The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 27, 1850, Image 4

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itaillirlAltali ZINC.
MEM 'Vieille Montagne Company raPpll . lnoll Was
with Roaring and Flooringb 1:7 feet, from
11 to 2t =toe. Per square foot. ,beets
In sheets
3z7, g 1 Co. for loonu, poi tie bullalngs and depots
Ship Sheathing, 11.48 niches, from to 31 omens.
• . silk Spikes, Wire, Sugar Mob* Perforated Mae
"Zlnerrautt, tee.
Tbey sr anent their metal pars, and free from amp
• admixture of 000. 0 , ant , other nobnondos nod Te
em:mead 11 for the asanafaelone of men aitelu la
the house furnishing kne, as 1% aces not rest, is no.
Wrested by the antion of water, and may to
painted, and lawmen. - •
baseples, models, pleas, epeeineanons, and othet
' Informs:lon soap be bed order sawn.—
•M'Cian i Priona. New York;_ .
e Ammon, Boauas.4. Co.. Dorton;
Hainan Twee= le Co., Pnlladalph* .
W.& Rai
Blau, Dar 1 13virt4Wiite Orlentud
F. MILLIROMResident Apo;
. Sloe, May 1.;• - 2 RIZOWCZ ST.; Zia* Yolk.
lidiiitri/ • A.. Cloalfreyv
26 Soak Calvert 04 war &lama" d., Baltimore,
tLvt• E. Godfrey do son.. N. 8.4
IMPORTF.IirofIPme Flodingyant/ De Merin readier,
of VILMO4I kind= Mien& and emelt Cd Ulu,
mob Calf Skin*, Parent Umber, Motoceo. reA
llikilt,lo34liskroans,ltnituro,frx. /Amine% Yrnne , ...,
Shoo Halves. Awl. Blade. . Ob.' TGWU°.
V e<kl, Shoe Nails and Shoe PEGS, of alter:ea
I.A. G. boa= 'established the oboes Matinees In
Balthotare, is ermbled to ShIP roods South or Wool
- With thi1..1114014, .06 .1 the lowest pritel.
twubegaren, dealers, and all othera, may rely
sport e et e hony every article In the Dade, of dm best
elea, doa 111X1111 terms...
fErlity and of Lute Boot Trees, Stme 'Tttes.
I slss.„.
OWEN!, Ortnip Boot Stectciert.Be.. All orders will
be pun:aptly e med. Low prices for mule
A estalayao modaltdog • complete list of every
&stabs In tbo will be I orariadcd te those who
may delete it: .•-_.
• • :Pm ', near Daldmoront., Baltlatme. ,
THAI TEA 0011iP/1.114
138 Gremsid end, 1 rod.
ITIHE proprieuirs beg to call the attention of eon
1. Dinosaurs Ir. Tea, and the heads or families to the
*holes Man rare selection of Teas imported by them.
and hitherto unknown ia this 'Country, which by theli
=te and delicacy, combined -Iran virgin panty
eyth, madame an infasioa of ahrpassing rich ,
nest mid flavor, • -
The Tees ciffered ace the following:
The Jolla Swore, a 'Blatt Tea• —lt od per lb.
Niphon, • do•—•• • •• 73 do
•- • .
Cheats, a Green Tea • -• • ' do
Too-unto, do 075 do
o Tick i•trida do '•-•—• •0 50 do
I.4l4lllintereoteotepettnd ofthe
part MO la
Htnren on tee fertile Reaves' -
eel of Aloes.— 100 do •
Will a vitt* to enconrape the Inoducton of these
=melees Teas; ft ia the intention tr of the preview*
to dittribete by lot, wrong the ptrebnaers, • quantity
of Teas egad to the Ent Yew's Wotan Da tee tea*
creme& ' •
Each purchaser will'recerreamcleted to the pack
fiance In th e
cettificate. cowling elm to one
in the duriibetton for etc ry 50/ emu , led oats
ood onthe rendes antortudne to SWAG% the ender.
Zat.iorped parcels of Tea. erten value of ten per cant.
or $2.000 RILL HE GIVEN AWAY as Bonuses,
aieoretnt to the leloaring
5 prises of 50 lb* of Tea each at SI th or 5750
t en ii
do IS lbs do ' do do • MI le
or WOO
du. 15 110 . do do do ZOO le or lOW
100 do hies do do do and le or 6500
150 do 1W .• do no db 1b or 0250
425 Prins in *IL 9,00)15, IMMO
Those persons mho prefer 'lower priced Teas can
mein their prises in proportion, or they will ba ra.
pan:hued for cub. at reduction of to per cent.
02-oonatry Arcata wanted. Applications to be ad.
drama, put odd, to dureempanyls Depot, u above.
Broadway,' . or lialieut Lamb.
1119 extemaYe ROTEL bas been fraud by the
subserlber, and ku been comoietell-reftrord In
13100 elegant maeeer Largo milldam' ere now
being made, erhielt, when completed, will mete It the
'nom tateastas Howl In New York. Lila the determi:
nation of the geometer, to make It entmlibt ever, re•
spect, te arty other Home lathe United Sims, Its
calm Is the meat desirable and emitral lithe err, be.
km in the fashionab!e Dart of Broadway . , converdent
to all the public beiliime. - places of mammon!, and
batineas. Ureteral fob •ne tihenu patronage received
from hie western Mends, while at Cumberland,
MIA more reemtly at the Weddell Nome, Cleveland,
Ohio, he respectfelly solicits a temente( their patron
age, for hi. new establishment. M New York, cud
begs to tumid them that ever, effort on his pert shell
be given to Administer to their comfort and otemne.
' • . • S. BARNUM.
New York, March, ISMl.—( •
LIORTCRE POE 110 or 15.
MSc., Geeit. street, Plymouth, England. The
managers beg to acquaint their numerous patrons that
tee next Distramtion of Portraits of Race Horses, will
campfire More entered.for the ford:imam/to Grand
Nutrient imrby !term the number of shares to be
limited to f.,teUieacti eters. Fint elan member Ittt
iccond gram ditto,.E.S. TAO" application for the en
appropriated shares is necessery. A pasty stitectit.
Leg for more than one sham has the dimmest gaining
to equal number bonuses. flare members who draw
the venous Portraits will be pomaded with ma fol.
lowing sums:— ,
Portrait of . Ist chin bonuses ad dine
Witmer, or Fats' lions .C.01.0n .flO Ote
• 0 • • - Second florecr.• • • 1000 irkid
° Third Gorse 0,000 000
Divided amongst Stanem• •• • .11,000 3,ueu -.
• 0 • - tion-StarteM cipau 3,1W0
Themp,,- are Wit bonuses Is. each el aIM, that being the
numoillY of homes entered for the men. The Drawing
Will be conducted upon the same legitimate principles
as those which charaeteristo the late Sc Lodger sad
other proeetalnis. Fall particulars of the remit will
be cent to absent member" Immediately Clew the doe
dem, that emlrmay know his position.
Suburibers registered and scrip torivarded on en.
deplete 'erratum.. Dills of Pa change, Drarta,Bank
Noses, Or. , , add:eared arid mad. partible to the
Managing llirecterts.• W. JAMES &CO..
• rite per real. coamtlastott to be reduced on the
premuted. °Chemises. -ntrllltant
isaoi REED HOUSE, 1111110
nurrti t nansEa, .Prop
Pubhe squart, Erie, Pa.
and Southern Stags, le•vo ,e Cu.
qrn to and tram Steam mid Packet Boatt, Grata.
W. Calm, late of tbe Arscrican Hotel, Um, Pa.
G. W. Ilaluta, late old. 'Haman Hotel, Ohio. ,
. . .•
AFLOURING MILL, with four run of stones—one
of the beat locution for business in the west—and
:t rate Saw Milloen an nlnest.nerer foiling stream,
nil 16 acres of Land, good Dwelling House, Tenant
!louse, and other Intprochtenta, situated *even miles
front the Ohio Riser, Monree Cowley,. Ohio. Alsoi
near the obese, • twanufut Farm, well improved, ton
laituag 2-141,LCM. FOr terms, tte.H. JO, enoeirc
apT.7 119 Seennd al. Plosherrb.
Ile Jatne•lltrialril Plaid Magnesia.
PREFABED. ander the butnediao care of the In.
venter, end established for upwards oftbiny lean
• This etepant prepmation is recommended . in all
came of bate, acidities, Indigestion; goat,..and gravel,
as the molt safe, easyiano effectual form to which
Algaecide May, and indeed the olds one in which it
ought to be exhibited. possessing ell Ohs inoeerdte of
the Alognesienow lu general eu,selthout beteg liable
I•ke it, to font, dangerous concretions In the bowel.,
It effectually cures heartburn without Injuring the
coats of the -mama, as soda. Maas, and their ear .
booties urn known redo; it prevents the food efin.
Tana turning teas; is all cures at arts as a pleasing
aperient. and Is pecattarly adapted to fenedes.
Sir liempbrey Davy testified that this 'elation forms
salable combinations with uric geld alba In eases or
goat and gravel, therby counteracting_ their 'Nations
tendency, hen w ether &Melte., and tTeChll42O3lll
Itself, bad failed. • • . ,
From Sir Philip Cramp., Dan, Suageori General
to the Army in Ireland:— •
"Dear. Pie—There 'earl be net doubt that Magnesia
may be admirdatere4 mow salel y in the form el &con
centrated eoletion,4lida4n nabs...el for toil, and
many other regartne,thi ' pierient that the Plaid
Alegoesitats gay. ft d n Mf addition to oar Materna
Aiwa. . • a;LIP CRLAIPSON."
Bit games ClaSka;Bra4.. , Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Messrs Guthtie turd Herbert Mayo; of London. Mme
1, recommend Herrera Fllll2 es being to.
ficdtely more sale and convenient than • the sold, and
free fmm the danger attending the ean.t.nt sae of
soda or : • -
For wale by the bnporter's and proprietor's einem,
11 A FAUNESTUCH /a a.)
Cdr. of Wood& Front ats..
NOTICE lo hereby gt ven,• that on or about the 95th
of April, the sobseribers had mailed to them. at
Wisher', Va., the following Dotes, vir—A. note
dream by . O. A. !loran, payahle to mu order, date
April JIM at 4 months, for 111173 MI; a nom drawn t
John D. !Jargon, State date and nate, for SOD- 17. and
• ate dream by John Watt It Co., in favor of John 9.
led re-endorsed by•us, doted April 9th, at
lour months, for 0t75. The above notes UT= never
received by oryand this Is to cannon all persons_
against trading fo t o pp e dying the sense; as paymer.
ot them Its been sel W nail/MUGU
BPI3ING & 131711111Z111100 011 .'
A Uri '" 1 ", IT:i'l:ferTytnStq l 4
Alexander Day's, •NO Market street, north wont
owner of dm Diamond. -
11141, eltlll6oll of oar mammon and the
public, to thin stock, it afford] , as great plea.= to be
otd• to ray It embraces GREAT BARGAINS in al
2110A every dose
at of goods, as • large portion of
It loss potholed at the teeentsztenave sanction able.
an the eastern eines, Oat arsortmeni, ton , of rs , .
lend staple pods, is very In:parlor, and affords to art
cask baser.. either by arholearde or retail, a has op•
P0A0. ,, Y of vtdOsa beth owe Sod none
• New style Foshan silk., very cheap; rich pyie and
figured enaageabia tolltr,of almost every style and
totality; taper plat and figured black silts; do. ha.
sages and tissues; harems do In pa, now and hand.
.me .1710;
new mit trench, Eaglish, wad Reoteh
• „soros, g f venetb and at PtTy 10111 prices; plain,
A gland. and satin s ty,
drlains - of all kinds and
qualities:Roes lartrea ot all shades and Coiner; ging.
AIMS, chintzes, paw., rte •
Suer chisbelcto .I.wt*: Tattle and' 6tued
blab do; plain end embrobteredTtteed r; Abe cub
d o; nu , plus and eabeolef cud velum and
colored crape do nave. and ace dn.
floeA lllSOTllnint of 101114, aeneookti Iteonets
6u.tro, bishop. e. • •
lum f h k. Ready, Pearl braid, Florence braid and
super kn4luott ra
A Ilneatock of /POMO( plant and frlnged silk and
Satin Tare puttee:. of all enlo're and ein•nuel.
A largo emortavenl of gaper ,Frecutb,.Englich and
Belgian Clan 000 caseitneres of all qualtue and
tomrklat eroold tans tan attention of the
• - • • -- .
