EASTERN-. ADVERTISEMENTS 11081SICLMAI, ZINO. • - -- TMITE Vieille Montagne-Com rany !topple terliare ate .I..vrith Roofing stet Flooring in sbeets 3i7 feet. fron. 111011 tuners per tenure Coot, Corrugated In sheets 207, 07 or. for roofanz pot tic buildings and depots Elwataing, 14 z 49 bears, from 24 wad ounce., Molds, Perforated Lea : They warrant their metal pare, and free from any almlataro of Iron, or aby other mast.,, ander. summers It for the Inanafitetare of. mast arnaleS la Ile boars fen/ablnalme, u does not ram, Is hot armed by the aeilon of water, and may be polished, pcdated t arta lefewlsod• • •-• Ssandas,midele, plans, speetbrallOna, and other lakmnation may be had oftbelr.attentsc -MVuLa Mona, New Ymkt • • ATLEII2011; ROUX. It Co., Boston; Namur Tierra Co., Philadelphia; W. all llleKter,Baltletara: Dual, Pat ftraneraa,- New Orlesme F. 11111LIROIIX,Iteddent'Apent, Lisa% May 1. 2 Neuter at., Ng., York. mayaledU =OM WINDINGS AND X.SIATEIiIIe Edward A. Dedfreys BoutA Calvert st., arorifoltistaro of.,Saltiatore, itete &Godfrey &Sons. MIMRE otßeise rioargo,and Dealer in Leather, orino beast • Dsglioh wad Prefab Kid faits, Calf BlitosslPatent Leather Morocco, red, white, sad plot osanoilnintto,dto. Leathery MLR OA MOONS AND RiuBONS, Lamas, Webb., Rhos Knives. Awl ; Blades, Bane THREAD, Blued sets, Shoe Nails and !hoe PEGS, or all eves. . a a. 0. harilorleetohllshed the abase bosiness Software, is enOlod to ship gooda Booth or West will Me armor teepatelf, ono at the lowest prime. Manotoetaftra, dealer., sad all otaero;>eap rely ern obudning every Angie la Au the trade, of the best quaint. and en liberal terms. ElZrhionotoetarer of Lista, Boot Tress, Shoe Treer, Campo, Crimps, Boat Btretehers.tto. VI order. will lot promml y sweated. l 1.11 prices for cash. = • A evolve. containing • complete lint of everr *Bide In the Bode will be forwarded to those who Na? Notre it • L. EDWARD A. GODFREY, NB. Calvert rt. a "41m near Baltimore st. Baltimore. TEM AI!AA TEA COMPLAY, 136 Groamich grect, Tao roll. Tlyr githitots beg to call the attention of coo. E 3410..11 tr. Tee, and the heads of familia to the choice and tare selection of Tau imported by them, and hitherto unknown in this coat:7, which, by their arid delicacy, combined with virgin purity f Or n lrre;gth. produce an infusion of ourputhig lia nas mad lawn. Teas offered are the following:— - • • The Jedeo gleom,• Black Tea--$1 00 per lb. "do••—• ••• 0 75 do o lhart do.-- -‘• •• • • 050.d0 100 do - 0 73 do ••0 50 do o Cunt., a Ottea Tea Too-tam do ”---Tickl-islaa do a V&A !dams, a compound of the most tare and choice Ten grown onthe fertile andgenlal wit Of Assam--.—• —1 00 do With ■ clew to eneoamge the introdseuon of these sostekless Teas, it is the intention et the proprietors to distribute by lot, among the purchasers, a quentity of Teas cleat to the Find Year's groats on the sales. effected. Each purchaser will reeetaccenelosed In Me post age; a cambered certlikate, emitting him to one cameo In the distribution foreuerr filly emits laid out, and on the receipts amoebas to 1120,060, the under menttoned we le of Thu to the toot of um per cent; or 1112,000 WILL BE GIVEN AWAY as Bonuses, areo roma to the following realm -6 prises 016016 v &Mita each at Bt 40 1b,500 21 or 2150 20 do IN Ito do do do 60012er WOO 60 do 10105 do do do • 600 lb or 3300 100 do lira do do do MO 21 or 8300 330 do •1 lb d 0 do do 230 th aril= tit Prices In ail. , • 2.0D3 114,003 Those particles who prefer lower priced Teas con receive their prima In proportion, or they will he re purehased for cash, az a reduction of PP per tent. lapnCoantry Area; wanted. Applica ti ons to be ad. bussed, post paid, to this company , . Depot, as above. aslam BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, Broadway, corner of Madden Lame. sIHIS exureathe HOTEL has been leased by the eabwriter, and boa bet, completely mimed In oes% elegant manner. Large additions are now being made, which. when completed, will make it the most extenstre Hotel in Now York. It is the determi nation of the proprietor, to make it equal, In every re spect, to any other {louse lathe United State. W 10. caftan Is the most desirable and eentrai in the city, be. fog in the fashionable part of Broadway, convenient to all the poelie bathing!, planes of amusement, and bestows. Grateful fen me libend patronage received from his western friends, while at Cumberland, hid, and more recently et the IVeddell Hoene, Cleveland, Ohio, he respectfagy solicits .renewal of their patron. age, for his new establishment, at New York, and bop to aware th em that every effort on his pen Mali he ewe, to admildner to their comfort end pleasure. A: S. BARNUM. New Teri, bierch,l6so.