The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 28, 1850, Image 4

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    • 111011TIC1.111111 Z 1811).
...Tlga v t2ira'"Fultlrer=4,.. k •grr
.• to /1 masa per square foot. Corragatsd nel.:l
117, 17 or, (Ti toolbso robe Milano end depots
) - llhht IlheathW, 1/148 met., flree 91. so= Genets
, no i r:cent, Itemparforale4 Sim ;
scan tat thole metal pea, cod' freer from 0,
- • , ibpidnona of; Ire% ssr other sabstanee, Led fa
. - -Owned fOr thillansfacrtan, -of MOSS eitlelea
• mai tam fernlshlnglusk se is done noltur, is not
slreeted by the action of water, and may to powhed,
solnio2 and tsoonned. . -
: 4;tiol.l — lie r- s bs o , N •
I N •l . pa m e
sd x lie c e m tio. u
vs'e aka and who
1 /a:
Lzlar 10010 , &
Lkge. Us • , 1/inaireer st,b/rw Yost.
i s
J. lie .ILELLoR, -
S 1 `Wood storm hesJoa received neer ae
eorcorstrt of PIANO hfUSIC, among 'dick are
~,L s kar, do you Love roc t by c. • • :
Gad Role Lae /Gray, do.
• Irsouy au a ion
Untie te do.
Giro' tote ell ZOiritz• do.
bola De • du.
' Golffisps sedirss, Di Glover.
The Roble, . o.
Oh, Tooth the Oord yet case main. ,
-Berea eLcuaLa of Thee.
• Lamest of Oki /Silvan's,
A New itatax.Gresr_
The s hart We, tatdedthe Spabl Gut fed Mee.
The GonutigVe)kpenver, by Glover.
Be Mad to Loved Ones et Home.,
'Fa Aloole*has e'er the Bun is.
The Yeekee Idea --
Lew Build Cilh by laver. -
Do Ica ever dank or ate.
Stomper Glade Lady.
InOn 1 /41rDIX6111 AXD LEATH/18e I - - ^
_ • _
.- . .
ILdwira, AL; gparey.:
• •.•
.So CAIWWAILi - wear• Bat:Ammo Baltinnt;
(WS Oodhey & Boas, N.l
IMPORTER ofSboo Findings , DaderiaLeMar ,
of vanoss kinds: English and Franck Rid Oltins:
retch Calf Skies, Yam= Lember SiarDOCON rad,
- 'ohne, an=eans,linlnirakt. Lainage,Franeals,
zam. A DI N . L ,
e l h ttNlAr t aW m ettg
• . T aska,lshos Naas and N o PEGS, of all Wen. •
' • Z. M. 0. avant. established th e abna hotness In
• italdmare, Is added to Mum goods Swath- or Was
with dui saint Mauch, al at the lewaar plots.
Ustisfactererr, dealers, sad aU others, may rely
- . . upon cinemas every snick to the adds, of Um tom
• - • iv:Munk/M-0n rdseralrents.
ll:ralansfaettuer or Lasts, Hord Tray Shoo Tress
Clamps, Crimps, Wirt Onatchemtlte: Alio:dere will
Pm:MO *seated: Low prices Mr cash.
• • A ostalsogas tomalalng a complete Da of ohm,
• ' to Ms Inds srIU be tortrarded IA Wbb
, . EDW . ARD Al OODPHRY,II & Calvin Et.
lan:au, • out 'Dahlman St... Howson.
THIC ASSAIL. 1411 A 0041PA1ita •
134 ?raessnill irisea..ftew York
TH.E..=.7l.,borjeliNeal= oof rt..=
clad., and rue saleados of Mots Imported by them,
And hitherto mamma iodate:Pantry, male), by then
fragrance and.delkally, maablat4 with virgin paray
eat streeia ‘ prodase as esteem of sarPamial
.The Tesiorrered are the
The Jeddo Bloom; a Blast Tem—lll OD per lb.
. 0 11 . do
" The
(testae," Green Tea - y go r do
...-Totnaiss, • do•--• 7d do
Tirkkalaa do • Oap
1141 hartare, *compounder
! wen sere and choice Teas
, •
.. groin onthe antic and genial ,
• Kin id Antal -•••••-• 04,-do
•, With a Mew to ea eosrage the lotroduetum of these
tatteldots Tel* it 1. she bateau= or the proprietors
to disuitano by 101,amitag the parchment, • muratty
- of Tees equal La the Fiat You% hau s co the sates
.• effected.
• Enek i n tomer NEL tettetnannelosed in the peek
age, e, eennleate, entitling Lm •ut ono
cneit in 1111 &Gannon Warm City ciao laid out,
and on the Nodose - anteenttng to atom , the ander
• mentioned Danes otree.m lb* nlao Or" per toal.
or *l,OOO WILL BE GIVEN AWAY se moue.,
ar.ontlad to the liallowtegeoslA •
a penes of 60 lbs•
elTen out
d ucat . EWASO b or UN
ho do El Er • do - do SOO or EEO
he do , 1010. do. do do • =bar 13d0
lOU .do died do do do We b GOWN
do • Sib •do. ao do 010 lb or IMO
42e Prises ma . 1.000 IMOD)
Those wain who riles ' toms priced Teas eta
mates tietr Nixes proportloe, or they. win be re •
parehesed for case, e minutest of ID pee ecet. '
OrCoardsi Anats mused. Applications to be a&
dressed, post paid, to the Computy's Deese, is seem
• Broadway, corner of ea Lams.
HIS eximmitro HOTEL hu been leased by the
mtbacriber, and bat bees completely refined la
most elegem reenter. 111111 now
• being made, Hold hen e l. :treed, will make It the
1120.1exteamvoin New York. Mans tetanal
nuke: of the proprietor, to make lt equal, la every mt.
*eel, to any other Oman laths Oohed Slaw, Its
C•110/1 I. the 111011tdestrabla and ae noel in the no, be
ing in Us hishloande out of Broadway, co:neaten
to all ths baildtari, places of BialliCaCiat, and
banana Gratafal foo tbe liberal patronage received
from hie weamnt Wends, while at Cambantad, Mt,
and more' recently al tin Weddell Roue, Cleveland,
Ohl be respeetfallysolielu a mama! of their patron.
ofei for his new. estabilalantat, at Now York, and
begs to anon thorn thn every effort on lila pan *ball
in given to adalahner to their comfort and plenuNUM.m
York, Mani, IBOL—ploin-Tat BAR
,VIS alms, Gongs rant, Plymtath, England. The
• =oaten beg to acquaint *Mr nrancrous Man= that
lee nett Dionbation of Portraits of Race florae., Well
comptim thou entered for the forthcoming Grand
Mama /kite' Ruin the number of shares to be
limbed to 4000 each dun Pali due cumber SIR
mood 'elan Ono 1.0. Early application the the =-
appropriated shares is nunnery. A parry transmit.
log for mom Stu one share has the Mimeo( 01/13114
an atonal numberborasen Thou rosethers•rho draw
tin 1.12 . 1.11 Portraits will be presented erhh me fol
lowing aunts—
Portrait of . Ist clan bourns MI dine
Winner, or Elm Rome .1.9.r00 EISA=
a Third name t • PO3O &MO
Dirided amongst Starters. •-• 5000 SAO
rialealsesen. .5,0:11 npoo
nets ars 21:11 - bonzsen In ask shun, that Ming Me
muter et harm eumed Ye rasa. The Drawing
mill be belefecool. RP= Molar **bum petneiples
as thou width nuarmMo the late St. Ledger and
ether Prbesselelin Pardealare er ow mail will
be we to absent members loosalkataly after the 4s.
Maine, that molt may knew Ids proton.
Baburibers mimed sad anlpp Reworded on re-
Aredpt cda remittance.; Billet Datio,Rank
Notes An., eddrested Amid made puede to the
Mummy Elremon. . 4 - , W. JAMES CO;
Pb,. per heat commissionrio be reduced on the
presentation °thorium. mrleam
issoj REED HOUSE; (11150_
xiErrn & 114.1113148: Prolirtetors,
'PauSha Spare, Sria,Pa.
GkYERAL STAGE OFFlCE—Easter), Western,
and - .l3oatbent Stove, leave Ms bat,. WT. Cat •
timanta and from Steaks and Packet Ham, Cirsto.
M. W. Ysmr,' tate of the AI/cheep Heal, Erie, P..
O. W. H
ae aute, me of the Haws= Hotel, ciao.
Lsad sad 31111. to Sale. •
AFLOUR DIM MILL., with font iwis of worms—ono
Of the best !modal:. hr balker, Is the
• fast sate Sat MIA Oft =almost nevez stream.
sad 16 acres of Lahtl. growl Dwelling HMO, Tenant
1 1"" airtru ' elliVrifir s. ••• jo i riat i al r r „
near the above, a Imilitital Yana, Improved, so.
Waning Mo sem r=fka., esquire of
_stop - ' aU !soma 0.. Plvablorb.
Ile Jamas Illthuter• Plead llagalealas
PREPARED nodal tbe Lesmalas am of the le.
Tenor, and teeth/shed forepwards of thlny yam
Thin elegise primacies Is meommended in all
cues of bile, acidities, i t tresion,drat. and graved,
dm meet Irma, itgeetail Sam wiles
Magnesia may, and Indeed - the oily one In erldelt It
motet tabe ablated. pomeisslng all th e am:laths of
; the Mrigneert POW In (olltra bemg
loth/ Is, te ram dueness concretions In the morels,
• it ehmouttly arcs !leathern wiriest 'Waring the
,_1:0112•1 of the eunessli, as ilid% POW% Ind their ear
bonen are known to do; it prams thrfeed of In
fants taming seers In all eases n acts se s pleasing
aerial, arid I. pecallatly adapted to fanalee.
ffir Hampbrey Davy wailed thy this Deletion forms
"- sellable cembisatietts with win acid eats IA CU. Of
$O.l sad gravel, therby•Gratersetleg their heath=
sendeney, when other alkalies, sad even Magn esi a heel; bed felled. '
From Sir ?lam Drammen, Bart., Surgeon General
to Um Army In Ireland:—
"Dear flir....There ran be ea 'doubt that Magnesia
may be sdnithimard more safely In the form of a eon
.- centrand sachem than* Inopi he n ari n eesfor and
many other mamma I us of drat the
agmea le Yam valubbe .34140. to oar
Mr Jame Oath% 6 1. /tA. Vasa, Dr. Might, and
• Mean eel 111% i ef
.. thinkon, straw.
ly recommeed- Inane flay as belag
I , 4l e mL i temi t s e safesuel sentralea w, the; s
mad lid, ga
rs o l
soda or pouts.
For sale by Umber=r.te,
maylo • ; Cir. a Weed It Pianists.
V;OTICris Denby given, that on or &best the iota
of April, the
inn had mailed so them. al
ellebarg, folthering noses, via—A new
drawn by 0. A: • Ma u hn, payable tit ear order, dated
April 11th at 4 menthe, AT it73•lth • notatrawn 1y
_Joan D. blorgan, same data end time, for hilt tl ad
a. note drawn by Jahn Wan Co., in favor of.lehn &
'Markel, and osendased -by es, dated April. Orb, at
four eoliths, for 111121. The arm. seta were never
received by ea Auld dile I. to canoe el persons
against train for Co buying mem as payment
et tam as been stopped. bit lV UAILBADOH •
merle ;
, rsnSa SWUNG di AlUallaint. GOODS.
A Vratlf hate and alnico coot of Fresh !pang
XI. And apeman Good. ha Jut beat opened
AlolllatanT /LA" No BS Markin area, north Ina
sonar of f ths asesnond.
psbilrgteitere* of ti',..,,aulnieno Gad I:
obi. to nay sebum aIIEATBaII•OhIND al.
soon every deoetptten of pale. ea largo paha= of
a an p.ehmi lb* .1 1 . 1 nItamunire enetlon eau
w lb. Imam 01110$. Ow Loth of ranee
lad staple rend., layerY .fordo to a
Lash holes, alter..l , l7aha retellotino op.
;vaulty Greasier b b
taste La Dina
Near alga Foulard sake, vers=p ; eloohd...g
hosed changeable Riau, of avers mac end
anallan super plan and . Agana! blast silty do. be•
price and linnets barge de lara,arr cod
sne ayle ACM 1:17/4 /Mat Et w aSh t litet Ik t o o o
.1111,1311,111 great Tenety, end at •117 Ro. : tt , 112
h wed. end wain suspect do lane of ell ahai
cismiusai Ilaertloma. of a that. ad c • , 1 % ring_
Lams, chlatbea prima Ate
soaerteLplan and Crated
• end etroidereinhilet do; ins cub.
ace do; '
saw plan and eabroidered whits and
aored crepe dos bersre and eel dn. tar
- - - - .