Our met of brown and bleached washes, Ilekinge,
arets, chadibrays, ddllinga, fr.; Lavery large, and at
the very broom prices, •
A150,..1 large rot of table diapers' and table cloths,
Frown and biesched; Rama and Search diapers, crash
/law. built MS, cobmn and wool a Inas for mem and
boss , wear, Irish linens, red, wane, acid 'yellow dab
ads, dm:aerie gingham., silk tad lista heals and
glorre'of all kinds, hosiery sad becmat ribbons, am
mytillavremite,lo el which we would lry
Snits' -ire auataloa of orbolesale and retail cub
Laren.• ' • ALFJCANDEII & DAV,
m7lO iS Mveltett-N W ens, of rho Diamond
-•-srrn>aTillt3Cll. • •
Vd-oosi revered to rewash duple Trees, low the
wi ll u o esee teursell of Jacob Brows. The
trees will he delivered as the why Ital Yawl: web for
I/13 per bundled. Xenon, 'ebbing good thrifty trees
ehreld hoses their orders wwo at Ow Drug, deed, andyliaNheart,coTeer...oriZoal eta'
• - ILIC/1101T.... •
.11.F.XY.1tfttoW 1 L -
N CO. have removed to No 120
p watow,,z4 doer btlow tho Stonewashola flows
j 1
N- " :' • J. II• 111INI•Leig, • "
O. 82 Wend street, h. Jost received a new si
mused; of PIANO mulic., argon' which an
the follovrialn--•
' 41 - 011 7, do ye. Love ne, hy 8. C. Fester.
Ob. lazy tho Red Rose Ltve /away, do. •
hay tau • Lady, .
Ueda fled. do.
.Garina to y Ras , all Med, do do. .
• • Dolly Da
Bohner. WeAnng, by Glover. •
The Robin, - do.
Oh, Touch the Cord et erne spin.
Born Memoirs of Time.
-raver Moon.
Lamest Oda Irish Err:Janina
• New Redlay Bon&
Ts. but Wonededthe Spirit Thal LoVad Use.
'The Conscript's Deinntere, b 7 Glom.
Be Weida" the Loved Ones az Homo.
n'ts Homo where o'er the Resit la:
'rho Yankee Meld. r
Lon Bac I'd Ser,ll,Lover.-
v .r ~, _.
lb 7os ever t6la~t o(ma.
Jeannie Grey.
Elfin, Canuittl, w,-Wretth, slid Daisy
Batelithely Malden, Bella Walla, COlatell, Ladles'
Bowyer,lr, Gaily; P.rrirs„Llly, Alice, Evergreen, Bars!
Adira.and Polkas. worn
7 TEAS !MAR II TRIA.III 1 -7 1 7
{RIR mitt* not lath the List of Peters, we 11114.1101.1th1g
TT about Hundreds of Chalky Importhis,Large'
Cip Ile, Bought for C 0..!., ed. In fart, we will not
humbug - to toy scantier or sum, wo stmply invite the
eabbe io empire our Teas Ilk 114 -what they
el...them; this Is the best method we know to *seer
taln wee sake the best and chestiest Teas 10 PicLL
burgh.. We are now selling
• Hood and stem Tea at Eland 60 cent. per lb;
A prime attlele,•—•—•••• 76 do de
The best Tee Imported into Om V. Bathes, SI
Low priced, damaged, or Inferior Teas we do not
Propriothrs of the Tea Market,
jr3 - East side of Dimond.
urea* Americas klianitiii,tieti"--
D. Appleton t Co, New York, bees In coarse orpob
- Ultima, to prole, pneo mealy leo canto eat*
Qf Itiathina. as.
gummng; ctangota for. Mutual Worilng
• Men, and dart intrusted for tlur Engs•
risitruse Prgfuswil•
• .• -•- • -
Tens WORK is of lure VO. ore, end wile
. IWO %HOMO , ram, and upwards Of Sli:11800.
IIaND Ilit'47l/alolla. 11 will present working-draw.
inns and descriptions of the most important machines
to the Unletti awe. Independent of the resits of
American tegeneity, it will contain complete
cal tread es on Mechanics, hlachthery,Enginawork,
and llogineming; with all that Is useful in mon than
one- thousand dollar* worth of , folio Mamma meme
doer, and other books.
The great object of title put:11100ton le, to plane ba
in,. practical men and. modems oath an amount of
'immodest and ninth° knowledge, In a condensed
font, air shall enable theta Monist to the beat ideate:
tam and to avoid those mistakes which they might
otherwise eemmit. The amount of andel information
thus thought together is almost beyond - poteedent to
ouch work.. Weed, there is baldly any: subject
within ne theme which is not treated with nth dear
neet.4 preen/on; thin even a man VOL. mom anti
nary capecity onnoot fill of andentanding it, and
thus learning flora n mach wltiottit Is import= for
The publishers are, In shat, derennhuid, meanness
of cost, to sake the work as complete as poesiblet and
it is hoped every one dextrous to obtain the work weal
procure it ea tuned In numbers:and thus 'acanthus
the enterprise. • "
Tho work will be Issued In semi-monthly numbers,
Commencing in January, 11310, and will proviso with
• The vehole work will be published In 40 tomb as,
at 81 cents per namber,mideompleted within the cur
rent year, 1850. ',liberal disco= will be nude to
Any onarentinthg the publisher. 1110 m advance,
shell receive the work through the post oats free of
Op ores the Prose.
"To our immerottofdanufaeurrem Mechanics, Ea.
cinema, and Artisans, it will be a Wm of arealth."-.;
hovideacs, (ILI.) Joarnal.' • ' '
"Young men, arm yoarselvee widths knowledge.—
We eau with einnidenCo tee
errs our readers to
ponces thanselves of its =mimes ss fain as they ap.
pear."—Amerioan Anima
"We unkmitatlngly commend the iternk re those en
gaged In or interested. In mechanical or scientific per
ions, as eminently worthy of thelxerounthmion and
etudy.o.-Tray, (N. Y. 4 Budget. • . '
"It - is Wily a great . wore, and the publisher. do.
t[1713 the thanks of inventors, machinists. and min
lecturers. and indeed Man public
Wee ..dent.
"This Dictionary win be highly useful to prittleal
mechanics, and Tenable to all who with to aequaint
incentive* with thoprogras of Until/V.O In the me
chanic artsZi—New'Birdlord Daily Mercury.
.mcchans ought to keep posted ap In the.
otracal so writ us prate eel knowledge, and this
work well show them lust Um they stand.”—ltarbary
ibl ass.) Adventser.
"We tato it to be lase th e work that seores and he.
deeds of our Bitting/In mechanics have desired to pos.
seat. On ample ant its descriptions, and so fall and
enfants its speeificenons, that it seems to as that any
mechanic might commit ILAT martate itdescribes, on
ha • rength ants engravings and instrectionun—N.!lt.
Commercial Advertiser.
t•oil interested in mwbanion should avail thrio.
wives of its advatuages.i , —Schuil till, (Pens JOU-
. .
..n work of um naive ['tactical minty and gnat Lao
penance and Intim to the rapidly factotum! internam
of the reentry. Ws regard the Mork no eminently
calculated to promote the came of &clams and the
mechanical arta, and todtrieminsteVelnable Informs
ones on them anbiecta.”—Fanner and hlactuuda
..Practmal men in all the vaned malts of inechani•
. . . .
cal end minetacturing indntryi engineering. /he., will
find In dui work • Irelanre retch it will be to Wed
Fort to poseest.' , 4lol Daily Whig. '
.We bacto.catelittly puttied the numbers, and base
ne buitalion la saying that It Is ike best work for me.
shames, tradesmen, and scientific mearever pablish
at, tar at nntabs minute labtrnationoa every branch
tithe mechanical arts and 'fietences, expensed In . a
style mid language Intelligible to any reader of oat
•flost eapaelry."—Litoncerter, (Kass,' blew.
...%Ve arc sure we are doing the ineelmadea of Nor
wich and other parts of Connecticut a service by
bringing die wort to died attenne.”—Plorwith,
(ea.) Gamier.
"It isjain cache work as every socebanle sheald
We consider It one of the most web! bed Important
pubdeadens tithe age. No ineehanle can tubed to to
Mahout It. ,, ,Piewars s iPl.'.l.,)Countrereial Dewier.
tor'sdldie various pablication• basing for their ob.
jest the Mandanon and ...cement of the meoliaal
eal arts and ackacea, nine that we hare men, Isso
tali of proollseas thien—Butlalo Com:Advi
tit la the best and cheapest week es er adored us the
scientific and practical engineer and mechanic. The
021. s are beamlfally execated..—Wasbington Globe.
"Thu great Dieuermry Is one of tee meat weal
works eves published for years, end the low price al
which it is sold makes at acceptable to ad.—Bomb
6 We regard it as We of the more comprehensive and
valuable, as wad as cnespeM works ever pablialted.e
—LlaltintoroAdvertiser. • •
"Onght to be takes by every one deif ring to keep
pace with the progress elan sad serene. !suety one
of the labors of civilized life,"—Rendout Courier.
"It la dulgeed after }be priticlple of tire's Ihmiona
IT, only +Du It is Mere devoted to the meekest add
engineering profesalons, end abeva ath . t • saleable
as accomplishing -
tor uteri. whet. Ure bas done far
England, viz t tieutibing Amerman maceinery and
warts of ttst.n—Sclemlfiotttaeriean. 7 •
"Isl. published itt numbers, aed td. a pries so =ado
ring., looking et what Is contained inesch nairiber, that
be who hit the lout Unmet to awl tauten,
need be deterred from promoted it; mid every mew**
does so, will find lltal he has in a °endowed term an
Monet of insunetion which would be obtained, if at
all, only by the porches.
Many Winsome—N.
Y. Courier ma Ecolisr.."
"The compreheuivenm.with which the nb/..0
ate nettled, the admirable Manner In which they are
illostrated(canspire to teakettle one of the am desi
rable worts7—Demeennie Review
"this wort should be in the handief every 'stohastic,
art,zatt, and lipwafacturer, especially those who haws
the least wpiretions to excel in Mel: respective
viemaute.. ensnare earefally
a ew Of
'recommending it inrentors. To them we would
say In the snug language of the Bible. ' , lt Is goodie—
• Baltimore luau& JoumaL •
Notice to au Prvesetoro of Neampaper, thiaughasi
tha use &Z. and asizada.
If the foregoing advertisement is inserted five times
daring the year, and the paper eantaing It sent to as,
a copy of the mark will be sent gratis In payment.
. apt&dterllT
ContainiegMenntrY, Mar other Miura/.
rytli6 following testimonial was given by the role.
braced Dr. Wooster Desch, the gatherer the great
medical work emitted "The American Practice o.
Illedleine and Family Pbysielaac
, Ilaving been made acquainted widish, ingmthente
which compose •IdeAllinerls All.ftealing Ointment
and haring prescribed etd tooted it inaercral cues b
c ' e i nTry I V ia er ' eVle l" =, in o=4
no mineral rebalance 'whattreer, that he incredienta
emebleed as they are, and end as directed by Me
.Proprietor, any not only banded, but of resalable,
beings Italy scientific Remedy of reimported: and)
cheerfany recommend it as a bathe hich has
done much good, and which Is eds_pted cure of
a creat randy Of Cases. ThOUgtl baye nova slam
recommended or enraged In the sale of secret reed'.
etoes r regard for the male honest, conackntious,
mane character of the Proprietor or this Ointment,
and the valor of his dlecovery, oblige me to say that
muck regarding it. • W. BEACH, D. D..
New Yorh, Adil W. 11,1840 ., -
1.1 one at the best Minds Is the world
for Boma .
. PlLES.—Thimunda are yearly mired by this Oln4
Inent. It never fails la giving relieE
For Tomer% Ulcers, sod all kinds of Soros, It has
" Irgotorsl and Nurses knew Its video le nisei of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply It.
la nook eases, If used according to directions, tt gives
relief In a very few hoots.
mound the box are directions (orating Mealtimes
Gammen roe 15.06111 t. Liver Complaint. Erysipelas,
Tosser Chablain, Scald Head, Bose Eyes, Quincy,
Sore Throat, Bronchium,' Nervous Arecuons, Pains,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Arthmai Deafness,
.Ear Ache, Borns, COMS, WI Climates of the nth, Bore
Lips, Pimple.. the., Swelling of the Limbs, Bores,
bheumatism, Piles, Cold Feel, Croup, Swelled or Bro.
oo Emma, Tooth Ache. Agee In the Peet. Be. •
:From the Beading Fnals. •
There was never, perhaps, ait ems breeght be.
fore the public, that has In to than a time won melt a
reparation as All.llealine or World
Salve. Almost every person that Pas made nisi of It
speaks warmly In its prem. One hap been cured by
it of the matt patella rheumatism, another at the pike, -
• third of a troublesome pain lu the side, ifearth of a
!menthe in the limbs, an. If It does noNtrve home.
date retie, be ovary ease, it cut do no an, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wondered! herding pow
er possessed by this serve, we tableau the follows.'
uenifieme, from &respectable citizen of Itieldeacreek
tornado, in this county: • '
enereek, Bens en, March X, 1817.
Merin. gl ee, A Com--11 desire to laform you that
waserdirely eared of a severe pain lathe back, by the
use or McAllister's All-Ilealing Halve, which I pun
champs from you. I sedired Nunn lot sham trl years,
and at night was tunable to sleep. Daring that time I
tried vans mace., which were prescribed tot ma id physic innuendo:her persons,enthent receiving arty
relief, and at Unmade trial of this Sane, with . • to.
alt fa'.tallle beyond expectation. ,I am now entire.
11 free from the Path, and - calor at niOt I peaceful
and ...el sleep, I have als o swathe Salve Linea foe
tooth ache and other emailinn, wi th stroller happy
foudlM. Your . /matt Ilatarnseca
. •• , sok . T - Vd ES WALLIS/TEN,
anti or tee above medicine.
