The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, June 25, 1850, Image 4

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- •
lektle'llontagne COlSip.loVOSYthelr agent
rI• E' llII . R00611$ want kloonne in sheets ac: feet. from
- .lt to Iffratnees per square loon. Continued in sheets
.317, 27 oz, for roohne psi he bedding. end depots,
Bhlp eathler . z lode., hem nr to 33 ranee.,
Ofdlei Wire, Eager Molds, Perfottted . Zinn
2the atat, An.
They warrant their want! pare, and free hew any
ne e of Iron, or any other autrataiite, and re ,
e he cue m d
f l u t
rn fo i r bang
e l m e, a a f s a e l t t u r d e o r o s f . I m o nn
hi not
'affected by the action of water, and !calla pollahed,
,painted, and Japanned.
Saandu, models, plane, speelfieationa, odd other
iIIgOTIM/1001.1 be had alb., emu,—
et STIO3O, New yet; • • •
Neiman Tama k. Co., Philadelphia;
, tr. H. Melt, Ilaitieuctre'
' Brarta, Dar t Stavw.btew (Weans;
F. MILLW,OUX, ilealdeat*Agentt
...Jena, Matt. • • S Ilanzfrer IL, Nein:Yolk.
scdward A..emsfreT.
1G South. Caclert st Bultrinmer. l3 . l .N.wre
Mats beedfre Aden*, N.Y.,)
prIPORTER ofFindogsomd Dealerin Leather,
orvariela kinds: English and freed, Kid titles,
mirth Calf .Stins, Patent Leather, Ilorocco, red,
. white, aed lastlngs, Francais,
Vireo Knives, Awl Filmic... Shaw THREAD, Mara
T' itch*, Shoe Nails and Ehoe YEHA. of nil area.
K A. U. havingestablished the above business lo
lialumero, Is enabled to ship goods Routh or Wad
wieh m. utmost dtspairli, and at the 111 , Welit prices.
pr.,eameterers, dealers, and all others, may rely
open obtaining every article in the trade, of the best
'WenlitY, and on liberal terms.
[rrklanafacturer el Lams, Bodt Terra, 81100 Trees,
Clamp., Crimps, Root Stretcher.. ke. All orders lull
be Pwwisplly executed. Low prices f or cash.
A 'catalogue containing a complete list of every
article in the trade will be forwarded le those who
may desire it.
EDWARD A. GODFREY, 10 B. Calvert M.
altllonat near Baltimore at.. Baltisenro.
138 Greenwich stmt. Tao York.
THE proprietors beg to call the attention of con.
moaners In Tea, end the heads of Walle to the
COIN, and core selection of Teas imponed by them,
end bltherth unknown in ibis coontry,yrnieb, by trielr
=ix in!,
roduce I„ n c i o n inh 1 . 72 . w ait ry st
. ri g p i r tLa t h,
eels and
The Ten offered are the following:—
The Jeddo Blaum, a Black Tea. --$I 00 per lb.
Niphon, • de•— —• ••• 0 75 do
Marl do— .... • ••0 50 do
^ Others,. Green Tea ••I 00 do
" Too.istas, de —0 75 do
" T,ekl.telast do. —•• 0 50 do
" Pasture, %comp nand of the
melt rare and choice Teas
grown on the fertile and_gental
soil of Assam -- CO do
With it row to eneourege the introduction of these
Matchless Teas, it is the attention at the proprietors
to distribute by to among the pt.reitasers. st quantity
of Teas cited to the First Scar, Profits on the sales
erected: .
• Sack purchaser wilt reterreVneloaed in the pack
vfn, numbered certificate, entitling him to one
nuance Itt the dtarnbauen forever,. Sny crate bud nut,
end on the recent. amoantine to 1120,060, the under
laeolleon.4 nareelt of Tea. to the value of ton per cent,
or $2,000 WILL DE GIVEN AWL'S' as .13onusat,
ay.o Kunz to the ItglUtelfte
6 prizes of6Olba of Tea each at 51 f 1b,150 et or SZSO
ku do 25 lb. de do do 200 tor 2500
60. do 161 as do do do :AO $ 0r15500
'lOO do Its' do do do 600 10er WOO
220 do bib do do do X 5041 cr.=
11s3 Prises so &IL 2,000 lb*SO
Those persons who prefer lower priced Tom can
recede , ' their prises in proportion, or they will be re ,
purchased for cash, at a :eduction et lover cent:
post pa i
Arms w.ted. Applications to be ad,
• dressed, post paid, to the Company'. Depot, as abort ,
Broaaarsayi • of Vsldiom Lane.
Hl@extend. wyrEt, has been leued by the
W l subscriber and kaa;been completely refined in
e mot elegan ti manner. , Large eddltions .an now
being made., Which, when completed,tvill unit a It the
PICK enneinn Hotel in New Vera. It'd toe determi
ne:los of the proprietor, to mate it equal, in every re
spect, to any other House in the United Cedes. Its 10.
:canon Le the most desirable and central in the city, bd
i log in the fastdonalde out of Broadway,. convenient
. tet all the public pined of ammo:tient,
:banned. Grateful fm the liberal patronage reedited
front his western friezes, while et Cumberland, Md.,
and mare recently et the - Weddell Haase, Cleveland,
Ohio, ke respectfully solicits edentate( their panes.
ere, for his new enablithmtut, at New York,, and
begs to assure them that every effort on his put shalt
be given to administer to their comfort andzleasure.
nt. S. HAMM.
Now York, klareh,lol—frarr...3re
A PORTS:DIM SOIL 210 or 15i-
:Up caner, Gem lo Meet, Plymouth, England. The
outspent neg. to acquaint their olititero{lllJiatrOnelb•l
Ise next Disothittion of Portraits or Rue Horses. will
cordpilso those entered far the lforthcnmm6 Grand
.riatioasl Darby flaw; the atanirer of shares to be
Unwed to agOl each class..—Firm clog member Xi%
second claw ditto LS. Early appliiation for the en
,appropriated idioms it necessary. A pony sebscub,
log for more than one elate has th e clammier pa ini n g
n equal number bemuse. Those members who drew
the various Portraits will be promoted with the fol.
• Portialt of let class berme. 51 ditto
Winner, or Fleet Horse LAM Lintel
• Second Horse-- IlklaG SAW
Third Horse • 6.010 11,0gh
'Divided twinge( Staneirse.• C,Outi 3,OCu
' • Norcinetters 6,W0 3,000
There are 209 bonuses f or h clars,that being the
number of horse. entered the race. The Drawing;
will be conducted noon the same legitimate prineiples
as those which characterise,' the late Si. Ledger and'
'other proecedlnes. Etaltrutnirubto of the resell will
be not to absent =unbent Immediately after the de-;
Elston, that each may know hut position_
Saborthers registered and reap forwarded on re
<Opt ef a remittance. Bill. of Prehange,Drafts,liank•
Dates, he., addressed and made payable -to the,
Managing. Directors. W. JADES k GO.
• por cent. eeromisidon to be reduced en the'
presentation of bonuses. rarle-Ons
1.501 .REED, _HOUSE, I/S 3 O
Y. 11/11.11111Eit, Piaptietor&
Ehe Spurn, Erie, F.
aad:Seathern Stages, leave ihte .tel ly, Car
riages le and from Steam and Packet Darer, Gratis.
AL W. Even, late of Sin A raevie•it lintel, Erie, Va.
O: W. Hem; tale of tbe Haul, Ohio.
Laud and SWIM for G.l.e
• AU.FLOURING AllLL;with four ran of stones—am
DI. best loeotion• fat boldness in the-vrest—and
ro rata Saw Dill, on an almost never tailing shoals,
and 10 acres of Land, goad Dwelling lionse,Testilat
s llottin, and other Improvements, situated seven mite.
Isom the Ohio River, Monroe Connry, Ohio. Mao,
hear the above, a beaanfal Farm, welthaproved s enn-'
SIC tares_ For tams, Re., enquire of
JOST _ 11S1 Second st. rituhsreh. '
Ole Jainea Illetwriars/ Plaid llagmeitee
. p coder
fo lat ,.. zie m d i n clef e of the It=
. Thin e.
elegant preparation la recomm r i th
en to
eon. of acidities, Indigestion, gout, arid gravel;
ae the moat sere, easy, lea eireetelid lore, in which
Id*Xemia Meg, and Indeed the only one us which it
ought to be exhibited. pommeateg nil lb. OreNnko of
the Magnesia now lit genteel 1330,w:it-tout btu:1;11161e
Lie t r io farm dangerous concretions In the bowel.,
ii effectually _tures heartburn. wtthout . Untiring the
colts ot alemach, as saln . potme, and their ear.
bonmee are known to do; it
the food of to.
tints tinning Vann In all cases to acts as a pinning
•aperlent, and is moulted) adapted to female,. -
Oh Humphrey Davy testified thee tent solution forme
soluble. combluations snub •rte anal. alts In eases ol
gent and gravel, Meths. couiderimucg their Wormier
riendeney, when other alkaline, and even hlMlldie
itself, had failed.
From Mr Philip Csampton. San, Sen.. Gortodx l
to - the Amy in Iceland:—
oDeu Sir—mereran be en dimbt not Idagnmii
. my be administered mere .early in the form at aeon
etiolated ablation than so substance; for this, and
ninny other reasons, 1 am of opinion thea the Plaid
Miltremde M a very saleable addition to ate blatant
bledica: •PAILIP CRAMPTON-ft
Mr lamp Clerk., Sir A. Cooper, lie height. dM
Mesars Guthrie and Herbert bleyo, of London,Medeo
, Iy:reeve/mend Marne 1 / 4 Fluid Magnesia. es
Mule, =entente and convenient Man Me seldolimi
free frotio the danger enending the mamma ass of
soda or moats.
For sale by the Depontriss mut proariatoris ad CO ults,
• DA F i
Car. of Wood!, Final its.
VOTICII llhere by given, that en or about the Bilk
al or Apt!, the imbscriber. bad matted to theca et
ellsbarg, Va.; tee fallowing cotes, vim—A nob
Mime by 0. A. Mordn, payable to one order, dated
April 110, al 4 suomhs,for $17.1 elk a Sl i tawn
Jaen D Moron, same due sod Hine, fl 7, and
a note drawn by Jobe Watt at CO, In favor Of Jam S.
Marken, and raendoned by as, dated April bib, at
four months, far 5175. Trio above mines were never
received by os, and this I. to caution all persons
against trading for or titling Me sane, as payment
en mem has been Moped, 8 A vir HMUIAUGLI
blaysl, .
AVERY large sod choice meet of Fresh %sting
and Summer GOON hap lad been opened - at
Mlenerider k llay'• No as Markel .trees, north west
sterner °Me Diamond.
In calling the attention of our enstomere rind the
.'shito the Mut. It affords us great pleasnraln be
lov4ll ltenibrues-GIitgATBAKO AIMS in al-
Most every description of gooderas • Ittane *Mi.. , of
sr was peretesed lathe recent eglanelve ens non sales
in to sunken ernes. Oar assortment, Lott of tancy
and goods, le very superior, and etude to all
each balers, eater try arlienceale or reuul, • fine Op.
porumury of cabins bent ism• and berm ,
New etrln Foulard Mils, very etsap; Met NM. •ad,
lgued nkargutils eilke,ef emu.' every etyla ' ann
quality; .epee plaln and Seared black silks; do. be.]
genes and tames; bangs de laws new and hand
iv ma style; pew style Usenet,' Etat, and Rented
In great wallet?, and at Very. w prices; plain,
gared.Cind main embed de lulus argil kind. and
~gnritles; Mica lulus or all abates and colors; gulp
pew ti l ilwt.s. •
Raper ammo/eon surtim plate and geared
Mack db; plain and embrobl u red Mores do; 1 05 ,.„,1,‘
• Were do; caper plain and anbrrnd,red wain, end
Colored craps do: be reft a 0.,
A fine leeortea.l of nuns, glausookt, laceoets
vrluct, Looks, bishni , :l•wr , Ae.
Itaut, heady, pearl b ra i d ,Flerenta braid .4
taper iglisll4uagr 1/011PCM
A fine Idoek of 00/enor plam end (rinked 01k and
Ifiatio Tare peresed• of ell color. and neellueo
A large amottoici4l of anver Frenah, FLoglin
3:l3 . lilialt cloth. ...d ea...wits of all qoalans,sod
Prtcco, to wOtolt we weld Invite We otteolion of W.
Oar stock of brawn end bleached muslin., ticking.,
cheek., eham brays, drillings, kit, is very large, and-st
Ike Veer leareetprima
Also, a large Ist of table diapers nod table cloths,
prawn and bleached; Russia and Peoleb diapers, graph
linen. nankin., canon and wool a good. (or men and
boy.' wear, Irish Aiwa, red, white, and yellow !lan.
(AM m
, dOmestie gingha., Mk and - Linea lonia and
gilosesof all aim., itOinerg and bonnet ribbons, arti.