A 1110 111031101010 anus,. nratooks, *outs,
E trines, soak, DIED lx.r. N.z a s 2 te.
loatE Clinadr. slc L braid ; :o Flamm Enid
.aver .411.111 suns
A dna rank of sajarier sad hinged silk sod
!Ann Tare paresis el all and Whim
A line aseorusens or sugarand
Bolgran cream mud euslaassW=. and
ra i‘c•oo saucy we yaw Weiss Ow =maw of use
go nUrnern. ' g._ •
Our stock of brown mod ate...led moats, licking;
elects, chambray', drillings, to, &k very largo, sad al
tic nil lowest prima ,
Alto, largo lot of table diipers and table cloths,
brown and td,a4Ledi Hasata usalUmarillitpers,cra.h
owttos t coven and wool a good. for men and
be.. , wear, boob red,whtte, and yellow dm,
oth', dounWo enemas, Wk and limo ladlifs nod
Sellof all tads, bosiery .d bonne! ribbons, aril.
SOO dower., 11. e, 10 all which we wield respocillally
urim the ILtfpflwo of wbolwalo and tub
ayers. • .• ALEX ANDER LLLt
mate - - %torte , ot Woo. °Me thamood.
T6b now prepared to isrutoh Apple Tress, hoot the
well gooses Moser, atJaeob N. Brow. Th.
lures will De dchltliltli at the wharf at Prortrargl for
4112 per isndred. - Torouto vriablag `fittifty trots'
ad kris. dolt ordsrs tooit at 3.• Seed, and
garrrostory Warchossdh tonics or Wooll-d Stoat sts.
qll• - 3 N TVICIENO£I3II. •
wurie I Run WUUB WAAL - 11011SE.
•ILLY. BROWN &OD. UT. round to No 1%
Mater at, 2.1 dou Wow iq Mgruniaaela Haan
... . , , , , ~..
1-.t''.'....-';''.: -. . 7 ..*:: -. .-' ,.. J.z.:4:.':-.'''.!...2 4:
'...t.ii=ri,x- '.----'4-f'...-','.-..''.•-•
~ . ,
Jimmie (hay.,
Elan, Caltarioa Weddiap,! W reath, and Dai
- Bathslorldaideo r Bella Walla, Colieart, Ladies'
fkaraaaa a , lk, Maim Lila, sli t
Om ind LJzry Polkas. • soarbt
.WEILetZt i rtui l drd l s 'a ohe r et,lttp_o7ti ' e a r t mki ls
CepOu, Brieeto
Club, ie. •sn fans, we will not
Astabok In any manner or knell we eAnisir Melte the
public to compan oar Tea m ith Irmo perehtme
elsewhere; ills is the boot method we know to ascer
tain wet) sells the but end cheapen
,Teas in Pinto
burgh. We am now selling
Good and smottella et Strand Secants per lb.
, A prints 75 do ;
The belt Teo imported into the U. States, St
Low privet',/v=4M, or inferior Tau we do not
keep. - L klolllllB t HAWOIITii
?copilot:al' of th• Tea Market,
• East able of Domone. 1
&tem' &season ifeclitireWitiller
D.Applotoo & Co 'NOW York Fare In tomno did.
itoolloo, In pans,pnes meaty In cents sada,
. .
Qf Ma icie r ltereanuts, 6atine Wc.k , . , Rs'
eansyri'dotarned for Pracezeal • WorisnAr
and thaw iaututsd for 44 Bap.
, simernyr .Prorestion.
TM WNtKh Orley, Meuse mad will contain
Two ram.= 'haat , and unwire. of em rum,
luta thaverehetase. It will.ptasent worklytpdrare
lake and descriptions of the most important machines
to the Meted Staten Independent or the mem of
maariees, *penalty, it virtu confabs Complete mea
nt treeti won Mr:cheeks, Maebinery,,
e:,,tEoorteminm wok all that is useful In more than
one thowand Milan wonh of folio volumes, mega. .
tines, and other books.
Tke great ohleet of this public anon in to place be.
We practical men and Oedema suelt an =emu of
theoretical met @claylike knowledge, M a °Gummed
Wm, ea shall enable theta to work to the beat advt.
fo a my
mid to avoid those mistakes whack they might
ttrlns• enucedt. The amount of weed informauon
thee Monett lairetkif LI almost beyond precedent In
such works. Indeed, there Is, hardly any ratdeet
within tre mum which is not treated web auk elem.
neat and pension that even a man ofthe most ordi.
um capacity cannot fall of undemanding h, and
m kt bout u mach width it le important for
Olm to kart*.
The paillishros are, in thou, devsnalead, tattarthese
of eat, to Make *swath as complete upotable; and
his lowed every one desirous obtrdn the work will
maim it am lased la numbers. and thus anocoontra
um enterprise
The work wild be lamed in acutionottoup outeheli,
gnu commewing in lenemy, 1.840, and wet progress with
The whale work will be pithlished in 40 tomb
MIS cants perm:ether, gad completed within the cur
rent year, 1.M.. A Usual discount will be made to
dis tr on t =l k egi4 h utn p zo
. r aa nd . vanc: i
Oplalets ogtha Prim.
-- -- - - ---
°Ta ma rusio
klanufactarers„ Mechanics, Efk•
= l
, and Mitten., It will be a of wealih."—
ens, (R.l.).Tosonal.
suen, um yoarseives mendm knowledge.—
We can with madam recom our readers to
possess thscaselvea of its =unbent as Mu as they ay
pear"--American Anima .
We unhesitatingly comme nd the work to those en.
media or laterested in mechanical or scientific pot
lid* as eminently - wonky of Mom culmination and
study."--Tray, IN. Y.J Mdget.
- .tit io ugly a drat wort, and the publishers de
serve the Wanks of anymore, machinist% and alms
tacturars. and Indeed of the public asuera/ITA—ridr.--
li fti lea Ctotiolary Will be highly. enrol to practical
emehanks, and valsable to all who woM to ulnae:
who with the of lIIMWOI. It the me
chanic win—New ord Daily Mercury.
"Young moehanies ought to keep posted up In the
ft:cites] ea well as Imam cal knowledge, and DM
work will 'bow Mouth:stirs, they etand.?"--Itozbury
(Masai Advertiser.
"We take it to be Jest the wort that wares and boo.
diode of our hatelligeot mechanize have deshsd la pos.
sea.' Bo ample use Its deserlpuons, and ao full and
manta Its weifieallous, that It seems so . that any
roschanla mt contract any machine it descritm on
,mooo 4
pplr he eagravinge and insmetiom"--N- Y.
rrnal muse:.
'.Ad in In mechanics should mail them
selves of 1 ' antages..--Setam ILL, IPeno,) loot
wort'of exunntive practical citify and great ha
ofGentance and vulvas dm tepidly inereawng interests
the coontay. We regard the wart as estuneetly
uandsted purist. the cause of science and The
mechanical any and to disseminate retest:he Inform&
notion them sabiects•—ratmer and Mechanic.
'Practical men in all the varied walks et mechani
cal and munfeerstring industryi teammate, he., will
find in This wort a treason which it will be to their
pasti to posatsen—Tt ay Daily Whig.
We howreantolly penmen the umbers, and bane
an Imitation in saying That It Is The best wort for kaa
duals% tradmata, sod solenafie men, nee feta/sh
ed, far It centelnatalnam information on every branch
of The mseltsonsia arts and unmet!, exprewed ta •
style had langatio_ intelligible to say reader-of °rai
llery capaelty.r, ,( Mann,) News.
"We are eve we en doing the tecehaates'of Nor
wich - had other puts of Comeraleat a unite by
bringing the welt to their anent... n—Norerielt.
penal thstder.
!Oast sante wort ne every mehenie- shoal!!
poste..."—FreearanU ,1 earn&
Wo consider Ilene of the mon sinful and troportaat
publications of the ego. No otectmia On adorn to be
without lt..—Newars, IN. J ,}Coonsemial Cowie,
'Of all Thr! various pablicatien baring ler their oh.
lest the slecidatioa sad adranoement of the median.
eat WA sad sciences, none that Ira have me, to as
fall of promise MI this N—Buifslo Com:Adv.
It la the beet sod cheapest wort nee peered to the
*cicada and practical Gagmen and mechanic. The
plats are ite”llfany executed.n—Washincum Mahe.
'This vest Dienouary Is one of the mew useful
Works ever peldiThed for yeah!, and the low mice at
+ablaut is sold ruins it acceptable to ill."—youth
.we regard It as one of the most comprehensive end
elnable, ea well es °lmams - works ever published!'
Llahinsere Advertiser.
- .
otherto so be take. t, every one deetrinc to keep
I pace with the progress of art and science it every one
I °Nis tabon er civilized 111e,u—Rondoet Courier.
is designed attar theptieeiple Ure'. Eleiona
rr, oily that h mon deemed to the reerham cal and
enginel Cr, "t4w4n and
tn i n; e " s Z j u: b re '
: neectittiTy , Am erman machinery and r
.itle rna
published in ambers, and at a rice on node.
I.lo s loo/10/ at What Is dontainsd nusaberoln
no we who he. the Wan imams% In seek angers
aced be deterred hem procure:gig and every
t e rm w
does so, will Rod that bare. In a condensed ean
mom of lurtractket which would be obi:areal, if at
in, only by the purchase °Cony many volames.n—N.
Y. Courier mut Enquirer.
ttrhe comprehensiveness with which the abject.
are muted, the admirable manner In which they are
Riastrated, conspire to make Mle one or the most deal.
cable wort."—Dm.. perste Review.
. 4 111 s mart should bele the hands greyer, esethsaie,
anent, and manalactarer, eepevielly thou who have
theteut aspinadoes to excel in their reopeeUve bust.
avasta we have earefelly examined i 4 with a view or
recommending It to Inventors. To them we would
say in the strong languega Grits Bible: is good"—
Baltimore Inveniers'ionmal.
hrit,icf is d 4 Prvrnfts ... yrsqf NefizApert . tkroathera
th. u'mud seat: • 4.1
• If tits foregoing advertisement is Iniaried gee times
taring thl , oat thn Mar conning It sent to as,
`wedsthe wart will bo sant gratis in payment.
Comendaimg ise=wor otter Mows:.
Tubig.:4-TO.r.fiaxoter tarboyf LLe
medical omit entitled oThe Americas, Practice o.
Medicine and Family Physician."
"Waving been made negaahnest with We
which compose McAllister's All•Henling b =
and having prescribed avd testrd ft Louvers] eases Is
my primuopractisa, I have to hesitation in saying or
certifying Oral It la Vegetable Remedy, containing
no mineral nbetanee whatever, that Us Ingredients
=shined: es they am, and see. ea Moulted by the
Proprietor, are not only hinnies., but of greet mane,
being a truly celestite Remedy of great power: and 1
du:axially reeemunen4 it aa e compound which hes
dons mai pod,- mid which Is I
adopted to the cure of
11 treat n 7 at MUM. Those, -have neva either
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret atedi•
does, regard for the vole hottest, eanadentlom, ho.
mane ammeter of the Proprietor of this Ointment,
and the salmi of kis discovery, oblige dim to toy Moe
un t r gi , rtmlia yort
xtdoem - W. BEACH, D. Li.o
We num.lftrlng9.-11 le one of die ben 'lance La tha world
PILEO.--Thounaado are yearly cured by tOls CUP
mem It nem (MB in giving relief.
For Tamen,. Ulcers, and WI kinds of Soros, It has
no al
10711111 ittleW /to value In MOB of
13Mollen Or Breast, they world Mathis anply
In each cues, If nod tie wrdlag to dlrectfoas, it pees
relief la • vary few hams.
Around the bat ars Breath= for asiug hfeAlituerte
Mamas tor Scrofals t _Lher Complete; Erysipelas,
Matti, Clantbdri, Sas. Id Need, Sent Eyes, gauzy,
Sete Thom, Bronekstes, Nervous Affections, Pales,
Disease of the Spins, Head Ache, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear Ache, Barns, Conn, till Diseases of
i s Skin, Sore
Lips, Pimples, Ike., Smiting Croce the Limbs, Sores,
Itheammlsaa r nes, Cold Feet, , Swelled or Bra;
Felt BrrastTooth Ante.Agie IQ the Pam, la.
From the Read* Eagle.
There was never , perbppo, a Medicine brought be
fore 111. Pablie,'Mal hoe LI eo short a time won mob •
reparation as -Ilderklllster's 611-ffesilne • or World
Salm Almost retry person that has made trial of it
seethe p a tr i ot prslre, Om has been emed by
of Ote Most theamollun, another of Ow ptlec,
a third of a troublesome pain UM .11k, a fonlik of
eyeblegisthe trk, If It does nit give Mime
-40.r.1,10 e di r . y case, It cm du do salary, being
s n otisreelLuos of the 'wonderful healing pow
er pawned by this erre, w übioln the following
miniboom, from a fts;e4Mbill ALA of hfiddemreck
township, an Otis !mow;
Maws, Ni blna aideeeteek, Dolts co., March 9d,1917,
desire to infOnit you Da"
was entirelL li. musd of a se
the bsek
wblrbly Ue
from you. 1 strifered salt fa:l:boat Pti 7. 1 1;
sad at night was amble to Deep.
tried 'woos remedies, wMek were sift,rtga l lfr ' e tte
bYPlO'Weirm.l.the, i wrie meOnliesstreorlyl ng
relief, and at lest made trial of Mu goy
4il t. f o twisrabl rimi e h r p yond
and ;tweet sleep. 1 are also tieddi and eojo .t gi t % =2, 6 '1;
tooth arks' and other compleists, with wow., - 2, - ; p r ;,,'
malts.. Yoke friend , jAin i i mtraurtn."