Prioelpal . OMee, N. 24 Norus Third street,Philadel•
Arntrta,th Parstruaan—lrrtran It Rehm, co f
Litany and St. Clair mrects; and L. Villein. ar m* : a r
ner of Market street and tbe m
Anna and Smithfield streets; J. ILOassel.
Walnut and Penn streets, Pin Wart ecd
Bookman in Smithfield renanfid_iftstufrina H s t
o o
liftyAnteleaballY jilrfsta r
r y o
East Merin Eowland, elLeespn;LAlesart4
you, fibmanhals, City; N. B.
Beennan AC and
J.T. ifrowthwille; John Mulder, Tkaver. Pa;
Jain 'Want, Jr.:ElLvabeth.: febileodiy . •
4ASEZZI NtL. Awrii—«o yud...44: 01 11.CP4
Clod, on WO, awl far sale by ' "1
& R mum
Valuable luta es tonal.. Water Pavear LO
, let on tavorabl. terms. -
now prepared to lean the Water Poem at the
. Rapid., to so laterunt vordielidit to propel four
hendml pairs Of mill stone- The location Is teased
spot, a rock foundation. and the power ean conve
niently be applied an both tiles of the timer The
grain of the iVitte Rivet '
es well as the Wabash. can
b tradily fatinslicd - al this poua While Crewe,
inn ore, and coal, to the gamest abundance, and o f evocator quality, can be easily procured through the
woo country.? - --
Trontsfatteltandoldtollars per tomm for a powe
or aulfielern terpropela duels eon of medium- sized
mill. storms fora period of lateen years with the
right of twthwal on the Grp - anon of the loose, at a
hue valaathenof.the *towel emplOrod- The olf° of the
mill or manufactory included, without farther charge
fauna* Company. Jty order of the Directors.
- Prestdent cf the W. N. Co.
Wractutena, . tasalatut
11 —The all& of =any persons ir disfigured with
slight captions, es pimples, =nephew, U. and when
this te merely a disease of the shin, as It It in Edney
vine cues oat of army bendrad. it to vlirrentilY re
flored....lplee gagers Nymph Soap is upfessip
ar:apted to dismal of the Uhl, LI at WI directly .
upon the wince pores which cover its tithes,
eleab.WOg them from lapnrities..d by Its hammier
repairer heatincand eradicating all eraptiormud
rendering the darkest end toughen skin spit, fair. and
Persons who have been in the habit of using orde
nay soap. will pis agt4)l3.lthed
aq s at . the
ctin bundler area
i r* . d er, I n% u Nymph
ua cl IA delicate
ping, guying all irritation:sad nlllO l / 1 214.11 mane.
lea nuitlons. It pawns anerdablite oedema, ud
It entirely devoid of oh alkaline propertle, rendaing
tithe only ankle which can be
with eafety and
ergefort the Whey. - . •
All those Whose; theca or necks are el s
h o uld with
allot l o g r 'i Jitt ' all a k
prsittvely Wags Them! that its rile will render the '
most discolored akin white, the roughest skin moot&
anord thelnutCychard Skin healthy, pare, and bloom.
/ales Glinelhi Nymph Soap is the only artiele which
will creakily prodnen the above streets In so shout
time, and Oa only 0120 which Is at ills ume time all
parallel and entirely harWess. Prepared only by
, JULES Perfgaer and Maras;
lin Chaotic strut, Phil.
For sale wholesale and Wail by EL A. Pahriedock
& Co., and R. R. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sae.
alt asidl =when. Allegheny city. Pa. leB
1113.00411) 11A ND 1.1/IBOIL
AGOOD Mahogany Kapp Fejt!, d octavo, '
mond hand•••••—• • • •••• rr• r-r-• *lOOO
1 handsome "faint" riZto, with Rontorood
Furniture," waves, and in good order • • • • 100 CO
A plain di octave Flail. 43 00
A good 0 oqtavo Piano
good Piano, mith hat:16010 nsm,-
el Wood at
nietalle light Light.
QIIPERCEDINO the Wooden Floats, and being In.
$ combustible, thereby economises the oil, and ym
donut Imaltion, heretofore in ranch objected to in all
other toth. Qpe table spoonful of the common
of lump ell will laid Nine Room, or any foram length
tia.,.aecorting to the additional queuttly of ca.
Recaleod and for We by JOHN D 11IO7i0/1N
marl? Druggist
TUST REarAikil, at she Pittabargh Fatally Gm•
fJ eery sad TeroWrshonse:
5 eases Fresh Orrarerhuill emsi •
.do Pickled do, In qt 1a..;
5 do do. • y do, in pint do.
The above Freels Oysters are parboiled, sod pat op
sa • Wahl, consearmed soap, =closed in hermetical
ly nerd cum and will keep mock longer than those
pat an in
ordinary way.
For sale. wholesale and retail, by
IN2d A bIeCLURO k tai
wyXI 330 Liberty Si
Great 4mektaan netbasilleal Work.
rg APPLETON & CO, New York, havilef coarse
.1.../• of oibllcsuon, Is rafts, price twenty gm" cents
eachdertlCTlONAill tf Machines, Mechanics: ES,
glna Work, and Engineering; &Coml . for Practice
Working ken, and those Intended for the Engineering
Proftsmpo. Edited by Oliver Byrne.
flu *ork Ls of large Oro size, and will tontaln two
thoomarta puts, and upwards of ebr. themiand West's.
Oa= It Will present working drawings sad &mils..
CMOs of :the most tropenant machines In lb. United
Elates. Independent of Use results of American In.
genalty, kern! contain complete practical
Mesdames, hischlraly. Engine Work, and -Engineer.
log; with Withal is awful in more then one thearand
dollars worth of folio calomel. magarioes and other
books. Six tombets recalled, and for male by the
agent, 11 HOPKINS.
75 Apollo Bolldings.• Fourth et. .
/Au 11.1ellor, SI Wood Stud, Pittsburg I
sole AtTittefuiNgTetlerart:l`e"''
Grand and .Square Mann V 000000
DEUS to Samos Lu ,needs pfd Me Ironical peptic,
Mat be bas now instants, and sin receive and
=afnett daring
ter present moatL, the lonfrell
for hale le the vrest—smons the amber will be fo,tnd
• fall etipply of
Severely 'carved - Unnamed Goad Plum Poses,
with lathe nes% laspectiesteatv tin aterhardne and
style ornnetior. -
Splentlidirearred floseereed wean octane &genie
Panto Fanes, Sainted in the Elizabethan and Walt
EIV. &Wm
Will( a large stocker all the animas styles or Sla
ne Vones, varying % r etires troy 11073 Loa and
:eir,llKrfr"4 by
. Centering for the presein
Parehaseni ststared that the prim of Mr. Clark
triage Pianos bare been, and COOLOILID LD be, the
rune ar at the m umfactory Sr Boson, widows charge
for trasirstrulots and win be delivered and set up in
panel order, in any parlor the city,
mg • • n.
undenigned beconsava to Inform ihe nubile
11.. that he has declined business in favor of his Son,
P. U. Doyle, who will continuo the Annum and Corn
moslon badness at the old stand, corner of Woad nod
Fifth Mrects,and for whom he world solicit a cocain
et the 'liberal patroness heretofore bestowed up.
on thdheina /OLIN A DAVIS,
[sprit 9th, Lew.
P. X. mons,
141114. make sale., on liberal reran, of Yore*. and
Domande kludge:ldle., Real Emma, snob,
Ite i and hope& bk. capertenee and elan attention to
bagmen, to meth a eonnnaanee of the manpon tad
pmfonage so llbendly ellended to the foram, home. •
April 91; IBS&
aliviasacz roarentz BOAST Llllnde
deertami of the aelive partner, lit Philedelphle,
lithe Mtn James bi v0d....0 lmempuon
to tho, tartness—arrangements have been made which
Involves the same inuliene precisely, which have
heretofore mimed The business is columned ander
the I=o name and itary, C o. , J/1.102 Milian, tr. mletphia;
„Jona Wrens, &Co., Plusher; li
The eantitaanco of the patronage of our many
friends is reapeetfally solicited. If any persotn
demand, against the concern, they aro requested to
present them forthwith. for payotros.
• PiusherghkApnl JOlifi
apl74 • Banrivio partner.
le a. Pahaestock & Co.,
HOLE:SALE DRUGGISTS, corner of First and
Wood meets, oder for oala.oo totrOroblo terfom
1 bids SOO 10. Curb. Ammordlg
60 do 'Naar • 300 do Unit:Buda;
pial co Dye 00oodto 600 do Crude Tenor;
20 do Lampblack; 500 do Liqaorico Root;
SO! do Non. Red{
300 do blab 1103.;
* do Camphor; 1-60 do Red Preelpludg
18 E lukujr, do
ekrq 31 4 Calomel Amer.;
la do igimatong CYO do Rather Leoves;
8 do CIOTIM MO do Rhubarb Root;
do Clam More* 400 do Usurp. do;
ou i. Rd. B or .; 200 do Gentian do;
20 do Costae Roe ; 00 do 8M Roc
10 do Prassian Glue; 100 do Roldolo Mimaroi
60 do coo, kgsresesis; 000 do Pow'd Rhona,*
:3 do Omni 0 60 do do BHP- Elm;
0 do do Yellow; UM do do G. Arabia
If do Am. Vorodlloi4 100 do do Liq. Root
00 resetts Rand raper; too do do Jalopy
,lS bomatimly Boma'; 010 do do Al:Cayenne;
MS tee. Houle Corky, 200 do Ralph. Zinc;
7002BolidLldorpkim 000 do Merin;
12E0 lb. Cape Aloes; teal do' Tao:minds;
1200 do t.Chrom Potash; 100 do gala
MOO de P lOO Roog 00 0 0,0 1 0 Fool;
MO do Torbay Oinbeg 73 do Conk nod;
MI do Cream Tartar; Itt do ilpd Potasto,
=I do Tartaric Add; -GO do Mace;
UM do Coating 23 do Granville; Lotion.
- d -
OR Rom on..
"There an Mare threes to heaven and earth
Than aro dreamt' of to philosophy."
IDE VIRTUES of thin remarkable remedy, and
the constant application for it. to the proprietor,
Induced him in have It pat Mt la bola. With la•
tools and digectiona for the benefit of the nubile.
The "PETROLEUM is procured from a well In this
roomy, atilt depth of four hundred feat, la S. pare oak
daltamettirticto, without' any chemical char bat
jngsie flows from Na t ure's Great Labrstoryt! Thasit
Was propertice marling • no mber of disearet,,le
no longer Limner of lumeneanly. There are many
b U' el s yTei h ri e se e f r a e lfge o r f o ' =at; h a ' a l ifen " ;, n elnd i l h e !
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a cab
feral. Long before the proprietor thought of potting
I X. B i t ta " r=n i t a and ere SUl a j To n e f . a ' t r e
a th i afge o a r rtslo dir
.sod several remarkable mare. It has performed, Is •
saes indication of Ise foam poputerity and wade
tweed epplic*Uon it the ..ore of disease.
- We do not wish to mine a long parade of cern&
eaten, Itwe are conocioas that the =Maine ean won
work Itkarsy into the favor of those who saint and
orb& to be healed. Whilst we do not elalaafor it a
anivorsal applies:ton in 00017 Mamma, we onheelta.
angry gay, that In a comber of Climate Datums It Is
airmailed. Among these may be enamerated—lll
abatises of the mace. cesium, Duch as CIIkuNIC
A 01.6012, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Illsarlera. Datelines of
the Illadder and kgdaxq u, 'elns the Rack or Bade,
fternmeDuessmb. N a,Paley,lthenniatio Pains,
Goat, girOrMA Rams, BoLd.,
id Soles, Iko n An In cases of debility re.
saldr ika Wortiaxposars,or long end protractedcmce
dleesuef thin medlsine will been relief. It will set no
• general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In oath cane,
artiat rove sad energy to tha whole frame, rennet.
idgobsunctlons,aptmingthe sleggithfonetione, which
eased Maltase sad a broken causal:Mimi, and giving
Lnercimed and renewed energy to all Ma Organs 01
140/0_ 2.-LlllO Ipfojllo/.1 , 50 knows of several moo of
PlLESitbatterdined PETRO LEU M "ry atment,' get . irell
ender the see of UM for • ehort Erne;
The proof eon be given to any hereon who dames it.
Shane genuine whhont the wigwam of the proprietor.
gold ey.the proprietor;
• • 11. M. KlELCereal Dlsin am Seventh et.
• Aka by IL E. SELLERS, ay Wood sis
f eenatirWoadsL and VOgln alley; ho a x. ame n •
lerlilll.lll aMmlated Agets
Cri,l,E .s
p a w . RITHHER, GOODS—Jan received,
'li n
Teete m" , a'l6 Pd :IL 1 0 1
Huidlii4doi'ateleilualfairev """4"""
En dada. s.34o. 4l l44u Tlierileive oats re gi e w esilt:the d l d eli e l
1850 Rat= 1800 -
'BOATS of 1 , 1 , A laz w ilt have regolorly, and dor
I Cilitalll4t."%tiF,'"
BIDWELL & isitorasa, R.h.terl
maim 1850 &ism
From PituLw, to Columbus and Cleveland,
throng& the nels and populint 2 crawl,' °fad."...