*mai Rowers, he, to all whisk we weald mipeetfally
.septa the Illtennort of vano'essie and retail naafi
, g giso at.,N Weer. of tba In•wrind.
prepered to horrid. Apple Trr•er, lnm the
1 jk
well known Narsery of Jacob N. Timm,. The
inter. will be delivered as Ito Przrobergh for
@Alper handled. rerroos wishing good thri ft y me.
.board leave heir orders -eon al t he Dreg, Seed and
Per - fernery Warthonre, earring of Weed and &g git.
N ivicimuttkit
. • . .
DAILEY. DROWN l CO. b.. 'awned to No 120
• o.o.:Wiats.l 4 21 dOcr blow tteJJosontioNi Hoimo
MO. Si Wood screct,lse bet received new a 5.1.1
.1.1 sinistent- of PIANO BIONIC, mons which are
AleSy, do you Love me by B.C. Fewer.
rosy the Red Rase Live Alwoy, do.
Cwas a Lode,.
do. do.
Uncle Ned,
Cwine to Rua ail /CCM, do.
Dolly Don do. _
The 0 ,. wet.lLug, by Glo o. ver. ,
Rl _d
Oh, Touch die
ofdfr again.
Sweet Memoirs Th ee.
Bluer Moon.
Lament of ate Irish
I , ? nlyrant.
A Now Medley Song.
Thee but Wounded th'aSpirit UmLoved Thee.
The Conscript's DePerlave, bl Waver.
Re, &Lad Rollie LovcdOnes az Drone.
`Tis Mine where c'ecthe Ileast
TheVankets Maid. '
Low. SAWS'S Oar, IT ra: - '
Do you, etvr think of inn.
Moab. Canes Lady; -
Jcennie Grey. -
Cellsilits, 'Wedding, Wreath, and Dairy
Batnbelar, Malden, Bella Wolin, Concert, Ladles'
Souvenir; Colby, Etyma, Lily, Alice Evergreen, Nara. nee. Silleo. and Way Polka., mart!
147 E enier nOt Into the Oat of poderson soya/tubing
about thordreds of Cheats, importer., Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, Ste. In met, we-will not
humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the
public to compare our Teas with what they purchase
elsewhere; this is the beat method we know to surer.
min who sells the best and cheapest Teas to Pmts.
burgh. We are now selling
stood and Strong Tea at 40 and Oneonta per lb.
. A prime it do do
The best Ten imported into the U. States, SI
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Tea, we do not
Proprietor. Grille Tea Market,
An Ode of Dtemend.
areas Americas
O. Applotoh & Co, Now Vert, have in
lleuluq to pasts, once twenty Ilya COOLI
Of Machines, Nuham., E 4 Tronkarld R
gm:roans; deszvor! for Preened firorhlng
Men, and thou rnieurtodi fee the Eng..
=fen at OU.* atme
. _
Tula WORK is arsen. Bro axe, ant wilt contain
wro ritecsann ream, and upward. of am anon
seine Itzturanzona It will penitent working-draw
inde and deecripuons of the most important marline.
in the United Mates. Independent the ue of
ACIC/1.11 indemnity, it will eontain t ea complee amen
cal tread es on Idecbasties,hlateldnew.tioginc..rork,
sod Endineettng, ontit all that is neelal is more thud
one ttio..d collars worth of folio volume., maga
tine., and Mier books.
The great object of this poblleanon is, to plane be
fore- prudent men and 'tad.= such au amount of
thutatieul and wientide knowledge, In a condensed
form, u shall enable them to work to the best adv.-
tan, and to scold those mistakes whin they might
etUrarist commit.' The =out of natal information
thus brought together la alma beyond pnwedent
cock. Works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject
within its range which is net tented with nett clear
ness and precision, that even a man Mike most ordi
naty` capacity cannot fall of understanding it, and
that learning from tt each Whin it is important for
Matto know.
The publishers am, In short, determined, resenilms
of con, so mete the work as complete es possible; and
U is hoped ever] ore desirous to obtain the work will
procure it as lamed In numbers, mid thus encourage
nhe emerprise.
The wroth will he issued in semi-monthly numbers,
ceounenzlng to J.auy, 11350, and will progress veld,
MTh regularity.
e whole work will he pradlehed in 40 numbers,
MSS mom per numberomd completed within the cor
ms Tear, 1.. M. A. liberal discos= will he muds to
Arty Orw.readulna the publishers ho m advance,
shall rood's ; the work through the past otlise free et
expense. •
• • OplAilaas of the Prim..
"To tun nomerou Manufactured.; ktechslica, En-
Moyers, and 'Attune, It will be a mine of
Provide nee, (HI.) Journal.
"Yong teen, arm yourselves ulthlto knowledge.—
Wa no atith confidence recommendour readers to
p.a.& thateseleet of its notate. to Cut as they an
pear.,,,American Artisan.
"We usihesiLathigly commend the woricto those en
gaged la or bummed in mocha dcal or scleatifse par
its, as eminently swarthy of their examination and
laidy.n—Troy, Bget.
"It is trig) a great wort. and the pabliahew de
serts., the thanks of invencon. machinists. and mann
tactorers. and indeed of the piddle generagy.&—.N. Y.
thd oon n e t.
tsionstcy will be highly meal to practical
assecheal., and voluble to alt who wish to &ceasing
mlaut., with the progrns of invents.. In Me me
chants aWan—New Bedford Daily klatesins.
"Vining mechanics ought to keep posted gm In the
oral as well as pact cal kaowledge, and thiswotk anti show them Last how they stand..—Dagbary
• - ••• - • .
"Wo tans ft to bonsai the acorn that mores and him
d mods 0( um Imelligant mechanics have dashed to poor
scsa 10 ample are its dawriptions, and so and
051.6 Im spocilleauons, that it scams ID as that any
mechanic might contrast any mantillas It daseribes, on
ibe imength imenEravings and butruntiona.^—N. Y.
Commarciat AdYertr.
Au intarested to machetes ilhould avail them
aseaLlves of us advantagaan—Schuyik ll'enn.,) Jour-
' "A work of extensive practical utility and peat ism
pursue and nice nubs rapidly incteaaing interests
of Co occur. .W. regard the work as eminently
calculated to promote tha Loan of science and tha
mechanical ens, and to disseminate valuable informs
non on theaelnalneets."-..Partner and Mechanic.
"Practical men is all the varied walk, of amebic t
eal and te.ufamuring lade:aryl engineering. So, will
God in this work a trysirre which it will be to their
omit to pears."—Stay Daily Whig.
"We havnearetally pursued the numbers, and have
ao besitatiee to saying that it le the best work for co
clanks, tradeumn, and mimile men, ever publish.
ed. for it rental .inmate. infonaut= on every branch
of the mechanical arts and screams, espreseed in •
style and language intelligible to any reader of ordi
nary capacity."--tileactimer,(Nlass.,) News
"Wei are sate sea ere doing tke ruccbantes of Nor.
Inch and oche, puts of Conneenut a *eyries by
bringing the work to • their alsention."—Norwricto
(Cone.) Cosner.
alt is jast ruche work as every enselianie aboald
possess."--Preemmtht JoarnaL
Wo consider hoar Mike most metal and Important
publication of thascs No enactment! Cart .ford Chi
withontlt."—PletwatiON.J..dCarteesenelal Conner.
Kit all that casinos ;chile:miens limiter ter their Mo.
lee% the inundation' anal advancement of the mechani
cal arts and Wieneta, nom that we have roan, 6 in Chia"--Balfalo ConSiAdv.
it is the best and cheapest work aver offered lo the
seienGfie and prketleal engineer tad mechanic. The
plat. s are beautifally eaccated."—lVarldrigton It lohe
"This grew Dicturnmy La one of the most mere!
works era pablished for year., and the ow price at
which it is mild males IV Ileteptabla to alt."—Miutli
"Wa 'regard tits one of tie inastelnapsekteatise and
valaable, as van as ebeapas‘ Worts ever patd/shed_^
—llaltimara Advertiser.
. _ .
.Llogbt to be titan by everyone desiring to keep
pace with the - progress of an and science th.very one
of the labors of eivdired life,n—Flondo at Courier.
"It is designed Mier tha pneciplo of Urchr Dic.tona.
ry, only that it is more devoted-to the mecilyate al and
engineering profeesions, and above air i .e valuable
aCteMpnaing for AMetlea what Ul4, hae done for
libiglesd. Ms: describing Rmeneran machinery and
worts of arin—Selentille American.
"Die pabllebed in cambers, and at a price an mode
rate, look leg as what la contained ineech number, that
no ane who has the lout interest in each nutter.,
dneed be detained fromproeuriagni end every one who
oesthat h so; will Pod e hat in &Condensed teem an.
=mint of nutmeat.," which would be obtained, if at
all, only by the purchase et very 02.1) , volumea.”—N.
Y. Courier-and Enquirer. -
.Tba comprehenviveriets with which. the subjects
are Sealed, the admirable manure in whim they are
illestrated i conspire to make Misr one of the most Jen
rette wore a'r—Democratin Review. --.
"This work .bon ne beinthe bands of every mechanic,
art,ran, and matinfoerer, eepecially those who have
the Iwi arpiratiom le Coral In thew revenues beat.
oatwelt. We bale carefolly exammulit s with a view of
commending it to taverner. To them wa would
In the strong language alibi Etbist.'"it send-"-
- Lialthaore InventOntpurnaL
Wad. to the En - pyre-tom of Newspaper, thraughnut
the Unstal,Staar and Canal,.
me torevolni &dyer:lse meat is inverted five time
Ifettitrilte gear, awl Lee paper evolving It sent te •
tt.ttetirt'Vtltwit T the worrvrill be seat gratis In payment.
•~Conmining we Mercury, nor other MirwraL
following terr i zi n al ch. was fiven,boyr ule
the .-
1 hated
.merlical work entitled
American Practice o.
e alAf
tred Vassal,' Physician! ,
been made acquainted with the Ingmthents
ishielt compose McAlltster's All•llealing Ointment
and.heving prescribed a... 11
It It:invent' caret It
my prelda practice, I have hesitation in saymg Or
eatifying that kis Vegetable RentedY, coutalmna.
co mineral sabatanee whatever, that Its ingredients
combined as they are, and used ma direeted by the
Propneter, axe not only harmless, bat of great value
being •
mientific Remedy of great power and
cheettally recommend it ea a compomd which hat
done much good, and which is adapted to the cure of
a peat ',suety of eaves. Though I have never either
recommended or engaged in the sale of secret medi
cines, regard for the trate hours*, conecientlocs, ha.
mane character of the proprietor of this Ointment,
and the value of his discovery, oblige me to say Mae
Newgarding it. W. BEACH, D. D."
York, April 224,11310.
BUINS.—It. is one of the best thing. to the ',odd
for Bums.
PlLES.—Thonands are yearly cared by this Cent.
meat. It never falls in givin relief.
For Tamers, Vines, and . 11 kinds of Sores, It hao
no ay al.
If Motboroten4 Nunes knew its wattle In cams of
Swollen or Soro Drew, they would 110e7s apply It.
In each cute, If used according to directions, it gags
relief in I very few hoar..
Mond the box are direction for ulna McAllister's
Ointment for &rotate, Liver Complaint, Eryoipeln,
Teter Clolbiain, Strad Bead, Sore Eye., (Nine, '
Sore Throat, Dronchnes, Hennes Affections, Palos,
Disease of the Spine, Head Aebe, Asthma, Deafness,
Ear - Ache, Dams, Coma, all Dioeeses of the Skin, Sore
tips, Pimpleit, C oldellin of the Limbs, Sores,
Rbenreannt, ?ilea,Feet, Creep, Swelled or Um.
ken Brent, Tooth Ache. Ague in the Face, do.
Frourtle Reading Eagle.
There wee never, perhaps, a bled/eine brought !re
forest. nubile, that has In so abort a time won web a
reputation as hie &Winer% All...area or World
Salve, Almost every person that has made Ws/ of la
epealre warmly in its Ivan.. Ono ban been eared by
It of the most painful rheumatism, another of Me piles,
• third of a troubleorome pain in the ride, a fourth of •
swelling In the limbe,ke. If It does not glee Jennie.
diste relief s In entry ease, it can do no Injury, being
!!Prlied outwardly.
Al wetter evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er possessed by this Mare ' wa cobble the following
certificate, from • respect...lAD citizen of Maidancrenit
'eventide, in thitcountyf
bteidenereek, Reek. co., )(arch fle, 1817.
- Newer Bluer & Ca:—l desire to inform yc. that
vein entirety eared of • revert, pain in the back, by the
mite of Meallistees All-Ilesting Salve, which 1 Par
c4 wed from ion. 1.„,r,„41 with it for tarots Va years,
and at night was tumble to sleep. Doting that lime I
tried wanness... Ca., which were prescribed for me
rbIIAYLVT. r:illa:11211Z":` .
su-ft beyond ..Weetatiort! I a v m , now entire•
fy free fr. S. ema. and coircy at night a peacefal
and tweet sleep. I have ale* owd the Salvo eine, for
results. be
friend, complaints, with moiler happy
Jose lbantatsselL
Sole Proprietor oftltiel4:lAfaladve mnedEleßtna':
Principal Orme, No IS None Third stmet,lfldladair
Satin to Panama—Enna k. itelter, corner of
Oct of Market
Liberty and St
greet Clair s
and Ma Inam treeM; codond,
Wilecar. Jr r r
Poluth and Smithfield meets; J. 11. Cassel 1O cornet o!
