly to make them sicuro. The Jury, the:el:ire, recommend that the. Commissioners obtain the advice of experieoced end practical nom in such ontters.endedopt curb proceeding as the accedes requiter. • The n cemetery repairs of the reef, before refer. red to, are made the more appellant white welting tbf a report, the ram Lads its way to the Interior of the building; and the water a penetrating the cor nices and ceillnge, and running In etromusion the irgir. • The Grand Jury visited the Penitentiary, and were wdomed by Maier Rachman, the Warden. The control and direilionofthlsloatitution has been frequently alluded tote the public prima in 'crew of high commendation. Nothing could exceed the &tinkles:herder, and proper arrangement ePPill ser, flip:mower. The blot that the.Couaty,bna not been subjected to any expenees doting the whole of Major Backbite:ea aduzlnistretion, far the m sit twiner) and rapport et' her convicts is the higher: praise that cam be given to its tednagement. .• in any contemplated alteration or police or the Grand Jury °witn thou a: otherwise to ni w t d :l l P''o o ef aI : ift hriehhi C oun ty 3r a B n t r o Wc nd n : mP'n re c omm e nd b rh u ai r tu jl i tal m7card; careful onstad. Q - =F~- ._ ~ _ Z - V-i•P , '-'' frTN. :- 'l•fgl:r.7i - '' - = - 1.17171.4:,... , i' , " - ':5.7i'.',..7.,7 - A FYAiiiP, Vii4 , .;i -,!!-',,,,, TJ.o Giutd Idly *exit the comiseik ireoPoodalli 40 otknowlohle -their obligaßoiii to the Gaut fat , the eld . gliten them:in -the Atlas* oribelr tier, and to the Hoo. C. Darragh, Attorney Gna w, thory oleo tenderessantoceo cram& bhglt oa . tiderat:on tot Aisprompt..and eheenul 110301 4 11 to ie. putine , btmie ells bow brougbt lu .iclee~ _F All 6f whichls 'reortfoliv.ribintued. — - - GEORGE BREED; _ ..., i P mEs ATBJC I LD R IJ R N O L W Y A T R , , RICHARD HOPE, ROBERVPAUL, . • - .•DAVID LEW'S. • " • • JAMES H. NEIL, HUGH. M. ROBE, THEODORE NOBLE, JAMES THOM PEON, JAMES.IL BYERS, • E. M. SANDERS. ALEXANDER BOLD,' • WM, Y. WILLIAMS, ' HIRAM RAISE. EILIEVEVC Cd.II3IICICED.The Ch Uicothe Gazette, ofiune 22nd, says M. 8. Cots, Eiq.,la cutting the wheat to day on his Paint bottom Wm, and add., '" that on Monday Pat, the 24th, slake the mu. thee provo favorable, many Ross County farmers will commence cradling their whets. Of come, all now. sine enough to cot, is on of dacgee from nat. The wheat in this vicinity Ids G&W be an average crop." - • . • : The Zmesville ()pullet, of be ?tad, kerns from the farmers at market that omicg, that the Plv 4 Peol or a good wheat crop very tumble, and that: the crop will be more ban an average 000. Pan: maim Or Borrom—By the State census of, Ekston.jult comploted, it has biota nice/Mined run the racecof poDulalloa of Boston to 138,788 „Tattreasa trobVflitik 53,758; from 1645„ , 21,442 Tna ponulanorintecntort to 1810 wal 33,787; In 1580, 45,293;10825. 09277. In 1830, 81.312; In 1535, 75,601848; 83,0001 In 1845114,368. - Young gii:viitelt filiu Lash;ls DaWale hail undergone, with Goal -lame, an operation to ex tracts' plairtifeh eras lately discoverodiin her ear. When a very little girl, twenty yeas.agv, Miss Dcirrate pot a pin In her miingt, and presently alt terwardiots she believed, swallowed it. A koo firing in her ea, lately, revealed the existence of & foreign .trabateeee, sod after great aufferfer, the last pie - wig 'extracted: li had become mach bent in *edam; Ito course thrmigh the Moores end bony; structures. The rues lady enfihred 104 and tritinselg, end died . on the 4th of April. . . Movnuorrs.—Wis have "already noticed the arrival erase etimpaties of the 7th inkuuy at Neils Orleans, on their waY to Si. Louis, and now learn from the Picayune that the steamer Fashion was to retunito Tampa for the other five coony eke of the testment. From St Loitta they are to be lent on Western frontier tonic's. CO.,LOGAN,. WILSON & .. - 129 WOOD BT., ABOVE FIFTH, Alava Just received kip addition. lo their • ,PEIMI.STOCK OF II MIDIVARE, COtLERY, Ito • Imported by lite packets front Fatrope. and In , which they would especially call the attention . 13f purchasers, belittler taelryet7 men • sift mulct and-low prices rill plea - • . unlit itatisfactlon ' inicopunaz 'tons' lIIIIT/TWXIOIIII6 • CITIZNB'. INSURANCE CO MPANY, Of Pfitaborigh. c. 0. 