- li4 .Z l 7; 6`a lrie t: Pfrtt , - ---'-'4 -7 ` ,7 `. • - THE PITTSBURGIi GAZETTE. —rucu t ranEu..ur WHITE & OO US==B EIAII7IWAY lIONSTING, JUNE ➢a, ZIEJEOOBIIIO WHIG SWATH TIOEMIT j - OSHOA DUNGAN, • : Lvarros litErniT sivYnEll. Or Malan Omanty. JOSEPHW O.—HENDERSON. • -Of aslikont County. MSMi=i . . toe roam $ =our. T.IIIOELI a. 1101N10, 'sea slam tame, arm inm =mu, SLBE[*u DZIINT. /IMES CARO,THERB, HORGAN ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. T. J. 111011.A_ Leiser St Muir. it. C. WALSER- Elizabeth • JOHN IPPOLOSNEY, Roblassit. • JAMES FIFTS, Snowden. • • ruosscariore sarmusirr, FIJ.NCIS PLANE IN, Piltsbanth. EBEZIEZEB. BOYLE, Honk Faros. wet. FLYNN, Lower S. CULL D. N. COURTNEY, Ohio. 1378EZ MT PM* FOR LOCAL hank= TELHORAYMC NUM% hut, pusihrue at a ocrtaia ExaserMary's Patter to the Democracy of Pittsburgh, shall have an ear ly imertba. The Past almost deity sumills one or mate mem bin of the Whig county tkket ; bat as tie charges ate usually either gem mairetures or notoriously e 0. Me do not think It worth while to take tip the time of our residers by peyieg any attention to them. The getalemen who, compels our ticket ate win known to the whole community, and their chanteys end ituding rue proor name all the antuks orate Porn if that paper chooses to fritter - away Ua ladoence and make inter igloo Nona In the 'eyes of the-people, by pursuing a course which tenders Ii almost harnakea ka evil, and melee' 4,, any good purpose, we WWI ma interfere with ha sakridal vocation. • • There is cue chine, however, in that paper of Friday, which probably deserves a posing maim "The Poet of that day charges thattact C. Walker,-Esq., ate of oar candidates - far the legiastose, °hi a pet of the Exchange Bente-- an fa one of the thaws joy tab whose lap has been showered the tangs of that moister ofthe Whig, nitl" • , ' It is stdUclent to say, In reply to thin, that it is ex true. Mr. Walker aim. applied fa, or is. armed a favor from the Exchange Bank in his life. Thelosiatuaion that the• Bank 'bowers Ito Ann upon * " chosen few," is equally nntrue.;— The, Exchange Bank haa been rattier celebrated, under the management of Mr. Bann, who to a genetuis, bled hearted Man, for. distributing ha favors throughout the community; awaiting bun. &ode of parsons in =dente circumstances, who needed small stuns of money to carry on their badness. The propristors of the ifirr isburgh Telegraph bare entered 'tato a contract with the Suue of Penn aylrenia to dO ell the public printing of the Suite, fOr a term of three years focal the first day of July next, and have given ample security to the State. 1 for the faithful performance of the contract ou their Pte- We congnitulate blemrs. Theodore Fetm dr Co., on securing. 'the contract, and we have no doubt that the Sous will be ItiithfulTand hanculy eery- The recent tale of 32',G00,000 of Ohio State Breda was for the purpoie of liquidating that amount cf the State debt falling due. The premium on the now tame realized by the Stale is 5337,000, and re. Iluees the debt hu amount. So much for State mein faithfully maintained. Tbe3ist ammal report of the Missionary Socie ty a the Methodist Episcopal Church, shows that the total receipts Into the treasury - during the year ending May be, 1830, were . $1 , 7,833 73 ; the die. hareements during the same period were $100,969 G 3; helmets in the tressury, May lit, 1830, $0,840 10. Th e appropriations for this . year . are to reach '3150,000, end the church is celled upon to contribute liberally to meet this increased expert Carracm Pcormatz Dame SzTrum.—Read ere may probably remember that a diaireemen. Rosie time since occurred in the Methodist Church Alexandria, s board of trcistera bevies. been elected by the Northern and 'Si:unbent clutches respectively. Au appeal was made to one of the Courts, and pending Its decision, pusseisbhe of the Church wan given to • third or neutral bawd of Trustees.' h. decision luta now been glv , en is tater of the Trustees appointed by the Church North. • The growth of Milwaukee, one of the Lake cit ies, has been quite remarkable. Twelve years ago its population consisted of 700 inhabitants.— Now, the population is about 20,0N1. In 1845, the exports of ideal were 95,510 Mahels, and of dour 7,550 barrels. 14 1849, the erposts of wheat ware 1,148,807 bushels, and of door 201,942 Issurals.— During the present y ear there has been a large in erase. (Ripened azprenly Ihr We Pixtbargh Outtir.) PITTSBURGHCONFERENCE OF =METH OD (ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-STATIONS. OF THE PREACHERS. ' Currox, Omo, June LI, IK,O. The Pittsburgh Annual Conference of the Meth- Wigs Episcopal Ctusrchj has been in session in this place _Linea Wednesday of last week. Bleb* James presided. The Conference adjourned to day to meet on the lEkhafJune, 1851, In the city Of 'Alt *beep. The following are the appointments for this year, for Pittsburgh and vicinity PRT161:1[011 DIITAUCT. asstienCook, D. D., Presiding Elder. I...Aany Street—E. Birkett. Smithfield Street--S. E. Ba!meek. Wesley Chapel—Ebenezer Bay► !Amp Chapel—D. IL Rawkim. Cadwallader. nn LTZULTT CUCCUIT. S. IL Stroefitmler. t W. P. Blackburn. Heater, Editor of the Piusburgh Mira' din AAvoame. t I Robert nopkins, Book Agora I. Bvrayte, Presidia; EITICT. - Seam Street—H. B. Dem South Common--Homer J. Clarke, D. D. Chanel Street—Hiram Miner. Temparanceeille—Wi er. • South Pitlabwo 7 -E. 3. NiehoLion. Btheangleam—Jetemiati Kam MOVEMENTS IN NEW ME:RICO-THE PRO CLAMATION OF COL MURROE. We copy from the Texas paper. .. ü bi owed Proclamation, recently issued by Col bimuce, foe the holding of a Coovention of the people. of Neur Mexico to . imitate a State Government in that Territory. PIt9CLibIATION. _ - ---- hrlareas the people N e -w Mexico, by pltblie meaSng Wolf? ill rerteral c:otzitics of dui Terri- tory, =pressed a desire to bold a Convention for. the tinnation of s &ate Constitution, and to urge upon Coogreas the admission of this Territory into —the Union as a State. Therefore, I, Jome Mart ian, Civil and Military o.444vernor of thersaid Terri tory. New Mexico, do hereby direct that the, egssldad electors el said Territory shall asseentde at the I:reelects of their respective comities ea Mon day, the Oh day of May beat, between the rising and the sewing of the sun, to votiby bedlot far Del. it.es to a Convention to held at Buda Fe on ',Monday, the 17th of May next, as follow • For the roomy of Taos 3 Dele gate,. Rio Verbs 3 "Sena Fe, •43 Bin Idigoel,3 Santa scan, 2 44 Bernilllio, 2 • . Velem*, " The Prefects shall designate consenient rectors is their ragiective counties, aed ahallahoint three discreet pecsows as judges of election In the smart. •al precincts. Otherwise mid election shall be con• dated in manner and form' as preseraiol in the laws of the Territoty under the tale of 'election,", =apt that the Pre feet's Cede of etchers:crystal! , with the assistance of the Pretax, examine arid cast up the vases given to tacit candidate; shall five a etrtiicate of election to.the person terrine tbe largest number of votes, sod shall transmit to the Secretary uttlse Territory a fait 'abased of all ttr l e votes eyes, within four days from Me eyes, day of eection. -- Given undermy hood,-at the Ocrverenseet Hots*, in the City of Santa Fe, tits 234 day of April, A. D. JOHN MONROE, Milivul and Civil Governor, Now Mezloo. Cocrespondestot of the inuebargh Gazette. Wateirly a Traveller. "."="4lla Warn 811Uratel Brame, Va.,/ Jano,lB3o. Emrtut—As I am dunned here for a brief ported, with little else than leinue on my heed!, I will grate unmet by wilting down some etecoutu el my perigtinations in this part of clots. tendom. -On leiying Washington, abort- two erseb since,l proceeded to Annapolis to see what waste be teen In that and eel city. The first thing that arrested my attenthon,on getting out of the an. was two negiou quarrelling over my trunk. They both claimed the right, or privilege, I dont know whlch,of carrying it to the Hotel-- But they compromised the matter by each one coming it part of the way, and receiving a por thne of the pay. Though Aanspalls len city,and,the slit of °gentian', yet there a bat one Hotel in it.- That one, howerr,appean to be 'e verygood one. The town has an antediluvian, kind ,of ap. pgrance--the houses bung old, and of a style unknown in these days. A gentlemen lately no marked of It that it was the otdj place he had ev er teen that was dabbed. Ido tie suppose that a new- bogs has been,pit up, or an , *telt doe Made since the memory of 'man. But small n Me town is,and old es .11 is, there are some points of Interest about it.' In the State House, Is the remain which exigent wee imerabled,when General Washington - resigned the command of the Amnion Army, andretnmed again to the walks of private Mo. The Identical spot where the Gen eral stood when •he delivered up his sword, is pained ant -indeed ynocan . almost see the foot print& Uls certain you meld, were it not for the omit. There halm the little gallery In which hire Washington and her family were assembled , to Witness tee imposing speetable. From the top of the State House there is a magnificent view of the City, the Cheiapeake Bay, the. Severe Rarer, and the surrounding country. In the upper part of the city is the Natal School, numbering Demo thirty pupils. The btaldillgs are tunamodieos and well adapted to their purpose.