Walant and Penn Jureta.Fl ( th WardJaad aold at the
Booknora to Smithfield sttnet,ll daps Irma alleand.
In Allegheny OW by 11. P. &hymns and Lfliagen.
Br .1. (1. Druggim,lllrmlnghatnj Nagle',
East Lamy; M Rowland, McKeesport; A'aineder
k. Sea, Monongahela City; M.-II:Bowman lb Co., and
-1.1.. Roceralintwontlle; John Bugle). Beaver, Pa;
John Walker!, it., 121sabeil. (abltoodly
'kEEN OIL CLOTH-&O 74144 4-4 -an Oii
04444 palm; 444 Of Ws lr" -
ALL 011 S:
Valuable and ezten wl•t. Water Power to
let on favorable roma..
A now prepared to the Water Poen, t the
. iflrand Rapid., so an amount sullicient to proel their
'hundred pairs of mill coon.
Tha t location I s hexed
!upon • nork foundation, and the poorer cap tenon-
Z n both eider of the river. The
thretished . T .. ttirp ' o '
Iron M the
t!! lI bile umeee,
ens, aunt coal. na the stoniest nbundaner, and of
hoplirior ly ,can be easily procured through the
name country.
Tlonsui—floe hrlndred doll.," perar nnnoto for n pow•
vr sufficient to pope a tingle nof medians fixed
toil! etches. for a period of fifteen years. with the
fug[ i'imbrWal on th e expiration of the levee, af •
n eairnillon of the power employed. The site of the
mill or lianufnetory included, without further charge
"'"i'"'P.". lip
"" Vl4tPl 7 Wt:ls,
_President critic W. N Co. . Mato, niedr4lles
,; TULFS hlkalleATED NYMPH rues tk
—The akin of many persons le dishes.. with
alight eruptions, as pimples, morptiew, he., and when
I lib. to merely a disease of the et. as it is in rime.
nide easeront of every hundred, it la vorreasily re.
• moved. /ales Nanel's Nymph heap is armrest,
adapted to diseases of the, site, a. It art+ directly
up. the Minato pores which never its surface.,
cleansing them from impurities. and by its balsamic
propordeskiealing and eradicating all cra...and
rendering die d and rougheat akin soft, fair, and
Fortune Who have bean in the habit of using intik
n assi „ a d o4 . 7l . l . b i :As p ir tted
rnug i•uirear,
'Clop., preventing the beck So Mee n . orE and s from chap.
plag, argyle( all irritation, and removing all cilia..
cal crept... It possesses an expaisite cerfunir, and
is entirely devoid dell alkaline properties, rendering
it the only Intel. which can Le used with safety and
comfort in the ornery.
All those whose face or necks ore diskrurrd with
pimples, blotch., ran. morpktew, he, should make
trial of Joh. Hauer. Nymph Poop, as the proprietor
positively assume thorn, that Its use will reader the
most discolored akin white, the roughen skin smooth
and the meat diseased skin healthy, pure, and bloom.
Jule. HaarPs Nymph Soap is the only article which
will etrectarOly produce the above rif.cts in so short
a limo, and the Only one which is at the IMO, time all
powertal and entirely harmless. Plt 1,14 ff d only by
JII2LL HAP FL, Perferner and Cliolllll6l,
153 Chestnut street, Pails.
For nle arbolesale stol retail by II A. Feanessorlt
Ps Co, and ft. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh; tatrd Jolt. Sart
gent and
_tl Alleeheny city. Fa ttt.,
10110011 D BAND PIA NOS. -
A GOOD Mahogany Piano Forte, n new.,
11100 OP
handeoma upright nano, with Roinirrood
Furniture, h ootriver, and in good order . • ion no
A plain ty mum, Piano 4.5
A good d octooo Plano
A good 64 octavo P.ano, 'god handtome cu
For oalo by
el Wood o
Aat•tte Night Light.
QOPEROEDINU Wm Wooden Fle•ta. and brie,
certaboraiblo, thereby event nos, the oil, abd
•ents ',Man, heretofore to much objected to in
ether dot One table apoomul of the onamc
lamp w last-Nine Hoare or any farther Itag
Of time, •e Nina to the add:Mena! quatittry ot 0.1
Reccivedmd for Bak by JOHN Il MOILOAN
ITEM RECEIVED, at the Pittsburgh Family Gro
h) eery anal'. %Forebrain:
6 oases Fresh Oysiero, In tin eons;
6 dol Pickled do, in cir ja
do do do, in pint do.
The above Fresh Oysters are porbolled, and put up
to a highly eonceatrated soup, enclosed In hermeneol
ly sealed cam, mid trill keep much Lougee time
put up ti the ordinary may.
For sale, Wholesale and I, $y
gi hreCLIIRO &
old Litoits at
Groat droorloan Mechanical Work.
n APPLETON I CO, New York, have in covme
.1. , • of publication, is sato, price twenty five cents
nun., a DICTIONARI Mavhlnes, blechanies. En
gthe Work, sad Ethrineminr, designed tot Poem el
%nothing iid•noisfil those intended for the Efigiliering
Pronoun. :Edited by Oliver Byrne.
Thin work/. of large eve sire, and will contain Iwo
thousand pages, and onwards thonssnd Mona.
bona It will g distance and diocrtp
lions of the mwi mps rt int noschtwo in the Palled
Saates. In dent of the result , . of Amer.ran
t it 11 contain complete practical tern mgr. on
Mechanics drachmas , Engine 'Work, snA Ictacer
latn.7.ltwh:lll.thoTt t h u o se , f o u , l2 . n . m ... o . ro „ ttrz , : t tin ., tl:ri o q.7l ,
books. Six number. received, and kir sale by the
agent, c IS HOPKINS,
anld n Apollo Daildinga, Ftmeth st.
Jolla 11.1 Ilof, Si Wood Stretlyfillsburg
Sale Agent Ia AVeetertt rentaylvetua, fur the male •
Grand man Square Plano Forte.,
BEGS w inform hu.riena, and the 1.01C4/
that be' Ina now 1.04 f re. and will recrive and
expose for tale, dosing the prevent In nrit
and cnowninalealila atonic of Piano Penn n-end
formate In Uni Tout—among th e number will t, Ina d
a full supply of
Superbly earned Roseworul Grand Plana rune.,
with all the recant isoprovenicatu in enchains. and
uric of exterior.
Splendidly Maned Rosewood neven octave sonar
Kano Volum,. fusahed tn the Elmalmthao and Lou ,
XIV. Myles
with a large monk of all the rule. ntylc • of Po
Im Fortes, varying in pie. Isom Senn an
SION, pmpalcol by Mr. Clackettog tot t h e prose
loon. (MO.)
Pemba/ere ate tended that the 'wire , rif Mr. Gide it
erings Pianos hare been, and will Continue
estate u at the maxi:ll2ring ih Itorion, wituiteiebore
for tranerrottarlon; and will be del, d and v 6p a:
perfect order, In wry part of the city, without cheer .
HE enalereigned begs leave to inform the piddle
that h- has deollnal tinatnera in (wear of 6te Son,
P. U. Dav airho trill continue the ertrall 1112 , 1 (7.0.
6.l•Slan busi n ess., the old stood, corner or Veinal and
Pith strect‘and for whom he would • ...Mtn
armee ntilie liberal patronage neretnfote tornlo.e.l Up
on the house. JUIIN Lk DAVIa,
April Ilth, 1850.
co•Xxa:ds WOOD AVID !Mitt J 17.71.,
VWII.L. =attitudes, on lateral term., or reticle. and
. Dramatic blereltandixa, heal tatate, antra,
le., and hope., by experience and elute it/I=llOll D.
basuleee, to merit • COIISIMIANCG of the rapport and
patronage on liberally extended to the Mel bone.
Apt,. 416,4edia
iot/e• co oar Pittrons
T lle &teem of tile •etlae p.. n..,
late Jooleißt Diva,) produecs oo tote,
CD theboginc.—plooremco, Lev 1,1,131111,V oh,,
Evolves Abe lime inKtusts prvelsrly. which It.,
bifetoloiro existed The Duane., ebhlosuctl and.:
the tame name tad 11 , m, vie—
. JAN. 1,1 Donn 1. Co., 1.1,,i1aJ0E,11,11,
Joan Mtn.. ire w.
The continuance Of the pa:tonne of our moot
friends is respectfully interned. If ao y porous.% b.v e
&attends spina' the cancel., they aza requested to
p•rsettt them frolbsrol. fur payment.
P 1 1 p 511 . 72 . Apitl 10, ;W.
D. A.:Pottoo,T.cock //s. Co.,
-- .
WHOLESALE DRUOtilf.l7ll, corwo of Fall acid
Wood street., offer for .als, on ilk...aide Irma.
100 bhl. Whiting; WO lbs Carl, Atontooot,
00 do Afoul; SOU do Assoligtid,
"I do Dye Woods; 600 do Crude T•rtfir
TS do Lampalook; WO do loc;orleo itorm,
20 do Von. Red, 30 do 1,1.11111 cm,
8 do Camphor; 100 do Red Crecipdare,
10 do ;palm Brown. 130 do it alomel Amer.,
23 do Yellow Oeara, do do Ens,
10 do IRlm.bne; 200
doo Recber Levee;
I°. Rnonerb
3do Claim croweno 60 do Samoa de? '
11 eases Rot Berea, tva 80 C.c... .10,
4 do Casale Soap, 40 do Oil Rnahaele,
16 do PITISSI. Sloe; Wu do elerdillt Ira ere,
10 do Cale hissemara, ite do Cow 'd flard,olo,
13 do Cana. Green, 620 doell,
odo do Yellow, 100 do do do (I And,
do Am. Vernribod 100 do do I.oe RWA
CO reams Rood Vapor, 10 do do Julep,
IS bag. @ely Elomay, wer do du Af Varenne,
22 OaCarZotrie Corky, 20 do 811101
7500 WANG Morphia, 300 do Bar Van,
IWO lb. Cape Aloes, coo do Tamarind.,
12C0 do Die Carma Petash,loo do Qatclt Miver,
IMO do Noir Root, 2311 do Waage Year,
1100 do Tarkey Umber; 72 do Cochineal,
140 do Cream Tartar, do 11; d Pooch,
800 do Tartaric Acid; dl do Mace,
103 do Ora Ur 6 do Granville Imilon
"There are more thing. in heaven and moth
Than are dretunpt of in philosophy.;
TE vinTui ( s of this remarkable remedy, end
thel 0011/lallt application for IL, la the rapport.,
has Induced him to have It put up le bottles oath la
bel, and directions for the benefa or Om public.
The PETROLEUM is procured (tom a well in this
comity, at 4 depth Of four hundred feet, iv pure ans.
Meliorated article, withoei any chemical change het
teat as Doane from Nature'. Great I.abrmbryll That t
contains propeoltis reaching a nember of diem..., a
oolong.; .matte! of,uncertanity. Th me many
thing, to the-.roan. of nal litrr, irh, if ere
known, MI OA
toe of out usefulnessin allevtauos suffering, and re•
stenos the bloom of health mid vigor to many a .1-
fere!. !Ants before the proprietor thought of natio,
It up Is Was, it had a rcpt, tal , nit for the rum of tbs.
else. The sOnstant end dully Increasing rolls for re,
and seven') remarkable come a hes perforated, I.
sere Indieflion 1 It, future papularay andwide
spread appacentan In the ..are u( disease.
We do not wish to nuke a long parade of cern&
eau. '
as We are
toa OM the!medicine can soon
work Cr. away into the favor of those who sutler and
wish to ba h”led. Whilst we do not claim font .
universal application in every disease, we unlicillw
say, that In • number of Chronic Diwinses it is
slowwitted. Among those may be enumerated —all
or,the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
intoNclitTis, cordsurarrioN On its early
Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Marilee, Diseilso. of
the Uladder and Kidney., Pains In the Beet or Side,
Nervous Diseaus,Nearalgia, Palsy, lthe emetic Polo,
Oast, Erylielas, RingSsorine, Barns, :Weide
Brum/hill Sores, Re., Ac. In conc. of debility no.
ratan! from eXposere, or long and protracted mows et
disease, this medicine will bring relief. It will act us
*general TONIC and ALTERATIVE sn such CILICP,
imparting woe and energy to the Whole roma, rsinoir.
log obstructions, opening the sluggish fence/ion, which
eau. discus* and a Waken constitution, and giving
increased tub/ repaired energy to all the organs. or
Wel The preplartor knows of several cures of
PILES, that registed.circry other treatment, got well
under Ute ask of the Perßoi.eind far a short time.