11114.41 , 1 t. ' Tank, • 117. hIARI4B,I33cIr. Ottino—No. 41 Witter event, In the erarthouse of 11. (MANI. ephIPANY Is 'now prepared-to irwrun all kind. cf r;eks, on bouts, ronstufactone; toddy rorrebandike In store, end in tranefur Impels: tea An ample gnarrnhy for tho_obllity and integrity of I.l2nlaktltuflon, is afforded In the character of the DI , rr.ctnro, who aro oh citizens' of Plttetnarak, well and favorably known lo'the conunanity for theltindence, tritelligenee, end integrity. • . Datseroas—e. O. Mosey, Wm: Wei. tat freer, Jr., Waller Bryant, kiosk D. Ilad v Edward Iferacnon, Z. Slaty, Ilarikaael, S. M.llar.. Mon of Ohio and Peon. IL R. Co,Thini st.t Fronsru - xl, J00e'113,167e. - Tea Stockholden M the:Ohio . and Ponorylwanla Mil Enid ComOsay ate hereby .dotitled to psi Aka alith instalment of Aire dam per Owe, u tbo sake 44-he Company, at 'tentacle o 0 or team the tait dfi of Jane next, AM the reoultarts laraliacan of per share, on or before the Jilt day of nob too• ceeding month, mlO,l the whole-are ;ant ;f • LAlMAlER,di.,tieasarer.. .'Scald Of the Peet and Ashler ChM!. MA. Etra r l am desire. of atakinilknown- to' the public the peat etficaey of year PETRO/3MM Ins) ewe 7007, V/ Watt was a sayers void of the toot and aidriq epee - mooring the mewling, the akin peeled carotins It, end left nothing bet the bareittretee: 1 expected to be till ..ap all Waiter front the edects of Una scald, bat we angled the Petiole= freely, tine ill/ a • flannel cloth mutated with th at gray time application wen painful, bet In ay'ety alien doe tie . Painabated, .1 . had no , pain %aim koir aftiroarda tti five day. from the time ...roe spouflusm.inse I".thermi, l erns sibbe to t o In work. 1 tale pleasere• In eating tans. Wu ler the Weed of mho stateless, ac/1 em dealtetta that they .hold be made pablie. , would also atate,that I fold immediate relief 01 the ere or the Pcireleaw, in bents, two vldel lam a (mascot andeley toilet k. my Wide.. them the engine. I weend • weeennesd it.. the west pampa and souls tedAdy toe-bates (14.0 ever known. - • tilignetly • J D COB, Engineer,' • Esaryabargh, Allegheny CA Pi ittb rgit, A inil.ll.o. • - •• ' • Dor sate' by Keyrei Jk IdeTterwell,Mo Weed latireli A Ilgelleta, 67 Woodsy D Catrh Atlailmar altyi A Eltittet, Allegit4 Joaegh UMW% Alleghent she ty the pot:TAMA ; e. k 4. ILEA. "aica Canal Dien. 911*111111n.1 P11314110k IrrT. laz Ar =xis —To lame added wilk um alaidral aceatte t *merits. ilea Lives Om:Oda% t4eplope.leee et 11 1 Lane's an►appy.ta_ oLI mete rimed:, as is oeelavervplate and 5a1a. , ..11, au (men ',dad otata I all panaall tae amen; 11 ku_ imettlave d In tlea . .vraetleeiat . the melt animal pal 'ottani, aid always with Irlall4iliSAl hhChtW , la edee.ng tle.a eir., Pi4alierter!, =tamed aT a de aye to alleviate ►wan safaving, gad - Op/ naiads fat owl of, Oa a nap tevribla imams :wet eta boianalia Le melt of . _' ,117 For tale Ly.l.ll3oDi CO,llOl/IWoOdaraid. . na pray gammas tat VARKIRRII.. . DR. G. G. STO.Atiliii, Lamar lloa.coads prqm.rid to coadatactve owl tot Moos Twu in 'mow an' paruk P r iZATrk d*44.3.4nurpherlVllr . Utt . rlun.. ozposcCißce n and restdento out doot to . Us kV. tr . . odic*, Foot* AMU, Pill/b.eh • aim* vo—.l. D. Itt.tWdop.P. ti. Fat e; . . IRIS - . . . . . . . . ~. Da. a, nowt, . - 7st . - - - t cmaiht.corme!anour " ' •---' %a ,11 t , wow. ... . ...._ . . .....a.pdv.. . 00111.1{SWIAlliti . ' • ITirIIOLESALE: GROOM Ptik emintnling 11 •ftd Cumnsavi!ext kfrrelnini, am molar In Pius: rg h n 4.1.0,07161, lig. WO LINM7 a." PitUburs, 'nit J O H N MAieriN "Meetetili iliteemictin thin JJ enisena of Pittsburgh, thti he Ms prantanently, located himself In ths cur, far the supine et pram. tieing and adultery, in mil its reams brutal• tea othee le on Penne street, Neloo. Residence Nu R 7 mane al. - jyleStealletete • Caleb:att.:met the Volsitie ot,lalrs IN IitLEISNWOOD 04ua1k11., 1 • wrErnitax pans nor expense Mill be ;Pad fa jet preparing His remit* tor et essittottable eau:ruins mwit at ell who with to' apend their Penne In H. Whiles celebtanni Urea* Band will &rank 10.011 Tluuc thrivenont theday and evening. Tea Vying Horses wilt be in readiness far all who wish to nee. Patent swings, ten pin Alleys, At, for the emneement of venters. •• • - . • Two mem bostsi Hope Nog and PkiUlp Deddridge. will leaTa the {'et sm.% talleleg, tietti the {Ale Alla • ebeny Wider, army half hoer, for the gardenia. An nit tent ponce will boon the gromd. • . • AdmitAtitte, one dime. Wit) • J mateirt. CELEMEI rpm:Owners and consignee. of. peep atrial.' by A the utlillems , Partible' 404 Lulu, will please lase notice that {UT Wdl bo required so pay iteigla t. oar rum beim, &ape/ding to• We receipt, beans We !coat an, ttrativad. 0 A Ataklaill,,Ty *am =73 ritlll.lpe.non who look, through =vela, on MIUTIe• 1 pad evcong lask,lrom the ,hogsa of Jacob Weln. S .k that's de, mArtosl A, hi, W, en W huldle,will pleas° tet urn • • A Ai WALLINGPOiIIi 1 , 13 Water at . ETEEDZI J. If. lILELLOII. 