Pub proprietor of um aboSo sateen liide
Principal Ofacs, No 03 Boni 7hlrd etteet,PhL4,
£1121711 rat PrITSIII7II.II.,•DIMM k. Reltef, Comer of
Liberty sod Rt. Clap' stmetr, stulL. %Vilcos, Jr., tor.
nes of Market street and Um Diamond, fto corner et
• Pout* and Sank Sold sweets; J. lit Cueel;cornee . et
Walnut and Penn streets, Ftllt Ward; ml sold 11l the
Booketnn Staultield arm, ad doorfromblecond.
: Allegheny CID by P,Schwarts and J. Sargent.
Ily 0. Satith, Drogglet, Birmingham; D. Negley,
5. 4 liberty; D. Rowlead, bleltemport; J. Weloader
i r*ri M" tre=tr a s 1 41 2 M rk le
lota attor. Jr.. Elisabeth. • feblleodly
GRERN OIL CLOTH—oott yards 44 Okla - Oil
oyah 'grad, 0 007 WS htY
' . 14 mum -
VolusbleSeiatroxidastvo Writer Pow*, to
lot oat favorable
firing W NATIO/it/1:4 COMPANT are
A. now p dto Nose Me, Water Poiret at the
Grind Rol Crto
maniaamourot eafterrtu w propel taw
hundred :Wm of stand The location ma based
m o o sr
be ;1 . 1;
gram of She ATire Rlser, es well as Me Webaar earl
perlor seedily (drubbed at urn point. Walla tirener,
iron ors, and coal,' us the. greaten !Meadow., rod ru 'quality, can be eully'promued *mush the
e bribed dollen Per annum fora pow
or s able=toptopel as edia tun of snob= sited
mill mones,'lor a petiott of Moen years. with ihs
mita rif renewal on Me expiratiati or the ittme oi •
.rair solution of the power employed. The Mos olds
or ufmtory Mr-laded, odtbout Rinker charge
man siTatt7. lip order or the Mecum •
. ABNER T. ELL113 1,.. '
Tinciamni, I flay LIMO m.81,d
CMS HAJWs MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP.J — The shin of =ay palms is h dialgand insh
.9int elartions, as pimples, nwephew, LC, and when
Ms la merely disease el tbe skin, as It ie to nicety
ninrcasea azt_or every handed, it bi mar ro•
moved. Jul., liasePs Nymph Strap Is eqyeltelY
adapted In /imams of the skin, so it QmeMY
upon Me mines ports which cover i • • mikes,
cleansing them hem Imp aribes. and by 1 baleatabi
progenies healing -and eradicating e Ilona gad
rendering the daraest sad roughest akin fiie, and
Moil:deg. •
Pere°. who hare been to Me habit o using Mill - h•
Fgsoap. will do astanianed - the be llbslelleot
aced by th e Nymph Soap, in impart! a delleate
oom,proventini neck, rue, orb ram
Pi% annYini all imitation, and remav all cabins-
I Parse otions. It peuenes ea exquialtanerfame,do4.
is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, condoling
It Meanly article which can be used with misty and
comron in the nursery. •
All those whose Nees or necks are dielvited with
Ny tea nsrer p 4 mate
positively mums them, thee its vas will e nder t llll .
most discolored skin veld% the roughen akin smooth,
Mid the mom dimmed stbt 900 bicalm"
Jetts lianel's Nymph &m,p G the only amide width
will creamily produce the above erect. in so Mon
a Meta arid the °lily ace whit* le at Oa ume data all
posemtal and entlealyiumaleas. PMPseed only hi
st Peduzer and Chemist,
190 Chemi street, ,
Pot we wholesale and mall by B. A. FalumMetir
k Co.; and .5, E. Seller., IlUsballbi end John San
at eEci J . Mitchell, Allesteby city. Ye. .
J A GOOD Mahogany !quo Forte, d irotoyos,'
botatto owe d tod• ••••-,:h r...• • MOO IX
upright Pi o, with litouturoeut •
Fornharo,•6 octaves, anA la rood order • • 100 00
• plain 51 ware Piano 47 •
A good 0 octavo Yin= ----- 70
• good 00 oeurro
are yano, kondoorno famt.
• ••••••••• 711
For axle by JOHN it MELLOR (O
may el Wood Id
11Naiad Licht.
ST./PERM:IIND the Wooden Floats, and helm
combustible s thereby acoomalses OM oil and pm.
•euts *Wien. heretofore to mutt obiollut
caber goats. One table spoonful of Me anima
Tamp mil will last Ma Home s or erty limber kook
of time, secordltur le the gestalt) alga::
Deceived and for sale by JOHN D NOWAK
mayV • Drasibt
roar . RECTi/TED, at Plunbagilt Ftimily Crs .
arty awl Tea Wolohan=
• CAW Froab (Totem ln tin clang
do Pickled do, 'in vivo;
•do do do, in plin_do.
The above Freak °Town an patteilwa,, and patio
in • WSW etothooloined map, enotned bilermetina
ly scaled cans, and will kip machismo? than On"
pat up to the ordinary way.
For sale, wholesale and nail, by
WM A bIeCLURG in Co, .
wydla tie Lam ty st.
Grua Antalkali Moe Manteca
APPLWON L Oa, New 'art, lain la rows
Lof onbteauon, Is to plea roam tat cents
etteb,. a
gICTIONARI rf Machines, Mactudes, Ea.
gino Work, tad Eturtneeting designed for Tractlaal
wortiog Man, and those Intended for As Eturitmetkrig
Profusion. Edited by 011 oar Byrne.
This wait is of large Eno slay and win contain two
thousand twassond npwudeaf ids tionsual Awns
noun. It will present working drawings and dencrip.
tarns of the =au tinputtat machines in dia United
&rano Independent of the randy, of darazinan
at will =main earapista_prutinal trastisea ixt
Mechanics, fdactincry. Eagan Wort, and Engineer ,
Inc watt all that is na tal in more gm one *masted
Lou.,, limb of folio anisettes, magarinui and alms
Bin embus reedited, aad R
for nala e 7041
Vld t -79 Atiudikt ,•• Taw* •
SS • STOCK 01 Iwo
Sole Agat in Wesiara Penzurybrouga, Lc...A.613g
Vi. w r
DE43 to Werra his meads and tea *mien pahlie,
JUll that he has ant *recites, amiseill recent and
expose for sale, daring the present monk, the attest
and rasa dealealsla asek of Pram Rasa em offend
Da sae La the wee—among the camber Will be Rand
a full aupplyref
flapertdy nand Itaewood bread Plait Fates,
with all the react lapronmente sortearnsa and
gala of grimier.
Eplardiay eared Ramada eau octave Pogue
Pismo Forbes, hashed la the hlleabentan LoWs
XIV. nylee
. With a tarn cock of all the Tarbes styles of Pa.: *
no Fortes, myna In alas (ran 117 b to IMO and
VOW, prepared 'by Mc. Chickened for the prawn
Poulterers am assured that sherries. of Yr. Chlet
ennui, Pink. hoe bees, sod will connote us be, the
sane se at Um swillalatttirr Baton, whom chase
Inc at
and will be dellared and set op La
perfect Dina, in any pat of the city, without dings.
rpn undersigned begs lure to Inform ibi public
the he has declined business in favor !Kids Ebna,
P. M. Davis, who will <datum Ins *mina and C.a•
motion bus Mess as the old nand, earner of Woad tad
Fifth streets, mad for wham Its would sollen • Curia
unceulthe lib.Npatraaegeberetofe bestowed op.
an the Ulna .1011/1 D. DAYIO.
April rib,
P. 111. DAVIS,
.10CTIONESKIRD COlllllllll 11811C11111?
COSS= OS WOOS AID llltil mare,
It 9
WlLDoual L nista sa
Wick lts, on libe
n, ral la of Venda and
a ma Real Isoaka,
&a, and been, by *patience and slow ion to
bulb:teas, to math a contlamoe of tha tattport at*
patrona g e h an Morally emended to the koala bona
Apil 9t, 1630. •
rjEua deceits of du uteri partner, la Philadelphia;
itha lota Jain id Morita produce no laurrunian
to the basinue-orrangements have boon sudsy:del.
Involves tht sum intams precisely. which km
heretofore atisted. TM beaus. is tiontlausd under
the some was and arm, elm—
Jam At Dens &Do n Philadelphia;
Joan RTaams d Co.. Pushup.
The eattineauce or the animate° of au auto
friends is respectfully solicited. If any persons bus
demand. *utast ths concem, they u requested to
p.escut then, forthwith; for payment.
Pitubs re Ann! 1.0, 'a. JOLIN AITA DEN,
apt74l a . Santrin. • •r.
Bs A. Valhalostas& & Oar.
1 b bl.od sunotecoStr , saloon lanwable term
.500 the Carb, Amnon*
1151 do
WO do Al
691 do Assalatida;
Dys Woodm • SOO do Coda Tanas
03 do Lamoblaels de Limeorios Roos
SO do Yea. Red; 202 do IrisA
Bdo Campton 150, do Red 1 11 4:4 4.1 5tam;
10 do Om= Gomm 130 do Calconal Amer.;
SO do YeLkaw Oebrr, CI do 52 114
10 do Urbosions; !GO do Boehm Loarem
El do Clover WO do itbabarb Roos
2 do Marahowerr6oo do Sans. do
14 cam Ref. Boma; ao do Geolim
13 do Gnu!, Soap; WO do Sol Raehemle;
13 do rninien Blom Mm do Deddlits 111Jsuwal
10 du Cale. Alsonem WO do Pow% Rhabartn.
13 do Chrome Greco; IMO do 0 UP. Rim;
do do Yellow; 109 do d o G.Arabla
3do An Vermilion; UM do do Lk Rocs
fC reams 8.4 Now 100 do do IMay
113 bass Sleds Samaei mo do do ALCasriam
2$ Oaks mole OM% IMO do Balpk. Woe;
750113011 M. iferphlM SM do Gar TM;
17021bs Capri Aloes; • 100 do Tamarinds;
1209 do Bi•Chront Potash; FW do galet Elver;
MS do Pint Roan WO do Orono Pod
IWO do Tortes Umber; 73 do Coohlodal;
ISM do Cream Tartan 00 do Hyd Pawls:
509 do Tattled MSS 60 do Nam
1.131 dbtaslo Urallts; 313 do Gnawing L Lobos feAwMT •
psTaoLzums. OR ROOK OIL.
"hers an more things la imitien *idiot\
Than its iinampl of In Mdiotophy,"
VIRTUES of this notarkishls remedy and
thanomsat appUtelloo On It. to the proprietor,
her indented Um to have It put elp to
haulm with la - and direction the the Denali of the. subtle.
The PETROLEUM is encured from • well In dun
county, at a depth of four kindred feat, M a pure ana-
Omelette article; without any e herniae! chasmgeq, hot
Met as flows Rom Nature's Oreat Lab 11 Math
contains properittee faulting a somber of. eons„ to
no longer smatter of uncertainly. Thera am many
thsags in the arcane of nanuevehleh, if Itesowmmight
be of east menthes, to alleviating suffering, and re ,
storing the blasto of licalth and cheer to misty • ma
fens. Long before the proprietor thought of patting
it op in bathes, It hod • esplitAnoEl for the can, of Mr
IMO The. constent sad duty ineressum calls foe It,
and several remarkable cane It hit performed, le •
sore Indication of IM Aunts popalarity and Inda
spread epplication to the tore of disease.
We do not with to mate a long parade of null ,
Cilia, awe an coneciout that the gladiolas can soon
work Its way Imo the favor of Mom who neer
with to tui healed. Whilst we do cot claim foe it a
universal epplioation in wren disease, we mkt:sits.
Mail lay, that In a nambar of Chemist Inseams ills
mementth Among these may ha emenerated—an
diseases of the mucous neece seek as CHRONIC
Asthma, and all &mese, of the ale passage unit
the Bdder and hildosys, POW In Ma Moak or Side,
Norton DWlLMALHearele w l r lisy,fllmmostle
Gout,Emelpelas, Tenor,. anus, Mum, Scalds,
trans 014 Some, Ate, 4t.0. eases of debility re.
salting trout mpotaistor Mug and protracted Cana et
Olsten, thls amdielno will bfing relief. It will act as
• general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In auk ease;
resumes tone =I ennui). to th e whole frame ream-
Mg obstructions, ottersth: ?Isiah famtlani,seldelt
Tereltrif In mitered enerfriotle"'olginenl
Life! The proprietor knows of several corm of
PILES, that retitled *Tan' other tresunent, get well
ander ...e Me of the PETROLEUM for • abort thus.
Non a pro cm be given to any person who datum It.