The proof eau be given to any person who desires A
None genuine without the signature of the liropriemy
9" by eS th i ' ,? " ..fa, - J:n., neat areendi it.
i.Aaro by K. &SELLER/5,57 Wood at;
eomegWesd st. and Virgin Alley, who ere his
sisoreelli regularly aopointed Ass•iit.
la 20 Lamp illutteldi 20 officer coat.; 12 ors Yam:,
Id pure moo lined Idullog Bow; 19 patoutor Ilocia; 3
water Tanks,' 0 and It godaue each; SO cantor..., l
..:0; I do: Bark .a Money Mir; 1 410 odd
combo: do dot he above good. for rale at the L'aii•
tong. Oa littn hilbbameux, No. Wood rt.
J 611 rumurn
1850 nagal 1850 •
BOATS of this Isne *in kivet rerohali, saa de.
l ver i Seirlas without Issashiptossts.
.1 C BIDWIML, Pittsburgh,
JAMES COLLINS, do, }toots
BIDWELL h. BROTHER., Rochester.
. 1 185 0
Pindurpi to Columbus and Cierd c aut i
rice man and poinif mill:mules If Volans
hin.n., Cal roll; Stark Tusearaseim, Goskoda.,
tn Xioi Lie Ling, and FranZli.rt,
be roturicsidn of the bandy and Huller Canal
opens up to oar city through th is great natural annual
n direct eaththanicanon to the Mort, as well an
tDelawhc adrere.oirona counties of Wayne, Holmes, Moa., n.l
Froth this ithelion of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
has been, to a great extent cut of, in cot op
the high rates of trunsportaturn, which aro •now an
daerd 10.1 D and nn par cent
bloats of - this line will leave daily, tad =Omagh
manna transhiptnent. The Canal coupe* have
bestowed upon th is lone an interest to the ;shore.-
to the n advantages of their charter, and than,ccured
'oddle portin. D AN D Y h In ordering litelKeda
equal titre., in this asvanture. Agent.: I
J. C. I.IIDWED.J.., Pittabursh,
inmyELL 4 CO., Glasgew.
K C Mimes. C 0
imes. Spenen Millo 1
01,o; • H & A GOT,
b&sport,O.: George Nemblo, kikton, 0; Cuf f
At er l, do; Hanna, Gnbarr. Ca. New Hoa
' wre n lc
Ilsnnver, 04 Gibbets & Hoary, M.
'wren. 04 ttpaker & Fo•ter. do.; Joseph Pool &
Il H.; ul taxil l &
dtI LI & C o.
.Malvern,etdo 0 Mills, , X
II Bev, do
; 0 H
Gr V ay:W er arne.
0,. IGynolds, do; hove Teller, Maitutdot o.:
E J Ila rbdolI;& blognoll&IJ.; Welillarkneu,doc .1
M . Ferland tr. Co, Sandpoille,(); p P I,sffer,dn ;
lough & otobough, nohow, 0; &
do ; J J Hoffman, AloGillon, O.; CUIMUIin. & Co, do;
robe Rotdoson, Como; Fulton, 0; Fettle & Torrey,
Gout; Irovar, ; A Aledbory, ROMX, L K Wax
no t. Newark, 0 ; Fiteb A 11010, Columbus, 0; L 0 Mat-
CI er Ittodes &Green, do. ma) 9
jaallia 1850 a?im
Vim Ppustsylvan la Camila tr. nail itoida.
G'CONNOR. ATol:4l7Colarial Lamy
A•Vi:l7i . ;:u ". ittsti.m. A Co., VD& 250 Market street,
Oleo:mum & Co., : N or t h
avant, Baltimore;
F. Its.c.s. New Fort;
Plum, & Bawer, It Doane mem, Bolton;
Ilvvrmov Gactr, Maysville, Kentucky;
linst. a Co_ Colombia&mem, I:Union/Az;
F. Wert, lmutsviller
Bones. ii/MT & Co., Fv. Louie. •
To Sh fyper• .1 Nerchandubs Pralssu to and
f rot.: I Atladdp:sirr., Eta:mars, IV. York, {Ballow.
our route being nod in lino order, we tie prepared
to ,er=a goode at above at ern trona ?nem we
tutor, oh freight frm Many charge having policing for
over PCMI,OOW and wi th the following entrant, Mock
allows teel confident orgering entire ,ganglaction to
all barium entreated to oat care. Dot beam mall
new, and ommanded by Captain, of experience, and
andnure innn is conducted on swim Whorl. Lupin{
wingenom principles.
Boats. Captain. Boom.' Eaptsing
Poo ( - My, Hripub Pemnylvalis E Layton,
Marl/lead, Mat hall Wt. Lolls, Cowden
C Band. • an t Col. lloarnrd Iltid/ov
_ ant. Iloword IRMO/
Rijn Anon, Chan.= MaryDebenbsllno •
Mco Atkins, Penroad Interprree, Rikkl9o
irarout, Al'Quale Juniata Mown
Roston. Altar Gen. Scott ,, . Gore
Garlind Riley TclegraphNolAbielde
Celia Hawkins Point BIM BoyllNeede
oliveDranctGosser BakerreCtspperßney
America Perry Ohio Belle Kearney
Mermaid Itreolgan Hunter Hullo
The rot bittenda Jena Ann J Layton
Aurora M . Dowoll Telegraph No2lhaele
Loot slterp Ilene Ndritt Qaeen Wibla
ct.7l!""'" wilt find l i /Wb u tlVlFl, 4 :gatqii% "
lC Canal 081.111 Liberty at, Pinsberge.
Tram•povatloa Compaay.
ititatElt 1850. Antitia -
By Ponon/eanta Canal' and Ball Road,
ri, Ilk Vons and Coro of WA Line have been put In
jool t pew order. and wan the addition of ocean
new o.teato the Line, enables t earn
• large
yorotty of ponce° an d l:
ral o.
Tim enure non of On Line it owned and enure.
by the Prepottors.
lIA RBIS A IXECII, No I 3 South Third at,
And al the Tointeeo Warehouse, Doer at,
Pitt sAephis, Pad
No No IN North Onward at, ltotimore, hid;
irricc. tin 7 West al, Nevi 'York;
p I.EL:CII & CO, Cana pnttn . Penn et,
Pittibu b.
e at;
oN Tiil4 PENN , A AND onao CANAL!.
CLARK., PARKS k. CO, Rochester, Propea.
CAUGUY, Aient,
tithe. ea, Smi th hJOHN e
Id and Water U., E PitlabrUghe
MOD , men moan Line are pee mea-ed to tra n sport
treqKbt nod Passenger. from CIL:MIMI and
CLLVKLAND. to any point an the Canal and Lakes,
The hmillue• ail. lane are ,glssUlpaated la nuabari
quality and commit,' of DoarayreaLpeviorea at capa 4 4
d egirioney a Agent.
One non, Leaves Fatale:ugh aralChnrelaaddallf. vaAr
rang a mreneetron well a Ling Sterua Rents Re;
Firen =r BRAYEIU ander lane tot
, lar Sloe. Mott, Propellers and Vessels, al
We Lakes.
Clark, l'arlt• CO Co NS , R chewer, Pa;
E N I . .yrk• & Co, Yoangalowit, 014 o;
AI 11 Taylor, Want, 0
A A N Clark, Newton Falls, 0;
I 11, arno & Co, Ravenna. 0;
)(cot, Grinnell & Ca, Fr.aklm,
It .1 :tinter, Cayahegn Falls,
Lee A Co, Akron,
Chamberlin, Crawford &Co, Cleveload, 0;
I tobbard A Co, trandusky,l4
Peckham A Scott, Toledo, (0
yy kalk.w & Co, Detroit, Ahab;
& Co. Alilwankie W,
Morley A Data., Home, I,Viii;
ti ,, oree A GlOin, Chicago, Ill;
11....nas flee, CLien,o,
.11.11Ini CALIGIIF:Y Agen
r3O corner Woter and Smithfield at.
- -
atM 1850. JEL
CLA It CF., A R 15,5 A 510, Iloebeeter, thopnetore.
lIE INoprtetor,-ed-thlr old and well Iretoorn Lew
ono./ "dorm the public shot tbey aro now Et op.
erooort e tho'warm: sad hare roomeneed
Eetria 0,4 tbay
funy prepared ry to 011 AND porntr on the Canal And
Al the lowe•I rates ERI
rot E e
01 the MICIIItiAN. Boats of Ma Line
w,'l Wr0n•54.,51, 555 Inc landing, bele* , AlonoNtalvela
Looter,to torn... looald.
Oftee,eor Wooer and Smithfield ota,Pltabargli,
01.5NS11; N
runuinehana, Neve Castle, es;
Nlitehe & Co, Pulavki;
IV 55 hlalan, Pharon;
J A 9 Heti, Snarrysburc
%Volt. hell( is Co, Greenvale;
Won Ilenry,
ltim Powerreonnrautvslle;
John Ileum is GO, Erie; •
J.,1151 J Noll ter & Ilufralo. N r oar2o
Pittsburgh Portable Hoag Liao.
T. AND 120 X
Tunas. Hoosalues., ot ITCessnols,
Philadelphm. t Pinshorgh.
T l l,l,,r%":,:nl,7°lrinren;caa's P Zl:re " ragstti
end., receiving and forwarding hlerchmullse mid
Produce at low ratea„ and with the prcropmem, cer
tainly, and safety, peculiar to their pyrite, and mode
of traneponation, where inlarosedrare rransbiptserki is
anct3cd, with the consequent delays awl probabilily
or damage.
hletehandim •nd•
Produce ahipped °ardor west,and
Bill of Lading 101•Vilnlea free of charge for commit
mon. advanco.g, or 'tome. Ilavlug no internal &-
reedy or indheetiy in amemboate, that of the owner.
I, rote, y conrulted whet eMippina their grads
All earallMilellll..lla to the following agent. prompt
ly attended to-
til":1 Market street Philadelphia.
Corn, Penn and W•y nu 011tetS, Pittsburgh
John hlsCullogh & Co, GS North st, Bath P. EL Part
& 00. 25 Willie 21, iiOAlOll W. k. J. T. Tupshott & Ch•
Kt, south st, New gorti /Liss Wheelwright, Cluchs
m. 45
i iewiM 150.
ntrich an an ellaot eat .
. bring now open, n e reedy le 'wow
end forward promptly, tootle., ..Wtsterehandue east
mid wen.
rei K t warm at lowert rates, ebargad by te.pan
merchntidil, will retiiiiveil and for.
Krtlrd r..t ••lii witiont any charge fur for.
eolvaneing tiright.coninthirlon or storage
Bilk of ionimideil, anti all ditcetions &kb.
Ily atuirtileil to.
&Ire. or apply le. WM. BINGHAM,
nal Basin, ear. Übe.) , and Wayne no, CMOs:TOL
No 103, Markel in, betwron Oth & 61h, PhlPa.
No let, North Moroni iL, Da/Smote.
rl6 Na 10, Weal .reel. Now Von..
Patmesiges auto RemHaase, OBIM4
dirk/I aNIII)I , .N l CO. continuo to being porsena
front any Non of rsaland, irstarid. t3coilmtd or
Wales, upon the teen liberal Irma, with their
umnafrooritmlity and mtenhon to the wont. and Coro
furl riamiarrota We do not allow
t arpsasenger., to
tm robbed hy the avrtedllng scamps h lanai the sea
ports, as we take chant. of them the moment they re
port tterinselves, and we to their well hoing,landdso
spateh them without any . detention by the hrst
Wo say this fearlessly, as we defy one of Oir puma
to show that they were detalned4B
by as lo
Liverpool, whilst thusands of others • are detained
Mouths, until they m o
ldou be Rent in some *A +ran i al
eh; p rote, which toe frequently proved choir eOthni.
the Intend
, o perform our contrartr erinorably, test
want It limy sad net •el as seat the ease last season,
a do, ether ulfseeta,—who either performed not alba.
when It. aned their eouveidence.
Braila drawn at Pittsburgh for any {lll. from SI le
Limo, payable at any of the prosisehl Banks in Zn.
l ea d, Bogiand, Boothia.' sod Welea,
- -17 W pipe. Braitily—lhard,
5 pipes Ileillend lain;
5 nk. N R Rum;
• ..
lOU WAY Whisker:for We by
artb. atre•L
wf A
. 12 n
vir in rand. &liming., va.:
c T . russ a
B p.tri •-
els es
• - As ISO?*
•uir, hIVLINTO , ‘C i• •
T v gag4r,7l,-V•- - ;`,.•.°1.
• Extra Royal
•• •
q FaqiljAi and AUICTie
• Extra Seperfine ;
Extra super patealChearlla
Boperfine I.gnia Curs,
Extrn lac
Roped= do do Ropy
Floe Tufted Rota
. -
ninon,Co all wool, "
4-1441, 1 , arid .r anil *T C
wa va arp.ap Van C ar.
4.1, and plain Car.
Law Ara Rag Carpoia,
8-4 Printed Conan Canals.
Cosnown de
Dbonillo Door M.j
!Sheep Skin
64,74. 6-1, 54, 14 an 4 1
Oil Clotbq
64,5-1, 44, and! Vatting;
llei r gll , a t.i pziza Cloth.
a. tiny
Est:all:limed piano coTers
, .
. a Table
Printed woolen
eaboesed Stand
Cdana" Timms.