Carioll, Stork, - Tosransous, , ashodoo,
.11ra s Lim g rtlvz , Licking, and Franklin: •
' The ...plot. of t h e liandy and Sesser Canal
opens up 10 our city through this great assunl antral
routs a direct conimunteatiou b Obe:abovo as well as
'the wtiolatekg counties of Warne, liolutes, Iroos, and
. .
_ From ths seedon of Ohlo,lhe trade With finihnig&
hae been, to a great extent eat o4 ,eoneequenee of
the Weaves or transportation, which ate now re.
aneedle, , 2o and GO per tent.
. Deets of thla nee wall
daily, and ran omb
without nanshipment. The Canal company hare
hemmed Open Una Inns an interest In the nepteee•
dented edvantages or their chancy, and that seemed
to the middle poruena of Otdo in ordming their Roam
equal Interest la MI) advantage. aut •
J. 0. 121 WE LL, Pluillargto
BIDWELL CO.,&Glasgow,.
• R C Holmtta, Spear's Mills, OW H & A 'GO?,
Wilhantsport,o4 George Hemble, Elkton, 0; Collis
k Rudman, do; Hanna, Graham k Co. New Llalsou t Ot
Amer & Nicholas, Hanover, 04 Gibbets & Boory,
acre*. O.; Speaker & Foster.do4 - Joaaph • Pool & Co;
do.; Hall ai Bus Occid a Mills, O.; II V Beast, do;
C 11 Llurgthal &Co, MalirClll, 0.; R H Gray, WOW4 burg,o4 E lleynolds, do; Isaac Teller, Magnolia 04
E J littadultelt Co. Magnolls,o4' WmHuboe s , dgc
AtTarland & Co, Sandgville, 0; PP [afar, do; nab.
bangh & Staltbaugh. balm'', 0 ; Willard & Phriver,
do; J Massillon, O.; Cummins it" Co, do;
dolts Robinson, Canal Fulton, 0.; Ferns & Toot),
Canal Dover, O.; A Median), Hosea% 04 X Wan.
ner, Newark, O.; Fite! & Hole. Columba., O, L 0 Mat.
peors,Clevelind, 04 Abodes & (trees, 10. mayil
PITYBBIiCH TRIA81:010/71ba
alialalBso aaaai
P•nuuyhanta Canals Bali BMW&
. .
O'CONNOR, ATKINS & C0.,,C2221 Ruin, labor"
Street, rittaburet;
ATRINP, O'CONNOR &. Q., 2498: 220 Market strest,'
Philadelphl& . .
&Commas & Co,. 711 North street, Baltimore; E Doom, New York, ,
Eudora . & Gamo,ll Doane attest, Boston;
ILaririnvitMayaville, gentucky;
& Co.,Columbta streer,Cmclanall;
E. Woos, Louisville; •
Bacon, Hens to Co., St. Twigs. •
To Ehappers r',;( Atereliandiss rout residua to rind
,froin Atimie!phio, Baltimore, N. Ma,
Oar route being now in Ili . ..order. we are prepared'
to forward goods a. above at cry ;scut prima. Wu.
i.suv.aU fr elghtins emir charg e . having pollen for
over 8630,000, and with the follownig extenalve stock
of Doom (eel confident of unripe entire satiafaction to
all business entrusted to our care. Dar boats an, ell
new, and commanded by comatose( experimmo, and
our entire hoe Is conducted on swim soniathimplop
and 4 . 411PP10 pAnCiplu.
Boats, Captain.
.1 Boats.' • Captains .
Iron City, Hagan Pennsyls ragu i r, •
Marylond, Marshall Pt Loots, .
Clomonati, Sands Col..llorrard Ridley '
Ruth Anna, Chotown !Nosy Dcberah Slma
. • .
Wm Atkins, Penroad .
Import, APQnsda
Boston, Altar
Oarlinda Utley
Celia Hawkins
Americas Perry
Mermaid BPColgart
The Fox Dilkoade
Aar APlS:men
Look Sharp Born
cal Shipper s will Sod it to tOsll'lN
mrla Canal
Janlout Dom
ri L ira S lsol24do
PVot Mal lioyhivtatto
Ohio lieUe , Roomy
Hunter Dingle
Jolla Mot J Limon
r0t,r4.71 ) ,,t11
adman., to give itt •
'AMY tz.. PllttlOtroo..
snarls •fraampostation ocuspaay.
D. LEV.CII s 00.$ L 13153,
Pattesyfoomin Canal and Rea Road.
/TIDE Boats and Cart of this Line have been pat I •
compete order. and with the addition of senor
new ones to the Line,enables as to carry •lars.
Quantity of produce and goods.
The entire met of the Line Le owned and contra
cd by We Propermota
HARRIS & 1.F1L3711. Nn id SooniThird
And at the Tohoreo Wanhonse, Dna hi,
PLi adeptaa, Pad
No Hi Now, Rowed n, Batimore, Md.;
OFFICE, No ?'Vest at, New roO;
1) LEECH a CO, Cana Dann , Pcon at,
corn Pittsburih•
Ewan . 1850.
CLARR, PARKS & CO, Rochester, Pa, Porte.
Office ear Smithfield and Water ts, Pivabough.
.Obeveland s
Ims well 'known Late are prepawd sr
freight and Passeagers from SIMBUROU and
KVKLAND. to any point no the Canal tad lakes.
The facilities axles Ltna are tuwarpassed la =teem
timidity and capacity of Boats, expenence captains,
and efficiency of Ascots.
One Dom loaves I%OEO rglk and tileyefia anat . :nut;
sting In connection with • lime of Swam Boats Le
nnie. HST311(.40111 and SEAVER; aril a Lox of
Prt.t Claes Steam Mats, Propelled and Vessals, on
the Lakes.
Clerk, Parke & Co, Rochester, Its;
F. N Sark. a Co, Vape.g.lavrti,
N lt Taylor, Wuren. Ot
A Es N Clark, Newton halls, 0 ",
I Brayton a Co, Havanna 0;
Kent, Grinnell & Co, Franklin, 0;
HI A Miller, Cuyahoga Pot., b ;
Wheeler, Lea tc Co, Akron, 0;
Charabetlio, Crawford &Co, Cleveland, of
Hubbard tc Co; Sandusky, 0;
Peckham & Scott, Toledo, 0;
0 Williams & Co, Detroit, Nicht
WUlinms & Co, Milwaukie, Wis;
Nader & Dutton, Racine, \Vi;
George A Gibbs, Chicago,
Thomas Chicago,lll.
1011.4 a CAUGIi
F. l ' i
Abe d. l mr3o comer Watet aadettelts
aMM 1850.
CLARKE, PARKS & CO. Rochester, Proprietor.
fr HE Proprietors of this old and well known Lute
1, would tuform the public that they mallow loop.
matron Int the present season: and hare commenced
receiving Freight and Pamepers, which they are
folly prepared to carry to all nts on the Cane and
At the lowest rite. One of the Boma of the Line
will ho constantly at the landing, below' Monongahela
Bridge, to receive freight.
Crake, cot Water and Smithfield Cut, Pittebank.
R W Cunningham. New Castle, Pa;
" Mahone., h. Co, Pulaski; •
W C Malan, Sharon;
J.& SHIM, Sharpsburg;
Wick, Aehre & Co, Greenville;
Wm Henry, Hanstown;
Wet Power, Conneautvtllm
John Hearn & Co, Erie;
John J Hollister & rn, Matto. N V. narlD
Pittsburah Partabla Uaat.Ll .
EMWEa 1850.Mgak
TBOIMI 1101111111 D., Turn kaltPCo.lo)l4
Phil•delphllL Pittsburgh.
THE Ceuta being now opes, the pounce. of MIS
long establiabed Line are u meal at their old
stands, receiving end forwarding Merchandise end
Produce u low rates, and with the pompom., net.
minty, and safety, peculiar to Melt system and Mode
of transportatlon, where Intermediate transhipment is
avoided, with the consequent delays and probability
of damage. -
Merchaonise and Produce shipped out or west, and
8111 . of Lading forwarded free of 'large for commis
gen. advenetng, or storage. Having no interest di
remit or Indirectly In steamboet., that of. the owners
Is solely consulted when shipping their goods.
All communications to the following agents prompt
ly attended to: . .
No 278 Market street, Philadelpaia
Corner Penn and Wayne streets, Piusburgb
John McCollogb te , Co, Go Noah itt, Dalt; 13.1.1a6
& CO. 2 Doan,: it, Ramo, W. &J. T. Tapicon &CA.
WI nooh st, New York; James Whethmght, Clocirt•
laitg2a 1850 .
as PI its bee rgh an
The Caeal being now ..pen, we ars ready to teem.,
and forwaraprununly, produce and rumbaed= Mil
and weft.
Freights always at lowest aaaaa , charged by rorpon• .
ruble linen
•Prcoloce ao l inerchaedire will be received and for
warded east and WM svoluzat any chug. for for:
wording or advanring frcir,ht, commierlon or storage.
Ullia of lading forwarded, and all atrocious tank.
111111 attended to.
Addrefa or apply to, WM. EILNCITAIII, • •
Canal Siesta, cor. Merry rtat m lv i r i v , ,r b r o i t t l iitharg&
No 103, Marketer, between 4th &
JAS. WILSONvAg iii...
• No UN, North !toward at..
'UM No 10, West .ttet, York.
lIADPOvEri at CO's • • - •
Paltioweeir arm Becattlamers Oakors.
aIIANRDEN & CO. coonnue te , Meg pow*
bon, any part of England, ',Plata Scotland or.
Wales, upon the most liberal term, with their'.
ataafpunetuality and,atustMon to the wants and cam ,
foil of ern:migraine We do not allow our paesetmers toy
be robbed by the owicalttg stomps that threat the .ea.
ports, ae we take chug., of them the moment
port themselves, and pee to. their well being, an, de.
*Web th em without any detention by the firm ship
We sal thla fealkssly, as we defy one of our passe*.
gent to show that they were detained 48 Flan by to In
Liverpool, whilst thougands of others • me detained
months, until they could be scot in owns iA craft, at.m
cha, rate, which too frequently proved their coatis. .
e Wend to perform cite eontractr normrably, emit
most t may, and not net a. m the Clue last less on,
wily ether oacera , ...who either performed not all, of
when It suited their convenience.
Praia drawn at l'itubergh for any elm from it to
goo, - payeble at any of the provirelal Isabela Ira.
land, England, goolland and Wale.. •
...10511U/. UOB/SION,
Eairopen'oul Ww re Agent,
MO OM ammo" deer theta. Wed .
LiZat.ll4ls-17 et pipe* ilinitea, ite
I RMN i rg d ar 14;
4Va bbls Whiskel; • fe , ./le bY__ 3`.4
nOl9 - • - W.. A .01 POTOIItiLTitEE
:';':'*i'Re'RLL , ill.4l. - 15..0 - 1113..'
' PAf”2.": WA Re 14‘irtS •
Is. 'Fourth !trills
IPCLlNWP , Ehtiovooptuumly nankin' Mt
„ th ,a d arkur. sl.2t i g;
V10 V p E.1%,1 3 1 )11. cLolits.,l
ek ,
English sod AmpriZt P'
Fzut 3 .P.r6ate Isagarial 3 ply
rEitts iul .
Saperfire . Cary sts,
San San .
Comma* all wool,
• “non "
H,l and
ThtllTap Vim CO.
44 ,1 and , d
dud 04 plain Car.
List and flag Carpets, ..
13.4 Printed Ootton Carpet.
koUn Million
• Common do
• Chenille Dow !title;
Sheepskin .r ^
Rita prlnte u dTittanti coven
Emoossed tab lo
, • 4. !POW •
Printed woolen
Esaboned Rind w.
13t=34, 44 ga
64,64,44, iad I 16alltil
LB Lab plant Oil Clott9l l
Oaa :Mamma N
Blue aild-Drab Cloths;
Coach •.
Linen and woatard- r , •
Damask But Linen;
Turkey. Bed Minim;
Chime Bordering;
Ealieli Cioih Tstda
Browli r Len crumb clothe
Woolen .
gtagi g nCin
Jere and Coca no
All and Skeleton an
64 and 4.1 Green Oil Cloth
for Blade;
Haetebank Diaper;
Dainaot a fur Lining,;
Watered Monona.
Bag liollend for WBOados;
Trohoportat - n • •
French map. n.
7= A ' It b i Intro;
Russia Cronin
Brown Linen Napkin.;
Oman .178 Cloth Tinto
Sam Ott Cum= from don mon approved illog-
Ilah and Atomic. mannfactuers from td to * feat
la width, whir!' will he mu rooms, balls, and
vestlbalex of any alsa or sign , , . .