81 Wood m 141,1140 reined the foilotelng New, ' - • 1 - ‘ll, hay can you 0,0 y one vows holy llght; e aiett to Bor. C Cook. OS, think' not :lea / Bore 44ce. Monello Moen,/ love thee.. When other Illendt atoned thee. Ike tot beneath the-hill.. Wen thou bat mice. 'Annie Lanirle—Seeteh ballad. The Robin by.l.Uuh Cool, noon by Stephen Glower. little haat swoonded• the spirit that towed thee. The mane of Waehington. The Irish Mothers Lament. Old Bextor.--nuseal. • Ile teeth all'things Well— Woodbury, Widow Machree—ltutatiL The talus. elmMathei—ltutehittoonot - tow intekedeat—Locer Ki " wom.--,neaplete. The Blew Bell.. The Bridal or Wedding , Polka Jenny Lind.. American Po.ka. Lirry Poiks. Ponce American Polka. Tip Top Anleylooll Polka.. La. Belle , Baltimorean' Polka. Jenny Lied Polk. The. Origin* Bcoulek Pak.— Attica. Sidi:ULU= Polk.. Josephine Polka &main Yolks. ~I lesensel Polka. The Pro ,JenaylAndcleadrllles. r,„ - ,•„., b . Dal,y Whl zro--llre Jitney; The fl wt. Drover 114-110 ,0801 a l ij Cum/. foriement. hione‘le Plu n k Wreckes'aPlangider. quickstep. Lonisaihtt and Qairkstep, Wood Up, gelel stet, . • JYt ' Clot roil and Mtionicle toil.] • 011'-r,dl bd. rim T onnes,' 014 Tanners' Whale 011 i • ZOO b ' Ito bra biesched winter Elephant Oil; 300 idle do • do fWh a 1.114 at o u alder/rimer Sperm 11, u" Bperm 5,Y,b.r1 f it ' . 2 NEET I ZM lytpleadOw 22k El South CT/bodes, Ph Ilededylt tco-1 0 0 tr. z. • le- prima older; :Al bad Italstalu • LemOor .4 brawl ier,:. IMO bushel Moretti Potaloes; . . '100) Peach and pnek Ba.k.u3. lost rocolUed'aud fos sole by . • P.M.MERA MUTH Jr I:Jim No 3 North Wkratroo, MuladolPhla; BOLT VER. FIRE KRICK. for tale by the beds load trofromstore. KIER & JONES, )) mat , Canal Bet Seventh Watt atormo PAPER—Aimina4u!A2agt, .m.ll quiuUms. W• r IW II1 : 4 ".. 40 W 7 W 064 a • PAPlCit',.c.av- and. Past paw. Ope . • ttlt q.l44 a per mo- ttAkBFIALL 83 Wood sr. 146111.P7 SMOKED HERRING. last reed and for silo atAlapat boz, by .-..--Uo86I8:&:11&WOR,TU — . 171 • : • Eau lace of Ibis Diamond LAtta! n p G—so ee tl cet~u i7t : ~entria net.zstt. M1W12.4811-60 cuts or sale Ito obase-to.u.Nro. mem, by- .1.1711 . • .JAM M DALZ ELL D I/ L= lM IM . LAX:3 , NETO . dozjus i at t e k !z• ed , 1 • • • • GO Wad. st D 0 UIZOTS SARSAPARILLA-I.lcl nietived Jr , " I KIIID tiCri W I NO ACID-20 Pips piat met-Itch kir late' by , ICIDD t. CO IDE POTA9BIUM-8164 reed far sal & by} • • .1 KIDD COI moiessEe—iou barrels Plantation, SO do • Battle Ground O. IL • . tio . Bel Air In dote acid for We bY . —. .4( I BROWN & KIIIKPATRION,I4I . Libert> it. SUGAR -45 bbds prim N. 0. &mu." do. Clarified in store ImM - or sale bY ../Y1 • : • BROWN & KIRKPATRICK. COFFEE -50 bop No. I.Cartein store and for'sobt by DROWN & KIRSPATRICR. I• I AMS-13 tierces In store end for eels by,. • iyl.• • BROWN is KIRKPATRICK. ti/BM—IS bbl. Mackerel, •- SO do ' Hernrig, id" do Shad; In Mare and far sala by )01.! 'MOWN ic KIRKPATHICS. • Aog 7 oo dol.:1 . andC.Ttio3, 7 ffitiiii — ind for lVt Bala by BROWN 411111KPATRIt12 , .SPANISU PrlirllNC-;-100 blat fo r al, by ISAIAH pICKEV & ill Water & Pont str. larolV-10 boles lostoro, sod will be soil low to Cl,oss consignment.. - • i Jl. 18AYAII DICKEY & CO. TOBACCO -10 bales. Poindczti" rema Lumps, will be .14 nerslow to close consignment. - . • DIKIAH•DIGKEY fr. CO. YtrYKEH—tO cgs otrlstiy Jyt• • ISAIAH DICKEY A. CO.' TIACON ELMS for ask by •• .K.K All • ICIAIAE:DICKEY it Co. • RE Mawr* of the Church Of England to the Refit. M talon, 1609. By Thomas Yowler Short, D. D., Halloo of Sodor sod Man. . • • Select ,Pliteet from the , Simonelli' and Devotional Writings of Dieltop Hall. to which la pleAxed a Ele, mow of the Author. By J. W. Monis. • Eeelestainleal Records - 'of ,EhMend,' Ireland. sad Scotland. from the iM gentile/ till theitefonnance. By Rev. L Ilart. B. A. . Sermons by John Bandit Ms wiled, Bishop or Cloy. Mont, to Watch to maned the Lt(o of the Author. By •Bwr..Wee M Minim • • . • . • • A new Translation and Expoltlon of the .very ;aneSent book oflob, with notes explanatory and mac- Scat: Sy It., John Fry, B. A • A, History of the Church of Chem, from the close of the sacred emotive to oar own moos. By Bev John • lob nue .hls ?Imes, era b kali. of theTatttarchal Me daring the period br.hrecalloah ablAbraham. .By .Thooras Wrtehv . • • Lectures on Nom:fence and Style, Dr Ebeceser Poner„. D, -President of Andover ThcolAsteil Seminary. . A History art.., Church (row Infesrllcat agent, the Reformat:on. Ity Rae (temp Waddingtoo, Dew of • An Rrocaltion of Tattoos painters of Holy flerio tare. adapted 'to tie um of Famllus for everyday thrmagboat the year. By Bar /oho Id Smith, D. D,• Ths Hearts Bare or a ltaltaf &MGM all treed , i, with a eocaolatory or partmalatly, addnetted to mournera By Simon Pittner, D. D. . • Essays on-the-distingstrldnif troll a of Christian Character, By Gardiner Sorkr. D. D. • For sale by ' AII ENCLISO &CO 'DECAY. OF PENALB. 