Mlle and Drab Cloths;
Cannon Plash;
Damtsks fur Linings;
Wavered Idoreina
Unen.d aeoatald " •
Unmask Star Limn;
?grimy Red Chintzes;
Clow. Bordorum
Callth Oil Ciod4 Table
Brain Dragget4
Copel Madinat, -
'up: and Coco Matz;
Bar liottend tor Wetbacks;
Prenea tramp. $,
Venetian Blinds
Ulmdog for Flogs;
74 wadi 4 Table Limn
Russia Crash; .
klootril Diaper_
Line! Napkins; '
Gorman 011, Clod. Table
&Howl and Bkeleloohtata;
St and e -I Groan Oil Cloth
for Bliadr,
['natal:lank Diaper;
the most amnesia Emir
from It. to 14feet
to 8t [0003.14 halls, and
13nirr Om Charm fro m
11. and Anterle. atanala
In width, artneh will be e
veslibidee away *lse or
The undrn hing
I.d, his Ve e l si ve g t ed
. av 4ll
+NI rpsts, which are •of the
inns and patterns, and GI
to, sold at rices aa lov
for In any of the p eastern cii
Imported direct from Eng
&pests, MiltPM'S. • Taos.,
ata e4t . and most. alegant
he met garaeoas colds.!
aw ma they can be parchnsed
Raring the lodate asnorunant .el tie Itched and
etwat faahtonablo I: MUSSELS. IhIPERIAL THREE
PLY and INGRAIN CARPETS whichlarguepassel
in quality ma cheapness of puce. any anortment ever
byline brought toads city. Ile also invitee bteentboal
Hen and Coach hlanotacturers to his lugs aed well
selected aasonsaentotTßlMAllNGS,sadaher anlclat
note. Nay lit these homes.
The undersigned is also agent for the only Blair Rod
Ifannfactory in Phi:Adolph* and is repined to ecil
lower shut WI be purchased elsewhere to Ili. city.
M. irsods. •
tr. CO., 00 ttttt woes, between
Third and FOIIIII4 are now reeeiringn huge its ,
sorttnent Bonsai
:De Loins; Pers.. Clothe, en em
bee new opiate; Fannon.; Crape Ik Loins, die; with
large Assorintehrof Lawns and other Dram Good:,
of tot: latest styles and most hatuonablo solota. •
COFFEr=dO bags prime Rio arid Jaya;
CatimaiBl4o bre toonkl, dipped, ond simranl
CW=1 ,1 ,1 2 ; 1 blr.g/ CAM az English Dairy;
Costae-r0 do: Ilium Mel Manilla;
Cassm-40 Slater;
Crovan-tr barrel;
Cmans-30 111 Commis and half Loutish;
Fart -21 biliamlhallbrisMacktitaland Salmon; '
GLaMI-40 01.111041
Ilasm-1230 Ptimo Venison;
1600 &agar Cared;
• • 4amslo-100.1ba sPaud Utah,
Inh-le don tlartisons Brack sod Copying;
Ideutrames.-48 buts NOReans;
" 'l6 half hrisSugag Roue;
blerrann-21)aasortad :antrum.;
Manernorn-50 ltus Italian; •
• V onstamm:-..trio lb. do
Nun-Mto kegs assorted;
Flesmoi-5 dosimv antatoch
Peacons--74. brothels halves;
Pas.-e 0 reams assorted;
Parrnas-100 lbs oremix;
Soar-50 bet Roan, and Coat Steel;
thosa-t0 LLd. N Orleank and Cletiltrdi
Ths-40.packsges ti teen and Black;
Totmeers-20 bze 19,1; Ilb into 11;
W. 21 Baavas-30 do:patent Zink.
For wan by 7 D wuziAms A co
mrlB Corner of Finn and Wood sts.
Emits: FURS! TURS!-Th e sobsctibers setll FN
E for Coon, Mink, Musk Rat, Gray and Rat bo o,
and all kinds of slopping Fars, the highest eastern
prima MeC011.1) k. CO,
feb2o . corner VMS and Woad sts.
MBE Pannorship heretofore eluting be:wean/antes
Taney and John Rem, in di ssolved ry, Produce
and Coninussiou bounties, was by morsel
COIIW-111, on Wa 11th inst. M. John Best having per.
chased the entire interest of James Tassey in the
4m, the bosiness will tic mttled by bira, at t h eir old
stand trio. 33 Wood at. JABI.B. TAI3nEY,
red: JOLIN Elan%
ill san:se
Callt. —W be received, by Aral
canal shipments, a new and elle/en uremia:lent
Wall rains, of Me latest French and Eastern•styles,
in gold, chamois, oak, plain and blab colon.
W. P. bIA/LbIIALL, (Imo ft
larth Wowlstreet
will; Copartnership heretofore einem ketwems
Uo.l.eeld and done Metre!, realer the hrm et
C. B, Bluefield k Co, ta hue day thrsoleed bykrelaal.
renter. The buirriese of the anthem will be wreed byi
.3.1.1. Deerfield, at the red stand, N0.1;9 Lenny tuner,.
I . :keener. IS U. lithe/FIELD, •
March I, tbsa /OLIN 111cGILL.
• • •
common the W Oakdale, Retall Dry Gouda and,
Olocery blueness, at the old Maud, No. SOI , Libe,.
mitt Ow Ilan of I. It. LIUaIIIFIELD k. CO.U
, March 1, 11050.—.4.12
IHAVE tins day aswintawdralth roe, in the Whole..
one lltneory, Optominiaa, and Forwarding Lei
nes; aity two Sons, R.N. and W. B. IVate mum Thy'
noinow roam will be conducted wider the inyle of
Walton. A hoor, at lee old wand, $1 Ww•
tot cod Cl Front meet. L... 1. WATERMAN.
eiti.b , tigh. Vetch la 41851).
AOAITINON—Aboat the 'ONLY OttlbliNA
WILD CHERRY, the great remedy (or
Amid= ben menden 'mend
to man to Asthma of every ante, Liver
Conn, I climb., limo chide; Inlttensm otembs, voids,
ltieeding of the Langs, Shortness of breath,
guns and Weakness in Me bads
Brea, Am, and all other
diseases of the.
A very importantliseeee over which thisllalsant ex.
en• s very powerful indnenta, la that of •
In this complaint It bas undoubtedly proved more
etheamoaathim any remedy hitherto employed, and In
coonsas instances when patinae had endured long
and eevere entering Imm the diecaseawithent receive
tng the least benefit frem Tannin remedies, and when
blermary has been rconned to in vain, the use of gal
Mayans boa restored the Elver too healthy sedan, and
an many instances ofeeted permanent carte, afterevery well know. tamed" bed faded to produce
dented effect. tthbl y er
Heald. itsanonalting *Stagy in the Oman limy
mentioned, we also bad It a vert greens' tamed) I
mid with decided cock la cue. of years ,
atonatog. , With du lue roase.of Intalienco bus - tom!
op • knowkdgo of We clement. of he a th , aad a Sol
cord fot thaw, 2.1 coormaniumely with ikestsides of
;eke., have's,* acquired tee . mcana of meeting di.
cave, and netting lu ravages. fem Withstanding the
progreem• we have made, atadetlca nhow that evel
11 OW, OM Slash of the , whole population die Illannall
of comment , .
00 0 ,4 the mars bailment diecorariea of the re,
asoetiorating,the colidnino of We large chum anti
ferule hiatu
Balsene Cheesy la a Ana Herbal
Medieine,coMponet Chicly of Wad Chmeg Bart nog
MoSenntmicelmel Alma, Oho latex horned exprease
17 tor tkuiparpove,) the rare inedismal tines of
erhleßare alto ebtriel hi a new chemical prociiave
toltAßre crime of Ter, than tendering the .wholg
compound the pilau cennin and efllcattoos lemony ,
Scot dimmerred for ' • •
theii further evidences of the rinnarktble earellvoi
properties of Ude meetimable preparation:
Rtniseet.yu. a, Broom co., Cr, Aug. 21 letta.
Mown gandfunt Park: 'Gentlemen,
weeks ago tree:Ti n ed the agency of Wlstees
of Wild Cberry, so with some reluctance on my pin ,
far the reason t I had been the agent of so many
pills and othernostramm which were cracked up a l
be aammetng onderful, bat which tuned oat in
rod to be of no' account whatever,' except to raimeny
nectar.: emididly.admit tear tele time / have
been dcoelyed, for the estraotdinary curve erected bi
Willer`. Dative hkve convinced tai that "good ee
coma out of Navirellt.o Your agent loft me one do
en bottles, which are all gone—haring bees the alesa
of caring several obstinate' eases of Cobtamptloo+
and ao mistakes tor what t see and know I am Wand
to believe. Due case In particular. A young genii*
men in Via rester, Adams couoty, 0., 10 mLers hoes
this plum Wu cured of Cousin:option when the don.
tare b. Siren bias op, or at least could do nothing fay
elm, and It was the intention or hi. friends to convey
line to your city ,and. place tom ender Me mayor earn.
eminent phyeleian More, Dot a friend told him qf
WisterV Delmar; not that he could obtain It of mg.
Ile sent for It, end before the second bottle was gonh
he ryes soundand well, and anending lords every da
b 011... Ail there nee Reeeralingmrks for the toed
eine, It would be well to forward an additional sepia
witholll delay, Vary ompectfully, years,
The above, frooiL. Newland, eighty rupee
able country merchant, conunenns. Itself forelbiy
the candid attention of all those who bloc duct. -.
the groat merit of Winer's Wild Cherry Balsam.
Remember the original and only 'ermine Wlstar
Balsam of Wild Cherry, ma. mtrodeced In tha . ye r
sum, and hal been well tested he allnomplarnto f r
which It la recommended. leer 17 years it has premed
more effteselenta as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, lade
sum, Bronchitis, Asthma, and ConsaMption la its 14
elpicm stages. than lother medicine.
um Lisnroin, Aug. In, 1818.
Ayr, S. W. Fowler Hoeing seen ;awry eenlfiee a
pedalled in relation t. Dr. Winer% Daimon of WI d
Cheiry, 1 ukeot9 is opporrablty of odering a word
it s favor, whielt,ZOSl are also at Ilbeny to publish.
few mouths since my wife's Nome became *omelet; -
reeled with a sodden cold, that one lon her some,* d
minted seemed, Irma pam la the breast. Het vita •
non ceased her friend* much Omen Having he. d
your Relearn strotigry !commended by thou who
and lt, I purekased is bottle from your agent in Aim
place. She malt If meeorerne to direetions, and lt
duced a wonderfttlefeet.' Otforeasng one bout° age
had completely recovered herorolce, the pains imbed.
ad, and het health was soon fatly so-eoloblished.
To atearerri Wahl/Hem in hliMmuti—Thi eel.
emitted end infallible remedy for the core of COMM
Lion, Asthma and User Complaint, hes by Its awn
nts T.-
, been rapidly, sore and safely working Its w
through the oPpoeltioe of quiet. and coonterfehe ,
until, by its true value andintrlnde excellence.' ta
mined tor itself,
. Weal enviable popem,i t y, ho d 4.
hshod itself le the codeoce of an Intelligent and
lightened pobllo, Item ono end if the twain:lnto Ihe
ON er. • ne te.umary or thousads who ban. buff-
Wved aud eared try Oils saleable article, will s
then it wands nonvalled—at the head al all other a.
&elect', for the core of littera.. for *bleb it is reeds.
mended. The gimine Dr. ttrister's Halmos of Wpd
Cherry is now far We by eell e eepolmed Agents, and
all respectable defilers In Inc Wt., In el 1e Dubs
and all Important towns dr mug WM the Ueiloda tt..
Faun SI pet r,ttonle I SLit Henke for &S.
Bold by 3 . a PARR, lacceelsor to Sandford k Pattd
Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio,General
Apra for the Booth and West, to whom u on t.„,
men be addressed.
L. Wilcox, Jr: Jame. A. Jona J. Kidd & tc A.
Fahgestoek &Ho, rittebergh. I T. Raseell. Welsh.
Wigton; AY. Lambert., Franklin;l . D o s e .,
Un iitttra 4 m W o l t eicTiir 4 dl b ßw S Vat i r e
dem Kral/FT, Hollldaysborg; Hildebtan 41 A Co, HUI;
milt J. K. Wright, Wittman; Evans a Co, Reda.
Nth' ( A. Wilson it Son, Waystesborgh; ary..,t h „g
Co, le-Callender, fifeselville; Denten fr. Co, Era; J.
Magetho, mercer; James, KellY k Cot, Had er e.
Deriver. J. Illemmenaa, Wilma; F. k IJ. edema,
Candenporg . Croaky, Jr, Druwunni,-
la =Wier. at the day!,
- Graham Station, Ohio, May IS, HO.
R Sellent—l think it right, for the benefit of others
to SLIM SO= fie In relation to you exechent Fa
tally Medicine.
Lave 21Zed 10111 . VBr6lllllllllrgety in my , 11•11
family, one vial frequaolly larva imamate.
(my iCO to toe worms) from two children. [agave
also mud your Liver Puna and Cough Syrup in say
family/ and they aye, In every instance, yrodaced
ech desired.