The nadendined having. Imported direct Irons sway.
land, his.Velvel PP. and Tafmtlfl94 ll Prin
Carpet., which aro 'oT tlia lino and MOM lleirlint
Myles and patterns, and of the anwt sorgeons Colors.
will bet bid as pricesw• low 68%014.41erafc-4.$
for In amp of the eastern aide, •
• atao,
RasMg Me. MONO amulet ot ;Schen and
most fuhionattle BROSS ' IMPERIAL THREE
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS which fmonorpassoa
In quality arid cite... Orpripeouvr a•sontatat em
belie kr oo l lo lotbis OD ne aSeo invites gthambiott
Men mod Crater Mattiliteraren'sd tee law, and well
nelmedassprottentorTßlMMlNOS, andodier articles their boainess.
The undersigned Is also agent for tke ouly Stair Rod
Martufamory Philadelphia, and is prepared 'id cell
lower than tan tw poreh.ed eltewhere In
Able city.
atria . 1 • WAL hOCLINTOOK.•
Goods.. • . •
A. MASON A CO., Mt Market cued, between
and Fourth, am ow receiving • Dorm.
nutmeat of Barite Do Lain.; Persian Cloths, ameo-
Um now; article; Palletnts; Crape De Lidos, de; Isla
• la* asatirtmeot of Lawns nod other Brent) , • •
of it. latest sotes and moat fathboamblo colors.
ap3 •
C • orrre—ao blip prima Rio and Jam - ,
Callous-40 bes awed, dipped. and aperm;
• Croon-160 boa Cram .4 Euglisit Dinry;
Craten—So dog neg. and Manilla; • - • • • .
' • , EtT n.-60ug coistoov and half Spaniel;
Fuot—lN half betas hlherel.andSalmon;
has assorted size
Maio—RlCO PrlaterVealsom • . .•'
• • 0 1000 Soma Cored;
Inalor—loolba F and - •,
• In—lg doillanisotur Bluk: a. Copylar. • •
• • Mauro —23 bits N Orb
iI half lois Sop. Room;
Monaio—go dos assort. Mu,Moarm '• .•
• • Maecamaxt-50 lb. lutliao;;
• • Vnitoo , l4l-410 ths • do • •
Nana—MO kep awned;.
• . Picanno—l don Jars ..weed;
Paracans-30 bushels kalven; •
Parza-60 reams assorted:
• Pogrom-1W lb. Bordeaux;
Boat-60 be. Bode and Cent Steel; '
• Stman—tithltdcrighleamtand
T.-60 packages . ° teen Ind nom; '
Tow:mt.—co has-IM 6, it 1 lb lump) •
DaA . 34.*-60,4spatent Stni•
For ohs by . -D WILLAMS k CO
meal • • • • Comer of Malt and Wood sis.
F • • • . ,
URS!.FiIIGG FURS:—Ine asbre rib wil
1.,. l pay
Cot Coon blink, Mink, Ras, Gray and Rod 1. na,
aad all tiara of ibloplai Pura 'the elibun swan
plata • bIeCORD & CU,
MSG ' corner nab and• Wood sta.• •
THZ Pannership heretofore existing bethreenJaatea
. Tassex and John OW, la the Grocery, Produce
and Comtatillorl easiness, was diastavial by . allaund
consent, on the 11th that. .Ids... John Best baring pap
chased theL souse interest of James Tufty, m th e
km, the bastheis . w ill sada by bins, at their old
stand N0..15 Wood at. .141111. TAS7EY,
talc/' JOHN BEST' -
Paper lllongtime.
PHING BELFX: YION.-Wslt he reeelved, by Otst
0 canal ship:milli, • new.add ehome easement of
Wall raper, of the latest French and I:oaks:3,s tyles,
in gold, c molt, oat ;plain and Yeah entree.
W. P. IllitItStIALL, (late B. td. 11111 a c .
=l3 bti Wood areal
. . .
Co-yartversaid heittiorait esistinglmtaraco 8.
U. Itashfield and Joan gelid!, ander Ma fota of
8. D. thatifield & Co., le Oda day dissolved by mutual
comsat. Theboatnaaaoy Ma old Mat will be tomcod tty
B_B. Baabf,ald, at We std stand, No. 49 Litany !tree!,
Pivaborah. • . 8 Il BUSIiktELD,
Mach I; 'ESL • JOHN
St. D. 111191111 EL!) sad GEORGE IGICUA.RD
clout:nee tbe • Whom.. lytt Retail Orr Goode &ea
Grocery Milieus, at the old e mod, Not- 0 49 Liberty .
ondettlio ihro of B. B. 11JUSIIPIY.LD Jr. CO.
Matto 1. 1e.50 ' • - • -
sigINS 11.4 day soloomued,-ort*lns, to too. %Viola.
We (howl, paganduica, mud Forwarthog bust.
=Zs tir= Vatla== ;It
B. %ratans= & Ewa, ia . w. ojd staud, No at I WII.
%grand Front attest LEL W4LTEILMAN.
- Xi:tamer. Muth 1•4113611
A 45AUTIOIII—Aboal•the UNLY -0141INA1
WILD (.31881111, the Freat remedy for -
And the- best znerkeioe kaolin
to roan lot Attlami of every gage, liver
Complaints, Uronthills, lelleeose. Ultaha
Idieedsog of the Lonas,bhonners of Breath,
l'alue and Weakne” in the onto
"Breast, ice, and all other
&wawa of the
..• • .
A very Important disease over which Ills Balsam e.V.
efts • veryl SEASED L m powerful LalVm , is UM of a
D ER. '
In this compleint it Las undoubtedly finveal sans
egle emus then any remedy . bleier** crap ed, and in
macrons Instances when patients had en ured tong 1
and seems sabring front the edseases,selthoal meals. ,
in the least benefit from various remedies, and when
Mercury has been retorted to In rain, the est of this
Balsam has restated thellver to UM:milky eadon,end
In many inmates erected permanent nuts, aftet
every well known remedy had failed to ponders this
desired effect. 2
Benders its astonlthlng edlcus In the disease above
mentioned, we also fmd it a very effectual remedy ih
with .= l :l 4 lst . i . n „ w . let4h l ‘ t e h i es in beeLexte f atively , .
needing. With the Inmate oletellitrAtco " be irrown
up • knowledge - of She eine:eats beelth,- ithd rot
mud for,theen, and commensurately with the nridee of
itience have wo g mmured the means of anesthag din
ease, and evenin its ravnges. Nothritionanding the
progress we have made, statistics skew that even
now, one sixth of the whole popalatiotidle annually
of consumption. •
. Onothe meet important discoveries of the age, In
ameliorating the cohdition of the largo 'class of ,td
faring humanity, is - ,
Wistar's Balsam of Cheery is aline Herbal
him:Urine, composed chiefly of Will Cherry Bea end
the gettchteleeland MOss, (the latter Is:named unless.
IV tor this P.IPMd the nn medleinal virtues of
which are also combined by a new chemical precast,
with the extract of TaL the 'reacting the whole
compound the- most certain and: eSteaciesn remedy
seerdiscovered for
Mill further evidenees or theremartable waive
properties of thin Malleable preparation: •
Moods Sandford Park' (Maarten, A id *lx
weeks ego I received the agency-et Winans Canal°
et. Wild Cherry, bat with some reluctance on my part,
for the lesson that I had been the Mara Of re matt
ddidtbdr which
'Mrs erected lip to
t i somelitingwondenal, bet which. tamed oat in the
end to be of no mend( whatever, except to the man.
oaturer. Oat t esodutly admit that this time I have
been deceived, (Or the ezneordinary cures effected by
Wistans Dais= have convinced nut that - "good can
tome oat of Nazareth) , You agent left me one doz•
an bottles, which are 419one—haute bees the means
of outage/meal obstinate cases of Consumption—
and no mints; tor what I see and know t am bound
no believe- One ease In panienian A young virule
nt= Winchester, Adams county, 04 10 and
this Mace, was eared Of Consumes/a when the doe.
tors has roved him up, or at lOW each de routing far
him, and It was the Lotman are to sunny
him to poet city, and place mm Ma of mum
eminent - physlela there. BO told Min of
Winans Beam, end that he anittebtala it ot
'lle ant for it, and before tho wood borne was gone
he was mad and well, and aluandingie his evert dap
; business. An theta arearrerallaquities for the I:medi
cine, herald be well to forward an *Slaloms! supply
without delay: - Very especial lMßE=y, years,.
° I , 4SWLAND.
The above, from G. Newland, Esq., a highly respect
able country merchant, commando Itself forcibly to
me candid attention of ail those who buns doubted
thn gnat merit of Winans Wild Cherry Datum.
. . .
. Remember the original and only grudge Wistar'e
, Dalsaso of Wild Cherry, was' introduced hi the year
DOL. and he. been -well used In all oomplamui for
which It ls ruommended. For IT years It has pored
mots efficacious as a vetoed yfor Coughs, Colds,lnge•
enu, thotichltis, Maims, and Consamption In Its In.
Upbeat adage% than any other medicine. •
, • Lost Y 01CM &v., ESTORFIX •
. ' • • Now • !arm, Aug. 10,1919.
. &D. P. W. Fowler Ilatriag seen rattly certificate,
published in relation to Dr. Mattes Rolm: of Wild
Cherry, I mike this bppottaally of Wieling a word In
itrferor, which um are oleo at liberty to pebliab. A
few months sine. my wife'. longs become ulna af
fected with a ituddoneold, that she loot her voice,. and
uttered tensely from pa= in th e breast. Her snot.
thin ceased her Wendt much Mena. Haring beard
your Datum strongly recommended by due who
used lt,l purelesed a noble from year agent in this
plus. She toot It accosting to direeliou, aml it p rcr
uced woaderfal aux geforoulog one bottle she
hut eompletely reeovere4 her voice, Ma pains aubstd.
sot, and tier health wag ram Ngy reenshilshed.
Yousstoilii - . HENRY. 0. HIUCHTMAN.
To 'Viperous Au Dinkai7 dlttochai—TM eel.
tbratedandlohdlible remedy ferikeure of Consuop.
hon, :Whoa and Liver Complaint, has by Its own me
rits, bean pour, - Safe soil tartly working its way
the episode.= Of peseta and conturfeiten,
anal, y true rates seti miriade excellence. it has
=I T 1.6 =14 l er d an . rcri b :
llisU In the •
atrad v f i gli=s y r r te end Tabun; to . tge .
tiered and eared by this valuable article, will show
that ft stands andralled—at the head of all other me
dicines, for Die'eunt of diseases for which It,. recent.
Che rry
tontine Dr. Wlstar's Balsam .of
Cherry now for sale by duly appointed Armour, and
all respectable dealers In medicines, le all large out.
and all important towns throughout the Dulled Mama.
Pasco II per. Room 1 SIX Donk. for SI.
Bold by J. D. PARK, truesuorto Bandfbrd.k Farad
Fount and Walnut sums, thorium:l i Ohio, omtersd
Agent for the South tad West, to Wheal all olden
mut b• addressed. • • -
Wilcox, Jr, .15.113C2 A. Einem J.Kidd •fti B. A.
Falutestock k Co, Plusburgh. L. T. Russell, Wash
ington; W. IL Lambertoth Franklin; L. 11. Dewitt,
Uniontown; IL Un ' enshl n L i
set; Scott,& Gilmore, Reed & 1 4=4
dont Mrs. Orr, Meek= I& Cox
east y,x; Wright, &lumina; Rua* m Ccsuroott.
trille;.&. Wilton t. Pon, Waynestiarght Witarland &
Co, N.:Callender; Meadvollo Damn & ea, Er'sn 3.
Idagoln, Memo James, KellY&CO,Duler, B. Smith;
Beneetj J. n ymninterion, Wan= EL.& o.3.Jorms,
Goodersporn P. Crockett, Jr, iltglinKft4, ;. .
- - •
fpf ELL KM A' rAMILY NEDloENEA—nhey•ar• the
Pattielces of the day! ,
•—• • , nightie duties, Ottio,May a,
allellers..l think iitighLtarthe beneath( othm,
MI Otte fame` firm In relation to year excellent Fa
intly Illedielnes:
• Line. vied roar Veratifogs larply Is my own
family. ant Vial frequently expelling . large quanstitlet
Itsy.lue WWI wpm.) from two children. I bare
.tear seed Via Liver Wile and Cough Synth In my
rtinilyi Slid they t are, Id every latancej ptodued
the street desired. . .
Al I lm entailed In merchandisiftv,l ma able to
state, that I hare yetto hear of the elm Were wham
your medieines here been seed to say stetting otitis
eteutry. In concludes. l may erste that they are
reethelnas of the day, and am destined to hens vary
alienate populatity. -Veers, neosettally.
• • .• •• ' W PINNEL.
Prepared and *old by R.,FLEELLERS,No7 3 Wood
..reek -mid *old by Drusetts go molly In the two
cities and vicinity. je7
atiluitithltac- w fthy ors YU
1.7 Medicine. of the day.. •
tittnerth Shutt" Otto, May Y„1/1, -
R. E.llellas i I think It right for the benelitot mhos
to mot some lee's In relation to year ezethiql Patait
ly Medleinat. •
hare bi y. Vennituve largely Mow oven taw
1 1 7. one viandlfrt. dandy answarins far ge l n _Are
tithnti y 110 200 i worms' two ablate l
have also . ett your Liver Pille ned rti 871.0 in
toy runny, and they have in every Instance produeed
the elleamithired. • . .