—rearMl.lm 11-7CULTIII4I: BOA £lO or D 3 . . . . BIiIiTANNIA SPORTING PORTRAIT CLUB, °Mee. George street, Plymouth, England. The managers beg to acquaint their numerous p atrons that Us next Dirtribatiol of Portrait. of Race ]]ones. will comprise those entered foit the forthcoming Grand National Derby Racer tae notate{ of shares to be limited to 6,040 each'elass. Fast class member Ito, second claw ditto LS. Early eppliestion far the on• appropriated shams is necessoPy. A party subscrib ing forenore than o. share has the chance of gaining an ego id 'norther bonuses. Those members who draw the canons Portrait. will be presented with the fol lowing mum— • Portrylt of Ist claw bonuses bi ditto Winner, or Pint Item .f...n.m0 £lO,OOO . Second Horse.-- 10,000 6,000 Third Horse P,OOO 000 • Divided amongst Staners.• • • GIGO 3,0011 Non.ettarters SAO ROPO There are MG boat/wile each class, that Icing the number of horses entered for the rare. The Drawing Will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles es thaw which cheractorittea the late St. Ledger and other proceeding.. Poll penlealars of the result will be sent to absent members immediately after the de claim, that each may know bin position. Nableribers regienrred and scrip forwarded on to ecipt ef a remittance.. Dills of Freedom Drafts, Rank Notes,. ht., addtested and made payable to the gdwismnx Director. W. /AMES & CO. Flee per cent commission to be reduced on the resentauon of bone.. mrlanm zsaol REED HOUSE, 11850 83CITLI & SABIIEI3, Prspr!stars, Psalm Sew..., Eris, Pa. GENERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Easter.: Western, and :Southern Stages, !ante 'lds how. daily. Gar. sieges to and from Steam and Packet Boats, Gratis. - dl. W. Extra, late of tar: AntoTicon Hotel, Die, Pa. G. W. Mama, late atlas Eirlastute Hotel, Ohio. apta.dbet ====M! A FLOURING MILL, with four run of stones—one _Moir the best locotions for b”irleto in the west—and • fast No Saw MITI, on madmen never failing stream, and 10 acres of Land, good Dwelling House, Tenant Mouse, and other troprovemsituated seven miles from the Ohio River, Monroe County, Okla Also, SOU the above, a bcauttful Farm, well Unproved, eon minim .140 norm For satins, an., on aloe of WILLIAM 11. JOHNSTON, 112 Second st. Pinsharth. James M is Fluid Magnesia. 'PREPARED under the Immedielt care of the In. J. venter, and established for upwards of thirty ream This elegem preparetien is recommended to all estes of him, acidities, Indigestion, gout, and gravel, the most safe, easy, and effectual form In which Magnesia may, and Indeed the eely ono in which it 0.01 to be exhibited-possessing all the properties of the Magnesia now in general use,without bung liable Ike it, to form dangerons coacrenens in the Dowel., tt Mentally cams heartburn without Injuring the eoats of the stomach, as pods. polars. end their ear- Donates are known to do; It provenia the food of in. tants tuning mem in all ease. n acts as a claming aperient. and le seemlier'y adapted to females. Sir Humphrey Davy madded that this minion forum soluble combinations with aria acid salts in eases of. gout and gravel, Merby counteracting their injurious tendeacy, when other alkaties, and even Magnesia Itself, had failed. From Sir Philip Crampton, Dart, Surgeon General to the Arm? in Ireland:— "Dear Str—There can be an doubt that Megnesla may be d ditered more safely la the formai at eon gemme solution *h. in substanee; for this, and many other remota, I am of opinion that tie Said Havana Is a very valuable addition to our Masada Medic. PIIILIP CRAMPTON." Sir James Clarke, file A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and Messrs Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong. I y recommend Kamera Field Manmade, ea being in. far I f y make am h sate and r c o 1 . 7 tin:h.: amt t e It soda or comma Foy sale by the itegurlszr i ag =tamale, mayrit -Cm. of Wood& Front at.. • NOTE - 8 LOST. FoMB' re hereby green, that on or about Me Mil f April, the sabseribers had marled to them. at disbars, Va., the following notes, vim—A. note drawn by 0. A. Maninariyable to trer ordet, dated, 1) 1 . Tic ." atitmbe' or 11,712:foorsr, note draws by ' John Watt Co., In favor oilcan S. Matte% and roendoned by us, dated April DM, at Veer months, Mr 5173. -The above notes were never - , -- - atecived by - us, and this is to tuition all persons against undies for or haying the soma as Paymeel • as =CI. bas been stepped, S AW HARBAUGH paaast 1f1212100 & SIMINGIL GOODS. ALEX. lazie r aoa choke met r o: Fresh Bppna Aiwuda , klyslre, Not blarkr atrer, north wan xerenerof the'Dtamood. • In ealllnff Vol attention of oar enatemera and the ieltblie uds It affords onsrent pleunte to be els to say (uncle stebtust GREAT BARGAINS in al. most aver,' daeetipttostatgooda, as • large ponbut or was Petehuld at Ile reteeatentendre auction sees ect the eastern of _Oar 11.01r1310114 I.ollt of fancll7. cad staple pa* b y neater and 'Tonle to all emit Inners. isnot by wießeento . o, n un,. it... op . trite:dry : of seater brthim„ Iie. LADLES', . . 