Non genuine without the eignanut of Ma Premium.
thith oy the proprietor,
6. M. BIER, Canal Bala, near Seventh et.
hes oy -a. E. Sr k ..i,117 Wood ati
comer Ward st. and Virgin alley; who ate Ws
saved re regularly assolatad fteecte
riA - aniu h , B
ma li'ap tu.k.u. maker toal4 ill fml' Pub)
•e pad nen bead Muting Boots; Lt Wham lips' B
f.T.Au,SII-aad 11l -askew ioalk; SO eantoons I
gallon ea* I doe Bateau. Laney B ela: Ido oiled
eg,gevio do do, To. above goods for sale at alta Call
tonna Oaltagg EdiabLeeses% Nod Wood sr.
1 1 144 f - - ial ERNIIMPI
1850 1850
BATS of ildo Low will Icon Nopikey, lad do.
LL or Saint. *Show tranaktpoont.
J C BIDWELL, IN Pionbusb,
/AXES COLLS, do. 4.„,
BIDWELL .slOl . BROTHER, Rocbow,
_.. • .
.H:•JW77 . I • . 1850 a mmo
. _
Prom ?Dame* to Columbus and
Amy& dirndl aftd populaarentatiesef calm!
Carroll,:dtart, 'Tasearcraur, ~Mod'atz,
-'M ' [idiom and Pataiim.
The cotyledon of thit Bandy and Beaver Canal
Want WM oar elty &rough thle great mural
rooks a direct communiesuou to die a ban as well as
die adjoining arentles of Wylie, Dointek Kneri Lig
From due motion of Ohio, the trade with Pitts
has bey, to a growgrowerranterrant cat cf. to consequence of
kith ewes or tranyortulen, which are now na
dotal 11,1111 and dO per twaL - -
1 ; Bonn of &a By will leave daily - and run through
without traitsbymeat. no Canal company'. Yen
kletowed upon Ude line an interett Lc the moms,
• dented advantages of their charter and Mus seemed
to We middle_ palate of Ilido In antainutialr ;condi
equal Interest In this advance" Amor , -
J. C. BI L ,
BIDWELL & , Glasgow.
Witg 4 ;o9M B cer '4a i tdA•le:agiall, a ; A 6g117
A Hamm, do; Hanna Galan k Co, New Lisbon; 0;
kart A Nicholas, Hammer. Or Hibbets A Booty, Mi.
berm Or peaker & Foster. do.; Joseph tool td :
do Hull A Dam, Oneida Mills, 04' H V Bever; dor
rC Bliknsillate:Pdts4'.4l;34sale teliCk„t°4l.lV=ki
il l mrsdaEglay. !dye ' oun,Crt Warner= do; J
tilarland & Ca, San‘yellle, CP FP Leak ths Fmk;
Dtzth is Bitinhaonk /*gnu, b.; wawa a Slishar;
dor J.l Haman, Slualllon, Or Camino & ON& j
/Oki Eskimo, Canal Fatten, al Innis t Taney,
Canal Dona Or A Meditry, Bogey, Or LEWart.
ner,Newark,Or MY ab odes t
cr, L 0 Ifita
Owin,Cleveland, Or abodes is Orson, do. Ilari
TuN - rpoß
illailaklBso ' fag=
Via Piniasylvatalwe mauls k. Rail limas..
ipHONNOI, ATERianal Hula, Label?
JIM raglisSE tC0,519k.230 Mutat arm,
PAU444OIa. • .
&Como t Co., 7rIVOZ area, Baltimore;
E Brea, New York,
Ewan t Gato!! LOMA street. Boston;
I t hs . ur
E. Wm, Loalarabl;
Bann. Him Co., W. Main
2b .11faraimed. wad Praetor to swat
five ktaitesony .IY. York,. Betas.
Sankt. now In Ann orderorot an prepared
to wawa' goods thew a, Mma prim Sit•
damn n Eerellill.BW Wan? obarp baring policies Ow
ova SIJIAOSA and with tbe manly. took
of Boat, arel 00/Sidelit of amity eallaraelkat to
all bantam entrestad a oar rare. Oar boats an all
new, and commanded by captains of antients, and
oar entire Una Is contien,d on stria mita besplosi
and sanywance pri, c =to.
toniEwa" tains
k by Eagan I Pransylsanla E L Cap ima,
Ausball Loa*
Banda Howard y,
Rani Am; Outlaw Oa
Ear, Debarai Pa ns ftn
Was Jolitta,m, gaterpr, Karon n
bum; a • Brow
MlAlia, a Oen Brost Gore
Billy TelearapbNaids
Cellanawklaa Point 11,11 Boybl oM gnads
enlveunineanampar IlanneeMpperalley
Antedea Parry Oblo Belle Braun
Mamnid %DIM Haw Itnll4
The Fax ads Julie Ann J Laron
tiz BLaop ra Ll: ny lore U
crk W 41 i
Shippers will And It to their advantage to 'IVs IRS • &COMO. A,TWFB k
Canal Ruin Sawn st. Etwbella._
velem astaapeztatesat Chisasalay.
• : D. LlllllOll • COI
aersvgaz pirr&BrasnaatumpulA.
avaimomeff BOWL,
Panitykosuk Danal and Rai Dead.
Bows and Cats of Ws Una haw been pas la
compete or d er, and r e:Milian of savers
new ones to th e 4.140, el loom, a Org.
iptaillity of produce end ,
Tee oaks cock of We la Dined and contra
ed 4 Bel Proniwont -
—4I7LT to—
.HARIts IDEctI,No 13 Sao* Teltd
And w Da Tobacco Warehouse Dock or,'
. No 144 north 'Cowan! et, Batnonk_elat
OFFICE. ff 7 Wen a, Nsw Yonti
DLEECH CO, taus Basin Paso st.
NM= 185O.______
CLAIM Piil4l3 &PO, Boobastar, Pa, Pim%
3011b1 A cavorasy, unit.
cam cc. fkohlifeld aad Waits ray vddeballL
I kl3Ollll. Una an war m =
dtrylf.. Arm u.....irroLot no Can/dam% Laid
TM &adios of sba Usr .re spate. la =Mini
la 4 l rityplr2ol43, expetleare aaptsconc,
OOmnas j gibrat malaavelnd sar
alms la 6013n0.11. grin • Una of Bums Boats be
treell Pa TSBUILUII ..d BEAVER,. sad • Lae of
Fuss Clan Sam Man, Ptopelet • and Wards, ass
Clot, Parka & Co, RaeCONSIGNEES;trmen
N Farts & Co, Yoangslowa, Oleo:
111 B Taylor, Wane. In
it Clart, Noonan Ck
I Buyout & Co, Ravenna. th
Kann Grianall & Co, Prankbn,
H A Halm Cayaltoga 0.
Mario, Lee & Co, Akron, 0;
Clorabotha, Crawford &Co, Clevalaad,A.
/lobbied & Co, Sands stk. th
Peakbain Been, Toledo, 0;
G 1 9 / I liams & Co a rnillarh;
WWiasea & Co, ortatla, trod
klastay & Damn, las, Mid
t.Lso Bas t a, %W o ' CAUGRNY, Axons, •
• manor Want mad tomustold stt
aim 1850. t gat .
LAZE MUNI ADD X 101110•111 LINA,
CLARICE, PARER a CO, Ronatar, Propliaton.
THE Proplatora of this old and well known Lute
would inform lib pabla that nay an now In ofk.'
endonafacriprosant soaard and Ilan connanted
nearing Freaks and Ita tp :Fro, whin to , " an
rally praparal unary soon aoa ina Cana and
Al In know raw. Ono of ups Boas of tits Lin
TOL la anatantly al tat below Manongabela
s, to main Dan
. JOHN A. cavonEir, eons.
Oft*, for Water an ealchlleld co, Habana.
2 W Conanna, Now Castle, Pa;
Dlltaltaltfe• kCo, Pauki,
W 0 Aralßit s...;
- Ann Oostailla
Wm Hann, Hosanna
Wm Pont, Conmentalla
/dos Haan Co, Ede;
Mu:, Hallam A ro, laralo.N Y. wan
Pittsburgh Psitsbislissis lass.
Eftei 1850.:Mha
10) TIN imuisrmonaa 01 l/XLMIT
Mon. Beasatoesd I Turn. & CPComerta,
Phltodelskia. I Plusbarg h.
THE Canal being now open, the pope.. of this
long establish.' Line are as anal at the. old
retairlag end forwarding Berehandlse and
Prodigal. law mop and with the prompts. ear •
salary, and sear, small. to their system end ' mode
of tronsportsdoo, when latenaedlate transhipment is
grouted, with the eenscqutat delays sad probability
of damage.
hlaraltandise and Predict! skipped out or west, and
t aT Lading toniarded free of charge for murmur
slon. adranehig, or stonge. Haling so ISMS.. di
rectly or Indirectly In steamboats,. that of the owners
is solely etaralted when slAppLog emir oasis.
, oammonteastena to the following. goats prompt.
IT Kneaded to:
Bi til k ilLtEl .. ll k
t Oßll ku ßlDO o.ip P as.
Taal% & O'CONNOR,
Conaer Pena and Wayne mese, Nasally/a
Jahn McCallech k Co, NI No eessree
na et, Bale P. Bart
la Co. CI Desna st, Bacon, W. & J. T e 03
60 Yeah es, New York; James
ibili11 1850 . 1111 " 121.
Betwbeia Plt.t.Qusigh sze • • ates.
Tab Canal being now was, ws us readrto recta,
an Onward promytkr, predate and ranbluindizo
prodano ant mereboadtee will ba needved and far
orardol eon and Inas, whiten any &tame for fop
!mania advanciag frelshi, oatillainoll or IMMO.
BOOM lading daterarAW. and all dliconoas &AA
tally attended to.
Address or apply to, WAL BINGHAM,
Canal Hula, ear. Marty a i n nri d 1 0 Vme o it to b jpl rule.
No 180, Mattel st,_ between hill's,.
No V 33, North Howard at. Wanton.
No 10, Wort neat,
able • Now York.
rellejalotor abet lieeilittastie . .,ollets
NIDEId MOO. C 0111.12110 briar peanut
52 7 Part of Enuiland, :salsa& Booilaad
t t
7 apos tits sent liberal tenon, wintlitell
sod manikin to the manta sod eons.
o mailgrams Wei do not amour paniangent to
be robbed by tlis nriedling scamps that Wen du ma.
ports, take charge of 01.1 the maim It! re.
r "" b tbess i =ost soy trod soy u tit=a z zi " 4 ll llte lea *las t' :
ay this kiariesaly, am we defy one of miasma
ta to Mow than they WM detained 48 blies by as to
earpool, tlantunds of others • 411 detained
stonUto, mil they could be vent to some eel grad, st s
/ 6 v., tieb wo r ip. : l l .l4•Tet their gains: t
west it cosy. and not sot sa eru the coos last
a y, coat
with ether olleerar- who sither-pedmseti sot Or
Moo It suited stair eenveniattee.
Wade draws PIIIIbIIIIOI frizzy um dream to
LiONl,Pslabla wry ebbe_ provincial Ranee In lir
lead, •Uind, ilootland sad Wale& •
lilleopeas aufGenoial Agent,
ism& ass door Wit. Weise
11 1 4 4 . 10 AEIZI:1111.: 1 134, DaPITI tei
6 esti Rua;
100 bids :tyk#Airy; Ibr Ws by
non 11111CPWRILII
0„1 . 4y1, f t ! T i i ; . llf A R rn i,, a il.
W ••=siN....milwaidii."`ZrArktik
Tn,,,..,6„,,kc aca,ptuanor la pan tba fniewinai nat
1 E.ginh Sipa Do al Velvet Pile Cara, 41...
Dolitili and Alawrieaattnireala " .. D
Extra &penile Imeenie 314,
4 f 144 1k.?•
.. .- . .
gam a ine (A '
' iwa cairtratra ratio Patantebanille
Extr Ana Dap;
Mae •
_• - • " . . Duped= der do Ruing
Oammoo, all wool, ." ' "' Tufted Shim
•,. COllO4 " Flne . •
' l4 ,lland Tap Venetia . Gunman "
44, 4 , sad . 4
Twill'd Carp. Dora Wll.Oll
4,4 and 14 plain Cu. Common do . • •
Lilt ad,
sad Rag Carpets, Chenille Door Met a, "
84 Printed Mnon Carpals. Tufted
84,74: 64, 154, 44 anal • Ad 4 ald • -
• 011
18 Cloths,. .•. , ' Pt
a., t i 4, 44, &wa in; 7 z grimeda pih bla " ano COMO
ineh anda& Oil' tWa ta .
•Dr antra; - + cased ?land 'n '
" Table
• Ooaalr RStrioaaos. led woolen • - "
Blue and DratiCialks; . 8,4 Stand , • •o• • •
° " . " Ph l, • • • ldneaand woniud ".
4._ ..4' ' Damask Mar Linen; •
• R o maaf a r clulais; .1 Turkey Dal Chlnnea; •
' Watered iiEllliial•
~ Chars Do 'dation .