As 1 am *needed In nthroboadisina 1 am abli. to
Meta that Stoma yet to hear of the Let Wu ra where
sou stediaina a have bete used inlay litonOir of the
country. It i coachman, I marinate that they've the
medicines al the day, and tea aliened to bath a very
solanalve pepalanty Inoue, rerneedelty,
tv: H. Ptheivith
Prepared end sold hy'R. l " .V. tlittE,No VVood
street, sad soli by Drupes steamily to ths• two di
ties end Mothlty. soya
itiluar di/ kVup LIVER RONYLALNT, by he ,
X only true, *pkg.:sine Liver 191 L.
Burr Cale, Ohio esuna t ,ja.l
Mr. R. E. Seller.: Heat Sir—l think it • dety I owe.
to you end to the peblie nera - Into Mate that yet's'
been strived with the Liver Complaint for • long
time, gird se badly OM an ahem formed end broke
Ici ggr h i.lTlltktmu; '47'l beard.
Lt u .27,i w..t üb4i, bbAbbbAbba:d ge by;
r. E. a
fur trial.: I ased olui l bok, e Ztd foetid them to
he JUST lOW they_ re recommended, TAE HEST lil 2 l
VER. PILL EVER UREA and after taking four bonen
I bad the &tease has entirely left I untnoar.
*Malty irell. Eespeettally yoan,_ ' r
West Merry, Minh 40,181 e .,
I eartify that I am persona/Inlnlid , ./ "tch•M ,
Relent,. ‘ end can bear testimony to the mat eilthe
!there zenitleate. - A R SHARP S
The eemene LhrYPly. fare prepared and sold by
It Ed r LLERB, No 67 Weed street, and bye drug ime
in the ewe aloe.
113 THE I.OI3LIM—The tullfinaLwaVni , i
eine Liver Villa us prepared by Rtilieuers, andlave
hie num stamped fm blaek wax. upon the lid brivvell
box, and Ida women) on the outside wvappec—all
ethers are counterfeit% or base imitations.
.10 , E. SELL • Pro 'Motor
UROhl thi Rev AnetDUNN, awns IMO= end Pn ,
Val 41. Cltrirman of tht Pxotestan ethagat (puma
'. - The andereed havant been aftlleski darmirthe pail
eraser with a Manua cabs stomach; sometime .ann..
Munn 0 peat Dela in the stomashfot tenor metes Mare
witiontiraerau •‘enhand Airier heriat triad *aeon
zemether lenth ' :gut Iraa famiOed maks bents
at De D.laineliC mauve Saleatas , This lie Reed es•
anent to the dneevens,and laud unlaxlablpthutdte
medicine elnandthe pen to *bah in three orSoir map
wee, and in ARAttrat twentplattattenmerß:anealt
111.1111/Lbil W. entirely glinted.. -The raedlenta wan al.
terwardainnel wheneverlndleanons of Di Inaploach al
palawsre perceived, inane pun area thorax - 3701W.
ed. Ile continued to ass the - wedelns *MT welding
mad intetkans th • = RUMS, And S • t.W InK 3 A
health wins° fere stored, that De ennerereres re We
*dlr.= a large =naiad eapreerirn TWA.' From AT
penance, thenHote.le can eradidently trannunend D
Agnes Cara:Litman., Intlessi, as a mammy mediate'
fu dowel; piths annonach azibowela - AMMER
• For salt Plaahurib 1 -ca 0 .. 51
73 Tomb inreet, naar Wo ' and also at Clang
Bunn II P SCHWARTZ. ire oral Went. Annaba.,
carom sieve OP WILD Dumf.
ina oral wain los
Coisuraption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma 13Miehitis,
o Complaint, Spituo4 a Blood i. Difilegy of Breath
itt! tillltal e ; l"a croup w il, rat_eo Ph. g:: 91
sibution,SOT:Cos ' t,Narna DOW- *
ky, and all Diseaees of the Throat,
Unrest and Luau the mono.
fatal and speedy care
ever known Mr My Of
the above Caw
Corrapialad. Od lidf lath Biafra
Thi s no longer among theme of daub=
amity. it tine paned away tram dm lantana daily
lambed upon the tide of erpedraent, and now stands
higher to reputadon, and Lei:meat:deg more
c m ;
cor a d im ge y other pr.r.u.lion or medicine over
predead for the rebel Di mitering men.
It ham heen
std very
through the
Dolled Stites
b and Loupe, and there an few towns a
importacge what contain tome remarkable evi
dence of itts /ad al eau . For proof of the foregoing
• mataimam, and of 114 value Ind alicay of the mech.
eine, the review: seal Insert • res of the many thori
um ter umometh Is loch hove been presented to blm by
menet Me teat reepeetatillity-sua who have higher
views of Mond responeibility andiasice, that to an
tify m faith Lao.e it will do another a rash and
themselves ei . illl6l.liCe. Such testimony prelims eon
olimively,itis mu:indite elcelleuce u atablished
by he intrinue merits, and the ungareamitable authori
ty of public opinion. The bismataneaus relief it all
.n4the umthing influence dilated through the
whole flame byests use, renders it a most agreeable
vemedy fee the aftlieted.
"Will Map, among from conscientious unpubres,
voteutai past testiniony tri the troth eta Mal, or
particular fact, suchtertimony, being contrary; to thole
' worldly Diaries and porpores, acmes conwetlea of
Ito truth and eommendt unit' in a /racial manner to
„,,a„„„,.. ...ace...-0 , 11,4•01 Mond trait=
STILL /Wore= Cuss or Yawata Cormummore-
There never urea • remedy that ha been a. sueeessfkl
in desperate awn of thinsuraptioa, as Dr. Semmes
Compound Synip of Wild Carry, it strengthens the
spurt, and appears to heal the Meets*. the lent
(coy,' I new and deb blood: power Pormairted by
other sibeira. • - •
; Ceram Co, April IDE 1L949.
Chios isyne-Dear Sin verily believe -your Caofra p
saving my life. taught a severe cold,whlchßreda
ally grew worse, intended with S severe cage, that
resisted all the remedies which I had TOCOUSOLO,
Increasing until my case exhibited all the symptoms dr
Prdmentry Couromption. Every thing 1 tried seemed
to have no effect, and my complaint increased amid-
IY thin friends. well as myself, gave op an hopes of
my reeotery- At this time 1 wits recommeadad leery
your Invaluable medicine. I aid so with the mat hap
Pp N.lts. The Mahouts had the effect to 100sati the
cough, <timing roe to exacter= (remit, and by the
thee Iliad used all boules,l was entirety will, and am
new as hearty s man to t ever was In my .11% gm
s w iet b hl,‘ " &e.. " w.,llll."
so r r .,2meh For the truth of the above
immure, refer you to Peter; Rtsl4 Grow, Wee
Cheetah:Yu, testa= I pushased tha a
ma t oeMindly years, /Max Kan*
.Wd l adarfal Curs of a Diabolist /Smut"
Dr. Sreano--Detr Sin I feel a debtor gialittde dna
',old *dew to the aftiotad getundly, to arm
my hum la tatimeny in favor of your Compound By.
n, l a Cherry. Some' th ree Tears due / was
Mcleod attacked with cold and isilinantation of the -
Lugs, Which was amompaaied with a dictintssing
cough, pain in the breast and head, a very cm:udder.
ble dloOnrge orofferwive mucus from the Imp, sepe.
Melly Oen change of washer, however slight. As,
first I false alarm about my condukah but was pretty
pon {divined OM Ives rapidly going into ceasing.
mu. 1 grew dairy weaker, and at length was scarce.
ty snob
able to walk oil speak above awidsper,
wthe lizetteding imams. of my lags.
time Ihtd. pied variety preparmione and p= th g t
tat found noleneDlrowieg sli de itto b time d r i gia last
t=e4r..l:,; l l.‘l7;:.syinfor.‘ild fri =
idT4d!ar.:= th".Leg'., IVA? Pnit
those coming out ell i t4 hoodo of empedes, but ander
stadia your ermine to the profersaa and pmetice
nedieLm,andbaTJnd impUme faith In the saying of my
Mende, 1 fortionth parchead or Dr. Shaw, ate ofroar
agents, it few b.cdes, and eximmencedith loa di ngy mg.
use was at thei, time Ma or 16 menthe , , can.
sequeatty it wee boated. 1 'found, however,
ameliorable relief from the use of the tirst Gar or five
bottes.! But Imes a TIMM speaker, I frequently at
tempts 4 to preach In* org el ia s cream t
flat jt =ph, tad
! begun
to a b ; P to edV arlr ' il those, mw rg
retarded. In admittance of acting thee halmeirial
I had du st tWIOTO or fifteen hattla before ergme„
reedy t toted I have no intestine,' ir rash emaß
menthe of.botthe would have sue cooed, be.
the abokeindairetum. The Syrup allayed the fen
tab habit, took .coq the Mementos cough, put ago,
to the diseharse of matter OM the loop, and `tie
them add the enure avant good health. have delta
red °feting oenificate until now, theta punier.
of being setbdied with the permanency of the
rare, and now shas I feel wheal) well I odor it with
pleasure. UT. la
DeWitt caddy, N. O. •
Istporrrat Cautwa--RAM. , Mat
Thine is bat or Oceania , preparaubst Of Wild Merry'
and that is Dr. Swarm% X: b est e t r y er a ofeaepp ,W e
algo u pirt• Ofi s .rePe,• an/74r.
paradern earl a by th e nerve of Wild Chem h ue '
oven put out shoe is, strider cover Of south deceptive
elreamitances, eider to give•eurrener iodide miles:
80, -gbeirwsnott,:ne. person need mistake the
envelopednt Si—false. Egon bottle of the genuine is
ant a beautiful steel engraving, with the
likeness of Witham Penn thereon;to, Dr. Swarm's
signature: and •• further wearily, the portrait of Dr.
Swami will le added hereafter, no .3 Mt distlemtish
his preparation tom all others. Nowifl is win not for
the grew curative properties and known virtues of Dr.
Counwand Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would 'not be andeavormg to give currency to their
"Scabies now• sate" by stealing the mime of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear In -mind Atte name
of Dr. Swayne ad be not deceived.
- -Principal Ware, 0006•0 of Eighth and Race steeeM,
Philadelphia. •
For doge
21. runt Weed le and rste tails• B A PAN Nby OGDENE-STOCK it
DE, bo
Co, N
cor let ars Weed, 'md 'Cth end Wood ma; 'Whl
TUOIEN,S3 Mkt S JONES, lee Liberty st; JAP
A JONES, cot %land and Penn mg JOHN SWOP..
Allegbert. city, and by all respectable dealer
Woe Sala Cheap,
ONE handsome baggy, entirely new, from • eel.
brand sunafuturer Si Me eut Ala., ■ rails
deirdna nein second hand Sari, in rood order. • 71 , :e
quire pd this atm je6
Pelee DA...ea.
11E SUBSCRIBES/3 wilt sett Maspratita best
quality and high test Glass .d Soap Mahan ,
Soda. Ash, warranted med. to any other brand r t
31 bribe quantity of 6 tons or upwards for earraney or
armload; Notes, at Gar months, oral tor • teas qua.
• 3eo Liberty Wert.
101"ERSEY, FLBMING & Lh.ri havnag arranged.
fj. give their ,tittle alteration to the sale of domestic
W.f. and Cotton Goods, now ofet their tarp
stock of Tailore Tritantlngs, Valiant, Preach and
Gens.Cbellts, Lattesklns,Cassitnerdr,&e.M first cod.
BLEACHING POWDER —Se oinks Ju tilaspratt
Ram' brand, 111 superior arUele i for see
'76 ?Mc% °,1,7,11" l'A•laii`s'" 48 ' 4 -
( dre w p oxmb ridge,
.4 ,14 ; 1 .0
, • •
ICH V ILS , Wronobt Jrm &MU., from Ms Tempos
arm mills works, warranted; will be constantly
on Mad and leappleal to order,
_by .
wrie • CIRO Me UR ANA. W...
I . 'l, -al itax,:gtile . tiotihols
v. • ,
MAR Ltdi At: AND • 0011011CRCIAL .COMMON
PLAC6.llooK—Cocasadad iike,d Wawa of Ili
esprass: Caul of tha Va•tal "Owes. oat of the ne
e arly* Illaut.cadra cat tans of Zdaturdics,
and 'mammNotes— &fain/ Ikea casaa=
proadnard, add. idea madams co, dad
druid dpoa,parare 111001* Winged Win sada
mos ea Gla refesdade, dad acaddis -act ill,
utedilso spidipulad 8f W. Lm , Fcadadllor. at
Lair. Jan raaared sad far We b - '
• •
JOHNSTON spocirroA
Bakstllers, am. Mutat tt Third atn •••
• ..irataral Ilittatantaire.
Nolen-psitossrs its Maud Satattastans Man
Diann- WataliphY W Datum now
Callow-Aphati•ina and Ratattlitna.
ilitaw-Eny Ilia Latvian than
Davis-Leandro: - Maw • •
Bryant-What I saw in Calltanda.
nc-Plermi-Paat en4V.triWs6 wan /lan
Akou-Liinats w Tomas tan. lawn
BiimP-Rectimile of Dam= Damn Want
Valliant-Braun French Llunanene.