As I am ar , ,yaged In mnrehandising, I not able to
state, that I have yetto lieu of the Ent failure where
Your medicines base been need In any section of the
coutry. conclualon, I may state that they ate the
medicines of the day, and are destined to have a very
cat ye popularity. VOUS, I . B , MUt te r al l i tnlELL T.
Prepared and said by R. E. SELLERS:No:3 Wool
street, and sold by Drugists generally in the two
cities and vicinity.
S WA-tato Irit.MILY MERIELISP.S..a./Rey an
Medicines of the day), to
Gasnasti Semen, Ohio, May P 5,1841.
IL E. Seller.: I think it tight forth. benefit of ethers
to male some rum In relation to yanr ezeellent Fara.
ly Medicines.
I have used Yit sr Vending betray In my own t en-
Ily, one viatlfm,sently answering for gavelling! ge
quantities (soy Ito :1001 storms from two chitdraa I
have also aced your Liver Pllleand Omagh Syrup an
my family, and they have in every !mance produced
the elect
. es I am engaged in inereheadlaing, I am able to
mate that i hone yet to Ilene the lint failure where
your mediemes have been used inn) section of the
country. In conclusion, I may state that they are at
ottedimnes of die day, and are destined to have s very
extensive medially Wan. respectfully, •
tr. 11. Pruett—
Prepared and sold by R. •IN I P.RS,No m Woad
tuna, andvolA by Druggungenerally to Ma two el.
taillstal vtumty.
kb: oy — LIVEMINIPLAINT, by kb
a.,T original, only true, avd genuine Liner Pith
Soon Law, Ohio county Va. /
Mush 30th, leIO.
Mr. It. E.Sellers: Dear Ste—l think it a duty 1 owe
to you and to the public wsnera it', to Male that I have
been &Mimed with the Liver Complain; for a. long
Iteno,end so badly Met an oboes. formed and broke,
which left me in a very low state. Raving heard o f
'your celebrated Liver Pills being for side by A R ,
nem, in West Liberty, and recommended to me - by
my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I conelnned to pre them
Our trial. I - pued otos , and. found them to
'septa Whet they rchas are recomme box nded, THERE:3T Li.
Vbff., PILL EVER USED; and after taking four bores
find - the aims. has entirely tell me, Mid lam now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours, :
• - wen Liberty, Kara :03,1919.
enirratP that lam personally sequaimed with of
Colon it 0.1 ran bear leatimOpy to the truth or tb
;Intirse :eyaGenae. A R SHARP
• •
• -• •
Tar ?canine L. Pills ire' Prepared and sold by
IR ES; LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggiins
; ruins 'oro elder.
TO_V E iIEPOBLIC.—The original, only true and son.
nixie 'Liver Villa are prepared by R and have
name Ina:aped in black wax upon the ltd of each
Fox, and - hit Inguaurre on the -outside wrappe,,-101
When ate coanterteins, or base imitation.
_K E 8EL14.3
VROM the 'Vey /..A SHINN, a well tnown and pop
star Clergtmanol the? rotestant M ethodin Chitral
The andcrelmted having been &Meted doh:weenie!
et inter with 1 disease old. unman, =Mk t. pep.
dent,' mempain in the stom•chfor tellOr tWeiTahollll
withnattourco teen,and -after burin/tried union.
,remedtee with I lacer. wart turniahed with, _ bottle
'of Dr DiayttehiC naive FA.= This he toed al.
cord ins to that:l/Mei erm, and round invariably Muth la
medicine ennead the pain to abate in three or four adze
elm; and In Aileen oe twenty Minulmettere enemy
annution wu entirely quieted. The medicine wee af.
telsardmised , wheneeerindicationsol the mproach of
painwereperneleed,andthe pain was Ilieteb y prevent.
ed. He canumwd an ale the medicine emery strudel
and Slalatitao.l4 tlla morning, and in a Inw weeks
health was en I tored,that Memilfeser wee Wide
ed from • large amen ittot oppressive pain. From ex
Elea,therefore, e• can =Ardently recommend
ite's 0.'1141114T • Lial.ata,l. a salutary inedletn
7 dawn of Lk. atomaah and bowels. A SHINN",
. ' Allegheny eiry,l7:la
For Ws In 'Pittsburgh at a spEKIN 1 EtA tathitn
79 Fourth street,near Wo a.' and aim et the Drug
Store of H liOHAVAIFF2. Ire real Malt. Allegbeel
612. ralNeri 70 1
Ocumaption, Coughs, Colds, asthoop, Brom&Ws, Ur.
er Complaint, Salmon Wood, %Scatty of Breath.
toy, Pain In the tilde and liream, Palpitation of
Um Henn,Haensa, Crotty, Broken Con.
siltation, Sore Throat,Nermas
• ty, and all Diseases of this Throat,' •
Mow and LIMIT: OM Menai.
&Meal and speedy no,.
ever known for any of
the above diem.
as. Is
• Clanapoguest Spriest of AVM Cd.rryt
This mealeim is no longer among thou of doubtful
ntilify.. It haspsased awe) from the thousands daily
m{ arched upon the tidy at Isteswimerd, red now Mends
highartepatation-and is becoming mom estrnalvo
ly vied than airy other prepandion of medialna over
produced (or the Mattel snlyering man.
It his - ben, istraluced very generally through the
Baited Slaws and Earepe,ned there me few towns of
IMPOrlance but what contain same remarkable evi
dence of. Its good <accts. For proof of the foregoing
matements, and Ott n value and efficacy of this medi
cine, the proprietor will Insert a few of the inlay
sand testunonials which have been presented to him by .
WO of Om brat respectability-a:men who have higher
violin of moral respodsibility andiuslice, than to cer
tify to facts, imeanse It will do another a Gmor, and
themselves no hainsileo. Bach modem." Poovm eon
elusively, Mu its anspnsing excellence eatablished
by Ito intrinno mettle, and the nnquesnonahle authori
ty of public opinion. The instant:tom. relief it af
fords, and the matting influence didosed through the
whole frame boats use, renders It. moat agrecahls
Moody for the emitted. •
"When men, aeung from conseienikua
voluntarily beat testimony to the troth of a dung, or
parineelar fact. suebustlmony, being contrary to their
worldly interermand purposes, coerces conmetieu ef
its trout And commendsltscif to special manner ta
auks rant eredencee—Collogan's Moral ?denims.
tertm. Anornsi Camr or PlaßroaaraT Crettannwenc-
There never wu a remedy that ha. been as successful
Gdesperate taste of Consampthery as Dr. Swaystehl
meoond Syrup of vrila Cherry, It strengthens the
system, and appears to Seal the alters on thertures;
stall er new and tics bloodi power temseued 'by ho
other edition.
Canna Co., April =tll,le4/3.
fat ayne—Deer Sin I verily believe year Co.
'potted Soup of Wild Cherry has been the means of
Wing my We !caught • severe cold, which grade.
*ll = w alr rgrezde:dza Thad teonree to, sot
increasing anti! my ease exhibited all the symptoms of
Pulmonary Consurepdon. Every thirty; I tried seemed
to hove no effect, end my complain:increased so rapid
ly that friends es well es myself, gave op all holm of
my recovery. At Ws time I Wmß recommended to try
your invaluable medicine: I did so with the most hap.
py results. The first bottle had the to loosen the
cough,awning OW to expectorate freely', and by the
lime I Sad toed ail leallet,l was entirely well,
_and eon
110 W hearty a man as I ever wee In my life, and
Zoe " , di t' at b ott rairr:rnm ird y Te ' ric tie e'd=i ' f
which.' am sorouts,. For the ta., at the above
rawymm. I refer wet to Peter Rash, Omer, Wed
Chester PJL, of whom I purchased th. medicine.
Res ' ittelldlY lamer Jona Hussain
Wonsierfiti Curs of • idelhodirs Miamians
Di. Benue—Dear mat I feel a debt of scathed. dee
or you—and • dory to the afilided generally, to cam
my humble teetuaony le favor of your Compoud Sy,
rap of Wild Cherry. Solna three run sines I mat
violently attacked with cold and kaammation of the
Lugs, which was accompanied with a distrcesing
son R 1 Pala in the brout and head, a very corag, a ,
Ole Miasma. of offensive men. from the lungs, espe
cially upon chums of weather, however slight At
first I fen no alarm about my emditiort, but mu group
soon convinced Mall wee rapidly going Mho come:cep
a., I grew deity weaker, end at length was 'came.
ly able to malt shout, or speak above a whisper, mid,
war the exceeding vreaknemof my lungs During thin
time nail tried Cartons preparations gad premnptioum
b ut 6,1 t in rpl.P.-g.,1/121 all the time worm Jul
here I was adesed and persuaded by g dens Mend is
- Witralngton to make trial of year Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. I man comets that premonsly I had been prop
Mead against patent medleme.s, and I sin stiU againat
them coming out of the hands of emperles, hat under.
studios you eltans to the profemten and practice or
medicine, sad having imyllert feint in the saying of my
Moeda, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, ono of your
agents, a few Wailes, and commenced ha ma My did
sue wit at that time erg° or months' mantling, eon.
seqnently it mu deeply mated. I found, N a no.,
eonalderable relief from the use ditto firm form or five
bottles. Elst being a publie speaker, I frequently at
tempted to preach with my increasing etb., and
tbetchy sutured those vessels Chet had alma" began
to healLta this may, doubtless, my cure was greatly
retarded: In eglseqerriee of acting thus intrradend
I had use mom or fifteen bottles before' wav PM .
(may tempted I have no gunners a moth small
number °MOW* would have made me sued, be
the shore inameretten. The Syrup allayed the fele
telt habit, took .way the distressing cough, put • me,.
to the thulium of matter from the limp, and on
them and the ram system gmdbealth. I here def..
red offering this certificate until now, for the purpos.
of being perfee., utlefied with the permanency of tins'
eine, and stow shall feel perfectly well I offer it with
pleasure.Yu/. P. /impart.
Dahlia aunty, N.
hieprrearnt Caraton—Rasell Real
There is but a: ogee: One preperanon of 'Wild Cherry,
and that in Dr. Ilwelertl, the first ever eV the
ci ti n t iz e u rtba l as . lreLti p s e eg ta ro t p te
perldions callow by . the mem of Wii of r
!.'berry have
pot nt gyp thln, under cover of 110.1 decepuve
elroumstmeet, order topic currency to their isles.
Dy • little observation: no Perma need mistake the
genialno front Sit false.. Each bottle of the gemune In
novelopod ant Cot:tut/fel mei engraving, with the
likeans of Witisern Penn thereon; arm, Dr. s eee y ee o e
signature: and .8 Amber emeriti, the portrait of Dr.
Ilwayno added bereatter,m 'as to ilistimptish
his preparadea•ront on where row, U was sot for
the peat eanuttepropertin and known Tina,. of Dr.
Seraynnts Lornerand' Syrup of Wild Cherry, penona
would not be tandeanning to give currency to their
ness•ams" by notating the mune of Wild
Ilemember, iderays beer in mind the came
of Dr. Dwayne, "Id bd not decei ved.
Principel Othat, conief of Ell/DE and Ram meets,
pas miltrwite, /sale aid retail by OGDEN a. SNOW
DEN, cot lid sad Wood as; D A PaIINESTOCK a
Co, cm •lit an. Wood, and Mb and Wood am; WM
TiIORPI, Li Mesta fly S /ONES, Ito Liberty et; /AS
A JONES, cot Wand and Penn JONES
1011 N 11ITC11.
ELI., Alleghen: city, and by ell respectable deelcra
medicine. OCtl
Par gran IThoop.
ONS handsome boggy, entltely new, front • cola,
bitted martansetarcr at the east. Also, a Mtn'.
dolphin boat second hand Sulky, In load order. 1.11.
Tura at Oda office. jig
Pria• R.•do••d.
• • .
1-41liE SUBSCIRIBEBB 111 - eUI Musprattl but
• A quality mud high um Glum and Neap yd.gml
Nod. Ash, warrarded superior ID any oat.;
31 by the quantity ofd tons or upward. tor currently or
apploved Note., at lose month., inn fora leas quad
'thy: W gr. N hIITCHELTEMY,
Jed Liberty street:
• TAILORS' 000D11, AT COST 7- 77
HERSEY, FLKAIINti C. Cu, booing arranged to
give their LICIT,' lliCtidell to th e al. dontelile
Woolen .4 tkaton Weds, now offer their largo
!dock of Tailors' Trimmlngs,Vesllngs, French and
tienn.Cloths, Domain, Collimates, Co. at ii/I cost
nimaliv, FLEMINU a co
led US Wood at
}3I.IFACIIING POWDER-5) molts Jaa MospraU &
Son. brand, • superior article, for sale by •
76 flilltlng h illo"Zdeir .. ,arrly:d pc A' r Cambridge,
madness coming on by canal, kw sale by
I N.A.—They will receive, darted the winter, in..
*implies N. Nom 41•Inson. .