— rh. officers Were very polite, and showed me ev ery thing worth seeing. In the Lyceem'ere ma. ay objects of interen—such as models of ships, weapoea of war, and the flags of serious nations which have been taken atidifferent timer. Among the digs, was the one that pommodcoe Perry car. tied with him when he fell has own ship and went on board of another doting the battle on Lake Erie. The words of the lamented Lawrence, "Dal give up the Ship," are Inscribed in rude igen upon It. From the Naval School I went to visit the old mansion bone of Charles Carroll.— It was formerly a beautiful villa, justoutof town. betaow it is Maslen than a heap of gins. Ga lt' two out of the many buildings are now stand, Ing, and these hair@ a forlorn: and dilapidated op. penance. After trinoeking down all the hone,. I took the emend went to Baltimore, where I re mained one day and night. The weather was op • prettively warm, my 'accommodations at Bar. nam's miserably poor, and of gone I was not sorry to be of. lam afield Mr.Barnuto's Hotel, like some men 'have knows, live too much upon a past reputation. My out stop was at Frederick city. This is an old place, and settled principally by Germans. The population Is some urea thou sand. Every thing Looks antiquated and station ary. The people live easy,move slow. and take can number one. Though gas has been Intro. dared into the houses, saute and churches, the Areal are lighted, ornther darkened by old rash. boned lamps. which do not show light enough to tell where they are. The country around the own Is beautifal and very productive. From Frederick, I went by way of Harpers Ferry into Jefferson county Virginia. This In the most pro. deceive many in the State. The farmers raise wheat, rye, corn, oats, end wool. From Je Ter ml,l wont op the Sgruindonh, through Clark co. and then went to Winchester, in Frederick coon y The land in rhea counties Is as fine et can be. 1 never saw better crops of wheat, rye, and grin, hsii in this region. The fermi see not very large. teem one to three hundred acres, and are in the Wert state of cultivation. The fatuurs depend very much upon their sheep the a revenue. They nil the wool in the spnag, :and mottoes In the Autumn. Manyare sent to the Now York mar. art. Otte fatmerin Clark county sold fifty last winter, for eight dollars& piece, delivered at the iv* five miles from Es term. I saw a farta tact week where many sheep ate raised, and the wool from eeventeen of the dock this spring._ tensed Dom eight to eighteen and a half pounds from each sheep. The wheat crop averages from twee. ty to twenty live bagels per acre, corn from forty to fifty. There was never a more beautiful, heal thy, and produrtive coantiy. Bat with all these natural advantages, thereto nothing like the en. erprin, peegrese,and comfort that are robe (Mod in many otheohns favored pieces. The purple are very hospitable and kind, but they are op. 1 pawned with *burden which paralyzes their en ergies and unfits them for great effort& la one *ease they are rieti—in another poor. They have excellent farms and many servant& But at the end of the year they find thennehree no better cif than at the beginning. To feed and clothe then slags; takes all they can raise. When this is done, they have nothing let. There is not one northern farmer in ten who would endure the in. conveniences, and assonances, and long which the farmers In thin region are all the while subject to. 1 rioter sari such miserable roads, such in" _convenient houses, nor did I ever experience such delays, disappointment, and perplexities as I have met with in a region ofgreat wealth, amo g a refined and generoas people, and where there are at least two persons to wait upon another.— do far es I can judge, the evil, of slavery are by no means confined to the colored rue- Perhaps I ought not to close this letter without saying word about the springs where I am now stopping. Every body has heard of the White Sulphur Sprtegs of Virginia, but every body has not heard of the.Fergertek, White Sulphur Spruill,. They see dye miles from Winchester, in • quiet, beau. Mai place. There are accommodations for about two bemired persona, and daring the warm sea son they are usually fall. The mineral proper. ties of the water are sulphur, magnesia, and in. dine. Near awe springs,on the Shenandoah, are the "Shanandale Spnogsr and a short distance from Winchester era the "Caton Springs." These are places of great resort In the summer. Btu • truce to springs and Grating. PEON NEW YORK. Consspoodenso of the Plustough Nrw You, Jane 29,1£50. The arrival of the steamer from California has given a little animation to business among people engaged in that wide, end the manna who have the fever and mean to go there. A new dim of emigrants are now induced to go. Those whoso friendshave been snociesaful and are now anxious A help those len behind. The admission of Cell• ferule here, people say, is now a matter of indif ference. If she Is not worth having, she is, at any rate, capable of taking care of herself, and able to make herself a great State. It is a settled fact that Senator Corwin and Oen. Wilson, of New Hearn shire, will WOO Ingteet themselves to California, with the intention of remaining. Such accessions aratlllthen the State, and lathe strongest manner Mare the country that the new government will be a free one. . Lis reported In Wall street that the friends of the bill granting the public lands to withers and settlers, have bad a caucus and agreed upon the kind 0(.6111 that will pass the Hance of Represeu. knees, The plan adopted, proposes to set cif about sixty millions °fames. Such a bill as this ' will pus the House and Senate too, for that NWT p!ases nearly every Wag. Lend warrant., us: winsequently, not so much in demand, and should the bill succeed, will WI to par, and per haps Lew . . The Walla and Forrest affair camel a good deal omwermhen, and it mast be a pleasure to the (fields of the hoer, to kites, that it has taken a new comic. It is now mutated, and from . VISIT mat wtalke of eoealderatiee, that Mr. Fattest has mall donhas el the propriety of his former course, and allusion Is made of the probe. bdtty arid/once more eteeistes hi. w if e. The most prominent members *rids prelession are warmest In expressing their °pinkie that his wife la blameless, if not enured from imprudence— Publletopinion Lire, the opinion of harem, (and hank autigh it Is when a real offender's Citanda is In hew of Mts. Forrest, and would ho now yet lithe inuestletts of his friends, be could not wily' igen the blessings oft home, butt prokas aloasi repiattenrsucfa as be has not dreamed of. • The suanucems at of aaothei BteUllcr at dal. t Lt.:fteau Liven 001,, has cheek* Inusiness Ink/W -m Naples; Minsk not a syllable of hal nears has rhos far OP. M) tramped. In the stock market Moro is more buoyancy this weekend some kinds aro soma* Mae,. Pennsylvania 5s hays cold at 9511, and United Stocks Ws of 1802 at 112 i.— lateagloonad stooks aro may, aad.seurgir al fall prices. The older .holden of Uncles ate brokers, and the . ) , ocIT from necessity, which arm day rnates . more imperilire, as Slack deal ers are on the'wing for the watering places , A movement has just been madam the lam-- is Fnuernityof some interest thremirtiont the coun; try. The twobodies which have existed no Whit In thli 'Siete, lave coalesced, and the order is now thoroughly united.. In all the history of this atm Went fratemity,ll wu never so flouriatikur is now. The Odd Fellows, SonaofTemperance,Ftereaters, Divide, Rogers, Red Men, sad all the endless list of names ander which secret benevolent elates ate known, do not possess a tithe of the spirit of progress this order now abows. With out being a member„facm in :viatica to their as. cessions of strength have been developed that mites the statement of their prosperity beyond doubt. Oo 'change basmessis rather dulL Ashes at. held et 5,65! for Pots, and Sil for new bills PerWiz. Cotton is .teady,but s good offer would buy large lots. Floor is In moderate demand with sale, of 3000 Ibis at 5,37165,50 far common to atnights State; 5,5005,75 for Michigan, and 6,121060/i I for pure Gametic. doorman brands are hest"; while good brand, are firm. Rye b steady but not very active at 2,87102,94. Them bill • retail business doing in Meal at 2,9 j for Jersey, and 3,25 for Brandywine. Grain—The demand for Wheat lent so good, and holder, have be. come willing