EASTERN ADVERTISEMENT 11101SSICLDLAN ZINO. • - - • lektle'llontagne COlSip.loVOSYthelr agent rI• E' llII . R00611$ want kloonne in sheets ac: feet. from - .lt to Iffratnees per square loon. Continued in sheets .317, 27 oz, for roohne psi he bedding. end depots, Bhlp eathler . z lode., hem nr to 33 ranee., Ofdlei Wire, Eager Molds, Perfottted . Zinn 2the atat, An. They warrant their want! pare, and free hew any ne e of Iron, or any other autrataiite, and re , e he cue m d f l u t rn fo i r bang e l m e, a a f s a e l t t u r d e o r o s f . I m o nn hi not 'affected by the action of water, and !calla pollahed, ,painted, and Japanned. Saandu, models, plane, speelfieationa, odd other iIIgOTIM/1001.1 be had alb., emu,— et STIO3O, New yet; • • • ATIMOII. RULL.LI* & CO4 Boston; Neiman Tama k. Co., Philadelphia; , tr. H. Melt, Ilaitieuctre' ' Brarta, Dar t Stavw.btew (Weans; F. MILLW,OUX, ilealdeat*Agentt ...Jena, Matt. • • S Ilanzfrer IL, Nein:Yolk. nia,7llo7d:qll 6/10k. PIL6DIII4IIII-ABID LIOATII6II, 'L scdward A..emsfreT. 1G South. Caclert st Bultrinmer. l3 . l .N.wre P I Mats beedfre Aden*, N.Y.,) prIPORTER ofFindogsomd Dealerin Leather, orvariela kinds: English and freed, Kid titles, mirth Calf .Stins, Patent Leather, Ilorocco, red, . white, aed lastlngs, Francais, BILK OALLOONs AND RIIIBUNS, Lacers, Webbs, Vireo Knives, Awl Filmic... Shaw THREAD, Mara T' itch*, Shoe Nails and Ehoe YEHA. of nil area. K A. U. havingestablished the above business lo lialumero, Is enabled to ship goods Routh or Wad wieh m. utmost dtspairli, and at the 111 , Welit prices. pr.,eameterers, dealers, and all others, may rely open obtaining every article in the trade, of the best 'WenlitY, and on liberal terms. [rrklanafacturer el Lams, Bodt Terra, 81100 Trees, Clamp., Crimps, Root Stretcher.. ke. All orders lull be Pwwisplly executed. Low prices f or cash. A 'catalogue containing a complete list of every article in the trade will be forwarded le those who may desire it. EDWARD A. GODFREY, 10 B. Calvert M. altllonat near Baltimore at.. Baltisenro. TUE AISLE TEA COMPANY, 138 Greenwich stmt. Tao York. THE proprietors beg to call the attention of con. moaners In Tea, end the heads of Walle to the COIN, and core selection of Teas imponed by them, end bltherth unknown in ibis coontry,yrnieb, by trielr =ix in!, roduce I„ n c i o n inh 1 . 72 . w ait ry st . ri g p i r tLa t h, eels and The Ten offered are the following:— The Jeddo Blaum, a Black Tea. --$I 00 per lb. Niphon, • de•— —• ••• 0 75 do Marl do— .... • ••0 50 do ^ Others,. Green Tea ••I 00 do " Too.istas, de —0 75 do " T,ekl.telast do. —•• 0 50 do " Ud.fi Pasture, %comp nand of the melt rare and choice Teas grown on the fertile and_gental soil of Assam -- CO do With it row to eneourege the introduction of these Matchless Teas, it is the attention at the proprietors to distribute by to among the pt.reitasers. st quantity of Teas cited to the First Scar, Profits on the sales erected: . • Sack purchaser wilt reterreVneloaed in the pack vfn, numbered certificate, entitling him to one nuance Itt the dtarnbauen forever,. Sny crate bud nut, end on the recent. amoantine to 1120,060, the under laeolleon.4 nareelt of Tea. to the value of ton per cent, or $2,000 WILL DE GIVEN AWL'S' as .13onusat, ay.o Kunz to the ItglUtelfte 6 prizes of6Olba of Tea each at 51 f 1b,150 et or SZSO ku do 25 lb. de do do 200 tor 2500 60. do 161 as do do do :AO $ 0r15500 'lOO do Its' do do do 600 10er WOO 220 do bib do do do X 5041 cr.= 11s3 Prises so &IL 2,000 lb*SO Those persons who prefer lower priced Tom can recede , ' their prises in proportion, or they will be re , purchased for cash, at a :eduction et lover cent: post pa i d, Arms w.ted. Applications to be ad, • dressed, post paid, to the Company'. Depot, as abort , jantlen BARNUM'S HOTEL, NEW YOBS, Broaaarsayi • of Vsldiom Lane. Hl@extend. wyrEt, has been leued by the W l subscriber and kaa;been completely refined in e mot elegan ti manner. , Large eddltions .an now being made., Which, when completed,tvill unit a It the PICK enneinn Hotel in New Vera. It'd toe determi ne:los of the proprietor, to mate it equal, in every re spect, to any other House in the United Cedes. Its 10. :canon Le the most desirable and central in the city, bd i log in the fastdonalde out of Broadway,. convenient . tet all the public pined of ammo:tient, .and :banned. Grateful fm the liberal patronage reedited front his western friezes, while et Cumberland, Md., and mare recently et the - Weddell Haase, Cleveland, Ohio, ke respectfully solicits edentate( their panes. ere, for his new enablithmtut, at New York,, and begs to assure them that every effort on his put shalt be given to administer to their comfort andzleasure. nt. S. HAMM. Now York, klareh,lol—frarr...3re A PORTS:DIM SOIL 210 or 15i- DRITANNIA 81631C77PW PORTRAIT CLUB, :Up caner, Gem lo Meet, Plymouth, England. The outspent neg. to acquaint their olititero{lllJiatrOnelb•l Ise next Disothittion of Portraits or Rue Horses. will cordpilso those entered far the lforthcnmm6 Grand .riatioasl Darby flaw; the atanirer of shares to be Unwed to agOl each class..—Firm clog member Xi% second claw ditto LS. Early appliiation for the en ,appropriated idioms it necessary. A pony sebscub, log for more than one elate has th e clammier pa ini n g n equal number bemuse. Those members who drew the various Portraits will be promoted with the fol. sume—• • Portialt of let class berme. 51 ditto Winner, or Fleet Horse LAM Lintel • Second Horse-- IlklaG SAW Third Horse • 6.010 11,0gh 'Divided twinge( Staneirse.• C,Outi 3,OCu ' • Norcinetters 6,W0 3,000 There are 209 bonuses f or h clars,that being the number of horse. entered the race. The Drawing; will be conducted noon the same legitimate prineiples as those which characterise,' the late Si. Ledger and' 'other proecedlnes. Etaltrutnirubto of the resell will be not to absent =unbent Immediately after the de-; Elston, that each may know hut position_ Saborthers registered and reap forwarded on re 'Waddr LITA'SditlICl/ I I.:CHEAPER - mot • • Jun r je welled Fame ite-, ver r tit; alf : tritlZtaTjguld '' ;:: " " 7,4111=k .41101131;:n1 ° V.t " ha -7 . 1 : - • erio, Aniti