-A IrVlLS—Wroesht ton Ac.W, from the Temper
-11 sncesille watts, warranted; will be constantly
on hand end candied le order, by
wren tak.lll .Bello A N. ed Wend je
• 'A: —/A1 ram 11•A37 maw. cia an •
bad for We b • U ENO
994LL SI/l al CO
IP W •
1 -
PLACE PLACE tiOOR-Continaing the decisions of the
Supreme Coati of tho.Ust el nude.. and of the re.
epective State Coons no bills of Exchange, Cheeks,
Kea Promissory Notes-defining their requisites and
properties, soil Inetwigatlegt their natation. to, and
efecta upon.parties Whole arranged in guarder
most convenient for reference, and suitable for bah
mediate epplicatbm.:Wro. Lt., Counsellor- at
Li*. Just received and for kale he
lets Bookmilleor. Market &Third sta.
Mont-Perfumery us LTo and 3 / a nufactata Mao.
Philosophy of Nature- lama.
Maim-Aphorise. sed..Relectlons. limo.
Shaer-Ens lab Literetere. Limo.
Dasht--Lrgentire. lank ßryant-What I aim in California.
St. Pierre -Pool mtd.Vtraleia. S vols. 12mo.
Steen-Letters to Toner men. MetS.
Dar/tap-Rectitude of Mann Nature. 12mo.
Vericoar - Modem French Litatitate.
Humboldt-Arpect e s ot Nahum
Brodnip-Zoological Remestiona
led • ICS Fount at
pared a new arithatetleal Mork, • copy ortolan&
will be pr./lewd to each aral.every 'reacher In the ,
United Simrs.entltont charge, upon their application
to A. 11. English A Co., DI Wood steers, Pitteborabi
(post paid.) The work is emoted,'
Or; Ar daredysis erne Len a tare of irons sod &A
cme of Member.
The following netneurecied fromAlm,,New York
Tribonei f WA, 19.50, ,
eGsaneez or earresenc, ar CX.M. Da,l. L.G.
tierma, pp. 144.1-1 a this work the Isogonic( of figure;
and coommetion of numbers , arecarmully inulyzed:
The alphabet, composed once figures the wards de.
Ash-dime:l die alphabet. and the laws by which the
figires 11 . 0 connected with oath otherAare clearly
explained. .
tone analysis shows that Mere are bat tom hun
dred and eighty eight elementary combinations in
Arfiluneuc, each concepoodiellso e word of our eons.
mon language; sad that these cornbmations an so
-corinexted together as 'be all expressed by only
.sixty three,dlPerent words. The spawn proposes to
mommlt these words to aleatory, and then read the
results instead of •pelling them, ea now premised:
'to another respect thesystem proposes an" bacon.
ant change, namely : to mender and treat all freedom'
NJ Calif. th 1115,, having a given relation to the 11.11i1OZ;
6010 which they mere deriv ed. ellre scarcely need say that the Stile work evince,
the ingenuity and skilful anodyne, for which Professor
Davies' witting Cia the sealers are MUT aelebtaladt
We c omional u to the attention of practical teechers.
believing-that they will rind (*.crowded with new end
valuable-mm . .l(one " t. •
From the Peptone. at IVost Paint.
olittrroir ACA Dram or tl. EL Win Ponce, Jan. 17.
'The Grammar of Anniston, by Profelsor Davin.
presents the subject to a new light. It so analyrds
Arithmetic a• to 'wren the mind of the learner with
the fint principles of mathematical scion*, in limit •
right order and commettun, and the tiew rules for the
reading of fiar l. are pretest pracueal vane.
. Signed, W. H. C.llartlett, Prof. of Nat 'A Ex. Phil
e.,R Church, Prof of Mathematics.
D. 11. Mahan Prof or Engineering..
to Press. ,
A. S. BARNES A CO. would -rexpectfully announce
se teachers, and to all • interested to 112111K011111e al in•
amnion, Mat May will' publish, en or beton. the let
of August, , the folletenne
Or; an Analyses of the Principle. of the Seienee-of
the Neter', of aim reasoning-mai erne best Method.
of Imparting Instruction... By Chat. Denies, L. LD,
Author of "A COMO= Sync. of Shilhentatican
N. U.-A. 8. Barnes A Co., are the publielmre Of
Dairies , System orMitheantica
For sale in this city by A. If. ENGLISH & Co, No.
717 Wood meet. febTl
-••• 51.404115. • ,
Na Slaw ft.chtopidoa
NB to Ran all Night; Dolly Day; •
daoley Jones; Go down to do Comoo Fiild;
ally was IP Lad), do.:
Se Kind tone Loved One LS s at flame;
Row thy boat beaky; True Love. by T. Mai
Oar toy zeros. the reaolnett;
A runs medley song, by . B.Coven;
. Jenay Uray, music by Nailer;
Joy. that rare emovelng, Wedding March;
God bias. tho batty marine; Sehoyikill Wang
Conseript's Depanans,bY W. C. °laver;
Sounds from liomq Waltzes, Meg ermanischo Co;
Last Rose of Bummer, easy variations by Ilerm
United States Polka; Wiest Soaventr Folk.;
tom Cracker Quadrille; Lonismile Quadrille;
Beauties at Italy; Darns, Trios, Am •
A large asteruaeut of New Made on band. to Which
&Fitton, art made weekly. For sale br
. J. a
4 o - I
ood .t
rpnE wen - cylTn - Iwatt*, by R. S.:Ripley; J
11 vols. .
Elements of Rhetorrif eosapiistng an Analysis of
the Lases of Moral Eridents and of Penns..ion. by
Richard Whately D. D.
&say on Christian Baptiser; by Baptist W. Noel, hi
The plhlei, a NoiaL
Flag ILlcti hom all 104 On; by Anthony IL Ipa
La; Nola Illootruloal by Aoyle:
J int recd by JOirriStorg.& STOCKTON, • :
- d.I O Sonar Tam% am) Marko aorio's,
:Slow wad Elekutall. USES hookah •
Ve r rli p e P C s ll7 l'. e s A ve N fO C ir " 02 ' 41 '7 ra Ty D. fi.T.
Poems-sod Prose Wriunts,- by SiottaZ II Dus;
v 01.., moan's.:
Illssolosted 011011 ey tS.eted Pasty, with six iliostra
%ions eneravad on
J steed bp:Jahn Sartain.
Jut received by„... OSNOTOPt& STOCKTON,
dote : some, Third and Market am
' New Moose's
, of (ho santastdatlecrelations and interests MO.
Aledierd Profession' and MC Community; by Worth
loran Hooter, 11.1: D. • •
the Worts' of Michael 'Do Montaigne; cOmprlting
his Essays, Lena rs; de.' By Wm. Hallett
Nineveh and ins Remains. By Austen Henry Lap
sed, Esq.; D. O. L.
Glimpses of Spain; or Mites of an Unfinished Tour
In 11317. By 8. t: Wallis. .
;a pses s P t rov receive erbi d byal PLUosophyotess edition; Mo.
iov2l comer lifsitet.and Thal Sirects
- uttaap 'Standard Latstarye
lIITM E'3 4eg 11 1 :;ap il e " ; L ie t raA l etT i° •._ " b ti
paper. •t au 11C111.• per rel...Three:llol:teete t e.
toraate Op . I'IOPKIN.Y,
... 79 Ape*. 11 . Foorth st.
new •
EIMURNI His Vim Voyage, liyiletrieriqtlelivilli
14 nether of LiTyern.." 4./tinteni rte.
Hi vary of King Alfred at Ih:island, by /meet; Abbott,
With hrte engravings.
Wentz the SorceresK t. r Wet. hlcintialti •
rian2l earnedthird nod Marketeueets
Chs. of au, Moat Ramorkoblo 'Woria of 042 iv:.
MINI VEll AND ITN RMAINS; with an account
of a Melt to the Cheatham Chriatima of Nardi.
tan, and the Yezidls, or Deed-Worshipperm and an
Iraptiry Into the Manners and Ads of the Ancient A a
ayrians. Dy Austen Henry Layani, Eke.. D. C. L.:
With Intralactory Note by ProL E. Robinson, L1.'1).;
LL. D. ilittureted with 13 plates and wars, and ku
wood eau. relative. cloth, 114,1 l
• "The book boa a rare anission of araphic, vivid, pia
taresqaa narrative e—Tribone.
'The Work of Layard is the MOW prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
marry yeara"--Chrisk log.
Not one creels In interest the account of Nineveh
and .itet Rains, given by Mr. Layard."—Wishingion
..t• we follow the diggers with breathier. interest
tn their excavatiorni, moo siddenly fiad Otweived be.
fine • nianive QUM carved with minute aceursey,
now idling iregigantic. head from dunof3oll.4
years, we am ready t. cry oat with the astonished
Arabs, 'WWI
it is wonderful, bat it is we!'"—Lt.
• 1
d ro ' rtgby JAMES D. LOCK WOOD,
/Use oak..
MGM WOMEN of the Old end New Testament.
I Edited by E. B. Sprague, D. D. 1 vol. Imp, hew,
elegantly booed; lb exquisitely Reigned engravings;
with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen,
POEMS HY AMELIA, (Mrs. Welby, of Ky.,i a new
and enlarged edition; tlininwied bye ngravings from
orminaldraign. by Wier. 1 vol. square ben , elegant
ly bwnd and gilt. Also—A•wariety of splemlia Anna,
al. and Gift Hook..
Sewell'. Child's Flrn Boob of the History of Rome.
1 vol. Irmo.
ate of Carpenters, Shipwright., Wbeelerrights,f3aw•
Tom Lumbermen, Suidents, en d
. Anise. generally;
tio being laand the:ou Sli st! and practical Premise on Menatirar
n the ding Rale. Dr a DI. firmer, A-BL
Bolso's Trealise on Greek Prase Compwitiou..
°headed , . Elementary Preuchlirammar. LITProf.
Greene, of Brown UndveMlVY. Is.t 18rna „
Rocdixer's Gesewlus , Hebrew Grammar, by Colllllllt.
Gewsuns , Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Trigonometry nal Logarithmic. Teblea
eoL (amen.)
laThe nignalananl. Greek Concordance. 1 eel. (sin..
Antlion'i Clamleaf Series.. , .:
kVebstet's Dieboual7, revised ed.:A/vol. Piro,.
do • do ansibridged.,4 vol. Ito.
Baine's Notes and Questions on Now Testament
Monbelnee Ecclesiutical History. 3 vols. iind e
• vole (sheep.) „
Vestiges of Creation. I vol. Nino.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Roma tool (cloth
end PiliK O 4
Scenes where the Tempter lam Triamphed. 1 vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Ile no's Theologies-I Lectures. 1 vol. 800. (cloth)'
Ahier's hormone/ay Bible. ,
:Boyet's Fteuch Inenanary.
Bout's Horace. Foe sale by It 110PRINEI,
riovl3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth m
EIV I.rN/tiTtiii'liMtil Vella —The worse
Montaigne, edited by 11. ihmilli, coMprising his
neer.. Letters, and. Journey thmugh Geste:my and
Baty, with notes from all the COIIIIDEZIIIO3I., kttograpb,
ical and Bibliographical Notices, tr.e. • . . :
Theory and Practice of Teaching; es, the idoKves
and Methods of Clood School• Keeping, by David -
Plage, A. M. Painciptl of the &am Normal &hoot,
Albany, N. V.
Frank Pro vinc essh and Fishing of the U.
and British of North Antenea, by enry
• ormit- • corner Third and Nukes ine
• , Tb• Oldest Time. 7 -7 7 ---
TAAITAI. D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and falconer,
tl No. iel Wood street, hair fur salve tele copies com
plete, Om remainder of the edition,) of this vtletable
nook, dototed to the Presentation ma
other Wheelie 1/110rMlliOn Tell/ MS to the eirty ex
planations, settlement and Improvement of dm moistly
around the bead of tke Ohio. By Neeillis B.!-;Crale.
Esq., of Pittsburgh, to 2 rots Bro. '
novlll .
J. D. Locicwwp.
ri,ultiATl LIBERTY: A Osborn •rdlt a vicar./ lie
Lb, , Liberty of other Ancient, Nader. By Some)
Elliott, F 451. /llnnrated with OWN, engranags, ere—
outed at Boma 2 cols, evo..lutilbne With /lemma's:
Historical:Works. -
Just ptblisbettlf= by
a r., ' ,
&wheelies and .
mate .• . Imparter. Cl Wood st
VANN V KEMIILE Ihrfl' - /T.Y; ithorriaidittie.,
.L' Mao. 73 ors. MRS. FANNY XEMBLE7S yid({
"The reading of ads
bar impressed us Ge nt s
Mach blither *pinkie - of lie anthem dm we had
from pen:Tear other trriuss
om p. s.
„ It display:la dente t
Lgir..I.4°A I V T ILI..a.. 01 the fet i t=3,l
with which we am acquianted..—Kee. Minor, ~
it le • very
'..pees/de sod tradable hook,writieath
Peony Kemble best style—bold, reader eon: e .,
mining , . We recommend it to our readers as the bolt
publication of the eesson.”—Readlng
Quo. u, - •
elt coolants the Jonma/ of •iraval tbmulb Einem
____, d ,... l . ' t u n laul i. ORO of the pleasantest
.7.4, i.,..,,,,,,),, g hooka of the seascato.—c an , md
— .."A re 7 eharset,-, .1e have read K'froo,
ude Pate to Colophon with unabated Interest. = A tri ,
old venue of la In Room.' tat respects autine nth
madablan—Ktileketboeit , ,.