4301101DS 'Now irryibi,bs). l4oll " 4l ergt= rich plain and /wed dbabgbsols adke. of re *e and I isiltyi sayer,plain Sr.,. Agana Week a W t e, do. b o . sages and - dullest- beac.Cd de la*s.,dur lad hand so& styles atow eV. 1 . 7 . 1 1 . ,, ,..r.tt„ lad Scotch g= 4 arferratinn WU' do Jeldl 7 sterad id ia n ti qualities; Glee IsstreataS shsdes sad b0k,,,,,10 g . 4.. ' ehin . u4.4lin tadiina Sem caastet shasstaLptala and Si t black do; plea embroideretmatt do; dap h p i p t ,„ lure do; noes plata and etobtoldcred white .a ht t colored Gs& do: burrs cad net dn, 30.1 .- - WHITE GOODS. - A Sr.. atiatiment or mall*, dusso&s t , • Deed : hist hook., bleat Goma. sec. Rodtaps e n & Ready, panel braid t rairsch btatit, neta A Itnettock of &pallor plus sad ited Satin Tex parasol , of all eolorA ertr m ffetiti . CLOTUS.Ie CAS...4Lx 6k. ' arsonstent e$ tape[. Preach, Jaye and Belgian cloths sad basements of all .511.1115055. a. p a," to which we Trodid Lamb the %haulm of the g"41‘2"4. DOSIESTIM3 • • " . Oar stack tit.lmrent end biennia ataslins,iititinge; asmprips, &e, Is very Inge, and Al 'the van' _ Also, a large let ,of table diapers and table clean.; brawn and bleached; Maiva and e coteh dlapers,coaah • linen. nankirn, entOle and wool n goods - for men and be wea4 huh linens, red, while, rale, demesne ginghune; and linen hdkfi an 4, o f kincts,lteddery.and bbsaet ribbons,. Ira. Aland aeorartollx, to all pinch - Ira Woald rerpectialo ittlilet the attention Of wholesale and retail ' *rah , ben AMA/IDE/It IIAT; as at.ehet .aft rer. Or the Manton& . , TRUSS.. • e• . Aht mw prepared to famish Appl eTreei, from the J. well knerre Nutherp of Jitob,N, Enthett.".The ,teeeterlll be delivered lathe . b a r( ai Piithiiergi, for. 1 . 'lle per bemired. Ferrol, 'Melling zoptt-thrift) tree. ,]sold leave their ardent •theit at the Dreg, Seediithd Warettesee,oother of Weed cod wit.• • S „ • IRON WORK* WAREUOIJyE 11RN' Can rtutaired w No -I,°‘Roe r Idogßogahala LOW , XLSCELLINEOUS ,-- .1. 11. RIF:LLCM NO. 811 Wood str e et, has just received a •oriment of PIANO MugiC, among which are this • go - ion Lore me, by B.C. Foster. Oh, * Red ResieLive Alway, dp. Nelly was a Lady, ' do. Ned, do. 'Cork. to Run all Night, do. Dolly Day, do.: • SoLheris Wedding, by Clover. The Robles do. ob, Teach the tlordiet owe again. • Sweet Bleateirs of Thee. ailver Noon. • Lam ew entYdrdley of the Irish Emigrant . A N Bong._ Thou hest Wounded the Spirit that Loved Thee. The Codietthth. Departure, by Glovar. He Rind births Loved Ones at Home. TM Home where e'er the Gan Is. ' Tbeltatiltios Mall. Law IlsichtlCar, by LOIN'. Do you peer think of me. glambeS Gelatin Lady. Jeennle,Grey. ses Walt • • E.lfin, Gamins, t Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Deena] r.Mniden, Dells Welts, °anent, Ladles' Souvenir, ally, Myles., Lily, Alice, Evergreen, Sane flrt. AM. . sad Lissy Polkas. sasyl .1 - _ TEAS Trats I TEAS llt Nrafett7 =leo? t oliestsPufclitika.74l7 th th Capital, Bought for Cosh, ice. In tor, wo . will s g e eat humbug. in any manner or form, we simply invite the public to eompue our Teas ith what they purchase elsewhere; this is the best method we know to ascer tain woo sells the belt and cheapen Tea. in nut. burgh. We am now selling • Good and 'Wong Ten at 40 and Weents per lb. A prime ' article,. •- •73 do do The best Ten ismorted into the 11. States, CI Low pitted, damaged or inferior Teas we do- not keep. • MOBRIS & HAWORTU . . Proprietors of the Tee Markel, East side of Ihsznerad. airtime. Annonetast — MoottasJosi 'Veil: D. Appleton & Co, New 'Fork !lave in eon,ne of pub . :Undo% In putt, pne• twenty Kee Cents cub, A DICTIONARY Clf Machin, .211enternern , Engine Wort,cutE gumming; derigned f Prautica 'Vent-mg Maxi and Mate intended for the Engt• neenng PrVeseson. ILIUM IT 3LIIII T . 1118 WORK'. of large Ben. nu, and will cantata Two =ors.an rooms, and upwards of six mon sann rtgravaamorm It will peanut working-draw ings and deseriptiOns of the most important machines In the United States. Independent of the results of American ingenuity, it will contain complete practi cal tread es on Mechanics, that is and Engineering; with all that is useful in more than one thousand dollop worth of folio valance, maga zines, and other books. The great object of this public anon is, to place he fore pracUeal men and students such so amount of theoretical and acientilic knowledge, Ina condensed form, as shall enablethem to work to the best advan 'Zoe' and wise comm i t Th there e .