1313101 T. . T -ONG before matioity,Mositi, females 'emaciated, Jig and Inn Mumma of couttludan. nod bristimeas of the eye: departed. Ttniagn - act- thirty In year., they have' kas ol youth that they' ught to pawn at . any. Why is thtt? Profession: of 'plaits, fig,Appr, and general debility long contionedorithout seekidg psalts.ln on .0.11111.0 constionior,and a Main of FEMALE. COntgLAINTS • which out coly be samsoundiend ne abattered con. alkali,. remand, by 10t120 Mat Ind gentle medicos, sakeee bole and attesune prokrilea are meatball , 'rand to deader and delicate constitution. - L • • .=MUM' Mai Dt. B D llowe—Dear Slt—Por nearly two years my wife has been smdaallydeeileing without any o—the' symptoms, however, ante, gerwral des billty, vreatuers, oscaslottal severe palm, eel it. regularities of the system.',, Our farads Snails told: toe con there wa no • hope as the ap • proachms warm weather Weald bo unfavorable. I cow pomaded ber to 'try Dr 11.1).11erwe's Shelter SamePanits. (MINA naltal hot, WWI end attar , was soon perceptible., and by th e , conduit a.ot or it three mmlo,ll3llla mg haiku, het health was ra., stored, her streogni and Sesheptined, and the now claims 'sound and robust heal . No pees Mary coo. sidentloo can rent tray the o bligation I am ender to for tatallsw isy.wita m heals, I maw dicer tally recommend our weir sale able Elcaleint, I -; JOSEPH MAYNARD, • - Sixth at, between Plata and Wcatero Stir Sr sate awl wignitsfirsDna.ll./10WE 1 1111111111Za BARSAPARII.I.A. and tato no other.. This is the only Saraaparilla that acs on the User, Banos, and Blood, at tee sari* time, and hence its ategMaz For sale try J. A. Jives, J. Sehnoomaker W. Mack. M. VV. Means, J. U. Tow rowed, .M3blet, W. Jaetwa, Pittsburgh; 11. A.,1111100, A Ileglmayeity; W. 11.111eCtsllaird, Manelo star; P. Cowie er, Drown. Tit* and by 1111. O.D. MOWS d CO., Plopnton, lei I Cellars Hall. Ciacionati. (1.• . 4 . AUDIO . VAL. TA-ItE9 WILSON Worms Ms Alen. aroi tele Imbue AP WI W bu removed Lb( liar gnu C.p Ettablutr• broil from beelibbekl street, to hes old sum on the coma Wood ono and Diemend Ally, (wood orb Prolog Filtorro Ex< bane 0121 e, ea. tre book, Diam on d Aber—oebrro me! be reebd et Ingo sod lostionable anortoseri el. lists otd Ciot al rotteoe price %wholesale Ind '' • • /Ws mule to order. .1-2bdko•aos • Uellitcus Notaeaa • • Sta. Joan Drina lan pleaeb at the ht. artoalate Reformed alistelt, Sixth streat; Plusburala, an Sabbath eta ler.) warulaa at half past 10 Be kat, afst- MOS at 3 alclaek. Alta la Scat. In, Pant lara hank La al alhaay QV ataevanlas, at Ala astral hoar. mra errs. • OROCSAV oo :P.M% meat: . . D.otllata Sloan to lei. ] Appli oa tko,progabea, 41.73 Pt. H. • : je.112413.• AlitUlu. Mimi* Yes Beni. tDDKN STOitY. Drift lbeelEag Doaro 012 Been Comma. • fa* , await .141 of rulers/ a, al:wpm:l7 C). b• rea•24 solpoupsion.titen lamediauly• Woke of.-...• WWI, • . T. 1P.1), .1114000,P/401P/T.7 •ItTLNlZ"itirthatk"oritatll . ::7 4 1= stems .Izoa- al that patatt. mats *herd an anareisar aaay ta! d. - 40.11.411. HE ernes of a: Wheelbarrow kh In Goat of the T Vqpistit Engine lien* V reqnsstrA sem Gss .lol.9l.ns• Winn% pay Cox thin sdnestisemsat tab:Wm/um away. ._^. MAIL gm Musa ROYAL QUARTO 818 LE, Id* Plata Ad , Mutat° Antique, ertvad, UM CI ups, %XL 7tU tplwrild nada In. eta alum /ow riga atom named. Call sedan IL' ' asP A. PL EAGIJIIII &CO 711Wcari a. • • 1r su..Kar orliuwe end ..4),. °2 sl NewLlabo 0 Wet lea a P t ta ao and awning tliat Yu 140' tr'bllatelf pe g' tati c t ' , uly vrewbarib, solo. parr:pat al yrs/Midas:oa anon. amebas llasoltaaa• ana tamPllY stigmata ta at all Junta of Igo tay.sad night. Place and asettleaca laolfa straat, - betweett Saltallald EUoz Too* V. Lay, Boakaallat lad-StEsoaar,atal autea . ilfttlatly, Aitala.rat, and thvgett. - Pcne v.- • .kitten r ,mat-411litta:1,!, . Fa:lVdia . 4 17297;11..1.5da11 t g0 &co:so 14bei "ctroottra sunlit IItICBETY—:'e Neel, Eaiterti IF,' Mak* ter isle by • • • •&tamer MosIS I V4:, Far site by WAI. A.MeCLURCI a CO. 1 e29 FOURTH , JULY! PLELBURB EXCURSION GREENWOOD - 4 ROSEDALE m ailiejt h rn a tenVit i "der iiMlL . .