seller,. Prices are without mukei alterationl 'Rye is quiet at 13c. Oats axe in good request at 47,819 for &inherit, sad 41015 for ler. coy. The demand for Corn Is good, but holders sin not anxious to operate till the Niagara's news Is received. The sales are only 3000 ha at 521 far mixed, and 62 (or ulterior northern. Thumb slots—Mee, Pork is steady, with dales et 200bb4 at 10,75. Beef Is quiet. Lard Is inn, with iales of 50 tierces at 9e. Whiskey W nominal at 4.31 for Prison and Jersey. C. For rho Pittsboreh Gsrettr An agreeable surprise and • great enjoyment Wu prepared for us yesterday by en Invitation to be enema at the examination and exhibition of the Catonian Lyceum. Even'for the 'greatest scholar, it Is always Interesting to return, in' Imo venation, to the sCeoca of bin early life.' Like a traveller who Vilsiu again a cannily which ha ban seen before, and or which he knows every dews, every village, oyesy force, etc.; so is the nebular when present to s scene which recalls to him the germane, the hardships, the labors, the trouble', which he had in the interior of his study; and which nobody knows bet himatlC He imagines to be yet as one el those benches, he believes himself again coo of thew Loy., now fighting l anth Coiner in Gaul, thundering a Quourqsrs wuiews spinet Wilks, sailing with &seas for the re. search of a now fatherland, or - dying op to the Olympus and tasking a call to old Jupiter aqd his sportful family—then weeping perhaps like that old Dutch prokesor on the beauty of the rythas guetm theorem, or amending to the starry region. and sailing through that immense often of 'apace In which oar planet appears hen ea s small, Miler. able marble, in comparison with others. , Bat slat, those day. are over' In vain he listen& if any belly will call him by name and mane himnhow the riches he has piled op in the treasury kif kin mind ; ho has become • man, an old moo, par. hips, without perceiving it, and now, when he sees thine young, joyful, hopeful folks, who„ new stars appear on the horizon, and Men his own decline, hit own decrepitude, be feels Mean& eboly, and with Homes he Is obliged to say Cerny roles erwr ateu. The ClAMiriltiDO which look ecce manning has left a very favorable Impression in our mind, and given as a MA opinion of the cvneldea of the teachers to that institution The pupil. were examined at Lira in Greek and ;Latin, and we heard them tthmslate with great tactlkY some fragments of Creme. Commentaries, qr Vtr gd nod Xthophon's hiemerab:lia. la order to be convinced of their capacities, we addressed game questions to them, to which they answered with theaters We hod to admire the excellent Method of the teacher of languages in that wheel, Mr. Williams One thing with. which we were much pleased was the good knowledge of the grammar of these two languages which the pop Is es'iderit. ly possess. Tois part is very important, and perhaps, too often neater:red; yet it is impossible have E. good knowledge of any lengoege . with• out knowing its grammer. We Atte have to pay the mime compliment to Mt: Brawn; teacher Of mathematics, and to Ida classes for their abilhier. We had the opportunity to convince ourselece that the pupils did understand their problems, and that they were not merely committed to memory. The exhibition at Will ins Hall in the cronies was attended by a Man audience. Nevei be far have we seen that building no crowded, but the performances did deserve She public interest— We regret Met we have net limo to mention alt. were'dclighted with the rpertations In general, and shove all with the dialogoes. Thera was a great deal of talent shown by some' of the r C.:- locators. To conclude, we feel emotees obliged to ea. prom our grauUsde to Mr. Caton mid his institution for the agreeable evening they have proctored to as, and we form the not sincere wiabea fur the prosperity of the Corm:ids Lyceum. May the love of wisdom penetrate bath motets and schol ars,- so that they also may contrAgite to the dabs lion of the light ofscience through the intellectual sty of 'Welton Perasyleania! JC. Scats tn. Lsaa St...azalea Iter.—The Labe Superior Journal, of the 16th Mat, has the following inter esting items In relation to the manufacture °thou in the Lake Superior region The Jackson Iron Co., at Carp River, shipped down by the Props ter Napoleon, on her net top, about 40 tons of their iron, in blooms. This flee article of Iron a to be takes to Pitiaborgh for sale, and, in the very heart of Iroadom, it will doubt. leas command the b.glicee once It has now been thoroughly tested by every manner of nee, having been drawn into card teeth wire, with inflect sat isfaction, manufactured into a good article of steel, and used with Emcees wherever a floe article war neccsatuy. It was thoroughly tried, for heavy iron work, by Messrs. Ward, and was pronounced superior to the best article heretofore used. Tho Jackson Iran Co. aro the pioneer. in Ito manufacture of this iron, and they aro now ltkety to receive a rich reward for their perseverance and Invert. meat. Now that the expense of manufacturing blooms and conducting the business has been as. cenatned, and Jiff euperiority over all ether to the country, has been established, they mean greatly to enlarge their works and extend their business. They intend pawing on a large force of men, nod Erecting new furnace. the present season, sad we d ort b t not, will make large shipment. of bloom. before the close of navigation, This location embraces a large pathos of the Iron Mountain and contains a sufficient quantity to supply the 'whole country for centuries. It is piled up in irregular etraufied mamas, easily sent or broken up with a crow bar and sledge hum. meri and one may break nod throw together fifty bona of this ore in a day. To woke bar Iron from this etc hi • Cheap awl simpler proceaa, and the day to not far distant, when the market.' around the whole chain of lakea will be supplied with their beet article of iron from the Iron Mountain of Lake Superior. AI new bona Co.—We understand that several tracta of land in the Iron hlounttio region have lately been entered of the Land Office, by John Hays, Esq., of Pdtaburgn, which era to be the fimedation of a new Iron Co., to be immediate!, organ zed for manufactuttne thin excellent article of iron ore into bloom. and bar iron. This gen demo paned down on the lac trip of the Frank. lin. and is now on bin way to Pittsburgh to cam. ;gee arrangements far sending op a large force of men and supplies, and, from his well known energy and experience in miutog stairs, we doubt net be will proaectun the business cifetleirely, end in Pittsburgh style. Massaceoserra AND Or, Tachoa...—!At the alone of the Booker H.II celebration on the 17th. Mr. Upham in thing to mere the aejoutccieut,said there was some doubt felt when the mectiog was called, whether at this season of year, when there wits no election pending, there we. such a pro. found and vivid interest pervading the public mind in favor even of that favorite of the people, 2achary Taylor, as would bring out the people in their might. That doubt, he said, had nowhere re moved, and it was found that when the flag of Taylor was enrolled, all Inthpattiota would gather io the rescue. He would theschno move that the tenting aejount with three cheer* for President Zachary Taylor. Before the motion was put, a gentleman In the body of the House, who, we enbsegnenUy learned was Bon. Stephen P. Webb. arose and asked lease, to say a mangle word. Be said that much bed been said daring the evening of what Massa. chesette thinks of President Taylor l he would like to- report whet President Taylor think, of trtamsclincevu In conversing with a friend, who, but a few days slice 'felted the President, the last words which the noble Old Hera tottered, as his [drat left, were— , See, I low Malwehneetts we.,. Mere ors whet their faelerre were so 1776, 7744 am de depended spot. They welt ofleays . rapport the Communion " _ . Afar the cheering which followed bad subsided the quett.on on ad.jouretnir wit put and earned and she ineetms adjourned with three times three hearty cheers for our noble Chief Machinate. Ricamont Wuto.