°llo%,"i`o* which f in th r e o y na m a i tfo h n t than brought together Is 111190,1 beyond precedent in such wnrka Indeed, there ishardly any mbject within Its range which out treated with snob clear ness and preemion, that even a man Of the moat ordi nary capacity Cannot fail of understanding it, and Mins learning from it much which it Is important for himmknota The publishers are, In short, determined, regardless of cast, to make thevnork as complete as possible; and it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will procure ft as homed in numbers, and thus encourage the enterprise. The work will be issued in semlimentlily cumbers, commencing in January, L°so, end will progress with green le,schiriry. The whole work orIII be p üblished• In 40 numbers, at 15 cants per mnriber,and completed within the cur rent year, 1050. A liberal diseonnt will be made to Any aue.romitting the publirthers 110 to advance, Wall receive the work through the pen omen free n o expanse. Opinions of.the Pre... "To our nemerous Manulacterters t Mechanics, Err. gineers, and Artisans, it will be • mine of wealth.e— Provideace, (al.) Journal. - - - . vYoung men, arm yourselves with Ito knowledge.— We can with confidence recommend oar madam to poetess themsePres of its numberrs, as fast as they ar , pear."--Americmi Artisan. "We unbuitatingly commend the work to those en gaged is or laterested in mechanical or scientific par sons, as eminently worthy of their examination and stady.".—Troy,(l.l. Y.,)Badget. It Is Italy a great wort, and the publishers de serve the thanks of Inventors, machinists, and mann future's, and Indeed of the pabile generally"—N. Y. lod 4risliCtonary will be highly useful to practical mechanic., and saleable to all who wish to acmixont themselves with the_progrfts of invenvon in the me chanic attan—New Bedford Daily Mercury. "'Vting meehanics ought to keep posted spin the oretical as well as pmet eel knowledge, and thin work will thaw them Just how they .t... 1 " — R0.b.7 lblass.l Advertiser.. .Wo take it to be Jan the work that scores and hun dreds of oar intelligent mechanics hare defaced to pos sess. Po ample are its descriptions, and en fall and minute Ito opecifitauons, that it seems to as that any mechanic mighicontratt any machitte it describes on the strength aim erFravings and instructions..--li. Y. Commercial Advertiser. intermed in motharde• should avail the • selves of its advantagonn—Sobuylkill, (Penn.,) Jou tusl. es work of extensive prandeal utility and great im portance and value to the rapidly increasing Interests of the country. Weregard the work as eminently calculated to promote the elute of science end the mechanical art', and to dirseminato valuable Informs lion on those sobjects..—Farmer end Mechanic. 'Tracheal men in all the varied walla of mechali. -.- nal and innoufzeturing industryt engineering. fte,eri find in this ROI n trensote which it will le to the progt to poxes ."—Troy Doily Whig. We have carefully panned the numbers, and have no hesitation In saying that it la the best non foe me. ehmties, eminence and imientifio men, ever publini ed, for it contains ante information on every branch of the mechanical arcs and mimeos, expensed in a style and limgriage Intelligible to Any reader of ordi nary capacity."—tiloncinter,(Mass.,) Newt .Wei are nee we are doing the meeballes of Nor wich and other peen of Commence; a 1...1ee by beingieg the work to their attennoet—rionirich, (Conn) Courier. Oil Lsjeat such% workas every mechanic should possesen--Breemon'a Jonnod. Wo consider hone of the most veered end tem:Portant publications of the ago No mrebatio can afford to be *Mont It."—Newart, IN. J.,) Commercial Courier. ..I.lf all the various publications having far their ob. ietel the clucidutine and advent...et of the mechani cal arts and Defences, none that we have *no t es ro full of promise afthion—Beftalo Cum.:Adv. la the best and cheapest work ever Bitted to the scientific and practieniengineer and mechanic. -film plat• a are beautifully eineuted."—WastongtonGiobe. "Thy. great • Dienanary is one of the most useful works eve; published forreon, rind the low price at which It is sold cones it acceptable to all."--South Carte .We regard itasmie of the most comprehensive and saleable, as well as cheapen wort ever public —Baltimore Advents< r. "Ought to he token by every one denting to beep pace With the /nage...alert and leather fil !VC ry One of the labors of elirthzed life i n—Rendont Courier. "It I. dezlgele4 alter the prlticiple Ure's Diaznna ry, only that iz Mote devoted Lathe mechaAnal and engineering proferzione, and above all,. its valuable aecompltelang for America wbai tire hem done foe England, viz : describing Amtnean machinery and ofart."—Seientifin Amerman. "Ili. published in numbers, wad n a price no mode. ntn, looking at what is contained In each number, that no one who has the least interest in such matters, • need be deterred from procuring's; and every one wit • dom. .o, will find that he has lb a condensed farm an amount of Lustmation which wonld be obtained, if at all, only by the purchase of very many VOilllll..'n—N. Ir. Courier and &gaiter. "The •compreheruivenees with which the subject. are treated, the admirable manner in I , llllto they are illustrated, co re to mate this one of the moat deal rates worse—Democratle Review. "ILI. wort should be in the bands of every mechanic, o • env., cod manaractarer, especially those who have the least aspiration. to excel in theist respective b Eta is nesse. We have evefolly exasornetits wit/soviet. of recommending it to Inventors. To them we would say in the strong language of the fhb= "It is good.n— laltitore Invernors'Jomal. Notics to t/!