• _.. moo, Coolish Oil Cloth Table
DadHolleadforWBb • ovinw
Traltapassar,, 0101/.1 Limes anal! cloths
Preach tamp. " B ' . ' Woolen •• • .
•Votediut ILUnda; - , Bran 8:alr Rodig
711 =4 , 4 r Ti . b 1 14 5 1,1aen, • • ' &air
Dit rin l;
Rawls Crash; lam rad Coeo ate;
BeoleltDiaphy; '' ' aliaant and Skeleton Blau;
Brown Linea Napking 54 and 44 Ore= Oil Cloth
Canaan 0111 Cloth Table for B li nk
Corm; • fluetablet Diaper;
- .
_ •
Hasa Oii Conn, from Ow matt approved Eng+
Halt and Aniatioan• ananalkettne F. from 111 to 54 feet
la width, which will be • cat to it rooms, halls, and
tnestibalas litany sins or ahape.
.The andandtwal banal IraPortni diteet from Eng.
latal, his Weal Pile atekTapesu7 CARPETS. These I
Cava% wklek we of Ike (wed sod mei Vass
urea and
and gibe ma
will be sold at pikes ea low as they kgrprrehe=
km in soy et th• einem oltfaa.
• •
• ado,
flirting the largest oil '
of tbe richest sod
PLY and IRORAIN CARPETS ertilei far aorpuses
St quality arid cheapness of price, arig sow:elm. VVVVV
Wars bantskt Wilds eity. He also menu Steamboat
lien and Coach Aganafeeturers to hi, large arid well
ramrod ustatmeettorTiUMMlNGS,and otherartleles
aetteantrg lo their Stainers.
TSa anderegandite *Bonsai for the only Stair Red
Shatifainory La Philadelphia, and to prepared to sell
lower than den W parehuod elm:when, to Ude city.
• COe
A A. ILILSON t. CO., Oa Iderliet West, between
41La Third end Poella,art now receiving a lugs es.
sonneattruer De LG.; Fenian Cloths,. en
gin, low &lowa Crape De Leash isai whit
a the
auartment of
Ind other col or s
et the Inset styles and most fashlonabbs
bap prism o • ava; •
Kinsonsi-40 bL mookl, dipped. and ovrm;
landOEP-IWbzi Dram aqa &Vial OWN
Curosan dot limp and maniUm
D.= 4O , , NMEM
50 - 01Dozonan end ban Spanish;
Fra-13 brigand hallbals Iblankorskand Salmon:
Illara-40 bre a:anted slam
Ilys!-31:0 Prima
I.ooo3agaz OnPathan;
sed k.i ,
hcona.loo Ms 3 P sad IN;
bz—Ur dna Mariann Black and COpTinr:
id,orip-10 bras N ClMeanm
Id ball kis ftsz BOOM
Nonairm-31 don ansomfeanNtara
htnennamm-6blbo Doltang . •
Vazarmasai.4o the do
tinaa-4100 kap amoral;
Nnuani.4 dasJars mmatak
Paanzas—N bookelo Wien
Parai-40 reams ammo%
PLOTto-120 Ina Daanntam
nonp-30 tan Roids and Dm meal;
ifteaa-40 N Orielp:a lad Nmilo4;
Taa—N pieta/NM:t e a and Blank; .
Mnantan—eo bra It, a An lompi
Drum Bann - po w tent Zum•
For sob by • - S LIAM &co
nals , Comes of FLU and Wood ot.
W • .
FVAST RIBS! FURSI—Tho D onbonibet. sill ocy
._ Ibr Coms,ll/ok, Sink any Ltd Sad froz,
and ill bode of abl,ppOit Fan, Um highest oasis=
Iniess • • • MeCOSD Or. OD, •
• able . &Oast Fifth Lod Woad sto.
• "-
• r 17Tib
ilniaiturshipt a/'nazi/Ds:met mei
. S:=11 , 1 John desl, la Hut Gateety, Prodaso
sad basis, was dunwratd by manta'
consent. ore the tilt thu. dlr. Jolla Be-n hayLvh put.
chased We =tin Jams TUNIY, *o the
inn, the bastaass soil Demisted by him. as Welt old
stared, No. Wood st. JANE S TaSSEY,
OWN :• • • •• JOHN HEST.
Paper 1-
_iris. go.
g,ramcvsztacaom—Pful be receireCby int
WW : MitatArnighlralifaht
La gold, '
T l f~_Oo,yuuetAny hatetetbze =whir berareen S.
atisld aad lota 814 udder Atm et
8. BlU Ha
tatai a Co., thiada y dascdred du
cense,. The business of the Old dna will be tented by
S. 8-Baskteld, at the old stand, Ndele Liberty steam,
, „ 8 138381.18L0,
ata 1,150. JOHN : GILL.
& D. DllSittliillD Did GEORGE RICHARD will
earner Ow Mew Wink *awl Dry Mato will
134 . • .•
b="6.l.'z• Tk!B.4.4ltiki".""Vai.".—Dast,
• 7 assoasatedONA ar, tae VON.
" ON&T. •ftm&Uudas. sad TarritUarbasi.
masa, sm tiro mR. IL sa4 W. a. Wara•san.
aumlaa la Mara lAN b. am, Wed Umtata/wattle at
M t Wtts= & •at me akt aand, N. MI Wa.
tat sad IN haat mt. • L. B. WATER/Watt
WILD ORRERY the treat remedy Mt
Me beet medicine Monte
• to et. let Asthma of every Mare, Liver
Atebde h au.., G
oofg hs e ,
m eras.,
PM. a nd WP . M 10 10 . M. h,
lireatt a =a4 ell other
of the
A very Ltapotteto disease 0100 this Deem olt
ens a vetyzemerf fiD ol telhomate Met of •
In this coMplaiet It Oat ondao.butili jimmied men
idleaeloae than my remedy h hbatoomNoyed, tad ID
001001001 insiattees when patient. bad ender. long
.4 been sarsring Immthe tilsoeses,ertilmei roe..
IM least benefit from mimes remedies, sad mime
Maury has been rescued is ia vale, rte Ise of this
Selma has rimmed the Liveries loodthy aetiret sad
ta Imo 1110.0.11C10 effected petametat eat., after
l ever,
ant. tam,. ttatod: hod NSW to ptoptos UOll
I Bonder in eateanklag nicety lo the dinenahove
anulat4,. ore also lad la away offocaral remedy to
not la whin It km been aneashrely
eV= pre
cocoon, tees la new of Inn'
standing. WA% tbe nonue of larolllgeoce husrown
op knovitledge of the elements of hulth, sad - a re.
pp for then end coonannarately MGM/d.'o(
.Cienee bus we anoint' Un noun of unclog dl.
eon, and avowing Ite revagoa Intwalinaning the
progren we hare mad., oddities new that. ern
nnantlen, sae din of in whole popolatlea die anntly
of e
On a In mit Lament dbletivettee el the an al , he
cundienolag nWtloo of das large elan of saf•
nog nuesalty, Is
Whanhe Balsam of Ch eme lino Borba
Bodkin, composed oink' of Wad Cherry Bark Lad
the genet= Conan Mon,She haw Imported uprose
-17 lala perpesa,) In rare inedirmal ninon of
oink can area combated by a sew anneal patron,
Tlui the extract of Tex, nu rendering the whole
composed the swat cenahs sad eilleamose mead,
nag discerned for
00X811111/710N.0P TUB LUNGS..
LID Maker elidteerel of-the remargable genitive
properties of Mis inestimable propulsion: .
RuseatAvals, Drew' 00,0., Aug. Abort*l.
afemni. Saatigml A Patin Ogg
Inst. tte I Mena dm UUCP sir Widues Balsam
of Wibisme, btu with weas reactance on my pan,
for Ibb mason that I had bunt the agent of ws many
pub ad other nostreas, which were alleged op to
be teething wonderfel, bat which tented oat hi the
end to be of no seeming whatever, except* tee man.
outliner. .thit I oandelly admit that ties time I have
been deceived, On Um ezusentinary cures effected by
Wistarta Mimes hava convinced to. that "good can
come out of Nuareti.". You agent left me one dos.
en bottles, which lure all gons—havitj bees the Means
of caring immoral obetinnui rues Consumption—
and no rebuke; lox what 1 toe and know E am bond
to better" One eau In pandeolan Aymoos gentle.
Ina in Vilneleeter, Adams cony, 0., 10 miles tin •
eau pugs, won eared ed Commonest when this doe.
tore bag given Mai upon et least could do nothing for
him; gut it was the intention of Ida friends to colvey
Dm to you city and place him - ander Ma can of Immo
eminent ph thaw Bat • friend told him of
Winer. Belem; and that he could obtain It of
Be um Mr l 4 ad before the second bottle was gone
wae Nunn and mull, and eleablieg table everyday
As thero axe several bles for the Mel.
etee. It w orld be well to forward ' onaddi ti onal supply
without delay. Very reseeetfailv, yurs
The ebreee, from L. Newlend,Em.,e Ntly reoleel
able country mantissas, e l nub Rub to
Me candid attention of 11l those who hove d led
the peat merit of Wlstaes Wild Cherry Datum
memb n
er the minimal sad only mains W e
Re W
ef IN Marrow introduced I M you
la; and Au Cebu well Mined eomplatnts for
Which It Is mcontinendat. Per 17 years it ttas purred
Cern efficasismil as a remedy for Cough., Cold., into.
onus, amebas, Asthma, and .Consuniption in Its in
ebbs% sta_ges,_Man any medicine.
, . sw Rustiont. Aug.eal /0, Mb.
FL,W.Etrwiet Raving Men M cear-ale.
pablltiell in relation to Dr. Wittuu's Raismit ll of. Wild
Charm, i las this etitiorundry d eferieg • wale in
its Am, which you are also at liberty to publish. A
Ow months since my wild. lugs became so rime af
fected with • sodden Cold that she ion her some, and
pergeseg severely from pains In the ['NUL Her situ..
Lion calmed her Meads e.noh alum. Playing haul
you &Mem strongly recommended by Won who
purchased • bottle ibm your spot In tids
Oleo. She took It according to direntlons, and It pro
awed a wonder/Watch 'Before using end bottle she
had completely niamentsi he Itcdoe,tha pales beheld.
sd i and her health was soon telly rewstebtiehed.
y ours, map. • HENRY O. BRIGHTMAN. '
To Dumenrmain DRUMM ltanamaa.-111 Icel.
chinned end InfalLble remedy for the can of Consuls.-
Wm, AA= and /Awn Cuduidllui,hu by Cu, Own ono-
rim, been regintlYi , IBM and LIVE wetting .10 way
through opposition of que s, end ebatuerfeltersi
umti,loy lie t i e value and umlaut ezcallenee it 11111
joined the itself" most enviable p0pui.,27..4... b .
tished Wulf In Me croatideume of an tnielinreet sad au
lightened piddle, Rom
end alias continent to the
other. • The testimony of thoasauda 'Mohave been re
lieved and cued by this voluble ankle, Inn sues
du moulds antivalled—al the bead of
dminei, for the aim of diseues for which tt la recess ,
ail othefmk•
marled. .The pub. Dr. letrierts Want of Wild
Cheery 4 stew for sale by duly apjudutud Armes, ad
reqeemble dealer, in MWielnes, In all largo cube ,
Ind ell imlstrutm towns broughoat the mita Lines.
Parrett puSottia I ISM WSW Mr Is.
&Id by J. D. PAR& baccessortoßandford &Tired
Posse and Walnut MMus, Cinelanall, Onto, die0,..1
um he the Sub and -Wells to whim LI orlon
. _
L. Wilcox, Jr !mei 11. Joarm 10;14 Iko.o AC
Montan /a Chr, Phisbargt. T. Ilaaudli Wag,.
farm W. IL Lombarwo, Franklin' L. /L Darrie,
Volontown; H. Welty Oreensbarik liCoa
gel; Beau & Witty t
deal Ka. o_r_r_, ikalkyty flifikbeirt I IE 00.,01.;
unt: J. E. Kluane nin Elem.& co. Wart:
Wilma II Bea, Waynotwria; 100artarkl
o h N. Oillgo.U.r, Meadville; Sumo is co, gem J.
Amur; /saga, Kelly t Ors 80110 &Bala
001010. 0. Ilarmaroa. Warm; F. L. CAI, ammo;
Coalleoparc P. Oroctirarr 111//10404111;
QELLFJZ.St FAMILY % lyay are the
n. 7 Madlcitlee of the day." .
_ - rab= Station, Ohloadny igen..
E-Ihdlene--I th ink it rliroi,Vir the deflator othen,
to state' mane facie to relandu to you eieedietta Fy
I here .lited your Vennifuge largely. In. my own
family, one Tit! frequently 'guano, lugs quantize
(ray 100 lo worn.) from two children. I hero
Lo rued your Liver Pills and Cough gyro in my
family, end they Lace, In emery igatsilee, produced
the crem. desired. -
. • . •
As t h atm erixaced in merehandlring,l am able to
rime, Lbase yet to hear of the hut Mare where
ate. have been Used lo Reti oldie
count. In - emielation, I may state It= the y
are the'
°editing' of the day, aud'aie destined to hate umni
outmodes popularity. Yoe.. n M et i feli k m.