• P 1001)DaiDOE, ILG . Dave the foot .of. Put street every hoar T dynes the day, eestineneleg at 1:1 o'clock, la the Atornleg, sad rieleg till 11 at ;. mr BEARIBOXY , B EIBLENDID, ARABS. BAND MD be Ott baud during the alletero sad evening. ffieLodioa Plano vrlth . two setts of Reads Uthirre'eeived at the sigo or thepolden llarp, one superior 5 eetave liteweeeti Moo, with two tuls of Needs, the. latest Improvement The abov e Is probably the finest tonea.instrameht ever catered for sale bete, with-a Light. finished nu/elegant exterior, for sale h - 1.1e171 11 }ILEUM ==:l ROPORALS will ba neebied , ontillaly the nib, t Dalldtna a ?ebbe Behool'llettae in lee Third r lot of Aliegbety City. "Jl: plan and .speelfiestiona may be teen at the WrICO of . Jelia W. Dan, comet of the DiantondiAlleabeny • •• . TI. Mean...LAN, 1 t 7 • • JO H N OWRY. Jr. Cam. et &lard. IRWIN : 1830 AMERICAN HOUSE, alb • ROBIC4T. Si ao LOWEllti I Proprlato G r, ' _Salk ill,iroliasishisrek ra„ ENKR.A.L. STAGE OFFIC g•Two ltally Lines of Swims fos the rout and West; also the Eledend Huge I his tome. )el7altm • BIDWELL: & CO., POILWARD/11110-. 31EZ8011AN -G.faigoe, Pa. (sisieß4 F.rir Post Orin ) Bayles permanently located at this place, a new and altbstanthil Wharf Bosh we ere prepared to mo• celie and forward promptlyto all points 011 the river, sod dandy and Hemmer Ohio Canals. Bk. Olsorew. Jun 8.15.-1010 ' - or. J. Muscats DeursakturtllUs cur Ludlum P• 111.00 sod Blood Pturillar, HAS been extensively used for • 23 years by the Doctor to an extensive pumice, and le eon& dently recommended to Da yobbo for the care of all impalas. of the aloof and general deathly, Deuc e ,. uca dyspepei , acacia colds, • brandish% droply, nervous et gamma debdtch (mak, t., our. cu d.' uieeases, elects, soma or oruptams, and OD esoaof De Ain, letter s Ito oat,er complaints, la Dort for boyarlUes of b lt is wholly "getable, ..a may be taken sneer a. circumstances with per- Ret Dim • Prepared by U.llUkar KRAMER. Dal& data For solo, wholesale and retail. by - ielff •-• • . , • fly Weed st, Pitubluchl DV-4 3 2,11 8 Tiii.W:gri.."V rigger' uses; and resleesee, On the present, at Rosedele, fn hinneheiter, rounerdSavely above the 17.8. Martha iio44* Je/liblint ..':': . t' . r: '--• . - . P . W.'4::4-A71'..*!5..', 2 .. ~ i-......'. ,-••,-. ' l- 41',..E;ST. .DIE§ - ..: - :''.FOitiCTLIT I I.I:I,I"G SCREWS. '' : , -- • :,:.- --- - THESE DIES Wring beertodoPlosi and highly and Philadelphie,Oro nom offered to monufacturere Hence, eaifie most Opted aiiiele in teem elm% /Inn' Superiority, neer any, .oiher Dies het . Scerw t orbeiher V °. :** '"i'ihread ' bY ~t-ztr-st br ketuota prepartnioni - an the dies ent th rea d i° ftie greater durability,;. rapidityi and Peffeetenn to get mot of order , . • •• •' CeOttglesitet. • : This io cool& .dair Pmwrgl2 ,ws ber m e pai 'A elt 4 astid g'l7' l ll4ll. , NV:, oases Ma of , sem 61. paint Dies for rut tint bolts. In oar se a Put ars much ure. purr m allY others, sea arm aegaaintrCarror :dr the purpose of caning bona. ' • j P hIORICEI CO. . • - icas" no•log PIP C r orea , Patent, Pmaa les nlignilk cur establisladent for th e )) e atria ' , a wl,. for cottiog bolb.:we can In every re Epeet recolomerd them in the, h Ighert lerms:samo base fool alt others away, that belch. PO. fu outwear—considering' them 73 per . eetd. cheaper than any - others ucrw in use. ' i 7 ;RANEY, NEst.PLY. &CO. • ' Peen Works: This Is Or certify that mailman lards, std the right to, me, and adopted/4 cm, busmen, P W.Gates , Pan tent Screw Cmtm, whlehwe or. • Vir condo math PiOni fort, and +se beheye'n'will sair7, put cadorahility and; precistue,es =led at teentidiil ot latter, any • dice known to us • .. 'frIoRIIIS,ToIISREIL k hIORNIII, 7 PiuliblifTnuii Vat day,1149., .• • ' Vow - Volut, Aug. 10.180. tiering adopted P. W. Gems' "Pate.' bleat car eat. .Hari bolls, I. ate pleasure In same, that Slime than msyreri our .3:peep:liters, and hare no t edict tin In giving it as oat opinion, that It for crept' any other p.ua In present use for tunics bob. • . . T PECOIi he CO. WO havo'• P. W uPitir.rit •Ditel for analog .ern.., and lh6 ecetiout, of taing theta la to; very. Oomilderablo, tam Ito look upon them as u dltotots. ale every ettaalisakaoat harirft.