• .PrOntr .. 7 , l¢f rs*lprni throughout du unumi stak.." and, Uthe foregoing advertisement is Inserted five u. during the year, and me paper contains It sent to a copy of the wort will bo sent gratis to payment. apliktlfewitT RIULLIAISTIT.II:S OINTRIICNT, Containing ne iNeroury, nor other INineraL egillE following testimonial et. given by the cele. A. brazed Dr. Wooster Reach. the authorof the great seediest work entitled "The Amcric. Practice o. Medicine .6 Family Pbyeiciim." 9/eying been made acquainted with the ingrestsenis which compose McAllister'. Al4HuGng Ointment and having pit-scribed and tested It In several [...is ray private. practice, X dare ,o hesitation in laying or certtfying titat it it a Vegetate Remedy, containing no mineral substance whatever, that Its Ingredients combined as they are, and used as directed by the Propnetor, are not only harmless, but of great value, being a tint). scientific Remedy of great power: cheerfully recommend it ea.& compound which ha. done reach good, and which is adapted to the core of a great sanely of MKS. Thought have never either reeommended or engaged in the sale of secret medi cines, regard for the troll' honest, conscientious, ha. mane gummier of the Proprietor of this Ointment, and the valve of his discovery, obtlge ma to say thus meek ressating it. W. REARM, D. D." New Stott, Aprittld,lB46. ' BURNS..—it is one of the best things It the world for Doom PlLES. , —Thominds are yeerly cured by Ole Oiob meek It never fade in Miring • For Turners, latent, and all kinds of Sorts, it boo jf ktotbank ad Noses knew its value In eases of Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply it In sorb came, I( need eccording to directions, it give. relief lea very few boor. Around the box are directions for eadog BULL/We'. OilatZlittlt for Scrofele, Woe, Cortinleint, Eryaipelas, Tenor, Cbtlblain, Scald Bead, goo Eyes, Quincy, Sore 'Throat, Broncluses, Nervous Affectron t s Pains, Dieeme of llao Spine, Heed Ache. Asthma, Deafness, E'er Ache, Barns, Cants, all Diseesee &Ake Skirt, Sore taps, Picoplu, Swelling of the Limbs, Sore., Rheornatirrn, Piles, Gold Yeet, Croup, Swelled of Bra kat 13reast,Tooth Ache. Agee In the l'aeo, nom the Reading E.le. ' Them woe never, perhaps, a ,Irtieine brought be fore the public, that has In ea short a time won arch a *potation ,as •Edeellisterl All-Ileallng or World Almost every person that has made trial of It alwakeinundy in its praise. One has been cured by 'tattle most enteral rheumatism, another of the piles, A third of a emblem= gain In the side, a fourth of a .Wohing in the ilbster ,Ite. if it does not give come. "tons rtnef, in every ease, it eau do no icuory, being another orbit nes of the wonderful healing pow ,etperseeseed by , titis salvo. we aubioin the following " m "" LU 'llfolo I reaper:table chi= Ed of aide= tea townsiti! this tottery, ' - C h o' !desire 0., March 30, UV. to Inform you that 1 aranernictly tams ota severe painin the back,by the anw Of h r's 4, ll•Licallog flake, which 1 pup Leltaild front year • laCcinsiwith orr about 20 'many ignight woe =Wile to steep. „DaricHg thot Sz/D hied soflonoilllfOrdwa, _whack were prescribed for m e I,..hysteirtaa arnlethernmoan,wohoot receiving any ist,Utal glade of this Batas, with a ro• asl heyanderpretaUet . games ow entire, tyke, front thulaktflA .4 4 .7, .1 night a /macaw 0.0 •,X. ve Win Used tie halve sines for tooth *ha and othereomplatota, who maniac happy , o(ettiftletufe - Joluttlaranossen. 4hR dneLLlnTlin., • egirieprkter Inn abase meal* Odic% FlordtThird Orucs so ems ~44ors En Pctritnis,ll. , -"lnnun &Rehm neineint Upeniatnlyst. max Wee* and L. Wilcox. ate/ of Matta street and the Ditniond,•niso corner of Pcnarth end Stallhfield stream's. IL Camel . , corner of Violent and Penn sheets, Want sod sold algae Bookinotain flot Wafted suret,Addoetfrom Second. , In Ailllghnni co:7 17 if ' By.Y 6.Bmlth, Chat& , Ems Liberty; IL IteininApMelreespott.l, Womb? , At tau, MonengahrJa pltz N. ft: Itorjr7 B ALCn.,„sd jintAlsi monniotilia; lons Battle, Feb r lobn-Walter, Jr.,..X.lllabeth.. • • • etilloonly, e I IiLEEN ; OIL 'CLOTH-460 rut* 1.7 C4c4, oa luiadould Iff We try IRSCIAJLANE OUg- italtu.ble and extensive NV Ater Power to let en favorable terms. THE WABASH NAVIGATION COM'enNY are now prepared to !eyes the Witty Power it the Grand Rapid., to an amount audielent to propel fun hundred Stairs of mill atone. The lee ado, is based tui don. and the poorer can canoe: ren a ll; r t o s: k e f ' Pon both sides the river. The grain of the else