H Pi
' Ptepaiel and told by IL E. SHUMAN° 75 Wood
meet, and sold by Druggists sener,lly. inAO two
°him and Head .
tiLL ; Y • ClPleno—vl, lag aim w Mediemis of the day?'
• • fininaata I t tug.
IL M Seller.: I thing right foram benelirof others
;to mate snag lacy to relation to rear ateellsni Fatal-
Versales° largely myawirsrm
ily, one virrAfre...c l ently aniwering for expellingi. .go
haashitlss lily 1 th.lool worms from two chilling 1
mod your Liver Pills and lough Cyrop in
any &mar, and they have- in every human prahroed
the effect desired.
As I ant throated In mso'reutadlaing, I. run able to
state that (bale yeti.* hear of the -fast Valium where
year medicuors hare been sued in my mon= of the
=s l : 4; fliTd ia i n e rat ' d l air Imre, toot
bale thay nig;
extensive popularity. Tours.
sv. IC. moral-
PrePared lad sold by R. e •V. Llo3,lloSy Wood
stria; and mild by Durum* g enmity In the two el
ties and eternity. ' • • InVal •
a.A original, only true sod gemtine Liver P itt.
• Seoul Caw, Ohio canary, Va.
Dna E. &Item Dew 1/IG-1 think it duty I erre
to you and to the pablia fintra kr, to stay that I have
been &Closed with the 'Liver Complalat for. a, bog
time, and so badly that miabeess formed and brute,
which lea= In a very low state. Herring beard el
Sear celebrated Liver Pills being-for isle by A R
Sharp, Wan Marty, and reemzunerukd to me by
my Physician, Dr.E. Smith, I eonetutied to grre them
a ralr trlaL purchased ma bar, and found them to ,
holust whai they are recommemtled, THE HEST LI-
Vh.ll PILL MR USED; told atter taking four bares
1 Ind the disease has mainly tell me, &ad I am now
perfectly won. Itrapectridly yours , . •
West Liberty, March Ml,ltstst.'
I certify that I am persdnally aegualmed with Mr
Coleutii,and can bear testimonyto the truth of the
*brae re:therms. • A R SHARP
The genuine Liver Pills are prepared . sad sold by
Elt eLLEILS, No trr Wood lancet, end by dmggics
in the •wo dams. •
. . ,
TO THE PU BLIC..-The original, only the and den.
oleo Liver DUD are prepared by RESolters, and have
Lis name stamped in blank wax open the ltd or each
her, sad hit opiatere on the outside lemmas—ell
others are counterfeits, or hue Imlualona.
@ E SELLERS, Proprietor
Liao% the Rev ASA SIIINN, a well known uid pop
J.' afar CO alike Ptoteitaat Methodist Chunk
Tea ham; bans Me tad doingthepast
winter with a mesa stomach; sometimes ono
dada:imam pain In the stoutachfor mos twelve boars
. withounatuassaaladand alterhaahsi Died TUiali ,
smoothes with 4 • Triseawasfuwith bottle'
afpf DilJaa'a Gs actin Salaam This kayoed asv
-o=l4 the dLeatiaous t and found invariablythastida
a oilseed ths pain webers itt Onus or braraila.
its*, and in Afton unready miasma every
sensation wai auandy quieted. The medicine was Si'
term& wad whenever lullaationsof the aJproach ol
shore re peroetved, asultkopain woe thereby prawn.
ed. Ha continued to use the =Solna every seeming
and sematimas is the monrofg, sad in • a few monks
health wasp:Harr motored, Oar the sada!, was relies
sd from slams emanate( oppressive palls. :Farms
Quicooe i theralbre. n ears coalideutly • recommend D
D Jayne's Chisailnadva Sahara, as a salutary medloin
for Magma of tha stoma and bowel.. • 4. ISHINND
Fa; sets in . Plotebs rib st Lnet i ar i rrnl l iggin
79 Fourth stret, neer Wo a and eLes et theDres
Store or Fl P POITWARTZ, Ve era' meet. t Allegnesl
171 X mitrellelaT TO!
Cloitsum, Combs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, LW.
sr Co t, Spann! Blood, DlMealty of. Buono •
tug, On In the Md. and Dives MOW don et •
the Hsu% Influenza, Croup, Broken Cow.
alretion,,Bore Throal,Nervau Dahl&
%end all Diseases of Ma Throw, •
Moan and Lugo; De inartal, •
fugal sad speed-7 artne
• am known/or say of
rho Ogg ducat
tywiwywnowel Syrup or Villa Cherry:
Tidereedictna u no lawn among those of &reheat
attury. It Imputed away trom nut tiroesarda daily
lannehed tam the nde at experiment, And now mat
Mita nwntialen, and lebeeontlay more extennno
ly.asod than any Whey preparation of osedioloo •711
Fre'd(Oe the ghat os stularing wan.
ois.__ bent utrodeced Tem genera ll y through the
Coital Etaiseano iturrpe,=d Was aro kw movie of
=Mt! A b lvxlrdLts m4 l 2.. ante ' li ' rtkr bi*
stetementsown of tho oat= sod eltna4. of this mew
-1:„..t, goad/tor v.:11 1 11:er
t o .. fe o w pr o . f=tr a ti.
men of Ow drat respectability who be,, highly
TLOWII of Warn regonntabry dad lenge, th an to ear
-11/7 to facts, because It do soothers Bear, and
ihreselves so Inlastice. n Each testinony proves cam
el:terve ty, Etal in avenging needle:tee 1. established
by Its intriasaa mrsits, and the anputenonable author:-
0 of pahlio opiente. The inst. Lutetium relief it af
fords, luid.Ore Ewhing billhaneo dldued shrough the
what Anew hyena' en, readers ft • moss agreeable
moody tor UN
olilflaen mot sang Man eroaselenttoss unpowW,
rolarnatily beat tostimon7 to the troth of a thug. 'or
parturalar factoreelstnointony, being contrary to then
worldly Inserestsond purposes, cotters cOUrietion of
Ito mat L and comment Itself In a special manner to
eolWeol enedancou--011ogan I e Mond Malan
Mat. AiletUnaMe) Pouranowr Oreernatynom—
There newer no
a remedy that has been es anmental
to Minimise eases of Connemytton„ as Dr. Yelyae's
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, -ft anorthic* the
*Wen, and appeals to heel the Item en the Inn",
mete g 'new and rich blood; power' pommeled by ho
over eilkhia.
Cumin Co, April esui4gag
D. 8a eye. --Ikar I verily believe you Cow.
pound Situp of Wild Cherry Itaa been the Means or
erring my . I might a scare cold, which 'radi
ally grew tuna, =ended with a severe cue., that
maimed all the reatedleavrinch I had unarm tq still
iggregaieg via my cue exhibited all the symptoms of.
Pulmonary Commuiption. Every thief I trted mimed
op have no effect, sad my caraplent increased so tepid
ty est friends ea well as myself, gave .p all hope/ of
my recovery. At tibi time lwarscommended to try
.you invaluable medicine: I did so with • the mew hap
py recant. The gut Wale had the effect to Imo= th e.
;MT It
11 '1 = ;ITZlit " l., wa . "Nla
now as Laity a man i ever. area to my um, at
....."44/4 ay fakrmstlonntm . aCngmy
I: 2 =lr=
whlel I ant so grarefar For tits tnth of the for
I refer um to Polar Ruh,' Grow, Wut
Witam, annum I parellastal tho
yours, - • /AXIS WWI
. Woshrfel Can of a 11144:44 tkialuimm,• •-
Dc.s.sym—Dear sir. I feel a debt Olgratitads de*
to yon—and oder to tho Meted gennally, to .er, d
my tremble testimony in favor of your Compound By.
- nap of Wild Cherry. Same throe years eine* I was
Mcleod, sneaked with cold and lailsamation of the
t osonv, which Ins -aceamparded w i th • dlelmuing
htellMMl L i n of °Atilt macs fr and ' om
4 finc:o°lniar.x., - .7her= s
woe ifgl P4
soon carrinosedtha idl y
oder Into commis.,
tion. I raw daily weaker , mot at length woe sumo ,
ly able to wale Mom, or oak above • waive; ms
oho enewileg weakness atm' nut. th e,
tunelbadratedurioas preparations an 4 PlSSelip
but found ho rehet6-grevring ell the olom worn. Jan
hers I was adv.ed and pomaded by, a dear Mend In
WUnslngum to sales trial of yoar Syrup of Wild Cher-
rr. , I toast =woes that erosional,/ h.s4 been pent.
dueid against Went Inedienzak and I ma still against
Ouse "waded out of the bands of emportes r bM under.
stand/arrow edam to the professes* and pramlem of
madleine, and having Impltoltfoith In Ike saylagnt my
Mends, I fowinitok purciussed of Dr. Skew, one afysso
wins, low boodles, and commeneaditsM dis
ease mu at Ass Was of Wm 95 months' standing,yus
eloquently' it wee deeply ruled. I found, however,
aonsidorabla tete from the use of the Inn fur or Ivo.
batiks. But bang a publitispeaket, brobeently at
tempted to mend' with my, inersasing streuth, and
thoondoy mimed thou v noels that ka4 already began
to hull in **way, doubtless, my cure was dreally
'retarded. In desepoonce of wing thes lintoraderd.
I had to Si. mono or Moon bottles before I true..
f ti e t==it: ' o o lli s d rosie s.
rude me salad, be,
the above indmerekon. The Syrup Waged the fere
rah habit, mole ...ay the distressing cough, put limn,
to the die:harps of meter hate the loam and R.,
them and the ea:us system good boalik. I eau defer
red a/Feriae this certificate emit now, for the
of belny pedeou satiatedwithMe permenene=
cere,and now eat I feel perfectly I offer n with
pteassne N. Co. aunty Nay. J. P. Junks.
Wolin ,
hiptireatta Centrum—Rea& Reads
Thin, I. Lotto a pm= preparation of Wild Minim
and Pas Ls Dr. Swarosl, the first ever:far:42 the
pa . Ws. whieh been eel largthe th e
Unite &nee, and tom: parts of Tair
titration caw by th e name of WU Cberry have
tows pat not free this, ender cover of seine deceptive
cisftwesenties Al outer to pre cannucry to then. salmi.
By &Unlit obiepanon, no persoa need rattail tie
pantos from O f , Mira Each bottle of die german is
eavehrped wit a beinclAti steel cognising,. with the
Lanese Of ROM= Peen Amon, aloe, D e ,
'ilanaranc and w further eecarity, the portrait of Dr.
Samna will Le added lie-mantiroto as to elstleptien
his preparation'orm all :then.' Now, Ilk was not for
the peat canines propo ran and known upon,. of D r .
Swans , ' t4oinantrid Syrop of Wild Cherry, pennon
would not be Ineleavonng t live eurrency en their
by mann/ • the name of Wild
Chem. • fternatber, always bear In mind the name
of Dr. Sanyo* :vid be not deceived.
Princlpal OM., corner. of Eighth end Race Iliftets,
hamalt and retail y 00Ci &SNOW.
DEN, 2d 111.1 Wood lan. l IA PR U NE STOCK
Co, ear Ist au. Wind, and 'eln and Wood sts; WM
THORN, SY hineket stl S JONES, IPU Liberty st,' JAB
A JONES, on stand and Penn BIN JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegnens city, nod by HI respectable dealers in I
medielne. • I
vor Sad. C07•74*. ---
oNbEatra"Tabelfigro' new, from a cab
de bath second hand Salty, In good orane. nd a
gala at this
Polo. Reduced.
riE SUBSCRIEISHO Will Alueprowe best
guilty and blatt tett gibes and Soso Macre
• Mb, warrained rupenor to aoyother brand r t
3f by ;boom:611y of 6 tom or now brae for earrebey
6 Peareed Notes, at four wants, prat for a tow glom
Jett • . ' Many area.
TALL° ClOllOll, A. 7 0010 P.
101FERBEY,l FLAMING & Cu, Orrin
t rezalluna ration to tie sato of domestic
.tock or Tenzin' I. ltlOugrit, off r
Frenith l iffil
Gerona itaialmon n lt'a at 801 eon.
• • • • Ilk • OAY vi.W.O.No♦co
1.49,15 , 00 d st
IDLEACII4NO '3WDER--41) tubs hut Muynitt
'Lly Bone brand, **riot atilele, for We b
e 76
CA Atutprane, dicta • a 6, and to auks
Bleuteptup Powder, arrived per ship Ozaabtlege,
and "our etitoner ult by meal. Ott sete&
.N. 13.—Tbiy Keefe*, dating tbek *ate;
swollen els see".
au !mediae applied reo r der,r by .
grail . ORO INkIIIRAN. Or W wed
' 1 ' • —4lO raze Sava MIN. WI •
tin IP* by A ki ENGLISH 4 CD
it NM it
.~,-.a .~ . _,,., _
PLACE BOGE—L . ,, ontribihn the &Man of the
Oran ute Cern Mates; sad of thin at-
Menne Erna ..Coute oa las ofElithanta Ckes.