—lt is staled that Messrs. James E. Heath, of the city of Richmond, and W. H. E. Merritt, of Bruossriek county, hare purchas ed the estabtishmegt of We Richtnond %Vhilt for the Spit ROO9, ~` • v . ~ ".. -- Arrow= Smartt The Craning Court ad. jonroed over Ing.tft'l martin& in comrsquence of Gamed. Monterquiou, one of the ratites on trial fur marderiag Ruby Barnum, hiking nnebb , from indirposition, to appear in Court. Theaters 1 of the inthapoillion wee an attempt, on Tuaday evening, to kill htmself by swallowing about two ounces of laudanum. It will be remembered that the plea of 'defence set up In behalf of Gotzelve is insanity, and to support of that plea it has been proven, that at intervala his mood and conduct have been calm and quiet, and then again - that be would be suddenly seized with violent paroxysm. After the last trial of °analyst and Raymond de Itiontesqnfou,npon the same cbarge,tbey wero admitted to bail, and took rooms at the St. Louis Hospital. A brother.' ashy, Mousieur Costae, has been stopping with them sinoe they were releoe.d from imprisonment. Tuesday eveniog,Gotzalve, appearing in good spiros, was left alone to his room, until Raymond and Monsieur Cinao took • walk. They returned to the Hospital about nine o'clock, but did not proceed totheir room for some fireen or twenty minutes afterward,. When they entered their room Gonzalo° was standing in the middle of the floor in a state of great excitement he immediately seized his brother amend the neck, kissed' him, bade him 't good bye" and gave him a note—remarking, ! don't open this until morning." His manner and request caused the note to be Immediately opened, and its contents were found to be: '• I die tots night by potion Gangers de Montesquieu." Medical aid was summoned, but up to the arrival of the physicians it was unknown what kind of poison had been used. Gotztive refuted to accept medical amis• lance, and ft cannot until he was strongly pinioned by some half dozen persona called in for the pur pose, that tho_physicians were able to administer to him. ' Upon the mantel piece en empty laudanum vial was discaveredabis told .the story, and immedie etely stomach primps were applied, nod about two ounces el laudanum taken from his stomach, Restorallies were then given hire, by main force. and 110012 be was relieved. The fineness with which he twisted the efforts of the physician., displayed a determination to destroy himself. A physielan who we. present Informs as that every muscle of his body wee firmly held by a stout arm, before they could perform the least operation —it oven became necessary to keep tis mouth aeon by the use of a gag while applying the pumps.. Rio f riends de .ply deplore the set. It e pinata that when travelling, Raymond had a battle of laudanum at the bottom of his think, which be frequently had occasion'to tte for the toothache.. -It was from this bottle that Goreslve obtained th draught which came tear putting so end to he existence. If able to appear in Court, the VIII will be progressed with this momiug.—St. Loess Republinns,.Tsine 20. Cmucar.StitanarcPunatam.—James Har dy, alias Bet , . Nathan 8. Alter, was tried in LockpoK N. 'lt, last week, for bigamy. It op. perinatal ha we. originally from Canada. At the rate of 2'2 he assumed the character bf a Meth°. atm Enna:opal mirdster, alter having., led the hie Ni,r a libertine. At Hempstead, L. 1, be married into a respetable fondly, .d after th treating his -wife, he abandoned her and his four children.— He aubsequently passed himself Mr as a Preaby. tartan minister, succesOrely in Delaware,Lowell, and in Kingston, Canada. In July last he arrived at Lewiston, N. Y., and presented to the Presby• tartan congregation evidence of his ministerial Minster among other things showing a letter from Nev. Albert Barnes, of this city. Qf cocrte, the documents were forged„but the congregation ..wria deceived, and be became itt pastor. The women of the church made themeelvea busy in acting him a wife, and holoally obtained the hand of one of the mast respectable young ladiee 'in Lewlstoa. A few weeks after the montage - the forgery of Mr. Banes' letter and the other letters that he presented was exposed, end finally his whole history, ineladiall the feet of hi, dnt mite and children befog at BrooklYn.lecarnc Pub lic. An indictment for bigamy followed, end the trial came on. The prisoher pleaded guilty, but made an apologetic speech, In which he abused fltiland•lawful wife. mad Indulged in other remarks which obliged the Coors to cheek him.— Sentence Was finally prontoineed that he should be confined, at bard labor. in the State Prison at Auburn. for the term of five years—Fiala Hot. Arm= Marva= an ens PLURAL—From Mr. J. T. Hughes. who reached this ely yesterday, to the Steamer Robert Fulton, veo learn that Itobert Smith and Wm. 0.. - Ardioer, to odvance of • company of twenty others, arrived at lodepen. deuce on the 16:h instant, from Enda, Fe. The company left the village of Moro, ia mi'es east of Santa Fe, on the 19. h of May. The day after I they arrived at a place called Wagon Mound, where they found the deed bodies of ten Ameri can enigma', who bad !wen murdered, as is sup posed, on or shoot the 7th of the : Anne month, by the Apache Indians The mtrayere wee com mitted pew the highway, and; (Km indications. to open day. Two of the teen were shot In the waxen. and one or morn of the mules in the her. nets. The teeth cm:mired of one were, a nomv bee of mules and ten men—not nay of whom Was left &WWI notopeny gathered op the frag ments of the mail and carried It back to Vegas; and at that place Cut. Meal:oder furnished the company with •n cacmt of twenty dragoons, who returned to the acne of the disaster, end buried the dead. ,The mmort then acoompaivied - Sialth, and his companyas far a• the tipper Cancel:ln, and from theece started bank to Vegas,. The names of these unfortunate men, shun murdered, were amennined to be—Thomas W. Flournoy, merchant. of Lexington, Mat Benj. Shaw. me, chant, of Soots Fe; Frank Ileturfqksoo,lames Clay, John Whams. Jahn Doty, Moses alldtefy, John Freeman, —..Brenton, sod a German teamster, name not known.—Sl,..Lonis Rep "Tuns Met. F[o3l tan CALIFOILNIANS.—Mr. ILouville Bru net, an agent of F. CSOIOCIIII, Jr., IS: Co., in the Indian Territory, arrived in this city yesterday morning, ' Me. Brunet has in charge a train of wagoaa from Fort Laramie. freighted with buffalo robes, (or the cororsosr. lie was of course n long while on the road,. and had a fine opportunity of countiag the emigrant trams, and_ estimating their numbers. lie puts the whole number of wagons at 13,000—pack animal, 3,ooo—ahoui NM footmen and three wheelbarrow men—one an Irishman, an other a German, and the third a Scorchnum. the health date emigrants was very good—no cholera, and only n few cases of mall peg and ineasles.— lie counted only six grave•, four of which were filled by persons who had, accidentally takentheir own lives. Mr. Brunet travelled anew road, lard out by Maj.' Ogden, and found it nearer by fort• tale. to Fort Leavenworth, and in every reaped a better road.— Sr. I,MS liepv6., June :M. From the Reonbile. The Census of 1830 We yesterday visited the Deportment of the In nor for the purport of witnessing the arrongentents that have been main to carry Intoefibet the require ments of the law of May 23d j providing toe taking the 7th census of the United States. The Secretary of the Department ban mac° to the subject his close mention,nod Me racers of this bureau express their tharfulnens to Min for the valuable aid he hae rendered them. - - - - . J. C. G. Kennedy, Esq., the nape intendant of the census, I. actively and vigorously engaged te the prosecution of the duties of hu mfice, and hi, aide appear to co.apemte with hint in a fundable manner. Those constst of Dr. J. F. Griffin, Matters. J. Roche, and J. G. O'Neale, clerks, G. C. French, end Charles I. Canfield, principal packer.; Matthew McLeod, T. J. Sidle, G. W. Warbing ton, and Nicholas-King, assistants; It. H. William son, Esq., of the Department of The Interior, is the disburstng agent for the rennin fund. This force will of course not be adequate to the dimhargc of the duties of the °dice, in all the stages of no pate vet, We are pleased with all the arrangements and appmarances of this otrtee; order, regal:tray, and prectsion seem to mark its whet° proceedings; and yet, we doubt not, its despatch of business will bend ly keep pare with • the expeciatlons or desires of many who will at times be required to await at. ac tion. Thus the marshals, and their assistants in the Slate. adjaceptto us, a ill no doubt be eager at once to consummate their yore, and yet its obvi ously proper and necessary that the more remote States and Territories should first be supplied; even then, it is not unlikely that their returns will be the last received. The extent of the business of this office may be better understood by the reader when we inform him that the packages of document. to be diatribe. ted amongst the marshals nod assistants, will weigh about 100,000 pounds, The schedules alone, a largo portion of which have already been printed and delivered, will consume several thousand reams of paper. A large and en husinsite meeting was held at Charleston, on the 21st instant, for the purpose of hearing the sentiments of the delegates from that State who have returned from the Nashville Con vention. The utmost unanimity prevailed, and ihe proceedings of the Convention were endorsed by the inecting. Walbtoton, alias "Bristol Bill," and Meadows, convicted of counterfeiting at Danville, Vermont, were sentenced on Friday tut to ten years' impris