River,. well es the Wabash, can be readdy famishedat this point. While timber, iron ore, and coal, to the greatest abundance, and of superior quality, can be easily procured through the gauze covinUy. TUats-r-one handled damper eon= for a poor er sargejent invitee a elogle run of medium sued mill stone., fora period of fifteen years. with the right of reneetial on the expiration of the lease, at a fair veil:tenon of the power employed. The site of the mill or manufactory Included, without hatter charge friimthe Company. By order of the Directors. ABNER T. ELLIS, President oleo AV. N. Co. VreireNns, Is, Key 9, it.So mentol2m TULES MAUEL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. I—The skin of meaty permns is disfigured *nth slight - eruptions, as pimples. members, to., and when this is merely s disease of the skin, as it is in ninety nine cases oat of every hundred, it la very easily no., moved. Jules Hotel's Nymph Soap is expressly , adapted to diseases of the Olin, as it acts direetly open the minute pore• Which cover its surface. cleansing them from impurities. mid by its balsamic properties healing andertilicating all emotions, and rendering the darkest and roughest akin soil, fair, and blot ming. Persons who have been In the habit of using ordi nary soap. will ba utonished . at the beantifel effect produced by the Nymph Soap, imparting a delicate bloom, preventing the neck, face, or hazels from chap. ping, allaying all irritations and removing all centim es. eruptions. It 1 , 06.111tf .exquiAltis cerfume, and Is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering it the only article which can bo used with safety and C onran the nursery. All those whose faces or neck: are disfigured with pimples, blotches, tan, morphew, to, should make trial of J ules lineel's Nymph Snip, = the proprietor positively assures them, that its usill reader the most discolored skin whliec the roughest skin smooth, and the most dammed skirt healthy, pure, end bloom ing. Jules HatePs Nymph Soap is the only article which will effectually products the above effects In an abort a time, and the °sly one which Is at the same time all powerful and entirely harnilest. Prepared only by JULES HAILE," Perfumer and Chemist, 120 Chestnut street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by It. A. Fahnestock & Co, and R E. Sellers,Pittabargb; and John Sar gent and I. Mitchell, Allegheny city. Pa. leS SECOND RABID PIANOS. AA .GOOD Mahogany Plano Forte, 6 octaves, second hand•- ...... • • • •6100 00 A handsome upright Piano, with Rosewood Fainitnre, 6 octave., and in good order • • • • 100 00 A plaid SI octave Piano 43 00 A good 6 octavo Pia= - 73 00 A good 34 octave Piano, with handsome • - - taro --- CO For gale by JOHN II ILIELLOR may el Wood at Nl•tnlla Nlght Light. SUPERCF.DINO the Wooden Floats, and being in combustible, thereby ecozemiace the oil, and m eatus Ignition, heretofore so much objected to in all other dome. One table spoonful of the common lamp oil mill but Nine Hoare, or any further length of time, according to the additional quentity of AL Received and for rale by JOHN D MORGAN may:a Druggist CCEZEIr! TUFT RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family Goo. e) eery and Tea Warehouse: A cults Fresh Oysters, In tin cans; ,5 do Pickled do, in (Flare; do do do, in pint do. The above Fresh Oysters aro parboiled, and put op clay concentrated soup, enclosed In hermetical ly ed eons. and trill keep mach huger than those pat up In the ordinary way. For sale, wholesale and retell, by WM A bIeCLIIRG & Co, mylo. WA Liberty st Great American Iffechanical Work. DrAPPLETON & CO., New York, have in comae of nutiltesnoa,th ,arts, - Price twentive cents each, a DICTIONARI Machines, Met hsnies. En. gine Work, and Engineering; designed for Practical 'Working Soo, and those intended forum Engineering Profession. Edited by Oliver Byrne. This work is of limas Seeshe, and will contain two thousand pag ea, and upwards adz thousand UMW& nom It will present working drawings and descrip tions of the most =pawn machine. in the United Bates. Independent of the maks of American in gennity, It will contain temple praetleal nellniell On •blechanies, Machinery FaglintWork, and Engineer ing; with all that Is useful more then one thicassind dollen worth of folio volumes. torgatines and other books. Six numbers received, and for rale by the atcfdt R HOPKINS. .4)13 T 3 Apollo Buildings. Prank at. NEW STOGIE OP PIANOS fijl. rYX.i i ( .. .v . .... '''77lPV. 5.; fr .: -;_.4.":-. ..& , , nF7'72I,VV4- ,F7-'4-'`-'-----"4, s 3Zat: 4rig '''. \l'' ): ec,g3 '''..s '-- --- 1 : , 4 .. ,^P'. ',‘ ; ;•.