I."4roiZ= tattetir=tameir=4:7l...end
.',244.19,4= .4eitiWiaireblemPohlit•
nodicatine By Win. ban, COwliallor at
Law. Jan no. Maim' for Ws b6 c i roN
Roo tre k coghtastat A Third eta
ira Lltaranent,
At osik-i th..... Perfanely Via avid Mannan lino.
are. li .
kir album. Wink
'" 4.1-4 4 7- bilare and acetins. Lao..
, tetra. Wm.
UGern- - -Wiet I Kw la Callan'.
St Plena—. Paal Tweak von fitlful:
Alcoa—rnuers to Yoe. lank I rmo.
Ernimp—teis Mo..
Verieorn— Rkleeeti of Ruarnra Frew& routtem, • ,
Newzdam—camp 114= ..
Plamboldt— x = r
SPZO lAL N led Pbaath at
If lane pane w arithetelloal
wart morn amee&
mil be re mad meta sod miry , Teacher in the
Wined maim
_Lam nen application
FL & Co d :rwood sum, pimberph,
(pm peld.) weak le mum,
GRAMMAR 0F.19,177a11enc..
Or, All Analyeis ens Lep.. or Imues..4
The followingnottes is copied fine
Mites . of Jan. rid, Inch—
Aintrimuc, IT Cies. Diem L L D.
Mt.., PP: this work the Inumers of
and constrapdon of reuntersoue canchit
rited ij uif?lke " :llhatiek cl ai t itl a • ths lam by :hi h W. brogan ere connectedwok rack m h u Atze &ea
Mr there us ukm
dred • luy eight tienem: ay oataldnado. Ilk la
mamma nal oomapoadaaa to alma Of Oar Co*
non tentellitei and that these Cambuzalleas We sal
ralanewad tomb? u m be all saremed by only
sixty three Gt woods The WM= PrilFerna,
coma time words to memory, and Wen len d the
retain instead avian thorn, as now pntadaad:
In another respect the alu' POWWWI InPart•
melange nanny: to consider and mat all [whoa
as entire thlog i having mina relation to alien,
rem which were dented.
"We seemly need say Utat Who work Morns
the lageoulry and skilfal attain% kir which Professor
Danes , mbar this matt are lately celebrated.
We commend n ib the mention of practical teachers,'
bMa un in
ttury will find it crowded with new ande - •
Flom the ZWasoors at Ms Paint. •
'mama, ArAnnrs or 17. 8. wrn Poem JanlL
'The Gamut of Arithmetic, by Pronasor D.M.,
Pregame the maim in a men Matt. It so =Linos
Asthma as to Impress the mild of the leaner with
the ran paciples of mathematical Menee in mix
right elder and et:maniac, and this new Mee for the
reading oflxons araefgrcumennal vans.
Wiped, M. H. Minnie% Pes of Nat ihEx..Phil.
R. Chan& pre or mtuarauen
IL Mahan Pref. or Enginenar..
A.S. BARNES 4 Co. wound renenilay annontes
es Learns., • sad to aU Immtned in nuactnaileal
sernetkin, Matta, will paha, en or Ware the let
bedizen IMO, ne nUowlairermic—
THE =imp
thean of the
Name anhi f °Oho best Methods
of Imparhat bstraction. Chas. Diniet,
Author a.% Complete Eynon ontall000laCt."
N. a—s.a. Barnet & Cle.„ its D.,
tho prninhars cif
Danes. System ofidatimmum.
79 W _
ood a Ma
unt in Mb city by A.M. ENGLISH &Co., Na.
• t. a alp •• pima
fIiVINE es Ilan all SUM Dolly Day;
%.1 - Dory Jones; Go Sown to do clot= F
Nally was a Lath &S. • .
• De bled to de Loved Ones at Hobe;
Row thy boas Tram Lave, by T. Hood;
our way egress ... be sea, iltstu;
Joy. bowers enntalu, Wedding Efareln
Goa bleu the bud, ne• Schuylkill Waltn
Conseript% Depazan. bAC. Moses;
Hounds bons Hmr, Tr Mayennarldsobe
• Last Rase or Hammer ea raziauons by Rent Dated Maus PoltaJ Laalps Bonvents Poles;
Con Club!? SiaaSsnle; Loulsolle Quadrille;
, • Bowies of Italy; Duns; Trim, to.
A lupe 1at01420.131 ot New Undo ashylb idleak
addltkuu no wads wsekty. Ike sal* by
bb3S . • J. H. etezzos, et Wend at.
TILE WAR MITE REZIOO, by It.* Ripley; .
Elms= of illatorta_
. t complain ai s t i = at
the Laws ot Moral 'Ersoltuos and ot • by
Maud whassir_ , ,a D• • '• '
` tiny CO .anaLLO 1 1 1 1 0/ 4 . 14 14 Boil w.. 11 0i4 1 4
The 3 ., :a, a Narti
• Fairy A= all Notano6- by attalionyll. Km
;alba; ' IN LUsattatiatta_by Doyio .
amit. retfd by , . JOHNSTUN STOCEIEM.
dela ' : moat Thud aad Market stream.
Dew acrid =mast ems lberelear
A 7 fteWlcl edit eleven intend derldas by r•ierr.
, Poicas and PENNI Writibirs, by Richard 11.; Dabs; A
• librodasted Oaru &Medved Peery DI
dons engraved on mei: by Jahn "12
Jut received try . JOHNSTON it lITINIITOW
• den Tided and Muter au
p Igli h re t e a lP4=oullutfo al Nrz:
dia Prafaulaa Lhe CoamaiDAYl Dy N.Venb"
.t 9 L- ftrikitue Ds Monta4 Hui g eethpitsiug
Ida Edam Lems s /.. By Wm.
Nia.. a. L
am. Us Bm.. By & Remy La
-I°lBl. of an Tow
n ayearilaal b ildluophy, nal• e 412.4
earner Idartat.4 llardtmeeta
- - -
ILI OM) a • and ill•terr.
UHUAII bY Bowe it Deo% Toth cloth sad
bowie. at lit caws per wit. Mow Yoh" weeitod, and
!or tale by , It HOPKINS,: - •
apl7 ' Aloha Bulldogs, north N.
7 _ Slow Heatia. •
n EDB URN, His PIM Voyage, by Hamra Hellyillo author oPTypee,."Oatito,a te.• ' , •
History of Wog Alfred Eagiaad, by itteob Abbot;
with baot ergrarimp.
Sidostia the &mower. by Wo.
JOHNSTON & errocirrog, .
tomer Tidal and Market airway
AT `Ows of tas Abu Iturotails Works of the Ark,
_INS; with*. menu
w . Wait to du Quasars variation. of Yulls.
tart iann, and the ItC/1411.. or Dull•WorahLayardippewr, an.
Ingstry Lan the Manners and Ana of the Woolens As.
ayl Dy lam Bury C.
lwithh introdaelOS7 a
Not, by Prof. E. Rotuma, D. D. L. „
LLD. Illertr.ted with 13 plates and maps, and WI
wood ews. vain Bra elodbillA3.
'Me book Mut a nu mown of guplio, Wald, plw
taresue nartsths.s.4l3balts.
`The wort of Luard is the wow oinaainait contd.
Won to the a annuity, that bu smart:4 foe
.Wot i resrexeslak l Utstthat actottfd
and ha mba r ginn by bfLr. Layord.A— Washington
!..1.8 we follow the dimes with Weaddean Lowest'
In their exeunt/ow, sod seddaaly bad ourselsoa be.
fore a mandre Agars bred with mime asenraoy.
now liftur its Visalia bead tows the don of 3000
year., ws are wady wen ow with the astonished
dratneigalLsh. 4la waaderdd, bet It is tror
dFr 3
' ramie hy , JANES IL LOCICW(NID,
' novill ' 53 Roods
4B7o3tert of too OM and Now lbountont.
. 3 itod by NIL Swaps, aD. I vol.. Imp. 8y0,„
tly bawd; le esq•loboly SWAM ongrovinvo
not down:Wow tty Withrow Bawl= Clornotois
YOBBS BY AnM.,l•4 Iblts. %dim of KA) a DOW
sad ' collared odnion; illantwed 61 nnitraYini. from
mIW• -os by BNB. mown boa legato
t d d todi Lion—A Minty of sidwaid Anna.
■ad Gm
SewolPs CNN% First Boob of tie Nanny of Boma
THE LUXIBIANICbi Askew*, suatea br
ow of 0 yentonN e ,itt r
uts Wltoolmiyhts,. Saw.
you, Lomtonotto, cod Anal= powony:
baJmy tboyoogb end ?maim te:Wtonsorw
Wm swun g Dec Dy D. AL YAW' A.
• Botw'm Truth* on limb MI6 IL
-Oftendottrs Nwoontnl7 Bnciwb Olumboit #Y Prat.
Orton of Brown Untwroity. • I rd. Mao,
fleseatwollobnew Gramm. by Conant
Genowto , Hebtow LIIItiCOII
Loomis , Tdoonmostry nod LoyariNain UMW. 1
Tim sogaebman4oroot Cowordinoe. 1 raiment-
, . •
, Anthoes Claadeal Belie& •
WObSlSeaDiCtiOnisy, Mae , ' ed. I TWAT*.
do do unabridged. 1 v ol.
Dann Notes Oa Quadrats on Now Teutotes-..t.
-)lcaliebn4 Berttudatniell Nlitary. 3 volt.? sod ft
Willies of Crainin. 1 o/Nino.
..No: .. norla among Me Joanna at vol. (clot/
Seariiirtion Uri Teloproi.kas Trionwhed. 1 v'oL
(cloth and paper/
• BogueFro enlogl lag eat Leonean.: / voL ern (cloth/
Ardeft nonne Bible. . •
SinanYFar Salo bj R HOPKINS,-
aovl3 A • WIWI •,„. Aurnk ai
. • ' 1 • 'mkt& to- *own o
Montaigne, nbed by H. Brallte, eoinarleing hta
1011, srla natty pout t uw ourra ... thronhtherrenty sad
leal and Brblitgrankreel Nk pi„ kr
r s.;
Theory end Brine* ot , era= Matins
and Methods of, Ilard &hoed- , • r , Dent
Plage, A. M c Batavia= of ths Niue blera= &hoot,
Alb_any, N.Y.
..d n rda i rPnr . Fish cil s"
_ Plehlo er et e L U. : ff ilthe. en*
Wm-Herbert. JOHNSTON & au4ver,
non comer ?birdied Matto so'
The Orden•
TAME A LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Daporter,
No. 63 Wood street, has for rye stew erg:inseam.
Pine, Ole rannunter of the octant%) of this unable
work ; devoted tone Panernxion of Docomenis, and
other authentic launassuloa roans( tune slaty th
=orations, nutcase= aod ht 6 Pwrkutent of 06 OM M T
around the head of the Ohio. By PlanDs
41., or Pasimilt, in voia
novlo J. A
ta4ZILLN - LlbiltrYs A lllstory.nth ;offtefa".
Llbeny of ono, An an b I atimur. Dy'Doefte
• Eng. Inasusied wink neoho ellfrfm 2 P.." -
otned at Room. !von., fhb, ao/tona *baron... ti
- ..^.eal Works. .. .... ..
ntblisbed ma for We by , -.1 . - '
JAMES D. wetwoOn, ti , alralgrsa
rID , . r booentnlnWood et .
' Just
Irmo. IS our - mu. FANNY AgLI.PY;P t
"TO readtage . ddir toklunriasseasairls arith a
soli bleier° of W author duos* tied Robed
horn penons gninsoolail*qt !.alesPar
boa Ol Marlllbli WWI go mots pargnamararY gnaws!
•CUE thall say Mbar prodandon Archie Irtnanr ado
ttb winch ang oriaL.--DgrinAllragr,•• •• •
l•It Is a very agnigato sad arrUtaitLei
Pinar galablobi bear got bEiAnd'aod Saner ,
Warw.. We toostorad km oar antlers laths bog
obligation stills orarisa.--Rodiny Oar.
mantilla, /sonar of• Irani areas Soso
ad migrate° la Italyi 00, Sr the &goo..
oil mot InigroginiOcon lirsison.A•43oay,..l
.‘A varygilisAterralstio book. 'Fro/aat and D tkola
ung pate is WOW. with unabated interim • A al
aid plbleows of I r 7a W
. Supueu gailtiontl)
For alai, by - JAMES D unotwoon,
Dostollar Sr Loaner , u Woairgi
301 nous Itr a titr Loma ilibbto, 41io 700
We rsiNigiel 114 " 1 " a . 0•14 Aiblow
rt r iILED ligEf u attra e igirti elm 4 u
pi r!lf imotei it W U ri*
• - 114:11041dEdi It 1101 s,
aa, ak3aitt t :,34 titate•
• BA= .
COLLEMOra—Diani, limas sad dui : einem.,
ratiftrl Poll 0 4 12n1 M 4c ,Y ee " th ""t :
FIXO•ILNIThiPs New Yong, Pkiladehtklat aid VOL
downy — l .a,Claclaud., Lnitaindleo .84 Leila it.6l.