• MO WO to ett,.. •. • FfeCORMICIL, ODDER it CO, • Crttcaoa, No 10,.1519. • • • • e:Mrztattrit °mei, Wuutacalx" Oaf, Sept V 9. T haw, parhand of W.U. Boor ilia for tho United State • at to nao le all the arsenalit.tatTastati-; HALL, I - , • ' TOORTIL •:STRERT, PITI9BUROU,t PA. . •••• rrn IS rementlicent esa bonny onw row- JL PPeutd and leady for busineut,the proprietor Woold .rerpeotiolly solicit a shore of the public patronage: He trusts by giving hl• halt attentlut to the bestow, to mate the bowie a plenum and eontfartablo retort for tho - Mamas of l'ltt•Stuatt (and .fitr; the . .4connuy Good am:Manta will -be in whiting. and , eVerl e 2. ' ardor redo to render the'ettattLifbotent worth ythe eotunerenee nod 'upon ohm lrdelligent ertmoranny: That It'WO SPACIOUS . HALLS, tiled ler Tante.. Conoerta lactures,; BOR. tat pa meetings, will be 'let by, the evening or Wevti on its Sheraton:as at. tor Other In the city. • - ! Tiro MAR and RkeIAY RANT- on._ mile and beatur to . any In Me world, - teat famished A l es , an Will., Choke Lumen, Cordi tit, Sorimrs, Ales, andel the CoP4liglt reirtshmerei of the Mtn= Ppoltry, Game, Flsh,.S . pop,.,GisterS;and ter COO opt, the best style. • - • ' • • The.DINING and.IVECRFJahr SALOON, Mot Ott their:at door, and easy a access, aid be,ectenrogr soppdod with tell the Lassie. and Delicacies ottile a-see of and alda, with anah sob ttandallas the markets Rot rditurby t h e day, week, ot seat..lhauilerstr Sarpi for individeals. or:pantos, tetrattlieden short no Get ileum. with their familieavisitiag the till eiot be tati.plied with teireahthenis of all hinds a r my boar 01 the osr. • • -Goa d• Sts6llto and an' extortive LiVery - Es'abl'a • I meeting ;unnamed with the MR.'. t! • .Dinner at 1 dol. h. Breaktott and Tea at Mammal trine. for Ladle's 6i the Tee'Cream and Dining 501.4 n, No h 7 SmAltatld st.cet, ; • • ir4AV ,;• VAN RENSgELAETI : . . . . . Veal) cured w.: . B s . .)nulders. i' "• i d for "by - Jer s. cerki .Seenr Cared Can.vanes,l .• • . ClRliebt 0111E1:;23 E-4a .bares Cream. Cheese - , reola wol for ciao by ; S. Pc W..tIAIL UAW.; Ll—. _Tt)l3 ; l CO . --Z .. teak 6 trghing,oil.N.!i!gibjc; r± I LSS—UM bxi6xto Vilndoir Cilsi4i; • . ur L..- .. hr. ando. fa }di • ' . EOWSDN. LITTLE Jr. CO BAR-YS tnu N 4:Tar N'44 ,red CO _ - - k. OArr-30 blslv rcettred • ie2s. . . 14013150 N 1.41T1.2. RCO - - - 13°F,1`..rt Zl:* - C 11.44 Asso ited, nkn lo•arrh4, for silo' by DICKM & CO fjgfi ' • - CIRIZASE-3 tali to Sada, for lie by • lA • IC..b" : I StaAtl DICKEY 6 CO SkJ EEP - AND LAME PELT S— , ll. drx dreoi4 wool Doi a bezatifol .rtte le, to rirrivd, for rhls by . - 3e11.8 : . ; 7SAIAICDICI YA CO " JAT Names usu r - 4o Om Warman 'co is A FatlC4 k COOPEIII9ISINOLA 'mind sbied, tot by , • Betl! wdssE., :o lr)+Nflsioneiti IsbeitSll do :for sale by 1193- ° /93,3Craf :k L'O BUO4III.NOUSE MOLASSM 7 -33brIs Jostlezding for soda by Viten J DILWOILDII.i(XI , •-. Uhl AbldtllC-‘4olllhs sons for .11i b . B PAIIIV.E3TOCIZ &CO jeld • Cos roc as Wood "jrtßETibrtißrft - g:Z - IrCtibi'yo•Sdertd. for ss!e by SO !sea • 'D A Milts 1.3 , 31 - OCR t • • ' . Ilteast Ilsto3sa Oonspasry.. , r--:- Tl4.l3...sebbolde ' fs ate Vottaed fa itinlfl in election tor Mslderni ., eu Mitusbers, a 'Lbw wet and beetetary, to be Sold at the rooms tbo Compse7, tomb end of said litidge, an tbs easy' of 'Jay sert, between the boars of 3 and d &elle',Y.M. female . , .W/11 MORRISON Mildest: 6 '424 S•i ids s G W. IiAIIIIAUGIT. Vir 1/RP 11. Y &IF Int CIF lEL I tie ips * lb" intuition of 1.1.1. d m ladles to: th eir asajudaut or nand sty•ed of Gambol., Brat and darlr,lneloddror mono( tbo been condo , of Franca, of the moat durable eolods;- ,broati, brae, and **or olhadell o f Brorsde Gioconen, noir ,artlele—nt math tool comer Of Foun sod bloskol slants. E=:l= lkAr I.IILPUY & iiIJRCIIFIELD have /melee • case ay of new. sad testae' style *theSitteaotl Prints orLsses Pauccoabn very fine elettss,at the lows price of 12te ; laelsdals the absoruntaWare rink, blue: bolt ard ether co ea • jery AvcrETRE-23 tasks erodeio salej•T jsadit VICIF.F - b.C9; _la7' Front &Water ; ' SOUR FLOUR- lobrbnhLble int tateh erdtisg, ArpILLLS t sos CORN—IOO suite._d_p!!C bir u , len - • 1 BWGILLLS t ROE Iwkaw nooui AT HO LAI ES , HET, T; ~..- Third Writ, OPpotati the Prot 01ltec. ' 3 . 1}1 b Vole of Coitus; or the Martyr.. By Grate Beaton Shotrprare, Non: -,• • j. - ... Pictorial "tele llook of tho literetntattn, Pio 3. The Piciteaset'e i Lady. By the eethor ar , -VilToge Taira, tar the Black Fotestii tranaloted by Mary HOwnL 1 • Bohnia New Hada OOa n ok of Games. ! . .. - , • Lill '" i g n it t4 g t r : ' l,?. " imei. . , Barrel Hostng* or the Filtrate in the vault. dr it.. - - ,,Y! ' . 7 ... ' .. ' . PBou&t..l-1.41d0x on band onfiTOT - 17Oe ' 1027: ; -WICK k BIeCANDLESS IIDEWNUTS:-ClOt Loeb Wrt.tllld thin! fOr'intro bj J 027 ' WICK to Mc CANDLESS .eIIiNITASSED LIAAB-430.f0r isallt :by, • , 4„../ Jen , . ~I VICYAMECIANDLM,S, Ep 15:a.L . 70...11).bds for sale by 17Ia2f' WICK ib AIeOANDLES9 0 VIIIE SNELTHS-4n &lit pito ist; foriikelly jay - %welt& hIcCANDLESS• VIVADDINC bales glazed wit and'wbite TII i 101 . ; WICK& AIeCANDLESS .frust—as tgureli .a Tar. - j. Q-61]1 bala . do . lar gala et? WICK & XeC/111/X;ESS :45.. : ,• 24 •hccar • ' , . . ' .