onment each. ,Iminediately afterwards Mr. Davis, the Stale Attorney was whispering to Meadows, when- "Bristol Bill" rose and soddenly stabbed him in the neck, with a care knife, and left it stick. lag there. Mr. Davis fell, and remains in a very crake! condition. The villain's, only regret seem ed to he that he had not killed Mr. Davis on the spot. During a rain on Thursday evening, a house in Norwich, Connecticut, 'vessel oa tire by a current of electricity from the wirts of one of the telegraph lines. As the ignition took place on the spot where the insulator wasfamened fo the corner of the house, it is not improbable that' the insulation wan imp e r• feet. The air being surcharged with electricity during the evening, alstream of the fluid was protr aEly silently diverted, from its legitimate highway. The firemen were called out and soon checked the flames. Professor Fiske bas been prosecuted bye Mr. Raymond, in Vicksburg, MUSS, for obtaining money on false pretences, u a teacher of the noVY uleftnP of Biology. =1222! APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESMENT, By and lank tha adt7c. era amiant er, /As Baia.. . Aso IL Cuter, to be Receiver of Petblio Moneys at Awes, Miselasppt. Willis H. Gibson, to be Halted States Margit Mr the northern district of Alabama. &mon G. Henry, or , ITheois, end 'Henry A. Spaulding, of Oregon, to be Indian Agents for Mir Territory of Oregon. BY THE PftEZEDENT J o h n P. Gables, BOVOtif &Mien, and Alotico H. Skinner, to beoCommtgeonem to negotiate mat*, with the Sadism tribes IS them. LOGAN, WILSON I CO., - '129 WOO . DST., ALIOVEFirrlls flaws jest received lam additions to their SPRIAG gIOCE . OF RA RDWARE, CUTLERY,te Imported by late packets from Europe, said 'to which they wouldespecialiT rail the attention of purchaserv, believing nett. very eaten wro Mocks and low prices willgive Mile satisfaction. mayttlikorlyT Eaccuraitoz 'loam IasTITIITIONS, CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY; Of Pltt•burgh M G. DUiSEY,Paser..•.—A. W. MAEMS.VT. Obee—No. 41 Water street, In the warchease of C. H. GRANT. TCOMPANY is now prepared to insure, all j kinds of risks, on hoes., merlefaeterthe, geed.' merchandise In store, and In transit, vessels, to. An amide perms for the ability and Integrity of the Institution, is afforded In the character of the Di lectors, who are all 'citizens of Piusberahe well • and favorably known to:the stornsansity fontheirpradenee, Intelligence, and ' - . Daemons—C. G. Hessen Wm. Dagaloye,Wm. Lai Imes . , sr., Walter Dtpanh High D. King, Edward Rearclton, Z. Zinser, B. Harbaugh, S. M. hMr. ap3m.ts - - - - °pee of Ohio and Penna. R. R. Co, Third st Prrnstrasiti.Janis 13,18.5 n. Tea Stockholder. of the Ohio and Perinsylsarda' Rail Road 'Company aro .hereby notified to pay the sixth instalment afire dollen par share, at the eften of the Company, as heretofore, on or before the 20th day of June next, nod the remaining instalments of $5 per than, on or before the Phth day of each sea •' enetliox month, midi the whole ore paid. jaihntf Nhf 1./.11151E11, Jr., Treasurer. C:r L mes Wolx Pm:rm.—The folloaripg from agent, shows the densand.which this medicine created wherever it we. introduced:— Varysburr&r i or xs o., N. Y., J.M01d.4 Co—Your tmveling tweet icn with ma,last summer, a quantlryof Dr WI ...one's Si% and Worm Specific, to sell on commission. Teo Worm Specific Is elm sold, and I should bo glad to procere room,. It sells very readily, and On a very rotatory effect in expelling worms. If you cum forward me acme, or send me an order to call on your agent in Buffalo, IL. S. Reynolds,' I think It will meet with ro rapid sale. W AINSWORTH 1113.F0r sale 673. KIDD& CO, No GO Wood suer. jeAlZto,o3 &eat; of , :the Pout 6124 Ankle Cured. Mu. Kitt-1 am desirous of making known M the public We great efficacy of your PETROLEUM in my,: own are, which was a revere scald of the loot and ankle; upon removing the stocking, the skin peeled off with it, sad left nothing bat the bare surface. 1 expected to be bald up all winter from the effects of title scald, but we implied the Petroleum freely, by meant of a flannel cloth saturated with it; at first, the application um painful, but in a very shots time the pain abated. I had no pain in one hoorofterwards. In five days from the time of the applicationof Petroleum, I Was able to go Co work. I take pleasure in stating these (sots for the benefit of other sufferers, and am desireut that they ehoold be made public. I would alto nate, that I find immediate relief by the are of the Petroleum, in burns, from which I urn a frequerit.witent owning to 'My ,businets about the engine..f would recommend it as the most prompt and cm tub remedy for hums I base ever known.. (Signed.) 1 11 COE, Engineer, Pharprbargb, Allegheny Cq. Pittsburgh, April 16.511 Hoc sale by Keyser & hie Dowell, 1117 Wood street; R E Fellers, G 7 Wood sx; D 51 Carry, Allegheny city; D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph DouglasteAllegheny; glib by the proprietor, Z. M. KIER. apV Canal nagin. Seventh at, Maher& , Improvatertottla ara 13.ntIstry. DR. 0. 0. STllattris, late of !baton, Is prepared to manila:tare and set Mona Tnevit in whole ar.tl Nati of rest, upon tiaction or Atinomiliene euerlon Mates.— Tarsµacec cuero re rIVL Ninon,. Whine tie nerve is careen!. O&re and residence next door to Use May or, Once, Fourth Grret,rittab.lo. to-4.1t. Iti'Vailden. F. It. Eaton. 1.19 , utitts Da. D. U 113119. „ Dentnn.e.rnerofPounh and Decatur, be:weep %Ina , . An nati.llrin Rev. Jona Mu. will preach In the lit Attu:date Iti!onnt Eictla t•reei. l'inibo rill, on:4l4mila (An ins. 1 innrulca a hill Fist 10 o'clock, and slier. Itun aclcc lock. Also in lien. Dr. Nei, ley , Church al.ci hilly City in rhceverang, at did — usual hour -1:11rdli 13:32133 GP.CE I) ILY SPAN on Penn Greet. Also, ~,O !lons to In. on me plemf,,., r JaC:42.• Dwelling Timse for nellt. A . 1111tEe. L.Tonv 11,ick Din II lir' Howe on JSvcw 10=erce. a tcvr aor.svc. Lf Fe..ierwl It coy Guy, w.O Lc. =mod or.d poursasuo give. SMILIC.4I‘I.Iy. Ir q /Ire of • Da T. F. DALF,Allashenr. $4OOO .PIIOBIT ANY Warn g engage in a manolactam . ]at arni yrtld taro groat on a as II capital, may aterma -1.. 4 at rh•a °Mac, ankh rcal name. stativg wham an interview may be kird'MN:el r• mr°,7 q u'le`...lllff*cf of the atil t more ,nopettl, pay fa, in,. ad...meat and taka tan tame away. Ja19.11.1_ ElVaiLlsll ROYAL. QUARTO BIBLE, Isttb k../ flocs; Melo,. Autiyae, .graved, oak Cl ups, IL AN 'lbis Eylen.4.l 118,18 we cli,, u tete lov puce ales, camel. Cell and .re EN11.1311 & co %1 sro]n. /Medical and Snrgleal Tonlari.m.D, formerly of l'atindelphia, and • Into of New Ludmm, Otto, tsar. plot smi, In ..- .enemy tfint ho hos Idc•tcd hommt peruannently in ritalatt. es, 1, r thn Oaf"), of yr let , c.eg the nano. tootnclos at' n.e4teme •at Isolgery. Calls promptly attended to nt II beers of the tiny and ntKir. 13Xam •na residence No 149 Third street, between Smithfield smd.Orant. 111;ynaLres—F 8 wan, Eta, Font! et ; F. K.y, 133oktel.cr wed Sr, Wa K. ood scel; Kennedy, Annitirraty &JAI WaFF tanue, ,.. Penn a' JnY): Ir F RE.6II,LaKE S 1.11 blja. 5 " With. Fish, Jo. received and for aria by in .b WM ♦ 'iIeCLIJKI CO -. 255 Libeity WOODEN FLOI BUCKETF—AI Nen% Easbe Mal. Cut ri 13 by jnbi WM. A bIeCLURG CO. C ANDLE—' — , ..0 , 7 . " 17., 5, Am da. Slic rut, Mori& do. apr , 4l eo. For roll by %tibl. A. MeCI.UnG &CO. )r:] AblgiftilliTttitlrOßtg NOTICE. r r.rrEßs Teammentary have been_ granted tn the tomeeriber on the estaterof John garrison of the rtatouah at McKet apon, Allegliuty county. Ali per aneti mdeoted to (ho emote are requested to make soc• IlltOlete Payment. and 9nr Pettoh having claims, to pre mot the same, duly authenteaterl, fur settlement, to JOIN J. hIg2E, Administrator . terptaun'S FOURTH OF JULY! PLEA USE EXCURSION. GREENWOOD 4 ROSEDALE Th. grognajd and fart running slcanier ci al b P FILLIP DODDILIDOE, Wa iL uLn ' TL o d ' a b ;,cr:ll " lne t strinT " :l7O':/::17,11 1 : ' ::: morning, and racing ER II at nlghh BEARDSLEY'S SPLENDID BRASS BAND Wil , be on board during the afternoon andovatung. Itle/ ode et a Piano with two of needs UST received et the Alga of the Golden Harp, one hoperior 5 octave Melodeon Plano, with Iwo MIS el heed, the introit tavern...mem. The shove is probably the Gnont trinell Instrument ererotlered for Jaa hate, with a highly fiiiiiiritli , and &egg/4 rxtorinr, n sal , by ljecirj II SLLhlEtt ==l nnoroskLa Will be nown/. until July the L Solidus. a Publio School House In too 'flora Ward of Allegheny city. A plarrnsoil specification. wry be Tern at the oilier of John IV. Our., corner of rho Diamond, A llegheny 1' I. ftlcAlilstAN, It It aIoWRY, lean. oriloard. JUI IN IfEWINIL IfLEMOVAL. gat JAule b the pobil_ I.l‘..SmOmNolZI fbb riend. n c a . o p d c id o ent ,, fm=tll . k r ed , tr u ltir .. lls: n r d ddAa y nd (, o , n ‘.. i n ts: nonce over I . ..bteks