Nam oacans,aaana atty for sale. . . • ..
BANK NOISIA—Natoi ea all 'Glum 'Malta lane
Vatted flown divan/ aid Anna lowan mug. All mod.
ant? 40 daaataan 6434 am Elgin Ono bought
OliceP ima,a ack . :' ii.6l autos bannaa 34 tad id,.
itaantall /04:041110416
11t4.3 alt &out lade*, gad Stodand booed ••
any amigo : at QUM/ Ranee of FP:Edwin,:
AUG gernbla la any pan of the Otd Commie%
lbeat,All so dtieg alas nue at IS to the A'
mignon aaataelkoa or dmenuoigi 3 OOHlitA ROHM
SON EMMA tad Eiattrat oda* oat
door west of wood. • -• cosign •
••• •• • lif i r .
VlDomosifoltals of Rousso.
: CV
• of Bank Mom . and Colo, comp of
soOWood eosins, diftoUY OPPOSite et , Ohorton &of
,• , ,
.• .; : uhout,. ,
at 144,,i4rin .1., by SIM' tl ! tal
,••• f N. nom a 'Boss,
Nair Iroxtr_ aTc w`
•- •
...RIM at mat - 110.41Har BO N 9.
1 0 13 ' Zflhf rketzt•
.nolom imcwonsw,::.
Wat c a s "a % F a sung i in ' zu ; j r 1 11 1 1)fats — P Put Wine
&/...nwoatn nro , rory
,u5t4.44 !Ln
at lb r manOi
J llol l4loi.
0111 1 WATT.i. CO. hate named tbqk luck al
Orceerletio,Cisommul lids of Libettr st.
. .
obliN IfiLANIEDIO'n-Lt . waft and bar to.
ward. , Dr LEVU MBlAUKthlisuhar at "Charms
I .* 'rc. lam and 'al f /Yam
awn. Day' Paamablaub No t=lbs lama um*.
BY Thomas IlatbaN. .
Caanarama..-Masairi of LID and Minna" alba,'
ClWaters, D D., lo L. D. . flefeaticats bakes
*Woo, PaleraDrideneas of Cbrialany , sad LW*
lahate of INatinty,aanhawa bumf aanni Lattates
'roar 'Andaman dalltered In tbe New CoMuo,
gonablabb, P 7 Ilumaik Ctrabaan, LL. D., L. L. In:
Omma,Life OfJoim Caltizb Coaliaest 616. wham
ilosatunes,andraticalaNY [ammo his aoluaCtennas.
Dy Thom= El 10M WWI Parma. I T ot •
Per sale My . R ROPIRL% !
.pl 7 . - :; 78 • • 110 Banagg, Fourib at.
• Ds - stskuis oared. -
Prod the New Ynit Tifinma. L.
A FRIEND, Whose word toost amf who
401 lies no possible town* le the mailer, but one of
Mixims Usol thin ha tat been owed of •
&tulle dealluris, by the am of"rictrpars Corenamri
Acoustic 011.^ Ehlladelpitla metiletne,. which is not
th e In tUs chit, bat which be Wake. coitht to be, •
for the good of the
b a t. Ho hu sister who w ho
been caned by b. lie wieldy adviser ail who
are nuferinS i rotrideafnens, to try this reated7, with an
issuance vilees the case be estriordlrtuz Ws
experiment ' prime
HE miecensfri.
For saltier " THE TB ,
fon, 70 Antra at, Eittaboirsh
. - , • dumb., cou.b.. ~ . i
is lfl32lro7 Polka; 10 do do ' , art 3110 1 • •
' • -11 r .. .on , p , ardErnorn Haddrni;
• . !.
50 : ,
.]...F .1v.4 1 Ccgabs;
11700 des ara'd tine! learn'. • •• ••• r
• • 30 n *Mall Side Can ,bir ' ..
.10 0 .. aupealassa Bu6olcr .
Ito d ata tf.% side C01:010: an'd and (nasal a by!
144 , • • ••• • 11 YILSIM, 106 Marker in
1 Isis Boa naibmili
MNOTICE—Ttnu W. MCI/mkt but this day .
oe/ oentaleagn of iniednest and :best Bad
Lady Hollandonarhielt bt would moo reepeesfany
canine attention of his anstonenni and nin'tniblie Lz
Wue FoOtos, - 73 Fourth st.
A PEW ♦Tiln . kW GUITARS Just recAt from ths
eactiawmasaunory of F. MwJ__,a• nod r
•alti by • ' • Awe ;. MELLOR. EA. Wood at.
- -
!TIRE Ctioolutte Weitzel John Etas:n=
4 1 1 2 ',rols, Su,
is maths tol,Illostnood; an ad 1 040.
bluetit-IPa sad Sabbath Soho OposinPlili
a new work ral,Phad- -
Life or John - m.-11. Se cr vol,
Mow muslin
Potato by Mr.. tictinas; 1 vol, amain: eft.
p..21,cd real
octagons; by Robeit . iiouth,' D. D 4 no iu editon,
role; luolasilog Paolo:moos Dismount.
Booms-4.tof. &beep, extra;
Fatale by , it. HOPICIN2I,
10111. r Apollo Dadina. Fount •c.
; Pounife.Y.
mai nu
. a. w. a.: resin.
fPRE andersignedinitienori to Arthora b. Nichol.
.1; son, beg k.awso
Inform the rimes of Pittsburgh
and public, genetalta, tam they f al lbt. ilia: Ed- .
GEE FOUNDRY' and ant new in opendion, and
hay. part of theirputerns toady for the market:—
Amoopt idle% ate:Cool:WA Stoves Coal abet Wood
Stoves., with a splendid air-ualit Co al Stove,' which is
supareedlng ' in, oilier does th e common round
Stave. AL cheap end Cooking Stove, Well &dap,
led far sicall fatuities, with a fall assortment of
now and Marna' Grates We would pardealarle lo- : '
'win ilm aueutiou - of per.= banding to call at oar -
warehouse before pare basing, and examine it splendid
,oracle of enameled Eirates,, finished lo Ana style-- --•
entiTMAY new IA this Outdo. • . . •L , • .
Warebazus4 NA WI Merry a, Oppoalteilboad at ; -
laglgbdtf , ~... , _NICIIOLSON & YAVNR. • ...
• TEACUP, I .4.inr , *AA Wiolesale 'Dealer 40
4 ;
Et of Qs Gili Coolli, lad Market . t. Pittsburgh, Pa.',
• Mai AlaneksAls s Pedlars,. and oaten vistilog .-
Pltubararto parckasefloods, ara respeetfolly invited •
to call and mumble Om entwines assortment of Eng-
Ilsig.iAmetteso,Fanieltand Gana. Fenny Gobilsi
" POregra GoOds at *Ls establishment alw import.
bd,. .dire ..dIbP ornait, bodparehasera may rely on
Lat t l . 7.ll . M/ 1 / 1 1 , %a i r. I have . the Irse . stv i t i sort i ,, ,
Pluabargb—all- of, width 7 411 1 111 1 athorefor call. '..
4 Tare e 0 1 0 1 :dr Ito; let T l7,Vllie Zirit: Le. , fr. , 3f
..k CrLvaldusa land Patent Tbnadson Wag Sdk,
/Coo l C if Cat erg. • -'?"Peaer"..uollar Flos,Plaa•
Gold Lod Wm Vratelnia,GOlAgserelzi, ail kmdiot
Brushes, Combs and Miura. , . •
Pe ea, tbwar, Revolvers, Pistols, Clooln,'SilAi .
Cation Arnow Elpeatielew. Steel Pau, U 14413 Pfau, •,,
,9.lwippitidirasi. - -
'Toys &Fancy O s eds; tegmhar w tea ' ith &largo l ad e -
ti of Foray and An • DRYGOODS. .i . .. ~ .
.G: YEAUSR is ; , agent for Met ealebrited Lin.
cuter Combs. . , - . , ,
- , !Groat Eftellats Hassieills'
NIGH OrybaikAiiilima and
v Ca rb e , stnerd .
alo . s C et ß au es, IA tba HUNGARIAN Illaraintr
LIRA dinwszned brsla ealebrated Dr. %whim, or
London, Dagland, and traradwed into tba United States
L ow
ibb launodimenaPerbusadensa of We Inventor.
Thaarscaordinary Wares* of this areetbrilio, b Ws "
ism of Ilohnonary diseases, warrants We Americo
Agent in gonna* for
in Outman Ms warn pbeilble '
can be found the aanntanfr—ossoetka sect
relief In wilt A= ;airs( the eomaron rennbiles of As
day, and Wm been risen rip by the most
pAysiciani eonaralet sad trwarable..TlTZtainr; •
an Baal cared, MA wi/1 eas, do most
af ewes. L His no gawk nomm,but a seen=
iteb median., of known and ellbwoy.
' Every Runny In Wo listed Sous Moabd be sayplisd
with Hanksa , s Huagatßus Daiwa of LW, nor only
eountersettha eorunsmptWo tendenelea of the dimwit,
bn:to i.e deed ass preventive Oledkine in WS eases of
colds, cotgbe, eluting 'of blood, In rt• ads and
ebert, uritation sad' soreness, or Ow hms, , bra:bins,
&Meshy of bra-W.4olo.min &Ter, =VW, unaei.
Elan %Tuna debility, Wens, wnooping
• Bold in bugs botiles,Sit di Per bronla, 160, 4 / 1
ilnns thr the restoration of Sant. •
Punpldels, do:tutus:4 anise of Engdai and Arnan o.
ain eenbeeates,' and mbar evidence, showing the m.;
sonalled Waits of ibis gwar Rallia 111 =re:tiro:MT ba •
obiamed of rizo Arrebu l k
' salts by II A F comer*
'nand Wood sal Wood and Ca tta oda.s
r • • .b.b WilOa alat
Nommto Las LTS
• ' 'Prrnitriat,Maschi7,lB47. -
Mi. it.. t. Bellmc—to Jocks to you ackt r d., 1 .....
c m . amp, I bey /care uo.state.thl the ttta
su gnu my with has biin heverat
timer ailletwDwith nom Cturestacir co.*
chased, la JohcmY Wit • WWI of YOM 15yrap, witch'
comp of mcw ittotnhat tamtdts,„„
ADoat oar
thal she.S clamt,tb• reU "ned, 14 d wiC,co mum
hard!.mmk-tyyrte, from Weciacm is tie • 7
brcmc, nor 001 rinr•COuglk Itymp, mct
ule mired Uri cough I gitetc the other
10 • jostriepaan who Wh.l.t,craly atakt,t,
owtt war* "!thich cnovqh coop been calsely
tat Pft'gb , McPleaburgh t u tu. cmady 8.1
Mod cc moremtmed. ;
YOS., ..P.c 1411 16, • ' ALTawo litztia.
prepared ar , d hold 'hY Br.LLlsae'rm Wood
ammt •h 4 acid by ntlainisva g .
ewer 4.111 the two
' . • - AVaia 1 3111111(11 7 71 - 14 ni /TIAN' EItIXD.
. • ..
... i Af fp o2 . lloll, l ,l 9Ae.Eitoo.ll,ll - . ,• .
4 ,'li , ; i . e siziA . NlN ..4a f ! ,.•;.--.
*9.4.4 tiau at Et :1,1 I fit:',
xv. Mae a Ow Luutionct, Allen
• br Sale a complete tumor. - • •
abonc,l; Vuitton IIIMMI; also V. • .....,
llnliclit enamors aro • *ode. to fn.. • ..,1 :
der At tho ben glade.
. , • , ,- t
.4..07 Leas Uinta Sates.. •r:
HU MAU coo be removed mutt- ..;. , •• I •
sil tho,ind of a - aaralr,aalvar.
&AU Panbateal tltte, stocky .-;
Mole, eta wood nate Cabinet et- ; ~ ,/
rohlielonnauf litextea• WWI. :-..1
114 4 ,1-4 . • prepared lem Cornett ~ • ;- , 7
• MOM IDU . enamors, I4s nil as •
.. •
the DI At livn M
:withoncey thing ht elt lino. ! j .... /
"'Altera No eiNood !Moot, Pntaboatim I - ,: - -
'l l3 /IMPOds as kraal PAsitt Rase . wood oet. Plum'
from thb , calebtastd , austamory. .at Nuns &
Clatt, M. Y. ofsverisq yule, and very irealents gee. :.: p
For stia • • ' • HaILEMEN
tumuita , +rutty rust
Cr .
: , a7.X.:11=7.T4:,,5t1Z1. • =a=
th. ame, cleaning the ent; beating atistronchn
ins.the gun, and partfilng the icalh..
ettainahtand ratall,.by
74:11/ ".4 : E SELLERS., • Wood at
,V_*!9_4ltllt 1........C__RFAPF4 -MAN I , NESt!—• •
FV:leWit =MI:a - 1411Y •Pw•tk" ,
-was al aim aye da4:ll, tw:,=
41 +W —. assertasni 'OrJrvittier,
stlimnieldHauitymi.o.ssi berg
. susort, Wasshaalm hninslar,
goo alines lb mak Intir