-. 44 ILI. extra Creßem . Cheeselarita!e b'y or ... . : - . WICK I 111sCANDLIISS 14 "` ~;%', l tV.t ,&cANDI,Ess D a rj Ea , b gare d t ,;by ExtuN-0 ttkirt !Few; *-A?41)/.t33. assorted, on band, ter sale . k - CO,' am Front , !M1EF5E....7.? b i ts pri hand. for saiabf ' V. j. 27 AIAHDICKEYk CO • OPAL VAterosll.4.o Roodimalln , for rile by CJen •.- 'IBAIAM LOOSE NftCO •' MaIItINGS—MI Ws on buld iturfor 11.1 c DT 'jci :Jen I ISAIAH DICKEY & CO nn L'Cr.-35 bait'o!d for do'e by 4„1 - . J SCHOONIOAXER & CO • • T 4 Wood dt MEILY-10 keg • bat "" r " "*" lot n'a by pr,tiCER & CO j • ..J IDEACK SAND-21410 for rale by 1.27 J SCHOONTIAXER & CO • - - AA. MASON d CO, Ne7o.l3lstk et *met, will ibis • day open,llid prepated to shots their Glenda and the pubilb theitatlrmation. as (octal*._' lst? EV; "It'o" ":" P";vcil'tZttnit sco ____ - Rom—so br ie , Zl°l, I or t3n i tOV,IMAREIL k CO i• As WILRINEII. 00" E XCIN AN G E 8 8.0 KERS, IS. R. Corider pf Wald wet Alarles eta ALL xon ü b rsa i tars. r, JeAl J. Bliaseys am. Agent fpr t4O PA' nu. Lip Lurrrnna Co. of PPItT of the iVeriern Inseranet Compeer No. ‘,/ Dl {Yates suet:. Mahwah. __J Pamphlets with all iworthail hiforthsuon, and blank toms Will bo famished. , • Husbands ono Imam them lives fat tha Una, of their wives and children* ered"" the lisnonf- their debtors. The allele rats of the. Comp 47 'among the holder** , Life Poleles. „ The dividends of Mapes: rota years barn kciti eieb• perenntearb lest • •• . • • . , . _ r LOUR-1511 bit. 9 F Flo j orglikis i Vf_olflgla by 1 L . ORT/I &CO I i . :11 Wood et, • ! •---add donattilla do ~ 20x23; LIto , ESION SYRUP—lost roomed sad_ for W itolo bi do . do ' do i4l or o•s• , $; ppm! or bottle, Itle by wICYiI - ro szo • b t at 1 . 0 7: JOHN H tdbll,Ha 0 2 1 , PUT Wood a Kitt; 1.11 SEEM _ • ••• I . . PATICSITXD 1116 Y Si 1E41:: :. • .sepprin'e4in tail 04 ',Principal ,tbops I , kw - Yerk machinints, abip smobs,6M., With , the Win. , .11- /fore toed, nonsints cutneg a yraircr, over the iron io be cut, volah,rcfluire Co' vuvrlzing rur of the . aor,id kayo : onto:air ruieutp itbitrovrenvn of work; and in then. nitoph'city and Hole, liabOny, , . • . . riot Order %Ito Department, enperritioiof',tlt Department, P. R. G ate.e . P aterit .1 tee , for conk g screw. tot trour,they Argot; been: tried In two of 'lke Imo' anenoto, end fogad to bovorrefitclont awl cseelltat . • . - .., :.: , , A. TALCLVIT, CoLOnlittotto& ~, , • - DOISAII o>r Natos..cro , Doets, Whownesos.Bept. • Cenhidnior atostylocated.:. koptonment fee hole Ong screws cn metal to be Veltman! e one, I ho!c, by. antiority of the IlonoreltleEeeret . e.ty th w N7, , porchasedltr the I,ltchey• ef tle Patentee, 'a H . •Eeoulle, end:row:tot ftleeref, Vsq , the reht to tenth and Use said thorttOWTnent fehthe MS. Nas t' . r I " • .IChhlink HiChtefor Donal. • 13talla Workg.l3aludoi J... ltcr •- - • - A.hl • Loehed/er Barlett dr. Ca, GlantestenN.lii , - • - ' . listwoo4 & Payder etnallkill Comfi; • ' i . Ilirbeek.l%tw "Yezkr • ,•• ••• - " • ' t Raft lt Itelamtter...Ptcaalr l t N. "iv - • ,-, '•- H. t. 1.110 nhaal - B.C.a;Ne* VOA{ - ' ' Drmet4 /a Ca. Blonnancnt Wock.,l3tltj -• • Van Carat, Rotlrestm ' • • ' ' "t• •• Blatt o de: Ayres Nett Yolij• • • . Allo 7.Pea anr tt. k Iffatany, , 'a; - I • ' • ot tot o T ri ootr i. 1,,' ft., rhiltdtlidda , • j • - ..' Wain. Mk. Naton, foun t " nd*tst yigt; • - ' '.. - !,1,,,,,,ii macbthe e.hop ; Lo a ... 7 -7 - ',' . . Aracotttnn Co, Blanalatxtet,. ip' '',- -! •- • . lia 4 '"" . .4 °4w 4 L - . -'. ;. - t'.' ''' - • . k . .: i ~.. - , ; ... iiilcit4 • i .„ No tilttluta,littetsdict tadtpt Bid in II In. pfl. till. Ndt • - da•• -. t s t-do• I.. -tt-'e fa It prlea Sent *On r .•d - a - a ••• • _ . 40 'i. ..., W . 7 - to 1, pries% !Ica. All. oldatioddrecovi to r. W. bateo..Cbteata O.: D. Lawn, New l'at, F. D. Blarthall fa. Co. Pau -1 delfida, nod. it L. Beating ft Sons, OW at*, for Rat and UPtotith at - I.ltbattit ittachlues far slang 16.1, 0111 .11 , 4t.iiitinatoptiatention. ' , .1.1,0 tat, Bltt 3.1810. ',' I ..'.A.II,IIIS.EII.E.N._TS: PIITSBLEGII:.IIIUSEUM di . Ili GT Ult a R00M,.. t - . , • -- 4004L0. liAlial;,44TotiaT# ~S. W °. , • •, OPEN 'DAILY, from 6 4. At• till • W lc - lit. •Adroteslori to Motown ataLeolorollOozo, 23 oasstei Resorted telits.l2l tents Oars_ : -.. ' . -,. le7• . ' • 137 '6 'l3O .Wood iertgove fluler view/10 immblishmen+ In.nove aterel for j, UM'. 'll le Ittimrabl +mourned far .Conernm, L.sc...t . ,mee,,Ezhiblp!ms,/a.:Formrsetomple , . JOllll A EIIISIMONB,.. 117.W00drn..-. T INSEED.OIt.