k Phrnula kirchahge ofrir.en fiance back. a Diamond AJley—whete may be (Mind a Is to and fashionable a:sof...tat Itam and Caps al soloshmi Voce , soholemle and retail, ells.. made so ob dm. ftlisltbkvilni3 1:13=112333 DV ulnae of sundry writ. of Venditloni Exponas Ji.) and Levuil Facia., netted ma of the Doitriet Court and Coon to Comm oti Pleas al Allegheny en an• ty, to me el meted, will he exposed to sale at the Couit Howie in the City of F'oinsigh, on Monday the iddil day of Joly, A. V. leen, at 10 oi., lock A.M. the toilsw leg desenhed prrpeny, to wit: Ali the richt, tine, trite reale aid claim °flames Gray 19ervieUley)al irs,and 10 NO t at certain place of land situu, torthit. M. - botch, tiring part of lot No. t.. 11. En Woo•nt I ' Of Pitoiourgh, bounded and de• scribed as (oll * tilt beginning at th e west aide of 1:1V Market street litho southwesterly corner of Market and Fourth streeilitheue• extending in front or width along Market street towards Third street Oh feet moos dr less, to ground ofJamea Riddle, and in length or epth along Fourth street westwardly towards Ferry street, preserving the tame width, 142 feet more or leas to other lead* of James Riddle: on witleli are erected a largethree Gary Intel, building occupledsse more. and tavern houses end two emu I frame hmld• legs fronting on Forint streeltseised and ,mien men , creams as the property Cray 'Sewickley) at the: suit .of Ilreeke, Tyson •tr. ache, and Benny it MeO . dl. • • - ALSO, All-that forme building or tenement, created on • lot of pound, eiteeted in Lower St. Clair Township (near tb• line of Temperaheeville,) which fronts on the Milberg's and Steubenvi Is tarriplke road 22 feet, and exteeds back tram sold taroptao ler feet, adjoining ground On tin, aide Dell saw mill run, bridge of—, and on the other side by lend of .4.. Tfoolot f the sold haildlug bass front en the said titrqpike of 1l feet; It has four roma in limner, snit two In front on the ternatke, with •mhand cellar under, sue three porch- es an don rear of the biuldiog ; it contains 7 rooms and Afire pieces, and a ball from the front through 10 the pa reh ; and the ground coveted by sold building, a. lib so math other ground imendtately adjacent thereto, and belonging to said Rebecca Kahler,es may be ne• rectory for the ordinary and useful putties.s of seat beading; welled and taken in execution a• the prop. arty of Rebecca Rohl er et the snit of Aaron Prow. ALSO, All the ellthVdttn, tutnear, and cholaof John IL Riddle, of, in, and to ail that lot or pleas of ground situate an Allegheny city, containing 27 feet front on Sandedy street, and running back 110 (cash, --- alley, bounded on the north by_--- sm.; of C.0. l bank, and on the south by William Davidson'. pro. petty; on which is erected • turning shop and machine shop. Betted and taken in execution as the property of John IL Riddle, at the toll at Joseph Drennan; for woof Joseph DI c Koia . All th e right, title, Inte A rest, and claim of Witham Chemben,of. in, and to the tolmwing described traet or piece of land, situate In Jefferson township, eon thirdng 69 acres, more or less. and bounded by lends ofJacob Abets, Jahn Large, Sunset Wilson, James Fente, and other land of said Winn= Chambers, bents the rune teed of which blaty Robb, late of sai d tewnshiMied seised, nod on which there le erected nosey - bledwelling house, g bans,te Seized and taco la execution a%be property . olyrillina Cham bers, at the sit of Thames Mellon; ALSO, All the right, dile, interest, and elshn of William Whate, of, M. and to all that certain lot of ground situ ate in the city of Alkshrny, being bounded and de scribed as follows: beginniag at 228 feet from Federal on Jackson Street, thence on said street 20 feet. to lot No ES, thence bounded by and/et, 0 3 feet tettlll feet. alley, thence by saldalley 20 fest, to lot No 21, thane hemmed by sold lot, 83 feet, to /gateau Street, at the place of beginning; said lot is numbered 26 in Ander antis plan of lots in the elty,of Allegheny. Seised and taken In execution as the property °Milli= White, at the mat ofJames Anderson. ALSO, All the right, title, interest, and nail:mot 3arAb Roll, f, In, and to all that certain lot of emood alnlate In the Seventh Ward or the city of Pittsburgh, bounded and described no fellow.: beginning at the corner of Arthur. street and Centre Avenue, thence numeral! along Centre Avenue 20 feet, to the place of beghtedog; hantig erected thereon a two 'story brick more and dwelling house, said lot beteg pen of oat lot No lo in A. C Reed's plan of his brat seta of tote and which by sundry conveyances became vested ' In Samuel Remit. Ere. whin+ is folly ehosen by his deed dated June It, 1934, recorded In deed book vol 27,page SO, folk 201, wherein be, with Ann hie stlfo4 conveyed lot, • all a said lot to the trustees of the Second Presby terian Congregation of Pntsbmgh, who by their Pre sident conveyed in fee to said Roll, by deed dated June 20,1818, recorded in deed book 4 11, Volume 81, page 390. Salted and taken In execution es the pot• perry of Jacob Roll, nt the Felt of Lewis Roll, now for use of Charles M. Been . . . _ .. . .. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest, end claire of Benjamin Andenton, el, In, and to a lot or Vete of ground situ ate In Peebles township, marked In the plan of loa laid out by,Trancis G. Bailey, adjoining the 'ellen. of EAU Liberty, No —, having a ,front on the south side of the Orsenshort and PtUsbergh tweed. road, of 00 feet, and rune g back the same width 109 feet. betg the same lot which was parcbared fromTnomu B. asidson, Esq. Eteaed and taken in execution as Sib the property property of Benjamin Anderson, at Ike suit of f - . it &Jones. ALSO, All the right, title, interest, and Oath:ter Andw Craig head, of, in, and to ell that certain messuaga tette. miet, nad piece of ground Omens In the Borough of Wet Elizabeth, bounded on the north east by Ferry street on the north west by Third street, on the south west by Market at and on the eauth east by fleeced. sure; being lota numbered 101 and ley in the plan of West Elizabeth, on which are erected - a frame dwell. ley house and store house. Beisedand taken Insete cation as the property of Andrew Craighead, at the sad of Thomas Reynolds. , ALSO, II the right;lltle, interest, andcla'm of Gilbert Pte. piles of, In, and to the one undivided halt pint of all in t certain lot of ground situate to the . 13,,ronghof West Ellsobetb, in JelYrrson tewnship, being lot No. 32,hr..fed on the east by Water at Get, on *slime. hy ,lot No. 33, west by First street. and norm by Wel net Alley, belt gra fettle front, by 120 featly depth, on which is erected a dvie Pill honsooket.wonh about SSC per annum rents. . • . ALSO, d'l the right, title, end interest of said 23repbenief, in. and to that certain other let of mend situste In the villsge of West Elisabeth, beteg lot No. 109 in the plra of we snliege, said lot being On feet la front on Third street. and running back the same width 120 feet to Second street. bounded by Ins Nos. 106,167 and 'frogand on which is erected a two stery frame dwel house, the Interest of said Stephens therein being a part of the purchase money yet unpaid to him,' mounting to fleece IWO; seised and taken in ego • cation as the property of tßilbert Ptephens M eat h, the cult of Themes Strayer, the use of Thorn. ello Esq. ALSO, All the right, title, Interest and ell. of Frederick Pehochman of, in, and to all the following described let• of ground , lying and being In John Brown's pl. of lots, in the Manor of Pittsburgh, In St. Clair towh• ship, to'wit : Lots Nos 20, 21. and 22, and panto/lots 1 NOP. 23,24, and 25, in said pl., as recorded In said county of Allegheny, In Pl. Book page—, eneh of cold lots being feet in front, lets Nos 20,21.. d ' and one pelf of 13) N 0.53 belng . l.so lett in depth to a 99 feet alley, and the other half of lot No 23 and lots No.. 24 and 22 being 40 feet in depth, upon which la leelee a two story brick hoese with other improve• month; and being the some (lour olio) which were eel I nod conveyed to slid Sehnehman by John Brown and wile, by deed dated the lit day of February, 1915; seized and taken in excel:nen ant. property of Fred erlek SeeliehMee, et the lull of Samuel Alton. ALSO, All the right, tlll4,lnterest and els. of John Corti.. ton and uagh Hamilton of, in, and to •Il those two in. of emend, !dictate on Ito. aucaL In tee City of Pturburett. and being lets eqmbered 32 and :O in U Fetterman's pion of fas, each lot cooteining 24 feet in front on Revs street, and extending bock, Area ,i t the same width 100 feet to a 20 feet eller on which are erected •liege doable brick dwelling bowie, with Rep: rate apattatents for different tenints; wired and taken. erect:non a• the property of John Cot riston and ilegh HaMilion, at the amt. Sarah B. Penmen.. ALSO, The following lots of groane Cleat. in the Borough of Allegheny, deacribed