Boolnaller it Importer, cs Weal in
LLtbboes'yd /
301.BoxEs RoPed. , * &Wm= Ribbons, Also MO
klusrets, ORR the lidost and most to.bisin
.bi,, roe.] Ws day at• •
A A MASON & , .
gasket •1
BZEF—Io44 lbo sugar earell solukoloji - s
obi of mob!, forbalo b 7
1174 MiLLEILD ti 1904
No 1107•4111C11 b SO/7W.
b.,lcgr•, Sit baralr• Denison-
Neril?' l„.= DFA Mtl e ffialiZ l A 9Pl4); * "Ejt
COLLisimWslsDraft. Notes . and.
payable in any part of dm Union,eollecteen ppy - f
tievotable teno. • - • . • -,• ....
EXCIANISE oq pew York, Phlablikb gad Bal.
timoret -Ise, Cincinnati,
M 1
,1 0 sOl , nllo; Halal Levis and
New Orlean..eonstailly r IMO. •
BANK NO TM-.Notes on all solvent banks K
United Rates discatinusl at the lowest rates: All ilte
and ore sold,ign and American Gobi aid &hereof* b id eg
P. lfo. St Market Wet; between .. r .0
Piusbarfrib, •
j 1101411.1 1 -4 ortAwas h.
_B o.l4lll=';so.eotland
Also; to payablei am psr% Ma Old
from 31. to 11000'ar Dia rate or is to UM I.
without deduction or tlissoant,6T JOSHUA Re
SON, Erusposus andlterseral, , elks SAC .Isl.
door ware( •
• ootriat
(MIMI 1411111
, :4, &U. &
in Foreign and Dementia 'Baty of Ezaptucte, Cern.
cl dates nt postin, Bank Now, and Com, comer of
&I and Woodniseauc dandy opriaite tlt clurrias
WX4 7 nr.1141
V 416111111214%,
pareufea u th• towa.t rest, llink N". 4
N. nouns & sofa,
u.„.0 immiolus • . Nultet Wen:
Now. Yo,k,
Baltbao - •
Coratantly tor sale by FL FIOLEIF9 ft, SANS.
*ePl3 . 33 kbulatat. 1
MOELLANEOO&...- 7 ' . .!
11110illill s 11A*01311.1.
D feriPYING DinlLLEßkand Telt nnd Wine
Ifernbnnts, Peat laden( thn Dmmotd,Pinsburgb;
tro . nnveatifering at the very intren prates toe anli,
Willarf,' Gin end Gamma I.l6ndn
,Prench Ilr"'
ARCH ibt Clinton
J - ; noTICX. a
oliNi WATT k Co. hale licao•cd their stoat a
G nacelles to the oppulto : ildo of Liberty el.
.P 4 '
tgrOMAN INIiSIERICA,-11er Work and beer.
TI , Ward. By hluiai hlelmosh„ author of ' , Charms
Cantatas/um: , rya seenannd to be!. 1 Tot Limo.
Leiter, Day Pamphicia, Nr present
Dy Thomas Callyate. • -
Caaants—Mentotts of Ltls and Wthings of Thos'.
Chalmers, I) D.. 1.. L. D. 'Preleetion• on Ilatisr's
are on
Evidences of CO defiantly, and - irdl'S
Lonnue on Divinity,m kb two Caumlae tory La mama
and foot Addreues dobsoned -in the New Collogar
Edinburgh, by ' , Moines Chalosoca,,D. D ., L L. D.
1, sof Um*. • •
Cumm—Y,lfe ofichit Cehid , eampiled from "utast).
de tautens, endsrartleul4ily from tuaeonaspoodsonsa.
My Thomas ll:Dyer, with porttnit. 11 rot azeoe.:
For onto by . . . ••• • 110P/ELN.
apt . • Apollo Stkildlars, Foand irt.
Dcataess Cire•lL
From the Wear York 711blore.
it FRIEND, above word hi Monlla
reblei Mid who
•has n poxeible interest the , bot otio of
rrantude, e o
nsued neap my, d in m
beMatter ha. leen oared of
inveterate deafama, by the aseof-t • Rearpa'aCompoital
peonalte Oil.” a Philadelphia soodloine, .wltietalaoot
for axle In (hie city, bill which ha thilika ongol to be,
for the "good of the .flirted.. 'fie boa a sister who hail
also been eared LTD.' /tertargently- advisee all 'lobo
ate eofferinr, from dealerm i ut trytbis remedy, with..
meantime that;wrileas the case be. Ontaordioary, thai
experiment will prcive abonitantly wieemehiL
1104 1d Fouttb at, Eiliabargh
Combat Gambia
4 -)r k citoess.o mq Poll. ; to do do veT7 Anti .
Soy said Redding;
If " superisb Horn Redding;
" rocket Combs;
SOO " " Wood
1000 dos ars'd Fine Ivory;
30 " Shell Side Carobs; . .
10 taper Isrge
2T.0 grog& uss'd Bide Conlbs; reed sad For v.le by
fax. VE1.6E13,10(3 Minipill SI
Buff ll.9oandt , Bag fleU dt 1 -
. IAKF-,.., ' C7i.rT1C13,711.t VT; Neclintock akday
~,,,c,ved wroth imanuof MO nett an 4 bol,..tat
Vindow, Alolladj . to which he would utoatreligethallr
call thealtentloit oth4l . eusomtts and I7aritii6li!
?atat.7s Fourth .t. lanll
9`,": Vargi 6- Vh°
;,; 117,1 e Li() ft, :1 4%2 .4.
• Books Jollefteelkitedi
frtnE CO.fiete 'Works of John Banyan; 2 vol., 1:tro,
j ia 1 vol, Illasiratalkam in gilt edam,
Alnalclra Bibheal and Sabbath Schopir . Geography; • now arotk;
. ' ' '
Town's Analyaiad Speller.
idc of John Q. *dam% by Wm. IL Briard; 1 vol.
FOCI!. by Mrs. Ilitnann.lxol,lbuo; seahn:4ll4
South.* Sermons—Scrotont preached upon several
.ccialnup bT ItObert . Soutli,' D. U; weer,' odltiOn,ll
04nolading Positaughoult Diacoureah:
vols.i.rthh sheep, Curryk/O:
i For sale by R. 110P1IPIV.,
lelrill • ipollo s nulldi; Phoilh at..
ions litenouinie S. • Air... , nTsvr
frillE ondernigned,ntecersors - so Arthur. A Melo+,
•l oen, beg leave to inform the enlace, I'sttehavalv
inbielenendlY:that.lhey have rehadt the
(HAS I , OIINDItY end ale new in-. fall'operation -and
have pert .of their patterns ready for -the ranioL
Amongst athleh are Cochlea. Surma:. Cird Wood
510.1 y with vplentlid alt-aeld Cool S which I.
now. eapereeding .othee eine. the en pa toned
$lOO, '
n ihenp cool Cooking Stove,lrelf
tell far mud! Onelline, or/th a lOW assortment Oleo*
men and enamel Grates We wild pardendarly:ta
eke the:attention of, person. Wilding to, call An -nor
warehonne beton, anzobanng, and examine a sidendid
article of enenteteited.Orates, Mashed In .ane'styl6---
emit. , Y ever lit this Mutat: '
Warehouse, No: 181 Mena it; oppoalte W4ed elt
aneltiallt • • NICHOLSON i - PAYPIN.;
(1 FS:AGM, Dopester and Whole's:ate' Oehler h
Sses attlie Gilt Comb, 109 Market sr, Pitt Rh Pa.
Western. Alerchauts, Pedlars, .and others .youtmg .
Pinshargll to parchase Goods, are respectfully woad
to call and examine the asterism ammuneas
_French and Genn. Fancy GOoda
All Foreign Goods at Ulla establislunent
dirodr 07 m).11, 'Mal purchasers nay rely an gat-,
dug gaida from first hands. 1 hive the lirgeq /MOM
went of ankles, 'Sr me variety. line,do she. D ill Dr
Pittsbnigl of which will be sol d for g 1111
city aceeputnecit. The Stock consists, to part.
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glosei,-Itlbrona
olmats,Shooand PatnatThreada,SawingThlk s
dlea and
Spool Con Gallery .. au, Tapas, Suspender/hi:fano., Puts,,Nse
Goldaled Wirer *althea, Gold Jaarelt7, all is3I4OC.
[Sorbet, (Moab, and Faus. ' • •
ForcuSslon Caps, Resolvent, Pinata, Clocks{ Silk A
Goa. Palled, Bpm:emits, Steel Peat, Musk ..iloses.
Carpet Sags and Baskets. • ,
Modulo, Findlay, andTrimminge.
Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a large yarns
ty of Faintly and Staple [RI 000115.
G. YRAGER.It also agent fee the celebrated Lu
cas., Qualm. ' stosl7
OrsUit iCargliblts Itsmsedly.
F O G R itl e f , !T h At'SlVßrtrit?t,'WoltTorTihb:
•Loris diadems, le the •HUNOABIAN3 BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Linehan, of
London, England, and Introduced into the United Suites
•arnicr the immediate seperintendenee of the inventor.
The csiViordinary seems.a of this medicine, In the
core of Yemeni:) , dleesses, warrants the American
Agent in*dieiting for tmatmenttnewerst possible. ca.
ses that min be found In the ceminanity-esete that Mak
mlief in rein frOm any of the common, remedies Of the
deb and 'Are been gdsen hp b 7 the moat disdpstdshem
physics.. es conAnsted and movable. Theatangeri.
' an Balsa*bas eared, and will care, Me =for deSPeabb
of cues, it is no quack nostrum, bat a standard Eng.
Wb mediehic, of knoWn and established ediese
Every family In Vaned should be stipplied
with thielian , s Ibmgatian Itarsent of Lint s net tally to
etionteratt the commenting tendencien of Me e Waste.
be; to be need ea a pre Crude reediting is all e.g... 0 /
spitting of blood, pain in Ike side and
chest, irntution end soignee. of the lungs, hmehltia,
"addle Lamar . treating beetle fever, night sweats , mud.
abort andgenenddekilay,,,lndasnur,whoepi as
sough and croup. , ,
Sold inlitgo bottles, at tit per bottle, With
'don , / for the 4emormlon of health.
Pamphlets, emumning.• moor English and Asian.
cancertificates, and other Or ideate, showing Maim,
entailed Merits corthts great LAO ahllentady, may be
obuuned isf the Ag.tri.grunljp_usly..
For gals ,by 11 A FAJINI4 4 PMCIr co r n,*
it and Wood .4 Wood and ett, sta. '
ELLeltril ttdeSHIAL erri/Olj,
0 N.M. L. 114 .
• ' PmerstanifillarehYLlE47.
"Mt R.T. Sellent-'lu instinct to yam and-year Winn
panate Ooogb nyror, 1 beg realm to sulte,-for the ben . chi of .site easteswally, that sny.wife hawbeen.hmrand
timesagbeted with • most distressing tomes.. /
shaped; in January last, n witu. of your Syrup, wlda h
cond.& coign of IL.eO /ROM ok! standing., AbodS on o
month since, the tough retnnutd,' and was; so saferp
that s h e could hardly enOve, from weakness In the
brew;sent for one Domino( nose Cones Ey rop,lnd
a part erne. bottle mired the coach. 1 gave the other
connoveturwlto.reat shverelyaftieled,whoho.
In his owe worda, “caten enough cough randy o e , tke peoptc- ..Piusbargh," the candy Mad
been as 0.1. relmesonial. . .. •
respectfully; •••
RreparedAng.l add by FL E. klibLtililLinVbiul
rel, void sold. by Druggists generally isr
vligNimutz --
A. i11t.1.-4111we.jg
i-afhlwl She pablihas he
Al toe Diamond, lb,.
city, At template esion
,...flreadnatt Elintliti nisei Va.
...saunters are made to or
.thelmst::style warranted
' lh ahlt bribe abed litsla .
huds can be removed *ne
m !old_ of a, serew-driver.
, rag per . rchnsed the'
ogd stocks
aniof the cabi'!+b
I am- pepared to •rinii.h
aid n.unners wsil-ka
cry thing in their lin. •
TWIT R o ot elegant plain Itusewootia oat Kase
from - the , .
tekkratcd snannfactoty oI tAtattu&
Ws! ? tpur , asty pm:km ta price-
Ear tala by • " • --HAM eefo MEN,
at L W. Wooltriga• •
mitUeleltZ.lll 8""Y'
'the th..m,..k.../. g ,T,:mothgrrthZ,i dalleldne.
end pun cc in; iiii 7 tirti - kr °.4
Eolesalto aLd retelt •
LITA'SditlICl/ I I.:CHEAPER - mot
• • Jun r je welled Fame ite-,
ver r
tit; alf : tritlZtaTjguld '' ;::
" " 7,4111=k .41101131;:n1
° V.t "
ha -7 . 1 : - • erio, Aniti