—A,IeK/Irtml4 primelmrAce.l.ed 7nndtarnle99 . S N WICKERSHAM • . Miami& Kral nog TO 1304 . 0:13011.1)E.110,,, 100,000 fot,Feilitinta:Lictk • 100000 tettCoal /Wu nipp nF FottAol, App , • .-ititarAtil Vo.w.routtli.m. - 101/.11,E.1 bids rot ta,o by 7WOLCksniGir","l! gGIIAN 111)18 libber w tkpt'planwCu ¢ vHI by paid rat Jao - CAft.t419.!.13 lij & Vir IlAttll.ll.loll RALOV--Ilksasta prtsmishnutCcuk e t'iii. ii a gi na s r ii , - vaistsviLtiA . LlME--,00 _LI for miler by ..... fieui •• • C 11 - 46 K 44 ' KL, 0 121%1ra LIZ. nr132., tkai 13.191)N SIIOULIMIL cram forlmte , 1 ,13 • & W nLOUR 6xl. s •••,, • • • 150 brlievlnv,klo, , reed on Consigoriieht t and fariC. ' lIcZE! • kW FIARBAUCIII ARD-60 Ileits.Ple tided rotivb , Eq. ; . s AltlV4s ,7 1E1.9Y-40 an sting =ln W iss 7fo B&W lIAMIAttill At.'scs firA tecclsco Awl for saki, by... •- - .• 0. ": •- Ah TTARTIAMFY - - - RA N-40 cu}. ,lhnulderarcetiveS pet •iFtt•att . P-ophsittea,,aod for ..le by • . ,jaita! JAtilr.4 k. 1711•11ali itll4 . 4ausaV4asaelM., latrlitrillit ittIISCItFLELD, iter .s anthantly , yrn .o.l.land a empty of ab•sen I ;cods, of tut el pptatsd make; elm', pazony 14innels. lm nfuralS-,srelr, at rank eriefrother or Isautlhand Illatket krts • 13brimdisig• . 711 Wiver.L. ATTTt Sc IICE , foipairk by . - ' B.JAtiIES DAI.ZEI trat.AtsrS,lca hdt - New.0 , 1 , ..r.• • r• brli Sava Holm lanaina .t . .."/ 0 4.h&1 se. -JIOIE4 pal; Et.x. • ..• NEW tJACKEE EL-154 brls Pio 3 n e'e for nolotby Ob/mp gns.W In**. • • I[ . I -;42.*,.1tr547 Chstopil deo ; yfeneh • •• •V••• • Lee gen,* ?time qvaltty 125 do , I • do . 75 Pta,' . 1 troftbnionds...,-::.•••+•-•-•1 fnr one, a • ' d ft 'For s22ftby4llE.Woq.'.r.ll 1015 . Wine Sten., in thelt4mott. fABMs tar lyesierrs Reienrr, frt satecti' , F VON;IWNP010 .1, a .0. I Tl" °"l 7V "..r i t lG:73otliVE k co Ourelc (ft e.te Lg kj.„. je,Z , 8 P VON - DONNIIOII3 "DACON--Etinkg"rlea r e Sites; . J.> 4 tasks Sit olldtrs, iilet,t6 aigaisterd,;bi• - JJ. bl Fl 4) 'D 103 •'" L,'Scortitleitllech. liptgEß—No 'ls9le Leiti -DROOWIIi q dos aitiy and ectomon IA ror .Wkr. tJusi• • • J & FLOFII RICEIM tei laacling ind for sale I y. P'" 04 for - bl ;le " J RI lOFTI:ba terna.—!oa bar I,AT.ISPAe. ' C- 0 Mrs rticp , a •ln 14.1nges Y. It It li!PTtiu4- for sale by • • - • II , k - LOYD• • riIWILULD DAUS-0J dcz bar We bp . ict 3 • J th. VD lIISCRRTS & TUBS—LD 4 , nx Des Ireirseke74l t ; 3 dez do ,Tubr! toti •to 1e25 13 . & R • LOYD W 'Y'eflN° 11.41411'T des and .thoidetnt. - 4: 1 1 9 ft 8 5 1 21 . a7; 81 - A CULL*: N /3 . • ' ' 1.313 ntr " k i t AcTEEttral brleNo 3, for sale hy , l, ILL J.V4 1 - • A CULAIR FA! ivr ; nopri—ico brli hat renll for dbv' saris Vista ittolur reed for rile bT . A CULBERTOM PE6.-20 hl cht.ll4 Pfli . ehany,just Iced frir'rtile hi Je23 • , A elltMER:11.1)!I, Ulllitlfr..T4l-ICll bags Rio c;)ifee --- ,, rind foilate ' ly",.. " jettl ' WAIT a CO BACION-4 buds elf - 44 - tun Mama . - r • : •.2 tisk. Shot erg retell -2d per Otluter im iewti2L;and fak.oale by • -• IAttIES A_ITUTCHT2ON CO 1144, D TASII -CY ciiiii,! , , , vssiltieliko s s i lpisk i irt , 42o ,tSC vi•o;i'd IriX.II.II.PAZER—A Semis bear ime at h d !, t 1 ;1". ilith as is and atneinD ma or KE rt, &c , r , Pollooii 1011 - ARDW,MtRi PAPSR, frouiNi 4 C to 1114'1.3 jut viutova liTtiltiee, for We, ey:± • 75 11, ' , scisuoNmesEn CO; ClANAlty 9EED-40 btlefortige ien SCIIOOII.SIARFR CIE STURVII.L.--p r int • FOLIOOMIANER&CLi ert4 Lrldsvperfltie liOl - 0 7 41 . 1 - ' 7 7 - ; , 14 bsls entaltse non, in, ...l e l et ..144 •- .3, 'Water .41,14 Front stt dm yeoke~oa k: Tv° 1Y A ERMA'S SONS '5 euulteawo GarG • for qt.. hy lA•S'WATERRIAN / 4 1 4 011 S • L. 'X G ._ or le PrttL Pglttb Lusk, .11,11 tield7ttl W. 4 ta i.rii7Cll ' euert.im at , d mOildlye r r " . l""l A:ll,st wlLloft applimm, benid, areitqueetcit to t a l t at Of flood of Dift4 rio 1 Long• • 11 , ; kegs ddy • • Vag oa t H GANT D fi tale !T Harr and good esym . Fd? •-• •• • i " 1 • •.. WATFRAT&N •oon9 ECARS-lekaro pod condoo O J e w iraf b, flACON—d r btrtilicloolden d • • • Wide Sdoo‘ • kb. : l ! U VR oodAlr3gßuk:ed.4da RDkR yrn by W 1. me atureLL Cl Wood., Isl 114AFa!suEL , 41, On* No /7 roe% Cot ti • Jrat , JAMcB DALZE.I.I. 131/11.51155—A. novo "apply of arolotoil ;ir lot micuilbs both boom and; top of Avon Ppper., ' 111A11511/04, !-1e•tl ' f 6 Wood 11• p1.,9 , 4- 7 4 . • bris stcr-au110114 , 6 DAL MItriNGPAPER-4tOrizsfirlobookpapc 102..dt; , :::YO do.. do. 'co . I 21.1. W.; .:.0 do. do 2 do .i, Diaz 11.0 do newt priming I 2.1137 100 do do do .1202; ; C 0 do ,do : do 2 9 0 , 10; j:0 du .. do ' ' do . . 1 raztaa ,20'do 13Iua 1 , 4•010 ,2al:g • 3ta do Xellry do i q,.idx MrEZI and tor rale JAMat DALTSJ