eie follows, to wit one pave In lots, five in number, with • dwelling house erected thereon. known and marked In the plan of tau by Bober, Heglip, as lots Net 11, 52, 63, 54, and fa beets, ring at the comer of Whitt Dag alley and Walnut g t met, thence ear twardly meeting with the maid street 113 feet, to Hugh "leafing'. line, thence. olong said hie southwardly al feet and 13 imam., to a tea (cut alley, thence along geld alley westwardly to the said Wiled Oat retry. thence northwerdly routing with sold Vane Oak sit yto the place of beginning. Alto, one other square 01 lots, four in number, known and alerted in ire and i lon of said Robert Heflin, as iota Nos 3; 39.90 , 4n, beginning at the corner of the geld thigh Fleming's line and the cfcregald ten feet allay, then e.g.:a...Fr by the line of the said Hugh 7/m -ime 94 feet and 9' Inches to Locust !Intel, Renee along raW Locest street 61 fret to lot No 41, o anal by 0. to. Palmer, thence, running with the line of said lot No tl 138 feet o Inches, to the aforesaid en feet alley, amigo along the aforesaid ten feet alley, and mnfuryg with W I the same to rho are of be beteg part of a tract of land or lot of ground otwaleb Hugh Flawing and Mary Ann, ht+ wife , ' became - coiled In their do me" .of feii, by eundt7 conveyantes and ewer anees in law, and brine sheerer ecized, the said Hugh Fleming and bier,. Aan, his wife, by deal del, ag• knowledged and recorded in the recordev's dace, in Allegheny team), la book W 2, plea 19, did grams and confirm the same onto Jamegfilomtly, fee the sae of Merl Ann lierll3l, wife of the said 80b.,, and uncrowned+ by and with the tangent of tbe said Mary Ann Heflin, the gall •Itugh Fleming and Mary Ann, his wile the acid lames Remaly. by deed duly seknoialedved end .mended In gold recordera Whom, in book X 2,leige WV, did grar t and convey the same o Waller. B. Newry. la Pert for lie cue of the sold to A 33 llechr and the *aid ?dowry quotes, al aleresnld, Itotieet Belli* and Mary Ann, his wife, by dreg besetng even sate herewith, have conveyed the above mentioned lots. pan of tAe said Hugh F eming's tract, to the tald.Douglago A. Barr. Robert Kenyon, and 7oltn Evan, temente ter said deed being bad will more fully and at large appear. tielord end taken in creme ion as the property of Do sloes A. Barr, Reber' Kenyon, and John Evans, At the suitor David Hamilton, for use of George Pyle. ALSO. All the right, title, lorerest and claimer Beery Gam deceased, In the hands of 1114._ administrators, of, In, and to all those two certain contiguous lota of troand, shame in Pittlbergh, marked and numbered 35 and 30. In Dr. Alexander Sleet's plan ef lots on itoyd'• loll,"eseh 2.lfeet 0 inches on Stogie street, and Mending bark 1110 feet to • Mt feet alloy, aid tcgethL er bounded and described a• toepluin g on Eagle street et the comeraf let N 0.34., sunder thenee eastwirdly along said Meet 4+5 feet. inches to let Nd. 37, thence along said lit southwarair 1 0 0 feet In a2O feet alloy. Meows watterardly along said alley 45 fret 0 inches tro lot N 0.31 aformatd, and thence along said lot nortlinardly 45 feet Gloches to Eagle street aforraald, at the place of begin ni n g , being the sante two lour of ground which the said Alexander BlSck, with Margaret W. his wife, by Coed bearing date even berms:M, p ranted and conveyed to the stud Henry Guar seised and taken in OUCEniOIII as the property of lit ray Ovoid r, deceered, in the bends of hut administrators, William A. /Eland Ruth ll.Cliun• .Irk, at the into of Henry Sproul. ' ALSO, All that certain 1 , 1 Of piece of grazed, Create In "John Brown's pltn of the extenVonol the Demuth of Ihrmutgeam, and numbered in rata plan as No. to, be ing bounded and described as follows, wit ; commene• ing at the corner of lot No. r, on IlarMony thence •long said street 20 feet 3 Inches RI the corner 01 let N 0.2 ...theme slue; the line of said lot 11l feet 5 'nee, to Franklin street. thence along said street Et fret to the corner el' let N 0.17, thence along the I no of said Int ahem BS feet 41 loch., to Harmon) invent, the yl are of beginning .I.lod two story brick house is erected on said lot. Mortgage recorded in the Recorder's (nbee of said County, In Mortgage boob I vol D, page 205. Bused and taken in eaten. non as the pro?erty of Samuel Clark et the snit OfJohn ALSO, All there throe certain lite or Peeve of ground, ea note in the town of theminghens, and laid Pit by John Mown ) land now red hie the corporation limit. of the homage of hart flirminahrun.jamd marked and uumarted In the len cf raid town iota as Nor 91,97, and 02,.d hounded by Grinnage street, by lit Na 95, by Pleat alley .d Washoottbn street; containing iuonly in binerith 71 feet ft Inches, and In depth 120 IC., being part of the tract of land celled Barry , MR" as by reference to the recalls In the °Mee of the Recoeder of deed. In and foe sold County, Mon pare tool .0 .1 7, page 301, toll more folly and at large appear. Poised and tr ken in eXecation an the property of Watson Neely, at the suit of Jahn Brown. AL, All that certain piece or so parcel of land, altuate in East Deer, t late Indians) township, boanded .and der crated TT feIITITT, TM: beginning P • post COI the Pennat Irani.. Canal, Mtnce slang sold coral north 10l degree., caw 24 end 0-10 percher, to • pow, ;hen'.° by land of rtlehtbsid Pillar. recrb 1151 degree., paned perches, to rt pest et t the Allegheny Blest, thence along raid river roclb CO degrees, west 25 and 9-10 Prtebnei 1 0 • post, threes 1 , 7 florin's lend north 201 degrees, west 37 and 21.113 percher, to the place of hatinnlug, containing am acres and perches, bole therem. which W.aisns P. Jordon by deed dated Ottober 23. A D. 1 54 7 1 nod. to.oTded to deed book • E, so ' yo, page granted and conveyed to said Henri , Ft. Campe, the soma being part of • Wee tract of Intl wideb Archibald PiOer. and Ninon Maria, his wife, by them deed, dated Atonal PI, A. D. 1547, .d,rteorded in deed book 4 F, vol 78, page $34,20 , granted and conveyed to WIIIIrdn P. Jordan. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Bury E. Crnape,at the snit of C. 0. Honey. ALSO, - - All that certain lot ar piece °remand Gloat. in the Cl.y of Pittsburgh, being partof lots numbered 341 and 312 in Wood.' 'lan ar 1110 /Lai of stud city, and haunt , ed and described ea follows,mx beginning tithe tort nee of Dina nid dl and Loterty Greet, thence Riau Ltheny eirect tr. atwardly GB feet and loch., thence anuthwanily at rich , urge. villa lAP:fry 311:eal 41 feet •ntl 41 tonlico tit Feny street. thence. along Ferry riorthwerdir U 2 foci 7t !Itches to Diathend alloy/ and thence smug Diann,na alley six inches, in the place of beginning, being the property of which John Gibb, by a deed hearing even date with the mortgage, eonveyen to raid John 11.13ell,resersteg and token. therefrom .4 th emott ell - that pall or *coo( gthani described .s tonnes, to wiii bcglneing at the south timidly aide of Inbcrty oreet, at the corner of Albert). let, .1 at th • distance of Cie feet d invitee from Dia mond alley, thence elate Alb's tot at right angle* with Liberty street. C 4 feet 41 inches, to Ferry sithei, thence along Ferry street towards Diamond allay 20 feet 4 inches, thence northwerdly at right angles with Liberty excel, 46 feet 21 inc best to Libenystmett thence along bunny street toward. Fourth street, II feel, to toe place of beginning,being the seine bleep n of osed which John B. Bell and wife, by deed doted V 32 Docember,lllll,mthseydil to K B.Castratt. Griped and taken in execution as the propany ofJohnD. Ben, at the salt of Robert Colleit,Villthini Ken and Hap Welker, execute. of the last Will OfJohn deold , A l 4O, 44. certain pieta pares /of landsituate in 01114 romethip, M e being Lot No. 'on , and pan of Lot No. Toren to Gray & Chadwictis plan of penal farm No. IfOne" Leetiallistriet, on the Obfe Inver,. which eald rim la readrded In the office In Allegheny emu ty in Book 31, 13.',v0L Apart Z 52, dad which said lot and part of lot aro together bounded and desenbed as follows,t blotting al a Maple tree, the lower earner of said lot No.. One" on the banh or the Obse river, tanning thence within deg. 7 Min. s.o3pCitit es and ta POW. tho genre a the 30 feet street muted In sled plo,thence an /Wag the centre of said steam B. 43 tins 10 isun. E. 13 gerehm,9l to' a point ea the bank of Ore river , aforesaid, sod thence down seal deer to the placeoGbeaouttag,eae. inning 30 anis and Wettest/04de =warm Belmd and taint in oi2tlll on is the progeny at Samoa ceadonet, at the 'telt a( Desist 'dm', cam tem. mnezo of lamesChadorion, deceased,. for. the us* of Charles Thorn, and to be oold by , . C. CrUhrllB 7 Matt Shea's Oa* 149 28, 11.50; ___ ..