B a ii ma rxi een Ui.- bo mp l4l - I. 7. kl ner4= l"" .
nr Wit Br4/1.11121 D LOC/WOOD •
spzezea, soma To,sgraplungs,
p,RoFEbsoz worms Imo it a
oe istantuernhan Om% upon their oppuesste"
.11. •W. EstM oo..7lWorse street, PaFilnitilis
OkkOkock 0F..,
Or; 44Analysis sr OS Loth
niaatb ter if fives end 'See
-' • ' I - ewe of Pim.
' The follensininotice ureophel hear' the - New York
,sq•exesses dzinuenc,er booth 'ie . le DI
(likso., ISO.* this work Asi Impugn of
weensoon - of intsobenk we washy a t a
r tbe alphabet. cessonse• OOP limes—ths die
rued Goo Om Llpeabet. End Os bon by which ear
fiords riri corniected with etch otherore &eery
nittfr shows this_ y - therein - e — baOeitten.
deed lay eight elosserasup esantileations. in
.41/1..1.60WS COIIeSPOO4OII to sows eseo
men l ea ; and *seam COOLtoCOSI/019 OM CO
nixty_thracatni words. The mum proposecto
comsat tht•o Wilds. t m mom see dew teed she
results Instesa of' spellirqr the" Meow practised. ..
In awl= respell the Systenrptorsessi an faecee
sat dinar to eradd/tw d mat CI hashes.
surmise , Whig • three ntisdronto Os unisons,
from whit* Non derived.c
-"Ws- astutely lased my Omaha hula stork mines*
insennto and skilhd srislysis,ibr wtdch Watson
Dories , w•ths• coati& ristehroil -site lentil neilkeste•
qre ennunend n so the tuesahs. et proininsiteachen,
h y ell al esisk th at they witwit tat Ilatimied oak new OA
trebis - stossertheta.", ,
'Froosike Prettille4i - Veitlkistt.
• untrizretifAconote Or trkkier Peoltastn.l7.
.``Ths Oramtnes at Azithatide, by Professor DOCIO.;
presents Up gib*. tin a nowt to •lests
.mithntetle ur pra• • the of the Immo wile
tho trst principles' of Abaco In cosh
right order ledronoordoa,ladtb new 00 the
meant agleam en diem molest mane.
Signed,; W. H. Boole; Prof. or Nat
• A. P. Chnrchl or Matheautlas.
it H. Mobun Yrof. ii E.glnearlag -. `
*Aka& 13kiNVI Jeep. Simla relpiethilly antrum
ZCOOkM,lkiid to SU Istdeseed ine nutthenittield
situation, Oat they Intl Walsh.= 41t.t1MOO the US
,lit=o 6.sS AlltMaj o 3Vid rmC- ailigatTOk.
an Artslyses of the of this kolentto— o f
„ tes NMorthereasehis•. , --indraltilkest lkethods
°me susemeloss;...pyralnes: Tholes. lelefts
'-nitellior of schersaplose klynent•Chisubstoules. .
s. as ma are 4 0 PO/1141 of
. For sal l
SVoodute eip. by A..*EINOLDISI & t es ta No.
Wo.bao a Raw: •
B.ißl.Pw 1•4041•Pe,
• • •
Gw_mp to R4l. l 4Mdtds Wit
Jas.; ue down to da Ott= Flattli
; 11111 1-Waa a Lad)i . • "'";
Be . 111410 Gel Loved Gau az Mom
Now thy boallightlyt TatLeff . by TalOod;
Oar way adult; GotoolLasaar ..
.Jm A ou Y, G o tlay 741 ... .0rtectt
Ontbi tiy otter, " • " • .
tkat wont , W;;Lag•ltarsh•• • ,
God Waned hotly
_ L Soloaylktil Watto -
Conottpt's Dtpartna r _byWAL Glover,
Bostadt Saar W, altota Soryormarthatao .Co;
Lan Romeo( Ihataal,,itasy IFtdiaM by dam •
Uldted Sadao Polka; Ladlost Soaaantr Waal "-
CoraGrackar Qoadh Lostairtllo
Beante4 oritaly; Den 4. "
o, Ttios,a,a; . ; • .
large assornaart of NatoMado eatiatod. 4
to wilett
"additlopa mad.
, waokl. For sole
; . H. aUMLOR,VI Wood at.
Tue. wor. aura mr , frn br R. 22p2ryi 2
Mem ' raw, or 'gluten* eatapabiag ma' Analysis or
the Lam, atlimat Miasma awl of POITISIWN by
itlakard Whaugy D. D. • .
Easay 2a COnlsdanlininnii tiy Ilainist4V. Non, rd .
Teta Ogilvie% a NoveL
Vary Tana, frau all e Nailann 7 R. Mon
tal a; win 24 as by Day 4
Jan aeon by ~ ,..1 0LINST1N A. STOCKTON,
data* . earner Mani and Market anav
Now said Jetlisgsimg Yin Hookas
Headley tittsh•eleysti atiginal designs by Darla,.
Poems and Prase Writings, byltleluird LL,Dans;
in.; muslin. • - - •
in k .;
Gess ef SieT J d Pristy,iviSi six Westin
draw engravitd on use, by obnlbtrudn.'„ •
Just received by JOHNSTON STOCKTON,.
dein - • - earner Titbit sad Motet SOL
cum -- AN u o . e w eriunt ;Pnetle
or Om ational dati Int ..r
Meant Profession and the berms °"h°
-1V /looker, It D. •. , ,0 4 1 7$ by. Worst ;
Worts of Dilate! De ta.soopm4e a •
F.. 4 07 Woz Molest
4 $
, Mount sad Ds o.'"* s•no A
.ard,Dssr, &Au --s• irs Wm Have Lap
in %Int
, -K b at i frftigicro — rz, — =
Market Thlrd streets
vasty atilallard Ilartary. —
.131311:6 4 8 HIHCORY OP ENGLAND is Dow rib
.A.l, Raking by 11.3 per 'Oro' Ls 141 s. !loth and
Mper.. t r. teals parvol., lases mots aratived,tad
a HOPKINS. • .
! • Nal 73 Alma* alkildistss, row* ss.
lsaw Hooka.
• REZI I 2I Ms KsYsistb moo, / Fans= Metro!,
Illsisty laz p. Alked al Roghwit, by Jacob Abbott;
trtta Gab
Sidman Hs Hotenresr, Vim: blealm;l4.
um% ' cams TWA sod ilaskaistises
Ow tht Matt ; • • • liar - Age
114111112EILAND .a k a . o f =
tan, -and ins lrerials, ri and tut
InquirySnto the Manne r and Ain of the - nt. ha.
sg th einao h =nnwen Lisany•_Layard,' Esq. D. C. L.
Moto by ProL E. itotwason, D. LS,
LL.D. Illattn=witit .In plates soil ensyL Juni
woodercti" rein cloth, 114,50:
nip book ha r a
re Oro. ra amount of pistils; vivid, pia f.
-earewab narrsolvo ,Trtirsow, • . .
"Tho weak .of Laird's the
e Lia ,wtiunt y k e - nanan t con W r
bson to the=attabl
W1:n . 2046b=
& ' n.tryMhaWe matorNi ns oa;anas Lias Ow C tayitit.;sVultng -t
Nos on folloW titaidligeos with britatinsia
bt tbstrezenymkute, anonnitdanty bad ortaelves bo
nito ow wiveadfaryrr,. canon with WWII acaartay t
now . hinny tat' U:to-. traarhoW ins dna of 3000
mg% ate - art . toady Man with rho anienshed
,Arab,, Wa[lab; : ittnbooderfotl bat it Demi n-. 10,
- neat!• - - • • a Woods •
PWOMEN of a* OD sod Nett,' Testaisent.
led bg 1/: Shawl P. D. , 1 imp, =7,,..HK.iecT=.
ab P d O ent d riast l iteli Vi tfi tr *t ' l U
Alse:-/ Ofsp=l al a.
Sewell%Chairs rind Book of The Mehl oiDesee.
THEthIf,CHANICD , Ad i nfANT,' adapted Drat.
aseht,Witheahns, Ble 'Wheelwrights, Baer.
gi l a i r benm glo r.,n%ll=Arr ul ,
141:42..2 1 , 3 , ;1317.11a . ti.
t .
at o o pn m o a n
Oreer7tilin r l:l=Vitt=
L.m , th c o k r44l7" 4
Trat 1.4.4071934 4. t0p1ua55e Trades.' 1
frbe Gii*Oortetlenee, 1 vol.(ans
. Antb4n4 Clessleil Serie. J,,, ..
• .Wobstes t s.Thedoaary,,rowfiel — lfid. • vaL Soci.
; do do • onabrtd(ed. I vol. Co.
, Whatelyl Login.
Ifuno% Nan and 404Johlaao PR No3 ,l •Toolonunh
,bloshohoN Enclostankil ? ' top;
HAL fohola) . •
Iir.WPO of Crtadon, • laid:tibia' •
• ./ 4011 =P =NINON . 1, 1014041 Rol*. Vold. (oloth
.tna _ • •' •• •
&mum trofTosPuff boa Trbnaphod.' 1 trot.
4'14 .fta thl l4l=Oalieeifiziii. - •1.
, aidato !humanely. !NHL " .eia:( 010 /4
'Bffellarengh DtedOnary.
smaHN Horace.' Far saloty • • R•HOPECNII,,•
• • no,H3 • , • • Apollo Ihdldfoina Foolist •
ahrfit BOOKS JUBT MHO Vhaa—iiko p o
Monudgne, added by, H.• Hight; abtotZtat t do ,
' Lama ifid Joy ratty canto a Ozi k .y.Lut
r note ft:tan& rt . titon,Etiograpt
t Theory and nada of ToidtaaVor
and Methods •af" Goad 13thadi- Y . by David
Nam A. BL A Painelpal of aho 15huo Normal Soluaid,,
A1141 + 4".
ForestoThi MA and kohlas of Hasil. Sum;
and dash Provinces Nonh 'AndencaLbil Healy
coil • =MU Third and Haftet mai
Teo Olden Time.
JAMES u LOClWOOD,Sookselter , and Iniperter,
No. 63 Wood street, lots tor salon fe wcopies eons.
facte, , title remainder of N. oditiorta of this valuable
work, devoted le the Preservation Of Documents, and
other authenthe ituotruntiou raison/ to Ma early ne4
&miens, terdentent and improvement of the countr),
around the hand of Ike Ohio. • kly, Neville 8, CtBs,
Esq., of Psdanotult, iq Wools ken..
novl6 t J. EL LOC/CWOOD._
WIERTY: A Ilata wally l, wan a aiiic
' Liberty - of other 'Ancient By Smut
Ellam, Fag: lllnualed wtth Matra earavings, cu
owed at Roam 2 vac, BTA, aullona with Num,
Jut publhake4 and Ibr aale4
lAMmesD. LOCKW. 3
D, BootieDer arm
Ithato. 78 mg. kind. FANNY YISAAI
thE CONSOIION. • - • ' • ''' '
sToe re ' of dila book AO Impressed as seders
math higher ithOlion of its luaus thartyne had Amu*
from pentsthg Wit other thtitthiA : lifv=thAsePds
tope of thought, sailed go more oft y ene or
fgAiiAlr nat, icy other redaction Wile &smith- mum
with wider, sin are Obb. Mirror '
It Isar and inglathe Wok mrithreth
Fanny Kemble , i Sem styie—tmirVnerhem,
ram. ; w e mememend trwadiWadelf As dm best
pebtlasdlon of the utheces ,, --Rsagliegythm
ems:mile roma or • stow thriblgh ELM&
sad residence in wan and Is *OA of Ike yledumatest
and Punt latcreuding books of thb sementA—Crathana
Sm sthCa arm
ry ahameterletla book. We lava mmol Ii how
tidA pada to Colophon wit Is =abased ithersth ye
Mem. pr Ate la Um: Alk Sweets amtherals
yeadabl. ,, Ealekerbeeler. •
narth hiporter,ith Weadit
tedWier . 1700 441 A 1 . 04 ) 6 .
OVA da. POW•M i tra ba 4l4 TC . s4 l44 "i:
sibis dal el . tOO.
, A1R0.14
_ • • E~r . • 110 Si, ••••
hania• .0 1 10111
:130 WCTIP*1 3 . — D 0 447
parade la and Dan - •
'ftvortUle terms.
• "-ZIO*LNGE IMO gat- ;!.
tl einelnsuit4 Leatam..e?.,pygg
• New coastantli for sal.- •• • • . • • #.60.
BM'ICN 4.-Notoion Alt ogre= .buirt thC.
.United INAtt ri distsanted ibelowen mac_ Ani Lund', , t
Fo . tekasa /tlnetieu•Gold "18aTtf0411tioargia:
Mc. No: 113 **Act i*rh,
,41 .