• A 1 - 41":2; :: CHICKERING , S PIANOS. John 11. Mellor, Si ATiod Street, Pittsburgh, Bole Agent in Weetem rentoryltrehis, for Rio oak of CRICKERING'S CELEBRATED Grand and Square Plano Forte., "plar.i.3 to tarorm his mends and the Larlliell public, 101 that hr. him now invoices, 'and will receive god expose for sale, dialog 11, present month, the tensest and most desirable stock of Piano Fortes ever offered for sale in the west—among the number win be found a full supply of Sperbly carved Rosewood Grand Plano Fortes, withnil the recent improvements in mechanism and style of exterior. Splendidly carved Rosewood seven octave Square Piano Fortes, finished to On Elisabedisn and Louis styles With a large stock of all the various styles of Pia no Fortes varying in prices from 6970 re $3OO and 51000, prepared by Mc. Chickering for the present pear. (1030.) Parch 11.1 en, are snared that the pnem of Mr. Ode k erings Pianos have been, mild will continue to be, the same as at the meaorsetery in Bomb. wdhoet charge for traniportation; and will be dell erred and set up in perfect order, 0, any part of the dry, with°ut charge. ung IMMEI MID: undersigned bees lea•e us Inform the pabile that he has declined business In foam oftds Non, P. M. Davie, who will candour , the auction and Come =Won business at the old stand, corner of Wood and Fifth Street. and for whom he would solicit a eontio nantwofthe liberal patronage heretoftwe bestowed op -013 Welton.. JOHN D. DAVIS, April 91h, IE:4. P. is. DAVI!, (slice - m.sOn TO JOHN D. DPMS,) AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT COLN. Or WOOD SAD /VTR DDISOOL, TXTILL make sales, on liberal term, of Emits and YY Etomcstits Merchandise, Real Estate, Mocks, to,, and hopes, by experience and close attention to . to merit a .04:announce of be support and pstronsge so liberally extended to the forme:house. April kb, Notts.* to our . Patrons RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE., rime decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia, (the We James Al Davis,' prodaen no Internrinon to the business—artangentents have been madewhich inspires the same interests precisely, which have heretofore existed. The businen is continued under the same name arid Etat, Mr. hi Damn & Go, Philadelphia; loon hlTsnririlk Co. Pm/Marge. The continuance of the patronage or our _many friends Is respectfully solicited. if any persons have demands against the concern, they are recanted to ptesent them forthwith. for payment Pittsburgh, Apni to, '4O. /OLIN APPA DEN, apl7.tf Surviving parmet Em=:==l WIIOLESALE DRUGOISTB, earner of First and Hood street., OfICT for -tale, on favorable term/ 100 bbl. Whiting; /. 000 lbs Cub. Ammonia; 60 do Alain. 30 do Aualseuda; 310 do Dye Woods; 600 do erode Tartu: 25 do Lampblack; 603 do Liquorice Roo; 0 doßed; 300 do Irish 50..6 8 do Camphor; • 131 do Red Preclphatn; 10 do Span. Brown/ 150 do talon:Wl Amer.; 20 do tallow Oehre; odo do Fug.; 10 do Prinutone; 200 do Buller Leave.; 8 do Clover, 260 do Rhubarb Roan 3 do Cliam.Floweis; 400 do Barsap. do; 14 cues Ref. floras; 200 do Gentian do; 23 do Cuule Bum; 00 do Sal Rut:male; 15 do Pullman Blom 23i do BeWllts Martare• 10 do Cale. Magneaim 500 do Pawl Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Omen; 050 do do Shp. Eton .5 do do Yellow; 100 do .do G. Arabia sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lig. Root GO ream Band Paper; 100 do do Jalap; 23 begs Sicily Sumac; =0 do do Ar.Cayenno; bAlel Bottle Corks; MO do StUph. Zinc; 7502 Bulph. Morphia; 300 do Du Tim_ 11011 b . Cape Aloes; 00 do Tamarinds; ROU do Hoehn:on Potash; 150 do Amek Bilaar; 293 do Pink BOW; 250 do Orange Pull 1303 do Tarkey Umber; 75 do Cochlosid; 11210 do Cream Tartar, 23 do llyd Potaldtf. 500 do Tartaric Acid; GO do Moro; 100 do Ilya Ural; 155 do it/lumina L0t.1.00. fab3l3-dlatlinoT PILTItALICOML, OIL DOCK OIL "There are more temp In heaven and earth Than are dreampt of hi philosophy." /17111; VIRTUES of . this remarkable remedy, and j the constant applmentin for It, to the proprietor, no Induced him to have It put up la botdeo with la bels and directions for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM Is procured from •well in thta county, at a depth of Mar handred feet, Is a pure eta dulterated article, without any chemical ehnnga, but last as flows from Nature's Great Laeratoryll ninth contains properties reaching • number of dinases,,lo no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are many things in the arcane of naltize,which,lf known, might be of von otefolnen in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf ferer. Long before the proprietor Moulin of patting It up In bottles, It bad a reputation for the cure of dis ease. The constant end dolly Inereammg calls for It, and oeverel remarkable Cores it has performed, Is • .are noticed , . of Its future Impularity and Wall jpreia applle•dart In the ~are of disease. We do not wish to make a long parade of certle cows, ee we 1111 el:Mit , lOU that the medicine eaq soon work Its way Into the favor of those who gaffer and wish to be healed. Whilst we do out claim for It • universal npplietwou in even disease, we unheelta