~,w P. W. CA!TES'. • PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. THESE DIES haring been adopted and, highly approved in all the principal shops in New T. , and Philadelphia, ore cow offered to I:ollol3facnrers, marble's* emxths,&c:, with the coma coo. fidence, as the most perfect article in use( or cutting. screw. . • . Their soperiority over any other Dies heretofore used, masks in their tutting a ruiner Scam, whetter V or cocas dined, by °warming over the iron to be cut, which revive no send ieg cc precious repo:ration, as the dWa cot the thread out of the solid ircui, without raising it in the blew, , in their greater &liability, rapidity, and perfection of work; sad in their simplicity sad Subs to get out of cedar. Certtlioatd • PteLealitate, Ana. 17,194& 'Thin Is to candy that we hays parehased Dom P. W. awe the tight of tiling L. piton Dies for mat deg bolts. In ens opinion, hilt Liss ars natal tope riot to .7 others we are aoqtaidted wan nor tba puniese of Rettig boas. • ; P d ;• J; MO MS PrrnAnicosta, Aug. 11, Having had P W Oates , Potent Dies In use In on* establtahmeet for the last 'Line months. for elating eotta, can In ereely teepee, =commend them In the highest tartar, es we have laid all others away, they being to fa enKrlor—eonslisrieg them 73 per, teat. cheaper than an, others now In ten. • ; ' DANDY, NEAPUS a:co. Penn Works, Pa. '; i• This la to certify that we have purchased l e rtchtht to u,o, and adopud In cur bunness, P W Gates' Pa, tent &yew Cutter, orbital.° highly arpttmi or. Ol• can do much morn work, and we behove tYwill snr pus In durability and precision, as mochas economy. of labor, any dies known to us ygopplB, TAPPER & MORRIS. • • Pnot.annilma, 9th roonlb,/liPli - day, IE4B. Now Yoga, Aug. 19,1&12. Raring *Copied P. W. Game "Yam/able," for car tine bolts, we take pleasure in saying; that it more loan answers our expeetsolors, and hays no hesita tion In going It as one opinion, that It Os excels any other plan in present eon for canting bolts. T P BECOR & CO.' We b 0,4 P. W,. Oaten' "Patent Dies" Cot cutting serervs, and the econeeth of ruing thorn law "UT eoueldersble, that we loot them as of to every esiablishinent ti upon ing arty quantity of screws to cut. McCOMICK, OGDEN & CO, Cluceoe, Nay 10, 1849. Chums. Owes, Waszurtarog," oth Depth '4O. I hen purchased of ftig..H. Scoville. for the Drifted' Stites, tce rl .1 to uae in all the arsenals - and anUo. wtwiss BALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, 4. THIS magnificent trablishenent being 00W cora- Plated and 10 ady for Ladner I,the proprietor would respectfully .litit a thine of the poblie patrottaao make by giving his runtwe te the brews., lit the house plea and comfortabl resort for the citizen. of Pittsburgh a. for the WADY Good atend.ts will be In welting, and every ex ertion made to render the ertablishntent worth y , th e countenances. support of. luta/Egon comenunity. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for 'oarties. Celleette, Lectures, 13.115, eni public rote s, will be let by the evening or week, on u liberal teems no 007 other in the city. The BAR and RESPAURANT. equal in style .d beauty. to any In Inc world, will be lemt ,farnithed 'with One Wines, Choice Lipner., Conlials, Posters, Ale., and all the cool, light.mireshmenm of the season. Pooltry, Uniner,• Posh, Soup, Oyaters, .d Ciaras, served tip In the best cyle. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being O. the first floor, and easy of access, will be constantly suppled with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the sumo; and aloswithaach ant *modals as the nourket. afford. Boarding by the day, wuk, or year. Dinneen Or Snipers fur lodividnale or parties, famished on short .notice. Gentlemen with their Minnie.. visiting the city e., be satiplied with refresbut.t. of all kinds at .3 , hour or the era Good Sabling arid an extenaive Livery Erablish mem is connected with the Hell. Dinner at 1 o'clock. Dreakfast .d Tea in the canal heats. ' Entrance for Ladles to the Ice Cretan .d Dining PO 07 Smithfield street: jemAtf K. H. VAN nm 4 5ea.,.11 DACON,"&b easat City Cared Baena Shan!der. 1.1 recalled and for cab by }eel S. & W. HASBAUCII. 111M1111S-11 casks Soar Cared Cadvaand Ham& jast tteeived and fey &de by )eab S.& W. HARDAUGH. REAM CHEESE-4U bores Create Cheese reed k.) at d far sale by 1.1e291:S &W. HARCAUGII. rBA CO-20 kegs 0 twist lost reed for sale by ROWS MIMI: Et CO G L &SS-150 bxs 8110 Window Glass; 00 bss lOTIJ oo ,do; for sale by Ic2l ROBISON, LITTLE fr. CO rpAR-211:11 Is NI l; Tar Jost r'e'd for sale t y 1 Jae, ft.UDIS'IN, LITTLE fr. CO OAP-50 Las jest received ter sale by jev9 kOIUSO LITTLE k. CO BACA/ft-30 tads Hama; • 0 esaks :it& & Z asks Shoulders; 3 cask. &awn• d, to noire, for tale b ISAIALI DICKEY & CO Je.23 , Water it Front Or. G l' re "4 4' rI7II 4 DnrET & CO - brl Mita' AND LAblll PE1.35-321 dew dreuel with wool on, a beautiful male, to arrive. for telt by ISAIAH DICMPta CO T /QUORICE BALL-10 eines Sicily matt stick je2l li A YAttiVES rock & arrOOPEEIS• 19 INULASS—Eneex and shred , for sill, Üby ; poor 31 A eAIiNESTOCK Ii4OLILB3Ei--130 In. N 0 ?do!oozes; LTALS brio 13 if do On sole by .7L01030?4,L1T11.F.&03 3.29 ; Vdd I.obbity QIJOAR BOVI3E MOLABSEE-53brls Justheillng for sale by De2Bl J 5 DILWOILTH &CO G UEIABA BIC—RAI torts far a.ll Dy I) A FAIINESTOCK ft co jaa • Col' EOM and Woad co. CLtEAMTAIITAM—OtvU the powdered. lor sale by B A PAIINKSTOCB A CO . Hasa Street Bridge lOonspatsy. TStocM: kholders ere needed to est.nd *3l elect:fro for President, •eu Munger., • rao23llTer an• becretary, to be laid at the rooms of the Coninsets, monk end of said Bridge, en th e let nlendny 01 Jell . nest, between Ise bouts of 4 sod S o'clock. P. M. tel Path WM MORRISON, President Qt.IGAR-20 Beds N. 0. Engar, a prime anlele,in wore sad far sale bl JaB 11. te W. lIARDAUOII. 111tElaktrg"thcel`,..'W.T.IT":::=7. :f Ginrharas,.ljen and dark, Inelodlnir some of the finest quailty of French, of the moat sharable colors; also. brown, bloc, and other shades of Brocade Glassma, a new artlelo—at north cast edracr of rounh and Ilarket attests. ' lad _ Lawn Pattern Print.. IUrtIRPITY b LIMICIIFIELD hove receive. , a caw 1.11 of new and beantlful style whits ground Prinw LawnPattsnut. on very fine cloths, at the lowprice of 120; Laeladed in the interment ere pink hlnci, bolt •rel ether colors. ' SALTPL'IIitE-3S sacks erode, to arrive, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY Ak.. CO Je27 Front k Water .t.. SOUR FLOUR—lfibrl.mttable Mr numb or suing, for !ale by Ur & ROE dibRN-400 ifiYeiloy ; in =re, and for sea by JeT3 WOILLS & ROE NEW BOOEB AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Thud drew, opporite We Post Other. quBB Pale of Cedars; or /Sturm By Grace Agaliar. Boston tiltelteprare, No 18. Pictorial Meld Book of the Revolution, No 8. The Professors Lady. By the author of , Village Wee, or the Block Forest. translated by Mary Bohn , . New Hand Brok of Games. • Living Age, No 319. • Old Oak Clem By G. P. B. James. None] liastingei or the Frigate to the Msg. , jel7 • per , =nrirao•i.l4:gitv. EA. S OTS —el mks nu'. for Ole Mean 101 WICK & MeCANDLEJ33 nANVASSED Had B-130 (of 0.1 by • WICK h. breCANDIYS9 EPSOM SALTS-1G Ml. for sale bi .7.27 WICK k Mi:SANDI:FAR C:VTHE BNEATUS-10 tax tato nt fol , tale by 0 kV WICK tc MoCANDLEAS WADDING -30 Wes wed extr. and whit. 'WICK t MeCANIII.VAR R-42 barrels N C T% 5161 bdr do for role by . e 27 WICK rr hTeCANDLFSS • CHEESE -161 bee W H Chem, • 44 bee extra Cream Obeeekror tee by 0.27 WICK k bIoCANDLY.BS VLOUR—ICO bantls for .0% iv Ic2? WICK *. keCANDLE9II rk BY HERRING--600 bale reo , d Tor We by jain WICK It AioCANDLESK 8,CC09-13 east' llama; ' 6 easta Endosi I cull assorted, on band, for gabs low to elan: " ISAIAH DICKEY Se CO lem Water to Front ate CA j E , F4E-73bxs hant l l e tzliee cKs ' y a CO COPAL VARNISH-10 brls •• d pusally far We by Ise AEI DIPEES & CO DrERRING:3-20 Fats on band br len ISAI /LH DIC¢Ey ik Cr) GLUB-113 bureis for nee by J 1.27 SCHOONMARCR 46 . 00 44 Weed E MERS-- Itel•Tert ZrZert. for• 'e by lezf J scnoolvaxeu 13V.4( ANC“-2 b'iS i o B " ;rO b O T NNTARER & CO AA. MASON fr. CO, No this and tdry openoted am prepared to show their filende he poblie their etienilon, .1 formerly. .ieti7 EAST INDIA CASTOR OlL—Par topetlekr tb • but A metieut told pressed 011, newly 4ee fr• tuts en• well , Ist 10 gal each for Ws by Jr 27 .1 SCROONMARER &CO ROSIN -40 Wk. No 1, by le3rS SCHOONfiI&KER & CO A. WILIIINICA 00«, EXCHANGE BROKERS a: R. Confer cf TU.( and Xanfat aA ALL tIAJELACTAM =AI LIBERAL NATAL leXl LII/glllBllll/LllOlll3. • J. Pinson Jr. Agent for the Paws. fit hiSitrOVOr CO. of Phila. (UM Of th e WMIC(3110/1111121C0 ilompaa7 No. w water 'rot. kit . ..bore:6 Muttittrzte.izzra4 Ilestranee eze Insert, then rives for the bete& o the Ir wive. end children; creditors the lives of thel debtors.: The whole prate of the Company ere divided among Um holders of Life Polities. The ilvideruth of the put two Teen have been theft- Meer. eeo Leach r ear. F LOUT -140 bxls 8 P441411' store, (or Ws by Ids S DILWORTH 4. CO ' Natc