Pltutiorst4 Pi. • • -
amts - I
, _
EL . Jaii 04 &Wend. 1ra11.4. eistambelOtel. .;
nay, amount at Abe . Canard Rana of Ankuwi:
DrW iidattavad aay Can
t f.* Old'Coutrid, - ••
frall 731:tato, at Oa a 33 laa 3 a 3 aadaac.,
latiboatdedsclan audsacanna, by 403111da. imw.
SON,Egropeac.nd Ovuna Aiwa; oa.
dada man at mod. rr, '4 4 ,, , *7l • '510011821" -77'1
Erlt AND EXCIEMIGE 1110=14 &am
111 r r et p l a ndpgialtilLalkbr,lKßl6l4llllllN OW
mad, and Coda, cour at
3d tad Woodatre4ddiedly , Model Id. Cawley
,sepl3 ; • I,
irrdann05M9,1410, , ,! .: 84.,4
. .
. 6,431 .fiq 414, uozatza
Ml 3 ;EU4KE4I7S':f
21011.1 Li• nAIicORTE -
.teiiiisd Wine
1.11, Illeretaats,Eastilda of the PWabetb,i
arc not olfaing the ry,
_lomat priect for yam,.
wjokey r tim awl! Damuttip Untidry abo,,
French Mikan tialtigni WA, Jgoilea. - Notr %Lott.
Oa Gin, hi:Alit' Whirktßont.'ice: ,AntOberm
amin,ci.opqrde, Clret, 'Mum:tell, Mal ,
. • re sad Lhbow Mos. Wboltsate
ae m aui Jital Or roc
• - "PP! ,, g Pr wnPr---4.-.
rappinir . Pabenerawit,_
du* StrawVrippirlif 1144 r; Clowm, / 46461 4
00!.bl9prtrilit Paniiitled reper,youtbeerdiftz4m,.
' t Vit r , miasanuonlview v., • • .
i . • frit for CLicnozattlt...
Tons WArr re co.. noerimaea wiet
, Ordeeri!Alq tltd eppotite tlda • . • •
tumor IN AMERICA—Efer wirk.shd her rui•
wri EY Maria .1 Isfelntoshinnibufras
Ealinrentaild..”.n*. MCI Maid ba.1.1. I flour.
• Latterlhay ParnAhle.,24 tr,—Ehn: P
117-Thost“ Carlynyu., , • .
Cuhrunai4gernoltiolltte a.
•Clualruers, D D. Prelcutirml .oh Buttus l / 4
Analogy, Peers Er:Wachs bf Chtbutiohy.,Ohd HEN
Lectern on Divhlity, Mich two Introdnutory penmen •
and hum Addrensen debtered On Ego, Coibuse,
Edinburgh, by Th omas- Cbahntra, 1 1 . , f„... •
Cwan 4 -Lffecp .t ihn u ruhi,Ulisulgtedit* Whew.
Ua stnimiserad- y from ha ea
Sty Tbumu I!Yr• ,PgrUSIL-Ll n nr Ce'N. 4
...For info by ' IL liOPKlErhil
ROT ; • .78,Agicillo Buildings, kg •
i ]•5. Dittmar; corred4... :
Froth the New Firk Tau& , '. • •
AFIND 'die= toast age whir
hu betusulble Inthe'matter, . •
a.sir.a us bur. that ka hae bett_cated eC.-
mectuue nulatisb7 the euLer.t.SetagllN VemDoehd is
Acouttc'ol4.l. Phile4lelphig megichte, set, .
for sale In thin dui" bat which he thinks eeghaati he, •
lot the good ef the Meted.' He bee enact Who hue' "
alio beets cued br•ff r ile , amemle" ads*, gß•grho "
are sage ing trout deafness, trt thle 1 ,whlats •
auutance thati unless the use be , tine .
egperipl:t etre abgedially gnus,
•For sa at .• THE PEKIN TEA 111 . 082,
re. .rofoonot, Fluroargh
. .
Oimilbst Combat • 1
20 GROSS super Potke;lo:4o:l6eirery
60 " , see'd Redd
per audm,
• . la• d. Combei -
• ' ' Woad _ •
1003 dei itrel Fille / 00 M . .
.• ,Nide Combv ...
10 , tlarge B
Bide CO ff sebs;;ie'd add for sale by .
00° enpo
f D6 lgr..! .o . ygpomit,ll:B Market et
"iff lIOLIIMadt Duff Ltallmilidf . . -
kE - NOTICgI-ThMir.fgradintrick
rrecolved several rues of lbe finest odd beri DUI(
IlalloadOosvldett he mould moo r rerpottful/if
ealt }he attention of Ids curlomers and Um publia lo •
_(f3 .- Carpet Ware Foam., l 6 FouidioLi -Joa n •
FEW .very GUMARS, Mud reed from the
- orlebrated Mrslufactory of LI. IL Martin, and for
We by j . J IL MELLOR. kit Wood la •
;•:111)414s Joust • •
1 18 11Itt P 1Vstrued
Wotk ; . ,, , ,, lthn i g= vol., fin,
!Linehan , . tlibhdal ao4 Babbuta 8447.3sostaillyi .
a near work; Intoo.
Tarn , . Analyst. and " • 1 -
_ lara of Jobs. ttaadanun by Wm. H. Stiaant
innallo • ,
Foams by Mr*. !lemmas; 1 vai,lno..
Solon!. .6ennona—nanuons jnescheil o
e ln
occasion., by B.Pben 14 naw
vol.; including Potinuoloon Discourses. ' •
Bante—i vols. la theep,arata4 - Bvia'; ,
For .abs by , • -- LUDASIOIgo
• 'Apollo ThilitAya,Poatth t. '
T. l forbra le W ° t n ol e iforinthri esofltitstli b* rg i l; ,
and pabileten:ally, thathey, bare_ retina the Ea;
OLE FOUNDRY apd at* lair In fall operahon, and
haat, part ,of aria' perterilf ready for the marten , —
Alnerlatt erhieltim Cooklar4oves,.Colat sad Wool - .
Moves with noplendid air- t Ewa Stairaothicit
mow sixpereedlog . In other e ilea the. coots= round,
Stare., Aim, • ciiedp coal Cooking titoea, IN e 1.1 adap ,
ted tOr sm (ILOAlie.., "ISM • fall a...lnnen* of cow
moo and • Grates We would pardealarty IV -
rite the. C ;of penal:1.6111141r; e coll at Qat •
ameba .reireltasing,andexami= osplearild
male of Oiled Grates, inlabed la fnes
entirely new Una market..
.. i.szci l d
' Warehouse, No. L5l Liberry • teWeedlit;
• auggitaltl NIGRO . PAYNE.
krprininzartineonniA, ,.
Malta. Intranet. and
Meier Dealer le
aof die GU Caleb, led Market at, nabarga,
ironing Martians, radian, and others vanilla L.
Ficalargno myna. Coeds, an noon-itchy finned - 7
la call and amnia ili: i eLetar: ass i o . rne e tri of Eag- ,
th tl a roretpt ia l7= at this e llibifflisorar
on imp Goods init ,
ea direct bnser, and pattlasers may rely on gat,
Vag gooda I
les, u .1 hare tbo largestassan
nen of artic in the variety Ike, Dr the ally of
Pitubongh—all or which will be sold low for rookon:
elme n t G az i nzt a ,74tZe i k ,e tot ß i l alaa, , 4lt par, of •
Cnnata, gime and Patent Tbroatia, &Wing Di% -
%ton Cotton,'Tapes, Haty:ll4 Plus, Nee-,
'Mainz! Callan'. • • '
• ,Gold. SllverWatehts;Onld Scarcity, allinadi ol '
Drains, combs and itators.. • •
riregadatiCalta, Paioners, Plans, Cloaks, OM dt•
Cotten Panes, escalades, Steel Pen, *ado Box.,
Carpet Rags and'Easteis. • L
• ,13,ndinnt, Findings mtd.Trianadngs.
Tojs dad Fancy tioodn leggin? India large varie
ty of Fanny and
YEMIER lb .lw D age
Yn O mc •e le . b rated• •
' ! Croat ,XWE/lalti Relitenity'r
FQ R Cou& D eoldit i taihnWi conorroor
Y Hos fiEDIED GARIAN Y ibr was en w te akin ,
LIFF, discovered I:iy the celebrated. Ea Dapyyn, al.
- London, Englind, tad Introduced into the' Ilia
ander the immediate superintendence of taunter:
The natraoalinaig saucers - of this medielne, in the
cure or Puhrionery drama, vt172.1113 th• Amerbun. .
Agent in soliciting for treatment the were% perealbla ca ,
oesthat can be found la the cominanity,tasee that Beck •
rellef m vain from any of the common *medics of tha
day, and bare been given op by the robot dito= " l
Wok:unto as confirmed and nuairable. The
an Balsam. has insd, Una will care, the otertlirOFlnlik
of easel. it la no quack anstrara bat ealionamEhlt•
Ualiatediring, of known and ettablioloul acp
„ „Every family the United States sheald, be implied
with flochan'a Hoafarlaa Hamm of not only to
annnersetthe aboriimptive tendimeiew of loe
bu. to be watt a preventive medicinal* all et= .
colds, coughs,;upitting of blood, pain !intlis side sad.
don; Irritation. sold serene. of the bulgy, brackio l / 4.
difficulty of b hectic flyer, ol!!!oO% gni.
azionand gene debility - , asteMo !, : wh oopl op
with and croup.
Bald m WV bottles, at SI per b.:M* l6 / I ,M
done for the restoration of health. ' . . . ,
Pamphlets, conunriink "Marto
ran certificates, and caner evidence, aborting thw
Mittite Wm prat Engkrit fte nuidg, t o y ..
°Minna of the Atelltt, !r • .
- For sole ,- by 11 ► FeitritzTutm _
04 Coiner • .:
!at sad Wood and Wood and 6th . „
1151651144UX0U0tt alutur—Tail,
Prnasoa titan 27;1843C;
• Aft. IL I.:eiletafa Attica to 'cattail fool
By in o; . I beg lasso kistate, for %ha
cat of ilia coolooddiy, that my wife has boss almond -
times antated distrentaff, mash. Doih•.
ohtwod,f4Jaeaaftlatti *Um , of Toot tvaap, ' •
of two ....owe oloadiog. AboeL Ono
comb Wee, the
.a lly tetaated; *ad' Was' so Wore
that the <veld haattly move,. from wealtans the'
omiat;•l seal fat one bottle or rod/ toellb and
stoat of ow botilh oozed the dough: Igaws the otter •
jaumsyrnint,Who w
, wen &Misted, who
to m[a ownyroro.; ',wen 'enough soogh Candyto •
cork an pa9ple, to Plusbarty if the easily had
boon as good No tiotowated. 'l , • . , •
• Vdht... 4 l.dtfe.4l • Ataxia Zuni.
rop e
and old , by ft, V, id MIAOW, al Wood
awash and mid -Dtvgalats genet lip to am lobo. ,
ALLSAUIIinIMIC, V ikiNITIAA Ilkisililik., ...'
!ANuAligswr WllitkiNtl9,* -
‘l6'l4"."'"' ~ _,
rally Worm the •pubilo, Lai he. i -
keeps an hand at bla siSiOidimthe
Welt aide at the Inanadd, nlle-' '
'ighttly euyi • eakapietraaser .1 - , -•t -
Idanlof Vezitian Mali; also V...
ninon Simmers ate .-made tat_ni.-- . ; ; y '
. i
equal to . 4 1 Lathe United Swiss.
HIS Hilade can be removed WWI,
I. 014 - the aid of A 'O.lllll/ driver.. -,„
flaring pasehasnd t ka.. stook, ......
tnolhand arand'oftbso cabinet es- —'
tablishnietn of II anisaykllVClel , - ..1
tand,• I amprepped •In• final, - ,i;
anis old tampon:l.h naitrit is , .• - ;1
qiii itablin inbuilt antis every itung in i *Ma' s,, , ..... ,
No tr. nod niTuy it#ltuk
1 .
metnta !,; I .11!“!,Wri ..... „ „ 4
.elliiiiitaNn initlegant plain Item W . A. I'llille ~'
• tram, the : <lank:wed pionatactory .et Nadu.. 411 . ••••,:.
Giark, - N,,y4 of iniperior tailo,lindireri t inodarktir..,
. . .
4a19 . ! - . at]. W. ood ,: t ,
. , for recrrpg-7/rartari Scorn'. Clutter. and al , •.,
eta dcrtrrtztrror to the Teeth, St Sr artiar , .. • Itb
ttielarteleleamting the mouth, berttletaart strattithere ~,...,
rag thevurr, and punfring lie Sista*. • .-..•: , _, l•- .., f
~. FOr . 4 rti.4l;__ . • - , t
deal_ .., . ~R E BELL:WIMP Wood it - -..
11jeLT02111$ teeeltY.O.PER MAN, Prali , •' - ` ,
IV Jut ree'd. , an Omelet. or L.ll jewelled pus de. ,
ere Watches, leo trots One ease., erideal eiltos,,,,
le* la thla kopj eel i . Ave dollen, sae !TM= !I!
amentmese or . eogo*
ptheee the wipe* tad Wen etyke, tele paleigAe
1 14. W. WOLION. Wateisaker sae Jeweler,
; 09401140811 AA Falk-.70111A1C-....:;