nog!), say, that Ina another of Chronic Diseases ix la ennralleiL Among these may be enumerated—all diocese. of the naucotts`nsgoes, such as CHRONIC; BILONCBMS, 'CONSUMPTION (in its early ateirej Asthma, and all dineres of The ale outages, !AVER COMPLAINT, DTEPP.POIA, Dianne.. Diseases of the Bladder and Kidney., Pella In the Back or Side, Norrouslaiseantrt libeturiatlo Pains, 1 6 .1ra ' te }: s ir tir 130 4 :45, f7i re . .! salting from agertum, or long and retracted MUGS at donam,thlo medicine will bring Cf. It will act as a general TONIC and ALTERATtVE in each cases, imparting lons end comfy to the whole frame, nmer. Mg ohm:motions, opening Um aluggielifonetimohmhieh cause disease and a broteh'eonstitution, and giving T and renewed .energy to all the organs or Life! The proprietor knew, of . several cants .of TILES; that restated every other treatment, get well ender the use at she PgraOLEUM for • short time. The proof een be given to any mien who desire. it. None genuine without the signature ofsbe proprietor. • Bold by.the proprietor, • - • S. N. MEE, Canal Ilasirt. near Seventh tan by IL h.% P.M./UMW Wood ag and—X2,BER ra'APDOWELL,. eorner Woad piehu ehis newoodtv Tertian - 7 appointed Asonte GW=74.I3.UBBER GOODS-4ost.teceived, !UMW's.= Idled Lt. YO ° tat; e l.4 l = l aillap; 3 VIM • Wits, and 12 gallons esehi cntems,. &lobed* l_datlktekaada Money Valm: Ido oiled didadie de 41).' TO above goods Tors o ae al tbe ffaiga_9Etaisz' irsougzitui t nos Wod HeL — C414KL1U44(1 Nal TR ANSPORTHION-Iffilft 1850: AM= 1850 ERIE :&. MEADVILLE LINE. ~OATB or this Gve will lease ''''and de - J C BlUWELLr.lttbUntr: " - '- JAM'SCOLLINS,, do, HIDWPZ.L k BROTHER, Roehemet,SAg'4* l i iiffiat 1850 & a im : . BIDINICI.LtIII !SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. I ,Froxe Pittsburgh to Cottiedets and titer...tend, through the ',eh and populous counties ol Col tint hiona, Carroll, Stank, Tuscarotow, (,oshocton, Ilfteskingetos, Licking, anst Franilin. The compleuon of the Sandy and Beaver Canal open op to ohs city through this great natural 'centred con a direct communication to th e above se well as the joining commies of Wayne, Holmes, Eros, and Del nth. to dna section of Ohio, the trade WIIII Pittsburgh has cen, to a groat extent cut off, lu consequence of thehigh rated of transportation, which are now re. &teed 10, al kad 20 per cont. Hosea of i b is line will leave daily, and nth through without transhipment The Canal company have bestowed upon this line an interest In the unprece dented advantages of their chatter, and thins secured to the middle portions of Ohio In ordering their goods by BIDWELL'S BANDY AND BEAVER LINE, m equal interest la this advantage. Agents: J. C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; BIDWELL & CO., Glasgow. comic:rem R C Holmes, Spear's Mills, Ohio; • H A A Guy, Willtamsport,o4 George Kemble, Elkton, 0 ; Citrate & Huffman, do; Home, Grabate & Co. New Lisbon, 0; Atter & Nicholas, Hanover, 04 lilliticts A gooey, Mt , nerve. 0.; Speaker A Foster. do 4 Jnreph Pool A Co, den; Hall &Rath, Oneida Mills, 04 11 V Bever, do; CB Hue:that & Co, &Id cern, 0; RE Gray, Wayne. hung, O.; E Reynold., do; lanac Team Itlagno:ta 0: EJ flarkdollitc Co, Magnolia, 04 Wm'Efsekness, do; J AFFarlalld &C.-.RandYvllle,o; P P Lefler, do; Flash. Mash A Steinbaugh. soarer, 0 ; Willard & Shearer, do 4 J J Hoffman, Massillon, 04 Cummins A Co, do ; Jahn Robinson, Caned Fulton, O.; Ferns lc Torrey, (lanai Dorm 0, A Medhury, Hoococ, 04 L K War. ner, Newark, 0.,41teh & Hale, Colombo., 0; L 0 M.. thews, Cleveland, O. Rhodes A cretin- do. may) THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL r'OPEN= PITTSBURGU TRANSPORTATIbri LINE. IIMR!,1850 Via renitaylvazda 0 AD al.& Rail Road. • • ItPCONNOR, ATFIN9 & Co., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pinaba Co., LID S MO Market street, Co .en, Comunis & 0.,70 North street, Baltimore; E Mace, New 1 ark; ELLIOTT It. Came, 11 Donne street, Bottom Maysville, Kentucky; Nom. & Ca, Columbia sueet,Cinclanaig . E. Wena, Louisville; Boxas,llmse & Co., St. Louis. To uppers qt Mink: r. and Produce to and porn thdisdeiphia, Ea/town', N. Fori, f lioston. $ Our ratan being now In tine order, we are prvpared tb forward goodsta abase at wry latent We are a/I freightfitis Many charge having amines for over 3630,000, and with the following ex-ter...lvo stook of Boats &el confident of ming entire smisreetlon to all bushiest tempted to our can. Our boats are all sew, and commended by captains of experience and ear entire tire la conducted on miss reMeth lea ping Lad UmPeressai principles. Dolts, Capron. ' Boers.' Cepttins Iron City Berm Pennsylvania E Layton, Marylon I Marshall St. Louis, Cowden Mumma Sands Col. Howard Ridley Rath Anna, Chatham Mary Deborah Sims :Wm Adam, Permed Enterprise, Reran I Import, hill/sada /anima Btowa Bogie Alum Gen. Scott, Gem Gii,:hada Riley Te!egraphNo ISh '